[pyfr] tag v1.5.0 created (now 37b047a)
Ghislain Vaillant
ghisvail-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Nov 16 12:05:36 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
ghisvail-guest pushed a change to tag v1.5.0
in repository pyfr.
at 37b047a (commit)
This tag includes the following new commits:
new a07bef7 Rework axnpby to operate on matrices and add support for masking.
new 3170f17 Refactor integrators to support dual time stepping.
new 3789e61 Added dual-time stepping.
new f57ef70 Merge pull request #3 from nloppi/dual
new eb040c3 Fix a typo in the BaseIntegrator class.
new 22176ce Add a uniform error norm into the PI controller.
new e241a7d Merge branch 'develop' into feature/dts.
new 3fa0bc4 Avoid the use of views when computing artifical viscosity.
new 3a85827 Split apart the artificial viscosity kernel.
new 3325be3 Merge branch 'feature/dts' into develop.
new 15de368 Document errest-norm in the user guide.
new 13c9289 Merge branch 'release/v1.4.0' into develop.
new 0138e8d Rework artificial viscosity.
new 0b140d0 Add support for broadcasting to the DSL.
new 56d9e0f Cleanups.
new a84ae84 Refactor the naming conventions for artificial viscosity.
new ebf386b Merge pull request #102 from FreddieWitherden/develop
new e50762d Redesign the C/OpenMP and MIC code generators.
new 989131e Simplify kernel generation.
new 1c88682 Add support for mpi4py v2.0.
new e29f2cf Cleanups.
new 4696156 Whitespace.
new 69bb190 Enable the CUDA backend to exploit GPUDirect.
new e85868b Where possible explicitly finalise MPI.
new b43fd1f Fix how we check for Windows in platform_libname.
new 0f9b44c Fix a typo in the naming of the RK4 stepper class.
new b9e7032 Cleanups.
new 239a4ba Allow the residual plugin to function when nsteps = 1.
new 0490ff5 Cache the list of stored quadrature rules.
new 7c305b7 Cleanups.
new 83eb213 Add support for post-actions in plugins.
new 5fb4e92 Fix a minor error in the PI step-size controller.
new 18ed6c4 Check for double precision support in the OpenCL backend.
new e8665a2 Improve element weighting factors.
new ad4d452 Minor tweaks to the progress bar.
new 40bfd58 Update the GiMMiK kernel providers to support GiMMiK v2.0.
new 4c9895f Cleanups and documentation.
new de97138 Merge branch 'feature/postactions' into develop.
new 7971909 Cleanups.
new 709a633 Merge branch 'develop' into feature/shocks.
new fb5ac75 Cleanups.
new 515444a Refactor the main script.
new 8741a76 Maintain the config file history in .pyfrs files.
new 24ace85 Simplify how BC expressions are evaluated.
new 25e902d Unify the various shock capturing kernels.
new fb36487 Merge branch 'develop' into feature/gimmik.
new 18413e6 Remove the extra one byte of allocation in the OpenCL backend.
new 909c319 Cleanup the rank allocation code.
new f562ed7 Replace @chop with a more powerful @clean decorator.
new 1a5dbeb Fix a bug in CSV header file output.
new 0c3d402 Improve scalability when ldg-beta = ±0.5.
new ab89173 Merge branch 'develop' into feature/gimmik.
new dbe1bd1 Switch to the native C/OpenMP generator in GiMMiK.
new 853ef05 Implement __contains__ inside of the NativeReader class.
new ec0d958 Merge branch 'feature/gimmik' into feature/shocks.
new 61c45aa Switch from SoA to AoSoA(k).
new a0f00cc Improve the performance of axnpby.
new 00baa28 Improve the performance of OpenCL and CUDA pointwise kernels.
new 15b8aed Improve the performance of the intconu kernel.
new 49a0b47 Make the OpenCL/CUDA work sizes configurable.
new 2e621fe Improve the performance of the copy kernel in the OpenMP backend.
new 7f6bc2e Minor improvements to start up time.
new 107312b Cleanups.
new 46f2d9d Increase the alignment for the OpenMP backend to 64 bytes.
new e2bbae5 Cleanups.
new 37585d3 Add PyFR mesh and solution files to .gitignore.
new be98b48 Fix how headers are passed to init_csv.
new 8f44bd0 Merge branch 'develop' into feature/shocks.
new 62e49b8 Fix a bug in the (unused) Line element type.
new bbf76c2 Fix a minor bug in the METIS partitioner.
new 3cb0429 Allow for multiple system instances to coexist.
new 5d1b312 DTS cleanups and convergence monitoring.
new 7001e2b Merge pull request #104 from nloppi/develop
new ca6d6d6 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/develop' into develop.
new 8b35868 Merge pull request #103 from FreddieWitherden/develop
new 62b2ddb Fixes for the MIC backend.
new 68d0d7a Merge pull request #105 from FreddieWitherden/feature/shocks
new f6d6820 Include the number of accepted/rejected steps in the stats file.
new 37379e9 Update documentation.
new 10c6a2a Merge pull request #106 from pv101/develop
new 956df8b Update User Guide.
new c29b823 Merge pull request #107 from pv101/develop
new 42b8c31 Unified class naming in DTS.
new 3404ad8 Merge pull request #108 from nloppi/develop
new ed9c7a1 Bump the version number for v1.5.0.
new d5d2825 Add kernel coeffients to floats for MIC.
new 59ed1fd Merge pull request #110 from nloppi/develop
new 37b047a Merge branch 'release/v1.5.0'.
The 88 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/pyfr.git
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