[lua-torch-nn] 01/07: New upstream version 0~20160908-g9d7b9ea+dfsg
Zhou Mo
cdluminate-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Sep 10 03:27:37 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
cdluminate-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository lua-torch-nn.
commit 02e4a99fbdf67a54e0bd2360c96ffa01236f170e
Author: Zhou Mo <cdluminate at gmail.com>
Date: Sat Sep 10 02:31:27 2016 +0000
New upstream version 0~20160908-g9d7b9ea+dfsg
BCECriterion.lua | 142 +++-----
CMaxTable.lua | 33 ++
CMinTable.lua | 33 ++
CMul.lua | 61 +++-
ClassSimplexCriterion.lua | 2 +-
Concat.lua | 10 +-
Container.lua | 2 +-
DepthConcat.lua | 18 +-
Dropout.lua | 5 +-
JoinTable.lua | 2 +-
LookupTable.lua | 2 +-
MapTable.lua | 99 ++++++
Max.lua | 15 +-
Min.lua | 15 +-
Normalize.lua | 15 +-
SpatialConvolution.lua | 23 +-
SpatialDilatedMaxPooling.lua | 4 +-
SpatialDropout.lua | 7 +-
SpatialMaxPooling.lua | 2 -
Sum.lua | 4 +-
THNN.lua | 1 +
TemporalDynamicKMaxPooling.lua | 65 ++++
Threshold.lua | 1 +
VolumetricDilatedMaxPooling.lua | 64 ++++
VolumetricDropout.lua | 7 +-
doc/convolution.md | 25 ++
doc/simple.md | 72 ++--
doc/table.md | 81 +++++
init.lua | 5 +
lib/THNN/generic/BCECriterion.c | 50 +++
lib/THNN/generic/HardTanh.c | 2 +-
lib/THNN/generic/SpatialConvolutionMM.c | 47 ++-
...tialMaxPooling.c => SpatialDilatedMaxPooling.c} | 18 +-
lib/THNN/generic/SpatialMaxPooling.c | 288 +---------------
lib/THNN/generic/SpatialUpSamplingNearest.c | 4 +-
lib/THNN/generic/THNN.h | 58 +++-
lib/THNN/generic/Threshold.c | 1 +
...cMaxPooling.c => VolumetricDilatedMaxPooling.c} | 87 +++--
lib/THNN/generic/VolumetricMaxPooling.c | 361 +--------------------
lib/THNN/init.c | 9 +
test.lua | 232 ++++++++++++-
42 files changed, 1067 insertions(+), 907 deletions(-)
diff --git a/BCECriterion.lua b/BCECriterion.lua
index b319335..8bb5f81 100644
--- a/BCECriterion.lua
+++ b/BCECriterion.lua
@@ -1,106 +1,64 @@
+local THNN = require 'nn.THNN'
local BCECriterion, parent = torch.class('nn.BCECriterion', 'nn.Criterion')
-local eps = 1e-12
function BCECriterion:__init(weights, sizeAverage)
- parent.__init(self)
- if sizeAverage ~= nil then
- self.sizeAverage = sizeAverage
- else
- self.sizeAverage = true
- end
- if weights ~= nil then
- assert(weights:dim() == 1, "weights input should be 1-D Tensor")
- self.weights = weights
- end
+ parent.__init(self)
+ if sizeAverage ~= nil then
+ self.sizeAverage = sizeAverage
+ else
+ self.sizeAverage = true
+ end
+ if weights ~= nil then
+ assert(weights:dim() == 1, "weights input should be 1-D Tensor")
+ self.weights = weights
+ end
function BCECriterion:__len()
- if (self.weights) then
- return #self.weights
- else
- return 0
- end
+ return self.weights and #self.weights or 0
function BCECriterion:updateOutput(input, target)
- -- - log(input) * target - log(1 - input) * (1 - target)
- assert( input:nElement() == target:nElement(),
- "input and target size mismatch")
- self.buffer = self.buffer or input.new()
- local buffer = self.buffer
- local weights = self.weights
- local output
- buffer:resizeAs(input)
- if weights ~= nil and target:dim() ~= 1 then
- weights = self.weights:view(1, target:size(2)):expandAs(target)
- end
- -- log(input) * target
- buffer:add(input, eps):log()
- if weights ~= nil then buffer:cmul(weights) end
- output = torch.dot(target, buffer)
- -- log(1 - input) * (1 - target)
- buffer:mul(input, -1):add(1):add(eps):log()
- if weights ~= nil then buffer:cmul(weights) end
- output = output + torch.sum(buffer)
- output = output - torch.dot(target, buffer)
- if self.sizeAverage then
- output = output / input:nElement()
- end
- self.output = - output
- return self.output
+ -- - log(input) * target - log(1 - input) * (1 - target)
+ assert( input:nElement() == target:nElement(),
+ "input and target size mismatch")
+ self.output_tensor = self.output_tensor or input.new(1)
+ local weights = self.weights
+ if weights ~= nil and target:dim() ~= 1 then
+ weights = self.weights:view(1, target:size(2)):expandAs(target)
+ end
+ input.THNN.BCECriterion_updateOutput(
+ input:cdata(),
+ target:cdata(),
+ self.output_tensor:cdata(),
+ self.sizeAverage,
+ THNN.optionalTensor(weights)
+ )
+ self.output = self.output_tensor[1]
+ return self.output
function BCECriterion:updateGradInput(input, target)
- -- - (target - input) / ( input (1 - input) )
- -- The gradient is slightly incorrect:
- -- It should have be divided by (input + eps) (1 - input + eps)
- -- but it is divided by input (1 - input + eps) + eps
- -- This modification requires less memory to be computed.
- assert( input:nElement() == target:nElement(),
- "input and target size mismatch")
- self.buffer = self.buffer or input.new()
- local buffer = self.buffer
- local weights = self.weights
- local gradInput = self.gradInput
- if weights ~= nil and target:dim() ~= 1 then
- weights = self.weights:view(1, target:size(2)):expandAs(target)
- end
- buffer:resizeAs(input)
- -- - x ( 1 + eps -x ) + eps
- buffer:add(input, -1):add(-eps):cmul(input):add(-eps)
- gradInput:resizeAs(input)
- -- y - x
- gradInput:add(target, -1, input)
- -- - (y - x) / ( x ( 1 + eps -x ) + eps )
- gradInput:cdiv(buffer)
- if weights ~= nil then
- gradInput:cmul(weights)
- end
- if self.sizeAverage then
- gradInput:div(target:nElement())
- end
- return gradInput
+ -- - (target - input) / ( input (1 - input) )
+ assert( input:nElement() == target:nElement(),
+ "input and target size mismatch")
+ local weights = self.weights
+ if weights ~= nil and target:dim() ~= 1 then
+ weights = self.weights:view(1, target:size(2)):expandAs(target)
+ end
+ input.THNN.BCECriterion_updateGradInput(
+ input:cdata(),
+ target:cdata(),
+ self.gradInput:cdata(),
+ self.sizeAverage,
+ THNN.optionalTensor(weights)
+ )
+ return self.gradInput
diff --git a/CMaxTable.lua b/CMaxTable.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3907faf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CMaxTable.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+local CMaxTable, parent = torch.class('nn.CMaxTable', 'nn.Module')
+function CMaxTable:__init()
+ parent.__init(self)
+ self.gradInput = {}
+ self.maxIdx = torch.Tensor()
+function CMaxTable:updateOutput(input)
+ self.output:resizeAs(input[1]):copy(input[1])
+ self.maxIdx:resizeAs(input[1]):fill(1)
+ for i=2,#input do
+ local mask = torch.gt(input[i], self.output)
+ self.maxIdx:maskedFill(mask, i)
+ self.output:maskedCopy(mask, input[i][mask])
+ end
+ return self.output
+function CMaxTable:updateGradInput(input, gradOutput)
+ for i=1,#input do
+ self.gradInput[i] = torch.Tensor()
+ self.gradInput[i]:resizeAs(input[i]):fill(0.0)
+ local mask = torch.eq(self.maxIdx, i)
+ self.gradInput[i]:maskedCopy(mask, gradOutput[mask])
+ end
+ for i=#input+1, #self.gradInput do
+ self.gradInput[i] = nil
+ end
+ return self.gradInput
diff --git a/CMinTable.lua b/CMinTable.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8385e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CMinTable.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+local CMinTable, parent = torch.class('nn.CMinTable', 'nn.Module')
+function CMinTable:__init()
+ parent.__init(self)
+ self.gradInput = {}
+ self.minIdx = torch.Tensor()
+function CMinTable:updateOutput(input)
+ self.output:resizeAs(input[1]):copy(input[1])
+ self.minIdx:resizeAs(input[1]):fill(1)
+ for i=2,#input do
+ local mask = torch.lt(input[i], self.output)
+ self.minIdx:maskedFill(mask, i)
+ self.output:maskedCopy(mask, input[i][mask])
+ end
+ return self.output
+function CMinTable:updateGradInput(input, gradOutput)
+ for i=1,#input do
+ self.gradInput[i] = torch.Tensor()
+ self.gradInput[i]:resizeAs(input[i]):fill(0.0)
+ local mask = torch.eq(self.minIdx, i)
+ self.gradInput[i]:maskedCopy(mask, gradOutput[mask])
+ end
+ for i=#input+1, #self.gradInput do
+ self.gradInput[i] = nil
+ end
+ return self.gradInput
diff --git a/CMul.lua b/CMul.lua
index e84f7ba..22b5b74 100644
--- a/CMul.lua
+++ b/CMul.lua
@@ -47,10 +47,15 @@ function CMul:updateOutput(input)
- local batchSize = input:size(1)
- self._output:view(self.output, batchSize, -1)
- self._weight:view(self.weight, 1, -1)
+ if self.weight:dim() == input:dim() then
+ self._output:set(self.output)
+ self._weight:set(self.weight)
+ else
+ local batchSize = input:size(1)
+ self._output:view(self.output, batchSize, -1)
+ self._weight:view(self.weight, 1, -1)
+ end
self._expand:expandAs(self._weight, self._output)
if torch.type(input) == 'torch.CudaTensor' then
@@ -76,10 +81,17 @@ function CMul:updateGradInput(input, gradOutput)
if self.weight:nElement() == gradOutput:nElement() then
self.gradInput:addcmul(1, self.weight, gradOutput)
- local batchSize = input:size(1)
- nn.utils.contiguousView(self._gradOutput, gradOutput, batchSize, -1)
- nn.utils.contiguousView(self._gradInput, self.gradInput, batchSize, -1)
- self._weight:view(self.weight, 1, -1)
+ if self.weight:dim() == input:dim() then
+ nn.utils.contiguousView(self._gradOutput, gradOutput, gradOutput:size())
+ nn.utils.contiguousView(self._gradInput, self.gradInput, self.gradInput:size())
+ self._weight:set(self.weight)
+ else
+ local batchSize = input:size(1)
+ nn.utils.contiguousView(self._gradOutput, gradOutput, batchSize, -1)
+ nn.utils.contiguousView(self._gradInput, self.gradInput, batchSize, -1)
+ self._weight:view(self.weight, 1, -1)
+ end
self._expand:expandAs(self._weight, self._gradOutput)
if torch.type(input) == 'torch.CudaTensor' then
@@ -103,14 +115,33 @@ function CMul:accGradParameters(input, gradOutput, scale)
if self.weight:nElement() == gradOutput:nElement() then
self.gradWeight:addcmul(scale, input, gradOutput)
- local batchSize = input:size(1)
- nn.utils.contiguousView(self._input, input, batchSize, -1)
- nn.utils.contiguousView(self._gradOutput, gradOutput, batchSize, -1)
- self._gradWeight:view(self.gradWeight, 1, -1)
+ if self.weight:dim() == input:dim() then
+ nn.utils.contiguousView(self._input, input, input:size())
+ nn.utils.contiguousView(self._gradOutput, gradOutput, gradOutput:size())
+ self._gradWeight:set(self.gradWeight)
- self._repeat:cmul(self._input, self._gradOutput)
- self._sum:sum(self._repeat, 1)
- self._gradWeight:add(scale, self._sum)
+ self._repeat:cmul(self._input, self._gradOutput)
+ local sumInto = self._sum
+ local sumFrom = self._repeat
+ for i=1,self.weight:dim() do
+ if self.weight:size(i) ~= input:size(i) then
+ sumInto:sum(sumFrom, i)
+ sumInto = sumFrom
+ sumFrom = sumFrom == self._repeat and self._sum or self._repeat
+ end
+ end
+ self._gradWeight:add(scale, sumFrom)
+ else
+ local batchSize = input:size(1)
+ nn.utils.contiguousView(self._input, input, batchSize, -1)
+ nn.utils.contiguousView(self._gradOutput, gradOutput, batchSize, -1)
+ self._gradWeight:view(self.gradWeight, 1, -1)
+ self._repeat:cmul(self._input, self._gradOutput)
+ self._sum:sum(self._repeat, 1)
+ self._gradWeight:add(scale, self._sum)
+ end
index d4da7c9..92574db 100644
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ restrictions:
* Please **do not** open issues regarding the code in a torch package
- outside the core. For example dont open issues about the
+ outside the core. For example don't open issues about the
REPL in the nn issue tracker, use the trepl issue tracker for that.
<a name="bugs"></a>
diff --git a/ClassSimplexCriterion.lua b/ClassSimplexCriterion.lua
index 6ccaed9..9cabc01 100644
--- a/ClassSimplexCriterion.lua
+++ b/ClassSimplexCriterion.lua
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ function ClassSimplexCriterion:__init(nClasses)
-- handle target being both 1D tensor, and
--- target being 2D tensor (2D tensor means dont do anything)
+-- target being 2D tensor (2D tensor means don't do anything)
local function transformTarget(self, target)
if torch.type(target) == 'number' then
diff --git a/Concat.lua b/Concat.lua
index ea2489e..108b216 100644
--- a/Concat.lua
+++ b/Concat.lua
@@ -2,22 +2,24 @@ local Concat, parent = torch.class('nn.Concat', 'nn.Container')
function Concat:__init(dimension)
- self.size = torch.LongStorage()
+ self.outputSize = torch.LongStorage()
self.dimension = dimension
function Concat:updateOutput(input)
+ self.outputSize = self.outputSize or torch.LongStorage()
local outs = {}
for i=1,#self.modules do
local currentOutput = self:rethrowErrors(self.modules[i], i, 'updateOutput', input)
outs[i] = currentOutput
if i == 1 then
- self.size:resize(currentOutput:dim()):copy(currentOutput:size())
+ self.outputSize:resize(currentOutput:dim()):copy(currentOutput:size())
- self.size[self.dimension] = self.size[self.dimension] + currentOutput:size(self.dimension)
+ self.outputSize[self.dimension] = self.outputSize[self.dimension] + currentOutput:size(self.dimension)
- self.output:resize(self.size)
+ self.output:resize(self.outputSize)
local offset = 1
for i,module in ipairs(self.modules) do
diff --git a/Container.lua b/Container.lua
index 6af4d7d..469a370 100644
--- a/Container.lua
+++ b/Container.lua
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ end
-- Check if passing arguments through xpcall is supported in this Lua interpreter.
local _, XPCALL_ARGS = xpcall(function(x) return x ~= nil end, function() end, 1)
-local TRACEBACK_WARNING = "WARNING: If you see a stack trace below, it doesn't point to the place where this error occured. Please use only the one above."
+local TRACEBACK_WARNING = "WARNING: If you see a stack trace below, it doesn't point to the place where this error occurred. Please use only the one above."
-- module argument can be retrieved with moduleIndex, but code is cleaner when
-- it has to be specified anyway.
function Container:rethrowErrors(module, moduleIndex, funcName, ...)
diff --git a/DepthConcat.lua b/DepthConcat.lua
index 8ae8384..f64a90e 100644
--- a/DepthConcat.lua
+++ b/DepthConcat.lua
@@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ local DepthConcat, _ = torch.class('nn.DepthConcat', 'nn.Concat')
function DepthConcat:windowNarrow(output, currentOutput, offset)
local outputWindow = output:narrow(self.dimension, offset, currentOutput:size(self.dimension))
- for dim=1,self.size:size(1) do
+ for dim=1,self.outputSize:size(1) do
local currentSize = currentOutput:size(dim)
- if dim ~= self.dimension and self.size[dim] ~= currentSize then
+ if dim ~= self.dimension and self.outputSize[dim] ~= currentSize then
-- 5x5 vs 3x3 -> start = [(5-3)/2] + 1 = 2 (1 pad each side)
-- 9x9 vs 5x5 -> start = [(9-5)/2] + 1 = 3 (2 pad each side)
-- 9x9 vs 4x4 -> start = [(9-4)/2] + 1 = 3.5 (2 pad, 3 pad)
- local start = math.floor(((self.size[dim] - currentSize) / 2) + 1)
+ local start = math.floor(((self.outputSize[dim] - currentSize) / 2) + 1)
outputWindow = outputWindow:narrow(dim, start, currentSize)
@@ -27,23 +27,25 @@ function DepthConcat:windowNarrow(output, currentOutput, offset)
function DepthConcat:updateOutput(input)
+ self.outputSize = self.outputSize or torch.LongStorage()
local outs = {}
for i=1,#self.modules do
local currentOutput = self:rethrowErrors(self.modules[i], i, 'updateOutput', input)
outs[i] = currentOutput
if i == 1 then
- self.size:resize(currentOutput:dim()):copy(currentOutput:size())
+ self.outputSize:resize(currentOutput:dim()):copy(currentOutput:size())
- self.size[self.dimension] = self.size[self.dimension] + currentOutput:size(self.dimension)
- for dim=1,self.size:size(1) do
+ self.outputSize[self.dimension] = self.outputSize[self.dimension] + currentOutput:size(self.dimension)
+ for dim=1,self.outputSize:size(1) do
if dim ~= self.dimension then
-- take the maximum size (shouldn't change anything for batch dim)
- self.size[dim] = math.max(self.size[dim], currentOutput:size(dim))
+ self.outputSize[dim] = math.max(self.outputSize[dim], currentOutput:size(dim))
- self.output:resize(self.size):zero() --zero for padding
+ self.output:resize(self.outputSize):zero() --zero for padding
local offset = 1
for i,module in ipairs(self.modules) do
diff --git a/Dropout.lua b/Dropout.lua
index 946c37f..15f2f46 100644
--- a/Dropout.lua
+++ b/Dropout.lua
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
local Dropout, Parent = torch.class('nn.Dropout', 'nn.Module')
-function Dropout:__init(p,v1,inplace)
+function Dropout:__init(p,v1,inplace,stochasticInference)
self.p = p or 0.5
self.train = true
self.inplace = inplace
+ self.stochastic_inference = stochasticInference or false
-- version 2 scales output during training instead of evaluation
self.v2 = not v1
if self.p >= 1 or self.p < 0 then
@@ -20,7 +21,7 @@ function Dropout:updateOutput(input)
if self.p > 0 then
- if self.train then
+ if self.train or self.stochastic_inference then
if self.v2 then
diff --git a/JoinTable.lua b/JoinTable.lua
index 0d20fb9..6ab68e1 100644
--- a/JoinTable.lua
+++ b/JoinTable.lua
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ end
function JoinTable:_getPositiveDimension(input)
local dimension = self.dimension
if dimension < 0 then
- dimension = input:dim() + dimension + 1
+ dimension = input[1]:dim() + dimension + 1
elseif self.nInputDims and input[1]:dim()==(self.nInputDims+1) then
dimension = dimension + 1
diff --git a/LookupTable.lua b/LookupTable.lua
index 8a60354..cf9c687 100644
--- a/LookupTable.lua
+++ b/LookupTable.lua
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ function LookupTable:renorm(input)
if not self.maxNorm then
- -- copy input into _input, so _input is continous.
+ -- copy input into _input, so _input is continuous.
-- The copied _input will be modified in the C code.
local row_idx = self._input
diff --git a/MapTable.lua b/MapTable.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79b967d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MapTable.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+local MapTable, parent = torch.class('nn.MapTable', 'nn.Container')
+function MapTable:__init(module, shared)
+ parent.__init(self)
+ self.shared = shared or {'weight', 'bias', 'gradWeight', 'gradBias'}
+ self.output = {}
+ self.gradInput = {}
+ self:add(module)
+function MapTable:_extend(n)
+ self.modules[1] = self.module
+ for i = 2, n do
+ if not self.modules[i] then
+ self.modules[i] = self.module:clone(table.unpack(self.shared))
+ end
+ end
+function MapTable:resize(n)
+ self:_extend(n)
+ for i = n + 1, #self.modules do
+ self.modules[i] = nil
+ end
+function MapTable:add(module)
+ assert(not self.module, 'Single module required')
+ self.module = module
+ self.modules[1] = self.module
+ return self
+function MapTable:updateOutput(input)
+ self.output = {}
+ self:_extend(#input)
+ for i = 1, #input do
+ self.output[i] = self:rethrowErrors(self.modules[i], i, 'updateOutput', input[i])
+ end
+ return self.output
+function MapTable:updateGradInput(input, gradOutput)
+ self.gradInput = {}
+ self:_extend(#input)
+ for i = 1, #input do
+ self.gradInput[i] = self:rethrowErrors(self.modules[i], i, 'updateGradInput', input[i], gradOutput[i])
+ end
+ return self.gradInput
+function MapTable:accGradParameters(input, gradOutput, scale)
+ scale = scale or 1
+ self:_extend(#input)
+ for i = 1, #input do
+ self:rethrowErrors(self.modules[i], i, 'accGradParameters', input[i], gradOutput[i], scale)
+ end
+function MapTable:accUpdateGradParameters(input, gradOutput, lr)
+ lr = lr or 1
+ self:_extend(#input)
+ for i = 1, #input do
+ self:rethrowErrors(self.modules[i], i, 'accUpdateGradParameters', input[i], gradOutput[i], lr)
+ end
+function MapTable:zeroGradParameters()
+ if self.module then
+ self.module:zeroGradParameters()
+ end
+function MapTable:updateParameters(learningRate)
+ if self.module then
+ self.module:updateParameters(learningRate)
+ end
+function MapTable:clearState()
+ for i = 2, #self.modules do
+ self.modules[i] = nil
+ end
+ parent.clearState(self)
+function MapTable:__tostring__()
+ local tab = ' '
+ local line = '\n'
+ local extlast = ' '
+ local str = torch.type(self)
+ if self.module then
+ str = str .. ' {' .. line .. tab
+ str = str .. tostring(self.module):gsub(line, line .. tab .. extlast) .. line .. '}'
+ else
+ str = str .. ' { }'
+ end
+ return str
diff --git a/Max.lua b/Max.lua
index 691fe9d..1392d8a 100644
--- a/Max.lua
+++ b/Max.lua
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ end
function Max:_lazyInit()
self._output = self._output or self.output.new()
self._indices = self._indices or
- (torch.type(self.output) == 'torch.CudaTensor' and torch.CudaTensor() or torch.LongTensor())
+ (torch.type(self.output) == 'torch.CudaTensor' and torch.CudaLongTensor() or torch.LongTensor())
function Max:updateOutput(input)
@@ -50,18 +50,9 @@ function Max:updateGradInput(input, gradOutput)
function Max:type(type, tensorCache)
- -- torch.max expects a LongTensor as indices, whereas cutorch.max expects a CudaTensor.
- if type == 'torch.CudaTensor' then
+ self._indices = nil
parent.type(self, type, tensorCache)
- else
- -- self._indices must be a LongTensor. Setting it to nil temporarily avoids
- -- unnecessary memory allocations.
- local indices
- indices, self._indices = self._indices, nil
- parent.type(self, type, tensorCache)
- self._indices = indices and indices:long() or nil
- end
- return self
+ return self
function Max:clearState()
diff --git a/Min.lua b/Min.lua
index f1d2b45..dc07cf9 100644
--- a/Min.lua
+++ b/Min.lua
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ end
function Min:_lazyInit()
self._output = self._output or self.output.new()
self._indices = self._indices or
- (torch.type(self.output) == 'torch.CudaTensor' and torch.CudaTensor() or torch.LongTensor())
+ (torch.type(self.output) == 'torch.CudaTensor' and torch.CudaLongTensor() or torch.LongTensor())
function Min:updateOutput(input)
@@ -50,18 +50,9 @@ function Min:updateGradInput(input, gradOutput)
function Min:type(type, tensorCache)
- -- torch.min expects a LongTensor as indices, whereas cutorch.max expects a CudaTensor.
- if type == 'torch.CudaTensor' then
+ self._indices = nil
parent.type(self, type, tensorCache)
- else
- -- self._indices must be a LongTensor. Setting it to nil temporarily avoids
- -- unnecessary memory allocations.
- local indices
- indices, self._indices = self._indices, nil
- parent.type(self, type, tensorCache)
- self._indices = indices and indices:long() or nil
- end
- return self
+ return self
function Min:clearState()
diff --git a/Normalize.lua b/Normalize.lua
index 24c1d07..5cd4857 100644
--- a/Normalize.lua
+++ b/Normalize.lua
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ function Normalize:updateOutput(input)
-- specialization for the infinity norm
self._indices = self._indices or
(torch.type(self.output) == 'torch.CudaTensor' and
- torch.CudaTensor() or torch.LongTensor())
+ torch.CudaLongTensor() or torch.LongTensor())
torch.max(self.norm, self._indices, self.buffer, 2)
@@ -127,18 +127,9 @@ function Normalize:__tostring__()
function Normalize:type(type, tensorCache)
- -- torch.max expects a LongTensor as indices, whereas cutorch.max expects a CudaTensor.
- if type == 'torch.CudaTensor' then
+ self._indices = nil
parent.type(self, type, tensorCache)
- else
- -- self._indices must be a LongTensor. Setting it to nil temporarily avoids
- -- unnecessary memory allocations.
- local indices
- indices, self._indices = self._indices, nil
- parent.type(self, type, tensorCache)
- self._indices = indices and indices:long() or nil
- end
- return self
+ return self
function Normalize:clearState()
diff --git a/SpatialConvolution.lua b/SpatialConvolution.lua
index 8324f95..01a08cd 100644
--- a/SpatialConvolution.lua
+++ b/SpatialConvolution.lua
@@ -89,25 +89,9 @@ local function makeContiguous(self, input, gradOutput)
return input, gradOutput
--- function to re-view the weight layout in a way that would make the MM ops happy
-local function viewWeight(self)
- self.weight = self.weight:view(self.nOutputPlane, self.nInputPlane * self.kH * self.kW)
- if self.gradWeight and self.gradWeight:dim() > 0 then
- self.gradWeight = self.gradWeight:view(self.nOutputPlane, self.nInputPlane * self.kH * self.kW)
- end
-local function unviewWeight(self)
- self.weight = self.weight:view(self.nOutputPlane, self.nInputPlane, self.kH, self.kW)
- if self.gradWeight and self.gradWeight:dim() > 0 then
- self.gradWeight = self.gradWeight:view(self.nOutputPlane, self.nInputPlane, self.kH, self.kW)
- end
function SpatialConvolution:updateOutput(input)
assert(input.THNN, torch.type(input)..'.THNN backend not imported')
- viewWeight(self)
input = makeContiguous(self, input)
@@ -120,7 +104,6 @@ function SpatialConvolution:updateOutput(input)
self.dW, self.dH,
self.padW, self.padH
- unviewWeight(self)
return self.output
@@ -128,20 +111,18 @@ function SpatialConvolution:updateGradInput(input, gradOutput)
assert(input.THNN, torch.type(input)..'.THNN backend not imported')
if self.gradInput then
- viewWeight(self)
input, gradOutput = makeContiguous(self, input, gradOutput)
- self.weight:cdata(),
+ self.weight:cdata(),
self.kW, self.kH,
self.dW, self.dH,
self.padW, self.padH
- unviewWeight(self)
return self.gradInput
@@ -151,7 +132,6 @@ function SpatialConvolution:accGradParameters(input, gradOutput, scale)
scale = scale or 1
input, gradOutput = makeContiguous(self, input, gradOutput)
- viewWeight(self)
@@ -164,7 +144,6 @@ function SpatialConvolution:accGradParameters(input, gradOutput, scale)
self.padW, self.padH,
- unviewWeight(self)
function SpatialConvolution:type(type,tensorCache)
diff --git a/SpatialDilatedMaxPooling.lua b/SpatialDilatedMaxPooling.lua
index 929459c..2f0eba0 100644
--- a/SpatialDilatedMaxPooling.lua
+++ b/SpatialDilatedMaxPooling.lua
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ function SpatialDilatedMaxPooling:updateOutput(input)
self.iheight = input:size(dims-1)
self.iwidth = input:size(dims)
- input.THNN.SpatialMaxPooling_updateOutput(
+ input.THNN.SpatialDilatedMaxPooling_updateOutput(
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ function SpatialDilatedMaxPooling:updateOutput(input)
function SpatialDilatedMaxPooling:updateGradInput(input, gradOutput)
- input.THNN.SpatialMaxPooling_updateGradInput(
+ input.THNN.SpatialDilatedMaxPooling_updateGradInput(
diff --git a/SpatialDropout.lua b/SpatialDropout.lua
index 35daa18..4320061 100644
--- a/SpatialDropout.lua
+++ b/SpatialDropout.lua
@@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
local SpatialDropout, Parent = torch.class('nn.SpatialDropout', 'nn.Module')
-function SpatialDropout:__init(p)
+function SpatialDropout:__init(p,stochasticInference)
self.p = p or 0.5
self.train = true
+ self.stochastic_inference = stochasticInference or false
self.noise = torch.Tensor()
function SpatialDropout:updateOutput(input)
- if self.train then
+ if self.train or self.stochastic_inference then
if input:dim() == 4 then
self.noise:resize(input:size(1), input:size(2), 1, 1)
elseif input:dim() == 3 then
@@ -19,7 +20,7 @@ function SpatialDropout:updateOutput(input)
-- We expand the random dropouts to the entire feature map because the
- -- features are likely correlated accross the map and so the dropout
+ -- features are likely correlated across the map and so the dropout
-- should also be correlated.
self.output:cmul(torch.expandAs(self.noise, input))
diff --git a/SpatialMaxPooling.lua b/SpatialMaxPooling.lua
index c05a876..8475b13 100644
--- a/SpatialMaxPooling.lua
+++ b/SpatialMaxPooling.lua
@@ -46,7 +46,6 @@ function SpatialMaxPooling:updateOutput(input)
self.kW, self.kH,
self.dW, self.dH,
self.padW, self.padH,
- 1, 1,
return self.output
@@ -61,7 +60,6 @@ function SpatialMaxPooling:updateGradInput(input, gradOutput)
self.kW, self.kH,
self.dW, self.dH,
self.padW, self.padH,
- 1, 1,
return self.gradInput
diff --git a/Sum.lua b/Sum.lua
index 5d61c28..9ff73f8 100644
--- a/Sum.lua
+++ b/Sum.lua
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ end
function Sum:updateGradInput(input, gradOutput)
local dimension = self:_getPositiveDimension(input)
- -- zero-strides dont work with MKL/BLAS, so
- -- dont set self.gradInput to zero-stride tensor.
+ -- zero-strides don't work with MKL/BLAS, so
+ -- don't set self.gradInput to zero-stride tensor.
-- Instead, do a deepcopy
local size = input:size()
size[dimension] = 1
diff --git a/THNN.lua b/THNN.lua
index e18dbaa..9100239 100644
--- a/THNN.lua
+++ b/THNN.lua
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ local ffi = require 'ffi'
local THNN = {}
local generic_THNN_h = require 'nn.THNN_h'
-- strip all lines starting with #
-- to remove preprocessor directives originally present
diff --git a/TemporalDynamicKMaxPooling.lua b/TemporalDynamicKMaxPooling.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..511275b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TemporalDynamicKMaxPooling.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ This file implements Dynamic K Max Pooling as described in the paper:
+ "A Convolutional Neural Network for Modelling Sentences"
+ by Nal Kalchbrenner, Edward Grefenstette, Phil Blunsom
+ The operation is simply selecting the k highest values out of a sequence.
+ k can be a calculated value or pre-defined
+ The value of k can be calulated as in the paper by using:
+ k_top as minK
+ (L-l)/L as factor
+ Where:
+ k_top is the desired sequence length at the end of the convolution part,
+ L is the total number of layers,
+ l is this layers number
+local TemporalDynamicKMaxPooling, parent = torch.class('nn.TemporalDynamicKMaxPooling', 'nn.Module')
+function TemporalDynamicKMaxPooling:__init(minK, factor)
+ parent.__init(self)
+ self.minK = minK
+ self.factor = factor or 0
+function TemporalDynamicKMaxPooling:updateOutput(input)
+ assert(input:dim() == 2 or input:dim() == 3, 'Only 2D or 3D(batch mode) accepted')
+ local seqDim = input:dim()-1
+ local k = math.max(self.minK, math.ceil(self.factor*input:size(seqDim)))
+ assert(input:size(seqDim) >= self.minK, 'Input sequence length (' .. input:size(seqDim) .. ') too small for desired k value (' .. k .. ')')
+ -- Sort input in descending order
+ local sorted, allIndices = input:sort(seqDim,true)
+ -- Reduce the indices to only include the top-k and return to original order by sorting
+ self.indices = allIndices:narrow(seqDim, 1, k):sort(seqDim)
+ self.output = input:gather(seqDim, self.indices)
+ return self.output
+function TemporalDynamicKMaxPooling:updateGradInput(input, gradOutput)
+ if self.gradInput then
+ local seqDim = input:dim()-1
+ self.gradInput:resizeAs(input)
+ self.gradInput:zero()
+ -- Using the previously stored indices, add the gradOutputs to their respective
+ -- input indices in the self.gradInput buffer
+ local updateValues = self.gradInput:gather(seqDim, self.indices)
+ updateValues:add(gradOutput)
+ self.gradInput:scatter(seqDim, self.indices, updateValues)
+ return self.gradInput
+ end
+function TemporalDynamicKMaxPooling:clearState()
+ nn.utils.clear(self, 'indices')
+ return parent.clearState(self)
diff --git a/Threshold.lua b/Threshold.lua
index 0c22bae..6fdd264 100644
--- a/Threshold.lua
+++ b/Threshold.lua
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ function Threshold:updateGradInput(input, gradOutput)
+ self.val,
return self.gradInput
diff --git a/VolumetricDilatedMaxPooling.lua b/VolumetricDilatedMaxPooling.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..050e2c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/VolumetricDilatedMaxPooling.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+local THNN = require 'nn.THNN'
+local VolumetricDilatedMaxPooling, parent = torch.class('nn.VolumetricDilatedMaxPooling', 'nn.VolumetricMaxPooling')
+function VolumetricDilatedMaxPooling:__init(kT, kW, kH, dT, dW, dH, padT, padW, padH, dilationT, dilationW, dilationH)
+ parent.__init(self, kT, kW, kH, dT, dW, dH, padT, padW, padH)
+ self.dilationT = dilationT or 1
+ self.dilationW = dilationW or 1
+ self.dilationH = dilationH or 1
+function VolumetricDilatedMaxPooling:updateOutput(input)
+ local dims = input:dim()
+ self.itime = input:size(dims-2)
+ self.iheight = input:size(dims-1)
+ self.iwidth = input:size(dims)
+ self.indices = self.indices or input.new()
+ input.THNN.VolumetricDilatedMaxPooling_updateOutput(
+ input:cdata(),
+ self.output:cdata(),
+ self.indices:cdata(),
+ self.kT, self.kW, self.kH,
+ self.dT, self.dW, self.dH,
+ self.padT, self.padW, self.padH,
+ self.dilationT, self.dilationW, self.dilationH,
+ self.ceil_mode
+ )
+ return self.output
+function VolumetricDilatedMaxPooling:updateGradInput(input, gradOutput)
+ input.THNN.VolumetricDilatedMaxPooling_updateGradInput(
+ input:cdata(),
+ gradOutput:cdata(),
+ self.gradInput:cdata(),
+ self.indices:cdata(),
+ self.dT, self.dW, self.dH,
+ self.padT, self.padW, self.padH,
+ self.dilationT, self.dilationW, self.dilationH
+ )
+ return self.gradInput
+function VolumetricDilatedMaxPooling:clearState()
+ if self.indices then
+ self.indices:set()
+ end
+ return parent.clearState(self)
+function VolumetricDilatedMaxPooling:__tostring__()
+ local s = string.format('%s(%dx%dx%d, %d,%d,%d', torch.type(self),
+ self.kT, self.kW, self.kH, self.dT, self.dW, self.dH)
+ if (self.padT or self.padW or self.padH) and
+ (self.padT ~= 0 or self.padW ~= 0 or self.padH ~= 0) then
+ s = s .. ', ' .. self.padT.. ',' .. self.padW .. ','.. self.padH
+ end
+ s = s .. ', ' .. self.dilationT .. ',' .. self.dilationW .. ',' .. self.dilationH
+ s = s .. ')'
+ return s
diff --git a/VolumetricDropout.lua b/VolumetricDropout.lua
index 5f495af..809e28a 100644
--- a/VolumetricDropout.lua
+++ b/VolumetricDropout.lua
@@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
local VolumetricDropout, Parent = torch.class('nn.VolumetricDropout', 'nn.Module')
-function VolumetricDropout:__init(p)
+function VolumetricDropout:__init(p,stochasticInference)
self.p = p or 0.5
self.train = true
+ self.stochastic_inference = stochasticInference or false
self.noise = torch.Tensor()
function VolumetricDropout:updateOutput(input)
- if self.train then
+ if self.train or self.stochastic_inference then
if input:dim() == 5 then
self.noise:resize(input:size(1), input:size(2), 1, 1, 1)
elseif input:dim() == 4 then
@@ -19,7 +20,7 @@ function VolumetricDropout:updateOutput(input)
-- We expand the random dropouts to the entire feature map because the
- -- features are likely correlated accross the map and so the dropout
+ -- features are likely correlated across the map and so the dropout
-- should also be correlated.
self.output:cmul(torch.expandAs(self.noise, input))
diff --git a/doc/convolution.md b/doc/convolution.md
index 96d92d9..b1a0d4c 100644
--- a/doc/convolution.md
+++ b/doc/convolution.md
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ a kernel for computing the weighted average in a neighborhood ;
* [VolumetricFullConvolution](#nn.VolumetricFullConvolution) : a 3D full convolution over an input video (a sequence of images) ;
* [VolumetricDilatedConvolution](#nn.VolumetricDilatedConvolution) : a 3D dilated convolution over an input image ;
* [VolumetricMaxPooling](#nn.VolumetricMaxPooling) : a 3D max-pooling operation over an input video.
+ * [VolumetricDilatedMaxPooling](#nn.VolumetricDilatedMaxPooling) : a 3D dilated max-pooling operation over an input video ;
* [VolumetricAveragePooling](#nn.VolumetricAveragePooling) : a 3D average-pooling operation over an input video.
* [VolumetricMaxUnpooling](#nn.VolumetricMaxUnpooling) : a 3D max-unpooling operation.
* [VolumetricReplicationPadding](#nn.VolumetricReplicationPadding) : Pads a volumetric feature map with the value at the edge of the input borders. ;
@@ -1022,6 +1023,30 @@ Applies 3D max-pooling operation in `kTxkWxkH` regions by step size
`dTxdWxdH` steps. The number of output features is equal to the number of
input planes / dT. The input can optionally be padded with zeros. Padding should be smaller than half of kernel size. That is, `padT < kT/2`, `padW < kW/2` and `padH < kH/2`.
+<a name="nn.VolumetricDilatedMaxPooling"></a>
+### VolumetricDilatedMaxPooling ###
+module = nn.VolumetricDilatedMaxPooling(kT, kW, kH [, dT, dW, dH, padT, padW, padH, dilationT, dilationW, dilationH])
+Also sometimes referred to as **atrous pooling**.
+Applies 3D dilated max-pooling operation in `kTxkWxkH` regions by step size
+`dTxdWxdH` steps. The number of output features is equal to the number of
+input planes. If `dilationT`, `dilationW` and `dilationH` are not provided, this is equivalent to performing normal `nn.VolumetricMaxPooling`.
+If the input image is a 4D tensor `nInputPlane x depth x height x width`, the output
+image size will be `nOutputPlane x otime x oheight x owidth` where
+otime = op((depth - (dilationT * (kT - 1) + 1) + 2*padT) / dT + 1)
+owidth = op((width - (dilationW * (kW - 1) + 1) + 2*padW) / dW + 1)
+oheight = op((height - (dilationH * (kH - 1) + 1) + 2*padH) / dH + 1)
+`op` is a rounding operator. By default, it is `floor`. It can be changed
+by calling `:ceil()` or `:floor()` methods.
<a name="nn.VolumetricAveragePooling"></a>
### VolumetricAveragePooling ###
diff --git a/doc/simple.md b/doc/simple.md
index 6f01a56..302e4d8 100644
--- a/doc/simple.md
+++ b/doc/simple.md
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ Simple Modules are used for various tasks like adapting Tensor methods and provi
* [Unsqueeze](#nn.Unsqueeze) : unsqueeze the input, i.e., insert singleton dimension;
* [Transpose](#nn.Transpose) : [transposes](https://github.com/torch/torch7/blob/master/doc/tensor.md#tensor-transposedim1-dim2) the input ;
* Modules that adapt mathematical Tensor methods :
- * [AddConstant](https://github.com/torch/nn/blob/master/doc/transfer.md#nn.AddConstant) : adding a constant ;
- * [MulConstant](https://github.com/torch/nn/blob/master/doc/transfer.md#nn.MulConstant) : multiplying a constant ;
+ * [AddConstant](https://github.com/torch/nn/blob/master/doc/transfer.md#addconstant) : adding a constant ;
+ * [MulConstant](https://github.com/torch/nn/blob/master/doc/transfer.md#mulconstant) : multiplying a constant ;
* [Max](#nn.Max) : a [max](https://github.com/torch/torch7/blob/master/doc/maths.md#torch.max) operation over a given dimension ;
* [Min](#nn.Min) : a [min](https://github.com/torch/torch7/blob/master/doc/maths.md#torchminresval-resind-x) operation over a given dimension ;
* [Mean](#nn.Mean) : a [mean](https://github.com/torch/torch7/blob/master/doc/maths.md#res-torchmeanres-x-dim) operation over a given dimension ;
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ Simple Modules are used for various tasks like adapting Tensor methods and provi
* [L1Penalty](#nn.L1Penalty) : adds an L1 penalty to an input (for sparsity) ;
* [GradientReversal](#nn.GradientReversal) : reverses the gradient (to maximize an objective function) ;
* [GPU](#nn.GPU) : decorates a module so that it can be executed on a specific GPU device.
+ * [TemporalDynamicKMaxPooling](#nn.TemporalDynamicKMaxPooling) : selects the k highest values in a sequence. k can be calculated based on sequence length ;
<a name="nn.Linear"></a>
## Linear ##
@@ -138,7 +139,7 @@ module = nn.Bilinear(inputDimension1, inputDimension2, outputDimension, [bias =
Applies a bilinear transformation to the incoming data, i.e. `\forall k: y_k = x_1 A_k x_2 + b`. The `input` tensor given in `forward(input)` is a table containing both inputs `x_1` and `x_2`, which are tensors of size `N x inputDimension1`
-and `N x inputDimension1`, respectively. The layer can be trained without biases by setting `bias = false`.
+and `N x inputDimension2`, respectively. The layer can be trained without biases by setting `bias = false`.
You can create a layer in the following way:
@@ -246,6 +247,19 @@ During [evaluation](module.md#evaluate), `Dropout` does nothing more than forwar
[torch.DoubleTensor of dimension 2x4]
+There is also an option for stochastic [evaluation](module.md#evaluate) which drops the `outputs` just like how it is done during [training](module.md#training):
+module_stochastic_evaluation = nn.Dropout(nil, nil, nil, true)
+> module_stochastic_evaluation:evaluate()
+> module_stochastic_evaluation:forward(x)
+ 2 4 6 0
+ 0 12 14 0
+[torch.DoubleTensor of dimension 2x4]
We can return to training our model by first calling [Module:training()](module.md#training):
@@ -404,15 +418,16 @@ module = nn.CMul(size)
Applies a component-wise multiplication to the incoming data, i.e. `y_i = w_i * x_i`. Argument `size` can be one or many numbers (sizes) or a `torch.LongStorage`. For example, `nn.CMul(3,4,5)` is equivalent to `nn.CMul(torch.LongStorage{3,4,5})`.
+If the size for a particular dimension is 1, the multiplication will be expanded along the entire axis.
mlp = nn.Sequential()
+mlp:add(nn.CMul(5, 1))
-y = torch.Tensor(5)
-sc = torch.Tensor(5)
+y = torch.Tensor(5, 4)
+sc = torch.Tensor(5, 4)
for i = 1, 5 do sc[i] = i; end -- scale input with this
function gradUpdate(mlp, x, y, criterion, learningRate)
@@ -426,7 +441,7 @@ function gradUpdate(mlp, x, y, criterion, learningRate)
for i = 1, 10000 do
- x = torch.rand(5)
+ x = torch.rand(5, 4)
err = gradUpdate(mlp, x, y, nn.MSECriterion(), 0.01)
@@ -443,7 +458,7 @@ gives the output:
-[torch.Tensor of dimension 5]
+[torch.Tensor of dimension 5x1]
i.e. the network successfully learns the input `x` has been scaled by those scaling factors to produce the output `y`.
@@ -598,7 +613,7 @@ end
module = nn.Copy(inputType, outputType, [forceCopy, dontCast])
-This layer copies the input to output with type casting from `inputType` to `outputType`. Unless `forceCopy` is true, when the first two arguments are the same, the input isn't copied, only transfered as the output. The default `forceCopy` is false.
+This layer copies the input to output with type casting from `inputType` to `outputType`. Unless `forceCopy` is true, when the first two arguments are the same, the input isn't copied, only transferred as the output. The default `forceCopy` is false.
When `dontCast` is true, a call to `nn.Copy:type(type)` will not cast the module's `output` and `gradInput` Tensors to the new type. The default is false.
<a name="nn.Narrow"></a>
@@ -1039,7 +1054,7 @@ Setting `numInputDims` allows to use this module on batches.
module = nn.Unsqueeze(pos [, numInputDims])
-Insert singleton dim (i.e., dimension 1) at position `pos`.
+Insert singleton dim (i.e., dimension 1) at position `pos`.
For an `input` with `dim = input:dim()`, there are `dim + 1` possible positions to insert the singleton dimension.
For example, if `input` is `3` dimensional tensor in size `p x q x r`, then the singleton dim can be inserted at the following `4` positions
@@ -1070,7 +1085,7 @@ input2 = torch.Tensor(3, 5, 7) -- input2: 3 x 5 x 7
m:forward(input2) -- output: 3 x 1 x 5 x 7
-Indicate the expected input feature map dimension by specifying `numInputDims`.
+Indicate the expected input feature map dimension by specifying `numInputDims`.
This allows the module to work with mini-batch. Example:
b = 5 -- batch size 5
@@ -1413,14 +1428,14 @@ to set the hyper-parameter `lambda` dynamically during training.
gpu = nn.GPU(module, device, [outdevice])
require 'cunn'
Decorates an encapsulated `module` so that it can be executed on a specific GPU `device`.
The decorated module's `parameters` are thus hosted on the specified GPU `device`.
All operations on the `gpu` module are executed on that device.
-Calls to `forward`/`backward` will transfer arguments `input` and `gradOutput` to the specified `device`,
-which are then fed as arguments to the decorated `module`.
-Returned `output` is located on the specified `outdevice` (defaults to `device`).
+Calls to `forward`/`backward` will transfer arguments `input` and `gradOutput` to the specified `device`,
+which are then fed as arguments to the decorated `module`.
+Returned `output` is located on the specified `outdevice` (defaults to `device`).
Returned `gradInput` is allocated on the same device as the `input`.
When serialized/deserialized, the `gpu` module will be run on the same `device` that it was serialized with.
@@ -1429,16 +1444,16 @@ To prevent this from happening, the module can be converted to float/double befo
gpustr = torch.serialize(gpu)
The module is located in the __nn__ package instead of __cunn__ as this allows
-it to be used in CPU-only enviroments, which are common for production models.
+it to be used in CPU-only environments, which are common for production models.
The module supports nested table `input` and `gradOutput` tensors originating from multiple devices.
-Each nested tensor in the returned `gradInput` will be transfered to the device its commensurate tensor in the `input`.
+Each nested tensor in the returned `gradInput` will be transferred to the device its commensurate tensor in the `input`.
-The intended use-case is not for model-parallelism where the models are executed in parallel on multiple devices, but
-for sequential models where a single GPU doesn't have enough memory.
+The intended use-case is not for model-parallelism where the models are executed in parallel on multiple devices, but
+for sequential models where a single GPU doesn't have enough memory.
Example using 4 GPUs:
@@ -1448,7 +1463,20 @@ mlp = nn.Sequential()
:add(nn.GPU(nn.Linear(10000,10000), 2))
:add(nn.GPU(nn.Linear(10000,10000), 3))
:add(nn.GPU(nn.Linear(10000,10000), 4, cutorch.getDevice()))
Note how the last `GPU` instance will return an `output` tensor on the same device as the current device (`cutorch.getDevice`).
+<a name="nn.TemporalDynamicKMaxPooling"></a>
+## TemporalDynamicKMaxPooling ##
+module = nn.TemporalDynamicKMaxPooling(minK, [factor])
+Selects the highest `k` values for each feature in the feature map sequence provided. The input sequence is composed of `nInputFrame` frames (i.e. `nInputFrame` is sequence length). The `input` tensor in `forward(input)` is expected to be a 2D tensor (`nInputFrame x inputFrameSize`) or a 3D tensor (`nBatchFrame x nInputFrame x inputFrameSize`), where `inputFrameSize` is the number of features across the sequence.
+If `factor` is not provided, `k = minK`, else the value of k is calculated with:
+k = math.max(minK, math.ceil(factor*nInputFrame)))
diff --git a/doc/table.md b/doc/table.md
index a2e23f8..ee61719 100644
--- a/doc/table.md
+++ b/doc/table.md
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ This allows one to build very rich architectures:
* `table` Container Modules encapsulate sub-Modules:
* [`ConcatTable`](#nn.ConcatTable): applies each member module to the same input [`Tensor`](https://github.com/torch/torch7/blob/master/doc/tensor.md#tensor) and outputs a `table`;
* [`ParallelTable`](#nn.ParallelTable): applies the `i`-th member module to the `i`-th input and outputs a `table`;
+ * [`MapTable`](#nn.MapTable): applies a single module to every input and outputs a `table`;
* Table Conversion Modules convert between `table`s and `Tensor`s or `table`s:
* [`SplitTable`](#nn.SplitTable): splits a `Tensor` into a `table` of `Tensor`s;
* [`JoinTable`](#nn.JoinTable): joins a `table` of `Tensor`s into a `Tensor`;
@@ -23,6 +24,8 @@ This allows one to build very rich architectures:
* [`CSubTable`](#nn.CSubTable): substraction of input `Tensor`s;
* [`CMulTable`](#nn.CMulTable): multiplication of input `Tensor`s;
* [`CDivTable`](#nn.CDivTable): division of input `Tensor`s;
+ * [`CMaxTable`](#nn.CMaxTable): max of input `Tensor`s;
+ * [`CMinTable`](#nn.CMinTable): min of input `Tensor`s;
* `Table` of Criteria:
* [`CriterionTable`](#nn.CriterionTable): wraps a [Criterion](criterion.md#nn.Criterion) so that it can accept a `table` of inputs.
@@ -165,6 +168,57 @@ which gives the output:
+<a name="nn.MapTable"></a>
+## MapTable ##
+module = nn.MapTable(m, share)
+`MapTable` is a container for a single module which will be applied to all input elements. The member module is cloned as necessary to process all input elements. Call `resize(n)` to set the number of clones manually or call `clearState()` to discard all clones.
+Optionally, the module can be initialized with the contained module and with a list of parameters that are shared across all clones. By default, these parameters are `weight`, `bias`, `gradWeight` and `gradBias`.
++----------+ +-----------+
+| {input1, +---------> {member, |
+| | | |
+| input2, +---------> clone, |
+| | | |
+| input3} +---------> clone} |
++----------+ +-----------+
+### Example
+map = nn.MapTable()
+map:add(nn.Linear(10, 3))
+x1 = torch.rand(10)
+x2 = torch.rand(10)
+y = map:forward{x1, x2}
+for i, k in pairs(y) do print(i, k) end
+which gives the output:
+ 0.0345
+ 0.8695
+ 0.6502
+[torch.DoubleTensor of size 3]
+ 0.0269
+ 0.4953
+ 0.2691
+[torch.DoubleTensor of size 3]
<a name="nn.SplitTable"></a>
## SplitTable ##
@@ -1212,3 +1266,30 @@ m = nn.CDivTable()
[torch.DoubleTensor of dimension 5]
+<a name="nn.CMaxTable"></a>
+## CMaxTable ##
+Takes a `table` of `Tensor`s and outputs the max of all of them.
+m = nn.CMaxTable()
+=m:forward({{torch.Tensor{1,2,3}, torch.Tensor{3,2,1}})
+ 3
+ 2
+ 3
+[torch.DoubleTensor of size 3]
+<a name="nn.CMinTable"></a>
+## CMinTable ##
+Takes a `table` of `Tensor`s and outputs the min of all of them.
+m = nn.CMinTable()
+=m:forward({{torch.Tensor{1,2,3}, torch.Tensor{3,2,1}})
+ 1
+ 2
+ 1
+[torch.DoubleTensor of size 3]
diff --git a/init.lua b/init.lua
index a9c68da..70027a1 100644
--- a/init.lua
+++ b/init.lua
@@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ require('nn.CAddTable')
@@ -110,6 +112,7 @@ require('nn.SpatialAdaptiveMaxPooling')
@@ -125,6 +128,7 @@ require('nn.VolumetricConvolution')
@@ -142,6 +146,7 @@ require('nn.MixtureTable')
diff --git a/lib/THNN/generic/BCECriterion.c b/lib/THNN/generic/BCECriterion.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8d7da2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/THNN/generic/BCECriterion.c
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#define TH_GENERIC_FILE "generic/BCECriterion.c"
+#define EPS 1e-12
+void THNN_(BCECriterion_updateOutput)(THNNState *state, THTensor *input, THTensor *target, THTensor *output, bool sizeAverage, THTensor *weights)
+ real sum = 0;
+ if(weights)
+ TH_TENSOR_APPLY3(real, input, real, target, real, weights,
+ real x = *input_data;
+ real y = *target_data;
+ real w = *weights_data;
+ sum -= (log(x + EPS) * y + log(1. - x + EPS) * (1. - y)) * w;
+ )
+ else
+ TH_TENSOR_APPLY2(real, input, real, target,
+ real x = *input_data;
+ real y = *target_data;
+ sum -= log(x + EPS) * y + log(1. - x + EPS) * (1. - y);
+ );
+ if (sizeAverage)
+ sum /= THTensor_(nElement)(input);
+ THTensor_(set1d)(output, 0, sum);
+void THNN_(BCECriterion_updateGradInput)(THNNState *state, THTensor *input, THTensor *target, THTensor *gradInput, bool sizeAverage, THTensor *weights)
+ real norm = (sizeAverage ? 1./((real)THTensor_(nElement)(input)) : 1.);
+ THTensor_(resizeAs)(gradInput, input);
+ TH_TENSOR_APPLY3(real, gradInput, real, input, real, target,
+ real x = *input_data;
+ real y = *target_data;
+ *gradInput_data = - norm * (y - x) / ((1. - x + EPS) * (x + EPS));
+ );
+ if(weights)
+ THTensor_(cmul)(gradInput, gradInput, weights);
+#undef EPS
diff --git a/lib/THNN/generic/HardTanh.c b/lib/THNN/generic/HardTanh.c
index 3b7ba3d..f360068 100644
--- a/lib/THNN/generic/HardTanh.c
+++ b/lib/THNN/generic/HardTanh.c
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ void THNN_(HardTanh_updateGradInput)(
if (inplace)
TH_TENSOR_APPLY2(real, gradOutput, real, input,
- if (*input_data < min_val || *input_data > max_val)
+ if (*input_data <= min_val || *input_data >= max_val)
*gradOutput_data = 0;
diff --git a/lib/THNN/generic/SpatialConvolutionMM.c b/lib/THNN/generic/SpatialConvolutionMM.c
index e7460c8..64aa9db 100644
--- a/lib/THNN/generic/SpatialConvolutionMM.c
+++ b/lib/THNN/generic/SpatialConvolutionMM.c
@@ -67,9 +67,12 @@ void THNN_(SpatialConvolutionMM_updateOutput)(
long outputWidth;
long outputHeight;
+ int freeWeight = 0;
THArgCheck( input->nDimension == 3 || input->nDimension == 4, 2, "3D or 4D (batch mode) tensor expected");
THArgCheck(kW > 0 && kH > 0, 8, "kernel size should be greater than zero");
THArgCheck(dW > 0 && dH > 0, 10, "stride should be greater than zero");
+ THArgCheck(weight->nDimension == 2 || weight->nDimension == 4, 4, "weight tensor should be 2D or 4D");
if (input->nDimension == 4) {
@@ -88,8 +91,19 @@ void THNN_(SpatialConvolutionMM_updateOutput)(
THError("Given input size: (%dx%dx%d). Calculated output size: (%dx%dx%d). Output size is too small",
- if (nInputPlane*kW*kH != weight->size[1])
- THError("Wrong number of input channels! Input has %d channels, expected %d",nInputPlane,weight->size[1]/(kW*kH));
+ int expectedWeightSize = weight->nDimension == 2 ? nInputPlane*kW*kH : nInputPlane;
+ int weightInputPlanes = weight->nDimension == 2 ? weight->size[1]/(kW*kH) : weight->size[1];
+ if (expectedWeightSize != weight->size[1])
+ THError("Wrong number of input channels! Input has %d channels, expected %d",
+ nInputPlane, weightInputPlanes);
+ if (weight->nDimension == 4) {
+ long s1 = weight->size[0];
+ long s2 = weight->size[1] * weight->size[2] * weight->size[3];
+ weight = THTensor_(newWithStorage2d)(weight->storage, weight->storageOffset, s1, -1, s2, -1);
+ freeWeight = 1;
+ }
if(input->nDimension == 3)
@@ -126,6 +140,9 @@ void THNN_(SpatialConvolutionMM_updateOutput)(
+ if (freeWeight)
+ THTensor_(free)(weight);
static void THNN_(SpatialConvolutionMM_updateGradInput_frame)(
@@ -167,17 +184,27 @@ void THNN_(SpatialConvolutionMM_updateGradInput)(
int padH)
long nOutputPlane = weight->size[0];
+ int freeWeight = 0;
THArgCheck( nOutputPlane == gradOutput->size[input->nDimension == 4 ? 1 : 0], 3, "Number of output features is not equal to nOutputPlane" );
THArgCheck(kW > 0 && kH > 0, 9, "kernel size should be greater than zero");
THArgCheck(dW > 0 && dH > 0, 11, "stride should be greater than zero");
+ THArgCheck(weight->nDimension == 2 || weight->nDimension == 4, 4, "weight tensor should be 2D or 4D");
THTensor_(resizeAs)(gradInput, input);
THTensor_(resizeAs)(fgradInput, finput);
// depending on the BLAS library, fgradInput (result tensor) might
// be left uninitialized on zero alpha, which might lead to weird behavior
// hence, to be safe, zero it
- THTensor_(zero)(fgradInput);
+ THTensor_(zero)(fgradInput);
+ if (weight->nDimension == 4) {
+ long s1 = weight->size[0];
+ long s2 = weight->size[1] * weight->size[2] * weight->size[3];
+ weight = THTensor_(newWithStorage2d)(weight->storage, weight->storageOffset, s1, -1, s2, -1);
+ freeWeight = 1;
+ }
THTensor_(transpose)(weight, weight, 0, 1);
if(input->nDimension == 3)
@@ -205,6 +232,9 @@ void THNN_(SpatialConvolutionMM_updateGradInput)(
THTensor_(transpose)(weight, weight, 0, 1);
+ if (freeWeight)
+ THTensor_(free)(weight);
static void THNN_(SpatialConvolutionMM_accGradParameters_frame)(
@@ -254,10 +284,19 @@ void THNN_(SpatialConvolutionMM_accGradParameters)(
int padH,
real scale)
+ int freeWeight = 0;
long nOutputPlane = gradWeight->size[0];
THArgCheck( nOutputPlane == gradOutput->size[input->nDimension == 4 ? 1 : 0], 3, "Number of output features is not equal to nOutputPlane" );
THArgCheck(kW > 0 && kH > 0, 8, "kernel size should be greater than zero");
THArgCheck(dW > 0 && dH > 0, 10, "stride should be greater than zero");
+ THArgCheck(gradWeight->nDimension == 2 || gradWeight->nDimension == 4, 4, "gradWeight tensor should be 2D or 4D");
+ if (gradWeight->nDimension == 4) {
+ long s1 = gradWeight->size[0];
+ long s2 = gradWeight->size[1] * gradWeight->size[2] * gradWeight->size[3];
+ gradWeight = THTensor_(newWithStorage2d)(gradWeight->storage, gradWeight->storageOffset, s1, -1, s2, -1);
+ freeWeight = 1;
+ }
if(input->nDimension == 3)
@@ -279,6 +318,8 @@ void THNN_(SpatialConvolutionMM_accGradParameters)(
+ if (freeWeight)
+ THTensor_(free)(gradWeight);
diff --git a/lib/THNN/generic/SpatialMaxPooling.c b/lib/THNN/generic/SpatialDilatedMaxPooling.c
similarity index 91%
copy from lib/THNN/generic/SpatialMaxPooling.c
copy to lib/THNN/generic/SpatialDilatedMaxPooling.c
index 3daef1d..6500f49 100644
--- a/lib/THNN/generic/SpatialMaxPooling.c
+++ b/lib/THNN/generic/SpatialDilatedMaxPooling.c
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-#define TH_GENERIC_FILE "generic/SpatialMaxPooling.c"
+#define TH_GENERIC_FILE "generic/SpatialDilatedMaxPooling.c"
-static void THNN_(SpatialMaxPooling_updateOutput_frame)(
+static void THNN_(SpatialDilatedMaxPooling_updateOutput_frame)(
real *input_p,
real *output_p,
real *ind_p,
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ static void THNN_(SpatialMaxPooling_updateOutput_frame)(
-void THNN_(SpatialMaxPooling_updateOutput)(
+void THNN_(SpatialDilatedMaxPooling_updateOutput)(
THNNState *state,
THTensor *input,
THTensor *output,
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ void THNN_(SpatialMaxPooling_updateOutput)(
output_data = THTensor_(data)(output);
indices_data = THTensor_(data)(indices);
- THNN_(SpatialMaxPooling_updateOutput_frame)(input_data, output_data,
+ THNN_(SpatialDilatedMaxPooling_updateOutput_frame)(input_data, output_data,
iwidth, iheight,
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ void THNN_(SpatialMaxPooling_updateOutput)(
#pragma omp parallel for private(p)
for (p = 0; p < nbatch; p++)
- THNN_(SpatialMaxPooling_updateOutput_frame)(input_data+p*nslices*iwidth*iheight, output_data+p*nslices*owidth*oheight,
+ THNN_(SpatialDilatedMaxPooling_updateOutput_frame)(input_data+p*nslices*iwidth*iheight, output_data+p*nslices*owidth*oheight,
iwidth, iheight,
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ void THNN_(SpatialMaxPooling_updateOutput)(
-static void THNN_(SpatialMaxPooling_updateGradInput_frame)(
+static void THNN_(SpatialDilatedMaxPooling_updateGradInput_frame)(
real *gradInput_p,
real *gradOutput_p,
real *ind_p,
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ static void THNN_(SpatialMaxPooling_updateGradInput_frame)(
-void THNN_(SpatialMaxPooling_updateGradInput)(
+void THNN_(SpatialDilatedMaxPooling_updateGradInput)(
THNNState *state,
THTensor *input,
THTensor *gradOutput,
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ void THNN_(SpatialMaxPooling_updateGradInput)(
/* backprop */
if (input->nDimension == 3)
- THNN_(SpatialMaxPooling_updateGradInput_frame)(gradInput_data, gradOutput_data,
+ THNN_(SpatialDilatedMaxPooling_updateGradInput_frame)(gradInput_data, gradOutput_data,
iwidth, iheight,
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ void THNN_(SpatialMaxPooling_updateGradInput)(
#pragma omp parallel for private(p)
for (p = 0; p < nbatch; p++)
- THNN_(SpatialMaxPooling_updateGradInput_frame)(gradInput_data+p*nslices*iwidth*iheight, gradOutput_data+p*nslices*owidth*oheight,
+ THNN_(SpatialDilatedMaxPooling_updateGradInput_frame)(gradInput_data+p*nslices*iwidth*iheight, gradOutput_data+p*nslices*owidth*oheight,
iwidth, iheight,
diff --git a/lib/THNN/generic/SpatialMaxPooling.c b/lib/THNN/generic/SpatialMaxPooling.c
index 3daef1d..e0fafb1 100644
--- a/lib/THNN/generic/SpatialMaxPooling.c
+++ b/lib/THNN/generic/SpatialMaxPooling.c
@@ -2,78 +2,6 @@
#define TH_GENERIC_FILE "generic/SpatialMaxPooling.c"
-static void THNN_(SpatialMaxPooling_updateOutput_frame)(
- real *input_p,
- real *output_p,
- real *ind_p,
- long nslices,
- long iwidth,
- long iheight,
- long owidth,
- long oheight,
- int kW,
- int kH,
- int dW,
- int dH,
- int padW,
- int padH,
- int dilationW,
- int dilationH
- )
- long k;
-#pragma omp parallel for private(k)
- for (k = 0; k < nslices; k++)
- {
- /* loop over output */
- long i, j;
- real *ip = input_p + k*iwidth*iheight;
- for(i = 0; i < oheight; i++)
- {
- for(j = 0; j < owidth; j++)
- {
- long hstart = i * dH - padH;
- long wstart = j * dW - padW;
- long hend = fminf(hstart + (kH - 1) * dilationH + 1, iheight);
- long wend = fminf(wstart + (kW - 1) * dilationW + 1, iwidth);
- while(hstart < 0)
- hstart += dilationH;
- while(wstart < 0)
- wstart += dilationW;
- /* local pointers */
- real *op = output_p + k*owidth*oheight + i*owidth + j;
- real *indp = ind_p + k*owidth*oheight + i*owidth + j;
- /* compute local max: */
- long maxindex = -1;
- real maxval = -THInf;
- long tcntr = 0;
- long x,y;
- for(y = hstart; y < hend; y += dilationH)
- {
- for(x = wstart; x < wend; x += dilationW)
- {
- tcntr = y*iwidth + x;
- real val = *(ip + tcntr);
- if (val > maxval)
- {
- maxval = val;
- maxindex = tcntr;
- }
- }
- }
- /* set output to local max */
- *op = maxval;
- /* store location of max */
- *indp = maxindex + TH_INDEX_BASE;
- }
- }
- }
void THNN_(SpatialMaxPooling_updateOutput)(
THNNState *state,
THTensor *input,
@@ -85,150 +13,12 @@ void THNN_(SpatialMaxPooling_updateOutput)(
int dH,
int padW,
int padH,
- int dilationW,
- int dilationH,
bool ceil_mode)
- int dimw = 2;
- int dimh = 1;
- long nbatch = 1;
- long nslices;
- long iheight;
- long iwidth;
- long oheight;
- long owidth;
- real *input_data;
- real *output_data;
- real *indices_data;
- THArgCheck(input->nDimension == 3 || input->nDimension == 4 , 2, "3D or 4D (batch mode) tensor expected");
- if (input->nDimension == 4)
- {
- nbatch = input->size[0];
- dimw++;
- dimh++;
- }
- THArgCheck(input->size[dimw] >= kW - padW && input->size[dimh] >= kH - padH, 2, "input image smaller than kernel size");
- THArgCheck(kW/2 >= padW && kH/2 >= padH, 2, "pad should be smaller than half of kernel size");
- /* sizes */
- nslices = input->size[dimh-1];
- iheight = input->size[dimh];
- iwidth = input->size[dimw];
- if (ceil_mode)
- {
- oheight = (long)(ceil((float)(iheight - (dilationH * (kH - 1) + 1) + 2*padH) / dH)) + 1;
- owidth = (long)(ceil((float)(iwidth - (dilationW * (kW - 1) + 1) + 2*padW) / dW)) + 1;
- }
- else
- {
- oheight = (long)(floor((float)(iheight - (dilationH * (kH - 1) + 1) + 2*padH) / dH)) + 1;
- owidth = (long)(floor((float)(iwidth - (dilationW * (kW - 1) + 1) + 2*padW) / dW)) + 1;
- }
- if (owidth < 1 || oheight < 1)
- THError("Given input size: (%dx%dx%d). Calculated output size: (%dx%dx%d). Output size is too small",
- nslices,iheight,iwidth,nslices,oheight,owidth);
- if (padW || padH)
- {
- // ensure that the last pooling starts inside the image
- if ((oheight - 1)*dH >= iheight + padH)
- --oheight;
- if ((owidth - 1)*dW >= iwidth + padW)
- --owidth;
- }
- /* get contiguous input */
- input = THTensor_(newContiguous)(input);
- /* resize output */
- if (input->nDimension == 3)
- {
- THTensor_(resize3d)(output, nslices, oheight, owidth);
- /* indices will contain the locations for each output point */
- THTensor_(resize3d)(indices, nslices, oheight, owidth);
- input_data = THTensor_(data)(input);
- output_data = THTensor_(data)(output);
- indices_data = THTensor_(data)(indices);
- THNN_(SpatialMaxPooling_updateOutput_frame)(input_data, output_data,
- indices_data,
- nslices,
- iwidth, iheight,
- owidth, oheight,
- kW, kH, dW, dH,
- padW, padH,
- dilationW, dilationH
- );
- }
- else
- {
- long p;
- THTensor_(resize4d)(output, nbatch, nslices, oheight, owidth);
- /* indices will contain the locations for each output point */
- THTensor_(resize4d)(indices, nbatch, nslices, oheight, owidth);
- input_data = THTensor_(data)(input);
- output_data = THTensor_(data)(output);
- indices_data = THTensor_(data)(indices);
-#pragma omp parallel for private(p)
- for (p = 0; p < nbatch; p++)
- {
- THNN_(SpatialMaxPooling_updateOutput_frame)(input_data+p*nslices*iwidth*iheight, output_data+p*nslices*owidth*oheight,
- indices_data+p*nslices*owidth*oheight,
- nslices,
- iwidth, iheight,
- owidth, oheight,
- kW, kH, dW, dH,
- padW, padH,
- dilationW, dilationH
- );
- }
- }
- /* cleanup */
- THTensor_(free)(input);
-static void THNN_(SpatialMaxPooling_updateGradInput_frame)(
- real *gradInput_p,
- real *gradOutput_p,
- real *ind_p,
- long nslices,
- long iwidth,
- long iheight,
- long owidth,
- long oheight,
- int dW,
- int dH)
- long k;
-#pragma omp parallel for private(k)
- for (k = 0; k < nslices; k++)
- {
- real *gradInput_p_k = gradInput_p + k*iwidth*iheight;
- real *gradOutput_p_k = gradOutput_p + k*owidth*oheight;
- real *ind_p_k = ind_p + k*owidth*oheight;
- /* calculate max points */
- long i, j;
- for(i = 0; i < oheight; i++)
- {
- for(j = 0; j < owidth; j++)
- {
- /* retrieve position of max */
- long maxp = ind_p_k[i*owidth + j] - TH_INDEX_BASE;
- /* update gradient */
- gradInput_p_k[maxp] += gradOutput_p_k[i*owidth + j];
- }
- }
- }
+ THNN_(SpatialDilatedMaxPooling_updateOutput)(
+ state, input, output, indices,
+ kW, kH, dW, dH, padW, padH, 1, 1, ceil_mode
+ );
void THNN_(SpatialMaxPooling_updateGradInput)(
@@ -243,74 +33,12 @@ void THNN_(SpatialMaxPooling_updateGradInput)(
int dH,
int padW,
int padH,
- int dilationW,
- int dilationH,
bool ceil_mode)
- int dimw = 2;
- int dimh = 1;
- long nbatch = 1;
- int nslices;
- int iheight;
- int iwidth;
- int oheight;
- int owidth;
- real *gradInput_data;
- real *gradOutput_data;
- real *indices_data;
- /* get contiguous gradOutput */
- gradOutput = THTensor_(newContiguous)(gradOutput);
- /* resize */
- THTensor_(resizeAs)(gradInput, input);
- THTensor_(zero)(gradInput);
- if (input->nDimension == 4) {
- nbatch = input->size[0];
- dimw++;
- dimh++;
- }
- /* sizes */
- nslices = input->size[dimh-1];
- iheight = input->size[dimh];
- iwidth = input->size[dimw];
- oheight = gradOutput->size[dimh];
- owidth = gradOutput->size[dimw];
- /* get raw pointers */
- gradInput_data = THTensor_(data)(gradInput);
- gradOutput_data = THTensor_(data)(gradOutput);
- indices_data = THTensor_(data)(indices);
- /* backprop */
- if (input->nDimension == 3)
- {
- THNN_(SpatialMaxPooling_updateGradInput_frame)(gradInput_data, gradOutput_data,
- indices_data,
- nslices,
- iwidth, iheight,
- owidth, oheight,
- dW, dH);
- }
- else
- {
- long p;
-#pragma omp parallel for private(p)
- for (p = 0; p < nbatch; p++)
- {
- THNN_(SpatialMaxPooling_updateGradInput_frame)(gradInput_data+p*nslices*iwidth*iheight, gradOutput_data+p*nslices*owidth*oheight,
- indices_data+p*nslices*owidth*oheight,
- nslices,
- iwidth, iheight,
- owidth, oheight,
- dW, dH);
- }
- }
- /* cleanup */
- THTensor_(free)(gradOutput);
+ THNN_(SpatialDilatedMaxPooling_updateGradInput)(
+ state, input, gradOutput, gradInput, indices,
+ kW, kH, dW, dH, padW, padH, 1, 1, ceil_mode
+ );
diff --git a/lib/THNN/generic/SpatialUpSamplingNearest.c b/lib/THNN/generic/SpatialUpSamplingNearest.c
index 7ef093c..b67c68d 100644
--- a/lib/THNN/generic/SpatialUpSamplingNearest.c
+++ b/lib/THNN/generic/SpatialUpSamplingNearest.c
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ void THNN_(SpatialUpSamplingNearest_updateOutput)(
int yDim = input->nDimension-1;
// dims
- int idim = input->nDimension; // Gauranteed to be between 3 and 5
+ int idim = input->nDimension; // Guaranteed to be between 3 and 5
int osz0 = output->size[0];
int osz1 = output->size[1];
int osz2 = output->size[2];
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ void THNN_(SpatialUpSamplingNearest_updateGradInput)(
int yDim = gradInput->nDimension-1;
// dims
- int idim = gradInput->nDimension; // Gauranteed to be between 3 and 5
+ int idim = gradInput->nDimension; // Guaranteed to be between 3 and 5
int isz0 = gradInput->size[0];
int isz1 = gradInput->size[1];
int isz2 = gradInput->size[2];
diff --git a/lib/THNN/generic/THNN.h b/lib/THNN/generic/THNN.h
index 7ad6f70..0f2149a 100644
--- a/lib/THNN/generic/THNN.h
+++ b/lib/THNN/generic/THNN.h
@@ -25,6 +25,21 @@ TH_API void THNN_(AbsCriterion_updateGradInput)(
THTensor *gradInput, // [OUT] gradient w.r.t. input
bool sizeAverage); // if true, the gradient will be normalized by batch size
+TH_API void THNN_(BCECriterion_updateOutput)(
+ THNNState *state,
+ THTensor *input,
+ THTensor *target,
+ THTensor *output,
+ bool sizeAverage,
+ THTensor *weights);
+TH_API void THNN_(BCECriterion_updateGradInput)(
+ THNNState *state,
+ THTensor *input,
+ THTensor *target,
+ THTensor *gradInput,
+ bool sizeAverage,
+ THTensor *weights);
TH_API void THNN_(ClassNLLCriterion_updateOutput)(
THNNState *state, // library's state
THTensor *input, // input tensor (1D/2D)
@@ -472,6 +487,7 @@ TH_API void THNN_(Threshold_updateGradInput)(
THTensor *gradOutput,
THTensor *gradInput,
real threshold,
+ real val,
bool inplace);
TH_API void THNN_(TemporalConvolution_updateOutput)(
@@ -840,7 +856,6 @@ TH_API void THNN_(SpatialMaxPooling_updateOutput)(
int kW, int kH,
int dW, int dH,
int padW, int padH,
- int dilationW, int dilationH,
bool ceil_mode);
TH_API void THNN_(SpatialMaxPooling_updateGradInput)(
THNNState *state,
@@ -851,6 +866,27 @@ TH_API void THNN_(SpatialMaxPooling_updateGradInput)(
int kW, int kH,
int dW, int dH,
int padW, int padH,
+ bool ceil_mode);
+TH_API void THNN_(SpatialDilatedMaxPooling_updateOutput)(
+ THNNState *state,
+ THTensor *input,
+ THTensor *output,
+ THTensor *indices,
+ int kW, int kH,
+ int dW, int dH,
+ int padW, int padH,
+ int dilationW, int dilationH,
+ bool ceil_mode);
+TH_API void THNN_(SpatialDilatedMaxPooling_updateGradInput)(
+ THNNState *state,
+ THTensor *input,
+ THTensor *gradOutput,
+ THTensor *gradInput,
+ THTensor *indices,
+ int kW, int kH,
+ int dW, int dH,
+ int padW, int padH,
int dilationW, int dilationH,
bool ceil_mode);
@@ -1101,6 +1137,26 @@ TH_API void THNN_(VolumetricMaxPooling_updateGradInput)(
int dT, int dW, int dH,
int pT, int pW, int pH);
+TH_API void THNN_(VolumetricDilatedMaxPooling_updateOutput)(
+ THNNState *state,
+ THTensor *input,
+ THTensor *output,
+ THTensor *indices,
+ int kT, int kW, int kH,
+ int dT, int dW, int dH,
+ int pT, int pW, int pH,
+ int dilationT, int dilationW, int dilationH,
+ bool ceilMode);
+TH_API void THNN_(VolumetricDilatedMaxPooling_updateGradInput)(
+ THNNState *state,
+ THTensor *input,
+ THTensor *gradOutput,
+ THTensor *gradInput,
+ THTensor *indices,
+ int dT, int dW, int dH,
+ int pT, int pW, int pH,
+ int dilationT, int dilationW, int dilationH);
TH_API void THNN_(VolumetricMaxUnpooling_updateOutput)(
THNNState *state,
THTensor *input,
diff --git a/lib/THNN/generic/Threshold.c b/lib/THNN/generic/Threshold.c
index ac00360..54310a0 100644
--- a/lib/THNN/generic/Threshold.c
+++ b/lib/THNN/generic/Threshold.c
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ void THNN_(Threshold_updateGradInput)(
THTensor *gradOutput,
THTensor *gradInput,
real threshold,
+ real val,
bool inplace)
if (inplace)
diff --git a/lib/THNN/generic/VolumetricMaxPooling.c b/lib/THNN/generic/VolumetricDilatedMaxPooling.c
similarity index 76%
copy from lib/THNN/generic/VolumetricMaxPooling.c
copy to lib/THNN/generic/VolumetricDilatedMaxPooling.c
index 053c02c..0db41ae 100644
--- a/lib/THNN/generic/VolumetricMaxPooling.c
+++ b/lib/THNN/generic/VolumetricDilatedMaxPooling.c
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-#define TH_GENERIC_FILE "generic/VolumetricMaxPooling.c"
+#define TH_GENERIC_FILE "generic/VolumetricDilatedMaxPooling.c"
-static void THNN_(VolumetricMaxPooling_updateOutput_frame)(
+static void THNN_(VolumetricDilatedMaxPooling_updateOutput_frame)(
real *input_p,
real *output_p,
real *indz_p,
@@ -21,7 +21,10 @@ static void THNN_(VolumetricMaxPooling_updateOutput_frame)(
int dH,
int pT,
int pW,
- int pH)
+ int pH,
+ int dilationT,
+ int dilationW,
+ int dilationH)
long k;
#pragma omp parallel for private(k)
@@ -40,15 +43,18 @@ static void THNN_(VolumetricMaxPooling_updateOutput_frame)(
long start_t = ti * dT - pT;
long start_h = i * dH - pH;
long start_w = j * dW - pW;
long kernel_t = fminf(kT, kT + start_t);
long kernel_h = fminf(kH, kH + start_h);
long kernel_w = fminf(kW, kW + start_w);
- start_t = fmaxf(start_t, 0);
- start_h = fmaxf(start_h, 0);
- start_w = fmaxf(start_w, 0);
+ while(start_t < 0)
+ start_t += dilationT;
+ while(start_h < 0)
+ start_h += dilationH;
+ while(start_w < 0)
+ start_w += dilationW;
real *ip = input_p + k * itime * iwidth * iheight
+ start_t * iwidth * iheight + start_h * iwidth + start_w;
real *op = output_p + k * otime * owidth * oheight
@@ -67,9 +73,9 @@ static void THNN_(VolumetricMaxPooling_updateOutput_frame)(
for (x = 0; x < kernel_w; x++)
- if ((start_t + z < itime) && (start_h + y < iheight) && (start_w + x < iwidth))
+ if ((start_t + z * dilationT < itime) && (start_h + y * dilationH < iheight) && (start_w + x * dilationW < iwidth))
- real val = *(ip + z * iwidth * iheight + y * iwidth + x);
+ real val = *(ip + z * dilationT * iwidth * iheight + y * dilationH * iwidth + x * dilationW);
if (val > maxval)
maxval = val;
@@ -97,7 +103,7 @@ static void THNN_(VolumetricMaxPooling_updateOutput_frame)(
-void THNN_(VolumetricMaxPooling_updateOutput)(
+void THNN_(VolumetricDilatedMaxPooling_updateOutput)(
THNNState *state,
THTensor *input,
THTensor *output,
@@ -111,6 +117,9 @@ void THNN_(VolumetricMaxPooling_updateOutput)(
int pT,
int pW,
int pH,
+ int dilationT,
+ int dilationW,
+ int dilationH,
bool ceilMode)
long nslices;
@@ -156,17 +165,21 @@ void THNN_(VolumetricMaxPooling_updateOutput)(
iwidth = input->size[dimw];
if (ceilMode)
- otime = (int)(ceil((float)(itime - kT + 2 * pT) / dT) + 1);
- oheight = (int)(ceil((float)(iheight - kH + 2 * pH) / dH) + 1);
- owidth = (int)(ceil((float)(iwidth - kW + 2 * pW) / dW) + 1);
+ otime = (int)(ceil((float)(itime - (dilationT * (kT - 1) + 1) + 2*pT) / dT)) + 1;
+ oheight = (int)(ceil((float)(iheight - (dilationH * (kH - 1) + 1) + 2*pH) / dH)) + 1;
+ owidth = (int)(ceil((float)(iwidth - (dilationW * (kW - 1) + 1) + 2*pW) / dW)) + 1;
- otime = (int)(floor((float)(itime - kT + 2 * pT) / dT) + 1);
- oheight = (int)(floor((float)(iheight - kH + 2 * pH) / dH) + 1);
- owidth = (int)(floor((float)(iwidth - kW + 2 * pW) / dW) + 1);
+ otime = (int)(floor((float)(itime - (dilationT * (kT - 1) + 1) + 2*pT) / dT)) + 1;
+ oheight = (int)(floor((float)(iheight - (dilationH * (kH - 1) + 1) + 2*pH) / dH)) + 1;
+ owidth = (int)(floor((float)(iwidth - (dilationW * (kW - 1) + 1) + 2*pW) / dW)) + 1;
+ if (otime < 1 || owidth < 1 || oheight < 1)
+ THError("Given input size: (%dx%dx%dx%d). Calculated output size: (%dx%dx%dx%d). Output size is too small",
+ nslices,itime,iheight,iwidth,nslices,otime,oheight,owidth);
if (pT || pW || pH)
// ensure that the last pooling starts inside the image
@@ -192,7 +205,7 @@ void THNN_(VolumetricMaxPooling_updateOutput)(
output_data = THTensor_(data)(output);
indices_data = THTensor_(data)(indices);
- THNN_(VolumetricMaxPooling_updateOutput_frame)(
+ THNN_(VolumetricDilatedMaxPooling_updateOutput_frame)(
input_data, output_data,
@@ -200,7 +213,8 @@ void THNN_(VolumetricMaxPooling_updateOutput)(
otime, owidth, oheight,
kT, kW, kH,
dT, dW, dH,
- pT, pW, pH
+ pT, pW, pH,
+ dilationT, dilationW, dilationH
else /* batch mode */
@@ -223,7 +237,7 @@ void THNN_(VolumetricMaxPooling_updateOutput)(
#pragma omp parallel for private(p)
for (p=0; p < nBatch; p++)
- THNN_(VolumetricMaxPooling_updateOutput_frame)(
+ THNN_(VolumetricDilatedMaxPooling_updateOutput_frame)(
input_data + p * istride,
output_data + p * ostride,
indices_data + p * ostride,
@@ -232,7 +246,8 @@ void THNN_(VolumetricMaxPooling_updateOutput)(
otime, owidth, oheight,
kT, kW, kH,
dT, dW, dH,
- pT, pW, pH
+ pT, pW, pH,
+ dilationT, dilationW, dilationH
@@ -241,7 +256,7 @@ void THNN_(VolumetricMaxPooling_updateOutput)(
-static void THNN_(VolumetricMaxPooling_updateGradInput_frame)(
+static void THNN_(VolumetricDilatedMaxPooling_updateGradInput_frame)(
real *gradInput_p,
real *gradOutput_p,
real *indz_p,
@@ -257,7 +272,10 @@ static void THNN_(VolumetricMaxPooling_updateGradInput_frame)(
int dH,
int pT,
int pW,
- int pH)
+ int pH,
+ int dilationT,
+ int dilationW,
+ int dilationH)
long k;
#pragma omp parallel for private(k)
@@ -277,9 +295,9 @@ static void THNN_(VolumetricMaxPooling_updateGradInput_frame)(
/* retrieve position of max */
real * indzp = &indz_p_k[ti * oheight * owidth + i * owidth + j];
- long maxti = ((unsigned char*)(indzp))[0] + ti * dT - pT;
- long maxi = ((unsigned char*)(indzp))[1] + i * dH - pH;
- long maxj = ((unsigned char*)(indzp))[2] + j * dW - pW;
+ long maxti = ((unsigned char*)(indzp))[0] * dilationT + ti * dT - pT;
+ long maxi = ((unsigned char*)(indzp))[1] * dilationH + i * dH - pH;
+ long maxj = ((unsigned char*)(indzp))[2] * dilationW + j * dW - pW;
/* update gradient */
gradInput_p_k[maxti * iheight * iwidth + maxi * iwidth + maxj] +=
@@ -290,7 +308,7 @@ static void THNN_(VolumetricMaxPooling_updateGradInput_frame)(
-void THNN_(VolumetricMaxPooling_updateGradInput)(
+void THNN_(VolumetricDilatedMaxPooling_updateGradInput)(
THNNState *state,
THTensor *input,
THTensor *gradOutput,
@@ -301,7 +319,10 @@ void THNN_(VolumetricMaxPooling_updateGradInput)(
int dH,
int pT,
int pW,
- int pH)
+ int pH,
+ int dilationT,
+ int dilationW,
+ int dilationH)
int nslices;
int itime;
@@ -351,14 +372,15 @@ void THNN_(VolumetricMaxPooling_updateGradInput)(
/* backprop */
if (input->nDimension == 4) /* non-batch mode*/
- THNN_(VolumetricMaxPooling_updateGradInput_frame)(
+ THNN_(VolumetricDilatedMaxPooling_updateGradInput_frame)(
gradInput_data, gradOutput_data,
itime, iwidth, iheight,
otime, owidth, oheight,
dT, dW, dH,
- pT, pW, pH
+ pT, pW, pH,
+ dilationT, dilationW, dilationH
else /* batch mode */
@@ -372,7 +394,7 @@ void THNN_(VolumetricMaxPooling_updateGradInput)(
#pragma omp parallel for private(p)
for (p = 0; p < nBatch; p++)
- THNN_(VolumetricMaxPooling_updateGradInput_frame)(
+ THNN_(VolumetricDilatedMaxPooling_updateGradInput_frame)(
gradInput_data + p * istride,
gradOutput_data + p * ostride,
indices_data + p * ostride,
@@ -380,7 +402,8 @@ void THNN_(VolumetricMaxPooling_updateGradInput)(
itime, iwidth, iheight,
otime, owidth, oheight,
dT, dW, dH,
- pT, pW, pH
+ pT, pW, pH,
+ dilationT, dilationW, dilationH
diff --git a/lib/THNN/generic/VolumetricMaxPooling.c b/lib/THNN/generic/VolumetricMaxPooling.c
index 053c02c..dc376e6 100644
--- a/lib/THNN/generic/VolumetricMaxPooling.c
+++ b/lib/THNN/generic/VolumetricMaxPooling.c
@@ -2,101 +2,6 @@
#define TH_GENERIC_FILE "generic/VolumetricMaxPooling.c"
-static void THNN_(VolumetricMaxPooling_updateOutput_frame)(
- real *input_p,
- real *output_p,
- real *indz_p,
- long nslices,
- long itime,
- long iwidth,
- long iheight,
- long otime,
- long owidth,
- long oheight,
- int kT,
- int kW,
- int kH,
- int dT,
- int dW,
- int dH,
- int pT,
- int pW,
- int pH)
- long k;
-#pragma omp parallel for private(k)
- for (k = 0; k < nslices; k++)
- {
- /* loop over output */
- long i, j, ti;
- for (ti = 0; ti < otime; ti++)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < oheight; i++)
- {
- for (j = 0; j < owidth; j++)
- {
- /* local pointers */
- long start_t = ti * dT - pT;
- long start_h = i * dH - pH;
- long start_w = j * dW - pW;
- long kernel_t = fminf(kT, kT + start_t);
- long kernel_h = fminf(kH, kH + start_h);
- long kernel_w = fminf(kW, kW + start_w);
- start_t = fmaxf(start_t, 0);
- start_h = fmaxf(start_h, 0);
- start_w = fmaxf(start_w, 0);
- real *ip = input_p + k * itime * iwidth * iheight
- + start_t * iwidth * iheight + start_h * iwidth + start_w;
- real *op = output_p + k * otime * owidth * oheight
- + ti * owidth * oheight + i * owidth + j;
- real *indzp = indz_p + k * otime * owidth * oheight
- + ti * owidth * oheight + i * owidth + j;
- /* compute local max: */
- real maxval = -THInf;
- int x,y,z;
- int mx, my, mz;
- for (z = 0; z < kernel_t; z++)
- {
- for (y = 0; y < kernel_h; y++)
- {
- for (x = 0; x < kernel_w; x++)
- {
- if ((start_t + z < itime) && (start_h + y < iheight) && (start_w + x < iwidth))
- {
- real val = *(ip + z * iwidth * iheight + y * iwidth + x);
- if (val > maxval)
- {
- maxval = val;
- // Store indices w.r.t the kernel dimension
- mz = z + (kT - kernel_t);
- my = y + (kH - kernel_h);
- mx = x + (kW - kernel_w);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // set max values
- ((unsigned char*)(indzp))[0] = mz;
- ((unsigned char*)(indzp))[1] = my;
- ((unsigned char*)(indzp))[2] = mx;
- ((unsigned char*)(indzp))[3] = 0;
- /* set output to local max */
- *op = maxval;
- }
- }
- }
- }
void THNN_(VolumetricMaxPooling_updateOutput)(
THNNState *state,
THTensor *input,
@@ -113,181 +18,10 @@ void THNN_(VolumetricMaxPooling_updateOutput)(
int pH,
bool ceilMode)
- long nslices;
- long itime;
- long iheight;
- long iwidth;
- long otime;
- long oheight;
- long owidth;
- real *input_data;
- real *output_data;
- real *indices_data;
- THArgCheck(input->nDimension == 4 || input->nDimension == 5, 2,
- "4D or 5D (batch-mode) tensor expected"
- );
- int dimN = 0;
- int dimt = 1;
- int dimh = 2;
- int dimw = 3;
- if (input->nDimension == 5)
- {
- dimN++;
- dimt++;
- dimh++;
- dimw++;
- }
- THArgCheck(input->size[dimw] >= kW && input->size[dimh] >= kH && input->size[dimt] >= kT, 2,
- "input image smaller than kernel size"
- );
- THArgCheck(kT/2 >= pT && kW/2 >= pW && kH/2 >= pH, 2,
- "pad should be smaller than half of kernel size"
- );
- /* sizes */
- nslices = input->size[dimN];
- itime = input->size[dimt];
- iheight = input->size[dimh];
- iwidth = input->size[dimw];
- if (ceilMode)
- {
- otime = (int)(ceil((float)(itime - kT + 2 * pT) / dT) + 1);
- oheight = (int)(ceil((float)(iheight - kH + 2 * pH) / dH) + 1);
- owidth = (int)(ceil((float)(iwidth - kW + 2 * pW) / dW) + 1);
- }
- else
- {
- otime = (int)(floor((float)(itime - kT + 2 * pT) / dT) + 1);
- oheight = (int)(floor((float)(iheight - kH + 2 * pH) / dH) + 1);
- owidth = (int)(floor((float)(iwidth - kW + 2 * pW) / dW) + 1);
- }
- if (pT || pW || pH)
- {
- // ensure that the last pooling starts inside the image
- if ((otime - 1)*dT >= itime + pT)
- --otime;
- if ((oheight - 1)*dH >= iheight + pH)
- --oheight;
- if ((owidth - 1)*dW >= iwidth + pW)
- --owidth;
- }
- /* get contiguous input */
- input = THTensor_(newContiguous)(input);
- if (input->nDimension == 4) /* non-batch mode */
- {
- /* resize output */
- THTensor_(resize4d)(output, nslices, otime, oheight, owidth);
- /* indices will contain ti,i,j uchar locations packed into float/double */
- THTensor_(resize4d)(indices, nslices, otime, oheight, owidth);
- input_data = THTensor_(data)(input);
- output_data = THTensor_(data)(output);
- indices_data = THTensor_(data)(indices);
- THNN_(VolumetricMaxPooling_updateOutput_frame)(
- input_data, output_data,
- indices_data,
- nslices,
- itime, iwidth, iheight,
- otime, owidth, oheight,
- kT, kW, kH,
- dT, dW, dH,
- pT, pW, pH
- );
- }
- else /* batch mode */
- {
- long p;
- long nBatch = input->size[0];
- long istride = nslices * itime * iwidth * iheight;
- long ostride = nslices * otime * owidth * oheight;
- /* resize output */
- THTensor_(resize5d)(output, nBatch, nslices, otime, oheight, owidth);
- /* indices will contain ti,i,j locations for each output point */
- THTensor_(resize5d)(indices, nBatch, nslices, otime, oheight, owidth);
- input_data = THTensor_(data)(input);
- output_data = THTensor_(data)(output);
- indices_data = THTensor_(data)(indices);
-#pragma omp parallel for private(p)
- for (p=0; p < nBatch; p++)
- {
- THNN_(VolumetricMaxPooling_updateOutput_frame)(
- input_data + p * istride,
- output_data + p * ostride,
- indices_data + p * ostride,
- nslices,
- itime, iwidth, iheight,
- otime, owidth, oheight,
- kT, kW, kH,
- dT, dW, dH,
- pT, pW, pH
- );
- }
- }
- /* cleanup */
- THTensor_(free)(input);
-static void THNN_(VolumetricMaxPooling_updateGradInput_frame)(
- real *gradInput_p,
- real *gradOutput_p,
- real *indz_p,
- long nslices,
- long itime,
- long iwidth,
- long iheight,
- long otime,
- long owidth,
- long oheight,
- int dT,
- int dW,
- int dH,
- int pT,
- int pW,
- int pH)
- long k;
-#pragma omp parallel for private(k)
- for (k = 0; k < nslices; k++)
- {
- real *gradInput_p_k = gradInput_p + k * itime * iwidth * iheight;
- real *gradOutput_p_k = gradOutput_p + k * otime * owidth * oheight;
- real *indz_p_k = indz_p + k * otime * owidth * oheight;
- /* calculate max points */
- long ti, i, j;
- for (ti = 0; ti < otime; ti++)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < oheight; i++)
- {
- for (j = 0; j < owidth; j++)
- {
- /* retrieve position of max */
- real * indzp = &indz_p_k[ti * oheight * owidth + i * owidth + j];
- long maxti = ((unsigned char*)(indzp))[0] + ti * dT - pT;
- long maxi = ((unsigned char*)(indzp))[1] + i * dH - pH;
- long maxj = ((unsigned char*)(indzp))[2] + j * dW - pW;
- /* update gradient */
- gradInput_p_k[maxti * iheight * iwidth + maxi * iwidth + maxj] +=
- gradOutput_p_k[ti * oheight * owidth + i * owidth + j];
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ THNN_(VolumetricDilatedMaxPooling_updateOutput)(
+ state, input, output, indices,
+ kT, kW, kH, dT, dW, dH,
+ pT, pW, pH, 1, 1, 1, ceilMode);
void THNN_(VolumetricMaxPooling_updateGradInput)(
@@ -303,90 +37,9 @@ void THNN_(VolumetricMaxPooling_updateGradInput)(
int pW,
int pH)
- int nslices;
- int itime;
- int iheight;
- int iwidth;
- int otime;
- int oheight;
- int owidth;
- real *gradInput_data;
- real *gradOutput_data;
- real *indices_data;
- int dimN = 0;
- int dimt = 1;
- int dimh = 2;
- int dimw = 3;
- /* get contiguous gradOutput */
- gradOutput = THTensor_(newContiguous)(gradOutput);
- /* resize */
- THTensor_(resizeAs)(gradInput, input);
- THTensor_(zero)(gradInput);
- if (input->nDimension == 5)
- {
- dimN++;
- dimt++;
- dimh++;
- dimw++;
- }
- /* sizes */
- nslices = input->size[dimN];
- itime = input->size[dimt];
- iheight = input->size[dimh];
- iwidth = input->size[dimw];
- otime = gradOutput->size[dimt];
- oheight = gradOutput->size[dimh];
- owidth = gradOutput->size[dimw];
- /* get raw pointers */
- gradInput_data = THTensor_(data)(gradInput);
- gradOutput_data = THTensor_(data)(gradOutput);
- indices_data = THTensor_(data)(indices);
- /* backprop */
- if (input->nDimension == 4) /* non-batch mode*/
- {
- THNN_(VolumetricMaxPooling_updateGradInput_frame)(
- gradInput_data, gradOutput_data,
- indices_data,
- nslices,
- itime, iwidth, iheight,
- otime, owidth, oheight,
- dT, dW, dH,
- pT, pW, pH
- );
- }
- else /* batch mode */
- {
- long p;
- long nBatch = input->size[0];
- long istride = nslices * itime * iwidth * iheight;
- long ostride = nslices * otime * owidth * oheight;
-#pragma omp parallel for private(p)
- for (p = 0; p < nBatch; p++)
- {
- THNN_(VolumetricMaxPooling_updateGradInput_frame)(
- gradInput_data + p * istride,
- gradOutput_data + p * ostride,
- indices_data + p * ostride,
- nslices,
- itime, iwidth, iheight,
- otime, owidth, oheight,
- dT, dW, dH,
- pT, pW, pH
- );
- }
- }
- /* cleanup */
- THTensor_(free)(gradOutput);
+ THNN_(VolumetricDilatedMaxPooling_updateGradInput)(
+ state, input, gradOutput, gradInput, indices,
+ dT, dW, dH, pT, pW, pH, 1, 1, 1);
diff --git a/lib/THNN/init.c b/lib/THNN/init.c
index 739706c..b4218cb 100644
--- a/lib/THNN/init.c
+++ b/lib/THNN/init.c
@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@
#include "generic/AbsCriterion.c"
#include "THGenerateFloatTypes.h"
+#include "generic/BCECriterion.c"
+#include "THGenerateFloatTypes.h"
#include "generic/ClassNLLCriterion.c"
#include "THGenerateFloatTypes.h"
@@ -139,6 +142,9 @@
#include "generic/SpatialMaxPooling.c"
#include "THGenerateFloatTypes.h"
+#include "generic/SpatialDilatedMaxPooling.c"
+#include "THGenerateFloatTypes.h"
#include "generic/SpatialMaxUnpooling.c"
#include "THGenerateFloatTypes.h"
@@ -169,6 +175,9 @@
#include "generic/VolumetricMaxPooling.c"
#include "THGenerateFloatTypes.h"
+#include "generic/VolumetricDilatedMaxPooling.c"
+#include "THGenerateFloatTypes.h"
#include "generic/VolumetricMaxUnpooling.c"
#include "THGenerateFloatTypes.h"
diff --git a/test.lua b/test.lua
index e288e25..9098b46 100644
--- a/test.lua
+++ b/test.lua
@@ -125,8 +125,9 @@ function nntest.CMul()
local ini = math.random(3,5)
local inj = math.random(3,5)
local ink = math.random(3,5)
+ local inl = math.random(3,5)
local input = torch.Tensor(ini,inj,ink):zero()
- local module = nn.CMul(ini, inj, ink)
+ local module = nn.CMul(1, ini, inj, ink, 1)
-- 1D
local err = jac.testJacobian(module,input)
@@ -144,8 +145,7 @@ function nntest.CMul()
-- 2D
- local nframe = math.random(50,70)
- local nframe = 5
+ local nframe = math.random(3,14)
local input = torch.randn(nframe, ini,inj,ink)
local output = module:forward(input)
local output2 = torch.cmul(input, module.weight:view(1,ini,inj,ink):expandAs(input))
@@ -168,6 +168,27 @@ function nntest.CMul()
mytester:assertTensorEq(gradWeight, module.gradWeight, 0.000001, 'CMul accGradParameters 2D err')
mytester:assert(module.weight:isSameSizeAs(module.gradWeight), 'CMul gradWeight size err')
+ -- Expansion
+ input = torch.randn(nframe, ini,inj,ink,inl)
+ output = module:forward(input)
+ output2 = torch.cmul(input, module.weight:expandAs(input))
+ mytester:assertTensorEq(output2, output, 0.000001, 'CMul forward expand err')
+ module:zeroGradParameters()
+ gradWeight:zero()
+ gradInput = module:backward(input, output)
+ gradInput2 = gradInput:clone():zero()
+ gradInput2:addcmul(1, module.weight:expandAs(output), output)
+ mytester:assertTensorEq(gradInput2, gradInput, 0.000001, 'CMul updateGradInput expansion err')
+ mytester:assert(gradInput:isSameSizeAs(input), 'CMul gradInput expand size err')
+ for i=1,nframe do
+ -- 4 is the [non-batch] singleton dim
+ gradWeight:add(torch.cmul(input[i], output[i]):sum(4))
+ end
+ mytester:assertTensorEq(gradWeight:sum(5), module.gradWeight, 0.000001, 'CMul accGradParameters expand err')
+ mytester:assert(module.weight:isSameSizeAs(module.gradWeight), 'CMul accGradParameters expand size err')
local err = jac.testJacobian(module,input)
@@ -360,6 +381,19 @@ function nntest.HardTanh()
local ferr, berr = jac.testIO(module, input)
mytester:asserteq(ferr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err ')
mytester:asserteq(berr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err ')
+ -- test inclusive bounds -- HardTahn(1,inf) should behave like Threshold(1)
+ local input = torch.Tensor({1})
+ local gradOutput = torch.Tensor({1})
+ local gradOutputClone = gradOutput:clone()
+ local module = nn.HardTanh(1, math.huge, true)
+ local tanhGradInput = module:backward(input, gradOutput)
+ local input = input:clone()
+ local gradOutput = gradOutputClone
+ local module = nn.Threshold(1, 0, true)
+ local threshGradInput = module:backward(input, gradOutput)
+ mytester:assertTensorEq(tanhGradInput, threshGradInput, 0.000001, 'HardTanh gradInput')
function nntest.Clamp()
@@ -2296,6 +2330,21 @@ function nntest.SpatialConvolution()
module.gradBias = torch.Tensor(module.nOutputPlane):zero()
+ local output = module:forward(input):clone()
+ local gradOutput = output:clone():normal()
+ local gradInput = module:forward(input, gradOutput):clone()
+ local bigWeight = module.weight.new(module.weight:nElement() * 4):fill(0/0) -- fill with nans
+ local newWeight = bigWeight:narrow(1, module.weight:nElement() * 3, module.weight:nElement())
+ newWeight = newWeight:viewAs(module.weight):copy(module.weight)
+ module.weight = newWeight
+ local newOutput = module:forward(input)
+ local newGradInput = module:forward(input, gradOutput)
+ mytester:asserteq((newOutput - output):abs():max(), 0,
+ torch.typename(module) .. ' forward failure case in a getParameters setting ')
+ mytester:asserteq((newGradInput - gradInput):abs():max(), 0,
+ torch.typename(module) .. ' backward failure case in a getParameters setting ')
function nntest.SpatialConvolutionMM()
@@ -3679,6 +3728,48 @@ function nntest.TemporalConvolution()
mytester:assertTensorEq(inputGrad:select(1,2), inputGrad1D, 0.000001, 'error on 2D vs 1D backward)')
+function nntest.TemporalDynamicKMaxPooling()
+ local features = math.random(5,10)
+ local seqLen = math.random(6,9)
+ local minK = math.random(3,6)
+ local factor = math.random(1,100)*0.01
+ local nBatchFrame = math.random(2,4)
+ local module = nn.TemporalDynamicKMaxPooling(minK, factor)
+ -- 1D
+ local input = torch.Tensor(seqLen, features)
+ local err = jac.testJacobian(module, input)
+ mytester:assertlt(err, precision, 'error on state ')
+ local ferr, berr = jac.testIO(module, input)
+ mytester:asserteq(0, ferr, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err ')
+ mytester:asserteq(0, berr, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err ')
+ -- 2D
+ local input = torch.Tensor(nBatchFrame, seqLen, features)
+ local err = jac.testJacobian(module, input)
+ mytester:assertlt(err, precision, 'error on state ')
+ local ferr, berr = jac.testIO(module, input)
+ mytester:asserteq(0, ferr, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err ')
+ mytester:asserteq(0, berr, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err ')
+ -- 2D matches 1D
+ local output = module:forward(input):clone()
+ local outputGrad = torch.randn(output:size())
+ local inputGrad = module:backward(input, outputGrad):clone()
+ local input1D = input:select(1, 2)
+ local output1D = module:forward(input1D)
+ local outputGrad1D = outputGrad:select(1, 2)
+ local inputGrad1D = module:backward(input1D, outputGrad1D)
+ mytester:assertTensorEq(output:select(1,2), output1D, 0.000001, 'error on 2D vs 1D forward)')
+ mytester:assertTensorEq(inputGrad:select(1,2), inputGrad1D, 0.000001, 'error on 2D vs 1D backward)')
function nntest.TemporalSubSampling()
local from = math.random(1,5)
local ki = math.random(1,6)
@@ -4145,6 +4236,55 @@ function nntest.VolumetricMaxPooling()
mytester:asserteq(berr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err (Batch) ')
+function nntest.VolumetricDilatedMaxPooling()
+ for _,ceil_mode in pairs({true,false}) do
+ local from = math.random(2,3)
+ local kt = math.random(3,4)
+ local ki = math.random(3,4)
+ local kj = math.random(3,4)
+ local st = math.random(2,3)
+ local si = math.random(2,3)
+ local sj = math.random(2,3)
+ local outt = math.random(3,4)
+ local outi = math.random(3,4)
+ local outj = math.random(3,4)
+ local padT = math.min(math.random(0,1),math.floor(kt/2))
+ local padW = math.min(math.random(0,1),math.floor(ki/2))
+ local padH = math.min(math.random(0,1),math.floor(kj/2))
+ local dilationT = math.random(1,3)
+ local dilationW = math.random(1,3)
+ local dilationH = math.random(1,3)
+ local int = (outt-1)*st+(dilationT*(kt-1)+1)-2*padT
+ local ini = (outi-1)*si+(dilationW*(ki-1)+1)-2*padW
+ local inj = (outj-1)*sj+(dilationH*(kj-1)+1)-2*padH
+ local ceil_string = ceil_mode and 'ceil' or 'floor'
+ local module = nn.VolumetricDilatedMaxPooling(kt,ki,kj,st,si,sj,padT,padW,padH,dilationT,dilationW,dilationH)
+ if ceil_mode then module:ceil() else module:floor() end
+ local input = torch.rand(from,int,inj,ini)
+ local err = jac.testJacobian(module, input)
+ mytester:assertlt(err, precision, 'error '..ceil_string..' mode on state ')
+ local ferr, berr = jac.testIO(module, input)
+ mytester:asserteq(ferr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err ')
+ mytester:asserteq(berr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err ')
+ -- batch
+ local nbatch = math.random(2,5)
+ input = torch.rand(nbatch,from,int,inj,ini)
+ module = nn.VolumetricDilatedMaxPooling(kt,ki,kj,st,si,sj,padT,padW,padH,dilationT,dilationW,dilationH)
+ if ceil_mode then module:ceil() else module:floor() end
+ local err = jac.testJacobian(module, input)
+ mytester:assertlt(err, precision, 'error '..ceil_string..' mode on state (Batch)')
+ local ferr, berr = jac.testIO(module, input)
+ mytester:asserteq(ferr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o forward err (Batch) ')
+ mytester:asserteq(berr, 0, torch.typename(module) .. ' - i/o backward err (Batch) ')
+ end
function nntest.VolumetricMaxUnpooling()
local from = math.random(2,3)
local kt = math.random(3,4)
@@ -4766,7 +4906,7 @@ function nntest.LookupTable()
for _, normType in ipairs{1, 2, math.random()} do
local module = nn.LookupTable(totalIndex, entry_size, 0, maxNorm, normType)
local oriW = module.weight:clone()
- output = module:updateOutput(input)
+ local output = module:updateOutput(input)
-- check output is of small norm
for j = 1,output:size(1) do
local norm = torch.norm(output:select(1, j), normType)
@@ -4925,6 +5065,36 @@ function nntest.Copy()
mytester:assert(torch.type(output) == 'torch.FloatTensor', 'copy forward type err')
+function nntest.CMaxTable()
+ local input1 = torch.Tensor{{1,3},{2,4}}
+ local input2 = torch.Tensor{{4,2},{3,1}}
+ local input = {input1, input2}
+ local module = nn.CMaxTable()
+ local err1 = torch.add(module:forward(input), -1, torch.Tensor{{4,3},{3,4}})
+ mytester:assertalmosteq(err1:abs():max(), 0, 1e-15, "CMaxTable forward call")
+ local gradOutputs = torch.Tensor{5,6,7,8}
+ local gradInputs = module:backward(input, gradOutputs)
+ local err2 = torch.add(gradInputs[1], -1, torch.Tensor{{0,6},{0,8}})
+ local err3 = torch.add(gradInputs[2], -1, torch.Tensor{{5,0},{7,0}})
+ mytester:assertalmosteq(err2:abs():max(), 0, 1e-15, "CMaxTable backward call")
+ mytester:assertalmosteq(err3:abs():max(), 0, 1e-15, "CMaxTable backward call")
+function nntest.CMinTable()
+ local input1 = torch.Tensor{{1,3},{2,4}}
+ local input2 = torch.Tensor{{4,2},{3,1}}
+ local input = {input1, input2}
+ local module = nn.CMinTable()
+ local err1 = torch.add(module:forward(input), -1, torch.Tensor{{1,2},{2,1}})
+ mytester:assertalmosteq(err1:abs():max(), 0, 1e-15, "CMinTable forward call")
+ local gradOutputs = torch.Tensor{5,6,7,8}
+ local gradInputs = module:backward(input, gradOutputs)
+ local err2 = torch.add(gradInputs[1], -1, torch.Tensor{{5,0},{7,0}})
+ local err3 = torch.add(gradInputs[2], -1, torch.Tensor{{0,6},{0,8}})
+ mytester:assertalmosteq(err2:abs():max(), 0, 1e-15, "CMinTable backward call")
+ mytester:assertalmosteq(err3:abs():max(), 0, 1e-15, "CMinTable backward call")
function nntest.JoinTable()
local tensor = torch.rand(3,4,5)
local input = {tensor, tensor}
@@ -5451,6 +5621,7 @@ function nntest.Concat()
+ mytester:asserteq(m:size(), num_modules)
local output = m:forward(input)
local output2 = input:sum(2):expand(4, 5):repeatTensor(num_modules, 1)
@@ -5561,6 +5732,53 @@ function nntest.ConcatTable()
mytester:assert(go2 == 1, "ConcatTable table variable length")
+function nntest.MapTable()
+ local map = nn.MapTable(nn.Linear(10,5))
+ local lin = map:get(1):clone()
+ -- ParalleTable with clones as reference
+ local parallel = nn.ParallelTable()
+ parallel:add(lin)
+ parallel:add(lin:clone('weight','bias'))
+ parallel:add(lin:clone('weight','bias'))
+ local input = {torch.rand(10), torch.rand(10), torch.rand(10)}
+ local gradOutput = {torch.ones(5), torch.ones(5), torch.ones(5)}
+ local outputM = map:forward(input)
+ local outputP = parallel:forward(input)
+ mytester:assertTensorEq(outputM[1], outputP[1])
+ mytester:assertTensorEq(outputM[2], outputP[2])
+ mytester:assertTensorEq(outputM[3], outputP[3])
+ mytester:assert(map:size() == #input)
+ map:zeroGradParameters()
+ parallel:zeroGradParameters()
+ local gradInputM = map:backward(input, gradOutput)
+ local gradInputP = parallel:backward(input, gradOutput)
+ mytester:assertTensorEq(gradInputM[1], gradInputP[1])
+ mytester:assertTensorEq(gradInputM[2], gradInputP[2])
+ mytester:assertTensorEq(gradInputM[3], gradInputP[3])
+ map:updateParameters(1)
+ parallel:updateParameters(1)
+ mytester:assertTensorEq(map:get(1).weight, parallel:get(1).weight, 0.00001)
+ local output = map:forward({input[1], input[2], input[3], input[3]})
+ mytester:assert(#output == 4)
+ local output = map:forward({input[1], input[2]})
+ mytester:assert(#output == 2)
+ map:resize(10)
+ mytester:assert(map:size() == 10)
+ map:resize(4)
+ mytester:assert(map:size() == 4)
+ mytester:assert(torch.pointer(map:get(4).weight:storage())
+ == torch.pointer(map:get(1).weight:storage()))
+ map:clearState()
+ mytester:assert(map:size() == 1)
function nntest.FlattenTable()
-- Create a nested table. Obviously we can't even stochastically test
-- the space of all possible nested tables (it's infinite), but here is a
@@ -6306,9 +6524,9 @@ function nntest.addSingletonDimension()
local resultArg = torch.Tensor()
local resultR = nn.utils.addSingletonDimension(resultArg, tensor, dim)
mytester:eq(resultArg:size():totable(), resultSize,
- 'wrong content for random singleton dimention '..
+ 'wrong content for random singleton dimension '..
'when the result is passed as argument')
- mytester:eq(resultArg, result, 'wrong content for random singleton dimention '..
+ mytester:eq(resultArg, result, 'wrong content for random singleton dimension '..
'when the result is passed as argument')
mytester:eq(resultR == resultArg, true,
@@ -6360,7 +6578,7 @@ function nntest.VolumetricReplicationPadding()
local padLeft = math.random(-3,3)
local padRight = math.random(-3,3)
local padTop = math.random(-3,3)
- local padBotom = math.random(-3,3)
+ local padBottom = math.random(-3,3)
local padFront = math.random(3,3)
local padBack = math.random(3,3)
local jac = nn.Jacobian
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