[ngspice] branch master created (now b664f7e)

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Tue Dec 12 14:08:38 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tille pushed a change to branch master
in repository ngspice.

        at  b664f7e   Priority: extra -> optional

This branch includes the following new commits:

       new  06664f7   Creating trunk directory
       new  b0f1c76   [svn-inject] Applying Debian modifications to trunk
       new  0704752   Preparing for version 19
       new  38ea0fe   Version 19 ready for upload.
       new  97aeb38   Fixed get-orig-source target
       new  b9f11f5   version 19 ready for upload
       new  6b1d613   Added dependency on quilt, now it is ready for upload
       new  23b6fac   Added tag to allow autobuilding of non-free software, version 19-2
       new  c820ec0   Version 19-2 ready for upload
       new  2f07802   Fixed some lintian warnings
       new  9cd9b4b   Version 20-1 ready for upload.
       new  374a688   Corrected the Vcs fields.
       new  9df5cd1   Group maintenance in Debian Science team
       new  7dd8c0f   * New upstream release * Bump standards version to 3.9.0 * Rewrite get-orig-source * Switch to dpkg-source 3.0 (quilt) format
       new  44bec1c   Switch to dpkg-source 3.0 (quilt) format. Minor fix get-orig-source target
       new  42b41bd   * Add dependency on lyx, elyxer and texlive-lang-greek * Fix compilation of doc in rules file
       new  7466e81   * Add build dependency on lyx, elyxer and texlive-full * Add build dependency on imagemagick * Remove machine generated file src/frontend/parse-bison.c   in clean target * Remove README.source * Remove all patches, fixed in upstream
       new  153def7   Fix a few lintian warnings
       new  f3472a5   * New upstream release * Source package renamed to ngspice * Add patches 01_fix_manpages 02_fix_spelling * Change/fix get-orig-source target
       new  f729dd4   Added patches to svn
       new  4c368d2   Minor changes to get-orig-source target.
       new  5e32485   * Add overrides files * Made the extended description of tclspice a bit longer
       new  136c9b6   Fix watch file, look for ngspice instead of ng-spice-rework
       new  576cd64   * New upstream release * Change standards version to 3.9.2 * Change debhelper dependency to 8 * Add a line to rules to remove dependency_libs field from tclspice-dev * Remove override files * Create build-arch and build-indep targets
       new  bdcb6bc   Removed lines to install override files from rules file.
       new  7ae4156   Add patch 02_fix_spelling
       new  5f4abb4   Change texlive dependencies to texlive, texlive-latex-extra, texlive-lang-greek
       new  f011078   * New upstream release * Bump standards version to 3.9.3 * Move /usr/lib/spice to /usr/lib/ngspice   and /usr/lib/tcltk to /usr/lib/tcltk/ngspice   reflecting changes in upstream * Move install of tclspice prior to ngspice, both will install spinit but   the one from ngspice is the correct. * Add tclspice binary dependency on ngspice * Remove all patches. Fixed in upstream.
       new  a12e967   Remove patch 02_fix_spelling.patch. Fixed in upstream
       new  1a0c493   * Refreshed patch 01_fix_manpages * Create patch 02_fix_tcl_examples
       new  9262a90   Add 02_fix_tcl_examples.patch
       new  09e34eb   * Exclude .tcl and .cir files in examples from compression * Change configure parameters * Change readline dependency to libedit-dev * Make tcl examples executable * Add src/xspice/examples to ngspice examples * Remove tclspice-dev package and move content to tclspice * Started making copyright file machine readable, not finished XXXXXXX
       new  0263286   Add Break and Replaces on tclspice-dev * Make tclspice examples executable
       new  6e149c4   Minor fixes executable modes to files in examples.
       new  83df2c9   Add manpage for cmpp. Not finished XXXXXXXXXXXxxx
       new  7dfd4d3   Worked on the copyright file, not finished.
       new  0309a93   Updated the copyright file. Not finished.
       new  2197156   Copyright file more or less finished.
       new  8d777c5   Remove examples/TransImpedanceAmp and exampless/tclspice\tcl-testbench3 because of incompatiple licenses
       new  f09f50b   Removing files with incorrect licenses in get-orig-source
       new  cb6a80a   Started making copyright file machine readable, not finished
       new  470e088   * Started making copyright file machine readable *
       new  4f6fc84   Add manpage for cmpp, ngmakeidx and  ngproc2mod
       new  7d8066d   Minor fixes.
       new  476101b   * Add install-indep/arch stansas to rules file * Add dependency on texlive-generic-recommended * Add Build-Depends-Indep to control file
       new  161a2f5   * New upstream release * Bump standards version to 3.9.4 * Make VCS field canonical * Add patch 03_fix_compilation.patch
       new  4b0c135   * New upstream release (Closes: #706821) * Change tcl version to 8.6 * Add pdf manual
       new  b0c08ef   Remove DM-upload line from control
       new  aaf4344   * Remove part of patch, wish8.4 changed back to wish for tclspice examples * Add patch 03_fix_compilation.patch   (Thanks to Robert Larice) * Remove stripping of codemodel files * Add -BLT and -ltcl8.6 to configure for tclspice.   Needed by libtclspice
       new  df17c5b   Remove ps manual
       new  70f583d   Removed lyx --export ps from rules file.
       new  54bb630   * Bump standards version to 3.9.5 * Remove hardening wrapper and exchange for dpkg-buildflags
       new  0e91915   Change to unstable.
       new  dcb9040   Add dependency on libfftw3-dev
       new  fe31aeb   * Change userdir for lyx (Closes: #813119) * Change standards version to 3.9.7, no changes needed * Add hardening +all * Change vcs browser field from http to https * Fix copyright file * Add patch 03_fix_spelling
       new  edee69c   * Non-maintainer upload. * Run lyx with a temporary -userdir to not rely on $HOME, thanks to   Johann Klammer.  (Closes: #813119)
       new  5faa379   * Change standards version to 4.0.1, no changes needed * Add hardening +all * Change vcs browser field from http to https * Remove adms from source, licensing issues * Fix copyright file * Add patch 03_fix_spelling * Change compat level to 9
       new  9ce1a65   Reinsert adms. Problematic files have already been removed.
       new  0a9dd2e   Fixes to rules file and copyright.
       new  00bbf5f   Moved packaging from SVN to Git
       new  b664f7e   Priority: extra -> optional

The 61 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/ngspice.git

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