[qwtplot3d] 36/39: Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/0.2.7+svn191+gcc7'

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Mon Dec 25 10:30:05 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tille pushed a commit to branch master
in repository qwtplot3d.

commit dc0b74d5139e2da4db99de5687af31e04e739279
Merge: 280839b 348615c
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date:   Mon Dec 25 11:21:00 2017 +0100

    Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/0.2.7+svn191+gcc7'
    Update to upstream version '0.2.7+svn191+gcc7'
    with Debian dir 9d3a1df663dffb62b4477965715e199fe57d7cc6

 3rdparty/gl2ps/COPYING.GL2PS                       |   25 +
 3rdparty/gl2ps/COPYING.LGPL                        |  482 ++
 3rdparty/gl2ps/gl2ps.c                             | 5986 ++++++++++++++++++++
 3rdparty/gl2ps/gl2ps.h                             |  199 +
 COPYING                                            |   23 +
 doc/Doxyfile.doxygen                               |  227 +
 doc/footer.html                                    |    7 +
 doc/web/navigation/doxygen.css                     |  176 +
 doc/web/navigation/doxygen.png                     |  Bin 0 -> 2352 bytes
 doc/web/navigation/menu.css                        |   12 +
 doc/web/navigation/sflogo.png                      |  Bin 0 -> 2112 bytes
 dsp.bat                                            |    2 +
 examples/autoswitch/autoswitch.cpp                 |  102 +
 examples/autoswitch/autoswitch.h                   |   58 +
 examples/autoswitch/autoswitch.pro                 |    4 +
 examples/axes/axes.pro                             |   15 +
 examples/axes/src/axes.h                           |   75 +
 examples/axes/src/axesmainwindow.cpp               |  245 +
 examples/axes/src/axesmainwindow.h                 |   64 +
 examples/axes/src/axesmainwindowbase.ui            |  243 +
 examples/axes/src/axesmainwindowbase4.ui           |  295 +
 examples/axes/src/main.cpp                         |   31 +
 examples/box.png                                   |  Bin 0 -> 533 bytes
 examples/common.pro                                |   37 +
 examples/dsp.bat                                   |   12 +
 examples/enrichments/enrichments.pro               |   16 +
 examples/enrichments/src/enrichmentmainwindow.cpp  |  147 +
 examples/enrichments/src/enrichmentmainwindow.h    |   57 +
 .../enrichments/src/enrichmentmainwindowbase.ui    |  215 +
 .../enrichments/src/enrichmentmainwindowbase4.ui   |  167 +
 examples/enrichments/src/enrichments.cpp           |  150 +
 examples/enrichments/src/enrichments.h             |   31 +
 examples/enrichments/src/main.cpp                  |   30 +
 examples/examples.pro                              |   10 +
 examples/examples.sln                              |   43 +
 examples/filecell.png                              |  Bin 0 -> 975 bytes
 examples/fileopen.png                              |  Bin 0 -> 178 bytes
 examples/filledmesh.png                            |  Bin 0 -> 918 bytes
 examples/floordata.png                             |  Bin 0 -> 292 bytes
 examples/floorempty.png                            |  Bin 0 -> 213 bytes
 examples/flooriso.png                              |  Bin 0 -> 297 bytes
 examples/floormesh.png                             |  Bin 0 -> 248 bytes
 examples/frame.png                                 |  Bin 0 -> 290 bytes
 examples/grid.png                                  |  Bin 0 -> 527 bytes
 examples/gridb.png                                 |  Bin 0 -> 1001 bytes
 examples/gridc.png                                 |  Bin 0 -> 820 bytes
 examples/gridf.png                                 |  Bin 0 -> 890 bytes
 examples/gridfr.png                                |  Bin 0 -> 969 bytes
 examples/gridl.png                                 |  Bin 0 -> 877 bytes
 examples/gridr.png                                 |  Bin 0 -> 799 bytes
 examples/hiddenline.png                            |  Bin 0 -> 1014 bytes
 examples/icon.gif                                  |  Bin 0 -> 1168 bytes
 examples/icon.ico                                  |  Bin 0 -> 2238 bytes
 examples/icon.png                                  |  Bin 0 -> 1369 bytes
 examples/icon.rc                                   |    1 +
 examples/images.qrc                                |   31 +
 examples/mesh2/mesh2.pro                           |   25 +
 examples/mesh2/src/colormapreader.cpp              |   81 +
 examples/mesh2/src/colormapreader.h                |   28 +
 examples/mesh2/src/designerworkaround.cpp          |  146 +
 examples/mesh2/src/designerworkaround.h            |   76 +
 examples/mesh2/src/femreader.h                     |   83 +
 examples/mesh2/src/functions.h                     |  214 +
 examples/mesh2/src/lightingdlg.cpp                 |  220 +
 examples/mesh2/src/lightingdlg.h                   |  100 +
 examples/mesh2/src/lightingdlgbase.ui              |  361 ++
 examples/mesh2/src/lightingdlgbase4.ui             |  293 +
 examples/mesh2/src/lightingdlgbaseimpl.cpp         |   22 +
 examples/mesh2/src/lightingdlgbaseimpl.h           |   15 +
 examples/mesh2/src/main.cpp                        |   32 +
 examples/mesh2/src/mesh.cpp                        |   57 +
 examples/mesh2/src/mesh2mainwindow.cpp             |  956 ++++
 examples/mesh2/src/mesh2mainwindow.h               |  134 +
 examples/mesh2/src/mesh2mainwindowbase.ui          | 1728 ++++++
 examples/mesh2/src/mesh2mainwindowbase4.ui         |  479 ++
 examples/mesh2/src/thesis.tex                      |    9 +
 examples/movie.png                                 |  Bin 0 -> 1260 bytes
 examples/nodata.png                                |  Bin 0 -> 824 bytes
 examples/none.png                                  |  Bin 0 -> 487 bytes
 examples/normals.png                               |  Bin 0 -> 1344 bytes
 examples/polygon.png                               |  Bin 0 -> 733 bytes
 examples/qwtplot.png                               |  Bin 0 -> 543 bytes
 examples/savecontent.png                           |  Bin 0 -> 550 bytes
 examples/scattered.png                             |  Bin 0 -> 479 bytes
 examples/simpleplot/simpleplot.cpp                 |   83 +
 examples/simpleplot/simpleplot.pro                 |    3 +
 examples/wireframe.png                             |  Bin 0 -> 1119 bytes
 include/qwt3d_autoptr.h                            |   75 +
 include/qwt3d_autoscaler.h                         |   51 +
 include/qwt3d_axis.h                               |  131 +
 include/qwt3d_color.h                              |   63 +
 include/qwt3d_colorlegend.h                        |   77 +
 include/qwt3d_coordsys.h                           |  100 +
 include/qwt3d_drawable.h                           |   66 +
 include/qwt3d_enrichment.h                         |   62 +
 include/qwt3d_enrichment_std.h                     |  116 +
 include/qwt3d_function.h                           |   41 +
 include/qwt3d_global.h                             |   58 +
 include/qwt3d_graphplot.h                          |   24 +
 include/qwt3d_gridmapping.h                        |   34 +
 include/qwt3d_helper.h                             |   36 +
 include/qwt3d_io.h                                 |  141 +
 include/qwt3d_io_gl2ps.h                           |   91 +
 include/qwt3d_io_reader.h                          |   35 +
 include/qwt3d_label.h                              |   80 +
 include/qwt3d_mapping.h                            |   27 +
 include/qwt3d_multiplot.h                          |   24 +
 include/qwt3d_openglhelper.h                       |  130 +
 include/qwt3d_parametricsurface.h                  |   44 +
 include/qwt3d_plot.h                               |  315 +
 include/qwt3d_portability.h                        |   91 +
 include/qwt3d_scale.h                              |   87 +
 include/qwt3d_surfaceplot.h                        |  132 +
 include/qwt3d_types.h                              |  455 ++
 include/qwt3d_volumeplot.h                         |   24 +
 lingua_de.ts                                       |   10 +
 qwtplot3d.pro                                      |   95 +
 scripts/fixvc7.py                                  |   16 +
 scripts/makedistro.py                              |   67 +
 scripts/makedocu.py                                |   36 +
 scripts/qwtplot3d.supp                             |   17 +
 scripts/valgr.sh                                   |    1 +
 src/qwt3d_autoscaler.cpp                           |  253 +
 src/qwt3d_axis.cpp                                 |  386 ++
 src/qwt3d_color.cpp                                |   63 +
 src/qwt3d_colorlegend.cpp                          |  223 +
 src/qwt3d_coordsys.cpp                             |  633 +++
 src/qwt3d_dataviews.cpp                            |   10 +
 src/qwt3d_drawable.cpp                             |  140 +
 src/qwt3d_enrichment_std.cpp                       |  347 ++
 src/qwt3d_function.cpp                             |  101 +
 src/qwt3d_gridmapping.cpp                          |   32 +
 src/qwt3d_gridplot.cpp                             |  596 ++
 src/qwt3d_io.cpp                                   |  365 ++
 src/qwt3d_io_gl2ps.cpp                             |  409 ++
 src/qwt3d_io_reader.cpp                            |  225 +
 src/qwt3d_label.cpp                                |  287 +
 src/qwt3d_lighting.cpp                             |  192 +
 src/qwt3d_meshplot.cpp                             |  320 ++
 src/qwt3d_mousekeyboard.cpp                        |  387 ++
 src/qwt3d_movements.cpp                            |  106 +
 src/qwt3d_parametricsurface.cpp                    |  104 +
 src/qwt3d_plot.cpp                                 |  498 ++
 src/qwt3d_scale.cpp                                |  304 +
 src/qwt3d_surfaceplot.cpp                          |  183 +
 src/qwt3d_types.cpp                                |  222 +
 146 files changed, 23601 insertions(+)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/qwtplot3d.git

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