[eccodes] 32/106: Merge tag 'upstream/2.0.0' into debian/master

Alastair McKinstry mckinstry at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Jul 28 09:05:10 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

mckinstry pushed a commit to branch debian/master
in repository eccodes.

commit 80489b1cf09fe549adb61c0790c8619c60dab25d
Merge: 3e246d7 ca7cfc5
Author: Alastair McKinstry <mckinstry at debian.org>
Date:   Sun Oct 23 04:33:05 2016 +0100

    Merge tag 'upstream/2.0.0' into debian/master

 CMakeLists.txt                                     |   114 +-
 INSTALL                                            |     1 +
 Makefile.in                                        |  1066 -
 NOTICE                                             |    13 +-
 README                                             |    17 +-
 VERSION.cmake                                      |     3 +-
 aclocal.m4                                         |  1290 -
 bin/ecbuild                                        |    90 +-
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 cmake/FindADSM.cmake                               |     2 +-
 cmake/FindAEC.cmake                                |    33 +-
 cmake/FindAIO.cmake                                |     2 +-
 cmake/FindArmadillo.cmake                          |     7 +-
 cmake/FindCMath.cmake                              |    15 +-
 cmake/FindCairo.cmake                              |     5 +-
 cmake/FindDl.cmake                                 |     7 +-
 cmake/FindEMOS.cmake                               |     2 +-
 cmake/FindFDB.cmake                                |     2 +-
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 cmake/FindHPSS.cmake                               |     2 +-
 cmake/FindLEX.cmake                                |     2 +-
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 cmake/FindLibGFortran.cmake                        |    23 +-
 cmake/FindLibIFort.cmake                           |     7 +-
 cmake/FindMKL.cmake                                |     9 +-
 cmake/FindNDBM.cmake                               |     2 +-
 cmake/FindNetCDF.cmake                             |    46 +-
 cmake/FindNetCDF3.cmake                            |     7 +-
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 cmake/FindOpenCL.cmake                             |     7 +-
 cmake/FindOpenJPEG.cmake                           |    18 +-
 cmake/FindPGIFortran.cmake                         |    11 +-
 cmake/FindPango.cmake                              |    22 +-
 cmake/FindPangoCairo.cmake                         |    32 +-
 cmake/FindProj4.cmake                              |    12 +-
 cmake/FindREADLINE.cmake                           |     6 +-
 cmake/FindRPCGEN.cmake                             |     2 +-
 cmake/FindRealtime.cmake                           |     8 +-
 cmake/FindSZip.cmake                               |     2 +-
 cmake/FindTrilinos.cmake                           |     2 +-
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 cmake/compiler_flags/Clang_CXX.cmake               |    13 +
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 cmake/compiler_flags/Cray_CXX.cmake                |    13 +
 cmake/compiler_flags/Cray_Fortran.cmake            |    15 +
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 .../GreatCMakeCookOff/CheckCXX11Features.cmake     |   125 +-
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 cmake/ecbuild_add_cxx_flags.cmake                  |    70 +-
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 cmake/ecbuild_check_cxx11.cmake                    |    28 +-
 cmake/ecbuild_check_cxx_source.cmake               |   221 -
 cmake/ecbuild_check_cxx_source_return.cmake        |    56 +-
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 cmake/ecbuild_check_fortran_source.cmake           |   219 -
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 cmake/ecbuild_define_libs_and_execs_target.cmake   |    29 +
 cmake/ecbuild_define_links_target.cmake            |    74 +
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 cmake/ecbuild_project_files.cmake                  |    12 +-
 cmake/ecbuild_remove_fortran_flags.cmake           |    60 +
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 cmake/ecbuild_separate_sources.cmake               |    38 +-
 cmake/ecbuild_setup_test_framework.cmake           |    10 +-
 cmake/ecbuild_source_flags.cmake                   |    34 +
 cmake/ecbuild_system.cmake                         |    82 +-
 cmake/ecbuild_target_flags.cmake                   |    91 +
 cmake/ecbuild_use_package.cmake                    |    40 +-
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 cmake/ecbuild_warn_unused_files.cmake              |    28 +-
 cmake/fcm-make-interfaces.cfg                      |    31 +
 cmake/fortran_features/CheckFortranFeatures.cmake  |   167 +
 cmake/fortran_features/c_size_t.F90                |     8 +
 cmake/fortran_features/c_sizeof.F90                |     3 +
 cmake/fortran_features/derivedtype_interface.F90   |    54 +
 cmake/fortran_features/derivedtype_io.F90          |    42 +
 cmake/fortran_features/finalization.F90            |   141 +
 cmake/fortran_features/submodules.F90              |    35 +
 cmake/gen_source_flags.py                          |    84 +
 cmake/include/ecbuild/boost_test_framework.h       |     2 +-
 cmake/project-config.cmake.in                      |    49 +-
 cmake/sg.pl                                        |     2 +-
 config.status                                      |  2625 --
 config/config.guess                                |  1568 --
 config/config.sub                                  |  1788 --
 config/depcomp                                     |   791 -
 config/install-sh                                  |   527 -
 config/ltmain.sh                                   |  9655 --------
 config/missing                                     |   215 -
 config/test-driver                                 |   127 -
 configure                                          | 24511 -------------------
 data/CMakeLists.txt                                |     7 +-
 data/Makefile.in                                   |   497 -
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 data/gts/CMakeLists.txt                            |     6 +-
 data/metar/CMakeLists.txt                          |     6 +-
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 data/tigge/CMakeLists.txt                          |    14 +-
 definitions/CMakeLists.txt                         |     3 +
 definitions/Makefile.am                            |   609 +-
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 .../bufr/tables/0/wmo/26/codetables/8040.table     |    49 +
 .../bufr/tables/0/wmo/26/codetables/8041.table     |    15 +
 .../bufr/tables/0/wmo/26/codetables/8042.table     |    17 +
 .../bufr/tables/0/wmo/26/codetables/8043.table     |    17 +
 .../bufr/tables/0/wmo/26/codetables/8050.table     |    11 +
 .../bufr/tables/0/wmo/26/codetables/8051.table     |     7 +
 .../bufr/tables/0/wmo/26/codetables/8052.table     |    26 +
 .../bufr/tables/0/wmo/26/codetables/8053.table     |     4 +
 .../bufr/tables/0/wmo/26/codetables/8054.table     |     3 +
 .../bufr/tables/0/wmo/26/codetables/8060.table     |     8 +
 .../bufr/tables/0/wmo/26/codetables/8065.table     |     4 +
 .../bufr/tables/0/wmo/26/codetables/8066.table     |     4 +
 .../bufr/tables/0/wmo/26/codetables/8070.table     |     6 +
 .../bufr/tables/0/wmo/26/codetables/8072.table     |     6 +
 .../bufr/tables/0/wmo/26/codetables/8074.table     |     4 +
 .../bufr/tables/0/wmo/26/codetables/8075.table     |     4 +
 .../bufr/tables/0/wmo/26/codetables/8076.table     |     9 +
 .../bufr/tables/0/wmo/26/codetables/8077.table     |     7 +
 .../bufr/tables/0/wmo/26/codetables/8079.table     |     9 +
 .../bufr/tables/0/wmo/26/codetables/8080.table     |    14 +
 .../bufr/tables/0/wmo/26/codetables/8081.table     |     5 +
 .../bufr/tables/0/wmo/26/codetables/8082.table     |     3 +
 .../bufr/tables/0/wmo/26/codetables/8083.table     |     9 +
 .../bufr/tables/0/wmo/26/codetables/8085.table     |     4 +
 .../bufr/tables/0/wmo/26/codetables/8086.table     |     9 +
 .../bufr/tables/0/wmo/26/codetables/8087.table     |     5 +
 .../bufr/tables/0/wmo/26/codetables/8091.table     |     9 +
 definitions/bufr/tables/0/wmo/26/element.table     |  1558 ++
 definitions/bufr/tables/0/wmo/26/sequence.def      |   946 +
 definitions/bufr/tables/0/wmo/6/element.table      |    22 +-
 definitions/bufr/tables/0/wmo/7/element.table      |    32 +-
 definitions/bufr/tables/0/wmo/8/element.table      |    32 +-
 definitions/bufr/tables/0/wmo/9/element.table      |    32 +-
 .../bufr/tables/3/local/1/98/0/element.table       |     8 +-
 definitions/bufr/tables/3/wmo/11/element.table     |    32 +-
 definitions/bufr/tables/3/wmo/6/element.table      |    22 +-
 definitions/check_grib_defs.pl                     |    30 +-
 definitions/grib1/2.0.1.table                      |     2 +-
 definitions/grib1/2.0.2.table                      |     2 +-
 definitions/grib1/2.0.3.table                      |     2 +-
 definitions/grib1/2.128.table                      |     2 +-
 definitions/grib1/2.82.253.table                   |     2 +-
 definitions/grib1/2.98.128.table                   |     2 +-
 definitions/grib1/2.98.140.table                   |   136 +-
 definitions/grib1/2.98.174.table                   |     1 +
 definitions/grib1/2.98.213.table                   |    56 +
 definitions/grib1/2.98.230.table                   |     1 +
 definitions/grib1/6.table                          |     2 +-
 definitions/grib1/boot.def                         |    25 +-
 definitions/grib1/cfName.def                       |     6 +-
 definitions/grib1/cfVarName.def                    |    53 +-
 definitions/grib1/grid_definition_13.def           |     3 +-
 definitions/grib1/local.34.def                     |     2 +
 definitions/grib1/local.85.def                     |    24 +
 definitions/grib1/local/edzw/2.0.3.table           |     2 +-
 definitions/grib1/local/edzw/5.table               |     0
 definitions/grib1/localConcepts/ecmf/cfName.def    |     8 +-
 definitions/grib1/localConcepts/ecmf/cfVarName.def |   356 +-
 definitions/grib1/localConcepts/ecmf/name.def      |   304 +-
 definitions/grib1/localConcepts/ecmf/paramId.def   |   302 +-
 definitions/grib1/localConcepts/ecmf/shortName.def |   302 +-
 .../grib1/localConcepts/ecmf/typeOfLevel.def       |     0
 definitions/grib1/localConcepts/ecmf/units.def     |   328 +-
 definitions/grib1/localConcepts/edzw/name.def      |    16 +-
 definitions/grib1/localConcepts/edzw/paramId.def   |    16 +-
 definitions/grib1/localConcepts/edzw/shortName.def |    16 +-
 definitions/grib1/localConcepts/edzw/units.def     |    16 +-
 definitions/grib1/localConcepts/kwbc/name.def      |     2 +-
 definitions/grib1/localConcepts/kwbc/paramId.def   |     2 +-
 definitions/grib1/localConcepts/kwbc/shortName.def |     2 +-
 definitions/grib1/localConcepts/kwbc/units.def     |     2 +-
 .../grib1/localConcepts/lfpw/faFieldName.def       |   572 +
 .../grib1/localConcepts/lfpw/faLevelName.def       |    36 +
 .../grib1/localConcepts/lfpw/faModelName.def       |     9 +
 definitions/grib1/localConcepts/rjtd/cfVarName.def |     2 +-
 definitions/grib1/localConcepts/rjtd/name.def      |     4 +-
 definitions/grib1/localConcepts/rjtd/paramId.def   |     2 +-
 definitions/grib1/localConcepts/rjtd/shortName.def |     4 +-
 definitions/grib1/localConcepts/rjtd/units.def     |     4 +-
 definitions/grib1/localConcepts/sbsj/units.def     |    12 +-
 definitions/grib1/name.def                         |    57 +-
 definitions/grib1/paramId.def                      |    51 +-
 definitions/grib1/shortName.def                    |    57 +-
 definitions/grib1/units.def                        |    51 +-
 definitions/grib2/centre.table                     |   149 +
 definitions/grib2/cfName.def                       |    36 +-
 definitions/grib2/cfVarName.def                    |   792 +-
 definitions/grib2/grib2LocalSectionNumber.85.table |     3 +
 definitions/grib2/local.85.0.def                   |     1 +
 definitions/grib2/local.85.1.def                   |    29 +
 definitions/grib2/local.85.2.def                   |     5 +
 definitions/grib2/local.85.def                     |     3 +
 definitions/grib2/local.98.500.def                 |     2 +-
 definitions/grib2/local/edzw/2.0.3.table           |     2 +-
 definitions/grib2/localConcepts/ecmf/cfName.def    |    98 +-
 definitions/grib2/localConcepts/ecmf/cfVarName.def |    60 -
 definitions/grib2/localConcepts/ecmf/name.def      |    60 -
 definitions/grib2/localConcepts/ecmf/paramId.def   |    60 -
 definitions/grib2/localConcepts/ecmf/shortName.def |    60 -
 definitions/grib2/localConcepts/ecmf/units.def     |    76 +-
 definitions/grib2/localConcepts/edzw/name.def      |   590 +-
 definitions/grib2/localConcepts/edzw/paramId.def   |   590 +-
 definitions/grib2/localConcepts/edzw/shortName.def |   590 +-
 definitions/grib2/localConcepts/edzw/units.def     |   590 +-
 definitions/grib2/localConcepts/egrr/name.def      |    31 +
 definitions/grib2/localConcepts/egrr/paramId.def   |    31 +
 definitions/grib2/localConcepts/egrr/shortName.def |    31 +
 definitions/grib2/localConcepts/egrr/units.def     |    31 +
 definitions/grib2/localConcepts/kwbc/name.def      |    30 +-
 definitions/grib2/localConcepts/kwbc/paramId.def   |    30 +-
 definitions/grib2/localConcepts/kwbc/shortName.def |    30 +-
 definitions/grib2/localConcepts/kwbc/units.def     |    54 +-
 .../grib2/localConcepts/lfpw/faFieldName.def       |  1258 +
 .../grib2/localConcepts/lfpw/faLevelName.def       |    63 +
 .../grib2/localConcepts/lfpw/faModelName.def       |     9 +
 definitions/grib2/name.def                         |   214 +-
 definitions/grib2/paramId.def                      |   216 +-
 definitions/grib2/products_uerra.def               |    32 +-
 definitions/grib2/section.1.def                    |     7 +-
 definitions/grib2/sections.def                     |     4 +-
 definitions/grib2/shortName.def                    |   218 +-
 definitions/grib2/tables/1.0.table                 |     5 +-
 definitions/grib2/tables/15/4.5.table              |     2 +-
 definitions/grib2/tables/16/4.5.table              |     2 +-
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/0.0.table              |    10 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/1.0.table              |    22 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/1.1.table              |     4 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/1.2.table              |     8 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/1.3.table              |    14 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/1.4.table              |    13 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/1.5.table              |     7 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/1.6.table              |     8 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/3.0.table              |     6 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/3.1.table              |    47 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/3.10.table             |     8 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/3.11.table             |     7 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/3.15.table             |    23 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/3.2.table              |    14 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/3.20.table             |     6 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/3.21.table             |     8 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/3.3.table              |     9 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/3.4.table              |    17 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/3.5.table              |     5 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/3.6.table              |     2 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/3.7.table              |     5 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/3.8.table              |     7 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/3.9.table              |     4 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.0.table              |    65 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.1.0.table            |    27 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.1.1.table            |     7 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.1.10.table           |    10 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.1.192.table          |     4 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.1.2.table            |     9 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.1.3.table            |    11 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.10.table             |    16 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.11.table             |    10 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.12.table             |     7 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.13.table             |     6 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.14.table             |     6 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.15.table             |    11 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.192.table            |     4 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/          |    32 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/          |   120 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/         |     5 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/         |     7 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/         |    21 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/         |    10 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/         |     3 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/         |    21 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/         |    36 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/        |     5 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/        |     8 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/          |    49 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/         |    46 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/          |    35 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/          |    24 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/          |    13 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/          |    49 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/          |    23 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/          |    21 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/          |     7 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/          |    15 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/         |    50 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/         |     8 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/       |     8 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/         |    17 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/         |     6 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/         |    18 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/          |    43 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/          |    32 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/          |    16 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/          |     2 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/          |    14 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/          |    32 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/          |    13 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/          |     4 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/          |    10 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/          |     7 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/          |     7 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.201.table            |    15 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.202.table            |     4 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.203.table            |    26 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.204.table            |     9 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.205.table            |     6 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.206.table            |     6 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.207.table            |    10 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.208.table            |     9 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.209.table            |     9 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.210.table            |     6 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.211.table            |     7 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.212.table            |    18 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.213.table            |    16 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.215.table            |     9 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.216.table            |    96 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.217.table            |     8 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.218.table            |    44 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.219.table            |     8 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.220.table            |     6 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.221.table            |     6 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.222.table            |     6 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.223.table            |     5 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.224.table            |    18 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.225.table            |   267 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.227.table            |     9 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.230.table            |   423 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.233.table            |   423 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.234.table            |    21 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.236.table            |     8 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.240.table            |    12 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.241.table            |     9 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.242.table            |     7 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.243.table            |    43 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.3.table              |    22 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.4.table              |    17 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.5.table              |    67 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.6.table              |     9 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.7.table              |    14 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.8.table              |     6 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.9.table              |     9 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/4.91.table             |    16 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/5.0.table              |    24 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/5.1.table              |     6 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/5.2.table              |     8 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/5.3.table              |     7 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/5.4.table              |     6 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/5.40.table             |     5 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/5.40000.table          |     5 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/5.5.table              |     7 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/5.50002.table          |    19 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/5.6.table              |     7 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/5.7.table              |     7 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/6.0.table              |     6 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/17/stepType.table         |     4 +
 definitions/grib2/tables/5/        |     1 +
 definitions/grib2/template.3.110.def               |     2 +-
 definitions/grib2/template.3.140.def               |     2 +-
 definitions/grib2/template.3.20.def                |     2 +-
 definitions/grib2/template.3.gaussian.def          |     2 +-
 definitions/grib2/template.3.stretching.def        |     3 +-
 definitions/grib2/template.4.57.def                |    13 +
 definitions/grib2/template.4.7.def                 |     2 +-
 definitions/grib2/template.4.eps.def               |     6 +-
 .../grib2/template.4.parameter_aerosol_optical.def |     2 +-
 .../grib2/template.4.parameter_chemical.def        |    18 +-
 .../template.4.parameter_chemical_distribution.def |    65 +
 definitions/grib2/template.4.percentile.def        |     2 +-
 definitions/grib2/template.5.40000.def             |     3 +-
 definitions/grib2/template.5.42.def                |     7 +-
 definitions/grib2/template.7.1.def                 |     3 +-
 definitions/grib2/template.7.40010.def             |     3 +-
 definitions/grib2/units.def                        |   218 +-
 definitions/gts/boot.def                           |    17 +-
 definitions/mars/class.table                       |     1 +
 definitions/mars/grib.edmm.4v.def                  |     6 +
 definitions/mars/grib.edmo.4v.def                  |     9 +
 definitions/mars/grib.enda.4i.def                  |     2 +
 definitions/mars/grib.mnth.4v.def                  |     4 +
 definitions/mars/grib.moda.4v.def                  |     7 +
 definitions/mars/grib.moda.fc.def                  |     1 -
 definitions/metar/boot.def                         |   173 +-
 definitions/metar/boot.flexible.def                |   174 +-
 definitions/metar/cccc.def                         |    12 +-
 definitions/metar/clouds.def                       |    78 +-
 definitions/parameters_version.def                 |     2 +-
 definitions/taf/cccc.def                           |    12 +-
 definitions/tide/boot.def                          |    17 +-
 definitions/wrap/boot.def                          |     4 +-
 eccodes.sublime-project                            |     4 +-
 eccodes_config.h.in                                |    11 +
 examples/C/CMakeLists.txt                          |    41 +-
 examples/C/Makefile.in                             |  1701 --
 examples/C/bufr_clone.c                            |     2 +-
 examples/C/bufr_expanded.c                         |     4 +-
 examples/C/bufr_keys_iterator.c                    |    11 +-
 examples/C/bufr_read_scatterometer.sh              |    22 +-
 examples/C/bufr_read_temp.c                        |     2 +-
 examples/C/get_product_kind.sh                     |     2 +-
 examples/C/grib_copy_message.c                     |    72 +
 examples/C/grib_copy_message.sh                    |    22 +
 examples/C/grib_get_data.c                         |     2 +-
 examples/C/grib_get_keys.c                         |    10 +
 examples/C/grib_get_keys.sh                        |     2 +-
 examples/C/grib_keys_iterator.c                    |    10 +-
 examples/C/grib_keys_iterator.sh                   |     1 +
 examples/C/grib_list.sh                            |     2 +-
 examples/C/grib_precision.sh                       |     2 +-
 examples/C/grib_pthreads.c                         |    72 +
 examples/C/grib_pthreads.sh                        |    14 +
 examples/C/grib_set_data.c                         |     2 +-
 examples/C/grib_set_keys.sh                        |     2 +-
 examples/C/large_grib1.c                           |     2 +-
 examples/C/new_sample.c                            |    12 +-
 examples/C/set_missing.sh                          |     2 +-
 examples/F90/CMakeLists.txt                        |    26 +-
 examples/F90/Makefile.am                           |    49 +-
 examples/F90/Makefile.in                           |  1775 --
 examples/F90/bufr_attributes.f90                   |     4 +-
 examples/F90/bufr_clone.f90                        |    30 +-
 examples/F90/bufr_copy_message.f90                 |    56 +
 examples/F90/bufr_copy_message.sh                  |    18 +
 examples/F90/bufr_expanded.f90                     |    24 +-
 examples/F90/bufr_get_keys.f90                     |    46 +-
 examples/F90/bufr_get_string_array.f90             |    65 +
 examples/F90/bufr_get_string_array.sh              |    39 +
 examples/F90/bufr_read_scatterometer.f90           |     2 +-
 examples/F90/bufr_read_scatterometer.sh            |    12 +-
 examples/F90/bufr_read_synop.f90                   |     4 +-
 examples/F90/bufr_read_temp.f90                    |     8 +-
 examples/F90/bufr_read_temp.sh                     |     2 +-
 examples/F90/bufr_read_tropical_cyclone.f90        |     2 +-
 examples/F90/bufr_read_tropical_cyclone.sh         |    15 +-
 examples/F90/bufr_set_keys.f90                     |    30 +-
 examples/F90/bufr_set_keys.sh                      |    10 +-
 examples/F90/copy_message.f90                      |    54 -
 examples/F90/copy_message.sh                       |    13 -
 examples/F90/count_messages.f90                    |   110 -
 examples/F90/count_messages.sh                     |    12 -
 examples/F90/get_data.f90                          |    82 -
 examples/F90/get_data.sh                           |    12 -
 examples/F90/get_fortran.f90                       |     1 -
 examples/F90/get_product_kind.f90                  |    19 +-
 examples/F90/grib_clone.f90                        |    21 +-
 examples/F90/grib_copy_message.f90                 |    56 +
 examples/F90/grib_copy_message.sh                  |    18 +
 examples/F90/grib_count_messages.f90               |   110 +
 examples/F90/grib_count_messages.sh                |    12 +
 examples/F90/grib_count_messages_multi.f90         |    34 +
 examples/F90/grib_count_messages_multi.sh          |    20 +
 examples/F90/grib_get_data.f90                     |    81 +
 examples/F90/grib_get_data.sh                      |    12 +
 examples/F90/grib_get_keys.f90                     |    31 +-
 examples/F90/grib_index.f90                        |     9 +-
 examples/F90/grib_multi.f90                        |     1 -
 examples/F90/grib_multi_write.f90                  |     2 +-
 examples/F90/grib_print_data.f90                   |    11 +-
 examples/F90/grib_print_data.sh                    |     3 +-
 examples/F90/grib_print_data_static.f90            |    58 +
 examples/F90/grib_samples.f90                      |    96 +
 examples/F90/grib_samples.sh                       |    27 +
 examples/F90/grib_set_gvc.f90                      |    67 +
 examples/F90/grib_set_keys.f90                     |    20 +-
 examples/F90/grib_set_keys.sh                      |     7 +-
 examples/F90/grib_set_missing.f90                  |    52 +
 examples/F90/grib_set_missing.sh                   |    13 +
 examples/F90/grib_set_pv.f90                       |     2 +-
 examples/F90/iterator_fortran.f90                  |    22 +-
 examples/F90/keys_iterator_fortran.f90             |    10 +-
 examples/F90/multi_fortran.f90                     |    28 +-
 examples/F90/new_from_file.f90                     |     5 +-
 examples/F90/print_data_fortran.f90                |    10 +-
 examples/F90/samples.f90                           |    97 -
 examples/F90/samples.sh                            |    27 -
 examples/F90/set_fortran.f90                       |    19 +-
 examples/F90/set_gvc.f90                           |    68 -
 examples/F90/set_missing.f90                       |    52 -
 examples/F90/set_missing.sh                        |    13 -
 examples/F90/set_missing_fortran.f90               |     6 +-
 examples/Makefile.am                               |    37 -
 examples/ecmwf_link.sh                             |    18 -
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 examples/get_fortran.sh                            |     7 -
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 examples/iterator_fortran.sh                       |     7 -
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 examples/keys_iterator.sh                          |     8 -
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 examples/keys_iterator_fortran.sh                  |     7 -
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 examples/multi.sh                                  |    12 -
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 examples/multi_fortran.sh                          |    13 -
 examples/nearest.c                                 |    92 -
 examples/precision.c                               |   124 -
 examples/precision.sh                              |     7 -
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 examples/precision_fortran.sh                      |     7 -
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 examples/print_data_fortran.sh                     |    13 -
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 examples/python/Makefile.am                        |    16 +-
 examples/python/Makefile.in                        |  1317 -
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 examples/python/bufr_attributes.py                 |    28 +-
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 examples/python/bufr_get_keys.py                   |    36 +-
 examples/python/bufr_keys_iterator.py              |    14 +-
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 examples/python/bufr_read_scatterometer.sh         |    19 +-
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 examples/python/bufr_read_temp.sh                  |     2 +-
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 examples/python/bufr_subset.py                     |    18 +-
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 examples/python/count_messages.py                  |    72 -
 examples/python/count_messages.sh                  |    12 -
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 examples/python/grib_clone.sh                      |     4 +-
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 examples/python/grib_set_missing.sh                |     7 +
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 examples/python/metar_get_keys.py                  |     6 +-
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 examples/python/set_missing.sh                     |     7 -
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 examples/set.sh                                    |     7 -
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 examples/set_fortran.F                             |    68 -
 examples/set_fortran.sh                            |     7 -
 examples/set_pv.c                                  |    79 -
 examples/set_pv_fortran.F                          |    55 -
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 src/grib_api_prototypes.h                          |    80 +-
 src/grib_api_version.c.in                          |     2 +-
 src/grib_bits_any_endian_simple.c                  |    81 +-
 src/grib_bits_fast_big_endian_vector.c             |     5 +
 src/grib_box_class.c                               |     4 +-
 src/grib_box_class_reduced_gaussian.c              |     6 +-
 src/grib_buffer.c                                  |   327 +-
 src/grib_bufr_descriptor.c                         |     6 +
 src/grib_context.c                                 |   140 +-
 src/grib_darray.c                                  |    14 +
 src/grib_date.c                                    |   247 +-
 src/grib_db.c                                      |     4 +-
 src/grib_dumper_class.c                            |   127 +-
 src/grib_dumper_class.h                            |    10 +-
 src/grib_dumper_class_bufr_decode_C.c              |   726 +
 src/grib_dumper_class_bufr_decode_filter.c         |   578 +
 src/grib_dumper_class_bufr_decode_fortran.c        |   639 +
 src/grib_dumper_class_bufr_decode_python.c         |   640 +
 src/grib_dumper_class_bufr_encode_C.c              |   830 +
 src/grib_dumper_class_bufr_encode_filter.c         |   719 +
 src/grib_dumper_class_bufr_encode_fortran.c        |   822 +
 src/grib_dumper_class_bufr_encode_python.c         |   789 +
 src/grib_dumper_class_c_code.c                     |   458 -
 src/grib_dumper_class_debug.c                      |    18 +-
 src/grib_dumper_class_default.c                    |   922 +-
 src/grib_dumper_class_grib_encode_C.c              |   458 +
 src/grib_dumper_class_json.c                       |   365 +-
 src/grib_dumper_class_keys.c                       |     1 +
 src/grib_dumper_class_serialize.c                  |     1 +
 src/grib_dumper_class_wmo.c                        |    23 +-
 src/grib_dumper_class_xml.c                        |   890 +-
 src/grib_dumper_factory.h                          |    26 +-
 src/grib_errors.c                                  |    39 +-
 src/grib_errors.txt                                |     1 +
 src/grib_expression_class_is_in_dict.c             |     2 +-
 src/grib_expression_class_is_in_list.c             |     2 +-
 src/grib_fieldset.c                                |    25 +-
 src/grib_filepool.c                                |    25 +-
 src/grib_geography.c                               |     5 -
 src/grib_handle.c                                  |   120 +-
 src/grib_hash_keys.c                               | 10640 ++++----
 src/grib_header_compute.c                          |    14 +-
 src/grib_index.c                                   |     9 +-
 src/grib_io.c                                      |   535 +-
 src/grib_iterator.c                                |     3 +-
 src/grib_iterator_class.c                          |     4 +-
 src/grib_iterator_class_lambert_conformal.c        |   305 +-
 src/grib_iterator_class_polar_stereographic.c      |     6 +-
 src/grib_itrie_keys.c                              |    18 +-
 src/grib_jasper_encoding.c                         |    21 +-
 src/grib_keys_iterator.c                           |    13 +-
 src/grib_lex.c                                     |  1740 +-
 src/grib_loader_from_array.c                       |     1 +
 src/grib_nearest_class.c                           |     4 +-
 src/grib_nearest_class_reduced.c                   |     5 +-
 src/grib_nearest_class_regular.c                   |     4 +
 src/grib_nearest_class_sh.c                        |    31 +-
 src/grib_openjpeg_encoding.c                       |   600 +-
 src/grib_parse_utils.c                             |    10 +-
 src/grib_scaling.c                                 |    33 +-
 src/grib_templates.c                               |    63 +-
 src/grib_util.c                                    |   229 +-
 src/grib_value.c                                   |    44 +-
 src/grib_yacc.c                                    |  2107 +-
 src/grib_yacc.h                                    |     2 +-
 src/gribl.l                                        |     7 +-
 src/griby.y                                        |    22 +-
 src/hash.c                                         |   137 -
 src/makeyacc                                       |     2 +-
 src/md5.c                                          |     2 +-
 src/stamp-h1                                       |     1 -
 tests/CMakeLists.txt                               |    79 +-
 tests/Makefile.am                                  |    13 +-
 tests/Makefile.in                                  |  1727 --
 tests/bitsPerValue.sh                              |     1 -
 tests/bufr_change_edition.sh                       |     3 +-
 tests/bufr_compare.sh                              |    85 +-
 tests/bufr_dump.sh                                 |    61 +-
 tests/bufr_dump_decode_C.sh                        |    85 +
 tests/bufr_dump_decode_filter.sh                   |    56 +
 tests/bufr_dump_decode_fortran.sh                  |    85 +
 tests/bufr_dump_decode_python.sh                   |    47 +
 tests/bufr_dump_encode_C.sh                        |    94 +
 tests/bufr_dump_encode_filter.sh                   |    67 +
 tests/bufr_dump_encode_fortran.sh                  |    88 +
 tests/bufr_dump_encode_python.sh                   |    56 +
 tests/bufr_filter.sh                               |   472 +-
 tests/bufr_filter_extract_area.sh                  |   138 +
 tests/bufr_filter_extract_datetime.sh              |   194 +
 tests/bufr_get.sh                                  |    21 +-
 tests/bufr_json.sh                                 |    33 +-
 tests/bufr_ls.sh                                   |     2 +-
 tests/bufrdc_desc_ref.sh                           |     2 +-
 tests/bufrdc_ref.sh                                |     2 +-
 tests/ccsds.sh                                     |    16 +-
 tests/compare.sh                                   |    43 -
 tests/concept.sh                                   |     1 -
 tests/convert.sh                                   |    48 -
 tests/debug.sh                                     |    79 -
 tests/decimalPrecision.sh                          |    10 +-
 tests/double_cmp.c                                 |    81 -
 tests/double_cmp.sh                                |    25 -
 tests/ecc-197.sh                                   |    18 +-
 tests/ecc-286.sh                                   |    41 +
 tests/ecc-288.sh                                   |    42 +
 tests/grib_2nd_order_numValues.c                   |  2766 +++
 tests/grib_2nd_order_numValues.sh                  |    13 +
 tests/grib_check_param_concepts.sh                 |    30 +
 tests/grib_compare.sh                              |    71 +
 tests/grib_double_cmp.c                            |    75 +
 tests/grib_double_cmp.sh                           |    25 +
 tests/grib_dump.sh                                 |    73 +
 tests/grib_dump_debug.sh                           |    73 +
 tests/grib_png.sh                                  |    44 +
 tests/grib_util_set_spec.c                         |    20 +-
 tests/grib_util_set_spec.sh                        |    67 +-
 tests/gts_compare.sh                               |    63 +
 tests/gts_get.sh                                   |    35 +
 tests/include.ctest.sh.in                          |    10 +-
 tests/include.sh                                   |     2 +-
 tests/jpeg.sh                                      |    33 +-
 tests/keys                                         |  4114 ++--
 tests/local_MeteoFrance.c                          |   909 +
 tests/local_MeteoFrance.sh                         |    13 +
 tests/make_hash.ksh                                |     0
 tests/metar_compare.sh                             |    56 +
 tests/metar_get.sh                                 |    38 +
 tests/mybufrdc_ref.sh                              |     2 +-
 tests/set.sh                                       |    19 +-
 tests/tigge.sh                                     |    34 +-
 tests/uerra.sh                                     |     2 +-
 tests/unit_tests.sh                                |     3 +-
 tests/utils.sh                                     |    22 +-
 tigge/Makefile.in                                  |   726 -
 tigge/tigge_check.c                                |   426 +-
 tigge/tigge_check.h                                |  1124 +-
 tigge/tigge_split.c                                |   340 +-
 tools/CMakeLists.txt                               |    34 +-
 tools/Makefile.am                                  |    10 +-
 tools/Makefile.in                                  |  1327 -
 tools/bufr_compare.c                               |   556 +-
 tools/bufr_copy.c                                  |    12 +-
 tools/bufr_dump.c                                  |   323 +-
 tools/bufr_dump.sh                                 |    24 +-
 tools/bufr_filter                                  |    72 +
 tools/bufr_filter.c                                |    13 +-
 tools/bufr_filter.sh                               |    61 +-
 tools/bufr_get.c                                   |   117 +-
 tools/bufr_index_build.c                           |     8 +-
 tools/bufr_ls.c                                    |   273 +-
 tools/bufr_set.c                                   |     8 +-
 tools/codes_info.c                                 |    27 +-
 tools/{ => deprecated}/all_keys.c                  |     0
 tools/{ => deprecated}/dump.c                      |     0
 tools/{ => deprecated}/dumpload.c                  |     0
 tools/{ => deprecated}/grib_add.c                  |     0
 tools/{ => deprecated}/grib_cmp.c                  |     0
 tools/{ => deprecated}/grib_convert.c              |     0
 tools/{ => deprecated}/grib_corruption_check.c     |     0
 tools/{ => deprecated}/grib_debug.c                |     0
 tools/{ => deprecated}/grib_debug.dox              |     0
 tools/{ => deprecated}/grib_diff.c                 |     0
 tools/{ => deprecated}/grib_distance.c             |     0
 tools/{ => deprecated}/grib_error.c                |     0
 tools/{ => deprecated}/grib_gen.c                  |     0
 tools/{ => deprecated}/grib_keys.c                 |     0
 tools/{ => deprecated}/grib_moments.c              |     0
 tools/{ => deprecated}/grib_packing.c              |     0
 tools/{ => deprecated}/grib_points.c               |     0
 tools/grib_compare.c                               |   136 +-
 tools/grib_compare.sh                              |     6 +-
 tools/grib_convert.dox                             |    38 -
 tools/grib_convert.sh                              |    18 -
 tools/grib_copy.c                                  |    19 +-
 tools/grib_copy.dox                                |    25 +-
 tools/grib_copy.sh                                 |    21 +-
 tools/grib_count.c                                 |    73 -
 tools/grib_count.desc                              |     2 +-
 tools/grib_debug.sh                                |    22 -
 tools/grib_dump.c                                  |    67 +-
 tools/grib_dump.dox                                |   227 +-
 tools/grib_filter.c                                |    25 +-
 tools/grib_filter.dox                              |    61 +-
 tools/grib_filter.sh                               |    21 +-
 tools/grib_get.c                                   |     8 +-
 tools/grib_get.dox                                 |    22 +-
 tools/grib_get_data.c                              |    18 +-
 tools/grib_get_data.dox                            |    14 +-
 tools/grib_get_data.sh                             |     5 +-
 tools/grib_histogram.c                             |     2 +-
 tools/grib_index_build.c                           |    32 +-
 tools/grib_index_build.dox                         |    14 +-
 tools/grib_ls.c                                    |     3 +-
 tools/grib_ls.dox                                  |    34 +-
 tools/grib_ls.sh                                   |     6 +
 tools/grib_merge.c                                 |   207 +-
 tools/grib_options.c                               |    16 +-
 tools/grib_set.c                                   |    38 +-
 tools/grib_set.dox                                 |    19 +-
 tools/grib_set.sh                                  |     4 +-
 tools/grib_to_netcdf.c                             |   166 +-
 tools/grib_to_netcdf.sh                            |     4 +-
 tools/grib_tools.c                                 |   269 +-
 tools/grib_tools.h                                 |     2 +-
 tools/gts_compare.c                                |   958 +
 tools/gts_copy.c                                   |   150 +-
 tools/gts_dump.c                                   |    54 +-
 tools/gts_filter.c                                 |   109 +-
 tools/gts_get.c                                    |   239 +-
 tools/gts_ls.c                                     |   360 +-
 tools/make_dox.ksh                                 |    16 +-
 tools/metar_compare.c                              |  1173 +
 tools/metar_copy.c                                 |   118 +
 tools/metar_dump.c                                 |    28 +-
 tools/metar_filter.c                               |   137 +-
 tools/metar_get.c                                  |   238 +-
 tools/metar_ls.c                                   |     8 +-
 tools/taf_dump.c                                   |   252 +-
 tools/taf_filter.c                                 |   139 +-
 tools/taf_get.c                                    |   331 +-
 tools/taf_ls.c                                     |   496 +-
 version.sh                                         |     4 +-
 windows/msvc/grib_api_lib/grib_api_lib.vcproj      |    50 +-
 1653 files changed, 96337 insertions(+), 146173 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/eccodes.git

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