[r-cran-vgam] 45/63: Import Upstream version 0.9-8
Andreas Tille
tille at debian.org
Tue Jan 24 13:54:38 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
tille pushed a commit to branch master
in repository r-cran-vgam.
commit d92069d779416147bd551950d84e0421cbd8f9f5
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date: Tue Jan 24 14:17:03 2017 +0100
Import Upstream version 0.9-8
MD5 | 249 ++-
NEWS | 38 +-
R/family.actuary.R | 4333 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
R/family.basics.R | 16 +-
R/family.binomial.R | 178 --
R/family.categorical.R | 470 ++---
R/family.censored.R | 6 +-
R/family.extremes.R | 266 +--
R/family.genetic.R | 326 ---
R/family.glmgam.R | 325 +--
R/family.nonlinear.R | 4 +-
R/family.normal.R | 543 +----
R/family.positive.R | 12 +-
R/family.quantal.R | 575 -----
R/family.rcim.R | 2 +-
R/family.rcqo.R | 46 +-
R/family.ts.R | 497 +++++
R/family.univariate.R | 322 +--
R/family.zeroinf.R | 38 -
R/vgam.R | 51 +
build/vignette.rds | Bin 0 -> 479 bytes
data/Huggins89.t1.rda | Bin 443 -> 442 bytes
data/Huggins89table1.rda | Bin 445 -> 444 bytes
data/alclevels.rda | Bin 550 -> 549 bytes
data/alcoff.rda | Bin 547 -> 546 bytes
data/auuc.rda | Bin 246 -> 245 bytes
data/backPain.rda | Bin 488 -> 484 bytes
data/beggs.rda | Bin 198 -> 196 bytes
data/car.all.rda | Bin 6972 -> 6969 bytes
data/cfibrosis.rda | Bin 265 -> 264 bytes
data/corbet.rda | Bin 244 -> 237 bytes
data/crashbc.rda | Bin 374 -> 373 bytes
data/crashf.rda | Bin 340 -> 340 bytes
data/crashi.rda | Bin 491 -> 490 bytes
data/crashmc.rda | Bin 385 -> 345 bytes
data/crashp.rda | Bin 376 -> 375 bytes
data/crashtr.rda | Bin 361 -> 360 bytes
data/deermice.rda | Bin 394 -> 394 bytes
data/ducklings.rda | Bin 561 -> 560 bytes
data/finney44.rda | Bin 210 -> 209 bytes
data/flourbeetle.rda | Bin 344 -> 343 bytes
data/hspider.rda | Bin 1345 -> 1343 bytes
data/lakeO.rda | Bin 336 -> 334 bytes
data/leukemia.rda | Bin 329 -> 328 bytes
data/marital.nz.rda | Bin 10452 -> 10440 bytes
data/melbmaxtemp.rda | Bin 4265 -> 4262 bytes
data/pneumo.rda | Bin 267 -> 266 bytes
data/prinia.rda | Bin 1229 -> 1228 bytes
data/ruge.rda | Bin 258 -> 254 bytes
data/toxop.rda | Bin 474 -> 473 bytes
data/venice.rda | Bin 976 -> 982 bytes
data/venice90.rda | Bin 8000 -> 8004 bytes
data/wine.rda | Bin 270 -> 270 bytes
inst/CITATION | 23 +
inst/doc/categoricalVGAM.R | 278 +++
inst/doc/categoricalVGAM.Rnw | 2325 ++++++++++++++++++++
inst/doc/categoricalVGAM.pdf | Bin 0 -> 735468 bytes
inst/doc/crVGAM.R | 480 +++++
inst/doc/crVGAM.Rnw | 2247 ++++++++++++++++++++
inst/doc/crVGAM.pdf | Bin 0 -> 496617 bytes
man/AR1.Rd | 198 ++
man/AR1UC.Rd | 101 +
man/VGAM-package.Rd | 21 +-
man/acat.Rd | 9 +-
man/betaII.Rd | 28 +-
man/betaR.Rd | 8 +-
man/betaff.Rd | 6 +-
man/betaprime.Rd | 6 +-
man/binom2.or.Rd | 6 +-
man/brat.Rd | 4 +-
man/bratt.Rd | 4 +-
man/cao.Rd | 10 +-
man/cdf.lmscreg.Rd | 8 +-
man/constraints.Rd | 4 +-
man/cqo.Rd | 7 +-
man/cumulative.Rd | 6 +-
man/dagum.Rd | 36 +-
man/deermice.Rd | 3 +-
man/dirmul.old.Rd | 11 +-
man/exponential.Rd | 2 +-
man/fill.Rd | 31 +-
man/fisk.Rd | 40 +-
man/genbetaII.Rd | 73 +-
man/genbetaIIUC.Rd | 97 +
man/genpoisUC.Rd | 81 +
man/genpoisson.Rd | 76 +-
man/iam.Rd | 12 +-
man/inv.lomax.Rd | 45 +-
man/inv.paralogistic.Rd | 41 +-
man/is.buggy.Rd | 110 +
man/lms.bcg.Rd | 8 +-
man/lms.bcn.Rd | 19 +-
man/lms.yjn.Rd | 8 +-
man/loglinb3.Rd | 6 +-
man/lomax.Rd | 19 +-
man/micmen.Rd | 6 +-
man/multinomial.Rd | 6 +-
man/negbinomial.Rd | 4 +-
man/notdocumentedyet.Rd | 10 +-
man/paralogistic.Rd | 42 +-
man/plotdeplot.lmscreg.Rd | 6 +-
man/plotqtplot.lmscreg.Rd | 6 +-
man/posbernoulli.t.Rd | 11 +-
man/posbernoulli.tb.Rd | 1 +
man/posnormal.Rd | 16 +-
man/pospoisson.Rd | 6 +-
man/propodds.Rd | 6 +-
man/qtplot.lmscreg.Rd | 6 +-
man/rhobit.Rd | 14 +-
man/rrvglm-class.Rd | 2 +-
man/rrvglm.Rd | 9 +-
man/s.Rd | 1 +
man/sinmad.Rd | 35 +-
man/sinmadUC.Rd | 5 +-
man/smartpred.Rd | 6 +-
man/sratio.Rd | 9 +-
man/tobit.Rd | 23 +-
man/undocumented-methods.Rd | 13 +-
man/uninormal.Rd | 1 +
man/vgam-class.Rd | 2 +-
man/vgam.Rd | 10 +-
man/vglm-class.Rd | 2 +-
man/vglm.Rd | 6 +-
man/vglm.control.Rd | 2 +-
man/vglmff-class.Rd | 6 +-
man/wrapup.smart.Rd | 14 +-
man/zapoisson.Rd | 6 +-
man/zero.Rd | 2 +-
vignettes/categoricalVGAM.Rnw | 2325 ++++++++++++++++++++
vignettes/categoricalVGAMbib.bib | 653 ++++++
vignettes/crVGAM.Rnw | 2247 ++++++++++++++++++++
vignettes/crVGAM.bib | 516 +++++
134 files changed, 16315 insertions(+), 4561 deletions(-)
index 70dc0e0..51ba3d1 100755
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Package: VGAM
-Version: 0.9-7
-Date: 2015-03-06
+Version: 0.9-8
+Date: 2015-05-11
Title: Vector Generalized Linear and Additive Models
Author: Thomas W. Yee <t.yee at auckland.ac.nz>
Maintainer: Thomas Yee <t.yee at auckland.ac.nz>
@@ -9,23 +9,25 @@ Suggests: VGAMdata, MASS
Description: An implementation of about 6 major classes of
statistical regression models. At the heart of it are the
vector generalized linear and additive model (VGLM/VGAM)
- classes. Many (150+) models and distributions are estimated
- by maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) or penalized MLE, using
- Fisher scoring. VGLMs can be loosely thought of as multivariate
- GLMs. VGAMs are data-driven VGLMs (i.e., with smoothing). The
- other classes are RR-VGLMs (reduced-rank VGLMs), quadratic
- RR-VGLMs, reduced-rank VGAMs, RCIMs (row-column interaction
- models)---these classes perform constrained and unconstrained
- quadratic ordination (CQO/UQO) models in ecology, as well
- as constrained additive ordination (CAO). Note that these
- functions are subject to change, especially before version
- 1.0.0 is released; see the NEWS file for latest changes.
+ classes. Currently only fixed-effects models are implemented,
+ i.e., no random-effects models. Many (150+) models and
+ distributions are estimated by maximum likelihood estimation
+ (MLE) or penalized MLE, using Fisher scoring. VGLMs can be
+ loosely thought of as multivariate GLMs. VGAMs are data-driven
+ VGLMs (i.e., with smoothing). The other classes are RR-VGLMs
+ (reduced-rank VGLMs), quadratic RR-VGLMs, reduced-rank VGAMs,
+ RCIMs (row-column interaction models)---these classes perform
+ constrained and unconstrained quadratic ordination (CQO/UQO)
+ models in ecology, as well as constrained additive ordination
+ (CAO). Note that these functions are subject to change,
+ especially before version 1.0.0 is released; see the NEWS
+ file for latest changes.
License: GPL-2
-URL: http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~yee/VGAM
+URL: https://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~yee/VGAM
NeedsCompilation: yes
BuildVignettes: yes
LazyLoad: yes
LazyData: yes
-Packaged: 2015-03-06 09:11:02 UTC; tyee001
+Packaged: 2015-05-11 03:49:53 UTC; tyee001
Repository: CRAN
-Date/Publication: 2015-03-06 10:38:52
+Date/Publication: 2015-05-11 11:14:54
diff --git a/MD5 b/MD5
index 069a649..6d4fd77 100644
--- a/MD5
+++ b/MD5
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
66414b6ed296192426033f4ac29a6af2 *BUGS
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-58a9357fcae44be200423c8bd8f156b6 *NAMESPACE
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+6506758e0e7e02c861ae3b7ca8e214b7 *DESCRIPTION
+febc599169d12ea006018ae570d5918b *NAMESPACE
+a7c3248f29ee5bcb29fd6559ba66325c *NEWS
46f97e789f77839767fc3d3511d2f990 *R/Links.R
b6b017bdea768a643afc8171516d193b *R/aamethods.q
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@@ -16,38 +16,37 @@ ce3d85bf00ad08175321e2098ae87462 *R/cao.fit.q
9a4e3479392194fbe0c6e55cacb03f62 *R/cqo.fit.q
d411a1bf3bfbe7057b4211255c33ba53 *R/deviance.vlm.q
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-4147f1613b1576d3ecefb7ab744a10d7 *R/family.actuary.R
+73607c9675d480649795248cf79816db *R/family.actuary.R
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+267ab38b53898ea5bd37c5a8e090d3e2 *R/family.basics.R
+7006c9efcd3263c79ca7c13366cfa238 *R/family.binomial.R
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-2a1cc1122243a38c4ee678d7692293e6 *R/family.censored.R
+9e76ec4bc461e0c06e6069054a060f54 *R/family.categorical.R
+6cf1f264328d97878e0d069ea7fa48b5 *R/family.censored.R
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+54d3654ea2ec5f5b11428c672ad11c03 *R/family.extremes.R
251b551aaf906c754d9e75342e7ea1af *R/family.functions.R
-5586e8d6e71cb830f2c6b852a10b3beb *R/family.genetic.R
-842bd10d4a8da3b0d367517c272eda56 *R/family.glmgam.R
+8a51bab8f687ffa92c116663af075ba3 *R/family.genetic.R
+281657d44d72ef287c94653979aa5aa5 *R/family.glmgam.R
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+f1a35abe66015033d743f525578179d1 *R/family.nonlinear.R
+1c0d93ee5dc8d6a3aa044c449ae6e33e *R/family.normal.R
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+88039b35018615a28e631b670d2e971b *R/family.positive.R
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+c86c5bac3606eb3ba284b4b6854a7684 *R/family.rcim.R
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+be19cb2f6dba872ae43dd12a5d21d620 *R/family.zeroinf.R
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@@ -77,7 +76,7 @@ cf62bdb183fe009cd47316eacbe3b14e *R/s.q
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@@ -87,57 +86,58 @@ c7836fc6514f090c9852ef7427b68a95 *R/vgam.match.q
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+a613e4fafb1a688f5aa446073014b01f *data/Huggins89table1.rda
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+fb2409f3985d6bb29e62b74641b92e0a *data/venice90.rda
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+d074784b6dfe8d86e15c45a289148d09 *data/wine.rda
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@@ -145,12 +145,20 @@ b9f0af62a654d77a3052997eb4cc15e2 *demo/cqo.R
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+01decdf5ff5cdc5cbeca6c4c42244e58 *inst/CITATION
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+162de766cebba3dde055eae8e91766ab *inst/doc/categoricalVGAM.pdf
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+6c712d6436cedaccc8a5f42e1e6ca1b8 *inst/doc/crVGAM.pdf
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+e7f6a39f61b6403d60cf99f0e17f3dc1 *man/AR1UC.Rd
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@@ -174,8 +182,8 @@ ea581f4824e64871d53376a9751c8a2e *man/SURff.Rd
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@@ -189,16 +197,16 @@ bcddb8c1df8893cf14a4400ee5dee6df *man/backPain.Rd
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dc19e3d023a2a46c670e431a2cc853e0 *man/posgeomUC.Rd
2963a956fa63f0bd9452b10b432d4fc8 *man/posnegbinUC.Rd
d1594d0598d420affef6f14a1c263685 *man/posnegbinomial.Rd
45b528182d1c01bc352dea7b84fd7671 *man/posnormUC.Rd
-e130fade4adc7216d9d825d73cf83dd6 *man/posnormal.Rd
+e3daf452b9b545aa37cefad2a93da0bd *man/posnormal.Rd
137d3986fcbad41bf77c10585dace0b0 *man/pospoisUC.Rd
-02066c793ac6cc88cdcb14ceb9b67fcb *man/pospoisson.Rd
+89e1ac898695d90f1d6075cafa971460 *man/pospoisson.Rd
cc06ad7f82789c3703e4977cc39828ed *man/powerlink.Rd
66bad6a1a2012e256b483e1727aca7e9 *man/prats.Rd
ee31e58dfd33c2c3b0d51eac95b553ad *man/predictqrrvglm.Rd
@@ -483,12 +494,12 @@ cb6a8c644c31d6ec5e8977ea7b1198df *man/predictvglm.Rd
4b6da0d45912d1b7fbd9d833f20ec3e9 *man/prentice74.Rd
5f4fbb060b2d8386d8d2bfde926d9d5d *man/prinia.Rd
d1b88140c378a21755511fb4a6ae6bce *man/probit.Rd
-0718999b2644fa5d30ffcd81722350e5 *man/propodds.Rd
+a80e37fe75a14efcfe236f6181cc58ac *man/propodds.Rd
241402d089ef4159f01fb4cd2c72b9a3 *man/prplot.Rd
ab1399d5d5f71707fd46960dc3efad04 *man/put.smart.Rd
8f4e6ebea74037334377e346c5b476f6 *man/qrrvglm.control.Rd
0b4cf628cd3e15b0668ae4ddae4d3ee6 *man/qtplot.gumbel.Rd
-19419758045a8282b21c6c7a8412a725 *man/qtplot.lmscreg.Rd
+b10bad72776d283be77901e730593f2e *man/qtplot.lmscreg.Rd
bf8b2681beaeae00d54c8cb5422ad069 *man/quasibinomialff.Rd
1dbf7bc4c97a7aafebcd736cf1baddbb *man/quasipoissonff.Rd
bbde69d1bad346cd4ad04763c96d6ffe *man/qvar.Rd
@@ -499,18 +510,18 @@ a95c0df100dedc0b4e80be0659858441 *man/rayleighUC.Rd
585af0deb3deb7b61388d6d4557994d8 *man/rec.exp1.Rd
64ea5646e75515a8b40fbd136fa6065e *man/rec.normal.Rd
49abf27f1c088a43cda71f0723cf188b *man/reciprocal.Rd
-a56ddce8598af2320fdadb94c42a9b24 *man/rhobit.Rd
+acfa691d70513cd589bcab400e529f4a *man/rhobit.Rd
d907e0bbe40b4fb02b0763ab6076309e *man/riceUC.Rd
85498654134f98f8aa887bed07b4985a *man/riceff.Rd
9dd5a151bfc05adcce0ae88a02eb08a8 *man/rigff.Rd
0e12c48578228c300e8c04ab3b08c04a *man/rlplot.egev.Rd
3c6afb0af10ae003dfa8cf9caa567d9b *man/rrar.Rd
-21af7f47c09e9758460cbf6d2ebf79cc *man/rrvglm-class.Rd
-78c5e9f5ae598e17f06957873e645c96 *man/rrvglm.Rd
+330d39b23f38eea93d453f07fcb7574b *man/rrvglm-class.Rd
+6c28407aa99813ab33175602570fbd3b *man/rrvglm.Rd
71e3f19a37b6f429458eb9060f5e2ef4 *man/rrvglm.control.Rd
eb0e4a0a8b0c63cd0c17120e9ca8df53 *man/rrvglm.optim.control.Rd
ecc44804896b8f3d4a9d469a952fe9a6 *man/ruge.Rd
-b60106c185ce93eb2c09bc34d1f7b349 *man/s.Rd
+21a97af245ddc566ddd8935381f6ea22 *man/s.Rd
3ebe2abf58080c4588a912c695adae77 *man/sc.studentt2.Rd
114f55f02750721179c9fc78d93f686c *man/sc.t2UC.Rd
c3096134b4f765a7d1d893fb9388488b *man/seq2binomial.Rd
@@ -518,8 +529,8 @@ c3096134b4f765a7d1d893fb9388488b *man/seq2binomial.Rd
451a726465c8e82555ba50a857e86ce0 *man/simplex.Rd
f158e6c60a4e6b6e13f2a9519515a021 *man/simplexUC.Rd
41af17badd0ef1b17cee591a35d46a12 *man/simulate.vlm.Rd
-86da93168db7b3bf3153e7b0eca85439 *man/sinmad.Rd
-9a4c16a6d079f7d9e5c22914e30497dc *man/sinmadUC.Rd
+bab7555bb34c57f8e56b59af277a5cc4 *man/sinmad.Rd
+95cbc5903a187d325c52c3d9d07ee252 *man/sinmadUC.Rd
5327f9644795a6ed4e1909159156b656 *man/skellam.Rd
2424940e3cff6d5a3ddd0ee99565ea39 *man/skellamUC.Rd
b62da6a60b01916a10d691e980253bc0 *man/skewnormUC.Rd
@@ -528,12 +539,12 @@ b62da6a60b01916a10d691e980253bc0 *man/skewnormUC.Rd
9fc90a85fdd63c0b3c49203f5e3d776f *man/slashUC.Rd
21bada3a13aca65ba49fb28127575144 *man/smart.expression.Rd
5726ef8bb900532df62b24bd4b7b8fe4 *man/smart.mode.is.Rd
-3d5d3a55f66ef8048b446da063e36ceb *man/smartpred.Rd
-098bc8b943b6ae2e0de9a4da57fcfd22 *man/sratio.Rd
+21a1d3bd045859ceab377610a53ba976 *man/smartpred.Rd
+a9dd55f0d6949934e7c89abc6c124e83 *man/sratio.Rd
0c48da9ab33eb24273c6348320a64f64 *man/studentt.Rd
0258a94ee53da230fb2aea74fd90192a *man/tikuv.Rd
ccaa57b076049fdf3cee1c321a2ab456 *man/tikuvUC.Rd
-5fbf542c18e27e990c98bacedd614a39 *man/tobit.Rd
+2e766ddeb8f6fb02dcd50740639de6ad *man/tobit.Rd
5130a86e60a3b1010b1364155a1afdd0 *man/tobitUC.Rd
b70afa170b0cf98a6c2a9eea9dc58483 *man/toxop.Rd
9b6a285a017b9928ae92a76eaf9e502d *man/triangle.Rd
@@ -543,16 +554,16 @@ c786330c607d69d19e59fc3823d1e2f2 *man/trplot.qrrvglm.Rd
aeaf42ac6e475f1dc3f180450d56c2ee *man/truncparetoUC.Rd
1d47c3a8f732ea01782c7e0b9929a921 *man/truncweibull.Rd
50ada9ecd189456ce9f218d22b49089c *man/ucberk.Rd
-c21d431f9341336ff44cc7019e755c98 *man/undocumented-methods.Rd
-2fd783dbf5c2dbcb81727fe479729163 *man/uninormal.Rd
+39838a7245484fda644f275531575884 *man/undocumented-methods.Rd
+f8f257cf6c91bb3c2765bc9c1d5fd4f1 *man/uninormal.Rd
f787bf505e7e68f5f16a49f48abb9bcb *man/venice.Rd
-215970e9b9824a503e8984e432c5c924 *man/vgam-class.Rd
-a04996c86d14b710cac6615958b50caf *man/vgam.Rd
+8ab09ea32a3839db780ac641218c322e *man/vgam-class.Rd
+77ac046fef4733e8dc8a26ecb61d201d *man/vgam.Rd
ea3fe248b860921783367037c8302c49 *man/vgam.control.Rd
-d11e5c5279c115678bb103f5b4575938 *man/vglm-class.Rd
-042568190fce50db76f5574b790e36e1 *man/vglm.Rd
-c21cd55efce9d242cbe555cb65aea5e3 *man/vglm.control.Rd
-8d9fa0cc290e49e459947c38c292df4c *man/vglmff-class.Rd
+126b55b4567a63cf2edb04a8b6d91506 *man/vglm-class.Rd
+def3c8ac9a4ab8a58b88a3d10df8958d *man/vglm.Rd
+0fb3b6b60182efdce44c9d225bcf0a64 *man/vglm.control.Rd
+7cab64090aec93a3edb1a7df961a1fe0 *man/vglmff-class.Rd
95420c89f2280b447cbd7784f83e7454 *man/vonmises.Rd
25b2ef45238e3f61e82dcf52f3d17090 *man/vsmooth.spline.Rd
c498f29d7fc8156fd345b4892f02190d *man/waitakere.Rd
@@ -560,7 +571,7 @@ c498f29d7fc8156fd345b4892f02190d *man/waitakere.Rd
9e36f5a354e39e4d645e105c7252ad00 *man/weibullR.Rd
e41e54f8623a002d20e55df65c5b6a87 *man/weightsvglm.Rd
3557b17f6054a1699cb653b36f6d1a37 *man/wine.Rd
-f5a3078b689d511325cb1dc0fd4e21f3 *man/wrapup.smart.Rd
+a814b37503a9534c86789482ab81333f *man/wrapup.smart.Rd
622f0105b04159f54fcfb361972e4fb7 *man/yeo.johnson.Rd
ebfff81b0f4730417de95f80b7c82c41 *man/yip88.Rd
225fcd19868f17b4a5d2590e834cb888 *man/yulesimon.Rd
@@ -572,8 +583,8 @@ ae671324c0f93f66adc72f053ef9ebd9 *man/zabinomUC.Rd
78eef8b541d039b00e9990ff758e53e9 *man/zanegbinUC.Rd
7292195daf3dd8898a1eb971f9f46d21 *man/zanegbinomial.Rd
b4bcb3a52a6e60efbdaa5d3cfed6fbf4 *man/zapoisUC.Rd
-0122299a628d1aea9cf560d1470d1367 *man/zapoisson.Rd
-41b375aed0074b0d0e87b2913685cda9 *man/zero.Rd
+e9861638c7394e812db8f7d18b660e3a *man/zapoisson.Rd
+64b7af3fd4cd0d0c367778c8bacabe24 *man/zero.Rd
7985338d08e88fa23cce9cc0a09724b6 *man/zeta.Rd
e0ef189ae8251b5e0d20b614c18cdd5a *man/zetaUC.Rd
648342ad0677587e55e4f92d906d0d42 *man/zetaff.Rd
@@ -612,3 +623,7 @@ e9187111f5c6ce1e5808bbb3dc088c17 *src/vlinpack3.f
753359563526a9cd5ebac104dab2d754 *src/vmux.f
9083b462bcc275ee6dda47e97f1ebf94 *src/vmux3.c
b19585d2495c46800b0c95f347fe89f9 *src/zeta3.c
+bfa11dbdbff271fb20342560f2bacd53 *vignettes/categoricalVGAM.Rnw
+d7beca978b587625654f981f7dc433d0 *vignettes/categoricalVGAMbib.bib
+8b5466d6da7f3c0e97030bd8364a9ca4 *vignettes/crVGAM.Rnw
+f1aac71e04f29f2b6c28434f90617ffa *vignettes/crVGAM.bib
index db489f4..35e9d7e 100644
@@ -7,6 +7,16 @@
importFrom("splines", splineDesign, bs, ns)
@@ -230,7 +240,6 @@ export(pnorm2, dnorm2)
fill, fill1, fill2, fill3,
biamhcop, dbiamhcop, pbiamhcop, rbiamhcop,
@@ -549,7 +558,7 @@ export(dgengamma.stacy, pgengamma.stacy, qgengamma.stacy, rgengamma.stacy)
dbenf, pbenf, qbenf, rbenf,
-genbetaII, genpoisson,
+genbetaII, dgenbetaII, genpoisson,
geometric, truncgeometric,
dlino, plino, qlino, rlino, lino,
diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index 73afb0a..b5b570f 100755
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -6,6 +6,43 @@
+ o Tested okay on R 3.2.0.
+ o is.buggy() tests to see if a fitted VGAM object suffers
+ from known bugs, e.g., a vgam() object with at least one
+ s() term whose constraint matrix does not have orthogonal
+ columns.
+ o New family function: AR1(d).
+ o New function: dgenpois().
+ o The package has been updated to reflect the new
+ J. Stat. Soft. paper by Yee, Stoklosa and Huggins.
+ A vignette based on this paper is now included.
+ o dgenbetaII() has now been written; and genbetaII() improved,
+ and about 8 special cases of genbetaII() have
+ all been modernized to handle multiple responses
+ and a default grid search over all the parameters
+ (arguments 'gscale' and 'gshape1.a', etc.). These
+ families are based on Kleiber and Kotz (2003).
+ o Family function genpoisson() has been modernized, and
+ should give correct results wrt AIC() etc.
+ o Argument 'init.alpha' renamed to 'ialpha', for the brat(),
+ bratt(), and dirmul.old() families.
+ o Calls to N.hat.posbernoulli() used Hlist = constraints rather
+ than Hlist = Hlist; this failed for RR-VGLMs.
+ o Family function tobit() obtains initial values even
+ in the case when it would otherwise fit an underdetermined
+ system of equations. Thanks to McClelland Kemp for picking
+ this up.
@@ -21,7 +58,6 @@ NEW FEATURES
- o family.name() renamed to familyname().
o Argument 'mv' has been renamed to 'multiple.responses'.
This applies to about 10 family functions such as binomialff().
o Argument 'lss' added to betaII(), dagum(), fisk(),
diff --git a/R/family.actuary.R b/R/family.actuary.R
index 6b69361..b297e51 100644
--- a/R/family.actuary.R
+++ b/R/family.actuary.R
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
dgumbelII <- function(x, scale = 1, shape, log = FALSE) {
@@ -2412,235 +2411,469 @@ if (ii < 3) {
- genbetaII <- function(lss,
+ genbetaII <- function(lscale = "loge",
lshape1.a = "loge",
- lscale = "loge",
lshape2.p = "loge",
lshape3.q = "loge",
+ iscale = NULL,
ishape1.a = NULL,
- iscale = NULL,
- ishape2.p = 1.0,
- ishape3.q = 1.0,
- zero = NULL) {
+ ishape2.p = NULL,
+ ishape3.q = NULL,
+ lss = TRUE,
+ gscale = exp(-5:5),
+ gshape1.a = exp(-5:5),
+ gshape2.p = exp(-5:5),
+ gshape3.q = exp(-5:5),
+ zero = ifelse(lss, -(2:4), -c(1, 3:4))) {
- if (!is.logical(lss) || lss)
- stop("argument 'lss' not specified correctly. ",
- "See online help for important information")
- if (length(zero) &&
- !is.Numeric(zero, integer.valued = TRUE, positive = TRUE))
- stop("bad input for argument 'zero'")
+ if (length(lss) != 1 && !is.logical(lss))
+ stop("Argument 'lss' not specified correctly")
+ if (length(iscale) && !is.Numeric(iscale, positive = TRUE))
+ stop("Bad input for argument 'iscale'")
+ if (length(ishape1.a) && !is.Numeric(ishape1.a, positive = TRUE))
+ stop("Bad input for argument 'ishape1.a'")
+ if (length(ishape2.p) && !is.Numeric(ishape2.p, positive = TRUE))
+ stop("Bad input for argument 'ishape2.p'")
+ if (length(ishape3.q) && !is.Numeric(ishape3.q, positive = TRUE))
+ stop("Bad input for argument 'ishape3.q'")
+ if (length(zero) && !is.Numeric(zero, integer.valued = TRUE))
+ stop("bad input for argument 'zero'")
+ lscale <- as.list(substitute(lscale))
+ escale <- link2list(lscale)
+ lscale <- attr(escale, "function.name")
lshape1.a <- as.list(substitute(lshape1.a))
eshape1.a <- link2list(lshape1.a)
lshape1.a <- attr(eshape1.a, "function.name")
lshape2.p <- as.list(substitute(lshape2.p))
eshape2.p <- link2list(lshape2.p)
lshape2.p <- attr(eshape2.p, "function.name")
lshape3.q <- as.list(substitute(lshape3.q))
eshape3.q <- link2list(lshape3.q)
lshape3.q <- attr(eshape3.q, "function.name")
- lscale <- as.list(substitute(lscale))
- escale <- link2list(lscale)
- lscale <- attr(escale, "function.name")
- new("vglmff",
- blurb = c("Generalized Beta II distribution\n\n",
- "Links: ",
- namesof("shape1.a", lshape1.a, earg = eshape1.a), ", ",
- namesof("scale", lscale, earg = escale), ", ",
- namesof("shape2.p", lshape2.p, earg = eshape2.p), ", ",
- namesof("shape3.q", lshape3.q, earg = eshape3.q), "\n",
- "Mean: scale * gamma(shape2.p + 1/shape1.a) * ",
- "gamma(shape3.q - 1/shape1.a) / ",
- "(gamma(shape2.p) * gamma(shape3.q))"),
+ new("vglmff",
+ blurb =
+ c("Generalized Beta II distribution \n\n",
+ "Links: ",
+ ifelse (lss,
+ namesof("scale" , lscale , earg = escale),
+ namesof("shape1.a", lshape1.a, earg = eshape1.a)), ", ",
+ ifelse (lss,
+ namesof("shape1.a", lshape1.a, earg = eshape1.a),
+ namesof("scale" , lscale , earg = escale)), ", ",
+ namesof("shape2.p" , lshape2.p, earg = eshape2.p), ", ",
+ namesof("shape3.q" , lshape3.q, earg = eshape3.q), "\n",
+ "Mean: scale * gamma(shape2.p + 1/shape1.a) * ",
+ "gamma(shape3.q - 1/shape1.a) / ",
+ "(gamma(shape2.p) * gamma(shape3.q))"),
constraints = eval(substitute(expression({
- constraints <- cm.zero.VGAM(constraints, x, .zero , M)
+ dotzero <- .zero
+ M1 <- 4
+ eval(negzero.expression.VGAM)
}), list( .zero = zero ))),
- initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
- w.y.check(w = w, y = y,
- ncol.w.max = 1, ncol.y.max = 1)
- predictors.names <-
- c(namesof("shape1.a", .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a , tag = FALSE),
- namesof("scale" , .lscale , earg = .escale , tag = FALSE),
- namesof("shape2.p", .lshape2.p , earg = .eshape2.p , tag = FALSE),
- namesof("shape3.q", .lshape3.q , earg = .eshape3.q , tag = FALSE))
- if (!length( .ishape1.a ) || !length( .iscale )) {
- qvec <- c( .25, .5, .75) # Arbitrary; could be made an argument
- ishape3.q <- if (length( .ishape3.q)) .ishape3.q else 1
- xvec <- log( (1-qvec)^(-1/ ishape3.q ) - 1 )
- fit0 <- lsfit(x = xvec, y = log(quantile(y, qvec )))
- }
- if (!length(etastart)) {
- aa <- rep(if (length( .ishape1.a )) .ishape1.a else
- abs(1 / fit0$coef[2]),
- length.out = n)
- scale <- rep(if (length( .iscale )) .iscale else
- exp(fit0$coef[1]), length = n)
- qq <- rep(if (length( .ishape3.q )) .ishape3.q else 1.0,
- length.out = n)
- parg <- rep(if (length( .ishape2.p )) .ishape2.p else 1.0,
- length.out = n)
- outOfRange <- (qq - 1/aa <= 0)
- qq[outOfRange] <- 1 / aa[outOfRange] + 1
- outOfRange <- (parg + 1/aa <= 0)
- parg[outOfRange] <- 1 / aa[outOfRange] + 1
+ infos = eval(substitute(function(...) {
+ list(M1 = 4,
+ Q1 = 1,
+ expected = TRUE,
+ zero = .zero ,
+ multipleResponses = TRUE,
+ lscale = .lscale , lshape1.a = .lshape1.a ,
+ escale = .escale , eshape1.a = .eshape1.a ,
+ lshape2.p = .lshape2.p , lshape3.q = .lshape3.q ,
+ eshape2.p = .eshape2.p , eshape3.q = .eshape3.q ,
+ .zero = zero )
+ }, list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
+ .lshape2.p = lshape2.p, .lshape3.q = lshape3.q,
+ .eshape2.p = eshape2.p, .eshape3.q = eshape3.q,
+ .zero = zero ))),
+ initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
+ temp5 <- w.y.check(w = w, y = y,
+ Is.positive.y = TRUE,
+ ncol.w.max = Inf,
+ ncol.y.max = Inf,
+ out.wy = TRUE,
+ colsyperw = 1,
+ maximize = TRUE)
+ y <- temp5$y
+ w <- temp5$w
+ M1 <- 4 # Number of parameters for one response
+ NOS <- ncoly <- ncol(y)
+ M <- M1*ncol(y)
+ scaL.names <- param.names("scale", NOS)
+ sha1.names <- param.names("shape1.a", NOS)
+ sha2.names <- param.names("shape2.p", NOS)
+ sha3.names <- param.names("shape3.q", NOS)
+ predictors.names <- c(
+ if ( .lss ) {
+ c(namesof(scaL.names , .lscale , earg = .escale , tag = FALSE),
+ namesof(sha1.names , .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a , tag = FALSE))
+ } else {
+ c(namesof(sha1.names , .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a , tag = FALSE),
+ namesof(scaL.names , .lscale , earg = .escale , tag = FALSE))
+ },
+ namesof(sha2.names , .lshape2.p , earg = .eshape2.p , tag = FALSE),
+ namesof(sha3.names , .lshape3.q , earg = .eshape3.q , tag = FALSE))
+ predictors.names <- predictors.names[interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
+ if (!length(etastart)) {
+ sc.init <-
+ aa.init <-
+ pp.init <-
+ qq.init <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), n, NOS)
+ for (spp. in 1:NOS) { # For each response 'y_spp.'... do:
+ yvec <- y[, spp.]
+ wvec <- w[, spp.]
+ gscale <- .gscale
+ gshape1.a <- .gshape1.a
+ gshape2.p <- .gshape2.p
+ gshape3.q <- .gshape3.q
+ if (length( .iscale ))
+ gscale <- rep( .iscale , length = NOS)
+ if (length( .ishape1.a ))
+ gshape1.a <- rep( .ishape1.a , length = NOS)
+ if (length( .ishape2.p ))
+ gshape2.p <- rep( .ishape2.p , length = NOS)
+ if (length( .ishape3.q ))
+ gshape3.q <- rep( .ishape3.q , length = NOS)
+ allmat1 <- expand.grid(shape1.a = gshape1.a,
+ shape2.p = gshape2.p,
+ shape3.q = gshape3.q)
+ allmat2 <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), nrow(allmat1), 2)
+ ll.gbII <- function(scaleval, x = x, y = y, w = w, extraargs) {
+ ans <- sum(c(w) * dgenbetaII(x = y,
+ scale = scaleval,
+ shape1.a = extraargs$Shape1.a,
+ shape2.p = extraargs$Shape2.p,
+ shape3.q = extraargs$Shape3.q,
+ log = TRUE))
+ ans
+ }
+ for (iloc in 1:nrow(allmat1)) {
+ allmat2[iloc, ] <-
+ grid.search(gscale, objfun = ll.gbII,
+ y = yvec, x = x, w = wvec,
+ ret.objfun = TRUE, # 2nd value is the loglik
+ extraargs = list(Shape1.a = allmat1[iloc, 1],
+ Shape2.p = allmat1[iloc, 2],
+ Shape3.q = allmat1[iloc, 3]))
+ }
+ ind5 <- which.max(allmat2[, 2]) # 2nd value is the loglik
+ sc.init[, spp.] <- allmat2[ind5, 1]
+ aa.init[, spp.] <- allmat1[ind5, 1]
+ pp.init[, spp.] <- allmat1[ind5, 2]
+ qq.init[, spp.] <- allmat1[ind5, 3]
+ } # End of for (spp. ...)
+ finite.mean <- 1 < aa.init * qq.init
+ COP.use <- 1.15
+ while (FALSE && any(!finite.mean)) {
+ qq.init[!finite.mean] <- 0.1 + qq.init[!finite.mean] * COP.use
+ aa.init[!finite.mean] <- 0.1 + aa.init[!finite.mean] * COP.use
+ finite.mean <- 1 < aa.init * qq.init
+ }
etastart <-
- cbind(theta2eta(aa, .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a ),
- theta2eta(scale, .lscale , earg = .escale ),
- theta2eta(parg, .lshape2.p , earg = .eshape2.p ),
- theta2eta(qq, .lshape3.q , earg = .eshape3.q ))
- }
- }), list( .lshape1.a = lshape1.a, .lscale = lscale,
+ cbind(if ( .lss )
+ cbind(theta2eta(sc.init, .lscale , earg = .escale ),
+ theta2eta(aa.init, .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )) else
+ cbind(theta2eta(aa.init, .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a ),
+ theta2eta(sc.init, .lscale , earg = .escale )),
+ theta2eta(pp.init , .lshape2.p , earg = .eshape2.p ),
+ theta2eta(qq.init , .lshape3.q , earg = .eshape3.q ))
+ etastart <- etastart[, interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
+ } # End of etastart.
+ }), list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
+ .iscale = iscale , .ishape1.a = ishape1.a,
+ .gscale = gscale , .gshape1.a = gshape1.a,
.lshape2.p = lshape2.p, .lshape3.q = lshape3.q,
- .eshape1.a = eshape1.a, .escale = escale,
.eshape2.p = eshape2.p, .eshape3.q = eshape3.q,
- .ishape1.a = ishape1.a, .iscale = iscale,
- .ishape2.p = ishape2.p, .ishape3.q = ishape3.q ))),
+ .ishape2.p = ishape2.p, .ishape3.q = ishape3.q,
+ .gshape2.p = gshape2.p, .gshape3.q = gshape3.q,
+ .lss = lss ))),
linkinv = eval(substitute(function(eta, extra = NULL) {
- aa <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
- Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .lscale , earg = .escale )
- parg <- eta2theta(eta[, 3], .lshape2.p , earg = .eshape2.p )
- qq <- eta2theta(eta[, 4], .lshape3.q , earg = .eshape3.q )
- ans <- Scale * exp(lgamma(parg + 1/aa) +
- lgamma(qq - 1/aa) - lgamma(parg) - lgamma(qq))
- ans[parg + 1/aa <= 0] <- NA
- ans[qq - 1/aa <= 0] <- NA
- ans[aa <= 0] <- NA
- ans[Scale <= 0] <- NA
- ans[parg <= 0] <- NA
- ans[qq <= 0] <- NA
+ M1 <- 4
+ NOS <- ncol(eta)/M1
+ if ( .lss ) {
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 3, drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ aa <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 2, drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
+ } else {
+ aa <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 3, drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 2, drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ }
+ parg <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape2.p , earg = .eshape2.p )
+ qq <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape3.q , earg = .eshape3.q )
+ ans <- cbind(Scale * exp(lgamma(parg + 1/aa) +
+ lgamma(qq - 1/aa) -
+ lgamma(parg) - lgamma(qq)))
- }, list( .lshape1.a = lshape1.a, .lscale = lscale,
- .eshape1.a = eshape1.a, .escale = escale,
+ }, list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
+ .lshape2.p = lshape2.p, .lshape3.q = lshape3.q,
.eshape2.p = eshape2.p, .eshape3.q = eshape3.q,
- .lshape2.p = lshape2.p, .lshape3.q = lshape3.q ))),
+ .lss = lss ))),
last = eval(substitute(expression({
- misc$link <- c(shape1.a = .lshape1.a , scale = .lscale ,
- shape2.p = .lshape2.p , shape3.q = .lshape3.q )
+ M1 <- 4
+ misc$link <- c(rep( if ( .lss ) .lscale else .lshape1.a , len = ncoly),
+ rep( if ( .lss ) .lshape1.a else .lscale , len = ncoly),
+ rep( .lshape2.p , length = ncoly),
+ rep( .lshape3.q , length = ncoly))[
+ interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
+ temp.names <- if ( .lss ) {
+ c(scaL.names, sha1.names, sha2.names, sha3.names)
+ } else {
+ c(sha1.names, scaL.names, sha2.names, sha3.names)
+ }
+ names(misc$link) <- temp.names[interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
- misc$earg <- list(shape1.a = .eshape1.a , scale = .escale ,
- shape2.p = .eshape2.p , shape3.q = .eshape3.q )
+ misc$earg <- vector("list", M)
+ names(misc$earg) <- temp.names
+ for (ii in 1:ncoly) {
+ if ( .lss ) {
+ misc$earg[[M1*ii-3]] <- .escale
+ misc$earg[[M1*ii-2]] <- .eshape1.a
+ } else {
+ misc$earg[[M1*ii-3]] <- .eshape1.a
+ misc$earg[[M1*ii-2]] <- .escale
+ }
+ misc$earg[[M1*ii-1]] <- .eshape2.p
+ misc$earg[[M1*ii ]] <- .eshape3.q
+ }
- misc$expected <- TRUE
- misc$multipleResponses <- FALSE
- }), list( .lshape1.a = lshape1.a, .lscale = lscale,
- .eshape1.a = eshape1.a, .escale = escale,
+ misc$expected <- TRUE
+ misc$multipleResponses <- TRUE
+ }), list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
+ .lshape2.p = lshape2.p, .lshape3.q = lshape3.q,
.eshape2.p = eshape2.p, .eshape3.q = eshape3.q,
- .lshape2.p = lshape2.p, .lshape3.q = lshape3.q ))),
+ .lss = lss ))),
loglikelihood = eval(substitute(
- function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE, eta,
- extra = NULL,
- summation = TRUE) {
- aa <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
- scale <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .lscale , earg = .escale )
- parg <- eta2theta(eta[, 3], .lshape2.p , earg = .eshape2.p )
- qq <- eta2theta(eta[, 4], .lshape3.q , earg = .eshape3.q )
- if (residuals) {
- stop("loglikelihood residuals not implemented yet")
- } else {
- ll.elts <-
- c(w) * (log(aa) + (aa * parg - 1) * log(y) -
- aa * parg * log(scale) +
- - lbeta(parg, qq) - (parg + qq) * log1p((y/scale)^aa))
- if (summation) {
- sum(ll.elts)
+ function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE,
+ eta, extra = NULL, summation = TRUE) {
+ M1 <- 4
+ NOS <- ncol(eta)/M1
+ if ( .lss ) {
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 3, drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ aa <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 2, drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
} else {
- ll.elts
+ aa <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 3, drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 2, drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
- }
- }, list( .lshape1.a = lshape1.a, .lscale = lscale,
- .eshape1.a = eshape1.a, .escale = escale,
- .eshape2.p = eshape2.p, .eshape3.q = eshape3.q,
- .lshape2.p = lshape2.p, .lshape3.q = lshape3.q ))),
+ parg <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape2.p , earg = .eshape2.p )
+ qq <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape3.q , earg = .eshape3.q )
+ if (residuals) {
+ stop("loglikelihood residuals not implemented yet")
+ } else {
+ ll.elts <-
+ c(w) * dgenbetaII(x = y, scale = Scale, shape1.a = aa,
+ shape2.p = parg, shape3.q = qq, log = TRUE)
+ if (summation) {
+ sum(ll.elts)
+ } else {
+ ll.elts
+ }
+ }
+ }, list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
+ .lshape2.p = lshape2.p, .lshape3.q = lshape3.q,
+ .eshape2.p = eshape2.p, .eshape3.q = eshape3.q,
+ .lss = lss ))),
vfamily = c("genbetaII"),
- deriv = eval(substitute(expression({
- aa <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
- scale <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .lscale , earg = .escale )
- parg <- eta2theta(eta[, 3], .lshape2.p , earg = .eshape2.p )
- qq <- eta2theta(eta[, 4], .lshape3.q , earg = .eshape3.q )
- temp1 <- log(y/scale)
- temp2 <- (y/scale)^aa
+ deriv = eval(substitute(expression({
+ NOS <- ncol(eta)/M1 # Needed for summary()
+ if ( .lss ) {
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 3, drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ aa <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 2, drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a)
+ } else {
+ aa <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 3, drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a)
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 2, drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ }
+ parg <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape2.p , earg = .eshape2.p)
+ qq <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape3.q , earg = .eshape3.q)
+ temp1 <- log(y/Scale)
+ temp2 <- (y/Scale)^aa
temp3 <- digamma(parg + qq)
temp3a <- digamma(parg)
temp3b <- digamma(qq)
temp4 <- log1p(temp2)
+ dl.dscale <- (aa/Scale) * (-parg + (parg+qq) / (1+1/temp2))
dl.da <- 1/aa + parg * temp1 - (parg+qq) * temp1 / (1+1/temp2)
- dl.dscale <- (aa/scale) * (-parg + (parg+qq) / (1+1/temp2))
dl.dp <- aa * temp1 + temp3 - temp3a - temp4
dl.dq <- temp3 - temp3b - temp4
+ dscale.deta <- dtheta.deta(Scale, .lscale , earg = .escale )
da.deta <- dtheta.deta(aa, .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
- dscale.deta <- dtheta.deta(scale, .lscale , earg = .escale )
dp.deta <- dtheta.deta(parg, .lshape2.p , earg = .eshape2.p )
dq.deta <- dtheta.deta(qq, .lshape3.q , earg = .eshape3.q )
- c(w) * cbind( dl.da * da.deta,
- dl.dscale * dscale.deta,
- dl.dp * dp.deta,
- dl.dq * dq.deta )
- }), list( .lshape1.a = lshape1.a, .lscale = lscale,
- .eshape1.a = eshape1.a, .escale = escale,
- .eshape2.p = eshape2.p, .eshape3.q = eshape3.q,
- .lshape2.p = lshape2.p, .lshape3.q = lshape3.q ))),
+ myderiv <- if ( .lss ) {
+ c(w) * cbind(dl.dscale * dscale.deta,
+ dl.da * da.deta,
+ dl.dp * dp.deta,
+ dl.dq * dq.deta)
+ } else {
+ c(w) * cbind(dl.da * da.deta,
+ dl.dscale * dscale.deta,
+ dl.dp * dp.deta,
+ dl.dq * dq.deta)
+ }
+ myderiv[, interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
+ }), list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
+ .lshape2.p = lshape2.p, .lshape3.q = lshape3.q,
+ .eshape2.p = eshape2.p, .eshape3.q = eshape3.q,
+ .lss = lss ))),
weight = eval(substitute(expression({
temp5 <- trigamma(parg + qq)
temp5a <- trigamma(parg)
temp5b <- trigamma(qq)
- ned2l.da <- (1 + parg+qq + parg * qq * (temp5a + temp5b +
+ ned2l.da <- (1 + parg + qq + parg * qq * (temp5a + temp5b +
(temp3b - temp3a + (parg-qq)/(parg*qq))^2 -
(parg^2 + qq^2) / (parg*qq)^2)) / (aa^2 * (1+parg+qq))
- ned2l.dscale <- aa^2 * parg * qq / (scale^2 * (1+parg+qq))
- ned2l.dp <- temp5a - temp5
- ned2l.dq <- temp5b - temp5
+ ned2l.dscale <- (aa^2) * parg * qq / ((1+parg+qq) * Scale^2)
+ ned2l.dp <- temp5a - temp5
+ ned2l.dq <- temp5b - temp5
ned2l.dascale <- (parg - qq - parg * qq *
- (temp3a -temp3b)) / (scale*(1 + parg+qq))
- ned2l.dap <- -(qq * (temp3a -temp3b) -1) / (aa*(parg+qq))
- ned2l.daq <- -(parg * (temp3b -temp3a) -1) / (aa*(parg+qq))
- ned2l.dscalep <- aa * qq / (scale*(parg+qq))
- ned2l.dscaleq <- -aa * parg / (scale*(parg+qq))
- ned2l.dpq <- -temp5
- wz <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), n, dimm(M)) # M==4 means 10=dimm(M)
- wz[, iam(1, 1, M)] <- ned2l.da * da.deta^2
- wz[, iam(2, 2, M)] <- ned2l.dscale * dscale.deta^2
- wz[, iam(3, 3, M)] <- ned2l.dp * dp.deta^2
- wz[, iam(4, 4, M)] <- ned2l.dq * dq.deta^2
- wz[, iam(1, 2, M)] <- ned2l.dascale * da.deta * dscale.deta
- wz[, iam(1, 3, M)] <- ned2l.dap * da.deta * dp.deta
- wz[, iam(1, 4, M)] <- ned2l.daq * da.deta * dq.deta
- wz[, iam(2, 3, M)] <- ned2l.dscalep * dscale.deta * dp.deta
- wz[, iam(2, 4, M)] <- ned2l.dscaleq * dscale.deta * dq.deta
- wz[, iam(3, 4, M)] <- ned2l.dpq * dp.deta * dq.deta
- wz <- c(w) * wz
+ (temp3a -temp3b)) / (Scale*(1 + parg+qq))
+ ned2l.dap <- -(qq * (temp3a -temp3b) -1) / (aa*(parg+qq))
+ ned2l.daq <- -(parg * (temp3b -temp3a) -1) / (aa*(parg+qq))
+ ned2l.dscalep <- aa * qq / (Scale*(parg+qq))
+ ned2l.dscaleq <- -aa * parg / (Scale*(parg+qq))
+ ned2l.dpq <- -temp5
+ wz <- if ( .lss ) {
+ array(c(c(w) * ned2l.dscale * dscale.deta^2,
+ c(w) * ned2l.da * da.deta^2,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dp * dp.deta^2,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dq * dq.deta^2,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dascale * da.deta * dscale.deta,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dap * da.deta * dp.deta,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dpq * dp.deta * dq.deta,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dscalep * dscale.deta * dp.deta,
+ c(w) * ned2l.daq * da.deta * dq.deta,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dscaleq * dscale.deta * dq.deta),
+ dim = c(n, M/M1, M1*(M1+1)/2))
+ } else {
+ array(c(c(w) * ned2l.da * da.deta^2,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dscale * dscale.deta^2,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dp * dp.deta^2,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dq * dq.deta^2,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dascale * da.deta * dscale.deta,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dscalep * dscale.deta * dp.deta,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dpq * dp.deta * dq.deta,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dap * da.deta * dp.deta,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dscaleq * dscale.deta * dq.deta,
+ c(w) * ned2l.daq * da.deta * dq.deta),
+ dim = c(n, M/M1, M1*(M1+1)/2))
+ }
+ wz <- arwz2wz(wz, M = M, M1 = M1)
- }), list( .lshape1.a <- lshape1.a, .lscale = lscale,
- .eshape1.a <- eshape1.a, .escale = escale,
- .eshape2.p <- eshape2.p, .eshape3.q = eshape3.q,
- .lshape2.p <- lshape2.p, .lshape3.q = lshape3.q ))))
+ }), list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
+ .lshape2.p = lshape2.p, .lshape3.q = lshape3.q,
+ .eshape2.p = eshape2.p, .eshape3.q = eshape3.q,
+ .lss = lss ))))
+dgenbetaII <- function(x, scale = 1, shape1.a, shape2.p, shape3.q,
+ log = FALSE) {
+ if (!is.logical(log.arg <- log) || length(log) != 1)
+ stop("Bad input for argument 'log'")
+ rm(log)
+ logden <- log(shape1.a) + (shape1.a * shape2.p - 1) * log(abs(x)) -
+ shape1.a * shape2.p * log(scale) -
+ lbeta(shape2.p, shape3.q) -
+ (shape2.p + shape3.q) * log1p((abs(x)/scale)^shape1.a)
+ if (any(x <= 0) || any(is.infinite(x))) {
+ LLL <- max(length(x), length(scale),
+ length(shape1.a), length(shape2.p), length(shape3.q))
+ if (length(x) != LLL) x <- rep(x, length = LLL)
+ if (length(scale) != LLL) scale <- rep(scale, length = LLL)
+ if (length(shape1.a) != LLL) shape1.a <- rep(shape1.a, length = LLL)
+ if (length(shape2.p) != LLL) shape2.p <- rep(shape2.p, length = LLL)
+ if (length(shape3.q) != LLL) shape3.q <- rep(shape3.q, length = LLL)
+ logden[is.infinite(x)] <- log(0)
+ logden[x < 0] <- log(0)
+ x.eq.0 <- !is.na(x) & (x == 0)
+ if (any(x.eq.0)) {
+ axp <- shape1.a[x.eq.0] * shape2.p[x.eq.0]
+ logden[x.eq.0 & axp < 1] <- log(Inf)
+ ind5 <- x.eq.0 & axp == 1
+ logden[ind5] <- log(shape1.a[ind5]) -
+ shape1.a[ind5] * shape2.p[ind5] * log(scale[ind5]) -
+ lbeta(shape2.p[ind5], shape3.q[ind5]) -
+ (shape2.p[ind5] + shape3.q[ind5]) *
+ log1p((0/scale[ind5])^shape1.a[ind5])
+ logden[x.eq.0 & axp > 1] <- log(0)
+ }
+ }
+ if (log.arg) logden else exp(logden)
rsinmad <- function(n, scale = 1, shape1.a, shape3.q)
qsinmad(runif(n), shape1.a = shape1.a, scale = scale,
shape3.q = shape3.q)
@@ -2958,6 +3191,15 @@ pinv.paralogistic <- function(q, scale = 1, shape1.a,
+dbetaII <- function(x, scale = 1, shape2.p, shape3.q, log = FALSE)
+ dgenbetaII(x = x, scale = scale, shape1.a = 1,
+ shape2.p = shape2.p, shape3.q = shape3.q, log = log)
dsinmad <- function(x, scale = 1, shape1.a, shape3.q, log = FALSE) {
if (!is.logical(log.arg <- log) || length(log) != 1)
@@ -2966,9 +3208,9 @@ dsinmad <- function(x, scale = 1, shape1.a, shape3.q, log = FALSE) {
LLL <- max(length(x), length(shape1.a),
length(scale), length(shape3.q))
- x <- rep(x, length.out = LLL);
+ x <- rep(x, length.out = LLL)
shape1.a <- rep(shape1.a, length.out = LLL)
- scale <- rep(scale, length.out = LLL);
+ scale <- rep(scale, length.out = LLL)
shape3.q <- rep(shape3.q, length.out = LLL)
Loglik <- rep(log(0), length.out = LLL)
@@ -3054,104 +3296,231 @@ dinv.paralogistic <- function(x, scale = 1, shape1.a, log = FALSE)
- sinmad <- function(lss,
- lshape1.a = "loge",
- lscale = "loge",
- lshape3.q = "loge",
- ishape1.a = NULL,
- iscale = NULL,
- ishape3.q = 1.0,
- zero = NULL) {
- if (!is.logical(lss) || lss)
- stop("argument 'lss' not specified correctly. ",
- "See online help for important information")
- if (length(zero) &&
- !is.Numeric(zero, integer.valued = TRUE, positive = TRUE))
- stop("bad input for argument 'zero'")
+ sinmad <- function(lscale = "loge",
+ lshape1.a = "loge",
+ lshape3.q = "loge",
+ iscale = NULL,
+ ishape1.a = NULL,
+ ishape3.q = NULL,
+ imethod = 1,
+ lss = TRUE,
+ gscale = exp(-5:5),
+ gshape1.a = exp(-5:5),
+ gshape3.q = exp(-5:5),
+ probs.y = c(0.25, 0.50, 0.75),
+ zero = ifelse(lss, -(2:3), -c(1, 3))) {
+ if (length(lss) != 1 && !is.logical(lss))
+ stop("Argument 'lss' not specified correctly")
+ if (!is.Numeric(imethod, length.arg = 1,
+ integer.valued = TRUE,
+ positive = TRUE) || imethod > 2)
+ stop("Bad input for argument 'imethod'")
+ if (length(iscale) && !is.Numeric(iscale, positive = TRUE))
+ stop("Bad input for argument 'iscale'")
+ if (length(ishape1.a) && !is.Numeric(ishape1.a, positive = TRUE))
+ stop("Bad input for argument 'ishape1.a'")
+ if (length(ishape3.q) && !is.Numeric(ishape3.q, positive = TRUE))
+ stop("Bad input for argument 'ishape3.q'")
+ if (length(probs.y) < 2 || max(probs.y) > 1 ||
+ !is.Numeric(probs.y, positive = TRUE))
+ stop("Bad input for argument 'probs.y'")
+ if (length(zero) && !is.Numeric(zero, integer.valued = TRUE))
+ stop("bad input for argument 'zero'")
+ lscale <- as.list(substitute(lscale))
+ escale <- link2list(lscale)
+ lscale <- attr(escale, "function.name")
lshape1.a <- as.list(substitute(lshape1.a))
eshape1.a <- link2list(lshape1.a)
lshape1.a <- attr(eshape1.a, "function.name")
lshape3.q <- as.list(substitute(lshape3.q))
eshape3.q <- link2list(lshape3.q)
lshape3.q <- attr(eshape3.q, "function.name")
- lscale <- as.list(substitute(lscale))
- escale <- link2list(lscale)
- lscale <- attr(escale, "function.name")
- new("vglmff",
- blurb = c("Singh-Maddala distribution\n\n",
- "Links: ",
- namesof("shape1.a", lshape1.a, earg = eshape1.a), ", ",
- namesof("scale", lscale, earg = escale), ", ",
- namesof("shape3.q", lshape3.q, earg = eshape3.q), "\n",
- "Mean: scale * gamma(1 + 1/shape1.a) * ",
- "gamma(shape3.q - 1/shape1.a) / ",
- "gamma(shape3.q)"),
+ new("vglmff",
+ blurb =
+ c("Singh-Maddala distribution \n\n",
+ "Links: ",
+ ifelse (lss,
+ namesof("scale" , lscale , earg = escale),
+ namesof("shape1.a", lshape1.a, earg = eshape1.a)), ", ",
+ ifelse (lss,
+ namesof("shape1.a", lshape1.a, earg = eshape1.a),
+ namesof("scale" , lscale , earg = escale)), ", ",
+ namesof("shape3.q" , lshape3.q, earg = eshape3.q), "\n",
+ "Mean: scale * gamma(shape2.p + 1/shape1.a) * ",
+ "gamma(shape3.q - 1/shape1.a) / ",
+ "gamma(shape3.q)"),
constraints = eval(substitute(expression({
- constraints <- cm.zero.VGAM(constraints, x, .zero , M)
+ dotzero <- .zero
+ M1 <- 3
+ eval(negzero.expression.VGAM)
}), list( .zero = zero ))),
- initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
- w.y.check(w = w, y = y,
- ncol.w.max = 1, ncol.y.max = 1)
- predictors.names <-
- c(namesof("shape1.a", .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a , tag = FALSE),
- namesof("scale", .lscale , earg = .escale , tag = FALSE),
- namesof("shape3.q", .lshape3.q , earg = .eshape3.q , tag = FALSE))
- parg <- 1
- if (!length( .ishape1.a) || !length( .iscale )) {
- qvec <- c( .25, .5, .75) # Arbitrary; could be made an argument
- ishape3.q <- if (length( .ishape3.q)) .ishape3.q else 1
- xvec <- log( (1-qvec)^(-1/ ishape3.q ) - 1 )
- fit0 <- lsfit(x = xvec, y = log(quantile(y, qvec )))
- }
+ infos = eval(substitute(function(...) {
+ list(M1 = 3,
+ Q1 = 1,
+ expected = TRUE,
+ zero = .zero ,
+ multipleResponses = TRUE,
+ lscale = .lscale , lshape1.a = .lshape1.a ,
+ escale = .escale , eshape1.a = .eshape1.a ,
+ lshape3.q = .lshape3.q ,
+ eshape3.q = .eshape3.q ,
+ .zero = zero )
+ }, list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
+ .lshape3.q = lshape3.q,
+ .eshape3.q = eshape3.q,
+ .zero = zero ))),
+ initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
+ temp5 <- w.y.check(w = w, y = y,
+ Is.positive.y = TRUE,
+ ncol.w.max = Inf,
+ ncol.y.max = Inf,
+ out.wy = TRUE,
+ colsyperw = 1,
+ maximize = TRUE)
+ y <- temp5$y
+ w <- temp5$w
+ M1 <- 3 # Number of parameters for one response
+ NOS <- ncoly <- ncol(y)
+ M <- M1*ncol(y)
+ scaL.names <- param.names("scale", NOS)
+ sha1.names <- param.names("shape1.a", NOS)
+ sha3.names <- param.names("shape3.q", NOS)
+ predictors.names <- c(
+ if ( .lss ) {
+ c(namesof(scaL.names , .lscale , earg = .escale , tag = FALSE),
+ namesof(sha1.names , .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a , tag = FALSE))
+ } else {
+ c(namesof(sha1.names , .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a , tag = FALSE),
+ namesof(scaL.names , .lscale , earg = .escale , tag = FALSE))
+ },
+ namesof(sha3.names , .lshape3.q , earg = .eshape3.q , tag = FALSE))
+ predictors.names <- predictors.names[interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
if (!length(etastart)) {
- aa <- rep(if (length( .ishape1.a)) .ishape1.a else 1/fit0$coef[2],
- length.out = n)
- scale <- rep(if (length( .iscale )) .iscale else exp(fit0$coef[1]),
- length.out = n)
- qq <- rep(if (length( .ishape3.q)) .ishape3.q else 1.0,
- length.out = n)
- outOfRange <- (aa * qq <= 1)
- qq[outOfRange] <- 1 / aa[outOfRange] + 1
+ sc.init <-
+ aa.init <-
+ qq.init <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), n, NOS)
+ for (spp. in 1:NOS) { # For each response 'y_spp.'... do:
+ yvec <- y[, spp.]
+ wvec <- w[, spp.]
- etastart <-
- cbind(theta2eta(aa, .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a ),
- theta2eta(scale, .lscale , earg = .escale ),
- theta2eta(qq, .lshape3.q , earg = .eshape3.q ))
- }
- }), list( .lshape1.a = lshape1.a, .lscale = lscale,
- .lshape3.q = lshape3.q,
- .eshape1.a = eshape1.a, .escale = escale,
- .eshape3.q = eshape3.q,
- .ishape1.a = ishape1.a, .iscale = iscale,
- .ishape3.q = ishape3.q ))),
+ if ( .imethod == 1 ) {
+ gscale <- .gscale
+ gshape1.a <- .gshape1.a
+ gshape3.q <- .gshape3.q
+ if (length( .iscale ))
+ gscale <- rep( .iscale , length = NOS)
+ if (length( .ishape1.a ))
+ gshape1.a <- rep( .ishape1.a , length = NOS)
+ if (length( .ishape3.q ))
+ gshape3.q <- rep( .ishape3.q , length = NOS)
+ allmat1 <- expand.grid(shape1.a = gshape1.a,
+ shape3.q = gshape3.q)
+ allmat2 <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), nrow(allmat1), 2)
+ ll.sinm <- function(scaleval, x = x, y = y, w = w, extraargs) {
+ ans <- sum(c(w) * dgenbetaII(x = y,
+ scale = scaleval,
+ shape1.a = extraargs$Shape1.a,
+ shape2.p = 1,
+ shape3.q = extraargs$Shape3.q,
+ log = TRUE))
+ ans
+ }
+ for (iloc in 1:nrow(allmat1)) {
+ allmat2[iloc, ] <-
+ grid.search(gscale, objfun = ll.sinm,
+ y = yvec, x = x, w = wvec,
+ ret.objfun = TRUE, # 2nd value is the loglik
+ extraargs = list(Shape1.a = allmat1[iloc, 1],
+ Shape3.q = allmat1[iloc, 2]))
+ }
+ ind5 <- which.max(allmat2[, 2]) # 2nd value is the loglik
+ sc.init[, spp.] <- allmat2[ind5, 1]
+ aa.init[, spp.] <- allmat1[ind5, 1]
+ qq.init[, spp.] <- allmat1[ind5, 2]
+ } else { # .imethod == 2
+ qvec <- .probs.y
+ ishape3.q <- if (length( .ishape3.q )) .ishape3.q else 1
+ xvec <- log( (1-qvec)^(-1/ ishape3.q ) - 1 )
+ fit0 <- lsfit(x = xvec, y = log(quantile(yvec, qvec)))
+ sc.init[, spp.] <- if (length( .iscale )) .iscale else
+ exp(fit0$coef[1])
+ aa.init[, spp.] <- if (length( .ishape1.a )) .ishape1.a else
+ 1/fit0$coef[2]
+ qq.init[, spp.] <- ishape3.q
+ }
+ } # End of for (spp. ...)
+ finite.mean <- 1 < aa.init * qq.init
+ COP.use <- 1.15
+ while (FALSE && any(!finite.mean)) {
+ qq.init[!finite.mean] <- 0.1 + qq.init[!finite.mean] * COP.use
+ aa.init[!finite.mean] <- 0.1 + aa.init[!finite.mean] * COP.use
+ finite.mean <- 1 < aa.init * qq.init
+ }
+ etastart <-
+ cbind(if ( .lss )
+ cbind(theta2eta(sc.init, .lscale , earg = .escale ),
+ theta2eta(aa.init, .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )) else
+ cbind(theta2eta(aa.init, .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a ),
+ theta2eta(sc.init, .lscale , earg = .escale )),
+ theta2eta(qq.init , .lshape3.q , earg = .eshape3.q ))
+ etastart <- etastart[, interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
+ } # End of etastart.
+ }), list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
+ .iscale = iscale , .ishape1.a = ishape1.a,
+ .gscale = gscale , .gshape1.a = gshape1.a,
+ .lshape3.q = lshape3.q,
+ .eshape3.q = eshape3.q,
+ .ishape3.q = ishape3.q,
+ .gshape3.q = gshape3.q,
+ .imethod = imethod , .probs.y = probs.y,
+ .lss = lss ))),
linkinv = eval(substitute(function(eta, extra = NULL) {
- aa <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
- Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .lscale , earg = .escale )
- parg <- 1
- qq <- eta2theta(eta[, 3], .lshape3.q , earg = .eshape3.q )
+ M1 <- 3
+ NOS <- ncol(eta)/M1
+ if ( .lss ) {
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 2, drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ aa <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
+ } else {
+ aa <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 2, drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ }
+ parg <- 1
+ qq <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape3.q , earg = .eshape3.q )
ans <- Scale * exp(lgamma(parg + 1/aa) +
lgamma(qq - 1/aa) - lgamma(parg) - lgamma(qq))
@@ -3161,55 +3530,82 @@ dinv.paralogistic <- function(x, scale = 1, shape1.a, log = FALSE)
ans[Scale <= 0] <- NA
ans[qq <= 0] <- NA
- }, list( .lshape1.a = lshape1.a, .lscale = lscale,
- .eshape1.a = eshape1.a, .escale = escale,
- .eshape3.q = eshape3.q,
- .lshape3.q = lshape3.q ))),
+ }, list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
+ .lshape3.q = lshape3.q,
+ .eshape3.q = eshape3.q,
+ .lss = lss ))),
last = eval(substitute(expression({
- misc$link <-
- c(shape1.a = .lshape1.a ,
- scale = .lscale ,
- shape3.q = .lshape3.q )
+ M1 <- 3
- misc$earg <-
- list(shape1.a = .eshape1.a ,
- scale = .escale ,
- shape3.q = .eshape3.q )
+ misc$link <- c(rep( if ( .lss ) .lscale else .lshape1.a , len = ncoly),
+ rep( if ( .lss ) .lshape1.a else .lscale , len = ncoly),
+ rep( .lshape3.q , length = ncoly))[
+ interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
+ temp.names <- if ( .lss ) {
+ c(scaL.names, sha1.names, sha3.names)
+ } else {
+ c(sha1.names, scaL.names, sha3.names)
+ }
+ names(misc$link) <- temp.names[interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
- misc$expected <- TRUE
- misc$multipleResponses <- FALSE
- }), list( .lshape1.a = lshape1.a, .lscale = lscale,
+ misc$earg <- vector("list", M)
+ names(misc$earg) <- temp.names
+ for (ii in 1:ncoly) {
+ if ( .lss ) {
+ misc$earg[[M1*ii-2]] <- .escale
+ misc$earg[[M1*ii-1]] <- .eshape1.a
+ } else {
+ misc$earg[[M1*ii-2]] <- .eshape1.a
+ misc$earg[[M1*ii-1]] <- .escale
+ }
+ misc$earg[[M1*ii ]] <- .eshape3.q
+ }
- .eshape1.a = eshape1.a, .escale = escale,
- .eshape3.q = eshape3.q,
- .lshape3.q = lshape3.q ))),
+ misc$expected <- TRUE
+ misc$multipleResponses <- TRUE
+ }), list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
+ .lshape3.q = lshape3.q,
+ .eshape3.q = eshape3.q,
+ .lss = lss ))),
loglikelihood = eval(substitute(
- function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE, eta,
- extra = NULL,
- summation = TRUE) {
- aa <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
- scale <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .lscale , earg = .escale )
- parg <- 1
- qq <- eta2theta(eta[, 3], .lshape3.q, earg = .eshape3.q )
- if (residuals) {
- stop("loglikelihood residuals not implemented yet")
- } else {
- ll.elts <- c(w) * dsinmad(x = y, shape1.a = aa, scale = scale,
- shape3.q = qq, log = TRUE)
- if (summation) {
- sum(ll.elts)
+ function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE,
+ eta, extra = NULL, summation = TRUE) {
+ M1 <- 3
+ NOS <- ncol(eta)/M1
+ if ( .lss ) {
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 2, drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ aa <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
} else {
- ll.elts
+ aa <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 2, drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
- }
- }, list( .lshape1.a = lshape1.a, .lscale = lscale,
- .lshape3.q = lshape3.q,
- .eshape1.a = eshape1.a, .escale = escale,
- .eshape3.q = eshape3.q ))),
+ parg <- 1
+ qq <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape3.q , earg = .eshape3.q )
+ if (residuals) {
+ stop("loglikelihood residuals not implemented yet")
+ } else {
+ ll.elts <-
+ c(w) * dgenbetaII(x = y, scale = Scale, shape1.a = aa,
+ shape2.p = parg, shape3.q = qq, log = TRUE)
+ if (summation) {
+ sum(ll.elts)
+ } else {
+ ll.elts
+ }
+ }
+ }, list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
+ .lshape3.q = lshape3.q,
+ .eshape3.q = eshape3.q,
+ .lss = lss ))),
vfamily = c("sinmad"),
simslot = eval(substitute(
function(object, nsim) {
@@ -3217,168 +3613,350 @@ dinv.paralogistic <- function(x, scale = 1, shape1.a, log = FALSE)
pwts else weights(object, type = "prior")
if (any(pwts != 1))
warning("ignoring prior weights")
- eta <- predict(object)
- aa <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
- scale <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .lscale , earg = .escale )
- qq <- eta2theta(eta[, 3], .lshape3.q, earg = .eshape3.q )
- rsinmad(nsim * length(qq), shape1.a = aa, scale = scale,
- shape3.q = qq)
- }, list( .lshape1.a = lshape1.a, .lscale = lscale,
- .lshape3.q = lshape3.q,
- .eshape1.a = eshape1.a, .escale = escale,
- .eshape3.q = eshape3.q ))),
+ eta <- predict(object)
+ M1 <- 3
+ NOS <- ncol(eta)/M1
+ if ( .lss ) {
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 2, drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ aa <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
+ } else {
+ aa <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 2, drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ }
+ qq <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape3.q , earg = .eshape3.q )
- deriv = eval(substitute(expression({
- aa <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
- scale <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ rsinmad(nsim * length(qq), shape1.a = aa, scale = Scale,
+ shape3.q = qq)
+ }, list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
+ .lshape3.q = lshape3.q,
+ .eshape3.q = eshape3.q
+ ))),
+ deriv = eval(substitute(expression({
+ NOS <- ncol(eta)/M1 # Needed for summary()
+ if ( .lss ) {
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 2, drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ aa <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a)
+ } else {
+ aa <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 2, drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a)
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ }
parg <- 1
- qq <- eta2theta(eta[, 3], .lshape3.q , earg = .eshape3.q )
- temp1 <- log(y/scale)
- temp2 <- (y/scale)^aa
+ qq <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape3.q , earg = .eshape3.q)
+ temp1 <- log(y/Scale)
+ temp2 <- (y/Scale)^aa
+ temp3 <- digamma(parg + qq)
temp3a <- digamma(parg)
temp3b <- digamma(qq)
- dl.da <- 1 / aa + parg * temp1 - (parg + qq) * temp1 / (1 + 1 / temp2)
- dl.dscale <- (aa / scale) * (-parg + (parg + qq) / (1 + 1 / temp2))
- dl.dq <- digamma(parg + qq) - temp3b - log1p(temp2)
+ temp4 <- log1p(temp2)
+ dl.dscale <- (aa/Scale) * (-parg + (parg+qq) / (1+1/temp2))
+ dl.da <- 1/aa + parg * temp1 - (parg+qq) * temp1 / (1+1/temp2)
+ dl.dq <- temp3 - temp3b - temp4
+ dscale.deta <- dtheta.deta(Scale, .lscale , earg = .escale )
da.deta <- dtheta.deta(aa, .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
- dscale.deta <- dtheta.deta(scale, .lscale , earg = .escale )
dq.deta <- dtheta.deta(qq, .lshape3.q , earg = .eshape3.q )
+ myderiv <- if ( .lss ) {
+ c(w) * cbind(dl.dscale * dscale.deta,
+ dl.da * da.deta,
+ dl.dq * dq.deta)
+ } else {
+ c(w) * cbind(dl.da * da.deta,
+ dl.dscale * dscale.deta,
+ dl.dq * dq.deta)
+ }
+ myderiv[, interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
+ }), list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
+ .lshape3.q = lshape3.q,
+ .eshape3.q = eshape3.q,
+ .lss = lss ))),
+ weight = eval(substitute(expression({
+ temp5 <- trigamma(parg + qq)
+ temp5a <- trigamma(parg)
+ temp5b <- trigamma(qq)
- c(w) * cbind(dl.da * da.deta,
- dl.dscale * dscale.deta,
- dl.dq * dq.deta )
- }), list( .lshape1.a = lshape1.a, .lscale = lscale,
- .eshape1.a = eshape1.a, .escale = escale,
- .eshape3.q = eshape3.q,
- .lshape3.q = lshape3.q ))),
- weight = eval(substitute(expression({
- ned2l.da <- (1 + parg+qq + parg * qq * (trigamma(parg) + trigamma(qq) +
- (temp3b - temp3a + (parg-qq)/(parg*qq))^2 -
- (parg^2 + qq^2) / (parg*qq)^2)) / (aa^2 * (1 + parg + qq))
- ned2l.dscale <- aa^2 * parg * qq / (scale^2 * (1+parg+qq))
- ned2l.dq <- 1/qq^2
- ned2l.dascale <- (parg - qq - parg*qq *
- (temp3a -temp3b)) / (scale*(1 + parg+qq))
- ned2l.daq <- -(parg * (temp3b -temp3a) -1) / (aa*(parg+qq))
- ned2l.dscaleq <- -aa * parg / (scale*(parg+qq))
- wz <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), n, dimm(M)) #M==3 means 6=dimm(M)
- wz[, iam(1, 1, M)] <- ned2l.da * da.deta^2
- wz[, iam(2, 2, M)] <- ned2l.dscale * dscale.deta^2
- wz[, iam(3, 3, M)] <- ned2l.dq * dq.deta^2
- wz[, iam(1, 2, M)] <- ned2l.dascale * da.deta * dscale.deta
- wz[, iam(1, 3, M)] <- ned2l.daq * da.deta * dq.deta
- wz[, iam(2, 3, M)] <- ned2l.dscaleq * dscale.deta * dq.deta
- wz <- c(w) * wz
- wz
- }), list( .lshape1.a = lshape1.a, .lscale = lscale,
- .eshape1.a = eshape1.a, .escale = escale,
- .eshape3.q = eshape3.q,
- .lshape3.q = lshape3.q ))))
+ ned2l.da <- (1 + parg + qq + parg * qq * (temp5a + temp5b +
+ (temp3b - temp3a + (parg-qq)/(parg*qq))^2 -
+ (parg^2 + qq^2) / (parg*qq)^2)) / (aa^2 * (1+parg+qq))
+ ned2l.dscale <- (aa^2) * parg * qq / ((1+parg+qq) * Scale^2)
+ ned2l.dq <- temp5b - temp5
+ ned2l.dascale <- (parg - qq - parg * qq *
+ (temp3a -temp3b)) / (Scale*(1 + parg+qq))
+ ned2l.daq <- -(parg * (temp3b -temp3a) -1) / (aa*(parg+qq))
+ ned2l.dscaleq <- -aa * parg / (Scale*(parg+qq))
+ wz <- if ( .lss ) {
+ array(c(c(w) * ned2l.dscale * dscale.deta^2,
+ c(w) * ned2l.da * da.deta^2,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dq * dq.deta^2,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dascale * da.deta * dscale.deta,
+ c(w) * ned2l.daq * da.deta * dq.deta,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dscaleq * dscale.deta * dq.deta),
+ dim = c(n, M/M1, M1*(M1+1)/2))
+ } else {
+ array(c(c(w) * ned2l.da * da.deta^2,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dscale * dscale.deta^2,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dq * dq.deta^2,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dascale * da.deta * dscale.deta,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dscaleq * dscale.deta * dq.deta,
+ c(w) * ned2l.daq * da.deta * dq.deta),
+ dim = c(n, M/M1, M1*(M1+1)/2))
+ }
+ wz <- arwz2wz(wz, M = M, M1 = M1)
+ wz
+ }), list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
+ .lshape3.q = lshape3.q,
+ .eshape3.q = eshape3.q,
+ .lss = lss ))))
- dagum <- function(lss,
- lshape1.a = "loge",
- lscale = "loge",
- lshape2.p = "loge",
- ishape1.a = NULL,
- iscale = NULL,
- ishape2.p = 1.0,
- zero = NULL) {
- if (!is.logical(lss) || lss)
- stop("argument 'lss' not specified correctly. ",
- "See online help for important information")
- if (length(zero) &&
- !is.Numeric(zero, integer.valued = TRUE, positive = TRUE))
- stop("bad input for argument 'zero'")
- lshape1.a <- as.list(substitute(lshape1.a))
- eshape1.a <- link2list(lshape1.a)
- lshape1.a <- attr(eshape1.a, "function.name")
- lshape2.p <- as.list(substitute(lshape2.p))
- eshape2.p <- link2list(lshape2.p)
- lshape2.p <- attr(eshape2.p, "function.name")
- lscale <- as.list(substitute(lscale))
- escale <- link2list(lscale)
- lscale <- attr(escale, "function.name")
- new("vglmff",
- blurb = c("Dagum distribution\n\n",
- "Links: ",
- namesof("shape1.a", lshape1.a, earg = eshape1.a), ", ",
- namesof("scale", lscale, earg = escale), ", ",
- namesof("shape2.p", lshape2.p, earg = eshape2.p), "\n",
- "Mean: scale * gamma(shape2.p + 1/shape1.a) * ",
- "gamma(1 - 1/shape1.a) / ",
- "gamma(shape2.p)"),
- constraints = eval(substitute(expression({
- constraints <- cm.zero.VGAM(constraints, x, .zero , M)
- }), list( .zero = zero ))),
- initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
+ dagum <- function(lscale = "loge",
+ lshape1.a = "loge",
+ lshape2.p = "loge",
+ iscale = NULL,
+ ishape1.a = NULL,
+ ishape2.p = NULL,
+ imethod = 1,
+ lss = TRUE,
+ gscale = exp(-5:5),
+ gshape1.a = exp(-5:5),
+ gshape2.p = exp(-5:5),
+ probs.y = c(0.25, 0.50, 0.75),
+ zero = ifelse(lss, -(2:3), -c(1, 3))) {
- w.y.check(w = w, y = y,
- ncol.w.max = 1, ncol.y.max = 1)
- predictors.names <-
- c(namesof("shape1.a", .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a , tag = FALSE),
- namesof("scale", .lscale , earg = .escale , tag = FALSE),
- namesof("shape2.p", .lshape2.p , earg = .eshape2.p , tag = FALSE))
- if (!length( .ishape1.a) || !length( .iscale )) {
- qvec <- c( .25, .5, .75) # Arbitrary; could be made an argument
- ishape2.p <- if (length( .ishape2.p)) .ishape2.p else 1
- xvec <- log( qvec^(-1/ ishape2.p ) - 1 )
- fit0 <- lsfit(x = xvec, y = log(quantile(y, qvec )))
- }
- if (!length(etastart)) {
- parg <- rep(if (length( .ishape2.p )) .ishape2.p else 1.0,
- length.out = n)
- aa <- rep(if (length( .ishape1.a )) .ishape1.a else
- -1/fit0$coef[2],
- length.out = n)
- scale <- rep(if (length( .iscale )) .iscale else
- exp(fit0$coef[1]),
- length.out = n)
- outOfRange <- (parg + 1/aa <= 0)
- parg[outOfRange] <- 1 / aa[outOfRange] + 1
+ if (length(lss) != 1 && !is.logical(lss))
+ stop("Argument 'lss' not specified correctly")
+ if (!is.Numeric(imethod, length.arg = 1,
+ integer.valued = TRUE,
+ positive = TRUE) || imethod > 2)
+ stop("Bad input for argument 'imethod'")
+ if (length(iscale) && !is.Numeric(iscale, positive = TRUE))
+ stop("Bad input for argument 'iscale'")
+ if (length(ishape1.a) && !is.Numeric(ishape1.a, positive = TRUE))
+ stop("Bad input for argument 'ishape1.a'")
+ if (length(ishape2.p) && !is.Numeric(ishape2.p, positive = TRUE))
+ stop("Bad input for argument 'ishape2.p'")
+ if (length(probs.y) < 2 || max(probs.y) > 1 ||
+ !is.Numeric(probs.y, positive = TRUE))
+ stop("Bad input for argument 'probs.y'")
+ if (length(zero) && !is.Numeric(zero, integer.valued = TRUE))
+ stop("bad input for argument 'zero'")
+ lscale <- as.list(substitute(lscale))
+ escale <- link2list(lscale)
+ lscale <- attr(escale, "function.name")
+ lshape1.a <- as.list(substitute(lshape1.a))
+ eshape1.a <- link2list(lshape1.a)
+ lshape1.a <- attr(eshape1.a, "function.name")
+ lshape2.p <- as.list(substitute(lshape2.p))
+ eshape2.p <- link2list(lshape2.p)
+ lshape2.p <- attr(eshape2.p, "function.name")
+ new("vglmff",
+ blurb =
+ c("Dagum distribution \n\n",
+ "Links: ",
+ ifelse (lss,
+ namesof("scale" , lscale , earg = escale),
+ namesof("shape1.a", lshape1.a, earg = eshape1.a)), ", ",
+ ifelse (lss,
+ namesof("shape1.a", lshape1.a, earg = eshape1.a),
+ namesof("scale" , lscale , earg = escale)), ", ",
+ namesof("shape2.p" , lshape2.p, earg = eshape2.p), "\n",
+ "Mean: scale * gamma(shape2.p + 1/shape1.a) * ",
+ "gamma(1 - 1/shape1.a) / ",
+ "gamma(shape2.p)"),
+ constraints = eval(substitute(expression({
+ dotzero <- .zero
+ M1 <- 3
+ eval(negzero.expression.VGAM)
+ }), list( .zero = zero ))),
+ infos = eval(substitute(function(...) {
+ list(M1 = 3,
+ Q1 = 1,
+ expected = TRUE,
+ zero = .zero ,
+ multipleResponses = TRUE,
+ lscale = .lscale , lshape1.a = .lshape1.a ,
+ escale = .escale , eshape1.a = .eshape1.a ,
+ lshape2.p = .lshape2.p ,
+ eshape2.p = .eshape2.p ,
+ .zero = zero )
+ }, list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
+ .lshape2.p = lshape2.p,
+ .eshape2.p = eshape2.p,
+ .zero = zero ))),
+ initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
+ temp5 <- w.y.check(w = w, y = y,
+ Is.positive.y = TRUE,
+ ncol.w.max = Inf,
+ ncol.y.max = Inf,
+ out.wy = TRUE,
+ colsyperw = 1,
+ maximize = TRUE)
+ y <- temp5$y
+ w <- temp5$w
+ M1 <- 3 # Number of parameters for one response
+ NOS <- ncoly <- ncol(y)
+ M <- M1*ncol(y)
+ scaL.names <- param.names("scale", NOS)
+ sha1.names <- param.names("shape1.a", NOS)
+ sha2.names <- param.names("shape2.p", NOS)
+ predictors.names <- c(
+ if ( .lss ) {
+ c(namesof(scaL.names , .lscale , earg = .escale , tag = FALSE),
+ namesof(sha1.names , .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a , tag = FALSE))
+ } else {
+ c(namesof(sha1.names , .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a , tag = FALSE),
+ namesof(scaL.names , .lscale , earg = .escale , tag = FALSE))
+ },
+ namesof(sha2.names , .lshape2.p , earg = .eshape2.p , tag = FALSE))
+ predictors.names <- predictors.names[interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
+ if (!length(etastart)) {
+ sc.init <-
+ aa.init <-
+ pp.init <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), n, NOS)
+ for (spp. in 1:NOS) { # For each response 'y_spp.'... do:
+ yvec <- y[, spp.]
+ wvec <- w[, spp.]
+ if ( .imethod == 1 ) {
+ gscale <- .gscale
+ gshape1.a <- .gshape1.a
+ gshape2.p <- .gshape2.p
+ if (length( .iscale ))
+ gscale <- rep( .iscale , length = NOS)
+ if (length( .ishape1.a ))
+ gshape1.a <- rep( .ishape1.a , length = NOS)
+ if (length( .ishape2.p ))
+ gshape2.p <- rep( .ishape2.p , length = NOS)
+ allmat1 <- expand.grid(shape1.a = gshape1.a,
+ shape2.p = gshape2.p)
+ allmat2 <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), nrow(allmat1), 2)
+ ll.dagu <- function(scaleval, x = x, y = y, w = w, extraargs) {
+ ans <- sum(c(w) * dgenbetaII(x = y,
+ scale = scaleval,
+ shape1.a = extraargs$Shape1.a,
+ shape2.p = extraargs$Shape2.p,
+ shape3.q = 1,
+ log = TRUE))
+ ans
+ }
+ for (iloc in 1:nrow(allmat1)) {
+ allmat2[iloc, ] <-
+ grid.search(gscale, objfun = ll.dagu,
+ y = yvec, x = x, w = wvec,
+ ret.objfun = TRUE, # 2nd value is the loglik
+ extraargs = list(Shape1.a = allmat1[iloc, 1],
+ Shape2.p = allmat1[iloc, 2]))
+ }
+ ind5 <- which.max(allmat2[, 2]) # 2nd value is the loglik
+ sc.init[, spp.] <- allmat2[ind5, 1]
+ aa.init[, spp.] <- allmat1[ind5, 1]
+ pp.init[, spp.] <- allmat1[ind5, 2]
+ } else { # .imethod == 2
+ qvec <- .probs.y
+ ishape2.p <- if (length( .ishape2.p )) .ishape2.p else 1
+ xvec <- log( qvec^(-1/ ishape2.p) - 1 )
+ fit0 <- lsfit(x = xvec, y = log(quantile(yvec, qvec)))
+ sc.init[, spp.] <- if (length( .iscale )) .iscale else
+ exp(fit0$coef[1])
+ aa.init[, spp.] <- if (length( .ishape1.a )) .ishape1.a else
+ -1/fit0$coef[2]
+ pp.init[, spp.] <- ishape2.p
+ }
+ } # End of for (spp. ...)
+ finite.mean <- 1 < aa.init
+ COP.use <- 1.15
+ while (FALSE && any(!finite.mean)) {
+ aa.init[!finite.mean] <- 0.1 + aa.init[!finite.mean] * COP.use
+ finite.mean <- 1 < aa.init
+ }
etastart <-
- cbind(theta2eta(aa, .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a ),
- theta2eta(scale, .lscale , earg = .escale ),
- theta2eta(parg, .lshape2.p , earg = .eshape2.p ))
- }
- }), list( .lshape1.a = lshape1.a, .lscale = lscale,
- .lshape2.p = lshape2.p,
- .eshape1.a = eshape1.a, .escale = escale,
- .eshape2.p = eshape2.p,
- .ishape1.a = ishape1.a, .iscale = iscale,
- .ishape2.p = ishape2.p ))),
+ cbind(if ( .lss )
+ cbind(theta2eta(sc.init, .lscale , earg = .escale ),
+ theta2eta(aa.init, .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )) else
+ cbind(theta2eta(aa.init, .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a ),
+ theta2eta(sc.init, .lscale , earg = .escale )),
+ theta2eta(pp.init , .lshape2.p , earg = .eshape2.p ))
+ etastart <- etastart[, interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
+ } # End of etastart.
+ }), list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
+ .iscale = iscale , .ishape1.a = ishape1.a,
+ .gscale = gscale , .gshape1.a = gshape1.a,
+ .lshape2.p = lshape2.p,
+ .eshape2.p = eshape2.p,
+ .ishape2.p = ishape2.p,
+ .gshape2.p = gshape2.p,
+ .imethod = imethod , .probs.y = probs.y,
+ .lss = lss ))),
linkinv = eval(substitute(function(eta, extra = NULL) {
- aa <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
- Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .lscale , earg = .escale )
- parg <- eta2theta(eta[, 3], .lshape2.p , earg = .eshape2.p )
+ M1 <- 3
+ NOS <- ncol(eta)/M1
+ if ( .lss ) {
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 2, drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ aa <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
+ } else {
+ aa <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 2, drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ }
+ parg <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape2.p , earg = .eshape2.p )
qq <- 1
ans <- Scale * exp(lgamma(parg + 1/aa) +
@@ -3389,49 +3967,82 @@ dinv.paralogistic <- function(x, scale = 1, shape1.a, log = FALSE)
ans[Scale <= 0] <- NA
ans[parg <= 0] <- NA
- }, list( .lshape1.a = lshape1.a, .lscale = lscale,
- .eshape1.a = eshape1.a, .escale = escale,
- .eshape2.p = eshape2.p,
- .lshape2.p = lshape2.p ))),
+ }, list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
+ .lshape2.p = lshape2.p,
+ .eshape2.p = eshape2.p,
+ .lss = lss ))),
last = eval(substitute(expression({
- misc$link <- c(shape1.a = .lshape1.a , scale = .lscale ,
- p = .lshape2.p )
+ M1 <- 3
- misc$earg <- list(shape1.a = .eshape1.a , scale = .escale ,
- p = .eshape2.p )
+ misc$link <- c(rep( if ( .lss ) .lscale else .lshape1.a , len = ncoly),
+ rep( if ( .lss ) .lshape1.a else .lscale , len = ncoly),
+ rep( .lshape2.p , length = ncoly))[
+ interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
+ temp.names <- if ( .lss ) {
+ c(scaL.names, sha1.names, sha2.names)
+ } else {
+ c(sha1.names, scaL.names, sha2.names)
+ }
+ names(misc$link) <- temp.names[interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
- misc$expected <- TRUE
- misc$multipleResponses <- FALSE
- }), list( .lshape1.a = lshape1.a, .lscale = lscale,
+ misc$earg <- vector("list", M)
+ names(misc$earg) <- temp.names
+ for (ii in 1:ncoly) {
+ if ( .lss ) {
+ misc$earg[[M1*ii-2]] <- .escale
+ misc$earg[[M1*ii-1]] <- .eshape1.a
+ } else {
+ misc$earg[[M1*ii-2]] <- .eshape1.a
+ misc$earg[[M1*ii-1]] <- .escale
+ }
+ misc$earg[[M1*ii ]] <- .eshape2.p
+ }
+ misc$expected <- TRUE
+ misc$multipleResponses <- TRUE
+ }), list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
.lshape2.p = lshape2.p,
- .eshape1.a = eshape1.a, .escale = escale,
- .eshape2.p = eshape2.p ))),
+ .eshape2.p = eshape2.p,
+ .lss = lss ))),
loglikelihood = eval(substitute(
- function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE, eta,
- extra = NULL,
- summation = TRUE) {
- aa <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
- Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .lscale , earg = .escale )
- parg <- eta2theta(eta[, 3], .lshape2.p , earg = .eshape2.p )
- qq <- 1
- if (residuals) {
- stop("loglikelihood residuals not implemented yet")
- } else {
- ll.elts <- c(w) * ddagum(x = y, shape1.a = aa, scale = Scale,
- shape2.p = parg, log = TRUE)
- if (summation) {
- sum(ll.elts)
+ function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE,
+ eta, extra = NULL, summation = TRUE) {
+ M1 <- 3
+ NOS <- ncol(eta)/M1
+ if ( .lss ) {
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 2, drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ aa <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
} else {
- ll.elts
+ aa <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 2, drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
- }
- }, list( .lshape1.a = lshape1.a, .lscale = lscale,
- .lshape2.p = lshape2.p,
- .eshape1.a = eshape1.a, .escale = escale,
- .eshape2.p = eshape2.p ))),
+ parg <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape2.p , earg = .eshape2.p )
+ if (residuals) {
+ stop("loglikelihood residuals not implemented yet")
+ } else {
+ ll.elts <-
+ c(w) * dgenbetaII(x = y, scale = Scale, shape1.a = aa,
+ shape2.p = parg, shape3.q = 1, log = TRUE)
+ if (summation) {
+ sum(ll.elts)
+ } else {
+ ll.elts
+ }
+ }
+ }, list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
+ .lshape2.p = lshape2.p,
+ .eshape2.p = eshape2.p,
+ .lss = lss ))),
vfamily = c("dagum"),
simslot = eval(substitute(
function(object, nsim) {
@@ -3440,163 +4051,321 @@ dinv.paralogistic <- function(x, scale = 1, shape1.a, log = FALSE)
if (any(pwts != 1))
warning("ignoring prior weights")
eta <- predict(object)
- aa <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
- Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .lscale , earg = .escale )
- parg <- eta2theta(eta[, 3], .lshape2.p, earg = .eshape2.p )
+ if ( .lss ) {
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 2, drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ aa <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a)
+ } else {
+ aa <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 2, drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a)
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ }
+ parg <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape2.p , earg = .eshape2.p)
+ qq <- 1
rdagum(nsim * length(parg), shape1.a = aa, scale = Scale,
shape2.p = parg)
- }, list( .lshape1.a = lshape1.a, .lscale = lscale,
- .lshape2.p = lshape2.p,
- .eshape1.a = eshape1.a, .escale = escale,
- .eshape2.p = eshape2.p ))),
+ }, list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
+ .lshape2.p = lshape2.p,
+ .eshape2.p = eshape2.p,
+ .lss = lss ))),
deriv = eval(substitute(expression({
- aa <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
- Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .lscale , earg = .escale )
- parg <- eta2theta(eta[, 3], .lshape2.p , earg = .eshape2.p )
- qq <- 1
- temp1 <- log(y / Scale)
- temp2 <- (y / Scale)^aa
+ M1 <- 3
+ NOS <- ncol(eta)/M1 # Needed for summary()
+ if ( .lss ) {
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 2, drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ aa <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a)
+ } else {
+ aa <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 2, drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a)
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ }
+ parg <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape2.p , earg = .eshape2.p)
+ qq <- 1
+ temp1 <- log(y/Scale)
+ temp2 <- (y/Scale)^aa
+ temp3 <- digamma(parg + qq)
temp3a <- digamma(parg)
temp3b <- digamma(qq)
- dl.da <- 1/aa + parg * temp1 - (parg+qq) * temp1 / (1+1/temp2)
+ temp4 <- log1p(temp2)
dl.dscale <- (aa/Scale) * (-parg + (parg+qq) / (1+1/temp2))
- dl.dp <- aa * temp1 + digamma(parg + qq) - temp3a - log1p(temp2)
- da.deta <- dtheta.deta(aa, .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
+ dl.da <- 1/aa + parg * temp1 - (parg+qq) * temp1 / (1+1/temp2)
+ dl.dp <- aa * temp1 + temp3 - temp3a - temp4
dscale.deta <- dtheta.deta(Scale, .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ da.deta <- dtheta.deta(aa, .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
dp.deta <- dtheta.deta(parg, .lshape2.p , earg = .eshape2.p )
- c(w) * cbind( dl.da * da.deta,
- dl.dscale * dscale.deta,
- dl.dp * dp.deta )
- }), list( .lshape1.a = lshape1.a, .lscale = lscale,
- .eshape1.a = eshape1.a, .escale = escale,
- .eshape2.p = eshape2.p,
- .lshape2.p = lshape2.p ))),
+ myderiv <- if ( .lss ) {
+ c(w) * cbind(dl.dscale * dscale.deta,
+ dl.da * da.deta,
+ dl.dp * dp.deta)
+ } else {
+ c(w) * cbind(dl.da * da.deta,
+ dl.dscale * dscale.deta,
+ dl.dp * dp.deta)
+ }
+ myderiv[, interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
+ }), list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
+ .lshape2.p = lshape2.p,
+ .eshape2.p = eshape2.p,
+ .lss = lss ))),
weight = eval(substitute(expression({
- ned2l.da <- (1 + parg+qq + parg * qq * (trigamma(parg) + trigamma(qq) +
- (temp3b - temp3a + (parg-qq)/(parg*qq))^2 -
+ temp5 <- trigamma(parg + qq)
+ temp5a <- trigamma(parg)
+ temp5b <- trigamma(qq)
+ ned2l.da <- (1 + parg + qq + parg * qq * (temp5a + temp5b +
+ (temp3b - temp3a + (parg-qq)/(parg*qq))^2 -
(parg^2 + qq^2) / (parg*qq)^2)) / (aa^2 * (1+parg+qq))
- ned2l.dscale <- aa^2 * parg * qq / (Scale^2 * (1+parg+qq))
- ned2l.dp <- 1 / parg^2
- ned2l.dascale <- (parg - qq - parg * qq *(temp3a -temp3b)
- ) / (Scale * (1 + parg+qq))
- ned2l.dap= -(qq * (temp3a -temp3b) -1) / (aa*(parg+qq))
- ned2l.dscalep <- aa * qq / (Scale * (parg + qq))
- wz <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), n, dimm(M)) #M==3 means 6=dimm(M)
- wz[, iam(1, 1, M)] <- ned2l.da * da.deta^2
- wz[, iam(2, 2, M)] <- ned2l.dscale * dscale.deta^2
- wz[, iam(3, 3, M)] <- ned2l.dp * dp.deta^2
- wz[, iam(1, 2, M)] <- ned2l.dascale * da.deta * dscale.deta
- wz[, iam(1, 3, M)] <- ned2l.dap * da.deta * dp.deta
- wz[, iam(2, 3, M)] <- ned2l.dscalep * dscale.deta * dp.deta
- wz <- c(w) * wz
+ ned2l.dscale <- (aa^2) * parg * qq / ((1+parg+qq) * Scale^2)
+ ned2l.dp <- temp5a - temp5
+ ned2l.dascale <- (parg - qq - parg * qq *
+ (temp3a -temp3b)) / (Scale*(1 + parg+qq))
+ ned2l.dap <- -(qq * (temp3a -temp3b) -1) / (aa*(parg+qq))
+ ned2l.dscalep <- aa * qq / (Scale*(parg+qq))
+ wz <- if ( .lss ) {
+ array(c(c(w) * ned2l.dscale * dscale.deta^2,
+ c(w) * ned2l.da * da.deta^2,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dp * dp.deta^2,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dascale * da.deta * dscale.deta,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dap * da.deta * dp.deta,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dscalep * dscale.deta * dp.deta),
+ dim = c(n, M/M1, M1*(M1+1)/2))
+ } else {
+ array(c(c(w) * ned2l.da * da.deta^2,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dscale * dscale.deta^2,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dp * dp.deta^2,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dascale * da.deta * dscale.deta,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dscalep * dscale.deta * dp.deta,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dap * da.deta * dp.deta),
+ dim = c(n, M/M1, M1*(M1+1)/2))
+ }
+ wz <- arwz2wz(wz, M = M, M1 = M1)
- }), list( .lshape1.a = lshape1.a, .lscale = lscale,
- .eshape1.a = eshape1.a, .escale = escale,
+ }), list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
+ .lshape2.p = lshape2.p,
.eshape2.p = eshape2.p,
- .lshape2.p = lshape2.p ))))
+ .lss = lss ))))
- betaII <-
- function( # lss,
- lscale = "loge", lshape2.p = "loge", lshape3.q = "loge",
- iscale = NULL, ishape2.p = 2, ishape3.q = 2,
- zero = NULL) {
- if (length(zero) &&
- !is.Numeric(zero, integer.valued = TRUE, positive = TRUE))
- stop("bad input for argument 'zero'")
+ betaII <- function(lscale = "loge",
+ lshape2.p = "loge",
+ lshape3.q = "loge",
+ iscale = NULL,
+ ishape2.p = NULL,
+ ishape3.q = NULL,
+ imethod = 1,
+ gscale = exp(-5:5),
+ gshape2.p = exp(-5:5),
+ gshape3.q = exp(-5:5),
+ probs.y = c(0.25, 0.50, 0.75),
+ zero = -(2:3)) {
+ if (!is.Numeric(imethod, length.arg = 1,
+ integer.valued = TRUE,
+ positive = TRUE) || imethod > 2)
+ stop("Bad input for argument 'imethod'")
+ if (length(iscale ) && !is.Numeric(iscale , positive = TRUE))
+ stop("Bad input for argument 'iscale'")
+ if (length(ishape2.p) && !is.Numeric(ishape2.p, positive = TRUE))
+ stop("Bad input for argument 'ishape2.p'")
+ if (length(ishape3.q) && !is.Numeric(ishape3.q, positive = TRUE))
+ stop("Bad input for argument 'ishape3.q'")
+ if (length(probs.y) < 2 || max(probs.y) > 1 ||
+ !is.Numeric(probs.y, positive = TRUE))
+ stop("Bad input for argument 'probs.y'")
+ if (length(zero) && !is.Numeric(zero, integer.valued = TRUE))
+ stop("bad input for argument 'zero'")
+ lscale <- as.list(substitute(lscale))
+ escale <- link2list(lscale)
+ lscale <- attr(escale, "function.name")
lshape2.p <- as.list(substitute(lshape2.p))
eshape2.p <- link2list(lshape2.p)
lshape2.p <- attr(eshape2.p, "function.name")
lshape3.q <- as.list(substitute(lshape3.q))
eshape3.q <- link2list(lshape3.q)
lshape3.q <- attr(eshape3.q, "function.name")
- lscale <- as.list(substitute(lscale))
- escale <- link2list(lscale)
- lscale <- attr(escale, "function.name")
- new("vglmff",
- blurb = c("Beta II distribution\n\n",
- "Links: ",
- namesof("scale", lscale, earg = escale), ", ",
- namesof("shape2.p", lshape2.p, earg = eshape2.p), ", ",
- namesof("shape3.q", lshape3.q, earg = eshape3.q), "\n",
- "Mean: scale * gamma(shape2.p + 1) * ",
- "gamma(shape3.q - 1) / ",
- "(gamma(shape2.p) * gamma(shape3.q))"),
+ new("vglmff",
+ blurb =
+ c("Beta II distribution \n\n",
+ "Links: ",
+ namesof("scale" , lscale , earg = escale ), ", ",
+ namesof("shape2.p" , lshape2.p, earg = eshape2.p), ", ",
+ namesof("shape3.q" , lshape3.q, earg = eshape3.q), "\n",
+ "Mean: scale * gamma(shape2.p + 1) * ",
+ "gamma(shape3.q - 1) / ",
+ "(gamma(shape2.p) * gamma(shape3.q))"),
constraints = eval(substitute(expression({
- constraints <- cm.zero.VGAM(constraints, x, .zero , M)
+ dotzero <- .zero
+ M1 <- 3
+ eval(negzero.expression.VGAM)
}), list( .zero = zero ))),
- initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
- w.y.check(w = w, y = y,
- ncol.w.max = 1, ncol.y.max = 1)
+ infos = eval(substitute(function(...) {
+ list(M1 = 3,
+ Q1 = 1,
+ expected = TRUE,
+ zero = .zero ,
+ multipleResponses = TRUE,
+ lscale = .lscale ,
+ escale = .escale ,
+ lshape2.p = .lshape2.p , lshape3.q = .lshape3.q ,
+ eshape2.p = .eshape2.p , eshape3.q = .eshape3.q ,
+ .zero = zero )
+ }, list( .lscale = lscale ,
+ .escale = escale ,
+ .lshape2.p = lshape2.p, .lshape3.q = lshape3.q,
+ .eshape2.p = eshape2.p, .eshape3.q = eshape3.q,
+ .zero = zero ))),
+ initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
+ temp5 <- w.y.check(w = w, y = y,
+ Is.positive.y = TRUE,
+ ncol.w.max = Inf,
+ ncol.y.max = Inf,
+ out.wy = TRUE,
+ colsyperw = 1,
+ maximize = TRUE)
+ y <- temp5$y
+ w <- temp5$w
+ M1 <- 3 # Number of parameters for one response
+ NOS <- ncoly <- ncol(y)
+ M <- M1*ncol(y)
+ scaL.names <- param.names("scale", NOS)
+ sha2.names <- param.names("shape2.p", NOS)
+ sha3.names <- param.names("shape3.q", NOS)
predictors.names <-
- c(namesof("scale", .lscale , earg = .escale , tag = FALSE),
- namesof("shape2.p", .lshape2.p, earg = .eshape2.p, tag = FALSE),
- namesof("shape3.q", .lshape3.q, earg = .eshape3.q, tag = FALSE))
- if (!length( .iscale )) {
- qvec <- c(0.25, .5, .75) # Arbitrary; could be made an argument
- ishape3.q <- if (length( .ishape3.q)) .ishape3.q else 1
- xvec <- log( (1-qvec)^(-1/ ishape3.q ) - 1 )
- fit0 <- lsfit(x = xvec, y = log(quantile(y, qvec )))
- }
+ c(namesof(scaL.names , .lscale , earg = .escale , tag = FALSE),
+ namesof(sha2.names , .lshape2.p , earg = .eshape2.p , tag = FALSE),
+ namesof(sha3.names , .lshape3.q , earg = .eshape3.q , tag = FALSE))
+ predictors.names <- predictors.names[interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
if (!length(etastart)) {
- scale <- rep(if (length( .iscale )) .iscale else
- exp(fit0$coef[1]),
- length.out = n)
- qq <- rep(if (length( .ishape3.q)) .ishape3.q else 1.0,
- length.out = n)
- parg <- rep(if (length( .ishape2.p)) .ishape2.p else 1.0,
- length.out = n)
+ sc.init <-
+ pp.init <-
+ qq.init <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), n, NOS)
+ for (spp. in 1:NOS) { # For each response 'y_spp.'... do:
+ yvec <- y[, spp.]
+ wvec <- w[, spp.]
+ if ( .imethod == 1 ) {
+ gscale <- .gscale
+ gshape2.p <- .gshape2.p
+ gshape3.q <- .gshape3.q
+ if (length( .iscale ))
+ gscale <- rep( .iscale , length = NOS)
+ if (length( .ishape2.p ))
+ gshape2.p <- rep( .ishape2.p , length = NOS)
+ if (length( .ishape3.q ))
+ gshape3.q <- rep( .ishape3.q , length = NOS)
+ allmat1 <- expand.grid(shape2.p = gshape2.p,
+ shape3.q = gshape3.q)
+ allmat2 <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), nrow(allmat1), 2)
+ ll.beII <- function(scaleval, x = x, y = y, w = w, extraargs) {
+ ans <- sum(c(w) * dgenbetaII(x = y,
+ scale = scaleval,
+ shape1.a = 1,
+ shape2.p = extraargs$Shape2.p,
+ shape3.q = extraargs$Shape3.q,
+ log = TRUE))
+ ans
+ }
+ for (iloc in 1:nrow(allmat1)) {
+ allmat2[iloc, ] <-
+ grid.search(gscale, objfun = ll.beII,
+ y = yvec, x = x, w = wvec,
+ ret.objfun = TRUE, # 2nd value is the loglik
+ extraargs = list(Shape2.p = allmat1[iloc, 1],
+ Shape3.q = allmat1[iloc, 2]))
+ }
+ ind5 <- which.max(allmat2[, 2]) # 2nd value is the loglik
+ sc.init[, spp.] <- allmat2[ind5, 1]
+ pp.init[, spp.] <- allmat1[ind5, 1]
+ qq.init[, spp.] <- allmat1[ind5, 2]
+ } else { # .imethod == 2
+ sc.init[, spp.] <- if (length( .iscale )) .iscale else {
+ qvec <- .probs.y
+ ishape3.q <- if (length( .ishape3.q )) .ishape3.q else 1
+ xvec <- log( (1-qvec)^(-1/ ishape3.q ) - 1 )
+ fit0 <- lsfit(x = xvec, y = log(quantile(yvec, qvec )))
+ exp(fit0$coef[1])
+ }
+ pp.init[, spp.] <- if (length( .ishape2.p )) .ishape2.p else 1.0
+ qq.init[, spp.] <- if (length( .ishape3.q )) .ishape3.q else 1.0
+ }
+ } # End of for (spp. ...)
- aa <- 1
- outOfRange <- (parg + 1/aa <= 0)
- parg[outOfRange] <- 1 / aa[outOfRange] + 1
- outOfRange <- (qq - 1/aa <= 0)
- qq[outOfRange] <- 1 / aa + 1
+ finite.mean <- 1 < qq.init
+ COP.use <- 1.15
+ while (any(!finite.mean)) {
+ qq.init[!finite.mean] <- 0.1 + qq.init[!finite.mean] * COP.use
+ finite.mean <- 1 < qq.init
+ }
etastart <-
- cbind(theta2eta(scale, .lscale , earg = .escale ),
- theta2eta(parg, .lshape2.p, earg = .eshape2.p ),
- theta2eta(qq, .lshape3.q, earg = .eshape3.q))
- }
- }), list( .lscale = lscale,
- .escale = escale,
+ cbind(theta2eta(sc.init , .lscale , earg = .escale ),
+ theta2eta(pp.init , .lshape2.p , earg = .eshape2.p ),
+ theta2eta(qq.init , .lshape3.q , earg = .eshape3.q ))
+ etastart <- etastart[, interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
+ } # End of etastart.
+ }), list( .lscale = lscale ,
+ .escale = escale ,
+ .iscale = iscale ,
+ .gscale = gscale ,
.lshape2.p = lshape2.p, .lshape3.q = lshape3.q,
.eshape2.p = eshape2.p, .eshape3.q = eshape3.q,
- .iscale = iscale,
- .ishape2.p = ishape2.p,
- .ishape3.q = ishape3.q ))),
+ .ishape2.p = ishape2.p, .ishape3.q = ishape3.q,
+ .gshape2.p = gshape2.p, .gshape3.q = gshape3.q,
+ .imethod = imethod , .probs.y = probs.y
+ ))),
linkinv = eval(substitute(function(eta, extra = NULL) {
- aa <- 1
- Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .lscale , earg = .escale )
- parg <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .lshape2.p, earg = .eshape2.p )
- qq <- eta2theta(eta[, 3], .lshape3.q, earg = .eshape3.q)
+ M1 <- 3
+ NOS <- ncol(eta)/M1
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 2, drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ aa <- 1
+ parg <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape2.p , earg = .eshape2.p )
+ qq <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape3.q , earg = .eshape3.q )
ans <- Scale * exp(lgamma(parg + 1/aa) +
lgamma(qq - 1/aa) - lgamma(parg) - lgamma(qq))
@@ -3606,215 +4375,303 @@ dinv.paralogistic <- function(x, scale = 1, shape1.a, log = FALSE)
ans[parg <= 0] <- NA
ans[qq <= 0] <- NA
- }, list( .lscale = lscale,
- .escale = escale,
- .eshape2.p = eshape2.p, .eshape3.q = eshape3.q,
- .lshape2.p = lshape2.p, .lshape3.q = lshape3.q ))),
+ }, list( .lscale = lscale ,
+ .escale = escale ,
+ .lshape2.p = lshape2.p, .lshape3.q = lshape3.q,
+ .eshape2.p = eshape2.p, .eshape3.q = eshape3.q
+ ))),
last = eval(substitute(expression({
- misc$link <- c(scale = .lscale ,
- shape2.p = .lshape2.p,
- shape3.q = .lshape3.q)
+ M1 <- 3
- misc$earg <- list(scale = .escale ,
- shape2.p = .eshape2.p,
- shape3.q = .eshape3.q)
+ misc$link <- c(rep( .lscale , length = ncoly),
+ rep( .lshape2.p , length = ncoly),
+ rep( .lshape3.q , length = ncoly))[
+ interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
+ temp.names <- c(scaL.names, sha2.names, sha3.names)
+ names(misc$link) <- temp.names[interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
- misc$expected <- TRUE
- misc$multipleResponses <- FALSE
- }), list(
- .lscale = lscale, .lshape2.p = lshape2.p, .lshape3.q = lshape3.q,
- .escale = escale, .eshape2.p = eshape2.p, .eshape3.q = eshape3.q ))),
+ misc$earg <- vector("list", M)
+ names(misc$earg) <- temp.names
+ for (ii in 1:ncoly) {
+ misc$earg[[M1*ii-2]] <- .escale
+ misc$earg[[M1*ii-1]] <- .eshape2.p
+ misc$earg[[M1*ii ]] <- .eshape3.q
+ }
+ misc$expected <- TRUE
+ misc$multipleResponses <- TRUE
+ }), list( .lscale = lscale ,
+ .escale = escale ,
+ .lshape2.p = lshape2.p, .lshape3.q = lshape3.q,
+ .eshape2.p = eshape2.p, .eshape3.q = eshape3.q
+ ))),
loglikelihood = eval(substitute(
- function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE, eta,
- extra = NULL,
- summation = TRUE) {
- aa <- 1
- scale <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .lscale , earg = .escale )
- parg <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .lshape2.p, earg = .eshape2.p )
- qq <- eta2theta(eta[, 3], .lshape3.q, earg = .eshape3.q)
- if (residuals) {
- stop("loglikelihood residuals not implemented yet")
- } else {
- ll.elts <-
- c(w) * (log(aa) + (aa*parg-1)*log(y) - aa*parg*log(scale) +
- (-lbeta(parg, qq)) - (parg+qq)*log1p((y/scale)^aa))
- if (summation) {
- sum(ll.elts)
+ function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE,
+ eta, extra = NULL, summation = TRUE) {
+ M1 <- 3
+ NOS <- ncol(eta)/M1
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 2, drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ aa <- 1
+ parg <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape2.p , earg = .eshape2.p )
+ qq <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape3.q , earg = .eshape3.q )
+ if (residuals) {
+ stop("loglikelihood residuals not implemented yet")
} else {
- ll.elts
+ ll.elts <-
+ c(w) * dgenbetaII(x = y, scale = Scale, shape1.a = aa,
+ shape2.p = parg, shape3.q = qq, log = TRUE)
+ if (summation) {
+ sum(ll.elts)
+ } else {
+ ll.elts
+ }
- }
- }, list( .lscale = lscale,
- .escale = escale,
- .eshape2.p = eshape2.p, .eshape3.q = eshape3.q,
- .lshape2.p = lshape2.p, .lshape3.q = lshape3.q ))),
+ }, list( .lscale = lscale ,
+ .escale = escale ,
+ .lshape2.p = lshape2.p, .lshape3.q = lshape3.q,
+ .eshape2.p = eshape2.p, .eshape3.q = eshape3.q
+ ))),
vfamily = c("betaII"),
- deriv = eval(substitute(expression({
- aa <- 1
- scale <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .lscale , earg = .escale )
- parg <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .lshape2.p, earg = .eshape2.p )
- qq <- eta2theta(eta[, 3], .lshape3.q, earg = .eshape3.q)
- temp1 <- log(y/scale)
- temp2 <- (y/scale)^aa
+ deriv = eval(substitute(expression({
+ NOS <- ncol(eta)/M1 # Needed for summary()
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 2, drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ aa <- 1
+ parg <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape2.p , earg = .eshape2.p )
+ qq <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape3.q , earg = .eshape3.q )
+ temp1 <- log(y/Scale)
+ temp2 <- (y/Scale)^aa
temp3 <- digamma(parg + qq)
temp3a <- digamma(parg)
temp3b <- digamma(qq)
temp4 <- log1p(temp2)
- dl.dscale <- (aa/scale) * (-parg + (parg+qq) / (1+1/temp2))
+ dl.dscale <- (aa/Scale) * (-parg + (parg+qq) / (1+1/temp2))
dl.dp <- aa * temp1 + temp3 - temp3a - temp4
dl.dq <- temp3 - temp3b - temp4
- dscale.deta <- dtheta.deta(scale, .lscale , earg = .escale )
- dp.deta <- dtheta.deta(parg, .lshape2.p, earg = .eshape2.p )
- dq.deta <- dtheta.deta(qq, .lshape3.q, earg = .eshape3.q)
- c(w) * cbind( dl.dscale * dscale.deta,
- dl.dp * dp.deta,
- dl.dq * dq.deta )
- }), list( .lscale = lscale,
- .escale = escale,
- .eshape2.p = eshape2.p, .eshape3.q = eshape3.q,
- .lshape2.p = lshape2.p, .lshape3.q = lshape3.q ))),
+ dscale.deta <- dtheta.deta(Scale, .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ dp.deta <- dtheta.deta(parg, .lshape2.p , earg = .eshape2.p )
+ dq.deta <- dtheta.deta(qq, .lshape3.q , earg = .eshape3.q )
+ myderiv <-
+ c(w) * cbind(dl.dscale * dscale.deta,
+ dl.dp * dp.deta,
+ dl.dq * dq.deta)
+ myderiv[, interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
+ }), list( .lscale = lscale ,
+ .escale = escale ,
+ .lshape2.p = lshape2.p, .lshape3.q = lshape3.q,
+ .eshape2.p = eshape2.p, .eshape3.q = eshape3.q
+ ))),
weight = eval(substitute(expression({
temp5 <- trigamma(parg + qq)
- ned2l.dscale <- aa^2 * parg * qq / (scale^2 * (1+parg+qq))
- ned2l.dp <- trigamma(parg) - temp5
- ned2l.dq <- trigamma(qq) - temp5
- ned2l.dscalep <- aa * qq / (scale*(parg+qq))
- ned2l.dscaleq <- -aa * parg / (scale*(parg+qq))
- ned2l.dpq <- -temp5
- wz <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), n, dimm(M)) #M==3 means 6=dimm(M)
- wz[, iam(1, 1, M)] <- ned2l.dscale * dscale.deta^2
- wz[, iam(2, 2, M)] <- ned2l.dp * dp.deta^2
- wz[, iam(3, 3, M)] <- ned2l.dq * dq.deta^2
- wz[, iam(1, 2, M)] <- ned2l.dscalep * dscale.deta * dp.deta
- wz[, iam(1, 3, M)] <- ned2l.dscaleq * dscale.deta * dq.deta
- wz[, iam(2, 3, M)] <- ned2l.dpq * dp.deta * dq.deta
- wz <- c(w) * wz
+ temp5a <- trigamma(parg)
+ temp5b <- trigamma(qq)
+ ned2l.dscale <- (aa^2) * parg * qq / ((1+parg+qq) * Scale^2)
+ ned2l.dp <- temp5a - temp5
+ ned2l.dq <- temp5b - temp5
+ ned2l.dscalep <- aa * qq / (Scale*(parg+qq))
+ ned2l.dscaleq <- -aa * parg / (Scale*(parg+qq))
+ ned2l.dpq <- -temp5
+ wz <-
+ array(c(c(w) * ned2l.dscale * dscale.deta^2,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dp * dp.deta^2,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dq * dq.deta^2,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dscalep * dscale.deta * dp.deta,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dpq * dp.deta * dq.deta, # Switched!!
+ c(w) * ned2l.dscaleq * dscale.deta * dq.deta),
+ dim = c(n, M/M1, M1*(M1+1)/2))
+ wz <- arwz2wz(wz, M = M, M1 = M1)
- }), list(
- .lscale = lscale, .lshape2.p = lshape2.p, .lshape3.q = lshape3.q,
- .escale = escale, .eshape2.p = eshape2.p, .eshape3.q = eshape3.q ))))
+ }), list( .lscale = lscale ,
+ .escale = escale ,
+ .lshape2.p = lshape2.p, .lshape3.q = lshape3.q,
+ .eshape2.p = eshape2.p, .eshape3.q = eshape3.q
+ ))))
- lomax <- function( # lss,
- lscale = "loge", lshape3.q = "loge",
- iscale = NULL, ishape3.q = NULL, # 2.0,
- gshape3.q = exp(-5:5),
- zero = NULL) {
- if (length(zero) &&
- !is.Numeric(zero, integer.valued = TRUE, positive = TRUE))
- stop("bad input for argument 'zero'")
+ lomax <- function(lscale = "loge",
+ lshape3.q = "loge",
+ iscale = NULL,
+ ishape3.q = NULL,
+ imethod = 1,
+ gscale = exp(-5:5),
+ gshape3.q = exp(-5:5), # Finite mean only if qq>1
+ probs.y = c(0.25, 0.50, 0.75),
+ zero = -2) {
- lshape3.q <- as.list(substitute(lshape3.q))
- eshape3.q <- link2list(lshape3.q)
- lshape3.q <- attr(eshape3.q, "function.name")
+ if (!is.Numeric(imethod, length.arg = 1,
+ integer.valued = TRUE,
+ positive = TRUE) || imethod > 2)
+ stop("Bad input for argument 'imethod'")
+ if (length(iscale) && !is.Numeric(iscale, positive = TRUE))
+ stop("Bad input for argument 'iscale'")
+ if (length(ishape3.q) && !is.Numeric(ishape3.q, positive = TRUE))
+ stop("Bad input for argument 'ishape3.q'")
+ if (length(probs.y) < 2 || max(probs.y) > 1 ||
+ !is.Numeric(probs.y, positive = TRUE))
+ stop("Bad input for argument 'probs.y'")
+ if (length(zero) && !is.Numeric(zero, integer.valued = TRUE))
+ stop("bad input for argument 'zero'")
lscale <- as.list(substitute(lscale))
escale <- link2list(lscale)
lscale <- attr(escale, "function.name")
- new("vglmff",
- blurb = c("Lomax distribution\n\n",
- "Links: ",
- namesof("scale", lscale, earg = escale), ", ",
- namesof("shape3.q", lshape3.q, earg = eshape3.q), "\n",
- "Mean: scale / (shape3.q - 1)"),
+ lshape3.q <- as.list(substitute(lshape3.q))
+ eshape3.q <- link2list(lshape3.q)
+ lshape3.q <- attr(eshape3.q, "function.name")
+ new("vglmff",
+ blurb =
+ c("Lomax distribution \n\n",
+ "Links: ",
+ namesof("scale" , lscale , earg = escale ), ", ",
+ namesof("shape3.q" , lshape3.q, earg = eshape3.q), "\n",
+ "Mean: scale / (shape3.q - 1)"),
constraints = eval(substitute(expression({
- constraints <- cm.zero.VGAM(constraints, x, .zero , M)
+ dotzero <- .zero
+ M1 <- 2
+ eval(negzero.expression.VGAM)
}), list( .zero = zero ))),
- initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
- if (ncol(cbind(y)) != 1)
- stop("response must be a vector or a one-column matrix")
- w.y.check(w = w, y = y,
- ncol.w.max = 1, ncol.y.max = 1)
+ infos = eval(substitute(function(...) {
+ list(M1 = 2,
+ Q1 = 1,
+ expected = TRUE,
+ zero = .zero ,
+ multipleResponses = TRUE,
+ lscale = .lscale ,
+ escale = .escale ,
+ lshape3.q = .lshape3.q ,
+ eshape3.q = .eshape3.q ,
+ .zero = zero )
+ }, list( .lscale = lscale ,
+ .escale = escale ,
+ .lshape3.q = lshape3.q,
+ .eshape3.q = eshape3.q,
+ .zero = zero ))),
+ initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
+ temp5 <- w.y.check(w = w, y = y,
+ Is.positive.y = TRUE,
+ ncol.w.max = Inf,
+ ncol.y.max = Inf,
+ out.wy = TRUE,
+ colsyperw = 1,
+ maximize = TRUE)
+ y <- temp5$y
+ w <- temp5$w
+ M1 <- 2 # Number of parameters for one response
+ NOS <- ncoly <- ncol(y)
+ M <- M1*ncol(y)
+ scaL.names <- param.names("scale", NOS)
+ sha3.names <- param.names("shape3.q", NOS)
- mynames1 <- "scale"
- mynames2 <- "shape3.q"
predictors.names <-
- c(namesof(mynames1, .lscale , earg = .escale , tag = FALSE),
- namesof(mynames2, .lshape3.q , earg = .eshape3.q , tag = FALSE))
- aa <- parg <- 1
- lomax.Loglikfun <- function(shape3.q, y, x, w, extraargs) {
- qvec <- c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75) # Arbitrary; could be made an argument
- xvec <- log( (1-qvec)^(-1/ shape3.q ) - 1 )
- fit0 <- lsfit(x = xvec, y = log(quantile(y, qvec )))
- init.scale <- exp(fit0$coef[1])
- ans <- sum(c(w) * dlomax(x = y, shape3.q = shape3.q,
- scale = init.scale, log = TRUE))
- ans
- }
- shape3.q.grid <- .gshape3.q
- yvec <- y
- wvec <- w
- Init.shape3.q <-
- grid.search(shape3.q.grid,
- objfun = lomax.Loglikfun,
- y = yvec, x = x, w = wvec,
- extraargs = NULL)
- if (!length( .iscale )) {
- qvec <- c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75) # Arbitrary; could be made an argument
- ishape3.q <- if (length( .ishape3.q )) .ishape3.q else Init.shape3.q
- xvec <- log( (1-qvec)^(-1/ ishape3.q ) - 1 )
- fit0 <- lsfit(x = xvec, y = log(quantile(y, qvec )))
- }
+ c(namesof(scaL.names , .lscale , earg = .escale , tag = FALSE),
+ namesof(sha3.names , .lshape3.q , earg = .eshape3.q , tag = FALSE))
+ predictors.names <- predictors.names[interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
if (!length(etastart)) {
- qq <- rep(if (length( .ishape3.q)) .ishape3.q else Init.shape3.q,
- length.out = n)
- scale <- rep(if (length( .iscale )) .iscale else
- exp(fit0$coef[1]),
- length.out = n)
- aa <- 1
- outOfRange <- (qq - 1/aa <= 0)
- qq[outOfRange] <- 1 / aa + 1
+ sc.init <-
+ qq.init <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), n, NOS)
+ for (spp. in 1:NOS) { # For each response 'y_spp.'... do:
+ yvec <- y[, spp.]
+ wvec <- w[, spp.]
+ if ( .imethod == 1) {
+ gscale <- .gscale
+ gshape3.q <- .gshape3.q
+ if (length( .iscale ))
+ gscale <- rep( .iscale , length = NOS)
+ if (length( .ishape3.q ))
+ gshape3.q <- rep( .ishape3.q , length = NOS)
+ allmat1 <- cbind(shape3.q = gshape3.q)
+ allmat2 <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), nrow(allmat1), 2)
+ ll.lomx <- function(scaleval, x = x, y = y, w = w, extraargs) {
+ ans <- sum(c(w) * dgenbetaII(x = y,
+ scale = scaleval,
+ shape1.a = 1,
+ shape2.p = 1,
+ shape3.q = extraargs$Shape3.q,
+ log = TRUE))
+ ans
+ }
+ for (iloc in 1:nrow(allmat1)) {
+ allmat2[iloc, ] <-
+ grid.search(gscale, objfun = ll.lomx,
+ y = yvec, x = x, w = wvec,
+ ret.objfun = TRUE, # 2nd value is the loglik
+ extraargs = list(Shape3.q = allmat1[iloc, 1]))
+ }
+ ind5 <- which.max(allmat2[, 2]) # 2nd value is the loglik
+ sc.init[, spp.] <- allmat2[ind5, 1]
+ qq.init[, spp.] <- allmat1[ind5, 1]
+ } else { # .imethod == 2
+ qvec <- .probs.y
+ iscale <- if (length( .iscale )) .iscale else 1
+ xvec <- log1p( quantile(yvec / iscale, probs = qvec) )
+ fit0 <- lsfit(x = xvec, y = -log1p(-qvec), intercept = FALSE)
+ sc.init[, spp.] <- iscale
+ qq.init[, spp.] <- if (length( .ishape3.q )) .ishape3.q else
+ fit0$coef
+ }
+ } # End of for (spp. ...)
+ finite.mean <- 1 < qq.init
+ COP.use <- 1.15
+ while (FALSE && any(!finite.mean)) {
+ qq.init[!finite.mean] <- 0.1 + qq.init[!finite.mean] * COP.use
+ finite.mean <- 1 < qq.init
+ }
etastart <-
- cbind(theta2eta(scale, .lscale , earg = .escale ),
- theta2eta(qq, .lshape3.q, earg = .eshape3.q))
- }
- }), list( .lscale = lscale, .lshape3.q = lshape3.q,
- .escale = escale, .eshape3.q = eshape3.q,
- .gshape3.q = gshape3.q,
- .iscale = iscale, .ishape3.q = ishape3.q ))),
+ cbind(theta2eta(sc.init, .lscale , earg = .escale ),
+ theta2eta(qq.init, .lshape3.q , earg = .eshape3.q ))
+ etastart <- etastart[, interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
+ } # End of etastart.
+ }), list( .lscale = lscale ,
+ .escale = escale ,
+ .iscale = iscale ,
+ .gscale = gscale ,
+ .lshape3.q = lshape3.q,
+ .eshape3.q = eshape3.q,
+ .ishape3.q = ishape3.q,
+ .gshape3.q = gshape3.q,
+ .imethod = imethod , .probs.y = probs.y
+ ))),
linkinv = eval(substitute(function(eta, extra = NULL) {
- aa <- 1
- Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .lscale , earg = .escale )
- parg <- 1
- qq <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .lshape3.q , earg = .eshape3.q )
+ M1 <- 2
+ NOS <- ncol(eta)/M1
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ aa <- 1
+ parg <- 1
+ qq <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape3.q , earg = .eshape3.q )
ans <- Scale * exp(lgamma(parg + 1/aa) +
lgamma(qq - 1/aa) - lgamma(parg) - lgamma(qq))
@@ -3823,42 +4680,64 @@ dinv.paralogistic <- function(x, scale = 1, shape1.a, log = FALSE)
ans[Scale <= 0] <- NA
ans[qq <= 0] <- NA
- }, list( .lscale = lscale, .lshape3.q = lshape3.q,
- .escale = escale, .eshape3.q = eshape3.q ))),
+ }, list( .lscale = lscale ,
+ .escale = escale ,
+ .lshape3.q = lshape3.q,
+ .eshape3.q = eshape3.q
+ ))),
last = eval(substitute(expression({
- misc$link <- c(scale = .lscale , shape3.q = .lshape3.q )
+ M1 <- 2
- misc$earg <- list(scale = .escale , shape3.q = .eshape3.q )
+ misc$link <- c(rep( .lscale , length = ncoly),
+ rep( .lshape3.q , length = ncoly))[
+ interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
+ temp.names <-
+ c(scaL.names, sha3.names)
+ names(misc$link) <- temp.names[interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
+ misc$earg <- vector("list", M)
+ names(misc$earg) <- temp.names
+ for (ii in 1:ncoly) {
+ misc$earg[[M1*ii-1]] <- .escale
+ misc$earg[[M1*ii ]] <- .eshape3.q
+ }
- misc$expected <- TRUE
- misc$multipleResponses <- FALSE
- }), list( .lscale = lscale, .lshape3.q = lshape3.q,
- .escale = escale, .eshape3.q = eshape3.q ))),
+ misc$expected <- TRUE
+ misc$multipleResponses <- TRUE
+ }), list( .lscale = lscale ,
+ .escale = escale ,
+ .lshape3.q = lshape3.q,
+ .eshape3.q = eshape3.q
+ ))),
loglikelihood = eval(substitute(
- function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE, eta,
- extra = NULL,
- summation = TRUE) {
- aa <- 1
- scale <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .lscale , earg = .escale )
- parg <- 1
- qq <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .lshape3.q, earg = .eshape3.q )
- if (residuals) {
- stop("loglikelihood residuals not implemented yet")
- } else {
- ll.elts <- c(w) * dlomax(x = y, scale = scale,
- shape3.q = qq, log = TRUE)
- if (summation) {
- sum(ll.elts)
+ function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE,
+ eta, extra = NULL, summation = TRUE) {
+ M1 <- 2
+ NOS <- ncol(eta)/M1
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ aa <- 1
+ parg <- 1
+ qq <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape3.q , earg = .eshape3.q )
+ if (residuals) {
+ stop("loglikelihood residuals not implemented yet")
} else {
- ll.elts
+ ll.elts <-
+ c(w) * dgenbetaII(x = y, scale = Scale, shape1.a = aa,
+ shape2.p = parg, shape3.q = qq, log = TRUE)
+ if (summation) {
+ sum(ll.elts)
+ } else {
+ ll.elts
+ }
- }
- }, list( .lscale = lscale, .lshape3.q = lshape3.q,
- .escale = escale, .eshape3.q = eshape3.q ))),
+ }, list( .lscale = lscale ,
+ .escale = escale ,
+ .lshape3.q = lshape3.q,
+ .eshape3.q = eshape3.q
+ ))),
vfamily = c("lomax"),
simslot = eval(substitute(
function(object, nsim) {
@@ -3866,173 +4745,340 @@ dinv.paralogistic <- function(x, scale = 1, shape1.a, log = FALSE)
pwts else weights(object, type = "prior")
if (any(pwts != 1))
warning("ignoring prior weights")
eta <- predict(object)
- scale <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .lscale , earg = .escale )
- qq <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .lshape3.q, earg = .eshape3.q )
- rlomax(nsim * length(qq), scale = scale, shape3.q = qq)
- }, list( .lscale = lscale, .lshape3.q = lshape3.q,
- .escale = escale, .eshape3.q = eshape3.q ))),
+ M1 <- 2
+ NOS <- ncol(eta)/M1
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ qq <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape3.q , earg = .eshape3.q )
+ rlomax(nsim * length(qq), scale = Scale, shape3.q = qq)
+ }, list( .lscale = lscale ,
+ .escale = escale ,
+ .lshape3.q = lshape3.q,
+ .eshape3.q = eshape3.q
+ ))),
+ deriv = eval(substitute(expression({
+ NOS <- ncol(eta)/M1 # Needed for summary()
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ aa <- 1
+ parg <- 1
+ qq <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape3.q , earg = .eshape3.q)
+ temp1 <- log(y/Scale)
+ temp2 <- (y/Scale)^aa
+ temp3 <- digamma(parg + qq)
+ temp3a <- digamma(parg)
+ temp3b <- digamma(qq)
+ temp4 <- log1p(temp2)
+ dl.dscale <- (aa/Scale) * (-parg + (parg+qq) / (1+1/temp2))
+ dl.dq <- temp3 - temp3b - temp4
+ dscale.deta <- dtheta.deta(Scale, .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ dq.deta <- dtheta.deta(qq, .lshape3.q , earg = .eshape3.q )
+ myderiv <-
+ c(w) * cbind(dl.dscale * dscale.deta,
+ dl.dq * dq.deta)
+ myderiv[, interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
+ }), list( .lscale = lscale ,
+ .escale = escale ,
+ .lshape3.q = lshape3.q,
+ .eshape3.q = eshape3.q
+ ))),
+ weight = eval(substitute(expression({
+ temp5 <- trigamma(parg + qq)
+ temp5a <- trigamma(parg)
+ temp5b <- trigamma(qq)
+ ned2l.dscale <- (aa^2) * parg * qq / ((1+parg+qq) * Scale^2)
+ ned2l.dq <- temp5b - temp5
+ ned2l.dscaleq <- -aa * parg / (Scale*(parg+qq))
+ wz <-
+ array(c(c(w) * ned2l.dscale * dscale.deta^2,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dq * dq.deta^2,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dscaleq * dscale.deta * dq.deta),
+ dim = c(n, M/M1, M1*(M1+1)/2))
+ wz <- arwz2wz(wz, M = M, M1 = M1)
+ wz
+ }), list( .lscale = lscale ,
+ .escale = escale ,
+ .lshape3.q = lshape3.q,
+ .eshape3.q = eshape3.q
+ ))))
- deriv = eval(substitute(expression({
- aa <- 1
- scale <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .lscale , earg = .escale )
- parg <- 1
- qq <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .lshape3.q, earg = .eshape3.q)
- temp2 <- (y/scale)^aa
- dl.dscale <- (aa/scale) * (-parg + (parg+qq) / (1+1/temp2))
- dl.dq <- digamma(parg + qq) - digamma(qq) - log1p(temp2)
- dscale.deta <- dtheta.deta(scale, .lscale , earg = .escale )
- dq.deta <- dtheta.deta(qq, .lshape3.q, earg = .eshape3.q)
- c(w) * cbind( dl.dscale * dscale.deta,
- dl.dq * dq.deta )
- }), list( .lscale = lscale, .lshape3.q = lshape3.q,
- .escale = escale, .eshape3.q = eshape3.q ))),
- weight = eval(substitute(expression({
- ned2l.dscale <- aa^2 * parg * qq / (scale^2 * (1+parg+qq))
- ned2l.dq <- 1/qq^2
- ned2l.dscaleq <- -aa * parg / (scale*(parg+qq))
- wz <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), n, dimm(M)) #M == 2 means 3=dimm(M)
- wz[, iam(1, 1, M)] <- ned2l.dscale * dscale.deta^2
- wz[, iam(2, 2, M)] <- ned2l.dq * dq.deta^2
- wz[, iam(1, 2, M)] <- ned2l.dscaleq * dscale.deta * dq.deta
- wz <- c(w) * wz
- wz
- }), list( .lscale = lscale, .lshape3.q = lshape3.q,
- .escale = escale, .eshape3.q = eshape3.q ))))
- fisk <- function(lss,
- lshape1.a = "loge", lscale = "loge",
- ishape1.a = NULL, iscale = NULL,
- zero = NULL) {
- if (!is.logical(lss) || lss)
- stop("argument 'lss' not specified correctly. ",
- "See online help for important information")
+ fisk <- function(lscale = "loge",
+ lshape1.a = "loge",
+ iscale = NULL,
+ ishape1.a = NULL,
+ imethod = 1,
+ lss = TRUE,
+ gscale = exp(-5:5),
+ gshape1.a = exp(-5:5),
+ probs.y = c(0.25, 0.50, 0.75),
+ zero = ifelse(lss, -2, -1)) {
- if (length(zero) &&
- !is.Numeric(zero, integer.valued = TRUE, positive = TRUE))
- stop("bad input for argument 'zero'")
- lshape1.a <- as.list(substitute(lshape1.a))
- eshape1.a <- link2list(lshape1.a)
- lshape1.a <- attr(eshape1.a, "function.name")
+ if (length(lss) != 1 && !is.logical(lss))
+ stop("Argument 'lss' not specified correctly")
+ if (!is.Numeric(imethod, length.arg = 1,
+ integer.valued = TRUE,
+ positive = TRUE) || imethod > 2)
+ stop("Bad input for argument 'imethod'")
+ if (length(iscale) && !is.Numeric(iscale, positive = TRUE))
+ stop("Bad input for argument 'iscale'")
+ if (length(ishape1.a) && !is.Numeric(ishape1.a, positive = TRUE))
+ stop("Bad input for argument 'ishape1.a'")
+ if (length(probs.y) < 2 || max(probs.y) > 1 ||
+ !is.Numeric(probs.y, positive = TRUE))
+ stop("Bad input for argument 'probs.y'")
+ if (length(zero) && !is.Numeric(zero, integer.valued = TRUE))
+ stop("bad input for argument 'zero'")
lscale <- as.list(substitute(lscale))
escale <- link2list(lscale)
lscale <- attr(escale, "function.name")
+ lshape1.a <- as.list(substitute(lshape1.a))
+ eshape1.a <- link2list(lshape1.a)
+ lshape1.a <- attr(eshape1.a, "function.name")
- new("vglmff",
- blurb = c("Fisk distribution\n\n",
- "Links: ",
- namesof("shape1.a", lshape1.a, earg = eshape1.a), ", ",
- namesof("scale", lscale, earg = escale), "\n",
- "Mean: scale * gamma(1 + 1/shape1.a) * ",
- "gamma(1 - 1/shape1.a)"),
+ new("vglmff",
+ blurb =
+ c("Fisk distribution \n\n",
+ "Links: ",
+ ifelse (lss,
+ namesof("scale" , lscale , earg = escale),
+ namesof("shape1.a", lshape1.a, earg = eshape1.a)), ", ",
+ ifelse (lss,
+ namesof("shape1.a", lshape1.a, earg = eshape1.a),
+ namesof("scale" , lscale , earg = escale)), "\n",
+ "Mean: scale * gamma(1 + 1/shape1.a) * ",
+ "gamma(1 - 1/shape1.a)"),
constraints = eval(substitute(expression({
- constraints <- cm.zero.VGAM(constraints, x, .zero , M)
+ dotzero <- .zero
+ M1 <- 2
+ eval(negzero.expression.VGAM)
}), list( .zero = zero ))),
- initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
- w.y.check(w = w, y = y,
- ncol.w.max = 1, ncol.y.max = 1)
- predictors.names <-
- c(namesof("shape1.a", .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a , tag = FALSE),
- namesof("scale", .lscale , earg = .escale , tag = FALSE))
- qq <- parg <- 1
- if (!length( .iscale )) {
- qvec <- c( 0.25, 0.5, 0.75) # Arbitrary; could be made an argument
- xvec <- log( 1 / qvec - 1 )
- fit0 <- lsfit(x = xvec, y = log(quantile(y, qvec )))
+ infos = eval(substitute(function(...) {
+ list(M1 = 2,
+ Q1 = 1,
+ expected = TRUE,
+ zero = .zero ,
+ multipleResponses = TRUE,
+ lscale = .lscale , lshape1.a = .lshape1.a ,
+ escale = .escale , eshape1.a = .eshape1.a ,
+ .zero = zero )
+ }, list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
+ .zero = zero ))),
+ initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
+ temp5 <- w.y.check(w = w, y = y,
+ Is.positive.y = TRUE,
+ ncol.w.max = Inf,
+ ncol.y.max = Inf,
+ out.wy = TRUE,
+ colsyperw = 1,
+ maximize = TRUE)
+ y <- temp5$y
+ w <- temp5$w
+ M1 <- 2 # Number of parameters for one response
+ NOS <- ncoly <- ncol(y)
+ M <- M1*ncol(y)
+ scaL.names <- param.names("scale", NOS)
+ sha1.names <- param.names("shape1.a", NOS)
+ predictors.names <- if ( .lss ) {
+ c(namesof(scaL.names , .lscale , earg = .escale , tag = FALSE),
+ namesof(sha1.names , .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a , tag = FALSE))
+ } else {
+ c(namesof(sha1.names , .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a , tag = FALSE),
+ namesof(scaL.names , .lscale , earg = .escale , tag = FALSE))
+ predictors.names <- predictors.names[interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
if (!length(etastart)) {
- aa <- rep(if (length( .ishape1.a)) .ishape1.a else
- abs(-1 / fit0$coef[2]),
- length.out = n)
- scale <- rep(if (length( .iscale )) .iscale else
- exp(fit0$coef[1]),
- length.out = n)
+ sc.init <-
+ aa.init <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), n, NOS)
+ for (spp. in 1:NOS) { # For each response 'y_spp.'... do:
+ yvec <- y[, spp.]
+ wvec <- w[, spp.]
- parg <- 1
- qq <- 1
- outOfRange <- (parg + 1/aa <= 0)
- parg[outOfRange] <- 1 / aa[outOfRange] + 1
- outOfRange <- (qq - 1/aa <= 0)
- qq[outOfRange] <- 1 / aa + 1
+ if ( .imethod == 1 ) {
+ gscale <- .gscale
+ gshape1.a <- .gshape1.a
+ if (length( .iscale ))
+ gscale <- rep( .iscale , length = NOS)
+ if (length( .ishape1.a ))
+ gshape1.a <- rep( .ishape1.a , length = NOS)
+ allmat1 <- cbind(shape1.a = gshape1.a)
+ allmat2 <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), nrow(allmat1), 2)
+ ll.fisk <- function(scaleval, x = x, y = y, w = w, extraargs) {
+ ans <- sum(c(w) * dgenbetaII(x = y,
+ scale = scaleval,
+ shape1.a = extraargs$Shape1.a,
+ shape2.p = 1,
+ shape3.q = 1,
+ log = TRUE))
+ ans
+ }
+ for (iloc in 1:nrow(allmat1)) {
+ allmat2[iloc, ] <-
+ grid.search(gscale, objfun = ll.fisk,
+ y = yvec, x = x, w = wvec,
+ ret.objfun = TRUE, # 2nd value is the loglik
+ extraargs = list(Shape1.a = allmat1[iloc, 1]))
+ }
+ ind5 <- which.max(allmat2[, 2]) # 2nd value is the loglik
+ sc.init[, spp.] <- allmat2[ind5, 1]
+ aa.init[, spp.] <- allmat1[ind5, 1]
+ } else { # .imethod == 2
+ qvec <- .probs.y
+ iscale <- if (length( .iscale )) .iscale else 1
+ xvec <- log( quantile(yvec / iscale, probs = qvec) )
+ fit0 <- lsfit(x = xvec, y = logit(qvec), intercept = FALSE)
+ sc.init[, spp.] <- iscale
+ aa.init[, spp.] <- if (length( .ishape1.a )) .ishape1.a else
+ fit0$coef
+ }
+ } # End of for (spp. ...)
+ finite.mean <- 1 < aa.init
+ COP.use <- 1.15
+ while (FALSE && any(!finite.mean)) {
+ aa.init[!finite.mean] <- 0.1 + aa.init[!finite.mean] * COP.use
+ finite.mean <- 1 < aa.init
+ }
etastart <-
- cbind(theta2eta(aa, .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a ),
- theta2eta(scale, .lscale , earg = .escale ))
- }
- }), list( .lshape1.a = lshape1.a, .lscale = lscale,
- .eshape1.a = eshape1.a, .escale = escale,
- .ishape1.a = ishape1.a, .iscale = iscale ))),
+ if ( .lss )
+ cbind(theta2eta(sc.init, .lscale , earg = .escale ),
+ theta2eta(aa.init, .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )) else
+ cbind(theta2eta(aa.init, .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a ),
+ theta2eta(sc.init, .lscale , earg = .escale ))
+ etastart <- etastart[, interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
+ } # End of etastart.
+ }), list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
+ .iscale = iscale , .ishape1.a = ishape1.a,
+ .gscale = gscale , .gshape1.a = gshape1.a,
+ .imethod = imethod , .probs.y = probs.y,
+ .lss = lss ))),
linkinv = eval(substitute(function(eta, extra = NULL) {
- aa <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
- Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .lscale , earg = .escale )
- parg <- 1
- qq <- 1
+ M1 <- 2
+ NOS <- ncol(eta)/M1
+ if ( .lss ) {
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ aa <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
+ } else {
+ aa <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ }
+ parg <- 1
+ qq <- 1
ans <- Scale * exp(lgamma(parg + 1/aa) +
- lgamma(qq - 1/aa) - lgamma(parg) - lgamma(qq))
+ lgamma(qq - 1/aa) - lgamma(parg) - lgamma(qq))
ans[parg + 1/aa <= 0] <- NA
ans[qq - 1/aa <= 0] <- NA
- ans[aa <= 0] <- NA
ans[Scale <= 0] <- NA
+ ans[aa <= 0] <- NA
- }, list( .lshape1.a = lshape1.a, .lscale = lscale,
- .eshape1.a = eshape1.a, .escale = escale))),
+ }, list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
+ .lss = lss ))),
last = eval(substitute(expression({
- misc$link <- c(shape1.a = .lshape1.a , scale = .lscale )
+ M1 <- 2
- misc$earg <- list(shape1.a = .eshape1.a , scale = .escale )
+ misc$link <- c(rep( if ( .lss ) .lscale else .lshape1.a , len = ncoly),
+ rep( if ( .lss ) .lshape1.a else .lscale , len = ncoly))[
+ interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
+ temp.names <- if ( .lss ) {
+ c(scaL.names, sha1.names)
+ } else {
+ c(sha1.names, scaL.names)
+ }
+ names(misc$link) <- temp.names[interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
- misc$expected <- TRUE
- misc$multipleResponses <- FALSE
- }), list( .lshape1.a = lshape1.a, .lscale = lscale,
- .eshape1.a = eshape1.a, .escale = escale))),
+ misc$earg <- vector("list", M)
+ names(misc$earg) <- temp.names
+ for (ii in 1:ncoly)
+ if ( .lss ) {
+ misc$earg[[M1*ii-1]] <- .escale
+ misc$earg[[M1*ii ]] <- .eshape1.a
+ } else {
+ misc$earg[[M1*ii-1]] <- .eshape1.a
+ misc$earg[[M1*ii ]] <- .escale
+ }
+ misc$expected <- TRUE
+ misc$multipleResponses <- TRUE
+ }), list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
+ .lss = lss ))),
loglikelihood = eval(substitute(
- function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE, eta,
- extra = NULL,
- summation = TRUE) {
- aa <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
- Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .lscale , earg = .escale )
- parg <- qq <- 1
- if (residuals) {
- stop("loglikelihood residuals not implemented yet")
- } else {
- ll.elts <- c(w) * dfisk(x = y, shape1.a = aa, scale = Scale, log = TRUE)
- if (summation) {
- sum(ll.elts)
+ function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE,
+ eta, extra = NULL, summation = TRUE) {
+ M1 <- 2
+ NOS <- ncol(eta)/M1
+ if ( .lss ) {
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ aa <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
} else {
- ll.elts
+ aa <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
- }
- }, list( .lshape1.a = lshape1.a, .lscale = lscale,
- .eshape1.a = eshape1.a, .escale = escale))),
+ if (residuals) {
+ stop("loglikelihood residuals not implemented yet")
+ } else {
+ ll.elts <-
+ c(w) * dfisk(x = y, scale = Scale, shape1.a = aa, log = TRUE)
+ if (summation) {
+ sum(ll.elts)
+ } else {
+ ll.elts
+ }
+ }
+ }, list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
+ .lss = lss ))),
vfamily = c("fisk"),
simslot = eval(substitute(
function(object, nsim) {
@@ -4040,168 +5086,326 @@ dinv.paralogistic <- function(x, scale = 1, shape1.a, log = FALSE)
pwts else weights(object, type = "prior")
if (any(pwts != 1))
warning("ignoring prior weights")
eta <- predict(object)
- aa <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
- Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ M1 <- 2
+ NOS <- ncol(eta)/M1
+ if ( .lss ) {
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ aa <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
+ } else {
+ aa <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ }
rfisk(nsim * length(aa), shape1.a = aa, scale = Scale)
- }, list( .lshape1.a = lshape1.a, .lscale = lscale,
- .eshape1.a = eshape1.a, .escale = escale ))),
- deriv = eval(substitute(expression({
- aa <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
- scale <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .lscale , earg = .escale )
- parg <- qq <- 1
- temp1 <- log(y/scale)
- temp2 <- (y/scale)^aa
+ }, list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
+ .lss = lss ))),
+ deriv = eval(substitute(expression({
+ NOS <- ncol(eta)/M1 # Needed for summary()
+ if ( .lss ) {
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ aa <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a)
+ } else {
+ aa <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a)
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ }
+ parg <- 1
+ qq <- 1
+ temp1 <- log(y/Scale)
+ temp2 <- (y/Scale)^aa
+ temp3 <- digamma(parg + qq)
temp3a <- digamma(parg)
temp3b <- digamma(qq)
+ temp4 <- log1p(temp2)
+ dl.dscale <- (aa/Scale) * (-parg + (parg+qq) / (1+1/temp2))
dl.da <- 1/aa + parg * temp1 - (parg+qq) * temp1 / (1+1/temp2)
- dl.dscale <- (aa/scale) * (-parg + (parg+qq) / (1+1/temp2))
- da.deta <- dtheta.deta(aa, .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
- dscale.deta <- dtheta.deta(scale, .lscale , earg = .escale )
- c(w) * cbind( dl.da * da.deta,
- dl.dscale * dscale.deta )
- }), list( .lshape1.a = lshape1.a, .lscale = lscale,
- .eshape1.a = eshape1.a, .escale = escale))),
- weight = eval(substitute(expression({
- ned2l.da <- (1 + parg+qq + parg * qq * (trigamma(parg) + trigamma(qq) +
- (temp3b - temp3a + (parg-qq)/(parg*qq))^2 -
- (parg^2 + qq^2) / (parg*qq)^2)) / (aa^2 * (1+parg+qq))
- ned2l.dscale <- aa^2 * parg * qq / (scale^2 * (1 + parg + qq))
- ned2l.dascale <- (parg - qq - parg*qq*(temp3a - temp3b)) / (
- scale * (1 + parg + qq))
- wz <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), n, dimm(M)) #M == 2 means 3=dimm(M)
- wz[, iam(1, 1, M)] <- ned2l.da * da.deta^2
- wz[, iam(2, 2, M)] <- ned2l.dscale * dscale.deta^2
- wz[, iam(1, 2, M)] <- ned2l.dascale * da.deta * dscale.deta
+ dscale.deta <- dtheta.deta(Scale, .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ da.deta <- dtheta.deta(aa, .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
+ myderiv <- if ( .lss ) {
+ c(w) * cbind(dl.dscale * dscale.deta,
+ dl.da * da.deta)
+ } else {
+ c(w) * cbind(dl.da * da.deta,
+ dl.dscale * dscale.deta)
+ }
+ myderiv[, interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
+ }), list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
+ .lss = lss ))),
+ weight = eval(substitute(expression({
+ temp5 <- trigamma(parg + qq)
+ temp5a <- trigamma(parg)
+ temp5b <- trigamma(qq)
- wz <- c(w) * wz
+ ned2l.da <- (1 + parg + qq + parg * qq * (temp5a + temp5b +
+ (temp3b - temp3a + (parg-qq)/(parg*qq))^2 -
+ (parg^2 + qq^2) / (parg*qq)^2)) / (aa^2 * (1+parg+qq))
+ ned2l.dscale <- (aa^2) * parg * qq / ((1+parg+qq) * Scale^2)
+ ned2l.dascale <- (parg - qq - parg * qq *
+ (temp3a -temp3b)) / (Scale*(1 + parg+qq))
+ wz <- if ( .lss ) {
+ array(c(c(w) * ned2l.dscale * dscale.deta^2,
+ c(w) * ned2l.da * da.deta^2,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dascale * da.deta * dscale.deta),
+ dim = c(n, M/M1, M1*(M1+1)/2))
+ } else {
+ array(c(c(w) * ned2l.da * da.deta^2,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dscale * dscale.deta^2,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dascale * da.deta * dscale.deta),
+ dim = c(n, M/M1, M1*(M1+1)/2))
+ }
+ wz <- arwz2wz(wz, M = M, M1 = M1)
- }), list( .lshape1.a = lshape1.a, .lscale = lscale,
- .eshape1.a = eshape1.a, .escale = escale))))
+ }), list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
+ .lss = lss ))))
- inv.lomax <- function( # lss,
- lscale = "loge",
- lshape2.p = "loge",
- iscale = NULL,
- ishape2.p = 1.0,
- zero = NULL) {
- if (length(zero) &&
- !is.Numeric(zero, integer.valued = TRUE, positive = TRUE))
- stop("bad input for argument 'zero'")
- lshape2.p <- as.list(substitute(lshape2.p))
- eshape2.p <- link2list(lshape2.p)
- lshape2.p <- attr(eshape2.p, "function.name")
- lscale <- as.list(substitute(lscale))
- escale <- link2list(lscale)
- lscale <- attr(escale, "function.name")
- new("vglmff",
- blurb = c("Inverse Lomax distribution\n\n",
- "Links: ",
- namesof("scale", lscale, earg = escale), ", ",
- namesof("shape2.p", lshape2.p, earg = eshape2.p), "\n",
- "Mean: does not exist"),
- constraints = eval(substitute(expression({
- constraints <- cm.zero.VGAM(constraints, x, .zero , M)
- }), list( .zero = zero ))),
- initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
- w.y.check(w = w, y = y,
- ncol.w.max = 1, ncol.y.max = 1)
+ inv.lomax <- function(lscale = "loge",
+ lshape2.p = "loge",
+ iscale = NULL,
+ ishape2.p = NULL,
+ imethod = 1,
+ gscale = exp(-5:5),
+ gshape2.p = exp(-5:5),
+ probs.y = c(0.25, 0.50, 0.75),
+ zero = -2) {
- predictors.names <-
- c(namesof("scale", .lscale , earg = .escale , tag = FALSE),
- namesof("shape2.p", .lshape2.p, earg = .eshape2.p , tag = FALSE))
- qq <- aa <- 1
- if (!length( .iscale )) {
- qvec <- c(0.25, .5, .75) # Arbitrary; could be made an argument
- ishape2.p <- if (length( .ishape2.p)) .ishape2.p else 1
- xvec <- log( qvec^(-1/ ishape2.p ) - 1 )
- fit0 <- lsfit(x = xvec, y = log(quantile(y, qvec )))
- }
- if (!length(etastart)) {
- scale <- rep(if (length( .iscale )) .iscale else
- exp(fit0$coef[1]),
- length.out = n)
- parg <- rep(if (length( .ishape2.p)) .ishape2.p else 1.0,
- length.out = n)
+ if (!is.Numeric(imethod, length.arg = 1,
+ integer.valued = TRUE,
+ positive = TRUE) || imethod > 2)
+ stop("Bad input for argument 'imethod'")
+ if (length(iscale) && !is.Numeric(iscale, positive = TRUE))
+ stop("Bad input for argument 'iscale'")
+ if (length(ishape2.p) && !is.Numeric(ishape2.p, positive = TRUE))
+ stop("Bad input for argument 'ishape2.p'")
+ if (length(probs.y) < 2 || max(probs.y) > 1 ||
+ !is.Numeric(probs.y, positive = TRUE))
+ stop("Bad input for argument 'probs.y'")
+ if (length(zero) && !is.Numeric(zero, integer.valued = TRUE))
+ stop("bad input for argument 'zero'")
+ lscale <- as.list(substitute(lscale))
+ escale <- link2list(lscale)
+ lscale <- attr(escale, "function.name")
+ lshape2.p <- as.list(substitute(lshape2.p))
+ eshape2.p <- link2list(lshape2.p)
+ lshape2.p <- attr(eshape2.p, "function.name")
+ new("vglmff",
+ blurb =
+ c("Inverse Lomax distribution \n\n",
+ "Links: ",
+ namesof("scale" , lscale , earg = escale), ", ",
+ namesof("shape2.p" , lshape2.p, earg = eshape2.p), "\n",
+ "Mean: does not exist"),
+ constraints = eval(substitute(expression({
+ dotzero <- .zero
+ M1 <- 2
+ eval(negzero.expression.VGAM)
+ }), list( .zero = zero ))),
+ infos = eval(substitute(function(...) {
+ list(M1 = 2,
+ Q1 = 1,
+ expected = TRUE,
+ zero = .zero ,
+ multipleResponses = TRUE,
+ lscale = .lscale ,
+ escale = .escale ,
+ lshape2.p = .lshape2.p ,
+ eshape2.p = .eshape2.p ,
+ .zero = zero )
+ }, list( .lscale = lscale ,
+ .escale = escale ,
+ .lshape2.p = lshape2.p,
+ .eshape2.p = eshape2.p,
+ .zero = zero ))),
+ initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
+ temp5 <- w.y.check(w = w, y = y,
+ Is.positive.y = TRUE,
+ ncol.w.max = Inf,
+ ncol.y.max = Inf,
+ out.wy = TRUE,
+ colsyperw = 1,
+ maximize = TRUE)
+ y <- temp5$y
+ w <- temp5$w
+ M1 <- 2 # Number of parameters for one response
+ NOS <- ncoly <- ncol(y)
+ M <- M1*ncol(y)
+ scaL.names <- param.names("scale", NOS)
+ sha2.names <- param.names("shape2.p", NOS)
- etastart <-
- cbind(theta2eta(scale, .lscale , earg = .escale ),
- theta2eta(parg, .lshape2.p, earg = .eshape2.p ))
- }
- }), list( .lscale = lscale, .lshape2.p = lshape2.p,
- .escale = escale, .eshape2.p = eshape2.p,
- .iscale = iscale, .ishape2.p = ishape2.p ))),
- linkinv = eval(substitute(function(eta, extra = NULL) {
- Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .lscale , earg = .escale )
- parg <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .lshape2.p, earg = .eshape2.p )
+ predictors.names <-
+ c(namesof(scaL.names , .lscale , earg = .escale , tag = FALSE),
+ namesof(sha2.names , .lshape2.p , earg = .eshape2.p , tag = FALSE))
+ predictors.names <- predictors.names[interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
+ if (!length(etastart)) {
+ sc.init <-
+ pp.init <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), n, NOS)
+ for (spp. in 1:NOS) { # For each response 'y_spp.'... do:
+ yvec <- y[, spp.]
+ wvec <- w[, spp.]
+ if ( .imethod == 1 ) {
+ gscale <- .gscale
+ gshape2.p <- .gshape2.p
+ if (length( .iscale ))
+ gscale <- rep( .iscale , length = NOS)
+ if (length( .ishape2.p ))
+ gshape2.p <- rep( .ishape2.p , length = NOS)
+ allmat1 <- cbind(shape2.p = gshape2.p)
+ allmat2 <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), nrow(allmat1), 2)
+ ll.invL <- function(scaleval, x = x, y = y, w = w, extraargs) {
+ ans <- sum(c(w) * dgenbetaII(x = y,
+ scale = scaleval,
+ shape1.a = 1,
+ shape2.p = extraargs$Shape2.p,
+ shape3.q = 1,
+ log = TRUE))
+ ans
+ }
+ for (iloc in 1:nrow(allmat1)) {
+ allmat2[iloc, ] <-
+ grid.search(gscale, objfun = ll.invL,
+ y = yvec, x = x, w = wvec,
+ ret.objfun = TRUE, # 2nd value is the loglik
+ extraargs = list(Shape2.p = allmat1[iloc, 1]))
+ }
+ ind5 <- which.max(allmat2[, 2]) # 2nd value is the loglik
+ sc.init[, spp.] <- allmat2[ind5, 1]
+ pp.init[, spp.] <- allmat1[ind5, 1]
+ } else { # .imethod == 2
+ qvec <- .probs.y
+ ishape2.p <- if (length( .ishape2.p )) .ishape2.p else 1
+ xvec <- log( qvec^(-1/ ishape2.p) - 1 )
+ fit0 <- lsfit(x = xvec, y = log(quantile(yvec, qvec)))
+ sc.init[, spp.] <- if (length( .iscale )) .iscale else
+ exp(fit0$coef[1])
+ pp.init[, spp.] <- ishape2.p
+ }
+ } # End of for (spp. ...)
+ etastart <-
+ cbind(theta2eta(sc.init, .lscale , earg = .escale ),
+ theta2eta(pp.init, .lshape2.p , earg = .eshape2.p ))
+ etastart <- etastart[, interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
+ } # End of etastart.
+ }), list( .lscale = lscale ,
+ .escale = escale ,
+ .iscale = iscale ,
+ .gscale = gscale ,
+ .lshape2.p = lshape2.p,
+ .eshape2.p = eshape2.p,
+ .ishape2.p = ishape2.p,
+ .gshape2.p = gshape2.p,
+ .imethod = imethod , .probs.y = probs.y
+ ))),
+ linkinv = eval(substitute(function(eta, extra = NULL) {
+ M1 <- 2
+ NOS <- ncol(eta)/M1
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ parg <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape2.p , earg = .eshape2.p )
qinv.lomax(p = 0.5, scale = Scale, shape2.p = parg)
- }, list( .lscale = lscale,
- .escale = escale,
- .eshape2.p = eshape2.p,
- .lshape2.p = lshape2.p ))),
+ }, list( .lscale = lscale ,
+ .escale = escale ,
+ .lshape2.p = lshape2.p,
+ .eshape2.p = eshape2.p
+ ))),
last = eval(substitute(expression({
- misc$link <- c(scale = .lscale , shape2.p = .lshape2.p )
+ M1 <- 2
- misc$earg <- list(scale = .escale , shape2.p = .eshape2.p )
+ misc$link <- c(rep( .lscale , length = ncoly),
+ rep( .lshape2.p , length = ncoly))[
+ interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
+ temp.names <- c(scaL.names, sha2.names)
+ names(misc$link) <- temp.names[interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
- misc$expected <- TRUE
- misc$multipleResponses <- FALSE
- }), list( .lscale = lscale,
- .escale = escale,
- .eshape2.p = eshape2.p,
- .lshape2.p = lshape2.p ))),
+ misc$earg <- vector("list", M)
+ names(misc$earg) <- temp.names
+ for (ii in 1:ncoly) {
+ misc$earg[[M1*ii-1]] <- .escale
+ misc$earg[[M1*ii ]] <- .eshape2.p
+ }
+ misc$expected <- TRUE
+ misc$multipleResponses <- TRUE
+ }), list( .lscale = lscale ,
+ .escale = escale ,
+ .lshape2.p = lshape2.p,
+ .eshape2.p = eshape2.p
+ ))),
loglikelihood = eval(substitute(
- function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE, eta,
- extra = NULL,
- summation = TRUE) {
- aa <- 1
- Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .lscale , earg = .escale )
- parg <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .lshape2.p , earg = .eshape2.p )
- qq <- 1
- if (residuals) {
- stop("loglikelihood residuals not implemented yet")
- } else {
- ll.elts <- c(w) * dinv.lomax(x = y, scale = Scale,
- shape2.p = parg, log = TRUE)
- if (summation) {
- sum(ll.elts)
+ function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE,
+ eta, extra = NULL, summation = TRUE) {
+ M1 <- 2
+ NOS <- ncol(eta)/M1
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ parg <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape2.p , earg = .eshape2.p )
+ if (residuals) {
+ stop("loglikelihood residuals not implemented yet")
} else {
- ll.elts
+ ll.elts <-
+ c(w) * dgenbetaII(x = y, scale = Scale, shape1.a = 1,
+ shape2.p = parg, shape3.q = 1, log = TRUE)
+ if (summation) {
+ sum(ll.elts)
+ } else {
+ ll.elts
+ }
- }
- }, list( .lscale = lscale, .lshape2.p = lshape2.p,
- .escale = escale, .eshape2.p = eshape2.p ))),
+ }, list( .lscale = lscale ,
+ .escale = escale ,
+ .lshape2.p = lshape2.p,
+ .eshape2.p = eshape2.p
+ ))),
vfamily = c("inv.lomax"),
simslot = eval(substitute(
function(object, nsim) {
@@ -4210,139 +5414,267 @@ dinv.paralogistic <- function(x, scale = 1, shape1.a, log = FALSE)
if (any(pwts != 1))
warning("ignoring prior weights")
eta <- predict(object)
- Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .lscale , earg = .escale )
- parg <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .lshape2.p , earg = .eshape2.p )
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ parg <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape2.p , earg = .eshape2.p )
+ aa <- 1
+ qq <- 1
rinv.lomax(nsim * length(Scale), scale = Scale, shape2.p = parg)
- }, list( .lscale = lscale, .lshape2.p = lshape2.p,
- .escale = escale, .eshape2.p = eshape2.p ))),
+ }, list( .lscale = lscale ,
+ .escale = escale ,
+ .lshape2.p = lshape2.p,
+ .eshape2.p = eshape2.p
+ ))),
deriv = eval(substitute(expression({
- aa <- qq <- 1
- scale <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .lscale , earg = .escale )
- parg <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .lshape2.p , earg = .eshape2.p )
- temp1 <- log(y/scale)
- temp2 <- (y/scale)^aa
- dl.dscale <- (aa/scale) * (-parg + (parg+qq) / (1+1/temp2))
- dl.dp <- aa * temp1 + digamma(parg + qq) - digamma(parg) - log1p(temp2)
- dscale.deta <- dtheta.deta(scale, .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ M1 <- 2
+ NOS <- ncol(eta)/M1 # Needed for summary()
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ parg <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape2.p , earg = .eshape2.p )
+ qq <- 1
+ aa <- 1
+ temp1 <- log(y/Scale)
+ temp2 <- (y/Scale)^aa
+ temp3 <- digamma(parg + qq)
+ temp3a <- digamma(parg)
+ temp3b <- digamma(qq)
+ temp4 <- log1p(temp2)
+ dl.dscale <- (aa/Scale) * (-parg + (parg+qq) / (1+1/temp2))
+ dl.dp <- aa * temp1 + temp3 - temp3a - temp4
+ dscale.deta <- dtheta.deta(Scale, .lscale , earg = .escale )
dp.deta <- dtheta.deta(parg, .lshape2.p , earg = .eshape2.p )
- c(w) * cbind( dl.dscale * dscale.deta,
- dl.dp * dp.deta )
- }), list( .lscale = lscale, .lshape2.p = lshape2.p,
- .escale = escale, .eshape2.p = eshape2.p ))),
+ myderiv <-
+ c(w) * cbind(dl.dscale * dscale.deta,
+ dl.dp * dp.deta)
+ myderiv[, interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
+ }), list( .lscale = lscale ,
+ .escale = escale ,
+ .lshape2.p = lshape2.p,
+ .eshape2.p = eshape2.p
+ ))),
weight = eval(substitute(expression({
- ned2l.dscale <- aa^2 * parg * qq / (scale^2 * (1 + parg + qq))
- ned2l.dp <- 1 / parg^2
- ned2l.dscalep <- aa * qq / (scale * (parg + qq))
- wz <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), n, dimm(M)) #M == 2 means 3=dimm(M)
- wz[, iam(1, 1, M)] <- ned2l.dscale * dscale.deta^2
- wz[, iam(2, 2, M)] <- ned2l.dp * dp.deta^2
- wz[, iam(1, 2, M)] <- ned2l.dscalep * dscale.deta * dp.deta
- wz <- c(w) * wz
+ temp5 <- trigamma(parg + qq)
+ temp5a <- trigamma(parg)
+ temp5b <- trigamma(qq)
+ ned2l.dscale <- (aa^2) * parg * qq / ((1+parg+qq) * Scale^2)
+ ned2l.dp <- temp5a - temp5
+ ned2l.dscalep <- aa * qq / (Scale*(parg+qq))
+ wz <-
+ array(c(c(w) * ned2l.dscale * dscale.deta^2,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dp * dp.deta^2,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dscalep * dscale.deta * dp.deta),
+ dim = c(n, M/M1, M1*(M1+1)/2))
+ wz <- arwz2wz(wz, M = M, M1 = M1)
- }), list( .lscale = lscale, .lshape2.p = lshape2.p,
- .escale = escale, .eshape2.p = eshape2.p ))))
+ }), list( .lscale = lscale ,
+ .escale = escale ,
+ .lshape2.p = lshape2.p,
+ .eshape2.p = eshape2.p
+ ))))
- paralogistic <- function(lss,
- lshape1.a = "loge",
- lscale = "loge",
- ishape1.a = 2,
- iscale = NULL,
- zero = NULL) {
- if (!is.logical(lss) || lss)
- stop("argument 'lss' not specified correctly. ",
- "See online help for important information")
+ paralogistic <-
+ function(lscale = "loge",
+ lshape1.a = "loge",
+ iscale = NULL,
+ ishape1.a = NULL,
+ imethod = 1,
+ lss = TRUE,
+ gscale = exp(-5:5),
+ gshape1.a = exp(-5:5),
+ probs.y = c(0.25, 0.50, 0.75),
+ zero = ifelse(lss, -2, -1)) {
- if (length(zero) &&
- !is.Numeric(zero, integer.valued = TRUE, positive = TRUE))
- stop("bad input for argument 'zero'")
- lshape1.a <- as.list(substitute(lshape1.a))
- eshape1.a <- link2list(lshape1.a)
- lshape1.a <- attr(eshape1.a, "function.name")
+ if (length(lss) != 1 && !is.logical(lss))
+ stop("Argument 'lss' not specified correctly")
+ if (!is.Numeric(imethod, length.arg = 1,
+ integer.valued = TRUE,
+ positive = TRUE) || imethod > 2)
+ stop("Bad input for argument 'imethod'")
+ if (length(iscale) && !is.Numeric(iscale, positive = TRUE))
+ stop("Bad input for argument 'iscale'")
+ if (length(ishape1.a) && !is.Numeric(ishape1.a, positive = TRUE))
+ stop("Bad input for argument 'ishape1.a'")
+ if (length(probs.y) < 2 || max(probs.y) > 1 ||
+ !is.Numeric(probs.y, positive = TRUE))
+ stop("Bad input for argument 'probs.y'")
+ if (length(zero) && !is.Numeric(zero, integer.valued = TRUE))
+ stop("bad input for argument 'zero'")
lscale <- as.list(substitute(lscale))
escale <- link2list(lscale)
lscale <- attr(escale, "function.name")
+ lshape1.a <- as.list(substitute(lshape1.a))
+ eshape1.a <- link2list(lshape1.a)
+ lshape1.a <- attr(eshape1.a, "function.name")
- blurb = c("Paralogistic distribution\n\n",
- "Links: ",
- namesof("shape1.a", lshape1.a, earg = eshape1.a), ", ",
- namesof("scale", lscale, earg = escale), "\n",
- "Mean: scale * gamma(1 + 1/shape1.a) * ",
- "gamma(shape1.a - 1/shape1.a) / gamma(shape1.a)"),
+ blurb =
+ c("Paralogistic distribution \n\n",
+ "Links: ",
+ ifelse (lss,
+ namesof("scale" , lscale , earg = escale),
+ namesof("shape1.a", lshape1.a, earg = eshape1.a)), ", ",
+ ifelse (lss,
+ namesof("shape1.a", lshape1.a, earg = eshape1.a),
+ namesof("scale" , lscale , earg = escale)), "\n",
+ "Mean: scale * gamma(1 + 1/shape1.a) * ",
+ "gamma(shape1.a - 1/shape1.a) / ",
+ "gamma(shape1.a)"),
constraints = eval(substitute(expression({
- constraints <- cm.zero.VGAM(constraints, x, .zero , M)
+ dotzero <- .zero
+ M1 <- 2
+ eval(negzero.expression.VGAM)
}), list( .zero = zero ))),
- initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
- w.y.check(w = w, y = y,
- ncol.w.max = 1, ncol.y.max = 1)
+ infos = eval(substitute(function(...) {
+ list(M1 = 2,
+ Q1 = 1,
+ expected = TRUE,
+ zero = .zero ,
+ multipleResponses = TRUE,
+ lscale = .lscale , lshape1.a = .lshape1.a ,
+ escale = .escale , eshape1.a = .eshape1.a ,
+ .zero = zero )
+ }, list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
+ .zero = zero ))),
+ initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
+ temp5 <- w.y.check(w = w, y = y,
+ Is.positive.y = TRUE,
+ ncol.w.max = Inf,
+ ncol.y.max = Inf,
+ out.wy = TRUE,
+ colsyperw = 1,
+ maximize = TRUE)
+ y <- temp5$y
+ w <- temp5$w
+ M1 <- 2 # Number of parameters for one response
+ NOS <- ncoly <- ncol(y)
+ M <- M1*ncol(y)
+ scaL.names <- param.names("scale", NOS)
+ sha1.names <- param.names("shape1.a", NOS)
predictors.names <-
- c(namesof("shape1.a", .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a , tag = FALSE),
- namesof("scale", .lscale , earg = .escale , tag = FALSE))
- parg <- 1
- if (!length( .ishape1.a) || !length( .iscale )) {
- qvec <- c( .25, .5, .75) # Arbitrary; could be made an argument
- ishape1.a <- if (length( .ishape1.a)) .ishape1.a else 1
- xvec <- log( (1-qvec)^(-1/ ishape1.a ) - 1 )
- fit0 <- lsfit(x = xvec, y = log(quantile(y, qvec )))
- }
+ if ( .lss ) {
+ c(namesof(scaL.names , .lscale , earg = .escale , tag = FALSE),
+ namesof(sha1.names , .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a , tag = FALSE))
+ } else {
+ c(namesof(sha1.names , .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a , tag = FALSE),
+ namesof(scaL.names , .lscale , earg = .escale , tag = FALSE))
+ }
+ predictors.names <- predictors.names[interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
if (!length(etastart)) {
- aa <- rep(if (length( .ishape1.a)) .ishape1.a else
- abs(1/fit0$coef[2]),
- length.out = n)
- scale <- rep(if (length( .iscale )) .iscale else
- exp(fit0$coef[1]),
- length.out = n)
- parg <- 1
- qq <- aa
- outOfRange <- (parg + 1/aa <= 0)
- parg[outOfRange] <- 1 / aa[outOfRange] + 1
- outOfRange <- (qq - 1/aa <= 0)
- aa[outOfRange] <-
- qq[outOfRange] <- 2 # Need aa > 1, where aa == qq
+ sc.init <-
+ aa.init <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), n, NOS)
+ for (spp. in 1:NOS) { # For each response 'y_spp.'... do:
+ yvec <- y[, spp.]
+ wvec <- w[, spp.]
+ if ( .imethod == 1 ) {
+ gscale <- .gscale
+ gshape1.a <- .gshape1.a
+ if (length( .iscale ))
+ gscale <- rep( .iscale , length = NOS)
+ if (length( .ishape1.a ))
+ gshape1.a <- rep( .ishape1.a , length = NOS)
+ allmat1 <- expand.grid(shape1.a = gshape1.a)
+ allmat2 <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), nrow(allmat1), 2)
+ ll.para <- function(scaleval, x = x, y = y, w = w, extraargs) {
+ ans <- sum(c(w) * dgenbetaII(x = y,
+ scale = scaleval,
+ shape1.a = extraargs$Shape1.a,
+ shape2.p = 1,
+ shape3.q = extraargs$Shape1.a,
+ log = TRUE))
+ ans
+ }
+ for (iloc in 1:nrow(allmat1)) {
+ allmat2[iloc, ] <-
+ grid.search(gscale, objfun = ll.para,
+ y = yvec, x = x, w = wvec,
+ ret.objfun = TRUE, # 2nd value is the loglik
+ extraargs = list(Shape1.a = allmat1[iloc, 1]))
+ }
+ ind5 <- which.max(allmat2[, 2]) # 2nd value is the loglik
+ sc.init[, spp.] <- allmat2[ind5, 1]
+ aa.init[, spp.] <- allmat1[ind5, 1]
+ } else { # .imethod == 2
+ qvec <- .probs.y
+ ishape3.q <- if (length( .ishape1.a )) .ishape1.a else 1
+ xvec <- log( (1-qvec)^(-1/ ishape3.q) - 1 )
+ fit0 <- lsfit(x = xvec, y = log(quantile(yvec, qvec)))
+ sc.init[, spp.] <- if (length( .iscale )) .iscale else
+ exp(fit0$coef[1])
+ aa.init[, spp.] <- if (length( .ishape1.a )) .ishape1.a else
+ 1/fit0$coef[2]
+ }
+ } # End of for (spp. ...)
- etastart <-
- cbind(theta2eta(aa, .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a ),
- theta2eta(scale, .lscale , earg = .escale ))
+ finite.mean <- 1 < aa.init * aa.init
+ COP.use <- 1.15
+ while (FALSE && any(!finite.mean)) {
+ aa.init[!finite.mean] <- 0.1 + aa.init[!finite.mean] * COP.use
+ finite.mean <- 1 < aa.init * aa.init
- }), list( .lshape1.a = lshape1.a, .lscale = lscale,
- .eshape1.a = eshape1.a, .escale = escale,
- .ishape1.a = ishape1.a, .iscale = iscale
- ))),
+ etastart <- if ( .lss )
+ cbind(theta2eta(sc.init, .lscale , earg = .escale ),
+ theta2eta(aa.init, .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )) else
+ cbind(theta2eta(aa.init, .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a ),
+ theta2eta(sc.init, .lscale , earg = .escale ))
+ etastart <- etastart[, interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
+ } # End of etastart.
+ }), list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
+ .iscale = iscale , .ishape1.a = ishape1.a,
+ .gscale = gscale , .gshape1.a = gshape1.a,
+ .imethod = imethod , .probs.y = probs.y,
+ .lss = lss ))),
linkinv = eval(substitute(function(eta, extra = NULL) {
- aa <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
- Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .lscale , earg = .escale )
- parg <- 1
- qq <- aa
+ M1 <- 2
+ NOS <- ncol(eta)/M1
+ if ( .lss ) {
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ aa <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
+ } else {
+ aa <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ }
+ parg <- 1
+ qq <- aa
ans <- Scale * exp(lgamma(parg + 1/aa) +
lgamma(qq - 1/aa) - lgamma(parg) - lgamma(qq))
@@ -4351,42 +5683,72 @@ dinv.paralogistic <- function(x, scale = 1, shape1.a, log = FALSE)
ans[aa <= 0] <- NA
ans[Scale <= 0] <- NA
- }, list( .lshape1.a = lshape1.a, .lscale = lscale,
- .eshape1.a = eshape1.a, .escale = escale))),
+ }, list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
+ .lss = lss ))),
last = eval(substitute(expression({
- misc$link <- c(shape1.a = .lshape1.a , scale = .lscale )
+ M1 <- 2
+ misc$link <- c(rep( if ( .lss ) .lscale else .lshape1.a , len = ncoly),
+ rep( if ( .lss ) .lshape1.a else .lscale , len = ncoly))[
+ interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
+ temp.names <- if ( .lss ) {
+ c(scaL.names, sha1.names)
+ } else {
+ c(sha1.names, scaL.names)
+ }
+ names(misc$link) <- temp.names[interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
- misc$earg <- list(shape1.a = .eshape1.a , scale = .escale )
+ misc$earg <- vector("list", M)
+ names(misc$earg) <- temp.names
+ for (ii in 1:ncoly)
+ if ( .lss ) {
+ misc$earg[[M1*ii-1]] <- .escale
+ misc$earg[[M1*ii ]] <- .eshape1.a
+ } else {
+ misc$earg[[M1*ii-1]] <- .eshape1.a
+ misc$earg[[M1*ii ]] <- .escale
+ }
- misc$expected <- TRUE
- misc$multipleResponses <- FALSE
- }), list( .lshape1.a = lshape1.a, .lscale = lscale,
- .eshape1.a = eshape1.a, .escale = escale))),
+ misc$expected <- TRUE
+ misc$multipleResponses <- TRUE
+ }), list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
+ .lss = lss ))),
loglikelihood = eval(substitute(
- function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE, eta,
- extra = NULL,
- summation = TRUE) {
- aa <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
- Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .lscale , earg = .escale )
- parg <- 1
- qq <- aa
- if (residuals) {
- stop("loglikelihood residuals not implemented yet")
- } else {
- ll.elts <- c(w) * dparalogistic(x = y, shape1.a = aa,
- scale = Scale, log = TRUE)
- if (summation) {
- sum(ll.elts)
+ function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE,
+ eta, extra = NULL, summation = TRUE) {
+ M1 <- 2
+ NOS <- ncol(eta)/M1
+ if ( .lss ) {
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ aa <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
} else {
- ll.elts
+ aa <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
- }
- }, list( .lshape1.a = lshape1.a, .lscale = lscale,
- .eshape1.a = eshape1.a, .escale = escale))),
+ parg <- 1
+ qq <- aa
+ if (residuals) {
+ stop("loglikelihood residuals not implemented yet")
+ } else {
+ ll.elts <-
+ c(w) * dgenbetaII(x = y, scale = Scale, shape1.a = aa,
+ shape2.p = parg, shape3.q = aa, log = TRUE)
+ if (summation) {
+ sum(ll.elts)
+ } else {
+ ll.elts
+ }
+ }
+ }, list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
+ .lss = lss ))),
vfamily = c("paralogistic"),
simslot = eval(substitute(
function(object, nsim) {
@@ -4394,142 +5756,288 @@ dinv.paralogistic <- function(x, scale = 1, shape1.a, log = FALSE)
pwts else weights(object, type = "prior")
if (any(pwts != 1))
warning("ignoring prior weights")
eta <- predict(object)
- aa <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
- Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ M1 <- 2
+ NOS <- ncol(eta)/M1
+ if ( .lss ) {
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ aa <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
+ } else {
+ aa <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ }
rparalogistic(nsim * length(Scale), shape1.a = aa, scale = Scale)
- }, list( .lshape1.a = lshape1.a, .lscale = lscale,
- .eshape1.a = eshape1.a, .escale = escale))),
- deriv = eval(substitute(expression({
- aa <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
- scale <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ }, list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
+ .lss = lss ))),
+ deriv = eval(substitute(expression({
+ NOS <- ncol(eta)/M1 # Needed for summary()
+ if ( .lss ) {
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ aa <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a)
+ } else {
+ aa <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a)
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ }
parg <- 1
- qq <- aa
+ qq <- aa
- temp1 <- log(y/scale)
- temp2 <- (y/scale)^aa
+ temp1 <- log(y/Scale)
+ temp2 <- (y/Scale)^aa
+ temp3 <- digamma(parg + qq)
temp3a <- digamma(parg)
temp3b <- digamma(qq)
- dl.da <- 1/aa + parg * temp1 - (parg+qq) * temp1 / (1+1/temp2)
- dl.dscale <- (aa/scale) * (-parg + (parg+qq) / (1+1/temp2))
+ temp4 <- log1p(temp2)
+ dl.dscale <- (aa/Scale) * (-parg + (parg+qq) / (1+1/temp2))
+ dl.da <- 1/aa + parg * temp1 - (parg+qq) * temp1 / (1+1/temp2)
+ dscale.deta <- dtheta.deta(Scale, .lscale , earg = .escale )
da.deta <- dtheta.deta(aa, .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
- dscale.deta <- dtheta.deta(scale, .lscale , earg = .escale )
- c(w) * cbind( dl.da * da.deta,
- dl.dscale * dscale.deta)
- }), list( .lshape1.a = lshape1.a, .lscale = lscale,
- .eshape1.a = eshape1.a, .escale = escale))),
+ myderiv <- if ( .lss ) {
+ c(w) * cbind(dl.dscale * dscale.deta,
+ dl.da * da.deta)
+ } else {
+ c(w) * cbind(dl.da * da.deta,
+ dl.dscale * dscale.deta)
+ }
+ myderiv[, interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
+ }), list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
+ .lss = lss ))),
weight = eval(substitute(expression({
- ned2l.da <- (1 + parg + qq +
- parg * qq * (trigamma(parg) + trigamma(qq) +
- (temp3b - temp3a + (parg-qq)/(parg*qq))^2 -
+ temp5 <- trigamma(parg + qq)
+ temp5a <- trigamma(parg)
+ temp5b <- trigamma(qq)
+ ned2l.da <- (1 + parg + qq + parg * qq * (temp5a + temp5b +
+ (temp3b - temp3a + (parg-qq)/(parg*qq))^2 -
(parg^2 + qq^2) / (parg*qq)^2)) / (aa^2 * (1+parg+qq))
- ned2l.dscale <- aa^2 * parg * qq / (scale^2 * (1+parg+qq))
- ned2l.dascale <- (parg - qq - parg*qq*(temp3a -temp3b)) /(
- scale*(1 + parg+qq))
- wz <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), n, dimm(M)) #M == 2 means 3=dimm(M)
- wz[, iam(1, 1, M)] <- ned2l.da * da.deta^2
- wz[, iam(2, 2, M)] <- ned2l.dscale * dscale.deta^2
- wz[, iam(1, 2, M)] <- ned2l.dascale * da.deta * dscale.deta
- wz <- c(w) * wz
+ ned2l.dscale <- (aa^2) * parg * qq / ((1+parg+qq) * Scale^2)
+ ned2l.dascale <- (parg - qq - parg * qq *
+ (temp3a -temp3b)) / (Scale*(1 + parg+qq))
+ wz <- if ( .lss ) {
+ array(c(c(w) * ned2l.dscale * dscale.deta^2,
+ c(w) * ned2l.da * da.deta^2,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dascale * da.deta * dscale.deta),
+ dim = c(n, M/M1, M1*(M1+1)/2))
+ } else {
+ array(c(c(w) * ned2l.da * da.deta^2,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dscale * dscale.deta^2,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dascale * da.deta * dscale.deta),
+ dim = c(n, M/M1, M1*(M1+1)/2))
+ }
+ wz <- arwz2wz(wz, M = M, M1 = M1)
- }), list( .lshape1.a = lshape1.a, .lscale = lscale,
- .eshape1.a = eshape1.a, .escale = escale))))
+ }), list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
+ .lss = lss ))))
- inv.paralogistic <- function(lss,
- lshape1.a = "loge", lscale = "loge",
- ishape1.a = 2, iscale = NULL,
- zero = NULL) {
- if (!is.logical(lss) || lss)
- stop("argument 'lss' not specified correctly. ",
- "See online help for important information")
+ inv.paralogistic <-
+ function(lscale = "loge",
+ lshape1.a = "loge",
+ iscale = NULL,
+ ishape1.a = NULL,
+ imethod = 1,
+ lss = TRUE,
+ gscale = exp(-5:5),
+ gshape1.a = exp(-5:5),
+ probs.y = c(0.25, 0.50, 0.75),
+ zero = ifelse(lss, -2, -1)) {
- if (length(zero) &&
- !is.Numeric(zero, integer.valued = TRUE, positive = TRUE))
- stop("bad input for argument 'zero'")
- lshape1.a <- as.list(substitute(lshape1.a))
- eshape1.a <- link2list(lshape1.a)
- lshape1.a <- attr(eshape1.a, "function.name")
+ if (length(lss) != 1 && !is.logical(lss))
+ stop("Argument 'lss' not specified correctly")
+ if (!is.Numeric(imethod, length.arg = 1,
+ integer.valued = TRUE,
+ positive = TRUE) || imethod > 2)
+ stop("Bad input for argument 'imethod'")
+ if (length(iscale) && !is.Numeric(iscale, positive = TRUE))
+ stop("Bad input for argument 'iscale'")
+ if (length(ishape1.a) && !is.Numeric(ishape1.a, positive = TRUE))
+ stop("Bad input for argument 'ishape1.a'")
+ if (length(probs.y) < 2 || max(probs.y) > 1 ||
+ !is.Numeric(probs.y, positive = TRUE))
+ stop("Bad input for argument 'probs.y'")
+ if (length(zero) && !is.Numeric(zero, integer.valued = TRUE))
+ stop("bad input for argument 'zero'")
lscale <- as.list(substitute(lscale))
escale <- link2list(lscale)
lscale <- attr(escale, "function.name")
+ lshape1.a <- as.list(substitute(lshape1.a))
+ eshape1.a <- link2list(lshape1.a)
+ lshape1.a <- attr(eshape1.a, "function.name")
- new("vglmff",
- blurb = c("Inverse paralogistic distribution\n\n",
- "Links: ",
- namesof("shape1.a", lshape1.a, earg = eshape1.a), ", ",
- namesof("scale", lscale, earg = escale), "\n",
- "Mean: scale * gamma(shape1.a + 1/shape1.a) * ",
- "gamma(1 - 1/shape1.a)/gamma(shape1.a)"),
+ new("vglmff",
+ blurb =
+ c("Inverse paralogistic distribution \n\n",
+ "Links: ",
+ ifelse (lss,
+ namesof("scale" , lscale , earg = escale),
+ namesof("shape1.a", lshape1.a, earg = eshape1.a)), ", ",
+ ifelse (lss,
+ namesof("shape1.a", lshape1.a, earg = eshape1.a),
+ namesof("scale" , lscale , earg = escale)), "\n",
+ "Mean: scale * gamma(shape1.a + 1/shape1.a) * ",
+ "gamma(1 - 1/shape1.a) / ",
+ "gamma(shape1.a)"),
constraints = eval(substitute(expression({
- constraints <- cm.zero.VGAM(constraints, x, .zero , M)
+ dotzero <- .zero
+ M1 <- 2
+ eval(negzero.expression.VGAM)
}), list( .zero = zero ))),
- initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
- w.y.check(w = w, y = y,
- ncol.w.max = 1, ncol.y.max = 1)
- predictors.names <-
- c(namesof("shape1.a", .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a , tag = FALSE),
- namesof("scale", .lscale , earg = .escale , tag = FALSE))
- if (!length( .ishape1.a) || !length( .iscale )) {
- qvec <- c( .25, .5, .75) # Arbitrary; could be made an argument
- ishape2.p <- if (length( .ishape1.a )) .ishape1.a else 1
- xvec <- log( qvec^(-1/ ishape2.p ) - 1 )
- fit0 <- lsfit(x = xvec, y = log(quantile(y, qvec )))
- }
- qq <- 1
+ infos = eval(substitute(function(...) {
+ list(M1 = 2,
+ Q1 = 1,
+ expected = TRUE,
+ zero = .zero ,
+ multipleResponses = TRUE,
+ lscale = .lscale , lshape1.a = .lshape1.a ,
+ escale = .escale , eshape1.a = .eshape1.a ,
+ .zero = zero )
+ }, list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
+ .zero = zero ))),
+ initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
+ temp5 <- w.y.check(w = w, y = y,
+ Is.positive.y = TRUE,
+ ncol.w.max = Inf,
+ ncol.y.max = Inf,
+ out.wy = TRUE,
+ colsyperw = 1,
+ maximize = TRUE)
+ y <- temp5$y
+ w <- temp5$w
+ M1 <- 2 # Number of parameters for one response
+ NOS <- ncoly <- ncol(y)
+ M <- M1*ncol(y)
+ scaL.names <- param.names("scale", NOS)
+ sha1.names <- param.names("shape1.a", NOS)
+ predictors.names <- if ( .lss ) {
+ c(namesof(scaL.names , .lscale , earg = .escale , tag = FALSE),
+ namesof(sha1.names , .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a , tag = FALSE))
+ } else {
+ c(namesof(sha1.names , .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a , tag = FALSE),
+ namesof(scaL.names , .lscale , earg = .escale , tag = FALSE))
+ }
+ predictors.names <- predictors.names[interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
if (!length(etastart)) {
- aa <- rep(if (length( .ishape1.a)) .ishape1.a else -1/fit0$coef[2],
- length = n)
- scale <- rep(if (length( .iscale )) .iscale else
- exp(fit0$coef[1]), length = n)
+ sc.init <-
+ aa.init <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), n, NOS)
+ for (spp. in 1:NOS) { # For each response 'y_spp.'... do:
+ yvec <- y[, spp.]
+ wvec <- w[, spp.]
+ if ( .imethod == 1 ) {
+ gscale <- .gscale
+ gshape1.a <- .gshape1.a
+ if (length( .iscale ))
+ gscale <- rep( .iscale , length = NOS)
+ if (length( .ishape1.a ))
+ gshape1.a <- rep( .ishape1.a , length = NOS)
+ allmat1 <- cbind(shape1.a = gshape1.a)
+ allmat2 <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), nrow(allmat1), 2)
+ ll.invp <- function(scaleval, x = x, y = y, w = w, extraargs) {
+ ans <- sum(c(w) * dgenbetaII(x = y,
+ scale = scaleval,
+ shape1.a = extraargs$Shape1.a,
+ shape2.p = extraargs$Shape1.a,
+ shape3.q = 1,
+ log = TRUE))
+ ans
+ }
+ for (iloc in 1:nrow(allmat1)) {
+ allmat2[iloc, ] <-
+ grid.search(gscale, objfun = ll.invp,
+ y = yvec, x = x, w = wvec,
+ ret.objfun = TRUE, # 2nd value is the loglik
+ extraargs = list(Shape1.a = allmat1[iloc, 1]))
+ }
+ ind5 <- which.max(allmat2[, 2]) # 2nd value is the loglik
+ sc.init[, spp.] <- allmat2[ind5, 1]
+ aa.init[, spp.] <- allmat1[ind5, 1]
+ } else { # .imethod == 2
+ qvec <- .probs.y
+ ishape2.p <- if (length( .ishape1.a )) .ishape1.a else 1
+ xvec <- log( qvec^(-1/ ishape2.p) - 1 )
+ fit0 <- lsfit(x = xvec, y = log(quantile(yvec, qvec)))
+ sc.init[, spp.] <- if (length( .iscale )) .iscale else
+ exp(fit0$coef[1])
+ aa.init[, spp.] <- if (length( .ishape1.a )) .ishape1.a else
+ -1/fit0$coef[2]
+ }
+ } # End of for (spp. ...)
- parg <- aa
- qq <- 1
- outOfRange <- (parg + 1/aa <= 0)
- parg[outOfRange] <-
- aa[outOfRange] <- 2
- outOfRange <- (qq - 1/aa <= 0)
- qq[outOfRange] <- 1 / aa[outOfRange] + 1
+ finite.mean <- 1 < aa.init
+ COP.use <- 1.15
+ while (FALSE && any(!finite.mean)) {
+ aa.init[!finite.mean] <- 0.1 + aa.init[!finite.mean] * COP.use
+ finite.mean <- 1 < aa.init
+ }
- etastart <-
- cbind(theta2eta(aa, .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a ),
- theta2eta(scale, .lscale , earg = .escale ))
- }
- }), list( .lshape1.a = lshape1.a, .lscale = lscale,
- .eshape1.a = eshape1.a, .escale = escale,
- .ishape1.a = ishape1.a, .iscale = iscale ))),
+ etastart <- if ( .lss )
+ cbind(theta2eta(sc.init, .lscale , earg = .escale ),
+ theta2eta(aa.init, .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )) else
+ cbind(theta2eta(aa.init, .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a ),
+ theta2eta(sc.init, .lscale , earg = .escale ))
+ etastart <- etastart[, interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
+ } # End of etastart.
+ }), list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
+ .iscale = iscale , .ishape1.a = ishape1.a,
+ .gscale = gscale , .gshape1.a = gshape1.a,
+ .imethod = imethod , .probs.y = probs.y,
+ .lss = lss ))),
linkinv = eval(substitute(function(eta, extra = NULL) {
- aa <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
- Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ M1 <- 2
+ NOS <- ncol(eta)/M1
+ if ( .lss ) {
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ aa <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
+ } else {
+ aa <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ }
parg <- aa
- qq <- 1
+ qq <- 1
ans <- Scale * exp(lgamma(parg + 1/aa) +
lgamma(qq - 1/aa) - lgamma(parg) - lgamma(qq))
@@ -4538,42 +6046,72 @@ dinv.paralogistic <- function(x, scale = 1, shape1.a, log = FALSE)
ans[aa <= 0] <- NA
ans[Scale <= 0] <- NA
- }, list( .lshape1.a = lshape1.a, .lscale = lscale,
- .eshape1.a = eshape1.a, .escale = escale))),
+ }, list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
+ .lss = lss ))),
last = eval(substitute(expression({
- misc$link <- c(shape1.a = .lshape1.a , scale = .lscale )
+ M1 <- 2
- misc$earg <- list(shape1.a = .eshape1.a , scale = .escale )
+ misc$link <- c(rep( if ( .lss ) .lscale else .lshape1.a , len = ncoly),
+ rep( if ( .lss ) .lshape1.a else .lscale , len = ncoly))[
+ interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
+ temp.names <- if ( .lss ) {
+ c(scaL.names, sha1.names)
+ } else {
+ c(sha1.names, scaL.names)
+ }
+ names(misc$link) <- temp.names[interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
- misc$expected <- TRUE
- misc$multipleResponses <- FALSE
- }), list( .lshape1.a = lshape1.a, .lscale = lscale,
- .eshape1.a = eshape1.a, .escale = escale))),
+ misc$earg <- vector("list", M)
+ names(misc$earg) <- temp.names
+ for (ii in 1:ncoly)
+ if ( .lss ) {
+ misc$earg[[M1*ii-1]] <- .escale
+ misc$earg[[M1*ii ]] <- .eshape1.a
+ } else {
+ misc$earg[[M1*ii-1]] <- .eshape1.a
+ misc$earg[[M1*ii ]] <- .escale
+ }
+ misc$expected <- TRUE
+ misc$multipleResponses <- TRUE
+ }), list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
+ .lss = lss ))),
loglikelihood = eval(substitute(
- function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE, eta,
- extra = NULL,
- summation = TRUE) {
- aa <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
- Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .lscale , earg = .escale )
- parg <- aa
- qq <- 1
- if (residuals) {
- stop("loglikelihood residuals not implemented yet")
- } else {
- ll.elts <- c(w) * dinv.paralogistic(x = y, shape1.a = aa,
- scale = Scale, log = TRUE)
- if (summation) {
- sum(ll.elts)
+ function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE,
+ eta, extra = NULL, summation = TRUE) {
+ M1 <- 2
+ NOS <- ncol(eta)/M1
+ if ( .lss ) {
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ aa <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
} else {
- ll.elts
+ aa <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
- }
- }, list( .lshape1.a = lshape1.a, .lscale = lscale,
- .eshape1.a = eshape1.a, .escale = escale))),
+ parg <- aa
+ if (residuals) {
+ stop("loglikelihood residuals not implemented yet")
+ } else {
+ ll.elts <-
+ c(w) * dgenbetaII(x = y, scale = Scale, shape1.a = aa,
+ shape2.p = aa, shape3.q = 1, log = TRUE)
+ if (summation) {
+ sum(ll.elts)
+ } else {
+ ll.elts
+ }
+ }
+ }, list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
+ .lss = lss ))),
vfamily = c("inv.paralogistic"),
simslot = eval(substitute(
function(object, nsim) {
@@ -4582,54 +6120,92 @@ dinv.paralogistic <- function(x, scale = 1, shape1.a, log = FALSE)
if (any(pwts != 1))
warning("ignoring prior weights")
eta <- predict(object)
- aa <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
- Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ if ( .lss ) {
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ aa <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a)
+ } else {
+ aa <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a)
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ }
+ parg <- aa
+ qq <- 1
rinv.paralogistic(nsim * length(Scale), shape1.a = aa, scale = Scale)
- }, list( .lshape1.a = lshape1.a, .lscale = lscale,
- .eshape1.a = eshape1.a, .escale = escale))),
+ }, list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
+ .lss = lss ))),
deriv = eval(substitute(expression({
- aa <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
- scale <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .lscale , earg = .escale )
- parg <- aa
- qq <- 1
- temp1 <- log(y/scale)
- temp2 <- (y/scale)^aa
+ M1 <- 2
+ NOS <- ncol(eta)/M1 # Needed for summary()
+ if ( .lss ) {
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ aa <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a)
+ } else {
+ aa <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a)
+ Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lscale , earg = .escale )
+ }
+ parg <- aa
+ qq <- 1
+ temp1 <- log(y/Scale)
+ temp2 <- (y/Scale)^aa
+ temp3 <- digamma(parg + qq)
temp3a <- digamma(parg)
temp3b <- digamma(qq)
+ temp4 <- log1p(temp2)
+ dl.dscale <- (aa/Scale) * (-parg + (parg+qq) / (1+1/temp2))
dl.da <- 1/aa + parg * temp1 - (parg+qq) * temp1 / (1+1/temp2)
- dl.dscale <- (aa/scale) * (-parg + (parg+qq) / (1+1/temp2))
+ dscale.deta <- dtheta.deta(Scale, .lscale , earg = .escale )
da.deta <- dtheta.deta(aa, .lshape1.a , earg = .eshape1.a )
- dscale.deta <- dtheta.deta(scale, .lscale , earg = .escale )
- c(w) * cbind( dl.da * da.deta,
- dl.dscale * dscale.deta )
- }), list( .lshape1.a = lshape1.a, .lscale = lscale,
- .eshape1.a = eshape1.a, .escale = escale))),
+ myderiv <- if ( .lss ) {
+ c(w) * cbind(dl.dscale * dscale.deta,
+ dl.da * da.deta)
+ } else {
+ c(w) * cbind(dl.da * da.deta,
+ dl.dscale * dscale.deta)
+ }
+ myderiv[, interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
+ }), list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
+ .lss = lss ))),
weight = eval(substitute(expression({
- ned2l.da <- (1 + parg + qq +
- parg * qq * (trigamma(parg) + trigamma(qq) +
- (temp3b - temp3a + (parg-qq)/(parg*qq))^2 -
- (parg^2 + qq^2) / (parg*qq)^2)) / (aa^2 * (1 + parg + qq))
- ned2l.dscale <- aa^2 * parg * qq / (scale^2 * (1 + parg + qq))
- ned2l.dascale <- (parg - qq -
- parg * qq * (temp3a -temp3b)) / (scale *
- (1 + parg + qq))
- wz <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), n, dimm(M)) # M==3 means 6=dimm(M)
- wz[, iam(1, 1, M)] <- ned2l.da * da.deta^2
- wz[, iam(2, 2, M)] <- ned2l.dscale * dscale.deta^2
- wz[, iam(1, 2, M)] <- ned2l.dascale * da.deta * dscale.deta
- wz <- c(w) * wz
+ temp5 <- trigamma(parg + qq)
+ temp5a <- trigamma(parg)
+ temp5b <- trigamma(qq)
+ ned2l.da <- (1 + parg + qq + parg * qq * (temp5a + temp5b +
+ (temp3b - temp3a + (parg-qq)/(parg*qq))^2 -
+ (parg^2 + qq^2) / (parg*qq)^2)) / (aa^2 * (1+parg+qq))
+ ned2l.dscale <- (aa^2) * parg * qq / ((1+parg+qq) * Scale^2)
+ ned2l.dascale <- (parg - qq - parg * qq *
+ (temp3a -temp3b)) / (Scale*(1 + parg+qq))
+ wz <- if ( .lss ) {
+ array(c(c(w) * ned2l.dscale * dscale.deta^2,
+ c(w) * ned2l.da * da.deta^2,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dascale * da.deta * dscale.deta),
+ dim = c(n, M/M1, M1*(M1+1)/2))
+ } else {
+ array(c(c(w) * ned2l.da * da.deta^2,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dscale * dscale.deta^2,
+ c(w) * ned2l.dascale * da.deta * dscale.deta),
+ dim = c(n, M/M1, M1*(M1+1)/2))
+ }
+ wz <- arwz2wz(wz, M = M, M1 = M1)
- }), list( .lshape1.a = lshape1.a, .lscale = lscale,
- .eshape1.a = eshape1.a, .escale = escale))))
+ }), list( .lscale = lscale , .lshape1.a = lshape1.a,
+ .escale = escale , .eshape1.a = eshape1.a,
+ .lss = lss ))))
@@ -4640,141 +6216,8 @@ dinv.paralogistic <- function(x, scale = 1, shape1.a, log = FALSE)
- if (FALSE)
- genlognormal <- function(link.sigma = "loge", link.r = "loge",
- init.sigma = 1, init.r = 1, zero = NULL) {
-warning("20040402; does not work, possibly because first derivs are ",
- "not continuous (sign() is used). Certainly, the derivs wrt ",
- "mymu are problematic (run with maxit=4:9 and look at weight ",
- "matrices). Possibly fundamentally cannot be estimated by IRLS. ",
- "Pooling does not seem to help")
- if (length(zero) &&
- !is.Numeric(zero, integer.valued = TRUE, positive = TRUE))
- stop("bad input for argument 'zero'")
- link.sigma <- as.list(substitute(link.sigma))
- esigma <- link2list(link.sigma)
- link.sigma <- attr(esigma, "function.name")
- link.r <- as.list(substitute(link.r))
- er <- link2list(link.r)
- link.r <- attr(er, "function.name")
- new("vglmff",
- blurb = c("Three-parameter generalized lognormal distribution\n\n",
- "Links: ",
- "loc; ",
- namesof("sigma", link.sigma, earg = esigma, tag = TRUE), ", ",
- namesof("r", link.r, earg = er, tag = TRUE)),
- constraints = eval(substitute(expression({
- constraints <- cm.zero.VGAM(constraints, x, .zero , M)
- }), list( .zero = zero ))),
- initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
- if (ncol(cbind(y)) != 1)
- stop("response must be a vector or a one-column matrix")
- predictors.names <-
- c(namesof("loc", "identitylink", earg = list(), tag = FALSE),
- namesof("sigma", .link.sigma, earg = .esigma, tag = FALSE),
- namesof("r", .link.r, earg = .er, tag = FALSE))
- if (!length( .init.sigma) || !length( .init.r)) {
- init.r <- if (length( .init.r)) .init.r else 1
- sigma.init <- (0.5 * sum(abs(log(y) -
- mean(log(y )))^init.r))^(1/init.r)
- }
- if (any(y <= 0))
- stop("y must be positive")
- if (!length(etastart)) {
- sigma.init <- rep(if (length( .init.sigma)) .init.sigma else
- sigma.init, length.out = n)
- r.init <- if (length( .init.r)) .init.r else init.r
- etastart <-
- cbind(mu = rep(log(median(y)), length.out = n),
- sigma = sigma.init,
- r = r.init)
- }
- }), list( .link.sigma = link.sigma, .link.r = link.r,
- .init.sigma = init.sigma, .init.r = init.r ))),
- linkinv = eval(substitute(function(eta, extra = NULL) {
- mymu <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], "identitylink" , earg = list())
- sigma <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .link.sigma , earg = .esigma )
- rrrrr <- eta2theta(eta[, 3], .link.r , earg = .er )
- rrrrr
- }, list( .link.sigma = link.sigma, .link.r = link.r ))),
- last = eval(substitute(expression({
- misc$link = c(loc = "identitylink",
- "sigma" = .link.sigma,
- r = .link.r )
- misc$expected = TRUE
- }), list( .link.sigma = link.sigma, .link.r = link.r ))),
- loglikelihood = eval(substitute(
- function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE, eta,
- extra = NULL,
- summation = TRUE) {
- mymu <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], "identitylink", earg = list())
- sigma <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .link.sigma, earg = .esigma)
- r <- eta2theta(eta[, 3], .link.r, earg = .er)
- temp89 <- (abs(log(y)-mymu)/sigma)^r
- if (residuals) {
- stop("loglikelihood residuals not implemented yet")
- } else {
- ll.elts <- c(w) * (-log(r^(1/r) * sigma) - lgamma(1+1/r) - temp89/r)
- if (summation) {
- sum(ll.elts)
- } else {
- ll.elts
- }
- }
- }, list( .link.sigma = link.sigma, .link.r = link.r ))),
- vfamily = c("genlognormal3"),
- deriv = eval(substitute(expression({
- mymu <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], "identitylink", earg = list())
- sigma <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .link.sigma, earg = .esigma)
- r <- eta2theta(eta[, 3], .link.r, earg = .er)
- ss <- 1 + 1/r
- temp33 <- (abs(log(y)-mymu)/sigma)
- temp33r1 <- temp33^(r-1)
- dl.dmymu <- temp33r1 * sign(log(y)-mymu) / sigma
- dl.dsigma <- (temp33*temp33r1 - 1) / sigma
- dl.dr <- (log(r) - 1 + digamma(ss) + temp33*temp33r1)/r^2 -
- temp33r1 * log(temp33r1) / r
- dmymu.deta <- dtheta.deta(mymu, "identitylink", earg = list())
- dsigma.deta <- dtheta.deta(sigma, .link.sigma, earg = .esigma)
- dr.deta <- dtheta.deta(r, .link.r, earg = .er)
- c(w) * cbind(dl.dmymu * dmymu.deta,
- dl.dsigma * dsigma.deta,
- dl.dr * dr.deta)
- }), list( .link.sigma = link.sigma, .link.r = link.r ))),
- weight = expression({
- wz <- matrix(0, n, 6) # 5 will have small savings of 1 column
- B <- log(r) + digamma(ss)
- ned2l.dmymu2 <- (r-1) * gamma(1-1/r) / (sigma^2 * r^(2/r) * gamma(ss))
- ned2l.dsigma2 <- r / sigma^2
- ned2l.dr2 <- (ss * trigamma(ss) + B^2 - 1) / r^3
- ned2l.dsigmar <- -B / (r * sigma)
- wz[, iam(1, 1, M)] <- ned2l.dmymu2 * dmymu.deta^2
- wz[, iam(2, 2, M)] <- ned2l.dsigma2 * dsigma.deta^2
- wz[, iam(3, 3, M)] <- ned2l.dr2 * dr.deta^2
- wz[, iam(2, 3, M)] <- ned2l.dsigmar * dsigma.deta * dr.deta
- wz = c(w) * wz
- wz
- }))
diff --git a/R/family.basics.R b/R/family.basics.R
index ab6a683..c11a563 100644
--- a/R/family.basics.R
+++ b/R/family.basics.R
@@ -177,6 +177,8 @@ subsetc <-
grid.search <- function(vov, objfun, y, x, w, extraargs = NULL,
maximize = TRUE, abs.arg = FALSE,
ret.objfun = FALSE, ...) {
@@ -197,7 +199,10 @@ subsetc <-
stop("something has gone wrong!")
ans <- if (length(try.this) == 1)
try.this else sample(try.this, size = 1)
- if (ret.objfun) c(ans, objvals[ans == vov]) else ans
+ myvec <- objvals[ans == vov] # Could be a vector
+ if (ret.objfun) c(ans, myvec[1]) else ans
@@ -1403,6 +1408,15 @@ arwz2wz <- function(arwz, M = 1, M1 = 1) {
+param.names <- function(string, S) {
+ if (S == 1) string else paste(string, 1:S, sep = "")
vweighted.mean.default <- function (x, w, ..., na.rm = FALSE) {
temp5 <- w.y.check(w = w, y = x, ncol.w.max = Inf, ncol.y.max = Inf,
out.wy = TRUE,
diff --git a/R/family.binomial.R b/R/family.binomial.R
index 9ee26c7..0ae3887 100644
--- a/R/family.binomial.R
+++ b/R/family.binomial.R
@@ -2402,184 +2402,6 @@ betabinomialff.control <- function(save.weights = TRUE, ...) {
-if (FALSE)
- lusted68 <- function(lrhopos = "loge", lrhoneg = "loge",
- erhopos = list(), erhoneg = list(),
- irhopos = NULL, irhoneg = NULL,
- iprob1 = NULL, iprob2 = NULL,
- zero = NULL) {
- lrhopos <- as.list(substitute(lrhopos))
- erhopos <- link2list(lrhopos)
- lrhopos <- attr(erhopos, "function.name")
- lrhoneg <- as.list(substitute(lrhoneg))
- erhoneg <- link2list(lrhoneg)
- lrhoneg <- attr(erhoneg, "function.name")
- new("vglmff",
- blurb = c("Lusted (1968)'s model\n",
- "Links: ",
- namesof("rhopos", lrhopos, earg = erhopos), ", ",
- namesof("rhoneg", lrhoneg, earg = erhoneg)),
- initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
- eval(process.binomial2.data.VGAM)
- predictors.names <- c(
- namesof("rhopos", .lrhopos, earg = .erhopos, short = TRUE),
- namesof("rhoneg", .lrhoneg, earg = .erhoneg, short = TRUE))
- if (!length(etastart)) {
- nnn1 <- round(w * (y[, 1] + y[, 2]))
- nnn2 <- round(w * (y[, 3] + y[, 4]))
- init.pee1 <- if (length( .iprob1 )) rep( .iprob1 , len = n) else
- mu[, 1] / (mu[, 1] + mu[, 2])
- init.pee2 <- if (length( .iprob2 )) rep( .iprob2 , len = n) else
- mu[, 3] / (mu[, 3] + mu[, 4])
- init.rhopos <- pmax(1.1, init.pee1 / init.pee2) # Should be > 1
- init.rhoneg <- pmin(0.4, (1 - init.pee1) / (1 - init.pee2)) # c. 0
- if (length( .irhopos)) init.rhopos <- rep( .irhopos , len = n)
- if (length( .irhoneg)) init.rhoneg <- rep( .irhoneg , len = n)
- etastart <- cbind(theta2eta(init.rhopos, .lrhopos, earg = .erhopos),
- theta2eta(init.rhoneg, .lrhoneg, earg = .erhoneg))
- }
- }), list( .lrhopos = lrhopos, .lrhoneg = lrhoneg,
- .erhopos = erhopos, .erhoneg = erhoneg,
- .iprob1 = iprob1, .iprob2 = iprob2,
- .irhopos = irhopos, .irhoneg = irhoneg ))),
- linkinv = eval(substitute(function(eta, extra = NULL) {
- rhopos <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .lrhopos, earg = .erhopos)
- rhoneg <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .lrhoneg, earg = .erhoneg)
- pee2 <- (1 - rhoneg) / (rhopos - rhoneg)
- pee1 <- pee2 * rhopos
- cbind(rhopos, rhoneg, "mu1" = pee1, "mu2" = pee2)
- }, list( .lrhopos = lrhopos, .lrhoneg = lrhoneg,
- .erhopos = erhopos, .erhoneg = erhoneg ))),
- last = eval(substitute(expression({
- misc$link <- c("rhopos" = .lrhopos, "rhoneg" = .lrhoneg )
- misc$earg <- list("rhopos" = .erhopos, "rhoneg" = .erhoneg )
- misc$expected <- TRUE
- }), list( .lrhopos = lrhopos, .lrhoneg = lrhoneg,
- .erhopos = erhopos, .erhoneg = erhoneg,
- .irhopos = irhopos, .irhoneg = irhoneg ))),
- loglikelihood = eval(substitute(
- function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE, eta, extra = NULL,
- summation = TRUE) {
- rhopos <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .lrhopos, earg = .erhopos)
- rhoneg <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .lrhoneg, earg = .erhoneg)
- pee2 <- (1 - rhoneg) / (rhopos - rhoneg)
- pee1 <- pee2 * rhopos
- if (min(pee1) <= 0.5) {
- warning("too small pee1 values")
- pee1[pee1 <= 0.5] <- 0.66
- }
- if (max(pee1) >= 1) {
- warning("large pee1 values")
- pee1[pee1 >= 1] <- 0.99
- }
- if (min(pee2) <= 0.0) {
- warning("too small pee2 values")
- pee2[pee2 <= 0.0] <- 0.01
- }
- if (max(pee2) >= 0.5) {
- warning("too large pee2 values")
- pee2[pee2 >= 0.5] <- 0.44
- }
- if (residuals) {
- stop("loglikelihood residuals not implemented yet")
- } else {
- nnn1 <- round(w * (y[, 1] + y[, 2]))
- nnn2 <- round(w * (y[, 3] + y[, 4]))
- index1 <- nnn1 > 0
- index2 <- nnn2 > 0
- print(head(dbinom(round(w[index1] * y[index1, 1]), nnn1[index1],
- prob = pee1[index1], log = TRUE), 18))
- ll.elts <-
- (dbinom(round(w[index1] * y[index1, 1]), nnn1[index1],
- prob = pee1[index1], log = TRUE)) +
- (dbinom(round(w[index2] * y[index2, 3]), nnn2[index2],
- prob = pee2[index2], log = TRUE))
- if (summation) {
- sum(ll.elts)
- } else {
- ll.elts
- }
- }
- }, list( .lrhopos = lrhopos, .lrhoneg = lrhoneg,
- .erhopos = erhopos, .erhoneg = erhoneg,
- .irhopos = irhopos, .irhoneg = irhoneg ))),
- vfamily = c("lusted68", "binom2"),
- deriv = eval(substitute(expression({
- rhopos <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .lrhopos, earg = .erhopos)
- rhoneg <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .lrhoneg, earg = .erhoneg)
- pee2 <- (1 - rhoneg) / (rhopos - rhoneg)
- pee1 <- pee2 * rhopos
- nnn1 <- round(w * (y[, 1] + y[, 3]))
- nnn2 <- round(w * (y[, 2] + y[, 4]))
- rhodif <- rhopos - rhoneg
- drhopos.deta <- dtheta.deta(rhopos, .lrhopos, earg = .erhopos)
- drhoneg.deta <- dtheta.deta(rhoneg, .lrhoneg, earg = .erhoneg)
- dl1.drhopos <- y[, 1] / rhopos + y[, 2] / (rhopos - 1) - 1 / rhodif
- dl1.drhoneg <- -y[, 1] / (1 - rhoneg) + y[, 2] / rhoneg + 1 / rhodif
- dl2.drhopos <- y[, 4] / (rhopos - 1) - 1 / rhodif
- dl2.drhoneg <- -y[, 3] / (1 - rhoneg) + 1 / rhodif
- cbind((nnn1 * dl1.drhopos + nnn2 * dl2.drhopos) * drhopos.deta,
- (nnn1 * dl1.drhoneg + nnn2 * dl2.drhoneg) * drhoneg.deta)
- }), list( .lrhopos = lrhopos, .lrhoneg = lrhoneg,
- .erhopos = erhopos, .erhoneg = erhoneg,
- .irhopos = irhopos, .irhoneg = irhoneg ))),
- weight = eval(substitute(expression({
- wz <- matrix(0, n, dimm(M)) # 3 = dimm(2)
- wz[, iam(1, 1, M)] <- wz[, iam(1, 1, M)] + nnn1 *
- (pee1 / rhopos^2 + (1 - pee1) / (rhopos - 1)^2 - 1 / rhodif^2)
- wz[, iam(2, 2, M)] <- wz[, iam(2, 2, M)] + nnn1 *
- (pee1 / (1 - rhoneg)^2 + (1 - pee1) / rhoneg^2 - 1 / rhodif^2)
- wz[, iam(1, 2, M)] <- wz[, iam(1, 2, M)] + nnn1 / rhodif^2
- wz[, iam(1, 1, M)] <- wz[, iam(1, 1, M)] + nnn2 *
- ((1 - pee2) / (rhopos - 1)^2 - 1 / rhodif^2)
- wz[, iam(2, 2, M)] <- wz[, iam(2, 2, M)] + nnn2 *
- (pee2 / (1 - rhoneg)^2 - 1 / rhodif^2)
- wz[, iam(1, 2, M)] <- wz[, iam(1, 2, M)] + nnn2 / rhodif^2
- wz[, iam(1, 1, M)] <- wz[, iam(1, 1, M)] * drhopos.deta^2
- wz[, iam(2, 2, M)] <- wz[, iam(2, 2, M)] * drhoneg.deta^2
- wz[, iam(1, 2, M)] <- wz[, iam(1, 2, M)] * drhopos.deta * drhoneg.deta
- wz
- }), list( .lrhopos = lrhopos, .lrhoneg = lrhoneg,
- .erhopos = erhopos, .erhoneg = erhoneg,
- .irhopos = irhopos, .irhoneg = irhoneg ))))
binom2.Rho <- function(rho = 0, imu1 = NULL, imu2 = NULL,
exchangeable = FALSE, nsimEIM = NULL) {
lmu12 <- "probit"
diff --git a/R/family.categorical.R b/R/family.categorical.R
index 1f3d22e..2eb10e4 100644
--- a/R/family.categorical.R
+++ b/R/family.categorical.R
@@ -118,7 +118,6 @@ Deviance.categorical.data.vgam <-
smu <- ifelse(smu < double.eps, double.eps, smu)
devmu[smallmu] <- smy * log(smu)
devmu[!smallmu] <- y[!smallmu] * log(mu[!smallmu])
@@ -146,7 +145,7 @@ Deviance.categorical.data.vgam <-
dmultinomial <- function(x, size = NULL, prob, log = FALSE,
- dochecking = TRUE, smallno = 1.0e-7) {
+ dochecking = TRUE, smallno = 1.0e-7) {
if (!is.logical(log.arg <- log) || length(log) != 1)
stop("bad input for argument 'log'")
@@ -189,8 +188,8 @@ dmultinomial <- function(x, size = NULL, prob, log = FALSE,
sratio <- function(link = "logit",
- parallel = FALSE, reverse = FALSE, zero = NULL,
- whitespace = FALSE) {
+ parallel = FALSE, reverse = FALSE, zero = NULL,
+ whitespace = FALSE) {
link <- as.list(substitute(link))
earg <- link2list(link)
link <- attr(earg, "function.name")
@@ -208,13 +207,30 @@ dmultinomial <- function(x, size = NULL, prob, log = FALSE,
blurb = c("Stopping ratio model\n\n",
"Links: ",
namesof(if (reverse)
- ifelse(whitespace, "P[Y = j+1|Y <= j+1]", "P[Y=j+1|Y<=j+1]") else
- ifelse(whitespace, "P[Y = j|Y >= j]", "P[Y=j|Y>=j]"),
+ ifelse(whitespace, "P[Y = j+1|Y <= j+1]",
+ "P[Y=j+1|Y<=j+1]") else
+ ifelse(whitespace, "P[Y = j|Y >= j]",
+ "P[Y=j|Y>=j]"),
link, earg = earg), "\n",
"Variance: ",
"mu[,j] * (1 - mu[,j]); -mu[,j] * mu[,k]",
"mu[,j]*(1-mu[,j]); -mu[,j]*mu[,k]")),
+ infos = eval(substitute(function(...) {
+ list(M1 = NA, # zz -1?
+ Q1 = NA,
+ multipleResponses = FALSE,
+ parallel = .parallel ,
+ reverse = .reverse ,
+ whitespace = .whitespace ,
+ zero = .zero ,
+ link = .link )
+ }, list( .link = link,
+ .zero = zero,
+ .parallel = parallel,
+ .reverse = reverse,
+ .whitespace = whitespace ))),
constraints = eval(substitute(expression({
constraints <- cm.VGAM(matrix(1, M, 1), x = x,
bool = .parallel ,
@@ -286,7 +302,7 @@ dmultinomial <- function(x, size = NULL, prob, log = FALSE,
misc$fillerChar <- .fillerChar
misc$whitespace <- .whitespace
- extra <- list() # kill what was used
+ extra <- list() # kill what was used
}), list( .earg = earg, .link = link, .reverse = reverse,
.fillerChar = fillerChar,
.whitespace = whitespace ))),
@@ -309,7 +325,7 @@ dmultinomial <- function(x, size = NULL, prob, log = FALSE,
stop("loglikelihood residuals not implemented yet")
} else {
ycounts <- if (is.numeric(extra$orig.w)) y * w / extra$orig.w else
- y * w # Convert proportions to counts
+ y * w # Convert proportions to counts
nvec <- if (is.numeric(extra$orig.w)) round(w / extra$orig.w) else
@@ -385,8 +401,10 @@ dmultinomial <- function(x, size = NULL, prob, log = FALSE,
blurb = c("Continuation ratio model\n\n",
"Links: ",
namesof(if (reverse)
- ifelse(whitespace, "P[Y < j+1|Y <= j+1]", "P[Y<j+1|Y<=j+1]") else
- ifelse(whitespace, "P[Y > j|Y >= j]", "P[Y>j|Y>=j]"),
+ ifelse(whitespace, "P[Y < j+1|Y <= j+1]",
+ "P[Y<j+1|Y<=j+1]") else
+ ifelse(whitespace, "P[Y > j|Y >= j]",
+ "P[Y>j|Y>=j]"),
link, earg = earg),
"Variance: ",
@@ -394,12 +412,30 @@ dmultinomial <- function(x, size = NULL, prob, log = FALSE,
"mu[,j] * (1 - mu[,j]); -mu[,j] * mu[,k]",
"mu[,j]*(1-mu[,j]); -mu[,j]*mu[,k]")),
+ infos = eval(substitute(function(...) {
+ list(M1 = NA, # zz -1?
+ Q1 = NA,
+ multipleResponses = FALSE,
+ parallel = .parallel ,
+ reverse = .reverse ,
+ whitespace = .whitespace ,
+ zero = .zero ,
+ link = .link )
+ }, list( .link = link,
+ .zero = zero,
+ .parallel = parallel,
+ .reverse = reverse,
+ .whitespace = whitespace ))),
constraints = eval(substitute(expression({
constraints <- cm.VGAM(matrix(1, M, 1), x = x,
bool = .parallel ,
constraints = constraints)
constraints <- cm.zero.VGAM(constraints, x, .zero , M)
}), list( .parallel = parallel, .zero = zero ))),
deviance = Deviance.categorical.data.vgam,
initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
@@ -423,8 +459,8 @@ dmultinomial <- function(x, size = NULL, prob, log = FALSE,
y.names <- paste("mu", 1:(M+1), sep = "")
extra$mymat <- if ( .reverse )
- tapplymat1(y, "cumsum") else
- tapplymat1(y[, ncol(y):1], "cumsum")[, ncol(y):1]
+ tapplymat1(y, "cumsum") else
+ tapplymat1(y[, ncol(y):1], "cumsum")[, ncol(y):1]
if (length(dimnames(y)))
extra$dimnamesy2 <- dimnames(y)[[2]]
@@ -489,7 +525,7 @@ dmultinomial <- function(x, size = NULL, prob, log = FALSE,
stop("loglikelihood residuals not implemented yet")
} else {
ycounts <- if (is.numeric(extra$orig.w)) y * w / extra$orig.w else
- y * w # Convert proportions to counts
+ y * w # Convert proportions to counts
nvec <- if (is.numeric(extra$orig.w)) round(w / extra$orig.w) else
@@ -551,7 +587,7 @@ dmultinomial <- function(x, size = NULL, prob, log = FALSE,
function(maxit = 21, panic = FALSE, ...) {
if (maxit < 1) {
warning("bad value of maxit; using 21 instead")
- maxit = 21
+ maxit <- 21
list(maxit = maxit, panic = as.logical(panic)[1])
@@ -562,7 +598,7 @@ dmultinomial <- function(x, size = NULL, prob, log = FALSE,
criterion = c("aic1", "aic2", names( .min.criterion.VGAM )),
...) {
if (mode(criterion) != "character" && mode(criterion) != "name")
- criterion <- as.character(substitute(criterion))
+ criterion <- as.character(substitute(criterion))
criterion <- match.arg(criterion,
c("aic1", "aic2", names( .min.criterion.VGAM )))[1]
@@ -679,6 +715,7 @@ dmultinomial <- function(x, size = NULL, prob, log = FALSE,
list(parallel = .parallel ,
refLevel = .refLevel ,
M1 = -1,
+ link = "multilogit",
multipleResponses = FALSE,
zero = .zero )
}, list( .zero = zero,
@@ -763,7 +800,7 @@ dmultinomial <- function(x, size = NULL, prob, log = FALSE,
stop("loglikelihood residuals not implemented yet")
} else {
ycounts <- if (is.numeric(extra$orig.w)) y * w / extra$orig.w else
- y * w # Convert proportions to counts
+ y * w # Convert proportions to counts
nvec <- if (is.numeric(extra$orig.w)) round(w / extra$orig.w) else
@@ -794,7 +831,7 @@ dmultinomial <- function(x, size = NULL, prob, log = FALSE,
}), list( .refLevel = refLevel ))),
weight = eval(substitute(expression({
mytiny <- (mu < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) |
- (mu > 1.0 - sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
+ (mu > 1.0 - sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
use.refLevel <- if ( .refLevel < 0) M+1 else .refLevel
@@ -811,11 +848,11 @@ dmultinomial <- function(x, size = NULL, prob, log = FALSE,
wz[, 1:M] <- wz[, 1:M] + mu[, -use.refLevel ]
- atiny <- (mytiny %*% rep(1, ncol(mu))) > 0 # apply(mytiny, 1, any)
+ atiny <- (mytiny %*% rep(1, ncol(mu))) > 0 # apply(mytiny, 1, any)
if (any(atiny)) {
if (M == 1) wz[atiny] <- wz[atiny] *
- (1 + .Machine$double.eps^0.5) +
- .Machine$double.eps else
+ (1 + .Machine$double.eps^0.5) +
+ .Machine$double.eps else
wz[atiny, 1:M] <- wz[atiny, 1:M] * (1 + .Machine$double.eps^0.5) +
@@ -869,16 +906,30 @@ dmultinomial <- function(x, size = NULL, prob, log = FALSE,
ifelse(whitespace, "P[Y >= j+1]", "P[Y>=j+1]") else
ifelse(whitespace, "P[Y <= j]", "P[Y<=j]"),
link, earg = earg)),
+ infos = eval(substitute(function(...) {
+ list(M1 = NA, # zz -1?
+ Q1 = NA,
+ multipleResponses = .multiple.responses ,
+ parallel = .parallel ,
+ reverse = .reverse ,
+ whitespace = .whitespace ,
+ link = .link )
+ }, list( .link = link,
+ .parallel = parallel,
+ .multiple.responses = multiple.responses,
+ .reverse = reverse,
+ .whitespace = whitespace ))),
constraints = eval(substitute(expression({
if ( .multiple.responses ) {
if ( !length(constraints) ) {
- Llevels <- extra$Llevels
- NOS <- extra$NOS
- Hk.matrix <- kronecker(diag(NOS), matrix(1,Llevels-1,1))
- constraints <- cm.VGAM(Hk.matrix, x = x,
- bool = .parallel ,
- apply.int = .apply.parint ,
- constraints = constraints)
+ Llevels <- extra$Llevels
+ NOS <- extra$NOS
+ Hk.matrix <- kronecker(diag(NOS), matrix(1,Llevels-1,1))
+ constraints <- cm.VGAM(Hk.matrix, x = x,
+ bool = .parallel ,
+ apply.int = .apply.parint ,
+ constraints = constraints)
} else {
constraints <- cm.VGAM(matrix(1, M, 1), x = x,
@@ -899,7 +950,7 @@ dmultinomial <- function(x, size = NULL, prob, log = FALSE,
Llevels <- extra$Llevels
for (iii in 1:NOS) {
cindex <- (iii-1)*(Llevels-1) + 1:(Llevels-1)
- aindex <- (iii-1)*(Llevels) + 1:(Llevels)
+ aindex <- (iii-1)*(Llevels ) + 1:(Llevels)
totdev <- totdev +
mu = mu[, aindex, drop = FALSE],
@@ -1216,7 +1267,7 @@ dmultinomial <- function(x, size = NULL, prob, log = FALSE,
acat <- function(link = "loge", parallel = FALSE,
- reverse = FALSE, zero = NULL, whitespace = FALSE) {
+ reverse = FALSE, zero = NULL, whitespace = FALSE) {
link <- as.list(substitute(link))
@@ -1243,6 +1294,21 @@ dmultinomial <- function(x, size = NULL, prob, log = FALSE,
"mu[,j] * (1 - mu[,j]); -mu[,j] * mu[,k]",
"mu[,j]*(1-mu[,j]); -mu[,j]*mu[,k]")),
+ infos = eval(substitute(function(...) {
+ list(M1 = NA, # zz -1?
+ Q1 = NA,
+ multipleResponses = FALSE,
+ parallel = .parallel ,
+ reverse = .reverse ,
+ whitespace = .whitespace ,
+ zero = .zero ,
+ link = .link )
+ }, list( .link = link,
+ .zero = zero,
+ .parallel = parallel,
+ .reverse = reverse,
+ .whitespace = whitespace ))),
constraints = eval(substitute(expression({
constraints <- cm.VGAM(matrix(1, M, 1), x = x,
bool = .parallel ,
@@ -1329,7 +1395,7 @@ dmultinomial <- function(x, size = NULL, prob, log = FALSE,
stop("loglikelihood residuals not implemented yet")
} else {
ycounts <- if (is.numeric(extra$orig.w)) y * w / extra$orig.w else
- y * w # Convert proportions to counts
+ y * w # Convert proportions to counts
nvec <- if (is.numeric(extra$orig.w)) round(w / extra$orig.w) else
@@ -1420,11 +1486,13 @@ acat.deriv <- function(zeta, reverse, M, n) {
brat <- function(refgp = "last",
refvalue = 1,
- init.alpha = 1) {
- if (!is.Numeric(init.alpha, positive = TRUE))
- stop("'init.alpha' must contain positive values only")
+ ialpha = 1) {
+ if (!is.Numeric(ialpha, positive = TRUE))
+ stop("'ialpha' must contain positive values only")
if (!is.Numeric(refvalue, length.arg = 1, positive = TRUE))
stop("'refvalue' must be a single positive value")
@@ -1438,6 +1506,17 @@ acat.deriv <- function(zeta, reverse, M, n) {
blurb = c(paste("Bradley-Terry model (without ties)\n\n"),
"Links: ",
namesof("alpha's", "loge")),
+ infos = eval(substitute(function(...) {
+ list(M1 = NA, # zz -1?
+ Q1 = NA,
+ multipleResponses = FALSE,
+ refvalue = .refvalue ,
+ refgp = .refgp ,
+ ialpha = .ialpha )
+ }, list( .ialpha = ialpha,
+ .refgp = refgp,
+ .refvalue = refvalue ))),
initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
are.ties <- attr(y, "are.ties") # If Brat() was used
if (is.logical(are.ties) && are.ties)
@@ -1447,10 +1526,10 @@ acat.deriv <- function(zeta, reverse, M, n) {
M <- (1:length(try.index))[(try.index+1)*(try.index) == ncol(y)]
if (!is.finite(M))
stop("cannot determine 'M'")
- init.alpha <- matrix(rep( .init.alpha , length.out = M),
- n, M, byrow = TRUE)
- etastart <- matrix(theta2eta(init.alpha, "loge",
- earg = list(theta = NULL)),
+ ialpha <- matrix(rep( .ialpha , length.out = M),
+ n, M, byrow = TRUE)
+ etastart <- matrix(theta2eta(ialpha, "loge",
+ earg = list(theta = NULL)),
n, M, byrow = TRUE)
refgp <- .refgp
if (!intercept.only)
@@ -1461,7 +1540,7 @@ acat.deriv <- function(zeta, reverse, M, n) {
predictors.names <-
namesof(paste("alpha", uindex, sep = ""), "loge", short = TRUE)
- }), list( .refgp = refgp, .init.alpha = init.alpha ))),
+ }), list( .refgp = refgp, .ialpha = ialpha ))),
linkinv = eval(substitute( function(eta, extra = NULL) {
probs <- NULL
@@ -1572,12 +1651,12 @@ acat.deriv <- function(zeta, reverse, M, n) {
bratt <- function(refgp = "last",
refvalue = 1,
- init.alpha = 1,
+ ialpha = 1,
i0 = 0.01) {
if (!is.Numeric(i0, length.arg = 1, positive = TRUE))
stop("'i0' must be a single positive value")
- if (!is.Numeric(init.alpha, positive = TRUE))
- stop("'init.alpha' must contain positive values only")
+ if (!is.Numeric(ialpha, positive = TRUE))
+ stop("'ialpha' must contain positive values only")
if (!is.Numeric(refvalue, length.arg = 1, positive = TRUE))
stop("'refvalue' must be a single positive value")
@@ -1591,12 +1670,25 @@ acat.deriv <- function(zeta, reverse, M, n) {
blurb = c(paste("Bradley-Terry model (with ties)\n\n"),
"Links: ",
namesof("alpha's", "loge"), ", log(alpha0)"),
+ infos = eval(substitute(function(...) {
+ list(M1 = NA, # zz -1?
+ Q1 = NA,
+ multipleResponses = FALSE,
+ refvalue = .refvalue ,
+ refgp = .refgp ,
+ i0 = .i0 ,
+ ialpha = .ialpha )
+ }, list( .ialpha = ialpha,
+ .i0 = i0,
+ .refgp = refgp,
+ .refvalue = refvalue ))),
initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
try.index <- 1:400
M <- (1:length(try.index))[(try.index*(try.index-1)) == ncol(y)]
if (!is.Numeric(M, length.arg = 1, integer.valued = TRUE))
stop("cannot determine 'M'")
- NCo <- M # Number of contestants
+ NCo <- M # Number of contestants
are.ties <- attr(y, "are.ties") # If Brat() was used
if (is.logical(are.ties)) {
@@ -1608,10 +1700,10 @@ acat.deriv <- function(zeta, reverse, M, n) {
ties <- 0 * y
- init.alpha <- rep( .init.alpha, len = NCo-1)
+ ialpha <- rep( .ialpha, len = NCo-1)
ialpha0 <- .i0
etastart <-
- cbind(matrix(theta2eta(init.alpha,
+ cbind(matrix(theta2eta(ialpha,
list(theta = NULL)),
n, NCo-1, byrow = TRUE),
@@ -1632,7 +1724,7 @@ acat.deriv <- function(zeta, reverse, M, n) {
namesof("alpha0", "loge", short = TRUE))
}), list( .refgp = refgp,
.i0 = i0,
- .init.alpha=init.alpha ))),
+ .ialpha = ialpha ))),
linkinv = eval(substitute( function(eta, extra = NULL) {
probs <- qprobs <- NULL
@@ -1693,7 +1785,7 @@ acat.deriv <- function(zeta, reverse, M, n) {
for (ii in 1:nrow(eta)) {
alpha <- .brat.alpha(eta2theta(eta[ii, -M], "loge",
earg = list(theta = NULL)),
- .refvalue, .refgp )
+ .refvalue, .refgp )
alpha0 <- loge(eta[ii, M], inverse = TRUE)
ymat <- InverseBrat( y[ii, ], NCo = M, diag = 0)
tmat <- InverseBrat(ties[ii, ], NCo = M, diag = 0)
@@ -2124,265 +2216,6 @@ ordpoissonProbs <- function(extra, mu, deriv = 0) {
- if (FALSE)
- scumulative <- function(link = "logit", earg = list(),
- lscale = "loge", escale = list(),
- parallel = FALSE, sparallel = TRUE,
- reverse = FALSE,
- iscale = 1) {
- stop("sorry, not working yet")
- link <- as.list(substitute(link))
- earg <- link2list(link)
- link <- attr(earg, "function.name")
- lscale <- as.list(substitute(lscale))
- escale <- link2list(lscale)
- lscale <- attr(escale, "function.name")
- if (!is.Numeric(iscale, positive = TRUE))
- stop("bad input for argument 'iscale'")
- if (!is.logical(reverse) || length(reverse) != 1)
- stop("argument 'reverse' must be a single logical")
- new("vglmff",
- blurb = c(paste("Scaled cumulative", link, "model\n\n"),
- "Links: ",
- namesof(if (reverse) "P[Y>=j+1]" else "P[Y<=j]",
- link, earg = earg),
- ", ",
- namesof("scale_j", lscale, escale)),
- constraints = eval(substitute(expression({
- J <- M / 2
- constraints <- cm.VGAM(matrix(1, J, 1), x = x,
- bool = .parallel ,
- apply.int = FALSE,
- constraints = constraints)
- constraints[["(Intercept)"]] = rbind(constraints[["(Intercept)"]],
- matrix(0, J, ncol(constraints[["(Intercept)"]])))
- cm2 <- cm.VGAM(matrix(1, J, 1), x = x,
- bool = .sparallel ,
- apply.int = FALSE,
- constraints = NULL)
- for (ii in 2:length(constraints))
- constraints[[ii]] <-
- cbind(rbind(constraints[[ii]],
- matrix(0, J, ncol(constraints[[ii]]))),
- rbind(matrix(0, J, ncol(cm2[[ii]])), cm2[[ii]]))
- for (ii in 1:length(constraints))
- constraints[[ii]] <-
- (constraints[[ii]])[interleave.VGAM(M, M = 2),, drop = FALSE]
- }), list( .parallel = parallel, .sparallel=sparallel ))),
- deviance = eval(substitute(
- function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE, eta, extra = NULL,
- summation = TRUE) {
- answer <-
- Deviance.categorical.data.vgam(mu = mu,
- y = y, w = w, residuals = residuals,
- eta = eta, extra = extra,
- summation = summation)
- answer
- }, list( .earg = earg, .link = link ) )),
- initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
- if (is.factor(y) && !is.ordered(y))
- warning("response should be ordinal---see ordered()")
- if (intercept.only)
- stop("use cumulative() for intercept-only models")
- delete.zero.colns = TRUE # Cannot have FALSE since then prob(Y=jay)=0
- eval(process.categorical.data.VGAM)
- M <- 2*(ncol(y)-1)
- J <- M / 2
- extra$J <- J
- mynames <- if ( .reverse )
- paste("P[Y>=", 2:(1+J), "]", sep = "") else
- paste("P[Y<=", 1:J, "]", sep = "")
- predictors.names <- c(
- namesof(mynames, .link , short = TRUE, earg = .earg ),
- namesof(paste("scale_", 1:J, sep = ""),
- .lscale, short = TRUE, earg = .escale ))
- y.names <- paste("mu", 1:(J+1), sep = "")
- if (length(dimnames(y)))
- extra$dimnamesy2 <- dimnames(y)[[2]]
- predictors.names <- predictors.names[interleave.VGAM(M, M = 2)]
- }), list( .link = link, .lscale = lscale, .reverse = reverse,
- .earg = earg, .escale = escale ))),
- linkinv = eval(substitute( function(eta, extra = NULL) {
- J <- extra$J
- M <- 2*J
- etamat1 <- eta[, 2*(1:J)-1, drop = FALSE]
- etamat2 <- eta[, 2*(1:J), drop = FALSE]
- scalemat <- eta2theta(etamat2, .lscale, earg = .escale )
- fv.matrix <-
- if ( .reverse ) {
- ccump <- cbind(1,
- eta2theta(etamat1 / scalemat,
- .link , earg = .earg ))
- cbind(-tapplymat1(ccump, "diff"), ccump[, ncol(ccump)])
- } else {
- cump <- cbind(eta2theta(etamat1 / scalemat,
- .link , earg = .earg ),
- 1)
- cbind(cump[, 1], tapplymat1(cump, "diff"))
- }
- if (length(extra$dimnamesy2))
- dimnames(fv.matrix) <- list(dimnames(eta)[[1]],
- extra$dimnamesy2)
- fv.matrix
- }, list( .link = link, .lscale = lscale, .reverse = reverse,
- .earg = earg, .escale = escale ))),
- last = eval(substitute(expression({
- J <- extra$J
- misc$link <-
- c(rep( .link , length = J),
- rep( .lscale, length = J))[interleave.VGAM(M, M = 2)]
- names(misc$link) <- predictors.names
- misc$earg <- vector("list", M)
- names(misc$earg) <- names(misc$link)
- for (ii in 1:J) misc$earg[[2*ii-1]] <- .earg
- for (ii in 1:J) misc$earg[[2*ii ]] <- .escale
- misc$parameters <- mynames
- misc$reverse <- .reverse
- misc$parallel <- .parallel
- misc$sparallel <- .sparallel
- }), list( .link = link, .lscale = lscale,
- .reverse = reverse, .parallel = parallel,
- .sparallel = sparallel,
- .earg = earg, .escale = escale ))),
- linkfun = eval(substitute( function(mu, extra = NULL) {
- cump <- tapplymat1(as.matrix(mu), "cumsum")
- J <- ncol(as.matrix(mu)) - 1
- M <- 2 * J
- answer <- cbind(
- theta2eta(if ( .reverse ) 1-cump[, 1:J] else cump[, 1:J],
- .link ,
- earg = .earg ),
- matrix(theta2eta( .iscale, .lscale , earg = .escale ),
- nrow(as.matrix(mu)), J, byrow = TRUE))
- answer <- answer[,interleave.VGAM(M, M = 2)]
- answer
- }, list( .link = link, .lscale = lscale, .reverse = reverse,
- .iscale = iscale, .earg = earg, .escale = escale ))),
- loglikelihood =
- function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE, eta, extra = NULL,
- summation = TRUE) {
- if (residuals) {
- stop("loglikelihood residuals not implemented yet")
- } else {
- ycounts <- if (is.numeric(extra$orig.w)) y * w / extra$orig.w else
- y * w # Convert proportions to counts
- nvec <- if (is.numeric(extra$orig.w)) round(w / extra$orig.w) else
- round(w)
- smallno <- 1.0e4 * .Machine$double.eps
- if (max(abs(ycounts - round(ycounts))) > smallno)
- warning("converting 'ycounts' to integer in @loglikelihood")
- ycounts <- round(ycounts)
- ll.elts <-
- (if (is.numeric(extra$orig.w)) extra$orig.w else 1) *
- dmultinomial(x = ycounts, size = nvec, prob = mu,
- log = TRUE, dochecking = FALSE)
- if (summation) {
- sum(ll.elts)
- } else {
- ll.elts
- }
- }
- },
- vfamily = c("scumulative", "vcategorical"),
- deriv = eval(substitute(expression({
- ooz <- iter %% 2
- J <- extra$J
- mu.use = pmax(mu, .Machine$double.eps * 1.0e-0)
- etamat1 <- eta[, 2*(1:J)-1, drop = FALSE]
- etamat2 <- eta[, 2*(1:J) , drop = FALSE]
- scalemat <- eta2theta(etamat2, .lscale, earg = .escale )
- cump <- eta2theta(etamat1 / scalemat, .link , earg = .earg )
- dcump.deta <- dtheta.deta(cump, .link , earg = .earg )
- dscale.deta <- dtheta.deta(scalemat, .lscale, earg = .escale )
- dl.dcump <- (if ( .reverse ) -w else w) *
- (y[, 1:J]/mu.use[, 1:J] - y[, -1]/mu.use[, -1])
- dcump.dscale <- -dcump.deta * etamat1 / scalemat^2
- ans <- cbind(dl.dcump * dcump.deta / scalemat,
- dl.dcump * dcump.dscale * dscale.deta)
- ans <- ans[,interleave.VGAM(M, M = 2)]
- if (ooz) ans[, c(TRUE, FALSE)] = 0 else
- ans[, c(FALSE, TRUE)] = 0
- ans
- }), list( .link = link, .lscale = lscale, .reverse = reverse,
- .earg = earg, .escale = escale ))),
- weight = eval(substitute(expression({
- wz <- matrix(0, n, 2*(2*M-3))
- wz[, 2*(1:J)-1] <- if (ooz) c(w) * (dcump.deta / scalemat)^2 *
- (1/mu.use[, 1:J] + 1/mu.use[, -1]) else 1
- wz[, 2*(1:J)] <- if (ooz) 1 else
- c(w) * (dcump.dscale * dscale.deta)^2 *
- (1/mu.use[, 1:J] + 1/mu.use[, -1])
- wz0 <- c(w) * (dcump.deta / scalemat) *
- (dcump.dscale * dscale.deta) *
- (1/mu.use[, 1:J] + 1/mu.use[, -1])
- wz0 <- as.matrix(wz0)
- for (ii in 1:J)
- wz[,iam(2*ii-1,2*ii,M = M)] <- if (ooz) wz0[, ii] else 0
- if (J > 1) {
- wz0 <- -c(w) *
- (dcump.deta[, -J] / scalemat[, -J]) *
- (dcump.deta[, -1] / scalemat[, -1]) / mu.use[, 2:J]
- wz0 <- as.matrix(wz0) # Just in case J=2
- for (ii in 1:(J-1))
- wz[, iam(2*ii-1, 2*ii+1, M = M)] <- if (ooz) wz0[, ii] else 0
- wz0 <- -c(w) * (dcump.dscale[, -1] * dscale.deta[, -1]) *
- (dcump.dscale[, -J] *
- dscale.deta[, -J]) / mu.use[, 2:J]
- wz0 <- as.matrix(wz0)
- for (ii in 1:(J-1))
- wz[,iam(2*ii,2*ii+2,M = M)] <- if (ooz) wz0[, ii] else 0
- wz0 <- -c(w) * (dcump.deta[, -J] / scalemat[, -J]) *
- (dcump.dscale[, -1] *
- dscale.deta[, -1]) / mu.use[, 2:J]
- wz0 <- as.matrix(wz0)
- for (ii in 1:(J-1))
- wz[,iam(2*ii-1,2*ii+2,M = M)] <- if (ooz) wz0[, ii] else 0
- wz0 <- -c(w) * (dcump.deta[, -1] / scalemat[, -1]) *
- (dcump.dscale[, -J] *
- dscale.deta[, -J]) / mu.use[, 2:J]
- wz0 <- as.matrix(wz0)
- for (ii in 1:(J-1))
- wz[,iam(2*ii,2*ii+1,M = M)] <- if (ooz) wz0[, ii] else 0
- }
- wz
- }), list( .link = link, .lscale = lscale, .earg = earg,
- .escale = escale ))))
margeff <- function(object, subset = NULL) {
@@ -2408,7 +2241,7 @@ ordpoissonProbs <- function(extra, mu, deriv = 0) {
"the LM design matrix")
nnn <- object at misc$n
- M <- object at misc$M # ncol(B) # length(pvec) - 1
+ M <- object at misc$M # ncol(B) # length(pvec) - 1
if (model.multinomial) {
@@ -2417,7 +2250,7 @@ ordpoissonProbs <- function(extra, mu, deriv = 0) {
B <- if (!length(rlev)) {
cbind(cfit, 0)
} else {
- if (rlev == M+1) { # Default
+ if (rlev == M+1) { # Default
cbind(cfit, 0)
} else if (rlev == 1) {
cbind(0, cfit)
@@ -2453,18 +2286,18 @@ ordpoissonProbs <- function(extra, mu, deriv = 0) {
(B - temp2) * temp3
} else {
if (is.logical(ii))
- ii <- (1:nnn)[ii]
+ ii <- (1:nnn)[ii]
ans <- array(0, c(ppp, M+1, length(ii)),
dimnames = list(dimnames(B)[[1]],
for (ilocal in 1:length(ii)) {
- pvec <- fitted(object)[ii[ilocal],]
- temp1 <- B * matrix(pvec, ppp, M+1, byrow = TRUE)
- temp2 <- matrix(rowSums(temp1), ppp, M+1)
- temp3 <- matrix(pvec, nrow(B), M+1, byrow = TRUE)
- ans[,,ilocal] <- (B - temp2) * temp3
+ pvec <- fitted(object)[ii[ilocal], ]
+ temp1 <- B * matrix(pvec, ppp, M+1, byrow = TRUE)
+ temp2 <- matrix(rowSums(temp1), ppp, M+1)
+ temp3 <- matrix(pvec, nrow(B), M+1, byrow = TRUE)
+ ans[ , , ilocal] <- (B - temp2) * temp3
@@ -2475,9 +2308,9 @@ ordpoissonProbs <- function(extra, mu, deriv = 0) {
stop("cannot handle cumulative(multiple.responses = TRUE)")
reverse <- object at misc$reverse
linkfunctions <- object at misc$link
- all.eargs <- object at misc$earg
+ all.eargs <- object at misc$earg
B <- cfit <- coefvlm(object, matrix.out = TRUE)
- ppp <- nrow(B)
+ ppp <- nrow(B)
hdot <- lpmat <- kronecker(predict(object), matrix(1, ppp, 1))
resmat <- cbind(hdot, 1)
@@ -2512,11 +2345,11 @@ ordpoissonProbs <- function(extra, mu, deriv = 0) {
} else
if (is.numeric(ii) && (length(ii) == 1)) {
- return(temp1[,, ii])
+ return(temp1[, , ii])
} else {
- return(temp1[,, ii])
- }
+ return(temp1[, , ii])
+ }
@@ -2612,6 +2445,7 @@ prplot <- function(object,
is.parallel.matrix <- function(object, ...)
is.matrix(object) && all(!is.na(object)) &&
all(c(object) == 1) && ncol(object) == 1
diff --git a/R/family.censored.R b/R/family.censored.R
index e472d0e..3e29ee9 100644
--- a/R/family.censored.R
+++ b/R/family.censored.R
@@ -188,8 +188,8 @@
if (FALSE)
- cexpon <-
- ecexpon <- function(link = "loge", location = 0) {
+ cens.exponential <-
+ ecens.exponential <- function(link = "loge", location = 0) {
if (!is.Numeric(location, length.arg = 1))
stop("bad input for 'location'")
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ if (FALSE)
sum(w[cenI] * log(-exp(-rate[cenI]*(y[cenI, 2]-extra$location))+
exp(-rate[cenI]*(y[cenI, 1]-extra$location))))
}, list( .link = link ))),
- vfamily = c("ecexpon"),
+ vfamily = c("ecens.exponential"),
deriv = eval(substitute(expression({
rate <- 1 / (mu - extra$location)
cen0 <- extra$uncensored
diff --git a/R/family.extremes.R b/R/family.extremes.R
index 4d20d5e..7dfa3eb 100644
--- a/R/family.extremes.R
+++ b/R/family.extremes.R
@@ -637,20 +637,23 @@ qgev <- function(p, location = 0, scale = 1, shape = 0,
stop("cannot handle shape == 0 with a multivariate response")
EulerM <- -digamma(1)
- wz[is.zero, iam(2, 2, M)] <- (pi^2/6 + (1-EulerM)^2) / sigma[is.zero]^2
+ wz[is.zero, iam(2, 2, M)] <- (pi^2/6 + (1-EulerM)^2)/sigma[is.zero]^2
wz[is.zero, iam(3, 3, M)] <- 2.4236
- wz[is.zero, iam(1, 2, M)] <- (digamma(2) + 2*(EulerM-1)) / sigma[is.zero]^2
- wz[is.zero, iam(1, 3, M)]= -(trigamma(1)/2 + digamma(1)*
- (digamma(1)/2+1)) / sigma[is.zero]
- wz[is.zero, iam(2, 3, M)] <- (-dgammadx(2, 3)/6 + dgammadx(1, 1) +
- 2*dgammadx(1, 2) +
- 2*dgammadx(1, 3)/3) / sigma[is.zero]
+ wz[is.zero, iam(1, 2, M)] <-
+ (digamma(2) + 2 * (EulerM-1)) / sigma[is.zero]^2
+ wz[is.zero, iam(1, 3, M)] <-
+ -(trigamma(1) / 2 + digamma(1) * (digamma(1)/2+1)) / sigma[is.zero]
+ wz[is.zero, iam(2, 3, M)] <-
+ (-dgammadx(2, 3)/6 + dgammadx(1, 1) +
+ 2*dgammadx(1, 2) +
+ 2*dgammadx(1, 3)/3) / sigma[is.zero]
if (FALSE ) {
wz[, iam(1, 2, M)] <- 2 * r.vec / sigma^2
wz[, iam(2, 2, M)] <- -4 * r.vec * digamma(r.vec+1) + 2 * r.vec +
- (4 * dgammadx(r.vec+1, deriv.arg = 1) -
- 3 * dgammadx(r.vec+1, deriv.arg = 2)) / gamma(r.vec) # Not checked
+ (4 * dgammadx(r.vec+1, deriv.arg = 1) -
+ 3 * dgammadx(r.vec+1,
+ deriv.arg = 2)) / gamma(r.vec) # Not checked
@@ -2680,252 +2683,7 @@ frechet.control <- function(save.weights = TRUE, ...) {
-frechet3.control <- function(save.weights = TRUE, ...) {
- list(save.weights = save.weights)
-if (FALSE)
- frechet3 <- function(anchor = NULL,
- ldifference = "loge",
- lscale = "loge",
- lshape = logoff(offset = -2),
- ilocation = NULL, iscale = NULL, ishape = NULL,
- nsimEIM = 250,
- zero = 1) {
- lscale <- as.list(substitute(lscale))
- escale <- link2list(lscale)
- lscale <- attr(escale, "function.name")
- lshape <- as.list(substitute(lshape))
- eshape <- link2list(lshape)
- lshape <- attr(eshape, "function.name")
- ldiffr <- as.list(substitute(ldifference))
- ediffr <- link2list(ldiffr)
- ldiffr <- attr(escale, "function.name")
- stopifnot(nsimEIM > 10, length(nsimEIM) == 1, nsimEIM == round(nsimEIM))
- new("vglmff",
- blurb = c("3-parameter Frechet distribution\n",
- "Links: ",
- namesof("difference", link = ldiffr, earg = ediffr), ", ",
- namesof("scale", link = lscale, earg = escale), ", ",
- namesof("shape", link = lshape, earg = eshape)),
- constraints = eval(substitute(expression({
- constraints <- cm.zero.VGAM(constraints, x, .zero, M)
- }), list( .zero = zero ))),
- initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
- if (ncol(cbind(y)) != 1)
- stop("response must be a vector or a one-column matrix")
- predictors.names <-
- c(namesof("difference", .ldiffr , earg = .ediffr, short = TRUE),
- namesof("scale", .lscale , earg = .escale, short = TRUE),
- namesof("shape", .lshape , earg = .eshape, short = TRUE))
- anchorpt <- if (is.Numeric( .anchor, length.arg = 1))
- .anchor else min(y)
- if (min(y) < anchorpt)
- stop("anchor point is too large")
- extra$LHSanchor <- anchorpt
- if (!length(etastart)) {
- frech.aux <- function(shapeval, y, x, w, extraargs) {
- myprobs <- c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75)
- myobsns <- quantile(y, probs = myprobs)
- myquant <- (-log(myprobs))^(-1/shapeval)
- myfit <- lsfit(x = myquant, y = myobsns, intercept = TRUE)
- sum(myfit$resid^2)
- }
- shape.grid <- c(100, 70, 40, 20, 12, 8, 4, 2, 1.5)
- shape.grid <- c(1 / shape.grid, 1, shape.grid)
- try.this <- grid.search(shape.grid, objfun = frech.aux,
- y = y, x = x, w = w, maximize = FALSE,
- abs.arg = TRUE)
- shape.init <-
- if (length( .ishape ))
- rep( .ishape , length.out = n) else {
- rep(try.this , length.out = n) # variance exists if shape > 2
- }
- myprobs <- c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75)
- myobsns <- quantile(y, probs = myprobs)
- myquant <- (-log(myprobs))^(-1/shape.init[1])
- myfit <- lsfit(x = myquant, y = myobsns)
- plot(myobsns ~ myquant)
- Scale.init <- if (length( .iscale )) {
- rep( .iscale , length.out = n)
- } else {
- if (all(shape.init > 1)) {
- myfit$coef[2]
- } else {
- rep(1.0, length.out = n)
- }
- }
- locinit <- if (length( .ilocation ))
- rep( .ilocation , length.out = n) else {
- if (myfit$coef[1] < min(y)) {
- rep(myfit$coef[1], length.out = n)
- } else {
- rep(anchorpt - 0.01 * diff(range(y)), length.out = n)
- }
- }
- if (any(y <= locinit))
- stop("initial values for 'location' are out of range")
- if (any(anchorpt <= locinit))
- stop("require anchor point > initial location parameter value")
- etastart <-
- cbind(theta2eta(anchorpt - locinit, .ldiffr),
- theta2eta(Scale.init, .lscale),
- theta2eta(shape.init, .lshape))
- }
- }), list( .ldiffr = ldiffr, .lscale = lscale, .lshape = lshape,
- .ediffr = ediffr, .escale = escale, .eshape = eshape,
- .iscale = iscale, .ishape = ishape,
- .ilocation = ilocation, .anchor = anchor ))),
- linkinv = eval(substitute(function(eta, extra = NULL) {
- loctn <- extra$LHSanchor -
- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .ldiffr , earg = .ediffr)
- Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .lscale , earg = .escale )
- shape <- eta2theta(eta[, 3], .lshape , earg = .eshape )
- ans <- rep(as.numeric(NA), length.out = length(shape))
- okay <- shape > 1
- ans[okay] <- loctn[okay] + Scale[okay] * gamma(1 - 1/shape[okay])
- ans
- }, list( .ldiffr = ldiffr, .lscale = lscale, .lshape = lshape,
- .ediffr = ediffr, .escale = escale, .eshape = eshape ))),
- last = eval(substitute(expression({
- misc$links <- c("difference" = .ldiffr ,
- "scale" = .lscale ,
- "shape" = .lshape)
- misc$earg <- list("difference" = .ediffr,
- "scale" = .escale,
- "shape" = .eshape)
- misc$nsimEIM <- .nsimEIM
- extra$location <- loctn # Store the location parameter estimate here
- }), list( .ldiffr = ldiffr, .lscale = lscale, .lshape = lshape,
- .ediffr = ediffr, .escale = escale, .eshape = eshape,
- .nsimEIM = nsimEIM ))),
- loglikelihood = eval(substitute(
- function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE, eta, extra = NULL,
- summation = TRUE) {
- loctn <- extra$LHSanchor -
- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .ldiffr , earg = .ediffr)
- Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .lscale , earg = .escale )
- shape <- eta2theta(eta[, 3], .lshape , earg = .eshape )
- if (residuals) {
- stop("loglikelihood residuals not implemented yet")
- } else {
- ll.elts <- c(w) * dfrechet(x = y, location = loctn, scale = Scale,
- shape = shape, log = TRUE)
- if (summation) {
- sum(ll.elts)
- } else {
- ll.elts
- }
- }
- }, list( .ldiffr = ldiffr, .lscale = lscale, .lshape = lshape,
- .ediffr = ediffr, .escale = escale, .eshape = eshape ))),
- vfamily = c("frechet3", "vextremes"),
- deriv = eval(substitute(expression({
- Difrc <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .ldiffr , earg = .ediffr )
- Scale <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .lscale , earg = .escale )
- shape <- eta2theta(eta[, 3], .lshape , earg = .eshape )
- loctn <- extra$LHSanchor - Difrc
- rzedd <- Scale / (y - loctn) # reciprocial of zedd
- dl.dloct <- (shape + 1) / (y - loctn) -
- (shape / (y - loctn)) * (rzedd)^shape
- dl.ddifff <- -dl.dloct
- dl.dScale <- shape * (1 - rzedd^shape) / Scale
- dl.dshape <- 1 / shape + log(rzedd) * (1 - rzedd^shape)
- dthetas.detas <- cbind(
- ddifff.deta <- dtheta.deta(Difrc, .ldiffr , earg = .ediffr ),
- dScale.deta <- dtheta.deta(Scale, .lscale , earg = .escale ),
- dShape.deta <- dtheta.deta(shape, .lshape , earg = .eshape ))
- ans <-
- c(w) * cbind(dl.ddifff,
- dl.dScale,
- dl.dshape) * dthetas.detas
- ans
- }), list( .ldiffr = ldiffr, .lscale = lscale, .lshape = lshape,
- .ediffr = ediffr, .escale = escale, .eshape = eshape ))),
- weight = eval(substitute(expression({
- run.varcov <- 0
- ind1 <- iam(NA, NA, M = M, both = TRUE, diag = TRUE)
- if (length( .nsimEIM )) {
- for (ii in 1:( .nsimEIM )) {
- ysim <- rfrechet(n, location = loctn, scale = Scale, shape = shape)
- rzedd <- Scale / (ysim - loctn) # reciprocial of zedd
- dl.dloct <- (shape + 1) / (ysim - loctn) -
- (shape / (ysim - loctn)) * (rzedd)^shape
- dl.ddifff <- -dl.dloct
- dl.dScale <- shape * (1 - rzedd^shape) / Scale
- dl.dshape <- 1 / shape + log(rzedd) * (1 - rzedd^shape)
- rm(ysim)
- temp3 <- cbind(dl.ddifff, dl.dScale, dl.dshape)
- run.varcov <- run.varcov +
- temp3[, ind1$row.index] *
- temp3[, ind1$col.index]
- }
- run.varcov <- run.varcov / .nsimEIM
- wz <- if (intercept.only)
- matrix(colMeans(run.varcov),
- n, ncol(run.varcov), byrow = TRUE) else run.varcov
- wz <- c(w) * wz * dthetas.detas[, ind1$row] *
- dthetas.detas[, ind1$col]
- } else {
- stop("argument 'nsimEIM' must be numeric")
- }
- print("head(wz)")
- print( head(wz) )
- print("summary(wz) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,")
- print( summary(wz) )
- wz
- }), list( .nsimEIM = nsimEIM ))))
rec.normal.control <- function(save.weights = TRUE, ...) {
diff --git a/R/family.genetic.R b/R/family.genetic.R
index a4aece0..8f4e045 100644
--- a/R/family.genetic.R
+++ b/R/family.genetic.R
@@ -212,332 +212,6 @@
-if (FALSE)
- AAaa.nohw <- function(link = "logit", ipA = NULL, iF = NULL) {
- link <- as.list(substitute(link))
- earg <- link2list(link)
- link <- attr(earg, "function.name")
- new("vglmff",
- blurb = c("AA-Aa-aa phenotype (without Hardy-Weinberg assumption)\n\n",
- "Links: ",
- namesof("pA", link, earg = earg), ", ",
- namesof("f", "identitylink", tag = FALSE)),
- deviance = Deviance.categorical.data.vgam,
- initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
- mustart.orig <- mustart
- delete.zero.colns <- FALSE
- eval(process.categorical.data.VGAM)
- if (length(mustart.orig))
- mustart <- mustart.orig
- ok.col.ny <- c("AA","Aa","aa")
- if (length(col.ny <- colnames(y)) == length(ok.col.ny) &&
- setequal(ok.col.ny, col.ny)) {
- if (!all(ok.col.ny == col.ny))
- stop("the columns of the response matrix should have names ",
- "(output of colnames()) ordered as c('AA','Aa','aa')")
- }
- predictors.names <-
- c(namesof("pA", .link , earg = .earg , tag = FALSE),
- namesof("f", "identitylink", earg = list(), tag = FALSE))
- if (is.null(etastart)) {
- pA <- if (is.numeric( .ipA )) rep( .ipA , len = n) else
- c(sqrt(mustart[, 1] - mustart[, 2] / 2))
- f <- if (is.numeric( .iF )) rep( .iF , len = n) else
- rep(0.01, len = n) # 1- mustart[, 2]/(2*pA*(1-pA))
- if (any(pA <= 0) || any(pA >= 1))
- stop("bad initial value for 'pA'")
- etastart <- cbind(theta2eta(pA, .link , earg = .earg ),
- theta2eta(f, "identitylink"))
- mustart <- NULL # Since etastart has been computed.
- }
- }), list( .link = link, .ipA = ipA, .iF = iF, .earg = earg))),
- linkinv = eval(substitute(function(eta, extra = NULL) {
- pA <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], link = .link , earg = .earg )
- f <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], link = "identitylink", earg = list())
- cbind(AA = pA^2+pA*(1-pA)*f,
- Aa = 2*pA*(1-pA)*(1-f),
- aa = (1-pA)^2 + pA*(1-pA)*f)
- }, list( .link = link, .earg = earg))),
- last = eval(substitute(expression({
- misc$link <- c(pA = .link , f = "identitylink")
- misc$earg <- list(pA = .earg , f = list() )
- misc$expected <- TRUE
- }), list( .link = link, .earg = earg))),
- loglikelihood = function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE, eta, extra = NULL)
- if (residuals)
- stop("loglikelihood residuals not implemented yet") else {
- sum(dmultinomial(x = w * y, size = w, prob = mu,
- log = TRUE, dochecking = FALSE))
- },
- vfamily = c("AAaa.nohw", "vgenetic"),
- deriv = eval(substitute(expression({
- pA <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], link = .link , earg = .earg )
- f <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], link = "identitylink")
- dP1 <- cbind(f + 2*pA*(1-f),
- 2*(1-f)*(1-2*pA),
- -2*(1-pA) +f*(1-2*pA))
- dP2 <- cbind(pA*(1-pA),
- -2*pA*(1-pA),
- pA*(1-pA))
- dl1 <- rowSums(y * dP1 / mu)
- dl2 <- rowSums(y * dP2 / mu)
- dPP.deta <- dtheta.deta(pA, link = .link , earg = .earg )
- c(w) * cbind(dPP.deta * dl1,
- dl2)
- }), list( .link = link, .earg = earg))),
- weight = eval(substitute(expression({
- dPP <- array(c(dP1, dP2), c(n, 3, 2))
- dPP.deta <- cbind(dtheta.deta(pA, link = .link , earg = .earg ),
- dtheta.deta(f, link = "identitylink"))
- wz <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), n, dimm(M)) # dimm(M)==3 because M==2
- for (i1 in 1:M)
- for (i2 in i1:M) {
- index <- iam(i1, i2, M)
- wz[,index] <- rowSums(dPP[,,i1,drop = TRUE] *
- dPP[,,i2,drop = TRUE] / mu) *
- dPP.deta[, i1] * dPP.deta[, i2]
- }
- c(w) * wz
- }), list( .link = link, .earg = earg))))
- if (FALSE)
- AB.Ab.aB.ab2 <- function(link = "logit", init.p = NULL) {
- link <- as.list(substitute(link))
- earg <- link2list(link)
- link <- attr(earg, "function.name")
- new("vglmff",
- blurb = c("AB-Ab-aB-ab2 phenotype\n\n",
- "Links: ",
- namesof("p", link, earg = earg)),
- deviance = Deviance.categorical.data.vgam,
- initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
- mustart.orig <- mustart
- delete.zero.colns <- FALSE
- eval(process.categorical.data.VGAM)
- predictors.names <- namesof("p", .link , earg = .earg , tag = FALSE)
- if (length(mustart.orig)) {
- mustart <- mustart.orig
- }
- ok.col.ny <- c("AB","Ab","aB","ab")
- if (length(col.ny <- colnames(y)) == length(ok.col.ny) &&
- setequal(ok.col.ny, col.ny)) {
- if (!all(ok.col.ny == col.ny))
- stop("the columns of the response matrix should have names ",
- "(output of colnames()) ordered as c('AB','Ab','aB','ab')")
- }
- mustart <- (mustart + y) / 2
- if (is.null(etastart)) {
- p.init <- if (is.numeric( .init.p )) rep( .init.p , n) else
- rep(c(1 - 2 * sqrt(weighted.mean(mustart[, 4], w))), n)
- p.init <- ifelse(p.init < 0.01, 0.01, p.init)
- p.init <- ifelse(p.init > 0.99, 0.99, p.init)
- etastart <- theta2eta(p.init, .link , earg = .earg )
- mustart <- NULL # Since etastart has been computed.
- }
- }), list( .link = link, .init.p=init.p, .earg = earg))),
- linkinv = eval(substitute(function(eta,extra = NULL) {
- p <- eta2theta(eta, link = .link , earg = .earg )
- cbind("AB" = (2+(1-p)^2),
- "Ab" = (1-(1-p)^2),
- "aB" = (1-(1-p)^2),
- "ab" = (1-p)^2) / 4
- }, list( .link = link, .earg = earg) )),
- last = eval(substitute(expression({
- misc$link <- c(p = .link )
- misc$earg <- list(p = .earg )
- misc$expected <- TRUE
- }), list( .link = link, .earg = earg) )),
- loglikelihood = function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE, eta, extra = NULL)
- if (residuals)
- stop("loglikelihood residuals not implemented yet") else {
- sum(dmultinomial(x = w * y, size = w, prob = mu,
- log = TRUE, dochecking = FALSE))
- },
- vfamily = c("AB.Ab.aB.ab2", "vgenetic"),
- deriv = eval(substitute(expression({
- pp <- eta2theta(eta, link = .link , earg = .earg )
- dP1 <- cbind(-0.5*(1-pp),
- 0.5*(1-pp),
- 0.5*(1-pp),
- -0.5*(1-pp))
- dl1 <- rowSums(y * dP1 / mu)
- dPP.deta <- dtheta.deta(pp, link = .link , earg = .earg )
- c(w) * dPP.deta * dl1
- }), list( .link = link, .earg = earg) )),
- weight = eval(substitute(expression({
- wz <- rowSums(dP1 * dP1 / mu) * dPP.deta^2
- c(w) * wz
- }), list( .link = link, .earg = earg) )))
- if (FALSE)
- A1A2A3.orig <- function(link = "logit", ip1 = NULL, ip2 = NULL) {
- link <- as.list(substitute(link))
- earg <- link2list(link)
- link <- attr(earg, "function.name")
- new("vglmff",
- blurb = c("A1A2A3 Allele System ",
- "(A1A1, A1A2, A2A2, A1A3, A2A3, A3A3)\n\n",
- "Links: ",
- namesof("pA", link, earg = earg), ", ",
- namesof("pB", link, earg = earg, tag = FALSE)),
- deviance = Deviance.categorical.data.vgam,
- infos = eval(substitute(function(...) {
- list(M1 = 2,
- Q1 = 6,
- multipleResponses = FALSE,
- expected = TRUE,
- link = c("pA" = .link , "pB" = .link ))
- }, list( .link = link ))),
- initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
- mustart.orig <- mustart
- delete.zero.colns <- FALSE
- eval(process.categorical.data.VGAM)
- if (length(mustart.orig))
- mustart <- mustart.orig
- ok.col.ny <- c("A1A1", "A1A2", "A2A2", "A1A3", "A2A3", "A3A3")
- if (length(col.ny <- colnames(y)) == length(ok.col.ny) &&
- setequal(ok.col.ny, col.ny)) {
- if (!all(ok.col.ny == col.ny))
- stop("the columns of the response matrix should have names ",
- "(output of colnames()) ordered as ",
- "c('A1A1', 'A1A2', 'A2A2', 'A1A3', 'A2A3', 'A3A3')")
- }
- predictors.names <-
- c(namesof("pA", .link , earg = .earg , tag = FALSE),
- namesof("pB", .link , earg = .earg , tag = FALSE))
- mustart <- (y + mustart) / 2
- if (is.null(etastart)) {
- p1 <- if (is.numeric(.ip1 )) rep( .ip1 , len = n) else
- rep(c(sqrt( weighted.mean(mustart[, 1], w) )), len = n)
- p2 <- if (is.numeric(.ip2 )) rep( .ip2 , len = n) else
- rep(c(sqrt( weighted.mean(mustart[, 3], w) )), len = n)
- etastart <- cbind(theta2eta(p1, .link , earg = .earg ),
- theta2eta(p2, .link , earg = .earg ))
- mustart <- NULL # Since etastart has been computed.
- }
- }), list( .link = link, .ip1 = ip1, .ip2 = ip2, .earg = earg))),
- linkinv = eval(substitute(function(eta, extra = NULL) {
- p1 <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], link = .link , earg = .earg )
- p2 <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], link = .link , earg = .earg )
- qq <- abs(1 - p1 - p2)
- cbind(A1A1 = p1*p1,
- A1A2 = 2*p1*p2,
- A2A2 = p2*p2,
- A1A3 = 2*p1*qq,
- A2A3 = 2*p2*qq,
- A3A3 = qq*qq)
- }, list( .link = link, .earg = earg))),
- last = eval(substitute(expression({
- misc$link <- c(p1 = .link , p2 = .link )
- misc$earg <- list(p1 = .earg , p2 = .earg )
- misc$expected <- TRUE
- }), list( .link = link, .earg = earg))),
- loglikelihood = function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE,
- eta, extra = NULL)
- if (residuals)
- stop("loglikelihood residuals not implemented yet") else {
- sum(dmultinomial(x = w * y, size = w, prob = mu,
- log = TRUE, dochecking = FALSE))
- },
- vfamily = c("A1A2A3", "vgenetic"),
- deriv = eval(substitute(expression({
- p1 <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], link = .link , earg = .earg )
- p2 <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], link = .link , earg = .earg )
- dl.dp1 <- (2*y[, 1]+y[, 2]+y[, 4])/p1 -
- (2*y[,6]+y[, 4]+y[,5])/(1-p1-p2)
- dl.dp2 <- (2*y[, 3]+y[, 2]+y[,5])/p2 -
- (2*y[,6]+y[, 4]+y[,5])/(1-p1-p2)
- dp1.deta <- dtheta.deta(p1, link = .link , earg = .earg )
- dp2.deta <- dtheta.deta(p2, link = .link , earg = .earg )
- c(w) * cbind(dl.dp1 * dp1.deta,
- dl.dp2 * dp2.deta)
- }), list( .link = link, .earg = earg))),
- weight = eval(substitute(expression({
- qq <- 1-p1-p2
- wz <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), n, dimm(M)) # dimm(M)==3 because M==2
- ned2l.dp12 <- 2 * (1/p1 + 1/qq)
- ned2l.dp22 <- 2 * (1/p2 + 1/qq)
- ned2l.dp1dp2 <- 2 / qq
- wz[, iam(1, 1, M)] <- ned2l.dp12 * dp1.deta^2
- wz[, iam(2, 2, M)] <- ned2l.dp22 * dp2.deta^2
- wz[, iam(1, 2, M)] <- ned2l.dp1dp2 * dp1.deta * dp2.deta
- c(w) * wz
- }), list( .link = link, .earg = earg))))
MNSs <- function(link = "logit",
imS = NULL, ims = NULL, inS = NULL) {
diff --git a/R/family.glmgam.R b/R/family.glmgam.R
index deb5d44..0bc2452 100644
--- a/R/family.glmgam.R
+++ b/R/family.glmgam.R
@@ -379,8 +379,8 @@
for (ii in 1:M) {
index500 <- !is.finite(tmp200[, ii]) |
- (abs(tmp200[, ii]) < .Machine$double.eps)
- if (any(index500)) { # Diagonal 0's are bad
+ (abs(tmp200[, ii]) < .Machine$double.eps)
+ if (any(index500)) { # Diagonal 0s are bad
tmp200[index500, ii] <- .Machine$double.eps
@@ -1539,327 +1539,6 @@ rinv.gaussian <- function(n, mu, lambda) {
-if (FALSE)
- matched.binomial <-
- function(multiple.responses = NULL, link = "logit",
- parallel = TRUE,
- smallno = .Machine$double.eps^(3/4)) {
- link <- as.list(substitute(link))
- earg <- link2list(link)
- link <- attr(earg, "function.name")
- if (!is.Numeric(smallno, positive = TRUE,
- length.arg = 1) ||
- smallno > 1e-4)
- stop("bad input for 'smallno'")
- if (is.logical(parallel) && !parallel)
- stop("'parallel' must be TRUE")
- temp <- terms(multiple.responses)
- multiple.responses <- attr(temp,"term.labels")
- if (length(multiple.responses) != 1)
- stop("cannot obtain the matching variable")
- if (!is.character(multiple.responses) ||
- length(multiple.responses) != 1) {
- stop("bad input for 'multiple.responses'")
- }
- new("vglmff",
- blurb = c("Matched binomial model (intercepts fitted)\n\n",
- "Link: ", namesof("mu[,j]", link, earg = earg)),
- constraints = eval(substitute(expression({
- constraints <- cm.VGAM(matrix(1, M, 1), x = x,
- bool = .parallel ,
- constraints = constraints,
- apply.int = TRUE)
- constraints[[extra$multiple.responses]] <- diag(M)
- specialCM <- list(a = vector("list", M-1))
- for (ii in 1:(M-1)) {
- specialCM[[1]][[ii]] <-
- (constraints[[extra$multiple.responses]])[, 1+ii,drop = FALSE]
- }
- names(specialCM) = extra$multiple.responses
- }), list( .parallel = parallel ))),
- initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
- if (!all(w == 1))
- extra$orig.w = w
- multiple.responses <- .multiple.responses
- NCOL <- function (x)
- if (is.array(x) && length(dim(x)) > 1 ||
- is.data.frame(x)) ncol(x) else as.integer(1)
- if (NCOL(y) == 1) {
- if (is.factor(y)) y <- y != levels(y)[1]
- nvec <- rep(1, n)
- if (!all(y >= 0 & y <= 1))
- stop("response values must be in [0, 1]")
- mustart <- (0.5 + w * y) / (1 + w)
- no.successes <- w * y
- if (any(abs(no.successes - round(no.successes)) > 0.001))
- stop("Number of successes must be integer-valued")
- } else if (NCOL(y) == 2) {
- if (any(abs(y - round(y)) > 0.001))
- stop("Count data must be integer-valued")
- nvec <- y[, 1] + y[, 2]
- y <- ifelse(nvec > 0, y[, 1] / nvec, 0)
- w <- w * nvec
- mustart <- (0.5 + nvec * y) / (1 + nvec)
- } else
- stop("Response not of the right form")
- temp1 <- attr(x, "assign")
- if (colnames(x)[1] != "(Intercept)")
- stop("x must have an intercept")
- M <- CCC <- length(temp1[[multiple.responses]]) +
- (colnames(x)[1] == "(Intercept)")
- temp9 <- x[,temp1[[multiple.responses]],drop = FALSE]
- temp9 <- temp9 * matrix(2:CCC, n, CCC-1, byrow = TRUE)
- temp9 <- apply(temp9, 1, max)
- temp9[temp9 == 0] <- 1
- extra$NoMatchedSets <- CCC
- extra$n <- n
- extra$M <- M
- extra$multiple.responses <- multiple.responses
- extra$index9 <- temp9
- predictors.names <-
- namesof("mu", .link , earg = .earg , short = TRUE)
- predictors.names <- rep(predictors.names, len = M)
- }), list( .link = link, .earg = earg,
- .multiple.responses = multiple.responses ))),
- linkinv = eval(substitute(function(eta, extra = NULL) {
- mu <- eta2theta(eta, link = .link , earg = .earg )
- mu[cbind(1:extra$n, extra$index9)]
- }, list( .link = link, .earg = earg ))),
- last = eval(substitute(expression({
- misc$link <- rep( .link , length = M)
- names(misc$link) <- if (M > 1) paste("mu(matched set ",
- 1:M, ")", sep = "") else "mu"
- misc$earg <- vector("list", M)
- names(misc$earg) <- names(misc$link)
- for (ii in 1:M)
- misc$earg[[ii]] <- .earg
- misc$expected <- TRUE
- }), list( .link = link, .earg = earg))),
- linkfun = eval(substitute(function(mu, extra = NULL) {
- temp <- theta2eta(mu, .link , earg = .earg )
- matrix(temp, extra$n, extra$M)
- }, list( .link = link, .earg = earg))),
- loglikelihood =
- function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE, eta, extra = NULL,
- summation = TRUE) {
- if (residuals) {
- w * (y / mu - (1-y) / (1-mu))
- } else {
- ycounts <- if (is.numeric(extra$orig.w)) y * w / extra$orig.w else
- y * w # Convert proportions to counts
- nvec <- if (is.numeric(extra$orig.w)) round(w / extra$orig.w) else
- round(w)
- smallno <- 1.0e6 * .Machine$double.eps
- if (max(abs(ycounts - round(ycounts))) > smallno)
- warning("converting 'ycounts' to integer in @loglikelihood")
- ycounts <- round(ycounts)
- ll.elts <-
- (if (is.numeric(extra$orig.w)) extra$orig.w else 1) *
- dbinom(x = ycounts, size = nvec, prob = mu, log = TRUE)
- if (summation) {
- sum(ll.elts)
- } else {
- ll.elts
- }
- }
- },
- vfamily = c("matched.binomial", "vcategorical"),
- deriv = eval(substitute(expression({
- answer <- if ( .link == "logit") {
- w * (y - mu)
- } else if ( .link == "cloglog") {
- mu.use <- mu
- smallno <- 100 * .Machine$double.eps
- mu.use[mu.use < smallno] <- smallno
- mu.use[mu.use > 1 - smallno] <- 1 - smallno
- -w * (y - mu) * log1p(-mu.use) / mu.use
- } else {
- w * dtheta.deta(mu, link = .link , earg = .earg ) *
- (y/mu - 1)/(1-mu)
- }
- result <- matrix(0, n, M)
- result[cbind(1:n, extra$index9)] <- answer
- result
- }), list( .link = link, .earg = earg))),
- weight = eval(substitute(expression({
- tmp100 <- mu*(1-mu)
- answer <- if ( .link == "logit") {
- cbind(w * tmp100)
- } else if ( .link == "cloglog") {
- cbind(w * (1-mu.use) * (log1p(-mu.use))^2 / mu.use )
- } else {
- cbind(w * dtheta.deta(mu, link = .link ,
- earg = .earg )^2 / tmp100)
- }
- result <- matrix( .smallno, n, M)
- result[cbind(1:n, extra$index9)] <- answer
- result
- }), list( .link = link, .earg = earg, .smallno = smallno ))))
-mypool <- function(x, index) {
- answer <- x
- uindex <- unique(index)
- for (ii in uindex) {
- ind0 <- (index == ii)
- answer[ind0] <- sum(x[ind0])
- }
- answer
- if (FALSE)
- mbino <- function() {
- link <- "logit"
- earg <- list()
- parallel <- TRUE
- link <- as.list(substitute(link))
- earg <- link2list(link)
- link <- attr(earg, "function.name")
- if (is.logical(parallel) && !parallel)
- stop("'parallel' must be TRUE")
- new("vglmff",
- blurb = c("Matched binomial model (intercepts not fitted)\n\n",
- "Link: ", namesof("mu[,j]", link, earg = earg)),
- constraints = eval(substitute(expression({
- constraints <- cm.VGAM(matrix(1, M, 1), x = x,
- bool = .parallel ,
- constraints = constraints,
- apply.int = FALSE)
- }), list( .parallel = parallel ))),
- initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
- if (colnames(x)[1] == "(Intercept)")
- stop("the model matrix must not have an intercept")
- NCOL = function (x)
- if (is.array(x) && length(dim(x)) > 1 ||
- is.data.frame(x)) ncol(x) else as.integer(1)
- if (NCOL(y) == 1) {
- if (is.factor(y)) y = y != levels(y)[1]
- nvec = rep(1, n)
- if (!all(y >= 0 & y <= 1))
- stop("response values must be in [0, 1]")
- mustart = (0.5 + w * y) / (1 + w)
- no.successes = w * y
- if (any(abs(no.successes - round(no.successes)) > 0.001))
- stop("Number of successes must be integer-valued")
- } else if (NCOL(y) == 2) {
- if (any(abs(y - round(y)) > 0.001))
- stop("Count data must be integer-valued")
- nvec = y[, 1] + y[, 2]
- y = ifelse(nvec > 0, y[, 1] / nvec, 0)
- w = w * nvec
- mustart = (0.5 + nvec * y) / (1 + nvec)
- } else
- stop("Response not of the right form")
- if (!length(etastart))
- etastart <- theta2eta(mustart, link = "logit", earg = list())
- temp1 = attr(x, "assign")
- multiple.responses = extra$multiple.responses
- if (length(multiple.responses) != n)
- stop("input extra$multiple.responses doesn't look right")
- if (any(y != 0 & y != 1))
- stop("response vector must have 0 or 1 values only")
- xrle = rle(multiple.responses)
- if (length(unique(multiple.responses)) != length(xrel$length))
- stop("extra$multiple.responses must take on contiguous values")
- temp9 = factor(multiple.responses)
- extra$NoMatchedSets = levels(temp9)
- extra$n = n
- extra$M = M
- extra$rlex = xrle
- extra$index9 = temp9
- predictors.names <-
- namesof("mu", .link , earg = .earg , short = TRUE)
- }), list( .link = link, .earg = earg,
- .multiple.responses = multiple.responses ))),
- linkinv = eval(substitute(function(eta, extra = NULL) {
- denominator <- exp(eta)
- numerator <- mypool(denominator, extra$multiple.responses)
- numerator / denominator
- }, list( .link = link, .earg = earg ))),
- last = eval(substitute(expression({
- misc$link <- c(mu = .link )
- misc$earg <- list(mu = .earg )
- misc$expected <- TRUE
- }), list( .link = link, .earg = earg))),
- loglikelihood =
- function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE, eta, extra = NULL,
- summation = TRUE) {
- if (residuals) {
- c(w) * (y/mu - (1-y)/(1-mu))
- } else {
- ll.elts <- c(w) * (y*log(mu) + (1-y)*log1p(-mu))
- if (summation) {
- sum(ll.elts)
- } else {
- ll.elts
- }
- }
- },
- vfamily = c("mbin", "vcategorical"),
- deriv = eval(substitute(expression({
- answer <-
- if ( .link == "logit") {
- w * (y - mu)
- } else stop("can only handle the logit link")
- answer
- }), list( .link = link, .earg = earg))),
- weight = eval(substitute(expression({
- tmp100 <- mu*(1-mu)
- answer <- if ( .link == "logit") {
- cbind(w * tmp100)
- } else stop("can only handle the logit link")
- result <- matrix( .smallno, n, M)
- result[cbind(1:n, extra$index9)] <- answer
- result
- }), list( .link = link, .earg = earg, .smallno = smallno ))))
diff --git a/R/family.nonlinear.R b/R/family.nonlinear.R
index 1e3a21d..385272a 100644
--- a/R/family.nonlinear.R
+++ b/R/family.nonlinear.R
@@ -312,8 +312,8 @@ micmen.control <- function(save.weights = TRUE, ...) {
if ( .firstDeriv == "rpar") {
if (FALSE) {
- wz <- dmus.dthetas[,index$row] * dmus.dthetas[,index$col] *
- dthetas.detas[,index$row] * dthetas.detas[,index$col]
+ wz <- dmus.dthetas[, index$row] * dmus.dthetas[, index$col] *
+ dthetas.detas[, index$row] * dthetas.detas[, index$col]
if (M > 1)
wz[, 2:M] <- wz[, 2:M] + rpar
} else {
diff --git a/R/family.normal.R b/R/family.normal.R
index e354cac..54fa678 100644
--- a/R/family.normal.R
+++ b/R/family.normal.R
@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@
VGAM.weights.function <- function(w, M, n) {
@@ -1055,17 +1058,17 @@ rfoldnorm <- function(n, mean = 0, sd = 1, a1 = 1, a2=1) {
if (FALSE) {
- if ((ncol(cbind(w)) != 1) || any(w != round(w)))
- stop("'weights' must be a vector or a one-column matrix ",
- "with integer values")
- m1d <- meany <- weighted.mean(y, w)
- m2d <- weighted.mean(y^2, w)
- stddev <- sqrt( sum(c(w) * junk$resid^2) / junk$df.residual )
- Ahat <- m1d^2 / m2d
- thetahat <- sqrt(max(1/Ahat -1, 0.1))
- mean.init <- rep(if (length( .imean)) .imean else
+ if ((ncol(cbind(w)) != 1) || any(w != round(w)))
+ stop("'weights' must be a vector or a one-column matrix ",
+ "with integer values")
+ m1d <- meany <- weighted.mean(y, w)
+ m2d <- weighted.mean(y^2, w)
+ stddev <- sqrt( sum(c(w) * junk$resid^2) / junk$df.residual )
+ Ahat <- m1d^2 / m2d
+ thetahat <- sqrt(max(1/Ahat -1, 0.1))
+ mean.init <- rep(if (length( .imean)) .imean else
thetahat * sqrt((stddev^2 + meany^2) * Ahat), len = n)
- sd.init <- rep(if (length( .isd)) .isd else
+ sd.init <- rep(if (length( .isd)) .isd else
sqrt((stddev^2 + meany^2) * Ahat), len = n)
@@ -1587,8 +1590,16 @@ tobit.control <- function(save.weights = TRUE, ...) {
sd.init <- matrix(0.0, n, ncoly)
for (ii in 1:ncol(y)) {
use.i11 <- i11[, ii]
- mylm <- lm.wfit(x = cbind(x[!use.i11, ]),
- y = y[!use.i11, ii], w = w[!use.i11, ii])
+ if (sum(!use.i11) < ncol(x)) {
+ use.i11 <- rep(FALSE, length = n)
+ }
+ mylm <- lm.wfit(x = x[!use.i11, , drop = FALSE],
+ y = y[!use.i11, ii],
+ w = w[!use.i11, ii])
sd.init[, ii] <- sqrt( sum(w[!use.i11, ii] * mylm$resid^2)
/ mylm$df.residual ) * 1.5
mu.init[!use.i11, ii] <- mylm$fitted.values
@@ -2159,21 +2170,18 @@ tobit.control <- function(save.weights = TRUE, ...) {
last = eval(substitute(expression({
M1 <- extra$M1
- misc$link <- c(rep( .lmean , length = ncoly),
- rep( .lsdev , length = ncoly))
- misc$link <- misc$link [interleave.VGAM(M1 * ncoly, M = M1)]
temp.names <- c(mynames1, mynames2)
temp.names <- temp.names[interleave.VGAM(M1 * ncoly, M = M1)]
- names(misc$link) <- temp.names
+ misc$link <- rep( .lmean , length = M1 * ncoly)
misc$earg <- vector("list", M1 * ncoly)
- names(misc$earg) <- temp.names
+ names(misc$link) <- names(misc$earg) <- temp.names
for (ii in 1:ncoly) {
+ misc$link[ M1*ii-1 ] <- .lmean
+ misc$link[ M1*ii ] <- if ( .var.arg ) .lvare else .lsdev
misc$earg[[M1*ii-1]] <- .emean
misc$earg[[M1*ii ]] <- if ( .var.arg ) .evare else .esdev
- names(misc$earg) <- temp.names
misc$var.arg <- .var.arg
misc$M1 <- M1
@@ -3067,191 +3075,6 @@ tobit.control <- function(save.weights = TRUE, ...) {
-if (FALSE)
- lognormal3 <- function(lmeanlog = "identitylink", lsdlog = "loge",
- powers.try = (-3):3,
- delta = NULL, zero = 2) {
- if (length(delta) &&
- !is.Numeric(delta, positive = TRUE))
- stop("bad input for argument argument 'delta'")
- lmulog <- as.list(substitute(lmeanlog))
- emulog <- link2list(lmulog)
- lmulog <- attr(emulog, "function.name")
- lsdlog <- as.list(substitute(lsdlog))
- esdlog <- link2list(lsdlog)
- lsdlog <- attr(esdlog, "function.name")
- if (length(zero) &&
- (!is.Numeric(zero, integer.valued = TRUE, positive = TRUE) ||
- zero > 3))
- stop("bad input for argument argument 'zero'")
- new("vglmff",
- blurb = c("Three-parameter (univariate) lognormal distribution\n\n",
- "Links: ",
- namesof("meanlog", lmulog, earg = emulog, tag = TRUE), "; ",
- namesof("sdlog", lsdlog, earg = esdlog, tag = TRUE), "; ",
- namesof("lambda", "identitylink", earg = list(), tag = TRUE)),
- constraints = eval(substitute(expression({
- constraints <- cm.zero.VGAM(constraints, x, .zero , M)
- }), list( .zero = zero ))),
- initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
- w.y.check(w = w, y = y)
- predictors.names <-
- c(namesof("meanlog", .lmulog , earg = .emulog, tag = FALSE),
- namesof("sdlog", .lsdlog , earg = .esdlog, tag = FALSE),
- "lambda")
- if (!length(etastart)) {
- miny <- min(y)
- if (length( .delta)) {
- lambda.init <- rep(miny- .delta, length = n)
- } else {
- pvalue.vec <- NULL
- powers.try <- .powers.try
- for (delta in 10^powers.try) {
- pvalue.vec <- c(pvalue.vec,
- shapiro.test(sample(log(y-miny+delta),
- size=min(5000, length(y ))))$p.value)
- }
- index.lambda <- (1:length(powers.try))[pvalue.vec ==
- max(pvalue.vec)]
- lambda.init <- miny - 10^powers.try[index.lambda]
- }
- mylm <- lm.wfit(x = x, y = c(log(y - lambda.init)), w = c(w))
- sdlog.y.est <- sqrt( sum(c(w) * mylm$resid^2) / mylm$df.residual )
- etastart <-
- cbind(mu = log(median(y - lambda.init)),
- sdlog = rep(theta2eta(sdlog.y.est, .lsdlog , earg = .esdlog ),
- length = n),
- lambda = lambda.init)
- }
- }), list( .lmulog = lmulog, .lsdlog = lsdlog,
- .emulog = emulog, .esdlog = esdlog,
- .delta = delta, .powers.try = powers.try ))),
- linkinv = eval(substitute(function(eta, extra = NULL) {
- mymu <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .lmulog , earg = .emulog )
- sdlog <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .lsdlog , earg = .esdlog )
- lambda <- eta2theta(eta[, 3], "identitylink", earg = list(theta = NULL))
- lambda + exp(mymu + 0.5 * sdlog^2)
- }, list( .lmulog = lmulog, .lsdlog = lsdlog,
- .emulog = emulog, .esdlog = esdlog ))),
- last = eval(substitute(expression({
- misc$link <- c("meanlog" = .lmulog ,
- "sdlog" = .lsdlog ,
- "lambda" = "identitylink")
- misc$earg <- list("meanlog" = .emulog,
- "sdlog" = .esdlog,
- "lambda" = list())
- misc$expected <- TRUE
- }), list( .lmulog = lmulog, .lsdlog = lsdlog,
- .emulog = emulog, .esdlog = esdlog ))),
- loglikelihood = eval(substitute(
- function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE, eta,
- extra = NULL,
- summation = TRUE) {
- mymu <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .lmulog , earg = .emulog )
- sdlog <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .lsdlog , earg = .esdlog )
- lambda <- eta2theta(eta[, 3], "identitylink", earg = list(theta = NULL))
- if (any(y < lambda))
- warning("bad 'y'")
- if (residuals) {
- stop("loglikelihood residuals not implemented yet")
- } else {
- ll.elts <- c(w) * dlnorm(y - lambda, meanlog = mymu,
- sdlog = sdlog, log = TRUE)
- if (summation) {
- sum(ll.elts)
- } else {
- ll.elts
- }
- }
- }, list( .lmulog = lmulog, .lsdlog = lsdlog,
- .emulog = emulog, .esdlog = esdlog ))),
- vfamily = c("lognormal3"),
- simslot = eval(substitute(
- function(object, nsim) {
- pwts <- if (length(pwts <- object at prior.weights) > 0)
- pwts else weights(object, type = "prior")
- if (any(pwts != 1))
- warning("ignoring prior weights")
- eta <- predict(object)
- mymu <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .lmulog , earg = .emulog )
- sdlog <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .lsdlog , earg = .esdlog )
- lambda <- eta2theta(eta[, 3], "identitylink", earg = list(theta = NULL))
- rlnorm(nsim * length(mymu),
- meanlog = mymu, sdlog = sdlog) + lambda
- }, list( .lmulog = lmulog, .lsdlog = lsdlog,
- .emulog = emulog, .esdlog = esdlog ))),
- deriv = eval(substitute(expression({
- mymu <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .lmulog , earg = .emulog )
- sdlog <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .lsdlog , earg = .esdlog )
- lambda <- eta2theta(eta[, 3], "identitylink", earg = list(theta = NULL))
- if (any(y < lambda))
- warning("bad 'y'")
- dl.dmymu <- (log(y-lambda)-mymu) / sdlog^2
- dl.dsdlog <- -1/sdlog + (log(y-lambda)-mymu)^2 / sdlog^3
- dl.dlambda <- (1 + (log(y-lambda)-mymu) / sdlog^2) / (y-lambda)
- dmymu.deta <- dtheta.deta(mymu, .lmulog , earg = .emulog )
- dsdlog.deta <- dtheta.deta(sdlog, .lsdlog , earg = .esdlog )
- dlambda.deta <- dtheta.deta(lambda, "identitylink", earg = list())
- c(w) * cbind(dl.dmymu * dmymu.deta,
- dl.dsdlog * dsdlog.deta,
- dl.dlambda * dlambda.deta)
- }), list( .lmulog = lmulog, .lsdlog = lsdlog,
- .emulog = emulog, .esdlog = esdlog ))),
- weight = expression({
- wz <- matrix(0, n, dimm(M))
- ned2l.dmymu2 <- 1 / sdlog^2
- ned2l.dsdlog <- 2 / sdlog^2
- temp9 <- exp(-mymu + sdlog^2 / 2)
- ned2l.dlambda2 <- exp(2*(-mymu+sdlog^2)) * (1+sdlog^2) / sdlog^2
- wz[, iam(1, 1, M)] <- ned2l.dmymu2 * dmymu.deta^2
- wz[, iam(2, 2, M)] <- ned2l.dsdlog * dsdlog.deta^2
- wz[, iam(3, 3, M)] <- ned2l.dlambda2 * dlambda.deta^2
- wz[, iam(1, 3, M)] <- temp9 * dmymu.deta * dlambda.deta / sdlog^2
- wz[, iam(2, 3, M)] <- -2 * temp9 / sdlog * dsdlog.deta * dlambda.deta
- wz <- c(w) * wz
- wz
- }))
dskewnorm <- function(x, location = 0, scale = 1, shape = 0, log = FALSE) {
if (!is.logical(log.arg <- log) || length(log) != 1)
@@ -3462,315 +3285,5 @@ rskewnorm <- function(n, location = 0, scale = 1, shape = 0) {
-if (FALSE)
- halfuninormal <-
- function(lsd = "loge", lvar = "loge",
- var.arg = FALSE,
- imethod = 1,
- isd = NULL,
- parallel = FALSE,
- apply.parint = FALSE,
- zero = NULL) {
- warning("20121101; not working; yettodo: finish it!")
- lsd <- as.list(substitute(lsd))
- esd <- link2list(lsd)
- lsd <- attr(esd, "function.name")
- lvar <- as.list(substitute(lvar))
- evar <- link2list(lvar)
- lvar <- attr(evar, "function.name")
- emean <- list()
- lmean <- "identitylink"
- if (length(zero) &&
- !is.Numeric(zero, integer.valued = TRUE))
- stop("bad input for argument 'zero'")
- if (!is.Numeric(imethod, length.arg = 1,
- integer.valued = TRUE, positive = TRUE) ||
- imethod > 4)
- stop("argument 'imethod' must be 1 or 2 or 3 or 4")
- if (!is.logical(var.arg) ||
- length(var.arg) != 1)
- stop("argument 'var.arg' must be a single logical")
- if (!is.logical(apply.parint) ||
- length(apply.parint) != 1)
- stop("argument 'apply.parint' must be a single logical")
- if (is.logical(parallel) && parallel && length(zero))
- stop("set 'zero = NULL' if 'parallel = TRUE'")
- new("vglmff",
- blurb = c("Half-normal distribution\n\n",
- "Links: ",
- if (var.arg)
- namesof("var", lvar, earg = evar, tag = TRUE) else
- namesof("sd" , lsd, earg = esd, tag = TRUE),
- "\n",
- if (var.arg) "Variance: var zz" else "Variance: sd^2 zz"),
- constraints = eval(substitute(expression({
- constraints <- cm.VGAM(matrix(1, M, 1), x = x,
- bool = .parallel ,
- constraints = constraints,
- apply.int = .apply.parint )
- dotzero <- .zero
- M1 <- 2
- eval(negzero.expression.VGAM)
- }), list( .zero = zero,
- .parallel = parallel, .apply.parint = apply.parint ))),
- infos = eval(substitute(function(...) {
- list(M1 = 1,
- zero = .zero)
- }, list( .zero = zero ))),
- initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
- orig.y <- y
- if (length(attr(orig.y, "Prior.Weights"))) {
- if (any(c(w) != 1))
- warning("replacing the 'weights' argument by the 'Prior.Weights'",
- "attribute of the response (probably due to Qvar()")
- w <- attr(orig.y, "Prior.Weights")
- extra$attributes.y <- attributes(orig.y)
- } else {
- }
- temp5 <-
- w.y.check(w = w, y = y,
- ncol.w.max = Inf,
- ncol.y.max = Inf,
- out.wy = TRUE,
- colsyperw = 1,
- maximize = TRUE)
- w <- temp5$w
- y <- temp5$y
- ncoly <- ncol(y)
- M1 <- 1
- extra$ncoly <- ncoly
- extra$M1 <- M1
- M <- M1 * ncoly
- mynames2 <- paste(if ( .var.arg ) "var" else "sd",
- if (ncoly > 1) 1:ncoly else "", sep = "")
- predictors.names <-
- c(if ( .var.arg )
- namesof(mynames2, .lvar , earg = .evar , tag = FALSE) else
- namesof(mynames2, .lsd , earg = .esd , tag = FALSE))
- extra$predictors.names <- predictors.names
- if (!length(etastart)) {
- sdev.init <- mean.init <- matrix(0, n, ncoly)
- for (jay in 1:ncoly) {
- jfit <- lm.wfit(x = x, y = y[, jay], w = w[, jay])
- mean.init[, jay] <- if ( .lmean == "loge")
- pmax(1/1024, y[, jay]) else
- if ( .imethod == 1) median(y[, jay]) else
- if ( .imethod == 2) weighted.mean(y[, jay], w = w[, jay]) else
- if ( .imethod == 3) weighted.mean(y[, jay], w = w[, jay]) *
- 0.5 + y[, jay] * 0.5 else
- mean(jfit$fitted)
- sdev.init[, jay] <-
- if ( .imethod == 1) {
- sqrt( sum(w[, jay] *
- (y[, jay] - mean.init[, jay])^2) / sum(w[, jay]) )
- } else if ( .imethod == 2) {
- if (jfit$df.resid > 0)
- sqrt( sum(w[, jay] * jfit$resid^2) / jfit$df.resid ) else
- sqrt( sum(w[, jay] * jfit$resid^2) / sum(w[, jay]) )
- } else if ( .imethod == 3) {
- sqrt( sum(w[, jay] *
- (y[, jay] - mean.init[, jay])^2) / sum(w[, jay]) )
- } else {
- sqrt( sum(w[, jay] * abs(y[, jay] -
- mean.init[, jay])) / sum(w[, jay]) )
- }
- if (any(sdev.init[, jay] <= sqrt( .Machine$double.eps ) ))
- sdev.init[, jay] <- 1.01
- }
- if (length( .isd )) {
- sdev.init <- matrix( .isd , n, ncoly, byrow = TRUE)
- }
- etastart <-
- cbind(if ( .var.arg )
- theta2eta(sdev.init^2, .lvar , earg = .evar ) else
- theta2eta(sdev.init , .lsd , earg = .esd ))
- colnames(etastart) <- predictors.names
- }
- }), list( .lsd = lsd, .lvar = lvar,
- .esd = esd, .evar = evar,
- .lmean = lmean,
- .isd = isd,
- .var.arg = var.arg, .imethod = imethod ))),
- linkinv = eval(substitute(function(eta, extra = NULL) {
- M1 <- extra$M1
- ncoly <- extra$ncoly
- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:ncoly) - 1], .lmean , earg = .emean )
- }, list( .esd = esd , .evar = evar,
- .emean = emean,
- .lmean = lmean ))),
- last = eval(substitute(expression({
- M1 <- extra$M1
- misc$link <- c(rep( .lsd , length = ncoly))
- temp.names <- c(mynames2)
- names(misc$link) <- temp.names
- misc$earg <- vector("list", M1 * ncoly)
- names(misc$earg) <- temp.names
- for (ii in 1:ncoly) {
- misc$earg[[M1*ii ]] <- if ( .var.arg ) .evar else .esd
- }
- names(misc$earg) <- temp.names
- misc$var.arg <- .var.arg
- misc$M1 <- M1
- misc$expected <- TRUE
- misc$imethod <- .imethod
- misc$multipleResponses <- TRUE
- misc$parallel <- .parallel
- misc$apply.parint <- .apply.parint
- }), list( .lsd = lsd, .lvar = lvar,
- .esd = esd, .evar = evar,
- .parallel = parallel, .apply.parint = apply.parint,
- .var.arg = var.arg, .imethod = imethod ))),
- loglikelihood = eval(substitute(
- function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE, eta,
- extra = NULL,
- summation = TRUE) {
- ncoly <- extra$ncoly
- M1 <- extra$M1
- if ( .var.arg ) {
- Varm <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:ncoly)], .lvar , earg = .evar )
- sdev <- sqrt(Varm)
- } else {
- sdev <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:ncoly)], .lsd , earg = .esd )
- }
- if (residuals) {
- stop("loglikelihood residuals not implemented yet")
- } else {
- ll.elts <- c(w) * dnorm(y, m = mu, sd = sdev, log = TRUE)
- if (summation) {
- sum(ll.elts)
- } else {
- ll.elts
- }
- }
- }, list( .lsd = lsd, .lvar = lvar,
- .esd = esd, .evar = evar,
- .var.arg = var.arg ))),
- vfamily = c("halfuninormal"),
- deriv = eval(substitute(expression({
- ncoly <- extra$ncoly
- M1 <- extra$M1
- mymu <- zz
- if ( .var.arg ) {
- Varm <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:ncoly) ], .lvar , earg = .evar )
- sdev <- sqrt(Varm)
- } else {
- sdev <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:ncoly) ], .lsd , earg = .esd )
- }
- dl.dmu <- zz * (y - mymu) / sdev^2
- if ( .var.arg ) {
- dl.dva <- -0.5 / Varm + 0.5 * (y - mymu)^2 / sdev^4
- } else {
- dl.dsd <- -1.0 / sdev + (y - mymu)^2 / sdev^3
- }
- dmu.deta <- dtheta.deta(mymu, .lmean , earg = .emean )
- if ( .var.arg ) {
- dva.deta <- dtheta.deta(Varm, .lvar , earg = .evar )
- } else {
- dsd.deta <- dtheta.deta(sdev, .lsd , earg = .esd )
- }
- ans <- c(w) *
- cbind(if ( .var.arg ) dl.dva * dva.deta else
- dl.dsd * dsd.deta)
- ans
- }), list( .lmean = lmean, .lsd = lsd, .lvar = lvar,
- .emean = emean, .esd = esd, .evar = evar,
- .var.arg = var.arg ))),
- weight = eval(substitute(expression({
- wz <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), n, M) # diag matrix; y is 1-column too
- ned2l.dmu2 <- 1 / sdev^2
- if ( .var.arg ) {
- ned2l.dva2 <- 0.5 / Varm^2
- } else {
- ned2l.dsd2 <- 2 / sdev^2
- }
- wz[, M1*(1:ncoly) ] <- if ( .var.arg ) {
- ned2l.dva2 * dva.deta^2
- } else {
- ned2l.dsd2 * dsd.deta^2
- }
- wz
- }), list( .var.arg = var.arg ))))
diff --git a/R/family.positive.R b/R/family.positive.R
index 8456add..7f369ef 100644
--- a/R/family.positive.R
+++ b/R/family.positive.R
@@ -1283,7 +1283,8 @@ if (length(extra$tau)) {
R[lower.tri(R)] <- 0
tmp6 <- N.hat.posbernoulli(eta = eta, link = .link , earg = .earg ,
R = R, w = w,
- X.vlm = X.vlm.save, Hlist = constraints,
+ X.vlm = X.vlm.save,
+ Hlist = Hlist, # 20150428; bug fixed here
extra = extra, model.type = "0")
extra$N.hat <- tmp6$N.hat
extra$SE.N.hat <- tmp6$SE.N.hat
@@ -1575,7 +1576,8 @@ if (length(extra$tau)) {
R[lower.tri(R)] <- 0
tmp6 <- N.hat.posbernoulli(eta = eta, link = .link , earg = .earg ,
R = R, w = w,
- X.vlm = X.vlm.save, Hlist = constraints,
+ X.vlm = X.vlm.save,
+ Hlist = Hlist, # 20150428; bug fixed here
extra = extra, model.type = "t")
extra$N.hat <- tmp6$N.hat
extra$SE.N.hat <- tmp6$SE.N.hat
@@ -1908,7 +1910,8 @@ if (length(extra$tau)) {
R[lower.tri(R)] <- 0
tmp6 <- N.hat.posbernoulli(eta = eta, link = .link , earg = .earg ,
R = R, w = w,
- X.vlm = X.vlm.save, Hlist = constraints,
+ X.vlm = X.vlm.save,
+ Hlist = Hlist, # 20150428; bug fixed here
extra = extra, model.type = "b")
extra$N.hat <- tmp6$N.hat
extra$SE.N.hat <- tmp6$SE.N.hat
@@ -2339,7 +2342,8 @@ if (length(extra$tau)) {
R[lower.tri(R)] <- 0
tmp6 <- N.hat.posbernoulli(eta = eta, link = .link , earg = .earg ,
R = R, w = w,
- X.vlm = X.vlm.save, Hlist = constraints,
+ X.vlm = X.vlm.save,
+ Hlist = Hlist, # 20150428; bug fixed here
extra = extra, model.type = "tb")
extra$N.hat <- tmp6$N.hat
extra$SE.N.hat <- tmp6$SE.N.hat
diff --git a/R/family.quantal.R b/R/family.quantal.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 9162af1..0000000
--- a/R/family.quantal.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,575 +0,0 @@
-# These functions are
-# Copyright (C) 1998-2015 T.W. Yee, University of Auckland.
-# All rights reserved.
- abbott <- function(link0 = "logit",
- link1 = "logit",
- iprob0 = NULL, iprob1 = NULL,
- type.fitted = c("observed", "treatment", "control"),
- mux.offdiagonal = 0.98,
- zero = 1) {
- type.fitted <- match.arg(type.fitted,
- c("observed", "treatment", "control"),
- several.ok = TRUE)
- link0 <- as.list(substitute(link0))
- earg0 <- link2list(link0)
- link0 <- attr(earg0, "function.name")
- link1 <- as.list(substitute(link1))
- earg1 <- link2list(link1)
- link1 <- attr(earg1, "function.name")
- if (!is.Numeric(mux.offdiagonal, length.arg = 1) ||
- mux.offdiagonal >= 1 ||
- mux.offdiagonal < 0)
- stop("argument 'mux.offdiagonal' must be in the interval [0, 1)")
- new("vglmff",
- blurb = c("Abbott's model for binary responses\n",
- "mu = prob0 + (1 - prob0) * prob1\n",
- "where 'prob0' is the 'control' mortality and\n",
- "'prob1' is the 'treatment' mortality and\n",
- "'mu' is the 'observed' mortality\n\n",
- "Links: ",
- namesof("prob0", link0, earg = earg0), ", ",
- namesof("prob1", link1, earg = earg1)),
- constraints = eval(substitute(expression({
- constraints <- cm.zero.VGAM(constraints, x, .zero, M)
- }), list( .zero = zero # ,
- ))),
- initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
- eval(binomialff(link = .link0 )@initialize) # w, y, mustart are assigned
- predictors.names <-
- c(namesof("prob0", .link0, earg = .earg0, short = TRUE),
- namesof("prob1", .link1, earg = .earg1, short = TRUE))
- if (is.null(etastart)) {
- prob0.init <- if (length( .iprob0 )) {
- rep( .iprob0, length.out = n)
- } else {
- mustart / 2
- }
- prob1.init <- if (length( .iprob1 )) {
- rep( .iprob1, length.out = n)
- } else {
- mustart / 2
- }
- mustart <- NULL
- etastart <-
- cbind(theta2eta(prob0.init, link = .link0 , earg = .earg0 ),
- theta2eta(prob1.init, link = .link1 , earg = .earg1 ))
- }
- }), list( .link0 = link0, .earg0 = earg0,
- .link1 = link1, .earg1 = earg1,
- .iprob0 = iprob0, .iprob1 = iprob1 ))),
- linkinv = eval(substitute(function(eta, extra = NULL) {
- prob0 <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .link0 , earg = .earg0 )
- prob1 <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .link1 , earg = .earg1 )
- con.fv <- prob0
- trt.fv <- prob1
- obs.fv <- prob0 + (1 - prob0) * prob1
- ans <- cbind("observed" = obs.fv,
- "treatment" = trt.fv,
- "control" = con.fv)
- ans[, .type.fitted , drop = FALSE]
- }, list( .link0 = link0, .earg0 = earg0,
- .link1 = link1, .earg1 = earg1,
- .type.fitted = type.fitted ))),
- loglikelihood = eval(substitute(
- function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE, eta, extra = NULL,
- summation = TRUE) {
- prob0 <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .link0 , earg = .earg0 )
- prob1 <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .link1 , earg = .earg1 )
- mymu <- prob0 + (1 - prob0) * prob1
- if (residuals) {
- w * (y / mymu - (1 - y) / (1 - mymu))
- } else {
- ycounts <- if (is.numeric(extra$orig.w)) y * w / extra$orig.w else
- y * w # Convert proportions to counts
- nvec <- if (is.numeric(extra$orig.w)) round(w / extra$orig.w) else
- round(w)
- smallno <- 1.0e6 * .Machine$double.eps
- smallno <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
- if (max(abs(ycounts - round(ycounts))) > smallno)
- warning("converting 'ycounts' to integer in @loglikelihood")
- ycounts <- round(ycounts)
- ll.elts <-
- (if (is.numeric(extra$orig.w)) extra$orig.w else 1) *
- dbinom(x = ycounts, size = nvec, prob = mymu, log = TRUE)
- if (summation) {
- sum(ll.elts)
- } else {
- ll.elts
- }
- }
- }, list( .link0 = link0, .earg0 = earg0,
- .link1 = link1, .earg1 = earg1 ))),
- last = eval(substitute(expression({
- misc$link <- c(prob0 = .link0 , prob1 = .link1 )
- misc$earg <- list(prob0 = .earg0 , prob1 = .earg1 )
- misc$mux.offdiagonal <- .mux.offdiagonal
- misc$type.fitted <- .type.fitted
- misc$true.mu <- ( .type.fitted == "observed")
- }), list( .link0 = link0, .earg0 = earg0,
- .link1 = link1, .earg1 = earg1,
- .mux.offdiagonal = mux.offdiagonal,
- .type.fitted = type.fitted
- ))),
- vfamily = c("abbott", "vquantal"),
- deriv = eval(substitute(expression({
- prob0 <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .link0, earg = .earg0 )
- prob1 <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .link1, earg = .earg1 )
- dprob0.deta <- dtheta.deta(prob0, .link0 , earg = .earg0 )
- dprob1.deta <- dtheta.deta(prob1, .link1 , earg = .earg1 )
- mymu <- prob0 + (1 - prob0) * prob1
- dl.dmu <- y / mymu - (1 - y) / (1 - mymu)
- dmu.dprob0 <- 1 - prob1
- dmu.dprob1 <- 1 - prob0
- dl.dprob0 <- dl.dmu * dmu.dprob0
- dl.dprob1 <- dl.dmu * dmu.dprob1
- c(w) * cbind(dl.dprob0 * dprob0.deta,
- dl.dprob1 * dprob1.deta)
- }), list( .link0 = link0, .earg0 = earg0,
- .link1 = link1, .earg1 = earg1 ))),
- weight = eval(substitute(expression({
- ned2l.dmu2 <- 1 / (mymu * (1-mymu))
- ned2l.dprob02 <- ned2l.dmu2 * dmu.dprob0^2
- ned2l.dprob12 <- ned2l.dmu2 * dmu.dprob1^2
- ned2l.dprob1prob2 <- ( 1) # seems sort of ok but slow cvgc
- ned2l.dprob1prob2 <- ( 0) # kill it
- ned2l.dprob1prob2 <- ned2l.dmu2 * ( 1) # dont seem to work
- ned2l.dprob1prob2 <- ned2l.dmu2 * dmu.dprob1 * dmu.dprob0 *
- .mux.offdiagonal
- od2l.dmu2 <- y / mymu^2 + (1 - y) / (1 - mymu)^2
- od2l.dprob02 <- od2l.dmu2 * dmu.dprob0^2
- od2l.dprob12 <- od2l.dmu2 * dmu.dprob1^2
- od2l.dprob1prob2 <- od2l.dmu2 * dmu.dprob1 * dmu.dprob0 + dl.dmu
- wz <- cbind(ned2l.dprob02 * dprob0.deta^2,
- ned2l.dprob12 * dprob1.deta^2,
- ned2l.dprob1prob2 * dprob1.deta * dprob0.deta)
- c(w) * wz
- }), list( .link0 = link0, .earg0 = earg0,
- .link1 = link1, .earg1 = earg1,
- .mux.offdiagonal = mux.offdiagonal ))))
-if (FALSE)
- Abbott <- function(lprob1 = extlogit(min = 0, max = 1), # For now, that is
- lprob0 = "logit",
- iprob0 = NULL, iprob1 = NULL,
- nointercept = 2, # NULL,
- zero = 1) {
- stop("does not work")
- lprob1 <- as.list(substitute(lprob1))
- eprob1 <- link2list(lprob1)
- lprob1 <- attr(eprob1, "function.name")
- lprob0 <- as.list(substitute(lprob0))
- eprob0 <- link2list(lprob0)
- lprob0 <- attr(eprob0, "function.name")
- new("vglmff",
- blurb = c("Abbott's model for binary response\n",
- "mu = prob0 + prob1\n",
- "where 'prob0' is the control mortality and\n",
- "'prob1' is the treatment mortality\n\n",
- "Links: ",
- namesof("prob0", lprob0, earg = eprob0), ", ",
- namesof("prob1", lprob1, earg = eprob1)),
- constraints = eval(substitute(expression({
- constraints <- cm.zero.VGAM(constraints, x, .zero, M)
- constraints <- cm.nointercept.VGAM(constraints, x, .nointercept, M)
- }), list( .zero = zero,
- .nointercept = nointercept ))),
- initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
- print("here1")
- eval(binomialff(link = .lprob1)@initialize) # w, y, mustart are assigned
- print("here2")
- print("summary(mustart)")
- print( summary(mustart) )
- predictors.names <-
- c(namesof("prob0", .lprob0, earg = .eprob0, short = TRUE),
- namesof("prob1", .lprob1, earg = .eprob1, short = TRUE))
- if (is.null(etastart)) {
- prob0.init <- if (length( .iprob0 )) {
- rep( .iprob0, len = n)
- } else {
- mustart / 2
- }
- prob1.init <- if (length( .iprob1 )) {
- rep( .iprob1, len = n)
- } else {
- mustart * 1 / 4
- }
- mustart <- NULL
- print("prob0.init ")
- print( sort(prob0.init) )
- print("prob1.init ")
- print( sort(prob1.init) )
- eprob1 <- list(min = prob0.init, max = 1)
- etastart <-
- cbind(theta2eta(prob0.init, link = .lprob0 , earg = .eprob0 ),
- theta2eta(prob1.init, link = .lprob1 , earg = eprob1 ))
- print("head(etastart)")
- print( head(etastart) )
- }
- }), list( .lprob1 = lprob1, .eprob1 = eprob1,
- .lprob0 = lprob0, .eprob0 = eprob0,
- .iprob0 = iprob0, .iprob1 = iprob1 ))),
- linkinv = eval(substitute(function(eta, extra = NULL) {
- prob0 <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .lprob0 , earg = .eprob0)
- eprob1 <- list(min = prob0, max = 1)
- prob1 <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .lprob1 , earg = eprob1)
- prob0 + prob1
- }, list( .lprob1 = lprob1, .eprob1 = eprob1,
- .lprob0 = lprob0, .eprob0 = eprob0 ))),
- last = eval(substitute(expression({
- eprob1 <- list(min = prob0, max = 1)
- misc$link <- c(prob0 = .lprob0, prob1 = .lprob1)
- misc$earg <- list(prob0 = .eprob0, prob1 = eprob1)
- misc$nointercept = .nointercept
- }), list( .lprob1 = lprob1, .eprob1 = eprob1,
- .lprob0 = lprob0, .eprob0 = eprob0,
- .nointercept = nointercept ))),
- vfamily = c("Abbott", "vquantal"),
- deriv = eval(substitute(expression({
- prob0 <- eta2theta(eta[,1], .lprob0, earg = .eprob0)
- eprob1 <- list(min = prob0, max = 1)
- prob1 <- eta2theta(eta[,2], .lprob1, earg = eprob1)
- dprob0.deta <- dtheta.deta(prob0, .lprob0 , earg = .eprob0 )
- dprob1.deta <- dtheta.deta(prob1, .lprob1 , earg = eprob1 )
- dl.dmu <- y / mu - (1 - y) / (1 - mu)
- dmu.dprob0 <- 1 # - prob1
- dmu.dprob1 <- 1 # - prob0
- dl.dprob0 <- dl.dmu * dmu.dprob0
- dl.dprob1 <- dl.dmu * dmu.dprob1
- c(w) * cbind(dl.dmu * dmu.dprob0 * dprob0.deta,
- dl.dmu * dmu.dprob1 * dprob1.deta)
- }), list( .lprob1 = lprob1, .eprob1 = eprob1,
- .lprob0 = lprob0, .eprob0 = eprob0 ))),
- weight = eval(substitute(expression({
- ned2l.dmu2 <- 1 / (mu * (1-mu))
- ned2l.dprob02 <- ned2l.dmu2 * dmu.dprob0^2
- ned2l.dprob12 <- ned2l.dmu2 * dmu.dprob1^2
- wz <- cbind(ned2l.dprob02 * dprob0.deta^2,
- ned2l.dprob12 * dprob1.deta^2)
- print("head(wz)")
- print( head(wz) )
- c(w) * wz
- }), list( .lprob1 = lprob1, .eprob1 = eprob1,
- .lprob0 = lprob0, .eprob0 = eprob0 ))))
-abbott.EM.control <- function(maxit = 1000, ...) {
- list(maxit = maxit)
- abbott.EM <-
- function(link = "probit",
- b1.arg = 0, b2.arg = 0,
- imethod = 1, ilambda = 0.5,
- iprob = NULL) {
- link <- as.list(substitute(link))
- earg <- link2list(link)
- link <- attr(earg, "function.name")
- if (!is.Numeric(b1.arg, # length.arg = 1,
- integer.valued = TRUE) ||
- b1.arg < 0)
- stop("argument 'b1.arg' must be a vector of non-negative integers")
- if (!is.Numeric(b2.arg, # length.arg = 1,
- integer.valued = TRUE) ||
- b2.arg < 0)
- stop("argument 'b2.arg' must be a vector of non-negative integers")
- if (!is.Numeric(imethod, length.arg = 1,
- integer.valued = TRUE, positive = TRUE) ||
- imethod > 3)
- stop("argument 'imethod' must be 1 or 2 or 3")
- zero <- NULL
- if (length(zero) &&
- !is.Numeric(zero, integer.valued = TRUE, positive = TRUE))
- stop("bad input for argument 'zero'")
- new("vglmff",
- blurb = c("Probit regression with nonzero background (EM algorithm)\n",
- "P[Y=1] = mu = prob0 + (1 - prob0) * linkinv(eta)\n\n",
- "Link: ",
- namesof("pi", link, earg = earg), "\n",
- "Mean: mu"),
- constraints = eval(substitute(expression({
- dotzero <- .zero
- M1 <- 1
- eval(negzero.expression.VGAM)
- }), list( .zero = zero ))),
- infos = eval(substitute(function(...) {
- list(M1 = 1,
- Q1 = 1,
- zero = .zero )
- }, list( .zero = zero ))),
- initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
- temp5 <-
- w.y.check(w = w, y = y,
- Is.nonnegative.y = TRUE,
- Is.integer.y = TRUE,
- ncol.w.max = Inf,
- ncol.y.max = Inf,
- out.wy = TRUE,
- colsyperw = 1,
- maximize = TRUE)
- w <- temp5$w
- y <- temp5$y
- if (length(table(y)) != 2 || max(y) > 1)
- stop("response must be a vector of 0s and 1s only")
- ncoly <- ncol(y)
- M1 <- 1
- extra$ncoly <- ncoly
- extra$M1 <- M1
- M <- M1 * ncoly
- extra$lambda <- matrix( .ilambda , n, M, byrow = TRUE)
- extra$orig.w <- w
- mynames1 <- paste("prob0", if (ncoly > 1) 1:ncoly else "", sep = "")
- predictors.names <-
- namesof(mynames1, .link , earg = .earg , tag = FALSE)
- if (!length(etastart)) {
- prob.init <- if ( .imethod == 2)
- 1 / (1 + y + 1/16) else
- if ( .imethod == 3)
- 1 / (1 + apply(y, 2, median) + 1/16) else
- rnorm(n * M, mean = 0.5, sd = 0.01) # Mean 0.5
- if (!is.matrix(prob.init))
- prob.init <- matrix(prob.init, n, M, byrow = TRUE)
- if (length( .iprob ))
- prob.init <- matrix( .iprob , n, M, byrow = TRUE) # Mean 0.5
- etastart <- theta2eta(prob.init, .link , earg = .earg ) # Mean 0
- }
- }), list( .link = link, .earg = earg,
- .ilambda = ilambda,
- .imethod = imethod, .iprob = iprob ))),
- linkinv = eval(substitute(function(eta, extra = NULL) {
- prob <- eta2theta(eta, .link , earg = .earg )
- mymu <- extra$lambda + (1 - extra$lambda) * prob # Eqn (3)
- mymu
- }, list( .link = link, .earg = earg ))),
- last = eval(substitute(expression({
- M1 <- extra$M1
- misc$link <- c(rep( .link , length = ncoly))
- names(misc$link) <- mynames1
- misc$earg <- vector("list", M)
- names(misc$earg) <- mynames1
- for (ii in 1:ncoly) {
- misc$earg[[ii]] <- .earg
- }
- misc$M1 <- M1
- misc$multipleResponses <- TRUE
- misc$imethod <- .imethod
- misc$iprob <- .iprob
- misc$b1.arg <- .b1.arg
- misc$b2.arg <- .b2.arg
- extra$lambda <- extra$lambda[1, ] # Now a vector
- }), list( .link = link, .earg = earg,
- .iprob = iprob,
- .b1.arg = b1.arg, .b2.arg = b2.arg,
- .imethod = imethod ))),
- loglikelihood = eval(substitute(
- function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE, eta, extra = NULL,
- summation = TRUE) {
- prob <- eta2theta(eta, .link , earg = .earg )
- mymu <- extra$lambda + (1 - extra$lambda) * prob # Eqn (3)
- if (residuals) {
- stop("loglikelihood residuals not implemented yet")
- } else {
- nvec <- if (is.numeric(extra$orig.w)) round(w / extra$orig.w) else
- round(w)
- ll.elts <- c(w) * dbinom(x = y, prob = mymu,
- size = nvec, log = TRUE)
- if (summation) {
- sum(ll.elts)
- } else {
- ll.elts
- }
- }
- }, list( .link = link, .earg = earg ))),
- vfamily = c("abbott.EM"),
- deriv = eval(substitute(expression({
- prob <- eta2theta(eta, .link , earg = .earg )
- mymu <- extra$lambda + (1 - extra$lambda) * prob # Eqn (3)
- wz <- cbind((1 - extra$lambda) * prob / mymu) # Eqn (4)
- Deriv1 <- ifelse(y == 0, -dnorm(eta) / pnorm(eta, lower.tail = FALSE),
- dnorm(eta) / pnorm(eta))
- c(w) * wz * Deriv1
- }), list( .link = link, .earg = earg ))),
- weight = eval(substitute(expression({
- extra$lambda <-
- matrix((colSums((1 - wz) * y) + .b1.arg ) / (n + .b1.arg + .b2.arg ),
- n, M, byrow = TRUE) # Between eqns (6),(7)
- c(w) * wz
- }), list( .link = link, .earg = earg,
- .b1.arg = b1.arg, .b2.arg = b2.arg ))))
diff --git a/R/family.rcim.R b/R/family.rcim.R
index 7c31a24..3331b36 100644
--- a/R/family.rcim.R
+++ b/R/family.rcim.R
@@ -839,7 +839,7 @@ plota21 <- function(rrvglm2, show.plot = TRUE, nseq.a21 = 31,
if (show.plot) {
plot(a21.matrix[ ,1], a21.matrix[ ,2], type = "l",
- col = "blue",
+ col = "blue", cex.lab = 1.1,
xlab = expression(a[21]), ylab = "Log-likelihood") # ...
abline(v = (Hlist.orig[[length(Hlist.orig)]])[2, 1],
diff --git a/R/family.rcqo.R b/R/family.rcqo.R
index 36a393a..b9a8fcf 100644
--- a/R/family.rcqo.R
+++ b/R/family.rcqo.R
@@ -105,6 +105,8 @@ rcqo <- function(n, p, S,
on.exit(assign(".Random.seed", R.seed, envir = .GlobalEnv))
change.seed.expression <- expression({
if (length(seed)) set.seed(seed)
@@ -160,20 +162,23 @@ rcqo <- function(n, p, S,
optimums[, r] <- seq(-AA, AA, len = S^(1/Rank))
} else if (Rank == 2) {
- optimums <- expand.grid(latvar1 = seq(-AA[1], AA[1], len = S^(1/Rank)),
- latvar2 = seq(-AA[2], AA[2], len = S^(1/Rank)))
+ optimums <-
+ expand.grid(latvar1 = seq(-AA[1], AA[1], len = S^(1/Rank)),
+ latvar2 = seq(-AA[2], AA[2], len = S^(1/Rank)))
} else if (Rank == 3) {
- optimums <- expand.grid(latvar1 = seq(-AA[1], AA[1], len = S^(1/Rank)),
- latvar2 = seq(-AA[2], AA[2], len = S^(1/Rank)),
- latvar3 = seq(-AA[3], AA[3], len = S^(1/Rank)))
+ optimums <-
+ expand.grid(latvar1 = seq(-AA[1], AA[1], len = S^(1/Rank)),
+ latvar2 = seq(-AA[2], AA[2], len = S^(1/Rank)),
+ latvar3 = seq(-AA[3], AA[3], len = S^(1/Rank)))
} else {
- optimums <- expand.grid(latvar1 = seq(-AA[1], AA[1], len = S^(1/Rank)),
- latvar2 = seq(-AA[2], AA[2], len = S^(1/Rank)),
- latvar3 = seq(-AA[3], AA[3], len = S^(1/Rank)),
- latvar4 = seq(-AA[4], AA[4], len = S^(1/Rank)))
+ optimums <-
+ expand.grid(latvar1 = seq(-AA[1], AA[1], len = S^(1/Rank)),
+ latvar2 = seq(-AA[2], AA[2], len = S^(1/Rank)),
+ latvar3 = seq(-AA[3], AA[3], len = S^(1/Rank)),
+ latvar4 = seq(-AA[4], AA[4], len = S^(1/Rank)))
if (Rank > 1)
- optimums <- matrix(unlist(optimums), S, Rank) # Make sure its a matrix
+ optimums <- matrix(unlist(optimums), S, Rank) # Make sure its a matrix
} else {
optimums <- matrix(1, S, Rank)
@@ -194,7 +199,8 @@ rcqo <- function(n, p, S,
ynames <- paste("y", 1:S, sep = "")
Kvector <- rep(Kvector, len = S)
names(Kvector) <- ynames
- latvarnames <- if (Rank == 1) "latvar" else paste("latvar", 1:Rank, sep = "")
+ latvarnames <- if (Rank == 1) "latvar" else
+ paste("latvar", 1:Rank, sep = "")
Tols <- if (eq.tolerances) {
matrix(1, S, Rank)
} else {
@@ -220,12 +226,12 @@ rcqo <- function(n, p, S,
names(log.maximums) <- ynames
etamat <- matrix(log.maximums, n, S, byrow = TRUE)
for (jay in 1:S) {
- optmat <- matrix(optimums[jay, ], nrow = n, ncol = Rank, byrow = TRUE)
- tolmat <- matrix( Tols[jay, ], nrow = n, ncol = Rank, byrow = TRUE)
- temp <- cbind((latvarmat - optmat) / tolmat)
- for (r in 1:Rank)
- etamat[, jay] <- etamat[, jay] -
- 0.5 * (latvarmat[, r] - optmat[jay, r]) * temp[, r]
+ optmat <- matrix(optimums[jay, ], nrow = n, ncol = Rank, byrow = TRUE)
+ tolmat <- matrix( Tols[jay, ], nrow = n, ncol = Rank, byrow = TRUE)
+ temp <- cbind((latvarmat - optmat) / tolmat)
+ for (r in 1:Rank)
+ etamat[, jay] <- etamat[, jay] -
+ 0.5 * (latvarmat[, r] - optmat[jay, r]) * temp[, r]
rootdist <- switch(family,
@@ -271,7 +277,7 @@ rcqo <- function(n, p, S,
attr(ans, "concoefficients") <- Ccoefs
attr(ans, "Crow1positive") <- Crow1positive
attr(ans, "family") <- family
- attr(ans, "formula") <- myform # Useful for running cqo() on the data
+ attr(ans, "formula") <- myform # Useful for running cqo() on the data
attr(ans, "Rank") <- Rank
attr(ans, "family") <- family
attr(ans, "Kvector") <- Kvector
@@ -286,7 +292,7 @@ rcqo <- function(n, p, S,
attr(ans, "eq.maximums") <- eq.maximums ||
all(lo.abundance == hi.abundance)
attr(ans, "es.optimums") <- es.optimums
- attr(ans, "seed") <- seed # RNGstate
+ attr(ans, "seed") <- seed # RNGstate
attr(ans, "sd.tolerances") <- sd.tolerances
attr(ans, "sd.latvar") <- if (scale.latvar) sd.latvar else sd.latvarr
attr(ans, "sd.optimums") <- sd.optimums
@@ -314,7 +320,7 @@ dcqo <-
sd.optimums = 1,
nlevels = 4, # ignored unless family = "ordinal"
seed = NULL) {
- warning("12/6/06; needs a lot of work based on rcqo()")
+ warning("20060612; needs a lot of work based on rcqo()")
if (mode(family) != "character" && mode(family) != "name")
diff --git a/R/family.ts.R b/R/family.ts.R
index f223a11..27aa4b1 100644
--- a/R/family.ts.R
+++ b/R/family.ts.R
@@ -515,3 +515,500 @@ setMethod("show", "Coef.rrar",
+ AR1.control <- function(criterion = "coefficients",
+ stepsize = 0.33,
+ maxit = 100, ...) {
+ list(criterion = criterion,
+ stepsize = stepsize,
+ maxit = maxit)
+ AR1 <-
+ function(ldrift = "identitylink",
+ lsd = "loge",
+ lvar = "loge",
+ lrho = "rhobit",
+ idrift = NULL,
+ isd = NULL,
+ ivar = NULL,
+ irho = NULL,
+ ishrinkage = 0.9,
+ type.likelihood = c("exact", "conditional"),
+ var.arg = FALSE, # TRUE,
+ almost1 = 0.99,
+ zero = c(-2, -3)) {
+ imethod <- 1
+ type.likelihood <- match.arg(type.likelihood,
+ c("exact", "conditional"))[1]
+ if (!is.Numeric(almost1, length.arg = 1) || almost1 < 0.9 ||
+ almost1 >= 1)
+ stop("Bad input for argument 'almost1'")
+ if (length(isd) && !is.Numeric(isd, positive = TRUE))
+ stop("Bad input for argument 'isd'")
+ if (length(ivar) && !is.Numeric(ivar, positive = TRUE))
+ stop("Bad input for argument 'ivar'")
+ if (length(irho) &&
+ (!is.Numeric(irho) || any(abs(irho) > 1.0)))
+ stop("Bad input for argument 'irho'")
+ if (!is.logical(var.arg) ||
+ length(var.arg) != 1)
+ stop("argument 'var.arg' must be a single logical")
+ if(length(zero) && !is.Numeric(zero, integer.valued = TRUE))
+ stop("Bad input for argument 'zero'.")
+ ismn <- idrift
+ lsmn <- as.list(substitute(ldrift))
+ esmn <- link2list(lsmn)
+ lsmn <- attr(esmn, "function.name")
+ lsdv <- as.list(substitute(lsd))
+ esdv <- link2list(lsdv)
+ lsdv <- attr(esdv, "function.name")
+ lvar <- as.list(substitute(lvar))
+ evar <- link2list(lvar)
+ lvar <- attr(evar, "function.name")
+ lrho <- as.list(substitute(lrho))
+ erho <- link2list(lrho)
+ lrho <- attr(erho, "function.name")
+ n.sc <- if (var.arg) "var" else "sd"
+ l.sc <- if (var.arg) lvar else lsdv
+ e.sc <- if (var.arg) evar else esdv
+ new("vglmff",
+ blurb = c("Three-parameter autoregressive process of order-1\n\n",
+ "Links: ",
+ namesof("drift", lsmn, earg = esmn), ", ",
+ namesof(n.sc , l.sc, earg = e.sc), ", ",
+ namesof("ARcoef1", lrho, earg = erho), "\n",
+ "Model: Y_t = drift + rho * Y_{t-1} + error_{t},", "\n",
+ " where 'error_{2:n}' ~ N(0, sigma^2) independently",
+ "\n",
+ "Mean: drift / (1 - rho)", "\n",
+ "Correlation: rho = ARcoef1", "\n",
+ "Variance: sd^2 / (1 - rho^2)"),
+ constraints = eval(substitute(expression({
+ M1 <- 3
+ dotzero <- .zero
+ eval(negzero.expression.VGAM)
+ }), list( .zero = zero ))),
+ infos = eval(substitute(function(...) {
+ list(M1 = 3,
+ Q1 = 1,
+ expected = TRUE,
+ multipleResponse = TRUE,
+ type.likelihood = .type.likelihood ,
+ ldrift = .lsmn ,
+ edrift = .esmn ,
+ lvar = .lvar ,
+ lsd = .lsdv ,
+ evar = .evar ,
+ esd = .esdv ,
+ lrho = .lrho ,
+ erho = .erho ,
+ almost1 = .almost1 ,
+ zero = .zero )
+ }, list( .lsmn = lsmn, .lvar = lvar, .lsdv = lsdv, .lrho = lrho,
+ .esmn = esmn, .evar = evar, .esdv = esdv, .erho = erho,
+ .type.likelihood = type.likelihood,
+ .almost1 = almost1, .zero = zero))),
+ initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
+ extra$M1 <- M1 <- 3
+ check <- w.y.check(w = w, y = y,
+ Is.positive.y = FALSE,
+ ncol.w.max = Inf,
+ ncol.y.max = Inf,
+ out.wy = TRUE,
+ colsyperw = 1,
+ maximize = TRUE)
+ w <- check$w
+ y <- check$y
+ if ( .type.likelihood == "conditional")
+ w[1, ] <- 1.0e-6
+ NOS <- ncoly <- ncol(y)
+ M <- M1*NOS
+ var.names <- param.names("var", NOS)
+ sdv.names <- param.names("sd", NOS)
+ smn.names <- param.names("drift", NOS)
+ rho.names <- param.names("rho", NOS)
+ mynames1 <- smn.names
+ mynames2 <- if ( .var.arg ) var.names else sdv.names
+ mynames3 <- rho.names
+ predictors.names <-
+ c(namesof(smn.names, .lsmn , earg = .esmn , tag = FALSE),
+ if ( .var.arg )
+ namesof(var.names, .lvar , earg = .evar , tag = FALSE) else
+ namesof(sdv.names, .lsdv , earg = .esdv , tag = FALSE),
+ namesof(rho.names, .lrho , earg = .erho , tag = FALSE))
+ predictors.names <- predictors.names[interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
+ if (!length(etastart)) {
+ init.smn <- if (length( .ismn ))
+ matrix( .ismn , n, NOS, byrow = TRUE) else
+ (1 - .ishrinkage ) * y +
+ .ishrinkage * matrix(colMeans(y),
+ n, ncoly, byrow = TRUE)
+ init.rho <- matrix(if (length( .irho )) .irho else 0.05,
+ n, NOS, byrow = TRUE)
+ init.sdv <- matrix(if (length( .isdv )) .isdv else 1.0,
+ n, NOS, byrow = TRUE)
+ init.var <- matrix(if (length( .ivar )) .ivar else 1.0,
+ n, NOS, byrow = TRUE)
+ if ( .imethod == 1 ) {
+ for (spp. in 1: NOS) {
+ mycor <- cor(y[-1, spp.], y[-n, spp.])
+ init.smn[-1, spp.] <- init.smn[-1, spp.] * (1 - mycor)
+ if (!length( .irho ))
+ init.rho[, spp.] <- sign(mycor) * min(0.95, abs(mycor))
+ if (!length( .ivar ))
+ init.var[, spp.] <- var(y[, spp.]) * (1 - mycor^2)
+ if (!length( .isdv ))
+ init.sdv[, spp.] <- sqrt(init.var[, spp.])
+ }
+ }
+ etastart <-
+ cbind(theta2eta(init.smn, .lsmn , earg = .esmn ),
+ if ( .var.arg )
+ theta2eta(init.var, .lvar , earg = .evar ) else
+ theta2eta(init.sdv, .lsdv , earg = .esdv ),
+ theta2eta(init.rho, .lrho , earg = .erho ))
+ etastart <- etastart[, interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1), drop = FALSE]
+ } # end of etastart
+ }), list( .lsmn = lsmn, .lrho = lrho, .lsdv = lsdv, .lvar = lvar,
+ .esmn = esmn, .erho = erho, .esdv = esdv, .evar = evar,
+ .ismn = ismn, .irho = irho, .isdv = isd , .ivar = ivar,
+ .type.likelihood = type.likelihood, .ishrinkage = ishrinkage,
+ .var.arg = var.arg,
+ .imethod = imethod ))),
+ linkinv = eval(substitute(function(eta, extra = NULL) {
+ M1 <- 3
+ NOS <- ncol(eta)/M1
+ ar.smn <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 2, drop = FALSE],
+ .lsmn , earg = .esmn )
+ ar.rho <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lrho , earg = .erho )
+ ar.smn / (1 - ar.rho)
+ }, list ( .lsmn = lsmn, .lrho = lrho , .lsdv = lsdv, .lvar = lvar ,
+ .var.arg = var.arg, .type.likelihood = type.likelihood,
+ .esmn = esmn, .erho = erho , .esdv = esdv, .evar = evar ))),
+ last = eval(substitute(expression({
+ if (any(abs(ar.rho) > 1))
+ warning("Regularity conditions are violated at the final",
+ "IRLS iteration, since 'abs(rho) > 1")
+ M1 <- extra$M1
+ temp.names <- c(mynames1, mynames2, mynames3)
+ temp.names <- temp.names[interleave.VGAM(M1 * ncoly, M = M1)]
+ misc$link <- rep( .lrho , length = M1 * ncoly)
+ misc$earg <- vector("list", M1 * ncoly)
+ names(misc$link) <-
+ names(misc$earg) <- temp.names
+ for (ii in 1:ncoly) {
+ misc$link[ M1*ii-2 ] <- .lsmn
+ misc$link[ M1*ii-1 ] <- if ( .var.arg ) .lvar else .lsdv
+ misc$link[ M1*ii ] <- .lrho
+ misc$earg[[M1*ii-2]] <- .esmn
+ misc$earg[[M1*ii-1]] <- if ( .var.arg ) .evar else .esdv
+ misc$earg[[M1*ii ]] <- .erho
+ }
+ misc$type.likelihood <- .type.likelihood
+ misc$var.arg <- .var.arg
+ misc$M1 <- M1
+ misc$expected <- TRUE
+ misc$imethod <- .imethod
+ misc$multipleResponses <- TRUE
+ }), list( .lsmn = lsmn, .lrho = lrho, .lsdv = lsdv, .lvar = lvar,
+ .esmn = esmn, .erho = erho, .esdv = esdv, .evar = evar,
+ .irho = irho, .isdv = isd , .ivar = ivar,
+ .var.arg = var.arg, .type.likelihood = type.likelihood,
+ .imethod = imethod ))),
+ loglikelihood = eval(substitute(
+ function(mu, y, w, residuals= FALSE, eta,
+ extra = NULL, summation = TRUE) {
+ M1 <- 3
+ NOS <- ncol(eta)/M1
+ if ( .var.arg ) {
+ ar.var <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lvar , earg = .evar )
+ } else {
+ ar.sdv <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lsdv , earg = .esdv )
+ ar.var <- ar.sdv^2
+ }
+ ar.smn <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 2, drop = FALSE],
+ .lsmn , earg = .esmn )
+ ar.rho <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lrho , earg = .erho )
+ if (residuals) {
+ stop("Loglikelihood not implemented yet to handle",
+ "residuals.")
+ } else {
+ loglik.terms <- c(w) * dAR1(x = y,
+ drift = ar.smn,
+ var.error = ar.var,
+ type.likelihood = .type.likelihood ,
+ ARcoef1 = ar.rho, log = TRUE)
+ loglik.terms <- as.matrix(loglik.terms)
+ if (summation) {
+ sum(if ( .type.likelihood == "exact") loglik.terms else
+ loglik.terms[-1, ])
+ } else {
+ loglik.terms
+ }
+ }
+ }, list( .lsmn = lsmn, .lrho = lrho , .lsdv = lsdv, .lvar = lvar ,
+ .var.arg = var.arg, .type.likelihood = type.likelihood,
+ .esmn = esmn, .erho = erho , .esdv = esdv, .evar = evar ))),
+ vfamily = c("AR1"),
+ simslot = eval(substitute(
+ function(object, nsim) {
+ pwts <- if (length(pwts <- object at prior.weights) > 0)
+ pwts else weights(object, type = "prior")
+ if (any(pwts != 1))
+ warning("ignoring prior weights")
+ eta <- predict(object)
+ fva <- fitted(object)
+ M1 <- 3
+ NOS <- ncol(eta)/M1
+ if ( .var.arg ) {
+ ar.var <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lvar , earg = .evar )
+ } else {
+ ar.sdv <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lsdv , earg = .esdv )
+ ar.var <- ar.sdv^2
+ }
+ ar.smn <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 2, drop = FALSE],
+ .lsmn , earg = .esmn )
+ ar.rho <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lrho , earg = .erho )
+ ans <- array(0, c(nrow(eta), NOS, nsim))
+ for (jay in 1:NOS) {
+ ans[1, jay, ] <- rnorm(nsim, m = fva[1, jay], # zz
+ sd = sqrt(ar.var[1, jay]))
+ for (ii in 2:nrow(eta))
+ ans[ii, jay, ] <- ar.smn[ii, jay] +
+ ar.rho[ii, jay] * ans[ii-1, jay, ] +
+ rnorm(nsim, sd = sqrt(ar.var[ii, jay]))
+ }
+ ans <- matrix(c(ans), c(nrow(eta) * NOS, nsim))
+ ans
+ }, list( .lsmn = lsmn, .lrho = lrho , .lsdv = lsdv, .lvar = lvar ,
+ .var.arg = var.arg, .type.likelihood = type.likelihood,
+ .esmn = esmn, .erho = erho , .esdv = esdv, .evar = evar ))),
+ deriv = eval(substitute(expression({
+ M1 <- 3
+ NOS <- ncol(eta)/M1
+ ncoly <- ncol(as.matrix(y))
+ if ( .var.arg ) {
+ ar.var <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lvar , earg = .evar )
+ } else {
+ ar.sdv <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1, drop = FALSE],
+ .lsdv , earg = .esdv )
+ ar.var <- ar.sdv^2
+ }
+ ar.smn <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) - 2, drop = FALSE],
+ .lsmn , earg = .esmn )
+ ar.rho <- eta2theta(eta[, M1*(1:NOS) , drop = FALSE],
+ .lrho , earg = .erho )
+ temp1 <- y[-1, , drop = FALSE] -
+ ar.smn[-1, , drop = FALSE] -
+ y[-n, , drop = FALSE] * ar.rho[-1, , drop = FALSE]
+ temp5 <- 1 - ar.rho^2
+ dl.dsmn <- rbind(rep(0, length = ncoly),
+ temp1 / ar.var[-1, , drop = FALSE])
+ if ( .var.arg ) {
+ dl.dvar <- rbind(rep(0, length = ncoly),
+ 0.5 * (temp1 / ar.var[-1, , drop = FALSE])^2 -
+ 0.5 / ar.var[-1, , drop = FALSE])
+ } else {
+ dl.dsdv <- rbind(rep(0, length = ncoly),
+ temp1^2 / (ar.sdv[-1, , drop = FALSE])^3 -
+ 1 / ar.sdv[-1, , drop = FALSE])
+ }
+ dl.drho <- rbind(rep(0, length = ncoly),
+ y[-n, , drop = FALSE] *
+ temp1 / ar.var[-1, , drop = FALSE])
+ dl.dsmn[1, ] <- (y[1, ] - mu[1, ]) * (1 + ar.rho[1, ]) / ar.var[1, ]
+ dl.drho[1, ] <- ar.rho[1, ] * (y[1, ] - mu[1, ])^2 / ar.var[1, ] -
+ ar.rho[1, ] / temp5[1, ]
+ if ( .var.arg ) {
+ dl.dvar[1, ] <- -0.5 / ar.var[1, ] +
+ 0.5 * temp5[1, ] * ((y[1, ] - mu[1, ]) / ar.var[1, ])^2
+ } else {
+ dl.dsdv[1, ] <- -1 / ar.sdv[1, ] +
+ temp5[1, ] * (y[1, ] - mu[1, ])^2 / (ar.sdv[1, ])^3
+ }
+ dsmn.deta <- dtheta.deta(ar.smn, .lsmn , earg = .esmn )
+ drho.deta <- dtheta.deta(ar.rho, .lrho , earg = .erho )
+ if ( .var.arg ) {
+ dvar.deta <- dtheta.deta(ar.var, .lvar , earg = .evar )
+ } else {
+ dsdv.deta <- dtheta.deta(ar.sdv, .lsdv , earg = .esdv )
+ }
+ myderiv <-
+ c(w) * cbind(dl.dsmn * dsmn.deta,
+ if ( .var.arg ) dl.dvar * dvar.deta else
+ dl.dsdv * dsdv.deta,
+ dl.drho * drho.deta)
+ myderiv[, interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
+ }), list( .lsmn = lsmn, .lrho = lrho, .lsdv = lsdv, .lvar = lvar,
+ .esmn = esmn, .erho = erho, .esdv = esdv, .evar = evar,
+ .var.arg = var.arg, .type.likelihood = type.likelihood ))),
+ weight = eval(substitute(expression({
+ if ( .var.arg ) {
+ ned2l.dvar <- 0.5 / ar.var^2
+ ned2l.drhovar <- matrix(0, n, ncoly)
+ ned2l.drhovar[1, ] <- .almost1 * ar.rho[1, ] / (ar.var[1, ] * temp5[1, ])
+ } else {
+ ned2l.dsdv <- 2 / ar.var
+ ned2l.drhosdv <- matrix(0, n, ncoly)
+ ned2l.drhosdv[1, ] <- 2 *
+ .almost1 * ar.rho[1, ] / (ar.sdv[1, ] * temp5[1, ])
+ }
+ ned2l.dsmn <- 1 / ar.var
+ ned2l.dsmn[1, ] <- (1 + ar.rho[1, ]) / ((1 - ar.rho[1, ]) * ar.var[1, ])
+ ned2l.dsmnrho <- mu / ar.var
+ ned2l.dsmnrho[1, ] <- 0
+ ned2l.drho <- (( mu[-n, , drop = FALSE])^2 +
+ ar.var[-n, , drop = FALSE] /
+ temp5[-1, , drop = FALSE]) / ar.var[-1, , drop = FALSE]
+ ned2l.drho <- rbind(0, ned2l.drho)
+ ned2l.drho[1, ] <- 2 * (ar.rho[1, ] / temp5[1, ])^2
+ wz <- matrix(0, n, M + (M - 1) + (M - 2))
+ wz[, M1*(1:NOS) - 2] <- ned2l.dsmn * dsmn.deta^2
+ wz[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1] <-
+ if ( .var.arg ) ned2l.dvar * dvar.deta^2 else
+ ned2l.dsdv * dsdv.deta^2
+ wz[, M1*(1:NOS) ] <- ned2l.drho * drho.deta^2
+ wz[, M1*(1:NOS) + M + (M - 1) - M1 + 1] <- ned2l.dsmnrho *
+ dsmn.deta * drho.deta
+ wz[, M1*(1:NOS) + M - 1] <-
+ if ( .var.arg ) ned2l.drhovar * drho.deta * dvar.deta else
+ ned2l.drhosdv * drho.deta * dsdv.deta
+ wz <- w.wz.merge(w = w, wz = wz, n = n, M = M + (M - 1) + (M - 2),
+ ndepy = NOS)
+ wz
+ }), list( .var.arg = var.arg, .type.likelihood = type.likelihood,
+ .almost1 = almost1)))
+ )
+} # End of function 'AR1'
+dAR1 <- function(x,
+ drift = 0, # Stationarity is the default
+ var.error = 1, ARcoef1 = 0.0,
+ type.likelihood = c("exact", "conditional"),
+ log = FALSE) {
+ type.likelihood <- match.arg(type.likelihood,
+ c("exact", "conditional"))[1]
+ is.vector.x <- is.vector(x)
+ x <- as.matrix(x)
+ drift <- as.matrix(drift)
+ var.error <- as.matrix(var.error)
+ ARcoef1 <- as.matrix(ARcoef1)
+ LLL <- max(nrow(x), nrow(drift), nrow(var.error), nrow(ARcoef1))
+ UUU <- max(ncol(x), ncol(drift), ncol(var.error), ncol(ARcoef1))
+ x <- matrix(x, LLL, UUU)
+ drift <- matrix(drift, LLL, UUU)
+ var.error <- matrix(var.error, LLL, UUU)
+ rho <- matrix(ARcoef1, LLL, UUU)
+ if (any(abs(rho) > 1))
+ warning("Values of argument 'ARcoef1' are greater ",
+ "than 1 in absolute value")
+ if (!is.logical(log.arg <- log) || length(log) != 1)
+ stop("Bad input for argument 'log'.")
+ rm(log)
+ ans <- matrix(0.0, LLL, UUU)
+ var.noise <- var.error / (1 - rho^2)
+ ans[ 1, ] <- dnorm(x = x[1, ],
+ mean = drift[ 1, ] / (1 - rho[1, ]),
+ sd = sqrt(var.noise[1, ]), log = log.arg)
+ ans[-1, ] <- dnorm(x = x[-1, ],
+ mean = drift[-1, ] + rho[-1, ] * x[-nrow(x), ],
+ sd = sqrt(var.noise[-1, ]), log = log.arg)
+ if (type.likelihood == "conditional")
+ ans[1, ] <- NA
+ if (is.vector.x) as.vector(ans) else ans
diff --git a/R/family.univariate.R b/R/family.univariate.R
index fa02e3e..17596ed 100644
--- a/R/family.univariate.R
+++ b/R/family.univariate.R
@@ -711,7 +711,7 @@ rhzeta <- function(n, alpha) {
-dirmul.old <- function(link = "loge", init.alpha = 0.01,
+dirmul.old <- function(link = "loge", ialpha = 0.01,
parallel = FALSE, zero = NULL) {
link <- as.list(substitute(link))
@@ -723,8 +723,8 @@ dirmul.old <- function(link = "loge", init.alpha = 0.01,
!is.Numeric(zero, integer.valued = TRUE, positive = TRUE))
stop("bad input for argument 'zero'")
- if (!is.Numeric(init.alpha, positive = TRUE))
- stop("'init.alpha' must contain positive values only")
+ if (!is.Numeric(ialpha, positive = TRUE))
+ stop("'ialpha' must contain positive values only")
@@ -753,12 +753,12 @@ dirmul.old <- function(link = "loge", init.alpha = 0.01,
extra$y <- y
if (!length(etastart)) {
- yy <- if (is.numeric( .init.alpha))
- matrix( .init.alpha, n, M, byrow = TRUE) else
+ yy <- if (is.numeric( .ialpha))
+ matrix( .ialpha , n, M, byrow = TRUE) else
matrix(runif(n*M), n, M)
etastart <- theta2eta(yy, .link , earg = .earg )
- }), list( .link = link, .earg = earg, .init.alpha = init.alpha ))),
+ }), list( .link = link, .earg = earg, .ialpha = ialpha ))),
linkinv = eval(substitute(function(eta, extra = NULL) {
shape <- eta2theta(eta, .link , earg = .earg )
M <- if (is.matrix(eta)) ncol(eta) else 1
@@ -1175,7 +1175,7 @@ dzeta <- function(x, p, log = FALSE) {
Q1 = 1,
multipleResponses = TRUE,
zero = .zero ,
- link = .link)
+ link = .link )
}, list( .link = link,
.zero = zero ))),
initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
@@ -4094,7 +4094,7 @@ negbinomial.control <- function(save.weights = TRUE, ...) {
function(lmu = "loge", lsize = "loge",
imu = NULL, isize = NULL,
probs.y = 0.75,
- nsimEIM = 250, cutoff.prob = 0.995, # Maxiter = 5000,
+ nsimEIM = 250, cutoff.prob = 0.995, # Maxiter = 5000,
max.qnbinom = 1000,
max.chunk.Mb = 20, # max.memory = Inf is allowed
deviance.arg = FALSE, imethod = 1,
@@ -4154,9 +4154,7 @@ negbinomial.control <- function(save.weights = TRUE, ...) {
"greater than 10, say")
- if (!is.logical( parallel ) || length( parallel ) != 1)
- stop("argument 'parallel' must be TRUE or FALSE")
- if ( parallel && length(zero))
+ if (is.logical( parallel ) && parallel && length(zero))
stop("need to set 'zero = NULL' when parallel = TRUE")
@@ -4176,26 +4174,27 @@ negbinomial.control <- function(save.weights = TRUE, ...) {
constraints = eval(substitute(expression({
- dotzero <- .zero
- M1 <- 2
- eval(negzero.expression.VGAM)
- if ( .parallel && ncol(cbind(y)) > 1)
- stop("univariate responses needed if 'parallel = TRUE'")
constraints <- cm.VGAM(matrix(1, M, 1), x = x,
bool = .parallel ,
constraints = constraints)
+ dotzero <- .zero
+ M1 <- 2
+ eval(negzero.expression.VGAM)
}), list( .parallel = parallel, .zero = zero ))),
infos = eval(substitute(function(...) {
- list(M1 = 2,
- Q1 = 1,
+ list(M1 = 2,
+ Q1 = 1,
multipleResponses = TRUE,
- lmu = .lmuuu ,
+ lmu = .lmuuu ,
lsize = .lsize ,
- zero = .zero )
+ zero = .zero )
}, list( .zero = zero, .lsize = lsize, .lmuuu = lmuuu ))),
@@ -4262,7 +4261,7 @@ negbinomial.control <- function(save.weights = TRUE, ...) {
medabsres <- median(abs(y[, jay] - use.this)) + 1/32
allowfun <- function(z, maxtol = 1) sign(z) * pmin(abs(z), maxtol)
mu.init[, jay] <- use.this + (1 - .ishrinkage ) *
- allowfun(y[, jay] - use.this, maxtol = medabsres)
+ allowfun(y[, jay] - use.this, maxtol = medabsres)
mu.init[, jay] <- abs(mu.init[, jay]) + 1 / 1024
@@ -4272,8 +4271,8 @@ negbinomial.control <- function(save.weights = TRUE, ...) {
kay.init <- matrix( .k.init , nrow = n, ncol = NOS, byrow = TRUE)
} else {
negbinomial.Loglikfun <- function(kmat, y, x, w, extraargs) {
- mu <- extraargs
- sum(c(w) * dnbinom(x = y, mu = mu, size = kmat, log = TRUE))
+ mu <- extraargs
+ sum(c(w) * dnbinom(x = y, mu = mu, size = kmat, log = TRUE))
k.grid <- .gsize
kay.init <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = NOS)
@@ -4285,8 +4284,6 @@ negbinomial.control <- function(save.weights = TRUE, ...) {
newemu <- .emuuu
if ( .lmuuu == "nbcanlink") {
newemu$size <- kay.init
@@ -5248,7 +5245,8 @@ polyaR.control <- function(save.weights = TRUE, ...) {
} else {
medabsres <- median(abs(y[, iii] - use.this)) + 1/32
allowfun <- function(z, maxtol = 1) sign(z) * pmin(abs(z), maxtol)
- mu.init[, iii] <- use.this + (1 - .ishrinkage ) * allowfun(y[, iii] -
+ mu.init[, iii] <- use.this +
+ (1 - .ishrinkage ) * allowfun(y[, iii] -
use.this, maxtol = medabsres)
mu.init[, iii] <- abs(mu.init[, iii]) + 1 / 1024
@@ -5276,12 +5274,12 @@ polyaR.control <- function(save.weights = TRUE, ...) {
prob.init <- if (length(PROB.INIT)) PROB.INIT else
- kayy.init / (kayy.init + mu.init)
+ kayy.init / (kayy.init + mu.init)
etastart <-
- cbind(theta2eta(kayy.init, .lsize , earg = .esize),
- theta2eta(prob.init, .lprob , earg = .eprob))
+ cbind(theta2eta(kayy.init, .lsize , earg = .esize ),
+ theta2eta(prob.init, .lprob , earg = .eprob ))
etastart <-
etastart[, interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1), drop = FALSE]
@@ -7260,11 +7258,47 @@ rsimplex <- function(n, mu = 0.5, dispersion = 1) {
- genpoisson <- function(llambda = extlogit(min = -1, max = 1),
+dgenpois <- function(x, lambda = 0, theta, log = FALSE) {
+ if (!is.logical(log.arg <- log) || length(log) != 1)
+ stop("bad input for argument 'log'")
+ rm(log)
+ LLL <- max(length(x), length(lambda), length(theta))
+ if (length(x) != LLL) x <- rep(x, len = LLL)
+ if (length(lambda) != LLL) lambda <- rep(lambda, len = LLL)
+ if (length(theta) != LLL) theta <- rep(theta, len = LLL)
+ llans <- -x*lambda - theta + (x-1) * log(theta + x*lambda) +
+ log(theta) - lgamma(x+1)
+ llans[x < 0] <- log(0)
+ llans[x != round(x)] <- log(0) # x should be integer-valued
+ llans[lambda > 1] <- NaN
+ if (any(ind1 <- (lambda < 0))) {
+ epsilon <- 1.0e-9 # Needed to handle a "<" rather than a "<=".
+ mmm <- pmax(4, floor(theta/abs(lambda) - epsilon))
+ llans[ind1 & mmm < pmax(-1, -theta/mmm)] <- NaN
+ llans[ind1 & mmm < x] <- log(0) # probability 0, not NaN
+ }
+ if (log.arg) {
+ llans
+ } else {
+ exp(llans)
+ }
+ genpoisson <- function(llambda = "rhobit",
ltheta = "loge",
ilambda = NULL, itheta = NULL,
use.approx = TRUE,
- imethod = 1, zero = 1) {
+ imethod = 1,
+ ishrinkage = 0.95,
+ zero = -1) {
llambda <- as.list(substitute(llambda))
@@ -7276,15 +7310,16 @@ rsimplex <- function(n, mu = 0.5, dispersion = 1) {
ltheta <- attr(etheta, "function.name")
- if (length(zero) &&
- !is.Numeric(zero, integer.valued = TRUE, positive = TRUE))
- stop("bad input for argument 'zero'")
+ if (!is.Numeric(ishrinkage, length.arg = 1) ||
+ ishrinkage < 0 ||
+ ishrinkage > 1)
+ stop("bad input for argument 'ishrinkage'")
if (!is.Numeric(imethod, length.arg = 1,
integer.valued = TRUE, positive = TRUE) ||
- imethod > 2)
- stop("argument 'imethod' must be 1 or 2")
+ imethod > 3)
+ stop("argument 'imethod' must be 1 or 2 or 3")
if (!is.logical(use.approx) || length(use.approx) != 1)
stop("'use.approx' must be logical value")
@@ -7296,82 +7331,131 @@ rsimplex <- function(n, mu = 0.5, dispersion = 1) {
blurb = c("Generalized Poisson distribution\n\n",
"Links: ",
namesof("lambda", llambda, earg = elambda), ", ",
- namesof("theta", ltheta, earg = etheta), "\n",
+ namesof("theta", ltheta, earg = etheta ), "\n",
"Mean: theta / (1-lambda)\n",
"Variance: theta / (1-lambda)^3"),
- constraints = eval(substitute(expression({
- constraints <- cm.zero.VGAM(constraints, x, .zero , M)
+ constraints = eval(substitute(expression({
+ M1 <- 2
+ dotzero <- .zero
+ eval(negzero.expression.VGAM)
}), list( .zero = zero ))),
- initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
+ infos = eval(substitute(function(...) {
+ list(M1 = 2,
+ Q1 = 1,
+ multipleResponses = TRUE,
+ imethod = .imethod ,
+ zero = .zero )
+ }, list( .zero = zero,
+ .imethod = imethod ))),
+ initialize = eval(substitute(expression({
+ temp5 <-
w.y.check(w = w, y = y,
- ncol.w.max = 1,
- ncol.y.max = 1)
+ ncol.w.max = Inf, # 1,
+ ncol.y.max = Inf, # 1,
+ Is.integer.y = TRUE,
+ out.wy = TRUE,
+ colsyperw = 1,
+ maximize = TRUE)
+ w <- temp5$w
+ y <- temp5$y
+ extra$ncoly <- ncoly <- NOS <- ncol(y)
+ extra$M1 <- M1 <- 2
+ M <- M1 * ncoly
+ mynames1 <- param.names("lambda", NOS)
+ mynames2 <- param.names("theta", NOS)
+ predictors.names <-
+ c(namesof(mynames1, .llambda , earg = .elambda , tag = FALSE),
+ namesof(mynames2, .ltheta , earg = .etheta , tag = FALSE))
+ predictors.names <- predictors.names[interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
+ init.lambda <- init.theta <- matrix(0, n, NOS)
+ for (spp. in 1: NOS) {
+ init.lambda[, spp.] <- if ( .imethod == 1) {
+ min(max(0.05,
+ 1 - sqrt(weighted.mean(y[, spp.],
+ w[, spp.]) / var(y[, spp.]))),
+ 0.95)
+ } else if ( .imethod == 2) {
+ runif(n, max = 0.1)
+ } else {
+ runif(n, max = 0.7)
+ }
+ init.theta[, spp.] <- if ( .imethod == 2) {
+ (y[, spp.] + weighted.mean(y[, spp.], w[, spp.])) / 2
+ } else if ( .imethod == 3) {
+ (y[, spp.] + median(y[, spp.])) / 2
+ } else {
+ (1 - .ishrinkage ) * y[, spp.] +
+ .ishrinkage * weighted.mean(y[, spp.], w[, spp.])
+ }
+ }
- predictors.names <-
- c(namesof("lambda", .llambda , earg = .elambda , tag = FALSE),
- namesof("theta", .ltheta , earg = .etheta, tag = FALSE))
- init.lambda <- if ( .imethod == 1)
- 1 - sqrt(weighted.mean(y, w) / var(y)) else 0.5
- init.theta <- if ( .imethod == 1)
- sqrt((0.01 + weighted.mean(y, w)^3) / var(y)) else
- median(y) * (1-init.lambda)
- if (init.theta <= 0)
- init.theta <- 0.1
- cutpt <- if (init.lambda < 0) {
- mmm <- max(trunc(-init.theta / init.lambda), 4)
- max(-1, -init.theta /mmm)
- } else -1
- if (init.lambda <= cutpt)
- init.lambda <- cutpt + 0.1
- if (init.lambda >= 1)
- init.lambda <- 0.9
if (!length(etastart)) {
- lambda <- rep(if (length( .ilambda)) .ilambda else
- init.lambda, length = n)
- theta <- rep(if (length( .itheta)) .itheta else init.theta ,
- length = n)
+ init.lambda <- if (length( .ilambda ))
+ matrix( .ilambda , n, NOS, byrow = TRUE) else
+ init.lambda
+ init.theta <- if (length( .itheta ))
+ matrix( .itheta , n, NOS, byrow = TRUE) else
+ init.theta
etastart <-
- cbind(theta2eta(lambda, .llambda , earg = .elambda ),
- theta2eta(theta, .ltheta , earg = .etheta ))
+ cbind(theta2eta(init.lambda, .llambda , earg = .elambda ),
+ theta2eta(init.theta, .ltheta , earg = .etheta ))
+ etastart <- etastart[, interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1), drop = FALSE]
}), list( .ltheta = ltheta, .llambda = llambda,
.etheta = etheta, .elambda = elambda,
- .imethod = imethod,
+ .imethod = imethod, .ishrinkage = ishrinkage,
.itheta = itheta, .ilambda = ilambda )) ),
linkinv = eval(substitute(function(eta, extra = NULL) {
- lambda <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .llambda , earg = .elambda )
- theta <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .ltheta , earg = .etheta )
+ lambda <- eta2theta(eta[, c(TRUE, FALSE)], .llambda , earg = .elambda )
+ theta <- eta2theta(eta[, c(FALSE, TRUE)], .ltheta , earg = .etheta )
theta / (1 - lambda)
}, list( .ltheta = ltheta, .llambda = llambda,
.etheta = etheta, .elambda = elambda ))),
last = eval(substitute(expression({
- misc$link <- c(lambda = .llambda , theta = .ltheta )
- misc$earg <- list(lambda = .elambda , theta = .etheta )
- if (! .use.approx )
- misc$pooled.weight <- pooled.weight
+ M1 <- extra$M1
+ temp.names <- c(mynames1, mynames2)
+ temp.names <- temp.names[interleave.VGAM(M1 * ncoly, M = M1)]
+ misc$link <- rep( .llambda , length = M1 * ncoly)
+ misc$earg <- vector("list", M1 * ncoly)
+ names(misc$link) <-
+ names(misc$earg) <- temp.names
+ for (ii in 1:ncoly) {
+ misc$link[ M1*ii-1 ] <- .llambda
+ misc$link[ M1*ii ] <- .ltheta
+ misc$earg[[M1*ii-1]] <- .elambda
+ misc$earg[[M1*ii ]] <- .etheta
+ }
+ misc$M1 <- M1
+ misc$expected <- TRUE
+ misc$imethod <- .imethod
+ misc$multipleResponses <- TRUE
+ misc$use.approx <- .use.approx
}), list( .ltheta = ltheta, .llambda = llambda,
- .use.approx = use.approx,
+ .use.approx = use.approx, .imethod = imethod,
.etheta = etheta, .elambda = elambda ))),
loglikelihood = eval(substitute(
function(mu, y, w, residuals = FALSE, eta,
extra = NULL,
summation = TRUE) {
- lambda <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .llambda , earg = .elambda )
- theta <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .ltheta , earg = .etheta )
+ lambda <- eta2theta(eta[, c(TRUE, FALSE)], .llambda , earg = .elambda )
+ theta <- eta2theta(eta[, c(FALSE, TRUE)], .ltheta , earg = .etheta )
index <- (y == 0)
if (residuals) {
stop("loglikelihood residuals not implemented yet")
} else {
- ll.elts <-
- (w[index] * (-theta[index])) +
- (w[!index] * (-y[!index]*lambda[!index]-theta[!index] +
- (y[!index]-1)*log(theta[!index]+y[!index]*lambda[!index]) +
- log(theta[!index]) - lgamma(y[!index]+1)) )
+ ll.elts <- dgenpois(x = y, lambda = lambda, theta = theta,
+ log = TRUE)
if (summation) {
} else {
@@ -7382,50 +7466,50 @@ rsimplex <- function(n, mu = 0.5, dispersion = 1) {
.etheta = etheta, .elambda = elambda ))),
vfamily = c("genpoisson"),
deriv = eval(substitute(expression({
- lambda <- eta2theta(eta[, 1], .llambda , earg = .elambda )
- theta <- eta2theta(eta[, 2], .ltheta , earg = .etheta )
- dl.dlambda <- -y + y*(y-1)/(theta+y*lambda)
- dl.dtheta <- -1 + (y-1)/(theta+y*lambda) + 1/theta
- dTHETA.deta <- dtheta.deta(theta, .ltheta , earg = .etheta )
+ M1 <- 2
+ NOS <- ncol(eta)/M1
+ lambda <- eta2theta(eta[, c(TRUE, FALSE)], .llambda , earg = .elambda )
+ theta <- eta2theta(eta[, c(FALSE, TRUE)], .ltheta , earg = .etheta )
+ dl.dlambda <- -y + y*(y-1) / (theta+y*lambda)
+ dl.dtheta <- -1 + (y-1) / (theta+y*lambda) + 1/theta
+ dTHETA.deta <- dtheta.deta(theta, .ltheta , earg = .etheta )
dlambda.deta <- dtheta.deta(lambda, .llambda , earg = .elambda )
- c(w) * cbind(dl.dlambda * dlambda.deta,
- dl.dtheta * dTHETA.deta )
+ myderiv <- c(w) * cbind(dl.dlambda * dlambda.deta,
+ dl.dtheta * dTHETA.deta )
+ myderiv[, interleave.VGAM(M, M = M1)]
}), list( .ltheta = ltheta, .llambda = llambda,
.etheta = etheta, .elambda = elambda ))),
weight = eval(substitute(expression({
- wz <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), n, dimm(M)) #3=dimm(M)
+ wz <- matrix(0, n, M + M-1) # Tridiagonal
if ( .use.approx ) {
- BBB <- (theta+2)*(theta+2*lambda-theta*lambda)-(theta^2)*(1-lambda)
- d2l.dlambda2 <- 2 * theta * (theta+2) / ((1-lambda) * BBB)
- d2l.dtheta2 <- 2 * (1 + lambda * (2/theta - 1)) / BBB
- d2l.dthetalambda <- 2 * theta / BBB
- wz[, iam(1, 1, M)] <- d2l.dlambda2 * dlambda.deta^2
- wz[, iam(2, 2, M)] <- d2l.dtheta2 * dTHETA.deta^2
- wz[, iam(1, 2, M)] <- d2l.dthetalambda * dTHETA.deta * dlambda.deta
- wz <- c(w) * wz
+ BBB <- (theta+2)*(theta+2*lambda-theta*lambda)-(theta^2)*(1-lambda)
+ d2l.dlambda2 <- 2 * theta * (theta+2) / ((1-lambda) * BBB)
+ d2l.dtheta2 <- 2 * (1 + lambda * (2/theta - 1)) / BBB
+ d2l.dthetalambda <- 2 * theta / BBB
+ wz[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1 ] <- d2l.dlambda2 * dlambda.deta^2
+ wz[, M1*(1:NOS) ] <- d2l.dtheta2 * dTHETA.deta^2
+ wz[, M1*(1:NOS) + M - 1] <- d2l.dthetalambda * dTHETA.deta *
+ dlambda.deta
} else {
- d2l.dlambda2 <- -y^2 * (y-1) / (theta+y*lambda)^2
- d2l.dtheta2 <- -(y-1)/(theta+y*lambda)^2 - 1 / theta^2
- d2l.dthetalambda <- -y * (y-1) / (theta+y*lambda)^2
- wz[, iam(1, 1, M)] <- -d2l.dlambda2 * dlambda.deta^2
- wz[, iam(2, 2, M)] <- -d2l.dtheta2 * dTHETA.deta^2
- wz[, iam(1, 2, M)] <- -d2l.dthetalambda * dTHETA.deta * dlambda.deta
- d2THETA.deta2 <- d2theta.deta2(theta, .ltheta , earg = .etheta )
- d2lambdadeta2 <- d2theta.deta2(lambda, .llambda , earg = .elambda )
- wz[, iam(1, 1, M)] <- wz[, iam(1, 1, M)] - dl.dlambda * d2lambdadeta2
- wz[, iam(2, 2, M)] <- wz[, iam(2, 2, M)] - dl.dtheta * d2THETA.deta2
- wz <- c(w) * wz
- if (intercept.only) {
- sumw <- sum(w)
- for (ii in 1:ncol(wz))
- wz[, ii] <- sum(wz[, ii]) / sumw
- pooled.weight <- TRUE
- wz <- c(w) * wz # Put back the weights
- } else
- pooled.weight <- FALSE
- }
+ d2l.dlambda2 <- -y^2 * (y-1) / (theta+y*lambda)^2
+ d2l.dtheta2 <- -(y-1)/(theta+y*lambda)^2 - 1 / theta^2
+ d2l.dthetalambda <- -y * (y-1) / (theta+y*lambda)^2
+ wz[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1 ] <- -d2l.dlambda2 * dlambda.deta^2
+ wz[, M1*(1:NOS) ] <- -d2l.dtheta2 * dTHETA.deta^2
+ wz[, M1*(1:NOS) + M - 1] <- -d2l.dthetalambda * dTHETA.deta * dlambda.deta
+ d2THETA.deta2 <- d2theta.deta2(theta, .ltheta , earg = .etheta )
+ d2lambdadeta2 <- d2theta.deta2(lambda, .llambda , earg = .elambda )
+ wz[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1 ] <-
+ wz[, M1*(1:NOS) - 1 ] - dl.dlambda * d2lambdadeta2
+ wz[, M1*(1:NOS) ] <-
+ wz[, M1*(1:NOS) ] - dl.dtheta * d2THETA.deta2
+ }
+ wz <- w.wz.merge(w = w, wz = wz, n = n, M = M + (M - 1),
+ ndepy = NOS)
}), list( .ltheta = ltheta, .llambda = llambda,
.use.approx = use.approx,
diff --git a/R/family.zeroinf.R b/R/family.zeroinf.R
index dc6b77f..e03dcd9 100644
--- a/R/family.zeroinf.R
+++ b/R/family.zeroinf.R
@@ -1949,44 +1949,6 @@ zanegbinomialff.control <- function(save.weights = TRUE, ...) {
- if (FALSE)
-rposnegbin <- function(n, munb, size) {
- if (!is.Numeric(size, positive = TRUE))
- stop("argument 'size' must be positive")
- if (!is.Numeric(munb, positive = TRUE))
- stop("argument 'munb' must be positive")
- if (!is.Numeric(n, positive = TRUE, integer.valued = TRUE,
- length.arg = 1))
- stop("argument 'n' must be a positive integer")
- ans <- rnbinom(n = n, mu = munb, size = size)
- munb <- rep(munb, length = n)
- size <- rep(size, length = n)
- index <- ans == 0
- while (any(index)) {
- more <- rnbinom(n = sum(index), mu = munb[index], size = size[index])
- ans[index] <- more
- index <- ans == 0
- }
- ans
- if (FALSE)
-dposnegbin <- function(x, munb, size, log = FALSE) {
- if (!is.Numeric(size, positive = TRUE))
- stop("argument 'size' must be positive")
- if (!is.Numeric(munb, positive = TRUE))
- stop("argument 'munb' must be positive")
- ans <- dnbinom(x = x, mu = munb, size = size, log=log)
- ans0 <- dnbinom(x=0, mu = munb, size = size, log = FALSE)
- ans <- if (log) ans - log1p(-ans0) else ans/(1-ans0)
- ans[x == 0] <- if (log) -Inf else 0
- ans
diff --git a/R/vgam.R b/R/vgam.R
index 142069b..353a6d6 100644
--- a/R/vgam.R
+++ b/R/vgam.R
@@ -380,3 +380,54 @@ shadowvgam <-
+is.buggy.vlm <- function(object, each.term = FALSE, ...) {
+ Hk.list <- constraints(object)
+ ncl <- names(Hk.list)
+ TFvec <- rep(FALSE, length = length(ncl))
+ names(TFvec) <- ncl
+ if (!is(object, "vgam")) {
+ return(if (each.term) TFvec else any(TFvec))
+ }
+ if (!length(object at nl.chisq)) {
+ return(if (each.term) TFvec else any(TFvec))
+ }
+ for (kay in 1:length(ncl)) {
+ cmat <- Hk.list[[kay]]
+ if (ncol(cmat) > 1 && substring(ncl[kay], 1, 2) == "s(") {
+ CMat <- crossprod(cmat) # t(cmat) %*% cmat
+ TFvec[kay] <- any(CMat[lower.tri(CMat)] != 0 |
+ CMat[upper.tri(CMat)] != 0)
+ }
+ }
+ if (each.term) TFvec else any(TFvec)
+if (!isGeneric("is.buggy"))
+ setGeneric("is.buggy", function(object, ...)
+ standardGeneric("is.buggy"),
+ package = "VGAM")
+setMethod("is.buggy", signature(object = "vlm"),
+ function(object, ...)
+ is.buggy.vlm(object, ...))
diff --git a/build/vignette.rds b/build/vignette.rds
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aed19ee
Binary files /dev/null and b/build/vignette.rds differ
diff --git a/data/Huggins89.t1.rda b/data/Huggins89.t1.rda
index 9518e99..08db65e 100644
Binary files a/data/Huggins89.t1.rda and b/data/Huggins89.t1.rda differ
diff --git a/data/Huggins89table1.rda b/data/Huggins89table1.rda
index ee81ec0..5e8462f 100644
Binary files a/data/Huggins89table1.rda and b/data/Huggins89table1.rda differ
diff --git a/data/alclevels.rda b/data/alclevels.rda
index b3c90f1..ad1edbc 100644
Binary files a/data/alclevels.rda and b/data/alclevels.rda differ
diff --git a/data/alcoff.rda b/data/alcoff.rda
index 6b90a83..4fced4c 100644
Binary files a/data/alcoff.rda and b/data/alcoff.rda differ
diff --git a/data/auuc.rda b/data/auuc.rda
index b483f23..0e31d6a 100644
Binary files a/data/auuc.rda and b/data/auuc.rda differ
diff --git a/data/backPain.rda b/data/backPain.rda
index 8d3d08a..efece85 100644
Binary files a/data/backPain.rda and b/data/backPain.rda differ
diff --git a/data/beggs.rda b/data/beggs.rda
index 201e207..8c11c3d 100644
Binary files a/data/beggs.rda and b/data/beggs.rda differ
diff --git a/data/car.all.rda b/data/car.all.rda
index dc42cb4..302d432 100644
Binary files a/data/car.all.rda and b/data/car.all.rda differ
diff --git a/data/cfibrosis.rda b/data/cfibrosis.rda
index ceffc54..a99d26c 100644
Binary files a/data/cfibrosis.rda and b/data/cfibrosis.rda differ
diff --git a/data/corbet.rda b/data/corbet.rda
index 735b925..c590311 100644
Binary files a/data/corbet.rda and b/data/corbet.rda differ
diff --git a/data/crashbc.rda b/data/crashbc.rda
index 2561fe8..8cc43af 100644
Binary files a/data/crashbc.rda and b/data/crashbc.rda differ
diff --git a/data/crashf.rda b/data/crashf.rda
index 033a40d..6da8d17 100644
Binary files a/data/crashf.rda and b/data/crashf.rda differ
diff --git a/data/crashi.rda b/data/crashi.rda
index 1b1491b..38f5bbe 100644
Binary files a/data/crashi.rda and b/data/crashi.rda differ
diff --git a/data/crashmc.rda b/data/crashmc.rda
index 43bd5c8..3ff885e 100644
Binary files a/data/crashmc.rda and b/data/crashmc.rda differ
diff --git a/data/crashp.rda b/data/crashp.rda
index 8e13f89..3c750ec 100644
Binary files a/data/crashp.rda and b/data/crashp.rda differ
diff --git a/data/crashtr.rda b/data/crashtr.rda
index 09e18c2..6e25c0f 100644
Binary files a/data/crashtr.rda and b/data/crashtr.rda differ
diff --git a/data/deermice.rda b/data/deermice.rda
index 896593c..148801f 100644
Binary files a/data/deermice.rda and b/data/deermice.rda differ
diff --git a/data/ducklings.rda b/data/ducklings.rda
index eb2ec67..7c20f4b 100644
Binary files a/data/ducklings.rda and b/data/ducklings.rda differ
diff --git a/data/finney44.rda b/data/finney44.rda
index 229e54c..9444e49 100644
Binary files a/data/finney44.rda and b/data/finney44.rda differ
diff --git a/data/flourbeetle.rda b/data/flourbeetle.rda
index 81775d3..2651903 100644
Binary files a/data/flourbeetle.rda and b/data/flourbeetle.rda differ
diff --git a/data/hspider.rda b/data/hspider.rda
index 42bab6c..b8ccf81 100644
Binary files a/data/hspider.rda and b/data/hspider.rda differ
diff --git a/data/lakeO.rda b/data/lakeO.rda
index d40ec1c..6d9b8a6 100644
Binary files a/data/lakeO.rda and b/data/lakeO.rda differ
diff --git a/data/leukemia.rda b/data/leukemia.rda
index 74667fa..a098722 100644
Binary files a/data/leukemia.rda and b/data/leukemia.rda differ
diff --git a/data/marital.nz.rda b/data/marital.nz.rda
index 852416b..568bab1 100644
Binary files a/data/marital.nz.rda and b/data/marital.nz.rda differ
diff --git a/data/melbmaxtemp.rda b/data/melbmaxtemp.rda
index c55b82b..e7306a2 100644
Binary files a/data/melbmaxtemp.rda and b/data/melbmaxtemp.rda differ
diff --git a/data/pneumo.rda b/data/pneumo.rda
index 6deb34e..9fafa1d 100644
Binary files a/data/pneumo.rda and b/data/pneumo.rda differ
diff --git a/data/prinia.rda b/data/prinia.rda
index f36e640..94afdad 100644
Binary files a/data/prinia.rda and b/data/prinia.rda differ
diff --git a/data/ruge.rda b/data/ruge.rda
index da3d073..ee3472e 100644
Binary files a/data/ruge.rda and b/data/ruge.rda differ
diff --git a/data/toxop.rda b/data/toxop.rda
index 48482bf..f75c1ed 100644
Binary files a/data/toxop.rda and b/data/toxop.rda differ
diff --git a/data/venice.rda b/data/venice.rda
index e82fa48..d8e3738 100644
Binary files a/data/venice.rda and b/data/venice.rda differ
diff --git a/data/venice90.rda b/data/venice90.rda
index 15452b9..ca21185 100644
Binary files a/data/venice90.rda and b/data/venice90.rda differ
diff --git a/data/wine.rda b/data/wine.rda
index 608584d..b95b5bf 100644
Binary files a/data/wine.rda and b/data/wine.rda differ
diff --git a/inst/CITATION b/inst/CITATION
index 56af1a0..c9a82b0 100644
--- a/inst/CITATION
+++ b/inst/CITATION
@@ -80,4 +80,27 @@ citEntry(entry = "Manual",
+citEntry(entry = "Article",
+ title = "The {VGAM} Package for Capture-Recapture Data Using the Conditional Likelihood",
+ author = personList(as.person("Thomas W. Yee"),
+ as.person("Jakub Stoklosa"),
+ as.person("Richard M. Huggins")),
+ journal = "Journal of Statistical Software",
+ year = "2015",
+ volume = "65",
+ number = "5",
+ pages = "1--33",
+ url = "http://www.jstatsoft.org/v65/i05/",
+ textVersion =
+ paste("Thomas W. Yee, Jakub Stoklosa, Richard M. Huggins (2015).",
+ "The VGAM Package for Capture-Recapture Data Using the Conditional Likelihood.",
+ "Journal of Statistical Software, 65(5), 1-33.",
+ "URL http://www.jstatsoft.org/v65/i05/.")
diff --git a/inst/doc/categoricalVGAM.R b/inst/doc/categoricalVGAM.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..badcc3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/doc/categoricalVGAM.R
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+### R code from vignette source 'categoricalVGAM.Rnw'
+### code chunk number 1: categoricalVGAM.Rnw:84-90
+ps.options(pointsize = 12)
+options(width = 72, digits = 4)
+options(SweaveHooks = list(fig = function() par(las = 1)))
+options(prompt = "R> ", continue = "+")
+### code chunk number 2: pneumocat
+pneumo <- transform(pneumo, let = log(exposure.time))
+fit <- vgam(cbind(normal, mild, severe) ~ s(let, df = 2),
+ cumulative(reverse = TRUE, parallel = TRUE), data = pneumo)
+### code chunk number 3: categoricalVGAM.Rnw:903-907
+journal <- c("Biometrika", "Comm.Statist", "JASA", "JRSS-B")
+squaremat <- matrix(c(NA, 33, 320, 284, 730, NA, 813, 276,
+ 498, 68, NA, 325, 221, 17, 142, NA), 4, 4)
+dimnames(squaremat) <- list(winner = journal, loser = journal)
+### code chunk number 4: categoricalVGAM.Rnw:1007-1011
+abodat <- data.frame(A = 725, B = 258, AB = 72, O = 1073)
+fit <- vglm(cbind(A, B, AB, O) ~ 1, ABO, data = abodat)
+coef(fit, matrix = TRUE)
+Coef(fit) # Estimated pA and pB
+### code chunk number 5: categoricalVGAM.Rnw:1289-1291
+head(marital.nz, 4)
+### code chunk number 6: categoricalVGAM.Rnw:1294-1296
+fit.ms <- vgam(mstatus ~ s(age, df = 3), multinomial(refLevel = 2),
+ data = marital.nz)
+### code chunk number 7: categoricalVGAM.Rnw:1300-1302
+head(depvar(fit.ms), 4)
+### code chunk number 8: categoricalVGAM.Rnw:1311-1323
+# Plot output
+mycol <- c("red", "darkgreen", "blue")
+par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
+plot(fit.ms, se = TRUE, scale = 12,
+ lcol = mycol, scol = mycol)
+# Plot output overlayed
+plot(fit.ms, se = TRUE, scale = 12,
+ overlay = TRUE,
+ llwd = 2,
+ lcol = mycol, scol = mycol)
+### code chunk number 9: categoricalVGAM.Rnw:1366-1379
+# Plot output
+mycol <- c("red", "darkgreen", "blue")
+ par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
+ par(mar = c(4.2, 4.0, 1.2, 2.2) + 0.1)
+plot(fit.ms, se = TRUE, scale = 12,
+ lcol = mycol, scol = mycol)
+# Plot output overlaid
+#par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
+plot(fit.ms, se = TRUE, scale = 12,
+ overlay = TRUE,
+ llwd = 2,
+ lcol = mycol, scol = mycol)
+### code chunk number 10: categoricalVGAM.Rnw:1399-1400
+plot(fit.ms, deriv=1, lcol=mycol, scale=0.3)
+### code chunk number 11: categoricalVGAM.Rnw:1409-1413
+# Plot output
+ par(mfrow = c(1, 3))
+ par(mar = c(4.5, 4.0, 0.2, 2.2) + 0.1)
+plot(fit.ms, deriv = 1, lcol = mycol, scale = 0.3)
+### code chunk number 12: categoricalVGAM.Rnw:1436-1448
+foo <- function(x, elbow = 50)
+ poly(pmin(x, elbow), 2)
+clist <- list("(Intercept)" = diag(3),
+ "poly(age, 2)" = rbind(1, 0, 0),
+ "foo(age)" = rbind(0, 1, 0),
+ "age" = rbind(0, 0, 1))
+fit2.ms <-
+ vglm(mstatus ~ poly(age, 2) + foo(age) + age,
+ family = multinomial(refLevel = 2),
+ constraints = clist,
+ data = marital.nz)
+### code chunk number 13: categoricalVGAM.Rnw:1451-1452
+coef(fit2.ms, matrix = TRUE)
+### code chunk number 14: categoricalVGAM.Rnw:1456-1463
+par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
+plotvgam(fit2.ms, se = TRUE, scale = 12,
+ lcol = mycol[1], scol = mycol[1], which.term = 1)
+plotvgam(fit2.ms, se = TRUE, scale = 12,
+ lcol = mycol[2], scol=mycol[2], which.term = 2)
+plotvgam(fit2.ms, se = TRUE, scale = 12,
+ lcol = mycol[3], scol = mycol[3], which.term = 3)
+### code chunk number 15: categoricalVGAM.Rnw:1474-1483
+# Plot output
+ par(mar=c(4.5,4.0,1.2,2.2)+0.1)
+plotvgam(fit2.ms, se = TRUE, scale = 12,
+ lcol = mycol[1], scol = mycol[1], which.term = 1)
+plotvgam(fit2.ms, se = TRUE, scale = 12,
+ lcol = mycol[2], scol = mycol[2], which.term = 2)
+plotvgam(fit2.ms, se = TRUE, scale = 12,
+ lcol = mycol[3], scol = mycol[3], which.term = 3)
+### code chunk number 16: categoricalVGAM.Rnw:1501-1502
+deviance(fit.ms) - deviance(fit2.ms)
+### code chunk number 17: categoricalVGAM.Rnw:1508-1509
+(dfdiff <- df.residual(fit2.ms) - df.residual(fit.ms))
+### code chunk number 18: categoricalVGAM.Rnw:1512-1513
+pchisq(deviance(fit.ms) - deviance(fit2.ms), df = dfdiff, lower.tail = FALSE)
+### code chunk number 19: categoricalVGAM.Rnw:1526-1537
+ooo <- with(marital.nz, order(age))
+with(marital.nz, matplot(age[ooo], fitted(fit.ms)[ooo, ],
+ type = "l", las = 1, lwd = 2, ylim = 0:1,
+ ylab = "Fitted probabilities",
+ xlab = "Age", # main="Marital status amongst NZ Male Europeans",
+ col = c(mycol[1], "black", mycol[-1])))
+legend(x = 52.5, y = 0.62, # x="topright",
+ col = c(mycol[1], "black", mycol[-1]),
+ lty = 1:4,
+ legend = colnames(fit.ms at y), lwd = 2)
+abline(v = seq(10,90,by = 5), h = seq(0,1,by = 0.1), col = "gray", lty = "dashed")
+### code chunk number 20: categoricalVGAM.Rnw:1552-1565
+ par(mfrow = c(1,1))
+ par(mar = c(4.5,4.0,0.2,0.2)+0.1)
+ooo <- with(marital.nz, order(age))
+with(marital.nz, matplot(age[ooo], fitted(fit.ms)[ooo,],
+ type = "l", las = 1, lwd = 2, ylim = 0:1,
+ ylab = "Fitted probabilities",
+ xlab = "Age",
+ col = c(mycol[1], "black", mycol[-1])))
+legend(x = 52.5, y = 0.62,
+ col = c(mycol[1], "black", mycol[-1]),
+ lty = 1:4,
+ legend = colnames(fit.ms at y), lwd = 2.1)
+abline(v = seq(10,90,by = 5), h = seq(0,1,by = 0.1), col = "gray", lty = "dashed")
+### code chunk number 21: categoricalVGAM.Rnw:1599-1603
+# Scale the variables? Yes; the Anderson (1984) paper did (see his Table 6).
+head(backPain, 4)
+backPain <- transform(backPain, sx1 = -scale(x1), sx2 = -scale(x2), sx3 = -scale(x3))
+### code chunk number 22: categoricalVGAM.Rnw:1607-1608
+bp.rrmlm1 <- rrvglm(pain ~ sx1 + sx2 + sx3, multinomial, data = backPain)
+### code chunk number 23: categoricalVGAM.Rnw:1611-1612
+### code chunk number 24: categoricalVGAM.Rnw:1640-1641
+### code chunk number 25: categoricalVGAM.Rnw:1644-1646
+bp.rrmlm2 <- rrvglm(pain ~ sx1 + sx2 + sx3, multinomial, data = backPain, Rank = 2,
+ Corner = FALSE, Uncor = TRUE)
+### code chunk number 26: categoricalVGAM.Rnw:1654-1658
+biplot(bp.rrmlm2, Acol = "blue", Ccol = "darkgreen", scores = TRUE,
+# xlim = c(-1, 6), ylim = c(-1.2, 4), # Use this if not scaled
+ xlim = c(-4.5, 2.2), ylim = c(-2.2, 2.2), # Use this if scaled
+ chull = TRUE, clty = 2, ccol = "blue")
+### code chunk number 27: categoricalVGAM.Rnw:1690-1698
+# Plot output
+ par(mfrow=c(1,1))
+ par(mar=c(4.5,4.0,0.2,2.2)+0.1)
+biplot(bp.rrmlm2, Acol = "blue", Ccol = "darkgreen", scores = TRUE,
+# xlim = c(-1,6), ylim = c(-1.2,4), # Use this if not scaled
+ xlim = c(-4.5,2.2), ylim = c(-2.2, 2.2), # Use this if scaled
+ chull = TRUE, clty = 2, ccol = "blue")
+### code chunk number 28: categoricalVGAM.Rnw:1812-1813
+iam(NA, NA, M = 4, both = TRUE, diag = TRUE)
diff --git a/inst/doc/categoricalVGAM.Rnw b/inst/doc/categoricalVGAM.Rnw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8394144
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/doc/categoricalVGAM.Rnw
@@ -0,0 +1,2325 @@
+%% need no \usepackage{Sweave.sty}
+%\VignetteIndexEntry{The VGAM Package for Categorical Data Analysis}
+%\VignetteKeywords{categorical data analysis, Fisher scoring, iteratively reweighted least squares, multinomial distribution, nominal and ordinal polytomous responses, smoothing, vector generalized linear and additive models, VGAM R package}
+%% new commands
+\newcommand{\sVLM}{\mbox{\scriptsize VLM}}
+\newcommand{\sformtwo}{\mbox{\scriptsize F2}}
+\newcommand{\logit}{\mbox{\rm logit}}
+\newcommand{\bzero}{{\bf 0}}
+\newcommand{\bone}{{\bf 1}}
+\newcommand{\bid}{\mbox{\boldmath $d$}}
+\newcommand{\bie}{\mbox{\boldmath $e$}}
+\newcommand{\bif}{\mbox{\boldmath $f$}}
+\newcommand{\bix}{\mbox{\boldmath $x$}}
+\newcommand{\biy}{\mbox{\boldmath $y$}}
+\newcommand{\biz}{\mbox{\boldmath $z$}}
+\newcommand{\biY}{\mbox{\boldmath $Y$}}
+\newcommand{\bA}{\mbox{\rm \bf A}}
+\newcommand{\bB}{\mbox{\rm \bf B}}
+\newcommand{\bC}{\mbox{\rm \bf C}}
+\newcommand{\bH}{\mbox{\rm \bf H}}
+\newcommand{\bI}{\mbox{\rm \bf I}}
+\newcommand{\bX}{\mbox{\rm \bf X}}
+\newcommand{\bW}{\mbox{\rm \bf W}}
+\newcommand{\bY}{\mbox{\rm \bf Y}}
+\newcommand{\bbeta}{\mbox{\boldmath $\beta$}}
+\newcommand{\boldeta}{\mbox{\boldmath $\eta$}}
+\newcommand{\bmu}{\mbox{\boldmath $\mu$}}
+\newcommand{\bnu}{\mbox{\boldmath $\nu$}}
+\newcommand{\diag}{ \mbox{\rm diag} }
+\newcommand{\Var}{ \mbox{\rm Var} }
+\author{Thomas W. Yee\\University of Auckland}
+\Plainauthor{Thomas W. Yee}
+\title{The \pkg{VGAM} Package for Categorical Data Analysis}
+\Plaintitle{The VGAM Package for Categorical Data Analysis}
+ Classical categorical regression models such as the multinomial logit and
+ proportional odds models are shown to be readily handled by the vector
+ generalized linear and additive model (VGLM/VGAM) framework. Additionally,
+ there are natural extensions, such as reduced-rank VGLMs for
+ dimension reduction, and allowing covariates that have values
+ specific to each linear/additive predictor,
+ e.g., for consumer choice modeling. This article describes some of the
+ framework behind the \pkg{VGAM} \R{} package, its usage and implementation
+ details.
+\Keywords{categorical data analysis, Fisher scoring,
+ iteratively reweighted least squares,
+ multinomial distribution, nominal and ordinal polytomous responses,
+ smoothing, vector generalized linear and additive models,
+ \VGAM{} \R{} package}
+\Plainkeywords{categorical data analysis, Fisher scoring,
+ iteratively reweighted least squares, multinomial distribution,
+ nominal and ordinal polytomous responses, smoothing,
+ vector generalized linear and additive models, VGAM R package}
+ Thomas W. Yee \\
+ Department of Statistics \\
+ University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019 \\
+ Auckland Mail Centre \\
+ Auckland 1142, New Zealand \\
+ E-mail: \email{t.yee at auckland.ac.nz}\\
+ URL: \url{http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~yee/}
+<<echo=FALSE, results=hide>>=
+ps.options(pointsize = 12)
+options(width = 72, digits = 4)
+options(SweaveHooks = list(fig = function() par(las = 1)))
+options(prompt = "R> ", continue = "+")
+% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+This is a \pkg{VGAM} vignette for categorical data analysis (CDA)
+based on \cite{Yee:2010}.
+Any subsequent features (especially non-backward compatible ones)
+will appear here.
+The subject of CDA is concerned with
+analyses where the response is categorical regardless of whether
+the explanatory variables are continuous or categorical. It is a
+very frequent form of data. Over the years several CDA regression
+models for polytomous responses have become popular, e.g., those
+in Table \ref{tab:cat.quantities}. Not surprisingly, the models
+are interrelated: their foundation is the multinomial distribution
+and consequently they share similar and overlapping properties which
+modellers should know and exploit. Unfortunately, software has been
+slow to reflect their commonality and this makes analyses unnecessarily
+difficult for the practitioner on several fronts, e.g., using different
+functions/procedures to fit different models which does not aid the
+understanding of their connections.
+This historical misfortune can be seen by considering \R{} functions
+for CDA. From the Comprehensive \proglang{R} Archive Network
+(CRAN, \url{http://CRAN.R-project.org/}) there is \texttt{polr()}
+\citep[in \pkg{MASS};][]{Venables+Ripley:2002} for a proportional odds
+model and \texttt{multinom()}
+\citep[in \pkg{nnet};][]{Venables+Ripley:2002} for the multinomial
+logit model. However, both of these can be considered `one-off'
+modeling functions rather than providing a unified offering for CDA.
+The function \texttt{lrm()} \citep[in \pkg{rms};][]{Harrell:2009}
+has greater functionality: it can fit the proportional odds model
+(and the forward continuation ratio model upon preprocessing). Neither
+\texttt{polr()} or \texttt{lrm()} appear able to fit the nonproportional
+odds model. There are non-CRAN packages too, such as the modeling
+function \texttt{nordr()} \citep[in \pkg{gnlm};][]{gnlm:2007}, which can fit
+the proportional odds, continuation ratio and adjacent categories models;
+however it calls \texttt{nlm()} and the user must supply starting values.
+In general these \R{} \citep{R} modeling functions are not modular
+and often require preprocessing and sometimes are not self-starting.
+The implementations can be perceived as a smattering and piecemeal
+in nature. Consequently if the practitioner wishes to fit the models
+of Table \ref{tab:cat.quantities} then there is a need to master several
+modeling functions from several packages each having different syntaxes
+etc. This is a hindrance to efficient CDA.
+Quantity & Notation &
+%Range of $j$ &
+\VGAM{} family function \\
+$\pr(Y=j+1) / \pr(Y=j)$ &$\zeta_{j}$ &
+%$1,\ldots,M$ &
+\texttt{acat()} \\
+$\pr(Y=j) / \pr(Y=j+1)$ &$\zeta_{j}^{R}$ &
+%$2,\ldots,M+1$ &
+\texttt{acat(reverse = TRUE)} \\
+$\pr(Y>j|Y \geq j)$ &$\delta_{j}^*$ &
+%$1,\ldots,M$ &
+\texttt{cratio()} \\
+$\pr(Y<j|Y \leq j)$ &$\delta_{j}^{*R}$ &
+%$2,\ldots,M+1$ &
+\texttt{cratio(reverse = TRUE)} \\
+$\pr(Y\leq j)$ &$\gamma_{j}$ &
+%$1,\ldots,M$ &
+\texttt{cumulative()} \\
+$\pr(Y\geq j)$ &$\gamma_{j}^R$&
+%$2,\ldots,M+1$ &
+\texttt{cumulative(reverse = TRUE)} \\
+$\log\{\pr(Y=j)/\pr(Y=M+1)\}$ & &
+%$1,\ldots,M$ &
+\texttt{multinomial()} \\
+$\pr(Y=j|Y \geq j)$ &$\delta_{j}$ &
+%$1,\ldots,M$ &
+\texttt{sratio()} \\
+$\pr(Y=j|Y \leq j)$ &$\delta_{j}^R$ &
+%$2,\ldots,M+1$ &
+\texttt{sratio(reverse = TRUE)} \\
+Quantities defined in \VGAM{} for a
+categorical response $Y$ taking values $1,\ldots,M+1$.
+Covariates \bix{} have been omitted for clarity.
+The LHS quantities are $\eta_{j}$
+or $\eta_{j-1}$ for $j=1,\ldots,M$ (not reversed)
+and $j=2,\ldots,M+1$ (if reversed), respectively.
+All models are estimated by minimizing the deviance.
+All except for \texttt{multinomial()} are suited to ordinal $Y$.
+\proglang{SAS} \citep{SAS} does not fare much better than \R. Indeed,
+it could be considered as having an \textit{excess} of options which
+bewilders the non-expert user; there is little coherent overriding
+structure. Its \code{proc logistic} handles the multinomial logit
+and proportional odds models, as well as exact logistic regression
+\citep[see][which is for Version 8 of \proglang{SAS}]{stok:davi:koch:2000}.
+The fact that the proportional odds model may be fitted by \code{proc
+logistic}, \code{proc genmod} and \code{proc probit} arguably leads
+to possible confusion rather than the making of connections, e.g.,
+\code{genmod} is primarily for GLMs and the proportional odds model is not
+a GLM in the classical \cite{neld:wedd:1972} sense. Also, \code{proc
+phreg} fits the multinomial logit model, and \code{proc catmod} with
+its WLS implementation adds to further potential confusion.
+This article attempts to show how these deficiencies can be addressed
+by considering the vector generalized linear and additive model
+(VGLM/VGAM) framework, as implemented by the author's \pkg{VGAM}
+package for \R{}. The main purpose of this paper is to demonstrate
+how the framework is very well suited to many `classical' regression
+models for categorical responses, and to describe the implementation and
+usage of \pkg{VGAM} for such. To this end an outline of this article
+is as follows. Section \ref{sec:jsscat.VGLMVGAMoverview} summarizes
+the basic VGLM/VGAM framework. Section \ref{sec:jsscat.vgamff}
+centers on functions for CDA in \VGAM. Given an adequate framework,
+some natural extensions of Section \ref{sec:jsscat.VGLMVGAMoverview} are
+described in Section \ref{sec:jsscat.othermodels}. Users of \pkg{VGAM}
+can benefit from Section \ref{sec:jsscat.userTopics} which shows how
+the software reflects their common theory. Some examples are given in
+Section \ref{sec:jsscat.eg}. Section \ref{sec:jsscat.implementDetails}
+contains selected topics in statistial computing that are
+more relevant to programmers interested in the underlying code.
+Section \ref{sec:jsscat.extnUtil} discusses several utilities and
+extensions needed for advanced CDA modeling, and the article concludes
+with a discussion. This document was run using \pkg{VGAM} 0.7-10
+\citep{yee:VGAM:2010} under \R 2.10.0.
+Some general references for categorical data providing
+background to this article include
+\citet{smit:merk:2013} and
+An overview of models for ordinal responses is \cite{liu:agre:2005},
+and a manual for fitting common models found in \cite{agre:2002}
+to polytomous responses with various software is \cite{thom:2009}.
+A package for visualizing categorical data in \R{} is \pkg{vcd}
+% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+\section{VGLM/VGAM overview}
+This section summarizes the VGLM/VGAM framework with a particular emphasis
+toward categorical models since the classes encapsulates many multivariate
+response models in, e.g., survival analysis, extreme value analysis,
+quantile and expectile regression, time series, bioassay data, nonlinear
+least-squares models, and scores of standard and nonstandard univariate
+and continuous distributions. The framework is partially summarized by
+Table \ref{tab:rrvglam.jss.subset}. More general details about VGLMs
+and VGAMs can be found in \cite{yee:hast:2003} and \cite{yee:wild:1996}
+respectively. An informal and practical article connecting the general
+framework with the software is \cite{Rnews:Yee:2008}.
+Suppose the observed response \biy{} is a $q$-dimensional vector.
+VGLMs are defined as a model for which the conditional distribution
+of $\biY$ given explanatory $\bix$ is of the form
+f(\biy | \bix ; \bB, \phi) = h(\biy, \eta_1,\ldots, \eta_M, \phi)
+for some known function $h(\cdot)$, where $\bB = (\bbeta_1 \,
+\bbeta_2 \, \cdots \, \bbeta_M)$ is a $p \times M$ matrix of
+unknown regression coefficients,
+and the $j$th linear predictor is
+\eta_j = \eta_j(\bix) = \bbeta_j^{\top} \bix =
+\sum_{k=1}^p \beta_{(j)k} \, x_k , \qquad j=1,\ldots,M.
+Here $\bix=(x_1,\ldots,x_p)^{\top}$ with $x_1 = 1$ if there is an intercept.
+Note that (\ref{gammod2}) means that \textit{all} the parameters may be
+potentially modelled as functions of \bix. It can be seen that VGLMs are
+like GLMs but allow for multiple linear predictors, and they encompass
+models outside the small confines of the exponential family.
+In (\ref{gammod}) the quantity $\phi$ is an optional scaling parameter
+which is included for backward compatibility with common adjustments
+to overdispersion, e.g., with respect to GLMs.
+In general there is no relationship between $q$ and $M$: it
+depends specifically on the model or distribution to be fitted.
+However, for the `classical' categorical regression models of
+Table \ref{tab:cat.quantities} we have $M=q-1$ since $q$ is the number
+of levels the multi-category response $Y$ has.
+The $\eta_j$ of VGLMs may be applied directly to parameters of a
+distribution rather than just to a mean for GLMs. A simple example is
+a univariate distribution with a location parameter $\xi$ and a scale
+parameter $\sigma > 0$, where we may take $\eta_1 = \xi$ and $\eta_2 =
+\log\,\sigma$. In general, $\eta_{j}=g_{j}(\theta_{j})$ for some parameter
+link function $g_{j}$ and parameter $\theta_{j}$.
+For example, the adjacent categories models in
+Table \ref{tab:cat.quantities} are ratios of two probabilities, therefore
+a log link of $\zeta_{j}^{R}$ or $\zeta_{j}$ is the default.
+In \VGAM{}, there are currently over a dozen links to choose from, of
+which any can be assigned to any parameter, ensuring maximum flexibility.
+Table \ref{tab:jsscat.links} lists some of them.
+%\ ~~~ \par
+\qquad \qquad $\boldeta$ &
+Model & Modeling & Reference \\
+ & & function & \\
+ &&&\\[-1.1ex]
+$\bB_1^{\top} \bix_{1} + \bB_2^{\top} \bix_{2}\ ( = \bB^{\top} \bix)$ &
+VGLM & \texttt{vglm()}
+\cite{yee:hast:2003} \\[1.6ex]
+%Yee \& Hastie (2003) \\[1.6ex]
+ &&&\\[-1.1ex]
+$\bB_1^{\top} \bix_{1} +
+ \sum\limits_{k=p_1+1}^{p_1+p_2} \bH_k \, \bif_{k}^{*}(x_k)$ &
+%\sum\limits_{k=1}^{p_2} \bH_k \, \bif_k(x_k)$ &
+VGAM & \texttt{vgam()}
+\cite{yee:wild:1996} \\[2.2ex]
+%Yee \& Wild (1996) \\[2.2ex]
+ &&&\\[-1.1ex]
+$\bB_1^{\top} \bix_{1} + \bA \, \bnu$ &
+RR-VGLM & \texttt{rrvglm()}
+\cite{yee:hast:2003} \\[1.8ex]
+%Yee \& Hastie (2003) \\[1.8ex]
+ &&&\\[-1.1ex]
+See \cite{yee:hast:2003} &
+Goodman's RC & \texttt{grc()}
+%\cite{yee:hast:2003} \\[1.8ex]
+\cite{good:1981} \\[1.8ex]
+Some of
+the package \VGAM{} and
+its framework.
+The vector of latent variables $\bnu = \bC^{\top} \bix_2$
+$\bix^{\top} = (\bix_1^{\top}, \bix_2^{\top})$.
+VGLMs are estimated using iteratively reweighted least squares (IRLS)
+which is particularly suitable for categorical models
+All models in this article have a log-likelihood
+\ell = \sum_{i=1}^n \, w_i \, \ell_i
+where the $w_i$ are known positive prior weights.
+Let $\bix_i$ denote the explanatory vector for the $i$th observation,
+for $i=1,\dots,n$.
+Then one can write
+\boldeta_i &=& \boldeta(\bix_i) =
+\eta_1(\bix_i) \\
+\vdots \\
+\end{array} \right) =
+\bB^{\top} \bix_i =
+\bbeta_1^{\top} \bix_i \\
+\vdots \\
+\bbeta_M^{\top} \bix_i
+\end{array} \right)
+\beta_{(1)1} & \cdots & \beta_{(1)p} \\
+\vdots \\
+\beta_{(M)1} & \cdots & \beta_{(M)p} \\
+\end{array} \right)
+\bix_i =
+\bbeta_{(1)} \; \cdots \; \bbeta_{(p)}
+\bix_i .
+an adjusted dependent vector $\biz_i = \boldeta_i + \bW_i^{-1} \bid_i$
+is regressed upon a large (VLM) model matrix, with
+$\bid_i = w_i \, \partial \ell_i / \partial \boldeta_i$.
+The working weights $\bW_i$ here are
+$w_i \Var(\partial \ell_i / \partial \boldeta_i)$
+(which, under regularity conditions, is equal to
+$-w_i \, E[ \partial^2 \ell_i / (\partial \boldeta_i \,
+\partial \boldeta_i^{\top})]$),
+giving rise to the Fisher scoring algorithm.
+Let $\bX=(\bix_1,\ldots,\bix_n)^{\top}$ be the usual $n \times p$
+(LM) model matrix
+obtained from the \texttt{formula} argument of \texttt{vglm()}.
+Given $\biz_i$, $\bW_i$ and $\bX{}$ at the current IRLS iteration,
+a weighted multivariate regression is performed.
+To do this, a \textit{vector linear model} (VLM) model matrix
+$\bX_{\sVLM}$ is formed from $\bX{}$ and $\bH_k$
+(see Section \ref{sec:wffc.appendixa.vgams}).
+This is has $nM$ rows, and if there are no constraints then $Mp$ columns.
+Then $\left(\biz_1^{\top},\ldots,\biz_n^{\top}\right)^{\top}$ is regressed
+upon $\bX_{\sVLM}$
+with variance-covariance matrix $\diag(\bW_1^{-1},\ldots,\bW_n^{-1})$.
+This system of linear equations is converted to one large
+WLS fit by premultiplication of the output of
+a Cholesky decomposition of the $\bW_i$.
+Fisher scoring usually has good numerical stability
+because the $\bW_i$ are positive-definite over a larger
+region of parameter space than Newton-Raphson.
+For the categorical models in this article the expected
+information matrices are simpler than the observed
+information matrices, and are easily derived,
+therefore all the families in Table \ref{tab:cat.quantities}
+implement Fisher scoring.
+\subsection{VGAMs and constraint matrices}
+VGAMs provide additive-model extensions to VGLMs, that is,
+(\ref{gammod2}) is generalized to
+\eta_j(\bix) = \beta_{(j)1} +
+\sum_{k=2}^p \; f_{(j)k}(x_k), \qquad j = 1,\ldots, M,
+a sum of smooth functions of the individual covariates, just as
+with ordinary GAMs \citep{hast:tibs:1990}. The $\bif_k =
+(f_{(1)k}(x_k),\ldots,f_{(M)k}(x_k))^{\top}$ are centered for uniqueness,
+and are estimated simultaneously using \textit{vector smoothers}.
+VGAMs are thus a visual data-driven method that is well suited to
+exploring data, and they retain the simplicity of interpretation that
+GAMs possess.
+An important concept, especially for CDA, is the idea of
+`constraints-on-the functions'.
+In practice we often wish to constrain the effect of a covariate to
+be the same for some of the $\eta_j$ and to have no effect for others.
+We shall see below that this constraints idea is important
+for several categorical models because of a popular parallelism assumption.
+As a specific example, for VGAMs we may wish to take
+\eta_1 & = & \beta_{(1)1} + f_{(1)2}(x_2) + f_{(1)3}(x_3), \\
+\eta_2 & = & \beta_{(2)1} + f_{(1)2}(x_2),
+so that $f_{(1)2} \equiv f_{(2)2}$ and $f_{(2)3} \equiv 0$.
+For VGAMs, we can represent these models using
+\boldeta(\bix) & = & \bbeta_{(1)} + \sum_{k=2}^p \, \bif_k(x_k)
+\ =\ \bH_1 \, \bbeta_{(1)}^* + \sum_{k=2}^p \, \bH_k \, \bif_k^*(x_k)
+where $\bH_1,\bH_2,\ldots,\bH_p$ are known full-column rank
+\textit{constraint matrices}, $\bif_k^*$ is a vector containing a
+possibly reduced set of component functions and $\bbeta_{(1)}^*$ is a
+vector of unknown intercepts. With no constraints at all, $\bH_1 =
+\bH_2 = \cdots = \bH_p = \bI_M$ and $\bbeta_{(1)}^* = \bbeta_{(1)}$.
+Like the $\bif_k$, the $\bif_k^*$ are centered for uniqueness.
+For VGLMs, the $\bif_k$ are linear so that
+{\bB}^{\top} &=&
+\bH_1 \bbeta_{(1)}^*
+ \;
+ \;
+\bH_2 \bbeta_{(2)}^*
+ \;
+ \;
+ \;
+ \;
+\bH_p \bbeta_{(p)}^*
+for some vectors
+$\bX_{\sVLM}$ matrix is constructed from \bX{} and the $\bH_k$ using
+Kronecker product operations.
+For example, with trivial constraints,
+$\bX_{\sVLM} = \bX \otimes \bI_M$.
+More generally,
+\bX_{\sVLM} &=&
+\left( \bX \, \bie_{1} \right) \otimes \bH_1
+ \;
+ \;
+\left( \bX \, \bie_{2} \right) \otimes \bH_2
+ \;
+ \;
+ \;
+ \;
+\left( \bX \, \bie_{p} \right) \otimes \bH_p
+($\bie_{k}$ is a vector of zeros except for a one in the $k$th position)
+so that
+$\bX_{\sVLM}$ is $(nM) \times p^*$ where
+$p^* = \sum_{k=1}^{p} \mbox{\textrm{ncol}}(\bH_k)$ is the total number
+of columns of all the constraint matrices.
+Note that $\bX_{\sVLM}$ and \bX{} can be obtained by
+\texttt{model.matrix(vglmObject, type = "vlm")}
+\texttt{model.matrix(vglmObject, type = "lm")}
+Equation \ref{eqn:lin.coefs4} focusses on the rows of \bB{} whereas
+\ref{eq:lin.pred} is on the columns.
+VGAMs are estimated by applying a modified vector backfitting algorithm
+\citep[cf.][]{buja:hast:tibs:1989} to the $\biz_i$.
+\subsection{Vector splines and penalized likelihood}
+If (\ref{eqn:constraints.VGAM}) is estimated using a vector spline (a
+natural extension of the cubic smoothing spline to vector responses)
+then it can be shown that the resulting solution maximizes a penalized
+likelihood; some details are sketched in \cite{yee:step:2007}. In fact,
+knot selection for vector spline follows the same idea as O-splines
+\citep[see][]{wand:orme:2008} in order to lower the computational cost.
+The usage of \texttt{vgam()} with smoothing is very similar
+to \texttt{gam()} \citep{gam:pack:2009}, e.g.,
+to fit a nonparametric proportional odds model
+\citep[cf. p.179 of][]{mccu:neld:1989}
+to the pneumoconiosis data one could try
+<<label = pneumocat, eval=T>>=
+pneumo <- transform(pneumo, let = log(exposure.time))
+fit <- vgam(cbind(normal, mild, severe) ~ s(let, df = 2),
+ cumulative(reverse = TRUE, parallel = TRUE), data = pneumo)
+Here, setting \texttt{df = 1} means a linear fit so that
+\texttt{df = 2} affords a little nonlinearity.
+% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+\section[VGAM family functions]{\pkg{VGAM} family functions}
+This section summarizes and comments on the \VGAM{} family functions
+of Table \ref{tab:cat.quantities} for a categorical response variable
+taking values $Y=1,2,\ldots,M+1$. In its most basic invokation, the usage
+entails a trivial change compared to \texttt{glm()}: use \texttt{vglm()}
+instead and assign the \texttt{family} argument a \VGAM{} family function.
+The use of a \VGAM{} family function to fit a specific model is far
+simpler than having a different modeling function for each model.
+Options specific to that model appear as arguments of that \VGAM{} family
+While writing \texttt{cratio()} it was found that various authors defined
+the quantity ``continuation ratio'' differently, therefore it became
+necessary to define a ``stopping ratio''. Table \ref{tab:cat.quantities}
+defines these quantities for \VGAM{}.
+The multinomial logit model is usually described by choosing the first or
+last level of the factor to be baseline. \VGAM{} chooses the last level
+(Table \ref{tab:cat.quantities}) by default, however that can be changed
+to any other level by use of the \texttt{refLevel} argument.
+If the proportional odds assumption is inadequate then one strategy is
+to try use a different link function (see Section \ref{sec:jsscat.links}
+for a selection). Another alternative is to add extra terms such as
+interaction terms into the linear predictor
+\citep[available in the \proglang{S} language;][]{cham:hast:1993}.
+Another is to fit the so-called \textit{partial}
+proportional odds model \citep{pete:harr:1990}
+which \VGAM{} can fit via constraint matrices.
+In the terminology of \cite{agre:2002},
+\texttt{cumulative()} fits the class of \textit{cumulative link models},
+\texttt{cumulative(link = probit)} is a cumulative probit model.
+For \texttt{cumulative()}
+it was difficult to decide whether
+\texttt{parallel = TRUE}
+\texttt{parallel = FALSE}
+should be the default.
+In fact, the latter is (for now?).
+Users need to set
+\texttt{cumulative(parallel = TRUE)} explicitly to
+fit a proportional odds model---hopefully this will alert
+them to the fact that they are making
+the proportional odds assumption and
+check its validity (\cite{pete:1990}; e.g., through a deviance or
+likelihood ratio test). However the default means numerical problems
+can occur with far greater likelihood.
+Thus there is tension between the two options.
+As a compromise there is now a \VGAM{} family function
+called \texttt{propodds(reverse = TRUE)} which is equivalent to
+\texttt{cumulative(parallel = TRUE, reverse = reverse, link = "logit")}.
+By the way, note that arguments such as
+can handle a slightly more complex syntax.
+A call such as
+\code{parallel = TRUE ~ x2 + x5 - 1} means the parallelism assumption
+is only applied to $X_2$ and $X_5$.
+This might be equivalent to something like
+\code{parallel = FALSE ~ x3 + x4}, i.e., to the remaining
+explanatory variables.
+% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+\section{Other models}
+Given the VGLM/VGAM framework of Section \ref{sec:jsscat.VGLMVGAMoverview}
+it is found that natural extensions are readily proposed in several
+directions. This section describes some such extensions.
+\subsection{Reduced-rank VGLMs}
+Consider a multinomial logit model where $p$ and $M$ are both large.
+A (not-too-convincing) example might be the data frame \texttt{vowel.test}
+in the package \pkg{ElemStatLearn} \citep[see][]{hast:tibs:buja:1994}.
+The vowel recognition data set involves $q=11$ symbols produced from
+8 speakers with 6 replications of each. The training data comprises
+$10$ input features (not including the intercept) based on digitized
+utterances. A multinomial logit model fitted to these data would
+have $\widehat{\bB}$ comprising of $p \times (q-1) = 110$ regression
+coefficients for $n=8\times 6\times 11 = 528$ observations. The ratio
+of $n$ to the number of parameters is small, and it would be good to
+introduce some parsimony into the model.
+A simple and elegant solution is to represent $\widehat{\bB}$ by
+its reduced-rank approximation. To do this, partition $\bix$ into
+$(\bix_1^{\top}, \bix_2^{\top})^{\top}$ and $\bB = (\bB_1^{\top} \;
+\bB_2^{\top})^{\top}$ so that the reduced-rank regression is applied
+to $\bix_2$. In general, \bB{} is a dense matrix of full rank, i.e., rank
+$=\min(M,p)$, and since there are $M \times p$ regression coefficients
+to estimate this is `too' large for some models and/or data sets.
+If we approximate $\bB_2$ by a reduced-rank regression \begin{equation}
+\label{eq:rrr.BAC} \bB_2 = \bC{} \, \bA^{\top} \end{equation} and if
+the rank $R$ is kept low then this can cut down the number of regression
+coefficients dramatically. If $R=2$ then the results may be biplotted
+(\texttt{biplot()} in \VGAM{}). Here, \bC{} and \bA{} are $p_2 \times R$
+and $M \times R$ respectively, and usually they are `thin'.
+More generally, the class of \textit{reduced-rank VGLMs} (RR-VGLMs)
+is simply a VGLM where $\bB_2$ is expressed as a product of two thin
+estimated matrices (Table \ref{tab:rrvglam.jss.subset}). Indeed,
+\cite{yee:hast:2003} show that RR-VGLMs are VGLMs with constraint
+matrices that are unknown and estimated. Computationally, this is
+done using an alternating method: in (\ref{eq:rrr.BAC}) estimate \bA{}
+given the current estimate of \bC{}, and then estimate \bC{} given the
+current estimate of \bA{}. This alternating algorithm is repeated until
+convergence within each IRLS iteration.
+Incidentally, special cases of RR-VGLMs have appeared in the
+literature. For example, a RR-multinomial logit model, is known as the
+\textit{stereotype} model \citep{ande:1984}. Another is \cite{good:1981}'s
+RC model (see Section \ref{sec:jsscat.rrr.goodman}) which is reduced-rank
+multivariate Poisson model. Note that the parallelism assumption of the
+proportional odds model \citep{mccu:neld:1989} can be thought of as a
+type of reduced-rank regression where the constraint matrices are thin
+($\bone_M$, actually) and known.
+The modeling function \texttt{rrvglm()} should work with any \VGAM{}
+family function compatible with \texttt{vglm()}. Of course, its
+applicability should be restricted to models where a reduced-rank
+regression of $\bB_2$ makes sense.
+\subsection[Goodman's R x C association model]{Goodman's $R \times C$ association model}
+Let $\bY = [(y_{ij})]$ be a $n \times M$ matrix of counts.
+Section 4.2 of \cite{yee:hast:2003} shows that Goodman's RC$(R)$ association
+model \citep{good:1981} fits within the VGLM framework by setting up
+the appropriate indicator variables, structural zeros and constraint
+matrices. Goodman's model fits a reduced-rank type model to \bY{}
+by firstly assuming that $Y_{ij}$ has a Poisson distribution, and that
+\log \, \mu_{ij} &=& \mu + \alpha_{i} + \gamma_{j} +
+\sum_{k=1}^R a_{ik} \, c_{jk} ,
+\ \ \ i=1,\ldots,n;\ \ j=1,\ldots,M,
+where $\mu_{ij} = E(Y_{ij})$ is the mean of the $i$-$j$ cell, and the
+rank $R$ satisfies $R < \min(n,M)$.
+The modeling function \texttt{grc()} should work on any two-way
+table \bY{} of counts generated by (\ref{eqn:goodmanrc}) provided
+the number of 0's is not too large. Its usage is quite simple, e.g.,
+\texttt{grc(Ymatrix, Rank = 2)} fits a rank-2 model to a matrix of counts.
+By default a \texttt{Rank = 1} model is fitted.
+\subsection{Bradley-Terry models}
+an experiment consists of $n_{ij}$ judges who compare
+pairs of items $T_i$, $i=1,\ldots,M+1$.
+They express their preferences between $T_i$ and $T_j$.
+Let $N=\sum \sum_{i<j} n_{ij}$ be the total number of pairwise
+comparisons, and assume independence for ratings of the same pair
+by different judges and for ratings of different pairs by the same judge.
+Let $\pi_i$ be the \textit{worth} of item $T_i$,
+\pr(T_i > T_j) = p_{i/ij} = \frac{\pi_i}{\pi_i + \pi_j},
+\ \qquad i \neq {j},
+where ``$T_i>T_j$'' means $i$ is preferred over $j$.
+Suppose that $\pi_i > 0$.
+Let $Y_{ij}$ be the number of times that $T_i$ is preferred
+over $T_j$ in the $n_{ij}$ comparisons of the pairs.
+Then $Y_{ij} \sim {\rm Bin}(n_{ij},p_{i/ij})$.
+This is a Bradley-Terry model (without ties),
+and the \VGAM{} family function is \texttt{brat()}.
+Maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters $\pi_1,\ldots,\pi_{M+1}$
+involves maximizing
+n_{ij} \\
+\end{array} \right)
+\frac{\pi_i}{\pi_i + \pi_j}
+\frac{\pi_j}{\pi_i + \pi_j}
+\right)^{n_{ij}-y_{ij}} .
+By default, $\pi_{M+1} \equiv 1$ is used for identifiability,
+however, this can be changed very easily.
+Note that one can define
+linear predictors $\eta_{ij}$ of the form
+\frac{\pi_i}{\pi_i + \pi_j}
+\right) = \log
+\right) = \lambda_i - \lambda_j .
+The VGAM{} framework can handle the Bradley-Terry model only for
+intercept-only models; it has
+\lambda_j = \eta_j = \log\, \pi_j = \beta_{(1)j},
+\ \ \ \ j=1,\ldots,M.
+As well as having many applications in the field of preferences,
+the Bradley-Terry model has many uses in modeling `contests' between
+teams $i$ and $j$, where only one of the teams can win in each
+contest (ties are not allowed under the classical model).
+The {packaging} function \texttt{Brat()} can be used to
+convert a square matrix into one that has more columns, to
+serve as input to \texttt{vglm()}.
+For example,
+for journal citation data where a citation of article B
+by article A is a win for article B and a loss for article A.
+On a specific data set,
+journal <- c("Biometrika", "Comm.Statist", "JASA", "JRSS-B")
+squaremat <- matrix(c(NA, 33, 320, 284, 730, NA, 813, 276,
+ 498, 68, NA, 325, 221, 17, 142, NA), 4, 4)
+dimnames(squaremat) <- list(winner = journal, loser = journal)
+then \texttt{Brat(squaremat)} returns a $1 \times 12$ matrix.
+\subsubsection{Bradley-Terry model with ties}
+The \VGAM{} family function \texttt{bratt()} implements
+a Bradley-Terry model with ties (no preference), e.g.,
+where both $T_i$ and $T_j$ are equally good or bad.
+Here we assume
+ \pr(T_i > T_j) &=& \frac{\pi_i}{\pi_i + \pi_j + \pi_0},
+\ \qquad
+ \pr(T_i = T_j) = \frac{\pi_0}{\pi_i + \pi_j + \pi_0},
+with $\pi_0 > 0$ as an extra parameter.
+It has
+\boldeta=(\log \pi_1,\ldots, \log \pi_{M-1}, \log \pi_{0})^{\top}
+by default, where there are $M$ competitors and $\pi_M \equiv 1$.
+Like \texttt{brat()}, one can choose a different reference group
+and reference value.
+Other \R{} packages for the Bradley-Terry model
+include \pkg{BradleyTerry2}
+by H. Turner and D. Firth
+\citep[with and without ties;][]{firth:2005,firth:2008}
+and \pkg{prefmod} \citep{Hatzinger:2009}.
+\pkg{VGAM} family function & Independent parameters \\
+\texttt{ABO()} & $p, q$ \\
+\texttt{MNSs()} & $m_S, m_s, n_S$ \\
+\texttt{AB.Ab.aB.ab()} & $p$ \\
+\texttt{AB.Ab.aB.ab2()} & $p$ \\
+\texttt{AA.Aa.aa()} & $p_A$ \\
+\texttt{G1G2G3()} & $p_1, p_2, f$ \\
+\caption{Some genetic models currently implemented
+and their unique parameters.
+\subsection{Genetic models}
+There are quite a number of population genetic models based on the
+multinomial distribution,
+e.g., \cite{weir:1996}, \cite{lang:2002}.
+Table \ref{tab:gen.all} lists some \pkg{VGAM} family functions for such.
+For example the ABO blood group system
+has two independent parameters $p$ and $q$, say.
+the blood groups A, B and O form six possible combinations (genotypes)
+consisting of AA, AO, BB, BO, AB, OO
+(see Table \ref{tab:ABO}). A and B are dominant over
+bloodtype O. Let $p$, $q$ and $r$ be the probabilities
+for A, B and O respectively (so that
+$p+q+r=1$) for a given population.
+The log-likelihood function is
+\ell(p,q) \;=\; n_A\, \log(p^2 + 2pr) + n_B\, \log(q^2 + 2qr) + n_{AB}\,
+\log(2pq) + 2 n_O\, \log(1-p-q),
+where $r = 1 - p -q$, $p \in (\,0,1\,)$,
+$q \in (\,0,1\,)$, $p+q<1$.
+We let $\boldeta = (g(p), g(r))^{\top}$ where $g$ is the link function.
+Any $g$ from Table \ref{tab:jsscat.links} appropriate for
+a parameter $\theta \in (0,1)$ will do.
+A toy example where $p=p_A$ and $q=p_B$ is
+abodat <- data.frame(A = 725, B = 258, AB = 72, O = 1073)
+fit <- vglm(cbind(A, B, AB, O) ~ 1, ABO, data = abodat)
+coef(fit, matrix = TRUE)
+Coef(fit) # Estimated pA and pB
+The function \texttt{Coef()}, which applies only to intercept-only models,
+applies to $g_{j}(\theta_{j})=\eta_{j}$
+the inverse link function $g_{j}^{-1}$ to $\widehat{\eta}_{j}$
+to give $\widehat{\theta}_{j}$.
+% Same as Table 14.1 of E-J, and Table 2.6 of Weir 1996
+Genotype & AA & AO & BB & BO & AB & OO \\
+Probability&$p^2$&$2pr$&$q^2$&$ 2qr$&$2pq$& $r^2$\\
+Blood group& A & A & B & B & AB & O \\
+\caption{Probability table for the ABO blood group system.
+Note that $p$ and $q$ are the parameters and $r=1-p-q$.
+\subsection{Three main distributions}
+\cite{agre:2002} discusses three main distributions for categorical
+variables: binomial, multinomial, and Poisson
+All these are well-represented in the \VGAM{} package,
+accompanied by variant forms.
+For example,
+there is a
+\VGAM{} family function named \texttt{mbinomial()}
+which implements a
+matched-binomial (suitable for matched case-control studies),
+Poisson ordination (useful in ecology for multi-species-environmental data),
+negative binomial families,
+positive and zero-altered and zero-inflated variants,
+and the bivariate odds ratio model
+\citep[\texttt{binom2.or()}; see Section 6.5.6 of][]{mccu:neld:1989}.
+The latter has an \texttt{exchangeable} argument to allow for an
+exchangeable error structure:
+\bH_1 =
+\left( \begin{array}{cc}
+1 & 0 \\
+1 & 0 \\
+0 & 1 \\
+\end{array} \right), \qquad
+\bH_k =
+\left( \begin{array}{cc}
+1 \\
+1 \\
+0 \\
+\end{array} \right), \quad k=2,\ldots,p,
+since, for data $(Y_1,Y_2,\bix)$,
+$\logit \, P\!\left( Y_{j} = 1 \Big{|} \bix \right) =
+\eta_{j}$ for ${j}=1,2$, and
+$\log \, \psi = \eta_{3}$
+where $\psi$ is the odds ratio,
+and so $\eta_{1}=\eta_{2}$.
+Here, \texttt{binom2.or(zero = 3)} by default meaning $\psi$ is
+modelled as an intercept-only
+(in general, \texttt{zero} may be assigned an integer vector
+such that the value $j$ means $\eta_{j} = \beta_{(j)1}$,
+i.e., the $j$th linear/additive predictor is an intercept-only).
+See the online help for all of these models.
+% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+\section{Some user-oriented topics}
+Making the most of \VGAM{} requires an understanding of the general
+VGLM/VGAM framework described Section \ref{sec:jsscat.VGLMVGAMoverview}.
+In this section we connect elements of that framework with the software.
+Before doing so it is noted that
+a fitted \VGAM{} categorical model has access to the usual
+generic functions, e.g.,
+\texttt{coef()} for
+(see Equation \ref{eqn:lin.coefs4}),
+\texttt{constraints()} for $\bH_k$,
+\texttt{deviance()} for $2\left(\ell_{\mathrm{max}} - \ell\right)$,
+\texttt{fitted()} for $\widehat{\bmu}_i$,
+\texttt{logLik()} for $\ell$,
+\texttt{predict()} for $\widehat{\boldeta}_i$,
+\texttt{residuals(..., type = "response")} for $\biy_i - \widehat{\bmu}_i$ etc.,
+\texttt{vcov()} for $\widehat{\Var}(\widehat{\bbeta})$,
+The methods function for the extractor function
+\texttt{coef()} has an argument \texttt{matrix}
+which, when set \texttt{TRUE}, returns $\widehat{\bB}$
+(see Equation \ref{gammod}) as a $p \times M$ matrix,
+and this is particularly useful for confirming that a fit
+has made a parallelism assumption.
+\subsection{Common arguments}
+The structure of the unified framework given in
+Section \ref{sec:jsscat.VGLMVGAMoverview}
+appears clearly through
+the pool of common arguments
+shared by the
+\VGAM{} family functions in Table \ref{tab:cat.quantities}.
+In particular,
+\texttt{reverse} and
+are prominent with CDA.
+These are merely convenient shortcuts for the argument \texttt{constraints},
+which accepts a named list of constraint matrices $\bH_k$.
+For example, setting
+\texttt{cumulative(parallel = TRUE)} would constrain the coefficients $\beta_{(j)k}$
+in (\ref{gammod2}) to be equal for all $j=1,\ldots,M$,
+each separately for $k=2,\ldots,p$.
+That is, $\bH_k = \bone_M$.
+The argument \texttt{reverse} determines the `direction' of
+the parameter or quantity.
+Another argument not so much used with CDA is \texttt{zero};
+this accepts a vector specifying which $\eta_j$ is to be modelled as
+an intercept-only; assigning a \texttt{NULL} means none.
+\subsection{Link functions}
+Almost all \VGAM{} family functions
+(one notable exception is \texttt{multinomial()})
+allow, in theory, for any link function to be assigned to each $\eta_j$.
+This provides maximum capability.
+If so then there is an extra argument to pass in any known parameter
+associated with the link function.
+For example, \texttt{link = "logoff", earg = list(offset = 1)}
+signifies a log link with a unit offset:
+$\eta_{j} = \log(\theta_{j} + 1)$ for some parameter $\theta_{j}\ (> -1)$.
+The name \texttt{earg} stands for ``extra argument''.
+Table \ref{tab:jsscat.links} lists some links relevant to categorical data.
+While the default gives a reasonable first choice,
+users are encouraged to try different links.
+For example, fitting a binary regression model
+(\texttt{binomialff()}) to the coal miners data set \texttt{coalminers} with
+respect to the response wheeze gives a
+nonsignificant regression coefficient for $\beta_{(1)3}$ with probit analysis
+but not with a logit link when
+$\eta = \beta_{(1)1} + \beta_{(1)2} \, \mathrm{age} + \beta_{(1)3} \, \mathrm{age}^2$.
+Developers and serious users are encouraged to write and use
+new link functions compatible with \VGAM.
+Link function & $g(\theta)$ & Range of $\theta$ \\
+\texttt{cauchit()} & $\tan(\pi(\theta-\frac12))$ & $(0,1)$ \\
+\texttt{cloglog()} & $\log_e\{-\log_e(1 - \theta)\}$ & $(0,1)$ \\
+\texttt{fisherz()} &
+$\frac12\,\log_e\{(1 + \theta)/(1 - \theta)\}$ & $(-1,1)$ \\
+\texttt{identity()} & $\theta$ & $(-\infty,\infty)$ \\
+\texttt{logc()} & $\log_e(1 - \theta)$ & $(-\infty,1)$ \\
+\texttt{loge()} & $\log_e(\theta)$ & $(0,\infty)$ \\
+\texttt{logit()} & $\log_e(\theta/(1 - \theta))$ & $(0,1)$ \\
+\texttt{logoff()} & $\log_e(\theta + A)$ & $(-A,\infty)$ \\
+\texttt{probit()} & $\Phi^{-1}(\theta)$ & $(0,1)$ \\
+\texttt{rhobit()} & $\log_e\{(1 + \theta)/(1 - \theta)\}$ & $(-1,1)$ \\
+Some \VGAM{} link functions pertinent to this article.
+% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+This section illustrates CDA modeling on three
+data sets in order to give a flavour of what is available in the package.
+%\subsection{2008 World Fly Fishing Championships}
+%are deleted since there are problems with accessing the \texttt{wffc.nc}
+%data etc. since they are now in \pkg{VGAMdata}.
+\subsection{Marital status data}
+We fit a nonparametric multinomial logit model to data collected from
+a self-administered questionnaire administered in a large New Zealand
+workforce observational study conducted during 1992--3.
+The data were augmented by a second study consisting of retirees.
+For homogeneity, this analysis is restricted
+to a subset of 6053 European males with no missing values.
+The ages ranged between 16 and 88 years.
+The data can be considered a reasonable representation of the white
+male New Zealand population in the early 1990s, and
+are detailed in \cite{macm:etal:1995} and \cite{yee:wild:1996}.
+We are interested in exploring how $Y=$ marital status varies as a function
+of $x_2=$ age. The nominal response $Y$ has four levels;
+in sorted order, they are divorced or separated, married or partnered,
+single and widower.
+We will write these levels as $Y=1$, $2$, $3$, $4$, respectively,
+and will choose the married/partnered (second level) as the reference group
+because the other levels emanate directly from it.
+Suppose the data is in a data frame called \texttt{marital.nz}
+and looks like
+head(marital.nz, 4)
+We fit the VGAM
+fit.ms <- vgam(mstatus ~ s(age, df = 3), multinomial(refLevel = 2),
+ data = marital.nz)
+Once again let's firstly check the input.
+head(depvar(fit.ms), 4)
+This seems okay.
+Now the estimated component functions $\widehat{f}_{(s)2}(x_2)$
+may be plotted with
+# Plot output
+mycol <- c("red", "darkgreen", "blue")
+par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
+plot(fit.ms, se = TRUE, scale = 12,
+ lcol = mycol, scol = mycol)
+# Plot output overlayed
+plot(fit.ms, se = TRUE, scale = 12,
+ overlay = TRUE,
+ llwd = 2,
+ lcol = mycol, scol = mycol)
+to produce Figure \ref{fig:jsscat.eg.mstatus}.
+The \texttt{scale} argument is used here to ensure that the $y$-axes have
+a common scale---this makes comparisons between the component functions
+less susceptible to misinterpretation.
+The first three plots are the (centered) $\widehat{f}_{(s)2}(x_2)$ for
+\eta_{s} =
+\log(\pr(Y={t}) / \pr(Y={2})) =
+\beta_{(s)1} + f_{(s)2}(x_2),
+$(s,t) = (1,1), (2,3), (3,4)$,
+and $x_2$ is \texttt{age}.
+The last plot are the smooths overlaid to aid comparison.
+It may be seen that the $\pm 2$ standard error bands
+about the \texttt{Widowed} group is particularly wide at
+young ages because of a paucity of data, and
+likewise at old ages amongst the \texttt{Single}s.
+The $\widehat{f}_{(s)2}(x_2)$ appear as one would expect.
+The log relative risk of
+being single relative to being married/partnered drops sharply from
+ages 16 to 40.
+The fitted function for the \texttt{Widowed} group increases
+with \texttt{age} and looks reasonably linear.
+The $\widehat{f}_{(1)2}(x_2)$
+suggests a possible maximum around 50 years old---this
+could indicate the greatest marital conflict occurs during
+the mid-life crisis years!
+\setkeys{Gin}{width=0.9\textwidth} % 0.8 is the current default
+# Plot output
+mycol <- c("red", "darkgreen", "blue")
+ par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
+ par(mar = c(4.2, 4.0, 1.2, 2.2) + 0.1)
+plot(fit.ms, se = TRUE, scale = 12,
+ lcol = mycol, scol = mycol)
+# Plot output overlaid
+#par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
+plot(fit.ms, se = TRUE, scale = 12,
+ overlay = TRUE,
+ llwd = 2,
+ lcol = mycol, scol = mycol)
+Fitted (and centered) component functions
+from the NZ marital status data
+(see Equation \ref{eq:jsscat.eg.nzms.cf}).
+The bottom RHS plot are the smooths overlaid.
+\setkeys{Gin}{width=0.8\textwidth} % 0.8 is the current default
+The methods function for \texttt{plot()} can also plot the
+derivatives of the smooths.
+The call
+plot(fit.ms, deriv=1, lcol=mycol, scale=0.3)
+results in Figure \ref{fig:jsscat.eg.mstatus.cf.deriv}.
+Once again the $y$-axis scales are commensurate.
+\setkeys{Gin}{width=\textwidth} % 0.8 is the current default
+# Plot output
+ par(mfrow = c(1, 3))
+ par(mar = c(4.5, 4.0, 0.2, 2.2) + 0.1)
+plot(fit.ms, deriv = 1, lcol = mycol, scale = 0.3)
+Estimated first derivatives of the component functions,
+from the NZ marital status data
+(see Equation \ref{eq:jsscat.eg.nzms.cf}).
+\setkeys{Gin}{width=0.8\textwidth} % 0.8 is the current default
+The derivative for the \texttt{Divorced/Separated} group appears
+linear so that a quadratic component function could be tried.
+Not surprisingly the \texttt{Single} group shows the greatest change;
+also, $\widehat{f'}_{(2)2}(x_2)$ is approximately linear till 50
+and then flat---this suggests one could fit a piecewise quadratic
+function to model that component function up to 50 years.
+The \texttt{Widowed} group appears largely flat.
+We thus fit the parametric model
+foo <- function(x, elbow = 50)
+ poly(pmin(x, elbow), 2)
+clist <- list("(Intercept)" = diag(3),
+ "poly(age, 2)" = rbind(1, 0, 0),
+ "foo(age)" = rbind(0, 1, 0),
+ "age" = rbind(0, 0, 1))
+fit2.ms <-
+ vglm(mstatus ~ poly(age, 2) + foo(age) + age,
+ family = multinomial(refLevel = 2),
+ constraints = clist,
+ data = marital.nz)
+coef(fit2.ms, matrix = TRUE)
+confirms that one term was used for each component function.
+The plots from
+par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
+plotvgam(fit2.ms, se = TRUE, scale = 12,
+ lcol = mycol[1], scol = mycol[1], which.term = 1)
+plotvgam(fit2.ms, se = TRUE, scale = 12,
+ lcol = mycol[2], scol=mycol[2], which.term = 2)
+plotvgam(fit2.ms, se = TRUE, scale = 12,
+ lcol = mycol[3], scol = mycol[3], which.term = 3)
+are given in Figure \ref{fig:jsscat.eg.mstatus.vglm}
+and appear like
+Figure \ref{fig:jsscat.eg.mstatus}.
+\setkeys{Gin}{width=0.9\textwidth} % 0.8 is the current default
+# Plot output
+ par(mar=c(4.5,4.0,1.2,2.2)+0.1)
+plotvgam(fit2.ms, se = TRUE, scale = 12,
+ lcol = mycol[1], scol = mycol[1], which.term = 1)
+plotvgam(fit2.ms, se = TRUE, scale = 12,
+ lcol = mycol[2], scol = mycol[2], which.term = 2)
+plotvgam(fit2.ms, se = TRUE, scale = 12,
+ lcol = mycol[3], scol = mycol[3], which.term = 3)
+Parametric version of \texttt{fit.ms}: \texttt{fit2.ms}.
+The component functions are now quadratic, piecewise quadratic/zero,
+or linear.
+\setkeys{Gin}{width=0.8\textwidth} % 0.8 is the current default
+It is possible to perform very crude inference based on heuristic theory
+of a deviance test:
+deviance(fit.ms) - deviance(fit2.ms)
+is small, so it seems the parametric model is quite reasonable
+against the original nonparametric model.
+the difference in the number of `parameters' is approximately
+(dfdiff <- df.residual(fit2.ms) - df.residual(fit.ms))
+which gives an approximate $p$ value of
+pchisq(deviance(fit.ms) - deviance(fit2.ms), df = dfdiff, lower.tail = FALSE)
+Thus \texttt{fit2.ms} appears quite reasonable.
+The estimated probabilities of the original fit can be plotted
+against \texttt{age} using
+ooo <- with(marital.nz, order(age))
+with(marital.nz, matplot(age[ooo], fitted(fit.ms)[ooo, ],
+ type = "l", las = 1, lwd = 2, ylim = 0:1,
+ ylab = "Fitted probabilities",
+ xlab = "Age", # main="Marital status amongst NZ Male Europeans",
+ col = c(mycol[1], "black", mycol[-1])))
+legend(x = 52.5, y = 0.62, # x="topright",
+ col = c(mycol[1], "black", mycol[-1]),
+ lty = 1:4,
+ legend = colnames(fit.ms at y), lwd = 2)
+abline(v = seq(10,90,by = 5), h = seq(0,1,by = 0.1), col = "gray", lty = "dashed")
+which gives Figure \ref{fig:jsscat.eg.mstatus.fitted}.
+This shows that between 80--90\% of NZ white males
+aged between their early 30s to mid-70s
+were married/partnered.
+The proportion widowed
+started to rise steeply from 70 years onwards but remained below 0.5
+since males die younger than females on average.
+\setkeys{Gin}{width=0.8\textwidth} % 0.8 is the current default
+ par(mfrow = c(1,1))
+ par(mar = c(4.5,4.0,0.2,0.2)+0.1)
+ooo <- with(marital.nz, order(age))
+with(marital.nz, matplot(age[ooo], fitted(fit.ms)[ooo,],
+ type = "l", las = 1, lwd = 2, ylim = 0:1,
+ ylab = "Fitted probabilities",
+ xlab = "Age",
+ col = c(mycol[1], "black", mycol[-1])))
+legend(x = 52.5, y = 0.62,
+ col = c(mycol[1], "black", mycol[-1]),
+ lty = 1:4,
+ legend = colnames(fit.ms at y), lwd = 2.1)
+abline(v = seq(10,90,by = 5), h = seq(0,1,by = 0.1), col = "gray", lty = "dashed")
+Fitted probabilities for each class for the
+NZ male European
+marital status data
+(from Equation \ref{eq:jsscat.eg.nzms.cf}).
+\setkeys{Gin}{width=0.8\textwidth} % 0.8 is the current default
+\subsection{Stereotype model}
+We reproduce some of the analyses of \cite{ande:1984} regarding the
+progress of 101 patients with back pain
+using the data frame \texttt{backPain} from \pkg{gnm}
+The three prognostic variables are
+length of previous attack ($x_1=1,2$),
+pain change ($x_2=1,2,3$)
+and lordosis ($x_3=1,2$).
+Like him, we treat these as numerical and standardize and negate them.
+The output
+# Scale the variables? Yes; the Anderson (1984) paper did (see his Table 6).
+head(backPain, 4)
+backPain <- transform(backPain, sx1 = -scale(x1), sx2 = -scale(x2), sx3 = -scale(x3))
+displays the six ordered categories.
+Now a rank-1 stereotype model can be fitted with
+bp.rrmlm1 <- rrvglm(pain ~ sx1 + sx2 + sx3, multinomial, data = backPain)
+are the fitted \bA, \bC{} and $\bB_1$ (see Equation \ref{eq:rrr.BAC}) and
+Table \ref{tab:rrvglam.jss.subset}) which agrees with his Table 6.
+Here, what is known as ``corner constraints'' is used
+($(1,1)$ element of \bA{} $\equiv 1$),
+and only the intercepts are not subject to any reduced-rank regression
+by default.
+The maximized log-likelihood from \textsl{\texttt{logLik(bp.rrmlm1)}}
+is $\Sexpr{round(logLik(bp.rrmlm1), 2)}$.
+The standard errors of each parameter can be obtained by
+The negative elements of $\widehat{\bC}$ imply the
+latent variable $\widehat{\nu}$ decreases in value with increasing
+\textsl{\texttt{sx2}} and
+The elements of $\widehat{\bA}$ tend to decrease so it suggests
+patients get worse as $\nu$ increases,
+i.e., get better as \textsl{\texttt{sx1}},
+\textsl{\texttt{sx2}} and
+\textsl{\texttt{sx3}} increase.
+A rank-2 model fitted \textit{with a different normalization}
+bp.rrmlm2 <- rrvglm(pain ~ sx1 + sx2 + sx3, multinomial, data = backPain, Rank = 2,
+ Corner = FALSE, Uncor = TRUE)
+produces uncorrelated $\widehat{\bnu}_i = \widehat{\bC}^{\top} \bix_{2i}$.
+In fact \textsl{\texttt{var(lv(bp.rrmlm2))}} equals $\bI_2$
+so that the latent variables are also scaled to have unit variance.
+The fit was biplotted
+(rows of $\widehat{\bC}$ plotted as arrow;
+ rows of $\widehat{\bA}$ plotted as labels) using
+biplot(bp.rrmlm2, Acol = "blue", Ccol = "darkgreen", scores = TRUE,
+# xlim = c(-1, 6), ylim = c(-1.2, 4), # Use this if not scaled
+ xlim = c(-4.5, 2.2), ylim = c(-2.2, 2.2), # Use this if scaled
+ chull = TRUE, clty = 2, ccol = "blue")
+to give Figure \ref{fig:jsscat.eg.rrmlm2.backPain}.
+It is interpreted via inner products due to (\ref{eq:rrr.BAC}).
+The different normalization means that the interpretation of $\nu_1$
+and $\nu_2$ has changed, e.g., increasing
+\textsl{\texttt{sx2}} and
+\textsl{\texttt{sx3}} results in increasing $\widehat{\nu}_1$ and
+patients improve more.
+Many of the latent variable points $\widehat{\bnu}_i$ are coincidental
+due to discrete nature of the $\bix_i$. The rows of $\widehat{\bA}$
+are centered on the blue labels (rather cluttered unfortunately) and
+do not seem to vary much as a function of $\nu_2$.
+In fact this is confirmed by \cite{ande:1984} who showed a rank-1
+model is to be preferred.
+This example demonstrates the ability to obtain a low dimensional view
+of higher dimensional data. The package's website has additional
+documentation including more detailed Goodman's RC and stereotype
+\setkeys{Gin}{width=0.8\textwidth} % 0.8 is the current default
+# Plot output
+ par(mfrow=c(1,1))
+ par(mar=c(4.5,4.0,0.2,2.2)+0.1)
+biplot(bp.rrmlm2, Acol = "blue", Ccol = "darkgreen", scores = TRUE,
+# xlim = c(-1,6), ylim = c(-1.2,4), # Use this if not scaled
+ xlim = c(-4.5,2.2), ylim = c(-2.2, 2.2), # Use this if scaled
+ chull = TRUE, clty = 2, ccol = "blue")
+Biplot of a rank-2 reduced-rank multinomial logit (stereotype) model
+fitted to the back pain data.
+A convex hull surrounds the latent variable scores
+(whose observation numbers are obscured because of their discrete nature).
+The position of the $j$th row of $\widehat{\bA}$
+is the center of the label ``\texttt{log(mu[,j])/mu[,6])}''.
+\setkeys{Gin}{width=0.8\textwidth} % 0.8 is the current default
+% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+\section{Some implementation details}
+This section describes some implementation details of \VGAM{}
+which will be more of interest to the developer than to the casual user.
+\subsection{Common code}
+It is good programming practice to write reusable code where possible.
+All the \VGAM{} family functions in Table \ref{tab:cat.quantities}
+process the response in the same way because the same segment of code
+is executed. This offers a degree of uniformity in terms of how input is
+handled, and also for software maintenance
+(\cite{altm:jack:2010} enumerates good programming techniques and references).
+As well, the default initial values are computed in the same manner
+based on sample proportions of each level of $Y$.
+\subsection[Matrix-band format of wz]{Matrix-band format of \texttt{wz}}
+The working weight matrices $\bW_i$ may become large for categorical
+regression models. In general, we have to evaluate the $\bW_i$
+for $i=1,\ldots,n$, and naively, this could be held in an \texttt{array} of
+dimension \texttt{c(M, M, n)}. However, since the $\bW_i$ are symmetric
+positive-definite it suffices to only store the upper or lower half of
+the matrix.
+The variable \texttt{wz} in \texttt{vglm.fit()}
+stores the working weight matrices $\bW_i$ in
+a special format called the \textit{matrix-band} format. This
+format comprises a $n \times M^*$ matrix where
+M^* = \sum_{i=1}^{\footnotesize \textit{hbw}} \;
+\left(M-i+1\right) =
+\frac12 \, \textit{hbw}\, \left(2\,M - \textit{hbw} +1\right)
+is the number of columns. Here, \textit{hbw} refers to the
+\textit{half-bandwidth} of the matrix, which is an integer
+between 1 and $M$ inclusive. A diagonal matrix has
+unit half-bandwidth, a tridiagonal matrix has half-bandwidth 2, etc.
+Suppose $M=4$. Then \texttt{wz} will have up to $M^*=10$ columns
+enumerating the unique elements of $\bW_i$ as follows:
+\bW_i =
+\left( \begin{array}{rrrr}
+1 & 5 & 8 & 10 \\
+ & 2 & 6 & 9 \\
+ & & 3 & 7 \\
+ & & & 4
+\end{array} \right).
+That is, the order is firstly the diagonal, then the band above that,
+followed by the second band above the diagonal etc.
+Why is such a format adopted?
+For this example, if $\bW_i$ is diagonal then only the first 4 columns
+of \texttt{wz} are needed. If $\bW_i$ is tridiagonal then only the
+first 7 columns of \texttt{wz} are needed.
+If $\bW_i$ \textit{is} banded then \texttt{wz} needs not have
+all $\frac12 M(M+1)$ columns; only $M^*$ columns suffice, and the
+rest of the elements of $\bW_i$ are implicitly zero.
+As well as reducing the size of \texttt{wz} itself in most cases, the
+matrix-band format often makes the computation of \texttt{wz} very
+simple and efficient. Furthermore, a Cholesky decomposition of a
+banded matrix will be banded. A final reason is that sometimes we
+want to input $\bW_i$ into \VGAM: if \texttt{wz} is $M \times M \times
+n$ then \texttt{vglm(\ldots, weights = wz)} will result in an error
+whereas it will work if \texttt{wz} is an $n \times M^*$ matrix.
+To facilitate the use of the matrix-band format,
+a few auxiliary functions have been written.
+In particular, there is \texttt{iam()} which gives the indices
+for an array-to-matrix.
+In the $4\times 4$ example above,
+iam(NA, NA, M = 4, both = TRUE, diag = TRUE)
+returns the indices for the respective array coordinates for
+successive columns of matrix-band format
+(see Equation \ref{eqn:hbw.eg}).
+If \texttt{diag = FALSE} then the first 4 elements in each vector
+are omitted. Note that the first two arguments of
+\texttt{iam()} are not used here and have been assigned
+\texttt{NA}s for simplicity.
+For its use on the multinomial logit model, where
+$(\bW_i)_{jj} = w_i\,\mu_{ij} (1-\mu_{ij}),\ j=1,\ldots,M$, and
+$(\bW_i)_{jk} = -w_i\,\mu_{ij} \mu_{ik},\ j\neq k$,
+this can be programmed succinctly like
+wz <- mu[, 1:M] * (1 - mu[, 1:M])
+if (M > 1) {
+ index <- iam(NA, NA, M = M, both = TRUE, diag = FALSE)
+ wz <- cbind(wz, -mu[, index$row] * mu[, index$col])
+wz <- w * wz
+(the actual code is slightly more complicated).
+In general, \VGAM{} family functions can be remarkably compact,
+\texttt{multinomial()} are all less than 120 lines of code each.
+% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+\section{Extensions and utilities}
+This section describes some useful utilities/extensions of the above.
+\subsection{Marginal effects}
+Models such as the multinomial logit and cumulative link models
+model the posterior probability $p_{j} = \pr(Y=j|\bix)$ directly.
+In some applications, knowing the derivative of $p_{j}$
+with respect to some of the $x_k$ is useful;
+in fact, often just knowing the sign is important.
+The function \texttt{margeff()} computes the derivatives and
+returns them as a $p \times (M+1) \times n$ array.
+For the multinomial logit model it is easy to show
+\frac{\partial \, p_{j}(\bix_i)}{\partial \,
+ \bbeta_{j} -
+ \bbeta_{s}
+while for
+\texttt{cumulative(reverse = FALSE)}
+we have
+$p_{j} = \gamma_{j} - \gamma_{j-1} = h(\eta_{j}) - h(\eta_{j-1})$
+where $h=g^{-1}$ is the inverse of the link function
+(cf. Table \ref{tab:cat.quantities})
+so that
+\frac{\partial \, p_{j}(\bix_{})}{\partial \,
+h'(\eta_{j}) \, \bbeta_{j} -
+h'(\eta_{j-1}) \, \bbeta_{j-1} .
+The function \texttt{margeff()} returns an array with these
+derivatives and should handle any value of
+\texttt{reverse} and \texttt{parallel}.
+% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+\subsection[The xij argument]{The \texttt{xij} argument}
+There are many models, including those for categorical data,
+where the value of an explanatory variable $x_k$ differs depending
+on which linear/additive predictor $\eta_{j}$.
+Here is a well-known example from {consumer choice} modeling.
+Suppose an econometrician is interested in peoples'
+choice of transport for travelling to work
+and that there are four choices:
+$Y=1$ for ``bus'',
+$Y=2$ ``train'',
+$Y=3$ ``car'' and
+$Y=4$ means ``walking''.
+Assume that people only choose one means to go to work.
+Suppose there are three covariates:
+$X_2=$ cost,
+$X_3=$ journey time, and
+$X_4=$ distance.
+Of the covariates only $X_4$ (and the intercept $X_1$)
+is the same for all transport choices;
+the cost and journey time differ according to the means chosen.
+Suppose a random sample of $n$ people is collected
+from some population, and that each person has
+access to all these transport modes.
+For such data, a natural regression model would be a
+multinomial logit model with $M=3$:
+for $j=1,\ldots,M$, we have
+$\eta_{j} =$
+\log \frac{\pr(Y=j)}{\pr(Y=M+1)}
+\beta_{(j)1}^{*} +
+\beta_{(1)2}^{*} \, (x_{i2j}-x_{i24}) +
+\beta_{(1)3}^{*} \, (x_{i3j}-x_{i34}) +
+\beta_{(1)4}^{*} \, x_{i4},
+where, for the $i$th person,
+$x_{i2j}$ is the cost for the $j$th transport means, and
+$x_{i3j}$ is the journey time of the $j$th transport means.
+The distance to get to work is $x_{i4}$; it has the same value
+regardless of the transport means.
+Equation \ref{eqn:xij.eg.gotowork}
+implies $\bH_1=\bI_3$ and $\bH_2=\bH_3=\bH_4=\bone_3$.
+also that if the last response category is used as the baseline or
+reference group (the default of \texttt{multinomial()}) then $x_{ik,M+1}$
+can be subtracted from $x_{ikj}$ for $j=1,\ldots,M$---this
+is the natural way $x_{ik,M+1}$ enters into the model.
+Recall from (\ref{gammod2}) that we had
+\eta_j(\bix_i) = \bbeta_j^{\top} \bix_i =
+\sum_{k=1}^{p} \, x_{ik} \, \beta_{(j)k} .
+Importantly, this can be generalized to
+\eta_j(\bix_{ij}) = \bbeta_j^{\top} \bix_{ij} =
+\sum_{k=1}^{p} \, x_{ikj} \, \beta_{(j)k} ,
+or writing this another way (as a mixture or hybrid),
+\eta_j(\bix_{i}^{*},\bix_{ij}^{*}) =
+\bbeta_{j}^{*T} \bix_{i}^{*} + \bbeta_{j}^{**T} \bix_{ij}^{*} .
+Often $\bbeta_{j}^{**} = \bbeta_{}^{**}$, say.
+In (\ref{eqn:xij2}) the variables in $\bix_{i}^{*}$ are common to
+all $\eta_{j}$, and the variables in $\bix_{ij}^{*}$ have
+different values for differing $\eta_{j}$.
+This allows for covariate values that are specific to each $\eta_j$,
+a facility which is very important in many applications.
+The use of the \texttt{xij} argument with the \VGAM{} family function
+\texttt{multinomial()} has very important applications in economics.
+In that field the term ``multinomial logit model'' includes a variety of
+models such as the ``generalized logit model'' where (\ref{eqn:xij0})
+holds, the ``conditional logit model'' where (\ref{eqn:xij}) holds,
+and the ``mixed logit model,'' which is a combination of the two,
+where (\ref{eqn:xij2}) holds.
+The generalized logit model focusses on the individual as the unit of
+analysis, and uses individual characteristics as explanatory variables,
+e.g., age of the person in the transport example.
+The conditional logit model assumes different values for each
+alternative and the impact of a unit of $x_k$ is assumed to be constant
+across alternatives, e.g., journey time in the choice of transport mode.
+Unfortunately, there is confusion in the literature for the terminology
+of the models. Some authors call \texttt{multinomial()}
+with (\ref{eqn:xij0}) the ``generalized logit model''.
+Others call the mixed
+logit model the ``multinomial logit model'' and view the generalized
+logit and conditional logit models as special cases.
+In \VGAM{} terminology there is no need to give different names to
+all these slightly differing special cases. They are all still called
+multinomial logit models, although it may be added that there are
+some covariate-specific linear/additive predictors.
+The important thing is that the framework accommodates $\bix_{ij}$,
+so one tries to avoid making life unnecessarily complicated.
+And \texttt{xij} can apply in theory to any VGLM and not just to the
+multinomial logit model.
+\cite{imai:king:lau:2008} present another perspective on the
+$\bix_{ij}$ problem with illustrations from \pkg{Zelig}
+\subsubsection[Using the xij argument]{Using the \texttt{xij} argument}
+\VGAM{} handles variables whose values depend on $\eta_{j}$,
+(\ref{eqn:xij2}), using the \texttt{xij} argument.
+It is assigned an S formula or a list of \proglang{S} formulas.
+Each formula, which must have $M$ \textit{different} terms,
+forms a matrix that premultiplies a constraint matrix.
+In detail, (\ref{eqn:xij0}) can be written in vector form as
+\boldeta(\bix_i) = \bB^{\top} \bix_i =
+\sum_{k=1}^{p} \, \bH_{k} \, \bbeta_{k}^{*} \, x_{ik},
+$\bbeta_{k}^{*} =
+\left( \beta_{(1)k}^{*},\ldots,\beta_{(r_k)k}^{*} \right)^{\top}$
+is to be estimated.
+This may be written
+\sum_{k=1}^{p} \, \diag(x_{ik},\ldots,x_{ik}) \,
+\bH_k \, \bbeta_{k}^{*}.
+To handle (\ref{eqn:xij})--(\ref{eqn:xij2})
+we can generalize (\ref{eqn:xij.d.vector}) to
+\sum_{k=1}^{p} \, \diag(x_{ik1},\ldots,x_{ikM}) \;
+\bH_k \, \bbeta_{k}^{*}
+\ \ \ \ \left(=
+\sum_{k=1}^{p} \, \bX_{(ik)}^{*} \,
+\bH_k \, \bbeta_{k}^{*} ,
+\mathrm{\ say} \right).
+Each component of the list \texttt{xij} is a formula having $M$ terms
+(ignoring the intercept) which
+specifies the successive diagonal elements of the matrix $\bX_{(ik)}^{*}$.
+Thus each row of the constraint matrix may be multiplied by a different
+vector of values.
+The constraint matrices themselves are not affected by the
+\texttt{xij} argument.
+How can one fit such models in \VGAM{}?
+Let us fit (\ref{eqn:xij.eg.gotowork}).
+Suppose the journey cost and time variables have had the
+cost and time of walking subtracted from them.
+using ``\texttt{.trn}'' to denote train,
+fit2 <- vglm(cbind(bus, train, car, walk) ~ Cost + Time + Distance,
+ fam = multinomial(parallel = TRUE ~ Cost + Time + Distance - 1),
+ xij = list(Cost ~ Cost.bus + Cost.trn + Cost.car,
+ Time ~ Time.bus + Time.trn + Time.car),
+ form2 = ~ Cost.bus + Cost.trn + Cost.car +
+ Time.bus + Time.trn + Time.car +
+ Cost + Time + Distance,
+ data = gotowork)
+should do the job.
+Here, the argument \texttt{form2} is assigned a second \proglang{S} formula which
+is used in some special circumstances or by certain types
+of \VGAM{} family functions.
+The model has $\bH_{1} = \bI_{3}$ and $\bH_{2} = \bH_{3} = \bH_{4} = \bone_{3}$
+because the lack of parallelism only applies to the intercept.
+However, unless \texttt{Cost} is the same as \texttt{Cost.bus} and
+\texttt{Time} is the same as \texttt{Time.bus},
+this model should not be plotted with \texttt{plotvgam()};
+see the author's homepage for further documentation.
+By the way,
+in (\ref{eqn:xij.eg.gotowork})
+is replaced by $\beta_{(j)4}^{*}$.
+Then the above code but with
+ fam = multinomial(parallel = FALSE ~ 1 + Distance),
+should fit this model.
+ fam = multinomial(parallel = TRUE ~ Cost + Time - 1),
+\subsubsection{A more complicated example}
+The above example is straightforward because the
+variables were entered linearly. However, things
+become more tricky if data-dependent functions are used in
+any \texttt{xij} terms, e.g., \texttt{bs()}, \texttt{ns()} or \texttt{poly()}.
+In particular, regression splines such as \texttt{bs()} and \texttt{ns()}
+can be used to estimate a general smooth function $f(x_{ij})$, which is
+very useful for exploratory data analysis.
+Suppose we wish to fit the variable \texttt{Cost} with a smoother.
+This is possible with regression splines and using a trick.
+Firstly note that
+fit3 <- vglm(cbind(bus, train, car, walk) ~ ns(Cost) + Time + Distance,
+ multinomial(parallel = TRUE ~ ns(Cost) + Time + Distance - 1),
+ xij = list(ns(Cost) ~ ns(Cost.bus) + ns(Cost.trn) + ns(Cost.car),
+ Time ~ Time.bus + Time.trn + Time.car),
+ form2 = ~ ns(Cost.bus) + ns(Cost.trn) + ns(Cost.car) +
+ Time.bus + Time.trn + Time.car +
+ ns(Cost) + Cost + Time + Distance,
+ data = gotowork)
+will \textit{not} work because the basis functions for
+\texttt{ns(Cost.bus)}, \texttt{ns(Cost.trn)} and \texttt{ns(Cost.car)}
+are not identical since the knots differ.
+Consequently, they represent different functions despite
+having common regression coefficients.
+Fortunately, it is possible to force the \texttt{ns()} terms
+to have identical basis functions by using a trick:
+combine the vectors temporarily.
+To do this, one can let
+NS <- function(x, ..., df = 3)
+ sm.ns(c(x, ...), df = df)[1:length(x), , drop = FALSE]
+This computes a natural cubic B-spline evaluated at \texttt{x} but it uses the
+other arguments as well to form an overall vector from which to obtain
+the (common) knots.
+Then the usage of \texttt{NS()} can be something like
+fit4 <- vglm(cbind(bus, train, car, walk) ~ NS(Cost.bus, Cost.trn, Cost.car)
+ + Time + Distance,
+ multinomial(parallel = TRUE ~ NS(Cost.bus, Cost.trn, Cost.car)
+ + Time + Distance - 1),
+ xij = list(NS(Cost.bus, Cost.trn, Cost.car) ~
+ NS(Cost.bus, Cost.trn, Cost.car) +
+ NS(Cost.trn, Cost.car, Cost.bus) +
+ NS(Cost.car, Cost.bus, Cost.trn),
+ Time ~ Time.bus + Time.trn + Time.car),
+ form2 = ~ NS(Cost.bus, Cost.trn, Cost.car) +
+ NS(Cost.trn, Cost.car, Cost.bus) +
+ NS(Cost.car, Cost.bus, Cost.trn) +
+ Time.bus + Time.trn + Time.car +
+ Cost.bus + Cost.trn + Cost.car +
+ Time + Distance,
+ data = gotowork)
+So \texttt{NS(Cost.bus, Cost.trn, Cost.car)}
+is the smooth term for
+\texttt{Cost.bus}, etc.
+Furthermore, \texttt{plotvgam()} may be applied to
+\texttt{fit4}, in which case the fitted regression spline is plotted
+against its first inner argument, viz. \texttt{Cost.bus}.
+One of the reasons why it will predict correctly, too,
+is due to ``smart prediction''
+\subsubsection{Implementation details}
+The \texttt{xij} argument operates \textit{after} the
+ordinary $\bX_{\sVLM}$ matrix is created. Then selected columns
+of $\bX_{\sVLM}$ are modified from the constraint matrices, \texttt{xij}
+and \texttt{form2} arguments. That is, from \texttt{form2}'s model
+matrix $\bX_{\sformtwo}$, and the $\bH_k$. This whole operation
+is possible because $\bX_{\sVLM}$ remains structurally the same.
+The crucial equation is (\ref{eqn:xij.vector}).
+Other \texttt{xij} examples are given in the online help of
+\texttt{fill()} and \texttt{vglm.control()},
+as well as at the package's webpage.
+% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+This article has sought to convey how VGLMs/VGAMs are well suited for
+fitting regression models for categorical data. Its primary strength
+is its simple and unified framework, and when reflected in software,
+makes practical CDA more understandable and efficient. Furthermore,
+there are natural extensions such as a reduced-rank variant and
+covariate-specific $\eta_{j}$. The \VGAM{} package potentially offers
+a wide selection of models and utilities.
+There is much future work to do.
+Some useful additions to the package include:
+Bias-reduction \citep{firt:1993} is a method for removing the $O(n^{-1})$
+bias from a maximum likelihood estimate. For a substantial class of
+models including GLMs it can be formulated in terms of a minor adjustment
+of the score vector within an IRLS algorithm \citep{kosm:firt:2009}.
+One by-product, for logistic regression, is that while the maximum
+likelihood estimate (MLE) can be infinite, the adjustment leads to
+estimates that are always finite. At present the \R{} package \pkg{brglm}
+\citep{Kosmidis:2008} implements bias-reduction for a number of models.
+Bias-reduction might be implemented by adding an argument
+\texttt{bred = FALSE}, say, to some existing \VGAM{} family functions.
+Nested logit models were developed to overcome a fundamental shortcoming
+related to the multinomial logit model, viz. the independence of
+irrelevant alternatives (IIA) assumption. Roughly, the multinomial logit
+model assumes the ratio of the choice probabilities of two alternatives
+is not dependent on the presence or absence of other alternatives in
+the model. This presents problems that are often illustrated by the
+famed red bus-blue bus problem.
+The generalized estimating equations (GEE) methodology is largely
+amenable to IRLS and this should be added to the package in the future
+For logistic regression \proglang{SAS}'s \code{proc logistic} gives
+a warning if the data is {completely separate} or {quasi-completely
+separate}. Its effects are that some regression coefficients tend to $\pm
+\infty$. With such data, all (to my knowledge) \R{} implementations
+give warnings that are vague, if any at all, and this is rather
+unacceptable \citep{alli:2004}. The \pkg{safeBinaryRegression} package
+\citep{Konis:2009} overloads \code{glm()} so that a check for the
+existence of the MLE is made before fitting a binary response GLM.
+In closing, the \pkg{VGAM} package is continually being developed,
+therefore some future changes in the implementation details and usage
+may occur. These may include non-backward-compatible changes (see the
+\code{NEWS} file.) Further documentation and updates are available at
+the author's homepage whose URL is given in the \code{DESCRIPTION} file.
+% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+The author thanks Micah Altman, David Firth and Bill Venables for helpful
+conversations, and Ioannis Kosmidis for a reprint.
+Thanks also to The Institute for Quantitative Social Science at Harvard
+University for their hospitality while this document was written during a
+sabbatical visit.
diff --git a/inst/doc/categoricalVGAM.pdf b/inst/doc/categoricalVGAM.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb6c7d2
Binary files /dev/null and b/inst/doc/categoricalVGAM.pdf differ
diff --git a/inst/doc/crVGAM.R b/inst/doc/crVGAM.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbff521
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/doc/crVGAM.R
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
+### R code from vignette source 'crVGAM.Rnw'
+### code chunk number 1: crVGAM.Rnw:105-111
+ps.options(pointsize = 12)
+options(width = 72, digits = 4)
+options(SweaveHooks = list(fig = function() par(las = 1)))
+options(prompt = "R> ", continue = "+")
+### code chunk number 2: example-posber (eval = FALSE)
+## vglm(cbind(y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6) ~ weight + sex + age,
+## family = posbernoulli.t, data = pdata)
+### code chunk number 3: poz-args-posbinomial
+### code chunk number 4: poz-args-posbernoulli-t
+### code chunk number 5: poz-args-posbernoulli-b
+### code chunk number 6: poz-args-posbernoulli-tb
+### code chunk number 7: poz-posbernoulli-tb-gen (eval = FALSE)
+## vglm(..., family = posbernoulli.tb(parallel.b = TRUE ~ 0, parallel.t = TRUE ~ 0,
+## drop.b = TRUE ~ 0))
+### code chunk number 8: eg-deermice-look
+head(deermice, 4)
+### code chunk number 9: example1-model
+deermice <- within(deermice, {
+ age <- 2 - as.numeric(age)
+ sex <- 1 - as.numeric(sex)
+### code chunk number 10: example2-model
+M.0 <- vglm(cbind(y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6) ~ 1,
+ posbernoulli.t(parallel = TRUE ~ 1), data = deermice)
+M.b <- vglm(cbind(y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6) ~ 1,
+ posbernoulli.b, data = deermice)
+M.t <- vglm(cbind(y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6) ~ 1,
+ posbernoulli.t, data = deermice)
+M.h <- vglm(cbind(y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6) ~ weight + sex + age,
+ posbernoulli.t(parallel = TRUE ~ weight + sex + age), data = deermice)
+M.th <- vglm(cbind(y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6) ~ weight + sex + age,
+ posbernoulli.t, data = deermice)
+M.tb <- vglm(cbind(y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6) ~ 1,
+ posbernoulli.tb, data = deermice)
+M.bh <- vglm(cbind(y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6) ~ weight + sex + age,
+ posbernoulli.b, data = deermice)
+M.tbh <- vglm(cbind(y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6) ~ weight + sex + age,
+ posbernoulli.tb, data = deermice)
+### code chunk number 11: eg-deermice-Nhat
+c(M.bh at extra$N.hat, M.bh at extra$SE.N.hat)
+c(logLik(M.bh), AIC(M.bh))
+### code chunk number 12: maketable
+Table <- rbind(c(round(M.tbh at extra$N.hat,2),
+ round(M.bh at extra$N.hat,2),
+ round(M.tb at extra$N.hat,2),
+ round(M.th at extra$N.hat,2),
+ round(M.h at extra$N.hat,2),
+ round(M.b at extra$N.hat,2),
+ round(M.t at extra$N.hat,2),
+ round(M.0 at extra$N.hat,2)),
+ c(round(M.tbh at extra$SE.N.hat,2),
+ round(M.bh at extra$SE.N.hat,2),
+ round(M.tb at extra$SE.N.hat,2),
+ round(M.th at extra$SE.N.hat,2),
+ round(M.h at extra$SE.N.hat,2),
+ round(M.b at extra$SE.N.hat,2),
+ round(M.t at extra$SE.N.hat,2),
+ round(M.0 at extra$SE.N.hat,2)),
+ -2*c(round(logLik(M.tbh),2),
+ round(logLik(M.bh),2),
+ round(logLik(M.tb),2),
+ round(logLik(M.th),2),
+ round(logLik(M.h),2),
+ round(logLik(M.b),2),
+ round(logLik(M.t),2),
+ round(logLik(M.0),2)),
+ c(round(AIC(M.tbh),2),
+ round(AIC(M.bh),2),
+ round(AIC(M.tb),2),
+ round(AIC(M.th),2),
+ round(AIC(M.h),2),
+ round(AIC(M.b),2),
+ round(AIC(M.t),2),
+ round(AIC(M.0),2)));
+colnames(Table) <- c("M.tbh", "M.bh", "M.tb",
+ "M.th", "M.h", "M.b", "M.t", "M.0");
+rownames(Table) <- c("N.hat", "SE","-2ln(L)", "AIC");
+### code chunk number 13: example2-table
+### code chunk number 14: poz-posbernoulli-eg-deermice-coefs
+round(coef(M.bh), 2)
+round(sqrt(diag(vcov(M.bh))), 2)
+### code chunk number 15: poz-posbernoulli-eg-deermice-smooth
+fit.bh <- vgam(cbind(y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6) ~ s(weight, df = 3) + sex + age,
+ posbernoulli.b, data = deermice)
+plot(fit.bh, se = TRUE, las = 1, lcol = "blue", scol = "orange",
+ rcol = "purple", scale = 5)
+### code chunk number 16: poz-posbernoulli-eg-deermice-summary
+### code chunk number 17: poz-posbernoulli-eg-deermice-smooth-shadow (eval = FALSE)
+## plot(fit.bh, se = TRUE, las = 1, lcol = "blue", scol = "orange",
+## rcol = "purple", scale = 5, mgp = c(2.0, 1, 0))
+### code chunk number 18: plot-deermice
+par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
+par(las = 1, cex = 1.1, mar = c(3.8, 4, 0.5, 0.2) + 0.1)
+par(mgp = c(2.3, 1, 0)) # Default is c(3, 1, 0)
+plot(fit.bh, se = TRUE, las = 1, lcol = "blue", scol = "orange",
+ rcol = "purple", scale = 5, mgp = c(2.0, 1, 0))
+# < < poz-posbernoulli-eg-deermice-smooth-shadow> >
+### code chunk number 19: birds91read
+data("prinia", package = "VGAM")
+### code chunk number 20: example2a
+head(prinia, 4)[, 1:4]
+### code chunk number 21: example2b
+M.h.GAM <-
+ vgam(cbind(cap, noncap) ~ s(length, df = 3) + fat,
+ posbinomial(omit.constant = TRUE, parallel = TRUE ~ s(length, df = 3) + fat),
+ data = prinia)
+M.h.GAM at extra$N.hat
+M.h.GAM at extra$SE.N.hat
+### code chunk number 22: eg-bird-smooth-shadow1
+plot.info <- plot(M.h.GAM,
+ se = TRUE, las = 1, plot.arg = FALSE,
+ lcol = "blue",
+ scol = "orange",
+ rcol = "purple",
+ scale = 5)
+### code chunk number 23: eg-bird-smooth-shadow2 (eval = FALSE)
+## info.fit2 <- plot.info at preplot[[1]]
+## fat.effect <- coef(M.h.GAM)["fat"]
+## intercept <- coef(M.h.GAM)["(Intercept)"]
+## ooo <- order(info.fit2$x)
+## centering.const <- mean(prinia$length) - coef(M.h.GAM)["s(length, df = 3)"]
+## plotframe <- data.frame(lin.pred.b = intercept + fat.effect * 1 +
+## centering.const + info.fit2$y[ooo],
+## lin.pred.0 = intercept + fat.effect * 0 +
+## centering.const + info.fit2$y[ooo],
+## x2 = info.fit2$x[ooo])
+## plotframe <- transform(plotframe,
+## up.lin.pred.b = lin.pred.b + 2*info.fit2$se.y[ooo],
+## lo.lin.pred.b = lin.pred.b - 2*info.fit2$se.y[ooo],
+## up.lin.pred.0 = lin.pred.0 + 2*info.fit2$se.y[ooo],
+## lo.lin.pred.0 = lin.pred.0 - 2*info.fit2$se.y[ooo])
+## plotframe <- transform(plotframe,
+## fv.b = logit(lin.pred.b, inverse = TRUE),
+## up.fv.b = logit(up.lin.pred.b, inverse = TRUE),
+## lo.fv.b = logit(lo.lin.pred.b, inverse = TRUE),
+## fv.0 = logit(lin.pred.0, inverse = TRUE),
+## up.fv.0 = logit(up.lin.pred.0, inverse = TRUE),
+## lo.fv.0 = logit(lo.lin.pred.0, inverse = TRUE))
+## with(plotframe,
+## matplot(x2, cbind(up.fv.b, fv.b, lo.fv.b), type = "l", col = "blue",
+## lty = c(2, 1, 2), las = 1, cex.lab = 1.5, lwd = 2,
+## main = "", ylab = "", xlab = "Wing length (standardized)"))
+## mtext( ~ hat(p), side = 2, cex = 1.4, line = 4, adj = 0.5, las = 1)
+## with(plotframe, matlines(x2, cbind(up.fv.0, fv.0, lo.fv.0),
+## col = "darkorange", lty = c(2, 1, 2)), lwd = 2)
+## legend("topleft", legend = c("Fat present", "Fat not present"), bty = "n",
+## lwd = 2, col = c("blue", "darkorange"), merge = TRUE, cex = 1.5)
+### code chunk number 24: plot-bird
+par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
+info.fit2 <- plot.info at preplot[[1]]
+fat.effect <- coef(M.h.GAM)["fat"]
+intercept <- coef(M.h.GAM)["(Intercept)"]
+ooo <- order(info.fit2$x)
+centering.const <- mean(prinia$length) - coef(M.h.GAM)["s(length, df = 3)"]
+plotframe <- data.frame(lin.pred.b = intercept + fat.effect * 1 +
+ centering.const + info.fit2$y[ooo],
+ lin.pred.0 = intercept + fat.effect * 0 +
+ centering.const + info.fit2$y[ooo],
+ x2 = info.fit2$x[ooo])
+plotframe <- transform(plotframe,
+ up.lin.pred.b = lin.pred.b + 2*info.fit2$se.y[ooo],
+ lo.lin.pred.b = lin.pred.b - 2*info.fit2$se.y[ooo],
+ up.lin.pred.0 = lin.pred.0 + 2*info.fit2$se.y[ooo],
+ lo.lin.pred.0 = lin.pred.0 - 2*info.fit2$se.y[ooo])
+plotframe <- transform(plotframe,
+ fv.b = logit(lin.pred.b, inverse = TRUE),
+ up.fv.b = logit(up.lin.pred.b, inverse = TRUE),
+ lo.fv.b = logit(lo.lin.pred.b, inverse = TRUE),
+ fv.0 = logit(lin.pred.0, inverse = TRUE),
+ up.fv.0 = logit(up.lin.pred.0, inverse = TRUE),
+ lo.fv.0 = logit(lo.lin.pred.0, inverse = TRUE))
+ matplot(x2, cbind(up.fv.b, fv.b, lo.fv.b), type = "l", col = "blue",
+ lty = c(2, 1, 2), las = 1, cex.lab = 1.5, lwd = 2,
+ main = "", ylab = "", xlab = "Wing length (standardized)"))
+mtext( ~ hat(p), side = 2, cex = 1.4, line = 4, adj = 0.5, las = 1)
+with(plotframe, matlines(x2, cbind(up.fv.0, fv.0, lo.fv.0),
+ col = "darkorange", lty = c(2, 1, 2)), lwd = 2)
+legend("topleft", legend = c("Fat present", "Fat not present"), bty = "n",
+ lwd = 2, col = c("blue", "darkorange"), merge = TRUE, cex = 1.5)
+# < < eg-bird-smooth-shadow2 > >
+### code chunk number 25: poz-posbernoulli-tb-huggins89t1-data
+head(Huggins89table1, 4)
+### code chunk number 26: poz-posbernoulli-tb-huggins89t1-look
+Hdata <- transform(Huggins89table1, x3.tij = t01,
+ T02 = t02, T03 = t03, T04 = t04, T05 = t05, T06 = t06,
+ T07 = t07, T08 = t08, T09 = t09, T10 = t10)
+Hdata <- subset(Hdata,
+ y01 + y02 + y03 + y04 + y05 + y06 + y07 + y08 + y09 + y10 > 0)
+### code chunk number 27: poz-posbernoulli-th-huggins89t0-fit
+fit.th <-
+ vglm(cbind(y01, y02, y03, y04, y05, y06, y07, y08, y09, y10) ~ x2 + x3.tij,
+ xij = list(x3.tij ~ t01 + t02 + t03 + t04 + t05 + t06 + t07 + t08 +
+ t09 + t10 - 1),
+ posbernoulli.t(parallel.t = TRUE ~ x2 + x3.tij),
+ data = Hdata, trace = FALSE,
+ form2 = ~ x2 + x3.tij + t01 + t02 + t03 + t04 + t05 + t06 + t07 + t08 +
+ t09 + t10)
+### code chunk number 28: poz-posbernoulli-th-huggins89t0-constraints
+constraints(fit.th, matrix = TRUE)
+### code chunk number 29: poz-posbernoulli-tbh-huggins89t1-fit
+fit.tbh <-
+ vglm(cbind(y01, y02, y03, y04, y05, y06, y07, y08, y09, y10) ~ x2 + x3.tij,
+ xij = list(x3.tij ~ t01 + t02 + t03 + t04 + t05 + t06 +
+ t07 + t08 + t09 + t10 +
+ T02 + T03 + T04 + T05 + T06 +
+ T07 + T08 + T09 + T10 - 1),
+ posbernoulli.tb(parallel.t = TRUE ~ x2 + x3.tij),
+ data = Hdata, trace = FALSE,
+ form2 = ~ x2 + x3.tij +
+ t01 + t02 + t03 + t04 + t05 + t06 + t07 + t08 + t09 + t10 +
+ T02 + T03 + T04 + T05 + T06 + T07 + T08 + T09 + T10)
+### code chunk number 30: poz-posbernoulli-tbh-huggins89t1-aic
+c(logLik(fit.th), AIC(fit.th))
+c(logLik(fit.tbh), AIC(fit.tbh))
+### code chunk number 31: poz-posbernoulli-tb-huggins89t1-constraints
+head(constraints(fit.tbh, matrix = TRUE), 4)
+tail(constraints(fit.tbh, matrix = TRUE), 4)
+### code chunk number 32: poz-posbernoulli-tb-huggins89t1-coefs
+### code chunk number 33: poz-posbernoulli-tb-huggins89t1-Nhat
+fit.tbh at extra$N.hat
+fit.tbh at extra$SE.N.hat
+### code chunk number 34: poz-posbernoulli-tbh-huggins89t1-fit-Select
+Hdata <- subset(Huggins89table1, rowSums(Select(Huggins89table1, "y")) > 0)
+Hdata.T <- Select(Hdata, "t")
+colnames(Hdata.T) <- gsub("t", "T", colnames(Hdata.T))
+Hdata <- data.frame(Hdata, Hdata.T)
+Hdata <- transform(Hdata, x3.tij = y01)
+Form2 <- Select(Hdata, prefix = TRUE, as.formula = TRUE)
+Xij <- Select(Hdata, c("t", "T"), as.formula = TRUE,
+ sort = FALSE, rhs = "0", lhs = "x3.tij", exclude = "T01")
+fit.tbh <- vglm(Select(Hdata, "y") ~ x2 + x3.tij,
+ form2 = Form2, xij = list(Xij),
+ posbernoulli.tb(parallel.t = TRUE ~ x2 + x3.tij),
+ data = Hdata, trace = FALSE)
+### code chunk number 35: poz-posbernoulli-bh-ephemeral-method1
+deermice <- transform(deermice, Lag1 = y1)
+M.tbh.lag1 <-
+ vglm(cbind(y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6) ~ sex + weight + Lag1,
+ posbernoulli.tb(parallel.t = FALSE ~ 0,
+ parallel.b = FALSE ~ 0,
+ drop.b = FALSE ~ 1),
+ xij = list(Lag1 ~ fill(y1) + fill(y2) + fill(y3) + fill(y4) +
+ fill(y5) + fill(y6) +
+ y1 + y2 + y3 + y4 + y5),
+ form2 = ~ sex + weight + Lag1 +
+ fill(y1) + fill(y2) + fill(y3) + fill(y4) +
+ fill(y5) + fill(y6) +
+ y1 + y2 + y3 + y4 + y5 + y6,
+ data = deermice)
+### code chunk number 36: poz-posbernoulli-bh-ephemeral-method2
+deermice <- transform(deermice, Lag1 = y1)
+deermice <- transform(deermice, f1 = y1, f2 = y1, f3 = y1, f4 = y1,
+ f5 = y1, f6 = y1)
+tau <- 6
+H2 <- H3 <- cbind(rep(1, 2*tau-1))
+H4 <- cbind(c(rep(0, tau), rep(1, tau-1)))
+M.tbh.lag1.method2 <-
+ vglm(cbind(y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6) ~ sex + weight + Lag1,
+ posbernoulli.tb(parallel.b = TRUE ~ 0, parallel.t = TRUE ~ 0),
+ constraints = list("(Intercept)" = cbind(H4, 1), sex = H2, weight= H3,
+ Lag1 = H4),
+ xij = list(Lag1 ~ f1 + f2 + f3 + f4 + f5 + f6 +
+ y1 + y2 + y3 + y4 + y5),
+ form2 = Select(deermice, prefix = TRUE, as.formula = TRUE),
+ data = deermice)
+### code chunk number 37: poz-posbernoulli-bh-ephemeral-lag2
+deermice <- transform(deermice, Lag2 = y1)
+M.bh.lag2 <-
+ vglm(cbind(y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6) ~ sex + weight + Lag2,
+ posbernoulli.tb(parallel.t = FALSE ~ 0,
+ parallel.b = FALSE ~ 0,
+ drop.b = FALSE ~ 1),
+ xij = list(Lag2 ~ fill(y1) + fill(y2) + fill(y3) + fill(y4) +
+ fill(y5) + fill(y6) +
+ y1 + pmax(y1, y2) + pmax(y2, y3) + pmax(y3, y4) +
+ pmax(y4, y5)),
+ form2 = ~ sex + weight + Lag2 +
+ fill(y1) + fill(y2) + fill(y3) + fill(y4) +
+ fill(y5) + fill(y6) +
+ y1 + pmax(y1, y2) + pmax(y2, y3) + pmax(y3, y4) +
+ pmax(y4, y5) + y6,
+ data = deermice)
diff --git a/inst/doc/crVGAM.Rnw b/inst/doc/crVGAM.Rnw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a46807
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/doc/crVGAM.Rnw
@@ -0,0 +1,2247 @@
+%% need no \usepackage{Sweave.sty}
+%% Packages.
+%\VignetteIndexEntry{The VGAM Package for Capture--Recapture Data Using the Conditional Likelihood}
+%\VignetteKeywords{closed population size estimation, conditional likelihood,mark--capture--recapture, vector generalized additive model, VGAM}
+%% new commands
+%% Shortcut commands.
+\newcommand{\logit}{\mbox{\rm logit}}
+\newcommand{\bone}{{\bf 1}}
+\newcommand{\bzero}{{\bf 0}}
+\newcommand{\bB}{\mbox{\rm \bf B}}
+\newcommand{\bX}{\mbox{\rm \bf X}}
+\newcommand{\bH}{\mbox{\rm \bf H}}
+\newcommand{\bI}{\mbox{\rm \bf I}}
+\newcommand{\bOO}{\mbox{\rm \bf O}}
+\newcommand{\bW}{\mbox{\rm \bf W}}
+\newcommand{\bY}{\mbox{\rm \bf Y}}
+\author{Thomas W. Yee\\The University of Auckland \And
+Jakub Stoklosa\\The University of New South Wales \AND
+Richard M. Huggins\\The University of Melbourne}
+\title{The \pkg{VGAM} Package for Capture--Recapture Data Using the Conditional Likelihood}
+%% for pretty printing and a nice hypersummary also set:
+\Plainauthor{Thomas W. Yee, Jakub Stoklosa, Richard M. Huggins} %% comma-separated
+\Plaintitle{The VGAM Package for Capture--Recapture Data Using the Conditional Likelihood} %% without formatting
+\Shorttitle{The VGAM Package for Capture--Recapture Data} %% a short title (if necessary)
+%% an abstract and keywords
+It is well known that using individual covariate information
+(such as body weight or gender) to model heterogeneity
+in capture--recapture (CR) experiments can greatly enhance
+inferences on the size of a closed population. Since individual
+covariates are only observable for captured individuals, complex
+conditional likelihood methods are usually required and these do
+not constitute a standard generalized linear model (GLM) family.
+Modern statistical techniques such as generalized additive models
+(GAMs), which allow a relaxing of the linearity assumptions on the
+covariates, are readily available for many standard GLM families.
+Fortunately, a natural statistical framework for maximizing
+conditional likelihoods is available in the Vector GLM and Vector
+GAM classes of models. We present several new \proglang{R}-functions
+(implemented within the \pkg{VGAM} package) specifically developed to allow
+the incorporation of individual covariates in the analysis of
+closed population CR data using a GLM/GAM-like approach
+and the conditional likelihood. As a result, a wide variety of
+practical tools are now readily available in the \pkg{VGAM} object
+oriented framework. We discuss and demonstrate their advantages,
+features and flexibility using the new \pkg{VGAM} CR functions on several
+\Keywords{closed population size estimation, conditional likelihood,
+mark--capture--recapture, vector generalized additive model, \pkg{VGAM}}
+\Plainkeywords{closed population, conditional likelihood,
+mark--capture--recapture, vector generalized additive model, VGAM R package}
+ Thomas W. Yee \\
+ Department of Statistics \\
+ University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019 \\
+ Auckland Mail Centre \\
+ Auckland 1142, New Zealand \\
+ E-mail: \email{t.yee at auckland.ac.nz}\\
+ URL: \url{http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~yee/}
+<<echo=FALSE, results=hide>>=
+ps.options(pointsize = 12)
+options(width = 72, digits = 4)
+options(SweaveHooks = list(fig = function() par(las = 1)))
+options(prompt = "R> ", continue = "+")
+%% Note: If there is markup in \(sub)section, then it has to be escape as above.
+Capture--recapture (CR) surveys are widely used in ecology and
+epidemiology to estimate population sizes. In essence they are
+sampling schemes that allow the estimation of both $n$ and $p$
+in a Binomial($n$, $p$) experiment \citep{hugg:hwan:2011}.
+The simplest CR sampling design consists of units or individuals
+in some population that are captured or tagged across several
+sampling occasions, e.g., trapping a nocturnal mammal species
+on seven consecutive nights. In these experiments, when an individual
+is captured for the first time then it is marked or tagged so that
+it can be identified upon subsequent recapture. On each occasion recaptures
+of individuals which have been previously marked are also noted. Thus
+each observed individual has a capture history: a vector of 1s and 0s
+denoting capture/recapture and noncapture respectively. The unknown
+population size is then estimated using the observed capture histories
+and any other additional information collected on captured individuals,
+such as weight or sex, along with environmental information such as
+rainfall or temperature.
+We consider closed populations, where there are no births, deaths,
+emigration or immigration throughout the sampling period
+\citep{amst:mcdo:manl:2005}. Such an assumption is often reasonable
+when the overall time period is relatively short.
+\citet{otis:etal:1978} provided eight specific closed population CR
+models (see also \citet{pollock:1991}), which permit the individual
+capture probabilities to depend on time and behavioural response,
+and be heterogeneous between individuals.
+The use of covariate information (or explanatory variables)
+to explain heterogeneous capture probabilities
+in CR experiments has received considerable attention over the
+last 30 years \citep{pollock:2002}. Population size estimates that
+ignore this heterogeneity typically result in biased population
+estimates \citep{amst:mcdo:manl:2005}.
+A recent book on CR experiements as a whole is \cite{mccr:morg:2014}.
+Since individual covariate information (such as gender or body weight)
+can only be collected on observed individuals, conditional likelihood
+models are employed \citep{pollock:1984,hugg:1989,alho:1990,lebreton:1992}.
+That is, one conditions on the individuals seen at least once through-out
+the experiment, hence they allow for individual covariates to be
+considered in the analysis. The capture probabilities are typically
+modelled as logistic functions of the covariates, and parameters are
+estimated using maximum likelihood. Importantly, these CR models are
+generalized linear models \citep[GLMs;][]{mccull:1989,hugg:hwan:2011}.
+Here, we maximize the conditional likelihood (or more
+formally the positive-Bernoulli distribution) models
+of \citet{hugg:1989}. This approach has become standard practice to carry
+out inferences when considering individual covariates, with several different
+software packages currently using this methodology, including:
+\proglang{MARK} \citep{cooch:white:2012},
+\proglang{CARE-2} \citep{hwang:chao:2003},
+and the \proglang{R} packages \citep{R:2014}:
+\pkg{mra} \citep{mcdonald:2010}, \pkg{RMark} \citep{laake:2013}
+and \pkg{Rcapture} \citep{rcapturepackage:2012,Baillargeon:Rivest:2007},
+the latter package uses a log-linear approach, which can be shown to be
+equivalent to the conditional likelihood \citep{cormak:1989,hugg:hwan:2011}.
+These programs are quite user friendly, and specifically, allow modelling
+capture probabilities as linear functions of the covariates. So an obvious
+question is to ask why develop yet another implementation for closed population
+CR modelling?
+Firstly, nonlinearity arises quite naturally in many ecological applications,
+In the CR context, capture probabilities may depend nonlinearly on
+individual covariates, e.g., mountain pygmy possums with lighter or
+heavier body weights may have lower capture probabilities compared
+with those having mid-ranged body weights
+However, in our experience, the vast majority of CR software does not handle
+nonlinearity well in regard to both estimation and in the plotting
+of the smooth functions. Since GAMs \citep[]{hastie:1990,wood:2006}
+were developed in the mid-1980s they have become a standard tool for
+data analysis in regression. The nonlinear relationship between the
+response and covariate is flexibly modelled, and few assumptions are
+made on the functional relationship. The drawback in applying these
+models to CR data has been the difficult programming required to
+implement the approach.
+Secondly, we have found several implementations of conditional
+likelihood slow, and in some instances unreliable and difficult to use.
+We believe our implementation has superior capabilities, and has
+good speed and reliability. The results of
+Section \ref{sec:poz:posbernoulli.eg.timingtests} contrast our software
+with some others. Moreover, the incorporation of these methods in a general,
+maintained statistical package will result in them being updated as
+the package is updated.
+Standard GLM and GAM methodologies are unable to cope with the CR
+models considered in this article because they are largely restricted
+to one linear/additive predictor $\eta$. Fortunately however, a
+natural extension in the form of the vector generalized linear
+and additive model (VGLM/VGAM) classes do allow for multiple $\eta$s.
+VGAMs and VGLMs are described in \citet{yee:wild:1996} and \citet{yee:hast:2003}.
+Their implementation in the \pkg{VGAM} package \citep{yee:2008,yee:2010,yee:VGAM:2013-093}
+has become increasing popular and practical over the last few years, due to
+large number of exponential families available for discrete/multinomial
+response data. In addition to flexible modelling of both VGLMs and VGAMs,
+a wide range of useful features are also available:
+\item smoothing capabilities;
+\item model selection using, e.g., AIC or BIC \citep{burnham:anderson:1999};
+\item regression diagnostics and goodness--of--fit tools;
+\item reduced-rank regression \citep{yee:hast:2003} for dimension
+\item computational speed and robustness;
+\item choice of link functions;
+\item offsets and prior weights; and
+\item (specifically) when using \proglang{R}: generic functions
+based on object oriented programming, e.g., \code{fitted()},
+\code{coef()}, \code{vcov()}, \code{summary()}, \code{predict()},
+\code{AIC()}, etc.
+Our goal is to provide users with an easy-to-use object-oriented \pkg{VGAM}
+structure, where four \code{family}-type functions based on the conditional
+likelihood are available to fit the eight models of \citet{otis:etal:1978}.
+We aim to give the user additional tools and features,
+such as those listed above, to carry out a more informative and
+broader analysis of CR data; particularly when considering more than
+one covariate. Finally, this article primarily focuses on the technical
+aspects of the proposed package, and less so on the biological interpretation
+for CR experiments. The latter will be presented elsewhere.
+An outline of this article is as follows. In Section \ref{sec:cr} we
+present the conditional likelihood for CR models and a description of
+the eight \citet{otis:etal:1978} models. Section \ref{sec:vgam}
+summarizes pertinent details of VGLMs and VGAMs. Their connection to
+the CR models is made in Section \ref{sec:meth}. Software details
+are given in Section \ref{sec:software}, and examples on real and
+simulated data using the new software are demonstrated in
+Section \ref{sec:body:exam}. Some final remarks are given in
+Section \ref{sec:discussion}. The two appendices give some
+technical details relating to the first and second derivatives
+of the conditional log-likelihood, and the means.
+\ \ \ Symbol \ \ \ & Explanation \\
+% --------------------------------------
+$N$ & (Closed) population size to be estimated \\
+% --------------------------------------
+$n$ & Total number of distinct individuals caught in the trapping experiment \\
+% --------------------------------------
+$\tau$ & Number of sampling occasions, where $\tau \geq 2$ \\
+% --------------------------------------
+$\biy_i$ & Vector of capture histories for individual $i$ $(i=1,\ldots,n)$ with observed values\\
+& 1 (captured) and 0 (noncaptured). Each $\biy_i$ has at least one observed 1 \\
+% --------------------------------------
+``$h$'' & Model $\calM$ subscript, for heterogeneity \\
+% --------------------------------------
+``$b$'' & Model $\calM$ subscript, for behavioural effects \\
+% --------------------------------------
+``$t$'' & Model $\calM$ subscript, for temporal effects \\
+% --------------------------------------
+$p_{ij}$ & Probability that individual $i$ is captured at sampling occasion $j$ $(j=1,\ldots,\tau)$ \\
+% --------------------------------------
+$z_{ij}$ & $= 1$ if individual $i$ has been captured before occasion $j$,
+else $= 0$ \\
+% --------------------------------------
+$\btheta^{}$ & Vector of regression coefficients to be estimated related to $p_{ij}$
+% --------------------------------------
+$\boldeta$ & Vector of linear predictors (see Table \ref{tab2}
+for further details)
+% --------------------------------------
+$g$ & Link function applied to, e.g., $p_{ij}$. Logit by default
+% --------------------------------------
+Short summary of the notation used for the positive-Bernoulli distribution
+for capture--recapture (CR) experiments. Additional details are in the text.
+\section[Capture--recapture models]{Capture--recapture models}
+In this section we give an outline for closed population CR models
+under the conditional likelihood/GLM approach. For further details
+we recommend \citet{hugg:1991} and \citet{hugg:hwan:2011}.
+The notation of Table \ref{tab0} is used throughout this article.
+% ---------------------------------------------------------------
+\subsection{Conditional likelihood}
+Suppose we have a closed population of $N$ individuals,
+labelled $i=1,\ldots,N$ and $\tau$ capture occasions
+labelled $j=1,\ldots,\tau$. We make the usual assumptions that
+individuals in the population behave independently of each other,
+individuals do not lose their tags, and tags are recorded correctly.
+Let $y_{ij}=1$ if the $i$th individual was caught on the $j$th
+occasion and be zero otherwise, and let $n$ be the number of
+distinct individuals captured.
+Let $p_{ij}$ denote the probability of capturing individual $i$
+on occasion $j$. As noted in Section \ref{sec:intro},
+describe eight models for the capture probabilities,
+see Section \ref{sec:8models}
+for further details. Label the individuals captured in the experiment
+by $i=1,\ldots,n$ and those never captured by $i=n+1,\ldots,N$. The full
+likelihood is given by
+L_{f} & = & K \prod_{i=1}^{N}\prod_{j=1}^{\tau} p_{ij}^{y_{ij}}
+(1-p_{ij})^{1- y_{ij}}
+& = & K
+(1-p_{ij})^{1 - y_{ij}}\right\}\cdot
+\left\{\prod_{i=n+1}^{N} \prod_{j=1}^{\tau} (1-p_{ij})\right\}
+where $K$ is independent of the $p_{ij}$ but may depend on $N$. The
+RHS of (\ref{eq:posbern.uncondlikelihood}) requires knowledge of the
+uncaptured individuals and in general cannot be computed. Consequently
+no MLE of $N$ will be available unless some homogeneity assumption is
+made about the noncaptured individuals. Instead, a conditional likelihood
+function based only on the individuals observed at least once is
+L_{c} & \propto & \prod_{i=1}^{n}
+\frac{\prod\limits_{j=1}^{\tau} p_{ij}^{y_{ij}} (1-p_{ij})^{1 - y_{ij}}}
+is used. Here $p_{is}^{\dagger}$ are the $p_{ij}$ computed as if the
+individual had not been captured prior to $j$ so that the denominator
+is the probability individual $i$ is captured at least once. This
+conditional likelihood (\ref{eq:posbern.condlikelihood}) is a modified
+version of the likelihood corresponding to a positive-Bernoulli
+distribution \citep{patil:1962}.
+Capture & \multicolumn{4}{c|}{Joint probability}\\
+history & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{$\calM_0$/$\calM_h$}
+& \multicolumn{1}{c|}{$\calM_b$/$\calM_{bh}$}
+& \multicolumn{1}{c|}{$\calM_t$/$\calM_{th}$}
+& \multicolumn{1}{c|}{$\calM_{tb}$/$\calM_{tbh}$} \\
+01 & $(1-p) p$ & $(1-p_{c}) \, p_{c}$ & $(1-p_1) p_2$
+& $(1-p_{c1}) \, p_{c2}$ \\
+10 & $p(1-p)$ & $p_{c} (1-p_{r})$ & $p_1 (1-p_2)$
+& $p_{c1} (1-p_{r2})$ \\
+11 & $p^2$ & $p_{c} \, p_{r}$ & $p_1 \, p_2$ & $p_{c1} \, p_{r2}$ \\
+00 & $(1-p)^2$ & $(1-p_{c})^2$ & $(1-p_1)(1-p_2)$
+& $(1-p_{c1})(1-p_{c2})$ \\
+\hline \hline
+$ M \equiv \dim(\boldeta)$ & 1 & 2 & 2 $(=\tau)$
+& 3 $(=2 \tau - 1)$ \\
+\caption{Capture history sample space and corresponding probabilities
+for the eight models of \citet{otis:etal:1978}, with $\tau=2$ capture occasions
+in closed population CR experiment. Here, $p_{cj}=$ capture probability for
+unmarked individuals at sampling period $j$, $p_{rj}=$ recapture
+probability for marked individuals at sampling period $j$, and $p=$
+constant capture probability across $\tau=2$. Note that the ``00'' row
+is never realized in sample data.}
+% ---------------------------------------------------------------
+\subsection{The eight models}
+Models which allow capture probabilities to depend on one or a
+combination of time, heterogeneity or behavioural effects are defined
+using appropriate subscripts, e.g., $\calM_{th}$ depends on time and
+heterogeneity. These eight models have a nested structure
+of which $\calM_{tbh}$ is the most general. The homogeneous
+model $\calM_0$ is the simplest (but most unrealistic) and has equal
+capture probabilities for each individual $H_0: p_{ij}=p$, regardless
+of the sampling occasion. All eight models are GLMs, since the
+conditional likelihood (\ref{eq:posbern.condlikelihood})
+belongs to the exponential family \citep{hugg:hwan:2011}.
+To illustrate the approach, we use the following toy example throughout,
+consider a CR experiment with two occasions---morning and evening
+(i.e., $\tau=2$), with capture
+probabilities varying between the two occasions. Furthermore, suppose we
+have collected some individual covariates---weight and gender.
+The joint probabilities of all the eight models are listed in
+Table \ref{tab1}. It can be seen that all but the positive-Binomial
+model ($\calM_{0}/\calM_{h}$)
+require more than one probability and hence more than
+one linear predictor, so that the
+original \cite{neld:wedd:1972} GLM framework is inadequate. Further, there
+are two noteworthy points from Table \ref{tab1} which apply for
+any $\tau\ge 2$:
+\item first, for $\calM_{t}$-type models, as $\tau$ increases
+so will the number of linear predictors and hence the potential
+number of parameters;
+\item secondly, it is evident that there are four main categories
+consisting of non-heterogeneity models ($\calM_{0}$, $\calM_{b}$, $\calM_{t}$
+and $\calM_{tb}$), which are paired with a heterogeneity sub-model
+(respectively $\calM_{h}$, $\calM_{bh}$, $\calM_{th}$ and $\calM_{tbh}$).
+The four heterogeneity models allow for each individual to have
+their own probability of capture/recapture. In our toy example,
+the capture probabilities are dependent on an individual's weight
+and gender. We discuss these models further in Section \ref{sec:vgam.basics}.
+It is natural to consider individual covariates such as weight
+and gender as linear/additive predictors. Let $x_{i}$ denote a
+covariate (either continuous or discrete) for the $i$th individual,
+which is constant across the capture occasions $j=1,\ldots,\tau$,
+e.g., for continuous covariates one could use the first
+observed value or the mean across all $j$. If there are $d-1$ covariates,
+we write $\bix_i=(x_{i1},\ldots,x_{id})^{\top}$ with $x_{i1}=1$ if
+there is an intercept. Also, let $g^{-1}(\eta)={\exp(\eta)}/\{{1+\exp(\eta)}\}$
+be the inverse \logit{} function. Consider model $\mathcal{M}_{tbh}$, then the
+capture/recapture probabilities are given as [notation follows
+Section \ref{sec:VGAMs.basics}]
+p_{ij}^{\dagger} & = & g^{-1} \!
+\left(\qquad \quad \, \beta^*_{(j+1)1} + \bix_{i[-1]}^{\top} \,
+\bbeta_{1[-1]}^{} \right), \qquad j=1,\ldots,\tau, \\
+p_{ij} & = & g^{-1} \!\left(\beta^*_{(1)1} + \beta^*_{(j+1)1} +
+\bix_{i[-1]}^{\top} \,\bbeta_{1[-1]}^{} \right),\qquad j=2,\ldots,\tau,
+where $\beta^*_{(1)1}$ is the behavioural effect of prior capture,
+$\beta^*_{(j+1)1}$ for $j=1,\ldots,\tau$ are time effects,
+and $\bbeta_{1[-1]}$ are the remaining regression parameters
+associated with the covariates. Computationally, the conditional
+likelihood (\ref{eq:posbern.condlikelihood}) is maximized with
+respect to all the parameters (denote by $\btheta{}$) by the
+Fisher scoring algorithm using the derivatives given in
+Appendix A.
+% ---------------------------------------------------------------
+\subsection[Estimation of N]{Estimation of $N$}
+In the above linear models, to estimate $N$ let $\pi_{i}(\btheta)=1-\prod\limits_{s=1}^{\tau}(1-p_{is}^{\dagger})$
+be the probability that individual $i$ is captured at least once
+in the course of the study. Then, if $\btheta$ is known,
+the Horvitz--Thompson \citep[HT;][]{horv:thom:1952} estimator
+\widehat{N}(\btheta) &=& \sum_{i=1}^{n} \; {\pi}_{i}(\btheta)^{-1}
+is unbiased for the population size $N$ and an associated estimate of
+the variance of $\widehat{N}(\btheta)$ is $s^2(\btheta) = \sum_{i=1}^{n}
+\; {\pi}_{i}(\btheta)^{-2} \, \left[1-{\pi}_{i}(\btheta)\right]$.
+If $\btheta$ is estimated by $\widehat{\btheta}$ then one can use
+\VAR\left(\widehat{N}(\widehat{\btheta}) \right) & \approx &
+s^2(\widehat{\btheta}) + \widehat{\bid}^{\top}
+\widehat{\VAR}(\widehat{\btheta}) \,\widehat{\bid}
+where, following from a Taylor series expansion
+of $\widehat{N}(\widehat{\btheta})$
+about $\widehat{N}(\btheta)$,
+\bid\, = \, \frac{d N(\btheta)}{d \btheta}
+& = &\sum_{i=1}^n \; {\pi}_{i}(\btheta)^{-2} \; \,
+\frac{d {\pi}_{i}(\btheta)}{d \btheta} \\
+& = &\sum_{i=1}^n \; \frac{-1}{{\pi}_{i}(\btheta)^{2}} \;
+\sum_{s=1}^{\tau} \; \left[\prod_{t=1,\ t \neq s}^{\tau}
+\left( 1 - p_{it}^{\dagger}\right)\right]
+\frac{\partial p_{is}^{\dagger}}{\partial \btheta}.
+\section[Vector generalized linear and additive models]{Vector generalized
+linear and additive models}
+To extend the above linear models, we use VGLMs and VGAMs which we briefly
+describe in this section. These models fit within a large statistical
+regression framework which will be described in \citet{yee:2015}.
+The details here are purposely terse; readers are directed
+to \citet{yee:2008,yee:2010}
+for accessible overviews and examples, and \citet{yee:wild:1996}
+and \citet{yee:hast:2003} for technical details.
+% ---------------------------------------------------------------
+Consider observations on independent pairs $(\bix_i,\biy_i)$,
+$i=1,\ldots,n$. We use ``$[-1]$'' to delete the first element,
+e.g., $\bix_{i[-1]} =(x_{i2},\ldots,x_{id})^{\top}$. For
+simplicity, we will occasionally drop the subscript $i$ and simply
+write $\bix =(x_{1},\ldots,x_{d})^{\top}$. Consider a single observation
+where \biy{} is a $Q$-dimensional vector. For the CR models of this
+paper, $Q=\tau$ when the response is entered as a matrix of 0s and 1s.
+The only exception is for the $\calM_0/\calM_h$ where the aggregated
+counts may be inputted, see Section \ref{sec:M0Mh}. VGLMs are defined
+through the model for the conditional density
+f(\biy | \bix ; \bB) = f(\biy,\eta_1,\ldots,\eta_M)
+for some known function $f(\cdot)$,
+where $\bB =(\bbeta_1 \,\bbeta_2 \,\cdots \,\bbeta_M)$ is
+a $d\times M$ matrix of regression coefficients to be estimated.
+We may also write $\bB^{\top} = (\bbeta_{(1)} \,\bbeta_{(2)}\,\cdots\,
+\bbeta_{(d)})$ so that $\bbeta_j$ is the $j$th column of $\bB$
+and $\bbeta_{(k)}$ is the $k$th row.
+The $j$th linear predictor is then
+\eta_j = \bbeta_j^{\top} \bix = \sum_{k=1}^d \beta_{(j)k} \,
+x_{k}, j=1, \ldots, M,
+where $\beta_{(j)k}$ is the $k$th component of $\bbeta_j$.
+In the CR context, we remind the reader that,
+as in Table \ref{tab1}, we have $M=2$ for $\calM_{bh}$,
+$M=\tau$ for $\calM_{th}$ and $M=2\tau-1$ for $\calM_{tbh}$.
+In GLMs the linear predictors are used to model the means.
+The $\eta_j$ of VGLMs model the parameters of a model.
+In general, for a parameter $\theta_j$ we take
+\eta_j = g_j(\theta_j), j=1,\ldots,M
+and we say $g_j$ is a parameter link function. Write
+\boldeta_i = \left(\begin{array}{c}\eta_1(\bix_{i})\\
+\vdots \\
+\eta_M(\bix_{i})\end{array}\right) = \bB^{\top} \bix_{i} =
+\left(\begin{array}{c}\bbeta_1^{\top} \bix_{i} \\\vdots \\
+\bbeta_M^{\top} \bix_{i}\end{array} \right).
+In practice we may wish to constrain the effect of a covariate to
+be the same for some of the $\eta_j$ and to have no effect for others.
+In our toy example, model $\calM_{th}$ with $\tau=M=2$, $d=3$, we have
+\eta_1(\bix_i) & = & \beta_{(1)1} + \beta_{(1)2} \, x_{i2} +
+\beta_{(1)3} \, x_{i3}, \\
+\eta_2(\bix_i) & = & \beta_{(2)1} + \beta_{(2)2} \, x_{i2} +
+\beta_{(2)3} \, x_{i3},
+which correspond to $x_{i2}$ being the individual's weight
+and $x_{i3}$ an indicator of gender say, then we have the
+constraints $\beta_{(1)2}\equiv\beta_{(2)2}$
+and $\beta_{(1)3}\equiv\beta_{(2)3}$. Then, with ``${}^*$''
+denoting the parameters that are estimated,
+\eta_1(\bix_i) & = & \beta^*_{(1)1} + \beta^*_{(1)2} \, x_{i2} +
+\beta^*_{(1)3} \, x_{i3}, \\
+\eta_2(\bix_i) & = & \beta^*_{(2)1} + \beta^*_{(1)2} \, x_{i2} +
+\beta^*_{(1)3} \, x_{i3}, \\
+and we may write
+\boldeta(\bix_i) =
+& = & \sum_{k=1}^3 \, \bbeta_{(k)} \, x_{ik}\\
+& = & \begin{pmatrix}\beta_{(1)1} & \beta_{(1)2} & \beta_{(1)3}\\
+\beta_{(2)1} & \beta_{(2)2} & \beta_{(2)3} \end{pmatrix}
+\begin{pmatrix}x_{i1}\\ x_{i2}\\ x_{i3} \end{pmatrix}\\
+& = &
+\beta^*_{(1)1} & \beta^*_{(1)2} & \beta^*_{(1)3}\\
+\beta^*_{(2)1} & \beta^*_{(1)2} & \beta^*_{(1)3}
+\begin{pmatrix}x_{i1}\\ x_{i2}\\ x_{i3}\end{pmatrix}\\
+& = &
+\begin{pmatrix}1 & 0\\ 0 & 1\end{pmatrix}
+\beta^*_{(1)1}\\ \beta^*_{(2)1}
+\beta^*_{(1)2} \, x_{i2}+
+\beta^*_{(1)3} \, x_{i3}\\
+& = & \sum_{k=1}^3 \, \bH_k \, \bbeta^*_{(k)} \, x_{ik}.
+We can also write this as (noting that $x_{i1}=1$)
+\boldeta(\bix_i) & = & \begin{pmatrix}x_{i1} & 0 \\ 0 & x_{i1}
+\end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix}
+\begin{pmatrix} \beta^*_{(1)1}\\ \beta^*_{(2)1} \end{pmatrix} +
+\begin{pmatrix} x_{i2} & 0 \\ 0 & x_{i2} \end{pmatrix}
+\begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ 1\end{pmatrix}
+\beta^*_{(1)2} + \begin{pmatrix} x_{i3} & 0 \\ 0 & x_{i3}
+1 \\
+& = & \sum_{k=1}^3 \, \mathrm{diag}(x_{ik},x_{ik}) \, \bH_k \,\bbeta_{(k)}^{*}.
+In general, for VGLMs, we represent the models as
+& = & \sum_{k=1}^d \, \bbeta_{(k)} \, x_{ik} \nonumber \\
+& = & \sum_{k=1}^d \, \bH_k \, \bbeta_{(k)}^{*} \, x_{ik}
+& = & \sum_{k=1}^d \, \mathrm{diag}(x_{ik},\ldots,x_{ik}) \,
+\bH_k \, \bbeta_{(k)}^{*}
+where $\bH_1,\bH_2,\ldots,\bH_d$ are known constraint matrices
+of full column-rank (i.e., rank \code{ncol}($\bH_k$)), $\bbeta_{(k)}^*$
+is a vector containing a possibly reduced set of regression coefficients.
+Then we may write
+{\bB}^{\top} =
+\bH_1 \bbeta_{(1)}^* \; \; \;
+\bH_2 \bbeta_{(2)}^* \;\;\; \cdots \;\;\;
+\bH_d \bbeta_{(d)}^*
+as an expression of (\ref{eq:lin.pred}) concentrating on columns rather
+than rows. Note that with no constraints at all, all $\bH_k = \bI_M$
+and $\bbeta_{(k)}^*=\bbeta_{(k)}$. We need both (\ref{eq:lin.pred})
+and (\ref{eq:lin.coefs4}) since we focus on the $\eta_j$
+and at other times on the variables $x_{k}$. The constraint matrices
+for common models are pre-programmed in \pkg{VGAM}
+and can be set up by using arguments such as \code{parallel} and \code{zero}
+found in \pkg{VGAM} family functions. Alternatively, there
+is the argument \code{constraints} where they may be explicitly
+inputted. Using \code{constraints} is less convenient but provides
+the full generality of its power.
+% ---------------------------------------------------------------
+\subsection[Handling time-varying covariates]{Handling time-varying covariates}
+Often, the covariates may be time-varying, e.g., when using
+temperature as a covariate, then a different value is observed and
+measured for each occasion $j$ for $j=1,\dots,\tau$.
+Again, using our toy example with $M=2$, $d=3$,
+and $\tau=2$, suppose we have time-dependent covariates $\bix_{ij}$, $j=1,2$.
+We may have the model
+\eta_1(\bix_{i1}) & = & \beta^*_{(1)1} + \beta^*_{(1)2} \, x_{i21} +
+\beta^*_{(1)3}\, x_{i31},\\
+\eta_2(\bix_{i2}) & = & \beta^*_{(2)1} + \beta^*_{(1)2} \, x_{i22} +
+\beta^*_{(1)3}\, x_{i32},\\
+for the linear predictor on the two occasions. Here, $x_{ikt}$ is for
+the $i$th animal, $k$th explanatory variable and $t$th time. We write this model as
+\boldeta(\bix_{ij}) & = & \begin{pmatrix} x_{i11} & 0\\ 0 & x_{i12} \end{pmatrix}
+\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0\\ 0 & 1\end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} \beta^*_{(1)1}\\
+\beta^*_{(2)1} \end{pmatrix} + \begin{pmatrix} x_{i21} & 0\\ 0 & x_{i22}\end{pmatrix}
+\begin{pmatrix} 1\\ 1\end{pmatrix} \beta^*_{(1)2} +
+\begin{pmatrix} x_{i31} & 0\\ 0 & x_{i32}\end{pmatrix}
+\begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ 1\end{pmatrix}
+\beta^*_{(1)3}\\ & = & \sum_{k=1}^3 \, \mathrm{diag}(x_{ik1},x_{ik2}) \,
+Thus to handle time-varying covariates one needs the \code{xij} facility of \pkg{VGAM}
+(e.g., see Section \ref{sec:poz:posbernoulli.eg.hugg:1991}), which allows a covariate
+to have different values for different $\eta_{j}$ through the general formula
+& = & \sum_{k=1}^{d}\, \mathrm{diag}(x_{ik1},\ldots,x_{ikM})\,
+\bH_k \,\bbeta_{(k)}^{*}=\sum_{k=1}^d \,
+\bX^{\#}_{(ik)}\bH_k \,\bbeta_{(k)}^{*}
+where $x_{ikj}$ is the value of variable $x_{k}$ for unit $i$ for $\eta_{j}$.
+The derivation of (\ref{eq:vglimo:xij.vector.diag}),
+followed by some examples are given in \cite{yee:2010}.
+Implementing this model requires specification
+of the diagonal elements of the matrices $\bX^*_{ik}$ and we see
+its use in Section \ref{sec:poz:posbernoulli.eg.hugg:1991}.
+Clearly, a model may include a mix of time-dependent and
+time-independent covariates.
+The model is then specified through the constraint matrices $\bH_k$
+and the covariate matrices $\bX^{\#}_{(ik)}$. Typically in CR experiments,
+the time-varying covariates will be environmental effects. Fitting
+time-varying individual covariates requires some interpolation when
+an individual is not captured and is beyond the scope of the present
+% ---------------------------------------------------------------
+VGAMs replace the linear functions in (\ref{eq:constraints.VGLM})
+by smoothers such as splines. Hence, the central formula is
+\boldeta_i = \sum_{k=1}^d \; \bH_k \, \bif_k^*(x_{ik})
+where $\bif_k^*(x_k) = (f_{k(1)}^*(x_k),\ldots,f_{k(M_k)}^*(x_k))^{\top}$
+is a vector of $M_k$ smooth functions of $x_k$, where $M_k=\mathtt{ncol}(\bH_k)$
+is the rank of the constraint matrix for $x_k$. Note that standard error bands
+are available upon plotting the estimated component functions (details at \cite{yee:wild:1996}),
+e.g., see Figure \ref{fig:poz:deermice}.
+\section[VGLMs and VGAMs applied to CR data]{VGLMs and VGAMs applied to CR data}
+In this section we merge the results of Sections \ref{sec:cr}
+and \ref{sec:vgam} to show how the eight models of \citet{otis:etal:1978}
+can be fitted naturally within the VGLM/VGAM framework.
+% ---------------------------------------------------------------
+\subsection[Linear predictors and constraint matrices]{Linear predictors and constraint matrices}
+As in Section \ref{sec:vgam.basics}, we now write $\biy_i$ as the
+capture history vector for individual $i$. Written technically,
+$\biy_i \in (\{0,1\})^{\tau} \backslash\{\bzero_\tau\}$ so that
+there is at least one 1 (capture). For simplicity let $p_c$ and $p_r$
+be the capture and recapture probabilities. Recall that the value
+for $M$ will depend on the CR model type and the number of
+capture occasions considered in the experiment,
+for example, consider model $\calM_b$ as in
+Table \ref{tab1}, then $(\eta_1,\eta_2)=(g(p_c),g(p_r))$
+for some link function $g$, thus $M=2$. The upper half of Table \ref{tab2}
+gives these for the eight \citet{otis:etal:1978}
+models. The lower half of Table \ref{tab2} gives
+the names of the \pkg{VGAM} family function that fits those
+models. They work very similarly to the \code{family} argument
+of \code{glm()}, e.g.,
+<<label = example-posber, eval = FALSE, prompt = FALSE>>=
+vglm(cbind(y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6) ~ weight + sex + age,
+ family = posbernoulli.t, data = pdata)
+is a simple call to fit a $\calM_{th}$ model. The response is a
+matrix containing 0 and 1 values only, and three individual covariates
+are used here. The argument name \code{family} was chosen for not
+necessitating \code{glm()} users learning a new argument
+name; and the concept of error distributions as for the GLM
+class does not carry over for VGLMs. Indeed, \code{family} denotes some
+full-likelihood specified statistical model worth fitting in its own right
+regardless of an `error distribution' which may not make sense.
+Each family function has \code{logit()} as their default link,
+however, alternatives such as \code{probit()} and \code{cloglog()}
+are also permissible. Section \ref{sec:software} discusses the software side
+of \pkg{VGAM} in detail, and Section \ref{sec:body:exam} gives more examples.
+As noted above, constraint matrices are used to simplify complex
+models, e.g., model $\calM_{tbh}$ into model $\calM_{th}$. The default
+constraint matrices for the $\calM_{tbh}(\tau)$ model are given
+in Table \ref{tab3}. These are easily constructed using the
+\code{drop.b}, \code{parallel.b} and \code{parallel.t}
+arguments in the family function. More generally, the $\bH_k$
+may be inputted using the \code{constraints}
+argument---see \cite{yee:2008} and \cite{yee:2010}
+for examples. It can be seen that the building blocks of
+the $\bH_k$ are \bone, \bzero, \bI{} and \bOO.
+This is because one wishes to constrain the effect of $x_k$
+to be the same for capture and recapture probabilities. In general,
+we believe the $\bH_k$ in conjunction with (\ref{eq:vglimo:xij.vector.diag})
+can accommodate all linear constraints between the estimated regression
+coefficients $\widehat{\beta}_{(j)k}$.
+For time-varying covariates models, the $M$ diagonal elements $x_{ikj}$
+in (\ref{eq:vglimo:xij.vector.diag}) correspond to the value of
+covariate $x_k$ at time $j$ for individual $i$. These are inputted
+successively in order using the \code{xij} argument, e.g., as in
+Section \ref{sec:poz:posbernoulli.eg.hugg:1991}.
+% ---------------------------------------------------------------
+\subsection[Penalized likelihood and smoothing parameters]{Penalized
+likelihood and smoothing parameters}
+For each covariate $x_{k}$, the smoothness of each component
+function $f^{*}_{(j)k}$ in (\ref{eq:vgam}) can be controlled
+by the non-negative smoothing parameters $\lambda_{(j)k}$.
+\cite{yee:wild:1994a} show that, when vector splines are used
+as the smoother, the penalized conditional log-likelihood
+\ell_p \equiv \log\, L_p = \ell_c - \frac12 \sum_{k=1}^d
+\left\{f^{*''}_{(j)k}(t) \right\}^2 {\rm d}t
+is maximized. Here, $\ell_c$ is the logarithm of the conditional likelihood
+function (\ref{eq:posbern.condlikelihood}).
+The penalized conditional likelihood (\ref{eq:posbern.pen.condlikelihood})
+is a natural extension of the penalty approach described
+in \citet{gree:silv:1994} to models with multiple $\eta_j$.
+An important practical issue is to control for overfitting and
+smoothness in the model. The \code{s()} function used within \code{vgam()}
+signifies the smooth functions $f^{*}_{(j)k}$ estimated by vector splines,
+and there is an argument \code{spar} for the smoothing parameters,
+and a relatively small (positive) value will mean much flexibility and wiggliness.
+As \code{spar} increases the solution converges to the least squares
+estimate. More commonly, the argument \code{df} is used, and this is
+known as the equivalent degrees of freedom (EDF). A value of unity
+means a linear fit, and the default is the value 4 which affords
+a reasonable amount of flexibility.
+% --------------------------------------
+Model & $\bm{\eta}^{\top}$ \\
+$\calM_{0}$/$\calM_{h}$ & $g(p)$ \\
+% --------------------------------------
+$\calM_{b}$/$\calM_{bh}$ & $(g(p_c), g(p_r))$ \\
+% --------------------------------------
+$\calM_{t}$/$\calM_{th}$ & $(g(p_{1}),\ldots,g(p_{\tau}))$ \\
+% --------------------------------------
+$\calM_{tb}$/$\calM_{tbh}$ \ \ \ &
+$(g(p_{c1}),\ldots,g(p_{c\tau}),g(p_{r2}),\ldots,g(p_{r\tau}))$ \\
+% --------------------------------------
+% --------------------------------------
+Model \ \ \ \ \ & \code{family =} \\
+$\calM_{0}$/$\calM_{h}$ & \code{posbinomial(omit.constant = TRUE)} \\
+& \code{posbernoulli.b(drop.b = FALSE \mytilde{} 0)} \\
+& \code{posbernoulli.t(parallel.t = FALSE \mytilde{} 0)} \\
+\code{posbernoulli.tb(drop.b = FALSE \mytilde{} 0, parallel.t = FALSE \mytilde{} 0)} \\
+% --------------------------------------
+$\calM_{b}$/$\calM_{bh}$ &
+\code{posbernoulli.b()} \\
+\code{posbernoulli.tb(drop.b = FALSE \mytilde{} 1, parallel.t = FALSE \mytilde{} 0)} \\
+% --------------------------------------
+$\calM_{t}$/$\calM_{th}$ &
+\code{posbernoulli.t()} \\
+ &
+\code{posbernoulli.tb(drop.b = FALSE \mytilde{} 0, parallel.t = FALSE \mytilde{} 1)} \\
+% --------------------------------------
+$\calM_{tb}$/$\calM_{tbh}$ \ \ \ &
+\code{posbernoulli.tb()} \\
+% --------------------------------------
+\caption{Upper table gives the $\boldeta$ for the eight \citet{otis:etal:1978}
+models. Lower table gives the relationships between the eight models
+and function calls. See Table \ref{tab1} for definitions.
+The $g=\logit$ link is default for all.\label{tab2}}
+\section[Software details for CR models in VGAM]{Software details for
+CR models in \pkg{VGAM}}
+Having presented the conditional likelihood (\ref{eq:posbern.condlikelihood})
+and VGLMs/VGAMs for CR models, we further discuss the fitting in \pkg{VGAM}.
+It is assumed that users are somewhat familiar with modelling in \proglang{R}
+and using \code{glm()} class objects. \pkg{VGAM}, authored by TWY, uses S4 classes.
+In order to present the new \code{family} functions developed for \code{vglm()}
+and \code{vgam()}, some additional preliminaries for \pkg{VGAM} are given below.
+Version 0.9-4 or later is assumed, and the latest prerelease version is
+available at \url{http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/ yee/VGAM/prerelease}.
+In \code{vglm()}/\code{vgam()}, both $\calM_0$ and $\calM_h$
+are serviced by \code{family = posbinomial()}, i.e., the
+positive-binomial family. For models $\calM_{b}$, $\calM_{t}$
+and $\calM_{tb}$, each of these are serviced by their
+corresponding \code{family = posbernoulli.}-type functions
+as in Table \ref{tab2}. Formulas of the form \code{\mytilde{} 1}
+correspond to $\calM_{0}$, $\calM_{b}$, $\calM_{t}$ and $\calM_{tb}$;
+otherwise they are $\calM_{h}$, $\calM_{bh}$,$\calM_{th}$ and $\calM_{tbh}$.
+Below we describe each of the eight models with their \pkg{VGAM}
+representation and their default values, we also give additional remarks.
+All eight models can be fit using \code{posbernoulli.tb()}, it is generally
+not recommended as it is less efficient in terms of memory requirements and speed.
+& \multicolumn{1}{c}{\code{ parallel.t}}
+& \code{!parallel.t} \\[0.9em]
+% --------------------------------------
+\multicolumn{1}{r|}{\code{ parallel.b}} &
+\bzero_\tau & \bone_\tau\\
+\bone _{\tau-1} \ & \bone_{\tau-1}
+& % ---------------------------------------------
+\bzero_\tau & \bI_\tau\\
+\bone _{\tau-1} \ & \bI_{{\tau}[-1,]}
+\\[1.5em] % This gives problems
+% --------------------------------------
+% --------------------------------------
+\multicolumn{1}{r|}{\code{!parallel.b}} &
+\bOO_{\tau \times (\tau-1)} \ & \bone_{\tau}\\
+\bI_{\tau-1} & \bone_{\tau-1}
+& % --------------------------------------
+\bOO_{\tau \times(\tau-1)} \ & \bI_{\tau}\\
+\bI_{\tau-1}& \bI_{{\tau}[-1,]}
+% --------------------------------------
+\caption{ For the general $\calM_{tbh}(\tau)$
+family \code{posbernoulli.tb()},
+the constraint matrices corresponding to the arguments \code{parallel.t},
+\code{parallel.b} and \code{drop.b}. In each cell the
+LHS matrix is $\bH_k$ when \code{drop.b} is \code{FALSE}
+for $x_k$. The RHS matrix is when \code{drop.b} is \code{TRUE}
+for $x_k$; it simply deletes the left submatrix of $\bH_k$.
+These $\bH_k$ should be seen in light of Table \ref{tab2}.
+(i) the default for \code{posbernoulli.tb()}
+is $\bH_1 = $ the LHS matrix of the top-right cell
+and $\bH_k = $ the RHS matrix of the top-left cell; and
+(ii) $\bI_{{\tau}[-1,]} = (\bzero_{\tau-1} | \bI_{\tau-1})$.
+% ---------------------------------------------------------------
+\subsection[Basic software details]{Basic software details}
+All family functions except \code{posbinomial()} should have
+a $n\times\tau$ capture history matrix as the response, preferably
+with column names. Indicators of the past capture of individual $i$,
+defined as $z_{ij}$, are stored on \pkg{VGAM} objects as the \code{cap.hist1}
+component in the \code{extra} slot. Also, there is a component
+called \code{cap1} which indicates on which sampling occasion the
+first capture occurred.
+As will be illustrated in Section \ref{sec:poz:posbernoulli.eg.hugg:1991},
+a fitted CR object stores the point estimate for the population
+size estimator (\ref{eq:HT}), in the \code{extra} slot with
+component name \code{N.hat}. Likewise, its standard error (\ref{eq:est.varNhat2})
+has component name \code{SE.N.hat}. By default all the family functions
+return fitted values corresponding to the probabilities in the conditional
+likelihood function (\ref{eq:posbern.condlikelihood}), however,
+Appendix B describes an alternative type of
+fitted value; the choice is made by the argument \code{type.fitted},
+and the fitted values are returned by the \code{fitted()} methods function.
+Notice that in Table \ref{tab2}, the \pkg{VGAM} family functions have
+arguments such as \verb+parallel.b+ which may be assigned a logical or
+else a formula with a logical as the response. If it is a single logical
+then the function may or may not apply that constraint to the intercept.
+The formula is the most general and some care must be taken with the
+intercept term. Here are some examples of the syntax:
+\item \code{parallel.b = TRUE \mytilde{} x2} means a parallelism assumption is
+applied to variables $x_2$ and the intercept, since
+formulas include the intercept by default.
+\item \code{parallel.b = TRUE \mytilde{} x2-1} means a parallelism assumption is
+applied to variable $x_2$ only.
+\item \code{parallel.b = FALSE \mytilde{} 0} means a parallelism assumption
+is applied to every variable including the intercept.
+% ---------------------------------------------------------------
+\subsection[Models M0/Mh]{Models $\calM_0$/$\calM_h$}
+For $\calM_0$/$\calM_h$, the defaults are given as
+<<label = poz-args-posbinomial>>=
+Both models can alternatively be fitted using \code{posbernoulli.t()},
+\code{posbernoulli.b()} and\\ \code{posbernoulli.tb()} by setting the
+appropriate constrains/arguments (Table \ref{tab2}). For example,
+setting \code{posbernoulli.t(parallel.t = FALSE \mytilde{} 0)}
+constrains all the $p_{j}$ to be equal.
+If comparing all eight models using \code{AIC()} or \code{BIC()} then
+setting \code{omit.constant = TRUE} will allow for comparisons to be
+made with the positive-Bernoulli functions given below. The reason is that
+this omits the log-normalizing constant $\log{\tau \choose \tau{y}_i^{*}}$
+from its conditional log-likelihood so that it is comparable with the logarithm
+of (\ref{eq:posbern.condlikelihood}).
+An extreme case for $\calM_h$ is where $p_{ij} = p_i$ with $p_i$ being
+parameters in their own right \citep{otis:etal:1978}. While this could
+possibly be fitted by creating a covariate of the form \code{factor(1:n)}
+there would be far too many parameters for comfort. Such an extreme
+case is not recommended to avoid over-parameterization.
+% ---------------------------------------------------------------
+\subsection[Models Mt/Mth]{Models $\calM_t$/$\calM_{th}$}
+<<label = poz-args-posbernoulli-t>>=
+Note that for $\calM_t$, capture probabilities are the same for each
+individual but may vary with time, i.e., $H_0: p_{ij} = p_{j}$.
+One might wish to constrain the probabilities of a subset
+of sampling occasions to be equal by forming the appropriate
+constraint matrices.
+Argument \code{iprob} is for an optional initial value for the
+probability, however all \pkg{VGAM} family functions are self-starting
+and usually do not need such input.
+% ---------------------------------------------------------------
+\subsection[Models Mb/Mbh]{Models $\calM_b$/$\calM_{bh}$}
+<<label = poz-args-posbernoulli-b>>=
+Setting \code{drop.b = FALSE \mytilde{} 0} assumes
+there is no behavioural effect and this reduces to $\calM_0$/$\calM_h$.
+The default constraint matrices are
+\[\bH_1 =\left(\begin{array}{cc}
+0 & 1 \\ 1 & 1 \\
+\end{array} \right), \ \ \ \ \bH_2 = \cdots = \bH_d =
+1 \\ 1 \\
+so that the first coefficient $\beta_{(1)1}^{*}$ corresponds to the
+behavioural effect. Section \ref{sec:poz:posbernoulli.eg.ephemeral}
+illustrates how the VGLM/VGAM framework can handle short-term and
+long-term behavioural effects.
+% ---------------------------------------------------------------
+\subsection[Models Mtb/Mtbh]{Models $\calM_{tb}$/$\calM_{tbh}$}
+There are three arguments which determine whether there
+are behavioural effects and/or time effects: \code{parallel.b},
+\code{parallel.t} and \code{drop.b}. The last two are as above.
+The defaults are
+<<label = poz-args-posbernoulli-tb>>=
+One would usually want to keep the behavioural effect to be equal over
+different sampling occasions, therefore \code{parallel.b} should be
+normally left to its default. Allowing it to be \code{FALSE} for a
+covariate $x_k$ means an additional $\tau-1$ parameters, something
+that is not warranted unless the data set is very large and/or the
+behavioural effect varies greatly over time.
+Arguments \code{ridge.constant} and \code{ridge.power}
+concern the working weight matrices and are explained in
+Appendix A.
+Finally, we note that using
+<<label = poz-posbernoulli-tb-gen, prompt=FALSE, eval=FALSE>>=
+vglm(..., family = posbernoulli.tb(parallel.b = TRUE ~ 0, parallel.t = TRUE ~ 0,
+ drop.b = TRUE ~ 0))
+fits the most general model. Its formula is effectively (\ref{gammod2})
+for $M=2\tau-1$, hence there are $(2\tau-1)d$ regression coefficients
+in total---far too many for most data sets.
+We present several examples using \pkg{VGAM} on both real-life and
+simulated CR data.
+% ---------------------------------------------------------------
+\subsection[Deer mice]{Deer mice}
+Our first example uses a well-known data set analyzed in both \citet{hugg:1991}
+and \citet{amst:mcdo:manl:2005}. The CR data was collected on the deer mouse
+(\textit{Peromyscus maniculatus}), a small rodent native to North America,
+and about 8 to 10 cm long, not counting the length of the tail. There
+were $n=38$ individual mice caught over $\tau=6$ trapping occasions.
+Individual body weight, sex and age (young or adult) were also recorded,
+which we used as covariates to model heterogeneity. The data are given
+in the following data frame \code{deermice}:
+<<label = eg-deermice-look>>=
+head(deermice, 4)
+Each row represents the capture history followed by the corresponding
+covariate values for each observed individual. We compared our
+results with those given in \citet{hugg:1991}, who
+reported an analysis which involved fitting all eight model variations.
+Prior to this we relabelled the age and sex covariates to match those
+given in \citet{hugg:1991}.
+<<label = example1-model>>=
+deermice <- within(deermice, {
+ age <- 2 - as.numeric(age)
+ sex <- 1 - as.numeric(sex)
+Below we demonstrate model fitting for each model in \pkg{VGAM}:
+<<label = example2-model>>=
+M.0 <- vglm(cbind(y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6) ~ 1,
+ posbernoulli.t(parallel = TRUE ~ 1), data = deermice)
+M.b <- vglm(cbind(y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6) ~ 1,
+ posbernoulli.b, data = deermice)
+M.t <- vglm(cbind(y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6) ~ 1,
+ posbernoulli.t, data = deermice)
+M.h <- vglm(cbind(y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6) ~ weight + sex + age,
+ posbernoulli.t(parallel = TRUE ~ weight + sex + age), data = deermice)
+M.th <- vglm(cbind(y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6) ~ weight + sex + age,
+ posbernoulli.t, data = deermice)
+M.tb <- vglm(cbind(y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6) ~ 1,
+ posbernoulli.tb, data = deermice)
+M.bh <- vglm(cbind(y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6) ~ weight + sex + age,
+ posbernoulli.b, data = deermice)
+M.tbh <- vglm(cbind(y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6) ~ weight + sex + age,
+ posbernoulli.tb, data = deermice)
+Notice that \code{parallel = TRUE} was used for models $\calM_{0}/\calM_{h}$.
+Population size estimates with standard errors (SE), log-likelihood and
+AIC values, can all be easily obtained using the following,
+for example, consider model $\calM_{bh}$:
+<<label = eg-deermice-Nhat>>=
+c(M.bh at extra$N.hat, M.bh at extra$SE.N.hat)
+c(logLik(M.bh), AIC(M.bh))
+We did this for each model, and obtained the following:
+<<maketable, echo=FALSE, results=hide, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE>>=
+Table <- rbind(c(round(M.tbh at extra$N.hat,2),
+ round(M.bh at extra$N.hat,2),
+ round(M.tb at extra$N.hat,2),
+ round(M.th at extra$N.hat,2),
+ round(M.h at extra$N.hat,2),
+ round(M.b at extra$N.hat,2),
+ round(M.t at extra$N.hat,2),
+ round(M.0 at extra$N.hat,2)),
+ c(round(M.tbh at extra$SE.N.hat,2),
+ round(M.bh at extra$SE.N.hat,2),
+ round(M.tb at extra$SE.N.hat,2),
+ round(M.th at extra$SE.N.hat,2),
+ round(M.h at extra$SE.N.hat,2),
+ round(M.b at extra$SE.N.hat,2),
+ round(M.t at extra$SE.N.hat,2),
+ round(M.0 at extra$SE.N.hat,2)),
+ -2*c(round(logLik(M.tbh),2),
+ round(logLik(M.bh),2),
+ round(logLik(M.tb),2),
+ round(logLik(M.th),2),
+ round(logLik(M.h),2),
+ round(logLik(M.b),2),
+ round(logLik(M.t),2),
+ round(logLik(M.0),2)),
+ c(round(AIC(M.tbh),2),
+ round(AIC(M.bh),2),
+ round(AIC(M.tb),2),
+ round(AIC(M.th),2),
+ round(AIC(M.h),2),
+ round(AIC(M.b),2),
+ round(AIC(M.t),2),
+ round(AIC(M.0),2)));
+colnames(Table) <- c("M.tbh", "M.bh", "M.tb",
+ "M.th", "M.h", "M.b", "M.t", "M.0");
+rownames(Table) <- c("N.hat", "SE","-2ln(L)", "AIC");
+<<label = example2-table>>=
+Based on the AIC, it was concluded that $\calM_{bh}$ was
+superior (although other criteria can also be considered),
+yielding the following coefficients (as well as their SEs):
+<<label = poz-posbernoulli-eg-deermice-coefs>>=
+round(coef(M.bh), 2)
+round(sqrt(diag(vcov(M.bh))), 2)
+which, along with the estimates for the population size,
+agree with the results of \citet{hugg:1991}.
+The first coefficient, \Sexpr{round(coef(M.bh)[1],2)}, is positive
+and hence implies a trap-happy effect.
+Now to illustrate the utility of fitting VGAMs, we performed some model
+checking on $\calM_{bh}$ by confirming that the component function
+of \code{weight} is indeed linear. To do this, we smoothed this covariate
+but did not allow it to be too flexible due to the size of the data set.
+<<label = poz-posbernoulli-eg-deermice-smooth, fig.keep = 'none', message=FALSE, warning=FALSE>>=
+fit.bh <- vgam(cbind(y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6) ~ s(weight, df = 3) + sex + age,
+ posbernoulli.b, data = deermice)
+plot(fit.bh, se = TRUE, las = 1, lcol = "blue", scol = "orange",
+ rcol = "purple", scale = 5)
+Notice that the \code{s()} function was used to smooth over
+the weight covariate with the equivalent degrees of freedom set
+to 3. Plots of the estimated component functions against each
+covariate are given in Figure \ref{fig:poz:deermice}.
+In general, \code{weight} does seem to have a (positive)
+linear effect on the logit scale. Young deer mice
+appear more easily caught compared to adults,
+and gender seems to have a smaller effect than weight.
+A more formal test of linearity is
+<<label = poz-posbernoulli-eg-deermice-summary>>=
+and not surprisingly, this suggests there is no significant nonlinearity.
+This is in agreement with Section 6.1 of \citet{hwan:hugg:2011}
+who used kernel smoothing.
+Section \ref{sec:poz:posbernoulli.eg.ephemeral}
+reports a further analysis of the \code{deermice} data using a
+behavioural effect comprising of long-term and
+short-term memory.
+<<label = poz-posbernoulli-eg-deermice-smooth-shadow, eval=FALSE, echo = FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE>>=
+plot(fit.bh, se = TRUE, las = 1, lcol = "blue", scol = "orange",
+ rcol = "purple", scale = 5, mgp = c(2.0, 1, 0))
+% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+<<plot-deermice, width=6.0, height=5, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE>>=
+par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
+par(las = 1, cex = 1.1, mar = c(3.8, 4, 0.5, 0.2) + 0.1)
+par(mgp = c(2.3, 1, 0)) # Default is c(3, 1, 0)
+plot(fit.bh, se = TRUE, las = 1, lcol = "blue", scol = "orange",
+ rcol = "purple", scale = 5, mgp = c(2.0, 1, 0))
+# < < poz-posbernoulli-eg-deermice-smooth-shadow> >
+\caption{Estimated component functions with approximate $\pm 2$
+pointwise SE bands fitting a $\calM_{bh}$-VGAM, using
+the \code{deermice} data. The rugplot gives jittered values of
+each covariate value $x_{ik}$.\label{fig:poz:deermice}
+% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+<<birds91read, echo = FALSE>>=
+data("prinia", package = "VGAM")
+\subsection[Yellow-bellied Prinia]{Yellow-bellied Prinia}
+Our second example also uses a well-known and well-studied data
+set collected on the Yellow-bellied Prinia (\textit{Prinia flaviventris}),
+a common bird species located in Southeast Asia. A CR experiment was
+conducted at the Mai Po Nature Reserve in Hong Kong during 1991,
+where captured individuals had their wing lengths measured and
+fat index recorded. A total of $\tau=19$ weekly capture occasions
+were considered, where $n=151$ distinct birds were captured. In previous
+studies, models $\calM_h$ and $\calM_{th}$ have both been fitted
+to these data, where both wing length and fat index were used as
+covariates. We focus our attention on the former model, and considered
+the \code{posbinomial()} function, with some further emphasis on
+demonstrating smoothing on covariates. The \code{prinia} data
+consists of four columns and rows corresponding to each observed
+<<label = example2a, size = "small">>=
+head(prinia, 4)[, 1:4]
+The first two columns give the observed covariate values for each
+individual, followed by the number of times each individual was captured/not
+captured respectively (columns 3--4). Notice that the wing
+length (\code{length}) was standardized here.
+We considered smoothing over the wing length,
+and now plotted the fitted capture probabilities with and
+without fat content against wing length present, see Figure \ref{fig:bird}.
+<<label = example2b>>=
+M.h.GAM <-
+ vgam(cbind(cap, noncap) ~ s(length, df = 3) + fat,
+ posbinomial(omit.constant = TRUE, parallel = TRUE ~ s(length, df = 3) + fat),
+ data = prinia)
+M.h.GAM at extra$N.hat
+M.h.GAM at extra$SE.N.hat
+<<label = eg-bird-smooth-shadow1, echo=FALSE, fig.keep = 'none', message = FALSE, warning = FALSE>>=
+plot.info <- plot(M.h.GAM,
+ se = TRUE, las = 1, plot.arg = FALSE,
+ lcol = "blue",
+ scol = "orange",
+ rcol = "purple",
+ scale = 5)
+<<label = eg-bird-smooth-shadow2, echo=FALSE, eval=FALSE>>=
+info.fit2 <- plot.info at preplot[[1]]
+fat.effect <- coef(M.h.GAM)["fat"]
+intercept <- coef(M.h.GAM)["(Intercept)"]
+ooo <- order(info.fit2$x)
+centering.const <- mean(prinia$length) - coef(M.h.GAM)["s(length, df = 3)"]
+plotframe <- data.frame(lin.pred.b = intercept + fat.effect * 1 +
+ centering.const + info.fit2$y[ooo],
+ lin.pred.0 = intercept + fat.effect * 0 +
+ centering.const + info.fit2$y[ooo],
+ x2 = info.fit2$x[ooo])
+plotframe <- transform(plotframe,
+ up.lin.pred.b = lin.pred.b + 2*info.fit2$se.y[ooo],
+ lo.lin.pred.b = lin.pred.b - 2*info.fit2$se.y[ooo],
+ up.lin.pred.0 = lin.pred.0 + 2*info.fit2$se.y[ooo],
+ lo.lin.pred.0 = lin.pred.0 - 2*info.fit2$se.y[ooo])
+plotframe <- transform(plotframe,
+ fv.b = logit(lin.pred.b, inverse = TRUE),
+ up.fv.b = logit(up.lin.pred.b, inverse = TRUE),
+ lo.fv.b = logit(lo.lin.pred.b, inverse = TRUE),
+ fv.0 = logit(lin.pred.0, inverse = TRUE),
+ up.fv.0 = logit(up.lin.pred.0, inverse = TRUE),
+ lo.fv.0 = logit(lo.lin.pred.0, inverse = TRUE))
+ matplot(x2, cbind(up.fv.b, fv.b, lo.fv.b), type = "l", col = "blue",
+ lty = c(2, 1, 2), las = 1, cex.lab = 1.5, lwd = 2,
+ main = "", ylab = "", xlab = "Wing length (standardized)"))
+mtext( ~ hat(p), side = 2, cex = 1.4, line = 4, adj = 0.5, las = 1)
+with(plotframe, matlines(x2, cbind(up.fv.0, fv.0, lo.fv.0),
+ col = "darkorange", lty = c(2, 1, 2)), lwd = 2)
+legend("topleft", legend = c("Fat present", "Fat not present"), bty = "n",
+ lwd = 2, col = c("blue", "darkorange"), merge = TRUE, cex = 1.5)
+<<plot-bird, width=6.0, height=5.5, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE>>=
+par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
+info.fit2 <- plot.info at preplot[[1]]
+fat.effect <- coef(M.h.GAM)["fat"]
+intercept <- coef(M.h.GAM)["(Intercept)"]
+ooo <- order(info.fit2$x)
+centering.const <- mean(prinia$length) - coef(M.h.GAM)["s(length, df = 3)"]
+plotframe <- data.frame(lin.pred.b = intercept + fat.effect * 1 +
+ centering.const + info.fit2$y[ooo],
+ lin.pred.0 = intercept + fat.effect * 0 +
+ centering.const + info.fit2$y[ooo],
+ x2 = info.fit2$x[ooo])
+plotframe <- transform(plotframe,
+ up.lin.pred.b = lin.pred.b + 2*info.fit2$se.y[ooo],
+ lo.lin.pred.b = lin.pred.b - 2*info.fit2$se.y[ooo],
+ up.lin.pred.0 = lin.pred.0 + 2*info.fit2$se.y[ooo],
+ lo.lin.pred.0 = lin.pred.0 - 2*info.fit2$se.y[ooo])
+plotframe <- transform(plotframe,
+ fv.b = logit(lin.pred.b, inverse = TRUE),
+ up.fv.b = logit(up.lin.pred.b, inverse = TRUE),
+ lo.fv.b = logit(lo.lin.pred.b, inverse = TRUE),
+ fv.0 = logit(lin.pred.0, inverse = TRUE),
+ up.fv.0 = logit(up.lin.pred.0, inverse = TRUE),
+ lo.fv.0 = logit(lo.lin.pred.0, inverse = TRUE))
+ matplot(x2, cbind(up.fv.b, fv.b, lo.fv.b), type = "l", col = "blue",
+ lty = c(2, 1, 2), las = 1, cex.lab = 1.5, lwd = 2,
+ main = "", ylab = "", xlab = "Wing length (standardized)"))
+mtext( ~ hat(p), side = 2, cex = 1.4, line = 4, adj = 0.5, las = 1)
+with(plotframe, matlines(x2, cbind(up.fv.0, fv.0, lo.fv.0),
+ col = "darkorange", lty = c(2, 1, 2)), lwd = 2)
+legend("topleft", legend = c("Fat present", "Fat not present"), bty = "n",
+ lwd = 2, col = c("blue", "darkorange"), merge = TRUE, cex = 1.5)
+# < < eg-bird-smooth-shadow2 > >
+Capture probability estimates with approximate $\pm 2$ pointwise SEs,
+versus wing length with (blue) and without (orange) fat content present
+fitting a $\calM_{h}$-VGAM, using the \code{prinia} data.
+Notice that the standard errors are wider at the boundaries.
+Both the estimates for the population size and shape of the fitted
+capture probabilities with smoothing (Figure \ref{fig:bird}) matched
+those in previous studies, e.g., see Figure 1 of \citet{hwan:hugg:2007}.
+Notice that capture probabilities are larger for individuals with
+fat content present, also the approximate $\pm 2$ pointwise SEs
+become wider at the boundaries---this feature is commonly seen
+in smooths.
+% ------------------------------------------------------------
+\subsection[A time-varying covariate example]{A time-varying covariate example}
+To illustrate time-varying covariates in the $\calM_{th}$
+and $\calM_{tbh}$ model via the \code{xij} argument, we
+mimicked the results of \citet{hugg:1989} who fitted the $\calM_{tbh}$
+model to a small simulated data set of $n=18$ observed individuals
+and $\tau=10$ trapping occasions. To help illustrate the procedure
+we also fitted model $\calM_{th}$. The true population was $N=20$.
+For the $i$th individual, model $\calM_{th}$ will be written
+as ($i=1,\ldots,18$, $j=1,\ldots,10$)
+\logit \, p_{ij} & = & \beta_{(1)1}^{*} + \beta_{(1)2}^{*}
+\cdot \mathtt{x2}_{i} + \beta_{(1)3}^{*} \cdot \mathtt{x3}_{j}, \ \ %%
+and model $\calM_{tbh}$ will be written as ($i=1,\ldots,18$, $j=1,\ldots,10$)
+\logit \, p_{ij} &=&
+\beta_{(1)1}^{*} \,z_{ij} + \beta_{(2)1}^{*} + \beta_{(1)2}^{*}
+\cdot \mathtt{x2}_{i} + \beta_{(1)3}^{*} \cdot \mathtt{x3}_{j}, \ \ \ %%
+where $\beta_{(1)1}^{*}$ in (\ref{eq:huggins89t1}) is the behavioural
+effect, and $z_{ij}$ is defined in Table \ref{tab0}. Variable \code{x2}
+is an ordinary individual covariate such as weight, as in the previous
+examples. The variable \code{x3} is a time-varying or occasion-specific
+covariate such as temperature or daily rainfall that is handled using
+the \code{xij} argument described in Section \ref{sec:xij}. Note that
+the environmental covariates are involved in the $\eta_j$ for individuals
+that have not been and have been previously captured so that if behavioural
+response is included in the model (e.g., $\calM_{tbh}$) these must be
+repeated to construct the overall model matrix. Also,
+note that there can be no recaptures on the first occasion so that
+the environmental variable for this occasion
+need not be repeated. We first examined the data
+<<label = poz-posbernoulli-tb-huggins89t1-data>>=
+head(Huggins89table1, 4)
+The time-varying/occasion-specific covariate variable \code{x3}
+is represented by variables \code{t01}--\code{t10}. As noted above, we need
+to construct the \code{T02}--\code{T10} to model the recapture probabilities
+through $\eta_{j}$ for $j=11,\ldots,19$
+<<label = poz-posbernoulli-tb-huggins89t1-look>>=
+Hdata <- transform(Huggins89table1, x3.tij = t01,
+ T02 = t02, T03 = t03, T04 = t04, T05 = t05, T06 = t06,
+ T07 = t07, T08 = t08, T09 = t09, T10 = t10)
+Hdata <- subset(Hdata,
+ y01 + y02 + y03 + y04 + y05 + y06 + y07 + y08 + y09 + y10 > 0)
+The last step deletes the two observations which were never caught, such that $n=18$.
+Thus model (\ref{eq:huggins89t0}) can be fitted by
+<<label = poz-posbernoulli-th-huggins89t0-fit>>=
+fit.th <-
+ vglm(cbind(y01, y02, y03, y04, y05, y06, y07, y08, y09, y10) ~ x2 + x3.tij,
+ xij = list(x3.tij ~ t01 + t02 + t03 + t04 + t05 + t06 + t07 + t08 +
+ t09 + t10 - 1),
+ posbernoulli.t(parallel.t = TRUE ~ x2 + x3.tij),
+ data = Hdata, trace = FALSE,
+ form2 = ~ x2 + x3.tij + t01 + t02 + t03 + t04 + t05 + t06 + t07 + t08 +
+ t09 + t10)
+The \code{form2} argument is required if \code{xij} is used
+and it needs to include all the variables in the model. It is from
+this formula that a very large model matrix is constructed, from which
+the relevant columns are extracted to construct the diagonal matrix
+in (\ref{eq:vglimo:xij.vector.diag}) in the specified order of diagonal
+elements given by \code{xij}. Their names need to be uniquely specified.
+To check the constraint matrices we can use
+<<label = poz-posbernoulli-th-huggins89t0-constraints>>=
+constraints(fit.th, matrix = TRUE)
+Model (\ref{eq:huggins89t1}) can be fitted by
+<<label = poz-posbernoulli-tbh-huggins89t1-fit>>=
+fit.tbh <-
+ vglm(cbind(y01, y02, y03, y04, y05, y06, y07, y08, y09, y10) ~ x2 + x3.tij,
+ xij = list(x3.tij ~ t01 + t02 + t03 + t04 + t05 + t06 +
+ t07 + t08 + t09 + t10 +
+ T02 + T03 + T04 + T05 + T06 +
+ T07 + T08 + T09 + T10 - 1),
+ posbernoulli.tb(parallel.t = TRUE ~ x2 + x3.tij),
+ data = Hdata, trace = FALSE,
+ form2 = ~ x2 + x3.tij +
+ t01 + t02 + t03 + t04 + t05 + t06 + t07 + t08 + t09 + t10 +
+ T02 + T03 + T04 + T05 + T06 + T07 + T08 + T09 + T10)
+To compare with model (\ref{eq:huggins89t0}) we have
+<<label = poz-posbernoulli-tbh-huggins89t1-aic>>=
+c(logLik(fit.th), AIC(fit.th))
+c(logLik(fit.tbh), AIC(fit.tbh))
+so that the behavioural response model does indeed give a better fit.
+To check, the constraint matrices are (cf., Table \ref{tab3})
+<<label = poz-posbernoulli-tb-huggins89t1-constraints>>=
+head(constraints(fit.tbh, matrix = TRUE), 4)
+tail(constraints(fit.tbh, matrix = TRUE), 4)
+The coefficients $\widehat{\beta}_{(j)k}^{*}$ and their standard errors are
+<<label = poz-posbernoulli-tb-huggins89t1-coefs>>=
+The first coefficient, \Sexpr{round(coef(fit.tbh)[1], 2)}, is positive and
+hence implies a trap-happy effect. The Wald statistic for the behavioural effect,
+being \Sexpr{round(c(coef(fit.tbh) / sqrt(diag(vcov(fit.tbh))))[1], 2)},
+suggests the effect is real.
+Estimates of the population size can be obtained from
+<<label = poz-posbernoulli-tb-huggins89t1-Nhat>>=
+fit.tbh at extra$N.hat
+fit.tbh at extra$SE.N.hat
+This compares with $\widehat{N}=20.86$ with a standard error
+of $4.51$ \citep{hugg:1989}.
+In closing, we refit model \code{fit.tbh} using
+\code{Select()} to illustrate the avoidance of
+manual specification of cumbersome formulas and response matrices
+with many columns. For example, suppose \code{pdata} is a data frame
+with columns \code{y01}, \code{y02}, \ldots, \code{y30}.
+Then \code{Select(pdata, "y")} will return the matrix
+\code{cbind(y01, y02, \ldots, y30)} if there are no other
+variables beginning with \code{"y"}.
+Starting with \code{Huggins89table1}, the following
+code works quite generally provided the original variables
+are labelled as \code{y01}, \code{y02}, \ldots,
+and \code{t01}, \code{t02}, \ldots.
+The code makes a copy of \code{cbind(t01,\ldots,t10)}
+for the capture probabilities
+and calls the variables \code{cbind(T01,\ldots,T10)}
+for the recapture probabilities.
+Also, \code{Form2} contains more variables than what is needed.
+<<label = poz-posbernoulli-tbh-huggins89t1-fit-Select, eval=T>>=
+Hdata <- subset(Huggins89table1, rowSums(Select(Huggins89table1, "y")) > 0)
+Hdata.T <- Select(Hdata, "t")
+colnames(Hdata.T) <- gsub("t", "T", colnames(Hdata.T))
+Hdata <- data.frame(Hdata, Hdata.T)
+Hdata <- transform(Hdata, x3.tij = y01)
+Form2 <- Select(Hdata, prefix = TRUE, as.formula = TRUE)
+Xij <- Select(Hdata, c("t", "T"), as.formula = TRUE,
+ sort = FALSE, rhs = "0", lhs = "x3.tij", exclude = "T01")
+fit.tbh <- vglm(Select(Hdata, "y") ~ x2 + x3.tij,
+ form2 = Form2, xij = list(Xij),
+ posbernoulli.tb(parallel.t = TRUE ~ x2 + x3.tij),
+ data = Hdata, trace = FALSE)
+Note that this illustrates the ability to enter a matrix response without
+an explicit \code{cbind()}, e.g., \code{Y <- Select(Hdata, "y")} and the
+invocation \code{vglm(Y \mytilde{}} $\cdots$\code{)} would work as well.
+However, the utility of \code{cbind()} encourages the use of column names,
+which is good style and avoids potential coding errors.
+% ------------------------------------------------------------
+\subsection[Ephemeral and enduring memory]{Ephemeral and enduring memory}
+\cite{yang:chao:2005} consider modelling the behavioural effect
+with both enduring (long-term) and ephemeral (short-term) memory components.
+For example, the short-term component depends on whether or not the animal
+was caught on the most recent sampling occasion. We call this a lag-1 effect.
+In the example of this section, which combines aspects of
+Sections \ref{sec:deer.mice}
+and \ref{sec:poz:posbernoulli.eg.hugg:1991}, we illustrate how this
+may be easily achieved
+within the VGLM framework; it is another case of using the \code{xij}
+argument. We retain the enduring component as with the $\calM_{tbh}$:
+$\bH_1$ contains a column that applies to all the recapture probabilities.
+For simplicity, we first consider a lag-1 effect only
+(as in \cite{yang:chao:2005})
+for the short-term component.
+In the following, we fit a $\calM_{tbh}$ model to \code{deermice}
+with both long-term and short-term effects:
+\mathrm{logit}\, p_{cs} &=&
+\beta_{(2)1}^{*} +
+\beta_{(1)2}^{*} \, \mathtt{sex} +
+\beta_{(1)3}^{*} \, \mathtt{weight},
+\mathrm{logit}\, p_{rt} &=&
+\beta_{(1)1}^{*} + \beta_{(2)1}^{*} +
+\beta_{(1)2}^{*} \, \mathtt{sex} +
+\beta_{(1)3}^{*} \, \mathtt{weight} +
+\beta_{(1)4}^{*} \, y_{t-1},
+where $s=2,\ldots,\tau$, $t=1,\ldots,\tau$ and $\tau=6$.
+<<label = poz-posbernoulli-bh-ephemeral-method1>>=
+deermice <- transform(deermice, Lag1 = y1)
+M.tbh.lag1 <-
+ vglm(cbind(y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6) ~ sex + weight + Lag1,
+ posbernoulli.tb(parallel.t = FALSE ~ 0,
+ parallel.b = FALSE ~ 0,
+ drop.b = FALSE ~ 1),
+ xij = list(Lag1 ~ fill(y1) + fill(y2) + fill(y3) + fill(y4) +
+ fill(y5) + fill(y6) +
+ y1 + y2 + y3 + y4 + y5),
+ form2 = ~ sex + weight + Lag1 +
+ fill(y1) + fill(y2) + fill(y3) + fill(y4) +
+ fill(y5) + fill(y6) +
+ y1 + y2 + y3 + y4 + y5 + y6,
+ data = deermice)
+The coefficient of \code{Lag1}, \Sexpr{round(coef(M.tbh.lag1)["Lag1"], dig = 4)},
+is the estimated ephemeral effect $\widehat{\beta}_{(1)4}^{*}$.
+The estimated enduring effect $\widehat{\beta}_{(1)1}^{*}$
+has value \Sexpr{round(coef(M.tbh.lag1)["(Intercept):1"], dig = 4)}.
+Note that the \code{fill()} function is used to create 6 variables
+having 0 values, i.e., $\bzero_n$.
+There is an alternative method to fit the above model; here we
+set $\bH_{\mathtt{Lag1}} = (\bzero_{\tau}^{\top}, \bone_{\tau-1}^{\top})^{\top}$
+and the variables \code{fill(y1)},\ldots,\code{fill(y6)}
+can be replaced by variables that do not need to be 0.
+Importantly, the two methods have $\bX^{\#}_{(ik)}\bH_k$ in (\ref{eq:vglimo:xij.vector.diag})
+being the same regardless. The second alternative method requires
+constraint matrices to be inputted using the \code{constraints} argument.
+For example,
+<<label = poz-posbernoulli-bh-ephemeral-method2>>=
+deermice <- transform(deermice, Lag1 = y1)
+deermice <- transform(deermice, f1 = y1, f2 = y1, f3 = y1, f4 = y1,
+ f5 = y1, f6 = y1)
+tau <- 6
+H2 <- H3 <- cbind(rep(1, 2*tau-1))
+H4 <- cbind(c(rep(0, tau), rep(1, tau-1)))
+M.tbh.lag1.method2 <-
+ vglm(cbind(y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6) ~ sex + weight + Lag1,
+ posbernoulli.tb(parallel.b = TRUE ~ 0, parallel.t = TRUE ~ 0),
+ constraints = list("(Intercept)" = cbind(H4, 1), sex = H2, weight= H3,
+ Lag1 = H4),
+ xij = list(Lag1 ~ f1 + f2 + f3 + f4 + f5 + f6 +
+ y1 + y2 + y3 + y4 + y5),
+ form2 = Select(deermice, prefix = TRUE, as.formula = TRUE),
+ data = deermice)
+is identical. In closing, it can be noted that
+more complicated models can be handled.
+For example, the use of \code{pmax()} to handle lag-2 effects
+as follows.
+<<label = poz-posbernoulli-bh-ephemeral-lag2>>=
+deermice <- transform(deermice, Lag2 = y1)
+M.bh.lag2 <-
+ vglm(cbind(y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6) ~ sex + weight + Lag2,
+ posbernoulli.tb(parallel.t = FALSE ~ 0,
+ parallel.b = FALSE ~ 0,
+ drop.b = FALSE ~ 1),
+ xij = list(Lag2 ~ fill(y1) + fill(y2) + fill(y3) + fill(y4) +
+ fill(y5) + fill(y6) +
+ y1 + pmax(y1, y2) + pmax(y2, y3) + pmax(y3, y4) +
+ pmax(y4, y5)),
+ form2 = ~ sex + weight + Lag2 +
+ fill(y1) + fill(y2) + fill(y3) + fill(y4) +
+ fill(y5) + fill(y6) +
+ y1 + pmax(y1, y2) + pmax(y2, y3) + pmax(y3, y4) +
+ pmax(y4, y5) + y6,
+ data = deermice)
+Models with separate lag-1 and lag-2 effects may also be similarly estimated as above.
+We have presented how the VGLM/VGAM framework naturally handles the
+conditional-likelihood and closed population CR models in a GLM-like
+manner. Recently, \citet{stok:2011} proposed a partial likelihood approach for
+heterogeneous models with covariates. There, the recaptures of the
+observed individuals were modelled, which yielded a binomial distribution,
+and hence a GLM/GAM framework in \proglang{R} is also possible. However, some
+efficiency is lost, as any individuals captured only once on the last
+occasion are excluded. The advantage of partial likelihood is that the
+full range of GLM based techniques, which includes more than GAMs,
+are readily applicable. \citet{hugg:hwan:2007,hwan:hugg:2011}
+and \citet{stok:hugg:2012} implemented smoothing on covariates for more
+general models, however these methods required implementing sophisticated
+coding for estimating the model parameters. \citet{zwane:2004} also used
+the \pkg{VGAM} package for smoothing and CR data, but considered multinomial
+logit models as an alternative to the conditional likelihood. We
+believe the methods here, based on spline smoothing and classical GAM,
+are a significant improvement in terms of ease of use, capability and
+When using any statistical software, the user must take a
+careful approach when analyzing and interpreting their output data.
+In our case, one must be careful when estimating the population via
+the HT estimator. Notice that (\ref{eq:HT}) is a sum of the reciprocal of
+the estimated capture probabilities seen at least
+once, $\widehat{\pi}_{i}(\btheta)$. Hence, for very
+small $\widehat{\pi}_{i}(\btheta)$, the population size estimate may
+give a large and unrealistic value (this is also apparent when
+using the \pkg{mra} package and \pkg{Rcapture} which gives the
+warning message: \code{The abundance estimation for this model
+can be unstable}). To avoid this, \citet{stok:hugg:2012}
+proposed a robust HT estimator which places a lower bound
+on $\widehat{\pi}_{i}(\btheta)$ to prevent it from giving
+unrealistically large values. In \pkg{VGAM}, a warning similar
+to \pkg{Rcapture} is also implemented, and there are
+arguments to control how close to 0 ``very small'' is and to
+suppress the warning entirely.
+There are limitations for $\calM_{h}$-type models, in that they rely
+on the very strong assumption that all the heterogeneity is explained
+by the unit-level covariates. This assumption is often not true,
+see, e.g., \cite{rive:bail:2014}. To this end, a proposal is to add
+random-effects to the VGLM class. This would result in the VGLMM class
+(``M'' for mixed) which would be potentially very useful if developed
+successfully. Of course, VGLMMs would contain
+GLMMs \citep{mccu:sear:neuh:2008} as a special case.
+Further future implementations also include:
+automatic smoothing parameter selection (via, say, generalized cross
+validation or AIC); including a bootstrap procedure as an alternative
+for standard errors.
+GAMs are now a standard statistical tool in the modern data analyst's
+toolbox. With the exception of the above references, CR analysis has
+since been largely confined to a few regression coefficients (at most),
+and devoid of any data-driven exploratory analyses involving graphics.
+This work has sought to rectify this need by introducing GAM-like
+analyses using a unified statistical framework. Furthermore, the
+functions are easy to use and often can be invoked by a single
+line of code. Finally, we believe this work is a substantial
+improvement over other existing software for closed population
+estimation, and we have shown \pkg{VGAM}'s favourable speed and
+reliability over other closed population CR \proglang{R}-packages.
+We thank the reviewers for their helpful feedback that led to substantial
+improvements in the manuscript. TWY thanks Anne Chao for a helpful
+conversation, and the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at
+the University of Melbourne for hospitality, during a sabbatical visit
+to Taiwan and a workshop, respectively. Part of his work was also
+conducted while as a visitor to the Institute of Statistical Science,
+Academia Sinica, Taipei, during October 2012. JS visited TWY on the
+Tweedle-funded Melbourne Abroad Travelling Scholarship, the
+University of Melbourne, during September 2011. All authors would
+also like to thank Paul Yip for providing and giving permission for
+use of the \code{prinia} data set, and Zachary Kurtz for some helpful
+\section*{Appendix A: Derivatives}
+We give the first and (expected) second derivatives of the models.
+Let $z_{ij}= 1$ if individual $i$ has been captured before occasion $j$,
+else $=0$. Also, let $p_{cj}$ and $p_{rj}$ be the probability that an
+individual is captured/recaptured at sampling occasion $j$,
+and $Q_{s:t} = \prod\limits_{j=s}^{t} (1-p_{cj})$.
+Occasionally, subscripts $i$ are omitted for clarity.
+\cite{hugg:1989} gives a general form for the derivatives of the
+conditional likelihood (\ref{eq:posbern.condlikelihood}).
+For the $\calM_{tbh}$, the score vector is
+\frac{\partial \ell_{i}}{\partial p_{cj}^{}}
+& = & (1 - z_{ij})
+\left[\frac{y_{ij}}{p_{cj}^{}} - \frac{1-y_{ij}}{1-p_{cj}^{}} \right] -
+\frac{Q_{1:\tau} / (1-p_{cj}^{})}{1-Q_{1:\tau}},\ \ \ \ j=1,\ldots,\tau,\\
+\frac{\partial \ell_{i}}{\partial p_{rj}^{}}
+& = & z_{ij} \left[\frac{ y_{ij}}{ p_{rj}^{}} - \frac{1-y_{ij}}{1-p_{rj}^{}} \right],
+\ \ \ \ j=2,\ldots,\tau,
+and the non-zero elements of the expected information matrix (EIM)
+can be written
+-\E \left(\frac{\partial^2 \ell}{\partial p_{cj}^{2}}\right)
+& = &
+\frac{Q_{1:(j-1)}}{1 - Q_{1:\tau}} \left\{\frac{1}{p_{cj}} +
+\frac{1 - Q_{(j+1):\tau}}{1 - p_{cj}}\right\} -
+\left(\frac{\partial Q_{1:\tau} / \partial p_{cj}}{1-Q_{1:\tau}}\right)^2\\
+& = & \frac{1}{(1 - p_{cj})^2 (1 - Q_{1:\tau})}
+\left\{\frac{Q_{1:j}}{p_{cj}} -\frac{Q_{1:\tau}}{1 - Q_{1:\tau}} \right\}, \\
+-\E \left(\frac{\partial^2 \ell}{\partial p_{rj}^{2}}\right)
+& = &\frac{1-Q_{1:j}/(1-p_{cj})}{p_{rj}(1-p_{rj})(1 - Q_{1:\tau})},\\
+-\E \left(\frac{\partial^2 \ell}{\partial p_{cj} \,\partial p_{ck} }\right)
+& = &
+\displaystyle{\frac{\displaystyle{ -\frac{\partial Q_{1:\tau}}{\partial p_{cj}^{}}
+\frac{\partial Q_{1:\tau}}{\partial p_{ck}^{}} }}{(1-Q_{1:\tau})^2}} -
+\displaystyle{\frac{\displaystyle{\frac{\partial^2 Q_{1:\tau}}{\partial p_{cj}^{} \,
+\partial p_{ck}^{}}}}{(1-Q_{1:\tau})}},\ \ \ j\neq k,
+where $\partial Q_{1:\tau} / \partial p_{cj}^{} = -Q_{1:\tau} / (1-p_{cj})$
+and $\partial^2 Q_{1:\tau} / (\partial p_{cj} \, \partial p_{ck}) =
+Q_{1:\tau} / \{(1-p_{cj})(1-p_{ck})\}$.
+Arguments \code{ridge.constant} and \code{ridge.power}
+in \code{posbernoulli.tb()} add a ridge parameter to the first $\tau$
+EIM diagonal elements, i.e., those for $p_{cj}$. This ensures that
+the working weight matrices are positive-definite, and is needed
+particularly in the first few iteratively reweighted
+least squares iterations. Specifically, at iteration ${a}$ a
+positive value ${\omega K \times a^p}$ is added, where $K$ and $p$
+correspond to the two arguments, and $\omega$ is the
+mean of elements of such working weight matrices. The ridge factor
+decays to zero as iterations proceed and plays a negligible role upon
+For individual $i$, let $y_{0i}$ be the number of noncaptures before
+the first capture, $y_{r0i}$ be the number of noncaptures after the
+first capture, and $y_{r1i}$ be the number of recaptures after the
+first capture. For the $\calM_{bh}$, the score vector is
+\frac{\partial\ell_{i}}{\partial p_{c}^{}} & = & \frac{1}{p_{c}^{}} -
+\frac{y_{0i}}{1 - p_{c}^{}} - \frac{\tau (1 - p_{ij}^{})^{\tau-1}}{1-Q_{1:\tau}},\\
+\frac{\partial\ell_{i}}{\partial p_{r}^{}} & = &
+\frac{y_{r1i}}{p_{r}^{}} - \frac{y_{r0i}}{1 - p_{c}^{}}.
+The non-zero elements of the EIM can be written
+-\E \left(\frac{\partial^2 \ell}{\partial p_{c}^{2}}\right)
+& = &\frac{p_c}{1-Q_{1:\tau}} \;\sum_{j=1}^{\tau} \;(1-p_c)^{j-1}
+\left(\frac{j-1}{(1-p_c)^2} + \frac{1}{p_c^2}\right) - \frac{\partial}{\partial p_c} \!
+\left(\frac{\partial Q_{1:\tau} / \partial p_c}{1-Q_{1:\tau}} \right)\\
+& = &\frac{1 - Q_{1:\tau} - p_c [1 + (\tau-1)Q_{1:\tau}]}{p_c \, (1-p_c)^2 \, (1-Q_{1:\tau})}
++ \frac{1}{p_c^2} -\mbox{}\\
+& & \tau (\tau-1) \, \frac{(1-p_c)^{\tau-2}}{1-Q_{1:\tau}} +\tau^2 \,
+\frac{(1-p_c)^{\tau-2}}{(1-Q_{1:\tau})^2}, \\
+-\E \left(\frac{\partial^2 \ell}{\partial p_{r}^{2}}\right)
+& = & \frac{1}{p_r \, (1-p_r) \, (1-Q_{1:\tau})} \; \sum_{j=1}^{\tau}
+\left\{1 - (1-p_c)^{j-1}\right\}\\
+& = & \frac{\tau - (1-Q_{1:\tau}) / p_c}{p_r (1-p_r) (1-Q_{1:\tau})}.
+For the $\calM_{th}$, the score vector is
+\frac{\partial \ell_{i}}{\partial p_{j}^{}}
+& = & \frac{y_{ij}}{p_{ij}^{}} -\frac{1-y_{ij}}{1-p_{ij}^{}} -
+\frac{Q_{1:\tau} /(1-p_{ij}^{})}{1-Q_{1:\tau}},\ \ \ \ j=1,\ldots,\tau,
+and the EIM elements are
+-\E \left(\frac{\partial^2 \ell}{\partial p_{j}^{2}}\right)
+& = & \frac{1 - p_{j} - Q_{1:\tau}}{p_{j} \,(1-p_{j})^2 \, (1 - Q_{1:\tau})^2},\\
+-\E \left(\frac{\partial^2 \ell}{\partial p_{j} \,\partial p_{k}}\right)
+& = & \frac{p_{j} \, p_{k} \, Q_{1:\tau}(1-Q_{1:\tau}) + Q_{1:\tau}^2}{(1-Q_{1:\tau})^2 \,(1-p_{j})\, (1-p_{k})},
+\ \ \ \ \ j\neq k.
+\section*{Appendix B: Fitted values}
+By default all the family functions have fitted values corresponding
+to the probabilities in the conditional
+likelihood function (\ref{eq:posbern.condlikelihood}), viz.
+{\widehat{p}}_{ij}^{ y_{ij}} \left(1-\widehat{p}_{ij}\right)^{1-y_{ij}}
+\cdot\left[1 - \prod\limits_{s=1}^{\tau}
+\left( 1 - \widehat{p}_{i,cs}^{}\right)\right]^{-1}.
+Alternatively, the unconditional means of the $Y_j$ can be
+returned as the fitted values upon selecting
+\code{type.fitted = "mean"} argument.
+They are $\mu_1 = E(Y_1) =p_{c1} / (1 - Q_{1:\tau})$,
+ $\mu_2 = [(1 - p_{c1}) \,p_{c2} + p_{c1}\, p_{r2}]/(1 - Q_{1:\tau})$, and
+for $j=3,4,\ldots,\tau$,
+\mu_j =
+\left( 1 - Q_{1:\tau} \right)^{-1}
+\left\{p_{cj}\, Q_{1:(j-1)} + p_{rj} \!
+\left[ p_{c1} + \sum_{s=2}^{j-1} \, p_{cs} \,Q_{1:(s-1)}
diff --git a/inst/doc/crVGAM.pdf b/inst/doc/crVGAM.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06786af
Binary files /dev/null and b/inst/doc/crVGAM.pdf differ
diff --git a/man/AR1.Rd b/man/AR1.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..651395a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/AR1.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ Autoregressive Process with Order-1 Family Function }
+ Maximum likelihood estimation of the three-parameter AR-1 model
+AR1(ldrift = "identitylink", lsd = "loge", lvar = "loge",
+ lrho = "rhobit", idrift = NULL,
+ isd = NULL, ivar = NULL, irho = NULL,
+ ishrinkage = 0.9, type.likelihood = c("exact", "conditional"),
+ var.arg = FALSE, almost1 = 0.99, zero = c(-2, -3))
+% deviance.arg = FALSE,
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+ \item{ldrift, lsd, lvar, lrho}{
+ Link functions applied to the scaled mean, standard deviation
+ or variance, and correlation parameters.
+ The parameter \code{drift} is known as the \emph{drift}, and
+ it is a scaled mean.
+ See \code{\link{Links}} for more choices.
+ }
+ \item{idrift, isd, ivar, irho}{
+ Optional initial values for the parameters.
+ If failure to converge occurs then try different values
+ and monitor convergence by using \code{trace = TRUE}.
+ For a \eqn{S}-column response, these arguments can be of length
+ \eqn{S}, and they are recycled by the columns first.
+ A value \code{NULL} means an initial value for each response is
+ computed internally.
+ }
+ \item{ishrinkage, zero}{
+ See \code{\link{CommonVGAMffArguments}} for more information.
+ }
+ \item{var.arg}{
+ Same meaning as \code{\link{uninormal}}.
+ }
+ \item{type.likelihood}{
+ What type of likelihood function is maximized.
+ The first choice (default) is the sum of the marginal likelihood
+ and the conditional likelihood.
+ Choosing the conditional likelihood means that the first observation is
+ effectively ignored (this is handled internally by setting
+ the value of the first prior weight to be some small
+ positive number, e.g., \code{1.0e-6}).
+ See the note below.
+ }
+ A value close to 1 but slightly smaller. One of the off-diagonal
+ EIM elements is multiplied by this, to ensure that the EIM is
+ positive-definite.
+ The AR-1 model implemented here has
+ \deqn{Y_1 \sim N(\mu, \sigma^2 / (1-\rho^2)), }{%
+ Y(1) ~ N(mu, sigma^2 / (1-rho^2), }
+ and
+ \deqn{Y_i = \mu^* + \rho Y_{i-1} + e_i, }{%
+ Y(i) = mu^* + rho * Y(i-1) + e(i) }
+ where the \eqn{e_i}{e(i)} are i.i.d. Normal(0, sd = \eqn{\sigma}{sigma})
+ random variates.
+ Here are a few notes:
+ 1. A test for stationarity might be to test
+ whether \eqn{\mu^*}{mu^*} is intercept-only.
+ 2. The mean of all the \eqn{Y_i}{Y(i)}
+ is \eqn{\mu^* /(1-\rho)}{mu^* / (1-rho)} and
+ these are returned as the fitted values.
+ 3. The correlation of all the \eqn{Y_i}{Y(i)} with \eqn{Y_{i-1}}{Y(i-1)}
+ is \eqn{\rho}{rho}.
+ 4. The default link function ensures that \eqn{-1 < \rho < 1}{-1 < rho < 1}.
+ Monitoring convergence is urged: set \code{trace = TRUE}.
+ Yet to do: add an argument that allows the scaled mean parameter
+ to be deleted, i.e, a 2-parameter model is fitted.
+ Yet to do: \code{ARff(p.lag = 1)} should hopefully be written soon.
+ An object of class \code{"vglmff"} (see \code{\link{vglmff-class}}).
+ The object is used by modelling functions such as \code{\link{vglm}},
+ and \code{\link{vgam}}.
+\author{ Thomas W. Yee and Victor Miranda }
+ For \code{type.likelihood = "conditional"},
+ the prior weight for the first observation is set to
+ some small positive number, which has the effect of deleting
+ that observation.
+ However, \eqn{n} is still the original \eqn{n} so that
+ statistics such as the residual degrees of freedom are
+ unchanged (uncorrected possibly).
+ Multiple responses are handled.
+ The mean is returned as the fitted values.
+ Practical experience has shown that half-stepping is a very
+ good idea. The default options use step sizes that are
+ about one third the usual step size. Consequently,
+ \code{maxit} is increased to about 100, by default.
+ \code{\link{vglm.control}},
+ \code{\link{dAR1}},
+ \code{\link{uninormal}},
+ \code{\link[stats]{arima.sim}},
+# Example 1: using arimia.sim() to generate a stationary time series
+nn <- 100; set.seed(1)
+tsdata <- data.frame(x2 = runif(nn))
+tsdata <- transform(tsdata,
+ index = 1:nn,
+ TS1 = arima.sim(nn, model = list(ar = -0.80),
+ sd = exp(1.0)),
+ TS2 = arima.sim(nn, model = list(ar = 0.50),
+ sd = exp(1.0 + 2 * x2)))
+fit1a <- vglm(cbind(TS1, TS2) ~ x2, AR1(zero = c(1:4, 6)),
+ data = tsdata, trace = TRUE)
+rhobit( 0.5)
+coef(fit1a, matrix = TRUE)
+summary(fit1a) # SEs are useful to know
+# Example 2: another stationary time series
+nn <- 1000
+my.rho <- rhobit(-1.0, inverse = TRUE)
+my.mu <- 2.5
+my.sd <- exp(1)
+tsdata <- data.frame(index = 1:nn, TS3 = runif(nn))
+for (ii in 2:nn)
+ tsdata$TS3[ii] <- my.mu + my.rho * tsdata$TS3[ii-1] + rnorm(1, sd = my.sd)
+tsdata <- tsdata[-(1:ceiling(nn/5)), ] # Remove the burn-in data:
+fit2a <- vglm(TS3 ~ 1, AR1(type.likelihood = "conditional"),
+ data = tsdata, trace = TRUE)
+coef(fit2a, matrix = TRUE)
+summary(fit2a) # SEs are useful to know
+Coef(fit2a)["rho"] # Estimate of rho for intercept-only models
+coef(fit2a)[1] # drift
+my.mu # Should be the same
+head(weights(fit2a, type= "prior")) # First one is effectively deleted
+head(weights(fit2a, type= "working")) # Ditto
diff --git a/man/AR1UC.Rd b/man/AR1UC.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6117f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/AR1UC.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+\title{The AR-1 Autoregressive Process}
+ Density for the AR-1 model.
+dAR1(x, drift = 0, var.error = 1, ARcoef1 = 0.0,
+ type.likelihood = c("exact", "conditional"), log = FALSE)
+ \item{x,}{vector of quantiles.}
+ \item{drift}{
+ the scaled mean (also known as the \emph{drift} parameter),
+ \eqn{\mu^*}{mu^*}.
+ Note that the mean is \eqn{\mu^* /(1-\rho)}{mu^* / (1-rho)}.
+ The default corresponds to observations that have mean 0.
+ }
+ \item{log}{
+ Logical.
+ If \code{TRUE} then the logarithm of the density is returned.
+ }
+ \item{type.likelihood, var.error, ARcoef1}{
+ See \code{\link{AR1}}.
+ The argument \code{ARcoef1} is \eqn{\rho}{rho}.
+ The argument \code{var.error} is the variance of the
+ i.i.d. random noise, i.e., \eqn{\sigma^2}{sigma^2}.
+ If \code{type.likelihood = "conditional"} then the
+ first element or row of the result is currently
+ assigned \code{NA}---this
+ is because the density of the first observation is effectively
+ ignored.
+ }
+ \code{dAR1} gives the density.
+% \code{pbisa} gives the distribution function, and
+% \code{qbisa} gives the quantile function, and
+% \code{rbisa} generates random deviates.
+\author{ T. W. Yee and Victor Miranda }
+ Most of the background to this function is given
+ in \code{\link{AR1}}.
+ All the arguments are converted into matrices, and then
+ all their dimensions are obtained. They are then coerced
+ into the same size: the number of rows is the maximum
+ of all the single rows, and ditto for the number of columns.
+ \code{\link{AR1}}.
+nn <- 100; set.seed(1)
+tdata <- data.frame(index = 1:nn,
+ TS1 = arima.sim(nn, model = list(ar = -0.50),
+ sd = exp(1)))
+fit1 <- vglm(TS1 ~ 1, AR1, data = tdata, trace = TRUE)
+coef(fit1, matrix = TRUE)
+(Cfit1 <- Coef(fit1))
+summary(fit1) # SEs are useful to know
+sum(dAR1(depvar(fit1), drift = Cfit1[1], var.error = (Cfit1[2])^2,
+ ARcoef1 = Cfit1[3], log = TRUE))
+fit2 <- vglm(TS1 ~ 1, AR1(type.likelihood = "cond"), data = tdata, trace = TRUE)
+(Cfit2 <- Coef(fit2)) # Okay for intercept-only models
+head(keep <- dAR1(depvar(fit2), drift = Cfit2[1], var.error = (Cfit2[2])^2,
+ ARcoef1 = Cfit2[3], type.likelihood = "cond", log = TRUE))
diff --git a/man/VGAM-package.Rd b/man/VGAM-package.Rd
index 26739d3..4864d52 100644
--- a/man/VGAM-package.Rd
+++ b/man/VGAM-package.Rd
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ The central modelling functions are
For detailed control of fitting,
@@ -36,6 +37,7 @@ A companion package called \pkg{VGAMdata} contains some larger
data sets which were shifted from \pkg{VGAM}.
The classes of GLMs and GAMs are special cases of VGLMs and VGAMs.
The VGLM/VGAM framework is intended to be very general
so that it encompasses as many distributions and models as
@@ -56,12 +58,14 @@ nonlinear least-squares
VGAMs are to VGLMs what GAMs are to GLMs.
Vector smoothing (see \code{\link{vsmooth.spline}}) allows several
additive predictors to be estimated as a sum of smooth functions of
the covariates.
For a complete list of this package, use \code{library(help = "VGAM")}.
New \pkg{VGAM} family functions are continually being written and
added to the package.
@@ -166,9 +170,19 @@ The \pkg{VGAM} package for categorical data analysis.
-(Oldish) documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
-contains some further information and examples.
+My website for the \pkg{VGAM} package is at
+and I hope to put more resources there in the future,
+especially as relating to my book.
+%(Oldish) documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
+%contains some further information and examples.
@@ -181,6 +195,7 @@ contains some further information and examples.
+ \code{\link{rcim}},
diff --git a/man/acat.Rd b/man/acat.Rd
index 20fc1cb..e606181 100644
--- a/man/acat.Rd
+++ b/man/acat.Rd
@@ -86,9 +86,12 @@ The \pkg{VGAM} package for categorical data analysis.
-Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
-contains further information and examples.
+%Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
+%contains further information and examples.
\author{ Thomas W. Yee }
diff --git a/man/betaII.Rd b/man/betaII.Rd
index f59b198..f09feba 100644
--- a/man/betaII.Rd
+++ b/man/betaII.Rd
@@ -7,8 +7,10 @@
beta II distribution.
-betaII(lscale = "loge", lshape2.p = "loge", lshape3.q = "loge",
- iscale = NULL, ishape2.p = 2, ishape3.q = 2, zero = NULL)
+betaII(lscale = "loge", lshape2.p = "loge", lshape3.q = "loge",
+ iscale = NULL, ishape2.p = NULL, ishape3.q = NULL, imethod = 1,
+ gscale = exp(-5:5), gshape2.p = exp(-5:5), gshape3.q = exp(-5:5),
+ probs.y = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75), zero = -(2:3))
%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
@@ -19,16 +21,18 @@ betaII(lscale = "loge", lshape2.p = "loge", lshape3.q = "loge",
- \item{iscale, ishape2.p, ishape3.q}{
- Optional initial values for \code{scale}, \code{p} and \code{q}.
+ \item{iscale, ishape2.p, ishape3.q, imethod, zero}{
+ See \code{\link{CommonVGAMffArguments}} for information.
- \item{zero}{
- An integer-valued vector specifying which
- linear/additive predictors are modelled as intercepts only.
- Here, the values must be from the set \{1,2,3\} which correspond to
- \code{scale}, \code{p}, \code{q}, respectively.
+ \item{gscale, gshape2.p, gshape3.q}{
+ See \code{\link{CommonVGAMffArguments}} for information.
+ }
+ \item{probs.y}{
+ See \code{\link{CommonVGAMffArguments}} for information.
@@ -52,6 +56,7 @@ The mean is
\deqn{E(Y) = b \, \Gamma(p + 1) \, \Gamma(q - 1) / (\Gamma(p) \, \Gamma(q))}{%
E(Y) = b gamma(p + 1) gamma(q - 1) / ( gamma(p) gamma(q))}
provided \eqn{q > 1}; these are returned as the fitted values.
+This family function handles multiple responses.
@@ -73,7 +78,7 @@ Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley-Interscience.
\author{ T. W. Yee }
- See the note in \code{\link{genbetaII}}.
+ See the notes in \code{\link{genbetaII}}.
@@ -93,7 +98,8 @@ Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley-Interscience.
-bdata <- data.frame(y = rsinmad(2000, shape1.a = 1, exp(2), exp(1))) # Not genuine data!
+bdata <- data.frame(y = rsinmad(2000, shape1.a = 1, shape3.q = exp(2),
+ scale = exp(1))) # Not genuine data!
fit <- vglm(y ~ 1, betaII, data = bdata, trace = TRUE)
fit <- vglm(y ~ 1, betaII(ishape2.p = 0.7, ishape3.q = 0.7),
data = bdata, trace = TRUE)
diff --git a/man/betaR.Rd b/man/betaR.Rd
index 47ce185..75c96cb 100644
--- a/man/betaR.Rd
+++ b/man/betaR.Rd
@@ -103,9 +103,11 @@ betaR(lshape1 = "loge", lshape2 = "loge",
%Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley and Sons, Fourth edition.
- Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
- \url{http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~yee}
- contains further information and examples.
+% Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
+% \url{https://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~yee}
+% contains further information and examples.
\author{ Thomas W. Yee }
diff --git a/man/betaff.Rd b/man/betaff.Rd
index aae08c8..ec37305 100644
--- a/man/betaff.Rd
+++ b/man/betaff.Rd
@@ -100,9 +100,9 @@ betaff(A = 0, B = 1, lmu = "logit", lphi = "loge",
\bold{31}, 799--815.
- Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
- \url{http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~yee}
- contains further information and examples.
+% Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
+% \url{https://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~yee}
+% contains further information and examples.
diff --git a/man/betaprime.Rd b/man/betaprime.Rd
index 070b936..f466bd7 100644
--- a/man/betaprime.Rd
+++ b/man/betaprime.Rd
@@ -80,9 +80,9 @@ Volume 2,
New York: Wiley.
-Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
-contains further information and examples.
+%Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
+%contains further information and examples.
diff --git a/man/binom2.or.Rd b/man/binom2.or.Rd
index 9184f49..e8b25f9 100644
--- a/man/binom2.or.Rd
+++ b/man/binom2.or.Rd
@@ -152,9 +152,9 @@ binom2.or(lmu = "logit", lmu1 = lmu, lmu2 = lmu, loratio = "loge",
Journal of Theoretical Biology, \bold{259}(4), 684--694.
- Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
- \url{http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~yee}
- contains further information and examples.
+% Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
+% \url{https://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~yee}
+% contains further information and examples.
diff --git a/man/brat.Rd b/man/brat.Rd
index 12f5c7a..c47d316 100644
--- a/man/brat.Rd
+++ b/man/brat.Rd
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
-brat(refgp = "last", refvalue = 1, init.alpha = 1)
+brat(refgp = "last", refvalue = 1, ialpha = 1)
%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ brat(refgp = "last", refvalue = 1, init.alpha = 1)
- \item{init.alpha}{
+ \item{ialpha}{
Initial values for the \eqn{\alpha}{alpha}s.
These are recycled to the appropriate length.
diff --git a/man/bratt.Rd b/man/bratt.Rd
index 34d5b6b..0bd5381 100644
--- a/man/bratt.Rd
+++ b/man/bratt.Rd
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
-bratt(refgp = "last", refvalue = 1, init.alpha = 1, i0 = 0.01)
+bratt(refgp = "last", refvalue = 1, ialpha = 1, i0 = 0.01)
%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ bratt(refgp = "last", refvalue = 1, init.alpha = 1, i0 = 0.01)
- \item{init.alpha}{
+ \item{ialpha}{
Initial values for the \eqn{\alpha}{alpha}s.
These are recycled to the appropriate length.
diff --git a/man/cao.Rd b/man/cao.Rd
index 208f694..bc30be3 100644
--- a/man/cao.Rd
+++ b/man/cao.Rd
@@ -256,9 +256,13 @@ Yee, T. W. (2006)
Constrained additive ordination.
\emph{Ecology}, \bold{87}, 203--213.
- Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
- \url{http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~yee}
- contains further information and examples.
+% Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
+% \url{http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~yee}
+% contains further information and examples.
\author{T. W. Yee}
diff --git a/man/cdf.lmscreg.Rd b/man/cdf.lmscreg.Rd
index 2920eff..24c0dd4 100644
--- a/man/cdf.lmscreg.Rd
+++ b/man/cdf.lmscreg.Rd
@@ -50,9 +50,11 @@ Quantile regression via vector generalized additive models.
\emph{Statistics in Medicine}, \bold{23}, 2295--2315.
-Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
-contains further information and examples.
+%Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
+%contains further information and examples.
diff --git a/man/constraints.Rd b/man/constraints.Rd
index d82de25..c8446c5 100644
--- a/man/constraints.Rd
+++ b/man/constraints.Rd
@@ -135,8 +135,8 @@ Reduced-rank vector generalized linear models.
\bold{3}, 15--41.
-\url{http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~yee} contains additional
+%\url{http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~yee} contains additional
diff --git a/man/cqo.Rd b/man/cqo.Rd
index 6e15114..46e6bf0 100644
--- a/man/cqo.Rd
+++ b/man/cqo.Rd
@@ -558,9 +558,10 @@ original FORTRAN code into C.
-Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
-contains further information and examples.
+%Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
+%contains further information and examples.
diff --git a/man/cumulative.Rd b/man/cumulative.Rd
index 5ba3b4e..b358040 100644
--- a/man/cumulative.Rd
+++ b/man/cumulative.Rd
@@ -197,9 +197,9 @@ Vector generalized additive models.
\bold{58}, 481--493.
-Further information and examples on categorical data analysis
-by the \pkg{VGAM} package can be found at
+%Further information and examples on categorical data analysis
+%by the \pkg{VGAM} package can be found at
diff --git a/man/dagum.Rd b/man/dagum.Rd
index 35e8ccc..7975b68 100644
--- a/man/dagum.Rd
+++ b/man/dagum.Rd
@@ -7,8 +7,10 @@
Dagum distribution.
-dagum(lss, lshape1.a = "loge", lscale = "loge", lshape2.p = "loge",
- ishape1.a = NULL, iscale = NULL, ishape2.p = 1, zero = NULL)
+dagum(lscale = "loge", lshape1.a = "loge", lshape2.p = "loge",
+ iscale = NULL, ishape1.a = NULL, ishape2.p = NULL, imethod = 1,
+ lss = TRUE, gscale = exp(-5:5), gshape1.a = exp(-5:5), gshape2.p = exp(-5:5),
+ probs.y = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75), zero = ifelse(lss, -(2:3), -c(1, 3)))
%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
@@ -17,23 +19,31 @@ dagum(lss, lshape1.a = "loge", lscale = "loge", lshape2.p = "loge",
- \item{lshape1.a, lscale, lshape2.p}{
+ \item{lshape1.a, lscale, lshape2.p}{
Parameter link functions applied to the
(positive) parameters \code{a}, \code{scale}, and \code{p}.
See \code{\link{Links}} for more choices.
- \item{ishape1.a, iscale, ishape2.p}{
- Optional initial values for \code{a}, \code{scale}, and \code{p}.
+ \item{iscale, ishape1.a, ishape2.p, imethod, zero}{
+ See \code{\link{CommonVGAMffArguments}} for information.
+ For \code{imethod = 2} a good initial value for
+ \code{ishape2.p} is needed to obtain a good estimate for
+ the other parameter.
+ }
+ \item{gscale, gshape1.a, gshape2.p}{
+ See \code{\link{CommonVGAMffArguments}} for information.
- \item{zero}{
- An integer-valued vector specifying which
- linear/additive predictors are modelled as intercepts only.
- Here, the values must be from the set \{1,2,3\} which correspond to
- \code{a}, \code{scale}, \code{p}, respectively.
+ \item{probs.y}{
+ See \code{\link{CommonVGAMffArguments}} for information.
The 3-parameter Dagum distribution is the 4-parameter
@@ -60,6 +70,7 @@ The mean is
\deqn{E(Y) = b \, \Gamma(p + 1/a) \, \Gamma(1 - 1/a) / \Gamma(p)}{%
E(Y) = b gamma(p + 1/a) gamma(1 - 1/a) / gamma(p)}
provided \eqn{-ap < 1 < a}; these are returned as the fitted values.
+This family function handles multiple responses.
@@ -82,7 +93,7 @@ Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley-Interscience.
\author{ T. W. Yee }
- See the note in \code{\link{genbetaII}}.
+ See the notes in \code{\link{genbetaII}}.
From Kleiber and Kotz (2003), the MLE is rather sensitive to isolated
@@ -110,7 +121,8 @@ while estimates for \eqn{a} and \eqn{p} can be considered unbiased for
-ddata <- data.frame(y = rdagum(n = 3000, scale = exp(2), shape1 = exp(1), exp(1)))
+ddata <- data.frame(y = rdagum(n = 3000, scale = exp(2),
+ shape1 = exp(1), shape2 = exp(1)))
fit <- vglm(y ~ 1, dagum(lss = FALSE), data = ddata, trace = TRUE)
fit <- vglm(y ~ 1, dagum(lss = FALSE, ishape1.a = exp(1)),
data = ddata, trace = TRUE)
diff --git a/man/deermice.Rd b/man/deermice.Rd
index 4d2188e..a15f117 100644
--- a/man/deermice.Rd
+++ b/man/deermice.Rd
@@ -78,7 +78,8 @@ approach to capture experiments.
- \code{\link[VGAM:posbernoulli.t]{posbernoulli.t}}.
+ \code{\link[VGAM:posbernoulli.t]{posbernoulli.t}},
+ \code{\link{fill1}}.
diff --git a/man/dirmul.old.Rd b/man/dirmul.old.Rd
index 55f9656..4db7120 100644
--- a/man/dirmul.old.Rd
+++ b/man/dirmul.old.Rd
@@ -7,8 +7,7 @@
non-negative integers.
-dirmul.old(link = "loge",
- init.alpha = 0.01, parallel = FALSE, zero = NULL)
+dirmul.old(link = "loge", ialpha = 0.01, parallel = FALSE, zero = NULL)
%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
@@ -19,7 +18,7 @@ dirmul.old(link = "loge",
Here, \eqn{M} is the number of columns of the response matrix.
- \item{init.alpha}{
+ \item{ialpha}{
Numeric vector. Initial values for the
\code{alpha} vector. Must be positive.
Recycled to length \eqn{M}.
@@ -97,9 +96,9 @@ Overdispersion in allelic counts and \eqn{\theta}-correction in forensic genetic
-Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
-contains further information and examples.
+%Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
+%contains further information and examples.
diff --git a/man/exponential.Rd b/man/exponential.Rd
index 33e76df..6b26d06 100644
--- a/man/exponential.Rd
+++ b/man/exponential.Rd
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley and Sons, Fourth edition.
-% \code{\link{cexpon}},
+% \code{\link{cens.exponential}},
diff --git a/man/fill.Rd b/man/fill.Rd
index 15c92f1..a0e75be 100644
--- a/man/fill.Rd
+++ b/man/fill.Rd
@@ -86,12 +86,12 @@ fill(x, values = 0, ncolx = ncol(x))
- More information can be found at
- \url{http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~yee}.
+% More information can be found at
+% \url{http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~yee}.
% \section{Warning }{
% Care is needed in such cases.
@@ -244,6 +244,25 @@ max(abs(head(predict(fit3)) -
plotvgam(fit3, se = TRUE, xlab = "lop") # Correct
+# Example 4. Capture-recapture model with ephemeral and enduring
+# memory effects. Similar to Yang and Chao (2005), Biometrics.
+deermice <- transform(deermice, Lag1 = y1)
+M.tbh.lag1 <-
+ vglm(cbind(y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6) ~ sex + weight + Lag1,
+ posbernoulli.tb(parallel.t = FALSE ~ 0,
+ parallel.b = FALSE ~ 0,
+ drop.b = FALSE ~ 1),
+ xij = list(Lag1 ~ fill(y1) + fill(y2) + fill(y3) + fill(y4) +
+ fill(y5) + fill(y6) +
+ y1 + y2 + y3 + y4 + y5),
+ form2 = ~ sex + weight + Lag1 +
+ fill(y1) + fill(y2) + fill(y3) + fill(y4) +
+ fill(y5) + fill(y6) +
+ y1 + y2 + y3 + y4 + y5 + y6,
+ data = deermice, trace = TRUE)
diff --git a/man/fisk.Rd b/man/fisk.Rd
index 61e76d3..c3ecf2f 100644
--- a/man/fisk.Rd
+++ b/man/fisk.Rd
@@ -8,8 +8,10 @@
-fisk(lss, lshape1.a = "loge", lscale = "loge",
- ishape1.a = NULL, iscale = NULL, zero = NULL)
+fisk(lscale = "loge", lshape1.a = "loge", iscale = NULL,
+ ishape1.a = NULL, imethod = 1, lss = TRUE, gscale = exp(-5:5),
+ gshape1.a = exp(-5:5), probs.y = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75), zero = ifelse(lss,
+ -2, -1))
%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
@@ -20,21 +22,29 @@ fisk(lss, lshape1.a = "loge", lscale = "loge",
\item{lshape1.a, lscale}{
Parameter link functions applied to the
- (positive) parameters \code{a} and \code{scale}.
+ (positive) parameters \eqn{a} and \code{scale}.
See \code{\link{Links}} for more choices.
- \item{ishape1.a, iscale}{
- Optional initial values for \code{a} and \code{scale}.
+ \item{iscale, ishape1.a, imethod, zero}{
+ See \code{\link{CommonVGAMffArguments}} for information.
+ For \code{imethod = 2} a good initial value for
+ \code{iscale} is needed to obtain a good estimate for
+ the other parameter.
- \item{zero}{
- An integer-valued vector specifying which
- linear/additive predictors are modelled as intercepts only.
- Here, the values must be from the set \{1,2\} which correspond to
- \code{a}, \code{scale}, respectively.
+ \item{gscale, gshape1.a}{
+ See \code{\link{CommonVGAMffArguments}} for information.
+ \item{probs.y}{
+ See \code{\link{CommonVGAMffArguments}} for information.
+ }
The 2-parameter Fisk (aka log-logistic) distribution is the 4-parameter
@@ -50,7 +60,7 @@ The Fisk distribution has density
f(y) = a y^(a-1) / [b^a (1 + (y/b)^a)^2]}
for \eqn{a > 0}, \eqn{b > 0}, \eqn{y \geq 0}{y >= 0}.
Here, \eqn{b} is the scale parameter \code{scale},
-and \code{a} is a shape parameter.
+and \eqn{a} is a shape parameter.
The cumulative distribution function is
\deqn{F(y) = 1 - [1 + (y/b)^a]^{-1} = [1 + (y/b)^{-a}]^{-1}.}{%
F(y) = 1 - [1 + (y/b)^a]^(-1) = [1 + (y/b)^(-a)]^(-1).}
@@ -58,6 +68,8 @@ The mean is
\deqn{E(Y) = b \, \Gamma(1 + 1/a) \, \Gamma(1 - 1/a)}{%
E(Y) = b gamma(1 + 1/a) gamma(1 - 1/a)}
provided \eqn{a > 1}; these are returned as the fitted values.
+This family function handles multiple responses.
@@ -71,13 +83,13 @@ provided \eqn{a > 1}; these are returned as the fitted values.
Kleiber, C. and Kotz, S. (2003)
\emph{Statistical Size Distributions in Economics and
Actuarial Sciences},
-Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Interscience.
+Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley-Interscience.
\author{ T. W. Yee }
- See the note in \code{\link{genbetaII}}.
+ See the notes in \code{\link{genbetaII}}.
@@ -99,7 +111,7 @@ Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Interscience.
fdata <- data.frame(y = rfisk(n = 200, shape = exp(1), scale = exp(2)))
fit <- vglm(y ~ 1, fisk(lss = FALSE), data = fdata, trace = TRUE)
-fit <- vglm(y ~ 1, fisk(lss = FALSE, ishape1.a = exp(1)), data = fdata, trace = TRUE)
+fit <- vglm(y ~ 1, fisk(ishape1.a = exp(2)), data = fdata, trace = TRUE)
coef(fit, matrix = TRUE)
diff --git a/man/genbetaII.Rd b/man/genbetaII.Rd
index 537bb74..c976050 100644
--- a/man/genbetaII.Rd
+++ b/man/genbetaII.Rd
@@ -8,9 +8,12 @@
-genbetaII(lss, lshape1.a = "loge", lscale = "loge", lshape2.p = "loge",
- lshape3.q = "loge", ishape1.a = NULL, iscale = NULL,
- ishape2.p = 1, ishape3.q = 1, zero = NULL)
+genbetaII(lscale = "loge", lshape1.a = "loge", lshape2.p = "loge",
+ lshape3.q = "loge", iscale = NULL, ishape1.a = NULL,
+ ishape2.p = NULL, ishape3.q = NULL, lss = TRUE,
+ gscale = exp(-5:5), gshape1.a = exp(-5:5),
+ gshape2.p = exp(-5:5), gshape3.q = exp(-5:5),
+ zero = ifelse(lss, -(2:4), -c(1, 3:4)))
%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
@@ -30,14 +33,17 @@ genbetaII(lss, lshape1.a = "loge", lscale = "loge", lshape2.p = "loge",
- \item{ishape1.a, iscale}{
- Optional initial values for \code{a} and \code{scale}.
- A \code{NULL} means a value is computed internally.
+ \item{iscale, ishape1.a, ishape2.p, ishape3.q}{
+ Optional initial values for the parameters.
+ A \code{NULL} means a value is computed internally using
+ the arguments \code{gscale}, \code{gshape1.a}, etc.
- \item{ishape2.p, ishape3.q}{
- Optional initial values for \code{p} and \code{q}.
+ \item{gscale, gshape1.a, gshape2.p, gshape3.q}{
+ See \code{\link{CommonVGAMffArguments}} for information.
+ Replaced by \code{iscale}, \code{ishape1.a} etc. if given.
% \item{gshape1.a, gscale, gshape2.p, gshape3.q}{
@@ -50,8 +56,9 @@ genbetaII(lss, lshape1.a = "loge", lscale = "loge", lshape2.p = "loge",
An integer-valued vector specifying which
linear/additive predictors are modelled as intercepts only.
- Here, the values must be from the set \{1,2,3,4\} which correspond to
- \code{a}, \code{scale}, \code{p}, \code{q}, respectively.
+ The default is to set all the shape parameters to be
+ intercept-only.
@@ -87,6 +94,8 @@ provided \eqn{-ap < 1 < aq}; these are returned as the fitted values.
%\eqn{u^{p-1} (1-u)^{q-1}}{u^(p-1) (1-u)^(q-1)} where \eqn{y>0}.
+ This family function handles multiple responses.
@@ -112,24 +121,47 @@ Fisher information matrix for the Feller-Pareto distribution.
-\author{ T. W. Yee }
+\author{ T. W. Yee, with help from Victor Miranda. }
+ The default is to use a grid search with respect to all
+ four parameters; this is quite costly and is time consuming.
If the self-starting initial values fail, try experimenting
-with the initial value arguments, especially those whose
-default value is not \code{NULL}.
+with the initial value arguments.
Also, the constraint \eqn{-ap < 1 < aq}
may be violated as the iterations progress so it pays
to monitor convergence, e.g., set \code{trace = TRUE}.
Successful convergence depends on having very good initial
-values. This is rather difficult for this distribution!
-More improvements could be made here.
+values. This is rather difficult for this distribution so that
+a grid search is conducted by default.
+One suggestion for increasing the estimation reliability
+is to set \code{stepsize = 0.5} and \code{maxit = 100};
+see \code{\link{vglm.control}}.
+ This distribution is very flexible and it is not generally
+ recommended to use this family function when the sample size is
+ small---numerical problems easily occur with small samples.
+ Probably several hundred observations at least are needed in order
+ to estimate the parameters with any level of confidence.
+ Neither is the inclusion of covariates recommended at all---not
+ unless there are several thousand observations.
+ The mean is finite only when \eqn{-ap < 1 < aq}, and this can be
+ easily violated by the parameter estimates for small sample sizes.
+ Try fitting some of the special cases of this distribution
+ (e.g., \code{\link{sinmad}}, \code{\link{fisk}}, etc.) first, and
+ then possibly use those models for initial values for this
+ distribution.
+ \code{\link{dgenbetaII}},
@@ -139,19 +171,20 @@ More improvements could be made here.
- \code{\link{lino}}.
+ \code{\link{lino}},
+ \code{\link{CommonVGAMffArguments}},
+ \code{\link{vglm.control}}.
-gdata <- data.frame(y = rsinmad(3000, shape1 = exp(2), scale = exp(2),
+gdata <- data.frame(y = rsinmad(3000, shape1 = exp(1), scale = exp(2),
shape3 = exp(1))) # A special case!
fit <- vglm(y ~ 1, genbetaII(lss = FALSE), data = gdata, trace = TRUE)
fit <- vglm(y ~ 1, data = gdata, trace = TRUE,
- genbetaII(lss = FALSE, ishape1.a = 4, ishape2.p = 2.2,
- iscale = 7, ishape3.q = 2.3))
+ genbetaII(ishape1.a = 3, iscale = 7, ishape3.q = 2.3))
coef(fit, matrix = TRUE)
diff --git a/man/genbetaIIUC.Rd b/man/genbetaIIUC.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36a5afc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/genbetaIIUC.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+\title{The Generalized Beta II Distribution}
+ Density
+ for the generalized beta II distribution
+ with shape parameters \code{a}
+ and \code{p}
+ and \code{q}, and scale parameter \code{scale}.
+% distribution function, quantile function and random generation
+dgenbetaII(x, scale = 1, shape1.a, shape2.p, shape3.q, log = FALSE)
+%pgenbetaII(q, scale = 1, shape1.a, shape2.p, shape3.q,
+% lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
+%qgenbetaII(p, scale = 1, shape1.a, shape2.p, shape3.q,
+% lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
+%rgenbetaII(n, scale = 1, shape1.a, shape3.q, shape3.q)
+% \item{x, q}{vector of quantiles.}
+ \item{x}{vector of quantiles.}
+% \item{p}{vector of probabilities.}
+% \item{n}{number of observations. If \code{length(n) > 1}, the length
+% is taken to be the number required.}
+ \item{shape1.a, shape2.p, shape3.q}{positive shape parameters.}
+ \item{scale}{positive scale parameter.}
+ \item{log}{
+ Logical.
+ If \code{log = TRUE} then the logarithm of the density is returned.
+ }
+% \item{lower.tail, log.p}{
+% Same meaning as in \code{\link[stats:Normal]{pnorm}}
+% or \code{\link[stats:Normal]{qnorm}}.
+% }
+ \code{dgenbetaII} gives the density.
+% \code{pgenbetaII} gives the distribution function,
+% \code{qgenbetaII} gives the quantile function, and
+% \code{rgenbetaII} generates random deviates.
+Kleiber, C. and Kotz, S. (2003)
+\emph{Statistical Size Distributions in Economics and
+ Actuarial Sciences},
+Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley-Interscience.
+\author{ T. W. Yee }
+ See \code{\link{genbetaII}}, which is the \pkg{VGAM} family function
+ for estimating the parameters by maximum likelihood estimation.
+ Several distributions, such as the Singh-Maddala, are special case of
+ this flexible 4-parameter distribution.
+ The product of \code{shape1.a} and \code{shape2.p} determines the
+ behaviour of the density at the origin.
+ \code{\link{genbetaII}}.
+dgenbetaII(0, shape1.a = 1/4, shape2.p = 4, shape3.q = 3)
+dgenbetaII(0, shape1.a = 1/4, shape2.p = 2, shape3.q = 3)
+dgenbetaII(0, shape1.a = 1/4, shape2.p = 8, shape3.q = 3)
diff --git a/man/genpoisUC.Rd b/man/genpoisUC.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e12daf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/genpoisUC.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+\title{The Generalized Poisson Distribution}
+ Density for the Generalized Poisson Distribution.
+dgenpois(x, lambda = 0, theta, log = FALSE)
+ \item{x,}{vector of quantiles.}
+ \item{lambda, theta}{
+ See \code{\link{genpoisson}}.
+ The default value of \code{lambda} corresponds to an
+ ordinary Poisson distribution.
+ }
+ \item{log}{
+ Logical.
+ If \code{TRUE} then the logarithm of the density is returned.
+ }
+ \code{dgenpois} gives the density.
+ The value \code{NaN} is returned for elements not satisfying
+ the parameter restrictions, e.g., if \eqn{\lambda > 1}{lambda > 1}.
+% \code{pgenpois} gives the distribution function, and
+% \code{qgenpois} gives the quantile function, and
+% \code{rgenpois} generates random deviates.
+\author{ T. W. Yee }
+ Most of the background to this function is given
+ in \code{\link{genpoisson}}.
+ Some warnings relevant to this distribution are given there,
+ especially relating to the complicated range of the
+ parameter \code{lambda} about or near \eqn{-1}.
+ Note that numerical round off errors etc. can occur; see
+ below for an example.
+ \code{\link{genpoisson}},
+ \code{\link[stats:Poisson]{dpois}}.
+sum(dgenpois(0:1000, lambda = -0.5, theta = 2)) # Not perfect...
+lambda <- -0.2; theta <- 2; y <- 0:10
+proby <- dgenpois(y, lambda = lambda, theta = theta, log = FALSE)
+plot(y, proby, type = "h", col = "blue", lwd = 2, ylab = "P[Y=y]",
+ main = paste("Y ~ Generalized Poisson(lambda=", lambda,
+ ", theta=", theta, ")", sep = ""), las = 1,
+ sub = "Orange is the Poisson probability function")
+lines(y + 0.1, dpois(y, theta), type = "h", lwd = 2, col = "orange")
diff --git a/man/genpoisson.Rd b/man/genpoisson.Rd
index 543d544..400ec9c 100644
--- a/man/genpoisson.Rd
+++ b/man/genpoisson.Rd
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
\title{ Generalized Poisson distribution }
- Estimation of the two parameters of a generalized Poisson distribution.
+ Estimation of the two-parameter generalized Poisson distribution.
-genpoisson(llambda = extlogit(min = -1, max = 1), ltheta = "loge",
+genpoisson(llambda = "rhobit", ltheta = "loge",
ilambda = NULL, itheta = NULL,
- use.approx = TRUE, imethod = 1, zero = 1)
+ use.approx = TRUE, imethod = 1, ishrinkage = 0.95, zero = -1)
%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ genpoisson(llambda = extlogit(min = -1, max = 1), ltheta = "loge",
Parameter link functions for \eqn{\lambda} and \eqn{\theta}.
See \code{\link{Links}} for more choices.
The \eqn{\lambda} parameter lies at least within the interval
- \eqn{[-1,1]}; see below for more details.
+ \eqn{[-1,1]}; see below for more details,
+ and an alternative link is \code{\link{rhobit}}.
The \eqn{\theta} parameter is positive, therefore the default is the
log link.
@@ -36,22 +37,29 @@ genpoisson(llambda = extlogit(min = -1, max = 1), ltheta = "loge",
- An integer with value \code{1} or \code{2} which
+ An integer with value \code{1} or \code{2} or \code{3} which
specifies the initialization method for the parameters.
If failure to converge occurs try another value
and/or else specify a value for \code{ilambda} and/or \code{itheta}.
- \item{zero}{
- An integer vector, containing the value 1 or 2.
- If so, \eqn{\lambda} or \eqn{\theta} respectively
- are modelled as an intercept only.
- If set to \code{NULL} then both linear/additive predictors are modelled
- as functions of the explanatory variables.
+ \item{ishrinkage, zero}{
+ See \code{\link{CommonVGAMffArguments}} for information.
+% \item{zero}{
+% An integer vector, containing the value 1 or 2.
+% If so, \eqn{\lambda} or \eqn{\theta} respectively
+% are modelled as an intercept only.
+% If set to \code{NULL} then both linear/additive predictors are modelled
+% as functions of the explanatory variables.
+% }
The generalized Poisson distribution has density
@@ -66,10 +74,20 @@ when \eqn{\lambda < 0}
[and then \eqn{P(Y=y) = 0} for \eqn{y > m}].
Note the complicated support for this distribution means,
for some data sets,
-the default link for \code{llambda} is not always appropriate.
+the default link for \code{llambda} will not always work, and
+some tinkering may be required to get it running.
-An ordinary Poisson distribution corresponds to \eqn{\lambda = 0}{lambda = 0}.
+As Consul and Famoye (2006) state on p.165, the lower limits
+on \eqn{\lambda} and \eqn{m \ge 4}{m >= 4} are imposed
+to ensure that there are at least 5 classes with nonzero
+probability when \eqn{\lambda} is negative.
+An ordinary Poisson distribution corresponds
+to \eqn{\lambda = 0}{lambda = 0}.
The mean (returned as the fitted values) is
\eqn{E(Y) = \theta / (1 - \lambda)}
and the variance is \eqn{\theta / (1 - \lambda)^3}.
@@ -105,23 +123,45 @@ New York, USA: Marcel Dekker.
+\section{Warning }{
+ Monitor convergence!
+ This family function is fragile.
+ Don't get confused because \code{theta}
+ (and not \code{lambda}) here really
+ matches more closely with \code{lambda} of
+ \code{\link[stats:Poisson]{dpois}}.
\author{ T. W. Yee }
- This distribution is useful for dispersion modelling.
+ This family function handles multiple responses.
+ This distribution is potentially useful for dispersion modelling.
Convergence problems may occur when \code{lambda} is very close
to 0 or 1.
+ If a failure occurs then you might want to try something like
+ \code{llambda = extlogit(min = -0.9, max = 1)}
+ to handle the LHS complicated constraint,
+ and if that doesn't work, try
+ \code{llambda = extlogit(min = -0.8, max = 1)}, etc.
- \code{\link{poissonff}}.
+ \code{\link{poissonff}},
+ \code{\link[stats:Poisson]{dpois}}.
+ \code{\link{dgenpois}},
+ \code{\link{rhobit}},
+ \code{\link{extlogit}}.
gdata <- data.frame(x2 = runif(nn <- 200))
-gdata <- transform(gdata, y1 = rpois(nn, exp(2 - x2))) # Ordinary Poisson data
-fit <- vglm(y1 ~ x2, genpoisson(zero = 1), data = gdata, trace = TRUE)
+gdata <- transform(gdata, y1 = rpois(nn, exp(2 - x2))) # Poisson data
+fit <- vglm(y1 ~ x2, genpoisson, data = gdata, trace = TRUE)
coef(fit, matrix = TRUE)
diff --git a/man/iam.Rd b/man/iam.Rd
index 7e80ca0..8a84d88 100644
--- a/man/iam.Rd
+++ b/man/iam.Rd
@@ -82,12 +82,12 @@ iam(j, k, M, both = FALSE, diag = TRUE)
- The website \url{http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~yee} contains
- some additional information.
+% The website \url{http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~yee} contains
+% some additional information.
\author{ T. W. Yee }
This function is used in the \code{weight} slot of many \pkg{VGAM}
diff --git a/man/inv.lomax.Rd b/man/inv.lomax.Rd
index 7a3203b..9da37e5 100644
--- a/man/inv.lomax.Rd
+++ b/man/inv.lomax.Rd
@@ -7,29 +7,38 @@
inverse Lomax distribution.
-inv.lomax(lscale = "loge", lshape2.p = "loge",
- iscale = NULL, ishape2.p = 1, zero = NULL)
+inv.lomax(lscale = "loge", lshape2.p = "loge", iscale = NULL,
+ ishape2.p = NULL, imethod = 1, gscale = exp(-5:5), gshape2.p = exp(-5:5),
+ probs.y = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75), zero = -2)
%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
- \item{lscale, lshape2.p}{
+ \item{lscale, lshape2.p}{
Parameter link functions applied to the
- (positive) scale parameter \code{scale} and
- (positive) shape parameter \code{p}.
+ (positive) parameters \eqn{b}, and \eqn{p}.
See \code{\link{Links}} for more choices.
- \item{iscale, ishape2.p}{
- Optional initial values for \code{scale} and \code{p}.
+ \item{iscale, ishape2.p, imethod, zero}{
+ See \code{\link{CommonVGAMffArguments}} for information.
+ For \code{imethod = 2} a good initial value for
+ \code{ishape2.p} is needed to obtain a good estimate for
+ the other parameter.
- \item{zero}{
- An integer-valued vector specifying which
- linear/additive predictors are modelled as intercepts only.
- Here, the values must be from the set \{1,2\} which correspond to
- \code{scale}, \code{p}, respectively.
+ \item{gscale, gshape2.p}{
+ See \code{\link{CommonVGAMffArguments}} for information.
+ \item{probs.y}{
+ See \code{\link{CommonVGAMffArguments}} for information.
+ }
The 2-parameter inverse Lomax distribution is the 4-parameter
@@ -46,7 +55,9 @@ The inverse Lomax distribution has density
for \eqn{b > 0}, \eqn{p > 0}, \eqn{y \geq 0}{y >= 0}.
Here, \eqn{b} is the scale parameter \code{scale},
and \code{p} is a shape parameter.
-The mean does not seem to exist; the median is returned as the fitted values.
+The mean does not seem to exist; the \emph{median} is returned
+as the fitted values.
+This family function handles multiple responses.
@@ -75,7 +86,7 @@ Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley-Interscience.
\author{ T. W. Yee }
- See the note in \code{\link{genbetaII}}.
+ See the notes in \code{\link{genbetaII}}.
@@ -96,10 +107,10 @@ Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley-Interscience.
-idata <- data.frame(y = rinv.lomax(n = 2000, exp(2), exp(1)))
+idata <- data.frame(y = rinv.lomax(n = 2000, scale = exp(2), exp(1)))
fit <- vglm(y ~ 1, inv.lomax, data = idata, trace = TRUE)
-fit <- vglm(y ~ 1, inv.lomax(iscale = exp(2), ishape2.p = exp(1)), data = idata,
- trace = TRUE, epsilon = 1e-8)
+fit <- vglm(y ~ 1, inv.lomax(iscale = exp(3)), data = idata,
+ trace = TRUE, epsilon = 1e-8, crit = "coef")
coef(fit, matrix = TRUE)
diff --git a/man/inv.paralogistic.Rd b/man/inv.paralogistic.Rd
index bb7bfeb..b0d84d4 100644
--- a/man/inv.paralogistic.Rd
+++ b/man/inv.paralogistic.Rd
@@ -7,8 +7,10 @@
inverse paralogistic distribution.
-inv.paralogistic(lss, lshape1.a = "loge", lscale = "loge",
- ishape1.a = 2, iscale = NULL, zero = NULL)
+inv.paralogistic(lscale = "loge", lshape1.a = "loge", iscale = NULL,
+ ishape1.a = NULL, imethod = 1, lss = TRUE, gscale = exp(-5:5),
+ gshape1.a = exp(-5:5), probs.y = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75),
+ zero = ifelse(lss, -2, -1))
%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
@@ -17,24 +19,31 @@ inv.paralogistic(lss, lshape1.a = "loge", lscale = "loge",
- \item{lshape1.a, lscale}{
+ \item{lshape1.a, lscale}{
Parameter link functions applied to the
- (positive) shape parameter \code{a} and
- (positive) scale parameter \code{scale}.
+ (positive) parameters \code{a} and \code{scale}.
See \code{\link{Links}} for more choices.
- \item{ishape1.a, iscale}{
- Optional initial values for \code{a} and \code{scale}.
+ \item{iscale, ishape1.a, imethod, zero}{
+ See \code{\link{CommonVGAMffArguments}} for information.
+ For \code{imethod = 2} a good initial value for
+ \code{ishape1.a} is needed to obtain a good estimate for
+ the other parameter.
- \item{zero}{
- An integer-valued vector specifying which
- linear/additive predictors are modelled as intercepts only.
- Here, the values must be from the set \{1,2\} which correspond to
- \code{a}, \code{scale}, respectively.
+ \item{gscale, gshape1.a}{
+ See \code{\link{CommonVGAMffArguments}} for information.
+ \item{probs.y}{
+ See \code{\link{CommonVGAMffArguments}} for information.
+ }
The 2-parameter inverse paralogistic distribution is the 4-parameter
@@ -54,6 +63,8 @@ The mean is
\deqn{E(Y) = b \, \Gamma(a + 1/a) \, \Gamma(1 - 1/a) / \Gamma(a)}{%
E(Y) = b gamma(a + 1/a) gamma(1 - 1/a) / gamma(a)}
provided \eqn{a > 1}; these are returned as the fitted values.
+This family function handles multiple responses.
@@ -76,7 +87,7 @@ Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley-Interscience.
\author{ T. W. Yee }
- See the note in \code{\link{genbetaII}}.
+ See the notes in \code{\link{genbetaII}}.
@@ -99,8 +110,8 @@ Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley-Interscience.
idata <- data.frame(y = rinv.paralogistic(n = 3000, exp(1), scale = exp(2)))
fit <- vglm(y ~ 1, inv.paralogistic(lss = FALSE), data = idata, trace = TRUE)
-fit <- vglm(y ~ 1, inv.paralogistic(lss = FALSE, ishape1.a = 2.7, iscale = 7.3),
- data = idata, trace = TRUE, epsilon = 1e-8)
+fit <- vglm(y ~ 1, inv.paralogistic(imethod = 2, ishape1.a = 4),
+ data = idata, trace = TRUE, crit = "coef")
coef(fit, matrix = TRUE)
diff --git a/man/is.buggy.Rd b/man/is.buggy.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7927b4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/is.buggy.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+% 20150326
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ Does the fitted object suffer from a known bug? }
+ Checks to see if a fitted object suffers from some known bug.
+is.buggy(object, ...)
+is.buggy.vlm(object, each.term = FALSE, ...)
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+ \item{object}{
+ A fitted \pkg{VGAM} object, e.g., from
+ \code{\link{vgam}}.
+ }
+ \item{each.term}{
+ Logical. If \code{TRUE} then a logical is returned for each term.
+ }
+ \item{\dots}{
+ Unused for now.
+ }
+ It is known that \code{\link{vgam}} with \code{\link{s}} terms
+ do not correctly handle constraint matrices (\code{cmat}, say) when
+ \code{crossprod(cmat)} is not diagonal.
+ This function detects whether this is so or not.
+ Note that probably all \pkg{VGAM} family functions have defaults where all
+ \code{crossprod(cmat)}s are diagonal, therefore do not suffer from this
+ bug. It is more likely to occur if the user inputs constraint matrices
+ using the \code{constraints} argument (and setting \code{zero = NULL}
+ if necessary).
+ The default is a single logical (\code{TRUE} if any term is
+ \code{TRUE}),
+ otherwise a vector of such with each element corresponding to a term.
+ If the value is \code{TRUE} then I suggest replacing the VGAM
+ by a similar model fitted by \code{\link{vglm}} and using
+ regression splines, e.g., \code{\link[splines]{bs}},
+ \code{\link[splines]{ns}}.
+\author{ T. W. Yee }
+ When the bug is fixed this function may be withdrawn, otherwise
+ always return \code{FALSE}s!
+ \code{\link{vgam}}.
+ \code{\link{vglm}},
+ \code{\link[splines]{bs}},
+ \code{\link[splines]{ns}}.
+fit1 <- vgam(cbind(agaaus, kniexc) ~ s(altitude, df = c(3, 4)),
+ binomialff(multiple.responses = TRUE), data = hunua)
+is.buggy(fit1) # Okay
+is.buggy(fit1, each.term = TRUE) # No terms are buggy
+fit2 <- vgam(cbind(agaaus, kniexc) ~ s(altitude, df = c(3, 4)),
+ binomialff(multiple.responses = TRUE), data = hunua,
+ constraints =
+ list("(Intercept)" = diag(2),
+ "s(altitude, df = c(3, 4))" = matrix(c(1, 1, 0, 1), 2, 2)))
+is.buggy(fit2) # TRUE
+is.buggy(fit2, each.term = TRUE)
+# fit2b is an approximate alternative to fit2:
+fit2b <- vglm(cbind(agaaus, kniexc) ~ bs(altitude, df = 3) + bs(altitude, df = 4),
+ binomialff(multiple.responses = TRUE), data = hunua,
+ constraints =
+ list("(Intercept)" = diag(2),
+ "bs(altitude, df = 3)" = rbind(1, 1),
+ "bs(altitude, df = 4)" = rbind(0, 1)))
+is.buggy(fit2b) # Okay
+is.buggy(fit2b, each.term = TRUE)
diff --git a/man/lms.bcg.Rd b/man/lms.bcg.Rd
index 6905833..1484e17 100644
--- a/man/lms.bcg.Rd
+++ b/man/lms.bcg.Rd
@@ -62,13 +62,15 @@ lms.bcg(percentiles = c(25, 50, 75), zero = c(1, 3),
Lopatatzidis A. and Green, P. J. (unpublished manuscript)
Semiparametric quantile regression using the gamma distribution.
Yee, T. W. (2004)
Quantile regression via vector generalized additive models.
\emph{Statistics in Medicine}, \bold{23}, 2295--2315.
-Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
-contains further information and examples.
+%Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
+%contains further information and examples.
diff --git a/man/lms.bcn.Rd b/man/lms.bcn.Rd
index c495f77..860ce77 100644
--- a/man/lms.bcn.Rd
+++ b/man/lms.bcn.Rd
@@ -180,9 +180,9 @@ Quantile regression via vector generalized additive models.
\bold{23}, 2295--2315.
-Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
-contains further information and examples.
+%Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
+%contains further information and examples.
\author{ Thomas W. Yee }
@@ -203,12 +203,13 @@ contains further information and examples.
is often a good idea. See the example below.
- While it is usual to regress the response against a single
- covariate, it is possible to add other explanatory variables,
- e.g., gender.
- See
- \url{http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~yee}
- for further information and examples about this feature.
+% While it is usual to regress the response against a single
+% covariate, it is possible to add other explanatory variables,
+% e.g., gender.
+% See
+% \url{http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~yee}
+% for further information and examples about this feature.
diff --git a/man/lms.yjn.Rd b/man/lms.yjn.Rd
index 48a00d0..ec5ee15 100644
--- a/man/lms.yjn.Rd
+++ b/man/lms.yjn.Rd
@@ -119,9 +119,11 @@ In: Haerdle, W. and Ronz, B.,
\emph{Proceedings in Computational Statistics COMPSTAT 2002}.
Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag.
-Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
-contains further information and examples.
+%Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
+%contains further information and examples.
\author{ Thomas W. Yee }
diff --git a/man/loglinb3.Rd b/man/loglinb3.Rd
index 8c8b273..fca6d61 100644
--- a/man/loglinb3.Rd
+++ b/man/loglinb3.Rd
@@ -75,9 +75,9 @@ McCullagh, P. and Nelder, J. A. (1989)
\emph{Generalized Linear Models}, 2nd ed. London: Chapman & Hall.
-Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
-contains further information and examples.
+%Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
+%contains further information and examples.
diff --git a/man/lomax.Rd b/man/lomax.Rd
index fe0da7e..b8797f2 100644
--- a/man/lomax.Rd
+++ b/man/lomax.Rd
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
-lomax(lscale = "loge", lshape3.q = "loge",
- iscale = NULL, ishape3.q = NULL,
- gshape3.q = exp(-5:5), zero = NULL)
+lomax(lscale = "loge", lshape3.q = "loge", iscale = NULL,
+ ishape3.q = NULL, imethod = 1, gscale = exp(-5:5),
+ gshape3.q = exp(-5:5), probs.y = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75), zero = -2)
%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
@@ -21,13 +21,16 @@ lomax(lscale = "loge", lshape3.q = "loge",
- \item{iscale, ishape3.q}{
- Optional initial values for \code{scale} and \code{q}.
+ \item{iscale, ishape3.q, imethod}{
+ See \code{\link{CommonVGAMffArguments}} for information.
+ For \code{imethod = 2} a good initial value for
+ \code{iscale} is needed to obtain a good estimate for
+ the other parameter.
- \item{gshape3.q, zero}{
+ \item{gscale, gshape3.q, zero, probs.y}{
@@ -68,6 +71,8 @@ The mean is
\deqn{E(Y) = b/(q-1)}{%
E(Y) = b/(q-1)}
provided \eqn{q > 1}; these are returned as the fitted values.
+This family function handles multiple responses.
@@ -90,7 +95,7 @@ Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley-Interscience.
\author{ T. W. Yee }
- See the note in \code{\link{genbetaII}}.
+ See the notes in \code{\link{genbetaII}}.
diff --git a/man/micmen.Rd b/man/micmen.Rd
index fd16337..80434e7 100644
--- a/man/micmen.Rd
+++ b/man/micmen.Rd
@@ -108,9 +108,9 @@ micmen(rpar = 0.001, divisor = 10, init1 = NULL, init2 = NULL,
New York: Wiley.
- Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
- \url{http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~yee}
- contains further information and examples.
+% Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
+% \url{http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~yee}
+% contains further information and examples.
diff --git a/man/multinomial.Rd b/man/multinomial.Rd
index da3f1ae..ec04e32 100644
--- a/man/multinomial.Rd
+++ b/man/multinomial.Rd
@@ -140,9 +140,9 @@ Cambridge University Press.
-Further information and examples on categorical data analysis
-by the \pkg{VGAM} package can be found at
+%Further information and examples on categorical data analysis
+%by the \pkg{VGAM} package can be found at
diff --git a/man/negbinomial.Rd b/man/negbinomial.Rd
index 6f90c66..7cdffe6 100644
--- a/man/negbinomial.Rd
+++ b/man/negbinomial.Rd
@@ -182,11 +182,13 @@ polyaR(lsize = "loge", lprob = "logit",
Setting \code{parallel = TRUE} is useful in order to get
something similar to \code{\link{quasipoissonff}} or
what is known as NB-1.
- The parallelism constraint does not apply to any intercept term.
+ If \code{parallel = TRUE} then the parallelism constraint
+ does not apply to any intercept term.
You should set \code{zero = NULL} too if \code{parallel = TRUE} to
avoid a conflict.
Passed into the \code{probs} argument
diff --git a/man/notdocumentedyet.Rd b/man/notdocumentedyet.Rd
index afb482c..c285e0c 100644
--- a/man/notdocumentedyet.Rd
+++ b/man/notdocumentedyet.Rd
@@ -4,6 +4,12 @@
+% 201503, 201504, 201505;
% 201412;
@@ -32,7 +38,7 @@
% 201312;
% \alias{simulate.vlm}
-% 201311;
+% 201311; 20150316: modified to familyname
@@ -273,7 +279,7 @@
+% \alias{abbott} % 20150320; no longer releasing family.quantal.R.
% \alias{acat.deriv}
% \alias{add.arg}
% \alias{add.constraints}
diff --git a/man/paralogistic.Rd b/man/paralogistic.Rd
index d3af56f..0f99576 100644
--- a/man/paralogistic.Rd
+++ b/man/paralogistic.Rd
@@ -9,8 +9,10 @@
-paralogistic(lss, lshape1.a = "loge", lscale = "loge",
- ishape1.a = 2, iscale = NULL, zero = NULL)
+paralogistic(lscale = "loge", lshape1.a = "loge", iscale = NULL,
+ ishape1.a = NULL, imethod = 1, lss = TRUE, gscale = exp(-5:5),
+ gshape1.a = exp(-5:5), probs.y = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75),
+ zero = ifelse(lss, -2, -1))
%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
@@ -18,23 +20,28 @@ paralogistic(lss, lshape1.a = "loge", lscale = "loge",
\item{lshape1.a, lscale}{
Parameter link functions applied to the
- (positive) shape parameter \code{a} and
- (positive) scale parameter \code{scale}.
+ (positive) parameters \eqn{a} and \code{scale}.
See \code{\link{Links}} for more choices.
- \item{ishape1.a, iscale}{
- Optional initial values for \code{a} and \code{scale}.
+ \item{iscale, ishape1.a, imethod, zero}{
+ See \code{\link{CommonVGAMffArguments}} for information.
+ For \code{imethod = 2} a good initial value for
+ \code{ishape1.a} is needed to obtain good estimates for
+ the other parameter.
- \item{zero}{
- An integer-valued vector specifying which
- linear/additive predictors are modelled as intercepts only.
- Here, the values must be from the set \{1,2\} which correspond to
- \code{a}, \code{scale}, respectively.
+ \item{gscale, gshape1.a}{
+ See \code{\link{CommonVGAMffArguments}} for information.
+ }
+ \item{probs.y}{
+ See \code{\link{CommonVGAMffArguments}} for information.
@@ -56,6 +63,8 @@ The mean is
\deqn{E(Y) = b \, \Gamma(1 + 1/a) \, \Gamma(a - 1/a) / \Gamma(a)}{%
E(Y) = b gamma(1 + 1/a) gamma(a - 1/a) / gamma(a)}
provided \eqn{a > 1}; these are returned as the fitted values.
+This family function handles multiple responses.
@@ -78,13 +87,14 @@ Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley-Interscience.
\author{ T. W. Yee }
- See the note in \code{\link{genbetaII}}.
+ See the notes in \code{\link{genbetaII}}.
+ \code{\link{sinmad}},
@@ -96,10 +106,10 @@ Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley-Interscience.
-pdata <- data.frame(y = rparalogistic(n = 3000, exp(1), scale = exp(2)))
+pdata <- data.frame(y = rparalogistic(n = 3000, exp(1), scale = exp(1)))
fit <- vglm(y ~ 1, paralogistic(lss = FALSE), data = pdata, trace = TRUE)
-fit <- vglm(y ~ 1, paralogistic(lss = FALSE, ishape1.a = 2.3, iscale = 7),
- data = pdata, trace = TRUE, epsilon = 1e-8)
+fit <- vglm(y ~ 1, paralogistic(ishape1.a = 2.3, iscale = 5),
+ data = pdata, trace = TRUE)
coef(fit, matrix = TRUE)
diff --git a/man/plotdeplot.lmscreg.Rd b/man/plotdeplot.lmscreg.Rd
index ea2b202..aaa406c 100644
--- a/man/plotdeplot.lmscreg.Rd
+++ b/man/plotdeplot.lmscreg.Rd
@@ -86,9 +86,9 @@ Quantile regression via vector generalized additive models.
\emph{Statistics in Medicine}, \bold{23}, 2295--2315.
-Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
-contains further information and examples.
+%Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
+%contains further information and examples.
diff --git a/man/plotqtplot.lmscreg.Rd b/man/plotqtplot.lmscreg.Rd
index 21597a3..1bb5cea 100644
--- a/man/plotqtplot.lmscreg.Rd
+++ b/man/plotqtplot.lmscreg.Rd
@@ -82,9 +82,9 @@ Yee, T. W. (2004)
Quantile regression via vector generalized additive models.
\emph{Statistics in Medicine}, \bold{23}, 2295--2315.
-Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
-contains further information and examples.
+%Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
+%contains further information and examples.
\author{ Thomas W. Yee }
diff --git a/man/posbernoulli.t.Rd b/man/posbernoulli.t.Rd
index 4c67249..4724c5f 100644
--- a/man/posbernoulli.t.Rd
+++ b/man/posbernoulli.t.Rd
@@ -157,15 +157,10 @@ Yee, T. W. and Stoklosa, J. and Huggins, R. M. (2015)
The \pkg{VGAM} package for capture--recapture data using the
conditional likelihood.
\emph{Journal of Statistical Software},
- in press.
-% \bold{62}, 3--135.
-%\emph{Journal of Statistical Software},
-%\bold{32}, 1--34.
+ \bold{65}, 1--33.
+ \url{http://www.jstatsoft.org/v65/i05/}.
+% \bold{65}(5), 1--33.
diff --git a/man/posbernoulli.tb.Rd b/man/posbernoulli.tb.Rd
index b53624d..56fcca2 100644
--- a/man/posbernoulli.tb.Rd
+++ b/man/posbernoulli.tb.Rd
@@ -203,6 +203,7 @@ posbernoulli.tb(link = "logit", parallel.t = FALSE ~ 1,
+ \code{\link{fill1}},
diff --git a/man/posnormal.Rd b/man/posnormal.Rd
index 62df13f..6250b24 100644
--- a/man/posnormal.Rd
+++ b/man/posnormal.Rd
@@ -80,14 +80,14 @@ posnormal(lmean = "identitylink", lsd = "loge",
- Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
- \url{http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~yee}
- contains further information and examples.
+% Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
+% \url{http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~yee}
+% contains further information and examples.
\author{ Thomas W. Yee }
The response variable for this family function is the same as
diff --git a/man/pospoisson.Rd b/man/pospoisson.Rd
index 497f8c6..84f3d1b 100644
--- a/man/pospoisson.Rd
+++ b/man/pospoisson.Rd
@@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ The equilibrium size distribution of freely-forming groups.
\emph{Sociometry}, \bold{24}, 36--45.
-Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
-contains further information and examples.
+%Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
+%contains further information and examples.
diff --git a/man/propodds.Rd b/man/propodds.Rd
index 0901c3c..27db074 100644
--- a/man/propodds.Rd
+++ b/man/propodds.Rd
@@ -60,9 +60,9 @@ Vector generalized additive models.
\bold{58}, 481--493.
-Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
-contains further information and examples.
+%Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
+%contains further information and examples.
diff --git a/man/qtplot.lmscreg.Rd b/man/qtplot.lmscreg.Rd
index 25c2751..16524bb 100644
--- a/man/qtplot.lmscreg.Rd
+++ b/man/qtplot.lmscreg.Rd
@@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ Yee, T. W. (2004)
Quantile regression via vector generalized additive models.
\emph{Statistics in Medicine}, \bold{23}, 2295--2315.
-Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
-contains further information and examples.
+%Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
+%contains further information and examples.
\author{ Thomas W. Yee }
diff --git a/man/rhobit.Rd b/man/rhobit.Rd
index 6ad52e1..dec88fe 100644
--- a/man/rhobit.Rd
+++ b/man/rhobit.Rd
@@ -59,13 +59,13 @@ rhobit(theta, bminvalue = NULL, bmaxvalue = NULL,
-Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
-contains further information and examples.
+%Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
+%contains further information and examples.
\author{ Thomas W. Yee }
diff --git a/man/rrvglm-class.Rd b/man/rrvglm-class.Rd
index 6035ec7..299837a 100644
--- a/man/rrvglm-class.Rd
+++ b/man/rrvglm-class.Rd
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ Vector generalized additive models.
\bold{58}, 481--493.
diff --git a/man/rrvglm.Rd b/man/rrvglm.Rd
index 2df90b6..87c2f19 100644
--- a/man/rrvglm.Rd
+++ b/man/rrvglm.Rd
@@ -148,13 +148,14 @@ Regression and ordered categorical variables.
Yee, T. W. (2014)
Reduced-rank vector generalized linear models with two linear predictors.
- \emph{Computational Statistics and Data Analysis}.
+ \emph{Computational Statistics and Data Analysis},
+ \bold{71}, 889--902.
- Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
- \url{http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~yee}
- contains further information and examples.
+% Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
+% \url{http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~yee}
+% contains further information and examples.
diff --git a/man/s.Rd b/man/s.Rd
index 308de92..b2aaa41 100644
--- a/man/s.Rd
+++ b/man/s.Rd
@@ -117,6 +117,7 @@ Vector generalized additive models.
+ \code{\link{is.buggy}},
diff --git a/man/sinmad.Rd b/man/sinmad.Rd
index 1e83ac3..50c9d16 100644
--- a/man/sinmad.Rd
+++ b/man/sinmad.Rd
@@ -7,8 +7,11 @@
Singh-Maddala distribution.
-sinmad(lss, lshape1.a = "loge", lscale = "loge", lshape3.q = "loge",
- ishape1.a = NULL, iscale = NULL, ishape3.q = 1, zero = NULL)
+sinmad(lscale = "loge", lshape1.a = "loge", lshape3.q = "loge",
+ iscale = NULL, ishape1.a = NULL, ishape3.q = NULL, imethod = 1,
+ lss = TRUE, gscale = exp(-5:5), gshape1.a = exp(-5:5),
+ gshape3.q = exp(-5:5), probs.y = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75),
+ zero = ifelse(lss, -(2:3), -c(1, 3)))
%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
@@ -19,19 +22,26 @@ sinmad(lss, lshape1.a = "loge", lscale = "loge", lshape3.q = "loge",
\item{lshape1.a, lscale, lshape3.q}{
Parameter link functions applied to the
- (positive) parameters \code{a}, \code{scale}, and \code{q}.
+ (positive) parameters \eqn{a}, \code{scale}, and \eqn{q}.
See \code{\link{Links}} for more choices.
- \item{ishape1.a, iscale, ishape3.q}{
- Optional initial values for \code{a}, \code{scale}, and \code{q}.
+ \item{iscale, ishape1.a, ishape3.q, imethod, zero}{
+ See \code{\link{CommonVGAMffArguments}} for information.
+ For \code{imethod = 2} a good initial value for
+ \code{ishape3.q} is needed to obtain good estimates for
+ the other parameters.
- \item{zero}{
- An integer-valued vector specifying which
- linear/additive predictors are modelled as intercepts only.
- Here, the values must be from the set \{1,2,3\} which correspond to
- \code{a}, \code{scale}, \code{q}, respectively.
+ \item{gscale, gshape1.a, gshape3.q}{
+ See \code{\link{CommonVGAMffArguments}} for information.
+ }
+ \item{probs.y}{
+ See \code{\link{CommonVGAMffArguments}} for information.
@@ -44,11 +54,13 @@ beta-P, and generalized log-logistic distribution.
More details can be found in Kleiber and Kotz (2003).
Some distributions which are special cases of the 3-parameter Singh-Maddala
are the Lomax (\eqn{a=1}), Fisk (\eqn{q=1}), and
paralogistic (\eqn{a=q}).
The Singh-Maddala distribution has density
\deqn{f(y) = aq y^{a-1} / [b^a \{1 + (y/b)^a\}^{1+q}]}{%
f(y) = aq y^(a-1) / [b^a (1 + (y/b)^a)^(1+q)]}
@@ -62,6 +74,7 @@ The mean is
\deqn{E(Y) = b \, \Gamma(1 + 1/a) \, \Gamma(q - 1/a) / \Gamma(q)}{%
E(Y) = b gamma(1 + 1/a) gamma(q - 1/a) / gamma(q)}
provided \eqn{-a < 1 < aq}; these are returned as the fitted values.
+This family function handles multiple responses.
@@ -84,7 +97,7 @@ Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley-Interscience.
\author{ T. W. Yee }
- See the note in \code{\link{genbetaII}}.
+ See the notes in \code{\link{genbetaII}}.
diff --git a/man/sinmadUC.Rd b/man/sinmadUC.Rd
index 35db9b5..9b66908 100644
--- a/man/sinmadUC.Rd
+++ b/man/sinmadUC.Rd
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ rsinmad(n, scale = 1, shape1.a, shape3.q)
Kleiber, C. and Kotz, S. (2003)
\emph{Statistical Size Distributions in Economics and
Actuarial Sciences},
-Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Interscience.
+Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley-Interscience.
@@ -75,7 +75,8 @@ Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Interscience.
-sdata <- data.frame(y = rsinmad(n = 3000, scale = exp(2), shape1 = exp(1), exp(1)))
+sdata <- data.frame(y = rsinmad(n = 3000, scale = exp(2),
+ shape1 = exp(1), shape3 = exp(1)))
fit <- vglm(y ~ 1, sinmad(lss = FALSE, ishape1.a = 2.1), data = sdata,
trace = TRUE, crit = "coef")
coef(fit, matrix = TRUE)
diff --git a/man/smartpred.Rd b/man/smartpred.Rd
index d17a399..7b66e2a 100644
--- a/man/smartpred.Rd
+++ b/man/smartpred.Rd
@@ -193,9 +193,9 @@ sm.scale(x, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
\code{\link[splines]{bs}} and \code{\link[splines]{ns}} call.
- The website \url{http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~yee}
- contains more information such as how to write a
- smart function, and other technical details.
+% The website \url{http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~yee}
+% contains more information such as how to write a
+% smart function, and other technical details.
The functions \code{\link[VGAM]{vglm}},
diff --git a/man/sratio.Rd b/man/sratio.Rd
index 4b77baf..554e825 100644
--- a/man/sratio.Rd
+++ b/man/sratio.Rd
@@ -90,9 +90,12 @@ The \pkg{VGAM} package for categorical data analysis.
-Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
-contains further information and examples.
+%Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
+%contains further information and examples.
\author{ Thomas W. Yee }
diff --git a/man/tobit.Rd b/man/tobit.Rd
index ef3a7d4..a6adee3 100644
--- a/man/tobit.Rd
+++ b/man/tobit.Rd
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ tobit(Lower = 0, Upper = Inf, lmu = "identitylink", lsd = "loge",
May be a vector (see below for more information).
Numeric. It is the value \eqn{U} described below.
@@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ tobit(Lower = 0, Upper = Inf, lmu = "identitylink", lsd = "loge",
May be a vector (see below for more information).
\item{lmu, lsd}{
Parameter link functions for the mean and standard deviation parameters.
@@ -40,11 +42,13 @@ tobit(Lower = 0, Upper = Inf, lmu = "identitylink", lsd = "loge",
The standard deviation is a positive quantity, therefore a log link
is its default.
\item{imu, isd}{
See \code{\link{CommonVGAMffArguments}} for information.
Type of fitted value returned.
@@ -62,11 +66,13 @@ tobit(Lower = 0, Upper = Inf, lmu = "identitylink", lsd = "loge",
Initialization method. Either 1 or 2, this specifies
two methods for obtaining initial values for the parameters.
- Used if nonstandard Tobit model.
+ Used for the nonstandard Tobit model.
See \code{\link{CommonVGAMffArguments}} for information.
An integer vector, containing the value 1 or 2. If so,
@@ -74,6 +80,8 @@ tobit(Lower = 0, Upper = Inf, lmu = "identitylink", lsd = "loge",
as an intercept-only.
Setting \code{zero = NULL} means both linear/additive predictors
are modelled as functions of the explanatory variables.
+ See \code{\link{CommonVGAMffArguments}} for information.
@@ -157,6 +165,19 @@ tobit(Lower = 0, Upper = Inf, lmu = "identitylink", lsd = "loge",
to \code{tobit()}.
+% 20150417; McClelland Kemp bug:
+ When obtaining initial values, if the algorithm would
+ otherwise want to fit an underdetermined system of
+ equations, then it uses the entire data set instead.
+ This might result in rather poor quality initial values,
+ and consequently, monitoring convergence is advised.
diff --git a/man/undocumented-methods.Rd b/man/undocumented-methods.Rd
index 16b923d..e9e69c0 100644
--- a/man/undocumented-methods.Rd
+++ b/man/undocumented-methods.Rd
@@ -5,6 +5,13 @@
+% 201503, for R 3.1.3:
% 201412
@@ -35,9 +42,9 @@
% 20131104
% 20130903
diff --git a/man/uninormal.Rd b/man/uninormal.Rd
index 74962d2..2d0fafe 100644
--- a/man/uninormal.Rd
+++ b/man/uninormal.Rd
@@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley and Sons, Fourth edition.
+ \code{\link{AR1}},
diff --git a/man/vgam-class.Rd b/man/vgam-class.Rd
index dd73aca..1aeaa0b 100644
--- a/man/vgam-class.Rd
+++ b/man/vgam-class.Rd
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ Vector generalized additive models.
\bold{58}, 481--493.
\author{ Thomas W. Yee }
diff --git a/man/vgam.Rd b/man/vgam.Rd
index 8ec8b59..4f5594b 100644
--- a/man/vgam.Rd
+++ b/man/vgam.Rd
@@ -167,9 +167,9 @@ The \code{VGAM} Package.
\emph{R News}, \bold{8}, 28--39.
- Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
- \url{http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~yee}
- contains further information and examples.
+%Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
+%contains further information and examples.
@@ -215,7 +215,8 @@ The \code{VGAM} Package.
Currently \code{vgam} can only handle constraint matrices \code{cmat},
say, such that \code{crossprod(cmat)} is diagonal.
- This is a bug that I will try to fix up soon.
+ This is a bug that I will try to fix up soon;
+ see \code{\link{is.buggy}}.
See warnings in \code{\link{vglm.control}}.
@@ -224,6 +225,7 @@ The \code{VGAM} Package.
+ \code{\link{is.buggy}},
diff --git a/man/vglm-class.Rd b/man/vglm-class.Rd
index 63453c2..14c364e 100644
--- a/man/vglm-class.Rd
+++ b/man/vglm-class.Rd
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ Vector generalized additive models.
\bold{58}, 481--493.
diff --git a/man/vglm.Rd b/man/vglm.Rd
index 4820cd1..7da2c59 100644
--- a/man/vglm.Rd
+++ b/man/vglm.Rd
@@ -353,9 +353,9 @@ The \code{VGAM} Package.
\emph{R News}, \bold{8}, 28--39.
- Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
- \url{http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~yee}
- contains further information and examples.
+% Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
+% \url{http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~yee}
+% contains further information and examples.
diff --git a/man/vglm.control.Rd b/man/vglm.control.Rd
index 57fff4d..350a938 100644
--- a/man/vglm.control.Rd
+++ b/man/vglm.control.Rd
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ vglm.control(checkwz = TRUE, Check.rank = TRUE, Check.cm.rank = TRUE,
- \code{\link{fill}}.
+ \code{\link{fill1}}.
The author's homepage has further documentation about
the \code{xij} argument;
see also \code{\link{Select}}.
diff --git a/man/vglmff-class.Rd b/man/vglmff-class.Rd
index 6006ecd..fd3917d 100644
--- a/man/vglmff-class.Rd
+++ b/man/vglmff-class.Rd
@@ -195,9 +195,9 @@ Vector generalized additive models.
\bold{58}, 481--493.
-\url{http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~yee} contains further
-information on how to write \pkg{VGAM} family functions.
-The file is amongst other \pkg{VGAM} PDF documentation.
+%\url{http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~yee} contains further
+%information on how to write \pkg{VGAM} family functions.
+%The file is amongst other \pkg{VGAM} PDF documentation.
diff --git a/man/wrapup.smart.Rd b/man/wrapup.smart.Rd
index 89086e8..825bfaa 100644
--- a/man/wrapup.smart.Rd
+++ b/man/wrapup.smart.Rd
@@ -24,13 +24,13 @@ wrapup.smart()
- See the technical help file at \url{http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~yee}
- for details.
+% See the technical help file at \url{http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~yee}
+% for details.
diff --git a/man/zapoisson.Rd b/man/zapoisson.Rd
index 06999c4..3b1c93a 100644
--- a/man/zapoisson.Rd
+++ b/man/zapoisson.Rd
@@ -143,9 +143,9 @@ A Bayesian analysis of zero-inflated generalized Poisson model.
-Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
-contains further information and examples.
+%Documentation accompanying the \pkg{VGAM} package at
+%contains further information and examples.
diff --git a/man/zero.Rd b/man/zero.Rd
index 4dc149a..6b8925d 100644
--- a/man/zero.Rd
+++ b/man/zero.Rd
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ Reduced-rank vector generalized linear models.
\bold{3}, 15--41.
diff --git a/vignettes/categoricalVGAM.Rnw b/vignettes/categoricalVGAM.Rnw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8394144
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vignettes/categoricalVGAM.Rnw
@@ -0,0 +1,2325 @@
+%% need no \usepackage{Sweave.sty}
+%\VignetteIndexEntry{The VGAM Package for Categorical Data Analysis}
+%\VignetteKeywords{categorical data analysis, Fisher scoring, iteratively reweighted least squares, multinomial distribution, nominal and ordinal polytomous responses, smoothing, vector generalized linear and additive models, VGAM R package}
+%% new commands
+\newcommand{\sVLM}{\mbox{\scriptsize VLM}}
+\newcommand{\sformtwo}{\mbox{\scriptsize F2}}
+\newcommand{\logit}{\mbox{\rm logit}}
+\newcommand{\bzero}{{\bf 0}}
+\newcommand{\bone}{{\bf 1}}
+\newcommand{\bid}{\mbox{\boldmath $d$}}
+\newcommand{\bie}{\mbox{\boldmath $e$}}
+\newcommand{\bif}{\mbox{\boldmath $f$}}
+\newcommand{\bix}{\mbox{\boldmath $x$}}
+\newcommand{\biy}{\mbox{\boldmath $y$}}
+\newcommand{\biz}{\mbox{\boldmath $z$}}
+\newcommand{\biY}{\mbox{\boldmath $Y$}}
+\newcommand{\bA}{\mbox{\rm \bf A}}
+\newcommand{\bB}{\mbox{\rm \bf B}}
+\newcommand{\bC}{\mbox{\rm \bf C}}
+\newcommand{\bH}{\mbox{\rm \bf H}}
+\newcommand{\bI}{\mbox{\rm \bf I}}
+\newcommand{\bX}{\mbox{\rm \bf X}}
+\newcommand{\bW}{\mbox{\rm \bf W}}
+\newcommand{\bY}{\mbox{\rm \bf Y}}
+\newcommand{\bbeta}{\mbox{\boldmath $\beta$}}
+\newcommand{\boldeta}{\mbox{\boldmath $\eta$}}
+\newcommand{\bmu}{\mbox{\boldmath $\mu$}}
+\newcommand{\bnu}{\mbox{\boldmath $\nu$}}
+\newcommand{\diag}{ \mbox{\rm diag} }
+\newcommand{\Var}{ \mbox{\rm Var} }
+\author{Thomas W. Yee\\University of Auckland}
+\Plainauthor{Thomas W. Yee}
+\title{The \pkg{VGAM} Package for Categorical Data Analysis}
+\Plaintitle{The VGAM Package for Categorical Data Analysis}
+ Classical categorical regression models such as the multinomial logit and
+ proportional odds models are shown to be readily handled by the vector
+ generalized linear and additive model (VGLM/VGAM) framework. Additionally,
+ there are natural extensions, such as reduced-rank VGLMs for
+ dimension reduction, and allowing covariates that have values
+ specific to each linear/additive predictor,
+ e.g., for consumer choice modeling. This article describes some of the
+ framework behind the \pkg{VGAM} \R{} package, its usage and implementation
+ details.
+\Keywords{categorical data analysis, Fisher scoring,
+ iteratively reweighted least squares,
+ multinomial distribution, nominal and ordinal polytomous responses,
+ smoothing, vector generalized linear and additive models,
+ \VGAM{} \R{} package}
+\Plainkeywords{categorical data analysis, Fisher scoring,
+ iteratively reweighted least squares, multinomial distribution,
+ nominal and ordinal polytomous responses, smoothing,
+ vector generalized linear and additive models, VGAM R package}
+ Thomas W. Yee \\
+ Department of Statistics \\
+ University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019 \\
+ Auckland Mail Centre \\
+ Auckland 1142, New Zealand \\
+ E-mail: \email{t.yee at auckland.ac.nz}\\
+ URL: \url{http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~yee/}
+<<echo=FALSE, results=hide>>=
+ps.options(pointsize = 12)
+options(width = 72, digits = 4)
+options(SweaveHooks = list(fig = function() par(las = 1)))
+options(prompt = "R> ", continue = "+")
+% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+This is a \pkg{VGAM} vignette for categorical data analysis (CDA)
+based on \cite{Yee:2010}.
+Any subsequent features (especially non-backward compatible ones)
+will appear here.
+The subject of CDA is concerned with
+analyses where the response is categorical regardless of whether
+the explanatory variables are continuous or categorical. It is a
+very frequent form of data. Over the years several CDA regression
+models for polytomous responses have become popular, e.g., those
+in Table \ref{tab:cat.quantities}. Not surprisingly, the models
+are interrelated: their foundation is the multinomial distribution
+and consequently they share similar and overlapping properties which
+modellers should know and exploit. Unfortunately, software has been
+slow to reflect their commonality and this makes analyses unnecessarily
+difficult for the practitioner on several fronts, e.g., using different
+functions/procedures to fit different models which does not aid the
+understanding of their connections.
+This historical misfortune can be seen by considering \R{} functions
+for CDA. From the Comprehensive \proglang{R} Archive Network
+(CRAN, \url{http://CRAN.R-project.org/}) there is \texttt{polr()}
+\citep[in \pkg{MASS};][]{Venables+Ripley:2002} for a proportional odds
+model and \texttt{multinom()}
+\citep[in \pkg{nnet};][]{Venables+Ripley:2002} for the multinomial
+logit model. However, both of these can be considered `one-off'
+modeling functions rather than providing a unified offering for CDA.
+The function \texttt{lrm()} \citep[in \pkg{rms};][]{Harrell:2009}
+has greater functionality: it can fit the proportional odds model
+(and the forward continuation ratio model upon preprocessing). Neither
+\texttt{polr()} or \texttt{lrm()} appear able to fit the nonproportional
+odds model. There are non-CRAN packages too, such as the modeling
+function \texttt{nordr()} \citep[in \pkg{gnlm};][]{gnlm:2007}, which can fit
+the proportional odds, continuation ratio and adjacent categories models;
+however it calls \texttt{nlm()} and the user must supply starting values.
+In general these \R{} \citep{R} modeling functions are not modular
+and often require preprocessing and sometimes are not self-starting.
+The implementations can be perceived as a smattering and piecemeal
+in nature. Consequently if the practitioner wishes to fit the models
+of Table \ref{tab:cat.quantities} then there is a need to master several
+modeling functions from several packages each having different syntaxes
+etc. This is a hindrance to efficient CDA.
+Quantity & Notation &
+%Range of $j$ &
+\VGAM{} family function \\
+$\pr(Y=j+1) / \pr(Y=j)$ &$\zeta_{j}$ &
+%$1,\ldots,M$ &
+\texttt{acat()} \\
+$\pr(Y=j) / \pr(Y=j+1)$ &$\zeta_{j}^{R}$ &
+%$2,\ldots,M+1$ &
+\texttt{acat(reverse = TRUE)} \\
+$\pr(Y>j|Y \geq j)$ &$\delta_{j}^*$ &
+%$1,\ldots,M$ &
+\texttt{cratio()} \\
+$\pr(Y<j|Y \leq j)$ &$\delta_{j}^{*R}$ &
+%$2,\ldots,M+1$ &
+\texttt{cratio(reverse = TRUE)} \\
+$\pr(Y\leq j)$ &$\gamma_{j}$ &
+%$1,\ldots,M$ &
+\texttt{cumulative()} \\
+$\pr(Y\geq j)$ &$\gamma_{j}^R$&
+%$2,\ldots,M+1$ &
+\texttt{cumulative(reverse = TRUE)} \\
+$\log\{\pr(Y=j)/\pr(Y=M+1)\}$ & &
+%$1,\ldots,M$ &
+\texttt{multinomial()} \\
+$\pr(Y=j|Y \geq j)$ &$\delta_{j}$ &
+%$1,\ldots,M$ &
+\texttt{sratio()} \\
+$\pr(Y=j|Y \leq j)$ &$\delta_{j}^R$ &
+%$2,\ldots,M+1$ &
+\texttt{sratio(reverse = TRUE)} \\
+Quantities defined in \VGAM{} for a
+categorical response $Y$ taking values $1,\ldots,M+1$.
+Covariates \bix{} have been omitted for clarity.
+The LHS quantities are $\eta_{j}$
+or $\eta_{j-1}$ for $j=1,\ldots,M$ (not reversed)
+and $j=2,\ldots,M+1$ (if reversed), respectively.
+All models are estimated by minimizing the deviance.
+All except for \texttt{multinomial()} are suited to ordinal $Y$.
+\proglang{SAS} \citep{SAS} does not fare much better than \R. Indeed,
+it could be considered as having an \textit{excess} of options which
+bewilders the non-expert user; there is little coherent overriding
+structure. Its \code{proc logistic} handles the multinomial logit
+and proportional odds models, as well as exact logistic regression
+\citep[see][which is for Version 8 of \proglang{SAS}]{stok:davi:koch:2000}.
+The fact that the proportional odds model may be fitted by \code{proc
+logistic}, \code{proc genmod} and \code{proc probit} arguably leads
+to possible confusion rather than the making of connections, e.g.,
+\code{genmod} is primarily for GLMs and the proportional odds model is not
+a GLM in the classical \cite{neld:wedd:1972} sense. Also, \code{proc
+phreg} fits the multinomial logit model, and \code{proc catmod} with
+its WLS implementation adds to further potential confusion.
+This article attempts to show how these deficiencies can be addressed
+by considering the vector generalized linear and additive model
+(VGLM/VGAM) framework, as implemented by the author's \pkg{VGAM}
+package for \R{}. The main purpose of this paper is to demonstrate
+how the framework is very well suited to many `classical' regression
+models for categorical responses, and to describe the implementation and
+usage of \pkg{VGAM} for such. To this end an outline of this article
+is as follows. Section \ref{sec:jsscat.VGLMVGAMoverview} summarizes
+the basic VGLM/VGAM framework. Section \ref{sec:jsscat.vgamff}
+centers on functions for CDA in \VGAM. Given an adequate framework,
+some natural extensions of Section \ref{sec:jsscat.VGLMVGAMoverview} are
+described in Section \ref{sec:jsscat.othermodels}. Users of \pkg{VGAM}
+can benefit from Section \ref{sec:jsscat.userTopics} which shows how
+the software reflects their common theory. Some examples are given in
+Section \ref{sec:jsscat.eg}. Section \ref{sec:jsscat.implementDetails}
+contains selected topics in statistial computing that are
+more relevant to programmers interested in the underlying code.
+Section \ref{sec:jsscat.extnUtil} discusses several utilities and
+extensions needed for advanced CDA modeling, and the article concludes
+with a discussion. This document was run using \pkg{VGAM} 0.7-10
+\citep{yee:VGAM:2010} under \R 2.10.0.
+Some general references for categorical data providing
+background to this article include
+\citet{smit:merk:2013} and
+An overview of models for ordinal responses is \cite{liu:agre:2005},
+and a manual for fitting common models found in \cite{agre:2002}
+to polytomous responses with various software is \cite{thom:2009}.
+A package for visualizing categorical data in \R{} is \pkg{vcd}
+% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+\section{VGLM/VGAM overview}
+This section summarizes the VGLM/VGAM framework with a particular emphasis
+toward categorical models since the classes encapsulates many multivariate
+response models in, e.g., survival analysis, extreme value analysis,
+quantile and expectile regression, time series, bioassay data, nonlinear
+least-squares models, and scores of standard and nonstandard univariate
+and continuous distributions. The framework is partially summarized by
+Table \ref{tab:rrvglam.jss.subset}. More general details about VGLMs
+and VGAMs can be found in \cite{yee:hast:2003} and \cite{yee:wild:1996}
+respectively. An informal and practical article connecting the general
+framework with the software is \cite{Rnews:Yee:2008}.
+Suppose the observed response \biy{} is a $q$-dimensional vector.
+VGLMs are defined as a model for which the conditional distribution
+of $\biY$ given explanatory $\bix$ is of the form
+f(\biy | \bix ; \bB, \phi) = h(\biy, \eta_1,\ldots, \eta_M, \phi)
+for some known function $h(\cdot)$, where $\bB = (\bbeta_1 \,
+\bbeta_2 \, \cdots \, \bbeta_M)$ is a $p \times M$ matrix of
+unknown regression coefficients,
+and the $j$th linear predictor is
+\eta_j = \eta_j(\bix) = \bbeta_j^{\top} \bix =
+\sum_{k=1}^p \beta_{(j)k} \, x_k , \qquad j=1,\ldots,M.
+Here $\bix=(x_1,\ldots,x_p)^{\top}$ with $x_1 = 1$ if there is an intercept.
+Note that (\ref{gammod2}) means that \textit{all} the parameters may be
+potentially modelled as functions of \bix. It can be seen that VGLMs are
+like GLMs but allow for multiple linear predictors, and they encompass
+models outside the small confines of the exponential family.
+In (\ref{gammod}) the quantity $\phi$ is an optional scaling parameter
+which is included for backward compatibility with common adjustments
+to overdispersion, e.g., with respect to GLMs.
+In general there is no relationship between $q$ and $M$: it
+depends specifically on the model or distribution to be fitted.
+However, for the `classical' categorical regression models of
+Table \ref{tab:cat.quantities} we have $M=q-1$ since $q$ is the number
+of levels the multi-category response $Y$ has.
+The $\eta_j$ of VGLMs may be applied directly to parameters of a
+distribution rather than just to a mean for GLMs. A simple example is
+a univariate distribution with a location parameter $\xi$ and a scale
+parameter $\sigma > 0$, where we may take $\eta_1 = \xi$ and $\eta_2 =
+\log\,\sigma$. In general, $\eta_{j}=g_{j}(\theta_{j})$ for some parameter
+link function $g_{j}$ and parameter $\theta_{j}$.
+For example, the adjacent categories models in
+Table \ref{tab:cat.quantities} are ratios of two probabilities, therefore
+a log link of $\zeta_{j}^{R}$ or $\zeta_{j}$ is the default.
+In \VGAM{}, there are currently over a dozen links to choose from, of
+which any can be assigned to any parameter, ensuring maximum flexibility.
+Table \ref{tab:jsscat.links} lists some of them.
+%\ ~~~ \par
+\qquad \qquad $\boldeta$ &
+Model & Modeling & Reference \\
+ & & function & \\
+ &&&\\[-1.1ex]
+$\bB_1^{\top} \bix_{1} + \bB_2^{\top} \bix_{2}\ ( = \bB^{\top} \bix)$ &
+VGLM & \texttt{vglm()}
+\cite{yee:hast:2003} \\[1.6ex]
+%Yee \& Hastie (2003) \\[1.6ex]
+ &&&\\[-1.1ex]
+$\bB_1^{\top} \bix_{1} +
+ \sum\limits_{k=p_1+1}^{p_1+p_2} \bH_k \, \bif_{k}^{*}(x_k)$ &
+%\sum\limits_{k=1}^{p_2} \bH_k \, \bif_k(x_k)$ &
+VGAM & \texttt{vgam()}
+\cite{yee:wild:1996} \\[2.2ex]
+%Yee \& Wild (1996) \\[2.2ex]
+ &&&\\[-1.1ex]
+$\bB_1^{\top} \bix_{1} + \bA \, \bnu$ &
+RR-VGLM & \texttt{rrvglm()}
+\cite{yee:hast:2003} \\[1.8ex]
+%Yee \& Hastie (2003) \\[1.8ex]
+ &&&\\[-1.1ex]
+See \cite{yee:hast:2003} &
+Goodman's RC & \texttt{grc()}
+%\cite{yee:hast:2003} \\[1.8ex]
+\cite{good:1981} \\[1.8ex]
+Some of
+the package \VGAM{} and
+its framework.
+The vector of latent variables $\bnu = \bC^{\top} \bix_2$
+$\bix^{\top} = (\bix_1^{\top}, \bix_2^{\top})$.
+VGLMs are estimated using iteratively reweighted least squares (IRLS)
+which is particularly suitable for categorical models
+All models in this article have a log-likelihood
+\ell = \sum_{i=1}^n \, w_i \, \ell_i
+where the $w_i$ are known positive prior weights.
+Let $\bix_i$ denote the explanatory vector for the $i$th observation,
+for $i=1,\dots,n$.
+Then one can write
+\boldeta_i &=& \boldeta(\bix_i) =
+\eta_1(\bix_i) \\
+\vdots \\
+\end{array} \right) =
+\bB^{\top} \bix_i =
+\bbeta_1^{\top} \bix_i \\
+\vdots \\
+\bbeta_M^{\top} \bix_i
+\end{array} \right)
+\beta_{(1)1} & \cdots & \beta_{(1)p} \\
+\vdots \\
+\beta_{(M)1} & \cdots & \beta_{(M)p} \\
+\end{array} \right)
+\bix_i =
+\bbeta_{(1)} \; \cdots \; \bbeta_{(p)}
+\bix_i .
+an adjusted dependent vector $\biz_i = \boldeta_i + \bW_i^{-1} \bid_i$
+is regressed upon a large (VLM) model matrix, with
+$\bid_i = w_i \, \partial \ell_i / \partial \boldeta_i$.
+The working weights $\bW_i$ here are
+$w_i \Var(\partial \ell_i / \partial \boldeta_i)$
+(which, under regularity conditions, is equal to
+$-w_i \, E[ \partial^2 \ell_i / (\partial \boldeta_i \,
+\partial \boldeta_i^{\top})]$),
+giving rise to the Fisher scoring algorithm.
+Let $\bX=(\bix_1,\ldots,\bix_n)^{\top}$ be the usual $n \times p$
+(LM) model matrix
+obtained from the \texttt{formula} argument of \texttt{vglm()}.
+Given $\biz_i$, $\bW_i$ and $\bX{}$ at the current IRLS iteration,
+a weighted multivariate regression is performed.
+To do this, a \textit{vector linear model} (VLM) model matrix
+$\bX_{\sVLM}$ is formed from $\bX{}$ and $\bH_k$
+(see Section \ref{sec:wffc.appendixa.vgams}).
+This is has $nM$ rows, and if there are no constraints then $Mp$ columns.
+Then $\left(\biz_1^{\top},\ldots,\biz_n^{\top}\right)^{\top}$ is regressed
+upon $\bX_{\sVLM}$
+with variance-covariance matrix $\diag(\bW_1^{-1},\ldots,\bW_n^{-1})$.
+This system of linear equations is converted to one large
+WLS fit by premultiplication of the output of
+a Cholesky decomposition of the $\bW_i$.
+Fisher scoring usually has good numerical stability
+because the $\bW_i$ are positive-definite over a larger
+region of parameter space than Newton-Raphson.
+For the categorical models in this article the expected
+information matrices are simpler than the observed
+information matrices, and are easily derived,
+therefore all the families in Table \ref{tab:cat.quantities}
+implement Fisher scoring.
+\subsection{VGAMs and constraint matrices}
+VGAMs provide additive-model extensions to VGLMs, that is,
+(\ref{gammod2}) is generalized to
+\eta_j(\bix) = \beta_{(j)1} +
+\sum_{k=2}^p \; f_{(j)k}(x_k), \qquad j = 1,\ldots, M,
+a sum of smooth functions of the individual covariates, just as
+with ordinary GAMs \citep{hast:tibs:1990}. The $\bif_k =
+(f_{(1)k}(x_k),\ldots,f_{(M)k}(x_k))^{\top}$ are centered for uniqueness,
+and are estimated simultaneously using \textit{vector smoothers}.
+VGAMs are thus a visual data-driven method that is well suited to
+exploring data, and they retain the simplicity of interpretation that
+GAMs possess.
+An important concept, especially for CDA, is the idea of
+`constraints-on-the functions'.
+In practice we often wish to constrain the effect of a covariate to
+be the same for some of the $\eta_j$ and to have no effect for others.
+We shall see below that this constraints idea is important
+for several categorical models because of a popular parallelism assumption.
+As a specific example, for VGAMs we may wish to take
+\eta_1 & = & \beta_{(1)1} + f_{(1)2}(x_2) + f_{(1)3}(x_3), \\
+\eta_2 & = & \beta_{(2)1} + f_{(1)2}(x_2),
+so that $f_{(1)2} \equiv f_{(2)2}$ and $f_{(2)3} \equiv 0$.
+For VGAMs, we can represent these models using
+\boldeta(\bix) & = & \bbeta_{(1)} + \sum_{k=2}^p \, \bif_k(x_k)
+\ =\ \bH_1 \, \bbeta_{(1)}^* + \sum_{k=2}^p \, \bH_k \, \bif_k^*(x_k)
+where $\bH_1,\bH_2,\ldots,\bH_p$ are known full-column rank
+\textit{constraint matrices}, $\bif_k^*$ is a vector containing a
+possibly reduced set of component functions and $\bbeta_{(1)}^*$ is a
+vector of unknown intercepts. With no constraints at all, $\bH_1 =
+\bH_2 = \cdots = \bH_p = \bI_M$ and $\bbeta_{(1)}^* = \bbeta_{(1)}$.
+Like the $\bif_k$, the $\bif_k^*$ are centered for uniqueness.
+For VGLMs, the $\bif_k$ are linear so that
+{\bB}^{\top} &=&
+\bH_1 \bbeta_{(1)}^*
+ \;
+ \;
+\bH_2 \bbeta_{(2)}^*
+ \;
+ \;
+ \;
+ \;
+\bH_p \bbeta_{(p)}^*
+for some vectors
+$\bX_{\sVLM}$ matrix is constructed from \bX{} and the $\bH_k$ using
+Kronecker product operations.
+For example, with trivial constraints,
+$\bX_{\sVLM} = \bX \otimes \bI_M$.
+More generally,
+\bX_{\sVLM} &=&
+\left( \bX \, \bie_{1} \right) \otimes \bH_1
+ \;
+ \;
+\left( \bX \, \bie_{2} \right) \otimes \bH_2
+ \;
+ \;
+ \;
+ \;
+\left( \bX \, \bie_{p} \right) \otimes \bH_p
+($\bie_{k}$ is a vector of zeros except for a one in the $k$th position)
+so that
+$\bX_{\sVLM}$ is $(nM) \times p^*$ where
+$p^* = \sum_{k=1}^{p} \mbox{\textrm{ncol}}(\bH_k)$ is the total number
+of columns of all the constraint matrices.
+Note that $\bX_{\sVLM}$ and \bX{} can be obtained by
+\texttt{model.matrix(vglmObject, type = "vlm")}
+\texttt{model.matrix(vglmObject, type = "lm")}
+Equation \ref{eqn:lin.coefs4} focusses on the rows of \bB{} whereas
+\ref{eq:lin.pred} is on the columns.
+VGAMs are estimated by applying a modified vector backfitting algorithm
+\citep[cf.][]{buja:hast:tibs:1989} to the $\biz_i$.
+\subsection{Vector splines and penalized likelihood}
+If (\ref{eqn:constraints.VGAM}) is estimated using a vector spline (a
+natural extension of the cubic smoothing spline to vector responses)
+then it can be shown that the resulting solution maximizes a penalized
+likelihood; some details are sketched in \cite{yee:step:2007}. In fact,
+knot selection for vector spline follows the same idea as O-splines
+\citep[see][]{wand:orme:2008} in order to lower the computational cost.
+The usage of \texttt{vgam()} with smoothing is very similar
+to \texttt{gam()} \citep{gam:pack:2009}, e.g.,
+to fit a nonparametric proportional odds model
+\citep[cf. p.179 of][]{mccu:neld:1989}
+to the pneumoconiosis data one could try
+<<label = pneumocat, eval=T>>=
+pneumo <- transform(pneumo, let = log(exposure.time))
+fit <- vgam(cbind(normal, mild, severe) ~ s(let, df = 2),
+ cumulative(reverse = TRUE, parallel = TRUE), data = pneumo)
+Here, setting \texttt{df = 1} means a linear fit so that
+\texttt{df = 2} affords a little nonlinearity.
+% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+\section[VGAM family functions]{\pkg{VGAM} family functions}
+This section summarizes and comments on the \VGAM{} family functions
+of Table \ref{tab:cat.quantities} for a categorical response variable
+taking values $Y=1,2,\ldots,M+1$. In its most basic invokation, the usage
+entails a trivial change compared to \texttt{glm()}: use \texttt{vglm()}
+instead and assign the \texttt{family} argument a \VGAM{} family function.
+The use of a \VGAM{} family function to fit a specific model is far
+simpler than having a different modeling function for each model.
+Options specific to that model appear as arguments of that \VGAM{} family
+While writing \texttt{cratio()} it was found that various authors defined
+the quantity ``continuation ratio'' differently, therefore it became
+necessary to define a ``stopping ratio''. Table \ref{tab:cat.quantities}
+defines these quantities for \VGAM{}.
+The multinomial logit model is usually described by choosing the first or
+last level of the factor to be baseline. \VGAM{} chooses the last level
+(Table \ref{tab:cat.quantities}) by default, however that can be changed
+to any other level by use of the \texttt{refLevel} argument.
+If the proportional odds assumption is inadequate then one strategy is
+to try use a different link function (see Section \ref{sec:jsscat.links}
+for a selection). Another alternative is to add extra terms such as
+interaction terms into the linear predictor
+\citep[available in the \proglang{S} language;][]{cham:hast:1993}.
+Another is to fit the so-called \textit{partial}
+proportional odds model \citep{pete:harr:1990}
+which \VGAM{} can fit via constraint matrices.
+In the terminology of \cite{agre:2002},
+\texttt{cumulative()} fits the class of \textit{cumulative link models},
+\texttt{cumulative(link = probit)} is a cumulative probit model.
+For \texttt{cumulative()}
+it was difficult to decide whether
+\texttt{parallel = TRUE}
+\texttt{parallel = FALSE}
+should be the default.
+In fact, the latter is (for now?).
+Users need to set
+\texttt{cumulative(parallel = TRUE)} explicitly to
+fit a proportional odds model---hopefully this will alert
+them to the fact that they are making
+the proportional odds assumption and
+check its validity (\cite{pete:1990}; e.g., through a deviance or
+likelihood ratio test). However the default means numerical problems
+can occur with far greater likelihood.
+Thus there is tension between the two options.
+As a compromise there is now a \VGAM{} family function
+called \texttt{propodds(reverse = TRUE)} which is equivalent to
+\texttt{cumulative(parallel = TRUE, reverse = reverse, link = "logit")}.
+By the way, note that arguments such as
+can handle a slightly more complex syntax.
+A call such as
+\code{parallel = TRUE ~ x2 + x5 - 1} means the parallelism assumption
+is only applied to $X_2$ and $X_5$.
+This might be equivalent to something like
+\code{parallel = FALSE ~ x3 + x4}, i.e., to the remaining
+explanatory variables.
+% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+\section{Other models}
+Given the VGLM/VGAM framework of Section \ref{sec:jsscat.VGLMVGAMoverview}
+it is found that natural extensions are readily proposed in several
+directions. This section describes some such extensions.
+\subsection{Reduced-rank VGLMs}
+Consider a multinomial logit model where $p$ and $M$ are both large.
+A (not-too-convincing) example might be the data frame \texttt{vowel.test}
+in the package \pkg{ElemStatLearn} \citep[see][]{hast:tibs:buja:1994}.
+The vowel recognition data set involves $q=11$ symbols produced from
+8 speakers with 6 replications of each. The training data comprises
+$10$ input features (not including the intercept) based on digitized
+utterances. A multinomial logit model fitted to these data would
+have $\widehat{\bB}$ comprising of $p \times (q-1) = 110$ regression
+coefficients for $n=8\times 6\times 11 = 528$ observations. The ratio
+of $n$ to the number of parameters is small, and it would be good to
+introduce some parsimony into the model.
+A simple and elegant solution is to represent $\widehat{\bB}$ by
+its reduced-rank approximation. To do this, partition $\bix$ into
+$(\bix_1^{\top}, \bix_2^{\top})^{\top}$ and $\bB = (\bB_1^{\top} \;
+\bB_2^{\top})^{\top}$ so that the reduced-rank regression is applied
+to $\bix_2$. In general, \bB{} is a dense matrix of full rank, i.e., rank
+$=\min(M,p)$, and since there are $M \times p$ regression coefficients
+to estimate this is `too' large for some models and/or data sets.
+If we approximate $\bB_2$ by a reduced-rank regression \begin{equation}
+\label{eq:rrr.BAC} \bB_2 = \bC{} \, \bA^{\top} \end{equation} and if
+the rank $R$ is kept low then this can cut down the number of regression
+coefficients dramatically. If $R=2$ then the results may be biplotted
+(\texttt{biplot()} in \VGAM{}). Here, \bC{} and \bA{} are $p_2 \times R$
+and $M \times R$ respectively, and usually they are `thin'.
+More generally, the class of \textit{reduced-rank VGLMs} (RR-VGLMs)
+is simply a VGLM where $\bB_2$ is expressed as a product of two thin
+estimated matrices (Table \ref{tab:rrvglam.jss.subset}). Indeed,
+\cite{yee:hast:2003} show that RR-VGLMs are VGLMs with constraint
+matrices that are unknown and estimated. Computationally, this is
+done using an alternating method: in (\ref{eq:rrr.BAC}) estimate \bA{}
+given the current estimate of \bC{}, and then estimate \bC{} given the
+current estimate of \bA{}. This alternating algorithm is repeated until
+convergence within each IRLS iteration.
+Incidentally, special cases of RR-VGLMs have appeared in the
+literature. For example, a RR-multinomial logit model, is known as the
+\textit{stereotype} model \citep{ande:1984}. Another is \cite{good:1981}'s
+RC model (see Section \ref{sec:jsscat.rrr.goodman}) which is reduced-rank
+multivariate Poisson model. Note that the parallelism assumption of the
+proportional odds model \citep{mccu:neld:1989} can be thought of as a
+type of reduced-rank regression where the constraint matrices are thin
+($\bone_M$, actually) and known.
+The modeling function \texttt{rrvglm()} should work with any \VGAM{}
+family function compatible with \texttt{vglm()}. Of course, its
+applicability should be restricted to models where a reduced-rank
+regression of $\bB_2$ makes sense.
+\subsection[Goodman's R x C association model]{Goodman's $R \times C$ association model}
+Let $\bY = [(y_{ij})]$ be a $n \times M$ matrix of counts.
+Section 4.2 of \cite{yee:hast:2003} shows that Goodman's RC$(R)$ association
+model \citep{good:1981} fits within the VGLM framework by setting up
+the appropriate indicator variables, structural zeros and constraint
+matrices. Goodman's model fits a reduced-rank type model to \bY{}
+by firstly assuming that $Y_{ij}$ has a Poisson distribution, and that
+\log \, \mu_{ij} &=& \mu + \alpha_{i} + \gamma_{j} +
+\sum_{k=1}^R a_{ik} \, c_{jk} ,
+\ \ \ i=1,\ldots,n;\ \ j=1,\ldots,M,
+where $\mu_{ij} = E(Y_{ij})$ is the mean of the $i$-$j$ cell, and the
+rank $R$ satisfies $R < \min(n,M)$.
+The modeling function \texttt{grc()} should work on any two-way
+table \bY{} of counts generated by (\ref{eqn:goodmanrc}) provided
+the number of 0's is not too large. Its usage is quite simple, e.g.,
+\texttt{grc(Ymatrix, Rank = 2)} fits a rank-2 model to a matrix of counts.
+By default a \texttt{Rank = 1} model is fitted.
+\subsection{Bradley-Terry models}
+an experiment consists of $n_{ij}$ judges who compare
+pairs of items $T_i$, $i=1,\ldots,M+1$.
+They express their preferences between $T_i$ and $T_j$.
+Let $N=\sum \sum_{i<j} n_{ij}$ be the total number of pairwise
+comparisons, and assume independence for ratings of the same pair
+by different judges and for ratings of different pairs by the same judge.
+Let $\pi_i$ be the \textit{worth} of item $T_i$,
+\pr(T_i > T_j) = p_{i/ij} = \frac{\pi_i}{\pi_i + \pi_j},
+\ \qquad i \neq {j},
+where ``$T_i>T_j$'' means $i$ is preferred over $j$.
+Suppose that $\pi_i > 0$.
+Let $Y_{ij}$ be the number of times that $T_i$ is preferred
+over $T_j$ in the $n_{ij}$ comparisons of the pairs.
+Then $Y_{ij} \sim {\rm Bin}(n_{ij},p_{i/ij})$.
+This is a Bradley-Terry model (without ties),
+and the \VGAM{} family function is \texttt{brat()}.
+Maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters $\pi_1,\ldots,\pi_{M+1}$
+involves maximizing
+n_{ij} \\
+\end{array} \right)
+\frac{\pi_i}{\pi_i + \pi_j}
+\frac{\pi_j}{\pi_i + \pi_j}
+\right)^{n_{ij}-y_{ij}} .
+By default, $\pi_{M+1} \equiv 1$ is used for identifiability,
+however, this can be changed very easily.
+Note that one can define
+linear predictors $\eta_{ij}$ of the form
+\frac{\pi_i}{\pi_i + \pi_j}
+\right) = \log
+\right) = \lambda_i - \lambda_j .
+The VGAM{} framework can handle the Bradley-Terry model only for
+intercept-only models; it has
+\lambda_j = \eta_j = \log\, \pi_j = \beta_{(1)j},
+\ \ \ \ j=1,\ldots,M.
+As well as having many applications in the field of preferences,
+the Bradley-Terry model has many uses in modeling `contests' between
+teams $i$ and $j$, where only one of the teams can win in each
+contest (ties are not allowed under the classical model).
+The {packaging} function \texttt{Brat()} can be used to
+convert a square matrix into one that has more columns, to
+serve as input to \texttt{vglm()}.
+For example,
+for journal citation data where a citation of article B
+by article A is a win for article B and a loss for article A.
+On a specific data set,
+journal <- c("Biometrika", "Comm.Statist", "JASA", "JRSS-B")
+squaremat <- matrix(c(NA, 33, 320, 284, 730, NA, 813, 276,
+ 498, 68, NA, 325, 221, 17, 142, NA), 4, 4)
+dimnames(squaremat) <- list(winner = journal, loser = journal)
+then \texttt{Brat(squaremat)} returns a $1 \times 12$ matrix.
+\subsubsection{Bradley-Terry model with ties}
+The \VGAM{} family function \texttt{bratt()} implements
+a Bradley-Terry model with ties (no preference), e.g.,
+where both $T_i$ and $T_j$ are equally good or bad.
+Here we assume
+ \pr(T_i > T_j) &=& \frac{\pi_i}{\pi_i + \pi_j + \pi_0},
+\ \qquad
+ \pr(T_i = T_j) = \frac{\pi_0}{\pi_i + \pi_j + \pi_0},
+with $\pi_0 > 0$ as an extra parameter.
+It has
+\boldeta=(\log \pi_1,\ldots, \log \pi_{M-1}, \log \pi_{0})^{\top}
+by default, where there are $M$ competitors and $\pi_M \equiv 1$.
+Like \texttt{brat()}, one can choose a different reference group
+and reference value.
+Other \R{} packages for the Bradley-Terry model
+include \pkg{BradleyTerry2}
+by H. Turner and D. Firth
+\citep[with and without ties;][]{firth:2005,firth:2008}
+and \pkg{prefmod} \citep{Hatzinger:2009}.
+\pkg{VGAM} family function & Independent parameters \\
+\texttt{ABO()} & $p, q$ \\
+\texttt{MNSs()} & $m_S, m_s, n_S$ \\
+\texttt{AB.Ab.aB.ab()} & $p$ \\
+\texttt{AB.Ab.aB.ab2()} & $p$ \\
+\texttt{AA.Aa.aa()} & $p_A$ \\
+\texttt{G1G2G3()} & $p_1, p_2, f$ \\
+\caption{Some genetic models currently implemented
+and their unique parameters.
+\subsection{Genetic models}
+There are quite a number of population genetic models based on the
+multinomial distribution,
+e.g., \cite{weir:1996}, \cite{lang:2002}.
+Table \ref{tab:gen.all} lists some \pkg{VGAM} family functions for such.
+For example the ABO blood group system
+has two independent parameters $p$ and $q$, say.
+the blood groups A, B and O form six possible combinations (genotypes)
+consisting of AA, AO, BB, BO, AB, OO
+(see Table \ref{tab:ABO}). A and B are dominant over
+bloodtype O. Let $p$, $q$ and $r$ be the probabilities
+for A, B and O respectively (so that
+$p+q+r=1$) for a given population.
+The log-likelihood function is
+\ell(p,q) \;=\; n_A\, \log(p^2 + 2pr) + n_B\, \log(q^2 + 2qr) + n_{AB}\,
+\log(2pq) + 2 n_O\, \log(1-p-q),
+where $r = 1 - p -q$, $p \in (\,0,1\,)$,
+$q \in (\,0,1\,)$, $p+q<1$.
+We let $\boldeta = (g(p), g(r))^{\top}$ where $g$ is the link function.
+Any $g$ from Table \ref{tab:jsscat.links} appropriate for
+a parameter $\theta \in (0,1)$ will do.
+A toy example where $p=p_A$ and $q=p_B$ is
+abodat <- data.frame(A = 725, B = 258, AB = 72, O = 1073)
+fit <- vglm(cbind(A, B, AB, O) ~ 1, ABO, data = abodat)
+coef(fit, matrix = TRUE)
+Coef(fit) # Estimated pA and pB
+The function \texttt{Coef()}, which applies only to intercept-only models,
+applies to $g_{j}(\theta_{j})=\eta_{j}$
+the inverse link function $g_{j}^{-1}$ to $\widehat{\eta}_{j}$
+to give $\widehat{\theta}_{j}$.
+% Same as Table 14.1 of E-J, and Table 2.6 of Weir 1996
+Genotype & AA & AO & BB & BO & AB & OO \\
+Probability&$p^2$&$2pr$&$q^2$&$ 2qr$&$2pq$& $r^2$\\
+Blood group& A & A & B & B & AB & O \\
+\caption{Probability table for the ABO blood group system.
+Note that $p$ and $q$ are the parameters and $r=1-p-q$.
+\subsection{Three main distributions}
+\cite{agre:2002} discusses three main distributions for categorical
+variables: binomial, multinomial, and Poisson
+All these are well-represented in the \VGAM{} package,
+accompanied by variant forms.
+For example,
+there is a
+\VGAM{} family function named \texttt{mbinomial()}
+which implements a
+matched-binomial (suitable for matched case-control studies),
+Poisson ordination (useful in ecology for multi-species-environmental data),
+negative binomial families,
+positive and zero-altered and zero-inflated variants,
+and the bivariate odds ratio model
+\citep[\texttt{binom2.or()}; see Section 6.5.6 of][]{mccu:neld:1989}.
+The latter has an \texttt{exchangeable} argument to allow for an
+exchangeable error structure:
+\bH_1 =
+\left( \begin{array}{cc}
+1 & 0 \\
+1 & 0 \\
+0 & 1 \\
+\end{array} \right), \qquad
+\bH_k =
+\left( \begin{array}{cc}
+1 \\
+1 \\
+0 \\
+\end{array} \right), \quad k=2,\ldots,p,
+since, for data $(Y_1,Y_2,\bix)$,
+$\logit \, P\!\left( Y_{j} = 1 \Big{|} \bix \right) =
+\eta_{j}$ for ${j}=1,2$, and
+$\log \, \psi = \eta_{3}$
+where $\psi$ is the odds ratio,
+and so $\eta_{1}=\eta_{2}$.
+Here, \texttt{binom2.or(zero = 3)} by default meaning $\psi$ is
+modelled as an intercept-only
+(in general, \texttt{zero} may be assigned an integer vector
+such that the value $j$ means $\eta_{j} = \beta_{(j)1}$,
+i.e., the $j$th linear/additive predictor is an intercept-only).
+See the online help for all of these models.
+% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+\section{Some user-oriented topics}
+Making the most of \VGAM{} requires an understanding of the general
+VGLM/VGAM framework described Section \ref{sec:jsscat.VGLMVGAMoverview}.
+In this section we connect elements of that framework with the software.
+Before doing so it is noted that
+a fitted \VGAM{} categorical model has access to the usual
+generic functions, e.g.,
+\texttt{coef()} for
+(see Equation \ref{eqn:lin.coefs4}),
+\texttt{constraints()} for $\bH_k$,
+\texttt{deviance()} for $2\left(\ell_{\mathrm{max}} - \ell\right)$,
+\texttt{fitted()} for $\widehat{\bmu}_i$,
+\texttt{logLik()} for $\ell$,
+\texttt{predict()} for $\widehat{\boldeta}_i$,
+\texttt{residuals(..., type = "response")} for $\biy_i - \widehat{\bmu}_i$ etc.,
+\texttt{vcov()} for $\widehat{\Var}(\widehat{\bbeta})$,
+The methods function for the extractor function
+\texttt{coef()} has an argument \texttt{matrix}
+which, when set \texttt{TRUE}, returns $\widehat{\bB}$
+(see Equation \ref{gammod}) as a $p \times M$ matrix,
+and this is particularly useful for confirming that a fit
+has made a parallelism assumption.
+\subsection{Common arguments}
+The structure of the unified framework given in
+Section \ref{sec:jsscat.VGLMVGAMoverview}
+appears clearly through
+the pool of common arguments
+shared by the
+\VGAM{} family functions in Table \ref{tab:cat.quantities}.
+In particular,
+\texttt{reverse} and
+are prominent with CDA.
+These are merely convenient shortcuts for the argument \texttt{constraints},
+which accepts a named list of constraint matrices $\bH_k$.
+For example, setting
+\texttt{cumulative(parallel = TRUE)} would constrain the coefficients $\beta_{(j)k}$
+in (\ref{gammod2}) to be equal for all $j=1,\ldots,M$,
+each separately for $k=2,\ldots,p$.
+That is, $\bH_k = \bone_M$.
+The argument \texttt{reverse} determines the `direction' of
+the parameter or quantity.
+Another argument not so much used with CDA is \texttt{zero};
+this accepts a vector specifying which $\eta_j$ is to be modelled as
+an intercept-only; assigning a \texttt{NULL} means none.
+\subsection{Link functions}
+Almost all \VGAM{} family functions
+(one notable exception is \texttt{multinomial()})
+allow, in theory, for any link function to be assigned to each $\eta_j$.
+This provides maximum capability.
+If so then there is an extra argument to pass in any known parameter
+associated with the link function.
+For example, \texttt{link = "logoff", earg = list(offset = 1)}
+signifies a log link with a unit offset:
+$\eta_{j} = \log(\theta_{j} + 1)$ for some parameter $\theta_{j}\ (> -1)$.
+The name \texttt{earg} stands for ``extra argument''.
+Table \ref{tab:jsscat.links} lists some links relevant to categorical data.
+While the default gives a reasonable first choice,
+users are encouraged to try different links.
+For example, fitting a binary regression model
+(\texttt{binomialff()}) to the coal miners data set \texttt{coalminers} with
+respect to the response wheeze gives a
+nonsignificant regression coefficient for $\beta_{(1)3}$ with probit analysis
+but not with a logit link when
+$\eta = \beta_{(1)1} + \beta_{(1)2} \, \mathrm{age} + \beta_{(1)3} \, \mathrm{age}^2$.
+Developers and serious users are encouraged to write and use
+new link functions compatible with \VGAM.
+Link function & $g(\theta)$ & Range of $\theta$ \\
+\texttt{cauchit()} & $\tan(\pi(\theta-\frac12))$ & $(0,1)$ \\
+\texttt{cloglog()} & $\log_e\{-\log_e(1 - \theta)\}$ & $(0,1)$ \\
+\texttt{fisherz()} &
+$\frac12\,\log_e\{(1 + \theta)/(1 - \theta)\}$ & $(-1,1)$ \\
+\texttt{identity()} & $\theta$ & $(-\infty,\infty)$ \\
+\texttt{logc()} & $\log_e(1 - \theta)$ & $(-\infty,1)$ \\
+\texttt{loge()} & $\log_e(\theta)$ & $(0,\infty)$ \\
+\texttt{logit()} & $\log_e(\theta/(1 - \theta))$ & $(0,1)$ \\
+\texttt{logoff()} & $\log_e(\theta + A)$ & $(-A,\infty)$ \\
+\texttt{probit()} & $\Phi^{-1}(\theta)$ & $(0,1)$ \\
+\texttt{rhobit()} & $\log_e\{(1 + \theta)/(1 - \theta)\}$ & $(-1,1)$ \\
+Some \VGAM{} link functions pertinent to this article.
+% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+This section illustrates CDA modeling on three
+data sets in order to give a flavour of what is available in the package.
+%\subsection{2008 World Fly Fishing Championships}
+%are deleted since there are problems with accessing the \texttt{wffc.nc}
+%data etc. since they are now in \pkg{VGAMdata}.
+\subsection{Marital status data}
+We fit a nonparametric multinomial logit model to data collected from
+a self-administered questionnaire administered in a large New Zealand
+workforce observational study conducted during 1992--3.
+The data were augmented by a second study consisting of retirees.
+For homogeneity, this analysis is restricted
+to a subset of 6053 European males with no missing values.
+The ages ranged between 16 and 88 years.
+The data can be considered a reasonable representation of the white
+male New Zealand population in the early 1990s, and
+are detailed in \cite{macm:etal:1995} and \cite{yee:wild:1996}.
+We are interested in exploring how $Y=$ marital status varies as a function
+of $x_2=$ age. The nominal response $Y$ has four levels;
+in sorted order, they are divorced or separated, married or partnered,
+single and widower.
+We will write these levels as $Y=1$, $2$, $3$, $4$, respectively,
+and will choose the married/partnered (second level) as the reference group
+because the other levels emanate directly from it.
+Suppose the data is in a data frame called \texttt{marital.nz}
+and looks like
+head(marital.nz, 4)
+We fit the VGAM
+fit.ms <- vgam(mstatus ~ s(age, df = 3), multinomial(refLevel = 2),
+ data = marital.nz)
+Once again let's firstly check the input.
+head(depvar(fit.ms), 4)
+This seems okay.
+Now the estimated component functions $\widehat{f}_{(s)2}(x_2)$
+may be plotted with
+# Plot output
+mycol <- c("red", "darkgreen", "blue")
+par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
+plot(fit.ms, se = TRUE, scale = 12,
+ lcol = mycol, scol = mycol)
+# Plot output overlayed
+plot(fit.ms, se = TRUE, scale = 12,
+ overlay = TRUE,
+ llwd = 2,
+ lcol = mycol, scol = mycol)
+to produce Figure \ref{fig:jsscat.eg.mstatus}.
+The \texttt{scale} argument is used here to ensure that the $y$-axes have
+a common scale---this makes comparisons between the component functions
+less susceptible to misinterpretation.
+The first three plots are the (centered) $\widehat{f}_{(s)2}(x_2)$ for
+\eta_{s} =
+\log(\pr(Y={t}) / \pr(Y={2})) =
+\beta_{(s)1} + f_{(s)2}(x_2),
+$(s,t) = (1,1), (2,3), (3,4)$,
+and $x_2$ is \texttt{age}.
+The last plot are the smooths overlaid to aid comparison.
+It may be seen that the $\pm 2$ standard error bands
+about the \texttt{Widowed} group is particularly wide at
+young ages because of a paucity of data, and
+likewise at old ages amongst the \texttt{Single}s.
+The $\widehat{f}_{(s)2}(x_2)$ appear as one would expect.
+The log relative risk of
+being single relative to being married/partnered drops sharply from
+ages 16 to 40.
+The fitted function for the \texttt{Widowed} group increases
+with \texttt{age} and looks reasonably linear.
+The $\widehat{f}_{(1)2}(x_2)$
+suggests a possible maximum around 50 years old---this
+could indicate the greatest marital conflict occurs during
+the mid-life crisis years!
+\setkeys{Gin}{width=0.9\textwidth} % 0.8 is the current default
+# Plot output
+mycol <- c("red", "darkgreen", "blue")
+ par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
+ par(mar = c(4.2, 4.0, 1.2, 2.2) + 0.1)
+plot(fit.ms, se = TRUE, scale = 12,
+ lcol = mycol, scol = mycol)
+# Plot output overlaid
+#par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
+plot(fit.ms, se = TRUE, scale = 12,
+ overlay = TRUE,
+ llwd = 2,
+ lcol = mycol, scol = mycol)
+Fitted (and centered) component functions
+from the NZ marital status data
+(see Equation \ref{eq:jsscat.eg.nzms.cf}).
+The bottom RHS plot are the smooths overlaid.
+\setkeys{Gin}{width=0.8\textwidth} % 0.8 is the current default
+The methods function for \texttt{plot()} can also plot the
+derivatives of the smooths.
+The call
+plot(fit.ms, deriv=1, lcol=mycol, scale=0.3)
+results in Figure \ref{fig:jsscat.eg.mstatus.cf.deriv}.
+Once again the $y$-axis scales are commensurate.
+\setkeys{Gin}{width=\textwidth} % 0.8 is the current default
+# Plot output
+ par(mfrow = c(1, 3))
+ par(mar = c(4.5, 4.0, 0.2, 2.2) + 0.1)
+plot(fit.ms, deriv = 1, lcol = mycol, scale = 0.3)
+Estimated first derivatives of the component functions,
+from the NZ marital status data
+(see Equation \ref{eq:jsscat.eg.nzms.cf}).
+\setkeys{Gin}{width=0.8\textwidth} % 0.8 is the current default
+The derivative for the \texttt{Divorced/Separated} group appears
+linear so that a quadratic component function could be tried.
+Not surprisingly the \texttt{Single} group shows the greatest change;
+also, $\widehat{f'}_{(2)2}(x_2)$ is approximately linear till 50
+and then flat---this suggests one could fit a piecewise quadratic
+function to model that component function up to 50 years.
+The \texttt{Widowed} group appears largely flat.
+We thus fit the parametric model
+foo <- function(x, elbow = 50)
+ poly(pmin(x, elbow), 2)
+clist <- list("(Intercept)" = diag(3),
+ "poly(age, 2)" = rbind(1, 0, 0),
+ "foo(age)" = rbind(0, 1, 0),
+ "age" = rbind(0, 0, 1))
+fit2.ms <-
+ vglm(mstatus ~ poly(age, 2) + foo(age) + age,
+ family = multinomial(refLevel = 2),
+ constraints = clist,
+ data = marital.nz)
+coef(fit2.ms, matrix = TRUE)
+confirms that one term was used for each component function.
+The plots from
+par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
+plotvgam(fit2.ms, se = TRUE, scale = 12,
+ lcol = mycol[1], scol = mycol[1], which.term = 1)
+plotvgam(fit2.ms, se = TRUE, scale = 12,
+ lcol = mycol[2], scol=mycol[2], which.term = 2)
+plotvgam(fit2.ms, se = TRUE, scale = 12,
+ lcol = mycol[3], scol = mycol[3], which.term = 3)
+are given in Figure \ref{fig:jsscat.eg.mstatus.vglm}
+and appear like
+Figure \ref{fig:jsscat.eg.mstatus}.
+\setkeys{Gin}{width=0.9\textwidth} % 0.8 is the current default
+# Plot output
+ par(mar=c(4.5,4.0,1.2,2.2)+0.1)
+plotvgam(fit2.ms, se = TRUE, scale = 12,
+ lcol = mycol[1], scol = mycol[1], which.term = 1)
+plotvgam(fit2.ms, se = TRUE, scale = 12,
+ lcol = mycol[2], scol = mycol[2], which.term = 2)
+plotvgam(fit2.ms, se = TRUE, scale = 12,
+ lcol = mycol[3], scol = mycol[3], which.term = 3)
+Parametric version of \texttt{fit.ms}: \texttt{fit2.ms}.
+The component functions are now quadratic, piecewise quadratic/zero,
+or linear.
+\setkeys{Gin}{width=0.8\textwidth} % 0.8 is the current default
+It is possible to perform very crude inference based on heuristic theory
+of a deviance test:
+deviance(fit.ms) - deviance(fit2.ms)
+is small, so it seems the parametric model is quite reasonable
+against the original nonparametric model.
+the difference in the number of `parameters' is approximately
+(dfdiff <- df.residual(fit2.ms) - df.residual(fit.ms))
+which gives an approximate $p$ value of
+pchisq(deviance(fit.ms) - deviance(fit2.ms), df = dfdiff, lower.tail = FALSE)
+Thus \texttt{fit2.ms} appears quite reasonable.
+The estimated probabilities of the original fit can be plotted
+against \texttt{age} using
+ooo <- with(marital.nz, order(age))
+with(marital.nz, matplot(age[ooo], fitted(fit.ms)[ooo, ],
+ type = "l", las = 1, lwd = 2, ylim = 0:1,
+ ylab = "Fitted probabilities",
+ xlab = "Age", # main="Marital status amongst NZ Male Europeans",
+ col = c(mycol[1], "black", mycol[-1])))
+legend(x = 52.5, y = 0.62, # x="topright",
+ col = c(mycol[1], "black", mycol[-1]),
+ lty = 1:4,
+ legend = colnames(fit.ms at y), lwd = 2)
+abline(v = seq(10,90,by = 5), h = seq(0,1,by = 0.1), col = "gray", lty = "dashed")
+which gives Figure \ref{fig:jsscat.eg.mstatus.fitted}.
+This shows that between 80--90\% of NZ white males
+aged between their early 30s to mid-70s
+were married/partnered.
+The proportion widowed
+started to rise steeply from 70 years onwards but remained below 0.5
+since males die younger than females on average.
+\setkeys{Gin}{width=0.8\textwidth} % 0.8 is the current default
+ par(mfrow = c(1,1))
+ par(mar = c(4.5,4.0,0.2,0.2)+0.1)
+ooo <- with(marital.nz, order(age))
+with(marital.nz, matplot(age[ooo], fitted(fit.ms)[ooo,],
+ type = "l", las = 1, lwd = 2, ylim = 0:1,
+ ylab = "Fitted probabilities",
+ xlab = "Age",
+ col = c(mycol[1], "black", mycol[-1])))
+legend(x = 52.5, y = 0.62,
+ col = c(mycol[1], "black", mycol[-1]),
+ lty = 1:4,
+ legend = colnames(fit.ms at y), lwd = 2.1)
+abline(v = seq(10,90,by = 5), h = seq(0,1,by = 0.1), col = "gray", lty = "dashed")
+Fitted probabilities for each class for the
+NZ male European
+marital status data
+(from Equation \ref{eq:jsscat.eg.nzms.cf}).
+\setkeys{Gin}{width=0.8\textwidth} % 0.8 is the current default
+\subsection{Stereotype model}
+We reproduce some of the analyses of \cite{ande:1984} regarding the
+progress of 101 patients with back pain
+using the data frame \texttt{backPain} from \pkg{gnm}
+The three prognostic variables are
+length of previous attack ($x_1=1,2$),
+pain change ($x_2=1,2,3$)
+and lordosis ($x_3=1,2$).
+Like him, we treat these as numerical and standardize and negate them.
+The output
+# Scale the variables? Yes; the Anderson (1984) paper did (see his Table 6).
+head(backPain, 4)
+backPain <- transform(backPain, sx1 = -scale(x1), sx2 = -scale(x2), sx3 = -scale(x3))
+displays the six ordered categories.
+Now a rank-1 stereotype model can be fitted with
+bp.rrmlm1 <- rrvglm(pain ~ sx1 + sx2 + sx3, multinomial, data = backPain)
+are the fitted \bA, \bC{} and $\bB_1$ (see Equation \ref{eq:rrr.BAC}) and
+Table \ref{tab:rrvglam.jss.subset}) which agrees with his Table 6.
+Here, what is known as ``corner constraints'' is used
+($(1,1)$ element of \bA{} $\equiv 1$),
+and only the intercepts are not subject to any reduced-rank regression
+by default.
+The maximized log-likelihood from \textsl{\texttt{logLik(bp.rrmlm1)}}
+is $\Sexpr{round(logLik(bp.rrmlm1), 2)}$.
+The standard errors of each parameter can be obtained by
+The negative elements of $\widehat{\bC}$ imply the
+latent variable $\widehat{\nu}$ decreases in value with increasing
+\textsl{\texttt{sx2}} and
+The elements of $\widehat{\bA}$ tend to decrease so it suggests
+patients get worse as $\nu$ increases,
+i.e., get better as \textsl{\texttt{sx1}},
+\textsl{\texttt{sx2}} and
+\textsl{\texttt{sx3}} increase.
+A rank-2 model fitted \textit{with a different normalization}
+bp.rrmlm2 <- rrvglm(pain ~ sx1 + sx2 + sx3, multinomial, data = backPain, Rank = 2,
+ Corner = FALSE, Uncor = TRUE)
+produces uncorrelated $\widehat{\bnu}_i = \widehat{\bC}^{\top} \bix_{2i}$.
+In fact \textsl{\texttt{var(lv(bp.rrmlm2))}} equals $\bI_2$
+so that the latent variables are also scaled to have unit variance.
+The fit was biplotted
+(rows of $\widehat{\bC}$ plotted as arrow;
+ rows of $\widehat{\bA}$ plotted as labels) using
+biplot(bp.rrmlm2, Acol = "blue", Ccol = "darkgreen", scores = TRUE,
+# xlim = c(-1, 6), ylim = c(-1.2, 4), # Use this if not scaled
+ xlim = c(-4.5, 2.2), ylim = c(-2.2, 2.2), # Use this if scaled
+ chull = TRUE, clty = 2, ccol = "blue")
+to give Figure \ref{fig:jsscat.eg.rrmlm2.backPain}.
+It is interpreted via inner products due to (\ref{eq:rrr.BAC}).
+The different normalization means that the interpretation of $\nu_1$
+and $\nu_2$ has changed, e.g., increasing
+\textsl{\texttt{sx2}} and
+\textsl{\texttt{sx3}} results in increasing $\widehat{\nu}_1$ and
+patients improve more.
+Many of the latent variable points $\widehat{\bnu}_i$ are coincidental
+due to discrete nature of the $\bix_i$. The rows of $\widehat{\bA}$
+are centered on the blue labels (rather cluttered unfortunately) and
+do not seem to vary much as a function of $\nu_2$.
+In fact this is confirmed by \cite{ande:1984} who showed a rank-1
+model is to be preferred.
+This example demonstrates the ability to obtain a low dimensional view
+of higher dimensional data. The package's website has additional
+documentation including more detailed Goodman's RC and stereotype
+\setkeys{Gin}{width=0.8\textwidth} % 0.8 is the current default
+# Plot output
+ par(mfrow=c(1,1))
+ par(mar=c(4.5,4.0,0.2,2.2)+0.1)
+biplot(bp.rrmlm2, Acol = "blue", Ccol = "darkgreen", scores = TRUE,
+# xlim = c(-1,6), ylim = c(-1.2,4), # Use this if not scaled
+ xlim = c(-4.5,2.2), ylim = c(-2.2, 2.2), # Use this if scaled
+ chull = TRUE, clty = 2, ccol = "blue")
+Biplot of a rank-2 reduced-rank multinomial logit (stereotype) model
+fitted to the back pain data.
+A convex hull surrounds the latent variable scores
+(whose observation numbers are obscured because of their discrete nature).
+The position of the $j$th row of $\widehat{\bA}$
+is the center of the label ``\texttt{log(mu[,j])/mu[,6])}''.
+\setkeys{Gin}{width=0.8\textwidth} % 0.8 is the current default
+% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+\section{Some implementation details}
+This section describes some implementation details of \VGAM{}
+which will be more of interest to the developer than to the casual user.
+\subsection{Common code}
+It is good programming practice to write reusable code where possible.
+All the \VGAM{} family functions in Table \ref{tab:cat.quantities}
+process the response in the same way because the same segment of code
+is executed. This offers a degree of uniformity in terms of how input is
+handled, and also for software maintenance
+(\cite{altm:jack:2010} enumerates good programming techniques and references).
+As well, the default initial values are computed in the same manner
+based on sample proportions of each level of $Y$.
+\subsection[Matrix-band format of wz]{Matrix-band format of \texttt{wz}}
+The working weight matrices $\bW_i$ may become large for categorical
+regression models. In general, we have to evaluate the $\bW_i$
+for $i=1,\ldots,n$, and naively, this could be held in an \texttt{array} of
+dimension \texttt{c(M, M, n)}. However, since the $\bW_i$ are symmetric
+positive-definite it suffices to only store the upper or lower half of
+the matrix.
+The variable \texttt{wz} in \texttt{vglm.fit()}
+stores the working weight matrices $\bW_i$ in
+a special format called the \textit{matrix-band} format. This
+format comprises a $n \times M^*$ matrix where
+M^* = \sum_{i=1}^{\footnotesize \textit{hbw}} \;
+\left(M-i+1\right) =
+\frac12 \, \textit{hbw}\, \left(2\,M - \textit{hbw} +1\right)
+is the number of columns. Here, \textit{hbw} refers to the
+\textit{half-bandwidth} of the matrix, which is an integer
+between 1 and $M$ inclusive. A diagonal matrix has
+unit half-bandwidth, a tridiagonal matrix has half-bandwidth 2, etc.
+Suppose $M=4$. Then \texttt{wz} will have up to $M^*=10$ columns
+enumerating the unique elements of $\bW_i$ as follows:
+\bW_i =
+\left( \begin{array}{rrrr}
+1 & 5 & 8 & 10 \\
+ & 2 & 6 & 9 \\
+ & & 3 & 7 \\
+ & & & 4
+\end{array} \right).
+That is, the order is firstly the diagonal, then the band above that,
+followed by the second band above the diagonal etc.
+Why is such a format adopted?
+For this example, if $\bW_i$ is diagonal then only the first 4 columns
+of \texttt{wz} are needed. If $\bW_i$ is tridiagonal then only the
+first 7 columns of \texttt{wz} are needed.
+If $\bW_i$ \textit{is} banded then \texttt{wz} needs not have
+all $\frac12 M(M+1)$ columns; only $M^*$ columns suffice, and the
+rest of the elements of $\bW_i$ are implicitly zero.
+As well as reducing the size of \texttt{wz} itself in most cases, the
+matrix-band format often makes the computation of \texttt{wz} very
+simple and efficient. Furthermore, a Cholesky decomposition of a
+banded matrix will be banded. A final reason is that sometimes we
+want to input $\bW_i$ into \VGAM: if \texttt{wz} is $M \times M \times
+n$ then \texttt{vglm(\ldots, weights = wz)} will result in an error
+whereas it will work if \texttt{wz} is an $n \times M^*$ matrix.
+To facilitate the use of the matrix-band format,
+a few auxiliary functions have been written.
+In particular, there is \texttt{iam()} which gives the indices
+for an array-to-matrix.
+In the $4\times 4$ example above,
+iam(NA, NA, M = 4, both = TRUE, diag = TRUE)
+returns the indices for the respective array coordinates for
+successive columns of matrix-band format
+(see Equation \ref{eqn:hbw.eg}).
+If \texttt{diag = FALSE} then the first 4 elements in each vector
+are omitted. Note that the first two arguments of
+\texttt{iam()} are not used here and have been assigned
+\texttt{NA}s for simplicity.
+For its use on the multinomial logit model, where
+$(\bW_i)_{jj} = w_i\,\mu_{ij} (1-\mu_{ij}),\ j=1,\ldots,M$, and
+$(\bW_i)_{jk} = -w_i\,\mu_{ij} \mu_{ik},\ j\neq k$,
+this can be programmed succinctly like
+wz <- mu[, 1:M] * (1 - mu[, 1:M])
+if (M > 1) {
+ index <- iam(NA, NA, M = M, both = TRUE, diag = FALSE)
+ wz <- cbind(wz, -mu[, index$row] * mu[, index$col])
+wz <- w * wz
+(the actual code is slightly more complicated).
+In general, \VGAM{} family functions can be remarkably compact,
+\texttt{multinomial()} are all less than 120 lines of code each.
+% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+\section{Extensions and utilities}
+This section describes some useful utilities/extensions of the above.
+\subsection{Marginal effects}
+Models such as the multinomial logit and cumulative link models
+model the posterior probability $p_{j} = \pr(Y=j|\bix)$ directly.
+In some applications, knowing the derivative of $p_{j}$
+with respect to some of the $x_k$ is useful;
+in fact, often just knowing the sign is important.
+The function \texttt{margeff()} computes the derivatives and
+returns them as a $p \times (M+1) \times n$ array.
+For the multinomial logit model it is easy to show
+\frac{\partial \, p_{j}(\bix_i)}{\partial \,
+ \bbeta_{j} -
+ \bbeta_{s}
+while for
+\texttt{cumulative(reverse = FALSE)}
+we have
+$p_{j} = \gamma_{j} - \gamma_{j-1} = h(\eta_{j}) - h(\eta_{j-1})$
+where $h=g^{-1}$ is the inverse of the link function
+(cf. Table \ref{tab:cat.quantities})
+so that
+\frac{\partial \, p_{j}(\bix_{})}{\partial \,
+h'(\eta_{j}) \, \bbeta_{j} -
+h'(\eta_{j-1}) \, \bbeta_{j-1} .
+The function \texttt{margeff()} returns an array with these
+derivatives and should handle any value of
+\texttt{reverse} and \texttt{parallel}.
+% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+\subsection[The xij argument]{The \texttt{xij} argument}
+There are many models, including those for categorical data,
+where the value of an explanatory variable $x_k$ differs depending
+on which linear/additive predictor $\eta_{j}$.
+Here is a well-known example from {consumer choice} modeling.
+Suppose an econometrician is interested in peoples'
+choice of transport for travelling to work
+and that there are four choices:
+$Y=1$ for ``bus'',
+$Y=2$ ``train'',
+$Y=3$ ``car'' and
+$Y=4$ means ``walking''.
+Assume that people only choose one means to go to work.
+Suppose there are three covariates:
+$X_2=$ cost,
+$X_3=$ journey time, and
+$X_4=$ distance.
+Of the covariates only $X_4$ (and the intercept $X_1$)
+is the same for all transport choices;
+the cost and journey time differ according to the means chosen.
+Suppose a random sample of $n$ people is collected
+from some population, and that each person has
+access to all these transport modes.
+For such data, a natural regression model would be a
+multinomial logit model with $M=3$:
+for $j=1,\ldots,M$, we have
+$\eta_{j} =$
+\log \frac{\pr(Y=j)}{\pr(Y=M+1)}
+\beta_{(j)1}^{*} +
+\beta_{(1)2}^{*} \, (x_{i2j}-x_{i24}) +
+\beta_{(1)3}^{*} \, (x_{i3j}-x_{i34}) +
+\beta_{(1)4}^{*} \, x_{i4},
+where, for the $i$th person,
+$x_{i2j}$ is the cost for the $j$th transport means, and
+$x_{i3j}$ is the journey time of the $j$th transport means.
+The distance to get to work is $x_{i4}$; it has the same value
+regardless of the transport means.
+Equation \ref{eqn:xij.eg.gotowork}
+implies $\bH_1=\bI_3$ and $\bH_2=\bH_3=\bH_4=\bone_3$.
+also that if the last response category is used as the baseline or
+reference group (the default of \texttt{multinomial()}) then $x_{ik,M+1}$
+can be subtracted from $x_{ikj}$ for $j=1,\ldots,M$---this
+is the natural way $x_{ik,M+1}$ enters into the model.
+Recall from (\ref{gammod2}) that we had
+\eta_j(\bix_i) = \bbeta_j^{\top} \bix_i =
+\sum_{k=1}^{p} \, x_{ik} \, \beta_{(j)k} .
+Importantly, this can be generalized to
+\eta_j(\bix_{ij}) = \bbeta_j^{\top} \bix_{ij} =
+\sum_{k=1}^{p} \, x_{ikj} \, \beta_{(j)k} ,
+or writing this another way (as a mixture or hybrid),
+\eta_j(\bix_{i}^{*},\bix_{ij}^{*}) =
+\bbeta_{j}^{*T} \bix_{i}^{*} + \bbeta_{j}^{**T} \bix_{ij}^{*} .
+Often $\bbeta_{j}^{**} = \bbeta_{}^{**}$, say.
+In (\ref{eqn:xij2}) the variables in $\bix_{i}^{*}$ are common to
+all $\eta_{j}$, and the variables in $\bix_{ij}^{*}$ have
+different values for differing $\eta_{j}$.
+This allows for covariate values that are specific to each $\eta_j$,
+a facility which is very important in many applications.
+The use of the \texttt{xij} argument with the \VGAM{} family function
+\texttt{multinomial()} has very important applications in economics.
+In that field the term ``multinomial logit model'' includes a variety of
+models such as the ``generalized logit model'' where (\ref{eqn:xij0})
+holds, the ``conditional logit model'' where (\ref{eqn:xij}) holds,
+and the ``mixed logit model,'' which is a combination of the two,
+where (\ref{eqn:xij2}) holds.
+The generalized logit model focusses on the individual as the unit of
+analysis, and uses individual characteristics as explanatory variables,
+e.g., age of the person in the transport example.
+The conditional logit model assumes different values for each
+alternative and the impact of a unit of $x_k$ is assumed to be constant
+across alternatives, e.g., journey time in the choice of transport mode.
+Unfortunately, there is confusion in the literature for the terminology
+of the models. Some authors call \texttt{multinomial()}
+with (\ref{eqn:xij0}) the ``generalized logit model''.
+Others call the mixed
+logit model the ``multinomial logit model'' and view the generalized
+logit and conditional logit models as special cases.
+In \VGAM{} terminology there is no need to give different names to
+all these slightly differing special cases. They are all still called
+multinomial logit models, although it may be added that there are
+some covariate-specific linear/additive predictors.
+The important thing is that the framework accommodates $\bix_{ij}$,
+so one tries to avoid making life unnecessarily complicated.
+And \texttt{xij} can apply in theory to any VGLM and not just to the
+multinomial logit model.
+\cite{imai:king:lau:2008} present another perspective on the
+$\bix_{ij}$ problem with illustrations from \pkg{Zelig}
+\subsubsection[Using the xij argument]{Using the \texttt{xij} argument}
+\VGAM{} handles variables whose values depend on $\eta_{j}$,
+(\ref{eqn:xij2}), using the \texttt{xij} argument.
+It is assigned an S formula or a list of \proglang{S} formulas.
+Each formula, which must have $M$ \textit{different} terms,
+forms a matrix that premultiplies a constraint matrix.
+In detail, (\ref{eqn:xij0}) can be written in vector form as
+\boldeta(\bix_i) = \bB^{\top} \bix_i =
+\sum_{k=1}^{p} \, \bH_{k} \, \bbeta_{k}^{*} \, x_{ik},
+$\bbeta_{k}^{*} =
+\left( \beta_{(1)k}^{*},\ldots,\beta_{(r_k)k}^{*} \right)^{\top}$
+is to be estimated.
+This may be written
+\sum_{k=1}^{p} \, \diag(x_{ik},\ldots,x_{ik}) \,
+\bH_k \, \bbeta_{k}^{*}.
+To handle (\ref{eqn:xij})--(\ref{eqn:xij2})
+we can generalize (\ref{eqn:xij.d.vector}) to
+\sum_{k=1}^{p} \, \diag(x_{ik1},\ldots,x_{ikM}) \;
+\bH_k \, \bbeta_{k}^{*}
+\ \ \ \ \left(=
+\sum_{k=1}^{p} \, \bX_{(ik)}^{*} \,
+\bH_k \, \bbeta_{k}^{*} ,
+\mathrm{\ say} \right).
+Each component of the list \texttt{xij} is a formula having $M$ terms
+(ignoring the intercept) which
+specifies the successive diagonal elements of the matrix $\bX_{(ik)}^{*}$.
+Thus each row of the constraint matrix may be multiplied by a different
+vector of values.
+The constraint matrices themselves are not affected by the
+\texttt{xij} argument.
+How can one fit such models in \VGAM{}?
+Let us fit (\ref{eqn:xij.eg.gotowork}).
+Suppose the journey cost and time variables have had the
+cost and time of walking subtracted from them.
+using ``\texttt{.trn}'' to denote train,
+fit2 <- vglm(cbind(bus, train, car, walk) ~ Cost + Time + Distance,
+ fam = multinomial(parallel = TRUE ~ Cost + Time + Distance - 1),
+ xij = list(Cost ~ Cost.bus + Cost.trn + Cost.car,
+ Time ~ Time.bus + Time.trn + Time.car),
+ form2 = ~ Cost.bus + Cost.trn + Cost.car +
+ Time.bus + Time.trn + Time.car +
+ Cost + Time + Distance,
+ data = gotowork)
+should do the job.
+Here, the argument \texttt{form2} is assigned a second \proglang{S} formula which
+is used in some special circumstances or by certain types
+of \VGAM{} family functions.
+The model has $\bH_{1} = \bI_{3}$ and $\bH_{2} = \bH_{3} = \bH_{4} = \bone_{3}$
+because the lack of parallelism only applies to the intercept.
+However, unless \texttt{Cost} is the same as \texttt{Cost.bus} and
+\texttt{Time} is the same as \texttt{Time.bus},
+this model should not be plotted with \texttt{plotvgam()};
+see the author's homepage for further documentation.
+By the way,
+in (\ref{eqn:xij.eg.gotowork})
+is replaced by $\beta_{(j)4}^{*}$.
+Then the above code but with
+ fam = multinomial(parallel = FALSE ~ 1 + Distance),
+should fit this model.
+ fam = multinomial(parallel = TRUE ~ Cost + Time - 1),
+\subsubsection{A more complicated example}
+The above example is straightforward because the
+variables were entered linearly. However, things
+become more tricky if data-dependent functions are used in
+any \texttt{xij} terms, e.g., \texttt{bs()}, \texttt{ns()} or \texttt{poly()}.
+In particular, regression splines such as \texttt{bs()} and \texttt{ns()}
+can be used to estimate a general smooth function $f(x_{ij})$, which is
+very useful for exploratory data analysis.
+Suppose we wish to fit the variable \texttt{Cost} with a smoother.
+This is possible with regression splines and using a trick.
+Firstly note that
+fit3 <- vglm(cbind(bus, train, car, walk) ~ ns(Cost) + Time + Distance,
+ multinomial(parallel = TRUE ~ ns(Cost) + Time + Distance - 1),
+ xij = list(ns(Cost) ~ ns(Cost.bus) + ns(Cost.trn) + ns(Cost.car),
+ Time ~ Time.bus + Time.trn + Time.car),
+ form2 = ~ ns(Cost.bus) + ns(Cost.trn) + ns(Cost.car) +
+ Time.bus + Time.trn + Time.car +
+ ns(Cost) + Cost + Time + Distance,
+ data = gotowork)
+will \textit{not} work because the basis functions for
+\texttt{ns(Cost.bus)}, \texttt{ns(Cost.trn)} and \texttt{ns(Cost.car)}
+are not identical since the knots differ.
+Consequently, they represent different functions despite
+having common regression coefficients.
+Fortunately, it is possible to force the \texttt{ns()} terms
+to have identical basis functions by using a trick:
+combine the vectors temporarily.
+To do this, one can let
+NS <- function(x, ..., df = 3)
+ sm.ns(c(x, ...), df = df)[1:length(x), , drop = FALSE]
+This computes a natural cubic B-spline evaluated at \texttt{x} but it uses the
+other arguments as well to form an overall vector from which to obtain
+the (common) knots.
+Then the usage of \texttt{NS()} can be something like
+fit4 <- vglm(cbind(bus, train, car, walk) ~ NS(Cost.bus, Cost.trn, Cost.car)
+ + Time + Distance,
+ multinomial(parallel = TRUE ~ NS(Cost.bus, Cost.trn, Cost.car)
+ + Time + Distance - 1),
+ xij = list(NS(Cost.bus, Cost.trn, Cost.car) ~
+ NS(Cost.bus, Cost.trn, Cost.car) +
+ NS(Cost.trn, Cost.car, Cost.bus) +
+ NS(Cost.car, Cost.bus, Cost.trn),
+ Time ~ Time.bus + Time.trn + Time.car),
+ form2 = ~ NS(Cost.bus, Cost.trn, Cost.car) +
+ NS(Cost.trn, Cost.car, Cost.bus) +
+ NS(Cost.car, Cost.bus, Cost.trn) +
+ Time.bus + Time.trn + Time.car +
+ Cost.bus + Cost.trn + Cost.car +
+ Time + Distance,
+ data = gotowork)
+So \texttt{NS(Cost.bus, Cost.trn, Cost.car)}
+is the smooth term for
+\texttt{Cost.bus}, etc.
+Furthermore, \texttt{plotvgam()} may be applied to
+\texttt{fit4}, in which case the fitted regression spline is plotted
+against its first inner argument, viz. \texttt{Cost.bus}.
+One of the reasons why it will predict correctly, too,
+is due to ``smart prediction''
+\subsubsection{Implementation details}
+The \texttt{xij} argument operates \textit{after} the
+ordinary $\bX_{\sVLM}$ matrix is created. Then selected columns
+of $\bX_{\sVLM}$ are modified from the constraint matrices, \texttt{xij}
+and \texttt{form2} arguments. That is, from \texttt{form2}'s model
+matrix $\bX_{\sformtwo}$, and the $\bH_k$. This whole operation
+is possible because $\bX_{\sVLM}$ remains structurally the same.
+The crucial equation is (\ref{eqn:xij.vector}).
+Other \texttt{xij} examples are given in the online help of
+\texttt{fill()} and \texttt{vglm.control()},
+as well as at the package's webpage.
+% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+This article has sought to convey how VGLMs/VGAMs are well suited for
+fitting regression models for categorical data. Its primary strength
+is its simple and unified framework, and when reflected in software,
+makes practical CDA more understandable and efficient. Furthermore,
+there are natural extensions such as a reduced-rank variant and
+covariate-specific $\eta_{j}$. The \VGAM{} package potentially offers
+a wide selection of models and utilities.
+There is much future work to do.
+Some useful additions to the package include:
+Bias-reduction \citep{firt:1993} is a method for removing the $O(n^{-1})$
+bias from a maximum likelihood estimate. For a substantial class of
+models including GLMs it can be formulated in terms of a minor adjustment
+of the score vector within an IRLS algorithm \citep{kosm:firt:2009}.
+One by-product, for logistic regression, is that while the maximum
+likelihood estimate (MLE) can be infinite, the adjustment leads to
+estimates that are always finite. At present the \R{} package \pkg{brglm}
+\citep{Kosmidis:2008} implements bias-reduction for a number of models.
+Bias-reduction might be implemented by adding an argument
+\texttt{bred = FALSE}, say, to some existing \VGAM{} family functions.
+Nested logit models were developed to overcome a fundamental shortcoming
+related to the multinomial logit model, viz. the independence of
+irrelevant alternatives (IIA) assumption. Roughly, the multinomial logit
+model assumes the ratio of the choice probabilities of two alternatives
+is not dependent on the presence or absence of other alternatives in
+the model. This presents problems that are often illustrated by the
+famed red bus-blue bus problem.
+The generalized estimating equations (GEE) methodology is largely
+amenable to IRLS and this should be added to the package in the future
+For logistic regression \proglang{SAS}'s \code{proc logistic} gives
+a warning if the data is {completely separate} or {quasi-completely
+separate}. Its effects are that some regression coefficients tend to $\pm
+\infty$. With such data, all (to my knowledge) \R{} implementations
+give warnings that are vague, if any at all, and this is rather
+unacceptable \citep{alli:2004}. The \pkg{safeBinaryRegression} package
+\citep{Konis:2009} overloads \code{glm()} so that a check for the
+existence of the MLE is made before fitting a binary response GLM.
+In closing, the \pkg{VGAM} package is continually being developed,
+therefore some future changes in the implementation details and usage
+may occur. These may include non-backward-compatible changes (see the
+\code{NEWS} file.) Further documentation and updates are available at
+the author's homepage whose URL is given in the \code{DESCRIPTION} file.
+% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+The author thanks Micah Altman, David Firth and Bill Venables for helpful
+conversations, and Ioannis Kosmidis for a reprint.
+Thanks also to The Institute for Quantitative Social Science at Harvard
+University for their hospitality while this document was written during a
+sabbatical visit.
diff --git a/vignettes/categoricalVGAMbib.bib b/vignettes/categoricalVGAMbib.bib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7367aff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vignettes/categoricalVGAMbib.bib
@@ -0,0 +1,653 @@
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+ Author = {Yee, T. W. and Wild, C. J.},
+ Title = {Vector Generalized Additive Models},
+ Year = 1996,
+ JOURNAL = {Journal of the Royal Statistical Society~B},
+ Volume = 58,
+ Pages = {481--493},
+ Keywords = {Nonparametric regression; Smoothing},
+ Number = 3,
+ at article{gree:1984,
+ Author = {Green, P. J.},
+ Title = {Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares for Maximum Likelihood
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+ Volume = 46,
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+ Keywords = {Scoring; Generalized linear model; Regression; Residual},
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+ at book{hast:tibs:1990,
+ Author = {Hastie, T. J. and Tibshirani, R. J.},
+ Title = {Generalized Additive Models},
+ Year = 1990,
+ Publisher = {Chapman \& Hall},
+ Address = {London},
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+ at Manual{gam:pack:2009,
+ title = {\pkg{gam}: Generalized Additive Models},
+ author = {Trevor Hastie},
+ year = {2008},
+ note = {\proglang{R}~package version~1.01},
+ url = {http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=gam}
+ at article{ande:1984,
+ Author = {Anderson, J. A.},
+ Title = {Regression and Ordered Categorical Variables},
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+likelihood by the Jeffreys invariant prior. In binomial logistic models,
+Poisson log linear models and certain other generalized linear models,
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+ at book {altm:gill:mcdo:2004,
+ AUTHOR = {Altman, Micah and Gill, Jeff and McDonald, Michael P.},
+ TITLE = {Numerical Issues in Statistical Computing for the Social
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+ PUBLISHER = {Wiley-Interscience},
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+ Title = {{VGLM}s and {VGAM}s:
+ An Overview for Applications in Fisheries Research},
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+ Title = {Categorical Data Analysis Using The \proglang{SAS} System},
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+ Title = {The \pkg{VGAM} Package},
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+ Volume = 8,
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+ title = {The \pkg{VGAM} Package},
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+ year = 2008,
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+ pages = {28--39},
+ month = {October},
+ url = {http://CRAN.R-project.org/doc/Rnews/},
+ number = 2,
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+ TITLE = {Reduced-rank Vector Generalized Linear Models},
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+ Title = {Vector Generalized Additive Models},
+ Year = 1996,
+ JOURNAL = {Journal of the Royal Statistical Society~B},
+ Volume = 58,
+ Pages = {481--493},
+ Keywords = {Nonparametric regression; Smoothing},
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+ Title = {Linear Smoothers and Additive Models},
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+ Title = {{B}radley-{T}erry Models in \proglang{R}},
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+ Volume = 12,
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+ Title = {Genetic Data Analysis II: Methods for Discrete Population
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+ at article{fox:hong:2009,
+ author = "John Fox and Jangman Hong",
+ title = {Effect Displays in \proglang{R} for Multinomial and
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+ Extensions to the \pkg{effects} Package},
+ journal = "Journal of Statistical Software",
+ volume = "32",
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+ URL = "http://www.jstatsoft.org/v32/i01/",
+ at article{wild:yee:1996,
+ Author = {Wild, C. J. and Yee, T. W.},
+ Title = {Additive Extensions to Generalized Estimating Equation
+ Methods},
+ Year = 1996,
+ JOURNAL = {Journal of the Royal Statistical Society~B},
+ Volume = 58,
+ Pages = {711--725},
+ Keywords = {Longitudinal data; Nonparametric; Regression; Smoothing},
+ NUMBER = {4},
+ at Article{Yee:2010,
+ author = {Thomas W. Yee},
+ title = {The \pkg{VGAM} Package for Categorical Data Analysis},
+ journal = {Journal of Statistical Software},
+ year = {2010},
+ volume = {32},
+ number = {10},
+ pages = {1--34},
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+ at Manual{R,
+ title = {\proglang{R}: {A} Language and Environment
+ for Statistical Computing},
+ author = {{\proglang{R} Development Core Team}},
+ organization = {\proglang{R} Foundation for Statistical Computing},
+ address = {Vienna, Austria},
+ year = {2009},
+ note = {{ISBN} 3-900051-07-0},
+ url = {http://www.R-project.org/}
+ at Book{Venables+Ripley:2002,
+ author = {William N. Venables and Brian D. Ripley},
+ title = {Modern Applied Statistics with \proglang{S}},
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+ publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
+ address = {New York},
+ url = {http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/pub/MASS4/},
+ at Manual{SAS,
+ author = {{\proglang{SAS} Institute Inc.}},
+ title = {The \proglang{SAS} System, Version 9.1},
+ year = {2003},
+ address = {Cary, NC},
+ url = {http://www.sas.com/}
+ at Manual{yee:VGAM:2010,
+ title = {\pkg{VGAM}: Vector Generalized Linear and Additive Models},
+ author = {Yee, T. W.},
+ year = {2010},
+ note = {\proglang{R}~package version~0.7-10},
+ url = {http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=VGAM}
+ at Manual{Harrell:2009,
+ title = {\pkg{rms}: Regression Modeling Strategies},
+ author = {Frank E. {Harrell, Jr.}},
+ year = {2009},
+ note = {\proglang{R}~package version~2.1-0},
+ url = {http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=rms}
+ at Manual{Meyer+Zeileis+Hornik:2009,
+ title = {\pkg{vcd}: Visualizing Categorical Data},
+ author = {David Meyer and Achim Zeileis and Kurt Hornik},
+ year = {2009},
+ note = {\proglang{R}~package version~1.2-7},
+ url = {http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=vcd}
+ at Article{Meyer+Zeileis+Hornik:2006,
+ author = {David Meyer and Achim Zeileis and Kurt Hornik},
+ title = {The Strucplot Framework: Visualizing Multi-Way
+ Contingency Tables with \pkg{vcd}},
+ journal = {Journal of Statistical Software},
+ year = {2006},
+ volume = {17},
+ number = {3},
+ pages = {1--48},
+ url = {http://www.jstatsoft.org/v17/i03/}
+ at Manual{Turner+Firth:2009,
+ title = {Generalized Nonlinear Models in \proglang{R}:
+ An Overview of the \pkg{gnm} Package},
+ author = {Heather Turner and David Firth},
+ year = {2009},
+ note = {\proglang{R}~package version~0.10-0},
+ url = {http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=gnm},
+ at Article{Rnews:Turner+Firth:2007,
+ author = {Heather Turner and David Firth},
+ title = {\pkg{gnm}: A Package for Generalized Nonlinear Models},
+ journal = {\proglang{R}~News},
+ year = 2007,
+ volume = 7,
+ number = 2,
+ pages = {8--12},
+ month = {October},
+ url = {http://CRAN.R-project.org/doc/Rnews/},
+ at Manual{ElemStatLearn:2009,
+ title = {\pkg{ElemStatLearn}: Data Sets, Functions and
+ Examples from the Book `The Elements
+ of Statistical Learning, Data Mining, Inference, and
+ Prediction' by Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani and Jerome
+ Friedman},
+ author = {Kjetil Halvorsen},
+ year = {2009},
+ note = {\proglang{R}~package version~0.1-7},
+ url = {http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=ElemStatLearn},
+ }
+ at Manual{Zelig:2009,
+ title = {\pkg{Zelig}: Everyone's Statistical Software},
+ author = {Kosuke Imai and Gary King and Olivia Lau},
+ year = {2009},
+ note = {\proglang{R}~package version~3.4-5},
+ url = {http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=Zelig},
+ at article{kosm:firt:2009,
+ author = {Kosmidis, I. and Firth, D.},
+ title = {Bias Reduction in Exponential Family Nonlinear Models},
+ year = {2009},
+ JOURNAL = {Biometrika},
+ FJOURNAL = {Biometrika},
+ volume = {96},
+ PAGES = {793--804},
+ NUMBER = {4},
+ at techreport{kosm:firt:2008,
+ author = {Kosmidis, I. and Firth, D.},
+ title = {Bias Reduction in Exponential Family Nonlinear Models},
+ Journal = {CRiSM Paper No.~08-05v2},
+ year = {2008},
+ URL = "http://www.warwick.ac.uk/go/crism",
+ Institution = {Department of Statistics, Warwick University},
+ at Manual{Kosmidis:2008,
+ title = {\pkg{brglm}: Bias Reduction in Binary-Response {GLMs}},
+ author = {Ioannis Kosmidis},
+ year = {2008},
+ note = {\proglang{R}~package version~0.5-4},
+ url = {http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=brglm},
+ at Manual{Hatzinger:2009,
+ title = {\pkg{prefmod}: Utilities to Fit Paired Comparison
+ Models for Preferences},
+ author = {Reinhold Hatzinger},
+ year = {2009},
+ note = {\proglang{R}~package version~0.8-16},
+ url = {http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=prefmod},
+ at Manual{firth:2008,
+ title = {\pkg{BradleyTerry}: Bradley-Terry Models},
+ author = {David Firth},
+ year = {2008},
+ note = {\proglang{R}~package version~0.8-7},
+ url = {http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=BradleyTerry},
+ }
+ at Manual{gnlm:2007,
+ title = {\pkg{gnlm}: Generalized Nonlinear Regression Models},
+ author = {Jim Lindsey},
+ year = {2007},
+ note = {\proglang{R}~package version~1.0},
+ url = {http://popgen.unimaas.nl/~jlindsey/rcode.html},
+ at Manual{Konis:2009,
+ title = {\pkg{safeBinaryRegression}: Safe Binary Regression},
+ author = {Kjell Konis},
+ year = {2009},
+ note = {\proglang{R}~package version~0.1-2},
+ url = {http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=safeBinaryRegression},
+ at book{smit:merk:2013,
+ TITLE = {Generalized Linear Models for Categorical and
+ Continuous Limited Dependent Variables},
+ AUTHOR = {Smithson, M. and Merkle, E. C.},
+ YEAR = {2013},
+ Publisher = {Chapman \& Hall/CRC},
+ Address = {London},
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+%% need no \usepackage{Sweave.sty}
+%% Packages.
+%\VignetteIndexEntry{The VGAM Package for Capture--Recapture Data Using the Conditional Likelihood}
+%\VignetteKeywords{closed population size estimation, conditional likelihood,mark--capture--recapture, vector generalized additive model, VGAM}
+%% new commands
+%% Shortcut commands.
+\newcommand{\logit}{\mbox{\rm logit}}
+\newcommand{\bone}{{\bf 1}}
+\newcommand{\bzero}{{\bf 0}}
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+\newcommand{\bOO}{\mbox{\rm \bf O}}
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+\newcommand{\bY}{\mbox{\rm \bf Y}}
+\author{Thomas W. Yee\\The University of Auckland \And
+Jakub Stoklosa\\The University of New South Wales \AND
+Richard M. Huggins\\The University of Melbourne}
+\title{The \pkg{VGAM} Package for Capture--Recapture Data Using the Conditional Likelihood}
+%% for pretty printing and a nice hypersummary also set:
+\Plainauthor{Thomas W. Yee, Jakub Stoklosa, Richard M. Huggins} %% comma-separated
+\Plaintitle{The VGAM Package for Capture--Recapture Data Using the Conditional Likelihood} %% without formatting
+\Shorttitle{The VGAM Package for Capture--Recapture Data} %% a short title (if necessary)
+%% an abstract and keywords
+It is well known that using individual covariate information
+(such as body weight or gender) to model heterogeneity
+in capture--recapture (CR) experiments can greatly enhance
+inferences on the size of a closed population. Since individual
+covariates are only observable for captured individuals, complex
+conditional likelihood methods are usually required and these do
+not constitute a standard generalized linear model (GLM) family.
+Modern statistical techniques such as generalized additive models
+(GAMs), which allow a relaxing of the linearity assumptions on the
+covariates, are readily available for many standard GLM families.
+Fortunately, a natural statistical framework for maximizing
+conditional likelihoods is available in the Vector GLM and Vector
+GAM classes of models. We present several new \proglang{R}-functions
+(implemented within the \pkg{VGAM} package) specifically developed to allow
+the incorporation of individual covariates in the analysis of
+closed population CR data using a GLM/GAM-like approach
+and the conditional likelihood. As a result, a wide variety of
+practical tools are now readily available in the \pkg{VGAM} object
+oriented framework. We discuss and demonstrate their advantages,
+features and flexibility using the new \pkg{VGAM} CR functions on several
+\Keywords{closed population size estimation, conditional likelihood,
+mark--capture--recapture, vector generalized additive model, \pkg{VGAM}}
+\Plainkeywords{closed population, conditional likelihood,
+mark--capture--recapture, vector generalized additive model, VGAM R package}
+ Thomas W. Yee \\
+ Department of Statistics \\
+ University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019 \\
+ Auckland Mail Centre \\
+ Auckland 1142, New Zealand \\
+ E-mail: \email{t.yee at auckland.ac.nz}\\
+ URL: \url{http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~yee/}
+<<echo=FALSE, results=hide>>=
+ps.options(pointsize = 12)
+options(width = 72, digits = 4)
+options(SweaveHooks = list(fig = function() par(las = 1)))
+options(prompt = "R> ", continue = "+")
+%% Note: If there is markup in \(sub)section, then it has to be escape as above.
+Capture--recapture (CR) surveys are widely used in ecology and
+epidemiology to estimate population sizes. In essence they are
+sampling schemes that allow the estimation of both $n$ and $p$
+in a Binomial($n$, $p$) experiment \citep{hugg:hwan:2011}.
+The simplest CR sampling design consists of units or individuals
+in some population that are captured or tagged across several
+sampling occasions, e.g., trapping a nocturnal mammal species
+on seven consecutive nights. In these experiments, when an individual
+is captured for the first time then it is marked or tagged so that
+it can be identified upon subsequent recapture. On each occasion recaptures
+of individuals which have been previously marked are also noted. Thus
+each observed individual has a capture history: a vector of 1s and 0s
+denoting capture/recapture and noncapture respectively. The unknown
+population size is then estimated using the observed capture histories
+and any other additional information collected on captured individuals,
+such as weight or sex, along with environmental information such as
+rainfall or temperature.
+We consider closed populations, where there are no births, deaths,
+emigration or immigration throughout the sampling period
+\citep{amst:mcdo:manl:2005}. Such an assumption is often reasonable
+when the overall time period is relatively short.
+\citet{otis:etal:1978} provided eight specific closed population CR
+models (see also \citet{pollock:1991}), which permit the individual
+capture probabilities to depend on time and behavioural response,
+and be heterogeneous between individuals.
+The use of covariate information (or explanatory variables)
+to explain heterogeneous capture probabilities
+in CR experiments has received considerable attention over the
+last 30 years \citep{pollock:2002}. Population size estimates that
+ignore this heterogeneity typically result in biased population
+estimates \citep{amst:mcdo:manl:2005}.
+A recent book on CR experiements as a whole is \cite{mccr:morg:2014}.
+Since individual covariate information (such as gender or body weight)
+can only be collected on observed individuals, conditional likelihood
+models are employed \citep{pollock:1984,hugg:1989,alho:1990,lebreton:1992}.
+That is, one conditions on the individuals seen at least once through-out
+the experiment, hence they allow for individual covariates to be
+considered in the analysis. The capture probabilities are typically
+modelled as logistic functions of the covariates, and parameters are
+estimated using maximum likelihood. Importantly, these CR models are
+generalized linear models \citep[GLMs;][]{mccull:1989,hugg:hwan:2011}.
+Here, we maximize the conditional likelihood (or more
+formally the positive-Bernoulli distribution) models
+of \citet{hugg:1989}. This approach has become standard practice to carry
+out inferences when considering individual covariates, with several different
+software packages currently using this methodology, including:
+\proglang{MARK} \citep{cooch:white:2012},
+\proglang{CARE-2} \citep{hwang:chao:2003},
+and the \proglang{R} packages \citep{R:2014}:
+\pkg{mra} \citep{mcdonald:2010}, \pkg{RMark} \citep{laake:2013}
+and \pkg{Rcapture} \citep{rcapturepackage:2012,Baillargeon:Rivest:2007},
+the latter package uses a log-linear approach, which can be shown to be
+equivalent to the conditional likelihood \citep{cormak:1989,hugg:hwan:2011}.
+These programs are quite user friendly, and specifically, allow modelling
+capture probabilities as linear functions of the covariates. So an obvious
+question is to ask why develop yet another implementation for closed population
+CR modelling?
+Firstly, nonlinearity arises quite naturally in many ecological applications,
+In the CR context, capture probabilities may depend nonlinearly on
+individual covariates, e.g., mountain pygmy possums with lighter or
+heavier body weights may have lower capture probabilities compared
+with those having mid-ranged body weights
+However, in our experience, the vast majority of CR software does not handle
+nonlinearity well in regard to both estimation and in the plotting
+of the smooth functions. Since GAMs \citep[]{hastie:1990,wood:2006}
+were developed in the mid-1980s they have become a standard tool for
+data analysis in regression. The nonlinear relationship between the
+response and covariate is flexibly modelled, and few assumptions are
+made on the functional relationship. The drawback in applying these
+models to CR data has been the difficult programming required to
+implement the approach.
+Secondly, we have found several implementations of conditional
+likelihood slow, and in some instances unreliable and difficult to use.
+We believe our implementation has superior capabilities, and has
+good speed and reliability. The results of
+Section \ref{sec:poz:posbernoulli.eg.timingtests} contrast our software
+with some others. Moreover, the incorporation of these methods in a general,
+maintained statistical package will result in them being updated as
+the package is updated.
+Standard GLM and GAM methodologies are unable to cope with the CR
+models considered in this article because they are largely restricted
+to one linear/additive predictor $\eta$. Fortunately however, a
+natural extension in the form of the vector generalized linear
+and additive model (VGLM/VGAM) classes do allow for multiple $\eta$s.
+VGAMs and VGLMs are described in \citet{yee:wild:1996} and \citet{yee:hast:2003}.
+Their implementation in the \pkg{VGAM} package \citep{yee:2008,yee:2010,yee:VGAM:2013-093}
+has become increasing popular and practical over the last few years, due to
+large number of exponential families available for discrete/multinomial
+response data. In addition to flexible modelling of both VGLMs and VGAMs,
+a wide range of useful features are also available:
+\item smoothing capabilities;
+\item model selection using, e.g., AIC or BIC \citep{burnham:anderson:1999};
+\item regression diagnostics and goodness--of--fit tools;
+\item reduced-rank regression \citep{yee:hast:2003} for dimension
+\item computational speed and robustness;
+\item choice of link functions;
+\item offsets and prior weights; and
+\item (specifically) when using \proglang{R}: generic functions
+based on object oriented programming, e.g., \code{fitted()},
+\code{coef()}, \code{vcov()}, \code{summary()}, \code{predict()},
+\code{AIC()}, etc.
+Our goal is to provide users with an easy-to-use object-oriented \pkg{VGAM}
+structure, where four \code{family}-type functions based on the conditional
+likelihood are available to fit the eight models of \citet{otis:etal:1978}.
+We aim to give the user additional tools and features,
+such as those listed above, to carry out a more informative and
+broader analysis of CR data; particularly when considering more than
+one covariate. Finally, this article primarily focuses on the technical
+aspects of the proposed package, and less so on the biological interpretation
+for CR experiments. The latter will be presented elsewhere.
+An outline of this article is as follows. In Section \ref{sec:cr} we
+present the conditional likelihood for CR models and a description of
+the eight \citet{otis:etal:1978} models. Section \ref{sec:vgam}
+summarizes pertinent details of VGLMs and VGAMs. Their connection to
+the CR models is made in Section \ref{sec:meth}. Software details
+are given in Section \ref{sec:software}, and examples on real and
+simulated data using the new software are demonstrated in
+Section \ref{sec:body:exam}. Some final remarks are given in
+Section \ref{sec:discussion}. The two appendices give some
+technical details relating to the first and second derivatives
+of the conditional log-likelihood, and the means.
+\ \ \ Symbol \ \ \ & Explanation \\
+% --------------------------------------
+$N$ & (Closed) population size to be estimated \\
+% --------------------------------------
+$n$ & Total number of distinct individuals caught in the trapping experiment \\
+% --------------------------------------
+$\tau$ & Number of sampling occasions, where $\tau \geq 2$ \\
+% --------------------------------------
+$\biy_i$ & Vector of capture histories for individual $i$ $(i=1,\ldots,n)$ with observed values\\
+& 1 (captured) and 0 (noncaptured). Each $\biy_i$ has at least one observed 1 \\
+% --------------------------------------
+``$h$'' & Model $\calM$ subscript, for heterogeneity \\
+% --------------------------------------
+``$b$'' & Model $\calM$ subscript, for behavioural effects \\
+% --------------------------------------
+``$t$'' & Model $\calM$ subscript, for temporal effects \\
+% --------------------------------------
+$p_{ij}$ & Probability that individual $i$ is captured at sampling occasion $j$ $(j=1,\ldots,\tau)$ \\
+% --------------------------------------
+$z_{ij}$ & $= 1$ if individual $i$ has been captured before occasion $j$,
+else $= 0$ \\
+% --------------------------------------
+$\btheta^{}$ & Vector of regression coefficients to be estimated related to $p_{ij}$
+% --------------------------------------
+$\boldeta$ & Vector of linear predictors (see Table \ref{tab2}
+for further details)
+% --------------------------------------
+$g$ & Link function applied to, e.g., $p_{ij}$. Logit by default
+% --------------------------------------
+Short summary of the notation used for the positive-Bernoulli distribution
+for capture--recapture (CR) experiments. Additional details are in the text.
+\section[Capture--recapture models]{Capture--recapture models}
+In this section we give an outline for closed population CR models
+under the conditional likelihood/GLM approach. For further details
+we recommend \citet{hugg:1991} and \citet{hugg:hwan:2011}.
+The notation of Table \ref{tab0} is used throughout this article.
+% ---------------------------------------------------------------
+\subsection{Conditional likelihood}
+Suppose we have a closed population of $N$ individuals,
+labelled $i=1,\ldots,N$ and $\tau$ capture occasions
+labelled $j=1,\ldots,\tau$. We make the usual assumptions that
+individuals in the population behave independently of each other,
+individuals do not lose their tags, and tags are recorded correctly.
+Let $y_{ij}=1$ if the $i$th individual was caught on the $j$th
+occasion and be zero otherwise, and let $n$ be the number of
+distinct individuals captured.
+Let $p_{ij}$ denote the probability of capturing individual $i$
+on occasion $j$. As noted in Section \ref{sec:intro},
+describe eight models for the capture probabilities,
+see Section \ref{sec:8models}
+for further details. Label the individuals captured in the experiment
+by $i=1,\ldots,n$ and those never captured by $i=n+1,\ldots,N$. The full
+likelihood is given by
+L_{f} & = & K \prod_{i=1}^{N}\prod_{j=1}^{\tau} p_{ij}^{y_{ij}}
+(1-p_{ij})^{1- y_{ij}}
+& = & K
+(1-p_{ij})^{1 - y_{ij}}\right\}\cdot
+\left\{\prod_{i=n+1}^{N} \prod_{j=1}^{\tau} (1-p_{ij})\right\}
+where $K$ is independent of the $p_{ij}$ but may depend on $N$. The
+RHS of (\ref{eq:posbern.uncondlikelihood}) requires knowledge of the
+uncaptured individuals and in general cannot be computed. Consequently
+no MLE of $N$ will be available unless some homogeneity assumption is
+made about the noncaptured individuals. Instead, a conditional likelihood
+function based only on the individuals observed at least once is
+L_{c} & \propto & \prod_{i=1}^{n}
+\frac{\prod\limits_{j=1}^{\tau} p_{ij}^{y_{ij}} (1-p_{ij})^{1 - y_{ij}}}
+is used. Here $p_{is}^{\dagger}$ are the $p_{ij}$ computed as if the
+individual had not been captured prior to $j$ so that the denominator
+is the probability individual $i$ is captured at least once. This
+conditional likelihood (\ref{eq:posbern.condlikelihood}) is a modified
+version of the likelihood corresponding to a positive-Bernoulli
+distribution \citep{patil:1962}.
+Capture & \multicolumn{4}{c|}{Joint probability}\\
+history & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{$\calM_0$/$\calM_h$}
+& \multicolumn{1}{c|}{$\calM_b$/$\calM_{bh}$}
+& \multicolumn{1}{c|}{$\calM_t$/$\calM_{th}$}
+& \multicolumn{1}{c|}{$\calM_{tb}$/$\calM_{tbh}$} \\
+01 & $(1-p) p$ & $(1-p_{c}) \, p_{c}$ & $(1-p_1) p_2$
+& $(1-p_{c1}) \, p_{c2}$ \\
+10 & $p(1-p)$ & $p_{c} (1-p_{r})$ & $p_1 (1-p_2)$
+& $p_{c1} (1-p_{r2})$ \\
+11 & $p^2$ & $p_{c} \, p_{r}$ & $p_1 \, p_2$ & $p_{c1} \, p_{r2}$ \\
+00 & $(1-p)^2$ & $(1-p_{c})^2$ & $(1-p_1)(1-p_2)$
+& $(1-p_{c1})(1-p_{c2})$ \\
+\hline \hline
+$ M \equiv \dim(\boldeta)$ & 1 & 2 & 2 $(=\tau)$
+& 3 $(=2 \tau - 1)$ \\
+\caption{Capture history sample space and corresponding probabilities
+for the eight models of \citet{otis:etal:1978}, with $\tau=2$ capture occasions
+in closed population CR experiment. Here, $p_{cj}=$ capture probability for
+unmarked individuals at sampling period $j$, $p_{rj}=$ recapture
+probability for marked individuals at sampling period $j$, and $p=$
+constant capture probability across $\tau=2$. Note that the ``00'' row
+is never realized in sample data.}
+% ---------------------------------------------------------------
+\subsection{The eight models}
+Models which allow capture probabilities to depend on one or a
+combination of time, heterogeneity or behavioural effects are defined
+using appropriate subscripts, e.g., $\calM_{th}$ depends on time and
+heterogeneity. These eight models have a nested structure
+of which $\calM_{tbh}$ is the most general. The homogeneous
+model $\calM_0$ is the simplest (but most unrealistic) and has equal
+capture probabilities for each individual $H_0: p_{ij}=p$, regardless
+of the sampling occasion. All eight models are GLMs, since the
+conditional likelihood (\ref{eq:posbern.condlikelihood})
+belongs to the exponential family \citep{hugg:hwan:2011}.
+To illustrate the approach, we use the following toy example throughout,
+consider a CR experiment with two occasions---morning and evening
+(i.e., $\tau=2$), with capture
+probabilities varying between the two occasions. Furthermore, suppose we
+have collected some individual covariates---weight and gender.
+The joint probabilities of all the eight models are listed in
+Table \ref{tab1}. It can be seen that all but the positive-Binomial
+model ($\calM_{0}/\calM_{h}$)
+require more than one probability and hence more than
+one linear predictor, so that the
+original \cite{neld:wedd:1972} GLM framework is inadequate. Further, there
+are two noteworthy points from Table \ref{tab1} which apply for
+any $\tau\ge 2$:
+\item first, for $\calM_{t}$-type models, as $\tau$ increases
+so will the number of linear predictors and hence the potential
+number of parameters;
+\item secondly, it is evident that there are four main categories
+consisting of non-heterogeneity models ($\calM_{0}$, $\calM_{b}$, $\calM_{t}$
+and $\calM_{tb}$), which are paired with a heterogeneity sub-model
+(respectively $\calM_{h}$, $\calM_{bh}$, $\calM_{th}$ and $\calM_{tbh}$).
+The four heterogeneity models allow for each individual to have
+their own probability of capture/recapture. In our toy example,
+the capture probabilities are dependent on an individual's weight
+and gender. We discuss these models further in Section \ref{sec:vgam.basics}.
+It is natural to consider individual covariates such as weight
+and gender as linear/additive predictors. Let $x_{i}$ denote a
+covariate (either continuous or discrete) for the $i$th individual,
+which is constant across the capture occasions $j=1,\ldots,\tau$,
+e.g., for continuous covariates one could use the first
+observed value or the mean across all $j$. If there are $d-1$ covariates,
+we write $\bix_i=(x_{i1},\ldots,x_{id})^{\top}$ with $x_{i1}=1$ if
+there is an intercept. Also, let $g^{-1}(\eta)={\exp(\eta)}/\{{1+\exp(\eta)}\}$
+be the inverse \logit{} function. Consider model $\mathcal{M}_{tbh}$, then the
+capture/recapture probabilities are given as [notation follows
+Section \ref{sec:VGAMs.basics}]
+p_{ij}^{\dagger} & = & g^{-1} \!
+\left(\qquad \quad \, \beta^*_{(j+1)1} + \bix_{i[-1]}^{\top} \,
+\bbeta_{1[-1]}^{} \right), \qquad j=1,\ldots,\tau, \\
+p_{ij} & = & g^{-1} \!\left(\beta^*_{(1)1} + \beta^*_{(j+1)1} +
+\bix_{i[-1]}^{\top} \,\bbeta_{1[-1]}^{} \right),\qquad j=2,\ldots,\tau,
+where $\beta^*_{(1)1}$ is the behavioural effect of prior capture,
+$\beta^*_{(j+1)1}$ for $j=1,\ldots,\tau$ are time effects,
+and $\bbeta_{1[-1]}$ are the remaining regression parameters
+associated with the covariates. Computationally, the conditional
+likelihood (\ref{eq:posbern.condlikelihood}) is maximized with
+respect to all the parameters (denote by $\btheta{}$) by the
+Fisher scoring algorithm using the derivatives given in
+Appendix A.
+% ---------------------------------------------------------------
+\subsection[Estimation of N]{Estimation of $N$}
+In the above linear models, to estimate $N$ let $\pi_{i}(\btheta)=1-\prod\limits_{s=1}^{\tau}(1-p_{is}^{\dagger})$
+be the probability that individual $i$ is captured at least once
+in the course of the study. Then, if $\btheta$ is known,
+the Horvitz--Thompson \citep[HT;][]{horv:thom:1952} estimator
+\widehat{N}(\btheta) &=& \sum_{i=1}^{n} \; {\pi}_{i}(\btheta)^{-1}
+is unbiased for the population size $N$ and an associated estimate of
+the variance of $\widehat{N}(\btheta)$ is $s^2(\btheta) = \sum_{i=1}^{n}
+\; {\pi}_{i}(\btheta)^{-2} \, \left[1-{\pi}_{i}(\btheta)\right]$.
+If $\btheta$ is estimated by $\widehat{\btheta}$ then one can use
+\VAR\left(\widehat{N}(\widehat{\btheta}) \right) & \approx &
+s^2(\widehat{\btheta}) + \widehat{\bid}^{\top}
+\widehat{\VAR}(\widehat{\btheta}) \,\widehat{\bid}
+where, following from a Taylor series expansion
+of $\widehat{N}(\widehat{\btheta})$
+about $\widehat{N}(\btheta)$,
+\bid\, = \, \frac{d N(\btheta)}{d \btheta}
+& = &\sum_{i=1}^n \; {\pi}_{i}(\btheta)^{-2} \; \,
+\frac{d {\pi}_{i}(\btheta)}{d \btheta} \\
+& = &\sum_{i=1}^n \; \frac{-1}{{\pi}_{i}(\btheta)^{2}} \;
+\sum_{s=1}^{\tau} \; \left[\prod_{t=1,\ t \neq s}^{\tau}
+\left( 1 - p_{it}^{\dagger}\right)\right]
+\frac{\partial p_{is}^{\dagger}}{\partial \btheta}.
+\section[Vector generalized linear and additive models]{Vector generalized
+linear and additive models}
+To extend the above linear models, we use VGLMs and VGAMs which we briefly
+describe in this section. These models fit within a large statistical
+regression framework which will be described in \citet{yee:2015}.
+The details here are purposely terse; readers are directed
+to \citet{yee:2008,yee:2010}
+for accessible overviews and examples, and \citet{yee:wild:1996}
+and \citet{yee:hast:2003} for technical details.
+% ---------------------------------------------------------------
+Consider observations on independent pairs $(\bix_i,\biy_i)$,
+$i=1,\ldots,n$. We use ``$[-1]$'' to delete the first element,
+e.g., $\bix_{i[-1]} =(x_{i2},\ldots,x_{id})^{\top}$. For
+simplicity, we will occasionally drop the subscript $i$ and simply
+write $\bix =(x_{1},\ldots,x_{d})^{\top}$. Consider a single observation
+where \biy{} is a $Q$-dimensional vector. For the CR models of this
+paper, $Q=\tau$ when the response is entered as a matrix of 0s and 1s.
+The only exception is for the $\calM_0/\calM_h$ where the aggregated
+counts may be inputted, see Section \ref{sec:M0Mh}. VGLMs are defined
+through the model for the conditional density
+f(\biy | \bix ; \bB) = f(\biy,\eta_1,\ldots,\eta_M)
+for some known function $f(\cdot)$,
+where $\bB =(\bbeta_1 \,\bbeta_2 \,\cdots \,\bbeta_M)$ is
+a $d\times M$ matrix of regression coefficients to be estimated.
+We may also write $\bB^{\top} = (\bbeta_{(1)} \,\bbeta_{(2)}\,\cdots\,
+\bbeta_{(d)})$ so that $\bbeta_j$ is the $j$th column of $\bB$
+and $\bbeta_{(k)}$ is the $k$th row.
+The $j$th linear predictor is then
+\eta_j = \bbeta_j^{\top} \bix = \sum_{k=1}^d \beta_{(j)k} \,
+x_{k}, j=1, \ldots, M,
+where $\beta_{(j)k}$ is the $k$th component of $\bbeta_j$.
+In the CR context, we remind the reader that,
+as in Table \ref{tab1}, we have $M=2$ for $\calM_{bh}$,
+$M=\tau$ for $\calM_{th}$ and $M=2\tau-1$ for $\calM_{tbh}$.
+In GLMs the linear predictors are used to model the means.
+The $\eta_j$ of VGLMs model the parameters of a model.
+In general, for a parameter $\theta_j$ we take
+\eta_j = g_j(\theta_j), j=1,\ldots,M
+and we say $g_j$ is a parameter link function. Write
+\boldeta_i = \left(\begin{array}{c}\eta_1(\bix_{i})\\
+\vdots \\
+\eta_M(\bix_{i})\end{array}\right) = \bB^{\top} \bix_{i} =
+\left(\begin{array}{c}\bbeta_1^{\top} \bix_{i} \\\vdots \\
+\bbeta_M^{\top} \bix_{i}\end{array} \right).
+In practice we may wish to constrain the effect of a covariate to
+be the same for some of the $\eta_j$ and to have no effect for others.
+In our toy example, model $\calM_{th}$ with $\tau=M=2$, $d=3$, we have
+\eta_1(\bix_i) & = & \beta_{(1)1} + \beta_{(1)2} \, x_{i2} +
+\beta_{(1)3} \, x_{i3}, \\
+\eta_2(\bix_i) & = & \beta_{(2)1} + \beta_{(2)2} \, x_{i2} +
+\beta_{(2)3} \, x_{i3},
+which correspond to $x_{i2}$ being the individual's weight
+and $x_{i3}$ an indicator of gender say, then we have the
+constraints $\beta_{(1)2}\equiv\beta_{(2)2}$
+and $\beta_{(1)3}\equiv\beta_{(2)3}$. Then, with ``${}^*$''
+denoting the parameters that are estimated,
+\eta_1(\bix_i) & = & \beta^*_{(1)1} + \beta^*_{(1)2} \, x_{i2} +
+\beta^*_{(1)3} \, x_{i3}, \\
+\eta_2(\bix_i) & = & \beta^*_{(2)1} + \beta^*_{(1)2} \, x_{i2} +
+\beta^*_{(1)3} \, x_{i3}, \\
+and we may write
+\boldeta(\bix_i) =
+& = & \sum_{k=1}^3 \, \bbeta_{(k)} \, x_{ik}\\
+& = & \begin{pmatrix}\beta_{(1)1} & \beta_{(1)2} & \beta_{(1)3}\\
+\beta_{(2)1} & \beta_{(2)2} & \beta_{(2)3} \end{pmatrix}
+\begin{pmatrix}x_{i1}\\ x_{i2}\\ x_{i3} \end{pmatrix}\\
+& = &
+\beta^*_{(1)1} & \beta^*_{(1)2} & \beta^*_{(1)3}\\
+\beta^*_{(2)1} & \beta^*_{(1)2} & \beta^*_{(1)3}
+\begin{pmatrix}x_{i1}\\ x_{i2}\\ x_{i3}\end{pmatrix}\\
+& = &
+\begin{pmatrix}1 & 0\\ 0 & 1\end{pmatrix}
+\beta^*_{(1)1}\\ \beta^*_{(2)1}
+\beta^*_{(1)2} \, x_{i2}+
+\beta^*_{(1)3} \, x_{i3}\\
+& = & \sum_{k=1}^3 \, \bH_k \, \bbeta^*_{(k)} \, x_{ik}.
+We can also write this as (noting that $x_{i1}=1$)
+\boldeta(\bix_i) & = & \begin{pmatrix}x_{i1} & 0 \\ 0 & x_{i1}
+\end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix}
+\begin{pmatrix} \beta^*_{(1)1}\\ \beta^*_{(2)1} \end{pmatrix} +
+\begin{pmatrix} x_{i2} & 0 \\ 0 & x_{i2} \end{pmatrix}
+\begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ 1\end{pmatrix}
+\beta^*_{(1)2} + \begin{pmatrix} x_{i3} & 0 \\ 0 & x_{i3}
+1 \\
+& = & \sum_{k=1}^3 \, \mathrm{diag}(x_{ik},x_{ik}) \, \bH_k \,\bbeta_{(k)}^{*}.
+In general, for VGLMs, we represent the models as
+& = & \sum_{k=1}^d \, \bbeta_{(k)} \, x_{ik} \nonumber \\
+& = & \sum_{k=1}^d \, \bH_k \, \bbeta_{(k)}^{*} \, x_{ik}
+& = & \sum_{k=1}^d \, \mathrm{diag}(x_{ik},\ldots,x_{ik}) \,
+\bH_k \, \bbeta_{(k)}^{*}
+where $\bH_1,\bH_2,\ldots,\bH_d$ are known constraint matrices
+of full column-rank (i.e., rank \code{ncol}($\bH_k$)), $\bbeta_{(k)}^*$
+is a vector containing a possibly reduced set of regression coefficients.
+Then we may write
+{\bB}^{\top} =
+\bH_1 \bbeta_{(1)}^* \; \; \;
+\bH_2 \bbeta_{(2)}^* \;\;\; \cdots \;\;\;
+\bH_d \bbeta_{(d)}^*
+as an expression of (\ref{eq:lin.pred}) concentrating on columns rather
+than rows. Note that with no constraints at all, all $\bH_k = \bI_M$
+and $\bbeta_{(k)}^*=\bbeta_{(k)}$. We need both (\ref{eq:lin.pred})
+and (\ref{eq:lin.coefs4}) since we focus on the $\eta_j$
+and at other times on the variables $x_{k}$. The constraint matrices
+for common models are pre-programmed in \pkg{VGAM}
+and can be set up by using arguments such as \code{parallel} and \code{zero}
+found in \pkg{VGAM} family functions. Alternatively, there
+is the argument \code{constraints} where they may be explicitly
+inputted. Using \code{constraints} is less convenient but provides
+the full generality of its power.
+% ---------------------------------------------------------------
+\subsection[Handling time-varying covariates]{Handling time-varying covariates}
+Often, the covariates may be time-varying, e.g., when using
+temperature as a covariate, then a different value is observed and
+measured for each occasion $j$ for $j=1,\dots,\tau$.
+Again, using our toy example with $M=2$, $d=3$,
+and $\tau=2$, suppose we have time-dependent covariates $\bix_{ij}$, $j=1,2$.
+We may have the model
+\eta_1(\bix_{i1}) & = & \beta^*_{(1)1} + \beta^*_{(1)2} \, x_{i21} +
+\beta^*_{(1)3}\, x_{i31},\\
+\eta_2(\bix_{i2}) & = & \beta^*_{(2)1} + \beta^*_{(1)2} \, x_{i22} +
+\beta^*_{(1)3}\, x_{i32},\\
+for the linear predictor on the two occasions. Here, $x_{ikt}$ is for
+the $i$th animal, $k$th explanatory variable and $t$th time. We write this model as
+\boldeta(\bix_{ij}) & = & \begin{pmatrix} x_{i11} & 0\\ 0 & x_{i12} \end{pmatrix}
+\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0\\ 0 & 1\end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} \beta^*_{(1)1}\\
+\beta^*_{(2)1} \end{pmatrix} + \begin{pmatrix} x_{i21} & 0\\ 0 & x_{i22}\end{pmatrix}
+\begin{pmatrix} 1\\ 1\end{pmatrix} \beta^*_{(1)2} +
+\begin{pmatrix} x_{i31} & 0\\ 0 & x_{i32}\end{pmatrix}
+\begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ 1\end{pmatrix}
+\beta^*_{(1)3}\\ & = & \sum_{k=1}^3 \, \mathrm{diag}(x_{ik1},x_{ik2}) \,
+Thus to handle time-varying covariates one needs the \code{xij} facility of \pkg{VGAM}
+(e.g., see Section \ref{sec:poz:posbernoulli.eg.hugg:1991}), which allows a covariate
+to have different values for different $\eta_{j}$ through the general formula
+& = & \sum_{k=1}^{d}\, \mathrm{diag}(x_{ik1},\ldots,x_{ikM})\,
+\bH_k \,\bbeta_{(k)}^{*}=\sum_{k=1}^d \,
+\bX^{\#}_{(ik)}\bH_k \,\bbeta_{(k)}^{*}
+where $x_{ikj}$ is the value of variable $x_{k}$ for unit $i$ for $\eta_{j}$.
+The derivation of (\ref{eq:vglimo:xij.vector.diag}),
+followed by some examples are given in \cite{yee:2010}.
+Implementing this model requires specification
+of the diagonal elements of the matrices $\bX^*_{ik}$ and we see
+its use in Section \ref{sec:poz:posbernoulli.eg.hugg:1991}.
+Clearly, a model may include a mix of time-dependent and
+time-independent covariates.
+The model is then specified through the constraint matrices $\bH_k$
+and the covariate matrices $\bX^{\#}_{(ik)}$. Typically in CR experiments,
+the time-varying covariates will be environmental effects. Fitting
+time-varying individual covariates requires some interpolation when
+an individual is not captured and is beyond the scope of the present
+% ---------------------------------------------------------------
+VGAMs replace the linear functions in (\ref{eq:constraints.VGLM})
+by smoothers such as splines. Hence, the central formula is
+\boldeta_i = \sum_{k=1}^d \; \bH_k \, \bif_k^*(x_{ik})
+where $\bif_k^*(x_k) = (f_{k(1)}^*(x_k),\ldots,f_{k(M_k)}^*(x_k))^{\top}$
+is a vector of $M_k$ smooth functions of $x_k$, where $M_k=\mathtt{ncol}(\bH_k)$
+is the rank of the constraint matrix for $x_k$. Note that standard error bands
+are available upon plotting the estimated component functions (details at \cite{yee:wild:1996}),
+e.g., see Figure \ref{fig:poz:deermice}.
+\section[VGLMs and VGAMs applied to CR data]{VGLMs and VGAMs applied to CR data}
+In this section we merge the results of Sections \ref{sec:cr}
+and \ref{sec:vgam} to show how the eight models of \citet{otis:etal:1978}
+can be fitted naturally within the VGLM/VGAM framework.
+% ---------------------------------------------------------------
+\subsection[Linear predictors and constraint matrices]{Linear predictors and constraint matrices}
+As in Section \ref{sec:vgam.basics}, we now write $\biy_i$ as the
+capture history vector for individual $i$. Written technically,
+$\biy_i \in (\{0,1\})^{\tau} \backslash\{\bzero_\tau\}$ so that
+there is at least one 1 (capture). For simplicity let $p_c$ and $p_r$
+be the capture and recapture probabilities. Recall that the value
+for $M$ will depend on the CR model type and the number of
+capture occasions considered in the experiment,
+for example, consider model $\calM_b$ as in
+Table \ref{tab1}, then $(\eta_1,\eta_2)=(g(p_c),g(p_r))$
+for some link function $g$, thus $M=2$. The upper half of Table \ref{tab2}
+gives these for the eight \citet{otis:etal:1978}
+models. The lower half of Table \ref{tab2} gives
+the names of the \pkg{VGAM} family function that fits those
+models. They work very similarly to the \code{family} argument
+of \code{glm()}, e.g.,
+<<label = example-posber, eval = FALSE, prompt = FALSE>>=
+vglm(cbind(y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6) ~ weight + sex + age,
+ family = posbernoulli.t, data = pdata)
+is a simple call to fit a $\calM_{th}$ model. The response is a
+matrix containing 0 and 1 values only, and three individual covariates
+are used here. The argument name \code{family} was chosen for not
+necessitating \code{glm()} users learning a new argument
+name; and the concept of error distributions as for the GLM
+class does not carry over for VGLMs. Indeed, \code{family} denotes some
+full-likelihood specified statistical model worth fitting in its own right
+regardless of an `error distribution' which may not make sense.
+Each family function has \code{logit()} as their default link,
+however, alternatives such as \code{probit()} and \code{cloglog()}
+are also permissible. Section \ref{sec:software} discusses the software side
+of \pkg{VGAM} in detail, and Section \ref{sec:body:exam} gives more examples.
+As noted above, constraint matrices are used to simplify complex
+models, e.g., model $\calM_{tbh}$ into model $\calM_{th}$. The default
+constraint matrices for the $\calM_{tbh}(\tau)$ model are given
+in Table \ref{tab3}. These are easily constructed using the
+\code{drop.b}, \code{parallel.b} and \code{parallel.t}
+arguments in the family function. More generally, the $\bH_k$
+may be inputted using the \code{constraints}
+argument---see \cite{yee:2008} and \cite{yee:2010}
+for examples. It can be seen that the building blocks of
+the $\bH_k$ are \bone, \bzero, \bI{} and \bOO.
+This is because one wishes to constrain the effect of $x_k$
+to be the same for capture and recapture probabilities. In general,
+we believe the $\bH_k$ in conjunction with (\ref{eq:vglimo:xij.vector.diag})
+can accommodate all linear constraints between the estimated regression
+coefficients $\widehat{\beta}_{(j)k}$.
+For time-varying covariates models, the $M$ diagonal elements $x_{ikj}$
+in (\ref{eq:vglimo:xij.vector.diag}) correspond to the value of
+covariate $x_k$ at time $j$ for individual $i$. These are inputted
+successively in order using the \code{xij} argument, e.g., as in
+Section \ref{sec:poz:posbernoulli.eg.hugg:1991}.
+% ---------------------------------------------------------------
+\subsection[Penalized likelihood and smoothing parameters]{Penalized
+likelihood and smoothing parameters}
+For each covariate $x_{k}$, the smoothness of each component
+function $f^{*}_{(j)k}$ in (\ref{eq:vgam}) can be controlled
+by the non-negative smoothing parameters $\lambda_{(j)k}$.
+\cite{yee:wild:1994a} show that, when vector splines are used
+as the smoother, the penalized conditional log-likelihood
+\ell_p \equiv \log\, L_p = \ell_c - \frac12 \sum_{k=1}^d
+\left\{f^{*''}_{(j)k}(t) \right\}^2 {\rm d}t
+is maximized. Here, $\ell_c$ is the logarithm of the conditional likelihood
+function (\ref{eq:posbern.condlikelihood}).
+The penalized conditional likelihood (\ref{eq:posbern.pen.condlikelihood})
+is a natural extension of the penalty approach described
+in \citet{gree:silv:1994} to models with multiple $\eta_j$.
+An important practical issue is to control for overfitting and
+smoothness in the model. The \code{s()} function used within \code{vgam()}
+signifies the smooth functions $f^{*}_{(j)k}$ estimated by vector splines,
+and there is an argument \code{spar} for the smoothing parameters,
+and a relatively small (positive) value will mean much flexibility and wiggliness.
+As \code{spar} increases the solution converges to the least squares
+estimate. More commonly, the argument \code{df} is used, and this is
+known as the equivalent degrees of freedom (EDF). A value of unity
+means a linear fit, and the default is the value 4 which affords
+a reasonable amount of flexibility.
+% --------------------------------------
+Model & $\bm{\eta}^{\top}$ \\
+$\calM_{0}$/$\calM_{h}$ & $g(p)$ \\
+% --------------------------------------
+$\calM_{b}$/$\calM_{bh}$ & $(g(p_c), g(p_r))$ \\
+% --------------------------------------
+$\calM_{t}$/$\calM_{th}$ & $(g(p_{1}),\ldots,g(p_{\tau}))$ \\
+% --------------------------------------
+$\calM_{tb}$/$\calM_{tbh}$ \ \ \ &
+$(g(p_{c1}),\ldots,g(p_{c\tau}),g(p_{r2}),\ldots,g(p_{r\tau}))$ \\
+% --------------------------------------
+% --------------------------------------
+Model \ \ \ \ \ & \code{family =} \\
+$\calM_{0}$/$\calM_{h}$ & \code{posbinomial(omit.constant = TRUE)} \\
+& \code{posbernoulli.b(drop.b = FALSE \mytilde{} 0)} \\
+& \code{posbernoulli.t(parallel.t = FALSE \mytilde{} 0)} \\
+\code{posbernoulli.tb(drop.b = FALSE \mytilde{} 0, parallel.t = FALSE \mytilde{} 0)} \\
+% --------------------------------------
+$\calM_{b}$/$\calM_{bh}$ &
+\code{posbernoulli.b()} \\
+\code{posbernoulli.tb(drop.b = FALSE \mytilde{} 1, parallel.t = FALSE \mytilde{} 0)} \\
+% --------------------------------------
+$\calM_{t}$/$\calM_{th}$ &
+\code{posbernoulli.t()} \\
+ &
+\code{posbernoulli.tb(drop.b = FALSE \mytilde{} 0, parallel.t = FALSE \mytilde{} 1)} \\
+% --------------------------------------
+$\calM_{tb}$/$\calM_{tbh}$ \ \ \ &
+\code{posbernoulli.tb()} \\
+% --------------------------------------
+\caption{Upper table gives the $\boldeta$ for the eight \citet{otis:etal:1978}
+models. Lower table gives the relationships between the eight models
+and function calls. See Table \ref{tab1} for definitions.
+The $g=\logit$ link is default for all.\label{tab2}}
+\section[Software details for CR models in VGAM]{Software details for
+CR models in \pkg{VGAM}}
+Having presented the conditional likelihood (\ref{eq:posbern.condlikelihood})
+and VGLMs/VGAMs for CR models, we further discuss the fitting in \pkg{VGAM}.
+It is assumed that users are somewhat familiar with modelling in \proglang{R}
+and using \code{glm()} class objects. \pkg{VGAM}, authored by TWY, uses S4 classes.
+In order to present the new \code{family} functions developed for \code{vglm()}
+and \code{vgam()}, some additional preliminaries for \pkg{VGAM} are given below.
+Version 0.9-4 or later is assumed, and the latest prerelease version is
+available at \url{http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/ yee/VGAM/prerelease}.
+In \code{vglm()}/\code{vgam()}, both $\calM_0$ and $\calM_h$
+are serviced by \code{family = posbinomial()}, i.e., the
+positive-binomial family. For models $\calM_{b}$, $\calM_{t}$
+and $\calM_{tb}$, each of these are serviced by their
+corresponding \code{family = posbernoulli.}-type functions
+as in Table \ref{tab2}. Formulas of the form \code{\mytilde{} 1}
+correspond to $\calM_{0}$, $\calM_{b}$, $\calM_{t}$ and $\calM_{tb}$;
+otherwise they are $\calM_{h}$, $\calM_{bh}$,$\calM_{th}$ and $\calM_{tbh}$.
+Below we describe each of the eight models with their \pkg{VGAM}
+representation and their default values, we also give additional remarks.
+All eight models can be fit using \code{posbernoulli.tb()}, it is generally
+not recommended as it is less efficient in terms of memory requirements and speed.
+& \multicolumn{1}{c}{\code{ parallel.t}}
+& \code{!parallel.t} \\[0.9em]
+% --------------------------------------
+\multicolumn{1}{r|}{\code{ parallel.b}} &
+\bzero_\tau & \bone_\tau\\
+\bone _{\tau-1} \ & \bone_{\tau-1}
+& % ---------------------------------------------
+\bzero_\tau & \bI_\tau\\
+\bone _{\tau-1} \ & \bI_{{\tau}[-1,]}
+\\[1.5em] % This gives problems
+% --------------------------------------
+% --------------------------------------
+\multicolumn{1}{r|}{\code{!parallel.b}} &
+\bOO_{\tau \times (\tau-1)} \ & \bone_{\tau}\\
+\bI_{\tau-1} & \bone_{\tau-1}
+& % --------------------------------------
+\bOO_{\tau \times(\tau-1)} \ & \bI_{\tau}\\
+\bI_{\tau-1}& \bI_{{\tau}[-1,]}
+% --------------------------------------
+\caption{ For the general $\calM_{tbh}(\tau)$
+family \code{posbernoulli.tb()},
+the constraint matrices corresponding to the arguments \code{parallel.t},
+\code{parallel.b} and \code{drop.b}. In each cell the
+LHS matrix is $\bH_k$ when \code{drop.b} is \code{FALSE}
+for $x_k$. The RHS matrix is when \code{drop.b} is \code{TRUE}
+for $x_k$; it simply deletes the left submatrix of $\bH_k$.
+These $\bH_k$ should be seen in light of Table \ref{tab2}.
+(i) the default for \code{posbernoulli.tb()}
+is $\bH_1 = $ the LHS matrix of the top-right cell
+and $\bH_k = $ the RHS matrix of the top-left cell; and
+(ii) $\bI_{{\tau}[-1,]} = (\bzero_{\tau-1} | \bI_{\tau-1})$.
+% ---------------------------------------------------------------
+\subsection[Basic software details]{Basic software details}
+All family functions except \code{posbinomial()} should have
+a $n\times\tau$ capture history matrix as the response, preferably
+with column names. Indicators of the past capture of individual $i$,
+defined as $z_{ij}$, are stored on \pkg{VGAM} objects as the \code{cap.hist1}
+component in the \code{extra} slot. Also, there is a component
+called \code{cap1} which indicates on which sampling occasion the
+first capture occurred.
+As will be illustrated in Section \ref{sec:poz:posbernoulli.eg.hugg:1991},
+a fitted CR object stores the point estimate for the population
+size estimator (\ref{eq:HT}), in the \code{extra} slot with
+component name \code{N.hat}. Likewise, its standard error (\ref{eq:est.varNhat2})
+has component name \code{SE.N.hat}. By default all the family functions
+return fitted values corresponding to the probabilities in the conditional
+likelihood function (\ref{eq:posbern.condlikelihood}), however,
+Appendix B describes an alternative type of
+fitted value; the choice is made by the argument \code{type.fitted},
+and the fitted values are returned by the \code{fitted()} methods function.
+Notice that in Table \ref{tab2}, the \pkg{VGAM} family functions have
+arguments such as \verb+parallel.b+ which may be assigned a logical or
+else a formula with a logical as the response. If it is a single logical
+then the function may or may not apply that constraint to the intercept.
+The formula is the most general and some care must be taken with the
+intercept term. Here are some examples of the syntax:
+\item \code{parallel.b = TRUE \mytilde{} x2} means a parallelism assumption is
+applied to variables $x_2$ and the intercept, since
+formulas include the intercept by default.
+\item \code{parallel.b = TRUE \mytilde{} x2-1} means a parallelism assumption is
+applied to variable $x_2$ only.
+\item \code{parallel.b = FALSE \mytilde{} 0} means a parallelism assumption
+is applied to every variable including the intercept.
+% ---------------------------------------------------------------
+\subsection[Models M0/Mh]{Models $\calM_0$/$\calM_h$}
+For $\calM_0$/$\calM_h$, the defaults are given as
+<<label = poz-args-posbinomial>>=
+Both models can alternatively be fitted using \code{posbernoulli.t()},
+\code{posbernoulli.b()} and\\ \code{posbernoulli.tb()} by setting the
+appropriate constrains/arguments (Table \ref{tab2}). For example,
+setting \code{posbernoulli.t(parallel.t = FALSE \mytilde{} 0)}
+constrains all the $p_{j}$ to be equal.
+If comparing all eight models using \code{AIC()} or \code{BIC()} then
+setting \code{omit.constant = TRUE} will allow for comparisons to be
+made with the positive-Bernoulli functions given below. The reason is that
+this omits the log-normalizing constant $\log{\tau \choose \tau{y}_i^{*}}$
+from its conditional log-likelihood so that it is comparable with the logarithm
+of (\ref{eq:posbern.condlikelihood}).
+An extreme case for $\calM_h$ is where $p_{ij} = p_i$ with $p_i$ being
+parameters in their own right \citep{otis:etal:1978}. While this could
+possibly be fitted by creating a covariate of the form \code{factor(1:n)}
+there would be far too many parameters for comfort. Such an extreme
+case is not recommended to avoid over-parameterization.
+% ---------------------------------------------------------------
+\subsection[Models Mt/Mth]{Models $\calM_t$/$\calM_{th}$}
+<<label = poz-args-posbernoulli-t>>=
+Note that for $\calM_t$, capture probabilities are the same for each
+individual but may vary with time, i.e., $H_0: p_{ij} = p_{j}$.
+One might wish to constrain the probabilities of a subset
+of sampling occasions to be equal by forming the appropriate
+constraint matrices.
+Argument \code{iprob} is for an optional initial value for the
+probability, however all \pkg{VGAM} family functions are self-starting
+and usually do not need such input.
+% ---------------------------------------------------------------
+\subsection[Models Mb/Mbh]{Models $\calM_b$/$\calM_{bh}$}
+<<label = poz-args-posbernoulli-b>>=
+Setting \code{drop.b = FALSE \mytilde{} 0} assumes
+there is no behavioural effect and this reduces to $\calM_0$/$\calM_h$.
+The default constraint matrices are
+\[\bH_1 =\left(\begin{array}{cc}
+0 & 1 \\ 1 & 1 \\
+\end{array} \right), \ \ \ \ \bH_2 = \cdots = \bH_d =
+1 \\ 1 \\
+so that the first coefficient $\beta_{(1)1}^{*}$ corresponds to the
+behavioural effect. Section \ref{sec:poz:posbernoulli.eg.ephemeral}
+illustrates how the VGLM/VGAM framework can handle short-term and
+long-term behavioural effects.
+% ---------------------------------------------------------------
+\subsection[Models Mtb/Mtbh]{Models $\calM_{tb}$/$\calM_{tbh}$}
+There are three arguments which determine whether there
+are behavioural effects and/or time effects: \code{parallel.b},
+\code{parallel.t} and \code{drop.b}. The last two are as above.
+The defaults are
+<<label = poz-args-posbernoulli-tb>>=
+One would usually want to keep the behavioural effect to be equal over
+different sampling occasions, therefore \code{parallel.b} should be
+normally left to its default. Allowing it to be \code{FALSE} for a
+covariate $x_k$ means an additional $\tau-1$ parameters, something
+that is not warranted unless the data set is very large and/or the
+behavioural effect varies greatly over time.
+Arguments \code{ridge.constant} and \code{ridge.power}
+concern the working weight matrices and are explained in
+Appendix A.
+Finally, we note that using
+<<label = poz-posbernoulli-tb-gen, prompt=FALSE, eval=FALSE>>=
+vglm(..., family = posbernoulli.tb(parallel.b = TRUE ~ 0, parallel.t = TRUE ~ 0,
+ drop.b = TRUE ~ 0))
+fits the most general model. Its formula is effectively (\ref{gammod2})
+for $M=2\tau-1$, hence there are $(2\tau-1)d$ regression coefficients
+in total---far too many for most data sets.
+We present several examples using \pkg{VGAM} on both real-life and
+simulated CR data.
+% ---------------------------------------------------------------
+\subsection[Deer mice]{Deer mice}
+Our first example uses a well-known data set analyzed in both \citet{hugg:1991}
+and \citet{amst:mcdo:manl:2005}. The CR data was collected on the deer mouse
+(\textit{Peromyscus maniculatus}), a small rodent native to North America,
+and about 8 to 10 cm long, not counting the length of the tail. There
+were $n=38$ individual mice caught over $\tau=6$ trapping occasions.
+Individual body weight, sex and age (young or adult) were also recorded,
+which we used as covariates to model heterogeneity. The data are given
+in the following data frame \code{deermice}:
+<<label = eg-deermice-look>>=
+head(deermice, 4)
+Each row represents the capture history followed by the corresponding
+covariate values for each observed individual. We compared our
+results with those given in \citet{hugg:1991}, who
+reported an analysis which involved fitting all eight model variations.
+Prior to this we relabelled the age and sex covariates to match those
+given in \citet{hugg:1991}.
+<<label = example1-model>>=
+deermice <- within(deermice, {
+ age <- 2 - as.numeric(age)
+ sex <- 1 - as.numeric(sex)
+Below we demonstrate model fitting for each model in \pkg{VGAM}:
+<<label = example2-model>>=
+M.0 <- vglm(cbind(y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6) ~ 1,
+ posbernoulli.t(parallel = TRUE ~ 1), data = deermice)
+M.b <- vglm(cbind(y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6) ~ 1,
+ posbernoulli.b, data = deermice)
+M.t <- vglm(cbind(y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6) ~ 1,
+ posbernoulli.t, data = deermice)
+M.h <- vglm(cbind(y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6) ~ weight + sex + age,
+ posbernoulli.t(parallel = TRUE ~ weight + sex + age), data = deermice)
+M.th <- vglm(cbind(y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6) ~ weight + sex + age,
+ posbernoulli.t, data = deermice)
+M.tb <- vglm(cbind(y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6) ~ 1,
+ posbernoulli.tb, data = deermice)
+M.bh <- vglm(cbind(y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6) ~ weight + sex + age,
+ posbernoulli.b, data = deermice)
+M.tbh <- vglm(cbind(y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6) ~ weight + sex + age,
+ posbernoulli.tb, data = deermice)
+Notice that \code{parallel = TRUE} was used for models $\calM_{0}/\calM_{h}$.
+Population size estimates with standard errors (SE), log-likelihood and
+AIC values, can all be easily obtained using the following,
+for example, consider model $\calM_{bh}$:
+<<label = eg-deermice-Nhat>>=
+c(M.bh at extra$N.hat, M.bh at extra$SE.N.hat)
+c(logLik(M.bh), AIC(M.bh))
+We did this for each model, and obtained the following:
+<<maketable, echo=FALSE, results=hide, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE>>=
+Table <- rbind(c(round(M.tbh at extra$N.hat,2),
+ round(M.bh at extra$N.hat,2),
+ round(M.tb at extra$N.hat,2),
+ round(M.th at extra$N.hat,2),
+ round(M.h at extra$N.hat,2),
+ round(M.b at extra$N.hat,2),
+ round(M.t at extra$N.hat,2),
+ round(M.0 at extra$N.hat,2)),
+ c(round(M.tbh at extra$SE.N.hat,2),
+ round(M.bh at extra$SE.N.hat,2),
+ round(M.tb at extra$SE.N.hat,2),
+ round(M.th at extra$SE.N.hat,2),
+ round(M.h at extra$SE.N.hat,2),
+ round(M.b at extra$SE.N.hat,2),
+ round(M.t at extra$SE.N.hat,2),
+ round(M.0 at extra$SE.N.hat,2)),
+ -2*c(round(logLik(M.tbh),2),
+ round(logLik(M.bh),2),
+ round(logLik(M.tb),2),
+ round(logLik(M.th),2),
+ round(logLik(M.h),2),
+ round(logLik(M.b),2),
+ round(logLik(M.t),2),
+ round(logLik(M.0),2)),
+ c(round(AIC(M.tbh),2),
+ round(AIC(M.bh),2),
+ round(AIC(M.tb),2),
+ round(AIC(M.th),2),
+ round(AIC(M.h),2),
+ round(AIC(M.b),2),
+ round(AIC(M.t),2),
+ round(AIC(M.0),2)));
+colnames(Table) <- c("M.tbh", "M.bh", "M.tb",
+ "M.th", "M.h", "M.b", "M.t", "M.0");
+rownames(Table) <- c("N.hat", "SE","-2ln(L)", "AIC");
+<<label = example2-table>>=
+Based on the AIC, it was concluded that $\calM_{bh}$ was
+superior (although other criteria can also be considered),
+yielding the following coefficients (as well as their SEs):
+<<label = poz-posbernoulli-eg-deermice-coefs>>=
+round(coef(M.bh), 2)
+round(sqrt(diag(vcov(M.bh))), 2)
+which, along with the estimates for the population size,
+agree with the results of \citet{hugg:1991}.
+The first coefficient, \Sexpr{round(coef(M.bh)[1],2)}, is positive
+and hence implies a trap-happy effect.
+Now to illustrate the utility of fitting VGAMs, we performed some model
+checking on $\calM_{bh}$ by confirming that the component function
+of \code{weight} is indeed linear. To do this, we smoothed this covariate
+but did not allow it to be too flexible due to the size of the data set.
+<<label = poz-posbernoulli-eg-deermice-smooth, fig.keep = 'none', message=FALSE, warning=FALSE>>=
+fit.bh <- vgam(cbind(y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6) ~ s(weight, df = 3) + sex + age,
+ posbernoulli.b, data = deermice)
+plot(fit.bh, se = TRUE, las = 1, lcol = "blue", scol = "orange",
+ rcol = "purple", scale = 5)
+Notice that the \code{s()} function was used to smooth over
+the weight covariate with the equivalent degrees of freedom set
+to 3. Plots of the estimated component functions against each
+covariate are given in Figure \ref{fig:poz:deermice}.
+In general, \code{weight} does seem to have a (positive)
+linear effect on the logit scale. Young deer mice
+appear more easily caught compared to adults,
+and gender seems to have a smaller effect than weight.
+A more formal test of linearity is
+<<label = poz-posbernoulli-eg-deermice-summary>>=
+and not surprisingly, this suggests there is no significant nonlinearity.
+This is in agreement with Section 6.1 of \citet{hwan:hugg:2011}
+who used kernel smoothing.
+Section \ref{sec:poz:posbernoulli.eg.ephemeral}
+reports a further analysis of the \code{deermice} data using a
+behavioural effect comprising of long-term and
+short-term memory.
+<<label = poz-posbernoulli-eg-deermice-smooth-shadow, eval=FALSE, echo = FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE>>=
+plot(fit.bh, se = TRUE, las = 1, lcol = "blue", scol = "orange",
+ rcol = "purple", scale = 5, mgp = c(2.0, 1, 0))
+% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+<<plot-deermice, width=6.0, height=5, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE>>=
+par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
+par(las = 1, cex = 1.1, mar = c(3.8, 4, 0.5, 0.2) + 0.1)
+par(mgp = c(2.3, 1, 0)) # Default is c(3, 1, 0)
+plot(fit.bh, se = TRUE, las = 1, lcol = "blue", scol = "orange",
+ rcol = "purple", scale = 5, mgp = c(2.0, 1, 0))
+# < < poz-posbernoulli-eg-deermice-smooth-shadow> >
+\caption{Estimated component functions with approximate $\pm 2$
+pointwise SE bands fitting a $\calM_{bh}$-VGAM, using
+the \code{deermice} data. The rugplot gives jittered values of
+each covariate value $x_{ik}$.\label{fig:poz:deermice}
+% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+<<birds91read, echo = FALSE>>=
+data("prinia", package = "VGAM")
+\subsection[Yellow-bellied Prinia]{Yellow-bellied Prinia}
+Our second example also uses a well-known and well-studied data
+set collected on the Yellow-bellied Prinia (\textit{Prinia flaviventris}),
+a common bird species located in Southeast Asia. A CR experiment was
+conducted at the Mai Po Nature Reserve in Hong Kong during 1991,
+where captured individuals had their wing lengths measured and
+fat index recorded. A total of $\tau=19$ weekly capture occasions
+were considered, where $n=151$ distinct birds were captured. In previous
+studies, models $\calM_h$ and $\calM_{th}$ have both been fitted
+to these data, where both wing length and fat index were used as
+covariates. We focus our attention on the former model, and considered
+the \code{posbinomial()} function, with some further emphasis on
+demonstrating smoothing on covariates. The \code{prinia} data
+consists of four columns and rows corresponding to each observed
+<<label = example2a, size = "small">>=
+head(prinia, 4)[, 1:4]
+The first two columns give the observed covariate values for each
+individual, followed by the number of times each individual was captured/not
+captured respectively (columns 3--4). Notice that the wing
+length (\code{length}) was standardized here.
+We considered smoothing over the wing length,
+and now plotted the fitted capture probabilities with and
+without fat content against wing length present, see Figure \ref{fig:bird}.
+<<label = example2b>>=
+M.h.GAM <-
+ vgam(cbind(cap, noncap) ~ s(length, df = 3) + fat,
+ posbinomial(omit.constant = TRUE, parallel = TRUE ~ s(length, df = 3) + fat),
+ data = prinia)
+M.h.GAM at extra$N.hat
+M.h.GAM at extra$SE.N.hat
+<<label = eg-bird-smooth-shadow1, echo=FALSE, fig.keep = 'none', message = FALSE, warning = FALSE>>=
+plot.info <- plot(M.h.GAM,
+ se = TRUE, las = 1, plot.arg = FALSE,
+ lcol = "blue",
+ scol = "orange",
+ rcol = "purple",
+ scale = 5)
+<<label = eg-bird-smooth-shadow2, echo=FALSE, eval=FALSE>>=
+info.fit2 <- plot.info at preplot[[1]]
+fat.effect <- coef(M.h.GAM)["fat"]
+intercept <- coef(M.h.GAM)["(Intercept)"]
+ooo <- order(info.fit2$x)
+centering.const <- mean(prinia$length) - coef(M.h.GAM)["s(length, df = 3)"]
+plotframe <- data.frame(lin.pred.b = intercept + fat.effect * 1 +
+ centering.const + info.fit2$y[ooo],
+ lin.pred.0 = intercept + fat.effect * 0 +
+ centering.const + info.fit2$y[ooo],
+ x2 = info.fit2$x[ooo])
+plotframe <- transform(plotframe,
+ up.lin.pred.b = lin.pred.b + 2*info.fit2$se.y[ooo],
+ lo.lin.pred.b = lin.pred.b - 2*info.fit2$se.y[ooo],
+ up.lin.pred.0 = lin.pred.0 + 2*info.fit2$se.y[ooo],
+ lo.lin.pred.0 = lin.pred.0 - 2*info.fit2$se.y[ooo])
+plotframe <- transform(plotframe,
+ fv.b = logit(lin.pred.b, inverse = TRUE),
+ up.fv.b = logit(up.lin.pred.b, inverse = TRUE),
+ lo.fv.b = logit(lo.lin.pred.b, inverse = TRUE),
+ fv.0 = logit(lin.pred.0, inverse = TRUE),
+ up.fv.0 = logit(up.lin.pred.0, inverse = TRUE),
+ lo.fv.0 = logit(lo.lin.pred.0, inverse = TRUE))
+ matplot(x2, cbind(up.fv.b, fv.b, lo.fv.b), type = "l", col = "blue",
+ lty = c(2, 1, 2), las = 1, cex.lab = 1.5, lwd = 2,
+ main = "", ylab = "", xlab = "Wing length (standardized)"))
+mtext( ~ hat(p), side = 2, cex = 1.4, line = 4, adj = 0.5, las = 1)
+with(plotframe, matlines(x2, cbind(up.fv.0, fv.0, lo.fv.0),
+ col = "darkorange", lty = c(2, 1, 2)), lwd = 2)
+legend("topleft", legend = c("Fat present", "Fat not present"), bty = "n",
+ lwd = 2, col = c("blue", "darkorange"), merge = TRUE, cex = 1.5)
+<<plot-bird, width=6.0, height=5.5, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE>>=
+par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
+info.fit2 <- plot.info at preplot[[1]]
+fat.effect <- coef(M.h.GAM)["fat"]
+intercept <- coef(M.h.GAM)["(Intercept)"]
+ooo <- order(info.fit2$x)
+centering.const <- mean(prinia$length) - coef(M.h.GAM)["s(length, df = 3)"]
+plotframe <- data.frame(lin.pred.b = intercept + fat.effect * 1 +
+ centering.const + info.fit2$y[ooo],
+ lin.pred.0 = intercept + fat.effect * 0 +
+ centering.const + info.fit2$y[ooo],
+ x2 = info.fit2$x[ooo])
+plotframe <- transform(plotframe,
+ up.lin.pred.b = lin.pred.b + 2*info.fit2$se.y[ooo],
+ lo.lin.pred.b = lin.pred.b - 2*info.fit2$se.y[ooo],
+ up.lin.pred.0 = lin.pred.0 + 2*info.fit2$se.y[ooo],
+ lo.lin.pred.0 = lin.pred.0 - 2*info.fit2$se.y[ooo])
+plotframe <- transform(plotframe,
+ fv.b = logit(lin.pred.b, inverse = TRUE),
+ up.fv.b = logit(up.lin.pred.b, inverse = TRUE),
+ lo.fv.b = logit(lo.lin.pred.b, inverse = TRUE),
+ fv.0 = logit(lin.pred.0, inverse = TRUE),
+ up.fv.0 = logit(up.lin.pred.0, inverse = TRUE),
+ lo.fv.0 = logit(lo.lin.pred.0, inverse = TRUE))
+ matplot(x2, cbind(up.fv.b, fv.b, lo.fv.b), type = "l", col = "blue",
+ lty = c(2, 1, 2), las = 1, cex.lab = 1.5, lwd = 2,
+ main = "", ylab = "", xlab = "Wing length (standardized)"))
+mtext( ~ hat(p), side = 2, cex = 1.4, line = 4, adj = 0.5, las = 1)
+with(plotframe, matlines(x2, cbind(up.fv.0, fv.0, lo.fv.0),
+ col = "darkorange", lty = c(2, 1, 2)), lwd = 2)
+legend("topleft", legend = c("Fat present", "Fat not present"), bty = "n",
+ lwd = 2, col = c("blue", "darkorange"), merge = TRUE, cex = 1.5)
+# < < eg-bird-smooth-shadow2 > >
+Capture probability estimates with approximate $\pm 2$ pointwise SEs,
+versus wing length with (blue) and without (orange) fat content present
+fitting a $\calM_{h}$-VGAM, using the \code{prinia} data.
+Notice that the standard errors are wider at the boundaries.
+Both the estimates for the population size and shape of the fitted
+capture probabilities with smoothing (Figure \ref{fig:bird}) matched
+those in previous studies, e.g., see Figure 1 of \citet{hwan:hugg:2007}.
+Notice that capture probabilities are larger for individuals with
+fat content present, also the approximate $\pm 2$ pointwise SEs
+become wider at the boundaries---this feature is commonly seen
+in smooths.
+% ------------------------------------------------------------
+\subsection[A time-varying covariate example]{A time-varying covariate example}
+To illustrate time-varying covariates in the $\calM_{th}$
+and $\calM_{tbh}$ model via the \code{xij} argument, we
+mimicked the results of \citet{hugg:1989} who fitted the $\calM_{tbh}$
+model to a small simulated data set of $n=18$ observed individuals
+and $\tau=10$ trapping occasions. To help illustrate the procedure
+we also fitted model $\calM_{th}$. The true population was $N=20$.
+For the $i$th individual, model $\calM_{th}$ will be written
+as ($i=1,\ldots,18$, $j=1,\ldots,10$)
+\logit \, p_{ij} & = & \beta_{(1)1}^{*} + \beta_{(1)2}^{*}
+\cdot \mathtt{x2}_{i} + \beta_{(1)3}^{*} \cdot \mathtt{x3}_{j}, \ \ %%
+and model $\calM_{tbh}$ will be written as ($i=1,\ldots,18$, $j=1,\ldots,10$)
+\logit \, p_{ij} &=&
+\beta_{(1)1}^{*} \,z_{ij} + \beta_{(2)1}^{*} + \beta_{(1)2}^{*}
+\cdot \mathtt{x2}_{i} + \beta_{(1)3}^{*} \cdot \mathtt{x3}_{j}, \ \ \ %%
+where $\beta_{(1)1}^{*}$ in (\ref{eq:huggins89t1}) is the behavioural
+effect, and $z_{ij}$ is defined in Table \ref{tab0}. Variable \code{x2}
+is an ordinary individual covariate such as weight, as in the previous
+examples. The variable \code{x3} is a time-varying or occasion-specific
+covariate such as temperature or daily rainfall that is handled using
+the \code{xij} argument described in Section \ref{sec:xij}. Note that
+the environmental covariates are involved in the $\eta_j$ for individuals
+that have not been and have been previously captured so that if behavioural
+response is included in the model (e.g., $\calM_{tbh}$) these must be
+repeated to construct the overall model matrix. Also,
+note that there can be no recaptures on the first occasion so that
+the environmental variable for this occasion
+need not be repeated. We first examined the data
+<<label = poz-posbernoulli-tb-huggins89t1-data>>=
+head(Huggins89table1, 4)
+The time-varying/occasion-specific covariate variable \code{x3}
+is represented by variables \code{t01}--\code{t10}. As noted above, we need
+to construct the \code{T02}--\code{T10} to model the recapture probabilities
+through $\eta_{j}$ for $j=11,\ldots,19$
+<<label = poz-posbernoulli-tb-huggins89t1-look>>=
+Hdata <- transform(Huggins89table1, x3.tij = t01,
+ T02 = t02, T03 = t03, T04 = t04, T05 = t05, T06 = t06,
+ T07 = t07, T08 = t08, T09 = t09, T10 = t10)
+Hdata <- subset(Hdata,
+ y01 + y02 + y03 + y04 + y05 + y06 + y07 + y08 + y09 + y10 > 0)
+The last step deletes the two observations which were never caught, such that $n=18$.
+Thus model (\ref{eq:huggins89t0}) can be fitted by
+<<label = poz-posbernoulli-th-huggins89t0-fit>>=
+fit.th <-
+ vglm(cbind(y01, y02, y03, y04, y05, y06, y07, y08, y09, y10) ~ x2 + x3.tij,
+ xij = list(x3.tij ~ t01 + t02 + t03 + t04 + t05 + t06 + t07 + t08 +
+ t09 + t10 - 1),
+ posbernoulli.t(parallel.t = TRUE ~ x2 + x3.tij),
+ data = Hdata, trace = FALSE,
+ form2 = ~ x2 + x3.tij + t01 + t02 + t03 + t04 + t05 + t06 + t07 + t08 +
+ t09 + t10)
+The \code{form2} argument is required if \code{xij} is used
+and it needs to include all the variables in the model. It is from
+this formula that a very large model matrix is constructed, from which
+the relevant columns are extracted to construct the diagonal matrix
+in (\ref{eq:vglimo:xij.vector.diag}) in the specified order of diagonal
+elements given by \code{xij}. Their names need to be uniquely specified.
+To check the constraint matrices we can use
+<<label = poz-posbernoulli-th-huggins89t0-constraints>>=
+constraints(fit.th, matrix = TRUE)
+Model (\ref{eq:huggins89t1}) can be fitted by
+<<label = poz-posbernoulli-tbh-huggins89t1-fit>>=
+fit.tbh <-
+ vglm(cbind(y01, y02, y03, y04, y05, y06, y07, y08, y09, y10) ~ x2 + x3.tij,
+ xij = list(x3.tij ~ t01 + t02 + t03 + t04 + t05 + t06 +
+ t07 + t08 + t09 + t10 +
+ T02 + T03 + T04 + T05 + T06 +
+ T07 + T08 + T09 + T10 - 1),
+ posbernoulli.tb(parallel.t = TRUE ~ x2 + x3.tij),
+ data = Hdata, trace = FALSE,
+ form2 = ~ x2 + x3.tij +
+ t01 + t02 + t03 + t04 + t05 + t06 + t07 + t08 + t09 + t10 +
+ T02 + T03 + T04 + T05 + T06 + T07 + T08 + T09 + T10)
+To compare with model (\ref{eq:huggins89t0}) we have
+<<label = poz-posbernoulli-tbh-huggins89t1-aic>>=
+c(logLik(fit.th), AIC(fit.th))
+c(logLik(fit.tbh), AIC(fit.tbh))
+so that the behavioural response model does indeed give a better fit.
+To check, the constraint matrices are (cf., Table \ref{tab3})
+<<label = poz-posbernoulli-tb-huggins89t1-constraints>>=
+head(constraints(fit.tbh, matrix = TRUE), 4)
+tail(constraints(fit.tbh, matrix = TRUE), 4)
+The coefficients $\widehat{\beta}_{(j)k}^{*}$ and their standard errors are
+<<label = poz-posbernoulli-tb-huggins89t1-coefs>>=
+The first coefficient, \Sexpr{round(coef(fit.tbh)[1], 2)}, is positive and
+hence implies a trap-happy effect. The Wald statistic for the behavioural effect,
+being \Sexpr{round(c(coef(fit.tbh) / sqrt(diag(vcov(fit.tbh))))[1], 2)},
+suggests the effect is real.
+Estimates of the population size can be obtained from
+<<label = poz-posbernoulli-tb-huggins89t1-Nhat>>=
+fit.tbh at extra$N.hat
+fit.tbh at extra$SE.N.hat
+This compares with $\widehat{N}=20.86$ with a standard error
+of $4.51$ \citep{hugg:1989}.
+In closing, we refit model \code{fit.tbh} using
+\code{Select()} to illustrate the avoidance of
+manual specification of cumbersome formulas and response matrices
+with many columns. For example, suppose \code{pdata} is a data frame
+with columns \code{y01}, \code{y02}, \ldots, \code{y30}.
+Then \code{Select(pdata, "y")} will return the matrix
+\code{cbind(y01, y02, \ldots, y30)} if there are no other
+variables beginning with \code{"y"}.
+Starting with \code{Huggins89table1}, the following
+code works quite generally provided the original variables
+are labelled as \code{y01}, \code{y02}, \ldots,
+and \code{t01}, \code{t02}, \ldots.
+The code makes a copy of \code{cbind(t01,\ldots,t10)}
+for the capture probabilities
+and calls the variables \code{cbind(T01,\ldots,T10)}
+for the recapture probabilities.
+Also, \code{Form2} contains more variables than what is needed.
+<<label = poz-posbernoulli-tbh-huggins89t1-fit-Select, eval=T>>=
+Hdata <- subset(Huggins89table1, rowSums(Select(Huggins89table1, "y")) > 0)
+Hdata.T <- Select(Hdata, "t")
+colnames(Hdata.T) <- gsub("t", "T", colnames(Hdata.T))
+Hdata <- data.frame(Hdata, Hdata.T)
+Hdata <- transform(Hdata, x3.tij = y01)
+Form2 <- Select(Hdata, prefix = TRUE, as.formula = TRUE)
+Xij <- Select(Hdata, c("t", "T"), as.formula = TRUE,
+ sort = FALSE, rhs = "0", lhs = "x3.tij", exclude = "T01")
+fit.tbh <- vglm(Select(Hdata, "y") ~ x2 + x3.tij,
+ form2 = Form2, xij = list(Xij),
+ posbernoulli.tb(parallel.t = TRUE ~ x2 + x3.tij),
+ data = Hdata, trace = FALSE)
+Note that this illustrates the ability to enter a matrix response without
+an explicit \code{cbind()}, e.g., \code{Y <- Select(Hdata, "y")} and the
+invocation \code{vglm(Y \mytilde{}} $\cdots$\code{)} would work as well.
+However, the utility of \code{cbind()} encourages the use of column names,
+which is good style and avoids potential coding errors.
+% ------------------------------------------------------------
+\subsection[Ephemeral and enduring memory]{Ephemeral and enduring memory}
+\cite{yang:chao:2005} consider modelling the behavioural effect
+with both enduring (long-term) and ephemeral (short-term) memory components.
+For example, the short-term component depends on whether or not the animal
+was caught on the most recent sampling occasion. We call this a lag-1 effect.
+In the example of this section, which combines aspects of
+Sections \ref{sec:deer.mice}
+and \ref{sec:poz:posbernoulli.eg.hugg:1991}, we illustrate how this
+may be easily achieved
+within the VGLM framework; it is another case of using the \code{xij}
+argument. We retain the enduring component as with the $\calM_{tbh}$:
+$\bH_1$ contains a column that applies to all the recapture probabilities.
+For simplicity, we first consider a lag-1 effect only
+(as in \cite{yang:chao:2005})
+for the short-term component.
+In the following, we fit a $\calM_{tbh}$ model to \code{deermice}
+with both long-term and short-term effects:
+\mathrm{logit}\, p_{cs} &=&
+\beta_{(2)1}^{*} +
+\beta_{(1)2}^{*} \, \mathtt{sex} +
+\beta_{(1)3}^{*} \, \mathtt{weight},
+\mathrm{logit}\, p_{rt} &=&
+\beta_{(1)1}^{*} + \beta_{(2)1}^{*} +
+\beta_{(1)2}^{*} \, \mathtt{sex} +
+\beta_{(1)3}^{*} \, \mathtt{weight} +
+\beta_{(1)4}^{*} \, y_{t-1},
+where $s=2,\ldots,\tau$, $t=1,\ldots,\tau$ and $\tau=6$.
+<<label = poz-posbernoulli-bh-ephemeral-method1>>=
+deermice <- transform(deermice, Lag1 = y1)
+M.tbh.lag1 <-
+ vglm(cbind(y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6) ~ sex + weight + Lag1,
+ posbernoulli.tb(parallel.t = FALSE ~ 0,
+ parallel.b = FALSE ~ 0,
+ drop.b = FALSE ~ 1),
+ xij = list(Lag1 ~ fill(y1) + fill(y2) + fill(y3) + fill(y4) +
+ fill(y5) + fill(y6) +
+ y1 + y2 + y3 + y4 + y5),
+ form2 = ~ sex + weight + Lag1 +
+ fill(y1) + fill(y2) + fill(y3) + fill(y4) +
+ fill(y5) + fill(y6) +
+ y1 + y2 + y3 + y4 + y5 + y6,
+ data = deermice)
+The coefficient of \code{Lag1}, \Sexpr{round(coef(M.tbh.lag1)["Lag1"], dig = 4)},
+is the estimated ephemeral effect $\widehat{\beta}_{(1)4}^{*}$.
+The estimated enduring effect $\widehat{\beta}_{(1)1}^{*}$
+has value \Sexpr{round(coef(M.tbh.lag1)["(Intercept):1"], dig = 4)}.
+Note that the \code{fill()} function is used to create 6 variables
+having 0 values, i.e., $\bzero_n$.
+There is an alternative method to fit the above model; here we
+set $\bH_{\mathtt{Lag1}} = (\bzero_{\tau}^{\top}, \bone_{\tau-1}^{\top})^{\top}$
+and the variables \code{fill(y1)},\ldots,\code{fill(y6)}
+can be replaced by variables that do not need to be 0.
+Importantly, the two methods have $\bX^{\#}_{(ik)}\bH_k$ in (\ref{eq:vglimo:xij.vector.diag})
+being the same regardless. The second alternative method requires
+constraint matrices to be inputted using the \code{constraints} argument.
+For example,
+<<label = poz-posbernoulli-bh-ephemeral-method2>>=
+deermice <- transform(deermice, Lag1 = y1)
+deermice <- transform(deermice, f1 = y1, f2 = y1, f3 = y1, f4 = y1,
+ f5 = y1, f6 = y1)
+tau <- 6
+H2 <- H3 <- cbind(rep(1, 2*tau-1))
+H4 <- cbind(c(rep(0, tau), rep(1, tau-1)))
+M.tbh.lag1.method2 <-
+ vglm(cbind(y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6) ~ sex + weight + Lag1,
+ posbernoulli.tb(parallel.b = TRUE ~ 0, parallel.t = TRUE ~ 0),
+ constraints = list("(Intercept)" = cbind(H4, 1), sex = H2, weight= H3,
+ Lag1 = H4),
+ xij = list(Lag1 ~ f1 + f2 + f3 + f4 + f5 + f6 +
+ y1 + y2 + y3 + y4 + y5),
+ form2 = Select(deermice, prefix = TRUE, as.formula = TRUE),
+ data = deermice)
+is identical. In closing, it can be noted that
+more complicated models can be handled.
+For example, the use of \code{pmax()} to handle lag-2 effects
+as follows.
+<<label = poz-posbernoulli-bh-ephemeral-lag2>>=
+deermice <- transform(deermice, Lag2 = y1)
+M.bh.lag2 <-
+ vglm(cbind(y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6) ~ sex + weight + Lag2,
+ posbernoulli.tb(parallel.t = FALSE ~ 0,
+ parallel.b = FALSE ~ 0,
+ drop.b = FALSE ~ 1),
+ xij = list(Lag2 ~ fill(y1) + fill(y2) + fill(y3) + fill(y4) +
+ fill(y5) + fill(y6) +
+ y1 + pmax(y1, y2) + pmax(y2, y3) + pmax(y3, y4) +
+ pmax(y4, y5)),
+ form2 = ~ sex + weight + Lag2 +
+ fill(y1) + fill(y2) + fill(y3) + fill(y4) +
+ fill(y5) + fill(y6) +
+ y1 + pmax(y1, y2) + pmax(y2, y3) + pmax(y3, y4) +
+ pmax(y4, y5) + y6,
+ data = deermice)
+Models with separate lag-1 and lag-2 effects may also be similarly estimated as above.
+We have presented how the VGLM/VGAM framework naturally handles the
+conditional-likelihood and closed population CR models in a GLM-like
+manner. Recently, \citet{stok:2011} proposed a partial likelihood approach for
+heterogeneous models with covariates. There, the recaptures of the
+observed individuals were modelled, which yielded a binomial distribution,
+and hence a GLM/GAM framework in \proglang{R} is also possible. However, some
+efficiency is lost, as any individuals captured only once on the last
+occasion are excluded. The advantage of partial likelihood is that the
+full range of GLM based techniques, which includes more than GAMs,
+are readily applicable. \citet{hugg:hwan:2007,hwan:hugg:2011}
+and \citet{stok:hugg:2012} implemented smoothing on covariates for more
+general models, however these methods required implementing sophisticated
+coding for estimating the model parameters. \citet{zwane:2004} also used
+the \pkg{VGAM} package for smoothing and CR data, but considered multinomial
+logit models as an alternative to the conditional likelihood. We
+believe the methods here, based on spline smoothing and classical GAM,
+are a significant improvement in terms of ease of use, capability and
+When using any statistical software, the user must take a
+careful approach when analyzing and interpreting their output data.
+In our case, one must be careful when estimating the population via
+the HT estimator. Notice that (\ref{eq:HT}) is a sum of the reciprocal of
+the estimated capture probabilities seen at least
+once, $\widehat{\pi}_{i}(\btheta)$. Hence, for very
+small $\widehat{\pi}_{i}(\btheta)$, the population size estimate may
+give a large and unrealistic value (this is also apparent when
+using the \pkg{mra} package and \pkg{Rcapture} which gives the
+warning message: \code{The abundance estimation for this model
+can be unstable}). To avoid this, \citet{stok:hugg:2012}
+proposed a robust HT estimator which places a lower bound
+on $\widehat{\pi}_{i}(\btheta)$ to prevent it from giving
+unrealistically large values. In \pkg{VGAM}, a warning similar
+to \pkg{Rcapture} is also implemented, and there are
+arguments to control how close to 0 ``very small'' is and to
+suppress the warning entirely.
+There are limitations for $\calM_{h}$-type models, in that they rely
+on the very strong assumption that all the heterogeneity is explained
+by the unit-level covariates. This assumption is often not true,
+see, e.g., \cite{rive:bail:2014}. To this end, a proposal is to add
+random-effects to the VGLM class. This would result in the VGLMM class
+(``M'' for mixed) which would be potentially very useful if developed
+successfully. Of course, VGLMMs would contain
+GLMMs \citep{mccu:sear:neuh:2008} as a special case.
+Further future implementations also include:
+automatic smoothing parameter selection (via, say, generalized cross
+validation or AIC); including a bootstrap procedure as an alternative
+for standard errors.
+GAMs are now a standard statistical tool in the modern data analyst's
+toolbox. With the exception of the above references, CR analysis has
+since been largely confined to a few regression coefficients (at most),
+and devoid of any data-driven exploratory analyses involving graphics.
+This work has sought to rectify this need by introducing GAM-like
+analyses using a unified statistical framework. Furthermore, the
+functions are easy to use and often can be invoked by a single
+line of code. Finally, we believe this work is a substantial
+improvement over other existing software for closed population
+estimation, and we have shown \pkg{VGAM}'s favourable speed and
+reliability over other closed population CR \proglang{R}-packages.
+We thank the reviewers for their helpful feedback that led to substantial
+improvements in the manuscript. TWY thanks Anne Chao for a helpful
+conversation, and the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at
+the University of Melbourne for hospitality, during a sabbatical visit
+to Taiwan and a workshop, respectively. Part of his work was also
+conducted while as a visitor to the Institute of Statistical Science,
+Academia Sinica, Taipei, during October 2012. JS visited TWY on the
+Tweedle-funded Melbourne Abroad Travelling Scholarship, the
+University of Melbourne, during September 2011. All authors would
+also like to thank Paul Yip for providing and giving permission for
+use of the \code{prinia} data set, and Zachary Kurtz for some helpful
+\section*{Appendix A: Derivatives}
+We give the first and (expected) second derivatives of the models.
+Let $z_{ij}= 1$ if individual $i$ has been captured before occasion $j$,
+else $=0$. Also, let $p_{cj}$ and $p_{rj}$ be the probability that an
+individual is captured/recaptured at sampling occasion $j$,
+and $Q_{s:t} = \prod\limits_{j=s}^{t} (1-p_{cj})$.
+Occasionally, subscripts $i$ are omitted for clarity.
+\cite{hugg:1989} gives a general form for the derivatives of the
+conditional likelihood (\ref{eq:posbern.condlikelihood}).
+For the $\calM_{tbh}$, the score vector is
+\frac{\partial \ell_{i}}{\partial p_{cj}^{}}
+& = & (1 - z_{ij})
+\left[\frac{y_{ij}}{p_{cj}^{}} - \frac{1-y_{ij}}{1-p_{cj}^{}} \right] -
+\frac{Q_{1:\tau} / (1-p_{cj}^{})}{1-Q_{1:\tau}},\ \ \ \ j=1,\ldots,\tau,\\
+\frac{\partial \ell_{i}}{\partial p_{rj}^{}}
+& = & z_{ij} \left[\frac{ y_{ij}}{ p_{rj}^{}} - \frac{1-y_{ij}}{1-p_{rj}^{}} \right],
+\ \ \ \ j=2,\ldots,\tau,
+and the non-zero elements of the expected information matrix (EIM)
+can be written
+-\E \left(\frac{\partial^2 \ell}{\partial p_{cj}^{2}}\right)
+& = &
+\frac{Q_{1:(j-1)}}{1 - Q_{1:\tau}} \left\{\frac{1}{p_{cj}} +
+\frac{1 - Q_{(j+1):\tau}}{1 - p_{cj}}\right\} -
+\left(\frac{\partial Q_{1:\tau} / \partial p_{cj}}{1-Q_{1:\tau}}\right)^2\\
+& = & \frac{1}{(1 - p_{cj})^2 (1 - Q_{1:\tau})}
+\left\{\frac{Q_{1:j}}{p_{cj}} -\frac{Q_{1:\tau}}{1 - Q_{1:\tau}} \right\}, \\
+-\E \left(\frac{\partial^2 \ell}{\partial p_{rj}^{2}}\right)
+& = &\frac{1-Q_{1:j}/(1-p_{cj})}{p_{rj}(1-p_{rj})(1 - Q_{1:\tau})},\\
+-\E \left(\frac{\partial^2 \ell}{\partial p_{cj} \,\partial p_{ck} }\right)
+& = &
+\displaystyle{\frac{\displaystyle{ -\frac{\partial Q_{1:\tau}}{\partial p_{cj}^{}}
+\frac{\partial Q_{1:\tau}}{\partial p_{ck}^{}} }}{(1-Q_{1:\tau})^2}} -
+\displaystyle{\frac{\displaystyle{\frac{\partial^2 Q_{1:\tau}}{\partial p_{cj}^{} \,
+\partial p_{ck}^{}}}}{(1-Q_{1:\tau})}},\ \ \ j\neq k,
+where $\partial Q_{1:\tau} / \partial p_{cj}^{} = -Q_{1:\tau} / (1-p_{cj})$
+and $\partial^2 Q_{1:\tau} / (\partial p_{cj} \, \partial p_{ck}) =
+Q_{1:\tau} / \{(1-p_{cj})(1-p_{ck})\}$.
+Arguments \code{ridge.constant} and \code{ridge.power}
+in \code{posbernoulli.tb()} add a ridge parameter to the first $\tau$
+EIM diagonal elements, i.e., those for $p_{cj}$. This ensures that
+the working weight matrices are positive-definite, and is needed
+particularly in the first few iteratively reweighted
+least squares iterations. Specifically, at iteration ${a}$ a
+positive value ${\omega K \times a^p}$ is added, where $K$ and $p$
+correspond to the two arguments, and $\omega$ is the
+mean of elements of such working weight matrices. The ridge factor
+decays to zero as iterations proceed and plays a negligible role upon
+For individual $i$, let $y_{0i}$ be the number of noncaptures before
+the first capture, $y_{r0i}$ be the number of noncaptures after the
+first capture, and $y_{r1i}$ be the number of recaptures after the
+first capture. For the $\calM_{bh}$, the score vector is
+\frac{\partial\ell_{i}}{\partial p_{c}^{}} & = & \frac{1}{p_{c}^{}} -
+\frac{y_{0i}}{1 - p_{c}^{}} - \frac{\tau (1 - p_{ij}^{})^{\tau-1}}{1-Q_{1:\tau}},\\
+\frac{\partial\ell_{i}}{\partial p_{r}^{}} & = &
+\frac{y_{r1i}}{p_{r}^{}} - \frac{y_{r0i}}{1 - p_{c}^{}}.
+The non-zero elements of the EIM can be written
+-\E \left(\frac{\partial^2 \ell}{\partial p_{c}^{2}}\right)
+& = &\frac{p_c}{1-Q_{1:\tau}} \;\sum_{j=1}^{\tau} \;(1-p_c)^{j-1}
+\left(\frac{j-1}{(1-p_c)^2} + \frac{1}{p_c^2}\right) - \frac{\partial}{\partial p_c} \!
+\left(\frac{\partial Q_{1:\tau} / \partial p_c}{1-Q_{1:\tau}} \right)\\
+& = &\frac{1 - Q_{1:\tau} - p_c [1 + (\tau-1)Q_{1:\tau}]}{p_c \, (1-p_c)^2 \, (1-Q_{1:\tau})}
++ \frac{1}{p_c^2} -\mbox{}\\
+& & \tau (\tau-1) \, \frac{(1-p_c)^{\tau-2}}{1-Q_{1:\tau}} +\tau^2 \,
+\frac{(1-p_c)^{\tau-2}}{(1-Q_{1:\tau})^2}, \\
+-\E \left(\frac{\partial^2 \ell}{\partial p_{r}^{2}}\right)
+& = & \frac{1}{p_r \, (1-p_r) \, (1-Q_{1:\tau})} \; \sum_{j=1}^{\tau}
+\left\{1 - (1-p_c)^{j-1}\right\}\\
+& = & \frac{\tau - (1-Q_{1:\tau}) / p_c}{p_r (1-p_r) (1-Q_{1:\tau})}.
+For the $\calM_{th}$, the score vector is
+\frac{\partial \ell_{i}}{\partial p_{j}^{}}
+& = & \frac{y_{ij}}{p_{ij}^{}} -\frac{1-y_{ij}}{1-p_{ij}^{}} -
+\frac{Q_{1:\tau} /(1-p_{ij}^{})}{1-Q_{1:\tau}},\ \ \ \ j=1,\ldots,\tau,
+and the EIM elements are
+-\E \left(\frac{\partial^2 \ell}{\partial p_{j}^{2}}\right)
+& = & \frac{1 - p_{j} - Q_{1:\tau}}{p_{j} \,(1-p_{j})^2 \, (1 - Q_{1:\tau})^2},\\
+-\E \left(\frac{\partial^2 \ell}{\partial p_{j} \,\partial p_{k}}\right)
+& = & \frac{p_{j} \, p_{k} \, Q_{1:\tau}(1-Q_{1:\tau}) + Q_{1:\tau}^2}{(1-Q_{1:\tau})^2 \,(1-p_{j})\, (1-p_{k})},
+\ \ \ \ \ j\neq k.
+\section*{Appendix B: Fitted values}
+By default all the family functions have fitted values corresponding
+to the probabilities in the conditional
+likelihood function (\ref{eq:posbern.condlikelihood}), viz.
+{\widehat{p}}_{ij}^{ y_{ij}} \left(1-\widehat{p}_{ij}\right)^{1-y_{ij}}
+\cdot\left[1 - \prod\limits_{s=1}^{\tau}
+\left( 1 - \widehat{p}_{i,cs}^{}\right)\right]^{-1}.
+Alternatively, the unconditional means of the $Y_j$ can be
+returned as the fitted values upon selecting
+\code{type.fitted = "mean"} argument.
+They are $\mu_1 = E(Y_1) =p_{c1} / (1 - Q_{1:\tau})$,
+ $\mu_2 = [(1 - p_{c1}) \,p_{c2} + p_{c1}\, p_{r2}]/(1 - Q_{1:\tau})$, and
+for $j=3,4,\ldots,\tau$,
+\mu_j =
+\left( 1 - Q_{1:\tau} \right)^{-1}
+\left\{p_{cj}\, Q_{1:(j-1)} + p_{rj} \!
+\left[ p_{c1} + \sum_{s=2}^{j-1} \, p_{cs} \,Q_{1:(s-1)}
diff --git a/vignettes/crVGAM.bib b/vignettes/crVGAM.bib
new file mode 100644
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+ journal = {Journal of the American Statistical Association},
+ volume = 86,
+ year = 1991,
+ pages = {225--238},
+ number = 413,
+ at Article{pollock:2002,
+ author = {K. H. Pollock},
+ title = {The Use of Auxiliary Variables in Capture-Recapture
+ Modelling: An Overview},
+ journal = {Journal of Applied Statistics},
+ volume = 29,
+ year = 2002,
+ pages = {85--102},
+ number = {1--4},
+ at Manual{r:2014,
+ title = {\proglang{R}: A Language and Environment for Statistical
+ Computing},
+ author = {{\proglang{R} Core Team}},
+ organization = {\proglang{R} Foundation for Statistical Computing},
+ address = {Vienna, Austria},
+ year = 2015,
+ url = {http://www.R-project.org},
+ at Manual{rcapturepackage:2012,
+ title = {\pkg{Rcapture}: Loglinear Models for
+ Capture-Recapture Experiments},
+ author = {S. Baillargeon and L.-P. Rivest},
+ year = 2014,
+ url = {http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=Rcapture},
+ note = {{\proglang{R}} package version 1.4-2},
+ at InProceedings{rive:bail:2014,
+ author = {Louis-Paul Rivest and S. Baillargeon},
+ year = 2014,
+ chapter = 18,
+ title = {Capture-Recapture Methods for Estimating the Size of
+ a Population: Dealing with Variable Capture
+ Probabilities},
+ booktitle = {Statistics in Action: A {C}anadian Outlook},
+ pages = {289--304},
+ at Article{schluter1988,
+ author = {D. Schluter},
+ title = {Estimating the Form of Natural Selection on a
+ Quantitative Trait},
+ journal = {Evolution},
+ volume = 42,
+ number = 5,
+ pages = {849--861},
+ year = 1988,
+ at Article{stok:2011,
+ author = {J. Stoklosa and W.-H. Hwang and S. H. Wu and
+ R. M. Huggins},
+ title = {Heterogeneous Capture-Recapture Models with
+ Covariates: A Partial Likelihood Approach for Closed
+ Populations},
+ journal = {Biometrics},
+ volume = 67,
+ year = 2011,
+ number = 4,
+ pages = {1659--1665},
+ at Article{stok:hugg:2012,
+ author = {J. Stoklosa and R. M. Huggins},
+ title = {A Robust P-Spline Approach to Closed Population
+ Capture-Recapture Models with Time Dependence and
+ Heterogeneity},
+ journal = {Computational Statistics \& Data Analysis},
+ volume = 56,
+ year = 2012,
+ pages = {408--417},
+ number = 2,
+ at Book{wood:2006,
+ author = {Simon N. Wood},
+ title = {Generalized Additive Models: An Introduction with
+ \proglang{R}},
+ year = 2006,
+ publisher = {Chapman \& Hall/CRC},
+ address = {London},
+ at Article{yang:chao:2005,
+ author = {Hsin-Chou Yang and Anne Chao},
+ title = {Modeling Animals' Behavioral Response by {M}arkov
+ Chain Models for Capture-Recapture Experiments},
+ journal = {Biometrics},
+ volume = 61,
+ year = 2005,
+ number = 4,
+ pages = {1010--1017},
+ at Article{yee:2008,
+ author = {T. W. Yee},
+ title = {The \pkg{VGAM} Package},
+ journal = {\proglang{R} News},
+ volume = 8,
+ year = 2008,
+ number = 2,
+ pages = {28--39},
+ at Article{yee:2010,
+ author = {T. W. Yee},
+ title = {The \pkg{VGAM} Package for Categorical Data
+ Analysis},
+ journal = {Journal of Statistical Software},
+ volume = 32,
+ year = 2010,
+ number = 10,
+ pages = {1--34},
+ url = {http://www.jstatsoft.org/v32/i10/},
+ at Book{yee:2015,
+ author = {T. W. Yee},
+ title = {Vector Generalized Linear and Additive Models: With
+ an Implementation in \proglang{R}},
+ year = 2015,
+ publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
+ address = {New York},
+ at Article{yee:hast:2003,
+ author = {T. W. Yee and T. J. Hastie},
+ title = {Reduced-Rank Vector Generalized Linear Models},
+ journal = {Statistical Modelling},
+ volume = 3,
+ number = 1,
+ pages = {15--41},
+ year = 2003,
+ at Article{yee:mitc:1991,
+ author = {T. W. Yee and N. D. Mitchell},
+ title = {Generalized Additive Models in Plant Ecology},
+ year = 1991,
+ journal = {Journal of Vegetation Science},
+ volume = 2,
+ issue = 5,
+ number = 5,
+ pages = {587--602},
+ at Manual{yee:vgam:2013-093,
+ title = {\pkg{VGAM}: Vector Generalized Linear and Additive
+ Models},
+ author = {T. W. Yee},
+ year = 2014,
+ note = {\proglang{R} package version 0.9-6},
+ url = {http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=VGAM},
+ at TechReport{yee:wild:1994a,
+ author = {T. W. Yee and C. J. Wild},
+ title = {Vector Generalized Additive Models},
+ year = 1994,
+ institution = {Department of Statistics, University of Auckland},
+ address = {Auckland, New Zealand},
+ number = {STAT04},
+ at Article{yee:wild:1996,
+ author = {T. W. Yee and C. J. Wild},
+ title = {Vector Generalized Additive Models},
+ journal = {Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B},
+ volume = 58,
+ year = 1996,
+ number = 3,
+ pages = {481--493},
+ at Article{zwane:2004,
+ author = {E. N. Zwane and P. G. M. van der Heijden},
+ title = {Semiparametric Models for Capture-Recapture Studies
+ with Covariates},
+ journal = {Computational Statistics \& Data Analysis},
+ volume = 47,
+ year = 2004,
+ pages = {729--743},
+ number = 4,
+ at Article{bunge:2013,
+ author = {J. A. Bunge},
+ title = {A Survey of Software for Fitting Capture-recapture Models},
+ journal = {Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Statistics},
+ volume = 5,
+ year = 2013,
+ pages = {114--120},
+ number = 2,
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/r-cran-vgam.git
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