[polyml] branch master updated (1beb061 -> 434acfc)

James Clarke jrtc27 at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Dec 8 17:05:26 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

jrtc27 pushed a change to branch master
in repository polyml.

      from  1beb061   Release 5.7-2 to unstable
      adds  233b8bf   New upstream version 5.7.1~20171120.git44b7b88
      adds  d850830   Updated version 5.7.1~20171120.git44b7b88 from 'upstream/5.7.1_20171120.git44b7b88'
      adds  cbfd440   Open changelog for next release
      adds  46aa3e6   Rename libpolyml8 to libpolyml9 to reflect upstream soname bump
      adds  def1552   Split modules out of libpolyml9 into new polyml-modules
      adds  c0311b6   Drop all patches; fixed upstream
      adds  23314fd   Add new modules-non-executable.patch
      adds  636abe5   Update changelog
      adds  efead1f   Drop unnecessary ${shlibs:Depends} from polyml-modules
      adds  724683d   Document new upstream version closes #880023
      adds  027a42d   Release 5.7.1~20171120.git44b7b88-1 to experimental
      adds  8fe5ebd   New upstream version 5.7.1
       new  e9c7eb3   Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/5.7.1'
       new  256c38c   Open changelog for next release
       new  eb14639   Bump standards version to 4.1.2, no changes needed
       new  8749a6c   Delete unused Test166-deadlock.patch from packaging
       new  9d97cb2   Update changelog
       new  434acfc   Release 5.7.1-1 to unstable

The 6 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 .gitattributes                                     |    17 -
 .gitignore                                         |    47 -
 PolyImp/PolyImport.vcxproj                         |   542 +-
 PolyML.rc                                          |   364 +-
 PolyML.sln                                         |   314 +-
 PolyML/PolyML.vcxproj                              |   938 +-
 PolyPerf/PolyPerf.vcxproj                          |   278 +-
 Root.ML                                            |    13 +-
 Root.ML => RootInterpreted.ML                      |    21 +-
 Tests/Succeed/Test166.ML                           |    12 +-
 Tests/Succeed/Test171.ML                           |    17 +
 Tests/Succeed/Test172.ML                           |     4 +
 Tests/Succeed/Test173.ML                           |    13 +
 basis/Date.sml                                     |    10 +-
 basis/FinalPolyML.560.sml                          |  2213 --
 basis/FinalPolyML.sml                              |    35 +-
 basis/Foreign.sml                                  |    32 +-
 basis/ForeignConstants.sml                         |    14 +-
 basis/ForeignMemory.sml                            |     9 +-
 basis/General.sml                                  |     4 +-
 basis/IEEEReal.sml                                 |     4 +
 basis/InitialBasis.560.ML                          |   525 -
 basis/InitialBasis.ML                              |    32 +-
 basis/InitialPolyML.ML                             |     6 +-
 basis/IntInf.sml                                   |    43 +-
 basis/LibrarySupport.560.sml                       |   216 -
 basis/LibrarySupport.sml                           |    22 +-
 basis/OS.560.sml                                   |  1210 -
 basis/Posix.sml                                    |   124 +-
 basis/Real.sml                                     |    47 +-
 basis/RuntimeCalls.ML                              |    21 -
 basis/Statistics.ML                                |    18 +-
 basis/String.sml                                   |     7 +-
 basis/Time.sml                                     |    15 +-
 basis/Timer.sml                                    |    13 +-
 basis/TopLevelPolyML.sml                           |    15 +-
 basis/build.sml                                    |     3 +-
 basis/ml_bind.sml                                  |    70 -
 configure                                          |    22 +-
 configure.ac                                       |     4 +-
 debian/changelog                                   |    19 +
 debian/control                                     |    32 +-
 debian/libpolyml9.install                          |     1 +
 debian/patches/Test166-deadlock.patch              |    53 -
 debian/patches/modules-non-executable.patch        |    22 +
 debian/patches/series                              |     2 +-
 .../{libpolyml8.install => polyml-modules.install} |     1 -
 debian/shlibs.local                                |     2 +-
 exportPoly.sml                                     |     3 +-
 imports/polymli386.txt                             | 39584 ++++++++++---------
 imports/polymlint.txt                              | 33854 +++++++++-------
 imports/polymlint64.txt                            | 33447 +++++++++-------
 imports/polymlx86_64sysv.txt                       | 30417 +++++++-------
 imports/polymlx86_64win.txt                        | 30679 +++++++-------
 libffi/libffi.vcxproj                              |   748 +-
 libpolymain/PolyMainLib.vcxproj                    |   484 +-
 libpolyml/Makefile.am                              |     4 +-
 libpolyml/Makefile.in                              |     4 +-
 libpolyml/PolyLib.vcxproj                          |  1012 +-
 libpolyml/basicio.cpp                              |     6 +-
 libpolyml/diagnostics.h                            |    26 +-
 libpolyml/elfexport.cpp                            |   393 +-
 libpolyml/elfexport.h                              |     6 +-
 libpolyml/errors.cpp                               |    26 +-
 libpolyml/exporter.cpp                             |    37 +-
 libpolyml/gc.cpp                                   |     4 +-
 libpolyml/gc_copy_phase.cpp                        |     4 +-
 libpolyml/gc_mark_phase.cpp                        |     6 +-
 libpolyml/gc_share_phase.cpp                       |    63 +-
 libpolyml/gc_update_phase.cpp                      |     8 +-
 libpolyml/gctaskfarm.cpp                           |     5 +-
 libpolyml/int_opcodes.h                            |    46 +-
 libpolyml/interpret.cpp                            |   423 +-
 libpolyml/memmgr.cpp                               |    53 +-
 libpolyml/mpoly.cpp                                |     6 +-
 libpolyml/pexport.cpp                              |    16 +-
 libpolyml/poly_specific.cpp                        |   141 +-
 libpolyml/process_env.cpp                          |    68 +-
 libpolyml/processes.cpp                            |   123 +-
 libpolyml/processes.h                              |    11 +-
 libpolyml/quick_gc.cpp                             |     4 +-
 libpolyml/reals.cpp                                |     3 +-
 libpolyml/run_time.cpp                             |   162 +-
 libpolyml/run_time.h                               |    30 +-
 libpolyml/save_vec.h                               |     1 -
 libpolyml/savestate.cpp                            |   143 +-
 libpolyml/scanaddrs.cpp                            |    37 +-
 libpolyml/scanaddrs.h                              |    10 +-
 libpolyml/sharedata.cpp                            |   511 +-
 libpolyml/version.h                                |    10 +-
 libpolyml/x86_dep.cpp                              |    71 +-
 mlsource/BuildAll.sml                              |     2 -
 mlsource/BuildBasis.sml                            |    15 +-
 mlsource/BuildExport.sml                           |     2 -
 mlsource/MLCompiler/Address.ML                     |    53 +-
 mlsource/MLCompiler/CODETREESIG.ML                 |     3 +-
 .../CodeTree/BackendIntermediateCode.sml           |    26 +-
 .../CodeTree/BackendIntermediateCodeSig.sml        |    12 +-
 .../MLCompiler/CodeTree/ByteCode/INTCODECONS.ML    |  2791 +-
 .../CodeTree/ByteCode/INTCODECONSSIG.sml           |    45 +-
 mlsource/MLCompiler/CodeTree/ByteCode/INTGCODE.ML  |   265 +-
 .../CodeTree/ByteCode/ml_bind.interpreted.ML       |     4 +-
 mlsource/MLCompiler/CodeTree/CODETREE.ML           |     6 +-
 .../MLCompiler/CodeTree/CODETREE_FUNCTIONS.sml     |    15 +-
 .../MLCompiler/CodeTree/CODETREE_SIMPLIFIER.sml    |   119 +-
 .../CodeTree/CODETREE_STATIC_LINK_AND_CASES.sml    |   119 +-
 mlsource/MLCompiler/CodeTree/CODE_ARRAY.ML         |   217 +-
 mlsource/MLCompiler/CodeTree/X86Code/ICodeSig.ML   |   240 +-
 .../X86Code/INTSETSIG.sml}                         |    19 +-
 mlsource/MLCompiler/CodeTree/X86Code/IntSet.sml    |   133 +
 .../CodeTree/X86Code/X86ALLOCATEREGISTERSSIG.ML    |    47 +
 .../CodeTree/X86Code/X86AllocateRegisters.ML       |   759 +
 .../MLCompiler/CodeTree/X86Code/X86CODESIG.sml     |    45 +-
 .../CodeTree/X86Code/X86CodetreeToICode.ML         |  3320 +-
 .../MLCompiler/CodeTree/X86Code/X86FOREIGNCALL.sml |    64 +-
 .../X86Code/X86GETCONFLICTSETSIG.ML}               |    30 +-
 .../X86Code/X86ICODEGENERATESIG.ML}                |    28 +-
 .../CodeTree/X86Code/X86ICODETRANSFORMSIG.ML       |    14 +-
 mlsource/MLCompiler/CodeTree/X86Code/X86ICode.ML   |   739 +
 .../CodeTree/X86Code/X86ICodeGetConflictSets.ML    |   280 +
 .../CodeTree/X86Code/X86ICodeIdentifyReferences.ML |  1539 +-
 .../CodeTree/X86Code/X86ICodeToX86Code.ML          |  2278 +-
 .../CodeTree/X86Code/X86ICodeTransform.ML          |  2342 +-
 .../CodeTree/X86Code/X86IDENTIFYREFSSIG.ML         |    50 +-
 .../MLCompiler/CodeTree/X86Code/X86OPTIMISE.ML     |   299 +-
 .../MLCompiler/CodeTree/X86Code/X86OUTPUTCODE.ML   |  3469 +-
 .../CodeTree/X86Code/X86PushRegisters.ML           |  1323 +
 mlsource/MLCompiler/CodeTree/X86Code/ml_bind.ML    |    66 +-
 mlsource/MLCompiler/CodeTree/ml_bind.ML            |    14 +-
 mlsource/MLCompiler/CompilerVersion.sml            |     4 +-
 mlsource/MLCompiler/StronglyConnected.sml          |    20 +-
 mlsource/MLCompiler/TYPE_TREE.ML                   |     9 +-
 mlsource/extra/CInterface/Dispatch.ML              |    11 +-
 poly.1                                             |     2 +-
 polyc.1                                            |     2 +-
 polyimport.1                                       |     2 +-
 polyml.pyp                                         |    32 +-
 polyml.pyp => polymlInterpreted.pyp                |    42 +-
 wininstall/PolyML.wxs                              |    10 +-
 wininstall/polyicon/polyicon.rc                    |   144 +-
 wininstall/polyicon/polyicon.vcxproj               |   306 +-
 142 files changed, 103448 insertions(+), 98086 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 .gitattributes
 delete mode 100644 .gitignore
 copy Root.ML => RootInterpreted.ML (86%)
 create mode 100644 Tests/Succeed/Test171.ML
 create mode 100644 Tests/Succeed/Test172.ML
 create mode 100644 Tests/Succeed/Test173.ML
 delete mode 100644 basis/FinalPolyML.560.sml
 delete mode 100644 basis/InitialBasis.560.ML
 delete mode 100644 basis/LibrarySupport.560.sml
 delete mode 100644 basis/OS.560.sml
 delete mode 100644 basis/RuntimeCalls.ML
 delete mode 100644 basis/ml_bind.sml
 create mode 100644 debian/libpolyml9.install
 delete mode 100644 debian/patches/Test166-deadlock.patch
 create mode 100644 debian/patches/modules-non-executable.patch
 rename debian/{libpolyml8.install => polyml-modules.install} (59%)
 copy mlsource/MLCompiler/{FOREIGNCALLSIG.sml => CodeTree/X86Code/INTSETSIG.sml} (58%)
 create mode 100644 mlsource/MLCompiler/CodeTree/X86Code/IntSet.sml
 create mode 100644 mlsource/MLCompiler/CodeTree/X86Code/X86ALLOCATEREGISTERSSIG.ML
 create mode 100644 mlsource/MLCompiler/CodeTree/X86Code/X86AllocateRegisters.ML
 copy mlsource/MLCompiler/{PRINTTABLESIG.sml => CodeTree/X86Code/X86GETCONFLICTSETSIG.ML} (58%)
 copy mlsource/MLCompiler/{PRINTTABLESIG.sml => CodeTree/X86Code/X86ICODEGENERATESIG.ML} (51%)
 create mode 100644 mlsource/MLCompiler/CodeTree/X86Code/X86ICode.ML
 create mode 100644 mlsource/MLCompiler/CodeTree/X86Code/X86ICodeGetConflictSets.ML
 copy mlsource/MLCompiler/CodeTree/X86Code/{X86ICODETRANSFORMSIG.ML => X86PUSHREGISTERSIG.ML} (56%)
 create mode 100644 mlsource/MLCompiler/CodeTree/X86Code/X86PushRegisters.ML
 copy polyml.pyp => polymlInterpreted.pyp (85%)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/polyml.git

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