[cb2bib] 01/14: Merge tag 'upstream/1.9.6'
Filippo Rusconi
lopippo at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Dec 4 14:21:18 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
lopippo pushed a commit to branch master
in repository cb2bib.
commit 2856e03a14fff3d5dc6a5f8a238e4c5852fde89c
Merge: 7774d56 318a212
Author: Filippo Rusconi (Uploading Debian Developer) <lopippo at debian.org>
Date: Tue Jan 24 22:24:38 2017 +0100
Merge tag 'upstream/1.9.6'
Upstream version 1.9.6
CMakeLists.txt.qt4 | 137 -----------
LICENSE | 6 +-
c2bscripts/c2bciter | 2 +-
c2bscripts/c2bciter.desktop | 2 +-
c2bscripts/c2bimport | 2 +-
c2bscripts/cb2bib.desktop | 2 +-
c2btools/bib2pdf | 2 +-
c2btools/isi2bib | 2 +-
c2btools/ris2bib | 2 +-
cmake/README.txt | 34 ---
cmake/modules/FindLZO.cmake | 57 -----
cmake/modules/c2bUtilities.cmake | 30 ---
configure | 50 ++--
data/netqinf.txt | 2 +-
data/references-dark.css | 69 ------
data/references-idea.css | 69 ------
data/references.css | 17 +-
data/tex2html.css | 29 +--
data/tex2html_mathjax_header.html | 8 +
src/CMakeLists.txt | 80 -------
src/bookmarkPlugin.cpp | 7 +-
src/bookmarkPlugin.h | 8 +-
src/c2b.cpp | 9 +-
src/c2b.h | 4 +-
src/c2b/CMakeLists.txt | 16 --
src/c2b/approximatePattern.cpp | 21 +-
src/c2b/approximatePattern.h | 12 +-
src/c2b/authorString.cpp | 4 +-
src/c2b/authorString.h | 4 +-
src/c2b/bibExtractor.cpp | 4 +-
src/c2b/bibExtractor.h | 4 +-
src/c2b/bibParser.cpp | 4 +-
src/c2b/bibParser.h | 4 +-
src/c2b/bibPreparser.cpp | 4 +-
src/c2b/bibPreparser.h | 4 +-
src/c2b/bibReference.h | 4 +-
src/c2b/bibSearcher.cpp | 8 +-
src/c2b/bibSearcher.h | 4 +-
src/c2b/c2blib.qrc | 1 -
src/c2b/cb2bib_conf_parameters.h.in | 4 +-
src/c2b/cb2bib_parameters.h | 50 ++--
src/c2b/cb2bib_utilities.cpp | 4 +-
src/c2b/cb2bib_utilities.h | 4 +-
src/c2b/collectionAnalyzer.cpp | 4 +-
src/c2b/collectionAnalyzer.h | 4 +-
src/c2b/collectionIndex.cpp | 9 +-
src/c2b/collectionIndex.h | 4 +-
src/c2b/compositePattern.cpp | 20 +-
src/c2b/compositePattern.h | 14 +-
src/c2b/coreBibParser.cpp | 4 +-
src/c2b/coreBibParser.h | 4 +-
src/c2b/document.cpp | 4 +-
src/c2b/document.h | 4 +-
src/c2b/documentCache.cpp | 4 +-
src/c2b/documentCache.h | 4 +-
src/c2b/documentContents.h | 4 +-
src/c2b/documentParser.cpp | 4 +-
src/c2b/documentParser.h | 4 +-
src/c2b/heuristicBibParser.cpp | 4 +-
src/c2b/heuristicBibParser.h | 4 +-
src/c2b/htm/tex2html.css | 29 +--
src/c2b/htm/tex2html.html | 13 +-
src/c2b/htm/tex2html_jsmath_head.html | 12 -
src/c2b/idMaker.cpp | 4 +-
src/c2b/idMaker.h | 4 +-
src/c2b/journalDB.cpp | 4 +-
src/c2b/journalDB.h | 4 +-
src/c2b/metadataParser.cpp | 4 +-
src/c2b/metadataParser.h | 4 +-
src/c2b/monthDB.cpp | 4 +-
src/c2b/monthDB.h | 4 +-
src/c2b/network.cpp | 4 +-
src/c2b/network.h | 4 +-
src/c2b/networkQuery.cpp | 4 +-
src/c2b/networkQuery.h | 4 +-
src/c2b/posTagger.cpp | 4 +-
src/c2b/posTagger.h | 4 +-
src/c2b/preprocess.cpp | 4 +-
src/c2b/preprocess.h | 4 +-
src/c2b/pubmedXml.cpp | 4 +-
src/c2b/pubmedXml.h | 4 +-
src/c2b/searchPattern.cpp | 56 ++++-
src/c2b/searchPattern.h | 19 +-
src/c2b/settings.cpp | 63 ++---
src/c2b/settings.h | 4 +-
src/c2b/substringMatcher.cpp | 4 +-
src/c2b/substringMatcher.h | 4 +-
src/c2b/texParser.cpp | 4 +-
src/c2b/texParser.h | 4 +-
src/c2b/texToHtml.cpp | 38 +--
src/c2b/texToHtml.h | 6 +-
src/c2b/triads.cpp | 4 +-
src/c2b/triads.h | 4 +-
src/c2b/wordMatcher.cpp | 4 +-
src/c2b/wordMatcher.h | 4 +-
src/c2b/wordPattern.cpp | 7 +-
src/c2b/wordPattern.h | 4 +-
src/c2bAnnote.cpp | 8 +-
src/c2bAnnote.h | 8 +-
src/c2bBibHighlighter.cpp | 4 +-
src/c2bBibHighlighter.h | 4 +-
src/c2bBibMenu.cpp | 4 +-
src/c2bBibMenu.h | 4 +-
src/c2bBibParser.cpp | 4 +-
src/c2bBibParser.h | 4 +-
src/c2bBibPreparserLog.cpp | 5 +-
src/c2bBibPreparserLog.h | 4 +-
src/c2bCiter.h | 5 +-
src/c2bCiterExcerptView.cpp | 5 +-
src/c2bCiterExcerptView.h | 4 +-
src/c2bCiterHistory.cpp | 4 +-
src/c2bCiterHistory.h | 4 +-
src/c2bCiterModel.cpp | 4 +-
src/c2bCiterModel.h | 4 +-
src/c2bCiterView.cpp | 8 +-
src/c2bCiterView.h | 5 +-
src/c2bCiterWidget.cpp | 5 +-
src/c2bCiterWidget.h | 5 +-
src/c2bClipEdit.cpp | 4 +-
src/c2bClipEdit.h | 4 +-
src/c2bClipboard.cpp | 78 ++-----
src/c2bClipboard.h | 13 +-
src/c2bCollectionIndex.cpp | 5 +-
src/c2bCollectionIndex.h | 4 +-
src/c2bColors.cpp | 4 +-
src/c2bColors.h | 4 +-
src/c2bComboBox.cpp | 4 +-
src/c2bComboBox.h | 4 +-
src/c2bConfigure.cpp | 33 +--
src/c2bConfigure.h | 6 +-
src/c2bConfigure.ui | 350 ++++++++++++++++++++++++----
src/c2bConfigureFR.cpp | 7 +-
src/c2bConfigureFR.h | 4 +-
src/c2bConsole.cpp | 4 +-
src/c2bConsole.h | 4 +-
src/c2bCoreCiter.cpp | 4 +-
src/c2bCoreCiter.h | 4 +-
src/c2bEditor.cpp | 50 ++--
src/c2bEditor.h | 11 +-
src/c2bExport.cpp | 4 +-
src/c2bExport.h | 4 +-
src/c2bExportDialog.cpp | 5 +-
src/c2bExportDialog.h | 4 +-
src/c2bFileDialog.cpp | 22 +-
src/c2bFileDialog.h | 6 +-
src/c2bFileSystemWatcher.cpp | 29 +++
src/c2bFileSystemWatcher.h | 48 ++++
src/c2bHighlighter.cpp | 4 +-
src/c2bHighlighter.h | 4 +-
src/c2bIdLineEdit.cpp | 4 +-
src/c2bIdLineEdit.h | 4 +-
src/c2bLineEdit.cpp | 4 +-
src/c2bLineEdit.h | 4 +-
src/c2bNetworkQuery.cpp | 4 +-
src/c2bNetworkQuery.h | 4 +-
src/c2bNetworkQueryInfo.cpp | 8 +-
src/c2bNetworkQueryInfo.h | 8 +-
src/c2bPdfImport.cpp | 5 +-
src/c2bPdfImport.h | 4 +-
src/c2bPostprocess.cpp | 5 +-
src/c2bPostprocess.h | 4 +-
src/c2bREHighlighter.cpp | 4 +-
src/c2bREHighlighter.h | 4 +-
src/c2bRLWebSearchSettings.cpp | 6 +-
src/c2bRLWebSearchSettings.h | 4 +-
src/c2bReferenceList.cpp | 10 +-
src/c2bReferenceList.h | 4 +-
src/c2bSaveREHighlighter.cpp | 4 +-
src/c2bSaveREHighlighter.h | 4 +-
src/c2bSaveRegExp.cpp | 9 +-
src/c2bSaveRegExp.h | 4 +-
src/c2bSearchInFiles.cpp | 5 +-
src/c2bSearchInFiles.h | 4 +-
src/c2bSearchInFiles.ui | 264 ++++++++++++---------
src/c2bSearchInFilesPattern.cpp | 4 +-
src/c2bSearchInFilesPattern.h | 4 +-
src/c2bSearchInFilesPattern.ui | 139 ++++++-----
src/c2bSearchInFilesPatternEdit.ui | 54 +++--
src/c2bSettings.cpp | 7 +-
src/c2bSettings.h | 4 +-
src/c2bShortcutPushButton.cpp | 4 +-
src/c2bShortcutPushButton.h | 4 +-
src/c2bShortcutWidget.cpp | 4 +-
src/c2bShortcutWidget.h | 4 +-
src/c2bTests.cpp | 24 +-
src/c2bTests.h | 4 +-
src/c2bTextBrowser.cpp | 4 +-
src/c2bTextBrowser.h | 4 +-
src/c2bTextEdit.cpp | 43 ++--
src/c2bTextEdit.h | 5 +-
src/c2bUpdateMetadata.cpp | 5 +-
src/c2bUpdateMetadata.h | 4 +-
src/c2bUtils.cpp | 4 +-
src/c2bUtils.h | 6 +-
src/cb2Bib.cpp | 49 ++--
src/cb2Bib.h | 5 +-
src/cb2Bib.ui | 52 ++++-
src/clipboardPoll.cpp | 2 +-
src/clipboardPoll.h | 2 +-
src/dialog.h | 23 ++
src/findDialog.cpp | 5 +-
src/findDialog.h | 4 +-
src/htm/references-dark.css | 69 ------
src/htm/references-idea.css | 69 ------
src/htm/references.css | 17 +-
src/htm/references.html | 2 +-
src/htm/tex2html_mathjax_header.html | 8 +
src/main.cpp | 31 +--
src/qtsingleapplication/src/qtlocalpeer.cpp | 1 +
src/{ => qweb/engine}/c2bWebBrowser.cpp | 81 ++++---
src/{ => qweb/engine}/c2bWebBrowser.h | 13 +-
src/{ => qweb/kit}/c2bWebBrowser.cpp | 35 +--
src/{ => qweb/kit}/c2bWebBrowser.h | 6 +-
src/src.pro | 73 +++---
src/win/CMakeLists.txt | 15 --
src/win/WinConsole.cpp | 46 ++++
src/win/WinConsole.h | 35 +++
src/win/main.cpp | 12 +-
src/win/win.pro | 3 +-
221 files changed, 1770 insertions(+), 1699 deletions(-)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/cb2bib.git
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