[jel] 01/02: Merge tag 'upstream/2.1.1'

Ole Streicher olebole at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Feb 22 11:18:27 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

olebole pushed a commit to branch master
in repository jel.

commit 7af6e07d87061350721285e88375b2125cc37444
Merge: 9b9f50d 3a9f73a
Author: Ole Streicher <olebole at debian.org>
Date:   Wed Feb 22 12:16:17 2017 +0100

    Merge tag 'upstream/2.1.1'
    Upstream version 2.1.1

 docs/api/allclasses-frame.html                     |  45 --
 docs/api/allclasses-noframe.html                   |  45 --
 docs/api/constant-values.html                      | 145 ----
 docs/api/deprecated-list.html                      | 116 ---
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 docs/api/gnu/jel/DVMap.html                        | 312 --------
 docs/api/gnu/jel/Evaluator.html                    | 473 ------------
 docs/api/gnu/jel/ImageLoader.html                  | 266 -------
 docs/api/gnu/jel/Library.html                      | 665 -----------------
 docs/api/gnu/jel/LocalField.html                   | 383 ----------
 docs/api/gnu/jel/LocalMethod.html                  | 327 --------
 docs/api/gnu/jel/OP.html                           | 521 -------------
 docs/api/gnu/jel/OPbinary.html                     | 399 ----------
 docs/api/gnu/jel/OPcall.html                       | 425 -----------
 docs/api/gnu/jel/OPcondtnl.html                    | 328 --------
 docs/api/gnu/jel/OPload.html                       | 377 ----------
 docs/api/gnu/jel/OPunary.html                      | 407 ----------
 docs/api/gnu/jel/Parser.html                       | 455 ------------
 docs/api/gnu/jel/TableKeeper.html                  | 276 -------
 docs/api/gnu/jel/TableWriter.html                  | 257 -------
 docs/api/gnu/jel/class-use/ClassFile.html          | 206 ------
 .../gnu/jel/class-use/CompilationException.html    | 268 -------
 docs/api/gnu/jel/class-use/CompiledExpression.html | 167 -----
 docs/api/gnu/jel/class-use/DVMap.html              | 173 -----
 docs/api/gnu/jel/class-use/Evaluator.html          | 116 ---
 docs/api/gnu/jel/class-use/ImageLoader.html        | 116 ---
 docs/api/gnu/jel/class-use/Library.html            | 196 -----
 docs/api/gnu/jel/class-use/LocalField.html         | 175 -----
 docs/api/gnu/jel/class-use/LocalMethod.html        | 172 -----
 docs/api/gnu/jel/class-use/OP.html                 | 267 -------
 docs/api/gnu/jel/class-use/OPbinary.html           | 116 ---
 docs/api/gnu/jel/class-use/OPcall.html             | 116 ---
 docs/api/gnu/jel/class-use/OPcondtnl.html          | 116 ---
 docs/api/gnu/jel/class-use/OPload.html             | 116 ---
 docs/api/gnu/jel/class-use/OPunary.html            | 116 ---
 docs/api/gnu/jel/class-use/Parser.html             | 116 ---
 docs/api/gnu/jel/class-use/TableKeeper.html        | 116 ---
 docs/api/gnu/jel/class-use/TableWriter.html        | 116 ---
 docs/api/gnu/jel/debug/Debug.html                  | 394 ----------
 docs/api/gnu/jel/debug/class-use/Debug.html        | 116 ---
 docs/api/gnu/jel/debug/package-frame.html          |  19 -
 docs/api/gnu/jel/debug/package-summary.html        | 137 ----
 docs/api/gnu/jel/debug/package-tree.html           | 129 ----
 docs/api/gnu/jel/debug/package-use.html            | 116 ---
 docs/api/gnu/jel/package-frame.html                |  39 -
 docs/api/gnu/jel/package-summary.html              | 244 ------
 docs/api/gnu/jel/package-tree.html                 | 164 ----
 docs/api/gnu/jel/package-use.html                  | 187 -----
 docs/api/gnu/jel/reflect/Boolean.html              | 209 ------
 docs/api/gnu/jel/reflect/Byte.html                 | 209 ------
 docs/api/gnu/jel/reflect/Character.html            | 209 ------
 docs/api/gnu/jel/reflect/Double.html               | 209 ------
 docs/api/gnu/jel/reflect/Float.html                | 209 ------
 docs/api/gnu/jel/reflect/Integer.html              | 209 ------
 docs/api/gnu/jel/reflect/Long.html                 | 209 ------
 docs/api/gnu/jel/reflect/Short.html                | 209 ------
 docs/api/gnu/jel/reflect/String.html               | 161 ----
 docs/api/gnu/jel/reflect/class-use/Boolean.html    | 116 ---
 docs/api/gnu/jel/reflect/class-use/Byte.html       | 116 ---
 docs/api/gnu/jel/reflect/class-use/Character.html  | 116 ---
 docs/api/gnu/jel/reflect/class-use/Double.html     | 116 ---
 docs/api/gnu/jel/reflect/class-use/Float.html      | 116 ---
 docs/api/gnu/jel/reflect/class-use/Integer.html    | 116 ---
 docs/api/gnu/jel/reflect/class-use/Long.html       | 116 ---
 docs/api/gnu/jel/reflect/class-use/Short.html      | 116 ---
 docs/api/gnu/jel/reflect/class-use/String.html     | 116 ---
 docs/api/gnu/jel/reflect/package-frame.html        |  27 -
 docs/api/gnu/jel/reflect/package-summary.html      | 193 -----
 docs/api/gnu/jel/reflect/package-tree.html         | 133 ----
 docs/api/gnu/jel/reflect/package-use.html          | 116 ---
 docs/api/help-doc.html                             | 221 ------
 docs/api/index-all.html                            | 821 ---------------------
 docs/api/index.html                                |  74 --
 docs/api/overview-frame.html                       |  22 -
 docs/api/overview-summary.html                     | 138 ----
 docs/api/overview-tree.html                        | 179 -----
 docs/api/package-list                              |   3 -
 docs/api/resources/background.gif                  | Bin 2313 -> 0 bytes
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 docs/api/resources/titlebar_end.gif                | Bin 849 -> 0 bytes
 docs/api/serialized-form.html                      | 150 ----
 docs/api/stylesheet.css                            | 474 ------------
 lib/jel.jar                                        | Bin 38489 -> 0 bytes
 lib/jel_g.jar                                      | Bin 62009 -> 0 bytes
 lib/jel_jdk5.jar                                   | Bin 35543 -> 0 bytes
 samples/calculator/Calculator.class                | Bin 4083 -> 0 bytes
 samples/testsuite/tests.jar                        | Bin 61366 -> 0 bytes
 source/third-party/junit.jar                       | Bin 120640 -> 0 bytes
 91 files changed, 17454 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/jel.git

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