[python-arrayfire] branch debian/master updated (21df252 -> ad73d4d)

Ghislain Vaillant ghisvail-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Sep 16 09:58:37 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

ghisvail-guest pushed a change to branch debian/master
in repository python-arrayfire.

      from  21df252   Release to unstable.
      adds  47b8924   Moving the version number into it's own file
      adds  76c173a   Files required to generate documentation
      adds  fef2063   Changing the release version
      adds  863f395   Fixing setup.py
      adds  c53dd65   Add support for short types
      adds  2299b2a   Updating changelog
      adds  298465f   Updating the README
      adds  619de82   Fixing setup.py
       new  b493c80   Merge tag '3.3.20160624' into debian/master
       new  de3f9ce   Patch buggy standalone tests module.
       new  70292f8   Update test override.
       new  c32928a   Simplify packaging testsuite.
       new  d40cea2   d/control: add missing Testsuite: autopkgtest.
       new  9e51ace   d/control: mark -doc package Multi-Arch: foreign.
       new  ad73d4d   Release to unstable.

The 7 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 CHANGELOG.md                                     |   4 +
 README.md                                        |  84 +-----
 tests/simple_tests.py => __af_version__.py       |  17 +-
 arrayfire/__init__.py                            |  33 ++-
 arrayfire/algorithm.py                           |   4 +-
 arrayfire/arith.py                               |   2 +-
 arrayfire/array.py                               |  20 +-
 arrayfire/blas.py                                |   2 +-
 arrayfire/data.py                                |   6 +-
 arrayfire/device.py                              |   6 +-
 arrayfire/features.py                            |   2 +-
 arrayfire/graphics.py                            |   2 +-
 arrayfire/image.py                               |   2 +-
 arrayfire/index.py                               |   2 +-
 arrayfire/interop.py                             |   1 +
 arrayfire/lapack.py                              |   2 +-
 arrayfire/library.py                             |   2 +-
 arrayfire/signal.py                              |   2 +-
 arrayfire/statistics.py                          |   4 +
 arrayfire/timer.py                               |   2 +-
 arrayfire/util.py                                |  12 +
 arrayfire/vision.py                              |   2 +-
 debian/changelog                                 |  11 +
 debian/control                                   |   2 +
 debian/patches/Fix-standalone-tests-module.patch |  56 ++++
 debian/patches/series                            |   1 +
 debian/rules                                     |   4 +-
 debian/tests/control                             |  23 +-
 debian/tests/examples                            |   9 -
 debian/tests/python2                             |  12 -
 debian/tests/python3                             |  12 -
 docs/Makefile                                    | 225 +++++++++++++++
 docs/arrayfire.algorithm.rst                     |   7 +
 docs/arrayfire.arith.rst                         |   7 +
 docs/arrayfire.array.rst                         |   7 +
 docs/arrayfire.base.rst                          |   7 +
 docs/arrayfire.bcast.rst                         |   7 +
 docs/arrayfire.blas.rst                          |   7 +
 docs/arrayfire.cuda.rst                          |   7 +
 docs/arrayfire.data.rst                          |   7 +
 docs/arrayfire.device.rst                        |   7 +
 docs/arrayfire.features.rst                      |   7 +
 docs/arrayfire.graphics.rst                      |   7 +
 docs/arrayfire.image.rst                         |   7 +
 docs/arrayfire.index.rst                         |   7 +
 docs/arrayfire.interop.rst                       |   7 +
 docs/arrayfire.lapack.rst                        |   7 +
 docs/arrayfire.library.rst                       |   7 +
 docs/arrayfire.opencl.rst                        |   7 +
 docs/arrayfire.rst                               |  34 +++
 docs/arrayfire.signal.rst                        |   7 +
 docs/arrayfire.statistics.rst                    |   7 +
 docs/arrayfire.timer.rst                         |   7 +
 docs/arrayfire.util.rst                          |   7 +
 docs/arrayfire.vision.rst                        |   7 +
 docs/arrayfire_logo_symbol.png                   | Bin 0 -> 35688 bytes
 docs/conf.py                                     | 341 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 docs/index.rst                                   |   1 +
 docs/make.bat                                    | 281 +++++++++++++++++++
 docs/modules.rst                                 |   7 +
 setup.py                                         |  14 +-
 61 files changed, 1227 insertions(+), 173 deletions(-)
 copy tests/simple_tests.py => __af_version__.py (57%)
 mode change 100755 => 100644
 create mode 100644 debian/patches/Fix-standalone-tests-module.patch
 create mode 100644 debian/patches/series
 delete mode 100755 debian/tests/examples
 delete mode 100755 debian/tests/python2
 delete mode 100755 debian/tests/python3
 create mode 100644 docs/Makefile
 create mode 100644 docs/arrayfire.algorithm.rst
 create mode 100644 docs/arrayfire.arith.rst
 create mode 100644 docs/arrayfire.array.rst
 create mode 100644 docs/arrayfire.base.rst
 create mode 100644 docs/arrayfire.bcast.rst
 create mode 100644 docs/arrayfire.blas.rst
 create mode 100644 docs/arrayfire.cuda.rst
 create mode 100644 docs/arrayfire.data.rst
 create mode 100644 docs/arrayfire.device.rst
 create mode 100644 docs/arrayfire.features.rst
 create mode 100644 docs/arrayfire.graphics.rst
 create mode 100644 docs/arrayfire.image.rst
 create mode 100644 docs/arrayfire.index.rst
 create mode 100644 docs/arrayfire.interop.rst
 create mode 100644 docs/arrayfire.lapack.rst
 create mode 100644 docs/arrayfire.library.rst
 create mode 100644 docs/arrayfire.opencl.rst
 create mode 100644 docs/arrayfire.rst
 create mode 100644 docs/arrayfire.signal.rst
 create mode 100644 docs/arrayfire.statistics.rst
 create mode 100644 docs/arrayfire.timer.rst
 create mode 100644 docs/arrayfire.util.rst
 create mode 100644 docs/arrayfire.vision.rst
 create mode 100644 docs/arrayfire_logo_symbol.png
 create mode 100644 docs/conf.py
 create mode 120000 docs/index.rst
 create mode 100644 docs/make.bat
 create mode 100644 docs/modules.rst

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/python-arrayfire.git

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