[r-cran-pbapply] 01/01: New upstream version 1.3-1

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Wed Nov 9 16:35:35 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tille pushed a commit to annotated tag upstream/1.3-1
in repository r-cran-pbapply.

commit 1d5e91afcc7507a0dbeb8313b9dd4a2b409f6148
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date:   Wed Nov 9 17:25:41 2016 +0100

    New upstream version 1.3-1
 DESCRIPTION             |  20 ++-
 MD5                     |  44 ++---
 NAMESPACE               |  18 +-
 R/closepb.R             |  12 +-
 R/pbapply.R             | 198 ++++++++++-----------
 R/pblapply.R            |  86 +++++++--
 R/pboptions.R           |  32 ++--
 R/pbreplicate.R         |   8 +-
 R/pbsapply.R            |  22 +--
 R/splitpb.R             |  16 ++
 R/timerProgressBar.R    | 304 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 R/unix/dopb.R           |  25 +--
 R/unix/getpb.R          |  27 +--
 R/unix/setpb.R          |  27 +--
 R/unix/startpb.R        |  37 ++--
 R/windows/dopb.R        |  25 +--
 R/windows/getpb.R       |  29 +--
 R/windows/setpb.R       |  29 +--
 R/windows/startpb.R     |  43 +++--
 R/zzz.R                 |  41 +++--
 inst/ChangeLog          |  58 ------
 man/pbapply.Rd          | 463 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 man/pboptions.Rd        | 286 ++++++++++++++++--------------
 man/splitpb.Rd          |  49 +++++
 man/timerProgressBar.Rd | 125 +++++++++++++
 tests/tests.R           |  41 -----
 26 files changed, 1330 insertions(+), 735 deletions(-)

index a61e41f..022039b 100644
@@ -1,20 +1,24 @@
 Package: pbapply
 Type: Package
 Title: Adding Progress Bar to '*apply' Functions
-Version: 1.1-3
-Date: 2015-10-24
-Author: Peter Solymos
+Version: 1.3-1
+Date: 2016-10-30
+Author: Peter Solymos [aut, cre], Zygmunt Zawadzki [aut]
 Maintainer: Peter Solymos <solymos at ualberta.ca>
 Description: A lightweight package that adds
   progress bar to vectorized R functions
   ('*apply'). The implementation can easily be added
-  to functions, where showing the progress is
-  useful for the user (e.g. bootstrap).
+  to functions where showing the progress is
+  useful (e.g. bootstrap). The type and style of the
+  progress bar (with percentages or remaining time)
+  can be set through options.
+  Functions can exploit parallel processing resources.
 Depends: R (>= 3.2.0)
+Imports: parallel
 License: GPL-2
 URL: https://github.com/psolymos/pbapply
-LazyLoad: yes
+BugReports: https://github.com/psolymos/pbapply/issues
 NeedsCompilation: no
-Packaged: 2015-11-24 21:31:30 UTC; Peter
+Packaged: 2016-10-31 01:22:05 UTC; root
 Repository: CRAN
-Date/Publication: 2015-11-24 23:59:18
+Date/Publication: 2016-10-31 07:57:08
diff --git a/MD5 b/MD5
index 1b8b0d1..d085a5c 100644
--- a/MD5
+++ b/MD5
@@ -1,21 +1,23 @@
-badf18455877103e846b35d478ee82cd *DESCRIPTION
-0e4fec8b5e37ccc7d06d4203b3acc231 *NAMESPACE
-178d8a843fd01f8e5968a2040e40ed51 *R/closepb.R
-394b77aae0a3e0f6e6c14a349b1ab175 *R/pbapply.R
-9d26834a07284c218a07a37ac866b3ff *R/pblapply.R
-13fbfb5aabeadfe8e67088d674315061 *R/pboptions.R
-cef7560e586710dc6e68330216dd9080 *R/pbreplicate.R
-7b3f3f92847dd3815e0c8a03926c61d8 *R/pbsapply.R
-c82e65d8522884460bc3c9b219140878 *R/unix/dopb.R
-bfbda3087e5af96d27d719d225338ddf *R/unix/getpb.R
-f286024b6cd0cdd5b58eb686dd7c7588 *R/unix/setpb.R
-d34f1b434df5b2cc1909c9d2ff514e0d *R/unix/startpb.R
-3c99369dbbb2e6bdea6e04e2a620fc37 *R/windows/dopb.R
-9a1b072ea37e8dc30770c6381683f423 *R/windows/getpb.R
-514f8bb3db324d9ab299f4cfb4b048ce *R/windows/setpb.R
-9cc645e5fc2d13c8998ba19983ec3311 *R/windows/startpb.R
-3eef430429c51829c9c21dd570f22fa9 *R/zzz.R
-3a959a314344a7065667e5275aad3b32 *inst/ChangeLog
-27f6a88705a9d730f8e06ca1afb949f7 *man/pbapply.Rd
-9b09d9f7ddfb93adbefe2e23254c1c0a *man/pboptions.Rd
-f679e4e4972fb9bfe188ac1cd5a51027 *tests/tests.R
+ef36f9ff6e20de5bbca998a0a4254c21 *DESCRIPTION
+fe00b090c7e865872b8643fd9d8ff621 *NAMESPACE
+c9afd75355061c7922a002ec6ddb33c9 *R/closepb.R
+8ee9c58d8c3128791a5631d8197bbf94 *R/pbapply.R
+55817ee443c99bdf263d86364de6af9e *R/pblapply.R
+56640b298b3c95255a1dc60302a23fee *R/pboptions.R
+85fb7bf9dec3cba585b01fe5c5ff9914 *R/pbreplicate.R
+d40dc483c2eb8643b6e329da442ff74d *R/pbsapply.R
+f353dd9c023034a3dd7b554481f2cb0b *R/splitpb.R
+7013cc42f3d3aaaa1bb90a721c363f6f *R/timerProgressBar.R
+3613eb69cfe2d3f92462dfc7184067fd *R/unix/dopb.R
+2a9e06eaae38c714caef04394e528f4f *R/unix/getpb.R
+d7ade2ac6cca19205c48196f676b4c2d *R/unix/setpb.R
+abbfcb9ec095f9e6a1a5066a1b463549 *R/unix/startpb.R
+71301142c5e1d161737f508ab41f2444 *R/windows/dopb.R
+5efeb944a3107a583c0f9bd13632d7dc *R/windows/getpb.R
+311c277daa16a7d14792f97178cf34e9 *R/windows/setpb.R
+6709ac3060b2a1167e16e51124ed31b7 *R/windows/startpb.R
+08953ef66f94e65f7263665337682cbc *R/zzz.R
+a49ccf3c9af3ad53199034a41875a4b4 *man/pbapply.Rd
+1c08f0bfe6a10e33c11624ec8b0ca3a0 *man/pboptions.Rd
+f032d5b07255b3ca4062e0c06c6136fd *man/splitpb.Rd
+97eceee05baa3f9d45d0695a8129b79e *man/timerProgressBar.Rd
index 3e955eb..714f793 100644
@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
-if (Sys.getenv("R_OSTYPE") == "windows" || .Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
-    importFrom(utils, winProgressBar, getWinProgressBar, setWinProgressBar)
-importFrom(utils, txtProgressBar, getTxtProgressBar, setTxtProgressBar)
-export(pbapply, pbsapply, pblapply, pbreplicate,
-    startpb, setpb, getpb, closepb, dopb, pboptions)
+if (Sys.getenv("R_OSTYPE") == "windows" || .Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
+    importFrom(utils, winProgressBar, getWinProgressBar, setWinProgressBar)
+importFrom(utils, txtProgressBar, getTxtProgressBar, setTxtProgressBar,
+    flush.console)
+importFrom(parallel, mclapply, parLapply)
+export(pbapply, pbsapply, pblapply, pbreplicate,
+    startpb, setpb, getpb, closepb, dopb, pboptions,
+    timerProgressBar, setTimerProgressBar, getTimerProgressBar,
+    splitpb)
diff --git a/R/closepb.R b/R/closepb.R
index 51b87ba..ab8df1d 100644
--- a/R/closepb.R
+++ b/R/closepb.R
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
-closepb <-
-    if (is.null(pb))
-        invisible(NULL) else close(pb)
+closepb <-
+    if (is.null(pb))
+        invisible(NULL) else close(pb)
diff --git a/R/pbapply.R b/R/pbapply.R
index c18cd75..0061a5f 100644
--- a/R/pbapply.R
+++ b/R/pbapply.R
@@ -1,99 +1,99 @@
-pbapply <-
-function (X, MARGIN, FUN, ...) 
-    FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
-    dl <- length(dim(X))
-    if (!dl) 
-        stop("dim(X) must have a positive length")
-    if (is.object(X)) 
-        X <- if (dl == 2L) 
-            as.matrix(X)
-        else as.array(X)
-    d <- dim(X)
-    dn <- dimnames(X)
-    ds <- seq_len(dl)
-    if (is.character(MARGIN)) {
-        if (is.null(dnn <- names(dn))) 
-            stop("'X' must have named dimnames")
-        MARGIN <- match(MARGIN, dnn)
-        if (anyNA(MARGIN)) 
-            stop("not all elements of 'MARGIN' are names of dimensions")
-    }
-    s.call <- ds[-MARGIN]
-    s.ans <- ds[MARGIN]
-    d.call <- d[-MARGIN]
-    d.ans <- d[MARGIN]
-    dn.call <- dn[-MARGIN]
-    dn.ans <- dn[MARGIN]
-    d2 <- prod(d.ans)
-    if (d2 == 0L) {
-        newX <- array(vector(typeof(X), 1L), dim = c(prod(d.call), 
-            1L))
-        ans <- forceAndCall(1, FUN, if (length(d.call) < 2L) newX[, 
-            1] else array(newX[, 1L], d.call, dn.call), ...)
-        return(if (is.null(ans)) ans else if (length(d.ans) < 
-            2L) ans[1L][-1L] else array(ans, d.ans, dn.ans))
-    }
-    newX <- aperm(X, c(s.call, s.ans))
-    dim(newX) <- c(prod(d.call), d2)
-    ans <- vector("list", d2)
-    pb <- startpb(0, d2) # pb_specific_code
-    if (length(d.call) < 2L) {
-        if (length(dn.call)) 
-            dimnames(newX) <- c(dn.call, list(NULL))
-        for (i in 1L:d2) {
-            tmp <- forceAndCall(1, FUN, newX[, i], ...)
-            if (!is.null(tmp)) 
-                ans[[i]] <- tmp
-            setpb(pb, i) # pb_specific_code
-        }
-    }
-    else for (i in 1L:d2) {
-        tmp <- forceAndCall(1, FUN, array(newX[, i], d.call, 
-            dn.call), ...)
-        if (!is.null(tmp)) 
-            ans[[i]] <- tmp
-        setpb(pb, i) # pb_specific_code
-    }
-    closepb(pb) # pb_specific_code
-    ans.list <- is.recursive(ans[[1L]])
-    l.ans <- length(ans[[1L]])
-    ans.names <- names(ans[[1L]])
-    if (!ans.list) 
-        ans.list <- any(unlist(lapply(ans, length)) != l.ans)
-    if (!ans.list && length(ans.names)) {
-        all.same <- vapply(ans, function(x) identical(names(x), 
-            ans.names), NA)
-        if (!all(all.same)) 
-            ans.names <- NULL
-    }
-    len.a <- if (ans.list) 
-        d2
-    else length(ans <- unlist(ans, recursive = FALSE))
-    if (length(MARGIN) == 1L && len.a == d2) {
-        names(ans) <- if (length(dn.ans[[1L]])) 
-            dn.ans[[1L]]
-        return(ans)
-    }
-    if (len.a == d2) 
-        return(array(ans, d.ans, dn.ans))
-    if (len.a && len.a%%d2 == 0L) {
-        if (is.null(dn.ans)) 
-            dn.ans <- vector(mode = "list", length(d.ans))
-        dn1 <- if (length(dn.call) && length(ans.names) == length(dn.call[[1L]])) 
-            dn.call[1L]
-        else list(ans.names)
-        dn.ans <- c(dn1, dn.ans)
-        return(array(ans, c(len.a%/%d2, d.ans), if (!is.null(names(dn.ans)) || 
-            !all(vapply(dn.ans, is.null, NA))) dn.ans))
-    }
-    return(ans)
+pbapply <-
+function (X, MARGIN, FUN, ...) 
+    FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
+    dl <- length(dim(X))
+    if (!dl) 
+        stop("dim(X) must have a positive length")
+    if (is.object(X)) 
+        X <- if (dl == 2L) 
+            as.matrix(X)
+        else as.array(X)
+    d <- dim(X)
+    dn <- dimnames(X)
+    ds <- seq_len(dl)
+    if (is.character(MARGIN)) {
+        if (is.null(dnn <- names(dn))) 
+            stop("'X' must have named dimnames")
+        MARGIN <- match(MARGIN, dnn)
+        if (anyNA(MARGIN)) 
+            stop("not all elements of 'MARGIN' are names of dimensions")
+    }
+    s.call <- ds[-MARGIN]
+    s.ans <- ds[MARGIN]
+    d.call <- d[-MARGIN]
+    d.ans <- d[MARGIN]
+    dn.call <- dn[-MARGIN]
+    dn.ans <- dn[MARGIN]
+    d2 <- prod(d.ans)
+    if (d2 == 0L) {
+        newX <- array(vector(typeof(X), 1L), dim = c(prod(d.call), 
+            1L))
+        ans <- forceAndCall(1, FUN, if (length(d.call) < 2L) newX[, 
+            1] else array(newX[, 1L], d.call, dn.call), ...)
+        return(if (is.null(ans)) ans else if (length(d.ans) < 
+            2L) ans[1L][-1L] else array(ans, d.ans, dn.ans))
+    }
+    newX <- aperm(X, c(s.call, s.ans))
+    dim(newX) <- c(prod(d.call), d2)
+    ans <- vector("list", d2)
+    pb <- startpb(0, d2) # pb_specific_code
+    if (length(d.call) < 2L) {
+        if (length(dn.call)) 
+            dimnames(newX) <- c(dn.call, list(NULL))
+        for (i in 1L:d2) {
+            tmp <- forceAndCall(1, FUN, newX[, i], ...)
+            if (!is.null(tmp)) 
+                ans[[i]] <- tmp
+            setpb(pb, i) # pb_specific_code
+        }
+    }
+    else for (i in 1L:d2) {
+        tmp <- forceAndCall(1, FUN, array(newX[, i], d.call, 
+            dn.call), ...)
+        if (!is.null(tmp)) 
+            ans[[i]] <- tmp
+        setpb(pb, i) # pb_specific_code
+    }
+    closepb(pb) # pb_specific_code
+    ans.list <- is.recursive(ans[[1L]])
+    l.ans <- length(ans[[1L]])
+    ans.names <- names(ans[[1L]])
+    if (!ans.list) 
+        ans.list <- any(unlist(lapply(ans, length)) != l.ans)
+    if (!ans.list && length(ans.names)) {
+        all.same <- vapply(ans, function(x) identical(names(x), 
+            ans.names), NA)
+        if (!all(all.same)) 
+            ans.names <- NULL
+    }
+    len.a <- if (ans.list) 
+        d2
+    else length(ans <- unlist(ans, recursive = FALSE))
+    if (length(MARGIN) == 1L && len.a == d2) {
+        names(ans) <- if (length(dn.ans[[1L]])) 
+            dn.ans[[1L]]
+        return(ans)
+    }
+    if (len.a == d2) 
+        return(array(ans, d.ans, dn.ans))
+    if (len.a && len.a%%d2 == 0L) {
+        if (is.null(dn.ans)) 
+            dn.ans <- vector(mode = "list", length(d.ans))
+        dn1 <- if (length(dn.call) && length(ans.names) == length(dn.call[[1L]])) 
+            dn.call[1L]
+        else list(ans.names)
+        dn.ans <- c(dn1, dn.ans)
+        return(array(ans, c(len.a%/%d2, d.ans), if (!is.null(names(dn.ans)) || 
+            !all(vapply(dn.ans, is.null, NA))) dn.ans))
+    }
+    return(ans)
diff --git a/R/pblapply.R b/R/pblapply.R
index 07d1287..e2d92ea 100644
--- a/R/pblapply.R
+++ b/R/pblapply.R
@@ -1,19 +1,67 @@
-pblapply <-
-function (X, FUN, ...)
-    FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
-    if (!is.vector(X) || is.object(X)) 
-        X <- as.list(X)
-    B <- length(X)
-    if (!(interactive() && dopb() && B >= 1)) 
-        return(lapply(X, FUN, ...))
-    pb <- startpb(0, B)
-    rval <- vector("list", B)
-    for (i in 1:B) {
-        rval[i] <- list(FUN(X[[i]], ...))
-        setpb(pb, i)
-    }
-    close(pb)
-    names(rval) <- names(X)
-    rval
+pblapply <-
+function (X, FUN, ..., cl = NULL)
+    FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
+    if (!is.vector(X) || is.object(X))
+        X <- as.list(X)
+    ## catch single node requests and forking on Windows
+    if (!is.null(cl)) {
+        if (inherits(cl, "cluster") && length(cl) < 2L)
+            cl <- NULL
+        if (!inherits(cl, "cluster") && cl < 2)
+            cl <- NULL
+        if (!inherits(cl, "cluster") && .Platform$OS.type == "windows")
+            cl <- NULL
+    }
+    nout <- as.integer(getOption("pboptions")$nout)
+    ## sequential evaluation
+    if (is.null(cl)) {
+        if (!dopb())
+            return(lapply(X, FUN, ...))
+        Split <- splitpb(length(X), 1L, nout = nout)
+        B <- length(Split)
+        pb <- startpb(0, B)
+        on.exit(closepb(pb), add = TRUE)
+        rval <- vector("list", B)
+        for (i in seq_len(B)) {
+            rval[i] <- list(lapply(X[Split[[i]]], FUN, ...))
+            setpb(pb, i)
+        }
+    ## parallel evaluation
+    } else {
+        ## snow type cluster
+        if (inherits(cl, "cluster")) {
+            if (!dopb())
+                return(parallel::parLapply(cl, X, FUN, ...))
+            ## define split here and use that for counter
+            Split <- splitpb(length(X), length(cl), nout = nout)
+            B <- length(Split)
+            pb <- startpb(0, B)
+            on.exit(closepb(pb), add = TRUE)
+            rval <- vector("list", B)
+            for (i in seq_len(B)) {
+                rval[i] <- list(parallel::parLapply(cl, X[Split[[i]]], FUN, ...))
+                setpb(pb, i)
+            }
+        ## multicore type forking
+        } else {
+            if (!dopb())
+                return(parallel::mclapply(X, FUN, ..., mc.cores = as.integer(cl)))
+            ## define split here and use that for counter
+            Split <- splitpb(length(X), as.integer(cl), nout = nout)
+            B <- length(Split)
+            pb <- startpb(0, B)
+            on.exit(closepb(pb), add = TRUE)
+            rval <- vector("list", B)
+            for (i in seq_len(B)) {
+                rval[i] <- list(parallel::mclapply(X[Split[[i]]], FUN, ...,
+                    mc.cores = as.integer(cl)))
+                setpb(pb, i)
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    ## assemble output list
+    rval <- do.call(c, rval, quote = TRUE)
+    names(rval) <- names(X)
+    rval
diff --git a/R/pboptions.R b/R/pboptions.R
index d6cfcfb..0899042 100644
--- a/R/pboptions.R
+++ b/R/pboptions.R
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-pboptions <-
-    opar <- getOption("pboptions")
-    args <- list(...)
-    if (length(args)) {
-        if (length(args)==1 && is.list(args[[1]])) {
-            npar <- args[[1]]
-        } else {
-            npar <- opar
-            npar[match(names(args), names(npar))] <- args
-        }
-        options("pboptions"=npar)
-    }
-    invisible(opar)
+pboptions <-
+    opar <- getOption("pboptions")
+    args <- list(...)
+    if (length(args)) {
+        if (length(args)==1 && is.list(args[[1]])) {
+            npar <- args[[1]]
+        } else {
+            npar <- opar
+            npar[match(names(args), names(npar))] <- args
+        }
+        options("pboptions"=npar)
+    }
+    invisible(opar)
diff --git a/R/pbreplicate.R b/R/pbreplicate.R
index 905f811..e421772 100644
--- a/R/pbreplicate.R
+++ b/R/pbreplicate.R
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-pbreplicate <-
-function (n, expr, simplify = "array") 
-pbsapply(integer(n), eval.parent(substitute(function(...) expr)), 
-    simplify = simplify)
+pbreplicate <-
+function (n, expr, simplify = "array", cl = NULL)
+pbsapply(integer(n), eval.parent(substitute(function(...) expr)),
+    simplify = simplify, cl = cl)
diff --git a/R/pbsapply.R b/R/pbsapply.R
index b0c3e7b..3ccaf31 100644
--- a/R/pbsapply.R
+++ b/R/pbsapply.R
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-pbsapply <-
-function (X, FUN, ..., simplify = TRUE, USE.NAMES = TRUE) 
-    FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
-    answer <- pblapply(X = X, FUN = FUN, ...) # pb_specific_code
-    if (USE.NAMES && is.character(X) && is.null(names(answer))) 
-        names(answer) <- X
-    if (!identical(simplify, FALSE) && length(answer)) 
-        simplify2array(answer, higher = (simplify == "array"))
-    else answer
+pbsapply <-
+function (X, FUN, ..., simplify = TRUE, USE.NAMES = TRUE, cl = NULL)
+    FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
+    answer <- pblapply(X = X, FUN = FUN, ..., cl = cl) # pb_specific_code
+    if (USE.NAMES && is.character(X) && is.null(names(answer)))
+        names(answer) <- X
+    if (!identical(simplify, FALSE) && length(answer))
+        simplify2array(answer, higher = (simplify == "array"))
+    else answer
diff --git a/R/splitpb.R b/R/splitpb.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2f747e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/splitpb.R
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+splitpb <-
+function(nx, ncl, nout = NULL)
+    i <- seq_len(nx)
+    if (ncl == 0L)
+        return(list())
+    if (is.null(nout)) {
+        k <- 1L
+    } else {
+        if (nout < 1L)
+            stop("nout must be > 0")
+        k <- max(1L, ceiling(ceiling(nx / ncl) / nout))
+    }
+    g <- 1L + (i - 1L) %/% as.integer(ncl * k)
+    structure(split(i, g), names = NULL)
diff --git a/R/timerProgressBar.R b/R/timerProgressBar.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7800a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/timerProgressBar.R
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+timerProgressBar <-
+function(min = 0, max = 1, initial = 0, char = "=",
+width = NA, title, label, style = 1, file = "", min_time = 0)
+    if (!identical(file, "") && !(inherits(file, "connection") &&
+        isOpen(file)))
+        stop("'file' must be \"\" or an open connection object")
+    if (max <= min)
+        stop("must have 'max' > 'min'")
+    if (!(style %in% 1:6))
+        style <- 1
+    if (style %in% c(2, 4)) # throbber only
+        .counter <- force(1)
+    .start <- proc.time()[["elapsed"]]
+    .min   <- force(min)
+    .max   <- force(max)
+    .i     <- force(initial)
+    .killed <- FALSE
+    .showpb <- FALSE
+    getVal <- function()  .i
+    if (nchar(char, "w") > 1 && style %in% 1:4)
+        char <- substr(char, 1, 1)
+    if (nchar(char, "w") > 4 && style %in% 5:6)
+        char <- substr(char, 1, 4)
+    if (style %in% 5:6) {
+        if (nchar(char, "w") == 1)
+            char <- c("|", char, " ", "|")
+        else if (nchar(char, "w") == 2)
+            char <- c(substr(char,1,1), substr(char,2,2), " ", substr(char,1,1))
+        else if (nchar(char, "w") == 3)
+            char <- c(substr(char,1,1), substr(char,2,2),
+                substr(char,3,3), substr(char,1,1))
+        else if (nchar(char, "w") == 4)
+            char <- c(substr(char,1,1), substr(char,2,2),
+                substr(char,3,3), substr(char,4,4))
+        if (char[2] == char[3])
+            char[3] <- " "
+    }
+    if (is.na(width))
+        width <- options("width")[[1]]
+    ## |= | style progress bar with elapsed and remaining time
+    up1 <- function(value) {
+        if (!is.finite(value) || value < min || value > max)
+            return()
+        time0 <- proc.time()[["elapsed"]] - .start
+        .i <<- value
+        i <- .i - .min
+        n <- .max - .min
+        time <- time0 / (i / n) - time0
+        if (.i > .min && sum(time0, time, na.rm=TRUE) > min_time)
+            .showpb <<- TRUE
+        if (.showpb) {
+            spentTime <- paste0(" elapsed =", getTimeAsString(time0))
+            leftTime <- if (i == 0)
+                "" else paste0(", remaining ~", getTimeAsString(time))
+            minLetters <- nchar("%%%% ~00h 00m 00s", "w")
+            ## 79-24=55 > 50
+            txtWidth <- max(width, width - minLetters - 4)
+            text <- paste0(sprintf("%-2.0f%%", 100 * i / n), spentTime, leftTime)
+            if(nchar(text, "w") < minLetters)
+                text <- paste(text, paste(rep(" ", minLetters - nchar(text, "w")),
+                                          collapse = ""))
+            if(txtWidth < 0)
+                cat("\r ", text, file = file)
+            bb <- paste(rep(char, ceiling(txtWidth * i / n)), collapse = "")
+            empty <- paste(rep(" ", floor(txtWidth * (1 - i / n))), collapse = "")
+            bar <- paste(" |", bb, empty, "|", sep = "")
+            cat(paste("\r", bar, text), file = file)
+            flush.console()
+        }
+    }
+    ## throbber with elapsed and remaining time
+    up2 <- function(value) {
+        if (!is.finite(value) || value < min || value > max)
+            return()
+        time0 <- proc.time()[["elapsed"]] - .start
+        .i <<- value
+        i <- .i - .min
+        n <- .max - .min
+        time <- time0 / (i / n) - time0
+        if (i != 0)
+            .counter <<- .counter + 1
+        if (.i > .min && sum(time0, time, na.rm=TRUE) > min_time)
+            .showpb <<- TRUE
+        if (.showpb) {
+            spentTime <- paste0(" elapsed =", getTimeAsString(time0))
+            leftTime <- if (i == 0)
+                "" else paste0(", remaining ~", getTimeAsString(time))
+            minLetters <- nchar("%%%% ~00h 00m 00s", "w")
+            ## 79-24=55 > 50
+            txtWidth <- max(width, width - minLetters - 4)
+            text <- paste0(sprintf("%-2.0f%%", 100 * i / n), spentTime, leftTime)
+            if(nchar(text, "w") < minLetters)
+                text <- paste(text, paste(rep(" ", minLetters - nchar(text, "w")),
+                    collapse = ""))
+            if(txtWidth < 0)
+                cat("\r ", text, file = file)
+            bb <- paste(rep(char, ceiling(txtWidth * i / n)), collapse = "")
+            bar <- c("|", "/", "-", "\\")[(.counter %% 4) + 1]
+            cat(paste("\r", bar, text), file = file)
+            flush.console()
+        }
+    }
+    ## |= | style progress bar with remaining time
+    up3 <- function(value) {
+        if (!is.finite(value) || value < min || value > max)
+            return()
+        time0 <- proc.time()[["elapsed"]] - .start
+        .i <<- value
+        i <- .i - .min
+        n <- .max - .min
+        time <- time0 / (i / n) - time0
+        if (.i > .min && sum(time0, time, na.rm=TRUE) > min_time)
+            .showpb <<- TRUE
+        if (.showpb) {
+            prefix <- if (i != n)
+                " ~" else " elapsed = "
+            leftTime <- if (i == 0)
+                getTimeAsString(NULL) else
+                    if (i != n)
+                        getTimeAsString(time) else getTimeAsString(time0)
+            minLetters <- nchar("%%%% ~00h 00m 00s", "w")
+            ## 79-24=55 > 50
+            txtWidth <- max(width, width - minLetters - 4)
+            text <- paste0(sprintf("%-2.0f%%", 100 * i / n), prefix, leftTime)
+            if(nchar(text, "w") < minLetters)
+                text <- paste(text, paste(rep(" ", minLetters - nchar(text, "w")),
+                    collapse = ""))
+            if(txtWidth < 0)
+                cat("\r ", text, file = file)
+            bb <- paste(rep(char, ceiling(txtWidth * i / n)), collapse = "")
+            empty <- paste(rep(" ", floor(txtWidth * (1 - i / n))), collapse = "")
+            bar <- paste("  |", bb, empty, "|", sep = "")
+            cat(paste("\r", bar, text), file = file)
+            flush.console()
+        }
+    }
+    ## throbber with remaining time
+    up4 <- function(value) {
+        if (!is.finite(value) || value < min || value > max)
+            return()
+        time0 <- proc.time()[["elapsed"]] - .start
+        .i <<- value
+        i <- .i - .min
+        n <- .max - .min
+        time <- time0 / (i / n) - time0
+        if (i != 0)
+            .counter <<- .counter + 1
+        if (.i > .min && sum(time0, time, na.rm=TRUE) > min_time)
+            .showpb <<- TRUE
+        if (.showpb) {
+            prefix <- if (i != n)
+                " ~" else " elapsed = "
+            leftTime <- if (i == 0)
+                getTimeAsString(NULL) else
+                    if (i != n)
+                        getTimeAsString(time) else getTimeAsString(time0)
+            minLetters <- nchar("%%%% ~00h 00m 00s", "w")
+            ## 79-24=55 > 50
+            txtWidth <- max(width, width - minLetters - 4)
+            text <- paste0(sprintf("%-2.0f%%", 100 * i / n), prefix, leftTime)
+            if(nchar(text, "w") < minLetters)
+                text <- paste(text, paste(rep(" ", minLetters - nchar(text, "w")),
+                    collapse = ""))
+            if(txtWidth < 0)
+                cat("\r ", text, file = file)
+            bb <- paste(rep(char, ceiling(txtWidth * i / n)), collapse = "")
+            bar <- c("|", "/", "-", "\\")[(.counter %% 4) + 1]
+            cat(paste("\r", bar, text), file = file)
+            flush.console()
+        }
+    }
+    ## [=-] style progress bar with elapsed and remaining time
+    up5 <- function(value) {
+        if (!is.finite(value) || value < min || value > max)
+            return()
+        time0 <- proc.time()[["elapsed"]] - .start
+        .i <<- value
+        i <- .i - .min
+        n <- .max - .min
+        time <- time0 / (i / n) - time0
+        if (.i > .min && sum(time0, time, na.rm=TRUE) > min_time)
+            .showpb <<- TRUE
+        if (.showpb) {
+            spentTime <- paste0(" elapsed =", getTimeAsString(time0))
+            leftTime <- if (i == 0)
+                "" else paste0(", remaining ~", getTimeAsString(time))
+            minLetters <- nchar("%%%% ~00h 00m 00s", "w")
+            ## 79-24=55 > 50
+            txtWidth <- max(width, width - minLetters - 4)
+            text <- paste0(sprintf("%-2.0f%%", 100 * i / n), spentTime, leftTime)
+            if(nchar(text, "w") < minLetters)
+                text <- paste(text, paste(rep(" ", minLetters - nchar(text, "w")),
+                                          collapse = ""))
+            if(txtWidth < 0)
+                cat("\r ", text, file = file)
+            bb <- paste(rep(char[2], ceiling(txtWidth * i / n)), collapse = "")
+            empty <- paste(rep(char[3], floor(txtWidth * (1 - i / n))), collapse = "")
+            bar <- paste("  ", char[1], bb, empty, char[4], sep = "")
+            cat(paste("\r", bar, text), file = file)
+            flush.console()
+        }
+    }
+    ## [=-] style progress bar with remaining time
+    up6 <- function(value) {
+        if (!is.finite(value) || value < min || value > max)
+            return()
+        time0 <- proc.time()[["elapsed"]] - .start
+        .i <<- value
+        i <- .i - .min
+        n <- .max - .min
+        time <- time0 / (i / n) - time0
+        if (.i > .min && sum(time0, time, na.rm=TRUE) > min_time)
+            .showpb <<- TRUE
+        if (.showpb) {
+            prefix <- if (i != n)
+                " ~" else " elapsed = "
+            leftTime <- if (i == 0)
+                getTimeAsString(NULL) else
+                    if (i != n)
+                        getTimeAsString(time) else getTimeAsString(time0)
+            minLetters <- nchar("%%%% ~00h 00m 00s", "w")
+            ## 79-24=55 > 50
+            txtWidth <- max(width, width - minLetters - 4)
+            text <- paste0(sprintf("%-2.0f%%", 100 * i / n), prefix, leftTime)
+            if(nchar(text, "w") < minLetters)
+                text <- paste(text, paste(rep(" ", minLetters - nchar(text, "w")),
+                    collapse = ""))
+            if(txtWidth < 0)
+                cat("\r ", text, file = file)
+            bb <- paste(rep(char[2], ceiling(txtWidth * i / n)), collapse = "")
+            empty <- paste(rep(char[3], floor(txtWidth * (1 - i / n))), collapse = "")
+            bar <- paste("  ", char[1], bb, empty, char[4], sep = "")
+            cat(paste("\r", bar, text), file = file)
+            flush.console()
+        }
+    }
+    kill <- function() if (!.killed) {
+        if (.showpb) {
+            cat("\n", file = file)
+            flush.console()
+        }
+        .killed <<- TRUE
+    }
+    up <- switch(style, up1, up2, up3, up4, up5, up6)
+    up(initial)
+    structure(list(getVal = getVal, up = up, kill = kill),
+        class = c("timerProgressBar","txtProgressBar"))
+setTimerProgressBar <- setTxtProgressBar
+getTimerProgressBar <- getTxtProgressBar
+## converts time in seconds into ~HHh MMm SSs format
+getTimeAsString <- function(time) {
+    if (is.null(time)) {
+        return("calculating")
+    } else {
+        if(is.infinite(time))
+            return("Inf")
+    }
+    sec <- round(time %% 60)
+    time <- floor(time / 60)
+    minutes <- floor(time %% 60)
+    time <- floor(time / 60)
+    days <- floor(time / 24)
+    time <- floor(time %% 24)
+    hours <- floor(time %% 60)
+    resTime <- ""
+    if (days > 0)
+        resTime <- sprintf("%02id ", days)
+    if (hours > 0 || days > 0)
+        resTime <- paste(resTime, sprintf("%02ih ", hours), sep = "")
+    if (minutes > 0 || hours > 0 || days > 0)
+        resTime <- paste(resTime, sprintf("%02im ", minutes), sep = "")
+    resTime <- paste0(resTime, sprintf("%02is", sec))
+    resTime
diff --git a/R/unix/dopb.R b/R/unix/dopb.R
index 2aa7f9e..d027ce3 100644
--- a/R/unix/dopb.R
+++ b/R/unix/dopb.R
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
-dopb <-
-    progress.bar <- getOption("pboptions")$type
-    if (!is.null(progress.bar)) {
-        progress.bar <- match.arg(progress.bar, c("txt", "tk", "none"))
-        if (progress.bar == "none") 
-            progress.bar <- NULL
-    }
-    interactive() && !is.null(progress.bar)
+dopb <-
+    progress.bar <- getOption("pboptions")$type
+    if (!is.null(progress.bar)) {
+        progress.bar <- match.arg(progress.bar,
+            c("timer", "txt", "tk", "none"))
+        if (progress.bar == "none")
+            progress.bar <- NULL
+    }
+    !is.null(progress.bar)
diff --git a/R/unix/getpb.R b/R/unix/getpb.R
index e6115b3..e34fea5 100644
--- a/R/unix/getpb.R
+++ b/R/unix/getpb.R
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
-getpb <-
-    if (dopb()) {
-        progress.bar <- getOption("pboptions")$type
-        rval <- switch(progress.bar, 
-            txt = getTxtProgressBar(pb), 
-            tk = tcltk::getTkProgressBar(pb))
-    } else rval <- NULL
-    rval
+getpb <-
+    if (dopb()) {
+        progress.bar <- getOption("pboptions")$type
+        rval <- switch(progress.bar,
+            timer = getTxtProgressBar(pb),
+            txt = getTxtProgressBar(pb),
+            tk = tcltk::getTkProgressBar(pb))
+    } else {
+        rval <- NULL
+    }
+    rval
diff --git a/R/unix/setpb.R b/R/unix/setpb.R
index 89f9dfb..8f8c69b 100644
--- a/R/unix/setpb.R
+++ b/R/unix/setpb.R
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
-setpb <-
-function(pb, value)
-    if (dopb()) {
-        control <- getOption("pboptions")
-        rval <- switch(control$type, 
-            txt = setTxtProgressBar(pb, value), 
-            tk = tcltk::setTkProgressBar(pb, value, label=control$label))
-    } else rval <- NULL
-    invisible(rval)
+setpb <-
+function(pb, value)
+    if (dopb()) {
+        control <- getOption("pboptions")
+        rval <- switch(control$type,
+            timer = setTxtProgressBar(pb, value),
+            txt = setTxtProgressBar(pb, value),
+            tk = tcltk::setTkProgressBar(pb, value, label = control$label))
+    } else {
+        rval <- NULL
+    }
+    invisible(rval)
diff --git a/R/unix/startpb.R b/R/unix/startpb.R
index 7654402..5ca3b3a 100644
--- a/R/unix/startpb.R
+++ b/R/unix/startpb.R
@@ -1,13 +1,24 @@
-startpb <-
-function(min=0, max=1)
-    if (dopb()) {
-        control <- getOption("pboptions")
-        pb <- switch(control$type, 
-            txt = txtProgressBar(min, max, initial=control$initial,
-                style = control$style, width = control$txt.width, char = control$char),
-            tk = tcltk::tkProgressBar(min=min, max=max, initial=control$initial,
-                title = control$title, label = control$label, width = control$gui.width))
-    } else pb <- NULL
-    invisible(pb)
+startpb <-
+function(min=0, max=1)
+    if (dopb()) {
+        control <- getOption("pboptions")
+        pb <- switch(control$type,
+            timer = timerProgressBar(min = min, max = max,
+                initial = control$initial,
+                style = control$style, width = control$txt.width,
+                char = control$char,
+                min_time = control$min_time),
+            txt = txtProgressBar(min = min, max = max,
+                initial = control$initial,
+                style = control$style, width = control$txt.width,
+                char = control$char),
+            tk = tcltk::tkProgressBar(min = min, max = max,
+                initial = control$initial,
+                title = control$title, label = control$label,
+                width = control$gui.width))
+    } else {
+        pb <- NULL
+    }
+    invisible(pb)
diff --git a/R/windows/dopb.R b/R/windows/dopb.R
index 8265c23..4678231 100644
--- a/R/windows/dopb.R
+++ b/R/windows/dopb.R
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
-dopb <-
-    progress.bar <- getOption("pboptions")$type
-    if (!is.null(progress.bar)) {
-        progress.bar <- match.arg(progress.bar, c("txt", "win", "tk", "none"))
-        if (progress.bar == "none") 
-            progress.bar <- NULL
-    }
-    interactive() && !is.null(progress.bar)
+dopb <-
+    progress.bar <- getOption("pboptions")$type
+    if (!is.null(progress.bar)) {
+        progress.bar <- match.arg(progress.bar,
+            c("timer", "txt", "win", "tk", "none"))
+        if (progress.bar == "none")
+            progress.bar <- NULL
+    }
+    !is.null(progress.bar)
diff --git a/R/windows/getpb.R b/R/windows/getpb.R
index e0485ef..e53cc70 100644
--- a/R/windows/getpb.R
+++ b/R/windows/getpb.R
@@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
-getpb <-
-    if (dopb()) {
-        progress.bar <- getOption("pboptions")$type
-        rval <- switch(progress.bar, 
-            txt = getTxtProgressBar(pb), 
-            win = getWinProgressBar(pb),
-            tk = tcltk::getTkProgressBar(pb))
-    } else rval <- NULL
-    rval
+getpb <-
+    if (dopb()) {
+        progress.bar <- getOption("pboptions")$type
+        rval <- switch(progress.bar,
+            timer = getTxtProgressBar(pb),
+            txt = getTxtProgressBar(pb),
+            win = getWinProgressBar(pb),
+            tk = tcltk::getTkProgressBar(pb))
+    } else {
+        rval <- NULL
+    }
+    rval
diff --git a/R/windows/setpb.R b/R/windows/setpb.R
index 1d3b9f4..bee6820 100644
--- a/R/windows/setpb.R
+++ b/R/windows/setpb.R
@@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
-setpb <-
-function(pb, value)
-    if (dopb()) {
-        control <- getOption("pboptions")
-        rval <- switch(control$type, 
-            txt = setTxtProgressBar(pb, value), 
-            win = setWinProgressBar(pb, value, label=control$label),
-            tk = tcltk::setTkProgressBar(pb, value, label=control$label))
-    } else rval <- NULL
-    invisible(rval)
+setpb <-
+function(pb, value)
+    if (dopb()) {
+        control <- getOption("pboptions")
+        rval <- switch(control$type,
+            timer = setTxtProgressBar(pb, value),
+            txt = setTxtProgressBar(pb, value),
+            win = setWinProgressBar(pb, value, label = control$label),
+            tk = tcltk::setTkProgressBar(pb, value, label = control$label))
+    } else {
+        rval <- NULL
+    }
+    invisible(rval)
diff --git a/R/windows/startpb.R b/R/windows/startpb.R
index cf9ba1b..39ea1a4 100644
--- a/R/windows/startpb.R
+++ b/R/windows/startpb.R
@@ -1,15 +1,28 @@
-startpb <-
-function(min=0, max=1)
-    if (dopb()) {
-        control <- getOption("pboptions")
-        pb <- switch(control$type, 
-            txt = txtProgressBar(min, max, initial=control$initial,
-                style = control$style, width = control$txt.width, char = control$char),
-            win = winProgressBar(min=min, max=max, initial=control$initial,
-                title = control$title, label = control$label, width = control$gui.width),
-            tk = tcltk::tkProgressBar(min=min, max=max, initial=control$initial,
-                title = control$title, label = control$label, width = control$gui.width))
-    } else pb <- NULL
-    invisible(pb)
+startpb <-
+function(min=0, max=1)
+    if (dopb()) {
+        control <- getOption("pboptions")
+        pb <- switch(control$type,
+            timer = timerProgressBar(min = min, max = max,
+                initial = control$initial,
+                style = control$style, width = control$txt.width,
+                char = control$char,
+                min_time = control$min_time),
+            txt = txtProgressBar(min = min, max = max,
+                initial = control$initial,
+                style = control$style, width = control$txt.width,
+                char = control$char),
+            win = winProgressBar(min = min, max = max,
+                initial = control$initial,
+                title = control$title, label = control$label,
+                width = control$gui.width),
+            tk = tcltk::tkProgressBar(min = min, max = max,
+                initial=control$initial,
+                title = control$title, label = control$label,
+                width = control$gui.width))
+    } else {
+        pb <- NULL
+    }
+    invisible(pb)
diff --git a/R/zzz.R b/R/zzz.R
index 36b4152..c4b84d5 100644
--- a/R/zzz.R
+++ b/R/zzz.R
@@ -1,13 +1,28 @@
-.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname){
-    if (is.null(getOption("pboptions")))
-        options("pboptions"=list(type="txt",
-            char="+", txt.width=50, gui.width=300, style=3, initial=0,
-            title="R progress bar", label=""))
-    invisible(NULL)
-.onUnload <- function(libpath){
-    options("pboptions"=NULL)
-    invisible(NULL)
+.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname){
+    opts <- list(
+        type = if (interactive()) "timer" else "none",
+        char = "+",
+        txt.width = 50,
+        gui.width = 300,
+        style = 3,
+        initial = 0,
+        title = "R progress bar",
+        label = "",
+        nout = 100L,
+        min_time = 0)
+    optsx <- getOption("pboptions")
+    if (!is.null(optsx)) {
+        for (i in intersect(names(opts), names(optsx)))
+            opts[[i]] <- optsx[[i]]
+        for (i in setdiff(names(optsx), names(opts)))
+            opts[[i]] <- optsx[[i]]
+    }
+    options("pboptions" = opts)
+    invisible(NULL)
+.onUnload <- function(libpath){
+    options("pboptions" = NULL)
+    invisible(NULL)
diff --git a/inst/ChangeLog b/inst/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f962c5..0000000
--- a/inst/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-# pbapply package version history
-## Version 1.1-3, Nov 24, 2015
-* R (>= 3.2.0) dependency added because check
-  failed on R-oldrelease (R-3.1.3) with error
-  'could not find function "forceAndCall"'
-  that is part of the apply() source code.
-  Reported by Uwe Ligges.
-## Version 1.1-2, Nov 21, 2015
-* Using on.exit and invisible(NULL) in examples.
-* pblapply did not return NULL values, reported by
-  J. Barrett. Now fixed.
-* pblapply did not return list names. Now fixed.
-* pbapply, pbsapply, pbreplicate: code follows base original.
-* Examples updated to follow base R examples.
-* Rd file to match code changes.
-## Version 1.1-1, Feb 3, 2014
-* pblapply did not pass ... when not in interactive mode.
-  Bug reported by R. D. Morey (U Groningen).
-## Version 1.1-0, Sept 25, 2013
-* Removed ::: to satisfy R 3.0.2 check.
-## Version 1.0-5, July 6, 2012
-* inst/COPYING removed
-* .Internal call removed from pblapply
-## Version 1.0-4, September 8, 2011
-* .onLoad added to zzz.R
-* Help files a bit reworked
-## Version 1.0-3, September 9, 2010
-* pboptions.Rd modified: pb type values added
-## Version 1.0-2, September 4, 2010
-* pboptions reworked
-* functions simplified
-## Version 1.0-1, September 3, 2010
-* pbreplicate added
-* tests directory created
-* check failed on unix systems:
-  man an R directory reworked
-## Version 1.0-0, September 2, 2010
-* first release
diff --git a/man/pbapply.Rd b/man/pbapply.Rd
index 74eb428..1190e55 100644
--- a/man/pbapply.Rd
+++ b/man/pbapply.Rd
@@ -1,194 +1,269 @@
-Adding Progress Bar to '*apply' Functions
-Adding progress bar to \code{*apply} functions}
-pblapply(X, FUN, ...)
-pbapply(X, MARGIN, FUN, ...)
-pbsapply(X, FUN, ..., simplify = TRUE, USE.NAMES = TRUE)
-pbreplicate(n, expr, simplify = "array")
-  \item{X}{
-For \code{pbsapply} and \code{pblapply},
-a vector (atomic or list) or an expressions vector
-(other objects including classed objects will be
-coerced by \code{\link{as.list}}.)
-For \code{pbapply} an array, including a matrix.
-  \item{MARGIN}{
-A vector giving the subscripts which the function will be applied over.
-\code{1} indicates rows, \code{2} indicates columns, \code{c(1,2)}
-indicates rows and columns.
-  \item{FUN}{
-The function to be applied to each element of \code{X}:
-see \code{\link{apply}}, \code{\link{sapply}}, and \code{\link{lapply}}.
-  \item{\dots}{
-Optional arguments to \code{FUN}.
-  \item{simplify}{
-Logical; should the result be simplified to a vector or matrix if possible?
-  \item{USE.NAMES}{
-Logical; if \code{TRUE} and if \code{X} is character,
-use \code{X} as names for the result unless it had names already.
-  \item{n}{
-Number of replications.
-  \item{expr}{
-Expression (language object, usually a call) to evaluate repeatedly.
-The behaviour of the progress bar is controlled by the option
-\code{type} in \code{\link{pboptions}},
-it can take values \code{c("txt", "win", "tk", "none",)} on Windows,
-and \code{c("txt", "tk", "none",)} on Unix systems.
-Other options have elements that are arguments used in the functions
-\code{\link[utils]{txtProgressBar}} (for \code{"pbapply.txt"} option),
-#ifdef windows
-and \code{\link[tcltk]{tkProgressBar}}.
-See \code{\link{pboptions}} for how to conveniently set these.
-Similar to the value returned by the standard \code{*apply} functions.
-A progress bar is showed as a side effect.
-Peter Solymos <solymos at ualberta.ca>
-Progress bar can add an overhead to the computation.
-Progress bars used in the functions:
-#ifdef windows
-Standard \code{*apply} functions:
-\code{\link{apply}}, \code{\link{sapply}},
-\code{\link{lapply}}, \code{\link{replicate}}
-Setting the options: \code{\link{pboptions}}
-Conveniently add progress bar to \code{for}-like loops:
-\code{\link{startpb}}, \code{\link{setpb}}, \code{\link{getpb}},
-## --- simple linear model simulation ---
-n <- 200
-x <- rnorm(n)
-y <- rnorm(n, model.matrix(~x) \%*\% c(0,1), sd=0.5)
-d <- data.frame(y, x)
-## model fitting and bootstrap
-mod <- lm(y~x, d)
-ndat <- model.frame(mod)
-B <- 100
-bid <- sapply(1:B, function(i) sample(nrow(ndat), nrow(ndat), TRUE))
-fun <- function(z) {
-    ndat <- ndat[sample(nrow(ndat), nrow(ndat), TRUE),]
-    coef(lm(mod$call$formula, data=ndat[z,]))
-## standard '*apply' functions
-system.time(res1 <- lapply(1:B, function(i) fun(bid[,i])))
-system.time(res2 <- sapply(1:B, function(i) fun(bid[,i])))
-system.time(res3 <- apply(bid, 2, fun))
-## 'pb*apply' functions
-## try different settings:
-## "none", "txt", "tk"
-system.time(res4 <- pblapply(1:B, function(i) fun(bid[,i])))
-system.time(res5 <- pbsapply(1:B, function(i) fun(bid[,i])))
-system.time(res6 <- pbapply(bid, 2, fun))
-## --- Examples taken from standard '*apply' functions ---
-## --- sapply, lapply, and replicate ---
-require(stats); require(graphics)
-x <- list(a = 1:10, beta = exp(-3:3), logic = c(TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE))
-# compute the list mean for each list element
-pblapply(x, mean)
-# median and quartiles for each list element
-pblapply(x, quantile, probs = 1:3/4)
-pbsapply(x, quantile)
-i39 <- sapply(3:9, seq) # list of vectors
-pbsapply(i39, fivenum)
-## sapply(*, "array") -- artificial example
-(v <- structure(10*(5:8), names = LETTERS[1:4]))
-f2 <- function(x, y) outer(rep(x, length.out = 3), y)
-(a2 <- pbsapply(v, f2, y = 2*(1:5), simplify = "array"))
-hist(pbreplicate(100, mean(rexp(10))))
-## use of replicate() with parameters:
-foo <- function(x = 1, y = 2) c(x, y)
-# does not work: bar <- function(n, ...) replicate(n, foo(...))
-bar <- function(n, x) pbreplicate(n, foo(x = x))
-bar(5, x = 3)
-## --- apply ---
-## Compute row and column sums for a matrix:
-x <- cbind(x1 = 3, x2 = c(4:1, 2:5))
-dimnames(x)[[1]] <- letters[1:8]
-pbapply(x, 2, mean, trim = .2)
-col.sums <- pbapply(x, 2, sum)
-row.sums <- pbapply(x, 1, sum)
-rbind(cbind(x, Rtot = row.sums), Ctot = c(col.sums, sum(col.sums)))
-stopifnot( pbapply(x, 2, is.vector))
-## Sort the columns of a matrix
-pbapply(x, 2, sort)
-## keeping named dimnames
-names(dimnames(x)) <- c("row", "col")
-x3 <- array(x, dim = c(dim(x),3),
-	    dimnames = c(dimnames(x), list(C = paste0("cop.",1:3))))
-identical(x,  pbapply( x,  2,  identity))
-identical(x3, pbapply(x3, 2:3, identity))
-##- function with extra args:
-cave <- function(x, c1, c2) c(mean(x[c1]), mean(x[c2]))
-pbapply(x, 1, cave,  c1 = "x1", c2 = c("x1","x2"))
-ma <- matrix(c(1:4, 1, 6:8), nrow = 2)
-pbapply(ma, 1, table)  #--> a list of length 2
-pbapply(ma, 1, stats::quantile) # 5 x n matrix with rownames
-stopifnot(dim(ma) == dim(pbapply(ma, 1:2, sum)))
-## Example with different lengths for each call
-z <- array(1:24, dim = 2:4)
-zseq <- pbapply(z, 1:2, function(x) seq_len(max(x)))
-zseq         ## a 2 x 3 matrix
-typeof(zseq) ## list
-dim(zseq) ## 2 3
-pbapply(z, 3, function(x) seq_len(max(x)))
-# a list without a dim attribute
-\keyword{ manip }
-\keyword{ utilities }
+Adding Progress Bar to '*apply' Functions
+Adding progress bar to \code{*apply} functions, possibly leveraging
+parallel processing.
+pblapply(X, FUN, ..., cl = NULL)
+pbapply(X, MARGIN, FUN, ...)
+pbsapply(X, FUN, ..., simplify = TRUE, USE.NAMES = TRUE, cl = NULL)
+pbreplicate(n, expr, simplify = "array", cl = NULL)
+  \item{X}{
+For \code{pbsapply} and \code{pblapply},
+a vector (atomic or list) or an expressions vector
+(other objects including classed objects will be
+coerced by \code{\link{as.list}}.)
+For \code{pbapply} an array, including a matrix.
+  \item{MARGIN}{
+A vector giving the subscripts which the function will be applied over.
+\code{1} indicates rows, \code{2} indicates columns, \code{c(1,2)}
+indicates rows and columns.
+  \item{FUN}{
+The function to be applied to each element of \code{X}:
+see \code{\link{apply}}, \code{\link{sapply}}, and \code{\link{lapply}}.
+  \item{\dots}{
+Optional arguments to \code{FUN}.
+  \item{simplify}{
+Logical; should the result be simplified to a vector or matrix if possible?
+  \item{USE.NAMES}{
+Logical; if \code{TRUE} and if \code{X} is character,
+use \code{X} as names for the result unless it had names already.
+  \item{n}{
+Number of replications.
+  \item{expr}{
+Expression (language object, usually a call) to evaluate repeatedly.
+  \item{cl}{
+A cluster object created by \code{\link[parallel]{makeCluster}},
+or an integer to indicate number of child-processes
+(integer values are ignored on Windows) for parallel evaluations.
+The behaviour of the progress bar is controlled by the option
+\code{type} in \code{\link{pboptions}},
+it can take values \code{c("txt", "win", "tk", "none",)} on Windows,
+and \code{c("txt", "tk", "none",)} on Unix systems.
+Other options have elements that are arguments used in the functions
+\code{\link{timerProgressBar}}, \code{\link[utils]{txtProgressBar}},
+#ifdef windows
+and \code{\link[tcltk]{tkProgressBar}}.
+See \code{\link{pboptions}} for how to conveniently set these.
+Parallel processing can be enabled through the \code{cl} argument.
+\code{\link[parallel]{parLapply}} is called when \code{cl} is a 'cluster' object,
+\code{\link[parallel]{mclapply}} is called when \code{cl} is an integer.
+Showing the progress bar increases the communication overhead
+between the main process and nodes / child processes compared to the
+parallel equivalents of the functions without the progress bar.
+The functions fall back to their original equivalents when the progress bar is
+disabled (i.e. \code{getOption("pboptions")$type == "none"} or \code{dopb()} is
+\code{FALSE}). This is the default when \code{interactive()} if \code{FALSE}
+(i.e. called from command line R script).
+When doing parallel processing, other objects might need to pushed to the
+workers, and random numbers must be handled with care (see Examples).
+Similar to the value returned by the standard \code{*apply} functions.
+A progress bar is showed as a side effect.
+Peter Solymos <solymos at ualberta.ca>
+Progress bar can add an overhead to the computation.
+Progress bars used in the functions:
+#ifdef windows
+Sequential \code{*apply} functions:
+\code{\link{apply}}, \code{\link{sapply}},
+\code{\link{lapply}}, \code{\link{replicate}}
+Parallel \code{*apply} functions from package 'parallel':
+Setting the options: \code{\link{pboptions}}
+Conveniently add progress bar to \code{for}-like loops:
+\code{\link{startpb}}, \code{\link{setpb}}, \code{\link{getpb}},
+## --- simple linear model simulation ---
+n <- 200
+x <- rnorm(n)
+y <- rnorm(n, crossprod(t(model.matrix(~ x)), c(0, 1)), sd = 0.5)
+d <- data.frame(y, x)
+## model fitting and bootstrap
+mod <- lm(y ~ x, d)
+ndat <- model.frame(mod)
+B <- 100
+bid <- sapply(1:B, function(i) sample(nrow(ndat), nrow(ndat), TRUE))
+fun <- function(z) {
+    if (missing(z))
+        z <- sample(nrow(ndat), nrow(ndat), TRUE)
+    coef(lm(mod$call$formula, data=ndat[z,]))
+## standard '*apply' functions
+system.time(res1 <- lapply(1:B, function(i) fun(bid[,i])))
+system.time(res2 <- sapply(1:B, function(i) fun(bid[,i])))
+system.time(res3 <- apply(bid, 2, fun))
+system.time(res4 <- replicate(B, fun()))
+## 'pb*apply' functions
+## try different settings:
+## "none", "txt", "tk", "win", "timer"
+op <- pboptions(type = "timer") # default
+system.time(res1pb <- pblapply(1:B, function(i) fun(bid[,i])))
+pboptions(type = "txt")
+system.time(res2pb <- pbsapply(1:B, function(i) fun(bid[,i])))
+pboptions(type = "txt", style = 1, char = "=")
+system.time(res3pb <- pbapply(bid, 2, fun))
+pboptions(type = "txt", char = ":")
+system.time(res4pb <- pbreplicate(B, fun()))
+## parallel evaluation using the parallel package
+## (n = 2000 and B = 1000 will give visible timing differences)
+cl <- makeCluster(2L)
+clusterExport(cl, c("fun", "mod", "ndat", "bid"))
+## parallel with no progress bar: snow type cluster
+## (RNG is set in the main process to define the object bid)
+system.time(res1cl <- parLapply(cl = cl, 1:B, function(i) fun(bid[,i])))
+system.time(res2cl <- parSapply(cl = cl, 1:B, function(i) fun(bid[,i])))
+## parallel with  progress bar: snow type cluster
+## (RNG is set in the main process to define the object bid)
+system.time(res1pbcl <- pblapply(1:B, function(i) fun(bid[,i]), cl = cl))
+system.time(res2pbcl <- pbsapply(1:B, function(i) fun(bid[,i]), cl = cl))
+## (RNG needs to be set when not using bid)
+parallel::clusterSetRNGStream(cl, iseed = 0L)
+system.time(res4pbcl <- pbreplicate(B, fun(), cl = cl))
+if (.Platform$OS.type != "windows") {
+    ## parallel with no progress bar: multicore type forking
+    ## (mc.set.seed = TRUE in parallel::mclapply by default)
+    system.time(res2mc <- mclapply(1:B, function(i) fun(bid[,i]), mc.cores = 2L))
+    ## parallel with  progress bar: multicore type forking
+    ## (mc.set.seed = TRUE in parallel::mclapply by default)
+    system.time(res1pbmc <- pblapply(1:B, function(i) fun(bid[,i]), cl = 2L))
+    system.time(res2pbmc <- pbsapply(1:B, function(i) fun(bid[,i]), cl = 2L))
+    system.time(res4pbmc <- pbreplicate(B, fun(), cl = 2L))
+## --- Examples taken from standard '*apply' functions ---
+## --- sapply, lapply, and replicate ---
+require(stats); require(graphics)
+x <- list(a = 1:10, beta = exp(-3:3), logic = c(TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,TRUE))
+# compute the list mean for each list element
+pblapply(x, mean)
+# median and quartiles for each list element
+pblapply(x, quantile, probs = 1:3/4)
+pbsapply(x, quantile)
+i39 <- sapply(3:9, seq) # list of vectors
+pbsapply(i39, fivenum)
+## sapply(*, "array") -- artificial example
+(v <- structure(10*(5:8), names = LETTERS[1:4]))
+f2 <- function(x, y) outer(rep(x, length.out = 3), y)
+(a2 <- pbsapply(v, f2, y = 2*(1:5), simplify = "array"))
+hist(pbreplicate(100, mean(rexp(10))))
+## use of replicate() with parameters:
+foo <- function(x = 1, y = 2) c(x, y)
+# does not work: bar <- function(n, ...) replicate(n, foo(...))
+bar <- function(n, x) pbreplicate(n, foo(x = x))
+bar(5, x = 3)
+## --- apply ---
+## Compute row and column sums for a matrix:
+x <- cbind(x1 = 3, x2 = c(4:1, 2:5))
+dimnames(x)[[1]] <- letters[1:8]
+pbapply(x, 2, mean, trim = .2)
+col.sums <- pbapply(x, 2, sum)
+row.sums <- pbapply(x, 1, sum)
+rbind(cbind(x, Rtot = row.sums), Ctot = c(col.sums, sum(col.sums)))
+stopifnot( pbapply(x, 2, is.vector))
+## Sort the columns of a matrix
+pbapply(x, 2, sort)
+## keeping named dimnames
+names(dimnames(x)) <- c("row", "col")
+x3 <- array(x, dim = c(dim(x),3),
+	    dimnames = c(dimnames(x), list(C = paste0("cop.",1:3))))
+identical(x,  pbapply( x,  2,  identity))
+identical(x3, pbapply(x3, 2:3, identity))
+##- function with extra args:
+cave <- function(x, c1, c2) c(mean(x[c1]), mean(x[c2]))
+pbapply(x, 1, cave,  c1 = "x1", c2 = c("x1","x2"))
+ma <- matrix(c(1:4, 1, 6:8), nrow = 2)
+pbapply(ma, 1, table)  #--> a list of length 2
+pbapply(ma, 1, stats::quantile) # 5 x n matrix with rownames
+stopifnot(dim(ma) == dim(pbapply(ma, 1:2, sum)))
+## Example with different lengths for each call
+z <- array(1:24, dim = 2:4)
+zseq <- pbapply(z, 1:2, function(x) seq_len(max(x)))
+zseq         ## a 2 x 3 matrix
+typeof(zseq) ## list
+dim(zseq) ## 2 3
+pbapply(z, 3, function(x) seq_len(max(x)))
+# a list without a dim attribute
+\keyword{ manip }
+\keyword{ utilities }
diff --git a/man/pboptions.Rd b/man/pboptions.Rd
index 07df2d3..400a2bd 100644
--- a/man/pboptions.Rd
+++ b/man/pboptions.Rd
@@ -1,137 +1,149 @@
-Creating Progress Bar and Setting Options
-Creating progress bar and setting options.
-startpb(min = 0, max = 1)
-setpb(pb, value)
-  \item{\dots}{
-Arguments in \code{tag = value} form, or a list of tagged values.
-The tags must come from the parameters described below.
-  \item{pb}{
-A progress bar object created by \code{startpb}.
-  \item{min, max}{
-Finite numeric values for the extremes of the progress bar. 
-Must have \code{min < max}.
-  \item{value}{
-New value for the progress bar.
-\code{pboptions} is a convenient way of handling options 
-related to progress bar.
-Other functions can be used for conveniently adding progress 
-bar to \code{for}-like loops
-(see Examples).
-When parameters are set by \code{pboptions}, their former values are 
-returned in an invisible named list. Such a list can be passed as an 
-argument to \code{pboptions} to restore the parameter values.
-Tags are the following:
-  \item{type}{Type of the progress bar: text (\code{"txt"}), 
-    Windows (\code{"win"}), TclTk (\code{"tk"}), or none (\code{"none"}).
-    Default value is \code{"txt"}.}
-  \item{char}{The character (or character string) to form the progress bar.
-    Default value is \code{"+"}.}
-  \item{txt.width}{The width of the text based progress bar, as a multiple 
-    of the width of \code{char}.
-    If \code{NA}, the number of characters is that which fits into 
-    \code{getOption("width")}.
-    Default value is \code{50}.}
-  \item{gui.width}{The width of the GUI based progress bar in pixels: 
-    the dialogue box will be 40 pixels wider (plus frame). 
-    Default value is \code{300}.}
-  \item{style}{The style of the bar, see 
-    \code{\link[utils]{txtProgressBar}}. Default value is \code{3}.}
-  \item{initial}{Initial value for the progress bar. Default value is 
-    \code{0}.}
-  \item{title}{Character string giving the window title 
-    on the GUI dialogue box. Default value is \code{"R progress bar"}.}
-  \item{label}{Character string giving the window label
-    on the GUI dialogue box. Default value is \code{""}.}
-For \code{startpb} a progress bar object.
-For \code{getpb} and \code{setpb}, a length-one numeric vector giving 
-the previous value (invisibly for \code{setpb}).
-The return value is \code{NULL} if the progress bar is turned off by 
-\code{getOption("pbapply.pb")} (\code{"none"} or \code{NULL} value).
-\code{dopb} returns a logical value if progress bar is to be shown 
-based on the option \code{getOption("pbapply.pb")}. 
-It is \code{FALSE} if the type of progress bar is \code{"none"} or 
-For \code{closepb} closes the connection for the progress bar.
-Peter Solymos <solymos at ualberta.ca>
-Progress bars used in the functions:
-#ifdef windows
-## for loop
-fun1 <- function() {
-    pb <- startpb(0, 10)
-    on.exit(closepb(pb))
-    for (i in 1:10) {
-        Sys.sleep(0.15)
-        setpb(pb, i)
-    }
-    invisible(NULL)
-## while loop
-fun2 <- function() {
-    pb <- startpb(0, 10-1)
-    on.exit(closepb(pb))
-    i <- 1
-    while (i < 10) {
-        Sys.sleep(0.15)
-        setpb(pb, i)
-        i <- i + 1
-    }
-    invisible(NULL)
-## using original settings
-## resetting pboptions
-opb <- pboptions(style=1, char=">")
-## check new settings
-## running again with new settings
-## resetting original
-## check reset
-\keyword{ IO }
-\keyword{ utilities }
+Creating Progress Bar and Setting Options
+Creating progress bar and setting options.
+startpb(min = 0, max = 1)
+setpb(pb, value)
+  \item{\dots}{
+Arguments in \code{tag = value} form, or a list of tagged values.
+The tags must come from the parameters described below.
+  \item{pb}{
+A progress bar object created by \code{startpb}.
+  \item{min, max}{
+Finite numeric values for the extremes of the progress bar.
+Must have \code{min < max}.
+  \item{value}{
+New value for the progress bar.
+\code{pboptions} is a convenient way of handling options
+related to progress bar.
+Other functions can be used for conveniently adding progress
+bar to \code{for}-like loops
+(see Examples).
+When parameters are set by \code{pboptions}, their former values are
+returned in an invisible named list. Such a list can be passed as an
+argument to \code{pboptions} to restore the parameter values.
+Tags are the following:
+  \item{type}{Type of the progress bar: timer (\code{"timer"}),
+    text (\code{"txt"}),
+    Windows (\code{"win"}), TclTk (\code{"tk"}), or none (\code{"none"}).
+    Default value is \code{"timer"} progress bar with estimated remaining time
+    when in interactive mode, and \code{"none"} otherwise.}
+  \item{char}{The character (or character string) to form the progress bar.
+    Default value is \code{"+"}.}
+  \item{txt.width}{The width of the text based progress bar, as a multiple
+    of the width of \code{char}.
+    If \code{NA}, the number of characters is that which fits into
+    \code{getOption("width")}.
+    Default value is \code{50}.}
+  \item{gui.width}{The width of the GUI based progress bar in pixels:
+    the dialogue box will be 40 pixels wider (plus frame).
+    Default value is \code{300}.}
+  \item{style}{The style of the bar, see
+    \code{\link[utils]{txtProgressBar}} and \code{\link{timerProgressBar}}.
+    Default value is \code{3}.}
+  \item{initial}{Initial value for the progress bar. Default value is
+    \code{0}.}
+  \item{title}{Character string giving the window title
+    on the GUI dialogue box. Default value is \code{"R progress bar"}.}
+  \item{label}{Character string giving the window label
+    on the GUI dialogue box. Default value is \code{""}.}
+  \item{nout}{Integer, the maximum number of times the progress bar is updated.
+    The default value is 100. Smaller value minimizes the
+    running time overhead related to updating the progress bar.
+    This can be especially important for forking type parallel runs.}
+  \item{min_time}{Minimum time in seconds.
+    \code{\link{timerProgressBar}} output is printed only if
+    estimated completion time is higher than this value.
+    The default value is 0.}
+For \code{startpb} a progress bar object.
+For \code{getpb} and \code{setpb}, a length-one numeric vector giving
+the previous value (invisibly for \code{setpb}).
+The return value is \code{NULL} if the progress bar is turned off by
+\code{getOption("pbapply.pb")} (\code{"none"} or \code{NULL} value).
+\code{dopb} returns a logical value if progress bar is to be shown
+based on the option \code{getOption("pbapply.pb")}.
+It is \code{FALSE} if the type of progress bar is \code{"none"} or
+For \code{closepb} closes the connection for the progress bar.
+Peter Solymos <solymos at ualberta.ca>
+Progress bars used in the functions:
+#ifdef windows
+## for loop
+fun1 <- function() {
+    pb <- startpb(0, 10)
+    on.exit(closepb(pb))
+    for (i in 1:10) {
+        Sys.sleep(0.15)
+        setpb(pb, i)
+    }
+    invisible(NULL)
+## while loop
+fun2 <- function() {
+    pb <- startpb(0, 10-1)
+    on.exit(closepb(pb))
+    i <- 1
+    while (i < 10) {
+        Sys.sleep(0.15)
+        setpb(pb, i)
+        i <- i + 1
+    }
+    invisible(NULL)
+## using original settings
+## resetting pboptions
+opb <- pboptions(style = 1, char = ">")
+## check new settings
+## running again with new settings
+## resetting original
+## check reset
+\keyword{ IO }
+\keyword{ utilities }
diff --git a/man/splitpb.Rd b/man/splitpb.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00c2e20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/splitpb.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+Divide Tasks for Progress-bar Friendly Distribution in a Cluster
+Divides up \code{1:nx} into approximately equal sizes (\code{ncl})
+as a way to allocate tasks to nodes in a cluster repeatedly
+while updating a progress bar.
+splitpb(nx, ncl, nout = NULL)
+  \item{nx}{
+Number of tasks.
+  \item{ncl}{
+Number of cluster nodes.
+  \item{nout}{
+Integer, maximum number of partitions in the output (must be > 0).
+A list of length \code{min(nout, ceiling(nx / ncl))},
+each element being an integer vector of length \code{ncl * k} or less,
+where \code{k} is a tuning parameter constrained by the other arguments
+(\code{k = max(1L, ceiling(ceiling(nx / ncl) / nout))} and
+\code{k = 1} if \code{nout = NULL}).
+Peter Solymos <solymos at ualberta.ca>
+Parallel usage of \code{\link{pbapply}} and related functions.
+## define 1 job / worker at a time and repeat
+splitpb(10, 4)
+## compare this to the no-progress-bar split
+## that defines all the jubs / worker up front
+parallel::splitIndices(10, 4)
+## cap the length of the output
+splitpb(20, 2, nout = NULL)
+splitpb(20, 2, nout = 5)
+\keyword{ utilities }
diff --git a/man/timerProgressBar.Rd b/man/timerProgressBar.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a2f0cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/timerProgressBar.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+Timer Progress Bar
+Text progress bar with timer in the R console.
+timerProgressBar(min = 0, max = 1, initial = 0, char = "=",
+    width = NA, title, label, style = 1, file = "", min_time = 0)
+setTimerProgressBar(pb, value, title = NULL, label = NULL)
+  \item{min, max}{
+(finite) numeric values for the extremes of the progress bar.
+Must have \code{min} < \code{max}.
+  \item{initial, value}{
+initial or new value for the progress bar.
+See Details for what happens with invalid values.
+  \item{char}{
+he character (or character string) to form the progress bar.
+If number of characters is >1, it is silently stripped to length 1
+unless \code{style} is 5 or 6 (see Details).
+  \item{width}{
+the width of the progress bar, as a multiple of the width of char.
+If \code{NA}, the default, the number of characters is that
+which fits into \code{getOption("width")}.
+  \item{style}{
+the style taking values between 1 and 6.
+1: progress bar with elapsed and remaining time,
+remaining percentage is indicated by spaces between pipes
+(default for this function),
+2: throbber with elapsed and remaining time,
+3: progress bar with remaining time printing elapsed time at the end,
+remaining percentage is indicated by spaces between pipes
+(default for \code{style} option in \code{\link{pboptions}}),
+4: throbber with remaining time printing elapsed time at the end,
+5: progress bar with elapsed and remaining time
+with more flexible styling (see Details and Examples),
+6: progress bar with remaining time printing elapsed time at the end
+with more flexible styling (see Details and Examples).
+  \item{file}{
+an open connection object or \code{""} which indicates the console.
+  \item{min_time}{
+numeric, minimum processing time (in seconds) required to show a progress bar.
+  \item{pb}{
+an object of class \code{"timerProgressBar"}.
+  \item{title, label}{
+ignored, for compatibility with other progress bars.
+\code{timerProgressBar} will display a progress bar on the R console
+(or a connection) via a text representation.
+\code{setTimerProgessBar} will update the value. Missing (\code{NA}) and out-of-range values of value will be (silently) ignored. (Such values of \code{initial}
+cause the progress bar not to be displayed until a valid value is set.)
+The progress bar should be closed when finished with: this outputs the final newline character (see \code{\link{closepb}}).
+If \code{style} is 5 or 6, it is possible to define up to 4 characters
+for the \code{char} argument (as a single string) for the left end,
+elapsed portion, remaining portion, and right end of the progress bar
+(\code{|= |} by default). Remaining portion cannot be the same as the
+elapsed portion (space is used for remaining in such cases).
+If 1 character is defined, it is taken for the elapsed portion.
+If 2-4 characters are defined, those are interpreted in sequence
+(left and right end being the same when 2-3 characters defined),
+see Examples.
+For \code{timerProgressBar} an object of class \code{"timerProgressBar"}
+inheriting from \code{"txtProgressBar"}.
+For \code{getTimerProgressBar} and \code{setTimerProgressBar},
+a length-one numeric vector giving the previous
+value (invisibly for \code{setTimerProgressBar}).
+Zygmunt Zawadzki <zawadzkizygmunt at gmail.com>
+Peter Solymos <solymos at ualberta.ca>
+The \code{timerProgressBar} implementation
+follows closely the code of \code{\link[utils]{txtProgressBar}}.
+test_fun <- function(...)
+    pb <- timerProgressBar(...)
+    on.exit(close(pb))
+    for(i in seq(0, 1, 0.05)) {
+        Sys.sleep(0.05)
+        setTimerProgressBar(pb, i)
+    }
+    invisible(NULL)
+## check the different styles
+test_fun(width = 35, char = "+", style = 1)
+test_fun(style = 2)
+test_fun(width = 50, char = ".", style = 3)
+test_fun(style = 4)
+test_fun(width = 35, char = "[=-]", style = 5)
+test_fun(width = 50, char = "{*.}", style = 6)
+## this should produce a progress bar based on min_time
+(elapsed <- system.time(test_fun(width = 35, min_time = 0))["elapsed"])
+## this should not produce a progress bar based on min_time
+system.time(test_fun(min_time = 2 * elapsed))["elapsed"]
+\keyword{ utilities }
diff --git a/tests/tests.R b/tests/tests.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 635c4b6..0000000
--- a/tests/tests.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-## from http://ryouready.wordpress.com/2010/01/11/progress-bars-in-r-part-ii-a-wrapper-for-apply-functions/#comment-122
-lapply_pb <- function(X, FUN, ...)
- env <- environment()
- pb_Total <- length(X)
- counter <- 0
- pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = pb_Total, style = 3)   
- # wrapper around FUN
- wrapper <- function(...){
-   curVal <- get("counter", envir = env)
-   assign("counter", curVal +1 ,envir=env)
-   setTxtProgressBar(get("pb", envir=env), curVal +1)
-   FUN(...)
- }
- res <- lapply(X, wrapper, ...)
- close(pb)
- res
-system.time(x1 <- lapply(1:10, function(i) Sys.sleep(0.2)))
-system.time(x1 <- lapply_pb(1:10, function(i) Sys.sleep(0.2)))
-#system.time(x1 <- l_ply(1:10, function(i) Sys.sleep(0.2), .progress=create_progress_bar(name = "text")))
-system.time(x1 <- pblapply(1:10, function(i) Sys.sleep(0.2)))
-## test for NULL case in lapply
-l <- list(a=1,2,c=-1)
-f <- function(z)  if (z<0) return(NULL) else return(2*z)
-r1 <- lapply(l, f)
-r2 <- pblapply(l, f)
-stopifnot(identical(r1, r2))

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/r-cran-pbapply.git

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