[asl] branch master updated (ec5a910 -> 248ad2d)

Ghislain Vaillant ghisvail-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu May 5 18:40:48 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

ghisvail-guest pushed a change to branch master
in repository asl.

      from  ec5a910   Merge branch 'develop' of gitlab.com:AvtechScientific/ASL-dev
      adds  2f05eb5   Merge branch 'develop'
       new  375ecb6   Fix VTKcasters errors
       new  ac04068   Merge branch 'develop'
       new  e610372   Fix to source.getSize()
       new  d2569dd   Conform to standards
       new  2695848   Conform to standards+
       new  003be03   Replace includes: math.h -> cmath
       new  4b07a5b   Merge branch 'master' into develop
       new  137004b   Cosmetic fixes
       new  87fcbd7   Fix README
       new  c3883f9   Install info
       new  e16f40d   Add OpenCL driver version
       new  8f7e92a   Minor fixes in comments
       new  062823f   C++11 rewrite of aslTimer
       new  0abd7ae   Update NEWS
       new  1243d9c   Cosmetic changes
       new  2fd8846   Fixing tautology
       new  3e3422f   Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.com:AvtechScientific/ASL-dev
       new  23667e6   Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.com:AvtechScientific/ASL-dev
       new  179516b   Explicitly define namespace of ifstream and ofstream
       new  e7eb899   Merge branch 'ambiguous-namespace' of https://github.com/Barthalion/ASL into develop
       new  e666cbd   Adding contributors
       new  4131383   Merge branch 'develop'
       new  f85dbf2   Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.com:AvtechScientific/ASL-dev
       new  3bb6d19   Merge pull request #18 from Barthalion/ambiguous-namespace
       new  6cc6c80   Update CMakeLists to newest vtk (>=7.0)
       new  46b841d   use vtk version checking instead of forcing vtk7
       new  a164d83   use quite package finding to suppress warnings in case if old versions were found
       new  11a3c6f   update CMakeLists.txt one more time
       new  09be8d0   Merge pull request #20 from arcan1s/master
       new  7b7918a   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/AvtechScientific/ASL into develop
       new  e2d3d24   Update to the new aslTimer API
       new  4a678c6   Merge branch 'develop'
       new  248ad2d   Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.com:AvtechScientific/ASL-dev

The 33 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 CMakeLists.txt                                    | 14 ++++--
 COPYRIGHT.md                                      |  4 +-
 NEWS.md                                           |  9 ++++
 README.md                                         |  8 ++--
 examples/elastic/acousticWaves.cc                 | 18 +++----
 examples/elastic/cubeGravity.cc                   | 15 +++---
 examples/elastic/cubeIncompressibleGravity.cc     | 22 ++++-----
 examples/elastic/cubePoroelasticGravity.cc        | 22 ++++-----
 examples/elastic/poroelastic.cc                   | 17 +++----
 examples/flow/bus_wind.cc                         | 19 ++++----
 examples/flow/compressor.cc                       | 16 +++----
 examples/flow/flow.cc                             | 17 ++++---
 examples/flow/flow2.cc                            | 17 ++++---
 examples/flow/flow3.cc                            | 17 ++++---
 examples/flow/flowKDPGrowth.cc                    | 22 ++++-----
 examples/flow/flowRotatingCylinders.cc            | 16 +++----
 examples/flow/locomotive.cc                       |  9 ++--
 examples/flow/locomotive_laminar.cc               |  7 +--
 examples/flow/locomotive_stability.cc             | 18 ++++---
 examples/flow/multicomponent_flow.cc              | 15 +++---
 examples/flow/multiphase_flow.cc                  | 20 ++++----
 examples/flow/pitot_tube_ice.cc                   | 21 ++++-----
 examples/heatTransfer/surfaceFlux.cc              | 15 +++---
 examples/jumpingObjects/jumpingBox.cc             | 17 +++----
 examples/levelSet/levelSetBasic.cc                | 15 +++---
 examples/levelSet/levelSetFacetedGrowth.cc        | 15 +++---
 examples/levelSet/levelSetNormalGrowth.cc         | 15 +++---
 examples/massTransferSM/testSMDiff.cc             | 15 +++---
 examples/massTransferSM/testSMDiff3C.cc           | 15 +++---
 examples/massTransferSM/testSMPhi.cc              | 15 +++---
 examples/massTransferSM/testSMPhiBV.cc            | 15 +++---
 src/acl/DataTypes/aclMemBlock.cxx                 |  2 +-
 src/acl/acl.cxx                                   |  4 +-
 src/acl/aclHardware.cxx                           |  6 +++
 src/acl/aclHardware.h                             |  5 +-
 src/acl/aclMath/aclMatrixOfElements.cxx           |  2 +-
 src/acl/aclMath/aclVectorOfElementsDef.cxx        | 23 ++++-----
 src/acl/aclMath/aclVectorOfElementsOperations.cxx |  4 +-
 src/aslUtilities.h                                | 10 ++--
 src/math/aslInterpolation.h                       |  2 +-
 src/math/aslMatrices.cxx                          |  2 +-
 src/math/aslVectorsDynamicLength.h                |  2 +-
 src/math/aslVectorsDynamicLengthOperations.h      |  3 +-
 src/math/aslVectorsUtilities.h                    |  5 +-
 src/num/aslInterfaceTrackingAlg1.cxx              | 15 +++---
 src/utilities/aslParametersManager.cxx            |  8 ++--
 src/utilities/aslTimer.h                          | 55 ++++++++++------------
 src/utilities/aslVTKCasters.cxx                   | 57 ++++++++++++++++++-----
 src/utilities/aslVTKCasters.h                     | 11 ++++-
 test/testACL/testPrivateVar.cc                    |  6 +--
 utilities/asl-hardware.cc                         |  3 +-
 51 files changed, 349 insertions(+), 356 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/asl.git

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