[python-arrayfire] 100/250: Adding documentation for image.py
Ghislain Vaillant
ghisvail-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Mar 28 22:59:36 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
ghisvail-guest pushed a commit to branch debian/master
in repository python-arrayfire.
commit 3df2188961fadd07c7cdfab934f17b3de31a700d
Author: Pavan Yalamanchili <pavan at arrayfire.com>
Date: Wed Sep 2 16:52:40 2015 -0400
Adding documentation for image.py
arrayfire/image.py | 685 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
1 file changed, 674 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
diff --git a/arrayfire/image.py b/arrayfire/image.py
index 9ea283b..36a279a 100644
--- a/arrayfire/image.py
+++ b/arrayfire/image.py
@@ -7,18 +7,55 @@
# http://arrayfire.com/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
+Image processing functions for arrayfire.
from .library import *
from .array import *
from .data import constant
import os
def gradient(image):
+ """
+ Find the horizontal and vertical gradients.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ image : af.Array
+ - A 2 D arrayfire array representing an image, or
+ - A multi dimensional array representing batch of images.
+ Returns
+ ---------
+ (dx, dy) : Tuple of af.Array.
+ - `dx` containing the horizontal gradients of `image`.
+ - `dy` containing the vertical gradients of `image`.
+ """
dx = Array()
dy = Array()
safe_call(backend.get().af_gradient(ct.pointer(dx.arr), ct.pointer(dy.arr), image.arr))
return dx, dy
def load_image(file_name, is_color=False):
+ """
+ Load an image on the disk as an array.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ file_name: str
+ - Full path of the file name on disk.
+ is_color : optional: bool. default: False.
+ - Specifies if the image is loaded as 1 channel (if False) or 3 channel image (if True).
+ Returns
+ -------
+ image - af.Array
+ A 2 dimensional (1 channel) or 3 dimensional (3 channel) array containing the image.
+ """
image = Array()
@@ -26,12 +63,55 @@ def load_image(file_name, is_color=False):
return image
def save_image(image, file_name):
+ """
+ Save an array as an image on the disk.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ image : af.Array
+ - A 2 D arrayfire array representing an image.
+ file_name: str
+ - Full path of the file name on the disk.
+ """
assert(isinstance(file_name, str))
safe_call(backend.get().af_save_image(ct.c_char_p(file_name.encode('ascii')), image.arr))
return image
def resize(image, scale=None, odim0=None, odim1=None, method=INTERP.NEAREST):
+ """
+ Resize an image.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ image : af.Array
+ - A 2 D arrayfire array representing an image, or
+ - A multi dimensional array representing batch of images.
+ scale : optional: scalar. default: None.
+ - Scale factor for the image resizing.
+ odim0 : optional: int. default: None.
+ - Size of the first dimension of the output.
+ odim1 : optional: int. default: None.
+ - Size of the second dimension of the output.
+ method : optional: af.INTERP. default: af.INTERP.NEAREST.
+ - Interpolation method used for resizing.
+ Returns
+ ---------
+ out : af.Array
+ - Output image after resizing.
+ Note
+ -----
+ - If `scale` is None, `odim0` and `odim1` need to be specified.
+ - If `scale` is not None, `odim0` and `odim1` are ignored.
+ """
if (scale is None):
assert(odim0 is not None)
assert(odim1 is not None)
@@ -47,21 +127,114 @@ def resize(image, scale=None, odim0=None, odim1=None, method=INTERP.NEAREST):
return output
-def transform(image, transform, odim0 = 0, odim1 = 0, method=INTERP.NEAREST, is_inverse=True):
+def transform(image, trans_mat, odim0 = 0, odim1 = 0, method=INTERP.NEAREST, is_inverse=True):
+ """
+ Transform an image using a transformation matrix.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ image : af.Array
+ - A 2 D arrayfire array representing an image, or
+ - A multi dimensional array representing batch of images.
+ trans_mat : af.Array
+ - A 2 D floating point arrayfire array of size [3, 2].
+ odim0 : optional: int. default: 0.
+ - Size of the first dimension of the output.
+ odim1 : optional: int. default: 0.
+ - Size of the second dimension of the output.
+ method : optional: af.INTERP. default: af.INTERP.NEAREST.
+ - Interpolation method used for transformation.
+ is_inverse : optional: bool. default: True.
+ - Specifies if the inverse transform is applied.
+ Returns
+ ---------
+ out : af.Array
+ - Output image after transformation.
+ Note
+ -----
+ - If `odim0` and `odim` are 0, the output dimensions are automatically calculated by the function.
+ """
output = Array()
- image.arr, transform.arr,
+ image.arr, trans_mat.arr,
ct.c_longlong(odim0), ct.c_longlong(odim1),
method.value, is_inverse))
return output
def rotate(image, theta, is_crop = True, method = INTERP.NEAREST):
+ """
+ Rotate an image.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ image : af.Array
+ - A 2 D arrayfire array representing an image, or
+ - A multi dimensional array representing batch of images.
+ theta : scalar
+ - The angle to rotate in radians.
+ is_crop : optional: bool. default: True.
+ - Specifies if the output should be cropped to the input size.
+ method : optional: af.INTERP. default: af.INTERP.NEAREST.
+ - Interpolation method used for rotating.
+ Returns
+ ---------
+ out : af.Array
+ - Output image after rotating.
+ """
output = Array()
safe_call(backend.get().af_rotate(ct.pointer(output.arr), image.arr,
ct.c_double(theta), is_crop, method.value))
return output
def translate(image, trans0, trans1, odim0 = 0, odim1 = 0, method = INTERP.NEAREST):
+ """
+ Translate an image.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ image : af.Array
+ - A 2 D arrayfire array representing an image, or
+ - A multi dimensional array representing batch of images.
+ trans0: int.
+ - Translation along first dimension in pixels.
+ trans1: int.
+ - Translation along second dimension in pixels.
+ odim0 : optional: int. default: 0.
+ - Size of the first dimension of the output.
+ odim1 : optional: int. default: 0.
+ - Size of the second dimension of the output.
+ method : optional: af.INTERP. default: af.INTERP.NEAREST.
+ - Interpolation method used for translation.
+ Returns
+ ---------
+ out : af.Array
+ - Output image after translation.
+ Note
+ -----
+ - If `odim0` and `odim` are 0, the output dimensions are automatically calculated by the function.
+ """
output = Array()
image.arr, trans0, trans1,
@@ -69,6 +242,41 @@ def translate(image, trans0, trans1, odim0 = 0, odim1 = 0, method = INTERP.NEARE
return output
def scale(image, scale0, scale1, odim0 = 0, odim1 = 0, method = INTERP.NEAREST):
+ """
+ Scale an image.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ image : af.Array
+ - A 2 D arrayfire array representing an image, or
+ - A multi dimensional array representing batch of images.
+ scale0 : scalar.
+ - Scale factor for the first dimension.
+ scale1 : scalar.
+ - Scale factor for the second dimension.
+ odim0 : optional: int. default: None.
+ - Size of the first dimension of the output.
+ odim1 : optional: int. default: None.
+ - Size of the second dimension of the output.
+ method : optional: af.INTERP. default: af.INTERP.NEAREST.
+ - Interpolation method used for resizing.
+ Returns
+ ---------
+ out : af.Array
+ - Output image after scaling.
+ Note
+ -----
+ - If `odim0` and `odim` are 0, the output dimensions are automatically calculated by the function.
+ """
output = Array()
image.arr, ct.c_double(scale0), ct.c_double(scale1),
@@ -76,6 +284,44 @@ def scale(image, scale0, scale1, odim0 = 0, odim1 = 0, method = INTERP.NEAREST):
return output
def skew(image, skew0, skew1, odim0 = 0, odim1 = 0, method = INTERP.NEAREST, is_inverse=True):
+ """
+ Skew an image.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ image : af.Array
+ - A 2 D arrayfire array representing an image, or
+ - A multi dimensional array representing batch of images.
+ skew0 : scalar.
+ - Skew factor for the first dimension.
+ skew1 : scalar.
+ - Skew factor for the second dimension.
+ odim0 : optional: int. default: None.
+ - Size of the first dimension of the output.
+ odim1 : optional: int. default: None.
+ - Size of the second dimension of the output.
+ method : optional: af.INTERP. default: af.INTERP.NEAREST.
+ - Interpolation method used for resizing.
+ is_inverse : optional: bool. default: True.
+ - Specifies if the inverse skew is applied.
+ Returns
+ ---------
+ out : af.Array
+ - Output image after skewing.
+ Note
+ -----
+ - If `odim0` and `odim` are 0, the output dimensions are automatically calculated by the function.
+ """
output = Array()
image.arr, ct.c_double(skew0), ct.c_double(skew1),
@@ -85,6 +331,32 @@ def skew(image, skew0, skew1, odim0 = 0, odim1 = 0, method = INTERP.NEAREST, is_
return output
def histogram(image, nbins, min_val = None, max_val = None):
+ """
+ Find the histogram of an image.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ image : af.Array
+ - A 2 D arrayfire array representing an image, or
+ - A multi dimensional array representing batch of images.
+ nbins : int.
+ - Number of bins in the histogram.
+ min_val : optional: scalar. default: None.
+ - The lower bound for the bin values.
+ - If None, `af.min(image)` is used.
+ max_val : optional: scalar. default: None.
+ - The upper bound for the bin values.
+ - If None, `af.max(image)` is used.
+ Returns
+ ---------
+ hist : af.Array
+ - Containing the histogram of the image.
+ """
from .algorithm import min as af_min
from .algorithm import max as af_max
@@ -101,12 +373,50 @@ def histogram(image, nbins, min_val = None, max_val = None):
return output
def hist_equal(image, hist):
+ """
+ Equalize an image based on a histogram.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ image : af.Array
+ - A 2 D arrayfire array representing an image, or
+ - A multi dimensional array representing batch of images.
+ hist : af.Array
+ - Containing the histogram of an image.
+ Returns
+ ---------
+ output : af.Array
+ - The equalized image.
+ """
output = Array()
safe_call(backend.get().af_hist_equal(ct.pointer(output.arr), image.arr, hist.arr))
return output
def dilate(image, mask = None):
+ """
+ Run image dilate on the image.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ image : af.Array
+ - A 2 D arrayfire array representing an image, or
+ - A multi dimensional array representing batch of images.
+ mask : optional: af.Array. default: None.
+ - Specifies the neighborhood of a pixel.
+ - When None, a [3, 3] array of all ones is used.
+ Returns
+ ---------
+ output : af.Array
+ - The dilated image.
+ """
if mask is None:
mask = constant(1, 3, 3, dtype=Dtype.f32)
@@ -115,18 +425,56 @@ def dilate(image, mask = None):
return output
-def dilate3(image, mask = None):
+def dilate3(volume, mask = None):
+ """
+ Run volume dilate on a volume.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ volume : af.Array
+ - A 3 D arrayfire array representing a volume, or
+ - A multi dimensional array representing batch of volumes.
+ mask : optional: af.Array. default: None.
+ - Specifies the neighborhood of a pixel.
+ - When None, a [3, 3, 3] array of all ones is used.
+ Returns
+ ---------
+ output : af.Array
+ - The dilated volume.
+ """
if mask is None:
mask = constant(1, 3, 3, 3, dtype=Dtype.f32)
output = Array()
- safe_call(backend.get().af_dilate3(ct.pointer(output.arr), image.arr, mask.arr))
+ safe_call(backend.get().af_dilate3(ct.pointer(output.arr), volume.arr, mask.arr))
return output
def erode(image, mask = None):
+ """
+ Run image erode on the image.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ image : af.Array
+ - A 2 D arrayfire array representing an image, or
+ - A multi dimensional array representing batch of images.
+ mask : optional: af.Array. default: None.
+ - Specifies the neighborhood of a pixel.
+ - When None, a [3, 3] array of all ones is used.
+ Returns
+ ---------
+ output : af.Array
+ - The eroded image.
+ """
if mask is None:
mask = constant(1, 3, 3, dtype=Dtype.f32)
@@ -135,17 +483,62 @@ def erode(image, mask = None):
return output
-def erode3(image, mask = None):
+def erode3(volume, mask = None):
+ """
+ Run volume erode on the volume.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ volume : af.Array
+ - A 3 D arrayfire array representing an volume, or
+ - A multi dimensional array representing batch of volumes.
+ mask : optional: af.Array. default: None.
+ - Specifies the neighborhood of a pixel.
+ - When None, a [3, 3, 3] array of all ones is used.
+ Returns
+ ---------
+ output : af.Array
+ - The eroded volume.
+ """
if mask is None:
mask = constant(1, 3, 3, 3, dtype=Dtype.f32)
output = Array()
- safe_call(backend.get().af_erode3(ct.pointer(output.arr), image.arr, mask.arr))
+ safe_call(backend.get().af_erode3(ct.pointer(output.arr), volume.arr, mask.arr))
return output
def bilateral(image, s_sigma, c_sigma, is_color = False):
+ """
+ Apply bilateral filter to the image.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ image : af.Array
+ - A 2 D arrayfire array representing an image, or
+ - A multi dimensional array representing batch of images.
+ s_sigma : scalar.
+ - Sigma value for the co-ordinate space.
+ c_sigma : scalar.
+ - Sigma value for the color space.
+ is_color : optional: bool. default: False.
+ - Specifies if the third dimension is 3rd channel (if True) or a batch (if False).
+ Returns
+ ---------
+ output : af.Array
+ - The image after the application of the bilateral filter.
+ """
output = Array()
image.arr, ct.c_double(s_sigma),
@@ -153,20 +546,98 @@ def bilateral(image, s_sigma, c_sigma, is_color = False):
return output
def mean_shift(image, s_sigma, c_sigma, n_iter, is_color = False):
+ """
+ Apply mean shift to the image.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ image : af.Array
+ - A 2 D arrayfire array representing an image, or
+ - A multi dimensional array representing batch of images.
+ s_sigma : scalar.
+ - Sigma value for the co-ordinate space.
+ c_sigma : scalar.
+ - Sigma value for the color space.
+ n_iter : int.
+ - Number of mean shift iterations.
+ is_color : optional: bool. default: False.
+ - Specifies if the third dimension is 3rd channel (if True) or a batch (if False).
+ Returns
+ ---------
+ output : af.Array
+ - The image after the application of the meanshift.
+ """
output = Array()
image.arr, ct.c_double(s_sigma), ct.c_double(c_sigma),
ct.c_uint(n_iter), is_color))
return output
-def medfilt(image, w_len = 3, w_wid = 3, edge_pad = PAD.ZERO):
+def medfilt(image, w0 = 3, w1 = 3, edge_pad = PAD.ZERO):
+ """
+ Apply median filter for the image.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ image : af.Array
+ - A 2 D arrayfire array representing an image, or
+ - A multi dimensional array representing batch of images.
+ w0 : optional: int. default: 3.
+ - The length of the filter along the first dimension.
+ w1 : optional: int. default: 3.
+ - The length of the filter along the second dimension.
+ edge_pad : optional: af.PAD. default: af.PAD.ZERO
+ - Flag specifying how the median at the edge should be treated.
+ Returns
+ ---------
+ output : af.Array
+ - The image after median filter is applied.
+ """
output = Array()
- image.arr, ct.c_longlong(w_len),
- ct.c_longlong(w_wid), edge_pad.value))
+ image.arr, ct.c_longlong(w0),
+ ct.c_longlong(w1), edge_pad.value))
return output
def minfilt(image, w_len = 3, w_wid = 3, edge_pad = PAD.ZERO):
+ """
+ Apply min filter for the image.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ image : af.Array
+ - A 2 D arrayfire array representing an image, or
+ - A multi dimensional array representing batch of images.
+ w0 : optional: int. default: 3.
+ - The length of the filter along the first dimension.
+ w1 : optional: int. default: 3.
+ - The length of the filter along the second dimension.
+ edge_pad : optional: af.PAD. default: af.PAD.ZERO
+ - Flag specifying how the min at the edge should be treated.
+ Returns
+ ---------
+ output : af.Array
+ - The image after min filter is applied.
+ """
output = Array()
image.arr, ct.c_longlong(w_len),
@@ -174,19 +645,85 @@ def minfilt(image, w_len = 3, w_wid = 3, edge_pad = PAD.ZERO):
return output
def maxfilt(image, w_len = 3, w_wid = 3, edge_pad = PAD.ZERO):
+ """
+ Apply max filter for the image.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ image : af.Array
+ - A 2 D arrayfire array representing an image, or
+ - A multi dimensional array representing batch of images.
+ w0 : optional: int. default: 3.
+ - The length of the filter along the first dimension.
+ w1 : optional: int. default: 3.
+ - The length of the filter along the second dimension.
+ edge_pad : optional: af.PAD. default: af.PAD.ZERO
+ - Flag specifying how the max at the edge should be treated.
+ Returns
+ ---------
+ output : af.Array
+ - The image after max filter is applied.
+ """
output = Array()
image.arr, ct.c_longlong(w_len),
ct.c_longlong(w_wid), edge_pad.value))
return output
-def regions(image, connectivity = CONNECTIVITY.FOUR, out_type = Dtype.f32):
+def regions(image, conn = CONNECTIVITY.FOUR, out_type = Dtype.f32):
+ """
+ Find the connected components in the image.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ image : af.Array
+ - A 2 D arrayfire array representing an image.
+ conn : optional: af.CONNECTIVITY. default: af.CONNECTIVITY.FOUR.
+ - Specifies the connectivity of the pixels.
+ out_type : optional: af.Dtype. default: af.Dtype.f32.
+ - Specifies the type for the output.
+ Returns
+ ---------
+ output : af.Array
+ - An array where each pixel is labeled with its component number.
+ """
output = Array()
safe_call(backend.get().af_regions(ct.pointer(output.arr), image.arr,
- connectivity.value, out_type.value))
+ conn.value, out_type.value))
return output
def sobel_derivatives(image, w_len=3):
+ """
+ Find the sobel derivatives of the image.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ image : af.Array
+ - A 2 D arrayfire array representing an image, or
+ - A multi dimensional array representing batch of images.
+ w_len : optional: int. default: 3.
+ - The size of the sobel operator.
+ Returns
+ ---------
+ (dx, dy) : tuple of af.Arrays.
+ - `dx` is the sobel derivative along the horizontal direction.
+ - `dy` is the sobel derivative along the vertical direction.
+ """
dx = Array()
dy = Array()
safe_call(backend.get().af_sobel_operator(ct.pointer(dx.arr), ct.pointer(dy.arr),
@@ -194,6 +731,28 @@ def sobel_derivatives(image, w_len=3):
return dx,dy
def sobel_filter(image, w_len = 3, is_fast = False):
+ """
+ Apply sobel filter to the image.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ image : af.Array
+ - A 2 D arrayfire array representing an image, or
+ - A multi dimensional array representing batch of images.
+ w_len : optional: int. default: 3.
+ - The size of the sobel operator.
+ is_fast : optional: bool. default: False.
+ - Specifies if the magnitude is generated using SAD (if True) or SSD (if False).
+ Returns
+ ---------
+ output : af.Array
+ - Image containing the magnitude of the sobel derivatives.
+ """
from .arith import abs as af_abs
from .arith import hypot as af_hypot
@@ -204,28 +763,132 @@ def sobel_filter(image, w_len = 3, is_fast = False):
return af_hypot(dx, dy)
def rgb2gray(image, r_factor = 0.2126, g_factor = 0.7152, b_factor = 0.0722):
+ """
+ Convert RGB image to Grayscale.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ image : af.Array
+ - A 3 D arrayfire array representing an 3 channel image, or
+ - A multi dimensional array representing batch of images.
+ r_factor : optional: scalar. default: 0.2126.
+ - Weight for the red channel.
+ g_factor : optional: scalar. default: 0.7152.
+ - Weight for the green channel.
+ b_factor : optional: scalar. default: 0.0722.
+ - Weight for the blue channel.
+ Returns
+ --------
+ output : af.Array
+ - A grayscale image.
+ """
image.arr, ct.c_float(r_factor), ct.c_float(g_factor), ct.c_float(b_factor)))
return output
def gray2rgb(image, r_factor = 1.0, g_factor = 1.0, b_factor = 1.0):
+ """
+ Convert Grayscale image to an RGB image.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ image : af.Array
+ - A 2 D arrayfire array representing an image, or
+ - A multi dimensional array representing batch of images.
+ r_factor : optional: scalar. default: 1.0.
+ - Scale factor for the red channel.
+ g_factor : optional: scalar. default: 1.0.
+ - Scale factor for the green channel.
+ b_factor : optional: scalar. default: 1.0
+ - Scale factor for the blue channel.
+ Returns
+ --------
+ output : af.Array
+ - An RGB image.
+ - The channels are not coalesced, i.e. they appear along the third dimension.
+ """
image.arr, ct.c_float(r_factor), ct.c_float(g_factor), ct.c_float(b_factor)))
return output
def hsv2rgb(image):
+ """
+ Convert HSV image to RGB.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ image : af.Array
+ - A 3 D arrayfire array representing an 3 channel image, or
+ - A multi dimensional array representing batch of images.
+ Returns
+ --------
+ output : af.Array
+ - A HSV image.
+ """
output = Array()
safe_call(backend.get().af_hsv2rgb(ct.pointer(output.arr), image.arr))
return output
def rgb2hsv(image):
+ """
+ Convert RGB image to HSV.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ image : af.Array
+ - A 3 D arrayfire array representing an 3 channel image, or
+ - A multi dimensional array representing batch of images.
+ Returns
+ --------
+ output : af.Array
+ - A RGB image.
+ """
output = Array()
safe_call(backend.get().af_rgb2hsv(ct.pointer(output.arr), image.arr))
return output
def color_space(image, to_type, from_type):
+ """
+ Convert an image from one color space to another.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ image : af.Array
+ - A multi dimensional array representing batch of images in `from_type` color space.
+ to_type : af.CSPACE
+ - An enum for the destination color space.
+ from_type : af.CSPACE
+ - An enum for the source color space.
+ Returns
+ --------
+ output : af.Array
+ - An image in the `to_type` color space.
+ """
output = Array()
safe_call(backend.get().af_color_space(ct.pointer(output.arr), image.arr,
to_type.value, from_type.value))
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