[pyzo] 49/68: Merge pull request #433 from pyzo/qt5

Ghislain Vaillant ghisvail-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Sep 28 09:47:13 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

ghisvail-guest pushed a commit to branch debian/master
in repository pyzo.

commit f5f09240c81050c29b2e7a6e669bee12025d4bef
Merge: 47a292e 56f5b7a
Author: Almar Klein <almar.klein at gmail.com>
Date:   Sat Sep 24 14:23:32 2016 +0200

    Merge pull request #433 from pyzo/qt5
    Support for PyQT5

 pyzo/__init__.py                             |  14 +-
 pyzo/codeeditor/_test.py                     |  28 +-
 pyzo/codeeditor/base.py                      |  10 +-
 pyzo/codeeditor/extensions/appearance.py     |  16 +-
 pyzo/codeeditor/extensions/autocompletion.py |  14 +-
 pyzo/codeeditor/extensions/calltip.py        |   6 +-
 pyzo/codeeditor/manager.py                   |   2 +-
 pyzo/codeeditor/misc.py                      |   4 +-
 pyzo/codeeditor/qt.py                        |   2 +-
 pyzo/core/about.py                           |  34 +-
 pyzo/core/assistant.py                       |  54 ++--
 pyzo/core/baseTextCtrl.py                    |   4 +-
 pyzo/core/compactTabWidget.py                |  46 +--
 pyzo/core/editor.py                          |  28 +-
 pyzo/core/editorTabs.py                      |  74 ++---
 pyzo/core/icons.py                           |  32 +-
 pyzo/core/main.py                            |  46 +--
 pyzo/core/menu.py                            |  84 ++---
 pyzo/core/shell.py                           |   4 +-
 pyzo/core/shellInfoDialog.py                 |  76 ++---
 pyzo/core/shellStack.py                      |  38 +--
 pyzo/core/splash.py                          |  20 +-
 pyzo/pyzokernel/guiintegration.py            |  28 +-
 pyzo/pyzokernel/guisupport.py                |   6 +-
 pyzo/tools/__init__.py                       |  18 +-
 pyzo/tools/pyzoFileBrowser/__init__.py       |  10 +-
 pyzo/tools/pyzoFileBrowser/browser.py        |  63 ++--
 pyzo/tools/pyzoFileBrowser/importwizard.py   |  80 ++---
 pyzo/tools/pyzoFileBrowser/tree.py           |  54 ++--
 pyzo/tools/pyzoHistoryViewer.py              |  10 +-
 pyzo/tools/pyzoInteractiveHelp.py            |  20 +-
 pyzo/tools/pyzoSourceStructure.py            |  28 +-
 pyzo/tools/pyzoWebBrowser.py                 |  34 +-
 pyzo/tools/pyzoWorkspace.py                  |  30 +-
 pyzo/util/_locale.py                         |   6 +-
 pyzo/util/bootstrapconda.py                  |  46 +--
 pyzo/util/pyzowizard.py                      |  30 +-
 pyzo/util/qt/QtCore.py                       |  47 +++
 pyzo/util/qt/QtGui.py                        | 103 ++++++
 pyzo/util/qt/QtWidgets.py                    | 122 +++++++
 pyzo/util/qt/__init__.py                     | 463 ++++++---------------------
 pyzo/util/qt/_patch/__init__.py              |   0
 pyzo/util/qt/_patch/qcombobox.py             | 101 ++++++
 pyzo/util/qt/_patch/qheaderview.py           |  82 +++++
 pyzo/util/qt/_version.py                     |   2 +
 pyzo/util/qt/uic.py                          | 223 +++++++++++++
 46 files changed, 1333 insertions(+), 909 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/pyzo.git

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