[theano] 03/03: Fix test failures on big-endian systems. (Closes: #878596)

Rebecca Palmer rnpalmer-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Oct 15 21:30:27 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

rnpalmer-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository theano.

commit 786f9652ae39b527cfbef10d575abb170bc426c3
Author: Rebecca N. Palmer <rebecca_palmer at zoho.com>
Date:   Sun Oct 15 22:30:06 2017 +0100

    Fix test failures on big-endian systems.  (Closes: #878596)
 debian/changelog            |   1 +
 debian/patches/878596.patch | 450 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 debian/patches/series       |   1 +
 3 files changed, 452 insertions(+)

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 9049817..da913b6 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 theano (0.9.0+dfsg2-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
   * Really remove the pre-minified Javascript.
+  * Fix test failures on big-endian systems.  (Closes: #878596)
  -- Rebecca N. Palmer <rebecca_palmer at zoho.com>  Sun, 15 Oct 2017 21:56:05 +0100
diff --git a/debian/patches/878596.patch b/debian/patches/878596.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b185517
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/878596.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,450 @@
+Description: Fix invalid pointer casts and potential index overflows
+ws/stride/pad may be int32 or int64 arrays
+int32 = *(int64*)(int32*) is broken on big-endian systems, and also
+a strict aliasing violation (i.e. technically undefined everywhere)
+int32 = *(int64*)(int64*) may overflow
+Author: Rebecca N. Palmer <rebecca_palmer at zoho.com>
+Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/878596
+Forwarded: no
+--- theano-0.9.0+dfsg.orig/theano/tensor/signal/pool.py
++++ theano-0.9.0+dfsg/theano/tensor/signal/pool.py
+@@ -642,18 +642,18 @@ class Pool(OpenMPOp):
+             PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "pad must be a vector of size %(nd)s");
+             %(fail)s;
+         }
+-        int z[%(nd)s]; // shape of the output
+-        int r[%(nd)s]; // shape of the padded_input
+-        int ws[%(nd)s];
+-        int st[%(nd)s];
+-        int pd[%(nd)s];
++        npy_intp z[%(nd)s]; // shape of the output
++        npy_intp r[%(nd)s]; // shape of the padded_input
++        npy_intp ws[%(nd)s];
++        npy_intp st[%(nd)s];
++        npy_intp pd[%(nd)s];
+         int nonzero_padding;
+         nonzero_padding = 0;
+         for (int i=0; i<%(nd)s; i++)
+         {
+-            ws[i] = *((npy_intp*)PyArray_GETPTR1(%(ws)s, i));
+-            st[i] = *((npy_intp*)PyArray_GETPTR1(%(stride)s, i));
+-            pd[i] = *((npy_intp*)PyArray_GETPTR1(%(pad)s, i));
++            ws[i] = *((dtype_%(ws)s*)PyArray_GETPTR1(%(ws)s, i));
++            st[i] = *((dtype_%(stride)s*)PyArray_GETPTR1(%(stride)s, i));
++            pd[i] = *((dtype_%(pad)s*)PyArray_GETPTR1(%(pad)s, i));
+             r[i] = PyArray_DIMS(%(x)s)[%(non_pool_ndim)s + i] + 2 * pd[i];
+             if (pd[i]>0)
+                 nonzero_padding = 1;
+@@ -690,7 +690,7 @@ class Pool(OpenMPOp):
+                 }
+                 else
+                 {
+-                    z[i] = std::max(0, (r[i] - 1 - ws[i] + st[i]) / st[i]) + 1;
++                    z[i] = std::max((npy_intp)0, (r[i] - 1 - ws[i] + st[i]) / st[i]) + 1;
+                 }
+                 assert(z[i] > 0);
+             }
+@@ -741,7 +741,7 @@ class Pool(OpenMPOp):
+         }
+         // initialize temp var for the value in a region
+         dtype_%(x)s collector;
+-        int z_prod;
++        npy_intp z_prod;
+         // do not run if any z[i] is zero
+         z_prod = 1;
+         for (int i=0; i<%(nd)s; i++)
+@@ -751,23 +751,23 @@ class Pool(OpenMPOp):
+         if (z_prod)
+         {
+             // will be used to hold start and end index of a region
+-            int r_st[%(nd)s];
+-            int r_end[%(nd)s];
++            npy_intp r_st[%(nd)s];
++            npy_intp r_end[%(nd)s];
+             // index for iterating over the pooling regions
+-            int r_idx[%(nd)s];
++            npy_intp r_idx[%(nd)s];
+             // placeholder for PyArray indexing (output)
+             npy_intp o_idx[%(total_ndim)s];
+             // placeholder for PyArray indexing (input)
+             npy_intp i_idx[%(total_ndim)s];
+             // loop over non-pooling dimensions
+-            int non_pooling_prod = 1;
++            npy_intp non_pooling_prod = 1;
+             for (int i=0; i<%(non_pool_ndim)s; i++)
+             {
+                 non_pooling_prod *= PyArray_DIMS(%(x)s)[i];
+             }
+             %(omp_parallel)s
+             // first loop over non-pooling dimensions
+-            for (int t=0; t<non_pooling_prod; t++)
++            for (npy_intp t=0; t<non_pooling_prod; t++)
+             {
+                 // compute the non-pooling index in each dimension
+                 if (%(non_pool_ndim)s!=0)
+@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ class Pool(OpenMPOp):
+             for i in xrange(nd):
+                 ccode += """
+                   // go through the pooled region in the unpadded input
+-                  for(int m%(i)s=r_st[%(i)s]; m%(i)s<r_end[%(i)s]; m%(i)s++)
++                  for(npy_intp m%(i)s=r_st[%(i)s]; m%(i)s<r_end[%(i)s]; m%(i)s++)
+                   {
+                     i_idx[%(non_pool_ndim)s + %(i)s] = m%(i)s;
+                 """ % dict(i=i, non_pool_ndim=non_pool_ndim)
+@@ -859,7 +859,7 @@ class Pool(OpenMPOp):
+             for i in xrange(nd):
+                 ccode += """
+                   // go through the pooled region in the unpadded input
+-                  for(int m%(i)s=r_st[%(i)s]; m%(i)s<r_end[%(i)s]; m%(i)s++)
++                  for(npy_intp m%(i)s=r_st[%(i)s]; m%(i)s<r_end[%(i)s]; m%(i)s++)
+                   {
+                     i_idx[%(non_pool_ndim)s + %(i)s] = m%(i)s;
+                 """ % dict(i=i, non_pool_ndim=non_pool_ndim)
+@@ -904,7 +904,7 @@ class Pool(OpenMPOp):
+         return ccode % locals()
+     def c_code_cache_version(self):
+-        return (0, 6, 8, 7, self.openmp)
++        return (0, 6, 8, 7, self.openmp, 0xdeb1a)
+ class PoolGrad(OpenMPOp):
+@@ -1232,18 +1232,18 @@ class MaxPoolGrad(PoolGrad):
+             PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "pad must be a vector of size %(nd)s");
+             %(fail)s;
+         }
+-        int z[%(nd)s]; // shape of the output
+-        int r[%(nd)s]; // shape of the padded_input
+-        int ws[%(nd)s];
+-        int st[%(nd)s];
+-        int pd[%(nd)s];
++        npy_intp z[%(nd)s]; // shape of the output
++        npy_intp r[%(nd)s]; // shape of the padded_input
++        npy_intp ws[%(nd)s];
++        npy_intp st[%(nd)s];
++        npy_intp pd[%(nd)s];
+         int nonzero_padding;
+         nonzero_padding = 0;
+         for (int i=0; i<%(nd)s; i++)
+         {
+-            ws[i] = *((npy_intp*)PyArray_GETPTR1(%(ws)s, i));
+-            st[i] = *((npy_intp*)PyArray_GETPTR1(%(stride)s, i));
+-            pd[i] = *((npy_intp*)PyArray_GETPTR1(%(pad)s, i));
++            ws[i] = *((dtype_%(ws)s*)PyArray_GETPTR1(%(ws)s, i));
++            st[i] = *((dtype_%(stride)s*)PyArray_GETPTR1(%(stride)s, i));
++            pd[i] = *((dtype_%(pad)s*)PyArray_GETPTR1(%(pad)s, i));
+             z[i] = PyArray_DIMS(%(z)s)[%(non_pool_ndim)s + i];
+             r[i] = PyArray_DIMS(%(x)s)[%(non_pool_ndim)s + i] + 2 * pd[i];
+             if (pd[i]>0)
+@@ -1277,7 +1277,7 @@ class MaxPoolGrad(PoolGrad):
+           PyArray_FILLWBYTE(%(gx)s, 0);
+         }
+         dtype_%(z)s maximum; // temp var for maximum value in a region
+-        int z_prod;
++        npy_intp z_prod;
+         // do not run if any z[i] is zero
+         z_prod = 1;
+         for (int i=0; i<%(nd)s; i++)
+@@ -1287,23 +1287,23 @@ class MaxPoolGrad(PoolGrad):
+         if (z_prod)
+         {
+             // will be used to hold start and end index of a region
+-            int r_st[%(nd)s];
+-            int r_end[%(nd)s];
++            npy_intp r_st[%(nd)s];
++            npy_intp r_end[%(nd)s];
+             // index for iterating over the pooling regions
+-            int r_idx[%(nd)s];
++            npy_intp r_idx[%(nd)s];
+             // placeholder for PyArray indexing (output)
+             npy_intp o_idx[%(total_ndim)s];
+             // placeholder for PyArray indexing (input)
+             npy_intp i_idx[%(total_ndim)s];
+             // loop over non-pooling dimensions
+-            int non_pooling_prod = 1;
++            npy_intp non_pooling_prod = 1;
+             for (int i=0; i<%(non_pool_ndim)s; i++)
+             {
+                 non_pooling_prod *= PyArray_DIMS(%(x)s)[i];
+             }
+             %(omp_parallel)s
+             // first loop over non-pooling dimensions
+-            for (int t=0; t<non_pooling_prod; t++)
++            for (npy_intp t=0; t<non_pooling_prod; t++)
+             {
+                 // compute the non-pooling index in each dimension
+                 if (%(non_pool_ndim)s!=0)
+@@ -1357,7 +1357,7 @@ class MaxPoolGrad(PoolGrad):
+         for i in xrange(nd):
+             ccode += """
+                   // go through the pooled region in the unpadded input
+-                  for(int m%(i)s=r_st[%(i)s]; m%(i)s<r_end[%(i)s]; m%(i)s++)
++                  for(npy_intp m%(i)s=r_st[%(i)s]; m%(i)s<r_end[%(i)s]; m%(i)s++)
+                   {
+                     i_idx[%(non_pool_ndim)s + %(i)s] = m%(i)s;
+                 """ % dict(i=i, non_pool_ndim=non_pool_ndim)
+@@ -1394,7 +1394,7 @@ class MaxPoolGrad(PoolGrad):
+         return ccode % locals()
+     def c_code_cache_version(self):
+-        return (0, 10, self.openmp)
++        return (0, 10, self.openmp, 0xdeb1a)
+ class AveragePoolGrad(PoolGrad):
+@@ -1552,18 +1552,18 @@ class AveragePoolGrad(PoolGrad):
+             PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "pad must be a vector of size %(nd)s");
+             %(fail)s;
+         }
+-        int z[%(nd)s]; // shape of the output
+-        int r[%(nd)s]; // shape of the padded_input
+-        int ws[%(nd)s];
+-        int st[%(nd)s];
+-        int pd[%(nd)s];
++        npy_intp z[%(nd)s]; // shape of the output
++        npy_intp r[%(nd)s]; // shape of the padded_input
++        npy_intp ws[%(nd)s];
++        npy_intp st[%(nd)s];
++        npy_intp pd[%(nd)s];
+         int nonzero_padding;
+         nonzero_padding = 0;
+         for (int i=0; i<%(nd)s; i++)
+         {
+-            ws[i] = *((npy_intp*)PyArray_GETPTR1(%(ws)s, i));
+-            st[i] = *((npy_intp*)PyArray_GETPTR1(%(stride)s, i));
+-            pd[i] = *((npy_intp*)PyArray_GETPTR1(%(pad)s, i));
++            ws[i] = *((dtype_%(ws)s*)PyArray_GETPTR1(%(ws)s, i));
++            st[i] = *((dtype_%(stride)s*)PyArray_GETPTR1(%(stride)s, i));
++            pd[i] = *((dtype_%(pad)s*)PyArray_GETPTR1(%(pad)s, i));
+             z[i] = PyArray_DIMS(%(gz)s)[%(non_pool_ndim)s + i];
+             r[i] = PyArray_DIMS(%(x)s)[%(non_pool_ndim)s + i] + 2 * pd[i];
+             if (pd[i]>0)
+@@ -1602,7 +1602,7 @@ class AveragePoolGrad(PoolGrad):
+         else {
+           PyArray_FILLWBYTE(%(gx)s, 0);
+         }
+-        int z_prod;
++        npy_intp z_prod;
+         // do not run if any z[i] is zero
+         z_prod = 1;
+         for (int i=0; i<%(nd)s; i++)
+@@ -1612,25 +1612,25 @@ class AveragePoolGrad(PoolGrad):
+         if (z_prod)
+         {
+             // will be used to hold start and end index of a region
+-            int r_st[%(nd)s];
+-            int r_end[%(nd)s];
++            npy_intp r_st[%(nd)s];
++            npy_intp r_end[%(nd)s];
+             // padded region size
+-            int r_pad_width[%(nd)s];
++            npy_intp r_pad_width[%(nd)s];
+             // index for iterating over the pooling regions
+-            int r_idx[%(nd)s];
++            npy_intp r_idx[%(nd)s];
+             // placeholder for PyArray indexing (output)
+             npy_intp o_idx[%(total_ndim)s];
+             // placeholder for PyArray indexing (input)
+             npy_intp i_idx[%(total_ndim)s];
+             // loop over non-pooling dimensions
+-            int non_pooling_prod = 1;
++            npy_intp non_pooling_prod = 1;
+             for (int i=0; i<%(non_pool_ndim)s; i++)
+             {
+                 non_pooling_prod *= PyArray_DIMS(%(x)s)[i];
+             }
+             %(omp_parallel)s
+             // first loop over non-pooling dimensions
+-            for (int t=0; t<non_pooling_prod; t++)
++            for (npy_intp t=0; t<non_pooling_prod; t++)
+             {
+                 // compute the non-pooling index in each dimension
+                 if (%(non_pool_ndim)s!=0)
+@@ -1695,7 +1695,7 @@ class AveragePoolGrad(PoolGrad):
+         for i in xrange(nd):
+             ccode += """
+                   // go through the pooled region in the unpadded input
+-                  for(int m%(i)s=r_st[%(i)s]; m%(i)s<r_end[%(i)s]; m%(i)s++)
++                  for(npy_intp m%(i)s=r_st[%(i)s]; m%(i)s<r_end[%(i)s]; m%(i)s++)
+                   {
+                     i_idx[%(non_pool_ndim)s + %(i)s] = m%(i)s;
+                 """ % dict(i=i, non_pool_ndim=non_pool_ndim)
+@@ -1727,7 +1727,7 @@ class AveragePoolGrad(PoolGrad):
+         return ccode % locals()
+     def c_code_cache_version(self):
+-        return (0, 3, self.openmp)
++        return (0, 3, self.openmp, 0xdeb1a)
+ class DownsampleFactorMaxGradGrad(OpenMPOp):
+@@ -1861,11 +1861,11 @@ class DownsampleFactorMaxGradGrad(OpenMP
+             omp_parallel = ''
+         ccode = """
+         int z_typenum = PyArray_ObjectType((PyObject*)%(maxout)s, 0);
+-        int z[%(nd)s]; // shape of the output
+-        int r[%(nd)s]; // shape of the padded_input
+-        int ws[%(nd)s];
+-        int st[%(nd)s];
+-        int pd[%(nd)s];
++        npy_intp z[%(nd)s]; // shape of the output
++        npy_intp r[%(nd)s]; // shape of the padded_input
++        npy_intp ws[%(nd)s];
++        npy_intp st[%(nd)s];
++        npy_intp pd[%(nd)s];
+         if(PyArray_DIM(%(ws)s, 0)!=%(nd)s)
+         {
+             PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "ws must be a vector of size %(nd)s");
+@@ -1883,9 +1883,9 @@ class DownsampleFactorMaxGradGrad(OpenMP
+         }
+         for (int i=0; i<%(nd)s; i++)
+         {
+-            ws[i] = *((npy_intp*)PyArray_GETPTR1(%(ws)s, i));
+-            st[i] = *((npy_intp*)PyArray_GETPTR1(%(stride)s, i));
+-            pd[i] = *((npy_intp*)PyArray_GETPTR1(%(pad)s, i));
++            ws[i] = *((dtype_%(ws)s*)PyArray_GETPTR1(%(ws)s, i));
++            st[i] = *((dtype_%(stride)s*)PyArray_GETPTR1(%(stride)s, i));
++            pd[i] = *((dtype_%(pad)s*)PyArray_GETPTR1(%(pad)s, i));
+             z[i] = PyArray_DIMS(%(maxout)s)[%(non_pool_ndim)s + i];
+             r[i] = PyArray_DIMS(%(x)s)[%(non_pool_ndim)s + i] + 2 * pd[i];
+         }
+@@ -1918,16 +1918,16 @@ class DownsampleFactorMaxGradGrad(OpenMP
+         }
+         dtype_%(maxout)s maximum; // temp var for maximum value in a region
+         // will be used to hold start and end index of a region
+-        int r_st[%(nd)s];
+-        int r_end[%(nd)s];
++        npy_intp r_st[%(nd)s];
++        npy_intp r_end[%(nd)s];
+         // index for iterating over the pooling regions
+-        int r_idx[%(nd)s];
++        npy_intp r_idx[%(nd)s];
+         // placeholder for PyArray indexing (output)
+         npy_intp o_idx[%(total_ndim)s];
+         // placeholder for PyArray indexing (input)
+         npy_intp i_idx[%(total_ndim)s];
+         // loop over non-pooling dimensions
+-        int non_pooling_prod;
++        npy_intp non_pooling_prod;
+         non_pooling_prod = 1;
+         for (int i=0; i<%(non_pool_ndim)s; i++)
+         {
+@@ -1935,7 +1935,7 @@ class DownsampleFactorMaxGradGrad(OpenMP
+         }
+         %(omp_parallel)s
+         // first loop over non-pooling dimensions
+-        for (int t=0; t<non_pooling_prod; t++)
++        for (npy_intp t=0; t<non_pooling_prod; t++)
+         {
+             // compute the non-pooling index in each dimension
+             if (%(non_pool_ndim)s!=0)
+@@ -1989,7 +1989,7 @@ class DownsampleFactorMaxGradGrad(OpenMP
+         for i in xrange(nd):
+             ccode += """
+                   // go through the pooled region in the unpadded input
+-                  for(int m%(i)s=r_st[%(i)s]; m%(i)s<r_end[%(i)s]; m%(i)s++)
++                  for(npy_intp m%(i)s=r_st[%(i)s]; m%(i)s<r_end[%(i)s]; m%(i)s++)
+                   {
+                     i_idx[%(non_pool_ndim)s + %(i)s] = m%(i)s;
+                 """ % dict(i=i, non_pool_ndim=non_pool_ndim)
+@@ -2025,7 +2025,7 @@ class DownsampleFactorMaxGradGrad(OpenMP
+         return ccode % locals()
+     def c_code_cache_version(self):
+-        return (0, 4, self.openmp)
++        return (0, 4, self.openmp, 0xdeb1a)
+ class MaxPoolRop(OpenMPOp):
+@@ -2206,18 +2206,18 @@ class MaxPoolRop(OpenMPOp):
+             PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "pad must be a vector of size %(nd)s");
+             %(fail)s;
+         }
+-        int z[%(nd)s]; // shape of the output
+-        int r[%(nd)s]; // shape of the padded_input
+-        int ws[%(nd)s];
+-        int st[%(nd)s];
+-        int pd[%(nd)s];
++        npy_intp z[%(nd)s]; // shape of the output
++        npy_intp r[%(nd)s]; // shape of the padded_input
++        npy_intp ws[%(nd)s];
++        npy_intp st[%(nd)s];
++        npy_intp pd[%(nd)s];
+         int nonzero_padding;
+         nonzero_padding = 0;
+         for (int i=0; i<%(nd)s; i++)
+         {
+-            ws[i] = *((npy_intp*)PyArray_GETPTR1(%(ws)s, i));
+-            st[i] = *((npy_intp*)PyArray_GETPTR1(%(stride)s, i));
+-            pd[i] = *((npy_intp*)PyArray_GETPTR1(%(pad)s, i));
++            ws[i] = *((dtype_%(ws)s*)PyArray_GETPTR1(%(ws)s, i));
++            st[i] = *((dtype_%(stride)s*)PyArray_GETPTR1(%(stride)s, i));
++            pd[i] = *((dtype_%(pad)s*)PyArray_GETPTR1(%(pad)s, i));
+             r[i] = PyArray_DIMS(%(x)s)[%(non_pool_ndim)s + i] + 2 * pd[i];
+             if (pd[i]>0)
+                 nonzero_padding = 1;
+@@ -2254,7 +2254,7 @@ class MaxPoolRop(OpenMPOp):
+                 }
+                 else
+                 {
+-                    z[i] = std::max(0, (r[i] - 1 - ws[i] + st[i]) / st[i]) + 1;
++                    z[i] = std::max((npy_intp)0, (r[i] - 1 - ws[i] + st[i]) / st[i]) + 1;
+                 }
+                 assert(z[i] > 0);
+             }
+@@ -2306,7 +2306,7 @@ class MaxPoolRop(OpenMPOp):
+         // initialize temp var for the value in a region
+         dtype_%(x)s collector;
+         dtype_%(ex)s eval_collector;
+-        int z_prod;
++        npy_intp z_prod;
+         // do not run if any z[i] is zero
+         z_prod = 1;
+         for (int i=0; i<%(nd)s; i++)
+@@ -2316,23 +2316,23 @@ class MaxPoolRop(OpenMPOp):
+         if (z_prod)
+         {
+             // will be used to hold start and end index of a region
+-            int r_st[%(nd)s];
+-            int r_end[%(nd)s];
++            npy_intp r_st[%(nd)s];
++            npy_intp r_end[%(nd)s];
+             // index for iterating over the pooling regions
+-            int r_idx[%(nd)s];
++            npy_intp r_idx[%(nd)s];
+             // placeholder for PyArray indexing (output)
+             npy_intp o_idx[%(total_ndim)s];
+             // placeholder for PyArray indexing (input)
+             npy_intp i_idx[%(total_ndim)s];
+             // loop over non-pooling dimensions
+-            int non_pooling_prod = 1;
++            npy_intp non_pooling_prod = 1;
+             for (int i=0; i<%(non_pool_ndim)s; i++)
+             {
+                 non_pooling_prod *= PyArray_DIMS(%(x)s)[i];
+             }
+             %(omp_parallel)s
+             // first loop over non-pooling dimensions
+-            for (int t=0; t<non_pooling_prod; t++)
++            for (npy_intp t=0; t<non_pooling_prod; t++)
+             {
+                 // compute the non-pooling index in each dimension
+                 if (%(non_pool_ndim)s!=0)
+@@ -2398,7 +2398,7 @@ class MaxPoolRop(OpenMPOp):
+         for i in xrange(nd):
+             ccode += """
+               // go through the pooled region in the unpadded input
+-              for(int m%(i)s=r_st[%(i)s]; m%(i)s<r_end[%(i)s]; m%(i)s++)
++              for(npy_intp m%(i)s=r_st[%(i)s]; m%(i)s<r_end[%(i)s]; m%(i)s++)
+               {
+                 i_idx[%(non_pool_ndim)s + %(i)s] = m%(i)s;
+             """ % dict(i=i, non_pool_ndim=non_pool_ndim)
+@@ -2438,4 +2438,4 @@ class MaxPoolRop(OpenMPOp):
+         return ccode % locals()
+     def c_code_cache_version(self):
+-        return (0, self.openmp)
++        return (0, self.openmp, 0xdeb1a)
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index 8a452d5..c696111 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@ disable-overly-environment-dependent-test.patch

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/theano.git

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