[qwtplot3d] 31/39: Add symbols file.

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Mon Dec 25 10:30:04 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tille pushed a commit to branch master
in repository qwtplot3d.

commit f0da2284197ab3e897f9f5d1bb118c27a541d1bd
Author: Gudjon I. Gudjonsson <gudjon at gudjon.org>
Date:   Mon Dec 11 19:59:55 2017 +0000

    Add symbols file.
 debian/libqwtplot3d-qt4-0v5.symbols | 598 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 debian/libqwtplot3d-qt5-0.symbols   | 606 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 1204 insertions(+)

diff --git a/debian/libqwtplot3d-qt4-0v5.symbols b/debian/libqwtplot3d-qt4-0v5.symbols
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1133dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libqwtplot3d-qt4-0v5.symbols
@@ -0,0 +1,598 @@
+# SymbolsHelper-Confirmed: 0.2.7 amd64
+libqwtplot3d-qt4.so.0 libqwtplot3d-qt4-0v5 #MINVER#
+ _Z23qStringComparisonHelperRK7QStringPKc at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZN5QListI10QByteArrayE13detach_helperEi at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZN5QListI7QStringE18detach_helper_growEii at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZN5QListI7QStringE6appendERKS0_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D10Enrichment6assignERKNS_6Plot3DE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D10Enrichment7drawEndEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D10Enrichment9drawBeginEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11ColorLegend12setAutoScaleEb at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11ColorLegend12setTitleFontERK7QStringiib at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11ColorLegend14setOrientationENS0_11ORIENTATIONENS0_13SCALEPOSITIONE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11ColorLegend14setRelPositionENS_5TupleES1_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11ColorLegend14setTitleStringERK7QString at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11ColorLegend19setGeometryInternalEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11ColorLegend4drawEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11ColorLegend8setScaleENS_9SCALETYPEE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11ColorLegend8setScaleEPNS_5ScaleE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11ColorLegend9setLimitsEdd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11ColorLegend9setMajorsEi at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11ColorLegend9setMinorsEi at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11ColorLegendC1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11ColorLegendC2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11ColorLegendD0Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11ColorLegendD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11ColorLegendD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11GridMapping13restrictRangeERKNS_14ParallelEpipedE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11GridMapping7setMeshEjj at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11GridMapping9setDomainEdddd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11GridMappingC1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11GridMappingC2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11GridMappingD0Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11GridMappingD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11GridMappingD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11LinearScale9autoscaleERdS1_ddi at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11LinearScale9calculateEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11LinearScaleD0Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11LinearScaleD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11LinearScaleD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot10createDataEv at Base 0.2.7
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+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot11Data2FloorGEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot11calcNormalsERNS_8GridDataE at Base 0.2.7
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+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot11createDataGEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot11qt_metacallEN11QMetaObject4CallEiPPv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot11qt_metacastEPKc at Base 0.2.7
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+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot13calculateHullEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot13setResolutionEi at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot13updateNormalsEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot14createNormalsCEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot14createNormalsGEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot15Isolines2FloorCEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot15Isolines2FloorGEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot15createFloorDataEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot15setNormalLengthEd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot16createEnrichmentERNS_10EnrichmentE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot16createFloorDataCEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot16createFloorDataGEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot16setNormalQualityEi at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot16staticMetaObjectE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot17resolutionChangedEi at Base 0.2.7
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+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot19setColorFromVertexGEiib at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot6readInERNS_8GridDataEPPNS_6TripleEjj at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot6readInERNS_8GridDataEPPdjjdddd at Base 0.2.7
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+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlotC2EP7QWidgetPK9QGLWidget at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlotD0Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlotD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlotD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D12NativeReader11collectInfoERP8_IO_FILERK7QStringRjS7_RdS8_S8_S8_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D12NativeReader11magicstringE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D12NativeReaderC1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D12NativeReaderC2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D12NativeReaderD0Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D12NativeReaderD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D12NativeReaderD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D12NativeReaderclEPNS_6Plot3DERK7QString at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D12PixmapWriter10setQualityEi at Base 0.2.7
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+ _ZN5Qwt3D12PixmapWriterD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D12PixmapWriterD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D12PixmapWriterclEPNS_6Plot3DERK7QString at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D12VectorWriter11setTextModeENS0_8TEXTMODEE7QString at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D12VectorWriter13setCompressedEb at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D12VectorWriter9setFormatERK7QString at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D12VectorWriterC1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D12VectorWriterC2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D12VectorWriterD0Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D12VectorWriterD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D12VectorWriterD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D12VectorWriterclEPNS_6Plot3DERK7QString at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D12convexhull2dERSt6vectorIjSaIjEERKS0_INS_5TupleESaIS4_EE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D13StandardColor12createVectorERSt6vectorINS_4RGBAESaIS2_EE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D13StandardColor14setColorVectorERKSt6vectorINS_4RGBAESaIS2_EE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D13StandardColor5resetEj at Base 0.2.7
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+ _ZN5Qwt3D13StandardColorC2EPNS_6Plot3DEj at Base 0.2.7
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+ _ZN5Qwt3D13StandardColorD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D13StandardColorD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D14GLStateBewarerD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D14GLStateBewarerD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D14drawDeviceTextEPKcS1_iNS_6TripleENS_4RGBAENS_6ANCHOREd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D15tesselationSizeERKSt6vectorIS0_IjSaIjEESaIS2_EE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem10chooseAxesEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem11setPositionENS_6TripleES1_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem12adjustLabelsEi at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem12setAutoScaleEb at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem12setAxesColorENS_4RGBAE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem12setGridLinesEbbi at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem12setLabelFontERK5QFont at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem12setLabelFontERK7QStringiib at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem12setLineWidthEddd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem12setTicLengthEdd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem13adjustNumbersEi at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem13setLabelColorENS_4RGBAE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem13setNumberFontERK5QFont at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem13setNumberFontERK7QStringiib at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem14setNumberColorENS_4RGBAE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem16setStandardScaleEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem18drawMajorGridLinesERNS_4AxisES2_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem18drawMajorGridLinesEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem18drawMinorGridLinesERNS_4AxisES2_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem18drawMinorGridLinesEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem19recalculateAxesTicsEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem23autoDecorateExposedAxisERNS_4AxisEb at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem4drawEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem4initENS_6TripleES1_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem7destroyEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem8setStyleENS_10COORDSTYLEENS_4AXISES2_S2_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystemC1ENS_6TripleES1_NS_10COORDSTYLEE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystemC2ENS_6TripleES1_NS_10COORDSTYLEE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystemD0Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystemD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystemD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16LinearAutoScaler11anchorvalueEddi at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16LinearAutoScaler4initEddi at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16LinearAutoScaler7executeERdS1_ddi at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16LinearAutoScaler8segmentsERiS1_ddddi at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16LinearAutoScalerC1ERSt6vectorIdSaIdEE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16LinearAutoScalerC1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16LinearAutoScalerC2ERSt6vectorIdSaIdEE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16LinearAutoScalerC2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16LinearAutoScalerD0Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16LinearAutoScalerD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16LinearAutoScalerD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16drawDevicePixelsEiijjPKv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D17ParametricSurface11setPeriodicEbb at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D17ParametricSurface6assignEPNS_11SurfacePlotE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D17ParametricSurface6assignERNS_11SurfacePlotE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D17ParametricSurface6createERNS_11SurfacePlotE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D17ParametricSurface6createEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D17ParametricSurfaceC1EPNS_11SurfacePlotE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D17ParametricSurfaceC1ERNS_11SurfacePlotE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D17ParametricSurfaceC1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D17ParametricSurfaceC2EPNS_11SurfacePlotE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D17ParametricSurfaceC2ERNS_11SurfacePlotE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D17ParametricSurfaceC2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D18setDeviceLineWidthEf at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D18setDevicePointSizeEf at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D22setDevicePolygonOffsetEff at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO10add_uniqueERSt6vectorINS0_5EntryESaIS2_EERKS2_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO12inputHandlerERK7QString at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO12setupHandlerEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO13FormatCompareC1ERKNS0_5EntryE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO13FormatCompareC2ERKNS0_5EntryE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO13FormatCompareclERKNS0_5EntryE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO13outputHandlerERK7QString at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO14FormatCompare2C1E7QString at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO14FormatCompare2C2E7QString at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO14FormatCompare2clERKNS0_5EntryE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO15inputFormatListEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO16outputFormatListEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO18defineInputHandlerERK7QStringPFbPNS_6Plot3DES3_E at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO18defineInputHandlerERK7QStringRKNS0_7FunctorE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO19defineOutputHandlerERK7QStringPFbPNS_6Plot3DES3_E at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO19defineOutputHandlerERK7QStringRKNS0_7FunctorE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO4findERSt6vectorINS0_5EntryESaIS2_EERK7QString at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO4loadEPNS_6Plot3DERK7QStringS5_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO4saveEPNS_6Plot3DERK7QStringS5_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO5EntryC1ERK7QStringPFbPNS_6Plot3DES4_E at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO5EntryC1ERK7QStringRKNS0_7FunctorE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO5EntryC1ERKS1_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO5EntryC1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO5EntryC2ERK7QStringPFbPNS_6Plot3DES4_E at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO5EntryC2ERK7QStringRKNS0_7FunctorE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO5EntryC2ERKS1_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO5EntryC2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO5EntryD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO5EntryD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO5EntryaSERKS1_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO5rlistEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO5wlistEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO7WrapperD0Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO7WrapperD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO7WrapperD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO7WrapperclEPNS_6Plot3DERK7QString at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D3Dot4drawERKNS_6TripleE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D3Dot7drawEndEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D3Dot9configureEdb at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D3Dot9drawBeginEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D3DotC1Edb at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D3DotC1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D3DotC2Edb at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D3DotC2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D3DotD0Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D3DotD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D3DotD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis11setPositionERKNS_6TripleES3_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis12drawTicLabelENS_6TripleEi at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis12setLabelFontERK5QFont at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis12setLabelFontERK7QStringiib at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis12setLineWidthEddd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis12setTicLengthEdd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis13setLabelColorENS_4RGBAE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis13setNumberFontERK5QFont at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis13setNumberFontERK7QStringiib at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis14setLabelStringERK7QString at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis14setNumberColorENS_4RGBAE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis15recalculateTicsEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis16setLabelPositionERKNS_6TripleENS_6ANCHORE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis17setTicOrientationERKNS_6TripleE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis17setTicOrientationEddd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis18prepTicCalculationERNS_6TripleE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis19biggestNumberStringEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis4drawEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis4initEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis7drawTicENS_6TripleEd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis8drawBaseEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis8drawTicsEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis8setScaleENS_9SCALETYPEE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis8setScaleEPNS_5ScaleE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis9drawLabelEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis9setMajorsEi at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis9setMinorsEi at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4AxisC1ENS_6TripleES1_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4AxisC1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4AxisC2ENS_6TripleES1_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4AxisC2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4AxisD0Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4AxisD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4AxisD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Cone4drawERKNS_6TripleE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Cone9configureEdj at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4ConeC1Edj at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4ConeC1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4ConeC2Edj at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4ConeC2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4ConeD0Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4ConeD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4ConeD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5Arrow12calcRotationERNS_6TripleERKNS_10FreeVectorE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5Arrow4drawERKNS_6TripleE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5Arrow9configureEiddd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5ArrowC1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5ArrowC2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5ArrowD0Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5ArrowD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5ArrowD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5GL2QtEddd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5Label11setPositionENS_6TripleENS_6ANCHORE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5Label12devicefonts_E at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5Label14convert2screenEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5Label14setRelPositionENS_5TupleENS_6ANCHORE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5Label14useDeviceFontsEb at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5Label4drawEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5Label4initERK7QStringiib at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5Label4initEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5Label6adjustEi at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5Label6updateEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5Label7setFontERK7QStringiib at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5Label8setColorENS_4RGBAE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5Label8setColorEdddd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5Label9setStringERK7QString at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5LabelC1ERK7QStringiib at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5LabelC1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5LabelC2ERK7QStringiib at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5LabelC2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5LabelD0Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5LabelD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5LabelD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5Qt2GLE6QColor at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5Scale14setMajorLimitsEdd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5Scale9autoscaleERdS1_ddi at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5Scale9setLimitsEdd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5Scale9setMajorsEi at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5Scale9setMinorsEi at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5ScaleC1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5ScaleC2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5ScaleD0Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5ScaleD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5ScaleD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D10applyLightEj at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D10illuminateEj at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D10savePixmapERK7QStringS3_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D10saveVectorERK7QStringS3_NS_12VectorWriter8TEXTMODEENS4_8SORTMODEE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D10setShadingENS_12SHADINGSTYLEE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D10updateDataEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D10wheelEventEP11QWheelEvent at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D11applyLightsEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D11assignMouseENS_10MouseStateES1_S1_S1_S1_S1_S1_S1_S1_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D11enableMouseEb at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D11qt_metacallEN11QMetaObject4CallEiPPv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D11qt_metacastEPKc at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D11setIsolinesEi at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D11setKeySpeedEddd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D11setRotationEddd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D11zoomChangedEd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D12disableMouseEb at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D12initializeGLEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D12renderPixmapEiib at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D12scaleChangedEddd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D12setDataColorEPNS_5ColorE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D12setMeshColorENS_4RGBAE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D12setPlotStyleENS_9PLOTSTYLEE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D12setPlotStyleERKNS_10EnrichmentE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D12setShininessEd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D12setTitleFontERK7QStringiib at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D12shiftChangedEddd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D13addEnrichmentERKNS_10EnrichmentE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D13keyPressEventEP9QKeyEvent at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D13setLightShiftEdddj at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D13setScaleMouseENS_10MouseStateEd6QPoint at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D13setShiftMouseENS_10MouseStateEd6QPoint at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D14assignKeyboardENS_13KeyboardStateES1_S1_S1_S1_S1_S1_S1_S1_S1_S1_S1_S1_S1_S1_S1_S1_S1_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D14enableKeyboardEb at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D14enableLightingEb at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D14mouseMoveEventEP11QMouseEvent at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D15disableKeyboardEb at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D15disableLightingEb at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D15mousePressEventEP11QMouseEvent at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D15rotationChangedEddd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D15showColorLegendEb at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D16createEnrichmentERNS_10EnrichmentE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D16setLightRotationEdddj at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D16setMeshLineWidthEd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D16setPolygonOffsetEd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D16setRotationMouseENS_10MouseStateEd6QPoint at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D16setScaleKeyboardENS_13KeyboardStateEd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D16setShiftKeyboardENS_13KeyboardStateEd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D16setTitlePositionEddNS_6ANCHORE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D16setViewportShiftEdd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D16staticMetaObjectE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D17createEnrichmentsEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D17mouseReleaseEventEP11QMouseEvent at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D17projectionChangedEb at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D17setLightComponentEjddddj at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D17setLightComponentEjdj at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D18setBackgroundColorENS_4RGBAE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D18setCoordinateStyleENS_10COORDSTYLEE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D19setRotationKeyboardENS_13KeyboardStateEd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D19vieportShiftChangedEdd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D20setMaterialComponentEjd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D20setMaterialComponentEjdddd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D22createCoordinateSystemENS_6TripleES1_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D22createCoordinateSystemEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D4saveERK7QStringS3_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D7blowoutEj at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D7degradeEPNS_10EnrichmentE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D7paintGLEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D7setZoomEd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D8resizeGLEii at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D8setOrthoEb at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D8setScaleEddd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D8setShiftEddd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3DC1EP7QWidgetPK9QGLWidget at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3DC2EP7QWidgetPK9QGLWidget at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3DD0Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3DD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3DD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8CellData5clearEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8CellDataD0Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8CellDataD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8CellDataD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8CellDataclEjj at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8Drawable11saveGLStateEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8Drawable14ViewPort2WorldENS_6TripleEPb at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8Drawable14World2ViewPortENS_6TripleEPb at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8Drawable14restoreGLStateEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8Drawable16relativePositionENS_6TripleE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8Drawable4drawEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8Drawable6EnableEjh at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8Drawable6attachEPS0_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8Drawable6detachEPS0_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8Drawable8setColorENS_4RGBAE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8Drawable8setColorEdddd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8Drawable9detachAllEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8DrawableD0Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8DrawableD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8DrawableD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8Function6assignEPNS_11SurfacePlotE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8Function6assignERNS_11SurfacePlotE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8Function6createERNS_11SurfacePlotE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8Function6createEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8Function7setMaxZEd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8Function7setMinZEd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8FunctionC1EPNS_11SurfacePlotE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8FunctionC1ERNS_11SurfacePlotE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8FunctionC1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8FunctionC2EPNS_11SurfacePlotE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8FunctionC2ERNS_11SurfacePlotE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8FunctionC2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8GridData5clearEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8GridData7setSizeEjj at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8GridDataC1Ejj at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8GridDataC1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8GridDataC2Ejj at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8GridDataC2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8GridDataD0Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8GridDataD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8GridDataD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8LogScale12setupCounterERdRi at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8LogScale9calculateEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8LogScale9setMinorsEi at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8LogScaleC1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8LogScaleC2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8LogScaleD0Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8LogScaleD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8LogScaleD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D9CrossHair4drawERKNS_6TripleE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D9CrossHair7drawEndEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D9CrossHair9configureEddbb at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D9CrossHair9drawBeginEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D9CrossHairC1Eddbb at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D9CrossHairC1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D9CrossHairC2Eddbb at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D9CrossHairC2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D9CrossHairD0Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D9CrossHairD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D9CrossHairD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D11LinearScale5cloneEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot10metaObjectEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot6facetsEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D12NativeReader5cloneEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D12PixmapWriter5cloneEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D12VectorWriter5cloneEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D13StandardColorclEddd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D16LinearAutoScaler5cloneEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D16VertexEnrichment4typeEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D2IO7Wrapper5cloneEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D3Dot5cloneEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D4Cone5cloneEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D5Arrow5cloneEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D5ColorclERKNS_6TripleE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D5Label5widthEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D5Label6heightEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D5Scale8ticLabelEj at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D6Plot3D10metaObjectEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D6Plot3D12mouseEnabledEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D6Plot3D15keyboardEnabledEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D6Plot3D15lightingEnabledEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D6Plot3D8keySpeedERdS1_S1_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D6TripleneES0_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D7Mapping4nameEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D8CellData5emptyEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D8GridData4rowsEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D8GridData5emptyEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D8GridData7columnsEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D8LogScale5cloneEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D8LogScale8ticLabelEj at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D9CrossHair5cloneEv at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZNSt6vectorIN5Qwt3D2IO5EntryESaIS2_EE19_M_emplace_back_auxIJRKS2_EEEvDpOT_ at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZNSt6vectorIN5Qwt3D2IO5EntryESaIS2_EED1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZNSt6vectorIN5Qwt3D2IO5EntryESaIS2_EED2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZNSt6vectorIN5Qwt3D4RGBAESaIS1_EEaSERKS3_ at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZNSt6vectorIN5Qwt3D5LabelESaIS1_EE17_M_default_appendEm at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZNSt6vectorIN5Qwt3D5LabelESaIS1_EED1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZNSt6vectorIN5Qwt3D5LabelESaIS1_EED2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZNSt6vectorIN5Qwt3D6TripleESaIS1_EE12emplace_backIJS1_EEEvDpOT_ at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZNSt6vectorIN5Qwt3D6TripleESaIS1_EE19_M_emplace_back_auxIJS1_EEEvDpOT_ at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZNSt6vectorIN5Qwt3D6TripleESaIS1_EEaSERKS3_ at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZNSt6vectorIS_IPdSaIS0_EESaIS2_EED1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZNSt6vectorIS_IPdSaIS0_EESaIS2_EED2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZNSt6vectorIS_IjSaIjEESaIS1_EEaSERKS3_ at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZNSt6vectorIdSaIdEE19_M_emplace_back_auxIJRKdEEEvDpOT_ at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZNSt6vectorIdSaIdEEaSERKS1_ at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZNSt6vectorIjSaIjEE17_M_default_appendEm at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZNSt6vectorIjSaIjEE19_M_emplace_back_auxIJjEEEvDpOT_ at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZNSt6vectorIjSaIjEEaSERKS1_ at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZSt9__find_ifIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPN5Qwt3D2IO5EntryESt6vectorIS4_SaIS4_EEEENS0_5__ops10_Iter_predINS3_13FormatCompareEEEET_SE_SE_T0_St26random_access_iterator_tag at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZSt9__find_ifIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPN5Qwt3D2IO5EntryESt6vectorIS4_SaIS4_EEEENS0_5__ops10_Iter_predINS3_14FormatCompare2EEEET_SE_SE_T0_St26random_access_iterator_tag at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D10AutoScalerE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D10EnrichmentE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D11ColorLegendE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D11GridMappingE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D11LinearScaleE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlotE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D12NativeReaderE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D12PixmapWriterE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D12VectorWriterE at Base 0.2.7
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+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D16LinearAutoScalerE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D16VertexEnrichmentE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D17ParametricSurfaceE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D2IO7FunctorE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D2IO7WrapperE at Base 0.2.7
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+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D4AxisE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D4ConeE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D4DataE at Base 0.2.7
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+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D5LabelE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D5ScaleE at Base 0.2.7
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+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D7MappingE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D8CellDataE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D8DrawableE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D8FunctionE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D8GridDataE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D8LogScaleE at Base 0.2.7
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+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D10AutoScalerE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D10EnrichmentE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D11ColorLegendE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D11GridMappingE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D11LinearScaleE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlotE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D12NativeReaderE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D12PixmapWriterE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D12VectorWriterE at Base 0.2.7
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+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystemE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D16LinearAutoScalerE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D16VertexEnrichmentE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D17ParametricSurfaceE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D2IO7FunctorE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D2IO7WrapperE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D3DotE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D4AxisE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D4ConeE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D4DataE at Base 0.2.7
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+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D7MappingE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D8CellDataE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D8DrawableE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D8FunctionE at Base 0.2.7
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+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D11GridMappingE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D11LinearScaleE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlotE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D12NativeReaderE at Base 0.2.7
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+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D12VectorWriterE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D13StandardColorE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystemE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D16LinearAutoScalerE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D17ParametricSurfaceE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D2IO7WrapperE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D3DotE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D4AxisE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D4ConeE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D5ArrowE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D5LabelE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D5ScaleE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D6Plot3DE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D8CellDataE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D8DrawableE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D8FunctionE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D8GridDataE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D8LogScaleE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D9CrossHairE at Base 0.2.7
+ gl2psBeginPage at Base 0.2.7
+ gl2psBeginViewport at Base 0.2.7
+ gl2psBlendFunc at Base 0.2.7
+ gl2psDisable at Base 0.2.7
+ gl2psDrawImageMap at Base 0.2.7
+ gl2psDrawPixels at Base 0.2.7
+ gl2psEnable at Base 0.2.7
+ gl2psEndPage at Base 0.2.7
+ gl2psEndViewport at Base 0.2.7
+ gl2psGetFileExtension at Base 0.2.7
+ gl2psGetFormatDescription at Base 0.2.7
+ gl2psLineWidth at Base 0.2.7
+ gl2psPointSize at Base 0.2.7
+ gl2psSetOptions at Base 0.2.7
+ gl2psSpecial at Base 0.2.7
+ gl2psText at Base 0.2.7
+ gl2psTextOpt at Base 0.2.7
+ (c++)"non-virtual thunk to Qwt3D::Plot3D::~Plot3D()@Base" 0.2.7
+ (c++)"non-virtual thunk to Qwt3D::SurfacePlot::~SurfacePlot()@Base" 0.2.7
diff --git a/debian/libqwtplot3d-qt5-0.symbols b/debian/libqwtplot3d-qt5-0.symbols
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c659cd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libqwtplot3d-qt5-0.symbols
@@ -0,0 +1,606 @@
+# SymbolsHelper-Confirmed: 0.2.7 amd64
+libqwtplot3d-qt5.so.0 libqwtplot3d-qt5-0 #MINVER#
+ _ZN10QByteArrayD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN10QByteArrayD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZN5QListI10QByteArrayE13detach_helperEi at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZN5QListI10QByteArrayED1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZN5QListI10QByteArrayED2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZN5QListI7QStringE18detach_helper_growEii at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZN5QListI7QStringE6appendERKS0_ at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZN5QListI7QStringED1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZN5QListI7QStringED2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D10Enrichment6assignERKNS_6Plot3DE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D10Enrichment7drawEndEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D10Enrichment9drawBeginEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11ColorLegend12setAutoScaleEb at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11ColorLegend12setTitleFontERK7QStringiib at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11ColorLegend14setOrientationENS0_11ORIENTATIONENS0_13SCALEPOSITIONE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11ColorLegend14setRelPositionENS_5TupleES1_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11ColorLegend14setTitleStringERK7QString at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11ColorLegend19setGeometryInternalEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11ColorLegend4drawEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11ColorLegend8setScaleENS_9SCALETYPEE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11ColorLegend8setScaleEPNS_5ScaleE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11ColorLegend9setLimitsEdd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11ColorLegend9setMajorsEi at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11ColorLegend9setMinorsEi at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11ColorLegendC1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11ColorLegendC2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11ColorLegendD0Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11ColorLegendD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11ColorLegendD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
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+ _ZN5Qwt3D11GridMapping9setDomainEdddd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11GridMappingC1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11GridMappingC2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11GridMappingD0Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11GridMappingD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11GridMappingD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11LinearScale9autoscaleERdS1_ddi at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11LinearScale9calculateEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11LinearScaleD0Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11LinearScaleD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11LinearScaleD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot10createDataEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot11Data2FloorCEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot11Data2FloorGEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot11calcNormalsERNS_8GridDataE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot11createDataCEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot11createDataGEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot11qt_metacallEN11QMetaObject4CallEiPPv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot11qt_metacastEPKc at Base 0.2.7
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+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot12loadFromDataEPPdjjdddd at Base 0.2.7
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+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot13setResolutionEi at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot13updateNormalsEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot14createNormalsCEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot14createNormalsGEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot15Isolines2FloorCEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot15Isolines2FloorGEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot15createFloorDataEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot15setNormalLengthEd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot16createEnrichmentERNS_10EnrichmentE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot16createFloorDataCEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot16createFloorDataGEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot16setNormalQualityEi at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot16staticMetaObjectE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot17resolutionChangedEi at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot19setColorFromVertexCEib at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot19setColorFromVertexGEiib at Base 0.2.7
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+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot6readInERNS_8GridDataEPPdjjdddd at Base 0.2.7
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+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlotC2EP7QWidgetPK9QGLWidget at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlotD0Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlotD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlotD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D12NativeReader11collectInfoERP8_IO_FILERK7QStringRjS7_RdS8_S8_S8_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D12NativeReader11magicstringE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D12NativeReaderC1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D12NativeReaderC2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D12NativeReaderD0Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D12NativeReaderD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D12NativeReaderD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
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+ _ZN5Qwt3D12PixmapWriterD0Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D12PixmapWriterD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D12PixmapWriterD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D12PixmapWriterclEPNS_6Plot3DERK7QString at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D12VectorWriter11setTextModeENS0_8TEXTMODEE7QString at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D12VectorWriter13setCompressedEb at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D12VectorWriter9setFormatERK7QString at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D12VectorWriterC1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D12VectorWriterC2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D12VectorWriterD0Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D12VectorWriterD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D12VectorWriterD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D12VectorWriterclEPNS_6Plot3DERK7QString at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D12convexhull2dERSt6vectorIjSaIjEERKS0_INS_5TupleESaIS4_EE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D13StandardColor12createVectorERSt6vectorINS_4RGBAESaIS2_EE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D13StandardColor14setColorVectorERKSt6vectorINS_4RGBAESaIS2_EE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D13StandardColor5resetEj at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D13StandardColor8setAlphaEd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D13StandardColorC1EPNS_6Plot3DEj at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D13StandardColorC2EPNS_6Plot3DEj at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D13StandardColorD0Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D13StandardColorD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D13StandardColorD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D14GLStateBewarerD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D14GLStateBewarerD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D14drawDeviceTextEPKcS1_iNS_6TripleENS_4RGBAENS_6ANCHOREd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D15tesselationSizeERKSt6vectorIS0_IjSaIjEESaIS2_EE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem10chooseAxesEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem11setPositionENS_6TripleES1_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem12adjustLabelsEi at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem12setAutoScaleEb at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem12setAxesColorENS_4RGBAE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem12setGridLinesEbbi at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem12setLabelFontERK5QFont at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem12setLabelFontERK7QStringiib at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem12setLineWidthEddd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem12setTicLengthEdd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem13adjustNumbersEi at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem13setLabelColorENS_4RGBAE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem13setNumberFontERK5QFont at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem13setNumberFontERK7QStringiib at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem14setNumberColorENS_4RGBAE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem16setStandardScaleEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem18drawMajorGridLinesERNS_4AxisES2_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem18drawMajorGridLinesEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem18drawMinorGridLinesERNS_4AxisES2_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem18drawMinorGridLinesEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem19recalculateAxesTicsEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem23autoDecorateExposedAxisERNS_4AxisEb at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem4drawEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem4initENS_6TripleES1_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem7destroyEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystem8setStyleENS_10COORDSTYLEENS_4AXISES2_S2_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystemC1ENS_6TripleES1_NS_10COORDSTYLEE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystemC2ENS_6TripleES1_NS_10COORDSTYLEE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystemD0Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystemD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystemD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16LinearAutoScaler11anchorvalueEddi at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16LinearAutoScaler4initEddi at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16LinearAutoScaler7executeERdS1_ddi at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16LinearAutoScaler8segmentsERiS1_ddddi at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16LinearAutoScalerC1ERSt6vectorIdSaIdEE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16LinearAutoScalerC1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16LinearAutoScalerC2ERSt6vectorIdSaIdEE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16LinearAutoScalerC2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16LinearAutoScalerD0Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16LinearAutoScalerD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16LinearAutoScalerD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D16drawDevicePixelsEiijjPKv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D17ParametricSurface11setPeriodicEbb at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D17ParametricSurface6assignEPNS_11SurfacePlotE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D17ParametricSurface6assignERNS_11SurfacePlotE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D17ParametricSurface6createERNS_11SurfacePlotE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D17ParametricSurface6createEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D17ParametricSurfaceC1EPNS_11SurfacePlotE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D17ParametricSurfaceC1ERNS_11SurfacePlotE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D17ParametricSurfaceC1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D17ParametricSurfaceC2EPNS_11SurfacePlotE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D17ParametricSurfaceC2ERNS_11SurfacePlotE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D17ParametricSurfaceC2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D18setDeviceLineWidthEf at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D18setDevicePointSizeEf at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D22setDevicePolygonOffsetEff at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO10add_uniqueERSt6vectorINS0_5EntryESaIS2_EERKS2_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO12inputHandlerERK7QString at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO12setupHandlerEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO13FormatCompareC1ERKNS0_5EntryE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO13FormatCompareC2ERKNS0_5EntryE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO13FormatCompareclERKNS0_5EntryE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO13outputHandlerERK7QString at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO14FormatCompare2C1E7QString at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO14FormatCompare2C2E7QString at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO14FormatCompare2clERKNS0_5EntryE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO15inputFormatListEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO16outputFormatListEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO18defineInputHandlerERK7QStringPFbPNS_6Plot3DES3_E at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO18defineInputHandlerERK7QStringRKNS0_7FunctorE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO19defineOutputHandlerERK7QStringPFbPNS_6Plot3DES3_E at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO19defineOutputHandlerERK7QStringRKNS0_7FunctorE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO4findERSt6vectorINS0_5EntryESaIS2_EERK7QString at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO4loadEPNS_6Plot3DERK7QStringS5_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO4saveEPNS_6Plot3DERK7QStringS5_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO5EntryC1ERK7QStringPFbPNS_6Plot3DES4_E at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO5EntryC1ERK7QStringRKNS0_7FunctorE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO5EntryC1ERKS1_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO5EntryC1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO5EntryC2ERK7QStringPFbPNS_6Plot3DES4_E at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO5EntryC2ERK7QStringRKNS0_7FunctorE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO5EntryC2ERKS1_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO5EntryC2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO5EntryD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO5EntryD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO5EntryaSERKS1_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO5rlistEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO5wlistEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO7WrapperD0Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO7WrapperD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO7WrapperD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D2IO7WrapperclEPNS_6Plot3DERK7QString at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D3Dot4drawERKNS_6TripleE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D3Dot7drawEndEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D3Dot9configureEdb at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D3Dot9drawBeginEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D3DotC1Edb at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D3DotC1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D3DotC2Edb at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D3DotC2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D3DotD0Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D3DotD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D3DotD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis11setPositionERKNS_6TripleES3_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis12drawTicLabelENS_6TripleEi at Base 0.2.7
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+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis12setLineWidthEddd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis12setTicLengthEdd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis13setLabelColorENS_4RGBAE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis13setNumberFontERK5QFont at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis13setNumberFontERK7QStringiib at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis14setLabelStringERK7QString at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis14setNumberColorENS_4RGBAE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis15recalculateTicsEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis16setLabelPositionERKNS_6TripleENS_6ANCHORE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis17setTicOrientationERKNS_6TripleE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis17setTicOrientationEddd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis18prepTicCalculationERNS_6TripleE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis19biggestNumberStringEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis4drawEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis4initEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis7drawTicENS_6TripleEd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis8drawBaseEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis8drawTicsEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis8setScaleENS_9SCALETYPEE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis8setScaleEPNS_5ScaleE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis9drawLabelEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis9setMajorsEi at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Axis9setMinorsEi at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4AxisC1ENS_6TripleES1_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4AxisC1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4AxisC2ENS_6TripleES1_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4AxisC2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4AxisD0Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4AxisD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4AxisD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Cone4drawERKNS_6TripleE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4Cone9configureEdj at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4ConeC1Edj at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4ConeC1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4ConeC2Edj at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4ConeC2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4ConeD0Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4ConeD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D4ConeD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5Arrow12calcRotationERNS_6TripleERKNS_10FreeVectorE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5Arrow4drawERKNS_6TripleE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5Arrow9configureEiddd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5ArrowC1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5ArrowC2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5ArrowD0Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5ArrowD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5ArrowD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5GL2QtEddd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5Label11setPositionENS_6TripleENS_6ANCHORE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5Label12devicefonts_E at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5Label14convert2screenEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5Label14setRelPositionENS_5TupleENS_6ANCHORE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5Label14useDeviceFontsEb at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5Label4drawEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5Label4initERK7QStringiib at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5Label4initEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5Label6adjustEi at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5Label6updateEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5Label7setFontERK7QStringiib at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5Label8setColorENS_4RGBAE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5Label8setColorEdddd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5Label9setStringERK7QString at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5LabelC1ERK7QStringiib at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5LabelC1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5LabelC2ERK7QStringiib at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5LabelC2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5LabelD0Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5LabelD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5LabelD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5Qt2GLE6QColor at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5Scale14setMajorLimitsEdd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5Scale9autoscaleERdS1_ddi at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5Scale9setLimitsEdd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5Scale9setMajorsEi at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5Scale9setMinorsEi at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5ScaleC1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5ScaleC2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5ScaleD0Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5ScaleD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D5ScaleD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D10applyLightEj at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D10illuminateEj at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D10savePixmapERK7QStringS3_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D10saveVectorERK7QStringS3_NS_12VectorWriter8TEXTMODEENS4_8SORTMODEE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D10setShadingENS_12SHADINGSTYLEE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D10updateDataEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D10wheelEventEP11QWheelEvent at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D11applyLightsEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D11assignMouseENS_10MouseStateES1_S1_S1_S1_S1_S1_S1_S1_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D11enableMouseEb at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D11qt_metacallEN11QMetaObject4CallEiPPv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D11qt_metacastEPKc at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D11setIsolinesEi at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D11setKeySpeedEddd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D11setRotationEddd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D11zoomChangedEd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D12disableMouseEb at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D12initializeGLEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D12renderPixmapEiib at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D12scaleChangedEddd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D12setDataColorEPNS_5ColorE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D12setMeshColorENS_4RGBAE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D12setPlotStyleENS_9PLOTSTYLEE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D12setPlotStyleERKNS_10EnrichmentE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D12setShininessEd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D12setTitleFontERK7QStringiib at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D12shiftChangedEddd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D13addEnrichmentERKNS_10EnrichmentE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D13keyPressEventEP9QKeyEvent at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D13setLightShiftEdddj at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D13setScaleMouseENS_10MouseStateEd6QPoint at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D13setShiftMouseENS_10MouseStateEd6QPoint at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D14assignKeyboardENS_13KeyboardStateES1_S1_S1_S1_S1_S1_S1_S1_S1_S1_S1_S1_S1_S1_S1_S1_S1_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D14enableKeyboardEb at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D14enableLightingEb at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D14mouseMoveEventEP11QMouseEvent at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D15disableKeyboardEb at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D15disableLightingEb at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D15mousePressEventEP11QMouseEvent at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D15rotationChangedEddd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D15showColorLegendEb at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D16createEnrichmentERNS_10EnrichmentE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D16setLightRotationEdddj at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D16setMeshLineWidthEd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D16setPolygonOffsetEd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D16setRotationMouseENS_10MouseStateEd6QPoint at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D16setScaleKeyboardENS_13KeyboardStateEd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D16setShiftKeyboardENS_13KeyboardStateEd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D16setTitlePositionEddNS_6ANCHORE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D16setViewportShiftEdd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D16staticMetaObjectE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D17createEnrichmentsEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D17mouseReleaseEventEP11QMouseEvent at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D17projectionChangedEb at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D17setLightComponentEjddddj at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D17setLightComponentEjdj at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D18setBackgroundColorENS_4RGBAE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D18setCoordinateStyleENS_10COORDSTYLEE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D19setRotationKeyboardENS_13KeyboardStateEd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D19vieportShiftChangedEdd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D20setMaterialComponentEjd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D20setMaterialComponentEjdddd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D22createCoordinateSystemENS_6TripleES1_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D22createCoordinateSystemEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D4saveERK7QStringS3_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D7blowoutEj at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D7degradeEPNS_10EnrichmentE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D7paintGLEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D7setZoomEd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D8resizeGLEii at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D8setOrthoEb at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D8setScaleEddd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3D8setShiftEddd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3DC1EP7QWidgetPK9QGLWidget at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3DC2EP7QWidgetPK9QGLWidget at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3DD0Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3DD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D6Plot3DD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8CellData5clearEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8CellDataD0Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8CellDataD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8CellDataD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8CellDataclEjj at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8Drawable11saveGLStateEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8Drawable14ViewPort2WorldENS_6TripleEPb at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8Drawable14World2ViewPortENS_6TripleEPb at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8Drawable14restoreGLStateEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8Drawable16relativePositionENS_6TripleE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8Drawable4drawEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8Drawable6EnableEjh at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8Drawable6attachEPS0_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8Drawable6detachEPS0_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8Drawable8setColorENS_4RGBAE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8Drawable8setColorEdddd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8Drawable9detachAllEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8DrawableD0Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8DrawableD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8DrawableD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8Function6assignEPNS_11SurfacePlotE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8Function6assignERNS_11SurfacePlotE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8Function6createERNS_11SurfacePlotE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8Function6createEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8Function7setMaxZEd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8Function7setMinZEd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8FunctionC1EPNS_11SurfacePlotE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8FunctionC1ERNS_11SurfacePlotE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8FunctionC1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8FunctionC2EPNS_11SurfacePlotE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8FunctionC2ERNS_11SurfacePlotE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8FunctionC2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8GridData5clearEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8GridData7setSizeEjj at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8GridDataC1Ejj at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8GridDataC1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8GridDataC2Ejj at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8GridDataC2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8GridDataD0Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8GridDataD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8GridDataD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8LogScale12setupCounterERdRi at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8LogScale9calculateEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8LogScale9setMinorsEi at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8LogScaleC1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8LogScaleC2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8LogScaleD0Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8LogScaleD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D8LogScaleD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D9CrossHair4drawERKNS_6TripleE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D9CrossHair7drawEndEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D9CrossHair9configureEddbb at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D9CrossHair9drawBeginEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D9CrossHairC1Eddbb at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D9CrossHairC1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D9CrossHairC2Eddbb at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D9CrossHairC2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D9CrossHairD0Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D9CrossHairD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN5Qwt3D9CrossHairD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN7QStringD1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZN7QStringD2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D11LinearScale5cloneEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot10metaObjectEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D11SurfacePlot6facetsEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D12NativeReader5cloneEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D12PixmapWriter5cloneEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D12VectorWriter5cloneEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D13StandardColorclEddd at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D16LinearAutoScaler5cloneEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D16VertexEnrichment4typeEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D2IO7Wrapper5cloneEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D3Dot5cloneEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D4Cone5cloneEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D5Arrow5cloneEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D5ColorclERKNS_6TripleE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D5Label5widthEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D5Label6heightEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D5Scale8ticLabelEj at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D6Plot3D10metaObjectEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D6Plot3D12mouseEnabledEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D6Plot3D15keyboardEnabledEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D6Plot3D15lightingEnabledEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D6Plot3D8keySpeedERdS1_S1_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D6TripleneES0_ at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D7Mapping4nameEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D8CellData5emptyEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D8GridData4rowsEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D8GridData5emptyEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D8GridData7columnsEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D8LogScale5cloneEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D8LogScale8ticLabelEj at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK5Qwt3D9CrossHair5cloneEv at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZNK7QStringeqEPKc at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZNSt6vectorIN5Qwt3D2IO5EntryESaIS2_EE19_M_emplace_back_auxIJRKS2_EEEvDpOT_ at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZNSt6vectorIN5Qwt3D2IO5EntryESaIS2_EED1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZNSt6vectorIN5Qwt3D2IO5EntryESaIS2_EED2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZNSt6vectorIN5Qwt3D4RGBAESaIS1_EEaSERKS3_ at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZNSt6vectorIN5Qwt3D5LabelESaIS1_EE17_M_default_appendEm at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZNSt6vectorIN5Qwt3D5LabelESaIS1_EED1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZNSt6vectorIN5Qwt3D5LabelESaIS1_EED2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZNSt6vectorIN5Qwt3D6TripleESaIS1_EE12emplace_backIJS1_EEEvDpOT_ at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZNSt6vectorIN5Qwt3D6TripleESaIS1_EE19_M_emplace_back_auxIJS1_EEEvDpOT_ at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZNSt6vectorIN5Qwt3D6TripleESaIS1_EEaSERKS3_ at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZNSt6vectorIS_IPdSaIS0_EESaIS2_EED1Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZNSt6vectorIS_IPdSaIS0_EESaIS2_EED2Ev at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZNSt6vectorIS_IjSaIjEESaIS1_EEaSERKS3_ at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZNSt6vectorIdSaIdEE19_M_emplace_back_auxIJRKdEEEvDpOT_ at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZNSt6vectorIdSaIdEEaSERKS1_ at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZNSt6vectorIjSaIjEE17_M_default_appendEm at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZNSt6vectorIjSaIjEE19_M_emplace_back_auxIJjEEEvDpOT_ at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZNSt6vectorIjSaIjEEaSERKS1_ at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZSt9__find_ifIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPN5Qwt3D2IO5EntryESt6vectorIS4_SaIS4_EEEENS0_5__ops10_Iter_predINS3_13FormatCompareEEEET_SE_SE_T0_St26random_access_iterator_tag at Base 0.2.7
+ (optional=templinst)_ZSt9__find_ifIN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPN5Qwt3D2IO5EntryESt6vectorIS4_SaIS4_EEEENS0_5__ops10_Iter_predINS3_14FormatCompare2EEEET_SE_SE_T0_St26random_access_iterator_tag at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D10AutoScalerE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D10EnrichmentE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D11ColorLegendE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D11GridMappingE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D11LinearScaleE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlotE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D12NativeReaderE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D12PixmapWriterE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D12VectorWriterE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D13StandardColorE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystemE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D16LinearAutoScalerE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D16VertexEnrichmentE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D17ParametricSurfaceE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D2IO7FunctorE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D2IO7WrapperE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D3DotE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D4AxisE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D4ConeE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D4DataE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D5ArrowE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D5ColorE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D5LabelE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D5ScaleE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D6Plot3DE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D7MappingE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D8CellDataE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D8DrawableE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D8FunctionE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D8GridDataE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D8LogScaleE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTIN5Qwt3D9CrossHairE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D10AutoScalerE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D10EnrichmentE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D11ColorLegendE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D11GridMappingE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D11LinearScaleE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlotE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D12NativeReaderE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D12PixmapWriterE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D12VectorWriterE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D13StandardColorE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystemE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D16LinearAutoScalerE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D16VertexEnrichmentE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D17ParametricSurfaceE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D2IO7FunctorE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D2IO7WrapperE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D3DotE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D4AxisE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D4ConeE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D4DataE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D5ArrowE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D5ColorE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D5LabelE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D5ScaleE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D6Plot3DE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D7MappingE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D8CellDataE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D8DrawableE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D8FunctionE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D8GridDataE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D8LogScaleE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTSN5Qwt3D9CrossHairE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D11ColorLegendE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D11GridMappingE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D11LinearScaleE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D11SurfacePlotE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D12NativeReaderE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D12PixmapWriterE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D12VectorWriterE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D13StandardColorE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D16CoordinateSystemE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D16LinearAutoScalerE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D17ParametricSurfaceE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D2IO7WrapperE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D3DotE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D4AxisE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D4ConeE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D5ArrowE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D5LabelE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D5ScaleE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D6Plot3DE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D8CellDataE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D8DrawableE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D8FunctionE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D8GridDataE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D8LogScaleE at Base 0.2.7
+ _ZTVN5Qwt3D9CrossHairE at Base 0.2.7
+ gl2psBeginPage at Base 0.2.7
+ gl2psBeginViewport at Base 0.2.7
+ gl2psBlendFunc at Base 0.2.7
+ gl2psDisable at Base 0.2.7
+ gl2psDrawImageMap at Base 0.2.7
+ gl2psDrawPixels at Base 0.2.7
+ gl2psEnable at Base 0.2.7
+ gl2psEndPage at Base 0.2.7
+ gl2psEndViewport at Base 0.2.7
+ gl2psGetFileExtension at Base 0.2.7
+ gl2psGetFormatDescription at Base 0.2.7
+ gl2psLineWidth at Base 0.2.7
+ gl2psPointSize at Base 0.2.7
+ gl2psSetOptions at Base 0.2.7
+ gl2psSpecial at Base 0.2.7
+ gl2psText at Base 0.2.7
+ gl2psTextOpt at Base 0.2.7
+ (c++)"non-virtual thunk to Qwt3D::Plot3D::~Plot3D()@Base" 0.2.7
+ (c++)"non-virtual thunk to Qwt3D::SurfacePlot::~SurfacePlot()@Base" 0.2.7

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/qwtplot3d.git

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