[sagemath] 01/01: Apply pari 2.9 patch from sage trac #21756.
Tobias Hansen
thansen at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Nov 5 13:36:11 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
thansen pushed a commit to branch master
in repository sagemath.
commit 3a6e3794b95e7162923ab0c8aed68e024480eaa4
Author: Tobias Hansen <thansen at broeselmaschine.fc.up.pt>
Date: Sat Nov 5 10:42:14 2016 +0000
Apply pari 2.9 patch from sage trac #21756.
debian/patches/series | 1 +
debian/patches/version-pari-2.9.patch | 1104 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 1105 insertions(+)
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index f2f35ea..492f8f6 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ version-singular-4.patch
#version-planarity-3.patch #breaks tests
# due to Debian's inherent differences with upstream;
diff --git a/debian/patches/version-pari-2.9.patch b/debian/patches/version-pari-2.9.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dcb5933
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/version-pari-2.9.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,1104 @@
+From 313b785064eb21e16d55855c4c2216fa26ca8df0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jeroen Demeyer <jdemeyer at cage.ugent.be>
+Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2016 13:30:20 +0200
+Subject: Interface PARI precision in bits
+ src/sage/libs/pari/pari_instance.pxd | 1 -
+ src/sage/libs/pari/pari_instance.pyx | 353 ++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
+ 2 files changed, 225 insertions(+), 129 deletions(-)
+--- a/sage/src/sage/libs/pari/pari_instance.pxd
++++ b/sage/src/sage/libs/pari/pari_instance.pxd
+@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
+ @cython.final
+ cdef class PariInstance(PariInstance_auto):
+- cdef long _real_precision
+ cdef readonly gen PARI_ZERO, PARI_ONE, PARI_TWO
+ cpdef gen zero(self)
+ cpdef gen one(self)
+--- a/sage/src/sage/libs/pari/pari_instance.pyx
++++ b/sage/src/sage/libs/pari/pari_instance.pyx
+@@ -49,85 +49,61 @@
+ sage: type(1 + pari(1))
+ <type 'sage.libs.pari.gen.gen'>
++Guide to real precision in the PARI interface
+-The default real precision in communicating with the PARI library
+-is the same as the default Sage real precision, which is 53 bits.
+-Inexact Pari objects are therefore printed by default to 15 decimal
+-digits (even if they are actually more precise).
+-Default precision example (53 bits, 15 significant decimals)::
+- sage: a = pari(1.23); a
+- 1.23000000000000
+- sage: a.sin()
+- 0.942488801931698
+-Example with custom precision of 200 bits (60 significant
+- sage: R = RealField(200)
+- sage: a = pari(R(1.23)); a # only 15 significant digits printed
+- 1.23000000000000
+- sage: R(a) # but the number is known to precision of 200 bits
+- 1.2300000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+- sage: a.sin() # only 15 significant digits printed
+- 0.942488801931698
+- sage: R(a.sin()) # but the number is known to precision of 200 bits
+- 0.94248880193169751002382356538924454146128740562765030213504
+-It is possible to change the number of printed decimals::
+- sage: R = RealField(200) # 200 bits of precision in computations
+- sage: old_prec = pari.set_real_precision(60) # 60 decimals printed
+- sage: a = pari(R(1.23)); a
+- 1.23000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+- sage: a.sin()
+- 0.942488801931697510023823565389244541461287405627650302135038
+- sage: pari.set_real_precision(old_prec) # restore the default printing behavior
+- 60
+-Unless otherwise indicated in the docstring, most Pari functions
+-that return inexact objects use the precision of their arguments to
+-decide the precision of the computation. However, if some of these
+-arguments happen to be exact numbers (integers, rationals, etc.),
+-an optional parameter indicates the precision (in bits) to which
+-these arguments should be converted before the computation. If this
+-precision parameter is missing, the default precision of 53 bits is
+-used. The following first converts 2 into a real with 53-bit
+- sage: R = RealField()
+- sage: R(pari(2).sin())
+- 0.909297426825682
+-We can ask for a better precision using the optional parameter::
+- sage: R = RealField(150)
+- sage: R(pari(2).sin(precision=150))
+- 0.90929742682568169539601986591174484270225497
+-Warning regarding conversions Sage - Pari - Sage: Some care must be
+-taken when juggling inexact types back and forth between Sage and
+-Pari. In theory, calling p=pari(s) creates a Pari object p with the
+-same precision as s; in practice, the Pari library's precision is
+-word-based, so it will go up to the next word. For example, a
+-default 53-bit Sage real s will be bumped up to 64 bits by adding
+-bogus 11 bits. The function p.python() returns a Sage object with
+-exactly the same precision as the Pari object p. So
+-pari(s).python() is definitely not equal to s, since it has 64 bits
+-of precision, including the bogus 11 bits. The correct way of
+-avoiding this is to convert pari(s).python() back into a domain with
+-the right precision. This has to be done by the user (or by Sage
+-functions that use Pari library functions in gen.pyx). For
+-instance, if we want to use the Pari library to compute sqrt(pi)
+-with a precision of 100 bits::
++In the PARI interface, "real precision" refers to the precision of real
++numbers, so it is the floating-point precision. This is a non-trivial
++issue, since there are various interfaces for different things.
++Internal representation and conversion between Sage and PARI
++Real numbers in PARI have a precision associated to them, which is
++always a multiple of the CPU wordsize. So, it is a multiple of 32
++of 64 bits. When converting from Sage to PARI, the precision is rounded
++up to the nearest multiple of the wordsize::
++ sage: x = 1.0
++ sage: x.precision()
++ 53
++ sage: pari(x)
++ 1.00000000000000
++ sage: pari(x).bitprecision()
++ 64
++With a higher precision::
++ sage: x = RealField(100).pi()
++ sage: x.precision()
++ 100
++ sage: pari(x).bitprecision()
++ 128
++When converting back to Sage, the precision from PARI is taken::
++ sage: x = RealField(100).pi()
++ sage: y = pari(x).sage()
++ sage: y
++ 3.1415926535897932384626433832793333156
++ sage: parent(y)
++ Real Field with 128 bits of precision
++So ``pari(x).sage()`` is definitely not equal to ``x`` since it has
++28 bogus bits.
++Therefore, some care must be taken when juggling reals back and forth
++between Sage and PARI. The correct way of avoiding this is to convert
++``pari(x).sage()`` back into a domain with the right precision. This has
++to be done by the user (or by Sage functions that use PARI library
++functions). For instance, if we want to use the PARI library to compute
++``sqrt(pi)`` with a precision of 100 bits::
+ sage: R = RealField(100)
+ sage: s = R(pi); s
+ 3.1415926535897932384626433833
+ sage: p = pari(s).sqrt()
+- sage: x = p.python(); x # wow, more digits than I expected!
++ sage: x = p.sage(); x # wow, more digits than I expected!
+ 1.7724538509055160272981674833410973484
+ sage: x.prec() # has precision 'improved' from 100 to 128?
+ 128
+@@ -138,8 +114,99 @@
+ sage: R(x) == s.sqrt()
+ True
+-Elliptic curves and precision: If you are working with elliptic
+-curves, you should set the precision for each method::
++Output precision for printing
++Even though PARI reals have a precision, not all significant bits are
++printed by default. The maximum number of digits when printing a PARI
++real can be set using the methods
++:meth:`PariInstance.set_real_precision_bits` or
++We create a very precise approximation of pi and see how it is printed
++in PARI::
++ sage: pi = pari(RealField(1000).pi())
++The default precision is 15 digits::
++ sage: pi
++ 3.14159265358979
++With a different precision::
++ sage: _ = pari.set_real_precision(50)
++ sage: pi
++ 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751
++Back to the default::
++ sage: _ = pari.set_real_precision(15)
++ sage: pi
++ 3.14159265358979
++Input precision for function calls
++When we talk about precision for PARI functions, we need to distinguish
++three kinds of calls:
++1. Using the string interface, for example ``pari("sin(1)")``.
++2. Using the library interface with exact inputs, for example
++ ``pari(1).sin()``.
++3. Using the library interface with inexact inputs, for example
++ ``pari(1.0).sin()``.
++In the first case, the relevant precision is the one set by the methods
++:meth:`PariInstance.set_real_precision_bits` or
++ sage: pari.set_real_precision_bits(150)
++ sage: pari("sin(1)")
++ 0.841470984807896506652502321630298999622563061
++ sage: pari.set_real_precision_bits(53)
++ sage: pari("sin(1)")
++ 0.841470984807897
++In the second case, the precision can be given as the argument
++``precision`` in the function call, with a default of 53 bits.
++The real precision set by
++:meth:`PariInstance.set_real_precision_bits` or
++:meth:`PariInstance.set_real_precision` is irrelevant.
++In these examples, we convert to Sage to ensure that PARI's real
++precision is not used when printing the numbers. As explained before,
++this artificically increases the precision to a multiple of the
++wordsize. ::
++ sage: s = pari(1).sin(precision=180).sage(); print(s); print(parent(s))
++ 0.841470984807896506652502321630298999622563060798371065673
++ Real Field with 192 bits of precision
++ sage: s = pari(1).sin(precision=40).sage(); print(s); print(parent(s))
++ 0.841470984807896507
++ Real Field with 64 bits of precision
++ sage: s = pari(1).sin().sage(); print(s); print(parent(s))
++ 0.841470984807896507
++ Real Field with 64 bits of precision
++In the third case, the precision is determined only by the inexact
++inputs and the ``precision`` argument is ignored::
++ sage: pari(1.0).sin(precision=180).sage()
++ 0.841470984807896507
++ sage: pari(1.0).sin(precision=40).sage()
++ 0.841470984807896507
++ sage: pari(RealField(100).one()).sin().sage()
++ 0.84147098480789650665250232163029899962
++Elliptic curve functions
++An elliptic curve given with exact `a`-invariants is considered an
++exact object. Therefore, you should set the precision for each method
++call individually::
+ sage: e = pari([0,0,0,-82,0]).ellinit()
+ sage: eta1 = e.elleta(precision=100)[0]
+@@ -149,8 +216,6 @@
+ sage: eta1.sage()
+ 3.60546360143265208591582056420772677481026899659802474544
+-Number fields and precision: TODO
+ Check that output from PARI's print command is actually seen by
+@@ -215,33 +280,15 @@
+ from sage.misc.superseded import deprecation, deprecated_function_alias
+ from sage.env import CYGWIN_VERSION
+-# real precision in decimal digits: see documentation for
+-# get_real_precision() and set_real_precision(). This variable is used
+-# in gp to set the precision of input quantities (e.g. sqrt(2)), and for
+-# determining the number of digits to be printed. It is *not* used as
+-# a "default precision" for internal computations, which always use
+-# the actual precision of arguments together (where relevant) with a
+-# "prec" parameter. In ALL cases (for real computations) the prec
+-# parameter is a WORD precision and NOT decimal precision. Pari reals
+-# with word precision w have bit precision (of the mantissa) equal to
+-# 32*(w-2) or 64*(w-2).
+-# Hence the only relevance of this parameter in Sage is (1) for the
+-# output format of components of objects of type
+-# 'sage.libs.pari.gen.gen'; (2) for setting the precision of pari
+-# variables created from strings (e.g. via sage: pari('1.2')).
+-# WARNING: Many pari library functions take a last parameter "prec"
+-# which should be a words precision. In many cases this is redundant
+-# and is simply ignored. In our wrapping of these functions we use
+-# the variable prec here for convenience only.
+-cdef long prec
++# Default precision (in PARI words) for the PARI library interface,
++# when no explicit precision is given and the inputs are exact.
++cdef long prec = prec_bits_to_words(53)
+ #################################################################
+ # conversions between various real precision models
+ #################################################################
+-def prec_bits_to_dec(unsigned long prec_in_bits):
++def prec_bits_to_dec(long prec_in_bits):
+ r"""
+ Convert from precision expressed in bits to precision expressed in
+ decimal.
+@@ -261,10 +308,9 @@
+ (224, 67),
+ (256, 77)]
+ """
+- cdef double log_2 = 0.301029995663981
+- return int(prec_in_bits*log_2)
++ return nbits2ndec(prec_in_bits)
+-def prec_dec_to_bits(unsigned long prec_in_dec):
++def prec_dec_to_bits(long prec_in_dec):
+ r"""
+ Convert from precision expressed in decimal to precision expressed
+ in bits.
+@@ -273,20 +319,20 @@
+ sage: from sage.libs.pari.pari_instance import prec_dec_to_bits
+ sage: prec_dec_to_bits(15)
+- 49
++ 50
+ sage: [(n, prec_dec_to_bits(n)) for n in range(10, 100, 10)]
+- [(10, 33),
+- (20, 66),
+- (30, 99),
+- (40, 132),
+- (50, 166),
+- (60, 199),
+- (70, 232),
+- (80, 265),
+- (90, 298)]
++ [(10, 34),
++ (20, 67),
++ (30, 100),
++ (40, 133),
++ (50, 167),
++ (60, 200),
++ (70, 233),
++ (80, 266),
++ (90, 299)]
+ """
+ cdef double log_10 = 3.32192809488736
+- return int(prec_in_dec*log_10)
++ return int(prec_in_dec*log_10 + 1.0) # Add one to round up
+ cpdef long prec_bits_to_words(unsigned long prec_in_bits):
+ r"""
+@@ -392,6 +438,7 @@
+ pari = pari_instance
+ # Callbacks from PARI to print stuff using sys.stdout.write() instead
+ # of C library functions like puts().
+ cdef PariOUT sage_pariOut
+@@ -430,6 +477,8 @@
+ - ``maxprime`` -- unsigned long, upper limit on a
+ precomputed prime number table (default: 500000)
++ For more information about how precision works in the PARI
++ interface, see :mod:`sage.libs.pari.pari_instance`.
+ .. note::
+@@ -440,9 +489,7 @@
+ Python/PARI object is computed, it it copied to its own
+ space in the Python heap, and the memory it occupied on the
+ PARI stack is freed. Thus it is not necessary to make the
+- stack very large. Also, unlike in PARI, if the stack does
+- overflow, in most cases the PARI stack is automatically
+- increased and the relevant step of the computation rerun.
++ stack very large.
+ This design obviously involves some performance penalties
+ over the way PARI works, but it scales much better and is
+@@ -508,12 +555,8 @@
+ pariOut.puts = sage_puts
+ pariOut.flush = sage_flush
+- # Use 15 decimal digits as default precision
+- self.set_real_precision(15)
+- # Init global prec variable with the precision in words
+- global prec
+- prec = prec_bits_to_words(64)
++ # Use 53 bits as default precision
++ self.set_real_precision_bits(53)
+ # Disable pretty-printing
+ GP_DATA.fmt.prettyp = 0
+@@ -596,6 +639,59 @@
+ """
+ return int(self.default('debug'))
++ def set_real_precision_bits(self, n):
++ """
++ Sets the PARI default real precision in bits.
++ This is used both for creation of new objects from strings and
++ for printing. It determines the number of digits in which real
++ numbers numbers are printed. It also determines the precision
++ of objects created by parsing strings (e.g. pari('1.2')), which
++ is *not* the normal way of creating new pari objects in Sage.
++ It has *no* effect on the precision of computations within the
++ PARI library.
++ .. seealso:: :meth:`set_real_precision` to set the
++ precision in decimal digits.
++ sage: pari.set_real_precision_bits(200)
++ sage: pari('1.2')
++ 1.20000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
++ sage: pari.set_real_precision_bits(53)
++ """
++ cdef bytes strn = str(n).encode("ascii")
++ sig_on()
++ sd_realbitprecision(strn, d_SILENT)
++ sig_off()
++ def get_real_precision_bits(self):
++ """
++ Return the current PARI default real precision in bits.
++ This is used both for creation of new objects from strings and
++ for printing. It determines the number of digits in which real
++ numbers numbers are printed. It also determines the precision
++ of objects created by parsing strings (e.g. pari('1.2')), which
++ is *not* the normal way of creating new pari objects in Sage.
++ It has *no* effect on the precision of computations within the
++ PARI library.
++ .. seealso:: :meth:`get_real_precision` to get the
++ precision in decimal digits.
++ sage: pari.get_real_precision_bits()
++ 53
++ """
++ cdef long r
++ sig_on()
++ r = itos(sd_realbitprecision(NULL, d_RETURN))
++ sig_off()
++ return r
+ def set_real_precision(self, long n):
+ """
+ Sets the PARI default real precision in decimal digits.
+@@ -609,6 +705,9 @@
+ Returns the previous PARI real precision.
++ .. seealso:: :meth:`set_real_precision_bits` to set the
++ precision in bits.
+ sage: pari.set_real_precision(60)
+@@ -618,13 +717,9 @@
+ sage: pari.set_real_precision(15)
+ 60
+ """
+- prev = self._real_precision
+- cdef bytes strn = str(n)
+- sig_on()
+- sd_realprecision(strn, d_SILENT)
+- sig_off()
+- self._real_precision = n
+- return prev
++ old = self.get_real_precision()
++ self.set_real_precision_bits(prec_dec_to_bits(n))
++ return old
+ def get_real_precision(self):
+ """
+@@ -637,12 +732,19 @@
+ normal way of creating new pari objects in Sage. It has *no*
+ effect on the precision of computations within the pari library.
++ .. seealso:: :meth:`get_real_precision_bits` to get the
++ precision in bits.
+ sage: pari.get_real_precision()
+ 15
+ """
+- return self._real_precision
++ cdef long r
++ sig_on()
++ r = itos(sd_realprecision(NULL, d_RETURN))
++ sig_off()
++ return r
+ def set_series_precision(self, long n):
+ global precdl
+--- a/sage/src/sage/libs/pari/tests.py
++++ b/sage/src/sage/libs/pari/tests.py
+@@ -1457,7 +1457,7 @@
+ sage: x = pari('[1, -1, 2]~')
+ sage: y = pari('[1, -1, 3]~')
+ sage: nf.idealcoprime(x, y)
+- [1, 0, 0]~
++ 1
+ sage: y = pari('[2, -2, 4]~')
+ sage: nf.idealcoprime(x, y)
+@@ -1489,7 +1489,7 @@
+ sage: nf = F._pari_()
+ sage: I = pari('[1, -1, 2]~')
+ sage: nf.idealstar(I)
+- [[[43, 9, 5; 0, 1, 0; 0, 0, 1], [0]], [42, [42]], Mat([[43, [9, 1, 0]~, 1, 1, [-5, 2, -18; -9, -5, 2; 1, -9, -5]], 1]), [[[[42], [3], [3], [Vecsmall([])], 1]], [[], [], []]], Mat(1)]
++ [[[43, 9, 5; 0, 1, 0; 0, 0, 1], [0]], [42, [42]], Mat([[43, [9, 1, 0]~, 1, 1, [-5, 2, -18; -9, -5, 2; 1, -9, -5]], 1]), [[[[[42], [3], [3], [Vecsmall([])], 1, [43, 9, 5; 0, 1, 0; 0, 0, 1]]]], [[], [], [], Vecsmall([])], Vecsmall([0])], Mat(1)]
+ sage: x = polygen(QQ)
+ sage: K.<a> = NumberField(x^3 - 17)
+@@ -1520,7 +1520,7 @@
+ sage: x = QQ['x'].0; nf = pari(x^2 + 2).nfinit()
+ sage: nf.nfgaloisconj()
+- [-x, x]~
++ [x, -x]~
+ sage: nf = pari(x^3 + 2).nfinit()
+ sage: nf.nfgaloisconj()
+ [x]~
+--- a/sage/src/sage/modular/cusps_nf.py
++++ b/sage/src/sage/modular/cusps_nf.py
+@@ -142,19 +142,17 @@
+ sage: N = k.ideal(713, a + 208)
+ sage: L = list_of_representatives(N); L
+ (Fractional ideal (1),
+- Fractional ideal (37, a + 12),
+- Fractional ideal (47, a - 9))
++ Fractional ideal (47, a - 9),
++ Fractional ideal (53, a - 16))
+- The output of ``list_of_representatives`` has been cached:
+- ::
++ The output of ``list_of_representatives`` has been cached::
+ sage: sage.modular.cusps_nf._list_reprs_cache.keys()
+ [Fractional ideal (713, a + 208)]
+ sage: sage.modular.cusps_nf._list_reprs_cache[N]
+ (Fractional ideal (1),
+- Fractional ideal (37, a + 12),
+- Fractional ideal (47, a - 9))
++ Fractional ideal (47, a - 9),
++ Fractional ideal (53, a - 16))
+ """
+ if N in _list_reprs_cache:
+ lreps = _list_reprs_cache[N]
+@@ -1255,9 +1253,9 @@
+ sage: from sage.modular.cusps_nf import NFCusps_ideal_reps_for_levelN
+ sage: NFCusps_ideal_reps_for_levelN(N)
+ [(Fractional ideal (1),
+- Fractional ideal (13, a - 2),
+- Fractional ideal (43, a - 1),
+- Fractional ideal (67, a + 17))]
++ Fractional ideal (67, a + 17),
++ Fractional ideal (127, a + 48),
++ Fractional ideal (157, a - 19))]
+ sage: L = NFCusps_ideal_reps_for_levelN(N, 5)
+ sage: all([len(L[i])==k.class_number() for i in range(len(L))])
+ True
+--- a/sage/src/sage/rings/number_field/bdd_height.py
++++ b/sage/src/sage/rings/number_field/bdd_height.py
+@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
+ sage: bdd_pr_ideals[4]
+ [2]
+ sage: bdd_pr_ideals[5]
+- [g + 2, g - 2]
++ [-g - 2, -g + 2]
+ sage: bdd_pr_ideals[7]
+ []
+--- a/sage/src/sage/rings/number_field/class_group.py
++++ b/sage/src/sage/rings/number_field/class_group.py
+@@ -470,7 +470,7 @@
+ sage: CK = K.class_group()
+ sage: CL = L.class_group()
+ sage: [CL(I).exponents() for I in CK]
+- [(0,), (2,), (4,)]
++ [(0,), (4,), (2,)]
+ """
+ if isinstance(args[0], FractionalIdealClass):
+ return self.element_class(self, None, self._number_field.ideal(args[0].ideal()))
+--- a/sage/src/sage/rings/number_field/number_field.py
++++ b/sage/src/sage/rings/number_field/number_field.py
+@@ -3868,7 +3868,7 @@
+ sage: K.unit_group()
+ Unit group with structure C6 of Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^2 + 3
+ sage: K.S_units([])
+- [-1/2*a + 1/2]
++ [1/2*a + 1/2]
+ sage: K.S_units([])[0].multiplicative_order()
+ 6
+@@ -3939,14 +3939,13 @@
+ sage: K.<a> = NumberField(x^3 - 381 * x + 127)
+ sage: K._S_class_group_and_units(tuple(K.primes_above(13)))
+- ([-7/13*a^2 - 140/13*a + 36/13,
+- 14/13*a^2 + 267/13*a - 85/13,
+- 7/13*a^2 + 127/13*a - 49/13,
++ ([2/13*a^2 + 1/13*a - 677/13,
++ 1/13*a^2 + 7/13*a - 332/13,
++ -1/13*a^2 + 6/13*a + 345/13,
+ -1,
+- 1/13*a^2 - 19/13*a + 6/13,
++ 2/13*a^2 + 1/13*a - 755/13,
+ 1/13*a^2 - 19/13*a - 7/13],
+- [(Fractional ideal (11, a - 2), 2),
+- (Fractional ideal (19, 1/13*a^2 - 45/13*a - 332/13), 2)])
++ [(Fractional ideal (11, a - 2), 2), (Fractional ideal (19, a + 7), 2)])
+ Number fields defined by non-monic and non-integral
+ polynomials are supported (:trac:`252`)::
+@@ -4065,13 +4064,13 @@
+ sage: K.selmer_group([P2], 2)
+ [2, -1]
+ sage: K.selmer_group((P2,P3), 4)
+- [2, a + 1, -1]
++ [2, -a - 1, -1]
+ sage: K.selmer_group((P2,P3), 4, orders=True)
+- ([2, a + 1, -1], [4, 4, 2])
++ ([2, -a - 1, -1], [4, 4, 2])
+ sage: K.selmer_group([P2], 3)
+ [2]
+ sage: K.selmer_group([P2, P3], 3)
+- [2, a + 1]
++ [2, -a - 1]
+ sage: K.selmer_group([P2, P3, K.ideal(a)], 3) # random signs
+ [2, a + 1, a]
+@@ -4092,14 +4091,21 @@
+ sage: P3 = K.ideal(3, a+1)
+ sage: P5 = K.ideal(a)
+ sage: S = K.selmer_group([P2, P3, P5], 3)
+- sage: S == [2, a + 1, a] or S == [2, a + 1, -a]
++ sage: S in ([2, a + 1, a], [2, a + 1, -a], [2, -a - 1, a], [2, -a - 1, -a]) or S
+ True
+ Verify that :trac:`14489` is fixed::
+ sage: K.<a> = NumberField(x^3 - 381 * x + 127)
+ sage: K.selmer_group(K.primes_above(13), 2)
+- [-7/13*a^2 - 140/13*a + 36/13, 14/13*a^2 + 267/13*a - 85/13, 7/13*a^2 + 127/13*a - 49/13, -1, 1/13*a^2 - 19/13*a + 6/13, 1/13*a^2 - 19/13*a - 7/13, 2/13*a^2 + 53/13*a - 92/13, 10/13*a^2 + 44/13*a - 4555/13]
++ [2/13*a^2 + 1/13*a - 677/13,
++ 1/13*a^2 + 7/13*a - 332/13,
++ -1/13*a^2 + 6/13*a + 345/13,
++ -1,
++ 2/13*a^2 + 1/13*a - 755/13,
++ 1/13*a^2 - 19/13*a - 7/13,
++ 2/13*a^2 + 53/13*a - 92/13,
++ 2/13*a^2 + 40/13*a - 27/13]
+ Verify that :trac:`16708` is fixed::
+@@ -4181,7 +4187,7 @@
+ sage: list(K.selmer_group_iterator([K.ideal(2, -a+1)], 2))
+ [1, -1, 2, -2]
+ sage: list(K.selmer_group_iterator([K.ideal(2, -a+1), K.ideal(3, a+1)], 2))
+- [1, -1, a + 1, -a - 1, 2, -2, 2*a + 2, -2*a - 2]
++ [1, -1, -a - 1, a + 1, 2, -2, -2*a - 2, 2*a + 2]
+ Examples over `\QQ` (as a number field)::
+@@ -4709,7 +4715,7 @@
+ sage: K.elements_of_norm(3)
+ []
+ sage: K.elements_of_norm(50)
+- [-7*a + 1, -5*a - 5, 7*a + 1]
++ [-7*a + 1, 5*a - 5, 7*a + 1]
+@@ -5890,7 +5896,7 @@
+ sage: A = x^4 - 10*x^3 + 20*5*x^2 - 15*5^2*x + 11*5^3
+ sage: K = NumberField(A, 'a')
+ sage: K.units()
+- (7/275*a^3 - 1/11*a^2 + 9/11*a + 2,)
++ (1/275*a^3 + 4/55*a^2 - 5/11*a + 3,)
+ For big number fields, provably computing the unit group can
+ take a very long time. In this case, one can ask for the
+@@ -5976,7 +5982,7 @@
+ sage: U.gens()
+ (u0, u1)
+ sage: U.gens_values()
+- [-7/275*a^3 + 1/11*a^2 - 9/11*a - 1, 7/275*a^3 - 1/11*a^2 + 9/11*a + 2]
++ [-1/275*a^3 + 7/55*a^2 - 6/11*a + 4, 1/275*a^3 + 4/55*a^2 - 5/11*a + 3]
+ sage: U.invariants()
+ (10, 0)
+ sage: [u.multiplicative_order() for u in U.gens()]
+@@ -6046,7 +6052,7 @@
+ sage: U.gens()
+ (u0, u1, u2, u3)
+ sage: U.gens_values()
+- [-7/275*a^3 + 1/11*a^2 - 9/11*a - 1, 7/275*a^3 - 1/11*a^2 + 9/11*a + 2, 1/275*a^3 + 4/55*a^2 - 5/11*a + 5, -14/275*a^3 + 21/55*a^2 - 29/11*a + 6]
++ [-1/275*a^3 + 7/55*a^2 - 6/11*a + 4, 1/275*a^3 + 4/55*a^2 - 5/11*a + 3, 1/275*a^3 + 4/55*a^2 - 5/11*a + 5, -14/275*a^3 + 21/55*a^2 - 29/11*a + 6]
+ sage: U.invariants()
+ (10, 0, 0, 0)
+ sage: [u.multiplicative_order() for u in U.gens()]
+@@ -6345,10 +6351,10 @@
+ sage: K.<f> = QuadraticField(-3)
+ sage: K.primitive_root_of_unity()
+- -1/2*f + 1/2
++ 1/2*f + 1/2
+ sage: UK = K.unit_group()
+ sage: K.primitive_root_of_unity()
+- -1/2*f + 1/2
++ 1/2*f + 1/2
+ Number fields defined by non-monic and non-integral
+ polynomials are supported (:trac:`252`)::
+--- a/sage/src/sage/rings/number_field/number_field_element.pyx
++++ b/sage/src/sage/rings/number_field/number_field_element.pyx
+@@ -1610,7 +1610,7 @@
+ sage: t[0].norm(K)
+ -a
+ sage: t = K(3)._rnfisnorm(L); t
+- ((a^2 + 1)*b^3 - b^2 - a*b - a^2, -3*a^2 + 3*a - 3)
++ (-b^3 - a*b^2 - a^2*b + 1, 3*a^2 - 3*a + 6)
+ sage: t[0].norm(K)*t[1]
+ 3
+--- a/sage/src/sage/rings/number_field/number_field_ideal_rel.py
++++ b/sage/src/sage/rings/number_field/number_field_ideal_rel.py
+@@ -506,7 +506,7 @@
+ sage: K.<c> = F.extension(Y^2 - (1 + a)*(a + b)*a*b)
+ sage: I = K.ideal(3, c)
+ sage: J = I.ideal_below(); J
+- Fractional ideal (b)
++ Fractional ideal (-b)
+ sage: J.number_field() == F
+ True
+@@ -535,12 +535,12 @@
+ sage: K.<a, b> = QQ.extension([x^2 + 11, x^2 - 5])
+ sage: K.factor(5)
+- (Fractional ideal (5, (1/4*b - 1/4)*a - 1/4*b - 3/4))^2 * (Fractional ideal (5, (1/4*b - 1/4)*a - 1/4*b - 7/4))^2
++ (Fractional ideal (5, (-1/4*b - 1/4)*a + 1/4*b - 3/4))^2 * (Fractional ideal (5, (-1/4*b - 1/4)*a + 1/4*b - 7/4))^2
+ sage: K.ideal(5).factor()
+- (Fractional ideal (5, (1/4*b - 1/4)*a - 1/4*b - 3/4))^2 * (Fractional ideal (5, (1/4*b - 1/4)*a - 1/4*b - 7/4))^2
++ (Fractional ideal (5, (-1/4*b - 1/4)*a + 1/4*b - 3/4))^2 * (Fractional ideal (5, (-1/4*b - 1/4)*a + 1/4*b - 7/4))^2
+ sage: K.ideal(5).prime_factors()
+- [Fractional ideal (5, (1/4*b - 1/4)*a - 1/4*b - 3/4),
+- Fractional ideal (5, (1/4*b - 1/4)*a - 1/4*b - 7/4)]
++ [Fractional ideal (5, (-1/4*b - 1/4)*a + 1/4*b - 3/4),
++ Fractional ideal (5, (-1/4*b - 1/4)*a + 1/4*b - 7/4)]
+ sage: PQ.<X> = QQ[]
+ sage: F.<a, b> = NumberFieldTower([X^2 - 2, X^2 - 3])
+--- a/sage/src/sage/rings/number_field/number_field_rel.py
++++ b/sage/src/sage/rings/number_field/number_field_rel.py
+@@ -1769,7 +1769,7 @@
+ sage: K.<a, b> = NumberField( [x^2 + x + 1, x^4 + 1] )
+ sage: K.roots_of_unity()[:5]
+- [b*a, -b^2*a - b^2, b^3, -a, b*a + b]
++ [b*a + b, b^2*a, -b^3, a + 1, b*a]
+ """
+ abs = self.absolute_field('a')
+ from_abs, _ = abs.structure()
+--- a/sage/src/sage/rings/number_field/unit_group.py
++++ b/sage/src/sage/rings/number_field/unit_group.py
+@@ -15,12 +15,12 @@
+ sage: UK.gens_values() # random
+ [-1/12*a^3 + 1/6*a, 1/24*a^3 + 1/4*a^2 - 1/12*a - 1]
+ sage: UK.gen(0).value()
+- -1/12*a^3 + 1/6*a
++ 1/12*a^3 - 1/6*a
+ sage: UK.gen(0)
+ u0
+ sage: UK.gen(0) + K.one() # coerce abstract generator into number field
+- -1/12*a^3 + 1/6*a + 1
++ 1/12*a^3 - 1/6*a + 1
+ sage: [u.multiplicative_order() for u in UK.gens()]
+ [4, +Infinity]
+@@ -37,18 +37,18 @@
+ sage: UK(-1)
+ u0^2
+ sage: [UK(u) for u in (x^4-1).roots(K,multiplicities=False)]
+- [1, u0^2, u0^3, u0]
++ [1, u0^2, u0, u0^3]
+ sage: UK.fundamental_units() # random
+ [1/24*a^3 + 1/4*a^2 - 1/12*a - 1]
+ sage: torsion_gen = UK.torsion_generator(); torsion_gen
+ u0
+ sage: torsion_gen.value()
+- -1/12*a^3 + 1/6*a
++ 1/12*a^3 - 1/6*a
+ sage: UK.zeta_order()
+ 4
+ sage: UK.roots_of_unity()
+- [-1/12*a^3 + 1/6*a, -1, 1/12*a^3 - 1/6*a, 1]
++ [1/12*a^3 - 1/6*a, -1, -1/12*a^3 + 1/6*a, 1]
+ Exp and log functions provide maps between units as field elements and exponent
+ vectors with respect to the generators::
+@@ -100,7 +100,30 @@
+ sage: UL.zeta_order()
+ 24
+ sage: UL.roots_of_unity()
+- [b*a, -b^2*a - b^2, b^3, -a, b*a + b, -b^2, -b^3*a, -a - 1, b, b^2*a, -b^3*a - b^3, -1, -b*a, b^2*a + b^2, -b^3, a, -b*a - b, b^2, b^3*a, a + 1, -b, -b^2*a, b^3*a + b^3, 1]
++ [-b*a,
++ -b^2*a - b^2,
++ -b^3,
++ -a,
++ -b*a - b,
++ -b^2,
++ b^3*a,
++ -a - 1,
++ -b,
++ b^2*a,
++ b^3*a + b^3,
++ -1,
++ b*a,
++ b^2*a + b^2,
++ b^3,
++ a,
++ b*a + b,
++ b^2,
++ -b^3*a,
++ a + 1,
++ b,
++ -b^2*a,
++ -b^3*a - b^3,
++ 1]
+ A relative extension example, which worked thanks to the code review by F.W.Clarke::
+@@ -229,7 +252,7 @@
+ sage: UK.gens()
+ (u,)
+ sage: UK.gens_values()
+- [-1/2*a + 1/2]
++ [1/2*a + 1/2]
+ sage: K.<z> = CyclotomicField(13)
+ sage: UK = K.unit_group(); UK
+--- a/sage/src/sage/rings/polynomial/polynomial_quotient_ring.py
++++ b/sage/src/sage/rings/polynomial/polynomial_quotient_ring.py
+@@ -1081,7 +1081,21 @@
+ sage: R.<x> = K[]
+ sage: S.<xbar> = R.quotient((x^2 + 23)*(x^2 + 31))
+ sage: S.S_class_group([])
+- [((1/4*xbar^2 + 31/4, (-1/8*a + 1/8)*xbar^2 - 31/8*a + 31/8, 1/16*xbar^3 + 1/16*xbar^2 + 31/16*xbar + 31/16, -1/16*a*xbar^3 + (1/16*a + 1/8)*xbar^2 - 31/16*a*xbar + 31/16*a + 31/8), 6), ((-1/4*xbar^2 - 23/4, (1/8*a - 1/8)*xbar^2 + 23/8*a - 23/8, -1/16*xbar^3 - 1/16*xbar^2 - 23/16*xbar - 23/16, 1/16*a*xbar^3 + (-1/16*a - 1/8)*xbar^2 + 23/16*a*xbar - 23/16*a - 23/8), 6), ((-5/4*xbar^2 - 115/4, 5/4*a*xbar^2 + 115/4*a, -5/16*xbar^3 + 5/16*xbar^2 - 115/16*xbar + 115/16, 1/16*a*xb [...]
++ [((1/4*xbar^2 + 31/4,
++ (-1/8*a + 1/8)*xbar^2 - 31/8*a + 31/8,
++ 1/16*xbar^3 + 1/16*xbar^2 + 31/16*xbar + 31/16,
++ -1/16*a*xbar^3 + (1/16*a + 1/8)*xbar^2 - 31/16*a*xbar + 31/16*a + 31/8),
++ 6),
++ ((-1/4*xbar^2 - 23/4,
++ (1/8*a - 1/8)*xbar^2 + 23/8*a - 23/8,
++ -1/16*xbar^3 - 1/16*xbar^2 - 23/16*xbar - 23/16,
++ 1/16*a*xbar^3 + (-1/16*a - 1/8)*xbar^2 + 23/16*a*xbar - 23/16*a - 23/8),
++ 6),
++ ((-5/4*xbar^2 - 115/4,
++ 1/4*a*xbar^2 + 23/4*a,
++ -1/16*xbar^3 - 7/16*xbar^2 - 23/16*xbar - 161/16,
++ 1/16*a*xbar^3 - 1/16*a*xbar^2 + 23/16*a*xbar - 23/16*a),
++ 2)]
+ By using the ideal `(a)`, we cut the part of the class group coming from
+ `x^2 + 31` from 12 to 2, i.e. we lose a generator of order 6 (this was
+@@ -1200,7 +1214,21 @@
+ sage: R.<x> = K[]
+ sage: S.<xbar> = R.quotient((x^2 + 23)*(x^2 + 31))
+ sage: S.class_group()
+- [((1/4*xbar^2 + 31/4, (-1/8*a + 1/8)*xbar^2 - 31/8*a + 31/8, 1/16*xbar^3 + 1/16*xbar^2 + 31/16*xbar + 31/16, -1/16*a*xbar^3 + (1/16*a + 1/8)*xbar^2 - 31/16*a*xbar + 31/16*a + 31/8), 6), ((-1/4*xbar^2 - 23/4, (1/8*a - 1/8)*xbar^2 + 23/8*a - 23/8, -1/16*xbar^3 - 1/16*xbar^2 - 23/16*xbar - 23/16, 1/16*a*xbar^3 + (-1/16*a - 1/8)*xbar^2 + 23/16*a*xbar - 23/16*a - 23/8), 6), ((-5/4*xbar^2 - 115/4, 5/4*a*xbar^2 + 115/4*a, -5/16*xbar^3 + 5/16*xbar^2 - 115/16*xbar + 115/16, 1/16*a*xb [...]
++ [((1/4*xbar^2 + 31/4,
++ (-1/8*a + 1/8)*xbar^2 - 31/8*a + 31/8,
++ 1/16*xbar^3 + 1/16*xbar^2 + 31/16*xbar + 31/16,
++ -1/16*a*xbar^3 + (1/16*a + 1/8)*xbar^2 - 31/16*a*xbar + 31/16*a + 31/8),
++ 6),
++ ((-1/4*xbar^2 - 23/4,
++ (1/8*a - 1/8)*xbar^2 + 23/8*a - 23/8,
++ -1/16*xbar^3 - 1/16*xbar^2 - 23/16*xbar - 23/16,
++ 1/16*a*xbar^3 + (-1/16*a - 1/8)*xbar^2 + 23/16*a*xbar - 23/16*a - 23/8),
++ 6),
++ ((-5/4*xbar^2 - 115/4,
++ 1/4*a*xbar^2 + 23/4*a,
++ -1/16*xbar^3 - 7/16*xbar^2 - 23/16*xbar - 161/16,
++ 1/16*a*xbar^3 - 1/16*a*xbar^2 + 23/16*a*xbar - 23/16*a),
++ 2)]
+ Note that all the returned values live where we expect them to::
+@@ -1238,13 +1266,13 @@
+ Unit group with structure C6 of Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^2 + 3
+ sage: K.<a> = QQ['x'].quotient(x^2 + 3)
+ sage: u,o = K.S_units([])[0]; u, o
+- (-1/2*a + 1/2, 6)
++ (1/2*a + 1/2, 6)
+ sage: u^6
+ 1
+ sage: u^3
+ -1
+ sage: u^2
+- -1/2*a - 1/2
++ 1/2*a - 1/2
+ ::
+@@ -1253,11 +1281,21 @@
+ sage: L.<b> = K['y'].quotient(y^3 + 5); L
+ Univariate Quotient Polynomial Ring in b over Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^2 + 3 with modulus y^3 + 5
+ sage: L.S_units([])
+- [(-1/2*a + 1/2, 6), ((1/3*a - 1)*b^2 + 4/3*a*b + 5/6*a + 7/2, +Infinity), ((-1/3*a + 1)*b^2 + (2/3*a - 2)*b - 5/6*a + 7/2, +Infinity)]
++ [(1/2*a + 1/2, 6),
++ ((-1/3*a - 1)*b^2 - 4/3*a*b - 5/6*a + 7/2, +Infinity),
++ (2/3*a*b^2 + (2/3*a - 2)*b - 5/6*a - 7/2, +Infinity)]
+ sage: L.S_units([K.ideal(1/2*a - 3/2)])
+- [((-1/6*a - 1/2)*b^2 + (1/3*a - 1)*b + 4/3*a, +Infinity), (-1/2*a + 1/2, 6), ((1/3*a - 1)*b^2 + 4/3*a*b + 5/6*a + 7/2, +Infinity), ((-1/3*a + 1)*b^2 + (2/3*a - 2)*b - 5/6*a + 7/2, +Infinity)]
++ [((-1/6*a - 1/2)*b^2 + (1/3*a - 1)*b + 4/3*a, +Infinity),
++ (1/2*a + 1/2, 6),
++ ((-1/3*a - 1)*b^2 - 4/3*a*b - 5/6*a + 7/2, +Infinity),
++ (2/3*a*b^2 + (2/3*a - 2)*b - 5/6*a - 7/2, +Infinity)]
+ sage: L.S_units([K.ideal(2)])
+- [((-1/2*a + 1/2)*b^2 + (-a - 1)*b - 3, +Infinity), ((-1/6*a - 1/2)*b^2 + (1/3*a - 1)*b + 5/6*a - 1/2, +Infinity), ((1/6*a + 1/2)*b^2 + (-1/3*a + 1)*b - 5/6*a - 1/2, +Infinity), (-1/2*a + 1/2, 6), ((1/3*a - 1)*b^2 + 4/3*a*b + 5/6*a + 7/2, +Infinity), ((-1/3*a + 1)*b^2 + (2/3*a - 2)*b - 5/6*a + 7/2, +Infinity)]
++ [((1/2*a - 1/2)*b^2 + (a + 1)*b + 3, +Infinity),
++ ((1/6*a + 1/2)*b^2 + (-1/3*a + 1)*b - 5/6*a + 1/2, +Infinity),
++ ((1/6*a + 1/2)*b^2 + (-1/3*a + 1)*b - 5/6*a - 1/2, +Infinity),
++ (1/2*a + 1/2, 6),
++ ((-1/3*a - 1)*b^2 - 4/3*a*b - 5/6*a + 7/2, +Infinity),
++ (2/3*a*b^2 + (2/3*a - 2)*b - 5/6*a - 7/2, +Infinity)]
+ Note that all the returned values live where we expect them to::
+@@ -1315,13 +1353,13 @@
+ Unit group with structure C6 of Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^2 + 3
+ sage: K.<a> = QQ['x'].quotient(x^2 + 3)
+ sage: u = K.units()[0][0]; u
+- -1/2*a + 1/2
++ 1/2*a + 1/2
+ sage: u^6
+ 1
+ sage: u^3
+ -1
+ sage: u^2
+- -1/2*a - 1/2
++ 1/2*a - 1/2
+ sage: K.<a> = QQ['x'].quotient(x^2 + 5)
+ sage: K.units(())
+ [(-1, 2)]
+@@ -1333,14 +1371,16 @@
+ sage: L.<b> = K['y'].quotient(y^3 + 5); L
+ Univariate Quotient Polynomial Ring in b over Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^2 + 3 with modulus y^3 + 5
+ sage: L.units()
+- [(-1/2*a + 1/2, 6), ((1/3*a - 1)*b^2 + 4/3*a*b + 5/6*a + 7/2, +Infinity), ((-1/3*a + 1)*b^2 + (2/3*a - 2)*b - 5/6*a + 7/2, +Infinity)]
++ [(1/2*a + 1/2, 6),
++ ((-1/3*a - 1)*b^2 - 4/3*a*b - 5/6*a + 7/2, +Infinity),
++ (2/3*a*b^2 + (2/3*a - 2)*b - 5/6*a - 7/2, +Infinity)]
+ sage: L.<b> = K.extension(y^3 + 5)
+ sage: L.unit_group()
+ Unit group with structure C6 x Z x Z of Number Field in b with defining polynomial x^3 + 5 over its base field
+ sage: L.unit_group().gens() # abstract generators
+ (u0, u1, u2)
+ sage: L.unit_group().gens_values()
+- [-1/2*a + 1/2, (1/3*a - 1)*b^2 + 4/3*a*b + 5/6*a + 7/2, (-1/3*a + 1)*b^2 + (2/3*a - 2)*b - 5/6*a + 7/2]
++ [1/2*a + 1/2, (-1/3*a - 1)*b^2 - 4/3*a*b - 5/6*a + 7/2, 2/3*a*b^2 + (2/3*a - 2)*b - 5/6*a - 7/2]
+ Note that all the returned values live where we expect them to::
+@@ -1387,15 +1427,15 @@
+ sage: D.selmer_group([K.ideal(2, -a+1)], 2)
+ [2, -1]
+ sage: D.selmer_group([K.ideal(2, -a+1), K.ideal(3, a+1)], 2)
+- [2, -a - 1, -1]
++ [2, a + 1, -1]
+ sage: D.selmer_group((K.ideal(2, -a+1),K.ideal(3, a+1)), 4)
+- [2, -a - 1, -1]
++ [2, a + 1, -1]
+ sage: D.selmer_group([K.ideal(2, -a+1)], 3)
+ [2]
+ sage: D.selmer_group([K.ideal(2, -a+1), K.ideal(3, a+1)], 3)
+- [2, -a - 1]
++ [2, a + 1]
+ sage: D.selmer_group([K.ideal(2, -a+1), K.ideal(3, a+1), K.ideal(a)], 3)
+- [2, -a - 1, a]
++ [2, a + 1, a]
+ """
+ fields, isos, iso_classes = self._S_decomposition(tuple(S))
+--- a/sage/src/sage/schemes/elliptic_curves/ell_number_field.py
++++ b/sage/src/sage/schemes/elliptic_curves/ell_number_field.py
+@@ -246,21 +246,19 @@
+ C = Mod(y, y^2 + 7)
+ Computing L(S,2)
+- L(S,2) = [Mod(Mod(-1, y^2 + 7)*x^2 + Mod(-1/2*y + 1/2, y^2 + 7)*x + 1, x^3 + Mod(1, y^2 + 7)*x + Mod(y, y^2 + 7)), Mod(Mod(-1, y^2 + 7)*x^2 + Mod(-1/2*y - 1/2, y^2 + 7)*x + 1, x^3 + Mod(1, y^2 + 7)*x + Mod(y, y^2 + 7)), Mod(-1, x^3 + Mod(1, y^2 + 7)*x + Mod(y, y^2 + 7)), Mod(x^2 + 2, x^3 + Mod(1, y^2 + 7)*x + Mod(y, y^2 + 7)), Mod(Mod(1, y^2 + 7)*x + Mod(1/2*y + 3/2, y^2 + 7), x^3 + Mod(1, y^2 + 7)*x + Mod(y, y^2 + 7)), Mod(Mod(1, y^2 + 7)*x + Mod(1/2*y - 3/2, y^2 + 7), x^ [...]
++ L(S,2) = [Mod(Mod(-1/2*y + 1/2, y^2 + 7)*x^2 + Mod(-1/2*y - 1/2, y^2 + 7)*x + Mod(-y - 1, y^2 + 7), x^3 + Mod(1, y^2 + 7)*x + Mod(y, y^2 + 7)), Mod(Mod(-1, y^2 + 7)*x^2 + Mod(-1/2*y - 1/2, y^2 + 7)*x + 1, x^3 + Mod(1, y^2 + 7)*x + Mod(y, y^2 + 7)), Mod(-1, x^3 + Mod(1, y^2 + 7)*x + Mod(y, y^2 + 7)), Mod(x^2 + 2, x^3 + Mod(1, y^2 + 7)*x + Mod(y, y^2 + 7)), Mod(Mod(1, y^2 + 7)*x + Mod(1/2*y + 3/2, y^2 + 7), x^3 + Mod(1, y^2 + 7)*x + Mod(y, y^2 + 7)), Mod(Mod(1, y^2 + 7)*x + [...]
+ Computing the Selmer group
+ #LS2gen = 2
+- LS2gen = [Mod(Mod(-5, y^2 + 7)*x^2 + Mod(-3*y, y^2 + 7)*x + Mod(8, y^2 + 7), x^3 + Mod(1, y^2 + 7)*x + Mod(y, y^2 + 7)), Mod(Mod(1, y^2 + 7)*x^2 + Mod(1/2*y - 1/2, y^2 + 7)*x - 1, x^3 + Mod(1, y^2 + 7)*x + Mod(y, y^2 + 7))]
++ LS2gen = [Mod(Mod(-1/2*y + 1/2, y^2 + 7)*x^2 + Mod(-1/2*y - 1/2, y^2 + 7)*x + Mod(-y - 1, y^2 + 7), x^3 + Mod(1, y^2 + 7)*x + Mod(y, y^2 + 7)), Mod(Mod(1, y^2 + 7)*x^2 + Mod(1/2*y + 1/2, y^2 + 7)*x - 1, x^3 + Mod(1, y^2 + 7)*x + Mod(y, y^2 + 7))]
+ Search for trivial points on the curve
+ Trivial points on the curve = [[Mod(1/2*y + 3/2, y^2 + 7), Mod(-y - 2, y^2 + 7)], [1, 1, 0], [Mod(1/2*y + 3/2, y^2 + 7), Mod(-y - 2, y^2 + 7), 1]]
+- zc = Mod(Mod(-5, y^2 + 7)*x^2 + Mod(-3*y, y^2 + 7)*x + Mod(8, y^2 + 7), x^3 + Mod(1, y^2 + 7)*x + Mod(y, y^2 + 7))
+- Hilbert symbol (Mod(2, y^2 + 7),Mod(-5, y^2 + 7)) =
+- zc = Mod(Mod(1, y^2 + 7)*x^2 + Mod(1/2*y - 1/2, y^2 + 7)*x + Mod(-1, y^2 + 7), x^3 + Mod(1, y^2 + 7)*x + Mod(y, y^2 + 7))
+- Hilbert symbol (Mod(-2*y + 2, y^2 + 7),Mod(1, y^2 + 7)) =
+- sol of quadratic equation = [1, 0, 1]~
+- zc*z1^2 = Mod(Mod(2*y - 2, y^2 + 7)*x + Mod(2*y + 10, y^2 + 7), x^3 + Mod(1, y^2 + 7)*x + Mod(y, y^2 + 7))
+- quartic: (-1/2*y + 1/2)*Y^2 = x^4 + (-3*y - 15)*x^2 + (-8*y - 16)*x + (-11/2*y - 15/2)
+- reduced: Y^2 = (-1/2*y + 1/2)*x^4 - 4*x^3 + (-3*y + 3)*x^2 + (2*y - 2)*x + (1/2*y + 3/2)
++ zc = Mod(Mod(-1/2*y + 1/2, y^2 + 7)*x^2 + Mod(-1/2*y - 1/2, y^2 + 7)*x + Mod(-y - 1, y^2 + 7), x^3 + Mod(1, y^2 + 7)*x + Mod(y, y^2 + 7))
++ Hilbert symbol (Mod(1, y^2 + 7),Mod(-2*y + 2, y^2 + 7)) =
++ sol of quadratic equation = [1, 1, 0]~
++ zc*z1^2 = Mod(Mod(4, y^2 + 7)*x + Mod(-2*y + 6, y^2 + 7), x^3 + Mod(1, y^2 + 7)*x + Mod(y, y^2 + 7))
++ quartic: (-1)*Y^2 = x^4 + (3*y - 9)*x^2 + (-8*y + 16)*x + (9/2*y - 11/2)
++ reduced: Y^2 = -x^4 + (-3*y + 9)*x^2 + (-8*y + 16)*x + (-9/2*y + 11/2)
+ not ELS at [2, [0, 1]~, 1, 1, [1, -2; 1, 0]]
+ zc = Mod(Mod(1, y^2 + 7)*x^2 + Mod(1/2*y + 1/2, y^2 + 7)*x + Mod(-1, y^2 + 7), x^3 + Mod(1, y^2 + 7)*x + Mod(y, y^2 + 7))
+ comes from the trivial point [Mod(1/2*y + 3/2, y^2 + 7), Mod(-y - 2, y^2 + 7)]
+@@ -300,7 +298,10 @@
+ sage: K = CyclotomicField(43).subfields(3)[0][0]
+ sage: E = EllipticCurve(K, '37')
+ sage: E.simon_two_descent() # long time (4s on sage.math, 2013)
+- (3, 3, [(0 : 0 : 1), (-1/4*zeta43_0^2 - 1/2*zeta43_0 + 3 : -3/8*zeta43_0^2 - 3/4*zeta43_0 + 4 : 1)])
++ (3,
++ 3,
++ [(0 : 0 : 1),
++ (-1/2*zeta43_0^2 - 1/2*zeta43_0 + 7 : -3/2*zeta43_0^2 - 5/2*zeta43_0 + 18 : 1)])
+ """
+ verbose = int(verbose)
+ if known_points is None:
+@@ -2465,8 +2466,9 @@
+ sage: E = EllipticCurve(K, [1, 0, 5*y^2 + 16, 0, 0])
+ sage: E.gens(lim1=1, lim3=1)
+ []
+- sage: E.rank(), E.gens() # long time (about 3 s)
+- (1, [(9/25*y^2 + 26/25 : -229/125*y^3 - 67/25*y^2 - 731/125*y - 213/25 : 1)])
++ sage: E.rank(), E.gens(lim3=12) # long time (about 4s)
++ (1,
++ [(369/25*y^3 + 539/25*y^2 + 1178/25*y + 1718/25 : -29038/125*y^3 - 43003/125*y^2 - 92706/125*y - 137286/125 : 1)])
+ Here is a curve of rank 2, yet the list contains many points::
+--- a/sage/src/sage/schemes/elliptic_curves/ell_rational_field.py
++++ b/sage/src/sage/schemes/elliptic_curves/ell_rational_field.py
+@@ -1805,7 +1805,7 @@
+ sage: E = EllipticCurve('389a1')
+ sage: E._known_points = [] # clear cached points
+ sage: E.simon_two_descent()
+- (2, 2, [(5/4 : 5/8 : 1), (-3/4 : 7/8 : 1)])
++ (2, 2, [(1 : 0 : 1), (-11/9 : 28/27 : 1)])
+ sage: E = EllipticCurve('5077a1')
+ sage: E.simon_two_descent()
+ (3, 3, [(1 : 0 : 1), (2 : 0 : 1), (0 : 2 : 1)])
+@@ -1829,7 +1829,7 @@
+ (4, 4, [(6 : -1 : 1), (4 : 3 : 1), (5 : -2 : 1), (8 : 7 : 1)])
+ sage: E = EllipticCurve([0, 0, 1, -79, 342])
+ sage: E.simon_two_descent() # long time (9s on sage.math, 2011)
+- (5, 5, [(7 : 11 : 1), (-1 : 20 : 1), (0 : 18 : 1), (3 : 11 : 1), (-3 : 23 : 1)])
++ (5, 5, [(5 : 8 : 1), (10 : 23 : 1), (3 : 11 : 1), (-3 : 23 : 1), (0 : 18 : 1)])
+ sage: E = EllipticCurve([1, 1, 0, -2582, 48720])
+ sage: r, s, G = E.simon_two_descent(); r,s
+ (6, 6)
+--- a/sage/src/sage/schemes/elliptic_curves/gp_simon.py
++++ b/sage/src/sage/schemes/elliptic_curves/gp_simon.py
+@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
+ sage: import sage.schemes.elliptic_curves.gp_simon
+ sage: E=EllipticCurve('389a1')
+ sage: sage.schemes.elliptic_curves.gp_simon.simon_two_descent(E)
+- (2, 2, [(5/4 : 5/8 : 1), (-3/4 : 7/8 : 1)])
++ (2, 2, [(1 : 0 : 1), (-11/9 : 28/27 : 1)])
+--- a/sage/src/sage/schemes/elliptic_curves/period_lattice.py
++++ b/sage/src/sage/schemes/elliptic_curves/period_lattice.py
+@@ -1559,7 +1559,7 @@
+- (see :trac:`10026` and :trac:`11767`)::
++ See :trac:`10026` and :trac:`11767`::
+ sage: K.<w> = QuadraticField(2)
+ sage: E = EllipticCurve([ 0, -1, 1, -3*w -4, 3*w + 4 ])
+@@ -1567,7 +1567,7 @@
+ sage: P,Q = T[2]
+ sage: embs = K.embeddings(CC)
+ sage: Lambda = E.period_lattice(embs[0])
+- sage: Lambda.elliptic_logarithm(P,100)
++ sage: Lambda.elliptic_logarithm(P+3*Q, 100)
+ 4.7100131126199672766973600998
+ sage: R.<x> = QQ[]
+ sage: K.<a> = NumberField(x^2 + x + 5)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/sagemath.git
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