[opencv] 51/251: dnn: some minor fixes in docs, indentation, unused code
Nobuhiro Iwamatsu
iwamatsu at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Aug 27 23:27:23 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
iwamatsu pushed a commit to annotated tag 3.3.0
in repository opencv.
commit 544908d06c7a9788950b3ee5f2f8eb88fe88cd70
Author: Alexander Alekhin <alexander.alekhin at intel.com>
Date: Fri Jun 30 18:46:00 2017 +0300
dnn: some minor fixes in docs, indentation, unused code
modules/dnn/include/opencv2/dnn.hpp | 2 +-
modules/dnn/include/opencv2/dnn/all_layers.hpp | 25 ++--
modules/dnn/include/opencv2/dnn/dnn.hpp | 198 ++++++++++++-------------
modules/dnn/src/dnn.cpp | 3 -
4 files changed, 113 insertions(+), 115 deletions(-)
diff --git a/modules/dnn/include/opencv2/dnn.hpp b/modules/dnn/include/opencv2/dnn.hpp
index 7bad750..690a82a 100644
--- a/modules/dnn/include/opencv2/dnn.hpp
+++ b/modules/dnn/include/opencv2/dnn.hpp
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
// This is an umbrealla header to include into you project.
// We are free to change headers layout in dnn subfolder, so please include
-// this header for future compartibility
+// this header for future compatibility
/** @defgroup dnn Deep Neural Network module
diff --git a/modules/dnn/include/opencv2/dnn/all_layers.hpp b/modules/dnn/include/opencv2/dnn/all_layers.hpp
index 3e1fbae..4f01227 100644
--- a/modules/dnn/include/opencv2/dnn/all_layers.hpp
+++ b/modules/dnn/include/opencv2/dnn/all_layers.hpp
@@ -152,7 +152,19 @@ CV__DNN_EXPERIMENTAL_NS_BEGIN
int outputNameToIndex(String outputName);
- //! Classical recurrent layer
+ /** @brief Classical recurrent layer
+ Accepts two inputs @f$x_t at f$ and @f$h_{t-1}@f$ and compute two outputs @f$o_t at f$ and @f$h_t at f$.
+ - input: should contain packed input @f$x_t at f$.
+ - output: should contain output @f$o_t at f$ (and @f$h_t at f$ if setProduceHiddenOutput() is set to true).
+ input[0] should have shape [`T`, `N`, `data_dims`] where `T` and `N` is number of timestamps and number of independent samples of @f$x_t at f$ respectively.
+ output[0] will have shape [`T`, `N`, @f$N_o at f$], where @f$N_o at f$ is number of rows in @f$ W_{xo} @f$ matrix.
+ If setProduceHiddenOutput() is set to true then @p output[1] will contain a Mat with shape [`T`, `N`, @f$N_h at f$], where @f$N_h at f$ is number of rows in @f$ W_{hh} @f$ matrix.
+ */
class CV_EXPORTS RNNLayer : public Layer
@@ -180,17 +192,6 @@ CV__DNN_EXPERIMENTAL_NS_BEGIN
virtual void setProduceHiddenOutput(bool produce = false) = 0;
- /** Accepts two inputs @f$x_t at f$ and @f$h_{t-1}@f$ and compute two outputs @f$o_t at f$ and @f$h_t at f$.
- @param input should contain packed input @f$x_t at f$.
- @param output should contain output @f$o_t at f$ (and @f$h_t at f$ if setProduceHiddenOutput() is set to true).
- @p input[0] should have shape [`T`, `N`, `data_dims`] where `T` and `N` is number of timestamps and number of independent samples of @f$x_t at f$ respectively.
- @p output[0] will have shape [`T`, `N`, @f$N_o at f$], where @f$N_o at f$ is number of rows in @f$ W_{xo} @f$ matrix.
- If setProduceHiddenOutput() is set to true then @p output[1] will contain a Mat with shape [`T`, `N`, @f$N_h at f$], where @f$N_h at f$ is number of rows in @f$ W_{hh} @f$ matrix.
- */
class CV_EXPORTS BaseConvolutionLayer : public Layer
diff --git a/modules/dnn/include/opencv2/dnn/dnn.hpp b/modules/dnn/include/opencv2/dnn/dnn.hpp
index 432bcf8..f4369ee 100644
--- a/modules/dnn/include/opencv2/dnn/dnn.hpp
+++ b/modules/dnn/include/opencv2/dnn/dnn.hpp
@@ -371,28 +371,28 @@ CV__DNN_EXPERIMENTAL_NS_BEGIN
/** @brief Runs forward pass to compute output of layer with name @p outputName.
* @param outputName name for layer which output is needed to get
* @return blob for first output of specified layer.
- * @details By default runs forward pass for the whole network.
- */
+ * @details By default runs forward pass for the whole network.
+ */
CV_WRAP Mat forward(const String& outputName = String());
/** @brief Runs forward pass to compute output of layer with name @p outputName.
* @param outputBlobs contains all output blobs for specified layer.
* @param outputName name for layer which output is needed to get
- * @details If @p outputName is empty, runs forward pass for the whole network.
- */
+ * @details If @p outputName is empty, runs forward pass for the whole network.
+ */
CV_WRAP void forward(std::vector<Mat>& outputBlobs, const String& outputName = String());
/** @brief Runs forward pass to compute outputs of layers listed in @p outBlobNames.
* @param outputBlobs contains blobs for first outputs of specified layers.
* @param outBlobNames names for layers which outputs are needed to get
- */
+ */
CV_WRAP void forward(std::vector<Mat>& outputBlobs,
const std::vector<String>& outBlobNames);
/** @brief Runs forward pass to compute outputs of layers listed in @p outBlobNames.
* @param outputBlobs contains all output blobs for each layer specified in @p outBlobNames.
* @param outBlobNames names for layers which outputs are needed to get
- */
+ */
CV_WRAP void forward(std::vector<std::vector<Mat> >& outputBlobs,
const std::vector<String>& outBlobNames);
@@ -460,103 +460,103 @@ CV__DNN_EXPERIMENTAL_NS_BEGIN
CV_WRAP std::vector<int> getUnconnectedOutLayers() const;
/** @brief Returns input and output shapes for all layers in loaded model;
- * preliminary inferencing isn't necessary.
- * @param netInputShapes shapes for all input blobs in net input layer.
- * @param layersIds output parameter for layer IDs.
- * @param inLayersShapes output parameter for input layers shapes;
- * order is the same as in layersIds
- * @param outLayersShapes output parameter for output layers shapes;
- * order is the same as in layersIds
- */
- CV_WRAP void getLayersShapes(const std::vector<MatShape>& netInputShapes,
- std::vector<int>* layersIds,
- std::vector<std::vector<MatShape> >* inLayersShapes,
- std::vector<std::vector<MatShape> >* outLayersShapes) const;
- /** @overload */
- CV_WRAP void getLayersShapes(const MatShape& netInputShape,
- std::vector<int>* layersIds,
- std::vector<std::vector<MatShape> >* inLayersShapes,
- std::vector<std::vector<MatShape> >* outLayersShapes) const;
- /** @brief Returns input and output shapes for layer with specified
- * id in loaded model; preliminary inferencing isn't necessary.
- * @param netInputShape shape input blob in net input layer.
- * @param layerId id for layer.
- * @param inLayerShapes output parameter for input layers shapes;
- * order is the same as in layersIds
- * @param outLayerShapes output parameter for output layers shapes;
- * order is the same as in layersIds
- */
- CV_WRAP void getLayerShapes(const MatShape& netInputShape,
- const int layerId,
- std::vector<MatShape>* inLayerShapes,
- std::vector<MatShape>* outLayerShapes) const;
+ * preliminary inferencing isn't necessary.
+ * @param netInputShapes shapes for all input blobs in net input layer.
+ * @param layersIds output parameter for layer IDs.
+ * @param inLayersShapes output parameter for input layers shapes;
+ * order is the same as in layersIds
+ * @param outLayersShapes output parameter for output layers shapes;
+ * order is the same as in layersIds
+ */
+ CV_WRAP void getLayersShapes(const std::vector<MatShape>& netInputShapes,
+ std::vector<int>* layersIds,
+ std::vector<std::vector<MatShape> >* inLayersShapes,
+ std::vector<std::vector<MatShape> >* outLayersShapes) const;
+ /** @overload */
+ CV_WRAP void getLayersShapes(const MatShape& netInputShape,
+ std::vector<int>* layersIds,
+ std::vector<std::vector<MatShape> >* inLayersShapes,
+ std::vector<std::vector<MatShape> >* outLayersShapes) const;
+ /** @brief Returns input and output shapes for layer with specified
+ * id in loaded model; preliminary inferencing isn't necessary.
+ * @param netInputShape shape input blob in net input layer.
+ * @param layerId id for layer.
+ * @param inLayerShapes output parameter for input layers shapes;
+ * order is the same as in layersIds
+ * @param outLayerShapes output parameter for output layers shapes;
+ * order is the same as in layersIds
+ */
+ CV_WRAP void getLayerShapes(const MatShape& netInputShape,
+ const int layerId,
+ std::vector<MatShape>* inLayerShapes,
+ std::vector<MatShape>* outLayerShapes) const;
- /** @overload */
- CV_WRAP void getLayerShapes(const std::vector<MatShape>& netInputShapes,
+ /** @overload */
+ CV_WRAP void getLayerShapes(const std::vector<MatShape>& netInputShapes,
const int layerId,
std::vector<MatShape>* inLayerShapes,
std::vector<MatShape>* outLayerShapes) const;
- /** @brief Computes FLOP for whole loaded model with specified input shapes.
- * @param netInputShapes vector of shapes for all net inputs.
- * @returns computed FLOP.
- */
- CV_WRAP int64 getFLOPS(const std::vector<MatShape>& netInputShapes) const;
- /** @overload */
- CV_WRAP int64 getFLOPS(const MatShape& netInputShape) const;
- /** @overload */
- CV_WRAP int64 getFLOPS(const int layerId,
- const std::vector<MatShape>& netInputShapes) const;
- /** @overload */
- CV_WRAP int64 getFLOPS(const int layerId,
- const MatShape& netInputShape) const;
- /** @brief Returns list of types for layer used in model.
- * @param layersTypes output parameter for returning types.
- */
- CV_WRAP void getLayerTypes(CV_OUT std::vector<String>& layersTypes) const;
- /** @brief Returns count of layers of specified type.
- * @param layerType type.
- * @returns count of layers
- */
- CV_WRAP int getLayersCount(const String& layerType) const;
- /** @brief Computes bytes number which are requered to store
- * all weights and intermediate blobs for model.
- * @param netInputShapes vector of shapes for all net inputs.
- * @param weights output parameter to store resulting bytes for weights.
- * @param blobs output parameter to store resulting bytes for intermediate blobs.
- */
- CV_WRAP void getMemoryConsumption(const std::vector<MatShape>& netInputShapes,
- CV_OUT size_t& weights, CV_OUT size_t& blobs) const;
- /** @overload */
- CV_WRAP void getMemoryConsumption(const MatShape& netInputShape,
- CV_OUT size_t& weights, CV_OUT size_t& blobs) const;
- /** @overload */
- CV_WRAP void getMemoryConsumption(const int layerId,
- const std::vector<MatShape>& netInputShapes,
- CV_OUT size_t& weights, CV_OUT size_t& blobs) const;
- /** @overload */
- CV_WRAP void getMemoryConsumption(const int layerId,
- const MatShape& netInputShape,
- CV_OUT size_t& weights, CV_OUT size_t& blobs) const;
- /** @brief Computes bytes number which are requered to store
- * all weights and intermediate blobs for each layer.
- * @param netInputShapes vector of shapes for all net inputs.
- * @param layerIds output vector to save layer IDs.
- * @param weights output parameter to store resulting bytes for weights.
- * @param blobs output parameter to store resulting bytes for intermediate blobs.
- */
- CV_WRAP void getMemoryConsumption(const std::vector<MatShape>& netInputShapes,
- CV_OUT std::vector<int>& layerIds, CV_OUT std::vector<size_t>& weights,
- CV_OUT std::vector<size_t>& blobs) const;
- /** @overload */
- CV_WRAP void getMemoryConsumption(const MatShape& netInputShape,
- CV_OUT std::vector<int>& layerIds, CV_OUT std::vector<size_t>& weights,
- CV_OUT std::vector<size_t>& blobs) const;
+ /** @brief Computes FLOP for whole loaded model with specified input shapes.
+ * @param netInputShapes vector of shapes for all net inputs.
+ * @returns computed FLOP.
+ */
+ CV_WRAP int64 getFLOPS(const std::vector<MatShape>& netInputShapes) const;
+ /** @overload */
+ CV_WRAP int64 getFLOPS(const MatShape& netInputShape) const;
+ /** @overload */
+ CV_WRAP int64 getFLOPS(const int layerId,
+ const std::vector<MatShape>& netInputShapes) const;
+ /** @overload */
+ CV_WRAP int64 getFLOPS(const int layerId,
+ const MatShape& netInputShape) const;
+ /** @brief Returns list of types for layer used in model.
+ * @param layersTypes output parameter for returning types.
+ */
+ CV_WRAP void getLayerTypes(CV_OUT std::vector<String>& layersTypes) const;
+ /** @brief Returns count of layers of specified type.
+ * @param layerType type.
+ * @returns count of layers
+ */
+ CV_WRAP int getLayersCount(const String& layerType) const;
+ /** @brief Computes bytes number which are requered to store
+ * all weights and intermediate blobs for model.
+ * @param netInputShapes vector of shapes for all net inputs.
+ * @param weights output parameter to store resulting bytes for weights.
+ * @param blobs output parameter to store resulting bytes for intermediate blobs.
+ */
+ CV_WRAP void getMemoryConsumption(const std::vector<MatShape>& netInputShapes,
+ CV_OUT size_t& weights, CV_OUT size_t& blobs) const;
+ /** @overload */
+ CV_WRAP void getMemoryConsumption(const MatShape& netInputShape,
+ CV_OUT size_t& weights, CV_OUT size_t& blobs) const;
+ /** @overload */
+ CV_WRAP void getMemoryConsumption(const int layerId,
+ const std::vector<MatShape>& netInputShapes,
+ CV_OUT size_t& weights, CV_OUT size_t& blobs) const;
+ /** @overload */
+ CV_WRAP void getMemoryConsumption(const int layerId,
+ const MatShape& netInputShape,
+ CV_OUT size_t& weights, CV_OUT size_t& blobs) const;
+ /** @brief Computes bytes number which are requered to store
+ * all weights and intermediate blobs for each layer.
+ * @param netInputShapes vector of shapes for all net inputs.
+ * @param layerIds output vector to save layer IDs.
+ * @param weights output parameter to store resulting bytes for weights.
+ * @param blobs output parameter to store resulting bytes for intermediate blobs.
+ */
+ CV_WRAP void getMemoryConsumption(const std::vector<MatShape>& netInputShapes,
+ CV_OUT std::vector<int>& layerIds, CV_OUT std::vector<size_t>& weights,
+ CV_OUT std::vector<size_t>& blobs) const;
+ /** @overload */
+ CV_WRAP void getMemoryConsumption(const MatShape& netInputShape,
+ CV_OUT std::vector<int>& layerIds, CV_OUT std::vector<size_t>& weights,
+ CV_OUT std::vector<size_t>& blobs) const;
struct Impl;
diff --git a/modules/dnn/src/dnn.cpp b/modules/dnn/src/dnn.cpp
index 200c150..a371b18 100644
--- a/modules/dnn/src/dnn.cpp
+++ b/modules/dnn/src/dnn.cpp
@@ -969,9 +969,6 @@ struct Net::Impl
- #define CV_RETHROW_ERROR(err, newmsg)\
- cv::error(err.code, newmsg, err.func.c_str(), err.file.c_str(), err.line)
void allocateLayer(int lid, const LayersShapesMap& layersShapes)
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