[opencv] annotated tag 2.4.13 created (now e3a6dd3)

Mattia Rizzolo mattia at debian.org
Tue Oct 4 17:51:16 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

mattia pushed a change to annotated tag 2.4.13
in repository opencv.

        at  e3a6dd3   (tag)
   tagging  59975db6a415c53b8e6f9bcb4e1ee5d3c4579ebf (commit)
 tagged by  Alexander Smorkalov
        on  Mon May 16 17:30:44 2016 +0300

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Release OpenCV 2.4.13.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)


Aaron Simmons (1):
      brining over fix in master (#4140) for libz import on 64-bit android

Alankar Kotwal (2):
      Correct missing braces in operations_in_arrays.rst
      Merge pull request #1 from alankarkotwal/bugfix

Alexander Alekhin (69):
      Merge pull request #5193 from ilya-lavrenov:valgrind_error
      Merge pull request #5203 from ilya-lavrenov:valgrind_error
      Merge pull request #5094 from SpecLad:f2d-ts-rng
      Merge pull request #5223 from ilya-lavrenov:warpaffine_valgrind
      Merge pull request #5226 from ilya-lavrenov:valgrind_memory_leak
      Merge pull request #5250 from SpecLad:missing-conflicts
      Merge pull request #5262 from jet47:gpu-stereobp-fix
      Merge pull request #5274 from ilya-lavrenov:features2d
      Merge pull request #5281 from ilya-lavrenov:ml2
      Merge pull request #5285 from ilya-lavrenov:ml5
      Merge pull request #5289 from ilya-lavrenov:flann
      Merge pull request #5297 from ilya-lavrenov:flann
      Merge pull request #5300 from ilya-lavrenov:cuda_warnings
      Merge pull request #5299 from ilya-lavrenov:core_hog
      Merge pull request #5325 from jet47:gpu-stereobp-fix
      Merge pull request #5290 from ilya-lavrenov:cmake_bug
      Merge pull request #5360 from SpecLad:test2-fail-on-failed-download
      Merge pull request #5381 from robertxwu:Bugfix_for_issue_#_of_5145
      Merge pull request #5202 from ilya-lavrenov:gstreamer-v4l2
      Merge pull request #5403 from sturkmen72:patch-9
      Merge pull request #5398 from asmorkalov:as/wrong-name-for-changelog-of-native-package
      Merge pull request #5461 from berak:fix_putText_24
      Merge pull request #5490 from ilya-lavrenov:mem-leak-calib3d
      Merge pull request #5491 from ilya-lavrenov:video-writers-delete
      Merge pull request #5494 from asmorkalov:as/deb_copyright
      Merge pull request #5498 from asmorkalov:as/copyright_headers
      Merge pull request #5505 from a-andre:highguiheader
      Merge pull request #5511 from paleozogt:android-64-bit
      export simple libs from OPENCV_LINKER_LIBS (fix #5541)
      Merge pull request #5545 from alalek:fix_linker_libs
      Merge pull request #5552 from hyunkim9123:camshift-2.4
      Merge pull request #5568 from asmorkalov:as/legacy_c_deb_pack_dep
      Merge pull request #5574 from ilya-lavrenov:image-sequence-videocapture
      Merge pull request #5641 from alalek:backport_5320
      Merge pull request #5655 from janstarzy:2.4-canny-fix
      Merge pull request #5652 from jet47:core-test-math-warning-fix
      Merge pull request #5846 from mshabunin:backports-3
      Merge pull request #5869 from atinfinity:pullreq/151223-FindTBB-VS2015-2.4
      Merge pull request #5858 from mshabunin:fix-arm-cross-warnings
      Merge pull request #5942 from akarsakov:fix_memcpy_empty_vector
      Merge pull request #5946 from takacsd:patch-1
      Merge pull request #5975 from terfendail:2.4
      include available modules only
      Merge pull request #5996 from ElenaGvozdeva:pyrUp_fix
      Merge pull request #5995 from alalek:fix_include_opencv_24
      Merge pull request #5993 from asmorkalov:linitian_signed_packages
      Merge pull request #6001 from terfendail:pyrsegmentation_valgrind
      Merge pull request #6006 from mleotta:fix-install-name-dir
      Merge pull request #6037 from atinfinity:pullreq/160130-enable-nvcuvid-2.4
      Merge pull request #6106 from ilya-lavrenov:compilation-warning
      backport ffmpeg fixes
      apps: add missed 'break'
      Merge pull request #6204 from alalek:minor_fix_break
      Merge pull request #6199 from alalek:ffmpeg_backport
      Merge pull request #6234 from asmorkalov:as/deb_version_check
      Merge pull request #6237 from mshabunin:fix-vtk-on-2.4
      Merge pull request #6245 from delftswa2016:fix-for-issue-4375
      Merge pull request #6341 from SpecLad:destroy-leak
      Merge pull request #6343 from terfendail:vt/python_rng_seed_backport
      ffmpeg: interrupt callback fix
      Merge pull request #6365 from terfendail:vt/nonlocal_testdata
      Merge pull request #6363 from alalek:ffmpeg_fix_timeout_24
      Merge pull request #6373 from terfendail:vt/stereobm_valgrind
      Merge pull request #6421 from alalek:backport_6417
      Merge pull request #6432 from kevin-coder:bugfix_6317_Restore_2.4
      Merge pull request #6431 from StevenPuttemans:add_fixed_video_2.4
      Merge pull request #6401 from StevenPuttemans:add_model_visualisation_tool_2.4
      Merge branch '2.4.12.x-prep' into 2.4
      Merge pull request #6441 from asmorkalov:version++

Alexander Karsakov (1):
      Fixed pnpTask: don't copy inliers vector in case it's empty.

Alexander Shishkov (1):
      Removed gittip link

Alexander Smorkalov (20):
      Fixed wrong-name-for-changelog-of-native-package warning for deb packages.
      Debian formatted copyright file added to all debian packages.
      Added missing copyright headers.
      Set of lintain warning fixes for -samples debian package.
      Made samples build independent from nonfree module.
      Fixed samples build with nonfree.
      Merge pull request #5501 from asmorkalov:as/samples_lintian_fixes
      Merge pull request #5514 from asmorkalov:as/nonfree-independent-samples
      Debian packages with legacy C headers added to list of conflicts, relpaces, etc.
      Merge pull request #5713 from ilya-lavrenov:lintian
      Build fix for QNX 6.6 neitrino.
      Merge pull request #5763 from ilya-lavrenov:lintian
      Added lintian overrides for package signature entry.
      Added check if debian package version matches version from version.hpp
      Merge pull request #6276 from SpecLad:bp-3813
      Merge pull request #6281 from SpecLad:videowriter-oob
      Merge pull request #6279 from terfendail:vt/pythontest_data
      Merge pull request #6297 from terfendail:vt/pytestarm
      Merge pull request #6320 from terfendail:vt/pytestarm64
      OpenCV version++.

Elena Gvozdeva (1):
      fix bug on border at pyrUp

Elena Shipunova (2):
      do not proceed with removing zero-length slice
      Fix in fisheye calibrate function: #5389

Enes Ateş (1):
      XML file path correction

Hajo Nils Krabbenhöft (2):
      fix crash for large BW tif images
      buffer_size should be in bytes, not bits

Ilya Lavrenov (35):
      fixed valgrind warning in polylines
      fixed memory leak in core ds tests
      fixed memory leaks in cvtyuv tests
      fixed memory leaks in floodfill tests
      fixed memory leaks in warpAffine tests
      fixed uninitialized values warning in bad arg test class
      fixed typo
      repaired gstreamer camera capture:
      repaired GStreamer 0.10 version
      added some property setting and getting
      fixed "Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value" warning
      fixed memory leak caused by illegal memory access
      fixed memory leaks in modules/features2d/test/test_nearestneighbors.cpp
      fixed memory leak in descriptor regression tests
      fixed memory leak in ml module
      fixed memory leak in ANN
      release filestorage before exception
      fixed "Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)" in GBD
      fixed memory leak in GBTrees
      fixed memory leak in flann index
      fixed uninitialized memory writing/reading in flann
      initialize padding of CvString with zeros
      fixed warnings in gpu module
      fix for corrent modules dependencies
      fixed memory leak in findHomography tests
      delete video readers
      allow to retrieve videocapture properties before first frame reading
      fixed case when grabbing failed
      return false in grabFrame failed in open method
      GraphCut deprecated in 7.5 and removed in 8.0
      added lintian overrides for debian packages
      added suppression for python-script-but-no-python-dep
      suppress lintian warning in opencv.pc
      fixed compilation warning

Jan Starzynski (1):
      fix potential buffer overflow as in 3.0

Kevin, Hu (1):
      Restore 2.4 source branch for bug fix 6317.

Lorena García (1):
      Hit and Miss morphological op

Maksim Shabunin (27):
      Merge pull request #5114 from a-andre:missingHeader
      Merge pull request #5395 from enesates:patch-2
      Merge pull request #5500 from StevenPuttemans:fix_mask_notice_copyTo_2.4
      Merge pull request #5533 from sturkmen72:patch-12
      Fixed cmake and build issues when using Visual Studio 2015
      ts: refactor run.py script
      Merge pull request #5575 from mshabunin:fix-vs2015-2.4
      Restore ts/gpu_perf.hpp, trying to compile with VS 2015
      Merge pull request #5640 from mshabunin:restore-ts-gpu
      Fix compilation problems with XCode 7.1.1 and cmake 3.3.2
      Merge pull request #5672 from ilya-lavrenov:npp-graphcut
      Merge pull request #5659 from jet47:cuda-wrap-stream-2.4
      Merge pull request #5650 from hoangviet1985:fix_bug_5623
      Merge pull request #5720 from asmorkalov:as/cuda_qnx
      Backported several changes from master branch:
      Fixed PCH warning during ARM crosscompilation
      Merge pull request #6083 from alekcac:alekcac-removed-gittip-link-in-2.4
      Merge pull request #6228 from wangguoqin1001:2.4
      Merge pull request #6171 from terfendail:vt/new_python_tests_backport
      Ported VTK cmake detection from master branch
      Merge pull request #6287 from StevenPuttemans:add_num_features_info_2.4
      Fixed problem with nonfree python test: could not find local test images
      Merge pull request #6386 from mshabunin:fix-python-test-issue
      Merge pull request #6383 from alalek:backport_6381
      Merge pull request #6384 from StevenPuttemans:update_annotation_tool_2.4
      Updates for XCode 7.3
      Merge pull request #6415 from mshabunin:fix-xcode-warnings-24

Matt Leotta (1):
      Remove "INSTALL_NAME_DIR lib" target property

Philipp Hasper (1):
      operator<< handles keys starting with underscore

Piotr Semenov (1):
      Fix that corrects the OpenCV's random access iterator distance: d(x,y) = -d(y,x)

Roman Donchenko (10):
      NearestNeighborTest: use ts->get_rng() instead of (implicit) theRNG()
      Add missing packages to the Debian conflict list
      Only conflict with packages corresponding to modules that are built
      test2.py: remove unused imports
      test2.py: fail if a downloaded image can't be decoded
      test2.py: switch from urllib to urllib2
      Backport PR #3813 to 2.4
      Rearrange CvVideoWriter_FFMPEG::writeFrame for better readability
      Add a workaround for FFmpeg's color conversion accessing past the end of the buffer
      Fix a memory leak indirectly caused by cvDestroyWindow

StevenPuttemans (7):
      add link to contributing guidelines
      adding markers to OpenCV for 2.4 branch
      adding extra explanation for mask parameter
      add cascade classifier info - total number of unique features passed to boosting process
      vectorize process + enable early quitting/storage + enable delete annotation option
      add visualisation tool for 2.4 branch
      add fixed video

Suleyman TURKMEN (4):
      Update drawing.cpp
      Update how_to_scan_images.cpp
      Update camera_calibration_and_3d_reconstruction.rst
      fix for writing 16-bit jpeg2000

Teng Cao (1):
      Update cascadeclassifier.cpp

Tsukasa Sugiura (1):
      Fix LineAA in case of 4 channel

Vadim Pisarevsky (20):
      Merge pull request #5143 from alankarkotwal:2.4
      Merge pull request #5280 from ilya-lavrenov:ml
      Merge pull request #5283 from ilya-lavrenov:ml3
      Merge pull request #5284 from ilya-lavrenov:ml4
      Merge pull request #5315 from elenash:core_remove_slice
      Merge pull request #5313 from sturkmen72:patch-5
      Merge pull request #5334 from UnaNancyOwen:fix2_LineAA
      Merge pull request #5359 from StevenPuttemans:contributing_guidelines_2.4
      Merge pull request #5357 from fxtentacle:ha-2.4.11
      Merge pull request #5586 from mshabunin:run-py-changes-2.4
      Merge pull request #5392 from elenash:fisheye_fix
      Merge pull request #5638 from hoangviet1985:fix_bug_5623
      Merge pull request #5622 from LorenaGdL:hitAndMiss2.4
      Merge pull request #5605 from hoangviet1985:fix_bug_5599
      Merge pull request #5674 from mshabunin:mac-fix-2.4
      Merge pull request #5682 from ilya-lavrenov:lintian-overrides
      Merge pull request #5390 from StevenPuttemans:add_markers_2.4
      Merge pull request #5733 from teng88:patch-3
      Merge pull request #5984 from terfendail:2.4
      Merge pull request #6236 from alalek:backport_6232

Viet Dinh (19):
      fix bug #5599
      fix bug #5599
      fix whitespace errors
      fix whitespace errors
      fix whitespace errors
      update fixing bug #5599
      fix whitespace errors
      update test_math.cpp
      even more correct
      fix compile errors
      deal with type casting issues
      casting warning
      std::cbrt could not be found
      fix solveCubic
      optimize code
      mac osx compile errors
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'Itseez/2.4' into fix_bug_5599
      mac compile error
      clean up

Vitaly Tuzov (15):
      Update call to Tegra optimized morphology filtering
      Removed ioctl calls to query for VIDIOC_G_INPUT and VIDIOC_ENUMINPUT since information returned by the calls is never used.
      Fixed "Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)" valgrind issue due to wrong pointer recalculation for zero level of pyramid.
      Backport of new python tests from master branch(PR https://github.com/Itseez/opencv/pull/6025).
      Make some tests less strict due to improvement of related algorithms in master branch
      Added images necessary for tests
      Calibration test temporary disabled
      Test data necessary for python samples added to test package.
      Fixed face detection python test
      Made texture flow python test less strict to fix it on AARCH64
      Backport of setRNGSeed implementation and python test randomness fix
      Fix for nonlocal data requirement in test2.py
      Fixed uninitialized memory errors in stereoBM
      Backport of StereoBM uninitialized memory access problem fix from master branch
      Cost estimation boundaries description updated

Vladislav Vinogradov (6):
      fix potential out-of-border access in gpu StereoBeliefPropagation
      fix for gpu::StereoBeliefPropogation:
      revert previous change in gpu::StereoBeliefPropogation
      add extra checks to data_step_down to prevent out-of-border access
      fix signed/unsigned comparison warning in core/test/test_math.cpp
      add cv::gpu::StreamAccessor::wrapStream method

WANG Guoqin (1):
      MacOSX / QTKit capture: trying to fix invalid timer call

a-andre (3):
      install new headers like "opencv2/core.hpp"
      fix documentation builder warnings
      install opencv2/highgui.hpp header

atinfinity (3):
      changed to find TBB library(VS2015)
      fixed to use NVCUVID in 'cudacodec' module.
      added cmakedefine to cmake/templates/cvconfig.h.in

berak (2):
      fix zero length std::string in putText()
      remove usage of obsolete _dataAsRows flag

hoangviet1985 (1):
      The right signs give the right results

paul.kim (1):
      Fix the issue in mouse click event

robertxwu (1):

shruthikashyap (1):
      Adding the syntax and usage for cv2.undistortPoints().

takacsd (1):
      Add missing implementation to one of the Mat_<_Tp> constructor. (#5945)


This annotated tag includes the following new commits:

       new  fc0e023   fixed valgrind warning in polylines
       new  ecc53dd   fixed memory leak in core ds tests
       new  bf94e6a   fixed memory leaks in cvtyuv tests
       new  ba3b902   fixed memory leaks in floodfill tests
       new  08e38e9   fixed memory leaks in warpAffine tests
       new  486c40f   fixed uninitialized values warning in bad arg test class
       new  69c50e0   fixed typo
       new  16bcc30   typo
       new  3231c2f   NearestNeighborTest: use ts->get_rng() instead of (implicit) theRNG()
       new  c16f465   fixed "Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value" warning
       new  d28e6c9   fixed memory leak caused by illegal memory access
       new  226ff93   install new headers like "opencv2/core.hpp"
       new  a14e524   fix documentation builder warnings
       new  6613d14   Add missing packages to the Debian conflict list
       new  d122510   Only conflict with packages corresponding to modules that are built
       new  1d58e1a   fix potential out-of-border access in gpu StereoBeliefPropagation
       new  6dcd455   fixed memory leaks in modules/features2d/test/test_nearestneighbors.cpp
       new  7e4e892   fixed memory leak in descriptor regression tests
       new  b5e42d8   fixed memory leak in ml module
       new  ac33cd6   fixed memory leak in ANN
       new  3c3bc12   release filestorage before exception
       new  54693b3   fixed memory leak in GBTrees
       new  d50c07e   fixed "Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)" in GBD
       new  c36582d   fixed memory leak in flann index
       new  a81f0a5   fixed uninitialized memory writing/reading in flann
       new  0422054   fixed warnings in gpu module
       new  f4ffcae   initialize padding of CvString with zeros
       new  c7b471f   do not proceed with removing zero-length slice
       new  558054a   fix for gpu::StereoBeliefPropogation:
       new  c22cc67   revert previous change in gpu::StereoBeliefPropogation (cherry picked from commit f903192c17b1c70182c0c25bb156900ea82b731b)
       new  3494d64   add extra checks to data_step_down to prevent out-of-border access (cherry picked from commit 3ef067cc65cd548a968588f72d3b9ecc92a0e9bb)
       new  7746d9b   fix for corrent modules dependencies
       new  e6f3f3c   OpenCV version++.
       new  7d28541   test2.py: fail if a downloaded image can't be decoded
       new  c5d009d   fix crash for large BW tif images
       new  2fc0ce5   buffer_size should be in bytes, not bits
       new  33cd7f3   re-submit
       new  2243bfa   repaired gstreamer camera capture:
       new  9a3e53e   repaired GStreamer 0.10 version
       new  56654ae   added some property setting and getting
       new  1ea6568   Fixed wrong-name-for-changelog-of-native-package warning for deb packages.
       new  15b313c   fixed memory leak in findHomography tests
       new  96a2edb   delete video readers
       new  a5c20f8   Debian formatted copyright file added to all debian packages.
       new  8a37fc8   Added missing copyright headers.
       new  2d3e170   install opencv2/highgui.hpp header
       new  ca50969   brining over fix in master (#4140) for libz import on 64-bit android
       new  42447a7   Set of lintain warning fixes for -samples debian package.
       new  966d35a   Made samples build independent from nonfree module.
       new  2e78a3e   Fixed samples build with nonfree.
       new  60eda6f   export simple libs from OPENCV_LINKER_LIBS (fix #5541)
       new  8e40bec   Debian packages with legacy C headers added to list of conflicts, relpaces, etc.
       new  07a58c4   Update cascadeclassifier.cpp
       new  0886f6f   Merge pull request #5733 from teng88:patch-3
       new  4fa14f7   suppress lintian warning in opencv.pc
       new  2897da0   Merge pull request #5763 from ilya-lavrenov:lintian
       new  7cb7845   Backported several changes from master branch: - #3771 - inline round on ARM - #5633 - documentation for MSER - #5666 - run.py fixes
       new  46edb54   Fixed PCH warning during ARM crosscompilation
       new  178ed63   Merge pull request #5846 from mshabunin:backports-3
       new  c4e8095   changed to find TBB library(VS2015)
       new  f7c8f74   Merge pull request #5869 from atinfinity:pullreq/151223-FindTBB-VS2015-2.4
       new  f91ada5   Merge pull request #5858 from mshabunin:fix-arm-cross-warnings
       new  6e22020   Fixed pnpTask: don't copy inliers vector in case it's empty.
       new  8a80386   Merge pull request #5942 from akarsakov:fix_memcpy_empty_vector
       new  537d132   Add missing implementation to one of the Mat_<_Tp> constructor. (#5945)
       new  c01fd16   Merge pull request #5946 from takacsd:patch-1
       new  4f5d585   Update call to Tegra optimized morphology filtering
       new  5c21ca2   Merge pull request #5975 from terfendail:2.4
       new  389f176   Removed ioctl calls to query for VIDIOC_G_INPUT and VIDIOC_ENUMINPUT since information returned by the calls is never used. Fixed icvCaptureFromCAM_V4L return value in case of V4L2 camera initialization failure.
       new  be565c2   Merge pull request #5984 from terfendail:2.4
       new  bb1c2d7   fix bug on border at pyrUp
       new  4a8d114   include available modules only
       new  f2e4bec   Merge pull request #5996 from ElenaGvozdeva:pyrUp_fix
       new  85c7190   Merge pull request #5995 from alalek:fix_include_opencv_24
       new  f01f1bc   Fixed "Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)" valgrind issue due to wrong pointer recalculation for zero level of pyramid.
       new  5a5378b   Added lintian overrides for package signature entry.
       new  a57b03c   Merge pull request #5993 from asmorkalov:linitian_signed_packages
       new  85793d0   Merge pull request #6001 from terfendail:pyrsegmentation_valgrind
       new  912592d   Remove "INSTALL_NAME_DIR lib" target property
       new  e835878   Merge pull request #6006 from mleotta:fix-install-name-dir
       new  69eaa89   fixed to use NVCUVID in 'cudacodec' module.
       new  cf43790   added cmakedefine to cmake/templates/cvconfig.h.in
       new  d6e2097   Merge pull request #6037 from atinfinity:pullreq/160130-enable-nvcuvid-2.4
       new  544824f   Removed gittip link
       new  21e9edd   Merge pull request #6083 from alekcac:alekcac-removed-gittip-link-in-2.4
       new  0687692   fixed compilation warning
       new  8a09d95   Merge pull request #6106 from ilya-lavrenov:compilation-warning
       new  e0f426f   Backport of new python tests from master branch(PR https://github.com/Itseez/opencv/pull/6025). At the moment tests requre samples/data copied to source location from master branch.
       new  aaa30dc   Make some tests less strict due to improvement of related algorithms in master branch
       new  25b4d8a   Added images necessary for tests
       new  a61b19b   backport ffmpeg fixes
       new  d29eb29   Calibration test temporary disabled
       new  c1f3c41   apps: add missed 'break'
       new  60f73ee   Merge pull request #6204 from alalek:minor_fix_break
       new  ea049e1   Merge pull request #6199 from alalek:ffmpeg_backport
       new  8cfc87c   MacOSX / QTKit capture: trying to fix invalid timer call
       new  7e44faf   Merge pull request #6228 from wangguoqin1001:2.4
       new  3afb5a6   Merge pull request #6171 from terfendail:vt/new_python_tests_backport
       new  9c4204b   Added check if debian package version matches version from version.hpp
       new  afc62f0   Merge pull request #6234 from asmorkalov:as/deb_version_check
       new  00e91fd   Fix that corrects the OpenCV's random access iterator distance: d(x,y) = -d(y,x)
       new  d2e451e   Ported VTK cmake detection from master branch
       new  52b9207   Merge pull request #6237 from mshabunin:fix-vtk-on-2.4
       new  93c4dfb   Merge pull request #6236 from alalek:backport_6232
       new  1fbc6ab   Adding the syntax and usage for cv2.undistortPoints().
       new  9d49cef   Merge pull request #6245 from delftswa2016:fix-for-issue-4375
       new  9a5d7f1   Backport PR #3813 to 2.4
       new  d142c05   Merge pull request #6276 from SpecLad:bp-3813
       new  421fcf9   Rearrange CvVideoWriter_FFMPEG::writeFrame for better readability
       new  eb40afa   Add a workaround for FFmpeg's color conversion accessing past the end of the buffer
       new  da66956   Merge pull request #6281 from SpecLad:videowriter-oob
       new  96903dc   Test data necessary for python samples added to test package. Test launch script updated to run new tests as well.
       new  b8ce65b   Merge pull request #6279 from terfendail:vt/pythontest_data
       new  b5fbb2b   add cascade classifier info - total number of unique features passed to boosting process
       new  2436173   Fixed face detection python test
       new  dc8bb23   Merge pull request #6287 from StevenPuttemans:add_num_features_info_2.4
       new  ef2a376   Merge pull request #6297 from terfendail:vt/pytestarm
       new  ea3746b   Made texture flow python test less strict to fix it on AARCH64
       new  7629658   Merge pull request #6320 from terfendail:vt/pytestarm64
       new  97ac59c   Fix a memory leak indirectly caused by cvDestroyWindow
       new  12a8f54   Merge pull request #6341 from SpecLad:destroy-leak
       new  64f02aa   Backport of setRNGSeed implementation and python test randomness fix
       new  86a7259   Merge pull request #6343 from terfendail:vt/python_rng_seed_backport
       new  6f139b4   ffmpeg: interrupt callback fix
       new  34b3d31   Fix for nonlocal data requirement in test2.py
       new  c7b6353   Merge pull request #6365 from terfendail:vt/nonlocal_testdata
       new  52ba377   Merge pull request #6363 from alalek:ffmpeg_fix_timeout_24
       new  a7ce9a1   Fixed uninitialized memory errors in stereoBM
       new  b6d8c9d   operator<< handles keys starting with underscore
       new  70bc268   Fixed problem with nonfree python test: could not find local test images
       new  e90b697   Merge pull request #6386 from mshabunin:fix-python-test-issue
       new  ff3bb9f   Merge pull request #6383 from alalek:backport_6381
       new  772d968   Backport of StereoBM uninitialized memory access problem fix from master branch
       new  13858cd   Cost estimation boundaries description updated
       new  5164c4b   vectorize process + enable early quitting/storage + enable delete annotation option
       new  96d747f   Merge pull request #6384 from StevenPuttemans:update_annotation_tool_2.4
       new  5b73f3a   Merge pull request #6373 from terfendail:vt/stereobm_valgrind
       new  9d71c19   add visualisation tool for 2.4 branch
       new  1a41ed2   Updates for XCode 7.3
       new  3bd6912   Merge pull request #6415 from mshabunin:fix-xcode-warnings-24
       new  194f1be   fix for writing 16-bit jpeg2000
       new  de164b0   Merge pull request #6421 from alalek:backport_6417
       new  db0ae2c   Restore 2.4 source branch for bug fix 6317.
       new  67fe57a   add fixed video
       new  1b4bd6a   Merge pull request #6432 from kevin-coder:bugfix_6317_Restore_2.4
       new  e58c289   Merge pull request #6431 from StevenPuttemans:add_fixed_video_2.4
       new  6084901   OpenCV version++.
       new  5d03868   Merge pull request #6401 from StevenPuttemans:add_model_visualisation_tool_2.4
       new  ec2ff7f   Merge branch '2.4.12.x-prep' into 2.4
       new  59975db   Merge pull request #6441 from asmorkalov:version++

The 150 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/opencv.git

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