[r-cran-randomfieldsutils] 06/06: Merge tag 'upstream/0.3.25'

Sébastien Villemot sebastien at debian.org
Thu Nov 16 18:18:26 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

sebastien pushed a commit to branch master
in repository r-cran-randomfieldsutils.

commit 323803c42ea043d9c21b722ef582d95b1eedfd16
Merge: 17e5985 656fc62
Author: Sébastien Villemot <sebastien at debian.org>
Date:   Thu Nov 16 19:18:17 2017 +0100

    Merge tag 'upstream/0.3.25'
    Upstream version 0.3.25

 DESCRIPTION                           |   14 +
 MD5                                   |   55 +
 NAMESPACE                             |   21 +
 R/RFoptions.R                         |   57 +
 R/maths.R                             |   78 +
 R/utils.R                             |  183 +
 R/zzz.R                               |   16 +
 inst/CITATION                         |   16 +
 inst/include/Basic_utils.h            |  168 +
 inst/include/General_utils.h          |  150 +
 inst/include/Options_utils.h          |  104 +
 inst/include/Solve.h                  |   62 +
 inst/include/errors_messages.h        |  142 +
 inst/include/init_RandomFieldsUtils.h |  212 ++
 inst/include/kleinkram.h              |  167 +
 inst/include/win_linux_aux.h          |   38 +
 man/Print.Rd                          |   33 +
 man/RFoptions.Rd                      |  256 ++
 man/Struve.Rd                         |   73 +
 man/cholPosDef.Rd                     |   71 +
 man/fileexists.Rd                     |   65 +
 man/gauss.Rd                          |   49 +
 man/hostname.Rd                       |   50 +
 man/matern.Rd                         |  108 +
 man/nonstwm.Rd                        |   72 +
 man/orderx.Rd                         |   56 +
 man/sleep.Rd                          |   28 +
 man/solvePosDef.Rd                    |   95 +
 man/sortx.Rd                          |   57 +
 src/Basic_utils.h                     |  168 +
 src/General_utils.h                   |  150 +
 src/Makevars                          |    2 +
 src/Options_utils.h                   |  104 +
 src/RFoptions.cc                      |  368 +++
 src/RandomFieldsUtils.h               |   84 +
 src/Solve.h                           |   62 +
 src/bckslvmodified.f                  |  179 +
 src/brdomain.cc                       |   88 +
 src/cholmodified.f                    | 5878 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/diffusion.cc                      |   96 +
 src/errors_messages.h                 |  142 +
 src/init_RandomFieldsUtils.c          |  134 +
 src/init_RandomFieldsUtils.h          |  212 ++
 src/kleinkram.cc                      | 1146 +++++++
 src/kleinkram.h                       |  167 +
 src/maths.cc                          |  535 +++
 src/options.cc                        |  195 ++
 src/own.cc                            |   65 +
 src/own.h                             |   45 +
 src/scalar.cc                         |  384 +++
 src/solve.cc                          | 1469 ++++++++
 src/sort.cc                           |  530 +++
 src/spamown.f                         | 1896 +++++++++++
 src/utils.cc                          |   80 +
 src/win_linux_aux.cc                  |   82 +
 src/win_linux_aux.h                   |   38 +
 56 files changed, 16795 insertions(+)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/r-cran-randomfieldsutils.git

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