[sagemath] branch master updated (9b57541 -> 1a396d5)
Tobias Hansen
thansen at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Oct 26 01:42:01 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
thansen pushed a change to branch master
in repository sagemath.
from 9b57541 Update todo-stetch.md.
adds 3894e4b Update sage to 7.4.
adds 03b3a34 Update changelog.
adds 9bbe677 Delete patches for wrong versions of givaro, ipython and linbox.
adds b5f5038 Remove fixsage-mpfi.patch (seems to be applied) and refresh some patches.
adds 9f3f127 Refresh fixsage-allow-override-sage-local.patch.
adds 47d78c5 Use new singular-4 patch from Arch Linux.
adds 7e072d2 Refresh more patches.
adds 4d47a6d Refresh debian-fix-trivial-test-cases.patch.
adds 98fa1d1 Refresh debian-install-paths.patch - two chunks removed, might need fixing.
adds ed8a489 Delete 2 obsolete patches, finish refreshing.
adds 9fad83e Add new python deps to pruner and d/control.
adds 354ff5a Add appnope to pruner.
adds 8cc19b9 Add openblas to pruner and d/control.
adds e29c025 Depend on fplll 5.0.3.
adds cd9ae5d Patch spkg's to install to user dir again and disable widgetsnbextension in pruner.
adds 1a396d5 Fix installation of sagelib to debian/build.
No new revisions were added by this update.
Summary of changes:
debian/changelog | 4 +-
debian/control.in | 8 +-
debian/patches/debian-arb.patch | 6 +-
debian/patches/debian-cython-sys-path.patch | 4 +-
debian/patches/debian-fix-trivial-test-cases.patch | 45 +-
debian/patches/debian-gsl-cblas.patch | 2 +-
debian/patches/debian-install-paths.patch | 61 +--
debian/patches/debian-libgap-sage.patch | 6 +-
debian/patches/debian-maxima.patch | 17 +-
debian/patches/debian-nauty.patch | 2 +-
debian/patches/debian-octave.patch | 17 -
debian/patches/debian-pari.patch | 24 +-
debian/patches/debian-paths.patch | 26 +-
debian/patches/debian-singular.patch | 50 +-
debian/patches/debian-temp-userdir.patch | 36 +-
.../fixsage-allow-override-sage-local.patch | 49 +-
debian/patches/fixsage-mpfi.patch | 50 --
debian/patches/fixsage-proper-scipy-rtol.patch | 8 +-
...ert-lazy-import-dependent-on-python-patch.patch | 38 +-
...t-minor-feature-dependent-on-python-patch.patch | 2 +-
.../patches/fixsage-use-lexists-not-exists.patch | 2 +-
debian/patches/python_security.patch | 2 +-
debian/patches/series | 8 +-
debian/patches/temp-cython-include-source.patch | 2 +-
debian/patches/temp-fix-more-tests.patch | 21 -
debian/patches/version-givaro-4.patch | 38 --
debian/patches/version-ipython-5.patch | 531 ---------------------
debian/patches/version-linbox-1.4.patch | 455 ------------------
debian/patches/version-singular-4.patch | 192 +++++---
.../version-temp-singular-4-extra-fixes.patch | 2 +-
debian/pruner/configure.ac | 11 +
debian/pruner/pruner.py.in | 10 +
sage | 2 +-
33 files changed, 311 insertions(+), 1420 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 debian/patches/debian-octave.patch
delete mode 100644 debian/patches/fixsage-mpfi.patch
delete mode 100644 debian/patches/temp-fix-more-tests.patch
delete mode 100644 debian/patches/version-givaro-4.patch
delete mode 100644 debian/patches/version-ipython-5.patch
delete mode 100644 debian/patches/version-linbox-1.4.patch
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/sagemath.git
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