[r-cran-sp] 42/42: Merge tag 'upstream/1.2-5'
Sébastien Villemot
sebastien at debian.org
Thu Nov 16 21:47:57 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
sebastien pushed a commit to branch master
in repository r-cran-sp.
commit 0dd8ad8e76706836bbe54b1b93b0c9a90978910f
Merge: 3966857 cdb4351
Author: Sébastien Villemot <sebastien at debian.org>
Date: Thu Nov 16 22:47:00 2017 +0100
Merge tag 'upstream/1.2-5'
Upstream version 1.2-5
MD5 | 206 +++++
NAMESPACE | 414 ++++++++++
R/AAA.R | 12 +
R/CRS-methods.R | 77 ++
R/Class-CRS.R | 9 +
R/Class-GridTopology.R | 13 +
R/Class-Spatial.R | 48 ++
R/Class-SpatialGrid.R | 23 +
R/Class-SpatialGridDataFrame.R | 21 +
R/Class-SpatialLines.R | 58 ++
R/Class-SpatialLinesDataFrame.R | 13 +
R/Class-SpatialMultiPoints.R | 18 +
R/Class-SpatialMultiPointsDataFrame.R | 11 +
R/Class-SpatialPoints.R | 19 +
R/Class-SpatialPointsDataFrame.R | 17 +
R/Class-SpatialPolygons.R | 133 ++++
R/Class-SpatialPolygonsDataFrame.R | 12 +
R/GridTopology-methods.R | 192 +++++
R/Spatial-methods.R | 372 +++++++++
R/SpatialGrid-methods.R | 409 ++++++++++
R/SpatialGridDataFrame-methods.R | 514 +++++++++++++
R/SpatialLines-methods.R | 355 +++++++++
R/SpatialLinesDataFrame-methods.R | 109 +++
R/SpatialMultiPoints-methods.R | 143 ++++
R/SpatialMultiPointsDataFrame-methods.R | 150 ++++
R/SpatialPoints-methods.R | 129 ++++
R/SpatialPointsDataFrame-methods.R | 209 ++++++
R/SpatialPolygons-displayMethods.R | 105 +++
R/SpatialPolygons-internals.R | 208 +++++
R/SpatialPolygons-methods.R | 202 +++++
R/SpatialPolygonsDataFrame-methods.R | 149 ++++
R/aggregate.R | 111 +++
R/asciigrid.R | 94 +++
R/bpy.colors.R | 16 +
R/bubble.R | 63 ++
R/chfids.R | 59 ++
R/compassRose.R | 19 +
R/disaggregate.R | 130 ++++
R/dms.R | 101 +++
R/flipSGDF.R | 19 +
R/gridded.R | 53 ++
R/gridlines.R | 69 ++
R/image.R | 217 ++++++
R/loadmeuse.R | 33 +
R/mapasp.R | 12 +
R/merge.R | 65 ++
R/over.R | 247 ++++++
R/point.in.polygon.R | 101 +++
R/projected.R | 77 ++
R/rbind.R | 118 +++
R/recenter.R | 81 ++
R/select.spatial.R | 20 +
R/spOptions.R | 69 ++
R/sp_spat1.R | 89 +++
R/spdists.R | 86 +++
R/spplot.R | 818 ++++++++++++++++++++
R/spsample.R | 454 +++++++++++
R/stack.R | 70 ++
R/subset.R | 26 +
R/surfaceArea.R | 45 ++
R/zerodist.R | 44 ++
build/vignette.rds | Bin 0 -> 287 bytes
data/Rlogo.rda | Bin 0 -> 22600 bytes
data/meuse.area.rda | Bin 0 -> 1139 bytes
data/meuse.grid.rda | Bin 0 -> 19802 bytes
data/meuse.grid_ll.rda | Bin 0 -> 57816 bytes
data/meuse.rda | Bin 0 -> 5506 bytes
data/meuse.riv.rda | Bin 0 -> 1324 bytes
demo/00Index | 7 +
demo/depend.R | 6 +
demo/fib.R | 16 +
demo/gallery.R | 419 +++++++++++
demo/meuse.R | 15 +
demo/mp.R | 29 +
demo/polar.R | 18 +
demo/webmap.R | 40 +
inst/CITATION | 28 +
inst/NEWS.Rd | 95 +++
inst/doc/csdacm.R | 864 +++++++++++++++++++++
inst/doc/csdacm.Rnw | 1208 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
inst/doc/csdacm.pdf | Bin 0 -> 296401 bytes
inst/doc/intro_sp.R | 242 ++++++
inst/doc/intro_sp.Rnw | 515 +++++++++++++
inst/doc/intro_sp.pdf | Bin 0 -> 244971 bytes
inst/doc/over.R | 319 ++++++++
inst/doc/over.Rnw | 567 ++++++++++++++
inst/doc/over.pdf | Bin 0 -> 290787 bytes
inst/external/seamap105_mod.csv | 395 ++++++++++
inst/external/simple.ag | 10 +
inst/external/test.ag | 121 +++
inst/include/sp.h | 98 +++
inst/include/sp_xports.c | 666 ++++++++++++++++
man/00sp.Rd | 102 +++
man/CRS-class.Rd | 69 ++
man/DMS-class.Rd | 45 ++
man/GridTopology-class.Rd | 58 ++
man/Line-class.Rd | 30 +
man/Line.Rd | 32 +
man/Lines-class.Rd | 34 +
man/Polygon-class.Rd | 30 +
man/Polygons-class.Rd | 27 +
man/Rlogo.Rd | 40 +
man/Spatial-class.Rd | 122 +++
man/SpatialGrid-class.Rd | 62 ++
man/SpatialGrid.Rd | 128 ++++
man/SpatialGridDataFrame-class.Rd | 131 ++++
man/SpatialGridDataFrame.Rd | 54 ++
man/SpatialLines-class.Rd | 96 +++
man/SpatialLines.Rd | 47 ++
man/SpatialLinesDataFrame-class.Rd | 54 ++
man/SpatialMultiPoints-class.Rd | 91 +++
man/SpatialMultiPoints.Rd | 63 ++
man/SpatialMultiPointsDataFrame-class.Rd | 69 ++
man/SpatialPixels-class.Rd | 65 ++
man/SpatialPixelsDataFrame-class.Rd | 88 +++
man/SpatialPoints-class.Rd | 100 +++
man/SpatialPoints.Rd | 62 ++
man/SpatialPointsDataFrame-class.Rd | 89 +++
man/SpatialPolygons-class.Rd | 110 +++
man/SpatialPolygons.Rd | 62 ++
man/SpatialPolygonsDataFrame-class.Rd | 75 ++
man/addattr.Rd | 38 +
man/aggregate.Rd | 122 +++
man/as.SpatialPolygons.GridTopology.Rd | 64 ++
man/as.SpatialPolygons.PolygonsList.Rd | 77 ++
man/asciigrid.Rd | 40 +
man/bbox.Rd | 48 ++
man/bpy.colors.Rd | 33 +
man/bubble.Rd | 69 ++
man/char2dms.Rd | 56 ++
man/compassRose.Rd | 21 +
man/coordinates-methods.Rd | 51 ++
man/coordinates.Rd | 43 ++
man/coordnames-methods.Rd | 51 ++
man/degaxis.Rd | 26 +
man/dimensions.Rd | 39 +
man/disaggregate.Rd | 50 ++
man/flip.Rd | 30 +
man/geometry-methods.Rd | 50 ++
man/gridded-methods.Rd | 97 +++
man/gridindex2nb.Rd | 30 +
man/gridlines.Rd | 124 +++
man/image.Rd | 121 +++
man/is.projected.Rd | 49 ++
man/loadmeuse.Rd | 13 +
man/mapasp.Rd | 35 +
man/merge.Rd | 44 ++
man/meuse.Rd | 64 ++
man/meuse.grid.Rd | 42 ++
man/meuse.grid_ll.Rd | 21 +
man/meuse.riv.Rd | 57 ++
man/over.Rd | 198 +++++
man/panel.Rd | 92 +++
man/point.in.polygon.Rd | 34 +
man/polygons-methods.Rd | 24 +
man/polygons.Rd | 33 +
man/recenter-methods.Rd | 67 ++
man/select.spatial.Rd | 34 +
man/sp-deprecated.Rd | 41 +
man/spChFIDs-methods.Rd | 44 ++
man/spDistsN1.Rd | 95 +++
man/spTransform.Rd | 28 +
man/spplot.Rd | 294 ++++++++
man/spsample.Rd | 160 ++++
man/stack.Rd | 57 ++
man/surfaceArea.Rd | 79 ++
man/zerodist.Rd | 70 ++
src/Rcentroid.c | 61 ++
src/gcdist.c | 119 +++
src/init.c | 57 ++
src/pip.c | 176 +++++
src/pip2.c | 111 +++
src/sp.h | 98 +++
src/sp_xports.c | 666 ++++++++++++++++
src/surfaceArea.c | 96 +++
src/zerodist.c | 110 +++
tests/agg.R | 32 +
tests/agg.Rout.save | 60 ++
tests/base.R | 47 ++
tests/base.Rout.save | 462 ++++++++++++
tests/fail1.R | 129 ++++
tests/fail1.Rout.save | 222 ++++++
tests/grid.R | 67 ++
tests/grid.Rout.save | 278 +++++++
tests/mp.Rout.save | 184 +++++
tests/nc.Rout.save | 29 +
tests/over.Rout.save | 205 +++++
tests/over2.R | 40 +
tests/over2.Rout.save | 208 +++++
tests/pass1.R | 154 ++++
tests/pass1.Rout.save | 625 ++++++++++++++++
tests/point.in.polygon.R | 6 +
tests/point.in.polygon.Rout.save | 25 +
tests/sel.R | 71 ++
tests/sel.Rout.save | 203 +++++
tests/sp1.R | 41 +
tests/sp1.Rout.save | 333 ++++++++
tests/spDists.R | 17 +
tests/spDists.Rout.save | 41 +
tests/spplot.R | 10 +
tests/spplot.Rout.save | 48 ++
tests/zerodist.R | 20 +
tests/zerodist.Rout.save | 122 +++
vignettes/csdacm.Rnw | 1208 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
vignettes/intro_sp.Rnw | 515 +++++++++++++
vignettes/over.Rnw | 567 ++++++++++++++
207 files changed, 25947 insertions(+)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/r-cran-sp.git
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