[xdmf] branch debian/master updated (deb9075 -> 8f8eee1)
Alastair McKinstry
mckinstry at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Apr 19 14:32:15 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
mckinstry pushed a change to branch debian/master
in repository xdmf.
from deb9075 Prep -2 release, conflicting with libloki-dev
new 43ebfc3 Start Xdmf2
new 755b9bf Try to add something
new bba1ee3 Cleanup
new c3c1116 first addition
new 9e4801d first addition
new fd8f362 first addtion
new 2ca1473 first addition
new 1dc1026 firat addition
new fa81d96 first addition
new 7ec2471 first addtion
new 43bab4d first addtion
new 57b7c0d first addtion
new eeae3c4 first addition
new 58d2deb Merge from Kitware modifications branch
new 2b5739c BUG: This is a C project, not C++. Also added setting of EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH and LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH in case this project is built on its own.
new 4fc2614 Try to remove warning
new 443ecf7 strlen - 1 on check for parameter format
new f497844 remove ExodusII converter
new c9bbbd0 allow Cmake to generate IceConfig.h
new 387f4f8 Modified to work with NDGM
new dba6f3f Now builds with and without NDGM XdmfNDGM and XdmfRuntime now dummy out all ndgm_xxx calls #ifndef HAVE_NDGM
new 0375da0 extensive changes to handle DataStructures and DataTransforms also handle 3DSMESH correctly and unstructured grids !!! only 3DCoRectMesh will work in parallel
new 153262e Cast values so that on 64 bit ids there will not be any problem
new 4e49f6a Add test
new 9415385 Add some datasets
new b8c107c Hacky solution to potentially serious problem
new f9567ad Add FIND_PACKAGE use package support
new 19e3834 Copy from paraview
new 784a967 Add exports for Windows
new 2b3a684 On Windows things have to always return something
new 68f9739 Fix build problems
new 33b6a67 Better windows settings and make internal hdf5 to be exported correctly
new 30fbfd9 Improve ansi support and fix build on visual studio
new 08448ea Attempt to fix HPUX
new d81e226 Start fixing HP
new bd34090 More checks with cmake
new 92354b4 A whole bunch of HP fixes
new 6285f4f More elaborate test
new 17c95b4 Specify correct path to data
new 3ca06d3 Add Extra argument, so we can test CTH datasets
new cb9e233 change "IF" statement for CTH-like data
new 9ceb22f Remove old test
new 98e9958 Rename reader. Now this is the official Xdmf reader
new f93ddfc Fix renaming
new 3ad7bfb add EnableAllArrays and DisableAllArrays Methods
new b3ae151 Add CVS Web
new 3db67d0 Fix Expat library issues
new 000a4b0 Fix const char* problem on HP
new 4f0860f Works with paraview's batch mode now.
new 923bea2 find the CurrentElement for an Attribute by getting it from the XdmfAttribute not from the XML (that code was wrond anyway)
new 38d1d60 BUG: When exporting include paths it should not export internal hdf5 if external one is used
new b11bf0f fix to build XDMF with NDGM properly
new b9121f4 ERR: Fix static building on Windows
new cea30b8 BUG: Allow setting extent to difference 0
new a8d8e33 ifdefed __DLL__
new d02a13a this doesn't work
new e9dceb0 ERR: Link to rendering
new 131e85e BUG: Improve checks for Win32
new 78c8e89 ERR: Improve support for cygwin X11 and replace new method with new macro
new e926468 ENH: Configure file so that it can be subclass of different vtk classes
new e82569f needed some help with 64_bit int defines
new 0602b97 ERR: Fix problem on HP, where name HP-UX gets written in #ifndef, which breaks compiler. This fix will replace '-' with '_'.
new c7fc885 ERR: Fix some cygwin issues
new 3fcc375 added INSTALL for .h and libs ReWorked vtkXdmf*RenderWindowInteractor
new aff8db6 New All in one initializer
new f8f337a ERR: Add closing )
new 97ffe52 build interactor in bindir
new 52c485e Don't Re-Parse DOM ... that deletes Parameter Settings
new 3303d0c Added Parameter Methods
new 04553db unify method names
new d15f0ae ENH: Add modified when parameters are changed
new 6615a5b ERR: Quick fix for cygwin
new 834b28c ENH: FindParameter uses ParameterName readonly, so it should be const char*
new 7c467e6 Fix all methods that refer to parameter name to take const char* so that they can be called with any strings
new 0f227e1 ERR: Allow to build whith any libraries
new ac2491d ENH: Add support for http submit
new 7361f21 ENH: Add python test
new 8dcf7f7 ENH: Fix for new CMake, some shared libraries support and cleanup
new 7a5cbc2 ERR: Fix wrappers problem. Wrapped libraries should link to Xdmf
new 7707296 Link to python libraries just for test
new 6dba29a ENH: Check for strtoll
new 33da4b1 ENH: Check for strtoll instead for __INT64 when deciding on implementing strtoll
new eb7d915 ENH: Sun fixes
new 47d739d added NDGM LIB only support
new 82e2d32 added NDGM LIB Only support
new 07cbf9c fixed -ldl
new 6ab6711 ENH: Add export macros for building on Windows
new f6a8563 ERR: Avoid using hex to prevent linker problems
new 6683a78 Added a special camera to do left/right stereo in one window
new 5e8d3cd link Xdmf with -lndgm if necessary
new 75b671f ENH: Add link to bugtracking
new 3dd440e ENH: Add a proper link to bugtracking and doxygen
new d49ffe0 ENH: Fix for testsetget
new f7d32ad ENH: Add support for multiple grids
new 7a60274 Initial import. I took vtkXdmfDataSetWriter and modified it to do the actual writing. I am not sure whether we should keep the old ones or not.
new a488ced ENH: Add vtkXdmfWriter
new 463b08f ENH: Add test for writing
new a1f879c ENH: Fix writer test to use vtkXdmfWriter and add it to cmakelists
new 326232c ENH: FastWrite was not used, so remove it
new 9117cf9 ENH: Add system information test
new cb6cfcf ERR: Ok, read only arrays that we need
new 20d986d ENH: Remove method for removing anchor
new 2e374f1 ENH: Some memory leaks
new b1ff368 ENH: Merge Xdmf from the trunk
new cf1974c ERR: Should not undef _PROTOTYPES. Why was that here?
new bbc9332 ERR: Implementation of SelectCoordinatesFromString must match signature declared in header.
new 98434be Merging changes upto ParaView-1-0-merge2
new be4ae83 Remove memory leaks
new c84aa43 ENH: Remove memory leaks
new 3d04f1e ERR: valgrind reports error if you try to strcpy over the overlapping array
new 5d64dc6 ENH: Remove memory leak
new f546ff0 ERR: Remove memory leak
new 518bccd ENH: Add some debug and call UpdateInformation after enabling/disabling grids to prevent problems
new de5c4b4 ENH: Fix problem with multigrid structure grid datasets
new e0bbd72 ENH: Cleanups
new efe7fa1 ENH: Fix swig problems
new 7e66cdf ERR: Add missing includes
new 9228534 ENH: Fix swig problems
new a2ca766 ENH: Add sample dataset
new 454fad1 ENH: Add simple plain xdmf python test
new 6a388f7 ENH: Another test with multiple grids
new a97c646 ENH: Add python testing
new 74b68d6 ENH: Use dynamic strings instead of static ones to prevent max length problems
new 483de47 ENH: Add windows support
new 50b20c0 ENH: Strict C cleanup
new 5d6ba6f ENH: New swig files
new 8c99b6f ERR: Remove some warnings
new 1ac0e21 ERR: Fix const problems
new ab88c88 ENH: Unify with paraview
new 50aeac6 ENH: Cleanups and remove warnings
new ff076f9 ENH: Cleanup
new 4db1015 ENH: Initial import
new b1c1021 Needed to include XdmfArray.h
new 9e9a7c2 ENH: Consistency fix
new 4c856fc ENH: Add streaming support for structured grids. Closes Bug #270 - Structure grids do not stream
new 6f0e3ed BUG: Properly recognize unstructured grids
new b12ffd9 ENH: NDGM cleanups
new f3b0b47 ENH: Add structured grid test
new 22a6b40 ENH: Cleanup and add better comment
new 562fb57 ENH: Cleanup some strings to be const correct
new 282289f ENH: Some more const cleanups
new f803ad0 ERR: Windows fixes
new 487772c ERR: Fix windows
new 385d688 ENH: Cleanup
new 1ad2a49 ENH: Cleanup
new d072da8 ERR: Fix strtoll
new ef405c5 BUG: Fix Bug #293 - HDF5 in XDMF has a bug which effects certain datasets
new af92c15 added where ( array_expression == array_expression )
new da5783a changed memcpy to memmove
new 78a59a1 added a new WHERE() command to XdmfArray fixed strcpy(this->FileName, name) bug : it now is this->SetFileName(name) increased MAX_STRING_LEN t0 1024
new 4361173 adding Compression to XdmfHDF Trying to fix NDGM driver to support Compression Add index(array == array) to XdmfExpr
new 4691511 remove debug output
new 9bf07ec ENH: Initial implementation of CanReadFile
new d9b9b9c ENH: Do not allow strides to be set to less than 1. Close Bug #292 - Setting strides to 0 makes reader crash
new 88e1d1f ERR: Fix build on Windows
new 6ddb9dc Add Compression to HDF5 fix memcpy/memmove problem
new e554b84 ENH: Add support for inlined zlib and expat; Close Bug #286 - Add zlib and expat into utilities of Xdmf
new fba245d ENH: Search for python executable
new f99113e Added more documentation via doxygen
new b2c5053 Added aditional documentation
new deb1087 ENH: Remove xml warnings
new 44a4579 ENH: Add infrastructure for new paraview client server wrapping
new ec87eff Remove method GetBaseGrid fix GetValues() in XdmfArray : it was always returninf ints due to ICE_64BIT_CAST re-Generate interface vie swig
new 85998e4 ERR: No long long on windows
new 8ffad46 ERR: Fix windows build
new b9369e0 Copy h5 to h5 with compression
new c621f15 Added Support for Parallel HDF5 : XdmfHDF.cxx : now supports SERIAL:myfile.h5 to force serial file access if no DOMAIN is specified, parallel is used is available XdmfHDFSupport.h : only does extern "C" { include "hdf5.h"} is HDF is version 1.6.1 or greater XdmfExprXXX : had to be changed because INTEGER conflicted with something in mpi++.h. INTEGER is now tokINTEGER XdmfFormatExample.cxx : default dataset is SREIAL:... XdmfMpiExample.cxx : examp [...]
new c9083f3 Added XdmfHDFCp which can copy H5 datasets to another file and optionally compress
new f155529 ERR: Fix build on HP
new d79ba2a ENH: Fix undefined symbols problem on vtk test. Fix Bug #399 - When using VTK build with python, xdmf without python wrapping does not build
new 336e5cd add UseSerialFile ivar to force Serial File access even when using Parallel HDF5. This is necessary if you don't want collective creates ... they'll block if everyone doesn't participate.
new dd97573 fix for vtk + Util/zlib and Util/expat
new d6d81de ERR: Fix build problems because of recent VTK changes from float to double in the API
new df67d5d ENH: Fix the float to double problem by creating points always as doubles
new 55d87fd ENH: Add XDMF_KITS_DIR so that ParaView ClientServer will work without specifying sources
new bcf4887 ENH: Handle 32 bit and 64 bit data
new 9994d4f ERR: Delete array with the proper operator
new 87835ea ENH: Cleanups
new 28b5e2a ENH: Add include blockers, fix warnings
new 507d9c5 ENH: Add dice logo
new f94d1dc ENH: Add files for documentation of Xdmf. This includes documentation of vtk related classes
new 6d46899 ENH: Cleanup and use DocFooter for bottom of the page
new bc57345 ENH: Some cleanups, start adding support for multigrids, put h5 file in the same directory and same name as xdmf file. Needs some work.
new edb4c12 ENH: Cleanup of cmake variables
new 045f0ac ENH: Fix float data type detection
new 3a49141 ENH: More work on writer
new 55d8f89 ERR: Some renames to fix compiler warnings and errors
new cf42013 ENH: We do not really need this file to be wrapped
new 9168ceb ERR: Do not build vtkXdmfDataSetWriter. It is old and no need for it to be there
new 6b50fe7 fix for paraview complete
new e73c93e ENH: Initial attempt to make generic writer test
new 7d45a29 ENH: Add support for image data
new 9a726a9 ENH: Add TestWriters
new 9fa0796 ENH: Cleanup and add support for unknown types
new 34b898f ENHL: Add testing datasets
new 692f672 ENH: Typo
new c9f31a0 ENH: Fix constness
new a9ab75b ENH: I do not see any other way of guessing the rank. Add argument to help
new f3a2d49 ENH: Improve writer. It now supports unstructured, structured grid, image data and rectilinear grid. Several fixes in reader too
new 077312b ENH: Add more testing, add header file with path to data.
new 0cb9aac BUG: When not calling with arguments, that would be an error
new 0ec9a93 ENH: Add test
new e1c7205 ENH: Rewrap with Swig
new 0c23f59 ENH: Add code for swig wrapping
new 5b5de03 ENH: Rewrap with swig
new c080092 ENH: Fix origin and spacing for image data
new 70999e3 ENH: Add domain name
new dec2384 ENH: Add unsigned types support and int16 support
new 76bc824 ENH: Start adding strides support, also add test for arbitrary data arrays...
new 5be2943 ENH: BAckward compatibility. If type not specified, use float32
new 68bb81e ERR: Fix build on HP
new 903317f some warning fixes and cleanups
new fb3670c ENH: Add multigrid image data dataset
new 00a987f ENH: Make cmake step for hdf5 in xdmf
new 105cf5f ENH: Merge from Main tree
new 44cee19 ENH: Merge from CVS
new 7f3ea3f ENH: Merge from main tree
new 68b543c ENH: Merge from main tree
new 64ffba7 BUG: Fix, it should be float type really.
new a9deea1 ERR: Do not build vtkXdmfDataSetWriter. It is old and no need for it to be there
new 0b2a8d1 ENH: If you switch between installed or local hdf5 rebuild the code
new 1a4a1e4 ENH: Export the version of HDF5
new e8176b1 Merge Xdmf from ParaView 1.0
new 759631c ENH: If HDF5 is switched from system to builtin, then rebuild sources
new cbaa661 ENH: Add multigrid imagedata test
new a3b34d2 ENH: Fix origin and spacing
new 953d770 ERR: fix gettimeofday call on broken cygwins
new c79fb47 ENH: Fix a lot of warnings primarly warnings about variables being shadowed
new cf5b744 ERR: Use the right variables
new d206313 ERR: Fix build problem on Windows
new 40cb646 ENH: Const correctnes
new 8f32659 fix warning
new 51d4bb6 ENH: This will probaby break lots of things, but here we go: const correctness, new lex/yacc, new swig, cleanup warnings...
new 601c40c ERR: Improve swiging. No more strtoll and long long fix needed
new cea42a3 ENH: Add stdarg to build on HP
new 47ce3d2 ENH: Remove ICE_READ_STREAM64 stuff
new a2c36f7 ERR: Fix use of istrstream for compilers with broken streams
new 5a35e5d ENH: Remove export
new 47ab24a warning fixes
new 15f9ae1 ENH Add valid image for strides test
new 9e28a6d ENH: Add rectilinear grid test data
new 8c50aa2 ENH: Add stride testing support
new b889e71 ENH: Cleanup and add dataset with strides
new 8c88291 ENH: Rename arrays to be consistent
new 3b5ddf0 ENH: Add strides support and add rectilinear grid test
new 7114bad warning fix
new 4a56b10 ENH: Add display option and rectilinear grid stride test
new 953cb4f ENH: Add multigrid structured grid test
new f0f9ef0 ENH: Add more suppressions
new e8e8594 ENH: Should not commit
new 3c5c2cc BUG: check for BADID before printing things
new 1e01655 ENH: Rename to remove warning
new 4b775b2 ENH: Remove windows hack. it does not work anyway.
new dd8651b Fixed warnings
new dda59b7 ERR: Fix warning
new 1a3f39b fix FMM
new 3b2d43b fix warning
new 7d6e39f Fixed warning
new 6ac5326 ERR: Fix for broken Visual Studio 7 compiler
new 9188cf3 ENH: Fix support for multigrid saving
new 6b0f1d9 ENH: Prevent saving multicell datasets
new 0925828 ENH: Cleanup
new 010086b ERR: Remove warning on Visual Studio 7
new 54ab756 ERR: Remove warning
new 6a2d98d warning fix
new 44dcb5d ENH: Add XDMF_UNKNOWN_TYPE as possible type and string duplication macro
new 8414947 ENH: Make local copy of node type so that we do not rely on some ivar not changing
new 008a128 ENH: Make local copy of name so that we do not rely on some ivar not changing
new 32a6656 ENH: Use string duplication macro to have single implementation
new 7852db0 ENH: Make local copy of Data so that we do not rely on some ivar not changing
new 98de59b ENH: Attempt to prevent memory leak by storing last result of XdmfDOM::Get. Also return unknown type when apropriate
new 57bfc37 ENH: Use dynamic arrays for storing strings
new 5e973f3 ENH: Suppress hdf5 warnings
new 592aedd ENH: Cleanup
new 271b37f ENH: Fix escape
new c88c750 ENH: New testing framework
new 7a206c8 ERR: Fix test
new f03dd44 ENH: Attempt to remove memory leaks
new e13dbb2 ERR: Fix regex to actually do something
new 2a39103 ENH: Update to version 1.6.4
new db91d15 ENH: Update to version 1.6.4
new 247e9a9 ENH: Some windows fixes
new 1747028 ERR: Fix DLL support on windows
new 898735a Fix build on Sun and probably some other systems
new 28863b4 ENH: Cygwin fixes
new c2398f8 ENH: Attempt to fix HP build
new ca3fe69 ENH: Fix AIX build and require CMake 1.8
new d8d5c84 ENH: Cleanup
new 0b1c0d3 ERR: Remove warnings
new 5c82366 ERR: Remove warnings on Linux
new d3d06b7 ENH: Support static and shared libs
new 562b46a fix some warnings
new 77800d8 somehow the Win32 interaction code got lost ???
new c0a9433 ENH: Also look at global BUILD_SHARED_LIBS flag
new dd0353f ENH: Only install when install directory specified
new 4135869 ERR: Fix zlib build problem on windows
new b83b85b ENH: Use ansi flags for hdf5
new d582b35 BUG: Cleanup, simplify and fix problem with expression parsing
new fa53fef ERR: Remove memory leak
new 19a60c3 ENH: Remove memory leak
new 628615b ENH: Regenerate lex and yacc files
new d2c25e6 ENH: fix build problem on HP
new f408807 ERR: Remove memory leak
new afc6eeb ERR: Remove warnings on sun
new 87729b5 * Merge changes from 1.4 branch so that MacOS X compiles.
new e2bd473 * Merge changes from 1.4 branch to trunk so that MacOS X compiles.
new fdfb88a ERR: Remove warning on HP
new 8fcefd5 ERR: Remove warning on Win32
new 18c10b6 ENH: Cleanup make install
new 372d89d ENH: Added vtk_zlib.h to ensure that VTK finds the correct zlib.h when not using system zlib. Added vtk_zlib_mangle.h to mangle all the public symbols in the vtkzlib library to start with a vtk_zlib_ prefix. This will avoid conflicts with applications that link to vtkIO and a separate zlib library.
new d7053ed ENH: All zlib public interface symbols are now mangled to begin with vtk_zlib_ prefixes to avoid conflict with system libraries.
new deaec6b * ERR: Fix dashboard build on Darwin/MacOS by initializing globals.
new f44fcbb making vtkKdTree and hdf5 build (.NET 2003 compiler)
new f2ac46d warning fix
new 411551f In ReNew() added an extra block. Char count os wrong, this allows for a few extra unaccounted for chars.
new a9fae87 ENH: Added vtk_expat.h to ensure that VTK finds the correct expat.h when not using system expat. Added vtk_expat_mangle.h to mangle all the public symbols in the vtkexpat library to start with a vtk_expat_ prefix. This will avoid conflicts with applications that link to vtkIO and a separate expat library.
new ec3bef2 ENH: Prevent warnings on HDF5 on Windows
new a836480 ENH: Remove several warnings on Windows with /W4
new 82a12f4 ENH: Renamed zlib, png, jpeg, tiff, and expat directories in the Utilities directory to vtkzlib, vtkpng, vtkjpeg, vtktiff, and vtkexpat respectively. Adjusted the include structure so that code includes vtk_zlib.h and automatically gets the version of zlib used by VTK (and similarly for the other libraries). Along with the recent name mangling changes, this now completely isolates VTK's version of these libraries and avoids conflict with system versions or versions [...]
new 210ddde Changed debug message for Parallel to be more clear as to why Parallel IO is not being used
new 9c128e2 ENH: Support the new VTK expat
new 20172a5 ENH: Support the new VTK expat
new a4ab8ed ENH: Add support for external zlib headers
new 3699eb7 fix warning
new 0379706 EHN: Cleanups and support standalone Xdmf
new 202ec48 remove stdint form hdf5
new 9a12ea5 better testing for stdint
new 5f3b50b a better fix soon to be removed
new 2adf8a8 ERR: Fix off64_t not found on Linux Kernel 2.2
new 8b8e07f ERR: Fix zlib and expat
new 6571a5c ERR: Fix new zlib and expat
new 1ad6825 ERR: expat header should be expat not zlib
new f76ffc9 ERR: ParaView fix
new 88c6509 where expat.h lives is set in ../CMakeLists.txt, don't set it here
new 370b5fd ERR: Fix zlib on windows
new a99fcf7 XDMF_EXPORT needed for Win32
new 5e9f2dc some warning fixes and better error messages
new 3aec4f4 ENH: Allow setting grids before the first UpdateInformation
new 9232283 * ERR: Can't initialize a non-scalar iterator with an int. (Fixes dashboard error.)
new 7d4187d ENH: Some cleanups, add continuous, change cvsweb to viewcvs
new 77be4d1 fixe dfor hdf5
new f7642c9 Do not build the vtkXdmfRenderWindowInteractor if building on APPLE. It is not compatable with the Carbon or Cocoa libraries.
new 0f3a908 ENH: Some NDGM fixes
new 7b3f04e ERR: Fix HDF5 error when building with NDGM
new d8c800b ERR: Fix assigning const char* to char*
new 2ecb579 ERR: Fix warnings
new 9a3b5f9 BUG: Attempt to fix problem in linking on SGI
new 843b1cf BUG: Add dependency for parallel builds
new 7db5b9c ERR: Remove warning. Since StatusBuffer.type is always compared only to H5G_GROUP or H5G_DATASET it makes not sense to compare it to H5G_NTYPES
new a66212e ENH: Add support for active attribute
new 9f3dc51 ENH: Make sure all scalars are tagged as scalars and same for vectors etc, and mark active as active
new da9c9ba ENH: Add support for active scalars, vectors, ...
new 0919a62 ENH: BAckward compatibility for active scalars
new c59bb7b Adding Geometry X_Y
new 5ca2d85 Adding Geometry X_Y
new 5d2dfc2 Make Reader aware of X_Y Geometry
new ee0f4e8 add a HDF_TRY to Close
new 89d590a put TRY around closes
new a8ee368 BUG: Changed symbol list grep expression to find both "T" and "R" symbols. This is why several symbols were missing and had to be added incrementally.
new 1008fde STYLE: Removed tabs.
new 83aa9a4 COMP: Replaced use of UNUSED macro with (void)signo to avoid unused argument warning without causing problems on new SGI compilers.
new afb0cbd BUG: fixed incompatibility with hdf version 1.7.40 and others
new d511fb5 ENH: convert to using the new pipeline
new 1f2310d BUG: get Xdmf reader to work correctly in PV using the new pipeline; changing which arrays to read is correctly propagated to the GUI
new cb3689b BUG: Moved creation of output to REQUEST_DATA_OBJECT. An algorithm should not create and set it's output in the constructor. This makes changing executives later impossible
new 318c1e5 STYLE: Cleanup
new 481190c BSD Style License
new e800e84 BUG: make the Xdmf reader work with multiple grids again
new 7cee236 fixed problem with Attribute type being "Unknown"
new 366c3ce COMP: eliminate warning when building static libs with Microsoft compilers
new 8d875d6 ENH: Using variables VTK_INSTALL_BIN_DIR, VTK_INSTALL_LIB_DIR, and VTK_INSTALL_INCLUDE_DIR for install locations. They default to the old values (/bin, /lib/vtk, and /include/vtk) but can be changed by parent projects like ParaView to install inner VTK instances in a special location.
new f8f8af9 Install xdmf_expat.h
new a33c85c Changed InsertUniqueId() to InsertNextId() and used XdmfArray.SetValues() instead of a Loop with XdmfArray.SetValue()
new de334a2 Fixed some formatting and used the ENTITY instead of the HDF FileName
new 3834f18 Oops &HeavyData; ENTITY needs more work
new 22f093f ENH: APPLE does not come with X11
new 91e68a1 ENH: Adding configurable installation support. There are three basic components: runtime, development, and documentation. Users or parent projects can control which components are installed by setting VTK_INSTALL_NO_RUNTIME, VTK_INSTALL_NO_DEVELOPMENT, and/or VTK_INSTALL_NO_DOCUMENTATION appropriately. Install locations can be configured with VTK_INSTALL_BIN_DIR, VTK_INSTALL_LIB_DIR, and VTK_INSTALL_INCLUDE_DIR by setting them to paths relative to the installation [...]
new 19c3f60 ENH: Added configurable installation options. Users or parent projects can set XDMF_INSTALL_LIB_DIR, XDMF_INSTALL_INCLUDE_DIR, and XDMF_INSTALL_INCLUDE_VTK_DIR to configure where components are installed. The defaults preserve old behavior.
new 8e80bdd fix CMakeList.txt files stCVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
new 4a3e9bd needs default include install directory
new d7ee6ee ENH: Add support for collection
new 6fcb261 ENH: Start working on multi-block support
new 2a414e3 BUG: removing a debugging statement that was causing the XdmfRad tests to crash because cout doesn't know what to do with NULL
new 3521ee0 ENH: Initial import
new 95dbc5d ENH: typo and display path when producing error
new 3350f97 COMP: Fix build outside ParaView
new 324af02 ENH: Handle writing multiple image data and rectilinear grid
new 22c2e9d ENH: Handle origin and spacing in the RequestInformation
new 976b30d BUG: Fix selection of arrays
new fbd0851 ENH:Prepared the internal structure of the reader for forthcoming multiblock implementation
new 31d04d7 Make XDMF work with NDGM in MPI. Allow access from Python.
new d63465e fix
new 2a65040 adding new methods
new f00f15b fix for no NDGM version.
new f228c14 ENH:handle collection tag and multi-processsor execution
new 5e67b89 COMP:Now vtkXdmfReader depends on vtkParallel
new edfbc50 Fixed for HDF5 1.6.4
new 3721807 COMP:Replaced dynamic_cast by SafeDownCast
new 00e8db7 BUG:RequestDataObject should create the hierarchical dataset but not create the subblocks because now the composite pipeline call PrepareForNewData in ExecuteDataStart which wipes out the subblocks
new cd88f2c ENH:Added an optional Level tag (default is 0) in addition to the Collection Tag
new 6df3855 COMP:Fixed the Visual Studio 6 nightly build about none const string in istrstream constructor
new 12355bc BUG: Improve support for cell data and add collection support, support for only writing grids (no domain or header), and add a way to store everything in heavy data
new ac80906 COMP: Use default arguments only in header file
new 7d3b6a1 ENH: Not sure dl is actually needed
new fe236c8 ENH: change loc of log files
new b9b1ca2 ENH: Implemented better support for configurable installation components.
new 6e94168 ENH: If VTK_LIBRARY_PROPERTIES is set then the properties it lists will be added to VTK library targets with SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES. This will be useful to enable shared library versioning.
new 7d1a218 BUG: fixed logic when checking hdf version
new 10a799b ENH: Replace vtkHierarchicalDataInformation with vtkMultiGroupDataInformation (legacy)
new c13a7d7 COMP: Need to mangle asParser symbol, this symbol only appear on MSC_VER/DEBUG built
new 48abd62 COMP: Fix typo
new a5d53d3 COMP: Eliminate dashboard warnings at their root...
new 7ed5f14 BUG: Handle VTK_VOXEL and VTK_PIXEL
new e64f057 COMP: removing unused variable
new d67b7bb COMP: "Eliminate" dashboard warnings on Borland dashboards without forcing compiler flags on end user... Same approach already used to mask cl warnings in 3rd party Utilities code.
new 595143a ENH: use VTK_CMAKE_DIR consistently, get rid of the old Tcl/Pythin _INIT_DIR leading to vtkWrapperInitData.in, move it to VTK_CMAKE_DIR
new 3b82be2 ENH: fix for wrapping
new e98f041 ENH: Add more verbose printself
new 94e5b5d BUG: fixes for X11 include path.
new dd29d8b BUG: typos
new 6bc483d ENH: Fix the number of nodes per cell. Not sure if it is ok, but seems to work
new 6be1f6c ENH: Remove memory leak by caching XdmfParameters
new 8aee30b ENH: Remove warning
new d5f0959 ENH: Adding cmake 2.4 style installation. NOTE: These changes will work on a paraview build only. This file has to updated to be general
new 731b81a ENH: Updating to cmake 2.4 install (first pass)
new 6701fc1 ENH: Updated all filters to new pipeline. Updated composite filters to use DATA_OBJECT() instead of COMPOSITE_DATA_SET(). Removed part filters, multi-block datasets should be used now. Fixed a few minor bugs
new c197a96 Performance : only check for Parameters in Get() if XML has any at Parse time.
new 7411745 Only parse grid XML once until new XML has been read (new FileName)
new e396844 UpdateProgress now works
new 32b5bfd COMP: Add support for large files (larger than 2GB
new 3e25a59 COMP: Fix Large Files support build on AIX
new e42b822 ENH: Removed unnecessary key COMPOSITE_DATA_TYPE_NAME(). DATA_TYPE_NAME() should be used instead
new e52143e COMP: Fixed unused variable warning
new 943dcb7 COMP: INSTALL MADNESScvs diff Use new install commands with components
new ba0e8b2 COMP: Fixed unused variable compiler warning.
new 068c08e COMP: Suppress Borland warnings in 3rd party utility libs.
new a95af38 ENH: Fix build issues with CMake 2.4 and require CMake 2.4
new e9c2779 Same as XDMF
new 1fcd2cb Start by just getting XdmfObject to build
new cd74122 Same as Xdmf
new a267a58 same as Xdmf
new b79eeb4 fixing
new 6229c60 added serialization
new c0514bd Added features and cleaned up code
new 94dde61 fix Dom->Set() to allow for CData
new d0b04f8 Generate Documentation
new ba591f5 fixing documentation
new 6197fbd Light data is base XML class Element is base for Grid, Topology, Information, etc. Information is a Name=Value Element
new 4ac0f09 Header and footer for documentation
new 90ba80f fixing
new 3afd69e trying to get XdmfElements to read and write
new 339883a remove all cast of xmlNode and xmlDoc
new d4be2f6 Added Array Support for XML only ... for testing some concpts
new 09b5d34 Derive classes for accessing actual data
new ea77b8d comment
new 5996f07 fixing
new e0da02d fixed formating
new d932469 Adding HDF Format for Values
new b860ec6 modifying for well formatted output
new 0bc2846 Add expressions for arrays
new 7f96461 Added XPath Support
new 7887443 ENH: remove files in order to insert files for new HDF5 library
new eee37b1 ENH: remove files in order to insert files for new HDF5 library
new a19037e ENH: add files for the new HDF5 library
new 2b9a847 ENH: add files for the new HDF5 library
new e0d4e8d ENH: add files for the new HDF5 library
new d4fcd47 ENH: add files for the new HDF5 library
new b734152 ENH: add files for new HDF5 library
new e3afaee add the concept of reference
new e78857e COMP: silence a warning in new hdf5 lib.
new 0a457a2 COMP: suppress the warning in a different way, per the hdf5 help desk.
new be178ce References Still not Working
new f8aa11d Refernence work but must now handle pointers to dead objects
new f0da755 doc
new c0de485 doc
new 68e8b88 BUG: fix version number and style
new 734e211 Added CopyReferenceData to, by default, copy data from the referenced object.
new a831378 Re-Arrange Objects
new 82ca30d Re-Arrange Objects
new 599eb65 fixing
new b6652c1 COMP: fix hdf5 compilation problem on linux related to sys time includes. Thanks Clinton and Sylvain for pointing the way.
new c55e9d6 Adding Transforms and re-arranging Objects
new fc2232f Add Selection to XML
new ec65bc5 Added Coordinate selection
new ea81a2a BUG: fix icc compilation error. ULLONG_MAX was not defined, but LLONG_MAX was defined. We need to check if *both* symbols are defined. This bug was reported by Jean Favre at CSCS.
new 1a34f63 Topology and Geometry work with data items. This is the old Topology and Geometry. Things like higher order elements still need to be added.
new 38d7494 Added XdmfGrid (without Attributes) Supports Tree and Collection (Same thing for now)
new f9bc824 first time
new 227e639 Dummy Attribute for now to get vtkXdmfReader Working
new 8b89f86 BUG: partial fix for bug 3059. vtkexpat and vtknetcdf no longer use TRY_RUN on Macs, instead basic data type sizes are hardcoded, and endianness is properly detected.
new 55afbee works
new 49c7113 Add "IgnoreInfo" to FindElement
new 1c60a4e examples
new 32a029f get rid of ice.h
new 2185b94 Tree
new 6ea4639 stopped coredump when deleting grid with attribute
new a90145a Get Working Directory from DOM not Element
new 7f13754 Update
new ed70873 update
new 48ed92d switched to vtkMultiGroupDataSet
new 955672a fixed for single grid .... everything now returns multigroupdataset
new 66d8466 Removed Single Grid Stetments
new c66f152 ENH: Add options to turn on Parallel IO when building HDF5. Put in a fix for a (_stat64) struct which fails to compile on WIN32 when H5_HAVE_PARALLEL is enabled. Ensure projects which use vtkhdf5 get correct mpi include dir if parallel turned on
new 1ca82a9 BUG: Make sure include is not used when VTK_USE_MPI is off
new 7f654db BUG: Remove the quotes to remove cmake error.
new 8cd956f COMP: Include paths with spaces and/or multiple paths were not handled properly. This should do it.
new 93cdfab Add Mixed Topology
new 8016b14 Add Mixed Topology
new b3b1ce7 remove debug printing
new a7fac8a mixed topology
new d57474f Support Old style Collections
new e04524e Allow Type or GridType
new c13546a Added Quadratic Elements
new 13d5f1b Added SubGrid
new 74531bf Read Attributes for SubGrid
new eedfcaa allow for Section="DataItem | All" attribute in subgrid
new e692a56 added FindDataElement() for backward compatibility and to allow comments within a DataItem
new 5d6733e Adding Root Object
new 75a00f7 Build is now recursive and all elements have an Adopt() method
new 102e1cb fix indentation
new 09bd6df Build() works for Grid, Topology, Geometry, DataItem (Uniform) and Information
new 53f9b55 document XML Attributes and add AttributeType="XX"
new fccbb3c fix some details
new 799b707 Build() works for Attribute. XdmfGrid now Inserts XML Nodes for Topology and Geometry if UNIFORM.
new 561b097 Attribute, Geometry, and Topology now create XdmfArray if the GetXXX() method would have returned NULL.
new 4a6345f COMP: Disable hdf5 warnings
new 7671f95 fix leaks, update docs
new 6285e8d fixing
new 9c1dc0a Add XDMF_BUILD_MPI
new 813df1b Begin Dsm Support
new 7a9f631 Message Passing Example
new 3015c90 Put() now calculates correct adress
new 45837a5 Sending DSM Commands
new b3c2d2f trygin opcodes
new 9aa90a4 Put works in DSM
new d7b89bd Still not thread safe .... double free() problem
new 2062aef Make ArrayListClass a singleton in an effort to make it threadsafe.
new 46651cb Working HDF5 Driver for XdmfDsm - problems with deadlocks on Barriers
new ec50848 COMP: the test for the 64bit printf flag was broken, the newline in the definitions broke the makefile, and so none of the tests compiled
new 587532d works .. must use MPI_Init_thread()
new f4cc422 Dsm working with Threads and HDF5 Driver. More testing needed before I remove the print debugging statements
new 9b8c176 Slices and Dices
new ab81255 Remove Debug print statements
new 30d491e comments
new 8e2b755 fix error in address calculation
new d7557a5 added
new f35f06b Added
new cebd338 ENH: Update paraview3 to use xdmfnew. Fix serial (non MPI) compilation, copy xdmfwriter from xdmf1, add removegrids() method to xdmfreader to synch grids and arrays when domain changes.
new bbe02b6 ENH: Update paraview3 to use xdmfnew. Fix serial (non MPI) compilation, copy xdmfwriter from xdmf1, add removegrids() method to xdmfreader to synch grids and arrays when domain changes, and protect against two uses of an null pointer for undo/redo.
new 9d339ab ENH: Reenable xdmf reader and switch to the new xdmf library.
new 7bef99d COMP: Fix comp warnings and errors in new xdmf lib.
new f5d56e3 COMP: fix compilation warnings. require virtual destructors, remove unused variables, rename local variables and args that shadow globals.
new 93c5b1d COMP: fix compilation warnings: remove unused variables, and coerce precision conversions where indicated necessary.
new 4f8ce1d COMP: fix redeclaration warning.
new 43afe66 COMP: remove more windows build warnings and tell paraview windows build where to find xml2 library
new 4f0dee0 COMP: fix unused var warning.
new d12e643 COMP: fix more unused var and parameter warnings
new e1acb3c COMP: more warnings, not sure what the intended behavior of the Copy differentiation.
new ebc70d1 COMP: help windows parallel builds find MPI library
new 368821f COMP: fix more compilation warnings.
new 1b75e92 COMP: Fix more warnings and an == != = typo typo.
new f6e463b COMP: fix compilation with mpich2
new b95e9bc BUG: be sure to link in both sets of MPI libraries for MPI libs that need them.
new 944f25a COMP: Switched link order of MPI libraries to match that of VTK
new 279f500 STYLE: Cleaned up style a little
new 3a0dcd4 ENH: prepare for cross compiling if(WINDOWS) was always false since this commit 3 years ago: http://www.cmake.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/Utilities/hdf5/CMakeLists.txt?root=ParaView3&r1=1.11&r2=1.12
new 369ef93 COMP: make it compile if SO_REUSEADDR doesn't exist
new beee531 STYLE: use CMAKE_REQUIRE_LARGE_FILE_SUPPORT as variable name as in VTK, so the result is reused
new 035f644 STYLE: use FIND_PACKAGE() instead of INCLUDE()
new dda40b4 ENH: don't use a loop of TRY_RUN() but instead do it all in one go, makes cross compiling easier and should be a little bit faster
new 9ee6e53 BUG: Fix what appears to be an error regarding switch from old code that used levels as the group id, to the new code which uses level to determine the dataset within the group. In any case this change lets you load the other sample data sets in paraviewdata without crashing.
new 3f31120 BUG: Fix memory leak, delete Reader's DOM last, other things refer to the structs it owns, if it goes first their refs in destructors are invalid. STYLE: vtk indents and correct reader's description.
new 99318f6 BUG: 5445: updated VTK from zlib 1.1.4 to 1.2.3
new d843210 BUG: Add support to write out vtkIdType ad a fix for grid name conflicts. See bug #5219 and #5139. Kudos to Clinton for the patch.
new 427c8d9 BUG: 5445: tweaks to get 1.2.3 working with shared libs
new 4ac0eb3 BUG: 5445: tweaks on 1.2.3 upgrade: cosmetic changes to keep itk and vtk zlibs as close as possible, suppress more compiler warnings, updated readme, added HAVE_UNISTD_H test, removed some warning suppression to see if the new zlib fixed them
new b87db84 BUG: fixing a memory leak
new 406609b BUG: 5445: tweaks on 1.2.3 upgrade: the minimal set of warnings for bcc was determined and is now in place, MS Visual Studio warning suppression removed to see which are actually still needed in 1.2.3
new 33ec9e4 BUG: fixing a memory leak
new 093f0d2 BUG: 5445: restored necessary warning suppression for MS compiler
new 99e038a BUG: 5445: restored necessary warning suppression for MS compiler, made the CMakeLists.txt better match the ITK version
new 55bdce9 STYLE: minor touch ups related to bug 5445 and matching ITK and VTK's zilb
new 36906f3 BUG: 5445: updated zlib name mangling to catch a few additional cases, and match itk
new ffa44c7 COMP: fix warning about use of uninitialized variable: SendRecvStatus was not used in MPI_Send() but then printed out in the error case
new 99821ee BUG: Last commit missed a few symbols.
new 6e4ff10 All Linear Topology using Same points
new 8389ee0 3D Structured Meshes
new 38c32b2 Uses references for Geometry and Node Centered Scalars
new 5b62ab9 STYLE: remove unecessary class declarations and improve documentation
new 84ab43e STYLE: remove unecessary includs and rearrange to give each class its own section of the file.
new bb4bc51 BUG: More work on xdmf reader. Each enabled grid has to get its own information object. Now that this is fixed I am enabling the four remaining legacy tests. Not sure why image data multiblock colors the outlines with block id and others do not but I've changed the test to set it to solid color to make it pass.
new c687971 BUG: Fix memory leaks
new 57192cb COMP: Fix unused argument warning
new 9bcb715 BUG: Remove failed attempt at plugging a memory leak, it segfaults.
new 71dd922 COMP: make hdf5 build on Catamount, which doesn't support any networking, so the stream stuff has to be disabled for hdf5, which is done via H5_HAVE_STREAM
new c0744b4 works
new 4f9288e Works for Unstructured MultiGroups
new 15c363b COMP: Fix standalone compilation
new 84ba6f0 COMP: Fix standalone compilation and remove dead code (dice, ndgm, and expat not pertinant to xdmf anymore)
new a48796d STYLE: Remove ice
new 47fe643 STYLE: Centralize and organize the examples
new a9f34f4 STYLE: Centralize and organize the examples. Everything is now under Examples directory.
new 6a1ec98 STYLE: Remove dead directory, Xdmf.py is generated from libsrc, rest of files moved to Examples/Python
new 868fcff STYLE: Centralize examples, what what in python dir is now in Examples/Python, except xdmf.py which is generated.
new 95d0d18 STYLE: Remove Tcl amd Java wrapping which do not appear to work. Move contents of binsrc to Examples/Cxx
new 1deeb75 COMP: Fix standalone compilation with XDMF_BUILD_VTK Off
new 6acd91d ENH: vtkmetaio now shares code (100%) with ITK/Utilities/MetaIO
new 9236ef8 ENH: Add libxml2 to xml2's include path to make it easier to build against xml2 built from scratch. Remove option to automatically use vtk's xml2 lib. Too hard to check vtk's use of system xml2 correctly because we use same xml2 code and same config options.
new df53da8 Look for "DataItem" under Topology for connectivity instead of just using the first node
new 5a30d22 Accept DataStructure for backward compatibility
new 97892a8 ENH: Change XDMF reader to produce full trees, multiblocks within multiblocks, when given a domain with nonuniformgrids inside nonuniformgrids, and to produce atomic data sets, vtkDataSets, when given a domain with a single uniformgrid.
new 98caf45 COMP: Fix unused variable compilation warnings.
new c472ffc COMP: Fixed build error with Visual Studio 2008.
new 6e5247d Hopefully fixed to find 64 bit streams correctly
new fc62b52 added VoidPointerHandleToXdmfPointer()
new b848fef Modified to regenerate wrappers correctly without MPI
new 9848c92 Adding a <Time> capability
new cbb4ae9 remove debugging
new aa7b87c Accept TimeType="Function"
new a9fd9db choose a unique name for Heavy data
new 7a0b80d re-working time. Also modify XdmfElement::SetElement() to allow Element to not be associated with XML node (problem with automatic vars)
new 7b4c5b8 implement XdmfTime::Evaluate()
new 84cdb38 Add a HeavyDataSetName to XdmfArray. This is used when the Array gets written but the DataItem has no HeavyDataSetName
new 4178dcc Re-implement XdmfTime::Evaluate() and XdmfGrid::FindGridsInTimeRange()
new 120f425 Fix some anomalies and add Epsilon to XdmfTime for comparisons
new 9d40a07 Exercise XdmfTime
new 94eceea remove warning
new ca5a2f5 remove another warning
new dc2a39e Add a Release() method to release big data but leave structure in place
new 2c06179 Change some comments and fix Release() method
new 6368656 fix INSTALL dir
new e42b896 ENH: Redesigned the composite dataset and subclasses. The details of this redesign can be found at http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/VTK/Composite_Data_Redesign.
new 8df04e6 BUG: Update EXPORT command to match a recent paraview command. The EXPORT tag was not in any cmake release, and in the latest cmake it has been renamed NAMESPACE
new d3faffc BUG: Remove call to internal VTK cmake module
new 8329cca BUG: revert last change, this breaks paraview build.
new f3f4956 BUG: Fix memory leak when reading uniform grid.
new 10acadf Improved DSM Support
new 8be1251 don't call SetDsmBuffer() if no MPI
new 358b9a1 fix Dsm without MPI
new ccc6229 added semaphores. Check for deleted DOM during DTOR of element
new aba9c9a can now parse string in addition to file
new fc15aa4 included Dsm
new c67ea9d InputString has no trailing \0 .. copy and added one
new 02d9417 fixed for Win32
new e6dbe2c Add -DXDMF_NO_MPI flag on compile line
new c346343 COMP: Trigger a rebuild of this file on morva (comment only change) -- it did not rebuild automatically (visual studio) after a new -D option was added to the CMakeLists.txt file.
new 28380bb COMP: Fix test problems on SGI. CMAKE_USE_PTHREADS is off (CMAKE_USE_SPROCS is on), yet libxml2 and sqlite still try to use pthreads. Someone may want to double check these changes.
new 9a400b4 No DsmBeffer if no MPI
new f11da36 Added CollectionType = Unset | Temporal | Spatial
new 859202c COMP: Fix cygwin build error when BUILD_SHARED_LIBS is OFF.
new 1288d43 ENH: Cleanup output when running CMake
new 2a7765f when using pthreads, HDF5 was stepping on data structures. If HDF was compiled --threadsafe, DSM would Deadlock on MPIRecv(). Solution is to stay out of HDF5 Library on DSM Service.
new cf99962 BUG: If we have compiled with Parallel IO and MPI, but are actually runnin a serial only process, the Parallel file access needs to be disabled. Add a check in the XdmfHDF constructor to set UseSerialFile if either MPI is not initialized, or nprocs<=1
new a77d43b ENH: Test
new 2f7e59c STYLE: Testing commit
new 6eb2668 ENH: Add Time support to Reader. We check for CollectionType attribute on the main top level grid, and if it is temporal, we collect the list of time values from each sub grid. This is exported. When Time values are requested we output the correct sub grid. Lots of internal changes to tidy up the code and handle information. BUG: Several bug fixes for reading in parallel. Extents were not always correct. Seem to be ok for image data now
new 225cfd3 BUG: When merging changes prior to committing, I missed one origin setting fix. Removed a stray origin set to get parallel pieces appearing right
new 7b6400f BUG:vtksys::ConvertToOutputPath was adding quotation marks around file paths that have spaces. This broke some tests for xdmf Iron in pv3. Still need to fix a couple more tests.
new 6b77000 BUG: Removing the origin setting was making the individual blocks appear in the wrong place and causing the image tests using multi-block to fail. Might have a problem with parallel load, but this will fix tests for now.
new 0af5d26 COMP: Fix unused var and unsigned comparison warnings.
new e54d29e BUG: 0005493 - This seems to fix the vector writing and read back issues with Paraview saving Xdmf. ENH:Added a SetTimeValue method, for supporting multiple time steps in the same xdmf file. Added lag AppendGridsToDomain, to allow multiple grids into one file. Added a flag InputsArePieces, this allows blocks(pieces) to be added one by one and then all written as one large dataset. Added FullGridSize method to support piece writing. Various other small bug tweaks ad [...]
new a228193 COMP: Fix a likely typo that the dashboards pointed out.
new bb3ec9d BUG:Fix a crash when loading state files
new f749e12 Add BaseOffset to Build()
new 5eef379 Added XdmfTime.h
new 041d6a6 Fortran Example calling c++
new f5e0dc7 make array XdmfFloat64
new 1882ba4 CollectionType not set in UpdateInformation()
new 1dc986c Reader now handles TimeType = List | HyperSlab
new ca849ee adding MySQL support
new 8c36418 Adding HeavyData support for MySQL --- ignore password for now
new d958ef4 remove debug
new c1ff176 require Dimensions="..." and create DataDesc in all UpdateInformation()
new 9caea16 Set Dimensions in Attribute
new a0c89f6 Don't reparse if input string hasn't changed. If re-parse is required, delete Internals beforehand.
new 0c893f2 moved #ifdef to fix CORE Hyperslab problem.
new 63dd918 Properly apply DataDesc->Selection in ::UpdateFunction()
new 2b5bd57 document
new 30195f6 ENH: Fixed BUG #6222. When Python in enabled in ParaView, all of VTK python wrappings are generated. However, note that installing paraview will not install vtkpython execultable. Also all the python extension modules will be installed at the same location as the libraries and not use the python disutils as it does when one installs from VTK directly.
new 15f1e76 COMP:Fixed warnings about shadowed variables
new c1f8ebc changes as per Mike Jackson Mike Jackson Senior Research Engineer Innovative Management & Technology Services
new 9ee3f64 COMP:Fixed errors with gcc>=4.3 by including stdlib.h or string.h.
new 3207233 BUG:A fix for hdf1.8.x compilation
new 250d58f COMP:Fixed warning LNK4197 on 64-bit VS9.
new c627c55 COMP: Added missing include
new 8f028e8 allow for spatial collection of temporal collection. Change the way time is collected and used.
new 10af3be Fixed warnings from CDash
new e31eb91 Temporal Collection output is once again the same type as children
new 1ebf2b3 fixed signed/unsigned comparision
new 39e014e cleanup
new faff24e BUG:Information was being copied incorrectly by/from sub grids relative to the actual output information. This fixes it.
new 58fa081 A spatial collection with time was getting tagged as a temporal collection.
new 26ae8f3 COMP:Compiler warning
new 92a7418 COMP: fixed warnings
new fa051e4 Remove some debugging Add AllowAllocate method to XdmfArray Add SetShapeFromSelection to XdmfArray Change XdmfDataItem so that it only allocated the space it actually needs Leave Array unchanged in ValuesHDF if possible
new 58e0838 Coordinates were not used
new f575c69 COMP: Fix shadowed variable warnings
new f2082c5 COMP: Fix unused var and shadowed variable warnings
new a4ff20c BUG: Properly partition structured data in parallel. Every node was reading every thing because the update piece and extent keys were not being used to determine what to build. Also, image data dimensions should be global dimensions and extent should be the sub extent produced.
new f085c0a Don't copy attribute arrays
new 9670f63 add Reset()
new 4ebcef1 remove debugging
new bb6e03c Don't Save Arrays
new c1bf2f6 fixed error
new f3b218e New Xdmf DTD
new e30a5a8 Fix for Xdmf2
new 61adf82 fix children definition
new ab1a85c fixed
new 441e7eb no more Information elements in DataItem
new fb1bb18 fixed mixed content
new ea84fe4 Added reference in DataItem
new 1660030 fix parallel collections selection
new 07e4571 remove comment
new 2e80f08 Release duplicate Big Data
new 83e5130 ENH: remove depend on libhistory and libreadline
new 837722f Copy UPDATE_EXTENT to child in a temporal collection
new 28b89ff fix subBlock
new 67a4140 remove comment
new 7e6db19 ENH: Added development files to make install.
new 4b4426e BUG: Various fixes for development install.
new 967be7f for site-packages
new 19960ae fixing for non-paraview installation necessary for NetDMF
new 7317291 install Xdmf.py and _Xdmf.so in the correct location
new 822be2a install XdmfConfig.h
new 9f12f76 need libxml2 info ifdef some includes for SWIG
new df467d3 need to set XXX_CM24 since ~/Xdmf/CMakeLists.txt does not seem to be the same as PV/Utils/Xdmf2/CMakeLists.txt
new 89473e0 Don't require ParaView for installation
new 00eda85 install Xdmf.py
new 609ae2b install libvtkXdmfPython Correctly
new 8f19652 fix Xdmf.py installation
new 4e4315d install libvtkhdf5.so in the right place
new 29905f8 Making all classes not change size w/wo MPI
new c615146 adding Write examples
new 9bb5ce9 fix XDMF_NO_MPI flag
new 534d7c7 Add methods for building Xdmf XML strings
new 7f2e6d4 use new method
new f0af6b3 Clode the H5 file
new 7db3517 Allow for Root Element Name Other than Xdmf
new 55ab1b9 initial checkin for sideset support
new 594c7ba Added XdmfRegion ... like nodests and sidesets
new 82ab78a fixed
new da0636e COMP: Fix runtime library path install for windows.
new 07d0c5d BUG: If the heavydata file name (without path) was specified and the working directory was set in the DOM, the write was not correctly picking up the dir/name - which prevents writing relative paths in the xml that point correctly to the heavy data.
new 43b98ad BUG: fix a small logis error when returing status from insert
new 1eb67ff BUG: When reading mixed cell arrays (unstructured), each cell that has a variable number of points has an extra value N added to the cell array in xdmf. When read back and copied into the vtkCellArray, these extra N's need to be subtracted from the total array length. Fix the subtraction so that it handles the general case (I think)
new d2033e6 Replacing XdmfRegion with XdmfSet and XdmfMap
new 97632ae make DataItem name IMPLIED not REQUIRED
new 97effdc Add Maps and Sets
new 1aff80f add support for XDMF_INT64_TYPE
new 113b49b change Int64 to Int32
new 8931474 test Sets
new 8e8cac3 fixing
new 5f35963 Test Sets and Maps
new 30980c2 add String Macros
new 9370b27 add MPI includes
new e8c2470 fixed
new 1c42417 update python for new objects
new 483cd9e Set Format before building from DataXml
new 8ed392d use Sets and Maps
new fa75b83 fix for dimension[x] = 1
new e42dff9 fix for dimension[x] = 1
new 6ca6137 add check for vtkKit file
new 9883870 COMP: Backing out of the previous change. It is causing the following CMake configuration error on multiple builds.
new f3eb627 PERF: Performance improvements to the XdmfReader (and panel) to avoid repeated RequestInformation passes and speed up performance when reading large xmf files.
new 8405e7e use STLConverter
new 03f3068 use STLConverter
new c14e046 Cleaned up
new e992547 Add Ghost Cells via <Set>
new 2d00d72 intialize Ghost Value
new 09bc5a1 Added Ian Curington Changes
new 17bd111 Ian's Compression Test
new 19608ce STYLE: Remove trailing whitespace.
new 6d0464b ENH: add dashboard support
new 75ca901 ENH: enable dashboard use
new 17e5f24 ENH: add dashboard support
new 7e6a5c2 ENH: add a compile test for ansi c++ stream support, make non-mpi builds easier, and remove vs 2005 and newer warnings
new a0aa1f7 ENH: clean up testing some
new 14fc703 ENH: change start time for nightly builds
new 7a600e7 ENH: Added Xdmf Fortran Bindings
new ad104a4 ENH: Added Xdmf Fortran Bindings
new b098dad ENH: Added Xdmf Fortran Bindings
new b4c297f STYLE: Fix e-mail address in header comment
new 7b7535a STYLE: Fix e-mail address in header comment
new ba5f772 BUG: make sure XdmfFortran installs the complete set of possible output files
new 36ef838 ENH: add warning exceptions for the dashboard
new 25d508d ENH: add warning exceptions for the dashboard
new 083ef0a change status = to status ==
new 668eeb5 ENH: remove more warnings
new 8d3067b fix =, ==
new 1f6be03 fix USHORT
new f292246 BUG: Added Precision 2 Possibility
new 9367f97 ENH: Ints written out completely in XML
new b8352a5 ENH: Added XdmfGetDOM Fortran Bindings + Cleaned and Comments
new 1345cb9 ENH: remove odd pgi warning
new 218e537 ENH: add pgi c warnings
new 55e4930 Check for Ghost
new ef1480b Add Sets (probably only works in serial without <Attribute>)
new 1afe937 ENH: Correct XML output for XDMF_INT64_TYPE
new 37f8275 ENH: Simple example using the XDMF Fortran Binding Library
new 5433f59 Add ORIGIN_DXDY
new 6ab6d75 check status
new 8032037 COMP: Fixed warning: 'vtkValues' might be used uninitialized in this function.
new 0e33444 fix Geometry_XY
new 65516b3 Add support for HDF1.8.3
new 8d54040 Bug fix and add Will Dicharry's hooks
new 6c18f39 testing
new 70da9e9 fix compilation error for mpich
new 1b483d2 Don't build MPI test if MPI isn't on
new 9ad6ac1 change struct to class and make virtual method public
new 622c2e6 Add Dominik's transpose functionality
new 183db0b Add Dominik's Transpose functionality
new 887dcc7 ENH: Added XdmfDiff to compare differences between Xdmf files
new 003ed79 ENH: Added XdmfDiff to compare differences between Xdmf files
new d94b46f ENH: Created XdmfUtils target for Fortran Bindings and XdmfDiff utility
new 2a2d30d remove unused local variable.
new 7db305d BUG: XdmfUtils OFF by Default --- Problems with with Win32 for XdmfDiff
new 108366e BUG: Fix Memory Allocation Bugs and Memory Management
new 55e6b49 BUG: Clean up memory and add Close() function
new 7f6e81e ENH: Added newly created close() command
new 14e25a0 BUG: Fix CloseCollection and finish memory management changes
new ba122a3 BUG: Fixed AreEquivalent() bug occuring after multiple "tests"
new 6a1563a ENH: Add TestXdmfDiff
new 1eb595e ENH: Add TestXdmfDiff
new 005f4b4 ENH: Add XdmfDiffUtil
new ce676b9 ENH: Separate XdmfDiff command line script from rest of code
new 8322372 ENH: Separate command line script from XdmfDiff
new ce83d7c ENH: CMake script that wraps python tests to allow correct environment settings
new 8a941e1 ENH: Add Xdmf Python Test that writes values to an XdmfArray
new 009dc23 ENH: Make changes to allow for python tests
new 139996c ENH: Make changes to allow for python tests
new 113379e ENH: Finds cmake command to run script even if not in path
new e0d752b BUG: Fix GetMaxAsInt64() and GetMinAsInt64() which gave incorrect values for large INT64 values
new 063f3ef ENH: Added Float64 Test and changed values of Int64 Test to be "boundary conditions"
new 048aa2e BUG: fix uninitialized value usage.
new 3b5302f BUG: Fix Grid Generation for Polyvertex Topology
new 80f5c24 BUG: Fix Grid Generation for Polyvertex Topology
new 284b2ce ENH: Add Tensor6 Attribute Type for Symmetrical Tensors
new ef07d50 ENH: Add Tensor6 Attribute Type for Symmetrical Tensors
new 23a10d4 ENH: Major restructure and added Read Functionality
new edbda0f ENH: Major restructure and added Read Functionality
new 72635b8 ENH: Fix ParaView 3.6 bug causing seg faults on grid centered attributes
new 6040dc5 ENH: Read in Tensor6 to VTK
new 24eccb3 ENH: Make python tests work on make test without a make install
new c46e884 BUG: Fix relative path error causing seg fault in HDF5
new 54bedf5 COMP: BTX/ ETX vtkXdmfReader
new bed23b2 BUG: Fix bug in FromXdmfArray for XDMF_INT16_TYPE causing seg fault when reading in INT16 attribute data to ParaView
new 7c90eef STYLE: Fix Spelling Error
new 7d6209c BUG: Just make sure we set number type before number of elements
new 31c392a COMP: Fixed Python build issue on the Mac and Windows. Modules should be built as modules
new 5ab7e85 BUG: Memory cleanup and Misc.
new 030844c BUG: Memory cleanup and Misc.
new d79fa8d BUG: Initialize this->BuildTime --- Valgrind detected conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
new f094dbd BUG: Memory Leak in ostrstream
new d16a9fd BUG: Revert to previous PYTHONPATH - did not work with swig regeneration - and this is the way VTK does it
new a6ac28f BUG: Fix Warning == --> =
new d75a237 ENH: Allow user to set number of Light Data Values to Write ---> Default = 100
new 0d4ea6d BUG: ostrstream memory leak
new ee5062b BUG: Initialize Vars
new 5b361e9 ENH: Allow user to modify number of light values to write before switching to heavy data ---> default = 100
new 6ddaf52 ENH: Allow user to specify number of values to write to light data ---> default = 100
new 75d5179 BUG: Fix some minor memory leaks
new 2be9563 BUG: Revert --- double free error
new a3e0437 BUG: Make sure we clean up tests
new 49c6ca3 ENH: Add a python test to constructs a series of grids and write to a test file
new f233eae STYLE: Keep File Names Consistent
new 9726eb3 ENH: Add C++ based XdmfArray Test
new 3fbad6c ENH: Add Tests
new 1a424a2 ENH: Add Tensor6 and other changes
new 079896b STYLE: Make names consistent
new dbffe32 ENH: Add tensor6 and some other things
new e43b426 BUG: Properly show errors on python tests
new fb90bc4 BUG: Set Environment Correctly when XDMF_BUILD_VTK
new 2e9cdba BUG: XdmfTestArray test not working on Win VS9
new 5b3c80c include Ian's changes
new 3f6065e ENH: Improve efficiency and speed, works for collections, cleaner output
new 982987c ENH: First draft of new VTK writer
new b700c4e COMP: No python tests for xdmf/vtk, so disable the directory
new 073e1e7 COMP: silence unused formal parameter warning
new 8d762af ENH: Working on a redesigned version of the Xdmf reader. Most of the core functionality is in. Still needs work on side-sets and exposing some API for array status etc.
new be1b87e ENH: Speed improvements
new a88593a BUG: Fix bug introduced by last change
new 64af556 BUG: Fix XdmfUtils install bug on windows --- reported by Ian
new 652c0b9 Adding Binary Data Item from Kenji Takizawa
new b4211b2 added Kenji's name as Author
new 77484cf Kenji added byteswap
new 3c24c45 BUG: GEOMETRY_NONE was not recognized in writes, thus could not automatically write a collection or tree type grid because it would try to find th;5De points for the default GEOMTER_XYZ.
new 856ba45 ENH: add a GlobalID attribute type, which vtk can use to keep track of the lifetimes of things. BUG: add the corresponding setter to Attribute's GetActive so it can be written as well as read.
new 45598c5 ENH: Continuing work on the writer. I am reasonably confident that atomic datasets are written correctly, do not neak, nor allocate extraneous memory now. I do not think that composites work yet.
new 58e5f1e COMP: Fix dashboard problems
new f3fdc2d COMP: Fix dashboard problems
new d64e41d ENH: First pass commit to enable the version 2 of the Xdmf reader. For use xmf2 and xdmf2 extensions are associated with this reader.
new 562fb4e add complression from Kenji
new b8fa331 make GZip an option
new 0110856 Python wrapping for non-mpi version
new 415bea6 fixing switch for gzip
new 215a2c3 fix uninitialised value
new fc7f13b ENH: libxml2 used from vtk when available, fix install path problems in XDMFConfig.cmake file, regenerate XdmfPython.cxx to fix errors
new a3909ad fix typo
new 026cb8f COMP: Fixed warnings.
new 9e72612 COMP: Fixing a compilation problem on the mac since all dependencies need to be satisfied even when linking shared libs.
new 8850453 COMP: Fixed build issues by reorganizing code.
new 2bc4102 fix some size_t wanrings
new bba6be0 ENH: Add a SWIG type table to share the Xdmf class definitions in case a module (NetDMF?) inherits classes from Xdmf. See http://www.swig.org/Doc1.3/Modules.html
new 54989ec ENH: Added support for cell/point array selection for the new Xdmf reader.
new ae1db83 ENH: Some performance improvement by using a map for building array lists.
new 8a3720a BUG: CanReadFile was raising errors. Fixed that.
new b97dc05 use vtkzlib if no zlib
new ba1a1db add XDMF_USE_VTK_ZLIB
new f6ff684 BUG: Fix zlib issues on win?
new 858aa3c BUG: Fix gzstream.h problem in ParaView?
new bb3e607 BUG: A number of memory leaks were found by Jerome. This fixes them. Also a few typos corrected in debug messges etc. ENH: Add a Barrier command to the Communicator classes to help with parallel writing.
new f8aa5e1 COMP: Fix dashboard warning
new 12db437 ENH: Composite data sets are now working. Time and parallel are not yet.
new 346599b BUG: 2D images were not being loaded correctly since we didn't handle the XDMF_GEOMETRY_ORIGIN_DXDY geometry type. Fixed that.
new 0bddb06 BUG: Ensure that grid names are uniquified so that they can be selected correctly even when there are duplicate names.
new 64ec271 GZIP is now off by default
new b2b8633 apply Kenji's hyperslab patch
new d006f55 ENH: Write and Read XdmfInformation from Fortran
new 6ab248d BUG: Dimension --> Dimensions
new f800ff8 ENH: Aded new pqSILWidget that automatically adds tabs for each of the categories in the SIL. ENH: Xdmf SIL now has two categories, 1 the xmf hierarchy (preserving original grid names etc. even when duplicate) and other for the leaf-blocks that can be enabled/disabled. We can now further expand this to include categories for grid-centered attributes.
new 288fca2 PERF: If the number of blocks exceeds 1000, then the SIL is no longer built, only top-level grids information is passed on to the client, thus improving performance when the xmf file is HUGE.
new 876e727 ENH: Add temporal support to new writer. It writes current timestep only, unless you tell it to write all, then it iterates the pipeline and makes a temporal collection. Unfortunately that requires it to copy array conents to keep them around until they are ready to write to disk.
new fa77b90 STYLE: fix comments etc
new 6e5b2a0 COMP: Fix unused var warning
new 5c5d110 BUG: Fix VTK Install Prefix when including vtklibxml2 and vtkzlib
new febeb14 Ian's changes and fix Time
new e8e1e23 ENH: Added support to read sets marking ghost cells and ghost points.
new c00db93 COMP: Fixed unused variable warning.
new 80b06b6 ENH: Added support for global ids.
new 0ffee61 ENH: Adding support for sets (ghost-sets were already supported). Now node and cell sets are supported as are attributes on these sets.
new db1bef4 ENH: Improved support for sets. * Added support for Edge and Face sets. * Added support for node attributes on node sets, cell attributes on cell sets, edge attributes on edge sets and face attributes on face sets.
new 6296e13 ENH: Make test harness for new xdmf reader and writer.
new bd45060 COMP: diisable test until I get a chance to figure out how to get access to vtkTestUtilities
new 6cf9da7 COMP: Fix dashboard warning
new 153a08b STYLE: Update comments.
new ee37922 BUG: Fixed BUG #9582. Complain when RectMesh does not have the correct type of geometry instead of segfaulting. Also added support for geometry types VXVY and DXDY.
new ed0c4ce COMP: fixed warnings.
new 39bbfb5 ENH: Debugging new xdmf writer. This change corrects attribute array SHAPE. I thought a linear array specification was sufficient but I was wrong. Now the array definition matches the grid topology as it is supposed to.
new dd64408 COMP: Fix compilation problem. Not every compiler can create dynamically sized arrays on heap.
new 6bb3c44 STYLE: Rename TestNewWriter to XdmfTestVTKIO to make the object of the test obvious on the dashboards. BUG: Disable the PD2 test for now because it is failing.
new 1bc6caa STYLE: Rename TestNewWriter to XdmfTestVTKIO to make the object of the test obvious on the dashboards. BUG: Disable the PD2 test for now because it is failing.
new 5b5c130 COMP: fix shadow and unused var warnings. STYLE: Remove a stray tab character
new 8f1b7b4 add Ghost desc
new 6da0e1b modify desc
new 46bf4a9 ENH: Some cleanup. Removed couts. Using vtkErrorMacro to report reading errors.
new 77bd7ed BUG: Fixes include flip ijk for structured data to match xdmf ordering, specifying number of elements and shape correctly for homogenous unstructured data. Also specify filename earlier so that I can pick the name for the h5 file, although that doesn't work yet.
new a8e2a10 ENH: add more test cases
new f2ebc6a BUG: Fix new xdmf writers support for nonhomogenous unstructured data types.
new f9d202f BUG: fix uninitialized variable typo
new 962f62e BUG: I used the wrong xdmf topology type for rectilinear grid
new a7db0b7 BUG: Warn when 3DCORRECTMESH has incorrect geometry type.
new a25ed06 Ian's changes
new 66f0529 Ian's changes
new 38d3303 Can I write?
new c548cd5 Install hdf5 headers
new 277656f Ken's changes
new 5c10155 ENH: Allow user to specify where to pass heavyName and a parent element to attach written data to
new f1e9863 ENH: Diff wrapped in python, can write diffs to file, a couple minor bug fixes
new b3a1297 Fix e-mail address
new 32f2fd2 Ian's changes
new 2f8cb86 Added macro so we can include or exclude the Xdmf.dtd file in the header of .xmf file
new 434c2f6 Added SetDTD and GetDTD macros which provides the option of including the Xdmf.dtd file in the header of the .xmf file
new 1e080dc Added SetDTD and GetDTD macros which provides the option of including the Xdmf.dtd file in the header of the .xmf file
new c705d8b ENH: Add XdmfSetGridTopologyFromShape to support structured topologies
new bdf6c6f BUG: Partial fix for new xdmf writer in paraview. ParaView calls RequestData then Write, where I was expecting to call only Write, where the required setup takes place before the internal call to RequestData.
new c4125eb ENH: Make xdmf h5 heavy data file foo.h5 when creating foo.xmf.
new 7cb3b3e BUG: Fix Writing Connectivity for Structured Topologies
new a144f95 BUG: Don't Set HeavyDataName when writing Stuctured Topologies
new 8d96ea3 BUG: Fix new xdmf writing of vector and tensor arrays.
new dabfdf3 BUG: Fix new xdmf writing of vector and tensor arrays, while not breaking unstructured data geometry.
new 81e7c66 COMP: Fix unintentional disabliing of pointer sharing in writer.
new c7de84e Added functionality to include or exclude the Xdmf.dtd file created by the GenerateHead method
new 272531b Added GetDTD and SetDTD methods
new 395d0bc Fixed XdmfDIFF swig issues
new bca83c0 Fixed XdmfDIFF swig issues
new 315896d BUG:Error in cell array truncation on read was causing segfault in tests ENH:some reworking of the writer2 class to allow subclasses to do modify the way data is written
new dd2584c STYLE:Warning fixes
new 5db1750 ENH: Add support for reusing static geometry / topology from one timestep to the next. Before calling CreateGeometry or CreateTopology you must find the previous xml node holding ghe data you wish to reuse, when passed in, with appropriate flags, the build heavy is bypassed by setting the XML directly. Not enabled by default, but working in CSCS test code and will gradually be moved into CVS.
new c3ddbfe BUG:Fix a segfault if the staticnode was not defined ENH:Before writing attributes to disk, sort them into alphabetical order. This is important if the attributes were added in some random order and change in two different blocks of a multiblock structure. Any classes which access by index end up with erroneous arrays. Very Rare, but this sort helps prevent segfaults in later filters down the pipeline after reading the data back.
new 56d58ae mispelling
new 347788f STYLE: Fixed typos. Thanks to Sven Buijssen for the patch.
new 91f1ebe ENH: Add Ian's Changes
new 5d28b20 add HDF5 dir name
new 483c633 fix libxml2
new a583fee included vector header, required for building with VTK 5.4.2 release version
new 4355703 BUG: Making sure that the vtkXdmfReader2 behaves like the old reader when it comes to 2D/3DCoRectMesh and uses vtkImageData instead of vtkUniformGrid.
new c9e0089 BUG: Reader was incorrectly publishing origin as spacing. Fixed that.
new 10cc2ff STYLE:Fix Spelling mistakes in documentation
new 629a122 BUG:If H5_USE_16_API is specified then don't use the hdf5-1.8.x interface, go back to the 1.6 interface
new af13abf ENH:When the Origin and Spacing are written out, they are done so in the same order, but they are not 'named' so when reading the file one is not sure which is which. By naming them, we can read the xmf file better and the order is not so important. Not really a bug fix, but might help.
new d576a55 BUG: Fix inconsistencies among names of quadratic topologies
new 4848775 add XDMF_USE_MYSQL
new 3c45fec remove attribute if value == NULL
new 1e81c85 Added Xdmf utilities directory for 3rd party support
new 1399fef Moved utility binaries to utils directory
new e9374d9 "Relocated files from libsrc to libsrc/utils
new 7ca1528 STYLE: Renamed files to maintain cxx extension like the rest of Xdmf. Also made a change to XdmfDiff to write out all data to heavy format for more accurate comparisons.
new ea01af8 BUG: These were broken when wrapping python without BUILD_UTILS set on. XdmfUtil will have its own python file separate from the main Xdmf python so that they no longer interfere.
new 180638e ENH: Add XDMF_BUILD_RPATH and fix some places where tests were being built even without BUILD_TESTING turned on
new 2dbada0 STYLE: Fix misspelling
new 80c0d98 ENH: Python wrapping for utilities, add some convenient information in XDMFConfig.cmake.in
new 315b33a ENH: Implement Regenerate Wrappers for Utils
new f9b1e18 BUG: Fix tests not being built properly.
new 3508591 ENH: Modified Xdmf configuration and added some logic to get around python library linking issues when building on Windows so that the Xdmf (libsrc) can be compiled and used directly as a library on Windows by some external projects (For example, NetDMF)
new e04a250 ENH:
new dfea5f7 STYLE: Remove old sources
new ad95588 ENH: Remove old sources
new b7751ff ENH: Compile python bytecode automatically on install
new 5b17327 COMP: Fixed a build issue with XDMF_LIBXML2_INCLUDE_DIRS when XDMF_BUILD_VTK is ON. Now Xdmf should also be able to build against VTK that is built from source.
new 28e17ca COMP: Revert change that broke compilation against stable vtk versions --- cvs vtk is currently unstable and cannot get xdmf to build due to missing vtkABI.h not installed with vtk.
new 026a63b ENH: apply Dave C.'s patch to initialize memory allocations in zlib to prevent valgrind warnings.
new b07349e ENH: make XDMF tests respect CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE on Windows.
new 6c64e9b ENH: make XDMF tests respect CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE on Windows.
new 27a8204 fix for z-dim = 1 (for Ian Curington)
new 41efe7a ENH: add PV_INSTALL_PLUGIN_DIR to control where plugins will be installed. On windows there will be a plugins directory in the root of the installation tree. On unix they will be installed in the lib dir.
new 52e663c ENH: Inspect Exodus file for Geometry Dimensionality and support XY Geometry conversions to XDMF
new 7c1a474 ENH: Removing obsolete vtkXdmfReader (and other helper classes) and replacing it with vtkXdmfReader2 - which was a newer version of the reader. Changing ParaView to the use new vtkXdmfReader and removing other old XdmfReader related classes that were needed for ParaView.
new bbfe5bc BUG: Respect rank of HDF5 data set when reading data
new 1a0c749 ENH: Fix node number ordering when reading in quadratic hex and quadratic wedge meshes from exodus. Fix some memory leaks caused by improper syntax.
new d669379 BUG: Fix bug when copying __init__.py and not being able to find it for install
new 90c4fd8 BUG: XdmfReader was not working correctly when loading state. The issue was that any statuses could only be set after RequestInformation() which does not happen when loading state. Fixed by using a cache until RequestInformation() happens.
new 528cb4c from Kenji
new cdc40fb Kenji's bug fix
new c303ac4 ENH: change xdmf mpi test to use the new $<CONFIGURATION> generator expressions.
new 6e31971 ENH: Add possiblity to read distribution factors of node sets --- currently commented out, but could be enabled in the future.
new 1af33d7 ENH: Add several topologies to Xdmf, including XDMF_HEX_24 and XDMF_HEX_27. Modify Exodus Reader and VTK Reader to correctly assign new topology types.
new 79dcb7c BUG: Fix VTK reading of new Topology Types
new b0728a9 BUG: Fixes a large number of memory leaks detected with TotalView.
new 44c924e BUG: Revert change that caused ParaView to seg fault when reading Xdmf files.
new e89ce72 BUG: Fix memory management problems as detected with valgrind and totalview.
new 36c5a4a ENH: MPI_Recv wants an MPI_Status instance passed to it rather than NULL.
new e1b164c COMP: oops, forgot to dereference stat.
new 0e6d803 ENH: Add XdmfExodusWriter that outputs exodus files from XdmfGrids. Clean up a few more minor memory leaks and add a CMake configuration option to enable memory debugging mode (making it easier to build with proper flags from HDF5)
new d9bb5c6 ENH: It would help if I added the new files :)! Add XdmfExodusWriter files.
new 3a5586a BUG: Fix XDMF_WEDGE_18 Topology conversion to Exodus
new 7f4c2ab COMP: MPIEXEC_PREFLAGS were not being passed properly, so test could not run on windows
new e1b3b87 BUG: Commit patch from John Bidiscombe to correct test failures on ParaView linux dashboards.
new b3b6105 ENH: Add XdmfPartitioner to partition XdmfGrid with metis. Add some convenience functions to XdmfTopology to return number of edges and number of faces for unstructured topology types. Add convenience function to copy data from another XdmfArray so that you don't need to worry about number type.
new 25794e6 BUG: Fix seg faults by removing build dataitems from XdmfXmlNode to XdmfElement map so that they won't be accessed again by parent element.
new b5fe474 BUG: Fix bug that prevented names of one character length from being written to xml file.
new d57177d COMP: Revert changes that were mistakenly checked in from HEAD.
new c3ea073 ENH: Only call Update when needed --- prevents warnings from being outputted.
new 61e337a ENH: vtkXdmfReader to read attribute data with unexpected num components.
new c4854d6 Remove vtk(Cxx|Type)RevisionMacro
new dfc91ed ENH: Switch to alternative METIS call, which seems to perform better.
new fb87cdb BUG: Must set working dir in DOM so it can find HDF5 file to read
new ae17e63 BUG: Fix problems causing segfaults using intel compiler
new bfa8d7e ENH: Add ability to write temporal collections using exodus writer.
new 1112de7 BUG: Fix missing return in internal function
new 9358413 ENH: Add support for XDMF_HEX_64 elements
new fe718f9 BUG: Fix Bug detected by Kenji due to uninitialized Value
new fe75728 ENH: Add Hex64 partitioning capability to XdmfPartitioner
new 04786b8 COMP: Add <cstring> include for Ubuntu build
new e124a97 ENH: Continue adding support for tricubic hexahedron elements
new 04525f8 Remove old CVS keyword values
new 27e1e0b Merge branch 'cvs-keywords'
new a96a590 BUG: Fix looping using incorrect variable
new 479d401 BUG: Apply fix from Kenji to address LoadState segfaults.
new 138fd3c BUG: Get rid of debugging code writing VTU files
new f7e797e BUG: Restore reading of grid centered attributes
new 8a892ae BUG: Fix segfault when deleting unallocated pointer.
new 0c7b188 ENH: Add XDMF_HEX_125 TriQuarticHexahedron
new 335d49b ENH: Improve efficiency of adding nodes by not comparing interior nodes to map
new 8bd2346 ENH: Allow XDMF_HEX_125 element types to be partitioned
new a727d56 ENH: Add spectral mesh generation type for high order hex elements.
new 90c6970 ENH: Fix python install rule to install in XDMF_INSTALL_LIB_DIR_CM24.
new ecde07d ENH: Add do not split capability to XdmfPartitioner so that it won't split certain grids.
new 642e166 Silence an unneccessary warning.
new 523f292 ENH: Apply Antonio's patch to implement quad9 support into Xdmf.
new 241476d BUG: Fix improper writing of xdmf sets to exodus.
new bb42c7a Include <string.h> for XdmfSetStringMacro
new b9edf32 Removing obsolete vtkXdmfWriter and replacing it with vtkXdmfWriter2.
new 274aafa BUG: Fix Ignoring of Grid Centered Attributes.
new 2168f3d ENH: Fix XdmfSet partition to also partition any attributes attached.
new d752e82 ENH: Modify to work with spatial collections.
new d519ec1 ENH: Split attributes of sets where appropriate.
new fc36559 ENH: Get Sets written out properly for spatial collections.
new d48ead1 BUG: Add missing Development component to install rule.
new 1e66776 BUG: Fix some memory leaks when handling XdmfInformations.
new 69dbfec ENH: Add method to XdmfTopology to get the external surface topology. Update python bindings to contain new changes.
new 5c7a57b BUG: Fix treatment of XdmfInformations when partitioning (make a deep copy of the underlying data).
new 629d420 COMP: Add cstring include causing builds to fail on certain systems
new 4e9cd25 ENH: Improve efficiency of exodus converter for partitioned files by utilizing put_concat methods in exodus.
new 80c90e3 ENH: Modify default naming of partitioned files to include number of partitions.
new 861476b COMP: Add headers to fix compilation on certain machines.
new 81efd3c BUG: Fix DXDYDZ geometry access from fortran.
new a856624 ENH: Add option to switch between metis partitioning schemes. Modify code a bit for readability.
new 0ddc431 ENH: Update python bindings.
new c37848b ENH: Add warning to XdmfPartitioner when metis returns empty partitions (when the number of partitions requested is close to the number of elements in the mesh)
new 8d71718 ENH: Use truth tables when using exodus to enable more efficient writing of cell centered data.
new 6d8f10f COMP: Add missing header.
new 65cc752 COMP: Fix compilation of vtk components for non parallel mpi builds.
new 4ac3aac COMP: Add missing header
new 3335850 ENH: Add additional topology types. Modify vtk reader to use new types.
new 9d68459 ENH: Update version of exodus in xdmf.
new c25e0de BUG: Fix bug when writing geometry for 2D xdmf geometries.
new 64762b0 ENH: Modify higher order topology generators to accept booleans for whether to split attributes attached to the mesh.
new 458d0e0 BUG: Fix bug partitioning nodal based attributes with more than one component per node.
new 8681de2 BUG: Fix naming conflict between metis and log2
new 191549b BUG: Fix seg fault due to invalid free.
new 65cd0ec BUG: Fix bug in surface detection for HEX_20 topologies.
new ee3340b BUG: Allow ability to add time to xdmf collection.
new 5ff303a ENH: Add external surface for Hexahedron_27 elements.
new 200dbf0 BUG: Fix indexing error in previous commit.
new 3017669 BUG: Increase netcdf file size limits for large exodus outputs.
new 6ca4540 ENH: Remove high order hexahedrons as they are deprecated in this version.
new f600dce Merge remote-tracking branch 'onetruerepo/master'
new 33d8d6b Create Xdmf2 branch for ParaView
new 44e49d9 ENH: Switch to the new XDMF library.
new 20959bf ENH: Update paraview3 to use xdmfnew. Fix serial (non MPI) compilation, copy xdmfwriter from xdmf1, add removegrids() method to xdmfreader to synch grids and arrays when domain changes.
new 5e32c8f ENH: Update paraview3 to use xdmfnew. Fix serial (non MPI) compilation, copy xdmfwriter from xdmf1, add removegrids() method to xdmfreader to synch grids and arrays when domain changes, and protect against two uses of an null pointer for undo/redo.
new cd99133 ENH: Reenable xdmf reader and switch to the new xdmf library.
new de0073a COMP: Fix comp warnings and errors in new xdmf lib.
new 229dfe5 ENH: Fix xdmf2's MPI inclusion and switch over to using it again.
new d38f223 COMP: fix compilation warnings. require virtual destructors, remove unused variables, rename local variables and args that shadow globals.
new 2558326 COMP: fix compilation warnings: remove unused variables, and coerce precision conversions where indicated necessary.
new 27186f2 COMP: fix redeclaration warning.
new 1d35f7e COMP: remove more windows build warnings and tell paraview windows build where to find xml2 library
new 4901008 COMP: fix unused var warning.
new c450ff0 COMP: fix more unused var and parameter warnings
new b75479e COMP: more warnings, not sure what the intended behavior of the Copy differentiation.
new 4175118 COMP: help windows parallel builds find MPI library
new 23a2f16 COMP: fix more compilation warnings.
new b1b14bb COMP: Fix more warnings and an == != = typo typo.
new 8747183 COMP: fix compilation with mpich2
new b6c2b37 Create Xdmf branch for ParaView
new d201b9c ENH: Up to Tcl Wrapped vtkObject and vtkObjectBase
new 06f7259 merge fixes form the main tree
new 89f1d23 merge from the main tree
new ee5e7fd merge from the main tree
new abbd63d merge from main tree
new 6fcd675 merges from main tree
new 2ac7ddb release compile fix
new 3d9a1ad waring fix form the main tree
new 16cdb4d add hdf5 suppresions
new 8f3231e merge from the main tree
new 6f3d3cd ERR: Remove warnings on sun
new 40c7a6b Merge Xdmf from ParaView 1.2
new dfe1b68 somehow the Win32 interaction code got lost ???
new 5e9e0fa ENH: Include apropriate directories
new 40590ec ENH: Also look at global BUILD_SHARED_LIBS flag
new 0e96180 ENH: Fix build of xdmf on windows
new ed74747 ERR: Fix Xdmf ansi problem
new 074f4e1 ERR: Fix visual studio gui build and ansi streams on vs7
new bd9f1ac ENH: Some CMake cleanup
new 5b7d3a6 added missing include
new 1409190 ENH: Use paraview ansi stdlib if possible
new 5e74190 ERR: Fix ansi and opengl problems on HP
new ea0310a BUG: Cleanup, simplify and fix problem with expression parsing
new 2d53b42 ERR: When using system expat library, enclose CMake variable in ${...} to get value of variable.
new 29307b0 ERR: Remove memory leak
new c6f47a8 ENH: Remove memory leak
new 136f16d ENH: Regenerate lex and yacc files
new 449a133 ENH: fix build problem on HP
new daa870d ERR: Remove memory leak
new 6a6aa56 ENH: Use ParaView HDF5 library
new c1bfc25 ERR: Remove warnings on sun
new 4447133 * Merge changes from 1.4 branch so that MacOS X compiles.
new b2dd63d * Merge changes from 1.4 branch to trunk so that MacOS X compiles.
new 5783791 ERR: Remove warning on HP
new 9ae72e0 ENH: Cleanup make install
new 8198448 warning fix
new 418a422 In ReNew() added an extra block. Char count os wrong, this allows for a few extra unaccounted for chars.
new 50ae38f ENH: Remove several warnings on Windows with /W4
new ce7bf0a Changed debug message for Parallel to be more clear as to why Parallel IO is not being used
new f6e429e ENH: Support the new VTK expat
new 8765d2f ENH: Support the new VTK expat
new a06bfba fix warning
new e045dbf ERR: Fix new zlib and expat
new a98478d ERR: ParaView fix
new a41a83a ENH: Minor fix
new 43ee084 where expat.h lives is set in ../CMakeLists.txt, don't set it here
new b333a54 ERR: Fix zlib on windows
new 02311a2 XDMF_EXPORT needed for Win32
new 9fecfdd some warning fixes and better error messages
new 3b26d02 ENH: Allow setting grids before the first UpdateInformation
new 29951eb * ERR: Can't initialize a non-scalar iterator with an int. (Fixes dashboard error.)
new 5978984 Do not build the vtkXdmfRenderWindowInteractor if building on APPLE. It is not compatable with the Carbon or Cocoa libraries.
new 1a298b6 ENH: Add NDGM support
new 95bb678 ENH: Some NDGM fixes
new 9b41031 * ERR: MacOS X doesn't have malloc.h... test for it.
new b223620 * ERR: MacOS X isn't finding X11 includes... this shouldn't hurt any other platforms.
new 055dceb merges from the main tree
new 6ea2453 merge warning fix from the main tree
new 082598b merges from the main tree and some exclusions
new a58a2b5 merge fix from the main tree
new ca93849 updates
new 7e32770 Merge Xdmf from ParaView 1.4
new cf726f2 ERR: Fix assigning const char* to char*
new 1c73e66 ERR: Fix warnings
new 54c4ccc BUG: Attempt to fix problem in linking on SGI
new 4383eee BUG: Add dependency for parallel builds
new 12ddb42 ERR: Remove warning. Since StatusBuffer.type is always compared only to H5G_GROUP or H5G_DATASET it makes not sense to compare it to H5G_NTYPES
new 58e2b2f ENH: Add support for active attribute
new 26e0697 ENH: Make sure all scalars are tagged as scalars and same for vectors etc, and mark active as active
new 0253e7e ENH: Add support for active scalars, vectors, ...
new 76111fd ENH: BAckward compatibility for active scalars
new ca0870a Adding Geometry X_Y
new 1feb35c Adding Geometry X_Y
new 5f5b9af Make Reader aware of X_Y Geometry
new 193c164 add a HDF_TRY to Close
new b93775b put TRY around closes
new 1feedf0 BUG: fixed incompatibility with hdf version 1.7.40 and others
new 37de653 ENH: convert to using the new pipeline
new 9b1b6df BUG: get Xdmf reader to work correctly in PV using the new pipeline; changing which arrays to read is correctly propagated to the GUI
new 186784f BUG: Moved creation of output to REQUEST_DATA_OBJECT. An algorithm should not create and set it's output in the constructor. This makes changing executives later impossible
new 21a2cc0 BUG: make the Xdmf reader work with multiple grids again
new 14c71f3 ENH: Add copyright
new 9385b78 fixed problem with Attribute type being "Unknown"
new e202645 Install xdmf_expat.h
new 4cb8a99 Changed InsertUniqueId() to InsertNextId() and used XdmfArray.SetValues() instead of a Loop with XdmfArray.SetValue()
new 52f1468 Fixed some formatting and used the ENTITY instead of the HDF FileName
new e56ddd8 Oops &HeavyData; ENTITY needs more work
new 79ea9e9 ENH: APPLE does not come with X11
new ec4d1dc ENH: Added configurable installation options. Users or parent projects can set XDMF_INSTALL_LIB_DIR, XDMF_INSTALL_INCLUDE_DIR, and XDMF_INSTALL_INCLUDE_VTK_DIR to configure where components are installed. The defaults preserve old behavior.
new f2ba126 ENH: Add support for collection
new e84b697 ENH: Start working on multi-block support
new af87355 BUG: removing a debugging statement that was causing the XdmfRad tests to crash because cout doesn't know what to do with NULL
new 03288fc ENH: typo and display path when producing error
new b9bd065 ENH: Handle writing multiple image data and rectilinear grid
new 2b3a534 ENH: Handle origin and spacing in the RequestInformation
new 07c01d7 BUG: Fix selection of arrays
new 4ffd85c ENH:Prepared the internal structure of the reader for forthcoming multiblock implementation
new fa2c061 Make XDMF work with NDGM in MPI. Allow access from Python.
new f79781c fix
new ca0859c adding new methods
new 031b153 fix for no NDGM version.
new da200bd ENH:handle collection tag and multi-processsor execution
new 2ad476d COMP:Now vtkXdmfReader depends on vtkParallel
new c1f433b Fixed for HDF5 1.6.4
new 5f42949 ENH: copying Brad's installation changes from the main tree to the ParaView 2.0 branch
new 52f7a67 BUG: need matching {}'s
new 58409af Merge Xdmf from ParaView 2.0
new 01c1639 COMP:Replaced dynamic_cast by SafeDownCast
new 1d1cc8b BUG:RequestDataObject should create the hierarchical dataset but not create the subblocks because now the composite pipeline call PrepareForNewData in ExecuteDataStart which wipes out the subblocks
new c4947a9 ENH: fix bad syntax
new 98ecc8b ENH:Added an optional Level tag (default is 0) in addition to the Collection Tag
new ff5806b COMP:Fixed the Visual Studio 6 nightly build about none const string in istrstream constructor
new 950a7d7 BUG: Improve support for cell data and add collection support, support for only writing grids (no domain or header), and add a way to store everything in heavy data
new 6e8700d COMP: Use default arguments only in header file
new 09ae83d ENH: change loc of log files
new b5153b8 ENH: Implemented better support for configurable installation components.
new a9d41b2 BUG: fixed logic when checking hdf version
new c75a55d ENH: Replace vtkHierarchicalDataInformation with vtkMultiGroupDataInformation (legacy)
new 1c0d8f3 BUG: Handle VTK_VOXEL and VTK_PIXEL
new 0616332 COMP: removing unused variable
new 6cb7ffe BUG: write out pixels and voxels using the same point ordering as for quads and hexahedra
new 9af5062 Merge Xdmf from ParaView 2.4
new 6b62ddd ENH: use VTK_CMAKE_DIR consistently, get rid of the old Tcl/Pythin _INIT_DIR leading to vtkWrapperInitData.in, move it to VTK_CMAKE_DIR
new e2b50d3 ENH: fix for wrapping
new ea71fe6 ENH: Add more verbose printself
new 86d25cf BUG: fixes for X11 include path.
new 75c1389 BUG: typos
new a67704a ENH: Fix the number of nodes per cell. Not sure if it is ok, but seems to work
new ccf28fb ENH: Remove memory leak by caching XdmfParameters
new 61b895f ENH: Rename ParaQ to ParaView
new 03704be ENH: Remove warning
new 721cf79 ENH: Adding cmake 2.4 style installation. NOTE: These changes will work on a paraview build only. This file has to updated to be general
new b7b87c9 ENH: Updated all filters to new pipeline. Updated composite filters to use DATA_OBJECT() instead of COMPOSITE_DATA_SET(). Removed part filters, multi-block datasets should be used now. Fixed a few minor bugs
new 9fac0c2 Performance : only check for Parameters in Get() if XML has any at Parse time.
new 93a6180 Only parse grid XML once until new XML has been read (new FileName)
new 8f76169 UpdateProgress now works
new c0cc3c8 COMP: Add support for large files (larger than 2GB
new 823e74a COMP: Fix Large Files support build on AIX
new 895edac ENH: Removed unnecessary key COMPOSITE_DATA_TYPE_NAME(). DATA_TYPE_NAME() should be used instead
new 485ad13 COMP: Fixed unused variable warning
new bd89262 COMP: Fixed unused variable compiler warning.
new 33e67a9 ENH: Get the xmf/hdf5 reader working again. Not completely finished yet, parameters widget is missing for example.
new 137700f COMP:If hdf5 parallel IO is used, mpi gets pulled in and we must add MPICH_IGNORE_CXX_SEEK for mpich2
new 4117b4d COMP:Make sure MPICH_IGNORE_CXX_SEEK is defined if VTM_USE_MPI is on (pulled in from hdf if parallel io on)
new cfea4ea BUG: Fix a couple crashes in the Xdmf reader during undo/redo. And remove progress notification when data object is requested (it leaves the GUI progress bar hanging when UpdatePropertyInformation is called).
new 312b7d8 BUG: Fix Xdmf panel & reader bugs.
new 1215a14 Merge Xdmf from ParaView 3.0
new bd5f036 ENH: remove xdmf1 not that we have switched to xdmf2
new fcb5889 ENH: remove xdmf1 not that we have switched to xdmf2
new c3259ca ENH: remove xdmf1 not that we have switched to xdmf2
new f0587c7 ENH: remove xdmf1 not that we have switched to xdmf2
new 5bda23c Merge Xdmf 1 branch from ParaView
new 3983a37 BUG: be sure to link in both sets of MPI libraries for MPI libs that need them.
new 34e7ccc COMP: Switched link order of MPI libraries to match that of VTK
new 77a47b0 COMP: fix a compilation warning that happens on windows static builds because xml2 and xdmf define xmlfree differently.
new f2bb109 STYLE: Cleaned up style a little
new af92b6c STYLE: use CMAKE_REQUIRE_LARGE_FILE_SUPPORT as variable name as in VTK, so the result is reused
new 94ea220 BUG: Fix what appears to be an error regarding switch from old code that used levels as the group id, to the new code which uses level to determine the dataset within the group. In any case this change lets you load the other sample data sets in paraviewdata without crashing.
new c9d5fa7 BUG: Fix memory leak, delete Reader's DOM last, other things refer to the structs it owns, if it goes first their refs in destructors are invalid. STYLE: vtk indents and correct reader's description.
new fdc71fa BUG: Add support to write out vtkIdType ad a fix for grid name conflicts. See bug #5219 and #5139. Kudos to Clinton for the patch.
new a723a53 BUG: fixing a memory leak
new ef5a97d BUG: fixing a memory leak
new 89f8e8d COMP: fix warning about use of uninitialized variable: SendRecvStatus was not used in MPI_Send() but then printed out in the error case
new ccef236 STYLE: remove unecessary class declarations and improve documentation
new 5ca34ac STYLE: remove unecessary includs and rearrange to give each class its own section of the file.
new 9611cfc BUG: More work on xdmf reader. Each enabled grid has to get its own information object. Now that this is fixed I am enabling the four remaining legacy tests. Not sure why image data multiblock colors the outlines with block id and others do not but I've changed the test to set it to solid color to make it pass.
new fc4d9d4 BUG: Fix memory leaks
new c43a7b0 COMP: Fix unused argument warning
new 3cec971 BUG: Remove failed attempt at plugging a memory leak, it segfaults.
new 6446fa6 COMP: Allow system xml2 lib.
new 0492f57 COMP: Another fix for building w/ system libxml2
new 0fae716 COMP: Fix standalone compilation and remove dead code (dice, ndgm, and expat not pertinant to xdmf anymore)
new d10ef02 STYLE: Remove Tcl amd Java wrapping which do not appear to work. Move contents of binsrc to Examples/Cxx
new 4389b12 Look for "DataItem" under Topology for connectivity instead of just using the first node
new e18f0c4 Accept DataStructure for backward compatibility
new 9addfd6 ENH: Change XDMF reader to produce full trees, multiblocks within multiblocks, when given a domain with nonuniformgrids inside nonuniformgrids, and to produce atomic data sets, vtkDataSets, when given a domain with a single uniformgrid.
new 35001cd COMP: Fix unused variable compilation warnings.
new 26eab28 Hopefully fixed to find 64 bit streams correctly
new 9753274 added VoidPointerHandleToXdmfPointer()
new a9faaa0 Modified to regenerate wrappers correctly without MPI
new a0f86d6 Adding a <Time> capability
new ed8c786 remove debugging
new 1183323 Accept TimeType="Function"
new 98cd1e9 choose a unique name for Heavy data
new 4f5f0e4 re-working time. Also modify XdmfElement::SetElement() to allow Element to not be associated with XML node (problem with automatic vars)
new 9c36e7b implement XdmfTime::Evaluate()
new 05d523d Add a HeavyDataSetName to XdmfArray. This is used when the Array gets written but the DataItem has no HeavyDataSetName
new c2cfe13 Re-implement XdmfTime::Evaluate() and XdmfGrid::FindGridsInTimeRange()
new 8a8501c Fix some anomalies and add Epsilon to XdmfTime for comparisons
new 7ee2236 remove warning
new 7fd6a56 remove another warning
new ac08c28 Add a Release() method to release big data but leave structure in place
new 1c530d4 Change some comments and fix Release() method
new 68f95e1 ENH: Redesigned the composite dataset and subclasses. The details of this redesign can be found at http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/VTK/Composite_Data_Redesign.
new 4937296 BUG: Remove call to internal VTK cmake module
new aad6f70 BUG: revert last change, this breaks paraview build.
new a9f889e BUG: Fix memory leak when reading uniform grid.
new 243583c Improved DSM Support
new ab7bff7 don't call SetDsmBuffer() if no MPI
new f3e34ac fix Dsm without MPI
new 24db27e added semaphores. Check for deleted DOM during DTOR of element
new e15290a can now parse string in addition to file
new 8a577c2 included Dsm
new ccc5515 InputString has no trailing \0 .. copy and added one
new bc3806e fixed for Win32
new b8fad86 Add -DXDMF_NO_MPI flag on compile line
new 384a56a COMP: Trigger a rebuild of this file on morva (comment only change) -- it did not rebuild automatically (visual studio) after a new -D option was added to the CMakeLists.txt file.
new 1beec63 Added CollectionType = Unset | Temporal | Spatial
new f323e24 ENH: Cleanup output when running CMake
new 63b6854 when using pthreads, HDF5 was stepping on data structures. If HDF was compiled --threadsafe, DSM would Deadlock on MPIRecv(). Solution is to stay out of HDF5 Library on DSM Service.
new ac0a956 BUG: If we have compiled with Parallel IO and MPI, but are actually runnin a serial only process, the Parallel file access needs to be disabled. Add a check in the XdmfHDF constructor to set UseSerialFile if either MPI is not initialized, or nprocs<=1
new 305f17b ENH: Test
new 3b30c80 STYLE: Testing commit
new 884b5ff ENH: Add Time support to Reader. We check for CollectionType attribute on the main top level grid, and if it is temporal, we collect the list of time values from each sub grid. This is exported. When Time values are requested we output the correct sub grid. Lots of internal changes to tidy up the code and handle information. BUG: Several bug fixes for reading in parallel. Extents were not always correct. Seem to be ok for image data now
new 73ac8c7 BUG: When merging changes prior to committing, I missed one origin setting fix. Removed a stray origin set to get parallel pieces appearing right
new 47b9c04 BUG:vtksys::ConvertToOutputPath was adding quotation marks around file paths that have spaces. This broke some tests for xdmf Iron in pv3. Still need to fix a couple more tests.
new 28460ec BUG: Removing the origin setting was making the individual blocks appear in the wrong place and causing the image tests using multi-block to fail. Might have a problem with parallel load, but this will fix tests for now.
new 067edbc COMP: Fix unused var and unsigned comparison warnings.
new b1cf8ce BUG: 0005493 - This seems to fix the vector writing and read back issues with Paraview saving Xdmf. ENH:Added a SetTimeValue method, for supporting multiple time steps in the same xdmf file. Added lag AppendGridsToDomain, to allow multiple grids into one file. Added a flag InputsArePieces, this allows blocks(pieces) to be added one by one and then all written as one large dataset. Added FullGridSize method to support piece writing. Various other small bug tweaks ad [...]
new 8c60172 COMP: Fix a likely typo that the dashboards pointed out.
new f66d844 BUG:Fix a crash when loading state files
new 52e96f2 Add BaseOffset to Build()
new 690ad9d Added XdmfTime.h
new 763ed50 CollectionType not set in UpdateInformation()
new 444906e Reader now handles TimeType = List | HyperSlab
new c8e58e0 adding MySQL support
new e76c752 Adding HeavyData support for MySQL --- ignore password for now
new 66b8d90 remove debug
new f1a561b require Dimensions="..." and create DataDesc in all UpdateInformation()
new 841b457 Set Dimensions in Attribute
new 4703c59 Don't reparse if input string hasn't changed. If re-parse is required, delete Internals beforehand.
new b73fb5c moved #ifdef to fix CORE Hyperslab problem.
new 121d8f8 Properly apply DataDesc->Selection in ::UpdateFunction()
new cb27c6e document
new 8e3b87b ENH: Fixed BUG #6222. When Python in enabled in ParaView, all of VTK python wrappings are generated. However, note that installing paraview will not install vtkpython execultable. Also all the python extension modules will be installed at the same location as the libraries and not use the python disutils as it does when one installs from VTK directly.
new 897137a COMP: Fix to get it working with CMake 2.6
new 1db581e Merge Xdmf from ParaView 3.2
new 74264ee changes as per Mike Jackson Mike Jackson Senior Research Engineer Innovative Management & Technology Services
new 3fa0b79 COMP:Fixed errors with gcc>=4.3 by including stdlib.h or string.h.
new 9320ea8 BUG:A fix for hdf1.8.x compilation
new fd9dc9e COMP: Added missing include
new 3f688ab allow for spatial collection of temporal collection. Change the way time is collected and used.
new 53bef7e Fixed warnings from CDash
new 61df76d Temporal Collection output is once again the same type as children
new 5734d8c fixed signed/unsigned comparision
new 63f5f2f cleanup
new e71fc5e BUG:Information was being copied incorrectly by/from sub grids relative to the actual output information. This fixes it.
new df733b5 A spatial collection with time was getting tagged as a temporal collection.
new 1cfface COMP:Compiler warning
new 9945e0c COMP: fixed warnings
new 4c73115 Remove some debugging Add AllowAllocate method to XdmfArray Add SetShapeFromSelection to XdmfArray Change XdmfDataItem so that it only allocated the space it actually needs Leave Array unchanged in ValuesHDF if possible
new 8c423cb Coordinates were not used
new 215345f COMP: Fix shadowed variable warnings
new 48bb226 COMP: Fix unused var and shadowed variable warnings
new e918764 BUG: Properly partition structured data in parallel. Every node was reading every thing because the update piece and extent keys were not being used to determine what to build. Also, image data dimensions should be global dimensions and extent should be the sub extent produced.
new cbeb819 Don't copy attribute arrays
new 5cc4a73 add Reset()
new 6ab1242 remove debugging
new 6c6318c Don't Save Arrays
new 6816af6 fixed error
new 7c66e3e New Xdmf DTD
new 14e94cc Fix for Xdmf2
new 7362583 fix children definition
new 11598e3 fixed
new 267c4ac no more Information elements in DataItem
new 6fff423 fixed mixed content
new a4ed5f2 Added reference in DataItem
new 9c0896b fix parallel collections selection
new 4b8aefb remove comment
new 42d319b Release duplicate Big Data
new 73dfe12 Copy UPDATE_EXTENT to child in a temporal collection
new e56298a fix subBlock
new dced528 remove comment
new 9a52725 ENH: Added development files to make install.
new ba2087b BUG: Various fixes for development install.
new add8994 for site-packages
new fbf9032 fixing for non-paraview installation necessary for NetDMF
new 9666138 install Xdmf.py and _Xdmf.so in the correct location
new 275626f install XdmfConfig.h
new f9a066d need libxml2 info ifdef some includes for SWIG
new 59b19ef need to set XXX_CM24 since ~/Xdmf/CMakeLists.txt does not seem to be the same as PV/Utils/Xdmf2/CMakeLists.txt
new dd370fc Don't require ParaView for installation
new 45955cc install Xdmf.py
new 8477b24 install libvtkXdmfPython Correctly
new 8f7b72b fix Xdmf.py installation
new ab73cdb Making all classes not change size w/wo MPI
new 02c832f fix XDMF_NO_MPI flag
new 7c90451 Add methods for building Xdmf XML strings
new 24a721e Clode the H5 file
new a4f4efb Allow for Root Element Name Other than Xdmf
new 5e45368 initial checkin for sideset support
new 4992ab1 Added XdmfRegion ... like nodests and sidesets
new cbee2b6 fixed
new 70bcaac COMP: Fix runtime library path install for windows.
new bb30013 BUG: If the heavydata file name (without path) was specified and the working directory was set in the DOM, the write was not correctly picking up the dir/name - which prevents writing relative paths in the xml that point correctly to the heavy data.
new 8f31cb2 BUG: fix a small logis error when returing status from insert
new c59f119 BUG: When reading mixed cell arrays (unstructured), each cell that has a variable number of points has an extra value N added to the cell array in xdmf. When read back and copied into the vtkCellArray, these extra N's need to be subtracted from the total array length. Fix the subtraction so that it handles the general case (I think)
new e17884c Replacing XdmfRegion with XdmfSet and XdmfMap
new bcc2eb7 make DataItem name IMPLIED not REQUIRED
new 3f5a090 Add Maps and Sets
new 4d8cd2f add support for XDMF_INT64_TYPE
new 85f4656 change Int64 to Int32
new f9d377c fixing
new 47af436 add String Macros
new 57836f3 update python for new objects
new 5cf9af3 Set Format before building from DataXml
new d3fc525 use Sets and Maps
new 8ccb3ad fix for dimension[x] = 1
new 98eeaad fix for dimension[x] = 1
new 1f90cbd add check for vtkKit file
new 27bcdfa COMP: Backing out of the previous change. It is causing the following CMake configuration error on multiple builds.
new 0d4a920 PERF: Performance improvements to the XdmfReader (and panel) to avoid repeated RequestInformation passes and speed up performance when reading large xmf files.
new ebe7f1c use STLConverter
new da8abd8 Add Ghost Cells via <Set>
new ef0985d intialize Ghost Value
new 5d289a7 Added Ian Curington Changes
new deb5ad3 STYLE: Remove trailing whitespace.
new f799d4b ENH: add a compile test for ansi c++ stream support, make non-mpi builds easier, and remove vs 2005 and newer warnings
new 677387b ENH: Added Xdmf Fortran Bindings
new bcc7a33 STYLE: Fix e-mail address in header comment
new f343f3f BUG: make sure XdmfFortran installs the complete set of possible output files
new 677cfa9 change status = to status ==
new cd8c843 fix =, ==
new a47cbaf fix USHORT
new 80ecc33 BUG: Added Precision 2 Possibility
new 1d24e1a ENH: Ints written out completely in XML
new dad6ad9 ENH: Added XdmfGetDOM Fortran Bindings + Cleaned and Comments
new d06a8a3 Check for Ghost
new 79321c7 Add Sets (probably only works in serial without <Attribute>)
new d9cf261 ENH: Correct XML output for XDMF_INT64_TYPE
new 46f0eb7 Add ORIGIN_DXDY
new 6e89acc check status
new 0d076f5 COMP: Fixed warning: 'vtkValues' might be used uninitialized in this function.
new dc240b2 COMP: Fixed build issues.
new 20282dd Merge Xdmf from ParaView 3.6
new 74feeb9 fix Geometry_XY
new 1e69438 Add support for HDF1.8.3
new c62b9e9 Bug fix and add Will Dicharry's hooks
new d9600a6 testing
new b323336 fix compilation error for mpich
new 80fa7c9 Don't build MPI test if MPI isn't on
new 0c773ff change struct to class and make virtual method public
new 7bbd4fd Add Dominik's transpose functionality
new 658ca05 Add Dominik's Transpose functionality
new 78cc5fd ENH: Added XdmfDiff to compare differences between Xdmf files
new 2a87971 ENH: Created XdmfUtils target for Fortran Bindings and XdmfDiff utility
new b965ffa remove unused local variable.
new eb3a17a BUG: XdmfUtils OFF by Default --- Problems with with Win32 for XdmfDiff
new 1eae3b0 BUG: Fix Memory Allocation Bugs and Memory Management
new ec71978 BUG: Clean up memory and add Close() function
new ef35869 BUG: Fix CloseCollection and finish memory management changes
new 10d1bf0 BUG: Fixed AreEquivalent() bug occuring after multiple "tests"
new 84c058a ENH: Add TestXdmfDiff
new 1d1de8d ENH: Add XdmfDiffUtil
new f8e0995 ENH: Separate XdmfDiff command line script from rest of code
new 797ab0f ENH: Separate command line script from XdmfDiff
new bd01d2c ENH: CMake script that wraps python tests to allow correct environment settings
new fd47b92 ENH: Add Xdmf Python Test that writes values to an XdmfArray
new 3ef0196 ENH: Make changes to allow for python tests
new 5f52db9 ENH: Finds cmake command to run script even if not in path
new cca7170 BUG: Fix GetMaxAsInt64() and GetMinAsInt64() which gave incorrect values for large INT64 values
new 96bc3e0 ENH: Added Float64 Test and changed values of Int64 Test to be "boundary conditions"
new b1a6a22 BUG: Fix Grid Generation for Polyvertex Topology
new 7127956 ENH: Add Tensor6 Attribute Type for Symmetrical Tensors
new 67ef061 ENH: Major restructure and added Read Functionality
new ea27bc7 ENH: Fix ParaView 3.6 bug causing seg faults on grid centered attributes
new 9f8c35d ENH: Read in Tensor6 to VTK
new 268b636 ENH: Make python tests work on make test without a make install
new 6550c7a BUG: Fix relative path error causing seg fault in HDF5
new 93c4521 COMP: BTX/ ETX vtkXdmfReader
new c4cc61d BUG: Fix bug in FromXdmfArray for XDMF_INT16_TYPE causing seg fault when reading in INT16 attribute data to ParaView
new 55a101a STYLE: Fix Spelling Error
new eebafb5 BUG: Just make sure we set number type before number of elements
new c8278a1 COMP: Fixed Python build issue on the Mac and Windows. Modules should be built as modules
new 7686812 BUG: Memory cleanup and Misc.
new 4624910 BUG: Initialize this->BuildTime --- Valgrind detected conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
new bc281f2 BUG: Memory Leak in ostrstream
new cb06ed6 BUG: Revert to previous PYTHONPATH - did not work with swig regeneration - and this is the way VTK does it
new b3572d3 BUG: Fix Warning == --> =
new 704538f ENH: Allow user to set number of Light Data Values to Write ---> Default = 100
new 86ac75f BUG: ostrstream memory leak
new 2697252 BUG: Initialize Vars
new 22d605b ENH: Allow user to modify number of light values to write before switching to heavy data ---> default = 100
new 948a845 ENH: Allow user to specify number of values to write to light data ---> default = 100
new 304a893 BUG: Fix some minor memory leaks
new 36898bc BUG: Revert --- double free error
new 2778490 BUG: Make sure we clean up tests
new 230419b ENH: Add a python test to constructs a series of grids and write to a test file
new a5e2fce STYLE: Keep File Names Consistent
new de069dc ENH: Add C++ based XdmfArray Test
new d172f1e ENH: Add Tests
new 0620506 ENH: Add Tensor6 and other changes
new bea25b2 STYLE: Make names consistent
new 928428d ENH: Add tensor6 and some other things
new aba6d52 BUG: Properly show errors on python tests
new 5bca45c BUG: Set Environment Correctly when XDMF_BUILD_VTK
new e7a8a58 BUG: XdmfTestArray test not working on Win VS9
new 23dabd0 include Ian's changes
new 509bf66 ENH: Improve efficiency and speed, works for collections, cleaner output
new d70e484 ENH: First draft of new VTK writer
new 7ad8408 COMP: No python tests for xdmf/vtk, so disable the directory
new a545bac COMP: silence unused formal parameter warning
new 1cf2e49 ENH: Working on a redesigned version of the Xdmf reader. Most of the core functionality is in. Still needs work on side-sets and exposing some API for array status etc.
new 6cf0bf2 ENH: Speed improvements
new e5b84ab BUG: Fix bug introduced by last change
new 3238440 BUG: Fix XdmfUtils install bug on windows --- reported by Ian
new da13997 Adding Binary Data Item from Kenji Takizawa
new c62738f added Kenji's name as Author
new e94754c Kenji added byteswap
new 62cbb39 BUG: GEOMETRY_NONE was not recognized in writes, thus could not automatically write a collection or tree type grid because it would try to find th;5De points for the default GEOMTER_XYZ.
new 09c089d ENH: add a GlobalID attribute type, which vtk can use to keep track of the lifetimes of things. BUG: add the corresponding setter to Attribute's GetActive so it can be written as well as read.
new d9337ea ENH: Continuing work on the writer. I am reasonably confident that atomic datasets are written correctly, do not neak, nor allocate extraneous memory now. I do not think that composites work yet.
new 5e1d2c0 COMP: Fix dashboard problems
new 072231e COMP: Fix dashboard problems
new e7df25f ENH: First pass commit to enable the version 2 of the Xdmf reader. For use xmf2 and xdmf2 extensions are associated with this reader.
new 0d5ce84 add complression from Kenji
new 6be93b7 make GZip an option
new 42ee3fe Python wrapping for non-mpi version
new adb29ca fixing switch for gzip
new 4facb32 fix uninitialised value
new cb6e905 ENH: libxml2 used from vtk when available, fix install path problems in XDMFConfig.cmake file, regenerate XdmfPython.cxx to fix errors
new 7f01bed fix typo
new 0cf5c5d COMP: Fixed warnings.
new 4774dae COMP: Fixing a compilation problem on the mac since all dependencies need to be satisfied even when linking shared libs.
new 6b1673c COMP: Fixed build issues by reorganizing code.
new a028b26 fix some size_t wanrings
new 3734362 ENH: Add a SWIG type table to share the Xdmf class definitions in case a module (NetDMF?) inherits classes from Xdmf. See http://www.swig.org/Doc1.3/Modules.html
new 5de2e18 ENH: Added support for cell/point array selection for the new Xdmf reader.
new c9fa30a ENH: Some performance improvement by using a map for building array lists.
new 7e50d6b BUG: CanReadFile was raising errors. Fixed that.
new cd09e5c use vtkzlib if no zlib
new 828b683 BUG: Fix gzstream.h problem in ParaView?
new 6509c8b BUG: A number of memory leaks were found by Jerome. This fixes them. Also a few typos corrected in debug messges etc. ENH: Add a Barrier command to the Communicator classes to help with parallel writing.
new 9fb922a COMP: Fix dashboard warning
new 55a35d1 ENH: Composite data sets are now working. Time and parallel are not yet.
new aa2be12 BUG: 2D images were not being loaded correctly since we didn't handle the XDMF_GEOMETRY_ORIGIN_DXDY geometry type. Fixed that.
new a368158 BUG: Ensure that grid names are uniquified so that they can be selected correctly even when there are duplicate names.
new 3535e05 GZIP is now off by default
new 2ce3c84 apply Kenji's hyperslab patch
new 06e56ff ENH: Write and Read XdmfInformation from Fortran
new e4f0bb9 BUG: Dimension --> Dimensions
new 748b1af ENH: Aded new pqSILWidget that automatically adds tabs for each of the categories in the SIL. ENH: Xdmf SIL now has two categories, 1 the xmf hierarchy (preserving original grid names etc. even when duplicate) and other for the leaf-blocks that can be enabled/disabled. We can now further expand this to include categories for grid-centered attributes.
new 082a26d PERF: If the number of blocks exceeds 1000, then the SIL is no longer built, only top-level grids information is passed on to the client, thus improving performance when the xmf file is HUGE.
new 414b690 ENH: Add temporal support to new writer. It writes current timestep only, unless you tell it to write all, then it iterates the pipeline and makes a temporal collection. Unfortunately that requires it to copy array conents to keep them around until they are ready to write to disk.
new d75a04a STYLE: fix comments etc
new 4d0f346 COMP: Fix unused var warning
new 0282880 Ian's changes and fix Time
new c8c6385 ENH: Added support to read sets marking ghost cells and ghost points.
new adc4366 COMP: Fixed unused variable warning.
new 3dd69be ENH: Added support for global ids.
new 53bdcf8 ENH: Adding support for sets (ghost-sets were already supported). Now node and cell sets are supported as are attributes on these sets.
new 94425f0 ENH: Improved support for sets. * Added support for Edge and Face sets. * Added support for node attributes on node sets, cell attributes on cell sets, edge attributes on edge sets and face attributes on face sets.
new cfdeb42 ENH: Make test harness for new xdmf reader and writer.
new 764dd47 COMP: diisable test until I get a chance to figure out how to get access to vtkTestUtilities
new 7aa7b91 COMP: Fix dashboard warning
new ddfd67a STYLE: Update comments.
new e833b43 BUG: Fixed BUG #9582. Complain when RectMesh does not have the correct type of geometry instead of segfaulting. Also added support for geometry types VXVY and DXDY.
new 1f586c1 COMP: fixed warnings.
new 1410546 ENH: Debugging new xdmf writer. This change corrects attribute array SHAPE. I thought a linear array specification was sufficient but I was wrong. Now the array definition matches the grid topology as it is supposed to.
new 2cc3605 COMP: Fix compilation problem. Not every compiler can create dynamically sized arrays on heap.
new 10bc7e3 STYLE: Rename TestNewWriter to XdmfTestVTKIO to make the object of the test obvious on the dashboards. BUG: Disable the PD2 test for now because it is failing.
new 5dac110 STYLE: Rename TestNewWriter to XdmfTestVTKIO to make the object of the test obvious on the dashboards. BUG: Disable the PD2 test for now because it is failing.
new fec94e7 COMP: fix shadow and unused var warnings. STYLE: Remove a stray tab character
new 2cc9fee add Ghost desc
new a40bcf8 modify desc
new efc79d3 ENH: Some cleanup. Removed couts. Using vtkErrorMacro to report reading errors.
new 94f05ac BUG: Fixes include flip ijk for structured data to match xdmf ordering, specifying number of elements and shape correctly for homogenous unstructured data. Also specify filename earlier so that I can pick the name for the h5 file, although that doesn't work yet.
new cd1e7ac ENH: add more test cases
new 36262fb BUG: Fix new xdmf writers support for nonhomogenous unstructured data types.
new 2927191 BUG: fix uninitialized variable typo
new 4342c34 BUG: I used the wrong xdmf topology type for rectilinear grid
new 0710111 BUG: Warn when 3DCORRECTMESH has incorrect geometry type.
new bf75ce1 Ian's changes
new 595ed07 Ken's changes
new 7400614 ENH: Allow user to specify where to pass heavyName and a parent element to attach written data to
new 24cde64 ENH: Diff wrapped in python, can write diffs to file, a couple minor bug fixes
new f25bf65 Fix e-mail address
new 0d7a15c Ian's changes
new 63ef486 Added macro so we can include or exclude the Xdmf.dtd file in the header of .xmf file
new 153917a Added SetDTD and GetDTD macros which provides the option of including the Xdmf.dtd file in the header of the .xmf file
new 65f1f5e ENH: Add XdmfSetGridTopologyFromShape to support structured topologies
new a051651 BUG: Partial fix for new xdmf writer in paraview. ParaView calls RequestData then Write, where I was expecting to call only Write, where the required setup takes place before the internal call to RequestData.
new fba9ab5 ENH: Make xdmf h5 heavy data file foo.h5 when creating foo.xmf.
new b6e53cf BUG: Fix Writing Connectivity for Structured Topologies
new 7fc5c6f BUG: Don't Set HeavyDataName when writing Stuctured Topologies
new 446f165 BUG: Fix new xdmf writing of vector and tensor arrays.
new 5f8c72e BUG: Fix new xdmf writing of vector and tensor arrays, while not breaking unstructured data geometry.
new 789c0ff COMP: Fix unintentional disabliing of pointer sharing in writer.
new d07fa39 Added functionality to include or exclude the Xdmf.dtd file created by the GenerateHead method
new 772665c Added GetDTD and SetDTD methods
new 8a30e97 Fixed XdmfDIFF swig issues
new 871cc75 BUG:Error in cell array truncation on read was causing segfault in tests ENH:some reworking of the writer2 class to allow subclasses to do modify the way data is written
new 5d57b17 STYLE:Warning fixes
new 32bad0d ENH: Add support for reusing static geometry / topology from one timestep to the next. Before calling CreateGeometry or CreateTopology you must find the previous xml node holding ghe data you wish to reuse, when passed in, with appropriate flags, the build heavy is bypassed by setting the XML directly. Not enabled by default, but working in CSCS test code and will gradually be moved into CVS.
new a2260c1 BUG:Fix a segfault if the staticnode was not defined ENH:Before writing attributes to disk, sort them into alphabetical order. This is important if the attributes were added in some random order and change in two different blocks of a multiblock structure. Any classes which access by index end up with erroneous arrays. Very Rare, but this sort helps prevent segfaults in later filters down the pipeline after reading the data back.
new 8ca2262 mispelling
new 55ad14f ENH: Add Ian's Changes
new d81ff0e included vector header, required for building with VTK 5.4.2 release version
new 46703b6 BUG: Making sure that the vtkXdmfReader2 behaves like the old reader when it comes to 2D/3DCoRectMesh and uses vtkImageData instead of vtkUniformGrid.
new 2b181a9 BUG: Reader was incorrectly publishing origin as spacing. Fixed that.
new b053545 STYLE:Fix Spelling mistakes in documentation
new 1783abd BUG:If H5_USE_16_API is specified then don't use the hdf5-1.8.x interface, go back to the 1.6 interface
new 5790c5d ENH:When the Origin and Spacing are written out, they are done so in the same order, but they are not 'named' so when reading the file one is not sure which is which. By naming them, we can read the xmf file better and the order is not so important. Not really a bug fix, but might help.
new db381b6 BUG: Fix inconsistencies among names of quadratic topologies
new a7f28bd add XDMF_USE_MYSQL
new fcd8206 remove attribute if value == NULL
new 9af3d96 Added Xdmf utilities directory for 3rd party support
new c9de5fb Moved utility binaries to utils directory
new 7b6df96 "Relocated files from libsrc to libsrc/utils
new e513321 ENH: Added Xdmf config file to support build against Xdmf in ParaView.
new 4538750 STYLE: Renamed files to maintain cxx extension like the rest of Xdmf. Also made a change to XdmfDiff to write out all data to heavy format for more accurate comparisons.
new 13408e3 BUG: These were broken when wrapping python without BUILD_UTILS set on. XdmfUtil will have its own python file separate from the main Xdmf python so that they no longer interfere.
new a08bfa2 ENH: Add XDMF_BUILD_RPATH and fix some places where tests were being built even without BUILD_TESTING turned on
new f9eeee1 STYLE: Fix misspelling
new e2f1d06 ENH: Python wrapping for utilities, add some convenient information in XDMFConfig.cmake.in
new d684bdd ENH: Implement Regenerate Wrappers for Utils
new e4f630b BUG: Fix tests not being built properly.
new c1b5b99 ENH: Modified Xdmf configuration and added some logic to get around python library linking issues when building on Windows so that the Xdmf (libsrc) can be compiled and used directly as a library on Windows by some external projects (For example, NetDMF)
new 31f0113 ENH: Modified Xdmf configuration so that the Xdmf (libsrc) can be compiled and used directly as a library on Windows by some external projects (For example, NetDMF)
new 5339271 ENH:
new f2d415b STYLE: Remove old sources
new 1f0332c ENH: Remove old sources
new 24e0a3a ENH: Compile python bytecode automatically on install
new 229246f ENH: make XDMF tests respect CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE on Windows.
new 790266b ENH: make XDMF tests respect CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE on Windows.
new c40ed03 fix for z-dim = 1 (for Ian Curington)
new 23e0436 ENH: add PV_INSTALL_PLUGIN_DIR to control where plugins will be installed. On windows there will be a plugins directory in the root of the installation tree. On unix they will be installed in the lib dir.
new 3a19def ENH: Inspect Exodus file for Geometry Dimensionality and support XY Geometry conversions to XDMF
new c91852c ENH: Removing obsolete vtkXdmfReader (and other helper classes) and replacing it with vtkXdmfReader2 - which was a newer version of the reader. Changing ParaView to the use new vtkXdmfReader and removing other old XdmfReader related classes that were needed for ParaView.
new 92a613c BUG: Respect rank of HDF5 data set when reading data
new 8bd078d ENH: Fix node number ordering when reading in quadratic hex and quadratic wedge meshes from exodus. Fix some memory leaks caused by improper syntax.
new 556d364 BUG: Fix bug when copying __init__.py and not being able to find it for install
new 9d8aed3 BUG: XdmfReader was not working correctly when loading state. The issue was that any statuses could only be set after RequestInformation() which does not happen when loading state. Fixed by using a cache until RequestInformation() happens.
new a5c6667 from Kenji
new 32fe7d9 Kenji's bug fix
new 999d454 ENH: change xdmf mpi test to use the new $<CONFIGURATION> generator expressions.
new e2f2ed5 ENH: Add possiblity to read distribution factors of node sets --- currently commented out, but could be enabled in the future.
new 20c84d1 ENH: Add several topologies to Xdmf, including XDMF_HEX_24 and XDMF_HEX_27. Modify Exodus Reader and VTK Reader to correctly assign new topology types.
new 082216d BUG: Fix VTK reading of new Topology Types
new 5d89e8d BUG: Fixes a large number of memory leaks detected with TotalView.
new 20e5de7 BUG: Revert change that caused ParaView to seg fault when reading Xdmf files.
new fc6af9d BUG: Fix memory management problems as detected with valgrind and totalview.
new c8a2018 ENH: MPI_Recv wants an MPI_Status instance passed to it rather than NULL.
new f5e1aba COMP: oops, forgot to dereference stat.
new 58b1557 ENH: Add XdmfExodusWriter that outputs exodus files from XdmfGrids. Clean up a few more minor memory leaks and add a CMake configuration option to enable memory debugging mode (making it easier to build with proper flags from HDF5)
new 5a71462 ENH: It would help if I added the new files :)! Add XdmfExodusWriter files.
new 7db988e BUG: Fix XDMF_WEDGE_18 Topology conversion to Exodus
new 615fe14 COMP: MPIEXEC_PREFLAGS were not being passed properly, so test could not run on windows
new ac50cbd BUG: Commit patch from John Bidiscombe to correct test failures on ParaView linux dashboards.
new 34e854a ENH: Add XdmfPartitioner to partition XdmfGrid with metis. Add some convenience functions to XdmfTopology to return number of edges and number of faces for unstructured topology types. Add convenience function to copy data from another XdmfArray so that you don't need to worry about number type.
new ea17db1 BUG: Fix seg faults by removing build dataitems from XdmfXmlNode to XdmfElement map so that they won't be accessed again by parent element.
new 4054253 BUG: Fix bug that prevented names of one character length from being written to xml file.
new b544344 ENH: fix configure error if MPI_EXTRA_LIBRARY is not set.
new 17f7aad COMP: set XDMF_ZLIB_LIBRARIES to what ever VTK_ZLIB_LIBRARIES is set to.
new 783162e ENH: Multiple fixes from head including enabling the Cosmo Reader and fixing the Reader Slection tests to select the Reader by name.
new c6bc94b COMP: Revert changes that were mistakenly checked in from HEAD.
new 789cd8f COMP: Revert changes that were mistakenly checked in from HEAD.
new b086f27 COMP: set XDMF_ZLIB_LIBRARIES to what ever VTK_ZLIB_LIBRARIES is set to.
new e5a817f Merge ParaView 3.8
new f8914c3 Remove vtk(Cxx|Type)RevisionMacro
new 63ef26f COMP: Add <cstring> include for Ubuntu build
new e95ce92 BUG: Fix Bug detected by Kenji due to uninitialized Value
new 1ca5e69 BUG: Fix massive memory leak when traversing time steps.
new 9603d29 BUG: Apply fix from Kenji to address LoadState segfaults.
new cd802a3 BUG: Fix segfault when deleting unallocated pointer.
new c29dd78 ENH: Fix python install rule to install in XDMF_INSTALL_LIB_DIR_CM24.
new 92b3bb2 Silence an unneccessary warning.
new 8e3ec80 ENH: Apply Antonio's patch to implement quad9 support into Xdmf.
new 1ea84e6 Include <string.h> for XdmfSetStringMacro
new 71f593f Removing obsolete vtkXdmfWriter and replacing it with vtkXdmfWriter2.
new 44b822a BUG: Add missing Development component to install rule.
new 813d677 BUG: Fix additional missing header files from installation.
new 4f46bcb BUG: Add missing Development component for Ice.
new 585cc72 BUG: Remove include_directories arguments to non-existent directories.
new 0dd21e6 BUG: Properly handle if HDF can not read the file.
new 193e0f7 Change of the pointer class inside the vtkXdmfHeavyData from "vtkXdmfReader* Reader" to vtkAlgorithm* Reader"
new f6bc980 BUG: H5_USE_16_API_DEFAULT used instead of H5_USE_16_API
new 9ecc616 Read of the information elements
new 8c17a17 Add Xdmf Export Target install rule arguments.
new d5ce16f COMP: Reorder includes so vtkConfigure is included first.
new 402fbb2 Fixed segfault when reading a Temporal collection with missing <Time>.
new a3abadc Allow XDMF to be built even with parallel support off.
new da2db7b Export vtkXdmf targets.
new e554c9a Properly initialize fp.
new 621c8b0 Make XDMF_WRAP_PYTHON_INSTALL_DIR externally setable.
new 72b3c4f Add export install argument for _Xdmf.
new 7522f14 Adding new GetSIL method on vtkXdmfReader.
new c5c8fde Fixed BUG #12527. Fixed parallel read issue for unstructured grids.
new e330b53 Fixed bug in previous commit for BUG #12527.
new d83abee ENH: Removed the use of vtkstd
new bcfdcca COMP: VTK6 compatability updates
new c3b4507 FIX: Changes to remove vtk-4 compatibility
new a4174e6 Disabled part of the test that can never pass.
new 83c7026 Merge remote-tracking branch 'gitorious/master' into pv
new a69fa74 Fixed GCC 4.7 compilation error
new fd02639 Header does not exist in Visual Studio
new ee55a52 Changes to Xdmf2 to work with VTK6
new 47d40f2 Add link dependancies to Xdmf2 tests
new 9b4e652 Rename python libraries to new VTK modular names
new 608db1f Add addition VTK modules to link line
new 1645b32 Change VTK_USE_MPI to PARAVIEW_USE_MPI
new dc5c3ff COMP: Update target link libraries for Xdmf python wrapping
new 410831a Remove use of VTK_USE_PARALLEL
new 2bbc674 Update vtkXdmf<Reader|Writer> to work with VTK changes
new 24470ab Restructure to function as a module in VTK6.
new f8285b8 Merge remote-tracking branch 'onetruerepo/pv'
new 3d604ca backport changes from VTK 7.0.0
new 982cd6d Merge branch 'backport'
new 45ddb1a allow vtk to avoid the real path lookup for its own tests
new 6221564 forgot this file
new 0c08b3e STYLE: remove trailing whitespace
new 75c5916 fix windows compilation
new 5c74861 make submitted test results go to public cdash
new d1f261a Merge branch 'configure-cdash' into 'master'
new c890c6e Address a regression introduced when backporting vtk's changes
new 1819d6a Merge branch 'fix-tests' into 'master'
new 3633911 Added a top-level README file in Markdown format. Contents of this file are displayed on the project page on Gitlab.
new e11cb9e Corrected formatting of a code block.
new 6e1c172 Merge branch 'add-readme' into 'master'
new 93e3cbe Add support for Polyhedron cells
new 90d443d Add support for Polyhedron cells
new 2433ab9 Merge branch 'add_polyhedron_support' of gitlab.kitware.com:arminw/xdmf into add_polyhedron_support
new 0a9fbd0 Merge branch 'add_polyhedron_support' into 'master'
new cce6523 allow wrapping without DSM
new ee2c8ef Merge branch 'wrapping-doesnt-require-dsm' into 'master'
new 8f318b3 fix a typo
new 027e782 Merge branch 'wrapping-doesnt-require-dsm' into 'master'
new eae4821 Changes from ARL's Repo (C Wrappers, DSM rework, Custom Types, Templates, GridControllers, TIFF integration, XdmfAggregate)
new 8863c80 Merge remote-tracking branch 'andrew/mergingARLRepo'
new ffa8613 fix test comp failures
new f7284af fix shared lib config
new e721d8d restore wrappers broken in vtk updates
new 45aad5a fix failing tests by switching a merge conflict resolution
new 67e911c address merge problems
new 39a2130 Adding XdmfTemplate and associated Tests
new f0e9d4d Adding template objects
new 19240cd Merge remote-tracking branch 'andrew/mergingARLRepo' into import-ARL-latest
new 3533603 Allowing Precision to default to specific values when not specified.
new 51c30b6 Merge remote-tracking branch 'andrew/mergingARLRepo' into import-ARL-latest
new 32d43b3 remove workarounds for libxml2 problem in VTK
new ab31e4c resolve merge conflict
new 53c422f Merge branch 'import-ARL-latest' into 'master'
new cd29877 Add XDMF_TOPOLOGY_TYPE_POLYHEDRON to Xdmf.f adjust values to correspond to XdmfFortran.hpp
new 701cffd Add missing XDMF_TOPOLOGY_TYPE_HEXAHEDRON_SPECTRAL_* definition to Xdmf.f
new 9fd8c29 Add missing XDMF_TOPOLOGY_TYPE_HEXAHEDRON_SPECTRAL_* to Xdmf.f
new 201a585 Whitespace
new 791ddfd Style
new 83bf32b Merge branch 'fix_fortran_wrapper' into 'master'
new 33def08 preventing TIFF tests from building when TIFF isn't found
new cdb48e8 Merge branch 'master' into 'master'
new ec9c817 changes for fortran and shared library bulilding with python wrapping
new 70f5458 Update CMakeLists.txt
new ce902eb Merge branch 'master' into 'master'
new 0ccb916 expose parent class's methods to avoid comp warnings
new 4a486e1 Merge branch 'dont-hide-parent-methods' into 'master'
new 02ea512 Clean excess whitespace from content pulled from XML
new 8611367 Merge branch 'master' into 'master'
new 98aaaca fix windows compilation
new e8e454c Merge branch 'fix-windows-compilation' into 'master'
new 3b2c05d fix windows and make static with shared optional
new 6e4cb06 Merge branch 'windows-and-optional-both-libs' into 'master'
new 0eaef31 changes for ParaView 5.1.2 compatibility and for windows/linux/macosx builds
new f2b1cbe remove Xdmf.dtd with bad line endings
new 835e2ab add Xdmf.dtd with good line endings
new 6186257 Merge branch 'master' into 'master'
new bcf8500 Fixes to RPath, Static builds for Utils, intel compiler logical processing
new bf86d7a Remove -fPIC as is replaced by other code
new d139247 Make RPath settings optional
new fb210b8 Merge branch 'master' into 'master'
new aff6b1f Fixes to python wrappers for python wrappers when TIFF isn't available
new 5f6979a Merge branch 'master' into 'master'
new 82cb2f2 BUG: Fix BUILD_SHARED_LIBS overwritting identical name flags.
new 1648a55 Merge branch 'FixBuildSharedLibsFlagScope' into 'master'
new afb67e9 trailing whitespace
new 8273ac3 install files into the proper places
new 009e6e1 Merge branch 'gnuinstalldirs2' into 'master'
new f530033 Changes to remove boost dependency and add Cxx11 as an alternate
new 9231377 fixes for Windows Compilation
new 61df733 Fixed typo in PushBack change
new 44d1df0 removed print statement
new b21b735 fixes to handle boost not being available
new 24ea357 std::string compatibility
new bba7984 Fixed typo
new 05124fb adjusting code away from regex to handle Apple systems
new ff194c1 Updates to reduce library files needed for linking
new 397e235 changes to fix windows build
new 5f928d5 Merge branch 'master' into 'master'
new 46d2b39 proper SOVERSION and VERSION setting on libraries
new 609f512 use ${XDMF_M**OR_VERSION} in version_create
new e8bbd57 add XDMF_PATCH_VERSION
new 9b9e7df Merge branch 'sonames' into 'master'
new acaa4cc Change from string.h to cstring. Allows for strtok.
new 1ff6108 cleaning up optional includes
new 284aa36 Merge branch 'master' into 'master'
new 583c14d removed a PARENT_SCOPE that was unessesary, added some missing includes, fixed cxx11 typecasting
new 44327a2 Merge branch 'master' into 'master'
new d914d02 upstream, git20170413
new bb88ce6 merge git 20170413
new 4486e85 delete CVS dirs
new 41fea42 Pull latest tree from git to test building VTK7. Closes: #860231
new 197eedf update patches for git rel
new 8f8eee1 Add Build-Conflicts: libxdmf-dev
The 1834 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
CMake/CVS/Entries | 8 -
CMake/CVS/Repository | 1 -
CMake/CVS/Root | 1 -
CMake/TestingSuite/TestingSetup.cmake | 18 +-
CMake/VersionSuite/SetUpVersion.cmake | 4 +-
CMakeLists.txt | 155 +-
CTestConfig.cmake | 0
CVS/Entries | 13 -
CVS/Repository | 1 -
CVS/Root | 1 -
Data/Baseline/CVS/Entries | 3 -
Data/Baseline/CVS/Repository | 1 -
Data/Baseline/CVS/Root | 1 -
Data/CVS/Entries | 2 -
Data/CVS/Repository | 1 -
Data/CVS/Root | 1 -
Data/Data/CVS/Entries | 11 -
Data/Data/CVS/Repository | 1 -
Data/Data/CVS/Root | 1 -
Data/Data/Iron Protein/CVS/Entries | 2 -
Data/Data/Iron Protein/CVS/Repository | 1 -
Data/Data/Iron Protein/CVS/Root | 1 -
Data/Data/Shapes/CVS/Entries | 3 -
Data/Data/Shapes/CVS/Repository | 1 -
Data/Data/Shapes/CVS/Root | 1 -
Data/Data/Testing/CVS/Entries | 4 -
Data/Data/Testing/CVS/Repository | 1 -
Data/Data/Testing/CVS/Root | 1 -
Examples/CVS/Entries | 3 -
Examples/CVS/Repository | 1 -
Examples/CVS/Root | 1 -
Examples/Cxx/CVS/Entries | 15 -
Examples/Cxx/CVS/Repository | 1 -
Examples/Cxx/CVS/Root | 1 -
Examples/Data/CVS/Entries | 6 -
Examples/Data/CVS/Repository | 1 -
Examples/Data/CVS/Root | 1 -
Examples/Python/CVS/Entries | 31 -
Examples/Python/CVS/Repository | 1 -
Examples/Python/CVS/Root | 1 -
Ice/CVS/Entries | 2 -
Ice/CVS/Repository | 1 -
Ice/CVS/Root | 1 -
Ice/libsrc/CVS/Entries | 1 -
Ice/libsrc/CVS/Repository | 1 -
Ice/libsrc/CVS/Root | 1 -
Ice/sh/CVS/Entries | 1 -
Ice/sh/CVS/Repository | 1 -
Ice/sh/CVS/Root | 1 -
Utilities/CVS/Entries | 8 -
Utilities/CVS/Repository | 1 -
Utilities/CVS/Root | 1 -
Utilities/Doxygen/CVS/Entries | 5 -
Utilities/Doxygen/CVS/Repository | 1 -
Utilities/Doxygen/CVS/Root | 1 -
Utilities/hdf5/CMake/CVS/Entries | 4 -
Utilities/hdf5/CMake/CVS/Repository | 1 -
Utilities/hdf5/CMake/CVS/Root | 1 -
Utilities/hdf5/CVS/Entries | 201 ---
Utilities/hdf5/CVS/Repository | 1 -
Utilities/hdf5/CVS/Root | 1 -
Utilities/hdf5/HDF5Tests/CVS/Entries | 1 -
Utilities/hdf5/HDF5Tests/CVS/Repository | 1 -
Utilities/hdf5/HDF5Tests/CVS/Root | 1 -
Utilities/vtkexodus2/CVS/Entries | 167 --
Utilities/vtkexodus2/CVS/Repository | 1 -
Utilities/vtkexodus2/CVS/Root | 1 -
Utilities/vtkexodus2/include/CVS/Entries | 8 -
Utilities/vtkexodus2/include/CVS/Repository | 1 -
Utilities/vtkexodus2/include/CVS/Root | 1 -
Utilities/vtkexodus2/test/CVS/Entries | 4 -
Utilities/vtkexodus2/test/CVS/Repository | 1 -
Utilities/vtkexodus2/test/CVS/Root | 1 -
Utilities/vtklibxml2/CVS/Entries | 69 -
Utilities/vtklibxml2/CVS/Repository | 1 -
Utilities/vtklibxml2/CVS/Root | 1 -
Utilities/vtklibxml2/include/CVS/Entries | 2 -
Utilities/vtklibxml2/include/CVS/Repository | 1 -
Utilities/vtklibxml2/include/CVS/Root | 1 -
Utilities/vtklibxml2/include/libxml/CVS/Entries | 50 -
Utilities/vtklibxml2/include/libxml/CVS/Repository | 1 -
Utilities/vtklibxml2/include/libxml/CVS/Root | 1 -
Utilities/vtknetcdf/CVS/Entries | 37 -
Utilities/vtknetcdf/CVS/Repository | 1 -
Utilities/vtknetcdf/CVS/Root | 1 -
Utilities/vtkzlib/CVS/Entries | 33 -
Utilities/vtkzlib/CVS/Repository | 1 -
Utilities/vtkzlib/CVS/Root | 1 -
Xdmf.hpp | 34 +-
XdmfAggregate.cpp | 1 -
XdmfAttribute.cpp | 6 +-
XdmfCurvilinearGrid.cpp | 4 +-
XdmfGeometry.cpp | 21 +-
XdmfGraph.cpp | 2 +-
XdmfGrid.cpp | 2 +-
XdmfGridTemplate.cpp | 2 -
XdmfItemFactory.cpp | 16 +-
XdmfRectilinearGrid.cpp | 4 +-
XdmfRegularGrid.cpp | 6 +-
XdmfSet.cpp | 2 +-
XdmfTemplate.cpp | 28 +-
XdmfTopology.cpp | 6 +-
XdmfTopology.hpp | 2 +-
XdmfUnstructuredGrid.cpp | 4 +-
binsrc/CVS/Entries | 1 -
binsrc/CVS/Repository | 1 -
binsrc/CVS/Root | 1 -
core/CMakeLists.txt | 128 +-
core/XdmfArray.cpp | 1101 +++++--------
core/XdmfArray.hpp | 153 +-
core/XdmfArray.tpp | 1718 ++++++++++++++++----
core/XdmfArrayReference.cpp | 1 -
core/XdmfArrayType.cpp | 1 -
core/XdmfConfig.hpp.in | 1 +
core/XdmfCore.hpp | 9 +-
core/XdmfCore.i | 41 +-
core/XdmfCoreConfig.hpp.in | 3 +
core/XdmfCoreItemFactory.cpp | 227 ++-
core/XdmfCoreReader.cpp | 35 +-
core/XdmfError.hpp | 2 +-
core/XdmfFunction.cpp | 64 +-
core/XdmfHDF5Controller.cpp | 6 +-
core/XdmfHDF5Writer.cpp | 8 +-
core/XdmfHeavyDataDescription.cpp | 2 +
core/XdmfInformation.hpp | 2 +-
core/XdmfItem.cpp | 2 +-
core/XdmfItem.hpp | 12 +-
core/XdmfItemProperty.cpp | 35 +
core/XdmfSharedPtr.hpp | 23 +-
core/XdmfSubset.cpp | 55 +-
core/XdmfWriter.cpp | 12 +-
core/dsm/CMakeLists.txt | 60 +-
core/dsm/XdmfDSM.hpp | 21 +-
core/dsm/XdmfDSMItemFactory.cpp | 70 +-
core/dsm/tests/CMakeLists.txt | 2 +
core/tests/C/CTestXdmfArray.c | 45 +-
core/tests/CMakeLists.txt | 2 +
core/tests/Cxx/TestXdmfArray.cpp | 60 +-
core/tests/Cxx/TestXdmfArrayInsert.cpp | 1 +
.../Cxx/TestXdmfArrayMultiDimensionalInsert.cpp | 1 +
core/tests/Cxx/TestXdmfArrayMultidimensional.cpp | 11 +-
core/tests/Cxx/TestXdmfArrayWriteRead.cpp | 9 +-
.../tests/Cxx/TestXdmfArrayWriteReadHyperSlabs.cpp | 1 +
core/tests/Cxx/TestXdmfHDF5Controller.cpp | 1 +
core/tests/Cxx/TestXdmfHDF5Writer.cpp | 1 +
core/tests/Cxx/TestXdmfHDF5WriterTree.cpp | 1 +
core/tests/Cxx/TestXdmfInformation.cpp | 1 +
core/tests/Cxx/TestXdmfSparseMatrix.cpp | 1 +
core/tests/Python/TestXdmfArrayMultidimensional.py | 2 +-
debian/changelog | 8 +
debian/control | 1 +
debian/patches/c++11.patch | 12 +-
debian/patches/exodus.patch | 6 +-
debian/patches/gzstream.patch | 12 +-
debian/patches/hdf5-1.10.patch | 6 +-
debian/patches/header-fix.patch | 6 +-
debian/patches/python-install-dir.patch | 6 +-
debian/patches/python3.patch | 180 +-
debian/patches/reproducible-build.patch | 6 +-
debian/patches/soname.patch | 40 +-
libsrc/CVS/Entries | 100 --
libsrc/CVS/Repository | 1 -
libsrc/CVS/Root | 1 -
libsrc/test/CVS/Entries | 9 -
libsrc/test/CVS/Repository | 1 -
libsrc/test/CVS/Root | 1 -
libsrc/utils/CVS/Entries | 19 -
libsrc/utils/CVS/Repository | 1 -
libsrc/utils/CVS/Root | 1 -
python/CVS/Entries | 1 -
python/CVS/Repository | 1 -
python/CVS/Root | 1 -
tests/CMakeLists.txt | 2 +
tests/Cxx/HugeWriteArray.cpp | 1 +
tests/Cxx/TestXdmfAggregate.cpp | 1 +
tests/Cxx/TestXdmfAttribute.cpp | 1 +
tests/Cxx/TestXdmfBinaryController.cpp | 1 +
tests/Cxx/TestXdmfCurvilinearGrid.cpp | 3 +-
tests/Cxx/TestXdmfFunction.cpp | 1 +
tests/Cxx/TestXdmfGeometry.cpp | 1 +
tests/Cxx/TestXdmfGraph.cpp | 1 +
tests/Cxx/TestXdmfGridCollection.cpp | 1 +
tests/Cxx/TestXdmfGridController.cpp | 1 +
tests/Cxx/TestXdmfGridTemplate.cpp | 1 +
tests/Cxx/TestXdmfHDF5Hyperslab.cpp | 1 +
tests/Cxx/TestXdmfHDF5Visit.cpp | 11 +-
tests/Cxx/TestXdmfMap.cpp | 1 +
tests/Cxx/TestXdmfMultiOpen.cpp | 1 +
tests/Cxx/TestXdmfMultiXPath.cpp | 1 +
tests/Cxx/TestXdmfReader.cpp | 1 +
tests/Cxx/TestXdmfRectilinearGrid.cpp | 7 +-
tests/Cxx/TestXdmfRegularGrid.cpp | 1 +
tests/Cxx/TestXdmfSet.cpp | 1 +
tests/Cxx/TestXdmfSubset.cpp | 1 +
tests/Cxx/TestXdmfTIFFReadWriteCompressed.cpp | 19 +-
tests/Cxx/TestXdmfTemplate.cpp | 1 +
tests/Cxx/TestXdmfTime.cpp | 1 +
tests/Cxx/TestXdmfTopology.cpp | 1 +
tests/Cxx/TestXdmfTopologyMixed.cpp | 1 +
tests/Cxx/TestXdmfUnstructuredGrid.cpp | 1 +
tests/Cxx/TestXdmfVisitorValueCounter.cpp | 1 +
tests/Cxx/TestXdmfWriter.cpp | 1 +
tests/Cxx/TestXdmfXPath.cpp | 1 +
tests/Cxx/TestXdmfXPointerReference.cpp | 1 +
tests/Cxx/XdmfFileConnectTest.cpp | 1 +
tests/Cxx/XdmfPostFixCalc.cpp | 27 +-
utils/CMakeLists.txt | 39 +-
utils/XdmfDiff.cpp | 1 +
utils/XdmfFortran.cpp | 52 +-
utils/tests/CMakeLists.txt | 3 +
utils/tests/Cxx/TestXdmfDiff.cpp | 1 +
utils/tests/Cxx/TestXdmfGeometryConverter.cpp | 1 +
utils/tests/Cxx/TestXdmfTopologyConverter.cpp | 1 +
vtk/CVS/Entries | 18 -
vtk/CVS/Repository | 1 -
vtk/CVS/Root | 1 -
vtk/Testing/CVS/Entries | 4 -
vtk/Testing/CVS/Repository | 1 -
vtk/Testing/CVS/Root | 1 -
vtk/Testing/Cxx/CVS/Entries | 3 -
vtk/Testing/Cxx/CVS/Repository | 1 -
vtk/Testing/Cxx/CVS/Root | 1 -
vtk/Testing/Python/CVS/Entries | 1 -
vtk/Testing/Python/CVS/Repository | 1 -
vtk/Testing/Python/CVS/Root | 1 -
vtk/Testing/Tcl/CVS/Entries | 1 -
vtk/Testing/Tcl/CVS/Repository | 1 -
vtk/Testing/Tcl/CVS/Root | 1 -
228 files changed, 3136 insertions(+), 2517 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 CMake/CVS/Entries
delete mode 100644 CMake/CVS/Repository
delete mode 100644 CMake/CVS/Root
mode change 100644 => 100755 CTestConfig.cmake
delete mode 100644 CVS/Entries
delete mode 100644 CVS/Repository
delete mode 100644 CVS/Root
delete mode 100644 Data/Baseline/CVS/Entries
delete mode 100644 Data/Baseline/CVS/Repository
delete mode 100644 Data/Baseline/CVS/Root
delete mode 100644 Data/CVS/Entries
delete mode 100644 Data/CVS/Repository
delete mode 100644 Data/CVS/Root
delete mode 100644 Data/Data/CVS/Entries
delete mode 100644 Data/Data/CVS/Repository
delete mode 100644 Data/Data/CVS/Root
delete mode 100644 Data/Data/Iron Protein/CVS/Entries
delete mode 100644 Data/Data/Iron Protein/CVS/Repository
delete mode 100644 Data/Data/Iron Protein/CVS/Root
delete mode 100644 Data/Data/Shapes/CVS/Entries
delete mode 100644 Data/Data/Shapes/CVS/Repository
delete mode 100644 Data/Data/Shapes/CVS/Root
delete mode 100644 Data/Data/Testing/CVS/Entries
delete mode 100644 Data/Data/Testing/CVS/Repository
delete mode 100644 Data/Data/Testing/CVS/Root
delete mode 100644 Examples/CVS/Entries
delete mode 100644 Examples/CVS/Repository
delete mode 100644 Examples/CVS/Root
delete mode 100644 Examples/Cxx/CVS/Entries
delete mode 100644 Examples/Cxx/CVS/Repository
delete mode 100644 Examples/Cxx/CVS/Root
delete mode 100644 Examples/Data/CVS/Entries
delete mode 100644 Examples/Data/CVS/Repository
delete mode 100644 Examples/Data/CVS/Root
delete mode 100644 Examples/Python/CVS/Entries
delete mode 100644 Examples/Python/CVS/Repository
delete mode 100644 Examples/Python/CVS/Root
delete mode 100644 Ice/CVS/Entries
delete mode 100644 Ice/CVS/Repository
delete mode 100644 Ice/CVS/Root
delete mode 100644 Ice/libsrc/CVS/Entries
delete mode 100644 Ice/libsrc/CVS/Repository
delete mode 100644 Ice/libsrc/CVS/Root
delete mode 100644 Ice/sh/CVS/Entries
delete mode 100644 Ice/sh/CVS/Repository
delete mode 100644 Ice/sh/CVS/Root
delete mode 100644 Utilities/CVS/Entries
delete mode 100644 Utilities/CVS/Repository
delete mode 100644 Utilities/CVS/Root
delete mode 100644 Utilities/Doxygen/CVS/Entries
delete mode 100644 Utilities/Doxygen/CVS/Repository
delete mode 100644 Utilities/Doxygen/CVS/Root
delete mode 100644 Utilities/hdf5/CMake/CVS/Entries
delete mode 100644 Utilities/hdf5/CMake/CVS/Repository
delete mode 100644 Utilities/hdf5/CMake/CVS/Root
delete mode 100644 Utilities/hdf5/CVS/Entries
delete mode 100644 Utilities/hdf5/CVS/Repository
delete mode 100644 Utilities/hdf5/CVS/Root
delete mode 100644 Utilities/hdf5/HDF5Tests/CVS/Entries
delete mode 100644 Utilities/hdf5/HDF5Tests/CVS/Repository
delete mode 100644 Utilities/hdf5/HDF5Tests/CVS/Root
delete mode 100644 Utilities/vtkexodus2/CVS/Entries
delete mode 100644 Utilities/vtkexodus2/CVS/Repository
delete mode 100644 Utilities/vtkexodus2/CVS/Root
delete mode 100644 Utilities/vtkexodus2/include/CVS/Entries
delete mode 100644 Utilities/vtkexodus2/include/CVS/Repository
delete mode 100644 Utilities/vtkexodus2/include/CVS/Root
delete mode 100644 Utilities/vtkexodus2/test/CVS/Entries
delete mode 100644 Utilities/vtkexodus2/test/CVS/Repository
delete mode 100644 Utilities/vtkexodus2/test/CVS/Root
delete mode 100644 Utilities/vtklibxml2/CVS/Entries
delete mode 100644 Utilities/vtklibxml2/CVS/Repository
delete mode 100644 Utilities/vtklibxml2/CVS/Root
delete mode 100644 Utilities/vtklibxml2/include/CVS/Entries
delete mode 100644 Utilities/vtklibxml2/include/CVS/Repository
delete mode 100644 Utilities/vtklibxml2/include/CVS/Root
delete mode 100644 Utilities/vtklibxml2/include/libxml/CVS/Entries
delete mode 100644 Utilities/vtklibxml2/include/libxml/CVS/Repository
delete mode 100644 Utilities/vtklibxml2/include/libxml/CVS/Root
delete mode 100644 Utilities/vtknetcdf/CVS/Entries
delete mode 100644 Utilities/vtknetcdf/CVS/Repository
delete mode 100644 Utilities/vtknetcdf/CVS/Root
delete mode 100644 Utilities/vtkzlib/CVS/Entries
delete mode 100644 Utilities/vtkzlib/CVS/Repository
delete mode 100644 Utilities/vtkzlib/CVS/Root
delete mode 100644 binsrc/CVS/Entries
delete mode 100644 binsrc/CVS/Repository
delete mode 100644 binsrc/CVS/Root
delete mode 100644 libsrc/CVS/Entries
delete mode 100644 libsrc/CVS/Repository
delete mode 100644 libsrc/CVS/Root
delete mode 100644 libsrc/test/CVS/Entries
delete mode 100644 libsrc/test/CVS/Repository
delete mode 100644 libsrc/test/CVS/Root
delete mode 100644 libsrc/utils/CVS/Entries
delete mode 100644 libsrc/utils/CVS/Repository
delete mode 100644 libsrc/utils/CVS/Root
delete mode 100644 python/CVS/Entries
delete mode 100644 python/CVS/Repository
delete mode 100644 python/CVS/Root
delete mode 100644 vtk/CVS/Entries
delete mode 100644 vtk/CVS/Repository
delete mode 100644 vtk/CVS/Root
delete mode 100644 vtk/Testing/CVS/Entries
delete mode 100644 vtk/Testing/CVS/Repository
delete mode 100644 vtk/Testing/CVS/Root
delete mode 100644 vtk/Testing/Cxx/CVS/Entries
delete mode 100644 vtk/Testing/Cxx/CVS/Repository
delete mode 100644 vtk/Testing/Cxx/CVS/Root
delete mode 100644 vtk/Testing/Python/CVS/Entries
delete mode 100644 vtk/Testing/Python/CVS/Repository
delete mode 100644 vtk/Testing/Python/CVS/Root
delete mode 100644 vtk/Testing/Tcl/CVS/Entries
delete mode 100644 vtk/Testing/Tcl/CVS/Repository
delete mode 100644 vtk/Testing/Tcl/CVS/Root
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/xdmf.git
More information about the debian-science-commits
mailing list