[pybtex] annotated tag debian/0.21-1 created (now cac92fa)

Ghislain Vaillant ghisvail-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Jul 22 21:05:03 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

ghisvail-guest pushed a change to annotated tag debian/0.21-1
in repository pybtex.

        at  cac92fa   (tag)
   tagging  8ec0dcc262025bf60375450be9883ff64cd925dc (commit)
  replaces  upstream/0.21
 tagged by  Ghislain Antony Vaillant
        on  Sat Jul 22 22:04:28 2017 +0100

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
pybtex Debian release 0.21-1


Daniel Stender (63):
      M    debian/control
      M    debian/changelog
      corrected small mistakes in debian/changelog
      changed release tag in debian/changelog to UNRELEASED, corrected maintainer in debian/copyright
      corrected maintainer field in debian/copyright
      correction of debian/copyright
      changed debian/copyright to meet CANDIDATE DEP-5, upstream-maintainer corrected
      replaced tabs with spaces and restored the monkey tails in debian/changelog
      * New upstream release
      restored build with python-support
      corrected date in debian/copyright
      minor changes in debian/changelog control copyright
      debian/control: s/python/python-all
      added standards bump notification to debian/changelog
      debian/copyright: added BSD-3-clause license for custom_fixers/fix_alt_unicode.py
      copyright: changed maintainer
      copyright: changed Upstream-Contact
      * New upstream release.
      Added Section to binary package.
      set up DEP-8 testing, dropped Section of binary package (not needed)
      Bumped standards to 3.9.6 (no changes needed)
      updated deb/copyright
      added dh-python to build-deps
      deb/watch: watch pypi.debian.net
      dep-8 test: enabled allow-stderr, corrected path
      deb/control: updated deprecated element; deb/tests/control: dropped unneeded restriction; deb/tests/pybtex: enabled deprecation warnings
      deb/changelog: switching back to UNRELEASED
      updated homepage and code repo URL
      deb/changelog: new upstream release
      deb/control: put group into Maintainer, updated uploader email address
      deb/control: bumped Standards-Version
      deb/control: removed Testsuite field (deprecated)
      deb/copyright: updated
      deb/control: bumped Debhelper version to 9
      deb/copyright: updated upstream email address
      deb/changelog: build 0.19 (0.20 out but needs latexcodec ITP #801309)
      deb/changelog: changed to match 0.19
      deb/control: don't depend on python-all, dropped X-Python-Version; deb/changelog: removed obsolete line
      deb/rules: build with Pybuild
      deb/docs: removed obsolete targets
      deb/rules: use Pybuild customization for dh_auto_test
      use HTTPS for Vcs-Browser.
      deb/control: dropped deps on pyparsing
      deb/control: moved pyyaml from Recommends to Depends
      deb/rules: moved test override up
      deb/rules: update and cosmectics in dh_auto_install override
      deb/rules: installed overrides for installdocs (Sphinx build) and dh_compress (save examples)
      deb/rules: run dh_sphinxdoc
      updated deb/doc-base
      deb/tests/pybtex: run on default Python
      deb/control: arrange build-deps logically
      deb/changelog: upload to unstable, finalized
      deb/control: corrected an error
      added hardcode-copyright-year.patch
      deb/changelog: new upstream release
      build on Python3; deb/control: added latexcodec to deps
      stick to build on Python2 for now, much problems
      deb/control: added latexcodec to build-deps
      deb/control: bumped standards to 3.9.8
      deb/control: dropped python-yaml from binary package deps
      deb/changelog: upload to unstable
      deb/copyright: added Hong Xu, updated copyright span
      Updated version 0.20.1 from 'upstream/0.20.1'

Ghislain Antony Vaillant (20):
      Upgrade watch file to version 4
      Add missing gbp configuration
      Merge tag 'upstream/0.21'
      Drop the patch queue, no longer required
      Run cme fix on control file
      Run cme fix on copyright file
      Set the Source field to the PyPI URI
      Use secure Homepage URI
      Filter egg-info directory with extend-diff-ignore
      Run the tests in isolation from the source tree
      Add versioned dependency to latexcodec
      Provide separate packages for Python 2 and docs
      Provide a package for Python 3
      Build the docs using the upstream Makefile
      Add support for the nocheck build profile
      Add support for the nodoc build profile
      Provide the alternative entry-point via symlinks
      Improve the autopkgtest suite
      Adopt the package
      Release to unstable

Jakub Wilk (41):
      Creating trunk directory
      [svn-inject] Applying Debian modifications to trunk
      New upstream release.
      New upstream release.
      pybliographer will be fixed in 1.2.12-3.1.
      Architecture: all
      Explicitly mark phony targets.
      In order not to confuse lintian, binary-arch is a separate target
      database/convert/__main__.py is GPL-2+.
      Build-depend on elinks-lite | elinks.
      Don't remove alternatives in prerm/upgrade.
      Install alternative for /usr/bin/bibtex.
      Update debian/copyright in accordance to the latest DEP-5 version.
      * Switch to source format 3.0 (quilt).
      Replace Breaks with Conflicts.
      Use curly quotes in debian/copyright.
      Closes #560376.
      Lower priority for /usr/bin/bibtex alternative.
      Bump standards version to 3.8.4 (no changes needed).
      Update my e-mail address.
      Remove requires.txt (dpkg is better at handling dependencies).
      Respect the ‘nocheck’ build option.
      New upstream release.
      Update debian/copyright.
      * Run tests for all supported Python versions.
      Fix watch file to accept more than one dot in version number.
      New upstream release.
      Work around the fact that different PKG-INFO files can be generated for
      Document that PKG-INFO mangling is to work-around bug #575377.
      Fix a typo in debian/rules. Thanks to Michael Fladischer for spotting
      Drop work-around for bug #575377.
      * Bump standards version to 3.9.0.
      Get rid of build-dependency on bzr (closes: #593029).
      Bump standards version to 3.9.1.
      Err, really bump standards version to 3.9.1.
      Release 0.13.2-2.
      New upstream release.
      Release 0.14-1.
      Use canonical URIs for Vcs-* fields.

Jan Dittberner (2):
      releasing version 0.15-1
      releasing package pybtex version 0.18-1

Luca Falavigna (2):


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/pybtex.git

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