[amp] 01/18: New upstream version 0.6~git20170729

Muammar El Khatib muammar at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Jul 31 19:59:39 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

muammar pushed a commit to branch master
in repository amp.

commit e2854ab10ddb084bfc8a3aa6953653ca4a182048
Author: Muammar El Khatib <muammarelkhatib at gmail.com>
Date:   Sat Jul 29 14:42:05 2017 -0400

    New upstream version 0.6~git20170729
 .gitignore                                         |     6 +
 README.md                                          |    51 +
 amp/Makefile                                       |    21 +
 amp/__init__.py                                    |   470 +
 amp/analysis.py                                    |   741 +
 amp/descriptor/Makefile                            |     3 +
 amp/descriptor/__init__.py                         |     5 +
 amp/descriptor/analysis.py                         |   100 +
 amp/descriptor/bispectrum.py                       |   683 +
 amp/descriptor/cutoffs.f90                         |    60 +
 amp/descriptor/cutoffs.py                          |   150 +
 amp/descriptor/example.py                          |   336 +
 amp/descriptor/gaussian.f90                        |   525 +
 amp/descriptor/gaussian.py                         |  1320 +
 amp/descriptor/zernike.f90                         |   320 +
 amp/descriptor/zernike.py                          |  1005 +
 amp/model.f90                                      |   922 +
 amp/model/Makefile                                 |     3 +
 amp/model/__init__.py                              |  1144 +
 amp/model/__main__.py                              |   119 +
 amp/model/neuralnetwork.f90                        |  1883 ++
 amp/model/neuralnetwork.py                         |  1208 +
 amp/model/tflow.py                                 |  1766 ++
 amp/regression/__init__.py                         |   100 +
 amp/stats/__init__.py                              |     0
 amp/stats/bootstrap.py                             |   400 +
 amp/utilities.py                                   |  1195 +
 docs/README                                        |     2 +
 docs/_static/amp-logo.svg                          |  1059 +
 docs/_static/animation.gif                         |   Bin 0 -> 210154 bytes
 docs/_static/branches.svg                          |   337 +
 docs/_static/completeexample.py                    |    70 +
 docs/_static/convergence.svg                       | 19896 +++++++++++++
 docs/_static/fpranges.svg                          |  9974 +++++++
 docs/_static/gaussian.svg                          |  2893 ++
 docs/_static/nn.svg                                |   986 +
 docs/_static/nodeplot-Pt.svg                       |  8338 ++++++
 docs/_static/parity_error_sensitivity.svg          | 28915 +++++++++++++++++++
 docs/_static/zernike.svg                           |  5768 ++++
 docs/analysis.rst                                  |    31 +
 docs/building.rst                                  |   187 +
 docs/community.rst                                 |    33 +
 docs/conf.py                                       |   345 +
 docs/credits.rst                                   |    41 +
 docs/databases.rst                                 |    49 +
 docs/develop.rst                                   |    91 +
 docs/examplescripts.rst                            |   185 +
 docs/gaussian.rst                                  |    34 +
 docs/index.rst                                     |    70 +
 docs/installation.rst                              |   142 +
 docs/introduction.rst                              |    18 +
 docs/modules/analysis.rst                          |    13 +
 docs/modules/descriptor.rst                        |    37 +
 docs/modules/main.rst                              |    13 +
 docs/modules/model.rst                             |    34 +
 docs/modules/regression.rst                        |    13 +
 docs/modules/utilities.rst                         |    14 +
 docs/moredescriptor.rst                            |    34 +
 docs/moremodel.rst                                 |    41 +
 docs/releasenotes.rst                              |    65 +
 docs/tensorflow.rst                                |   106 +
 docs/theory.rst                                    |   181 +
 docs/useamp.rst                                    |   208 +
 setup.py                                           |    21 +
 .../gaussian_neural_test/force_call_test.py        |   340 +
 .../gaussian_neural_test/force_call_test_tflow.py  |   373 +
 .../CuOPd_test/gaussian_neural_test/train_test.py  |   556 +
 .../gaussian_neural_test/force_call_test.py        |   560 +
 .../gaussian_neural_test/train_test.py             |   603 +
 tests/consistency_test/gaussian_test.py            |   114 +
 tests/consistency_test/zernike_test.py             |    80 +
 tests/misc_test/displaced_atom_test.py             |   116 +
 tests/misc_test/fpplot_test.py                     |    63 +
 tests/misc_test/numeric_analytic_test.py           |   133 +
 tests/misc_test/rotated_atoms_test.py              |    78 +
 tests/test_NN_nodeplot.py                          |    82 +
 tests/test_gaussian_neural.py                      |    69 +
 tests/test_gaussian_tflow.py                       |    83 +
 tools/amp-compress                                 |    46 +
 tools/amp-plotconvergence                          |    27 +
 80 files changed, 98103 insertions(+)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e7dda0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bd8e8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# Amp: Atomistic Machine-learning Package #
+*Amp* is an open-source package designed to easily bring machine-learning to atomistic calculations. This project is being developed at Brown University in the School of Engineering, primarily by Andrew Peterson and Alireza Khorshidi, and is released under the GNU General Public License.  *Amp* allows for the modular representation of the potential energy surface, enabling the user to specify or create descriptor and regression methods.
+This project lives at:
+Documentation lives at:
+Users' mailing list lives at:
+If you would like to compile a local version of the documentation, see the README file in the docs directory.
+(This project was formerly known as "Neural". The last stable version of Neural can be found at https://bitbucket.org/andrewpeterson/neural)
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+You can find the installation instructions for this version of Amp in the
+documentation file `docs/installation.rst`.
+We currently host multiple versions of the documentation, which includes
+installation instructions, at http://amp.readthedocs.io. 
+You can build a local copy of the documentation for this version of Amp.
+You will find instructions to do this in the "Documentation" section of the
+file `docs/develop.rst`.
diff --git a/amp/Makefile b/amp/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e319b34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/amp/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+	+$(MAKE) -C model
+	+$(MAKE) -C descriptor
+	f2py -c -m fmodules model.f90 descriptor/cutoffs.f90 descriptor/gaussian.f90 descriptor/zernike.f90 model/neuralnetwork.f90
+	+$(MAKE) -C model
+	+$(MAKE) -C descriptor
+	f2py3 -c -m fmodules model.f90 descriptor/cutoffs.f90 descriptor/gaussian.f90 descriptor/zernike.f90 model/neuralnetwork.f90
+AMPDIR:=$(shell pwd)
+	rm -fr /tmp/py2_amptests
+	mkdir -p /tmp/py2_amptests
+	cd /tmp/py2_amptests && nosetests $(AMPDIR)/..
+	rm -fr /tmp/py3_amptests
+	mkdir -p /tmp/py3_amptests
+	cd /tmp/py3_amptests && nosetests3 $(AMPDIR)/..
diff --git a/amp/__init__.py b/amp/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96306c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/amp/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,470 @@
+import os
+import sys
+import shutil
+import numpy as np
+import tempfile
+import platform
+from getpass import getuser
+from socket import gethostname
+import subprocess
+import warnings
+import ase
+from ase.calculators.calculator import Calculator, Parameters
+    from ase import __version__ as aseversion
+except ImportError:
+    # We're on ASE 3.9 or older
+    from ase.version import version as aseversion
+from .utilities import (make_filename, hash_images, Logger, string2dict,
+                        logo, now, assign_cores, TrainingConvergenceError,
+                        check_images)
+    from amp import fmodules
+except ImportError:
+    warnings.warn('Did not find fortran modules.')
+    fmodules_version = 9
+    wrong_version = fmodules.check_version(version=fmodules_version)
+    if wrong_version:
+        raise RuntimeError('fortran modules are not updated. Recompile '
+                           'with f2py as described in the README. '
+                           'Correct version is %i.' % fmodules_version)
+_ampversion = '(development)'
+class Amp(Calculator, object):
+    """Atomistic Machine-Learning Potential (Amp) ASE calculator
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    descriptor : object
+        Class representing local atomic environment.
+    model : object
+        Class representing the regression model. Can be only NeuralNetwork for
+        now. Input arguments for NeuralNetwork are hiddenlayers, activation,
+        weights, and scalings; for more information see docstring for the class
+        NeuralNetwork.
+    label : str
+        Default prefix/location used for all files.
+    dblabel : str
+        Optional separate prefix/location for database files, including
+        fingerprints, fingerprint derivatives, and neighborlists. This file
+        location can be shared between calculator instances to avoid
+        re-calculating redundant information. If not supplied, just uses the
+        value from label.
+    cores : int
+        Can specify cores to use for parallel training; if None, will determine
+        from environment
+    envcommand : string
+        For parallel processing across nodes, a command can be supplied
+        here to load the appropriate environment before starting workers.
+    logging : boolean
+        Option to turn off logging; e.g., to speed up force calls.
+    atoms : object
+        ASE atoms objects with positions, symbols, energy, and forces in ASE
+        format.
+    """
+    implemented_properties = ['energy', 'forces']
+    def __init__(self, descriptor, model, label='amp', dblabel=None,
+                 cores=None, envcommand=None, logging=True, atoms=None):
+        self.logging = logging
+        Calculator.__init__(self, label=label, atoms=atoms)
+        # Note self._log is set and self._printheader is called by above
+        # call when it runs self.set_label.
+        self._parallel = {'envcommand': envcommand}
+        # Note the following are properties: these are setter functions.
+        self.descriptor = descriptor
+        self.model = model
+        self.cores = cores  # Note this calls 'assign_cores'.
+        self.dblabel = label if dblabel is None else dblabel
+    @property
+    def cores(self):
+        """
+        Get or set the cores for the parallel environment.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        cores : int or dictionary
+            Parallel configuration. If cores is an integer, parallelizes over
+            this many processes on machine localhost. cores can also be
+            a dictionary of the type {'node324': 16, 'node325': 16}. If not
+            specified, tries to determine from environment, using
+            amp.utilities.assign_cores.
+        """
+        return self._parallel['cores']
+    @cores.setter
+    def cores(self, cores):
+        self._parallel['cores'] = assign_cores(cores, log=self._log)
+    @property
+    def descriptor(self):
+        """
+        Get or set the atomic descriptor.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        descriptor : object
+            Class instance representing the local atomic environment.
+        """
+        return self._descriptor
+    @descriptor.setter
+    def descriptor(self, descriptor):
+        descriptor.parent = self  # gives the descriptor object a reference to
+        # the main Amp instance. Then descriptor can pull parameters directly
+        # from Amp without needing them to be passed in each method call.
+        self._descriptor = descriptor
+        self.reset()  # Clears any old calculations.
+    @property
+    def model(self):
+        """
+        Get or set the machine-learning model.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        model : object
+            Class instance representing the regression model.
+        """
+        return self._model
+    @model.setter
+    def model(self, model):
+        model.parent = self  # gives the model object a reference to the main
+        # Amp instance. Then model can pull parameters directly from Amp
+        # without needing them to be passed in each method call.
+        self._model = model
+        self.reset()  # Clears any old calculations.
+    @classmethod
+    def load(Cls, file, Descriptor=None, Model=None, **kwargs):
+        """Attempts to load calculators and return a new instance of Amp.
+        Only a filename or file-like object is required, in typical cases.
+        If using a home-rolled descriptor or model, also supply uninstantiated
+        classes to those models, as in Model=MyModel.  (Not as
+        Model=MyModel()!)
+        Any additional keyword arguments (such as label or dblabel) can be
+        fed through to Amp.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        file : str
+            Name of the file to load data from.
+        Descriptor : object
+            Class representing local atomic environment.
+        Model : object
+            Class representing the regression model.
+        """
+        if hasattr(file, 'read'):
+            text = file.read()
+        else:
+            with open(file) as f:
+                text = f.read()
+        # Unpack parameter dictionaries.
+        p = string2dict(text)
+        for key in ['descriptor', 'model']:
+            p[key] = string2dict(p[key])
+        # If modules are not specified, find them.
+        if Descriptor is None:
+            Descriptor = importhelper(p['descriptor'].pop('importname'))
+        if Model is None:
+            Model = importhelper(p['model'].pop('importname'))
+        # Key 'importname' and the value removed so that it is not splatted
+        # into the keyword arguments used to instantiate in the next line.
+        # Instantiate the descriptor and model.
+        descriptor = Descriptor(**p['descriptor'])
+        # ** sends all the key-value pairs at once.
+        model = Model(**p['model'])
+        # Instantiate Amp.
+        calc = Cls(descriptor=descriptor, model=model, **kwargs)
+        calc._log('Loaded file: %s' % file)
+        return calc
+    def set(self, **kwargs):
+        """Function to set parameters.
+        For now, this doesn't do anything as all parameters are within the
+        model and descriptor.
+        """
+        changed_parameters = Calculator.set(self, **kwargs)
+        if len(changed_parameters) > 0:
+            self.reset()
+    def set_label(self, label):
+        """Sets label, ensuring that any needed directories are made.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        label : str
+            Default prefix/location used for all files.
+        """
+        Calculator.set_label(self, label)
+        # Create directories for output structure if needed.
+        # Note ASE doesn't do this for us.
+        if self.label:
+            if (self.directory != os.curdir and
+                    not os.path.isdir(self.directory)):
+                os.makedirs(self.directory)
+        if self.logging is True:
+            self._log = Logger(make_filename(self.label, '-log.txt'))
+        else:
+            self._log = Logger(None)
+        self._printheader(self._log)
+    def calculate(self, atoms, properties, system_changes):
+        """Calculation of the energy of system and forces of all atoms.
+        """
+        # The inherited method below just sets the atoms object,
+        # if specified, to self.atoms.
+        Calculator.calculate(self, atoms, properties, system_changes)
+        log = self._log
+        log('Calculation requested.')
+        images = hash_images([self.atoms])
+        key = list(images.keys())[0]
+        if properties == ['energy']:
+            log('Calculating potential energy...', tic='pot-energy')
+            self.descriptor.calculate_fingerprints(images=images,
+                                                   log=log,
+                                                   calculate_derivatives=False)
+            energy = self.model.calculate_energy(
+                self.descriptor.fingerprints[key])
+            self.results['energy'] = energy
+            log('...potential energy calculated.', toc='pot-energy')
+        if properties == ['forces']:
+            log('Calculating forces...', tic='forces')
+            self.descriptor.calculate_fingerprints(images=images,
+                                                   log=log,
+                                                   calculate_derivatives=True)
+            forces = \
+                self.model.calculate_forces(
+                    self.descriptor.fingerprints[key],
+                    self.descriptor.fingerprintprimes[key])
+            self.results['forces'] = forces
+            log('...forces calculated.', toc='forces')
+    def train(self,
+              images,
+              overwrite=False,
+              ):
+        """Fits the model to the training images.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        images : list or str
+            List of ASE atoms objects with positions, symbols, energies, and
+            forces in ASE format. This is the training set of data. This can
+            also be the path to an ASE trajectory (.traj) or database (.db)
+            file. Energies can be obtained from any reference, e.g. DFT
+            calculations.
+        overwrite : bool
+            If an output file with the same name exists, overwrite it.
+        """
+        log = self._log
+        log('\nAmp training started. ' + now() + '\n')
+        log('Descriptor: %s\n  (%s)' % (self.descriptor.__class__.__name__,
+                                        self.descriptor))
+        log('Model: %s\n  (%s)' % (self.model.__class__.__name__, self.model))
+        images = hash_images(images, log=log)
+        log('\nDescriptor\n==========')
+        train_forces = self.model.forcetraining  # True / False
+        check_images(images, forces=train_forces)
+        self.descriptor.calculate_fingerprints(
+                images=images,
+                parallel=self._parallel,
+                log=log,
+                calculate_derivatives=train_forces)
+        log('\nModel fitting\n=============')
+        result = self.model.fit(trainingimages=images,
+                                descriptor=self.descriptor,
+                                log=log,
+                                parallel=self._parallel)
+        if result is True:
+            log('Amp successfully trained. Saving current parameters.')
+            filename = self.label + '.amp'
+        else:
+            log('Amp not trained successfully. Saving current parameters.')
+            filename = make_filename(self.label, '-untrained-parameters.amp')
+        filename = self.save(filename, overwrite)
+        log('Parameters saved in file "%s".' % filename)
+        log("This file can be opened with `calc = Amp.load('%s')`" %
+            filename)
+        if result is False:
+            raise TrainingConvergenceError('Amp did not converge upon '
+                                           'training. See log file for'
+                                           ' more information.')
+    def save(self, filename, overwrite=False):
+        """Saves the calculator in a way that it can be re-opened with
+        load.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        filename : str
+            File object or path to the file to write to.
+        overwrite : bool
+            If an output file with the same name exists, overwrite it.
+        """
+        if os.path.exists(filename):
+            if overwrite is False:
+                oldfilename = filename
+                filename = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', delete=False,
+                                                       suffix='.amp').name
+                self._log('File "%s" exists. Instead saving to "%s".' %
+                          (oldfilename, filename))
+            else:
+                oldfilename = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w',
+                                                          delete=False,
+                                                          suffix='.amp').name
+                self._log('Overwriting file: "%s". Moving original to "%s".'
+                          % (filename, oldfilename))
+                shutil.move(filename, oldfilename)
+        descriptor = self.descriptor.tostring()
+        model = self.model.tostring()
+        p = Parameters({'descriptor': descriptor,
+                        'model': model})
+        p.write(filename)
+        return filename
+    def _printheader(self, log):
+        """Prints header to log file; inspired by that in GPAW.
+        """
+        log(logo)
+        log('Amp: Atomistic Machine-learning Package')
+        log('Developed by Andrew Peterson, Alireza Khorshidi, and others,')
+        log('Brown University.')
+        log('PI Website: http://brown.edu/go/catalyst')
+        log('Official repository: http://bitbucket.org/andrewpeterson/amp')
+        log('Official documentation: http://amp.readthedocs.org/')
+        log('Citation:')
+        log('  Alireza Khorshidi & Andrew A. Peterson,')
+        log('  Computer Physics Communications 207: 310-324 (2016).')
+        log('  http://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2016.05.010')
+        log('=' * 70)
+        log('User: %s' % getuser())
+        log('Hostname: %s' % gethostname())
+        log('Date: %s' % now(with_utc=True))
+        uname = platform.uname()
+        log('Architecture: %s' % uname[4])
+        log('PID: %s' % os.getpid())
+        log('Amp version: %s' % _ampversion)
+        ampdirectory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+        log('Amp directory: %s' % ampdirectory)
+        commithash, commitdate = get_git_commit(ampdirectory)
+        log(' Last commit: %s' % commithash)
+        log(' Last commit date: %s' % commitdate)
+        log('Python: v{0}.{1}.{2}: %s'.format(*sys.version_info[:3]) %
+            sys.executable)
+        log('ASE v%s: %s' % (aseversion, os.path.dirname(ase.__file__)))
+        log('NumPy v%s: %s' %
+            (np.version.version, os.path.dirname(np.__file__)))
+        # SciPy is not a strict dependency.
+        try:
+            import scipy
+            log('SciPy v%s: %s' %
+                (scipy.version.version, os.path.dirname(scipy.__file__)))
+        except ImportError:
+            log('SciPy: not available')
+        # ZMQ an pxssh are only necessary for parallel calculations.
+        try:
+            import zmq
+            log('ZMQ/PyZMQ v%s/v%s: %s' %
+                (zmq.zmq_version(), zmq.pyzmq_version(),
+                 os.path.dirname(zmq.__file__)))
+        except ImportError:
+            log('ZMQ: not available')
+        try:
+            import pxssh
+            log('pxssh: %s' % os.path.dirname(pxssh.__file__))
+        except ImportError:
+            log('pxssh: Not available from pxssh.')
+            try:
+                from pexpect import pxssh
+            except ImportError:
+                log('pxssh: Not available from pexpect.')
+            else:
+                import pexpect
+                log('pxssh (via pexpect v%s): %s' %
+                    (pexpect.__version__, pxssh.__file__))
+        log('=' * 70)
+def importhelper(importname):
+    """Manually compiled list of available modules.
+    This is to prevent the execution of arbitrary (potentially malicious) code.
+    However, since there is an `eval` statement in string2dict maybe this
+    is silly.
+    """
+    if importname == '.descriptor.gaussian.Gaussian':
+        from .descriptor.gaussian import Gaussian as Module
+    elif importname == '.descriptor.zernike.Zernike':
+        from .descriptor.zernike import Zernike as Module
+    elif importname == '.descriptor.bispectrum.Bispectrum':
+        from .descriptor.bispectrum import Bispectrum as Module
+    elif importname == '.model.neuralnetwork.NeuralNetwork':
+        from .model.neuralnetwork import NeuralNetwork as Module
+    elif importname == '.model.neuralnetwork.tflow':
+        from .model.tflow import NeuralNetwork as Module
+    elif importname == '.model.LossFunction':
+        from .model import LossFunction as Module
+    else:
+        raise NotImplementedError(
+            'Attempt to import the module %s. Was this intended? '
+            'If so, trying manually importing this module and '
+            'feeding it to Amp.load. To avoid this error, this '
+            'module can be added to amp.importhelper.' %
+            importname)
+    return Module
+def get_git_commit(ampdirectory):
+    """Attempts to get the last git commit from the amp directory.
+    """
+    pwd = os.getcwd()
+    os.chdir(ampdirectory)
+    try:
+        with open(os.devnull, 'w') as devnull:
+            output = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'log', '-1',
+                                              '--pretty=%H\t%ci'],
+                                             stderr=devnull)
+    except:
+        output = 'unknown hash\tunknown date'
+    output = output.strip()
+    commithash, commitdate = output.split(b'\t')
+    os.chdir(pwd)
+    return commithash, commitdate
diff --git a/amp/analysis.py b/amp/analysis.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6bcace4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/amp/analysis.py
@@ -0,0 +1,741 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from . import Amp
+from .utilities import now, hash_images, make_filename
+import os
+import numpy as np
+from matplotlib import pyplot
+from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
+from matplotlib import rcParams
+rcParams.update({'figure.autolayout': True})
+def plot_sensitivity(load,
+                     images,
+                     d=0.0001,
+                     label='sensitivity',
+                     dblabel=None,
+                     plotfile=None,
+                     overwrite=False,
+                     energy_coefficient=1.0,
+                     force_coefficient=0.04):
+    """Returns the plot of loss function in terms of perturbed parameters.
+    Takes the load file and images. Any other keyword taken by the Amp
+    calculator can be fed to this class also.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    load : str
+        Path for loading an existing ".amp" file. Should be fed like
+        'load="filename.amp"'.
+    images : list or str
+        List of ASE atoms objects with positions, symbols, energies, and forces
+        in ASE format. This can also be the path to an ASE trajectory (.traj)
+        or database (.db) file.  Energies can be obtained from any reference,
+        e.g. DFT calculations.
+    d : float
+        The amount of perturbation in each parameter.
+    label : str
+        Default prefix/location used for all files.
+    dblabel : str
+        Optional separate prefix/location of database files, including
+        fingerprints, fingerprint primes, and neighborlists, to avoid
+        calculating them. If not supplied, just uses the value from label.
+    plotfile : Object
+        File for the plot.
+    overwrite : bool
+        If a plot or an script containing values found overwrite it.
+    energy_coefficient : float
+        Coefficient of energy loss in the total loss function.
+    force_coefficient : float
+        Coefficient of force loss in the total loss function.
+    """
+    from amp.model import LossFunction
+    calc = Amp.load(file=load)
+    if plotfile is None:
+        plotfile = make_filename(label, '-plot.pdf')
+    if (not overwrite) and os.path.exists(plotfile):
+        raise IOError('File exists: %s.\nIf you want to overwrite,'
+                      ' set overwrite=True or manually delete.' % plotfile)
+    calc.dblabel = label if dblabel is None else dblabel
+    if force_coefficient == 0.:
+        calculate_derivatives = False
+    else:
+        calculate_derivatives = True
+    calc._log('\nAmp sensitivity analysis started. ' + now() + '\n')
+    calc._log('Descriptor: %s' % calc.descriptor.__class__.__name__)
+    calc._log('Model: %s' % calc.model.__class__.__name__)
+    images = hash_images(images)
+    calc._log('\nDescriptor\n==========')
+    calc.descriptor.calculate_fingerprints(
+            images=images,
+            parallel=calc._parallel,
+            log=calc._log,
+            calculate_derivatives=calculate_derivatives)
+    vector = calc.model.vector.copy()
+    lossfunction = LossFunction(energy_coefficient=energy_coefficient,
+                                force_coefficient=force_coefficient,
+                                parallel=calc._parallel,
+                                )
+    calc.model.lossfunction = lossfunction
+    # Set up local loss function.
+    calc.model.lossfunction.attach_model(
+                calc.model,
+                fingerprints=calc.descriptor.fingerprints,
+                fingerprintprimes=calc.descriptor.fingerprintprimes,
+                images=images)
+    originalloss = calc.model.lossfunction.get_loss(
+        vector, lossprime=False)['loss']
+    calc._log('\n Perturbing parameters...', tic='perturb')
+    allparameters = []
+    alllosses = []
+    num_parameters = len(vector)
+    for count in range(num_parameters):
+        calc._log('parameter %i out of %i' % (count + 1, num_parameters))
+        parameters = []
+        losses = []
+        # parameter is perturbed -d and loss function calculated.
+        vector[count] -= d
+        parameters.append(vector[count])
+        perturbedloss = calc.model.lossfunction.get_loss(
+            vector, lossprime=False)['loss']
+        losses.append(perturbedloss)
+        vector[count] += d
+        parameters.append(vector[count])
+        losses.append(originalloss)
+        # parameter is perturbed +d and loss function calculated.
+        vector[count] += d
+        parameters.append(vector[count])
+        perturbedloss = calc.model.lossfunction.get_loss(
+            vector, lossprime=False)['loss']
+        losses.append(perturbedloss)
+        allparameters.append(parameters)
+        alllosses.append(losses)
+        # returning back to the original value.
+        vector[count] -= d
+    calc._log('...parameters perturbed and loss functions calculated',
+              toc='perturb')
+    calc._log('Plotting loss function vs perturbed parameters...',
+              tic='plot')
+    with PdfPages(plotfile) as pdf:
+        count = 0
+        for parameter in vector:
+            fig = pyplot.figure()
+            ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
+            ax.plot(allparameters[count],
+                    alllosses[count],
+                    marker='o', linestyle='--', color='b',)
+            xmin = allparameters[count][0] - \
+                0.1 * (allparameters[count][-1] - allparameters[count][0])
+            xmax = allparameters[count][-1] + \
+                0.1 * (allparameters[count][-1] - allparameters[count][0])
+            ymin = min(alllosses[count]) - \
+                0.1 * (max(alllosses[count]) - min(alllosses[count]))
+            ymax = max(alllosses[count]) + \
+                0.1 * (max(alllosses[count]) - min(alllosses[count]))
+            ax.set_xlim([xmin, xmax])
+            ax.set_ylim([ymin, ymax])
+            ax.set_xlabel('parameter no %i' % count)
+            ax.set_ylabel('loss function')
+            pdf.savefig(fig)
+            pyplot.close(fig)
+            count += 1
+    calc._log(' ...loss functions plotted.', toc='plot')
+def plot_parity(load,
+                images,
+                label='parity',
+                dblabel=None,
+                plot_forces=True,
+                plotfile=None,
+                color='b.',
+                overwrite=False,
+                returndata=False,
+                energy_coefficient=1.0,
+                force_coefficient=0.04):
+    """Makes a parity plot of Amp energies and forces versus real energies and
+    forces.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    load : str
+        Path for loading an existing ".amp" file. Should be fed like
+        'load="filename.amp"'.
+    images : list or str
+        List of ASE atoms objects with positions, symbols, energies, and forces
+        in ASE format. This can also be the path to an ASE trajectory (.traj)
+        or database (.db) file.  Energies can be obtained from any reference,
+        e.g. DFT calculations.
+    label : str
+        Default prefix/location used for all files.
+    dblabel : str
+        Optional separate prefix/location of database files, including
+        fingerprints, fingerprint primes, and neighborlists, to avoid
+        calculating them. If not supplied, just uses the value from label.
+    plot_forces : bool
+        Determines whether or not forces should be plotted as well.
+    plotfile : Object
+        File for the plot.
+    color : str
+        Plot color.
+    overwrite : bool
+        If a plot or an script containing values found overwrite it.
+    returndata : bool
+        Whether to return a reference to the figures and their data or not.
+    energy_coefficient : float
+        Coefficient of energy loss in the total loss function.
+    force_coefficient : float
+        Coefficient of force loss in the total loss function.
+    """
+    calc = Amp.load(file=load, label=label, dblabel=dblabel)
+    if plotfile is None:
+        plotfile = make_filename(label, '-plot.pdf')
+    if (not overwrite) and os.path.exists(plotfile):
+        raise IOError('File exists: %s.\nIf you want to overwrite,'
+                      ' set overwrite=True or manually delete.'
+                      % plotfile)
+    if (force_coefficient != 0.) or (plot_forces is True):
+        calculate_derivatives = True
+    else:
+        calculate_derivatives = False
+    calc._log('\nAmp parity plot started. ' + now() + '\n')
+    calc._log('Descriptor: %s' % calc.descriptor.__class__.__name__)
+    calc._log('Model: %s' % calc.model.__class__.__name__)
+    images = hash_images(images, log=calc._log)
+    calc._log('\nDescriptor\n==========')
+    calc.descriptor.calculate_fingerprints(
+            images=images,
+            parallel=calc._parallel,
+            log=calc._log,
+            calculate_derivatives=calculate_derivatives)
+    calc._log('Calculating potential energies...', tic='pot-energy')
+    energy_data = {}
+    for hash, image in images.iteritems():
+        amp_energy = calc.model.calculate_energy(
+            calc.descriptor.fingerprints[hash])
+        actual_energy = image.get_potential_energy(apply_constraint=False)
+        energy_data[hash] = [actual_energy, amp_energy]
+    calc._log('...potential energies calculated.', toc='pot-energy')
+    min_act_energy = min([energy_data[hash][0]
+                         for hash, image in images.iteritems()])
+    max_act_energy = max([energy_data[hash][0]
+                         for hash, image in images.iteritems()])
+    if plot_forces is False:
+        fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(5., 5.))
+        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
+    else:
+        fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(5., 10.))
+        ax = fig.add_subplot(211)
+    calc._log('Plotting energies...', tic='energy-plot')
+    for hash, image in images.iteritems():
+        ax.plot(energy_data[hash][0], energy_data[hash][1], color)
+    # draw line
+    ax.plot([min_act_energy, max_act_energy],
+            [min_act_energy, max_act_energy],
+            'r-',
+            lw=0.3,)
+    ax.set_xlabel("ab initio energy, eV")
+    ax.set_ylabel("Amp energy, eV")
+    ax.set_title("Energies")
+    calc._log('...energies plotted.', toc='energy-plot')
+    if plot_forces is True:
+        ax = fig.add_subplot(212)
+        calc._log('Calculating forces...', tic='forces')
+        force_data = {}
+        for hash, image in images.iteritems():
+            amp_forces = \
+                calc.model.calculate_forces(
+                    calc.descriptor.fingerprints[hash],
+                    calc.descriptor.fingerprintprimes[hash])
+            actual_forces = image.get_forces(apply_constraint=False)
+            force_data[hash] = [actual_forces, amp_forces]
+        calc._log('...forces calculated.', toc='forces')
+        min_act_force = min([force_data[hash][0][index][k]
+                            for hash, image in images.iteritems()
+                            for index in range(len(image))
+                            for k in range(3)])
+        max_act_force = max([force_data[hash][0][index][k]
+                            for hash, image in images.iteritems()
+                            for index in range(len(image))
+                            for k in range(3)])
+        calc._log('Plotting forces...', tic='force-plot')
+        for hash, image in images.iteritems():
+            for index in range(len(image)):
+                for k in range(3):
+                    ax.plot(force_data[hash][0][index][k],
+                            force_data[hash][1][index][k], color)
+        # draw line
+        ax.plot([min_act_force, max_act_force],
+                [min_act_force, max_act_force],
+                'r-',
+                lw=0.3,)
+        ax.set_xlabel("ab initio force, eV/Ang")
+        ax.set_ylabel("Amp force, eV/Ang")
+        ax.set_title("Forces")
+        calc._log('...forces plotted.', toc='force-plot')
+    fig.savefig(plotfile)
+    if returndata:
+        if plot_forces is False:
+            return fig, energy_data
+        else:
+            return fig, energy_data, force_data
+def plot_error(load,
+               images,
+               label='error',
+               dblabel=None,
+               plot_forces=True,
+               plotfile=None,
+               color='b.',
+               overwrite=False,
+               returndata=False,
+               energy_coefficient=1.0,
+               force_coefficient=0.04):
+    """Makes an error plot of Amp energies and forces versus real energies and
+    forces.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    load : str
+        Path for loading an existing ".amp" file. Should be fed like
+        'load="filename.amp"'.
+    images : list or str
+        List of ASE atoms objects with positions, symbols, energies, and forces
+        in ASE format. This can also be the path to an ASE trajectory (.traj)
+        or database (.db) file.  Energies can be obtained from any reference,
+        e.g. DFT calculations.
+    label : str
+        Default prefix/location used for all files.
+    dblabel : str
+        Optional separate prefix/location of database files, including
+        fingerprints, fingerprint primes, and neighborlists, to avoid
+        calculating them. If not supplied, just uses the value from label.
+    plot_forces : bool
+        Determines whether or not forces should be plotted as well.
+    plotfile : Object
+        File for the plot.
+    color : str
+        Plot color.
+    overwrite : bool
+        If a plot or an script containing values found overwrite it.
+    returndata : bool
+        Whether to return a reference to the figures and their data or not.
+    energy_coefficient : float
+        Coefficient of energy loss in the total loss function.
+    force_coefficient : float
+        Coefficient of force loss in the total loss function.
+    """
+    calc = Amp.load(file=load)
+    if plotfile is None:
+        plotfile = make_filename(label, '-plot.pdf')
+    if (not overwrite) and os.path.exists(plotfile):
+        raise IOError('File exists: %s.\nIf you want to overwrite,'
+                      ' set overwrite=True or manually delete.'
+                      % plotfile)
+    calc.dblabel = label if dblabel is None else dblabel
+    if (force_coefficient != 0.) or (plot_forces is True):
+        calculate_derivatives = True
+    else:
+        calculate_derivatives = False
+    calc._log('\nAmp error plot started. ' + now() + '\n')
+    calc._log('Descriptor: %s' % calc.descriptor.__class__.__name__)
+    calc._log('Model: %s' % calc.model.__class__.__name__)
+    images = hash_images(images, log=calc._log)
+    calc._log('\nDescriptor\n==========')
+    calc.descriptor.calculate_fingerprints(
+            images=images,
+            parallel=calc._parallel,
+            log=calc._log,
+            calculate_derivatives=calculate_derivatives)
+    calc._log('Calculating potential energy errors...', tic='pot-energy')
+    energy_data = {}
+    for hash, image in images.iteritems():
+        no_of_atoms = len(image)
+        amp_energy = calc.model.calculate_energy(
+            calc.descriptor.fingerprints[hash])
+        actual_energy = image.get_potential_energy(apply_constraint=False)
+        act_energy_per_atom = actual_energy / no_of_atoms
+        energy_error = abs(amp_energy - actual_energy) / no_of_atoms
+        energy_data[hash] = [act_energy_per_atom, energy_error]
+    calc._log('...potential energy errors calculated.', toc='pot-energy')
+    # calculating energy per atom rmse
+    energy_square_error = 0.
+    for hash, image in images.iteritems():
+        energy_square_error += energy_data[hash][1] ** 2.
+    energy_per_atom_rmse = np.sqrt(energy_square_error / len(images))
+    min_act_energy_per_atom = min([energy_data[hash][0]
+                                   for hash, image in images.iteritems()])
+    max_act_energy_per_atom = max([energy_data[hash][0]
+                                   for hash, image in images.iteritems()])
+    if plot_forces is False:
+        fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(5., 5.))
+        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
+    else:
+        fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(5., 10.))
+        ax = fig.add_subplot(211)
+    calc._log('Plotting energy errors...', tic='energy-plot')
+    for hash, image in images.iteritems():
+        ax.plot(energy_data[hash][0], energy_data[hash][1], color)
+    # draw horizontal line for rmse
+    ax.plot([min_act_energy_per_atom, max_act_energy_per_atom],
+            [energy_per_atom_rmse, energy_per_atom_rmse],
+            color='black', linestyle='dashed', lw=1,)
+    ax.text(max_act_energy_per_atom,
+            energy_per_atom_rmse,
+            'energy rmse = %6.5f' % energy_per_atom_rmse,
+            ha='right',
+            va='bottom',
+            color='black')
+    ax.set_xlabel("ab initio energy (eV) per atom")
+    ax.set_ylabel("$|$ab initio energy - Amp energy$|$ / number of atoms")
+    ax.set_title("Energies")
+    calc._log('...energy errors plotted.', toc='energy-plot')
+    if plot_forces is True:
+        ax = fig.add_subplot(212)
+        calc._log('Calculating force errors...', tic='forces')
+        force_data = {}
+        for hash, image in images.iteritems():
+            amp_forces = \
+                calc.model.calculate_forces(
+                    calc.descriptor.fingerprints[hash],
+                    calc.descriptor.fingerprintprimes[hash])
+            actual_forces = image.get_forces(apply_constraint=False)
+            force_data[hash] = [
+                actual_forces,
+                abs(np.array(amp_forces) - np.array(actual_forces))]
+        calc._log('...force errors calculated.', toc='forces')
+        # calculating force rmse
+        force_square_error = 0.
+        for hash, image in images.iteritems():
+            no_of_atoms = len(image)
+            for index in range(no_of_atoms):
+                for k in range(3):
+                    force_square_error += \
+                        ((1.0 / 3.0) * force_data[hash][1][index][k] ** 2.) / \
+                        no_of_atoms
+        force_rmse = np.sqrt(force_square_error / len(images))
+        min_act_force = min([force_data[hash][0][index][k]
+                            for hash, image in images.iteritems()
+                            for index in range(len(image))
+                            for k in range(3)])
+        max_act_force = max([force_data[hash][0][index][k]
+                            for hash, image in images.iteritems()
+                            for index in range(len(image))
+                            for k in range(3)])
+        calc._log('Plotting force errors...', tic='force-plot')
+        for hash, image in images.iteritems():
+            for index in range(len(image)):
+                for k in range(3):
+                    ax.plot(force_data[hash][0][index][k],
+                            force_data[hash][1][index][k], color)
+        # draw horizontal line for rmse
+        ax.plot([min_act_force, max_act_force],
+                [force_rmse, force_rmse],
+                color='black',
+                linestyle='dashed',
+                lw=1,)
+        ax.text(max_act_force,
+                force_rmse,
+                'force rmse = %5.4f' % force_rmse,
+                ha='right',
+                va='bottom',
+                color='black',)
+        ax.set_xlabel("ab initio force, eV/Ang")
+        ax.set_ylabel("$|$ab initio force - Amp force$|$")
+        ax.set_title("Forces")
+        calc._log('...force errors plotted.', toc='force-plot')
+    fig.savefig(plotfile)
+    if returndata:
+        if plot_forces is False:
+            return fig, energy_data
+        else:
+            return fig, energy_data, force_data
+def read_trainlog(logfile, verbose=True):
+    """Reads the log file from the training process, returning the relevant
+    parameters.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    logfile : str
+        Name or path to the log file.
+    verbose : bool
+        Write out logfile during analysis.
+    """
+    data = {}
+    with open(logfile, 'r') as f:
+        lines = f.read().splitlines()
+    def print_(text):
+        if verbose:
+            print(text)
+    # Get number of images.
+    for line in lines:
+        if 'unique images after hashing.' in line:
+            no_images = int(line.split()[0])
+            break
+    data['no_images'] = no_images
+    # Find where convergence data starts.
+    startline = None
+    for index, line in enumerate(lines):
+        if 'Loss function convergence criteria:' in line:
+            startline = index
+            data['convergence'] = {}
+            d = data['convergence']
+            break
+    else:
+        return data
+    # Get convergence parameters.
+    ready = [False] * 7
+    for index, line in enumerate(lines[startline:]):
+        if 'energy_rmse:' in line:
+            ready[0] = True
+            d['energy_rmse'] = float(line.split(':')[-1])
+        elif 'force_rmse:' in line:
+            ready[1] = True
+            _ = line.split(':')[-1].strip()
+            if _ == 'None':
+                d['force_rmse'] = None
+                trainforces = False
+            else:
+                d['force_rmse'] = float(line.split(':')[-1])
+                trainforces = True
+            print_('train forces: %s' % trainforces)
+        elif 'force_coefficient:' in line:
+            ready[2] = True
+            _ = line.split(':')[-1].strip()
+            if _ == 'None':
+                d['force_coefficient'] = 0.
+            else:
+                d['force_coefficient'] = float(_)
+        elif 'energy_coefficient:' in line:
+            ready[3] = True
+            d['energy_coefficient'] = float(line.split(':')[-1])
+        elif 'energy_maxresid:' in line:
+            ready[5] = True
+            _ = line.split(':')[-1].strip()
+            if _ == 'None':
+                d['energy_maxresid'] = None
+            else:
+                d['energy_maxresid'] = float(_)
+        elif 'force_maxresid:' in line:
+            ready[6] = True
+            _ = line.split(':')[-1].strip()
+            if _ == 'None':
+                d['force_maxresid'] = None
+            else:
+                d['force_maxresid'] = float(_)
+        elif 'Step' in line and 'Time' in line:
+            ready[4] = True
+            startline += index + 2
+        if ready == [True] * 7:
+            break
+    for _ in d.iteritems():
+        print_('{}: {}'.format(_[0], _[1]))
+    E = d['energy_rmse']**2 * no_images
+    if trainforces:
+        F = d['force_rmse']**2 * no_images
+    else:
+        F = 0.
+    costfxngoal = d['energy_coefficient'] * E + d['force_coefficient'] * F
+    d['costfxngoal'] = costfxngoal
+    # Extract data (emrs and fmrs are max residuals).
+    steps, es, fs, emrs, fmrs, costfxns = [], [], [], [], [], []
+    costfxnEs, costfxnFs = [], []
+    index = startline
+    d['converged'] = None
+    while index < len(lines):
+        line = lines[index]
+        if 'Saving checkpoint data.' in line:
+            index += 1
+            continue
+        elif 'Overwriting file' in line:
+            index += 1
+            continue
+        elif 'optimization completed successfully.' in line:  # old version
+            d['converged'] = True
+            break
+        elif '...optimization successful.' in line:
+            d['converged'] = True
+            break
+        elif 'could not find parameters for the' in line:
+            break
+        elif '...optimization unsuccessful.' in line:
+            d['converged'] = False
+            break
+        print_(line)
+        if trainforces:
+            step, time, costfxn, e, _, emr, _, f, _, fmr, _ = line.split()
+            fs.append(float(f))
+            fmrs.append(float(fmr))
+            F = float(f)**2 * no_images
+            costfxnFs.append(d['force_coefficient'] * F / float(costfxn))
+        else:
+            step, time, costfxn, e, _, emr, _ = line.split()
+        steps.append(int(step))
+        es.append(float(e))
+        emrs.append(float(emr))
+        costfxns.append(costfxn)
+        E = float(e)**2 * no_images
+        costfxnEs.append(d['energy_coefficient'] * E / float(costfxn))
+        index += 1
+    d['steps'] = steps
+    d['es'] = es
+    d['fs'] = fs
+    d['emrs'] = emrs
+    d['fmrs'] = fmrs
+    d['costfxns'] = costfxns
+    d['costfxnEs'] = costfxnEs
+    d['costfxnFs'] = costfxnFs
+    return data
+def plot_convergence(logfile, plotfile='convergence.pdf'):
+    """Makes a plot of the convergence of the cost function and its energy
+    and force components.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    logfile : str
+        Name or path to the log file.
+    plotfile : str
+        Name or path to the plot file.
+    """
+    data = read_trainlog(logfile)
+    # Find if multiple runs contained in data set.
+    d = data['convergence']
+    steps = range(len(d['steps']))
+    breaks = []
+    for index, step in enumerate(d['steps'][1:]):
+        if step < d['steps'][index]:
+            breaks.append(index)
+    # Make plots.
+    fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(6., 8.))
+    # Margins, vertical gap, and top-to-bottom ratio of figure.
+    lm, rm, bm, tm, vg, tb = 0.12, 0.05, 0.08, 0.03, 0.08, 4.
+    bottomaxheight = (1. - bm - tm - vg) / (tb + 1.)
+    ax = fig.add_axes((lm, bm + bottomaxheight + vg,
+                       1. - lm - rm, tb * bottomaxheight))
+    ax.semilogy(steps, d['es'], 'b', lw=2, label='energy rmse')
+    ax.semilogy(steps, d['emrs'], 'b:', lw=2, label='energy maxresid')
+    if d['force_rmse']:
+        ax.semilogy(steps, d['fs'], 'g', lw=2, label='force rmse')
+        ax.semilogy(steps, d['fmrs'], 'g:', lw=2, label='force maxresid')
+    ax.semilogy(steps, d['costfxns'], color='0.5', lw=2,
+                label='loss function')
+    # Targets.
+    if d['energy_rmse']:
+        ax.semilogy([steps[0], steps[-1]], [d['energy_rmse']] * 2,
+                    color='b', linestyle='-', alpha=0.5)
+    if d['energy_maxresid']:
+        ax.semilogy([steps[0], steps[-1]], [d['energy_maxresid']] * 2,
+                    color='b', linestyle=':', alpha=0.5)
+    if d['force_rmse']:
+        ax.semilogy([steps[0], steps[-1]], [d['force_rmse']] * 2,
+                    color='g', linestyle='-', alpha=0.5)
+    if d['force_maxresid']:
+        ax.semilogy([steps[0], steps[-1]], [d['force_maxresid']] * 2,
+                    color='g', linestyle=':', alpha=0.5)
+    ax.set_ylabel('error')
+    ax.legend(loc='best', fontsize=9.)
+    if len(breaks) > 0:
+        ylim = ax.get_ylim()
+        for b in breaks:
+            ax.plot([b] * 2, ylim, '--k')
+    if d['force_rmse']:
+        # Loss function component plot.
+        axf = fig.add_axes((lm, bm, 1. - lm - rm, bottomaxheight))
+        axf.fill_between(x=np.array(steps), y1=d['costfxnEs'],
+                         color='blue')
+        axf.fill_between(x=np.array(steps), y1=d['costfxnEs'],
+                         y2=np.array(d['costfxnEs']) +
+                         np.array(d['costfxnFs']),
+                         color='green')
+        axf.set_ylabel('loss function component')
+        axf.set_xlabel('loss function call')
+        axf.set_ylim(0, 1)
+    else:
+        ax.set_xlabel('loss function call')
+    fig.savefig(plotfile)
+    pyplot.close(fig)
diff --git a/amp/descriptor/Makefile b/amp/descriptor/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf3d8e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/amp/descriptor/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+	gfortran -c cutoffs.f90
+	cp cutoffs.mod ..
diff --git a/amp/descriptor/__init__.py b/amp/descriptor/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8eb85af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/amp/descriptor/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Folder that contains different local environment descriptors.
diff --git a/amp/descriptor/analysis.py b/amp/descriptor/analysis.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed5f246
--- /dev/null
+++ b/amp/descriptor/analysis.py
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+import numpy as np
+from ..utilities import hash_images, get_hash
+class FingerprintPlot:
+    """Create plots of fingerprint ranges.
+    Initialize with an Amp calculator object.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, calc):
+        self._calc = calc
+    def __call__(self, images, name='fingerprints.pdf', overlay=None):
+        """Creates a violin plot of fingerprints for each element type in the
+        fed images; saves to specified filename.
+        Optionally, the user can supply either an ase.Atoms or a list of
+        ase.Atom objects with the overlay keyword; this will result in
+        points being added to the fingerprints indicating the values for
+        that atom or atoms object.
+        """
+        from matplotlib import pyplot
+        from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
+        self.compile_fingerprints(images)
+        self.figures = {}
+        for element in self.data.keys():
+            self.figures[element] = pyplot.figure(figsize=(11., 8.5))
+            fig = self.figures[element]
+            ax = fig.add_subplot(211)
+            ax.violinplot(self.data[element])
+            ax.set_ylabel('raw value')
+            ax.set_xlim([0, self.data[element].shape[1] + 1])
+            if hasattr(self._calc.model.parameters, 'fprange'):
+                ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212)
+                fprange = self._calc.model.parameters.fprange[element]
+                fprange = np.array(fprange)
+                fprange.transpose()
+                d = self.data[element]
+                scaled = ((d - fprange[:, 0]) /
+                          (fprange[:, 1] - fprange[:, 0]) * 2.0 - 1.0)
+                ax2.violinplot(scaled)
+                ax2.set_ylabel('scaled value')
+                ax2.set_xlim([0, self.data[element].shape[1] + 1])
+                ax2.set_ylim([-1.05, 1.05])
+                ax2.set_xlabel('fingerprint')
+            else:
+                ax.set_xlabel('fingerprint')
+                fig.text(0.5, 0.25,
+                         '(No fprange in model; therefore no scaled '
+                         'fingerprints shown.)',
+                         ha='center')
+            fig.text(0.5, 0.95, element, ha='center')
+        if overlay:
+            # Find all atoms.
+            images = [atom.atoms for atom in overlay]
+            images = hash_images(images)
+            self._calc.descriptor.calculate_fingerprints(images)
+            for atom in overlay:
+                key = get_hash(atom.atoms)
+                fingerprints = self._calc.descriptor.fingerprints[key]
+                fingerprint = fingerprints[atom.index]
+                fig = self.figures[fingerprint[0]]
+                ax = fig.axes[0]
+                ax.plot(range(1, len(fingerprint[1]) + 1),
+                        fingerprint[1], '.b')
+                fprange = self._calc.model.parameters.fprange[atom.symbol]
+                fprange = np.array(fprange)
+                fprange.transpose()
+                scaled = ((np.array(fingerprint[1]) - fprange[:, 0]) /
+                          (fprange[:, 1] - fprange[:, 0]) * 2.0 - 1.0)
+                ax = fig.axes[1]
+                ax.plot(range(1, len(fingerprint[1]) + 1),
+                        scaled, '.b')
+        with PdfPages(name) as pdf:
+            for fig in self.figures.values():
+                pdf.savefig(fig)
+                pyplot.close(fig)
+    def compile_fingerprints(self, images):
+        """Calculates or looks up fingerprints and compiles them, per
+        element, for the images.
+        """
+        data = self.data = {}
+        images = hash_images(images)
+        self._calc.descriptor.calculate_fingerprints(images)
+        for hash in images.keys():
+            fingerprints = self._calc.descriptor.fingerprints[hash]
+            for element, fingerprint in fingerprints:
+                if element not in data:
+                    data[element] = []
+                data[element].append(fingerprint)
+                print(element, len(fingerprint))
+        for element in data.keys():
+            data[element] = np.array(data[element])
diff --git a/amp/descriptor/bispectrum.py b/amp/descriptor/bispectrum.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c34672
--- /dev/null
+++ b/amp/descriptor/bispectrum.py
@@ -0,0 +1,683 @@
+import numpy as np
+from numpy import cos, sqrt, exp
+from ase.data import atomic_numbers
+from ase.calculators.calculator import Parameters
+from ..utilities import Data, Logger, importer
+from .cutoffs import Cosine, dict2cutoff
+NeighborList = importer('NeighborList')
+class Bispectrum(object):
+    """Class that calculates spherical harmonic bispectrum fingerprints.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    cutoff : object or float
+        Cutoff function, typically from amp.descriptor.cutoffs.  Can be also
+        fed as a float representing the radius above which neighbor
+        interactions are ignored; in this case a cosine cutoff function will be
+        employed.  Default is a 6.5-Angstrom cosine cutoff.
+    Gs : dict
+        Dictionary of symbols and dictionaries for making fingerprints.  Either
+        auto-genetrated, or given in the following form, for example:
+               >>> Gs = {"Au": {"Au": 3., "O": 2.}, "O": {"Au": 5., "O": 10.}}
+    jmax : integer or half-integer or dict
+        Maximum degree of spherical harmonics that will be included in the
+        fingerprint vector. Can be also fed as a dictionary with chemical
+        species as keys.
+    dblabel : str
+        Optional separate prefix/location for database files, including
+        fingerprints, fingerprint derivatives, and neighborlists. This file
+        location can be shared between calculator instances to avoid
+        re-calculating redundant information. If not supplied, just uses the
+        value from label.
+    elements : list
+        List of allowed elements present in the system. If not provided, will
+        be found automatically.
+    version : str
+        Version of fingerprints.
+    Raises:
+    -------
+        RuntimeError, TypeError
+    """
+    def __init__(self, cutoff=Cosine(6.5), Gs=None, jmax=5, dblabel=None,
+                 elements=None, version='2016.02', mode='atom-centered'):
+        # Check of the version of descriptor, particularly if restarting.
+        compatibleversions = ['2016.02', ]
+        if (version is not None) and version not in compatibleversions:
+            raise RuntimeError('Error: Trying to use bispectrum fingerprints'
+                               ' version %s, but this module only supports'
+                               ' versions %s. You may need an older or '
+                               ' newer version of Amp.' %
+                               (version, compatibleversions))
+        else:
+            version = compatibleversions[-1]
+        # Check that the mode is atom-centered.
+        if mode != 'atom-centered':
+            raise RuntimeError('Bispectrum scheme only works '
+                               'in atom-centered mode. %s '
+                               'specified.' % mode)
+        # If the cutoff is provided as a number, Cosine function will be used
+        # by default.
+        if isinstance(cutoff, int) or isinstance(cutoff, float):
+            cutoff = Cosine(cutoff)
+        # If the cutoff is provided as a dictionary, assume we need to load it
+        # with dict2cutoff.
+        if type(cutoff) is dict:
+            cutoff = dict2cutoff(cutoff)
+        # The parameters dictionary contains the minimum information
+        # to produce a compatible descriptor; that is, one that gives
+        # an identical fingerprint when fed an ASE image.
+        p = self.parameters = Parameters(
+            {'importname': '.descriptor.bispectrum.Bispectrum',
+             'mode': 'atom-centered'})
+        p.version = version
+        p.cutoff = cutoff.todict()
+        p.Gs = Gs
+        p.jmax = jmax
+        p.elements = elements
+        self.dblabel = dblabel
+        self.parent = None  # Can hold a reference to main Amp instance.
+    def tostring(self):
+        """Returns an evaluatable representation of the calculator that can
+        be used to restart the calculator."""
+        return self.parameters.tostring()
+    def calculate_fingerprints(self, images, parallel=None, log=None,
+                               calculate_derivatives=False):
+        """Calculates the fingerpints of the images, for the ones not already
+        done.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        images : list or str
+            List of ASE atoms objects with positions, symbols, energies, and
+            forces in ASE format. This is the training set of data. This can
+            also be the path to an ASE trajectory (.traj) or database (.db)
+            file. Energies can be obtained from any reference, e.g. DFT
+            calculations.
+        parallel : dict
+            Configuration for parallelization. Should be in same form as in
+            amp.Amp.
+        log : Logger object
+            Write function at which to log data. Note this must be a callable
+            function.
+        calculate_derivatives : bool
+            Decides whether or not fingerprintprimes should also be calculated.
+        """
+        if parallel is None:
+            parallel = {'cores': 1}
+        if calculate_derivatives is True:
+            import warnings
+            warnings.warn('Zernike descriptor cannot train forces yet. '
+                          'Force training automatically turnned off. ')
+            calculate_derivatives = False
+        log = Logger(file=None) if log is None else log
+        if (self.dblabel is None) and hasattr(self.parent, 'dblabel'):
+            self.dblabel = self.parent.dblabel
+        self.dblabel = 'amp-data' if self.dblabel is None else self.dblabel
+        p = self.parameters
+        log('Cutoff function: %s' % repr(dict2cutoff(p.cutoff)))
+        if p.elements is None:
+            log('Finding unique set of elements in training data.')
+            p.elements = set([atom.symbol for atoms in images.values()
+                              for atom in atoms])
+        p.elements = sorted(p.elements)
+        log('%i unique elements included: ' % len(p.elements) +
+            ', '.join(p.elements))
+        log('Maximum degree of spherical harmonic bispectrum:')
+        if isinstance(p.jmax, dict):
+            for _ in p.jmax.keys():
+                log(' %2s: %d' % (_, p.jmax[_]))
+        else:
+            log('jmax: %d' % p.jmax)
+        if p.Gs is None:
+            log('No coefficient for atomic density function supplied; '
+                'creating defaults.')
+            p.Gs = generate_coefficients(p.elements)
+        log('Coefficients of atomic density function for each element:')
+        for _ in p.Gs.keys():
+            log(' %2s: %s' % (_, str(p.Gs[_])))
+        # Counts the number of descriptors for each element.
+        no_of_descriptors = {}
+        for element in p.elements:
+            count = 0
+            if isinstance(p.jmax, dict):
+                for _2j1 in range(int(2 * p.jmax[element]) + 1):
+                    for j in range(int(min(_2j1, p.jmax[element])) + 1):
+                        count += 1
+            else:
+                for _2j1 in range(int(2 * p.jmax) + 1):
+                    for j in range(int(min(_2j1, p.jmax)) + 1):
+                        count += 1
+            no_of_descriptors[element] = count
+        log('Number of descriptors for each element:')
+        for element in p.elements:
+            log(' %2s: %d' % (element, no_of_descriptors.pop(element)))
+        log('Calculating neighborlists...', tic='nl')
+        if not hasattr(self, 'neighborlist'):
+            calc = NeighborlistCalculator(cutoff=p.cutoff['kwargs']['Rc'])
+            self.neighborlist = Data(filename='%s-neighborlists'
+                                     % self.dblabel,
+                                     calculator=calc)
+        self.neighborlist.calculate_items(images, parallel=parallel, log=log)
+        log('...neighborlists calculated.', toc='nl')
+        log('Fingerprinting images...', tic='fp')
+        if not hasattr(self, 'fingerprints'):
+            calc = FingerprintCalculator(neighborlist=self.neighborlist,
+                                         Gs=p.Gs,
+                                         jmax=p.jmax,
+                                         cutoff=p.cutoff,)
+            self.fingerprints = Data(filename='%s-fingerprints'
+                                     % self.dblabel,
+                                     calculator=calc)
+        self.fingerprints.calculate_items(images, parallel=parallel, log=log)
+        log('...fingerprints calculated.', toc='fp')
+# Calculators #################################################################
+# Neighborlist Calculator
+class NeighborlistCalculator:
+    """For integration with .utilities.Data
+    For each image fed to calculate, a list of neighbors with offset
+    distances is returned.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, cutoff):
+        self.globals = Parameters({'cutoff': cutoff})
+        self.keyed = Parameters()
+        self.parallel_command = 'calculate_neighborlists'
+    def calculate(self, image, key):
+        cutoff = self.globals.cutoff
+        n = NeighborList(cutoffs=[cutoff / 2.] * len(image),
+                         self_interaction=False,
+                         bothways=True,
+                         skin=0.)
+        n.update(image)
+        return [n.get_neighbors(index) for index in range(len(image))]
+class FingerprintCalculator:
+    """For integration with .utilities.Data
+    """
+    def __init__(self, neighborlist, Gs, jmax, cutoff,):
+        self.globals = Parameters({'cutoff': cutoff,
+                                   'Gs': Gs,
+                                   'jmax': jmax})
+        self.keyed = Parameters({'neighborlist': neighborlist})
+        self.parallel_command = 'calculate_fingerprints'
+        self.factorial = [1]
+        for _ in range(int(3. * jmax) + 2):
+            if _ > 0:
+                self.factorial += [_ * self.factorial[_ - 1]]
+    def calculate(self, image, key):
+        """Makes a list of fingerprints, one per atom, for the fed image.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        image : object
+            ASE atoms object.
+        key : str
+            key of the image after being hashed.
+        """
+        nl = self.keyed.neighborlist[key]
+        fingerprints = []
+        for atom in image:
+            symbol = atom.symbol
+            index = atom.index
+            neighbors, offsets = nl[index]
+            neighborsymbols = [image[_].symbol for _ in neighbors]
+            Rs = [image.positions[neighbor] + np.dot(offset, image.cell)
+                  for (neighbor, offset) in zip(neighbors, offsets)]
+            self.atoms = image
+            indexfp = self.get_fingerprint(index, symbol, neighborsymbols, Rs)
+            fingerprints.append(indexfp)
+        return fingerprints
+    def get_fingerprint(self, index, symbol, n_symbols, Rs):
+        """Returns the fingerprint of symmetry function values for atom
+        specified by its index and symbol.
+        n_symbols and Rs are lists of
+        neighbors' symbols and Cartesian positions, respectively.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        index : int
+            Index of the center atom.
+        symbol : str
+            Symbol of the center atom.
+        n_symbols : list of str
+            List of neighbors' symbols.
+        Rs : list of list of float
+            List of Cartesian atomic positions of neighbors.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        symbols, fingerprints : list of float
+            fingerprints for atom specified by its index and symbol.
+        """
+        home = self.atoms[index].position
+        cutoff = self.globals.cutoff
+        Rc = cutoff['kwargs']['Rc']
+        jmax = self.globals.jmax
+        if cutoff['name'] == 'Cosine':
+            cutoff_fxn = Cosine(Rc)
+        elif cutoff['name'] == 'Polynomial':
+#            cutoff_fxn = Polynomial(cutoff)
+            raise NotImplementedError()
+        rs = []
+        psis = []
+        thetas = []
+        phis = []
+        for neighbor in Rs:
+            x = neighbor[0] - home[0]
+            y = neighbor[1] - home[1]
+            z = neighbor[2] - home[2]
+            r = np.linalg.norm(neighbor - home)
+            if r > 10.**(-10.):
+                psi = np.arcsin(r / Rc)
+                theta = np.arccos(z / r)
+                if abs((z / r) - 1.0) < 10.**(-8.):
+                    theta = 0.0
+                elif abs((z / r) + 1.0) < 10.**(-8.):
+                    theta = np.pi
+                if x < 0.:
+                    phi = np.pi + np.arctan(y / x)
+                elif 0. < x and y < 0.:
+                    phi = 2 * np.pi + np.arctan(y / x)
+                elif 0. < x and 0. <= y:
+                    phi = np.arctan(y / x)
+                elif x == 0. and 0. < y:
+                    phi = 0.5 * np.pi
+                elif x == 0. and y < 0.:
+                    phi = 1.5 * np.pi
+                else:
+                    phi = 0.
+                rs += [r]
+                psis += [psi]
+                thetas += [theta]
+                phis += [phi]
+        fingerprint = []
+        for _2j1 in range(int(2 * jmax) + 1):
+            j1 = 0.5 * _2j1
+            j2 = 0.5 * _2j1
+            for j in range(int(min(_2j1, jmax)) + 1):
+                value = calculate_B(j1, j2, 1.0 * j, self.globals.Gs[symbol],
+                                    Rc, cutoff['name'],
+                                    self.factorial, n_symbols,
+                                    rs, psis, thetas, phis)
+                value = value.real
+                fingerprint.append(value)
+        return symbol, fingerprint
+# Auxiliary functions #########################################################
+def calculate_B(j1, j2, j, G_element, cutoff, cutofffn, factorial, n_symbols,
+                rs, psis, thetas, phis):
+    """Calculates bi-spectrum B_{j1, j2, j} according to Eq. (5) of "Gaussian
+    Approximation Potentials: The Accuracy of Quantum Mechanics, without the
+    Electrons", Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 136403.
+    """
+    mvals = m_values(j)
+    B = 0.
+    for m in mvals:
+        for mp in mvals:
+            c = calculate_c(j, mp, m, G_element, cutoff, cutofffn, factorial,
+                            n_symbols, rs, psis, thetas, phis)
+            m1bound = min(j1, m + j2)
+            mp1bound = min(j1, mp + j2)
+            m1 = max(-j1, m - j2)
+            while m1 < (m1bound + 0.5):
+                mp1 = max(-j1, mp - j2)
+                while mp1 < (mp1bound + 0.5):
+                    c1 = calculate_c(j1, mp1, m1, G_element, cutoff, cutofffn,
+                                     factorial, n_symbols, rs, psis, thetas,
+                                     phis)
+                    c2 = calculate_c(j2, mp - mp1, m - m1, G_element, cutoff,
+                                     cutofffn, factorial, n_symbols, rs, psis,
+                                     thetas, phis)
+                    B += CG(j1, m1, j2, m - m1, j, m, factorial) * \
+                        CG(j1, mp1, j2, mp - mp1, j, mp, factorial) * \
+                        np.conjugate(c) * c1 * c2
+                    mp1 += 1.
+                m1 += 1.
+    return B
+def calculate_c(j, mp, m, G_element, cutoff, cutofffn, factorial, n_symbols,
+                rs, psis, thetas, phis):
+    """Calculates c^{j}_{m'm} according to Eq. (4) of "Gaussian Approximation
+    Potentials: The Accuracy of Quantum Mechanics, without the Electrons",
+    Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 136403
+    """
+    if cutofffn is 'Cosine':
+        cutoff_fxn = Cosine(cutoff)
+    elif cutofffn is 'Polynomial':
+#        cutoff_fxn = Polynomial(cutoff)
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    value = 0.
+    for n_symbol, r, psi, theta, phi in zip(n_symbols, rs, psis, thetas, phis):
+        value += G_element[n_symbol] * \
+            np.conjugate(U(j, m, mp, psi, theta, phi, factorial)) * \
+            cutoff_fxn(r)
+    return value
+def m_values(j):
+    """Returns a list of m values for a given j."""
+    assert j >= 0, '2*j should be a non-negative integer.'
+    return [j - i for i in range(int(2 * j + 1))]
+def binomial(n, k, factorial):
+    """Returns C(n,k) = n!/(k!(n-k)!)."""
+    assert n >= 0 and k >= 0 and n >= k, \
+        'n and k should be non-negative integers with n >= k.'
+    c = factorial[int(n)] / (factorial[int(k)] * factorial[int(n - k)])
+    return c
+def WignerD(j, m, mp, alpha, beta, gamma, factorial):
+    """Returns the Wigner-D matrix. alpha, beta, and gamma are the Euler
+    angles."""
+    result = 0
+    if abs(beta - np.pi / 2.) < 10.**(-10.):
+        # Varshalovich Eq. (5), Section 4.16, Page 113.
+        # j, m, and mp here are J, M, and M', respectively, in Eq. (5).
+        for k in range(int(2 * j + 1)):
+            if k > j + mp or k > j - m:
+                break
+            elif k < mp - m:
+                continue
+            result += (-1)**k * binomial(j + mp, k, factorial) * \
+                binomial(j - mp, k + m - mp, factorial)
+        result *= (-1)**(m - mp) * \
+            sqrt(float(factorial[int(j + m)] * factorial[int(j - m)]) /
+                 float((factorial[int(j + mp)] * factorial[int(j - mp)]))) / \
+            2.**j
+        result *= exp(-1j * m * alpha) * exp(-1j * mp * gamma)
+    else:
+        # Varshalovich Eq. (10), Section 4.16, Page 113.
+        # m, mpp, and mp here are M, m, and M', respectively, in Eq. (10).
+        mvals = m_values(j)
+        for mpp in mvals:
+            # temp1 = WignerD(j, m, mpp, 0, np.pi/2, 0) = d(j, m, mpp, np.pi/2)
+            temp1 = 0.
+            for k in range(int(2 * j + 1)):
+                if k > j + mpp or k > j - m:
+                    break
+                elif k < mpp - m:
+                    continue
+                temp1 += (-1)**k * binomial(j + mpp, k, factorial) * \
+                    binomial(j - mpp, k + m - mpp, factorial)
+            temp1 *= (-1)**(m - mpp) * \
+                sqrt(float(factorial[int(j + m)] * factorial[int(j - m)]) /
+                     float((factorial[int(j + mpp)] *
+                            factorial[int(j - mpp)]))) / 2.**j
+            # temp2 = WignerD(j, mpp, mp, 0, np.pi/2, 0) = d(j, mpp, mp,
+            # np.pi/2)
+            temp2 = 0.
+            for k in range(int(2 * j + 1)):
+                if k > j - mp or k > j - mpp:
+                    break
+                elif k < - mp - mpp:
+                    continue
+                temp2 += (-1)**k * binomial(j - mp, k, factorial) * \
+                    binomial(j + mp, k + mpp + mp, factorial)
+            temp2 *= (-1)**(mpp + mp) * \
+                sqrt(float(factorial[int(j + mpp)] * factorial[int(j - mpp)]) /
+                     float((factorial[int(j - mp)] *
+                            factorial[int(j + mp)]))) / 2.**j
+            result += temp1 * exp(-1j * mpp * beta) * temp2
+        # Empirical normalization factor so results match Varshalovich
+        # Tables 4.3-4.12
+        # Note that this exact normalization does not follow from the
+        # above equations
+        result *= (1j**(2 * j - m - mp)) * ((-1)**(2 * m))
+        result *= exp(-1j * m * alpha) * exp(-1j * mp * gamma)
+    return result
+def U(j, m, mp, omega, theta, phi, factorial):
+    """Calculates rotation matrix U_{MM'}^{J} in terms of rotation angle omega as
+    well as rotation axis angles theta and phi, according to Varshalovich,
+    Eq. (3), Section 4.5, Page 81. j, m, mp, and mpp here are J, M, M', and M''
+    in Eq. (3).
+    """
+    result = 0.
+    mvals = m_values(j)
+    for mpp in mvals:
+        result += WignerD(j, m, mpp, phi, theta, -phi, factorial) * \
+            exp(- 1j * mpp * omega) * \
+            WignerD(j, mpp, mp, phi, -theta, -phi, factorial)
+    return result
+def CG(a, alpha, b, beta, c, gamma, factorial):
+    """Clebsch-Gordan coefficient C_{a alpha b beta}^{c gamma} is calculated
+    acoording to the expression given in Varshalovich Eq. (3), Section 8.2,
+    Page 238."""
+    if int(2. * a) != 2. * a or int(2. * b) != 2. * b or int(2. * c) != 2. * c:
+        raise ValueError("j values must be integer or half integer")
+    if int(2. * alpha) != 2. * alpha or int(2. * beta) != 2. * beta or \
+            int(2. * gamma) != 2. * gamma:
+        raise ValueError("m values must be integer or half integer")
+    if alpha + beta - gamma != 0.:
+        return 0.
+    else:
+        minimum = min(a + b - c, a - b + c, -a + b + c, a + b + c + 1.,
+                      a - abs(alpha), b - abs(beta), c - abs(gamma))
+        if minimum < 0.:
+            return 0.
+        else:
+            sqrtarg = \
+                factorial[int(a + alpha)] * \
+                factorial[int(a - alpha)] * \
+                factorial[int(b + beta)] * \
+                factorial[int(b - beta)] * \
+                factorial[int(c + gamma)] * \
+                factorial[int(c - gamma)] * \
+                (2. * c + 1.) * \
+                factorial[int(a + b - c)] * \
+                factorial[int(a - b + c)] * \
+                factorial[int(-a + b + c)] / \
+                factorial[int(a + b + c + 1.)]
+            sqrtres = sqrt(sqrtarg)
+            zmin = max(a + beta - c, b - alpha - c, 0.)
+            zmax = min(b + beta, a - alpha, a + b - c)
+            sumres = 0.
+            for z in range(int(zmin), int(zmax) + 1):
+                value = \
+                    factorial[int(z)] * \
+                    factorial[int(a + b - c - z)] * \
+                    factorial[int(a - alpha - z)] * \
+                    factorial[int(b + beta - z)] * \
+                    factorial[int(c - b + alpha + z)] * \
+                    factorial[int(c - a - beta + z)]
+                sumres += (-1.)**z / value
+            result = sqrtres * sumres
+            return result
+def generate_coefficients(elements):
+    """Automatically generates coefficients if not given by the user.
+    Parameters
+    ---------
+    elements : list of str
+        List of symbols of all atoms.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    G : dict of dicts
+    """
+    _G = {}
+    for element in elements:
+        _G[element] = atomic_numbers[element]
+    G = {}
+    for element in elements:
+        G[element] = _G
+    return G
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    """Directly calling this module; apparently from another node.
+    Calls should come as
+    python -m amp.descriptor.example id hostname:port
+    This session will then start a zmq session with that socket, labeling
+    itself with id. Instructions on what to do will come from the socket.
+    """
+    import sys
+    import tempfile
+    import zmq
+    from ..utilities import MessageDictionary
+    hostsocket = sys.argv[-1]
+    proc_id = sys.argv[-2]
+    msg = MessageDictionary(proc_id)
+    # Send standard lines to stdout signaling process started and where
+    # error is directed. This should be caught by pxssh. (This could
+    # alternatively be done by zmq, but this works.)
+    print('<amp-connect>')  # Signal that program started.
+    sys.stderr = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', delete=False,
+                                             suffix='.stderr')
+    print('Log and error written to %s<stderr>' % sys.stderr.name)
+    # Establish client session via zmq; find purpose.
+    context = zmq.Context()
+    socket = context.socket(zmq.REQ)
+    socket.connect('tcp://%s' % hostsocket)
+    socket.send_pyobj(msg('<purpose>'))
+    purpose = socket.recv_pyobj()
+    if purpose == 'calculate_neighborlists':
+        # Request variables.
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'cutoff'))
+        cutoff = socket.recv_pyobj()
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'images'))
+        images = socket.recv_pyobj()
+        # sys.stderr.write(str(images)) # Just to see if they are there.
+        # Perform the calculations.
+        calc = NeighborlistCalculator(cutoff=cutoff)
+        neighborlist = {}
+        # for key in images.iterkeys():
+        while len(images) > 0:
+            key, image = images.popitem()  # Reduce memory.
+            neighborlist[key] = calc.calculate(image, key)
+        # Send the results.
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<result>', neighborlist))
+        socket.recv_string()  # Needed to complete REQ/REP.
+    elif purpose == 'calculate_fingerprints':
+        # Request variables.
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'cutoff'))
+        cutoff = socket.recv_pyobj()
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'Gs'))
+        Gs = socket.recv_pyobj()
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'jmax'))
+        jmax = socket.recv_pyobj()
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'neighborlist'))
+        neighborlist = socket.recv_pyobj()
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'images'))
+        images = socket.recv_pyobj()
+        calc = FingerprintCalculator(neighborlist, Gs, jmax, cutoff,)
+        result = {}
+        while len(images) > 0:
+            key, image = images.popitem()  # Reduce memory.
+            result[key] = calc.calculate(image, key)
+            if len(images) % 100 == 0:
+                socket.send_pyobj(msg('<info>', len(images)))
+                socket.recv_string()  # Needed to complete REQ/REP.
+        # Send the results.
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<result>', result))
+        socket.recv_string()  # Needed to complete REQ/REP.
+    else:
+        raise NotImplementedError('purpose %s unknown.' % purpose)
diff --git a/amp/descriptor/cutoffs.f90 b/amp/descriptor/cutoffs.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0376c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/amp/descriptor/cutoffs.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+      module cutoffs
+          implicit none
+          contains
+      function cutoff_fxn(r, rc, cutofffn, p_gamma)
+          double precision:: r, rc, pi, cutoff_fxn
+          ! gamma parameter for the polynomial cutoff
+          double precision, optional:: p_gamma
+          character(len=20):: cutofffn
+!       To avoid noise, for each call of this function, it is better to
+!       set returned variables to 0.0d0.
+        cutoff_fxn = 0.0d0
+        if (cutofffn == 'Cosine') then
+            if (r > rc) then
+                cutoff_fxn = 0.0d0
+            else
+                pi = 4.0d0 * datan(1.0d0)
+                cutoff_fxn = 0.5d0 * (cos(pi*r/rc) + 1.0d0)
+            end if
+        elseif (cutofffn == 'Polynomial') then
+            if (r > rc) then
+                cutoff_fxn = 0.0d0
+            else
+                cutoff_fxn = 1. + p_gamma &
+                      * (r / rc) ** (p_gamma + 1) &
+                      - (p_gamma + 1) * (r / rc) ** p_gamma
+            end if
+        endif
+      end function cutoff_fxn
+      function cutoff_fxn_prime(r, rc, cutofffn, p_gamma)
+          double precision:: r, rc, cutoff_fxn_prime, pi
+          ! gamma parameter for the polynomial cutoff
+          double precision, optional:: p_gamma
+          character(len=20):: cutofffn
+!       To avoid noise, for each call of this function, it is better to
+!       set returned variables to 0.0d0.
+          cutoff_fxn_prime = 0.0d0
+          if (cutofffn == 'Cosine') then
+              if (r > rc) then
+                  cutoff_fxn_prime = 0.0d0
+              else
+                  pi = 4.0d0 * datan(1.0d0)
+                  cutoff_fxn_prime = -0.5d0 * pi * sin(pi*r/rc) / rc
+              end if
+          elseif (cutofffn == 'Polynomial') then
+              if (r > rc) then
+                  cutoff_fxn_prime = 0.0d0
+              else
+                  cutoff_fxn_prime = (p_gamma * (p_gamma + 1) / rc) &
+                   * ((r / rc) ** p_gamma - (r / rc) ** (p_gamma - 1))
+              end if
+          end if
+      end function cutoff_fxn_prime
+      end module cutoffs
diff --git a/amp/descriptor/cutoffs.py b/amp/descriptor/cutoffs.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0613b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/amp/descriptor/cutoffs.py
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+This script contains different cutoff function forms.
+Note all cutoff functions need to have a "todict" method
+to support saving/loading as an Amp object.
+All cutoff functions also need to have an `Rc` attribute which
+is the maximum distance at which properties are calculated; this
+will be used in calculating neighborlists.
+import numpy as np
+def dict2cutoff(dct):
+    """This function converts a dictionary (which was created with the
+    to_dict method of one of the cutoff classes) into an instantiated
+    version of the class. Modeled after ASE's dict2constraint function.
+    """
+    if len(dct) != 2:
+        raise RuntimeError('Cutoff dictionary must have only two values,'
+                           ' "name" and "kwargs".')
+    return globals()[dct['name']](**dct['kwargs'])
+class Cosine(object):
+    """Cosine functional form suggested by Behler.
+    Parameters
+    ---------
+    Rc : float
+        Radius above which neighbor interactions are ignored.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, Rc):
+        self.Rc = Rc
+    def __call__(self, Rij):
+        """
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        Rij : float
+            Distance between pair atoms.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        float
+            The value of the cutoff function.
+        """
+        if Rij > self.Rc:
+            return 0.
+        else:
+            return 0.5 * (np.cos(np.pi * Rij / self.Rc) + 1.)
+    def prime(self, Rij):
+        """Derivative of the Cosine cutoff function.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        Rij : float
+            Distance between pair atoms.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        float
+            The value of derivative of the cutoff function.
+        """
+        if Rij > self.Rc:
+            return 0.
+        else:
+            return -0.5 * np.pi / self.Rc * np.sin(np.pi * Rij / self.Rc)
+    def todict(self):
+        return {'name': 'Cosine',
+                'kwargs': {'Rc': self.Rc}}
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return ('<Cosine cutoff with Rc=%.3f from amp.descriptor.cutoffs>'
+                % self.Rc)
+class Polynomial(object):
+    """Polynomial functional form suggested by Khorshidi and Peterson.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    gamma : float
+        The power of polynomial.
+    Rc : float
+        Radius above which neighbor interactions are ignored.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, Rc, gamma=4):
+        self.gamma = gamma
+        self.Rc = Rc
+    def __call__(self, Rij):
+        """
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        Rij : float
+            Distance between pair atoms.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        value : float
+            The value of the cutoff function.
+        """
+        if Rij > self.Rc:
+            return 0.
+        else:
+            value = 1. + self.gamma * (Rij / self.Rc) ** (self.gamma + 1) - \
+                (self.gamma + 1) * (Rij / self.Rc) ** self.gamma
+            return value
+    def prime(self, Rij):
+        """Derivative of the Polynomial cutoff function.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        Rij : float
+            Distance between pair atoms.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        float
+            The value of derivative of the cutoff function.
+        """
+        if Rij > self.Rc:
+            return 0.
+        else:
+            value = (self.gamma * (self.gamma + 1) / self.Rc) * \
+                ((Rij / self.Rc) ** self.gamma -
+                 (Rij / self.Rc) ** (self.gamma - 1))
+            return value
+    def todict(self):
+        return {'name': 'Polynomial',
+                'kwargs': {'Rc': self.Rc,
+                           'gamma': self.gamma
+                           }
+                }
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return ('<Polynomial cutoff with Rc=%.3f and gamma=%i '
+                'from amp.descriptor.cutoffs>'
+                % (self.Rc, self.gamma))
diff --git a/amp/descriptor/example.py b/amp/descriptor/example.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5246095
--- /dev/null
+++ b/amp/descriptor/example.py
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+import time
+import numpy as np
+from ase.calculators.calculator import Parameters
+from ..utilities import Data, Logger, importer
+from .cutoffs import Cosine
+NeighborList = importer('NeighborList')
+class AtomCenteredExample(object):
+    """Class that calculates fingerprints.
+    This is an example class that doesn't do much; it just shows the code
+    structure. If making your own module, you can copy and modify this one.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    cutoff : object or float
+        Cutoff function. Can be also fed as a float representing the radius
+        above which neighbor interactions are ignored.  Default is 6.5
+        Angstroms.
+    anotherparameter : float
+        Just an example.
+    dblabel : str
+        Optional separate prefix/location for database files, including
+        fingerprints, fingerprint derivatives, and neighborlists. This file
+        location can be shared between calculator instances to avoid
+        re-calculating redundant information. If not supplied, just uses the
+        value from label.
+    elements : list
+        List of allowed elements present in the system. If not provided, will
+        be found automatically.
+    version : str
+        Version of fingerprints.
+    Raises
+    ------
+        RuntimeError, TypeError
+    """
+    def __init__(self, cutoff=Cosine(6.5), anotherparameter=12.2, dblabel=None,
+                 elements=None, version=None, mode='atom-centered'):
+        # Check of the version of descriptor, particularly if restarting.
+        compatibleversions = ['2016.02', ]
+        if (version is not None) and version not in compatibleversions:
+            raise RuntimeError('Error: Trying to use Example fingerprints'
+                               ' version %s, but this module only supports'
+                               ' versions %s. You may need an older or '
+                               ' newer version of Amp.' %
+                               (version, compatibleversions))
+        else:
+            version = compatibleversions[-1]
+        # Check that the mode is atom-centered.
+        if mode != 'atom-centered':
+            raise RuntimeError('This scheme only works '
+                               'in atom-centered mode. %s '
+                               'specified.' % mode)
+        # If the cutoff is provided as a number, Cosine function will be used
+        # by default.
+        if isinstance(cutoff, int) or isinstance(cutoff, float):
+            cutoff = Cosine(cutoff)
+        # The parameters dictionary contains the minimum information
+        # to produce a compatible descriptor; that is, one that gives
+        # an identical fingerprint when fed an ASE image.
+        p = self.parameters = Parameters(
+            {'importname': '.descriptor.example.AtomCenteredExample',
+             'mode': 'atom-centered'})
+        p.version = version
+        p.cutoff = cutoff.Rc
+        p.cutofffn = cutoff.__class__.__name__
+        p.anotherparameter = anotherparameter
+        p.elements = elements
+        self.dblabel = dblabel
+        self.parent = None  # Can hold a reference to main Amp instance.
+    def tostring(self):
+        """Returns an evaluatable representation of the calculator that can
+        be used to restart the calculator."""
+        return self.parameters.tostring()
+    def calculate_fingerprints(self, images, parallel=None, log=None,
+                               calculate_derivatives=False):
+        """Calculates the fingerpints of the images, for the ones not already
+        done.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        images : list or str
+            List of ASE atoms objects with positions, symbols, energies, and
+            forces in ASE format. This is the training set of data. This can
+            also be the path to an ASE trajectory (.traj) or database (.db)
+            file. Energies can be obtained from any reference, e.g. DFT
+            calculations.
+        parallel : dict
+            Configuration for parallelization. Should be in same form as in
+            amp.Amp.
+        log : Logger object
+            Write function at which to log data. Note this must be a callable
+            function.
+        calculate_derivatives : bool
+            Decides whether or not fingerprintprimes should also be calculated.
+        """
+        if parallel is None:
+            parallel = {'cores': 1}
+        log = Logger(file=None) if log is None else log
+        if (self.dblabel is None) and hasattr(self.parent, 'dblabel'):
+            self.dblabel = self.parent.dblabel
+        self.dblabel = 'amp-data' if self.dblabel is None else self.dblabel
+        p = self.parameters
+        log('Cutoff radius: %.2f' % p.cutoff)
+        log('Cutoff function: %s' % p.cutofffn)
+        if p.elements is None:
+            log('Finding unique set of elements in training data.')
+            p.elements = set([atom.symbol for atoms in images.values()
+                              for atom in atoms])
+        p.elements = sorted(p.elements)
+        log('%i unique elements included: ' % len(p.elements) +
+            ', '.join(p.elements))
+        log('anotherparameter: %.3f' % p.anotherparameter)
+        log('Calculating neighborlists...', tic='nl')
+        if not hasattr(self, 'neighborlist'):
+            calc = NeighborlistCalculator(cutoff=p.cutoff)
+            self.neighborlist = Data(filename='%s-neighborlists'
+                                     % self.dblabel,
+                                     calculator=calc)
+        self.neighborlist.calculate_items(images, parallel=parallel, log=log)
+        log('...neighborlists calculated.', toc='nl')
+        log('Fingerprinting images...', tic='fp')
+        if not hasattr(self, 'fingerprints'):
+            calc = FingerprintCalculator(neighborlist=self.neighborlist,
+                                         anotherparamter=p.anotherparameter,
+                                         cutoff=p.cutoff,
+                                         cutofffn=p.cutofffn)
+            self.fingerprints = Data(filename='%s-fingerprints'
+                                     % self.dblabel,
+                                     calculator=calc)
+        self.fingerprints.calculate_items(images, parallel=parallel, log=log)
+        log('...fingerprints calculated.', toc='fp')
+# Calculators #################################################################
+# Neighborlist Calculator
+class NeighborlistCalculator:
+    """For integration with .utilities.Data
+    For each image fed to calculate, a list of neighbors with offset distances
+    is returned.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    cutoff : float
+        Radius above which neighbor interactions are ignored.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, cutoff):
+        self.globals = Parameters({'cutoff': cutoff})
+        self.keyed = Parameters()
+        self.parallel_command = 'calculate_neighborlists'
+    def calculate(self, image, key):
+        """For integration with .utilities.Data
+        For each image fed to calculate, a list of neighbors with offset
+        distances is returned.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        image : object
+            ASE atoms object.
+        key : str
+            key of the image after being hashed.
+        """
+        cutoff = self.globals.cutoff
+        n = NeighborList(cutoffs=[cutoff / 2.] * len(image),
+                         self_interaction=False,
+                         bothways=True,
+                         skin=0.)
+        n.update(image)
+        return [n.get_neighbors(index) for index in range(len(image))]
+class FingerprintCalculator:
+    """For integration with .utilities.Data"""
+    def __init__(self, neighborlist, anotherparamter, cutoff, cutofffn):
+        self.globals = Parameters({'cutoff': cutoff,
+                                   'cutofffn': cutofffn,
+                                   'anotherparameter': anotherparamter})
+        self.keyed = Parameters({'neighborlist': neighborlist})
+        self.parallel_command = 'calculate_fingerprints'
+    def calculate(self, image, key):
+        """Makes a list of fingerprints, one per atom, for the fed image.
+        """
+        nl = self.keyed.neighborlist[key]
+        fingerprints = []
+        for atom in image:
+            symbol = atom.symbol
+            index = atom.index
+            neighbors, offsets = nl[index]
+            neighborsymbols = [image[_].symbol for _ in neighbors]
+            Rs = [image.positions[neighbor] + np.dot(offset, image.cell)
+                  for (neighbor, offset) in zip(neighbors, offsets)]
+            self.atoms = image
+            indexfp = self.get_fingerprint(index, symbol, neighborsymbols, Rs)
+            fingerprints.append(indexfp)
+        return fingerprints
+    def get_fingerprint(self, index, symbol, n_symbols, Rs):
+        """ Returns the fingerprint of symmetry function values for atom
+        specified by its index and symbol.
+        n_symbols and Rs are lists of neighbors' symbols and Cartesian
+        positions, respectively.
+        This function doesn't actually do anything but sleep and return
+        a vector of ones.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        index : int
+            index: Index of the center atom.
+        symbol: str
+            Symbol of the center atom.
+        n_symbols: list of str
+            List of neighbors' symbols.
+        Rs: list of list of float
+            List of Cartesian atomic positions.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        symbols, fingerprints : list of float
+            Fingerprints for atom specified by its index and symbol.
+        """
+        time.sleep(1.0)  # Pretend to do some work.
+        fingerprint = [1., 1., 1., 1.]
+        return symbol, fingerprint
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    """Directly calling this module; apparently from another node.
+    Calls should come as
+    python -m amp.descriptor.example id hostname:port
+    This session will then start a zmq session with that socket, labeling
+    itself with id. Instructions on what to do will come from the socket.
+    """
+    import sys
+    import tempfile
+    import zmq
+    from ..utilities import MessageDictionary
+    hostsocket = sys.argv[-1]
+    proc_id = sys.argv[-2]
+    msg = MessageDictionary(proc_id)
+    # Send standard lines to stdout signaling process started and where
+    # error is directed. This should be caught by pxssh. (This could
+    # alternatively be done by zmq, but this works.)
+    print('<amp-connect>')  # Signal that program started.
+    sys.stderr = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', delete=False,
+                                             suffix='.stderr')
+    print('Log and error written to %s<stderr>' % sys.stderr.name)
+    # Establish client session via zmq; find purpose.
+    context = zmq.Context()
+    socket = context.socket(zmq.REQ)
+    socket.connect('tcp://%s' % hostsocket)
+    socket.send_pyobj(msg('<purpose>'))
+    purpose = socket.recv_pyobj()
+    if purpose == 'calculate_neighborlists':
+        # Request variables.
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'cutoff'))
+        cutoff = socket.recv_pyobj()
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'images'))
+        images = socket.recv_pyobj()
+        # sys.stderr.write(str(images)) # Just to see if they are there.
+        # Perform the calculations.
+        calc = NeighborlistCalculator(cutoff=cutoff)
+        neighborlist = {}
+        # for key in images.iterkeys():
+        while len(images) > 0:
+            key, image = images.popitem()  # Reduce memory.
+            neighborlist[key] = calc.calculate(image, key)
+        # Send the results.
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<result>', neighborlist))
+        socket.recv_string()  # Needed to complete REQ/REP.
+    elif purpose == 'calculate_fingerprints':
+        # Request variables.
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'cutoff'))
+        cutoff = socket.recv_pyobj()
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'cutofffn'))
+        cutofffn = socket.recv_pyobj()
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'anotherparameter'))
+        anotherparameter = socket.recv_pyobj()
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'neighborlist'))
+        neighborlist = socket.recv_pyobj()
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'images'))
+        images = socket.recv_pyobj()
+        calc = FingerprintCalculator(neighborlist, anotherparameter, cutoff,
+                                     cutofffn)
+        result = {}
+        while len(images) > 0:
+            key, image = images.popitem()  # Reduce memory.
+            result[key] = calc.calculate(image, key)
+            if len(images) % 100 == 0:
+                socket.send_pyobj(msg('<info>', len(images)))
+                socket.recv_string()  # Needed to complete REQ/REP.
+        # Send the results.
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<result>', result))
+        socket.recv_string()  # Needed to complete REQ/REP.
+    else:
+        raise NotImplementedError('purpose %s unknown.' % purpose)
diff --git a/amp/descriptor/gaussian.f90 b/amp/descriptor/gaussian.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbcf1e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/amp/descriptor/gaussian.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
+       subroutine calculate_g2(neighbornumbers, neighborpositions, &
+       g_number, g_eta, p_gamma, rc, cutofffn, ri, num_neighbors, ridge)
+              use cutoffs
+              implicit none
+              integer, dimension(num_neighbors):: neighbornumbers
+              integer, dimension(1):: g_number
+              double precision, dimension(num_neighbors, 3):: &
+              neighborpositions
+              double precision, dimension(3):: ri
+              integer:: num_neighbors
+              double precision::  g_eta, rc
+              ! gamma parameter for the polynomial cutoff
+              double precision, optional:: p_gamma
+              character(len=20):: cutofffn
+              double precision:: ridge
+!f2py         intent(in):: neighbornumbers, neighborpositions, g_number
+!f2py         intent(in):: g_eta, rc, ri, p_gamma
+!f2py         intent(hide):: num_neighbors
+!f2py         intent(out):: ridge
+              integer:: j, match, xyz
+              double precision, dimension(3):: Rij_vector
+              double precision:: Rij, term
+              ridge = 0.0d0
+              do j = 1, num_neighbors
+                  match = compare(neighbornumbers(j), g_number(1))
+                  if (match == 1) then
+                    do xyz = 1, 3
+                      Rij_vector(xyz) = &
+                      neighborpositions(j, xyz) - ri(xyz)
+                    end do
+                    Rij = sqrt(dot_product(Rij_vector, Rij_vector))
+                    term = exp(-g_eta*(Rij**2.0d0) / (rc ** 2.0d0))
+                    if (present(p_gamma)) then
+                        term = term * cutoff_fxn(Rij, rc, &
+                            cutofffn, p_gamma)
+                    else
+                        term = term * cutoff_fxn(Rij, rc, cutofffn)
+                    endif
+                    ridge = ridge + term
+                  end if
+              end do
+      function compare(try, val) result(match)
+!     Returns 1 if try is the same set as val, 0 if not.
+              implicit none
+              integer, intent(in):: try, val
+              integer:: match
+              if (try == val) then
+                      match = 1
+              else
+                      match = 0
+              end if
+      end function compare
+      end subroutine calculate_g2
+      subroutine calculate_g4(neighbornumbers, neighborpositions, &
+      g_numbers, g_gamma, g_zeta, g_eta, rc, cutofffn, ri, &
+      num_neighbors, ridge, p_gamma)
+              use cutoffs
+              implicit none
+              integer, dimension(num_neighbors):: neighbornumbers
+              integer, dimension(2):: g_numbers
+              double precision, dimension(num_neighbors, 3):: &
+              neighborpositions
+              double precision, dimension(3):: ri
+              integer:: num_neighbors
+              double precision:: g_gamma, g_zeta, g_eta, rc
+              ! gamma parameter for the polynomial cutoff
+              double precision, optional:: p_gamma
+              character(len=20):: cutofffn
+              double precision:: ridge
+!f2py         intent(in):: neighbornumbers, neighborpositions
+!f2py         intent(in):: g_numbers, g_gamma, g_zeta
+!f2py         intent(in):: g_eta, rc, ri, p_gamma
+!f2py         intent(hide):: num_neighbors
+!f2py         intent(out):: ridge
+              integer:: j, k, match, xyz
+              double precision, dimension(3):: Rij_vector, Rik_vector
+              double precision, dimension(3):: Rjk_vector
+              double precision:: Rij, Rik, Rjk, costheta, term
+              ridge = 0.0d0
+              do j = 1, num_neighbors
+                do k = (j + 1), num_neighbors
+                  match = compare(neighbornumbers(j), &
+                  neighbornumbers(k), g_numbers(1), g_numbers(2))
+                  if (match == 1) then
+                    do xyz = 1, 3
+                      Rij_vector(xyz) = &
+                      neighborpositions(j, xyz) - ri(xyz)
+                      Rik_vector(xyz) = &
+                      neighborpositions(k, xyz) - ri(xyz)
+                      Rjk_vector(xyz) = &
+                      neighborpositions(k, xyz) - &
+                      neighborpositions(j, xyz)
+                    end do
+                    Rij = sqrt(dot_product(Rij_vector, Rij_vector))
+                    Rik = sqrt(dot_product(Rik_vector, Rik_vector))
+                    Rjk = sqrt(dot_product(Rjk_vector, Rjk_vector))
+                    costheta = &
+                    dot_product(Rij_vector, Rik_vector) / Rij / Rik
+                    term = (1.0d0 + g_gamma * costheta)**g_zeta
+                    term = term*&
+                    exp(-g_eta*(Rij**2 + Rik**2 + Rjk**2)&
+                    /(rc ** 2.0d0))
+                    if (present(p_gamma)) then
+                        term = term*cutoff_fxn(Rij, rc, cutofffn, &
+                            p_gamma)
+                        term = term*cutoff_fxn(Rik, rc, cutofffn, &
+                            p_gamma)
+                        term = term*cutoff_fxn(Rjk, rc, cutofffn, &
+                            p_gamma)
+                    else
+                        term = term*cutoff_fxn(Rij, rc, cutofffn)
+                        term = term*cutoff_fxn(Rik, rc, cutofffn)
+                        term = term*cutoff_fxn(Rjk, rc, cutofffn)
+                    endif
+                    ridge = ridge + term
+                  end if
+                end do
+              end do
+              ridge = ridge * 2.0d0**(1.0d0 - g_zeta)
+      function compare(try1, try2, val1, val2) result(match)
+!     Returns 1 if (try1, try2) is the same set as (val1, val2), 0 if not.
+              implicit none
+              integer, intent(in):: try1, try2, val1, val2
+              integer:: match
+              integer:: ntry1, ntry2, nval1, nval2
+              ! First sort to avoid endless logical loops.
+              if (try1 < try2) then
+                      ntry1 = try1
+                      ntry2 = try2
+              else
+                      ntry1 = try2
+                      ntry2 = try1
+              end if
+              if (val1 < val2) then
+                      nval1 = val1
+                      nval2 = val2
+              else
+                      nval1 = val2
+                      nval2 = val1
+              end if
+              if (ntry1 == nval1 .AND. ntry2 == nval2) then
+                      match = 1
+              else
+                      match = 0
+              end if
+      end function compare
+      end subroutine calculate_g4
+       subroutine calculate_g2_prime(neighborindices, neighbornumbers, &
+       neighborpositions, g_number, g_eta, rc, cutofffn, i, ri, m, l, &
+       num_neighbors, ridge, p_gamma)
+              use cutoffs
+              implicit none
+              integer, dimension(num_neighbors):: neighborindices
+              integer, dimension(num_neighbors):: neighbornumbers
+              integer, dimension(1):: g_number
+              double precision, dimension(num_neighbors, 3):: &
+              neighborpositions
+              double precision, dimension(3):: ri, Rj
+              integer:: num_neighbors, m, l, i
+              double precision::  g_eta, rc
+              ! gamma parameter for the polynomial cutoff
+              double precision, optional:: p_gamma
+              character(len=20):: cutofffn
+              double precision:: ridge
+!f2py         intent(in):: neighborindices, neighbornumbers
+!f2py         intent(in):: neighborpositions, g_number
+!f2py         intent(in):: g_eta, rc, i, ri, m, l, p_gamma
+!f2py         intent(hide):: num_neighbors
+!f2py         intent(out):: ridge
+              integer:: j, match, xyz
+              double precision, dimension(3):: Rij_vector
+              double precision:: Rij, term1, dRijdRml
+              ridge = 0.0d0
+              do j = 1, num_neighbors
+                  match = compare(neighbornumbers(j), g_number(1))
+                  if (match == 1) then
+                    do xyz = 1, 3
+                      Rj(xyz) = neighborpositions(j, xyz)
+                      Rij_vector(xyz) = Rj(xyz) - ri(xyz)
+                    end do
+                    dRijdRml = &
+                     dRij_dRml(i, neighborindices(j), ri, Rj, m, l)
+                    if (dRijdRml /= 0.0d0) then
+                        Rij = sqrt(dot_product(Rij_vector, Rij_vector))
+                        if (present(p_gamma)) then
+                            term1 = - 2.0d0 * g_eta * Rij * &
+                            cutoff_fxn(Rij, rc, cutofffn, p_gamma) / &
+                            (rc ** 2.0d0) + cutoff_fxn_prime(Rij, rc, &
+                            cutofffn, p_gamma)
+                        else
+                            term1 = - 2.0d0 * g_eta * Rij * &
+                            cutoff_fxn(Rij, rc, cutofffn) / &
+                            (rc ** 2.0d0) + cutoff_fxn_prime(Rij, rc, &
+                            cutofffn)
+                        endif
+                        ridge = ridge + exp(- g_eta * (Rij**2.0d0) / &
+                        (rc ** 2.0d0)) * term1 * dRijdRml
+                    end if
+                  end if
+              end do
+      function compare(try, val) result(match)
+!     Returns 1 if try is the same set as val, 0 if not.
+              implicit none
+              integer, intent(in):: try, val
+              integer:: match
+              if (try == val) then
+                      match = 1
+              else
+                      match = 0
+              end if
+      end function compare
+      function dRij_dRml(i, j, Ri, Rj, m, l)
+              integer i, j, m, l
+              double precision, dimension(3):: Ri, Rj, Rij_vector
+              double precision:: dRij_dRml, Rij
+              do xyz = 1, 3
+                      Rij_vector(xyz) = Rj(xyz) - Ri(xyz)
+              end do
+              Rij = sqrt(dot_product(Rij_vector, Rij_vector))
+              if ((m == i) .AND. (i /= j)) then
+                      dRij_dRml = - (Rj(l + 1) - Ri(l + 1)) / Rij
+              else if ((m == j) .AND. (i /= j)) then
+                      dRij_dRml = (Rj(l + 1) - Ri(l + 1)) / Rij
+              else
+                      dRij_dRml = 0.0d0
+              end if
+      end function
+      end subroutine calculate_g2_prime
+      subroutine calculate_g4_prime(neighborindices, neighbornumbers, &
+      neighborpositions, g_numbers, g_gamma, g_zeta, g_eta, rc, &
+      cutofffn, i, ri, m, l, num_neighbors, ridge, p_gamma)
+              use cutoffs
+              implicit none
+              integer, dimension(num_neighbors):: neighborindices
+              integer, dimension(num_neighbors):: neighbornumbers
+              integer, dimension(2):: g_numbers
+              double precision, dimension(num_neighbors, 3):: &
+              neighborpositions
+              double precision, dimension(3):: ri, Rj, Rk
+              integer:: num_neighbors, i, m, l
+              double precision:: g_gamma, g_zeta, g_eta, rc
+              ! gamma parameter for the polynomial cutoff
+              double precision, optional:: p_gamma
+              character(len=20):: cutofffn
+              double precision:: ridge
+!f2py         intent(in):: neighbornumbers, neighborpositions
+!f2py         intent(in):: g_numbers, g_gamma, g_zeta, p_gamma
+!f2py         intent(in):: g_eta, rc, ri, neighborindices , i, m, l
+!f2py         intent(hide):: num_neighbors
+!f2py         intent(out):: ridge
+              integer:: j, k, match, xyz
+              double precision, dimension(3):: Rij_vector, Rik_vector
+              double precision, dimension(3):: Rjk_vector
+              double precision:: Rij, Rik, Rjk, costheta
+              double precision:: c1, fcRij, fcRik, fcRjk
+              double precision:: fcRijfcRikfcRjk, dCosthetadRml
+              double precision:: dRijdRml, dRikdRml, dRjkdRml
+              double precision:: term1, term2, term3, term4, term5
+              double precision:: term6
+              ridge = 0.0d0
+              do j = 1, num_neighbors
+                do k = (j + 1), num_neighbors
+                  match = compare(neighbornumbers(j), &
+                  neighbornumbers(k), g_numbers(1), g_numbers(2))
+                  if (match == 1) then
+                    do xyz = 1, 3
+                      Rj(xyz) = neighborpositions(j, xyz)
+                      Rk(xyz) = neighborpositions(k, xyz)
+                      Rij_vector(xyz) = Rj(xyz) - ri(xyz)
+                      Rik_vector(xyz) = Rk(xyz) - ri(xyz)
+                      Rjk_vector(xyz) = Rk(xyz) - Rj(xyz)
+                    end do
+                    Rij = sqrt(dot_product(Rij_vector, Rij_vector))
+                    Rik = sqrt(dot_product(Rik_vector, Rik_vector))
+                    Rjk = sqrt(dot_product(Rjk_vector, Rjk_vector))
+                    costheta = &
+                    dot_product(Rij_vector, Rik_vector) / Rij / Rik
+                    c1 = (1.0d0 + g_gamma * costheta)
+                    if (present(p_gamma)) then
+                        fcRij = cutoff_fxn(Rij, rc, cutofffn, p_gamma)
+                        fcRik = cutoff_fxn(Rik, rc, cutofffn, p_gamma)
+                        fcRjk = cutoff_fxn(Rjk, rc, cutofffn, p_gamma)
+                    else
+                        fcRij = cutoff_fxn(Rij, rc, cutofffn)
+                        fcRik = cutoff_fxn(Rik, rc, cutofffn)
+                        fcRjk = cutoff_fxn(Rjk, rc, cutofffn)
+                    endif
+                    if (g_zeta == 1.0d0) then
+                        term1 = exp(-g_eta*(Rij**2 + Rik**2 + Rjk**2)&
+                        / (rc ** 2.0d0))
+                    else
+                        term1 = (c1**(g_zeta - 1.0d0)) &
+                             * exp(-g_eta*(Rij**2 + Rik**2 + Rjk**2)&
+                             / (rc ** 2.0d0))
+                    end if
+                    term2 = 0.d0
+                    fcRijfcRikfcRjk = fcRij * fcRik * fcRjk
+                    dCosthetadRml = &
+                    dCos_ijk_dR_ml(i, neighborindices(j), &
+                    neighborindices(k), ri, Rj, Rk, m, l)
+                    if (dCosthetadRml /= 0.d0) then
+                      term2 = term2 + g_gamma * g_zeta * dCosthetadRml
+                    end if
+                    dRijdRml = &
+                    dRij_dRml(i, neighborindices(j), ri, Rj, m, l)
+                    if (dRijdRml /= 0.0d0) then
+                        term2 = &
+                        term2 - 2.0d0 * c1 * g_eta * Rij * dRijdRml &
+                        / (rc ** 2.0d0)
+                    end if
+                    dRikdRml = &
+                    dRij_dRml(i, neighborindices(k), ri, Rk, m, l)
+                    if (dRikdRml /= 0.0d0) then
+                        term2 = &
+                        term2 - 2.0d0 * c1 * g_eta * Rik * dRikdRml &
+                        / (rc ** 2.0d0)
+                    end if
+                    dRjkdRml =  &
+                    dRij_dRml(neighborindices(j), neighborindices(k), &
+                    Rj, Rk, m, l)
+                    if (dRjkdRml /= 0.0d0) then
+                        term2 = &
+                        term2 - 2.0d0 * c1 * g_eta * Rjk * dRjkdRml &
+                        / (rc ** 2.0d0)
+                    end if
+                    term3 = fcRijfcRikfcRjk * term2
+                    if (present(p_gamma)) then
+                        term4 = &
+                        cutoff_fxn_prime(Rij, rc, cutofffn, p_gamma) &
+                        * dRijdRml * fcRik * fcRjk
+                        term5 = &
+                        fcRij * cutoff_fxn_prime(Rik, rc, cutofffn, &
+                        p_gamma) * dRikdRml * fcRjk
+                        term6 = &
+                        fcRij * fcRik * cutoff_fxn_prime(Rjk, rc, &
+                        cutofffn, p_gamma) * dRjkdRml
+                    else
+                        term4 = &
+                        cutoff_fxn_prime(Rij, rc, cutofffn) &
+                        * dRijdRml * fcRik * fcRjk
+                        term5 = &
+                        fcRij * cutoff_fxn_prime(Rik, rc, cutofffn) &
+                        * dRikdRml * fcRjk
+                        term6 = &
+                        fcRij * fcRik * cutoff_fxn_prime(Rjk, rc, &
+                        cutofffn) * dRjkdRml
+                    endif
+                    ridge = ridge + &
+                    term1 * (term3 + c1 * (term4 + term5 + term6))
+                  end if
+                end do
+              end do
+              ridge = ridge * (2.0d0**(1.0d0 - g_zeta))
+      function compare(try1, try2, val1, val2) result(match)
+!     Returns 1 if (try1, try2) is the same set as (val1, val2), 0 if not.
+              implicit none
+              integer, intent(in):: try1, try2, val1, val2
+              integer:: match
+              integer:: ntry1, ntry2, nval1, nval2
+              ! First sort to avoid endless logical loops.
+              if (try1 < try2) then
+                      ntry1 = try1
+                      ntry2 = try2
+              else
+                      ntry1 = try2
+                      ntry2 = try1
+              end if
+              if (val1 < val2) then
+                      nval1 = val1
+                      nval2 = val2
+              else
+                      nval1 = val2
+                      nval2 = val1
+              end if
+              if (ntry1 == nval1 .AND. ntry2 == nval2) then
+                      match = 1
+              else
+                      match = 0
+              end if
+      end function compare
+      function dRij_dRml(i, j, Ri, Rj, m, l)
+              integer i, j, m, l
+              double precision, dimension(3):: Ri, Rj, Rij_vector
+              double precision:: dRij_dRml, Rij
+              do xyz = 1, 3
+                      Rij_vector(xyz) = Rj(xyz) - Ri(xyz)
+              end do
+              Rij = sqrt(dot_product(Rij_vector, Rij_vector))
+              if ((m == i) .AND. (i /= j)) then
+                      dRij_dRml = - (Rj(l + 1) - Ri(l + 1)) / Rij
+              else if ((m == j) .AND. (i /= j)) then
+                      dRij_dRml = (Rj(l + 1) - Ri(l + 1)) / Rij
+              else
+                      dRij_dRml = 0.0d0
+              end if
+      end function
+      function dCos_ijk_dR_ml(i, j, k, ri, Rj, Rk, m, l)
+      implicit none
+      integer:: i, j, k, m, l
+      double precision:: dCos_ijk_dR_ml
+      double precision, dimension(3):: ri, Rj, Rk
+      integer, dimension(3):: dRijdRml, dRikdRml
+      double precision:: dRijdRml_, dRikdRml_
+      do xyz = 1, 3
+            Rij_vector(xyz) = Rj(xyz) - ri(xyz)
+            Rik_vector(xyz) = Rk(xyz) - ri(xyz)
+      end do
+      Rij = sqrt(dot_product(Rij_vector, Rij_vector))
+      Rik = sqrt(dot_product(Rik_vector, Rik_vector))
+      dCos_ijk_dR_ml = 0.0d0
+      dRijdRml = dRij_dRml_vector(i, j, m, l)
+      if ((dRijdRml(1) /= 0) .OR. (dRijdRml(2) /= 0) .OR. &
+      (dRijdRml(3) /= 0)) then
+        dCos_ijk_dR_ml = dCos_ijk_dR_ml + 1.0d0 / (Rij * Rik) * &
+        dot_product(dRijdRml, Rik_vector)
+      end if
+      dRikdRml = dRij_dRml_vector(i, k, m, l)
+      if ((dRikdRml(1) /= 0) .OR. (dRikdRml(2) /= 0) .OR. &
+      (dRikdRml(3) /= 0)) then
+        dCos_ijk_dR_ml =  dCos_ijk_dR_ml + 1.0d0 / (Rij * Rik) * &
+        dot_product(dRikdRml, Rij_vector)
+      end if
+      dRijdRml_ = dRij_dRml(i, j, ri, Rj, m, l)
+      if (dRijdRml_ /= 0.0d0) then
+        dCos_ijk_dR_ml =  dCos_ijk_dR_ml - 1.0d0 / (Rij * Rij * Rik) * &
+        dot_product(Rij_vector, Rik_vector) * dRijdRml_
+      end if
+      dRikdRml_ = dRij_dRml(i, k, ri, Rk, m, l)
+      if (dRikdRml_ /= 0.0d0) then
+        dCos_ijk_dR_ml =  dCos_ijk_dR_ml - 1.0d0 / (Rij * Rik * Rik) * &
+        dot_product(Rij_vector, Rik_vector) * dRikdRml_
+      end if
+      end function
+      function dRij_dRml_vector(i, j, m, l)
+      implicit none
+      integer:: i, j, m, l, c1
+      integer, dimension(3):: dRij_dRml_vector
+      if ((m /= i) .AND. (m /= j)) then
+          dRij_dRml_vector(1) = 0
+          dRij_dRml_vector(2) = 0
+          dRij_dRml_vector(3) = 0
+      else
+          c1 = Kronecker(m, j) - Kronecker(m, i)
+          dRij_dRml_vector(1) = c1 * Kronecker(0, l)
+          dRij_dRml_vector(2) = c1 * Kronecker(1, l)
+          dRij_dRml_vector(3) = c1 * Kronecker(2, l)
+      end if
+      end function
+      function Kronecker(i, j)
+      implicit none
+      integer:: i, j
+      integer:: Kronecker
+      if (i == j) then
+        Kronecker = 1
+      else
+        Kronecker = 0
+      end if
+      end function
+      end subroutine calculate_g4_prime
diff --git a/amp/descriptor/gaussian.py b/amp/descriptor/gaussian.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..278d557
--- /dev/null
+++ b/amp/descriptor/gaussian.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1320 @@
+import numpy as np
+from ase.data import atomic_numbers
+from ase.calculators.calculator import Parameters
+from ..utilities import Data, Logger, importer
+from .cutoffs import Cosine, dict2cutoff
+NeighborList = importer('NeighborList')
+    from .. import fmodules
+except ImportError:
+    fmodules = None
+class Gaussian(object):
+    """Class that calculates Gaussian fingerprints (i.e., Behler-style).
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    cutoff : object or float
+        Cutoff function, typically from amp.descriptor.cutoffs.  Can be also
+        fed as a float representing the radius above which neighbor
+        interactions are ignored; in this case a cosine cutoff function will be
+        employed.  Default is a 6.5-Angstrom cosine cutoff.
+    Gs : dict
+        Dictionary of symbols and lists of dictionaries for making symmetry
+        functions. Either auto-genetrated, or given in the following form, for
+        example:
+               >>> Gs = {"O": [{"type":"G2", "element":"O", "eta":10.},
+               ...             {"type":"G4", "elements":["O", "Au"],
+               ...              "eta":5., "gamma":1., "zeta":1.0}],
+               ...       "Au": [{"type":"G2", "element":"O", "eta":2.},
+               ...              {"type":"G4", "elements":["O", "Au"],
+               ...               "eta":2., "gamma":1., "zeta":5.0}]}
+    dblabel : str
+        Optional separate prefix/location for database files, including
+        fingerprints, fingerprint derivatives, and neighborlists. This file
+        location can be shared between calculator instances to avoid
+        re-calculating redundant information. If not supplied, just uses the
+        value from label.
+    elements : list
+        List of allowed elements present in the system. If not provided, will
+        be found automatically.
+    version : str
+        Version of fingerprints.
+    fortran : bool
+        If True, will use fortran modules, if False, will not.
+    mode : str
+        Can be either 'atom-centered' or 'image-centered'.
+    Raises
+    ------
+        RuntimeError
+    """
+    def __init__(self, cutoff=Cosine(6.5), Gs=None, dblabel=None,
+                 elements=None, version=None, fortran=True,
+                 mode='atom-centered'):
+        # Check of the version of descriptor, particularly if restarting.
+        compatibleversions = ['2015.12', ]
+        if (version is not None) and version not in compatibleversions:
+            raise RuntimeError('Error: Trying to use Gaussian fingerprints'
+                               ' version %s, but this module only supports'
+                               ' versions %s. You may need an older or '
+                               ' newer version of Amp.' %
+                               (version, compatibleversions))
+        else:
+            version = compatibleversions[-1]
+        # Check that the mode is atom-centered.
+        if mode != 'atom-centered':
+            raise RuntimeError('Gaussian scheme only works '
+                               'in atom-centered mode. %s '
+                               'specified.' % mode)
+        # If the cutoff is provided as a number, Cosine function will be used
+        # by default.
+        if isinstance(cutoff, int) or isinstance(cutoff, float):
+            cutoff = Cosine(cutoff)
+        # If the cutoff is provided as a dictionary, assume we need to load it
+        # with dict2cutoff.
+        if type(cutoff) is dict:
+            cutoff = dict2cutoff(cutoff)
+        # The parameters dictionary contains the minimum information
+        # to produce a compatible descriptor; that is, one that gives
+        # an identical fingerprint when fed an ASE image.
+        p = self.parameters = Parameters(
+            {'importname': '.descriptor.gaussian.Gaussian',
+             'mode': 'atom-centered'})
+        p.version = version
+        p.cutoff = cutoff.todict()
+        p.Gs = Gs
+        p.elements = elements
+        self.dblabel = dblabel
+        self.fortran = fortran
+        self.parent = None  # Can hold a reference to main Amp instance.
+    def tostring(self):
+        """Returns an evaluatable representation of the calculator that can
+        be used to restart the calculator.
+        """
+        return self.parameters.tostring()
+    def calculate_fingerprints(self, images, parallel=None, log=None,
+                               calculate_derivatives=False):
+        """Calculates the fingerpints of the images, for the ones not already
+        done.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        images : dict
+            Dictionary of images; the key is a unique ID assigned to each
+            image and each value is an ASE atoms object. Typically created
+            from amp.utilities.hash_images.
+        parallel : dict
+            Configuration for parallelization. Should be in same form as in
+            amp.Amp.
+        log : Logger object
+            Write function at which to log data. Note this must be a callable
+            function.
+        calculate_derivatives : bool
+            Decides whether or not fingerprintprimes should also be calculated.
+        """
+        if parallel is None:
+            parallel = {'cores': 1}
+        log = Logger(file=None) if log is None else log
+        if (self.dblabel is None) and hasattr(self.parent, 'dblabel'):
+            self.dblabel = self.parent.dblabel
+        self.dblabel = 'amp-data' if self.dblabel is None else self.dblabel
+        p = self.parameters
+        log('Cutoff function: %s' % repr(dict2cutoff(p.cutoff)))
+        if p.elements is None:
+            log('Finding unique set of elements in training data.')
+            p.elements = set([atom.symbol for atoms in images.values()
+                              for atom in atoms])
+        p.elements = sorted(p.elements)
+        log('%i unique elements included: ' % len(p.elements) +
+            ', '.join(p.elements))
+        if p.Gs is None:
+            log('No symmetry functions supplied; creating defaults.')
+            p.Gs = make_default_symmetry_functions(p.elements)
+        log('Number of symmetry functions for each element:')
+        for _ in p.Gs.keys():
+            log(' %2s: %i' % (_, len(p.Gs[_])))
+        for element, fingerprints in p.Gs.items():
+            log('{} feature vector functions:'.format(element))
+            for index, fp in enumerate(fingerprints):
+                if fp['type'] == 'G2':
+                    log(' {}: {}, {}, eta = {}'
+                        .format(index, fp['type'], fp['element'], fp['eta']))
+                elif fp['type'] == 'G4':
+                    log(' {}: {}, ({}, {}), eta={}, gamma={}, zeta={}'
+                        .format(index, fp['type'], fp['elements'][0],
+                                fp['elements'][1], fp['eta'], fp['gamma'],
+                                fp['zeta']))
+                else:
+                    log(str(fp))
+        log('Calculating neighborlists...', tic='nl')
+        if not hasattr(self, 'neighborlist'):
+            calc = NeighborlistCalculator(cutoff=p.cutoff['kwargs']['Rc'])
+            self.neighborlist = \
+                Data(filename='%s-neighborlists' % self.dblabel,
+                     calculator=calc)
+        self.neighborlist.calculate_items(images, parallel=parallel, log=log)
+        log('...neighborlists calculated.', toc='nl')
+        log('Fingerprinting images...', tic='fp')
+        if not hasattr(self, 'fingerprints'):
+            calc = FingerprintCalculator(neighborlist=self.neighborlist,
+                                         Gs=p.Gs,
+                                         cutoff=p.cutoff,
+                                         fortran=self.fortran)
+            self.fingerprints = Data(filename='%s-fingerprints'
+                                     % self.dblabel,
+                                     calculator=calc)
+        self.fingerprints.calculate_items(images, parallel=parallel, log=log)
+        log('...fingerprints calculated.', toc='fp')
+        if calculate_derivatives:
+            log('Calculating fingerprint derivatives...',
+                tic='derfp')
+            if not hasattr(self, 'fingerprintprimes'):
+                calc = \
+                    FingerprintPrimeCalculator(neighborlist=self.neighborlist,
+                                               Gs=p.Gs,
+                                               cutoff=p.cutoff,
+                                               fortran=self.fortran)
+                self.fingerprintprimes = \
+                    Data(filename='%s-fingerprint-primes'
+                         % self.dblabel,
+                         calculator=calc)
+            self.fingerprintprimes.calculate_items(
+                images, parallel=parallel, log=log)
+            log('...fingerprint derivatives calculated.', toc='derfp')
+# Calculators #################################################################
+# Neighborlist Calculator
+class NeighborlistCalculator:
+    """For integration with .utilities.Data
+    For each image fed to calculate, a list of neighbors with offset distances
+    is returned.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    cutoff : float
+        Radius above which neighbor interactions are ignored.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, cutoff):
+        self.globals = Parameters({'cutoff': cutoff})
+        self.keyed = Parameters()
+        self.parallel_command = 'calculate_neighborlists'
+    def calculate(self, image, key):
+        """For integration with .utilities.Data
+        For each image fed to calculate, a list of neighbors with offset
+        distances is returned.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        image : object
+            ASE atoms object.
+        key : str
+            key of the image after being hashed.
+        """
+        cutoff = self.globals.cutoff
+        n = NeighborList(cutoffs=[cutoff / 2.] * len(image),
+                         self_interaction=False,
+                         bothways=True,
+                         skin=0.)
+        n.update(image)
+        return [n.get_neighbors(index) for index in range(len(image))]
+class FingerprintCalculator:
+    """For integration with .utilities.Data
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    neighborlist : list of str
+        List of neighbors.
+    Gs : dict
+        Dictionary of symbols and lists of dictionaries for making symmetry
+        functions. Either auto-genetrated, or given in the following form, for
+        example:
+               >>> Gs = {"O": [{"type":"G2", "element":"O", "eta":10.},
+               ...             {"type":"G4", "elements":["O", "Au"],
+               ...              "eta":5., "gamma":1., "zeta":1.0}],
+               ...       "Au": [{"type":"G2", "element":"O", "eta":2.},
+               ...              {"type":"G4", "elements":["O", "Au"],
+               ...               "eta":2., "gamma":1., "zeta":5.0}]}
+    cutoff : float
+        Radius above which neighbor interactions are ignored.
+    fortran : bool
+        If True, will use fortran modules, if False, will not.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, neighborlist, Gs, cutoff, fortran):
+        self.globals = Parameters({'cutoff': cutoff,
+                                   'Gs': Gs})
+        self.keyed = Parameters({'neighborlist': neighborlist})
+        self.parallel_command = 'calculate_fingerprints'
+        self.fortran = fortran
+    def calculate(self, image, key):
+        """Makes a list of fingerprints, one per atom, for the fed image.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        image : object
+            ASE atoms object.
+        key : str
+            key of the image after being hashed.
+        """
+        self.atoms = image
+        nl = self.keyed.neighborlist[key]
+        fingerprints = []
+        for atom in image:
+            symbol = atom.symbol
+            index = atom.index
+            neighborindices, neighboroffsets = nl[index]
+            neighborsymbols = [image[_].symbol for _ in neighborindices]
+            neighborpositions = \
+                [image.positions[neighbor] + np.dot(offset, image.cell)
+                 for (neighbor, offset) in zip(neighborindices,
+                                               neighboroffsets)]
+            indexfp = self.get_fingerprint(
+                index, symbol, neighborsymbols, neighborpositions)
+            fingerprints.append(indexfp)
+        return fingerprints
+    def get_fingerprint(self, index, symbol,
+                        neighborsymbols, neighborpositions):
+        """Returns the fingerprint of symmetry function values for atom
+        specified by its index and symbol.
+        neighborsymbols and neighborpositions are lists of neighbors' symbols
+        and Cartesian positions, respectively.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        index : int
+            Index of the center atom.
+        symbol : str
+            Symbol of the center atom.
+        neighborsymbols : list of str
+            List of neighbors' symbols.
+        neighborpositions : list of list of float
+            List of Cartesian atomic positions.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        symbol, fingerprint : list of float
+            fingerprints for atom specified by its index and symbol.
+        """
+        Ri = self.atoms[index].position
+        num_symmetries = len(self.globals.Gs[symbol])
+        fingerprint = [None] * num_symmetries
+        for count in range(num_symmetries):
+            G = self.globals.Gs[symbol][count]
+            if G['type'] == 'G2':
+                ridge = calculate_G2(neighborsymbols, neighborpositions,
+                                     G['element'], G['eta'],
+                                     self.globals.cutoff, Ri, self.fortran)
+            elif G['type'] == 'G4':
+                ridge = calculate_G4(neighborsymbols, neighborpositions,
+                                     G['elements'], G['gamma'],
+                                     G['zeta'], G['eta'], self.globals.cutoff,
+                                     Ri, self.fortran)
+            else:
+                raise NotImplementedError('Unknown G type: %s' % G['type'])
+            fingerprint[count] = ridge
+        return symbol, fingerprint
+class FingerprintPrimeCalculator:
+    """For integration with .utilities.Data
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    neighborlist : list of str
+        List of neighbors.
+    Gs : dict
+        Dictionary of symbols and lists of dictionaries for making symmetry
+        functions. Either auto-genetrated, or given in the following form, for
+        example:
+               >>> Gs = {"O": [{"type":"G2", "element":"O", "eta":10.},
+               ...             {"type":"G4", "elements":["O", "Au"],
+               ...              "eta":5., "gamma":1., "zeta":1.0}],
+               ...       "Au": [{"type":"G2", "element":"O", "eta":2.},
+               ...              {"type":"G4", "elements":["O", "Au"],
+               ...               "eta":2., "gamma":1., "zeta":5.0}]}
+    cutoff : float
+        Radius above which neighbor interactions are ignored.
+    fortran : bool
+        If True, will use fortran modules, if False, will not.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, neighborlist, Gs, cutoff, fortran):
+        self.globals = Parameters({'cutoff': cutoff,
+                                   'Gs': Gs})
+        self.keyed = Parameters({'neighborlist': neighborlist})
+        self.parallel_command = 'calculate_fingerprint_primes'
+        self.fortran = fortran
+    def calculate(self, image, key):
+        """Makes a list of fingerprint derivatives, one per atom,
+        for the fed image.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        image : object
+            ASE atoms object.
+        key : str
+            key of the image after being hashed.
+        """
+        self.atoms = image
+        nl = self.keyed.neighborlist[key]
+        fingerprintprimes = {}
+        for atom in image:
+            selfsymbol = atom.symbol
+            selfindex = atom.index
+            selfneighborindices, selfneighboroffsets = nl[selfindex]
+            selfneighborsymbols = [
+                image[_].symbol for _ in selfneighborindices]
+            selfneighborpositions = [image.positions[_index] +
+                                     np.dot(_offset, image.get_cell())
+                                     for _index, _offset
+                                     in zip(selfneighborindices,
+                                            selfneighboroffsets)]
+            for i in range(3):
+                # Calculating derivative of fingerprints of self atom w.r.t.
+                # coordinates of itself.
+                fpprime = self.get_fingerprintprime(
+                    selfindex, selfsymbol,
+                    selfneighborindices,
+                    selfneighborsymbols,
+                    selfneighborpositions, selfindex, i)
+                fingerprintprimes[
+                    (selfindex, selfsymbol, selfindex, selfsymbol, i)] = \
+                    fpprime
+                # Calculating derivative of fingerprints of neighbor atom
+                # w.r.t. coordinates of self atom.
+                for nindex, nsymbol, noffset in \
+                        zip(selfneighborindices,
+                            selfneighborsymbols,
+                            selfneighboroffsets):
+                    # for calculating forces, summation runs over neighbor
+                    # atoms of type II (within the main cell only)
+                    if noffset.all() == 0:
+                        nneighborindices, nneighboroffsets = nl[nindex]
+                        nneighborsymbols = \
+                            [image[_].symbol for _ in nneighborindices]
+                        neighborpositions = [image.positions[_index] +
+                                             np.dot(_offset, image.get_cell())
+                                             for _index, _offset
+                                             in zip(nneighborindices,
+                                                    nneighboroffsets)]
+                        # for calculating derivatives of fingerprints,
+                        # summation runs over neighboring atoms of type
+                        # I (either inside or outside the main cell)
+                        fpprime = self.get_fingerprintprime(
+                            nindex, nsymbol,
+                            nneighborindices,
+                            nneighborsymbols,
+                            neighborpositions, selfindex, i)
+                        fingerprintprimes[
+                            (selfindex, selfsymbol, nindex, nsymbol, i)] = \
+                            fpprime
+        return fingerprintprimes
+    def get_fingerprintprime(self, index, symbol,
+                             neighborindices,
+                             neighborsymbols,
+                             neighborpositions,
+                             m, l):
+        """ Returns the value of the derivative of G for atom with index and
+        symbol with respect to coordinate x_{l} of atom index m.
+        neighborindices, neighborsymbols and neighborpositions are lists of
+        neighbors' indices, symbols and Cartesian positions, respectively.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        index : int
+            Index of the center atom.
+        symbol : str
+            Symbol of the center atom.
+        neighborindices : list of int
+            List of neighbors' indices.
+        neighborsymbols : list of str
+            List of neighbors' symbols.
+        neighborpositions : list of list of float
+            List of Cartesian atomic positions.
+        m : int
+            Index of the pair atom.
+        l : int
+            Direction of the derivative; is an integer from 0 to 2.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        fingerprintprime : list of float
+            The value of the derivative of the fingerprints for atom with index
+            and symbol with respect to coordinate x_{l} of atom index m.
+        """
+        num_symmetries = len(self.globals.Gs[symbol])
+        Rindex = self.atoms.positions[index]
+        fingerprintprime = [None] * num_symmetries
+        for count in range(num_symmetries):
+            G = self.globals.Gs[symbol][count]
+            if G['type'] == 'G2':
+                ridge = calculate_G2_prime(
+                    neighborindices,
+                    neighborsymbols,
+                    neighborpositions,
+                    G['element'],
+                    G['eta'],
+                    self.globals.cutoff,
+                    index,
+                    Rindex,
+                    m,
+                    l,
+                    self.fortran)
+            elif G['type'] == 'G4':
+                ridge = calculate_G4_prime(
+                    neighborindices,
+                    neighborsymbols,
+                    neighborpositions,
+                    G['elements'],
+                    G['gamma'],
+                    G['zeta'],
+                    G['eta'],
+                    self.globals.cutoff,
+                    index,
+                    Rindex,
+                    m,
+                    l,
+                    self.fortran)
+            else:
+                raise NotImplementedError('Unknown G type: %s' % G['type'])
+            fingerprintprime[count] = ridge
+        return fingerprintprime
+# Auxiliary functions #########################################################
+def calculate_G2(neighborsymbols,
+                 neighborpositions, G_element, eta, cutoff, Ri, fortran):
+    """Calculate G2 symmetry function.
+    Ideally this will not be used but will be a template for how to build the
+    fortran version (and serves as a slow backup if the fortran one goes
+    uncompiled).  See Eq. 13a of the supplementary information of Khorshidi,
+    Peterson, CPC(2016).
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    neighborsymbols : list of str
+        List of symbols of all neighbor atoms.
+    neighborpositions : list of list of floats
+        List of Cartesian atomic positions.
+    G_element : str
+        Chemical symbol of the center atom.
+    eta : float
+        Parameter of Gaussian symmetry functions.
+    cutoff : dict
+        Cutoff function, typically from amp.descriptor.cutoffs. Should be also
+        formatted as a dictionary by todict method, e.g.
+        cutoff=Cosine(6.5).todict()
+    Ri : list
+        Position of the center atom. Should be fed as a list of three floats.
+    fortran : bool
+        If True, will use the fortran subroutines, else will not.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    ridge : float
+        G2 fingerprint.
+    """
+    if fortran:  # fortran version; faster
+        G_number = [atomic_numbers[G_element]]
+        neighbornumbers = \
+            [atomic_numbers[symbol] for symbol in neighborsymbols]
+        if len(neighbornumbers) == 0:
+            ridge = 0.
+        else:
+            cutofffn = cutoff['name']
+            Rc = cutoff['kwargs']['Rc']
+            args_calculate_g2 = dict(
+                    neighbornumbers=neighbornumbers,
+                    neighborpositions=neighborpositions,
+                    g_number=G_number,
+                    g_eta=eta,
+                    rc=Rc,
+                    cutofffn=cutofffn,
+                    ri=Ri
+                    )
+            if cutofffn == 'Polynomial':
+                args_calculate_g2['p_gamma'] = cutoff['kwargs']['gamma']
+            ridge = fmodules.calculate_g2(**args_calculate_g2)
+    else:
+        Rc = cutoff['kwargs']['Rc']
+        cutoff_fxn = dict2cutoff(cutoff)
+        ridge = 0.  # One aspect of a fingerprint :)
+        num_neighbors = len(neighborpositions)   # number of neighboring atoms
+        for count in range(num_neighbors):
+            symbol = neighborsymbols[count]
+            Rj = neighborpositions[count]
+            if symbol == G_element:
+                Rij = np.linalg.norm(Rj - Ri)
+                args_cutoff_fxn = dict(Rij=Rij)
+                if cutoff['name'] == 'Polynomial':
+                    args_cutoff_fxn['gamma'] = cutoff['kwargs']['gamma']
+                ridge += (np.exp(-eta * (Rij ** 2.) / (Rc ** 2.)) *
+                          cutoff_fxn(**args_cutoff_fxn))
+    return ridge
+def calculate_G4(neighborsymbols, neighborpositions,
+                 G_elements, gamma, zeta, eta, cutoff,
+                 Ri, fortran):
+    """Calculate G4 symmetry function.
+    Ideally this will not be used but will be a template for how to build the
+    fortran version (and serves as a slow backup if the fortran one goes
+    uncompiled).  See Eq. 13c of the supplementary information of Khorshidi,
+    Peterson, CPC(2016).
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    neighborsymbols : list of str
+        List of symbols of neighboring atoms.
+    neighborpositions : list of list of floats
+        List of Cartesian atomic positions of neighboring atoms.
+    G_elements : list of str
+        A list of two members, each member is the chemical species of one of
+        the neighboring atoms forming the triangle with the center atom.
+    gamma : float
+        Parameter of Gaussian symmetry functions.
+    zeta : float
+        Parameter of Gaussian symmetry functions.
+    eta : float
+        Parameter of Gaussian symmetry functions.
+    cutoff : dict
+        Cutoff function, typically from amp.descriptor.cutoffs. Should be also
+        formatted as a dictionary by todict method, e.g.
+        cutoff=Cosine(6.5).todict()
+    Ri : list
+        Position of the center atom. Should be fed as a list of three floats.
+    fortran : bool
+        If True, will use the fortran subroutines, else will not.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    ridge : float
+        G4 fingerprint.
+    """
+    if fortran:  # fortran version; faster
+        G_numbers = sorted([atomic_numbers[el] for el in G_elements])
+        neighbornumbers = \
+            [atomic_numbers[symbol] for symbol in neighborsymbols]
+        if len(neighborpositions) == 0:
+            return 0.
+        else:
+            cutofffn = cutoff['name']
+            Rc = cutoff['kwargs']['Rc']
+            args_calculate_g4 = dict(
+                    neighbornumbers=neighbornumbers,
+                    neighborpositions=neighborpositions,
+                    g_numbers=G_numbers,
+                    g_gamma=gamma,
+                    g_zeta=zeta,
+                    g_eta=eta,
+                    rc=Rc,
+                    cutofffn=cutofffn,
+                    ri=Ri
+                    )
+            if cutofffn == 'Polynomial':
+                args_calculate_g4['p_gamma'] = cutoff['kwargs']['gamma']
+            ridge = fmodules.calculate_g4(**args_calculate_g4)
+            return ridge
+    else:
+        Rc = cutoff['kwargs']['Rc']
+        cutoff_fxn = dict2cutoff(cutoff)
+        ridge = 0.
+        counts = range(len(neighborpositions))
+        for j in counts:
+            for k in counts[(j + 1):]:
+                els = sorted([neighborsymbols[j], neighborsymbols[k]])
+                if els != G_elements:
+                    continue
+                Rij_vector = neighborpositions[j] - Ri
+                Rij = np.linalg.norm(Rij_vector)
+                Rik_vector = neighborpositions[k] - Ri
+                Rik = np.linalg.norm(Rik_vector)
+                Rjk_vector = neighborpositions[k] - neighborpositions[j]
+                Rjk = np.linalg.norm(Rjk_vector)
+                cos_theta_ijk = np.dot(Rij_vector, Rik_vector) / Rij / Rik
+                term = (1. + gamma * cos_theta_ijk) ** zeta
+                term *= np.exp(-eta * (Rij ** 2. + Rik ** 2. + Rjk ** 2.) /
+                               (Rc ** 2.))
+                _Rij = dict(Rij=Rij)
+                _Rik = dict(Rij=Rik)
+                _Rjk = dict(Rij=Rjk)
+                if cutoff['name'] == 'Polynomial':
+                    _Rij['gamma'] = cutoff['kwargs']['gamma']
+                    _Rik['gamma'] = cutoff['kwargs']['gamma']
+                    _Rjk['gamma'] = cutoff['kwargs']['gamma']
+                term *= cutoff_fxn(**_Rij)
+                term *= cutoff_fxn(**_Rik)
+                term *= cutoff_fxn(**_Rjk)
+                ridge += term
+        ridge *= 2. ** (1. - zeta)
+        return ridge
+def make_symmetry_functions(elements, type, etas, zetas=None, gammas=None):
+    """Helper function to create Gaussian symmetry functions.
+    Returns a list of dictionaries with symmetry function parameters
+    in the format expected by the Gaussian class.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    elements : list of str
+        List of element types. The first in the list is considered the
+        central element for this fingerprint. #FIXME: Does that matter?
+    type : str
+        Either G2 or G4.
+    etas : list of floats
+        eta values to use in G2 or G4 fingerprints
+    zetas : list of floats
+        zeta values to use in G4 fingerprints
+    gammas : list of floats
+        gamma values to use in G4 fingerprints
+    Returns
+    -------
+    G : list of dicts
+        A list, each item in the list contains a dictionary of fingerprint
+        parameters.
+    """
+    if type == 'G2':
+        G = [{'type': 'G2', 'element': element, 'eta': eta}
+             for eta in etas
+             for element in elements]
+        return G
+    elif type == 'G4':
+        G = []
+        for eta in etas:
+            for zeta in zetas:
+                for gamma in gammas:
+                    for i1, el1 in enumerate(elements):
+                        for el2 in elements[i1:]:
+                            els = sorted([el1, el2])
+                            G.append({'type': 'G4',
+                                      'elements': els,
+                                      'eta': eta,
+                                      'gamma': gamma,
+                                      'zeta': zeta})
+        return G
+    raise NotImplementedError('Unknown type: {}.'.format(type))
+def make_default_symmetry_functions(elements):
+    """Makes symmetry functions as in Nano Letters 14:2670, 2014.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    elements : list of str
+        List of the elements, as in: ["C", "O", "H", "Cu"].
+    Returns
+    -------
+    G : dict of lists
+        The generated symmetry function parameters.
+    """
+    G = {}
+    for element0 in elements:
+        # Radial symmetry functions.
+        etas = [0.05, 4., 20., 80.]
+        _G = [{'type': 'G2', 'element': element, 'eta': eta}
+              for eta in etas
+              for element in elements]
+        # Angular symmetry functions.
+        etas = [0.005]
+        zetas = [1., 4.]
+        gammas = [+1., -1.]
+        for eta in etas:
+            for zeta in zetas:
+                for gamma in gammas:
+                    for i1, el1 in enumerate(elements):
+                        for el2 in elements[i1:]:
+                            els = sorted([el1, el2])
+                            _G.append({'type': 'G4',
+                                       'elements': els,
+                                       'eta': eta,
+                                       'gamma': gamma,
+                                       'zeta': zeta})
+        G[element0] = _G
+    return G
+def Kronecker(i, j):
+    """Kronecker delta function.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    i : int
+        First index of Kronecker delta.
+    j : int
+        Second index of Kronecker delta.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    int
+        The value of the Kronecker delta.
+    """
+    if i == j:
+        return 1
+    else:
+        return 0
+def dRij_dRml_vector(i, j, m, l):
+    """Returns the derivative of the position vector R_{ij} with respect to
+    x_{l} of itomic index m.
+    See Eq. 14d of the supplementary information of Khorshidi, Peterson,
+    CPC(2016).
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    i : int
+        Index of the first atom.
+    j : int
+        Index of the second atom.
+    m : int
+        Index of the atom force is acting on.
+    l : int
+        Direction of force.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    list of float
+        The derivative of the position vector R_{ij} with respect to x_{l} of
+        atomic index m.
+    """
+    if (m != i) and (m != j):
+        return [0, 0, 0]
+    else:
+        dRij_dRml_vector = [None, None, None]
+        c1 = Kronecker(m, j) - Kronecker(m, i)
+        dRij_dRml_vector[0] = c1 * Kronecker(0, l)
+        dRij_dRml_vector[1] = c1 * Kronecker(1, l)
+        dRij_dRml_vector[2] = c1 * Kronecker(2, l)
+        return dRij_dRml_vector
+def dRij_dRml(i, j, Ri, Rj, m, l):
+    """Returns the derivative of the norm of position vector R_{ij} with
+    respect to coordinate x_{l} of atomic index m.
+    See Eq. 14c of the supplementary information of Khorshidi, Peterson,
+    CPC(2016).
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    i : int
+        Index of the first atom.
+    j : int
+        Index of the second atom.
+    Ri : float
+        Position of the first atom.
+    Rj : float
+        Position of the second atom.
+    m : int
+        Index of the atom force is acting on.
+    l : int
+        Direction of force.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    dRij_dRml : list of float
+        The derivative of the noRi of position vector R_{ij} with respect to
+        x_{l} of atomic index m.
+    """
+    Rij = np.linalg.norm(Rj - Ri)
+    if m == i and i != j:  # i != j is necessary for periodic systems
+        dRij_dRml = -(Rj[l] - Ri[l]) / Rij
+    elif m == j and i != j:  # i != j is necessary for periodic systems
+        dRij_dRml = (Rj[l] - Ri[l]) / Rij
+    else:
+        dRij_dRml = 0
+    return dRij_dRml
+def dCos_theta_ijk_dR_ml(i, j, k, Ri, Rj, Rk, m, l):
+    """Returns the derivative of Cos(theta_{ijk}) with respect to
+    x_{l} of atomic index m.
+    See Eq. 14f of the supplementary information of Khorshidi, Peterson,
+    CPC(2016).
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    i : int
+        Index of the center atom.
+    j : int
+        Index of the first atom.
+    k : int
+        Index of the second atom.
+    Ri : float
+        Position of the center atom.
+    Rj : float
+        Position of the first atom.
+    Rk : float
+        Position of the second atom.
+    m : int
+        Index of the atom force is acting on.
+    l : int
+        Direction of force.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    dCos_theta_ijk_dR_ml : float
+        Derivative of Cos(theta_{ijk}) with respect to x_{l} of atomic index m.
+    """
+    Rij_vector = Rj - Ri
+    Rij = np.linalg.norm(Rij_vector)
+    Rik_vector = Rk - Ri
+    Rik = np.linalg.norm(Rik_vector)
+    dCos_theta_ijk_dR_ml = 0
+    dRijdRml = dRij_dRml_vector(i, j, m, l)
+    if np.array(dRijdRml).any() != 0:
+        dCos_theta_ijk_dR_ml += np.dot(dRijdRml, Rik_vector) / (Rij * Rik)
+    dRikdRml = dRij_dRml_vector(i, k, m, l)
+    if np.array(dRikdRml).any() != 0:
+        dCos_theta_ijk_dR_ml += np.dot(Rij_vector, dRikdRml) / (Rij * Rik)
+    dRijdRml = dRij_dRml(i, j, Ri, Rj, m, l)
+    if dRijdRml != 0:
+        dCos_theta_ijk_dR_ml += - np.dot(Rij_vector, Rik_vector) * dRijdRml / \
+            ((Rij ** 2.) * Rik)
+    dRikdRml = dRij_dRml(i, k, Ri, Rk, m, l)
+    if dRikdRml != 0:
+        dCos_theta_ijk_dR_ml += - np.dot(Rij_vector, Rik_vector) * dRikdRml / \
+            (Rij * (Rik ** 2.))
+    return dCos_theta_ijk_dR_ml
+def calculate_G2_prime(neighborindices, neighborsymbols, neighborpositions,
+                       G_element, eta, cutoff,
+                       i, Ri, m, l, fortran):
+    """Calculates coordinate derivative of G2 symmetry function for atom at
+    index i and position Ri with respect to coordinate x_{l} of atom index
+    m.
+    See Eq. 13b of the supplementary information of Khorshidi, Peterson,
+    CPC(2016).
+    Parameters
+    ---------
+    neighborindices : list of int
+        List of int of neighboring atoms.
+    neighborsymbols : list of str
+        List of symbols of neighboring atoms.
+    neighborpositions : list of list of float
+        List of Cartesian atomic positions of neighboring atoms.
+    G_element : dict
+        Symmetry functions of the center atom.
+    eta : float
+        Parameter of Behler symmetry functions.
+    cutoff : dict
+        Cutoff function, typically from amp.descriptor.cutoffs. Should be also
+        formatted as a dictionary by todict method, e.g.
+        cutoff=Cosine(6.5).todict()
+    i : int
+        Index of the center atom.
+    Ri : list
+        Position of the center atom. Should be fed as a list of three floats.
+    m : int
+        Index of the atom force is acting on.
+    l : int
+        Direction of force.
+    fortran : bool
+        If True, will use the fortran subroutines, else will not.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    ridge : float
+        Coordinate derivative of G2 symmetry function for atom at index a and
+        position Ri with respect to coordinate x_{l} of atom index m.
+    """
+    if fortran:  # fortran version; faster
+        G_number = [atomic_numbers[G_element]]
+        neighbornumbers = \
+            [atomic_numbers[symbol] for symbol in neighborsymbols]
+        if len(neighborpositions) == 0:
+            ridge = 0.
+        else:
+            cutofffn = cutoff['name']
+            Rc = cutoff['kwargs']['Rc']
+            args_calculate_g2_prime = dict(
+                    neighborindices=list(neighborindices),
+                    neighbornumbers=neighbornumbers,
+                    neighborpositions=neighborpositions,
+                    g_number=G_number,
+                    g_eta=eta,
+                    rc=Rc,
+                    cutofffn=cutofffn,
+                    i=i,
+                    ri=Ri,
+                    m=m,
+                    l=l
+                    )
+            if cutofffn == 'Polynomial':
+                args_calculate_g2_prime['p_gamma'] = cutoff['kwargs']['gamma']
+            ridge = fmodules.calculate_g2_prime(**args_calculate_g2_prime)
+    else:
+        Rc = cutoff['kwargs']['Rc']
+        cutoff_fxn = dict2cutoff(cutoff)
+        ridge = 0.  # One aspect of a fingerprint :)
+        num_neighbors = len(neighborpositions)   # number of neighboring atoms
+        for count in range(num_neighbors):
+            symbol = neighborsymbols[count]
+            Rj = neighborpositions[count]
+            j = neighborindices[count]
+            if symbol == G_element:
+                dRijdRml = dRij_dRml(i, j, Ri, Rj, m, l)
+                if dRijdRml != 0:
+                    Rij = np.linalg.norm(Rj - Ri)
+                    args_cutoff_fxn = dict(Rij=Rij)
+                    if cutoff['name'] == 'Polynomial':
+                        args_cutoff_fxn['gamma'] = cutoff['kwargs']['gamma']
+                    term1 = (-2. * eta * Rij * cutoff_fxn(**args_cutoff_fxn) /
+                             (Rc ** 2.) +
+                             cutoff_fxn.prime(**args_cutoff_fxn))
+                    ridge += np.exp(- eta * (Rij ** 2.) / (Rc ** 2.)) * \
+                        term1 * dRijdRml
+    return ridge
+def calculate_G4_prime(neighborindices, neighborsymbols, neighborpositions,
+                       G_elements, gamma, zeta, eta,
+                       cutoff, i, Ri, m, l, fortran):
+    """Calculates coordinate derivative of G4 symmetry function for atom at
+    index i and position Ri with respect to coordinate x_{l} of atom index m.
+    See Eq. 13d of the supplementary information of Khorshidi, Peterson,
+    CPC(2016).
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    neighborindices : list of int
+        List of int of neighboring atoms.
+    neighborsymbols : list of str
+        List of symbols of neighboring atoms.
+    neighborpositions : list of list of float
+        List of Cartesian atomic positions of neighboring atoms.
+    G_elements : list of str
+        A list of two members, each member is the chemical species of one of
+        the neighboring atoms forming the triangle with the center atom.
+    gamma : float
+        Parameter of Behler symmetry functions.
+    zeta : float
+        Parameter of Behler symmetry functions.
+    eta : float
+        Parameter of Behler symmetry functions.
+    cutoff : dict
+        Cutoff function, typically from amp.descriptor.cutoffs. Should be also
+        formatted as a dictionary by todict method, e.g.
+        cutoff=Cosine(6.5).todict()
+    i : int
+        Index of the center atom.
+    Ri : list
+        Position of the center atom. Should be fed as a list of three floats.
+    m : int
+        Index of the atom force is acting on.
+    l : int
+        Direction of force.
+    fortran : bool
+        If True, will use the fortran subroutines, else will not.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    ridge : float
+        Coordinate derivative of G4 symmetry function for atom at index i and
+        position Ri with respect to coordinate x_{l} of atom index m.
+    """
+    if fortran:  # fortran version; faster
+        G_numbers = sorted([atomic_numbers[el] for el in G_elements])
+        neighbornumbers = [atomic_numbers[symbol]
+                           for symbol in neighborsymbols]
+        if len(neighborpositions) == 0:
+            ridge = 0.
+        else:
+            cutofffn = cutoff['name']
+            Rc = cutoff['kwargs']['Rc']
+            args_calculate_g4_prime = dict(
+                    neighborindices=list(neighborindices),
+                    neighbornumbers=neighbornumbers,
+                    neighborpositions=neighborpositions,
+                    g_numbers=G_numbers,
+                    g_gamma=gamma,
+                    g_zeta=zeta,
+                    g_eta=eta,
+                    rc=Rc,
+                    cutofffn=cutofffn,
+                    i=i,
+                    ri=Ri,
+                    m=m,
+                    l=l
+                    )
+            if cutofffn == 'Polynomial':
+                args_calculate_g4_prime['p_gamma'] = cutoff['kwargs']['gamma']
+            ridge = fmodules.calculate_g4_prime(**args_calculate_g4_prime)
+    else:
+        Rc = cutoff['kwargs']['Rc']
+        cutoff_fxn = dict2cutoff(cutoff)
+        ridge = 0.
+        # number of neighboring atoms
+        counts = range(len(neighborpositions))
+        for j in counts:
+            for k in counts[(j + 1):]:
+                els = sorted([neighborsymbols[j], neighborsymbols[k]])
+                if els != G_elements:
+                    continue
+                Rj = neighborpositions[j]
+                Rk = neighborpositions[k]
+                Rij_vector = neighborpositions[j] - Ri
+                Rij = np.linalg.norm(Rij_vector)
+                Rik_vector = neighborpositions[k] - Ri
+                Rik = np.linalg.norm(Rik_vector)
+                Rjk_vector = neighborpositions[k] - neighborpositions[j]
+                Rjk = np.linalg.norm(Rjk_vector)
+                cos_theta_ijk = np.dot(Rij_vector, Rik_vector) / Rij / Rik
+                c1 = (1. + gamma * cos_theta_ijk)
+                _Rij = dict(Rij=Rij)
+                _Rik = dict(Rij=Rik)
+                _Rjk = dict(Rij=Rjk)
+                if cutoff['name'] == 'Polynomial':
+                    _Rij['gamma'] = cutoff['kwargs']['gamma']
+                    _Rik['gamma'] = cutoff['kwargs']['gamma']
+                    _Rjk['gamma'] = cutoff['kwargs']['gamma']
+                fcRij = cutoff_fxn(**_Rij)
+                fcRik = cutoff_fxn(**_Rik)
+                fcRjk = cutoff_fxn(**_Rjk)
+                if zeta == 1:
+                    term1 = \
+                        np.exp(- eta * (Rij ** 2. + Rik ** 2. + Rjk ** 2.) /
+                               (Rc ** 2.))
+                else:
+                    term1 = c1 ** (zeta - 1.) * \
+                        np.exp(- eta * (Rij ** 2. + Rik ** 2. + Rjk ** 2.) /
+                               (Rc ** 2.))
+                term2 = 0.
+                fcRijfcRikfcRjk = fcRij * fcRik * fcRjk
+                dCosthetadRml = dCos_theta_ijk_dR_ml(i,
+                                                     neighborindices[j],
+                                                     neighborindices[k],
+                                                     Ri, Rj,
+                                                     Rk, m, l)
+                if dCosthetadRml != 0:
+                    term2 += gamma * zeta * dCosthetadRml
+                dRijdRml = dRij_dRml(i, neighborindices[j], Ri, Rj, m, l)
+                if dRijdRml != 0:
+                    term2 += -2. * c1 * eta * Rij * dRijdRml / (Rc ** 2.)
+                dRikdRml = dRij_dRml(i, neighborindices[k], Ri, Rk, m, l)
+                if dRikdRml != 0:
+                    term2 += -2. * c1 * eta * Rik * dRikdRml / (Rc ** 2.)
+                dRjkdRml = dRij_dRml(neighborindices[j],
+                                     neighborindices[k],
+                                     Rj, Rk, m, l)
+                if dRjkdRml != 0:
+                    term2 += -2. * c1 * eta * Rjk * dRjkdRml / (Rc ** 2.)
+                term3 = fcRijfcRikfcRjk * term2
+                term4 = cutoff_fxn.prime(**_Rij) * dRijdRml * fcRik * fcRjk
+                term5 = fcRij * cutoff_fxn.prime(**_Rik) * dRikdRml * fcRjk
+                term6 = fcRij * fcRik * cutoff_fxn.prime(**_Rjk) * dRjkdRml
+                ridge += term1 * (term3 + c1 * (term4 + term5 + term6))
+        ridge *= 2. ** (1. - zeta)
+    return ridge
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    """Directly calling this module; apparently from another node.
+    Calls should come as
+        python -m amp.descriptor.gaussian id hostname:port
+    This session will then start a zmq session with that socket, labeling
+    itself with id. Instructions on what to do will come from the socket.
+    """
+    import sys
+    import tempfile
+    import zmq
+    from ..utilities import MessageDictionary
+    fortran = False if fmodules is None else True
+    hostsocket = sys.argv[-1]
+    proc_id = sys.argv[-2]
+    msg = MessageDictionary(proc_id)
+    # Send standard lines to stdout signaling process started and where
+    # error is directed. This should be caught by pxssh. (This could
+    # alternatively be done by zmq, but this works.)
+    print('<amp-connect>')  # Signal that program started.
+    sys.stderr = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', delete=False,
+                                             suffix='.stderr')
+    print('Log and error written to %s<stderr>' % sys.stderr.name)
+    sys.stderr.write('initiated\n')
+    sys.stderr.flush()
+    # Establish client session via zmq; find purpose.
+    context = zmq.Context()
+    sys.stderr.write('context started\n')
+    sys.stderr.flush()
+    socket = context.socket(zmq.REQ)
+    sys.stderr.write('socket started\n')
+    sys.stderr.flush()
+    socket.connect('tcp://%s' % hostsocket)
+    sys.stderr.write('connection made\n')
+    sys.stderr.flush()
+    socket.send_pyobj(msg('<purpose>'))
+    sys.stderr.write('message sent\n')
+    sys.stderr.flush()
+    purpose = socket.recv_pyobj()
+    sys.stderr.write('purpose received\n')
+    sys.stderr.flush()
+    sys.stderr.write('purpose: %s \n' % purpose)
+    sys.stderr.flush()
+    if purpose == 'calculate_neighborlists':
+        # Request variables.
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'cutoff'))
+        cutoff = socket.recv_pyobj()
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'images'))
+        images = socket.recv_pyobj()
+        # sys.stderr.write(str(images)) # Just to see if they are there.
+        # Perform the calculations.
+        calc = NeighborlistCalculator(cutoff=cutoff)
+        neighborlist = {}
+        # for key in images.iterkeys():
+        while len(images) > 0:
+            key, image = images.popitem()  # Reduce memory.
+            neighborlist[key] = calc.calculate(image, key)
+        # Send the results.
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<result>', neighborlist))
+        socket.recv_string()  # Needed to complete REQ/REP.
+    elif purpose == 'calculate_fingerprints':
+        # Request variables.
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'cutoff'))
+        cutoff = socket.recv_pyobj()
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'Gs'))
+        Gs = socket.recv_pyobj()
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'neighborlist'))
+        neighborlist = socket.recv_pyobj()
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'images'))
+        images = socket.recv_pyobj()
+        calc = FingerprintCalculator(neighborlist, Gs, cutoff,
+                                     fortran)
+        result = {}
+        while len(images) > 0:
+            key, image = images.popitem()  # Reduce memory.
+            result[key] = calc.calculate(image, key)
+            if len(images) % 100 == 0:
+                socket.send_pyobj(msg('<info>', len(images)))
+                socket.recv_string()  # Needed to complete REQ/REP.
+        # Send the results.
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<result>', result))
+        socket.recv_string()  # Needed to complete REQ/REP.
+    elif purpose == 'calculate_fingerprint_primes':
+        # Request variables.
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'cutoff'))
+        cutoff = socket.recv_pyobj()
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'Gs'))
+        Gs = socket.recv_pyobj()
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'neighborlist'))
+        neighborlist = socket.recv_pyobj()
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'images'))
+        images = socket.recv_pyobj()
+        calc = FingerprintPrimeCalculator(neighborlist, Gs, cutoff,
+                                          fortran)
+        result = {}
+        while len(images) > 0:
+            key, image = images.popitem()  # Reduce memory.
+            result[key] = calc.calculate(image, key)
+            if len(images) % 100 == 0:
+                socket.send_pyobj(msg('<info>', len(images)))
+                socket.recv_string()  # Needed to complete REQ/REP.
+        # Send the results.
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<result>', result))
+        socket.recv_string()  # Needed to complete REQ/REP.
+    else:
+        raise NotImplementedError('purpose %s unknown.' % purpose)
diff --git a/amp/descriptor/zernike.f90 b/amp/descriptor/zernike.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22cbfdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/amp/descriptor/zernike.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+        subroutine calculate_zernike_prime(n, l, n_length, n_indices, &
+              numbers, rs, g_numbers, cutoff, indexx,  home, p, q, &
+              fac_length, factorial, norm_prime, cutofffn, p_gamma)
+        use cutoffs
+        implicit none
+        integer::  n, l
+        integer::  indexx, p, q, n_length, fac_length
+        integer, dimension(n_length)::  n_indices, numbers, g_numbers
+        double precision, dimension(n_length, 3)::  rs
+        double precision, dimension(3)::  home
+        double precision, dimension(fac_length)::  factorial
+        double precision::  cutoff
+        ! gamma parameter for the polynomial cutoff
+        double precision, optional:: p_gamma
+        character(len=20):: cutofffn
+        complex*16::  norm_prime
+!f2py   intent(in)::  n, l, n_indices, numbers, g_numbers, rs, p_gamma
+!f2py   intent(in)::  home, indexx, p, q, cutoff, n_length, fac_length
+!f2py   intent(out)::  norm_prime
+        integer::  m
+        complex*16::  c_nlm, c_nlm_prime, z_nlm_, z_nlm, &
+        z_nlm_prime, z_nlm_prime_
+        integer::  n_index, n_symbol, iter
+        double precision, dimension(3)::  neighbor
+        double precision::  x, y, z, rho
+        norm_prime = (0.0d0, 0.0d0)
+        do m = 0, l
+            c_nlm = (0.0d0, 0.0d0)
+            c_nlm_prime = (0.0d0, 0.0d0)
+            do iter = 1, n_length
+                n_index = n_indices(iter)
+                n_symbol = numbers(iter)
+                neighbor(1) = rs(iter, 1)
+                neighbor(2) = rs(iter, 2)
+                neighbor(3) = rs(iter, 3)
+                x = (neighbor(1) - home(1)) / cutoff
+                y = (neighbor(2) - home(2)) / cutoff
+                z = (neighbor(3) - home(3)) / cutoff
+                rho = (x ** 2.0d0 + y ** 2.0d0 + z ** 2.0d0) ** 0.5d0
+                call calculate_z(n, l, m, x, y, z, factorial, &
+                    fac_length, z_nlm_)
+                ! Calculate z_nlm
+                if (present(p_gamma)) then
+                    z_nlm = z_nlm_ * cutoff_fxn(rho * cutoff, &
+                    cutoff, cutofffn, p_gamma)
+                    ! Calculates z_nlm_prime
+                    z_nlm_prime = z_nlm_ * &
+                    cutoff_fxn_prime(rho * cutoff, cutoff, &
+                    cutofffn, p_gamma) * &
+                    der_position(indexx, n_index, home, neighbor, p, q)
+                else
+                    z_nlm = z_nlm_ * cutoff_fxn(rho * cutoff, &
+                    cutoff, cutofffn)
+                    ! Calculates z_nlm_prime
+                    z_nlm_prime = z_nlm_ * &
+                    cutoff_fxn_prime(rho * cutoff, cutoff, &
+                    cutofffn) * &
+                    der_position(indexx, n_index, home, neighbor, p, q)
+                endif
+                call calculate_z_prime(n, l, m, x, y, z, q, factorial, &
+                fac_length, z_nlm_prime_)
+                if (kronecker(n_index, p) - &
+                kronecker(indexx, p) == 1) then
+                    if (present(p_gamma)) then
+                        z_nlm_prime = z_nlm_prime + &
+                        cutoff_fxn(rho * cutoff, cutoff, &
+                        cutofffn, p_gamma) * z_nlm_prime_ / &
+                        cutoff
+                    else
+                        z_nlm_prime = z_nlm_prime + &
+                        cutoff_fxn(rho * cutoff, cutoff, &
+                        cutofffn) * z_nlm_prime_ / cutoff
+                    end if
+                else if (kronecker(n_index, p) - kronecker(indexx, p) &
+                    == -1) then
+                    if (present(p_gamma)) then
+                        z_nlm_prime = z_nlm_prime - &
+                        cutoff_fxn(rho * cutoff, cutoff, &
+                        cutofffn, p_gamma) * z_nlm_prime_ / &
+                        cutoff
+                    else
+                        z_nlm_prime = z_nlm_prime - &
+                        cutoff_fxn(rho * cutoff, cutoff, &
+                        cutofffn) * z_nlm_prime_ / cutoff
+                    end if
+                end if
+                ! sum over neighbors
+                c_nlm = c_nlm + g_numbers(iter) * conjg(z_nlm)
+                c_nlm_prime = c_nlm_prime + &
+                g_numbers(iter) * conjg(z_nlm_prime)
+            end do
+           ! sum over m values
+            if (m == 0) then
+            norm_prime = norm_prime + &
+            2.0d0 * c_nlm * conjg(c_nlm_prime)
+            else
+            norm_prime = norm_prime + &
+            4.0d0 * c_nlm * conjg(c_nlm_prime)
+            end if
+        enddo
+        CONTAINS
+        function der_position(mm, nn, Rm, Rn, ll, ii)
+        implicit none
+        integer::  mm, nn, ll, ii, xyz
+        double precision, dimension(3)::  Rm, Rn, Rmn_
+        double precision::  der_position, Rmn
+        do xyz = 1, 3
+            Rmn_(xyz) = Rm(xyz) - Rn(xyz)
+        end do
+        Rmn = sqrt(dot_product(Rmn_, Rmn_))
+        if ((ll == mm) .AND. (mm /= nn)) then
+            der_position = (Rm(ii + 1) - Rn(ii + 1)) / Rmn
+        else if ((ll == nn) .AND. (mm /= nn)) then
+            der_position = - (Rm(ii + 1) - Rn(ii + 1)) / Rmn
+        else
+            der_position = 0.0d0
+        end if
+        end function
+        function kronecker(i, j)
+        implicit none
+        integer::  i, j
+        integer::  kronecker
+        if (i == j) then
+            kronecker = 1
+        else
+            kronecker = 0
+        end if
+        end function
+        end subroutine calculate_zernike_prime
+        subroutine calculate_z(n, l, m, x, y, z, factorial, length, &
+                output)
+        implicit none
+        integer::  n, l, m, length
+        double precision::  x, y, z
+        double precision, dimension(length)::  factorial
+        complex*16::  output, ii, term4, term6
+!f2py   intent(in)::  n, l, m, x, y, z, factorial, length
+!f2py   intent(out)::  output
+        integer::  k, nu, alpha, beta, eta, u, mu, r, s, t
+        double precision::  term1, term2, q, b1, b2, term3
+        double precision::  term5, b5, b6, b7, b8, pi
+        pi = 4.0d0 * datan(1.0d0)
+        output = (0.0d0, 0.0d0)
+        term1 = sqrt((2.0d0 * l + 1.0d0) * &
+        factorial(int(2 * (l + m)) + 1) * &
+        factorial(int(2 * (l - m)) + 1)) / factorial(int(2 * l) + 1)
+        term2 = 2.0d0 ** (-m)
+        ii = (0.0d0, 1.0d0)
+        k = int((n - l) / 2.0d0)
+        do nu = 0, k
+            call calculate_q(nu, k, l, factorial, length, q)
+            do alpha = 0, nu
+                call binomial(float(nu), float(alpha), &
+                    factorial, length, b1)
+                do beta = 0, nu - alpha
+                    call binomial(float(nu - alpha), float(beta), &
+                        factorial, length, b2)
+                    term3 = q * b1 * b2
+                    do u = 0, m
+                        call binomial(float(m), float(u), factorial, &
+                            length, b5)
+                            term4 = ((-1.0d0)**(m - u)) * b5 * (ii**u)
+                        do mu = 0, int((l - m) / 2.0d0)
+                            call binomial(float(l), float(mu), &
+                                factorial, length, b6)
+                            call binomial(float(l - mu), float(m + mu),&
+                                factorial, length, b7)
+                            term5 = ((-1.0d0) ** mu) * (2.0d0 ** &
+                                (-2.0d0 * mu)) * b6 * b7
+                            do eta = 0, mu
+                                call binomial(float(mu), float(eta), &
+                                    factorial, length, b8)
+                                r = 2 * (eta + alpha) + u
+                                s = 2 * (mu - eta + beta) + m - u
+                                t = 2 * (nu - alpha - beta - mu) + l - m
+                                output = output + term3 * term4 &
+                                    * term5 * b8 * (x ** r) &
+                                    *  (y ** s) * (z ** t)
+                            end do
+                        end do
+                    end do
+                end do
+            end do
+        end do
+        term6 = (ii) ** m
+        output = term1 * term2 * term6 * output
+        output = output / sqrt(4.0d0 * pi / 3.0d0)
+        end subroutine calculate_z
+        subroutine calculate_z_prime(n, l, m, x, y, z, p, factorial, &
+                length, output)
+        implicit none
+        integer::  n, l, m, length, p
+        double precision::  x, y, z
+        double precision, dimension(length)::  factorial
+        complex*16::  output, ii, coefficient, term4, term6
+!f2py   intent(in)::  n, l, m, x, y, z, factorial, p, length
+!f2py   intent(out)::  output
+        integer::  k, nu, alpha, beta, eta, u, mu, r, s, t
+        double precision::  term1, term2, q, b1, b2, term3
+        double precision::  term5, b3, b4, b5, b6, pi
+        pi = 4.0d0 * datan(1.0d0)
+        output = (0.0d0, 0.0d0)
+        term1 = sqrt((2.0d0 * l + 1.0d0) * &
+        factorial(int(2 * (l + m)) + 1) * &
+        factorial(int(2 * (l - m)) + 1)) / &
+        factorial(int(2 * l) + 1)
+        term2 = 2.0d0 ** (-m)
+        ii = (0.0d0, 1.0d0)
+        k = int((n - l) / 2.)
+        do nu = 0, k
+            call calculate_q(nu, k, l, factorial, length, q)
+            do alpha = 0, nu
+                call binomial(float(nu), float(alpha), factorial, &
+                    length, b1)
+                do beta = 0, nu - alpha
+                    call binomial(float(nu - alpha), float(beta), &
+                        factorial, length, b2)
+                term3 = q * b1 * b2
+                do u = 0, m
+                  call binomial(float(m), float(u), factorial, length, &
+                  b3)
+                  term4 = ((-1.0d0)**(m - u)) * b3 * (ii**u)
+                  do mu = 0, int((l - m) / 2.)
+                    call binomial(float(l), float(mu), factorial, &
+                    length, b4)
+                    call binomial(float(l - mu), float(m + mu), &
+                    factorial, length, b5)
+                    term5 = &
+                    ((-1.0d0)**mu) * (2.0d0**(-2.0d0 * mu)) * b4 * b5
+                    do eta = 0, mu
+                      call binomial(float(mu), float(eta), factorial, &
+                      length, b6)
+                      r = 2 * (eta + alpha) + u
+                      s = 2 * (mu - eta + beta) + m - u
+                      t = 2 * (nu - alpha - beta - mu) + l - m
+                      coefficient = term3 * term4 * term5 * b6
+                      if (p == 0) then
+                        if (r .NE. 0) then
+                          output = output + coefficient * r * &
+                                   (x ** (r - 1)) * (y ** s) * (z ** t)
+                        end if
+                      else if (p == 1) then
+                        if (s .NE. 0) then
+                          output = output + coefficient * s * &
+                                   (x ** r) * (y ** (s - 1)) * (z ** t)
+                        end if
+                      else if (p == 2) then
+                        if (t .NE. 0) then
+                          output = output + coefficient * t * &
+                                   (x ** r) * (y ** s) * (z ** (t - 1))
+                        end if
+                      end if
+                    end do
+                  end do
+                end do
+              end do
+            end do
+          end do
+        term6 = (ii) ** m
+        output = term1 * term2 * term6 * output
+        output = output / sqrt(4.0d0 * pi / 3.0d0)
+        end subroutine calculate_z_prime
+        subroutine calculate_q(nu, k, l, factorial, length, output)
+        implicit none
+        integer::  nu, k, l, length
+        double precision, dimension(length)::  factorial
+        double precision::  output, b1, b2, b3, b4
+!f2py   intent(in)::  nu, k, l, factorial
+!f2py   intent(out)::  output
+        call binomial(float(k), float(nu), factorial, length, b1)
+        call binomial(float(2 * k), float(k), factorial, length, b2)
+        call binomial(float(2 * (k + l + nu) + 1), float(2 * k), &
+        factorial, length, b3)
+        call binomial(float(k + l + nu), float(k), factorial, &
+        length, b4)
+        output = ((-1.0d0) ** (k + nu)) * &
+        sqrt((2.0d0 * l + 4.0d0 * k + 3.0d0) / 3.0d0) * b1 * b2 * &
+          b3 / b4 / (2.0d0 ** (2.0d0 * k))
+        end subroutine calculate_q
+        subroutine binomial(n, k, factorial, length, output)
+        implicit none
+        real(4)::  n, k
+        integer::  length
+        double precision, dimension(length)::  factorial
+        double precision::  output
+!f2py   intent(in)::  n, k, factorial, length
+!f2py   intent(out)::  output
+        output = factorial(INT(2 * n) + 1) / &
+        factorial(INT(2 * k) + 1) / &
+        factorial(INT(2 * (n - k)) + 1)
+        end subroutine binomial
diff --git a/amp/descriptor/zernike.py b/amp/descriptor/zernike.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18120fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/amp/descriptor/zernike.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1005 @@
+import numpy as np
+from numpy import sqrt
+from ase.data import atomic_numbers
+from ase.calculators.calculator import Parameters
+from scipy.special import sph_harm
+from ..utilities import Data, Logger, importer
+from .cutoffs import Cosine, Polynomial, dict2cutoff
+NeighborList = importer('NeighborList')
+    from .. import fmodules
+except ImportError:
+    fmodules = None
+class Zernike(object):
+    """Class that calculates Zernike fingerprints.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    cutoff : object or float
+        Cutoff function, typically from amp.descriptor.cutoffs.  Can be also
+        fed as a float representing the radius above which neighbor
+        interactions are ignored; in this case a cosine cutoff function will be
+        employed.  Default is a 6.5-Angstrom cosine cutoff.
+    Gs : dict
+        Dictionary of symbols and dictionaries for making symmetry functions.
+        Either auto-genetrated, or given in the following form, for example:
+               >>> Gs = {"Au": {"Au": 3., "O": 2.}, "O": {"Au": 5., "O": 10.}}
+        This is basically the same as \eta in Eq. (16) of
+        https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2016.05.010.
+    nmax : integer or dict
+        Maximum degree of Zernike polynomials that will be included in the
+        fingerprint vector. Can be different values for different species fed
+        as a dictionary with chemical elements as keys.
+    dblabel : str
+        Optional separate prefix/location for database files, including
+        fingerprints, fingerprint derivatives, and neighborlists. This file
+        location can be shared between calculator instances to avoid
+        re-calculating redundant information. If not supplied, just uses the
+        value from label.
+    elements : list
+        List of allowed elements present in the system. If not provided, will
+        be found automatically.
+    version : str
+        Version of fingerprints.
+    mode : str
+        Can be either 'atom-centered' or 'image-centered'.
+    fortran : bool
+        If True, will use fortran modules, if False, will not.
+    Raises
+    ------
+        RuntimeError, TypeError
+    """
+    def __init__(self, cutoff=Cosine(6.5), Gs=None, nmax=5, dblabel=None,
+                 elements=None, version='2016.02', mode='atom-centered',
+                 fortran=True):
+        # Check of the version of descriptor, particularly if restarting.
+        compatibleversions = ['2016.02', ]
+        if (version is not None) and version not in compatibleversions:
+            raise RuntimeError('Error: Trying to use Zernike fingerprints'
+                               ' version %s, but this module only supports'
+                               ' versions %s. You may need an older or '
+                               ' newer version of Amp.' %
+                               (version, compatibleversions))
+        else:
+            version = compatibleversions[-1]
+        # Check that the mode is atom-centered.
+        if mode != 'atom-centered':
+            raise RuntimeError('Zernike scheme only works '
+                               'in atom-centered mode. %s '
+                               'specified.' % mode)
+        # If the cutoff is provided as a number, Cosine function will be used
+        # by default.
+        if isinstance(cutoff, int) or isinstance(cutoff, float):
+            cutoff = Cosine(cutoff)
+        # If the cutoff is provided as a dictionary, assume we need to load it
+        # with dict2cutoff.
+        if type(cutoff) is dict:
+            cutoff = dict2cutoff(cutoff)
+        # The parameters dictionary contains the minimum information
+        # to produce a compatible descriptor; that is, one that gives
+        # an identical fingerprint when fed an ASE image.
+        p = self.parameters = Parameters(
+            {'importname': '.descriptor.zernike.Zernike',
+             'mode': 'atom-centered'})
+        p.version = version
+        p.cutoff = cutoff.todict()
+        if p.cutoff['name'] == 'Polynomial':
+            self.gamma = cutoff.gamma
+        p.Gs = Gs
+        p.nmax = nmax
+        p.elements = elements
+        self.dblabel = dblabel
+        self.fortran = fortran
+        self.parent = None  # Can hold a reference to main Amp instance.
+    def tostring(self):
+        """Returns an evaluatable representation of the calculator that can
+        be used to restart the calculator."""
+        return self.parameters.tostring()
+    def calculate_fingerprints(self, images, parallel=None, log=None,
+                               calculate_derivatives=False):
+        """Calculates the fingerpints of the images, for the ones not already
+        done.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        images : list or str
+            List of ASE atoms objects with positions, symbols, energies, and
+            forces in ASE format. This is the training set of data. This can
+            also be the path to an ASE trajectory (.traj) or database (.db)
+            file. Energies can be obtained from any reference, e.g. DFT
+            calculations.
+        parallel : dict
+            Configuration for parallelization. Should be in same form as in
+            amp.Amp.
+        log : Logger object
+            Write function at which to log data. Note this must be a callable
+            function.
+        calculate_derivatives : bool
+            Decides whether or not fingerprintprimes should also be calculated.
+        """
+        if parallel is None:
+            parallel = {'cores': 1}
+        log = Logger(file=None) if log is None else log
+        if (self.dblabel is None) and hasattr(self.parent, 'dblabel'):
+            self.dblabel = self.parent.dblabel
+        self.dblabel = 'amp-data' if self.dblabel is None else self.dblabel
+        p = self.parameters
+        if p.cutoff['name'] == 'Cosine':
+            log('Cutoff radius: %.2f ' % p.cutoff['kwargs']['Rc'])
+        else:
+            log('Cutoff radius: %.2f and gamma=%i '
+                % (p.cutoff['kwargs']['Rc'], self.gamma))
+        log('Cutoff function: %s' % repr(dict2cutoff(p.cutoff)))
+        if p.elements is None:
+            log('Finding unique set of elements in training data.')
+            p.elements = set([atom.symbol for atoms in images.values()
+                              for atom in atoms])
+        p.elements = sorted(p.elements)
+        log('%i unique elements included: ' % len(p.elements) +
+            ', '.join(p.elements))
+        log('Maximum degree of Zernike polynomials:')
+        if isinstance(p.nmax, dict):
+            for _ in p.nmax.keys():
+                log(' %2s: %d' % (_, p.nmax[_]))
+        else:
+            log('nmax: %d' % p.nmax)
+        if p.Gs is None:
+            log('No coefficient for atomic density function supplied; '
+                'creating defaults.')
+            p.Gs = generate_coefficients(p.elements)
+        log('Coefficients of atomic density function for each element:')
+        for _ in p.Gs.keys():
+            log(' %2s: %s' % (_, str(p.Gs[_])))
+        # Counts the number of descriptors for each element.
+        no_of_descriptors = {}
+        for element in p.elements:
+            count = 0
+            if isinstance(p.nmax, dict):
+                for n in range(p.nmax[element] + 1):
+                    for l in range(n + 1):
+                        if (n - l) % 2 == 0:
+                            count += 1
+            else:
+                for n in range(p.nmax + 1):
+                    for l in range(n + 1):
+                        if (n - l) % 2 == 0:
+                            count += 1
+            no_of_descriptors[element] = count
+        log('Number of descriptors for each element:')
+        for element in p.elements:
+            log(' %2s: %d' % (element, no_of_descriptors.pop(element)))
+        log('Calculating neighborlists...', tic='nl')
+        if not hasattr(self, 'neighborlist'):
+            calc = NeighborlistCalculator(cutoff=p.cutoff['kwargs']['Rc'])
+            self.neighborlist = Data(filename='%s-neighborlists'
+                                     % self.dblabel,
+                                     calculator=calc)
+        self.neighborlist.calculate_items(images, parallel=parallel, log=log)
+        log('...neighborlists calculated.', toc='nl')
+        log('Fingerprinting images...', tic='fp')
+        if not hasattr(self, 'fingerprints'):
+            calc = FingerprintCalculator(neighborlist=self.neighborlist,
+                                         Gs=p.Gs,
+                                         nmax=p.nmax,
+                                         cutoff=p.cutoff,
+                                         fortran=self.fortran)
+            self.fingerprints = Data(filename='%s-fingerprints'
+                                     % self.dblabel,
+                                     calculator=calc)
+        self.fingerprints.calculate_items(images, parallel=parallel, log=log)
+        log('...fingerprints calculated.', toc='fp')
+        if calculate_derivatives:
+            log('Calculating fingerprint derivatives of images...',
+                tic='derfp')
+            if not hasattr(self, 'fingerprintprimes'):
+                calc = \
+                    FingerprintPrimeCalculator(neighborlist=self.neighborlist,
+                                               Gs=p.Gs,
+                                               nmax=p.nmax,
+                                               cutoff=p.cutoff,
+                                               fortran=self.fortran)
+                self.fingerprintprimes = \
+                    Data(filename='%s-fingerprint-primes'
+                         % self.dblabel,
+                         calculator=calc)
+            self.fingerprintprimes.calculate_items(
+                images, parallel=parallel, log=log)
+            log('...fingerprint derivatives calculated.', toc='derfp')
+# Calculators #################################################################
+# Neighborlist Calculator
+class NeighborlistCalculator:
+    """For integration with .utilities.Data
+    For each image fed to calculate, a list of neighbors with offset
+    distances is returned.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    cutoff : object or float
+        Cutoff function, typically from amp.descriptor.cutoffs.  Can be also
+        fed as a float representing the radius above which neighbor
+        interactions are ignored; in this case a cosine cutoff function will be
+        employed.  Default is a 6.5-Angstrom cosine cutoff.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, cutoff):
+        self.globals = Parameters({'cutoff': cutoff})
+        self.keyed = Parameters()
+        self.parallel_command = 'calculate_neighborlists'
+    def calculate(self, image, key):
+        """For integration with .utilities.Data
+        For each image fed to calculate, a list of neighbors with offset
+        distances is returned.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        image : object
+            ASE atoms object.
+        key : str
+            Key of the image after being hashed.
+        """
+        cutoff = self.globals.cutoff
+        n = NeighborList(cutoffs=[cutoff / 2.] * len(image),
+                         self_interaction=False,
+                         bothways=True,
+                         skin=0.)
+        n.update(image)
+        return [n.get_neighbors(index) for index in range(len(image))]
+class FingerprintCalculator:
+    """For integration with .utilities.Data"""
+    def __init__(self, neighborlist, Gs, nmax, cutoff, fortran):
+        self.globals = Parameters({'cutoff': cutoff,
+                                   'Gs': Gs,
+                                   'nmax': nmax})
+        self.keyed = Parameters({'neighborlist': neighborlist})
+        self.parallel_command = 'calculate_fingerprints'
+        self.fortran = fortran
+        self.cutoff = cutoff
+        try:  # for scipy v <= 0.90
+            from scipy import factorial as fac
+        except ImportError:
+            try:  # for scipy v >= 0.10
+                from scipy.misc import factorial as fac
+            except ImportError:  # for newer version of scipy
+                from scipy.special import factorial as fac
+        self.factorial = [fac(0.5 * _) for _ in range(4 * nmax + 3)]
+    def calculate(self, image, key):
+        """Makes a list of fingerprints, one per atom, for the fed image.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        image : object
+            ASE atoms object.
+        key : str
+            Key of the image after being hashed.
+        """
+        nl = self.keyed.neighborlist[key]
+        fingerprints = []
+        for atom in image:
+            symbol = atom.symbol
+            index = atom.index
+            neighbors, offsets = nl[index]
+            neighborsymbols = [image[_].symbol for _ in neighbors]
+            Rs = [image.positions[neighbor] + np.dot(offset, image.cell)
+                  for (neighbor, offset) in zip(neighbors, offsets)]
+            self.atoms = image
+            indexfp = self.get_fingerprint(index, symbol, neighborsymbols, Rs)
+            fingerprints.append(indexfp)
+        return fingerprints
+    def get_fingerprint(self, index, symbol, n_symbols, Rs):
+        """Returns the fingerprint of symmetry function values for atom
+        specified by its index and symbol.
+        n_symbols and Rs are lists of neighbors' symbols and Cartesian
+        positions, respectively.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        index : int
+            Index of the center atom.
+        symbol : str
+            Symbol of the center atom.
+        n_symbols : list of str
+            List of neighbors' symbols.
+        Rs : list of list of float
+            List of Cartesian atomic positions of neighbors.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        symbols, fingerprints : list of float
+            Fingerprints for atom specified by its index and symbol.
+        """
+        home = self.atoms[index].position
+        cutoff = self.cutoff
+        Rc = cutoff['kwargs']['Rc']
+        if cutoff['name'] == 'Cosine':
+            cutoff_fxn = Cosine(Rc)
+        elif cutoff['name'] == 'Polynomial':
+            p_gamma = cutoff['kwargs']['gamma']
+            cutoff_fxn = Polynomial(Rc, gamma=p_gamma)
+        fingerprint = []
+        for n in range(self.globals.nmax + 1):
+            for l in range(n + 1):
+                if (n - l) % 2 == 0:
+                    norm = 0.
+                    for m in range(l + 1):
+                        c_nlm = 0.
+                        for n_symbol, neighbor in zip(n_symbols, Rs):
+                            x = (neighbor[0] - home[0]) / Rc
+                            y = (neighbor[1] - home[1]) / Rc
+                            z = (neighbor[2] - home[2]) / Rc
+                            rho = np.linalg.norm([x, y, z])
+                            if self.fortran:
+                                c_args = [Rc * rho]
+                                if cutoff['name'] == 'Polynomial':
+                                    c_args.append(p_gamma)
+                                Z_nlm = fmodules.calculate_z(
+                                    n=n, l=l, m=m,
+                                    x=x, y=y, z=z,
+                                    factorial=self.factorial,
+                                    length=len(self.factorial))
+                                Z_nlm = self.globals.Gs[symbol][n_symbol] * \
+                                    Z_nlm * cutoff_fxn(*c_args)
+                            else:
+                                # Alternative ways to calculate Z_nlm
+#                                Z_nlm = self.globals.Gs[symbol][n_symbol] * \
+#                                    calculate_Z(n, l, m, x, y, z,
+#                                                self.factorial) * \
+#                                    cutoff_fxn(rho * Rc)
+#                                Z_nlm = self.globals.Gs[symbol][n_symbol] * \
+#                                    calculate_Z2(n, l, m, x, y, z) * \
+#                                    cutoff_fxn(rho * Rc)
+                                if rho > 0.:
+                                    theta = np.arccos(z / rho)
+                                else:
+                                    theta = 0.
+                                if x < 0.:
+                                    phi = np.pi + np.arctan(y / x)
+                                elif 0. < x and y < 0.:
+                                    phi = 2 * np.pi + np.arctan(y / x)
+                                elif 0. < x and 0. <= y:
+                                    phi = np.arctan(y / x)
+                                elif x == 0. and 0. < y:
+                                    phi = 0.5 * np.pi
+                                elif x == 0. and y < 0.:
+                                    phi = 1.5 * np.pi
+                                else:
+                                    phi = 0.
+                                c_args = [Rc * rho]
+                                if cutoff['name'] == 'Polynomial':
+                                    c_args.append(p_gamma)
+                                Z_nlm = self.globals.Gs[symbol][n_symbol] * \
+                                    calculate_R(n, l, rho, self.factorial) * \
+                                    sph_harm(m, l, phi, theta) * \
+                                    cutoff_fxn(*c_args)
+                            # sum over neighbors
+                            c_nlm += np.conjugate(Z_nlm)
+                        # sum over m values
+                        if m == 0:
+                            norm += c_nlm * np.conjugate(c_nlm)
+                        else:
+                            norm += 2. * c_nlm * np.conjugate(c_nlm)
+                    fingerprint.append(norm.real)
+        return symbol, fingerprint
+class FingerprintPrimeCalculator:
+    """For integration with .utilities.Data"""
+    def __init__(self, neighborlist, Gs, nmax, cutoff, fortran):
+        self.globals = Parameters({'cutoff': cutoff,
+                                   'Gs': Gs,
+                                   'nmax': nmax})
+        self.keyed = Parameters({'neighborlist': neighborlist})
+        self.parallel_command = 'calculate_fingerprint_primes'
+        self.fortran = fortran
+        try:  # for scipy v <= 0.90
+            from scipy import factorial as fac
+        except ImportError:
+            try:  # for scipy v >= 0.10
+                from scipy.misc import factorial as fac
+            except ImportError:  # for newer version of scipy
+                from scipy.special import factorial as fac
+        self.factorial = [fac(0.5 * _) for _ in range(4 * nmax + 3)]
+    def calculate(self, image, key):
+        """Makes a list of fingerprint derivatives, one per atom, for the fed
+        image.
+        Parameters
+        ---------
+        image : object
+            ASE atoms object.
+        key : str
+            Key of the image after being hashed.
+        """
+        self.atoms = image
+        nl = self.keyed.neighborlist[key]
+        fingerprintprimes = {}
+        for atom in image:
+            selfsymbol = atom.symbol
+            selfindex = atom.index
+            selfneighborindices, selfneighboroffsets = nl[selfindex]
+            selfneighborsymbols = [
+                image[_].symbol for _ in selfneighborindices]
+            for i in range(3):
+                # Calculating derivative of self atom fingerprints w.r.t.
+                # coordinates of itself.
+                nneighborindices, nneighboroffsets = nl[selfindex]
+                nneighborsymbols = [image[_].symbol for _ in nneighborindices]
+                Rs = [image.positions[_index] +
+                      np.dot(_offset, image.get_cell())
+                      for _index, _offset
+                      in zip(nneighborindices,
+                             nneighboroffsets)]
+                der_indexfp = self.get_fingerprintprime(
+                    selfindex, selfsymbol,
+                    nneighborindices,
+                    nneighborsymbols,
+                    Rs, selfindex, i)
+                fingerprintprimes[
+                    (selfindex, selfsymbol, selfindex, selfsymbol, i)] = \
+                    der_indexfp
+                # Calculating derivative of neighbor atom fingerprints w.r.t.
+                # coordinates of self atom.
+                for nindex, nsymbol, noffset in \
+                        zip(selfneighborindices,
+                            selfneighborsymbols,
+                            selfneighboroffsets):
+                    # for calculating forces, summation runs over neighbor
+                    # atoms of type II (within the main cell only)
+                    if noffset.all() == 0:
+                        nneighborindices, nneighboroffsets = nl[nindex]
+                        nneighborsymbols = \
+                            [image[_].symbol for _ in nneighborindices]
+                        Rs = [image.positions[_index] +
+                              np.dot(_offset, image.get_cell())
+                              for _index, _offset
+                              in zip(nneighborindices,
+                                     nneighboroffsets)]
+                        # for calculating derivatives of fingerprints,
+                        # summation runs over neighboring atoms of type
+                        # I (either inside or outside the main cell)
+                        der_indexfp = self.get_fingerprintprime(
+                            nindex, nsymbol,
+                            nneighborindices,
+                            nneighborsymbols,
+                            Rs, selfindex, i)
+                        fingerprintprimes[
+                            (selfindex, selfsymbol, nindex, nsymbol, i)] = \
+                            der_indexfp
+        return fingerprintprimes
+    def get_fingerprintprime(self, index, symbol, n_indices, n_symbols, Rs,
+                             p, q):
+        """Returns the value of the derivative of G for atom with index and
+        symbol with respect to coordinate x_{i} of atom index m. n_indices,
+        n_symbols and Rs are lists of neighbors' indices, symbols and Cartesian
+        positions, respectively.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        index : int
+            Index of the center atom.
+        symbol : str
+            Symbol of the center atom.
+        n_indices : list of int
+            List of neighbors' indices.
+        n_symbols : list of str
+            List of neighbors' symbols.
+        Rs : list of list of float
+            List of Cartesian atomic positions.
+        p : int
+            Index of the pair atom.
+        q : int
+            Direction of the derivative; is an integer from 0 to 2.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        fingerprint_prime : list of float
+            The value of the derivative of the fingerprints for atom with index
+            and symbol with respect to coordinate x_{i} of atom index m.
+        """
+        home = self.atoms[index].position
+        cutoff = self.globals.cutoff
+        Rc = cutoff['kwargs']['Rc']
+        if cutoff['name'] is 'Cosine':
+            cutoff_fxn = Cosine(Rc)
+        elif cutoff['name'] is 'Polynomial':
+            p_gamma = cutoff['kwargs']['gamma']
+            cutoff_fxn = Polynomial(Rc, gamma=p_gamma)
+        fingerprint_prime = []
+        for n in range(self.globals.nmax + 1):
+            for l in range(n + 1):
+                if (n - l) % 2 == 0:
+                    if self.fortran:  # fortran version; faster
+                        G_numbers = [self.globals.Gs[symbol][elm]
+                                     for elm in n_symbols]
+                        numbers = [atomic_numbers[elm] for elm in n_symbols]
+                        if len(Rs) == 0:
+                            norm_prime = 0.
+                        else:
+                            args_calculate_zernike_prime = dict(
+                                    n=n,
+                                    l=l,
+                                    n_length=len(n_indices),
+                                    n_indices=list(n_indices),
+                                    numbers=numbers,
+                                    rs=Rs,
+                                    g_numbers=G_numbers,
+                                    cutoff=Rc,
+                                    cutofffn=cutoff['name'],
+                                    indexx=index,
+                                    home=home,
+                                    p=p,
+                                    q=q,
+                                    fac_length=len(self.factorial),
+                                    factorial=self.factorial)
+                            if cutoff['name'] == 'Polynomial':
+                                args_calculate_zernike_prime['p_gamma'] =\
+                                        cutoff['kwargs']['gamma']
+                            norm_prime = \
+                                fmodules.calculate_zernike_prime(
+                                    **args_calculate_zernike_prime)
+                    else:
+                        norm_prime = 0.
+                        for m in range(l + 1):
+                            c_nlm = 0.
+                            c_nlm_prime = 0.
+                            for n_index, n_symbol, neighbor in zip(n_indices,
+                                                                   n_symbols,
+                                                                   Rs):
+                                x = (neighbor[0] - home[0]) / Rc
+                                y = (neighbor[1] - home[1]) / Rc
+                                z = (neighbor[2] - home[2]) / Rc
+                                rho = np.linalg.norm([x, y, z])
+                                c_args = [rho * Rc]
+                                if cutoff['name'] == 'Polynomial':
+                                    c_args.append(p_gamma)
+                                _Z_nlm = calculate_Z(n, l, m,
+                                                     x, y, z,
+                                                     self.factorial)
+                                # Calculates Z_nlm
+                                Z_nlm = _Z_nlm * \
+                                    cutoff_fxn(*c_args)
+                                # Calculates Z_nlm_prime
+                                Z_nlm_prime = _Z_nlm * \
+                                    cutoff_fxn.prime(*c_args) * \
+                                    der_position(
+                                        index, n_index, home, neighbor, p, q)
+                                _Z_nlm_prime = calculate_Z_prime(
+                                    n, l, m, x, y, z, q, self.factorial)
+                                if (Kronecker(n_index, p) -
+                                   Kronecker(index, p)) == 1:
+                                    Z_nlm_prime += \
+                                        cutoff_fxn(*c_args) * \
+                                        _Z_nlm_prime / Rc
+                                elif (Kronecker(n_index, p) -
+                                      Kronecker(index, p)) == -1:
+                                    Z_nlm_prime -= \
+                                        cutoff_fxn(*c_args) * \
+                                        _Z_nlm_prime / Rc
+                                # sum over neighbors
+                                c_nlm += self.globals.Gs[symbol][
+                                    n_symbol] * np.conjugate(Z_nlm)
+                                c_nlm_prime += self.globals.Gs[symbol][
+                                    n_symbol] * np.conjugate(Z_nlm_prime)
+                            # sum over m values
+                            if m == 0:
+                                norm_prime += 2. * c_nlm * \
+                                    np.conjugate(c_nlm_prime)
+                            else:
+                                norm_prime += 4. * c_nlm * \
+                                    np.conjugate(c_nlm_prime)
+                    fingerprint_prime.append(norm_prime.real)
+        return fingerprint_prime
+# Auxiliary functions #########################################################
+def binomial(n, k, factorial):
+    """ Returns C(n,k) = n!/(k!(n-k)!).
+    """
+    assert n >= 0 and k >= 0 and n >= k, \
+        'n and k should be non-negative integers with n >= k.'
+    c = factorial[int(2 * n)] / \
+        (factorial[int(2 * k)] * factorial[int(2 * (n - k))])
+    return c
+def calculate_R(n, l, rho, factorial):
+    """Calculates R_{n}^{l}(rho) according to the last equation of wikipedia.
+    """
+    if (n - l) % 2 != 0:
+        return 0
+    else:
+        value = 0.
+        k = (n - l) / 2
+        term1 = np.sqrt(2. * n + 3.)
+        for s in range(int(k) + 1):
+            b1 = binomial(k, s, factorial)
+            b2 = binomial(n - s - 1 + 1.5, k, factorial)
+            value += ((-1) ** s) * b1 * b2 * (rho ** (n - 2. * s))
+        value *= term1
+        return value
+def generate_coefficients(elements):
+    """Automatically generates coefficients if not given by the user.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    elements : list of str
+        List of symbols of all atoms.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    G : dict of dicts
+    """
+    _G = {}
+    for element in elements:
+        _G[element] = atomic_numbers[element]
+    G = {}
+    for element in elements:
+        G[element] = _G
+    return G
+def Kronecker(i, j):
+    """Kronecker delta function.
+    i : int
+        First index of Kronecker delta.
+    j : int
+        Second index of Kronecker delta.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    Kronecker delta : int
+    """
+    if i == j:
+        return 1
+    else:
+        return 0
+def der_position(m, n, Rm, Rn, l, i):
+    """Returns the derivative of the norm of position vector R_{mn} with
+    respect to x_{i} of atomic index l.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    m : int
+        Index of the first atom.
+    n : int
+        Index of the second atom.
+    Rm : float
+        Position of the first atom.
+    Rn : float
+        Position of the second atom.
+    l : int
+        Index of the atom force is acting on.
+    i : int
+        Direction of force.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    der_position : list of float
+        The derivative of the norm of position vector R_{mn} with respect to
+        x_{i} of atomic index l.
+    """
+    Rmn = np.linalg.norm(Rm - Rn)
+    # mm != nn is necessary for periodic systems
+    if l == m and m != n:
+        der_position = (Rm[i] - Rn[i]) / Rmn
+    elif l == n and m != n:
+        der_position = -(Rm[i] - Rn[i]) / Rmn
+    else:
+        der_position = 0.
+    return der_position
+def calculate_q(nu, k, l, factorial):
+    """Calculates q_{kl}^{nu} according to the unnumbered equation afer Eq. (7)
+    of "3D Zernike Descriptors for Content Based Shape Retrieval",
+    Computer-Aided Design 36 (2004) 1047-1062.
+    """
+    result = ((-1) ** (k + nu)) * sqrt((2. * l + 4. * k + 3.) / 3.) * \
+        binomial(k, nu, factorial) * \
+        binomial(2. * k, k, factorial) * \
+        binomial(2. * (k + l + nu) + 1., 2. * k, factorial) / \
+        binomial(k + l + nu, k, factorial) / (2. ** (2. * k))
+    return result
+def calculate_Z(n, l, m, x, y, z, factorial):
+    """Calculates Z_{nl}^{m}(x, y, z) according to the unnumbered equation afer
+    Eq. (11) of "3D Zernike Descriptors for Content Based Shape Retrieval",
+    Computer-Aided Design 36 (2004) 1047-1062.
+    """
+    value = 0.
+    term1 = sqrt((2. * l + 1.) * factorial[int(2 * (l + m))] *
+                 factorial[int(2 * (l - m))]) / factorial[int(2 * l)]
+    term2 = 2. ** (-m)
+    k = int((n - l) / 2.)
+    for nu in range(k + 1):
+        q = calculate_q(nu, k, l, factorial)
+        for alpha in range(nu + 1):
+            b1 = binomial(nu, alpha, factorial)
+            for beta in range(nu - alpha + 1):
+                b2 = binomial(nu - alpha, beta, factorial)
+                term3 = q * b1 * b2
+                for u in range(m + 1):
+                    b5 = binomial(m, u, factorial)
+                    term4 = ((-1.)**(m - u)) * b5 * (1j**u)
+                    for mu in range(int((l - m) / 2.) + 1):
+                        b6 = binomial(l, mu, factorial)
+                        b7 = binomial(l - mu, m + mu, factorial)
+                        term5 = ((-1.)**mu) * (2.**(-2. * mu)) * b6 * b7
+                        for eta in range(mu + 1):
+                            r = 2. * (eta + alpha) + u
+                            s = 2. * (mu - eta + beta) + m - u
+                            t = 2. * (nu - alpha - beta - mu) + l - m
+                            value += term3 * term4 * term5 * \
+                                binomial(mu, eta, factorial) * \
+                                (x ** r) * (y ** s) * (z ** t)
+    term6 = (1j) ** m
+    value = term1 * term2 * term6 * value
+    value = value / sqrt(4. * np.pi / 3.)
+    return value
+def calculate_Z_prime(n, l, m, x, y, z, p, factorial):
+    """Calculates dZ_{nl}^{m}(x, y, z)/dR_{p} according to the unnumbered
+    equation afer Eq. (11) of "3D Zernike Descriptors for Content Based Shape
+    Retrieval", Computer-Aided Design 36 (2004) 1047-1062.
+    """
+    value = 0.
+    term1 = sqrt((2. * l + 1.) * factorial[int(2 * (l + m))] *
+                 factorial[int(2 * (l - m))]) / factorial[int(2 * l)]
+    term2 = 2. ** (-m)
+    k = int((n - l) / 2.)
+    for nu in range(k + 1):
+        q = calculate_q(nu, k, l, factorial)
+        for alpha in range(nu + 1):
+            b1 = binomial(nu, alpha, factorial)
+            for beta in range(nu - alpha + 1):
+                b2 = binomial(nu - alpha, beta, factorial)
+                term3 = q * b1 * b2
+                for u in range(m + 1):
+                    term4 = ((-1.)**(m - u)) * binomial(
+                        m, u, factorial) * (1j**u)
+                    for mu in range(int((l - m) / 2.) + 1):
+                        term5 = ((-1.)**mu) * (2.**(-2. * mu)) * \
+                            binomial(l, mu, factorial) * \
+                            binomial(l - mu, m + mu, factorial)
+                        for eta in range(mu + 1):
+                            r = 2 * (eta + alpha) + u
+                            s = 2 * (mu - eta + beta) + m - u
+                            t = 2 * (nu - alpha - beta - mu) + l - m
+                            coefficient = term3 * term4 * \
+                                term5 * binomial(mu, eta, factorial)
+                            if p == 0:
+                                if r != 0:
+                                    value += coefficient * r * \
+                                        (x ** (r - 1)) * (y ** s) * (z ** t)
+                            elif p == 1:
+                                if s != 0:
+                                    value += coefficient * s * \
+                                        (x ** r) * (y ** (s - 1)) * (z ** t)
+                            elif p == 2:
+                                if t != 0:
+                                    value += coefficient * t * \
+                                        (x ** r) * (y ** s) * (z ** (t - 1))
+    term6 = (1j) ** m
+    value = term1 * term2 * term6 * value
+    value = value / sqrt(4. * np.pi / 3.)
+    return value
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    """Directly calling this module; apparently from another node.
+    Calls should come as
+    python -m amp.descriptor.example id hostname:port
+    This session will then start a zmq session with that socket, labeling
+    itself with id. Instructions on what to do will come from the socket.
+    """
+    import sys
+    import tempfile
+    import zmq
+    from ..utilities import MessageDictionary
+    fortran = False if fmodules is None else True
+    hostsocket = sys.argv[-1]
+    proc_id = sys.argv[-2]
+    msg = MessageDictionary(proc_id)
+    # Send standard lines to stdout signaling process started and where
+    # error is directed. This should be caught by pxssh. (This could
+    # alternatively be done by zmq, but this works.)
+    print('<amp-connect>')  # Signal that program started.
+    sys.stderr = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', delete=False,
+                                             suffix='.stderr')
+    print('Log and error written to %s<stderr>' % sys.stderr.name)
+    def w(text):
+        """Writes to stderr and flushes."""
+        sys.stderr.write(text + '\n')
+        sys.stderr.flush()
+    # Establish client session via zmq; find purpose.
+    context = zmq.Context()
+    w('Context started.')
+    socket = context.socket(zmq.REQ)
+    w('Socket started.')
+    socket.connect('tcp://%s' % hostsocket)
+    w('Connection made.')
+    socket.send_pyobj(msg('<purpose>'))
+    w('Message sent.')
+    purpose = socket.recv_pyobj()
+    w('Purpose received: {}.'.format(purpose))
+    if purpose == 'calculate_neighborlists':
+        # Request variables.
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'cutoff'))
+        cutoff = socket.recv_pyobj()
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'images'))
+        images = socket.recv_pyobj()
+        # sys.stderr.write(str(images)) # Just to see if they are there.
+        # Perform the calculations.
+        calc = NeighborlistCalculator(cutoff=cutoff)
+        neighborlist = {}
+        # for key in images.iterkeys():
+        while len(images) > 0:
+            key, image = images.popitem()  # Reduce memory.
+            neighborlist[key] = calc.calculate(image, key)
+        # Send the results.
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<result>', neighborlist))
+        socket.recv_string()  # Needed to complete REQ/REP.
+    elif purpose == 'calculate_fingerprints':
+        # Request variables.
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'cutoff'))
+        cutoff = socket.recv_pyobj()
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'Gs'))
+        Gs = socket.recv_pyobj()
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'nmax'))
+        nmax = socket.recv_pyobj()
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'neighborlist'))
+        neighborlist = socket.recv_pyobj()
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'images'))
+        images = socket.recv_pyobj()
+        w('Received images and parameters.')
+        calc = FingerprintCalculator(neighborlist, Gs, nmax,
+                                     cutoff, fortran)
+        w('Established calculator. Calculating.')
+        result = {}
+        while len(images) > 0:
+            key, image = images.popitem()  # Reduce memory.
+            result[key] = calc.calculate(image, key)
+            if len(images) % 100 == 0:
+                socket.send_pyobj(msg('<info>', len(images)))
+                socket.recv_string()  # Needed to complete REQ/REP.
+        # Send the results.
+        w('Sending results.')
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<result>', result))
+        socket.recv_string()  # Needed to complete REQ/REP.
+    elif purpose == 'calculate_fingerprint_primes':
+        # Request variables.
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'cutoff'))
+        cutoff = socket.recv_pyobj()
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'Gs'))
+        Gs = socket.recv_pyobj()
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'nmax'))
+        nmax = socket.recv_pyobj()
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'neighborlist'))
+        neighborlist = socket.recv_pyobj()
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'images'))
+        images = socket.recv_pyobj()
+        calc = FingerprintPrimeCalculator(neighborlist, Gs, nmax,
+                                          cutoff, fortran)
+        result = {}
+        while len(images) > 0:
+            key, image = images.popitem()  # Reduce memory.
+            result[key] = calc.calculate(image, key)
+            if len(images) % 100 == 0:
+                socket.send_pyobj(msg('<info>', len(images)))
+                socket.recv_string()  # Needed to complete REQ/REP.
+        # Send the results.
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<result>', result))
+        socket.recv_string()  # Needed to complete REQ/REP.
+    else:
+        raise NotImplementedError('purpose %s unknown.' % purpose)
diff --git a/amp/model.f90 b/amp/model.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..935320d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/amp/model.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,922 @@
+!     Fortran Version = 9
+      subroutine check_version(version, warning)
+      implicit none
+      integer::  version, warning
+!f2py         intent(in)::  version
+!f2py         intent(out)::  warning
+      if (version .NE. 9) then
+          warning = 1
+      else
+          warning = 0
+      end if
+      end subroutine
+!     module containing all the data of fingerprints (should be fed in
+!     by python)
+      module fingerprint_props
+      implicit none
+      integer, allocatable:: num_fingerprints_of_elements(:)
+      double precision, allocatable:: raveled_fingerprints(:, :)
+      double precision, allocatable:: raveled_fingerprintprimes(:, :)
+      end module fingerprint_props
+!     module containing model data (should be fed in by python)
+      module model_props
+      implicit none
+      ! mode_signal is 1 for image-centered mode, and 2 for
+      ! atom-centered mode
+      integer:: mode_signal
+      logical:: train_forces
+      double precision:: energy_coefficient
+      double precision:: force_coefficient
+      double precision:: overfit
+      logical:: numericprime
+      double precision:: d
+      end module model_props
+!     module containing all the data of images (should be fed in by
+!     python)
+      module images_props
+      implicit none
+      integer:: num_images
+!     atom-centered variables
+      integer:: num_elements
+      integer, allocatable:: elements_numbers(:)
+      integer, allocatable:: num_images_atoms(:)
+      integer, allocatable:: atomic_numbers(:)
+      integer, allocatable:: num_neighbors(:)
+      integer, allocatable:: raveled_neighborlists(:)
+      double precision, allocatable:: actual_energies(:)
+      double precision, allocatable:: actual_forces(:, :)
+!     image-centered variables
+      integer:: num_atoms
+      double precision, allocatable:: atomic_positions(:, :)
+      end module images_props
+!     subroutine that calculates the loss function and its prime
+      subroutine calculate_loss(parameters, num_parameters, &
+      lossprime, loss, dloss_dparameters, energyloss, forceloss, &
+      energy_maxresid, force_maxresid)
+      use images_props
+      use fingerprint_props
+      use model_props
+      use neuralnetwork
+!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! input/output variables !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+      integer:: num_parameters
+      double precision:: parameters(num_parameters)
+      logical:: lossprime
+      double precision:: loss, energyloss, forceloss
+      double precision:: energy_maxresid, force_maxresid
+      double precision:: dloss_dparameters(num_parameters)
+!f2py         intent(in):: parameters, num_parameters
+!f2py         intent(in):: lossprime
+!f2py         intent(out):: loss, energyloss, forceloss
+!f2py         intent(out):: energy_maxresid, force_maxresid
+!f2py         intent(out):: dloss_dparameters
+!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! type definition !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+      type:: image_forces
+        sequence
+        double precision, allocatable:: atom_forces(:, :)
+      end type image_forces
+      type:: integer_one_d_array
+        sequence
+        integer, allocatable:: onedarray(:)
+      end type integer_one_d_array
+      type:: embedded_real_one_one_d_array
+        sequence
+        type(real_one_d_array), allocatable:: onedarray(:)
+      end type embedded_real_one_one_d_array
+      type:: embedded_real_one_two_d_array
+        sequence
+        type(real_two_d_array), allocatable:: onedarray(:)
+      end type embedded_real_one_two_d_array
+      type:: embedded_integer_one_one_d_array
+        sequence
+        type(integer_one_d_array), allocatable:: onedarray(:)
+      end type embedded_integer_one_one_d_array
+      type:: embedded_one_one_two_d_array
+        sequence
+        type(embedded_real_one_two_d_array), allocatable:: onedarray(:)
+      end type embedded_one_one_two_d_array
+!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dummy variables !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+      double precision, allocatable::  fingerprint(:)
+      type(embedded_real_one_one_d_array), allocatable:: &
+      unraveled_fingerprints(:)
+      type(integer_one_d_array), allocatable:: &
+      unraveled_atomic_numbers(:)
+      double precision:: amp_energy, actual_energy, atom_energy
+      double precision:: residual_per_atom, dforce, force_resid
+      double precision:: overfitloss
+      integer:: i, index, j, p, k, q, l, m, &
+      len_of_fingerprint, symbol, element, image_no, num_inputs
+      double precision:: denergy_dparameters(num_parameters)
+      double precision:: daenergy_dparameters(num_parameters)
+      double precision:: dforce_dparameters(num_parameters)
+      double precision:: doverfitloss_dparameters(num_parameters)
+      type(real_two_d_array), allocatable:: dforces_dparameters(:)
+      type(image_forces), allocatable:: unraveled_actual_forces(:)
+      type(embedded_integer_one_one_d_array), allocatable:: &
+      unraveled_neighborlists(:)
+      type(embedded_one_one_two_d_array), allocatable:: &
+      unraveled_fingerprintprimes(:)
+      double precision, allocatable:: fingerprintprime(:)
+      integer:: nindex, nsymbol, selfindex
+      double precision, allocatable:: &
+      actual_forces_(:, :), amp_forces(:, :)
+      integer, allocatable:: neighborindices(:)
+!     image-centered mode
+      type(real_one_d_array), allocatable:: &
+      unraveled_atomic_positions(:)
+      double precision, allocatable::  inputs(:), inputs_(:)
+!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! calculations !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+      if (mode_signal == 1) then
+        allocate(inputs(3 * num_atoms))
+        allocate(inputs_(3 * num_atoms))
+        allocate(unraveled_atomic_positions(num_images))
+        call unravel_atomic_positions()
+      else
+        allocate(unraveled_fingerprints(num_images))
+        allocate(unraveled_atomic_numbers(num_images))
+        allocate(unraveled_neighborlists(num_images))
+        allocate(unraveled_fingerprintprimes(num_images))
+        call unravel_atomic_numbers()
+        call unravel_fingerprints()
+      end if
+      if (train_forces .EQV. .TRUE.) then
+          allocate(unraveled_actual_forces(num_images))
+          call unravel_actual_forces()
+          if (mode_signal == 2) then
+              call unravel_neighborlists()
+              call unravel_fingerprintprimes()
+          end if
+      end if
+      energyloss = 0.0d0
+      forceloss = 0.0d0
+      energy_maxresid = 0.0d0
+      force_maxresid = 0.0d0
+      do j = 1, num_parameters
+        dloss_dparameters(j) = 0.0d0
+      end do
+!     summation over images
+      do image_no = 1, num_images
+        if (mode_signal == 1) then
+            num_inputs = 3 * num_atoms
+            inputs = unraveled_atomic_positions(image_no)%onedarray
+        else
+            num_atoms = num_images_atoms(image_no)
+        end if
+        actual_energy = actual_energies(image_no)
+        ! calculates amp_energy
+        call calculate_energy(image_no)
+        ! calculates energy_maxresid
+        residual_per_atom = ABS(amp_energy - actual_energy) / num_atoms
+        if (residual_per_atom .GT. energy_maxresid) then
+            energy_maxresid = residual_per_atom
+        end if
+        ! calculates energyloss
+        energyloss = energyloss + residual_per_atom ** 2.0d0
+        if (lossprime .EQV. .TRUE.) then
+            ! calculates denergy_dparameters
+            if (mode_signal == 1) then ! image-centered mode
+                denergy_dparameters = &
+                calculate_denergy_dparameters_(num_inputs, inputs, &
+                num_parameters, parameters)
+            else  ! atom-centered mode
+				do j = 1, num_parameters
+					denergy_dparameters(j) = 0.0d0
+				end do
+                if (numericprime .EQV. .FALSE.) then
+                    call calculate_denergy_dparameters(image_no)
+                else
+                    call calculate_numerical_denergy_dparameters(image_no)
+                end if
+            end if
+			! calculates contribution of energyloss to dloss_dparameters
+            do j = 1, num_parameters
+                dloss_dparameters(j) = dloss_dparameters(j) + &
+                energy_coefficient *  2.0d0 * &
+                (amp_energy - actual_energy) * &
+                denergy_dparameters(j) / (num_atoms ** 2.0d0)
+            end do
+        end if
+        if (train_forces .EQV. .TRUE.) then
+            allocate(actual_forces_(num_atoms, 3))
+            do selfindex = 1, num_atoms
+                do i = 1, 3
+                    actual_forces_(selfindex, i) = &
+                    unraveled_actual_forces(&
+                    image_no)%atom_forces(selfindex, i)
+                end do
+            end do
+            ! calculates amp_forces
+            call calculate_forces(image_no)
+			! calculates forceloss
+            do selfindex = 1, num_atoms
+                do i = 1, 3
+                    forceloss = forceloss + &
+                    (1.0d0 / 3.0d0) * (amp_forces(selfindex, i) - &
+                    actual_forces_(selfindex, i)) ** 2.0d0 / num_atoms
+                end do
+            end do
+            ! calculates force_maxresid
+            do selfindex = 1, num_atoms
+                do i = 1, 3
+                    force_resid = &
+                    ABS(amp_forces(selfindex, i) - &
+                    actual_forces_(selfindex, i))
+                    if (force_resid .GT. force_maxresid) then
+                        force_maxresid = force_resid
+                    end if
+                end do
+            end do
+            if (lossprime .EQV. .TRUE.) then
+                allocate(dforces_dparameters(num_atoms))
+				do selfindex = 1, num_atoms
+					allocate(dforces_dparameters(&
+					selfindex)%twodarray(3, num_parameters))
+					do i = 1, 3
+					    do j = 1, num_parameters
+					        dforces_dparameters(&
+					        selfindex)%twodarray(i, j) = 0.0d0
+					    end do
+					end do
+				end do
+                ! calculates dforces_dparameters
+                if (numericprime .EQV. .FALSE.) then
+                    call calculate_dforces_dparameters(image_no)
+                else
+                    call calculate_numerical_dforces_dparameters(image_no)
+                end if
+                ! calculates contribution of forceloss to
+                ! dloss_dparameters
+                do selfindex = 1, num_atoms
+                    do i = 1, 3
+                        do j = 1, num_parameters
+                            dloss_dparameters(j) = &
+                            dloss_dparameters(j) + &
+                            force_coefficient * (2.0d0 / 3.0d0) * &
+                            (amp_forces(selfindex, i) - &
+                            actual_forces_(selfindex, i)) * &
+                            dforces_dparameters(&
+                            selfindex)%twodarray(i, j) / num_atoms
+                        end do
+                    end do
+                end do
+				do p = 1, size(dforces_dparameters)
+					deallocate(dforces_dparameters(p)%twodarray)
+				end do
+				deallocate(dforces_dparameters)
+            end if
+            deallocate(actual_forces_)
+            deallocate(amp_forces)
+        end if
+      end do
+      loss = energy_coefficient * energyloss + &
+             force_coefficient * forceloss
+      ! if overfit coefficient is more than zero, overfit
+      ! contribution to loss and dloss_dparameters is also added.
+      if (overfit .GT. 0.0d0) then
+          overfitloss = 0.0d0
+          do j = 1, num_parameters
+              overfitloss = overfitloss + &
+              parameters(j) ** 2.0d0
+          end do
+          overfitloss = overfit * overfitloss
+          loss = loss + overfitloss
+          do j = 1, num_parameters
+		      doverfitloss_dparameters(j) = &
+              2.0d0 * overfit * parameters(j)
+              dloss_dparameters(j) = dloss_dparameters(j) + &
+              doverfitloss_dparameters(j)
+          end do
+      end if
+!     deallocations for all images
+      if (mode_signal == 1) then
+        do image_no = 1, num_images
+            deallocate(unraveled_atomic_positions(image_no)%onedarray)
+        end do
+        deallocate(unraveled_atomic_positions)
+        deallocate(inputs)
+        deallocate(inputs_)
+      else
+        do image_no = 1, num_images
+            deallocate(unraveled_atomic_numbers(image_no)%onedarray)
+        end do
+        deallocate(unraveled_atomic_numbers)
+        do image_no = 1, num_images
+            num_atoms = num_images_atoms(image_no)
+            do index = 1, num_atoms
+                deallocate(unraveled_fingerprints(&
+                image_no)%onedarray(index)%onedarray)
+            end do
+            deallocate(unraveled_fingerprints(image_no)%onedarray)
+        end do
+        deallocate(unraveled_fingerprints)
+      end if
+      if (train_forces .EQV. .TRUE.) then
+        do image_no = 1, num_images
+            deallocate(unraveled_actual_forces(image_no)%atom_forces)
+        end do
+        deallocate(unraveled_actual_forces)
+        if (mode_signal == 2) then
+            do image_no = 1, num_images
+                num_atoms = num_images_atoms(image_no)
+                do selfindex = 1, num_atoms
+                    do nindex = 1, &
+                    size(unraveled_fingerprintprimes(&
+                    image_no)%onedarray(selfindex)%onedarray)
+                        deallocate(&
+                        unraveled_fingerprintprimes(&
+                        image_no)%onedarray(selfindex)%onedarray(&
+                        nindex)%twodarray)
+                    end do
+                    deallocate(unraveled_fingerprintprimes(&
+                    image_no)%onedarray(selfindex)%onedarray)
+                end do
+                deallocate(unraveled_fingerprintprimes(&
+                image_no)%onedarray)
+            end do
+            deallocate(unraveled_fingerprintprimes)
+            do image_no = 1, num_images
+                num_atoms = num_images_atoms(image_no)
+                do index = 1, num_atoms
+                    deallocate(unraveled_neighborlists(&
+                    image_no)%onedarray(index)%onedarray)
+                end do
+                deallocate(unraveled_neighborlists(image_no)%onedarray)
+            end do
+            deallocate(unraveled_neighborlists)
+        end if
+      end if
+      contains
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+      ! calculates amp_energy
+      subroutine calculate_energy(image_no)
+      if (mode_signal == 1) then
+        amp_energy = &
+        calculate_image_energy(num_inputs, inputs, num_parameters, &
+        parameters)
+      else
+        amp_energy = 0.0d0
+        do index = 1, num_atoms
+            symbol = unraveled_atomic_numbers(&
+            image_no)%onedarray(index)
+            do element = 1, num_elements
+                if (symbol == elements_numbers(element)) then
+                    exit
+                end if
+            end do
+            len_of_fingerprint = num_fingerprints_of_elements(element)
+            allocate(fingerprint(len_of_fingerprint))
+            do p = 1, len_of_fingerprint
+                fingerprint(p) = &
+                unraveled_fingerprints(&
+                image_no)%onedarray(index)%onedarray(p)
+            end do
+            atom_energy = calculate_atomic_energy(symbol, &
+            len_of_fingerprint, fingerprint, num_elements, &
+            elements_numbers, num_parameters, parameters)
+            deallocate(fingerprint)
+            amp_energy = amp_energy + atom_energy
+        end do
+      end if
+      end subroutine calculate_energy
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+      ! calculates amp_forces
+      subroutine calculate_forces(image_no)
+      allocate(amp_forces(num_atoms, 3))
+      do selfindex = 1, num_atoms
+        do i = 1, 3
+            amp_forces(selfindex, i) = 0.0d0
+        end do
+      end do
+      do selfindex = 1, num_atoms
+        if (mode_signal == 1) then
+            do i = 1, 3
+                do p = 1,  3 * num_atoms
+                    inputs_(p) = 0.0d0
+                end do
+                inputs_(3 * (selfindex - 1) + i) = 1.0d0
+                amp_forces(selfindex, i) = calculate_force_(num_inputs, &
+                inputs, inputs_, num_parameters, parameters)
+            end do
+        else
+            ! neighborindices list is generated.
+            allocate(neighborindices(size(&
+            unraveled_neighborlists(image_no)%onedarray(&
+            selfindex)%onedarray)))
+            do p = 1, size(unraveled_neighborlists(&
+            image_no)%onedarray(selfindex)%onedarray)
+                neighborindices(p) = unraveled_neighborlists(&
+                image_no)%onedarray(selfindex)%onedarray(p)
+            end do
+            do l = 1, size(neighborindices)
+                nindex = neighborindices(l)
+                nsymbol = unraveled_atomic_numbers(&
+                          image_no)%onedarray(nindex)
+                do element = 1, num_elements
+                    if (nsymbol == elements_numbers(element)) then
+                        exit
+                    end if
+                end do
+                len_of_fingerprint = &
+                num_fingerprints_of_elements(element)
+                allocate(fingerprint(len_of_fingerprint))
+                do p = 1, len_of_fingerprint
+                    fingerprint(p) = unraveled_fingerprints(&
+                    image_no)%onedarray(nindex)%onedarray(p)
+                end do
+                do i = 1, 3
+                    allocate(fingerprintprime(len_of_fingerprint))
+                    do p = 1, len_of_fingerprint
+                        fingerprintprime(p) = &
+                        unraveled_fingerprintprimes(&
+                        image_no)%onedarray(&
+                        selfindex)%onedarray(l)%twodarray(i, p)
+                    end do
+                    dforce = calculate_force(nsymbol, len_of_fingerprint, &
+                            fingerprint, fingerprintprime, &
+                            num_elements, elements_numbers, &
+                            num_parameters, parameters)
+                    amp_forces(selfindex, i) = &
+                    amp_forces(selfindex, i) + dforce
+                    deallocate(fingerprintprime)
+                end do
+                deallocate(fingerprint)
+            end do
+            deallocate(neighborindices)
+        end if
+      end do
+      end subroutine calculate_forces
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+      ! calculates analytical denergy_dparameters in
+      ! the atom-centered mode.
+      subroutine calculate_denergy_dparameters(image_no)
+      do index = 1, num_atoms
+          symbol = unraveled_atomic_numbers(image_no)%onedarray(index)
+          do element = 1, num_elements
+              if (symbol == elements_numbers(element)) then
+                  exit
+              end if
+          end do
+          len_of_fingerprint = num_fingerprints_of_elements(element)
+          allocate(fingerprint(len_of_fingerprint))
+          do p = 1, len_of_fingerprint
+              fingerprint(p) = unraveled_fingerprints(&
+              image_no)%onedarray(index)%onedarray(p)
+          end do
+          daenergy_dparameters = calculate_datomicenergy_dparameters(&
+          symbol, len_of_fingerprint, fingerprint, &
+          num_elements, elements_numbers, num_parameters, parameters)
+          deallocate(fingerprint)
+          do j = 1, num_parameters
+             denergy_dparameters(j) = denergy_dparameters(j) + &
+             daenergy_dparameters(j)
+          end do
+      end do
+      end subroutine calculate_denergy_dparameters
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+      ! calculates numerical denergy_dparameters in the
+      ! atom-centered mode.
+      subroutine calculate_numerical_denergy_dparameters(image_no)
+      double precision:: eplus, eminus
+      do j = 1, num_parameters
+          parameters(j) = parameters(j) + d
+          call calculate_energy(image_no)
+          eplus = amp_energy
+          parameters(j) = parameters(j) - 2.0d0 * d
+          call calculate_energy(image_no)
+          eminus = amp_energy
+          denergy_dparameters(j) = (eplus - eminus) / (2.0d0 * d)
+          parameters(j) = parameters(j) + d
+      end do
+      call calculate_energy(image_no)
+      end subroutine calculate_numerical_denergy_dparameters
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+      ! calculates dforces_dparameters.
+      subroutine calculate_dforces_dparameters(image_no)
+      if (mode_signal == 1) then ! image-centered mode
+          do selfindex = 1, num_atoms
+              do i = 1, 3
+                do p = 1,  3 * num_atoms
+                    inputs_(p) = 0.0d0
+                end do
+                inputs_(3 * (selfindex - 1) + i) = 1.0d0
+                dforce_dparameters = calculate_dforce_dparameters_(&
+                num_inputs, inputs, inputs_, num_parameters, parameters)
+                do j = 1, num_parameters
+                    dforces_dparameters(selfindex)%twodarray(i, j) = &
+                    dforce_dparameters(j)
+                end do
+              end do
+          end do
+      else ! atom-centered mode
+          do selfindex = 1, num_atoms
+              ! neighborindices list is generated.
+              allocate(neighborindices(size(&
+              unraveled_neighborlists(image_no)%onedarray(&
+              selfindex)%onedarray)))
+              do p = 1, size(unraveled_neighborlists(&
+              image_no)%onedarray(selfindex)%onedarray)
+                  neighborindices(p) = unraveled_neighborlists(&
+                  image_no)%onedarray(selfindex)%onedarray(p)
+              end do
+              do l = 1, size(neighborindices)
+                  nindex = neighborindices(l)
+                  nsymbol = unraveled_atomic_numbers(&
+                  image_no)%onedarray(nindex)
+                  do element = 1, num_elements
+                      if (nsymbol == elements_numbers(element)) then
+                        exit
+                      end if
+                  end do
+                  len_of_fingerprint = &
+                  num_fingerprints_of_elements(element)
+                  allocate(fingerprint(len_of_fingerprint))
+                  do p = 1, len_of_fingerprint
+                      fingerprint(p) = unraveled_fingerprints(&
+                      image_no)%onedarray(nindex)%onedarray(p)
+                  end do
+                  do i = 1, 3
+                      allocate(fingerprintprime(len_of_fingerprint))
+                      do p = 1, len_of_fingerprint
+                          fingerprintprime(p) = &
+                          unraveled_fingerprintprimes(&
+                          image_no)%onedarray(selfindex)%onedarray(&
+                          l)%twodarray(i, p)
+                      end do
+                      dforce_dparameters = calculate_dforce_dparameters(&
+                      nsymbol, len_of_fingerprint, fingerprint, &
+                      fingerprintprime, num_elements, &
+                      elements_numbers, num_parameters, parameters)
+                      deallocate(fingerprintprime)
+                      do j = 1, num_parameters
+                          dforces_dparameters(&
+                          selfindex)%twodarray(i, j) = &
+                          dforces_dparameters(&
+                          selfindex)%twodarray(i, j) + &
+                          dforce_dparameters(j)
+                      end do
+                  end do
+                  deallocate(fingerprint)
+              end do
+              deallocate(neighborindices)
+          end do
+      end if
+      end subroutine calculate_dforces_dparameters
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+      ! calculates numerical dforces_dparameters in the
+      ! atom-centered mode.
+      subroutine calculate_numerical_dforces_dparameters(image_no)
+      double precision, allocatable:: fplus(:, :), fminus(:, :)
+      do j = 1, num_parameters
+          parameters(j) = parameters(j) + d
+          deallocate(amp_forces)
+          call calculate_forces(image_no)
+		  allocate(fplus(num_atoms, 3))
+		  do selfindex = 1, num_atoms
+			do i = 1, 3
+				fplus(selfindex, i) = amp_forces(selfindex, i)
+			end do
+		  end do
+          parameters(j) = parameters(j) - 2.0d0 * d
+          deallocate(amp_forces)
+          call calculate_forces(image_no)
+		  allocate(fminus(num_atoms, 3))
+		  do selfindex = 1, num_atoms
+			do i = 1, 3
+				fminus(selfindex, i) = amp_forces(selfindex, i)
+			end do
+		  end do
+          do selfindex = 1, num_atoms
+              do i = 1, 3
+                  dforces_dparameters(selfindex)%twodarray(i, j) = &
+                  (fplus(selfindex, i) - fminus(selfindex, i)) / &
+                  (2.0d0 * d)
+              end do
+          end do
+          parameters(j) = parameters(j) + d
+          deallocate(fplus)
+          deallocate(fminus)
+      end do
+      deallocate(amp_forces)
+      call calculate_forces(image_no)
+      end subroutine calculate_numerical_dforces_dparameters
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+!     used only in the image-centered mode.
+      subroutine unravel_atomic_positions()
+      do image_no = 1, num_images
+        allocate(unraveled_atomic_positions(image_no)%onedarray(&
+        3 * num_atoms))
+        do index = 1, num_atoms
+            do i = 1, 3
+                unraveled_atomic_positions(image_no)%onedarray(&
+                3 * (index - 1) + i) = atomic_positions(&
+                image_no, 3 * (index - 1) + i)
+             end do
+        end do
+      end do
+      end subroutine unravel_atomic_positions
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+      subroutine unravel_atomic_numbers()
+      k = 0
+      do image_no = 1, num_images
+        num_atoms = num_images_atoms(image_no)
+        allocate(unraveled_atomic_numbers(&
+        image_no)%onedarray(num_atoms))
+        do l = 1, num_atoms
+            unraveled_atomic_numbers(image_no)%onedarray(l) &
+            = atomic_numbers(k + l)
+        end do
+        k = k + num_atoms
+      end do
+      end subroutine unravel_atomic_numbers
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+      subroutine unravel_neighborlists()
+      k = 0
+      q = 0
+      do image_no = 1, num_images
+        num_atoms = num_images_atoms(image_no)
+        allocate(unraveled_neighborlists(image_no)%onedarray(&
+        num_atoms))
+        do index = 1, num_atoms
+            allocate(unraveled_neighborlists(image_no)%onedarray(&
+            index)%onedarray(num_neighbors(k + index)))
+            do p = 1, num_neighbors(k + index)
+                unraveled_neighborlists(image_no)%onedarray(&
+                index)%onedarray(p) = raveled_neighborlists(q + p)+1
+            end do
+            q = q + num_neighbors(k + index)
+        end do
+        k = k + num_atoms
+      end do
+      end subroutine unravel_neighborlists
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+      subroutine unravel_actual_forces()
+      k = 0
+      do image_no = 1, num_images
+        if (mode_signal == 1) then
+            num_atoms = num_atoms
+        else
+            num_atoms = num_images_atoms(image_no)
+        end if
+        allocate(unraveled_actual_forces(image_no)%atom_forces(&
+        num_atoms, 3))
+        do index = 1, num_atoms
+            do i = 1, 3
+                unraveled_actual_forces(image_no)%atom_forces(&
+                index, i) = actual_forces(k + index, i)
+            end do
+        end do
+        k = k + num_atoms
+      end do
+      end subroutine unravel_actual_forces
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+      subroutine unravel_fingerprints()
+      k = 0
+      do image_no = 1, num_images
+        num_atoms = &
+        num_images_atoms(image_no)
+        allocate(unraveled_fingerprints(&
+        image_no)%onedarray(num_atoms))
+        do index = 1, num_atoms
+            do element = 1, num_elements
+                if (unraveled_atomic_numbers(&
+                image_no)%onedarray(index)== &
+                elements_numbers(element)) then
+                    allocate(unraveled_fingerprints(&
+                    image_no)%onedarray(index)%onedarray(&
+                    num_fingerprints_of_elements(element)))
+                    exit
+                end if
+            end do
+            do l = 1, num_fingerprints_of_elements(element)
+                unraveled_fingerprints(&
+                image_no)%onedarray(index)%onedarray(l) = &
+                raveled_fingerprints(k + index, l)
+            end do
+        end do
+      k = k + num_atoms
+      end do
+      end subroutine unravel_fingerprints
+      subroutine unravel_fingerprintprimes()
+      integer:: no_of_neighbors
+      k = 0
+      m = 0
+      do image_no = 1, num_images
+        num_atoms = &
+        num_images_atoms(image_no)
+        allocate(unraveled_fingerprintprimes(&
+        image_no)%onedarray(num_atoms))
+        do selfindex = 1, num_atoms
+			! neighborindices list is generated.
+            allocate(neighborindices(size(unraveled_neighborlists(&
+            image_no)%onedarray(selfindex)%onedarray)))
+            do p = 1, size(unraveled_neighborlists(&
+            image_no)%onedarray(selfindex)%onedarray)
+                neighborindices(p) = unraveled_neighborlists(&
+                image_no)%onedarray(selfindex)%onedarray(p)
+            end do
+            no_of_neighbors = num_neighbors(k + selfindex)
+            allocate(unraveled_fingerprintprimes(&
+            image_no)%onedarray(selfindex)%onedarray(no_of_neighbors))
+            do nindex = 1, no_of_neighbors
+                do nsymbol = 1, num_elements
+                if (unraveled_atomic_numbers(&
+                image_no)%onedarray(neighborindices(nindex)) == &
+                elements_numbers(nsymbol)) then
+                    exit
+                end if
+                end do
+                allocate(unraveled_fingerprintprimes(&
+                image_no)%onedarray(selfindex)%onedarray(&
+                nindex)%twodarray(3, num_fingerprints_of_elements(&
+                nsymbol)))
+                do p = 1, 3
+                    do q = 1, num_fingerprints_of_elements(nsymbol)
+                        unraveled_fingerprintprimes(&
+                        image_no)%onedarray(selfindex)%onedarray(&
+                        nindex)%twodarray(p, q) = &
+                        raveled_fingerprintprimes(&
+                        3 * m + 3 * nindex + p - 3, q)
+                    end do
+                end do
+            end do
+            deallocate(neighborindices)
+            m = m + no_of_neighbors
+        end do
+        k = k + num_atoms
+      end do
+      end subroutine unravel_fingerprintprimes
+  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+      end subroutine calculate_loss
+!     subroutine that deallocates variables
+      subroutine deallocate_variables()
+      use images_props
+      use fingerprint_props
+      use model_props
+      use neuralnetwork
+  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+!     deallocating fingerprint_props
+      if (allocated(num_fingerprints_of_elements) .EQV. .TRUE.) then
+        deallocate(num_fingerprints_of_elements)
+      end if
+      if (allocated(raveled_fingerprints) .EQV. .TRUE.) then
+        deallocate(raveled_fingerprints)
+      end if
+      if (allocated(raveled_fingerprintprimes) .EQV. .TRUE.) then
+        deallocate(raveled_fingerprintprimes)
+      end if
+!     deallocating images_props
+      if (allocated(elements_numbers) .EQV. .TRUE.) then
+        deallocate(elements_numbers)
+      end if
+      if (allocated(num_images_atoms) .EQV. .TRUE.) then
+        deallocate(num_images_atoms)
+      end if
+      if (allocated(atomic_numbers) .EQV. .TRUE.) then
+        deallocate(atomic_numbers)
+      end if
+      if (allocated(num_neighbors) .EQV. .TRUE.) then
+        deallocate(num_neighbors)
+      end if
+      if (allocated(raveled_neighborlists) .EQV. .TRUE.) then
+        deallocate(raveled_neighborlists)
+      end if
+      if (allocated(actual_energies) .EQV. .TRUE.) then
+        deallocate(actual_energies)
+      end if
+      if (allocated(actual_forces) .EQV. .TRUE.) then
+        deallocate(actual_forces)
+      end if
+      if (allocated(atomic_positions) .EQV. .TRUE.) then
+        deallocate(atomic_positions)
+      end if
+!     deallocating neuralnetwork
+      if (allocated(min_fingerprints) .EQV. .TRUE.) then
+        deallocate(min_fingerprints)
+      end if
+      if (allocated(max_fingerprints) .EQV. .TRUE.) then
+        deallocate(max_fingerprints)
+      end if
+      if (allocated(no_layers_of_elements) .EQV. .TRUE.) then
+        deallocate(no_layers_of_elements)
+      end if
+      if (allocated(no_nodes_of_elements) .EQV. .TRUE.) then
+        deallocate(no_nodes_of_elements)
+      end if
+  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+      end subroutine deallocate_variables
diff --git a/amp/model/Makefile b/amp/model/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e409cbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/amp/model/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+	gfortran -c neuralnetwork.f90
+	cp neuralnetwork.mod ..
diff --git a/amp/model/__init__.py b/amp/model/__init__.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4b62144
--- /dev/null
+++ b/amp/model/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1144 @@
+import sys
+import numpy as np
+from ase.calculators.calculator import Parameters
+from ..utilities import (Logger, ConvergenceOccurred, make_sublists, now,
+                         setup_parallel)
+    from .. import fmodules
+except ImportError:
+    fmodules = None
+class Model(object):
+    """Class that includes common methods between different models."""
+    @property
+    def log(self):
+        """Method to set or get a logger. Should be an instance of
+        amp.utilities.Logger.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        log : Logger object
+            Write function at which to log data. Note this must be a callable
+            function.
+        """
+        if hasattr(self, '_log'):
+            return self._log
+        if hasattr(self.parent, 'log'):
+            return self.parent.log
+        return Logger(None)
+    @log.setter
+    def log(self, log):
+        self._log = log
+    def tostring(self):
+        """Returns an evaluatable representation of the calculator that can
+        be used to re-establish the calculator."""
+        # Make sure numpy prints out enough data.
+        np.set_printoptions(precision=30, threshold=999999999)
+        return self.parameters.tostring()
+    def calculate_energy(self, fingerprints):
+        """Calculates the model-predicted energy for an image, based on its
+        fingerprint.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        fingerprints : dict
+            Dictionary with images hashs as keys and the corresponding
+            fingerprints as values.
+        """
+        if self.parameters.mode == 'image-centered':
+            raise NotImplementedError('This needs to be coded.')
+        elif self.parameters.mode == 'atom-centered':
+            self.atomic_energies = []
+            energy = 0.0
+            for index, (symbol, afp) in enumerate(fingerprints):
+                atom_energy = self.calculate_atomic_energy(afp=afp,
+                                                           index=index,
+                                                           symbol=symbol)
+                self.atomic_energies.append(atom_energy)
+                energy += atom_energy
+        return energy
+    def calculate_forces(self, fingerprints, fingerprintprimes):
+        """Calculates the model-predicted forces for an image, based on
+        derivatives of fingerprints.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        fingerprints : dict
+            Dictionary with images hashs as keys and the corresponding
+            fingerprints as values.
+        fingerprintprimes : dict
+            Dictionary with images hashs as keys and the corresponding
+            fingerprint derivatives as values.
+        """
+        if self.parameters.mode == 'image-centered':
+            raise NotImplementedError('This needs to be coded.')
+        elif self.parameters.mode == 'atom-centered':
+            selfindices = set([key[0] for key in fingerprintprimes.keys()])
+            forces = np.zeros((len(selfindices), 3))
+            for key in fingerprintprimes.keys():
+                selfindex, selfsymbol, nindex, nsymbol, i = key
+                derafp = fingerprintprimes[key]
+                afp = fingerprints[nindex][1]
+                dforce = self.calculate_force(afp=afp,
+                                              derafp=derafp,
+                                              nindex=nindex,
+                                              nsymbol=nsymbol,
+                                              direction=i,)
+                forces[selfindex][i] += dforce
+        return forces
+    def calculate_dEnergy_dParameters(self, fingerprints):
+        """Calculates a list of floats corresponding to the derivative of
+        model-predicted energy of an image with respect to model parameters.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        fingerprints : dict
+            Dictionary with images hashs as keys and the corresponding
+            fingerprints as values.
+        """
+        if self.parameters.mode == 'image-centered':
+            raise NotImplementedError('This needs to be coded.')
+        elif self.parameters.mode == 'atom-centered':
+            denergy_dparameters = None
+            for index, (symbol, afp) in enumerate(fingerprints):
+                temp = self.calculate_dAtomicEnergy_dParameters(afp=afp,
+                                                                index=index,
+                                                                symbol=symbol)
+                if denergy_dparameters is None:
+                    denergy_dparameters = temp
+                else:
+                    denergy_dparameters += temp
+        return denergy_dparameters
+    def calculate_numerical_dEnergy_dParameters(self, fingerprints, d=0.00001):
+        """Evaluates dEnergy_dParameters using finite difference.
+        This will trigger two calls to calculate_energy(), with each parameter
+        perturbed plus/minus d.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        fingerprints : dict
+            Dictionary with images hashs as keys and the corresponding
+            fingerprints as values.
+        d : float
+            The amount of perturbation in each parameter.
+        """
+        if self.parameters.mode == 'image-centered':
+            raise NotImplementedError('This needs to be coded.')
+        elif self.parameters.mode == 'atom-centered':
+            vector = self.vector
+            denergy_dparameters = []
+            for _ in range(len(vector)):
+                vector[_] += d
+                self.vector = vector
+                eplus = self.calculate_energy(fingerprints)
+                vector[_] -= 2 * d
+                self.vector = vector
+                eminus = self.calculate_energy(fingerprints)
+                denergy_dparameters += [(eplus - eminus) / (2 * d)]
+                vector[_] += d
+                self.vector = vector
+            denergy_dparameters = np.array(denergy_dparameters)
+        return denergy_dparameters
+    def calculate_dForces_dParameters(self, fingerprints, fingerprintprimes):
+        """Calculates an array of floats corresponding to the derivative of
+        model-predicted atomic forces of an image with respect to model
+        parameters.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        fingerprints : dict
+            Dictionary with images hashs as keys and the corresponding
+            fingerprints as values.
+        fingerprintprimes : dict
+            Dictionary with images hashs as keys and the corresponding
+            fingerprint derivatives as values.
+        """
+        if self.parameters.mode == 'image-centered':
+            raise NotImplementedError('This needs to be coded.')
+        elif self.parameters.mode == 'atom-centered':
+            selfindices = set([key[0] for key in fingerprintprimes.keys()])
+            dforces_dparameters = {(selfindex, i): None
+                                   for selfindex in selfindices
+                                   for i in range(3)}
+            for key in fingerprintprimes.keys():
+                selfindex, selfsymbol, nindex, nsymbol, i = key
+                derafp = fingerprintprimes[key]
+                afp = fingerprints[nindex][1]
+                temp = self.calculate_dForce_dParameters(afp=afp,
+                                                         derafp=derafp,
+                                                         direction=i,
+                                                         nindex=nindex,
+                                                         nsymbol=nsymbol,)
+                if dforces_dparameters[(selfindex, i)] is None:
+                    dforces_dparameters[(selfindex, i)] = temp
+                else:
+                    dforces_dparameters[(selfindex, i)] += temp
+        return dforces_dparameters
+    def calculate_numerical_dForces_dParameters(self, fingerprints,
+                                                fingerprintprimes, d=0.00001):
+        """Evaluates dForces_dParameters using finite difference. This will
+        trigger two calls to calculate_forces(), with each parameter perturbed
+        plus/minus d.
+        Parameters
+        ---------
+        fingerprints : dict
+            Dictionary with images hashs as keys and the corresponding
+            fingerprints as values.
+        fingerprintprimes : dict
+            Dictionary with images hashs as keys and the corresponding
+            fingerprint derivatives as values.
+        d : float
+            The amount of perturbation in each parameter.
+        """
+        if self.parameters.mode == 'image-centered':
+            raise NotImplementedError('This needs to be coded.')
+        elif self.parameters.mode == 'atom-centered':
+            selfindices = set([key[0] for key in fingerprintprimes.keys()])
+            dforces_dparameters = {(selfindex, i): []
+                                   for selfindex in selfindices
+                                   for i in range(3)}
+            vector = self.vector
+            for _ in range(len(vector)):
+                vector[_] += d
+                self.vector = vector
+                fplus = self.calculate_forces(fingerprints, fingerprintprimes)
+                vector[_] -= 2 * d
+                self.vector = vector
+                fminus = self.calculate_forces(fingerprints, fingerprintprimes)
+                for selfindex in selfindices:
+                    for i in range(3):
+                        dforces_dparameters[(selfindex, i)] += \
+                            [(fplus[selfindex][i] - fminus[selfindex][i]) / (
+                                2 * d)]
+                vector[_] += d
+                self.vector = vector
+            for selfindex in selfindices:
+                for i in range(3):
+                    dforces_dparameters[(selfindex, i)] = \
+                        np.array(dforces_dparameters[(selfindex, i)])
+        return dforces_dparameters
+class LossFunction:
+    """Basic loss function, which can be used by the model.get_loss
+    method which is required in standard model classes.
+    This version is pure python and thus will be slow compared to a
+    fortran/parallel implementation.
+    If parallel is None, it will pull it from the model itself. Only use
+    this keyword to override the model's specification.
+    Also has parallelization methods built in.
+    See self.default_parameters for the default values of parameters
+    specified as None.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    energy_coefficient : float
+        Coefficient of the energy contribution in the loss function.
+    force_coefficient : float
+        Coefficient of the force contribution in the loss function.
+        Can set to None as shortcut to turn off force training.
+    convergence : dict
+        Dictionary of keys and values defining convergence.  Keys are
+        'energy_rmse', 'energy_maxresid', 'force_rmse', and 'force_maxresid'.
+        If 'force_rmse' and 'force_maxresid' are both set to None, force
+        training is turned off and force_coefficient is set to None.
+    parallel : dict
+        Parallel configuration dictionary. Will pull from model itself if
+        not specified.
+    overfit : float
+        Multiplier of the weights norm penalty term in the loss function.
+    raise_ConvergenceOccurred : bool
+        If True will raise convergence notice.
+    log_losses : bool
+        If True will log the loss function value in the log file else will not.
+    d : None or float
+        If d is None, both loss function and its gradient are calculated
+        analytically. If d is a float, then gradient of the loss function is
+        calculated by perturbing each parameter plus/minus d.
+    """
+    default_parameters = {'convergence': {'energy_rmse': 0.001,
+                                          'energy_maxresid': None,
+                                          'force_rmse': None,
+                                          'force_maxresid': None, }
+                          }
+    def __init__(self, energy_coefficient=1.0, force_coefficient=0.04,
+                 convergence=None, parallel=None, overfit=0.,
+                 raise_ConvergenceOccurred=True, log_losses=True, d=None):
+        p = self.parameters = Parameters(
+            {'importname': '.model.LossFunction'})
+        # 'dict' creates a copy; otherwise mutable in class.
+        c = p['convergence'] = dict(self.default_parameters['convergence'])
+        if convergence is not None:
+            for key, value in convergence.items():
+                p['convergence'][key] = value
+        p['energy_coefficient'] = energy_coefficient
+        p['force_coefficient'] = force_coefficient
+        p['overfit'] = overfit
+        self.raise_ConvergenceOccurred = raise_ConvergenceOccurred
+        self.log_losses = log_losses
+        self.d = d
+        self._step = 0
+        self._initialized = False
+        self._data_sent = False
+        self._parallel = parallel
+        if (c['force_rmse'] is None) and (c['force_maxresid'] is None):
+            p['force_coefficient'] = None
+        if p['force_coefficient'] is None:
+            c['force_rmse'] = None
+            c['force_maxresid'] = None
+    def attach_model(self, model, fingerprints=None,
+                     fingerprintprimes=None, images=None):
+        """Attach the model to be used to the loss function.
+        fingerprints and training images need not be supplied if they are
+        already attached to the model via model.trainingparameters.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        model : object
+            Class representing the regression model.
+        fingerprints : dict
+            Dictionary with images hashs as keys and the corresponding
+            fingerprints as values.
+        fingerprintprimes : dict
+            Dictionary with images hashs as keys and the corresponding
+            fingerprint derivatives as values.
+        images : list or str
+            List of ASE atoms objects with positions, symbols, energies, and
+            forces in ASE format. This is the training set of data. This can
+            also be the path to an ASE trajectory (.traj) or database (.db)
+            file. Energies can be obtained from any reference, e.g. DFT
+            calculations.
+        """
+        self._model = model
+        self.fingerprints = fingerprints
+        self.fingerprintprimes = fingerprintprimes
+        self.images = images
+    def _initialize(self):
+        """Procedures to be run on the first call only, such as establishing
+        SSH sessions, etc."""
+        if self._initialized is True:
+            return
+        if self._parallel is None:
+            self._parallel = self._model._parallel
+        log = self._model.log
+        if self.fingerprints is None:
+            self.fingerprints = \
+                self._model.trainingparameters.descriptor.fingerprints
+        # May also make sense to decide whether or not to calculate
+        # fingerprintprimes based on the value of train_forces.
+        if ((self.parameters.force_coefficient is not None) and
+                (self.fingerprintprimes is None)):
+            self.fingerprintprimes = \
+                self._model.trainingparameters.descriptor.fingerprintprimes
+        if self.images is None:
+            self.images = self._model.trainingparameters.trainingimages
+        if self._parallel['cores'] != 1:  # Initialize workers.
+            python = sys.executable
+            workercommand = '%s -m %s' % (python, self.__module__)
+            server, connections, n_pids = setup_parallel(self._parallel,
+                                                         workercommand, log)
+            self._sessions = {'master': server,
+                              'connections': connections,  # SSH's/nodes
+                              'n_pids': n_pids}  # total no. of workers
+        if self.log_losses:
+            p = self.parameters
+            convergence = p['convergence']
+            log(' Loss function convergence criteria:')
+            log('  energy_rmse: ' + str(convergence['energy_rmse']))
+            log('  energy_maxresid: ' + str(convergence['energy_maxresid']))
+            log('  force_rmse: ' + str(convergence['force_rmse']))
+            log('  force_maxresid: ' + str(convergence['force_maxresid']))
+            log(' Loss function set-up:')
+            log('  energy_coefficient: ' + str(p.energy_coefficient))
+            log('  force_coefficient: ' + str(p.force_coefficient))
+            log('  overfit: ' + str(p.overfit))
+            log('\n')
+            if p.force_coefficient is None:
+                header = '%5s %19s %12s %12s %12s'
+                log(header %
+                    ('', '', '', '', 'Energy'))
+                log(header %
+                    ('Step', 'Time', 'Loss (SSD)', 'EnergyRMSE', 'MaxResid'))
+                log(header %
+                    ('=' * 5, '=' * 19, '=' * 12, '=' * 12, '=' * 12))
+            else:
+                header = '%5s %19s %12s %12s %12s %12s %12s'
+                log(header %
+                    ('', '', '', '', 'Energy',
+                     '', 'Force'))
+                log(header %
+                    ('Step', 'Time', 'Loss (SSD)', 'EnergyRMSE', 'MaxResid',
+                     'ForceRMSE', 'MaxResid'))
+                log(header %
+                    ('=' * 5, '=' * 19, '=' * 12, '=' * 12, '=' * 12,
+                     '=' * 12, '=' * 12))
+        self._initialized = True
+    def _send_data_to_fortran(self,):
+        """Procedures to be run in fortran mode for a single requested core
+        only. Also just on the first call for sending data to fortran modules.
+        """
+        if self._data_sent is True:
+            return
+        num_images = len(self.images)
+        p = self.parameters
+        energy_coefficient = p.energy_coefficient
+        overfit = p.overfit
+        if p.force_coefficient is None:
+            train_forces = False
+            force_coefficient = 0.
+        else:
+            train_forces = True
+            force_coefficient = p.force_coefficient
+        mode = self._model.parameters.mode
+        if mode == 'atom-centered':
+            num_atoms = None
+        elif mode == 'image-centered':
+            raise NotImplementedError('Image-centered mode is not coded yet.')
+        (actual_energies, actual_forces, elements, atomic_positions,
+         num_images_atoms, atomic_numbers, raveled_fingerprints, num_neighbors,
+         raveled_neighborlists, raveled_fingerprintprimes) = (None,) * 10
+        value = ravel_data(train_forces,
+                           mode,
+                           self.images,
+                           self.fingerprints,
+                           self.fingerprintprimes,)
+        if mode == 'image-centered':
+            if not train_forces:
+                (actual_energies, atomic_positions) = value
+            else:
+                (actual_energies, actual_forces, atomic_positions) = value
+        else:
+            if not train_forces:
+                (actual_energies, elements, num_images_atoms,
+                 atomic_numbers, raveled_fingerprints) = value
+            else:
+                (actual_energies, actual_forces, elements, num_images_atoms,
+                 atomic_numbers, raveled_fingerprints, num_neighbors,
+                 raveled_neighborlists, raveled_fingerprintprimes) = value
+        send_data_to_fortran(fmodules,
+                             energy_coefficient,
+                             force_coefficient,
+                             overfit,
+                             train_forces,
+                             num_atoms,
+                             num_images,
+                             actual_energies,
+                             actual_forces,
+                             atomic_positions,
+                             num_images_atoms,
+                             atomic_numbers,
+                             raveled_fingerprints,
+                             num_neighbors,
+                             raveled_neighborlists,
+                             raveled_fingerprintprimes,
+                             self._model,
+                             self.d)
+        self._data_sent = True
+    def _cleanup(self):
+        """Closes SSH sessions."""
+        self._initialized = False
+        if not hasattr(self, '_sessions'):
+            return
+        server = self._sessions['master']
+        finished = np.array([False] * self._sessions['n_pids'])
+        while not finished.all():
+            message = server.recv_pyobj()
+            if (message['subject'] == '<request>' and
+                    message['data'] == 'parameters'):
+                server.send_pyobj('<stop>')
+                finished[int(message['id'])] = True
+        for _ in self._sessions['connections']:
+            if hasattr(_, 'logout'):
+                _.logout()
+        del self._sessions['connections']
+    def get_loss(self, parametervector, lossprime):
+        """Returns the current value of the loss function for a given set of
+        parameters, or, if the energy is less than the energy_tol raises a
+        ConvergenceException.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        parametervector : list
+            Parameters of the regression model in the form of a list.
+        lossprime : bool
+            If True, will calculate and return dloss_dparameters, else will
+            only return zero for dloss_dparameters.
+        """
+        self._initialize()
+        if self._parallel['cores'] == 1:
+            if self._model.fortran:
+                self._model.vector = parametervector
+                self._send_data_to_fortran()
+                (loss, dloss_dparameters, energy_loss, force_loss,
+                 energy_maxresid, force_maxresid) = \
+                    fmodules.calculate_loss(parameters=parametervector,
+                                            num_parameters=len(
+                                                parametervector),
+                                            lossprime=lossprime)
+            else:
+                loss, dloss_dparameters, energy_loss, force_loss, \
+                    energy_maxresid, force_maxresid = \
+                    self.calculate_loss(parametervector,
+                                        lossprime=lossprime)
+        else:
+            server = self._sessions['master']
+            n_pids = self._sessions['n_pids']
+            # Subdivide tasks.
+            keys = make_sublists(self.images.keys(), n_pids)
+            args = {'lossprime': lossprime,
+                    'd': self.d}
+            results = self.process_parallels(parametervector,
+                                             server,
+                                             n_pids,
+                                             keys,
+                                             args=args)
+            loss = results['loss']
+            dloss_dparameters = results['dloss_dparameters']
+            energy_loss = results['energy_loss']
+            force_loss = results['force_loss']
+            energy_maxresid = results['energy_maxresid']
+            force_maxresid = results['force_maxresid']
+        self.loss, self.energy_loss, self.force_loss, \
+            self.energy_maxresid, self.force_maxresid = \
+            loss, energy_loss, force_loss, energy_maxresid, force_maxresid
+        if lossprime:
+            self.dloss_dparameters = dloss_dparameters
+        if self.raise_ConvergenceOccurred:
+            # Only during calculation of loss function (and not lossprime)
+            # convergence is checked and values are printed out in the log
+            # file.
+            if lossprime is False:
+                self._model.vector = parametervector
+                converged = self.check_convergence(loss,
+                                                   energy_loss,
+                                                   force_loss,
+                                                   energy_maxresid,
+                                                   force_maxresid)
+                if converged:
+                    self._cleanup()
+                    if self._parallel['cores'] != 1:
+                        # Needed to properly close socket connection
+                        # (python3).
+                        server.close()
+                    raise ConvergenceOccurred()
+        return {'loss': self.loss,
+                'dloss_dparameters': (self.dloss_dparameters
+                                      if lossprime is True
+                                      else dloss_dparameters),
+                'energy_loss': self.energy_loss,
+                'force_loss': self.force_loss,
+                'energy_maxresid': self.energy_maxresid,
+                'force_maxresid': self.force_maxresid, }
+    def calculate_loss(self, parametervector, lossprime):
+        """Method that calculates the loss, derivative of the loss with respect
+        to parameters (if requested), and max_residual.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        parametervector : list
+            Parameters of the regression model in the form of a list.
+        lossprime : bool
+            If True, will calculate and return dloss_dparameters, else will
+            only return zero for dloss_dparameters.
+        """
+        self._model.vector = parametervector
+        p = self.parameters
+        energyloss = 0.
+        forceloss = 0.
+        energy_maxresid = 0.
+        force_maxresid = 0.
+        dloss_dparameters = np.array([0.] * len(parametervector))
+        model = self._model
+        for hash in self.images.keys():
+            image = self.images[hash]
+            no_of_atoms = len(image)
+            amp_energy = model.calculate_energy(self.fingerprints[hash])
+            actual_energy = image.get_potential_energy(apply_constraint=False)
+            residual_per_atom = abs(amp_energy - actual_energy) / \
+                len(image)
+            if residual_per_atom > energy_maxresid:
+                energy_maxresid = residual_per_atom
+            energyloss += residual_per_atom**2
+            # Calculates derivative of the loss function with respect to
+            # parameters if lossprime is true
+            if lossprime:
+                if model.parameters.mode == 'image-centered':
+                    raise NotImplementedError('This needs to be coded.')
+                elif model.parameters.mode == 'atom-centered':
+                    if self.d is None:
+                        denergy_dparameters = \
+                            model.calculate_dEnergy_dParameters(
+                                self.fingerprints[hash])
+                    else:
+                        denergy_dparameters = \
+                            model.calculate_numerical_dEnergy_dParameters(
+                                self.fingerprints[hash], d=self.d)
+                    temp = p.energy_coefficient * 2. * \
+                        (amp_energy - actual_energy) * \
+                        denergy_dparameters / \
+                        (no_of_atoms ** 2.)
+                    dloss_dparameters += temp
+            if p.force_coefficient is not None:
+                amp_forces = \
+                    model.calculate_forces(self.fingerprints[hash],
+                                           self.fingerprintprimes[hash])
+                actual_forces = image.get_forces(apply_constraint=False)
+                for index in range(no_of_atoms):
+                    for i in range(3):
+                        force_resid = abs(amp_forces[index][i] -
+                                          actual_forces[index][i])
+                        if force_resid > force_maxresid:
+                            force_maxresid = force_resid
+                        temp = (1. / 3.) * (amp_forces[index][i] -
+                                            actual_forces[index][i]) ** 2. / \
+                            no_of_atoms
+                        forceloss += temp
+                # Calculates derivative of the loss function with respect to
+                # parameters if lossprime is true
+                if lossprime:
+                    if model.parameters.mode == 'image-centered':
+                        raise NotImplementedError('This needs to be coded.')
+                    elif model.parameters.mode == 'atom-centered':
+                        if self.d is None:
+                            dforces_dparameters = \
+                                model.calculate_dForces_dParameters(
+                                    self.fingerprints[hash],
+                                    self.fingerprintprimes[hash])
+                        else:
+                            dforces_dparameters = \
+                                model.calculate_numerical_dForces_dParameters(
+                                    self.fingerprints[hash],
+                                    self.fingerprintprimes[hash],
+                                    d=self.d)
+                        for selfindex in range(no_of_atoms):
+                            for i in range(3):
+                                temp = p.force_coefficient * (2.0 / 3.0) * \
+                                    (amp_forces[selfindex][i] -
+                                     actual_forces[selfindex][i]) * \
+                                    dforces_dparameters[(selfindex, i)] \
+                                    / no_of_atoms
+                                dloss_dparameters += temp
+        loss = p.energy_coefficient * energyloss
+        if p.force_coefficient is not None:
+            loss += p.force_coefficient * forceloss
+        dloss_dparameters = np.array(dloss_dparameters)
+        # if overfit coefficient is more than zero, overfit contribution to
+        # loss and dloss_dparameters is also added.
+        if p.overfit > 0.:
+            overfitloss = 0.
+            for component in parametervector:
+                overfitloss += component ** 2.
+            overfitloss *= p.overfit
+            loss += overfitloss
+            doverfitloss_dparameters = \
+                2 * p.overfit * np.array(parametervector)
+            dloss_dparameters += doverfitloss_dparameters
+        return loss, dloss_dparameters, energyloss, forceloss, \
+            energy_maxresid, force_maxresid
+    # All incoming requests will be dictionaries with three keys.
+    # d['id']: process id number, assigned when process created above.
+    # d['subject']: what the message is asking for / telling you.
+    # d['data']: optional data passed from worker.
+    def process_parallels(self, vector, server, n_pids, keys, args):
+        """
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        vector : list
+            Parameters of the regression model in the form of a list.
+        server : object
+            Master session of parallel processing.
+        processes: list of objects
+            Worker sessions for parallel processing.
+        keys : list
+            List of images keys for worker processes.
+        args : dict
+            Dictionary containing arguments of the method to be called on each
+            worker process.
+        """
+        # For each process
+        finished = np.array([False] * n_pids)
+        results = {'loss': 0.,
+                   'dloss_dparameters': [0.] * len(vector),
+                   'energy_loss': 0.,
+                   'force_loss': 0.,
+                   'energy_maxresid': 0.,
+                   'force_maxresid': 0.}
+        while not finished.all():
+            message = server.recv_pyobj()
+            if message['subject'] == '<purpose>':
+                server.send_string('calculate_loss_function')
+            elif message['subject'] == '<request>':
+                request = message['data']  # Variable name.
+                if request == 'images':
+                    subimages = {k: self.images[k] for k in
+                                 keys[int(message['id'])]}
+                    server.send_pyobj(subimages)
+                elif request == 'fortran':
+                    server.send_pyobj(self._model.fortran)
+                elif request == 'modelstring':
+                    server.send_pyobj(self._model.tostring())
+                elif request == 'lossfunctionstring':
+                    server.send_pyobj(self.parameters.tostring())
+                elif request == 'fingerprints':
+                    server.send_pyobj({k: self.fingerprints[k] for k in
+                                       keys[int(message['id'])]})
+                elif request == 'fingerprintprimes':
+                    if self.fingerprintprimes is not None:
+                        server.send_pyobj({k: self.fingerprintprimes[k] for k
+                                           in keys[int(message['id'])]})
+                    else:
+                        server.send_pyobj(None)
+                elif request == 'args':
+                    server.send_pyobj(args)
+                elif request == 'parameters':
+                    if finished[int(message['id'])]:
+                        server.send_pyobj('<continue>')
+                    else:
+                        server.send_pyobj(vector)
+                else:
+                    raise NotImplementedError()
+            elif message['subject'] == '<result>':
+                result = message['data']
+                server.send_string('meaningless reply')
+                results['loss'] += result['loss']
+                results['dloss_dparameters'] += result['dloss_dparameters']
+                results['energy_loss'] += result['energy_loss']
+                results['force_loss'] += result['force_loss']
+                if result['energy_maxresid'] > results['energy_maxresid']:
+                    results['energy_maxresid'] = result['energy_maxresid']
+                if result['force_maxresid'] > results['force_maxresid']:
+                    results['force_maxresid'] = result['force_maxresid']
+                finished[int(message['id'])] = True
+        return results
+    def check_convergence(self, loss, energy_loss, force_loss,
+                          energy_maxresid, force_maxresid):
+        """Check convergence
+        Checks to see whether convergence is met; if it is, raises
+        ConvergenceException to stop the optimizer.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        loss : float
+            Value of the loss function.
+        energy_loss : float
+            Value of the energy contribution of the loss function.
+        force_loss : float
+            Value of the force contribution of the loss function.
+        energy_maxresid : float
+            Maximum energy residual.
+        force_maxresid : float
+            Maximum force residual.
+        """
+        p = self.parameters
+        energy_rmse_converged = True
+        log = self._model.log
+        if p.convergence['energy_rmse'] is not None:
+            energy_rmse = np.sqrt(energy_loss / len(self.images))
+            if energy_rmse > p.convergence['energy_rmse']:
+                energy_rmse_converged = False
+        energy_maxresid_converged = True
+        if p.convergence['energy_maxresid'] is not None:
+            if energy_maxresid > p.convergence['energy_maxresid']:
+                energy_maxresid_converged = False
+        if p.force_coefficient is not None:
+            force_rmse_converged = True
+            if p.convergence['force_rmse'] is not None:
+                force_rmse = np.sqrt(force_loss / len(self.images))
+                if force_rmse > p.convergence['force_rmse']:
+                    force_rmse_converged = False
+            force_maxresid_converged = True
+            if p.convergence['force_maxresid'] is not None:
+                if force_maxresid > p.convergence['force_maxresid']:
+                    force_maxresid_converged = False
+            if self.log_losses:
+                log('%5i %19s %12.4e %10.4e %1s'
+                    ' %10.4e %1s %10.4e %1s %10.4e %1s' %
+                    (self._step, now(), loss, energy_rmse,
+                     'C' if energy_rmse_converged else '-',
+                     energy_maxresid,
+                     'C' if energy_maxresid_converged else '-',
+                     force_rmse,
+                     'C' if force_rmse_converged else '-',
+                     force_maxresid,
+                     'C' if force_maxresid_converged else '-'))
+            self._step += 1
+            return energy_rmse_converged and energy_maxresid_converged and \
+                force_rmse_converged and force_maxresid_converged
+        else:
+            if self.log_losses:
+                log('%5i %19s %12.4e %10.4e %1s %10.4e %1s' %
+                    (self._step, now(), loss, energy_rmse,
+                     'C' if energy_rmse_converged else '-',
+                     energy_maxresid,
+                     'C' if energy_maxresid_converged else '-'))
+            self._step += 1
+            return energy_rmse_converged and energy_maxresid_converged
+def calculate_fingerprints_range(fp, images):
+    """Calculates the range for the fingerprints corresponding to images,
+    stored in fp. fp is a fingerprints object with the fingerprints data
+    stored in a dictionary-like object at fp.fingerprints. (Typically this
+    is a .utilties.Data structure.) images is a hashed dictionary of atoms
+    for which to consider the range.
+    In image-centered mode, returns an array of (min, max) values for each
+    fingerprint. In atom-centered mode, returns a dictionary of such
+    arrays, one per element.
+    """
+    if fp.parameters.mode == 'image-centered':
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    elif fp.parameters.mode == 'atom-centered':
+        fprange = {}
+        for hash in images.keys():
+            imagefingerprints = fp.fingerprints[hash]
+            for element, fingerprint in imagefingerprints:
+                if element not in fprange:
+                    fprange[element] = [[_, _] for _ in fingerprint]
+                else:
+                    assert len(fprange[element]) == len(fingerprint)
+                    for i, ridge in enumerate(fingerprint):
+                        if ridge < fprange[element][i][0]:
+                            fprange[element][i][0] = ridge
+                        elif ridge > fprange[element][i][1]:
+                            fprange[element][i][1] = ridge
+    for key, value in fprange.items():
+        fprange[key] = value
+    return fprange
+def ravel_data(train_forces,
+               mode,
+               images,
+               fingerprints,
+               fingerprintprimes,):
+    """
+    Reshapes data of images into lists.
+    Parameters
+    ---------
+    train_forces : bool
+        Determining whether forces are also trained or not.
+    mode : str
+        Can be either 'atom-centered' or 'image-centered'.
+    images : list or str
+        List of ASE atoms objects with positions, symbols, energies, and forces
+        in ASE format. This is the training set of data. This can also be the
+        path to an ASE trajectory (.traj) or database (.db) file. Energies can
+        be obtained from any reference, e.g. DFT calculations.
+    fingerprints : dict
+        Dictionary with images hashs as keys and the corresponding fingerprints
+        as values.
+    fingerprintprimes : dict
+        Dictionary with images hashs as keys and the corresponding fingerprint
+        derivatives as values.
+    """
+    from ase.data import atomic_numbers
+    actual_energies = [image.get_potential_energy(apply_constraint=False)
+                       for image in images.values()]
+    if mode == 'atom-centered':
+        num_images_atoms = [len(image) for image in images.values()]
+        atomic_numbers = [atomic_numbers[atom.symbol]
+                          for image in images.values() for atom in image]
+        def ravel_fingerprints(images,
+                               fingerprints):
+            """
+            Reshape fingerprints of images into a list.
+            """
+            raveled_fingerprints = []
+            elements = []
+            for hash, image in images.items():
+                for index in range(len(image)):
+                    elements += [fingerprints[hash][index][0]]
+                    raveled_fingerprints += [fingerprints[hash][index][1]]
+            elements = sorted(set(elements))
+            # Could also work without images:
+#            raveled_fingerprints = [afp
+#                    for hash, value in fingerprints.iteritems()
+#                    for (element, afp) in value]
+            return elements, raveled_fingerprints
+        elements, raveled_fingerprints = ravel_fingerprints(images,
+                                                            fingerprints)
+    else:
+        atomic_positions = [image.positions.ravel()
+                            for image in images.values()]
+    if train_forces is True:
+        actual_forces = \
+            [image.get_forces(apply_constraint=False)[index]
+             for image in images.values() for index in range(len(image))]
+        if mode == 'atom-centered':
+            def ravel_neighborlists_and_fingerprintprimes(images,
+                                                          fingerprintprimes):
+                """
+                Reshape neighborlists and fingerprintprimes of images into a
+                list and a matrix, respectively.
+                """
+                # Only neighboring atoms of type II (within the main cell)
+                # need to be sent to fortran for force training.
+                # All keys in fingerprintprimes are for type II neighborhoods.
+                # Also note that each atom is considered as neighbor of
+                # itself in fingerprintprimes.
+                num_neighbors = []
+                raveled_neighborlists = []
+                raveled_fingerprintprimes = []
+                for hash, image in images.items():
+                    for atom in image:
+                        selfindex = atom.index
+                        selfsymbol = atom.symbol
+                        selfneighborindices = []
+                        selfneighborsymbols = []
+                        for key, derafp in fingerprintprimes[hash].items():
+                            # key = (selfindex, selfsymbol, nindex, nsymbol, i)
+                            # i runs from 0 to 2. neighbor indices and symbols
+                            # should be added just once.
+                            if key[0] == selfindex and key[4] == 0:
+                                selfneighborindices += [key[2]]
+                                selfneighborsymbols += [key[3]]
+                        neighborcount = 0
+                        for nindex, nsymbol in zip(selfneighborindices,
+                                                   selfneighborsymbols):
+                            raveled_neighborlists += [nindex]
+                            neighborcount += 1
+                            for i in range(3):
+                                fpprime = fingerprintprimes[hash][(selfindex,
+                                                                   selfsymbol,
+                                                                   nindex,
+                                                                   nsymbol,
+                                                                   i)]
+                                raveled_fingerprintprimes += [fpprime]
+                        num_neighbors += [neighborcount]
+                return (num_neighbors,
+                        raveled_neighborlists,
+                        raveled_fingerprintprimes)
+            (num_neighbors,
+             raveled_neighborlists,
+             raveled_fingerprintprimes) = \
+                ravel_neighborlists_and_fingerprintprimes(images,
+                                                          fingerprintprimes)
+    if mode == 'image-centered':
+        if not train_forces:
+            return (actual_energies, atomic_positions)
+        else:
+            return (actual_energies, actual_forces, atomic_positions)
+    else:
+        if not train_forces:
+            return (actual_energies, elements, num_images_atoms,
+                    atomic_numbers, raveled_fingerprints)
+        else:
+            return (actual_energies, actual_forces, elements, num_images_atoms,
+                    atomic_numbers, raveled_fingerprints, num_neighbors,
+                    raveled_neighborlists, raveled_fingerprintprimes)
+def send_data_to_fortran(_fmodules,
+                         energy_coefficient,
+                         force_coefficient,
+                         overfit,
+                         train_forces,
+                         num_atoms,
+                         num_images,
+                         actual_energies,
+                         actual_forces,
+                         atomic_positions,
+                         num_images_atoms,
+                         atomic_numbers,
+                         raveled_fingerprints,
+                         num_neighbors,
+                         raveled_neighborlists,
+                         raveled_fingerprintprimes,
+                         model,
+                         d):
+    """
+    Function that sends images data to fortran code. Is used just once on each
+    core.
+    """
+    from ase.data import atomic_numbers as an
+    if model.parameters.mode == 'image-centered':
+        mode_signal = 1
+    elif model.parameters.mode == 'atom-centered':
+        mode_signal = 2
+    _fmodules.images_props.num_images = num_images
+    _fmodules.images_props.actual_energies = actual_energies
+    if train_forces:
+        _fmodules.images_props.actual_forces = actual_forces
+    _fmodules.model_props.energy_coefficient = energy_coefficient
+    _fmodules.model_props.force_coefficient = force_coefficient
+    _fmodules.model_props.overfit = overfit
+    _fmodules.model_props.train_forces = train_forces
+    _fmodules.model_props.mode_signal = mode_signal
+    if d is None:
+        _fmodules.model_props.numericprime = False
+    else:
+        _fmodules.model_props.numericprime = True
+        _fmodules.model_props.d = d
+    if model.parameters.mode == 'atom-centered':
+        fprange = model.parameters.fprange
+        elements = sorted(fprange.keys())
+        num_elements = len(elements)
+        elements_numbers = [an[elm] for elm in elements]
+        min_fingerprints = \
+            [[fprange[elm][_][0] for _ in range(len(fprange[elm]))]
+             for elm in elements]
+        max_fingerprints = [[fprange[elm][_][1]
+                             for _
+                             in range(len(fprange[elm]))]
+                            for elm in elements]
+        num_fingerprints_of_elements = \
+            [len(fprange[elm]) for elm in elements]
+        _fmodules.images_props.num_elements = num_elements
+        _fmodules.images_props.elements_numbers = elements_numbers
+        _fmodules.images_props.num_images_atoms = num_images_atoms
+        _fmodules.images_props.atomic_numbers = atomic_numbers
+        if train_forces:
+            _fmodules.images_props.num_neighbors = num_neighbors
+            _fmodules.images_props.raveled_neighborlists = \
+                raveled_neighborlists
+        _fmodules.fingerprint_props.num_fingerprints_of_elements = \
+            num_fingerprints_of_elements
+        _fmodules.fingerprint_props.raveled_fingerprints = raveled_fingerprints
+        _fmodules.neuralnetwork.min_fingerprints = min_fingerprints
+        _fmodules.neuralnetwork.max_fingerprints = max_fingerprints
+        if train_forces:
+            _fmodules.fingerprint_props.raveled_fingerprintprimes = \
+                raveled_fingerprintprimes
+    else:
+        _fmodules.images_props.num_atoms = num_atoms
+        _fmodules.images_props.atomic_positions = atomic_positions
+    # for neural neyworks only
+    if model.parameters['importname'] == '.model.neuralnetwork.NeuralNetwork':
+        hiddenlayers = model.parameters.hiddenlayers
+        activation = model.parameters.activation
+        if model.parameters.mode == 'atom-centered':
+            from collections import OrderedDict
+            no_layers_of_elements = \
+                [3 if isinstance(hiddenlayers[elm], int)
+                 else (len(hiddenlayers[elm]) + 2)
+                 for elm in elements]
+            nn_structure = OrderedDict()
+            for elm in elements:
+                len_of_fps = len(fprange[elm])
+                if isinstance(hiddenlayers[elm], int):
+                    nn_structure[elm] = \
+                        ([len_of_fps] + [hiddenlayers[elm]] + [1])
+                else:
+                    nn_structure[elm] = \
+                        ([len_of_fps] +
+                         [layer for layer in hiddenlayers[elm]] + [1])
+            no_nodes_of_elements = [nn_structure[elm][_]
+                                    for elm in elements
+                                    for _ in range(len(nn_structure[elm]))]
+        else:
+            num_atoms = model.parameters.num_atoms
+            if isinstance(hiddenlayers, int):
+                no_layers_of_elements = [3]
+            else:
+                no_layers_of_elements = [len(hiddenlayers) + 2]
+            if isinstance(hiddenlayers, int):
+                nn_structure = ([3 * num_atoms] + [hiddenlayers] + [1])
+            else:
+                nn_structure = ([3 * num_atoms] +
+                                [layer for layer in hiddenlayers] + [1])
+            no_nodes_of_elements = [nn_structure[_]
+                                    for _ in range(len(nn_structure))]
+        _fmodules.neuralnetwork.no_layers_of_elements = no_layers_of_elements
+        _fmodules.neuralnetwork.no_nodes_of_elements = no_nodes_of_elements
+        if activation == 'tanh':
+            activation_signal = 1
+        elif activation == 'sigmoid':
+            activation_signal = 2
+        elif activation == 'linear':
+            activation_signal = 3
+        _fmodules.neuralnetwork.activation_signal = activation_signal
diff --git a/amp/model/__main__.py b/amp/model/__main__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..557d31b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/amp/model/__main__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+"""Directly calling this module; apparently from another node.
+Calls should come as
+python -m amp.model id hostname:port
+This session will then start a zmq session with that socket, labeling
+itself with id. Instructions on what to do will come from the socket.
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import zmq
+from ..utilities import MessageDictionary, string2dict, Logger
+from .. import importhelper
+hostsocket = sys.argv[-1]
+proc_id = sys.argv[-2]
+msg = MessageDictionary(proc_id)
+# Send standard lines to stdout signaling process started and where
+# error is directed.
+print('<amp-connect>')  # Signal that program started.
+sys.stderr = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', delete=False,
+                                         suffix='.stderr')
+print('Log and stderr written to %s<stderr>' % sys.stderr.name)
+# Also send logger output to stderr to aid in debugging.
+log = Logger(file=sys.stderr)
+# Establish client session via zmq; find purpose.
+context = zmq.Context()
+socket = context.socket(zmq.REQ)
+socket.connect('tcp://%s' % hostsocket)
+purpose = socket.recv_string()
+if purpose == 'calculate_loss_function':
+    # Request variables.
+    socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'fortran'))
+    fortran = socket.recv_pyobj()
+    socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'modelstring'))
+    modelstring = socket.recv_pyobj()
+    dictionary = string2dict(modelstring)
+    Model = importhelper(dictionary.pop('importname'))
+    log('Model received:')
+    log(str(dictionary))
+    model = Model(fortran=fortran, **dictionary)
+    model.log = log
+    log('Model set up.')
+    socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'args'))
+    args = socket.recv_pyobj()
+    d = args['d']
+    socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'lossfunctionstring'))
+    lossfunctionstring = socket.recv_pyobj()
+    dictionary = string2dict(lossfunctionstring)
+    log(str(dictionary))
+    LossFunction = importhelper(dictionary.pop('importname'))
+    lossfunction = LossFunction(parallel={'cores': 1},
+                                raise_ConvergenceOccurred=False,
+                                d=d, **dictionary)
+    log('Loss function set up.')
+    images = None
+    socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'images'))
+    images = socket.recv_pyobj()
+    log('Images received.')
+    fingerprints = None
+    socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'fingerprints'))
+    fingerprints = socket.recv_pyobj()
+    log('Fingerprints received.')
+    fingerprintprimes = None
+    socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'fingerprintprimes'))
+    fingerprintprimes = socket.recv_pyobj()
+    log('Fingerprintprimes received.')
+    # Set up local loss function.
+    lossfunction.attach_model(model,
+                              fingerprints=fingerprints,
+                              fingerprintprimes=fingerprintprimes,
+                              images=images)
+    log('Images, fingerprints, and fingerprintprimes '
+        'attached to the loss function.')
+    if model.fortran:
+        log('fmodules will be used to evaluate loss function.')
+    else:
+        log('Fortran will not be used to evaluate loss function.')
+    # Now wait for parameters, and send the component of the loss function.
+    while True:
+        socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'parameters'))
+        parameters = socket.recv_pyobj()
+        if parameters == '<stop>':
+            # FIXME/ap: I removed an fmodules.deallocate_variables() call
+            # here. Do we need to add this to LossFunction?
+            break
+        elif parameters == '<continue>':
+            # Master is waiting for other workers to finish.
+            # Any more elegant way
+            # to do this without opening another comm channel?
+            # or having a thread for each process?
+            pass
+        else:
+            # FIXME/ap: Why do we need to request this every time?
+            # Couldn't it be part of earlier request?
+            socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'args'))
+            args = socket.recv_pyobj()
+            lossprime = args['lossprime']
+            output = lossfunction.get_loss(parameters,
+                                           lossprime=lossprime)
+            socket.send_pyobj(msg('<result>', output))
+            socket.recv_string()
+    raise NotImplementedError('Purpose "%s" unknown.' % purpose)
diff --git a/amp/model/neuralnetwork.f90 b/amp/model/neuralnetwork.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..498eaf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/amp/model/neuralnetwork.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,1883 @@
+!     module that utilizes the regression model to calculate energies
+!     and forces as well as their derivatives. Function names ending
+!     with an underscore correspond to image-centered mode.
+      module neuralnetwork
+      implicit none
+!     the data of neuralnetwork (should be fed in by python)
+      double precision, allocatable::min_fingerprints(:, :)
+      double precision, allocatable::max_fingerprints(:, :)
+      integer, allocatable:: no_layers_of_elements(:)
+      integer, allocatable:: no_nodes_of_elements(:)
+      integer:: activation_signal
+      type:: real_two_d_array
+        sequence
+        double precision, allocatable:: twodarray(:,:)
+      end type real_two_d_array
+      type:: element_parameters
+        sequence
+        double precision:: intercept
+        double precision:: slope
+        type(real_two_d_array), allocatable:: weights(:)
+      end type element_parameters
+      type:: real_one_d_array
+        sequence
+        double precision, allocatable:: onedarray(:)
+      end type real_one_d_array
+      contains
+!     Returns energy value in the image-centered mode.
+      function calculate_image_energy(num_inputs, inputs, num_parameters, &
+      parameters)
+      implicit none
+      integer:: num_inputs, num_parameters
+      double precision:: inputs(num_inputs)
+      double precision:: parameters(num_parameters)
+      double precision:: calculate_image_energy
+      integer:: p, m, n, layer
+      integer:: l, j, num_rows, num_cols, q
+      integer, allocatable:: hiddensizes(:)
+      double precision, allocatable:: net(:)
+      type(real_one_d_array), allocatable:: o(:), ohat(:)
+      type(real_two_d_array), allocatable:: weights(:)
+      double precision:: intercept
+      double precision:: slope
+!     changing the form of parameters from vector into derived-types
+      l = 0
+      allocate(weights(no_layers_of_elements(1)-1))
+      do j = 1, no_layers_of_elements(1) - 1
+          num_rows = no_nodes_of_elements(j) + 1
+          num_cols = no_nodes_of_elements(j + 1)
+          allocate(weights(j)%twodarray(num_rows, num_cols))
+          do p = 1, num_rows
+              do q = 1, num_cols
+                  weights(j)%twodarray(p, q) = &
+                  parameters(l + (p - 1) * num_cols + q)
+              end do
+          end do
+          l = l + num_rows * num_cols
+      end do
+      intercept = parameters(l + 1)
+      slope = parameters(l + 2)
+      allocate(hiddensizes(no_layers_of_elements(1) - 2))
+      do m = 1, no_layers_of_elements(1) - 2
+          hiddensizes(m) = no_nodes_of_elements(m + 1)
+      end do
+      allocate(o(no_layers_of_elements(1)))
+      allocate(ohat(no_layers_of_elements(1)))
+      layer = 1
+      allocate(o(1)%onedarray(num_inputs))
+      allocate(ohat(1)%onedarray(num_inputs + 1))
+      do m = 1, num_inputs
+          o(1)%onedarray(m) = inputs(m)
+      end do
+      do layer = 1, size(hiddensizes) + 1
+          do m = 1, size(weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=1) - 1
+              ohat(layer)%onedarray(m) = o(layer)%onedarray(m)
+          end do
+          ohat(layer)%onedarray(&
+          size(weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=1)) = 1.0d0
+          allocate(net(size(weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=2)))
+          allocate(o(layer + 1)%onedarray(&
+          size(weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=2)))
+          allocate(ohat(layer + 1)%onedarray(&
+          size(weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=2) + 1))
+          do m = 1, size(weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=2)
+              net(m) = 0.0d0
+              do n = 1, size(weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=1)
+                  net(m) =  net(m) + &
+                  ohat(layer)%onedarray(n) &
+                  * weights(layer)%twodarray(n, m)
+              end do
+              if (activation_signal == 1) then
+                  o(layer + 1)%onedarray(m) = &
+                  tanh(net(m))
+              else if (activation_signal == 2) then
+                  o(layer + 1)%onedarray(m) = &
+                  1.0d0 / (1.0d0 +  exp(- net(m)))
+              else if (activation_signal == 3) then
+                  o(layer + 1)%onedarray(m) = net(m)
+              end if
+              ohat(layer + 1)%onedarray(m) = o(layer + 1)%onedarray(m)
+          end do
+          ohat(layer + 1)%onedarray(&
+          size(weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=2) + 1) =  1.0d0
+          deallocate(net)
+      end do
+      calculate_image_energy = slope * o(layer)%onedarray(1) + intercept
+!     deallocating neural network
+      deallocate(hiddensizes)
+      do p = 1, size(o)
+          deallocate(o(p)%onedarray)
+      end do
+      deallocate(o)
+      do p = 1, size(ohat)
+          deallocate(ohat(p)%onedarray)
+      end do
+      deallocate(ohat)
+!     deallocating derived type parameters
+      do p = 1, size(weights)
+          deallocate(weights(p)%twodarray)
+      end do
+      deallocate(weights)
+      end function calculate_image_energy
+!     Returns energy value in the atom-centered mode.
+      function calculate_atomic_energy(symbol, &
+      len_of_fingerprint, fingerprint, &
+      num_elements, elements_numbers, &
+      num_parameters, parameters)
+      implicit none
+      integer:: symbol, num_parameters, &
+      len_of_fingerprint, num_elements
+      double precision:: fingerprint(len_of_fingerprint)
+      integer:: elements_numbers(num_elements)
+      double precision:: parameters(num_parameters)
+      double precision:: calculate_atomic_energy
+      integer:: p, element, m, n, layer
+      integer:: k, l, j, num_rows, num_cols, q
+      integer, allocatable:: hiddensizes(:)
+      double precision, allocatable:: net(:)
+      type(real_one_d_array), allocatable:: o(:), ohat(:)
+      type(element_parameters):: unraveled_parameters(num_elements)
+      double precision:: fingerprint_(len_of_fingerprint)
+      ! scaling fingerprints
+      do element = 1, num_elements
+        if (symbol == &
+            elements_numbers(element)) then
+            exit
+        end if
+      end do
+      do l = 1, len_of_fingerprint
+        if ((max_fingerprints(element, l) - &
+        min_fingerprints(element, l)) .GT. &
+        (10.0d0 ** (-8.0d0))) then
+            fingerprint_(l) = -1.0d0 + 2.0d0 * &
+            (fingerprint(l) - min_fingerprints(element, l)) / &
+            (max_fingerprints(element, l) - &
+            min_fingerprints(element, l))
+        else
+            fingerprint_(l) = fingerprint(l)
+        endif
+      end do
+!     changing the form of parameters from vector into derived-types
+      k = 0
+      l = 0
+      do element = 1, num_elements
+        allocate(unraveled_parameters(element)%weights(&
+        no_layers_of_elements(element)-1))
+        if (element .GT. 1) then
+            k = k + no_layers_of_elements(element - 1)
+        end if
+        do j = 1, no_layers_of_elements(element) - 1
+            num_rows = no_nodes_of_elements(k + j) + 1
+            num_cols = no_nodes_of_elements(k + j + 1)
+            allocate(unraveled_parameters(&
+            element)%weights(j)%twodarray(num_rows, num_cols))
+            do p = 1, num_rows
+                do q = 1, num_cols
+                    unraveled_parameters(element)%weights(j)%twodarray(&
+                    p, q) = parameters(l + (p - 1) * num_cols + q)
+                end do
+            end do
+            l = l + num_rows * num_cols
+        end do
+      end do
+      do element = 1, num_elements
+        unraveled_parameters(element)%intercept = &
+        parameters(l + 2 *  element - 1)
+        unraveled_parameters(element)%slope = &
+        parameters(l + 2 * element)
+      end do
+      p = 0
+      do element = 1, num_elements
+          if (symbol == elements_numbers(element)) then
+              exit
+          else
+              p = p + no_layers_of_elements(element)
+          end if
+      end do
+      allocate(hiddensizes(no_layers_of_elements(element) - 2))
+      do m = 1, no_layers_of_elements(element) - 2
+          hiddensizes(m) = no_nodes_of_elements(p + m + 1)
+      end do
+      allocate(o(no_layers_of_elements(element)))
+      allocate(ohat(no_layers_of_elements(element)))
+      layer = 1
+      allocate(o(1)%onedarray(len_of_fingerprint))
+      allocate(ohat(1)%onedarray(len_of_fingerprint + 1))
+      do m = 1, len_of_fingerprint
+          o(1)%onedarray(m) = fingerprint_(m)
+      end do
+      do layer = 1, size(hiddensizes) + 1
+          do m = 1, size(unraveled_parameters(element)%weights(&
+          layer)%twodarray, dim=1) - 1
+              ohat(layer)%onedarray(m) = o(layer)%onedarray(m)
+          end do
+          ohat(layer)%onedarray(size(unraveled_parameters(&
+          element)%weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=1)) = 1.0d0
+          allocate(net(size(unraveled_parameters(&
+          element)%weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=2)))
+          allocate(o(layer + 1)%onedarray(size(unraveled_parameters(&
+          element)%weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=2)))
+          allocate(ohat(layer + 1)%onedarray(size(unraveled_parameters(&
+          element)%weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=2) + 1))
+          do m = 1, size(unraveled_parameters(element)%weights(&
+          layer)%twodarray, dim=2)
+              net(m) = 0.0d0
+              do n = 1, size(unraveled_parameters(element)%weights(&
+              layer)%twodarray, dim=1)
+                  net(m) =  net(m) + &
+                  ohat(layer)%onedarray(n) * unraveled_parameters(&
+                  element)%weights(layer)%twodarray(n, m)
+              end do
+              if (activation_signal == 1) then
+                  o(layer + 1)%onedarray(m) = tanh(net(m))
+              else if (activation_signal == 2) then
+                  o(layer + 1)%onedarray(m) = &
+                  1.0d0 / (1.0d0 +  exp(- net(m)))
+              else if (activation_signal == 3) then
+                  o(layer + 1)%onedarray(m) = net(m)
+              end if
+              ohat(layer + 1)%onedarray(m) = o(layer + 1)%onedarray(m)
+          end do
+          ohat(layer + 1)%onedarray(size(unraveled_parameters(&
+          element)%weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=2) + 1) =  1.0d0
+          deallocate(net)
+      end do
+      calculate_atomic_energy = unraveled_parameters(element)%slope * &
+      o(layer)%onedarray(1) + unraveled_parameters(element)%intercept
+!     deallocating neural network
+      deallocate(hiddensizes)
+      do p = 1, size(o)
+          deallocate(o(p)%onedarray)
+      end do
+      deallocate(o)
+      do p = 1, size(ohat)
+          deallocate(ohat(p)%onedarray)
+      end do
+      deallocate(ohat)
+!      deallocating derived type parameters
+      do element = 1, num_elements
+        deallocate(unraveled_parameters(element)%weights)
+      end do
+      end function calculate_atomic_energy
+!     Returns force value in the image-centered mode.
+      function calculate_force_(num_inputs, inputs, inputs_, &
+      num_parameters, parameters)
+      implicit none
+      integer:: num_inputs, num_parameters
+      double precision:: inputs(num_inputs)
+      double precision:: inputs_(num_inputs)
+      double precision:: parameters(num_parameters)
+      double precision:: calculate_force_
+      double precision, allocatable:: temp(:)
+      integer:: p, q, m, n, nn, layer
+      integer:: l, j, num_rows, num_cols
+      integer, allocatable:: hiddensizes(:)
+      double precision, allocatable:: net(:)
+      type(real_one_d_array), allocatable:: o(:), ohat(:)
+      type(real_one_d_array), allocatable:: doutputs_dinputs(:)
+      type(real_two_d_array), allocatable:: weights(:)
+      double precision:: intercept
+      double precision:: slope
+!     changing the form of parameters to derived-types
+      l = 0
+      allocate(weights(no_layers_of_elements(1)-1))
+      do j = 1, no_layers_of_elements(1) - 1
+          num_rows = no_nodes_of_elements(j) + 1
+          num_cols = no_nodes_of_elements(j + 1)
+          allocate(weights(j)%twodarray(num_rows, num_cols))
+          do p = 1, num_rows
+              do q = 1, num_cols
+                  weights(j)%twodarray(p, q) = &
+                  parameters(l + (p - 1) * num_cols + q)
+              end do
+          end do
+          l = l + num_rows * num_cols
+      end do
+      intercept = parameters(l + 1)
+      slope = parameters(l + 2)
+      allocate(hiddensizes(no_layers_of_elements(1) - 2))
+      do m = 1, no_layers_of_elements(1) - 2
+          hiddensizes(m) = no_nodes_of_elements(m + 1)
+      end do
+      allocate(o(no_layers_of_elements(1)))
+      allocate(ohat(no_layers_of_elements(1)))
+      layer = 1
+      allocate(o(1)%onedarray(num_inputs))
+      allocate(ohat(1)%onedarray(num_inputs + 1))
+      do m = 1, num_inputs
+          o(1)%onedarray(m) = inputs(m)
+      end do
+      do layer = 1, size(hiddensizes) + 1
+          do m = 1, size(weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=1) - 1
+              ohat(layer)%onedarray(m) = o(layer)%onedarray(m)
+          end do
+          ohat(layer)%onedarray(&
+          size(weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=1)) = 1.0d0
+          allocate(net(size(weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=2)))
+          allocate(o(layer + 1)%onedarray(&
+          size(weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=2)))
+          allocate(ohat(layer + 1)%onedarray(&
+          size(weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=2) + 1))
+          do m = 1, size(weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=2)
+              net(m) = 0.0d0
+              do n = 1, size(weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=1)
+                  net(m) =  net(m) + &
+                  ohat(layer)%onedarray(n) * &
+                  weights(layer)%twodarray(n, m)
+              end do
+              if (activation_signal == 1) then
+                  o(layer + 1)%onedarray(m) = tanh(net(m))
+              else if (activation_signal == 2) then
+                  o(layer + 1)%onedarray(m) = &
+                  1.0d0 / (1.0d0 +  exp(- net(m)))
+              else if (activation_signal == 3) then
+                  o(layer + 1)%onedarray(m) = net(m)
+              end if
+              ohat(layer + 1)%onedarray(m) = o(layer + 1)%onedarray(m)
+          end do
+          deallocate(net)
+      end do
+      nn = size(o) - 2
+      allocate(doutputs_dinputs(nn + 2))
+      allocate(doutputs_dinputs(1)%onedarray(num_inputs))
+      do m = 1, num_inputs
+      doutputs_dinputs(1)%onedarray(m) = inputs_(m)
+      end do
+      do layer = 1, nn + 1
+          allocate(temp(size(weights(layer)%twodarray, dim = 2)))
+          do p = 1, size(weights(layer)%twodarray, dim = 2)
+              temp(p) = 0.0d0
+              do q = 1, size(weights(layer)%twodarray, dim = 1) - 1
+                  temp(p) = temp(p) + doutputs_dinputs(&
+                  layer)%onedarray(q) * weights(layer)%twodarray(q, p)
+              end do
+          end do
+          q = size(o(layer + 1)%onedarray)
+          allocate(doutputs_dinputs(layer + 1)%onedarray(q))
+          do p = 1, size(o(layer + 1)%onedarray)
+              if (activation_signal == 1) then
+                doutputs_dinputs(layer + 1)%onedarray(p) = &
+                temp(p) * (1.0d0 - o(layer + 1)%onedarray(p) * &
+                o(layer + 1)%onedarray(p))
+              else if (activation_signal == 2) then
+                doutputs_dinputs(layer + 1)%onedarray(p) = &
+                temp(p) * (1.0d0 - o(layer + 1)%onedarray(p)) * &
+                o(layer + 1)%onedarray(p)
+              else if (activation_signal == 3) then
+                doutputs_dinputs(layer+ 1)%onedarray(p) = temp(p)
+              end if
+          end do
+          deallocate(temp)
+      end do
+      calculate_force_ = slope * doutputs_dinputs(nn + 2)%onedarray(1)
+      ! force is multiplied by -1, because it is -dE/dx and not dE/dx.
+      calculate_force_ = -1.0d0 * calculate_force_
+!     deallocating neural network
+      deallocate(hiddensizes)
+      do p = 1, size(o)
+          deallocate(o(p)%onedarray)
+      end do
+      deallocate(o)
+      do p = 1, size(ohat)
+          deallocate(ohat(p)%onedarray)
+      end do
+      deallocate(ohat)
+      do p = 1, size(doutputs_dinputs)
+          deallocate(doutputs_dinputs(p)%onedarray)
+      end do
+      deallocate(doutputs_dinputs)
+!     deallocating derived type parameters
+      do p = 1, size(weights)
+          deallocate(weights(p)%twodarray)
+      end do
+      deallocate(weights)
+      end function calculate_force_
+!     Returns force value in the atom-centered mode.
+      function calculate_force(symbol, len_of_fingerprint, fingerprint, &
+      fingerprintprime, num_elements, elements_numbers, &
+      num_parameters, parameters)
+      implicit none
+      integer:: symbol, len_of_fingerprint, num_parameters
+      integer:: num_elements
+      double precision:: fingerprint(len_of_fingerprint)
+      double precision:: fingerprintprime(len_of_fingerprint)
+      integer:: elements_numbers(num_elements)
+      double precision:: parameters(num_parameters)
+      double precision:: calculate_force
+      double precision, allocatable:: temp(:)
+      integer:: p, q, element, m, n, nn, layer
+      integer:: k, l, j, num_rows, num_cols
+      integer, allocatable:: hiddensizes(:)
+      double precision, allocatable:: net(:)
+      type(real_one_d_array), allocatable:: o(:), ohat(:)
+      type(real_one_d_array), allocatable:: doutputs_dinputs(:)
+      type(element_parameters):: unraveled_parameters(num_elements)
+      double precision:: fingerprint_(len_of_fingerprint)
+      double precision:: fingerprintprime_(len_of_fingerprint)
+      ! scaling fingerprints
+      do element = 1, num_elements
+        if (symbol == &
+            elements_numbers(element)) then
+            exit
+        end if
+      end do
+      do l = 1, len_of_fingerprint
+        if ((max_fingerprints(element, l) - &
+        min_fingerprints(element, l)) .GT. &
+        (10.0d0 ** (-8.0d0))) then
+            fingerprint_(l) = -1.0d0 + 2.0d0 * &
+            (fingerprint(l) - min_fingerprints(element, l)) / &
+            (max_fingerprints(element, l) - &
+            min_fingerprints(element, l))
+        else
+            fingerprint_(l) = fingerprint(l)
+        endif
+      end do
+      ! scaling fingerprintprimes
+      do l = 1, len_of_fingerprint
+        if ((max_fingerprints(element, l) - &
+        min_fingerprints(element, l)) .GT. &
+        (10.0d0 ** (-8.0d0))) then
+            fingerprintprime_(l) = &
+            2.0d0 * fingerprintprime(l) / &
+            (max_fingerprints(element, l) - &
+            min_fingerprints(element, l))
+        else
+            fingerprintprime_(l) = fingerprintprime(l)
+        endif
+      end do
+!     changing the form of parameters to derived-types
+      k = 0
+      l = 0
+      do element = 1, num_elements
+        allocate(unraveled_parameters(element)%weights(&
+        no_layers_of_elements(element)-1))
+        if (element .GT. 1) then
+            k = k + no_layers_of_elements(element - 1)
+        end if
+        do j = 1, no_layers_of_elements(element) - 1
+            num_rows = no_nodes_of_elements(k + j) + 1
+            num_cols = no_nodes_of_elements(k + j + 1)
+            allocate(unraveled_parameters(&
+            element)%weights(j)%twodarray(num_rows, num_cols))
+            do p = 1, num_rows
+                do q = 1, num_cols
+                    unraveled_parameters(element)%weights(j)%twodarray(&
+                    p, q) = parameters(l + (p - 1) * num_cols + q)
+                end do
+            end do
+            l = l + num_rows * num_cols
+        end do
+      end do
+      do element = 1, num_elements
+        unraveled_parameters(element)%intercept = &
+        parameters(l + 2 *  element - 1)
+        unraveled_parameters(element)%slope = &
+        parameters(l + 2 * element)
+      end do
+      p = 0
+      do element = 1, num_elements
+          if (symbol == elements_numbers(element)) then
+              exit
+          else
+              p = p + no_layers_of_elements(element)
+          end if
+      end do
+      allocate(hiddensizes(no_layers_of_elements(element) - 2))
+      do m = 1, no_layers_of_elements(element) - 2
+          hiddensizes(m) = no_nodes_of_elements(p + m + 1)
+      end do
+      allocate(o(no_layers_of_elements(element)))
+      allocate(ohat(no_layers_of_elements(element)))
+      layer = 1
+      allocate(o(1)%onedarray(len_of_fingerprint))
+      allocate(ohat(1)%onedarray(len_of_fingerprint + 1))
+      do m = 1, len_of_fingerprint
+          o(1)%onedarray(m) = fingerprint_(m)
+      end do
+      do layer = 1, size(hiddensizes) + 1
+          do m = 1, size(unraveled_parameters(element)%weights(&
+          layer)%twodarray, dim=1) - 1
+              ohat(layer)%onedarray(m) = o(layer)%onedarray(m)
+          end do
+          ohat(layer)%onedarray(size(unraveled_parameters(&
+          element)%weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=1)) = 1.0d0
+          allocate(net(size(unraveled_parameters(&
+          element)%weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=2)))
+          allocate(o(layer + 1)%onedarray(size(unraveled_parameters(&
+          element)%weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=2)))
+          allocate(ohat(layer + 1)%onedarray(size(unraveled_parameters(&
+          element)%weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=2) + 1))
+          do m = 1, size(unraveled_parameters(element)%weights(&
+          layer)%twodarray, dim=2)
+              net(m) = 0.0d0
+              do n = 1, size(unraveled_parameters(element)%weights(&
+              layer)%twodarray, dim=1)
+                  net(m) =  net(m) + &
+                  ohat(layer)%onedarray(n) * unraveled_parameters(&
+                  element)%weights(layer)%twodarray(n, m)
+              end do
+              if (activation_signal == 1) then
+                  o(layer + 1)%onedarray(m) = tanh(net(m))
+              else if (activation_signal == 2) then
+                  o(layer + 1)%onedarray(m) = &
+                  1.0d0 / (1.0d0 +  exp(- net(m)))
+              else if (activation_signal == 3) then
+                  o(layer + 1)%onedarray(m) = net(m)
+              end if
+              ohat(layer + 1)%onedarray(m) = o(layer + 1)%onedarray(m)
+          end do
+          deallocate(net)
+      end do
+      nn = size(o) - 2
+      allocate(doutputs_dinputs(nn + 2))
+      allocate(doutputs_dinputs(1)%onedarray(&
+      len_of_fingerprint))
+      do m = 1, len_of_fingerprint
+      doutputs_dinputs(1)%onedarray(m) = fingerprintprime_(m)
+      end do
+      do layer = 1, nn + 1
+          allocate(temp(size(unraveled_parameters(element)%weights(&
+          layer)%twodarray, dim = 2)))
+          do p = 1, size(unraveled_parameters(element)%weights(&
+          layer)%twodarray, dim = 2)
+              temp(p) = 0.0d0
+              do q = 1, size(unraveled_parameters(element)%weights(&
+              layer)%twodarray, dim = 1) - 1
+                  temp(p) = temp(p) + doutputs_dinputs(&
+                  layer)%onedarray(q) * unraveled_parameters(&
+                  element)%weights(layer)%twodarray(q, p)
+              end do
+          end do
+          q = size(o(layer + 1)%onedarray)
+          allocate(doutputs_dinputs(layer + 1)%onedarray(q))
+          do p = 1, size(o(layer + 1)%onedarray)
+              if (activation_signal == 1) then
+                doutputs_dinputs(layer + 1)%onedarray(p) = temp(p) * &
+                (1.0d0 - o(layer + 1)%onedarray(p) * &
+                o(layer + 1)%onedarray(p))
+              else if (activation_signal == 2) then
+                doutputs_dinputs(layer + 1)%onedarray(p) = &
+                temp(p) * (1.0d0 - o(layer + 1)%onedarray(p)) * &
+                o(layer + 1)%onedarray(p)
+              else if (activation_signal == 3) then
+                doutputs_dinputs(layer+ 1)%onedarray(p) = temp(p)
+              end if
+          end do
+          deallocate(temp)
+      end do
+      calculate_force = unraveled_parameters(element)%slope * &
+      doutputs_dinputs(nn + 2)%onedarray(1)
+      ! force is multiplied by -1, because it is -dE/dx and not dE/dx.
+      calculate_force = -1.0d0 * calculate_force
+!     deallocating neural network
+      deallocate(hiddensizes)
+      do p = 1, size(o)
+          deallocate(o(p)%onedarray)
+      end do
+      deallocate(o)
+      do p = 1, size(ohat)
+          deallocate(ohat(p)%onedarray)
+      end do
+      deallocate(ohat)
+      do p = 1, size(doutputs_dinputs)
+          deallocate(doutputs_dinputs(p)%onedarray)
+      end do
+      deallocate(doutputs_dinputs)
+!     deallocating derived type parameters
+      do element = 1, num_elements
+        deallocate(unraveled_parameters(element)%weights)
+      end do
+      end function calculate_force
+!     Returns derivative of energy w.r.t. parameters in the
+!     image-centered mode.
+      function calculate_denergy_dparameters_(num_inputs, inputs, &
+      num_parameters, parameters)
+      implicit none
+      integer:: num_inputs, num_parameters
+      double precision:: calculate_denergy_dparameters_(num_parameters)
+      double precision:: parameters(num_parameters)
+      double precision:: inputs(num_inputs)
+      integer:: m, n, j, l, layer, p, q, nn, num_cols, num_rows
+      double precision:: temp1, temp2
+      integer, allocatable:: hiddensizes(:)
+      double precision, allocatable:: net(:)
+      type(real_one_d_array), allocatable:: o(:), ohat(:)
+      type(real_one_d_array), allocatable:: delta(:), D(:)
+      type(real_two_d_array), allocatable:: weights(:)
+      double precision:: intercept
+      double precision:: slope
+      type(real_two_d_array), allocatable:: &
+      unraveled_denergy_dweights(:)
+      double precision:: denergy_dintercept
+      double precision:: denergy_dslope
+!     changing the form of parameters from vector into derived-types
+      l = 0
+      allocate(weights(no_layers_of_elements(1)-1))
+      do j = 1, no_layers_of_elements(1) - 1
+          num_rows = no_nodes_of_elements(j) + 1
+          num_cols = no_nodes_of_elements(j + 1)
+          allocate(weights(j)%twodarray(num_rows, num_cols))
+          do p = 1, num_rows
+              do q = 1, num_cols
+                  weights(j)%twodarray(p, q) = &
+                  parameters(l + (p - 1) * num_cols + q)
+              end do
+          end do
+          l = l + num_rows * num_cols
+      end do
+      intercept = parameters(l + 1)
+      slope = parameters(l + 2)
+      denergy_dintercept = 0.d0
+      denergy_dslope = 0.d0
+      l = 0
+      allocate(unraveled_denergy_dweights(no_layers_of_elements(1)-1))
+      do j = 1, no_layers_of_elements(1) - 1
+          num_rows = no_nodes_of_elements(j) + 1
+          num_cols = no_nodes_of_elements(j + 1)
+          allocate(unraveled_denergy_dweights(j)%twodarray(num_rows, &
+          num_cols))
+          do p = 1, num_rows
+              do q = 1, num_cols
+                  unraveled_denergy_dweights(j)%twodarray(p, q) = 0.0d0
+              end do
+          end do
+          l = l + num_rows * num_cols
+      end do
+      allocate(hiddensizes(no_layers_of_elements(1) - 2))
+      do m = 1, no_layers_of_elements(1) - 2
+          hiddensizes(m) = no_nodes_of_elements(m + 1)
+      end do
+      allocate(o(no_layers_of_elements(1)))
+      allocate(ohat(no_layers_of_elements(1)))
+      layer = 1
+      allocate(o(1)%onedarray(num_inputs))
+      allocate(ohat(1)%onedarray(num_inputs + 1))
+      do m = 1, num_inputs
+          o(1)%onedarray(m) = inputs(m)
+      end do
+      do layer = 1, size(hiddensizes) + 1
+          do m = 1, size(weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=1) - 1
+              ohat(layer)%onedarray(m) = o(layer)%onedarray(m)
+          end do
+          ohat(layer)%onedarray(&
+          size(weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=1)) = 1.0d0
+          allocate(net(size(weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=2)))
+          allocate(o(layer + 1)%onedarray(&
+          size(weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=2)))
+          allocate(ohat(layer + 1)%onedarray(&
+          size(weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=2) + 1))
+          do m = 1, size(weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=2)
+              net(m) = 0.0d0
+              do n = 1, size(weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=1)
+                  net(m) =  net(m) + &
+                  ohat(layer)%onedarray(n) * weights(&
+                  layer)%twodarray(n, m)
+              end do
+              if (activation_signal == 1) then
+                  o(layer + 1)%onedarray(m) = tanh(net(m))
+              else if (activation_signal == 2) then
+                  o(layer + 1)%onedarray(m) = &
+                  1.0d0 / (1.0d0 +  exp(- net(m)))
+              else if (activation_signal == 3) then
+                  o(layer + 1)%onedarray(m) = net(m)
+              end if
+              ohat(layer + 1)%onedarray(m) = o(layer + 1)%onedarray(m)
+          end do
+          ohat(layer + 1)%onedarray(&
+          size(weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=2) + 1) =  1.0d0
+          deallocate(net)
+      end do
+      nn = size(o) - 2
+      allocate(D(nn + 1))
+      do layer = 1, nn + 1
+          allocate(D(layer)%onedarray(size(o(layer + 1)%onedarray)))
+          do j = 1, size(o(layer + 1)%onedarray)
+              if (activation_signal == 1) then
+                  D(layer)%onedarray(j) = &
+                  (1.0d0 - o(layer + 1)%onedarray(j)* &
+                  o(layer + 1)%onedarray(j))
+              elseif (activation_signal == 2) then
+                  D(layer)%onedarray(j) = o(layer + 1)%onedarray(j) * &
+                  (1.0d0 - o(layer + 1)%onedarray(j))
+              elseif (activation_signal == 3) then
+                  D(layer)%onedarray(j) = 1.0d0
+              end if
+          end do
+      end do
+      allocate(delta(nn + 1))
+      allocate(delta(nn + 1)%onedarray(1))
+      delta(nn + 1)%onedarray(1) = D(nn + 1)%onedarray(1)
+      do layer = nn, 1, -1
+          allocate(delta(layer)%onedarray(size(D(layer)%onedarray)))
+          do p = 1, size(D(layer)%onedarray)
+              delta(layer)%onedarray(p) = 0.0d0
+              do q = 1, size(delta(layer + 1)%onedarray)
+                  temp1 = D(layer)%onedarray(p) * &
+                  weights(layer + 1)%twodarray(p, q)
+                  temp2 = temp1  * delta(layer + 1)%onedarray(q)
+                  delta(layer)%onedarray(p) = &
+                  delta(layer)%onedarray(p) + temp2
+              end do
+          end do
+      end do
+      denergy_dintercept = 1.0d0
+      denergy_dslope = o(nn + 2)%onedarray(1)
+      do layer = 1, nn + 1
+          do p = 1, size(ohat(layer)%onedarray)
+              do q = 1, size(delta(layer)%onedarray)
+                  unraveled_denergy_dweights(layer)%twodarray(p, q) = &
+                  slope * &
+                  ohat(layer)%onedarray(p) * delta(layer)%onedarray(q)
+              end do
+          end do
+      end do
+      deallocate(hiddensizes)
+      do p = 1, size(o)
+          deallocate(o(p)%onedarray)
+      end do
+      deallocate(o)
+      do p = 1, size(ohat)
+          deallocate(ohat(p)%onedarray)
+      end do
+      deallocate(ohat)
+      do p = 1, size(delta)
+          deallocate(delta(p)%onedarray)
+      end do
+      deallocate(delta)
+      do p = 1, size(D)
+          deallocate(D(p)%onedarray)
+      end do
+      deallocate(D)
+!     changing the derivatives of the energy from derived-type
+!     form into vector
+      l = 0
+      do j = 1, no_layers_of_elements(1) - 1
+          num_rows = no_nodes_of_elements(j) + 1
+          num_cols = no_nodes_of_elements(j + 1)
+          do p = 1, num_rows
+              do q = 1, num_cols
+                  calculate_denergy_dparameters_(&
+                  l + (p - 1) * num_cols + q) = &
+                  unraveled_denergy_dweights(j)%twodarray(p, q)
+              end do
+          end do
+          l = l + num_rows * num_cols
+      end do
+      calculate_denergy_dparameters_(l + 1) = denergy_dintercept
+      calculate_denergy_dparameters_(l + 2) = denergy_dslope
+!     deallocating derived-type parameters
+      do p = 1, size(weights)
+          deallocate(weights(p)%twodarray)
+      end do
+      deallocate(weights)
+      do p = 1, size(unraveled_denergy_dweights)
+          deallocate(unraveled_denergy_dweights(p)%twodarray)
+      end do
+      deallocate(unraveled_denergy_dweights)
+      end function calculate_denergy_dparameters_
+!     Returns derivative of energy w.r.t. parameters in the
+!     atom-centered mode.
+      function calculate_datomicenergy_dparameters(symbol, &
+      len_of_fingerprint, fingerprint, num_elements, &
+      elements_numbers, num_parameters, parameters)
+      implicit none
+      integer:: num_parameters, num_elements
+      integer:: symbol, len_of_fingerprint
+      double precision:: calculate_datomicenergy_dparameters(num_parameters)
+      double precision:: parameters(num_parameters)
+      double precision:: fingerprint(len_of_fingerprint)
+      integer:: elements_numbers(num_elements)
+      integer:: element, m, n, j, k, l, layer, p, q, nn, num_cols
+      integer:: num_rows
+      double precision:: temp1, temp2
+      integer, allocatable:: hiddensizes(:)
+      double precision, allocatable:: net(:)
+      type(real_one_d_array), allocatable:: o(:), ohat(:)
+      type(real_one_d_array), allocatable:: delta(:), D(:)
+      type(element_parameters):: unraveled_parameters(num_elements)
+      type(element_parameters):: &
+      unraveled_daenergy_dparameters(num_elements)
+      double precision:: fingerprint_(len_of_fingerprint)
+      ! scaling fingerprints
+      do element = 1, num_elements
+        if (symbol == &
+            elements_numbers(element)) then
+            exit
+        end if
+      end do
+      do l = 1, len_of_fingerprint
+        if ((max_fingerprints(element, l) - &
+        min_fingerprints(element, l)) .GT. &
+        (10.0d0 ** (-8.0d0))) then
+            fingerprint_(l) = -1.0d0 + 2.0d0 * &
+            (fingerprint(l) - min_fingerprints(element, l)) / &
+            (max_fingerprints(element, l) - &
+            min_fingerprints(element, l))
+        else
+            fingerprint_(l) = fingerprint(l)
+        endif
+      end do
+!     changing the form of parameters to derived types
+      k = 0
+      l = 0
+      do element = 1, num_elements
+        allocate(unraveled_parameters(element)%weights(&
+        no_layers_of_elements(element)-1))
+        if (element .GT. 1) then
+            k = k + no_layers_of_elements(element - 1)
+        end if
+        do j = 1, no_layers_of_elements(element) - 1
+            num_rows = no_nodes_of_elements(k + j) + 1
+            num_cols = no_nodes_of_elements(k + j + 1)
+            allocate(unraveled_parameters(element)%weights(&
+            j)%twodarray(num_rows, num_cols))
+            do p = 1, num_rows
+                do q = 1, num_cols
+                    unraveled_parameters(element)%weights(j)%twodarray(&
+                    p, q) = parameters(l + (p - 1) * num_cols + q)
+                end do
+            end do
+            l = l + num_rows * num_cols
+        end do
+      end do
+      do element = 1, num_elements
+        unraveled_parameters(element)%intercept = &
+        parameters(l + 2 *  element - 1)
+        unraveled_parameters(element)%slope = &
+        parameters(l + 2 * element)
+      end do
+      do element = 1, num_elements
+        unraveled_daenergy_dparameters(element)%intercept = 0.d0
+        unraveled_daenergy_dparameters(element)%slope = 0.d0
+      end do
+      k = 0
+      l = 0
+      do element = 1, num_elements
+        allocate(unraveled_daenergy_dparameters(element)%weights(&
+        no_layers_of_elements(element)-1))
+        if (element > 1) then
+            k = k + no_layers_of_elements(element - 1)
+        end if
+        do j = 1, no_layers_of_elements(element) - 1
+            num_rows = no_nodes_of_elements(k + j) + 1
+            num_cols = no_nodes_of_elements(k + j + 1)
+            allocate(unraveled_daenergy_dparameters(&
+            element)%weights(j)%twodarray(num_rows, num_cols))
+            do p = 1, num_rows
+                do q = 1, num_cols
+                    unraveled_daenergy_dparameters(&
+                    element)%weights(j)%twodarray(p, q) = 0.0d0
+                end do
+            end do
+            l = l + num_rows * num_cols
+        end do
+      end do
+      p = 0
+      do element = 1, num_elements
+          if (symbol == elements_numbers(element)) then
+              exit
+          else
+              p = p + no_layers_of_elements(element)
+          end if
+      end do
+      allocate(hiddensizes(no_layers_of_elements(element) - 2))
+      do m = 1, no_layers_of_elements(element) - 2
+          hiddensizes(m) = no_nodes_of_elements(p + m + 1)
+      end do
+      allocate(o(no_layers_of_elements(element)))
+      allocate(ohat(no_layers_of_elements(element)))
+      layer = 1
+      allocate(o(1)%onedarray(len_of_fingerprint))
+      allocate(ohat(1)%onedarray(len_of_fingerprint + 1))
+      do m = 1, len_of_fingerprint
+          o(1)%onedarray(m) = fingerprint_(m)
+      end do
+      do layer = 1, size(hiddensizes) + 1
+          do m = 1, size(unraveled_parameters(element)%weights(&
+          layer)%twodarray, dim=1) - 1
+              ohat(layer)%onedarray(m) = o(layer)%onedarray(m)
+          end do
+          ohat(layer)%onedarray(size(unraveled_parameters(&
+          element)%weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=1)) = 1.0d0
+          allocate(net(size(unraveled_parameters(&
+          element)%weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=2)))
+          allocate(o(layer + 1)%onedarray(size(unraveled_parameters(&
+          element)%weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=2)))
+          allocate(ohat(layer + 1)%onedarray(size(unraveled_parameters(&
+          element)%weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=2) + 1))
+          do m = 1, size(unraveled_parameters(element)%weights(&
+          layer)%twodarray, dim=2)
+              net(m) = 0.0d0
+              do n = 1, size(unraveled_parameters(element)%weights(&
+              layer)%twodarray, dim=1)
+                  net(m) =  net(m) + &
+                  ohat(layer)%onedarray(n) * unraveled_parameters(&
+                  element)%weights(layer)%twodarray(n, m)
+              end do
+              if (activation_signal == 1) then
+                  o(layer + 1)%onedarray(m) = tanh(net(m))
+              else if (activation_signal == 2) then
+                  o(layer + 1)%onedarray(m) = &
+                  1.0d0 / (1.0d0 +  exp(- net(m)))
+              else if (activation_signal == 3) then
+                  o(layer + 1)%onedarray(m) = net(m)
+              end if
+              ohat(layer + 1)%onedarray(m) = o(layer + 1)%onedarray(m)
+          end do
+          ohat(layer + 1)%onedarray(size(unraveled_parameters(&
+          element)%weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=2) + 1) =  1.0d0
+          deallocate(net)
+      end do
+      nn = size(o) - 2
+      allocate(D(nn + 1))
+      do layer = 1, nn + 1
+          allocate(D(layer)%onedarray(size(o(layer + 1)%onedarray)))
+          do j = 1, size(o(layer + 1)%onedarray)
+              if (activation_signal == 1) then
+                  D(layer)%onedarray(j) = (1.0d0 - &
+                  o(layer + 1)%onedarray(j)* o(layer + 1)%onedarray(j))
+              elseif (activation_signal == 2) then
+                  D(layer)%onedarray(j) = o(layer + 1)%onedarray(j) * &
+                  (1.0d0 - o(layer + 1)%onedarray(j))
+              elseif (activation_signal == 3) then
+                  D(layer)%onedarray(j) = 1.0d0
+              end if
+          end do
+      end do
+      allocate(delta(nn + 1))
+      allocate(delta(nn + 1)%onedarray(1))
+      delta(nn + 1)%onedarray(1) = D(nn + 1)%onedarray(1)
+      do layer = nn, 1, -1
+          allocate(delta(layer)%onedarray(size(D(layer)%onedarray)))
+          do p = 1, size(D(layer)%onedarray)
+              delta(layer)%onedarray(p) = 0.0d0
+              do q = 1, size(delta(layer + 1)%onedarray)
+                  temp1 = D(layer)%onedarray(p) * unraveled_parameters(&
+                  element)%weights(layer + 1)%twodarray(p, q)
+                  temp2 = temp1  * delta(layer + 1)%onedarray(q)
+                  delta(layer)%onedarray(p) = &
+                  delta(layer)%onedarray(p) + temp2
+              end do
+          end do
+      end do
+      unraveled_daenergy_dparameters(element)%intercept = 1.0d0
+      unraveled_daenergy_dparameters(element)%slope = &
+      o(nn + 2)%onedarray(1)
+      do layer = 1, nn + 1
+          do p = 1, size(ohat(layer)%onedarray)
+              do q = 1, size(delta(layer)%onedarray)
+                  unraveled_daenergy_dparameters(element)%weights(&
+                  layer)%twodarray(p, q) = &
+                  unraveled_parameters(element)%slope * &
+                  ohat(layer)%onedarray(p) * delta(layer)%onedarray(q)
+              end do
+          end do
+      end do
+      deallocate(hiddensizes)
+      do p = 1, size(o)
+          deallocate(o(p)%onedarray)
+      end do
+      deallocate(o)
+      do p = 1, size(ohat)
+          deallocate(ohat(p)%onedarray)
+      end do
+      deallocate(ohat)
+      do p = 1, size(delta)
+          deallocate(delta(p)%onedarray)
+      end do
+      deallocate(delta)
+      do p = 1, size(D)
+          deallocate(D(p)%onedarray)
+      end do
+      deallocate(D)
+!     changing the derivatives of the energy from derived-type
+!     form into vector
+      k = 0
+      l = 0
+      do element = 1, num_elements
+        if (element > 1) then
+            k = k + no_layers_of_elements(element - 1)
+        end if
+        do j = 1, no_layers_of_elements(element) - 1
+            num_rows = no_nodes_of_elements(k + j) + 1
+            num_cols = no_nodes_of_elements(k + j + 1)
+            do p = 1, num_rows
+                do q = 1, num_cols
+                    calculate_datomicenergy_dparameters(&
+                    l + (p - 1) * num_cols + q) = &
+                    unraveled_daenergy_dparameters(&
+                    element)%weights(j)%twodarray(p, q)
+                end do
+            end do
+            l = l + num_rows * num_cols
+        end do
+      end do
+      do element = 1, num_elements
+        calculate_datomicenergy_dparameters(l + 2 *  element - 1) = &
+        unraveled_daenergy_dparameters(element)%intercept
+        calculate_datomicenergy_dparameters(l + 2 * element) = &
+        unraveled_daenergy_dparameters(element)%slope
+      end do
+!     deallocating derived-type parameters
+      do element = 1, num_elements
+        deallocate(unraveled_parameters(element)%weights)
+        deallocate(unraveled_daenergy_dparameters(element)%weights)
+      end do
+      end function calculate_datomicenergy_dparameters
+!     Returns derivative of force w.r.t. parameters in the
+!     image-centered mode.
+      function calculate_dforce_dparameters_(num_inputs, inputs, &
+      inputs_, num_parameters, parameters)
+      implicit none
+      integer:: num_inputs, num_parameters
+      double precision:: calculate_dforce_dparameters_(num_parameters)
+      double precision:: parameters(num_parameters)
+      double precision:: inputs(num_inputs)
+      double precision:: inputs_(num_inputs)
+      integer:: m, n, j, l, layer, p, q, nn, num_cols
+      integer:: num_rows
+      double precision:: temp1, temp2
+      integer, allocatable:: hiddensizes(:)
+      double precision, allocatable:: net(:)
+      type(real_one_d_array), allocatable:: o(:), ohat(:)
+      type(real_one_d_array), allocatable:: delta(:), D(:)
+      type(real_one_d_array), allocatable:: doutputs_dinputs(:)
+      double precision, allocatable:: dohat_dinputs(:)
+      type(real_one_d_array), allocatable:: dD_dinputs(:)
+      type (real_one_d_array), allocatable:: ddelta_dinputs(:)
+      double precision, allocatable:: &
+      doutput_dinputsdweights(:, :)
+      double precision, allocatable:: temp(:), temp3(:), temp4(:)
+      double precision, allocatable:: temp5(:), temp6(:)
+      type(real_two_d_array), allocatable:: weights(:)
+      double precision:: intercept
+      double precision:: slope
+      type(real_two_d_array), allocatable:: unraveled_dforce_dweights(:)
+      double precision:: dforce_dintercept
+      double precision:: dforce_dslope
+!     changing the form of parameters from vector into derived-types
+      l = 0
+      allocate(weights(no_layers_of_elements(1)-1))
+      do j = 1, no_layers_of_elements(1) - 1
+          num_rows = no_nodes_of_elements(j) + 1
+          num_cols = no_nodes_of_elements(j + 1)
+          allocate(weights(j)%twodarray(num_rows, num_cols))
+          do p = 1, num_rows
+              do q = 1, num_cols
+                  weights(j)%twodarray(p, q) = &
+                  parameters(l + (p - 1) * num_cols + q)
+              end do
+          end do
+          l = l + num_rows * num_cols
+      end do
+      intercept = parameters(l + 1)
+      slope = parameters(l + 2)
+      dforce_dintercept = 0.d0
+      dforce_dslope = 0.d0
+      l = 0
+      allocate(unraveled_dforce_dweights(no_layers_of_elements(1)-1))
+      do j = 1, no_layers_of_elements(1) - 1
+          num_rows = no_nodes_of_elements(j) + 1
+          num_cols = no_nodes_of_elements(j + 1)
+          allocate(unraveled_dforce_dweights(j)%twodarray(num_rows, &
+          num_cols))
+          do p = 1, num_rows
+              do q = 1, num_cols
+                  unraveled_dforce_dweights(j)%twodarray(p, q) = 0.0d0
+              end do
+          end do
+          l = l + num_rows * num_cols
+      end do
+      allocate(hiddensizes(no_layers_of_elements(1) - 2))
+      do m = 1, no_layers_of_elements(1) - 2
+          hiddensizes(m) = no_nodes_of_elements(m + 1)
+      end do
+      allocate(o(no_layers_of_elements(1)))
+      allocate(ohat(no_layers_of_elements(1)))
+      layer = 1
+      allocate(o(1)%onedarray(num_inputs))
+      allocate(ohat(1)%onedarray(num_inputs + 1))
+      do m = 1, num_inputs
+          o(1)%onedarray(m) = inputs(m)
+      end do
+      do layer = 1, size(hiddensizes) + 1
+          do m = 1, size(weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=1) - 1
+              ohat(layer)%onedarray(m) = o(layer)%onedarray(m)
+          end do
+          ohat(layer)%onedarray(&
+          size(weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=1)) = 1.0d0
+          allocate(net(size(weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=2)))
+          allocate(o(layer + 1)%onedarray(&
+          size(weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=2)))
+          allocate(ohat(layer + 1)%onedarray(&
+          size(weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=2) + 1))
+          do m = 1, size(weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=2)
+              net(m) = 0.0d0
+              do n = 1, size(weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=1)
+                  net(m) =  net(m) + &
+                  ohat(layer)%onedarray(n) * &
+                  weights(layer)%twodarray(n, m)
+              end do
+              if (activation_signal == 1) then
+                  o(layer + 1)%onedarray(m) = tanh(net(m))
+              else if (activation_signal == 2) then
+                  o(layer + 1)%onedarray(m) = &
+                  1.0d0 / (1.0d0 +  exp(- net(m)))
+              else if (activation_signal == 3) then
+                  o(layer + 1)%onedarray(m) = net(m)
+              end if
+              ohat(layer + 1)%onedarray(m) = o(layer + 1)%onedarray(m)
+          end do
+          ohat(layer + 1)%onedarray(&
+          size(weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=2) + 1) =  1.0d0
+          deallocate(net)
+      end do
+      nn = size(o) - 2
+      allocate(D(nn + 1))
+      do layer = 1, nn + 1
+          allocate(D(layer)%onedarray(size(o(layer + 1)%onedarray)))
+          do j = 1, size(o(layer + 1)%onedarray)
+              if (activation_signal == 1) then
+                  D(layer)%onedarray(j) = (1.0d0 - &
+                  o(layer + 1)%onedarray(j)* o(layer + 1)%onedarray(j))
+              elseif (activation_signal == 2) then
+                  D(layer)%onedarray(j) = o(layer + 1)%onedarray(j) * &
+                  (1.0d0 - o(layer + 1)%onedarray(j))
+              elseif (activation_signal == 3) then
+                  D(layer)%onedarray(j) = 1.0d0
+              end if
+          end do
+      end do
+      allocate(delta(nn + 1))
+      allocate(delta(nn + 1)%onedarray(1))
+      delta(nn + 1)%onedarray(1) = D(nn + 1)%onedarray(1)
+      do layer = nn, 1, -1
+          allocate(delta(layer)%onedarray(size(D(layer)%onedarray)))
+          do p = 1, size(D(layer)%onedarray)
+              delta(layer)%onedarray(p) = 0.0d0
+              do q = 1, size(delta(layer + 1)%onedarray)
+                  temp1 = D(layer)%onedarray(p) * weights(&
+                  layer + 1)%twodarray(p, q)
+                  temp2 = temp1  * delta(layer + 1)%onedarray(q)
+                  delta(layer)%onedarray(p) = &
+                  delta(layer)%onedarray(p) + temp2
+              end do
+          end do
+      end do
+      allocate(doutputs_dinputs(nn + 2))
+      allocate(doutputs_dinputs(1)%onedarray(num_inputs))
+      do m = 1, num_inputs
+        doutputs_dinputs(1)%onedarray(m) = inputs_(m)
+      end do
+      do layer = 1, nn + 1
+          allocate(temp(size(weights(layer)%twodarray, dim = 2)))
+          do p = 1, size(weights(layer)%twodarray, dim = 2)
+              temp(p) = 0.0d0
+              do q = 1, size(weights(layer)%twodarray, dim = 1) - 1
+                  temp(p) = temp(p) + doutputs_dinputs(&
+                  layer)%onedarray(q) * weights(layer)%twodarray(q, p)
+              end do
+          end do
+          q = size(o(layer + 1)%onedarray)
+          allocate(doutputs_dinputs(layer + 1)%onedarray(q))
+          do p = 1, size(o(layer + 1)%onedarray)
+              if (activation_signal == 1) then
+                doutputs_dinputs(layer + 1)%onedarray(p) = temp(p) * &
+                (1.0d0 - o(layer + 1)%onedarray(p) * &
+                o(layer + 1)%onedarray(p))
+              else if (activation_signal == 2) then
+                doutputs_dinputs(layer + 1)%onedarray(p) = &
+                temp(p) * (1.0d0 - o(layer + 1)%onedarray(p)) * &
+                o(layer + 1)%onedarray(p)
+              else if (activation_signal == 3) then
+                doutputs_dinputs(layer+ 1)%onedarray(p) = temp(p)
+              end if
+          end do
+          deallocate(temp)
+      end do
+      allocate(dD_dinputs(nn + 1))
+      do layer = 1, nn + 1
+          allocate(dD_dinputs(layer)%onedarray(&
+          size(o(layer + 1)%onedarray)))
+          do p = 1, size(o(layer + 1)%onedarray)
+              if (activation_signal == 1) then
+                  dD_dinputs(layer)%onedarray(p) = &
+                  - 2.0d0 * o(layer + 1)%onedarray(p) * &
+                  doutputs_dinputs(layer + 1)%onedarray(p)
+              elseif (activation_signal == 2) then
+                  dD_dinputs(layer)%onedarray(p) = &
+                  doutputs_dinputs(layer + 1)%onedarray(p) * &
+                  (1.0d0 - 2.0d0 * o(layer + 1)%onedarray(p))
+              elseif (activation_signal == 3) then
+                  dD_dinputs(layer)%onedarray(p) =0.0d0
+              end if
+          end do
+      end do
+      allocate(ddelta_dinputs(nn + 1))
+      allocate(ddelta_dinputs(nn + 1)%onedarray(1))
+      ddelta_dinputs(nn + 1)%onedarray(1) = &
+      dD_dinputs(nn + 1)%onedarray(1)
+      do layer = nn, 1, -1
+          allocate(temp3(&
+          size(weights(layer + 1)%twodarray, dim = 1) - 1))
+          allocate(temp4(&
+          size(weights(layer + 1)%twodarray, dim = 1) - 1))
+          do p = 1, size(weights(layer + 1)%twodarray, dim = 1) - 1
+              temp3(p) = 0.0d0
+              temp4(p) = 0.0d0
+              do q = 1, size(delta(layer + 1)%onedarray)
+                  temp3(p) = temp3(p) + weights(layer + 1)%twodarray(&
+                  p, q) * delta(layer + 1)%onedarray(q)
+                  temp4(p) = temp4(p) + weights(layer + 1)%twodarray(&
+                  p, q) * ddelta_dinputs(layer + 1)%onedarray(q)
+              end do
+          end do
+          allocate(temp5(size(dD_dinputs(layer)%onedarray)))
+          allocate(temp6(size(dD_dinputs(layer)%onedarray)))
+          allocate(ddelta_dinputs(layer)%onedarray(&
+          size(dD_dinputs(layer)%onedarray)))
+          do p = 1, size(dD_dinputs(layer)%onedarray)
+              temp5(p) = &
+              dD_dinputs(layer)%onedarray(p) * temp3(p)
+              temp6(p) = D(layer)%onedarray(p) * temp4(p)
+              ddelta_dinputs(layer)%onedarray(p)= &
+              temp5(p) + temp6(p)
+          end do
+          deallocate(temp3)
+          deallocate(temp4)
+          deallocate(temp5)
+          deallocate(temp6)
+      end do
+      dforce_dslope = doutputs_dinputs(nn + 2)%onedarray(1)
+      ! force is multiplied by -1, because it is -dE/dx and not dE/dx.
+      dforce_dslope = -1.0d0 * dforce_dslope
+      do layer = 1, nn + 1
+          allocate(dohat_dinputs(&
+          size(doutputs_dinputs(layer)%onedarray) + 1))
+          do p = 1, size(doutputs_dinputs(layer)%onedarray)
+              dohat_dinputs(p) = &
+              doutputs_dinputs(layer)%onedarray(p)
+          end do
+          dohat_dinputs(&
+          size(doutputs_dinputs(layer)%onedarray) + 1) = 0.0d0
+          allocate(doutput_dinputsdweights(&
+          size(dohat_dinputs), size(delta(layer)%onedarray)))
+          do p = 1, size(dohat_dinputs)
+              do q = 1, size(delta(layer)%onedarray)
+                  doutput_dinputsdweights(p, q)= 0.0d0
+              end do
+          end do
+          do p = 1, size(dohat_dinputs)
+              do q = 1, size(delta(layer)%onedarray)
+              doutput_dinputsdweights(p, q) = &
+              doutput_dinputsdweights(p, q) + &
+              dohat_dinputs(p) * delta(layer)%onedarray(q) + &
+              ohat(layer)%onedarray(p)* &
+              ddelta_dinputs(layer)%onedarray(q)
+              end do
+          end do
+          do p = 1, size(ohat(layer)%onedarray)
+              do q = 1, size(delta(layer)%onedarray)
+              unraveled_dforce_dweights(layer)%twodarray(p, q) = &
+              slope * doutput_dinputsdweights(p, q)
+              ! force is multiplied by -1, because it is -dE/dx and
+              ! not dE/dx.
+			  unraveled_dforce_dweights(layer)%twodarray(p, q) = &
+			  -1.0d0 * unraveled_dforce_dweights(layer)%twodarray(p, q)
+              end do
+          end do
+          deallocate(dohat_dinputs)
+          deallocate(doutput_dinputsdweights)
+      end do
+!     deallocating neural network
+      deallocate(hiddensizes)
+      do p = 1, size(o)
+          deallocate(o(p)%onedarray)
+      end do
+      deallocate(o)
+      do p = 1, size(ohat)
+          deallocate(ohat(p)%onedarray)
+      end do
+      deallocate(ohat)
+      do p = 1, size(delta)
+          deallocate(delta(p)%onedarray)
+      end do
+      deallocate(delta)
+      do p = 1, size(D)
+          deallocate(D(p)%onedarray)
+      end do
+      deallocate(D)
+      do p = 1, size(doutputs_dinputs)
+          deallocate(doutputs_dinputs(p)%onedarray)
+      end do
+      deallocate(doutputs_dinputs)
+      do p = 1, size(ddelta_dinputs)
+          deallocate(ddelta_dinputs(p)%onedarray)
+      end do
+      deallocate(ddelta_dinputs)
+      do p = 1, size(dD_dinputs)
+          deallocate(dD_dinputs(p)%onedarray)
+      end do
+      deallocate(dD_dinputs)
+      l = 0
+      do j = 1, no_layers_of_elements(1) - 1
+          num_rows = no_nodes_of_elements(j) + 1
+          num_cols = no_nodes_of_elements(j + 1)
+          do p = 1, num_rows
+              do q = 1, num_cols
+                  calculate_dforce_dparameters_(&
+                  l + (p - 1) * num_cols + q) = &
+                  unraveled_dforce_dweights(j)%twodarray(p, q)
+              end do
+          end do
+          l = l + num_rows * num_cols
+      end do
+      calculate_dforce_dparameters_(l + 1) = dforce_dintercept
+      calculate_dforce_dparameters_(l + 2) = dforce_dslope
+!     deallocating derived-type parameters
+      do p = 1, size(weights)
+          deallocate(weights(p)%twodarray)
+      end do
+      deallocate(weights)
+      do p = 1, size(unraveled_dforce_dweights)
+          deallocate(unraveled_dforce_dweights(p)%twodarray)
+      end do
+      deallocate(unraveled_dforce_dweights)
+      end function calculate_dforce_dparameters_
+    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+!     Returns derivative of force w.r.t. parameters in the
+!     atom-centered mode
+      function calculate_dforce_dparameters(symbol, len_of_fingerprint, &
+      fingerprint, fingerprintprime, num_elements, elements_numbers, &
+      num_parameters, parameters)
+      implicit none
+      integer:: symbol, len_of_fingerprint
+      integer:: num_parameters, num_elements
+      double precision:: fingerprint(len_of_fingerprint)
+      double precision:: fingerprintprime(len_of_fingerprint)
+      integer:: elements_numbers(num_elements)
+      double precision:: parameters(num_parameters)
+      double precision:: calculate_dforce_dparameters(num_parameters)
+      integer:: element, m, n, j, k, l, layer, p, q, nn, num_cols
+      integer:: num_rows
+      double precision:: temp1, temp2
+      integer, allocatable:: hiddensizes(:)
+      double precision, allocatable:: net(:)
+      type(real_one_d_array), allocatable:: o(:), ohat(:)
+      type(real_one_d_array), allocatable:: delta(:), D(:)
+      type(real_one_d_array), allocatable:: doutputs_dinputs(:)
+      double precision, allocatable:: dohat_dinputs(:)
+      type(real_one_d_array), allocatable:: dD_dinputs(:)
+      type (real_one_d_array), allocatable:: ddelta_dinputs(:)
+      double precision, allocatable:: &
+      doutput_dinputsdweights(:, :)
+      double precision, allocatable:: temp(:), temp3(:), temp4(:)
+      double precision, allocatable:: temp5(:), temp6(:)
+      type(element_parameters):: unraveled_parameters(num_elements)
+      type(element_parameters):: &
+      unraveled_dforce_dparameters(num_elements)
+      double precision:: fingerprint_(len_of_fingerprint)
+      double precision:: fingerprintprime_(len_of_fingerprint)
+      ! scaling fingerprints
+      do element = 1, num_elements
+        if (symbol == &
+            elements_numbers(element)) then
+            exit
+        end if
+      end do
+      do l = 1, len_of_fingerprint
+        if ((max_fingerprints(element, l) - &
+        min_fingerprints(element, l)) .GT. &
+        (10.0d0 ** (-8.0d0))) then
+            fingerprint_(l) = -1.0d0 + 2.0d0 * &
+            (fingerprint(l) - min_fingerprints(element, l)) / &
+            (max_fingerprints(element, l) - &
+            min_fingerprints(element, l))
+        else
+            fingerprint_(l) = fingerprint(l)
+        endif
+      end do
+      ! scaling fingerprintprimes
+      do l = 1, len_of_fingerprint
+        if ((max_fingerprints(element, l) - &
+        min_fingerprints(element, l)) .GT. &
+        (10.0d0 ** (-8.0d0))) then
+            fingerprintprime_(l) = &
+            2.0d0 * fingerprintprime(l) / &
+            (max_fingerprints(element, l) - &
+            min_fingerprints(element, l))
+        else
+            fingerprintprime_(l) = fingerprintprime(l)
+        endif
+      end do
+!     changing the form of parameters from vector into derived-types
+      k = 0
+      l = 0
+      do element = 1, num_elements
+        allocate(unraveled_parameters(element)%weights(&
+        no_layers_of_elements(element)-1))
+        if (element .GT. 1) then
+            k = k + no_layers_of_elements(element - 1)
+        end if
+        do j = 1, no_layers_of_elements(element) - 1
+            num_rows = no_nodes_of_elements(k + j) + 1
+            num_cols = no_nodes_of_elements(k + j + 1)
+            allocate(unraveled_parameters(&
+            element)%weights(j)%twodarray(num_rows, num_cols))
+            do p = 1, num_rows
+                do q = 1, num_cols
+                    unraveled_parameters(element)%weights(j)%twodarray(&
+                    p, q) = parameters(l + (p - 1) * num_cols + q)
+                end do
+            end do
+            l = l + num_rows * num_cols
+        end do
+      end do
+      do element = 1, num_elements
+        unraveled_parameters(element)%intercept = &
+        parameters(l + 2 *  element - 1)
+        unraveled_parameters(element)%slope = &
+        parameters(l + 2 * element)
+      end do
+      do element = 1, num_elements
+        unraveled_dforce_dparameters(element)%intercept = 0.d0
+        unraveled_dforce_dparameters(element)%slope = 0.d0
+      end do
+      k = 0
+      l = 0
+      do element = 1, num_elements
+        allocate(unraveled_dforce_dparameters(element)%weights(&
+        no_layers_of_elements(element)-1))
+        if (element > 1) then
+            k = k + no_layers_of_elements(element - 1)
+        end if
+        do j = 1, no_layers_of_elements(element) - 1
+            num_rows = no_nodes_of_elements(k + j) + 1
+            num_cols = no_nodes_of_elements(k + j + 1)
+            allocate(unraveled_dforce_dparameters(&
+            element)%weights(j)%twodarray(num_rows, num_cols))
+            do p = 1, num_rows
+                do q = 1, num_cols
+                    unraveled_dforce_dparameters(&
+                    element)%weights(j)%twodarray(p, q) = 0.0d0
+                end do
+            end do
+            l = l + num_rows * num_cols
+        end do
+      end do
+      p = 0
+      do element = 1, num_elements
+          if (symbol == elements_numbers(element)) then
+              exit
+          else
+              p = p + no_layers_of_elements(element)
+          end if
+      end do
+      allocate(hiddensizes(no_layers_of_elements(element) - 2))
+      do m = 1, no_layers_of_elements(element) - 2
+          hiddensizes(m) = no_nodes_of_elements(p + m + 1)
+      end do
+      allocate(o(no_layers_of_elements(element)))
+      allocate(ohat(no_layers_of_elements(element)))
+      layer = 1
+      allocate(o(1)%onedarray(len_of_fingerprint))
+      allocate(ohat(1)%onedarray(len_of_fingerprint + 1))
+      do m = 1, len_of_fingerprint
+          o(1)%onedarray(m) = fingerprint_(m)
+      end do
+      do layer = 1, size(hiddensizes) + 1
+          do m = 1, size(unraveled_parameters(&
+          element)%weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=1) - 1
+              ohat(layer)%onedarray(m) = o(layer)%onedarray(m)
+          end do
+          ohat(layer)%onedarray(size(unraveled_parameters(&
+          element)%weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=1)) = 1.0d0
+          allocate(net(size(unraveled_parameters(&
+          element)%weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=2)))
+          allocate(o(layer + 1)%onedarray(size(unraveled_parameters(&
+          element)%weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=2)))
+          allocate(ohat(layer + 1)%onedarray(size(unraveled_parameters(&
+          element)%weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=2) + 1))
+          do m = 1, size(unraveled_parameters(element)%weights(&
+          layer)%twodarray, dim=2)
+              net(m) = 0.0d0
+              do n = 1, size(unraveled_parameters(element)%weights(&
+              layer)%twodarray, dim=1)
+                  net(m) =  net(m) + &
+                  ohat(layer)%onedarray(n) * &
+                  unraveled_parameters(element)%weights(&
+                  layer)%twodarray(n, m)
+              end do
+              if (activation_signal == 1) then
+                  o(layer + 1)%onedarray(m) = tanh(net(m))
+              else if (activation_signal == 2) then
+                  o(layer + 1)%onedarray(m) = &
+                  1.0d0 / (1.0d0 +  exp(- net(m)))
+              else if (activation_signal == 3) then
+                  o(layer + 1)%onedarray(m) = net(m)
+              end if
+              ohat(layer + 1)%onedarray(m) = o(layer + 1)%onedarray(m)
+          end do
+          ohat(layer + 1)%onedarray(size(unraveled_parameters(&
+          element)%weights(layer)%twodarray, dim=2) + 1) =  1.0d0
+          deallocate(net)
+      end do
+      nn = size(o) - 2
+      allocate(D(nn + 1))
+      do layer = 1, nn + 1
+          allocate(D(layer)%onedarray(size(o(layer + 1)%onedarray)))
+          do j = 1, size(o(layer + 1)%onedarray)
+              if (activation_signal == 1) then
+                  D(layer)%onedarray(j) = &
+                  (1.0d0 - o(layer + 1)%onedarray(j)* &
+                  o(layer + 1)%onedarray(j))
+              elseif (activation_signal == 2) then
+                  D(layer)%onedarray(j) = o(layer + 1)%onedarray(j) * &
+                  (1.0d0 - o(layer + 1)%onedarray(j))
+              elseif (activation_signal == 3) then
+                  D(layer)%onedarray(j) = 1.0d0
+              end if
+          end do
+      end do
+      allocate(delta(nn + 1))
+      allocate(delta(nn + 1)%onedarray(1))
+      delta(nn + 1)%onedarray(1) = D(nn + 1)%onedarray(1)
+      do layer = nn, 1, -1
+          allocate(delta(layer)%onedarray(size(D(layer)%onedarray)))
+          do p = 1, size(D(layer)%onedarray)
+              delta(layer)%onedarray(p) = 0.0d0
+              do q = 1, size(delta(layer + 1)%onedarray)
+                  temp1 = D(layer)%onedarray(p) * &
+                  unraveled_parameters(element)%weights(&
+                  layer + 1)%twodarray(p, q)
+                  temp2 = temp1  * delta(layer + 1)%onedarray(q)
+                  delta(layer)%onedarray(p) = &
+                  delta(layer)%onedarray(p) + temp2
+              end do
+          end do
+      end do
+      allocate(doutputs_dinputs(nn + 2))
+      allocate(doutputs_dinputs(1)%onedarray(&
+      len_of_fingerprint))
+      do m = 1, len_of_fingerprint
+        doutputs_dinputs(1)%onedarray(m) = fingerprintprime_(m)
+      end do
+      do layer = 1, nn + 1
+          allocate(temp(size(unraveled_parameters(&
+          element)%weights(layer)%twodarray, dim = 2)))
+          do p = 1, size(unraveled_parameters(&
+          element)%weights(layer)%twodarray, dim = 2)
+              temp(p) = 0.0d0
+              do q = 1, size(unraveled_parameters(&
+              element)%weights(layer)%twodarray, dim = 1) - 1
+                  temp(p) = temp(p) + doutputs_dinputs(&
+                  layer)%onedarray(q) * unraveled_parameters(&
+                  element)%weights(layer)%twodarray(q, p)
+              end do
+          end do
+          q = size(o(layer + 1)%onedarray)
+          allocate(doutputs_dinputs(layer + 1)%onedarray(q))
+          do p = 1, size(o(layer + 1)%onedarray)
+              if (activation_signal == 1) then
+                doutputs_dinputs(layer + 1)%onedarray(p) = temp(p) * &
+                (1.0d0 - o(layer + 1)%onedarray(p) * &
+                o(layer + 1)%onedarray(p))
+              else if (activation_signal == 2) then
+                doutputs_dinputs(layer + 1)%onedarray(p) = temp(p) * &
+                (1.0d0 - o(layer + 1)%onedarray(p)) * &
+                o(layer + 1)%onedarray(p)
+              else if (activation_signal == 3) then
+                doutputs_dinputs(layer+ 1)%onedarray(p) = temp(p)
+              end if
+          end do
+          deallocate(temp)
+      end do
+      allocate(dD_dinputs(nn + 1))
+      do layer = 1, nn + 1
+          allocate(dD_dinputs(layer)%onedarray(&
+          size(o(layer + 1)%onedarray)))
+          do p = 1, size(o(layer + 1)%onedarray)
+              if (activation_signal == 1) then
+                  dD_dinputs(layer)%onedarray(p) =- 2.0d0 * &
+                  o(layer + 1)%onedarray(p) * &
+                  doutputs_dinputs(layer + 1)%onedarray(p)
+              elseif (activation_signal == 2) then
+                  dD_dinputs(layer)%onedarray(p) = &
+                  doutputs_dinputs(layer + 1)%onedarray(p) * &
+                  (1.0d0 - 2.0d0 * o(layer + 1)%onedarray(p))
+              elseif (activation_signal == 3) then
+                  dD_dinputs(layer)%onedarray(p) =0.0d0
+              end if
+          end do
+      end do
+      allocate(ddelta_dinputs(nn + 1))
+      allocate(ddelta_dinputs(nn + 1)%onedarray(1))
+      ddelta_dinputs(nn + 1)%onedarray(1) = &
+      dD_dinputs(nn + 1)%onedarray(1)
+      do layer = nn, 1, -1
+          allocate(temp3(size(unraveled_parameters(element)%weights(&
+          layer + 1)%twodarray, dim = 1) - 1))
+          allocate(temp4(size(unraveled_parameters(element)%weights(&
+          layer + 1)%twodarray, dim = 1) - 1))
+          do p = 1, size(unraveled_parameters(element)%weights(&
+          layer + 1)%twodarray, dim = 1) - 1
+              temp3(p) = 0.0d0
+              temp4(p) = 0.0d0
+              do q = 1, size(delta(layer + 1)%onedarray)
+                  temp3(p) = temp3(p) + unraveled_parameters(&
+                  element)%weights(layer + 1)%twodarray(p, q) * &
+                  delta(layer + 1)%onedarray(q)
+                  temp4(p) = temp4(p) + unraveled_parameters(&
+                  element)%weights(layer + 1)%twodarray(p, q) * &
+                  ddelta_dinputs(layer + 1)%onedarray(q)
+              end do
+          end do
+          allocate(temp5(size(dD_dinputs(layer)%onedarray)))
+          allocate(temp6(size(dD_dinputs(layer)%onedarray)))
+          allocate(ddelta_dinputs(layer)%onedarray(&
+          size(dD_dinputs(layer)%onedarray)))
+          do p = 1, size(dD_dinputs(layer)%onedarray)
+              temp5(p) = &
+              dD_dinputs(layer)%onedarray(p) * temp3(p)
+              temp6(p) = D(layer)%onedarray(p) * temp4(p)
+              ddelta_dinputs(layer)%onedarray(p)= &
+              temp5(p) + temp6(p)
+          end do
+          deallocate(temp3)
+          deallocate(temp4)
+          deallocate(temp5)
+          deallocate(temp6)
+      end do
+      unraveled_dforce_dparameters(element)%slope = &
+      doutputs_dinputs(nn + 2)%onedarray(1)
+      ! force is multiplied by -1, because it is -dE/dx and not dE/dx.
+	  unraveled_dforce_dparameters(element)%slope = &
+	  -1.0d0 * unraveled_dforce_dparameters(element)%slope
+      do layer = 1, nn + 1
+          allocate(dohat_dinputs(&
+          size(doutputs_dinputs(layer)%onedarray) + 1))
+          do p = 1, size(doutputs_dinputs(layer)%onedarray)
+              dohat_dinputs(p) = &
+              doutputs_dinputs(layer)%onedarray(p)
+          end do
+          dohat_dinputs(&
+          size(doutputs_dinputs(layer)%onedarray) + 1) = 0.0d0
+          allocate(doutput_dinputsdweights(&
+          size(dohat_dinputs), size(delta(layer)%onedarray)))
+          do p = 1, size(dohat_dinputs)
+              do q = 1, size(delta(layer)%onedarray)
+                  doutput_dinputsdweights(p, q)= 0.0d0
+              end do
+          end do
+          do p = 1, size(dohat_dinputs)
+              do q = 1, size(delta(layer)%onedarray)
+              doutput_dinputsdweights(p, q) = &
+              doutput_dinputsdweights(p, q) + &
+              dohat_dinputs(p) * delta(layer)%onedarray(q) + &
+              ohat(layer)%onedarray(p)* &
+              ddelta_dinputs(layer)%onedarray(q)
+              end do
+          end do
+          do p = 1, size(ohat(layer)%onedarray)
+              do q = 1, size(delta(layer)%onedarray)
+              unraveled_dforce_dparameters(element)%weights(&
+              layer)%twodarray(p, q) = &
+              unraveled_parameters(element)%slope * &
+              doutput_dinputsdweights(p, q)
+              ! force is multiplied by -1, because it is -dE/dx and
+              ! not dE/dx.
+	          unraveled_dforce_dparameters(element)%weights(&
+              layer)%twodarray(p, q) = &
+              -1.0d0 * unraveled_dforce_dparameters(element)%weights(&
+              layer)%twodarray(p, q)
+              end do
+          end do
+          deallocate(dohat_dinputs)
+          deallocate(doutput_dinputsdweights)
+      end do
+!     deallocating neural network
+      deallocate(hiddensizes)
+      do p = 1, size(o)
+          deallocate(o(p)%onedarray)
+      end do
+      deallocate(o)
+      do p = 1, size(ohat)
+          deallocate(ohat(p)%onedarray)
+      end do
+      deallocate(ohat)
+      do p = 1, size(delta)
+          deallocate(delta(p)%onedarray)
+      end do
+      deallocate(delta)
+      do p = 1, size(D)
+          deallocate(D(p)%onedarray)
+      end do
+      deallocate(D)
+      do p = 1, size(doutputs_dinputs)
+          deallocate(doutputs_dinputs(p)%onedarray)
+      end do
+      deallocate(doutputs_dinputs)
+      do p = 1, size(ddelta_dinputs)
+          deallocate(ddelta_dinputs(p)%onedarray)
+      end do
+      deallocate(ddelta_dinputs)
+      do p = 1, size(dD_dinputs)
+          deallocate(dD_dinputs(p)%onedarray)
+      end do
+      deallocate(dD_dinputs)
+      k = 0
+      l = 0
+      do element = 1, num_elements
+        if (element > 1) then
+            k = k + no_layers_of_elements(element - 1)
+        end if
+        do j = 1, no_layers_of_elements(element) - 1
+            num_rows = no_nodes_of_elements(k + j) + 1
+            num_cols = no_nodes_of_elements(k + j + 1)
+            do p = 1, num_rows
+                do q = 1, num_cols
+                    calculate_dforce_dparameters(&
+                    l + (p - 1) * num_cols + q) = &
+                    unraveled_dforce_dparameters(&
+                    element)%weights(j)%twodarray(p, q)
+                end do
+            end do
+            l = l + num_rows * num_cols
+        end do
+      end do
+      do element = 1, num_elements
+        calculate_dforce_dparameters(l + 2 *  element - 1) = &
+        unraveled_dforce_dparameters(element)%intercept
+        calculate_dforce_dparameters(l + 2 * element) = &
+        unraveled_dforce_dparameters(element)%slope
+      end do
+!     deallocating derived-type parameters
+      do element = 1, num_elements
+        deallocate(unraveled_parameters(element)%weights)
+        deallocate(unraveled_dforce_dparameters(element)%weights)
+      end do
+      end function calculate_dforce_dparameters
+    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+      end module neuralnetwork
diff --git a/amp/model/neuralnetwork.py b/amp/model/neuralnetwork.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2a3e39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/amp/model/neuralnetwork.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1208 @@
+import os
+import numpy as np
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from ase.calculators.calculator import Parameters
+from . import LossFunction, calculate_fingerprints_range, Model
+from ..regression import Regressor
+from ..utilities import Logger, hash_images, make_filename
+class NeuralNetwork(Model):
+    """Class that implements a basic feed-forward neural network.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    hiddenlayers : dict
+        Dictionary of chemical element symbols and architectures of their
+        corresponding hidden layers of the conventional neural network. Number
+        of nodes of last layer is always one corresponding to energy.  However,
+        number of nodes of first layer is equal to three times number of atoms
+        in the system in the case of no descriptor, and is equal to length of
+        symmetry functions of the descriptor. Can be fed using tuples as:
+        >>> hiddenlayers = (3, 2,)
+        for example, in which a neural network with two hidden layers, the
+        first one having three nodes and the second one having two nodes is
+        assigned (to the whole atomic system in the no descriptor case, and to
+        each chemical element in the atom-centered mode). When setting only one
+        hidden layer, the dictionary can be fed as:
+        >>> hiddenlayers = (3,)
+        In the atom-centered mode, neural network for each species can be
+        assigned seperately, as:
+        >>> hiddenlayers = {"O":(3,5), "Au":(5,6)}
+        for example.
+    activation : str
+        Assigns the type of activation funtion. "linear" refers to linear
+        function, "tanh" refers to tanh function, and "sigmoid" refers to
+        sigmoid function.
+    weights : dict
+        In the case of no descriptor, keys correspond to layers and values are
+        two dimensional arrays of network weight.  In the atom-centered mode,
+        keys correspond to chemical elements and values are dictionaries with
+        layer keys and network weight two dimensional arrays as values. Arrays
+        are set up to connect node i in the previous layer with node j in the
+        current layer with indices w[i,j]. The last value for index i
+        corresponds to bias. If weights is not given, arrays will be randomly
+        generated.
+    scalings : dict
+        In the case of no descriptor, keys are "intercept" and "slope" and
+        values are real numbers. In the fingerprinting scheme, keys correspond
+        to chemical elements and values are dictionaries with "intercept" and
+        "slope" keys and real number values. If scalings is not given, it will
+        be randomly generated.
+    fprange : dict
+        Range of fingerprints of each chemical species.  Should be fed as
+        a dictionary of chemical species and a list of minimum and maximun,
+        e.g.:
+        >>> fprange={"Pd": [0.31, 0.59], "O":[0.56, 0.72]}
+    regressor : object
+        Regressor object for finding best fit model parameters, e.g. by loss
+        function optimization via amp.regression.Regressor.
+    mode : str
+        Can be either 'atom-centered' or 'image-centered'.
+    lossfunction : object
+        Loss function object, if at all desired by the user.
+    version : object
+        Version of this class.
+    fortran : bool
+        If True, allows for extrapolation, if False, does not allow.
+    checkpoints : int
+        Frequency with which to save parameter checkpoints upon training. E.g.,
+        100 saves a checkpoint on each 100th training setp.  Specify None for
+        no checkpoints. Note: You can make this negative to not overwrite
+        previous checkpoints.
+    .. note:: Dimensions of weight two dimensional arrays should be consistent
+              with hiddenlayers.
+    Raises
+    ------
+        RuntimeError, NotImplementedError
+    """
+    def __init__(self, hiddenlayers=(5, 5), activation='tanh', weights=None,
+                 scalings=None, fprange=None, regressor=None, mode=None,
+                 lossfunction=None, version=None, fortran=True,
+                 checkpoints=100):
+        # Version check, particularly if restarting.
+        compatibleversions = ['2015.12', ]
+        if (version is not None) and version not in compatibleversions:
+            raise RuntimeError('Error: Trying to use NeuralNetwork'
+                               ' version %s, but this module only supports'
+                               ' versions %s. You may need an older or '
+                               'newer version of Amp.' %
+                               (version, compatibleversions))
+        else:
+            version = compatibleversions[-1]
+        # The parameters dictionary contains the minimum information
+        # to produce a compatible model; e.g., one that gives
+        # the identical energy (and/or forces) when fed a fingerprint.
+        p = self.parameters = Parameters()
+        p.importname = '.model.neuralnetwork.NeuralNetwork'
+        p.version = version
+        p.hiddenlayers = hiddenlayers
+        p.weights = weights
+        p.scalings = scalings
+        p.fprange = fprange
+        p.activation = activation
+        p.mode = mode
+        # Checking that the activation function is given correctly:
+        if activation not in ['linear', 'tanh', 'sigmoid']:
+            _ = ('Unknown activation function %s; must be one of '
+                 '"linear", "tanh", or "sigmoid".' % activation)
+            raise NotImplementedError(_)
+        self.regressor = regressor
+        self.parent = None  # Can hold a reference to main Amp instance.
+        self.lossfunction = lossfunction
+        self.fortran = fortran
+        self.checkpoints = checkpoints
+        if self.lossfunction is None:
+            self.lossfunction = LossFunction()
+    def fit(self,
+            trainingimages,
+            descriptor,
+            log,
+            parallel,
+            only_setup=False,
+            ):
+        """Fit the model parameters such that the fingerprints can be used to
+        describe the energies in trainingimages. log is the logging object.
+        descriptor is a descriptor object, as would be in calc.descriptor.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        trainingimages : dict
+            Hashed dictionary of training images.
+        descriptor : object
+            Class representing local atomic environment.
+        log : Logger object
+            Write function at which to log data. Note this must be a callable
+            function.
+        parallel: dict
+            Parallel configuration dictionary. Takes the same form as in
+            amp.Amp.
+        only_setup : bool
+            only_setup is primarily for debugging.  It initializes all
+            variables but skips the last line of starting the regressor.
+        """
+        # Set all parameters and report to logfile.
+        self._parallel = parallel
+        self._log = log
+        if self.regressor is None:
+            self.regressor = Regressor()
+        p = self.parameters
+        tp = self.trainingparameters = Parameters()
+        tp.trainingimages = trainingimages
+        tp.descriptor = descriptor
+        if p.mode is None:
+            p.mode = descriptor.parameters.mode
+        else:
+            assert p.mode == descriptor.parameters.mode
+        log('Regression in %s mode.' % p.mode)
+        if 'fprange' not in p or p.fprange is None:
+            log('Calculating new fingerprint range; this range is part '
+                'of the model.')
+            p.fprange = calculate_fingerprints_range(descriptor,
+                                                     trainingimages)
+        if p.mode == 'atom-centered':
+            # If hiddenlayers is a tuple/list, convert to a dictionary.
+            if not hasattr(p.hiddenlayers, 'keys'):
+                p.hiddenlayers = {element: p.hiddenlayers
+                                  for element in p.fprange.keys()}
+        log('Hidden-layer structure:')
+        if p.mode == 'image-centered':
+            log(' %s' % str(p.hiddenlayers))
+        elif p.mode == 'atom-centered':
+            for item in p.hiddenlayers.items():
+                log(' %2s: %s' % item)
+        if p.weights is None:
+            log('Initializing with random weights.')
+            if p.mode == 'image-centered':
+                raise NotImplementedError('Needs to be coded.')
+            elif p.mode == 'atom-centered':
+                p.weights = get_random_weights(p.hiddenlayers, p.activation,
+                                               None, p.fprange)
+        else:
+            log('Initial weights already present.')
+        if p.scalings is None:
+            log('Initializing with random scalings.')
+            if p.mode == 'image-centered':
+                raise NotImplementedError('Need to code.')
+            elif p.mode == 'atom-centered':
+                p.scalings = get_random_scalings(trainingimages, p.activation,
+                                                 p.fprange.keys())
+        else:
+            log('Initial scalings already present.')
+        if only_setup:
+            return
+        # Regress the model.
+        self.step = 0
+        result = self.regressor.regress(model=self, log=log)
+        return result  # True / False
+    @property
+    def forcetraining(self):
+        """Returns true if forcetraining is turned on (as determined by
+        examining the convergence criteria in the loss function), else
+        returns False.
+        """
+        if self.lossfunction.parameters['force_coefficient'] is None:
+            forcetraining = False
+        elif self.lossfunction.parameters['force_coefficient'] > 0.:
+            forcetraining = True
+        return forcetraining
+    @property
+    def vector(self):
+        """Access to get or set the model parameters (weights, scaling for
+        each network) as a single vector, useful in particular for
+        regression.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        vector : list
+            Parameters of the regression model in the form of a list.
+        """
+        if self.parameters['weights'] is None:
+            return None
+        p = self.parameters
+        if not hasattr(self, 'ravel'):
+            self.ravel = Raveler(p.weights, p.scalings)
+        return self.ravel.to_vector(weights=p.weights, scalings=p.scalings)
+    @vector.setter
+    def vector(self, vector):
+        p = self.parameters
+        if not hasattr(self, 'ravel'):
+            self.ravel = Raveler(p.weights, p.scalings)
+        weights, scalings = self.ravel.to_dicts(vector)
+        p['weights'] = weights
+        p['scalings'] = scalings
+    def get_loss(self, vector):
+        """Method to be called by the regression master.
+        Takes one and only one input, a vector of parameters.
+        Returns one output, the value of the loss (cost) function.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        vector : list
+            Parameters of the regression model in the form of a list.
+        """
+        if self.step == 0:
+            filename = make_filename(self.parent.label,
+                                     '-initial-parameters.amp')
+            filename = self.parent.save(filename, overwrite=True)
+        if self.checkpoints:
+            if self.step % self.checkpoints == 0:
+                self._log('Saving checkpoint data.')
+                if self.checkpoints < 0:
+                    path = os.path.join(self.parent.label + '-checkpoints')
+                    if self.step == 0:
+                        if not os.path.exists(path):
+                            os.mkdir(path)
+                    filename = os.path.join(path,
+                                            '{}.amp'.format(int(self.step)))
+                else:
+                    filename = make_filename(self.parent.label,
+                                             '-checkpoint.amp')
+                self.parent.save(filename, overwrite=True)
+        loss = self.lossfunction.get_loss(vector, lossprime=False)['loss']
+        if hasattr(self, 'observer'):
+            self.observer(self, vector, loss)
+        self.step += 1
+        return loss
+    def get_lossprime(self, vector):
+        """Method to be called by the regression master.
+        Takes one and only one input, a vector of parameters.  Returns one
+        output, the value of the derivative of the loss function with respect
+        to model parameters.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        vector : list
+            Parameters of the regression model in the form of a list.
+        """
+        return self.lossfunction.get_loss(vector,
+                                          lossprime=True)['dloss_dparameters']
+    @property
+    def lossfunction(self):
+        """Allows the user to set a custom loss function.
+        For example,
+        >>> from amp.model import LossFunction
+        >>> lossfxn = LossFunction(energy_tol=0.0001)
+        >>> calc.model.lossfunction = lossfxn
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        lossfunction : object
+            Loss function object, if at all desired by the user.
+        """
+        return self._lossfunction
+    @lossfunction.setter
+    def lossfunction(self, lossfunction):
+        if hasattr(lossfunction, 'attach_model'):
+            lossfunction.attach_model(self)  # Allows access to methods.
+        self._lossfunction = lossfunction
+    def calculate_atomic_energy(self, afp, index, symbol,):
+        """
+        Given input to the neural network, output (which corresponds to energy)
+        is calculated about the specified atom. The sum of these for all
+        atoms is the total energy (in atom-centered mode).
+        Parameters
+        ---------
+        afp : list
+            Atomic fingerprints in the form of a list to be used as input to
+            the neural network.
+        index: int
+            Index of the atom for which atomic energy is calculated (only used
+            in the atom-centered mode).
+        symbol : str
+            Symbol of the atom for which atomic energy is calculated (only used
+            in the atom-centered mode).
+        Returns
+        -------
+        float
+            Energy.
+        """
+        if self.parameters.mode != 'atom-centered':
+            raise AssertionError('calculate_atomic_energy should only be '
+                                 ' called in atom-centered mode.')
+        scaling = self.parameters.scalings[symbol]
+        outputs = calculate_nodal_outputs(self.parameters, afp, symbol,)
+        atomic_amp_energy = scaling['slope'] * \
+            float(outputs[len(outputs) - 1]) + \
+            scaling['intercept']
+        return atomic_amp_energy
+    def calculate_force(self, afp, derafp,
+                        direction,
+                        nindex=None, nsymbol=None,):
+        """Given derivative of input to the neural network, derivative of output
+        (which corresponds to forces) is calculated.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        afp : list
+            Atomic fingerprints in the form of a list to be used as input to
+            the neural network.
+        derafp : list
+            Derivatives of atomic fingerprints in the form of a list to be used
+            as input to the neural network.
+        direction : int
+            Direction of force.
+        nindex : int
+            Index of the neighbor atom which force is acting at.  (only used in
+            the atom-centered mode)
+        nsymbol : str
+            Symbol of the neighbor atom which force is acting at.  (only used
+            in the atom-centered mode)
+        Returns
+        -------
+        float
+            Force.
+        """
+        scaling = self.parameters.scalings[nsymbol]
+        outputs = calculate_nodal_outputs(self.parameters, afp, nsymbol,)
+        dOutputs_dInputs = calculate_dOutputs_dInputs(self.parameters, derafp,
+                                                      outputs, nsymbol,)
+        force = float((scaling['slope'] *
+                       dOutputs_dInputs[len(dOutputs_dInputs) - 1][0]))
+        # force is multiplied by -1, because it is -dE/dx and not dE/dx.
+        force *= -1.
+        return force
+    def calculate_dAtomicEnergy_dParameters(self, afp, index=None,
+                                            symbol=None):
+        """Returns the derivative of energy square error with respect to
+        variables.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        afp : list
+            Atomic fingerprints in the form of a list to be used as input to
+            the neural network.
+        index : int
+            Index of the atom for which atomic energy is calculated (only used
+            in the atom-centered mode)
+        symbol : str
+            Symbol of the atom for which atomic energy is calculated (only used
+            in the atom-centered mode)
+        Returns
+        -------
+        list of float
+            The value of the derivative of energy square error with respect to
+            variables.
+        """
+        p = self.parameters
+        scaling = p.scalings[symbol]
+        # self.W dictionary initiated.
+        self.W = {}
+        for elm in p.weights.keys():
+            self.W[elm] = {}
+            weight = p.weights[elm]
+            for _ in range(len(weight)):
+                self.W[elm][_ + 1] = np.delete(weight[_ + 1], -1, 0)
+        W = self.W[symbol]
+        dAtomicEnergy_dParameters = np.zeros(self.ravel.count)
+        dAtomicEnergy_dWeights, dAtomicEnergy_dScalings = \
+            self.ravel.to_dicts(dAtomicEnergy_dParameters)
+        outputs = calculate_nodal_outputs(self.parameters, afp, symbol,)
+        ohat, D, delta = calculate_ohat_D_delta(self.parameters, outputs, W)
+        dAtomicEnergy_dScalings[symbol]['intercept'] = 1.
+        dAtomicEnergy_dScalings[symbol][
+            'slope'] = float(outputs[len(outputs) - 1])
+        for k in range(1, len(outputs)):
+            dAtomicEnergy_dWeights[symbol][k] = float(scaling['slope']) * \
+                np.dot(np.matrix(ohat[k - 1]).T, np.matrix(delta[k]).T)
+        dAtomicEnergy_dParameters = \
+            self.ravel.to_vector(
+                dAtomicEnergy_dWeights, dAtomicEnergy_dScalings)
+        return dAtomicEnergy_dParameters
+    def calculate_dForce_dParameters(self, afp, derafp,
+                                     direction,
+                                     nindex=None, nsymbol=None,):
+        """Returns the derivative of force square error with respect to
+        variables.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        afp : list
+            Atomic fingerprints in the form of a list to be used as input to
+            the neural network.
+        derafp : list
+            Derivatives of atomic fingerprints in the form of a list to be used
+            as input to the neural network.
+        direction : int
+            Direction of force.
+        nindex : int
+            Index of the neighbor atom which force is acting at.  (only used in
+            the atom-centered mode)
+        nsymbol : str
+            Symbol of the neighbor atom which force is acting at.  (only used
+            in the atom-centered mode)
+        Returns
+        -------
+        list of float
+            The value of the derivative of force square error with respect to
+            variables.
+        """
+        p = self.parameters
+        scaling = p.scalings[nsymbol]
+        activation = p.activation
+        # self.W dictionary initiated.
+        self.W = {}
+        for elm in p.weights.keys():
+            self.W[elm] = {}
+            weight = p.weights[elm]
+            for _ in range(len(weight)):
+                self.W[elm][_ + 1] = np.delete(weight[_ + 1], -1, 0)
+        W = self.W[nsymbol]
+        dForce_dParameters = np.zeros(self.ravel.count)
+        dForce_dWeights, dForce_dScalings = \
+            self.ravel.to_dicts(dForce_dParameters)
+        outputs = calculate_nodal_outputs(self.parameters, afp, nsymbol,)
+        ohat, D, delta = calculate_ohat_D_delta(self.parameters, outputs, W)
+        dOutputs_dInputs = calculate_dOutputs_dInputs(self.parameters, derafp,
+                                                      outputs, nsymbol,)
+        N = len(outputs) - 2
+        dD_dInputs = {}
+        for k in range(1, N + 2):
+            # Calculating coordinate derivative of D matrix
+            dD_dInputs[k] = np.zeros(shape=(np.size(outputs[k]),
+                                            np.size(outputs[k])))
+            for j in range(np.size(outputs[k])):
+                if activation == 'linear':  # linear
+                    dD_dInputs[k][j, j] = 0.
+                elif activation == 'tanh':  # tanh
+                    dD_dInputs[k][j, j] = \
+                        - 2. * outputs[k][0, j] * dOutputs_dInputs[k][j]
+                elif activation == 'sigmoid':  # sigmoid
+                    dD_dInputs[k][j, j] = dOutputs_dInputs[k][j] - \
+                        2. * outputs[k][0, j] * dOutputs_dInputs[k][j]
+        # Calculating coordinate derivative of delta
+        dDelta_dInputs = {}
+        # output layer
+        dDelta_dInputs[N + 1] = dD_dInputs[N + 1]
+        # hidden layers
+        temp1 = {}
+        temp2 = {}
+        for k in range(N, 0, -1):
+            temp1[k] = np.dot(W[k + 1], delta[k + 1])
+            temp2[k] = np.dot(W[k + 1], dDelta_dInputs[k + 1])
+            dDelta_dInputs[k] = \
+                np.dot(dD_dInputs[k], temp1[k]) + np.dot(D[k], temp2[k])
+        # Calculating coordinate derivative of ohat and
+        # coordinates weights derivative of atomic_output
+        dOhat_dInputs = {}
+        dOutput_dInputsdWeights = {}
+        for k in range(1, N + 2):
+            dOhat_dInputs[k - 1] = [None] * (1 + len(dOutputs_dInputs[k - 1]))
+            bound = len(dOutputs_dInputs[k - 1])
+            for count in range(bound):
+                dOhat_dInputs[k - 1][count] = dOutputs_dInputs[k - 1][count]
+            dOhat_dInputs[k - 1][count + 1] = 0.
+            dOutput_dInputsdWeights[k] = \
+                np.dot(np.matrix(dOhat_dInputs[k - 1]).T,
+                       np.matrix(delta[k]).T) + \
+                np.dot(np.matrix(ohat[k - 1]).T,
+                       np.matrix(dDelta_dInputs[k]).T)
+        for k in range(1, N + 2):
+            dForce_dWeights[nsymbol][k] = float(scaling['slope']) * \
+                dOutput_dInputsdWeights[k]
+        dForce_dScalings[nsymbol]['slope'] = dOutputs_dInputs[N + 1][0]
+        dForce_dParameters = self.ravel.to_vector(dForce_dWeights,
+                                                  dForce_dScalings)
+        # force is multiplied by -1, because it is -dE/dx and not dE/dx.
+        dForce_dParameters *= -1.
+        return dForce_dParameters
+# Auxiliary functions #########################################################
+def calculate_nodal_outputs(parameters, afp, symbol,):
+    """
+    Given input to the neural network, output (which corresponds to energy)
+    is calculated about the specified atom. The sum of these for all
+    atoms is the total energy (in atom-centered mode).
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    parameters : dict
+        ASE dictionary object.
+    afp : list
+        Atomic fingerprints in the form of a list to be used as input to the
+        neural network.
+    symbol : str
+        Symbol of the atom for which atomic energy is calculated (only used in
+        the atom-centered mode)
+    Returns
+    -------
+    dict
+        Outputs of neural network nodes
+    """
+    _afp = np.array(afp).copy()
+    hiddenlayers = parameters.hiddenlayers[symbol]
+    weight = parameters.weights[symbol]
+    activation = parameters.activation
+    fprange = parameters.fprange[symbol]
+    # Scale the fingerprints to be in [-1, 1] range.
+    for _ in range(np.shape(_afp)[0]):
+        if (fprange[_][1] - fprange[_][0]) > (10.**(-8.)):
+            _afp[_] = -1.0 + 2.0 * ((_afp[_] - fprange[_][0]) /
+                                    (fprange[_][1] - fprange[_][0]))
+    # Calculate node values.
+    o = {}  # node values
+    layer = 1  # input layer
+    net = {}  # excitation
+    ohat = {}  # ohat is the nodal output matrix o concatenated by 1 for biases
+    len_of_afp = len(_afp)
+    # a temp variable is defined to construct the output matix o
+    temp = np.zeros((1, len_of_afp + 1))
+    for _ in range(len_of_afp):
+        temp[0, _] = _afp[_]
+    temp[0, len(_afp)] = 1.0
+    ohat[0] = temp
+    net[1] = np.dot(ohat[0], weight[1])
+    if activation == 'linear':
+        o[1] = net[1]  # linear activation
+    elif activation == 'tanh':
+        o[1] = np.tanh(net[1])  # tanh activation
+    elif activation == 'sigmoid':  # sigmoid activation
+        o[1] = 1. / (1. + np.exp(-net[1]))
+    temp = np.zeros((1, np.shape(o[1])[1] + 1))
+    bound = np.shape(o[1])[1]
+    for _ in range(bound):
+        temp[0, _] = o[1][0, _]
+    temp[0, np.shape(o[1])[1]] = 1.0
+    ohat[1] = temp
+    for hiddenlayer in hiddenlayers[1:]:
+        layer += 1
+        net[layer] = np.dot(ohat[layer - 1], weight[layer])
+        if activation == 'linear':
+            o[layer] = net[layer]  # linear activation
+        elif activation == 'tanh':
+            o[layer] = np.tanh(net[layer])  # tanh activation
+        elif activation == 'sigmoid':
+            # sigmoid activation
+            o[layer] = 1. / (1. + np.exp(-net[layer]))
+        temp = np.zeros((1, np.size(o[layer]) + 1))
+        bound = np.size(o[layer])
+        for _ in range(bound):
+            temp[0, _] = o[layer][0, _]
+        temp[0, np.size(o[layer])] = 1.0
+        ohat[layer] = temp
+    layer += 1  # output layer
+    net[layer] = np.dot(ohat[layer - 1], weight[layer])
+    if activation == 'linear':
+        o[layer] = net[layer]  # linear activation
+    elif activation == 'tanh':
+        o[layer] = np.tanh(net[layer])  # tanh activation
+    elif activation == 'sigmoid':
+        # sigmoid activation
+        o[layer] = 1. / (1. + np.exp(-net[layer]))
+    del hiddenlayers, weight, ohat, net
+    len_of_afp = len(_afp)
+    temp = np.zeros((1, len_of_afp))
+    for _ in range(len_of_afp):
+        temp[0, _] = _afp[_]
+    o[0] = temp
+    return o
+def calculate_dOutputs_dInputs(parameters, derafp, outputs, nsymbol,):
+    """
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    parameters : dict
+        ASE dictionary object.
+    derafp : list
+        Derivatives of atomic fingerprints in the form of a list to be used as
+        input to the neural network.
+    outputs : dict
+        Outputs of neural network nodes.
+    nsymbol : str
+        Symbol of the atom for which atomic energy is calculated (only used in
+        the atom-centered mode)
+    Returns
+    -------
+    dict
+        Derivatives of outputs of neural network nodes w.r.t.  inputs.
+    """
+    _derafp = np.array(derafp).copy()
+    hiddenlayers = parameters.hiddenlayers[nsymbol]
+    weight = parameters.weights[nsymbol]
+    activation = parameters.activation
+    fprange = parameters.fprange[nsymbol]
+    # Scaling derivative of fingerprints.
+    for _ in range(len(_derafp)):
+        if (fprange[_][1] - fprange[_][0]) > (10.**(-8.)):
+            _derafp[_] = 2.0 * (_derafp[_] / (fprange[_][1] - fprange[_][0]))
+    dOutputs_dInputs = {}  # node values
+    dOutputs_dInputs[0] = _derafp
+    layer = 0  # input layer
+    for hiddenlayer in hiddenlayers[0:]:
+        layer += 1
+        temp = np.dot(np.matrix(dOutputs_dInputs[layer - 1]),
+                      np.delete(weight[layer], -1, 0))
+        dOutputs_dInputs[layer] = [None] * np.size(outputs[layer])
+        bound = np.size(outputs[layer])
+        for j in range(bound):
+            if activation == 'linear':  # linear function
+                dOutputs_dInputs[layer][j] = float(temp[0, j])
+            elif activation == 'sigmoid':  # sigmoid function
+                dOutputs_dInputs[layer][j] = float(temp[0, j]) * \
+                    float(outputs[layer][0, j] * (1. - outputs[layer][0, j]))
+            elif activation == 'tanh':  # tanh function
+                dOutputs_dInputs[layer][j] = float(temp[0, j]) * \
+                    float(1. - outputs[layer][0, j] * outputs[layer][0, j])
+    layer += 1  # output layer
+    temp = np.dot(np.matrix(dOutputs_dInputs[layer - 1]),
+                  np.delete(weight[layer], -1, 0))
+    if activation == 'linear':  # linear function
+        dOutputs_dInputs[layer] = float(temp)
+    elif activation == 'sigmoid':  # sigmoid function
+        dOutputs_dInputs[layer] = \
+            float(outputs[layer] * (1. - outputs[layer]) * temp)
+    elif activation == 'tanh':  # tanh function
+        dOutputs_dInputs[layer] = \
+            float((1. - outputs[layer] * outputs[layer]) * temp)
+    dOutputs_dInputs[layer] = [dOutputs_dInputs[layer]]
+    return dOutputs_dInputs
+def calculate_ohat_D_delta(parameters, outputs, W):
+    """Calculates extra matrices ohat, D, delta needed in mathematical
+    manipulations.
+    Notations are consistent with those of 'Rojas, R. Neural Networks
+    - A Systematic Introduction.  Springer-Verlag, Berlin, first edition 1996'
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    parameters : dict
+        ASE dictionary object.
+    outputs : dict
+        Outputs of neural network nodes.
+    W : dict
+        The same as weight dictionary, but the last rows associated with biases
+        are deleted in W.
+    """
+    activation = parameters.activation
+    N = len(outputs) - 2  # number of hiddenlayers
+    D = {}
+    for k in range(N + 2):
+        D[k] = np.zeros(shape=(np.size(outputs[k]), np.size(outputs[k])))
+        for j in range(np.size(outputs[k])):
+            if activation == 'linear':  # linear
+                D[k][j, j] = 1.
+            elif activation == 'sigmoid':  # sigmoid
+                D[k][j, j] = float(outputs[k][0, j]) * \
+                    float((1. - outputs[k][0, j]))
+            elif activation == 'tanh':  # tanh
+                D[k][j, j] = float(1. - outputs[k][0, j] * outputs[k][0, j])
+    # Calculating delta
+    delta = {}
+    # output layer
+    delta[N + 1] = D[N + 1]
+    # hidden layers
+    for k in range(N, 0, -1):  # backpropagate starting from output layer
+        delta[k] = np.dot(D[k], np.dot(W[k + 1], delta[k + 1]))
+    # Calculating ohat
+    ohat = {}
+    for k in range(1, N + 2):
+        bound = np.size(outputs[k - 1])
+        ohat[k - 1] = np.zeros(shape=(1, bound + 1))
+        for j in range(bound):
+            ohat[k - 1][0, j] = outputs[k - 1][0, j]
+        ohat[k - 1][0, bound] = 1.0
+    return ohat, D, delta
+def get_random_weights(hiddenlayers, activation, no_of_atoms=None,
+                       fprange=None):
+    """Generates random weight arrays from variables.
+    hiddenlayers: dict
+        Dictionary of chemical element symbols and architectures of their
+        corresponding hidden layers of the conventional neural network. Number
+        of nodes of last layer is always one corresponding to energy.  However,
+        number of nodes of first layer is equal to three times number of atoms
+        in the system in the case of no descriptor, and is equal to length of
+        symmetry functions in the atom-centered mode. Can be fed as:
+        >>> hiddenlayers = (3, 2,)
+        for example, in which a neural network with two hidden
+        layers, the first one having three nodes and the
+        second one having two nodes is assigned (to the whole
+        atomic system in the case of no descriptor, and to
+        each chemical element in the atom-centered mode).  In
+        the atom-centered mode, neural network for each
+        species can be assigned seperately, as:
+        >>> hiddenlayers = {"O":(3,5), "Au":(5,6)}
+        for example.
+    activation : str
+        Assigns the type of activation funtion. "linear" refers to linear
+        function, "tanh" refers to tanh function, and "sigmoid" refers to
+        sigmoid function.
+    no_of_atoms : int
+        Number of atoms in atomic systems; used only in the case of no
+        descriptor.
+    fprange : dict
+        Range of fingerprints of each chemical species.  Should be fed as
+        a dictionary of chemical species and a list of minimum and maximun,
+        e.g:
+        >>> fprange={"Pd": [0.31, 0.59], "O":[0.56, 0.72]}
+    Returns
+    -------
+    float
+        weights
+    """
+    weight = {}
+    nn_structure = {}
+    if no_of_atoms is not None:  # pure atomic-coordinates scheme
+        if isinstance(hiddenlayers, int):
+            nn_structure = ([3 * no_of_atoms] + [hiddenlayers] + [1])
+        else:
+            nn_structure = (
+                [3 * no_of_atoms] +
+                [layer for layer in hiddenlayers] + [1])
+        weight = {}
+        # Instead try Andrew Ng coursera approach. +/- epsilon
+        # epsilon = sqrt(6./(n_i + n_o))
+        # where the n's are the number of input and output nodes.
+        # Note: need to double that here with the math below.
+        epsilon = np.sqrt(6. / (nn_structure[0] +
+                                nn_structure[1]))
+        normalized_arg_range = 2. * epsilon
+        weight[1] = np.random.random((3 * no_of_atoms + 1,
+                                      nn_structure[1])) * \
+            normalized_arg_range - \
+            normalized_arg_range / 2.
+        len_of_hiddenlayers = len(list(nn_structure)) - 3
+        for layer in range(len_of_hiddenlayers):
+            epsilon = np.sqrt(6. / (nn_structure[layer + 1] +
+                                    nn_structure[layer + 2]))
+            normalized_arg_range = 2. * epsilon
+            weight[layer + 2] = np.random.random(
+                (nn_structure[layer + 1] + 1,
+                 nn_structure[layer + 2])) * \
+                normalized_arg_range - normalized_arg_range / 2.
+        epsilon = np.sqrt(6. / (nn_structure[-2] +
+                                nn_structure[-1]))
+        normalized_arg_range = 2. * epsilon
+        weight[len(list(nn_structure)) - 1] = \
+            np.random.random((nn_structure[-2] + 1, 1)) \
+            * normalized_arg_range - normalized_arg_range / 2.
+        if False:  # This seemed to be setting all biases to zero?
+            len_of_weight = len(weight)
+            for _ in range(len_of_weight):  # biases
+                size = weight[_ + 1][-1].size
+                for __ in range(size):
+                    weight[_ + 1][-1][__] = 0.
+    else:
+        elements = fprange.keys()
+        for element in sorted(elements):
+            len_of_fps = len(fprange[element])
+            if isinstance(hiddenlayers[element], int):
+                nn_structure[element] = ([len_of_fps] +
+                                         [hiddenlayers[element]] + [1])
+            else:
+                nn_structure[element] = (
+                    [len_of_fps] +
+                    [layer for layer in hiddenlayers[element]] + [1])
+            weight[element] = {}
+            # Instead try Andrew Ng coursera approach. +/- epsilon
+            # epsilon = sqrt(6./(n_i + n_o))
+            # where the n's are the number of input and output nodes.
+            # Note: need to double that here with the math below.
+            epsilon = np.sqrt(6. / (nn_structure[element][0] +
+                                    nn_structure[element][1]))
+            normalized_arg_range = 2. * epsilon
+            weight[element][1] = np.random.random((len(fprange[element]) + 1,
+                                                   nn_structure[
+                                                   element][1])) * \
+                normalized_arg_range - \
+                normalized_arg_range / 2.
+            len_of_hiddenlayers = len(list(nn_structure[element])) - 3
+            for layer in range(len_of_hiddenlayers):
+                epsilon = np.sqrt(6. / (nn_structure[element][layer + 1] +
+                                        nn_structure[element][layer + 2]))
+                normalized_arg_range = 2. * epsilon
+                weight[element][layer + 2] = np.random.random(
+                    (nn_structure[element][layer + 1] + 1,
+                     nn_structure[element][layer + 2])) * \
+                    normalized_arg_range - normalized_arg_range / 2.
+            epsilon = np.sqrt(6. / (nn_structure[element][-2] +
+                                    nn_structure[element][-1]))
+            normalized_arg_range = 2. * epsilon
+            weight[element][len(list(nn_structure[element])) - 1] = \
+                np.random.random((nn_structure[element][-2] + 1, 1)) \
+                * normalized_arg_range - normalized_arg_range / 2.
+            if False:  # This seemed to be setting all biases to zero?
+                len_of_weight = len(weight[element])
+                for _ in range(len_of_weight):  # biases
+                    size = weight[element][_ + 1][-1].size
+                    for __ in range(size):
+                        weight[element][_ + 1][-1][__] = 0.
+    return weight
+def get_random_scalings(images, activation, elements=None):
+    """Generates initial scaling matrices, such that the range of activation is
+    scaled to the range of actual energies.
+    images : dict
+        ASE atoms objects (the training set).
+    activation: str
+        Assigns the type of activation funtion. "linear" refers to linear
+        function, "tanh" refers to tanh function, and "sigmoid" refers to
+        sigmoid function.
+    elements: list of str
+        List of atom symbols; used in the atom-centered mode only.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    float
+        scalings
+    """
+    hashs = list(images.keys())
+    no_of_images = len(hashs)
+    max_act_energy = max(image.get_potential_energy(apply_constraint=False)
+                         for image in images.values())
+    min_act_energy = min(image.get_potential_energy(apply_constraint=False)
+                         for image in images.values())
+    for count in range(no_of_images):
+        hash = hashs[count]
+        image = images[hash]
+        no_of_atoms = len(image)
+        if image.get_potential_energy(apply_constraint=False) == \
+                max_act_energy:
+            no_atoms_of_max_act_energy = no_of_atoms
+        if image.get_potential_energy(apply_constraint=False) == \
+                min_act_energy:
+            no_atoms_of_min_act_energy = no_of_atoms
+    max_act_energy_per_atom = max_act_energy / no_atoms_of_max_act_energy
+    min_act_energy_per_atom = min_act_energy / no_atoms_of_min_act_energy
+    scaling = {}
+    if elements is None:  # pure atomic-coordinates scheme
+        scaling = {}
+        if activation == 'sigmoid':  # sigmoid activation function
+            scaling['intercept'] = min_act_energy_per_atom
+            scaling['slope'] = (max_act_energy_per_atom -
+                                min_act_energy_per_atom)
+        elif activation == 'tanh':  # tanh activation function
+            scaling['intercept'] = (max_act_energy_per_atom +
+                                    min_act_energy_per_atom) / 2.
+            scaling['slope'] = (max_act_energy_per_atom -
+                                min_act_energy_per_atom) / 2.
+        elif activation == 'linear':  # linear activation function
+            scaling['intercept'] = (max_act_energy_per_atom +
+                                    min_act_energy_per_atom) / 2.
+            scaling['slope'] = (10. ** (-10.)) * \
+                (max_act_energy_per_atom -
+                 min_act_energy_per_atom) / 2.
+    else:  # atom-centered mode
+        for element in elements:
+            scaling[element] = {}
+            if activation == 'sigmoid':  # sigmoid activation function
+                scaling[element]['intercept'] = min_act_energy_per_atom
+                scaling[element]['slope'] = (max_act_energy_per_atom -
+                                             min_act_energy_per_atom)
+            elif activation == 'tanh':  # tanh activation function
+                scaling[element]['intercept'] = (max_act_energy_per_atom +
+                                                 min_act_energy_per_atom) / 2.
+                scaling[element]['slope'] = (max_act_energy_per_atom -
+                                             min_act_energy_per_atom) / 2.
+            elif activation == 'linear':  # linear activation function
+                scaling[element]['intercept'] = (max_act_energy_per_atom +
+                                                 min_act_energy_per_atom) / 2.
+                scaling[element]['slope'] = (10. ** (-10.)) * \
+                                            (max_act_energy_per_atom -
+                                             min_act_energy_per_atom) / 2.
+    return scaling
+class Raveler:
+    """Class to ravel and unravel variable values into a single vector.
+    This is used for feeding into the optimizer. Feed in a list of dictionaries
+    to initialize the shape of the transformation. Note no data is saved in the
+    class; each time it is used it is passed either the dictionaries or vector.
+    The dictionaries for initialization should be two levels deep.
+    weights, scalings are the variables to ravel and unravel
+    """
+    def __init__(self, weights, scalings):
+        self.count = 0
+        self.weightskeys = []
+        self.scalingskeys = []
+        for key1 in sorted(weights.keys()):  # element
+            for key2 in sorted(weights[key1].keys()):  # layer
+                value = weights[key1][key2]
+                self.weightskeys.append({'key1': key1,
+                                         'key2': key2,
+                                         'shape': np.array(value).shape,
+                                         'size': np.array(value).size})
+                self.count += np.array(weights[key1][key2]).size
+        for key1 in sorted(scalings.keys()):  # element
+            for key2 in sorted(scalings[key1].keys()):  # slope / intercept
+                self.scalingskeys.append({'key1': key1,
+                                          'key2': key2})
+                self.count += 1
+        self.vector = np.zeros(self.count)
+    def to_vector(self, weights, scalings):
+        """Puts the weights and scalings embedded dictionaries into a single
+        vector and returns it. The dictionaries need to have the identical
+        structure to those it was initialized with."""
+        vector = np.zeros(self.count)
+        count = 0
+        for k in self.weightskeys:
+            lweights = np.array(weights[k['key1']][k['key2']]).ravel()
+            vector[count:(count + lweights.size)] = lweights
+            count += lweights.size
+        for k in self.scalingskeys:
+            vector[count] = scalings[k['key1']][k['key2']]
+            count += 1
+        return vector
+    def to_dicts(self, vector):
+        """Puts the vector back into weights and scalings dictionaries of the
+        form initialized. vector must have same length as the output of
+        unravel."""
+        assert len(vector) == self.count
+        count = 0
+        weights = OrderedDict()
+        scalings = OrderedDict()
+        for k in self.weightskeys:
+            if k['key1'] not in weights.keys():
+                weights[k['key1']] = OrderedDict()
+            matrix = vector[count:count + k['size']]
+            matrix = matrix.flatten()
+            matrix = np.matrix(matrix.reshape(k['shape']))
+            weights[k['key1']][k['key2']] = matrix.tolist()
+            count += k['size']
+        for k in self.scalingskeys:
+            if k['key1'] not in scalings.keys():
+                scalings[k['key1']] = OrderedDict()
+            scalings[k['key1']][k['key2']] = vector[count]
+            count += 1
+        return weights, scalings
+# Analysis tools ##############################################################
+class NodePlot:
+    """Creates plots to visualize the output of the nodes in the neural
+    networks.
+    initialize with a calculator that has parameters; e.g. a trained
+    calculator or else one in which fit has been called with the setup_only
+    flag turned on.
+    Call with the 'plot' method, which takes as argment a list of images
+    """
+    def __init__(self, calc):
+        self.calc = calc
+        self.data = {}  # For accumulating the data.
+        # Local imports; these are not package-wide dependencies.
+        from matplotlib import pyplot
+        from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
+        self.pyplot = pyplot
+        self.PdfPages = PdfPages
+    def plot(self, images, filename='nodeplot.pdf'):
+        """ Creates a plot of the output of each node, as a violin plot.
+        """
+        calc = self.calc
+        log = Logger('develop.log')
+        images = hash_images(images, log=log)
+        calc.descriptor.calculate_fingerprints(images=images,
+                                               parallel={'cores': 1},
+                                               log=log,
+                                               calculate_derivatives=False)
+        for hash in images.keys():
+            fingerprints = calc.descriptor.fingerprints[hash]
+            for fp in fingerprints:
+                outputs = calculate_nodal_outputs(calc.model.parameters,
+                                                  afp=fp[1],
+                                                  symbol=fp[0])
+                self._accumulate(symbol=fp[0], output=outputs)
+        self._finalize_table()
+        with self.PdfPages(filename) as pdf:
+            for symbol in self.data.keys():
+                fig = self._makefig(symbol)
+                pdf.savefig(fig)
+                self.pyplot.close(fig)
+    def _makefig(self, symbol, save=False):
+        """Makes a figure for one element."""
+        fig = self.pyplot.figure(figsize=(8.5, 11.0))
+        lm = 0.1
+        rm = 0.05
+        bm = 0.05
+        tm = 0.05
+        vg = 0.05
+        numplots = 1 + self.data[symbol]['header'][-1][0]
+        axwidth = 1. - lm - rm
+        axheight = (1. - bm - tm - (numplots - 1) * vg) / numplots
+        d = self.data[symbol]
+        for layer in range(1 + d['header'][-1][0]):
+            ax = fig.add_axes((lm,
+                               1. - tm - axheight - (axheight + vg) * layer,
+                               axwidth, axheight))
+            indices = [_ for _, label in enumerate(d['header'])
+                       if label[0] == layer]
+            sub = d['table'][:, indices]
+            ax.violinplot(dataset=sub, positions=range(len(indices)))
+            ax.set_ylim(-1.2, 1.2)
+            ax.set_xlim(-0.5, len(indices) - 0.5)
+            ax.set_ylabel('Layer %i' % layer)
+        ax.set_xlabel('node')
+        fig.text(0.5, 1. - 0.5 * tm, 'Node outputs for %s' % symbol,
+                 ha='center', va='center')
+        if save:
+            fig.savefig(save)
+        return fig
+    def _accumulate(self, symbol, output):
+        """Accumulates the data for the symbol."""
+        data = self.data
+        layerkeys = list(output.keys())  # Correspond to layers.
+        if symbol not in data:
+            # Create headers, structure.
+            data[symbol] = {'header': [],
+                            'table': []}
+            for layerkey in layerkeys:
+                v = output[layerkey]
+                v = v.reshape(v.size).tolist()
+                data[symbol]['header'].extend([(layerkey, _) for _ in
+                                              range(len(v))])
+        # Add as a row to data table.
+        row = []
+        for layerkey in layerkeys:
+            v = output[layerkey]
+            v = v.reshape(v.size).tolist()
+            row.extend(v)
+        data[symbol]['table'].append(row)
+    def _finalize_table(self):
+        """Converts the data table into a numpy array."""
+        for symbol in self.data:
+            self.data[symbol]['table'] = np.array(self.data[symbol]['table'])
diff --git a/amp/model/tflow.py b/amp/model/tflow.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48e2d53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/amp/model/tflow.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1766 @@
+# This module was contributed by:
+#    Zachary Ulissi
+#    Department of Chemical Engineering
+#    Stanford University
+#    zulissi at gmail.com
+# Help/testing/discussions: Andrew Doyle (Stanford) and
+# the AMP development team
+# This module implements energy- and force- training using Google's
+# TensorFlow library. In doing so, the training is multithreaded and GPU
+# accelerated.
+import numpy as np
+import uuid
+from . import LossFunction
+from ..utilities import ConvergenceOccurred
+    import tensorflow as tf
+    from tensorflow.contrib.opt import ScipyOptimizerInterface
+except ImportError:
+    # A warning is raised instead of an error so that documentation can
+    # build without tensorflow installed.
+    import warnings
+    warnings.warn('Please install tensorflow if you plan to use this '
+                  'Amp module.')
+class NeuralNetwork:
+    """TensorFlow-based Neural Network model.
+    Uses Google's machine-learning code to construct a neural network. This
+    method also allows for GPU acceleration.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    hiddenlayers
+        Structure of the neural network. Can either be in the format
+        (int,int,int), where each element represnts the size of a
+        layer and there and the length of the list is the number of
+        layers, or dictionary format of the network structure for each
+        element type. E.g. {'Cu': (5, 5), 'O': (10, 5)}
+    activation
+        Activation type. (XXX Provide list of possibilities.)
+    keep_prob : float
+        Dropout rate for the neural network to reduce overfitting.
+        (keep_prob=1. uses all nodes, keep_prob~0.5-0.8 better for training)
+    maxTrainingEpochs : int
+        Maximum number of times to loop through the training data before
+        giving up.
+    batchsize : int
+        Batch size for minibatch (if miniBatch is set to True).
+    initialTrainingRate
+        Initial training rate for SGD optimizers like ADAM. See the TF
+        documentation for choose this value. Likely between 1e-2 and 1e-5,
+        depending on use case, whether mini-batch is on, etc.
+    miniBatch : bool
+        Whether to use minibatches in training.
+    tfVars
+        Tensorflow variables (used if restoring from a previous save).
+    saveVariableName : str
+        Name used for the internal tensorflow variable naming scheme.
+        If variables have the same name as another model in the same
+        tensorflow session, there will be collisions.
+    parameters
+        Dictionary of parameters to be used in initialization. Mostly these
+        are the same keywords as the keyword arguments in this function. This
+        is primarily used to make saving/loading easier.
+    sess
+        tensorflow session to use (None means start a new session)
+    maxAtomsForces : int
+        Number of atoms to be used in the force training. It sets the upper
+        bound on the number of atoms that can be used to calculate the force
+        for. E.g., if maxAtomsForces=40, then forces can only be calculated
+        for images with less than 40 atoms.
+    energy_coefficient : float
+        Used to adjust the loss function; this is the weight applied to the
+        energy component.
+    force_coefficient : float or None
+        Used to adjust the loss function; this is the weight applied to the
+        force component. Note you can turn off force training by setting
+        this to None.
+    convergenceCriteria: dict
+        Dictionary of convergence criteria, analagous to the main AMP
+        convergence criteria dictionary.
+    optimizationMethod: string
+        Set the optimization method for the NN parameters. Currently either
+        'ADAM' for the ADAM optimizer in tensorflow, of 'l-BFGS-b' for the
+        deterministic l-BFGS-b method. ADAM is usually faster per training
+        step, has all of the benefits of being a stochastic optimizer, and
+        allows for mini-batch operation, but has more tunable parameters and
+        can be harder to get working well. l-BFGS-b usually works for
+        small/moderate network sizes.
+    input_keep_prob
+        Dropout ratio on the first layer (from fingerprints to the neural
+        network. Rule of thumb is this should be 0 to 0.2. Only applies when
+        using a SGD optimizer like ADAM. BFGS ignores this.
+    ADAM_optimizer_params
+        Dictionary of parameters to pass to the ADAM optimizer. See
+        https://www.tensorflow.org/versions/r0.11/api_docs/python/
+        train.html#AdamOptimizer for documentation
+    regularization_strength
+        Weight for L2-regularization in the cost function
+    fprange: dict
+        This is a dictionary that contains the minimum and maximum values seen
+        for each fingerprint of each element. These
+    weights: np array
+        Input that allows the NN weights (and biases) to be set directly. This
+        is only used for verifying that the calculation is working correctly
+        in the CuOPd test case. In general, don't use this except for testing
+        the code. This argument is analagous to the original AMP NeuralNetwork
+        module.
+    scalings
+        Input that allows the NN final scaling o be set directly. This
+        is only used for verifying that the calculation is working correctly
+        in the CuOPd test case. In general, don't use this except for testing
+        the code. This argument is analagous to the original AMP NeuralNetwork
+        module.
+    unit_type: string
+        Sets the internal datatype of the tensorflow model. Either "float"
+        for 32-bit FP precision, or "double" for 64-bit FP precision.
+    preLoadTrainingData: bool
+        Decides whether to run the training by preloading all training data
+        into tensorflow. Doing so results in faster training if the entire
+        dataset can fit into memory. This only works when not using mini-batch.
+    relativeForceCutoff: float
+        Parameter for controlling whether the force contribution to the trained
+        cost function is absolute (just differences of force compared to
+        training forces) or relative for large values of the force. This
+        basically sets the upper limit on the forces that should be fitted
+        (e.g. if the force is >A, then the force is scaled). This helps when a
+        small number of images have very large forces that don't need to be
+        reconstructed perfectly.
+    """
+    def __init__(self,
+                 hiddenlayers=(5, 5),
+                 activation='tanh',
+                 keep_prob=1.,
+                 maxTrainingEpochs=10000,
+                 importname=None,
+                 batchsize=2,
+                 initialTrainingRate=1e-4,
+                 miniBatch=False,
+                 tfVars=None,
+                 saveVariableName=None,
+                 parameters=None,
+                 sess=None,
+                 energy_coefficient=1.0,
+                 force_coefficient=0.04,
+                 scikit_model=None,
+                 convergenceCriteria=None,
+                 optimizationMethod='l-BFGS-b',
+                 input_keep_prob=0.8,
+                 ADAM_optimizer_params={'beta1': 0.9},
+                 regularization_strength=None,
+                 numTrainingImages={},
+                 elementFingerprintLengths=None,
+                 fprange=None,
+                 weights=None,
+                 scalings=None,
+                 unit_type="float",
+                 preLoadTrainingData=True,
+                 relativeForceCutoff=None
+                 ):
+        self.parameters = {} if parameters is None else parameters
+        for prop in ['energyMeanScale',
+                     'energyPerElement']:
+            if prop not in self.parameters:
+                self.parameters[prop] = 0.
+        for prop in ['energyProdScale']:
+            if prop not in self.parameters:
+                self.parameters[prop] = 1.
+        if 'convergence' in self.parameters:
+            1
+        elif convergenceCriteria is None:
+            self.parameters['convergence'] = {'energy_rmse': 0.001,
+                                              'energy_maxresid': None,
+                                              'force_rmse': 0.005,
+                                              'force_maxresid': None}
+        else:
+            self.parameters['convergence'] = convergenceCriteria
+        if 'energy_coefficient' not in self.parameters:
+            self.parameters['energy_coefficient'] = energy_coefficient
+        if 'force_coefficient' not in self.parameters:
+            self.parameters['force_coefficient'] = force_coefficient
+        if 'ADAM_optimizer_params' not in self.parameters:
+            self.parameters['ADAM_optimizer_params'] = ADAM_optimizer_params
+        if 'regularization_strength' not in self.parameters:
+            self.parameters['regularization_strength'] =\
+                regularization_strength
+        if 'relativeForceCutoff' not in self.parameters:
+            self.parameters['relativeForceCutoff'] = relativeForceCutoff
+        if 'unit_type' not in self.parameters:
+            self.parameters['unit_type'] = unit_type
+        if 'preLoadTrainingData' not in self.parameters:
+            self.parameters['preLoadTrainingData'] = preLoadTrainingData
+        if 'fprange' not in self.parameters and fprange is not None:
+            self.parameters['fprange'] = {}
+            for element in fprange:
+                _ = np.array([map(lambda x: x[0], fprange[element]),
+                              map(lambda x: x[1], fprange[element])])
+                self.parameters['fprange'][element] = _
+        self.hiddenlayers = hiddenlayers
+        if isinstance(activation, basestring):
+            self.activationName = activation
+            self.activation = eval('tf.nn.' + activation)
+        else:
+            self.activation = activation
+            self.activationName = activation.__name__
+        self.keep_prob = keep_prob
+        self.input_keep_prob = input_keep_prob
+        if saveVariableName is None:
+            self.saveVariableName = str(uuid.uuid4())[:8]
+        else:
+            self.saveVariableName = saveVariableName
+        if elementFingerprintLengths is not None:
+            self.elements = elementFingerprintLengths.keys()
+            self.elements.sort()
+            self.elementFingerprintLengths = {}
+            for element in self.elements:
+                self.elementFingerprintLengths[element] =\
+                    elementFingerprintLengths[element]
+        self.weights = weights
+        self.scalings = scalings
+        self.sess = sess
+        self.graph = None
+        if tfVars is not None:
+            self.constructSessGraphModel(tfVars, self.sess)
+        if weights is not None:
+            self.elementFingerprintLengths = {}
+            self.elements = weights.keys()
+            for element in self.elements:
+                self.elementFingerprintLengths[element] =\
+                    weights[element][1].shape[0] - 1
+            self.constructSessGraphModel(tfVars, self.sess)
+        self.tfVars = tfVars
+        self.maxTrainingEpochs = maxTrainingEpochs
+        self.importname = '.model.neuralnetwork.tflow'
+        self.batchsize = batchsize
+        self.initialTrainingRate = initialTrainingRate
+        self.miniBatch = miniBatch
+        # Optimizer can be 'ADAM' or 'l-BFGS-b'.
+        self.optimizationMethod = optimizationMethod
+        # self.forcetraining is queried by the main Amp instance.
+        if self.parameters['force_coefficient'] is None:
+            self.forcetraining = False
+            self.parameters['convergence']['force_rmse'] = None
+            self.parameters['convergence']['force_maxresid'] = None
+        else:
+            self.forcetraining = True
+    def constructSessGraphModel(self, tfVars, sess, trainOnly=False,
+                                numElements=None, numTrainingImages=None,
+                                num_dgdx_Eindices=None, numTrainingAtoms=None):
+        self.graph = tf.Graph()
+        with self.graph.as_default():
+            if sess is None:
+                self.sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
+            else:
+                self.sess = sess
+            if trainOnly:
+                self.constructModel(self.sess, self.graph, trainOnly,
+                                    numElements, numTrainingImages,
+                                    num_dgdx_Eindices, numTrainingAtoms)
+            else:
+                self.constructModel(self.sess, self.graph)
+            trainvarlist = tf.trainable_variables()
+            trainvarlist = [a for a in trainvarlist
+                            if a.name[:8] == self.saveVariableName]
+            self.saver = tf.train.Saver(trainvarlist)
+            if tfVars is not None:
+                self.sess.run(tf.initialize_all_variables())
+                with open('tfAmpNN-checkpoint-restore', 'w') as fhandle:
+                    fhandle.write(tfVars)
+                self.saver.restore(self.sess, 'tfAmpNN-checkpoint-restore')
+            else:
+                self.sess.run(tf.initialize_all_variables())
+    # This function is used to test the code by pre-setting the weights in the
+    # model for each element, so that results can be checked against
+    # pre-computed exact estimates
+    def setWeightsScalings(self, feedinput, weights, scalings):
+        with self.graph.as_default():
+            namefun = lambda x: '%s_%s_' % (self.saveVariableName, element) + x
+            for element in weights:
+                for layer in weights[element]:
+                    weight = weights[element][layer][0:-1]
+                    bias = weights[element][layer][-1]
+                    bias = np.array(bias).reshape(bias.size)
+                    feedinput[self.graph.get_tensor_by_name(
+                        namefun('Wfc%d:0' % (layer - 1)))] = weight
+                    feedinput[self.graph.get_tensor_by_name(
+                        namefun('bfc%d:0' % (layer - 1)))] = bias
+                feedinput[
+                    self.graph.get_tensor_by_name(namefun('Wfcout:0'))] = \
+                    np.array(scalings[element]['slope']).reshape((1, 1))
+                feedinput[
+                    self.graph.get_tensor_by_name(namefun('bfcout:0'))] = \
+                    np.array(scalings[element]['intercept']).reshape((1,))
+    def constructModel(self, sess, graph, preLoadData=False, numElements=None,
+                       numTrainingImages=None, num_dgdx_Eindices=None,
+                       numTrainingAtoms=None):
+        """Sets up the tensorflow neural networks for each atom type."""
+        with sess.as_default(), graph.as_default():
+            # Make tensorflow inputs for each element.
+            tensordict = {}
+            indsdict = {}
+            maskdict = {}
+            dgdx_dict = {}
+            dgdx_Eindices_dict = {}
+            dgdx_Xindices_dict = {}
+            if preLoadData:
+                tensordictInitializer = {}
+                dgdx_dict_initializer = {}
+                dgdx_Eindices_dict_initializer = {}
+                dgdx_Xindices_dict_initializer = {}
+                indsdictInitializer = {}
+                maskdictInitializer = {}
+            for element in self.elements:
+                if preLoadData:
+                    tensordictInitializer[element] = \
+                        tf.placeholder(self.parameters['unit_type'],
+                                       shape=[numElements[element],
+                                              self.elementFingerprintLengths[
+                                                  element]],
+                                       name='tensor_%s' % element,)
+                    dgdx_dict_initializer[element] = \
+                        tf.placeholder(self.parameters['unit_type'],
+                                       shape=[num_dgdx_Eindices[element],
+                                              self.elementFingerprintLengths[
+                                                  element], 3],
+                                       name='dgdx_%s' % element,)
+                    dgdx_Eindices_dict_initializer[element] = \
+                        tf.placeholder("int64",
+                                       shape=[num_dgdx_Eindices[element]],
+                                       name='dgdx_Eindices_%s' % element,)
+                    dgdx_Xindices_dict_initializer[element] = \
+                        tf.placeholder("int64",
+                                       shape=[num_dgdx_Eindices[element]],
+                                       name='dgdx_Xindices_%s' % element,)
+                    indsdictInitializer[element] = \
+                        tf.placeholder("int64",
+                                       shape=[numElements[element]],
+                                       name='indsdict_%s' % element,)
+                    maskdictInitializer[element] = \
+                        tf.placeholder(self.parameters['unit_type'],
+                                       shape=[numTrainingImages, 1],
+                                       name='maskdict_%s' % element,)
+                    tensordict[element] = \
+                        tf.Variable(tensordictInitializer[element],
+                                    trainable=False,
+                                    collections=[],)
+                    dgdx_dict[element] = \
+                        tf.Variable(dgdx_dict_initializer[element],
+                                    trainable=False,
+                                    collections=[],)
+                    dgdx_Eindices_dict[element] = \
+                        tf.Variable(dgdx_Eindices_dict_initializer[element],
+                                    trainable=False,
+                                    collections=[],)
+                    dgdx_Xindices_dict[element] = \
+                        tf.Variable(dgdx_Xindices_dict_initializer[element],
+                                    trainable=False,
+                                    collections=[])
+                    indsdict[element] = \
+                        tf.Variable(indsdictInitializer[element],
+                                    trainable=False,
+                                    collections=[])
+                    maskdict[element] = \
+                        tf.Variable(maskdictInitializer[element],
+                                    trainable=False,
+                                    collections=[])
+                else:
+                    tensordict[element] = \
+                        tf.placeholder(self.parameters['unit_type'],
+                                       shape=[None,
+                                              self.elementFingerprintLengths[
+                                                  element]],
+                                       name='tensor_%s' % element,)
+                    dgdx_dict[element] = \
+                        tf.placeholder(self.parameters['unit_type'],
+                                       shape=[None,
+                                              self.elementFingerprintLengths[
+                                                  element],
+                                              3],
+                                       name='dgdx_%s' % element)
+                    dgdx_Eindices_dict[element] = \
+                        tf.placeholder("int64",
+                                       shape=[None],
+                                       name='dgdx_Eindices_%s' % element)
+                    dgdx_Xindices_dict[element] = \
+                        tf.placeholder("int64",
+                                       shape=[None],
+                                       name='dgdx_Xindices_%s' % element)
+                    indsdict[element] = \
+                        tf.placeholder("int64",
+                                       shape=[None],
+                                       name='indsdict_%s' % element)
+                    maskdict[element] = \
+                        tf.placeholder(self.parameters['unit_type'],
+                                       shape=[None, 1],
+                                       name='maskdict_%s' % element)
+            self.indsdict = indsdict
+            self.tensordict = tensordict
+            self.maskdict = maskdict
+            self.dgdx_dict = dgdx_dict
+            self.dgdx_Eindices_dict = dgdx_Eindices_dict
+            self.dgdx_Xindices_dict = dgdx_Xindices_dict
+        # y_ is the input energy for each configuration.
+            if preLoadData:
+                y_Initializer = \
+                    tf.placeholder(self.parameters['unit_type'],
+                                   shape=[numTrainingImages, 1],
+                                   name='y_')
+                input_keep_prob_inInitializer = \
+                    tf.placeholder(self.parameters['unit_type'],
+                                   shape=[],
+                                   name='input_keep_prob_in')
+                keep_prob_inInitializer = \
+                    tf.placeholder(self.parameters['unit_type'],
+                                   shape=[],
+                                   name='keep_prob_in')
+                nAtoms_inInitializer = \
+                    tf.placeholder(self.parameters['unit_type'],
+                                   shape=[numTrainingImages, 1],
+                                   name='nAtoms_in')
+                nAtoms_forces_Initializer = \
+                    tf.placeholder(self.parameters['unit_type'],
+                                   shape=[numTrainingAtoms, 1],
+                                   name='nAtoms_forces')
+                batchsizeInputInitializer = \
+                    tf.placeholder("int32",
+                                   shape=[],
+                                   name='batchsizeInput')
+                learningrateInitializer = \
+                    tf.placeholder(self.parameters['unit_type'],
+                                   shape=[],
+                                   name='learningrate')
+                forces_inInitializer = \
+                    tf.placeholder(self.parameters['unit_type'],
+                                   shape=[numTrainingAtoms, 3],
+                                   name='forces_in')
+                energycoefficientInitializer = \
+                    tf.placeholder(self.parameters['unit_type'],
+                                   shape=[])
+                forcecoefficientInitializer = \
+                    tf.placeholder(self.parameters['unit_type'],
+                                   shape=[])
+                energyProdScaleInitializer = \
+                    tf.placeholder(self.parameters['unit_type'],
+                                   shape=[],
+                                   name='energyProdScale')
+                totalNumAtomsInitializer = \
+                    tf.placeholder("int32",
+                                   shape=[],
+                                   name='totalNumAtoms')
+                self.y_ = \
+                    tf.Variable(y_Initializer,
+                                trainable=False,
+                                collections=[])
+                self.input_keep_prob_in = \
+                    tf.Variable(input_keep_prob_inInitializer,
+                                trainable=False,
+                                collections=[])
+                self.keep_prob_in = \
+                    tf.Variable(keep_prob_inInitializer,
+                                trainable=False,
+                                collections=[])
+                self.nAtoms_in = \
+                    tf.Variable(nAtoms_inInitializer,
+                                trainable=False,
+                                collections=[])
+                self.batchsizeInput = \
+                    tf.Variable(batchsizeInputInitializer,
+                                trainable=False,
+                                collections=[])
+                self.learningrate = \
+                    tf.Variable(learningrateInitializer,
+                                trainable=False,
+                                collections=[])
+                self.forces_in = \
+                    tf.Variable(forces_inInitializer,
+                                trainable=False,
+                                collections=[])
+                self.energycoefficient = \
+                    tf.Variable(energycoefficientInitializer,
+                                trainable=False,
+                                collections=[])
+                self.forcecoefficient = \
+                    tf.Variable(forcecoefficientInitializer,
+                                trainable=False,
+                                collections=[])
+                self.energyProdScale = \
+                    tf.Variable(energyProdScaleInitializer,
+                                trainable=False,
+                                collections=[])
+                self.totalNumAtoms = \
+                    tf.Variable(totalNumAtomsInitializer,
+                                trainable=False,
+                                collections=[])
+                self.nAtoms_forces = \
+                    tf.Variable(nAtoms_forces_Initializer,
+                                trainable=False,
+                                collections=[])
+                self.initializers = \
+                    {'indsdict': indsdictInitializer,
+                     'dgdx_dict': dgdx_dict_initializer,
+                     'dgdx_Xindices_dict': dgdx_Xindices_dict_initializer,
+                     'dgdx_Eindices_dict': dgdx_Eindices_dict_initializer,
+                     'maskdict': maskdictInitializer,
+                     'tensordict': tensordictInitializer,
+                     'y_': y_Initializer,
+                     'input_keep_prob_in': input_keep_prob_inInitializer,
+                     'keep_prob_in': keep_prob_inInitializer,
+                     'nAtoms_in': nAtoms_inInitializer,
+                     'batchsizeInput': batchsizeInputInitializer,
+                     'learningrate': learningrateInitializer,
+                     'forces_in': forces_inInitializer,
+                     'energycoefficient': energycoefficientInitializer,
+                     'forcecoefficient': forcecoefficientInitializer,
+                     'energyProdScale': energyProdScaleInitializer,
+                     'totalNumAtoms': totalNumAtomsInitializer,
+                     'nAtoms_forces': nAtoms_forces_Initializer}
+            else:
+                self.y_ = \
+                    tf.placeholder(self.parameters['unit_type'],
+                                   shape=[None, 1],
+                                   name='y_')
+                self.input_keep_prob_in = \
+                    tf.placeholder(self.parameters['unit_type'],
+                                   name='input_keep_prob_in')
+                self.keep_prob_in = \
+                    tf.placeholder(self.parameters['unit_type'],
+                                   name='keep_prob_in')
+                self.nAtoms_in = \
+                    tf.placeholder(self.parameters['unit_type'],
+                                   shape=[None, 1],
+                                   name='nAtoms_in')
+                self.batchsizeInput = \
+                    tf.placeholder("int32",
+                                   name='batchsizeInput')
+                self.learningrate = \
+                    tf.placeholder(self.parameters['unit_type'],
+                                   name='learningrate')
+                self.forces_in = \
+                    tf.placeholder(self.parameters['unit_type'],
+                                   shape=[None, None, 3],
+                                   name='forces_in')
+                self.energycoefficient = \
+                    tf.placeholder(self.parameters['unit_type'])
+                self.forcecoefficient = \
+                    tf.placeholder(self.parameters['unit_type'])
+                self.energyProdScale = \
+                    tf.placeholder(self.parameters['unit_type'],
+                                   name='energyProdScale')
+                self.totalNumAtoms = \
+                    tf.placeholder("int32",
+                                   name='totalNumAtoms')
+                self.nAtoms_forces = \
+                    tf.placeholder(self.parameters['unit_type'],
+                                   shape=[None, 1],
+                                   name='totalNumAtoms')
+        # Generate a multilayer neural network for each element type.
+            outdict = {}
+            forcedict = {}
+            l2_regularization_dict = {}
+            for element in self.elements:
+                if isinstance(self.hiddenlayers, dict):
+                    networkListToUse = self.hiddenlayers[element]
+                else:
+                    networkListToUse = self.hiddenlayers
+                (outdict[element],
+                 forcedict[element],
+                 l2_regularization_dict[element]) = \
+                    model(tensordict[element],
+                          indsdict[element],
+                          self.keep_prob_in,
+                          self.input_keep_prob_in,
+                          self.batchsizeInput,
+                          networkListToUse,
+                          self.activation,
+                          self.elementFingerprintLengths[
+                          element],
+                          mask=maskdict[
+                          element],
+                          name=self.saveVariableName,
+                          dgdx=self.dgdx_dict[
+                          element],
+                          dgdx_Eindices=self.dgdx_Eindices_dict[
+                          element],
+                          dgdx_Xindices=self.dgdx_Xindices_dict[
+                          element],
+                          element=element,
+                          unit_type=self.parameters[
+                          'unit_type'],
+                          totalNumAtoms=self.totalNumAtoms)
+            self.outdict = outdict
+            # The total energy is the sum of the energies over each atom type.
+            keylist = self.elements
+            ytot = outdict[keylist[0]]
+            for i in range(1, len(keylist)):
+                ytot = ytot + outdict[keylist[i]]
+            self.energy = ytot * self.energyProdScale
+            # The total force is the sum of the forces over each atom type.
+            Ftot = forcedict[keylist[0]]
+            for i in range(1, len(keylist)):
+                Ftot = Ftot + forcedict[keylist[i]]
+            self.forcedict = forcedict
+            self.forces = -Ftot * self.energyProdScale
+            l2_regularization = l2_regularization_dict[keylist[0]]
+            for i in range(1, len(keylist)):
+                l2_regularization = l2_regularization + \
+                    l2_regularization_dict[keylist[i]]
+            # Define output nodes for the energy of a configuration, a loss
+            # function, and the loss per atom (which is what we usually track)
+            # self.loss = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(
+            #    tf.square(tf.sub(self.energy, self.y_))))
+            # self.lossPerAtom = tf.reduce_sum(
+            # tf.square(tf.div(tf.sub(self.energy, self.y_), self.nAtoms_in)))
+            # loss function, as included in model/__init__.py
+            self.energy_loss = tf.reduce_sum(
+                tf.square(tf.div(tf.sub(self.energy, self.y_),
+                                 self.nAtoms_in)))
+            # Define the training step for energy training.
+            # self.loss_forces = self.forcecoefficient * \
+            #    tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(tf.sub(self.forces_in,
+            #                                       self.forces))))
+            # force loss function, as included in model/__init__.py
+            if self.parameters['relativeForceCutoff'] is None:
+                self.force_loss = tf.reduce_sum(
+                    tf.div(tf.square(tf.sub(self.forces_in, self.forces)),
+                           self.nAtoms_forces)) / 3.
+                # tf.reduce_sum(tf.div(
+                # tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(tf.sub(self.forces_in,
+                # self.forces)), 2), self.nAtoms_in))
+            else:
+                relativeA = self.parameters['relativeForceCutoff']
+                self.force_loss = \
+                    tf.reduce_sum(tf.div(tf.div(
+                                         tf.square(
+                                             tf.sub(
+                                                 self.forces_in, self.forces)),
+                                         tf.square(
+                                             self.forces_in) +
+                                         relativeA**2.) *
+                                         relativeA**2.,
+                                         self.nAtoms_forces)) / 3.
+                # tf.reduce_sum(tf.div(tf.reduce_mean(
+                # tf.div(tf.square(tf.sub(self.forces_in, self.forces)),
+                # tf.square(self.forces_in)+relativeA**2.)*relativeA**2.,2),
+                # self.nAtoms_in))
+            # Define max residuals
+            self.energy_maxresid = tf.reduce_max(
+                tf.abs(tf.div(tf.sub(self.energy, self.y_), self.nAtoms_in)))
+            self.force_maxresid = tf.reduce_max(
+                tf.abs(tf.sub(self.forces_in, self.forces)))
+            # Define the training step for force training.
+            if self.parameters['regularization_strength'] is not None:
+                self.loss = self.forcecoefficient * self.force_loss + \
+                    self.energycoefficient * self.energy_loss + \
+                    self.parameters[
+                        'regularization_strength'] * l2_regularization
+                self.energy_loss_regularized = self.energy_loss + \
+                    self.parameters[
+                        'regularization_strength'] * l2_regularization
+            else:
+                self.loss = self.forcecoefficient * self.force_loss + \
+                    self.energycoefficient * self.energy_loss
+                self.energy_loss_regularized = self.energy_loss
+            self.adam_optimizer_instance = \
+                tf.train.AdamOptimizer(self.learningrate,
+                                       **self.parameters[
+                                           'ADAM_optimizer_params'])
+            self.train_step = \
+                self.adam_optimizer_instance.minimize(
+                    self.energy_loss_regularized)
+            self.train_step_forces = \
+                self.adam_optimizer_instance.minimize(self.loss)
+            # self.loss_forces_relative = \
+            # self.forcecoefficient * \
+            # tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(tf.div(tf.sub(self.forces_in,
+            # self.forces),self.forces_in+0.0001))))
+            # self.force_loss_relative = \
+            # tf.reduce_sum(tf.div(tf.reduce_mean(
+            # tf.div(tf.square(tf.sub(self.forces_in,
+            # self.forces)),tf.square(self.forces_in)+0.005**2.),2),
+            # self.nAtoms_in))
+            # self.loss_relative = \
+            # self.forcecoefficient*self.loss_forces_relative + \
+            # self.energycoefficient*self.energy_loss
+            # self.train_step_forces =
+            # tf.adam_optimizer_instance.minimize(self.loss_relative)
+    def initializeVariables(self):
+        """Resets all of the variables in the current tensorflow model."""
+        self.sess.run(tf.initialize_all_variables())
+    def generateFeedInput(self, curinds,
+                          energies,
+                          atomArraysAll,
+                          dgdx, dgdx_Eindices, dgdx_Xindices,
+                          nAtomsDict,
+                          atomsIndsReverse,
+                          batchsize,
+                          trainingrate,
+                          keepprob, inputkeepprob, natoms,
+                          forcesExp=0.,
+                          forces=False,
+                          energycoefficient=1.,
+                          forcecoefficient=None, training=True):
+        """Generates the input dictionary that maps various inputs on
+        the python side to placeholders for the tensorflow model."""
+        (atomArraysFinal,
+         dgdx_batch,
+         dgdx_Eindices_batch,
+         dgdx_Xindices_batch,
+         atomInds) = \
+            generateBatch(curinds,
+                          self.elements,
+                          atomArraysAll,
+                          nAtomsDict,
+                          atomsIndsReverse,
+                          dgdx,
+                          dgdx_Eindices,
+                          dgdx_Xindices)
+        feedinput = {}
+        for element in self.elements:
+            if len(atomArraysFinal[element]) > 0:
+                aAF = atomArraysFinal[element].copy()
+                for i in range(len(aAF)):
+                    for j in range(len(aAF[i])):
+                        if (self.parameters['fprange'][element][1][j] -
+                           self.parameters['fprange'][element][0][j]) > 10.**-8:
+                            aAF[i][j] = -1. + \
+                                2. * (atomArraysFinal[element][i][j] -
+                                      self.parameters['fprange'][element][0][j]) / (
+                                self.parameters['fprange'][element][1][j] -
+                                self.parameters['fprange'][element][0][j])
+                feedinput[self.tensordict[element]] = aAF
+                feedinput[self.indsdict[element]] = atomInds[element]
+                feedinput[self.maskdict[element]] = np.ones((batchsize, 1))
+                if forcecoefficient > 1.e-5:
+                    dgdx_to_scale = dgdx_batch[element]
+                    for i in range(dgdx_to_scale.shape[0]):
+                        for l in range(dgdx_to_scale.shape[1]):
+                            if (self.parameters['fprange'][element][1][l] -
+                               self.parameters['fprange'][element][0][l]) > 10.**-8:
+                                dgdx_to_scale[i][l][:] = \
+                                    2. * dgdx_to_scale[i][l][:] / \
+                                    (self.parameters['fprange'][element][1][l] -
+                                     self.parameters['fprange'][element][0][l])
+                    feedinput[self.dgdx_dict[element]] = dgdx_to_scale
+                    feedinput[self.dgdx_Eindices_dict[
+                        element]] = dgdx_Eindices_batch[element]
+                    feedinput[self.dgdx_Xindices_dict[
+                        element]] = dgdx_Xindices_batch[element]
+                else:
+                    feedinput[self.dgdx_dict[element]] = \
+                        np.zeros((len(dgdx_Eindices[element]),
+                                  self.elementFingerprintLengths[element], 3))
+                    feedinput[self.dgdx_Eindices_dict[element]] = []
+                    feedinput[self.dgdx_Xindices_dict[element]] = []
+            else:
+                feedinput[self.tensordict[element]] = np.zeros(
+                    (1, self.elementFingerprintLengths[element]))
+                feedinput[self.indsdict[element]] = [0]
+                feedinput[self.maskdict[element]] = np.zeros((batchsize, 1))
+                feedinput[self.dgdx_dict[element]] = \
+                    np.zeros((len(dgdx_Eindices[element]),
+                              self.elementFingerprintLengths[element], 3))
+                feedinput[self.dgdx_Eindices_dict[element]] = []
+                feedinput[self.dgdx_Xindices_dict[element]] = []
+        feedinput[self.batchsizeInput] = batchsize
+        feedinput[self.learningrate] = trainingrate
+        feedinput[self.keep_prob_in] = keepprob
+        feedinput[self.input_keep_prob_in] = inputkeepprob
+        natoms_forces = []
+        for natom in natoms[curinds]:
+            for i in range(natom):
+                natoms_forces.append(natom)
+        natoms_forces = np.array(natoms_forces)
+        feedinput[self.nAtoms_forces] = natoms_forces
+        feedinput[self.nAtoms_in] = natoms[curinds]
+        feedinput[self.totalNumAtoms] = np.sum(natoms[curinds])
+        if training:
+            feedinput[self.y_] = energies[curinds]
+            if forcecoefficient > 1.e-5:
+                feedinput[self.forces_in] = np.concatenate(
+                    forcesExp[curinds], axis=0)
+                feedinput[self.forcecoefficient] = forcecoefficient
+                feedinput[self.energycoefficient] = energycoefficient
+        feedinput[self.energyProdScale] = self.parameters['energyProdScale']
+        return feedinput
+    def fit(self, trainingimages, descriptor, parallel, log=None):
+        """Fit takes a bunch of training images (which are assumed to have a
+        working calculator attached), and fits the internal variables to the
+        training images.
+        """
+        # if self.graph is None, the module hasn't been initialized
+        if self.graph is None:
+            self.elementFingerprintLengths = {}
+            for element in descriptor.parameters.Gs:
+                self.elementFingerprintLengths[element] = len(
+                    descriptor.parameters.Gs[element])
+            self.elements = self.elementFingerprintLengths.keys()
+            self.elements.sort()
+            self.constructSessGraphModel(self.tfVars, self.sess)
+        self.log = log
+        params = self.parameters
+        lf = LossFunction(convergence=params['convergence'],
+                          energy_coefficient=params['energy_coefficient'],
+                          force_coefficient=params['force_coefficient'],
+                          parallel={'cores': 1})
+        if params['force_coefficient'] is not None:
+            lf.attach_model(self,
+                            images=trainingimages,
+                            fingerprints=descriptor.fingerprints,
+                            fingerprintprimes=descriptor.fingerprintprimes)
+        else:
+            lf.attach_model(self,
+                            images=trainingimages,
+                            fingerprints=descriptor.fingerprints)
+        lf._initialize()
+        # Inputs:
+        # trainingimages:
+        batchsize = self.batchsize
+        if self.parameters['force_coefficient'] is None:
+            fingerprintDerDB = None
+        else:
+            fingerprintDerDB = descriptor.fingerprintprimes
+        images = trainingimages
+        keylist = images.keys()
+        fingerprintDB = descriptor.fingerprints
+        self.parameters['numTrainingImages'] = len(keylist)
+        (atomArraysAll,
+         nAtomsDict,
+         atomsIndsReverse,
+         natoms,
+         dgdx,
+         dgdx_Eindices,
+         dgdx_Xindices) = \
+            generateTensorFlowArrays(fingerprintDB,
+                                     self.elements,
+                                     keylist,
+                                     fingerprintDerDB)
+        energies = map(
+            lambda x: [images[x].get_potential_energy(apply_constraint=False)],
+            keylist)
+        energies = np.array(energies)
+        if self.parameters['preLoadTrainingData'] and not(self.miniBatch):
+            numElements = {}
+            for element in nAtomsDict:
+                numElements[element] = sum(nAtomsDict[element])
+            self.saver.save(self.sess, 'tfAmpNN-checkpoint')
+            with open('tfAmpNN-checkpoint') as fhandle:
+                tfvars = fhandle.read()
+            self.sess.close()
+            numTrainingAtoms = np.sum(map(lambda x: len(images[x]), keylist))
+            num_dgdx_Eindices = {}
+            num_dgdx_Xindices = {}
+            for element in self.elements:
+                num_dgdx_Eindices[element] = sum(
+                    map(len, dgdx_Eindices[element]))
+                num_dgdx_Xindices[element] = sum(
+                    map(len, dgdx_Xindices[element]))
+            self.constructSessGraphModel(tfvars,
+                                         None,
+                                         trainOnly=True,
+                                         numElements=numElements,
+                                         numTrainingImages=len(keylist),
+                                         num_dgdx_Eindices=num_dgdx_Eindices,
+                                         numTrainingAtoms=numTrainingAtoms)
+        natomsArray = np.zeros((len(keylist), len(self.elements)))
+        for i in range(len(images)):
+            for j in range(len(self.elements)):
+                natomsArray[i][j] = nAtomsDict[self.elements[j]][i]
+        (atomArraysAll,
+         nAtomsDict,
+         atomsIndsReverse,
+         natoms,
+         dgdx,
+         dgdx_Eindices,
+         dgdx_Xindices) = generateTensorFlowArrays(fingerprintDB,
+                                                   self.elements,
+                                                   keylist,
+                                                   fingerprintDerDB)
+        self.parameters['energyMeanScale'] = np.mean(energies)
+        energies = energies - self.parameters['energyMeanScale']
+        self.parameters['energyProdScale'] = np.mean(np.abs(energies))
+        self.parameters['fprange'] = {}
+        for element in self.elements:
+            if len(atomArraysAll[element]) == 0:
+                self.parameters['fprange'][element] = []
+            else:
+                self.parameters['fprange'][element] = \
+                    [np.min(atomArraysAll[element], axis=0),
+                     np.max(atomArraysAll[element], axis=0)]
+        if self.parameters['force_coefficient'] is not None:
+            # forces = map(lambda x: images[x].get_forces(
+            #    apply_constraint=False), keylist)
+            # forces = np.zeros((len(keylist), self.maxAtomsForces, 3))
+            forces = []
+            for i in range(len(keylist)):
+                atoms = images[keylist[i]]
+                forces.append(atoms.get_forces(apply_constraint=False))
+            forces = np.array(forces)
+        else:
+            forces = 0.
+        if not(self.miniBatch):
+            batchsize = len(keylist)
+        def trainmodel(trainingrate, keepprob, inputkeepprob, maxepochs):
+            icount = 1
+            icount_global = 1
+            indlist = np.arange(len(keylist))
+            converge_save = []
+            # continue taking training steps as long as we haven't hit the RMSE
+            # minimum of the max number of epochs
+            while (icount < maxepochs):
+                # if we're in minibatch mode, shuffle the index list
+                if self.miniBatch:
+                    np.random.shuffle(indlist)
+                for i in range(int(len(keylist) / batchsize)):
+                    # if we're doing minibatch, construct a new set of inputs
+                    if self.miniBatch or (not(self.miniBatch)and(icount == 1)):
+                        if self.miniBatch:
+                            curinds = indlist[
+                                np.arange(batchsize) + i * batchsize]
+                        else:
+                            curinds = range(len(keylist))
+                        feedinput = self.generateFeedInput(
+                            curinds,
+                            energies,
+                            atomArraysAll,
+                            dgdx,
+                            dgdx_Eindices,
+                            dgdx_Xindices,
+                            nAtomsDict,
+                            atomsIndsReverse,
+                            batchsize,
+                            trainingrate,
+                            keepprob,
+                            inputkeepprob,
+                            natoms,
+                            forcesExp=forces,
+                            energycoefficient=self.parameters[
+                                'energy_coefficient'],
+                            forcecoefficient=self.parameters[
+                                'force_coefficient'])
+                        if (self.parameters['preLoadTrainingData'] and
+                           not(self.miniBatch)):
+                            self.preLoadFeed(feedinput)
+                    # run a training step with the inputs.
+                    if self.parameters['force_coefficient'] is None:
+                        self.sess.run(self.train_step, feed_dict=feedinput)
+                    else:
+                        self.sess.run(self.train_step_forces,
+                                      feed_dict=feedinput)
+                    # Print the loss function every 100 evals.
+                    # if (self.miniBatch)and(icount % 100 == 0):
+                    # feed_keepprob_save=feedinput[self.keep_prob_in]
+                    # feed_keepprob_save_input=\
+                    # feedinput[self.input_keep_prob_in]
+                    # feedinput[self.keep_prob_in]=1.
+                    # feedinput[self.keep_prob_in]=feed_keepprob_save
+                    icount += 1
+                # Every 10 epochs, report the RMSE on the entire training set
+                if icount_global % 10 == 0:
+                    if self.miniBatch:
+                        feedinput = self.generateFeedInput(
+                            range(len(keylist)),
+                            energies,
+                            atomArraysAll,
+                            dgdx,
+                            dgdx_Eindices,
+                            dgdx_Xindices,
+                            nAtomsDict,
+                            atomsIndsReverse,
+                            len(keylist),
+                            trainingrate,
+                            1.,
+                            1.,
+                            natoms,
+                            forcesExp=forces,
+                            energycoefficient=self.parameters[
+                                'energy_coefficient'],
+                            forcecoefficient=self.parameters[
+                                'force_coefficient'],
+                        )
+                    feed_keepprob_save = feedinput[self.keep_prob_in]
+                    feed_keepprob_save_input = feedinput[
+                        self.input_keep_prob_in]
+                    feedinput[self.keep_prob_in] = 1.
+                    feedinput[self.input_keep_prob_in] = 1.
+                    if self.parameters['force_coefficient'] is not None:
+                        converge_save.append(
+                            [self.sess.run(self.loss, feed_dict=feedinput),
+                             self.sess.run(
+                             self.energy_loss, feed_dict=feedinput),
+                             self.sess.run(
+                             self.force_loss, feed_dict=feedinput),
+                             self.sess.run(
+                             self.energy_maxresid, feed_dict=feedinput),
+                             self.sess.run(self.force_maxresid,
+                                           feed_dict=feedinput)])
+                        if len(converge_save) > 2:
+                            converge_save.pop(0)
+                        convergence_vals = np.mean(converge_save, 0)
+                        converged = lf.check_convergence(*convergence_vals)
+                        if converged:
+                            raise ConvergenceOccurred()
+                    else:
+                        converged = \
+                            lf.check_convergence(
+                                self.sess.run(self.energy_loss,
+                                              feed_dict=feedinput),
+                                self.sess.run(self.energy_loss,
+                                              feed_dict=feedinput),
+                                0.,
+                                self.sess.run(self.energy_maxresid,
+                                              feed_dict=feedinput),
+                                0.)
+                        if converged:
+                            raise ConvergenceOccurred()
+                    feedinput[self.keep_prob_in] = keepprob
+                    feedinput[self.input_keep_prob_in] = inputkeepprob
+                icount_global += 1
+            return
+        def trainmodelBFGS(maxEpochs):
+            curinds = range(len(keylist))
+            feedinput = self.generateFeedInput(
+                curinds,
+                energies,
+                atomArraysAll,
+                dgdx,
+                dgdx_Eindices,
+                dgdx_Xindices,
+                nAtomsDict,
+                atomsIndsReverse,
+                batchsize,
+                1.,
+                1.,
+                1.,
+                natoms,
+                forcesExp=forces,
+                energycoefficient=self.parameters[
+                    'energy_coefficient'],
+                forcecoefficient=self.parameters['force_coefficient'])
+            def step_callbackfun_forces(x):
+                evalvarlist = map(lambda y: float(np.array(y(x))), varlist)
+                converged = lf.check_convergence(*evalvarlist)
+                if converged:
+                    raise ConvergenceOccurred()
+            def step_callbackfun_noforces(x):
+                converged = \
+                    lf.check_convergence(float(np.array(varlist[1](x))),
+                                         float(np.array(varlist[1](x))),
+                                         0.,
+                                         float(np.array(varlist[3](x))),
+                                         0.)
+                if converged:
+                    raise ConvergenceOccurred()
+            if self.parameters['force_coefficient'] is None:
+                step_callbackfun = step_callbackfun_noforces
+                curloss = self.energy_loss
+            else:
+                step_callbackfun = step_callbackfun_forces
+                curloss = self.loss
+            if self.parameters['preLoadTrainingData'] and not(self.miniBatch):
+                self.preLoadFeed(feedinput)
+            extOpt = \
+                ScipyOptimizerInterface(curloss,
+                                        method='l-BFGS-b',
+                                        options={'maxiter': maxEpochs,
+                                                 'ftol': 1.e-10,
+                                                 'gtol': 1.e-10,
+                                                 'factr': 1.e4})
+            varlist = []
+            for var in [self.loss,
+                        self.energy_loss,
+                        self.force_loss,
+                        self.energy_maxresid,
+                        self.force_maxresid]:
+                if (self.parameters['preLoadTrainingData'] and
+                   (not self.miniBatch)):
+                    varlist.append(
+                        extOpt._make_eval_func(var, self.sess, {}, []))
+                else:
+                    varlist.append(extOpt._make_eval_func(var,
+                                                          self.sess,
+                                                          feedinput,
+                                                          []))
+            extOpt.minimize(self.sess,
+                            feed_dict=feedinput,
+                            step_callback=step_callbackfun)
+            return
+        try:
+            if self.optimizationMethod == 'l-BFGS-b':
+                with self.graph.as_default():
+                    trainmodelBFGS(self.maxTrainingEpochs)
+            elif self.optimizationMethod == 'ADAM':
+                trainmodel(self.initialTrainingRate,
+                           self.keep_prob,
+                           self.input_keep_prob,
+                           self.maxTrainingEpochs)
+            else:
+                log('uknown optimizer!')
+        except ConvergenceOccurred:
+            if self.parameters['preLoadTrainingData'] and not(self.miniBatch):
+                self.saver.save(self.sess, 'tfAmpNN-checkpoint')
+                with open('tfAmpNN-checkpoint') as fhandle:
+                    tfvars = fhandle.read()
+                self.constructSessGraphModel(tfvars, None, trainOnly=False)
+            return True
+        return False
+    def preLoadFeed(self, feedinput):
+        for element in self.dgdx_dict:
+            if self.dgdx_dict[element] in feedinput:
+                self.sess.run(self.dgdx_dict[element].initializer,
+                              feed_dict={
+                              self.initializers['dgdx_dict'][element]:
+                                  feedinput[self.dgdx_dict[element]]})
+                self.sess.run(self.dgdx_Eindices_dict[element].initializer,
+                              feed_dict={
+                              self.initializers['dgdx_Eindices_dict'][element]:
+                                  feedinput[self.dgdx_Eindices_dict[element]]})
+                self.sess.run(self.dgdx_Xindices_dict[element].initializer,
+                              feed_dict={
+                              self.initializers['dgdx_Xindices_dict'][element]:
+                                  feedinput[self.dgdx_Xindices_dict[element]]})
+                del feedinput[self.dgdx_dict[element]]
+                del feedinput[self.dgdx_Eindices_dict[element]]
+                del feedinput[self.dgdx_Xindices_dict[element]]
+            self.sess.run(self.tensordict[element].initializer,
+                          feed_dict={
+                              self.initializers['tensordict'][element]:
+                              feedinput[self.tensordict[element]]})
+            self.sess.run(self.indsdict[element].initializer,
+                          feed_dict={
+                              self.initializers['indsdict'][element]:
+                              feedinput[self.indsdict[element]]})
+            self.sess.run(self.maskdict[element].initializer,
+                          feed_dict={
+                              self.initializers['maskdict'][element]:
+                              feedinput[self.maskdict[element]]})
+            del feedinput[self.tensordict[element]]
+            del feedinput[self.indsdict[element]]
+            del feedinput[self.maskdict[element]]
+        self.sess.run(self.y_.initializer,
+                      feed_dict={
+                          self.initializers['y_']:
+                          feedinput[self.y_]})
+        self.sess.run(self.input_keep_prob_in.initializer,
+                      feed_dict={
+                          self.initializers['input_keep_prob_in']:
+                          feedinput[self.input_keep_prob_in]})
+        self.sess.run(self.keep_prob_in.initializer,
+                      feed_dict={
+                          self.initializers['keep_prob_in']:
+                          feedinput[self.keep_prob_in]})
+        self.sess.run(self.nAtoms_in.initializer,
+                      feed_dict={
+                          self.initializers['nAtoms_in']:
+                          feedinput[self.nAtoms_in]})
+        self.sess.run(self.batchsizeInput.initializer,
+                      feed_dict={
+                          self.initializers['batchsizeInput']:
+                          feedinput[self.batchsizeInput]})
+        self.sess.run(self.learningrate.initializer,
+                      feed_dict={
+                          self.initializers['learningrate']:
+                          feedinput[self.learningrate]})
+        self.sess.run(self.totalNumAtoms.initializer,
+                      feed_dict={
+                          self.initializers['totalNumAtoms']:
+                          feedinput[self.totalNumAtoms]})
+        self.sess.run(self.nAtoms_forces.initializer,
+                      feed_dict={
+                          self.initializers['nAtoms_forces']:
+                          feedinput[self.nAtoms_forces]})
+        if self.forces_in in feedinput:
+            self.sess.run(self.forces_in.initializer,
+                          feed_dict={
+                              self.initializers['forces_in']:
+                              feedinput[self.forces_in]})
+            self.sess.run(self.energycoefficient.initializer,
+                          feed_dict={
+                              self.initializers['energycoefficient']:
+                              feedinput[self.energycoefficient]})
+            self.sess.run(self.forcecoefficient.initializer,
+                          feed_dict={
+                              self.initializers['forcecoefficient']:
+                              feedinput[self.forcecoefficient]})
+        self.sess.run(self.energyProdScale.initializer,
+                      feed_dict={
+                          self.initializers['energyProdScale']:
+                          feedinput[self.energyProdScale]})
+        # feeedinput={}
+    def get_energy_list(self, hashs, fingerprintDB, fingerprintDerDB=None,
+                        keep_prob=1., input_keep_prob=1.,
+                        forces=False, nsamples=1):
+        """Methods to get the energy and forces for a set of
+        configurations."""
+        # Make images a list in case we've been passed a single hash to
+        # calculate.
+        if not(isinstance(hashs, list)):
+            hashs = [hashs]
+        # Reformat the image and fingerprint data into something we can pass
+        # into tensorflow.
+        (atomArraysAll, nAtomsDict, atomsIndsReverse,
+         natoms, dgdx, dgdx_Eindices, dgdx_Xindices) = \
+            generateTensorFlowArrays(fingerprintDB,
+                                     self.elements,
+                                     hashs,
+                                     fingerprintDerDB)
+        energies = np.zeros(len(hashs))
+        forcelist = np.zeros(len(hashs))
+        curinds = range(len(hashs))
+        (atomArraysFinal,
+         dgdx_batch,
+         dgdx_Eindices_batch,
+         dgdx_Xindices_batch,
+         atomInds) = generateBatch(curinds,
+                                   self.elements,
+                                   atomArraysAll,
+                                   nAtomsDict,
+                                   atomsIndsReverse,
+                                   dgdx,
+                                   dgdx_Eindices,
+                                   dgdx_Xindices)
+        feedinput = self.generateFeedInput(curinds,
+                                           energies,
+                                           atomArraysAll,
+                                           dgdx,
+                                           dgdx_Eindices,
+                                           dgdx_Xindices,
+                                           nAtomsDict,
+                                           atomsIndsReverse,
+                                           len(hashs),
+                                           1.,
+                                           1.,
+                                           1.,
+                                           natoms,
+                                           forcesExp=forcelist,
+                                           energycoefficient=1.,
+                                           forcecoefficient=int(forces),
+                                           training=False)
+        if self.weights is not None:
+            self.setWeightsScalings(feedinput, self.weights, self.scalings)
+        if nsamples == 1:
+            energies = \
+                np.array(self.sess.run(self.energy, feed_dict=feedinput)) + \
+                self.parameters['energyMeanScale']
+            # Add in the per-atom base energy.
+            natomsArray = np.zeros((len(hashs), len(self.elements)))
+            for i in range(len(hashs)):
+                for j in range(len(self.elements)):
+                    natomsArray[i][j] = nAtomsDict[self.elements[j]][i]
+            if forces:
+                force = self.sess.run(self.forces,
+                                      feed_dict=feedinput)
+                force = reorganizeForces(force, natoms)
+            else:
+                force = []
+        else:
+            energysave = []
+            forcesave = []
+            # Add in the per-atom base energy.
+            natomsArray = np.zeros((len(hashs), len(self.elements)))
+            for i in range(len(hashs)):
+                for j in range(len(self.elements)):
+                    natomsArray[i][j] = nAtomsDict[self.elements[j]][i]
+            for samplenum in range(nsamples):
+                energies = \
+                    np.array(self.sess.run(self.energy,
+                                           feed_dict=feedinput)) + \
+                    self.parameters['energyMeanScale']
+                energysave.append(map(lambda x: x[0], energies))
+                if forces:
+                    force = self.sess.run(self.forces,
+                                          feed_dict=feedinput)
+                    forcesave.append(reorganizeForces(force, natoms))
+            energies = np.array(energysave)
+            force = np.array(forcesave)
+        return energies, force
+    def calculate_energy(self, fingerprint):
+        """Get the energy by feeding in a list to the get_list version (which
+        is more efficient for anything greater than 1 image)."""
+        key = '1'
+        energies, forces = self.get_energy_list([key], {key: fingerprint})
+        return energies[0]
+    def getVariance(self, fingerprint, nSamples=10, l=1.):
+        key = '1'
+        # energies=[]
+        # for i in range(nSamples):
+        # energies.append(self.get_energy_list([key], {key:
+        # fingerprint},keep_prob=self.keep_prob)[0])
+        energies, force = \
+            self.get_energy_list([key],
+                                 {key: fingerprint},
+                                 keep_prob=self.keep_prob,
+                                 nsamples=nSamples)
+        if (('regularization_strength' in self.parameters) and
+           (self.parameters['regularization_strength'] is not None)):
+            tau = l**2. * self.keep_prob / \
+                (2 * self.parameters['numTrainingImages'] *
+                 self.parameters['regularization_strength'])
+            var = np.var(energies) + tau**-1.
+            # forcevar=np.var(forces,)
+        else:
+            tau = 1
+            var = np.var(energies)
+        return var
+    def calculate_forces(self, fingerprint, derfingerprint):
+        # calculate_forces function still needs to be implemented. Can't do
+        # this without the fingerprint derivates working properly though
+        key = '1'
+        energies, forces = \
+            self.get_energy_list([key],
+                                 {key: fingerprint},
+                                 fingerprintDerDB={key: derfingerprint},
+                                 forces=True)
+        return forces[0][0:len(fingerprint)]
+    def tostring(self):
+        """Dummy tostring to make things work."""
+        params = {}
+        params['hiddenlayers'] = self.hiddenlayers
+        params['keep_prob'] = self.keep_prob
+        params['input_keep_prob'] = self.input_keep_prob
+        params['elementFingerprintLengths'] = self.elementFingerprintLengths
+        params['batchsize'] = self.batchsize
+        params['maxTrainingEpochs'] = self.maxTrainingEpochs
+        params['importname'] = self.importname
+        params['initialTrainingRate'] = self.initialTrainingRate
+        params['activation'] = self.activationName
+        params['saveVariableName'] = self.saveVariableName
+        params['parameters'] = self.parameters
+        params['miniBatch'] = self.miniBatch
+        params['optimizationMethod'] = self.optimizationMethod
+        # Create a string format of the tensorflow variables.
+        self.saver.save(self.sess, 'tfAmpNN-checkpoint')
+        with open('tfAmpNN-checkpoint') as fhandle:
+            params['tfVars'] = fhandle.read()
+        return str(params)
+def model(x, segmentinds, keep_prob, input_keep_prob, batchsize,
+          neuronList, activationType, fplength, mask, name, dgdx,
+          dgdx_Xindices, dgdx_Eindices, element, unit_type, totalNumAtoms):
+    """Generates a multilayer neural network with variable number
+    of neurons, so that we have a template for each atom's NN."""
+    namefun = lambda x: '%s_%s_' % (name, element) + x
+    nNeurons = neuronList[0]
+    # Pass  the input tensors through the first soft-plus layer
+    W_fc = weight_variable(
+        [fplength, nNeurons], name=namefun('Wfc0'), unit_type=unit_type)
+    b_fc = bias_variable([nNeurons], name=namefun('bfc0'), unit_type=unit_type)
+    input_dropout = tf.nn.dropout(x, input_keep_prob)
+    # h_fc = activationType(tf.matmul(x, W_fc) + b_fc)
+    h_fc = tf.nn.dropout(
+        activationType(tf.matmul(input_dropout, W_fc) + b_fc), keep_prob)
+    # l2_regularization=\
+    #    tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(W_fc))+tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(b_fc))
+    l2_regularization = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(W_fc))
+    if len(neuronList) > 1:
+        for i in range(1, len(neuronList)):
+            nNeurons = neuronList[i]
+            nNeuronsOld = neuronList[i - 1]
+            W_fc = weight_variable([nNeuronsOld, nNeurons],
+                                   name=namefun('Wfc%d' % i),
+                                   unit_type=unit_type)
+            b_fc = bias_variable([nNeurons],
+                                 name=namefun('bfc%d' % i),
+                                 unit_type=unit_type)
+            h_fc = tf.nn.dropout(activationType(
+                tf.matmul(h_fc, W_fc) + b_fc), keep_prob)
+            l2_regularization += tf.reduce_sum(
+                tf.square(W_fc)) + tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(b_fc))
+    W_fc_out = weight_variable(
+        [neuronList[-1], 1], name=namefun('Wfcout'), unit_type=unit_type)
+    b_fc_out = bias_variable([1], name=namefun('bfcout'), unit_type=unit_type)
+    y_out = tf.matmul(h_fc, W_fc_out) + b_fc_out
+    l2_regularization += tf.reduce_sum(
+        tf.square(W_fc_out)) + tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(b_fc_out))
+    # l2_regularization+=tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(W_fc_out)))
+    # Sum the predicted energy for each molecule
+    reducedSum = tf.unsorted_segment_sum(y_out, segmentinds, batchsize)
+    dEjdgj = tf.gradients(y_out, x)[0]
+    # expand for 3 components (x,y,z)
+    # dEjdgj1 = tf.expand_dims(dEjdgj, 2)
+    # dEjdgjtile = tf.tile(dEjdgj1, [1,1,3])
+    # Gather rows necessary based on the given partial derivatives (dg/dx)
+    dEdg_arranged = tf.gather(dEjdgj, dgdx_Eindices)
+    dEdg_arranged_expand = tf.expand_dims(dEdg_arranged, 2)
+    dEdg_arranged_tile = tf.tile(dEdg_arranged_expand, [1, 1, 3])
+    # multiply through with the dg/dx tensor, and sum along the components of g
+    # to get a tensor of dE/dx (one row per atom considered, second dim =3)
+    dEdx = tf.reduce_sum(tf.mul(dEdg_arranged_tile, dgdx), 1)
+    # this should be a tensor of size (total atoms in training set)x3,
+    # representing the contribution of each atom to the total energy via
+    # interactions with elements of the current atom type
+    dEdx_arranged = tf.unsorted_segment_sum(dEdx, dgdx_Xindices, totalNumAtoms)
+    return tf.mul(reducedSum, mask), dEdx_arranged, l2_regularization
+#    dEg
+#    dEjdgj1 = tf.expand_dims(dEjdgj, 1)
+#    dEjdgj2 = tf.expand_dims(dEjdgj1, 1)
+#    dEjdgjtile = tf.tile(dEjdgj2, tilederiv)
+#    dEdxik = tf.mul(dxdxik, dEjdgjtile)
+#    dEdxikReduce = tf.reduce_sum(dEdxik, 3)
+#    dEdxik_reduced = tf.unsorted_segment_sum(
+#        dEdxikReduce, segmentinds, batchsize)
+#    return tf.mul(reducedSum, mask), dEdxik_reduced,l2_regularization
+def weight_variable(shape, name, unit_type, stddev=0.1):
+    """Helper functions taken from the MNIST tutorial to generate weight and
+    bias variables with random initial weights."""
+    initial = tf.truncated_normal(shape, stddev=stddev, dtype=unit_type)
+    return tf.Variable(initial, name=name)
+def bias_variable(shape, name, unit_type, a=0.1):
+    """Helper functions taken from the MNIST tutorial to generate weight and
+    bias variables with random initial weights."""
+    initial = tf.truncated_normal(stddev=a, shape=shape, dtype=unit_type)
+    return tf.Variable(initial, name=name)
+def generateBatch(curinds, elements, atomArraysAll, nAtomsDict,
+                  atomsIndsReverse, dgdx, dgdx_Eindices, dgdx_Xindices,):
+    """This method generates batches from a large dataset using a set of
+    selected indices curinds."""
+    # inputs:
+    atomArraysFinal = {}
+    for element in elements:
+        validKeys = np.in1d(atomsIndsReverse[element], curinds)
+        if len(validKeys) > 0:
+            atomArraysFinal[element] = atomArraysAll[element][validKeys]
+        else:
+            atomArraysFinal[element] = []
+    dgdx_out = {}
+    dgdx_Eindices_out = {}
+    dgdx_Xindices_out = {}
+    for element in elements:
+        if len(dgdx[element]) > 0:
+            dgdx_out[element] = []
+            dgdx_Eindices_out[element] = []
+            dgdx_Xindices_out[element] = []
+            cursumE = 0
+            cursumX = 0
+            for curind in curinds:
+                natomsElement = nAtomsDict[element][curind]
+                natomsTotal = np.sum(
+                    map(lambda x: nAtomsDict[x][curind], elements))
+                if len(dgdx_Eindices[element][curind]) > 0:
+                    dgdx_out[element].append(dgdx[element][curind])
+                    dgdx_Eindices_out[element].append(
+                        dgdx_Eindices[element][curind] + cursumE)
+                    dgdx_Xindices_out[element].append(
+                        dgdx_Xindices[element][curind] + cursumX)
+                    cursumE += natomsElement
+                    cursumX += natomsTotal
+            if len(dgdx_out[element]) > 0:
+                dgdx_out[element] = np.concatenate(dgdx_out[element], axis=0)
+                dgdx_Eindices_out[element] = np.concatenate(
+                    dgdx_Eindices_out[element], axis=0)
+                dgdx_Xindices_out[element] = np.concatenate(
+                    dgdx_Xindices_out[element], axis=0)
+            else:
+                dgdx_out[element] = np.array([[]])
+                dgdx_Eindices_out[element] = np.array([])
+                dgdx_Xindices_out[element] = np.array([])
+        else:
+            dgdx_out[element] = np.array([[[]]])
+            dgdx_Eindices_out[element] = np.array([])
+            dgdx_Xindices_out[element] = np.array([])
+    atomInds = {}
+    for element in elements:
+        validKeys = np.in1d(atomsIndsReverse[element], curinds)
+        if len(validKeys) > 0:
+            atomIndsTemp = np.sum(atomsIndsReverse[element][validKeys], 1)
+            atomInds[element] = atomIndsTemp * 0.
+            for i in range(len(curinds)):
+                atomInds[element][atomIndsTemp == curinds[i]] = i
+        else:
+            atomInds[element] = []
+    return (atomArraysFinal, dgdx_out,
+            dgdx_Eindices_out, dgdx_Xindices_out, atomInds)
+def generateTensorFlowArrays(fingerprintDB, elements, keylist,
+                             fingerprintDerDB=None):
+    """
+    This function generates the inputs to the tensorflow graph for the selected
+    images.
+    The essential problem is that each neural network is associated with a
+    specific element type. Thus, atoms in each ASE image need to be sent to
+    different networks.
+    Inputs:
+    fingerprintDB: a database of fingerprints, as taken from the descriptor
+    elements: a list of element types (e.g. 'C','O', etc)
+    keylist: a list of hashs into the fingerprintDB that we want to create
+             inputs for
+    fingerprintDerDB: a database of fingerprint derivatives, as taken from the
+                      descriptor
+    maxAtomsForces: the maximum length of the atoms
+    Outputs:
+    atomArraysAll: a dictionary of fingerprint inputs to each element's neural
+        network
+    nAtomsDict: a dictionary for each element with lists of the number of
+        atoms of each type in each image
+    atomsIndsReverse: a dictionary that contains the index of each atom into
+        the original keylist
+    nAtoms: the number of atoms in each image
+    atomArraysAllDerivs: dictionary of fingerprint derivates for each
+        element's neural network
+    """
+    nAtomsDict = {}
+    for element in elements:
+        nAtomsDict[element] = np.zeros(len(keylist))
+    for j in range(len(keylist)):
+        fp = fingerprintDB[keylist[j]]
+        atomSymbols, fpdata = zip(*fp)
+        for i in range(len(fp)):
+            nAtomsDict[atomSymbols[i]][j] += 1
+    atomsPositions = {}
+    for element in elements:
+        atomsPositions[element] = np.cumsum(
+            nAtomsDict[element]) - nAtomsDict[element]
+    atomsIndsReverse = {}
+    for element in elements:
+        atomsIndsReverse[element] = []
+        for i in range(len(keylist)):
+            if nAtomsDict[element][i] > 0:
+                atomsIndsReverse[element].append(
+                    np.ones((nAtomsDict[element][i].astype(np.int64), 1)) * i)
+        if len(atomsIndsReverse[element]) > 0:
+            atomsIndsReverse[element] = np.concatenate(
+                atomsIndsReverse[element])
+    atomArraysAll = {}
+    for element in elements:
+        atomArraysAll[element] = []
+    natoms = np.zeros((len(keylist), 1))
+    for j in range(len(keylist)):
+        fp = fingerprintDB[keylist[j]]
+        atomSymbols, fpdata = zip(*fp)
+        atomdata = zip(atomSymbols, range(len(atomSymbols)))
+        for element in elements:
+            atomArraysTemp = []
+            curatoms = [atom for atom in atomdata if atom[0] == element]
+            for i in range(len(curatoms)):
+                atomArraysTemp.append(fp[curatoms[i][1]][1])
+            if len(atomArraysTemp) > 0:
+                atomArraysAll[element].append(atomArraysTemp)
+        natoms[j] = len(atomSymbols)
+    natomsposition = np.cumsum(natoms) - natoms[0]
+    for element in elements:
+        if len(atomArraysAll[element]) > 0:
+            atomArraysAll[element] = np.concatenate(atomArraysAll[element])
+        else:
+            atomArraysAll[element] = []
+    # Set up the array for atom-based fingerprint derivatives.
+    dgdx = {}
+    dgdx_Eindices = {}
+    dgdx_Xindices = {}
+    for element in elements:
+        dgdx[element] = []  # Nxlen(fp)x3 array
+        dgdx_Eindices[element] = []  # Nx1 array of which dE/dg to pull
+        dgdx_Xindices[element] = []
+        # Nx1 array representing which atom this force will represent
+    if fingerprintDerDB is not None:
+        for j in range(len(keylist)):
+            fp = fingerprintDB[keylist[j]]
+            fpDer = fingerprintDerDB[keylist[j]]
+            atomSymbols, fpdata = zip(*fp)
+            atomdata = zip(atomSymbols, range(len(atomSymbols)))
+            for element in elements:
+                curatoms = [atom for atom in atomdata if atom[0] == element]
+                dgdx_temp = []
+                dgdx_Eindices_temp = []
+                dgdx_Xindices_temp = []
+                if len(curatoms) > 0:
+                    for i in range(len(curatoms)):
+                        for k in range(len(atomdata)):
+                            # check if fp derivative is present
+                            dictkeys = [(k, atomdata[k][0], curatoms[
+                                i][1], curatoms[i][0], 0),
+                                (k, atomdata[k][0], curatoms[
+                                 i][1], curatoms[i][0], 1),
+                                (k, atomdata[k][0], curatoms[
+                                 i][1], curatoms[i][0], 2)]
+                            if ((dictkeys[0] in fpDer) or
+                               (dictkeys[1] in fpDer) or
+                                    (dictkeys[2] in fpDer)):
+                                fptemp = []
+                                for ix in range(3):
+                                    dictkey = (k, atomdata[k][0], curatoms[
+                                        i][1], curatoms[i][0], ix)
+                                    fptemp.append(fpDer[dictkey])
+                                dgdx_temp.append(np.array(fptemp).transpose())
+                                dgdx_Eindices_temp.append(i)
+                                dgdx_Xindices_temp.append(k)
+                if len(dgdx_Eindices_temp) > 0:
+                    dgdx[element].append(np.array(dgdx_temp))
+                    dgdx_Eindices[element].append(np.array(dgdx_Eindices_temp))
+                    dgdx_Xindices[element].append(np.array(dgdx_Xindices_temp))
+                else:
+                    dgdx[element].append([])
+                    dgdx_Eindices[element].append([])
+                    dgdx_Xindices[element].append([])
+    return (atomArraysAll, nAtomsDict, atomsIndsReverse,
+            natoms, dgdx, dgdx_Eindices, dgdx_Xindices)
+def reorganizeForces(forces, natoms):
+    curoffset = 0
+    forcelist = []
+    for N in natoms:
+        forcelist.append(forces[curoffset:curoffset + N[0].astype(np.int64)])
+        curoffset += N[0]
+    return forcelist
diff --git a/amp/regression/__init__.py b/amp/regression/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1f0933
--- /dev/null
+++ b/amp/regression/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+from ..utilities import ConvergenceOccurred
+class Regressor:
+    """Class to manage the regression of a generic model. That is, for a
+    given parameter set, calculates the cost function (the difference in
+    predicted energies and actual energies across training images), then
+    decides how to adjust the parameters to reduce this cost function.
+    Global optimization conditioners (e.g., simulated annealing, etc.) can
+    be built into this class.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    optimizer : str
+        The optimizer to use. Several defaults are available including
+        'L-BFGS-B', 'BFGS', 'TNC', or 'NCG'.  Alternatively, any function can
+        be supplied which behaves like scipy.optimize.fmin_bfgs.
+    optimizer_kwargs : dict
+        Optional keywords for the corresponding optimizer.
+    lossprime : boolean
+        Decides whether or not the regressor needs to be fed in by gradient of
+        the loss function as well as the loss function itself.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, optimizer='BFGS', optimizer_kwargs=None,
+                 lossprime=True):
+        """optimizer can be specified; it should behave like a
+        scipy.optimize optimizer. That is, it should take as its first two
+        arguments the function to be optimized and the initial guess of the
+        optimal paramters. Additional keyword arguments can be fed through
+        the optimizer_kwargs dictionary."""
+        user_kwargs = optimizer_kwargs
+        optimizer_kwargs = {}
+        if optimizer == 'BFGS':
+            from scipy.optimize import fmin_bfgs as optimizer
+            optimizer_kwargs = {'gtol': 1e-15, }
+        elif optimizer == 'L-BFGS-B':
+            from scipy.optimize import fmin_l_bfgs_b as optimizer
+            optimizer_kwargs = {'factr': 1e+02,
+                                'pgtol': 1e-08,
+                                'maxfun': 1000000,
+                                'maxiter': 1000000}
+            import scipy
+            from distutils.version import StrictVersion
+            if StrictVersion(scipy.__version__) >= StrictVersion('0.17.0'):
+                optimizer_kwargs['maxls'] = 2000
+        elif optimizer == 'TNC':
+            from scipy.optimize import fmin_tnc as optimizer
+            optimizer_kwargs = {'ftol': 0.,
+                                'xtol': 0.,
+                                'pgtol': 1e-08,
+                                'maxfun': 1000000, }
+        elif optimizer == 'NCG':
+            from scipy.optimize import fmin_ncg as optimizer
+            optimizer_kwargs = {'avextol': 1e-15, }
+        if user_kwargs:
+            optimizer_kwargs.update(user_kwargs)
+        self.optimizer = optimizer
+        self.optimizer_kwargs = optimizer_kwargs
+        self.lossprime = lossprime
+    def regress(self, model, log):
+        """Performs the regression. Calls model.get_loss,
+        which should return the current value of the loss function
+        until convergence has been reached, at which point it should
+        raise a amp.utilities.ConvergenceException.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        model : object
+            Class representing the regression model.
+        log : str
+            Name of script to log progress.
+        """
+        log('Starting parameter optimization.', tic='opt')
+        log(' Optimizer: %s' % self.optimizer)
+        log(' Optimizer kwargs: %s' % self.optimizer_kwargs)
+        x0 = model.vector.copy()
+        try:
+            if self.lossprime:
+                self.optimizer(model.get_loss, x0, model.get_lossprime,
+                               **self.optimizer_kwargs)
+            else:
+                self.optimizer(model.get_loss, x0, **self.optimizer_kwargs)
+        except ConvergenceOccurred:
+            log('...optimization successful.', toc='opt')
+            return True
+        else:
+            log('...optimization unsuccessful.', toc='opt')
+            if self.lossprime:
+                max_lossprime = \
+                    max(abs(max(model.lossfunction.dloss_dparameters)),
+                        abs(min(model.lossfunction.dloss_dparameters)))
+                log('...maximum absolute value of loss prime: %.3e'
+                    % max_lossprime)
+            return False
diff --git a/amp/stats/__init__.py b/amp/stats/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/amp/stats/bootstrap.py b/amp/stats/bootstrap.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87ca3c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/amp/stats/bootstrap.py
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+import os
+import sys
+import shutil
+import numpy as np
+from string import Template
+import time
+import json
+from StringIO import StringIO
+from scipy.stats.mstats import mquantiles
+import tarfile
+import tempfile
+import ase.io
+from ..utilities import hash_images, Logger
+from .. import Amp
+calc_text = """
+from amp import Amp
+from amp.descriptor.gaussian import Gaussian
+from amp.model.neuralnetwork import NeuralNetwork
+calc = Amp(descriptor=Gaussian(),
+           model=NeuralNetwork(),
+           dblabel='../amp-db')
+train_line = "calc.train(images=hashed_images)"
+script = """#!/usr/bin/env python
+from amp.utilities import TrainingConvergenceError, hash_images
+from ase.parallel import paropen
+from bunquant.bootstrap import hash_with_duplicates
+import os
+ensemble_index = int(os.path.split(os.getcwd())[-1])
+trainfile = '../training-images/%i.traj' % ensemble_index
+hashed_images = hash_with_duplicates(trainfile)
+converged = True
+    ${train_line}
+except TrainingConvergenceError:
+    converged = False
+f = paropen('converged', 'w')
+class BootStrap:
+    """A bootstrap ensemble calculator which serves as a wrapper around and
+    Amp calculator. Initiate with an amp.utilities.Logger instance as log.
+    If an existing trained bootstrap calculator is available, it can be
+    loaded by providing its filename to the load keyword.
+    Note that the 'train' method is meant to be a job-submission and
+    -management script;
+    e.g., it will typically be run at the command line to both submit jobs
+    and monitor their convergence.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, load=None, log=None):
+        if log is None:
+            log = Logger(sys.stdout)
+        self.log = log
+        if load is None:
+            return
+        with open(load) as f:
+            calctexts = json.load(f)
+        self.ensemble = []
+        for calctext in calctexts:
+            f = StringIO(calctext)
+            calc = Amp.load(file=f)
+            calc.log = Logger(None)
+            self.ensemble.append(calc)
+        log('Loaded ensemble of %i calculators.' % len(self.ensemble))
+    def train(self, images, n=50, calc_text=calc_text, headerlines='',
+              start_command='python run.py', sleep=0.1,
+              train_line=train_line, label='bootstrap'):
+        """Trains a bootstrap ensemble of calculators.
+        This is set up to enable the submision of each as a job through
+        the local queuing system, but can also run in serial.
+        On first call to this method, jobs are created/submitted.
+        On subsequent calls, jobs are analyzed for convergence.
+        If all are converged, an ensemble is created and the training
+        directory is archived.
+        Creates a lot of individual runs in directories
+        n: int
+           size of ensemble (number of calculators to train)
+        calc_text: text
+           text that is used to initiate the Amp calculator.
+           see the example in this module in calc_text; must produce
+           a 'calc' object
+        headerlines: text
+           lines in the top of the python script that will be submitted
+           this would typically contain comment lines for the batching
+           system, such as '#SBATCH -n=3\n #SBATCH -cores=8\n...'
+        start_command: text
+           command to start the job in the current queuing system,
+           such as 'sbatch run.py' ('run.py' is the scriptname here)
+           for serial operation use 'python run.py'
+        sleep : float
+           time (s) to sleep between job submissions
+        train_line: text
+           line to use to train each amp instance; usually the default is
+           fine but user may want to use this to insert additional keywords
+           such as train_forces=False
+        label: string
+           label to give final trained calculator
+        """
+        log = self.log
+        trainingpath = '-'.join((label, 'training'))
+        if os.path.exists(trainingpath):
+            log('Path exists. Checking for which jobs are finished.')
+            n_unfinished = 0
+            n_converged = 0
+            n_unconverged = 0
+            pwd = os.getcwd()
+            os.chdir(trainingpath)
+            fulltrainingpath = os.getcwd()
+            for index in range(n):
+                os.chdir('%i' % index)
+                if not os.path.exists('converged'):
+                    log('%i: Still running? No converged file.' % index)
+                    os.chdir(fulltrainingpath)
+                    n_unfinished += 1
+                    continue
+                with open('converged') as f:
+                    converged = f.read()
+                if converged == 'True':
+                    log('%i: Converged.' % index)
+                    n_converged += 1
+                else:
+                    log('%i: Not converged. Cleaning up directory to '
+                        ' restart job.' % index)
+                    n_unconverged += 1
+                    for _ in os.listdir(os.getcwd()):
+                        if _ != 'run.py':
+                            if os.path.isdir(_):
+                                shutil.rmtree(_)
+                            else:
+                                os.remove(_)
+                    os.system(start_command)
+                    time.sleep(sleep)
+                    log('%i: Restarted.')
+                os.chdir(fulltrainingpath)
+            log('')
+            log('Stats:')
+            log('%10i converged' % n_converged)
+            log('%10i did not converge, restarted' % n_unconverged)
+            log('%10i apparently still running' % n_unfinished)
+            log('=' * 10)
+            log('%10i total' % n)
+            log('\n')
+            if n_converged < n:
+                log('Not all runs converged; not creating bundled amp '
+                    'calculator.')
+                return
+            log('Creating bundled amp calculator.')
+            ensemble = []
+            for index in range(n):
+                os.chdir('%i' % index)
+                with open('amp.amp') as f:
+                    text = f.read()
+                ensemble.append(text)
+                os.chdir(fulltrainingpath)
+            os.chdir(pwd)
+            with open('%s.ensemble' % label, 'w') as f:
+                json.dump(ensemble, f)
+                log('Saved in json format as "%s.ensemble".' % label)
+            log('Converting training directory into tar archive...')
+            archive_directory(trainingpath)
+            log('...converted.')
+            return
+        log('Training set: ' + str(images))
+        images = hash_images(images)
+        log('%i images in training set after hashing.' % len(images))
+        image_keys = images.keys()
+        originalpath = os.getcwd()
+        trajpath = os.path.join(trainingpath, 'training-images')
+        os.mkdir(trainingpath)
+        os.mkdir(trajpath)
+        log('Creating bootstrapped training images in %s.' % trajpath)
+        for index in range(n):
+            log(' Choosing images for %i.' % index)
+            chosen = bootstrap(image_keys)
+            log(' Writing trajectory for %i.' % index)
+            traj = ase.io.Trajectory(
+                os.path.join(trajpath, '%i.traj' % index), 'w')
+            for key in chosen:
+                traj.write(images[key])
+        log('Creating and submitting jobs.')
+        os.chdir(trainingpath)
+        template = Template(script)
+        pwd = os.getcwd()
+        for index in range(n):
+            os.mkdir('%i' % index)
+            os.chdir('%i' % index)
+            with open('run.py', 'w') as f:
+                f.write(template.substitute({'headerlines': headerlines,
+                                             'calc_text': calc_text,
+                                             'train_line': train_line}))
+            os.system(start_command)
+            time.sleep(sleep)
+            os.chdir(pwd)
+        os.chdir(originalpath)
+    def get_potential_energy(self, atoms, output=(.5,)):
+        """Returns the potential energy from the ensemble for the atoms
+        object.
+        By default only returns the median prediction (50th percentile)
+        of the ensemble, such that it works like a normal ASE calculator.
+        To get uncertainty information, use the output keyword with the
+        following codes:
+            <q>: (where <q> is a float) return the q quantile of the
+            ensemble (where the quantile is a decimal, as in 0.5 for 50th
+            percentile)
+            e: return the whole ensemble prediction as a list
+        Join the arguments with commas. For example, to return the median
+        prediction plus a centered spread covering 90% of the ensemble
+        prediction, use output=[.5, .05, .95].
+        If the ensemble is requested, it must be the last argument, e.g.,
+        output=[.5, .025, .97.5, 'e'].
+        Note a list is typically returned, but if only one attribute is
+        requested it returns it as a float, so that it's ASE-like.
+        """
+        energies = [calc.get_potential_energy(atoms) for calc in self.ensemble]
+        if output[-1] == 'e':
+            quantiles = output[:-1]
+            return_ensemble = True
+        else:
+            quantiles = output
+            return_ensemble = False
+        for quantile in quantiles:
+            if (quantile > 1.0) or (quantile < 0.0):
+                raise RuntimeError('Quantiles must be between 0 and 1.')
+        result = mquantiles(energies, prob=quantiles)
+        result = list(result)
+        if return_ensemble:
+            result.append(energies)
+        if len(result) == 1:
+            result == result[0]
+        return result
+    def get_forces(self, atoms, output=(.5,)):
+        """Returns the atomic forces from the ensemble for the atoms
+        object.
+        By default only returns the median prediction (50th percentile)
+        of the ensemble, such that it works like a normal ASE calculator.
+        To get uncertainty information, use the output keyword with the
+        following codes:
+            <q>: (where <q> is a float) return the q quantile of the
+            ensemble (where the quantile is a decimal, as in 0.5 for 50th
+            percentile)
+            e: return the whole ensemble prediction as a list
+        Join the arguments with commas. For example, to return the median
+        prediction plus a centered spread covering 90% of the ensemble
+        prediction, use output=[.5, .05, .95].
+        If the ensemble is requested, it must be the last argument, e.g.,
+        output=[.5, .025, .97.5, 'e'].
+        Note a list is typically returned, but if only one attribute is
+        requested it returns it as a float, so that it's ASE-like.
+        """
+        forces = [calc.get_forces(atoms) for calc in self.ensemble]
+        forces = np.array(forces)
+        if output[-1] == 'e':
+            quantiles = output[:-1]
+            return_ensemble = True
+        else:
+            quantiles = output
+            return_ensemble = False
+        for quantile in quantiles:
+            if (quantile > 1.0) or (quantile < 0.0):
+                raise RuntimeError('Quantiles must be between 0 and 1.')
+        # FIXME/ap: Had to switch to np.percentile from scipy mquantiles.
+        # Because mquantiles doesn't support higher dimensions.
+        # Should probably switch to percentiles throughout the code as
+        # it's easier to read.
+        percentiles = np.array(quantiles) * 100.
+        result = np.percentile(forces, percentiles, axis=0)
+        result = list(result)
+        if return_ensemble:
+            result.append(forces)
+        if len(result) == 1:
+            result == result[0]
+        return result
+    def get_atomic_energies(self, atoms, output=(.5,)):
+        """ Returns the energy per atom from ensemble.
+        The output parameter works as get_potential_energy."""
+        if output[-1] == 'e':
+            quantiles = output[:-1]
+            return_ensemble = True
+        else:
+            quantiles = output
+            return_ensemble = False
+        for quantile in quantiles:
+            if (quantile > 1.0) or (quantile < 0.0):
+                raise RuntimeError('Percentiles must be between 0 and 1.')
+        self.get_potential_energy(atoms)  # Assure calculation is fresh.
+        atomic_energies = np.array([calc.model.atomic_energies for calc in
+                                    self.ensemble])
+        result = mquantiles(atomic_energies, prob=quantiles, axis=0)
+        result = list(result)
+        if return_ensemble:
+            result.append(atomic_energies)
+        if len(result) == 1:
+            result == result[0]
+        return result
+def bootstrap(vector, size=None, return_missing=False):
+    """Returns a randomly chosen, with replacement, version of the data
+    set. If size is None returns a vector of same length.
+    To pull from sample from multiple vectors, zip and unzip them like:
+    >>> xsbs, ysbs = zip(*bootstrap(zip(xs, ys)))
+    If return_missing == True, also finds and returns the missing elements
+    not sampled from the vector as a second output.
+    """
+    size = len(vector) if size is None else size
+    ids = np.random.choice(len(vector), size=size, replace=True)
+    chosen = [vector[_] for _ in ids]
+    if return_missing is False:
+        return chosen
+    unchosen = set(range(len(vector))).difference(set(ids))
+    unchosen = [vector[_] for _ in unchosen]
+    return chosen, unchosen
+def hash_with_duplicates(images):
+    """Creates new hash id's for duplicate images; new dictionary contains
+    a redundant copy of each atoms object, so that the lossfunctions can be
+    used as-is. Note will typically waste ~30% of the computational cost;
+    it would be more efficient to update the calls inside the loss
+    functions."""
+    if not hasattr(images, 'keys'):
+        images = hash_images(images)
+    duplicates = images.metadata['duplicates']
+    dict_images = dict(images)
+    for oldhash, repititions in duplicates.iteritems():
+        for repitition in range(repititions - 1):
+            newhash = '-'.join([oldhash, '%i' % (repitition + 1)])
+            assert newhash not in dict_images
+            dict_images[newhash] = images[oldhash]
+    return dict_images
+def archive_directory(source_dir):
+    """Turns <source_dir> into a .tar.gz file and removes the original
+    directory."""
+    outputname = source_dir + '.tar.gz'
+    if os.path.exists(outputname):
+        raise RuntimeError('%s exists.' % outputname)
+    with tarfile.open(outputname, 'w:gz') as tar:
+        tar.add(source_dir)
+    shutil.rmtree(source_dir)
+class TrainingArchive:
+    """Helper to get training trajectories and Amp calc instances from the
+    training tar ball. Initialize with archive name. The get commands use
+    the path the file would have had if the archive were extracted."""
+    def __init__(self, name):
+        self.tf = tarfile.open(name)
+    def get_trajectory(self, path):
+        # Doesn't work with extractfile because of numpy bug.
+        tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+        self.tf.extract(member=path, path=tempdir)
+        return ase.io.Trajectory(os.path.join(tempdir, path))
+    def get_amp_calc(self, path):
+        return Amp.load(self.tf.extractfile(path))
diff --git a/amp/utilities.py b/amp/utilities.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1742250
--- /dev/null
+++ b/amp/utilities.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1195 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import numpy as np
+import hashlib
+import time
+import os
+import sys
+import copy
+import math
+import random
+import signal
+import tarfile
+import traceback
+from datetime import datetime
+from getpass import getuser
+from ase import io as aseio
+from ase.db import connect
+from ase.calculators.calculator import PropertyNotImplementedError
+    import cPickle as pickle    # Python2
+except ImportError:
+    import pickle               # Python3
+# Parallel processing ########################################################
+def assign_cores(cores, log=None):
+    """Tries to guess cores from environment.
+    If fed a log object, will write its progress.
+    """
+    log = Logger(None) if log is None else log
+    def fail(q, traceback_text=None):
+        msg = ('Auto core detection is either not set up or not working for'
+               ' your version of %s. You are invited to submit a patch to '
+               'return a dictionary of the form {nodename: ncores} for this'
+               ' batching system. The environment contents were dumped to '
+               'the log file, as well as any traceback that caused the '
+               'error.')
+        log(msg % q)
+        log('Environment dump:')
+        for key, value in os.environ.items():
+            log('%s: %s' % (key, value))
+        if traceback_text:
+            log('\n' + '='*70 + '\nTraceback of last error encountered:')
+            log(traceback_text)
+        raise NotImplementedError(msg % q)
+    def success(q, cores, log):
+        log('Parallel configuration determined from environment for %s:' % q)
+        for key, value in cores.items():
+            log('  %s: %i' % (key, value))
+    if cores is not None:
+        q = '<user-specified>'
+        if cores == 1:
+            log('Serial operation on one core specified.')
+            return cores
+        else:
+            try:
+                cores = int(cores)
+            except TypeError:
+                cores = cores
+                success(q, cores, log)
+                return cores
+            else:
+                cores = {'localhost': cores}
+                success(q, cores, log)
+                return cores
+    if 'SLURM_NODELIST' in os.environ.keys():
+        q = 'SLURM'
+        try:
+            nnodes = int(os.environ['SLURM_NNODES'])
+            taskspernode = int(os.environ['SLURM_NTASKS_PER_NODE'])
+            if nnodes == 1:
+                cores = {'localhost': taskspernode}
+            else:
+                nodes = os.environ['SLURM_NODELIST']
+                if '[' in nodes:
+                    # Formatted funny like 'node[572,578]'.
+                    prename, numbers = nodes.split('[')
+                    numbers = numbers[:-1].split(',')
+                    nodes = [prename + _ for _ in numbers]
+                else:
+                    nodes = nodes.split(',')
+                cores = {node: taskspernode for node in nodes}
+        except:
+            # Get the traceback to log it.
+            fail(q, traceback_text=traceback.format_exc())
+    elif 'PBS_NODEFILE' in os.environ.keys():
+        fail(q='PBS')
+    elif 'LOADL_PROCESSOR_LIST' in os.environ.keys():
+        fail(q='LOADL')
+    elif 'PE_HOSTFILE' in os.environ.keys():
+        q = 'SGE'
+        try:
+            hostfile = os.getenv('PE_HOSTFILE')
+            cores = {}
+            with open(hostfile) as f:
+                for i, istr in enumerate(f):
+                    hostname, nc = istr.split()[0:2]
+                    nc = int(nc)
+                    cores[hostname] = nc
+        except:
+            # Get the traceback to log it.
+            fail(q, traceback_text=traceback.format_exc())
+    else:
+        import multiprocessing
+        ncores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
+        cores = {'localhost': ncores}
+        log('No queuing system detected; single machine assumed.')
+        q = '<single machine>'
+    success(q, cores, log)
+    return cores
+class MessageDictionary:
+    """Standard container for all messages (typically requests, via
+    zmq.context.socket.send_pyobj) sent from the workers to the master.
+    This returns a simple dictionary. This is roughly email format.
+    Initialize with process id (e.g., 'from'). Call with subject and data
+    (body).
+    """
+    def __init__(self, process_id):
+        self._process_id = process_id
+    def __call__(self, subject, data=None):
+        d = {'id': self._process_id,
+             'subject': subject,
+             'data': data}
+        return d
+def make_sublists(masterlist, n):
+    """Randomly divides the masterlist into n sublists of roughly
+    equal size.
+    The intended use is to divide a keylist and assign
+    keys to each task in parallel processing. This also destroys
+    the masterlist (to save some memory).
+    """
+    masterlist = list(masterlist)
+    np.random.shuffle(masterlist)
+    N = len(masterlist)
+    sublist_lengths = [
+        N // n if _ >= (N % n) else N // n + 1 for _ in range(n)]
+    sublists = []
+    for sublist_length in sublist_lengths:
+        sublists.append([masterlist.pop() for _ in range(sublist_length)])
+    return sublists
+def setup_parallel(parallel, workercommand, log):
+    """Starts the worker processes and the master to control them.
+    This makes an SSH connection to each node (including the one the master
+    process runs on), then creates the specified number of processes on each
+    node through its SSH connection. Then sets up ZMQ for efficienty
+    communication between the worker processes and the master process.
+    Uses the parallel dictionary as defined in amp.Amp. log is an Amp logger.
+    module is the name of the module to be called, which is usually
+    given by self.calc.__module, etc.
+    workercommand is stub of the command used to start the servers,
+    typically like "python -m amp.descriptor.gaussian". Appended to
+    this will be " <pid> <serversocket> &" where <pid> is the unique ID
+    assigned to each process and <serversocket> is the address of the
+    server, like 'node321:34292'.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    server : (a ZMQ socket)
+        The ssh connections (pxssh instances; if these objects are destroyed
+        pxssh will close the sessions)
+        the pid_count, which is the total number of workers started. Each
+        worker can be communicated directly through its PID, an integer
+        between 0 and pid_count
+    """
+    import zmq
+    from socket import gethostname
+    log(' Parallel processing.')
+    serverhostname = gethostname()
+    # Establish server session.
+    context = zmq.Context()
+    server = context.socket(zmq.REP)
+    port = server.bind_to_random_port('tcp://*')
+    serversocket = '%s:%s' % (serverhostname, port)
+    log(' Established server at %s.' % serversocket)
+    workercommand += ' %s ' + serversocket
+    log(' Establishing worker sessions.')
+    connections = []
+    pid_count = 0
+    for workerhostname, nprocesses in parallel['cores'].items():
+        pids = range(pid_count, pid_count + nprocesses)
+        pid_count += nprocesses
+        connections.append(start_workers(pids,
+                                         workerhostname,
+                                         workercommand,
+                                         log,
+                                         parallel['envcommand']))
+    return server, connections, pid_count
+def start_workers(process_ids, workerhostname, workercommand, log,
+                  envcommand):
+    """A function to start a new SSH session and establish processes on
+    that session.
+    """
+    if workerhostname != 'localhost':
+        workercommand += ' &'
+        log(' Starting non-local connections.')
+        pxssh = importer('pxssh')
+        ssh = pxssh.pxssh()
+        ssh.login(workerhostname, getuser())
+        if envcommand is not None:
+            log('Environment command: %s' % envcommand)
+            ssh.sendline(envcommand)
+            ssh.readline()
+        for process_id in process_ids:
+            ssh.sendline(workercommand % process_id)
+            ssh.expect('<amp-connect>')
+            ssh.expect('<stderr>')
+            log('  Session %i (%s): %s' %
+                (process_id, workerhostname, ssh.before.strip()))
+        return ssh
+    import pexpect
+    log(' Starting local connections.')
+    children = []
+    for process_id in process_ids:
+        child = pexpect.spawn(workercommand % process_id)
+        child.expect('<amp-connect>')
+        child.expect('<stderr>')
+        log('  Session %i (%s): %s' %
+            (process_id, workerhostname, child.before.strip()))
+        children.append(child)
+    return children
+# Data and logging ###########################################################
+class FileDatabase:
+    """Using a database file, such as shelve or sqlitedict, that can handle
+    multiple processes writing to the file is hard.
+    Therefore, we take the stupid approach of having each database entry be
+    a separate file. This class behaves essentially like shelve, but saves each
+    dictionary entry as a plain pickle file within the directory, with the
+    filename corresponding to the dictionary key (which must be a string).
+    Like shelve, this also keeps an internal (memory dictionary) representation
+    of the variables that have been accessed.
+    Also includes an archive feature, where files are instead added to a file
+    called 'archive.tar.gz' to save disk space. If an entry exists in both the
+    loose and archive formats, the loose is taken to be the new (correct)
+    value.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, filename):
+        """Open the filename at specified location. flag is ignored; this
+        format is always capable of both reading and writing."""
+        if not filename.endswith(os.extsep + 'ampdb'):
+            filename += os.extsep + 'ampdb'
+        self.path = filename
+        self.loosepath = os.path.join(self.path, 'loose')
+        self.tarpath = os.path.join(self.path, 'archive.tar.gz')
+        if not os.path.exists(self.path):
+            os.mkdir(self.path)
+            os.mkdir(self.loosepath)
+        self._memdict = {}  # Items already accessed; stored in memory.
+    @classmethod
+    def open(Cls, filename, flag=None):
+        """Open present for compatibility with shelve. flag is ignored; this
+        format is always capable of both reading and writing.
+        """
+        return Cls(filename=filename)
+    def close(self):
+        """Only present for compatibility with shelve.
+        """
+        return
+    def keys(self):
+        """Return list of keys, both of in-memory and out-of-memory
+        items.
+        """
+        keys = os.listdir(self.loosepath)
+        if os.path.exists(self.tarpath):
+            with tarfile.open(self.tarpath) as tf:
+                keys = list(set(keys + tf.getnames()))
+        return keys
+    def values(self):
+        """Return list of values, both of in-memory and out-of-memory
+        items. This moves all out-of-memory items into memory.
+        """
+        keys = self.keys()
+        return [self[key] for key in keys]
+    def __len__(self):
+        return len(self.keys())
+    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+        self._memdict[key] = value
+        path = os.path.join(self.loosepath, str(key))
+        if os.path.exists(path):
+            with open(path, 'r') as f:
+                if f.read() == pickle.dumps(value):
+                    return  # Nothing to update.
+        with open(path, 'wb') as f:
+            pickle.dump(value, f)
+    def __getitem__(self, key):
+        if key in self._memdict:
+            return self._memdict[key]
+        keypath = os.path.join(self.loosepath, key)
+        if os.path.exists(keypath):
+            with open(keypath, 'rb') as f:
+                return pickle.load(f)
+        elif os.path.exists(self.tarpath):
+            with tarfile.open(self.tarpath) as tf:
+                return pickle.load(tf.extractfile(key))
+        else:
+            raise KeyError(str(key))
+    def update(self, newitems):
+        for key, value in newitems.items():
+            self.__setitem__(key, value)
+    def archive(self):
+        """Cleans up to save disk space and reduce huge number of files.
+        That is, puts all files into an archive.  Compresses all files in
+        <path>/loose and places them in <path>/archive.tar.gz.  If archive
+        exists, appends/modifies.
+        """
+        loosefiles = os.listdir(self.loosepath)
+        print('Contains %i loose entries.' % len(loosefiles))
+        if len(loosefiles) == 0:
+            print(' -> No action taken.')
+            return
+        if os.path.exists(self.tarpath):
+            with tarfile.open(self.tarpath) as tf:
+                names = [_ for _ in tf.getnames() if _ not in
+                         os.listdir(self.loosepath)]
+                for name in names:
+                    tf.extract(member=name, path=self.loosepath)
+        loosefiles = os.listdir(self.loosepath)
+        print('Compressing %i entries.' % len(loosefiles))
+        with tarfile.open(self.tarpath, 'w:gz') as tf:
+            for file in loosefiles:
+                tf.add(name=os.path.join(self.loosepath, file),
+                       arcname=file)
+        print('Cleaning up: removing %i files.' % len(loosefiles))
+        for file in loosefiles:
+            os.remove(os.path.join(self.loosepath, file))
+class Data:
+    """Serves as a container (dictionary-like) for (key, value) pairs that
+    also serves to calculate them.
+    Works by default with python's shelve module, but something that is built
+    to share the same commands as shelve will work fine; just specify this in
+    dbinstance.
+    Designed to hold things like neighborlists, which have a hash, value
+    format.
+    This will work like a dictionary in that items can be accessed with
+    data[key], but other advanced dictionary functions should be accessed with
+    through the .d attribute:
+    >>> data = Data(...)
+    >>> data.open()
+    >>> keys = data.d.keys()
+    >>> values = data.d.values()
+    """
+    def __init__(self, filename, db=FileDatabase, calculator=None):
+        self.calc = calculator
+        self.db = db
+        self.filename = filename
+        self.d = None
+    def calculate_items(self, images, parallel, log=None):
+        """Calculates the data value with 'calculator' for the specified
+        images.
+        images is a dictionary, and the same keys will be used for the current
+        database.
+        """
+        if log is None:
+            log = Logger(None)
+        if self.d is not None:
+            self.d.close()
+            self.d = None
+        log(' Data stored in file %s.' % self.filename)
+        d = self.db.open(self.filename, 'r')
+        calcs_needed = list(set(images.keys()).difference(d.keys()))
+        dblength = len(d)
+        d.close()
+        log(' File exists with %i total images, %i of which are needed.' %
+            (dblength, len(images) - len(calcs_needed)))
+        log(' %i new calculations needed.' % len(calcs_needed))
+        if len(calcs_needed) == 0:
+            return
+        if parallel['cores'] == 1:
+            d = self.db.open(self.filename, 'c')
+            for key in calcs_needed:
+                d[key] = self.calc.calculate(images[key], key)
+            d.close()  # Necessary to get out of write mode and unlock?
+            log(' Calculated %i new images.' % len(calcs_needed))
+        else:
+            python = sys.executable
+            workercommand = '%s -m %s' % (python, self.calc.__module__)
+            server, connections, n_pids = setup_parallel(parallel,
+                                                         workercommand, log)
+            globals = self.calc.globals
+            keyed = self.calc.keyed
+            keys = make_sublists(calcs_needed, n_pids)
+            results = {}
+            # All incoming requests will be dictionaries with three keys.
+            # d['id']: process id number, assigned when process created above.
+            # d['subject']: what the message is asking for / telling you
+            # d['data']: optional data passed from the worker.
+            active = 0  # count of processes actively calculating
+            log(' Parallel calculations starting...', tic='parallel')
+            while True:
+                message = server.recv_pyobj()
+                if message['subject'] == '<purpose>':
+                    server.send_pyobj(self.calc.parallel_command)
+                    active += 1
+                elif message['subject'] == '<request>':
+                    request = message['data']  # Variable name.
+                    if request == 'images':
+                        server.send_pyobj({k: images[k] for k in
+                                           keys[int(message['id'])]})
+                    elif request in keyed:
+                        server.send_pyobj({k: keyed[request][k] for k in
+                                           keys[int(message['id'])]})
+                    else:
+                        server.send_pyobj(globals[request])
+                elif message['subject'] == '<result>':
+                    result = message['data']
+                    server.send_string('meaningless reply')
+                    active -= 1
+                    log('  Process %s returned %i results.' %
+                        (message['id'], len(result)))
+                    results.update(result)
+                elif message['subject'] == '<info>':
+                    server.send_string('meaningless reply')
+                if active == 0:
+                    break
+            log('  %i new results.' % len(results))
+            log(' ...parallel calculations finished.', toc='parallel')
+            log(' Adding new results to database.')
+            d = self.db.open(self.filename, 'c')
+            d.update(results)
+            d.close()  # Necessary to get out of write mode and unlock?
+        self.d = None
+    def __getitem__(self, key):
+        self.open()
+        return self.d[key]
+    def close(self):
+        """Safely close the database.
+        """
+        if self.d:
+            self.d.close()
+        self.d = None
+    def open(self, mode='r'):
+        """Open the database connection with mode specified.
+        """
+        if self.d is None:
+            self.d = self.db.open(self.filename, mode)
+    def __del__(self):
+        self.close()
+class Logger:
+    """Logger that can also deliver timing information.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    file : str
+        File object or path to the file to write to.  Or set to None for
+        a logger that does nothing.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, file):
+        if file is None:
+            self.file = None
+            return
+        if isinstance(file, str):
+            self.filename = file
+            file = open(file, 'a')
+        self.file = file
+        self.tics = {}
+    def tic(self, label=None):
+        """Start a timer.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        label : str
+            Label for managing multiple timers.
+        """
+        if self.file is None:
+            return
+        if label:
+            self.tics[label] = time.time()
+        else:
+            self._tic = time.time()
+    def __call__(self, message, toc=None, tic=False):
+        """Writes message to the log file.
+        Parameters
+        ---------
+        message : str
+            Message to be written.
+        toc : bool or str
+            If toc=True or toc=label, it will append timing information in
+            minutes to the timer.
+        tic : bool or str
+            If tic=True or tic=label, will start the generic timer or a timer
+            associated with label. Equivalent to self.tic(label).
+        """
+        if self.file is None:
+            return
+        dt = ''
+        if toc:
+            if toc is True:
+                tic = self._tic
+            else:
+                tic = self.tics[toc]
+            dt = (time.time() - tic) / 60.
+            dt = ' %.1f min.' % dt
+        if self.file.closed:
+            self.file = open(self.filename, 'a')
+        self.file.write(message + dt + '\n')
+        self.file.flush()
+        if tic:
+            if tic is True:
+                self.tic()
+            else:
+                self.tic(label=tic)
+def make_filename(label, base_filename):
+    """Creates a filename from the label and the base_filename which should be
+    a string.
+    Returns None if label is None; that is, it only saves output if a label is
+    specified.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    label : str
+        Prefix.
+    base_filename : str
+        Basic name of the file.
+    """
+    if label is None:
+        return None
+    if not label:
+        filename = base_filename
+    else:
+        filename = os.path.join(label + base_filename)
+    return filename
+# Images and hashing #########################################################
+def get_hash(atoms):
+    """Creates a unique signature for a particular ASE atoms object.
+    This is used to check whether an image has been seen before. This is just
+    an md5 hash of a string representation of the atoms object.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    atoms : ASE dict
+        ASE atoms object.
+    Returns
+    -------
+        Hash string key of 'atoms'.
+    """
+    string = str(atoms.pbc)
+    for number in atoms.cell.flatten():
+        string += '%.15f' % number
+    string += str(atoms.get_atomic_numbers())
+    for number in atoms.get_positions().flatten():
+        string += '%.15f' % number
+    md5 = hashlib.md5(string.encode('utf-8'))
+    hash = md5.hexdigest()
+    return hash
+def hash_images(images, log=None, ordered=False):
+    """ Converts input images -- which may be a list, a trajectory file, or
+    a database -- into a dictionary indexed by their hashes.
+    Returns this dictionary. If ordered is True, returns an OrderedDict. When
+    duplicate images are encountered (based on encountering an identical hash),
+    a warning is written to the logfile. The number of duplicates of each image
+    can be accessed by examinging dict_images.metadata['duplicates'], where
+    dict_images is the returned dictionary.
+    """
+    if log is None:
+        log = Logger(None)
+    if images is None:
+        return
+    elif hasattr(images, 'keys'):
+        log(' %i unique images after hashing.' % len(images))
+        return images  # Apparently already hashed.
+    else:
+        # Need to be hashed, and possibly read from file.
+        if isinstance(images, str):
+            log('Attempting to read images from file %s.' %
+                images)
+            extension = os.path.splitext(images)[1]
+            from ase import io
+            if extension == '.traj':
+                images = io.Trajectory(images, 'r')
+            elif extension == '.db':
+                images = [row.toatoms() for row in
+                          connect(images, 'db').select(None)]
+        # images converted to dictionary form; key is hash of image.
+        log('Hashing images...', tic='hash')
+        dict_images = MetaDict()
+        dict_images.metadata['duplicates'] = {}
+        dup = dict_images.metadata['duplicates']
+        if ordered is True:
+            from collections import OrderedDict
+            dict_images = OrderedDict()
+        for image in images:
+            hash = get_hash(image)
+            if hash in dict_images.keys():
+                log('Warning: Duplicate image (based on identical hash).'
+                    ' Was this expected? Hash: %s' % hash)
+                if hash in dup.keys():
+                    dup[hash] += 1
+                else:
+                    dup[hash] = 2
+            dict_images[hash] = image
+        log(' %i unique images after hashing.' % len(dict_images))
+        log('...hashing completed.', toc='hash')
+        return dict_images
+def check_images(images, forces):
+    """Checks that all images have energies, and optionally forces,
+    calculated, so that they can be used for training. Raises a
+    MissingDataError if any are missing."""
+    missing_energies, missing_forces = 0, 0
+    for index, image in enumerate(images.values()):
+        try:
+            image.get_potential_energy()
+        except PropertyNotImplementedError:
+            missing_energies += 1
+        if forces is True:
+            try:
+                image.get_forces()
+            except PropertyNotImplementedError:
+                missing_forces += 1
+    if missing_energies + missing_forces == 0:
+        return
+    msg = ''
+    if missing_energies > 0:
+        msg += 'Missing energy in {} image(s).'.format(missing_energies)
+    if missing_forces > 0:
+        msg += ' Missing forces in {} image(s).'.format(missing_forces)
+    raise MissingDataError(msg)
+def randomize_images(images, fraction=0.8):
+    """Randomly assigns 'fraction' of the images to a training set and (1
+    - 'fraction') to a test set. Returns two lists of ASE images.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    images : list or str
+        List of ASE atoms objects in ASE format. This can also be the path to
+        an ASE trajectory (.traj) or database (.db) file.
+    fraction : float
+        Portion of train_images to all images.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    train_images, test_images : list
+        Lists of train and test images.
+    """
+    file_opened = False
+    if type(images) == str:
+        extension = os.path.splitext(images)[1]
+        if extension == '.traj':
+            images = aseio.Trajectory(images, 'r')
+        elif extension == '.db':
+            images = aseio.read(images)
+        file_opened = True
+    trainingsize = int(fraction * len(images))
+    testsize = len(images) - trainingsize
+    testindices = []
+    while len(testindices) < testsize:
+        next = np.random.randint(len(images))
+        if next not in testindices:
+            testindices.append(next)
+    testindices.sort()
+    trainindices = [index for index in range(len(images)) if index not in
+                    testindices]
+    train_images = [images[index] for index in trainindices]
+    test_images = [images[index] for index in testindices]
+    if file_opened:
+        images.close()
+    return train_images, test_images
+# Custom exceptions ##########################################################
+class ConvergenceOccurred(Exception):
+    """ Kludge to decide when scipy's optimizers are complete.
+    """
+    pass
+class TrainingConvergenceError(Exception):
+    """Error to be raised if training does not converge.
+    """
+    pass
+class MissingDataError(Exception):
+    """Error to be raised if any images are missing key data,
+    like energy or forces."""
+    pass
+# Miscellaneous ##############################################################
+def string2dict(text):
+    """Converts a string into a dictionary.
+    Basically just calls `eval` on it, but supplies words like OrderedDict and
+    matrix.
+    """
+    try:
+        dictionary = eval(text)
+    except NameError:
+        from collections import OrderedDict
+        from numpy import array, matrix
+        dictionary = eval(text)
+    return dictionary
+def now(with_utc=False):
+    """
+    Returns
+    -------
+        String of current time.
+    """
+    local = datetime.now().isoformat().split('.')[0]
+    utc = datetime.utcnow().isoformat().split('.')[0]
+    if with_utc:
+        return '%s (%s UTC)' % (local, utc)
+    else:
+        return local
+logo = """
+   oo      o       o   oooooo
+  o  o     oo     oo   o     o
+ o    o    o o   o o   o     o
+o      o   o  o o  o   o     o
+oooooooo   o   o   o   oooooo
+o      o   o       o   o
+o      o   o       o   o
+o      o   o       o   o
+def importer(name):
+    """Handles strange import cases, like pxssh which might show
+    up in eithr the package pexpect or pxssh.
+    """
+    if name == 'pxssh':
+        try:
+            import pxssh
+        except ImportError:
+            try:
+                from pexpect import pxssh
+            except ImportError:
+                raise ImportError('pxssh not found!')
+        return pxssh
+    elif name == 'NeighborList':
+        try:
+            from ase.neighborlist import NeighborList
+        except ImportError:
+            # We're on ASE 3.10 or older
+            from ase.calculators.neighborlist import NeighborList
+        return NeighborList
+# Amp Simulated Annealer ######################################################
+class Annealer(object):
+    """
+    Inspired by the simulated annealing implementation of
+    Richard J. Wagner <wagnerr at umich.edu> and
+    Matthew T. Perry <perrygeo at gmail.com> at
+    https://github.com/perrygeo/simanneal.
+    Performs simulated annealing by calling functions to calculate loss and
+    make moves on a state.  The temperature schedule for annealing may be
+    provided manually or estimated automatically.
+    Can be used by something like:
+    >>> from amp import Amp
+    >>> from amp.descriptor.gaussian import Gaussian
+    >>> from amp.model.neuralnetwork import NeuralNetwork
+    >>> calc = Amp(descriptor=Gaussian(), model=NeuralNetwork())
+    which will initialize tha calc object as usual, and then
+    >>> from amp.utilities import Annealer
+    >>> Annealer(calc=calc, images=images)
+    which will perform simulated annealing global search in parameters space,
+    and finally
+    >>> calc.train(images=images)
+    for gradient descent optimization.
+    """
+    Tmax = 20.0             # Max (starting) temperature
+    Tmin = 2.5              # Min (ending) temperature
+    steps = 10000           # Number of iterations
+    updates = steps / 200   # Number of updates (an update prints to log)
+    copy_strategy = 'copy'
+    user_exit = False
+    save_state_on_exit = False
+    def __init__(self, calc, images,
+                 Tmax=None, Tmin=None, steps=None, updates=None):
+        if Tmax is not None:
+            self.Tmax = Tmax
+        if Tmin is not None:
+            self.Tmin = Tmin
+        if steps is not None:
+            self.steps = steps
+        if updates is not None:
+            self.updates = updates
+        self.calc = calc
+        self.calc._log('\nAmp simulated annealer started. ' + now() + '\n')
+        self.calc._log('Descriptor: %s' %
+                       self.calc.descriptor.__class__.__name__)
+        self.calc._log('Model: %s' % self.calc.model.__class__.__name__)
+        images = hash_images(images, log=self.calc._log)
+        self.calc._log('\nDescriptor\n==========')
+        # Derivatives of fingerprints need to be calculated if train_forces is
+        # True.
+        calculate_derivatives = True
+        self.calc.descriptor.calculate_fingerprints(
+            images=images,
+            parallel=self.calc._parallel,
+            log=self.calc._log,
+            calculate_derivatives=calculate_derivatives)
+        # Setting up calc.model.vector()
+        self.calc.model.fit(trainingimages=images,
+                            descriptor=self.calc.descriptor,
+                            log=self.calc._log,
+                            parallel=self.calc._parallel,
+                            only_setup=True,)
+        # Truning off ConvergenceOccured exception and log_losses
+        initial_raise_ConvergenceOccurred = \
+            self.calc.model.lossfunction.raise_ConvergenceOccurred
+        initial_log_losses = self.calc.model.lossfunction.log_losses
+        self.calc.model.lossfunction.log_losses = False
+        self.calc.model.lossfunction.raise_ConvergenceOccurred = False
+        initial_state = self.calc.model.vector.copy()
+        self.state = self.copy_state(initial_state)
+        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.set_user_exit)
+        self.calc._log('\nAnnealing\n=========\n')
+        bestState, bestLoss = self.anneal()
+        # Taking the best state
+        self.calc.model.vector = np.array(bestState)
+        # Returning back the changed arguments
+        self.calc.model.lossfunction.log_losses = initial_log_losses
+        self.calc.model.lossfunction.raise_ConvergenceOccurred = \
+            initial_raise_ConvergenceOccurred
+        # cleaning up sessions
+        self.calc.model.lossfunction._step = 0
+        self.calc.model.lossfunction._cleanup()
+        calc = self.calc
+    @staticmethod
+    def round_figures(x, n):
+        """Returns x rounded to n significant figures."""
+        return round(x, int(n - math.ceil(math.log10(abs(x)))))
+    @staticmethod
+    def time_string(seconds):
+        """Returns time in seconds as a string formatted HHHH:MM:SS."""
+        s = int(round(seconds))  # round to nearest second
+        h, s = divmod(s, 3600)   # get hours and remainder
+        m, s = divmod(s, 60)     # split remainder into minutes and seconds
+        return '%4i:%02i:%02i' % (h, m, s)
+    def save_state(self, fname=None):
+        """Saves state
+        """
+        if not fname:
+            date = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat().split(".")[0]
+            fname = date + "_loss_" + str(self.get_loss()) + ".state"
+        print("Saving state to: %s" % fname)
+        with open(fname, "w") as fh:
+            pickle.dump(self.state, fh)
+    def move(self, state):
+        """Create a state change
+        """
+        move_step = np.random.rand(len(state)) * 2. - 1.
+        move_step *= 0.0005
+        for _ in range(len(state)):
+            state[_] = state[_] * (1 + move_step[_])
+        return state
+    def get_loss(self, state):
+        """Calculate state's loss
+        """
+        lossfxn = \
+            self.calc.model.lossfunction.get_loss(np.array(state),
+                                                  lossprime=False,)['loss']
+        return lossfxn
+    def set_user_exit(self, signum, frame):
+        """Raises the user_exit flag, further iterations are stopped
+        """
+        self.user_exit = True
+    def set_schedule(self, schedule):
+        """Takes the output from `auto` and sets the attributes
+        """
+        self.Tmax = schedule['tmax']
+        self.Tmin = schedule['tmin']
+        self.steps = int(schedule['steps'])
+    def copy_state(self, state):
+        """Returns an exact copy of the provided state Implemented according to
+        self.copy_strategy, one of
+        * deepcopy : use copy.deepcopy (slow but reliable)
+        * slice: use list slices (faster but only works if state is list-like)
+        * method: use the state's copy() method
+        """
+        if self.copy_strategy == 'deepcopy':
+            return copy.deepcopy(state)
+        elif self.copy_strategy == 'slice':
+            return state[:]
+        elif self.copy_strategy == 'copy':
+            return state.copy()
+    def update(self, step, T, L, acceptance, improvement):
+        """Prints the current temperature, loss, acceptance rate, improvement
+        rate, elapsed time, and remaining time.
+        The acceptance rate indicates the percentage of moves since the last
+        update that were accepted by the Metropolis algorithm.  It includes
+        moves that decreased the loss, moves that left the loss unchanged, and
+        moves that increased the loss yet were reached by thermal excitation.
+        The improvement rate indicates the percentage of moves since the last
+        update that strictly decreased the loss.  At high temperatures it will
+        include both moves that improved the overall state and moves that
+        simply undid previously accepted moves that increased the loss by
+        thermal excititation.  At low temperatures it will tend toward zero as
+        the moves that can decrease the loss are exhausted and moves that would
+        increase the loss are no longer thermally accessible.
+        """
+        elapsed = time.time() - self.start
+        if step == 0:
+            self.calc._log('\n')
+            header = ' %5s %12s %12s %7s %7s %10s %10s'
+            self.calc._log(header % ('Step', 'Temperature', 'Loss (SSD)',
+                                     'Accept', 'Improve', 'Elapsed',
+                                     'Remaining'))
+            self.calc._log(header % ('=' * 5, '=' * 12, '=' * 12,
+                                     '=' * 7, '=' * 7, '=' * 10,
+                                     '=' * 10,))
+            self.calc._log(
+                    ' %5i %12.2e %12.4e                   %s            '
+                    % (step, T, L, self.time_string(elapsed)))
+        else:
+            remain = (self.steps - step) * (elapsed / step)
+            self.calc._log(' %5i %12.2e %12.4e %7.2f%% %7.2f%% %s %s' %
+                           (step, T, L,
+                            100.0 * acceptance, 100.0 * improvement,
+                            self.time_string(elapsed),
+                            self.time_string(remain)))
+    def anneal(self):
+        """Minimizes the loss of a system by simulated annealing.
+        Parameters
+        ---------
+        state
+            An initial arrangement of the system
+        Returns
+        -------
+        state, loss
+            The best state and loss found.
+        """
+        step = 0
+        self.start = time.time()
+        # Precompute factor for exponential cooling from Tmax to Tmin
+        if self.Tmin <= 0.0:
+            raise Exception('Exponential cooling requires a minimum "\
+                "temperature greater than zero.')
+        Tfactor = -math.log(self.Tmax / self.Tmin)
+        # Note initial state
+        T = self.Tmax
+        L = self.get_loss(self.state)
+        prevState = self.copy_state(self.state)
+        prevLoss = L
+        bestState = self.copy_state(self.state)
+        bestLoss = L
+        trials, accepts, improves = 0, 0, 0
+        if self.updates > 0:
+            updateWavelength = self.steps / self.updates
+            self.update(step, T, L, None, None)
+        # Attempt moves to new states
+        while step < (self.steps - 1) and not self.user_exit:
+            step += 1
+            T = self.Tmax * math.exp(Tfactor * step / self.steps)
+            self.state = self.move(self.state)
+            L = self.get_loss(self.state)
+            dL = L - prevLoss
+            trials += 1
+            if dL > 0.0 and math.exp(-dL / T) < random.random():
+                # Restore previous state
+                self.state = self.copy_state(prevState)
+                L = prevLoss
+            else:
+                # Accept new state and compare to best state
+                accepts += 1
+                if dL < 0.0:
+                    improves += 1
+                prevState = self.copy_state(self.state)
+                prevLoss = L
+                if L < bestLoss:
+                    bestState = self.copy_state(self.state)
+                    bestLoss = L
+            if self.updates > 1:
+                if step // updateWavelength > (step - 1) // updateWavelength:
+                    self.update(
+                        step, T, L, accepts / trials, improves / trials)
+                    trials, accepts, improves = 0, 0, 0
+        # line break after progress output
+        print('')
+        self.state = self.copy_state(bestState)
+        if self.save_state_on_exit:
+            self.save_state()
+        # Return best state and loss
+        return bestState, bestLoss
+    def auto(self, minutes, steps=2000):
+        """Minimizes the loss of a system by simulated annealing with automatic
+        selection of the temperature schedule.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        state -- an initial arrangement of the system
+        minutes -- time to spend annealing (after exploring temperatures)
+        steps -- number of steps to spend on each stage of exploration
+        Returns the best state and loss found.
+        """
+        def run(T, steps):
+            """Anneals a system at constant temperature and returns the state,
+            loss, rate of acceptance, and rate of improvement.
+            """
+            L = self.get_loss()
+            prevState = self.copy_state(self.state)
+            prevLoss = L
+            accepts, improves = 0, 0
+            for step in range(steps):
+                self.move()
+                L = self.get_loss()
+                dL = L - prevLoss
+                if dL > 0.0 and math.exp(-dL / T) < random.random():
+                    self.state = self.copy_state(prevState)
+                    L = prevLoss
+                else:
+                    accepts += 1
+                    if dL < 0.0:
+                        improves += 1
+                    prevState = self.copy_state(self.state)
+                    prevLoss = L
+            return L, float(accepts) / steps, float(improves) / steps
+        step = 0
+        self.start = time.time()
+        # Attempting automatic simulated anneal...
+        # Find an initial guess for temperature
+        T = 0.0
+        L = self.get_loss()
+        self.update(step, T, L, None, None)
+        while T == 0.0:
+            step += 1
+            self.move()
+            T = abs(self.get_loss() - L)
+        # Search for Tmax - a temperature that gives 98% acceptance
+        L, acceptance, improvement = run(T, steps)
+        step += steps
+        while acceptance > 0.98:
+            T = self.round_figures(T / 1.5, 2)
+            L, acceptance, improvement = run(T, steps)
+            step += steps
+            self.update(step, T, L, acceptance, improvement)
+        while acceptance < 0.98:
+            T = self.round_figures(T * 1.5, 2)
+            L, acceptance, improvement = run(T, steps)
+            step += steps
+            self.update(step, T, L, acceptance, improvement)
+        Tmax = T
+        # Search for Tmin - a temperature that gives 0% improvement
+        while improvement > 0.0:
+            T = self.round_figures(T / 1.5, 2)
+            L, acceptance, improvement = run(T, steps)
+            step += steps
+            self.update(step, T, L, acceptance, improvement)
+        Tmin = T
+        # Calculate anneal duration
+        elapsed = time.time() - self.start
+        duration = self.round_figures(int(60.0 * minutes * step / elapsed), 2)
+        print('')  # New line after auto() output
+        # Don't perform anneal, just return params
+        return {'tmax': Tmax, 'tmin': Tmin, 'steps': duration}
+class MetaDict(dict):
+    """Dictionary that can also store metadata. Useful for images dictionary
+    so that images can still be iterated by keys.
+    """
+    metadata = {}
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+For instructions on how to build this documentation, please see the
+"Documentation" section of the file "develop.rst".
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diff --git a/docs/_static/completeexample.py b/docs/_static/completeexample.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0e262e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/_static/completeexample.py
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+from ase.lattice.surface import fcc110
+from ase import Atom, Atoms
+from ase.constraints import FixAtoms
+from ase.calculators.emt import EMT
+from ase.md import VelocityVerlet
+from ase.md.velocitydistribution import MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution
+from ase import units
+from ase import io
+from amp.utilities import randomize_images
+from amp import Amp
+from amp.descriptor import *
+from amp.regression import *
+def test():
+    # Generate atomic system to create test data.
+    atoms = fcc110('Cu', (2, 2, 2), vacuum=7.)
+    adsorbate = Atoms([Atom('H', atoms[7].position + (0., 0., 2.)),
+                       Atom('H', atoms[7].position + (0., 0., 5.))])
+    atoms.extend(adsorbate)
+    atoms.set_constraint(FixAtoms(indices=[0, 2]))
+    calc = EMT()  # cheap calculator
+    atoms.set_calculator(calc)
+    # Run some molecular dynamics to generate data.
+    trajectory = io.Trajectory('data.traj', 'w', atoms=atoms)
+    MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution(atoms, temp=300. * units.kB)
+    dynamics = VelocityVerlet(atoms, dt=1. * units.fs)
+    dynamics.attach(trajectory)
+    for step in range(50):
+        dynamics.run(5)
+    trajectory.close()
+    # Train the calculator.
+    train_images, test_images = randomize_images('data.traj')
+    calc = Amp(descriptor=Behler(),
+               regression=NeuralNetwork())
+    calc.train(train_images, energy_goal=0.001, force_goal=None)
+    # Plot and test the predictions.
+    import matplotlib
+    matplotlib.use('Agg')
+    from matplotlib import pyplot
+    fig, ax = pyplot.subplots()
+    for image in train_images:
+        actual_energy = image.get_potential_energy()
+        predicted_energy = calc.get_potential_energy(image)
+        ax.plot(actual_energy, predicted_energy, 'b.')
+    for image in test_images:
+        actual_energy = image.get_potential_energy()
+        predicted_energy = calc.get_potential_energy(image)
+        ax.plot(actual_energy, predicted_energy, 'r.')
+    ax.set_xlabel('Actual energy, eV')
+    ax.set_ylabel('Amp energy, eV')
+    fig.savefig('parityplot.png')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    test()
\ No newline at end of file
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+L 55.69452 280.262726 
+L 56.05308 284.749741 
+L 56.14272 286.365487 
+L 56.23236 285.867556 
+L 56.50128 286.492801 
+L 56.68056 289.048975 
+L 56.7702 280.768369 
+L 56.85984 288.151099 
+L 56.94948 286.556161 
+L 57.2184 287.814519 
+L 57.57696 292.441655 
+L 57.84588 293.71002 
+L 57.93552 289.72358 
+L 58.02516 294.641189 
+L 58.1148 294.424647 
+L 58.20444 295.028525 
+L 58.29408 294.721649 
+L 58.65264 296.878419 
+L 58.74228 297.829627 
+L 58.83192 293.912132 
+L 59.10084 300.316383 
+L 59.19048 301.36476 
+L 59.28012 296.852529 
+L 59.36976 302.71447 
+L 59.4594 302.27903 
+L 59.54904 302.281891 
+L 59.63868 301.764806 
+L 59.72832 280.351563 
+L 59.9076 300.335519 
+L 60.3558 310.793761 
+L 60.44544 310.953188 
+L 60.53508 310.655628 
+L 60.71436 307.702111 
+L 60.89364 311.125952 
+L 61.07292 310.058787 
+L 61.16256 309.544077 
+L 61.34184 311.126758 
+L 61.52112 310.521946 
+L 61.61076 308.826431 
+L 61.79004 313.520829 
+L 61.87968 313.597087 
+L 61.96932 313.275401 
+L 62.23824 316.209227 
+L 62.32788 310.929652 
+L 62.50716 315.819809 
+L 62.5968 315.909327 
+L 62.95536 313.429516 
+L 63.045 310.105816 
+L 63.31392 312.86378 
+L 63.40356 312.55776 
+L 63.4932 313.773854 
+L 63.58284 313.700128 
+L 63.9414 309.543705 
+L 64.21032 312.44703 
+L 64.29996 313.098474 
+L 64.3896 314.632705 
+L 64.47924 306.959119 
+L 64.56888 314.80478 
+L 64.65852 314.376357 
+L 64.8378 315.17893 
+L 64.92744 317.328055 
+L 65.01708 315.588196 
+L 65.10672 317.578352 
+L 65.19636 316.900152 
+L 65.37564 319.011059 
+L 65.55492 318.319616 
+L 65.64456 318.332825 
+L 65.7342 302.509784 
+L 65.91348 321.507683 
+L 66.1824 322.744109 
+L 66.27204 320.09521 
+L 66.36168 322.679217 
+L 66.45132 322.660714 
+L 66.54096 322.35083 
+L 66.6306 321.634408 
+L 66.72024 311.575325 
+L 66.80988 318.615727 
+L 66.89952 317.951513 
+L 66.98916 317.423408 
+L 67.34772 320.556676 
+L 67.527 320.064524 
+L 67.61664 314.364545 
+L 67.79592 318.903817 
+L 67.88556 318.592437 
+L 67.9752 318.716181 
+L 68.06484 318.070826 
+L 68.15448 318.48854 
+L 68.24412 318.082172 
+L 68.33376 318.378263 
+L 68.4234 316.831217 
+L 68.60268 319.229662 
+L 68.69232 318.464817 
+L 68.8716 319.305468 
+L 68.96124 319.393058 
+L 69.14052 320.73894 
+L 69.23016 320.17433 
+L 69.3198 320.960106 
+L 69.40944 320.834916 
+L 69.49908 320.15295 
+L 69.58872 317.287093 
+L 69.67836 317.781398 
+L 69.768 317.282729 
+L 69.85764 318.041356 
+L 69.94728 317.980852 
+L 70.12656 317.91096 
+L 70.48512 321.093314 
+L 70.6644 323.965862 
+L 70.75404 324.837824 
+L 70.84368 324.754046 
+L 70.93332 325.208684 
+L 71.02296 325.068815 
+L 71.29188 323.660172 
+L 71.5608 324.428563 
+L 71.74008 324.316331 
+L 71.82972 324.564067 
+L 71.91936 322.62731 
+L 72.18828 325.731615 
+L 72.36756 326.580162 
+L 72.4572 324.826739 
+L 72.63648 327.341753 
+L 72.72612 327.832476 
+L 72.81576 326.137086 
+L 72.99504 328.122843 
+L 73.08468 327.828804 
+L 73.26396 324.9769 
+L 73.3536 326.262451 
+L 73.44324 326.059546 
+L 73.71216 325.208684 
+L 73.8018 311.185619 
+L 73.98108 326.593113 
+L 74.16036 327.589711 
+L 74.33964 327.791202 
+L 74.42928 327.998419 
+L 74.51892 326.690943 
+L 74.6982 328.097711 
+L 74.78784 327.769224 
+L 74.87748 327.846253 
+L 74.96712 317.840748 
+L 75.1464 327.633304 
+L 75.23604 327.548023 
+L 75.5946 325.475 
+L 75.68424 326.025085 
+L 76.0428 328.11167 
+L 76.13244 328.464738 
+L 76.22208 328.40515 
+L 76.31172 327.980839 
+L 76.491 328.995453 
+L 76.75992 327.278224 
+L 76.84956 321.668245 
+L 77.02884 326.850384 
+L 77.29776 328.167599 
+L 77.3874 327.249657 
+L 77.47704 328.017868 
+L 77.65632 327.617854 
+L 77.74596 326.812807 
+L 77.8356 326.834645 
+L 78.10452 328.725 
+L 78.19416 329.033411 
+L 78.46308 330.870738 
+L 78.55272 330.829181 
+L 78.732 329.354506 
+L 78.91128 327.512745 
+L 79.1802 330.308996 
+L 79.35948 327.912513 
+L 79.44912 328.534005 
+L 79.6284 327.865557 
+L 79.71804 324.735125 
+L 80.16624 330.132355 
+L 80.43516 327.367759 
+L 80.5248 329.767458 
+L 80.61444 329.717014 
+L 80.79372 330.262362 
+L 80.88336 325.133806 
+L 80.973 330.427618 
+L 81.06264 330.299661 
+L 81.15228 330.167354 
+L 81.33156 329.300142 
+L 81.4212 325.301659 
+L 81.60048 328.601602 
+L 81.77976 329.692845 
+L 81.8694 329.026593 
+L 81.95904 329.130088 
+L 82.04868 329.108564 
+L 82.13832 328.926531 
+L 82.3176 329.245924 
+L 82.58652 330.126185 
+L 82.67616 326.818919 
+L 82.7658 330.113851 
+L 82.85544 329.971521 
+L 83.03472 329.517481 
+L 83.214 329.285341 
+L 83.39328 327.974366 
+L 83.57256 329.155554 
+L 83.6622 329.096834 
+L 83.75184 328.901351 
+L 83.93112 327.663328 
+L 84.02076 327.723511 
+L 84.28968 326.853883 
+L 84.46896 326.367233 
+L 84.82752 327.532638 
+L 84.91716 327.480236 
+L 85.0068 326.404847 
+L 85.36536 328.021575 
+L 85.455 326.595704 
+L 85.54464 326.775299 
+L 85.99284 328.24991 
+L 86.08248 327.11185 
+L 86.26176 328.294009 
+L 86.44104 328.553024 
+L 86.62032 329.541442 
+L 86.70996 329.367377 
+L 86.7996 329.433843 
+L 87.06852 328.976015 
+L 87.15816 327.786621 
+L 87.2478 329.000315 
+L 87.33744 328.877169 
+L 87.60636 329.232146 
+L 87.696 329.594455 
+L 87.78564 327.733559 
+L 87.96492 330.022604 
+L 88.23384 330.038977 
+L 88.32348 330.001133 
+L 88.41312 329.460689 
+L 88.50276 330.191065 
+L 88.5924 330.003177 
+L 88.77168 330.539592 
+L 88.86132 330.51547 
+L 88.95096 330.34846 
+L 89.0406 328.840466 
+L 89.21988 330.133384 
+L 89.4888 330.48719 
+L 89.66808 329.898187 
+L 89.937 331.125129 
+L 90.02664 329.922603 
+L 90.11628 330.887812 
+L 90.20592 330.442234 
+L 90.29556 330.509182 
+L 90.47484 330.836634 
+L 90.65412 330.756925 
+L 90.74376 330.32768 
+L 91.01268 330.917726 
+L 91.2816 331.172711 
+L 91.37124 329.795762 
+L 91.55052 331.191125 
+L 91.81944 331.843033 
+L 91.90908 332.665244 
+L 91.99872 332.423118 
+L 92.08836 329.912426 
+L 92.26764 332.616354 
+L 92.44692 332.950445 
+L 92.6262 333.534397 
+L 92.71584 305.814209 
+L 92.89512 333.514942 
+L 93.16404 333.252911 
+L 93.34332 332.966999 
+L 93.43296 333.065421 
+L 93.61224 333.225335 
+L 93.70188 333.592874 
+L 93.79152 320.040758 
+L 93.9708 333.698071 
+L 94.23972 333.769326 
+L 94.50864 334.227367 
+L 94.77756 334.46415 
+L 94.8672 333.529531 
+L 95.04648 334.707599 
+L 95.40504 334.548385 
+L 95.67396 334.986656 
+L 95.94288 335.02983 
+L 96.03252 334.318207 
+L 96.2118 335.03114 
+L 96.57036 335.684674 
+L 96.66 335.300114 
+L 96.83928 335.745638 
+L 97.01856 335.500193 
+L 97.1082 335.220633 
+L 97.19784 334.338449 
+L 97.28748 335.214024 
+L 97.37712 335.186288 
+L 97.5564 335.298787 
+L 97.64604 335.686026 
+L 97.73568 334.227367 
+L 97.91496 336.237289 
+L 98.09424 336.709838 
+L 98.27352 336.288789 
+L 98.36316 334.779914 
+L 98.54244 336.333435 
+L 98.72172 336.497516 
+L 98.81136 336.749719 
+L 98.901 336.386581 
+L 99.08028 337.244742 
+L 99.3492 337.084667 
+L 99.43884 337.76265 
+L 99.52848 334.820057 
+L 99.70776 338.060089 
+L 99.97668 338.657425 
+L 100.15596 338.981126 
+L 100.2456 336.445483 
+L 100.42488 339.210028 
+L 100.6938 339.793031 
+L 100.78344 338.562095 
+L 100.96272 339.88436 
+L 101.05236 339.746694 
+L 101.23164 339.347325 
+L 101.32128 339.239025 
+L 101.41092 341.085944 
+L 101.50056 340.196302 
+L 101.67984 340.952175 
+L 101.76948 340.868142 
+L 101.85912 340.393307 
+L 101.94876 322.32073 
+L 102.0384 340.297962 
+L 102.12804 340.208136 
+L 102.30732 340.226747 
+L 102.39696 340.465111 
+L 102.4866 340.260627 
+L 102.57624 339.035316 
+L 102.75552 340.767065 
+L 102.9348 341.352582 
+L 103.02444 341.291836 
+L 103.11408 340.938145 
+L 103.20372 337.929705 
+L 103.383 341.057709 
+L 103.56228 341.130141 
+L 103.74156 340.685526 
+L 103.8312 334.696001 
+L 103.92084 340.364315 
+L 104.01048 340.323457 
+L 104.10012 340.250457 
+L 104.2794 339.358673 
+L 104.45868 337.776144 
+L 104.54832 338.558976 
+L 104.63796 338.527823 
+L 104.81724 338.331106 
+L 104.99652 338.909625 
+L 105.08616 338.851025 
+L 105.26544 339.588625 
+L 105.35508 339.606674 
+L 105.44472 335.300114 
+L 105.624 339.41551 
+L 105.71364 339.446432 
+L 105.89292 339.725217 
+L 105.98256 339.462725 
+L 106.25148 339.997847 
+L 106.34112 340.167591 
+L 106.61004 339.738431 
+L 106.69968 339.361917 
+L 106.78932 325.441518 
+L 106.87896 339.269678 
+L 106.9686 339.148948 
+L 107.14788 339.112068 
+L 107.68572 339.239025 
+L 107.865 339.851102 
+L 108.04428 341.02247 
+L 108.22356 341.054182 
+L 108.67176 340.79838 
+L 108.85104 340.894365 
+L 108.94068 339.986135 
+L 109.11996 340.894365 
+L 109.2096 340.815798 
+L 109.29924 340.887369 
+L 109.38888 338.375858 
+L 109.56816 340.587076 
+L 109.74744 340.642287 
+L 109.83708 340.826256 
+L 109.92672 340.758375 
+L 110.106 340.595693 
+L 110.28528 340.834975 
+L 110.46456 340.446281 
+L 110.5542 340.216593 
+L 110.64384 339.017768 
+L 110.73348 340.143977 
+L 110.82312 340.038054 
+L 111.0024 339.999521 
+L 111.09204 339.962732 
+L 111.18168 339.075255 
+L 111.27132 339.721915 
+L 111.36096 339.669152 
+L 111.4506 339.644467 
+L 111.71952 339.025743 
+L 111.8988 339.596827 
+L 111.98844 339.277753 
+L 112.25736 339.854425 
+L 112.347 339.932681 
+L 112.97448 342.368944 
+L 113.06412 342.16863 
+L 113.15376 342.338864 
+L 113.33304 342.16863 
+L 113.42268 339.713661 
+L 113.60196 342.029394 
+L 113.6916 342.177947 
+L 113.78124 341.810418 
+L 113.96052 342.239543 
+L 114.1398 342.088685 
+L 114.31908 341.839723 
+L 114.49836 341.706363 
+L 114.67764 341.114219 
+L 114.85692 340.955684 
+L 114.94656 340.767065 
+L 115.12584 340.836719 
+L 115.30512 340.652656 
+L 115.39476 340.303058 
+L 115.4844 340.637105 
+L 115.66368 340.528579 
+L 116.20152 340.398427 
+L 116.29116 340.306457 
+L 116.3808 339.479031 
+L 116.56008 340.41038 
+L 117.00828 340.530297 
+L 117.54612 341.997967 
+L 117.63576 339.740083 
+L 117.81504 342.09054 
+L 117.99432 342.331351 
+L 118.08396 342.20219 
+L 118.1736 340.638832 
+L 118.26324 341.751936 
+L 118.35288 341.162022 
+L 118.44252 341.295404 
+L 118.6218 341.469224 
+L 118.71144 341.420692 
+L 118.80108 340.938145 
+L 118.98036 341.830561 
+L 119.07 341.988733 
+L 119.24928 341.797611 
+L 119.33892 341.279352 
+L 119.5182 341.889271 
+L 119.60784 340.019616 
+L 119.69748 341.543145 
+L 119.78712 341.458429 
+L 119.9664 340.775758 
+L 120.05604 341.02423 
+L 120.4146 341.680887 
+L 120.50424 339.942693 
+L 120.59388 341.528701 
+L 120.68352 341.418896 
+L 121.04208 340.826256 
+L 121.13172 340.211519 
+L 121.311 340.637105 
+L 121.40064 340.599141 
+L 121.49028 341.48903 
+L 121.66956 340.747952 
+L 121.7592 340.996081 
+L 121.84884 340.904863 
+L 122.11776 339.887689 
+L 122.2074 339.721915 
+L 122.29704 339.032125 
+L 122.56596 340.542328 
+L 122.74524 341.135451 
+L 122.83488 341.070057 
+L 123.01416 340.680332 
+L 123.19344 340.880375 
+L 123.28308 340.973238 
+L 123.37272 339.98279 
+L 123.46236 340.876879 
+L 123.82092 340.117023 
+L 123.91056 340.221669 
+L 124.17948 341.133681 
+L 124.35876 341.345426 
+L 124.4484 341.114219 
+L 124.53804 341.332909 
+L 125.16552 340.068261 
+L 125.25516 340.192922 
+L 125.43444 340.021291 
+L 125.52408 340.165903 
+L 125.61372 340.588799 
+L 125.70336 340.355796 
+L 126.15156 340.934639 
+L 126.2412 340.604313 
+L 126.42048 340.791417 
+L 126.59976 340.749688 
+L 126.6894 337.205333 
+L 126.86868 340.642287 
+L 127.04796 340.706313 
+L 127.1376 340.66476 
+L 127.22724 340.388188 
+L 127.31688 339.583705 
+L 127.40652 340.140606 
+L 127.49616 339.549299 
+L 127.5858 339.577147 
+L 127.76508 339.588625 
+L 127.94436 339.608316 
+L 128.034 339.305229 
+L 128.12364 339.590265 
+L 128.4822 339.137717 
+L 128.57184 338.912798 
+L 128.75112 339.886024 
+L 129.10968 341.043606 
+L 129.3786 341.302543 
+L 129.46824 341.374066 
+L 129.55788 341.630031 
+L 129.64752 341.442247 
+L 129.8268 341.977657 
+L 130.00608 342.09054 
+L 130.18536 342.38965 
+L 130.45428 342.370826 
+L 130.54392 342.723852 
+L 130.63356 342.647412 
+L 130.90248 342.854466 
+L 130.99212 342.594074 
+L 131.26104 342.993688 
+L 131.44032 342.954919 
+L 131.52996 341.031274 
+L 131.70924 342.775613 
+L 131.88852 342.727682 
+L 132.0678 342.414148 
+L 132.24708 341.568449 
+L 132.42636 341.881923 
+L 132.60564 341.494435 
+L 132.78492 340.169279 
+L 132.87456 340.692452 
+L 133.32276 342.112821 
+L 133.50204 342.023845 
+L 133.59168 341.469224 
+L 133.77096 342.127688 
+L 134.03988 342.378353 
+L 134.12952 342.353899 
+L 134.3088 342.09054 
+L 134.48808 342.153733 
+L 134.57772 341.610087 
+L 134.757 341.997967 
+L 134.93628 342.127688 
+L 135.2052 341.86907 
+L 135.29484 341.140763 
+L 135.38448 341.584732 
+L 135.47412 341.559408 
+L 135.6534 342.007205 
+L 135.74304 341.241946 
+L 135.92232 342.232067 
+L 136.46016 342.172356 
+L 136.5498 341.50525 
+L 136.81872 342.476467 
+L 136.90836 342.359539 
+L 136.998 342.616916 
+L 137.08764 342.580762 
+L 137.17728 342.571258 
+L 137.26692 342.15001 
+L 137.4462 342.672223 
+L 137.8944 343.05198 
+L 138.3426 343.13778 
+L 138.43224 342.233936 
+L 138.61152 343.116296 
+L 139.05972 342.54657 
+L 139.14936 342.230198 
+L 139.41828 342.712368 
+L 139.59756 342.96073 
+L 139.6872 342.183539 
+L 139.86648 343.184734 
+L 140.04576 343.28881 
+L 140.1354 343.300626 
+L 140.22504 343.110441 
+L 140.40432 343.278969 
+L 140.5836 343.284873 
+L 140.67324 343.007274 
+L 140.76288 343.564332 
+L 140.94216 342.958793 
+L 141.0318 342.995628 
+L 141.21108 343.147553 
+L 141.30072 343.662359 
+L 141.39036 342.918157 
+L 141.65928 344.16405 
+L 141.83856 344.139192 
+L 141.9282 344.098785 
+L 142.01784 343.50057 
+L 142.10748 343.920485 
+L 142.19712 343.892678 
+L 142.46604 343.890853 
+L 142.55568 343.664364 
+L 142.64532 343.867948 
+L 142.91424 343.644318 
+L 143.00388 343.72261 
+L 143.18316 344.378559 
+L 143.2728 334.390413 
+L 143.45208 344.565357 
+L 143.90028 344.367136 
+L 143.98992 344.468717 
+L 144.25884 345.157243 
+L 144.34848 345.128549 
+L 144.6174 345.561956 
+L 144.79668 345.841834 
+L 144.88632 345.510043 
+L 145.0656 345.728263 
+L 145.15524 345.758264 
+L 145.24488 346.147157 
+L 145.42416 345.776063 
+L 145.60344 346.175969 
+L 145.78272 346.23326 
+L 145.87236 346.104355 
+L 145.962 345.736259 
+L 146.05164 343.375621 
+L 146.14128 345.73737 
+L 146.23092 345.424109 
+L 146.4102 345.18922 
+L 146.49984 344.317779 
+L 146.58948 344.951038 
+L 146.67912 344.843402 
+L 146.8584 344.99768 
+L 147.03768 344.799871 
+L 147.21696 344.311359 
+L 147.39624 344.525139 
+L 147.66516 344.805811 
+L 147.7548 343.686438 
+L 147.93408 344.867863 
+L 148.02372 345.020612 
+L 148.11336 344.917941 
+L 148.203 345.109586 
+L 148.29264 345.054737 
+L 148.38228 344.750719 
+L 148.47192 344.7916 
+L 148.74084 344.083014 
+L 148.83048 342.637877 
+L 148.92012 343.933488 
+L 149.00976 343.732669 
+L 149.0994 342.461342 
+L 149.27868 343.736694 
+L 149.5476 343.580304 
+L 149.90616 342.338864 
+L 150.26472 343.622291 
+L 150.444 343.413223 
+L 150.62328 342.927825 
+L 150.71292 343.075344 
+L 150.98184 343.169071 
+L 151.60932 344.794993 
+L 152.14716 344.79054 
+L 152.32644 344.885536 
+L 152.59536 344.866799 
+L 152.86428 345.207608 
+L 152.95392 345.249856 
+L 153.31248 345.022328 
+L 153.5814 345.173009 
+L 153.67104 345.006893 
+L 153.76068 345.277202 
+L 154.20888 344.68565 
+L 154.38816 345.043356 
+L 154.65708 345.145588 
+L 154.74672 344.952107 
+L 154.926 345.316984 
+L 155.01564 344.877443 
+L 155.28456 345.666623 
+L 155.46384 345.625708 
+L 155.55348 344.861054 
+L 155.73276 345.492696 
+L 156.00168 345.09882 
+L 156.44988 345.94841 
+L 156.62916 345.84161 
+L 156.89808 345.867307 
+L 156.98772 345.360333 
+L 157.167 345.900426 
+L 157.52556 345.943023 
+L 157.70484 345.672602 
+L 157.79448 345.495769 
+L 157.97376 344.96857 
+L 158.0634 344.934376 
+L 158.24268 345.114541 
+L 158.33232 344.727879 
+L 158.69088 346.239863 
+L 158.78052 345.888336 
+L 158.87016 346.49886 
+L 158.9598 346.360928 
+L 159.13908 346.354514 
+L 159.76656 346.880738 
+L 159.8562 346.848795 
+L 160.12512 346.512936 
+L 160.3044 346.59922 
+L 160.48368 346.335284 
+L 160.57332 346.492864 
+L 160.7526 346.510397 
+L 160.84224 346.503013 
+L 160.93188 346.258547 
+L 161.11116 346.400602 
+L 161.38008 346.384998 
+L 161.46972 346.454619 
+L 161.55936 346.369406 
+L 161.649 345.957616 
+L 161.73864 346.324532 
+L 161.82828 346.277019 
+L 162.18684 345.789869 
+L 162.5454 345.947961 
+L 162.63504 344.331454 
+L 162.81432 345.912747 
+L 162.90396 345.817061 
+L 163.71072 346.444034 
+L 163.89 346.364135 
+L 163.97964 346.101415 
+L 164.15892 346.294595 
+L 164.24856 346.306702 
+L 164.42784 346.226203 
+L 164.51748 346.148744 
+L 164.69676 346.237131 
+L 164.87604 346.184825 
+L 164.96568 345.922834 
+L 165.14496 346.102998 
+L 165.59316 346.345583 
+L 165.6828 345.789869 
+L 165.86208 346.55129 
+L 166.131 346.753267 
+L 166.5792 346.732488 
+L 167.20668 347.079869 
+L 167.29632 346.835422 
+L 167.38596 347.059227 
+L 167.4756 346.995537 
+L 167.83416 346.861237 
+L 168.01344 346.984429 
+L 168.10308 347.223758 
+L 168.19272 347.176238 
+L 168.372 347.111228 
+L 168.46164 346.896964 
+L 168.64092 347.12074 
+L 168.90984 347.173614 
+L 168.99948 347.071088 
+L 169.17876 347.157404 
+L 169.44768 346.86429 
+L 169.53732 346.073612 
+L 169.7166 346.916734 
+L 170.07516 346.961525 
+L 170.1648 346.515244 
+L 170.34408 346.824871 
+L 170.613 346.734122 
+L 170.70264 346.294824 
+L 170.97156 346.969314 
+L 171.0612 347.059939 
+L 171.15084 346.934167 
+L 171.33012 347.120502 
+L 172.31616 346.778744 
+L 172.4058 346.414839 
+L 172.58508 346.464519 
+L 172.76436 346.423341 
+L 172.854 346.07429 
+L 173.03328 346.485947 
+L 173.21256 346.603625 
+L 173.48148 347.476353 
+L 173.84004 347.52531 
+L 174.1986 348.009573 
+L 174.46752 348.468798 
+L 174.73644 348.343093 
+L 175.00536 347.941591 
+L 175.27428 348.379002 
+L 175.45356 348.347136 
+L 175.5432 348.229466 
+L 175.81212 348.470578 
+L 175.90176 348.733901 
+L 175.9914 348.627289 
+L 176.17068 348.848587 
+L 176.4396 348.863876 
+L 176.52924 346.624736 
+L 176.61888 348.739053 
+L 176.70852 348.700959 
+L 176.97744 348.666016 
+L 177.15672 348.989472 
+L 177.336 348.922027 
+L 177.42564 348.88203 
+L 177.60492 348.98556 
+L 177.69456 349.091195 
+L 177.87384 348.880733 
+L 178.2324 349.020536 
+L 178.50132 349.331967 
+L 178.59096 349.664972 
+L 178.6806 348.471595 
+L 178.85988 349.623483 
+L 178.94952 349.332762 
+L 179.1288 349.6426 
+L 179.577 349.684398 
+L 179.84592 349.69898 
+L 180.0252 349.705735 
+L 180.11484 348.803565 
+L 180.20448 349.9392 
+L 180.29412 349.87588 
+L 180.38376 348.595031 
+L 180.4734 349.894419 
+L 180.56304 349.782083 
+L 180.83196 349.541027 
+L 180.9216 349.742249 
+L 181.01124 349.569191 
+L 181.3698 350.012044 
+L 181.45944 350.591714 
+L 181.72836 350.186729 
+L 181.99728 350.279364 
+L 182.2662 350.548849 
+L 182.44548 350.606117 
+L 182.53512 349.82417 
+L 182.7144 350.517041 
+L 183.1626 350.722845 
+L 183.52116 350.384437 
+L 183.6108 350.463671 
+L 183.79008 350.824823 
+L 183.96936 350.97099 
+L 184.059 351.179156 
+L 184.23828 351.122566 
+L 184.41756 351.190202 
+L 184.59684 351.173635 
+L 184.68648 351.254564 
+L 184.77612 350.634104 
+L 184.9554 351.358673 
+L 185.04504 351.505804 
+L 185.31396 351.141992 
+L 185.4036 351.25398 
+L 185.49324 351.335524 
+L 185.58288 351.105185 
+L 185.8518 351.537429 
+L 186.03108 351.784138 
+L 186.21036 352.081231 
+L 186.3 352.078496 
+L 186.56892 352.516722 
+L 186.65856 351.03437 
+L 186.83784 352.662218 
+L 187.28604 353.149876 
+L 187.37568 352.844703 
+L 187.55496 353.011025 
+L 187.82388 352.749958 
+L 187.91352 352.409902 
+L 188.0928 352.660342 
+L 188.36172 352.416697 
+L 188.45136 351.262441 
+L 188.541 352.521689 
+L 188.63064 352.472997 
+L 188.80992 352.237703 
+L 188.89956 350.920716 
+L 188.9892 352.074547 
+L 189.07884 351.970632 
+L 189.16848 351.192237 
+L 189.34776 352.062705 
+L 189.52704 352.017525 
+L 189.70632 351.708228 
+L 189.79596 350.606682 
+L 189.97524 351.714493 
+L 190.3338 351.733002 
+L 190.69236 351.80241 
+L 190.87164 351.963985 
+L 190.96128 347.88643 
+L 191.14056 352.017222 
+L 191.2302 352.054207 
+L 191.40948 351.679612 
+L 191.49912 351.877772 
+L 191.94732 351.917818 
+L 192.03696 351.388601 
+L 192.1266 351.914805 
+L 192.21624 351.895527 
+L 192.39552 351.839005 
+L 192.48516 351.376566 
+L 192.5748 351.426515 
+L 192.84372 351.4701 
+L 193.11264 351.725537 
+L 193.20228 350.722561 
+L 193.29192 351.576215 
+L 193.38156 351.554 
+L 193.56084 351.465089 
+L 194.18832 351.76289 
+L 194.27796 351.352517 
+L 194.45724 351.453008 
+L 194.8158 351.247856 
+L 194.99508 351.109819 
+L 195.17436 351.313571 
+L 195.35364 351.136771 
+L 195.53292 351.024273 
+L 195.98112 351.23299 
+L 196.07076 351.186132 
+L 196.1604 351.278205 
+L 196.25004 351.192528 
+L 196.33968 350.931909 
+L 196.6086 352.107986 
+L 196.69824 350.943108 
+L 196.87752 352.342385 
+L 197.0568 352.27356 
+L 197.14644 351.849516 
+L 197.23608 352.177472 
+L 197.32572 352.111029 
+L 197.68428 352.41577 
+L 197.9532 352.211082 
+L 198.13248 352.234948 
+L 198.22212 352.166485 
+L 198.31176 351.776654 
+L 198.4014 352.057849 
+L 198.49104 351.987259 
+L 198.8496 351.377153 
+L 199.20816 352.267732 
+L 199.2978 352.39601 
+L 199.38744 352.20833 
+L 199.56672 352.30948 
+L 200.01492 351.8291 
+L 200.10456 351.994519 
+L 200.46312 352.336231 
+L 200.55276 352.401874 
+L 200.6424 347.987218 
+L 200.82168 352.344232 
+L 201.62844 352.079712 
+L 201.71808 351.449179 
+L 201.80772 351.941945 
+L 201.89736 351.91601 
+L 202.34556 351.618936 
+L 202.52484 351.998755 
+L 202.61448 351.750033 
+L 202.79376 351.996636 
+L 202.97304 352.061187 
+L 203.06268 351.751229 
+L 203.24196 352.046926 
+L 203.69016 352.081231 
+L 204.228 351.657581 
+L 204.40728 351.741665 
+L 204.85548 351.633791 
+L 205.03476 351.658176 
+L 205.21404 351.77396 
+L 205.48296 352.028432 
+L 206.0208 352.043286 
+L 206.20008 351.963381 
+L 206.28972 350.622226 
+L 206.469 352.002386 
+L 206.73792 352.211387 
+L 206.9172 352.078496 
+L 207.00684 351.704351 
+L 207.18612 352.040557 
+L 207.63432 351.916914 
+L 207.90324 351.769472 
+L 207.99288 351.862437 
+L 208.08252 351.653416 
+L 208.2618 352.177778 
+L 208.53072 352.156114 
+L 208.62036 351.811103 
+L 208.79964 352.054814 
+L 208.97892 352.157943 
+L 209.06856 352.296578 
+L 209.1582 352.114072 
+L 209.33748 352.294735 
+L 209.69604 352.373187 
+L 209.87532 352.361169 
+L 209.96496 350.515916 
+L 210.14424 352.420404 
+L 210.32352 352.3547 
+L 210.5028 352.461848 
+L 210.59244 352.288288 
+L 210.77172 352.524174 
+L 211.04064 352.372262 
+L 211.57848 352.358704 
+L 211.66812 352.068474 
+L 211.75776 352.32116 
+L 212.11632 351.806307 
+L 212.20596 351.929878 
+L 212.2956 350.79543 
+L 212.47488 352.278468 
+L 212.65416 352.711055 
+L 212.83344 352.932288 
+L 212.92308 352.324542 
+L 213.01272 352.727046 
+L 213.10236 352.688814 
+L 213.37128 352.450087 
+L 213.46092 352.064223 
+L 213.6402 352.342078 
+L 213.90912 352.21414 
+L 213.99876 351.800612 
+L 214.35732 352.508031 
+L 214.62624 352.897778 
+L 214.89516 352.882916 
+L 214.9848 352.910119 
+L 215.07444 351.629927 
+L 215.25372 352.887025 
+L 215.433 352.936724 
+L 215.52264 352.808768 
+L 215.61228 348.540361 
+L 215.70192 352.636907 
+L 215.79156 352.474856 
+L 215.97084 352.456895 
+L 216.15012 353.021207 
+L 216.23976 353.393477 
+L 216.3294 352.776668 
+L 216.50868 353.702813 
+L 216.7776 353.69327 
+L 216.86724 345.787196 
+L 216.95688 353.522582 
+L 217.04652 353.415208 
+L 217.49472 353.064856 
+L 217.58436 352.62442 
+L 217.76364 352.902523 
+L 217.85328 352.897462 
+L 217.94292 352.753727 
+L 218.1222 352.894299 
+L 218.30148 352.802784 
+L 218.39112 352.877859 
+L 218.48076 351.594598 
+L 218.66004 352.912651 
+L 218.83932 353.036171 
+L 219.0186 352.795544 
+L 219.10824 352.65034 
+L 219.19788 352.290437 
+L 219.37716 352.63722 
+L 220.18392 352.768494 
+L 220.3632 352.787992 
+L 220.45284 335.771433 
+L 220.54248 352.707608 
+L 220.63212 352.65034 
+L 220.8114 352.461539 
+L 221.08032 352.659092 
+L 221.16996 351.550152 
+L 221.34924 352.721087 
+L 221.7078 352.94243 
+L 221.88708 352.906954 
+L 222.06636 352.796803 
+L 222.24564 352.865853 
+L 222.33528 347.197476 
+L 222.51456 352.816643 
+L 222.6042 352.799636 
+L 222.78348 352.387371 
+L 222.87312 345.453663 
+L 222.96276 352.404961 
+L 223.0524 352.19152 
+L 223.14204 352.248729 
+L 223.23168 352.147881 
+L 223.41096 352.28215 
+L 223.59024 352.23954 
+L 223.76952 352.154284 
+L 223.85916 352.1848 
+L 223.9488 351.341675 
+L 224.12808 352.211693 
+L 224.30736 352.118942 
+L 224.48664 352.239234 
+L 224.66592 351.839906 
+L 224.93484 351.627253 
+L 225.02448 351.700176 
+L 225.11412 351.384491 
+L 225.38304 352.319315 
+L 225.56232 352.055421 
+L 225.65196 352.039648 
+L 225.7416 351.341968 
+L 226.01052 352.02116 
+L 226.27944 353.073789 
+L 226.36908 351.867848 
+L 226.45872 353.087515 
+L 226.54836 353.001166 
+L 226.638 352.239234 
+L 226.81728 352.933555 
+L 226.99656 353.388615 
+L 227.0862 353.059754 
+L 227.17584 353.517689 
+L 227.26548 353.479564 
+L 227.44476 353.311951 
+L 227.5344 351.798515 
+L 227.62404 353.220142 
+L 227.71368 353.046047 
+L 227.89296 352.974158 
+L 228.25152 352.46928 
+L 228.34116 352.651278 
+L 228.4308 352.584511 
+L 228.61008 352.658779 
+L 228.879 352.982733 
+L 228.96864 352.359629 
+L 229.14792 353.008162 
+L 229.23756 353.214358 
+L 229.3272 353.174233 
+L 229.41684 353.125548 
+L 229.50648 353.396395 
+L 229.7754 351.999057 
+L 229.95468 352.931971 
+L 230.31324 352.710742 
+L 230.40288 352.430293 
+L 230.58216 352.782644 
+L 230.6718 352.75624 
+L 230.76144 352.892717 
+L 230.94072 352.412372 
+L 231.03036 349.296714 
+L 231.12 352.381203 
+L 231.20964 352.343309 
+L 231.29928 352.287061 
+L 231.47856 351.917818 
+L 231.65784 351.931989 
+L 231.83712 352.141785 
+L 231.92676 351.855525 
+L 232.0164 351.900646 
+L 232.10604 351.870253 
+L 232.19568 350.879727 
+L 232.37496 351.851018 
+L 232.73352 351.853421 
+L 232.82316 351.52028 
+L 232.9128 351.895226 
+L 233.18172 350.865128 
+L 233.54028 351.798215 
+L 234.16776 352.489421 
+L 234.2574 352.489421 
+L 234.34704 352.795229 
+L 234.43668 352.713249 
+L 234.61596 352.691318 
+L 234.7056 351.403876 
+L 234.88488 352.631599 
+L 235.33308 353.294846 
+L 235.42272 353.254562 
+L 235.51236 352.502136 
+L 235.602 353.068365 
+L 235.69164 353.02821 
+L 235.87092 352.793026 
+L 235.96056 353.039675 
+L 236.31912 352.627853 
+L 236.40876 352.310094 
+L 236.4984 352.388914 
+L 236.67768 352.406196 
+L 236.76732 351.979699 
+L 236.85696 352.074851 
+L 237.12588 352.208024 
+L 237.21552 352.135387 
+L 237.3948 352.501516 
+L 237.57408 352.582642 
+L 237.66372 352.126858 
+L 237.843 352.573612 
+L 238.2912 352.32116 
+L 238.38084 352.433076 
+L 238.47048 350.553639 
+L 238.64976 352.249648 
+L 238.91868 352.174725 
+L 239.1876 351.765582 
+L 239.54616 352.144528 
+L 239.6358 350.945981 
+L 239.81508 352.050566 
+L 240.17364 352.129294 
+L 240.26328 351.897635 
+L 240.44256 352.25639 
+L 240.80112 351.738976 
+L 240.9804 352.127467 
+L 241.15968 352.262213 
+L 241.24932 352.259148 
+L 241.4286 351.954018 
+L 241.60788 352.082142 
+L 242.14572 351.921134 
+L 242.23536 352.099469 
+L 242.325 351.893721 
+L 242.50428 352.504618 
+L 242.59392 352.42473 
+L 242.7732 352.471138 
+L 242.95248 352.475475 
+L 243.57996 353.280657 
+L 243.6696 353.256172 
+L 243.75924 353.378247 
+L 243.84888 352.770695 
+L 244.02816 353.37436 
+L 244.29708 353.463944 
+L 244.38672 353.044772 
+L 244.566 353.603979 
+L 244.65564 353.602341 
+L 244.74528 353.051146 
+L 244.83492 353.641026 
+L 244.92456 353.583681 
+L 245.28312 353.096777 
+L 245.4624 353.075704 
+L 245.64168 352.730183 
+L 245.82096 351.923847 
+L 246.08988 352.383053 
+L 246.26916 352.457205 
+L 246.3588 351.718074 
+L 246.53808 352.432767 
+L 246.71736 352.517653 
+L 246.89664 353.096138 
+L 246.98628 346.951143 
+L 247.16556 353.220142 
+L 247.2552 353.353967 
+L 247.52412 353.067089 
+L 247.7034 352.908536 
+L 247.88268 352.966539 
+L 247.97232 353.124908 
+L 248.06196 352.957336 
+L 248.24124 353.290653 
+L 248.42052 353.334241 
+L 248.5998 353.736744 
+L 248.68944 353.65547 
+L 248.95836 353.434363 
+L 249.048 351.686464 
+L 249.22728 353.703471 
+L 249.31692 353.688664 
+L 249.9444 354.304805 
+L 250.21332 354.334326 
+L 250.30296 352.438332 
+L 250.48224 354.339081 
+L 250.57188 354.051407 
+L 250.66152 354.305144 
+L 250.75116 354.203335 
+L 250.8408 353.633808 
+L 250.93044 353.661054 
+L 251.55792 354.051742 
+L 251.82684 354.120507 
+L 252.1854 354.191867 
+L 252.27504 353.438911 
+L 252.45432 354.126893 
+L 252.81288 354.277358 
+L 252.90252 343.841629 
+L 253.0818 354.29633 
+L 253.17144 353.277111 
+L 253.35072 354.417693 
+L 253.53 354.421103 
+L 253.70928 354.255698 
+L 254.06784 354.332628 
+L 254.51604 354.362531 
+L 254.60568 353.914908 
+L 254.78496 354.585808 
+L 254.96424 354.726226 
+L 255.23316 354.689216 
+L 255.3228 353.395422 
+L 255.50208 354.664695 
+L 255.86064 354.510652 
+L 256.03992 354.353351 
+L 256.2192 354.246905 
+L 256.57776 353.676827 
+L 256.75704 353.634792 
+L 257.02596 353.416506 
+L 257.20524 353.605617 
+L 257.38452 353.934875 
+L 257.47416 353.829936 
+L 257.65344 354.026642 
+L 257.74308 354.602662 
+L 257.83272 354.218861 
+L 257.92236 354.302431 
+L 258.10164 354.311248 
+L 258.4602 354.411557 
+L 258.54984 353.977537 
+L 258.63948 354.342478 
+L 258.81876 354.266525 
+L 258.99804 354.19153 
+L 259.08768 354.028649 
+L 259.17732 353.605944 
+L 259.26696 353.968197 
+L 259.44624 353.597429 
+L 259.89444 353.686033 
+L 260.16336 353.86939 
+L 260.52192 354.098007 
+L 260.7012 353.827948 
+L 260.88048 353.683402 
+L 261.05976 353.218214 
+L 261.23904 353.217892 
+L 261.41832 353.389911 
+L 261.68724 354.055091 
+L 261.77688 353.091666 
+L 261.95616 354.133616 
+L 262.13544 354.049063 
+L 262.494 354.224264 
+L 262.58364 354.039021 
+L 262.76292 354.202323 
+L 263.03184 353.776018 
+L 263.12148 352.956384 
+L 263.21112 353.391856 
+L 263.30076 352.542815 
+L 263.48004 353.455163 
+L 263.65932 353.647919 
+L 263.74896 353.676827 
+L 263.92824 353.420725 
+L 264.01788 353.524213 
+L 264.19716 353.479564 
+L 264.55572 352.553076 
+L 264.735 353.049234 
+L 264.82464 353.024708 
+L 265.09356 352.468041 
+L 265.27284 352.834925 
+L 265.36248 352.851961 
+L 265.45212 353.330686 
+L 265.54176 352.722028 
+L 265.72104 353.368855 
+L 265.81068 353.2668 
+L 266.16924 353.849487 
+L 266.34852 353.744329 
+L 266.43816 352.421331 
+L 266.5278 353.692941 
+L 266.61744 353.606272 
+L 266.70708 353.643652 
+L 266.79672 353.530413 
+L 266.976 354.225277 
+L 267.4242 354.299041 
+L 267.51384 353.715654 
+L 267.60348 354.195577 
+L 267.69312 354.159522 
+L 267.8724 354.048728 
+L 268.41024 354.764345 
+L 268.58952 354.573778 
+L 268.7688 354.719303 
+L 268.94808 354.944119 
+L 269.12736 355.171811 
+L 269.217 354.465486 
+L 269.39628 355.116677 
+L 269.48592 355.183139 
+L 269.57556 354.405081 
+L 269.75484 355.138218 
+L 270.02376 355.185264 
+L 270.1134 353.804778 
+L 270.29268 355.086347 
+L 270.47196 355.048322 
+L 270.65124 354.74493 
+L 270.83052 354.784473 
+L 271.18908 354.338402 
+L 271.458 354.322445 
+L 271.54764 354.144715 
+L 271.81656 354.668837 
+L 271.9062 354.590278 
+L 272.08548 354.662624 
+L 272.3544 354.832443 
+L 272.53368 354.641583 
+L 272.8026 354.732113 
+L 273.07152 354.987559 
+L 273.34044 354.910552 
+L 273.43008 355.009314 
+L 273.51972 354.054086 
+L 273.699 355.109267 
+L 273.96792 355.108914 
+L 274.41612 354.53533 
+L 274.50576 354.45831 
+L 274.86432 354.791765 
+L 275.0436 354.650203 
+L 275.13324 353.743999 
+L 275.22288 354.42929 
+L 275.31252 354.403378 
+L 275.4918 354.410193 
+L 276.20892 355.290717 
+L 276.29856 354.066482 
+L 276.47784 355.370973 
+L 276.65712 355.62633 
+L 277.01568 355.412832 
+L 277.37424 355.250175 
+L 277.46388 352.654716 
+L 277.64316 355.370616 
+L 278.00172 355.981586 
+L 278.09136 356.036543 
+L 278.27064 355.886412 
+L 278.6292 356.218702 
+L 278.71884 355.116324 
+L 278.89812 356.23809 
+L 279.0774 356.099056 
+L 279.16704 355.868456 
+L 279.25668 339.768195 
+L 279.34632 355.785479 
+L 279.43596 355.584028 
+L 279.61524 355.591252 
+L 279.79452 355.993376 
+L 279.88416 355.932289 
+L 280.06344 356.096093 
+L 280.422 355.655305 
+L 280.51164 355.749034 
+L 280.60128 356.09313 
+L 280.69092 355.476681 
+L 280.8702 355.955451 
+L 280.95984 356.008493 
+L 281.04948 355.921637 
+L 281.22876 356.009968 
+L 281.67696 355.582944 
+L 281.94588 355.500047 
+L 282.03552 355.677426 
+L 282.12516 355.501486 
+L 282.30444 355.71338 
+L 282.48372 355.766519 
+L 282.57336 355.478837 
+L 282.663 355.535327 
+L 283.02156 355.583305 
+L 283.20084 355.724288 
+L 283.29048 354.919288 
+L 283.46976 355.785479 
+L 283.64904 355.859667 
+L 283.73868 355.463752 
+L 283.82832 355.879081 
+L 283.91796 355.805188 
+L 284.36616 355.65458 
+L 284.54544 355.955819 
+L 284.72472 355.893378 
+L 284.81436 355.857104 
+L 284.904 354.01494 
+L 285.08328 355.805188 
+L 285.3522 356.482398 
+L 285.44184 356.864665 
+L 285.53148 356.698753 
+L 285.62112 356.897395 
+L 285.97968 356.358938 
+L 286.06932 355.823818 
+L 286.15896 356.366444 
+L 286.2486 356.330813 
+L 286.6968 356.414928 
+L 286.87608 356.276175 
+L 286.96572 356.40778 
+L 287.05536 353.440536 
+L 287.23464 356.095722 
+L 287.32428 354.345875 
+L 287.50356 356.168082 
+L 287.68284 356.03802 
+L 287.95176 355.602095 
+L 288.22068 356.042822 
+L 288.31032 356.07314 
+L 288.4896 355.500767 
+L 288.57924 355.556597 
+L 288.75852 355.641899 
+L 288.9378 355.812492 
+L 289.02744 356.402514 
+L 289.20672 356.080171 
+L 289.8342 356.70715 
+L 290.01348 356.535324 
+L 290.19276 356.304598 
+L 290.2824 355.629587 
+L 290.46168 356.343933 
+L 290.7306 356.845053 
+L 290.82024 355.793506 
+L 290.99952 356.872747 
+L 291.26844 356.868513 
+L 291.35808 356.39086 
+L 291.53736 356.918215 
+L 291.627 356.857357 
+L 291.98556 357.217058 
+L 292.16484 357.14086 
+L 292.25448 354.757756 
+L 292.34412 357.107736 
+L 292.43376 356.985062 
+L 292.61304 356.837367 
+L 292.70268 356.860434 
+L 292.79232 356.334935 
+L 293.06124 357.295115 
+L 293.33016 357.289614 
+L 293.50944 356.915515 
+L 293.77836 357.158809 
+L 293.868 356.567146 
+L 294.04728 357.196319 
+L 294.3162 356.769473 
+L 294.49548 357.02419 
+L 294.58512 356.916672 
+L 294.7644 356.99474 
+L 294.94368 356.762199 
+L 295.2126 356.582317 
+L 295.30224 356.694938 
+L 295.39188 357.233507 
+L 295.48152 357.186154 
+L 295.6608 357.243305 
+L 295.75044 357.215101 
+L 295.84008 356.666343 
+L 296.01936 357.050577 
+L 296.109 357.050577 
+L 296.19864 356.780582 
+L 296.73648 358.072663 
+L 296.82612 357.835967 
+L 297.0054 357.989525 
+L 297.09504 358.015571 
+L 297.18468 357.804911 
+L 297.27432 355.296058 
+L 297.36396 357.7735 
+L 297.4536 357.741736 
+L 298.17072 358.468548 
+L 298.26036 357.634349 
+L 298.35 358.332415 
+L 298.43964 358.202534 
+L 298.70856 358.488963 
+L 298.88784 358.684154 
+L 299.06712 358.995894 
+L 299.15676 359.075978 
+L 299.33604 359.435741 
+L 299.51532 359.328574 
+L 299.60496 359.125816 
+L 299.6946 358.233794 
+L 299.78424 358.945948 
+L 299.87388 358.841333 
+L 299.96352 358.887195 
+L 300.1428 358.83582 
+L 300.50136 358.740632 
+L 301.12884 358.978377 
+L 301.21848 358.974534 
+L 301.30812 359.481657 
+L 301.39776 359.35379 
+L 301.66668 359.480781 
+L 301.75632 359.632376 
+L 301.84596 358.969838 
+L 301.9356 359.523728 
+L 302.02524 359.458905 
+L 302.47344 358.931883 
+L 302.832 360.12163 
+L 302.92164 354.94132 
+L 303.10092 360.279481 
+L 303.19056 360.371675 
+L 303.2802 359.934982 
+L 303.45948 360.168675 
+L 303.63876 360.21583 
+L 303.7284 359.804232 
+L 303.90768 360.255816 
+L 303.99732 360.166411 
+L 304.08696 360.400056 
+L 304.1766 360.336482 
+L 304.44552 359.888476 
+L 304.6248 358.897401 
+L 304.80408 359.372069 
+L 305.16264 359.541722 
+L 305.25228 359.270436 
+L 305.43156 359.570283 
+L 305.5212 359.599764 
+L 305.9694 360.349729 
+L 306.05904 361.21847 
+L 306.32796 360.506611 
+L 306.50724 360.26446 
+L 306.8658 360.907502 
+L 306.95544 361.140398 
+L 307.04508 361.081093 
+L 307.13472 360.526423 
+L 307.22436 361.26192 
+L 307.314 360.997886 
+L 307.40364 361.132322 
+L 307.49328 360.876994 
+L 307.58292 361.10764 
+L 307.67256 360.360699 
+L 307.85184 361.31313 
+L 308.2104 361.800049 
+L 308.30004 360.883561 
+L 308.38968 361.660636 
+L 308.47932 361.589102 
+L 308.56896 361.610974 
+L 308.6586 362.181076 
+L 308.74824 361.03472 
+L 308.92752 362.148091 
+L 309.01716 362.213112 
+L 309.19644 362.089253 
+L 309.37572 362.262266 
+L 309.46536 360.578577 
+L 309.64464 362.322617 
+L 309.82392 362.287893 
+L 309.91356 362.200592 
+L 310.0032 362.372543 
+L 310.09284 360.379453 
+L 310.27212 362.331686 
+L 310.4514 361.59056 
+L 310.54104 361.497983 
+L 310.63068 361.674779 
+L 310.72032 359.729641 
+L 310.8996 361.675266 
+L 311.25816 362.09224 
+L 311.3478 360.84185 
+L 311.43744 361.85067 
+L 311.52708 361.706512 
+L 311.97528 359.992367 
+L 312.33384 361.288227 
+L 312.42348 360.746565 
+L 312.60276 361.48783 
+L 312.96132 361.375041 
+L 313.23024 361.902898 
+L 313.49916 361.889089 
+L 313.5888 344.811541 
+L 313.67844 361.778953 
+L 313.76808 361.759839 
+L 314.12664 362.061389 
+L 314.21628 356.231004 
+L 314.30592 361.861991 
+L 314.39556 361.814289 
+L 314.4852 361.752982 
+L 314.66448 360.953114 
+L 314.84376 360.8559 
+L 315.11268 361.288227 
+L 315.20232 361.793178 
+L 315.29196 341.341849 
+L 315.47124 361.862484 
+L 315.65052 361.815271 
+L 315.74016 361.745637 
+L 315.8298 359.931848 
+L 315.91944 361.422683 
+L 316.00908 361.17654 
+L 316.278 361.681609 
+L 316.36764 361.528956 
+L 316.45728 361.086305 
+L 316.54692 361.576476 
+L 316.81584 360.939937 
+L 316.90548 360.94276 
+L 316.99512 360.686078 
+L 317.1744 361.104794 
+L 317.35368 361.065939 
+L 317.44332 360.940878 
+L 317.6226 360.248085 
+L 317.89152 360.443621 
+L 318.0708 360.752624 
+L 318.42936 361.243765 
+L 318.519 359.572921 
+L 318.60864 361.194635 
+L 318.69828 361.141823 
+L 319.05684 360.93006 
+L 319.14648 361.466091 
+L 319.23612 361.102423 
+L 319.32576 361.152755 
+L 319.4154 357.283328 
+L 319.50504 360.947936 
+L 319.59468 360.918778 
+L 319.68432 360.683755 
+L 319.77396 360.720952 
+L 319.95324 360.971011 
+L 320.04288 360.794152 
+L 320.3118 361.816254 
+L 320.40144 362.685473 
+L 320.58072 362.147093 
+L 320.67036 361.851654 
+L 320.76 362.210607 
+L 321.02892 361.624594 
+L 321.11856 361.782386 
+L 321.29784 362.138107 
+L 321.38748 362.141102 
+L 321.47712 359.942146 
+L 321.56676 362.124136 
+L 321.6564 361.874304 
+L 322.01496 361.139923 
+L 322.19424 361.628001 
+L 322.5528 361.749064 
+L 322.64244 362.121144 
+L 322.73208 362.08527 
+L 322.91136 361.960208 
+L 323.09064 361.586188 
+L 323.18028 359.543039 
+L 323.35956 361.342862 
+L 323.53884 361.586188 
+L 323.62848 361.473817 
+L 323.71812 362.034556 
+L 324.25596 360.633646 
+L 324.61452 360.845128 
+L 324.70416 357.809748 
+L 324.7938 360.601234 
+L 324.88344 360.554098 
+L 325.242 360.923478 
+L 325.60056 360.834829 
+L 325.6902 361.055054 
+L 325.77984 360.901397 
+L 325.86948 361.082988 
+L 325.95912 360.869023 
+L 326.31768 361.567254 
+L 326.40732 361.435695 
+L 326.5866 361.527503 
+L 326.85552 361.023851 
+L 326.94516 360.895293 
+L 327.483 362.466676 
+L 327.57264 360.879808 
+L 327.75192 362.55972 
+L 327.9312 362.513399 
+L 328.11048 362.620965 
+L 328.20012 363.109852 
+L 328.28976 362.78262 
+L 328.46904 363.601703 
+L 328.55868 363.702817 
+L 328.73796 363.351635 
+L 328.8276 363.59473 
+L 329.00688 363.492552 
+L 329.36544 363.873375 
+L 329.45508 363.91801 
+L 329.54472 364.0871 
+L 329.63436 363.40629 
+L 329.81364 363.908204 
+L 329.99292 363.747618 
+L 330.08256 363.356935 
+L 330.1722 363.75032 
+L 330.26184 363.726555 
+L 330.44112 363.87555 
+L 330.53076 363.723316 
+L 330.6204 363.783314 
+L 330.79968 363.468021 
+L 330.97896 362.790866 
+L 331.0686 363.087871 
+L 331.24788 362.134114 
+L 331.33752 362.027109 
+L 331.5168 361.549793 
+L 331.69608 361.690395 
+L 331.78572 361.656737 
+L 331.87536 358.077156 
+L 332.05464 361.493631 
+L 332.4132 362.090746 
+L 332.50284 361.901418 
+L 332.68212 361.622648 
+L 332.95104 362.04449 
+L 333.13032 362.532729 
+L 333.39924 362.787774 
+L 333.48888 364.292554 
+L 333.66816 363.416389 
+L 334.02672 363.525129 
+L 334.206 363.29607 
+L 334.29564 362.929999 
+L 334.38528 362.99602 
+L 334.56456 363.196961 
+L 334.74384 363.399384 
+L 335.01276 363.326744 
+L 335.1024 362.279347 
+L 335.19204 363.359586 
+L 335.28168 363.096765 
+L 335.37132 363.461626 
+L 335.46096 363.208008 
+L 335.64024 363.703356 
+L 335.72988 363.809315 
+L 335.81952 363.652197 
+L 335.90916 364.212776 
+L 335.9988 364.086001 
+L 336.26772 364.388815 
+L 336.35736 364.164729 
+L 336.447 364.210012 
+L 336.62628 364.468731 
+L 336.80556 364.389931 
+L 336.8952 364.725692 
+L 336.98484 364.444667 
+L 337.07448 364.51526 
+L 337.16412 364.627256 
+L 337.43304 364.313659 
+L 337.52268 363.921825 
+L 337.61232 361.164644 
+L 337.70196 363.723856 
+L 337.7916 363.262277 
+L 337.88124 363.282335 
+L 338.06052 363.463757 
+L 338.15016 362.849713 
+L 338.32944 363.309815 
+L 338.50872 363.261221 
+L 338.59836 363.414794 
+L 338.688 363.14549 
+L 338.77764 362.143098 
+L 338.95692 363.506965 
+L 339.22584 363.762214 
+L 339.40512 363.249619 
+L 339.49476 363.48455 
+L 339.85332 362.081785 
+L 339.94296 362.213112 
+L 340.0326 359.768234 
+L 340.21188 362.620965 
+L 340.57044 363.551335 
+L 340.74972 363.157558 
+L 340.929 363.31193 
+L 341.10828 364.668495 
+L 341.19792 359.562809 
+L 341.3772 364.809797 
+L 341.46684 364.725125 
+L 341.8254 363.000186 
+L 342.00468 363.986242 
+L 342.18396 364.181836 
+L 342.2736 364.081056 
+L 342.54252 362.881272 
+L 342.7218 362.976243 
+L 343.08036 362.735787 
+L 343.34928 362.628123 
+L 343.43892 363.135002 
+L 343.70784 362.696757 
+L 343.97676 362.963763 
+L 344.0664 362.931556 
+L 344.15604 362.528149 
+L 344.33532 362.964802 
+L 344.5146 362.980926 
+L 344.60424 362.815107 
+L 344.69388 360.540256 
+L 344.78352 362.899401 
+L 344.87316 362.584196 
+L 345.05244 362.017184 
+L 345.14208 362.22564 
+L 345.411 361.89402 
+L 345.50064 362.029591 
+L 345.59028 361.502335 
+L 345.76956 362.081785 
+L 345.8592 362.110674 
+L 345.94884 362.00528 
+L 346.03848 360.940878 
+L 346.12812 361.582302 
+L 346.21776 361.520724 
+L 346.3074 361.549793 
+L 346.84524 362.397299 
+L 347.2038 361.963177 
+L 347.29344 362.106687 
+L 347.38308 362.043497 
+L 347.47272 361.992888 
+L 347.74164 361.498466 
+L 347.92092 361.551732 
+L 348.01056 361.859037 
+L 348.1002 361.239467 
+L 348.27948 361.830505 
+L 348.36912 361.891554 
+L 348.45876 362.092738 
+L 348.5484 361.83493 
+L 349.08624 362.63784 
+L 349.26552 362.674707 
+L 349.35516 363.444051 
+L 349.4448 363.063302 
+L 349.53444 363.126091 
+L 349.80336 363.32304 
+L 349.893 363.950187 
+L 349.98264 363.34051 
+L 350.07228 363.387702 
+L 350.3412 363.353755 
+L 350.43084 353.983209 
+L 350.61012 363.154409 
+L 350.87904 362.925848 
+L 350.96868 362.733217 
+L 351.05832 361.535253 
+L 351.2376 362.537819 
+L 351.50652 362.977804 
+L 351.59616 363.057556 
+L 351.6858 358.713638 
+L 351.77544 363.388764 
+L 351.86508 363.346337 
+L 351.95472 361.688931 
+L 352.04436 363.223273 
+L 352.134 363.142343 
+L 352.22364 363.179089 
+L 352.31328 360.544408 
+L 352.49256 362.625566 
+L 352.67184 362.766654 
+L 352.85112 362.76511 
+L 352.94076 361.133272 
+L 353.12004 362.485454 
+L 353.20968 362.628634 
+L 353.4786 362.359924 
+L 353.65788 361.97159 
+L 353.74752 362.340254 
+L 353.83716 362.294431 
+L 354.10608 362.146593 
+L 354.19572 362.026117 
+L 354.28536 352.989405 
+L 354.375 362.124635 
+L 354.46464 362.073326 
+L 354.8232 361.887117 
+L 354.91284 361.214654 
+L 355.09212 361.778953 
+L 355.2714 361.704069 
+L 355.45068 361.247108 
+L 355.62996 361.435213 
+L 355.7196 361.229443 
+L 355.98852 361.508624 
+L 356.07816 361.192254 
+L 356.1678 361.377925 
+L 356.25744 361.332307 
+L 356.43672 361.311692 
+L 356.52636 361.479131 
+L 356.616 361.203689 
+L 356.88492 362.182576 
+L 357.0642 362.116656 
+L 357.15384 361.98397 
+L 357.24348 361.24472 
+L 357.42276 361.790725 
+L 357.69168 361.988428 
+L 357.78132 360.503388 
+L 357.9606 361.385618 
+L 358.05024 361.074462 
+L 358.13988 359.549188 
+L 358.22952 361.135647 
+L 358.31916 360.973838 
+L 358.4088 360.876994 
+L 358.49844 360.960177 
+L 358.58808 360.461533 
+L 358.76736 361.314567 
+L 358.857 361.505721 
+L 358.94664 362.038529 
+L 359.03628 361.323675 
+L 359.12592 361.706024 
+L 359.39484 361.440517 
+L 359.57412 361.782386 
+L 359.93268 362.269298 
+L 360.2016 361.71922 
+L 360.29124 362.278845 
+L 360.56016 361.587159 
+L 360.6498 361.573563 
+L 361.00836 361.908326 
+L 361.098 361.113808 
+L 361.27728 361.908326 
+L 361.63584 361.953777 
+L 362.08404 362.00776 
+L 362.17368 359.540405 
+L 362.35296 362.032074 
+L 362.8908 361.679169 
+L 363.24936 362.319596 
+L 363.51828 362.031081 
+L 363.7872 362.142599 
+L 363.87684 361.653325 
+L 364.05612 362.060892 
+L 364.2354 362.30399 
+L 364.32504 362.486977 
+L 364.41468 362.189581 
+L 364.59396 362.6133 
+L 364.77324 362.54291 
+L 364.86288 362.513399 
+L 365.04216 362.619432 
+L 365.1318 362.214114 
+L 365.31108 362.453999 
+L 365.66964 362.337733 
+L 365.75928 360.28358 
+L 365.84892 362.148591 
+L 365.93856 362.05592 
+L 366.20748 361.998835 
+L 366.29712 361.300674 
+L 366.4764 361.959218 
+L 366.65568 361.891061 
+L 366.74532 361.60368 
+L 366.83496 362.589299 
+L 367.01424 361.85067 
+L 367.3728 362.314057 
+L 367.46244 362.232158 
+L 367.64172 362.26327 
+L 367.91064 362.124635 
+L 368.00028 361.48348 
+L 368.17956 361.988428 
+L 368.35884 362.251221 
+L 368.44848 362.379108 
+L 368.53812 362.30399 
+L 368.62776 360.341963 
+L 368.7174 362.228147 
+L 368.80704 362.084772 
+L 368.98632 361.89254 
+L 369.07596 361.943888 
+L 369.43452 362.732189 
+L 369.70344 363.031459 
+L 369.79308 362.205098 
+L 369.97236 363.109852 
+L 370.062 363.031459 
+L 370.15164 363.604386 
+L 370.42056 363.0252 
+L 370.5102 363.039806 
+L 370.77912 362.732703 
+L 370.86876 362.633237 
+L 370.9584 361.595418 
+L 371.04804 362.56023 
+L 371.13768 362.534256 
+L 371.49624 362.451971 
+L 371.67552 362.799631 
+L 371.76516 349.671715 
+L 371.94444 363.339451 
+L 372.12372 363.465889 
+L 372.21336 363.468021 
+L 372.303 362.515941 
+L 372.39264 363.360116 
+L 372.48228 363.322511 
+L 372.66156 363.128711 
+L 372.7512 363.060168 
+L 372.84084 363.260166 
+L 372.93048 362.937267 
+L 373.1994 363.367009 
+L 373.28904 363.396728 
+L 373.37868 362.399827 
+L 373.46832 363.465356 
+L 373.55796 363.32304 
+L 373.73724 363.124519 
+L 373.82688 363.326215 
+L 373.91652 363.263332 
+L 374.27508 363.591512 
+L 374.544 362.818203 
+L 374.63364 362.708561 
+L 374.72328 362.777984 
+L 374.90256 363.19591 
+L 374.9922 363.167008 
+L 375.08184 362.948692 
+L 375.17148 363.167008 
+L 375.26112 361.693813 
+L 375.35076 362.72705 
+L 375.53004 362.255739 
+L 375.70932 362.496119 
+L 375.8886 362.804272 
+L 376.15752 362.754816 
+L 376.24716 362.589809 
+L 376.42644 362.708561 
+L 376.87464 363.232227 
+L 376.96428 361.867408 
+L 377.05392 363.150736 
+L 377.14356 362.9955 
+L 377.41248 362.237173 
+L 377.50212 362.165077 
+L 377.86068 362.661386 
+L 377.95032 362.612278 
+L 378.03996 362.146094 
+L 378.1296 362.166576 
+L 378.30888 361.867408 
+L 378.39852 362.027109 
+L 378.93636 362.685473 
+L 379.11564 362.583686 
+L 379.20528 362.736302 
+L 379.29492 362.048465 
+L 379.56384 362.770258 
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+L 52.91568 -52.244463 
+L 53.00532 -52.007338 
+L 53.09496 -52.272602 
+L 53.1846 -53.619959 
+L 53.27424 -62.206518 
+L 53.36388 -62.265088 
+L 53.45352 -73.05886 
+L 53.54316 -67.917563 
+L 53.6328 -51.019711 
+L 53.72244 -55.921583 
+L 53.81208 -71.085573 
+L 53.90172 -64.119657 
+L 53.99136 -59.522495 
+L 54.081 -58.638219 
+L 54.17064 -59.274849 
+L 54.26028 -62.816007 
+L 54.34992 -63.390708 
+L 54.43956 -63.369825 
+L 54.5292 -61.825366 
+L 54.61884 -58.616372 
+L 54.70848 -57.194563 
+L 54.79812 -56.700113 
+L 54.88776 -56.142422 
+L 54.9774 -55.94261 
+L 55.06704 -58.653433 
+L 55.15668 -57.752308 
+L 55.24632 -58.408609 
+L 55.33596 -58.180954 
+L 55.4256 -69.667988 
+L 55.51524 -56.941168 
+L 55.60488 -57.513478 
+L 55.69452 -57.894383 
+L 55.78416 -57.233118 
+L 55.8738 -56.431273 
+L 55.96344 -55.762876 
+L 56.05308 -54.815944 
+L 56.14272 -53.760695 
+L 56.23236 -54.665989 
+L 56.322 -54.595089 
+L 56.41164 -54.684315 
+L 56.50128 -54.673184 
+L 56.59092 -54.165202 
+L 56.68056 -53.779368 
+L 56.7702 -62.484831 
+L 56.85984 -54.737231 
+L 56.94948 -56.568414 
+L 57.03912 -56.330126 
+L 57.12876 -56.384737 
+L 57.2184 -56.060792 
+L 57.30804 -55.206026 
+L 57.39768 -53.47438 
+L 57.48732 -53.578111 
+L 57.57696 -53.247677 
+L 57.6666 -53.031048 
+L 57.75624 -52.776581 
+L 57.84588 -53.199067 
+L 57.93552 -56.452236 
+L 58.02516 -52.766272 
+L 58.1148 -53.205333 
+L 58.20444 -53.240292 
+L 58.29408 -53.586277 
+L 58.38372 -53.502713 
+L 58.47336 -53.318783 
+L 58.563 -53.206039 
+L 58.65264 -52.854357 
+L 58.74228 -52.565364 
+L 58.83192 -55.736779 
+L 58.92156 -53.688599 
+L 59.0112 -53.126744 
+L 59.10084 -51.80482 
+L 59.19048 -51.42599 
+L 59.28012 -54.121944 
+L 59.36976 -50.833005 
+L 59.4594 -51.125095 
+L 59.54904 -51.21287 
+L 59.63868 -51.627555 
+L 59.72832 -73.846374 
+L 59.81796 -52.881268 
+L 59.9076 -52.824603 
+L 59.99724 -51.695125 
+L 60.08688 -49.779676 
+L 60.17652 -49.097881 
+L 60.26616 -50.015457 
+L 60.3558 -48.923523 
+L 60.44544 -48.913594 
+L 60.53508 -49.024771 
+L 60.62472 -49.598972 
+L 60.71436 -50.098661 
+L 60.804 -49.17955 
+L 60.89364 -49.036936 
+L 60.98328 -49.195868 
+L 61.07292 -49.495704 
+L 61.16256 -49.553131 
+L 61.2522 -49.274874 
+L 61.34184 -49.248531 
+L 61.43148 -49.424047 
+L 61.52112 -49.568528 
+L 61.61076 -50.248088 
+L 61.7004 -49.332682 
+L 61.79004 -48.808023 
+L 61.87968 -48.809107 
+L 61.96932 -48.938636 
+L 62.05896 -48.655257 
+L 62.1486 -48.50728 
+L 62.23824 -48.283145 
+L 62.32788 -49.749797 
+L 62.41752 -48.569244 
+L 62.50716 -48.3982 
+L 62.5968 -48.395853 
+L 62.68644 -48.547159 
+L 62.77608 -48.711948 
+L 62.86572 -48.83601 
+L 62.95536 -49.139996 
+L 63.045 -50.342674 
+L 63.13464 -49.771914 
+L 63.22428 -49.622916 
+L 63.31392 -49.397668 
+L 63.40356 -49.541798 
+L 63.4932 -49.149975 
+L 63.58284 -49.192872 
+L 63.67248 -49.639025 
+L 63.76212 -49.876824 
+L 63.85176 -50.215237 
+L 63.9414 -50.911594 
+L 64.03104 -50.275877 
+L 64.12068 -49.983618 
+L 64.21032 -49.876297 
+L 64.29996 -49.683719 
+L 64.3896 -49.196345 
+L 64.47924 -52.404129 
+L 64.56888 -49.187875 
+L 64.65852 -49.346506 
+L 64.74816 -49.238107 
+L 64.8378 -49.146784 
+L 64.92744 -48.662797 
+L 65.01708 -49.04372 
+L 65.10672 -48.623449 
+L 65.19636 -48.834756 
+L 65.286 -48.498451 
+L 65.37564 -48.390124 
+L 65.46528 -48.585191 
+L 65.55492 -48.64919 
+L 65.64456 -48.758181 
+L 65.7342 -55.551319 
+L 65.82384 -48.814303 
+L 65.91348 -48.100461 
+L 66.00312 -48.023806 
+L 66.09276 -47.986203 
+L 66.1824 -47.906457 
+L 66.27204 -48.467342 
+L 66.36168 -47.95681 
+L 66.45132 -47.978961 
+L 66.54096 -48.069653 
+L 66.6306 -48.251527 
+L 66.72024 -51.771965 
+L 66.80988 -49.04742 
+L 66.89952 -49.292615 
+L 66.98916 -49.489558 
+L 67.0788 -49.225119 
+L 67.16844 -48.890143 
+L 67.25808 -48.734599 
+L 67.34772 -48.672323 
+L 67.43736 -48.763309 
+L 67.527 -48.865041 
+L 67.61664 -50.996946 
+L 67.70628 -49.470371 
+L 67.79592 -49.311905 
+L 67.88556 -49.429602 
+L 67.9752 -49.407311 
+L 68.06484 -49.65661 
+L 68.15448 -49.544077 
+L 68.24412 -49.728081 
+L 68.33376 -49.704467 
+L 68.4234 -50.349491 
+L 68.51304 -49.802541 
+L 68.60268 -49.535282 
+L 68.69232 -49.832288 
+L 68.78196 -49.604362 
+L 68.8716 -49.568293 
+L 68.96124 -49.559213 
+L 69.05088 -49.39064 
+L 69.14052 -49.204444 
+L 69.23016 -49.405476 
+L 69.3198 -49.189516 
+L 69.40944 -49.241074 
+L 69.49908 -49.494212 
+L 69.58872 -50.629104 
+L 69.67836 -50.491781 
+L 69.768 -50.718875 
+L 69.85764 -50.409159 
+L 69.94728 -50.439751 
+L 70.03692 -50.470317 
+L 70.12656 -50.501451 
+L 70.2162 -50.257601 
+L 70.30584 -50.100063 
+L 70.39548 -49.959526 
+L 70.48512 -49.492507 
+L 70.57476 -48.847986 
+L 70.6644 -48.732721 
+L 70.75404 -48.556745 
+L 70.84368 -48.586051 
+L 70.93332 -48.48577 
+L 71.02296 -48.525458 
+L 71.1126 -48.655789 
+L 71.20224 -48.710736 
+L 71.29188 -48.965782 
+L 71.38152 -48.858185 
+L 71.47116 -48.776843 
+L 71.5608 -48.776845 
+L 71.65044 -48.804528 
+L 71.74008 -48.827861 
+L 71.82972 -48.777564 
+L 71.91936 -49.330328 
+L 72.009 -48.845025 
+L 72.09864 -48.577243 
+L 72.18828 -48.5119 
+L 72.27792 -48.427812 
+L 72.36756 -48.336482 
+L 72.4572 -48.752527 
+L 72.54684 -48.300064 
+L 72.63648 -48.188013 
+L 72.72612 -48.097255 
+L 72.81576 -48.429315 
+L 72.9054 -48.102182 
+L 72.99504 -48.056004 
+L 73.08468 -48.121043 
+L 73.17432 -48.451954 
+L 73.26396 -48.799935 
+L 73.3536 -48.48465 
+L 73.44324 -48.538643 
+L 73.53288 -48.646971 
+L 73.62252 -48.767317 
+L 73.71216 -48.84535 
+L 73.8018 -56.083781 
+L 73.89144 -48.958112 
+L 73.98108 -48.556346 
+L 74.07072 -48.381976 
+L 74.16036 -48.352174 
+L 74.25 -48.340344 
+L 74.33964 -48.313646 
+L 74.42928 -48.276111 
+L 74.51892 -48.566719 
+L 74.60856 -48.276298 
+L 74.6982 -48.26921 
+L 74.78784 -48.358991 
+L 74.87748 -48.354766 
+L 74.96712 -51.950485 
+L 75.05676 -48.52311 
+L 75.1464 -48.419738 
+L 75.23604 -48.443513 
+L 75.32568 -48.544184 
+L 75.41532 -48.608648 
+L 75.50496 -48.890384 
+L 75.5946 -49.01039 
+L 75.68424 -48.865843 
+L 75.77388 -48.695281 
+L 75.86352 -48.471762 
+L 75.95316 -48.396427 
+L 76.0428 -48.398194 
+L 76.13244 -48.33458 
+L 76.22208 -48.352319 
+L 76.31172 -48.444816 
+L 76.40136 -48.245177 
+L 76.491 -48.23832 
+L 76.58064 -48.341429 
+L 76.67028 -48.493151 
+L 76.75992 -48.676332 
+L 76.84956 -50.456437 
+L 76.9392 -48.896173 
+L 77.02884 -48.831103 
+L 77.11848 -48.669641 
+L 77.20812 -48.565747 
+L 77.29776 -48.52233 
+L 77.3874 -48.763343 
+L 77.47704 -48.582955 
+L 77.56668 -48.654995 
+L 77.65632 -48.704217 
+L 77.74596 -48.940007 
+L 77.8356 -48.966037 
+L 77.92524 -48.726807 
+L 78.01488 -48.533433 
+L 78.10452 -48.514798 
+L 78.19416 -48.451369 
+L 78.2838 -48.260892 
+L 78.37344 -48.140716 
+L 78.46308 -48.089276 
+L 78.55272 -48.1043 
+L 78.64236 -48.238009 
+L 78.732 -48.452945 
+L 78.82164 -48.808998 
+L 78.91128 -48.986875 
+L 79.00092 -48.667634 
+L 79.09056 -48.514373 
+L 79.1802 -48.35093 
+L 79.26984 -48.595747 
+L 79.35948 -48.987851 
+L 79.44912 -48.8243 
+L 79.53876 -48.89636 
+L 79.6284 -49.033743 
+L 79.71804 -50.121186 
+L 79.80768 -49.675364 
+L 79.89732 -49.449844 
+L 79.98696 -49.158624 
+L 80.0766 -48.898575 
+L 80.16624 -48.552581 
+L 80.25588 -48.752641 
+L 80.34552 -48.89241 
+L 80.43516 -49.283173 
+L 80.5248 -48.690216 
+L 80.61444 -48.712762 
+L 80.70408 -48.625548 
+L 80.79372 -48.594883 
+L 80.88336 -50.165544 
+L 80.973 -48.558029 
+L 81.06264 -48.59982 
+L 81.15228 -48.643096 
+L 81.24192 -48.757138 
+L 81.33156 -48.920569 
+L 81.4212 -50.280837 
+L 81.51084 -49.254809 
+L 81.60048 -49.181937 
+L 81.69012 -48.971258 
+L 81.77976 -48.912113 
+L 81.8694 -49.110406 
+L 81.95904 -49.106055 
+L 82.04868 -49.121467 
+L 82.13832 -49.190421 
+L 82.22796 -49.169373 
+L 82.3176 -49.118333 
+L 82.40724 -49.005444 
+L 82.49688 -48.935026 
+L 82.58652 -48.913511 
+L 82.67616 -49.936321 
+L 82.7658 -48.926534 
+L 82.85544 -48.979773 
+L 82.94508 -49.102413 
+L 83.03472 -49.130232 
+L 83.12436 -49.191006 
+L 83.214 -49.23633 
+L 83.30364 -49.405328 
+L 83.39328 -49.694963 
+L 83.48292 -49.403912 
+L 83.57256 -49.331764 
+L 83.6622 -49.359355 
+L 83.75184 -49.430641 
+L 83.84148 -49.879197 
+L 83.93112 -49.91342 
+L 84.02076 -49.913773 
+L 84.1104 -50.007198 
+L 84.20004 -50.076176 
+L 84.28968 -50.36576 
+L 84.37932 -50.586788 
+L 84.46896 -50.612156 
+L 84.5586 -50.456697 
+L 84.64824 -50.339534 
+L 84.73788 -50.257362 
+L 84.82752 -50.184504 
+L 84.91716 -50.223956 
+L 85.0068 -50.699608 
+L 85.09644 -50.56559 
+L 85.18608 -50.486409 
+L 85.27572 -50.422048 
+L 85.36536 -50.148253 
+L 85.455 -50.854071 
+L 85.54464 -50.835402 
+L 85.63428 -50.772568 
+L 85.72392 -50.710566 
+L 85.81356 -50.61523 
+L 85.9032 -50.476144 
+L 85.99284 -50.32017 
+L 86.08248 -50.813674 
+L 86.17212 -50.38666 
+L 86.26176 -50.321963 
+L 86.3514 -50.283562 
+L 86.44104 -50.23233 
+L 86.53068 -50.089415 
+L 86.62032 -49.877651 
+L 86.70996 -49.960929 
+L 86.7996 -49.947657 
+L 86.88924 -50.01452 
+L 86.97888 -50.082604 
+L 87.06852 -50.148955 
+L 87.15816 -50.625066 
+L 87.2478 -50.144707 
+L 87.33744 -50.203935 
+L 87.42708 -50.167548 
+L 87.51672 -50.140835 
+L 87.60636 -50.08734 
+L 87.696 -49.964062 
+L 87.78564 -50.675699 
+L 87.87528 -49.992744 
+L 87.96492 -49.821796 
+L 88.05456 -49.809944 
+L 88.1442 -49.818465 
+L 88.23384 -49.827435 
+L 88.32348 -49.857143 
+L 88.41312 -50.041266 
+L 88.50276 -49.796557 
+L 88.5924 -49.893877 
+L 88.68204 -49.783994 
+L 88.77168 -49.731366 
+L 88.86132 -49.759378 
+L 88.95096 -49.837581 
+L 89.0406 -50.436727 
+L 89.13024 -49.994779 
+L 89.21988 -49.94483 
+L 89.30952 -49.907417 
+L 89.39916 -49.831645 
+L 89.4888 -49.830804 
+L 89.57844 -49.920112 
+L 89.66808 -50.08735 
+L 89.75772 -49.953106 
+L 89.84736 -49.81378 
+L 89.937 -49.692575 
+L 90.02664 -50.131142 
+L 90.11628 -49.795364 
+L 90.20592 -49.981821 
+L 90.29556 -49.971468 
+L 90.3852 -49.897144 
+L 90.47484 -49.868192 
+L 90.56448 -49.895585 
+L 90.65412 -49.911 
+L 90.74376 -50.062911 
+L 90.8334 -49.947005 
+L 90.92304 -49.900668 
+L 91.01268 -49.870076 
+L 91.10232 -49.845951 
+L 91.19196 -49.841076 
+L 91.2816 -49.817081 
+L 91.37124 -50.352821 
+L 91.46088 -49.951613 
+L 91.55052 -49.852569 
+L 91.64016 -49.773348 
+L 91.7298 -49.766448 
+L 91.81944 -49.672931 
+L 91.90908 -49.395782 
+L 91.99872 -49.485388 
+L 92.08836 -50.11906 
+L 92.178 -49.454278 
+L 92.26764 -49.437278 
+L 92.35728 -49.403191 
+L 92.44692 -49.341508 
+L 92.53656 -49.241959 
+L 92.6262 -49.216847 
+L 92.71584 -77.264952 
+L 92.80548 -49.257683 
+L 92.89512 -49.25578 
+L 92.98476 -49.324795 
+L 93.0744 -49.346191 
+L 93.16404 -49.375506 
+L 93.25368 -49.412371 
+L 93.34332 -49.503532 
+L 93.43296 -49.483201 
+L 93.5226 -49.494743 
+L 93.61224 -49.469041 
+L 93.70188 -49.374233 
+L 93.79152 -57.484125 
+L 93.88116 -49.407351 
+L 93.9708 -49.359302 
+L 94.06044 -49.364027 
+L 94.15008 -49.389687 
+L 94.23972 -49.361455 
+L 94.32936 -49.300426 
+L 94.419 -49.24566 
+L 94.50864 -49.241214 
+L 94.59828 -49.226376 
+L 94.68792 -49.202216 
+L 94.77756 -49.186672 
+L 94.8672 -49.492963 
+L 94.95684 -49.156446 
+L 95.04648 -49.143333 
+L 95.13612 -49.162854 
+L 95.22576 -49.176432 
+L 95.3154 -49.213664 
+L 95.40504 -49.221068 
+L 95.49468 -49.166473 
+L 95.58432 -49.150417 
+L 95.67396 -49.114332 
+L 95.7636 -49.11466 
+L 95.85324 -49.104073 
+L 95.94288 -49.113741 
+L 96.03252 -49.331182 
+L 96.12216 -49.12738 
+L 96.2118 -49.117061 
+L 96.30144 -49.075885 
+L 96.39108 -49.043822 
+L 96.48072 -48.995209 
+L 96.57036 -48.962221 
+L 96.66 -49.067558 
+L 96.74964 -48.972762 
+L 96.83928 -48.955817 
+L 96.92892 -48.97798 
+L 97.01856 -49.038194 
+L 97.1082 -49.1273 
+L 97.19784 -49.399926 
+L 97.28748 -49.131835 
+L 97.37712 -49.143612 
+L 97.46676 -49.143862 
+L 97.5564 -49.117821 
+L 97.64604 -49.012912 
+L 97.73568 -49.430712 
+L 97.82532 -49.020558 
+L 97.91496 -48.871474 
+L 98.0046 -48.759885 
+L 98.09424 -48.76125 
+L 98.18388 -48.798736 
+L 98.27352 -48.880983 
+L 98.36316 -49.323899 
+L 98.4528 -48.91859 
+L 98.54244 -48.878603 
+L 98.63208 -48.863969 
+L 98.72172 -48.851813 
+L 98.81136 -48.793591 
+L 98.901 -48.891405 
+L 98.99064 -48.712563 
+L 99.08028 -48.678029 
+L 99.16992 -48.685724 
+L 99.25956 -48.68368 
+L 99.3492 -48.738259 
+L 99.43884 -48.576745 
+L 99.52848 -49.391789 
+L 99.61812 -48.624058 
+L 99.70776 -48.520768 
+L 99.7974 -48.454529 
+L 99.88704 -48.437491 
+L 99.97668 -48.396555 
+L 100.06632 -48.380664 
+L 100.15596 -48.35442 
+L 100.2456 -48.954749 
+L 100.33524 -48.376866 
+L 100.42488 -48.313013 
+L 100.51452 -48.271675 
+L 100.60416 -48.223722 
+L 100.6938 -48.196453 
+L 100.78344 -48.463549 
+L 100.87308 -48.216618 
+L 100.96272 -48.18352 
+L 101.05236 -48.214408 
+L 101.142 -48.294186 
+L 101.23164 -48.307347 
+L 101.32128 -48.342687 
+L 101.41092 -47.970256 
+L 101.50056 -48.152359 
+L 101.5902 -48.029835 
+L 101.67984 -48.017591 
+L 101.76948 -48.036013 
+L 101.85912 -48.138854 
+L 101.94876 -56.124551 
+L 102.0384 -48.160927 
+L 102.12804 -48.184241 
+L 102.21768 -48.184822 
+L 102.30732 -48.188659 
+L 102.39696 -48.147451 
+L 102.4866 -48.203553 
+L 102.57624 -48.447141 
+L 102.66588 -48.11747 
+L 102.75552 -48.110688 
+L 102.84516 -48.038548 
+L 102.9348 -48.003278 
+L 103.02444 -48.020772 
+L 103.11408 -48.097692 
+L 103.20372 -48.765092 
+L 103.29336 -48.10068 
+L 103.383 -48.07855 
+L 103.47264 -48.067682 
+L 103.56228 -48.066891 
+L 103.65192 -48.101142 
+L 103.74156 -48.166365 
+L 103.8312 -49.733754 
+L 103.92084 -48.235509 
+L 104.01048 -48.252562 
+L 104.10012 -48.275114 
+L 104.18976 -48.36246 
+L 104.2794 -48.492775 
+L 104.36904 -48.846237 
+L 104.45868 -48.909592 
+L 104.54832 -48.708136 
+L 104.63796 -48.71799 
+L 104.7276 -48.756824 
+L 104.81724 -48.775107 
+L 104.90688 -48.734226 
+L 104.99652 -48.645893 
+L 105.08616 -48.664261 
+L 105.1758 -48.515462 
+L 105.26544 -48.496869 
+L 105.35508 -48.502021 
+L 105.44472 -49.71744 
+L 105.53436 -48.591669 
+L 105.624 -48.558077 
+L 105.71364 -48.554334 
+L 105.80328 -48.503527 
+L 105.89292 -48.493585 
+L 105.98256 -48.562693 
+L 106.0722 -48.50093 
+L 106.16184 -48.445965 
+L 106.25148 -48.445757 
+L 106.34112 -48.411288 
+L 106.43076 -48.436077 
+L 106.5204 -48.463349 
+L 106.61004 -48.517233 
+L 106.69968 -48.615238 
+L 106.78932 -55.192185 
+L 106.87896 -48.639316 
+L 106.9686 -48.675421 
+L 107.05824 -48.694393 
+L 107.14788 -48.693323 
+L 107.23752 -48.696754 
+L 107.32716 -48.69928 
+L 107.4168 -48.72169 
+L 107.50644 -48.683753 
+L 107.59608 -48.69763 
+L 107.68572 -48.687253 
+L 107.77536 -48.631938 
+L 107.865 -48.546396 
+L 107.95464 -48.342458 
+L 108.04428 -48.283758 
+L 108.13392 -48.272881 
+L 108.22356 -48.27942 
+L 108.3132 -48.29909 
+L 108.40284 -48.310329 
+L 108.49248 -48.364927 
+L 108.58212 -48.365459 
+L 108.67176 -48.36709 
+L 108.7614 -48.355021 
+L 108.85104 -48.349632 
+L 108.94068 -48.563395 
+L 109.03032 -48.369639 
+L 109.11996 -48.359135 
+L 109.2096 -48.379599 
+L 109.29924 -48.367581 
+L 109.38888 -48.975457 
+L 109.47852 -48.47705 
+L 109.56816 -48.446989 
+L 109.6578 -48.449234 
+L 109.74744 -48.443881 
+L 109.83708 -48.40713 
+L 109.92672 -48.429498 
+L 110.01636 -48.447549 
+L 110.106 -48.47418 
+L 110.19564 -48.412757 
+L 110.28528 -48.420469 
+L 110.37492 -48.447718 
+L 110.46456 -48.519716 
+L 110.5542 -48.582425 
+L 110.64384 -48.885491 
+L 110.73348 -48.604437 
+L 110.82312 -48.641762 
+L 110.91276 -48.639612 
+L 111.0024 -48.65977 
+L 111.09204 -48.672089 
+L 111.18168 -48.909393 
+L 111.27132 -48.738457 
+L 111.36096 -48.757656 
+L 111.4506 -48.76597 
+L 111.54024 -48.807582 
+L 111.62988 -48.830715 
+L 111.71952 -48.947079 
+L 111.80916 -48.850711 
+L 111.8988 -48.796662 
+L 111.98844 -48.882245 
+L 112.07808 -48.809377 
+L 112.16772 -48.747915 
+L 112.25736 -48.7381 
+L 112.347 -48.722204 
+L 112.43664 -48.632738 
+L 112.52628 -48.606026 
+L 112.61592 -48.500962 
+L 112.70556 -48.385565 
+L 112.7952 -48.206605 
+L 112.88484 -48.173973 
+L 112.97448 -48.172716 
+L 113.06412 -48.215125 
+L 113.15376 -48.180767 
+L 113.2434 -48.20781 
+L 113.33304 -48.222791 
+L 113.42268 -48.793487 
+L 113.51232 -48.273204 
+L 113.60196 -48.25688 
+L 113.6916 -48.226655 
+L 113.78124 -48.307259 
+L 113.87088 -48.22512 
+L 113.96052 -48.219264 
+L 114.05016 -48.234946 
+L 114.1398 -48.25369 
+L 114.22944 -48.300799 
+L 114.31908 -48.3106 
+L 114.40872 -48.324884 
+L 114.49836 -48.344142 
+L 114.588 -48.464086 
+L 114.67764 -48.490574 
+L 114.76728 -48.507457 
+L 114.85692 -48.534871 
+L 114.94656 -48.581497 
+L 115.0362 -48.56547 
+L 115.12584 -48.572226 
+L 115.21548 -48.589138 
+L 115.30512 -48.626234 
+L 115.39476 -48.710928 
+L 115.4844 -48.632173 
+L 115.57404 -48.666091 
+L 115.66368 -48.663253 
+L 115.75332 -48.668304 
+L 115.84296 -48.684456 
+L 115.9326 -48.660205 
+L 116.02224 -48.657034 
+L 116.11188 -48.671013 
+L 116.20152 -48.706323 
+L 116.29116 -48.735445 
+L 116.3808 -48.953798 
+L 116.47044 -48.744273 
+L 116.56008 -48.715123 
+L 116.64972 -48.708967 
+L 116.73936 -48.715621 
+L 116.829 -48.706623 
+L 116.91864 -48.702208 
+L 117.00828 -48.695795 
+L 117.09792 -48.636994 
+L 117.18756 -48.576079 
+L 117.2772 -48.550552 
+L 117.36684 -48.490642 
+L 117.45648 -48.409061 
+L 117.54612 -48.360005 
+L 117.63576 -48.912643 
+L 117.7254 -48.37744 
+L 117.81504 -48.344509 
+L 117.90468 -48.315877 
+L 117.99432 -48.303379 
+L 118.08396 -48.338261 
+L 118.1736 -48.710094 
+L 118.26324 -48.443944 
+L 118.35288 -48.590061 
+L 118.44252 -48.56032 
+L 118.53216 -48.532832 
+L 118.6218 -48.52564 
+L 118.71144 -48.545003 
+L 118.80108 -48.66635 
+L 118.89072 -48.497047 
+L 118.98036 -48.459532 
+L 119.07 -48.425164 
+L 119.15964 -48.456864 
+L 119.24928 -48.474597 
+L 119.33892 -48.59342 
+L 119.42856 -48.456036 
+L 119.5182 -48.456733 
+L 119.60784 -48.925048 
+L 119.69748 -48.541217 
+L 119.78712 -48.564279 
+L 119.87676 -48.629538 
+L 119.9664 -48.742752 
+L 120.05604 -48.68292 
+L 120.14568 -48.644742 
+L 120.23532 -48.6112 
+L 120.32496 -48.531197 
+L 120.4146 -48.531203 
+L 120.50424 -48.971809 
+L 120.59388 -48.569171 
+L 120.68352 -48.598615 
+L 120.77316 -48.641511 
+L 120.8628 -48.659193 
+L 120.95244 -48.725708 
+L 121.04208 -48.756407 
+L 121.13172 -48.924739 
+L 121.22136 -48.839294 
+L 121.311 -48.813287 
+L 121.40064 -48.824513 
+L 121.49028 -48.592151 
+L 121.57992 -48.718776 
+L 121.66956 -48.783747 
+L 121.7592 -48.721988 
+L 121.84884 -48.748072 
+L 121.93848 -48.874469 
+L 122.02812 -48.921464 
+L 122.11776 -49.047009 
+L 122.2074 -49.107064 
+L 122.29704 -49.287186 
+L 122.38668 -49.079329 
+L 122.47632 -48.992877 
+L 122.56596 -48.881857 
+L 122.6556 -48.782437 
+L 122.74524 -48.729291 
+L 122.83488 -48.748645 
+L 122.92452 -48.829555 
+L 123.01416 -48.861627 
+L 123.1038 -48.853862 
+L 123.19344 -48.820777 
+L 123.28308 -48.804794 
+L 123.37272 -49.067039 
+L 123.46236 -48.832222 
+L 123.552 -48.901463 
+L 123.64164 -48.96183 
+L 123.73128 -49.018851 
+L 123.82092 -49.059265 
+L 123.91056 -49.035294 
+L 124.0002 -48.903255 
+L 124.08984 -48.817816 
+L 124.17948 -48.791122 
+L 124.26912 -48.729287 
+L 124.35876 -48.741923 
+L 124.4484 -48.801586 
+L 124.53804 -48.747349 
+L 124.62768 -48.794659 
+L 124.71732 -48.874952 
+L 124.80696 -48.954176 
+L 124.8966 -48.989638 
+L 124.98624 -49.020104 
+L 125.07588 -49.056894 
+L 125.16552 -49.130963 
+L 125.25516 -49.098296 
+L 125.3448 -49.132295 
+L 125.43444 -49.155157 
+L 125.52408 -49.114446 
+L 125.61372 -48.986325 
+L 125.70336 -49.058973 
+L 125.793 -49.028169 
+L 125.88264 -48.98059 
+L 125.97228 -48.935483 
+L 126.06192 -48.917834 
+L 126.15156 -48.90777 
+L 126.2412 -49.002284 
+L 126.33084 -48.957477 
+L 126.42048 -48.952035 
+L 126.51012 -48.962199 
+L 126.59976 -48.9672 
+L 126.6894 -50.117745 
+L 126.77904 -49.026072 
+L 126.86868 -49.001823 
+L 126.95832 -48.988715 
+L 127.04796 -48.98646 
+L 127.1376 -48.999736 
+L 127.22724 -49.085748 
+L 127.31688 -49.334341 
+L 127.40652 -49.164015 
+L 127.49616 -49.354986 
+L 127.5858 -49.348954 
+L 127.67544 -49.363207 
+L 127.76508 -49.347275 
+L 127.85472 -49.325472 
+L 127.94436 -49.348542 
+L 128.034 -49.446408 
+L 128.12364 -49.356707 
+L 128.21328 -49.391359 
+L 128.30292 -49.466469 
+L 128.39256 -49.509076 
+L 128.4822 -49.534573 
+L 128.57184 -49.615652 
+L 128.66148 -49.369115 
+L 128.75112 -49.308308 
+L 128.84076 -49.196809 
+L 128.9304 -48.971504 
+L 129.02004 -49.067462 
+L 129.10968 -48.976268 
+L 129.19932 -48.937288 
+L 129.28896 -48.901523 
+L 129.3786 -48.912059 
+L 129.46824 -48.899673 
+L 129.55788 -48.8359 
+L 129.64752 -48.87792 
+L 129.73716 -48.777127 
+L 129.8268 -48.746698 
+L 129.91644 -48.741101 
+L 130.00608 -48.721 
+L 130.09572 -48.666407 
+L 130.18536 -48.647826 
+L 130.275 -48.654892 
+L 130.36464 -48.652667 
+L 130.45428 -48.657933 
+L 130.54392 -48.566364 
+L 130.63356 -48.590002 
+L 130.7232 -48.576336 
+L 130.81284 -48.558255 
+L 130.90248 -48.542953 
+L 130.99212 -48.606895 
+L 131.08176 -48.556974 
+L 131.1714 -48.533657 
+L 131.26104 -48.51489 
+L 131.35068 -48.523001 
+L 131.44032 -48.528913 
+L 131.52996 -49.016403 
+L 131.6196 -48.58594 
+L 131.70924 -48.579081 
+L 131.79888 -48.58193 
+L 131.88852 -48.596194 
+L 131.97816 -48.634667 
+L 132.0678 -48.682269 
+L 132.15744 -48.791905 
+L 132.24708 -48.912065 
+L 132.33672 -48.830329 
+L 132.42636 -48.828902 
+L 132.516 -48.86973 
+L 132.60564 -48.939259 
+L 132.69528 -49.068433 
+L 132.78492 -49.339362 
+L 132.87456 -49.180394 
+L 132.9642 -49.094033 
+L 133.05384 -49.015025 
+L 133.14348 -48.958115 
+L 133.23312 -48.840337 
+L 133.32276 -48.78939 
+L 133.4124 -48.806444 
+L 133.50204 -48.817499 
+L 133.59168 -48.966 
+L 133.68132 -48.81627 
+L 133.77096 -48.792236 
+L 133.8606 -48.754529 
+L 133.95024 -48.735174 
+L 134.03988 -48.729487 
+L 134.12952 -48.738039 
+L 134.21916 -48.794603 
+L 134.3088 -48.812428 
+L 134.39844 -48.823048 
+L 134.48808 -48.801588 
+L 134.57772 -48.950418 
+L 134.66736 -48.848845 
+L 134.757 -48.845559 
+L 134.84664 -48.799502 
+L 134.93628 -48.812495 
+L 135.02592 -48.833239 
+L 135.11556 -48.849121 
+L 135.2052 -48.887713 
+L 135.29484 -49.096723 
+L 135.38448 -48.969127 
+L 135.47412 -48.977396 
+L 135.56376 -48.936375 
+L 135.6534 -48.857199 
+L 135.74304 -49.036704 
+L 135.83268 -48.814513 
+L 135.92232 -48.797786 
+L 136.01196 -48.802211 
+L 136.1016 -48.796664 
+L 136.19124 -48.794539 
+L 136.28088 -48.816518 
+L 136.37052 -48.831855 
+L 136.46016 -48.821526 
+L 136.5498 -49.006559 
+L 136.63944 -48.875335 
+L 136.72908 -48.783334 
+L 136.81872 -48.747912 
+L 136.90836 -48.780934 
+L 136.998 -48.716075 
+L 137.08764 -48.726093 
+L 137.17728 -48.73033 
+L 137.26692 -48.840266 
+L 137.35656 -48.734739 
+L 137.4462 -48.706969 
+L 137.53584 -48.683077 
+L 137.62548 -48.647659 
+L 137.71512 -48.625093 
+L 137.80476 -48.621821 
+L 137.8944 -48.621285 
+L 137.98404 -48.617991 
+L 138.07368 -48.606579 
+L 138.16332 -48.631793 
+L 138.25296 -48.623556 
+L 138.3426 -48.6076 
+L 138.43224 -48.837798 
+L 138.52188 -48.617647 
+L 138.61152 -48.613955 
+L 138.70116 -48.639225 
+L 138.7908 -48.654522 
+L 138.88044 -48.681599 
+L 138.97008 -48.718026 
+L 139.05972 -48.768496 
+L 139.14936 -48.850308 
+L 139.239 -48.780258 
+L 139.32864 -48.741105 
+L 139.41828 -48.7325 
+L 139.50792 -48.694296 
+L 139.59756 -48.669579 
+L 139.6872 -48.865171 
+L 139.77684 -48.650826 
+L 139.86648 -48.614655 
+L 139.95612 -48.590088 
+L 140.04576 -48.590853 
+L 140.1354 -48.589137 
+L 140.22504 -48.635061 
+L 140.31468 -48.597845 
+L 140.40432 -48.597066 
+L 140.49396 -48.600304 
+L 140.5836 -48.598803 
+L 140.67324 -48.672373 
+L 140.76288 -48.524514 
+L 140.85252 -48.610093 
+L 140.94216 -48.688401 
+L 141.0318 -48.680529 
+L 141.12144 -48.666501 
+L 141.21108 -48.643067 
+L 141.30072 -48.5197 
+L 141.39036 -48.691812 
+L 141.48 -48.529279 
+L 141.56964 -48.447122 
+L 141.65928 -48.406388 
+L 141.74892 -48.397609 
+L 141.83856 -48.41462 
+L 141.9282 -48.425004 
+L 142.01784 -48.566839 
+L 142.10748 -48.46713 
+L 142.19712 -48.474337 
+L 142.28676 -48.47521 
+L 142.3764 -48.47374 
+L 142.46604 -48.476308 
+L 142.55568 -48.529002 
+L 142.64532 -48.482474 
+L 142.73496 -48.502385 
+L 142.8246 -48.539702 
+L 142.91424 -48.541288 
+L 143.00388 -48.524737 
+L 143.09352 -48.46129 
+L 143.18316 -48.379869 
+L 143.2728 -51.886975 
+L 143.36244 -48.390641 
+L 143.45208 -48.340312 
+L 143.54172 -48.350209 
+L 143.63136 -48.354528 
+L 143.721 -48.366222 
+L 143.81064 -48.377089 
+L 143.90028 -48.390516 
+L 143.98992 -48.36934 
+L 144.07956 -48.312625 
+L 144.1692 -48.260607 
+L 144.25884 -48.229102 
+L 144.34848 -48.236664 
+L 144.43812 -48.19162 
+L 144.52776 -48.177593 
+L 144.6174 -48.151498 
+L 144.70704 -48.133339 
+L 144.79668 -48.102322 
+L 144.88632 -48.171272 
+L 144.97596 -48.137866 
+L 145.0656 -48.134041 
+L 145.15524 -48.130272 
+L 145.24488 -48.057433 
+L 145.33452 -48.081257 
+L 145.42416 -48.131642 
+L 145.5138 -48.078022 
+L 145.60344 -48.054226 
+L 145.69308 -48.049596 
+L 145.78272 -48.045939 
+L 145.87236 -48.073605 
+L 145.962 -48.152088 
+L 146.05164 -48.647367 
+L 146.14128 -48.1533 
+L 146.23092 -48.222042 
+L 146.32056 -48.238437 
+L 146.4102 -48.281621 
+L 146.49984 -48.475516 
+L 146.58948 -48.336692 
+L 146.67912 -48.363806 
+L 146.76876 -48.339909 
+L 146.8584 -48.332842 
+L 146.94804 -48.350459 
+L 147.03768 -48.379991 
+L 147.12732 -48.442431 
+L 147.21696 -48.492014 
+L 147.3066 -48.443867 
+L 147.39624 -48.448075 
+L 147.48588 -48.426129 
+L 147.57552 -48.392131 
+L 147.66516 -48.392919 
+L 147.7548 -48.653397 
+L 147.84444 -48.421573 
+L 147.93408 -48.384904 
+L 148.02372 -48.352116 
+L 148.11336 -48.376888 
+L 148.203 -48.334709 
+L 148.29264 -48.347289 
+L 148.38228 -48.418017 
+L 148.47192 -48.410162 
+L 148.56156 -48.469874 
+L 148.6512 -48.51394 
+L 148.74084 -48.588057 
+L 148.83048 -48.940593 
+L 148.92012 -48.626641 
+L 149.00976 -48.679622 
+L 149.0994 -49.011442 
+L 149.18904 -48.689893 
+L 149.27868 -48.680018 
+L 149.36832 -48.691559 
+L 149.45796 -48.698532 
+L 149.5476 -48.72279 
+L 149.63724 -48.820009 
+L 149.72688 -48.84394 
+L 149.81652 -48.916869 
+L 149.90616 -49.075588 
+L 149.9958 -48.960329 
+L 150.08544 -48.820335 
+L 150.17508 -48.763933 
+L 150.26472 -48.732223 
+L 150.35436 -48.752719 
+L 150.444 -48.790341 
+L 150.53364 -48.842034 
+L 150.62328 -48.927943 
+L 150.71292 -48.890252 
+L 150.80256 -48.8856 
+L 150.8922 -48.886609 
+L 150.98184 -48.868566 
+L 151.07148 -48.797025 
+L 151.16112 -48.71981 
+L 151.25076 -48.655975 
+L 151.3404 -48.635151 
+L 151.43004 -48.595291 
+L 151.51968 -48.470436 
+L 151.60932 -48.475508 
+L 151.69896 -48.480297 
+L 151.7886 -48.48111 
+L 151.87824 -48.506204 
+L 151.96788 -48.491634 
+L 152.05752 -48.477921 
+L 152.14716 -48.488005 
+L 152.2368 -48.460343 
+L 152.32644 -48.467589 
+L 152.41608 -48.47525 
+L 152.50572 -48.469197 
+L 152.59536 -48.476176 
+L 152.685 -48.429596 
+L 152.77464 -48.414544 
+L 152.86428 -48.401284 
+L 152.95392 -48.392412 
+L 153.04356 -48.413017 
+L 153.1332 -48.421132 
+L 153.22284 -48.44549 
+L 153.31248 -48.450316 
+L 153.40212 -48.438931 
+L 153.49176 -48.425439 
+L 153.5814 -48.420418 
+L 153.67104 -48.462812 
+L 153.76068 -48.399879 
+L 153.85032 -48.424901 
+L 153.93996 -48.43003 
+L 154.0296 -48.459096 
+L 154.11924 -48.47833 
+L 154.20888 -48.551969 
+L 154.29852 -48.484244 
+L 154.38816 -48.46954 
+L 154.4778 -48.46652 
+L 154.56744 -48.457107 
+L 154.65708 -48.451514 
+L 154.74672 -48.495638 
+L 154.83636 -48.432628 
+L 154.926 -48.414557 
+L 155.01564 -48.5154 
+L 155.10528 -48.432978 
+L 155.19492 -48.37526 
+L 155.28456 -48.340974 
+L 155.3742 -48.343519 
+L 155.46384 -48.353181 
+L 155.55348 -48.528659 
+L 155.64312 -48.383407 
+L 155.73276 -48.385259 
+L 155.8224 -48.417171 
+L 155.91204 -48.432993 
+L 156.00168 -48.481206 
+L 156.09132 -48.444677 
+L 156.18096 -48.41215 
+L 156.2706 -48.371659 
+L 156.36024 -48.36184 
+L 156.44988 -48.295391 
+L 156.53952 -48.325923 
+L 156.62916 -48.321122 
+L 156.7188 -48.319735 
+L 156.80844 -48.318239 
+L 156.89808 -48.319561 
+L 156.98772 -48.4294 
+L 157.07736 -48.314502 
+L 157.167 -48.313394 
+L 157.25664 -48.306681 
+L 157.34628 -48.308697 
+L 157.43592 -48.314924 
+L 157.52556 -48.307573 
+L 157.6152 -48.372518 
+L 157.70484 -48.373743 
+L 157.79448 -48.4166 
+L 157.88412 -48.522678 
+L 157.97376 -48.547756 
+L 158.0634 -48.556245 
+L 158.15304 -48.525624 
+L 158.24268 -48.514034 
+L 158.33232 -48.607458 
+L 158.42196 -48.528256 
+L 158.5116 -48.4924 
+L 158.60124 -48.320882 
+L 158.69088 -48.268215 
+L 158.78052 -48.346748 
+L 158.87016 -48.216877 
+L 158.9598 -48.246747 
+L 159.04944 -48.256139 
+L 159.13908 -48.250245 
+L 159.22872 -48.232126 
+L 159.31836 -48.191021 
+L 159.408 -48.168199 
+L 159.49764 -48.158682 
+L 159.58728 -48.149275 
+L 159.67692 -48.155029 
+L 159.76656 -48.143925 
+L 159.8562 -48.151244 
+L 159.94584 -48.184234 
+L 160.03548 -48.208234 
+L 160.12512 -48.22374 
+L 160.21476 -48.202018 
+L 160.3044 -48.206479 
+L 160.39404 -48.221352 
+L 160.48368 -48.264724 
+L 160.57332 -48.232355 
+L 160.66296 -48.223362 
+L 160.7526 -48.230272 
+L 160.84224 -48.232386 
+L 160.93188 -48.284988 
+L 161.02152 -48.256172 
+L 161.11116 -48.255458 
+L 161.2008 -48.262093 
+L 161.29044 -48.260772 
+L 161.38008 -48.262991 
+L 161.46972 -48.248822 
+L 161.55936 -48.26842 
+L 161.649 -48.358485 
+L 161.73864 -48.278795 
+L 161.82828 -48.289728 
+L 161.91792 -48.32001 
+L 162.00756 -48.337808 
+L 162.0972 -48.372308 
+L 162.18684 -48.402342 
+L 162.27648 -48.396177 
+L 162.36612 -48.388738 
+L 162.45576 -48.397135 
+L 162.5454 -48.377821 
+L 162.63504 -48.750344 
+L 162.72468 -48.411378 
+L 162.81432 -48.387182 
+L 162.90396 -48.408935 
+L 162.9936 -48.390454 
+L 163.08324 -48.387633 
+L 163.17288 -48.381844 
+L 163.26252 -48.368861 
+L 163.35216 -48.347258 
+L 163.4418 -48.299249 
+L 163.53144 -48.266985 
+L 163.62108 -48.266537 
+L 163.71072 -48.276417 
+L 163.80036 -48.283806 
+L 163.89 -48.295421 
+L 163.97964 -48.353691 
+L 164.06928 -48.307587 
+L 164.15892 -48.312849 
+L 164.24856 -48.311505 
+L 164.3382 -48.343241 
+L 164.42784 -48.332937 
+L 164.51748 -48.351093 
+L 164.60712 -48.334674 
+L 164.69676 -48.333151 
+L 164.7864 -48.337889 
+L 164.87604 -48.346611 
+L 164.96568 -48.40457 
+L 165.05532 -48.359277 
+L 165.14496 -48.365968 
+L 165.2346 -48.358706 
+L 165.32424 -48.361158 
+L 165.41388 -48.360844 
+L 165.50352 -48.345072 
+L 165.59316 -48.315637 
+L 165.6828 -48.426227 
+L 165.77244 -48.30612 
+L 165.86208 -48.271975 
+L 165.95172 -48.252372 
+L 166.04136 -48.24111 
+L 166.131 -48.231408 
+L 166.22064 -48.235642 
+L 166.31028 -48.229221 
+L 166.39992 -48.233388 
+L 166.48956 -48.235158 
+L 166.5792 -48.236354 
+L 166.66884 -48.228819 
+L 166.75848 -48.219466 
+L 166.84812 -48.189126 
+L 166.93776 -48.183128 
+L 167.0274 -48.168013 
+L 167.11704 -48.168088 
+L 167.20668 -48.170525 
+L 167.29632 -48.220888 
+L 167.38596 -48.175079 
+L 167.4756 -48.188648 
+L 167.56524 -48.198267 
+L 167.65488 -48.227943 
+L 167.74452 -48.226269 
+L 167.83416 -48.219319 
+L 167.9238 -48.206011 
+L 168.01344 -48.195972 
+L 168.10308 -48.146955 
+L 168.19272 -48.158243 
+L 168.28236 -48.164514 
+L 168.372 -48.173495 
+L 168.46164 -48.217878 
+L 168.55128 -48.180144 
+L 168.64092 -48.172597 
+L 168.73056 -48.166648 
+L 168.8202 -48.164086 
+L 168.90984 -48.164377 
+L 168.99948 -48.186751 
+L 169.08912 -48.166877 
+L 169.17876 -48.171372 
+L 169.2684 -48.184142 
+L 169.35804 -48.197497 
+L 169.44768 -48.236841 
+L 169.53732 -48.405916 
+L 169.62696 -48.231845 
+L 169.7166 -48.226538 
+L 169.80624 -48.218563 
+L 169.89588 -48.214979 
+L 169.98552 -48.213519 
+L 170.07516 -48.218597 
+L 170.1648 -48.314283 
+L 170.25444 -48.244266 
+L 170.34408 -48.249055 
+L 170.43372 -48.252859 
+L 170.52336 -48.266859 
+L 170.613 -48.271537 
+L 170.70264 -48.368833 
+L 170.79228 -48.299429 
+L 170.88192 -48.259861 
+L 170.97156 -48.225592 
+L 171.0612 -48.207913 
+L 171.15084 -48.233149 
+L 171.24048 -48.192977 
+L 171.33012 -48.19844 
+L 171.41976 -48.207721 
+L 171.5094 -48.212764 
+L 171.59904 -48.236071 
+L 171.68868 -48.233096 
+L 171.77832 -48.23794 
+L 171.86796 -48.25051 
+L 171.9576 -48.254331 
+L 172.04724 -48.254973 
+L 172.13688 -48.25663 
+L 172.22652 -48.26147 
+L 172.31616 -48.282352 
+L 172.4058 -48.363363 
+L 172.49544 -48.346072 
+L 172.58508 -48.36001 
+L 172.67472 -48.376378 
+L 172.76436 -48.372189 
+L 172.854 -48.450142 
+L 172.94364 -48.3704 
+L 173.03328 -48.358753 
+L 173.12292 -48.348152 
+L 173.21256 -48.333648 
+L 173.3022 -48.267534 
+L 173.39184 -48.231566 
+L 173.48148 -48.15809 
+L 173.57112 -48.162211 
+L 173.66076 -48.16634 
+L 173.7504 -48.169844 
+L 173.84004 -48.153575 
+L 173.92968 -48.134066 
+L 174.01932 -48.102038 
+L 174.10896 -48.085564 
+L 174.1986 -48.06099 
+L 174.28824 -48.025587 
+L 174.37788 -48.007932 
+L 174.46752 -47.979602 
+L 174.55716 -47.984971 
+L 174.6468 -47.985981 
+L 174.73644 -48.005911 
+L 174.82608 -48.032367 
+L 174.91572 -48.066207 
+L 175.00536 -48.087472 
+L 175.095 -48.055813 
+L 175.18464 -48.012288 
+L 175.27428 -48.005182 
+L 175.36392 -48.007393 
+L 175.45356 -48.012366 
+L 175.5432 -48.035728 
+L 175.63284 -48.020663 
+L 175.72248 -48.012904 
+L 175.81212 -47.992785 
+L 175.90176 -47.943168 
+L 175.9914 -47.964094 
+L 176.08104 -47.927578 
+L 176.17068 -47.924279 
+L 176.26032 -47.92123 
+L 176.34996 -47.921331 
+L 176.4396 -47.923612 
+L 176.52924 -48.360145 
+L 176.61888 -47.946738 
+L 176.70852 -47.95465 
+L 176.79816 -47.957764 
+L 176.8878 -47.949995 
+L 176.97744 -47.963931 
+L 177.06708 -47.905601 
+L 177.15672 -47.905857 
+L 177.24636 -47.924681 
+L 177.336 -47.919037 
+L 177.42564 -47.92811 
+L 177.51528 -47.904072 
+L 177.60492 -47.911551 
+L 177.69456 -47.893438 
+L 177.7842 -47.923871 
+L 177.87384 -47.932528 
+L 177.96348 -47.930346 
+L 178.05312 -47.94244 
+L 178.14276 -47.917712 
+L 178.2324 -47.908896 
+L 178.32204 -47.890989 
+L 178.41168 -47.881644 
+L 178.50132 -47.855846 
+L 178.59096 -47.799294 
+L 178.6806 -48.004831 
+L 178.77024 -47.808021 
+L 178.85988 -47.807505 
+L 178.94952 -47.858811 
+L 179.03916 -47.815116 
+L 179.1288 -47.806814 
+L 179.21844 -47.802834 
+L 179.30808 -47.795492 
+L 179.39772 -47.797153 
+L 179.48736 -47.805245 
+L 179.577 -47.804415 
+L 179.66664 -47.805189 
+L 179.75628 -47.794058 
+L 179.84592 -47.803885 
+L 179.93556 -47.797505 
+L 180.0252 -47.80452 
+L 180.11484 -47.945084 
+L 180.20448 -47.765844 
+L 180.29412 -47.777753 
+L 180.38376 -47.997434 
+L 180.4734 -47.775012 
+L 180.56304 -47.794955 
+L 180.65268 -47.815367 
+L 180.74232 -47.830946 
+L 180.83196 -47.839814 
+L 180.9216 -47.807601 
+L 181.01124 -47.8369 
+L 181.10088 -47.814231 
+L 181.19052 -47.797665 
+L 181.28016 -47.768157 
+L 181.3698 -47.767751 
+L 181.45944 -47.673076 
+L 181.54908 -47.70044 
+L 181.63872 -47.714345 
+L 181.72836 -47.742124 
+L 181.818 -47.741094 
+L 181.90764 -47.745373 
+L 181.99728 -47.728611 
+L 182.08692 -47.708942 
+L 182.17656 -47.695038 
+L 182.2662 -47.687422 
+L 182.35584 -47.686223 
+L 182.44548 -47.67996 
+L 182.53512 -47.807158 
+L 182.62476 -47.704556 
+L 182.7144 -47.694519 
+L 182.80404 -47.686899 
+L 182.89368 -47.678244 
+L 182.98332 -47.66535 
+L 183.07296 -47.677501 
+L 183.1626 -47.663822 
+L 183.25224 -47.678272 
+L 183.34188 -47.696694 
+L 183.43152 -47.698159 
+L 183.52116 -47.718768 
+L 183.6108 -47.706463 
+L 183.70044 -47.664037 
+L 183.79008 -47.650423 
+L 183.87972 -47.644283 
+L 183.96936 -47.629094 
+L 184.059 -47.599343 
+L 184.14864 -47.616879 
+L 184.23828 -47.60939 
+L 184.32792 -47.597961 
+L 184.41756 -47.599877 
+L 184.5072 -47.602728 
+L 184.59684 -47.602645 
+L 184.68648 -47.591012 
+L 184.77612 -47.684477 
+L 184.86576 -47.60034 
+L 184.9554 -47.576468 
+L 185.04504 -47.555661 
+L 185.13468 -47.570992 
+L 185.22432 -47.562508 
+L 185.31396 -47.611415 
+L 185.4036 -47.595396 
+L 185.49324 -47.585452 
+L 185.58288 -47.620097 
+L 185.67252 -47.589764 
+L 185.76216 -47.598209 
+L 185.8518 -47.558163 
+L 185.94144 -47.550193 
+L 186.03108 -47.516541 
+L 186.12072 -47.487661 
+L 186.21036 -47.482641 
+L 186.3 -47.483637 
+L 186.38964 -47.461776 
+L 186.47928 -47.454429 
+L 186.56892 -47.427087 
+L 186.65856 -47.63441 
+L 186.7482 -47.419396 
+L 186.83784 -47.408825 
+L 186.92748 -47.397728 
+L 187.01712 -47.375582 
+L 187.10676 -47.366463 
+L 187.1964 -47.364364 
+L 187.28604 -47.348098 
+L 187.37568 -47.387099 
+L 187.46532 -47.372973 
+L 187.55496 -47.366602 
+L 187.6446 -47.374736 
+L 187.73424 -47.387495 
+L 187.82388 -47.402411 
+L 187.91352 -47.448157 
+L 188.00316 -47.415072 
+L 188.0928 -47.415456 
+L 188.18244 -47.423118 
+L 188.27208 -47.425162 
+L 188.36172 -47.448708 
+L 188.45136 -47.603772 
+L 188.541 -47.434828 
+L 188.63064 -47.44168 
+L 188.72028 -47.46936 
+L 188.80992 -47.475626 
+L 188.89956 -47.663796 
+L 188.9892 -47.49872 
+L 189.07884 -47.514376 
+L 189.16848 -47.625727 
+L 189.25812 -47.503815 
+L 189.34776 -47.50208 
+L 189.4374 -47.499419 
+L 189.52704 -47.509952 
+L 189.61668 -47.549509 
+L 189.70632 -47.557113 
+L 189.79596 -47.722209 
+L 189.8856 -47.562972 
+L 189.97524 -47.556757 
+L 190.06488 -47.560318 
+L 190.15452 -47.566461 
+L 190.24416 -47.575944 
+L 190.3338 -47.55591 
+L 190.42344 -47.555772 
+L 190.51308 -47.557219 
+L 190.60272 -47.554354 
+L 190.69236 -47.547775 
+L 190.782 -47.534354 
+L 190.87164 -47.526942 
+L 190.96128 -48.211895 
+L 191.05092 -47.523273 
+L 191.14056 -47.520128 
+L 191.2302 -47.515896 
+L 191.31984 -47.535197 
+L 191.40948 -47.572247 
+L 191.49912 -47.544026 
+L 191.58876 -47.542606 
+L 191.6784 -47.532825 
+L 191.76804 -47.535514 
+L 191.85768 -47.540221 
+L 191.94732 -47.540068 
+L 192.03696 -47.61192 
+L 192.1266 -47.540654 
+L 192.21624 -47.543765 
+L 192.30588 -47.545585 
+L 192.39552 -47.552617 
+L 192.48516 -47.622061 
+L 192.5748 -47.615222 
+L 192.66444 -47.619118 
+L 192.75408 -47.613408 
+L 192.84372 -47.609639 
+L 192.93336 -47.600231 
+L 193.023 -47.585261 
+L 193.11264 -47.573472 
+L 193.20228 -47.72683 
+L 193.29192 -47.596069 
+L 193.38156 -47.600295 
+L 193.4712 -47.612882 
+L 193.56084 -47.614176 
+L 193.65048 -47.608164 
+L 193.74012 -47.606291 
+L 193.82976 -47.611033 
+L 193.9194 -47.598587 
+L 194.00904 -47.592949 
+L 194.09868 -47.591438 
+L 194.18832 -47.571396 
+L 194.27796 -47.634264 
+L 194.3676 -47.615158 
+L 194.45724 -47.61989 
+L 194.54688 -47.632957 
+L 194.63652 -47.638908 
+L 194.72616 -47.649708 
+L 194.8158 -47.652953 
+L 194.90544 -47.659229 
+L 194.99508 -47.67612 
+L 195.08472 -47.647442 
+L 195.17436 -47.645982 
+L 195.264 -47.652769 
+L 195.35364 -47.674805 
+L 195.44328 -47.69446 
+L 195.53292 -47.693855 
+L 195.62256 -47.683446 
+L 195.7122 -47.657148 
+L 195.80184 -47.64806 
+L 195.89148 -47.650304 
+L 195.98112 -47.66325 
+L 196.07076 -47.67059 
+L 196.1604 -47.656532 
+L 196.25004 -47.670786 
+L 196.33968 -47.713415 
+L 196.42932 -47.643874 
+L 196.51896 -47.598465 
+L 196.6086 -47.538981 
+L 196.69824 -47.712327 
+L 196.78788 -47.536005 
+L 196.87752 -47.506795 
+L 196.96716 -47.509978 
+L 197.0568 -47.517484 
+L 197.14644 -47.57861 
+L 197.23608 -47.531669 
+L 197.32572 -47.541763 
+L 197.41536 -47.529942 
+L 197.505 -47.513791 
+L 197.59464 -47.51162 
+L 197.68428 -47.500708 
+L 197.77392 -47.5194 
+L 197.86356 -47.517046 
+L 197.9532 -47.531064 
+L 198.04284 -47.52761 
+L 198.13248 -47.52865 
+L 198.22212 -47.539274 
+L 198.31176 -47.597837 
+L 198.4014 -47.557285 
+L 198.49104 -47.567984 
+L 198.58068 -47.58575 
+L 198.67032 -47.615901 
+L 198.75996 -47.626219 
+L 198.8496 -47.662565 
+L 198.93924 -47.613723 
+L 199.02888 -47.586559 
+L 199.11852 -47.559782 
+L 199.20816 -47.531713 
+L 199.2978 -47.513882 
+L 199.38744 -47.540614 
+L 199.47708 -47.520456 
+L 199.56672 -47.526362 
+L 199.65636 -47.536555 
+L 199.746 -47.549321 
+L 199.83564 -47.563591 
+L 199.92528 -47.563223 
+L 200.01492 -47.59773 
+L 200.10456 -47.57347 
+L 200.1942 -47.554102 
+L 200.28384 -47.542963 
+L 200.37348 -47.531799 
+L 200.46312 -47.525278 
+L 200.55276 -47.516868 
+L 200.6424 -48.28291 
+L 200.73204 -47.528597 
+L 200.82168 -47.525738 
+L 200.91132 -47.531581 
+L 201.00096 -47.540378 
+L 201.0906 -47.549255 
+L 201.18024 -47.561174 
+L 201.26988 -47.557315 
+L 201.35952 -47.554303 
+L 201.44916 -47.553378 
+L 201.5388 -47.556269 
+L 201.62844 -47.566188 
+L 201.71808 -47.661141 
+L 201.80772 -47.586778 
+L 201.89736 -47.591182 
+L 201.987 -47.600025 
+L 202.07664 -47.610288 
+L 202.16628 -47.618582 
+L 202.25592 -47.61914 
+L 202.34556 -47.63788 
+L 202.4352 -47.612733 
+L 202.52484 -47.581472 
+L 202.61448 -47.61843 
+L 202.70412 -47.592138 
+L 202.79376 -47.582082 
+L 202.8834 -47.57639 
+L 202.97304 -47.57289 
+L 203.06268 -47.619022 
+L 203.15232 -47.580504 
+L 203.24196 -47.575423 
+L 203.3316 -47.573453 
+L 203.42124 -47.573936 
+L 203.51088 -47.573596 
+L 203.60052 -47.574957 
+L 203.69016 -47.571654 
+L 203.7798 -47.586022 
+L 203.86944 -47.598332 
+L 203.95908 -47.635178 
+L 204.04872 -47.628263 
+L 204.13836 -47.621205 
+L 204.228 -47.636918 
+L 204.31764 -47.618114 
+L 204.40728 -47.624634 
+L 204.49692 -47.630792 
+L 204.58656 -47.632175 
+L 204.6762 -47.646795 
+L 204.76584 -47.641053 
+L 204.85548 -47.64249 
+L 204.94512 -47.644034 
+L 205.03476 -47.639548 
+L 205.1244 -47.615568 
+L 205.21404 -47.622911 
+L 205.30368 -47.605392 
+L 205.39332 -47.589545 
+L 205.48296 -47.585373 
+L 205.5726 -47.583816 
+L 205.66224 -47.582557 
+L 205.75188 -47.583018 
+L 205.84152 -47.582257 
+L 205.93116 -47.582253 
+L 206.0208 -47.586865 
+L 206.11044 -47.598424 
+L 206.20008 -47.600116 
+L 206.28972 -47.811387 
+L 206.37936 -47.619154 
+L 206.469 -47.595537 
+L 206.55864 -47.578637 
+L 206.64828 -47.562846 
+L 206.73792 -47.566101 
+L 206.82756 -47.579312 
+L 206.9172 -47.587253 
+L 207.00684 -47.644439 
+L 207.09648 -47.607078 
+L 207.18612 -47.59453 
+L 207.27576 -47.596043 
+L 207.3654 -47.603939 
+L 207.45504 -47.587213 
+L 207.54468 -47.60498 
+L 207.63432 -47.614996 
+L 207.72396 -47.626281 
+L 207.8136 -47.636877 
+L 207.90324 -47.638406 
+L 207.99288 -47.624875 
+L 208.08252 -47.65728 
+L 208.17216 -47.589697 
+L 208.2618 -47.578813 
+L 208.35144 -47.576676 
+L 208.44108 -47.58257 
+L 208.53072 -47.583008 
+L 208.62036 -47.635017 
+L 208.71 -47.602738 
+L 208.79964 -47.5985 
+L 208.88928 -47.594148 
+L 208.97892 -47.583697 
+L 209.06856 -47.563965 
+L 209.1582 -47.590554 
+L 209.24784 -47.569811 
+L 209.33748 -47.565022 
+L 209.42712 -47.556748 
+L 209.51676 -47.546563 
+L 209.6064 -47.550242 
+L 209.69604 -47.554375 
+L 209.78568 -47.559738 
+L 209.87532 -47.557178 
+L 209.96496 -47.841839 
+L 210.0546 -47.554099 
+L 210.14424 -47.549158 
+L 210.23388 -47.56202 
+L 210.32352 -47.559367 
+L 210.41316 -47.557327 
+L 210.5028 -47.544635 
+L 210.59244 -47.568224 
+L 210.68208 -47.536223 
+L 210.77172 -47.535972 
+L 210.86136 -47.550568 
+L 210.951 -47.554931 
+L 211.04064 -47.558564 
+L 211.13028 -47.561501 
+L 211.21992 -47.572809 
+L 211.30956 -47.556994 
+L 211.3992 -47.55393 
+L 211.48884 -47.562194 
+L 211.57848 -47.563019 
+L 211.66812 -47.605893 
+L 211.75776 -47.568743 
+L 211.8474 -47.583712 
+L 211.93704 -47.605502 
+L 212.02668 -47.625079 
+L 212.11632 -47.648169 
+L 212.20596 -47.630669 
+L 212.2956 -47.810706 
+L 212.38524 -47.640659 
+L 212.47488 -47.579437 
+L 212.56452 -47.530599 
+L 212.65416 -47.51737 
+L 212.7438 -47.502338 
+L 212.83344 -47.487412 
+L 212.92308 -47.574615 
+L 213.01272 -47.517513 
+L 213.10236 -47.523348 
+L 213.192 -47.538904 
+L 213.28164 -47.548674 
+L 213.37128 -47.559429 
+L 213.46092 -47.61672 
+L 213.55056 -47.578833 
+L 213.6402 -47.575562 
+L 213.72984 -47.579266 
+L 213.81948 -47.588904 
+L 213.90912 -47.595689 
+L 213.99876 -47.659273 
+L 214.0884 -47.619621 
+L 214.17804 -47.604764 
+L 214.26768 -47.589421 
+L 214.35732 -47.55448 
+L 214.44696 -47.521705 
+L 214.5366 -47.49689 
+L 214.62624 -47.499439 
+L 214.71588 -47.505374 
+L 214.80552 -47.506403 
+L 214.89516 -47.502288 
+L 214.9848 -47.499132 
+L 215.07444 -47.687861 
+L 215.16408 -47.519564 
+L 215.25372 -47.503136 
+L 215.34336 -47.495376 
+L 215.433 -47.498226 
+L 215.52264 -47.517134 
+L 215.61228 -48.252351 
+L 215.70192 -47.541883 
+L 215.79156 -47.565925 
+L 215.8812 -47.570542 
+L 215.97084 -47.569365 
+L 216.06048 -47.539111 
+L 216.15012 -47.490146 
+L 216.23976 -47.439854 
+L 216.3294 -47.522795 
+L 216.41904 -47.432271 
+L 216.50868 -47.399428 
+L 216.59832 -47.395678 
+L 216.68796 -47.393314 
+L 216.7776 -47.402498 
+L 216.86724 -48.91146 
+L 216.95688 -47.425068 
+L 217.04652 -47.440187 
+L 217.13616 -47.452055 
+L 217.2258 -47.461271 
+L 217.31544 -47.469701 
+L 217.40508 -47.476443 
+L 217.49472 -47.490526 
+L 217.58436 -47.553805 
+L 217.674 -47.519917 
+L 217.76364 -47.51476 
+L 217.85328 -47.515719 
+L 217.94292 -47.536998 
+L 218.03256 -47.524672 
+L 218.1222 -47.51711 
+L 218.21184 -47.526926 
+L 218.30148 -47.530613 
+L 218.39112 -47.520985 
+L 218.48076 -47.699298 
+L 218.5704 -47.52752 
+L 218.66004 -47.516558 
+L 218.74968 -47.497865 
+L 218.83932 -47.499763 
+L 218.92896 -47.509179 
+L 219.0186 -47.534462 
+L 219.10824 -47.555874 
+L 219.19788 -47.608326 
+L 219.28752 -47.556177 
+L 219.37716 -47.558176 
+L 219.4668 -47.55796 
+L 219.55644 -47.559251 
+L 219.64608 -47.562161 
+L 219.73572 -47.561048 
+L 219.82536 -47.564196 
+L 219.915 -47.572758 
+L 220.00464 -47.566422 
+L 220.09428 -47.562709 
+L 220.18392 -47.536926 
+L 220.27356 -47.538241 
+L 220.3632 -47.541041 
+L 220.45284 -53.273626 
+L 220.54248 -47.552763 
+L 220.63212 -47.561419 
+L 220.72176 -47.575399 
+L 220.8114 -47.590426 
+L 220.90104 -47.577081 
+L 220.99068 -47.571687 
+L 221.08032 -47.562491 
+L 221.16996 -47.729577 
+L 221.2596 -47.570751 
+L 221.34924 -47.55406 
+L 221.43888 -47.541228 
+L 221.52852 -47.535721 
+L 221.61816 -47.533279 
+L 221.7078 -47.52368 
+L 221.79744 -47.521678 
+L 221.88708 -47.529897 
+L 221.97672 -47.541128 
+L 222.06636 -47.546164 
+L 222.156 -47.53767 
+L 222.24564 -47.537504 
+L 222.33528 -48.575446 
+L 222.42492 -47.55121 
+L 222.51456 -47.545156 
+L 222.6042 -47.547952 
+L 222.69384 -47.569031 
+L 222.78348 -47.610052 
+L 222.87312 -49.040192 
+L 222.96276 -47.607456 
+L 223.0524 -47.640392 
+L 223.14204 -47.63196 
+L 223.23168 -47.647933 
+L 223.32132 -47.624048 
+L 223.41096 -47.628497 
+L 223.5006 -47.624555 
+L 223.59024 -47.635645 
+L 223.67988 -47.656319 
+L 223.76952 -47.650346 
+L 223.85916 -47.646728 
+L 223.9488 -47.780227 
+L 224.03844 -47.645563 
+L 224.12808 -47.643529 
+L 224.21772 -47.656084 
+L 224.30736 -47.659205 
+L 224.397 -47.641421 
+L 224.48664 -47.64137 
+L 224.57628 -47.694097 
+L 224.66592 -47.705166 
+L 224.75556 -47.720348 
+L 224.8452 -47.737349 
+L 224.93484 -47.741163 
+L 225.02448 -47.729881 
+L 225.11412 -47.781058 
+L 225.20376 -47.727369 
+L 225.2934 -47.704615 
+L 225.38304 -47.631983 
+L 225.47268 -47.675599 
+L 225.56232 -47.673855 
+L 225.65196 -47.676981 
+L 225.7416 -47.790929 
+L 225.83124 -47.728244 
+L 225.92088 -47.702688 
+L 226.01052 -47.681924 
+L 226.10016 -47.642053 
+L 226.1898 -47.604965 
+L 226.27944 -47.525698 
+L 226.36908 -47.704947 
+L 226.45872 -47.523907 
+L 226.54836 -47.536714 
+L 226.638 -47.648804 
+L 226.72764 -47.554474 
+L 226.81728 -47.546975 
+L 226.90692 -47.527602 
+L 226.99656 -47.484243 
+L 227.0862 -47.530656 
+L 227.17584 -47.467534 
+L 227.26548 -47.4729 
+L 227.35512 -47.482629 
+L 227.44476 -47.496627 
+L 227.5344 -47.721675 
+L 227.62404 -47.50966 
+L 227.71368 -47.535197 
+L 227.80332 -47.538825 
+L 227.89296 -47.546295 
+L 227.9826 -47.565372 
+L 228.07224 -47.585208 
+L 228.16188 -47.627406 
+L 228.25152 -47.62366 
+L 228.34116 -47.59647 
+L 228.4308 -47.606704 
+L 228.52044 -47.602484 
+L 228.61008 -47.59652 
+L 228.69972 -47.576926 
+L 228.78936 -47.577349 
+L 228.879 -47.550616 
+L 228.96864 -47.640578 
+L 229.05828 -47.560833 
+L 229.14792 -47.54764 
+L 229.23756 -47.519076 
+L 229.3272 -47.525263 
+L 229.41684 -47.532647 
+L 229.50648 -47.495096 
+L 229.59612 -47.56257 
+L 229.68576 -47.557918 
+L 229.7754 -47.704151 
+L 229.86504 -47.572385 
+L 229.95468 -47.563202 
+L 230.04432 -47.568604 
+L 230.13396 -47.588958 
+L 230.2236 -47.589411 
+L 230.31324 -47.598662 
+L 230.40288 -47.640377 
+L 230.49252 -47.597002 
+L 230.58216 -47.58848 
+L 230.6718 -47.592829 
+L 230.76144 -47.573081 
+L 230.85108 -47.621893 
+L 230.94072 -47.64689 
+L 231.03036 -48.195674 
+L 231.12 -47.651902 
+L 231.20964 -47.658038 
+L 231.29928 -47.667196 
+L 231.38892 -47.706944 
+L 231.47856 -47.727878 
+L 231.5682 -47.731729 
+L 231.65784 -47.726605 
+L 231.74748 -47.707272 
+L 231.83712 -47.693993 
+L 231.92676 -47.74067 
+L 232.0164 -47.733776 
+L 232.10604 -47.738972 
+L 232.19568 -47.906074 
+L 232.28532 -47.743767 
+L 232.37496 -47.74232 
+L 232.4646 -47.73777 
+L 232.55424 -47.728542 
+L 232.64388 -47.726559 
+L 232.73352 -47.743782 
+L 232.82316 -47.788218 
+L 232.9128 -47.737516 
+L 233.00244 -47.800759 
+L 233.09208 -47.82822 
+L 233.18172 -47.918009 
+L 233.27136 -47.867314 
+L 233.361 -47.841143 
+L 233.45064 -47.822983 
+L 233.54028 -47.758334 
+L 233.62992 -47.739961 
+L 233.71956 -47.744274 
+L 233.8092 -47.694958 
+L 233.89884 -47.697132 
+L 233.98848 -47.686894 
+L 234.07812 -47.670262 
+L 234.16776 -47.652471 
+L 234.2574 -47.65334 
+L 234.34704 -47.604904 
+L 234.43668 -47.619266 
+L 234.52632 -47.62879 
+L 234.61596 -47.623302 
+L 234.7056 -47.829937 
+L 234.79524 -47.646887 
+L 234.88488 -47.632825 
+L 234.97452 -47.610053 
+L 235.06416 -47.58672 
+L 235.1538 -47.568752 
+L 235.24344 -47.538577 
+L 235.33308 -47.537274 
+L 235.42272 -47.543312 
+L 235.51236 -47.655409 
+L 235.602 -47.570631 
+L 235.69164 -47.576995 
+L 235.78128 -47.589793 
+L 235.87092 -47.613975 
+L 235.96056 -47.576933 
+L 236.0502 -47.591682 
+L 236.13984 -47.601952 
+L 236.22948 -47.606673 
+L 236.31912 -47.641356 
+L 236.40876 -47.691775 
+L 236.4984 -47.679984 
+L 236.58804 -47.670569 
+L 236.67768 -47.678591 
+L 236.76732 -47.747556 
+L 236.85696 -47.732724 
+L 236.9466 -47.724951 
+L 237.03624 -47.714204 
+L 237.12588 -47.712376 
+L 237.21552 -47.719778 
+L 237.30516 -47.663053 
+L 237.3948 -47.66703 
+L 237.48444 -47.661109 
+L 237.57408 -47.6561 
+L 237.66372 -47.727672 
+L 237.75336 -47.674246 
+L 237.843 -47.659523 
+L 237.93264 -47.67139 
+L 238.02228 -47.670018 
+L 238.11192 -47.705066 
+L 238.20156 -47.703011 
+L 238.2912 -47.70265 
+L 238.38084 -47.685757 
+L 238.47048 -48.009273 
+L 238.56012 -47.724782 
+L 238.64976 -47.715716 
+L 238.7394 -47.717151 
+L 238.82904 -47.720897 
+L 238.91868 -47.728518 
+L 239.00832 -47.751148 
+L 239.09796 -47.755538 
+L 239.1876 -47.798143 
+L 239.27724 -47.778385 
+L 239.36688 -47.757301 
+L 239.45652 -47.74834 
+L 239.54616 -47.736528 
+L 239.6358 -47.942392 
+L 239.72544 -47.768662 
+L 239.81508 -47.752937 
+L 239.90472 -47.752856 
+L 239.99436 -47.760065 
+L 240.084 -47.760419 
+L 240.17364 -47.74169 
+L 240.26328 -47.778074 
+L 240.35292 -47.735502 
+L 240.44256 -47.721371 
+L 240.5322 -47.739229 
+L 240.62184 -47.73135 
+L 240.71148 -47.757827 
+L 240.80112 -47.806472 
+L 240.89076 -47.75731 
+L 240.9804 -47.743764 
+L 241.07004 -47.725643 
+L 241.15968 -47.722146 
+L 241.24932 -47.722941 
+L 241.33896 -47.744402 
+L 241.4286 -47.773414 
+L 241.51824 -47.753589 
+L 241.60788 -47.752571 
+L 241.69752 -47.758904 
+L 241.78716 -47.761305 
+L 241.8768 -47.760272 
+L 241.96644 -47.762137 
+L 242.05608 -47.787591 
+L 242.14572 -47.781937 
+L 242.23536 -47.753254 
+L 242.325 -47.788617 
+L 242.41464 -47.719388 
+L 242.50428 -47.69049 
+L 242.59392 -47.703174 
+L 242.68356 -47.690011 
+L 242.7732 -47.696181 
+L 242.86284 -47.699394 
+L 242.95248 -47.695783 
+L 243.04212 -47.6756 
+L 243.13176 -47.639697 
+L 243.2214 -47.612357 
+L 243.31104 -47.620263 
+L 243.40068 -47.580335 
+L 243.49032 -47.573332 
+L 243.57996 -47.574335 
+L 243.6696 -47.578285 
+L 243.75924 -47.561061 
+L 243.84888 -47.651256 
+L 243.93852 -47.575258 
+L 244.02816 -47.56214 
+L 244.1178 -47.560477 
+L 244.20744 -47.558497 
+L 244.29708 -47.549778 
+L 244.38672 -47.607616 
+L 244.47636 -47.547504 
+L 244.566 -47.530309 
+L 244.65564 -47.530926 
+L 244.74528 -47.607552 
+L 244.83492 -47.525602 
+L 244.92456 -47.534044 
+L 245.0142 -47.556242 
+L 245.10384 -47.578593 
+L 245.19348 -47.58447 
+L 245.28312 -47.606997 
+L 245.37276 -47.603162 
+L 245.4624 -47.61136 
+L 245.55204 -47.633649 
+L 245.64168 -47.665552 
+L 245.73132 -47.751693 
+L 245.82096 -47.797672 
+L 245.9106 -47.761833 
+L 246.00024 -47.741678 
+L 246.08988 -47.722593 
+L 246.17952 -47.715069 
+L 246.26916 -47.711579 
+L 246.3588 -47.831845 
+L 246.44844 -47.7192 
+L 246.53808 -47.716722 
+L 246.62772 -47.714627 
+L 246.71736 -47.704658 
+L 246.807 -47.673748 
+L 246.89664 -47.616719 
+L 246.98628 -48.824648 
+L 247.07592 -47.608297 
+L 247.16556 -47.598367 
+L 247.2552 -47.578534 
+L 247.34484 -47.58904 
+L 247.43448 -47.600389 
+L 247.52412 -47.622395 
+L 247.61376 -47.648335 
+L 247.7034 -47.647236 
+L 247.79304 -47.643855 
+L 247.88268 -47.63896 
+L 247.97232 -47.615693 
+L 248.06196 -47.641593 
+L 248.1516 -47.593765 
+L 248.24124 -47.592325 
+L 248.33088 -47.592698 
+L 248.42052 -47.58676 
+L 248.51016 -47.567248 
+L 248.5998 -47.529591 
+L 248.68944 -47.541627 
+L 248.77908 -47.559081 
+L 248.86872 -47.567895 
+L 248.95836 -47.576031 
+L 249.048 -47.836533 
+L 249.13764 -47.554607 
+L 249.22728 -47.537957 
+L 249.31692 -47.540451 
+L 249.40656 -47.525131 
+L 249.4962 -47.500182 
+L 249.58584 -47.481209 
+L 249.67548 -47.467173 
+L 249.76512 -47.46368 
+L 249.85476 -47.458601 
+L 249.9444 -47.456323 
+L 250.03404 -47.457788 
+L 250.12368 -47.45836 
+L 250.21332 -47.453595 
+L 250.30296 -47.728071 
+L 250.3926 -47.457412 
+L 250.48224 -47.453518 
+L 250.57188 -47.492844 
+L 250.66152 -47.458383 
+L 250.75116 -47.472765 
+L 250.8408 -47.554217 
+L 250.93044 -47.550928 
+L 251.02008 -47.540248 
+L 251.10972 -47.521868 
+L 251.19936 -47.509877 
+L 251.289 -47.4959 
+L 251.37864 -47.489288 
+L 251.46828 -47.488039 
+L 251.55792 -47.498576 
+L 251.64756 -47.500193 
+L 251.7372 -47.491008 
+L 251.82684 -47.489331 
+L 251.91648 -47.483646 
+L 252.00612 -47.481792 
+L 252.09576 -47.482753 
+L 252.1854 -47.481301 
+L 252.27504 -47.585064 
+L 252.36468 -47.491611 
+L 252.45432 -47.491286 
+L 252.54396 -47.483268 
+L 252.6336 -47.492289 
+L 252.72324 -47.482247 
+L 252.81288 -47.471726 
+L 252.90252 -49.832768 
+L 252.99216 -47.47648 
+L 253.0818 -47.469527 
+L 253.17144 -47.609484 
+L 253.26108 -47.463483 
+L 253.35072 -47.453725 
+L 253.44036 -47.451157 
+L 253.53 -47.454122 
+L 253.61964 -47.477884 
+L 253.70928 -47.477849 
+L 253.79892 -47.471718 
+L 253.88856 -47.476117 
+L 253.9782 -47.468267 
+L 254.06784 -47.46797 
+L 254.15748 -47.465435 
+L 254.24712 -47.465133 
+L 254.33676 -47.465417 
+L 254.4264 -47.473318 
+L 254.51604 -47.465355 
+L 254.60568 -47.523319 
+L 254.69532 -47.447324 
+L 254.78496 -47.43581 
+L 254.8746 -47.414281 
+L 254.96424 -47.417456 
+L 255.05388 -47.4185 
+L 255.14352 -47.421606 
+L 255.23316 -47.422828 
+L 255.3228 -47.602016 
+L 255.41244 -47.425955 
+L 255.50208 -47.426336 
+L 255.59172 -47.42834 
+L 255.68136 -47.433041 
+L 255.771 -47.441808 
+L 255.86064 -47.447765 
+L 255.95028 -47.470192 
+L 256.03992 -47.470215 
+L 256.12956 -47.472793 
+L 256.2192 -47.485458 
+L 256.30884 -47.510089 
+L 256.39848 -47.542871 
+L 256.48812 -47.574133 
+L 256.57776 -47.569434 
+L 256.6674 -47.569363 
+L 256.75704 -47.57616 
+L 256.84668 -47.590494 
+L 256.93632 -47.592627 
+L 257.02596 -47.610193 
+L 257.1156 -47.60119 
+L 257.20524 -47.58335 
+L 257.29488 -47.549233 
+L 257.38452 -47.536228 
+L 257.47416 -47.551018 
+L 257.5638 -47.532111 
+L 257.65344 -47.52334 
+L 257.74308 -47.441301 
+L 257.83272 -47.496543 
+L 257.92236 -47.486091 
+L 258.012 -47.477247 
+L 258.10164 -47.486203 
+L 258.19128 -47.480145 
+L 258.28092 -47.47873 
+L 258.37056 -47.475898 
+L 258.4602 -47.473379 
+L 258.54984 -47.533569 
+L 258.63948 -47.48306 
+L 258.72912 -47.499045 
+L 258.81876 -47.493977 
+L 258.9084 -47.498304 
+L 258.99804 -47.504723 
+L 259.08768 -47.528242 
+L 259.17732 -47.588733 
+L 259.26696 -47.537187 
+L 259.3566 -47.595012 
+L 259.44624 -47.592207 
+L 259.53588 -47.592967 
+L 259.62552 -47.590568 
+L 259.71516 -47.58319 
+L 259.8048 -47.580207 
+L 259.89444 -47.580722 
+L 259.98408 -47.562726 
+L 260.07372 -47.55824 
+L 260.16336 -47.554275 
+L 260.253 -47.543175 
+L 260.34264 -47.536951 
+L 260.43228 -47.521377 
+L 260.52192 -47.522786 
+L 260.61156 -47.564058 
+L 260.7012 -47.562674 
+L 260.79084 -47.571954 
+L 260.88048 -47.584778 
+L 260.97012 -47.647381 
+L 261.05976 -47.656521 
+L 261.1494 -47.659557 
+L 261.23904 -47.657174 
+L 261.32868 -47.647851 
+L 261.41832 -47.631776 
+L 261.50796 -47.600435 
+L 261.5976 -47.560273 
+L 261.68724 -47.535487 
+L 261.77688 -47.675624 
+L 261.86652 -47.549275 
+L 261.95616 -47.524742 
+L 262.0458 -47.535385 
+L 262.13544 -47.536974 
+L 262.22508 -47.533475 
+L 262.31472 -47.531054 
+L 262.40436 -47.521321 
+L 262.494 -47.512758 
+L 262.58364 -47.539445 
+L 262.67328 -47.513053 
+L 262.76292 -47.516631 
+L 262.85256 -47.533816 
+L 262.9422 -47.554886 
+L 263.03184 -47.579332 
+L 263.12148 -47.705672 
+L 263.21112 -47.637608 
+L 263.30076 -47.771276 
+L 263.3904 -47.641831 
+L 263.48004 -47.628336 
+L 263.56968 -47.60569 
+L 263.65932 -47.599643 
+L 263.74896 -47.595766 
+L 263.8386 -47.611823 
+L 263.92824 -47.635003 
+L 264.01788 -47.61943 
+L 264.10752 -47.623779 
+L 264.19716 -47.626593 
+L 264.2868 -47.659924 
+L 264.37644 -47.662092 
+L 264.46608 -47.697148 
+L 264.55572 -47.776584 
+L 264.64536 -47.699589 
+L 264.735 -47.696745 
+L 264.82464 -47.701323 
+L 264.91428 -47.749718 
+L 265.00392 -47.73705 
+L 265.09356 -47.79246 
+L 265.1832 -47.735183 
+L 265.27284 -47.734145 
+L 265.36248 -47.73172 
+L 265.45212 -47.657351 
+L 265.54176 -47.753579 
+L 265.6314 -47.687105 
+L 265.72104 -47.652839 
+L 265.81068 -47.66726 
+L 265.90032 -47.636297 
+L 265.98996 -47.605067 
+L 266.0796 -47.595213 
+L 266.16924 -47.581322 
+L 266.25888 -47.582906 
+L 266.34852 -47.598098 
+L 266.43816 -47.803181 
+L 266.5278 -47.605949 
+L 266.61744 -47.619358 
+L 266.70708 -47.614317 
+L 266.79672 -47.632768 
+L 266.88636 -47.541716 
+L 266.976 -47.531093 
+L 267.06564 -47.529099 
+L 267.15528 -47.523124 
+L 267.24492 -47.518668 
+L 267.33456 -47.520635 
+L 267.4242 -47.522124 
+L 267.51384 -47.606579 
+L 267.60348 -47.537179 
+L 267.69312 -47.543007 
+L 267.78276 -47.553778 
+L 267.8724 -47.559991 
+L 267.96204 -47.542603 
+L 268.05168 -47.539739 
+L 268.14132 -47.51137 
+L 268.23096 -47.467983 
+L 268.3206 -47.469716 
+L 268.41024 -47.461422 
+L 268.49988 -47.470059 
+L 268.58952 -47.488782 
+L 268.67916 -47.466851 
+L 268.7688 -47.469053 
+L 268.85844 -47.460361 
+L 268.94808 -47.43913 
+L 269.03772 -47.425404 
+L 269.12736 -47.410081 
+L 269.217 -47.505066 
+L 269.30664 -47.422369 
+L 269.39628 -47.417659 
+L 269.48592 -47.409028 
+L 269.57556 -47.51418 
+L 269.6652 -47.426528 
+L 269.75484 -47.415282 
+L 269.84448 -47.409717 
+L 269.93412 -47.40978 
+L 270.02376 -47.409819 
+L 270.1134 -47.600241 
+L 270.20304 -47.423246 
+L 270.29268 -47.423217 
+L 270.38232 -47.425713 
+L 270.47196 -47.428621 
+L 270.5616 -47.456882 
+L 270.65124 -47.46986 
+L 270.74088 -47.460786 
+L 270.83052 -47.464808 
+L 270.92016 -47.4845 
+L 271.0098 -47.498921 
+L 271.09944 -47.515846 
+L 271.18908 -47.527899 
+L 271.27872 -47.527991 
+L 271.36836 -47.526385 
+L 271.458 -47.531067 
+L 271.54764 -47.557134 
+L 271.63728 -47.534727 
+L 271.72692 -47.52615 
+L 271.81656 -47.483578 
+L 271.9062 -47.494999 
+L 271.99584 -47.496925 
+L 272.08548 -47.485882 
+L 272.17512 -47.471783 
+L 272.26476 -47.465153 
+L 272.3544 -47.463935 
+L 272.44404 -47.495625 
+L 272.53368 -47.491242 
+L 272.62332 -47.489606 
+L 272.71296 -47.483191 
+L 272.8026 -47.479453 
+L 272.89224 -47.465335 
+L 272.98188 -47.47263 
+L 273.07152 -47.445716 
+L 273.16116 -47.44996 
+L 273.2508 -47.45623 
+L 273.34044 -47.457223 
+L 273.43008 -47.444252 
+L 273.51972 -47.575464 
+L 273.60936 -47.451111 
+L 273.699 -47.431185 
+L 273.78864 -47.426255 
+L 273.87828 -47.424027 
+L 273.96792 -47.431944 
+L 274.05756 -47.45326 
+L 274.1472 -47.493323 
+L 274.23684 -47.501355 
+L 274.32648 -47.515043 
+L 274.41612 -47.512014 
+L 274.50576 -47.523418 
+L 274.5954 -47.509089 
+L 274.68504 -47.505823 
+L 274.77468 -47.477229 
+L 274.86432 -47.477697 
+L 274.95396 -47.491867 
+L 275.0436 -47.498207 
+L 275.13324 -47.630054 
+L 275.22288 -47.52963 
+L 275.31252 -47.533631 
+L 275.40216 -47.535046 
+L 275.4918 -47.533069 
+L 275.58144 -47.519181 
+L 275.67108 -47.506 
+L 275.76072 -47.490138 
+L 275.85036 -47.481545 
+L 275.94 -47.473753 
+L 276.02964 -47.459059 
+L 276.11928 -47.438577 
+L 276.20892 -47.414907 
+L 276.29856 -47.583079 
+L 276.3882 -47.421625 
+L 276.47784 -47.404988 
+L 276.56748 -47.376887 
+L 276.65712 -47.372552 
+L 276.74676 -47.383639 
+L 276.8364 -47.390488 
+L 276.92604 -47.404342 
+L 277.01568 -47.400692 
+L 277.10532 -47.405629 
+L 277.19496 -47.419262 
+L 277.2846 -47.430123 
+L 277.37424 -47.424087 
+L 277.46388 -47.805811 
+L 277.55352 -47.443391 
+L 277.64316 -47.408969 
+L 277.7328 -47.381805 
+L 277.82244 -47.366771 
+L 277.91208 -47.327975 
+L 278.00172 -47.331858 
+L 278.09136 -47.325252 
+L 278.181 -47.335689 
+L 278.27064 -47.344066 
+L 278.36028 -47.333737 
+L 278.44992 -47.318016 
+L 278.53956 -47.310846 
+L 278.6292 -47.304039 
+L 278.71884 -47.440156 
+L 278.80848 -47.301006 
+L 278.89812 -47.301807 
+L 278.98776 -47.306483 
+L 279.0774 -47.31913 
+L 279.16704 -47.348221 
+L 279.25668 -51.657851 
+L 279.34632 -47.358736 
+L 279.43596 -47.385141 
+L 279.5256 -47.376837 
+L 279.61524 -47.386214 
+L 279.70488 -47.337433 
+L 279.79452 -47.336306 
+L 279.88416 -47.344326 
+L 279.9738 -47.320144 
+L 280.06344 -47.324631 
+L 280.15308 -47.336388 
+L 280.24272 -47.347898 
+L 280.33236 -47.368501 
+L 280.422 -47.381835 
+L 280.51164 -47.370163 
+L 280.60128 -47.327721 
+L 280.69092 -47.405583 
+L 280.78056 -47.350788 
+L 280.8702 -47.345442 
+L 280.95984 -47.339454 
+L 281.04948 -47.350724 
+L 281.13912 -47.336205 
+L 281.22876 -47.341047 
+L 281.3184 -47.355317 
+L 281.40804 -47.378374 
+L 281.49768 -47.40052 
+L 281.58732 -47.39457 
+L 281.67696 -47.397223 
+L 281.7666 -47.400977 
+L 281.85624 -47.405956 
+L 281.94588 -47.408641 
+L 282.03552 -47.385933 
+L 282.12516 -47.408422 
+L 282.2148 -47.384987 
+L 282.30444 -47.381949 
+L 282.39408 -47.37762 
+L 282.48372 -47.375807 
+L 282.57336 -47.413699 
+L 282.663 -47.406581 
+L 282.75264 -47.407627 
+L 282.84228 -47.408455 
+L 282.93192 -47.407235 
+L 283.02156 -47.401146 
+L 283.1112 -47.389353 
+L 283.20084 -47.384061 
+L 283.29048 -47.490224 
+L 283.38012 -47.392145 
+L 283.46976 -47.376734 
+L 283.5594 -47.366389 
+L 283.64904 -47.367592 
+L 283.73868 -47.41752 
+L 283.82832 -47.365214 
+L 283.91796 -47.374827 
+L 284.0076 -47.379322 
+L 284.09724 -47.390462 
+L 284.18688 -47.398158 
+L 284.27652 -47.383209 
+L 284.36616 -47.395493 
+L 284.4558 -47.359011 
+L 284.54544 -47.357617 
+L 284.63508 -47.356445 
+L 284.72472 -47.366474 
+L 284.81436 -47.371934 
+L 284.904 -47.625927 
+L 284.99364 -47.386802 
+L 285.08328 -47.379835 
+L 285.17292 -47.356356 
+L 285.26256 -47.328587 
+L 285.3522 -47.297855 
+L 285.44184 -47.252148 
+L 285.53148 -47.272312 
+L 285.62112 -47.249295 
+L 285.71076 -47.260663 
+L 285.8004 -47.271792 
+L 285.89004 -47.295216 
+L 285.97968 -47.313933 
+L 286.06932 -47.379445 
+L 286.15896 -47.313047 
+L 286.2486 -47.317531 
+L 286.33824 -47.314111 
+L 286.42788 -47.307529 
+L 286.51752 -47.30305 
+L 286.60716 -47.31046 
+L 286.6968 -47.308135 
+L 286.78644 -47.315294 
+L 286.87608 -47.326174 
+L 286.96572 -47.311041 
+L 287.05536 -47.72296 
+L 287.145 -47.372005 
+L 287.23464 -47.35056 
+L 287.32428 -47.585613 
+L 287.41392 -47.353901 
+L 287.50356 -47.341805 
+L 287.5932 -47.345042 
+L 287.68284 -47.358516 
+L 287.77248 -47.373137 
+L 287.86212 -47.390727 
+L 287.95176 -47.416188 
+L 288.0414 -47.38709 
+L 288.13104 -47.370346 
+L 288.22068 -47.360621 
+L 288.31032 -47.357202 
+L 288.39996 -47.390993 
+L 288.4896 -47.432022 
+L 288.57924 -47.424807 
+L 288.66888 -47.424256 
+L 288.75852 -47.413958 
+L 288.84816 -47.403889 
+L 288.9378 -47.392344 
+L 289.02744 -47.318269 
+L 289.11708 -47.341847 
+L 289.20672 -47.359001 
+L 289.29636 -47.345253 
+L 289.386 -47.310159 
+L 289.47564 -47.330047 
+L 289.56528 -47.311565 
+L 289.65492 -47.296171 
+L 289.74456 -47.299057 
+L 289.8342 -47.283157 
+L 289.92384 -47.287677 
+L 290.01348 -47.303876 
+L 290.10312 -47.314943 
+L 290.19276 -47.33247 
+L 290.2824 -47.41491 
+L 290.37204 -47.330457 
+L 290.46168 -47.328102 
+L 290.55132 -47.307273 
+L 290.64096 -47.286764 
+L 290.7306 -47.268713 
+L 290.82024 -47.396069 
+L 290.90988 -47.274503 
+L 290.99952 -47.265686 
+L 291.08916 -47.268274 
+L 291.1788 -47.272987 
+L 291.26844 -47.266562 
+L 291.35808 -47.323645 
+L 291.44772 -47.284451 
+L 291.53736 -47.260864 
+L 291.627 -47.268115 
+L 291.71664 -47.254838 
+L 291.80628 -47.23912 
+L 291.89592 -47.232926 
+L 291.98556 -47.227093 
+L 292.0752 -47.227942 
+L 292.16484 -47.236204 
+L 292.25448 -47.536834 
+L 292.34412 -47.24007 
+L 292.43376 -47.254472 
+L 292.5234 -47.266294 
+L 292.61304 -47.272129 
+L 292.70268 -47.269555 
+L 292.79232 -47.331935 
+L 292.88196 -47.275171 
+L 292.9716 -47.266378 
+L 293.06124 -47.219989 
+L 293.15088 -47.218437 
+L 293.24052 -47.211018 
+L 293.33016 -47.222236 
+L 293.4198 -47.247983 
+L 293.50944 -47.266075 
+L 293.59908 -47.258493 
+L 293.68872 -47.25027 
+L 293.77836 -47.238892 
+L 293.868 -47.305846 
+L 293.95764 -47.236089 
+L 294.04728 -47.234796 
+L 294.13692 -47.248343 
+L 294.22656 -47.2475 
+L 294.3162 -47.28599 
+L 294.40584 -47.258375 
+L 294.49548 -47.257161 
+L 294.58512 -47.269803 
+L 294.67476 -47.261212 
+L 294.7644 -47.260915 
+L 294.85404 -47.268541 
+L 294.94368 -47.289005 
+L 295.03332 -47.303427 
+L 295.12296 -47.311147 
+L 295.2126 -47.31146 
+L 295.30224 -47.298354 
+L 295.39188 -47.235867 
+L 295.48152 -47.241766 
+L 295.57116 -47.235115 
+L 295.6608 -47.235606 
+L 295.75044 -47.238989 
+L 295.84008 -47.303383 
+L 295.92972 -47.261833 
+L 296.01936 -47.258346 
+L 296.109 -47.258401 
+L 296.19864 -47.290227 
+L 296.28828 -47.268523 
+L 296.37792 -47.261938 
+L 296.46756 -47.243779 
+L 296.5572 -47.224293 
+L 296.64684 -47.202414 
+L 296.73648 -47.147422 
+L 296.82612 -47.172831 
+L 296.91576 -47.159773 
+L 297.0054 -47.157218 
+L 297.09504 -47.155178 
+L 297.18468 -47.178356 
+L 297.27432 -47.482252 
+L 297.36396 -47.181895 
+L 297.4536 -47.185535 
+L 297.54324 -47.173516 
+L 297.63288 -47.159107 
+L 297.72252 -47.143896 
+L 297.81216 -47.127118 
+L 297.9018 -47.140959 
+L 297.99144 -47.127497 
+L 298.08108 -47.121854 
+L 298.17072 -47.111886 
+L 298.26036 -47.199088 
+L 298.35 -47.12604 
+L 298.43964 -47.139438 
+L 298.52928 -47.123278 
+L 298.61892 -47.11292 
+L 298.70856 -47.110338 
+L 298.7982 -47.101259 
+L 298.88784 -47.091363 
+L 298.97748 -47.060559 
+L 299.06712 -47.061176 
+L 299.15676 -47.053997 
+L 299.2464 -47.025122 
+L 299.33604 -47.020501 
+L 299.42568 -47.022168 
+L 299.51532 -47.030725 
+L 299.60496 -47.050194 
+L 299.6946 -47.139217 
+L 299.78424 -47.067712 
+L 299.87388 -47.078127 
+L 299.96352 -47.073736 
+L 300.05316 -47.085029 
+L 300.1428 -47.079303 
+L 300.23244 -47.083618 
+L 300.32208 -47.086581 
+L 300.41172 -47.08886 
+L 300.50136 -47.089399 
+L 300.591 -47.08449 
+L 300.68064 -47.077154 
+L 300.77028 -47.064995 
+L 300.85992 -47.061582 
+L 300.94956 -47.062398 
+L 301.0392 -47.065532 
+L 301.12884 -47.066752 
+L 301.21848 -47.067451 
+L 301.30812 -47.019527 
+L 301.39776 -47.031751 
+L 301.4874 -47.029902 
+L 301.57704 -47.021661 
+L 301.66668 -47.020227 
+L 301.75632 -47.006459 
+L 301.84596 -47.068861 
+L 301.9356 -47.016536 
+L 302.02524 -47.022636 
+L 302.11488 -47.031843 
+L 302.20452 -47.04227 
+L 302.29416 -47.053255 
+L 302.3838 -47.060985 
+L 302.47344 -47.073905 
+L 302.56308 -47.036168 
+L 302.65272 -47.016844 
+L 302.74236 -46.979907 
+L 302.832 -46.965427 
+L 302.92164 -47.540388 
+L 303.01128 -46.951858 
+L 303.10092 -46.951923 
+L 303.19056 -46.944331 
+L 303.2802 -46.982465 
+L 303.36984 -46.965959 
+L 303.45948 -46.962095 
+L 303.54912 -46.962359 
+L 303.63876 -46.958351 
+L 303.7284 -46.994835 
+L 303.81804 -46.962513 
+L 303.90768 -46.95545 
+L 303.99732 -46.963314 
+L 304.08696 -46.943217 
+L 304.1766 -46.948774 
+L 304.26624 -46.957555 
+L 304.35588 -46.972231 
+L 304.44552 -46.988677 
+L 304.53516 -47.032962 
+L 304.6248 -47.082914 
+L 304.71444 -47.050791 
+L 304.80408 -47.037213 
+L 304.89372 -47.033537 
+L 304.98336 -47.027805 
+L 305.073 -47.025117 
+L 305.16264 -47.021786 
+L 305.25228 -47.047437 
+L 305.34192 -47.019947 
+L 305.43156 -47.019736 
+L 305.5212 -47.017206 
+L 305.61084 -46.99967 
+L 305.70048 -46.963702 
+L 305.79012 -46.976266 
+L 305.87976 -46.952257 
+L 305.9694 -46.951388 
+L 306.05904 -46.879668 
+L 306.14868 -46.911536 
+L 306.23832 -46.92556 
+L 306.32796 -46.938692 
+L 306.4176 -46.951517 
+L 306.50724 -46.959735 
+L 306.59688 -46.948849 
+L 306.68652 -46.939394 
+L 306.77616 -46.929837 
+L 306.8658 -46.906104 
+L 306.95544 -46.887503 
+L 307.04508 -46.892553 
+L 307.13472 -46.931008 
+L 307.22436 -46.878255 
+L 307.314 -46.899468 
+L 307.40364 -46.888801 
+L 307.49328 -46.909582 
+L 307.58292 -46.891025 
+L 307.67256 -46.952227 
+L 307.7622 -46.889298 
+L 307.85184 -46.874816 
+L 307.94148 -46.8661 
+L 308.03112 -46.854514 
+L 308.12076 -46.840178 
+L 308.2104 -46.83808 
+L 308.30004 -46.90934 
+L 308.38968 -46.848657 
+L 308.47932 -46.854233 
+L 308.56896 -46.852932 
+L 308.6586 -46.811249 
+L 308.74824 -46.89901 
+L 308.83788 -46.833481 
+L 308.92752 -46.814195 
+L 309.01716 -46.809672 
+L 309.1068 -46.816469 
+L 309.19644 -46.818806 
+L 309.28608 -46.81418 
+L 309.37572 -46.806627 
+L 309.46536 -46.935583 
+L 309.555 -46.807778 
+L 309.64464 -46.802432 
+L 309.73428 -46.802482 
+L 309.82392 -46.805155 
+L 309.91356 -46.811641 
+L 310.0032 -46.799655 
+L 310.09284 -46.954777 
+L 310.18248 -46.804609 
+L 310.27212 -46.802892 
+L 310.36176 -46.847365 
+L 310.4514 -46.858278 
+L 310.54104 -46.865761 
+L 310.63068 -46.852687 
+L 310.72032 -47.013839 
+L 310.80996 -46.858726 
+L 310.8996 -46.853188 
+L 310.98924 -46.844962 
+L 311.07888 -46.832032 
+L 311.16852 -46.826361 
+L 311.25816 -46.823261 
+L 311.3478 -46.920592 
+L 311.43744 -46.841343 
+L 311.52708 -46.852607 
+L 311.61672 -46.8821 
+L 311.70636 -46.893822 
+L 311.796 -46.926947 
+L 311.88564 -46.966642 
+L 311.97528 -46.996471 
+L 312.06492 -46.963102 
+L 312.15456 -46.933244 
+L 312.2442 -46.913263 
+L 312.33384 -46.887291 
+L 312.42348 -46.931504 
+L 312.51312 -46.890847 
+L 312.60276 -46.872135 
+L 312.6924 -46.876091 
+L 312.78204 -46.883138 
+L 312.87168 -46.886666 
+L 312.96132 -46.882049 
+L 313.05096 -46.86327 
+L 313.1406 -46.846769 
+L 313.23024 -46.842067 
+L 313.31988 -46.840268 
+L 313.40952 -46.841436 
+L 313.49916 -46.843476 
+L 313.5888 -49.998072 
+L 313.67844 -46.851859 
+L 313.76808 -46.853522 
+L 313.85772 -46.847251 
+L 313.94736 -46.839206 
+L 314.037 -46.834229 
+L 314.12664 -46.831476 
+L 314.21628 -47.403922 
+L 314.30592 -46.846468 
+L 314.39556 -46.850478 
+L 314.4852 -46.855662 
+L 314.57484 -46.90219 
+L 314.66448 -46.9202 
+L 314.75412 -46.930238 
+L 314.84376 -46.928878 
+L 314.9334 -46.9174 
+L 315.02304 -46.90304 
+L 315.11268 -46.893812 
+L 315.20232 -46.854829 
+L 315.29196 -51.369159 
+L 315.3816 -46.865147 
+L 315.47124 -46.849847 
+L 315.56088 -46.84766 
+L 315.65052 -46.853782 
+L 315.74016 -46.859347 
+L 315.8298 -47.011031 
+L 315.91944 -46.884747 
+L 316.00908 -46.904659 
+L 316.09872 -46.884356 
+L 316.18836 -46.87009 
+L 316.278 -46.865283 
+L 316.36764 -46.877887 
+L 316.45728 -46.912341 
+L 316.54692 -46.874289 
+L 316.63656 -46.894118 
+L 316.7262 -46.909558 
+L 316.81584 -46.926643 
+L 316.90548 -46.926593 
+L 316.99512 -46.948422 
+L 317.08476 -46.920113 
+L 317.1744 -46.913548 
+L 317.26404 -46.912458 
+L 317.35368 -46.916894 
+L 317.44332 -46.927372 
+L 317.53296 -46.961384 
+L 317.6226 -46.987789 
+L 317.71224 -46.984769 
+L 317.80188 -46.980289 
+L 317.89152 -46.970785 
+L 317.98116 -46.949277 
+L 318.0708 -46.942716 
+L 318.16044 -46.935399 
+L 318.25008 -46.916332 
+L 318.33972 -46.909352 
+L 318.42936 -46.904129 
+L 318.519 -47.050062 
+L 318.60864 -46.908155 
+L 318.69828 -46.912545 
+L 318.78792 -46.920042 
+L 318.87756 -46.92519 
+L 318.9672 -46.924563 
+L 319.05684 -46.93038 
+L 319.14648 -46.886062 
+L 319.23612 -46.916096 
+L 319.32576 -46.912055 
+L 319.4154 -47.291648 
+L 319.50504 -46.92911 
+L 319.59468 -46.931641 
+L 319.68432 -46.951928 
+L 319.77396 -46.948924 
+L 319.8636 -46.935183 
+L 319.95324 -46.928073 
+L 320.04288 -46.943093 
+L 320.13252 -46.920761 
+L 320.22216 -46.894929 
+L 320.3118 -46.860785 
+L 320.40144 -46.794499 
+L 320.49108 -46.834043 
+L 320.58072 -46.835923 
+L 320.67036 -46.85854 
+L 320.76 -46.831365 
+L 320.84964 -46.843375 
+L 320.93928 -46.863924 
+L 321.02892 -46.876519 
+L 321.11856 -46.864306 
+L 321.2082 -46.846958 
+L 321.29784 -46.837507 
+L 321.38748 -46.837581 
+L 321.47712 -47.015528 
+L 321.56676 -46.838907 
+L 321.6564 -46.858084 
+L 321.74604 -46.868545 
+L 321.83568 -46.879997 
+L 321.92532 -46.879193 
+L 322.01496 -46.916869 
+L 322.1046 -46.884114 
+L 322.19424 -46.877645 
+L 322.28388 -46.877398 
+L 322.37352 -46.879335 
+L 322.46316 -46.872028 
+L 322.5528 -46.868598 
+L 322.64244 -46.840274 
+L 322.73208 -46.843046 
+L 322.82172 -46.846049 
+L 322.91136 -46.852638 
+L 323.001 -46.869945 
+L 323.09064 -46.88225 
+L 323.18028 -47.060586 
+L 323.26992 -46.910794 
+L 323.35956 -46.902177 
+L 323.4492 -46.88894 
+L 323.53884 -46.883202 
+L 323.62848 -46.892442 
+L 323.71812 -46.848354 
+L 323.80776 -46.870362 
+L 323.8974 -46.879929 
+L 323.98704 -46.89719 
+L 324.07668 -46.918142 
+L 324.16632 -46.963607 
+L 324.25596 -46.963738 
+L 324.3456 -46.959363 
+L 324.43524 -46.958021 
+L 324.52488 -46.956017 
+L 324.61452 -46.945975 
+L 324.70416 -47.244934 
+L 324.7938 -46.967141 
+L 324.88344 -46.971433 
+L 324.97308 -46.959638 
+L 325.06272 -46.956299 
+L 325.15236 -46.947406 
+L 325.242 -46.939901 
+L 325.33164 -46.942843 
+L 325.42128 -46.943156 
+L 325.51092 -46.948209 
+L 325.60056 -46.948061 
+L 325.6902 -46.929817 
+L 325.77984 -46.94244 
+L 325.86948 -46.927624 
+L 325.95912 -46.945609 
+L 326.04876 -46.931203 
+L 326.1384 -46.904587 
+L 326.22804 -46.890999 
+L 326.31768 -46.888463 
+L 326.40732 -46.899172 
+L 326.49696 -46.892812 
+L 326.5866 -46.891904 
+L 326.67624 -46.914303 
+L 326.76588 -46.92907 
+L 326.85552 -46.93371 
+L 326.94516 -46.944913 
+L 327.0348 -46.92002 
+L 327.12444 -46.897428 
+L 327.21408 -46.881842 
+L 327.30372 -46.869428 
+L 327.39336 -46.852176 
+L 327.483 -46.821719 
+L 327.57264 -46.946064 
+L 327.66228 -46.819269 
+L 327.75192 -46.815139 
+L 327.84156 -46.820009 
+L 327.9312 -46.818729 
+L 328.02084 -46.818172 
+L 328.11048 -46.811128 
+L 328.20012 -46.777032 
+L 328.28976 -46.800075 
+L 328.3794 -46.756841 
+L 328.46904 -46.744548 
+L 328.55868 -46.738162 
+L 328.64832 -46.74632 
+L 328.73796 -46.761563 
+L 328.8276 -46.745504 
+L 328.91724 -46.752511 
+L 329.00688 -46.752401 
+L 329.09652 -46.742908 
+L 329.18616 -46.745651 
+L 329.2758 -46.736988 
+L 329.36544 -46.727757 
+L 329.45508 -46.724942 
+L 329.54472 -46.714362 
+L 329.63436 -46.758422 
+L 329.724 -46.730437 
+L 329.81364 -46.725921 
+L 329.90328 -46.730811 
+L 329.99292 -46.736668 
+L 330.08256 -46.762383 
+L 330.1722 -46.736624 
+L 330.26184 -46.738364 
+L 330.35148 -46.734525 
+L 330.44112 -46.72885 
+L 330.53076 -46.738707 
+L 330.6204 -46.734883 
+L 330.71004 -46.740893 
+L 330.79968 -46.755753 
+L 330.88932 -46.777012 
+L 330.97896 -46.802391 
+L 331.0686 -46.781855 
+L 331.15824 -46.831946 
+L 331.24788 -46.85166 
+L 331.33752 -46.860068 
+L 331.42716 -46.890583 
+L 331.5168 -46.898192 
+L 331.60644 -46.885972 
+L 331.69608 -46.887301 
+L 331.78572 -46.890109 
+L 331.87536 -47.229584 
+L 331.965 -46.90383 
+L 332.05464 -46.903567 
+L 332.14428 -46.894482 
+L 332.23392 -46.876008 
+L 332.32356 -46.887147 
+L 332.4132 -46.857172 
+L 332.50284 -46.872012 
+L 332.59248 -46.885631 
+L 332.68212 -46.894394 
+L 332.77176 -46.886015 
+L 332.8614 -46.876247 
+L 332.95104 -46.86183 
+L 333.04068 -46.832005 
+L 333.13032 -46.82529 
+L 333.21996 -46.819442 
+L 333.3096 -46.811111 
+L 333.39924 -46.80711 
+L 333.48888 -46.706561 
+L 333.57852 -46.758812 
+L 333.66816 -46.763918 
+L 333.7578 -46.76208 
+L 333.84744 -46.764537 
+L 333.93708 -46.755953 
+L 334.02672 -46.757112 
+L 334.11636 -46.763623 
+L 334.206 -46.772857 
+L 334.29564 -46.798423 
+L 334.38528 -46.793918 
+L 334.47492 -46.789264 
+L 334.56456 -46.780128 
+L 334.6542 -46.769047 
+L 334.74384 -46.766643 
+L 334.83348 -46.76617 
+L 334.92312 -46.770777 
+L 335.01276 -46.772249 
+L 335.1024 -46.8406 
+L 335.19204 -46.770096 
+L 335.28168 -46.78886 
+L 335.37132 -46.764271 
+L 335.46096 -46.781652 
+L 335.5506 -46.753037 
+L 335.64024 -46.748612 
+L 335.72988 -46.741757 
+L 335.81952 -46.752219 
+L 335.90916 -46.716212 
+L 335.9988 -46.724305 
+L 336.08844 -46.719986 
+L 336.17808 -46.712249 
+L 336.26772 -46.706047 
+L 336.35736 -46.720407 
+L 336.447 -46.717794 
+L 336.53664 -46.707808 
+L 336.62628 -46.702061 
+L 336.71592 -46.702585 
+L 336.80556 -46.707333 
+L 336.8952 -46.686976 
+L 336.98484 -46.704319 
+L 337.07448 -46.700095 
+L 337.16412 -46.693434 
+L 337.25376 -46.700329 
+L 337.3434 -46.705471 
+L 337.43304 -46.713106 
+L 337.52268 -46.738357 
+L 337.61232 -46.942671 
+L 337.70196 -46.751451 
+L 337.7916 -46.783181 
+L 337.88124 -46.781934 
+L 337.97088 -46.772212 
+L 338.06052 -46.769775 
+L 338.15016 -46.812669 
+L 338.2398 -46.780389 
+L 338.32944 -46.780551 
+L 338.41908 -46.783974 
+L 338.50872 -46.7841 
+L 338.59836 -46.773667 
+L 338.688 -46.792535 
+L 338.77764 -46.864672 
+L 338.86728 -46.782261 
+L 338.95692 -46.767631 
+L 339.04656 -46.757356 
+L 339.1362 -46.751144 
+L 339.22584 -46.750729 
+L 339.31548 -46.770124 
+L 339.40512 -46.785538 
+L 339.49476 -46.769578 
+L 339.5844 -46.796742 
+L 339.67404 -46.831678 
+L 339.76368 -46.851256 
+L 339.85332 -46.872611 
+L 339.94296 -46.862845 
+L 340.0326 -47.074517 
+L 340.12224 -46.878314 
+L 340.21188 -46.832283 
+L 340.30152 -46.814795 
+L 340.39116 -46.789632 
+L 340.4808 -46.782564 
+L 340.57044 -46.767105 
+L 340.66008 -46.786455 
+L 340.74972 -46.794594 
+L 340.83936 -46.785496 
+L 340.929 -46.78415 
+L 341.01864 -46.730868 
+L 341.10828 -46.69638 
+L 341.19792 -47.094421 
+L 341.28756 -46.704226 
+L 341.3772 -46.688031 
+L 341.46684 -46.693197 
+L 341.55648 -46.718778 
+L 341.64612 -46.738151 
+L 341.73576 -46.73979 
+L 341.8254 -46.807051 
+L 341.91504 -46.750928 
+L 342.00468 -46.740473 
+L 342.09432 -46.73088 
+L 342.18396 -46.727978 
+L 342.2736 -46.734624 
+L 342.36324 -46.780182 
+L 342.45288 -46.801639 
+L 342.54252 -46.817819 
+L 342.63216 -46.814902 
+L 342.7218 -46.811445 
+L 342.81144 -46.819054 
+L 342.90108 -46.837962 
+L 342.99072 -46.82984 
+L 343.08036 -46.829671 
+L 343.17 -46.830739 
+L 343.25964 -46.826617 
+L 343.34928 -46.838307 
+L 343.43892 -46.801171 
+L 343.52856 -46.811022 
+L 343.6182 -46.817163 
+L 343.70784 -46.833734 
+L 343.79748 -46.825912 
+L 343.88712 -46.816261 
+L 343.97676 -46.814471 
+L 344.0664 -46.816943 
+L 344.15604 -46.845946 
+L 344.24568 -46.813418 
+L 344.33532 -46.814605 
+L 344.42496 -46.813984 
+L 344.5146 -46.813551 
+L 344.60424 -46.825772 
+L 344.69388 -47.007744 
+L 344.78352 -46.819631 
+L 344.87316 -46.843123 
+L 344.9628 -46.872909 
+L 345.05244 -46.886841 
+L 345.14208 -46.870758 
+L 345.23172 -46.884337 
+L 345.32136 -46.892951 
+L 345.411 -46.897557 
+L 345.50064 -46.886899 
+L 345.59028 -46.92985 
+L 345.67992 -46.895751 
+L 345.76956 -46.883128 
+L 345.8592 -46.88107 
+L 345.94884 -46.889552 
+L 346.03848 -46.979164 
+L 346.12812 -46.924154 
+L 346.21776 -46.929521 
+L 346.3074 -46.927286 
+L 346.39704 -46.914011 
+L 346.48668 -46.887541 
+L 346.57632 -46.884716 
+L 346.66596 -46.870319 
+L 346.7556 -46.864047 
+L 346.84524 -46.85994 
+L 346.93488 -46.871645 
+L 347.02452 -46.878387 
+L 347.11416 -46.890966 
+L 347.2038 -46.894447 
+L 347.29344 -46.883054 
+L 347.38308 -46.888121 
+L 347.47272 -46.892252 
+L 347.56236 -46.908438 
+L 347.652 -46.919983 
+L 347.74164 -46.933341 
+L 347.83128 -46.934712 
+L 347.92092 -46.929132 
+L 348.01056 -46.90402 
+L 348.1002 -46.95578 
+L 348.18984 -46.917876 
+L 348.27948 -46.906495 
+L 348.36912 -46.901572 
+L 348.45876 -46.885481 
+L 348.5484 -46.906177 
+L 348.63804 -46.892269 
+L 348.72768 -46.87678 
+L 348.81732 -46.861031 
+L 348.90696 -46.851219 
+L 348.9966 -46.845227 
+L 349.08624 -46.843726 
+L 349.17588 -46.844348 
+L 349.26552 -46.841131 
+L 349.35516 -46.785399 
+L 349.4448 -46.812566 
+L 349.53444 -46.808211 
+L 349.62408 -46.800211 
+L 349.71372 -46.791284 
+L 349.80336 -46.794639 
+L 349.893 -46.75183 
+L 349.98264 -46.793855 
+L 350.07228 -46.790649 
+L 350.16192 -46.791525 
+L 350.25156 -46.79255 
+L 350.3412 -46.793613 
+L 350.43084 -47.855569 
+L 350.52048 -46.808548 
+L 350.61012 -46.807927 
+L 350.69976 -46.811098 
+L 350.7894 -46.816324 
+L 350.87904 -46.824789 
+L 350.96868 -46.839304 
+L 351.05832 -46.934432 
+L 351.14796 -46.86677 
+L 351.2376 -46.854577 
+L 351.32724 -46.839075 
+L 351.41688 -46.827428 
+L 351.50652 -46.822125 
+L 351.59616 -46.816634 
+L 351.6858 -47.199723 
+L 351.77544 -46.793054 
+L 351.86508 -46.796234 
+L 351.95472 -46.921812 
+L 352.04436 -46.805196 
+L 352.134 -46.811281 
+L 352.22364 -46.808959 
+L 352.31328 -47.024742 
+L 352.40292 -46.868398 
+L 352.49256 -46.850623 
+L 352.5822 -46.841516 
+L 352.67184 -46.840165 
+L 352.76148 -46.838935 
+L 352.85112 -46.840741 
+L 352.94076 -46.973153 
+L 353.0304 -46.865765 
+L 353.12004 -46.862403 
+L 353.20968 -46.851627 
+L 353.29932 -46.857353 
+L 353.38896 -46.870377 
+L 353.4786 -46.872972 
+L 353.56824 -46.888746 
+L 353.65788 -46.903176 
+L 353.74752 -46.874848 
+L 353.83716 -46.878557 
+L 353.9268 -46.881517 
+L 354.01644 -46.884403 
+L 354.10608 -46.890594 
+L 354.19572 -46.900529 
+L 354.28536 -48.029662 
+L 354.375 -46.892631 
+L 354.46464 -46.896951 
+L 354.55428 -46.900514 
+L 354.64392 -46.904183 
+L 354.73356 -46.909378 
+L 354.8232 -46.912633 
+L 354.91284 -46.96961 
+L 355.00248 -46.92784 
+L 355.09212 -46.921792 
+L 355.18176 -46.926927 
+L 355.2714 -46.928486 
+L 355.36104 -46.959973 
+L 355.45068 -46.966648 
+L 355.54032 -46.950811 
+L 355.62996 -46.951672 
+L 355.7196 -46.969746 
+L 355.80924 -46.96277 
+L 355.89888 -46.952438 
+L 355.98852 -46.945883 
+L 356.07816 -46.973467 
+L 356.1678 -46.957404 
+L 356.25744 -46.961434 
+L 356.34708 -46.966966 
+L 356.43672 -46.963697 
+L 356.52636 -46.949811 
+L 356.616 -46.970809 
+L 356.70564 -46.928506 
+L 356.79528 -46.911772 
+L 356.88492 -46.891961 
+L 356.97456 -46.891251 
+L 357.0642 -46.897738 
+L 357.15384 -46.908782 
+L 357.24348 -46.971517 
+L 357.33312 -46.934515 
+L 357.42276 -46.924944 
+L 357.5124 -46.921904 
+L 357.60204 -46.91834 
+L 357.69168 -46.909342 
+L 357.78132 -47.040192 
+L 357.87096 -46.962552 
+L 357.9606 -46.960841 
+L 358.05024 -46.988603 
+L 358.13988 -47.132757 
+L 358.22952 -46.983229 
+L 358.31916 -46.997868 
+L 358.4088 -47.006856 
+L 358.49844 -46.999522 
+L 358.58808 -47.045989 
+L 358.67772 -46.987246 
+L 358.76736 -46.968268 
+L 358.857 -46.951921 
+L 358.94664 -46.907515 
+L 359.03628 -46.968037 
+L 359.12592 -46.935284 
+L 359.21556 -46.945429 
+L 359.3052 -46.963596 
+L 359.39484 -46.958252 
+L 359.48448 -46.94938 
+L 359.57412 -46.929337 
+L 359.66376 -46.914426 
+L 359.7534 -46.886669 
+L 359.84304 -46.888782 
+L 359.93268 -46.889893 
+L 360.02232 -46.902109 
+L 360.11196 -46.911228 
+L 360.2016 -46.935653 
+L 360.29124 -46.889087 
+L 360.38088 -46.918956 
+L 360.47052 -46.939851 
+L 360.56016 -46.947227 
+L 360.6498 -46.948507 
+L 360.73944 -46.938995 
+L 360.82908 -46.928341 
+L 360.91872 -46.924998 
+L 361.00836 -46.920615 
+L 361.098 -46.988974 
+L 361.18764 -46.934658 
+L 361.27728 -46.92075 
+L 361.36692 -46.917562 
+L 361.45656 -46.919407 
+L 361.5462 -46.907463 
+L 361.63584 -46.91721 
+L 361.72548 -46.916683 
+L 361.81512 -46.918103 
+L 361.90476 -46.921363 
+L 361.9944 -46.920712 
+L 362.08404 -46.913117 
+L 362.17368 -47.138835 
+L 362.26332 -46.914894 
+L 362.35296 -46.911209 
+L 362.4426 -46.915622 
+L 362.53224 -46.915897 
+L 362.62188 -46.923836 
+L 362.71152 -46.932942 
+L 362.80116 -46.928457 
+L 362.8908 -46.941272 
+L 362.98044 -46.928035 
+L 363.07008 -46.921138 
+L 363.15972 -46.913149 
+L 363.24936 -46.888795 
+L 363.339 -46.902355 
+L 363.42864 -46.906263 
+L 363.51828 -46.912649 
+L 363.60792 -46.911233 
+L 363.69756 -46.90402 
+L 363.7872 -46.903865 
+L 363.87684 -46.944513 
+L 363.96648 -46.911318 
+L 364.05612 -46.910759 
+L 364.14576 -46.905781 
+L 364.2354 -46.891301 
+L 364.32504 -46.876908 
+L 364.41468 -46.899944 
+L 364.50432 -46.877931 
+L 364.59396 -46.867223 
+L 364.6836 -46.866971 
+L 364.77324 -46.872988 
+L 364.86288 -46.875515 
+L 364.95252 -46.867106 
+L 365.04216 -46.867296 
+L 365.1318 -46.899431 
+L 365.22144 -46.87998 
+L 365.31108 -46.880364 
+L 365.40072 -46.880688 
+L 365.49036 -46.880571 
+L 365.58 -46.881177 
+L 365.66964 -46.88995 
+L 365.75928 -47.07001 
+L 365.84892 -46.905258 
+L 365.93856 -46.91302 
+L 366.0282 -46.917899 
+L 366.11784 -46.92082 
+L 366.20748 -46.91802 
+L 366.29712 -46.97783 
+L 366.38676 -46.928969 
+L 366.4764 -46.921665 
+L 366.56604 -46.926219 
+L 366.65568 -46.92746 
+L 366.74532 -46.952195 
+L 366.83496 -46.869535 
+L 366.9246 -46.924902 
+L 367.01424 -46.931555 
+L 367.10388 -46.922621 
+L 367.19352 -46.908863 
+L 367.28316 -46.897928 
+L 367.3728 -46.893988 
+L 367.46244 -46.900639 
+L 367.55208 -46.893851 
+L 367.64172 -46.898166 
+L 367.73136 -46.902209 
+L 367.821 -46.907914 
+L 367.91064 -46.909596 
+L 368.00028 -46.963698 
+L 368.08992 -46.928577 
+L 368.17956 -46.92096 
+L 368.2692 -46.914688 
+L 368.35884 -46.899891 
+L 368.44848 -46.89013 
+L 368.53812 -46.896732 
+L 368.62776 -47.06928 
+L 368.7174 -46.902958 
+L 368.80704 -46.914958 
+L 368.89668 -46.930979 
+L 368.98632 -46.93109 
+L 369.07596 -46.926901 
+L 369.1656 -46.907446 
+L 369.25524 -46.877364 
+L 369.34488 -46.869254 
+L 369.43452 -46.864266 
+L 369.52416 -46.858163 
+L 369.6138 -46.844803 
+L 369.70344 -46.842469 
+L 369.79308 -46.906707 
+L 369.88272 -46.839026 
+L 369.97236 -46.836879 
+L 370.062 -46.842861 
+L 370.15164 -46.80084 
+L 370.24128 -46.824923 
+L 370.33092 -46.829571 
+L 370.42056 -46.843601 
+L 370.5102 -46.842605 
+L 370.59984 -46.855648 
+L 370.68948 -46.860234 
+L 370.77912 -46.866331 
+L 370.86876 -46.874218 
+L 370.9584 -46.959269 
+L 371.04804 -46.880005 
+L 371.13768 -46.882255 
+L 371.22732 -46.883735 
+L 371.31696 -46.889458 
+L 371.4066 -46.890051 
+L 371.49624 -46.889192 
+L 371.58588 -46.880295 
+L 371.67552 -46.862745 
+L 371.76516 -48.725792 
+L 371.8548 -46.853354 
+L 371.94444 -46.822392 
+L 372.03408 -46.814924 
+L 372.12372 -46.813284 
+L 372.21336 -46.81317 
+L 372.303 -46.885104 
+L 372.39264 -46.82104 
+L 372.48228 -46.823877 
+L 372.57192 -46.837114 
+L 372.66156 -46.83845 
+L 372.7512 -46.843723 
+L 372.84084 -46.828957 
+L 372.93048 -46.853275 
+L 373.02012 -46.836981 
+L 373.10976 -46.829005 
+L 373.1994 -46.821383 
+L 373.28904 -46.819312 
+L 373.37868 -46.894716 
+L 373.46832 -46.81434 
+L 373.55796 -46.82483 
+L 373.6476 -46.828183 
+L 373.73724 -46.839859 
+L 373.82688 -46.824779 
+L 373.91652 -46.8296 
+L 374.00616 -46.824557 
+L 374.0958 -46.816802 
+L 374.18544 -46.819131 
+L 374.27508 -46.806221 
+L 374.36472 -46.838845 
+L 374.45436 -46.853067 
+L 374.544 -46.864337 
+L 374.63364 -46.872958 
+L 374.72328 -46.867586 
+L 374.81292 -46.846379 
+L 374.90256 -46.836191 
+L 374.9922 -46.838641 
+L 375.08184 -46.85506 
+L 375.17148 -46.838807 
+L 375.26112 -46.957236 
+L 375.35076 -46.872636 
+L 375.4404 -46.899577 
+L 375.53004 -46.910835 
+L 375.61968 -46.905217 
+L 375.70932 -46.891576 
+L 375.79896 -46.876086 
+L 375.8886 -46.867349 
+L 375.97824 -46.86729 
+L 376.06788 -46.869024 
+L 376.15752 -46.871483 
+L 376.24716 -46.884809 
+L 376.3368 -46.872306 
+L 376.42644 -46.875736 
+L 376.51608 -46.868436 
+L 376.60572 -46.862608 
+L 376.69536 -46.852031 
+L 376.785 -46.843327 
+L 376.87464 -46.836209 
+L 376.96428 -46.944291 
+L 377.05392 -46.842442 
+L 377.14356 -46.854448 
+L 377.2332 -46.887266 
+L 377.32284 -46.902353 
+L 377.41248 -46.915487 
+L 377.50212 -46.921223 
+L 377.59176 -46.908181 
+L 377.6814 -46.897077 
+L 377.77104 -46.887945 
+L 377.86068 -46.881908 
+L 377.95032 -46.886026 
+L 378.03996 -46.924143 
+L 378.1296 -46.922554 
+L 378.21924 -46.92946 
+L 378.30888 -46.94802 
+L 378.39852 -46.934703 
+L 378.48816 -46.922833 
+L 378.5778 -46.911324 
+L 378.66744 -46.902072 
+L 378.75708 -46.880646 
+L 378.84672 -46.888604 
+L 378.93636 -46.881831 
+L 379.026 -46.886208 
+L 379.11564 -46.890083 
+L 379.20528 -46.878103 
+L 379.29492 -46.934124 
+L 379.38456 -46.902206 
+L 379.4742 -46.889765 
+L 379.56384 -46.875761 
+L 379.65348 -46.85641 
+L 379.74312 -46.858316 
+L 379.83276 -46.864199 
+L 379.9224 -46.867904 
+L 380.01204 -46.868998 
+L 380.10168 -47.047989 
+L 380.19132 -46.879794 
+L 380.28096 -46.881384 
+L 380.3706 -46.889366 
+L 380.46024 -46.888659 
+L 380.54988 -47.010479 
+L 380.63952 -46.924663 
+L 380.72916 -46.91674 
+L 380.8188 -46.881101 
+L 380.90844 -46.894318 
+L 380.99808 -46.899309 
+L 381.08772 -46.907909 
+L 381.17736 -46.932714 
+L 381.267 -46.971823 
+L 381.35664 -46.928341 
+L 381.44628 -46.946454 
+L 381.53592 -46.948368 
+L 381.62556 -46.943452 
+L 381.7152 -46.930225 
+L 381.80484 -46.925041 
+L 381.89448 -46.872373 
+L 381.98412 -46.899357 
+L 382.07376 -46.932949 
+L 382.1634 -46.920584 
+L 382.25304 -46.920108 
+L 382.34268 -46.923745 
+L 382.43232 -46.941447 
+L 382.52196 -46.939279 
+L 382.6116 -46.938255 
+L 382.70124 -46.947348 
+L 382.79088 -46.950421 
+L 382.88052 -46.983049 
+L 382.97016 -46.953699 
+L 383.0598 -46.934272 
+L 383.14944 -46.923868 
+L 383.23908 -46.900104 
+L 383.32872 -46.894556 
+L 383.41836 -46.872684 
+L 383.508 -46.882081 
+L 383.59764 -46.88979 
+L 383.68728 -46.910583 
+L 383.77692 -46.90182 
+L 383.86656 -46.888618 
+L 383.9562 -46.876863 
+L 384.04584 -46.858479 
+L 384.13548 -46.855023 
+L 384.22512 -46.76257 
+L 384.31476 -46.817528 
+L 384.4044 -46.818551 
+L 384.49404 -46.827702 
+L 384.58368 -46.841265 
+L 384.67332 -46.831509 
+L 384.76296 -46.835585 
+L 384.8526 -46.838999 
+L 384.94224 -46.833419 
+L 385.03188 -46.869091 
+L 385.12152 -46.837754 
+L 385.21116 -46.830954 
+L 385.3008 -46.821868 
+L 385.39044 -46.818188 
+L 385.48008 -46.82005 
+L 385.56972 -46.788371 
+L 385.65936 -46.82104 
+L 385.749 -46.831729 
+L 385.83864 -46.874002 
+L 385.92828 -46.838225 
+L 386.01792 -46.832989 
+L 386.10756 -46.819298 
+L 386.1972 -46.791 
+L 386.28684 -46.766473 
+L 386.37648 -46.76261 
+L 386.46612 -46.766249 
+L 386.55576 -46.763515 
+L 386.6454 -46.750372 
+L 386.73504 -46.779968 
+L 386.82468 -46.7628 
+L 386.91432 -46.750932 
+L 387.00396 -46.747613 
+L 387.0936 -46.756976 
+L 387.18324 -46.755982 
+L 387.27288 -46.760976 
+L 387.36252 -46.770508 
+L 387.45216 -46.774777 
+L 387.5418 -46.77685 
+L 387.63144 -46.779326 
+L 387.72108 -46.780892 
+L 387.81072 -46.778358 
+L 387.90036 -46.780343 
+L 387.99 -46.777238 
+L 388.07964 -46.819476 
+L 388.16928 -46.790804 
+L 388.25892 -46.786315 
+L 388.34856 -46.783617 
+L 388.4382 -46.792367 
+L 388.52784 -46.796725 
+L 388.61748 -46.791063 
+L 388.70712 -46.91734 
+L 388.79676 -46.792121 
+L 388.8864 -46.788607 
+L 388.97604 -46.787076 
+L 389.06568 -46.714179 
+L 389.15532 -46.756288 
+L 389.24496 -46.761665 
+L 389.3346 -46.767687 
+L 389.42424 -46.767762 
+L 389.51388 -46.765362 
+L 389.60352 -46.771572 
+L 389.69316 -46.772199 
+L 389.7828 -46.76981 
+L 389.87244 -46.765874 
+L 389.96208 -46.764533 
+L 390.05172 -46.759898 
+L 390.14136 -46.761159 
+L 390.231 -46.76261 
+L 390.32064 -46.838811 
+L 390.41028 -46.785692 
+L 390.49992 -46.789033 
+L 390.58956 -46.807391 
+L 390.6792 -46.816139 
+L 390.76884 -46.815673 
+L 390.85848 -46.815127 
+L 390.94812 -46.812392 
+L 391.03776 -46.817052 
+L 391.1274 -46.81183 
+L 391.21704 -46.811482 
+L 391.30668 -46.809436 
+L 391.39632 -46.795221 
+L 391.48596 -46.820789 
+L 391.5756 -46.802059 
+L 391.66524 -46.809769 
+L 391.75488 -46.812916 
+L 391.84452 -46.81868 
+L 391.93416 -46.809702 
+L 392.0238 -46.785426 
+L 392.11344 -46.765104 
+L 392.20308 -46.723449 
+L 392.29272 -46.723944 
+L 392.38236 -46.725944 
+L 392.472 -46.729199 
+L 392.56164 -46.736121 
+L 392.65128 -46.749329 
+L 392.74092 -46.753467 
+L 392.83056 -46.748357 
+L 392.9202 -46.762861 
+L 393.00984 -46.764053 
+L 393.09948 -46.760768 
+L 393.18912 -46.770595 
+L 393.27876 -46.86673 
+L 393.3684 -46.785937 
+L 393.45804 -46.797203 
+L 393.54768 -46.79897 
+L 393.63732 -46.791239 
+L 393.63732 -46.08 
+L 393.63732 -46.08 
+L 393.54768 -46.08 
+L 393.45804 -46.08 
+L 393.3684 -46.08 
+L 393.27876 -46.08 
+L 393.18912 -46.08 
+L 393.09948 -46.08 
+L 393.00984 -46.08 
+L 392.9202 -46.08 
+L 392.83056 -46.08 
+L 392.74092 -46.08 
+L 392.65128 -46.08 
+L 392.56164 -46.08 
+L 392.472 -46.08 
+L 392.38236 -46.08 
+L 392.29272 -46.08 
+L 392.20308 -46.08 
+L 392.11344 -46.08 
+L 392.0238 -46.08 
+L 391.93416 -46.08 
+L 391.84452 -46.08 
+L 391.75488 -46.08 
+L 391.66524 -46.08 
+L 391.5756 -46.08 
+L 391.48596 -46.08 
+L 391.39632 -46.08 
+L 391.30668 -46.08 
+L 391.21704 -46.08 
+L 391.1274 -46.08 
+L 391.03776 -46.08 
+L 390.94812 -46.08 
+L 390.85848 -46.08 
+L 390.76884 -46.08 
+L 390.6792 -46.08 
+L 390.58956 -46.08 
+L 390.49992 -46.08 
+L 390.41028 -46.08 
+L 390.32064 -46.08 
+L 390.231 -46.08 
+L 390.14136 -46.08 
+L 390.05172 -46.08 
+L 389.96208 -46.08 
+L 389.87244 -46.08 
+L 389.7828 -46.08 
+L 389.69316 -46.08 
+L 389.60352 -46.08 
+L 389.51388 -46.08 
+L 389.42424 -46.08 
+L 389.3346 -46.08 
+L 389.24496 -46.08 
+L 389.15532 -46.08 
+L 389.06568 -46.08 
+L 388.97604 -46.08 
+L 388.8864 -46.08 
+L 388.79676 -46.08 
+L 388.70712 -46.08 
+L 388.61748 -46.08 
+L 388.52784 -46.08 
+L 388.4382 -46.08 
+L 388.34856 -46.08 
+L 388.25892 -46.08 
+L 388.16928 -46.08 
+L 388.07964 -46.08 
+L 387.99 -46.08 
+L 387.90036 -46.08 
+L 387.81072 -46.08 
+L 387.72108 -46.08 
+L 387.63144 -46.08 
+L 387.5418 -46.08 
+L 387.45216 -46.08 
+L 387.36252 -46.08 
+L 387.27288 -46.08 
+L 387.18324 -46.08 
+L 387.0936 -46.08 
+L 387.00396 -46.08 
+L 386.91432 -46.08 
+L 386.82468 -46.08 
+L 386.73504 -46.08 
+L 386.6454 -46.08 
+L 386.55576 -46.08 
+L 386.46612 -46.08 
+L 386.37648 -46.08 
+L 386.28684 -46.08 
+L 386.1972 -46.08 
+L 386.10756 -46.08 
+L 386.01792 -46.08 
+L 385.92828 -46.08 
+L 385.83864 -46.08 
+L 385.749 -46.08 
+L 385.65936 -46.08 
+L 385.56972 -46.08 
+L 385.48008 -46.08 
+L 385.39044 -46.08 
+L 385.3008 -46.08 
+L 385.21116 -46.08 
+L 385.12152 -46.08 
+L 385.03188 -46.08 
+L 384.94224 -46.08 
+L 384.8526 -46.08 
+L 384.76296 -46.08 
+L 384.67332 -46.08 
+L 384.58368 -46.08 
+L 384.49404 -46.08 
+L 384.4044 -46.08 
+L 384.31476 -46.08 
+L 384.22512 -46.08 
+L 384.13548 -46.08 
+L 384.04584 -46.08 
+L 383.9562 -46.08 
+L 383.86656 -46.08 
+L 383.77692 -46.08 
+L 383.68728 -46.08 
+L 383.59764 -46.08 
+L 383.508 -46.08 
+L 383.41836 -46.08 
+L 383.32872 -46.08 
+L 383.23908 -46.08 
+L 383.14944 -46.08 
+L 383.0598 -46.08 
+L 382.97016 -46.08 
+L 382.88052 -46.08 
+L 382.79088 -46.08 
+L 382.70124 -46.08 
+L 382.6116 -46.08 
+L 382.52196 -46.08 
+L 382.43232 -46.08 
+L 382.34268 -46.08 
+L 382.25304 -46.08 
+L 382.1634 -46.08 
+L 382.07376 -46.08 
+L 381.98412 -46.08 
+L 381.89448 -46.08 
+L 381.80484 -46.08 
+L 381.7152 -46.08 
+L 381.62556 -46.08 
+L 381.53592 -46.08 
+L 381.44628 -46.08 
+L 381.35664 -46.08 
+L 381.267 -46.08 
+L 381.17736 -46.08 
+L 381.08772 -46.08 
+L 380.99808 -46.08 
+L 380.90844 -46.08 
+L 380.8188 -46.08 
+L 380.72916 -46.08 
+L 380.63952 -46.08 
+L 380.54988 -46.08 
+L 380.46024 -46.08 
+L 380.3706 -46.08 
+L 380.28096 -46.08 
+L 380.19132 -46.08 
+L 380.10168 -46.08 
+L 380.01204 -46.08 
+L 379.9224 -46.08 
+L 379.83276 -46.08 
+L 379.74312 -46.08 
+L 379.65348 -46.08 
+L 379.56384 -46.08 
+L 379.4742 -46.08 
+L 379.38456 -46.08 
+L 379.29492 -46.08 
+L 379.20528 -46.08 
+L 379.11564 -46.08 
+L 379.026 -46.08 
+L 378.93636 -46.08 
+L 378.84672 -46.08 
+L 378.75708 -46.08 
+L 378.66744 -46.08 
+L 378.5778 -46.08 
+L 378.48816 -46.08 
+L 378.39852 -46.08 
+L 378.30888 -46.08 
+L 378.21924 -46.08 
+L 378.1296 -46.08 
+L 378.03996 -46.08 
+L 377.95032 -46.08 
+L 377.86068 -46.08 
+L 377.77104 -46.08 
+L 377.6814 -46.08 
+L 377.59176 -46.08 
+L 377.50212 -46.08 
+L 377.41248 -46.08 
+L 377.32284 -46.08 
+L 377.2332 -46.08 
+L 377.14356 -46.08 
+L 377.05392 -46.08 
+L 376.96428 -46.08 
+L 376.87464 -46.08 
+L 376.785 -46.08 
+L 376.69536 -46.08 
+L 376.60572 -46.08 
+L 376.51608 -46.08 
+L 376.42644 -46.08 
+L 376.3368 -46.08 
+L 376.24716 -46.08 
+L 376.15752 -46.08 
+L 376.06788 -46.08 
+L 375.97824 -46.08 
+L 375.8886 -46.08 
+L 375.79896 -46.08 
+L 375.70932 -46.08 
+L 375.61968 -46.08 
+L 375.53004 -46.08 
+L 375.4404 -46.08 
+L 375.35076 -46.08 
+L 375.26112 -46.08 
+L 375.17148 -46.08 
+L 375.08184 -46.08 
+L 374.9922 -46.08 
+L 374.90256 -46.08 
+L 374.81292 -46.08 
+L 374.72328 -46.08 
+L 374.63364 -46.08 
+L 374.544 -46.08 
+L 374.45436 -46.08 
+L 374.36472 -46.08 
+L 374.27508 -46.08 
+L 374.18544 -46.08 
+L 374.0958 -46.08 
+L 374.00616 -46.08 
+L 373.91652 -46.08 
+L 373.82688 -46.08 
+L 373.73724 -46.08 
+L 373.6476 -46.08 
+L 373.55796 -46.08 
+L 373.46832 -46.08 
+L 373.37868 -46.08 
+L 373.28904 -46.08 
+L 373.1994 -46.08 
+L 373.10976 -46.08 
+L 373.02012 -46.08 
+L 372.93048 -46.08 
+L 372.84084 -46.08 
+L 372.7512 -46.08 
+L 372.66156 -46.08 
+L 372.57192 -46.08 
+L 372.48228 -46.08 
+L 372.39264 -46.08 
+L 372.303 -46.08 
+L 372.21336 -46.08 
+L 372.12372 -46.08 
+L 372.03408 -46.08 
+L 371.94444 -46.08 
+L 371.8548 -46.08 
+L 371.76516 -46.08 
+L 371.67552 -46.08 
+L 371.58588 -46.08 
+L 371.49624 -46.08 
+L 371.4066 -46.08 
+L 371.31696 -46.08 
+L 371.22732 -46.08 
+L 371.13768 -46.08 
+L 371.04804 -46.08 
+L 370.9584 -46.08 
+L 370.86876 -46.08 
+L 370.77912 -46.08 
+L 370.68948 -46.08 
+L 370.59984 -46.08 
+L 370.5102 -46.08 
+L 370.42056 -46.08 
+L 370.33092 -46.08 
+L 370.24128 -46.08 
+L 370.15164 -46.08 
+L 370.062 -46.08 
+L 369.97236 -46.08 
+L 369.88272 -46.08 
+L 369.79308 -46.08 
+L 369.70344 -46.08 
+L 369.6138 -46.08 
+L 369.52416 -46.08 
+L 369.43452 -46.08 
+L 369.34488 -46.08 
+L 369.25524 -46.08 
+L 369.1656 -46.08 
+L 369.07596 -46.08 
+L 368.98632 -46.08 
+L 368.89668 -46.08 
+L 368.80704 -46.08 
+L 368.7174 -46.08 
+L 368.62776 -46.08 
+L 368.53812 -46.08 
+L 368.44848 -46.08 
+L 368.35884 -46.08 
+L 368.2692 -46.08 
+L 368.17956 -46.08 
+L 368.08992 -46.08 
+L 368.00028 -46.08 
+L 367.91064 -46.08 
+L 367.821 -46.08 
+L 367.73136 -46.08 
+L 367.64172 -46.08 
+L 367.55208 -46.08 
+L 367.46244 -46.08 
+L 367.3728 -46.08 
+L 367.28316 -46.08 
+L 367.19352 -46.08 
+L 367.10388 -46.08 
+L 367.01424 -46.08 
+L 366.9246 -46.08 
+L 366.83496 -46.08 
+L 366.74532 -46.08 
+L 366.65568 -46.08 
+L 366.56604 -46.08 
+L 366.4764 -46.08 
+L 366.38676 -46.08 
+L 366.29712 -46.08 
+L 366.20748 -46.08 
+L 366.11784 -46.08 
+L 366.0282 -46.08 
+L 365.93856 -46.08 
+L 365.84892 -46.08 
+L 365.75928 -46.08 
+L 365.66964 -46.08 
+L 365.58 -46.08 
+L 365.49036 -46.08 
+L 365.40072 -46.08 
+L 365.31108 -46.08 
+L 365.22144 -46.08 
+L 365.1318 -46.08 
+L 365.04216 -46.08 
+L 364.95252 -46.08 
+L 364.86288 -46.08 
+L 364.77324 -46.08 
+L 364.6836 -46.08 
+L 364.59396 -46.08 
+L 364.50432 -46.08 
+L 364.41468 -46.08 
+L 364.32504 -46.08 
+L 364.2354 -46.08 
+L 364.14576 -46.08 
+L 364.05612 -46.08 
+L 363.96648 -46.08 
+L 363.87684 -46.08 
+L 363.7872 -46.08 
+L 363.69756 -46.08 
+L 363.60792 -46.08 
+L 363.51828 -46.08 
+L 363.42864 -46.08 
+L 363.339 -46.08 
+L 363.24936 -46.08 
+L 363.15972 -46.08 
+L 363.07008 -46.08 
+L 362.98044 -46.08 
+L 362.8908 -46.08 
+L 362.80116 -46.08 
+L 362.71152 -46.08 
+L 362.62188 -46.08 
+L 362.53224 -46.08 
+L 362.4426 -46.08 
+L 362.35296 -46.08 
+L 362.26332 -46.08 
+L 362.17368 -46.08 
+L 362.08404 -46.08 
+L 361.9944 -46.08 
+L 361.90476 -46.08 
+L 361.81512 -46.08 
+L 361.72548 -46.08 
+L 361.63584 -46.08 
+L 361.5462 -46.08 
+L 361.45656 -46.08 
+L 361.36692 -46.08 
+L 361.27728 -46.08 
+L 361.18764 -46.08 
+L 361.098 -46.08 
+L 361.00836 -46.08 
+L 360.91872 -46.08 
+L 360.82908 -46.08 
+L 360.73944 -46.08 
+L 360.6498 -46.08 
+L 360.56016 -46.08 
+L 360.47052 -46.08 
+L 360.38088 -46.08 
+L 360.29124 -46.08 
+L 360.2016 -46.08 
+L 360.11196 -46.08 
+L 360.02232 -46.08 
+L 359.93268 -46.08 
+L 359.84304 -46.08 
+L 359.7534 -46.08 
+L 359.66376 -46.08 
+L 359.57412 -46.08 
+L 359.48448 -46.08 
+L 359.39484 -46.08 
+L 359.3052 -46.08 
+L 359.21556 -46.08 
+L 359.12592 -46.08 
+L 359.03628 -46.08 
+L 358.94664 -46.08 
+L 358.857 -46.08 
+L 358.76736 -46.08 
+L 358.67772 -46.08 
+L 358.58808 -46.08 
+L 358.49844 -46.08 
+L 358.4088 -46.08 
+L 358.31916 -46.08 
+L 358.22952 -46.08 
+L 358.13988 -46.08 
+L 358.05024 -46.08 
+L 357.9606 -46.08 
+L 357.87096 -46.08 
+L 357.78132 -46.08 
+L 357.69168 -46.08 
+L 357.60204 -46.08 
+L 357.5124 -46.08 
+L 357.42276 -46.08 
+L 357.33312 -46.08 
+L 357.24348 -46.08 
+L 357.15384 -46.08 
+L 357.0642 -46.08 
+L 356.97456 -46.08 
+L 356.88492 -46.08 
+L 356.79528 -46.08 
+L 356.70564 -46.08 
+L 356.616 -46.08 
+L 356.52636 -46.08 
+L 356.43672 -46.08 
+L 356.34708 -46.08 
+L 356.25744 -46.08 
+L 356.1678 -46.08 
+L 356.07816 -46.08 
+L 355.98852 -46.08 
+L 355.89888 -46.08 
+L 355.80924 -46.08 
+L 355.7196 -46.08 
+L 355.62996 -46.08 
+L 355.54032 -46.08 
+L 355.45068 -46.08 
+L 355.36104 -46.08 
+L 355.2714 -46.08 
+L 355.18176 -46.08 
+L 355.09212 -46.08 
+L 355.00248 -46.08 
+L 354.91284 -46.08 
+L 354.8232 -46.08 
+L 354.73356 -46.08 
+L 354.64392 -46.08 
+L 354.55428 -46.08 
+L 354.46464 -46.08 
+L 354.375 -46.08 
+L 354.28536 -46.08 
+L 354.19572 -46.08 
+L 354.10608 -46.08 
+L 354.01644 -46.08 
+L 353.9268 -46.08 
+L 353.83716 -46.08 
+L 353.74752 -46.08 
+L 353.65788 -46.08 
+L 353.56824 -46.08 
+L 353.4786 -46.08 
+L 353.38896 -46.08 
+L 353.29932 -46.08 
+L 353.20968 -46.08 
+L 353.12004 -46.08 
+L 353.0304 -46.08 
+L 352.94076 -46.08 
+L 352.85112 -46.08 
+L 352.76148 -46.08 
+L 352.67184 -46.08 
+L 352.5822 -46.08 
+L 352.49256 -46.08 
+L 352.40292 -46.08 
+L 352.31328 -46.08 
+L 352.22364 -46.08 
+L 352.134 -46.08 
+L 352.04436 -46.08 
+L 351.95472 -46.08 
+L 351.86508 -46.08 
+L 351.77544 -46.08 
+L 351.6858 -46.08 
+L 351.59616 -46.08 
+L 351.50652 -46.08 
+L 351.41688 -46.08 
+L 351.32724 -46.08 
+L 351.2376 -46.08 
+L 351.14796 -46.08 
+L 351.05832 -46.08 
+L 350.96868 -46.08 
+L 350.87904 -46.08 
+L 350.7894 -46.08 
+L 350.69976 -46.08 
+L 350.61012 -46.08 
+L 350.52048 -46.08 
+L 350.43084 -46.08 
+L 350.3412 -46.08 
+L 350.25156 -46.08 
+L 350.16192 -46.08 
+L 350.07228 -46.08 
+L 349.98264 -46.08 
+L 349.893 -46.08 
+L 349.80336 -46.08 
+L 349.71372 -46.08 
+L 349.62408 -46.08 
+L 349.53444 -46.08 
+L 349.4448 -46.08 
+L 349.35516 -46.08 
+L 349.26552 -46.08 
+L 349.17588 -46.08 
+L 349.08624 -46.08 
+L 348.9966 -46.08 
+L 348.90696 -46.08 
+L 348.81732 -46.08 
+L 348.72768 -46.08 
+L 348.63804 -46.08 
+L 348.5484 -46.08 
+L 348.45876 -46.08 
+L 348.36912 -46.08 
+L 348.27948 -46.08 
+L 348.18984 -46.08 
+L 348.1002 -46.08 
+L 348.01056 -46.08 
+L 347.92092 -46.08 
+L 347.83128 -46.08 
+L 347.74164 -46.08 
+L 347.652 -46.08 
+L 347.56236 -46.08 
+L 347.47272 -46.08 
+L 347.38308 -46.08 
+L 347.29344 -46.08 
+L 347.2038 -46.08 
+L 347.11416 -46.08 
+L 347.02452 -46.08 
+L 346.93488 -46.08 
+L 346.84524 -46.08 
+L 346.7556 -46.08 
+L 346.66596 -46.08 
+L 346.57632 -46.08 
+L 346.48668 -46.08 
+L 346.39704 -46.08 
+L 346.3074 -46.08 
+L 346.21776 -46.08 
+L 346.12812 -46.08 
+L 346.03848 -46.08 
+L 345.94884 -46.08 
+L 345.8592 -46.08 
+L 345.76956 -46.08 
+L 345.67992 -46.08 
+L 345.59028 -46.08 
+L 345.50064 -46.08 
+L 345.411 -46.08 
+L 345.32136 -46.08 
+L 345.23172 -46.08 
+L 345.14208 -46.08 
+L 345.05244 -46.08 
+L 344.9628 -46.08 
+L 344.87316 -46.08 
+L 344.78352 -46.08 
+L 344.69388 -46.08 
+L 344.60424 -46.08 
+L 344.5146 -46.08 
+L 344.42496 -46.08 
+L 344.33532 -46.08 
+L 344.24568 -46.08 
+L 344.15604 -46.08 
+L 344.0664 -46.08 
+L 343.97676 -46.08 
+L 343.88712 -46.08 
+L 343.79748 -46.08 
+L 343.70784 -46.08 
+L 343.6182 -46.08 
+L 343.52856 -46.08 
+L 343.43892 -46.08 
+L 343.34928 -46.08 
+L 343.25964 -46.08 
+L 343.17 -46.08 
+L 343.08036 -46.08 
+L 342.99072 -46.08 
+L 342.90108 -46.08 
+L 342.81144 -46.08 
+L 342.7218 -46.08 
+L 342.63216 -46.08 
+L 342.54252 -46.08 
+L 342.45288 -46.08 
+L 342.36324 -46.08 
+L 342.2736 -46.08 
+L 342.18396 -46.08 
+L 342.09432 -46.08 
+L 342.00468 -46.08 
+L 341.91504 -46.08 
+L 341.8254 -46.08 
+L 341.73576 -46.08 
+L 341.64612 -46.08 
+L 341.55648 -46.08 
+L 341.46684 -46.08 
+L 341.3772 -46.08 
+L 341.28756 -46.08 
+L 341.19792 -46.08 
+L 341.10828 -46.08 
+L 341.01864 -46.08 
+L 340.929 -46.08 
+L 340.83936 -46.08 
+L 340.74972 -46.08 
+L 340.66008 -46.08 
+L 340.57044 -46.08 
+L 340.4808 -46.08 
+L 340.39116 -46.08 
+L 340.30152 -46.08 
+L 340.21188 -46.08 
+L 340.12224 -46.08 
+L 340.0326 -46.08 
+L 339.94296 -46.08 
+L 339.85332 -46.08 
+L 339.76368 -46.08 
+L 339.67404 -46.08 
+L 339.5844 -46.08 
+L 339.49476 -46.08 
+L 339.40512 -46.08 
+L 339.31548 -46.08 
+L 339.22584 -46.08 
+L 339.1362 -46.08 
+L 339.04656 -46.08 
+L 338.95692 -46.08 
+L 338.86728 -46.08 
+L 338.77764 -46.08 
+L 338.688 -46.08 
+L 338.59836 -46.08 
+L 338.50872 -46.08 
+L 338.41908 -46.08 
+L 338.32944 -46.08 
+L 338.2398 -46.08 
+L 338.15016 -46.08 
+L 338.06052 -46.08 
+L 337.97088 -46.08 
+L 337.88124 -46.08 
+L 337.7916 -46.08 
+L 337.70196 -46.08 
+L 337.61232 -46.08 
+L 337.52268 -46.08 
+L 337.43304 -46.08 
+L 337.3434 -46.08 
+L 337.25376 -46.08 
+L 337.16412 -46.08 
+L 337.07448 -46.08 
+L 336.98484 -46.08 
+L 336.8952 -46.08 
+L 336.80556 -46.08 
+L 336.71592 -46.08 
+L 336.62628 -46.08 
+L 336.53664 -46.08 
+L 336.447 -46.08 
+L 336.35736 -46.08 
+L 336.26772 -46.08 
+L 336.17808 -46.08 
+L 336.08844 -46.08 
+L 335.9988 -46.08 
+L 335.90916 -46.08 
+L 335.81952 -46.08 
+L 335.72988 -46.08 
+L 335.64024 -46.08 
+L 335.5506 -46.08 
+L 335.46096 -46.08 
+L 335.37132 -46.08 
+L 335.28168 -46.08 
+L 335.19204 -46.08 
+L 335.1024 -46.08 
+L 335.01276 -46.08 
+L 334.92312 -46.08 
+L 334.83348 -46.08 
+L 334.74384 -46.08 
+L 334.6542 -46.08 
+L 334.56456 -46.08 
+L 334.47492 -46.08 
+L 334.38528 -46.08 
+L 334.29564 -46.08 
+L 334.206 -46.08 
+L 334.11636 -46.08 
+L 334.02672 -46.08 
+L 333.93708 -46.08 
+L 333.84744 -46.08 
+L 333.7578 -46.08 
+L 333.66816 -46.08 
+L 333.57852 -46.08 
+L 333.48888 -46.08 
+L 333.39924 -46.08 
+L 333.3096 -46.08 
+L 333.21996 -46.08 
+L 333.13032 -46.08 
+L 333.04068 -46.08 
+L 332.95104 -46.08 
+L 332.8614 -46.08 
+L 332.77176 -46.08 
+L 332.68212 -46.08 
+L 332.59248 -46.08 
+L 332.50284 -46.08 
+L 332.4132 -46.08 
+L 332.32356 -46.08 
+L 332.23392 -46.08 
+L 332.14428 -46.08 
+L 332.05464 -46.08 
+L 331.965 -46.08 
+L 331.87536 -46.08 
+L 331.78572 -46.08 
+L 331.69608 -46.08 
+L 331.60644 -46.08 
+L 331.5168 -46.08 
+L 331.42716 -46.08 
+L 331.33752 -46.08 
+L 331.24788 -46.08 
+L 331.15824 -46.08 
+L 331.0686 -46.08 
+L 330.97896 -46.08 
+L 330.88932 -46.08 
+L 330.79968 -46.08 
+L 330.71004 -46.08 
+L 330.6204 -46.08 
+L 330.53076 -46.08 
+L 330.44112 -46.08 
+L 330.35148 -46.08 
+L 330.26184 -46.08 
+L 330.1722 -46.08 
+L 330.08256 -46.08 
+L 329.99292 -46.08 
+L 329.90328 -46.08 
+L 329.81364 -46.08 
+L 329.724 -46.08 
+L 329.63436 -46.08 
+L 329.54472 -46.08 
+L 329.45508 -46.08 
+L 329.36544 -46.08 
+L 329.2758 -46.08 
+L 329.18616 -46.08 
+L 329.09652 -46.08 
+L 329.00688 -46.08 
+L 328.91724 -46.08 
+L 328.8276 -46.08 
+L 328.73796 -46.08 
+L 328.64832 -46.08 
+L 328.55868 -46.08 
+L 328.46904 -46.08 
+L 328.3794 -46.08 
+L 328.28976 -46.08 
+L 328.20012 -46.08 
+L 328.11048 -46.08 
+L 328.02084 -46.08 
+L 327.9312 -46.08 
+L 327.84156 -46.08 
+L 327.75192 -46.08 
+L 327.66228 -46.08 
+L 327.57264 -46.08 
+L 327.483 -46.08 
+L 327.39336 -46.08 
+L 327.30372 -46.08 
+L 327.21408 -46.08 
+L 327.12444 -46.08 
+L 327.0348 -46.08 
+L 326.94516 -46.08 
+L 326.85552 -46.08 
+L 326.76588 -46.08 
+L 326.67624 -46.08 
+L 326.5866 -46.08 
+L 326.49696 -46.08 
+L 326.40732 -46.08 
+L 326.31768 -46.08 
+L 326.22804 -46.08 
+L 326.1384 -46.08 
+L 326.04876 -46.08 
+L 325.95912 -46.08 
+L 325.86948 -46.08 
+L 325.77984 -46.08 
+L 325.6902 -46.08 
+L 325.60056 -46.08 
+L 325.51092 -46.08 
+L 325.42128 -46.08 
+L 325.33164 -46.08 
+L 325.242 -46.08 
+L 325.15236 -46.08 
+L 325.06272 -46.08 
+L 324.97308 -46.08 
+L 324.88344 -46.08 
+L 324.7938 -46.08 
+L 324.70416 -46.08 
+L 324.61452 -46.08 
+L 324.52488 -46.08 
+L 324.43524 -46.08 
+L 324.3456 -46.08 
+L 324.25596 -46.08 
+L 324.16632 -46.08 
+L 324.07668 -46.08 
+L 323.98704 -46.08 
+L 323.8974 -46.08 
+L 323.80776 -46.08 
+L 323.71812 -46.08 
+L 323.62848 -46.08 
+L 323.53884 -46.08 
+L 323.4492 -46.08 
+L 323.35956 -46.08 
+L 323.26992 -46.08 
+L 323.18028 -46.08 
+L 323.09064 -46.08 
+L 323.001 -46.08 
+L 322.91136 -46.08 
+L 322.82172 -46.08 
+L 322.73208 -46.08 
+L 322.64244 -46.08 
+L 322.5528 -46.08 
+L 322.46316 -46.08 
+L 322.37352 -46.08 
+L 322.28388 -46.08 
+L 322.19424 -46.08 
+L 322.1046 -46.08 
+L 322.01496 -46.08 
+L 321.92532 -46.08 
+L 321.83568 -46.08 
+L 321.74604 -46.08 
+L 321.6564 -46.08 
+L 321.56676 -46.08 
+L 321.47712 -46.08 
+L 321.38748 -46.08 
+L 321.29784 -46.08 
+L 321.2082 -46.08 
+L 321.11856 -46.08 
+L 321.02892 -46.08 
+L 320.93928 -46.08 
+L 320.84964 -46.08 
+L 320.76 -46.08 
+L 320.67036 -46.08 
+L 320.58072 -46.08 
+L 320.49108 -46.08 
+L 320.40144 -46.08 
+L 320.3118 -46.08 
+L 320.22216 -46.08 
+L 320.13252 -46.08 
+L 320.04288 -46.08 
+L 319.95324 -46.08 
+L 319.8636 -46.08 
+L 319.77396 -46.08 
+L 319.68432 -46.08 
+L 319.59468 -46.08 
+L 319.50504 -46.08 
+L 319.4154 -46.08 
+L 319.32576 -46.08 
+L 319.23612 -46.08 
+L 319.14648 -46.08 
+L 319.05684 -46.08 
+L 318.9672 -46.08 
+L 318.87756 -46.08 
+L 318.78792 -46.08 
+L 318.69828 -46.08 
+L 318.60864 -46.08 
+L 318.519 -46.08 
+L 318.42936 -46.08 
+L 318.33972 -46.08 
+L 318.25008 -46.08 
+L 318.16044 -46.08 
+L 318.0708 -46.08 
+L 317.98116 -46.08 
+L 317.89152 -46.08 
+L 317.80188 -46.08 
+L 317.71224 -46.08 
+L 317.6226 -46.08 
+L 317.53296 -46.08 
+L 317.44332 -46.08 
+L 317.35368 -46.08 
+L 317.26404 -46.08 
+L 317.1744 -46.08 
+L 317.08476 -46.08 
+L 316.99512 -46.08 
+L 316.90548 -46.08 
+L 316.81584 -46.08 
+L 316.7262 -46.08 
+L 316.63656 -46.08 
+L 316.54692 -46.08 
+L 316.45728 -46.08 
+L 316.36764 -46.08 
+L 316.278 -46.08 
+L 316.18836 -46.08 
+L 316.09872 -46.08 
+L 316.00908 -46.08 
+L 315.91944 -46.08 
+L 315.8298 -46.08 
+L 315.74016 -46.08 
+L 315.65052 -46.08 
+L 315.56088 -46.08 
+L 315.47124 -46.08 
+L 315.3816 -46.08 
+L 315.29196 -46.08 
+L 315.20232 -46.08 
+L 315.11268 -46.08 
+L 315.02304 -46.08 
+L 314.9334 -46.08 
+L 314.84376 -46.08 
+L 314.75412 -46.08 
+L 314.66448 -46.08 
+L 314.57484 -46.08 
+L 314.4852 -46.08 
+L 314.39556 -46.08 
+L 314.30592 -46.08 
+L 314.21628 -46.08 
+L 314.12664 -46.08 
+L 314.037 -46.08 
+L 313.94736 -46.08 
+L 313.85772 -46.08 
+L 313.76808 -46.08 
+L 313.67844 -46.08 
+L 313.5888 -46.08 
+L 313.49916 -46.08 
+L 313.40952 -46.08 
+L 313.31988 -46.08 
+L 313.23024 -46.08 
+L 313.1406 -46.08 
+L 313.05096 -46.08 
+L 312.96132 -46.08 
+L 312.87168 -46.08 
+L 312.78204 -46.08 
+L 312.6924 -46.08 
+L 312.60276 -46.08 
+L 312.51312 -46.08 
+L 312.42348 -46.08 
+L 312.33384 -46.08 
+L 312.2442 -46.08 
+L 312.15456 -46.08 
+L 312.06492 -46.08 
+L 311.97528 -46.08 
+L 311.88564 -46.08 
+L 311.796 -46.08 
+L 311.70636 -46.08 
+L 311.61672 -46.08 
+L 311.52708 -46.08 
+L 311.43744 -46.08 
+L 311.3478 -46.08 
+L 311.25816 -46.08 
+L 311.16852 -46.08 
+L 311.07888 -46.08 
+L 310.98924 -46.08 
+L 310.8996 -46.08 
+L 310.80996 -46.08 
+L 310.72032 -46.08 
+L 310.63068 -46.08 
+L 310.54104 -46.08 
+L 310.4514 -46.08 
+L 310.36176 -46.08 
+L 310.27212 -46.08 
+L 310.18248 -46.08 
+L 310.09284 -46.08 
+L 310.0032 -46.08 
+L 309.91356 -46.08 
+L 309.82392 -46.08 
+L 309.73428 -46.08 
+L 309.64464 -46.08 
+L 309.555 -46.08 
+L 309.46536 -46.08 
+L 309.37572 -46.08 
+L 309.28608 -46.08 
+L 309.19644 -46.08 
+L 309.1068 -46.08 
+L 309.01716 -46.08 
+L 308.92752 -46.08 
+L 308.83788 -46.08 
+L 308.74824 -46.08 
+L 308.6586 -46.08 
+L 308.56896 -46.08 
+L 308.47932 -46.08 
+L 308.38968 -46.08 
+L 308.30004 -46.08 
+L 308.2104 -46.08 
+L 308.12076 -46.08 
+L 308.03112 -46.08 
+L 307.94148 -46.08 
+L 307.85184 -46.08 
+L 307.7622 -46.08 
+L 307.67256 -46.08 
+L 307.58292 -46.08 
+L 307.49328 -46.08 
+L 307.40364 -46.08 
+L 307.314 -46.08 
+L 307.22436 -46.08 
+L 307.13472 -46.08 
+L 307.04508 -46.08 
+L 306.95544 -46.08 
+L 306.8658 -46.08 
+L 306.77616 -46.08 
+L 306.68652 -46.08 
+L 306.59688 -46.08 
+L 306.50724 -46.08 
+L 306.4176 -46.08 
+L 306.32796 -46.08 
+L 306.23832 -46.08 
+L 306.14868 -46.08 
+L 306.05904 -46.08 
+L 305.9694 -46.08 
+L 305.87976 -46.08 
+L 305.79012 -46.08 
+L 305.70048 -46.08 
+L 305.61084 -46.08 
+L 305.5212 -46.08 
+L 305.43156 -46.08 
+L 305.34192 -46.08 
+L 305.25228 -46.08 
+L 305.16264 -46.08 
+L 305.073 -46.08 
+L 304.98336 -46.08 
+L 304.89372 -46.08 
+L 304.80408 -46.08 
+L 304.71444 -46.08 
+L 304.6248 -46.08 
+L 304.53516 -46.08 
+L 304.44552 -46.08 
+L 304.35588 -46.08 
+L 304.26624 -46.08 
+L 304.1766 -46.08 
+L 304.08696 -46.08 
+L 303.99732 -46.08 
+L 303.90768 -46.08 
+L 303.81804 -46.08 
+L 303.7284 -46.08 
+L 303.63876 -46.08 
+L 303.54912 -46.08 
+L 303.45948 -46.08 
+L 303.36984 -46.08 
+L 303.2802 -46.08 
+L 303.19056 -46.08 
+L 303.10092 -46.08 
+L 303.01128 -46.08 
+L 302.92164 -46.08 
+L 302.832 -46.08 
+L 302.74236 -46.08 
+L 302.65272 -46.08 
+L 302.56308 -46.08 
+L 302.47344 -46.08 
+L 302.3838 -46.08 
+L 302.29416 -46.08 
+L 302.20452 -46.08 
+L 302.11488 -46.08 
+L 302.02524 -46.08 
+L 301.9356 -46.08 
+L 301.84596 -46.08 
+L 301.75632 -46.08 
+L 301.66668 -46.08 
+L 301.57704 -46.08 
+L 301.4874 -46.08 
+L 301.39776 -46.08 
+L 301.30812 -46.08 
+L 301.21848 -46.08 
+L 301.12884 -46.08 
+L 301.0392 -46.08 
+L 300.94956 -46.08 
+L 300.85992 -46.08 
+L 300.77028 -46.08 
+L 300.68064 -46.08 
+L 300.591 -46.08 
+L 300.50136 -46.08 
+L 300.41172 -46.08 
+L 300.32208 -46.08 
+L 300.23244 -46.08 
+L 300.1428 -46.08 
+L 300.05316 -46.08 
+L 299.96352 -46.08 
+L 299.87388 -46.08 
+L 299.78424 -46.08 
+L 299.6946 -46.08 
+L 299.60496 -46.08 
+L 299.51532 -46.08 
+L 299.42568 -46.08 
+L 299.33604 -46.08 
+L 299.2464 -46.08 
+L 299.15676 -46.08 
+L 299.06712 -46.08 
+L 298.97748 -46.08 
+L 298.88784 -46.08 
+L 298.7982 -46.08 
+L 298.70856 -46.08 
+L 298.61892 -46.08 
+L 298.52928 -46.08 
+L 298.43964 -46.08 
+L 298.35 -46.08 
+L 298.26036 -46.08 
+L 298.17072 -46.08 
+L 298.08108 -46.08 
+L 297.99144 -46.08 
+L 297.9018 -46.08 
+L 297.81216 -46.08 
+L 297.72252 -46.08 
+L 297.63288 -46.08 
+L 297.54324 -46.08 
+L 297.4536 -46.08 
+L 297.36396 -46.08 
+L 297.27432 -46.08 
+L 297.18468 -46.08 
+L 297.09504 -46.08 
+L 297.0054 -46.08 
+L 296.91576 -46.08 
+L 296.82612 -46.08 
+L 296.73648 -46.08 
+L 296.64684 -46.08 
+L 296.5572 -46.08 
+L 296.46756 -46.08 
+L 296.37792 -46.08 
+L 296.28828 -46.08 
+L 296.19864 -46.08 
+L 296.109 -46.08 
+L 296.01936 -46.08 
+L 295.92972 -46.08 
+L 295.84008 -46.08 
+L 295.75044 -46.08 
+L 295.6608 -46.08 
+L 295.57116 -46.08 
+L 295.48152 -46.08 
+L 295.39188 -46.08 
+L 295.30224 -46.08 
+L 295.2126 -46.08 
+L 295.12296 -46.08 
+L 295.03332 -46.08 
+L 294.94368 -46.08 
+L 294.85404 -46.08 
+L 294.7644 -46.08 
+L 294.67476 -46.08 
+L 294.58512 -46.08 
+L 294.49548 -46.08 
+L 294.40584 -46.08 
+L 294.3162 -46.08 
+L 294.22656 -46.08 
+L 294.13692 -46.08 
+L 294.04728 -46.08 
+L 293.95764 -46.08 
+L 293.868 -46.08 
+L 293.77836 -46.08 
+L 293.68872 -46.08 
+L 293.59908 -46.08 
+L 293.50944 -46.08 
+L 293.4198 -46.08 
+L 293.33016 -46.08 
+L 293.24052 -46.08 
+L 293.15088 -46.08 
+L 293.06124 -46.08 
+L 292.9716 -46.08 
+L 292.88196 -46.08 
+L 292.79232 -46.08 
+L 292.70268 -46.08 
+L 292.61304 -46.08 
+L 292.5234 -46.08 
+L 292.43376 -46.08 
+L 292.34412 -46.08 
+L 292.25448 -46.08 
+L 292.16484 -46.08 
+L 292.0752 -46.08 
+L 291.98556 -46.08 
+L 291.89592 -46.08 
+L 291.80628 -46.08 
+L 291.71664 -46.08 
+L 291.627 -46.08 
+L 291.53736 -46.08 
+L 291.44772 -46.08 
+L 291.35808 -46.08 
+L 291.26844 -46.08 
+L 291.1788 -46.08 
+L 291.08916 -46.08 
+L 290.99952 -46.08 
+L 290.90988 -46.08 
+L 290.82024 -46.08 
+L 290.7306 -46.08 
+L 290.64096 -46.08 
+L 290.55132 -46.08 
+L 290.46168 -46.08 
+L 290.37204 -46.08 
+L 290.2824 -46.08 
+L 290.19276 -46.08 
+L 290.10312 -46.08 
+L 290.01348 -46.08 
+L 289.92384 -46.08 
+L 289.8342 -46.08 
+L 289.74456 -46.08 
+L 289.65492 -46.08 
+L 289.56528 -46.08 
+L 289.47564 -46.08 
+L 289.386 -46.08 
+L 289.29636 -46.08 
+L 289.20672 -46.08 
+L 289.11708 -46.08 
+L 289.02744 -46.08 
+L 288.9378 -46.08 
+L 288.84816 -46.08 
+L 288.75852 -46.08 
+L 288.66888 -46.08 
+L 288.57924 -46.08 
+L 288.4896 -46.08 
+L 288.39996 -46.08 
+L 288.31032 -46.08 
+L 288.22068 -46.08 
+L 288.13104 -46.08 
+L 288.0414 -46.08 
+L 287.95176 -46.08 
+L 287.86212 -46.08 
+L 287.77248 -46.08 
+L 287.68284 -46.08 
+L 287.5932 -46.08 
+L 287.50356 -46.08 
+L 287.41392 -46.08 
+L 287.32428 -46.08 
+L 287.23464 -46.08 
+L 287.145 -46.08 
+L 287.05536 -46.08 
+L 286.96572 -46.08 
+L 286.87608 -46.08 
+L 286.78644 -46.08 
+L 286.6968 -46.08 
+L 286.60716 -46.08 
+L 286.51752 -46.08 
+L 286.42788 -46.08 
+L 286.33824 -46.08 
+L 286.2486 -46.08 
+L 286.15896 -46.08 
+L 286.06932 -46.08 
+L 285.97968 -46.08 
+L 285.89004 -46.08 
+L 285.8004 -46.08 
+L 285.71076 -46.08 
+L 285.62112 -46.08 
+L 285.53148 -46.08 
+L 285.44184 -46.08 
+L 285.3522 -46.08 
+L 285.26256 -46.08 
+L 285.17292 -46.08 
+L 285.08328 -46.08 
+L 284.99364 -46.08 
+L 284.904 -46.08 
+L 284.81436 -46.08 
+L 284.72472 -46.08 
+L 284.63508 -46.08 
+L 284.54544 -46.08 
+L 284.4558 -46.08 
+L 284.36616 -46.08 
+L 284.27652 -46.08 
+L 284.18688 -46.08 
+L 284.09724 -46.08 
+L 284.0076 -46.08 
+L 283.91796 -46.08 
+L 283.82832 -46.08 
+L 283.73868 -46.08 
+L 283.64904 -46.08 
+L 283.5594 -46.08 
+L 283.46976 -46.08 
+L 283.38012 -46.08 
+L 283.29048 -46.08 
+L 283.20084 -46.08 
+L 283.1112 -46.08 
+L 283.02156 -46.08 
+L 282.93192 -46.08 
+L 282.84228 -46.08 
+L 282.75264 -46.08 
+L 282.663 -46.08 
+L 282.57336 -46.08 
+L 282.48372 -46.08 
+L 282.39408 -46.08 
+L 282.30444 -46.08 
+L 282.2148 -46.08 
+L 282.12516 -46.08 
+L 282.03552 -46.08 
+L 281.94588 -46.08 
+L 281.85624 -46.08 
+L 281.7666 -46.08 
+L 281.67696 -46.08 
+L 281.58732 -46.08 
+L 281.49768 -46.08 
+L 281.40804 -46.08 
+L 281.3184 -46.08 
+L 281.22876 -46.08 
+L 281.13912 -46.08 
+L 281.04948 -46.08 
+L 280.95984 -46.08 
+L 280.8702 -46.08 
+L 280.78056 -46.08 
+L 280.69092 -46.08 
+L 280.60128 -46.08 
+L 280.51164 -46.08 
+L 280.422 -46.08 
+L 280.33236 -46.08 
+L 280.24272 -46.08 
+L 280.15308 -46.08 
+L 280.06344 -46.08 
+L 279.9738 -46.08 
+L 279.88416 -46.08 
+L 279.79452 -46.08 
+L 279.70488 -46.08 
+L 279.61524 -46.08 
+L 279.5256 -46.08 
+L 279.43596 -46.08 
+L 279.34632 -46.08 
+L 279.25668 -46.08 
+L 279.16704 -46.08 
+L 279.0774 -46.08 
+L 278.98776 -46.08 
+L 278.89812 -46.08 
+L 278.80848 -46.08 
+L 278.71884 -46.08 
+L 278.6292 -46.08 
+L 278.53956 -46.08 
+L 278.44992 -46.08 
+L 278.36028 -46.08 
+L 278.27064 -46.08 
+L 278.181 -46.08 
+L 278.09136 -46.08 
+L 278.00172 -46.08 
+L 277.91208 -46.08 
+L 277.82244 -46.08 
+L 277.7328 -46.08 
+L 277.64316 -46.08 
+L 277.55352 -46.08 
+L 277.46388 -46.08 
+L 277.37424 -46.08 
+L 277.2846 -46.08 
+L 277.19496 -46.08 
+L 277.10532 -46.08 
+L 277.01568 -46.08 
+L 276.92604 -46.08 
+L 276.8364 -46.08 
+L 276.74676 -46.08 
+L 276.65712 -46.08 
+L 276.56748 -46.08 
+L 276.47784 -46.08 
+L 276.3882 -46.08 
+L 276.29856 -46.08 
+L 276.20892 -46.08 
+L 276.11928 -46.08 
+L 276.02964 -46.08 
+L 275.94 -46.08 
+L 275.85036 -46.08 
+L 275.76072 -46.08 
+L 275.67108 -46.08 
+L 275.58144 -46.08 
+L 275.4918 -46.08 
+L 275.40216 -46.08 
+L 275.31252 -46.08 
+L 275.22288 -46.08 
+L 275.13324 -46.08 
+L 275.0436 -46.08 
+L 274.95396 -46.08 
+L 274.86432 -46.08 
+L 274.77468 -46.08 
+L 274.68504 -46.08 
+L 274.5954 -46.08 
+L 274.50576 -46.08 
+L 274.41612 -46.08 
+L 274.32648 -46.08 
+L 274.23684 -46.08 
+L 274.1472 -46.08 
+L 274.05756 -46.08 
+L 273.96792 -46.08 
+L 273.87828 -46.08 
+L 273.78864 -46.08 
+L 273.699 -46.08 
+L 273.60936 -46.08 
+L 273.51972 -46.08 
+L 273.43008 -46.08 
+L 273.34044 -46.08 
+L 273.2508 -46.08 
+L 273.16116 -46.08 
+L 273.07152 -46.08 
+L 272.98188 -46.08 
+L 272.89224 -46.08 
+L 272.8026 -46.08 
+L 272.71296 -46.08 
+L 272.62332 -46.08 
+L 272.53368 -46.08 
+L 272.44404 -46.08 
+L 272.3544 -46.08 
+L 272.26476 -46.08 
+L 272.17512 -46.08 
+L 272.08548 -46.08 
+L 271.99584 -46.08 
+L 271.9062 -46.08 
+L 271.81656 -46.08 
+L 271.72692 -46.08 
+L 271.63728 -46.08 
+L 271.54764 -46.08 
+L 271.458 -46.08 
+L 271.36836 -46.08 
+L 271.27872 -46.08 
+L 271.18908 -46.08 
+L 271.09944 -46.08 
+L 271.0098 -46.08 
+L 270.92016 -46.08 
+L 270.83052 -46.08 
+L 270.74088 -46.08 
+L 270.65124 -46.08 
+L 270.5616 -46.08 
+L 270.47196 -46.08 
+L 270.38232 -46.08 
+L 270.29268 -46.08 
+L 270.20304 -46.08 
+L 270.1134 -46.08 
+L 270.02376 -46.08 
+L 269.93412 -46.08 
+L 269.84448 -46.08 
+L 269.75484 -46.08 
+L 269.6652 -46.08 
+L 269.57556 -46.08 
+L 269.48592 -46.08 
+L 269.39628 -46.08 
+L 269.30664 -46.08 
+L 269.217 -46.08 
+L 269.12736 -46.08 
+L 269.03772 -46.08 
+L 268.94808 -46.08 
+L 268.85844 -46.08 
+L 268.7688 -46.08 
+L 268.67916 -46.08 
+L 268.58952 -46.08 
+L 268.49988 -46.08 
+L 268.41024 -46.08 
+L 268.3206 -46.08 
+L 268.23096 -46.08 
+L 268.14132 -46.08 
+L 268.05168 -46.08 
+L 267.96204 -46.08 
+L 267.8724 -46.08 
+L 267.78276 -46.08 
+L 267.69312 -46.08 
+L 267.60348 -46.08 
+L 267.51384 -46.08 
+L 267.4242 -46.08 
+L 267.33456 -46.08 
+L 267.24492 -46.08 
+L 267.15528 -46.08 
+L 267.06564 -46.08 
+L 266.976 -46.08 
+L 266.88636 -46.08 
+L 266.79672 -46.08 
+L 266.70708 -46.08 
+L 266.61744 -46.08 
+L 266.5278 -46.08 
+L 266.43816 -46.08 
+L 266.34852 -46.08 
+L 266.25888 -46.08 
+L 266.16924 -46.08 
+L 266.0796 -46.08 
+L 265.98996 -46.08 
+L 265.90032 -46.08 
+L 265.81068 -46.08 
+L 265.72104 -46.08 
+L 265.6314 -46.08 
+L 265.54176 -46.08 
+L 265.45212 -46.08 
+L 265.36248 -46.08 
+L 265.27284 -46.08 
+L 265.1832 -46.08 
+L 265.09356 -46.08 
+L 265.00392 -46.08 
+L 264.91428 -46.08 
+L 264.82464 -46.08 
+L 264.735 -46.08 
+L 264.64536 -46.08 
+L 264.55572 -46.08 
+L 264.46608 -46.08 
+L 264.37644 -46.08 
+L 264.2868 -46.08 
+L 264.19716 -46.08 
+L 264.10752 -46.08 
+L 264.01788 -46.08 
+L 263.92824 -46.08 
+L 263.8386 -46.08 
+L 263.74896 -46.08 
+L 263.65932 -46.08 
+L 263.56968 -46.08 
+L 263.48004 -46.08 
+L 263.3904 -46.08 
+L 263.30076 -46.08 
+L 263.21112 -46.08 
+L 263.12148 -46.08 
+L 263.03184 -46.08 
+L 262.9422 -46.08 
+L 262.85256 -46.08 
+L 262.76292 -46.08 
+L 262.67328 -46.08 
+L 262.58364 -46.08 
+L 262.494 -46.08 
+L 262.40436 -46.08 
+L 262.31472 -46.08 
+L 262.22508 -46.08 
+L 262.13544 -46.08 
+L 262.0458 -46.08 
+L 261.95616 -46.08 
+L 261.86652 -46.08 
+L 261.77688 -46.08 
+L 261.68724 -46.08 
+L 261.5976 -46.08 
+L 261.50796 -46.08 
+L 261.41832 -46.08 
+L 261.32868 -46.08 
+L 261.23904 -46.08 
+L 261.1494 -46.08 
+L 261.05976 -46.08 
+L 260.97012 -46.08 
+L 260.88048 -46.08 
+L 260.79084 -46.08 
+L 260.7012 -46.08 
+L 260.61156 -46.08 
+L 260.52192 -46.08 
+L 260.43228 -46.08 
+L 260.34264 -46.08 
+L 260.253 -46.08 
+L 260.16336 -46.08 
+L 260.07372 -46.08 
+L 259.98408 -46.08 
+L 259.89444 -46.08 
+L 259.8048 -46.08 
+L 259.71516 -46.08 
+L 259.62552 -46.08 
+L 259.53588 -46.08 
+L 259.44624 -46.08 
+L 259.3566 -46.08 
+L 259.26696 -46.08 
+L 259.17732 -46.08 
+L 259.08768 -46.08 
+L 258.99804 -46.08 
+L 258.9084 -46.08 
+L 258.81876 -46.08 
+L 258.72912 -46.08 
+L 258.63948 -46.08 
+L 258.54984 -46.08 
+L 258.4602 -46.08 
+L 258.37056 -46.08 
+L 258.28092 -46.08 
+L 258.19128 -46.08 
+L 258.10164 -46.08 
+L 258.012 -46.08 
+L 257.92236 -46.08 
+L 257.83272 -46.08 
+L 257.74308 -46.08 
+L 257.65344 -46.08 
+L 257.5638 -46.08 
+L 257.47416 -46.08 
+L 257.38452 -46.08 
+L 257.29488 -46.08 
+L 257.20524 -46.08 
+L 257.1156 -46.08 
+L 257.02596 -46.08 
+L 256.93632 -46.08 
+L 256.84668 -46.08 
+L 256.75704 -46.08 
+L 256.6674 -46.08 
+L 256.57776 -46.08 
+L 256.48812 -46.08 
+L 256.39848 -46.08 
+L 256.30884 -46.08 
+L 256.2192 -46.08 
+L 256.12956 -46.08 
+L 256.03992 -46.08 
+L 255.95028 -46.08 
+L 255.86064 -46.08 
+L 255.771 -46.08 
+L 255.68136 -46.08 
+L 255.59172 -46.08 
+L 255.50208 -46.08 
+L 255.41244 -46.08 
+L 255.3228 -46.08 
+L 255.23316 -46.08 
+L 255.14352 -46.08 
+L 255.05388 -46.08 
+L 254.96424 -46.08 
+L 254.8746 -46.08 
+L 254.78496 -46.08 
+L 254.69532 -46.08 
+L 254.60568 -46.08 
+L 254.51604 -46.08 
+L 254.4264 -46.08 
+L 254.33676 -46.08 
+L 254.24712 -46.08 
+L 254.15748 -46.08 
+L 254.06784 -46.08 
+L 253.9782 -46.08 
+L 253.88856 -46.08 
+L 253.79892 -46.08 
+L 253.70928 -46.08 
+L 253.61964 -46.08 
+L 253.53 -46.08 
+L 253.44036 -46.08 
+L 253.35072 -46.08 
+L 253.26108 -46.08 
+L 253.17144 -46.08 
+L 253.0818 -46.08 
+L 252.99216 -46.08 
+L 252.90252 -46.08 
+L 252.81288 -46.08 
+L 252.72324 -46.08 
+L 252.6336 -46.08 
+L 252.54396 -46.08 
+L 252.45432 -46.08 
+L 252.36468 -46.08 
+L 252.27504 -46.08 
+L 252.1854 -46.08 
+L 252.09576 -46.08 
+L 252.00612 -46.08 
+L 251.91648 -46.08 
+L 251.82684 -46.08 
+L 251.7372 -46.08 
+L 251.64756 -46.08 
+L 251.55792 -46.08 
+L 251.46828 -46.08 
+L 251.37864 -46.08 
+L 251.289 -46.08 
+L 251.19936 -46.08 
+L 251.10972 -46.08 
+L 251.02008 -46.08 
+L 250.93044 -46.08 
+L 250.8408 -46.08 
+L 250.75116 -46.08 
+L 250.66152 -46.08 
+L 250.57188 -46.08 
+L 250.48224 -46.08 
+L 250.3926 -46.08 
+L 250.30296 -46.08 
+L 250.21332 -46.08 
+L 250.12368 -46.08 
+L 250.03404 -46.08 
+L 249.9444 -46.08 
+L 249.85476 -46.08 
+L 249.76512 -46.08 
+L 249.67548 -46.08 
+L 249.58584 -46.08 
+L 249.4962 -46.08 
+L 249.40656 -46.08 
+L 249.31692 -46.08 
+L 249.22728 -46.08 
+L 249.13764 -46.08 
+L 249.048 -46.08 
+L 248.95836 -46.08 
+L 248.86872 -46.08 
+L 248.77908 -46.08 
+L 248.68944 -46.08 
+L 248.5998 -46.08 
+L 248.51016 -46.08 
+L 248.42052 -46.08 
+L 248.33088 -46.08 
+L 248.24124 -46.08 
+L 248.1516 -46.08 
+L 248.06196 -46.08 
+L 247.97232 -46.08 
+L 247.88268 -46.08 
+L 247.79304 -46.08 
+L 247.7034 -46.08 
+L 247.61376 -46.08 
+L 247.52412 -46.08 
+L 247.43448 -46.08 
+L 247.34484 -46.08 
+L 247.2552 -46.08 
+L 247.16556 -46.08 
+L 247.07592 -46.08 
+L 246.98628 -46.08 
+L 246.89664 -46.08 
+L 246.807 -46.08 
+L 246.71736 -46.08 
+L 246.62772 -46.08 
+L 246.53808 -46.08 
+L 246.44844 -46.08 
+L 246.3588 -46.08 
+L 246.26916 -46.08 
+L 246.17952 -46.08 
+L 246.08988 -46.08 
+L 246.00024 -46.08 
+L 245.9106 -46.08 
+L 245.82096 -46.08 
+L 245.73132 -46.08 
+L 245.64168 -46.08 
+L 245.55204 -46.08 
+L 245.4624 -46.08 
+L 245.37276 -46.08 
+L 245.28312 -46.08 
+L 245.19348 -46.08 
+L 245.10384 -46.08 
+L 245.0142 -46.08 
+L 244.92456 -46.08 
+L 244.83492 -46.08 
+L 244.74528 -46.08 
+L 244.65564 -46.08 
+L 244.566 -46.08 
+L 244.47636 -46.08 
+L 244.38672 -46.08 
+L 244.29708 -46.08 
+L 244.20744 -46.08 
+L 244.1178 -46.08 
+L 244.02816 -46.08 
+L 243.93852 -46.08 
+L 243.84888 -46.08 
+L 243.75924 -46.08 
+L 243.6696 -46.08 
+L 243.57996 -46.08 
+L 243.49032 -46.08 
+L 243.40068 -46.08 
+L 243.31104 -46.08 
+L 243.2214 -46.08 
+L 243.13176 -46.08 
+L 243.04212 -46.08 
+L 242.95248 -46.08 
+L 242.86284 -46.08 
+L 242.7732 -46.08 
+L 242.68356 -46.08 
+L 242.59392 -46.08 
+L 242.50428 -46.08 
+L 242.41464 -46.08 
+L 242.325 -46.08 
+L 242.23536 -46.08 
+L 242.14572 -46.08 
+L 242.05608 -46.08 
+L 241.96644 -46.08 
+L 241.8768 -46.08 
+L 241.78716 -46.08 
+L 241.69752 -46.08 
+L 241.60788 -46.08 
+L 241.51824 -46.08 
+L 241.4286 -46.08 
+L 241.33896 -46.08 
+L 241.24932 -46.08 
+L 241.15968 -46.08 
+L 241.07004 -46.08 
+L 240.9804 -46.08 
+L 240.89076 -46.08 
+L 240.80112 -46.08 
+L 240.71148 -46.08 
+L 240.62184 -46.08 
+L 240.5322 -46.08 
+L 240.44256 -46.08 
+L 240.35292 -46.08 
+L 240.26328 -46.08 
+L 240.17364 -46.08 
+L 240.084 -46.08 
+L 239.99436 -46.08 
+L 239.90472 -46.08 
+L 239.81508 -46.08 
+L 239.72544 -46.08 
+L 239.6358 -46.08 
+L 239.54616 -46.08 
+L 239.45652 -46.08 
+L 239.36688 -46.08 
+L 239.27724 -46.08 
+L 239.1876 -46.08 
+L 239.09796 -46.08 
+L 239.00832 -46.08 
+L 238.91868 -46.08 
+L 238.82904 -46.08 
+L 238.7394 -46.08 
+L 238.64976 -46.08 
+L 238.56012 -46.08 
+L 238.47048 -46.08 
+L 238.38084 -46.08 
+L 238.2912 -46.08 
+L 238.20156 -46.08 
+L 238.11192 -46.08 
+L 238.02228 -46.08 
+L 237.93264 -46.08 
+L 237.843 -46.08 
+L 237.75336 -46.08 
+L 237.66372 -46.08 
+L 237.57408 -46.08 
+L 237.48444 -46.08 
+L 237.3948 -46.08 
+L 237.30516 -46.08 
+L 237.21552 -46.08 
+L 237.12588 -46.08 
+L 237.03624 -46.08 
+L 236.9466 -46.08 
+L 236.85696 -46.08 
+L 236.76732 -46.08 
+L 236.67768 -46.08 
+L 236.58804 -46.08 
+L 236.4984 -46.08 
+L 236.40876 -46.08 
+L 236.31912 -46.08 
+L 236.22948 -46.08 
+L 236.13984 -46.08 
+L 236.0502 -46.08 
+L 235.96056 -46.08 
+L 235.87092 -46.08 
+L 235.78128 -46.08 
+L 235.69164 -46.08 
+L 235.602 -46.08 
+L 235.51236 -46.08 
+L 235.42272 -46.08 
+L 235.33308 -46.08 
+L 235.24344 -46.08 
+L 235.1538 -46.08 
+L 235.06416 -46.08 
+L 234.97452 -46.08 
+L 234.88488 -46.08 
+L 234.79524 -46.08 
+L 234.7056 -46.08 
+L 234.61596 -46.08 
+L 234.52632 -46.08 
+L 234.43668 -46.08 
+L 234.34704 -46.08 
+L 234.2574 -46.08 
+L 234.16776 -46.08 
+L 234.07812 -46.08 
+L 233.98848 -46.08 
+L 233.89884 -46.08 
+L 233.8092 -46.08 
+L 233.71956 -46.08 
+L 233.62992 -46.08 
+L 233.54028 -46.08 
+L 233.45064 -46.08 
+L 233.361 -46.08 
+L 233.27136 -46.08 
+L 233.18172 -46.08 
+L 233.09208 -46.08 
+L 233.00244 -46.08 
+L 232.9128 -46.08 
+L 232.82316 -46.08 
+L 232.73352 -46.08 
+L 232.64388 -46.08 
+L 232.55424 -46.08 
+L 232.4646 -46.08 
+L 232.37496 -46.08 
+L 232.28532 -46.08 
+L 232.19568 -46.08 
+L 232.10604 -46.08 
+L 232.0164 -46.08 
+L 231.92676 -46.08 
+L 231.83712 -46.08 
+L 231.74748 -46.08 
+L 231.65784 -46.08 
+L 231.5682 -46.08 
+L 231.47856 -46.08 
+L 231.38892 -46.08 
+L 231.29928 -46.08 
+L 231.20964 -46.08 
+L 231.12 -46.08 
+L 231.03036 -46.08 
+L 230.94072 -46.08 
+L 230.85108 -46.08 
+L 230.76144 -46.08 
+L 230.6718 -46.08 
+L 230.58216 -46.08 
+L 230.49252 -46.08 
+L 230.40288 -46.08 
+L 230.31324 -46.08 
+L 230.2236 -46.08 
+L 230.13396 -46.08 
+L 230.04432 -46.08 
+L 229.95468 -46.08 
+L 229.86504 -46.08 
+L 229.7754 -46.08 
+L 229.68576 -46.08 
+L 229.59612 -46.08 
+L 229.50648 -46.08 
+L 229.41684 -46.08 
+L 229.3272 -46.08 
+L 229.23756 -46.08 
+L 229.14792 -46.08 
+L 229.05828 -46.08 
+L 228.96864 -46.08 
+L 228.879 -46.08 
+L 228.78936 -46.08 
+L 228.69972 -46.08 
+L 228.61008 -46.08 
+L 228.52044 -46.08 
+L 228.4308 -46.08 
+L 228.34116 -46.08 
+L 228.25152 -46.08 
+L 228.16188 -46.08 
+L 228.07224 -46.08 
+L 227.9826 -46.08 
+L 227.89296 -46.08 
+L 227.80332 -46.08 
+L 227.71368 -46.08 
+L 227.62404 -46.08 
+L 227.5344 -46.08 
+L 227.44476 -46.08 
+L 227.35512 -46.08 
+L 227.26548 -46.08 
+L 227.17584 -46.08 
+L 227.0862 -46.08 
+L 226.99656 -46.08 
+L 226.90692 -46.08 
+L 226.81728 -46.08 
+L 226.72764 -46.08 
+L 226.638 -46.08 
+L 226.54836 -46.08 
+L 226.45872 -46.08 
+L 226.36908 -46.08 
+L 226.27944 -46.08 
+L 226.1898 -46.08 
+L 226.10016 -46.08 
+L 226.01052 -46.08 
+L 225.92088 -46.08 
+L 225.83124 -46.08 
+L 225.7416 -46.08 
+L 225.65196 -46.08 
+L 225.56232 -46.08 
+L 225.47268 -46.08 
+L 225.38304 -46.08 
+L 225.2934 -46.08 
+L 225.20376 -46.08 
+L 225.11412 -46.08 
+L 225.02448 -46.08 
+L 224.93484 -46.08 
+L 224.8452 -46.08 
+L 224.75556 -46.08 
+L 224.66592 -46.08 
+L 224.57628 -46.08 
+L 224.48664 -46.08 
+L 224.397 -46.08 
+L 224.30736 -46.08 
+L 224.21772 -46.08 
+L 224.12808 -46.08 
+L 224.03844 -46.08 
+L 223.9488 -46.08 
+L 223.85916 -46.08 
+L 223.76952 -46.08 
+L 223.67988 -46.08 
+L 223.59024 -46.08 
+L 223.5006 -46.08 
+L 223.41096 -46.08 
+L 223.32132 -46.08 
+L 223.23168 -46.08 
+L 223.14204 -46.08 
+L 223.0524 -46.08 
+L 222.96276 -46.08 
+L 222.87312 -46.08 
+L 222.78348 -46.08 
+L 222.69384 -46.08 
+L 222.6042 -46.08 
+L 222.51456 -46.08 
+L 222.42492 -46.08 
+L 222.33528 -46.08 
+L 222.24564 -46.08 
+L 222.156 -46.08 
+L 222.06636 -46.08 
+L 221.97672 -46.08 
+L 221.88708 -46.08 
+L 221.79744 -46.08 
+L 221.7078 -46.08 
+L 221.61816 -46.08 
+L 221.52852 -46.08 
+L 221.43888 -46.08 
+L 221.34924 -46.08 
+L 221.2596 -46.08 
+L 221.16996 -46.08 
+L 221.08032 -46.08 
+L 220.99068 -46.08 
+L 220.90104 -46.08 
+L 220.8114 -46.08 
+L 220.72176 -46.08 
+L 220.63212 -46.08 
+L 220.54248 -46.08 
+L 220.45284 -46.08 
+L 220.3632 -46.08 
+L 220.27356 -46.08 
+L 220.18392 -46.08 
+L 220.09428 -46.08 
+L 220.00464 -46.08 
+L 219.915 -46.08 
+L 219.82536 -46.08 
+L 219.73572 -46.08 
+L 219.64608 -46.08 
+L 219.55644 -46.08 
+L 219.4668 -46.08 
+L 219.37716 -46.08 
+L 219.28752 -46.08 
+L 219.19788 -46.08 
+L 219.10824 -46.08 
+L 219.0186 -46.08 
+L 218.92896 -46.08 
+L 218.83932 -46.08 
+L 218.74968 -46.08 
+L 218.66004 -46.08 
+L 218.5704 -46.08 
+L 218.48076 -46.08 
+L 218.39112 -46.08 
+L 218.30148 -46.08 
+L 218.21184 -46.08 
+L 218.1222 -46.08 
+L 218.03256 -46.08 
+L 217.94292 -46.08 
+L 217.85328 -46.08 
+L 217.76364 -46.08 
+L 217.674 -46.08 
+L 217.58436 -46.08 
+L 217.49472 -46.08 
+L 217.40508 -46.08 
+L 217.31544 -46.08 
+L 217.2258 -46.08 
+L 217.13616 -46.08 
+L 217.04652 -46.08 
+L 216.95688 -46.08 
+L 216.86724 -46.08 
+L 216.7776 -46.08 
+L 216.68796 -46.08 
+L 216.59832 -46.08 
+L 216.50868 -46.08 
+L 216.41904 -46.08 
+L 216.3294 -46.08 
+L 216.23976 -46.08 
+L 216.15012 -46.08 
+L 216.06048 -46.08 
+L 215.97084 -46.08 
+L 215.8812 -46.08 
+L 215.79156 -46.08 
+L 215.70192 -46.08 
+L 215.61228 -46.08 
+L 215.52264 -46.08 
+L 215.433 -46.08 
+L 215.34336 -46.08 
+L 215.25372 -46.08 
+L 215.16408 -46.08 
+L 215.07444 -46.08 
+L 214.9848 -46.08 
+L 214.89516 -46.08 
+L 214.80552 -46.08 
+L 214.71588 -46.08 
+L 214.62624 -46.08 
+L 214.5366 -46.08 
+L 214.44696 -46.08 
+L 214.35732 -46.08 
+L 214.26768 -46.08 
+L 214.17804 -46.08 
+L 214.0884 -46.08 
+L 213.99876 -46.08 
+L 213.90912 -46.08 
+L 213.81948 -46.08 
+L 213.72984 -46.08 
+L 213.6402 -46.08 
+L 213.55056 -46.08 
+L 213.46092 -46.08 
+L 213.37128 -46.08 
+L 213.28164 -46.08 
+L 213.192 -46.08 
+L 213.10236 -46.08 
+L 213.01272 -46.08 
+L 212.92308 -46.08 
+L 212.83344 -46.08 
+L 212.7438 -46.08 
+L 212.65416 -46.08 
+L 212.56452 -46.08 
+L 212.47488 -46.08 
+L 212.38524 -46.08 
+L 212.2956 -46.08 
+L 212.20596 -46.08 
+L 212.11632 -46.08 
+L 212.02668 -46.08 
+L 211.93704 -46.08 
+L 211.8474 -46.08 
+L 211.75776 -46.08 
+L 211.66812 -46.08 
+L 211.57848 -46.08 
+L 211.48884 -46.08 
+L 211.3992 -46.08 
+L 211.30956 -46.08 
+L 211.21992 -46.08 
+L 211.13028 -46.08 
+L 211.04064 -46.08 
+L 210.951 -46.08 
+L 210.86136 -46.08 
+L 210.77172 -46.08 
+L 210.68208 -46.08 
+L 210.59244 -46.08 
+L 210.5028 -46.08 
+L 210.41316 -46.08 
+L 210.32352 -46.08 
+L 210.23388 -46.08 
+L 210.14424 -46.08 
+L 210.0546 -46.08 
+L 209.96496 -46.08 
+L 209.87532 -46.08 
+L 209.78568 -46.08 
+L 209.69604 -46.08 
+L 209.6064 -46.08 
+L 209.51676 -46.08 
+L 209.42712 -46.08 
+L 209.33748 -46.08 
+L 209.24784 -46.08 
+L 209.1582 -46.08 
+L 209.06856 -46.08 
+L 208.97892 -46.08 
+L 208.88928 -46.08 
+L 208.79964 -46.08 
+L 208.71 -46.08 
+L 208.62036 -46.08 
+L 208.53072 -46.08 
+L 208.44108 -46.08 
+L 208.35144 -46.08 
+L 208.2618 -46.08 
+L 208.17216 -46.08 
+L 208.08252 -46.08 
+L 207.99288 -46.08 
+L 207.90324 -46.08 
+L 207.8136 -46.08 
+L 207.72396 -46.08 
+L 207.63432 -46.08 
+L 207.54468 -46.08 
+L 207.45504 -46.08 
+L 207.3654 -46.08 
+L 207.27576 -46.08 
+L 207.18612 -46.08 
+L 207.09648 -46.08 
+L 207.00684 -46.08 
+L 206.9172 -46.08 
+L 206.82756 -46.08 
+L 206.73792 -46.08 
+L 206.64828 -46.08 
+L 206.55864 -46.08 
+L 206.469 -46.08 
+L 206.37936 -46.08 
+L 206.28972 -46.08 
+L 206.20008 -46.08 
+L 206.11044 -46.08 
+L 206.0208 -46.08 
+L 205.93116 -46.08 
+L 205.84152 -46.08 
+L 205.75188 -46.08 
+L 205.66224 -46.08 
+L 205.5726 -46.08 
+L 205.48296 -46.08 
+L 205.39332 -46.08 
+L 205.30368 -46.08 
+L 205.21404 -46.08 
+L 205.1244 -46.08 
+L 205.03476 -46.08 
+L 204.94512 -46.08 
+L 204.85548 -46.08 
+L 204.76584 -46.08 
+L 204.6762 -46.08 
+L 204.58656 -46.08 
+L 204.49692 -46.08 
+L 204.40728 -46.08 
+L 204.31764 -46.08 
+L 204.228 -46.08 
+L 204.13836 -46.08 
+L 204.04872 -46.08 
+L 203.95908 -46.08 
+L 203.86944 -46.08 
+L 203.7798 -46.08 
+L 203.69016 -46.08 
+L 203.60052 -46.08 
+L 203.51088 -46.08 
+L 203.42124 -46.08 
+L 203.3316 -46.08 
+L 203.24196 -46.08 
+L 203.15232 -46.08 
+L 203.06268 -46.08 
+L 202.97304 -46.08 
+L 202.8834 -46.08 
+L 202.79376 -46.08 
+L 202.70412 -46.08 
+L 202.61448 -46.08 
+L 202.52484 -46.08 
+L 202.4352 -46.08 
+L 202.34556 -46.08 
+L 202.25592 -46.08 
+L 202.16628 -46.08 
+L 202.07664 -46.08 
+L 201.987 -46.08 
+L 201.89736 -46.08 
+L 201.80772 -46.08 
+L 201.71808 -46.08 
+L 201.62844 -46.08 
+L 201.5388 -46.08 
+L 201.44916 -46.08 
+L 201.35952 -46.08 
+L 201.26988 -46.08 
+L 201.18024 -46.08 
+L 201.0906 -46.08 
+L 201.00096 -46.08 
+L 200.91132 -46.08 
+L 200.82168 -46.08 
+L 200.73204 -46.08 
+L 200.6424 -46.08 
+L 200.55276 -46.08 
+L 200.46312 -46.08 
+L 200.37348 -46.08 
+L 200.28384 -46.08 
+L 200.1942 -46.08 
+L 200.10456 -46.08 
+L 200.01492 -46.08 
+L 199.92528 -46.08 
+L 199.83564 -46.08 
+L 199.746 -46.08 
+L 199.65636 -46.08 
+L 199.56672 -46.08 
+L 199.47708 -46.08 
+L 199.38744 -46.08 
+L 199.2978 -46.08 
+L 199.20816 -46.08 
+L 199.11852 -46.08 
+L 199.02888 -46.08 
+L 198.93924 -46.08 
+L 198.8496 -46.08 
+L 198.75996 -46.08 
+L 198.67032 -46.08 
+L 198.58068 -46.08 
+L 198.49104 -46.08 
+L 198.4014 -46.08 
+L 198.31176 -46.08 
+L 198.22212 -46.08 
+L 198.13248 -46.08 
+L 198.04284 -46.08 
+L 197.9532 -46.08 
+L 197.86356 -46.08 
+L 197.77392 -46.08 
+L 197.68428 -46.08 
+L 197.59464 -46.08 
+L 197.505 -46.08 
+L 197.41536 -46.08 
+L 197.32572 -46.08 
+L 197.23608 -46.08 
+L 197.14644 -46.08 
+L 197.0568 -46.08 
+L 196.96716 -46.08 
+L 196.87752 -46.08 
+L 196.78788 -46.08 
+L 196.69824 -46.08 
+L 196.6086 -46.08 
+L 196.51896 -46.08 
+L 196.42932 -46.08 
+L 196.33968 -46.08 
+L 196.25004 -46.08 
+L 196.1604 -46.08 
+L 196.07076 -46.08 
+L 195.98112 -46.08 
+L 195.89148 -46.08 
+L 195.80184 -46.08 
+L 195.7122 -46.08 
+L 195.62256 -46.08 
+L 195.53292 -46.08 
+L 195.44328 -46.08 
+L 195.35364 -46.08 
+L 195.264 -46.08 
+L 195.17436 -46.08 
+L 195.08472 -46.08 
+L 194.99508 -46.08 
+L 194.90544 -46.08 
+L 194.8158 -46.08 
+L 194.72616 -46.08 
+L 194.63652 -46.08 
+L 194.54688 -46.08 
+L 194.45724 -46.08 
+L 194.3676 -46.08 
+L 194.27796 -46.08 
+L 194.18832 -46.08 
+L 194.09868 -46.08 
+L 194.00904 -46.08 
+L 193.9194 -46.08 
+L 193.82976 -46.08 
+L 193.74012 -46.08 
+L 193.65048 -46.08 
+L 193.56084 -46.08 
+L 193.4712 -46.08 
+L 193.38156 -46.08 
+L 193.29192 -46.08 
+L 193.20228 -46.08 
+L 193.11264 -46.08 
+L 193.023 -46.08 
+L 192.93336 -46.08 
+L 192.84372 -46.08 
+L 192.75408 -46.08 
+L 192.66444 -46.08 
+L 192.5748 -46.08 
+L 192.48516 -46.08 
+L 192.39552 -46.08 
+L 192.30588 -46.08 
+L 192.21624 -46.08 
+L 192.1266 -46.08 
+L 192.03696 -46.08 
+L 191.94732 -46.08 
+L 191.85768 -46.08 
+L 191.76804 -46.08 
+L 191.6784 -46.08 
+L 191.58876 -46.08 
+L 191.49912 -46.08 
+L 191.40948 -46.08 
+L 191.31984 -46.08 
+L 191.2302 -46.08 
+L 191.14056 -46.08 
+L 191.05092 -46.08 
+L 190.96128 -46.08 
+L 190.87164 -46.08 
+L 190.782 -46.08 
+L 190.69236 -46.08 
+L 190.60272 -46.08 
+L 190.51308 -46.08 
+L 190.42344 -46.08 
+L 190.3338 -46.08 
+L 190.24416 -46.08 
+L 190.15452 -46.08 
+L 190.06488 -46.08 
+L 189.97524 -46.08 
+L 189.8856 -46.08 
+L 189.79596 -46.08 
+L 189.70632 -46.08 
+L 189.61668 -46.08 
+L 189.52704 -46.08 
+L 189.4374 -46.08 
+L 189.34776 -46.08 
+L 189.25812 -46.08 
+L 189.16848 -46.08 
+L 189.07884 -46.08 
+L 188.9892 -46.08 
+L 188.89956 -46.08 
+L 188.80992 -46.08 
+L 188.72028 -46.08 
+L 188.63064 -46.08 
+L 188.541 -46.08 
+L 188.45136 -46.08 
+L 188.36172 -46.08 
+L 188.27208 -46.08 
+L 188.18244 -46.08 
+L 188.0928 -46.08 
+L 188.00316 -46.08 
+L 187.91352 -46.08 
+L 187.82388 -46.08 
+L 187.73424 -46.08 
+L 187.6446 -46.08 
+L 187.55496 -46.08 
+L 187.46532 -46.08 
+L 187.37568 -46.08 
+L 187.28604 -46.08 
+L 187.1964 -46.08 
+L 187.10676 -46.08 
+L 187.01712 -46.08 
+L 186.92748 -46.08 
+L 186.83784 -46.08 
+L 186.7482 -46.08 
+L 186.65856 -46.08 
+L 186.56892 -46.08 
+L 186.47928 -46.08 
+L 186.38964 -46.08 
+L 186.3 -46.08 
+L 186.21036 -46.08 
+L 186.12072 -46.08 
+L 186.03108 -46.08 
+L 185.94144 -46.08 
+L 185.8518 -46.08 
+L 185.76216 -46.08 
+L 185.67252 -46.08 
+L 185.58288 -46.08 
+L 185.49324 -46.08 
+L 185.4036 -46.08 
+L 185.31396 -46.08 
+L 185.22432 -46.08 
+L 185.13468 -46.08 
+L 185.04504 -46.08 
+L 184.9554 -46.08 
+L 184.86576 -46.08 
+L 184.77612 -46.08 
+L 184.68648 -46.08 
+L 184.59684 -46.08 
+L 184.5072 -46.08 
+L 184.41756 -46.08 
+L 184.32792 -46.08 
+L 184.23828 -46.08 
+L 184.14864 -46.08 
+L 184.059 -46.08 
+L 183.96936 -46.08 
+L 183.87972 -46.08 
+L 183.79008 -46.08 
+L 183.70044 -46.08 
+L 183.6108 -46.08 
+L 183.52116 -46.08 
+L 183.43152 -46.08 
+L 183.34188 -46.08 
+L 183.25224 -46.08 
+L 183.1626 -46.08 
+L 183.07296 -46.08 
+L 182.98332 -46.08 
+L 182.89368 -46.08 
+L 182.80404 -46.08 
+L 182.7144 -46.08 
+L 182.62476 -46.08 
+L 182.53512 -46.08 
+L 182.44548 -46.08 
+L 182.35584 -46.08 
+L 182.2662 -46.08 
+L 182.17656 -46.08 
+L 182.08692 -46.08 
+L 181.99728 -46.08 
+L 181.90764 -46.08 
+L 181.818 -46.08 
+L 181.72836 -46.08 
+L 181.63872 -46.08 
+L 181.54908 -46.08 
+L 181.45944 -46.08 
+L 181.3698 -46.08 
+L 181.28016 -46.08 
+L 181.19052 -46.08 
+L 181.10088 -46.08 
+L 181.01124 -46.08 
+L 180.9216 -46.08 
+L 180.83196 -46.08 
+L 180.74232 -46.08 
+L 180.65268 -46.08 
+L 180.56304 -46.08 
+L 180.4734 -46.08 
+L 180.38376 -46.08 
+L 180.29412 -46.08 
+L 180.20448 -46.08 
+L 180.11484 -46.08 
+L 180.0252 -46.08 
+L 179.93556 -46.08 
+L 179.84592 -46.08 
+L 179.75628 -46.08 
+L 179.66664 -46.08 
+L 179.577 -46.08 
+L 179.48736 -46.08 
+L 179.39772 -46.08 
+L 179.30808 -46.08 
+L 179.21844 -46.08 
+L 179.1288 -46.08 
+L 179.03916 -46.08 
+L 178.94952 -46.08 
+L 178.85988 -46.08 
+L 178.77024 -46.08 
+L 178.6806 -46.08 
+L 178.59096 -46.08 
+L 178.50132 -46.08 
+L 178.41168 -46.08 
+L 178.32204 -46.08 
+L 178.2324 -46.08 
+L 178.14276 -46.08 
+L 178.05312 -46.08 
+L 177.96348 -46.08 
+L 177.87384 -46.08 
+L 177.7842 -46.08 
+L 177.69456 -46.08 
+L 177.60492 -46.08 
+L 177.51528 -46.08 
+L 177.42564 -46.08 
+L 177.336 -46.08 
+L 177.24636 -46.08 
+L 177.15672 -46.08 
+L 177.06708 -46.08 
+L 176.97744 -46.08 
+L 176.8878 -46.08 
+L 176.79816 -46.08 
+L 176.70852 -46.08 
+L 176.61888 -46.08 
+L 176.52924 -46.08 
+L 176.4396 -46.08 
+L 176.34996 -46.08 
+L 176.26032 -46.08 
+L 176.17068 -46.08 
+L 176.08104 -46.08 
+L 175.9914 -46.08 
+L 175.90176 -46.08 
+L 175.81212 -46.08 
+L 175.72248 -46.08 
+L 175.63284 -46.08 
+L 175.5432 -46.08 
+L 175.45356 -46.08 
+L 175.36392 -46.08 
+L 175.27428 -46.08 
+L 175.18464 -46.08 
+L 175.095 -46.08 
+L 175.00536 -46.08 
+L 174.91572 -46.08 
+L 174.82608 -46.08 
+L 174.73644 -46.08 
+L 174.6468 -46.08 
+L 174.55716 -46.08 
+L 174.46752 -46.08 
+L 174.37788 -46.08 
+L 174.28824 -46.08 
+L 174.1986 -46.08 
+L 174.10896 -46.08 
+L 174.01932 -46.08 
+L 173.92968 -46.08 
+L 173.84004 -46.08 
+L 173.7504 -46.08 
+L 173.66076 -46.08 
+L 173.57112 -46.08 
+L 173.48148 -46.08 
+L 173.39184 -46.08 
+L 173.3022 -46.08 
+L 173.21256 -46.08 
+L 173.12292 -46.08 
+L 173.03328 -46.08 
+L 172.94364 -46.08 
+L 172.854 -46.08 
+L 172.76436 -46.08 
+L 172.67472 -46.08 
+L 172.58508 -46.08 
+L 172.49544 -46.08 
+L 172.4058 -46.08 
+L 172.31616 -46.08 
+L 172.22652 -46.08 
+L 172.13688 -46.08 
+L 172.04724 -46.08 
+L 171.9576 -46.08 
+L 171.86796 -46.08 
+L 171.77832 -46.08 
+L 171.68868 -46.08 
+L 171.59904 -46.08 
+L 171.5094 -46.08 
+L 171.41976 -46.08 
+L 171.33012 -46.08 
+L 171.24048 -46.08 
+L 171.15084 -46.08 
+L 171.0612 -46.08 
+L 170.97156 -46.08 
+L 170.88192 -46.08 
+L 170.79228 -46.08 
+L 170.70264 -46.08 
+L 170.613 -46.08 
+L 170.52336 -46.08 
+L 170.43372 -46.08 
+L 170.34408 -46.08 
+L 170.25444 -46.08 
+L 170.1648 -46.08 
+L 170.07516 -46.08 
+L 169.98552 -46.08 
+L 169.89588 -46.08 
+L 169.80624 -46.08 
+L 169.7166 -46.08 
+L 169.62696 -46.08 
+L 169.53732 -46.08 
+L 169.44768 -46.08 
+L 169.35804 -46.08 
+L 169.2684 -46.08 
+L 169.17876 -46.08 
+L 169.08912 -46.08 
+L 168.99948 -46.08 
+L 168.90984 -46.08 
+L 168.8202 -46.08 
+L 168.73056 -46.08 
+L 168.64092 -46.08 
+L 168.55128 -46.08 
+L 168.46164 -46.08 
+L 168.372 -46.08 
+L 168.28236 -46.08 
+L 168.19272 -46.08 
+L 168.10308 -46.08 
+L 168.01344 -46.08 
+L 167.9238 -46.08 
+L 167.83416 -46.08 
+L 167.74452 -46.08 
+L 167.65488 -46.08 
+L 167.56524 -46.08 
+L 167.4756 -46.08 
+L 167.38596 -46.08 
+L 167.29632 -46.08 
+L 167.20668 -46.08 
+L 167.11704 -46.08 
+L 167.0274 -46.08 
+L 166.93776 -46.08 
+L 166.84812 -46.08 
+L 166.75848 -46.08 
+L 166.66884 -46.08 
+L 166.5792 -46.08 
+L 166.48956 -46.08 
+L 166.39992 -46.08 
+L 166.31028 -46.08 
+L 166.22064 -46.08 
+L 166.131 -46.08 
+L 166.04136 -46.08 
+L 165.95172 -46.08 
+L 165.86208 -46.08 
+L 165.77244 -46.08 
+L 165.6828 -46.08 
+L 165.59316 -46.08 
+L 165.50352 -46.08 
+L 165.41388 -46.08 
+L 165.32424 -46.08 
+L 165.2346 -46.08 
+L 165.14496 -46.08 
+L 165.05532 -46.08 
+L 164.96568 -46.08 
+L 164.87604 -46.08 
+L 164.7864 -46.08 
+L 164.69676 -46.08 
+L 164.60712 -46.08 
+L 164.51748 -46.08 
+L 164.42784 -46.08 
+L 164.3382 -46.08 
+L 164.24856 -46.08 
+L 164.15892 -46.08 
+L 164.06928 -46.08 
+L 163.97964 -46.08 
+L 163.89 -46.08 
+L 163.80036 -46.08 
+L 163.71072 -46.08 
+L 163.62108 -46.08 
+L 163.53144 -46.08 
+L 163.4418 -46.08 
+L 163.35216 -46.08 
+L 163.26252 -46.08 
+L 163.17288 -46.08 
+L 163.08324 -46.08 
+L 162.9936 -46.08 
+L 162.90396 -46.08 
+L 162.81432 -46.08 
+L 162.72468 -46.08 
+L 162.63504 -46.08 
+L 162.5454 -46.08 
+L 162.45576 -46.08 
+L 162.36612 -46.08 
+L 162.27648 -46.08 
+L 162.18684 -46.08 
+L 162.0972 -46.08 
+L 162.00756 -46.08 
+L 161.91792 -46.08 
+L 161.82828 -46.08 
+L 161.73864 -46.08 
+L 161.649 -46.08 
+L 161.55936 -46.08 
+L 161.46972 -46.08 
+L 161.38008 -46.08 
+L 161.29044 -46.08 
+L 161.2008 -46.08 
+L 161.11116 -46.08 
+L 161.02152 -46.08 
+L 160.93188 -46.08 
+L 160.84224 -46.08 
+L 160.7526 -46.08 
+L 160.66296 -46.08 
+L 160.57332 -46.08 
+L 160.48368 -46.08 
+L 160.39404 -46.08 
+L 160.3044 -46.08 
+L 160.21476 -46.08 
+L 160.12512 -46.08 
+L 160.03548 -46.08 
+L 159.94584 -46.08 
+L 159.8562 -46.08 
+L 159.76656 -46.08 
+L 159.67692 -46.08 
+L 159.58728 -46.08 
+L 159.49764 -46.08 
+L 159.408 -46.08 
+L 159.31836 -46.08 
+L 159.22872 -46.08 
+L 159.13908 -46.08 
+L 159.04944 -46.08 
+L 158.9598 -46.08 
+L 158.87016 -46.08 
+L 158.78052 -46.08 
+L 158.69088 -46.08 
+L 158.60124 -46.08 
+L 158.5116 -46.08 
+L 158.42196 -46.08 
+L 158.33232 -46.08 
+L 158.24268 -46.08 
+L 158.15304 -46.08 
+L 158.0634 -46.08 
+L 157.97376 -46.08 
+L 157.88412 -46.08 
+L 157.79448 -46.08 
+L 157.70484 -46.08 
+L 157.6152 -46.08 
+L 157.52556 -46.08 
+L 157.43592 -46.08 
+L 157.34628 -46.08 
+L 157.25664 -46.08 
+L 157.167 -46.08 
+L 157.07736 -46.08 
+L 156.98772 -46.08 
+L 156.89808 -46.08 
+L 156.80844 -46.08 
+L 156.7188 -46.08 
+L 156.62916 -46.08 
+L 156.53952 -46.08 
+L 156.44988 -46.08 
+L 156.36024 -46.08 
+L 156.2706 -46.08 
+L 156.18096 -46.08 
+L 156.09132 -46.08 
+L 156.00168 -46.08 
+L 155.91204 -46.08 
+L 155.8224 -46.08 
+L 155.73276 -46.08 
+L 155.64312 -46.08 
+L 155.55348 -46.08 
+L 155.46384 -46.08 
+L 155.3742 -46.08 
+L 155.28456 -46.08 
+L 155.19492 -46.08 
+L 155.10528 -46.08 
+L 155.01564 -46.08 
+L 154.926 -46.08 
+L 154.83636 -46.08 
+L 154.74672 -46.08 
+L 154.65708 -46.08 
+L 154.56744 -46.08 
+L 154.4778 -46.08 
+L 154.38816 -46.08 
+L 154.29852 -46.08 
+L 154.20888 -46.08 
+L 154.11924 -46.08 
+L 154.0296 -46.08 
+L 153.93996 -46.08 
+L 153.85032 -46.08 
+L 153.76068 -46.08 
+L 153.67104 -46.08 
+L 153.5814 -46.08 
+L 153.49176 -46.08 
+L 153.40212 -46.08 
+L 153.31248 -46.08 
+L 153.22284 -46.08 
+L 153.1332 -46.08 
+L 153.04356 -46.08 
+L 152.95392 -46.08 
+L 152.86428 -46.08 
+L 152.77464 -46.08 
+L 152.685 -46.08 
+L 152.59536 -46.08 
+L 152.50572 -46.08 
+L 152.41608 -46.08 
+L 152.32644 -46.08 
+L 152.2368 -46.08 
+L 152.14716 -46.08 
+L 152.05752 -46.08 
+L 151.96788 -46.08 
+L 151.87824 -46.08 
+L 151.7886 -46.08 
+L 151.69896 -46.08 
+L 151.60932 -46.08 
+L 151.51968 -46.08 
+L 151.43004 -46.08 
+L 151.3404 -46.08 
+L 151.25076 -46.08 
+L 151.16112 -46.08 
+L 151.07148 -46.08 
+L 150.98184 -46.08 
+L 150.8922 -46.08 
+L 150.80256 -46.08 
+L 150.71292 -46.08 
+L 150.62328 -46.08 
+L 150.53364 -46.08 
+L 150.444 -46.08 
+L 150.35436 -46.08 
+L 150.26472 -46.08 
+L 150.17508 -46.08 
+L 150.08544 -46.08 
+L 149.9958 -46.08 
+L 149.90616 -46.08 
+L 149.81652 -46.08 
+L 149.72688 -46.08 
+L 149.63724 -46.08 
+L 149.5476 -46.08 
+L 149.45796 -46.08 
+L 149.36832 -46.08 
+L 149.27868 -46.08 
+L 149.18904 -46.08 
+L 149.0994 -46.08 
+L 149.00976 -46.08 
+L 148.92012 -46.08 
+L 148.83048 -46.08 
+L 148.74084 -46.08 
+L 148.6512 -46.08 
+L 148.56156 -46.08 
+L 148.47192 -46.08 
+L 148.38228 -46.08 
+L 148.29264 -46.08 
+L 148.203 -46.08 
+L 148.11336 -46.08 
+L 148.02372 -46.08 
+L 147.93408 -46.08 
+L 147.84444 -46.08 
+L 147.7548 -46.08 
+L 147.66516 -46.08 
+L 147.57552 -46.08 
+L 147.48588 -46.08 
+L 147.39624 -46.08 
+L 147.3066 -46.08 
+L 147.21696 -46.08 
+L 147.12732 -46.08 
+L 147.03768 -46.08 
+L 146.94804 -46.08 
+L 146.8584 -46.08 
+L 146.76876 -46.08 
+L 146.67912 -46.08 
+L 146.58948 -46.08 
+L 146.49984 -46.08 
+L 146.4102 -46.08 
+L 146.32056 -46.08 
+L 146.23092 -46.08 
+L 146.14128 -46.08 
+L 146.05164 -46.08 
+L 145.962 -46.08 
+L 145.87236 -46.08 
+L 145.78272 -46.08 
+L 145.69308 -46.08 
+L 145.60344 -46.08 
+L 145.5138 -46.08 
+L 145.42416 -46.08 
+L 145.33452 -46.08 
+L 145.24488 -46.08 
+L 145.15524 -46.08 
+L 145.0656 -46.08 
+L 144.97596 -46.08 
+L 144.88632 -46.08 
+L 144.79668 -46.08 
+L 144.70704 -46.08 
+L 144.6174 -46.08 
+L 144.52776 -46.08 
+L 144.43812 -46.08 
+L 144.34848 -46.08 
+L 144.25884 -46.08 
+L 144.1692 -46.08 
+L 144.07956 -46.08 
+L 143.98992 -46.08 
+L 143.90028 -46.08 
+L 143.81064 -46.08 
+L 143.721 -46.08 
+L 143.63136 -46.08 
+L 143.54172 -46.08 
+L 143.45208 -46.08 
+L 143.36244 -46.08 
+L 143.2728 -46.08 
+L 143.18316 -46.08 
+L 143.09352 -46.08 
+L 143.00388 -46.08 
+L 142.91424 -46.08 
+L 142.8246 -46.08 
+L 142.73496 -46.08 
+L 142.64532 -46.08 
+L 142.55568 -46.08 
+L 142.46604 -46.08 
+L 142.3764 -46.08 
+L 142.28676 -46.08 
+L 142.19712 -46.08 
+L 142.10748 -46.08 
+L 142.01784 -46.08 
+L 141.9282 -46.08 
+L 141.83856 -46.08 
+L 141.74892 -46.08 
+L 141.65928 -46.08 
+L 141.56964 -46.08 
+L 141.48 -46.08 
+L 141.39036 -46.08 
+L 141.30072 -46.08 
+L 141.21108 -46.08 
+L 141.12144 -46.08 
+L 141.0318 -46.08 
+L 140.94216 -46.08 
+L 140.85252 -46.08 
+L 140.76288 -46.08 
+L 140.67324 -46.08 
+L 140.5836 -46.08 
+L 140.49396 -46.08 
+L 140.40432 -46.08 
+L 140.31468 -46.08 
+L 140.22504 -46.08 
+L 140.1354 -46.08 
+L 140.04576 -46.08 
+L 139.95612 -46.08 
+L 139.86648 -46.08 
+L 139.77684 -46.08 
+L 139.6872 -46.08 
+L 139.59756 -46.08 
+L 139.50792 -46.08 
+L 139.41828 -46.08 
+L 139.32864 -46.08 
+L 139.239 -46.08 
+L 139.14936 -46.08 
+L 139.05972 -46.08 
+L 138.97008 -46.08 
+L 138.88044 -46.08 
+L 138.7908 -46.08 
+L 138.70116 -46.08 
+L 138.61152 -46.08 
+L 138.52188 -46.08 
+L 138.43224 -46.08 
+L 138.3426 -46.08 
+L 138.25296 -46.08 
+L 138.16332 -46.08 
+L 138.07368 -46.08 
+L 137.98404 -46.08 
+L 137.8944 -46.08 
+L 137.80476 -46.08 
+L 137.71512 -46.08 
+L 137.62548 -46.08 
+L 137.53584 -46.08 
+L 137.4462 -46.08 
+L 137.35656 -46.08 
+L 137.26692 -46.08 
+L 137.17728 -46.08 
+L 137.08764 -46.08 
+L 136.998 -46.08 
+L 136.90836 -46.08 
+L 136.81872 -46.08 
+L 136.72908 -46.08 
+L 136.63944 -46.08 
+L 136.5498 -46.08 
+L 136.46016 -46.08 
+L 136.37052 -46.08 
+L 136.28088 -46.08 
+L 136.19124 -46.08 
+L 136.1016 -46.08 
+L 136.01196 -46.08 
+L 135.92232 -46.08 
+L 135.83268 -46.08 
+L 135.74304 -46.08 
+L 135.6534 -46.08 
+L 135.56376 -46.08 
+L 135.47412 -46.08 
+L 135.38448 -46.08 
+L 135.29484 -46.08 
+L 135.2052 -46.08 
+L 135.11556 -46.08 
+L 135.02592 -46.08 
+L 134.93628 -46.08 
+L 134.84664 -46.08 
+L 134.757 -46.08 
+L 134.66736 -46.08 
+L 134.57772 -46.08 
+L 134.48808 -46.08 
+L 134.39844 -46.08 
+L 134.3088 -46.08 
+L 134.21916 -46.08 
+L 134.12952 -46.08 
+L 134.03988 -46.08 
+L 133.95024 -46.08 
+L 133.8606 -46.08 
+L 133.77096 -46.08 
+L 133.68132 -46.08 
+L 133.59168 -46.08 
+L 133.50204 -46.08 
+L 133.4124 -46.08 
+L 133.32276 -46.08 
+L 133.23312 -46.08 
+L 133.14348 -46.08 
+L 133.05384 -46.08 
+L 132.9642 -46.08 
+L 132.87456 -46.08 
+L 132.78492 -46.08 
+L 132.69528 -46.08 
+L 132.60564 -46.08 
+L 132.516 -46.08 
+L 132.42636 -46.08 
+L 132.33672 -46.08 
+L 132.24708 -46.08 
+L 132.15744 -46.08 
+L 132.0678 -46.08 
+L 131.97816 -46.08 
+L 131.88852 -46.08 
+L 131.79888 -46.08 
+L 131.70924 -46.08 
+L 131.6196 -46.08 
+L 131.52996 -46.08 
+L 131.44032 -46.08 
+L 131.35068 -46.08 
+L 131.26104 -46.08 
+L 131.1714 -46.08 
+L 131.08176 -46.08 
+L 130.99212 -46.08 
+L 130.90248 -46.08 
+L 130.81284 -46.08 
+L 130.7232 -46.08 
+L 130.63356 -46.08 
+L 130.54392 -46.08 
+L 130.45428 -46.08 
+L 130.36464 -46.08 
+L 130.275 -46.08 
+L 130.18536 -46.08 
+L 130.09572 -46.08 
+L 130.00608 -46.08 
+L 129.91644 -46.08 
+L 129.8268 -46.08 
+L 129.73716 -46.08 
+L 129.64752 -46.08 
+L 129.55788 -46.08 
+L 129.46824 -46.08 
+L 129.3786 -46.08 
+L 129.28896 -46.08 
+L 129.19932 -46.08 
+L 129.10968 -46.08 
+L 129.02004 -46.08 
+L 128.9304 -46.08 
+L 128.84076 -46.08 
+L 128.75112 -46.08 
+L 128.66148 -46.08 
+L 128.57184 -46.08 
+L 128.4822 -46.08 
+L 128.39256 -46.08 
+L 128.30292 -46.08 
+L 128.21328 -46.08 
+L 128.12364 -46.08 
+L 128.034 -46.08 
+L 127.94436 -46.08 
+L 127.85472 -46.08 
+L 127.76508 -46.08 
+L 127.67544 -46.08 
+L 127.5858 -46.08 
+L 127.49616 -46.08 
+L 127.40652 -46.08 
+L 127.31688 -46.08 
+L 127.22724 -46.08 
+L 127.1376 -46.08 
+L 127.04796 -46.08 
+L 126.95832 -46.08 
+L 126.86868 -46.08 
+L 126.77904 -46.08 
+L 126.6894 -46.08 
+L 126.59976 -46.08 
+L 126.51012 -46.08 
+L 126.42048 -46.08 
+L 126.33084 -46.08 
+L 126.2412 -46.08 
+L 126.15156 -46.08 
+L 126.06192 -46.08 
+L 125.97228 -46.08 
+L 125.88264 -46.08 
+L 125.793 -46.08 
+L 125.70336 -46.08 
+L 125.61372 -46.08 
+L 125.52408 -46.08 
+L 125.43444 -46.08 
+L 125.3448 -46.08 
+L 125.25516 -46.08 
+L 125.16552 -46.08 
+L 125.07588 -46.08 
+L 124.98624 -46.08 
+L 124.8966 -46.08 
+L 124.80696 -46.08 
+L 124.71732 -46.08 
+L 124.62768 -46.08 
+L 124.53804 -46.08 
+L 124.4484 -46.08 
+L 124.35876 -46.08 
+L 124.26912 -46.08 
+L 124.17948 -46.08 
+L 124.08984 -46.08 
+L 124.0002 -46.08 
+L 123.91056 -46.08 
+L 123.82092 -46.08 
+L 123.73128 -46.08 
+L 123.64164 -46.08 
+L 123.552 -46.08 
+L 123.46236 -46.08 
+L 123.37272 -46.08 
+L 123.28308 -46.08 
+L 123.19344 -46.08 
+L 123.1038 -46.08 
+L 123.01416 -46.08 
+L 122.92452 -46.08 
+L 122.83488 -46.08 
+L 122.74524 -46.08 
+L 122.6556 -46.08 
+L 122.56596 -46.08 
+L 122.47632 -46.08 
+L 122.38668 -46.08 
+L 122.29704 -46.08 
+L 122.2074 -46.08 
+L 122.11776 -46.08 
+L 122.02812 -46.08 
+L 121.93848 -46.08 
+L 121.84884 -46.08 
+L 121.7592 -46.08 
+L 121.66956 -46.08 
+L 121.57992 -46.08 
+L 121.49028 -46.08 
+L 121.40064 -46.08 
+L 121.311 -46.08 
+L 121.22136 -46.08 
+L 121.13172 -46.08 
+L 121.04208 -46.08 
+L 120.95244 -46.08 
+L 120.8628 -46.08 
+L 120.77316 -46.08 
+L 120.68352 -46.08 
+L 120.59388 -46.08 
+L 120.50424 -46.08 
+L 120.4146 -46.08 
+L 120.32496 -46.08 
+L 120.23532 -46.08 
+L 120.14568 -46.08 
+L 120.05604 -46.08 
+L 119.9664 -46.08 
+L 119.87676 -46.08 
+L 119.78712 -46.08 
+L 119.69748 -46.08 
+L 119.60784 -46.08 
+L 119.5182 -46.08 
+L 119.42856 -46.08 
+L 119.33892 -46.08 
+L 119.24928 -46.08 
+L 119.15964 -46.08 
+L 119.07 -46.08 
+L 118.98036 -46.08 
+L 118.89072 -46.08 
+L 118.80108 -46.08 
+L 118.71144 -46.08 
+L 118.6218 -46.08 
+L 118.53216 -46.08 
+L 118.44252 -46.08 
+L 118.35288 -46.08 
+L 118.26324 -46.08 
+L 118.1736 -46.08 
+L 118.08396 -46.08 
+L 117.99432 -46.08 
+L 117.90468 -46.08 
+L 117.81504 -46.08 
+L 117.7254 -46.08 
+L 117.63576 -46.08 
+L 117.54612 -46.08 
+L 117.45648 -46.08 
+L 117.36684 -46.08 
+L 117.2772 -46.08 
+L 117.18756 -46.08 
+L 117.09792 -46.08 
+L 117.00828 -46.08 
+L 116.91864 -46.08 
+L 116.829 -46.08 
+L 116.73936 -46.08 
+L 116.64972 -46.08 
+L 116.56008 -46.08 
+L 116.47044 -46.08 
+L 116.3808 -46.08 
+L 116.29116 -46.08 
+L 116.20152 -46.08 
+L 116.11188 -46.08 
+L 116.02224 -46.08 
+L 115.9326 -46.08 
+L 115.84296 -46.08 
+L 115.75332 -46.08 
+L 115.66368 -46.08 
+L 115.57404 -46.08 
+L 115.4844 -46.08 
+L 115.39476 -46.08 
+L 115.30512 -46.08 
+L 115.21548 -46.08 
+L 115.12584 -46.08 
+L 115.0362 -46.08 
+L 114.94656 -46.08 
+L 114.85692 -46.08 
+L 114.76728 -46.08 
+L 114.67764 -46.08 
+L 114.588 -46.08 
+L 114.49836 -46.08 
+L 114.40872 -46.08 
+L 114.31908 -46.08 
+L 114.22944 -46.08 
+L 114.1398 -46.08 
+L 114.05016 -46.08 
+L 113.96052 -46.08 
+L 113.87088 -46.08 
+L 113.78124 -46.08 
+L 113.6916 -46.08 
+L 113.60196 -46.08 
+L 113.51232 -46.08 
+L 113.42268 -46.08 
+L 113.33304 -46.08 
+L 113.2434 -46.08 
+L 113.15376 -46.08 
+L 113.06412 -46.08 
+L 112.97448 -46.08 
+L 112.88484 -46.08 
+L 112.7952 -46.08 
+L 112.70556 -46.08 
+L 112.61592 -46.08 
+L 112.52628 -46.08 
+L 112.43664 -46.08 
+L 112.347 -46.08 
+L 112.25736 -46.08 
+L 112.16772 -46.08 
+L 112.07808 -46.08 
+L 111.98844 -46.08 
+L 111.8988 -46.08 
+L 111.80916 -46.08 
+L 111.71952 -46.08 
+L 111.62988 -46.08 
+L 111.54024 -46.08 
+L 111.4506 -46.08 
+L 111.36096 -46.08 
+L 111.27132 -46.08 
+L 111.18168 -46.08 
+L 111.09204 -46.08 
+L 111.0024 -46.08 
+L 110.91276 -46.08 
+L 110.82312 -46.08 
+L 110.73348 -46.08 
+L 110.64384 -46.08 
+L 110.5542 -46.08 
+L 110.46456 -46.08 
+L 110.37492 -46.08 
+L 110.28528 -46.08 
+L 110.19564 -46.08 
+L 110.106 -46.08 
+L 110.01636 -46.08 
+L 109.92672 -46.08 
+L 109.83708 -46.08 
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+L 109.6578 -46.08 
+L 109.56816 -46.08 
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+L 109.38888 -46.08 
+L 109.29924 -46.08 
+L 109.2096 -46.08 
+L 109.11996 -46.08 
+L 109.03032 -46.08 
+L 108.94068 -46.08 
+L 108.85104 -46.08 
+L 108.7614 -46.08 
+L 108.67176 -46.08 
+L 108.58212 -46.08 
+L 108.49248 -46.08 
+L 108.40284 -46.08 
+L 108.3132 -46.08 
+L 108.22356 -46.08 
+L 108.13392 -46.08 
+L 108.04428 -46.08 
+L 107.95464 -46.08 
+L 107.865 -46.08 
+L 107.77536 -46.08 
+L 107.68572 -46.08 
+L 107.59608 -46.08 
+L 107.50644 -46.08 
+L 107.4168 -46.08 
+L 107.32716 -46.08 
+L 107.23752 -46.08 
+L 107.14788 -46.08 
+L 107.05824 -46.08 
+L 106.9686 -46.08 
+L 106.87896 -46.08 
+L 106.78932 -46.08 
+L 106.69968 -46.08 
+L 106.61004 -46.08 
+L 106.5204 -46.08 
+L 106.43076 -46.08 
+L 106.34112 -46.08 
+L 106.25148 -46.08 
+L 106.16184 -46.08 
+L 106.0722 -46.08 
+L 105.98256 -46.08 
+L 105.89292 -46.08 
+L 105.80328 -46.08 
+L 105.71364 -46.08 
+L 105.624 -46.08 
+L 105.53436 -46.08 
+L 105.44472 -46.08 
+L 105.35508 -46.08 
+L 105.26544 -46.08 
+L 105.1758 -46.08 
+L 105.08616 -46.08 
+L 104.99652 -46.08 
+L 104.90688 -46.08 
+L 104.81724 -46.08 
+L 104.7276 -46.08 
+L 104.63796 -46.08 
+L 104.54832 -46.08 
+L 104.45868 -46.08 
+L 104.36904 -46.08 
+L 104.2794 -46.08 
+L 104.18976 -46.08 
+L 104.10012 -46.08 
+L 104.01048 -46.08 
+L 103.92084 -46.08 
+L 103.8312 -46.08 
+L 103.74156 -46.08 
+L 103.65192 -46.08 
+L 103.56228 -46.08 
+L 103.47264 -46.08 
+L 103.383 -46.08 
+L 103.29336 -46.08 
+L 103.20372 -46.08 
+L 103.11408 -46.08 
+L 103.02444 -46.08 
+L 102.9348 -46.08 
+L 102.84516 -46.08 
+L 102.75552 -46.08 
+L 102.66588 -46.08 
+L 102.57624 -46.08 
+L 102.4866 -46.08 
+L 102.39696 -46.08 
+L 102.30732 -46.08 
+L 102.21768 -46.08 
+L 102.12804 -46.08 
+L 102.0384 -46.08 
+L 101.94876 -46.08 
+L 101.85912 -46.08 
+L 101.76948 -46.08 
+L 101.67984 -46.08 
+L 101.5902 -46.08 
+L 101.50056 -46.08 
+L 101.41092 -46.08 
+L 101.32128 -46.08 
+L 101.23164 -46.08 
+L 101.142 -46.08 
+L 101.05236 -46.08 
+L 100.96272 -46.08 
+L 100.87308 -46.08 
+L 100.78344 -46.08 
+L 100.6938 -46.08 
+L 100.60416 -46.08 
+L 100.51452 -46.08 
+L 100.42488 -46.08 
+L 100.33524 -46.08 
+L 100.2456 -46.08 
+L 100.15596 -46.08 
+L 100.06632 -46.08 
+L 99.97668 -46.08 
+L 99.88704 -46.08 
+L 99.7974 -46.08 
+L 99.70776 -46.08 
+L 99.61812 -46.08 
+L 99.52848 -46.08 
+L 99.43884 -46.08 
+L 99.3492 -46.08 
+L 99.25956 -46.08 
+L 99.16992 -46.08 
+L 99.08028 -46.08 
+L 98.99064 -46.08 
+L 98.901 -46.08 
+L 98.81136 -46.08 
+L 98.72172 -46.08 
+L 98.63208 -46.08 
+L 98.54244 -46.08 
+L 98.4528 -46.08 
+L 98.36316 -46.08 
+L 98.27352 -46.08 
+L 98.18388 -46.08 
+L 98.09424 -46.08 
+L 98.0046 -46.08 
+L 97.91496 -46.08 
+L 97.82532 -46.08 
+L 97.73568 -46.08 
+L 97.64604 -46.08 
+L 97.5564 -46.08 
+L 97.46676 -46.08 
+L 97.37712 -46.08 
+L 97.28748 -46.08 
+L 97.19784 -46.08 
+L 97.1082 -46.08 
+L 97.01856 -46.08 
+L 96.92892 -46.08 
+L 96.83928 -46.08 
+L 96.74964 -46.08 
+L 96.66 -46.08 
+L 96.57036 -46.08 
+L 96.48072 -46.08 
+L 96.39108 -46.08 
+L 96.30144 -46.08 
+L 96.2118 -46.08 
+L 96.12216 -46.08 
+L 96.03252 -46.08 
+L 95.94288 -46.08 
+L 95.85324 -46.08 
+L 95.7636 -46.08 
+L 95.67396 -46.08 
+L 95.58432 -46.08 
+L 95.49468 -46.08 
+L 95.40504 -46.08 
+L 95.3154 -46.08 
+L 95.22576 -46.08 
+L 95.13612 -46.08 
+L 95.04648 -46.08 
+L 94.95684 -46.08 
+L 94.8672 -46.08 
+L 94.77756 -46.08 
+L 94.68792 -46.08 
+L 94.59828 -46.08 
+L 94.50864 -46.08 
+L 94.419 -46.08 
+L 94.32936 -46.08 
+L 94.23972 -46.08 
+L 94.15008 -46.08 
+L 94.06044 -46.08 
+L 93.9708 -46.08 
+L 93.88116 -46.08 
+L 93.79152 -46.08 
+L 93.70188 -46.08 
+L 93.61224 -46.08 
+L 93.5226 -46.08 
+L 93.43296 -46.08 
+L 93.34332 -46.08 
+L 93.25368 -46.08 
+L 93.16404 -46.08 
+L 93.0744 -46.08 
+L 92.98476 -46.08 
+L 92.89512 -46.08 
+L 92.80548 -46.08 
+L 92.71584 -46.08 
+L 92.6262 -46.08 
+L 92.53656 -46.08 
+L 92.44692 -46.08 
+L 92.35728 -46.08 
+L 92.26764 -46.08 
+L 92.178 -46.08 
+L 92.08836 -46.08 
+L 91.99872 -46.08 
+L 91.90908 -46.08 
+L 91.81944 -46.08 
+L 91.7298 -46.08 
+L 91.64016 -46.08 
+L 91.55052 -46.08 
+L 91.46088 -46.08 
+L 91.37124 -46.08 
+L 91.2816 -46.08 
+L 91.19196 -46.08 
+L 91.10232 -46.08 
+L 91.01268 -46.08 
+L 90.92304 -46.08 
+L 90.8334 -46.08 
+L 90.74376 -46.08 
+L 90.65412 -46.08 
+L 90.56448 -46.08 
+L 90.47484 -46.08 
+L 90.3852 -46.08 
+L 90.29556 -46.08 
+L 90.20592 -46.08 
+L 90.11628 -46.08 
+L 90.02664 -46.08 
+L 89.937 -46.08 
+L 89.84736 -46.08 
+L 89.75772 -46.08 
+L 89.66808 -46.08 
+L 89.57844 -46.08 
+L 89.4888 -46.08 
+L 89.39916 -46.08 
+L 89.30952 -46.08 
+L 89.21988 -46.08 
+L 89.13024 -46.08 
+L 89.0406 -46.08 
+L 88.95096 -46.08 
+L 88.86132 -46.08 
+L 88.77168 -46.08 
+L 88.68204 -46.08 
+L 88.5924 -46.08 
+L 88.50276 -46.08 
+L 88.41312 -46.08 
+L 88.32348 -46.08 
+L 88.23384 -46.08 
+L 88.1442 -46.08 
+L 88.05456 -46.08 
+L 87.96492 -46.08 
+L 87.87528 -46.08 
+L 87.78564 -46.08 
+L 87.696 -46.08 
+L 87.60636 -46.08 
+L 87.51672 -46.08 
+L 87.42708 -46.08 
+L 87.33744 -46.08 
+L 87.2478 -46.08 
+L 87.15816 -46.08 
+L 87.06852 -46.08 
+L 86.97888 -46.08 
+L 86.88924 -46.08 
+L 86.7996 -46.08 
+L 86.70996 -46.08 
+L 86.62032 -46.08 
+L 86.53068 -46.08 
+L 86.44104 -46.08 
+L 86.3514 -46.08 
+L 86.26176 -46.08 
+L 86.17212 -46.08 
+L 86.08248 -46.08 
+L 85.99284 -46.08 
+L 85.9032 -46.08 
+L 85.81356 -46.08 
+L 85.72392 -46.08 
+L 85.63428 -46.08 
+L 85.54464 -46.08 
+L 85.455 -46.08 
+L 85.36536 -46.08 
+L 85.27572 -46.08 
+L 85.18608 -46.08 
+L 85.09644 -46.08 
+L 85.0068 -46.08 
+L 84.91716 -46.08 
+L 84.82752 -46.08 
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+L 83.39328 -46.08 
+L 83.30364 -46.08 
+L 83.214 -46.08 
+L 83.12436 -46.08 
+L 83.03472 -46.08 
+L 82.94508 -46.08 
+L 82.85544 -46.08 
+L 82.7658 -46.08 
+L 82.67616 -46.08 
+L 82.58652 -46.08 
+L 82.49688 -46.08 
+L 82.40724 -46.08 
+L 82.3176 -46.08 
+L 82.22796 -46.08 
+L 82.13832 -46.08 
+L 82.04868 -46.08 
+L 81.95904 -46.08 
+L 81.8694 -46.08 
+L 81.77976 -46.08 
+L 81.69012 -46.08 
+L 81.60048 -46.08 
+L 81.51084 -46.08 
+L 81.4212 -46.08 
+L 81.33156 -46.08 
+L 81.24192 -46.08 
+L 81.15228 -46.08 
+L 81.06264 -46.08 
+L 80.973 -46.08 
+L 80.88336 -46.08 
+L 80.79372 -46.08 
+L 80.70408 -46.08 
+L 80.61444 -46.08 
+L 80.5248 -46.08 
+L 80.43516 -46.08 
+L 80.34552 -46.08 
+L 80.25588 -46.08 
+L 80.16624 -46.08 
+L 80.0766 -46.08 
+L 79.98696 -46.08 
+L 79.89732 -46.08 
+L 79.80768 -46.08 
+L 79.71804 -46.08 
+L 79.6284 -46.08 
+L 79.53876 -46.08 
+L 79.44912 -46.08 
+L 79.35948 -46.08 
+L 79.26984 -46.08 
+L 79.1802 -46.08 
+L 79.09056 -46.08 
+L 79.00092 -46.08 
+L 78.91128 -46.08 
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+L 78.732 -46.08 
+L 78.64236 -46.08 
+L 78.55272 -46.08 
+L 78.46308 -46.08 
+L 78.37344 -46.08 
+L 78.2838 -46.08 
+L 78.19416 -46.08 
+L 78.10452 -46.08 
+L 78.01488 -46.08 
+L 77.92524 -46.08 
+L 77.8356 -46.08 
+L 77.74596 -46.08 
+L 77.65632 -46.08 
+L 77.56668 -46.08 
+L 77.47704 -46.08 
+L 77.3874 -46.08 
+L 77.29776 -46.08 
+L 77.20812 -46.08 
+L 77.11848 -46.08 
+L 77.02884 -46.08 
+L 76.9392 -46.08 
+L 76.84956 -46.08 
+L 76.75992 -46.08 
+L 76.67028 -46.08 
+L 76.58064 -46.08 
+L 76.491 -46.08 
+L 76.40136 -46.08 
+L 76.31172 -46.08 
+L 76.22208 -46.08 
+L 76.13244 -46.08 
+L 76.0428 -46.08 
+L 75.95316 -46.08 
+L 75.86352 -46.08 
+L 75.77388 -46.08 
+L 75.68424 -46.08 
+L 75.5946 -46.08 
+L 75.50496 -46.08 
+L 75.41532 -46.08 
+L 75.32568 -46.08 
+L 75.23604 -46.08 
+L 75.1464 -46.08 
+L 75.05676 -46.08 
+L 74.96712 -46.08 
+L 74.87748 -46.08 
+L 74.78784 -46.08 
+L 74.6982 -46.08 
+L 74.60856 -46.08 
+L 74.51892 -46.08 
+L 74.42928 -46.08 
+L 74.33964 -46.08 
+L 74.25 -46.08 
+L 74.16036 -46.08 
+L 74.07072 -46.08 
+L 73.98108 -46.08 
+L 73.89144 -46.08 
+L 73.8018 -46.08 
+L 73.71216 -46.08 
+L 73.62252 -46.08 
+L 73.53288 -46.08 
+L 73.44324 -46.08 
+L 73.3536 -46.08 
+L 73.26396 -46.08 
+L 73.17432 -46.08 
+L 73.08468 -46.08 
+L 72.99504 -46.08 
+L 72.9054 -46.08 
+L 72.81576 -46.08 
+L 72.72612 -46.08 
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+L 72.54684 -46.08 
+L 72.4572 -46.08 
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+L 72.27792 -46.08 
+L 72.18828 -46.08 
+L 72.09864 -46.08 
+L 72.009 -46.08 
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+L 71.82972 -46.08 
+L 71.74008 -46.08 
+L 71.65044 -46.08 
+L 71.5608 -46.08 
+L 71.47116 -46.08 
+L 71.38152 -46.08 
+L 71.29188 -46.08 
+L 71.20224 -46.08 
+L 71.1126 -46.08 
+L 71.02296 -46.08 
+L 70.93332 -46.08 
+L 70.84368 -46.08 
+L 70.75404 -46.08 
+L 70.6644 -46.08 
+L 70.57476 -46.08 
+L 70.48512 -46.08 
+L 70.39548 -46.08 
+L 70.30584 -46.08 
+L 70.2162 -46.08 
+L 70.12656 -46.08 
+L 70.03692 -46.08 
+L 69.94728 -46.08 
+L 69.85764 -46.08 
+L 69.768 -46.08 
+L 69.67836 -46.08 
+L 69.58872 -46.08 
+L 69.49908 -46.08 
+L 69.40944 -46.08 
+L 69.3198 -46.08 
+L 69.23016 -46.08 
+L 69.14052 -46.08 
+L 69.05088 -46.08 
+L 68.96124 -46.08 
+L 68.8716 -46.08 
+L 68.78196 -46.08 
+L 68.69232 -46.08 
+L 68.60268 -46.08 
+L 68.51304 -46.08 
+L 68.4234 -46.08 
+L 68.33376 -46.08 
+L 68.24412 -46.08 
+L 68.15448 -46.08 
+L 68.06484 -46.08 
+L 67.9752 -46.08 
+L 67.88556 -46.08 
+L 67.79592 -46.08 
+L 67.70628 -46.08 
+L 67.61664 -46.08 
+L 67.527 -46.08 
+L 67.43736 -46.08 
+L 67.34772 -46.08 
+L 67.25808 -46.08 
+L 67.16844 -46.08 
+L 67.0788 -46.08 
+L 66.98916 -46.08 
+L 66.89952 -46.08 
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+L 66.36168 -46.08 
+L 66.27204 -46.08 
+L 66.1824 -46.08 
+L 66.09276 -46.08 
+L 66.00312 -46.08 
+L 65.91348 -46.08 
+L 65.82384 -46.08 
+L 65.7342 -46.08 
+L 65.64456 -46.08 
+L 65.55492 -46.08 
+L 65.46528 -46.08 
+L 65.37564 -46.08 
+L 65.286 -46.08 
+L 65.19636 -46.08 
+L 65.10672 -46.08 
+L 65.01708 -46.08 
+L 64.92744 -46.08 
+L 64.8378 -46.08 
+L 64.74816 -46.08 
+L 64.65852 -46.08 
+L 64.56888 -46.08 
+L 64.47924 -46.08 
+L 64.3896 -46.08 
+L 64.29996 -46.08 
+L 64.21032 -46.08 
+L 64.12068 -46.08 
+L 64.03104 -46.08 
+L 63.9414 -46.08 
+L 63.85176 -46.08 
+L 63.76212 -46.08 
+L 63.67248 -46.08 
+L 63.58284 -46.08 
+L 63.4932 -46.08 
+L 63.40356 -46.08 
+L 63.31392 -46.08 
+L 63.22428 -46.08 
+L 63.13464 -46.08 
+L 63.045 -46.08 
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+L 53.36388 -62.265088 
+L 53.45352 -73.05886 
+L 53.54316 -67.917563 
+L 53.6328 -51.019711 
+L 53.72244 -55.921583 
+L 53.81208 -71.085573 
+L 53.90172 -64.119657 
+L 53.99136 -59.522495 
+L 54.081 -58.638219 
+L 54.17064 -59.274849 
+L 54.26028 -62.816007 
+L 54.34992 -63.390708 
+L 54.43956 -63.369825 
+L 54.5292 -61.825366 
+L 54.61884 -58.616372 
+L 54.70848 -57.194563 
+L 54.79812 -56.700113 
+L 54.88776 -56.142422 
+L 54.9774 -55.94261 
+L 55.06704 -58.653433 
+L 55.15668 -57.752308 
+L 55.24632 -58.408609 
+L 55.33596 -58.180954 
+L 55.4256 -69.667988 
+L 55.51524 -56.941168 
+L 55.60488 -57.513478 
+L 55.69452 -57.894383 
+L 55.78416 -57.233118 
+L 55.8738 -56.431273 
+L 55.96344 -55.762876 
+L 56.05308 -54.815944 
+L 56.14272 -53.760695 
+L 56.23236 -54.665989 
+L 56.322 -54.595089 
+L 56.41164 -54.684315 
+L 56.50128 -54.673184 
+L 56.59092 -54.165202 
+L 56.68056 -53.779368 
+L 56.7702 -62.484831 
+L 56.85984 -54.737231 
+L 56.94948 -56.568414 
+L 57.03912 -56.330126 
+L 57.12876 -56.384737 
+L 57.2184 -56.060792 
+L 57.30804 -55.206026 
+L 57.39768 -53.47438 
+L 57.48732 -53.578111 
+L 57.57696 -53.247677 
+L 57.6666 -53.031048 
+L 57.75624 -52.776581 
+L 57.84588 -53.199067 
+L 57.93552 -56.452236 
+L 58.02516 -52.766272 
+L 58.1148 -53.205333 
+L 58.20444 -53.240292 
+L 58.29408 -53.586277 
+L 58.38372 -53.502713 
+L 58.47336 -53.318783 
+L 58.563 -53.206039 
+L 58.65264 -52.854357 
+L 58.74228 -52.565364 
+L 58.83192 -55.736779 
+L 58.92156 -53.688599 
+L 59.0112 -53.126744 
+L 59.10084 -51.80482 
+L 59.19048 -51.42599 
+L 59.28012 -54.121944 
+L 59.36976 -50.833005 
+L 59.4594 -51.125095 
+L 59.54904 -51.21287 
+L 59.63868 -51.627555 
+L 59.72832 -73.846374 
+L 59.81796 -52.881268 
+L 59.9076 -52.824603 
+L 59.99724 -51.695125 
+L 60.08688 -49.779676 
+L 60.17652 -49.097881 
+L 60.26616 -50.015457 
+L 60.3558 -48.923523 
+L 60.44544 -48.913594 
+L 60.53508 -49.024771 
+L 60.62472 -49.598972 
+L 60.71436 -50.098661 
+L 60.804 -49.17955 
+L 60.89364 -49.036936 
+L 60.98328 -49.195868 
+L 61.07292 -49.495704 
+L 61.16256 -49.553131 
+L 61.2522 -49.274874 
+L 61.34184 -49.248531 
+L 61.43148 -49.424047 
+L 61.52112 -49.568528 
+L 61.61076 -50.248088 
+L 61.7004 -49.332682 
+L 61.79004 -48.808023 
+L 61.87968 -48.809107 
+L 61.96932 -48.938636 
+L 62.05896 -48.655257 
+L 62.1486 -48.50728 
+L 62.23824 -48.283145 
+L 62.32788 -49.749797 
+L 62.41752 -48.569244 
+L 62.50716 -48.3982 
+L 62.5968 -48.395853 
+L 62.68644 -48.547159 
+L 62.77608 -48.711948 
+L 62.86572 -48.83601 
+L 62.95536 -49.139996 
+L 63.045 -50.342674 
+L 63.13464 -49.771914 
+L 63.22428 -49.622916 
+L 63.31392 -49.397668 
+L 63.40356 -49.541798 
+L 63.4932 -49.149975 
+L 63.58284 -49.192872 
+L 63.67248 -49.639025 
+L 63.76212 -49.876824 
+L 63.85176 -50.215237 
+L 63.9414 -50.911594 
+L 64.03104 -50.275877 
+L 64.12068 -49.983618 
+L 64.21032 -49.876297 
+L 64.29996 -49.683719 
+L 64.3896 -49.196345 
+L 64.47924 -52.404129 
+L 64.56888 -49.187875 
+L 64.65852 -49.346506 
+L 64.74816 -49.238107 
+L 64.8378 -49.146784 
+L 64.92744 -48.662797 
+L 65.01708 -49.04372 
+L 65.10672 -48.623449 
+L 65.19636 -48.834756 
+L 65.286 -48.498451 
+L 65.37564 -48.390124 
+L 65.46528 -48.585191 
+L 65.55492 -48.64919 
+L 65.64456 -48.758181 
+L 65.7342 -55.551319 
+L 65.82384 -48.814303 
+L 65.91348 -48.100461 
+L 66.00312 -48.023806 
+L 66.09276 -47.986203 
+L 66.1824 -47.906457 
+L 66.27204 -48.467342 
+L 66.36168 -47.95681 
+L 66.45132 -47.978961 
+L 66.54096 -48.069653 
+L 66.6306 -48.251527 
+L 66.72024 -51.771965 
+L 66.80988 -49.04742 
+L 66.89952 -49.292615 
+L 66.98916 -49.489558 
+L 67.0788 -49.225119 
+L 67.16844 -48.890143 
+L 67.25808 -48.734599 
+L 67.34772 -48.672323 
+L 67.43736 -48.763309 
+L 67.527 -48.865041 
+L 67.61664 -50.996946 
+L 67.70628 -49.470371 
+L 67.79592 -49.311905 
+L 67.88556 -49.429602 
+L 67.9752 -49.407311 
+L 68.06484 -49.65661 
+L 68.15448 -49.544077 
+L 68.24412 -49.728081 
+L 68.33376 -49.704467 
+L 68.4234 -50.349491 
+L 68.51304 -49.802541 
+L 68.60268 -49.535282 
+L 68.69232 -49.832288 
+L 68.78196 -49.604362 
+L 68.8716 -49.568293 
+L 68.96124 -49.559213 
+L 69.05088 -49.39064 
+L 69.14052 -49.204444 
+L 69.23016 -49.405476 
+L 69.3198 -49.189516 
+L 69.40944 -49.241074 
+L 69.49908 -49.494212 
+L 69.58872 -50.629104 
+L 69.67836 -50.491781 
+L 69.768 -50.718875 
+L 69.85764 -50.409159 
+L 69.94728 -50.439751 
+L 70.03692 -50.470317 
+L 70.12656 -50.501451 
+L 70.2162 -50.257601 
+L 70.30584 -50.100063 
+L 70.39548 -49.959526 
+L 70.48512 -49.492507 
+L 70.57476 -48.847986 
+L 70.6644 -48.732721 
+L 70.75404 -48.556745 
+L 70.84368 -48.586051 
+L 70.93332 -48.48577 
+L 71.02296 -48.525458 
+L 71.1126 -48.655789 
+L 71.20224 -48.710736 
+L 71.29188 -48.965782 
+L 71.38152 -48.858185 
+L 71.47116 -48.776843 
+L 71.5608 -48.776845 
+L 71.65044 -48.804528 
+L 71.74008 -48.827861 
+L 71.82972 -48.777564 
+L 71.91936 -49.330328 
+L 72.009 -48.845025 
+L 72.09864 -48.577243 
+L 72.18828 -48.5119 
+L 72.27792 -48.427812 
+L 72.36756 -48.336482 
+L 72.4572 -48.752527 
+L 72.54684 -48.300064 
+L 72.63648 -48.188013 
+L 72.72612 -48.097255 
+L 72.81576 -48.429315 
+L 72.9054 -48.102182 
+L 72.99504 -48.056004 
+L 73.08468 -48.121043 
+L 73.17432 -48.451954 
+L 73.26396 -48.799935 
+L 73.3536 -48.48465 
+L 73.44324 -48.538643 
+L 73.53288 -48.646971 
+L 73.62252 -48.767317 
+L 73.71216 -48.84535 
+L 73.8018 -56.083781 
+L 73.89144 -48.958112 
+L 73.98108 -48.556346 
+L 74.07072 -48.381976 
+L 74.16036 -48.352174 
+L 74.25 -48.340344 
+L 74.33964 -48.313646 
+L 74.42928 -48.276111 
+L 74.51892 -48.566719 
+L 74.60856 -48.276298 
+L 74.6982 -48.26921 
+L 74.78784 -48.358991 
+L 74.87748 -48.354766 
+L 74.96712 -51.950485 
+L 75.05676 -48.52311 
+L 75.1464 -48.419738 
+L 75.23604 -48.443513 
+L 75.32568 -48.544184 
+L 75.41532 -48.608648 
+L 75.50496 -48.890384 
+L 75.5946 -49.01039 
+L 75.68424 -48.865843 
+L 75.77388 -48.695281 
+L 75.86352 -48.471762 
+L 75.95316 -48.396427 
+L 76.0428 -48.398194 
+L 76.13244 -48.33458 
+L 76.22208 -48.352319 
+L 76.31172 -48.444816 
+L 76.40136 -48.245177 
+L 76.491 -48.23832 
+L 76.58064 -48.341429 
+L 76.67028 -48.493151 
+L 76.75992 -48.676332 
+L 76.84956 -50.456437 
+L 76.9392 -48.896173 
+L 77.02884 -48.831103 
+L 77.11848 -48.669641 
+L 77.20812 -48.565747 
+L 77.29776 -48.52233 
+L 77.3874 -48.763343 
+L 77.47704 -48.582955 
+L 77.56668 -48.654995 
+L 77.65632 -48.704217 
+L 77.74596 -48.940007 
+L 77.8356 -48.966037 
+L 77.92524 -48.726807 
+L 78.01488 -48.533433 
+L 78.10452 -48.514798 
+L 78.19416 -48.451369 
+L 78.2838 -48.260892 
+L 78.37344 -48.140716 
+L 78.46308 -48.089276 
+L 78.55272 -48.1043 
+L 78.64236 -48.238009 
+L 78.732 -48.452945 
+L 78.82164 -48.808998 
+L 78.91128 -48.986875 
+L 79.00092 -48.667634 
+L 79.09056 -48.514373 
+L 79.1802 -48.35093 
+L 79.26984 -48.595747 
+L 79.35948 -48.987851 
+L 79.44912 -48.8243 
+L 79.53876 -48.89636 
+L 79.6284 -49.033743 
+L 79.71804 -50.121186 
+L 79.80768 -49.675364 
+L 79.89732 -49.449844 
+L 79.98696 -49.158624 
+L 80.0766 -48.898575 
+L 80.16624 -48.552581 
+L 80.25588 -48.752641 
+L 80.34552 -48.89241 
+L 80.43516 -49.283173 
+L 80.5248 -48.690216 
+L 80.61444 -48.712762 
+L 80.70408 -48.625548 
+L 80.79372 -48.594883 
+L 80.88336 -50.165544 
+L 80.973 -48.558029 
+L 81.06264 -48.59982 
+L 81.15228 -48.643096 
+L 81.24192 -48.757138 
+L 81.33156 -48.920569 
+L 81.4212 -50.280837 
+L 81.51084 -49.254809 
+L 81.60048 -49.181937 
+L 81.69012 -48.971258 
+L 81.77976 -48.912113 
+L 81.8694 -49.110406 
+L 81.95904 -49.106055 
+L 82.04868 -49.121467 
+L 82.13832 -49.190421 
+L 82.22796 -49.169373 
+L 82.3176 -49.118333 
+L 82.40724 -49.005444 
+L 82.49688 -48.935026 
+L 82.58652 -48.913511 
+L 82.67616 -49.936321 
+L 82.7658 -48.926534 
+L 82.85544 -48.979773 
+L 82.94508 -49.102413 
+L 83.03472 -49.130232 
+L 83.12436 -49.191006 
+L 83.214 -49.23633 
+L 83.30364 -49.405328 
+L 83.39328 -49.694963 
+L 83.48292 -49.403912 
+L 83.57256 -49.331764 
+L 83.6622 -49.359355 
+L 83.75184 -49.430641 
+L 83.84148 -49.879197 
+L 83.93112 -49.91342 
+L 84.02076 -49.913773 
+L 84.1104 -50.007198 
+L 84.20004 -50.076176 
+L 84.28968 -50.36576 
+L 84.37932 -50.586788 
+L 84.46896 -50.612156 
+L 84.5586 -50.456697 
+L 84.64824 -50.339534 
+L 84.73788 -50.257362 
+L 84.82752 -50.184504 
+L 84.91716 -50.223956 
+L 85.0068 -50.699608 
+L 85.09644 -50.56559 
+L 85.18608 -50.486409 
+L 85.27572 -50.422048 
+L 85.36536 -50.148253 
+L 85.455 -50.854071 
+L 85.54464 -50.835402 
+L 85.63428 -50.772568 
+L 85.72392 -50.710566 
+L 85.81356 -50.61523 
+L 85.9032 -50.476144 
+L 85.99284 -50.32017 
+L 86.08248 -50.813674 
+L 86.17212 -50.38666 
+L 86.26176 -50.321963 
+L 86.3514 -50.283562 
+L 86.44104 -50.23233 
+L 86.53068 -50.089415 
+L 86.62032 -49.877651 
+L 86.70996 -49.960929 
+L 86.7996 -49.947657 
+L 86.88924 -50.01452 
+L 86.97888 -50.082604 
+L 87.06852 -50.148955 
+L 87.15816 -50.625066 
+L 87.2478 -50.144707 
+L 87.33744 -50.203935 
+L 87.42708 -50.167548 
+L 87.51672 -50.140835 
+L 87.60636 -50.08734 
+L 87.696 -49.964062 
+L 87.78564 -50.675699 
+L 87.87528 -49.992744 
+L 87.96492 -49.821796 
+L 88.05456 -49.809944 
+L 88.1442 -49.818465 
+L 88.23384 -49.827435 
+L 88.32348 -49.857143 
+L 88.41312 -50.041266 
+L 88.50276 -49.796557 
+L 88.5924 -49.893877 
+L 88.68204 -49.783994 
+L 88.77168 -49.731366 
+L 88.86132 -49.759378 
+L 88.95096 -49.837581 
+L 89.0406 -50.436727 
+L 89.13024 -49.994779 
+L 89.21988 -49.94483 
+L 89.30952 -49.907417 
+L 89.39916 -49.831645 
+L 89.4888 -49.830804 
+L 89.57844 -49.920112 
+L 89.66808 -50.08735 
+L 89.75772 -49.953106 
+L 89.84736 -49.81378 
+L 89.937 -49.692575 
+L 90.02664 -50.131142 
+L 90.11628 -49.795364 
+L 90.20592 -49.981821 
+L 90.29556 -49.971468 
+L 90.3852 -49.897144 
+L 90.47484 -49.868192 
+L 90.56448 -49.895585 
+L 90.65412 -49.911 
+L 90.74376 -50.062911 
+L 90.8334 -49.947005 
+L 90.92304 -49.900668 
+L 91.01268 -49.870076 
+L 91.10232 -49.845951 
+L 91.19196 -49.841076 
+L 91.2816 -49.817081 
+L 91.37124 -50.352821 
+L 91.46088 -49.951613 
+L 91.55052 -49.852569 
+L 91.64016 -49.773348 
+L 91.7298 -49.766448 
+L 91.81944 -49.672931 
+L 91.90908 -49.395782 
+L 91.99872 -49.485388 
+L 92.08836 -50.11906 
+L 92.178 -49.454278 
+L 92.26764 -49.437278 
+L 92.35728 -49.403191 
+L 92.44692 -49.341508 
+L 92.53656 -49.241959 
+L 92.6262 -49.216847 
+L 92.71584 -77.264952 
+L 92.80548 -49.257683 
+L 92.89512 -49.25578 
+L 92.98476 -49.324795 
+L 93.0744 -49.346191 
+L 93.16404 -49.375506 
+L 93.25368 -49.412371 
+L 93.34332 -49.503532 
+L 93.43296 -49.483201 
+L 93.5226 -49.494743 
+L 93.61224 -49.469041 
+L 93.70188 -49.374233 
+L 93.79152 -57.484125 
+L 93.88116 -49.407351 
+L 93.9708 -49.359302 
+L 94.06044 -49.364027 
+L 94.15008 -49.389687 
+L 94.23972 -49.361455 
+L 94.32936 -49.300426 
+L 94.419 -49.24566 
+L 94.50864 -49.241214 
+L 94.59828 -49.226376 
+L 94.68792 -49.202216 
+L 94.77756 -49.186672 
+L 94.8672 -49.492963 
+L 94.95684 -49.156446 
+L 95.04648 -49.143333 
+L 95.13612 -49.162854 
+L 95.22576 -49.176432 
+L 95.3154 -49.213664 
+L 95.40504 -49.221068 
+L 95.49468 -49.166473 
+L 95.58432 -49.150417 
+L 95.67396 -49.114332 
+L 95.7636 -49.11466 
+L 95.85324 -49.104073 
+L 95.94288 -49.113741 
+L 96.03252 -49.331182 
+L 96.12216 -49.12738 
+L 96.2118 -49.117061 
+L 96.30144 -49.075885 
+L 96.39108 -49.043822 
+L 96.48072 -48.995209 
+L 96.57036 -48.962221 
+L 96.66 -49.067558 
+L 96.74964 -48.972762 
+L 96.83928 -48.955817 
+L 96.92892 -48.97798 
+L 97.01856 -49.038194 
+L 97.1082 -49.1273 
+L 97.19784 -49.399926 
+L 97.28748 -49.131835 
+L 97.37712 -49.143612 
+L 97.46676 -49.143862 
+L 97.5564 -49.117821 
+L 97.64604 -49.012912 
+L 97.73568 -49.430712 
+L 97.82532 -49.020558 
+L 97.91496 -48.871474 
+L 98.0046 -48.759885 
+L 98.09424 -48.76125 
+L 98.18388 -48.798736 
+L 98.27352 -48.880983 
+L 98.36316 -49.323899 
+L 98.4528 -48.91859 
+L 98.54244 -48.878603 
+L 98.63208 -48.863969 
+L 98.72172 -48.851813 
+L 98.81136 -48.793591 
+L 98.901 -48.891405 
+L 98.99064 -48.712563 
+L 99.08028 -48.678029 
+L 99.16992 -48.685724 
+L 99.25956 -48.68368 
+L 99.3492 -48.738259 
+L 99.43884 -48.576745 
+L 99.52848 -49.391789 
+L 99.61812 -48.624058 
+L 99.70776 -48.520768 
+L 99.7974 -48.454529 
+L 99.88704 -48.437491 
+L 99.97668 -48.396555 
+L 100.06632 -48.380664 
+L 100.15596 -48.35442 
+L 100.2456 -48.954749 
+L 100.33524 -48.376866 
+L 100.42488 -48.313013 
+L 100.51452 -48.271675 
+L 100.60416 -48.223722 
+L 100.6938 -48.196453 
+L 100.78344 -48.463549 
+L 100.87308 -48.216618 
+L 100.96272 -48.18352 
+L 101.05236 -48.214408 
+L 101.142 -48.294186 
+L 101.23164 -48.307347 
+L 101.32128 -48.342687 
+L 101.41092 -47.970256 
+L 101.50056 -48.152359 
+L 101.5902 -48.029835 
+L 101.67984 -48.017591 
+L 101.76948 -48.036013 
+L 101.85912 -48.138854 
+L 101.94876 -56.124551 
+L 102.0384 -48.160927 
+L 102.12804 -48.184241 
+L 102.21768 -48.184822 
+L 102.30732 -48.188659 
+L 102.39696 -48.147451 
+L 102.4866 -48.203553 
+L 102.57624 -48.447141 
+L 102.66588 -48.11747 
+L 102.75552 -48.110688 
+L 102.84516 -48.038548 
+L 102.9348 -48.003278 
+L 103.02444 -48.020772 
+L 103.11408 -48.097692 
+L 103.20372 -48.765092 
+L 103.29336 -48.10068 
+L 103.383 -48.07855 
+L 103.47264 -48.067682 
+L 103.56228 -48.066891 
+L 103.65192 -48.101142 
+L 103.74156 -48.166365 
+L 103.8312 -49.733754 
+L 103.92084 -48.235509 
+L 104.01048 -48.252562 
+L 104.10012 -48.275114 
+L 104.18976 -48.36246 
+L 104.2794 -48.492775 
+L 104.36904 -48.846237 
+L 104.45868 -48.909592 
+L 104.54832 -48.708136 
+L 104.63796 -48.71799 
+L 104.7276 -48.756824 
+L 104.81724 -48.775107 
+L 104.90688 -48.734226 
+L 104.99652 -48.645893 
+L 105.08616 -48.664261 
+L 105.1758 -48.515462 
+L 105.26544 -48.496869 
+L 105.35508 -48.502021 
+L 105.44472 -49.71744 
+L 105.53436 -48.591669 
+L 105.624 -48.558077 
+L 105.71364 -48.554334 
+L 105.80328 -48.503527 
+L 105.89292 -48.493585 
+L 105.98256 -48.562693 
+L 106.0722 -48.50093 
+L 106.16184 -48.445965 
+L 106.25148 -48.445757 
+L 106.34112 -48.411288 
+L 106.43076 -48.436077 
+L 106.5204 -48.463349 
+L 106.61004 -48.517233 
+L 106.69968 -48.615238 
+L 106.78932 -55.192185 
+L 106.87896 -48.639316 
+L 106.9686 -48.675421 
+L 107.05824 -48.694393 
+L 107.14788 -48.693323 
+L 107.23752 -48.696754 
+L 107.32716 -48.69928 
+L 107.4168 -48.72169 
+L 107.50644 -48.683753 
+L 107.59608 -48.69763 
+L 107.68572 -48.687253 
+L 107.77536 -48.631938 
+L 107.865 -48.546396 
+L 107.95464 -48.342458 
+L 108.04428 -48.283758 
+L 108.13392 -48.272881 
+L 108.22356 -48.27942 
+L 108.3132 -48.29909 
+L 108.40284 -48.310329 
+L 108.49248 -48.364927 
+L 108.58212 -48.365459 
+L 108.67176 -48.36709 
+L 108.7614 -48.355021 
+L 108.85104 -48.349632 
+L 108.94068 -48.563395 
+L 109.03032 -48.369639 
+L 109.11996 -48.359135 
+L 109.2096 -48.379599 
+L 109.29924 -48.367581 
+L 109.38888 -48.975457 
+L 109.47852 -48.47705 
+L 109.56816 -48.446989 
+L 109.6578 -48.449234 
+L 109.74744 -48.443881 
+L 109.83708 -48.40713 
+L 109.92672 -48.429498 
+L 110.01636 -48.447549 
+L 110.106 -48.47418 
+L 110.19564 -48.412757 
+L 110.28528 -48.420469 
+L 110.37492 -48.447718 
+L 110.46456 -48.519716 
+L 110.5542 -48.582425 
+L 110.64384 -48.885491 
+L 110.73348 -48.604437 
+L 110.82312 -48.641762 
+L 110.91276 -48.639612 
+L 111.0024 -48.65977 
+L 111.09204 -48.672089 
+L 111.18168 -48.909393 
+L 111.27132 -48.738457 
+L 111.36096 -48.757656 
+L 111.4506 -48.76597 
+L 111.54024 -48.807582 
+L 111.62988 -48.830715 
+L 111.71952 -48.947079 
+L 111.80916 -48.850711 
+L 111.8988 -48.796662 
+L 111.98844 -48.882245 
+L 112.07808 -48.809377 
+L 112.16772 -48.747915 
+L 112.25736 -48.7381 
+L 112.347 -48.722204 
+L 112.43664 -48.632738 
+L 112.52628 -48.606026 
+L 112.61592 -48.500962 
+L 112.70556 -48.385565 
+L 112.7952 -48.206605 
+L 112.88484 -48.173973 
+L 112.97448 -48.172716 
+L 113.06412 -48.215125 
+L 113.15376 -48.180767 
+L 113.2434 -48.20781 
+L 113.33304 -48.222791 
+L 113.42268 -48.793487 
+L 113.51232 -48.273204 
+L 113.60196 -48.25688 
+L 113.6916 -48.226655 
+L 113.78124 -48.307259 
+L 113.87088 -48.22512 
+L 113.96052 -48.219264 
+L 114.05016 -48.234946 
+L 114.1398 -48.25369 
+L 114.22944 -48.300799 
+L 114.31908 -48.3106 
+L 114.40872 -48.324884 
+L 114.49836 -48.344142 
+L 114.588 -48.464086 
+L 114.67764 -48.490574 
+L 114.76728 -48.507457 
+L 114.85692 -48.534871 
+L 114.94656 -48.581497 
+L 115.0362 -48.56547 
+L 115.12584 -48.572226 
+L 115.21548 -48.589138 
+L 115.30512 -48.626234 
+L 115.39476 -48.710928 
+L 115.4844 -48.632173 
+L 115.57404 -48.666091 
+L 115.66368 -48.663253 
+L 115.75332 -48.668304 
+L 115.84296 -48.684456 
+L 115.9326 -48.660205 
+L 116.02224 -48.657034 
+L 116.11188 -48.671013 
+L 116.20152 -48.706323 
+L 116.29116 -48.735445 
+L 116.3808 -48.953798 
+L 116.47044 -48.744273 
+L 116.56008 -48.715123 
+L 116.64972 -48.708967 
+L 116.73936 -48.715621 
+L 116.829 -48.706623 
+L 116.91864 -48.702208 
+L 117.00828 -48.695795 
+L 117.09792 -48.636994 
+L 117.18756 -48.576079 
+L 117.2772 -48.550552 
+L 117.36684 -48.490642 
+L 117.45648 -48.409061 
+L 117.54612 -48.360005 
+L 117.63576 -48.912643 
+L 117.7254 -48.37744 
+L 117.81504 -48.344509 
+L 117.90468 -48.315877 
+L 117.99432 -48.303379 
+L 118.08396 -48.338261 
+L 118.1736 -48.710094 
+L 118.26324 -48.443944 
+L 118.35288 -48.590061 
+L 118.44252 -48.56032 
+L 118.53216 -48.532832 
+L 118.6218 -48.52564 
+L 118.71144 -48.545003 
+L 118.80108 -48.66635 
+L 118.89072 -48.497047 
+L 118.98036 -48.459532 
+L 119.07 -48.425164 
+L 119.15964 -48.456864 
+L 119.24928 -48.474597 
+L 119.33892 -48.59342 
+L 119.42856 -48.456036 
+L 119.5182 -48.456733 
+L 119.60784 -48.925048 
+L 119.69748 -48.541217 
+L 119.78712 -48.564279 
+L 119.87676 -48.629538 
+L 119.9664 -48.742752 
+L 120.05604 -48.68292 
+L 120.14568 -48.644742 
+L 120.23532 -48.6112 
+L 120.32496 -48.531197 
+L 120.4146 -48.531203 
+L 120.50424 -48.971809 
+L 120.59388 -48.569171 
+L 120.68352 -48.598615 
+L 120.77316 -48.641511 
+L 120.8628 -48.659193 
+L 120.95244 -48.725708 
+L 121.04208 -48.756407 
+L 121.13172 -48.924739 
+L 121.22136 -48.839294 
+L 121.311 -48.813287 
+L 121.40064 -48.824513 
+L 121.49028 -48.592151 
+L 121.57992 -48.718776 
+L 121.66956 -48.783747 
+L 121.7592 -48.721988 
+L 121.84884 -48.748072 
+L 121.93848 -48.874469 
+L 122.02812 -48.921464 
+L 122.11776 -49.047009 
+L 122.2074 -49.107064 
+L 122.29704 -49.287186 
+L 122.38668 -49.079329 
+L 122.47632 -48.992877 
+L 122.56596 -48.881857 
+L 122.6556 -48.782437 
+L 122.74524 -48.729291 
+L 122.83488 -48.748645 
+L 122.92452 -48.829555 
+L 123.01416 -48.861627 
+L 123.1038 -48.853862 
+L 123.19344 -48.820777 
+L 123.28308 -48.804794 
+L 123.37272 -49.067039 
+L 123.46236 -48.832222 
+L 123.552 -48.901463 
+L 123.64164 -48.96183 
+L 123.73128 -49.018851 
+L 123.82092 -49.059265 
+L 123.91056 -49.035294 
+L 124.0002 -48.903255 
+L 124.08984 -48.817816 
+L 124.17948 -48.791122 
+L 124.26912 -48.729287 
+L 124.35876 -48.741923 
+L 124.4484 -48.801586 
+L 124.53804 -48.747349 
+L 124.62768 -48.794659 
+L 124.71732 -48.874952 
+L 124.80696 -48.954176 
+L 124.8966 -48.989638 
+L 124.98624 -49.020104 
+L 125.07588 -49.056894 
+L 125.16552 -49.130963 
+L 125.25516 -49.098296 
+L 125.3448 -49.132295 
+L 125.43444 -49.155157 
+L 125.52408 -49.114446 
+L 125.61372 -48.986325 
+L 125.70336 -49.058973 
+L 125.793 -49.028169 
+L 125.88264 -48.98059 
+L 125.97228 -48.935483 
+L 126.06192 -48.917834 
+L 126.15156 -48.90777 
+L 126.2412 -49.002284 
+L 126.33084 -48.957477 
+L 126.42048 -48.952035 
+L 126.51012 -48.962199 
+L 126.59976 -48.9672 
+L 126.6894 -50.117745 
+L 126.77904 -49.026072 
+L 126.86868 -49.001823 
+L 126.95832 -48.988715 
+L 127.04796 -48.98646 
+L 127.1376 -48.999736 
+L 127.22724 -49.085748 
+L 127.31688 -49.334341 
+L 127.40652 -49.164015 
+L 127.49616 -49.354986 
+L 127.5858 -49.348954 
+L 127.67544 -49.363207 
+L 127.76508 -49.347275 
+L 127.85472 -49.325472 
+L 127.94436 -49.348542 
+L 128.034 -49.446408 
+L 128.12364 -49.356707 
+L 128.21328 -49.391359 
+L 128.30292 -49.466469 
+L 128.39256 -49.509076 
+L 128.4822 -49.534573 
+L 128.57184 -49.615652 
+L 128.66148 -49.369115 
+L 128.75112 -49.308308 
+L 128.84076 -49.196809 
+L 128.9304 -48.971504 
+L 129.02004 -49.067462 
+L 129.10968 -48.976268 
+L 129.19932 -48.937288 
+L 129.28896 -48.901523 
+L 129.3786 -48.912059 
+L 129.46824 -48.899673 
+L 129.55788 -48.8359 
+L 129.64752 -48.87792 
+L 129.73716 -48.777127 
+L 129.8268 -48.746698 
+L 129.91644 -48.741101 
+L 130.00608 -48.721 
+L 130.09572 -48.666407 
+L 130.18536 -48.647826 
+L 130.275 -48.654892 
+L 130.36464 -48.652667 
+L 130.45428 -48.657933 
+L 130.54392 -48.566364 
+L 130.63356 -48.590002 
+L 130.7232 -48.576336 
+L 130.81284 -48.558255 
+L 130.90248 -48.542953 
+L 130.99212 -48.606895 
+L 131.08176 -48.556974 
+L 131.1714 -48.533657 
+L 131.26104 -48.51489 
+L 131.35068 -48.523001 
+L 131.44032 -48.528913 
+L 131.52996 -49.016403 
+L 131.6196 -48.58594 
+L 131.70924 -48.579081 
+L 131.79888 -48.58193 
+L 131.88852 -48.596194 
+L 131.97816 -48.634667 
+L 132.0678 -48.682269 
+L 132.15744 -48.791905 
+L 132.24708 -48.912065 
+L 132.33672 -48.830329 
+L 132.42636 -48.828902 
+L 132.516 -48.86973 
+L 132.60564 -48.939259 
+L 132.69528 -49.068433 
+L 132.78492 -49.339362 
+L 132.87456 -49.180394 
+L 132.9642 -49.094033 
+L 133.05384 -49.015025 
+L 133.14348 -48.958115 
+L 133.23312 -48.840337 
+L 133.32276 -48.78939 
+L 133.4124 -48.806444 
+L 133.50204 -48.817499 
+L 133.59168 -48.966 
+L 133.68132 -48.81627 
+L 133.77096 -48.792236 
+L 133.8606 -48.754529 
+L 133.95024 -48.735174 
+L 134.03988 -48.729487 
+L 134.12952 -48.738039 
+L 134.21916 -48.794603 
+L 134.3088 -48.812428 
+L 134.39844 -48.823048 
+L 134.48808 -48.801588 
+L 134.57772 -48.950418 
+L 134.66736 -48.848845 
+L 134.757 -48.845559 
+L 134.84664 -48.799502 
+L 134.93628 -48.812495 
+L 135.02592 -48.833239 
+L 135.11556 -48.849121 
+L 135.2052 -48.887713 
+L 135.29484 -49.096723 
+L 135.38448 -48.969127 
+L 135.47412 -48.977396 
+L 135.56376 -48.936375 
+L 135.6534 -48.857199 
+L 135.74304 -49.036704 
+L 135.83268 -48.814513 
+L 135.92232 -48.797786 
+L 136.01196 -48.802211 
+L 136.1016 -48.796664 
+L 136.19124 -48.794539 
+L 136.28088 -48.816518 
+L 136.37052 -48.831855 
+L 136.46016 -48.821526 
+L 136.5498 -49.006559 
+L 136.63944 -48.875335 
+L 136.72908 -48.783334 
+L 136.81872 -48.747912 
+L 136.90836 -48.780934 
+L 136.998 -48.716075 
+L 137.08764 -48.726093 
+L 137.17728 -48.73033 
+L 137.26692 -48.840266 
+L 137.35656 -48.734739 
+L 137.4462 -48.706969 
+L 137.53584 -48.683077 
+L 137.62548 -48.647659 
+L 137.71512 -48.625093 
+L 137.80476 -48.621821 
+L 137.8944 -48.621285 
+L 137.98404 -48.617991 
+L 138.07368 -48.606579 
+L 138.16332 -48.631793 
+L 138.25296 -48.623556 
+L 138.3426 -48.6076 
+L 138.43224 -48.837798 
+L 138.52188 -48.617647 
+L 138.61152 -48.613955 
+L 138.70116 -48.639225 
+L 138.7908 -48.654522 
+L 138.88044 -48.681599 
+L 138.97008 -48.718026 
+L 139.05972 -48.768496 
+L 139.14936 -48.850308 
+L 139.239 -48.780258 
+L 139.32864 -48.741105 
+L 139.41828 -48.7325 
+L 139.50792 -48.694296 
+L 139.59756 -48.669579 
+L 139.6872 -48.865171 
+L 139.77684 -48.650826 
+L 139.86648 -48.614655 
+L 139.95612 -48.590088 
+L 140.04576 -48.590853 
+L 140.1354 -48.589137 
+L 140.22504 -48.635061 
+L 140.31468 -48.597845 
+L 140.40432 -48.597066 
+L 140.49396 -48.600304 
+L 140.5836 -48.598803 
+L 140.67324 -48.672373 
+L 140.76288 -48.524514 
+L 140.85252 -48.610093 
+L 140.94216 -48.688401 
+L 141.0318 -48.680529 
+L 141.12144 -48.666501 
+L 141.21108 -48.643067 
+L 141.30072 -48.5197 
+L 141.39036 -48.691812 
+L 141.48 -48.529279 
+L 141.56964 -48.447122 
+L 141.65928 -48.406388 
+L 141.74892 -48.397609 
+L 141.83856 -48.41462 
+L 141.9282 -48.425004 
+L 142.01784 -48.566839 
+L 142.10748 -48.46713 
+L 142.19712 -48.474337 
+L 142.28676 -48.47521 
+L 142.3764 -48.47374 
+L 142.46604 -48.476308 
+L 142.55568 -48.529002 
+L 142.64532 -48.482474 
+L 142.73496 -48.502385 
+L 142.8246 -48.539702 
+L 142.91424 -48.541288 
+L 143.00388 -48.524737 
+L 143.09352 -48.46129 
+L 143.18316 -48.379869 
+L 143.2728 -51.886975 
+L 143.36244 -48.390641 
+L 143.45208 -48.340312 
+L 143.54172 -48.350209 
+L 143.63136 -48.354528 
+L 143.721 -48.366222 
+L 143.81064 -48.377089 
+L 143.90028 -48.390516 
+L 143.98992 -48.36934 
+L 144.07956 -48.312625 
+L 144.1692 -48.260607 
+L 144.25884 -48.229102 
+L 144.34848 -48.236664 
+L 144.43812 -48.19162 
+L 144.52776 -48.177593 
+L 144.6174 -48.151498 
+L 144.70704 -48.133339 
+L 144.79668 -48.102322 
+L 144.88632 -48.171272 
+L 144.97596 -48.137866 
+L 145.0656 -48.134041 
+L 145.15524 -48.130272 
+L 145.24488 -48.057433 
+L 145.33452 -48.081257 
+L 145.42416 -48.131642 
+L 145.5138 -48.078022 
+L 145.60344 -48.054226 
+L 145.69308 -48.049596 
+L 145.78272 -48.045939 
+L 145.87236 -48.073605 
+L 145.962 -48.152088 
+L 146.05164 -48.647367 
+L 146.14128 -48.1533 
+L 146.23092 -48.222042 
+L 146.32056 -48.238437 
+L 146.4102 -48.281621 
+L 146.49984 -48.475516 
+L 146.58948 -48.336692 
+L 146.67912 -48.363806 
+L 146.76876 -48.339909 
+L 146.8584 -48.332842 
+L 146.94804 -48.350459 
+L 147.03768 -48.379991 
+L 147.12732 -48.442431 
+L 147.21696 -48.492014 
+L 147.3066 -48.443867 
+L 147.39624 -48.448075 
+L 147.48588 -48.426129 
+L 147.57552 -48.392131 
+L 147.66516 -48.392919 
+L 147.7548 -48.653397 
+L 147.84444 -48.421573 
+L 147.93408 -48.384904 
+L 148.02372 -48.352116 
+L 148.11336 -48.376888 
+L 148.203 -48.334709 
+L 148.29264 -48.347289 
+L 148.38228 -48.418017 
+L 148.47192 -48.410162 
+L 148.56156 -48.469874 
+L 148.6512 -48.51394 
+L 148.74084 -48.588057 
+L 148.83048 -48.940593 
+L 148.92012 -48.626641 
+L 149.00976 -48.679622 
+L 149.0994 -49.011442 
+L 149.18904 -48.689893 
+L 149.27868 -48.680018 
+L 149.36832 -48.691559 
+L 149.45796 -48.698532 
+L 149.5476 -48.72279 
+L 149.63724 -48.820009 
+L 149.72688 -48.84394 
+L 149.81652 -48.916869 
+L 149.90616 -49.075588 
+L 149.9958 -48.960329 
+L 150.08544 -48.820335 
+L 150.17508 -48.763933 
+L 150.26472 -48.732223 
+L 150.35436 -48.752719 
+L 150.444 -48.790341 
+L 150.53364 -48.842034 
+L 150.62328 -48.927943 
+L 150.71292 -48.890252 
+L 150.80256 -48.8856 
+L 150.8922 -48.886609 
+L 150.98184 -48.868566 
+L 151.07148 -48.797025 
+L 151.16112 -48.71981 
+L 151.25076 -48.655975 
+L 151.3404 -48.635151 
+L 151.43004 -48.595291 
+L 151.51968 -48.470436 
+L 151.60932 -48.475508 
+L 151.69896 -48.480297 
+L 151.7886 -48.48111 
+L 151.87824 -48.506204 
+L 151.96788 -48.491634 
+L 152.05752 -48.477921 
+L 152.14716 -48.488005 
+L 152.2368 -48.460343 
+L 152.32644 -48.467589 
+L 152.41608 -48.47525 
+L 152.50572 -48.469197 
+L 152.59536 -48.476176 
+L 152.685 -48.429596 
+L 152.77464 -48.414544 
+L 152.86428 -48.401284 
+L 152.95392 -48.392412 
+L 153.04356 -48.413017 
+L 153.1332 -48.421132 
+L 153.22284 -48.44549 
+L 153.31248 -48.450316 
+L 153.40212 -48.438931 
+L 153.49176 -48.425439 
+L 153.5814 -48.420418 
+L 153.67104 -48.462812 
+L 153.76068 -48.399879 
+L 153.85032 -48.424901 
+L 153.93996 -48.43003 
+L 154.0296 -48.459096 
+L 154.11924 -48.47833 
+L 154.20888 -48.551969 
+L 154.29852 -48.484244 
+L 154.38816 -48.46954 
+L 154.4778 -48.46652 
+L 154.56744 -48.457107 
+L 154.65708 -48.451514 
+L 154.74672 -48.495638 
+L 154.83636 -48.432628 
+L 154.926 -48.414557 
+L 155.01564 -48.5154 
+L 155.10528 -48.432978 
+L 155.19492 -48.37526 
+L 155.28456 -48.340974 
+L 155.3742 -48.343519 
+L 155.46384 -48.353181 
+L 155.55348 -48.528659 
+L 155.64312 -48.383407 
+L 155.73276 -48.385259 
+L 155.8224 -48.417171 
+L 155.91204 -48.432993 
+L 156.00168 -48.481206 
+L 156.09132 -48.444677 
+L 156.18096 -48.41215 
+L 156.2706 -48.371659 
+L 156.36024 -48.36184 
+L 156.44988 -48.295391 
+L 156.53952 -48.325923 
+L 156.62916 -48.321122 
+L 156.7188 -48.319735 
+L 156.80844 -48.318239 
+L 156.89808 -48.319561 
+L 156.98772 -48.4294 
+L 157.07736 -48.314502 
+L 157.167 -48.313394 
+L 157.25664 -48.306681 
+L 157.34628 -48.308697 
+L 157.43592 -48.314924 
+L 157.52556 -48.307573 
+L 157.6152 -48.372518 
+L 157.70484 -48.373743 
+L 157.79448 -48.4166 
+L 157.88412 -48.522678 
+L 157.97376 -48.547756 
+L 158.0634 -48.556245 
+L 158.15304 -48.525624 
+L 158.24268 -48.514034 
+L 158.33232 -48.607458 
+L 158.42196 -48.528256 
+L 158.5116 -48.4924 
+L 158.60124 -48.320882 
+L 158.69088 -48.268215 
+L 158.78052 -48.346748 
+L 158.87016 -48.216877 
+L 158.9598 -48.246747 
+L 159.04944 -48.256139 
+L 159.13908 -48.250245 
+L 159.22872 -48.232126 
+L 159.31836 -48.191021 
+L 159.408 -48.168199 
+L 159.49764 -48.158682 
+L 159.58728 -48.149275 
+L 159.67692 -48.155029 
+L 159.76656 -48.143925 
+L 159.8562 -48.151244 
+L 159.94584 -48.184234 
+L 160.03548 -48.208234 
+L 160.12512 -48.22374 
+L 160.21476 -48.202018 
+L 160.3044 -48.206479 
+L 160.39404 -48.221352 
+L 160.48368 -48.264724 
+L 160.57332 -48.232355 
+L 160.66296 -48.223362 
+L 160.7526 -48.230272 
+L 160.84224 -48.232386 
+L 160.93188 -48.284988 
+L 161.02152 -48.256172 
+L 161.11116 -48.255458 
+L 161.2008 -48.262093 
+L 161.29044 -48.260772 
+L 161.38008 -48.262991 
+L 161.46972 -48.248822 
+L 161.55936 -48.26842 
+L 161.649 -48.358485 
+L 161.73864 -48.278795 
+L 161.82828 -48.289728 
+L 161.91792 -48.32001 
+L 162.00756 -48.337808 
+L 162.0972 -48.372308 
+L 162.18684 -48.402342 
+L 162.27648 -48.396177 
+L 162.36612 -48.388738 
+L 162.45576 -48.397135 
+L 162.5454 -48.377821 
+L 162.63504 -48.750344 
+L 162.72468 -48.411378 
+L 162.81432 -48.387182 
+L 162.90396 -48.408935 
+L 162.9936 -48.390454 
+L 163.08324 -48.387633 
+L 163.17288 -48.381844 
+L 163.26252 -48.368861 
+L 163.35216 -48.347258 
+L 163.4418 -48.299249 
+L 163.53144 -48.266985 
+L 163.62108 -48.266537 
+L 163.71072 -48.276417 
+L 163.80036 -48.283806 
+L 163.89 -48.295421 
+L 163.97964 -48.353691 
+L 164.06928 -48.307587 
+L 164.15892 -48.312849 
+L 164.24856 -48.311505 
+L 164.3382 -48.343241 
+L 164.42784 -48.332937 
+L 164.51748 -48.351093 
+L 164.60712 -48.334674 
+L 164.69676 -48.333151 
+L 164.7864 -48.337889 
+L 164.87604 -48.346611 
+L 164.96568 -48.40457 
+L 165.05532 -48.359277 
+L 165.14496 -48.365968 
+L 165.2346 -48.358706 
+L 165.32424 -48.361158 
+L 165.41388 -48.360844 
+L 165.50352 -48.345072 
+L 165.59316 -48.315637 
+L 165.6828 -48.426227 
+L 165.77244 -48.30612 
+L 165.86208 -48.271975 
+L 165.95172 -48.252372 
+L 166.04136 -48.24111 
+L 166.131 -48.231408 
+L 166.22064 -48.235642 
+L 166.31028 -48.229221 
+L 166.39992 -48.233388 
+L 166.48956 -48.235158 
+L 166.5792 -48.236354 
+L 166.66884 -48.228819 
+L 166.75848 -48.219466 
+L 166.84812 -48.189126 
+L 166.93776 -48.183128 
+L 167.0274 -48.168013 
+L 167.11704 -48.168088 
+L 167.20668 -48.170525 
+L 167.29632 -48.220888 
+L 167.38596 -48.175079 
+L 167.4756 -48.188648 
+L 167.56524 -48.198267 
+L 167.65488 -48.227943 
+L 167.74452 -48.226269 
+L 167.83416 -48.219319 
+L 167.9238 -48.206011 
+L 168.01344 -48.195972 
+L 168.10308 -48.146955 
+L 168.19272 -48.158243 
+L 168.28236 -48.164514 
+L 168.372 -48.173495 
+L 168.46164 -48.217878 
+L 168.55128 -48.180144 
+L 168.64092 -48.172597 
+L 168.73056 -48.166648 
+L 168.8202 -48.164086 
+L 168.90984 -48.164377 
+L 168.99948 -48.186751 
+L 169.08912 -48.166877 
+L 169.17876 -48.171372 
+L 169.2684 -48.184142 
+L 169.35804 -48.197497 
+L 169.44768 -48.236841 
+L 169.53732 -48.405916 
+L 169.62696 -48.231845 
+L 169.7166 -48.226538 
+L 169.80624 -48.218563 
+L 169.89588 -48.214979 
+L 169.98552 -48.213519 
+L 170.07516 -48.218597 
+L 170.1648 -48.314283 
+L 170.25444 -48.244266 
+L 170.34408 -48.249055 
+L 170.43372 -48.252859 
+L 170.52336 -48.266859 
+L 170.613 -48.271537 
+L 170.70264 -48.368833 
+L 170.79228 -48.299429 
+L 170.88192 -48.259861 
+L 170.97156 -48.225592 
+L 171.0612 -48.207913 
+L 171.15084 -48.233149 
+L 171.24048 -48.192977 
+L 171.33012 -48.19844 
+L 171.41976 -48.207721 
+L 171.5094 -48.212764 
+L 171.59904 -48.236071 
+L 171.68868 -48.233096 
+L 171.77832 -48.23794 
+L 171.86796 -48.25051 
+L 171.9576 -48.254331 
+L 172.04724 -48.254973 
+L 172.13688 -48.25663 
+L 172.22652 -48.26147 
+L 172.31616 -48.282352 
+L 172.4058 -48.363363 
+L 172.49544 -48.346072 
+L 172.58508 -48.36001 
+L 172.67472 -48.376378 
+L 172.76436 -48.372189 
+L 172.854 -48.450142 
+L 172.94364 -48.3704 
+L 173.03328 -48.358753 
+L 173.12292 -48.348152 
+L 173.21256 -48.333648 
+L 173.3022 -48.267534 
+L 173.39184 -48.231566 
+L 173.48148 -48.15809 
+L 173.57112 -48.162211 
+L 173.66076 -48.16634 
+L 173.7504 -48.169844 
+L 173.84004 -48.153575 
+L 173.92968 -48.134066 
+L 174.01932 -48.102038 
+L 174.10896 -48.085564 
+L 174.1986 -48.06099 
+L 174.28824 -48.025587 
+L 174.37788 -48.007932 
+L 174.46752 -47.979602 
+L 174.55716 -47.984971 
+L 174.6468 -47.985981 
+L 174.73644 -48.005911 
+L 174.82608 -48.032367 
+L 174.91572 -48.066207 
+L 175.00536 -48.087472 
+L 175.095 -48.055813 
+L 175.18464 -48.012288 
+L 175.27428 -48.005182 
+L 175.36392 -48.007393 
+L 175.45356 -48.012366 
+L 175.5432 -48.035728 
+L 175.63284 -48.020663 
+L 175.72248 -48.012904 
+L 175.81212 -47.992785 
+L 175.90176 -47.943168 
+L 175.9914 -47.964094 
+L 176.08104 -47.927578 
+L 176.17068 -47.924279 
+L 176.26032 -47.92123 
+L 176.34996 -47.921331 
+L 176.4396 -47.923612 
+L 176.52924 -48.360145 
+L 176.61888 -47.946738 
+L 176.70852 -47.95465 
+L 176.79816 -47.957764 
+L 176.8878 -47.949995 
+L 176.97744 -47.963931 
+L 177.06708 -47.905601 
+L 177.15672 -47.905857 
+L 177.24636 -47.924681 
+L 177.336 -47.919037 
+L 177.42564 -47.92811 
+L 177.51528 -47.904072 
+L 177.60492 -47.911551 
+L 177.69456 -47.893438 
+L 177.7842 -47.923871 
+L 177.87384 -47.932528 
+L 177.96348 -47.930346 
+L 178.05312 -47.94244 
+L 178.14276 -47.917712 
+L 178.2324 -47.908896 
+L 178.32204 -47.890989 
+L 178.41168 -47.881644 
+L 178.50132 -47.855846 
+L 178.59096 -47.799294 
+L 178.6806 -48.004831 
+L 178.77024 -47.808021 
+L 178.85988 -47.807505 
+L 178.94952 -47.858811 
+L 179.03916 -47.815116 
+L 179.1288 -47.806814 
+L 179.21844 -47.802834 
+L 179.30808 -47.795492 
+L 179.39772 -47.797153 
+L 179.48736 -47.805245 
+L 179.577 -47.804415 
+L 179.66664 -47.805189 
+L 179.75628 -47.794058 
+L 179.84592 -47.803885 
+L 179.93556 -47.797505 
+L 180.0252 -47.80452 
+L 180.11484 -47.945084 
+L 180.20448 -47.765844 
+L 180.29412 -47.777753 
+L 180.38376 -47.997434 
+L 180.4734 -47.775012 
+L 180.56304 -47.794955 
+L 180.65268 -47.815367 
+L 180.74232 -47.830946 
+L 180.83196 -47.839814 
+L 180.9216 -47.807601 
+L 181.01124 -47.8369 
+L 181.10088 -47.814231 
+L 181.19052 -47.797665 
+L 181.28016 -47.768157 
+L 181.3698 -47.767751 
+L 181.45944 -47.673076 
+L 181.54908 -47.70044 
+L 181.63872 -47.714345 
+L 181.72836 -47.742124 
+L 181.818 -47.741094 
+L 181.90764 -47.745373 
+L 181.99728 -47.728611 
+L 182.08692 -47.708942 
+L 182.17656 -47.695038 
+L 182.2662 -47.687422 
+L 182.35584 -47.686223 
+L 182.44548 -47.67996 
+L 182.53512 -47.807158 
+L 182.62476 -47.704556 
+L 182.7144 -47.694519 
+L 182.80404 -47.686899 
+L 182.89368 -47.678244 
+L 182.98332 -47.66535 
+L 183.07296 -47.677501 
+L 183.1626 -47.663822 
+L 183.25224 -47.678272 
+L 183.34188 -47.696694 
+L 183.43152 -47.698159 
+L 183.52116 -47.718768 
+L 183.6108 -47.706463 
+L 183.70044 -47.664037 
+L 183.79008 -47.650423 
+L 183.87972 -47.644283 
+L 183.96936 -47.629094 
+L 184.059 -47.599343 
+L 184.14864 -47.616879 
+L 184.23828 -47.60939 
+L 184.32792 -47.597961 
+L 184.41756 -47.599877 
+L 184.5072 -47.602728 
+L 184.59684 -47.602645 
+L 184.68648 -47.591012 
+L 184.77612 -47.684477 
+L 184.86576 -47.60034 
+L 184.9554 -47.576468 
+L 185.04504 -47.555661 
+L 185.13468 -47.570992 
+L 185.22432 -47.562508 
+L 185.31396 -47.611415 
+L 185.4036 -47.595396 
+L 185.49324 -47.585452 
+L 185.58288 -47.620097 
+L 185.67252 -47.589764 
+L 185.76216 -47.598209 
+L 185.8518 -47.558163 
+L 185.94144 -47.550193 
+L 186.03108 -47.516541 
+L 186.12072 -47.487661 
+L 186.21036 -47.482641 
+L 186.3 -47.483637 
+L 186.38964 -47.461776 
+L 186.47928 -47.454429 
+L 186.56892 -47.427087 
+L 186.65856 -47.63441 
+L 186.7482 -47.419396 
+L 186.83784 -47.408825 
+L 186.92748 -47.397728 
+L 187.01712 -47.375582 
+L 187.10676 -47.366463 
+L 187.1964 -47.364364 
+L 187.28604 -47.348098 
+L 187.37568 -47.387099 
+L 187.46532 -47.372973 
+L 187.55496 -47.366602 
+L 187.6446 -47.374736 
+L 187.73424 -47.387495 
+L 187.82388 -47.402411 
+L 187.91352 -47.448157 
+L 188.00316 -47.415072 
+L 188.0928 -47.415456 
+L 188.18244 -47.423118 
+L 188.27208 -47.425162 
+L 188.36172 -47.448708 
+L 188.45136 -47.603772 
+L 188.541 -47.434828 
+L 188.63064 -47.44168 
+L 188.72028 -47.46936 
+L 188.80992 -47.475626 
+L 188.89956 -47.663796 
+L 188.9892 -47.49872 
+L 189.07884 -47.514376 
+L 189.16848 -47.625727 
+L 189.25812 -47.503815 
+L 189.34776 -47.50208 
+L 189.4374 -47.499419 
+L 189.52704 -47.509952 
+L 189.61668 -47.549509 
+L 189.70632 -47.557113 
+L 189.79596 -47.722209 
+L 189.8856 -47.562972 
+L 189.97524 -47.556757 
+L 190.06488 -47.560318 
+L 190.15452 -47.566461 
+L 190.24416 -47.575944 
+L 190.3338 -47.55591 
+L 190.42344 -47.555772 
+L 190.51308 -47.557219 
+L 190.60272 -47.554354 
+L 190.69236 -47.547775 
+L 190.782 -47.534354 
+L 190.87164 -47.526942 
+L 190.96128 -48.211895 
+L 191.05092 -47.523273 
+L 191.14056 -47.520128 
+L 191.2302 -47.515896 
+L 191.31984 -47.535197 
+L 191.40948 -47.572247 
+L 191.49912 -47.544026 
+L 191.58876 -47.542606 
+L 191.6784 -47.532825 
+L 191.76804 -47.535514 
+L 191.85768 -47.540221 
+L 191.94732 -47.540068 
+L 192.03696 -47.61192 
+L 192.1266 -47.540654 
+L 192.21624 -47.543765 
+L 192.30588 -47.545585 
+L 192.39552 -47.552617 
+L 192.48516 -47.622061 
+L 192.5748 -47.615222 
+L 192.66444 -47.619118 
+L 192.75408 -47.613408 
+L 192.84372 -47.609639 
+L 192.93336 -47.600231 
+L 193.023 -47.585261 
+L 193.11264 -47.573472 
+L 193.20228 -47.72683 
+L 193.29192 -47.596069 
+L 193.38156 -47.600295 
+L 193.4712 -47.612882 
+L 193.56084 -47.614176 
+L 193.65048 -47.608164 
+L 193.74012 -47.606291 
+L 193.82976 -47.611033 
+L 193.9194 -47.598587 
+L 194.00904 -47.592949 
+L 194.09868 -47.591438 
+L 194.18832 -47.571396 
+L 194.27796 -47.634264 
+L 194.3676 -47.615158 
+L 194.45724 -47.61989 
+L 194.54688 -47.632957 
+L 194.63652 -47.638908 
+L 194.72616 -47.649708 
+L 194.8158 -47.652953 
+L 194.90544 -47.659229 
+L 194.99508 -47.67612 
+L 195.08472 -47.647442 
+L 195.17436 -47.645982 
+L 195.264 -47.652769 
+L 195.35364 -47.674805 
+L 195.44328 -47.69446 
+L 195.53292 -47.693855 
+L 195.62256 -47.683446 
+L 195.7122 -47.657148 
+L 195.80184 -47.64806 
+L 195.89148 -47.650304 
+L 195.98112 -47.66325 
+L 196.07076 -47.67059 
+L 196.1604 -47.656532 
+L 196.25004 -47.670786 
+L 196.33968 -47.713415 
+L 196.42932 -47.643874 
+L 196.51896 -47.598465 
+L 196.6086 -47.538981 
+L 196.69824 -47.712327 
+L 196.78788 -47.536005 
+L 196.87752 -47.506795 
+L 196.96716 -47.509978 
+L 197.0568 -47.517484 
+L 197.14644 -47.57861 
+L 197.23608 -47.531669 
+L 197.32572 -47.541763 
+L 197.41536 -47.529942 
+L 197.505 -47.513791 
+L 197.59464 -47.51162 
+L 197.68428 -47.500708 
+L 197.77392 -47.5194 
+L 197.86356 -47.517046 
+L 197.9532 -47.531064 
+L 198.04284 -47.52761 
+L 198.13248 -47.52865 
+L 198.22212 -47.539274 
+L 198.31176 -47.597837 
+L 198.4014 -47.557285 
+L 198.49104 -47.567984 
+L 198.58068 -47.58575 
+L 198.67032 -47.615901 
+L 198.75996 -47.626219 
+L 198.8496 -47.662565 
+L 198.93924 -47.613723 
+L 199.02888 -47.586559 
+L 199.11852 -47.559782 
+L 199.20816 -47.531713 
+L 199.2978 -47.513882 
+L 199.38744 -47.540614 
+L 199.47708 -47.520456 
+L 199.56672 -47.526362 
+L 199.65636 -47.536555 
+L 199.746 -47.549321 
+L 199.83564 -47.563591 
+L 199.92528 -47.563223 
+L 200.01492 -47.59773 
+L 200.10456 -47.57347 
+L 200.1942 -47.554102 
+L 200.28384 -47.542963 
+L 200.37348 -47.531799 
+L 200.46312 -47.525278 
+L 200.55276 -47.516868 
+L 200.6424 -48.28291 
+L 200.73204 -47.528597 
+L 200.82168 -47.525738 
+L 200.91132 -47.531581 
+L 201.00096 -47.540378 
+L 201.0906 -47.549255 
+L 201.18024 -47.561174 
+L 201.26988 -47.557315 
+L 201.35952 -47.554303 
+L 201.44916 -47.553378 
+L 201.5388 -47.556269 
+L 201.62844 -47.566188 
+L 201.71808 -47.661141 
+L 201.80772 -47.586778 
+L 201.89736 -47.591182 
+L 201.987 -47.600025 
+L 202.07664 -47.610288 
+L 202.16628 -47.618582 
+L 202.25592 -47.61914 
+L 202.34556 -47.63788 
+L 202.4352 -47.612733 
+L 202.52484 -47.581472 
+L 202.61448 -47.61843 
+L 202.70412 -47.592138 
+L 202.79376 -47.582082 
+L 202.8834 -47.57639 
+L 202.97304 -47.57289 
+L 203.06268 -47.619022 
+L 203.15232 -47.580504 
+L 203.24196 -47.575423 
+L 203.3316 -47.573453 
+L 203.42124 -47.573936 
+L 203.51088 -47.573596 
+L 203.60052 -47.574957 
+L 203.69016 -47.571654 
+L 203.7798 -47.586022 
+L 203.86944 -47.598332 
+L 203.95908 -47.635178 
+L 204.04872 -47.628263 
+L 204.13836 -47.621205 
+L 204.228 -47.636918 
+L 204.31764 -47.618114 
+L 204.40728 -47.624634 
+L 204.49692 -47.630792 
+L 204.58656 -47.632175 
+L 204.6762 -47.646795 
+L 204.76584 -47.641053 
+L 204.85548 -47.64249 
+L 204.94512 -47.644034 
+L 205.03476 -47.639548 
+L 205.1244 -47.615568 
+L 205.21404 -47.622911 
+L 205.30368 -47.605392 
+L 205.39332 -47.589545 
+L 205.48296 -47.585373 
+L 205.5726 -47.583816 
+L 205.66224 -47.582557 
+L 205.75188 -47.583018 
+L 205.84152 -47.582257 
+L 205.93116 -47.582253 
+L 206.0208 -47.586865 
+L 206.11044 -47.598424 
+L 206.20008 -47.600116 
+L 206.28972 -47.811387 
+L 206.37936 -47.619154 
+L 206.469 -47.595537 
+L 206.55864 -47.578637 
+L 206.64828 -47.562846 
+L 206.73792 -47.566101 
+L 206.82756 -47.579312 
+L 206.9172 -47.587253 
+L 207.00684 -47.644439 
+L 207.09648 -47.607078 
+L 207.18612 -47.59453 
+L 207.27576 -47.596043 
+L 207.3654 -47.603939 
+L 207.45504 -47.587213 
+L 207.54468 -47.60498 
+L 207.63432 -47.614996 
+L 207.72396 -47.626281 
+L 207.8136 -47.636877 
+L 207.90324 -47.638406 
+L 207.99288 -47.624875 
+L 208.08252 -47.65728 
+L 208.17216 -47.589697 
+L 208.2618 -47.578813 
+L 208.35144 -47.576676 
+L 208.44108 -47.58257 
+L 208.53072 -47.583008 
+L 208.62036 -47.635017 
+L 208.71 -47.602738 
+L 208.79964 -47.5985 
+L 208.88928 -47.594148 
+L 208.97892 -47.583697 
+L 209.06856 -47.563965 
+L 209.1582 -47.590554 
+L 209.24784 -47.569811 
+L 209.33748 -47.565022 
+L 209.42712 -47.556748 
+L 209.51676 -47.546563 
+L 209.6064 -47.550242 
+L 209.69604 -47.554375 
+L 209.78568 -47.559738 
+L 209.87532 -47.557178 
+L 209.96496 -47.841839 
+L 210.0546 -47.554099 
+L 210.14424 -47.549158 
+L 210.23388 -47.56202 
+L 210.32352 -47.559367 
+L 210.41316 -47.557327 
+L 210.5028 -47.544635 
+L 210.59244 -47.568224 
+L 210.68208 -47.536223 
+L 210.77172 -47.535972 
+L 210.86136 -47.550568 
+L 210.951 -47.554931 
+L 211.04064 -47.558564 
+L 211.13028 -47.561501 
+L 211.21992 -47.572809 
+L 211.30956 -47.556994 
+L 211.3992 -47.55393 
+L 211.48884 -47.562194 
+L 211.57848 -47.563019 
+L 211.66812 -47.605893 
+L 211.75776 -47.568743 
+L 211.8474 -47.583712 
+L 211.93704 -47.605502 
+L 212.02668 -47.625079 
+L 212.11632 -47.648169 
+L 212.20596 -47.630669 
+L 212.2956 -47.810706 
+L 212.38524 -47.640659 
+L 212.47488 -47.579437 
+L 212.56452 -47.530599 
+L 212.65416 -47.51737 
+L 212.7438 -47.502338 
+L 212.83344 -47.487412 
+L 212.92308 -47.574615 
+L 213.01272 -47.517513 
+L 213.10236 -47.523348 
+L 213.192 -47.538904 
+L 213.28164 -47.548674 
+L 213.37128 -47.559429 
+L 213.46092 -47.61672 
+L 213.55056 -47.578833 
+L 213.6402 -47.575562 
+L 213.72984 -47.579266 
+L 213.81948 -47.588904 
+L 213.90912 -47.595689 
+L 213.99876 -47.659273 
+L 214.0884 -47.619621 
+L 214.17804 -47.604764 
+L 214.26768 -47.589421 
+L 214.35732 -47.55448 
+L 214.44696 -47.521705 
+L 214.5366 -47.49689 
+L 214.62624 -47.499439 
+L 214.71588 -47.505374 
+L 214.80552 -47.506403 
+L 214.89516 -47.502288 
+L 214.9848 -47.499132 
+L 215.07444 -47.687861 
+L 215.16408 -47.519564 
+L 215.25372 -47.503136 
+L 215.34336 -47.495376 
+L 215.433 -47.498226 
+L 215.52264 -47.517134 
+L 215.61228 -48.252351 
+L 215.70192 -47.541883 
+L 215.79156 -47.565925 
+L 215.8812 -47.570542 
+L 215.97084 -47.569365 
+L 216.06048 -47.539111 
+L 216.15012 -47.490146 
+L 216.23976 -47.439854 
+L 216.3294 -47.522795 
+L 216.41904 -47.432271 
+L 216.50868 -47.399428 
+L 216.59832 -47.395678 
+L 216.68796 -47.393314 
+L 216.7776 -47.402498 
+L 216.86724 -48.91146 
+L 216.95688 -47.425068 
+L 217.04652 -47.440187 
+L 217.13616 -47.452055 
+L 217.2258 -47.461271 
+L 217.31544 -47.469701 
+L 217.40508 -47.476443 
+L 217.49472 -47.490526 
+L 217.58436 -47.553805 
+L 217.674 -47.519917 
+L 217.76364 -47.51476 
+L 217.85328 -47.515719 
+L 217.94292 -47.536998 
+L 218.03256 -47.524672 
+L 218.1222 -47.51711 
+L 218.21184 -47.526926 
+L 218.30148 -47.530613 
+L 218.39112 -47.520985 
+L 218.48076 -47.699298 
+L 218.5704 -47.52752 
+L 218.66004 -47.516558 
+L 218.74968 -47.497865 
+L 218.83932 -47.499763 
+L 218.92896 -47.509179 
+L 219.0186 -47.534462 
+L 219.10824 -47.555874 
+L 219.19788 -47.608326 
+L 219.28752 -47.556177 
+L 219.37716 -47.558176 
+L 219.4668 -47.55796 
+L 219.55644 -47.559251 
+L 219.64608 -47.562161 
+L 219.73572 -47.561048 
+L 219.82536 -47.564196 
+L 219.915 -47.572758 
+L 220.00464 -47.566422 
+L 220.09428 -47.562709 
+L 220.18392 -47.536926 
+L 220.27356 -47.538241 
+L 220.3632 -47.541041 
+L 220.45284 -53.273626 
+L 220.54248 -47.552763 
+L 220.63212 -47.561419 
+L 220.72176 -47.575399 
+L 220.8114 -47.590426 
+L 220.90104 -47.577081 
+L 220.99068 -47.571687 
+L 221.08032 -47.562491 
+L 221.16996 -47.729577 
+L 221.2596 -47.570751 
+L 221.34924 -47.55406 
+L 221.43888 -47.541228 
+L 221.52852 -47.535721 
+L 221.61816 -47.533279 
+L 221.7078 -47.52368 
+L 221.79744 -47.521678 
+L 221.88708 -47.529897 
+L 221.97672 -47.541128 
+L 222.06636 -47.546164 
+L 222.156 -47.53767 
+L 222.24564 -47.537504 
+L 222.33528 -48.575446 
+L 222.42492 -47.55121 
+L 222.51456 -47.545156 
+L 222.6042 -47.547952 
+L 222.69384 -47.569031 
+L 222.78348 -47.610052 
+L 222.87312 -49.040192 
+L 222.96276 -47.607456 
+L 223.0524 -47.640392 
+L 223.14204 -47.63196 
+L 223.23168 -47.647933 
+L 223.32132 -47.624048 
+L 223.41096 -47.628497 
+L 223.5006 -47.624555 
+L 223.59024 -47.635645 
+L 223.67988 -47.656319 
+L 223.76952 -47.650346 
+L 223.85916 -47.646728 
+L 223.9488 -47.780227 
+L 224.03844 -47.645563 
+L 224.12808 -47.643529 
+L 224.21772 -47.656084 
+L 224.30736 -47.659205 
+L 224.397 -47.641421 
+L 224.48664 -47.64137 
+L 224.57628 -47.694097 
+L 224.66592 -47.705166 
+L 224.75556 -47.720348 
+L 224.8452 -47.737349 
+L 224.93484 -47.741163 
+L 225.02448 -47.729881 
+L 225.11412 -47.781058 
+L 225.20376 -47.727369 
+L 225.2934 -47.704615 
+L 225.38304 -47.631983 
+L 225.47268 -47.675599 
+L 225.56232 -47.673855 
+L 225.65196 -47.676981 
+L 225.7416 -47.790929 
+L 225.83124 -47.728244 
+L 225.92088 -47.702688 
+L 226.01052 -47.681924 
+L 226.10016 -47.642053 
+L 226.1898 -47.604965 
+L 226.27944 -47.525698 
+L 226.36908 -47.704947 
+L 226.45872 -47.523907 
+L 226.54836 -47.536714 
+L 226.638 -47.648804 
+L 226.72764 -47.554474 
+L 226.81728 -47.546975 
+L 226.90692 -47.527602 
+L 226.99656 -47.484243 
+L 227.0862 -47.530656 
+L 227.17584 -47.467534 
+L 227.26548 -47.4729 
+L 227.35512 -47.482629 
+L 227.44476 -47.496627 
+L 227.5344 -47.721675 
+L 227.62404 -47.50966 
+L 227.71368 -47.535197 
+L 227.80332 -47.538825 
+L 227.89296 -47.546295 
+L 227.9826 -47.565372 
+L 228.07224 -47.585208 
+L 228.16188 -47.627406 
+L 228.25152 -47.62366 
+L 228.34116 -47.59647 
+L 228.4308 -47.606704 
+L 228.52044 -47.602484 
+L 228.61008 -47.59652 
+L 228.69972 -47.576926 
+L 228.78936 -47.577349 
+L 228.879 -47.550616 
+L 228.96864 -47.640578 
+L 229.05828 -47.560833 
+L 229.14792 -47.54764 
+L 229.23756 -47.519076 
+L 229.3272 -47.525263 
+L 229.41684 -47.532647 
+L 229.50648 -47.495096 
+L 229.59612 -47.56257 
+L 229.68576 -47.557918 
+L 229.7754 -47.704151 
+L 229.86504 -47.572385 
+L 229.95468 -47.563202 
+L 230.04432 -47.568604 
+L 230.13396 -47.588958 
+L 230.2236 -47.589411 
+L 230.31324 -47.598662 
+L 230.40288 -47.640377 
+L 230.49252 -47.597002 
+L 230.58216 -47.58848 
+L 230.6718 -47.592829 
+L 230.76144 -47.573081 
+L 230.85108 -47.621893 
+L 230.94072 -47.64689 
+L 231.03036 -48.195674 
+L 231.12 -47.651902 
+L 231.20964 -47.658038 
+L 231.29928 -47.667196 
+L 231.38892 -47.706944 
+L 231.47856 -47.727878 
+L 231.5682 -47.731729 
+L 231.65784 -47.726605 
+L 231.74748 -47.707272 
+L 231.83712 -47.693993 
+L 231.92676 -47.74067 
+L 232.0164 -47.733776 
+L 232.10604 -47.738972 
+L 232.19568 -47.906074 
+L 232.28532 -47.743767 
+L 232.37496 -47.74232 
+L 232.4646 -47.73777 
+L 232.55424 -47.728542 
+L 232.64388 -47.726559 
+L 232.73352 -47.743782 
+L 232.82316 -47.788218 
+L 232.9128 -47.737516 
+L 233.00244 -47.800759 
+L 233.09208 -47.82822 
+L 233.18172 -47.918009 
+L 233.27136 -47.867314 
+L 233.361 -47.841143 
+L 233.45064 -47.822983 
+L 233.54028 -47.758334 
+L 233.62992 -47.739961 
+L 233.71956 -47.744274 
+L 233.8092 -47.694958 
+L 233.89884 -47.697132 
+L 233.98848 -47.686894 
+L 234.07812 -47.670262 
+L 234.16776 -47.652471 
+L 234.2574 -47.65334 
+L 234.34704 -47.604904 
+L 234.43668 -47.619266 
+L 234.52632 -47.62879 
+L 234.61596 -47.623302 
+L 234.7056 -47.829937 
+L 234.79524 -47.646887 
+L 234.88488 -47.632825 
+L 234.97452 -47.610053 
+L 235.06416 -47.58672 
+L 235.1538 -47.568752 
+L 235.24344 -47.538577 
+L 235.33308 -47.537274 
+L 235.42272 -47.543312 
+L 235.51236 -47.655409 
+L 235.602 -47.570631 
+L 235.69164 -47.576995 
+L 235.78128 -47.589793 
+L 235.87092 -47.613975 
+L 235.96056 -47.576933 
+L 236.0502 -47.591682 
+L 236.13984 -47.601952 
+L 236.22948 -47.606673 
+L 236.31912 -47.641356 
+L 236.40876 -47.691775 
+L 236.4984 -47.679984 
+L 236.58804 -47.670569 
+L 236.67768 -47.678591 
+L 236.76732 -47.747556 
+L 236.85696 -47.732724 
+L 236.9466 -47.724951 
+L 237.03624 -47.714204 
+L 237.12588 -47.712376 
+L 237.21552 -47.719778 
+L 237.30516 -47.663053 
+L 237.3948 -47.66703 
+L 237.48444 -47.661109 
+L 237.57408 -47.6561 
+L 237.66372 -47.727672 
+L 237.75336 -47.674246 
+L 237.843 -47.659523 
+L 237.93264 -47.67139 
+L 238.02228 -47.670018 
+L 238.11192 -47.705066 
+L 238.20156 -47.703011 
+L 238.2912 -47.70265 
+L 238.38084 -47.685757 
+L 238.47048 -48.009273 
+L 238.56012 -47.724782 
+L 238.64976 -47.715716 
+L 238.7394 -47.717151 
+L 238.82904 -47.720897 
+L 238.91868 -47.728518 
+L 239.00832 -47.751148 
+L 239.09796 -47.755538 
+L 239.1876 -47.798143 
+L 239.27724 -47.778385 
+L 239.36688 -47.757301 
+L 239.45652 -47.74834 
+L 239.54616 -47.736528 
+L 239.6358 -47.942392 
+L 239.72544 -47.768662 
+L 239.81508 -47.752937 
+L 239.90472 -47.752856 
+L 239.99436 -47.760065 
+L 240.084 -47.760419 
+L 240.17364 -47.74169 
+L 240.26328 -47.778074 
+L 240.35292 -47.735502 
+L 240.44256 -47.721371 
+L 240.5322 -47.739229 
+L 240.62184 -47.73135 
+L 240.71148 -47.757827 
+L 240.80112 -47.806472 
+L 240.89076 -47.75731 
+L 240.9804 -47.743764 
+L 241.07004 -47.725643 
+L 241.15968 -47.722146 
+L 241.24932 -47.722941 
+L 241.33896 -47.744402 
+L 241.4286 -47.773414 
+L 241.51824 -47.753589 
+L 241.60788 -47.752571 
+L 241.69752 -47.758904 
+L 241.78716 -47.761305 
+L 241.8768 -47.760272 
+L 241.96644 -47.762137 
+L 242.05608 -47.787591 
+L 242.14572 -47.781937 
+L 242.23536 -47.753254 
+L 242.325 -47.788617 
+L 242.41464 -47.719388 
+L 242.50428 -47.69049 
+L 242.59392 -47.703174 
+L 242.68356 -47.690011 
+L 242.7732 -47.696181 
+L 242.86284 -47.699394 
+L 242.95248 -47.695783 
+L 243.04212 -47.6756 
+L 243.13176 -47.639697 
+L 243.2214 -47.612357 
+L 243.31104 -47.620263 
+L 243.40068 -47.580335 
+L 243.49032 -47.573332 
+L 243.57996 -47.574335 
+L 243.6696 -47.578285 
+L 243.75924 -47.561061 
+L 243.84888 -47.651256 
+L 243.93852 -47.575258 
+L 244.02816 -47.56214 
+L 244.1178 -47.560477 
+L 244.20744 -47.558497 
+L 244.29708 -47.549778 
+L 244.38672 -47.607616 
+L 244.47636 -47.547504 
+L 244.566 -47.530309 
+L 244.65564 -47.530926 
+L 244.74528 -47.607552 
+L 244.83492 -47.525602 
+L 244.92456 -47.534044 
+L 245.0142 -47.556242 
+L 245.10384 -47.578593 
+L 245.19348 -47.58447 
+L 245.28312 -47.606997 
+L 245.37276 -47.603162 
+L 245.4624 -47.61136 
+L 245.55204 -47.633649 
+L 245.64168 -47.665552 
+L 245.73132 -47.751693 
+L 245.82096 -47.797672 
+L 245.9106 -47.761833 
+L 246.00024 -47.741678 
+L 246.08988 -47.722593 
+L 246.17952 -47.715069 
+L 246.26916 -47.711579 
+L 246.3588 -47.831845 
+L 246.44844 -47.7192 
+L 246.53808 -47.716722 
+L 246.62772 -47.714627 
+L 246.71736 -47.704658 
+L 246.807 -47.673748 
+L 246.89664 -47.616719 
+L 246.98628 -48.824648 
+L 247.07592 -47.608297 
+L 247.16556 -47.598367 
+L 247.2552 -47.578534 
+L 247.34484 -47.58904 
+L 247.43448 -47.600389 
+L 247.52412 -47.622395 
+L 247.61376 -47.648335 
+L 247.7034 -47.647236 
+L 247.79304 -47.643855 
+L 247.88268 -47.63896 
+L 247.97232 -47.615693 
+L 248.06196 -47.641593 
+L 248.1516 -47.593765 
+L 248.24124 -47.592325 
+L 248.33088 -47.592698 
+L 248.42052 -47.58676 
+L 248.51016 -47.567248 
+L 248.5998 -47.529591 
+L 248.68944 -47.541627 
+L 248.77908 -47.559081 
+L 248.86872 -47.567895 
+L 248.95836 -47.576031 
+L 249.048 -47.836533 
+L 249.13764 -47.554607 
+L 249.22728 -47.537957 
+L 249.31692 -47.540451 
+L 249.40656 -47.525131 
+L 249.4962 -47.500182 
+L 249.58584 -47.481209 
+L 249.67548 -47.467173 
+L 249.76512 -47.46368 
+L 249.85476 -47.458601 
+L 249.9444 -47.456323 
+L 250.03404 -47.457788 
+L 250.12368 -47.45836 
+L 250.21332 -47.453595 
+L 250.30296 -47.728071 
+L 250.3926 -47.457412 
+L 250.48224 -47.453518 
+L 250.57188 -47.492844 
+L 250.66152 -47.458383 
+L 250.75116 -47.472765 
+L 250.8408 -47.554217 
+L 250.93044 -47.550928 
+L 251.02008 -47.540248 
+L 251.10972 -47.521868 
+L 251.19936 -47.509877 
+L 251.289 -47.4959 
+L 251.37864 -47.489288 
+L 251.46828 -47.488039 
+L 251.55792 -47.498576 
+L 251.64756 -47.500193 
+L 251.7372 -47.491008 
+L 251.82684 -47.489331 
+L 251.91648 -47.483646 
+L 252.00612 -47.481792 
+L 252.09576 -47.482753 
+L 252.1854 -47.481301 
+L 252.27504 -47.585064 
+L 252.36468 -47.491611 
+L 252.45432 -47.491286 
+L 252.54396 -47.483268 
+L 252.6336 -47.492289 
+L 252.72324 -47.482247 
+L 252.81288 -47.471726 
+L 252.90252 -49.832768 
+L 252.99216 -47.47648 
+L 253.0818 -47.469527 
+L 253.17144 -47.609484 
+L 253.26108 -47.463483 
+L 253.35072 -47.453725 
+L 253.44036 -47.451157 
+L 253.53 -47.454122 
+L 253.61964 -47.477884 
+L 253.70928 -47.477849 
+L 253.79892 -47.471718 
+L 253.88856 -47.476117 
+L 253.9782 -47.468267 
+L 254.06784 -47.46797 
+L 254.15748 -47.465435 
+L 254.24712 -47.465133 
+L 254.33676 -47.465417 
+L 254.4264 -47.473318 
+L 254.51604 -47.465355 
+L 254.60568 -47.523319 
+L 254.69532 -47.447324 
+L 254.78496 -47.43581 
+L 254.8746 -47.414281 
+L 254.96424 -47.417456 
+L 255.05388 -47.4185 
+L 255.14352 -47.421606 
+L 255.23316 -47.422828 
+L 255.3228 -47.602016 
+L 255.41244 -47.425955 
+L 255.50208 -47.426336 
+L 255.59172 -47.42834 
+L 255.68136 -47.433041 
+L 255.771 -47.441808 
+L 255.86064 -47.447765 
+L 255.95028 -47.470192 
+L 256.03992 -47.470215 
+L 256.12956 -47.472793 
+L 256.2192 -47.485458 
+L 256.30884 -47.510089 
+L 256.39848 -47.542871 
+L 256.48812 -47.574133 
+L 256.57776 -47.569434 
+L 256.6674 -47.569363 
+L 256.75704 -47.57616 
+L 256.84668 -47.590494 
+L 256.93632 -47.592627 
+L 257.02596 -47.610193 
+L 257.1156 -47.60119 
+L 257.20524 -47.58335 
+L 257.29488 -47.549233 
+L 257.38452 -47.536228 
+L 257.47416 -47.551018 
+L 257.5638 -47.532111 
+L 257.65344 -47.52334 
+L 257.74308 -47.441301 
+L 257.83272 -47.496543 
+L 257.92236 -47.486091 
+L 258.012 -47.477247 
+L 258.10164 -47.486203 
+L 258.19128 -47.480145 
+L 258.28092 -47.47873 
+L 258.37056 -47.475898 
+L 258.4602 -47.473379 
+L 258.54984 -47.533569 
+L 258.63948 -47.48306 
+L 258.72912 -47.499045 
+L 258.81876 -47.493977 
+L 258.9084 -47.498304 
+L 258.99804 -47.504723 
+L 259.08768 -47.528242 
+L 259.17732 -47.588733 
+L 259.26696 -47.537187 
+L 259.3566 -47.595012 
+L 259.44624 -47.592207 
+L 259.53588 -47.592967 
+L 259.62552 -47.590568 
+L 259.71516 -47.58319 
+L 259.8048 -47.580207 
+L 259.89444 -47.580722 
+L 259.98408 -47.562726 
+L 260.07372 -47.55824 
+L 260.16336 -47.554275 
+L 260.253 -47.543175 
+L 260.34264 -47.536951 
+L 260.43228 -47.521377 
+L 260.52192 -47.522786 
+L 260.61156 -47.564058 
+L 260.7012 -47.562674 
+L 260.79084 -47.571954 
+L 260.88048 -47.584778 
+L 260.97012 -47.647381 
+L 261.05976 -47.656521 
+L 261.1494 -47.659557 
+L 261.23904 -47.657174 
+L 261.32868 -47.647851 
+L 261.41832 -47.631776 
+L 261.50796 -47.600435 
+L 261.5976 -47.560273 
+L 261.68724 -47.535487 
+L 261.77688 -47.675624 
+L 261.86652 -47.549275 
+L 261.95616 -47.524742 
+L 262.0458 -47.535385 
+L 262.13544 -47.536974 
+L 262.22508 -47.533475 
+L 262.31472 -47.531054 
+L 262.40436 -47.521321 
+L 262.494 -47.512758 
+L 262.58364 -47.539445 
+L 262.67328 -47.513053 
+L 262.76292 -47.516631 
+L 262.85256 -47.533816 
+L 262.9422 -47.554886 
+L 263.03184 -47.579332 
+L 263.12148 -47.705672 
+L 263.21112 -47.637608 
+L 263.30076 -47.771276 
+L 263.3904 -47.641831 
+L 263.48004 -47.628336 
+L 263.56968 -47.60569 
+L 263.65932 -47.599643 
+L 263.74896 -47.595766 
+L 263.8386 -47.611823 
+L 263.92824 -47.635003 
+L 264.01788 -47.61943 
+L 264.10752 -47.623779 
+L 264.19716 -47.626593 
+L 264.2868 -47.659924 
+L 264.37644 -47.662092 
+L 264.46608 -47.697148 
+L 264.55572 -47.776584 
+L 264.64536 -47.699589 
+L 264.735 -47.696745 
+L 264.82464 -47.701323 
+L 264.91428 -47.749718 
+L 265.00392 -47.73705 
+L 265.09356 -47.79246 
+L 265.1832 -47.735183 
+L 265.27284 -47.734145 
+L 265.36248 -47.73172 
+L 265.45212 -47.657351 
+L 265.54176 -47.753579 
+L 265.6314 -47.687105 
+L 265.72104 -47.652839 
+L 265.81068 -47.66726 
+L 265.90032 -47.636297 
+L 265.98996 -47.605067 
+L 266.0796 -47.595213 
+L 266.16924 -47.581322 
+L 266.25888 -47.582906 
+L 266.34852 -47.598098 
+L 266.43816 -47.803181 
+L 266.5278 -47.605949 
+L 266.61744 -47.619358 
+L 266.70708 -47.614317 
+L 266.79672 -47.632768 
+L 266.88636 -47.541716 
+L 266.976 -47.531093 
+L 267.06564 -47.529099 
+L 267.15528 -47.523124 
+L 267.24492 -47.518668 
+L 267.33456 -47.520635 
+L 267.4242 -47.522124 
+L 267.51384 -47.606579 
+L 267.60348 -47.537179 
+L 267.69312 -47.543007 
+L 267.78276 -47.553778 
+L 267.8724 -47.559991 
+L 267.96204 -47.542603 
+L 268.05168 -47.539739 
+L 268.14132 -47.51137 
+L 268.23096 -47.467983 
+L 268.3206 -47.469716 
+L 268.41024 -47.461422 
+L 268.49988 -47.470059 
+L 268.58952 -47.488782 
+L 268.67916 -47.466851 
+L 268.7688 -47.469053 
+L 268.85844 -47.460361 
+L 268.94808 -47.43913 
+L 269.03772 -47.425404 
+L 269.12736 -47.410081 
+L 269.217 -47.505066 
+L 269.30664 -47.422369 
+L 269.39628 -47.417659 
+L 269.48592 -47.409028 
+L 269.57556 -47.51418 
+L 269.6652 -47.426528 
+L 269.75484 -47.415282 
+L 269.84448 -47.409717 
+L 269.93412 -47.40978 
+L 270.02376 -47.409819 
+L 270.1134 -47.600241 
+L 270.20304 -47.423246 
+L 270.29268 -47.423217 
+L 270.38232 -47.425713 
+L 270.47196 -47.428621 
+L 270.5616 -47.456882 
+L 270.65124 -47.46986 
+L 270.74088 -47.460786 
+L 270.83052 -47.464808 
+L 270.92016 -47.4845 
+L 271.0098 -47.498921 
+L 271.09944 -47.515846 
+L 271.18908 -47.527899 
+L 271.27872 -47.527991 
+L 271.36836 -47.526385 
+L 271.458 -47.531067 
+L 271.54764 -47.557134 
+L 271.63728 -47.534727 
+L 271.72692 -47.52615 
+L 271.81656 -47.483578 
+L 271.9062 -47.494999 
+L 271.99584 -47.496925 
+L 272.08548 -47.485882 
+L 272.17512 -47.471783 
+L 272.26476 -47.465153 
+L 272.3544 -47.463935 
+L 272.44404 -47.495625 
+L 272.53368 -47.491242 
+L 272.62332 -47.489606 
+L 272.71296 -47.483191 
+L 272.8026 -47.479453 
+L 272.89224 -47.465335 
+L 272.98188 -47.47263 
+L 273.07152 -47.445716 
+L 273.16116 -47.44996 
+L 273.2508 -47.45623 
+L 273.34044 -47.457223 
+L 273.43008 -47.444252 
+L 273.51972 -47.575464 
+L 273.60936 -47.451111 
+L 273.699 -47.431185 
+L 273.78864 -47.426255 
+L 273.87828 -47.424027 
+L 273.96792 -47.431944 
+L 274.05756 -47.45326 
+L 274.1472 -47.493323 
+L 274.23684 -47.501355 
+L 274.32648 -47.515043 
+L 274.41612 -47.512014 
+L 274.50576 -47.523418 
+L 274.5954 -47.509089 
+L 274.68504 -47.505823 
+L 274.77468 -47.477229 
+L 274.86432 -47.477697 
+L 274.95396 -47.491867 
+L 275.0436 -47.498207 
+L 275.13324 -47.630054 
+L 275.22288 -47.52963 
+L 275.31252 -47.533631 
+L 275.40216 -47.535046 
+L 275.4918 -47.533069 
+L 275.58144 -47.519181 
+L 275.67108 -47.506 
+L 275.76072 -47.490138 
+L 275.85036 -47.481545 
+L 275.94 -47.473753 
+L 276.02964 -47.459059 
+L 276.11928 -47.438577 
+L 276.20892 -47.414907 
+L 276.29856 -47.583079 
+L 276.3882 -47.421625 
+L 276.47784 -47.404988 
+L 276.56748 -47.376887 
+L 276.65712 -47.372552 
+L 276.74676 -47.383639 
+L 276.8364 -47.390488 
+L 276.92604 -47.404342 
+L 277.01568 -47.400692 
+L 277.10532 -47.405629 
+L 277.19496 -47.419262 
+L 277.2846 -47.430123 
+L 277.37424 -47.424087 
+L 277.46388 -47.805811 
+L 277.55352 -47.443391 
+L 277.64316 -47.408969 
+L 277.7328 -47.381805 
+L 277.82244 -47.366771 
+L 277.91208 -47.327975 
+L 278.00172 -47.331858 
+L 278.09136 -47.325252 
+L 278.181 -47.335689 
+L 278.27064 -47.344066 
+L 278.36028 -47.333737 
+L 278.44992 -47.318016 
+L 278.53956 -47.310846 
+L 278.6292 -47.304039 
+L 278.71884 -47.440156 
+L 278.80848 -47.301006 
+L 278.89812 -47.301807 
+L 278.98776 -47.306483 
+L 279.0774 -47.31913 
+L 279.16704 -47.348221 
+L 279.25668 -51.657851 
+L 279.34632 -47.358736 
+L 279.43596 -47.385141 
+L 279.5256 -47.376837 
+L 279.61524 -47.386214 
+L 279.70488 -47.337433 
+L 279.79452 -47.336306 
+L 279.88416 -47.344326 
+L 279.9738 -47.320144 
+L 280.06344 -47.324631 
+L 280.15308 -47.336388 
+L 280.24272 -47.347898 
+L 280.33236 -47.368501 
+L 280.422 -47.381835 
+L 280.51164 -47.370163 
+L 280.60128 -47.327721 
+L 280.69092 -47.405583 
+L 280.78056 -47.350788 
+L 280.8702 -47.345442 
+L 280.95984 -47.339454 
+L 281.04948 -47.350724 
+L 281.13912 -47.336205 
+L 281.22876 -47.341047 
+L 281.3184 -47.355317 
+L 281.40804 -47.378374 
+L 281.49768 -47.40052 
+L 281.58732 -47.39457 
+L 281.67696 -47.397223 
+L 281.7666 -47.400977 
+L 281.85624 -47.405956 
+L 281.94588 -47.408641 
+L 282.03552 -47.385933 
+L 282.12516 -47.408422 
+L 282.2148 -47.384987 
+L 282.30444 -47.381949 
+L 282.39408 -47.37762 
+L 282.48372 -47.375807 
+L 282.57336 -47.413699 
+L 282.663 -47.406581 
+L 282.75264 -47.407627 
+L 282.84228 -47.408455 
+L 282.93192 -47.407235 
+L 283.02156 -47.401146 
+L 283.1112 -47.389353 
+L 283.20084 -47.384061 
+L 283.29048 -47.490224 
+L 283.38012 -47.392145 
+L 283.46976 -47.376734 
+L 283.5594 -47.366389 
+L 283.64904 -47.367592 
+L 283.73868 -47.41752 
+L 283.82832 -47.365214 
+L 283.91796 -47.374827 
+L 284.0076 -47.379322 
+L 284.09724 -47.390462 
+L 284.18688 -47.398158 
+L 284.27652 -47.383209 
+L 284.36616 -47.395493 
+L 284.4558 -47.359011 
+L 284.54544 -47.357617 
+L 284.63508 -47.356445 
+L 284.72472 -47.366474 
+L 284.81436 -47.371934 
+L 284.904 -47.625927 
+L 284.99364 -47.386802 
+L 285.08328 -47.379835 
+L 285.17292 -47.356356 
+L 285.26256 -47.328587 
+L 285.3522 -47.297855 
+L 285.44184 -47.252148 
+L 285.53148 -47.272312 
+L 285.62112 -47.249295 
+L 285.71076 -47.260663 
+L 285.8004 -47.271792 
+L 285.89004 -47.295216 
+L 285.97968 -47.313933 
+L 286.06932 -47.379445 
+L 286.15896 -47.313047 
+L 286.2486 -47.317531 
+L 286.33824 -47.314111 
+L 286.42788 -47.307529 
+L 286.51752 -47.30305 
+L 286.60716 -47.31046 
+L 286.6968 -47.308135 
+L 286.78644 -47.315294 
+L 286.87608 -47.326174 
+L 286.96572 -47.311041 
+L 287.05536 -47.72296 
+L 287.145 -47.372005 
+L 287.23464 -47.35056 
+L 287.32428 -47.585613 
+L 287.41392 -47.353901 
+L 287.50356 -47.341805 
+L 287.5932 -47.345042 
+L 287.68284 -47.358516 
+L 287.77248 -47.373137 
+L 287.86212 -47.390727 
+L 287.95176 -47.416188 
+L 288.0414 -47.38709 
+L 288.13104 -47.370346 
+L 288.22068 -47.360621 
+L 288.31032 -47.357202 
+L 288.39996 -47.390993 
+L 288.4896 -47.432022 
+L 288.57924 -47.424807 
+L 288.66888 -47.424256 
+L 288.75852 -47.413958 
+L 288.84816 -47.403889 
+L 288.9378 -47.392344 
+L 289.02744 -47.318269 
+L 289.11708 -47.341847 
+L 289.20672 -47.359001 
+L 289.29636 -47.345253 
+L 289.386 -47.310159 
+L 289.47564 -47.330047 
+L 289.56528 -47.311565 
+L 289.65492 -47.296171 
+L 289.74456 -47.299057 
+L 289.8342 -47.283157 
+L 289.92384 -47.287677 
+L 290.01348 -47.303876 
+L 290.10312 -47.314943 
+L 290.19276 -47.33247 
+L 290.2824 -47.41491 
+L 290.37204 -47.330457 
+L 290.46168 -47.328102 
+L 290.55132 -47.307273 
+L 290.64096 -47.286764 
+L 290.7306 -47.268713 
+L 290.82024 -47.396069 
+L 290.90988 -47.274503 
+L 290.99952 -47.265686 
+L 291.08916 -47.268274 
+L 291.1788 -47.272987 
+L 291.26844 -47.266562 
+L 291.35808 -47.323645 
+L 291.44772 -47.284451 
+L 291.53736 -47.260864 
+L 291.627 -47.268115 
+L 291.71664 -47.254838 
+L 291.80628 -47.23912 
+L 291.89592 -47.232926 
+L 291.98556 -47.227093 
+L 292.0752 -47.227942 
+L 292.16484 -47.236204 
+L 292.25448 -47.536834 
+L 292.34412 -47.24007 
+L 292.43376 -47.254472 
+L 292.5234 -47.266294 
+L 292.61304 -47.272129 
+L 292.70268 -47.269555 
+L 292.79232 -47.331935 
+L 292.88196 -47.275171 
+L 292.9716 -47.266378 
+L 293.06124 -47.219989 
+L 293.15088 -47.218437 
+L 293.24052 -47.211018 
+L 293.33016 -47.222236 
+L 293.4198 -47.247983 
+L 293.50944 -47.266075 
+L 293.59908 -47.258493 
+L 293.68872 -47.25027 
+L 293.77836 -47.238892 
+L 293.868 -47.305846 
+L 293.95764 -47.236089 
+L 294.04728 -47.234796 
+L 294.13692 -47.248343 
+L 294.22656 -47.2475 
+L 294.3162 -47.28599 
+L 294.40584 -47.258375 
+L 294.49548 -47.257161 
+L 294.58512 -47.269803 
+L 294.67476 -47.261212 
+L 294.7644 -47.260915 
+L 294.85404 -47.268541 
+L 294.94368 -47.289005 
+L 295.03332 -47.303427 
+L 295.12296 -47.311147 
+L 295.2126 -47.31146 
+L 295.30224 -47.298354 
+L 295.39188 -47.235867 
+L 295.48152 -47.241766 
+L 295.57116 -47.235115 
+L 295.6608 -47.235606 
+L 295.75044 -47.238989 
+L 295.84008 -47.303383 
+L 295.92972 -47.261833 
+L 296.01936 -47.258346 
+L 296.109 -47.258401 
+L 296.19864 -47.290227 
+L 296.28828 -47.268523 
+L 296.37792 -47.261938 
+L 296.46756 -47.243779 
+L 296.5572 -47.224293 
+L 296.64684 -47.202414 
+L 296.73648 -47.147422 
+L 296.82612 -47.172831 
+L 296.91576 -47.159773 
+L 297.0054 -47.157218 
+L 297.09504 -47.155178 
+L 297.18468 -47.178356 
+L 297.27432 -47.482252 
+L 297.36396 -47.181895 
+L 297.4536 -47.185535 
+L 297.54324 -47.173516 
+L 297.63288 -47.159107 
+L 297.72252 -47.143896 
+L 297.81216 -47.127118 
+L 297.9018 -47.140959 
+L 297.99144 -47.127497 
+L 298.08108 -47.121854 
+L 298.17072 -47.111886 
+L 298.26036 -47.199088 
+L 298.35 -47.12604 
+L 298.43964 -47.139438 
+L 298.52928 -47.123278 
+L 298.61892 -47.11292 
+L 298.70856 -47.110338 
+L 298.7982 -47.101259 
+L 298.88784 -47.091363 
+L 298.97748 -47.060559 
+L 299.06712 -47.061176 
+L 299.15676 -47.053997 
+L 299.2464 -47.025122 
+L 299.33604 -47.020501 
+L 299.42568 -47.022168 
+L 299.51532 -47.030725 
+L 299.60496 -47.050194 
+L 299.6946 -47.139217 
+L 299.78424 -47.067712 
+L 299.87388 -47.078127 
+L 299.96352 -47.073736 
+L 300.05316 -47.085029 
+L 300.1428 -47.079303 
+L 300.23244 -47.083618 
+L 300.32208 -47.086581 
+L 300.41172 -47.08886 
+L 300.50136 -47.089399 
+L 300.591 -47.08449 
+L 300.68064 -47.077154 
+L 300.77028 -47.064995 
+L 300.85992 -47.061582 
+L 300.94956 -47.062398 
+L 301.0392 -47.065532 
+L 301.12884 -47.066752 
+L 301.21848 -47.067451 
+L 301.30812 -47.019527 
+L 301.39776 -47.031751 
+L 301.4874 -47.029902 
+L 301.57704 -47.021661 
+L 301.66668 -47.020227 
+L 301.75632 -47.006459 
+L 301.84596 -47.068861 
+L 301.9356 -47.016536 
+L 302.02524 -47.022636 
+L 302.11488 -47.031843 
+L 302.20452 -47.04227 
+L 302.29416 -47.053255 
+L 302.3838 -47.060985 
+L 302.47344 -47.073905 
+L 302.56308 -47.036168 
+L 302.65272 -47.016844 
+L 302.74236 -46.979907 
+L 302.832 -46.965427 
+L 302.92164 -47.540388 
+L 303.01128 -46.951858 
+L 303.10092 -46.951923 
+L 303.19056 -46.944331 
+L 303.2802 -46.982465 
+L 303.36984 -46.965959 
+L 303.45948 -46.962095 
+L 303.54912 -46.962359 
+L 303.63876 -46.958351 
+L 303.7284 -46.994835 
+L 303.81804 -46.962513 
+L 303.90768 -46.95545 
+L 303.99732 -46.963314 
+L 304.08696 -46.943217 
+L 304.1766 -46.948774 
+L 304.26624 -46.957555 
+L 304.35588 -46.972231 
+L 304.44552 -46.988677 
+L 304.53516 -47.032962 
+L 304.6248 -47.082914 
+L 304.71444 -47.050791 
+L 304.80408 -47.037213 
+L 304.89372 -47.033537 
+L 304.98336 -47.027805 
+L 305.073 -47.025117 
+L 305.16264 -47.021786 
+L 305.25228 -47.047437 
+L 305.34192 -47.019947 
+L 305.43156 -47.019736 
+L 305.5212 -47.017206 
+L 305.61084 -46.99967 
+L 305.70048 -46.963702 
+L 305.79012 -46.976266 
+L 305.87976 -46.952257 
+L 305.9694 -46.951388 
+L 306.05904 -46.879668 
+L 306.14868 -46.911536 
+L 306.23832 -46.92556 
+L 306.32796 -46.938692 
+L 306.4176 -46.951517 
+L 306.50724 -46.959735 
+L 306.59688 -46.948849 
+L 306.68652 -46.939394 
+L 306.77616 -46.929837 
+L 306.8658 -46.906104 
+L 306.95544 -46.887503 
+L 307.04508 -46.892553 
+L 307.13472 -46.931008 
+L 307.22436 -46.878255 
+L 307.314 -46.899468 
+L 307.40364 -46.888801 
+L 307.49328 -46.909582 
+L 307.58292 -46.891025 
+L 307.67256 -46.952227 
+L 307.7622 -46.889298 
+L 307.85184 -46.874816 
+L 307.94148 -46.8661 
+L 308.03112 -46.854514 
+L 308.12076 -46.840178 
+L 308.2104 -46.83808 
+L 308.30004 -46.90934 
+L 308.38968 -46.848657 
+L 308.47932 -46.854233 
+L 308.56896 -46.852932 
+L 308.6586 -46.811249 
+L 308.74824 -46.89901 
+L 308.83788 -46.833481 
+L 308.92752 -46.814195 
+L 309.01716 -46.809672 
+L 309.1068 -46.816469 
+L 309.19644 -46.818806 
+L 309.28608 -46.81418 
+L 309.37572 -46.806627 
+L 309.46536 -46.935583 
+L 309.555 -46.807778 
+L 309.64464 -46.802432 
+L 309.73428 -46.802482 
+L 309.82392 -46.805155 
+L 309.91356 -46.811641 
+L 310.0032 -46.799655 
+L 310.09284 -46.954777 
+L 310.18248 -46.804609 
+L 310.27212 -46.802892 
+L 310.36176 -46.847365 
+L 310.4514 -46.858278 
+L 310.54104 -46.865761 
+L 310.63068 -46.852687 
+L 310.72032 -47.013839 
+L 310.80996 -46.858726 
+L 310.8996 -46.853188 
+L 310.98924 -46.844962 
+L 311.07888 -46.832032 
+L 311.16852 -46.826361 
+L 311.25816 -46.823261 
+L 311.3478 -46.920592 
+L 311.43744 -46.841343 
+L 311.52708 -46.852607 
+L 311.61672 -46.8821 
+L 311.70636 -46.893822 
+L 311.796 -46.926947 
+L 311.88564 -46.966642 
+L 311.97528 -46.996471 
+L 312.06492 -46.963102 
+L 312.15456 -46.933244 
+L 312.2442 -46.913263 
+L 312.33384 -46.887291 
+L 312.42348 -46.931504 
+L 312.51312 -46.890847 
+L 312.60276 -46.872135 
+L 312.6924 -46.876091 
+L 312.78204 -46.883138 
+L 312.87168 -46.886666 
+L 312.96132 -46.882049 
+L 313.05096 -46.86327 
+L 313.1406 -46.846769 
+L 313.23024 -46.842067 
+L 313.31988 -46.840268 
+L 313.40952 -46.841436 
+L 313.49916 -46.843476 
+L 313.5888 -49.998072 
+L 313.67844 -46.851859 
+L 313.76808 -46.853522 
+L 313.85772 -46.847251 
+L 313.94736 -46.839206 
+L 314.037 -46.834229 
+L 314.12664 -46.831476 
+L 314.21628 -47.403922 
+L 314.30592 -46.846468 
+L 314.39556 -46.850478 
+L 314.4852 -46.855662 
+L 314.57484 -46.90219 
+L 314.66448 -46.9202 
+L 314.75412 -46.930238 
+L 314.84376 -46.928878 
+L 314.9334 -46.9174 
+L 315.02304 -46.90304 
+L 315.11268 -46.893812 
+L 315.20232 -46.854829 
+L 315.29196 -51.369159 
+L 315.3816 -46.865147 
+L 315.47124 -46.849847 
+L 315.56088 -46.84766 
+L 315.65052 -46.853782 
+L 315.74016 -46.859347 
+L 315.8298 -47.011031 
+L 315.91944 -46.884747 
+L 316.00908 -46.904659 
+L 316.09872 -46.884356 
+L 316.18836 -46.87009 
+L 316.278 -46.865283 
+L 316.36764 -46.877887 
+L 316.45728 -46.912341 
+L 316.54692 -46.874289 
+L 316.63656 -46.894118 
+L 316.7262 -46.909558 
+L 316.81584 -46.926643 
+L 316.90548 -46.926593 
+L 316.99512 -46.948422 
+L 317.08476 -46.920113 
+L 317.1744 -46.913548 
+L 317.26404 -46.912458 
+L 317.35368 -46.916894 
+L 317.44332 -46.927372 
+L 317.53296 -46.961384 
+L 317.6226 -46.987789 
+L 317.71224 -46.984769 
+L 317.80188 -46.980289 
+L 317.89152 -46.970785 
+L 317.98116 -46.949277 
+L 318.0708 -46.942716 
+L 318.16044 -46.935399 
+L 318.25008 -46.916332 
+L 318.33972 -46.909352 
+L 318.42936 -46.904129 
+L 318.519 -47.050062 
+L 318.60864 -46.908155 
+L 318.69828 -46.912545 
+L 318.78792 -46.920042 
+L 318.87756 -46.92519 
+L 318.9672 -46.924563 
+L 319.05684 -46.93038 
+L 319.14648 -46.886062 
+L 319.23612 -46.916096 
+L 319.32576 -46.912055 
+L 319.4154 -47.291648 
+L 319.50504 -46.92911 
+L 319.59468 -46.931641 
+L 319.68432 -46.951928 
+L 319.77396 -46.948924 
+L 319.8636 -46.935183 
+L 319.95324 -46.928073 
+L 320.04288 -46.943093 
+L 320.13252 -46.920761 
+L 320.22216 -46.894929 
+L 320.3118 -46.860785 
+L 320.40144 -46.794499 
+L 320.49108 -46.834043 
+L 320.58072 -46.835923 
+L 320.67036 -46.85854 
+L 320.76 -46.831365 
+L 320.84964 -46.843375 
+L 320.93928 -46.863924 
+L 321.02892 -46.876519 
+L 321.11856 -46.864306 
+L 321.2082 -46.846958 
+L 321.29784 -46.837507 
+L 321.38748 -46.837581 
+L 321.47712 -47.015528 
+L 321.56676 -46.838907 
+L 321.6564 -46.858084 
+L 321.74604 -46.868545 
+L 321.83568 -46.879997 
+L 321.92532 -46.879193 
+L 322.01496 -46.916869 
+L 322.1046 -46.884114 
+L 322.19424 -46.877645 
+L 322.28388 -46.877398 
+L 322.37352 -46.879335 
+L 322.46316 -46.872028 
+L 322.5528 -46.868598 
+L 322.64244 -46.840274 
+L 322.73208 -46.843046 
+L 322.82172 -46.846049 
+L 322.91136 -46.852638 
+L 323.001 -46.869945 
+L 323.09064 -46.88225 
+L 323.18028 -47.060586 
+L 323.26992 -46.910794 
+L 323.35956 -46.902177 
+L 323.4492 -46.88894 
+L 323.53884 -46.883202 
+L 323.62848 -46.892442 
+L 323.71812 -46.848354 
+L 323.80776 -46.870362 
+L 323.8974 -46.879929 
+L 323.98704 -46.89719 
+L 324.07668 -46.918142 
+L 324.16632 -46.963607 
+L 324.25596 -46.963738 
+L 324.3456 -46.959363 
+L 324.43524 -46.958021 
+L 324.52488 -46.956017 
+L 324.61452 -46.945975 
+L 324.70416 -47.244934 
+L 324.7938 -46.967141 
+L 324.88344 -46.971433 
+L 324.97308 -46.959638 
+L 325.06272 -46.956299 
+L 325.15236 -46.947406 
+L 325.242 -46.939901 
+L 325.33164 -46.942843 
+L 325.42128 -46.943156 
+L 325.51092 -46.948209 
+L 325.60056 -46.948061 
+L 325.6902 -46.929817 
+L 325.77984 -46.94244 
+L 325.86948 -46.927624 
+L 325.95912 -46.945609 
+L 326.04876 -46.931203 
+L 326.1384 -46.904587 
+L 326.22804 -46.890999 
+L 326.31768 -46.888463 
+L 326.40732 -46.899172 
+L 326.49696 -46.892812 
+L 326.5866 -46.891904 
+L 326.67624 -46.914303 
+L 326.76588 -46.92907 
+L 326.85552 -46.93371 
+L 326.94516 -46.944913 
+L 327.0348 -46.92002 
+L 327.12444 -46.897428 
+L 327.21408 -46.881842 
+L 327.30372 -46.869428 
+L 327.39336 -46.852176 
+L 327.483 -46.821719 
+L 327.57264 -46.946064 
+L 327.66228 -46.819269 
+L 327.75192 -46.815139 
+L 327.84156 -46.820009 
+L 327.9312 -46.818729 
+L 328.02084 -46.818172 
+L 328.11048 -46.811128 
+L 328.20012 -46.777032 
+L 328.28976 -46.800075 
+L 328.3794 -46.756841 
+L 328.46904 -46.744548 
+L 328.55868 -46.738162 
+L 328.64832 -46.74632 
+L 328.73796 -46.761563 
+L 328.8276 -46.745504 
+L 328.91724 -46.752511 
+L 329.00688 -46.752401 
+L 329.09652 -46.742908 
+L 329.18616 -46.745651 
+L 329.2758 -46.736988 
+L 329.36544 -46.727757 
+L 329.45508 -46.724942 
+L 329.54472 -46.714362 
+L 329.63436 -46.758422 
+L 329.724 -46.730437 
+L 329.81364 -46.725921 
+L 329.90328 -46.730811 
+L 329.99292 -46.736668 
+L 330.08256 -46.762383 
+L 330.1722 -46.736624 
+L 330.26184 -46.738364 
+L 330.35148 -46.734525 
+L 330.44112 -46.72885 
+L 330.53076 -46.738707 
+L 330.6204 -46.734883 
+L 330.71004 -46.740893 
+L 330.79968 -46.755753 
+L 330.88932 -46.777012 
+L 330.97896 -46.802391 
+L 331.0686 -46.781855 
+L 331.15824 -46.831946 
+L 331.24788 -46.85166 
+L 331.33752 -46.860068 
+L 331.42716 -46.890583 
+L 331.5168 -46.898192 
+L 331.60644 -46.885972 
+L 331.69608 -46.887301 
+L 331.78572 -46.890109 
+L 331.87536 -47.229584 
+L 331.965 -46.90383 
+L 332.05464 -46.903567 
+L 332.14428 -46.894482 
+L 332.23392 -46.876008 
+L 332.32356 -46.887147 
+L 332.4132 -46.857172 
+L 332.50284 -46.872012 
+L 332.59248 -46.885631 
+L 332.68212 -46.894394 
+L 332.77176 -46.886015 
+L 332.8614 -46.876247 
+L 332.95104 -46.86183 
+L 333.04068 -46.832005 
+L 333.13032 -46.82529 
+L 333.21996 -46.819442 
+L 333.3096 -46.811111 
+L 333.39924 -46.80711 
+L 333.48888 -46.706561 
+L 333.57852 -46.758812 
+L 333.66816 -46.763918 
+L 333.7578 -46.76208 
+L 333.84744 -46.764537 
+L 333.93708 -46.755953 
+L 334.02672 -46.757112 
+L 334.11636 -46.763623 
+L 334.206 -46.772857 
+L 334.29564 -46.798423 
+L 334.38528 -46.793918 
+L 334.47492 -46.789264 
+L 334.56456 -46.780128 
+L 334.6542 -46.769047 
+L 334.74384 -46.766643 
+L 334.83348 -46.76617 
+L 334.92312 -46.770777 
+L 335.01276 -46.772249 
+L 335.1024 -46.8406 
+L 335.19204 -46.770096 
+L 335.28168 -46.78886 
+L 335.37132 -46.764271 
+L 335.46096 -46.781652 
+L 335.5506 -46.753037 
+L 335.64024 -46.748612 
+L 335.72988 -46.741757 
+L 335.81952 -46.752219 
+L 335.90916 -46.716212 
+L 335.9988 -46.724305 
+L 336.08844 -46.719986 
+L 336.17808 -46.712249 
+L 336.26772 -46.706047 
+L 336.35736 -46.720407 
+L 336.447 -46.717794 
+L 336.53664 -46.707808 
+L 336.62628 -46.702061 
+L 336.71592 -46.702585 
+L 336.80556 -46.707333 
+L 336.8952 -46.686976 
+L 336.98484 -46.704319 
+L 337.07448 -46.700095 
+L 337.16412 -46.693434 
+L 337.25376 -46.700329 
+L 337.3434 -46.705471 
+L 337.43304 -46.713106 
+L 337.52268 -46.738357 
+L 337.61232 -46.942671 
+L 337.70196 -46.751451 
+L 337.7916 -46.783181 
+L 337.88124 -46.781934 
+L 337.97088 -46.772212 
+L 338.06052 -46.769775 
+L 338.15016 -46.812669 
+L 338.2398 -46.780389 
+L 338.32944 -46.780551 
+L 338.41908 -46.783974 
+L 338.50872 -46.7841 
+L 338.59836 -46.773667 
+L 338.688 -46.792535 
+L 338.77764 -46.864672 
+L 338.86728 -46.782261 
+L 338.95692 -46.767631 
+L 339.04656 -46.757356 
+L 339.1362 -46.751144 
+L 339.22584 -46.750729 
+L 339.31548 -46.770124 
+L 339.40512 -46.785538 
+L 339.49476 -46.769578 
+L 339.5844 -46.796742 
+L 339.67404 -46.831678 
+L 339.76368 -46.851256 
+L 339.85332 -46.872611 
+L 339.94296 -46.862845 
+L 340.0326 -47.074517 
+L 340.12224 -46.878314 
+L 340.21188 -46.832283 
+L 340.30152 -46.814795 
+L 340.39116 -46.789632 
+L 340.4808 -46.782564 
+L 340.57044 -46.767105 
+L 340.66008 -46.786455 
+L 340.74972 -46.794594 
+L 340.83936 -46.785496 
+L 340.929 -46.78415 
+L 341.01864 -46.730868 
+L 341.10828 -46.69638 
+L 341.19792 -47.094421 
+L 341.28756 -46.704226 
+L 341.3772 -46.688031 
+L 341.46684 -46.693197 
+L 341.55648 -46.718778 
+L 341.64612 -46.738151 
+L 341.73576 -46.73979 
+L 341.8254 -46.807051 
+L 341.91504 -46.750928 
+L 342.00468 -46.740473 
+L 342.09432 -46.73088 
+L 342.18396 -46.727978 
+L 342.2736 -46.734624 
+L 342.36324 -46.780182 
+L 342.45288 -46.801639 
+L 342.54252 -46.817819 
+L 342.63216 -46.814902 
+L 342.7218 -46.811445 
+L 342.81144 -46.819054 
+L 342.90108 -46.837962 
+L 342.99072 -46.82984 
+L 343.08036 -46.829671 
+L 343.17 -46.830739 
+L 343.25964 -46.826617 
+L 343.34928 -46.838307 
+L 343.43892 -46.801171 
+L 343.52856 -46.811022 
+L 343.6182 -46.817163 
+L 343.70784 -46.833734 
+L 343.79748 -46.825912 
+L 343.88712 -46.816261 
+L 343.97676 -46.814471 
+L 344.0664 -46.816943 
+L 344.15604 -46.845946 
+L 344.24568 -46.813418 
+L 344.33532 -46.814605 
+L 344.42496 -46.813984 
+L 344.5146 -46.813551 
+L 344.60424 -46.825772 
+L 344.69388 -47.007744 
+L 344.78352 -46.819631 
+L 344.87316 -46.843123 
+L 344.9628 -46.872909 
+L 345.05244 -46.886841 
+L 345.14208 -46.870758 
+L 345.23172 -46.884337 
+L 345.32136 -46.892951 
+L 345.411 -46.897557 
+L 345.50064 -46.886899 
+L 345.59028 -46.92985 
+L 345.67992 -46.895751 
+L 345.76956 -46.883128 
+L 345.8592 -46.88107 
+L 345.94884 -46.889552 
+L 346.03848 -46.979164 
+L 346.12812 -46.924154 
+L 346.21776 -46.929521 
+L 346.3074 -46.927286 
+L 346.39704 -46.914011 
+L 346.48668 -46.887541 
+L 346.57632 -46.884716 
+L 346.66596 -46.870319 
+L 346.7556 -46.864047 
+L 346.84524 -46.85994 
+L 346.93488 -46.871645 
+L 347.02452 -46.878387 
+L 347.11416 -46.890966 
+L 347.2038 -46.894447 
+L 347.29344 -46.883054 
+L 347.38308 -46.888121 
+L 347.47272 -46.892252 
+L 347.56236 -46.908438 
+L 347.652 -46.919983 
+L 347.74164 -46.933341 
+L 347.83128 -46.934712 
+L 347.92092 -46.929132 
+L 348.01056 -46.90402 
+L 348.1002 -46.95578 
+L 348.18984 -46.917876 
+L 348.27948 -46.906495 
+L 348.36912 -46.901572 
+L 348.45876 -46.885481 
+L 348.5484 -46.906177 
+L 348.63804 -46.892269 
+L 348.72768 -46.87678 
+L 348.81732 -46.861031 
+L 348.90696 -46.851219 
+L 348.9966 -46.845227 
+L 349.08624 -46.843726 
+L 349.17588 -46.844348 
+L 349.26552 -46.841131 
+L 349.35516 -46.785399 
+L 349.4448 -46.812566 
+L 349.53444 -46.808211 
+L 349.62408 -46.800211 
+L 349.71372 -46.791284 
+L 349.80336 -46.794639 
+L 349.893 -46.75183 
+L 349.98264 -46.793855 
+L 350.07228 -46.790649 
+L 350.16192 -46.791525 
+L 350.25156 -46.79255 
+L 350.3412 -46.793613 
+L 350.43084 -47.855569 
+L 350.52048 -46.808548 
+L 350.61012 -46.807927 
+L 350.69976 -46.811098 
+L 350.7894 -46.816324 
+L 350.87904 -46.824789 
+L 350.96868 -46.839304 
+L 351.05832 -46.934432 
+L 351.14796 -46.86677 
+L 351.2376 -46.854577 
+L 351.32724 -46.839075 
+L 351.41688 -46.827428 
+L 351.50652 -46.822125 
+L 351.59616 -46.816634 
+L 351.6858 -47.199723 
+L 351.77544 -46.793054 
+L 351.86508 -46.796234 
+L 351.95472 -46.921812 
+L 352.04436 -46.805196 
+L 352.134 -46.811281 
+L 352.22364 -46.808959 
+L 352.31328 -47.024742 
+L 352.40292 -46.868398 
+L 352.49256 -46.850623 
+L 352.5822 -46.841516 
+L 352.67184 -46.840165 
+L 352.76148 -46.838935 
+L 352.85112 -46.840741 
+L 352.94076 -46.973153 
+L 353.0304 -46.865765 
+L 353.12004 -46.862403 
+L 353.20968 -46.851627 
+L 353.29932 -46.857353 
+L 353.38896 -46.870377 
+L 353.4786 -46.872972 
+L 353.56824 -46.888746 
+L 353.65788 -46.903176 
+L 353.74752 -46.874848 
+L 353.83716 -46.878557 
+L 353.9268 -46.881517 
+L 354.01644 -46.884403 
+L 354.10608 -46.890594 
+L 354.19572 -46.900529 
+L 354.28536 -48.029662 
+L 354.375 -46.892631 
+L 354.46464 -46.896951 
+L 354.55428 -46.900514 
+L 354.64392 -46.904183 
+L 354.73356 -46.909378 
+L 354.8232 -46.912633 
+L 354.91284 -46.96961 
+L 355.00248 -46.92784 
+L 355.09212 -46.921792 
+L 355.18176 -46.926927 
+L 355.2714 -46.928486 
+L 355.36104 -46.959973 
+L 355.45068 -46.966648 
+L 355.54032 -46.950811 
+L 355.62996 -46.951672 
+L 355.7196 -46.969746 
+L 355.80924 -46.96277 
+L 355.89888 -46.952438 
+L 355.98852 -46.945883 
+L 356.07816 -46.973467 
+L 356.1678 -46.957404 
+L 356.25744 -46.961434 
+L 356.34708 -46.966966 
+L 356.43672 -46.963697 
+L 356.52636 -46.949811 
+L 356.616 -46.970809 
+L 356.70564 -46.928506 
+L 356.79528 -46.911772 
+L 356.88492 -46.891961 
+L 356.97456 -46.891251 
+L 357.0642 -46.897738 
+L 357.15384 -46.908782 
+L 357.24348 -46.971517 
+L 357.33312 -46.934515 
+L 357.42276 -46.924944 
+L 357.5124 -46.921904 
+L 357.60204 -46.91834 
+L 357.69168 -46.909342 
+L 357.78132 -47.040192 
+L 357.87096 -46.962552 
+L 357.9606 -46.960841 
+L 358.05024 -46.988603 
+L 358.13988 -47.132757 
+L 358.22952 -46.983229 
+L 358.31916 -46.997868 
+L 358.4088 -47.006856 
+L 358.49844 -46.999522 
+L 358.58808 -47.045989 
+L 358.67772 -46.987246 
+L 358.76736 -46.968268 
+L 358.857 -46.951921 
+L 358.94664 -46.907515 
+L 359.03628 -46.968037 
+L 359.12592 -46.935284 
+L 359.21556 -46.945429 
+L 359.3052 -46.963596 
+L 359.39484 -46.958252 
+L 359.48448 -46.94938 
+L 359.57412 -46.929337 
+L 359.66376 -46.914426 
+L 359.7534 -46.886669 
+L 359.84304 -46.888782 
+L 359.93268 -46.889893 
+L 360.02232 -46.902109 
+L 360.11196 -46.911228 
+L 360.2016 -46.935653 
+L 360.29124 -46.889087 
+L 360.38088 -46.918956 
+L 360.47052 -46.939851 
+L 360.56016 -46.947227 
+L 360.6498 -46.948507 
+L 360.73944 -46.938995 
+L 360.82908 -46.928341 
+L 360.91872 -46.924998 
+L 361.00836 -46.920615 
+L 361.098 -46.988974 
+L 361.18764 -46.934658 
+L 361.27728 -46.92075 
+L 361.36692 -46.917562 
+L 361.45656 -46.919407 
+L 361.5462 -46.907463 
+L 361.63584 -46.91721 
+L 361.72548 -46.916683 
+L 361.81512 -46.918103 
+L 361.90476 -46.921363 
+L 361.9944 -46.920712 
+L 362.08404 -46.913117 
+L 362.17368 -47.138835 
+L 362.26332 -46.914894 
+L 362.35296 -46.911209 
+L 362.4426 -46.915622 
+L 362.53224 -46.915897 
+L 362.62188 -46.923836 
+L 362.71152 -46.932942 
+L 362.80116 -46.928457 
+L 362.8908 -46.941272 
+L 362.98044 -46.928035 
+L 363.07008 -46.921138 
+L 363.15972 -46.913149 
+L 363.24936 -46.888795 
+L 363.339 -46.902355 
+L 363.42864 -46.906263 
+L 363.51828 -46.912649 
+L 363.60792 -46.911233 
+L 363.69756 -46.90402 
+L 363.7872 -46.903865 
+L 363.87684 -46.944513 
+L 363.96648 -46.911318 
+L 364.05612 -46.910759 
+L 364.14576 -46.905781 
+L 364.2354 -46.891301 
+L 364.32504 -46.876908 
+L 364.41468 -46.899944 
+L 364.50432 -46.877931 
+L 364.59396 -46.867223 
+L 364.6836 -46.866971 
+L 364.77324 -46.872988 
+L 364.86288 -46.875515 
+L 364.95252 -46.867106 
+L 365.04216 -46.867296 
+L 365.1318 -46.899431 
+L 365.22144 -46.87998 
+L 365.31108 -46.880364 
+L 365.40072 -46.880688 
+L 365.49036 -46.880571 
+L 365.58 -46.881177 
+L 365.66964 -46.88995 
+L 365.75928 -47.07001 
+L 365.84892 -46.905258 
+L 365.93856 -46.91302 
+L 366.0282 -46.917899 
+L 366.11784 -46.92082 
+L 366.20748 -46.91802 
+L 366.29712 -46.97783 
+L 366.38676 -46.928969 
+L 366.4764 -46.921665 
+L 366.56604 -46.926219 
+L 366.65568 -46.92746 
+L 366.74532 -46.952195 
+L 366.83496 -46.869535 
+L 366.9246 -46.924902 
+L 367.01424 -46.931555 
+L 367.10388 -46.922621 
+L 367.19352 -46.908863 
+L 367.28316 -46.897928 
+L 367.3728 -46.893988 
+L 367.46244 -46.900639 
+L 367.55208 -46.893851 
+L 367.64172 -46.898166 
+L 367.73136 -46.902209 
+L 367.821 -46.907914 
+L 367.91064 -46.909596 
+L 368.00028 -46.963698 
+L 368.08992 -46.928577 
+L 368.17956 -46.92096 
+L 368.2692 -46.914688 
+L 368.35884 -46.899891 
+L 368.44848 -46.89013 
+L 368.53812 -46.896732 
+L 368.62776 -47.06928 
+L 368.7174 -46.902958 
+L 368.80704 -46.914958 
+L 368.89668 -46.930979 
+L 368.98632 -46.93109 
+L 369.07596 -46.926901 
+L 369.1656 -46.907446 
+L 369.25524 -46.877364 
+L 369.34488 -46.869254 
+L 369.43452 -46.864266 
+L 369.52416 -46.858163 
+L 369.6138 -46.844803 
+L 369.70344 -46.842469 
+L 369.79308 -46.906707 
+L 369.88272 -46.839026 
+L 369.97236 -46.836879 
+L 370.062 -46.842861 
+L 370.15164 -46.80084 
+L 370.24128 -46.824923 
+L 370.33092 -46.829571 
+L 370.42056 -46.843601 
+L 370.5102 -46.842605 
+L 370.59984 -46.855648 
+L 370.68948 -46.860234 
+L 370.77912 -46.866331 
+L 370.86876 -46.874218 
+L 370.9584 -46.959269 
+L 371.04804 -46.880005 
+L 371.13768 -46.882255 
+L 371.22732 -46.883735 
+L 371.31696 -46.889458 
+L 371.4066 -46.890051 
+L 371.49624 -46.889192 
+L 371.58588 -46.880295 
+L 371.67552 -46.862745 
+L 371.76516 -48.725792 
+L 371.8548 -46.853354 
+L 371.94444 -46.822392 
+L 372.03408 -46.814924 
+L 372.12372 -46.813284 
+L 372.21336 -46.81317 
+L 372.303 -46.885104 
+L 372.39264 -46.82104 
+L 372.48228 -46.823877 
+L 372.57192 -46.837114 
+L 372.66156 -46.83845 
+L 372.7512 -46.843723 
+L 372.84084 -46.828957 
+L 372.93048 -46.853275 
+L 373.02012 -46.836981 
+L 373.10976 -46.829005 
+L 373.1994 -46.821383 
+L 373.28904 -46.819312 
+L 373.37868 -46.894716 
+L 373.46832 -46.81434 
+L 373.55796 -46.82483 
+L 373.6476 -46.828183 
+L 373.73724 -46.839859 
+L 373.82688 -46.824779 
+L 373.91652 -46.8296 
+L 374.00616 -46.824557 
+L 374.0958 -46.816802 
+L 374.18544 -46.819131 
+L 374.27508 -46.806221 
+L 374.36472 -46.838845 
+L 374.45436 -46.853067 
+L 374.544 -46.864337 
+L 374.63364 -46.872958 
+L 374.72328 -46.867586 
+L 374.81292 -46.846379 
+L 374.90256 -46.836191 
+L 374.9922 -46.838641 
+L 375.08184 -46.85506 
+L 375.17148 -46.838807 
+L 375.26112 -46.957236 
+L 375.35076 -46.872636 
+L 375.4404 -46.899577 
+L 375.53004 -46.910835 
+L 375.61968 -46.905217 
+L 375.70932 -46.891576 
+L 375.79896 -46.876086 
+L 375.8886 -46.867349 
+L 375.97824 -46.86729 
+L 376.06788 -46.869024 
+L 376.15752 -46.871483 
+L 376.24716 -46.884809 
+L 376.3368 -46.872306 
+L 376.42644 -46.875736 
+L 376.51608 -46.868436 
+L 376.60572 -46.862608 
+L 376.69536 -46.852031 
+L 376.785 -46.843327 
+L 376.87464 -46.836209 
+L 376.96428 -46.944291 
+L 377.05392 -46.842442 
+L 377.14356 -46.854448 
+L 377.2332 -46.887266 
+L 377.32284 -46.902353 
+L 377.41248 -46.915487 
+L 377.50212 -46.921223 
+L 377.59176 -46.908181 
+L 377.6814 -46.897077 
+L 377.77104 -46.887945 
+L 377.86068 -46.881908 
+L 377.95032 -46.886026 
+L 378.03996 -46.924143 
+L 378.1296 -46.922554 
+L 378.21924 -46.92946 
+L 378.30888 -46.94802 
+L 378.39852 -46.934703 
+L 378.48816 -46.922833 
+L 378.5778 -46.911324 
+L 378.66744 -46.902072 
+L 378.75708 -46.880646 
+L 378.84672 -46.888604 
+L 378.93636 -46.881831 
+L 379.026 -46.886208 
+L 379.11564 -46.890083 
+L 379.20528 -46.878103 
+L 379.29492 -46.934124 
+L 379.38456 -46.902206 
+L 379.4742 -46.889765 
+L 379.56384 -46.875761 
+L 379.65348 -46.85641 
+L 379.74312 -46.858316 
+L 379.83276 -46.864199 
+L 379.9224 -46.867904 
+L 380.01204 -46.868998 
+L 380.10168 -47.047989 
+L 380.19132 -46.879794 
+L 380.28096 -46.881384 
+L 380.3706 -46.889366 
+L 380.46024 -46.888659 
+L 380.54988 -47.010479 
+L 380.63952 -46.924663 
+L 380.72916 -46.91674 
+L 380.8188 -46.881101 
+L 380.90844 -46.894318 
+L 380.99808 -46.899309 
+L 381.08772 -46.907909 
+L 381.17736 -46.932714 
+L 381.267 -46.971823 
+L 381.35664 -46.928341 
+L 381.44628 -46.946454 
+L 381.53592 -46.948368 
+L 381.62556 -46.943452 
+L 381.7152 -46.930225 
+L 381.80484 -46.925041 
+L 381.89448 -46.872373 
+L 381.98412 -46.899357 
+L 382.07376 -46.932949 
+L 382.1634 -46.920584 
+L 382.25304 -46.920108 
+L 382.34268 -46.923745 
+L 382.43232 -46.941447 
+L 382.52196 -46.939279 
+L 382.6116 -46.938255 
+L 382.70124 -46.947348 
+L 382.79088 -46.950421 
+L 382.88052 -46.983049 
+L 382.97016 -46.953699 
+L 383.0598 -46.934272 
+L 383.14944 -46.923868 
+L 383.23908 -46.900104 
+L 383.32872 -46.894556 
+L 383.41836 -46.872684 
+L 383.508 -46.882081 
+L 383.59764 -46.88979 
+L 383.68728 -46.910583 
+L 383.77692 -46.90182 
+L 383.86656 -46.888618 
+L 383.9562 -46.876863 
+L 384.04584 -46.858479 
+L 384.13548 -46.855023 
+L 384.22512 -46.76257 
+L 384.31476 -46.817528 
+L 384.4044 -46.818551 
+L 384.49404 -46.827702 
+L 384.58368 -46.841265 
+L 384.67332 -46.831509 
+L 384.76296 -46.835585 
+L 384.8526 -46.838999 
+L 384.94224 -46.833419 
+L 385.03188 -46.869091 
+L 385.12152 -46.837754 
+L 385.21116 -46.830954 
+L 385.3008 -46.821868 
+L 385.39044 -46.818188 
+L 385.48008 -46.82005 
+L 385.56972 -46.788371 
+L 385.65936 -46.82104 
+L 385.749 -46.831729 
+L 385.83864 -46.874002 
+L 385.92828 -46.838225 
+L 386.01792 -46.832989 
+L 386.10756 -46.819298 
+L 386.1972 -46.791 
+L 386.28684 -46.766473 
+L 386.37648 -46.76261 
+L 386.46612 -46.766249 
+L 386.55576 -46.763515 
+L 386.6454 -46.750372 
+L 386.73504 -46.779968 
+L 386.82468 -46.7628 
+L 386.91432 -46.750932 
+L 387.00396 -46.747613 
+L 387.0936 -46.756976 
+L 387.18324 -46.755982 
+L 387.27288 -46.760976 
+L 387.36252 -46.770508 
+L 387.45216 -46.774777 
+L 387.5418 -46.77685 
+L 387.63144 -46.779326 
+L 387.72108 -46.780892 
+L 387.81072 -46.778358 
+L 387.90036 -46.780343 
+L 387.99 -46.777238 
+L 388.07964 -46.819476 
+L 388.16928 -46.790804 
+L 388.25892 -46.786315 
+L 388.34856 -46.783617 
+L 388.4382 -46.792367 
+L 388.52784 -46.796725 
+L 388.61748 -46.791063 
+L 388.70712 -46.91734 
+L 388.79676 -46.792121 
+L 388.8864 -46.788607 
+L 388.97604 -46.787076 
+L 389.06568 -46.714179 
+L 389.15532 -46.756288 
+L 389.24496 -46.761665 
+L 389.3346 -46.767687 
+L 389.42424 -46.767762 
+L 389.51388 -46.765362 
+L 389.60352 -46.771572 
+L 389.69316 -46.772199 
+L 389.7828 -46.76981 
+L 389.87244 -46.765874 
+L 389.96208 -46.764533 
+L 390.05172 -46.759898 
+L 390.14136 -46.761159 
+L 390.231 -46.76261 
+L 390.32064 -46.838811 
+L 390.41028 -46.785692 
+L 390.49992 -46.789033 
+L 390.58956 -46.807391 
+L 390.6792 -46.816139 
+L 390.76884 -46.815673 
+L 390.85848 -46.815127 
+L 390.94812 -46.812392 
+L 391.03776 -46.817052 
+L 391.1274 -46.81183 
+L 391.21704 -46.811482 
+L 391.30668 -46.809436 
+L 391.39632 -46.795221 
+L 391.48596 -46.820789 
+L 391.5756 -46.802059 
+L 391.66524 -46.809769 
+L 391.75488 -46.812916 
+L 391.84452 -46.81868 
+L 391.93416 -46.809702 
+L 392.0238 -46.785426 
+L 392.11344 -46.765104 
+L 392.20308 -46.723449 
+L 392.29272 -46.723944 
+L 392.38236 -46.725944 
+L 392.472 -46.729199 
+L 392.56164 -46.736121 
+L 392.65128 -46.749329 
+L 392.74092 -46.753467 
+L 392.83056 -46.748357 
+L 392.9202 -46.762861 
+L 393.00984 -46.764053 
+L 393.09948 -46.760768 
+L 393.18912 -46.770595 
+L 393.27876 -46.86673 
+L 393.3684 -46.785937 
+L 393.45804 -46.797203 
+L 393.54768 -46.79897 
+L 393.63732 -46.791239 
+L 393.63732 -139.390798 
+L 393.63732 -139.390798 
+L 393.54768 -139.391763 
+L 393.45804 -139.394628 
+L 393.3684 -139.390588 
+L 393.27876 -139.391582 
+L 393.18912 -139.393867 
+L 393.09948 -139.392285 
+L 393.00984 -139.393995 
+L 392.9202 -139.388637 
+L 392.83056 -139.388586 
+L 392.74092 -139.393145 
+L 392.65128 -139.387986 
+L 392.56164 -139.390803 
+L 392.472 -139.3937 
+L 392.38236 -139.387853 
+L 392.29272 -139.392059 
+L 392.20308 -139.388971 
+L 392.11344 -139.394888 
+L 392.0238 -139.391897 
+L 391.93416 -139.387695 
+L 391.84452 -139.392524 
+L 391.75488 -139.39399 
+L 391.66524 -139.39187 
+L 391.5756 -139.395005 
+L 391.48596 -139.389955 
+L 391.39632 -139.387636 
+L 391.30668 -139.390978 
+L 391.21704 -139.394054 
+L 391.1274 -139.392847 
+L 391.03776 -139.395484 
+L 390.94812 -139.38927 
+L 390.85848 -139.395621 
+L 390.76884 -139.390999 
+L 390.6792 -139.389912 
+L 390.58956 -139.393564 
+L 390.49992 -139.388638 
+L 390.41028 -139.388913 
+L 390.32064 -139.388819 
+L 390.231 -139.395801 
+L 390.14136 -139.395381 
+L 390.05172 -139.391535 
+L 389.96208 -139.394618 
+L 389.87244 -139.393374 
+L 389.7828 -139.392142 
+L 389.69316 -139.389364 
+L 389.60352 -139.394937 
+L 389.51388 -139.392343 
+L 389.42424 -139.395776 
+L 389.3346 -139.392085 
+L 389.24496 -139.387095 
+L 389.15532 -139.388951 
+L 389.06568 -139.392304 
+L 388.97604 -139.389263 
+L 388.8864 -139.396481 
+L 388.79676 -139.38709 
+L 388.70712 -139.396118 
+L 388.61748 -139.392229 
+L 388.52784 -139.387569 
+L 388.4382 -139.386829 
+L 388.34856 -139.390473 
+L 388.25892 -139.394207 
+L 388.16928 -139.388377 
+L 388.07964 -139.395377 
+L 387.99 -139.393402 
+L 387.90036 -139.392385 
+L 387.81072 -139.392476 
+L 387.72108 -139.39089 
+L 387.63144 -139.387785 
+L 387.5418 -139.388926 
+L 387.45216 -139.39305 
+L 387.36252 -139.394977 
+L 387.27288 -139.391641 
+L 387.18324 -139.395422 
+L 387.0936 -139.38868 
+L 387.00396 -139.394288 
+L 386.91432 -139.39245 
+L 386.82468 -139.38781 
+L 386.73504 -139.391049 
+L 386.6454 -139.390351 
+L 386.55576 -139.394223 
+L 386.46612 -139.389225 
+L 386.37648 -139.395399 
+L 386.28684 -139.395151 
+L 386.1972 -139.391833 
+L 386.10756 -139.393338 
+L 386.01792 -139.396734 
+L 385.92828 -139.387577 
+L 385.83864 -139.395641 
+L 385.749 -139.397085 
+L 385.65936 -139.391061 
+L 385.56972 -139.392973 
+L 385.48008 -139.390642 
+L 385.39044 -139.389827 
+L 385.3008 -139.388364 
+L 385.21116 -139.392308 
+L 385.12152 -139.393966 
+L 385.03188 -139.390843 
+L 384.94224 -139.38706 
+L 384.8526 -139.39626 
+L 384.76296 -139.394945 
+L 384.67332 -139.389349 
+L 384.58368 -139.391396 
+L 384.49404 -139.395353 
+L 384.4044 -139.391922 
+L 384.31476 -139.393002 
+L 384.22512 -139.39564 
+L 384.13548 -139.391381 
+L 384.04584 -139.389242 
+L 383.9562 -139.389661 
+L 383.86656 -139.39372 
+L 383.77692 -139.390473 
+L 383.68728 -139.394107 
+L 383.59764 -139.391873 
+L 383.508 -139.388843 
+L 383.41836 -139.393932 
+L 383.32872 -139.393789 
+L 383.23908 -139.388645 
+L 383.14944 -139.389357 
+L 383.0598 -139.392079 
+L 382.97016 -139.392525 
+L 382.88052 -139.395222 
+L 382.79088 -139.395633 
+L 382.70124 -139.389576 
+L 382.6116 -139.391355 
+L 382.52196 -139.393445 
+L 382.43232 -139.393055 
+L 382.34268 -139.392406 
+L 382.25304 -139.387279 
+L 382.1634 -139.393936 
+L 382.07376 -139.387337 
+L 381.98412 -139.389762 
+L 381.89448 -139.393683 
+L 381.80484 -139.387746 
+L 381.7152 -139.387401 
+L 381.62556 -139.394033 
+L 381.53592 -139.390875 
+L 381.44628 -139.387479 
+L 381.35664 -139.391526 
+L 381.267 -139.39297 
+L 381.17736 -139.393345 
+L 381.08772 -139.389219 
+L 380.99808 -139.394047 
+L 380.90844 -139.390128 
+L 380.8188 -139.392483 
+L 380.72916 -139.391725 
+L 380.63952 -139.391593 
+L 380.54988 -139.390073 
+L 380.46024 -139.395199 
+L 380.3706 -139.395105 
+L 380.28096 -139.388877 
+L 380.19132 -139.394539 
+L 380.10168 -139.395509 
+L 380.01204 -139.396094 
+L 379.9224 -139.393528 
+L 379.83276 -139.38835 
+L 379.74312 -139.390798 
+L 379.65348 -139.393596 
+L 379.56384 -139.387858 
+L 379.4742 -139.395299 
+L 379.38456 -139.388834 
+L 379.29492 -139.394215 
+L 379.20528 -139.395599 
+L 379.11564 -139.392301 
+L 379.026 -139.392054 
+L 378.93636 -139.392385 
+L 378.84672 -139.391142 
+L 378.75708 -139.389685 
+L 378.66744 -139.395516 
+L 378.5778 -139.393135 
+L 378.48816 -139.389389 
+L 378.39852 -139.393265 
+L 378.30888 -139.396054 
+L 378.21924 -139.393461 
+L 378.1296 -139.391273 
+L 378.03996 -139.388871 
+L 377.95032 -139.393935 
+L 377.86068 -139.390544 
+L 377.77104 -139.393682 
+L 377.6814 -139.392658 
+L 377.59176 -139.395793 
+L 377.50212 -139.39545 
+L 377.41248 -139.388969 
+L 377.32284 -139.396172 
+L 377.2332 -139.390533 
+L 377.14356 -139.390733 
+L 377.05392 -139.394342 
+L 376.96428 -139.394562 
+L 376.87464 -139.390299 
+L 376.785 -139.388033 
+L 376.69536 -139.393865 
+L 376.60572 -139.388147 
+L 376.51608 -139.391442 
+L 376.42644 -139.396209 
+L 376.3368 -139.391346 
+L 376.24716 -139.395924 
+L 376.15752 -139.388102 
+L 376.06788 -139.396538 
+L 375.97824 -139.388317 
+L 375.8886 -139.394537 
+L 375.79896 -139.395687 
+L 375.70932 -139.391268 
+L 375.61968 -139.394796 
+L 375.53004 -139.393936 
+L 375.4404 -139.388522 
+L 375.35076 -139.392062 
+L 375.26112 -139.388904 
+L 375.17148 -139.392664 
+L 375.08184 -139.393442 
+L 374.9922 -139.389654 
+L 374.90256 -139.395262 
+L 374.81292 -139.38888 
+L 374.72328 -139.391001 
+L 374.63364 -139.391326 
+L 374.544 -139.389973 
+L 374.45436 -139.391016 
+L 374.36472 -139.396376 
+L 374.27508 -139.39282 
+L 374.18544 -139.38807 
+L 374.0958 -139.396642 
+L 374.00616 -139.392902 
+L 373.91652 -139.394015 
+L 373.82688 -139.392535 
+L 373.73724 -139.394191 
+L 373.6476 -139.392013 
+L 373.55796 -139.395929 
+L 373.46832 -139.390189 
+L 373.37868 -139.393099 
+L 373.28904 -139.392641 
+L 373.1994 -139.390789 
+L 373.10976 -139.388336 
+L 373.02012 -139.391275 
+L 372.93048 -139.39498 
+L 372.84084 -139.389121 
+L 372.7512 -139.392417 
+L 372.66156 -139.389381 
+L 372.57192 -139.391681 
+L 372.48228 -139.392986 
+L 372.39264 -139.388752 
+L 372.303 -139.389098 
+L 372.21336 -139.395701 
+L 372.12372 -139.390783 
+L 372.03408 -139.389907 
+L 371.94444 -139.387312 
+L 371.8548 -139.393126 
+L 371.76516 -139.391936 
+L 371.67552 -139.394975 
+L 371.58588 -139.39553 
+L 371.49624 -139.39023 
+L 371.4066 -139.390834 
+L 371.31696 -139.391369 
+L 371.22732 -139.39543 
+L 371.13768 -139.390059 
+L 371.04804 -139.391196 
+L 370.9584 -139.391625 
+L 370.86876 -139.389046 
+L 370.77912 -139.392072 
+L 370.68948 -139.393251 
+L 370.59984 -139.389794 
+L 370.5102 -139.390172 
+L 370.42056 -139.387283 
+L 370.33092 -139.390312 
+L 370.24128 -139.395447 
+L 370.15164 -139.388423 
+L 370.062 -139.388558 
+L 369.97236 -139.387345 
+L 369.88272 -139.391755 
+L 369.79308 -139.394088 
+L 369.70344 -139.392451 
+L 369.6138 -139.391567 
+L 369.52416 -139.394449 
+L 369.43452 -139.392818 
+L 369.34488 -139.392578 
+L 369.25524 -139.389325 
+L 369.1656 -139.39691 
+L 369.07596 -139.391382 
+L 368.98632 -139.391719 
+L 368.89668 -139.392752 
+L 368.80704 -139.395145 
+L 368.7174 -139.387721 
+L 368.62776 -139.394182 
+L 368.53812 -139.388776 
+L 368.44848 -139.394978 
+L 368.35884 -139.388029 
+L 368.2692 -139.394962 
+L 368.17956 -139.391269 
+L 368.08992 -139.388922 
+L 368.00028 -139.391858 
+L 367.91064 -139.390832 
+L 367.821 -139.387811 
+L 367.73136 -139.394372 
+L 367.64172 -139.387839 
+L 367.55208 -139.389657 
+L 367.46244 -139.393954 
+L 367.3728 -139.390945 
+L 367.28316 -139.391056 
+L 367.19352 -139.392031 
+L 367.10388 -139.390852 
+L 367.01424 -139.388499 
+L 366.9246 -139.392599 
+L 366.83496 -139.394188 
+L 366.74532 -139.395195 
+L 366.65568 -139.393479 
+L 366.56604 -139.395881 
+L 366.4764 -139.392485 
+L 366.38676 -139.392331 
+L 366.29712 -139.394148 
+L 366.20748 -139.392145 
+L 366.11784 -139.391135 
+L 366.0282 -139.395502 
+L 365.93856 -139.389298 
+L 365.84892 -139.396113 
+L 365.75928 -139.395765 
+L 365.66964 -139.393062 
+L 365.58 -139.390254 
+L 365.49036 -139.388324 
+L 365.40072 -139.392085 
+L 365.31108 -139.386795 
+L 365.22144 -139.387571 
+L 365.1318 -139.393447 
+L 365.04216 -139.395755 
+L 364.95252 -139.38764 
+L 364.86288 -139.396523 
+L 364.77324 -139.394999 
+L 364.6836 -139.394951 
+L 364.59396 -139.391402 
+L 364.50432 -139.395828 
+L 364.41468 -139.391285 
+L 364.32504 -139.395969 
+L 364.2354 -139.395479 
+L 364.14576 -139.395079 
+L 364.05612 -139.396265 
+L 363.96648 -139.390555 
+L 363.87684 -139.392848 
+L 363.7872 -139.390393 
+L 363.69756 -139.389238 
+L 363.60792 -139.392663 
+L 363.51828 -139.387815 
+L 363.42864 -139.389891 
+L 363.339 -139.388322 
+L 363.24936 -139.39547 
+L 363.15972 -139.390247 
+L 363.07008 -139.390812 
+L 362.98044 -139.392759 
+L 362.8908 -139.389977 
+L 362.80116 -139.389404 
+L 362.71152 -139.392587 
+L 362.62188 -139.390776 
+L 362.53224 -139.391304 
+L 362.4426 -139.39585 
+L 362.35296 -139.390137 
+L 362.26332 -139.394996 
+L 362.17368 -139.395098 
+L 362.08404 -139.390747 
+L 361.9944 -139.397043 
+L 361.90476 -139.392749 
+L 361.81512 -139.390664 
+L 361.72548 -139.394067 
+L 361.63584 -139.389651 
+L 361.5462 -139.39579 
+L 361.45656 -139.3942 
+L 361.36692 -139.387413 
+L 361.27728 -139.394248 
+L 361.18764 -139.387215 
+L 361.098 -139.391079 
+L 361.00836 -139.387878 
+L 360.91872 -139.395909 
+L 360.82908 -139.391841 
+L 360.73944 -139.390147 
+L 360.6498 -139.3959 
+L 360.56016 -139.390861 
+L 360.47052 -139.388314 
+L 360.38088 -139.393067 
+L 360.29124 -139.392172 
+L 360.2016 -139.393774 
+L 360.11196 -139.394995 
+L 360.02232 -139.390705 
+L 359.93268 -139.38933 
+L 359.84304 -139.393048 
+L 359.7534 -139.395766 
+L 359.66376 -139.396494 
+L 359.57412 -139.390497 
+L 359.48448 -139.395751 
+L 359.39484 -139.394767 
+L 359.3052 -139.393906 
+L 359.21556 -139.390429 
+L 359.12592 -139.387584 
+L 359.03628 -139.396983 
+L 358.94664 -139.394031 
+L 358.857 -139.39173 
+L 358.76736 -139.389576 
+L 358.67772 -139.392602 
+L 358.58808 -139.394938 
+L 358.49844 -139.392503 
+L 358.4088 -139.392388 
+L 358.31916 -139.391895 
+L 358.22952 -139.393125 
+L 358.13988 -139.391388 
+L 358.05024 -139.388668 
+L 357.9606 -139.39138 
+L 357.87096 -139.391692 
+L 357.78132 -139.39461 
+L 357.69168 -139.390999 
+L 357.60204 -139.394951 
+L 357.5124 -139.389828 
+L 357.42276 -139.394065 
+L 357.33312 -139.391365 
+L 357.24348 -139.392877 
+L 357.15384 -139.390057 
+L 357.0642 -139.392365 
+L 356.97456 -139.394325 
+L 356.88492 -139.392528 
+L 356.79528 -139.395174 
+L 356.70564 -139.391051 
+L 356.616 -139.388883 
+L 356.52636 -139.394002 
+L 356.43672 -139.38698 
+L 356.34708 -139.390183 
+L 356.25744 -139.395613 
+L 356.1678 -139.392791 
+L 356.07816 -139.391734 
+L 355.98852 -139.394649 
+L 355.89888 -139.388977 
+L 355.80924 -139.387085 
+L 355.7196 -139.392826 
+L 355.62996 -139.389372 
+L 355.54032 -139.393375 
+L 355.45068 -139.390798 
+L 355.36104 -139.391552 
+L 355.2714 -139.395423 
+L 355.18176 -139.396266 
+L 355.09212 -139.391113 
+L 355.00248 -139.388604 
+L 354.91284 -139.388889 
+L 354.8232 -139.391689 
+L 354.73356 -139.389632 
+L 354.64392 -139.389306 
+L 354.55428 -139.392947 
+L 354.46464 -139.394255 
+L 354.375 -139.393579 
+L 354.28536 -139.391149 
+L 354.19572 -139.388059 
+L 354.10608 -139.393962 
+L 354.01644 -139.393859 
+L 353.9268 -139.392189 
+L 353.83716 -139.390446 
+L 353.74752 -139.39161 
+L 353.65788 -139.387052 
+L 353.56824 -139.395752 
+L 353.4786 -139.393383 
+L 353.38896 -139.394443 
+L 353.29932 -139.393607 
+L 353.20968 -139.395195 
+L 353.12004 -139.390138 
+L 353.0304 -139.393514 
+L 352.94076 -139.39261 
+L 352.85112 -139.392859 
+L 352.76148 -139.388637 
+L 352.67184 -139.387446 
+L 352.5822 -139.392455 
+L 352.49256 -139.390619 
+L 352.40292 -139.393841 
+L 352.31328 -139.389858 
+L 352.22364 -139.389227 
+L 352.134 -139.392821 
+L 352.04436 -139.386788 
+L 351.95472 -139.38967 
+L 351.86508 -139.393688 
+L 351.77544 -139.391767 
+L 351.6858 -139.392658 
+L 351.59616 -139.392262 
+L 351.50652 -139.390544 
+L 351.41688 -139.389802 
+L 351.32724 -139.39298 
+L 351.2376 -139.390319 
+L 351.14796 -139.39534 
+L 351.05832 -139.392668 
+L 350.96868 -139.393442 
+L 350.87904 -139.394804 
+L 350.7894 -139.391236 
+L 350.69976 -139.393331 
+L 350.61012 -139.388974 
+L 350.52048 -139.394493 
+L 350.43084 -139.390707 
+L 350.3412 -139.391723 
+L 350.25156 -139.393191 
+L 350.16192 -139.395883 
+L 350.07228 -139.390226 
+L 349.98264 -139.395913 
+L 349.893 -139.392914 
+L 349.80336 -139.389631 
+L 349.71372 -139.387588 
+L 349.62408 -139.390505 
+L 349.53444 -139.387667 
+L 349.4448 -139.387265 
+L 349.35516 -139.39173 
+L 349.26552 -139.389184 
+L 349.17588 -139.393648 
+L 349.08624 -139.395522 
+L 348.9966 -139.391028 
+L 348.90696 -139.387366 
+L 348.81732 -139.389939 
+L 348.72768 -139.387551 
+L 348.63804 -139.395803 
+L 348.5484 -139.389169 
+L 348.45876 -139.392679 
+L 348.36912 -139.39305 
+L 348.27948 -139.39315 
+L 348.18984 -139.394889 
+L 348.1002 -139.395396 
+L 348.01056 -139.390769 
+L 347.92092 -139.395446 
+L 347.83128 -139.387828 
+L 347.74164 -139.396193 
+L 347.652 -139.393825 
+L 347.56236 -139.395678 
+L 347.47272 -139.389331 
+L 347.38308 -139.392526 
+L 347.29344 -139.391124 
+L 347.2038 -139.395293 
+L 347.11416 -139.393069 
+L 347.02452 -139.391481 
+L 346.93488 -139.394473 
+L 346.84524 -139.396167 
+L 346.7556 -139.388239 
+L 346.66596 -139.395768 
+L 346.57632 -139.388072 
+L 346.48668 -139.387673 
+L 346.39704 -139.392499 
+L 346.3074 -139.395015 
+L 346.21776 -139.392564 
+L 346.12812 -139.388581 
+L 346.03848 -139.39291 
+L 345.94884 -139.395189 
+L 345.8592 -139.391634 
+L 345.76956 -139.392674 
+L 345.67992 -139.389749 
+L 345.59028 -139.387845 
+L 345.50064 -139.395558 
+L 345.411 -139.390677 
+L 345.32136 -139.388735 
+L 345.23172 -139.388718 
+L 345.14208 -139.393334 
+L 345.05244 -139.39403 
+L 344.9628 -139.390687 
+L 344.87316 -139.391225 
+L 344.78352 -139.395659 
+L 344.69388 -139.393999 
+L 344.60424 -139.388536 
+L 344.5146 -139.387312 
+L 344.42496 -139.389011 
+L 344.33532 -139.390899 
+L 344.24568 -139.390978 
+L 344.15604 -139.393052 
+L 344.0664 -139.392105 
+L 343.97676 -139.389769 
+L 343.88712 -139.38803 
+L 343.79748 -139.395422 
+L 343.70784 -139.391259 
+L 343.6182 -139.39175 
+L 343.52856 -139.395481 
+L 343.43892 -139.393253 
+L 343.34928 -139.396413 
+L 343.25964 -139.391084 
+L 343.17 -139.394236 
+L 343.08036 -139.387262 
+L 342.99072 -139.392373 
+L 342.90108 -139.394591 
+L 342.81144 -139.392745 
+L 342.7218 -139.38912 
+L 342.63216 -139.389234 
+L 342.54252 -139.390091 
+L 342.45288 -139.38875 
+L 342.36324 -139.39186 
+L 342.2736 -139.38887 
+L 342.18396 -139.392119 
+L 342.09432 -139.393913 
+L 342.00468 -139.393953 
+L 341.91504 -139.393753 
+L 341.8254 -139.391903 
+L 341.73576 -139.391234 
+L 341.64612 -139.394903 
+L 341.55648 -139.390205 
+L 341.46684 -139.391408 
+L 341.3772 -139.393579 
+L 341.28756 -139.393078 
+L 341.19792 -139.391425 
+L 341.10828 -139.390185 
+L 341.01864 -139.390015 
+L 340.929 -139.38961 
+L 340.83936 -139.393736 
+L 340.74972 -139.394607 
+L 340.66008 -139.396188 
+L 340.57044 -139.392811 
+L 340.4808 -139.39162 
+L 340.39116 -139.389597 
+L 340.30152 -139.395965 
+L 340.21188 -139.388409 
+L 340.12224 -139.393868 
+L 340.0326 -139.388837 
+L 339.94296 -139.395458 
+L 339.85332 -139.386709 
+L 339.76368 -139.3958 
+L 339.67404 -139.395653 
+L 339.5844 -139.394605 
+L 339.49476 -139.395288 
+L 339.40512 -139.391209 
+L 339.31548 -139.394763 
+L 339.22584 -139.390056 
+L 339.1362 -139.395444 
+L 339.04656 -139.392172 
+L 338.95692 -139.386922 
+L 338.86728 -139.394442 
+L 338.77764 -139.39393 
+L 338.688 -139.393935 
+L 338.59836 -139.393429 
+L 338.50872 -139.390952 
+L 338.41908 -139.391067 
+L 338.32944 -139.38895 
+L 338.2398 -139.38903 
+L 338.15016 -139.39185 
+L 338.06052 -139.391803 
+L 337.97088 -139.392116 
+L 337.88124 -139.388945 
+L 337.7916 -139.39648 
+L 337.70196 -139.392023 
+L 337.61232 -139.388395 
+L 337.52268 -139.389949 
+L 337.43304 -139.391722 
+L 337.3434 -139.389324 
+L 337.25376 -139.389165 
+L 337.16412 -139.390928 
+L 337.07448 -139.390757 
+L 336.98484 -139.395241 
+L 336.8952 -139.396531 
+L 336.80556 -139.394322 
+L 336.71592 -139.395097 
+L 336.62628 -139.394843 
+L 336.53664 -139.392468 
+L 336.447 -139.392254 
+L 336.35736 -139.393067 
+L 336.26772 -139.393972 
+L 336.17808 -139.392358 
+L 336.08844 -139.390225 
+L 335.9988 -139.390132 
+L 335.90916 -139.39542 
+L 335.81952 -139.388797 
+L 335.72988 -139.395393 
+L 335.64024 -139.388145 
+L 335.5506 -139.395222 
+L 335.46096 -139.393608 
+L 335.37132 -139.396651 
+L 335.28168 -139.389007 
+L 335.19204 -139.388581 
+L 335.1024 -139.394891 
+L 335.01276 -139.395746 
+L 334.92312 -139.393916 
+L 334.83348 -139.394651 
+L 334.74384 -139.393112 
+L 334.6542 -139.390162 
+L 334.56456 -139.390878 
+L 334.47492 -139.391993 
+L 334.38528 -139.390968 
+L 334.29564 -139.391137 
+L 334.206 -139.389643 
+L 334.11636 -139.389107 
+L 334.02672 -139.388957 
+L 333.93708 -139.38914 
+L 333.84744 -139.392396 
+L 333.7578 -139.395957 
+L 333.66816 -139.39481 
+L 333.57852 -139.388423 
+L 333.48888 -139.393353 
+L 333.39924 -139.38833 
+L 333.3096 -139.390358 
+L 333.21996 -139.389358 
+L 333.13032 -139.39557 
+L 333.04068 -139.391975 
+L 332.95104 -139.39346 
+L 332.8614 -139.395249 
+L 332.77176 -139.389089 
+L 332.68212 -139.390863 
+L 332.59248 -139.390818 
+L 332.50284 -139.394252 
+L 332.4132 -139.391812 
+L 332.32356 -139.392513 
+L 332.23392 -139.39145 
+L 332.14428 -139.39268 
+L 332.05464 -139.391502 
+L 331.965 -139.388872 
+L 331.87536 -139.391468 
+L 331.78572 -139.393168 
+L 331.69608 -139.393078 
+L 331.60644 -139.389824 
+L 331.5168 -139.393154 
+L 331.42716 -139.38867 
+L 331.33752 -139.390899 
+L 331.24788 -139.39026 
+L 331.15824 -139.388961 
+L 331.0686 -139.390987 
+L 330.97896 -139.39241 
+L 330.88932 -139.392551 
+L 330.79968 -139.39667 
+L 330.71004 -139.395179 
+L 330.6204 -139.394214 
+L 330.53076 -139.388756 
+L 330.44112 -139.390907 
+L 330.35148 -139.389621 
+L 330.26184 -139.394823 
+L 330.1722 -139.390215 
+L 330.08256 -139.391836 
+L 329.99292 -139.396671 
+L 329.90328 -139.396273 
+L 329.81364 -139.39221 
+L 329.724 -139.392507 
+L 329.63436 -139.391329 
+L 329.54472 -139.393484 
+L 329.45508 -139.390165 
+L 329.36544 -139.388348 
+L 329.2758 -139.390632 
+L 329.18616 -139.387718 
+L 329.09652 -139.396973 
+L 329.00688 -139.389837 
+L 328.91724 -139.389002 
+L 328.8276 -139.387049 
+L 328.73796 -139.389224 
+L 328.64832 -139.390606 
+L 328.55868 -139.390243 
+L 328.46904 -139.39149 
+L 328.3794 -139.391281 
+L 328.28976 -139.391543 
+L 328.20012 -139.389236 
+L 328.11048 -139.393757 
+L 328.02084 -139.389262 
+L 327.9312 -139.392575 
+L 327.84156 -139.395233 
+L 327.75192 -139.3945 
+L 327.66228 -139.390784 
+L 327.57264 -139.389567 
+L 327.483 -139.392307 
+L 327.39336 -139.389571 
+L 327.30372 -139.392081 
+L 327.21408 -139.394365 
+L 327.12444 -139.387849 
+L 327.0348 -139.388345 
+L 326.94516 -139.390238 
+L 326.85552 -139.388275 
+L 326.76588 -139.392399 
+L 326.67624 -139.390993 
+L 326.5866 -139.391628 
+L 326.49696 -139.389328 
+L 326.40732 -139.39339 
+L 326.31768 -139.391445 
+L 326.22804 -139.39537 
+L 326.1384 -139.391484 
+L 326.04876 -139.39374 
+L 325.95912 -139.391171 
+L 325.86948 -139.392945 
+L 325.77984 -139.394067 
+L 325.6902 -139.387346 
+L 325.60056 -139.392805 
+L 325.51092 -139.391155 
+L 325.42128 -139.388892 
+L 325.33164 -139.392765 
+L 325.242 -139.394908 
+L 325.15236 -139.392347 
+L 325.06272 -139.394365 
+L 324.97308 -139.388538 
+L 324.88344 -139.393459 
+L 324.7938 -139.389674 
+L 324.70416 -139.388003 
+L 324.61452 -139.394718 
+L 324.52488 -139.392413 
+L 324.43524 -139.388947 
+L 324.3456 -139.395378 
+L 324.25596 -139.392885 
+L 324.16632 -139.395555 
+L 324.07668 -139.39105 
+L 323.98704 -139.394523 
+L 323.8974 -139.394308 
+L 323.80776 -139.388942 
+L 323.71812 -139.390985 
+L 323.62848 -139.393601 
+L 323.53884 -139.393657 
+L 323.4492 -139.392166 
+L 323.35956 -139.392207 
+L 323.26992 -139.393612 
+L 323.18028 -139.391211 
+L 323.09064 -139.390374 
+L 323.001 -139.391071 
+L 322.91136 -139.387648 
+L 322.82172 -139.388439 
+L 322.73208 -139.389127 
+L 322.64244 -139.393735 
+L 322.5528 -139.391845 
+L 322.46316 -139.388961 
+L 322.37352 -139.390832 
+L 322.28388 -139.390303 
+L 322.19424 -139.39196 
+L 322.1046 -139.396148 
+L 322.01496 -139.390462 
+L 321.92532 -139.389484 
+L 321.83568 -139.389417 
+L 321.74604 -139.395881 
+L 321.6564 -139.390521 
+L 321.56676 -139.39349 
+L 321.47712 -139.389347 
+L 321.38748 -139.393575 
+L 321.29784 -139.390025 
+L 321.2082 -139.391773 
+L 321.11856 -139.393171 
+L 321.02892 -139.393996 
+L 320.93928 -139.391061 
+L 320.84964 -139.393525 
+L 320.76 -139.391727 
+L 320.67036 -139.395026 
+L 320.58072 -139.392283 
+L 320.49108 -139.390957 
+L 320.40144 -139.390838 
+L 320.3118 -139.389832 
+L 320.22216 -139.389858 
+L 320.13252 -139.389266 
+L 320.04288 -139.394271 
+L 319.95324 -139.394873 
+L 319.8636 -139.392895 
+L 319.77396 -139.387618 
+L 319.68432 -139.394889 
+L 319.59468 -139.39222 
+L 319.50504 -139.388843 
+L 319.4154 -139.395811 
+L 319.32576 -139.389676 
+L 319.23612 -139.390602 
+L 319.14648 -139.387578 
+L 319.05684 -139.389846 
+L 318.9672 -139.389146 
+L 318.87756 -139.393467 
+L 318.78792 -139.392012 
+L 318.69828 -139.39417 
+L 318.60864 -139.391205 
+L 318.519 -139.389354 
+L 318.42936 -139.39314 
+L 318.33972 -139.389872 
+L 318.25008 -139.390633 
+L 318.16044 -139.39442 
+L 318.0708 -139.394119 
+L 317.98116 -139.393275 
+L 317.89152 -139.389869 
+L 317.80188 -139.390316 
+L 317.71224 -139.391699 
+L 317.6226 -139.395317 
+L 317.53296 -139.393342 
+L 317.44332 -139.388285 
+L 317.35368 -139.393416 
+L 317.26404 -139.394104 
+L 317.1744 -139.390668 
+L 317.08476 -139.388181 
+L 316.99512 -139.393869 
+L 316.90548 -139.393603 
+L 316.81584 -139.389734 
+L 316.7262 -139.392556 
+L 316.63656 -139.393328 
+L 316.54692 -139.39258 
+L 316.45728 -139.390605 
+L 316.36764 -139.388572 
+L 316.278 -139.395459 
+L 316.18836 -139.389594 
+L 316.09872 -139.387243 
+L 316.00908 -139.390124 
+L 315.91944 -139.389505 
+L 315.8298 -139.395611 
+L 315.74016 -139.3953 
+L 315.65052 -139.395497 
+L 315.56088 -139.390002 
+L 315.47124 -139.392004 
+L 315.3816 -139.39216 
+L 315.29196 -139.390241 
+L 315.20232 -139.393742 
+L 315.11268 -139.395717 
+L 315.02304 -139.39289 
+L 314.9334 -139.393754 
+L 314.84376 -139.393988 
+L 314.75412 -139.388454 
+L 314.66448 -139.387912 
+L 314.57484 -139.389042 
+L 314.4852 -139.389127 
+L 314.39556 -139.388818 
+L 314.30592 -139.394978 
+L 314.21628 -139.393014 
+L 314.12664 -139.389625 
+L 314.037 -139.391461 
+L 313.94736 -139.393407 
+L 313.85772 -139.390238 
+L 313.76808 -139.390451 
+L 313.67844 -139.396855 
+L 313.5888 -139.393535 
+L 313.49916 -139.392171 
+L 313.40952 -139.395958 
+L 313.31988 -139.391766 
+L 313.23024 -139.395023 
+L 313.1406 -139.388524 
+L 313.05096 -139.393726 
+L 312.96132 -139.394506 
+L 312.87168 -139.391469 
+L 312.78204 -139.392332 
+L 312.6924 -139.394148 
+L 312.60276 -139.394585 
+L 312.51312 -139.390887 
+L 312.42348 -139.387668 
+L 312.33384 -139.3895 
+L 312.2442 -139.395327 
+L 312.15456 -139.393003 
+L 312.06492 -139.390939 
+L 311.97528 -139.392397 
+L 311.88564 -139.392172 
+L 311.796 -139.390992 
+L 311.70636 -139.38747 
+L 311.61672 -139.389078 
+L 311.52708 -139.389189 
+L 311.43744 -139.392694 
+L 311.3478 -139.388158 
+L 311.25816 -139.389415 
+L 311.16852 -139.389482 
+L 311.07888 -139.393635 
+L 310.98924 -139.390253 
+L 310.8996 -139.394024 
+L 310.80996 -139.39363 
+L 310.72032 -139.391499 
+L 310.63068 -139.394254 
+L 310.54104 -139.39402 
+L 310.4514 -139.395436 
+L 310.36176 -139.388975 
+L 310.27212 -139.39188 
+L 310.18248 -139.38918 
+L 310.09284 -139.392521 
+L 310.0032 -139.395332 
+L 309.91356 -139.38961 
+L 309.82392 -139.389073 
+L 309.73428 -139.390862 
+L 309.64464 -139.38787 
+L 309.555 -139.390276 
+L 309.46536 -139.391017 
+L 309.37572 -139.392827 
+L 309.28608 -139.390076 
+L 309.19644 -139.395468 
+L 309.1068 -139.390195 
+L 309.01716 -139.390805 
+L 308.92752 -139.389459 
+L 308.83788 -139.394704 
+L 308.74824 -139.388731 
+L 308.6586 -139.388887 
+L 308.56896 -139.393863 
+L 308.47932 -139.391613 
+L 308.38968 -139.394943 
+L 308.30004 -139.389485 
+L 308.2104 -139.391774 
+L 308.12076 -139.391749 
+L 308.03112 -139.388444 
+L 307.94148 -139.394916 
+L 307.85184 -139.392612 
+L 307.7622 -139.392372 
+L 307.67256 -139.395269 
+L 307.58292 -139.391895 
+L 307.49328 -139.389125 
+L 307.40364 -139.393475 
+L 307.314 -139.388727 
+L 307.22436 -139.392643 
+L 307.13472 -139.394002 
+L 307.04508 -139.390025 
+L 306.95544 -139.390293 
+L 306.8658 -139.389091 
+L 306.77616 -139.388632 
+L 306.68652 -139.3953 
+L 306.59688 -139.390059 
+L 306.50724 -139.389957 
+L 306.4176 -139.392037 
+L 306.32796 -139.388949 
+L 306.23832 -139.395854 
+L 306.14868 -139.390062 
+L 306.05904 -139.395936 
+L 305.9694 -139.391761 
+L 305.87976 -139.39209 
+L 305.79012 -139.39348 
+L 305.70048 -139.390676 
+L 305.61084 -139.394959 
+L 305.5212 -139.394287 
+L 305.43156 -139.393277 
+L 305.34192 -139.39433 
+L 305.25228 -139.394876 
+L 305.16264 -139.392808 
+L 305.073 -139.39042 
+L 304.98336 -139.388063 
+L 304.89372 -139.393126 
+L 304.80408 -139.394615 
+L 304.71444 -139.395737 
+L 304.6248 -139.388314 
+L 304.53516 -139.389216 
+L 304.44552 -139.393123 
+L 304.35588 -139.390841 
+L 304.26624 -139.394702 
+L 304.1766 -139.394856 
+L 304.08696 -139.392342 
+L 303.99732 -139.391913 
+L 303.90768 -139.389279 
+L 303.81804 -139.393496 
+L 303.7284 -139.392404 
+L 303.63876 -139.389739 
+L 303.54912 -139.388064 
+L 303.45948 -139.388667 
+L 303.36984 -139.391875 
+L 303.2802 -139.387219 
+L 303.19056 -139.390968 
+L 303.10092 -139.390049 
+L 303.01128 -139.390856 
+L 302.92164 -139.393394 
+L 302.832 -139.391994 
+L 302.74236 -139.394499 
+L 302.65272 -139.394649 
+L 302.56308 -139.388503 
+L 302.47344 -139.392977 
+L 302.3838 -139.388372 
+L 302.29416 -139.391132 
+L 302.20452 -139.394983 
+L 302.11488 -139.395684 
+L 302.02524 -139.391722 
+L 301.9356 -139.39304 
+L 301.84596 -139.392968 
+L 301.75632 -139.390382 
+L 301.66668 -139.39265 
+L 301.57704 -139.391277 
+L 301.4874 -139.38866 
+L 301.39776 -139.387705 
+L 301.30812 -139.395567 
+L 301.21848 -139.391132 
+L 301.12884 -139.39226 
+L 301.0392 -139.394124 
+L 300.94956 -139.389739 
+L 300.85992 -139.390465 
+L 300.77028 -139.391086 
+L 300.68064 -139.394576 
+L 300.591 -139.39108 
+L 300.50136 -139.391656 
+L 300.41172 -139.388329 
+L 300.32208 -139.393471 
+L 300.23244 -139.392976 
+L 300.1428 -139.393297 
+L 300.05316 -139.395001 
+L 299.96352 -139.388348 
+L 299.87388 -139.389959 
+L 299.78424 -139.396549 
+L 299.6946 -139.39112 
+L 299.60496 -139.390163 
+L 299.51532 -139.395121 
+L 299.42568 -139.393368 
+L 299.33604 -139.395412 
+L 299.2464 -139.391381 
+L 299.15676 -139.389373 
+L 299.06712 -139.39289 
+L 298.97748 -139.391941 
+L 298.88784 -139.387925 
+L 298.7982 -139.395405 
+L 298.70856 -139.392496 
+L 298.61892 -139.390766 
+L 298.52928 -139.391901 
+L 298.43964 -139.390819 
+L 298.35 -139.394064 
+L 298.26036 -139.39406 
+L 298.17072 -139.394756 
+L 298.08108 -139.396466 
+L 297.99144 -139.391485 
+L 297.9018 -139.393384 
+L 297.81216 -139.393213 
+L 297.72252 -139.390054 
+L 297.63288 -139.396084 
+L 297.54324 -139.389592 
+L 297.4536 -139.394585 
+L 297.36396 -139.391929 
+L 297.27432 -139.395272 
+L 297.18468 -139.393668 
+L 297.09504 -139.393172 
+L 297.0054 -139.389019 
+L 296.91576 -139.389846 
+L 296.82612 -139.389892 
+L 296.73648 -139.389478 
+L 296.64684 -139.394638 
+L 296.5572 -139.391848 
+L 296.46756 -139.393662 
+L 296.37792 -139.395738 
+L 296.28828 -139.389502 
+L 296.19864 -139.390405 
+L 296.109 -139.390523 
+L 296.01936 -139.394182 
+L 295.92972 -139.388568 
+L 295.84008 -139.392799 
+L 295.75044 -139.392838 
+L 295.6608 -139.392612 
+L 295.57116 -139.389428 
+L 295.48152 -139.392833 
+L 295.39188 -139.38843 
+L 295.30224 -139.396012 
+L 295.2126 -139.394689 
+L 295.12296 -139.394869 
+L 295.03332 -139.39032 
+L 294.94368 -139.392344 
+L 294.85404 -139.392041 
+L 294.7644 -139.392888 
+L 294.67476 -139.392643 
+L 294.58512 -139.39059 
+L 294.49548 -139.395479 
+L 294.40584 -139.388686 
+L 294.3162 -139.39288 
+L 294.22656 -139.3926 
+L 294.13692 -139.38918 
+L 294.04728 -139.394212 
+L 293.95764 -139.392849 
+L 293.868 -139.395875 
+L 293.77836 -139.391403 
+L 293.68872 -139.391101 
+L 293.59908 -139.391369 
+L 293.50944 -139.389936 
+L 293.4198 -139.391492 
+L 293.33016 -139.389637 
+L 293.24052 -139.394355 
+L 293.15088 -139.389633 
+L 293.06124 -139.391223 
+L 292.9716 -139.394702 
+L 292.88196 -139.395029 
+L 292.79232 -139.393671 
+L 292.70268 -139.393129 
+L 292.61304 -139.393073 
+L 292.5234 -139.388323 
+L 292.43376 -139.391369 
+L 292.34412 -139.395551 
+L 292.25448 -139.395979 
+L 292.16484 -139.393286 
+L 292.0752 -139.395662 
+L 291.98556 -139.395901 
+L 291.89592 -139.389047 
+L 291.80628 -139.388899 
+L 291.71664 -139.388218 
+L 291.627 -139.395155 
+L 291.53736 -139.393225 
+L 291.44772 -139.392985 
+L 291.35808 -139.393068 
+L 291.26844 -139.390472 
+L 291.1788 -139.392165 
+L 291.08916 -139.394886 
+L 290.99952 -139.391791 
+L 290.90988 -139.395878 
+L 290.82024 -139.391199 
+L 290.7306 -139.393806 
+L 290.64096 -139.38914 
+L 290.55132 -139.390656 
+L 290.46168 -139.395719 
+L 290.37204 -139.394468 
+L 290.2824 -139.395634 
+L 290.19276 -139.388049 
+L 290.10312 -139.389111 
+L 290.01348 -139.393414 
+L 289.92384 -139.392583 
+L 289.8342 -139.393889 
+L 289.74456 -139.393424 
+L 289.65492 -139.391653 
+L 289.56528 -139.392299 
+L 289.47564 -139.394427 
+L 289.386 -139.390529 
+L 289.29636 -139.395386 
+L 289.20672 -139.392294 
+L 289.11708 -139.392118 
+L 289.02744 -139.39618 
+L 288.9378 -139.394232 
+L 288.84816 -139.390092 
+L 288.75852 -139.393375 
+L 288.66888 -139.388969 
+L 288.57924 -139.390657 
+L 288.4896 -139.391093 
+L 288.39996 -139.392411 
+L 288.31032 -139.395152 
+L 288.22068 -139.392927 
+L 288.13104 -139.392156 
+L 288.0414 -139.393731 
+L 287.95176 -139.393666 
+L 287.86212 -139.39052 
+L 287.77248 -139.390108 
+L 287.68284 -139.393612 
+L 287.5932 -139.38873 
+L 287.50356 -139.395027 
+L 287.41392 -139.392461 
+L 287.32428 -139.39171 
+L 287.23464 -139.390745 
+L 287.145 -139.390321 
+L 287.05536 -139.395028 
+L 286.96572 -139.396548 
+L 286.87608 -139.387965 
+L 286.78644 -139.39313 
+L 286.6968 -139.391105 
+L 286.60716 -139.39088 
+L 286.51752 -139.393712 
+L 286.42788 -139.393556 
+L 286.33824 -139.393871 
+L 286.2486 -139.393115 
+L 286.15896 -139.393982 
+L 286.06932 -139.389723 
+L 285.97968 -139.392779 
+L 285.89004 -139.392663 
+L 285.8004 -139.395735 
+L 285.71076 -139.392047 
+L 285.62112 -139.393926 
+L 285.53148 -139.390713 
+L 285.44184 -139.394775 
+L 285.3522 -139.393752 
+L 285.26256 -139.391399 
+L 285.17292 -139.395355 
+L 285.08328 -139.390437 
+L 284.99364 -139.388962 
+L 284.904 -139.394484 
+L 284.81436 -139.395543 
+L 284.72472 -139.392827 
+L 284.63508 -139.389715 
+L 284.54544 -139.394176 
+L 284.4558 -139.394705 
+L 284.36616 -139.392182 
+L 284.27652 -139.392708 
+L 284.18688 -139.388138 
+L 284.09724 -139.393254 
+L 284.0076 -139.39328 
+L 283.91796 -139.392505 
+L 283.82832 -139.391985 
+L 283.73868 -139.38998 
+L 283.64904 -139.388144 
+L 283.5594 -139.396457 
+L 283.46976 -139.390221 
+L 283.38012 -139.390708 
+L 283.29048 -139.388237 
+L 283.20084 -139.391719 
+L 283.1112 -139.394494 
+L 283.02156 -139.388897 
+L 282.93192 -139.389604 
+L 282.84228 -139.3962 
+L 282.75264 -139.394959 
+L 282.663 -139.391432 
+L 282.57336 -139.393591 
+L 282.48372 -139.394988 
+L 282.39408 -139.393501 
+L 282.30444 -139.392879 
+L 282.2148 -139.395099 
+L 282.12516 -139.394201 
+L 282.03552 -139.390693 
+L 281.94588 -139.388633 
+L 281.85624 -139.394649 
+L 281.7666 -139.392989 
+L 281.67696 -139.390895 
+L 281.58732 -139.395687 
+L 281.49768 -139.396708 
+L 281.40804 -139.395639 
+L 281.3184 -139.394516 
+L 281.22876 -139.391072 
+L 281.13912 -139.393346 
+L 281.04948 -139.388145 
+L 280.95984 -139.393037 
+L 280.8702 -139.392949 
+L 280.78056 -139.391343 
+L 280.69092 -139.3927 
+L 280.60128 -139.390615 
+L 280.51164 -139.393616 
+L 280.422 -139.390524 
+L 280.33236 -139.388882 
+L 280.24272 -139.393581 
+L 280.15308 -139.39286 
+L 280.06344 -139.389842 
+L 279.9738 -139.394094 
+L 279.88416 -139.389938 
+L 279.79452 -139.390285 
+L 279.70488 -139.390285 
+L 279.61524 -139.388226 
+L 279.5256 -139.387805 
+L 279.43596 -139.39449 
+L 279.34632 -139.395107 
+L 279.25668 -139.393939 
+L 279.16704 -139.394085 
+L 279.0774 -139.394426 
+L 278.98776 -139.388864 
+L 278.89812 -139.391275 
+L 278.80848 -139.392156 
+L 278.71884 -139.391086 
+L 278.6292 -139.393145 
+L 278.53956 -139.389738 
+L 278.44992 -139.388737 
+L 278.36028 -139.388122 
+L 278.27064 -139.391612 
+L 278.181 -139.390684 
+L 278.09136 -139.395503 
+L 278.00172 -139.389865 
+L 277.91208 -139.395828 
+L 277.82244 -139.388769 
+L 277.7328 -139.393607 
+L 277.64316 -139.394624 
+L 277.55352 -139.392379 
+L 277.46388 -139.394894 
+L 277.37424 -139.395773 
+L 277.2846 -139.393624 
+L 277.19496 -139.391216 
+L 277.10532 -139.390449 
+L 277.01568 -139.3899 
+L 276.92604 -139.395241 
+L 276.8364 -139.394597 
+L 276.74676 -139.395198 
+L 276.65712 -139.389187 
+L 276.56748 -139.388774 
+L 276.47784 -139.390794 
+L 276.3882 -139.388811 
+L 276.29856 -139.387867 
+L 276.20892 -139.389208 
+L 276.11928 -139.389547 
+L 276.02964 -139.393469 
+L 275.94 -139.393967 
+L 275.85036 -139.39365 
+L 275.76072 -139.391453 
+L 275.67108 -139.394183 
+L 275.58144 -139.39489 
+L 275.4918 -139.392584 
+L 275.40216 -139.388169 
+L 275.31252 -139.390159 
+L 275.22288 -139.391268 
+L 275.13324 -139.392213 
+L 275.0436 -139.388591 
+L 274.95396 -139.393109 
+L 274.86432 -139.391182 
+L 274.77468 -139.388054 
+L 274.68504 -139.394409 
+L 274.5954 -139.391296 
+L 274.50576 -139.393503 
+L 274.41612 -139.390631 
+L 274.32648 -139.395054 
+L 274.23684 -139.395959 
+L 274.1472 -139.39538 
+L 274.05756 -139.393519 
+L 273.96792 -139.388815 
+L 273.87828 -139.390058 
+L 273.78864 -139.391351 
+L 273.699 -139.39395 
+L 273.60936 -139.389967 
+L 273.51972 -139.391287 
+L 273.43008 -139.392579 
+L 273.34044 -139.394846 
+L 273.2508 -139.39666 
+L 273.16116 -139.395215 
+L 273.07152 -139.396103 
+L 272.98188 -139.393395 
+L 272.89224 -139.394964 
+L 272.8026 -139.394082 
+L 272.71296 -139.394611 
+L 272.62332 -139.390964 
+L 272.53368 -139.394315 
+L 272.44404 -139.388344 
+L 272.3544 -139.39564 
+L 272.26476 -139.392247 
+L 272.17512 -139.389664 
+L 272.08548 -139.392845 
+L 271.99584 -139.3947 
+L 271.9062 -139.39392 
+L 271.81656 -139.389096 
+L 271.72692 -139.394408 
+L 271.63728 -139.38895 
+L 271.54764 -139.394761 
+L 271.458 -139.391059 
+L 271.36836 -139.392995 
+L 271.27872 -139.390317 
+L 271.18908 -139.393675 
+L 271.09944 -139.39453 
+L 271.0098 -139.390791 
+L 270.92016 -139.393561 
+L 270.83052 -139.390782 
+L 270.74088 -139.390209 
+L 270.65124 -139.395001 
+L 270.5616 -139.387754 
+L 270.47196 -139.391871 
+L 270.38232 -139.394416 
+L 270.29268 -139.393368 
+L 270.20304 -139.394846 
+L 270.1134 -139.392181 
+L 270.02376 -139.394604 
+L 269.93412 -139.395738 
+L 269.84448 -139.389395 
+L 269.75484 -139.388683 
+L 269.6652 -139.391653 
+L 269.57556 -139.388177 
+L 269.48592 -139.389337 
+L 269.39628 -139.389967 
+L 269.30664 -139.394133 
+L 269.217 -139.395177 
+L 269.12736 -139.3913 
+L 269.03772 -139.396084 
+L 268.94808 -139.394478 
+L 268.85844 -139.393477 
+L 268.7688 -139.394184 
+L 268.67916 -139.394657 
+L 268.58952 -139.389967 
+L 268.49988 -139.393351 
+L 268.41024 -139.389133 
+L 268.3206 -139.392663 
+L 268.23096 -139.390672 
+L 268.14132 -139.388748 
+L 268.05168 -139.392973 
+L 267.96204 -139.392843 
+L 267.8724 -139.39208 
+L 267.78276 -139.388852 
+L 267.69312 -139.388773 
+L 267.60348 -139.389419 
+L 267.51384 -139.389092 
+L 267.4242 -139.389279 
+L 267.33456 -139.396013 
+L 267.24492 -139.391574 
+L 267.15528 -139.395788 
+L 267.06564 -139.390093 
+L 266.976 -139.391364 
+L 266.88636 -139.393571 
+L 266.79672 -139.390652 
+L 266.70708 -139.393189 
+L 266.61744 -139.391376 
+L 266.5278 -139.390906 
+L 266.43816 -139.394037 
+L 266.34852 -139.390513 
+L 266.25888 -139.391308 
+L 266.16924 -139.391023 
+L 266.0796 -139.390626 
+L 265.98996 -139.394329 
+L 265.90032 -139.390223 
+L 265.81068 -139.391606 
+L 265.72104 -139.394919 
+L 265.6314 -139.393447 
+L 265.54176 -139.387719 
+L 265.45212 -139.393314 
+L 265.36248 -139.39 
+L 265.27284 -139.388076 
+L 265.1832 -139.390671 
+L 265.09356 -139.394833 
+L 265.00392 -139.392333 
+L 264.91428 -139.391029 
+L 264.82464 -139.388548 
+L 264.735 -139.39259 
+L 264.64536 -139.391304 
+L 264.55572 -139.394079 
+L 264.46608 -139.391597 
+L 264.37644 -139.393643 
+L 264.2868 -139.388528 
+L 264.19716 -139.394657 
+L 264.10752 -139.393414 
+L 264.01788 -139.38887 
+L 263.92824 -139.390705 
+L 263.8386 -139.39049 
+L 263.74896 -139.394851 
+L 263.65932 -139.39422 
+L 263.56968 -139.39046 
+L 263.48004 -139.393496 
+L 263.3904 -139.38935 
+L 263.30076 -139.391229 
+L 263.21112 -139.392587 
+L 263.12148 -139.395174 
+L 263.03184 -139.391214 
+L 262.9422 -139.392879 
+L 262.85256 -139.394382 
+L 262.76292 -139.392117 
+L 262.67328 -139.392078 
+L 262.58364 -139.389261 
+L 262.494 -139.392794 
+L 262.40436 -139.389224 
+L 262.31472 -139.390935 
+L 262.22508 -139.391397 
+L 262.13544 -139.39098 
+L 262.0458 -139.389391 
+L 261.95616 -139.393855 
+L 261.86652 -139.391165 
+L 261.77688 -139.39047 
+L 261.68724 -139.388567 
+L 261.5976 -139.395377 
+L 261.50796 -139.393943 
+L 261.41832 -139.391731 
+L 261.32868 -139.393798 
+L 261.23904 -139.394635 
+L 261.1494 -139.39083 
+L 261.05976 -139.389406 
+L 260.97012 -139.389174 
+L 260.88048 -139.394563 
+L 260.79084 -139.392595 
+L 260.7012 -139.392389 
+L 260.61156 -139.391324 
+L 260.52192 -139.395153 
+L 260.43228 -139.387732 
+L 260.34264 -139.394853 
+L 260.253 -139.395073 
+L 260.16336 -139.390437 
+L 260.07372 -139.388564 
+L 259.98408 -139.389159 
+L 259.89444 -139.395322 
+L 259.8048 -139.388814 
+L 259.71516 -139.393109 
+L 259.62552 -139.394186 
+L 259.53588 -139.392543 
+L 259.44624 -139.395204 
+L 259.3566 -139.39024 
+L 259.26696 -139.388842 
+L 259.17732 -139.394826 
+L 259.08768 -139.392878 
+L 258.99804 -139.395475 
+L 258.9084 -139.388902 
+L 258.81876 -139.392036 
+L 258.72912 -139.393066 
+L 258.63948 -139.39589 
+L 258.54984 -139.393837 
+L 258.4602 -139.391728 
+L 258.37056 -139.390057 
+L 258.28092 -139.390644 
+L 258.19128 -139.393848 
+L 258.10164 -139.389901 
+L 258.012 -139.388107 
+L 257.92236 -139.39383 
+L 257.83272 -139.387624 
+L 257.74308 -139.393855 
+L 257.65344 -139.393123 
+L 257.5638 -139.392216 
+L 257.47416 -139.3897 
+L 257.38452 -139.390526 
+L 257.29488 -139.391921 
+L 257.20524 -139.39289 
+L 257.1156 -139.389075 
+L 257.02596 -139.391631 
+L 256.93632 -139.390533 
+L 256.84668 -139.389818 
+L 256.75704 -139.392211 
+L 256.6674 -139.388891 
+L 256.57776 -139.390638 
+L 256.48812 -139.393157 
+L 256.39848 -139.3933 
+L 256.30884 -139.392049 
+L 256.2192 -139.395095 
+L 256.12956 -139.395429 
+L 256.03992 -139.388752 
+L 255.95028 -139.395948 
+L 255.86064 -139.395548 
+L 255.771 -139.389352 
+L 255.68136 -139.389854 
+L 255.59172 -139.394423 
+L 255.50208 -139.388449 
+L 255.41244 -139.389756 
+L 255.3228 -139.390278 
+L 255.23316 -139.390361 
+L 255.14352 -139.392753 
+L 255.05388 -139.389411 
+L 254.96424 -139.390175 
+L 254.8746 -139.392423 
+L 254.78496 -139.394946 
+L 254.69532 -139.392769 
+L 254.60568 -139.394506 
+L 254.51604 -139.395422 
+L 254.4264 -139.395144 
+L 254.33676 -139.390646 
+L 254.24712 -139.388333 
+L 254.15748 -139.388527 
+L 254.06784 -139.390954 
+L 253.9782 -139.38933 
+L 253.88856 -139.389502 
+L 253.79892 -139.394379 
+L 253.70928 -139.392622 
+L 253.61964 -139.395969 
+L 253.53 -139.394391 
+L 253.44036 -139.394746 
+L 253.35072 -139.389444 
+L 253.26108 -139.393153 
+L 253.17144 -139.394374 
+L 253.0818 -139.393254 
+L 252.99216 -139.390535 
+L 252.90252 -139.388558 
+L 252.81288 -139.39133 
+L 252.72324 -139.39027 
+L 252.6336 -139.396295 
+L 252.54396 -139.388903 
+L 252.45432 -139.389084 
+L 252.36468 -139.396415 
+L 252.27504 -139.396229 
+L 252.1854 -139.391567 
+L 252.09576 -139.394304 
+L 252.00612 -139.391082 
+L 251.91648 -139.388944 
+L 251.82684 -139.390641 
+L 251.7372 -139.390325 
+L 251.64756 -139.393618 
+L 251.55792 -139.392084 
+L 251.46828 -139.394485 
+L 251.37864 -139.391754 
+L 251.289 -139.396133 
+L 251.19936 -139.392719 
+L 251.10972 -139.389241 
+L 251.02008 -139.39407 
+L 250.93044 -139.389456 
+L 250.8408 -139.388584 
+L 250.75116 -139.393256 
+L 250.66152 -139.39366 
+L 250.57188 -139.388272 
+L 250.48224 -139.394287 
+L 250.3926 -139.388467 
+L 250.30296 -139.392714 
+L 250.21332 -139.394014 
+L 250.12368 -139.394639 
+L 250.03404 -139.393867 
+L 249.9444 -139.394104 
+L 249.85476 -139.394354 
+L 249.76512 -139.394889 
+L 249.67548 -139.389639 
+L 249.58584 -139.392104 
+L 249.4962 -139.38826 
+L 249.40656 -139.394199 
+L 249.31692 -139.394362 
+L 249.22728 -139.391702 
+L 249.13764 -139.391046 
+L 249.048 -139.394311 
+L 248.95836 -139.395443 
+L 248.86872 -139.3888 
+L 248.77908 -139.389198 
+L 248.68944 -139.393996 
+L 248.5998 -139.389332 
+L 248.51016 -139.392742 
+L 248.42052 -139.395277 
+L 248.33088 -139.389783 
+L 248.24124 -139.389297 
+L 248.1516 -139.392512 
+L 248.06196 -139.391341 
+L 247.97232 -139.393482 
+L 247.88268 -139.392165 
+L 247.79304 -139.38948 
+L 247.7034 -139.390927 
+L 247.61376 -139.388213 
+L 247.52412 -139.395944 
+L 247.43448 -139.388842 
+L 247.34484 -139.38869 
+L 247.2552 -139.393114 
+L 247.16556 -139.392326 
+L 247.07592 -139.394715 
+L 246.98628 -139.394576 
+L 246.89664 -139.390013 
+L 246.807 -139.390672 
+L 246.71736 -139.389663 
+L 246.62772 -139.39207 
+L 246.53808 -139.394093 
+L 246.44844 -139.392769 
+L 246.3588 -139.39333 
+L 246.26916 -139.388864 
+L 246.17952 -139.396056 
+L 246.08988 -139.390488 
+L 246.00024 -139.389018 
+L 245.9106 -139.392365 
+L 245.82096 -139.392732 
+L 245.73132 -139.393419 
+L 245.64168 -139.391274 
+L 245.55204 -139.394831 
+L 245.4624 -139.394933 
+L 245.37276 -139.390453 
+L 245.28312 -139.394281 
+L 245.19348 -139.388548 
+L 245.10384 -139.390136 
+L 245.0142 -139.392047 
+L 244.92456 -139.395977 
+L 244.83492 -139.394999 
+L 244.74528 -139.395175 
+L 244.65564 -139.394724 
+L 244.566 -139.392243 
+L 244.47636 -139.390793 
+L 244.38672 -139.393489 
+L 244.29708 -139.389342 
+L 244.20744 -139.392484 
+L 244.1178 -139.392607 
+L 244.02816 -139.38868 
+L 243.93852 -139.392491 
+L 243.84888 -139.390357 
+L 243.75924 -139.393223 
+L 243.6696 -139.395587 
+L 243.57996 -139.393528 
+L 243.49032 -139.392547 
+L 243.40068 -139.395841 
+L 243.31104 -139.391112 
+L 243.2214 -139.392764 
+L 243.13176 -139.390087 
+L 243.04212 -139.392555 
+L 242.95248 -139.392318 
+L 242.86284 -139.392237 
+L 242.7732 -139.390902 
+L 242.68356 -139.394052 
+L 242.59392 -139.388662 
+L 242.50428 -139.394574 
+L 242.41464 -139.393796 
+L 242.325 -139.394501 
+L 242.23536 -139.39282 
+L 242.14572 -139.395733 
+L 242.05608 -139.394026 
+L 241.96644 -139.394664 
+L 241.8768 -139.39102 
+L 241.78716 -139.39035 
+L 241.69752 -139.393639 
+L 241.60788 -139.391191 
+L 241.51824 -139.394134 
+L 241.4286 -139.388031 
+L 241.33896 -139.390565 
+L 241.24932 -139.391458 
+L 241.15968 -139.388896 
+L 241.07004 -139.392432 
+L 240.9804 -139.390208 
+L 240.89076 -139.396372 
+L 240.80112 -139.388748 
+L 240.71148 -139.38951 
+L 240.62184 -139.394694 
+L 240.5322 -139.393391 
+L 240.44256 -139.388661 
+L 240.35292 -139.393615 
+L 240.26328 -139.39429 
+L 240.17364 -139.394272 
+L 240.084 -139.394661 
+L 239.99436 -139.392559 
+L 239.90472 -139.389179 
+L 239.81508 -139.393137 
+L 239.72544 -139.390604 
+L 239.6358 -139.393048 
+L 239.54616 -139.390066 
+L 239.45652 -139.392832 
+L 239.36688 -139.392647 
+L 239.27724 -139.39534 
+L 239.1876 -139.392983 
+L 239.09796 -139.391377 
+L 239.00832 -139.390832 
+L 238.91868 -139.388871 
+L 238.82904 -139.394399 
+L 238.7394 -139.390711 
+L 238.64976 -139.391172 
+L 238.56012 -139.391112 
+L 238.47048 -139.389037 
+L 238.38084 -139.392965 
+L 238.2912 -139.393631 
+L 238.20156 -139.392847 
+L 238.11192 -139.389531 
+L 238.02228 -139.389841 
+L 237.93264 -139.391409 
+L 237.843 -139.394669 
+L 237.75336 -139.388032 
+L 237.66372 -139.388704 
+L 237.57408 -139.39235 
+L 237.48444 -139.394353 
+L 237.3948 -139.391356 
+L 237.30516 -139.39157 
+L 237.21552 -139.394176 
+L 237.12588 -139.393165 
+L 237.03624 -139.389759 
+L 236.9466 -139.395195 
+L 236.85696 -139.388457 
+L 236.76732 -139.390865 
+L 236.67768 -139.390304 
+L 236.58804 -139.388431 
+L 236.4984 -139.388905 
+L 236.40876 -139.390117 
+L 236.31912 -139.389946 
+L 236.22948 -139.393118 
+L 236.13984 -139.392311 
+L 236.0502 -139.395148 
+L 235.96056 -139.395417 
+L 235.87092 -139.389956 
+L 235.78128 -139.392363 
+L 235.69164 -139.391234 
+L 235.602 -139.394438 
+L 235.51236 -139.389713 
+L 235.42272 -139.393051 
+L 235.33308 -139.394572 
+L 235.24344 -139.389088 
+L 235.1538 -139.388283 
+L 235.06416 -139.395761 
+L 234.97452 -139.391981 
+L 234.88488 -139.391392 
+L 234.79524 -139.389143 
+L 234.7056 -139.390631 
+L 234.61596 -139.39509 
+L 234.52632 -139.395357 
+L 234.43668 -139.393512 
+L 234.34704 -139.393812 
+L 234.2574 -139.394768 
+L 234.16776 -139.394679 
+L 234.07812 -139.392796 
+L 233.98848 -139.391462 
+L 233.89884 -139.389283 
+L 233.8092 -139.391671 
+L 233.71956 -139.394303 
+L 233.62992 -139.394095 
+L 233.54028 -139.39507 
+L 233.45064 -139.394235 
+L 233.361 -139.388999 
+L 233.27136 -139.395652 
+L 233.18172 -139.391881 
+L 233.09208 -139.391803 
+L 233.00244 -139.389338 
+L 232.9128 -139.393802 
+L 232.82316 -139.391897 
+L 232.73352 -139.389701 
+L 232.64388 -139.39211 
+L 232.55424 -139.388848 
+L 232.4646 -139.391038 
+L 232.37496 -139.38841 
+L 232.28532 -139.39 
+L 232.19568 -139.391271 
+L 232.10604 -139.396255 
+L 232.0164 -139.393139 
+L 231.92676 -139.395082 
+L 231.83712 -139.390953 
+L 231.74748 -139.390317 
+L 231.65784 -139.388288 
+L 231.5682 -139.392063 
+L 231.47856 -139.390747 
+L 231.38892 -139.394288 
+L 231.29928 -139.392449 
+L 231.20964 -139.391056 
+L 231.12 -139.392532 
+L 231.03036 -139.393649 
+L 230.94072 -139.391403 
+L 230.85108 -139.392674 
+L 230.76144 -139.394153 
+L 230.6718 -139.390796 
+L 230.58216 -139.39064 
+L 230.49252 -139.38859 
+L 230.40288 -139.391506 
+L 230.31324 -139.39608 
+L 230.2236 -139.393761 
+L 230.13396 -139.392158 
+L 230.04432 -139.389152 
+L 229.95468 -139.393479 
+L 229.86504 -139.390494 
+L 229.7754 -139.393129 
+L 229.68576 -139.394517 
+L 229.59612 -139.390412 
+L 229.50648 -139.393494 
+L 229.41684 -139.39571 
+L 229.3272 -139.390772 
+L 229.23756 -139.390766 
+L 229.14792 -139.391688 
+L 229.05828 -139.392769 
+L 228.96864 -139.390469 
+L 228.879 -139.393916 
+L 228.78936 -139.3938 
+L 228.69972 -139.392124 
+L 228.61008 -139.39164 
+L 228.52044 -139.389266 
+L 228.4308 -139.394209 
+L 228.34116 -139.393392 
+L 228.25152 -139.395564 
+L 228.16188 -139.392954 
+L 228.07224 -139.395332 
+L 227.9826 -139.392928 
+L 227.89296 -139.3911 
+L 227.80332 -139.393234 
+L 227.71368 -139.392125 
+L 227.62404 -139.391489 
+L 227.5344 -139.394389 
+L 227.44476 -139.391417 
+L 227.35512 -139.390756 
+L 227.26548 -139.393987 
+L 227.17584 -139.394311 
+L 227.0862 -139.391955 
+L 226.99656 -139.391107 
+L 226.90692 -139.389469 
+L 226.81728 -139.39334 
+L 226.72764 -139.395939 
+L 226.638 -139.393687 
+L 226.54836 -139.387602 
+L 226.45872 -139.390113 
+L 226.36908 -139.392318 
+L 226.27944 -139.388573 
+L 226.1898 -139.390582 
+L 226.10016 -139.394395 
+L 226.01052 -139.390462 
+L 225.92088 -139.390539 
+L 225.83124 -139.394097 
+L 225.7416 -139.395986 
+L 225.65196 -139.392643 
+L 225.56232 -139.388834 
+L 225.47268 -139.392766 
+L 225.38304 -139.388415 
+L 225.2934 -139.391277 
+L 225.20376 -139.389236 
+L 225.11412 -139.392503 
+L 225.02448 -139.390212 
+L 224.93484 -139.38812 
+L 224.8452 -139.389144 
+L 224.75556 -139.394739 
+L 224.66592 -139.390967 
+L 224.57628 -139.392838 
+L 224.48664 -139.392316 
+L 224.397 -139.392854 
+L 224.30736 -139.391768 
+L 224.21772 -139.39503 
+L 224.12808 -139.387563 
+L 224.03844 -139.394466 
+L 223.9488 -139.393305 
+L 223.85916 -139.392589 
+L 223.76952 -139.389308 
+L 223.67988 -139.389687 
+L 223.59024 -139.392088 
+L 223.5006 -139.392419 
+L 223.41096 -139.391592 
+L 223.32132 -139.390545 
+L 223.23168 -139.389999 
+L 223.14204 -139.391163 
+L 223.0524 -139.393099 
+L 222.96276 -139.393477 
+L 222.87312 -139.39032 
+L 222.78348 -139.392585 
+L 222.69384 -139.392576 
+L 222.6042 -139.392364 
+L 222.51456 -139.390291 
+L 222.42492 -139.391357 
+L 222.33528 -139.393712 
+L 222.24564 -139.391063 
+L 222.156 -139.390458 
+L 222.06636 -139.38997 
+L 221.97672 -139.388908 
+L 221.88708 -139.390849 
+L 221.79744 -139.395048 
+L 221.7078 -139.390833 
+L 221.61816 -139.393723 
+L 221.52852 -139.390209 
+L 221.43888 -139.391003 
+L 221.34924 -139.392176 
+L 221.2596 -139.390013 
+L 221.16996 -139.393104 
+L 221.08032 -139.391201 
+L 220.99068 -139.395442 
+L 220.90104 -139.392413 
+L 220.8114 -139.393163 
+L 220.72176 -139.392348 
+L 220.63212 -139.395533 
+L 220.54248 -139.389391 
+L 220.45284 -139.393179 
+L 220.3632 -139.394053 
+L 220.27356 -139.390823 
+L 220.18392 -139.392444 
+L 220.09428 -139.394499 
+L 220.00464 -139.395926 
+L 219.915 -139.392413 
+L 219.82536 -139.3953 
+L 219.73572 -139.391226 
+L 219.64608 -139.395412 
+L 219.55644 -139.393582 
+L 219.4668 -139.393103 
+L 219.37716 -139.395589 
+L 219.28752 -139.394133 
+L 219.19788 -139.387856 
+L 219.10824 -139.390647 
+L 219.0186 -139.393597 
+L 218.92896 -139.392676 
+L 218.83932 -139.394442 
+L 218.74968 -139.392182 
+L 218.66004 -139.393063 
+L 218.5704 -139.390493 
+L 218.48076 -139.391195 
+L 218.39112 -139.393413 
+L 218.30148 -139.391461 
+L 218.21184 -139.394061 
+L 218.1222 -139.3917 
+L 218.03256 -139.390323 
+L 217.94292 -139.392349 
+L 217.85328 -139.394554 
+L 217.76364 -139.392436 
+L 217.674 -139.394713 
+L 217.58436 -139.390733 
+L 217.49472 -139.38995 
+L 217.40508 -139.392484 
+L 217.31544 -139.394341 
+L 217.2258 -139.392218 
+L 217.13616 -139.394757 
+L 217.04652 -139.392926 
+L 216.95688 -139.389002 
+L 216.86724 -139.389275 
+L 216.7776 -139.395374 
+L 216.68796 -139.394246 
+L 216.59832 -139.393503 
+L 216.50868 -139.394114 
+L 216.41904 -139.390336 
+L 216.3294 -139.395091 
+L 216.23976 -139.394784 
+L 216.15012 -139.391344 
+L 216.06048 -139.39035 
+L 215.97084 -139.396158 
+L 215.8812 -139.393124 
+L 215.79156 -139.393153 
+L 215.70192 -139.390064 
+L 215.61228 -139.394193 
+L 215.52264 -139.390778 
+L 215.433 -139.394053 
+L 215.34336 -139.389797 
+L 215.25372 -139.394312 
+L 215.16408 -139.394626 
+L 215.07444 -139.39175 
+L 214.9848 -139.3908 
+L 214.89516 -139.394145 
+L 214.80552 -139.388669 
+L 214.71588 -139.389979 
+L 214.62624 -139.391813 
+L 214.5366 -139.393306 
+L 214.44696 -139.388213 
+L 214.35732 -139.393433 
+L 214.26768 -139.392651 
+L 214.17804 -139.393018 
+L 214.0884 -139.39088 
+L 213.99876 -139.39114 
+L 213.90912 -139.394655 
+L 213.81948 -139.393234 
+L 213.72984 -139.389677 
+L 213.6402 -139.392053 
+L 213.55056 -139.393955 
+L 213.46092 -139.393518 
+L 213.37128 -139.394542 
+L 213.28164 -139.394252 
+L 213.192 -139.392218 
+L 213.10236 -139.390195 
+L 213.01272 -139.394501 
+L 212.92308 -139.394646 
+L 212.83344 -139.395163 
+L 212.7438 -139.389066 
+L 212.65416 -139.389531 
+L 212.56452 -139.390909 
+L 212.47488 -139.391352 
+L 212.38524 -139.393071 
+L 212.2956 -139.395327 
+L 212.20596 -139.389531 
+L 212.11632 -139.395661 
+L 212.02668 -139.392938 
+L 211.93704 -139.392327 
+L 211.8474 -139.389154 
+L 211.75776 -139.394489 
+L 211.66812 -139.390473 
+L 211.57848 -139.389465 
+L 211.48884 -139.392786 
+L 211.3992 -139.393026 
+L 211.30956 -139.388372 
+L 211.21992 -139.389737 
+L 211.13028 -139.389598 
+L 211.04064 -139.394819 
+L 210.951 -139.391898 
+L 210.86136 -139.391257 
+L 210.77172 -139.39191 
+L 210.68208 -139.391191 
+L 210.59244 -139.390145 
+L 210.5028 -139.394554 
+L 210.41316 -139.396184 
+L 210.32352 -139.392572 
+L 210.23388 -139.392582 
+L 210.14424 -139.39161 
+L 210.0546 -139.394634 
+L 209.96496 -139.38813 
+L 209.87532 -139.390992 
+L 209.78568 -139.395365 
+L 209.69604 -139.393501 
+L 209.6064 -139.396228 
+L 209.51676 -139.394958 
+L 209.42712 -139.394059 
+L 209.33748 -139.389189 
+L 209.24784 -139.38837 
+L 209.1582 -139.392142 
+L 209.06856 -139.389027 
+L 208.97892 -139.393471 
+L 208.88928 -139.394609 
+L 208.79964 -139.394307 
+L 208.71 -139.392217 
+L 208.62036 -139.38989 
+L 208.53072 -139.390726 
+L 208.44108 -139.391778 
+L 208.35144 -139.392028 
+L 208.2618 -139.389891 
+L 208.17216 -139.392781 
+L 208.08252 -139.394387 
+L 207.99288 -139.39267 
+L 207.90324 -139.392679 
+L 207.8136 -139.394343 
+L 207.72396 -139.393624 
+L 207.63432 -139.393503 
+L 207.54468 -139.393364 
+L 207.45504 -139.392011 
+L 207.3654 -139.389102 
+L 207.27576 -139.391208 
+L 207.18612 -139.395337 
+L 207.09648 -139.39531 
+L 207.00684 -139.38933 
+L 206.9172 -139.395517 
+L 206.82756 -139.389018 
+L 206.73792 -139.393916 
+L 206.64828 -139.393497 
+L 206.55864 -139.391759 
+L 206.469 -139.393595 
+L 206.37936 -139.394252 
+L 206.28972 -139.390802 
+L 206.20008 -139.392156 
+L 206.11044 -139.38913 
+L 206.0208 -139.390726 
+L 205.93116 -139.395098 
+L 205.84152 -139.395404 
+L 205.75188 -139.395679 
+L 205.66224 -139.395182 
+L 205.5726 -139.39394 
+L 205.48296 -139.388871 
+L 205.39332 -139.39345 
+L 205.30368 -139.394392 
+L 205.21404 -139.388736 
+L 205.1244 -139.389653 
+L 205.03476 -139.390056 
+L 204.94512 -139.39206 
+L 204.85548 -139.394238 
+L 204.76584 -139.394044 
+L 204.6762 -139.388637 
+L 204.58656 -139.38931 
+L 204.49692 -139.390411 
+L 204.40728 -139.39004 
+L 204.31764 -139.393027 
+L 204.228 -139.395737 
+L 204.13836 -139.387861 
+L 204.04872 -139.392055 
+L 203.95908 -139.391137 
+L 203.86944 -139.391878 
+L 203.7798 -139.394863 
+L 203.69016 -139.392489 
+L 203.60052 -139.391261 
+L 203.51088 -139.396108 
+L 203.42124 -139.38862 
+L 203.3316 -139.388978 
+L 203.24196 -139.394281 
+L 203.15232 -139.39526 
+L 203.06268 -139.389666 
+L 202.97304 -139.393436 
+L 202.8834 -139.390766 
+L 202.79376 -139.395233 
+L 202.70412 -139.393755 
+L 202.61448 -139.392051 
+L 202.52484 -139.390527 
+L 202.4352 -139.390498 
+L 202.34556 -139.390957 
+L 202.25592 -139.388804 
+L 202.16628 -139.389533 
+L 202.07664 -139.392823 
+L 201.987 -139.392071 
+L 201.89736 -139.38945 
+L 201.80772 -139.394203 
+L 201.71808 -139.390831 
+L 201.62844 -139.393849 
+L 201.5388 -139.394303 
+L 201.44916 -139.392704 
+L 201.35952 -139.389131 
+L 201.26988 -139.39344 
+L 201.18024 -139.394013 
+L 201.0906 -139.392039 
+L 201.00096 -139.391032 
+L 200.91132 -139.39339 
+L 200.82168 -139.392131 
+L 200.73204 -139.393876 
+L 200.6424 -139.390953 
+L 200.55276 -139.389584 
+L 200.46312 -139.394916 
+L 200.37348 -139.392908 
+L 200.28384 -139.389754 
+L 200.1942 -139.389421 
+L 200.10456 -139.392844 
+L 200.01492 -139.390459 
+L 199.92528 -139.392112 
+L 199.83564 -139.390972 
+L 199.746 -139.394094 
+L 199.65636 -139.394561 
+L 199.56672 -139.390166 
+L 199.47708 -139.393333 
+L 199.38744 -139.395039 
+L 199.2978 -139.394194 
+L 199.20816 -139.391187 
+L 199.11852 -139.39397 
+L 199.02888 -139.389236 
+L 198.93924 -139.39144 
+L 198.8496 -139.388941 
+L 198.75996 -139.393753 
+L 198.67032 -139.391502 
+L 198.58068 -139.394078 
+L 198.49104 -139.388825 
+L 198.4014 -139.390186 
+L 198.31176 -139.389732 
+L 198.22212 -139.390836 
+L 198.13248 -139.392491 
+L 198.04284 -139.39514 
+L 197.9532 -139.394175 
+L 197.86356 -139.391768 
+L 197.77392 -139.388542 
+L 197.68428 -139.389123 
+L 197.59464 -139.394235 
+L 197.505 -139.393399 
+L 197.41536 -139.392407 
+L 197.32572 -139.388471 
+L 197.23608 -139.393029 
+L 197.14644 -139.389713 
+L 197.0568 -139.389783 
+L 196.96716 -139.394163 
+L 196.87752 -139.394021 
+L 196.78788 -139.394348 
+L 196.69824 -139.392797 
+L 196.6086 -139.391801 
+L 196.51896 -139.392528 
+L 196.42932 -139.392564 
+L 196.33968 -139.395221 
+L 196.25004 -139.390581 
+L 196.1604 -139.388819 
+L 196.07076 -139.390497 
+L 195.98112 -139.390089 
+L 195.89148 -139.390882 
+L 195.80184 -139.393838 
+L 195.7122 -139.392163 
+L 195.62256 -139.38891 
+L 195.53292 -139.391178 
+L 195.44328 -139.393785 
+L 195.35364 -139.391489 
+L 195.264 -139.395344 
+L 195.17436 -139.394281 
+L 195.08472 -139.389734 
+L 194.99508 -139.390479 
+L 194.90544 -139.389962 
+L 194.8158 -139.393578 
+L 194.72616 -139.391282 
+L 194.63652 -139.394751 
+L 194.54688 -139.391422 
+L 194.45724 -139.393715 
+L 194.3676 -139.39583 
+L 194.27796 -139.391968 
+L 194.18832 -139.395342 
+L 194.09868 -139.394086 
+L 194.00904 -139.39235 
+L 193.9194 -139.388918 
+L 193.82976 -139.392816 
+L 193.74012 -139.39075 
+L 193.65048 -139.389386 
+L 193.56084 -139.391126 
+L 193.4712 -139.388755 
+L 193.38156 -139.389936 
+L 193.29192 -139.393581 
+L 193.20228 -139.391063 
+L 193.11264 -139.393772 
+L 193.023 -139.39008 
+L 192.93336 -139.393875 
+L 192.84372 -139.394776 
+L 192.75408 -139.391109 
+L 192.66444 -139.394689 
+L 192.5748 -139.39502 
+L 192.48516 -139.391774 
+L 192.39552 -139.392834 
+L 192.30588 -139.387918 
+L 192.21624 -139.390867 
+L 192.1266 -139.394646 
+L 192.03696 -139.394415 
+L 191.94732 -139.39141 
+L 191.85768 -139.390507 
+L 191.76804 -139.391637 
+L 191.6784 -139.391601 
+L 191.58876 -139.389219 
+L 191.49912 -139.391173 
+L 191.40948 -139.390305 
+L 191.31984 -139.389798 
+L 191.2302 -139.393956 
+L 191.14056 -139.395125 
+L 191.05092 -139.391476 
+L 190.96128 -139.390828 
+L 190.87164 -139.394106 
+L 190.782 -139.388519 
+L 190.69236 -139.393672 
+L 190.60272 -139.389259 
+L 190.51308 -139.390616 
+L 190.42344 -139.390345 
+L 190.3338 -139.390087 
+L 190.24416 -139.3883 
+L 190.15452 -139.394409 
+L 190.06488 -139.389548 
+L 189.97524 -139.392472 
+L 189.8856 -139.391365 
+L 189.79596 -139.391995 
+L 189.70632 -139.39246 
+L 189.61668 -139.395264 
+L 189.52704 -139.395237 
+L 189.4374 -139.394479 
+L 189.34776 -139.392658 
+L 189.25812 -139.393509 
+L 189.16848 -139.392095 
+L 189.07884 -139.39521 
+L 188.9892 -139.388926 
+L 188.89956 -139.394794 
+L 188.80992 -139.392348 
+L 188.72028 -139.392765 
+L 188.63064 -139.394021 
+L 188.541 -139.392587 
+L 188.45136 -139.389283 
+L 188.36172 -139.390792 
+L 188.27208 -139.389484 
+L 188.18244 -139.395425 
+L 188.0928 -139.389479 
+L 188.00316 -139.393374 
+L 187.91352 -139.394141 
+L 187.82388 -139.389737 
+L 187.73424 -139.394662 
+L 187.6446 -139.388246 
+L 187.55496 -139.390414 
+L 187.46532 -139.39499 
+L 187.37568 -139.388801 
+L 187.28604 -139.395651 
+L 187.1964 -139.390042 
+L 187.10676 -139.388804 
+L 187.01712 -139.389348 
+L 186.92748 -139.389436 
+L 186.83784 -139.392929 
+L 186.7482 -139.391429 
+L 186.65856 -139.391944 
+L 186.56892 -139.393474 
+L 186.47928 -139.390686 
+L 186.38964 -139.388772 
+L 186.3 -139.39029 
+L 186.21036 -139.389768 
+L 186.12072 -139.389771 
+L 186.03108 -139.392651 
+L 185.94144 -139.392479 
+L 185.8518 -139.392859 
+L 185.76216 -139.389457 
+L 185.67252 -139.393001 
+L 185.58288 -139.394548 
+L 185.49324 -139.392336 
+L 185.4036 -139.390084 
+L 185.31396 -139.390644 
+L 185.22432 -139.391405 
+L 185.13468 -139.389387 
+L 185.04504 -139.389784 
+L 184.9554 -139.389931 
+L 184.86576 -139.389466 
+L 184.77612 -139.391184 
+L 184.68648 -139.389702 
+L 184.59684 -139.392418 
+L 184.5072 -139.388505 
+L 184.41756 -139.393055 
+L 184.32792 -139.390223 
+L 184.23828 -139.389671 
+L 184.14864 -139.394182 
+L 184.059 -139.389 
+L 183.96936 -139.394032 
+L 183.87972 -139.391528 
+L 183.79008 -139.393701 
+L 183.70044 -139.394783 
+L 183.6108 -139.389339 
+L 183.52116 -139.389136 
+L 183.43152 -139.389448 
+L 183.34188 -139.391427 
+L 183.25224 -139.38997 
+L 183.1626 -139.391592 
+L 183.07296 -139.39533 
+L 182.98332 -139.389047 
+L 182.89368 -139.393156 
+L 182.80404 -139.391109 
+L 182.7144 -139.394143 
+L 182.62476 -139.390424 
+L 182.53512 -139.392737 
+L 182.44548 -139.388906 
+L 182.35584 -139.391146 
+L 182.2662 -139.392513 
+L 182.17656 -139.392027 
+L 182.08692 -139.391737 
+L 181.99728 -139.395706 
+L 181.90764 -139.392436 
+L 181.818 -139.390544 
+L 181.72836 -139.393532 
+L 181.63872 -139.389897 
+L 181.54908 -139.394489 
+L 181.45944 -139.389158 
+L 181.3698 -139.389487 
+L 181.28016 -139.394191 
+L 181.19052 -139.390076 
+L 181.10088 -139.394168 
+L 181.01124 -139.395127 
+L 180.9216 -139.390034 
+L 180.83196 -139.389309 
+L 180.74232 -139.392073 
+L 180.65268 -139.395174 
+L 180.56304 -139.393759 
+L 180.4734 -139.391832 
+L 180.38376 -139.3883 
+L 180.29412 -139.395102 
+L 180.20448 -139.391355 
+L 180.11484 -139.39448 
+L 180.0252 -139.390198 
+L 179.93556 -139.389203 
+L 179.84592 -139.395318 
+L 179.75628 -139.391669 
+L 179.66664 -139.394638 
+L 179.577 -139.392632 
+L 179.48736 -139.395977 
+L 179.39772 -139.391103 
+L 179.30808 -139.392903 
+L 179.21844 -139.390218 
+L 179.1288 -139.39216 
+L 179.03916 -139.389773 
+L 178.94952 -139.393765 
+L 178.85988 -139.390353 
+L 178.77024 -139.395073 
+L 178.6806 -139.394603 
+L 178.59096 -139.394338 
+L 178.50132 -139.391221 
+L 178.41168 -139.389917 
+L 178.32204 -139.392513 
+L 178.2324 -139.391677 
+L 178.14276 -139.395883 
+L 178.05312 -139.391604 
+L 177.96348 -139.394982 
+L 177.87384 -139.394123 
+L 177.7842 -139.39207 
+L 177.69456 -139.391093 
+L 177.60492 -139.391235 
+L 177.51528 -139.394657 
+L 177.42564 -139.389593 
+L 177.336 -139.391318 
+L 177.24636 -139.394674 
+L 177.15672 -139.395737 
+L 177.06708 -139.393199 
+L 176.97744 -139.390827 
+L 176.8878 -139.393791 
+L 176.79816 -139.395556 
+L 176.70852 -139.39162 
+L 176.61888 -139.39398 
+L 176.52924 -139.389386 
+L 176.4396 -139.39077 
+L 176.34996 -139.393584 
+L 176.26032 -139.391228 
+L 176.17068 -139.392787 
+L 176.08104 -139.390911 
+L 175.9914 -139.388306 
+L 175.90176 -139.394648 
+L 175.81212 -139.391176 
+L 175.72248 -139.389191 
+L 175.63284 -139.388859 
+L 175.5432 -139.394379 
+L 175.45356 -139.393886 
+L 175.36392 -139.394097 
+L 175.27428 -139.393388 
+L 175.18464 -139.394628 
+L 175.095 -139.391842 
+L 175.00536 -139.394935 
+L 174.91572 -139.39369 
+L 174.82608 -139.390863 
+L 174.73644 -139.389555 
+L 174.6468 -139.389628 
+L 174.55716 -139.393849 
+L 174.46752 -139.392293 
+L 174.37788 -139.39068 
+L 174.28824 -139.389706 
+L 174.1986 -139.389901 
+L 174.10896 -139.392066 
+L 174.01932 -139.389077 
+L 173.92968 -139.392942 
+L 173.84004 -139.394318 
+L 173.7504 -139.391601 
+L 173.66076 -139.394315 
+L 173.57112 -139.392625 
+L 173.48148 -139.393395 
+L 173.39184 -139.392562 
+L 173.3022 -139.390667 
+L 173.21256 -139.391909 
+L 173.12292 -139.394412 
+L 173.03328 -139.394299 
+L 172.94364 -139.390123 
+L 172.854 -139.392612 
+L 172.76436 -139.393513 
+L 172.67472 -139.388935 
+L 172.58508 -139.390822 
+L 172.49544 -139.391997 
+L 172.4058 -139.389119 
+L 172.31616 -139.394117 
+L 172.22652 -139.389043 
+L 172.13688 -139.388869 
+L 172.04724 -139.390474 
+L 171.9576 -139.392892 
+L 171.86796 -139.394378 
+L 171.77832 -139.389359 
+L 171.68868 -139.388599 
+L 171.59904 -139.392597 
+L 171.5094 -139.392969 
+L 171.41976 -139.390797 
+L 171.33012 -139.39299 
+L 171.24048 -139.393325 
+L 171.15084 -139.395573 
+L 171.0612 -139.394681 
+L 170.97156 -139.390265 
+L 170.88192 -139.388618 
+L 170.79228 -139.389964 
+L 170.70264 -139.395025 
+L 170.613 -139.394774 
+L 170.52336 -139.392755 
+L 170.43372 -139.392523 
+L 170.34408 -139.392059 
+L 170.25444 -139.391704 
+L 170.1648 -139.391802 
+L 170.07516 -139.393148 
+L 169.98552 -139.395086 
+L 169.89588 -139.391135 
+L 169.80624 -139.392724 
+L 169.7166 -139.394455 
+L 169.62696 -139.394358 
+L 169.53732 -139.394928 
+L 169.44768 -139.388868 
+L 169.35804 -139.388966 
+L 169.2684 -139.393351 
+L 169.17876 -139.391288 
+L 169.08912 -139.392691 
+L 168.99948 -139.395305 
+L 168.90984 -139.393528 
+L 168.8202 -139.393803 
+L 168.73056 -139.388476 
+L 168.64092 -139.388514 
+L 168.55128 -139.395233 
+L 168.46164 -139.391271 
+L 168.372 -139.394804 
+L 168.28236 -139.392631 
+L 168.19272 -139.388657 
+L 168.10308 -139.392683 
+L 168.01344 -139.392423 
+L 167.9238 -139.391046 
+L 167.83416 -139.391795 
+L 167.74452 -139.393219 
+L 167.65488 -139.388516 
+L 167.56524 -139.390435 
+L 167.4756 -139.389009 
+L 167.38596 -139.39237 
+L 167.29632 -139.389651 
+L 167.20668 -139.394607 
+L 167.11704 -139.395076 
+L 167.0274 -139.389717 
+L 166.93776 -139.390932 
+L 166.84812 -139.394992 
+L 166.75848 -139.389598 
+L 166.66884 -139.388433 
+L 166.5792 -139.393636 
+L 166.48956 -139.392314 
+L 166.39992 -139.394361 
+L 166.31028 -139.390535 
+L 166.22064 -139.394321 
+L 166.131 -139.392175 
+L 166.04136 -139.395415 
+L 165.95172 -139.393075 
+L 165.86208 -139.389324 
+L 165.77244 -139.39456 
+L 165.6828 -139.394731 
+L 165.59316 -139.392934 
+L 165.50352 -139.392474 
+L 165.41388 -139.389004 
+L 165.32424 -139.394745 
+L 165.2346 -139.390395 
+L 165.14496 -139.393356 
+L 165.05532 -139.389314 
+L 164.96568 -139.389046 
+L 164.87604 -139.393064 
+L 164.7864 -139.389521 
+L 164.69676 -139.3911 
+L 164.60712 -139.394274 
+L 164.51748 -139.394813 
+L 164.42784 -139.393466 
+L 164.3382 -139.390976 
+L 164.24856 -139.392386 
+L 164.15892 -139.391172 
+L 164.06928 -139.393457 
+L 163.97964 -139.391247 
+L 163.89 -139.394464 
+L 163.80036 -139.393179 
+L 163.71072 -139.392623 
+L 163.62108 -139.389089 
+L 163.53144 -139.39346 
+L 163.4418 -139.393483 
+L 163.35216 -139.391776 
+L 163.26252 -139.390336 
+L 163.17288 -139.392263 
+L 163.08324 -139.395732 
+L 162.9936 -139.393048 
+L 162.90396 -139.391359 
+L 162.81432 -139.394339 
+L 162.72468 -139.394678 
+L 162.63504 -139.394856 
+L 162.5454 -139.389008 
+L 162.45576 -139.392133 
+L 162.36612 -139.391018 
+L 162.27648 -139.392571 
+L 162.18684 -139.388273 
+L 162.0972 -139.390709 
+L 162.00756 -139.390496 
+L 161.91792 -139.391895 
+L 161.82828 -139.389957 
+L 161.73864 -139.392749 
+L 161.649 -139.390862 
+L 161.55936 -139.393366 
+L 161.46972 -139.390733 
+L 161.38008 -139.391272 
+L 161.29044 -139.394759 
+L 161.2008 -139.394325 
+L 161.11116 -139.394173 
+L 161.02152 -139.392706 
+L 160.93188 -139.393775 
+L 160.84224 -139.390842 
+L 160.7526 -139.391075 
+L 160.66296 -139.390603 
+L 160.57332 -139.393839 
+L 160.48368 -139.394541 
+L 160.39404 -139.391349 
+L 160.3044 -139.394463 
+L 160.21476 -139.389309 
+L 160.12512 -139.391411 
+L 160.03548 -139.393914 
+L 159.94584 -139.394119 
+L 159.8562 -139.389499 
+L 159.76656 -139.391444 
+L 159.67692 -139.39543 
+L 159.58728 -139.391876 
+L 159.49764 -139.388645 
+L 159.408 -139.39367 
+L 159.31836 -139.393116 
+L 159.22872 -139.390211 
+L 159.13908 -139.392717 
+L 159.04944 -139.389911 
+L 158.9598 -139.395245 
+L 158.87016 -139.39187 
+L 158.78052 -139.394187 
+L 158.69088 -139.391331 
+L 158.60124 -139.395197 
+L 158.5116 -139.390321 
+L 158.42196 -139.39211 
+L 158.33232 -139.392308 
+L 158.24268 -139.388665 
+L 158.15304 -139.390504 
+L 158.0634 -139.389957 
+L 157.97376 -139.39508 
+L 157.88412 -139.392469 
+L 157.79448 -139.390067 
+L 157.70484 -139.389959 
+L 157.6152 -139.393147 
+L 157.52556 -139.391886 
+L 157.43592 -139.392738 
+L 157.34628 -139.388648 
+L 157.25664 -139.394188 
+L 157.167 -139.391226 
+L 157.07736 -139.392258 
+L 156.98772 -139.390025 
+L 156.89808 -139.394933 
+L 156.80844 -139.395093 
+L 156.7188 -139.392435 
+L 156.62916 -139.392789 
+L 156.53952 -139.39155 
+L 156.44988 -139.388779 
+L 156.36024 -139.391225 
+L 156.2706 -139.392743 
+L 156.18096 -139.389542 
+L 156.09132 -139.390669 
+L 156.00168 -139.392223 
+L 155.91204 -139.390339 
+L 155.8224 -139.3901 
+L 155.73276 -139.393323 
+L 155.64312 -139.394196 
+L 155.55348 -139.392625 
+L 155.46384 -139.393753 
+L 155.3742 -139.391837 
+L 155.28456 -139.390727 
+L 155.19492 -139.393259 
+L 155.10528 -139.391932 
+L 155.01564 -139.389761 
+L 154.926 -139.394818 
+L 154.83636 -139.393015 
+L 154.74672 -139.393086 
+L 154.65708 -139.390446 
+L 154.56744 -139.390448 
+L 154.4778 -139.390707 
+L 154.38816 -139.391998 
+L 154.29852 -139.393678 
+L 154.20888 -139.391509 
+L 154.11924 -139.391906 
+L 154.0296 -139.390587 
+L 153.93996 -139.391886 
+L 153.85032 -139.393426 
+L 153.76068 -139.391934 
+L 153.67104 -139.394153 
+L 153.5814 -139.390823 
+L 153.49176 -139.394791 
+L 153.40212 -139.393524 
+L 153.31248 -139.390435 
+L 153.22284 -139.391884 
+L 153.1332 -139.389869 
+L 153.04356 -139.390345 
+L 152.95392 -139.392844 
+L 152.86428 -139.389349 
+L 152.77464 -139.39339 
+L 152.685 -139.388682 
+L 152.59536 -139.392023 
+L 152.50572 -139.394369 
+L 152.41608 -139.394924 
+L 152.32644 -139.392529 
+L 152.2368 -139.389034 
+L 152.14716 -139.390311 
+L 152.05752 -139.391927 
+L 151.96788 -139.391172 
+L 151.87824 -139.390137 
+L 151.7886 -139.389317 
+L 151.69896 -139.393395 
+L 151.60932 -139.390093 
+L 151.51968 -139.391631 
+L 151.43004 -139.391057 
+L 151.3404 -139.390446 
+L 151.25076 -139.393975 
+L 151.16112 -139.393964 
+L 151.07148 -139.390076 
+L 150.98184 -139.39509 
+L 150.8922 -139.39504 
+L 150.80256 -139.391175 
+L 150.71292 -139.391049 
+L 150.62328 -139.390283 
+L 150.53364 -139.389503 
+L 150.444 -139.394813 
+L 150.35436 -139.391262 
+L 150.26472 -139.389451 
+L 150.17508 -139.39337 
+L 150.08544 -139.392812 
+L 149.9958 -139.391289 
+L 149.90616 -139.389939 
+L 149.81652 -139.389381 
+L 149.72688 -139.391158 
+L 149.63724 -139.392483 
+L 149.5476 -139.390591 
+L 149.45796 -139.391322 
+L 149.36832 -139.394773 
+L 149.27868 -139.390048 
+L 149.18904 -139.389816 
+L 149.0994 -139.393549 
+L 149.00976 -139.394696 
+L 148.92012 -139.39393 
+L 148.83048 -139.389494 
+L 148.74084 -139.388539 
+L 148.6512 -139.390604 
+L 148.56156 -139.39079 
+L 148.47192 -139.392885 
+L 148.38228 -139.39465 
+L 148.29264 -139.393316 
+L 148.203 -139.391432 
+L 148.11336 -139.392729 
+L 148.02372 -139.394724 
+L 147.93408 -139.389704 
+L 147.84444 -139.393164 
+L 147.7548 -139.390078 
+L 147.66516 -139.393391 
+L 147.57552 -139.389645 
+L 147.48588 -139.392345 
+L 147.39624 -139.393936 
+L 147.3066 -139.39005 
+L 147.21696 -139.390771 
+L 147.12732 -139.391857 
+L 147.03768 -139.393423 
+L 146.94804 -139.393222 
+L 146.8584 -139.389574 
+L 146.76876 -139.389825 
+L 146.67912 -139.39197 
+L 146.58948 -139.389942 
+L 146.49984 -139.394155 
+L 146.4102 -139.395201 
+L 146.32056 -139.391462 
+L 146.23092 -139.395262 
+L 146.14128 -139.39493 
+L 146.05164 -139.390753 
+L 145.962 -139.390685 
+L 145.87236 -139.393458 
+L 145.78272 -139.390103 
+L 145.69308 -139.392824 
+L 145.60344 -139.392507 
+L 145.5138 -139.39443 
+L 145.42416 -139.389855 
+L 145.33452 -139.392683 
+L 145.24488 -139.392485 
+L 145.15524 -139.389529 
+L 145.0656 -139.392758 
+L 144.97596 -139.394591 
+L 144.88632 -139.391512 
+L 144.79668 -139.389437 
+L 144.70704 -139.388871 
+L 144.6174 -139.391301 
+L 144.52776 -139.389855 
+L 144.43812 -139.393128 
+L 144.34848 -139.392839 
+L 144.25884 -139.394882 
+L 144.1692 -139.394313 
+L 144.07956 -139.394238 
+L 143.98992 -139.394508 
+L 143.90028 -139.394616 
+L 143.81064 -139.393424 
+L 143.721 -139.388806 
+L 143.63136 -139.39158 
+L 143.54172 -139.392117 
+L 143.45208 -139.393082 
+L 143.36244 -139.392847 
+L 143.2728 -139.392306 
+L 143.18316 -139.392877 
+L 143.09352 -139.391285 
+L 143.00388 -139.394558 
+L 142.91424 -139.393014 
+L 142.8246 -139.392005 
+L 142.73496 -139.394442 
+L 142.64532 -139.390527 
+L 142.55568 -139.389506 
+L 142.46604 -139.391749 
+L 142.3764 -139.393125 
+L 142.28676 -139.391213 
+L 142.19712 -139.390404 
+L 142.10748 -139.394098 
+L 142.01784 -139.392789 
+L 141.9282 -139.392347 
+L 141.83856 -139.394225 
+L 141.74892 -139.394414 
+L 141.65928 -139.394184 
+L 141.56964 -139.390789 
+L 141.48 -139.394964 
+L 141.39036 -139.392124 
+L 141.30072 -139.394064 
+L 141.21108 -139.39442 
+L 141.12144 -139.393578 
+L 141.0318 -139.393692 
+L 140.94216 -139.392998 
+L 140.85252 -139.3932 
+L 140.76288 -139.392973 
+L 140.67324 -139.393042 
+L 140.5836 -139.393209 
+L 140.49396 -139.389978 
+L 140.40432 -139.39339 
+L 140.31468 -139.392847 
+L 140.22504 -139.392915 
+L 140.1354 -139.392917 
+L 140.04576 -139.39188 
+L 139.95612 -139.392779 
+L 139.86648 -139.392406 
+L 139.77684 -139.391834 
+L 139.6872 -139.392479 
+L 139.59756 -139.392174 
+L 139.50792 -139.390325 
+L 139.41828 -139.391521 
+L 139.32864 -139.393559 
+L 139.239 -139.391555 
+L 139.14936 -139.391962 
+L 139.05972 -139.394199 
+L 138.97008 -139.39295 
+L 138.88044 -139.392832 
+L 138.7908 -139.392168 
+L 138.70116 -139.392491 
+L 138.61152 -139.391595 
+L 138.52188 -139.3935 
+L 138.43224 -139.394049 
+L 138.3426 -139.390691 
+L 138.25296 -139.389629 
+L 138.16332 -139.389375 
+L 138.07368 -139.394007 
+L 137.98404 -139.395183 
+L 137.8944 -139.394375 
+L 137.80476 -139.391115 
+L 137.71512 -139.389638 
+L 137.62548 -139.392162 
+L 137.53584 -139.394818 
+L 137.4462 -139.390795 
+L 137.35656 -139.390153 
+L 137.26692 -139.390777 
+L 137.17728 -139.39474 
+L 137.08764 -139.394458 
+L 136.998 -139.393135 
+L 136.90836 -139.393366 
+L 136.81872 -139.390175 
+L 136.72908 -139.393076 
+L 136.63944 -139.392403 
+L 136.5498 -139.393546 
+L 136.46016 -139.390045 
+L 136.37052 -139.394569 
+L 136.28088 -139.390388 
+L 136.19124 -139.391325 
+L 136.1016 -139.394251 
+L 136.01196 -139.389869 
+L 135.92232 -139.390406 
+L 135.83268 -139.390662 
+L 135.74304 -139.390549 
+L 135.6534 -139.392446 
+L 135.56376 -139.389692 
+L 135.47412 -139.393272 
+L 135.38448 -139.393036 
+L 135.29484 -139.390919 
+L 135.2052 -139.391765 
+L 135.11556 -139.388988 
+L 135.02592 -139.395306 
+L 134.93628 -139.39434 
+L 134.84664 -139.389387 
+L 134.757 -139.391739 
+L 134.66736 -139.393574 
+L 134.57772 -139.393915 
+L 134.48808 -139.392533 
+L 134.39844 -139.391047 
+L 134.3088 -139.394521 
+L 134.21916 -139.390443 
+L 134.12952 -139.393428 
+L 134.03988 -139.392183 
+L 133.95024 -139.390715 
+L 133.8606 -139.391614 
+L 133.77096 -139.391549 
+L 133.68132 -139.392694 
+L 133.59168 -139.38944 
+L 133.50204 -139.391458 
+L 133.4124 -139.392915 
+L 133.32276 -139.39063 
+L 133.23312 -139.392308 
+L 133.14348 -139.391184 
+L 133.05384 -139.391322 
+L 132.9642 -139.389101 
+L 132.87456 -139.391634 
+L 132.78492 -139.391603 
+L 132.69528 -139.389894 
+L 132.60564 -139.393346 
+L 132.516 -139.391584 
+L 132.42636 -139.393823 
+L 132.33672 -139.394504 
+L 132.24708 -139.391215 
+L 132.15744 -139.393175 
+L 132.0678 -139.389018 
+L 131.97816 -139.392642 
+L 131.88852 -139.390453 
+L 131.79888 -139.392329 
+L 131.70924 -139.394581 
+L 131.6196 -139.391949 
+L 131.52996 -139.394853 
+L 131.44032 -139.389588 
+L 131.35068 -139.393721 
+L 131.26104 -139.389568 
+L 131.1714 -139.392438 
+L 131.08176 -139.393483 
+L 130.99212 -139.392997 
+L 130.90248 -139.392452 
+L 130.81284 -139.395282 
+L 130.7232 -139.391688 
+L 130.63356 -139.39292 
+L 130.54392 -139.394069 
+L 130.45428 -139.389731 
+L 130.36464 -139.391436 
+L 130.275 -139.393706 
+L 130.18536 -139.390488 
+L 130.09572 -139.390282 
+L 130.00608 -139.391093 
+L 129.91644 -139.393442 
+L 129.8268 -139.392191 
+L 129.73716 -139.392946 
+L 129.64752 -139.39289 
+L 129.55788 -139.393321 
+L 129.46824 -139.393551 
+L 129.3786 -139.389512 
+L 129.28896 -139.394729 
+L 129.19932 -139.390494 
+L 129.10968 -139.395188 
+L 129.02004 -139.391795 
+L 128.9304 -139.394544 
+L 128.84076 -139.395209 
+L 128.75112 -139.390369 
+L 128.66148 -139.389535 
+L 128.57184 -139.393604 
+L 128.4822 -139.390251 
+L 128.39256 -139.394459 
+L 128.30292 -139.391756 
+L 128.21328 -139.393946 
+L 128.12364 -139.39473 
+L 128.034 -139.394131 
+L 127.94436 -139.394647 
+L 127.85472 -139.393226 
+L 127.76508 -139.389059 
+L 127.67544 -139.393768 
+L 127.5858 -139.390507 
+L 127.49616 -139.392737 
+L 127.40652 -139.391129 
+L 127.31688 -139.391264 
+L 127.22724 -139.392609 
+L 127.1376 -139.394023 
+L 127.04796 -139.389454 
+L 126.95832 -139.392422 
+L 126.86868 -139.39327 
+L 126.77904 -139.390847 
+L 126.6894 -139.39021 
+L 126.59976 -139.394514 
+L 126.51012 -139.392274 
+L 126.42048 -139.391895 
+L 126.33084 -139.389896 
+L 126.2412 -139.390383 
+L 126.15156 -139.393 
+L 126.06192 -139.389888 
+L 125.97228 -139.393196 
+L 125.88264 -139.392112 
+L 125.793 -139.39443 
+L 125.70336 -139.392064 
+L 125.61372 -139.392739 
+L 125.52408 -139.393476 
+L 125.43444 -139.392814 
+L 125.3448 -139.38904 
+L 125.25516 -139.395306 
+L 125.16552 -139.393543 
+L 125.07588 -139.392426 
+L 124.98624 -139.390384 
+L 124.8966 -139.391959 
+L 124.80696 -139.394641 
+L 124.71732 -139.394054 
+L 124.62768 -139.393549 
+L 124.53804 -139.39375 
+L 124.4484 -139.392808 
+L 124.35876 -139.392556 
+L 124.26912 -139.390819 
+L 124.17948 -139.393698 
+L 124.08984 -139.392275 
+L 124.0002 -139.393306 
+L 123.91056 -139.393871 
+L 123.82092 -139.394539 
+L 123.73128 -139.391365 
+L 123.64164 -139.3905 
+L 123.552 -139.392775 
+L 123.46236 -139.391952 
+L 123.37272 -139.392434 
+L 123.28308 -139.389628 
+L 123.19344 -139.393524 
+L 123.1038 -139.394835 
+L 123.01416 -139.393339 
+L 122.92452 -139.395007 
+L 122.83488 -139.393641 
+L 122.74524 -139.39169 
+L 122.6556 -139.394057 
+L 122.56596 -139.394056 
+L 122.47632 -139.394368 
+L 122.38668 -139.390674 
+L 122.29704 -139.394722 
+L 122.2074 -139.390216 
+L 122.11776 -139.391189 
+L 122.02812 -139.391011 
+L 121.93848 -139.390886 
+L 121.84884 -139.390157 
+L 121.7592 -139.391719 
+L 121.66956 -139.392407 
+L 121.57992 -139.394877 
+L 121.49028 -139.389069 
+L 121.40064 -139.393853 
+L 121.311 -139.393736 
+L 121.22136 -139.390128 
+L 121.13172 -139.390092 
+L 121.04208 -139.391174 
+L 120.95244 -139.391667 
+L 120.8628 -139.391802 
+L 120.77316 -139.392397 
+L 120.68352 -139.391964 
+L 120.59388 -139.391391 
+L 120.50424 -139.392335 
+L 120.4146 -139.39135 
+L 120.32496 -139.394335 
+L 120.23532 -139.391971 
+L 120.14568 -139.39254 
+L 120.05604 -139.394406 
+L 119.9664 -139.392514 
+L 119.87676 -139.390755 
+L 119.78712 -139.390379 
+L 119.69748 -139.391684 
+L 119.60784 -139.392623 
+L 119.5182 -139.392324 
+L 119.42856 -139.390116 
+L 119.33892 -139.389978 
+L 119.24928 -139.391018 
+L 119.15964 -139.391044 
+L 119.07 -139.389165 
+L 118.98036 -139.390648 
+L 118.89072 -139.391585 
+L 118.80108 -139.389822 
+L 118.71144 -139.394246 
+L 118.6218 -139.390408 
+L 118.53216 -139.39392 
+L 118.44252 -139.394347 
+L 118.35288 -139.39018 
+L 118.26324 -139.391579 
+L 118.1736 -139.390017 
+L 118.08396 -139.390012 
+L 117.99432 -139.394104 
+L 117.90468 -139.390978 
+L 117.81504 -139.392917 
+L 117.7254 -139.394322 
+L 117.63576 -139.394333 
+L 117.54612 -139.391906 
+L 117.45648 -139.390613 
+L 117.36684 -139.389924 
+L 117.2772 -139.392941 
+L 117.18756 -139.390803 
+L 117.09792 -139.392289 
+L 117.00828 -139.394186 
+L 116.91864 -139.394263 
+L 116.829 -139.394197 
+L 116.73936 -139.392717 
+L 116.64972 -139.392665 
+L 116.56008 -139.393851 
+L 116.47044 -139.390549 
+L 116.3808 -139.393558 
+L 116.29116 -139.394229 
+L 116.20152 -139.386043 
+L 116.11188 -139.387674 
+L 116.02224 -139.392375 
+L 115.9326 -139.389206 
+L 115.84296 -139.396735 
+L 115.75332 -139.39503 
+L 115.66368 -139.392915 
+L 115.57404 -139.388322 
+L 115.4844 -139.396416 
+L 115.39476 -139.396621 
+L 115.30512 -139.39099 
+L 115.21548 -139.389134 
+L 115.12584 -139.387306 
+L 115.0362 -139.388408 
+L 114.94656 -139.38895 
+L 114.85692 -139.391647 
+L 114.76728 -139.393602 
+L 114.67764 -139.393778 
+L 114.588 -139.39466 
+L 114.49836 -139.3952 
+L 114.40872 -139.389974 
+L 114.31908 -139.392095 
+L 114.22944 -139.393559 
+L 114.1398 -139.389588 
+L 114.05016 -139.389615 
+L 113.96052 -139.391299 
+L 113.87088 -139.395328 
+L 113.78124 -139.395762 
+L 113.6916 -139.390599 
+L 113.60196 -139.394773 
+L 113.51232 -139.396532 
+L 113.42268 -139.393516 
+L 113.33304 -139.395833 
+L 113.2434 -139.393326 
+L 113.15376 -139.388076 
+L 113.06412 -139.390037 
+L 112.97448 -139.398144 
+L 112.88484 -139.387429 
+L 112.7952 -139.389406 
+L 112.70556 -139.392555 
+L 112.61592 -139.391671 
+L 112.52628 -139.389658 
+L 112.43664 -139.389684 
+L 112.347 -139.389274 
+L 112.25736 -139.391351 
+L 112.16772 -139.394897 
+L 112.07808 -139.390389 
+L 111.98844 -139.39194 
+L 111.8988 -139.390203 
+L 111.80916 -139.395435 
+L 111.71952 -139.392387 
+L 111.62988 -139.389302 
+L 111.54024 -139.393178 
+L 111.4506 -139.395336 
+L 111.36096 -139.397791 
+L 111.27132 -139.395802 
+L 111.18168 -139.389356 
+L 111.09204 -139.389601 
+L 111.0024 -139.390832 
+L 110.91276 -139.390876 
+L 110.82312 -139.39042 
+L 110.73348 -139.393458 
+L 110.64384 -139.387924 
+L 110.5542 -139.393239 
+L 110.46456 -139.396594 
+L 110.37492 -139.392919 
+L 110.28528 -139.386632 
+L 110.19564 -139.390325 
+L 110.106 -139.396048 
+L 110.01636 -139.394444 
+L 109.92672 -139.394458 
+L 109.83708 -139.391996 
+L 109.74744 -139.397456 
+L 109.6578 -139.387148 
+L 109.56816 -139.394129 
+L 109.47852 -139.395486 
+L 109.38888 -139.392671 
+L 109.29924 -139.395391 
+L 109.2096 -139.395709 
+L 109.11996 -139.391856 
+L 109.03032 -139.392493 
+L 108.94068 -139.388219 
+L 108.85104 -139.389555 
+L 108.7614 -139.391866 
+L 108.67176 -139.395937 
+L 108.58212 -139.396796 
+L 108.49248 -139.395182 
+L 108.40284 -139.3898 
+L 108.3132 -139.386195 
+L 108.22356 -139.392587 
+L 108.13392 -139.389994 
+L 108.04428 -139.394731 
+L 107.95464 -139.393705 
+L 107.865 -139.391903 
+L 107.77536 -139.395436 
+L 107.68572 -139.394084 
+L 107.59608 -139.395909 
+L 107.50644 -139.391304 
+L 107.4168 -139.389679 
+L 107.32716 -139.394386 
+L 107.23752 -139.391477 
+L 107.14788 -139.397033 
+L 107.05824 -139.389781 
+L 106.9686 -139.397191 
+L 106.87896 -139.394815 
+L 106.78932 -139.393715 
+L 106.69968 -139.392562 
+L 106.61004 -139.390307 
+L 106.5204 -139.397065 
+L 106.43076 -139.393444 
+L 106.34112 -139.395947 
+L 106.25148 -139.391739 
+L 106.16184 -139.38979 
+L 106.0722 -139.392526 
+L 105.98256 -139.388226 
+L 105.89292 -139.393139 
+L 105.80328 -139.395601 
+L 105.71364 -139.390767 
+L 105.624 -139.389473 
+L 105.53436 -139.39117 
+L 105.44472 -139.394977 
+L 105.35508 -139.392385 
+L 105.26544 -139.39683 
+L 105.1758 -139.394606 
+L 105.08616 -139.388522 
+L 104.99652 -139.39592 
+L 104.90688 -139.388191 
+L 104.81724 -139.393315 
+L 104.7276 -139.397419 
+L 104.63796 -139.387497 
+L 104.54832 -139.393181 
+L 104.45868 -139.389968 
+L 104.36904 -139.390796 
+L 104.2794 -139.393463 
+L 104.18976 -139.397478 
+L 104.10012 -139.392233 
+L 104.01048 -139.392535 
+L 103.92084 -139.388257 
+L 103.8312 -139.394212 
+L 103.74156 -139.39281 
+L 103.65192 -139.391699 
+L 103.56228 -139.391151 
+L 103.47264 -139.393793 
+L 103.383 -139.392419 
+L 103.29336 -139.390845 
+L 103.20372 -139.392915 
+L 103.11408 -139.392421 
+L 103.02444 -139.395197 
+L 102.9348 -139.393448 
+L 102.84516 -139.391657 
+L 102.75552 -139.391585 
+L 102.66588 -139.390033 
+L 102.57624 -139.395654 
+L 102.4866 -139.395305 
+L 102.39696 -139.393745 
+L 102.30732 -139.39057 
+L 102.21768 -139.39333 
+L 102.12804 -139.393016 
+L 102.0384 -139.393305 
+L 101.94876 -139.394464 
+L 101.85912 -139.390862 
+L 101.76948 -139.391684 
+L 101.67984 -139.390988 
+L 101.5902 -139.392594 
+L 101.50056 -139.391115 
+L 101.41092 -139.39278 
+L 101.32128 -139.38989 
+L 101.23164 -139.391754 
+L 101.142 -139.387531 
+L 101.05236 -139.389614 
+L 100.96272 -139.391426 
+L 100.87308 -139.392124 
+L 100.78344 -139.394384 
+L 100.6938 -139.391311 
+L 100.60416 -139.394332 
+L 100.51452 -139.393096 
+L 100.42488 -139.389767 
+L 100.33524 -139.387411 
+L 100.2456 -139.394551 
+L 100.15596 -139.395432 
+L 100.06632 -139.393511 
+L 99.97668 -139.394203 
+L 99.88704 -139.389831 
+L 99.7974 -139.393419 
+L 99.70776 -139.39048 
+L 99.61812 -139.392525 
+L 99.52848 -139.391722 
+L 99.43884 -139.392772 
+L 99.3492 -139.392305 
+L 99.25956 -139.395334 
+L 99.16992 -139.396528 
+L 99.08028 -139.391723 
+L 98.99064 -139.388506 
+L 98.901 -139.391307 
+L 98.81136 -139.389943 
+L 98.72172 -139.393976 
+L 98.63208 -139.393307 
+L 98.54244 -139.39244 
+L 98.4528 -139.389153 
+L 98.36316 -139.390157 
+L 98.27352 -139.392986 
+L 98.18388 -139.39046 
+L 98.09424 -139.395872 
+L 98.0046 -139.392599 
+L 97.91496 -139.393626 
+L 97.82532 -139.388451 
+L 97.73568 -139.391674 
+L 97.64604 -139.393279 
+L 97.5564 -139.393934 
+L 97.46676 -139.393739 
+L 97.37712 -139.392947 
+L 97.28748 -139.393259 
+L 97.19784 -139.39172 
+L 97.1082 -139.386997 
+L 97.01856 -139.395356 
+L 96.92892 -139.390321 
+L 96.83928 -139.390928 
+L 96.74964 -139.391866 
+L 96.66 -139.391671 
+L 96.57036 -139.390922 
+L 96.48072 -139.388562 
+L 96.39108 -139.393541 
+L 96.30144 -139.391391 
+L 96.2118 -139.394934 
+L 96.12216 -139.392831 
+L 96.03252 -139.394112 
+L 95.94288 -139.388186 
+L 95.85324 -139.391226 
+L 95.7636 -139.38808 
+L 95.67396 -139.393523 
+L 95.58432 -139.390534 
+L 95.49468 -139.394767 
+L 95.40504 -139.393672 
+L 95.3154 -139.391551 
+L 95.22576 -139.390828 
+L 95.13612 -139.390474 
+L 95.04648 -139.393108 
+L 94.95684 -139.392585 
+L 94.8672 -139.396078 
+L 94.77756 -139.388323 
+L 94.68792 -139.388419 
+L 94.59828 -139.393937 
+L 94.50864 -139.392185 
+L 94.419 -139.390286 
+L 94.32936 -139.393532 
+L 94.23972 -139.388501 
+L 94.15008 -139.390622 
+L 94.06044 -139.394597 
+L 93.9708 -139.394254 
+L 93.88116 -139.394681 
+L 93.79152 -139.392663 
+L 93.70188 -139.394279 
+L 93.61224 -139.390397 
+L 93.5226 -139.396375 
+L 93.43296 -139.389413 
+L 93.34332 -139.391715 
+L 93.25368 -139.391387 
+L 93.16404 -139.391747 
+L 93.0744 -139.394025 
+L 92.98476 -139.393312 
+L 92.89512 -139.391406 
+L 92.80548 -139.389118 
+L 92.71584 -139.389911 
+L 92.6262 -139.393433 
+L 92.53656 -139.393488 
+L 92.44692 -139.395206 
+L 92.35728 -139.390766 
+L 92.26764 -139.391338 
+L 92.178 -139.390876 
+L 92.08836 -139.393003 
+L 91.99872 -139.390117 
+L 91.90908 -139.389639 
+L 91.81944 -139.393049 
+L 91.7298 -139.392225 
+L 91.64016 -139.392232 
+L 91.55052 -139.394504 
+L 91.46088 -139.391503 
+L 91.37124 -139.392155 
+L 91.2816 -139.392801 
+L 91.19196 -139.39558 
+L 91.10232 -139.395509 
+L 91.01268 -139.388766 
+L 90.92304 -139.390837 
+L 90.8334 -139.395332 
+L 90.74376 -139.39291 
+L 90.65412 -139.393528 
+L 90.56448 -139.393445 
+L 90.47484 -139.390062 
+L 90.3852 -139.390991 
+L 90.29556 -139.390725 
+L 90.20592 -139.390849 
+L 90.11628 -139.393019 
+L 90.02664 -139.391066 
+L 89.937 -139.39367 
+L 89.84736 -139.388651 
+L 89.75772 -139.389538 
+L 89.66808 -139.388243 
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+.. _Analysis:
+Convergence plots
+You can use the tool called `amp-plotconvergence` to help you examine the output of an Amp log file. Run `amp-plotconvergence -h` for help at the command line.
+You can also access this tool as :func:`~amp.analysis.plot_convergence` from the :mod:`amp.analysis` module.
+   .. image:: _static/convergence.svg
+      :width: 600 px
+      :align: center
+Other plots
+There are several other plotting tools within the :mod:`amp.analysis` module, including :func:`~amp.analysis.plot_parity` for making parity plots, :func:`~amp.analysis.plot_error` for making error plots, and :func:`~amp.analysis.plot_sensitivity` for examining the sensitivity of the model output to the model parameters.
+These modules should produce plots like below; in the order parity, error, and sensitivity from left to right.
+See the module autodocumentation for details.
+   .. image:: _static/parity_error_sensitivity.svg
+      :width: 1000 px
+      :align: center
diff --git a/docs/building.rst b/docs/building.rst
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/building.rst
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+.. _Building:
+Building modules
+Amp is designed to be modular, so if you think you have a great descriptor scheme or machine-learning model, you can try it out.
+This page describes how to add your own modules; starting with the bare-bones requirements to make it work, and building up with how to construct it so it integrates with respect to parallelization, etc.
+Descriptor: minimal requirements
+To build your own descriptor, it needs to have certain minimum requirements met, in order to play with *Amp*. The below code illustrates these minimum requirements::
+    from ase.calculators.calculator import Parameters
+    class MyDescriptor(object):
+        def __init__(self, parameter1, parameter2):
+            self.parameters = Parameters({'mode': 'atom-centered',})
+            self.parameters.parameter1 = parameter1
+            self.parameters.parameter2 = parameter2
+        def tostring(self):
+            return self.parameters.tostring()
+        def calculate_fingerprints(self, images, cores, log):
+            # Do the calculations...
+            self.fingerprints = fingerprints  # A dictionary.
+The specific requirements, illustrated above, are:
+* Has a parameters attribute (of type `ase.calculators.calculator.Parameters`), which holds the minimum information needed to re-build your module.
+  That is, if your descriptor has user-settable parameters such as a cutoff radius, etc., they should be stored in this dictionary.
+  Additionally, it must have the keyword "mode"; which must be set to either "atom-centered" or "image-centered".
+  (This keyword will be used by the model class.)
+* Has a "tostring" method, which converts the minimum parameters into a dictionary that can be re-constructed using `eval`.
+  If you used the ASE `Parameters` class above, this class is simple::
+    def tostring():
+        return self.parameters.tostring()
+* Has a "calculate_fingerprints" method.
+  The images argument is a dictionary of training images, with keys that are unique hashes of each image in the set produced with `amp.utilities.hash_images`.
+  The log is a `amp.utilities.Logger` instance, that the method can optionally use as `log('Message.')`.
+  The cores keyword describes parallelization, and can safely be ignored if serial operation is desired.
+  This method must save a sub-attribute `self.fingerprints` (which will be accessible in the main *Amp* instance as `calc.descriptor.fingerprints`) that contains a dictionary-like object of the fingerprints, indexed by the same keys that were in the images dictionary.
+  Ideally, `descriptor.fingerprints` is an instance of `amp.utilities.Data`, but probably any mapping (dictionary-like) object will do.
+  A fingerprint is a vector.
+  In **image-centered** mode, there is one fingerprint for each image.
+  This will generally be just the Cartesian positions of all the atoms in the system, but transformations are possible.
+  For example this could be accessed by the images key
+  >>> calc.descriptor.fingerprints[key]
+  >>> [3.223, 8.234, 0.0322, 8.33]
+  In **atom-centered** mode, there is a fingerprint for each atom in the image.
+  Therefore, calling `calc.descriptor.fingerprints[key]` returns a list of fingerprints, in the same order as the atom ordering in the original ASE atoms object.
+  So to access an individual atom's fingerprints one could do
+  >>> calc.descriptor.fingerprints[key][index]
+  >>> ('Cu', [8.832, 9.22, 7.118, 0.312])
+  That is, the first item is the element of the atom, and the second is a 1-dimensional array which is that atom's fingerprint.
+   Thus, `calc.descriptor.fingerprints[hash]` gives a list of fingerprints, in the same order the atoms appear in the image they were fingerprinted from.
+  If you want to train your model to forces also (besides energies), your "calculate_fingerprints" method needs to calculate derivatives of the fingerprints with respect to coordinates as well.
+  This is because forces (as the minus of coordinate-gradient of the potential energy) can be written, according to the chain rule of calculus, as the derivative of your model output (which represents energy here) with respect to model inputs (which is fingerprints) times the derivative of fingerprints with respect to spatial coordinates. 
+  These derivatives are calculated for each image for each possible pair of atoms (within the cutoff distance in the **atom-centered** mode).
+  They can be calculated either analytically or simply numerically with finite-difference method.
+  If a piece of code is written to calculate coordinate-derivatives of fingerprints, then the "calculate_fingerprints" method can save it as a sub-attribute `self.fingerprintprimes` (which will be accessible in the main *Amp* instance as `calc.descriptor.fingerprintprimes`) along with `self.fingerprints`.
+  `self.fingerprintprimes` is a dictionary-like object, indexed by the same keys that were in the images dictionary.
+  Ideally, `descriptor.fingerprintprimes` is an instance of `amp.utilities.Data`, but probably any mapping (dictionary-like) object will do.
+  Calling `calc.descriptor.fingerprintprimes[key]` returns the derivatives of fingerprints for the image key of interest.
+  This is a dictionary where each key is a tuple representing the indices of the derivative, and each value is a list of finperprintprimes.
+  (This list has the same length as the fingerprints.)
+  For example, to retrieve derivatives of the fingerprints of atom indexed 2 (which is say Pt) with respect to :math:`x` coordinate of atom indexed 1 (which is say Cu), we should do
+  >>> calc.descriptor.fingerprintprimes[key][(1, 'Cu', 2, 'Pt', 0)]
+  >>> [-1.202, 0.130, 4.511, -0.721]
+  Or to retrieve derivatives of the fingerprints of atom indexed 1 with respect to :math:`z` coordinate of atom indexed 1, we do
+  >>> calc.descriptor.fingerprintprimes[key][(1, 'Cu', 1, 'Cu', 2)]
+  >>> [3.48, -1.343, -2.561, -8.412]
+Descriptor: standard practices
+The below describes standard practices we use in building modules. It is not necessary to use these, but it should make your life easier to follow standard practices. And, if your code is ultimately destined to be part of an Amp release, you should plan to make it follow these practices unless there is a compelling reason not to.
+We have an example of a minimal descriptor in `amp.descriptor.example`; it's probably easiest to copy this file and modify it to become your new descriptor. For a complete example of a working descriptor, see `amp.descriptor.gaussian`.
+The Data class
+The key element we use to make our lives easier is the `Data` class. It should be noted that, in the development version, this is still a work in progress. The `Data` class acts like a dictionary in that items can be accessed by key, but also saves the data to disk (it is persistent), enables calculation of missing items, and can even parallelize these calculations across cores and nodes.
+It is recommended to first construct a pure python version that fits with the `Data` scheme for 1 core, then expanding it to work with multiple cores via the following procedure. See the Gaussian descriptor for an example of implementation.
+Basic data addition
+To make the descriptor work with the `Data` class, the `Data` class needs a keyword `calculator`. The simplest example of this is our `NeighborlistCalculator`, which is basically a wrapper around ASE's Neighborlist class::
+    class NeighborlistCalculator:
+        """For integration with .utilities.Data
+        For each image fed to calculate, a list of neighbors with offset
+        distances is returned.
+        """
+        def __init__(self, cutoff):
+            self.globals = Parameters({'cutoff': cutoff})
+            self.keyed = Parameters()
+            self.parallel_command = 'calculate_neighborlists'
+        def calculate(self, image, key):
+            cutoff = self.globals.cutoff
+            n = NeighborList(cutoffs=[cutoff / 2.] * len(image),
+                             self_interaction=False,
+                             bothways=True,
+                             skin=0.)
+            n.update(image)
+            return [n.get_neighbors(index) for index in range(len(image))]
+Notice there are two categories of parameters saved in the init statement: `globals` and `keyed`. The first are parameters that apply to every image; here the cutoff radius is the same regardless of the image. The second category contains data that is specific to each image, in a dictionary format keyed by the image hash. In this example, there are no keyed parameters, but in the case of the fingerprint calculator, the dictionary of neighborlists is an example of a `keyed` parameter. The [...]
+The parallelization should work provided the scheme is `embarassingly parallel <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embarrassingly_parallel>`_; that is, each image's fingerprint is independent of all other images' fingerprints. We implement this in building the `amp.utilities.Data` dictionaries, using a scheme of establishing SSH sessions (with pxssh) for each worker and passing messages with ZMQ.
+The `Data` class itself serves as the master, and the workers are instances of the specific module; that is, for the Gaussian scheme the workers are started with `python -m amp.descriptor.gaussian id hostname:port` where id is a unique identifier number assigned to each worker, and hostname:port is the socket at which the workers should open the connection to the mater (e.g., "node243:51247"). The master expects the worker to print two messages to the screen: "<amp-connect>" which confir [...]
+    if __name__ == "__main__":
+        import sys
+        import tempfile
+        hostsocket = sys.argv[-1]
+        proc_id = sys.argv[-2]
+        print('<amp-connect>')
+        sys.stderr = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', delete=False,
+                                                 suffix='.stderr')
+        print('stderr written to %s<stderr>' % sys.stderr.name)
+After this, the worker communicates with the master in request (from the worker) / reply (from the master) mode, via ZMQ. (It's worth checking out the `ZMQ Guide <http://zguide.zeromq.org/>`_; (ZMQ Guide examples). Each request from the worker needs to take the form of a dictionary with three entries: "id", "subject", and (optionally) "data". These are easily created with the `amp.utilities.MessageDictionary` class. The first thing the worker needs to do is establish the connection to th [...]
+    import zmq
+    from ..utilities import MessageDictionary
+    msg = MessageDictionary(proc_id)
+    # Establish client session via zmq; find purpose.
+    context = zmq.Context()
+    socket = context.socket(zmq.REQ)
+    socket.connect('tcp://%s' % hostsocket)
+    socket.send_pyobj(msg('<purpose>'))
+    purpose = socket.recv_pyobj()
+In the final line above, the master has sent a string with the `parallel_command` attribute mentioned above. You can have some if/elif statements to choose what to do next, but for the calculate_neighborlist example, the worker routine is as simple as requesting the variables, performing the calculations, and sending back the results, which happens in these few lines. This is all that is needed for parallelization (in pure python)::
+    # Request variables.
+    socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'cutoff'))
+    cutoff = socket.recv_pyobj()
+    socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'images'))
+    images = socket.recv_pyobj()
+    # Perform the calculations.
+    calc = NeighborlistCalculator(cutoff=cutoff)
+    neighborlist = {}
+    while len(images) > 0:
+        key, image = images.popitem()  # Reduce memory.
+        neighborlist[key] = calc.calculate(image, key)
+    # Send the results.
+    socket.send_pyobj(msg('<result>', neighborlist))
+    socket.recv_string() # Needed to complete REQ/REP.
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+.. _Community:
+Mailing list
+An amp-users listserv is available for general discussion, troubleshooting, suggestions, etc.
+It is available at
+The archives of this list are also available to members of the list.
+Bugs and issues
+To report bugs, issues, works-in-progress, or feature requests (although those might best be first discussed on amp-users), please use our Issue Tracker on the repository page. It is available at
+You are welcome to contribute to this project. See the :any:`Develop` page.
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+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# AMP documentation build configuration file, created by
+# sphinx-quickstart on Thu Jul 30 17:27:50 2015.
+# This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its
+# containing dir.
+# Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this
+# autogenerated file.
+# All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out
+# serve to show the default.
+import sys
+import os
+# If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory,
+# add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the
+# documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here.
+#sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.'))
+#sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../'))
+# -- General configuration ------------------------------------------------
+# If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here.
+#needs_sphinx = '1.0'
+# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be
+# extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom
+# ones.
+extensions = [
+    'sphinx.ext.autodoc',
+    'sphinx.ext.napoleon',
+    'sphinx.ext.doctest',
+    'sphinx.ext.intersphinx',
+    'sphinx.ext.todo',
+    'sphinx.ext.coverage',
+    'sphinx.ext.mathjax',
+    'sphinx.ext.ifconfig',
+    'sphinx.ext.viewcode',
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+copyright = u'2015--current, Andrew A. Peterson, Alireza Khorshidi'
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+# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
+# built documents.
+# The short X.Y version.
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+# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
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+# for a list of supported languages.
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+# unit titles (such as .. function::).
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+# If true, "(C) Copyright ..." is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True.
+#html_show_copyright = True
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+# contain a <link> tag referring to it.  The value of this option must be the
+# base URL from which the finished HTML is served.
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+#html_file_suffix = None
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+# (source start file, target name, title,
+#  author, documentclass [howto, manual, or own class]).
+latex_documents = [
+  ('index', 'Amp.tex', u'Amp Documentation',
+   u'Andrew A. Peterson, Alireza Khorshidi', 'manual'),
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+# the title page.
+#latex_logo = None
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+# not chapters.
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+# If true, show URL addresses after external links.
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+#latex_appendices = []
+# If false, no module index is generated.
+#latex_domain_indices = True
+# -- Options for manual page output ---------------------------------------
+# One entry per manual page. List of tuples
+# (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section).
+man_pages = [
+    ('index', 'amp', u'Amp Documentation',
+     [u'Alireza Khorshidi, Andrew A. Peterson'], 1)
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+#man_show_urls = False
+# -- Options for Texinfo output -------------------------------------------
+# Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples
+# (source start file, target name, title, author,
+#  dir menu entry, description, category)
+texinfo_documents = [
+  ('index', 'Amp', u'Amp Documentation',
+   u'Andrew A. Peterson, Alireza Khorshidi', 'Amp', 'One line description of project.',
+   'Miscellaneous'),
+# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals.
+#texinfo_appendices = []
+# If false, no module index is generated.
+#texinfo_domain_indices = True
+# How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'.
+#texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote'
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+#texinfo_no_detailmenu = False
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+# Bibliographic Dublin Core info.
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+epub_author = u'Andrew A. Peterson, Alireza Khorshidi'
+epub_publisher = u'Andrew A. Peterson, Alireza Khorshidi'
+epub_copyright = u'2015--current, Andrew A. Peterson, Alireza Khorshidi'
+# The basename for the epub file. It defaults to the project name.
+#epub_basename = u'AMP'
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+# for small screen space, using the same theme for HTML and epub output is
+# usually not wise. This defaults to 'epub', a theme designed to save visual
+# space.
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+# or en if the language is not set.
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+# or the project homepage.
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+# The format is a list of tuples containing the path and title.
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+# If false, no index is generated.
+#epub_use_index = True
+# Example configuration for intersphinx: refer to the Python standard library.
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diff --git a/docs/credits.rst b/docs/credits.rst
new file mode 100644
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+.. Amp documentation master file, created by
+   sphinx-quickstart on Thu Jul 30 17:27:50 2015.
+   You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
+   contain the root `toctree` directive.
+This project is developed primarily by **Andrew Peterson** and **Alireza Khorshidi** in the Brown University School of Engineering. Specific credits:
+* Andrew Peterson: lead, PI, many modules
+* Alireza Khorshidi: many modules, Zernike descriptor
+* Zack Ulissi: tensorflow version of neural network
+* Muammar El Khatib: general contributions
+We are also indebted to Nongnuch Artrith (MIT) and Pedro Felzenszwalb (Brown) for inspiration and technical discussion.
+We would appreciate if you cite the below publication for any use of Amp or its methods:
+    Khorshidi & Peterson, "Amp: A modular approach to machine learning in atomistic simulations", *Computer Physics Communications* 207:310-324, 2016. |amp_paper|
+.. |amp_paper| raw:: html
+   <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2016.05.010" target="_blank">[doi:10.1016/j.cpc.2016.05.010] </a>
+If you use Amp for saddle-point searches or nudged elastic bands, please also cite:
+    Peterson, "Acceleration of saddle-point searches with machine learning", *Journal of Chemical Physics*, 145:074106, 2016. |mlneb_paper|
+.. |mlneb_paper| raw:: html
+   <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4960708" target="_blank">[DOI:10.1063/1.4960708] </a>
diff --git a/docs/databases.rst b/docs/databases.rst
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/databases.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+.. _Databases:
+Fingerprint databases
+Often, a user will want to train multiple calculators to a common set of images. This may be just in routine development of a trained calculator (e.g., trying different neural network sizes), in using multiple training instances trying to find a good initial guess of parameters, or in making a committee of calculators. In this case, it can be a waste of computational time to calculate the fingerprints (and more expensively, the fingerprint derivatives) more than once.
+To deal with this, Amp saves the fingerprints to a database, the location of which can be specified by the user. If you want multiple calculators to avoid re-fingerprinting the same images, just point them to the same database location.
+The database format is custom for Amp, and is designed to be as simple as possible.
+Amp databases end in the extension `.ampdb`.
+In its simplest form, it is just a directory with one file per image; that is, you will see something like below::
+    label-fingerprints.ampdb/
+        loose/
+            f60b3324f6001d810afbab9f85a6ea5f
+            aeaaa21e5faccc62bae94c5c48b04031
+In the above, each file in the directory "loose" is the hash of an image, and contains that image's fingerprint. We use a file-based "database" to avoid conflicts with multiple processes accessing a database at the same time, which can cause conflicts.
+However, for large training sets this can lead to lots of loose files, which can eat up a lot of memory, and with the large number of files slow down indexing jobs (like backups and scans). Therefore, you can compress the database with the `amp-compress` tool, described below.
+To save disk space, you may periodically want to run the utility `amp-compress` (contained in the `tools` directory of the amp package; this should be on your path for normal installations). In this case, you would run `amp-compress <filename>`, which would result in the above `.ampdb` file being changed to::
+    label-fingerprints.ampdb/
+        archive.tar.gz
+        loose/
+That is, the two fingerprints that were in the "loose" directory are now in the file "archive.tar.gz".
+You can also use the `--recursive` (or `-r`) flag to compress all ampdb files in or below the specified directory.
+When Amp reads from the above database, it first looks in the "loose" directory for the fingerprint. If it is not there, it looks in "archive.tar.gz". If it is not there, it calculates the fingerprint and adds it to the "loose" directory.
+We plan to make the amp-compress tool more automated.
+If the user does not supply a separate `dblabel` keyword, then we assume that their process is the only process using the database, and it is safe to compress the database at the end of their training job.
+This would automatically clean up the loose files at the end of the job.
diff --git a/docs/develop.rst b/docs/develop.rst
new file mode 100644
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+.. _Develop:
+This page contains standard practices for developing Amp, focusing on repositories and documentation.
+Repositories and branching
+The main Amp repository lives on bitbucket, `andrewpeterson/amp <https://bitbucket.org/andrewpeterson/amp>`_ .
+We employ a branching model where the `master` branch is the main development branch, containing day-to-day commits from the core developers and honoring merge requests from others.
+From time to time, we create a new branch that corresponds to a release.
+This release branch contains only the tagged release and any bug fixes.
+   .. image:: _static/branches.svg
+      :width: 400 px
+      :align: center
+You are welcome to contribute new features, bug fixes, better documentation, etc. to Amp.
+If you would like to contribute, please create a private fork and a branch for your new commits.
+When it is ready, send us a merge request.
+We follow the same basic model as ASE; please see the ASE documentation for complete instructions.
+As good coding practice, make sure your code passes both the pyflakes and pep8 tests.
+(On linux, you should be able to run `pyflakes file.py` and `pep8 file.py`, and then correct it by `autopep8 --in-place file.py`.)
+If adding a new feature: consider adding a (very brief) test to the tests folder to ensure your new code continues to work, and also be sure to write clear documentation.
+Finally, to make users aware of your new feature or change, add a bullet point to the release notes page of the documentation under the Development version heading.
+It is also a good idea to send us an email if you are planning something complicated.
+This documentation is built with sphinx.
+(Mkdocs doesn't seem to support autodocumentation.)
+To build a local copy, cd into the docs directory and try a command such as
+.. code-block:: bash
+   sphinx-build . /tmp/ampdocs
+   firefox /tmp/ampdocs/index.html &  # View the local copy.
+This uses the style "bizstyle"; if you find this is missing on your system, you can likely install it with
+.. code-block:: bash
+   pip install --user sphinxjp.themes.bizstyle
+You should then be able to update the documentation rst files and see changes on your own machine.
+For line breaks, please use the style of containing each sentence on a new line.
+To create a release, we go through the following steps.
+* Create a new branch on the bitbucket repository with the version name, as in `v0.5`.
+  (Don't create a separate branch if this is a bugfix release, e.g., 0.5.1 --- just add those to the v0.5 branch.)
+  All subsequent work is in the new branch.
+  Note the branch name starts with "v", while the tag names will not, to avoid naming conflicts.
+* Change `docs/conf.py`'s version information to match the new version number.
+* Change the version that prints out in the Amp headers by changing the `_ampversion` variable in `amp/__init__.py`.
+* Change revision history to include this release; generally the changes should have been catalogued under a "Development version" heading.
+* Commit and push the changes to the new branch on bitbucket.
+* Tag the release with the release number, e.g., '0.5' or '0.5.1', the latter being for bug fixes.
+  Do this on a local machine (on the correct branch) with `git tag -a 0.5`, followed by `git push origin --tags`.
+* Add the version to readthedocs' available versions; also set it as the default stable version.
+* Change the nightly tests to test this branch as the "stable" build.
+* Create a DOI for the release via zenodo.org.
+  Note that all the ".git" files and folders should be removed from the files before uploading to Zenodo.
+  The DOI can then be added to the development version's release notes.
+  (I don't think there's a way to get it into the archival version on Zenodo!)
diff --git a/docs/examplescripts.rst b/docs/examplescripts.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb31b69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/examplescripts.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+.. _ExampleScripts:
+Example scripts
+A basic fitting script
+The below script uses Gaussian descriptors with a neural network backend --- the Behler-Parrinello approach --- to train energies only to a training set made by the script. Note that most of the code is just generating the training data, and the training takes place in a couple of lines.
+.. code-block:: python
+ """Simple test of the Amp calculator, using Gaussian descriptors and neural
+ network model. Randomly generates data with the EMT potential in MD
+ simulations."""
+ import os
+ from ase import Atoms, Atom, units
+ import ase.io
+ from ase.calculators.emt import EMT
+ from ase.lattice.surface import fcc110
+ from ase.md.velocitydistribution import MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution
+ from ase.md import VelocityVerlet
+ from ase.constraints import FixAtoms
+ from amp import Amp
+ from amp.descriptor.gaussian import Gaussian
+ from amp.model.neuralnetwork import NeuralNetwork
+ def generate_data(count, filename='training.traj'):
+     """Generates test or training data with a simple MD simulation."""
+     if os.path.exists(filename):
+         return
+     traj = ase.io.Trajectory(filename, 'w')
+     atoms = fcc110('Pt', (2, 2, 2), vacuum=7.)
+     atoms.extend(Atoms([Atom('Cu', atoms[7].position + (0., 0., 2.5)),
+                         Atom('Cu', atoms[7].position + (0., 0., 5.))]))
+     atoms.set_constraint(FixAtoms(indices=[0, 2]))
+     atoms.set_calculator(EMT())
+     atoms.get_potential_energy()
+     traj.write(atoms)
+     MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution(atoms, 300. * units.kB)
+     dyn = VelocityVerlet(atoms, dt=1. * units.fs)
+     for step in range(count - 1):
+         dyn.run(50)
+         traj.write(atoms)
+ generate_data(20)
+ calc = Amp(descriptor=Gaussian(),
+            model=NeuralNetwork(hiddenlayers=(10, 10, 10)))
+ calc.train(images='training.traj')
+Note you can monitor the progress of the training by typing `amp-plotconvergence amp-log.txt`, which will create a file called `convergence.pdf`.
+A basic script with forces
+The below script trains both energy and forces to the same training set as above. Note this may take some time to run, which will depend upon the initial guess for the neural network parameters that is randomly generated. Try decreasing the `force_rmse` convergence parameter if you would like faster results.
+.. code-block:: python
+ """Simple test of the Amp calculator, using Gaussian descriptors and neural
+ network model. Randomly generates data with the EMT potential in MD
+ simulations."""
+ import os
+ from ase import Atoms, Atom, units
+ import ase.io
+ from ase.calculators.emt import EMT
+ from ase.lattice.surface import fcc110
+ from ase.md.velocitydistribution import MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution
+ from ase.md import VelocityVerlet
+ from ase.constraints import FixAtoms
+ from amp import Amp
+ from amp.descriptor.gaussian import Gaussian
+ from amp.model.neuralnetwork import NeuralNetwork
+ from amp.model import LossFunction
+ def generate_data(count, filename='training.traj'):
+     """Generates test or training data with a simple MD simulation."""
+     if os.path.exists(filename):
+         return
+     traj = ase.io.Trajectory(filename, 'w')
+     atoms = fcc110('Pt', (2, 2, 2), vacuum=7.)
+     atoms.extend(Atoms([Atom('Cu', atoms[7].position + (0., 0., 2.5)),
+                         Atom('Cu', atoms[7].position + (0., 0., 5.))]))
+     atoms.set_constraint(FixAtoms(indices=[0, 2]))
+     atoms.set_calculator(EMT())
+     atoms.get_potential_energy()
+     traj.write(atoms)
+     MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution(atoms, 300. * units.kB)
+     dyn = VelocityVerlet(atoms, dt=1. * units.fs)
+     for step in range(count - 1):
+         dyn.run(50)
+         traj.write(atoms)
+ generate_data(20)
+ calc = Amp(descriptor=Gaussian(),
+            model=NeuralNetwork(hiddenlayers=(10, 10, 10)))
+ calc.model.lossfunction = LossFunction(convergence={'energy_rmse': 0.02,
+                                                     'force_rmse': 0.02})
+ calc.train(images='training.traj')
+Note you can monitor the progress of the training by typing `amp-plotconvergence amp-log.txt`, which will create a file called `convergence.pdf`.
+Examining fingerprints
+With the modular nature, it's straightforward to analyze how fingerprints change with changes in images.
+The below script makes an animated GIF that shows how a fingerprint about the O atom in water changes as one of the O-H bonds is stretched.
+Note that most of the lines of code below are either making the atoms or making the figure; very little effort is needed to produce the fingerprints themselves---this is done in three lines.
+.. code-block:: python
+ # Make a series of images.
+ import numpy as np
+ from ase.structure import molecule
+ from ase import Atoms
+ atoms = molecule('H2O')
+ atoms.rotate('y', -np.pi/2.)
+ atoms.set_pbc(False)
+ displacements = np.linspace(0.9, 8.0, 20)
+ vec = atoms[2].position - atoms[0].position
+ images = []
+ for displacement in displacements:
+     atoms = Atoms(atoms)
+     atoms[2].position = (atoms[0].position + vec * displacement)
+     images.append(atoms)
+ # Fingerprint using Amp.
+ from amp.descriptor.gaussian import Gaussian
+ descriptor = Gaussian()
+ from amp.utilities import hash_images
+ images = hash_images(images, ordered=True)
+ descriptor.calculate_fingerprints(images)
+ # Plot the data.
+ from matplotlib import pyplot
+ def barplot(hash, name, title):
+     """Makes a barplot of the fingerprint about the O atom."""
+     fp = descriptor.fingerprints[hash][0]
+     fig, ax = pyplot.subplots()
+     ax.bar(range(len(fp[1])), fp[1])
+     ax.set_title(title)
+     ax.set_ylim(0., 2.)
+     ax.set_xlabel('fingerprint')
+     ax.set_ylabel('value')
+     fig.savefig(name)
+ for index, hash in enumerate(images.keys()):
+     barplot(hash, 'bplot-%02i.png' % index,
+             '%.2f$\\times$ equilibrium O-H bondlength'
+             % displacements[index])
+ # For fun, make an animated gif.
+ import os
+ filenames = ['bplot-%02i.png' % index for index in range(len(images))]
+ command = ('convert -delay 100 %s -loop 0 animation.gif' %
+            ' '.join(filenames))
+ os.system(command)
+.. image:: _static/animation.gif
+   :width: 600 px
+   :align: center
diff --git a/docs/gaussian.rst b/docs/gaussian.rst
new file mode 100644
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+.. _Gaussian:
+Gaussian descriptor
+Custom parameters
+The Gaussian descriptor creates feature vectors based on the Behler scheme, and defaults to values used in Nano Letters 14:2670, 2014. You can specify custom parameters for the elements of the feature vectors as listed in the documentation of the :class:`~amp.descriptor.gaussian.Gaussian` class.
+There is also a helper function :func:`~amp.descriptor.gaussian.make_symmetry_functions` within the :mod:`amp.descriptor.gaussian` module to assist with this. An example of making a custom fingerprint is given below for a two-element system.
+.. code-block:: python
+ import numpy as np
+ from amp import Amp
+ from amp.descriptor.gaussian import Gaussian, make_symmetry_functions
+ from amp.model.neuralnetwork import NeuralNetwork
+ elements = ['Cu', 'Pt']
+ G = make_symmetry_functions(elements=elements, type='G2',
+                             etas=np.logspace(np.log10(0.05), np.log10(80.),
+                                              num=4))
+ G += make_symmetry_functions(elements=elements, type='G4',
+                              etas=[0.005],
+                              zetas=[1., 4.],
+                              gammas=[+1., -1.])
+ G = {'Cu': G,
+      'Pt': G}
+ calc = Amp(descriptor=Gaussian(Gs=G),
+            model=NeuralNetwork())
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+.. Amp documentation master file, created by
+   sphinx-quickstart on Thu Jul 30 17:27:50 2015.
+   You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
+   contain the root `toctree` directive.
+Amp: Atomistic Machine-learning Package
+Amp is an open-source package designed to easily bring machine-learning to atomistic calculations.
+This project is being developed at Brown University in the School of Engineering, primarily by **Andrew Peterson** and **Alireza Khorshidi**, and is released under the GNU General Public License.
+The latest stable release of Amp is version 0.5, released on February 24, 2017; see the :ref:`ReleaseNotes` page for a download link.
+Please see the project's `git repository <https://bitbucket.org/andrewpeterson/amp>`_ for the latest development version or a place to report an issue.
+You can read about Amp in the below paper; if you find this project useful, we would appreciate if you cite this work:
+    Khorshidi & Peterson, "Amp: A modular approach to machine learning in atomistic simulations", *Computer Physics Communications* 207:310-324, 2016. |amp_paper|
+.. |amp_paper| raw:: html
+   <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2016.05.010" target="_blank">DOI:10.1016/j.cpc.2016.05.010</a>
+An amp-users mailing list has been started, for general discussions about the use and development of Amp. You can subscribe via listserv at:
+.. toctree::
+   :maxdepth: 1
+   introduction.rst
+   installation.rst
+   useamp.rst
+   community.rst
+   theory.rst
+   credits.rst
+   releasenotes.rst
+   examplescripts.rst
+   analysis.rst
+   building.rst
+   moredescriptor.rst
+   moremodel.rst
+   gaussian.rst
+   tensorflow.rst
+   databases.rst
+   develop.rst
+**Module autodocumentation**:
+.. toctree::
+   :maxdepth: 1
+   modules/main.rst
+   modules/descriptor.rst
+   modules/model.rst
+   modules/regression.rst
+   modules/utilities.rst
+   modules/analysis.rst
+**Indices and tables**
+* :ref:`genindex`
+* :ref:`modindex`
+* :ref:`search`
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+.. _install:
+AMP is python-based and is designed to integrate closely with the `Atomic Simulation Environment <https://wiki.fysik.dtu.dk/ase/>`_ (ASE).
+In its most basic form, it has few requirements:
+* Python, version 2.7 is recommended (it also supports Python3).
+* ASE.
+* NumPy.
+* SciPy.
+To get more features, such as parallelization in training, a few more packages are recommended:
+* Pexpect (or pxssh)
+* ZMQ (or PyZMQ, the python version of ØMQ).
+Certain advanced modules may contain dependencies that will be noted when they are used; for example Tensorflow for the tflow module or matplotlib for the plotting modules.
+Basic installation instructions follow.
+Install ASE
+We always test against the latest version (svn checkout) of ASE, but slightly older versions (>=3.9) are likely to work as well.
+Follow the instructions at the `ASE <https://wiki.fysik.dtu.dk/ase/download.html>`_ website.
+ASE itself depends upon python with the standard numeric and scientific packages.
+Verify that you have working versions of `NumPy <http://numpy.org>`_ and `SciPy <http://scipy.org>`_.
+We also recommend `matplotlib <http://matplotlib.org>`_ in order to generate plots.
+Get the code
+The latest stable release of Amp is version 0.5, which is permanently available at `https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.322427 <https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.322427>`_.
+If installing version 0.5, you should follow ignore the rest of this page and follow the instructions included with the download (see docs/installation.rst or look for v0.5 on `http://amp.readthedocs.io <http://amp.readthedocs.io>`_).
+We are constantly improving *Amp* and adding features, so depending on your needs it may be preferable to use the development version rather than "stable" releases.
+We run daily unit tests to try to make sure that our development code works as intended.
+We recommend checking out the latest version of the code via `the project's bitbucket page <https://bitbucket.org/andrewpeterson/amp/>`_.
+If you use git, check out the code with::
+   $ cd ~/path/to/my/codes
+   $ git clone git at bitbucket.org:andrewpeterson/amp.git
+where you should replace '~/path/to/my/codes' with wherever you would like the code to be located on your computer.
+If you do not use git, just download the code as a zip file from the project's `download <https://bitbucket.org/andrewpeterson/amp/downloads>`_ page, and extract it into '~/path/to/my/codes'.
+Please make sure that the folder '~/path/to/my/codes/amp' includes subdirectories 'amp', 'docs', 'tests', and 'tools'.
+Set the environment
+You need to let your python version know about the existence of the amp module. Add the following line to your '.bashrc'
+(or other appropriate spot), with the appropriate path substituted for '~/path/to/my/codes'::
+   $ export PYTHONPATH=~/path/to/my/codes/amp:$PYTHONPATH
+You can check that this works by starting python and typing the below command, verifying that the location listed from
+the second command is where you expect::
+   >>> import amp
+   >>> print(amp.__file__)
+See also the section on parallel processing for any issues that arise in making the environment work with Amp in parallel.
+Recommended step: Build fortran modules
+Amp works in pure python, however, it will be annoyingly slow unless the associated Fortran 90 modules are compiled to speed up several parts of the code.
+The compilation of the Fortran 90 code and integration with the python parts is accomplished with f2py, which is part of NumPy.
+A Fortran 90 compiler will also be necessary on the system; a reasonable open-source option is GNU Fortran, or gfortran.
+This compiler will generate Fortran modules (.mod).
+gfortran will also be used by f2py to generate extension module fmodules.so on Linux or fmodules.pyd on Windows.
+We have included a `Make` file that automatizes the building of Fortran modules.
+To use it, install `GNU Makefile <https://www.gnu.org/software/make/>`_
+on your Linux distribution or macOS.
+For Python2, then simply do::
+    $ cd <installation-directory>/amp/
+    $ make python2
+For Python3::
+    $ cd <installation-directory>/amp/
+    $ make python3
+If you do not have the GNU Makefile installed, you can prepare the Fortran extension modules manually in the following steps:
+1. Compile model Fortran subroutines inside the model and descriptor folders by::
+    $ cd <installation-directory>/amp/model
+    $ gfortran -c neuralnetwork.f90
+    $ cd ../descriptor
+    $ gfortran -c cutoffs.f90
+2. Move the modules "neuralnetwork.mod" and "cutoffs.mod" created in the last step, to the parent directory by::
+    $ cd ..
+    $ mv model/neuralnetwork.mod .
+    $ mv descriptor/cutoffs.mod .
+3. Compile the model Fortran subroutines in companion with the descriptor and neuralnetwork subroutines by something like::
+    $ f2py -c -m fmodules model.f90 descriptor/cutoffs.f90 descriptor/gaussian.f90 descriptor/zernike.f90 model/neuralnetwork.f90
+Note that for Python3, you need to use `f2py3` instead of `f2py`.
+or on a Windows machine by::
+    $ f2py -c -m fmodules model.f90 descriptor/cutoffs.f90 descriptor/gaussian.f90 descriptor/zernike.f90 model/neuralnetwork.f90 --fcompiler=gnu95 --compiler=mingw32
+Note that if you update your code (e.g., with 'git pull origin master') and the fortran code changes but your version of fmodules.f90 is not updated, an exception will be raised telling you to re-compile your fortran modules.
+Recommended step: Run the tests
+We include tests in the package to ensure that it still runs as intended as we continue our development; we run these
+tests on the latest build every night to try to keep bugs out. It is a good idea to run these tests after you install the
+package to see if your installation is working. The tests are in the folder `tests`; they are designed to run with
+`nose <https://nose.readthedocs.org/>`_.
+If you have nose and GNU Makefile installed, simply do::
+   $ make py2tests      (for Python2)
+   $ make py3tests      (for Python3)
+Otherwise, if you have only nose installed (and not GNU Makefile), run the commands below::
+   $ mkdir /tmp/amptests
+   $ cd /tmp/amptests
+   $ nosetests ~/path/to/my/codes/amp/tests
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+.. _introduction:
+Amp is an open-source package designed to easily bring machine-learning to atomistic calculations.
+This allows one to predict (or really, interpolate) calculations on the potential energy surface,
+by first building up a regression representation from a "training set" of atomic images.
+The Amp calculator works by first
+learning from any other calculator (usually quantum mechanical calculations) that can provide energy and forces as a
+function of atomic coordinates.
+Depending upon the model choice, the predictions from Amp can take place with arbitrary accuracy, approaching that of the original calculator.
+Amp is designed to integrate closely with the `Atomic Simulation Environment <https://wiki.fysik.dtu.dk/ase/>`_ (ASE).
+As such, the interface is in pure python, although several compute-heavy parts of the underlying codes also have fortran
+versions to accelerate the calculations. The close integration with ASE means that any calculator that works with ASE
+- including EMT, GPAW, DACAPO, VASP, NWChem, and Gaussian - can easily be used as the parent method.
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+Tools for analysis of output exist here.
+Module contents
+.. automodule:: amp.analysis
+    :members:
+    :undoc-members:
+    :show-inheritance:
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+The descriptor module contains methods for describing the local atomic environment; that is, feature fectors that can be fed to machine-learning modules.
+.. automodule:: amp.descriptor.gaussian
+    :members:
+    :undoc-members:
+    :show-inheritance:
+.. automodule:: amp.descriptor.zernike
+    :members:
+    :undoc-members:
+    :show-inheritance:
+.. automodule:: amp.descriptor.bispectrum
+    :members:
+    :undoc-members:
+    :show-inheritance:
+Cutoff functions
+.. automodule:: amp.descriptor.cutoffs
+    :members:
+    :undoc-members:
+    :show-inheritance:
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+This module is the main part of the Amp package.
+Module contents
+.. automodule:: amp
+    :members:
+    :undoc-members:
+    :show-inheritance:
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+This module is designed to include machine-learning models for interpolating
+energies and forces from either an atom-centered or image-centered fingerprint
+.. automodule:: amp.model
+    :members:
+    :undoc-members:
+    :show-inheritance:
+Neural Network
+.. automodule:: amp.model.neuralnetwork
+    :members:
+    :undoc-members:
+    :show-inheritance:
+Tensorflow Neural Network
+A work in progress, this module `amp.model.tflow` uses Google's TensorFlow package to implement a neural network, which may provide GPU acceleration and other advantages.
+.. automodule:: amp.model.tflow
+    :members:
+    :undoc-members:
+    :show-inheritance:
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+This module includes a regressor object used to optimize the parameters of the machine-learning model.
+Module contents
+.. automodule:: amp.regression
+    :members:
+    :undoc-members:
+    :show-inheritance:
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+This module contains utilities for use with various aspects of the Amp
+Module contents
+.. automodule:: amp.utilities
+    :members:
+    :undoc-members:
+    :show-inheritance:
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+.. _MoreDescriptor:
+More on descriptors
+Fingerprint ranges
+It is often useful to examine your fingerprints more closely. There is a utility that can help with that, an example of its use is below. This assumes you have open a calculator called "calc.amp" and you want to examine the fingerprint ranges for your training data.
+.. code-block:: python
+ from ase import io
+ from amp.descriptor.analysis import FingerprintPlot
+ from amp import Amp
+ calc = Amp.load('calc.amp')
+ images = io.read('training.traj', index=':')
+ fpplot = FingerprintPlot(calc)
+ fpplot(images)
+This will create a plot that looks something like below, here showing the fingerprint ranges for the specified element. 
+.. image:: _static/fpranges.svg
+   :width: 1000 px
+   :align: center
+You can also overlay a specific image's fingerprint on to the fingerprint plot by using the `overlay` keyword when calling fpplot.
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+.. _MoreModel:
+More on models
+Visualizing neural network outputs
+It can be useful to visualize the neural network model to see how it is behaving. For example, you may find nodes that are effectively shut off (e.g., always giving a constant value like 1) or that are acting as a binary switch (e.g., only returning 1 or -1). There is a tool to allow you to visualize the node outputs of a set of data.
+.. code-block:: python
+    from amp.model.neuralnetwork import NodePlot
+    nodeplot = NodePlot(calc)
+    nodeplot.plot(images, filename='nodeplottest.pdf')
+This will create a plot that looks something like below. Note that one such series of plots is made for each element. Here, Layer 0 is the input layer, from the fingerprints. Layer 1 and Layer 2 are the hidden layers. Layer 3 is the output layer; that is, the contribution of Pt to the potential energy (before it is multiplied by and added to a parameter to bring it to the correct magnitude).
+.. image:: _static/nodeplot-Pt.svg
+   :width: 1000 px
+   :align: center
+Calling an observer during training
+It can be useful to call a function known as an "observer" during the training of the model. In the neural network implementation, this can be accomplished by attaching an observer directly to the model. The observer is executed at each call to `model.get_loss`, and is fed the arguments (self, vector, loss). An example of using the observer to print out one component of the parameter vector is shown below:
+.. code-block:: python
+    def observer(model, vector, loss):
+        """Prints out the first component of the parameter vector."""
+        print(vector[0])
+    calc.model.observer = observer
+    calc.train(images)
+With this approach, all kinds of fancy tricks are possible, like calling *another* Amp model that reports the loss function on a test set of images. This could be useful to implement training with early stopping, for example.
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+.. _ReleaseNotes:
+Release notes
+Development version
+(Significant changes since the last release are itemized here.)
+* A community page has been added with resources such as the new mailing list and issue tracker.
+* The default convergence parameters have been changed to energy-only training; force-training can be added by the user via the loss function.
+* Convergence plots show maximum residuals as well as root mean-squared error.
+* Parameters to make the Gaussian feature vectors are now output to the log file.
+* The helper function :func:`~amp.descriptor.gaussian.make_symmetry_functions` has been added to more easily customize Gaussian fingerprint parameters.
+* Amp has been ported to Python 3. The only module that is not yet ported is TensorFlow.
+Release date: February 24, 2017
+The code has been significantly restructured since the previous version, in order to increase the modularity; much of the code structure has been changed since v0.4. Specific changes below:
+* A parallelization scheme allowing for fast message passing with ZeroMQ.
+* A simpler database format based on files, which optionally can be compressed to save diskspace.
+* Incorporation of an experimental neural network model based on google's TensorFlow package. Requires TensorFlow version 0.11.0.
+* Incorporation of an experimental bootstrap module for uncertainty analysis.
+Permanently available at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.322427
+Release date: February 29, 2016
+Corresponds to the publication of Khorshidi, A; Peterson*, AA. Amp: a modular approach to machine learning in atomistic simulations. Computer Physics Communications 207:310-324, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2016.05.010
+Permanently available at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.46737
+Release date: July 13, 2015
+First release under the new name "Amp" (Atomistic Machine-Learning Package/Potentials).
+Permanently available at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.20636
+Release date: July 13, 2015
+Last version under the name "Neural: Machine-learning for Atomistics". Future versions are named "Amp".
+Available as the v0.2 tag in https://bitbucket.org/andrewpeterson/neural/commits/tag/v0.2
+Release date: November 12, 2014
+(Package name: Neural: Machine-Learning for Atomistics)
+Permanently available at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12665.
+First public bitbucket release: September, 2014.
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+.. _TensorFlow:
+Google has released an open-source version of its machine-learning software named Tensorflow, which can allow for efficient backpropagation of neural networks and utilization of GPUs for extra speed.
+We have incorporated an experimental module that uses a tensorflow back-end, which may provide an acceleration particularly through access to GPU systems.
+As of this writing, the tensorflow code is in flux (with version 1.0 anticipated shortly).
+This package requires google's TensorFlow 0.11.0. You can install it as shown
+below for Linux::
+    export TF_BINARY_URL=https://storage.googleapis.com/tensorflow/linux/cpu/tensorflow-0.11.0-cp27-none-linux_x86_64.whl
+    pip install -U --upgrade $TF_BINARY_URL
+or macOS::
+    export TF_BINARY_URL=https://storage.googleapis.com/tensorflow/mac/cpu/tensorflow-0.11.0-py2-none-any.whl
+    pip install -U --upgrade $TF_BINARY_URL
+If you want more information, please see `tensorflow's website <https://www.tensorflow.org/versions/r0.11/get_started/os_setup#pip_installation>`_ for instructions
+for installation on your system.
+.. code-block:: python
+ #!/usr/bin/env python
+ """Simple test of the Amp calculator, using Gaussian descriptors and neural
+ network model. Randomly generates data with the EMT potential in MD
+ simulations."""
+ from ase.calculators.emt import EMT
+ from ase.lattice.surface import fcc110
+ from ase import Atoms, Atom
+ from ase.md.velocitydistribution import MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution
+ from ase import units
+ from ase.md import VelocityVerlet
+ from ase.constraints import FixAtoms
+ from amp import Amp
+ from amp.descriptor.gaussian import Gaussian
+ from amp.model.tflow import NeuralNetwork
+ def generate_data(count):
+     """Generates test or training data with a simple MD simulation."""
+     atoms = fcc110('Pt', (2, 2, 2), vacuum=7.)
+     adsorbate = Atoms([Atom('Cu', atoms[7].position + (0., 0., 2.5)),
+                        Atom('Cu', atoms[7].position + (0., 0., 5.))])
+     atoms.extend(adsorbate)
+     atoms.set_constraint(FixAtoms(indices=[0, 2]))
+     atoms.set_calculator(EMT())
+     MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution(atoms, 300. * units.kB)
+     dyn = VelocityVerlet(atoms, dt=1. * units.fs)
+     newatoms = atoms.copy()
+     newatoms.set_calculator(EMT())
+     newatoms.get_potential_energy()
+     images = [newatoms]
+     for step in range(count - 1):
+         dyn.run(50)
+         newatoms = atoms.copy()
+         newatoms.set_calculator(EMT())
+         newatoms.get_potential_energy()
+         images.append(newatoms)
+     return images
+ def train_test():
+     label = 'train_test/calc'
+     train_images = generate_data(2)
+     convergence = {
+             'energy_rmse': 0.02,
+             'force_rmse': 0.02
+             }
+     calc = Amp(descriptor=Gaussian(),
+                model=NeuralNetwork(hiddenlayers=(3, 3), convergenceCriteria=convergence),
+                label=label,
+                cores=1)
+     calc.train(images=train_images,)
+     for image in train_images:
+         print "energy =", calc.get_potential_energy(image)
+         print "forces =", calc.get_forces(image)
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+     train_test()
+Known issues
+- `tflow` module does not work for versions different from 0.11.0.
+This module was contributed by Zachary Ulissi (Department of Chemical Engineering, Stanford University, zulissi at gmail.com) with help, testing, and discussions from Andrew Doyle (Stanford) and the Amp development team.
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+.. _theory:
+According to the Born-Oppenheimer approximation, the ground-state potential energy of an atomic configuration is dictated solely by the nuclear coordinates (under certain conditions, such as the absence of external fields and constant charge).
+The potential energy is in general a very complicated function of the nuclear coordinates; it in theory can be calculated by directly solving the Schrodinger equation.
+However, in practice, an exact analytical solution to the many-body Schrodinger equation is very difficult (if not impossible), and most electronic structure codes provide a point-by-point approximation to the ground-state potential energy for given nuclear configurations.
+Given enough example calculations from any electronic structure calculator, the idea is then to approximate the potential energy with a regression model:
+.. math::
+  \textbf{R}\xrightarrow{\text{regression}}E=E(\textbf{R}),
+where :math:`\textbf{R}` is the position of atoms in the system.
+Atomic representation of potential energy
+In order to have a potential function which is simultaneously applicable to systems of
+different sizes, the total potential energy of the system can to be broken up into atomic
+energy contributions:
+.. math::
+  E(\textbf{R})=\sum_{\text{atom}=1}^{N}E_\text{atom}(\textbf{R}).
+The above expansion can be justified by assembling the atomic configuration by bringing
+atoms close to each other one by one. Then the atomic energy contributions (instead of the energy of the whole system at once) can be
+approximated using a regression method:
+.. math::
+  \textbf{R}\xrightarrow{\text{regression}}E_\text{atom}=E_\text{atom}\left(\textbf{R}\right).
+A better interpolation can be achieved if an appropriate symmetry function :math:`\textbf{G}`
+of atomic coordinates, approximating the functional dependence of local energetics, is used
+as the input of the regression operator:
+.. math::
+  \textbf{R}\xrightarrow{\textbf{G}}\textbf{G}\left(\textbf{R}\right)\xrightarrow{\text{regression}}E_\text{atom}=E_\text{atom}\left(\textbf{G}\left(\textbf{R}\right)\right).
+A Gaussian descriptor :math:`\textbf{G}` as a function of pair-atom distances and three-atom angles has been suggested by Behler [1], and is implemented within Amp.
+Radial fingerprints of the Gaussian type capture the interaction of atom :math:`i` with all atoms :math:`j` as the sum of Gaussians with width :math:`\eta` and center :math:`R_s`,
+.. math::
+  G_{i}^{I}=\sum^{\tiny{\begin{array}{c} \text{atoms j within }R_c\\
+  \text{ distance of atom i}
+  \end{array}}}_{j\ne i}{e^{-\eta(R_{ij}-R_s)^2/R_c^2}f_c\left(R_{ij}\right)}.
+By specifying many values of :math:`\eta` and :math:`R_s` we can begin to build a feature vector for regression.
+The next type is the angular fingerprint accounting for three-atom interactions.
+The Gaussian angular fingerprints are computed for all triplets of atoms :math:`i`, :math:`j`, and :math:`k` by summing over the cosine values of the angles :math:`\theta_{ijk}=\cos^{-1}\left(\displaystyle\frac{\textbf{R}_{ij}.\textbf{R}_{ik}}{R_{ij}R_{ik}}\right)`, (:math:`\textbf{R}_{ij}=\textbf{R}_{i}-\textbf{R}_{j}`), centered at atom :math:`i`, according to
+.. math::
+  G_{i}^{II}=2^{1-\zeta}\sum^{\tiny{\begin{array}{c} \text{atoms j, k within }R_c\\
+  \text{ distance of atom i}
+  \end{array}}}_{\scriptsize\begin{array}{c}
+  j,\,k\ne i \\
+  (j\ne k) \end{array}}{\left(1+\lambda \cos \theta_{ijk}\right)^\zeta
+  e^{-\eta\left(R_{ij}^2+R_{ik}^2+R_{jk}^2\right)/R_c^2}f_c\left(R_{ij}\right)f_c\left(R_{ik}\right)f_c\left(R_{jk}\right)},
+with parameters :math:`\lambda`, :math:`\eta`, and :math:`\zeta`, which again can be chosen to build more elements of a feature vector.
+The cutoff function :math:`f_c\left(R_{ij}\right)` in the above equations defines the energetically relevant local environment with value one at :math:`R_{ij}=0` and zero at :math:`R_{ij}=R_{c}`, where :math:`R_c` is the cutoff radius.
+In order to have a continuous force-field, the cutoff function :math:`f_c\left(R_{ij}\right)` as well as its first derivative should be continuous in :math:`R_{ij}\in\left[0,\infty\right)`. One possible expression for such a function as proposed by Behler [1] is
+.. math::
+    f_{c}\left(r\right)==
+    \begin{cases}
+    &0.5\left(1+\cos\left(\pi\displaystyle\frac{r}{R_c}\right)\right)\qquad \text{for}\;\: r\leq R_{c},\\
+    &0\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\quad\quad\quad\:\: \text{for}\;\: r> R_{c}.\\
+    \end{cases}
+Another more general choice for the cutoff function is the following polynomial [5]:
+.. math::
+    f_{c} \left( r \right)=
+    \begin{cases}
+                1 + \gamma \cdot \left(r/R_c\right)^{\gamma + 1} - (\gamma + 1) \left(r/R_c\right)^{\gamma}\qquad\quad &\text{if}\;\: r\leq R_{c},\\
+     0&\text{if}\;\: r> R_{c},\\
+    \end{cases}
+with a user-specified parameter :math:`\gamma` that determines the rate of decay of the cutoff function as it extends from :math:`r=0` to :math:`r=R_c`.
+The figure below shows how components of the fingerprints :math:`\textbf{G}_{i}^{I}` and :math:`\textbf{G}_{i}^{II}` change with, respectively, distance :math:`R_{ij}` between the pair of atoms :math:`i` and :math:`j` and the valence angle :math:`\theta_{ijk}` between the triplet of atoms :math:`i`, :math:`j`, and :math:`k` with central atom :math:`i`:
+.. image:: _static/gaussian.svg
+   :width: 800 px
+   :align: center
+A three-dimensional Zernike descriptor is also available inside Amp, and can be used as the atomic environment descriptor.
+The Zernike-type descriptor has been previously used in the machine-learning community extensively, but it has been suggested here for the first time for representing the local chemical environment.
+Zernike moments are basically a tensor product between spherical harmonics (complete and orthogonal on the surface of the unit sphere), and Zernike polynomials (complete and orthogonal within the unit sphere).
+Zernike descriptor components for each integer degree are then defined as the norm of Zernike moments with the same corresponding degree.
+For more details on the Zernike descriptor the reader is referred to the nice paper of Novotni and Klein [2].
+Inspired by Bartok et. al. [3], to represent the local chemical environment of atom :math:`i`, an atomic density function :math:`\rho_{i}(\mathbf{r})` is defined for each atomic local environment as the sum of delta distributions shifted to atomic positions:
+.. math::
+    \rho_{i}(\mathbf{r}) = \sum_{j\neq
+    i}^{\tiny{\begin{array}{c} \text{atoms j within }R_c\\
+    \text{ distance of atom i}
+    \end{array}}}\eta_{j}\delta\left(\mathbf{r}-\mathbf{R}_{ij}\right)f_{c}\left(\|\mathbf{R}_{ij}\|\right),
+Next, components of the Zernike descriptor are computed from Zernike moments of the above atomic density destribution for each atom :math:`i`.
+The figure below shows how components of the Zernike descriptor vary with pair-atom distance, three-atom angle, and four-atom dehidral angle.
+It is important to note that components of the Gaussian descriptor discussed above are non-sensitive to the four-atom dehidral angle of the following figure.
+.. image:: _static/zernike.svg
+   :width: 1200 px
+   :align: center
+Bispectrum of four-dimensional spherical harmonics have been suggested by Bartok et al. [3] to be invariant under rotation of the local atomic environment.
+In this approach, the atomic density distribution defined above is first mapped onto the surface of unit sphere in four dimensions.
+Consequently, Bartok et al.  have shown that the bispectrum of this mapping can be used as atomic environment descriptor.
+We refer the reader to the original paper [3] for mathematical details.
+This approach of describing local environment is also available inside Amp.
+Regression Model
+The general purpose of the regression model :math:`x\xrightarrow{\text{regression}}y` with input :math:`x` and output :math:`y` is to approximate the function :math:`y=f(x)` by using sample training data points :math:`(x_i, y_i)`.
+The intent is to later use the approximated :math:`f` for input data :math:`x_j` (other than :math:`x_i` in the training data set), and make predictions for :math:`y_j`.
+Typical regression models include Gaussian processes, support vector regression, and neural network.
+Neural network model
+A neural network model is basically a very simple model of how the nervous system processes information.
+The first mathematical model was developed in 1943 by McCulloch and Pitts [4] for classification purposes; biological neurons either send or do not send a signal to the neighboring neuron.
+The model was soon extended to do linear and nonlinear regression, by replacing the binary activation function with a continuous function.
+The basic functional unit of a neural network is called "node".
+A number of parallel nodes constitute a layer.
+A feed-forward neural network consists of at least an input layer plus an output layer.
+When approximating the PES, the output layer has just one neuron representing the potential energy.
+For a more robust interpolation, a number of "hidden layers" may exist in the neural network as well; the word "hidden" refers to the fact that these layers have no physical meaning.
+A schematic of a typical feed-forward neural network is shown below.
+In each node a number of inputs is multiplied by the corresponding weights and summed up with a constant bias.
+An activation function then acts upon the summation and an output is generated.
+The output is finally sent to the neighboring neuron in the next layer.
+Typically used activation functions are hyperbolic tangent, sigmoid, Gaussian, and linear functions.
+The unbounded linear activation function is particularly useful in the last hidden layer to scale neural network outputs to the range of reference values.
+For our purpose, the output of neural network represents energy of atomic system.
+.. image:: _static/nn.svg
+   :width: 500 px
+   :align: center
+1. "Atom-centered symmetry functions for constructing high-dimensional neural network potentials", J. Behler, J. Chem. Phys. 134(7), 074106 (2011)
+2. "Shape retrieval using 3D Zernike descriptors", M. Novotni and R. Klein, Computer-Aided Design 36(11), 1047--1062 (2004)
+3. "Gaussian approximation potentials: The accuracy of quantum mechanics, without the electrons", A.P. Bart\'ok, M.C. Payne, R. Kondor and G. Csanyi, Physical Review Letters 104, 136403 (2010)
+4. "A logical calculus of the ideas immanent in nervous activity", W.S. McCulloch, and W.H. Pitts, Bull. Math. Biophys. 5, 115--133 (1943)
+5. "Amp: A modular approach to machine learning in atomistic simulations", A. Khorshidi, and A.A. Peterson, Comput. Phys. Commun. 207, 310--324 (2016)
diff --git a/docs/useamp.rst b/docs/useamp.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6aefdc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/useamp.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+.. _UseAmp:
+Using Amp
+If you are familiar with ASE, the use of Amp should be intuitive.
+At its most basic, Amp behaves like any other ASE calculator, except that it has a key extra method, called `train`, which allows you to fit the calculator to a set of atomic images.
+This means you can use Amp as a substitute for an expensive calculator in any atomistic routine, such as molecular dynamics, global optimization, transition-state searches, normal-mode analyses, phonon analyses, etc.
+Basic use
+To use Amp, you need to specify a `descriptor` and a `model`.
+The below shows a basic example of training :class:`~amp.Amp` with :class:`~amp.descriptor.gaussian.Gaussian` descriptors and a :class:`~amp.model.neuralnetwork.NeuralNetwork` model---the Behler-Parinello scheme.
+.. code-block:: python
+   from amp import Amp
+   from amp.descriptor.gaussian import Gaussian
+   from amp.model.neuralnetwork import NeuralNetwork
+   calc = Amp(descriptor=Gaussian(), model=NeuralNetwork(),
+              label='calc')
+   calc.train(images='my-images.traj')
+After training is successful you can use your trained calculator just like any other ASE calculator (although you should be careful that you can only trust it within the trained regime).
+This will also result in the saving the calculator parameters to "<label>.amp", which can be used to re-load the calculator in a future session:
+.. code-block:: python
+   calc = Amp.load('calc.amp')
+The modular nature of Amp is meant such that you can easily mix-and-match different descriptor and model schemes.
+See the theory section for more details.
+Adjusting convergence parameters
+To control how tightly the energy and/or forces are converged, you can adjust the :class:`~amp.model.LossFunction`. Just insert before the `calc.train` line some code like:
+.. code-block:: python
+   from amp.model import LossFunction
+   convergence = {'energy_rmse': 0.02, 'force_rmse': 0.04}
+   calc.model.lossfunction = LossFunction(convergence=convergence)
+You can see the adjustable parameters and their default values in the dictionary :attr:`~amp.model.LossFunction.default_parameters`:
+.. code-block:: python
+    >>> LossFunction.default_parameters
+    {'convergence': {'energy_rmse': 0.001, 'force_rmse': None, 'energy_maxresid': None, 'force_maxresid': None}}
+Note that you can also set a maximum residual of any energy or force prediction with the appropriate keywords above.
+To change how the code manages the regression process, you can use the :class:`~amp.regression.Regressor` class. For example, to switch from the scipy's fmin_bfgs optimizer (the default) to scipy's basin hopping optimizer, try inserting the following lines before initializing training:
+.. code-block:: python
+   from amp.regression import Regressor
+   from scipy.optimize import basinhopping
+   regressor = Regressor(optimizer=basinhopping)
+   calc.model.regressor = regressor
+Turning on/off force training
+Most electronic structure codes also give forces (in addition to potential energy) for each image, and you can get a much more predictive fit if you include this information while training.
+However, this can create issues: training will tend to be slower than training energies only, convergence will be more difficult, and if there are inconsistencies in the training data (say if the calculator reports 0K-extrapolated energies rather than force-consistent ones, or if there are egg-box errors), you might not be able to train at all.
+For this reason, Amp defaults to energy-only training, but you can turn on force-training via the convergence dictionary as noted above.
+Note that there is a `force_coefficient` keyword also fed to the :class:`~amp.model.LossFunction` class which can control the relative weighting of the energy and force RMSEs used in the path to convergence.
+.. code-block:: python
+   from amp.model import LossFunction
+   convergence = {'energy_rmse': 0.02, 'force_rmse': 0.04}
+   calc.model.lossfunction = LossFunction(convergence=convergence,
+                                          force_coefficient=0.04)
+Parallel processing
+Most tasks in Amp are "embarrassingly parallel" and thus you should see a performance boost by specifying more cores.
+Our standard parallel processing approach requires the modules ZMQ (to pass messages between processes) and pxssh (to establish SSH connections across nodes, and is only needed if parallelizing on more than one node).
+The code will try to automatically guess the parallel configuration from the environment variables that your batching system produces, using the function :func:`amp.utilities.assign_cores`.
+(We only use SLURM on our system, so we welcome patches to get this utility working on other systems!)
+If you want to override the automatic guess, use the `cores` keyword when initializing Amp.
+To specify serial operation, use `cores=1`; to specify (for example) 8 cores on only a single node, use `cores=8` or `cores={'localhost': 8}`.
+For parallel operation, cores should be a dictionary where the keys are the hostnames and the values are the number of processors (cores) available on that node; e.g.,
+.. code-block:: python
+   cores = {'node241': 16,
+            'node242': 16}
+(One of the keys in the dictionary could also be `localhost`, as in the single-node example. Using `localhost` just prevents it from establishing an extra SSH connection.)
+For this to work on multiple nodes, you need to be able to freely SSH between nodes on your system.
+Typically, this means that once you are logged in to your cluster you have public/private keys in use to ssh between nodes.
+If you can run `ssh localhost` without it asking you for a password, this is likely to work for you.
+This also assumes that your environment is identical each time you SSH into a node; that is, all the packages such as ASE, Amp, ZMQ, etc., are available in the same version.
+Generally, if you are setting your environment with a .bashrc or .modules file this will just work.
+However, if you need to set your environment variables on the machine that is being ssh'd to, you can do so with the `envcommand` keyword, which you might set to
+.. code-block:: python
+   envcommand = 'export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/amp:$PYTHONPATH'
+This envcommand can be passed as a keyword to the initialization of the :class:`~amp.Amp` class.
+Ultimately, Amp stores these and passes them around in a configuration dictionary called `parallel`, so if you are calling descriptor or model functions directly you may need to construct this dictionary, which has the form `parallel={'cores': ..., 'envcommand': ...}`.
+Advanced use
+Under the hood, the train function is pretty simple; it just runs:
+.. code-block:: python
+   images = hash_images(images, ...)
+   self.descriptor.calculate_fingerprints(images, ...)
+   result = self.model.fit(images, self.descriptor, ...)
+   if result is True:
+       self.save(filename)
+* In the first line, the images are read and converted to a dictionary, addressed by a hash.
+  This makes addressing the images simpler across modules and eliminates duplicate images.
+  This also facilitates keeping a database of fingerprints, such that in future scripts you do not need to re-fingerprint images you have already encountered.
+* In the second line, the descriptor converts the images into fingerprints, one fingerprint per image. There are two possible modes a descriptor can operate in: "image-centered" in which one vector is produced per image, and "atom-centered" in which one vector is produced per atom. That is, in atom-centered mode the image's fingerprint will be a list of lists. The resulting fingerprint is stored in `self.descriptor.fingerprints`, and the mode is stored in `self.parameters.mode`.
+* In the third line, the model (e.g., a neural network) is fit to the data. As it is passed a reference to `self.descriptor`, it has access to the fingerprints as well as the mode. Many options are available to customize this in terms of the loss function, the regression method, etc.
+* In the final pair of lines, if the target fit was achieved, the model is saved to disk.
+If training is successful, Amp saves the parameters into an '<label>.amp' file (by default the label is 'amp', so this file is 'amp.amp'). You can load the pretrained calculator and re-train it further with tighter convergence criteria. You can specify if the pre-trained amp.amp will be overwritten by the re-trained one through the key word 'overwrite' (default is False). 
+.. code-block:: python
+   calc = Amp.load('amp.amp')
+   calc.model.lossfunction = LossFunction(convergence=convergence)
+   calc.train(overwrite=True)
+If training does not succeed, Amp raises a :exc:`~amp.utilities.TrainingConvergenceError`.
+You can use this within your scripts to catch when training succeeds or fails, for example:
+.. code-block:: python
+    from amp.utilities import TrainingConvergenceError
+    ...
+    try:
+        calc.train(images)
+    except TrainingConvergenceError:
+        # Whatever you want to happen if training fails;
+        # e.g., refresh parameters and train again.
+Global search in the parameter space
+If the model is trained with minimizing a loss function which has a non-convex form, it might be desirable to perform a global search in the parameter space in prior to a gradient-descent optimization algorithm.
+That is, in the first step we do a random search in an area of parameter space including multiple basins (each basin has a local minimum).
+Next we take the parameters corresponding to the minimum loss function found, and start a gradient-descent optimization to find the local minimum of the basin found in the first step.
+Currently there exists a built-in global-search optimizer inside Amp which uses simulated-annealing algorithm.
+The module is based on the open-source simulated-annealing code of Wagner and Perry [1], but has been brought into the context of Amp.
+To use this module, the calculator object should be initiated as usual:  
+.. code-block:: python
+    from amp import Amp
+    calc = Amp(descriptor=..., model=...)
+    images = ...
+Then the calculator object and the images are passed to the :class:`~amp.utilities.Annealer` module and the simulated-annealing search is performed by reducing the temperature from the initial maximum value `Tmax` to the final minimum value `Tmin` in number of steps `steps`:
+.. code-block:: python
+    from amp.utilities import Annealer
+    Annealer(calc=calc, images=images, Tmax=20, Tmin=1, steps=4000)
+If `Tmax` takes a small value (greater than zero), then the algorithm reduces to the simple random-walk search.
+Finally the usual :meth:`~amp.Amp.train` method is called to continue from the best parameters found in the last step:
+.. code-block:: python
+    calc.train(images=images,)
+1. https://github.com/perrygeo/simanneal.
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6601b95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+from setuptools import setup
+  name = 'amp',
+  version = 'dev',
+  long_description = open('README.md').read(),
+  packages = ['amp', 'amp.descriptor', 'amp.regression', 'amp.model'],
+  package_dir = {'amp': 'amp',
+  'descriptor' : 'descriptor',
+  'regression' : 'regression',
+  'model' : 'model',},
+  classifiers = [
+      'Programming Language :: Python',
+      'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6',
+      'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7',
+      'Programming Language :: Python :: 3',
+      'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3',
+  ],
+  install_requires=['numpy>=1.7.0', 'matplotlib', 'ase'])
diff --git a/tests/CuOPd_test/gaussian_neural_test/force_call_test.py b/tests/CuOPd_test/gaussian_neural_test/force_call_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1317cd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/CuOPd_test/gaussian_neural_test/force_call_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+Exact Gaussian-neural scheme forces and energies of five different non-periodic
+configurations and three different periodic configurations have been calculated
+in Mathematica, and are given below.  This script checks the values calculated
+by the code with and without fortran modules.
+import numpy as np
+from ase import Atoms
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from amp import Amp
+from amp.descriptor.gaussian import Gaussian
+from amp.model.neuralnetwork import NeuralNetwork
+# The test function for non-periodic systems
+def non_periodic_test():
+    # Making the list of non-periodic images
+    images = [Atoms(symbols='PdOPd2',
+                    pbc=np.array([False, False, False], dtype=bool),
+                    cell=np.array(
+                        [[1.,  0.,  0.],
+                         [0.,  1.,  0.],
+                            [0.,  0.,  1.]]),
+                    positions=np.array(
+                        [[0.,  0.,  0.],
+                         [0.,  2.,  0.],
+                            [0.,  0.,  3.],
+                            [1.,  0.,  0.]])),
+              Atoms(symbols='PdOPd2',
+                    pbc=np.array([False, False, False], dtype=bool),
+                    cell=np.array(
+                        [[1.,  0.,  0.],
+                         [0.,  1.,  0.],
+                            [0.,  0.,  1.]]),
+                    positions=np.array(
+                        [[0.,  1.,  0.],
+                         [1.,  2.,  1.],
+                            [-1.,  1.,  2.],
+                            [1.,  3.,  2.]])),
+              Atoms(symbols='PdO',
+                    pbc=np.array([False, False, False], dtype=bool),
+                    cell=np.array(
+                        [[1.,  0.,  0.],
+                         [0.,  1.,  0.],
+                         [0.,  0.,  1.]]),
+                    positions=np.array(
+                        [[2.,  1., -1.],
+                         [1.,  2.,  1.]])),
+              Atoms(symbols='Pd2O',
+                    pbc=np.array([False, False, False], dtype=bool),
+                    cell=np.array(
+                        [[1.,  0.,  0.],
+                         [0.,  1.,  0.],
+                         [0.,  0.,  1.]]),
+                    positions=np.array(
+                        [[-2., -1., -1.],
+                         [1.,  2.,  1.],
+                         [3.,  4.,  4.]])),
+              Atoms(symbols='Cu',
+                    pbc=np.array([False, False, False], dtype=bool),
+                    cell=np.array(
+                        [[1.,  0.,  0.],
+                         [0.,  1.,  0.],
+                         [0.,  0.,  1.]]),
+                    positions=np.array(
+                        [[0.,  0.,  0.]]))]
+    # Correct energies and forces
+    correct_energies = [14.231186811226152, 14.327219917287948,
+                        5.5742510565528285, 9.41456771216968,
+                        -0.5019297954597407]
+    correct_forces = \
+        [[[-0.05095024246182649, -0.10709193432146558, -0.09734321482638622],
+          [-0.044550772904033635, 0.2469763195486647, -0.07617425912869778],
+            [-0.02352490951707703, -0.050782839419131864, 0.24409220250631508],
+            [0.11902592488293715, -0.08910154580806727, -0.07057472855123109]],
+            [[-0.024868720575099375, -0.07417891957113862,
+              -0.12121240797223251],
+             [0.060156158438252574, 0.017517013378773042,
+              -0.020047135079325505],
+             [-0.10901144291312388, -0.06671262448352767, 0.06581556263014315],
+             [0.07372400504997068, 0.12337453067589325, 0.07544398042141486]],
+            [[0.10151747265164626, -0.10151747265164626, -0.20303494530329252],
+             [-0.10151747265164626, 0.10151747265164626, 0.20303494530329252]],
+            [[-0.00031177673224312745, -0.00031177673224312745,
+              -0.0002078511548287517],
+             [0.004823209772264884, 0.004823209772264884,
+              0.006975000714861393],
+             [-0.004511433040021756, -0.004511433040021756,
+              -0.006767149560032641]],
+            [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]]
+    # Parameters
+    Gs = {'O': [{'type': 'G2', 'element': 'Pd', 'eta': 0.8},
+                {'type': 'G4', 'elements': [
+                    'Pd', 'Pd'], 'eta':0.2, 'gamma':0.3, 'zeta':1},
+                {'type': 'G4', 'elements': ['O', 'Pd'], 'eta':0.3, 'gamma':0.6,
+                 'zeta':0.5}],
+          'Pd': [{'type': 'G2', 'element': 'Pd', 'eta': 0.2},
+                 {'type': 'G4', 'elements': ['Pd', 'Pd'],
+                  'eta':0.9, 'gamma':0.75, 'zeta':1.5},
+                 {'type': 'G4', 'elements': ['O', 'Pd'], 'eta':0.4,
+                  'gamma':0.3, 'zeta':4}],
+          'Cu': [{'type': 'G2', 'element': 'Cu', 'eta': 0.8},
+                 {'type': 'G4', 'elements': ['Cu', 'O'],
+                  'eta':0.2, 'gamma':0.3, 'zeta':1},
+                 {'type': 'G4', 'elements': ['Cu', 'Cu'], 'eta':0.3,
+                  'gamma':0.6, 'zeta':0.5}]}
+    hiddenlayers = {'O': (2,), 'Pd': (2,), 'Cu': (2,)}
+    weights = OrderedDict([('O', OrderedDict([(1, np.matrix([[-2.0, 6.0],
+                                                             [3.0, -3.0],
+                                                             [1.5, -0.9],
+                                                             [-2.5, -1.5]])),
+                                              (2, np.matrix([[5.5],
+                                                             [3.6],
+                                                             [1.4]]))])),
+                           ('Pd', OrderedDict([(1, np.matrix([[-1.0, 3.0],
+                                                              [2.0, 4.2],
+                                                              [1.0, -0.7],
+                                                              [-3.0, 2.0]])),
+                                               (2, np.matrix([[4.0],
+                                                              [0.5],
+                                                              [3.0]]))])),
+                           ('Cu', OrderedDict([(1, np.matrix([[0.0, 1.0],
+                                                              [-1.0, -2.0],
+                                                              [2.5, -1.9],
+                                                              [-3.5, 0.5]])),
+                                               (2, np.matrix([[0.5],
+                                                              [1.6],
+                                                              [-1.4]]))]))])
+    scalings = OrderedDict([('O', OrderedDict([('intercept', -2.3),
+                                               ('slope', 4.5)])),
+                            ('Pd', OrderedDict([('intercept', 1.6),
+                                                ('slope', 2.5)])),
+                            ('Cu', OrderedDict([('intercept', -0.3),
+                                                ('slope', -0.5)]))])
+    fingerprints_range = {"Cu": np.array([[0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0]]),
+                          "O": np.array([[0.2139617720858539,
+                                          2.258090276328769],
+                                         [0.0, 1.085656080548734],
+                                         [0.0, 0.0]]),
+                          "Pd": np.array([[0.0, 1.4751761770313006],
+                                          [0.0, 0.28464992134267897],
+                                          [0.0, 0.20167521020630502]])}
+    # Testing pure-python and fortran versions of Gaussian-neural force call
+    for fortran in [False, True]:
+        for cores in range(1, 6):
+            label = 'call-nonperiodic/%s-%i' % (fortran, cores)
+            calc = Amp(descriptor=Gaussian(cutoff=6.5,
+                                           Gs=Gs,
+                                           fortran=fortran),
+                       model=NeuralNetwork(hiddenlayers=hiddenlayers,
+                                           weights=weights,
+                                           scalings=scalings,
+                                           activation='sigmoid',
+                                           fprange=fingerprints_range,
+                                           mode='atom-centered',
+                                           fortran=fortran),
+                       label=label,
+                       dblabel=label,
+                       cores=cores)
+            predicted_energies = [calc.get_potential_energy(image) for image in
+                                  images]
+            for image_no in range(len(predicted_energies)):
+                diff = abs(predicted_energies[image_no] -
+                           correct_energies[image_no])
+                assert (diff < 10.**(-15.)), \
+                    'The predicted energy of image %i is wrong!' % (
+                        image_no + 1)
+            predicted_forces = [calc.get_forces(image) for image in images]
+            for image_no in range(len(predicted_forces)):
+                for index in range(np.shape(predicted_forces[image_no])[0]):
+                    for direction in range(
+                            np.shape(predicted_forces[image_no])[1]):
+                        diff = abs(predicted_forces[image_no][index][
+                            direction] -
+                            correct_forces[image_no][index][direction])
+                        assert (diff < 10.**(-15.)), \
+                            'The predicted %i force of atom %i of image %i ' \
+                            'is wrong!' % (direction, index, image_no + 1)
+# The test function for periodic systems
+def periodic_test():
+    # Making the list of periodic images
+    images = [Atoms(symbols='PdOPd',
+                    pbc=np.array([True, False, False], dtype=bool),
+                    cell=np.array(
+                        [[2.,  0.,  0.],
+                         [0.,  2.,  0.],
+                         [0.,  0.,  2.]]),
+                    positions=np.array(
+                        [[0.5,  1., 0.5],
+                         [1.,  0.5,  1.],
+                         [1.5,  1.5,  1.5]])),
+              Atoms(symbols='PdO',
+                    pbc=np.array([True, True, False], dtype=bool),
+                    cell=np.array(
+                        [[2.,  0.,  0.],
+                         [0.,  2.,  0.],
+                            [0.,  0.,  2.]]),
+                    positions=np.array(
+                        [[0.5,  1., 0.5],
+                         [1.,  0.5,  1.]])),
+              Atoms(symbols='Cu',
+                    pbc=np.array([True, True, False], dtype=bool),
+                    cell=np.array(
+                        [[1.8,  0.,  0.],
+                         [0.,  1.8,  0.],
+                            [0.,  0.,  1.8]]),
+                    positions=np.array(
+                        [[0.,  0., 0.]]))]
+    # Correct energies and forces
+    correct_energies = [3.8560954326995978, 1.6120748520627273,
+                        0.19433107801410093]
+    correct_forces = \
+        [[[0.14747720528015523, -3.3010645563584973, 3.3008168318984463],
+          [0.03333579762326405, 9.050780376599887, -0.42608278400777605],
+            [-0.1808130029034193, -5.7497158202413905, -2.8747340478906698]],
+            [[6.5035267996045045 * (10.**(-6.)),
+              -6.503526799604495 * (10.**(-6.)),
+              0.00010834689201069249],
+             [-6.5035267996045045 * (10.**(-6.)),
+              6.503526799604495 * (10.**(-6.)),
+              -0.00010834689201069249]],
+            [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]]
+    # Parameters
+    Gs = {'O': [{'type': 'G2', 'element': 'Pd', 'eta': 0.8},
+                {'type': 'G4', 'elements': ['O', 'Pd'], 'eta':0.3, 'gamma':0.6,
+                 'zeta':0.5}],
+          'Pd': [{'type': 'G2', 'element': 'Pd', 'eta': 0.2},
+                 {'type': 'G4', 'elements': ['Pd', 'Pd'],
+                  'eta':0.9, 'gamma':0.75, 'zeta':1.5}],
+          'Cu': [{'type': 'G2', 'element': 'Cu', 'eta': 0.8},
+                 {'type': 'G4', 'elements': ['Cu', 'Cu'], 'eta':0.3,
+                          'gamma':0.6, 'zeta':0.5}]}
+    hiddenlayers = {'O': (2,), 'Pd': (2,), 'Cu': (2,)}
+    weights = OrderedDict([('O', OrderedDict([(1, np.matrix([[-2.0, 6.0],
+                                                             [3.0, -3.0],
+                                                             [1.5, -0.9]])),
+                                              (2, np.matrix([[5.5],
+                                                             [3.6],
+                                                             [1.4]]))])),
+                           ('Pd', OrderedDict([(1, np.matrix([[-1.0, 3.0],
+                                                              [2.0, 4.2],
+                                                              [1.0, -0.7]])),
+                                               (2, np.matrix([[4.0],
+                                                              [0.5],
+                                                              [3.0]]))])),
+                           ('Cu', OrderedDict([(1, np.matrix([[0.0, 1.0],
+                                                              [-1.0, -2.0],
+                                                              [2.5, -1.9]])),
+                                               (2, np.matrix([[0.5],
+                                                              [1.6],
+                                                              [-1.4]]))]))])
+    scalings = OrderedDict([('O', OrderedDict([('intercept', -2.3),
+                                               ('slope', 4.5)])),
+                            ('Pd', OrderedDict([('intercept', 1.6),
+                                                ('slope', 2.5)])),
+                            ('Cu', OrderedDict([('intercept', -0.3),
+                                                ('slope', -0.5)]))])
+    fingerprints_range = {"Cu": np.array([[2.8636310860653253,
+                                           2.8636310860653253],
+                                          [1.5435994865298275,
+                                           1.5435994865298275]]),
+                          "O": np.array([[2.9409056366723028,
+                                          2.972494902604392],
+                                         [1.9522542722823606,
+                                          4.0720361595017245]]),
+                          "Pd": np.array([[2.4629488092411096,
+                                           2.6160138774087125],
+                                          [0.27127576524253594,
+                                           0.5898312261433813]])}
+    # Testing pure-python and fortran versions of Gaussian-neural force call
+    for fortran in [False, True]:
+        for cores in range(1, 4):
+            label = 'call-periodic/%s-%i' % (fortran, cores)
+            calc = Amp(descriptor=Gaussian(cutoff=4.,
+                                           Gs=Gs,
+                                           fortran=fortran),
+                       model=NeuralNetwork(hiddenlayers=hiddenlayers,
+                                           weights=weights,
+                                           scalings=scalings,
+                                           activation='tanh',
+                                           fprange=fingerprints_range,
+                                           mode='atom-centered',
+                                           fortran=fortran),
+                       label=label,
+                       dblabel=label,
+                       cores=cores)
+            predicted_energies = [calc.get_potential_energy(image) for image in
+                                  images]
+            for image_no in range(len(predicted_energies)):
+                diff = abs(predicted_energies[image_no] -
+                           correct_energies[image_no])
+                assert (diff < 10.**(-14.)), \
+                    'The predicted energy of image %i is wrong!' % (
+                        image_no + 1)
+            predicted_forces = [calc.get_forces(image) for image in images]
+            for image_no in range(len(predicted_forces)):
+                for index in range(np.shape(predicted_forces[image_no])[0]):
+                    for direction in range(
+                            np.shape(predicted_forces[image_no])[1]):
+                        diff = abs(predicted_forces[image_no][index][
+                            direction] -
+                            correct_forces[image_no][index][direction])
+                        assert (diff < 10.**(-11.)), \
+                            'The predicted %i force of atom %i of image' \
+                            ' %i is wrong!' % (direction,
+                                               index,
+                                               image_no + 1)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    non_periodic_test()
+    periodic_test()
diff --git a/tests/CuOPd_test/gaussian_neural_test/force_call_test_tflow.py b/tests/CuOPd_test/gaussian_neural_test/force_call_test_tflow.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b77006f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/CuOPd_test/gaussian_neural_test/force_call_test_tflow.py
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+Exact Gaussian-neural scheme forces and energies of five different non-periodic
+configurations and three different periodic configurations have been calculated
+in Mathematica, and are given below.  This script checks the values calculated
+by the code with and without fortran modules.
+import sys
+import numpy as np
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from ase import Atoms
+from amp import Amp
+from amp.descriptor.gaussian import Gaussian
+def perform_test():
+    """Determines whether or not to perform the test.
+    This should only perform the test if the python version is 2.x
+    and tensorflow is installed. If returns False (meaning don't
+    peform test), also supplies the reason."""
+    if sys.version_info >= (3,):
+        return False, 'amp.model.tflow not supported in python3.'
+    try:
+        import tensorflow
+    except ImportError:
+        return False, 'Tensorflow not installed.'
+    return True, ''
+def non_periodic_test():
+    """The test function for non-periodic systems."""
+    perform, reason = perform_test()
+    if not perform:
+        print('Skipping this test because {}'.format(reason))
+        return
+    from amp.model.tflow import NeuralNetwork
+    # Making the list of non-periodic images
+    images = [Atoms(symbols='PdOPd2',
+                    pbc=np.array([False, False, False], dtype=bool),
+                    cell=np.array(
+                        [[1.,  0.,  0.],
+                         [0.,  1.,  0.],
+                            [0.,  0.,  1.]]),
+                    positions=np.array(
+                        [[0.,  0.,  0.],
+                         [0.,  2.,  0.],
+                            [0.,  0.,  3.],
+                            [1.,  0.,  0.]])),
+              Atoms(symbols='PdOPd2',
+                    pbc=np.array([False, False, False], dtype=bool),
+                    cell=np.array(
+                        [[1.,  0.,  0.],
+                         [0.,  1.,  0.],
+                            [0.,  0.,  1.]]),
+                    positions=np.array(
+                        [[0.,  1.,  0.],
+                         [1.,  2.,  1.],
+                            [-1.,  1.,  2.],
+                            [1.,  3.,  2.]])),
+              Atoms(symbols='PdO',
+                    pbc=np.array([False, False, False], dtype=bool),
+                    cell=np.array(
+                        [[1.,  0.,  0.],
+                         [0.,  1.,  0.],
+                         [0.,  0.,  1.]]),
+                    positions=np.array(
+                        [[2.,  1., -1.],
+                         [1.,  2.,  1.]])),
+              Atoms(symbols='Pd2O',
+                    pbc=np.array([False, False, False], dtype=bool),
+                    cell=np.array(
+                        [[1.,  0.,  0.],
+                         [0.,  1.,  0.],
+                         [0.,  0.,  1.]]),
+                    positions=np.array(
+                        [[-2., -1., -1.],
+                         [1.,  2.,  1.],
+                         [3.,  4.,  4.]])),
+              Atoms(symbols='Cu',
+                    pbc=np.array([False, False, False], dtype=bool),
+                    cell=np.array(
+                        [[1.,  0.,  0.],
+                         [0.,  1.,  0.],
+                         [0.,  0.,  1.]]),
+                    positions=np.array(
+                        [[0.,  0.,  0.]]))]
+    # Correct energies and forces
+    correct_energies = [14.231186811226152, 14.327219917287948,
+                        5.5742510565528285, 9.41456771216968,
+                        -0.5019297954597407]
+    correct_forces = \
+        [[[-0.05095024246182649, -0.10709193432146558, -0.09734321482638622],
+          [-0.044550772904033635, 0.2469763195486647, -0.07617425912869778],
+            [-0.02352490951707703, -0.050782839419131864, 0.24409220250631508],
+            [0.11902592488293715, -0.08910154580806727, -0.07057472855123109]],
+            [[-0.024868720575099375, -0.07417891957113862,
+              -0.12121240797223251],
+             [0.060156158438252574, 0.017517013378773042,
+              -0.020047135079325505],
+             [-0.10901144291312388, -0.06671262448352767, 0.06581556263014315],
+             [0.07372400504997068, 0.12337453067589325, 0.07544398042141486]],
+            [[0.10151747265164626, -0.10151747265164626, -0.20303494530329252],
+             [-0.10151747265164626, 0.10151747265164626, 0.20303494530329252]],
+            [[-0.00031177673224312745, -0.00031177673224312745,
+              -0.0002078511548287517],
+             [0.004823209772264884, 0.004823209772264884,
+              0.006975000714861393],
+             [-0.004511433040021756, -0.004511433040021756,
+              -0.006767149560032641]],
+            [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]]
+    # Parameters
+    Gs = {'O': [{'type': 'G2', 'element': 'Pd', 'eta': 0.8},
+                {'type': 'G4', 'elements': [
+                    'Pd', 'Pd'], 'eta':0.2, 'gamma':0.3, 'zeta':1},
+                {'type': 'G4', 'elements': ['O', 'Pd'], 'eta':0.3, 'gamma':0.6,
+                 'zeta':0.5}],
+          'Pd': [{'type': 'G2', 'element': 'Pd', 'eta': 0.2},
+                 {'type': 'G4', 'elements': ['Pd', 'Pd'],
+                  'eta':0.9, 'gamma':0.75, 'zeta':1.5},
+                 {'type': 'G4', 'elements': ['O', 'Pd'], 'eta':0.4,
+                  'gamma':0.3, 'zeta':4}],
+          'Cu': [{'type': 'G2', 'element': 'Cu', 'eta': 0.8},
+                 {'type': 'G4', 'elements': ['Cu', 'O'],
+                  'eta':0.2, 'gamma':0.3, 'zeta':1},
+                 {'type': 'G4', 'elements': ['Cu', 'Cu'], 'eta':0.3,
+                  'gamma':0.6, 'zeta':0.5}]}
+    hiddenlayers = {'O': (2, 1), 'Pd': (2, 1), 'Cu': (2, 1)}
+    weights = OrderedDict([('O', OrderedDict([(1, np.matrix([[-2.0, 6.0],
+                                                             [3.0, -3.0],
+                                                             [1.5, -0.9],
+                                                             [-2.5, -1.5]])),
+                                              (2, np.matrix([[5.5],
+                                                             [3.6],
+                                                             [1.4]]))])),
+                           ('Pd', OrderedDict([(1, np.matrix([[-1.0, 3.0],
+                                                              [2.0, 4.2],
+                                                              [1.0, -0.7],
+                                                              [-3.0, 2.0]])),
+                                               (2, np.matrix([[4.0],
+                                                              [0.5],
+                                                              [3.0]]))])),
+                           ('Cu', OrderedDict([(1, np.matrix([[0.0, 1.0],
+                                                              [-1.0, -2.0],
+                                                              [2.5, -1.9],
+                                                              [-3.5, 0.5]])),
+                                               (2, np.matrix([[0.5],
+                                                              [1.6],
+                                                              [-1.4]]))]))])
+    scalings = OrderedDict([('O', OrderedDict([('intercept', -2.3),
+                                               ('slope', 4.5)])),
+                            ('Pd', OrderedDict([('intercept', 1.6),
+                                                ('slope', 2.5)])),
+                            ('Cu', OrderedDict([('intercept', -0.3),
+                                                ('slope', -0.5)]))])
+    fingerprints_range = {"Cu": np.array([[0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0]]),
+                          "O": np.array([[0.2139617720858539,
+                                          2.258090276328769],
+                                         [0.0, 1.085656080548734],
+                                         [0.0, 0.0]]),
+                          "Pd": np.array([[0.0, 1.4751761770313006],
+                                          [0.0, 0.28464992134267897],
+                                          [0.0, 0.20167521020630502]])}
+    # Testing pure-python and fortran versions of Gaussian-neural force call
+    for fortran in [False, True]:
+        for cores in range(1, 6):
+            label = 'call-nonperiodic/%s-%i' % (fortran, cores)
+            calc = Amp(descriptor=Gaussian(cutoff=6.5,
+                                           Gs=Gs,
+                                           fortran=fortran),
+                       model=NeuralNetwork(hiddenlayers=hiddenlayers,
+                                           weights=weights,
+                                           scalings=scalings,
+                                           activation='sigmoid',
+                                           fprange=fingerprints_range),
+                       label=label,
+                       dblabel=label,
+                       cores=cores)
+            predicted_energies = [calc.get_potential_energy(image) for image in
+                                  images]
+            for image_no in range(len(predicted_energies)):
+                print(predicted_energies[image_no])
+                print(correct_energies[image_no])
+                diff = abs(predicted_energies[image_no] -
+                           correct_energies[image_no])
+                assert (diff < 10.**(-3.)), \
+                    'The predicted energy of image %i is wrong!' % (
+                        image_no + 1)
+            predicted_forces = [calc.get_forces(image) for image in images]
+            for image_no in range(len(predicted_forces)):
+                print('predicted forces:')
+                print(predicted_forces[image_no])
+                print('correct forces:')
+                print(np.array(correct_forces[image_no]))
+                for index in range(np.shape(predicted_forces[image_no])[0]):
+                    for direction in range(
+                            np.shape(predicted_forces[image_no])[1]):
+                        diff = abs(predicted_forces[image_no][index][
+                            direction] -
+                            correct_forces[image_no][index][direction])
+                        assert (diff < 10.**(-3.)), \
+                            'The predicted %i force of atom %i of image %i ' \
+                            'is wrong!' % (direction, index, image_no + 1)
+def periodic_test():
+    """The test function for periodic systems."""
+    perform, reason = perform_test()
+    if not perform:
+        print('Skipping this test because {}'.format(reason))
+        return
+    from amp.model.tflow import NeuralNetwork
+    # Making the list of periodic images
+    images = [Atoms(symbols='PdOPd',
+                    pbc=np.array([True, False, False], dtype=bool),
+                    cell=np.array(
+                        [[2.,  0.,  0.],
+                         [0.,  2.,  0.],
+                         [0.,  0.,  2.]]),
+                    positions=np.array(
+                        [[0.5,  1., 0.5],
+                         [1.,  0.5,  1.],
+                         [1.5,  1.5,  1.5]])),
+              Atoms(symbols='PdO',
+                    pbc=np.array([True, True, False], dtype=bool),
+                    cell=np.array(
+                        [[2.,  0.,  0.],
+                         [0.,  2.,  0.],
+                            [0.,  0.,  2.]]),
+                    positions=np.array(
+                        [[0.5,  1., 0.5],
+                         [1.,  0.5,  1.]])),
+              Atoms(symbols='Cu',
+                    pbc=np.array([True, True, False], dtype=bool),
+                    cell=np.array(
+                        [[1.8,  0.,  0.],
+                         [0.,  1.8,  0.],
+                            [0.,  0.,  1.8]]),
+                    positions=np.array(
+                        [[0.,  0., 0.]]))]
+    # Correct energies and forces
+    correct_energies = [3.8560954326995978, 1.6120748520627273,
+                        0.19433107801410093]
+    correct_forces = \
+        [[[0.14747720528015523, -3.3010645563584973, 3.3008168318984463],
+          [0.03333579762326405, 9.050780376599887, -0.42608278400777605],
+            [-0.1808130029034193, -5.7497158202413905, -2.8747340478906698]],
+            [[6.5035267996045045 * (10.**(-6.)),
+              -6.503526799604495 * (10.**(-6.)),
+              0.00010834689201069249],
+             [-6.5035267996045045 * (10.**(-6.)),
+              6.503526799604495 * (10.**(-6.)),
+              -0.00010834689201069249]],
+            [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]]
+    # Parameters
+    Gs = {'O': [{'type': 'G2', 'element': 'Pd', 'eta': 0.8},
+                {'type': 'G4', 'elements': ['O', 'Pd'], 'eta':0.3, 'gamma':0.6,
+                 'zeta':0.5}],
+          'Pd': [{'type': 'G2', 'element': 'Pd', 'eta': 0.2},
+                 {'type': 'G4', 'elements': ['Pd', 'Pd'],
+                  'eta':0.9, 'gamma':0.75, 'zeta':1.5}],
+          'Cu': [{'type': 'G2', 'element': 'Cu', 'eta': 0.8},
+                 {'type': 'G4', 'elements': ['Cu', 'Cu'], 'eta':0.3,
+                          'gamma':0.6, 'zeta':0.5}]}
+    hiddenlayers = {'O': (2, 1), 'Pd': (2, 1), 'Cu': (2, 1)}
+    weights = OrderedDict([('O', OrderedDict([(1, np.matrix([[-2.0, 6.0],
+                                                             [3.0, -3.0],
+                                                             [1.5, -0.9]])),
+                                              (2, np.matrix([[5.5],
+                                                             [3.6],
+                                                             [1.4]]))])),
+                           ('Pd', OrderedDict([(1, np.matrix([[-1.0, 3.0],
+                                                              [2.0, 4.2],
+                                                              [1.0, -0.7]])),
+                                               (2, np.matrix([[4.0],
+                                                              [0.5],
+                                                              [3.0]]))])),
+                           ('Cu', OrderedDict([(1, np.matrix([[0.0, 1.0],
+                                                              [-1.0, -2.0],
+                                                              [2.5, -1.9]])),
+                                               (2, np.matrix([[0.5],
+                                                              [1.6],
+                                                              [-1.4]]))]))])
+    scalings = OrderedDict([('O', OrderedDict([('intercept', -2.3),
+                                               ('slope', 4.5)])),
+                            ('Pd', OrderedDict([('intercept', 1.6),
+                                                ('slope', 2.5)])),
+                            ('Cu', OrderedDict([('intercept', -0.3),
+                                                ('slope', -0.5)]))])
+    fingerprints_range = {"Cu": np.array([[2.8636310860653253,
+                                           2.8636310860653253],
+                                          [1.5435994865298275,
+                                           1.5435994865298275]]),
+                          "O": np.array([[2.9409056366723028,
+                                          2.972494902604392],
+                                         [1.9522542722823606,
+                                          4.0720361595017245]]),
+                          "Pd": np.array([[2.4629488092411096,
+                                           2.6160138774087125],
+                                          [0.27127576524253594,
+                                           0.5898312261433813]])}
+    # Testing pure-python and fortran versions of Gaussian-neural force call
+    for fortran in [False, True]:
+        for cores in range(1, 4):
+            label = 'call-periodic/%s-%i' % (fortran, cores)
+            calc = Amp(descriptor=Gaussian(cutoff=4.,
+                                           Gs=Gs,
+                                           fortran=fortran),
+                       model=NeuralNetwork(hiddenlayers=hiddenlayers,
+                                           weights=weights,
+                                           scalings=scalings,
+                                           activation='tanh',
+                                           fprange=fingerprints_range,
+                                           unit_type="double"),
+                       label=label,
+                       dblabel=label,
+                       cores=cores)
+            predicted_energies = [calc.get_potential_energy(image) for image in
+                                  images]
+            for image_no in range(len(predicted_energies)):
+                print(predicted_energies[image_no])
+                print(correct_energies[image_no])
+                diff = abs(predicted_energies[image_no] -
+                           correct_energies[image_no])
+                assert (diff < 10.**(-14.)), \
+                    'The predicted energy of image %i is wrong!' % (
+                        image_no + 1)
+            predicted_forces = [calc.get_forces(image) for image in images]
+            for image_no in range(len(predicted_forces)):
+                print('predicted forces:')
+                print(predicted_forces[image_no])
+                print('correct forces:')
+                print(np.array(correct_forces[image_no]))
+                for index in range(np.shape(predicted_forces[image_no])[0]):
+                    for direction in range(
+                            np.shape(predicted_forces[image_no])[1]):
+                        diff = abs(predicted_forces[image_no][index][
+                            direction] -
+                            correct_forces[image_no][index][direction])
+                        assert (diff < 10.**(-11.)), \
+                            'The predicted %i force of atom %i of image' \
+                            ' %i is wrong!' % (direction,
+                                               index,
+                                               image_no + 1)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    non_periodic_test()
+    periodic_test()
diff --git a/tests/CuOPd_test/gaussian_neural_test/train_test.py b/tests/CuOPd_test/gaussian_neural_test/train_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f762c38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/CuOPd_test/gaussian_neural_test/train_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,556 @@
+Exact Gaussian-neural scheme loss function, energy loss and force loss
+for five different non-periodic configurations and three three different
+periodic configurations have been calculated in Mathematica. This script
+checks the values calculated by the code during training with and without
+fortran modules and also on different number of cores.
+import numpy as np
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from ase import Atoms
+from ase.calculators.emt import EMT
+from amp import Amp
+from amp.descriptor.gaussian import Gaussian
+from amp.model.neuralnetwork import NeuralNetwork
+from amp.model import LossFunction
+from amp.regression import Regressor
+    from ase import __version__ as aseversion
+except ImportError:
+    # We're on ASE 3.10 or older
+    from ase.version import version as aseversion
+aseversion = int(aseversion.split('.')[-2])
+# The test function for non-periodic systems
+convergence = {'energy_rmse': 10.**10.,
+               'energy_maxresid': 10.**10.,
+               'force_rmse': 10.**10.,
+               'force_maxresid': 10.**10., }
+regressor = Regressor(optimizer='BFGS')
+def non_periodic_0th_bfgs_step_test():
+    # Making the list of periodic image
+    images = [Atoms(symbols='PdOPd2',
+                    pbc=np.array([False, False, False], dtype=bool),
+                    cell=np.array(
+                        [[1.,  0.,  0.],
+                         [0.,  1.,  0.],
+                            [0.,  0.,  1.]]),
+                    positions=np.array(
+                        [[0.,  0.,  0.],
+                         [0.,  2.,  0.],
+                            [0.,  0.,  3.],
+                            [1.,  0.,  0.]])),
+              Atoms(symbols='PdOPd2',
+                    pbc=np.array([False, False, False], dtype=bool),
+                    cell=np.array(
+                        [[1.,  0.,  0.],
+                         [0.,  1.,  0.],
+                            [0.,  0.,  1.]]),
+                    positions=np.array(
+                        [[0.,  1.,  0.],
+                         [1.,  2.,  1.],
+                            [-1.,  1.,  2.],
+                            [1.,  3.,  2.]])),
+              Atoms(symbols='PdO',
+                    pbc=np.array([False, False, False], dtype=bool),
+                    cell=np.array(
+                        [[1.,  0.,  0.],
+                         [0.,  1.,  0.],
+                         [0.,  0.,  1.]]),
+                    positions=np.array(
+                        [[2.,  1., -1.],
+                         [1.,  2.,  1.]])),
+              Atoms(symbols='Pd2O',
+                    pbc=np.array([False, False, False], dtype=bool),
+                    cell=np.array(
+                        [[1.,  0.,  0.],
+                         [0.,  1.,  0.],
+                         [0.,  0.,  1.]]),
+                    positions=np.array(
+                        [[-2., -1., -1.],
+                         [1.,  2.,  1.],
+                         [3.,  4.,  4.]])),
+              Atoms(symbols='Cu',
+                    pbc=np.array([False, False, False], dtype=bool),
+                    cell=np.array(
+                        [[1.,  0.,  0.],
+                         [0.,  1.,  0.],
+                         [0.,  0.,  1.]]),
+                    positions=np.array(
+                        [[0.,  0.,  0.]]))]
+    for image in images:
+        image.set_calculator(EMT())
+        image.get_potential_energy(apply_constraint=False)
+        image.get_forces(apply_constraint=False)
+    # Parameters
+    Gs = {'O': [{'type': 'G2', 'element': 'Pd', 'eta': 0.8},
+                {'type': 'G4', 'elements': [
+                    'Pd', 'Pd'], 'eta':0.2, 'gamma':0.3, 'zeta':1},
+                {'type': 'G4', 'elements': ['O', 'Pd'], 'eta':0.3, 'gamma':0.6,
+                 'zeta':0.5}],
+          'Pd': [{'type': 'G2', 'element': 'Pd', 'eta': 0.2},
+                 {'type': 'G4', 'elements': ['Pd', 'Pd'],
+                  'eta':0.9, 'gamma':0.75, 'zeta':1.5},
+                 {'type': 'G4', 'elements': ['O', 'Pd'], 'eta':0.4,
+                  'gamma':0.3, 'zeta':4}],
+          'Cu': [{'type': 'G2', 'element': 'Cu', 'eta': 0.8},
+                 {'type': 'G4', 'elements': ['Cu', 'O'],
+                  'eta':0.2, 'gamma':0.3, 'zeta':1},
+                 {'type': 'G4', 'elements': ['Cu', 'Cu'], 'eta':0.3,
+                  'gamma':0.6, 'zeta':0.5}]}
+    hiddenlayers = {'O': (2,), 'Pd': (2,), 'Cu': (2,)}
+    weights = OrderedDict([('O', OrderedDict([(1, np.matrix([[-2.0, 6.0],
+                                                             [3.0, -3.0],
+                                                             [1.5, -0.9],
+                                                             [-2.5, -1.5]])),
+                                              (2, np.matrix([[5.5],
+                                                             [3.6],
+                                                             [1.4]]))])),
+                           ('Pd', OrderedDict([(1, np.matrix([[-1.0, 3.0],
+                                                              [2.0, 4.2],
+                                                              [1.0, -0.7],
+                                                              [-3.0, 2.0]])),
+                                               (2, np.matrix([[4.0],
+                                                              [0.5],
+                                                              [3.0]]))])),
+                           ('Cu', OrderedDict([(1, np.matrix([[0.0, 1.0],
+                                                              [-1.0, -2.0],
+                                                              [2.5, -1.9],
+                                                              [-3.5, 0.5]])),
+                                               (2, np.matrix([[0.5],
+                                                              [1.6],
+                                                              [-1.4]]))]))])
+    scalings = OrderedDict([('O', OrderedDict([('intercept', -2.3),
+                                               ('slope', 4.5)])),
+                            ('Pd', OrderedDict([('intercept', 1.6),
+                                                ('slope', 2.5)])),
+                            ('Cu', OrderedDict([('intercept', -0.3),
+                                                ('slope', -0.5)]))])
+    # Correct values
+    if aseversion < 12:  # EMT values have changed from 3.12.0 version
+        ref_loss = 7144.8107853579895
+        ref_energyloss = (24.318837496016506 ** 2.) * 5
+        ref_forceloss = (144.70282477494519 ** 2.) * 5
+        ref_dloss_dparameters = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+                                          0.01374139170953901,
+                                          0.36318423812749656,
+                                          0.028312691567496464,
+                                          0.6012336354445753,
+                                          0.9659002689921986,
+                                          -1.289777005924742,
+                                          -0.5718960934643078,
+                                          -2.642566722179569,
+                                          -1.196039924610482, 0, 0,
+                                          -2.72563797131018,
+                                          -0.9080181024866707,
+                                          -0.7739948323226851,
+                                          -0.29157894253717415,
+                                          -2.0599829042717404,
+                                          -0.6156374289895887,
+                                          -0.006086517460749253,
+                                          -0.829678548408266,
+                                          0.0008092646745710161,
+                                          0.04161302703491613,
+                                          0.0034264690790135606,
+                                          -0.957800456897051,
+                                          -0.006281929606579444,
+                                          -0.2883588477371198,
+                                          -4.245777410962108,
+                                          -4.3174120941045535,
+                                          -8.02385959091948,
+                                          -3.240512651984099,
+                                          -27.289862194988853,
+                                          -26.8177742762544,
+                                          -82.45107056051073,
+                                          -80.68167683508715])
+        ref_energy_maxresid = 54.21915548269209
+        ref_force_maxresid = 791.6736436232306
+    else:
+        ref_loss = 7144.807220773296
+        ref_energyloss = (24.318829702548342 ** 2.) * 5
+        ref_forceloss = (144.70279593472887 ** 2.) * 5
+        ref_dloss_dparameters = np.array([0,
+                                          0,
+                                          0,
+                                          0,
+                                          0,
+                                          0,
+                                          0.01374139170953901,
+                                          0.36318423812749656,
+                                          0.028312691567496464,
+                                          0.6012336354445753,
+                                          0.9659002689921986,
+                                          -1.2897765357544038,
+                                          -0.5718958286530584,
+                                          -2.642565840915077,
+                                          -1.1960394346870424,
+                                          0,
+                                          0,
+                                          -2.7256370964673238,
+                                          -0.9080177898160631,
+                                          -0.7739945904033205,
+                                          -0.29157882294526083,
+                                          -2.0599825024556027,
+                                          -0.6156371996742152,
+                                          -0.006086514109432934,
+                                          -0.8296782839032163,
+                                          0.0008092653341775424,
+                                          0.04161306816722683,
+                                          0.0034264692325982156,
+                                          -0.9578001030483714,
+                                          -0.006281927374160914,
+                                          -0.28835874344086,
+                                          -4.245775886469167,
+                                          -4.317410633818672,
+                                          -8.02385959091948,
+                                          -3.240512651984099,
+                                          -27.289853042932705,
+                                          -26.81776520493048,
+                                          -82.45104200076496,
+                                          -80.68164887277251])
+        ref_energy_maxresid = 54.21913802238612
+        ref_force_maxresid = 791.6734866205463
+    # Testing pure-python and fortran versions of Gaussian-neural on different
+    # number of processes
+    for fortran in [False, True]:
+        for cores in range(1, 6):
+            label = 'train-nonperiodic/%s-%i' % (fortran, cores)
+            print(label)
+            calc = Amp(descriptor=Gaussian(cutoff=6.5,
+                                           Gs=Gs,
+                                           fortran=fortran,),
+                       model=NeuralNetwork(hiddenlayers=hiddenlayers,
+                                           weights=weights,
+                                           scalings=scalings,
+                                           activation='sigmoid',
+                                           regressor=regressor,
+                                           fortran=fortran,),
+                       label=label,
+                       dblabel=label,
+                       cores=cores)
+            lossfunction = LossFunction(convergence=convergence)
+            calc.model.lossfunction = lossfunction
+            calc.train(images=images,)
+            diff = abs(calc.model.lossfunction.loss - ref_loss)
+            print("diff at 204 =", diff)
+            assert (diff < 10.**(-10.)), \
+                'Calculated value of loss function is wrong!'
+            diff = abs(calc.model.lossfunction.energy_loss - ref_energyloss)
+            assert (diff < 10.**(-10.)), \
+                'Calculated value of energy per atom RMSE is wrong!'
+            diff = abs(calc.model.lossfunction.force_loss - ref_forceloss)
+            assert (diff < 10 ** (-10.)), \
+                'Calculated value of force RMSE is wrong!'
+            diff = abs(calc.model.lossfunction.energy_maxresid -
+                       ref_energy_maxresid)
+            assert (diff < 10.**(-10.)), \
+                'Calculated value of energy per atom max residual is wrong!'
+            diff = abs(calc.model.lossfunction.force_maxresid -
+                       ref_force_maxresid)
+            assert (diff < 10 ** (-10.)), \
+                'Calculated value of force max residual is wrong!'
+            for _ in range(len(ref_dloss_dparameters)):
+                diff = abs(calc.model.lossfunction.dloss_dparameters[_] -
+                           ref_dloss_dparameters[_])
+                assert(diff < 10 ** (-12.)), \
+                    "Calculated value of loss function derivative is wrong!"
+            dblabel = label
+            secondlabel = '_' + label
+            calc = Amp(descriptor=Gaussian(cutoff=6.5,
+                                           Gs=Gs,
+                                           fortran=fortran,),
+                       model=NeuralNetwork(hiddenlayers=hiddenlayers,
+                                           weights=weights,
+                                           scalings=scalings,
+                                           activation='sigmoid',
+                                           regressor=regressor,
+                                           fortran=fortran,),
+                       label=secondlabel,
+                       dblabel=dblabel,
+                       cores=cores)
+            lossfunction = LossFunction(convergence=convergence)
+            calc.model.lossfunction = lossfunction
+            calc.train(images=images,)
+            diff = abs(calc.model.lossfunction.loss - ref_loss)
+            assert (diff < 10.**(-10.)), \
+                'Calculated value of loss function is wrong!'
+            diff = abs(calc.model.lossfunction.energy_loss - ref_energyloss)
+            assert (diff < 10.**(-10.)), \
+                'Calculated value of energy per atom RMSE is wrong!'
+            diff = abs(calc.model.lossfunction.force_loss - ref_forceloss)
+            assert (diff < 10 ** (-10.)), \
+                'Calculated value of force RMSE is wrong!'
+            diff = abs(calc.model.lossfunction.energy_maxresid -
+                       ref_energy_maxresid)
+            assert (diff < 10.**(-10.)), \
+                'Calculated value of energy per atom max residual is wrong!'
+            diff = abs(calc.model.lossfunction.force_maxresid -
+                       ref_force_maxresid)
+            assert (diff < 10 ** (-10.)), \
+                'Calculated value of force max residual is wrong!'
+            for _ in range(len(ref_dloss_dparameters)):
+                diff = abs(calc.model.lossfunction.dloss_dparameters[_] -
+                           ref_dloss_dparameters[_])
+                assert(diff < 10 ** (-12.)), \
+                    'Calculated value of loss function derivative is wrong!'
+# The test function for periodic systems and first BFGS step
+def periodic_0th_bfgs_step_test():
+    # Making the list of images
+    images = [Atoms(symbols='PdOPd',
+                    pbc=np.array([True, False, False], dtype=bool),
+                    cell=np.array(
+                        [[2.,  0.,  0.],
+                         [0.,  2.,  0.],
+                         [0.,  0.,  2.]]),
+                    positions=np.array(
+                        [[0.5,  1., 0.5],
+                         [1.,  0.5,  1.],
+                         [1.5,  1.5,  1.5]])),
+              Atoms(symbols='PdO',
+                    pbc=np.array([True, True, False], dtype=bool),
+                    cell=np.array(
+                        [[2.,  0.,  0.],
+                         [0.,  2.,  0.],
+                            [0.,  0.,  2.]]),
+                    positions=np.array(
+                        [[0.5,  1., 0.5],
+                         [1.,  0.5,  1.]])),
+              Atoms(symbols='Cu',
+                    pbc=np.array([True, True, False], dtype=bool),
+                    cell=np.array(
+                        [[1.8,  0.,  0.],
+                         [0.,  1.8,  0.],
+                            [0.,  0.,  1.8]]),
+                    positions=np.array(
+                        [[0.,  0., 0.]]))]
+    for image in images:
+        image.set_calculator(EMT())
+        image.get_potential_energy(apply_constraint=False)
+        image.get_forces(apply_constraint=False)
+    # Parameters
+    Gs = {'O': [{'type': 'G2', 'element': 'Pd', 'eta': 0.8},
+                {'type': 'G4', 'elements': ['O', 'Pd'], 'eta':0.3, 'gamma':0.6,
+                 'zeta':0.5}],
+          'Pd': [{'type': 'G2', 'element': 'Pd', 'eta': 0.2},
+                 {'type': 'G4', 'elements': ['Pd', 'Pd'],
+                  'eta':0.9, 'gamma':0.75, 'zeta':1.5}],
+          'Cu': [{'type': 'G2', 'element': 'Cu', 'eta': 0.8},
+                 {'type': 'G4', 'elements': ['Cu', 'Cu'], 'eta':0.3,
+                          'gamma':0.6, 'zeta':0.5}]}
+    hiddenlayers = {'O': (2,), 'Pd': (2,), 'Cu': (2,)}
+    weights = OrderedDict([('O', OrderedDict([(1, np.matrix([[-2.0, 6.0],
+                                                             [3.0, -3.0],
+                                                             [1.5, -0.9]])),
+                                              (2, np.matrix([[5.5],
+                                                             [3.6],
+                                                             [1.4]]))])),
+                           ('Pd', OrderedDict([(1, np.matrix([[-1.0, 3.0],
+                                                              [2.0, 4.2],
+                                                              [1.0, -0.7]])),
+                                               (2, np.matrix([[4.0],
+                                                              [0.5],
+                                                              [3.0]]))])),
+                           ('Cu', OrderedDict([(1, np.matrix([[0.0, 1.0],
+                                                              [-1.0, -2.0],
+                                                              [2.5, -1.9]])),
+                                               (2, np.matrix([[0.5],
+                                                              [1.6],
+                                                              [-1.4]]))]))])
+    scalings = OrderedDict([('O', OrderedDict([('intercept', -2.3),
+                                               ('slope', 4.5)])),
+                            ('Pd', OrderedDict([('intercept', 1.6),
+                                                ('slope', 2.5)])),
+                            ('Cu', OrderedDict([('intercept', -0.3),
+                                                ('slope', -0.5)]))])
+    # Correct values
+    if aseversion < 12:  # EMT values have changed from 3.12.0 version
+        ref_loss = 8004.292841411172
+        ref_energyloss = (43.7360019403031 ** 2.) * 3
+        ref_forceloss = (137.40994760947325 ** 2.) * 3
+        ref_dloss_dparameters = np.array([0.08141668748130322,
+                                          0.03231235582925534,
+                                          0.04388650395738586,
+                                          0.017417514465922313,
+                                          0.028431276597563077,
+                                          0.011283700608814465,
+                                          0.0941695726576061,
+                                          -0.12322258890990219,
+                                          0.12679918754154568,
+                                          63.53960075374332,
+                                          0.01624770019548904,
+                                          -86.6263955859162,
+                                          -0.01777752828707744,
+                                          86.22415217526024,
+                                          0.017745913074496918,
+                                          104.58358033298292,
+                                          -96.73280209888215,
+                                          -99.09843648905876,
+                                          -8.302880631972338,
+                                          -1.2590007162074357,
+                                          8.302877346883133,
+                                          1.25875988418134,
+                                          -8.302866610678247,
+                                          -1.2563833805675353,
+                                          28.324298392680998,
+                                          28.093155094726413,
+                                          -29.37874455931869,
+                                          -11.247473567044866,
+                                          11.119951466664787,
+                                          -87.08582317481387,
+                                          -20.939485239182346,
+                                          -125.73267675705365,
+                                          -35.138524407482116])
+    else:
+        ref_loss = 8004.287750978173
+        ref_energyloss = (43.73598563177581 ** 2.) * 3
+        ref_forceloss = (137.409923023214 ** 2.) * 3
+        ref_dloss_dparameters = np.array([0.08141663280688925,
+                                          0.03231233413027478,
+                                          0.043886474485922956,
+                                          0.01741750276939638,
+                                          0.02843125750487539,
+                                          0.011283693031378718,
+                                          0.09416950941914284,
+                                          -0.12322250616122936,
+                                          0.1267991023910503,
+                                          63.53958764057119,
+                                          0.016247696749304368,
+                                          -86.62637753054923,
+                                          -0.01777752451341436,
+                                          86.22413420485914,
+                                          0.01774590930723711,
+                                          104.58353326982777,
+                                          -96.73275667196937,
+                                          -99.09839026204304,
+                                          -8.302877823431269,
+                                          -1.2590002903842232,
+                                          8.302874538343092,
+                                          1.2587594584335775,
+                                          -8.302863802141216,
+                                          -1.2563829555383859,
+                                          28.32428881173613,
+                                          28.093145591893936,
+                                          -29.37873462156934,
+                                          -11.24746601393696,
+                                          11.11994399919284,
+                                          -87.08579155328007,
+                                          -20.93947792122797,
+                                          -125.73262989900473,
+                                          -35.13850819392253])
+    # Testing pure-python and fortran versions of Gaussian-neural on different
+    # number of processes
+    for fortran in [False, True]:
+        for cores in range(1, 4):
+            label = 'train-periodic/%s-%i' % (fortran, cores)
+            print(label)
+            calc = Amp(descriptor=Gaussian(cutoff=4.,
+                                           Gs=Gs,
+                                           fortran=fortran,),
+                       model=NeuralNetwork(hiddenlayers=hiddenlayers,
+                                           weights=weights,
+                                           scalings=scalings,
+                                           activation='tanh',
+                                           regressor=regressor,
+                                           fortran=fortran,),
+                       label=label,
+                       dblabel=label,
+                       cores=cores)
+            lossfunction = LossFunction(convergence=convergence)
+            calc.model.lossfunction = lossfunction
+            calc.train(images=images,)
+            diff = abs(calc.model.lossfunction.loss - ref_loss)
+            print("diff at 414 =", diff)
+            assert (diff < 10.**(-10.)), \
+                'Calculated value of loss function is wrong!'
+            diff = abs(calc.model.lossfunction.energy_loss - ref_energyloss)
+            assert (diff < 10.**(-10.)), \
+                'Calculated value of energy per atom RMSE is wrong!'
+            diff = abs(calc.model.lossfunction.force_loss - ref_forceloss)
+            assert (diff < 10 ** (-9.)), \
+                'Calculated value of force RMSE is wrong!'
+            for _ in range(len(ref_dloss_dparameters)):
+                diff = abs(calc.model.lossfunction.dloss_dparameters[_] -
+                           ref_dloss_dparameters[_])
+                assert(diff < 10 ** (-10.)), \
+                    'Calculated value of loss function derivative is wrong!'
+            dblabel = label
+            secondlabel = '_' + label
+            calc = Amp(descriptor=Gaussian(cutoff=4.,
+                                           Gs=Gs,
+                                           fortran=fortran),
+                       model=NeuralNetwork(hiddenlayers=hiddenlayers,
+                                           weights=weights,
+                                           scalings=scalings,
+                                           activation='tanh',
+                                           regressor=regressor,
+                                           fortran=fortran,),
+                       label=secondlabel,
+                       dblabel=dblabel,
+                       cores=cores)
+            lossfunction = LossFunction(convergence=convergence)
+            calc.model.lossfunction = lossfunction
+            calc.train(images=images,)
+            diff = abs(calc.model.lossfunction.loss - ref_loss)
+            assert (diff < 10.**(-10.)), \
+                'Calculated value of loss function is wrong!'
+            diff = abs(calc.model.lossfunction.energy_loss - ref_energyloss)
+            assert (diff < 10.**(-10.)), \
+                'Calculated value of energy per atom RMSE is wrong!'
+            diff = abs(calc.model.lossfunction.force_loss - ref_forceloss)
+            assert (diff < 10 ** (-9.)), \
+                'Calculated value of force RMSE is wrong!'
+            for _ in range(len(ref_dloss_dparameters)):
+                diff = abs(calc.model.lossfunction.dloss_dparameters[_] -
+                           ref_dloss_dparameters[_])
+                assert(diff < 10 ** (-10.)), \
+                    'Calculated value of loss function derivative is wrong!'
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    non_periodic_0th_bfgs_step_test()
+    periodic_0th_bfgs_step_test()
diff --git a/tests/consistency_test/gaussian_neural_test/force_call_test.py b/tests/consistency_test/gaussian_neural_test/force_call_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d514527
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/consistency_test/gaussian_neural_test/force_call_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,560 @@
+This script creates a list of three images. It then calculates behler-neural
+scheme forces and energies of different combinations of them with and without
+fortran modules, and check consistency between them.
+import numpy as np
+from ase import Atoms
+from amp import Amp
+from amp.descriptor.gaussian import Gaussian
+from amp.model.neuralnetwork import NeuralNetwork
+# Making the list of images
+def make_images():
+    """Makes test images."""
+    images = [Atoms(symbols='Pd4O2',
+                    pbc=np.array([True,  True, False], dtype=bool),
+                    cell=np.array(
+                        [[7.78,   0.,   0.],
+                         [0.,   5.50129076,   0.],
+                            [0.,   0.,  15.37532269]]),
+                    positions=np.array(
+                        [[0.,  0.,  8.37532269],
+                            [3.89,  0.,  8.37532269],
+                            [0.,  2.75064538,  8.37532269],
+                            [3.89,  2.75064538,  8.37532269],
+                            [5.835,  1.37532269,  8.5],
+                            [5.835,  7.12596807,  8.]])),
+              Atoms(symbols='Pd4O2',
+                    pbc=np.array([True,  True, False], dtype=bool),
+                    cell=np.array(
+                        [[7.78,   0.,   0.],
+                         [0.,   5.50129076,   0.],
+                            [0.,   0.,  15.37532269]]),
+                    positions=np.array(
+                        [[8.43409903e-03,  -4.40430259e-03,
+                          8.37107726e+00],
+                            [3.88430768e+00,   5.28005966e-03,
+                                8.36678641e+00],
+                            [-1.01122240e-02,   2.74577426e+00,
+                                8.37861758e+00],
+                            [3.88251383e+00,   2.74138906e+00,
+                                8.37087611e+00],
+                            [5.82067191e+00,   1.19156898e+00,
+                                8.97714483e+00],
+                            [5.83355445e+00,   7.53318593e+00,
+                             8.50142020e+00]])),
+              Atoms(symbols='Pd4O2',
+                    pbc=np.array([True,  True, False], dtype=bool),
+                    cell=np.array(
+                        [[7.78,   0.,   0.],
+                         [0.,   5.50129076,   0.],
+                            [0.,   0.,  15.37532269]]),
+                    positions=np.array(
+                        [[1.84507759e-02,  -9.96620379e-03,
+                          8.36465110e+00],
+                            [3.87691266e+00,   9.29708987e-03,
+                                8.35604207e+00],
+                            [-1.29700138e-02,   2.74373753e+00,
+                                8.37941484e+00],
+                            [3.86813484e+00,   2.73488653e+00,
+                                8.36395999e+00],
+                            [5.80386111e+00,   7.98192190e-01,
+                                9.74324179e+00],
+                            [5.83223956e+00,   8.23855393e+00,
+                             9.18295137e+00]]))]
+    return images
+# Parameters
+cutoff = 6.5
+activation = 'tanh'
+hiddenlayers = {'O': (5, 5), 'Pd': (5, 5)}
+Gs = {'O': [{'eta': 0.05, 'type': 'G2', 'element': 'O'},
+            {'eta': 0.05, 'type': 'G2', 'element': 'Pd'},
+            {'eta': 2.0, 'type': 'G2', 'element': 'O'},
+            {'eta': 2.0, 'type': 'G2', 'element': 'Pd'},
+            {'eta': 4.0, 'type': 'G2', 'element': 'O'},
+            {'eta': 4.0, 'type': 'G2', 'element': 'Pd'},
+            {'eta': 8.0, 'type': 'G2', 'element': 'O'},
+            {"eta": 8.0, "type": "G2", "element": "Pd"},
+            {"eta": 20.0, "type": "G2", "element": "O"},
+            {"eta": 20.0, "type": "G2", "element": "Pd"},
+            {"eta": 40.0, "type": "G2", "element": "O"},
+            {"eta": 40.0, "type": "G2", "element": "Pd"},
+            {"eta": 80.0, "type": "G2", "element": "O"},
+            {"eta": 80.0, "type": "G2", "element": "Pd"},
+            {"zeta": 1.0, "elements": ["O", "O"], "type": "G4", "gamma": 1.0,
+             "eta": 0.005},
+            {"zeta": 1.0, "elements": ["O", "Pd"], "type": "G4", "gamma": 1.0,
+             "eta": 0.005},
+            {"zeta": 1.0, "elements": ["Pd", "Pd"], "type": "G4",
+             "gamma": 1.0, "eta": 0.005},
+            {"zeta": 1.0, "elements": ["O", "O"],
+             "type": "G4", "gamma": -1.0, "eta": 0.005},
+            {"zeta": 1.0, "elements": ["O", "Pd"],
+             "type": "G4", "gamma": -1.0, "eta": 0.005},
+            {"zeta": 1.0, "elements": ["Pd", "Pd"], "type": "G4",
+             "gamma": -1.0,
+             "eta": 0.005}, {"zeta": 2.0, "elements": ["O", "O"], "type": "G4",
+                             "gamma": 1.0, "eta": 0.005},
+            {"zeta": 2.0, "elements": ["O", "Pd"],
+             "type": "G4", "gamma": 1.0, "eta": 0.005},
+            {"zeta": 2.0,
+             "elements": ["Pd", "Pd"], "type": "G4",
+             "gamma": 1.0, "eta": 0.005},
+            {"zeta": 2.0, "elements": ["O", "O"], "type": "G4", "gamma": -1.0,
+             "eta": 0.005},
+            {"zeta": 2.0, "elements": ["O", "Pd"], "type": "G4",
+             "gamma": -1.0, "eta": 0.005}, {"zeta": 2.0,
+                                            "elements": ["Pd", "Pd"],
+                                            "type": "G4", "gamma": -1.0,
+                                            "eta": 0.005},
+            {"zeta": 4.0,
+             "elements": ["O", "O"],
+             "type": "G4",
+             "gamma": 1.0, "eta": 0.005},
+            {"zeta": 4.0, "elements": ["O", "Pd"], "type": "G4", "gamma": 1.0,
+             "eta": 0.005}, {"zeta": 4.0, "elements": ["Pd", "Pd"],
+                             "type": "G4", "gamma": 1.0, "eta": 0.005},
+            {"zeta": 4.0, "elements": ["O", "O"], "type": "G4", "gamma": -1.0,
+             "eta": 0.005}, {"zeta": 4.0, "elements": ["O", "Pd"],
+                             "type": "G4", "gamma": -1.0, "eta": 0.005},
+            {"zeta": 4.0, "elements": ["Pd", "Pd"],
+             "type": "G4", "gamma": -1.0,
+             "eta": 0.005}],
+      "Pd": [{"eta": 0.05, "type": "G2", "element": "O"},
+             {"eta": 0.05, "type": "G2", "element": "Pd"},
+             {"eta": 2.0, "type": "G2", "element": "O"},
+             {"eta": 2.0, "type": "G2", "element": "Pd"},
+             {"eta": 4.0, "type": "G2", "element": "O"},
+             {"eta": 4.0, "type": "G2", "element": "Pd"},
+             {"eta": 8.0, "type": "G2", "element": "O"},
+             {"eta": 8.0, "type": "G2", "element": "Pd"},
+             {"eta": 20.0, "type": "G2", "element": "O"},
+             {"eta": 20.0, "type": "G2", "element": "Pd"},
+             {"eta": 40.0, "type": "G2", "element": "O"},
+             {"eta": 40.0, "type": "G2", "element": "Pd"},
+             {"eta": 80.0, "type": "G2", "element": "O"},
+             {"eta": 80.0, "type": "G2", "element": "Pd"},
+             {"zeta": 1.0, "elements": ["O", "O"], "type": "G4", "gamma": 1.0,
+              "eta": 0.005},
+             {"zeta": 1.0, "elements": ["O", "Pd"], "type": "G4", "gamma": 1.0,
+              "eta": 0.005}, {"zeta": 1.0,
+                              "elements": ["Pd", "Pd"],
+                              "type": "G4",
+                              "gamma": 1.0, "eta": 0.005},
+             {"zeta": 1.0, "elements": ["O", "O"], "type": "G4",
+              "gamma": -1.0, "eta": 0.005}, {"zeta": 1.0,
+                                             "elements": ["O", "Pd"],
+                                             "type": "G4", "gamma": -1.0,
+                                             "eta": 0.005},
+             {"zeta": 1.0, "elements": ["Pd", "Pd"], "type": "G4",
+              "gamma": -1.0,
+              "eta": 0.005}, {"zeta": 2.0, "elements": ["O", "O"],
+                              "type": "G4",
+                              "gamma": 1.0, "eta": 0.005},
+             {"zeta": 2.0,
+              "elements": ["O", "Pd"], "type": "G4",
+              "gamma": 1.0, "eta": 0.005}, {"zeta": 2.0,
+                                            "elements": ["Pd", "Pd"],
+                                            "type": "G4",
+                                            "gamma": 1.0, "eta": 0.005},
+             {"zeta": 2.0, "elements": ["O", "O"], "type": "G4", "gamma": -1.0,
+              "eta": 0.005}, {"zeta": 2.0, "elements": ["O", "Pd"],
+                              "type": "G4",
+                              "gamma": -1.0, "eta": 0.005},
+             {"zeta": 2.0, "elements": ["Pd", "Pd"],
+              "type": "G4", "gamma": -1.0, "eta": 0.005},
+             {"zeta": 4.0, "elements": ["O", "O"],
+              "type": "G4", "gamma": 1.0, "eta": 0.005},
+             {"zeta": 4.0, "elements": ["O", "Pd"], "type": "G4", "gamma": 1.0,
+              "eta": 0.005}, {"zeta": 4.0, "elements": ["Pd", "Pd"],
+                              "type": "G4",
+                              "gamma": 1.0, "eta": 0.005},
+             {"zeta": 4.0,
+              "elements": ["O", "O"],
+              "type": "G4", "gamma": -1.0, "eta": 0.005},
+             {"zeta": 4.0, "elements": ["O", "Pd"],
+              "type": "G4", "gamma": -1.0, "eta": 0.005},
+             {"zeta": 4.0, "elements": ["Pd", "Pd"], "type": "G4",
+              "gamma": -1.0,
+              "eta": 0.005}]}
+fingerprints_range = {"O": [[1.2034320541645842, 1.2325033032109112],
+                            [6.126415779807456, 6.978993471872114],
+                            [0.9968712422847974, 1.0238339591857768],
+                            [3.8381486000216656, 4.6059867092450295],
+                            [0.895627825206874, 0.9671954702902308],
+                            [2.583663009213816, 3.2975746566094606],
+                            [0.7964913272920149, 0.9263856740488036],
+                            [1.3358420027866575, 1.987698731796872],
+                            [0.6086945405610695, 0.8469928578399282],
+                            [0.2529142293461268, 0.7771634549572402],
+                            [0.3914378098148111, 0.7306361163848886],
+                            [0.020116896658220102, 0.35759863784953067],
+                            [0.16188160578588526, 0.5436809953654286],
+                            [0.00018177869062004963, 0.12577780799256955],
+                            [2.9283890234835495, 2.960848034649544],
+                            [30.849062520667466, 34.34079115772228],
+                            [74.38292698900159, 81.77213709053859],
+                            [1.6948136646289693, 1.803559109943061],
+                            [20.032647223918715, 25.204662559464523],
+                            [46.30668067734771, 58.99262463422656],
+                            [2.37554239540103, 2.7402971203873707],
+                            [21.915472638677855, 25.585727302527907],
+                            [54.57445823130601, 61.34907477324089],
+                            [1.109508025380456, 1.6154672068468818],
+                            [11.916848644888729, 17.04495978743268],
+                            [27.88887260037905, 39.18415587653102],
+                            [1.8928302257282086, 2.5827385383035284],
+                            [14.565545948279196, 17.941552668205755],
+                            [36.94672253980532, 42.672289485060745],
+                            [0.6553641770222022, 1.4212816597490932],
+                            [6.00446500499159, 10.95563925572871],
+                            [15.456097104319266, 24.846009591495683]],
+                      "Pd": [[0.8893801678132963, 2.186742268993366],
+                             [5.681935730435191, 5.801357868163544],
+                             [0.28325235730086895, 1.7195167772827762],
+                             [3.319274384132528, 3.4278827090091513],
+                             [0.08915750058756017, 1.5653576140941878],
+                             [2.053165118375831, 2.1493466057807606],
+                             [0.009285644347874652, 1.3396267483639697],
+                             [0.8813449647319378, 0.949755776664418],
+                             [1.4022708468796206e-05, 0.8694356341233072],
+                             [0.08961848129998626, 0.10519747021560875],
+                             [2.5350651988745783e-10, 0.4474694168207284],
+                             [0.002199096348873827, 0.002942664869970825],
+                             [1.3547037121993997e-19, 0.13803579787982578],
+                             [1.3829812001140997e-06, 2.3283471452833342e-06],
+                             [2.245260381205755, 6.506711057752208],
+                             [30.80688145836148, 46.62802877467697],
+                             [63.159691665137835, 63.42318872782115],
+                             [1.4470182218367846, 3.5407788975262466],
+                             [16.920091949041364, 27.974461180856085],
+                             [43.372163387951744, 45.106267442742194],
+                             [2.1007039650495236, 5.235507846017004],
+                             [24.98117242089699, 38.28678610359639],
+                             [47.903805932396644, 48.16729306561395],
+                             [0.8039272162816901, 2.5404648021947756],
+                             [11.094382911576862, 19.43921017240714],
+                             [28.14489163971961, 29.853649179126506],
+                             [2.0677437396917027, 3.980577524358615],
+                             [18.507476335936385, 30.408978128204563],
+                             [33.915660566694726, 34.201570710274964],
+                             [0.2569160731561561, 1.5411619576089908],
+                             [4.8043897598894185, 13.387133883397796],
+                             [17.225764659147405, 18.83859512207448]]}
+weights = {"O": {1: np.matrix([[0.00036942165470836563, 0.022852891328080965,
+                                -0.007763989520407272, 0.0017904084613678817,
+                                -0.04680830976127531],
+                               [-0.011220619170475267, -0.031465481900468384,
+                                -0.0185587250581268, 0.00029876794872765733,
+                                -0.03270538302430687],
+                               [0.009269384571647388, -0.004439491584362951,
+                                0.02041622613407708, -0.04075220241750707,
+                                -0.004384443250886716],
+                               [-0.02045226889653854, -0.04085271674587569,
+                                -0.0007470148939682439, 0.017448937916376722,
+                                -0.03247360282480993],
+                               [0.014076539841285075, -0.0006001148651055555,
+                                -0.011206188631385075, 0.036131770356541804,
+                                0.04019195568663911], [0.04438555375359607,
+                                                       -0.03630318854778723, -
+                                                       0.011787189723001579,
+                                                       0.03403384156560013,
+                                                       0.015653363757362176],
+                               [0.02134038436971622, 0.000554719592425923,
+                                -0.04353602059838731, 0.02829112575071807,
+                                -0.010315738192632054],
+                               [-0.009864186941597866, 0.025867111325423034,
+                                -0.030222981254973712, -0.009255262808615411,
+                                -0.0047940678082599025],
+                               [0.009775595855839286, -0.004398102065676125,
+                                -0.00195136837351699, -0.0015883410280669308,
+                                0.03528054083271703],
+                               [0.0088457892425432, -0.0017778202887624855,
+                                -0.030182606288789264, 0.03153096931177092,
+                                -0.02709527292127762], [-0.02911935923819357,
+                                                        -0.011844856703362105,
+                                                        0.03358589444051113,
+                                                        0.007149386960731488,
+                                                        -0.007590532737964187],
+                               [-0.03944400124516653, 0.03562647918045643,
+                                -0.041584201666104756, -0.03482985747462908,
+                                -0.045374395214468496],
+                               [0.019057890033725933, -0.012580031773554046,
+                                0.04290707878850142, 0.04177600131985214,
+                                -0.03500384259370384],
+                               [-0.02033084113684249, -0.01111345650394805,
+                                -0.005485434669132497, 0.03554246348547074,
+                                0.031421467582530324],
+                               [-0.03310168568774624, 0.04617363212275834,
+                                0.03868456178440169, 0.012151585419746959,
+                                -0.007359447003748548],
+                               [0.044255356329426065, 0.036122120043098505,
+                                0.001842950538131695, -0.01615761183192349,
+                                -0.03771427943410247],
+                               [-0.0381118034639101, -0.04643318160382238,
+                                0.02900519652241655, -0.008475138348622263,
+                                0.021893066028991853],
+                               [0.016038314042298385, 0.03545540262812917,
+                                -0.031220884269865096, -0.033670838618425646,
+                                0.04684810506588663],
+                               [0.037697271308168634, -0.04250612661317486,
+                                0.0028173761257807364, 0.04503591051281573,
+                                -0.005888259820159045],
+                               [-0.01688674535740177, 0.03765441774468983,
+                                0.040162723331136185, 0.023291060425779497,
+                                0.01875483057892434],
+                               [0.009559969717541077, -0.010986361005406543,
+                                0.017717618257908102, 0.021594452542040676,
+                                0.00668490554203105],
+                               [0.02899572788647327, 0.03884753546552183,
+                                0.0334345646492913, -0.0009724588802520473,
+                                0.008901825903656319],
+                               [0.04472782971579241, 0.020125743534124996,
+                                0.018466622131502394, 0.014248370483492187,
+                                0.02954224116911444],
+                               [0.018038582886592464, 0.007882237781735343,
+                                -0.005639481686277245, -0.030317048204748388,
+                                0.011443284253329196],
+                               [-0.014574589075944028, 0.027312879897418138,
+                                -0.0052516221359138054, -0.02858166510190807,
+                                -0.0218508786228111],
+                               [-0.019062166466149163, -0.0421343628780219,
+                                -0.0292511219030615, -0.04063165343284807,
+                                -0.026551753085291934],
+                               [-0.006973189792228912, 0.018725587327618767,
+                                0.037936857142053707, 0.011375377365914208,
+                                -0.03823975980860963],
+                               [-0.03087795180506949, -0.002166181826768615,
+                                -0.009411940441267343, 0.008062289773496219,
+                                0.03143133615872179],
+                               [0.022767389458292583, -0.032719990839286985,
+                                0.010234126834754581, -0.0025988597425086815,
+                                0.012893424785935387],
+                               [0.03729503214821439, -0.04055234881977389,
+                                -0.033180455803208164, -0.003962067731434399,
+                                -0.04089277483943934],
+                               [-0.005215540749534078, 0.013163002568367034,
+                                0.03980552568163612, 0.00803385354609431,
+                                7.658166702390057e-05],
+                               [0.013936695364567375, 0.017657437899754047,
+                                0.027548202328624413, -0.0008692880197060243,
+                                0.032762776542753225],
+                               [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]),
+                 2: np.matrix([[-0.13315704861614908, 0.21616481887190436,
+                                0.07102546888848049, -0.2758348650926486,
+                                -0.12434812671933795], [-0.024314957289090222,
+                                                        -0.16392515185308187,
+                                                        0.2058922926890992,
+                                                        0.2154935160814611,
+                                                        0.11014812360618259],
+                               [-0.08133895309316427, -0.1937923029504461,
+                                0.206977413616443, 0.03575405386811248,
+                                -0.10559013113242327],
+                               [0.1469937256217183, 0.07621742865022896,
+                                0.08882575726900893, -0.2577928927812111,
+                                0.2670748892517893],
+                               [-0.141370342762172, -0.23738939477247786,
+                                -0.06633785630500305, -0.24779722808875726,
+                                0.17677488447247947],
+                               [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]),
+                 3: np.matrix([[0.0377280558085506], [0.013842778159018243],
+                               [-0.29408570195900635],
+                               [0.19529036441834974], [-0.16745509851929688],
+                               [0.0]])},
+           "Pd": {1: np.matrix([[0.008070279669324429, -0.04006333630883027,
+                                 -0.04312742429320118,
+                                 -0.03942171198922403, -0.04540662900302544],
+                                [0.01339814716182161, -0.022961503636403632,
+                                 -0.006969046155031772, 0.01539617792272549,
+                                 -0.02587844848147742],
+                                [0.045033334892680674, 0.0034430687137840393,
+                                 0.02405223418836909, -0.035506042140031155,
+                                 0.021328894351546446],
+                                [-0.04416667286322164, -0.03993519399665675,
+                                 0.032311654583997304, -0.03745738975064494,
+                                 0.006061355326268905],
+                                [-0.043438846516273555, 0.020424466564239616,
+                                 -0.03712722505187403, -0.04417848105963802,
+                                 -0.008777813735156417],
+                                [0.03965347387678732, -0.01799472378269024,
+                                 0.0362866746012956, 0.009704740166992,
+                                 0.0004118619760827419],
+                                [-0.03180969154106336, -0.006918591959222585,
+                                 0.014099398062742227, -0.022931651589221756,
+                                 0.03148626725702887],
+                                [0.04573128229126357, 0.016654751576744925,
+                                 -0.028910689496630722,
+                                 0.02242435838167882, -0.02783084152657823],
+                                [0.030147617474449384, -0.009580788002314114,
+                                 0.026913224902892594, -0.006350898911528513,
+                                 -0.01580260272955647],
+                                [-0.03128280563473111, -0.044359797916295726,
+                                 -0.0455871021838766, -0.022323871191166217,
+                                 -0.025520059574284607],
+                                [-0.004213681746207731, -0.027963910926939888,
+                                 -0.03734025976436221, -0.029904058599404374,
+                                 -0.023362113055890702],
+                                [0.03140805808988659, -0.01625862158802977,
+                                 -0.012926251592534549, 0.0199950518624378,
+                                 0.00017000814436556738],
+                                [0.03611338398893238, -0.04064588225668243,
+                                 -0.03548786885528668, -0.034119876099748085,
+                                 -0.03249791207428783],
+                                [0.04302813264222295, -0.031784410672976354,
+                                 -0.0018505347572984332, -0.02619493567773821,
+                                 -0.009963146880811465],
+                                [-0.00382761556441661, 0.02051612655974898,
+                                 -0.015084868592703193, 0.036644660445905974,
+                                 0.024267396930057042],
+                                [0.0027419126458524262, -0.01875730493117643,
+                                 0.042029556463568374, -0.033491496522005004,
+                                 0.04664358315093048],
+                                [-0.00857053904710025, 0.004386575075249165,
+                                 -0.03681921382606547, 0.024055769666913862,
+                                 -0.006710822409842235],
+                                [0.01600071354805395, -0.03619212782962617,
+                                 -0.007657861036073181, 0.04579883161005442,
+                                 -0.027272703382017247],
+                                [0.024782613292205463, 0.02454697361926271,
+                                 0.014219326292126383, -0.03120859763819632,
+                                 0.019746899921596867],
+                                [-0.008107835898640163, -0.02411112524744128,
+                                 0.01680784294783398, -0.03942450668164303,
+                                 -0.02148968897141828],
+                                [0.006160769106771449, -0.02608742029162942,
+                                 -0.03445574192255718, 0.011100495475242236,
+                                 -0.011890887277678633],
+                                [0.019265102424069563, -0.019510992393145597,
+                                 -0.039330197040643305, 0.028930252847621296,
+                                 0.04535579375056527],
+                                [0.0003841258275426168, -0.03140536534416318,
+                                 0.004402540856303851, -0.006596225898408456,
+                                 -0.012287524451218383],
+                                [0.032434589752896065,
+                                 -0.038422865723774166,
+                                 0.04121673691259908,
+                                 0.026471126594987765,
+                                 -0.045659510547159485],
+                                [0.016693221128737612, 0.033475787637348264,
+                                 -0.01216104367054778, -0.04682497168901334,
+                                 -0.025748662607038442],
+                                [-0.030035984906774393, 0.03528987279339724,
+                                 0.01842649225978525, 0.013967345908646303,
+                                 0.030368471307811548],
+                                [-0.004245382943207754, 0.004346310546406856,
+                                 0.04395403376516939, -0.03528225866346128,
+                                 0.040526584371759225],
+                                [-0.026240373867317947, -0.02790624801091845,
+                                 0.033248579584558235, -0.03456761843589754,
+                                 -0.00921953855906435],
+                                [-0.04029772119462781, 0.03944849938380114,
+                                 0.03367466933743388, -0.04654081205741553,
+                                 -0.02559442696348037],
+                                [-0.019162242379646047,
+                                 -0.0074198239538341496, -0.03481645962457279,
+                                 0.0023221563528588313,
+                                 -0.01362951107641086],
+                                [-0.04359327067093935, 0.008182459343197494,
+                                 -0.004311982184810589, 0.013459029430653538,
+                                 -0.02593952116632298],
+                                [0.03419829018664716, -0.02909906291417496,
+                                 0.0450381809975251,
+                                 0.04636855435694584, 0.004474211596899327],
+                                [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]),
+                  2: np.matrix([[0.07339646055942084, -0.22682470946032204,
+                                 -0.07464451676678477, -0.21765816530655968,
+                                 0.10447399748556846],
+                                [-0.07339330664074986, -0.2620525555813218,
+                                 -0.010761218306725495, 0.07390075065002266,
+                                 0.11039186125577433],
+                                [-0.17516748044584285, -0.2837828871933906,
+                                 -0.02085650668287642, 0.08755824083276131,
+                                 0.07220039658405131],
+                                [0.23974597425595473, 0.24760019759492297,
+                                 -0.22060915253115443, -0.28310518337421325,
+                                 -0.016857214958102662],
+                                [0.11687787432599622, -0.10151689213238121,
+                                 0.18735099239621017, 0.21356695418645139,
+                                 -0.240568272158666],
+                                [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]),
+                  3: np.matrix([[0.05906457619187622], [-0.29300196568707426],
+                                [-0.018802515167880285],
+                                [-0.2723126668305828], [0.22668984898833738],
+                                [0.0]])}}
+scalings = {"O": {"intercept": 4.2468934359280288,
+                  "slope": 3.1965614888424687},
+            "Pd": {"intercept": 4.2468934359280288,
+                   "slope": 3.1965614888424687}}
+# Testing pure-python and fortran versions of gaussian-neural force call
+def test():
+    images = make_images()
+    for fortran in [False, True]:
+        label = 'forcecall/%s' % fortran
+        calc = Amp(descriptor=Gaussian(cutoff=cutoff,
+                                       Gs=Gs,
+                                       fortran=fortran,),
+                   model=NeuralNetwork(hiddenlayers=hiddenlayers,
+                                       weights=weights,
+                                       scalings=scalings,
+                                       activation=activation,
+                                       mode='atom-centered',
+                                       fprange=fingerprints_range,
+                                       fortran=fortran,),
+                   label=label,)
+        if fortran is False:
+            reference_energies = [calc.get_potential_energy(image)
+                                  for image in images]
+        else:
+            predicted_energies = [calc.get_potential_energy(image)
+                                  for image in images]
+            for image_no in range(len(predicted_energies)):
+                assert (abs(predicted_energies[image_no] -
+                            reference_energies[image_no]) < 10.**(-5.)), \
+                    'Calculated energy value of image %i by \
+                    fortran version is not consistent with the \
+                    value of python version.' % (image_no + 1)
+        if fortran is False:
+            reference_forces = [calc.get_forces(image) for image in images]
+        else:
+            predicted_forces = [calc.get_forces(image) for image in images]
+            for image_no in range(len(predicted_forces)):
+                for index in range(np.shape(predicted_forces[image_no])[0]):
+                    for k in range(np.shape(predicted_forces[image_no])[1]):
+                        assert (abs(predicted_forces[image_no][index][k] -
+                                    reference_forces[image_no][index][k]) <
+                                10.**(-5.)), \
+                            'Calculated %i force of atom %i of \
+                            image %i by fortran version is not  \
+                            consistent with the value of python \
+                            version.' % (k, index, image_no + 1)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    test()
diff --git a/tests/consistency_test/gaussian_neural_test/train_test.py b/tests/consistency_test/gaussian_neural_test/train_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f846130
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/consistency_test/gaussian_neural_test/train_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,603 @@
+This script creates a list of three images. It then calculates behler-neural
+scheme cost function, energy per atom RMSE and force RMSE of different
+combinations of images with and without fortran modules on different number of
+cores, and check consistency between them.
+import numpy as np
+from ase import Atoms
+from ase.calculators.emt import EMT
+from amp import Amp
+from amp.descriptor.gaussian import Gaussian
+from amp.model.neuralnetwork import NeuralNetwork
+from amp.model import LossFunction
+from amp.regression import Regressor
+# Making the list of images
+def make_images():
+    """Makes test images."""
+    images = [Atoms(symbols='Pd3O2',
+                    pbc=np.array([True,  True, False], dtype=bool),
+                    cell=np.array(
+                        [[7.78,   0.,   0.],
+                         [0.,   5.50129076,   0.],
+                            [0.,   0.,  15.37532269]]),
+                    positions=np.array(
+                        [[3.89,  0.,  8.37532269],
+                            [0.,  2.75064538,  8.37532269],
+                            [3.89,  2.75064538,  8.37532269],
+                            [5.835,  1.37532269,  8.5],
+                            [5.835,  7.12596807,  8.]])),
+              Atoms(symbols='Pd3O2',
+                    pbc=np.array([True,  True, False], dtype=bool),
+                    cell=np.array(
+                        [[7.78,   0.,   0.],
+                         [0.,   5.50129076,   0.],
+                            [0.,   0.,  15.37532269]]),
+                    positions=np.array(
+                        [[3.88430768e+00,   5.28005966e-03,
+                          8.36678641e+00],
+                            [-1.01122240e-02,   2.74577426e+00,
+                                8.37861758e+00],
+                            [3.88251383e+00,   2.74138906e+00,
+                                8.37087611e+00],
+                            [5.82067191e+00,   1.19156898e+00,
+                                8.97714483e+00],
+                            [5.83355445e+00,   7.53318593e+00,
+                             8.50142020e+00]])),
+              Atoms(symbols='Pd3O2',
+                    pbc=np.array([True,  True, False], dtype=bool),
+                    cell=np.array(
+                        [[7.78,   0.,   0.],
+                         [0.,   5.50129076,   0.],
+                            [0.,   0.,  15.37532269]]),
+                    positions=np.array(
+                        [[3.87691266e+00,   9.29708987e-03,
+                          8.35604207e+00],
+                            [-1.29700138e-02,   2.74373753e+00,
+                                8.37941484e+00],
+                            [3.86813484e+00,   2.73488653e+00,
+                                8.36395999e+00],
+                            [5.80386111e+00,   7.98192190e-01,
+                                9.74324179e+00],
+                            [5.83223956e+00,   8.23855393e+00,
+                             9.18295137e+00]]))]
+    for atoms in images:
+        atoms.set_calculator(EMT())
+        atoms.get_potential_energy(apply_constraint=False)
+        atoms.get_forces(apply_constraint=False)
+    return images
+# Parameters
+cutoff = 5.5
+activation = 'sigmoid'
+hiddenlayers = {'O': (5, 5), 'Pd': (5, 5)}
+Gs = {'O': [{'eta': 0.05, 'type': 'G2', 'element': 'O'},
+            {'eta': 0.05, 'type': 'G2', 'element': 'Pd'},
+            {'eta': 2.0, 'type': 'G2', 'element': 'O'},
+            {'eta': 2.0, 'type': 'G2', 'element': 'Pd'},
+            {'eta': 4.0, 'type': 'G2', 'element': 'O'},
+            {'eta': 4.0, 'type': 'G2', 'element': 'Pd'},
+            {'eta': 8.0, 'type': 'G2', 'element': 'O'},
+            {"eta": 8.0, "type": "G2", "element": "Pd"},
+            {"eta": 20.0, "type": "G2", "element": "O"},
+            {"eta": 20.0, "type": "G2", "element": "Pd"},
+            {"eta": 40.0, "type": "G2", "element": "O"},
+            {"eta": 40.0, "type": "G2", "element": "Pd"},
+            {"eta": 80.0, "type": "G2", "element": "O"},
+            {"eta": 80.0, "type": "G2", "element": "Pd"},
+            {"zeta": 1.0, "elements": ["O", "O"], "type": "G4", "gamma": 1.0,
+             "eta": 0.005},
+            {"zeta": 1.0, "elements": ["O", "Pd"], "type": "G4", "gamma": 1.0,
+             "eta": 0.005},
+            {"zeta": 1.0, "elements": ["Pd", "Pd"], "type": "G4",
+             "gamma": 1.0, "eta": 0.005},
+            {"zeta": 1.0, "elements": ["O", "O"],
+             "type": "G4", "gamma": -1.0, "eta": 0.005},
+            {"zeta": 1.0, "elements": ["O", "Pd"],
+             "type": "G4", "gamma": -1.0, "eta": 0.005},
+            {"zeta": 1.0, "elements": ["Pd", "Pd"], "type": "G4",
+             "gamma": -1.0,
+             "eta": 0.005}, {"zeta": 2.0, "elements": ["O", "O"], "type": "G4",
+                             "gamma": 1.0, "eta": 0.005},
+            {"zeta": 2.0, "elements": ["O", "Pd"],
+             "type": "G4", "gamma": 1.0, "eta": 0.005},
+            {"zeta": 2.0,
+             "elements": ["Pd", "Pd"], "type": "G4",
+             "gamma": 1.0, "eta": 0.005},
+            {"zeta": 2.0, "elements": ["O", "O"], "type": "G4", "gamma": -1.0,
+             "eta": 0.005},
+            {"zeta": 2.0, "elements": ["O", "Pd"], "type": "G4",
+             "gamma": -1.0, "eta": 0.005}, {"zeta": 2.0,
+                                            "elements": ["Pd", "Pd"],
+                                            "type": "G4", "gamma": -1.0,
+                                            "eta": 0.005},
+            {"zeta": 4.0,
+             "elements": ["O", "O"],
+             "type": "G4",
+             "gamma": 1.0, "eta": 0.005},
+            {"zeta": 4.0, "elements": ["O", "Pd"], "type": "G4", "gamma": 1.0,
+             "eta": 0.005}, {"zeta": 4.0, "elements": ["Pd", "Pd"],
+                             "type": "G4", "gamma": 1.0, "eta": 0.005},
+            {"zeta": 4.0, "elements": ["O", "O"], "type": "G4", "gamma": -1.0,
+             "eta": 0.005}, {"zeta": 4.0, "elements": ["O", "Pd"],
+                             "type": "G4", "gamma": -1.0, "eta": 0.005},
+            {"zeta": 4.0, "elements": ["Pd", "Pd"],
+             "type": "G4", "gamma": -1.0,
+             "eta": 0.005}],
+      "Pd": [{"eta": 0.05, "type": "G2", "element": "O"},
+             {"eta": 0.05, "type": "G2", "element": "Pd"},
+             {"eta": 2.0, "type": "G2", "element": "O"},
+             {"eta": 2.0, "type": "G2", "element": "Pd"},
+             {"eta": 4.0, "type": "G2", "element": "O"},
+             {"eta": 4.0, "type": "G2", "element": "Pd"},
+             {"eta": 8.0, "type": "G2", "element": "O"},
+             {"eta": 8.0, "type": "G2", "element": "Pd"},
+             {"eta": 20.0, "type": "G2", "element": "O"},
+             {"eta": 20.0, "type": "G2", "element": "Pd"},
+             {"eta": 40.0, "type": "G2", "element": "O"},
+             {"eta": 40.0, "type": "G2", "element": "Pd"},
+             {"eta": 80.0, "type": "G2", "element": "O"},
+             {"eta": 80.0, "type": "G2", "element": "Pd"},
+             {"zeta": 1.0, "elements": ["O", "O"], "type": "G4", "gamma": 1.0,
+              "eta": 0.005},
+             {"zeta": 1.0, "elements": ["O", "Pd"], "type": "G4", "gamma": 1.0,
+              "eta": 0.005}, {"zeta": 1.0,
+                              "elements": ["Pd", "Pd"],
+                              "type": "G4",
+                              "gamma": 1.0, "eta": 0.005},
+             {"zeta": 1.0, "elements": ["O", "O"], "type": "G4",
+              "gamma": -1.0, "eta": 0.005}, {"zeta": 1.0,
+                                             "elements": ["O", "Pd"],
+                                             "type": "G4", "gamma": -1.0,
+                                             "eta": 0.005},
+             {"zeta": 1.0, "elements": ["Pd", "Pd"], "type": "G4",
+              "gamma": -1.0,
+              "eta": 0.005}, {"zeta": 2.0, "elements": ["O", "O"],
+                              "type": "G4",
+                              "gamma": 1.0, "eta": 0.005},
+             {"zeta": 2.0,
+              "elements": ["O", "Pd"], "type": "G4",
+              "gamma": 1.0, "eta": 0.005}, {"zeta": 2.0,
+                                            "elements": ["Pd", "Pd"],
+                                            "type": "G4",
+                                            "gamma": 1.0, "eta": 0.005},
+             {"zeta": 2.0, "elements": ["O", "O"], "type": "G4", "gamma": -1.0,
+              "eta": 0.005}, {"zeta": 2.0, "elements": ["O", "Pd"],
+                              "type": "G4",
+                              "gamma": -1.0, "eta": 0.005},
+             {"zeta": 2.0, "elements": ["Pd", "Pd"],
+              "type": "G4", "gamma": -1.0, "eta": 0.005},
+             {"zeta": 4.0, "elements": ["O", "O"],
+              "type": "G4", "gamma": 1.0, "eta": 0.005},
+             {"zeta": 4.0, "elements": ["O", "Pd"], "type": "G4", "gamma": 1.0,
+              "eta": 0.005}, {"zeta": 4.0, "elements": ["Pd", "Pd"],
+                              "type": "G4",
+                              "gamma": 1.0, "eta": 0.005},
+             {"zeta": 4.0,
+              "elements": ["O", "O"],
+              "type": "G4", "gamma": -1.0, "eta": 0.005},
+             {"zeta": 4.0, "elements": ["O", "Pd"],
+              "type": "G4", "gamma": -1.0, "eta": 0.005},
+             {"zeta": 4.0, "elements": ["Pd", "Pd"], "type": "G4",
+              "gamma": -1.0,
+              "eta": 0.005}]}
+fingerprints_range = {"O": np.array([[0.9576297744816821, 0.9781635537721822],
+                                     [1.5965219624007356, 2.029991552829194],
+                                     [0.6490867939769083, 0.9554902891920712],
+                                     [0.8835113617162015, 1.385491645778086],
+                                     [0.45757754941615236, 0.9354370590550468],
+                                     [0.5038098795235629, 0.9704216656880006],
+                                     [0.24776862922895004, 0.8975120854112218],
+                                     [0.1778411370477522, 0.5033369040695346],
+                                     [0.04756795975972335, 0.7929693614866126],
+                                     [0.010678411893107285,
+                                         0.08274205794992942],
+                                     [0.0032126590280589355,
+                                         0.6450875782155161],
+                                     [0.00014810311804588016,
+                                         0.004685139865518786],
+                                     [1.4684356130451328e-05,
+                                         0.42691677760826546],
+                                     [3.687931521390313e-08,
+                                         1.5871730901594423e-05],
+                                     [0.03019875732248386,
+                                         0.20698709522424386],
+                                     [3.363261257762341, 5.363914410336563],
+                                     [2.262959763053792, 3.99309008637724],
+                                     [0.43931018496430263, 0.6100947886487761],
+                                     [3.048864359631384, 3.906027779282084],
+                                     [2.4759824537761026, 4.32175703694348],
+                                     [0.0014242919510283594,
+                                         0.0662909452084825],
+                                     [2.1248328227888496, 4.238756592436429],
+                                     [1.4573759593003581, 2.815733155339926],
+                                     [0.2986140349485413, 0.5813203232773206],
+                                     [1.746995212759835, 2.3899513815298894],
+                                     [1.5256310348626507, 3.1071875821187103],
+                                     [3.1682461497983404e-06,
+                                         0.006799486167343933],
+                                     [1.1510284000759108, 3.1879752591881956],
+                                     [0.8406198864990045, 1.7423917588951667],
+                                     [0.1379710925632159, 0.5277787358337935],
+                                     [0.6114872725198919, 1.340305590989966],
+                                     [0.7164066603703434,
+                                      2.0891604176934395]]),
+                      "Pd": np.array([[1.154607323053423, 1.3305487045981295],
+                                      [0.551759102399155, 1.3713637661332694],
+                                      [0.6469877982543076, 0.9038561263894056],
+                                      [0.1836383922219796, 0.7510644180086835],
+                                      [0.3706404542226067, 0.6308010197966096],
+                                      [0.061908829417001224,
+                                          0.42094513726712196],
+                                      [0.13355181104922664,
+                                          0.3205532867729253],
+                                      [0.0076308937151500725,
+                                          0.14249172183309694],
+                                      [0.009302322319625642,
+                                          0.048059061272533475],
+                                      [1.785148490055681e-05,
+                                          0.006770671357855657],
+                                      [0.00014511169324163886,
+                                          0.0025160536892603904],
+                                      [8.04287954299944e-10,
+                                          4.599501555987974e-05],
+                                      [3.686778281930424e-08,
+                                          8.524742995946123e-06],
+                                      [1.6422373031638726e-18,
+                                          2.1846879428444836e-09],
+                                      [1.7383991321368732, 2.9347075860454988],
+                                      [4.544797763122505, 7.28152322128857],
+                                      [0.979596152457089, 1.9620028955131916],
+                                      [0.49196325681052067,
+                                          1.0767938436994269],
+                                      [3.139828490686222, 4.524661360317331],
+                                      [1.23826020263128, 2.4316125030019147],
+                                      [1.4012907765627602, 2.476988108604277],
+                                      [3.4081270882827277, 6.0197611413153655],
+                                      [0.4897744167832538, 1.6851590166945567],
+                                      [0.15650247391327193,
+                                          0.6306691375027177],
+                                      [2.2224602701293357, 3.262899280344123],
+                                      [0.9717045670826352, 1.815787153995498],
+                                      [0.9659634528285561, 2.163669429908823],
+                                      [2.3741505301983685, 4.8131425542358715],
+                                      [0.12244182821265122, 1.357426673243403],
+                                      [0.0326810274613218,
+                                          0.22677866750542988],
+                                      [1.4047756390099746, 2.37308600253783],
+                                      [0.8248597322302271,
+                                       1.3563088031163417]])}
+weights = {"O": {1: np.matrix([[0.00036942165470836563, 0.022852891328080965,
+                                -0.007763989520407272, 0.0017904084613678817,
+                                -0.04680830976127531],
+                               [-0.011220619170475267, -0.031465481900468384,
+                                -0.0185587250581268, 0.00029876794872765733,
+                                -0.03270538302430687],
+                               [0.009269384571647388, -0.004439491584362951,
+                                0.02041622613407708, -0.04075220241750707,
+                                -0.004384443250886716],
+                               [-0.02045226889653854, -0.04085271674587569,
+                                -0.0007470148939682439, 0.017448937916376722,
+                                -0.03247360282480993],
+                               [0.014076539841285075, -0.0006001148651055555,
+                                -0.011206188631385075, 0.036131770356541804,
+                                0.04019195568663911], [0.04438555375359607,
+                                                       -0.03630318854778723, -
+                                                       0.011787189723001579,
+                                                       0.03403384156560013,
+                                                       0.015653363757362176],
+                               [0.02134038436971622, 0.000554719592425923,
+                                -0.04353602059838731, 0.02829112575071807,
+                                -0.010315738192632054],
+                               [-0.009864186941597866, 0.025867111325423034,
+                                -0.030222981254973712, -0.009255262808615411,
+                                -0.0047940678082599025],
+                               [0.009775595855839286, -0.004398102065676125,
+                                -0.00195136837351699, -0.0015883410280669308,
+                                0.03528054083271703],
+                               [0.0088457892425432, -0.0017778202887624855,
+                                -0.030182606288789264, 0.03153096931177092,
+                                -0.02709527292127762], [-0.02911935923819357,
+                                                        -0.011844856703362105,
+                                                        0.03358589444051113,
+                                                        0.007149386960731488,
+                                                        -0.007590532737964187],
+                               [-0.03944400124516653, 0.03562647918045643,
+                                -0.041584201666104756, -0.03482985747462908,
+                                -0.045374395214468496],
+                               [0.019057890033725933, -0.012580031773554046,
+                                0.04290707878850142, 0.04177600131985214,
+                                -0.03500384259370384],
+                               [-0.02033084113684249, -0.01111345650394805,
+                                -0.005485434669132497, 0.03554246348547074,
+                                0.031421467582530324],
+                               [-0.03310168568774624, 0.04617363212275834,
+                                0.03868456178440169, 0.012151585419746959,
+                                -0.007359447003748548],
+                               [0.044255356329426065, 0.036122120043098505,
+                                0.001842950538131695, -0.01615761183192349,
+                                -0.03771427943410247],
+                               [-0.0381118034639101, -0.04643318160382238,
+                                0.02900519652241655, -0.008475138348622263,
+                                0.021893066028991853],
+                               [0.016038314042298385, 0.03545540262812917,
+                                -0.031220884269865096, -0.033670838618425646,
+                                0.04684810506588663],
+                               [0.037697271308168634, -0.04250612661317486,
+                                0.0028173761257807364, 0.04503591051281573,
+                                -0.005888259820159045],
+                               [-0.01688674535740177, 0.03765441774468983,
+                                0.040162723331136185, 0.023291060425779497,
+                                0.01875483057892434],
+                               [0.009559969717541077, -0.010986361005406543,
+                                0.017717618257908102, 0.021594452542040676,
+                                0.00668490554203105],
+                               [0.02899572788647327, 0.03884753546552183,
+                                0.0334345646492913, -0.0009724588802520473,
+                                0.008901825903656319],
+                               [0.04472782971579241, 0.020125743534124996,
+                                0.018466622131502394, 0.014248370483492187,
+                                0.02954224116911444],
+                               [0.018038582886592464, 0.007882237781735343,
+                                -0.005639481686277245, -0.030317048204748388,
+                                0.011443284253329196],
+                               [-0.014574589075944028, 0.027312879897418138,
+                                -0.0052516221359138054, -0.02858166510190807,
+                                -0.0218508786228111],
+                               [-0.019062166466149163, -0.0421343628780219,
+                                -0.0292511219030615, -0.04063165343284807,
+                                -0.026551753085291934],
+                               [-0.006973189792228912, 0.018725587327618767,
+                                0.037936857142053707, 0.011375377365914208,
+                                -0.03823975980860963],
+                               [-0.03087795180506949, -0.002166181826768615,
+                                -0.009411940441267343, 0.008062289773496219,
+                                0.03143133615872179],
+                               [0.022767389458292583, -0.032719990839286985,
+                                0.010234126834754581, -0.0025988597425086815,
+                                0.012893424785935387],
+                               [0.03729503214821439, -0.04055234881977389,
+                                -0.033180455803208164, -0.003962067731434399,
+                                -0.04089277483943934],
+                               [-0.005215540749534078, 0.013163002568367034,
+                                0.03980552568163612, 0.00803385354609431,
+                                7.658166702390057e-05],
+                               [0.013936695364567375, 0.017657437899754047,
+                                0.027548202328624413, -0.0008692880197060243,
+                                0.032762776542753225],
+                               [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]),
+                 2: np.matrix([[-0.13315704861614908, 0.21616481887190436,
+                                0.07102546888848049, -0.2758348650926486,
+                                -0.12434812671933795], [-0.024314957289090222,
+                                                        -0.16392515185308187,
+                                                        0.2058922926890992,
+                                                        0.2154935160814611,
+                                                        0.11014812360618259],
+                               [-0.08133895309316427, -0.1937923029504461,
+                                0.206977413616443, 0.03575405386811248,
+                                -0.10559013113242327],
+                               [0.1469937256217183, 0.07621742865022896,
+                                0.08882575726900893, -0.2577928927812111,
+                                0.2670748892517893],
+                               [-0.141370342762172, -0.23738939477247786,
+                                -0.06633785630500305, -0.24779722808875726,
+                                0.17677488447247947],
+                               [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]),
+                 3: np.matrix([[0.0377280558085506], [0.013842778159018243],
+                               [-0.29408570195900635],
+                               [0.19529036441834974], [-0.16745509851929688],
+                               [0.0]])},
+           "Pd": {1: np.matrix([[0.008070279669324429, -0.04006333630883027,
+                                 -0.04312742429320118,
+                                 -0.03942171198922403, -0.04540662900302544],
+                                [0.01339814716182161, -0.022961503636403632,
+                                 -0.006969046155031772, 0.01539617792272549,
+                                 -0.02587844848147742],
+                                [0.045033334892680674, 0.0034430687137840393,
+                                 0.02405223418836909, -0.035506042140031155,
+                                 0.021328894351546446],
+                                [-0.04416667286322164, -0.03993519399665675,
+                                 0.032311654583997304, -0.03745738975064494,
+                                 0.006061355326268905],
+                                [-0.043438846516273555, 0.020424466564239616,
+                                 -0.03712722505187403, -0.04417848105963802,
+                                 -0.008777813735156417],
+                                [0.03965347387678732, -0.01799472378269024,
+                                 0.0362866746012956, 0.009704740166992,
+                                 0.0004118619760827419],
+                                [-0.03180969154106336, -0.006918591959222585,
+                                 0.014099398062742227, -0.022931651589221756,
+                                 0.03148626725702887],
+                                [0.04573128229126357, 0.016654751576744925,
+                                 -0.028910689496630722,
+                                 0.02242435838167882, -0.02783084152657823],
+                                [0.030147617474449384, -0.009580788002314114,
+                                 0.026913224902892594, -0.006350898911528513,
+                                 -0.01580260272955647],
+                                [-0.03128280563473111, -0.044359797916295726,
+                                 -0.0455871021838766, -0.022323871191166217,
+                                 -0.025520059574284607],
+                                [-0.004213681746207731, -0.027963910926939888,
+                                 -0.03734025976436221, -0.029904058599404374,
+                                 -0.023362113055890702],
+                                [0.03140805808988659, -0.01625862158802977,
+                                 -0.012926251592534549, 0.0199950518624378,
+                                 0.00017000814436556738],
+                                [0.03611338398893238, -0.04064588225668243,
+                                 -0.03548786885528668, -0.034119876099748085,
+                                 -0.03249791207428783],
+                                [0.04302813264222295, -0.031784410672976354,
+                                 -0.0018505347572984332, -0.02619493567773821,
+                                 -0.009963146880811465],
+                                [-0.00382761556441661, 0.02051612655974898,
+                                 -0.015084868592703193, 0.036644660445905974,
+                                 0.024267396930057042],
+                                [0.0027419126458524262, -0.01875730493117643,
+                                 0.042029556463568374, -0.033491496522005004,
+                                 0.04664358315093048],
+                                [-0.00857053904710025, 0.004386575075249165,
+                                 -0.03681921382606547, 0.024055769666913862,
+                                 -0.006710822409842235],
+                                [0.01600071354805395, -0.03619212782962617,
+                                 -0.007657861036073181, 0.04579883161005442,
+                                 -0.027272703382017247],
+                                [0.024782613292205463, 0.02454697361926271,
+                                 0.014219326292126383, -0.03120859763819632,
+                                 0.019746899921596867],
+                                [-0.008107835898640163, -0.02411112524744128,
+                                 0.01680784294783398, -0.03942450668164303,
+                                 -0.02148968897141828],
+                                [0.006160769106771449, -0.02608742029162942,
+                                 -0.03445574192255718, 0.011100495475242236,
+                                 -0.011890887277678633],
+                                [0.019265102424069563, -0.019510992393145597,
+                                 -0.039330197040643305, 0.028930252847621296,
+                                 0.04535579375056527],
+                                [0.0003841258275426168, -0.03140536534416318,
+                                 0.004402540856303851, -0.006596225898408456,
+                                 -0.012287524451218383],
+                                [0.032434589752896065,
+                                 -0.038422865723774166,
+                                 0.04121673691259908,
+                                 0.026471126594987765,
+                                 -0.045659510547159485],
+                                [0.016693221128737612, 0.033475787637348264,
+                                 -0.01216104367054778, -0.04682497168901334,
+                                 -0.025748662607038442],
+                                [-0.030035984906774393, 0.03528987279339724,
+                                 0.01842649225978525, 0.013967345908646303,
+                                 0.030368471307811548],
+                                [-0.004245382943207754, 0.004346310546406856,
+                                 0.04395403376516939, -0.03528225866346128,
+                                 0.040526584371759225],
+                                [-0.026240373867317947, -0.02790624801091845,
+                                 0.033248579584558235, -0.03456761843589754,
+                                 -0.00921953855906435],
+                                [-0.04029772119462781, 0.03944849938380114,
+                                 0.03367466933743388, -0.04654081205741553,
+                                 -0.02559442696348037],
+                                [-0.019162242379646047,
+                                 -0.0074198239538341496, -0.03481645962457279,
+                                 0.0023221563528588313,
+                                 -0.01362951107641086],
+                                [-0.04359327067093935, 0.008182459343197494,
+                                 -0.004311982184810589, 0.013459029430653538,
+                                 -0.02593952116632298],
+                                [0.03419829018664716, -0.02909906291417496,
+                                 0.0450381809975251,
+                                 0.04636855435694584, 0.004474211596899327],
+                                [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]),
+                  2: np.matrix([[0.07339646055942084, -0.22682470946032204,
+                                 -0.07464451676678477, -0.21765816530655968,
+                                 0.10447399748556846],
+                                [-0.07339330664074986, -0.2620525555813218,
+                                 -0.010761218306725495, 0.07390075065002266,
+                                 0.11039186125577433],
+                                [-0.17516748044584285, -0.2837828871933906,
+                                 -0.02085650668287642, 0.08755824083276131,
+                                 0.07220039658405131],
+                                [0.23974597425595473, 0.24760019759492297,
+                                 -0.22060915253115443, -0.28310518337421325,
+                                 -0.016857214958102662],
+                                [0.11687787432599622, -0.10151689213238121,
+                                 0.18735099239621017, 0.21356695418645139,
+                                 -0.240568272158666],
+                                [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]),
+                  3: np.matrix([[0.05906457619187622], [-0.29300196568707426],
+                                [-0.018802515167880285],
+                                [-0.2723126668305828], [0.22668984898833738],
+                                [0.0]])}}
+scalings = {"O": {"intercept": 4.2468934359280288,
+                  "slope": 3.1965614888424687},
+            "Pd": {"intercept": 4.2468934359280288,
+                   "slope": 3.1965614888424687}}
+# Testing pure-python and fortran versions of Gaussian-Neural on different
+# number of processes and different number of images
+def test():
+    images = make_images()
+    convergence = {'energy_rmse': 10.**10.,
+                   'energy_maxresid': 10.**10.,
+                   'force_rmse': 10.**10.,
+                   'force_maxresid': 10.**10., }
+    regressor = Regressor(optimizer='BFGS')
+    count = 0
+    for fortran in [False, True]:
+        for cores in range(1, 2):
+            string = 'consistgauss/%s-%i'
+            label = string % (fortran, cores)
+            calc = Amp(descriptor=Gaussian(cutoff=cutoff,
+                                           Gs=Gs,
+                                           fortran=fortran,),
+                       model=NeuralNetwork(hiddenlayers=hiddenlayers,
+                                           weights=weights,
+                                           scalings=scalings,
+                                           activation=activation,
+                                           fprange=fingerprints_range,
+                                           regressor=regressor,),
+                       label=label,
+                       cores=1)
+            lossfunction = LossFunction(convergence=convergence)
+            calc.model.lossfunction = lossfunction
+            calc.train(images=images,)
+            if count == 0:
+                ref_loss = calc.model.lossfunction.loss
+                ref_energy_loss = calc.model.lossfunction.energy_loss
+                ref_force_loss = calc.model.lossfunction.force_loss
+                ref_dloss_dparameters = \
+                    calc.model.lossfunction.dloss_dparameters
+            else:
+                assert (abs(calc.model.lossfunction.loss -
+                            ref_loss) < 10.**(-10.)), \
+                    '''Loss function value for %r fortran, and %i cores is
+                not consistent with the value of python version
+                on single core.''' % (fortran, cores)
+                assert (abs(calc.model.lossfunction.energy_loss -
+                            ref_energy_loss) <
+                        10.**(-9.)), \
+                    '''Energy rmse value for %r fortran, and %i cores is not
+                consistent with the value of python version on
+                single core.''' % (fortran, cores)
+                assert (abs(calc.model.lossfunction.force_loss -
+                            ref_force_loss) <
+                        10.**(-9.)), \
+                    '''Force rmse value for %r fortran, and %i cores is not
+                consistent with the value of python version on
+                single core.''' % (fortran, cores)
+                for _ in range(len(ref_dloss_dparameters)):
+                    assert (calc.model.lossfunction.dloss_dparameters[_] -
+                            ref_dloss_dparameters[_] < 10.**(-10.))
+                    '''Derivative of the cost function for %r
+                    fortran, and %i
+                    cores is not consistent with the value of
+                    python version on single
+                    core. ''' % (fortran, cores)
+            count = count + 1
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    test()
diff --git a/tests/consistency_test/gaussian_test.py b/tests/consistency_test/gaussian_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc5a926
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/consistency_test/gaussian_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+This script creates a list of three images. It then calculates Gaussian
+fingerprints of images with and without fortran modules on different number of
+cores, and check consistency between them.
+import numpy as np
+from ase import Atoms
+from amp.descriptor.gaussian import Gaussian
+from amp.utilities import hash_images
+# Making the list of images
+def make_images():
+    """Makes test images."""
+    images = [Atoms(symbols='Pd3O2',
+                    pbc=np.array([True,  True, False], dtype=bool),
+                    cell=np.array(
+                        [[7.78,   0.,   0.],
+                         [0.,   5.50129076,   0.],
+                            [0.,   0.,  15.37532269]]),
+                    positions=np.array(
+                        [[3.89,  0.,  8.37532269],
+                            [0.,  2.75064538,  8.37532269],
+                            [3.89,  2.75064538,  8.37532269],
+                            [5.835,  1.37532269,  8.5],
+                            [5.835,  7.12596807,  8.]])),
+              Atoms(symbols='Pd3O2',
+                    pbc=np.array([True,  True, False], dtype=bool),
+                    cell=np.array(
+                        [[7.78,   0.,   0.],
+                         [0.,   5.50129076,   0.],
+                            [0.,   0.,  15.37532269]]),
+                    positions=np.array(
+                        [[3.88430768e+00,   5.28005966e-03,
+                          8.36678641e+00],
+                            [-1.01122240e-02,   2.74577426e+00,
+                                8.37861758e+00],
+                            [3.88251383e+00,   2.74138906e+00,
+                                8.37087611e+00],
+                            [5.82067191e+00,   1.19156898e+00,
+                                8.97714483e+00],
+                            [5.83355445e+00,   7.53318593e+00,
+                             8.50142020e+00]])),
+              Atoms(symbols='Pd3O2',
+                    pbc=np.array([True,  True, False], dtype=bool),
+                    cell=np.array(
+                        [[7.78,   0.,   0.],
+                         [0.,   5.50129076,   0.],
+                            [0.,   0.,  15.37532269]]),
+                    positions=np.array(
+                        [[3.87691266e+00,   9.29708987e-03,
+                          8.35604207e+00],
+                            [-1.29700138e-02,   2.74373753e+00,
+                                8.37941484e+00],
+                            [3.86813484e+00,   2.73488653e+00,
+                                8.36395999e+00],
+                            [5.80386111e+00,   7.98192190e-01,
+                                9.74324179e+00],
+                            [5.83223956e+00,   8.23855393e+00,
+                             9.18295137e+00]]))]
+    return images
+# Testing pure-python and fortran versions of Gaussian fingerprint on different
+# number of processes and different number of images
+def test():
+    images = make_images()
+    images = hash_images(images, ordered=True)
+    ref_fps = {}
+    ref_fp_primes = {}
+    count = 0
+    for fortran in [False, True]:
+        for cores in range(1, 2):
+            descriptor = Gaussian(fortran=fortran,
+                                  dblabel='Gaussian-%s-%d' % (fortran, cores))
+            descriptor.calculate_fingerprints(images,
+                                              parallel={'cores': cores},
+                                              log=None,
+                                              calculate_derivatives=True)
+            for hash, image in images.items():
+                if count == 0:
+                    ref_fps[hash] = descriptor.fingerprints[hash]
+                    ref_fp_primes[hash] = descriptor.fingerprintprimes[hash]
+                else:
+                    fps = descriptor.fingerprints[hash]
+                    # Checking consistency between fingerprints
+                    for (element1, afp1), \
+                            (element2, afp2) in zip(ref_fps[hash], fps):
+                        assert element1 == element2, \
+                            'fortran-python consistency for Gaussian '
+                        'fingerprints broken!'
+                        for _, __ in zip(afp1, afp2):
+                            assert (abs(_ - __) < 10 ** (-15.)), \
+                                'fortran-python consistency for Gaussian '
+                            'fingerprints broken!'
+                    # Checking consistency between fingerprint primes
+                    fpprime = descriptor.fingerprintprimes[hash]
+                    for key, value in ref_fp_primes[hash].items():
+                        for _, __ in zip(value, fpprime[key]):
+                            assert (abs(_ - __) < 10 ** (-15.)), \
+                                'fortran-python consistency for Gaussian '
+                            'fingerprint primes broken!'
+            count += 1
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    test()
diff --git a/tests/consistency_test/zernike_test.py b/tests/consistency_test/zernike_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9fbeee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/consistency_test/zernike_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+This script creates a list of three images. It then calculates Zernike
+fingerprints of images with and without fortran modules on different number of
+cores, and checks consistency between them.
+import numpy as np
+from ase import Atoms
+from amp.descriptor.zernike import Zernike
+from amp.utilities import hash_images, assign_cores
+def make_images():
+    """Makes test images."""
+    images = [Atoms(symbols='Pd3O2',
+                    pbc=np.array([True,  True, False], dtype=bool),
+                    cell=np.array(
+                        [[7.78,   0.,   0.],
+                         [0.,   5.50129076,   0.],
+                            [0.,   0.,  15.37532269]]),
+                    positions=np.array(
+                        [[3.89,  0.,  8.37532269],
+                            [0.,  2.75064538,  8.37532269],
+                            [3.89,  2.75064538,  8.37532269],
+                            [5.835,  1.37532269,  8.5],
+                            [5.835,  7.12596807,  8.]]))]
+    return images
+def test():
+    """Testing pure-python and fortran versions of Zernike fingerprint on
+    different number of processes and different number of images.
+    """
+    images = make_images()
+    images = hash_images(images, ordered=True)
+    ref_fps = {}
+    ref_fp_primes = {}
+    count = 0
+    for fortran in [True, False]:
+        for ncores in range(1, 3):
+            cores = assign_cores(ncores)
+            descriptor = Zernike(fortran=fortran,
+                                 dblabel='Zernike-%s-%d' % (fortran, ncores))
+            descriptor.calculate_fingerprints(images,
+                                              parallel={'cores': cores,
+                                                        'envcommand': None},
+                                              log=None,
+                                              calculate_derivatives=True)
+            for hash, image in images.items():
+                if count == 0:
+                    ref_fps[hash] = descriptor.fingerprints[hash]
+                    ref_fp_primes[hash] = descriptor.fingerprintprimes[hash]
+                else:
+                    fps = descriptor.fingerprints[hash]
+                    # Checking consistency between fingerprints
+                    for (element1, afp1), \
+                            (element2, afp2) in zip(ref_fps[hash], fps):
+                        assert element1 == element2, \
+                            'fortran-python consistency for Zernike '
+                        'fingerprints broken!'
+                        for _, __ in zip(afp1, afp2):
+                            assert (abs(_ - __) < (10 ** (-10.))), \
+                                'fortran-python consistency for Zernike '
+                            'fingerprints broken!'
+                    # Checking consistency between fingerprint primes
+                    fpprime = descriptor.fingerprintprimes[hash]
+                    for key, value in ref_fp_primes[hash].items():
+                        for _, __ in zip(value, fpprime[key]):
+                            assert (abs(_ - __) < (10 ** (-10.))), \
+                                'fortran-python consistency for Zernike '
+                            'fingerprint primes broken!'
+            count += 1
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    test()
diff --git a/tests/misc_test/displaced_atom_test.py b/tests/misc_test/displaced_atom_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b23aab8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/misc_test/displaced_atom_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+An atom in an Atoms object is displaced a little bit and the potential energy
+both before and after displacement is calculated. The result should be
+import numpy as np
+from ase import Atoms
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from amp import Amp
+from amp.descriptor.gaussian import Gaussian
+from amp.model.neuralnetwork import NeuralNetwork
+def test():
+    ###########################################################################
+    # Parameters
+    atoms = Atoms(symbols='PdOPd2',
+                  pbc=np.array([False, False, False], dtype=bool),
+                  cell=np.array(
+                      [[1.,  0.,  0.],
+                       [0.,  1.,  0.],
+                          [0.,  0.,  1.]]),
+                  positions=np.array(
+                      [[0.,  1.,  0.],
+                       [1.,  2.,  1.],
+                          [-1.,  1.,  2.],
+                          [1.,  3.,  2.]]))
+    ###########################################################################
+    # Parameters
+    Gs = {'O': [{'type': 'G2', 'element': 'Pd', 'eta': 0.8},
+                {'type': 'G4', 'elements': [
+                    'Pd', 'Pd'], 'eta':0.2, 'gamma':0.3, 'zeta':1},
+                {'type': 'G4', 'elements': ['O', 'Pd'], 'eta':0.3, 'gamma':0.6,
+                 'zeta':0.5}],
+          'Pd': [{'type': 'G2', 'element': 'Pd', 'eta': 0.2},
+                 {'type': 'G4', 'elements': ['Pd', 'Pd'],
+                  'eta':0.9, 'gamma':0.75, 'zeta':1.5},
+                 {'type': 'G4', 'elements': ['O', 'Pd'], 'eta':0.4,
+                  'gamma':0.3, 'zeta':4}]}
+    hiddenlayers = {'O': (2,), 'Pd': (2,)}
+    weights = OrderedDict([('O', OrderedDict([(1, np.matrix([[-2.0, 6.0],
+                                                             [3.0, -3.0],
+                                                             [1.5, -0.9],
+                                                             [-2.5, -1.5]])),
+                                              (2, np.matrix([[5.5],
+                                                             [3.6],
+                                                             [1.4]]))])),
+                           ('Pd', OrderedDict([(1, np.matrix([[-1.0, 3.0],
+                                                              [2.0, 4.2],
+                                                              [1.0, -0.7],
+                                                              [-3.0, 2.0]])),
+                                               (2, np.matrix([[4.0],
+                                                              [0.5],
+                                                              [3.0]]))]))])
+    scalings = OrderedDict([('O', OrderedDict([('intercept', -2.3),
+                                               ('slope', 4.5)])),
+                            ('Pd', OrderedDict([('intercept', 1.6),
+                                                ('slope', 2.5)]))])
+    fingerprints_range = {"O": np.array([[0.21396177208585404,
+                                          2.258090276328769],
+                                         [0.0, 2.1579067008202975],
+                                         [0.0, 0.0]]),
+                          "Pd": np.array([[0.0, 1.4751761770313006],
+                                          [0.0, 0.697686078889583],
+                                          [0.0, 0.37848964715610417]])}
+    ###########################################################################
+    calc = Amp(descriptor=Gaussian(cutoff=6.5,
+                                   Gs=Gs,
+                                   fortran=False,),
+               model=NeuralNetwork(hiddenlayers=hiddenlayers,
+                                   weights=weights,
+                                   scalings=scalings,
+                                   fprange=fingerprints_range,
+                                   mode='atom-centered'),
+               cores=1)
+    atoms.set_calculator(calc)
+    e1 = atoms.get_potential_energy(apply_constraint=False)
+    e2 = calc.get_potential_energy(atoms)
+    f1 = atoms.get_forces(apply_constraint=False)
+    atoms[0].x += 0.5
+    boolean = atoms.calc.calculation_required(atoms, properties=['energy'])
+    e3 = atoms.get_potential_energy(apply_constraint=False)
+    e4 = calc.get_potential_energy(atoms)
+    f2 = atoms.get_forces(apply_constraint=False)
+    assert (e1 == e2 and
+            e3 == e4 and
+            abs(e1 - e3) > 10. ** (-3.) and
+            (boolean is True) and
+            (not (f1 == f2).all())), 'Displaced-atom test broken!'
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    test()
diff --git a/tests/misc_test/fpplot_test.py b/tests/misc_test/fpplot_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6fd919
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/misc_test/fpplot_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+"""Simple test of the Amp calculator, using Gaussian descriptors and neural
+network model. Randomly generates data with the EMT potential in MD
+import matplotlib
+# The 'Agg' command must be *before* all other matplotlib imports for
+# headless operation.
+import os
+from ase import Atoms, Atom, units
+import ase.io
+from ase.calculators.emt import EMT
+from ase.build import fcc110
+from ase.md.velocitydistribution import MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution
+from ase.md import VelocityVerlet
+from ase.constraints import FixAtoms
+from amp import Amp
+from amp.descriptor.gaussian import Gaussian
+from amp.model.neuralnetwork import NeuralNetwork
+from amp.model import LossFunction
+from amp.descriptor.analysis import FingerprintPlot
+def generate_data(count, filename='training.traj'):
+    """Generates test or training data with a simple MD simulation."""
+    if os.path.exists(filename):
+        return
+    traj = ase.io.Trajectory(filename, 'w')
+    atoms = fcc110('Pt', (2, 2, 2), vacuum=7.)
+    atoms.extend(Atoms([Atom('Cu', atoms[7].position + (0., 0., 2.5)),
+                        Atom('Cu', atoms[7].position + (0., 0., 5.))]))
+    atoms.set_constraint(FixAtoms(indices=[0, 2]))
+    atoms.set_calculator(EMT())
+    atoms.get_potential_energy()
+    traj.write(atoms)
+    MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution(atoms, 300. * units.kB)
+    dyn = VelocityVerlet(atoms, dt=1. * units.fs)
+    for step in range(count - 1):
+        dyn.run(50)
+        traj.write(atoms)
+def test():
+    generate_data(2, filename='fpplot-training.traj')
+    calc = Amp(descriptor=Gaussian(),
+               model=NeuralNetwork(),
+               label='fpplot-test'
+               )
+    calc.model.lossfunction = LossFunction(convergence={'energy_rmse': 1.00,
+                                                        'force_rmse': 1.00})
+    calc.train(images='fpplot-training.traj')
+    images = ase.io.Trajectory('fpplot-training.traj')
+    fpplot = FingerprintPlot(calc)
+    fpplot(images)
+    fpplot(images, overlay=images[0])
+    fpplot(images, overlay=[images[1][2], images[0][-1]])
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    test()
diff --git a/tests/misc_test/numeric_analytic_test.py b/tests/misc_test/numeric_analytic_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..009762c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/misc_test/numeric_analytic_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""This test randomly generates data with the EMT potential in MD simulations,
+and then checks for consistency between analytical and numerical forces,
+as well as dloss_dparameters."""
+from ase.calculators.emt import EMT
+from ase.build import fcc110
+from ase import Atoms, Atom
+from ase.md.velocitydistribution import MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution
+from ase import units
+from ase.md import VelocityVerlet
+from ase.constraints import FixAtoms
+from amp import Amp
+from amp.descriptor.gaussian import Gaussian
+from amp.model.neuralnetwork import NeuralNetwork
+from amp.model import LossFunction
+from amp.regression import Regressor
+def generate_data(count):
+    """Generates test or training data with a simple MD simulation."""
+    atoms = fcc110('Pt', (2, 2, 1), vacuum=7.)
+    adsorbate = Atoms([Atom('Cu', atoms[3].position + (0., 0., 2.5)),
+                       Atom('Cu', atoms[3].position + (0., 0., 5.))])
+    atoms.extend(adsorbate)
+    atoms.set_constraint(FixAtoms(indices=[0, 2]))
+    atoms.set_calculator(EMT())
+    MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution(atoms, 300. * units.kB)
+    dyn = VelocityVerlet(atoms, dt=1. * units.fs)
+    newatoms = atoms.copy()
+    newatoms.set_calculator(EMT())
+    newatoms.get_potential_energy()
+    images = [newatoms]
+    for step in range(count - 1):
+        dyn.run(50)
+        newatoms = atoms.copy()
+        newatoms.set_calculator(EMT())
+        newatoms.get_potential_energy()
+        del newatoms.constraints  # See ASE issue #64.
+        images.append(newatoms)
+    return images
+def test():
+    images = generate_data(2)
+    regressor = Regressor(optimizer='BFGS')
+    calc = Amp(descriptor=Gaussian(),
+               model=NeuralNetwork(hiddenlayers=(3, 3),
+                                   regressor=regressor,),
+               cores=1)
+    step = 0
+    for d in [None, 0.00001]:
+        for fortran in [True, False]:
+            for cores in [1, 2]:
+                step += 1
+                label = \
+                    'numeric_analytic_test/analytic-%s-%i' % (fortran, cores) \
+                    if d is None \
+                    else 'numeric_analytic_test/numeric-%s-%i' \
+                    % (fortran, cores)
+                print(label)
+                loss = LossFunction(convergence={'energy_rmse': 10 ** 10,
+                                                 'force_rmse': 10 ** 10},
+                                    d=d)
+                calc.set_label(label)
+                calc.dblabel = 'numeric_analytic_test/analytic-True-1'
+                calc.model.lossfunction = loss
+                calc.descriptor.fortran = fortran
+                calc.model.fortran = fortran
+                calc.cores = cores
+                calc.train(images=images,)
+                if step == 1:
+                    ref_energies = []
+                    ref_forces = []
+                    for image in images:
+                        ref_energies += [calc.get_potential_energy(image)]
+                        ref_forces += [calc.get_forces(image)]
+                        ref_dloss_dparameters = \
+                            calc.model.lossfunction.dloss_dparameters
+                else:
+                    energies = []
+                    forces = []
+                    for image in images:
+                        energies += [calc.get_potential_energy(image)]
+                        forces += [calc.get_forces(image)]
+                        dloss_dparameters = \
+                            calc.model.lossfunction.dloss_dparameters
+                    for image_no in range(2):
+                        diff = abs(energies[image_no] - ref_energies[image_no])
+                        assert (diff < 10.**(-13.)), \
+                            'The calculated value of energy of image %i is ' \
+                            'wrong!' % (image_no + 1)
+                        for atom_no in range(6):
+                            for i in range(3):
+                                diff = abs(forces[image_no][atom_no][i] -
+                                           ref_forces[image_no][atom_no][i])
+                                assert (diff < 10.**(-10.)), \
+                                    'The calculated %i force of atom %i of ' \
+                                    'image %i is wrong!' \
+                                    % (i, atom_no, image_no + 1)
+                        # Checks analytical and numerical dloss_dparameters
+                        for _ in range(len(ref_dloss_dparameters)):
+                            diff = abs(dloss_dparameters[_] -
+                                       ref_dloss_dparameters[_])
+                            assert(diff < 10 ** (-10.)), \
+                                'The calculated value of loss function ' \
+                                'derivative is wrong!'
+    # Checks analytical and numerical forces
+    forces = []
+    for image in images:
+        image.set_calculator(calc)
+        forces += [calc.calculate_numerical_forces(image, d=d)]
+    for atom_no in range(6):
+        for i in range(3):
+            diff = abs(forces[image_no][atom_no][i] -
+                       ref_forces[image_no][atom_no][i])
+            print("diff =", diff)
+            assert (diff < 10.**(-6.)), \
+                'The calculated %i force of atom %i of ' \
+                'image %i is wrong! (Diff = %f)' \
+                % (i, atom_no, image_no + 1, diff)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    test()
diff --git a/tests/misc_test/rotated_atoms_test.py b/tests/misc_test/rotated_atoms_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e0e88e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/misc_test/rotated_atoms_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""This test checks rotation and translation invariance of descriptor schemes.
+Fingerprints both before and after a random rotation (+ translation) are
+calculated and compared."""
+import numpy as np
+from numpy import sin, cos
+from ase import Atom, Atoms
+from amp.descriptor.gaussian import Gaussian
+from amp.utilities import hash_images
+import random
+def rotate_atom(x, y, z, phi, theta, psi):
+    """Rotate atom in three dimensions."""
+    rotation_matrix = [
+        [cos(theta) * cos(psi),
+         cos(phi) * sin(psi) + sin(phi) * sin(theta) * cos(psi),
+         sin(phi) * sin(psi) - cos(phi) * sin(theta) * cos(psi)],
+        [-cos(theta) * sin(psi),
+         cos(phi) * cos(psi) - sin(phi) * sin(theta) * sin(psi),
+         sin(phi) * cos(psi) + cos(phi) * sin(theta) * sin(psi)],
+        [sin(theta),
+         -sin(phi) * cos(theta),
+         cos(phi) * cos(theta)]
+    ]
+    [[xprime], [yprime], [zprime]] = np.dot(rotation_matrix, [[x], [y], [z]])
+    return (xprime, yprime, zprime)
+def test():
+    for descriptor in [Gaussian(fortran=False), ]:
+        # Non-rotated atomic configuration
+        atoms = Atoms([Atom('Pt', (0., 0., 0.)),
+                       Atom('Pt', (0., 0., 1.)),
+                       Atom('Pt', (0., 2., 1.))])
+        images = hash_images([atoms], ordered=True)
+        descriptor1 = descriptor
+        descriptor1.calculate_fingerprints(images)
+        fp1 = descriptor1.fingerprints[list(images.keys())[0]]
+        # Randomly Rotated (and translated) atomic configuration
+        rot = [random.random(), random.random(), random.random()]
+        for i in range(1, len(atoms)):
+            (atoms[i].x,
+             atoms[i].y,
+             atoms[i].z) = rotate_atom(atoms[i].x,
+                                       atoms[i].y,
+                                       atoms[i].z,
+                                       rot[0] * np.pi,
+                                       rot[1] * np.pi,
+                                       rot[2] * np.pi)
+        disp = [random.random(), random.random(), random.random()]
+        for atom in atoms:
+            atom.x += disp[0]
+            atom.y += disp[1]
+            atom.z += disp[2]
+        images = hash_images([atoms], ordered=True)
+        descriptor2 = descriptor
+        descriptor2.calculate_fingerprints(images)
+        fp2 = descriptor2.fingerprints[list(images.keys())[0]]
+        for (element1, afp1), (element2, afp2) in zip(fp1, fp2):
+            assert element1 == element2, 'rotated atoms test broken!'
+            for _, __ in zip(afp1, afp2):
+                assert (abs(_ - __) < 10 ** (-10.)), \
+                    'rotated atoms test broken!'
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    test()
diff --git a/tests/test_NN_nodeplot.py b/tests/test_NN_nodeplot.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb1b36f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_NN_nodeplot.py
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+import matplotlib
+matplotlib.use('Agg')  # For headless operation.
+from ase.calculators.emt import EMT
+from ase.lattice.surface import fcc110
+from ase import Atoms, Atom
+from ase.md.velocitydistribution import MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution
+from ase import units
+from ase.md import VelocityVerlet
+from ase.constraints import FixAtoms
+from amp import Amp
+from amp.descriptor.gaussian import Gaussian
+from amp.model.neuralnetwork import NeuralNetwork
+from amp.model import LossFunction
+from amp.model.neuralnetwork import NodePlot
+from amp.utilities import hash_images
+def generate_data(count):
+    """Generates test or training data with a simple MD simulation."""
+    atoms = fcc110('Pt', (2, 2, 2), vacuum=7.)
+    adsorbate = Atoms([Atom('Cu', atoms[7].position + (0., 0., 2.5)),
+                       Atom('Cu', atoms[7].position + (0., 0., 5.))])
+    atoms.extend(adsorbate)
+    atoms.set_constraint(FixAtoms(indices=[0, 2]))
+    atoms.set_calculator(EMT())
+    MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution(atoms, 300. * units.kB)
+    dyn = VelocityVerlet(atoms, dt=1. * units.fs)
+    newatoms = atoms.copy()
+    newatoms.set_calculator(EMT())
+    newatoms.get_potential_energy()
+    images = [newatoms]
+    for step in range(count - 1):
+        dyn.run(50)
+        newatoms = atoms.copy()
+        newatoms.set_calculator(EMT())
+        newatoms.get_potential_energy()
+        images.append(newatoms)
+    return images
+def train_data(images, setup_only=False):
+    label = 'nodeplot_test/calc'
+    train_images = images
+    calc = Amp(descriptor=Gaussian(),
+               model=NeuralNetwork(hiddenlayers=(5, 5)),
+               label=label,
+               cores=1)
+    loss = LossFunction(convergence={'energy_rmse': 0.02,
+                                     'force_rmse': 0.02})
+    calc.model.lossfunction = loss
+    if not setup_only:
+        calc.train(images=train_images, )
+        for image in train_images:
+            print ("energy =", calc.get_potential_energy(image))
+            print ("forces =", calc.get_forces(image))
+    else:
+        images = hash_images(train_images)
+        calc.descriptor.calculate_fingerprints(images=images,
+                                               log=calc._log,
+                                               parallel={'cores': 1},
+                                               calculate_derivatives=False)
+        calc.model.fit(trainingimages=images,
+                       descriptor=calc.descriptor,
+                       log=calc._log,
+                       parallel={'cores': 1},
+                       only_setup=True)
+        return calc
+def test_nodeplot():
+    images = generate_data(2)
+    calc = train_data(images, setup_only=True)
+    nodeplot = NodePlot(calc)
+    nodeplot.plot(images, filename='nodeplottest.pdf')
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    test_nodeplot()
diff --git a/tests/test_gaussian_neural.py b/tests/test_gaussian_neural.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..389bdf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_gaussian_neural.py
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""Simple test of the Amp calculator, using Gaussian descriptors and neural
+network model. Randomly generates data with the EMT potential in MD
+from ase.calculators.emt import EMT
+from ase.build import fcc110
+from ase import Atoms, Atom
+from ase.md.velocitydistribution import MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution
+from ase import units
+from ase.md import VelocityVerlet
+from ase.constraints import FixAtoms
+from amp import Amp
+from amp.descriptor.gaussian import Gaussian
+from amp.model.neuralnetwork import NeuralNetwork
+from amp.model import LossFunction
+def generate_data(count):
+    """Generates test or training data with a simple MD simulation."""
+    atoms = fcc110('Pt', (2, 2, 2), vacuum=7.)
+    adsorbate = Atoms([Atom('Cu', atoms[7].position + (0., 0., 2.5)),
+                       Atom('Cu', atoms[7].position + (0., 0., 5.))])
+    atoms.extend(adsorbate)
+    atoms.set_constraint(FixAtoms(indices=[0, 2]))
+    atoms.set_calculator(EMT())
+    MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution(atoms, 300. * units.kB)
+    dyn = VelocityVerlet(atoms, dt=1. * units.fs)
+    newatoms = atoms.copy()
+    newatoms.set_calculator(EMT())
+    newatoms.get_potential_energy()
+    images = [newatoms]
+    for step in range(count - 1):
+        dyn.run(50)
+        newatoms = atoms.copy()
+        newatoms.set_calculator(EMT())
+        newatoms.get_potential_energy()
+        images.append(newatoms)
+    return images
+def train_test():
+    label = 'train_test/calc'
+    train_images = generate_data(2)
+    calc = Amp(descriptor=Gaussian(),
+               model=NeuralNetwork(hiddenlayers=(3, 3)),
+               label=label,
+               cores=1)
+    loss = LossFunction(convergence={'energy_rmse': 0.02,
+                                     'force_rmse': 0.02})
+    calc.model.lossfunction = loss
+    calc.train(images=train_images,)
+    for image in train_images:
+        print("energy = %s" % str(calc.get_potential_energy(image)))
+        print("forces = %s" % str(calc.get_forces(image)))
+    # Test that we can re-load this calculator and call it again.
+    del calc
+    calc2 = Amp.load(label + '.amp')
+    for image in train_images:
+        print("energy = %s" % str(calc2.get_potential_energy(image)))
+        print("forces = %s" % str(calc2.get_forces(image)))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    train_test()
diff --git a/tests/test_gaussian_tflow.py b/tests/test_gaussian_tflow.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12b5c5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_gaussian_tflow.py
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""Simple test of the Amp calculator, using Gaussian descriptors and neural
+network model. Randomly generates data with the EMT potential in MD
+import sys
+from ase.calculators.emt import EMT
+from ase.lattice.surface import fcc110
+from ase import Atoms, Atom
+from ase.md.velocitydistribution import MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution
+from ase import units
+from ase.md import VelocityVerlet
+from ase.constraints import FixAtoms
+from amp import Amp
+from amp.descriptor.gaussian import Gaussian
+def perform_test():
+    """Determines whether or not to perform the test.
+    This should only perform the test if the python version is 2.x
+    and tensorflow is installed. If returns False (meaning don't
+    peform test), also supplies the reason."""
+    if sys.version_info >= (3,):
+        return False, 'amp.model.tflow not supported in python3.'
+    try:
+        import tensorflow
+    except ImportError:
+        return False, 'Tensorflow not installed.'
+    return True, ''
+def generate_data(count):
+    """Generates test or training data with a simple MD simulation."""
+    atoms = fcc110('Pt', (2, 2, 2), vacuum=7.)
+    adsorbate = Atoms([Atom('Cu', atoms[7].position + (0., 0., 2.5)),
+                       Atom('Cu', atoms[7].position + (0., 0., 5.))])
+    atoms.extend(adsorbate)
+    atoms.set_constraint(FixAtoms(indices=[0, 2]))
+    atoms.set_calculator(EMT())
+    MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution(atoms, 300. * units.kB)
+    dyn = VelocityVerlet(atoms, dt=1. * units.fs)
+    newatoms = atoms.copy()
+    newatoms.set_calculator(EMT())
+    newatoms.get_potential_energy()
+    images = [newatoms]
+    for step in range(count - 1):
+        dyn.run(50)
+        newatoms = atoms.copy()
+        newatoms.set_calculator(EMT())
+        newatoms.get_potential_energy()
+        images.append(newatoms)
+    return images
+def train_test():
+    perform, reason = perform_test()
+    if not perform:
+        print('Skipping this test because {}.'.format(reason))
+        return
+    from amp.model.tflow import NeuralNetwork
+    label = 'train_test/calc'
+    train_images = generate_data(2)
+    convergence = {
+            'energy_rmse': 0.02,
+            'force_rmse': 0.02
+            }
+    calc = Amp(descriptor=Gaussian(),
+               model=NeuralNetwork(hiddenlayers=(3, 3),
+                                   convergenceCriteria=convergence),
+               label=label,
+               cores=1)
+    calc.train(images=train_images,)
+    for image in train_images:
+        print("energy =", calc.get_potential_energy(image))
+        print("forces =", calc.get_forces(image))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    train_test()
diff --git a/tools/amp-compress b/tools/amp-compress
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8ba51d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/amp-compress
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""Tool to compress Amp FileDatabase objects."""
+import os
+from optparse import OptionParser
+from amp.utilities import FileDatabase
+def compress_file(filename):
+    filename = filename.rstrip(os.path.sep)
+    assert filename.endswith('.ampdb')
+    assert 'loose' in os.listdir(filename)
+    FileDatabase(filename).archive()
+def parser():
+    parser = OptionParser(
+        usage='usage: %prog [options] [filename(s)]\n Compress .ampdb'
+              ' files(Amp FileDatabase objects).')
+    add = parser.add_option
+    add('-r', '--recursive', action='store_true',
+        default=False, help='recursively search and compress .ampdb files')
+    options, args = parser.parse_args()
+    return options, args
+options, args = parser()
+if not options.recursive:
+    for filename in args:
+        compress_file(filename)
+    if len(args) != 1:
+        raise AssertionError('A single argument (top directory) must be '
+                             'supplied with the recursive option.')
+    topdir = args[0]
+    if not os.path.isdir(topdir):
+        raise AssertionError('Argument must be a path with recursive option.')
+    for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(topdir):
+        for dirname in dirnames:
+            if dirname.endswith('.ampdb'):
+                filename = os.path.join(dirpath, dirname)
+                print('Found %s.' % filename)
+                compress_file(filename)
diff --git a/tools/amp-plotconvergence b/tools/amp-plotconvergence
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..34b3c5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/amp-plotconvergence
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""Tool to create convergence plots for Amp."""
+import matplotlib
+# The 'Agg' command must be *before* all other matplotlib imports for
+# headless operation.
+from optparse import OptionParser
+from amp.analysis import plot_convergence
+parser = OptionParser(
+    usage='usage: %prog logfile [plotfile]\n Create convergence plot'
+          ' logfile is amp log file; plotfile is an optional filename '
+          ' for the output that takes any allowable matplotlib format.')
+options, args = parser.parse_args()
+if len(args) not in [1, 2]:
+    raise RuntimeError('Bad number of arguments.')
+plotfile = 'convergence.pdf'
+if len(args) == 2:
+    plotfile = args.pop(-1)
+logfile = args.pop(0)
+plot_convergence(logfile=logfile, plotfile=plotfile)

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