[r-cran-rgenoud] 01/04: New upstream version 5.7-12.4

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Fri Oct 20 07:02:24 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tille pushed a commit to branch master
in repository r-cran-rgenoud.

commit e443147aa20626f9ca792534b96886d6ebd787f5
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date:   Fri Oct 20 08:56:19 2017 +0200

    New upstream version 5.7-12.4
 .Rinstignore                    |    4 +
 ChangeLog                       |  274 +++
 DESCRIPTION                     |   16 +
 INDEX                           |    1 +
 MD5                             |   39 +
 NAMESPACE                       |    2 +
 R/rgenoud.R                     | 1543 +++++++++++++++
 R/zzz.R                         |   41 +
 THANKS                          |    7 +
 build/vignette.rds              |  Bin 0 -> 200 bytes
 inst/CITATION                   |   37 +
 inst/doc/Figures/fig1.pdf       |  Bin 0 -> 10167 bytes
 inst/doc/Figures/lqdxmpl2B.pdf  |  Bin 0 -> 39263 bytes
 inst/doc/rgenoud.R              |  159 ++
 inst/doc/rgenoud.Rnw            | 1465 ++++++++++++++
 inst/doc/rgenoud.bib            | 1903 ++++++++++++++++++
 inst/doc/rgenoud.pdf            |  Bin 0 -> 486498 bytes
 man/genoud.Rd                   |  708 +++++++
 src/change_order.cpp            |  482 +++++
 src/eval.cpp                    |  287 +++
 src/evaluate.cpp                | 4117 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/frange_ran.cpp              |   89 +
 src/genoud.cpp                  |  188 ++
 src/genoud.h                    |  274 +++
 src/gradient.cpp                |  870 +++++++++
 src/gradient.h                  |  111 ++
 src/math.cpp                    |  360 ++++
 src/multiply.cpp                |  107 +
 src/numerics.cpp                |  326 ++++
 src/operators.cpp               | 1182 +++++++++++
 src/print_format.cpp            |  237 +++
 src/rgenoud.cpp                 |  273 +++
 src/unif.cpp                    |  144 ++
 src/unif.h                      |   36 +
 src/urans.h                     |   26 +
 tests/tests.R                   |   57 +
 tests/tests.Rout.save           |  162 ++
 vignettes/Figures/fig1.pdf      |  Bin 0 -> 10167 bytes
 vignettes/Figures/lqdxmpl2B.pdf |  Bin 0 -> 39263 bytes
 vignettes/rgenoud.Rnw           | 1465 ++++++++++++++
 vignettes/rgenoud.bib           | 1903 ++++++++++++++++++
 41 files changed, 18895 insertions(+)

diff --git a/.Rinstignore b/.Rinstignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d212cd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.Rinstignore
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c4b2bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+2015-07-19 Version: 5.7-12.4
+	* genoud.R: creating visible binding for variable "indx"
+2015-07-18 Version: 5.7-12.3
+	* genoud.R: import non-base functions explicitly
+2015-07-17 Version: 5.7-12.2
+	* DESCRIPTION: improves description
+2013-06-28 Version: 5.7-12.1
+	* test.R: suppress message on load
+2013-06-28 Version: 5.7-12
+	* genoud.Rd: Updated the documentation to reflect the usage of the
+	'parallel' package instead of the deprecated package 'snow'
+	* vignettes: moved vignettes from /inst/doc to /vignettes.
+2013-06-28 Version: 5.7-10
+	* genoud.R: now uses the 'parallel' package instead of the
+	deprecated package 'snow'
+2013-06-27 Version: 5.7-9.2
+	* evaluate.cpp: JaIntegerOptimization(), Correct memory
+	issue. When reading in an old population file a segmentation fault
+	could result when an old population file was read that had a
+	larger population than the new population. Issue only arose for
+	integer optimization.
+2013-05-06 Version: 5.7-9.1
+	* operators.cpp: oper5(), Simple Crossover, always hit the maximum
+	unique individual limit. Corrected the logic to only check for
+	unique children in the crossover portion.  Note that this makes
+	results different from previous versions even if the random number
+	seeds are set.
+2012-06-03 Version: 5.7-8
+	* rgenoud.R: Added the following options back in for backward
+	compatibility, but a warning is printed if they are used:
+	output.path and output.append. Please use 'sink' instead.
+2012-06-03 Version: 5.7-7
+	* rgenoud.R: Call to optimHess() now explicitly names the arguments to be matched.
+2012-06-03 Version: 5.7-6
+	* evaluate.cpp: output streams are no longer flushed because of
+	R's rules about calling stdout.
+	* rgenoud.pdf: has been compacted to save space.
+	* .Rinstignore: new file has been added to sure that
+	inst/doc/Figures are not installed to save space.
+2012-06-03 Version: 5.7-5
+	* rgenoud.R: Because of the switch to Rprintf (see below), the
+	'output.path' and 'output.append' options have been removed.
+	* evaluate.cpp: Routed printing calls through Rprintf rather than
+	fprintf. Made sure all error handling is done by R's error()
+	function. Many cpp files affected: genoud.cpp, genoud.h,
+	gradient.cpp, operators.cpp, math.cpp, numerics.cpp,
+	print_format.cpp.
+2012-06-02 Version: 5.7-4
+	* rgenoud.R: Removes calls to .Internal(optimhess). Now calls optimHess().
+	* zzz.R: Now uses packageStartupMessage() to display .onAttach message.
+2011-05-04 Version: 5.7-3
+	* rgenoud.Rd: Update for Journal of Statistical Software
+	* inst/CITATION: Final update for Journal of Statistical Software
+2011-04-16 Version: 5.7-2
+	* inst/CITATION: Updated for Journal of Statistical Software
+2010-08-26 Version: 5.7-1
+	* operators.cpp: Fixed boundary issue for integer optimization
+	(when 'data.type.int=TRUE') created by changes in the GNU CC
+	compiler, operators P3,P4,P5,P7 were affected.
+	* evaluate.cpp: See above and corrected printing of population means and variances when doing integer optimization.
+	* genound.h: See above
+	* print_format.cpp: Changed longs to ints to prevent warnings produced by the call to fscanf() in the ReadPopulation() file.
+2010-06-01  Version: 5.6-7
+	* rgenoud.R: Improved handling of the parent environment when 	the 'transform' option is used
+	* operators.ccp: Fixed boundary issue for the integer version of the Polytope Crossover operator (P5 and function JaIntegeroper4).
+2009-08-14  Version: 5.6-6
+	* rgenoud.Rd: Improved the documentation of the 'transform' option.
+2009-08-07  Version: 5.6-5
+	* rgenoud.Rnw: created vignette file to generate rgenoud.pdf,
+          rgenoud.tex and rgenoud.R. Support files also added---i.e.,
+          rgenoud.bib and figures in the inst/doc/Figures directory
+          added.
+	* COPYRIGHTS: file added
+	* COPYING: file added
+	* THANKS: file added
+2009-08-06  Version: 5.6-4 
+	* evaluate.cpp: Adds boundary checking for the parameters returned
+	by the 'transform' option.  For the transform option, only         checks bounds in generation 0 because of computational efficiency
+	concerns. The standard bounds checking remains unchanged.
+	* genoud.Rd: Documentation updated to reflect above.
+2009-08-04  Version: 5.6-3 
+	* print_format.cpp: Corrects issue when 'share.type=1' and
+	'starting.values' are provided. 
+	* evaluate.cpp and multiple other files: Some warning messages are
+	now simply notes.
+2009-08-03  Version: 5.6-2 
+	* multiple files: optim() can now be called by any valid method
+	using the 'optim.method' option: namely one of "BFGS", "L-BFGS-B",
+	"Nelder-Mead", "CG", or "SANN".
+	* rgenoud.R: The error checking of user provided starting 	values has been improved.
+2009-08-03  Version: 5.6-1 
+	* multiple files: Major revision. Adds the transform option 	which is required by the FAiR package by Ben Goodrich
+	<goodrich at fas.harvard.edu>.  
+	* pint_format.cpp: share.type=1 works correctly again.  
+	* multiple files: Printing is cleaning up when share.type=1, 	and relevant warning messages are improved.
+2009-03-13  Version: 5.5-1 
+	* genoud.Rd: Corrected formatting issues in the help page. 
+	* evaluate.cpp: Corrected overloading ambiguity between
+	"std::fmod(double, double)" and "std::fmod(long double, long
+	double)" which prevented building on Solaris.
+2008-01-04  Version: 5.4-7
+	* evaluate.cpp, rgenoud.cpp: The 'BFGSburnin' option may now be
+	set to a negative value.  If \code{BFGSburnin < 0}, the BFGS will
+	be used if and when \code{wait.generations} is doubled because at
+	least one gradient is too large, which can only occur when
+	\code{gradient.check = TRUE}. Note that 'BFGSburnin' was an option
+	added in version 5.3-3. Premature use of the BFGS can lead to
+	convergence to a local minimum instead of the global one.  This
+	option allows the user to control how many generations are run
+	before the BFGS is started.  This option delays the use of both
+	the BFGS on the best individual and of the P9 operator.
+	* multiple files: Better interrupt handling. When genoud is
+	interrupted, it now prints a message on how to recover the best
+	individual found so far.
+	* multiple files: Helper function of analytical gradients is
+	enabled.  Better checking to make sure that input parameters are
+	legal.  
+	* rgenoud.R and other files: User may now pass in "control" (a
+	list of control parameters) for optim including control$fnscale.
+	* rgenoud.Rd: Updated rgenoud.Rd project.path description. It is
+	now noted in genoud.Rd that with boundary.enforcement=2, no
+	out-of-bounds evaluations will ever be requested. In this case,
+	boundary enforcement is also applied to the BFGS algorithm, which
+	prevents candidates from straying beyond the bounds defined by
+	\code{Domains}. Note that this forces the use of the "L-BFGS-B"
+	algorithm for \code{\link[stats]{optim}}.  This algorithm requires
+	that all fit values and gradients be defined and finite for all
+	function evaluations.  If this causes an error, it is suggested
+	that the "BFGS" algorithm be used instead by setting
+	\code{boundary.enforcement=1}.
+2007-11-19  Version: 5.3-4
+	* multiple files: Made some changes for the Portland Group
+	Compiler (pgCC).  Converted some longs to ints.
+2007-10-18  Version: 5.3-3
+	* multiple files: A number of starting values can now be provided
+	by passing a matrix to the 'starting.values' option.
+	* multiple files: A new option has been added named 'BFGSburnin'
+	which control the number of generations which are run before the
+	BFGS is first used. Premature use of the BFGS can lead to
+	convergence to a local minimum instead of the global one.  This
+	option allows the user to control how many generations are run
+	before the BFGS is started.  This option delays the use of both
+	the BFGS on the best individual and of the P9 operator.
+	* rgenoud.R: The dimensions of the 'Domains' object are now
+	checked both if they have the correct number of dimensions and if
+	the values are sane.
+	* evaluate.cpp and other files: Fixed warnings in gcc >4.2:
+	evaluate.cpp:304: warning: deprecated conversion from string
+	constant to 'char*'
+	* evaluate.cpp: Fixed a MemoryMatrix issue with
+	data.type.int=TRUE. MemoryMatrix now gives the same results as
+	!MemoryMatrix.  The issues was that the number of UniquePairs that
+	were hunted down for P6 and P8 were different between the two
+	setups.
+2007-08-04  Version: 5.1-14
+	* multiple files: Minor changes.  Changed #includes so that the
+	package now compiles with Sun Studio compilers: extern "C" is not
+	needed for R header files. Added a regression suite to the "tests"
+	directory.
+2007-03-23  Version: 5.1-9
+	Major changes: 
+	* multiple files: Lexical searching now allows for one of the fit
+	functions to be optimized by the derivative based optimizer.  This
+	functionality is made available via the "BFGSfn" option.  Also see
+	the "BFGShelp" option.
+	* multiple files: The 9th operator which takes the convex
+	combination of the parent and its BFGS fit can now by tuned via
+	the "P9mix" option.  If this is set to equal 1, then the BFGS fit
+	is simply used.
+	Minor changes:
+	* multiple files: If BFGS results in out-of-bounds individuals,
+	warning is only printed if print.level > 1
+2007-02-20  Version: 5.0-5
+	* zzz.R: Prints version and build date on load.
+	* rgenoud.R: If starting values are provided and the lexical
+	option is TRUE, then the starting values instead of domains[,1]
+	are used to figure out how many return fits the function provides.
+2007-02-11  Version: 5.0-2
+	* genoud.Rd: Improved documentation file.
+2007-01-30  Version: 5.0-1
+	* evaluate.cpp: remove needless if statement in evaluate.cpp
+2007-01-30  Version: 5.0-0
+	* genoud.Rd: Multiple point crossover now accurately called simple crossover in docs
+	* operators.cpp: corrected whole mutation to actually do whole mutation
+	* evaluate.cpp: fixed minor no improvement bug which involved going from gen0 to gen1
+	* multiple files: simplified printing
+	Copyright 1997-2012 Walter R. Mebane, Jr. and Jasjeet S. Sekhon.
+	Copying and distribution of this file, without modification, are
+	permitted provided the copyright notice and this notice are
+	preserved.
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc77ff0
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Package: rgenoud
+Version: 5.7-12.4
+Date: 2015-07-19
+Title: R Version of GENetic Optimization Using Derivatives
+Author: Walter R. Mebane, Jr. <wmebane at umich.edu>,
+ Jasjeet Singh Sekhon <sekhon at berkeley.edu> 
+Maintainer: Jasjeet Singh Sekhon <sekhon at berkeley.edu>
+Description: A genetic algorithm plus derivative optimizer.
+Depends: R (>= 2.15), utils
+Suggests: parallel
+License: GPL-3
+URL: http://sekhon.berkeley.edu/rgenoud/
+NeedsCompilation: yes
+Packaged: 2015-07-20 00:50:19 UTC; jas
+Repository: CRAN
+Date/Publication: 2015-07-20 09:24:29
diff --git a/INDEX b/INDEX
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9f6735
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INDEX
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+genoud                  GENetic Optimization Using Derivatives
diff --git a/MD5 b/MD5
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83a7bee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MD5
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+03031d7393b444fb126b60b64e11fb87 *ChangeLog
+011cd745379495c2173b8c558a21430e *DESCRIPTION
+7041fdf1d47575612a5530f22815c74b *INDEX
+d0e648e7a542fefef8ded0093a377d0c *NAMESPACE
+e876d80633dfbe62bc02b1bfac2182cc *R/rgenoud.R
+1a33ab1680d185e8ac27ccbfee0a69c5 *R/zzz.R
+5b89fbb8f5ded1292c887abd380d9ed3 *THANKS
+b4e36fbfec752be4e34ac7be2a1df462 *build/vignette.rds
+c1555556931726b8c05fb5eca07023ed *inst/CITATION
+fc974e2bc8d4159f9ef7c20f2e4d2d40 *inst/doc/Figures/fig1.pdf
+c1c87156136ee41de970e4fce41fe4ed *inst/doc/Figures/lqdxmpl2B.pdf
+301934099bc3c999ad3b509374fccd7f *inst/doc/rgenoud.R
+688f42dd89519765ad82e2ec6eb8b9ce *inst/doc/rgenoud.Rnw
+6da32365e697f8c1d280b3bf1c346ef2 *inst/doc/rgenoud.bib
+5ff472c622145eb456da868ca0c1d987 *inst/doc/rgenoud.pdf
+e9bf210be99470cc4bc1dc2f33d7c6fb *man/genoud.Rd
+9e5f395a8f7532118c723dab203d314d *src/change_order.cpp
+0e2173333529000bcd8a2b2cdceec2c6 *src/eval.cpp
+41e73b115fe52a57d90f9771202ab5e7 *src/evaluate.cpp
+c064f9e6cdb0634bc0062a044f5d1eb6 *src/frange_ran.cpp
+1a9a34c6ab01598c176ef45ec10e5e70 *src/genoud.cpp
+dfa87419e843d8e6fb959e156004c550 *src/genoud.h
+3213f79851150f99629a7e2a1719a7d6 *src/gradient.cpp
+682a4a00ac9b06f5063f248f59989f0d *src/gradient.h
+824d9f5d338ecaa274098127fbfe987b *src/math.cpp
+1ac6ed98c2cb0267453dcdfe1c8029ce *src/multiply.cpp
+62b05e4d2b6ccf20af199dc8db6f4436 *src/numerics.cpp
+1dfcf27b62c83849ee8bd8b361d06e11 *src/operators.cpp
+33b6a2cd3d214a86355fb03ae840034d *src/print_format.cpp
+6232a071dae711bba098c886b76bbdee *src/rgenoud.cpp
+5a028c6ece078d870ee528ca300a9776 *src/unif.cpp
+fa19da33dee62a703d43ed766e8d2985 *src/unif.h
+4ef64fab110b8894a0a4871f34f5692f *src/urans.h
+1bd5ce070de3e38986c27c888120005e *tests/tests.R
+de48b17cafdb9e88eb76e1a6cd7b6074 *tests/tests.Rout.save
+fc974e2bc8d4159f9ef7c20f2e4d2d40 *vignettes/Figures/fig1.pdf
+c1c87156136ee41de970e4fce41fe4ed *vignettes/Figures/lqdxmpl2B.pdf
+688f42dd89519765ad82e2ec6eb8b9ce *vignettes/rgenoud.Rnw
+6da32365e697f8c1d280b3bf1c346ef2 *vignettes/rgenoud.bib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f478ebf
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/R/rgenoud.R b/R/rgenoud.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba96a3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/rgenoud.R
@@ -0,0 +1,1543 @@
+#  Walter R. Mebane, Jr.
+#  University of Michigan
+#  http://www-personal.umich.edu/~wmebane
+#  <wmebane at umich.edu>
+#  Jasjeet Singh Sekhon 
+#  UC Berkeley
+#  http://sekhon.berkeley.edu
+#  <sekhon at berkeley.edu>
+genoud <- function(fn, nvars, max=FALSE, pop.size=1000, max.generations=100, wait.generations=10,
+                   hard.generation.limit=TRUE, starting.values=NULL, MemoryMatrix=TRUE, 
+                   Domains=NULL, default.domains=10, solution.tolerance=0.001,
+                   gr=NULL, boundary.enforcement=0, lexical=FALSE, gradient.check=TRUE, BFGS=TRUE, 
+                   data.type.int=FALSE, hessian=FALSE, unif.seed=812821, int.seed=53058,
+                   print.level=2, share.type=0, instance.number=0,
+                   output.path="stdout", output.append=FALSE, project.path=NULL, 
+                   P1=50, P2=50, P3=50, P4=50, P5=50, P6=50, P7=50, P8=50, P9=0,
+                   P9mix=NULL, BFGSburnin=0, BFGSfn=NULL, BFGShelp = NULL,
+                   control = list(), optim.method=ifelse(boundary.enforcement < 2, "BFGS", "L-BFGS-B"),
+                   transform=FALSE, debug=FALSE, cluster=FALSE, balance=FALSE,  ...)
+  if (transform!=FALSE & transform!=TRUE)
+    {
+      warning("'transform' must be TRUE or FALSE.  Setting to FALSE")
+      transform <- FALSE
+    }
+  if(transform) {
+    return(do.call(what  = genoud_transform,
+                   args  = as.list(match.call())[-1],
+                   quote = FALSE,
+                   envir = parent.frame()))
+  }
+  if(!is.null(BFGShelp) && !is.function(BFGShelp)) stop("'BFGShelp' must be NULL or a function")
+  #These used to be option. From >5.7-3, they are no longer available
+  #because R CMD check complains about calls to 'stdout'
+  if (output.path!="stdout")
+    {
+      output.path <- "stdout"              
+      warning("'output.path' can no longer be changed. Please use 'sink'. Option is only provided for backward compatibility of the API.")
+    }
+  if(output.append!=FALSE)
+    {
+      output.append <- FALSE
+      warning("'output.append' can no longer be changed. Please use 'sink'. Option is only provided for backward compatibility of the API.")      
+    }
+  if(!is.null(P9mix) && !is.double(P9mix))  {
+    stop("'P9mix' must be NULL or a number between 0 and 1")
+  } else {
+    if(is.null(P9mix)) {
+      P9mix <- -1
+    } else {
+      if(! ( (1 >= P9mix) && (P9mix > 0) ))
+        stop("'P9mix' must be NULL or a number between 0 and 1 (it may be equal to 1)")
+    }
+  }
+  if( (BFGSburnin < 0) & !gradient.check )
+    {
+      warning("If 'BFGSburnin' is negative, gradient.check must be TRUE for 'BFGSburnin' to have any effect.")
+    }
+  if(!is.list(control))
+    stop("'control' must be a list, see ?optim")
+    g.scale <- control$fnscale
+    if(!is.null(g.scale)) {
+      if(g.scale > 0 & max) {
+        stop("positive control$fnscale is inconsistent with maximization")
+      }
+      else if(g.scale < 0 & !max) {
+        stop("negative control$fnscale is inconsistent with minimization")
+      }
+      else if(g.scale == 0) {
+        stop("optim divides the function value by control$fnscale ",
+             "setting control$fnscale to zero is therefore impossible")
+      }
+      FiniteBadFitValue <- ifelse(max, -.Machine$double.xmax, .Machine$double.xmax)
+    }
+    else { # NULL g.scale
+      if (max == FALSE) {
+        g.scale <- 1
+        FiniteBadFitValue <- .Machine$double.xmax
+      }
+      else {
+        g.scale <- -1
+        FiniteBadFitValue <- -.Machine$double.xmax
+      }
+    }
+    control$fnscale <- g.scale
+  if(!lexical & !is.null(BFGSfn))
+    {
+      stop("'BFGSfn' can only be provided with lexical optimization or when 'transform=TRUE'")
+    }
+  if (!is.null(BFGSfn) & BFGS==FALSE)
+    {
+      if (!is.function(BFGSfn))
+        stop("IF 'BFGSfn' is not a function, it must be NULL")
+      warning("setting BFGS==TRUE because 'BFGSfn' is not null")
+      BFGS <- TRUE
+    }
+  fn1 <- function(par) {
+    fit <- fn(par, ...)
+    if(is.null(fit))
+      fit <- FiniteBadFitValue
+    if(length(fit)==1)
+      if(!is.finite(fit))
+        fit <- FiniteBadFitValue
+    return(fit)
+  }#end of fn1
+  if(!is.null(BFGShelp)) {
+      if (!is.null(gr)) {
+        gr1 <- function(par, helper = do.call(BFGShelp, 
+					args = list(initial = par, done = TRUE))) {
+				gr(par, helper, ...)
+			}
+      } else gr1 <- NULL
+  }
+  else {  
+    if (!is.null(gr)) {
+           gr1 <- function(par) gr(par, ...)
+    } else gr1 <- NULL
+  }
+  #setpath to tempdir
+  if(is.null(project.path))
+    {
+      project.path <- file.path(tempdir(), "genoud.pro")
+    }
+  #do we have stating values?
+  if (is.null(starting.values)) {
+    nStartingValues <- 0;
+  }
+  else if(is.matrix(starting.values)) {
+    if(any(dim(starting.values) == nvars)) {
+      if(nrow(starting.values) == nvars & ncol(starting.values) !=nvars) starting.values <- t(starting.values)
+       nStartingValues <- nrow(starting.values)
+       if(nStartingValues > pop.size) {
+         warning("increasing 'pop.size' because too many starting.values were provided")
+         pop.size <- nStartingValues
+       }
+    }
+    else {
+      warning("ignoring 'starting.values' because the wrong number of parameters was provided")
+      nStartingValues <- 0
+    }
+  }
+  else if(is.numeric(starting.values) | is.logical(starting.values)) {
+    nStartingValues <- 1;
+    if(length(starting.values)!=nvars)
+      {
+        nStartingValues <- 0
+        warning("Ignoring 'starting.values' because length(staring.values)!=nvars")
+      }
+    else starting.values <- matrix(starting.values, nrow = 1)
+  }
+  else stop("starting.values must be NULL, a vector, or a matrix")
+  #set output.type
+  if (output.path=="stdout")
+    {
+      output.type <- 0;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      if (output.append)
+        {
+          output.type <- 2;
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          output.type <- 1;
+        }
+    }
+  # let's create the Domains if none have been passed.
+  if (!(is.matrix(Domains)))
+    {
+      Domains <- matrix(nrow=nvars, ncol=2);
+      for (i in 1:nvars)
+        {
+          Domains[i,1] <- -1*default.domains;
+          Domains[i,2] <- default.domains;
+        } # end of for loop
+    } 
+  else if(nrow(Domains) != nvars) {
+    stop("number of rows in Domains must match 'nvars'")
+  }
+  else if(ncol(Domains) != 2) {
+    stop("number of cols in Domains must be 2")
+  }
+  if(!all(Domains[,1] <= Domains[,2])) {
+    stop("Domains[,1] must be less than or equal to Domains[,2]")
+  }
+  if(any(Domains[,1] == Domains[,2])) {
+    warning("some Domains[,1]==Domains[,2]")
+  }  
+  # BG: now check all starting values are sane
+  if(nStartingValues > 0 && any(is.na(starting.values))) {
+	stop("Some starting values are NA")
+  }
+  if(nStartingValues > 0 && boundary.enforcement != 0 && 
+     !all(apply(starting.values, 1, FUN = function(x) 
+               Domains[,1] <= x & x <= Domains[,2])) )
+        warning("'starting.values' which are outside of the bounds have been provided.
+           Continuing, but unexpected behavior can occur with 'boundary.enforcement!=0'")
+  # has the user provided any seeds?
+  if (unif.seed==812821 && int.seed==53058)
+    provide.seeds <- FALSE
+  else
+    provide.seeds <- TRUE;
+  #if lexical==TRUE we need to know how many items will be returned
+  if (lexical < 0)
+    {
+      warning("lexical < 0.  Resetting to FALSE\n")
+      lexical <- 0
+    }
+  if (lexical>=1) 
+    {
+      #creating visible binding for variable "indx"; although it is
+      #actually defined in fnLexicalSort() via an eval and paste
+      if (!exists("indx"))
+        {
+          indx <- NULL; rm(indx)
+        }
+      if(share.type > 0) {
+        warning("'share.type' being set to 0 because of lexical optimization")
+        share.type <- 0
+      }
+      if(nStartingValues)
+        {
+          foo <- fn1(starting.values[1,])          
+        } else {
+          rfoo <- stats::runif(nrow(Domains), Domains[,1], Domains[,2])
+          if(data.type.int)
+            rfoo <- as.integer(round(rfoo))
+          foo <- fn1(rfoo)          
+        }
+	foo.length <- length(as.vector(foo))
+	if(lexical > 1 && foo.length != lexical) {
+	  warning(paste("Function returns a vector of length", foo.length, 
+                        "\nbut you specified lexical =", lexical))
+	}
+        if(foo.length == 1) {
+          lexical <- 0
+          warning("you specified lexical = TRUE but the function returns a scalar")
+	}
+        else lexical <- foo.length
+    }
+  else foo.length <- 1
+  if (lexical > 0)
+    {
+      if(is.null(BFGSfn))
+         {
+           #All derivative stuff is turned off if we are going to do lexical if BFGSfn is not provided
+           BFGS=FALSE
+           gradient.check=FALSE
+           if(hessian) {
+             warning("'hessian' being set to false because of lexical optimization.  See 'BFGSfn' for workaround")
+             hessian=FALSE             
+           }
+           P9 = 0
+         } else {
+             if(!is.null(BFGShelp)) {
+               fn1.bfgs <-  function(par, helper = do.call(BFGShelp, 
+                                     args = list(initial = par, done = TRUE), 
+                                     envir = environment(fn))) {
+                 fit <- BFGSfn(par, helper, ...) 
+                 if(is.null(fit)) fit <- FiniteBadFitValue
+                 if(length(fit)==1) if(!is.finite(fit)) fit <- FiniteBadFitValue
+                 return(fit)
+               }#end of fn1.bfgs
+             } else {
+               fn1.bfgs <-  function(par) {
+                 fit <- BFGSfn(par, ...) 
+                 if(is.null(fit)) fit <- FiniteBadFitValue
+                 if(length(fit)==1) if(!is.finite(fit)) fit <- FiniteBadFitValue
+                 return(fit)
+               }#end of fn1.bfgs
+             } # end else
+           if(is.null(gr)) {
+             gr <- function(par, helper = NA, ...)
+               {
+                  gr.fn1.bfgs <- function(par, helper, FBFV) {
+                    fit <- if(is.null(BFGShelp)) BFGSfn(par, ...) else BFGSfn(par, helper, ...) 
+                    if(is.null(fit))
+                      fit <- FBFV
+                    if(length(fit)==1)
+                      if(!is.finite(fit))
+                        fit <- FBFV
+                    return(fit)
+                  }  # end of gr.fn1.bfgs               
+                 genoud.wrapper101.env <- new.env()
+                 assign("x", par, envir = genoud.wrapper101.env)
+                 assign("helper", helper, envir = genoud.wrapper101.env)
+                 assign("FiniteBadFitValue", FiniteBadFitValue, envir = genoud.wrapper101.env)
+                 foo <- as.double(attr(stats::numericDeriv(quote(gr.fn1.bfgs(x, helper, FiniteBadFitValue)), theta=c("x"), genoud.wrapper101.env), "gradient"))
+                 return(foo)
+               } #end of gr
+             gr1 <- if(is.null(BFGShelp)) function(par, ...) gr(par) else
+                    function(par, helper = do.call(BFGShelp, args = list(initial = par,
+					    done = TRUE), envir = environment(fn))) {
+				gr(par, helper, ...)
+			} # end of gr1
+	   } # end of if(!is.null(gr))
+           gr1func <- gr1
+         }# end of else
+    }#if lexical > 0
+  if (lexical==0)
+    lexical <- 1
+  #optim st
+  if(is.null(BFGSfn))
+     {
+       if(optim.method != "L-BFGS-B") {
+         genoud.optim.wrapper101 <- function(foo.vals)
+           {
+             ret <- stats::optim(foo.vals, fn=fn1, gr=gr1, method=optim.method,
+                          control=control);
+             return(c(ret$value,ret$par));
+           } # end of genoud.optim.wrapper101
+       }
+       else {
+         genoud.optim.wrapper101 <- function(foo.vals)
+           {
+             ret <- stats::optim(foo.vals, fn=fn1, gr=gr1, method="L-BFGS-B",
+                          lower = Domains[,1], upper = Domains[,2],
+                          control=control);
+             return(c(ret$value,ret$par));
+           } # end of genoud.optim.wrapper101
+       }
+     } else {
+       if(optim.method != "L-BFGS-B") {
+         genoud.optim.wrapper101 <- function(foo.vals)
+           {
+             if(print.level > 2) {
+               fit <- fn1(foo.vals)
+               cat("\nPre-BFGS Complete Lexical Fit:\n")
+               print(fit)
+             }
+             if(is.null(BFGShelp)) {
+               ret <- stats::optim(foo.vals, fn=fn1.bfgs, gr=gr1, method=optim.method,
+                            control=control);
+             }
+             else {
+               ret <- stats::optim(foo.vals, fn=fn1.bfgs, gr=gr1, method=optim.method,
+                            control=control,
+                            helper = do.call(BFGShelp, args = list(initial = foo.vals), envir = environment(fn)) );
+             }
+             if(print.level > 2)
+               {
+                 cat("BFGS Fit:",ret$value,"\n")
+                 fit <- fn1(ret$par)
+                 cat("Post-BFGS Complete Lexical Fit:\n")
+                 print(fit)
+               }           
+             foo <- c(ret$value,ret$par)
+             return(foo);
+           } # end of genoud.optim.wrapper101
+       } else { # "L-BFGS-B"
+         genoud.optim.wrapper101 <- function(foo.vals)
+           {
+             if(print.level > 2) {
+               fit <- fn1(foo.vals)
+               cat("\nPre-BFGS Complete Lexical Fit:\n")
+               print(fit)
+             }
+             if(is.null(BFGShelp)) {
+               ret <- stats::optim(foo.vals, fn=fn1.bfgs, gr=gr1, method="L-BFGS-B",
+                            lower = Domains[,1],
+                            upper = Domains[,2],
+                            control=control);
+             }
+             else {
+               ret <- stats::optim(foo.vals, fn=fn1.bfgs, gr=gr1, method="L-BFGS-B",
+                            lower = Domains[,1],
+                            upper = Domains[,2],
+                            control=control,
+                            helper = do.call(BFGShelp, args = list(initial = foo.vals), envir = environment(fn)) );
+             }
+             if(print.level > 2)
+               {
+                 cat("BFGS Fit:",ret$value,"\n")
+                 fit <- fn1(ret$par)
+                 cat("Post-BFGS Complete Lexical Fit:\n")
+                 print(fit)
+               }           
+             foo <- c(ret$value,ret$par)
+             return(foo);
+           } # end of genoud.optim.wrapper101
+       } 
+     }
+  # create the P vector
+  P <- vector(length=9, mode="numeric");
+  P[1] <- P1; P[2] <- P2; P[3] <- P3; P[4] <- P4;
+  P[5] <- P5; P[6] <- P6; P[7] <- P7; P[8] <- P8;
+  P[9] <- P9;
+  clustertrigger=1
+  if (is.logical(cluster))
+    {
+      if (cluster==FALSE)  {
+        clustertrigger=0
+      } else {
+        stop("cluster option must be either FALSE, an object of the 'cluster' class (from the 'parallel' package) or a list of machines so 'genoud' can create such an object")
+      }
+    }
+  if(clustertrigger) {
+    parallel.exists = requireNamespace("parallel")
+    if (!parallel.exists) {
+      stop("The 'cluster' feature cannot be used unless the package 'parallel' can be loaded.")
+    }
+  }
+  if(clustertrigger)
+    {
+      if(!MemoryMatrix)
+        {
+          MemoryMatrix = TRUE
+          warning("MemoryMatrix has been set to 'TRUE' because the cluster option has been requested.")
+        }
+      GENclusterExport <- function (cl, list) 
+        {
+          gets <- function(n, v) {
+            assign(n, v)
+            NULL
+          }
+          for (name in list) {
+            parallel::clusterCall(cl, gets, name, get(name))
+          }
+        }
+      ExpandDots  <- function(...)
+        {
+          return(match.call())
+        }      
+      dots  <- ExpandDots(...)
+      if ( (length(dots) > 1) & balance==TRUE)
+        {
+          balance  <- FALSE
+          warning("load balancing has been turned off because the function to be optimized requires extra arguments")
+        }
+      if (class(cluster)[1]=="SOCKcluster" | class(cluster)[1]=="PVMcluster" | class(cluster)[1]=="spawnedMPIcluster" | class(cluster)[1]=="MPIcluster") {
+        clustertrigger=1
+        cl <- cluster
+        GENclusterExport(cl, "fn")
+        GENclusterExport(cl, "fn1")
+      } else {
+        clustertrigger=2
+        cluster <- as.vector(cluster)
+        cat("Initializing Cluster\n")
+        cl <- parallel::makePSOCKcluster(cluster)
+        GENclusterExport(cl, "fn")        
+        GENclusterExport(cl, "fn1")
+      }
+      if (length(cl) < 2 )
+        {
+          stop("You only have one node. You probably should not be using the cluster option")
+        }
+    }
+  fnLexicalSort <- function(mat, parms)
+    {
+      # parms = (1) MinMax, (2) nvars, (3) lexical_end, (4) type (0, vars, 1, obj)
+      decreasing=FALSE
+      if(parms[1]==1)
+        decreasing=TRUE
+      if(parms[4]==0)
+         {
+           #on nvars not on obj function
+           foo = "indx <- order("
+           for(i in (2:(parms[2]+1)) )
+             {
+               foo = paste(foo,"mat[,",i,"], ",sep="")
+             }
+           foo = paste(foo,"mat[,",parms[2]+2,"], ",sep="")
+           foo = paste(foo,"decreasing=FALSE)",sep="")
+           eval(parse(text=foo))
+           mat = mat[indx,]           
+         } else {
+           #lexical on obj function
+           foo = "indx <- order(mat[,1], "
+           for(i in (parms[2]+3):parms[3] )
+             {
+               foo = paste(foo,"mat[,",i,"], ",sep="")
+             }
+           foo = paste(foo,"decreasing=",decreasing,")",sep="")
+           eval(parse(text=foo))
+           mat = mat[indx,]
+         }
+      return(mat)
+    }
+  fnMemoryMatrixEvaluate <- function(Memory, population, parms)
+    {
+      EVALUATE = -93813381
+      MinMax = parms[1]
+      nvars = parms[2]
+      lexical = parms[3]
+      lexical.end = ncol(population)
+      pop.size = nrow(population)
+      vars.indx <- 2:(nvars+1)
+      lexical.indx <- c(1,(nvars+3):lexical.end)
+      if (nrow(Memory) > 1)
+      nevaluate = 0
+      mfunc <- function(pop,memory)
+        {
+          f <- function(...) paste(..., sep=":")
+          a2 <- do.call("f", as.data.frame(pop))
+          b2 <- do.call("f", as.data.frame(memory))          
+          return(match(a2,b2))
+        }
+      population.mat = matrix(population[,vars.indx], ncol=nvars)
+      if (!FIRSTTIME)
+        {
+          Memory.mat = matrix(Memory[,vars.indx], ncol=nvars)
+          match.matrix.indx <- mfunc(population.mat,Memory.mat)
+          for (i in 1:pop.size)
+            {
+              match.indx = match.matrix.indx[i]
+              found.match <- FALSE
+              if ( is.finite(match.indx) )
+                {
+                  #this is needed because mfunc truncates floats (by the call to paste) to 15 digits
+#                  if (all(population.mat[i,]==Memory.mat[match.indx,]))
+#                    {
+                      found.match <- TRUE
+                      population[i,] <- Memory[match.indx,]
+#                    }
+                }
+              if(!found.match)
+                {
+                  if (population[i,nvars+2] != 0) {
+                    population[i,nvars+2] = EVALUATE
+                    nevaluate = nevaluate+1
+                  }
+                }
+            }
+        } else {
+          for (i in 1:pop.size)
+            {
+              population[i,nvars+2] = EVALUATE
+              nevaluate = nevaluate+1
+            }
+        }
+      #evaluation loop
+      if (nevaluate > 0)
+        {
+          eval.indx <- population[,nvars+2]==EVALUATE
+          ret=0
+          if (clustertrigger==0)
+            {
+              in.mat = matrix(population.mat[eval.indx,], ncol=nvars)
+              ret <- matrix(t(apply(in.mat, 1, fn1)), ncol=lexical)
+            } else {
+              if (balance==TRUE) {
+                in.mat = t(matrix(population.mat[eval.indx,], ncol=nvars))
+                cl.in <- as.list(as.data.frame(in.mat))
+                cl.out <- parallel::clusterApplyLB(cl, cl.in, fn1)
+                try(ret <- matrix(t(data.frame(cl.out)), ncol=lexical), TRUE)
+                if (!is.matrix(ret)) {
+                  if (!debug) {
+                    stop("Cluster returned an object which could not be turned into a data.frame.  Cluster may be in bad state.  Please consider restarting it. To see what the cluster returned please turn on the 'debug' option.")
+                  } else {
+                    cat("Cluster returned an object which could not be turned into a data.frame:\n")
+                    print(cl.out)
+                    stop("Cluster may be in bad state.  Please consider restarting it.")
+                  }
+                }
+              } else {
+                in.mat = matrix(population.mat[eval.indx,], ncol=nvars)
+                if(length(cl) > 1 )
+                  {
+                    cl.out = parallel::parRapply(cl, in.mat, fn1)
+                  } else {
+                    stop("You only have one node. Cluster option should not be used")
+                  } 
+                try(ret <- matrix(cl.out, byrow=TRUE, ncol=lexical), TRUE)
+                if (!is.matrix(ret)) {
+                  if (!debug) {
+                    stop("Cluster returned an object which could not be turned into a data.frame.  Cluster may be in bad state.  Please consider restarting it. To see what the cluster returned please turn on the 'debug' option.")
+                  } else {
+                    cat("Cluster returned an object which could not be turned into a data.frame:\n")
+                    print(cl.out)
+                    stop("Cluster may be in bad state.  Please consider restarting it.")
+                  }
+                } 
+              }
+            } # else clustertrigger==0
+          if (lexical < 2)
+            {
+              population[eval.indx,1] = ret[,1]
+            } else {
+              population[eval.indx,lexical.indx] = ret
+            }
+          population[eval.indx,nvars+2] = 0
+          if(!FIRSTTIME)
+            {
+              Memory = rbind(Memory,population[eval.indx,])
+            } else {
+              Memory = matrix(population[eval.indx,], ncol=lexical.end)
+              FIRSTTIME = FALSE
+            }
+        }#end of nevaluate
+      if (lexical > 1)
+        {
+          population <- fnLexicalSort(population, c(MinMax,nvars,lexical.end,1))
+        } else {
+          if (MinMax==0)
+            {
+              population <- population[order(population[,1]),]
+            } else {
+              population <- population[order(population[,1], decreasing=TRUE),]
+            }
+        }
+      return(as.vector(c(nrow(Memory), Memory, population)))
+    } #end of fnMemoryMatrixEvaluate
+  if (!is.null(gr))
+    {
+      UserGradient = TRUE
+      gr1func <- gr1
+    } else {
+      UserGradient = FALSE      
+      gr1func <- function() {}
+    }
+  if(data.type.int)
+    {
+      BFGS = FALSE
+      gradient.check=FALSE
+    }
+  if(is.matrix(starting.values))
+    starting.values <- t(starting.values)
+  #C++ code checks if at least Generation 0 has been run and if
+  #print.level>0 and project.path!="/dev/null".  Otherwise, 'interrupted'
+  #remains FALSE
+  interrupted <- FALSE
+  interrupt.message <- paste("genoud interrupted:\none may recover the best solution found so far by executing")
+  interrupt.expression <- paste("pop <- read.table('",project.path, 
+				"', comment.char = 'G')", sep = "")
+  interrupt.expression2 <- "best <- pop[pop$V1 == 1,, drop = FALSE]"
+  interrupt.expression3 <- paste("very.best <- as.matrix(best[nrow(best), ", 
+				foo.length + 2, ":ncol(best)])", sep = "")
+  on.exit(if(interrupted) cat(interrupt.message, "\n", interrupt.expression, "\n",
+				interrupt.expression2, "\n", interrupt.expression3, "\n"))
+  gout <- .Call("rgenoud", as.function(fn1), new.env(),
+                as.integer(nvars), as.integer(pop.size), as.integer(max.generations),
+                as.integer(wait.generations),
+                as.integer(nStartingValues), as.double(starting.values),
+                as.vector(P), as.matrix(Domains),
+                as.integer(max), as.integer(gradient.check), as.integer(boundary.enforcement),
+                as.double(solution.tolerance), as.integer(BFGS), as.integer(data.type.int),
+                as.integer(provide.seeds), as.integer(unif.seed), as.integer(int.seed),
+                as.integer(print.level), as.integer(share.type), as.integer(instance.number),
+                as.integer(MemoryMatrix), as.integer(debug),
+                as.character(output.path), as.integer(output.type), as.character(project.path),
+                as.integer(hard.generation.limit),
+                as.function(genoud.optim.wrapper101), 
+                as.integer(lexical), as.function(fnLexicalSort), as.function(fnMemoryMatrixEvaluate),
+                as.integer(UserGradient), as.function(gr1func), as.double(P9mix),
+                as.integer(BFGSburnin), as.integer(transform),
+                PACKAGE="rgenoud");
+  indx1 <- 4;
+  indx2 <- (indx1+lexical-1);
+  value=gout[indx1:indx2];
+  indx1 <- indx2+1
+  indx2 <- indx1+nvars-1
+  par = gout[indx1:indx2]
+  indx1 <- indx2+1
+  indx2 <- indx1+nvars-1
+  if(!gradient.check & !BFGS )
+    {
+      gradients= gout[indx1:indx2]
+      gradients = rep(NA, length(gradients))
+    } else {
+      gradients = gout[indx1:indx2]
+    }
+  indx1 <- indx2+1
+  indx2 <- indx1+8
+  operators=gout[indx1:indx2]
+  if (hessian==TRUE)
+    {
+      con <- list(trace = 0, fnscale = g.scale,
+                  parscale = rep.int(1, length(par)), ndeps = rep.int(0.001, length(par)), maxit = 100,
+                  abstol = -Inf, reltol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), alpha = 1,
+                  beta = 0.5, gamma = 2, REPORT = 10, type = 1, lmm = 5,
+                  factr = 1e+07, pgtol = 0, tmax = 10, temp = 10)
+      nm <- names(gout[5:(nvars+4)])
+      if(lexical == 1) {
+        hess.fn <- function(par) fn1(par, ...)
+        hess <- stats::optimHess(par=gout[5:(nvars+4)], fn=fn1, gr=gr1, control=con)
+      }
+      else {
+        help.stuff <- do.call(BFGShelp, args = list(initial = gout[5:(nvars+4)], done = TRUE), 
+                              envir = environment(fn))
+        hess.fn <- function(par, helper = help.stuff) fn1.bfgs(par, helper, ...)
+        hess <- stats::optimHess(par=gout[5:(nvars+4)], fn=hess.fn, gr=NULL, control=con)
+      }
+      hes <- 0.5 * (hess + t(hess))
+      if (!is.null(nm)) dimnames(hes) <- list(nm, nm)
+      ret <- list(value=value, par=par, gradients=gradients,
+                  generations=gout[1], peakgeneration=gout[2], popsize=gout[3],
+                  operators=operators,
+                  hessian=hes)
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      ret <- list(value=value, par=par, gradients=gradients,
+                  generations=gout[1], peakgeneration=gout[2], popsize=gout[3],
+                  operators=operators)
+    }
+  if (clustertrigger==2)
+    parallel::stopCluster(cl)
+  interrupted <- FALSE
+  return(ret)  
+} #end of genoud()
+genoud_transform <- function(fn, nvars, max=FALSE, pop.size=1000, max.generations=100, wait.generations=10,
+                             hard.generation.limit=TRUE, starting.values=NULL, MemoryMatrix=TRUE,
+                             Domains=NULL, default.domains=10, solution.tolerance=0.001,
+                             gr=NULL, boundary.enforcement=0, lexical=FALSE, gradient.check=TRUE, BFGS=TRUE,
+                             data.type.int=FALSE, hessian=FALSE, unif.seed=812821, int.seed=53058,
+                             print.level=2, share.type=0, instance.number=0,
+                             output.path="stdout", output.append=FALSE, project.path=NULL,
+                             P1=50, P2=50, P3=50, P4=50, P5=50, P6=50, P7=50, P8=50, P9=0,
+                             P9mix=NULL, BFGSburnin=0, BFGSfn=NULL, BFGShelp = NULL,
+                             control = list(), optim.method=ifelse(boundary.enforcement < 2, "BFGS", "L-BFGS-B"),
+                             transform=FALSE, debug=FALSE, cluster=FALSE, balance=FALSE,  ...)
+  #wrapper for the transform option. beta changes should go here as well
+  if(data.type.int)
+    stop("transform option cannot be used when 'data.type.int=TRUE'")
+  if(MemoryMatrix)
+    warning("setting MemoryMatrix to FALSE")
+  MemoryMatrix <- FALSE
+  if(!identical(cluster, FALSE)) warning("setting cluster to FALSE")
+  cluster <- FALSE
+  if(!is.null(BFGShelp) && !is.function(BFGShelp)) stop("'BFGShelp' must be NULL or a function")
+  #creating visible binding for variable "indx"; although it is
+  #actually defined in fnLexicalSort() via an eval and paste
+  if (!exists("indx"))
+    {
+      indx <- NULL; rm(indx)
+    }
+  if(!is.null(P9mix) && !is.double(P9mix))  {
+    stop("'P9mix' must be NULL or a number between 0 and 1")
+  } else {
+    if(is.null(P9mix)) {
+      P9mix <- -1
+    } else {
+      if(! ( (1 >= P9mix) && (P9mix > 0) ))
+        stop("'P9mix' must be NULL or a number between 0 and 1 (it may be equal to 1)")
+    }
+  }
+  if( (BFGSburnin < 0) & !gradient.check )
+    {
+      warning("If 'BFGSburnin' is negative, gradient.check must be TRUE for 'BFGSburnin' to have any effect.")
+    }
+  if(!is.list(control))
+    stop("'control' must be a list, see ?optim")
+    g.scale <- control$fnscale
+    if(!is.null(g.scale)) {
+      if(g.scale > 0 & max) {
+        stop("positive control$fnscale is inconsistent with maximization")
+      }
+      else if(g.scale < 0 & !max) {
+        stop("negative control$fnscale is inconsistent with minimization")
+      }
+      else if(g.scale == 0) {
+        stop("optim divides the function value by control$fnscale ",
+             "setting control$fnscale to zero is therefore impossible")
+      }
+      FiniteBadFitValue <- ifelse(max, -.Machine$double.xmax, .Machine$double.xmax)
+    }
+    else { # NULL g.scale
+      if (max == FALSE) {
+        g.scale <- 1
+        FiniteBadFitValue <- .Machine$double.xmax
+      }
+      else {
+        g.scale <- -1
+        FiniteBadFitValue <- -.Machine$double.xmax
+      }
+    }
+    control$fnscale <- g.scale
+  ## BFGSfn can (and probably should) be provided if transform = TRUE
+#   if(!lexical & !is.null(BFGSfn))
+#     {
+#       stop("'BFGSfn' can only be provided with lexical optimization or when 'transform=TRUE'")
+#     }
+  if (!is.null(BFGSfn) & BFGS==FALSE)
+    {
+      if (!is.function(BFGSfn))
+        stop("IF 'BFGSfn' is not a function, it must be NULL")
+      warning("setting BFGS==TRUE because 'BFGSfn' is not null")
+      BFGS <- TRUE
+    }
+  fn1 <- function(par) {
+    fit <- fn(par, ...)
+    if(!is.finite(fit[1])) fit[1] <- FiniteBadFitValue ## only catch [1]
+    return(fit)
+  }
+  if(!is.null(BFGShelp)) {
+      if (!is.null(gr)) {
+        gr1 <- function(par, helper = do.call(BFGShelp,
+					args = list(initial = par, done = TRUE))) {
+				gr(par, helper, ...)
+			}
+      } else gr1 <- NULL
+  }
+  else {
+    if (!is.null(gr)) {
+           gr1 <- function(par) gr(par, ...)
+    } else gr1 <- NULL
+  }
+  #setpath to tempdir
+  if(is.null(project.path))
+    {
+      project.path <- file.path(tempdir(), "genoud.pro")
+    }
+  #do we have stating values?
+  if (is.null(starting.values)) {
+    nStartingValues <- 0;
+  }
+  else if(is.matrix(starting.values)) {
+    if(any(dim(starting.values) == nvars)) {
+      if(nrow(starting.values) == nvars & ncol(starting.values) !=nvars) starting.values <- t(starting.values)
+      nStartingValues <- nrow(starting.values)
+      if(nStartingValues > pop.size) {
+        warning("increasing 'pop.size' because too many starting.values were provided")
+        pop.size <- nStartingValues
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+      warning("ignoring 'starting.values' because the wrong number of parameters was provided")
+      nStartingValues <- 0
+    }
+  }
+  else if(is.numeric(starting.values) | is.logical(starting.values)) {
+    nStartingValues <- 1;
+    if(length(starting.values)!=nvars)
+      {
+        nStartingValues <- 0
+        warning("Ignoring 'starting.values' because length(staring.values)!=nvars")
+      }
+    else starting.values <- matrix(starting.values, nrow = 1)
+  }
+  else stop("starting.values must be NULL, a vector, or a matrix")
+  #set output.type
+  if (output.path=="stdout")
+    {
+      output.type <- 0;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      if (output.append)
+        {
+          output.type <- 2;
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          output.type <- 1;
+        }
+    }
+  # let's create the Domains if none have been passed.
+  if (!(is.matrix(Domains)))
+    {
+      Domains <- matrix(nrow=nvars, ncol=2);
+      for (i in 1:nvars)
+        {
+          Domains[i,1] <- -1*default.domains;
+          Domains[i,2] <- default.domains;
+        } # end of for loop
+    }
+  else if(nrow(Domains) != nvars) {
+    stop("number of rows in Domains must match 'nvars'")
+  }
+  else if(ncol(Domains) != 2) {
+    stop("number of cols in Domains must be 2")
+  }
+  if(!all(Domains[,1] <= Domains[,2])) {
+    stop("Domains[,1] must be less than or equal to Domains[,2]")
+  }
+  if(any(Domains[,1] == Domains[,2])) {
+    warning("some Domains[,1]==Domains[,2]")
+  }
+  # BG: now check all starting values are sane
+  if(nStartingValues > 0 && any(is.na(starting.values))) {
+    stop("Some starting values are NA")
+  }
+  if(nStartingValues > 0 && boundary.enforcement != 0 &&
+     !all(apply(starting.values, 1, FUN = function(x)
+               Domains[,1] <= x & x <= Domains[,2])) )
+        warning("'starting.values' which are outside of the bounds have been provided.
+           Continuing, but unexpected behavior can occur with 'boundary.enforcement!=0'")
+  # has the user provided any seeds?
+  if (unif.seed==812821 && int.seed==53058)
+    provide.seeds <- FALSE
+  else
+    provide.seeds <- TRUE;
+  # we need to know how many items will be returned bf fn()
+  if(nStartingValues)
+        {
+          foo <- fn1(starting.values[1,])
+        } else {
+          rfoo <- stats::runif(nrow(Domains), Domains[,1], Domains[,2])
+          foo <- fn1(rfoo)
+  }
+  foo.length <- length(c(foo))
+  if(foo.length <= nvars) stop("'fn' must return criteria and all transformed parameters")
+  lexical <- foo.length - nvars ## it is possible that lexical == 1 or lexical > 1
+  if (lexical >= 1) ## always TRUE
+    {
+      if(share.type > 0) {
+        warning("'share.type' being set to 0 because of 'transform' option")
+        share.type <- 0
+      }
+      if(is.null(BFGSfn))
+         {
+           #All derivative stuff is turned off if BFGSfn is not provided
+           BFGS <- FALSE
+           gradient.check <- FALSE
+           if(hessian) {
+             warning("'hessian' being set to false because of lexical optimization.  See 'BFGSfn' for workaround")
+             hessian <- FALSE
+           }
+           P9 = 0
+         } else {
+             if(!is.null(BFGShelp)) {
+               fn1.bfgs <-  function(par, helper = do.call(BFGShelp,
+                                     args = list(initial = par, done = TRUE),
+                                     envir = environment(fn))) {
+                 fit <- BFGSfn(par, helper, ...)
+                 if(is.null(fit)) fit <- FiniteBadFitValue
+                 if(length(fit)==1) if(!is.finite(fit)) fit <- FiniteBadFitValue
+                 return(fit)
+               }#end of fn1.bfgs
+             } else {
+               fn1.bfgs <-  function(par) {
+                 fit <- BFGSfn(par, ...)
+                 if(is.null(fit)) fit <- FiniteBadFitValue
+                 if(length(fit)==1) if(!is.finite(fit)) fit <- FiniteBadFitValue
+                 return(fit)
+               }#end of fn1.bfgs
+             } # end else
+           if(is.null(gr)) { ## should we do numerical gradients when transform = TRUE?
+             gr <- function(par, helper = NA, ...)
+               {
+                  gr.fn1.bfgs <- function(par, helper, FBFV) {
+                    fit <- if(is.null(BFGShelp)) BFGSfn(par, ...) else BFGSfn(par, helper, ...)
+                    if(is.null(fit))
+                      fit <- FBFV
+                    if(length(fit)==1)
+                      if(!is.finite(fit))
+                        fit <- FBFV
+                    return(fit)
+                  }  # end of gr.fn1.bfgs
+                 genoud.wrapper101.env <- new.env()
+                 assign("x", par, envir = genoud.wrapper101.env)
+                 assign("helper", helper, envir = genoud.wrapper101.env)
+                 assign("FiniteBadFitValue", FiniteBadFitValue, envir = genoud.wrapper101.env)
+                 foo <- as.double(attr(stats::numericDeriv(quote(gr.fn1.bfgs(x, helper, FiniteBadFitValue)), theta=c("x"), genoud.wrapper101.env), "gradient"))
+                 return(foo)
+               } #end of gr
+             gr1 <- if(is.null(BFGShelp)) function(par, ...) gr(par) else
+                    function(par, helper = do.call(BFGShelp, args = list(initial = par,
+                            done = TRUE), envir = environment(fn))) {
+                                gr(par, helper, ...)
+             } # end of gr1
+           } # end of if(!is.null(gr))
+           gr1func <- gr1
+      }# end of else
+    }#if lexical > 1
+  #optim st
+  if(is.null(BFGSfn))
+     {
+       if(optim.method != "L-BFGS-B") {
+         genoud.optim.wrapper101 <- function(foo.vals)
+           {
+             ret <- stats::optim(foo.vals, fn=fn1, gr=gr1, method=optim.method,
+                          control=control);
+             return(c(ret$value,ret$par));
+           } # end of genoud.optim.wrapper101
+       }
+       else {
+         genoud.optim.wrapper101 <- function(foo.vals)
+           {
+             ret <- stats::optim(foo.vals, fn=fn1, gr=gr1, method="L-BFGS-B",
+                          lower = Domains[,1], upper = Domains[,2],
+                          control=control);
+             return(c(ret$value,ret$par));
+           } # end of genoud.optim.wrapper101
+       }
+     } else {
+       if(optim.method != "L-BFGS-B") {
+         genoud.optim.wrapper101 <- function(foo.vals)
+           {
+             if(print.level > 2) {
+               fit <- fn1(foo.vals)
+               cat("\nPre-BFGS Complete Lexical Fit:\n")
+               print(fit)
+             }
+             if(is.null(BFGShelp)) {
+               ret <- stats::optim(foo.vals, fn=fn1.bfgs, gr=gr1, method=optim.method,
+                            control=control);
+             }
+             else {
+               ret <- stats::optim(foo.vals, fn=fn1.bfgs, gr=gr1, method=optim.method,
+                            control=control,
+                            helper = do.call(BFGShelp, args = list(initial = foo.vals), envir = environment(fn)) );
+             }
+             if(print.level > 2)
+               {
+                 cat("BFGS Fit:",ret$value,"\n")
+                 fit <- fn1(ret$par)
+                 cat("Post-BFGS Complete Lexical Fit:\n")
+                 print(fit)
+               }
+             foo <- c(ret$value,ret$par)
+             return(foo);
+           } # end of genoud.optim.wrapper101
+       } else { # "L-BFGS-B"
+         genoud.optim.wrapper101 <- function(foo.vals)
+           {
+             if(print.level > 2) {
+               fit <- fn1(foo.vals)
+               cat("\nPre-BFGS Complete Lexical Fit:\n")
+               print(fit)
+             }
+             if(is.null(BFGShelp)) {
+               ret <- stats::optim(foo.vals, fn=fn1.bfgs, gr=gr1, method="L-BFGS-B",
+                            lower = Domains[,1],
+                            upper = Domains[,2],
+                            control=control);
+             }
+             else {
+               ret <- stats::optim(foo.vals, fn=fn1.bfgs, gr=gr1, method="L-BFGS-B",
+                            lower = Domains[,1],
+                            upper = Domains[,2],
+                            control=control,
+                            helper = do.call(BFGShelp, args = list(initial = foo.vals), envir = environment(fn)) );
+             }
+             if(print.level > 2)
+               {
+                 cat("BFGS Fit:",ret$value,"\n")
+                 fit <- fn1(ret$par)
+                 cat("Post-BFGS Complete Lexical Fit:\n")
+                 print(fit)
+               }
+             foo <- c(ret$value,ret$par)
+             return(foo);
+           } # end of genoud.optim.wrapper101
+       }
+     }
+  # create the P vector
+  P <- vector(length=9, mode="numeric");
+  P[1] <- P1; P[2] <- P2; P[3] <- P3; P[4] <- P4;
+  P[5] <- P5; P[6] <- P6; P[7] <- P7; P[8] <- P8;
+  P[9] <- P9;
+  ## cluster is coerced to FALSE at the top so none of this matters
+  clustertrigger=1
+  if (is.logical(cluster))
+    {
+      if (cluster==FALSE)  {
+        clustertrigger=0
+      } else {
+        stop("cluster option must be either FALSE, an object of the 'cluster' class (from the 'parallel' package) or a list of machines so 'genoud' can create such an object")
+      }
+    }
+  if(clustertrigger) {
+    parallel.exists = requireNamespace("parallel")
+    if (!parallel.exists) {
+      stop("The 'cluster' feature cannot be used unless the package 'parallel' can be loaded.")
+    }
+  }
+  if(clustertrigger)
+    {
+      if(!MemoryMatrix)
+        {
+          MemoryMatrix = TRUE
+          warning("MemoryMatrix has been set to 'TRUE' because the cluster option has been requested.")
+        }
+      GENclusterExport <- function (cl, list)
+        {
+          gets <- function(n, v) {
+            assign(n, v)
+            NULL
+          }
+          for (name in list) {
+            parallel::clusterCall(cl, gets, name, get(name))
+          }
+        }
+      ExpandDots  <- function(...)
+        {
+          return(match.call())
+        }
+      dots  <- ExpandDots(...)
+      if ( (length(dots) > 1) & balance==TRUE)
+        {
+          balance  <- FALSE
+          warning("load balancing has been turned off because the function to be optimized requires extra arguments")
+        }
+      if (class(cluster)[1]=="SOCKcluster" | class(cluster)[1]=="PVMcluster" | class(cluster)[1]=="spawnedMPIcluster" | class(cluster)[1]=="MPIcluster") {
+        clustertrigger=1
+        cl <- cluster
+        GENclusterExport(cl, "fn")
+        GENclusterExport(cl, "fn1")
+      } else {
+        clustertrigger=2
+        cluster <- as.vector(cluster)
+        cat("Initializing Cluster\n")
+        cl <- parallel::makePSOCKcluster(cluster)
+        GENclusterExport(cl, "fn")
+        GENclusterExport(cl, "fn1")
+      }
+      if (length(cl) < 2 )
+        {
+          stop("You only have one node. You probably should not be using the cluster option")
+        }
+    }
+  fnLexicalSort <- function(mat, parms)
+    {
+      # parms = (1) MinMax, (2) nvars, (3) lexical_end, (4) type (0, vars, 1, obj)
+      decreasing=FALSE
+      if(parms[1]==1)
+        decreasing=TRUE
+      if(parms[4]==0)
+         {
+           #on nvars not on obj function
+           foo = "indx <- order("
+           for(i in (2:(parms[2]+1)) )
+             {
+               foo = paste(foo,"mat[,",i,"], ",sep="")
+             }
+           foo = paste(foo,"mat[,",parms[2]+2,"], ",sep="")
+           foo = paste(foo,"decreasing=FALSE)",sep="")
+           eval(parse(text=foo))
+           mat = mat[indx,]
+         } else {
+           #lexical on obj function
+           foo = "indx <- order(mat[,1], "
+           for(i in (parms[2]+3):parms[3] )
+             {
+               foo = paste(foo,"mat[,",i,"], ",sep="")
+             }
+           foo = paste(foo,"decreasing=",decreasing,")",sep="")
+           eval(parse(text=foo))
+           mat = mat[indx,]
+         }
+      return(mat)
+    }
+  fnMemoryMatrixEvaluate <- function(Memory, population, parms)
+    {
+      stop("this function should not be called when transform = TRUE")
+      EVALUATE = -93813381
+      MinMax = parms[1]
+      nvars = parms[2]
+      lexical = parms[3]
+      lexical.end = ncol(population)
+      pop.size = nrow(population)
+      vars.indx <- 2:(nvars+1)
+      lexical.indx <- c(1,(nvars+3):lexical.end)
+      if (nrow(Memory) > 1)
+      nevaluate = 0
+      mfunc <- function(pop,memory)
+        {
+          f <- function(...) paste(..., sep=":")
+          a2 <- do.call("f", as.data.frame(pop))
+          b2 <- do.call("f", as.data.frame(memory))
+          return(match(a2,b2))
+        }
+      population.mat = matrix(population[,vars.indx], ncol=nvars)
+      if (!FIRSTTIME)
+        {
+          Memory.mat = matrix(Memory[,vars.indx], ncol=nvars)
+          match.matrix.indx <- mfunc(population.mat,Memory.mat)
+          for (i in 1:pop.size)
+            {
+              match.indx = match.matrix.indx[i]
+              found.match <- FALSE
+              if ( is.finite(match.indx) )
+                {
+                  #this is needed because mfunc truncates floats (by the call to paste) to 15 digits
+#                  if (all(population.mat[i,]==Memory.mat[match.indx,]))
+#                    {
+                      found.match <- TRUE
+                      population[i,] <- Memory[match.indx,]
+#                    }
+                }
+              if(!found.match)
+                {
+                  if (population[i,nvars+2] != 0) {
+                    population[i,nvars+2] = EVALUATE
+                    nevaluate = nevaluate+1
+                  }
+                }
+            }
+        } else {
+          for (i in 1:pop.size)
+            {
+              population[i,nvars+2] = EVALUATE
+              nevaluate = nevaluate+1
+            }
+        }
+      #evaluation loop
+      if (nevaluate > 0)
+        {
+          eval.indx <- population[,nvars+2]==EVALUATE
+          ret=0
+          if (clustertrigger==0)
+            {
+              in.mat = matrix(population.mat[eval.indx,], ncol=nvars)
+              ret <- matrix(t(apply(in.mat, 1, fn1)), ncol=lexical)
+            } else {
+              if (balance==TRUE) {
+                in.mat = t(matrix(population.mat[eval.indx,], ncol=nvars))
+                cl.in <- as.list(as.data.frame(in.mat))
+                cl.out <- parallel::clusterApplyLB(cl, cl.in, fn1)
+                try(ret <- matrix(t(data.frame(cl.out)), ncol=lexical), TRUE)
+                if (!is.matrix(ret)) {
+                  if (!debug) {
+                    stop("Cluster returned an object which could not be turned into a data.frame.  Cluster may be in bad state.  Please consider restarting it. To see what the cluster returned please turn on the 'debug' option.")
+                  } else {
+                    cat("Cluster returned an object which could not be turned into a data.frame:\n")
+                    print(cl.out)
+                    stop("Cluster may be in bad state.  Please consider restarting it.")
+                  }
+                }
+              } else {
+                in.mat = matrix(population.mat[eval.indx,], ncol=nvars)
+                if(length(cl) > 1 )
+                  {
+                    cl.out = parallel::parRapply(cl, in.mat, fn1)
+                  } else {
+                    stop("You only have one node. Cluster option should not be used")
+                  }
+                try(ret <- matrix(cl.out, byrow=TRUE, ncol=lexical), TRUE)
+                if (!is.matrix(ret)) {
+                  if (!debug) {
+                    stop("Cluster returned an object which could not be turned into a data.frame.  Cluster may be in bad state.  Please consider restarting it. To see what the cluster returned please turn on the 'debug' option.")
+                  } else {
+                    cat("Cluster returned an object which could not be turned into a data.frame:\n")
+                    print(cl.out)
+                    stop("Cluster may be in bad state.  Please consider restarting it.")
+                  }
+                }
+              }
+            } # else clustertrigger==0
+          if (lexical < 2)
+            {
+              population[eval.indx,1] = ret[,1]
+            } else {
+              population[eval.indx,lexical.indx] = ret
+            }
+          population[eval.indx,nvars+2] = 0
+          if(!FIRSTTIME)
+            {
+              Memory = rbind(Memory,population[eval.indx,])
+            } else {
+              Memory = matrix(population[eval.indx,], ncol=lexical.end)
+              FIRSTTIME = FALSE
+            }
+        }#end of nevaluate
+      if (lexical > 1)
+        {
+          population <- fnLexicalSort(population, c(MinMax,nvars,lexical.end,1))
+        } else {
+          if (MinMax==0)
+            {
+              population <- population[order(population[,1]),]
+            } else {
+              population <- population[order(population[,1], decreasing=TRUE),]
+            }
+        }
+      return(as.vector(c(nrow(Memory), Memory, population)))
+    } #end of fnMemoryMatrixEvaluate
+  if (!is.null(gr))
+    {
+      UserGradient = TRUE
+      gr1func <- gr1
+    } else {
+      UserGradient = FALSE
+      gr1func <- function() {}
+    }
+  ## impossible
+  if(data.type.int)
+    {
+      BFGS = FALSE
+      gradient.check=FALSE
+    }
+  if(is.matrix(starting.values))
+    starting.values <- t(starting.values)
+  #C++ code checks if at least Generation 0 has been run and if
+  #print.level>0 and project.path!="/dev/null".  Otherwise, 'interrupted'
+  #remains FALSE
+  interrupted <- FALSE
+  interrupt.message <- paste("genoud interrupted:\none may recover the best solution found so far by executing")
+  interrupt.expression <- paste("pop <- read.table('",project.path,
+				"', comment.char = 'G')", sep = "")
+  interrupt.expression2 <- "best <- pop[pop$V1 == 1,, drop = FALSE]"
+  interrupt.expression3 <- paste("very.best <- as.matrix(best[nrow(best), ",
+				foo.length + 2, ":ncol(best)])", sep = "")
+  on.exit(if(interrupted) cat(interrupt.message, "\n", interrupt.expression, "\n",
+				interrupt.expression2, "\n", interrupt.expression3, "\n"))
+  gout <- .Call("rgenoud", as.function(fn1), new.env(),
+                as.integer(nvars), as.integer(pop.size), as.integer(max.generations),
+                as.integer(wait.generations),
+                as.integer(nStartingValues), as.double(starting.values),
+                as.vector(P), as.matrix(Domains),
+                as.integer(max), as.integer(gradient.check), as.integer(boundary.enforcement),
+                as.double(solution.tolerance), as.integer(BFGS), as.integer(data.type.int),
+                as.integer(provide.seeds), as.integer(unif.seed), as.integer(int.seed),
+                as.integer(print.level), as.integer(share.type), as.integer(instance.number),
+                as.integer(MemoryMatrix), as.integer(debug),
+                as.character(output.path), as.integer(output.type), as.character(project.path),
+                as.integer(hard.generation.limit),
+                as.function(genoud.optim.wrapper101),
+                as.integer(lexical), as.function(fnLexicalSort), as.function(fnMemoryMatrixEvaluate),
+                as.integer(UserGradient), as.function(gr1func), as.double(P9mix),
+                as.integer(BFGSburnin), as.integer(transform),
+                PACKAGE="rgenoud");
+  indx1 <- 4;
+  indx2 <- (indx1+lexical-1);
+  value=gout[indx1:indx2];
+  indx1 <- indx2+1
+  indx2 <- indx1+nvars-1
+  par = gout[indx1:indx2]
+  indx1 <- indx2+1
+  indx2 <- indx1+nvars-1
+  if(!gradient.check & !BFGS )
+    {
+      gradients= gout[indx1:indx2]
+      gradients = rep(NA, length(gradients))
+    } else {
+      gradients = gout[indx1:indx2]
+    }
+  indx1 <- indx2+1
+  indx2 <- indx1+8
+  operators=gout[indx1:indx2]
+  if (hessian==TRUE) ## only TRUE if BFGSfn is provided
+    {
+      con <- list(trace = 0, fnscale = g.scale,
+                  parscale = rep.int(1, length(par)), ndeps = rep.int(0.001, length(par)), maxit = 100,
+                  abstol = -Inf, reltol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), alpha = 1,
+                  beta = 0.5, gamma = 2, REPORT = 10, type = 1, lmm = 5,
+                  factr = 1e+07, pgtol = 0, tmax = 10, temp = 10)
+      nm <- names(gout[5:(nvars+4)])
+#       if(lexical == 1) {
+#         hess.fn <- function(par) fn1(par, ...)
+#         hess <- stats::optimHess(par=gout[5:(nvars+4)], fn=fn1, gr=gr1, control=con)
+#       }
+#       else {
+        help.stuff <- do.call(BFGShelp, args = list(initial = gout[5:(nvars+4)], done = TRUE),
+                              envir = environment(fn))
+        hess.fn <- function(par, helper = help.stuff) fn1.bfgs(par, helper, ...)
+        hess <- stats::optimHess(par=gout[5:(nvars+4)], fn=hess.fn, gr=NULL, control=con)
+#       }
+      hes <- 0.5 * (hess + t(hess))
+      if (!is.null(nm)) dimnames(hes) <- list(nm, nm)
+      ret <- list(value=value, par=par, gradients=gradients,
+                  generations=gout[1], peakgeneration=gout[2], popsize=gout[3],
+                  operators=operators,
+                  hessian=hes)
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      ret <- list(value=value, par=par, gradients=gradients,
+                  generations=gout[1], peakgeneration=gout[2], popsize=gout[3],
+                  operators=operators)
+    }
+  if (clustertrigger==2)
+    parallel::stopCluster(cl)
+  interrupted <- FALSE
+  return(ret)
diff --git a/R/zzz.R b/R/zzz.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d8e939
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/zzz.R
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#  Walter R. Mebane, Jr.                                        
+#  Cornell University
+#  http://www-personal.umich.edu/~wmebane
+#  <wmebane at umich.edu>
+#  Jasjeet Singh Sekhon 
+#  UC Berkeley
+#  http://sekhon.berkeley.edu
+#  <sekhon at berkeley.edu>
+#.First.lib <- function(lib, pkg) library.dynam("rgenoud", pkg, lib)
+# use .onLoad instead of .First.lib for use with NAMESPACE and R(>= 1.7.0)
+.onLoad <- function(lib, pkg) {
+  library.dynam("rgenoud", pkg, lib)
+}#end of .onLoad
+.onUnload <- function(libpath) {
+   library.dynam.unload("rgenoud", libpath)
+.onAttach <- function( ... )
+  rgenoudLib <- dirname(system.file(package = "rgenoud"))
+  version <- utils::packageDescription("rgenoud", lib.loc = rgenoudLib)$Version
+  BuildDate <- utils::packageDescription("rgenoud", lib.loc = rgenoudLib)$Date
+  foo <- paste("##  rgenoud (Version ", version, ", Build Date: ", BuildDate, ")\n",
+               "##  See http://sekhon.berkeley.edu/rgenoud for additional documentation.\n",
+               "##  Please cite software as:\n",
+               "##   Walter Mebane, Jr. and Jasjeet S. Sekhon. 2011.\n",
+               "##   ``Genetic Optimization Using Derivatives: The rgenoud package for R.''\n",
+               "##   Journal of Statistical Software, 42(11): 1-26. \n##\n",               
+               sep = "")
+  packageStartupMessage(foo)
diff --git a/THANKS b/THANKS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8316c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/THANKS
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+The authors would like to thank the following people for their help and
+  Ben Goodrich <goodrich at fas.harvard.edu>
+  Erin Hartman <ekhartman at berkeley.edu>
+  Todd Rice <rice.toddm at gmail.com>
+  Jonathan Wand <wand at stanford.edu>
diff --git a/build/vignette.rds b/build/vignette.rds
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3522ed8
Binary files /dev/null and b/build/vignette.rds differ
diff --git a/inst/CITATION b/inst/CITATION
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab1fc3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/CITATION
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+citHeader("To cite 'rgenoud' in publications use:")
+citEntry(entry = "Article",
+  title        = "Genetic Optimization Using Derivatives:  The {rgenoud} Package for {R}",
+  author       = personList(person(c("Walter", "R."), "Mebane, Jr."),
+                   as.person("Jasjeet S. Sekhon")),
+  journal      = "Journal of Statistical Software",
+  year         = "2011",
+  volume       = "42",
+  number       = "11",
+  pages        = "1--26",
+  url          = "http://www.jstatsoft.org/v42/i11/",
+  textVersion  =
+  paste("Walter R. Mebane, Jr.,  Jasjeet S. Sekhon (2011).",
+        "Genetic Optimization Using Derivatives:  The rgenoud Package for R.",
+        "Journal of Statistical Software, 42(11), 1-26.",
+        "URL http://www.jstatsoft.org/v42/i11/.")
+citEntry(header="To refer to the theory on which this package is based, also cite:",
+  entry="Article",
+  title   = "Genetic Optimization Using Derivatives: Theory and Application to Nonlinear Models",
+  author  = personList(as.person("Jasjeet S. Sekhon"),
+                       person(c("Walter", "R."), "Mebane, Jr.")),
+  journal =  "Political Analysis",
+  year    =  "1998",
+  volume  = "7",
+  pages   = "189--213", 
+  textVersion  =
+  paste("Jasjeet S. Sekhon, Walter R. Mebane, Jr.  (1998).",
+        "Genetic Optimization Using Derivatives: Theory and Application to Nonlinear Models",
+        "Political Analysis, 7, 189-213.")
+citFooter("BibTeX entries for LaTeX users: use\n", sQuote('toBibtex(citation("rgenoud"))'))
diff --git a/inst/doc/Figures/fig1.pdf b/inst/doc/Figures/fig1.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ee603f
Binary files /dev/null and b/inst/doc/Figures/fig1.pdf differ
diff --git a/inst/doc/Figures/lqdxmpl2B.pdf b/inst/doc/Figures/lqdxmpl2B.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f8cd43
Binary files /dev/null and b/inst/doc/Figures/lqdxmpl2B.pdf differ
diff --git a/inst/doc/rgenoud.R b/inst/doc/rgenoud.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..593d58e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/doc/rgenoud.R
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+### R code from vignette source 'rgenoud.Rnw'
+### code chunk number 1: rgenoud.Rnw:488-495
+    claw <- function(xx) {
+     x <- xx[1]
+      y <- (0.46*(dnorm(x,-1.0,2.0/3.0) + dnorm(x,1.0,2.0/3.0)) +
+      (1.0/300.0)*(dnorm(x,-0.5,.01) + dnorm(x,-1.0,.01) + dnorm(x,-1.5,.01)) +
+     (7.0/300.0)*(dnorm(x,0.5,.07) + dnorm(x,1.0,.07) + dnorm(x,1.5,.07))) 
+      return(y)
+    }
+### code chunk number 2: rgenoud.Rnw:498-500
+claw1   <- genoud(claw, nvars=1, max=TRUE, pop.size=3000)
+### code chunk number 3: rgenoud.Rnw:855-877 (eval = FALSE)
+## source("supplemental.R")
+## gradcheck <- rep(TRUE,23)
+## gradcheck[6:7] <- FALSE
+## sizeset <- c(5000,10000)
+## genset <- c(30,100)
+## nreps <- 50
+## gsarray <- array(NA, dim=c(length(sizeset), length(genset), 23, nreps))
+## asc <- function(x) { as.character(x) }
+## dimnames(gsarray) <- list(asc(sizeset), asc(genset), NULL, NULL);
+## for (gsize in sizeset) {
+##   for (ngens in genset) {
+##     for (i in 1:23) {
+##       for (j in 1:nreps) {
+##         gsarray[as.character(gsize), as.character(ngens),i,j] <- 
+##           genoud(testfuncs[[i]], nvars=testNparms[i], pop.size=gsize,
+##                max.gen=ngens, hard.gen=TRUE, Domains=testbounds[[i]],
+##                solution.tol=1e-6, boundary=1, gradient.check=gradcheck[i],
+##               print=0)$value
+##       }
+##     }
+##   }
+## }
+### code chunk number 4: rgenoud.Rnw:1020-1027 (eval = FALSE)
+## LQDxmpl <- function(b) {
+##   logistic <- function(x) { 1/(1+exp(-x)) }
+##   sIQR <- function(y, yhat, n) {
+##     IQR((y-yhat)/sqrt(yhat*(n-yhat)), na.rm=TRUE)
+##   }
+##  sIQR(y, m*logistic(x %*% b), m)
+## }
+### code chunk number 5: rgenoud.Rnw:1032-1038 (eval = FALSE)
+## m <- 100
+## x <- cbind(1,rnorm(1000),rnorm(1000))
+## b1 <- c(.5, 1, -1)
+## b2 <- c(0, -1, 1)
+## logistic <- function(x) { 1/(1+exp(-x)) }
+## y <- rbinom(1000, m, logistic(c(x[1:900,] %*% b1, x[901:1000,] %*% b2)))
+### code chunk number 6: rgenoud.Rnw:1047-1048 (eval = FALSE)
+## summary(glm1 <- glm(cbind(y,m-y) ~ x[,2] + x[,3], family="binomial"))
+### code chunk number 7: rgenoud.Rnw:1070-1073 (eval = FALSE)
+## suby <- y[1:900]
+## subx <- x[1:900,]
+## summary(glm2 <- glm(cbind(suby,m-suby) ~ subx[,2] + subx[,3], family="binomial"))
+### code chunk number 8: rgenoud.Rnw:1115-1132 (eval = FALSE)
+## dLQDxmpl <- function(b) {
+##  eps <- 1e-10
+##   logistic <- function(x) { 1/(1+exp(-x)) }
+##   sIQR <- function(y, yhat, n) {
+##     IQR((y-yhat)/sqrt(yhat*(n-yhat)), na.rm=TRUE)
+##   }
+##  dsIQR <- vector()
+##   for (i in 1:length(b)) {
+##    beps <- b
+##     beps[i] <- b[i]+eps
+##     dsIQR <-
+##       c(dsIQR,
+##         (sIQR(y, m*logistic(x %*% beps), m)-
+##           sIQR(y, m*logistic(x %*% b), m))/eps)
+##   }
+##   return(dsIQR)
+## }
+### code chunk number 9: rgenoud.Rnw:1136-1151 (eval = FALSE)
+## blen <- 3
+## lenbseq <- length(bseq <- seq(-2,2,length=200))
+## bseq3 <- seq(-1.2,-.9,length=200)
+## bseq2 <- seq(.89,1.1,length=200)
+## IQRarr <- IQRarrA <- array(NA, dim=c((1+blen), lenbseq, lenbseq))
+## dimnames(IQRarrA) <- list(NULL, as.character(bseq), as.character(bseq))
+## dimnames(IQRarr) <- list(NULL, as.character(bseq2), as.character(bseq3))
+## for (i in 1:lenbseq) {
+##   for (j in 1:lenbseq) {
+##    IQRarrA[1,i,j] <- LQDxmpl(c(.5, bseq[i], bseq[j]))
+##     IQRarrA[-1,i,j] <- dLQDxmpl(c(.5, bseq[i], bseq[j]))
+##     IQRarr[1,i,j] <- LQDxmpl(c(.5, bseq2[i], bseq3[j]))
+##     IQRarr[-1,i,j] <- dLQDxmpl(c(.5, bseq2[i], bseq3[j]))
+##   }
+## }
+### code chunk number 10: rgenoud.Rnw:1154-1165 (eval = FALSE)
+## par(mfrow=c(2,2), lwd=.1)
+## contour(bseq,bseq, IQRarrA[1,,], main="IQR", xlab="b[2]", ylab="b[3]")
+## contour(bseq,bseq, IQRarrA[3,,], main="partial derivative w/r/t b[2]",
+##         xlab="b[2]", ylab="b[3]")
+## loc2 <- (150:160)-5
+## loc3 <- (40:50)+5
+## contour(bseq[loc2],bseq[loc3], IQRarrA[3,loc2,loc3],
+##         main="partial derivative w/r/t b[2]",
+##         xlab="b[2]", ylab="b[3]")
+## contour(bseq2,bseq3, IQRarr[3,,], main="partial derivative w/r/t b[2]",
+##         xlab="b[2]", ylab="b[3]")
+### code chunk number 11: rgenoud.Rnw:1221-1224 (eval = FALSE)
+## LQD1  <-
+##   genoud(LQDxmpl, nvars=3, max=FALSE, pop.size=2000, max.generations=300,
+##         wait.generations=100, gradient.check=FALSE, print=1)
+### code chunk number 12: rgenoud.Rnw:1292-1295 (eval = FALSE)
+## LQD1  <-
+##   genoud(LQDxmpl, nvars=3, max=FALSE, pop.size=10000, max.generations=1000,
+##         wait.generations=300, gradient.check=FALSE, print=1)
diff --git a/inst/doc/rgenoud.Rnw b/inst/doc/rgenoud.Rnw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4b958b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/doc/rgenoud.Rnw
@@ -0,0 +1,1465 @@
+%%My declarations
+\newcommand{\MyPerp}{\perp \! \! \! \perp}
+%% declarations for jss.cls %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%% almost as usual
+\author{Walter R. Mebane, Jr. \\
+  University of Michigan 
+  \And
+  Jasjeet S. Sekhon \\
+  UC Berkeley} 
+%% for pretty printing and a nice hypersummary also set:
+\title{Genetic Optimization Using Derivatives:  The \pkg{rgenoud} Package for \proglang{R}}
+\Plaintitle{Genetic Optimization Using Derivatives:  The rgenoud Package for R}
+\Plainauthor{Walter R. Mebane, Jr., Jasjeet S. Sekhon} %% comma-separated
+\Shorttitle{\pkg{rgenoud}: Genetic Optimization  Using Derivatives in \proglang{R}}
+%% an abstract and keywords
+\Abstract{ This introduction to the \proglang{R} package \pkg{rgenoud}
+  is a modified version of \cite{MebaneJr.+Sekhon:2011}, published in
+  the \textit{Journal of Statistical Software}.  That version of the
+  introduction contains higher resolution figures.
+  \code{genoud} is an \proglang{R} function that combines
+  evolutionary algorithm methods with a derivative-based
+  (quasi-Newton) method to solve difficult optimization problems.
+  \code{genoud} may also be used for optimization problems for which
+  derivatives do not exist.  \code{genoud} solves problems that are nonlinear
+  or perhaps even discontinuous in the parameters of the function to
+  be optimized.  When the function to be optimized (for
+  example, a log-likelihood) is nonlinear in the model's parameters,
+  the function will generally not be globally concave
+  and may have irregularities such as saddlepoints or discontinuities.
+  Optimization methods that rely on derivatives of the objective
+  function may be unable to find any optimum at all.  Multiple local
+  optima may exist, so that there is no guarantee that a
+  derivative-based method will converge to the global optimum.  On the
+  other hand, algorithms that do not use derivative information (such
+  as pure genetic algorithms) are for many problems needlessly poor at
+  local hill climbing.  Most statistical problems are regular in a
+  neighborhood of the solution.  Therefore, for some portion of the
+  search space, derivative information is useful.  The function
+  supports parallel processing on multiple CPUs on a single machine or
+  a cluster of computers.}
+\Keywords{genetic algorithm, evolutionary program, optimization, parallel computing, \proglang{R}}
+\Plainkeywords{genetic algorithm, evolutionary program, optimization, parallel computing, R} %% without formatting
+%% at least one keyword must be supplied
+%% publication information
+%% NOTE: This needs to filled out ONLY IF THE PAPER WAS ACCEPTED.
+%% If it was not (yet) accepted, leave them commented.
+%% The address of (at least) one author should be given
+%% in the following format:
+  Walter R. Mebane, Jr.\\
+%  Professor\\
+  Department of Political Science\\
+  Department of Statistics\\
+  University of Michigan\\
+  Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1045\\
+  E-mail: \email{wmebane at umich.edu}\\
+  URL: \url{http://www.umich.edu/~wmebane} \\ [2ex]
+  Jasjeet S. Sekhon\\
+  Department of Political Science\\
+  Department of Statistics\\  
+ 210 Barrows Hall \#1950\\
+  UC Berkeley\\
+ Berkeley, CA 94720-1950\\
+  E-mail: \email{sekhon at berkeley.edu}\\
+  URL: \url{http://sekhon.berkeley.edu}
+%% It is also possible to add a telephone and fax number
+%% before the e-mail in the following format:
+%% Telephone: +43/1/31336-5053
+%% Fax: +43/1/31336-734
+%% for those who use Sweave please include the following line (with % symbols):
+%% need no \usepackage{Sweave.sty}
+%% end of declarations %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%\VignetteIndexEntry{Using genoud} 
+We developed the \proglang{R} package \pkg{rgenoud} to solve difficult
+optimization problems such as often arise when estimating nonlinear
+statistical models or solving complicated nonlinear, nonsmooth and
+even discontinuous functions.\footnote{The \pkg{rgenoud} software
+  package is available from the Comprehensive \proglang{R}
+  \citep{Rcore} Archive Network at
+  \url{http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=rgenoud}.}  Optimization
+difficulties often arise when the objective function (for instance,
+the log-likelihood) is a nonlinear function of the parameters. In such
+cases the function to be optimized is usually not globally concave.
+An objective function that is not globally concave may have multiple
+local optima, saddle points, boundary solutions or discontinuities.
+While the objective function for a statistical model is often concave
+in a neighborhood of the optimal solution, that neighborhood is often
+a small proportion of the parameter space of potential interest, and
+outside that neighborhood the function may be irregular.  In such
+cases, methods of optimization that depend entirely on derivatives can
+be unreliable and often are virtually unusable.  Newton-Raphson and
+quasi-Newton methods are among the commonly used optimization methods
+that rely completely on derivatives.  Such methods work well when the
+function to be optimized is regular and smooth over the domain of
+parameter values that is of interest, but otherwise the methods often
+fail \citep{GillMurrayWright1981}.  Even in models where such methods
+can be expected to work most of the time, resampling techniques such
+as the bootstrap \citep{EfronTibshirani1994} can generate resamples in
+which derivative-based optimization algorithms encounter severe
+difficulties.  This is unfortunate because the methods most frequently
+used for optimization in problems of statistical estimation are
+entirely based on derivatives.
+The \pkg{rgenoud} package has been used by wide variety of users and
+developers.  More than twelve \proglang{R} packages currently rely upon
+\pkg{rgenoud} including:  
+\pkg{anchors} \citep[analyzing survey data with
+anchoring vignettes,][]{Wand+King:2011,WandKingLau2007,KingWand2007};
+\pkg{BARD} \citep[automated redistricting,][]{Altman+McDonald:2011};
+\pkg{boolean} \citep[boolean binary response models,][]{braumoeller2003,BraumoellerGoodrichKline2006}; 
+\pkg{DiceOptim} \citep[kriging-based optimization for computer experiments,][]{DiceOptim}; 
+\pkg{FAiR} \citep[factor analysis,][]{goodrich.fair}; 
+\pkg{JOP} \citep[simultaneous optimization of multiple responses,][]{JOP}; 
+\pkg{KrigInv} \citep[kriging-based inversion,][]{KrigInv}; 
+\pkg{PKfit} \citep[data analysis in pharmacokinetics,][]{LeeLee2006};
+\pkg{Matching} \citep[propensity score and multivariate matching,][]{SekhonMatching,Sekhon:2011}; 
+\pkg{ivivc} \citep[in vitro-in vivo correlation modeling,][]{ivivc};
+\pkg{multinomRob} \citep[robust multinomial models,][]{MebaneSekhon.multinomRob,MebaneSekhon2004}; and
+\pkg{Synth} \citep[synthetic control group method for comparative case studies,][]{AbadieGardeazabal2003,synth2008,Abadie+Diamond+Hainmueller:2011}.
+We present in Section \ref{sec:examples} an example using benchmark functions
+taken from \citet{yao.liu.lin1999}, followed by an example motivated by the
+\code{multinomRob} package.  The benchmark suite includes functions that are
+high-dimensional, discontinuous or that have many local optima.  The
+\code{multinomRob} package robustly estimates overdispersed multinomial
+regression models and uses \pkg{rgenoud} to solve a least quartile difference
+(LQD) generalized S-estimator \citep{MebaneSekhon2004}.  The LQD is not a
+smooth function of the regression model parameters.  The function is
+continuous, but the parameter space is finely partitioned by nondifferentiable
+In another paper in this volume, the \pkg{Matching} package and its
+use of \pkg{rgenoud} are described in detail \citep{Sekhon:2011}.
+\pkg{Matching} provides functions for multivariate and propensity
+score matching and for finding optimal covariate balance based on a
+genetic search algorithm implemented in \pkg{rgenoud}.  The search
+over optimal matches is discontinuous so no derivatives are
+used.\footnote{The \code{BFGS} option of \code{genoud} is set to
+  \code{FALSE}, and the ninth operator which depends on derivatives is
+  not used.}  The search also involves lexical
+optimization which is a unique feature implemented in
+\pkg{rgenoud}.\footnote{Lexical optimization is useful when there are
+  multiple fitness criteria; the parameters are chosen so as to
+  maximize fitness values in lexical order---i.e., the second fit criterion
+  is only considered if the parameters have the same fit for the
+ first.  See the \code{lexical} option and \citet{Sekhon:2011} for
+  details.  All of \code{genoud}'s options are described in the
+  \proglang{R} help file for the function.}
+%  If one wishes to use such a model,
+%significant optimization difficulties may need to be overcome.  For
+%example, the estimating functions of all of the following models are
+%not in general globally concave: models with multivariate qualitative
+%variables, censoring or endogenous switching
+%\citep{maddala1983,amemiya1985}; linear covariance structures
+%\citep{bollen1989}; models for durations or transitions with
+%unobserved heterogeneity \citep{HeckmanSinger1985,lancaster1990};
+%quasi-likelihood and extended quasi-likelihood models
+%\citep{McCullaghNelder1989} and systems based on such models
+%\citep{FahrmeirTutz1994}; and nonlinear simultaneous equation models
+%\citep{gallant1987}.  For such models, optimization methods driven
+%entirely by derivatives are often unreliable.  For some versions of
+%some of these models, algorithms such as EM that involve data
+%augmentation have been successfully applied to produce optimization
+%problems that derivative-based methods can solve
+The \pkg{rgenoud} package implements an updated and extended version
+of the \proglang{C} program \code{GENOUD} \citep{MebaneSekhon1997}
+described in \citep{SekhonMebane1998}.  The many improvements include
+among other things the interface with \proglang{R}, which includes the
+ability to optimize functions written in \proglang{R}, options to
+optimize both floating point and integer-valued parameters, the
+ability to optimize loss functions which return multiple fitness values
+(lexical optimization), the ability to call \code{genoud} recursively,
+the ability to have the optimizer evaluate fits only for new parameter
+values, and the ability to use multiple computers, CPUs or cores to
+perform parallel computations.
+The \pkg{rgenoud} program combines an evolutionary algorithm with a
+quasi-Newton method.  The quasi-Newton method is the
+Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) method
+\citep[][119]{GillMurrayWright1981} implemented in \proglang{R}'s \code{optim}
+function.  When the BFGS is being used, our program offers the option of using
+either \pkg{rgenoud}'s built-in numerical derivatives (which are based on
+code taken from \citealt[][337--344]{GillMurrayWright1981}) or user-supplied
+analytical derivatives.\footnote{User supplied derivatives may be provides via
+  the \code{gr} option.}  Our program can also work without the BFGS, in which
+case no derivatives are needed and the optimizer will work even when the
+function is discontinuous.  The primary benefit from using derivatives is that
+the algorithm will then quickly find a local optimum when a current set of
+trial solution parameter values is in a smooth neighborhood of the local
+optimum point.  Appropriate use of the BFGS can make the algorithm converge to
+the global optimum much more quickly.  But premature or excessive use of the
+BFGS can prevent convergence to the global optimum.\footnote{The user can
+  control whether \code{genoud} uses the BFGS at all (via the \code{BFGS}
+  option), and if operators that use the BFGS are used (via the \code{P9}
+  option), how often they are used.}  As always, it is hazardous to rely on an
+optimizer's default settings.  Our program does not eliminate the need for
+judgment, testing and patience.
+As Gill, Murray and Wright observe, ``there is no guaranteed strategy that
+will resolve every difficulty'' \citep[285]{GillMurrayWright1981}.  In this article, we very briefly
+review the theory of random search algorithms that supports the assertion that
+\pkg{rgenoud} has a high probability of finding the global optimum when such
+exists.  And we present three examples of how to use the \code{genoud}
+function: to optimize a simple but fiendish scalar Normal mixture model; to
+minimize a suite of benchmark functions that have previously been used to test
+evolutionary programming optimization algorithms; and to optimize a version of
+the only intermittently differentiable LQD estimator.  Additional details on
+both the theory and performance of \code{genoud} can be found in our article
+that describes \code{GENOUD} \citep{SekhonMebane1998}.
+\section{Background on Genetic Optimization}
+An evolutionary algorithm (EA) uses a collection of heuristic rules to
+modify a population of trial solutions in such a way that each
+generation of trial values tends to be, on average, better than its
+predecessor.  The measure for whether one trial solution is better
+than another is the trial solution's fitness value.  In statistical
+applications, the fitness is a function of the summary statistic being
+optimized (e.g., the log-likelihood).  \pkg{rgenoud} works for cases
+in which a solution is a vector of floating-point or integer numbers
+that serve as the parameters of a function to be optimized.  The
+search for a solution proceeds via a set of heuristic rules, or
+\textit{operators}, each of which acts on one or more trial solutions
+from the current population to produce one or more trial solutions to
+be included in the new population. EAs do not require derivatives to
+exist or the function to be continuous in order find the global
+The EA in \pkg{rgenoud} is fundamentally a genetic algorithm (GA) in which
+the code-strings are vectors of numbers rather than bit
+strings, and the GA operators take special forms tuned for the
+floating-point or integer vector representation.  A GA uses a set of randomized
+genetic operators to evolve a finite population of finite code-strings
+over a series of generations
+\citep{holland1975,goldberg1989,GrefenstetteBaker1989}.  The operators
+used in GA implementations vary
+\citep{davis1991,FilhoTreleavenAlippi1994}, but in an analytical sense
+the basic set of operators can be defined as reproduction, mutation,
+crossover and inversion.  The variation in these operators across different
+GA implementations reflects
+the variety of codes best suited for different applications.
+Reproduction entails selecting a code-string with a probability that
+increases with the code-string's fitness value.  Crossover and
+inversion use pairs or larger sets of the selected code-strings to
+create new code-strings.  Mutation randomly changes the values of
+elements of a single selected code-string.
+Used in suitable combinations, the genetic operators tend to improve
+average fitness of each successive generation, though there is no
+guarantee that average fitness will improve between every pair of
+successive generations.  Average fitness may well decline.  But
+theorems exist to prove that parts of the trial solutions that have above average
+fitness values in the current population are sampled at an
+exponential rate for inclusion in the subsequent population
+\citep[][139--140]{holland1975}.  Each generation's population
+contains a biased sample of code-strings, so that a substring's
+performance in that population is a biased estimate of its average
+performance over all possible populations
+The long-run properties of a GA may be understood by thinking of the GA as a
+Markov chain.  A state of the chain is a code-string population of the size
+used in the GA.  For code-strings of finite length and GA populations of
+finite size, the state space is finite.  If such a GA uses random reproduction
+and random mutation, all states always have a positive probability of
+occurring.  A finite GA with random reproduction and mutation is therefore
+approximately a finite and irreducible Markov
+chain.\footnote{\citet[][372--419]{feller1970} and
+  \citet[][107--142]{billingsley1986} review the relevant properties of Markov
+  chains.  The randomness in an actual GA depends on the performance of
+  pseudorandom number generators.  This and the limitations of floating point
+  arithmetic mean it is not literally true that an actual GA has a positive
+  probability of reaching any state from any other state, and some states may
+  in fact not be reachable from a given set of initial conditions.}  An
+irreducible, finite Markov chain converges at an exponential rate to a unique
+stationary distribution \citep[][128]{billingsley1986}.  This means that the
+probability that each population occurs rapidly converges to a constant,
+positive value.  \citet{NixVose1992} and 
+\citet{vose1993} use a Markov chain model to show that in a GA where the
+probability that each code-string is selected to reproduce is proportional to
+its observed fitness, the stationary distribution strongly emphasizes
+populations that contain code-strings that have high fitness values.  They
+show that asymptotic in the population size---i.e., in the limit for a series
+of GAs with successively larger populations---populations that have suboptimal
+average fitness have probabilities approaching zero in the stationary
+distribution, while the probability for the population that has optimal
+average fitness approaches one.  If $k>1$ populations have optimal average
+fitness, then in the limiting stationary distribution the probability for each
+approaches $1/k$.
+The theoretical results of Nix and Vose imply that a GA's success as an
+optimizer depends on having a sufficiently large population of code-strings.
+If the GA population is not sufficiently large, then the Markov chain that the
+GA approximately implements is converging to a stationary distribution in
+which the probabilities of optimal and suboptimal states are not sharply
+distinguished.  Suboptimal populations can be as likely to occur as optimal
+ones.  If the stationary distribution is not favorable, the run time in terms
+of generations needed to produce an optimal code-string will be excessive.
+For all but trivially small state spaces, an unfavorable stationary
+distribution can easily imply an expected running time in the millions of
+generations.  But if the stationary distribution strongly emphasizes optimal
+populations, relatively few generations may be needed to find an optimal
+code-string.  In general, the probability of producing an optimum in a fixed
+number of generations tends to increase with the GA population size.
+  \line(1,0){450}
+\item[\code{P1}] Cloning.  Copy $\mathbf{X}_{t}$ into the next generation,
+  $\mathbf{X}_{t+1}$. 
+\item[\code{P2}] Uniform Mutation.  At random choose $i\in\mathbf{N}$.  Select a value
+  $\tilde{x}_i \sim U(\underline{x}_i, \overline{x}_i)$.  Set
+  $X_i=\tilde{x}_i$.  
+\item[\code{P3}] Boundary Mutation.  At random choose $i\in\mathbf{N}$.  Set either
+  $X_i=\underline{x}_i$ or $X_i=\overline{x}_i$, with probability $1/2$ of
+  using each value.  
+\item[\code{P4}] Non-uniform Mutation.  At random choose $i\in\mathbf{N}$.  Compute
+  $p = (1-t/T)^B u$, where $t$ is the current generation number, $T$ is the
+  maximum number of generations, $B>0$ is a tuning parameter and $u \sim
+  U(0,1)$.  Set either $X_i=(1-p)x_i + p\underline{x}_i$ or $X_i=(1-p)x_i +
+  p\overline{x}_i$, with probability $1/2$ of using each value.    
+\item[\code{P5}] Polytope Crossover.  Using $m=\max(2,n)$ vectors
+  $\mathbf{x}$ from the current population and $m$ random numbers
+  $p_j\in(0,1)$ such that $\sum_{j=1}^m p_j = 1$, set $\mathbf{X} =
+  \sum_{j=1}^m p_j \mathbf{x}_j$. 
+\item[\code{P6}] Simple Crossover.  Choose a single integer $i$ from $\mathbf{N}$.
+  Using two parameter vectors, $\mathbf{x}$ and $\mathbf{y}$, 
+  set $X_i = p x_i + (1-p) y_i$ and $Y_i = p y_i + (1-p)
+  x_i$, where $p\in(0,1)$ is a fixed number. 
+\item[\code{P7}] Whole Non-uniform Mutation.  Do non-uniform mutation for
+  all the elements of $\mathbf{X}$.
+\item[\code{P8}] Heuristic Crossover.  Choose $p \sim U(0,1)$.  Using two parameter
+  vectors, $\mathbf{x}$ and $\mathbf{y}$, compute $\mathbf{z} =
+  p(\mathbf{x} - \mathbf{y}) + \mathbf{x}$.  If $\mathbf{z}$ satisfies
+  all constraints, use it.  Otherwise choose another $p$ value and repeat.
+  Set $\mathbf{z}$ equal to the better of $\mathbf{x}$ and $\mathbf{y}$ if
+  a satisfactory mixed $\mathbf{z}$ is not found by a preset number of
+  attempts.  In this fashion produce two $\mathbf{z}$ vectors.  
+\item[\code{P9}] Local-minimum Crossover.  Choose $p \sim U(0,1)$.
+  Starting with $\mathbf{x}$, run BFGS optimization up to a preset
+  number of iterations to produce $\mathbf{\tilde{x}}$.  Compute
+  $\mathbf{z} = p\mathbf{\tilde{x}} + (1-p)\mathbf{x}$.  If
+  $\mathbf{z}$ satisfies boundary constraints, use it.  Otherwise
+  shrink $p$ by setting $p = p/2$ and recompute $\mathbf{z}$.  If a
+  satisfactory $\mathbf{z}$ is not found by a preset number of
+  attempts, return $\mathbf{x}$.  This operators is extremely
+  computationally intensive, use sparingly. 
+  Notation: \\ [2ex]
+  $\mathbf{X} =\begin{bmatrix}X_1,\dots,X_n\end{bmatrix}$ is the
+  vector of $n$ parameters $X_i$.  $\underline{x}_i$ is the lower
+  bound and $\overline{x}_i$ is the upper bound on values for $X_i$.
+  $x_i$ is the current value of $X_i$, and $\mathbf{x}$ is the current
+  value of $\mathbf{X}$.  $\mathbf{N} = \{1,\dots,n\}$.  $p \sim
+  U(0,1)$ means that $p$ is drawn from the uniform distribution on the
+  $[0,1]$ interval.
+  \caption{`genoud' Operators. Adapted from \citet{SekhonMebane1998}.}
+  \line(1,0){450}
+The evolutionary algorithm in \pkg{rgenoud} uses nine operators that
+are listed in Table~\ref{tab:operators}.  The operators extend and
+modify a set of operators used in \code{GENOCOP}
+\citep{MichalewiczSwaminathanLogan1993, Michalewicz1992}.  The
+operators are numbered using syntax matching that used to refer to
+them by \pkg{rgenoud}.  The \textit{cloning} operator simply makes
+copies of the best trial solution in the current generation
+(independent of this operator, \pkg{rgenoud} always retains one
+instance of the best trial solution).  The \textit{uniform mutation},
+\textit{boundary mutation} and \textit{non-uniform mutation} operators
+act on a single trial solution.  Uniform mutation changes one
+parameter in the trial solution to a random value uniformly
+distributed on the domain specified for the parameter.  Boundary
+mutation replaces one parameter with one of the bounds of its domain.
+Non-uniform mutation shrinks one parameter toward one of the bounds,
+with the amount of shrinkage decreasing as the generation count
+approaches the specified maximum number of generations.  \textit{Whole
+  non-uniform mutation} does non-uniform mutation for all the
+parameters in the trial solution.  \textit{Heuristic crossover} uses
+two trial solutions to produce a new trial solution located along a
+vector that starts at one trial solution and points away from the
+other one.  \textit{Polytope crossover} (inspired by simplex search,
+\citealt[][94--95]{GillMurrayWright1981}) computes a trial solution
+that is a convex combination of as many trial solutions as there are
+parameters.  \textit{Simple crossover} computes two trial solutions
+from two input trial solutions by swapping parameter values between
+the solutions after splitting the solutions at a randomly selected
+point.  This operator can be especially effective if the ordering of
+the parameters in each trial solution is consequential.
+\textit{Local-minimum crossover} computes a new trial solution in two
+steps: first it does a preset number of BFGS iterations starting from
+the input trial solution; then it computes a convex combination of the
+input solutions and the BFGS iterate.
+The only function in the \pkg{rgenoud} package is \code{genoud}.  The
+interface of this function is similar to that of the \code{optim}
+function in \proglang{R}.  But the function has many additional
+arguments that control the behavior of the evolutionary algorithm.
+\subsection{Asymmetric Double Claw:}
+Our first example, which we also studied in \citet{SekhonMebane1998}, is a
+normal mixture called the Asymmetric Double Claw (ADC).  We plot the function
+in Figure~\ref{fig:mixture1}.
+  \caption{Normal Mixture: Asymmetric Double Claw}
+  \vspace{-.5in}
+  \label{fig:mixture1}
+  \begin{center}
+    \includegraphics{fig1.pdf}
+  \end{center}
+  \vspace{-.7in}
+Mathematically, this mixture is defined as
+  \label{eq:adclaw}
+  f_{\mathrm{ADC}} & =
+  \sum_{m=0}^{1} \frac{46}{100} \mathrm{N}\left(2m-1,\frac{2}{3}\right) +
+  \sum_{m=1}^{3} \frac{1}{300} \mathrm{N}\left(\frac{-m}{2},\frac{1}{100}\right) +
+  \sum_{m=1}^{3} \frac{7}{300} \mathrm{N}\left(\frac{m}{2},\frac{7}{100}\right), 
+where N is the normal density.
+The asymmetric double claw is difficult to maximize because there are
+many local solutions.  There are five local maxima in Figure
+\ref{fig:mixture1}.  Standard derivative-based optimizers would
+simply climb up the hill closest to the starting value.
+To optimize this normal mixture we must first create a function for it
+    claw <- function(xx) {
+     x <- xx[1]
+      y <- (0.46*(dnorm(x,-1.0,2.0/3.0) + dnorm(x,1.0,2.0/3.0)) +
+      (1.0/300.0)*(dnorm(x,-0.5,.01) + dnorm(x,-1.0,.01) + dnorm(x,-1.5,.01)) +
+     (7.0/300.0)*(dnorm(x,0.5,.07) + dnorm(x,1.0,.07) + dnorm(x,1.5,.07))) 
+      return(y)
+    }
+And we now make a call to \pkg{rgenoud} using this function:
+claw1   <- genoud(claw, nvars=1, max=TRUE, pop.size=3000)
+The first argument of \code{genoud} is the function to be optimized.  The first
+argument of that function must be the vector of parameters over which
+optimizing is to occur.  Generally, the function should return a
+scalar result.\footnote{The function to be optimized may return a
+  vector if one wishes to do lexical optimization.  Please see
+  the \code{lexical} option to \code{genoud}.}  The second argument of \code{genoud} in this example
+(\code{nvars}) is 
+the number of variables the function to be optimized takes.
+The third argument, \code{max=TRUE}, tells
+\code{genoud} to maximize the function instead of its default behavior
+which is to minimize.
+The fourth option \code{pop.size} controls the most important part
+of the evolutionary algorithm, the population size.  This is the
+number of individuals \code{genoud} uses to solve the optimization
+problem.  As noted in the theoretical discussion, the theorems related
+to evolutionary algorithms are asymptotic in the population size so
+larger is generally better but obviously takes longer.  The maximum
+solution of the double claw density is reliably found by \code{genoud}
+even using the default value of \code{pop.size=1000}.
+Reliability does increase as the \code{pop.size} is made larger.
+Unfortunately, because of the stochastic nature of the algorithm, it
+is impossible to generally answer the question of what is the best
+population size to use.
+Other options determine the maximum number of generations the evolutionary
+algorithm computes.  These options are \code{max.generations},
+\code{wait.generations} and \code{hard.generation.limit}.  The specified
+termination point also affects how some of the operators perform: the two
+non-uniform mutation operators introduce smaller ranges of variation in the
+trial solutions as the generation count approaches the specified
+\code{max.generations} value.  There are many more options that can be used
+to fine-tune the behavior of the algorithm.
+The output printed by \code{genoud} is controlled by a \code{print.level}
+argument.  The default value, \code{print.level=2}, produces relatively
+verbose output that gives extensive information about the set of operators
+being used and the progress of the optimization.  Normally \proglang{R}
+conventions would suggest setting the default to be \code{print.level=0},
+which would suppress output to the screen, but because \code{genoud} runs may
+take a long time, it can be important for the user to receive some feedback to
+see the program has not died and to be able to see where the program got stuck
+if it eventually fails to make adequate progress.
+The output printed by the preceding invocation of \code{genoud}, which uses
+the default value for a \code{print.level} argument, is as follows.
+  \begin{CodeOutput}
+Fri Feb  9 19:33:42 2007
+ -1.000000e+01   <=  X1   <=    1.000000e+01 
+Data Type: Floating Point
+Operators (code number, name, population) 
+        (1) Cloning...........................  372
+        (2) Uniform Mutation..................  375
+        (3) Boundary Mutation.................  375
+        (4) Non-Uniform Mutation..............  375
+        (5) Polytope Crossover................  375
+        (6) Simple Crossover..................  376
+        (7) Whole Non-Uniform Mutation........  375
+        (8) Heuristic Crossover...............  376
+        (9) Local-Minimum Crossover...........  0
+HARD Maximum Number of Generations: 100
+Maximum Nonchanging Generations: 10
+Population size       : 3000
+Convergence Tolerance: 1.000000e-03
+Using the BFGS Derivative Based Optimizer on the Best Individual Each Generation.
+Checking Gradients before Stopping.
+Using Out of Bounds Individuals.
+Maximization Problem.
+GENERATION: 0 (initializing the population)
+Fitness value... 4.112017e-01
+mean............ 4.990165e-02
+variance........ 9.708147e-03
+#unique......... 3000, #Total UniqueCount: 3000
+var 1:
+best............ 9.966758e-01
+mean............ 3.453097e-02
+variance........ 3.373681e+01
+Fitness value... 4.113123e-01
+mean............ 2.237095e-01
+variance........ 2.566140e-02
+#unique......... 1858, #Total UniqueCount: 4858
+var 1:
+best............ 9.995043e-01
+mean............ 4.615946e-01
+variance........ 7.447887e+00
+Fitness value... 4.113123e-01
+mean............ 2.953888e-01
+variance........ 2.590842e-02
+#unique......... 1831, #Total UniqueCount: 21708
+var 1:
+best............ 9.995033e-01
+mean............ 8.403935e-01
+variance........ 5.363241e+00
+Fitness value... 4.113123e-01
+mean............ 2.908561e-01
+variance........ 2.733896e-02
+#unique......... 1835, #Total UniqueCount: 23543
+var 1:
+best............ 9.995033e-01
+mean............ 8.084638e-01
+variance........ 6.007372e+00
+'wait.generations' limit reached.
+No significant improvement in 10 generations.
+Solution Fitness Value: 4.113123e-01
+Parameters at the Solution (parameter, gradient):
+ X[ 1] :        9.995033e-01    G[ 1] : -6.343841e-09
+Solution Found Generation 1
+Number of Generations Run 11
+Fri Feb  9 19:33:45 2007
+Total run time : 0 hours 0 minutes and 3 seconds
+  \end{CodeOutput}
+After printing the date and time of the run, the program prints the domain of
+values it is allowing for each parameter of the function being optimized.  In
+this case the default domain values are being used.  Naturally it is important
+to specify domains wide enough to include the solution.  In practice with
+highly nonlinear functions it is often better to specify domains that are
+relatively wide than to have domains that narrowly and perhaps even correctly
+bound the solution.  This surprising behavior reflects the fact with a highly
+nonlinear function, a point that is close to the solution in the sense of
+simple numerical proximity may not be all that close in the sense of there
+being a short feasible path to get to the solution.
+Next the program prints the Data Type.  This indicates whether the parameters
+of the function to be optimized are being treated as floating point numbers or
+integers.  For more information about this, see the \code{data.type.int}
+The program then displays the number of operators being used, followed by the
+values that describe the other characteristics set for this particular run:
+the maximum number of generations, the population size and the tolerance value
+to be used to determine when the parameter values will be deemed to have
+The output then reports whether BFGS optimization will be applied to the best
+trial solution produced by the operators in each generation.  For problems
+that are smooth and concave in a neighborhood of the global optimum, using the
+BFGS in this way can help \code{genoud} quickly converge once the best trial
+solution is in the correct neighborhood.  This run of \code{genoud} will also
+compute the gradient at the best trial solution before stopping.  In fact this
+gradient checking is used as a convergence check.  The algorithm will not
+start counting its final set of generations (the \code{wait.generations})
+until each element of the gradient is smaller in magnitude than the
+convergence tolerance.  Gradients are never used and BFGS optimization is not
+used when the parameters of the function to be optimized are integers.
+The next message describes how strictly \code{genoud} is enforcing the
+boundary constraints specified by the domain values.  By default
+(\code{boundary.enforcement=0}), the trial solutions are allowed to wander
+freely outside the boundaries.  The boundaries are used only to define domains
+for those operators that use the boundary information.  Other settings of the
+\code{boundary.enforcement} argument induce either more stringent or
+completely strict enforcement of the boundary constraints.  Notice that the
+boundary constraints apply to the parameters one at a time.  To enforce
+constraints that are defined by more complicated functional or data-dependent
+relationships, one can include an appropriate penalty function as part of the
+definition of the function to be optimized, letting that function define an
+extremely high (if minimizing) or low (if maximizing) value to be returned if
+the desired conditions are violated.
+After reporting whether it is solving a minimization or a maximization problem,
+\code{genoud} reports summary statistics that describe the distribution of the
+fitness value and the parameter values across the trial solutions at the end
+of each generation.  In the default case where \code{genoud} is keeping track
+of all the distinct solutions considered over the whole course of the
+optimizing run, these generational reports also include a report of the number
+of unique trial solutions in the current population and the number of unique
+solutions ever considered.  The benefit of keeping track of the solutions is
+to avoid repeatedly evaluating the function being optimized for the
+identical set of parameter values.  This can be an important efficiency when
+function evaluations are expensive, as they can be in statistical applications
+where the data are extensive.  This tracking behavior is controlled by the
+\code{MemoryMatrix} argument.
+Upon convergence, or when the hard maximum generation limit is reached, the
+program prints the fitness value at the best trial solution and that
+solution's parameter values.  In this case the solution was found after one
+generation.  While the Asymmetric Double Claw might present a difficult
+challenge for a gradient-based optimizer that uses only local hill climbing,
+it is an almost trivially simple problem for \code{genoud}.
+\subsection{Benchmark Functions:}
+The second example is a suite of 23 benchmark nonlinear functions used
+in \citet{yao.liu.lin1999} to study a pair of evolutionary programming
+optimization algorithms.  Function definitions are in
+Table~\ref{tab:23funcs}.  Because it includes a random component and
+so lacks a reproducible minimum value, we ignore the function numbered
+function 7 in their sequence.\footnote{The omitted function is
+  $\sum_{i=1}^n ix_i^4 +U(0,1)$, where $U(0,1)$ is a uniformly
+  distributed random variable on the unit interval that takes a new
+  value whenever the function is evaluated.  This stochastic aspect
+  means that even given the set of parameters that minimize the
+  nonstochastic component $\sum_{i=1}^n ix_i^4$, i.e., $x_i=0$, the
+  value of the function virtually never attains the minimum possible
+  value of zero.  An optimizer that evaluated the function at $x_i=0$
+  would not in general obtain a function value smaller than the
+  function value obtained for a wide range of different parameter
+  values.  Hence we do not consider this function to be a good test
+  for function optimization algorithms.}  Implementations of these
+functions are available in the supplemental \proglang{R} file provided
+with this article.\footnote{This supplemental file is available at
+  \url{http://sekhon.berkeley.edu/rgenoud/func23.R}.}  These
+\proglang{R} definitions include the values of the constants used in
+functions 14, 15 and 19 through 23.  The function argument domains are
+restricted to the specific domains used by \citet{yao.liu.lin1999} via
+bounds that are stated in the list named \code{testbounds} in the
+supplemental file.
+  \begin{center}
+    \line(1,0){450}
+  \end{center}  
+ \begin{tabular}{LLLL}
+\text{func.} & \text{definition} & n & \text{minimum}^a \\
+ 1 & \sum_{i=1}^n x_i^2 & 30 & 0 \\
+ 2 & \sum_{i=1}^n |x_i| + \prod_{i=1}^n |x_i| & 30 & 0 \\
+ 3 & \sum_{i=1}^n (\sum_{j=1}^i x_j)^2 & 30 & 0 \\
+ 4 & \max_i \{|x_i|, 1\leq i\leq n\} & 30 & 0 \\
+ 5 & \sum_{i=1}^{n-1} [100(x_{i+1}-x_i^2)^2 +(x_i-1)^2],
+ & 30 & 0 \\
+ 6 & \sum_{i=1}^n (\lfloor x_i + 0.5\rfloor)^2 & 30 & 0 \\
+ 7 & \sum_{i=1}^n ix_i^4 +U(0,1) & 30 & 0 \\
+ 8 & \sum_{i=1}^n -x_i\sin(\sqrt{|x_i|}) & 30 & -12569.5 \\
+ 9 & \sum_{i=1}^n [x_i^2-10\cos(2\pi x_i)+10] & 30 & 0 \\
+10 & -20\exp\left(-0.2\sqrt{n^{-1}\sum_{i=1}^n x_i^2}\,\right) \\
+   & \qquad -\exp(n^{-1}\sum_{i=1}^n\cos 2\pi x_i)+20+e & 30 & 0 \\
+11 & (1/1000) \sum_{i=1}^n x_i^2 -
+\prod_{i=1}^n\cos\left(x_i/\sqrt{i}\right) + 1 & 30 & 0 \\
+12 & n^{-1}\pi \left\{10 \sin^2(\pi y_1)+\sum_{i=1}^{n-1}(y_i-1)^2
+[1+10\sin^2(\pi y_{i+1})]+(y_n-1)^2\right\} \\
+ & \quad +\sum_{i=1}^n u(x_i,10,100,4), & 30 & 0 \\
+ & y_i=1+(x_i+1)/4, \quad u(x_i,a,k,m)=\begin{cases} k(x_i-a)^m, & x_i>a, \\
+ 0, & -a\leq x_i\leq a,\\ k(-x_i-a)^m, & x_i<-a,
+\end{cases} & \\
+13 & \left\{ \sin^2(3\pi
+  x_1)+\sum_{i=1}^{n-1}(x_i-1)^2[1+\sin^2(3\pi x_{i+1})]\right\}/10 \\
+ & \quad  +(x_n-1)[1+\sin^2(2\pi x_n)]/10
++\sum_{i=1}^n u(x_i,5,100,4) & 30 & 0 \\
+14 & \left\{1/500+
+\sum_{j=1}^{25} 1/\left[j+\sum_{i=1}^2(x_i-a_{ij})^6\right]\right\}^{-1} & 2 & 1 \\
+15 & \sum_{i=1}^{11} [a_i-x_1(b_i^2+b_ix_2)/(b_i^2+b_ix_3+x_4)]^2 & 4 & 0.0003075 \\
+16 & 4x_1^2-2.1x_1^4+x_1^6/3+x_1x_2-4x_2^2+4x_2^4 & 2 & -1.0316285 \\
+17 & [x_2-5.1x_1^2/(4\pi^2) + 5x_1/\pi - 6]^2 +
+    10[1-1/(8\pi)]\cos(x_1) + 10 & 2 & 0.398 \\
+18 & [1+(x_1+x_2+1)^2(19-14 x_1+3 x_1^2-14 x_2+6 x_1 x_2+3 x_2^2)] \\
+ & \quad \times [30+(2 x_1-3 x_2)^2 (18-32 x_1+12 x_1^2+48 x_2-36 x_1 x_2+27 x_2^2)] & 2 & 3 \\
+19 & -\sum_{i=1}^4 c_i\exp\left[-\sum_{j=1}^4 a_{ij}(x_i-p_{ij})^2\right] & 4 & -3.86 \\
+20 & -\sum_{i=1}^4 c_i\exp\left[-\sum_{j=1}^6 a_{ij}(x_i-p_{ij})^2\right] & 6 & -3.32 \\
+21 & \sum_{i=1}^5 [(x-a_i)^{\prime}(x-a_i)+c_i]^{-1} & 4 & -10 \\
+22 & \sum_{i=1}^7 [(x-a_i)^{\prime}(x-a_i)+c_i]^{-1} & 4 & -10 \\
+23 & \sum_{i=1}^{10} [(x-a_i)^{\prime}(x-a_i)+c_i]^{-1} & 4 & -10 
+  \end{tabular}
+  \begin{flushleft}
+    Notes: $^a$Minimum function value within specified bounds as given by
+    \citet[85]{yao.liu.lin1999}.
+  \end{flushleft}
+  \vspace*{.1in}
+  \caption{23 Benchmark Functions}
+  \label{tab:23funcs}
+  \line(1,0){450}
+As \citet{yao.liu.lin1999} describe, optimizing each of functions
+1--13 presents a high-dimensional problem.  These functions each have
+$n=30$ free parameters.  Functions 1--5 are unimodal, with function 5
+being a 30-dimensional version of the banana-shaped Rosenbrock
+function.  Function 6 is a step function.  Function 6 has one minimum
+value that occurs when all arguments are in the interval
+$x_i\in[0,.5)$, and the function is discontinuous.  Functions 8--13
+are multimodal, defined such that the number of local minima increases
+exponentially with the number of arguments.
+\citet[84]{yao.liu.lin1999} describe these functions as among ``the
+most difficult class of problems for many optimization algorithms
+(including [evolutionary programming]).''  Functions 14--23, which
+have between two and six free parameters each, each have only a few
+local minima.  Nonetheless the evolutionary programming algorithms
+considered by \citet{yao.liu.lin1999} have trouble optimizing
+functions 21--23.  Although \citet[85]{yao.liu.lin1999} state that
+each of these functions has a minimum value of $-10$, over 50
+replications the two algorithms they consider achieve solutions
+averaging between $-5.52$ and $-9.10$ \citep[88,
+We use these benchmark functions to illustrate not only how effective
+\code{genoud} can be with a range of difficult problems, but also to emphasize
+an important aspect of how one should think about trying to tune the
+optimizer's performance.  Theory regarding genetic algorithms suggests that
+optimal solutions are more likely to appear as both the population size of
+candidate solutions and the number of generations increase.  In \code{genoud}
+two arguments determine the number of generations.  One is
+\code{max.generations}: if \code{hard.generation.limit=TRUE}, then the value
+specified for \code{max.generations} is a binding upper limit.  The other is
+\code{wait.generations}, which determines when the algorithm terminates if
+\code{hard.generation.limit=FALSE}.  But even if
+\code{hard.generation.limit=TRUE}, then \code{wait.generations} determines for
+how many generations the algorithm continues once the best parameter vector
+and the value of the function being optimized appear to have settled down.
+The fact that the current best solution is not changing should not be treated
+as decisive, because this solution may be merely a local optimum or a
+saddlepoint.  If the population size is sufficient, the algorithm tends to
+build a population of trial solutions that contain parameters in neighborhoods
+of all the competitive local optima in the domain defined by the parameter
+boundaries.  Even while the current best solution is stable, the algorithm is
+improving the solutions near other local optima.  So having a higher
+\code{wait.generations} value never worsens the algorithm's efficacy.
+Increasing \code{max.generations} may or may not in itself improve
+optimization.  The value of \code{max.generations} sets the value of $T$ used
+in the mutation operators---operators 4 and 7 in Table~\ref{tab:operators}.
+These mutation operators perform random search near a trial solution that has
+been selected for mutation only when the current generation count is an
+appreciable fraction of $T$.  So increasing \code{max.generations} without
+changing \code{wait.generations} increases the period during which random
+search is occurring over a wider domain.  For multimodal functions such a
+wider search may be helpful, but sometimes failing to search more densely near
+the current trial solutions is not good.
+We use \code{genoud} to minimize the 23 functions using two values for
+\code{pop.size} (5000 and 10000) and two values for
+\code{max.generations} (30 and 100).  Following
+\citet{yao.liu.lin1999}, we replicate each optimization 50 times.  The
+following code describes the computations.  The list \code{testfuncs},
+vector \code{testNparms} and list \code{testbounds} are defined in the
+supplemental \proglang{R} file, and it is assume that this file is
+loaded with the \code{source("supplemental.R")} command.  The vector
+\code{gradcheck} is true for all elements except the ones corresponding
+to functions 6 and 7.
+gradcheck <- rep(TRUE,23)
+gradcheck[6:7] <- FALSE
+sizeset <- c(5000,10000)
+genset <- c(30,100)
+nreps <- 50
+gsarray <- array(NA, dim=c(length(sizeset), length(genset), 23, nreps))
+asc <- function(x) { as.character(x) }
+dimnames(gsarray) <- list(asc(sizeset), asc(genset), NULL, NULL);
+for (gsize in sizeset) {
+  for (ngens in genset) {
+    for (i in 1:23) {
+      for (j in 1:nreps) {
+        gsarray[as.character(gsize), as.character(ngens),i,j] <- 
+          genoud(testfuncs[[i]], nvars=testNparms[i], pop.size=gsize,
+               max.gen=ngens, hard.gen=TRUE, Domains=testbounds[[i]],
+               solution.tol=1e-6, boundary=1, gradient.check=gradcheck[i],
+              print=0)$value
+      }
+    }
+  }
+Using \code{genoud} to minimize the benchmark functions produces excellent
+results, at least when the \code{pop.size} and \code{max.generations}
+arguments are sufficiently large.  Table~\ref{tab:23mean} reports the mean
+function values for each configuration of the arguments.  These values may be
+compared both to the true function minima given by \citet{yao.liu.lin1999}
+(see the rightmost column in Table~\ref{tab:23funcs}) and to the average
+minimum function values \citet{yao.liu.lin1999} report for their ``fast''
+evolutionary programming (FEP) algorithm, which appear in the last column of
+Table~\ref{tab:23mean}.  The \code{genoud} averages for the \code{max.gen=100}
+configurations equal or are close to the true minima for all the functions
+except function 13.  One can reasonably argue that the average solutions for
+function 5 are not as close to zero as might be desired: these averages are
+close to $10^{-7}$, while the averages for other functions that have a true
+minimum of zero are $10^{-15}$ or smaller.  And the averages for functions 6,
+12 and 15 in the \code{pop.size=5000} case are off.  The effect of increasing
+\code{pop.size} is apparent with respect to both those three functions and
+also functions 13 and 20--23: the average minima are smaller with
+\code{pop.size=10000} than with \code{pop.size=5000}.  Except for functions 6
+and 12 in the \code{pop.size=5000} case and function 13, all the \code{genoud}
+solution averages for \code{max.gen=100} are either slightly or substantially
+better than the corresponding FEP solution averages.
+The results in Table~\ref{tab:23mean} clearly illustrate the potential
+consequences of not allowing \code{genoud} to run for a sufficient number of
+generations.  While some of the \code{genoud} solutions for \code{max.gen=30}
+have competitive means, several of the means are not good at all.
+  \begin{center}
+    \line(1,0){450}
+  \end{center}    
+ \begin{tabular}{llllll}
+ & \multicolumn{4}{c}{\code{genoud}} & \\ \cline{2-5}
+ & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\code{pop.size=5000}$^a$} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\code{pop.size=10000}$^a$} & \\
+\text{func.} & \code{max=30} & \code{max=100} & \code{max=30} & \code{max=100} & \text{FEP}$^b$ \\
+ 1 & 1.453\e 32 & 1.658\e 32 & 2.416\e 32 & 6.134\e 32 & 5.7\e 4 \\
+ 2 & 6.55\e 16 & 7.212\e 16 & 9.652\e 16 & 1.043\e 15 & 8.1\e 3 \\
+ 3 & 4.633\e 18 & 3.918\e 18 & 3.787\e 18 & 4.032\e 18 & 1.6\e 2 \\
+ 4 & 6.203\e 17 & 6.542\e 17 & 9.453\e 17 & 7.85\e 17 & 0.3 \\
+ 5 & 0.07973 & 5.887\e 08 & 8.133\e 08 & 8.917\e 08 & 5.06 \\
+ 6 &  18.58 &   0.08 &   9.38 &      0 & 0 \\
+% 7 & 0.1114 & 0.07473 & 0.1114 & 0.06466 & 7.6\e 3 \\
+ 8 & -12569.49 & -12569.49 & -12569.49 & -12569.49 & -12554.5 \\
+ 9 &  2.786 &      0 & 0.9353 &      0 & 4.6\e 2 \\
+10 &  2.849 & 3.997\e 15 &  2.199 & 3.997\e 15 & 1.8\e 2 \\
+11 & 7.994\e 17 & 7.105\e 17 & 9.548\e 17 & 6.439\e 17 & 1.6\e 2 \\
+12 & 5.371\e 19 & 0.004147 & 0.002073 & 1.178\e 19 & 9.2\e 6 \\
+13 & 0.02095 & 0.006543 & 0.006629 & 0.003011 & 1.6\e 4 \\
+14 &  0.998 &  0.998 &  0.998 &  0.998 & 1.22 \\
+15 & 0.0003441 & 0.0004746 & 0.0003807 & 0.0003807 & 5.0\e 4 \\
+16 & -1.0316285 & -1.0316285 & -1.0316285 & -1.0316285 & -1.03 \\
+17 & 0.3979 & 0.3979 & 0.3979 & 0.3979 & 0.398 \\
+18 &      3 &      3 &      3 &      3 & 3.02 \\
+19 & -3.863 & -3.863 & -3.863 & -3.863 & -3.86 \\
+20 & -3.274 & -3.277 & -3.279 & -3.286 & -3.27 \\
+21 &  -9.85 & -9.444 &  -9.95 & -10.05 & -5.52 \\
+22 & -9.771 & -10.09 & -10.19 &  -10.3 & -5.52 \\
+23 &  -10.1 & -9.997 & -10.32 & -10.21 & -6.57 
+  \end{tabular}
+  \begin{flushleft}
+    Note: $^b$Average minimum function values (over 50 replications) obtained
+    using \code{genoud}.  $^a$Mean best function values (over 50 replications)
+    reported for the ''fast'' evolutionary programming algorithm, from
+    \citet[85 and 88, Tables II--IV]{yao.liu.lin1999}.
+  \end{flushleft}
+  \vspace*{.1in}
+  \caption{Mean Values of 22 Optimized Functions}
+  \label{tab:23mean}
+  \line(1,0){450}
+The effect of increasing \code{pop.size} are even more clearly apparent in
+Table~\ref{tab:23sdev}, which reports the standard deviations of the
+respective minima across the 50 replications.  With the exceptions of
+functions 6, 12, 13, 15 and 21 with \code{pop.size=5000}, the \code{genoud}
+solutions for \code{max.gen=100} vary much less than the corresponding FEP
+solutions.  For those functions and also for functions 20, 22 and 23, the
+\code{max.gen=100} solutions with \code{pop.size=10000} vary noticeably less
+than the solutions with \code{pop.size=5000}.
+  \line(1,0){450}
+  \begin{tabular}{llllll}
+ & \multicolumn{4}{c}{\code{genoud}} & \\ \cline{2-5}
+ & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\code{pop.size=5000}$^a$} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\code{pop.size=10000}$^a$} & \\
+\text{func.} & \code{max=30} & \code{max=100} & \code{max=30} & \code{max=100} & \text{FEP}$^b$ \\
+ 1 & 9.997\e 32 & 7.059\e 32 & 9.562\e 32 & 2.1\e 31 & 1.3\e 4 \\
+ 2 & 1.668\e 15 & 1.621\e 15 & 2.116\e 15 & 2.102\e 15 & 7.7\e 4 \\
+ 3 & 4.568\e 18 & 3.342\e 18 & 4.38\e 18 & 5.136\e 18 & 1.4\e 2 \\
+ 4 & 1.793\e 16 & 1.758\e 16 & 2.055\e 16 & 2.002\e 16 & 0.5 \\
+ 5 & 0.5638 & 4.921\e 08 & 5.573\e 08 & 4.955\e 08 & 5.87 \\
+ 6 &   5.65 &  0.274 &  3.528 &      0 & 0 \\
+% 7 & 0.0837 & 0.05153 & 0.08042 & 0.04883 & 2.6\e 3 \\
+ 8 & 3.749\e 10 & 1.071\e 12 & 8.948\e 09 & 6.365\e 13 & 52.6 \\
+ 9 &  1.864 &      0 &  1.179 &      0 & 1.2\e 2 \\
+10 & 0.7146 &      0 &  0.702 &      0 & 2.1\e 3 \\
+11 & 1.209\e 16 & 1.582\e 16 & 1.289\e 16 & 8.713\e 17 & 2.2\e 2 \\
+12 & 2.336\e 18 & 0.02052 & 0.01466 & 7.423\e 19 & 3.6\e 6 \\
+13 & 0.03427 & 0.006867 & 0.006903 & 0.001508 & 7.3\e 5 \\
+14 & 5.638\e 12 & 8.894\e 11 & 1.029\e 12 & 4.35\e 12 & 0.56 \\
+15 & 0.0001813 & 0.0003546 & 0.000251 & 0.0002509 & 3.2\e 4 \\
+16 & 1.315\e 14 & 9.751\e 15 & 1.233\e 14 & 1.054\e 14 & 4.9\e 7 \\
+17 & 5.422\e 15 & 5.51\e 15 & 4.925\e 15 & 1.392\e 14 & 1.5\e 7 \\
+18 & 1.509\e 13 & 3.477\e 14 & 6.18\e 14 & 2.907\e 14 & 0.11 \\
+19 & 7.349\e 15 & 1.521\e 15 & 1.344\e 14 & 7.255\e 15 & 1.4\e 5 \\
+20 & 0.05884 & 0.0583 & 0.05765 & 0.05504 & 5.9\e 2 \\
+21 &  1.212 &  1.776 &  1.005 & 0.7145 & 1.59 \\
+22 &  1.937 &  1.269 &  1.052 & 0.7459 & 2.12 \\
+23 &  1.479 &  1.636 &  1.066 &   1.29 & 3.14 
+  \end{tabular}
+  \begin{flushleft}
+    Note: $^a$Standard deviation of the minimum function values (over 50
+    replications) obtained using \code{genoud}.  $^b$Standard deviation of the
+    best function values (over 50 replications) reported for the ''fast''
+    evolutionary programming algorithm, from \citet[85 and 88, Tables
+    II--IV]{yao.liu.lin1999}.
+  \end{flushleft}
+  \vspace*{.1in}
+  \caption{Standard Deviations of Values of 22 Optimized Functions}
+  \label{tab:23sdev}
+  \line(1,0){450}
+\subsection{A Logistic Least Quartile Difference Estimator:}
+Our third example is a version of the LQD estimator used in
+\code{multinomRob}.  Using the \proglang{R} function \code{IQR} to compute the
+interquartile range, the function to be minimized may be defined as
+follows.\footnote{The LQD problem solved in \code{multinomRob} is somewhat
+  different.  There the problem is to minimize the $\binom{h_{K}}{2}$ order
+  statistic of the set of absolute differences among the standardized
+  residuals, where $h_K$ is a function of the sample size and the number of
+  unknown regression model coefficients \citep{MebaneSekhon2004}.  The problem
+  considered in the current example is simpler but exhibits similar estimation
+  difficulties.}
+LQDxmpl <- function(b) {
+  logistic <- function(x) { 1/(1+exp(-x)) }
+  sIQR <- function(y, yhat, n) {
+    IQR((y-yhat)/sqrt(yhat*(n-yhat)), na.rm=TRUE)
+  }
+ sIQR(y, m*logistic(x %*% b), m)
+For this example we define \code{LQDxmpl} after we compute the simulated data,
+so the data vector \code{y}, matrix \code{x} and scalar \code{m} are in scope
+to evaluate to have the values we simulate:
+m <- 100
+x <- cbind(1,rnorm(1000),rnorm(1000))
+b1 <- c(.5, 1, -1)
+b2 <- c(0, -1, 1)
+logistic <- function(x) { 1/(1+exp(-x)) }
+y <- rbinom(1000, m, logistic(c(x[1:900,] %*% b1, x[901:1000,] %*% b2)))
+The data simulate substantial contamination.  The first 900 observations are
+generated by one binomial regression model while the last 100 observations
+come from a very different model.
+Presuming we are interested in the model that generated the bulk of the data,
+ignoring the contamination in a generalized linear model with the binomial
+family produces very poor results:
+summary(glm1 <- glm(cbind(y,m-y) ~ x[,2] + x[,3], family="binomial"))
+  \begin{CodeOutput}
+glm(formula = cbind(y, m - y) ~ x[, 2] + x[, 3], family = "binomial")
+Deviance Residuals: 
+     Min        1Q    Median        3Q       Max  
+-22.9168   -1.1693    0.3975    1.5895   24.6439  
+             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
+(Intercept)  0.439492   0.007097   61.93   <2e-16 ***
+x[, 2]       0.679847   0.007985   85.14   <2e-16 ***
+x[, 3]      -0.716963   0.007852  -91.31   <2e-16 ***
+Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 
+  \end{CodeOutput}
+Of course, if we knew which observations to omit the results would be much
+suby <- y[1:900]
+subx <- x[1:900,]
+summary(glm2 <- glm(cbind(suby,m-suby) ~ subx[,2] + subx[,3], family="binomial"))
+  \begin{CodeOutput}
+glm(formula = cbind(suby, m - suby) ~ subx[, 2] + subx[, 3], 
+    family = "binomial")
+Deviance Residuals: 
+     Min        1Q    Median        3Q       Max  
+-3.21478  -0.71699   0.03528   0.67867   2.88314  
+             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
+(Intercept)  0.501880   0.008036   62.46   <2e-16 ***
+subx[, 2]    1.003592   0.009779  102.63   <2e-16 ***
+subx[, 3]   -0.984295   0.009437 -104.30   <2e-16 ***
+Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 
+  \end{CodeOutput}
+But in practical applications it is unknown apriori which observations should
+be treated as outliers.
+As the definition of \code{LQDxmpl} indicates, the LQD is based on
+minimizing the interquartile range (IQR) of the standardized
+residuals.  Because the quartiles correspond to different data points
+for different values of the regression coefficients, the fitness
+function is not smooth, which is to say it is not everywhere
+differentiable.  In general, at every point in the parameter space
+where the identity of the first or third quartile point changes, the
+function is not differentiable.  Figure~\ref{fig:lqd1} illustrates
+this.  A higher resolution version of this figure is available in
+\cite{MebaneJr.+Sekhon:2011}---also see
+The IQR clearly has a minimum in the vicinity of the coefficient
+values used to generate most of the data.  But contour plots for the
+numerically evaluated partial derivative with respect to the second
+coefficient parameter testify to the function's local irregularity.
+The function we use to evaluate this numerical derivative is defined
+as follows.
+dLQDxmpl <- function(b) {
+ eps <- 1e-10
+  logistic <- function(x) { 1/(1+exp(-x)) }
+  sIQR <- function(y, yhat, n) {
+    IQR((y-yhat)/sqrt(yhat*(n-yhat)), na.rm=TRUE)
+  }
+ dsIQR <- vector()
+  for (i in 1:length(b)) {
+   beps <- b
+    beps[i] <- b[i]+eps
+    dsIQR <-
+      c(dsIQR,
+        (sIQR(y, m*logistic(x %*% beps), m)-
+          sIQR(y, m*logistic(x %*% b), m))/eps)
+  }
+  return(dsIQR)
+Setting the intercept equal to 0.5, the code to generate the plotted values is
+%  -rw-rw---- 1 wrm1 research    1878 Feb 10  2007 lqdxmpl2plotB.R
+blen <- 3
+lenbseq <- length(bseq <- seq(-2,2,length=200))
+bseq3 <- seq(-1.2,-.9,length=200)
+bseq2 <- seq(.89,1.1,length=200)
+IQRarr <- IQRarrA <- array(NA, dim=c((1+blen), lenbseq, lenbseq))
+dimnames(IQRarrA) <- list(NULL, as.character(bseq), as.character(bseq))
+dimnames(IQRarr) <- list(NULL, as.character(bseq2), as.character(bseq3))
+for (i in 1:lenbseq) {
+  for (j in 1:lenbseq) {
+   IQRarrA[1,i,j] <- LQDxmpl(c(.5, bseq[i], bseq[j]))
+    IQRarrA[-1,i,j] <- dLQDxmpl(c(.5, bseq[i], bseq[j]))
+    IQRarr[1,i,j] <- LQDxmpl(c(.5, bseq2[i], bseq3[j]))
+    IQRarr[-1,i,j] <- dLQDxmpl(c(.5, bseq2[i], bseq3[j]))
+  }
+The following code produces the plots:
+par(mfrow=c(2,2), lwd=.1)
+contour(bseq,bseq, IQRarrA[1,,], main="IQR", xlab="b[2]", ylab="b[3]")
+contour(bseq,bseq, IQRarrA[3,,], main="partial derivative w/r/t b[2]",
+        xlab="b[2]", ylab="b[3]")
+loc2 <- (150:160)-5
+loc3 <- (40:50)+5
+contour(bseq[loc2],bseq[loc3], IQRarrA[3,loc2,loc3],
+        main="partial derivative w/r/t b[2]",
+        xlab="b[2]", ylab="b[3]")
+contour(bseq2,bseq3, IQRarr[3,,], main="partial derivative w/r/t b[2]",
+        xlab="b[2]", ylab="b[3]")
+If the IQR function were smooth, we would see clearly separated, slightly
+curved contour lines, reflecting the nonlinearity of the \code{logistic}
+function, but there is nothing like that.  Instead, looking over the domain
+$[-2,2]^2$ for the second and third regression coefficient parameters, with
+200 points evaluated along each axis (the upper right plot), there is a
+splotchy cloud.  This reflects the fact that the derivative changes sign very
+frequently over the domain: of the 40,000 points at which the derivative is
+evaluated, it is positive at 12,460 points and negative at 27,540 points.
+  \caption{Contour Plots of the LQD Fitness Function and of its Partial Derivatives}
+  \label{fig:lqd1}
+  \begin{center}
+    \includegraphics{lqdxmpl2B.pdf}
+%  -rw-rw---- 1 wrm1 research    2745 Feb 10 23:15 lqdxmpl2plotB.Rout
+  \end{center}
+  \vspace{-.3in}
+The LQD fitness function is not appreciably smoother close to the true
+values.  The bottom two plots show the partial derivatives with
+respect to the second coefficient parameter evaluated over the domain
+$[.89,1.1]\times[-1.2,-.9]$.  The bottom left plot evaluates the
+derivatives at 11 points along each axis while the bottom right plot
+uses 200 points along each axis.  In the left plot it is easier to see
+the intricacy of the partitioning of the parameter space as the
+identity of the first or third quartile point changes.  The bottom
+right plot shows the intricacy in fact replicates at the finer grain
+of the more detailed evaluations (to see this it is probably necessary
+to magnify the plot while viewing online the \textit{Journal of
+  Statistical Software} version of this
+documentation).\footnote{Please see \cite{MebaneJr.+Sekhon:2011} or
+  \url{http://sekhon.berkeley.edu/papers/rgenoudJSS.pdf}.}  Within
+this smaller domain the sign of the derivative changes even more
+frequently than it does over the domain $[-2,2]^2$: the derivative is
+positive at 18,098 points and negative at 21,902 points.
+While the LQD fitness function may be differentiable in a neighborhood of the
+global solution, that neighborhood, if it exists, is clearly not very big.  As
+likely is that the global solution is located at a point where the function is
+not differentiable.  Hence a numerically evaluated gradient is not meaningful
+for evaluating whether the solution has been found.  At the true solution,
+numerical gradient values may differ substantially from zero.
+To use the LQD to estimate the binomial regression model parameters we use the
+following call to \code{genoud}.  Because gradient information is of
+questionable relevance for this problem, we turn off the termination condition
+that the gradient at the solution be smaller than the value specified for the
+\code{solution.tolerance} argument.  We retain the default setting
+\code{BFGS=TRUE} because, in principle, gradient-driven optimization may help
+in each of the many differentiable neighborhoods, even if it is useless across
+the nondifferentiable boundaries.  Our experience optimizing the LQD
+\citep{MebaneSekhon2004} shows that using the BFGS in this way improves
+performance, even though the gradient is not useful for evaluating whether the
+solution has been found.
+LQD1  <-
+  genoud(LQDxmpl, nvars=3, max=FALSE, pop.size=2000, max.generations=300,
+        wait.generations=100, gradient.check=FALSE, print=1)
+This invocation of the \code{LQDxmpl} function matches the behavior of
+\code{multinomRob} in that it produces an estimate for the intercept parameter
+along with the other coefficients.  In a linear regression context, the
+interquartile range statistic contains no information about the intercept, so
+the LQD is not an estimator for that parameter.  With a binomial regression
+model there is some information about the intercept due to the nonlinearity of
+the \code{logistic} function.  The LQD estimate for the intercept should
+nonetheless be expected not to be very good.
+Results from the preceding estimation are as follows.
+%  macht:/home/xchg/jss07/rgenoud:
+%  -rw-rw---- 1 wrm1 research    5080 Aug  7 02:31 lqdxmpl1b.Rout
+  \begin{CodeOutput}
+Tue Aug  7 02:27:08 2007
+ -1.000000e+01   <=  X1   <=    1.000000e+01 
+ -1.000000e+01   <=  X2   <=    1.000000e+01 
+ -1.000000e+01   <=  X3   <=    1.000000e+01 
+HARD Maximum Number of Generations: 300
+Maximum Nonchanging Generations: 100
+Population size       : 2000
+Convergence Tolerance: 1.000000e-06
+Using the BFGS Derivative Based Optimizer on the Best Individual Each Generation.
+Not Checking Gradients before Stopping.
+Using Out of Bounds Individuals.
+Minimization Problem.
+Generation#	    Solution Value
+      0 	4.951849e-01
+     56 	1.298922e-01
+     57 	1.298891e-01
+     59 	1.298848e-01
+     60 	1.298820e-01
+     61 	1.298793e-01
+     62 	1.298768e-01
+     63 	1.298744e-01
+'wait.generations' limit reached.
+No significant improvement in 100 generations.
+Solution Fitness Value: 1.298743e-01
+Parameters at the Solution (parameter, gradient):
+ X[ 1] :	8.130357e-02	G[ 1] :	9.616492e-03
+ X[ 2] :	8.889485e-01	G[ 2] :	-1.167897e-01
+ X[ 3] :	-9.327966e-01	G[ 3] :	-3.090130e-02
+Solution Found Generation 63
+Number of Generations Run 164
+Tue Aug  7 02:31:09 2007
+Total run time : 0 hours 4 minutes and 1 seconds
+  \end{CodeOutput}
+Recall that the gradient is not reliably informative at the solution.  To
+check whether this solution is believable, we might try reestimating the model
+using a larger population and larger specified number of generations:
+LQD1  <-
+  genoud(LQDxmpl, nvars=3, max=FALSE, pop.size=10000, max.generations=1000,
+        wait.generations=300, gradient.check=FALSE, print=1)
+At the price of a greatly increased running time (from four minutes up to
+one hour 53 minutes), the results are better than the
+first run (even though the summary measure of fit is slightly worse):
+%  macht:/home/xchg/jss07/rgenoud:
+%  -rw-rw---- 1 wrm1 research    5236 Aug  7 05:16 lqdxmpl1d.Rout
+  \begin{CodeOutput}
+Minimization Problem.
+Generation#	    Solution Value
+      0 	2.238865e-01
+      2 	1.301149e-01
+      3 	1.300544e-01
+      4 	1.300482e-01
+      6 	1.300375e-01
+      7 	1.300343e-01
+      8 	1.300323e-01
+    134 	1.299662e-01
+    135 	1.299099e-01
+    136 	1.298867e-01
+    137 	1.298843e-01
+    138 	1.298822e-01
+    139 	1.298791e-01
+    141 	1.298774e-01
+'wait.generations' limit reached.
+No significant improvement in 300 generations.
+Solution Fitness Value: 1.298770e-01
+Parameters at the Solution (parameter, gradient):
+ X[ 1] :	2.013748e-01	G[ 1] :	-7.394125e-02
+ X[ 2] :	9.526390e-01	G[ 2] :	7.807607e-02
+ X[ 3] :	-9.642458e-01	G[ 3] :	3.834052e-02
+Solution Found Generation 141
+Number of Generations Run 442
+Tue Aug  7 05:16:37 2007
+Total run time : 1 hours 53 minutes and 45 seconds
+  \end{CodeOutput}
+This example demonstrates a key difficulty that arises when optimizing
+irregular functions in the absence of gradients.  It is difficult to assess
+when or whether an optimum has been found.  The estimated coefficient values
+are close to the ones used to generate most of the data, except as expected
+the estimate for the intercept is not good.  The estimates are better than if
+we had ignored the possibility of contamination.  But whether these are the
+best possible estimates is not clear.  If we were to use an even larger
+population and specify that an even greater number of generations be run,
+perhaps a better solution would be found.
+%\code{genoud} can be tricked into doing constrained optimization by
+%passing in a function which contains a penalty function.
+Even for less irregular problems convergence is difficult to determine.
+Nonlinear optimizers often report false convergence, and users should not
+simply trust whatever convergence criteria an optimizer uses.
+\citet{McCulloughVinod2003} offer four criteria for verifying the solution of
+a nonlinear solver.  These criteria are meaningful only for problems that meet
+regularity conditions at the solution, notably differentiability, and as such
+are not useful for the LQD example offered above.  The four criteria are: (1)
+making sure the gradients are zero; (2) inspecting the solution path (i.e.,
+the trace) to make sure it follows the expected rate of convergence; (3)
+evaluating the Hessian to make sure it is well-conditioned;\footnote{Following
+  an exchange with \citet{DrukkerWiggins2004}, \citet{McCulloughVinod2004b}
+  modify their third suggestion to note that determining if the Hessian is
+  well-conditioned in part depends on how the data are scaled.  That is, a
+  Hessian that appears to be ill-conditioned may be made well-conditioned by
+  rescaling. So if an Hessian appears to be ill-conditioned,
+  \citet{McCulloughVinod2004b} recommend that the analyst attempt to determine
+  if rescaling the data can result in a well-conditioned Hessian.} and (4)
+profiling the likelihood to ascertain if a quadratic approximation is
+adequate.  One may need to take the results from \code{genoud} and pass them
+to \code{optim} to conduct some of these diagnostic tests such as to profile
+the likelihood.  It is also good practice to use more than one optimizer to
+verify the solution \citep{stokes2004}.
+Note that \code{genoud} uses its own random number seeds and internal
+pseudorandom number generators to insure backward compatibility with
+the original C version of the software and to make cluster behavior
+more predictable.  These seeds are set by the \code{unif.seed} and
+\code{int.seed} options.  The \proglang{R} \code{set.seed} command is
+ignored by \code{genoud}.
+%user supplied gradients and lexical search?
+The \code{genoud} function provides many more options than can be reviewed in
+this brief paper.  These options are described in the \proglang{R} help file.
+The most important option 
+influencing how well the evolutionary algorithm works is the \code{pop.size}
+argument.  This argument controls the population size---i.e., it is the number
+of individuals \code{genoud} uses to solve the optimization problem.  As noted
+above, the theorems proving that genetic algorithms find good solutions are
+asymptotic in both population size and the number of generations.  It is
+therefore important that the \code{pop.size} value not be small.  On the other
+hand, computational time is finite so obvious trade-offs must be made.  As the
+LQD example illustrates, a larger population size is not necessarily
+demonstrably better.
+The most important options to ensure that a good solution is found, aside from
+\code{pop.size}, are \code{wait.generations}, \code{max.generations} and
+Many statistical models have objective functions that are nonlinear
+functions of the parameters, and optimizing such functions is tricky
+business \citep{AltmanGillMcDonald2003}.  Optimization difficulties
+often arise even for problems that are generally considered to be
+simple.  For a cautionary tale on how optimization can be a difficult
+task even for such problems see Stokes' (\citeyear{stokes2004}) effort
+to replicate a probit model estimated by \citet[pp. 335]{maddala1992}.
+A recent controversy over estimating a nonlinear model estimated by
+maximum likelihood offers another cautionary tale
+End users are generally surprised to learn that such optimization
+issues can arise, and that results can substantially vary across
+optimizers and software implementations.
+The \pkg{rgenoud} package provides a powerful and flexible global
+optimizer.  When compared with traditional derivative-based
+optimization methods, \pkg{rgenoud} performs well
+\citep{SekhonMebane1998}.  Optimization of irregular functions is,
+however, as much of an art as science.  And an optimizer cannot be
+used without thought even for simple surfaces, let alone spaces that
+require a genetic algorithm.  We hope that the availability of a
+scalable global optimizer will allow users to work with difficult
+functions more effectively.
+% LocalWords:  optima GillMurrayWright EfronTibshirani GENOUD MebaneSekhon LQD
+% LocalWords:  SekhonMebane multinomRob overdispersed nondifferentiable Broyden
+% LocalWords:  Goldfarb Shanno BFGS optim genoud EA EAs GA holland goldberg GAs
+% LocalWords:  GrefenstetteBaker davis FilhoTreleavenAlippi generation's dejong
+% LocalWords:  substring's grefenstette billingsley Vose NixVose vose GA's ADC
+% LocalWords:  GENOCOP MichalewiczSwaminathanLogan Michalewicz Polytope dnorm
+% LocalWords:  nvars Nonchanging UniqueCount var MemoryMatrix IQR LQDxmpl exp
+% LocalWords:  sIQR yhat na rm cbind rnorm rbinom Min Std Pr Signif suby subx
+% LocalWords:  apriori Raphson saddlepoints fn Genoud's gr hessian unif int ssh
+% LocalWords:  Tausworthe stdout tempdir polytope musil deckard makeSOCKcluster
+% LocalWords:  usernames username PVM MPI peakgeneration parm UC Outlier seq mu
+% LocalWords:  lapply xlab ylab col biclaw mNd ALTMAN rgenoud WandKingLau PKfit
+% LocalWords:  KingWand braumoeller BraumoellerGoodrichKline pharmacokinetics
+% LocalWords:  LeeLee pseudorandom pdf glm rw wrm lqdxmpl cl makeCluster probit
+% LocalWords:  localhost clusterExport stopCluster AltmanGillMcDonald GENetic
+% LocalWords:  McCulloughVinod SchacharNalebuff GenMatch GUI URL boolean Sekhon
+% LocalWords:  CPUs nonlinearity FAiR goodrich SekhonMatching ivivc vitro vivo
+% LocalWords:  multinomial Synth AbadieGardeazabal synth nonsmooth Rcore maxima
+% LocalWords:  resampling resamples optimizer's eval nonstochastic testbounds
+% LocalWords:  LLLL func ij unimodal Rosenbrock multimodal minima  saddlepoint
+% LocalWords:  testfuncs testNparms gradcheck sizeset genset nreps gsarray tol
+% LocalWords:  gsize ngens FEP LLLLLL sqrt dLQDxmpl eps dsIQR beps blen lenbseq
+% LocalWords:  bseq IQRarr IQRarrA dimnames mfrow lwd loc online DrukkerWiggins
+% LocalWords:  maddala funcs sapply runif ifelse rbind crossprod byrow vXXi
+% LocalWords:  interquartile
diff --git a/inst/doc/rgenoud.bib b/inst/doc/rgenoud.bib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f72a55d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/doc/rgenoud.bib
@@ -0,0 +1,1903 @@
+ at string{aer = "American Economic Review"}
+ at string{ajps= "American Journal of Political Science"}
+ at string(apq = "American Politics Quarterly")
+ at string{apsr= "American Political Science Review"}
+ at string{ams = "Annals of Mathematical Statistics"}
+ at string{aos = "Annals of Statistics"}
+ at string{bjps= "British Journal of Political Science"}
+ at string{ec  = "Econometrica"}
+ at string{ier = "International Economic Review"}
+ at string{jasa= "Journal of the American Statistical Association"}
+ at string{je  = "Journal of Econometrics"}
+ at string{jel = "Journal of Economic Literature"}
+ at string{jep = "Journal of Economic Perspectives"}
+ at string{jet = "Journal of Economic Theory"}
+ at string{jmcb= "Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking"}
+ at string{jme = "Journal of Monetary Economics"}
+ at string{jpe = "Journal of Political Economy"}
+ at string{jop = "Journal of Politics"}
+ at string{jrsa= "Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A"}
+ at string{jrssb= "Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B"}
+ at string{lsq = "Legislative Studies Quarterly"}
+ at string{pa  = "Political Analysis"}
+ at string{pm  = "Political Methodology"}
+ at string{pop = "Perspectives on Politics"}
+ at string{ps  = "PS: Political Science and Politics"}
+ at string{qje = "Quarterly Journal of Economics"}
+ at string{c-h = "Chapman \& Hall"}
+ at string{cup = "Cambridge University Press"}
+ at string{cornell.up = "Cornell University Press"}
+ at string{hup = "Harvard University Press"}
+ at string{mit = "MIT Press"}
+ at string(pup = {Princeton University Press})
+ at string{s-v = "Springer-Verlag"}
+ at string(sup = "Stanford University Press")
+ at string{ucp = "University of California Press"}
+ at string{uchp = "University of Chicago Press"}
+ at string{ump = "University of Michigan Press"}
+ at string{yup = "Yale University Press"}
+ at string{cq  = "Congressional Quarterly"}
+ at string{aa  = "Ann Arbor"}
+ at string{berk= "Berkeley"}
+ at string{bos = "Boston"}
+ at string{cam = "Cambridge, MA"}
+ at string{camUK = "Cambridge, UK"}
+ at string{chic= "Chicago"}
+ at string{dc  = "Washington, D.C."}
+ at string{nh  = "New Haven"}
+ at string{nj  = "New Jersey"}
+ at string{ny  = "New York"}
+ at string{sf  = "San Francisco"}
+ at string{st  = "Stanford"}
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+  title=        {Bootstrap Tests for Distributional Treatment Effect in Instrumental Variable Models},
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+  year=         2002
+ at article( AbadieGardeazabal2003,
+  author=       {Abadie, Alberto and Javier Gardeazabal},
+  title=        {The Economic Costs of Conflict: a Case-Control Study for the Basque Country},
+  journal=      aer, volume=92, number=1,
+  year=         2003
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+  author=       {Abadie, Alberto and Guido Imbens},
+  title=        {Large Sample Properties of  Matching Estimators for Average Treatment Effects},
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+  author	= {Alberto Abadie and Alexis Diamond and Jens Hainmueller},
+  title		= {\pkg{Synth}: An \proglang{R} Package for Synthetic Control Methods in Comparative Case Studies},
+  journal	= {Journal of Statistical Software},
+  year		= {2011},
+  note		= {Forthcoming},
+  url		= {http://www.jstatsoft.org/}
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+  title=        {Are Americans Ambivalent Toward Racial Policies?},
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+  author=       {Alvarez, R. Michael and John Brehm},
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+  author=       {Bartels, Larry M.},
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+  author=       {Bartels, Larry M.},
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+  author=       {Bartels, Larry M.},
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+  author=       {Battistin, Erich and Andrew Chesher},
+  title=        {Measurement Error Bias and Propensity Score Methods},
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+  author=       {Bennett, Stephen Earl},
+  title=        {Know-nothings' Revisited: The Meaning of Political Ignorance Today},
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+ at unpublished( BowersHansen2005,
+  author=       {Bowers, Jake and Ben Hansen},
+  title=        {Attributing Effects to a Get-Out-The-Vote Campaign Using Full Matching and Randomization Inference},
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+ at Manual{BraumoellerGoodrichKline2006,
+  author =   {Braumoeller, Bear F. and Ben Goodrich and Jacob Kline},
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+  author=       {Converse, Phillip},
+  title=        {The Nature of Belief Systems in Mass Publics},
+  booktitle=    {Ideology and Discontent},
+  editor=       {David Apter},
+  publisher=    {Free Press}, address= ny,
+  pages=       {240--268},
+  year=         1964
+ at article( cornfield1959,
+  author=       {Cornfield, J. and W. Haenszel and E. Hammond and A. Lilienfeld and M. Shimkin and E. Wynder},
+  title=        {Smoking and lunch cancer: Recent evidence and a discussion of some questions},
+  journal=      {Journal of the National Cancer Institute}, volume=22, 
+  pages=        {173--203},
+  year=         1959
+ at article( copas1988,
+  author=       {Copas, J. B.},
+  title=        {Binary Regression Models for Contaminated Data},
+  journal=      jrssb, volume=50,
+  number=       2,
+  pages=        {225--265},
+  year=         1988
+ at book( cox1958,
+  author=       {Cox, David R.},
+  title=        {Planning of Experiments},
+  publisher=    "Wiley", address= ny,
+  year=         1958
+ at book( davis1991,
+  editor=       {Davis, Lawrence},
+  title=        {Handbook of Genetic Algorithms},
+  publisher=    {Van Nostrand Reinhold}, address= {New York}, 
+  year=         {1991}
+ at article( dawid1979,
+  author=       {Dawid, A. Phillip},
+  title=        {Conditional Independence in Statistical Theory},
+  journal=      jrssb, volume=41,
+  pages=        {1--31},
+  number=       1,
+  year=         1979
+ at incollection( dejong1993,
+  author=       {De Jong, Kenneth A.},
+  title=        {Genetic Algorithms Are Not Function Optimizers},
+  booktitle=    {Foundations of Genetic Algorithms 2},
+  editor=       {L.~Darrell Whitley},
+  publisher=    {Morgan Kaufmann}, address= {San Mateo, CA},
+  year=         1993
+ at Article{Dehejia2005,
+  author =   {Rajeev Dehejia},
+  title =    {Practical Propensity Score Matching: A Reply to Smith and Todd},
+  journal =  {Journal of Econometrics},
+  year =     {2005},
+  volume =   {125}, number="1--2",
+  pages =    {355--364},
+ at Article{DehejiaWahba2002,
+  author =   {Rajeev H. Dehejia and Sadek Wahba},
+  title =    {Propensity Score Matching Methods for Nonexperimental Causal Studies},
+  journal =  {Review of Economics and Statistics},
+  year =     {2002},
+  volume =   {84},
+  number =   {1},
+  pages =    {151--161},
+  month =    {February},
+ at article( DehejiaWahba1999,
+  author=    {Dehejia, Rajeev and Sadek Wahba},
+  title=     {Causal Effects in Non-Experimental Studies: Re-Evaluating the Evaluation of Training Programs},
+  journal=   jasa, volume=94,
+  number=    448,
+  pages=     {1053--1062},
+  year=      1999
+ at unpublished( DehejiaWahba1997,
+  author=       {Dehejia, Rajeev and Sadek Wahba},
+  title=        {Causal Effects in Non-Experimental Studies: Re-Evaluating the Evaluation of Training Programs},
+  note=         {Rejeev Dehejia, \textit{Econometric Methods for Program Evaluation}. Ph.D. Dissertation, Harvard University, Chapter 1},
+  year=         1997
+ at book( delli1996,
+  author=       {Delli Carpini, X. Michael and Scott Keeter},
+  title=        {What Americans Know about Politics and Why It Matters},
+  publisher=    {Yale University Press}, address= {New Haven}, 
+  year=         1996
+ at article( delli1993,
+  author=       {Delli Carpini, X. Michael and Scott Keeter},
+  title=        {Measuring Political Knowledge: Putting First Things First},
+  journal=      ajps, volume=37,
+  number =      4,
+  pages=        {1179-1206},
+  year=         1993
+ at Manual{DiceOptim,
+  author =   {Ginsbourger, D. and O. Roustant},
+  title =    {\pkg{DiceOptim}: Kriging-based optimization for computer experiments},
+  note      = {\proglang{R}~package version~1.0},
+  url       = {http://cran.r-project.org/package=DiceOptim},
+  year =     {2010},
+ at article( DipreteEngelhardt2004,
+  author=       {Diprete, Thomas A. and Henriette Engelhardt},
+  title=        {Estimating Causal Effects With Matching Methods in the Presence and Absence of Bias Cancellation},
+  journal=      "Sociological Methods \& Research", volume=32, number=4,
+  pages=        "501--528",
+  year=         "2004",
+ at incollection( dominguez2004,
+  author=       {Dom\'{i}nguez, I. Jorge},
+  title=        {Why and How Did Mexico's 2000 Presidential Election Campaign Matter?},
+  booktitle=    {Mexico's Pivotal Democratic Election},
+  editor=       {Jorge I. Dom\'{i}nguez and Chappell Lawson},
+  publisher=    sup, address= "Stanford",
+  pages=        {321--344},
+  year=         2004
+ at article( drake1993,
+  author=       {Drake, Christiana},
+  title=        {Effects of Misspecification of the Propensity Score on Estimators of Treatment Effect},
+  journal=      {Biometrics}, volume=49, 
+  number=       4,
+  pages=        {1231--1236},
+  year=         1993
+ at article( DrukkerWiggins2004,
+  author=       {Drukker, David M. and Vince Wiggins},
+  title=        {Verifying the Solution from a Nonlinear Solver: A Case Study: Comment},
+  journal=      aer, volume=94, number=1,
+  pages=        {397--399},
+  year=         2004
+ at book( EfronTibshirani1994,
+  author=       {Efron, Bradely and Robert J. Tibshirani},
+  title=        {An Introduction to the Bootstrap},
+  publisher=    {Chapman \& Hall}, address= {New York}, 
+  year=         {1994}
+ at article( EpsteinHoKing2005,
+  author=       {Epstein, Lee and Daniel E. Ho and Gary King and Jeffrey A. Segal},
+  title=        {The Supreme Court During Crisis: How War Affects only Non-War Cases},
+  journal=      "New York University Law Review", volume=80, number=1,
+  pages=        "1--116",
+  year=         "2005",
+ at article( erikson1988,
+  author=       {Erikson, Robert S.},
+  title=        {The Puzzle of Midterm Loss},
+  journal=      jop, volume=50,
+  number =      4,
+  pages=        {1012--1029},
+  year=         1988
+ at book( FahrmeirTutz1994,
+  author=       {Fahrmeir, Ludwig and Gerhard Tutz},
+  title=        {Multivariate Statistical Modeling Based on Generalized Linear Models},
+  publisher=    "Springer-Verlag", address= "New York",
+  year=         1994
+ at book( fechner1860,
+  author=       {Fechner, Gustav Theodor},
+  title=        {Elements of psychophysics, Vol 1.},
+  note       =  {Translated by Helmut E. Adler and edited by D.H. Howes and E.G. Boring},
+  publisher=    {Rinehart \& Winston}, address= ny, 
+  year=         "1966 [1860]"
+ at book( feller1970,
+  author=       {Feller, William},
+  title=        {An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications},
+  publisher=    "Wiley", address= "New York",
+  note=         "Vol.\ 1, 3d ed., revised printing",
+  year=         1970
+ at article( FilhoTreleavenAlippi1994,
+  author=       {Filho, Jose L. Ribeiro, Philip C. Treleaven and Cesare Alippi},
+  title=        {Genetic Algorithm Programming Environments},
+  journal=      {Computer}, volume=27,
+  pages=        {28--43},
+  year=         1994
+ at book( fiorina1996,
+  author=       {Fiorina, Morris P.},
+  title=        {Divided Government},
+  publisher=    {Allyn \& Bacon}, address= "Boston", 
+  edition=      "2nd",
+  year=         1992
+ at book( fisher1935,
+  author=       {Fisher, Ronald A.},
+  title=        {Design of Experiments},
+  publisher=    {Hafner}, address= {New York}, 
+  year=         {1935}
+ at book( fishkin1997,
+  author=       {James S. Fishkin},
+  title=        {The Voice of the People: Public Opinion and Democracy},
+  edition=      {2nd},
+  publisher=    {Yale University Press}, address= {New Haven, CT}, 
+  year=         {1997}
+ at article( franklin1991,
+  author=       {Franklin, Charles H.},
+  title=        {Eschewing Obfuscation? Campaigns and the Perception of U.S. Senate Incumbents},
+  journal=      apsr, volume=85,
+  number =      4,
+  pages=        {1193--1214},
+  year=         1991
+ at book( gallant1987,
+  author=       {Gallant, A. Ronald},
+  title=        {Nonlinear Statistical Models},
+  publisher=    "Wiley", address= ny,
+  year=         1987
+ at article( GalianiGertlerSchargrodsky2005,
+  author=       {Galiani, Sebastian and Paul Gertler and Ernesto Schargrodsky},
+  title=        {Water for Life: The Impact of the Privatization of Water Services on Child Mortality},
+  journal=      jpe, volume=113, number=1,
+  pages=        {83--120},
+  year=         2005
+ at article( geddes1999,
+  author=       {Geddes, Barbara},
+  title=        {What Do We Know about Democratization},
+  journal=      "Annual Review of Political Science", volume=2,
+  pages=        {129--148},
+  year=         1999
+ at book( GillMurrayWright1981,
+  author=       {Gill, Philip E. and Walter Murray and Margaret H. Wright},
+  title=        {Practical Optimization},
+  publisher=    "Academic Press", address= "San Diego",
+  year=         1981
+ at incollection( GrefenstetteBaker1989,
+  author=       {Grefenstette, John J. and James E. Baker},
+  title=        {How Genetic Algorithms Work: A Critical Look at Implicit Parallelism},
+  booktitle=    {Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Genetic Algorithms},
+  publisher=    "Morgan Kaufmann", address= "San Mateo, CA",
+  pages=        {20--27},
+  year=         1989
+ at article( GeyerThompson1995,
+  author=       {Geyer, Charles J. and Elizabeth A. Thompson},
+  title=        {Annealing Markov Chain Monte Carlo with Applications to Ancestral Inference},
+  journal=      jasa, volume=90, number=431,
+  pages=        {909--920},
+  year=         1995
+ at book( goldberg1989,
+  author=       {Goldberg, David E.},
+  title=        {Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and Machine Learning},
+  publisher=    "Addison-Wesley", address= "Reading, MA",
+  year=         1989
+ at Manual{goodrich.fair,
+  author =   {Goodrich, Ben},
+  title =    {\pkg{FAiR}: Factor Analysis in \proglang{R}},
+  note      = {\proglang{R}~package version~0.4-7},
+  url       = {http://cran.r-project.org/package=FAiR},
+  year =     {2011},
+ at incollection( grefenstette1993,
+  author=       {Grefenstette, John J.},
+  title=        {Deception Considered Harmful},
+  booktitle=    {Foundations of Genetic Algorithms 2},
+  editor=       {L.~Darrell Whitley},
+  publisher=    {Morgan Kaufmann}, address= {San Mateo, CA},
+  year=         1993
+ at book( habermas1964,
+  author=       {Habermas, J\"{u}rgen},
+  title=        {The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere: An Inquiry into a Category of Bourgeois Society},
+  note       =  {Translated by Thomas Burger},
+  publisher=    mit, address= cam, 
+  year=         "1996 [1964]"
+ at book( hall1992,
+  author=       {Hall, Peter},
+  title=        {The Bootstrap and Edgeworth Expansion},
+  publisher=    {Springer-Verlag}, address= {New York}, 
+  year=         {1992}
+ at book( hampel1986,
+  author=       {Hampel, Frank R. and Elvezio M. Ronchetti and Peter J. Rousseeuw and Werner A. Stahel},
+  title=        {Robust Statistics: The Approach Based on Influence Functions},
+  publisher=    {Wiley, John and Sons}, address= {New York}, 
+  year=         1986
+ at article( HausmanWise1979,
+  author=       {Hausman, Jerry A. and David A. Wise},
+  title=        {Attrition Bias in Experimental and Panel Data: The Gary Income Maintenance Experiment},
+  journal=      ec, volume=47,
+  pages=        {455--473},
+  year=         1979
+ at article( hirnao1998,
+  author=       {Hirano, Keisuke and Guido W. Imbens and Geert Ridder and Donald B. Rubin},
+  title=        {Combining Panel Data Sets with Attrition and Refreshment Samples},
+  journal=      ec, volume=69,
+  pages=        {1645--1659},
+  year=         1998
+ at article( heckman1979,
+  author=       {Heckman, James J},
+  title=        {Sample Selection Bias as a Specification Error},
+  journal=      ec, volume=47,
+  pages=        {153--161},
+  year=         1979
+ at article( heckman1998,
+  author=       {Heckman, James J. and  Hidehiko Ichimura and Jeffrey Smith and Petra Todd},
+  title=        {Characterizing Selection Bias Using Experimental Data},
+  journal=      ec, volume=66,
+  number =      5,
+  pages=        {1017-1098},
+  year=         1998
+, ed.  1985.
+New York:  Cambridge University Press.
+ at book( HeckmanSinger1985,
+  editor=       {Heckman, James J. and Burton Singer},
+  title=        {Longitudinal Analysis of Labor Market Data},
+  publisher=    cup, address={New York}, 
+  year=         {1985}
+ at unpublished{HerronWand2004,
+  author =   {Herron, Michael C. and Jonathan Wand},
+  title =    {Assessing Partisan Bias in Voting Technology: The Case of the 2004 New Hampshire Recount},
+  note =     "Working Paper",
+  year =     {2004},
+ at article( hersh1982,
+  author=       {Hersh, Seymour M.},
+  title=        {The Price of Power: Kissinger, Nixon, and Chile},
+  journal=      {The Atlantic Monthly}, month=12, 
+  url=          {http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/82dec/hersh.htm},
+  year=         1982
+ at book( hettmansperger1984,
+  author=       {Hettmansperger, T},
+  title=        {Statistical Inference Based on Ranks},
+  publisher=    "Wiley", address= ny, 
+  year=         1984
+ at article( holland1986,
+  author=       {Holland, Paul W.},
+  title=        {Statistics and Causal Inference},
+  journal=      jasa, volume=81, number=396,
+  pages=        {945--960},
+  year=         1986
+ at book( holland1975,
+  author=       {Holland, John H.},
+  title=        {Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems},
+  publisher=    "University of Michigan Press", address= "Ann Arbor",
+  year=         1975
+ at article( HorvitzThompson1952,
+  author=       {Horvitz, D. G. and D. J. Thompson},
+  title=        {A Generalization of Sampling without Replacement from a Finite Universe},
+  journal=      jasa, volume=47,
+  pages=        {663--685},
+  year=         1952
+ at book( huber1981,
+  author=       {Huber, Peter J.},
+  title=        {Robust Statistics},
+  publisher=    {Wiley, John and Sons}, address= {New York}, 
+  year=         1981
+ at book( huntington1968,
+  author=       {Huntington, Samuel P.},
+  title=        {Political Order in Changing Societies},
+  publisher=    {Yale University Press}, address= {New Haven}, 
+  year=         1968
+ at book( huntington1991,
+  author=       {Huntington, Samuel P.},
+  title=        {The Third Wave: Democratization in the Late Twentieth Century},
+  publisher=    {University of Oklahoma Press}, address= {Norman and London}, 
+  year=         1991
+ at article(KingWand2007,
+  author=       {King, Gary and Jonathan Wand},
+  title=        {Comparing Incomparable Survey Responses: Evaluating and Selecting Anchoring Vignettes},
+  journal=      pa, volume=15, 
+  pages=        {46--66},
+  year=         2007
+ at article{ KirkpatrickGelattVecchi83,
+    author = "S. Kirkpatrick and C. D. Gelatt and M. P. Vecchi",
+    title = "Optimization by Simulated Annealing",
+    journal = "Science", number = "4598", 
+    volume = "220",
+    pages = "671--680",
+    year = "1983"
+ at book( knuth1998,
+  author=       {Knuth, Donald E.},
+  title=        {The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 2: Seminumerical Algorithms},
+  edition=      "3rd",
+  publisher=    "Addison-Wesley", address= "Reading: MA", 
+  year=         1998
+ at Manual{KrigInv,
+  author =   {Victor Picheny and David Ginsbourger},
+  title  =   {\pkg{KrigInv}: Kriging-based Inversion for Deterministic and Noisy Computer Experiments},
+  note   =   {\proglang{R}~package version~1.1},
+  url    =   {http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=KrigInv},
+  year   =   {2011}
+ at unpublished( krosnick2004,
+  author=       {Holbrook, Allyson L. and Matthew K. Berent and Jon A. Krosnick and Penny S. Visser and David S. Boninger},
+  title=        {Attitude Importance and the Accumulation of Attitude-Relevant Knowledge in Memory},
+  note=         "Working Paper",
+  year=         2004
+ at Manual{LeeLee2006,
+  author =   {Lee, Chun-Ying and Yung-Jin Lee},
+  title =    {\pkg{PKfit}: A Tool for Data Analysis in Pharmacokinetics},
+  note      = {\proglang{R}~package version~1.1.8},
+  url       = {http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=PKfit},
+  year =     {2009},
+ at Manual{ivivc,
+  author =   {Hsin Ya Lee and Yung-Jin Lee},
+  title  =   {\pkg{ivivc}: in vitro-in vivo correlation (IVIVC) modeling},
+  note   =   {\proglang{R}~package version~0.1.5},
+  url    =   {http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=ivivc},
+  year   =   {2009}
+ at article( imbens2000,
+  author=       {Imbens, Guido W.},
+  title=        "The Role of the Propensity Score in Estimating Dose-Response Functions",
+  journal=      {Biometrika}, volume=87, number=3,
+  pages=        {706--710},
+  year=         2000
+ at Article{imai2005,
+  author =   {Kosuke Imai},
+  title =    {Do Get-Out-The-Vote Calls Reduce Turnout? The Importance of Statistical Methods for Field Experiments},
+  journal =  apsr, volume =   99, number=2,
+  pages =    "283--300",
+  year =     {2005},
+ at incollection( iyengar1990,
+  author=       {Iyengar, Shanto},
+  title=        {Shorts to Political Knowledge: Selective attention and the accessibility bias},
+  booktitle=    {Information and the Democratic Process},
+  editor=       {John Ferejohn and James Kuklinski},
+  publisher=    {University of Illinois Press}, address= {Urbana},
+  year=         1990
+ at unpublished( iyengar1986,
+  author=       {Iyengar, Shanto},
+  title=        {Whither Political Information},
+  note=         {Report to the NES Board of Overseers. Center for Political Studies, University of Michigan},
+  year=         1986
+ at Manual{JOP,
+  author =   {Sonja Kuhnt and Nikolaus Rudak},
+  title =    {\pkg{JOP}: Joint Optimization Plot},
+  note      = {\proglang{R}~package version~2.0.1},
+  url       = {http://cran.r-project.org/package=JOP},
+  year =     {2011},
+ at book( johnston2004,
+  author=       {Johnston, Richard and Michael G. Hagen and Kathleen Hall Jamieson},
+  title=        {The 2000 Presidential Election and the Foundations of Party Politics},
+  publisher=    cup, address= ny, 
+  year=         2004
+ at book( johnston1992,
+  author=       {Johnston, Richard and Andr\'{e} Blais and Henry E. Brady and Jean Cr\^{e}te},
+  title=        {Letting the People Decide: Dynamics of a Canadian Election},
+  publisher=    "McGill-Queen's University Press", address= "Montreal", 
+  year=         1992
+ at book( kornhauser1959,
+  author=       {Kornhauser, William},
+  title=        {The Politics of Mass Society},
+  publisher=    {The Free Press}, address= {New York}, 
+  year=         1959
+ at article( kunsch1989,
+  author=       {Kunsch, H. R. and L. A. Stefanski and R. J. Carroll},
+  title=        {Conditionally Unbiased Bounded-Influence Estimation in General Regression Models},
+  journal=      jasa, volume=84,
+  pages=        {460--466},
+  year=         1989
+ at book( lancaster1990,
+  editor=       {Lancaster, Tony},
+  title=        {The Econometric Analysis of Transition Data},
+  publisher=    cup, address={New York}, 
+  year=         {1990}
+ at Article{lalonde1986,
+  author =   {Robert LaLonde},
+  title =    {Evaluating the Econometric Evaluations of Training Programs with Experimental Data},
+  journal =      {American Economic Review},
+  year =     {1986},
+  OPTkey =   {},
+  volume =   {76},
+  OPTnumber =    {4},
+  pages =    {604--20},
+  month =    {September},
+  OPTnote =      {},
+  OPTannote =    {}
+ at incollection( lawson2004,
+  author=       {Lawson, Chappell},
+  title=        {Introduction},
+  booktitle=    {Mexico's Pivotal Democratic Election},
+  editor=       {Jorge I. Dom\'{i}nguez and Chappell Lawson},
+  publisher=    sup, address= "Stanford",
+  pages=        {1--21},
+  year=         2004
+ at article( lipset1959,
+  author=       {Lipset, Seymour Martin},
+  title=        {Some Social Requisites of Democracy: Economic Development and Political Legitimacy},
+  journal=      apsr, volume=53, number=1,
+  pages=        {69--105},
+  year=         1959
+ at book( LittleRubin1987,
+  author=       {Little, Roderick J. A. and Rubin, Donald B.},
+  title=        {Statistical Analysis with Missing Data},
+  publisher=    {J. Wiley \& Sons}, address= ny,
+  year=         1987
+ at unpublished( lupia2004,
+  author=       {Lupia, Arthur},
+  title=        {Questioning Our Competence: Tasks, Institutions, and the Limited Practical Relevance of Common Political Knowledge Measures},
+  note=         "Working Paper",
+  year=         2004
+ at article( luskin2002,
+  author=       {Luskin, Robert C. and James S. Fishkin and Roger Jowell},
+  title=        {Considered Opinions: Deliberative Polling in Britain},
+  journal=      bjps, volume=32,
+  pages=        {455--487},
+  year=         2002
+ at book( MccullaghNelder1989,
+  author=       {McCullagh, Peter and John A. Nelder},
+  title=        {Generalized Linear Models},
+  edition=      "2nd",
+  publisher=    c-h, address= ny,
+  year=         1989
+ at article( McCulloughVinod2004a,
+  author=       {McCullough, B. D. and H. D. Vinod},
+  title=        {Verifying the Solution from a Nonlinear Solver: A Case Study: Reply},
+  journal=      aer, volume=94, number=1,
+  pages=        {391--396},
+  year=         2004
+ at article( McCulloughVinod2004b,
+  author=       {McCullough, B. D. and H. D. Vinod},
+  title=        {Verifying the Solution from a Nonlinear Solver: A Case Study: Reply},
+  journal=      aer, volume=94, number=1,
+  pages=        {400--403},
+  year=         2004
+ at article( McCulloughVinod2003,
+  author=       {McCullough, B. D. and H. D. Vinod},
+  title=        {Verifying the Solution from a Nonlinear Solver: A Case Study},
+  journal=      aer, volume=93, number=3,
+  pages=        {873--892},
+  year=         2003
+ at article( mckelvey1985a,
+  author=       {McKelvey, Richard D. and Peter C. Ordeshook},
+  title=        {Elections with Limited
+Information:  A Fulfilled Expectations Model Using Contemporaneous Poll and
+Endorsement Data as Information Sources},
+  journal=      jet, volume=36,
+  pages=        {55--85},
+  year=         1985
+ at article( mckelvey1985b,
+  author=       {McKelvey, Richard D. and Peter C. Ordeshook},
+  title=        {Sequential Elections with Limited Information},
+  journal=      ajps, volume=29, number=3,
+  pages=        {480--512},
+  year=         1985
+ at article( mckelvey1986,
+  author=       {McKelvey, Richard D. and Peter C. Ordeshook},
+  title=        {Information, Electoral Equilibria, and the Democratic Ideal},
+  journal=      jop, volume=48, number=4,
+  pages=        {909--937},
+  year=         1986
+ at article( mcgraw1990,
+  author=       {McGraw, Kathleen and Neil Pinney},
+  title=        {The Effects of General and Domain-Specific Expertise on Political Memory and Judgement},
+  journal=      {Social Cognition}, volume=8,
+  pages=        {9--30},
+  year=         1990
+ at article( mckelvey1985a,
+  author=       {McKelvey, Richard D. and Peter C. Ordeshook},
+  title=        {Elections with Limited
+Information:  A Fulfilled Expectations Model Using Contemporaneous Poll and
+Endorsement Data as Information Sources},
+  journal=      jet, volume=36,
+  pages=        {55--85},
+  year=         1985
+ at article( mckelvey1985b,
+  author=       {McKelvey, Richard D. and Peter C. Ordeshook},
+  title=        {Sequential Elections with Limited Information},
+  journal=      ajps, volume=29, number=3,
+  pages=        {480--512},
+  year=         1985
+ at article( mckelvey1986,
+  author=       {McKelvey, Richard D. and Peter C. Ordeshook},
+  title=        {Information, Electoral Equilibria, and the Democratic Ideal},
+  journal=      jop, volume=48, number=4,
+  pages=        {909--937},
+  year=         1986
+ at article( McNemar1947,
+  author=       {McNemar, Q.},
+  title=        {Note on the Sampling Error of the Differences Between Correlated Proportions or Percentage},
+  journal=      {Psychometrika}, volume=12,
+  pages=        {153--157},
+  year=         1947
+ at book( maddala1992,
+  author=       {Maddala, G.S.},
+  title=        {Introduction to Econometrics},
+  edition=      "2nd",
+  publisher=    {MacMillan}, address= {New York}, 
+  year=         "1992"
+ at book( maddala1983,
+  author=       {Maddala, G.S.p},
+  title=        {Limited-Dependent and Qualitative Variables in Econometrics},
+  publisher=    cup, address={New York}, 
+  year=         {1983}
+ at article{ MarinariParisi1992,
+    author = "E. Marinari and G. Parisi",
+    title = "Simulated tempering: A New Monte Carlo Scheme",
+    journal = "Europhysics Letters", number = "19", 
+    volume = "6",
+    pages = "451--455",
+    year = "1992"
+ at article( MannWhitney1947,
+  author=       {Mann, H. and Whitney, D},
+  title=        {On a Test of Whether One of Two Random Variables is Stochastically Larger than the Other},
+  journal=      {Annals of Mathematical Statistics}, volume=18,
+  pages=        {50--60},
+  year=         1947
+ at Article{MebaneJr.+Sekhon:2011,
+  author	= {Mebane, Jr., Walter R. and Jasjeet S. Sekhon},
+  title		= {Genetic Optimization Using Derivatives: The \pkg{rgenoud} Package for \proglang{R}},
+  journal	= {Journal of Statistical Software},
+  year		= {2011},
+  note		= {Forthcoming},
+  url		= {http://www.jstatsoft.org/}
+ at article( mebane2000,
+  author=       {Mebane, Jr., Walter R.},
+  title=        {Coordination, Moderation and Institutional Balancing in American Presidential and House Elections},
+  journal=      apsr, volume=94,
+  number =      1,
+  pages=        {37--57},
+  year=         2000
+ at Manual{MebaneSekhon1997,
+  author =   {Mebane, Jr., Walter R. and Jasjeet S. Sekhon},
+  title =    {GENetic Optimization Using Derivatives (GENOUD)},
+  note =     {Computer program available upon request},
+  year =     {1997}
+ at article( MebaneSekhon2004,
+  author=       {Mebane, Jr., Walter R. and Jasjeet S. Sekhon},
+  title=        {Robust Estimation and Outlier Detection for Overdispersed Multinomial Models of Count Data},
+  journal=      ajps, volume=48,
+  number =      2,
+  pages=        {391--410},
+  year=         2004
+ at Manual{MebaneSekhon.multinomRob,
+  author =   {Mebane, Jr., Walter R. and Jasjeet S. Sekhon},
+  title =    {\pkg{multinomRob}:  Robust Estimation of Overdispersed Multinomial Regression Models},
+  note      = {\proglang{R}~package version~1.8-4},
+  url       = {http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=multinomRob},
+  year =     {2009},
+ at article( MebaneSekhon2002,
+  author=       {Mebane, Jr., Walter R. and Jasjeet S. Sekhon},
+  title=        {Coordination and Policy Moderation at Midterm},
+  journal=      apsr, volume=96,
+  number =      1,
+  pages=        {141--157},
+  year=         2002
+ at unpublished( MebaneSekhon1998,
+  author=       {Mebane, Jr., Walter R. and Jasjeet S. Sekhon},
+  title=        {GENetic Optimization Using Derivatives (GENOUD)},
+  note =        {Software Package. \url{http://sekhon.berkeley.edu/rgenoud/}},
+  year=         1998
+ at book( Michalewicz1992,
+  author=       {Michalewicz, Zbigniew},
+  title=        {Genetic Algorithms + Data Structures = Evolution Programs},
+  publisher=    s-v, address= {New York}, 
+  year=         {1992}
+ at unpublished( MichalewiczSwaminathanLogan1993,
+  author=       {Michalewicz, Zbigniew and Swarnalatha Swaminathan and Thomas D. Logan},
+  title=        {GENOCOP (version 2.0)},
+  note =        {C language computer program source code.  
+  year=         1993
+ at book( mes2002,
+  author=       {Erikson, Robert S. and Michael B. MacKuen and James A. Stimson},
+  title=        {The Macro Polity},
+  publisher=    cup, address= {New York}, 
+  year=         {2002}
+ at incollection( miller1986,
+  author=       {Miller, Nicholas R},
+  title=        {Information, Electorates, and Democracy: Some Extensions and
+Interpretations of the Condorcet Jury Theorem},
+  booktitle=    {Information Pooling and Group Decision Making},
+  editor=       {Bernard Grofman and Guillermo Owen},
+  publisher=    {JAI}, address= {Greenwich, CT},
+  year=         1986
+ at article{MitchellKrzanowski1989,
+  author =   {Mitchell, Ann F. S. and Wojtek J. Krzanowski},
+  title =    {Amendments and Corrections: The Mahalanobis Distance and Elliptic Distributions},
+  journal =  {Biometrika},
+  year =     {1989},
+  volume =   {76},
+  number =   {2},
+  pages =    {407},
+ at article{MitchellKrzanowski1985,
+  author =   {Mitchell, Ann F. S. and Wojtek J. Krzanowski},
+  title =    {The Mahalanobis Distance and Elliptic Distributions},
+  journal =  {Biometrika},
+  year =     {1985},
+  volume =   {72},
+  number =   {2},
+  pages =    {464--467},
+ at book( neuman86,
+  author=       {Neuman, W. Russell},
+  title=        {The Paradox of Mass Politics: Knowledge and Opinion in the {A}merican Electorate},
+  publisher=    hup, address= cam, 
+  year=         1986
+ at article( NixVose1992,
+  author=       {Nix, Allen E. and Michael D. Vose},
+  title=        {Modeling Genetic Algorithms with Markov Chains},
+  journal=      {Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence}, volume=5,
+  pages=        {79--88},
+  year=         1992
+ at book( page1992,
+  author=       {Page, Benjamin I. and Robert Y. Shapiro},
+  title=        {The Rational Public: Fifty Years of Trends in {A}mericans' Policy Preferences},
+  publisher=    uchp, address= chic, 
+  year=         1992
+ at article( PalfreyPoole1987,
+  author=       {Palfrey, Thomas R. and Keith T. Poole},
+  title=        {The Relationship between Information, Ideology, and Voting Behavior},
+  journal=      ajps, volume=31,
+  number =      3,
+  pages=        {511--530},
+  year=         1987
+ at book( patterson2002,
+  author=       {Patterson, Thomas E.},
+  title=        {The Vanishing Voter: Public Involvement in an Age of Uncertainty},
+  publisher=    "Alfred A. Knopf", address= "New York",
+  year=         2002
+ at book( popkin1991,
+  author=       {Popkin, Samuel L},
+  title=        {The Reasoning Voter: Communication and Persuasion in Presidential Campaigns},
+  publisher=    uchp, address= chic, 
+  year=         1991
+ at article( PriceZaller1993,
+  author=       {Price, Vincent and John Zaller},
+  title=        {Who Gets the News? Alternative Measures of News Reception and Their Implications for Research},
+  journal=      {Public Opinion Quarterly}, volume=57, number=2,
+  pages=        {133--164},
+  year=         1993
+ at article( pryor2003,
+  author=       {Pryor, Kane},
+  title=        {A national state of confusion},
+  journal=      {Salon.com}, month=6, day=2,
+  url=          {http://www.salon.com/opinion/feature/2003/02/06/iraq_poll},
+  note=         "Accessed 07/05/2004",
+  year=         2003
+ at book( putnam2000,
+  author=       {Putnam, Robert D.},
+  title=        {Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community},
+  publisher=    "Simon \& Schuster", address= ny, 
+  year=         2000
+ at book( rosenbaum2002,
+  author=       {Rosenbaum, Paul R.},
+  title=        {Observational Studies},
+  edition=      "2nd",
+  publisher=    "Springer-Verlag", address= ny, 
+  year=         2002
+ at article( Rosenbaum1999,
+  author=       {Rosenbaum, Paul R.},
+  title=        {Using Quantile Averages in Matched Observational Studies},
+  journal=      {Applied Statistics}, volume=48, 
+  number=       1,
+  pages=        {63--78},
+  year=         1999
+ at article( Rosenbaum1993,
+  author=       {Rosenbaum, Paul R.},
+  title=        {Comparison of Multivariate Matching Methods: Structures, Distances, and Algorithms},
+  journal=      {Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics}, volume=2, 
+  number=       4,
+  pages=        {405--420},
+  year=         1993
+ at article( Rosenbaum1991,
+  author=       {Rosenbaum, Paul R.},
+  title=        {A Characterization of Optimal Designs for Observational Studies},
+  journal=      jrssb, volume=53, 
+  number=       3,
+  pages=        {597--610},
+  year=         1991
+ at article( Rosenbaum1989,
+  author=       {Rosenbaum, Paul R.},
+  title=        {Optimal Matching for Observational Studies},
+  journal=      jasa, volume=84, 
+  number=       408,
+  pages=        {1024--1032},
+  year=         1989
+ at article( RosenbaumRubin1985,
+  author=       {Rosenbaum, Paul R. and Donald B. Rubin},
+  title=        {Constructing a Control Group Using Multivariate Matched Sampling Methods That Incorporate the Propensity Score},
+  journal=      {The American Statistician}, volume=39, 
+  number=       1,
+  pages=        {33--38},
+  year=         1985
+ at article( RosenbaumRubin1984,
+  author=       {Rosenbaum, Paul R. and Donald B. Rubin},
+  title=        {Reducing Bias in Observational Studies Using Subclassification on the Propensity Score},
+  journal=      jasa, volume=79, 
+  number=       387,
+  pages=        {516--524},
+  year=         1984
+ at article( RosenbaumRubin1983,
+  author=       {Rosenbaum, Paul R. and Donald B. Rubin},
+  title=        {The Central Role of the Propensity Score in Observational Studies for Causal Effects},
+  journal=      {Biometrika}, volume=70, 
+  number=       1,
+  pages=        {41--55},
+  year=         1983
+ at article( rubin2001,
+  author=       {Rubin, Donald B},
+  title=        "Using Propensity Scores to Help Design Observational Studies: Application to the Tobacco Litigation",
+  journal=      "Health Services \& Outcomes Research Methodology", volume=2, number=1,
+  pages=        "169--188",
+  year=         2001
+ at article( rubin1997,
+  author=       {Rubin, Donald B},
+  title=        "Estimating Causal Effects from Large Data Sets Using Propensity Scores",
+  journal=      {Annals of Internal Medicine}, volume=127, number="8S",
+  pages=        "757--763",
+  year=         1997
+ at book( rubinMI1987,
+  author=       {Rubin, Donald B.},
+  title=        {Multiple Imputation for Nonresponse in Surveys},
+  publisher=    {J. Wiley \& Sons}, address= ny,
+  year=         1987
+ at article( rubin1980,
+  author=       {Rubin, Donald B.},
+  title=        "Bias Reduction Using Mahalanobis-Metric Matching",
+  journal=      {Biometrics}, volume=36, 
+  number =      2,
+  pages=        {293--298},
+  year=         1980
+ at article( rubin1979,
+  author=       {Rubin, Donald B.},
+  title=        "Using Multivariate Sampling and Regression Adjustment to Control Bias in Observational Studies",
+  journal=      jasa, volume=74, 
+  pages=        {318--328},
+  year=         1979
+ at article( rubin1978,
+  author=       {Rubin, Donald B.},
+  title=        {Bayesian Inference for Causal Effects: The Role of Randomization},
+  journal=      {Annals of Statistics}, volume=6, number=1,
+  pages=        {34--58},
+  year=         1978
+ at article( rubin1977,
+  author=       {Rubin, Donald B.},
+  title=        {Assignment to a Treatment Group on the Basis of a Covariate},
+  journal=      {Journal of Educational Statistics}, volume=2, 
+  pages=        {1--26},
+  year=         1977
+ at article( rubin1976,
+  author=       {Rubin, Donald B.},
+  title=        {Multivariate Matching Methods That are Equal Percent Bias Reducing, I: Some Examples},
+  journal=      {Biometrics}, 
+  volume =      32, 
+  number =      1,
+  pages=        {109--120},
+  year=         1976
+ at article( rubin1976b,
+  author=       {Rubin, Donald B.},
+  title=        {Multivariate Matching Methods That are Equal Percent Bias Reducing, II: Maximums on Bias Reduction for Fixed Sample Sizes},
+  journal=      {Biometrics}, 
+  volume =      32, 
+  number =      1,
+  pages=        {121--132},
+  year=         1976
+ at article( rubinMI1976,
+  author=       {Rubin, Donald B.},
+  title=        {Inference and Missing Data},
+  journal=      {Biometrika}, volume=63, 
+  pages=        {581-592},
+  year=         1976
+ at article( rubin1973a,
+  author=       {Rubin, Donald B.},
+  title=        "Matching to Remove Bias in Observational Studies",
+  journal=      {Biometrics}, volume=29, 
+  pages=        {159--184},
+  year=         1973
+ at article( rubin1973b,
+  author=       {Rubin, Donald B.},
+  title=        "The Use of Matching and Regression Adjustment to Remove Bias in Observational Studies",
+  journal=      {Biometrics}, volume=29, 
+  pages=        {185--203},
+  year=         1973
+ at unpublished( RubinStuart,
+  author=       {Rubin, Donald B. and Elizabeth A. Stuart},
+  title=        {Affinely Invariant Matching Methods with Discriminant Mixtures of Proportional Ellipsoidally Symmetric Distributions},
+  note=         "Working Paper",
+  year=         2005
+ at article( RubinThomas1996,
+  author=       {Rubin, Donald B. and Neal Thomas},
+  title=        "Matching Using Estimated Propensity Scores: Relating Theory to Practice",
+  journal=      {Biometrics}, volume=52, number=1,
+  pages=        {249--264},
+  year=         1996
+ at article( RubinThomas1992,
+  author=       {Rubin, Donald B. and Neal Thomas},
+  title=        "Affinely Invariant Matching Methods with Ellipsoidal Distributions",
+  journal=      aos, volume=20, number=2,
+  pages=        {1079--1093},
+  year=         1992
+ at article( RubinThomas1992b,
+  author=       {Rubin, Donald B. and Neal Thomas},
+  title=        "Characterizing the Effect of Matching Using Linear Propensity Score Methods with Normal Distributions",
+  journal=      "Biometrika", volume=79, number=4,
+  pages=        {797--809},
+  year=         1992
+ at article( rustow1970,
+  author=       {Rustow, Dankwart A.},
+  title=        {Transitions to Democracy: Toward a Dynamic Model},
+  journal=      {Comparative Politics}, volume=2, number=3,
+  pages=        {337--363},
+  year=         1970
+ at article(SchacharNalebuff2004,
+  author=       {Shachar, Ron and Barry Nalebuff},
+  title=        {Verifying the Solution from a Nonlinear Solver: A Case Study: Comment},
+  journal=      aer, volume=94, number=1,
+  pages=        {382-390},
+  year=         2004
+ at book( schafer1997a,
+  author=       {Schafer, Joseph L.},
+  title=        {Analysis of Incomplete Multivariate Data},
+  publisher=    c-h, address= "London", 
+  year=         1997
+ at unpublished( schafer1997b,
+  author=       {Schafer, Joseph L.},
+  title=        {Imputation of missing covariates under a general linear mixed model},
+  note=         {Technical report, Dept. of Statistics, Penn State University},
+  year=         1997
+ at Manual{SekhonMatching,
+  author =   {Jasjeet S. Sekhon},
+  title =    {\pkg{Matching}: Multivariate and Propensity Score Matching with Automated Balance Search},
+  note  =    {\proglang{R}~package version~4.7-12},
+  url    =   {http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=Matching},
+  year =     {2011},
+ at article( sekhon2004,
+  author=       {Sekhon, Jasjeet S.},
+  title=        {Quality Meets Quantity: Case Studies, Conditional Probability and Counterfactuals},
+  journal=      pop, volume=2,
+  number =      2,
+  pages=        {281--293},
+  year=         2004
+ at unpublished( SekhonInformation,
+  author=       {Sekhon, Jasjeet S.},
+  title=        "The Varying Role of Voter Information Across Democratic Societies",
+  note =        "Working Paper",
+  url=          {http://sekhon.berkeley.edu/papers/SekhonInformation.pdf},
+  year=         2004
+ at article( SekhonMebane1998,
+  author=       {Sekhon, Jasjeet Singh and Mebane, Jr., Walter R.},
+  title=        {Genetic Optimization Using Derivatives: Theory and Application to Nonlinear Models},
+  journal=      {Political Analysis}, volume={7},
+  pages=        {189--203},
+  year=         1998
+ at unpublished( sekhon_glmRob,
+  author=       {Sekhon, Jasjeet S.},
+  title=        {Robust Alternatives to Binary Logit and Probit: With
+  reanalysis of Fearon and Laitin's (2003) ``Ethnicity, Insurgency and
+  Civil War'' and Bartels's (1996) ``Uninformed Votes: Information Effects in
+  Presidential Elections.},
+  note=         "Working Paper",
+  year=         2004
+ at book( smith_charles1956,
+  author=       {Smith, Charles Page},
+  title=        {James Wilson, Founding Father, 1742-1798},
+  publisher=    "University of North Carolina Press", address= "Chapel Hill",
+  year=         1956
+ at article( smith_herbert1997,
+  author=       {Smith, Herbert L.},
+  title=        {Matching with Multiple Controls to Estimate Treatment Effects in Observational Studies},
+  journal=      "Sociological Methodology", volume=27,
+  pages=        "305--353",
+  year=         "1997"
+ at article( SmithTodd2005a,
+  author=       {Smith, Jeffrey and Petra Todd},
+  title=        {Does Matching Overcome LaLonde's Critique of Nonexperimental Estimators?},
+  journal=      je, volume=125, number="1--2",
+  pages=        "305--353",
+  year=         "2005"
+ at article( SmithTodd2005b,
+  author=       {Smith, Jeffrey and Petra Todd},
+  title=        {Rejoinder},
+  journal=      je, volume=125, number="1--2",
+  pages=        "365--375",
+  year=         "2005"
+ at article{SmithTodd2001,
+  author =   {Jeffrey A. Smith and Petra E. Todd},
+  title =    {Reconciling Conflicting Evidence on the Performance of Propensity Score Matching Methods},
+  journal =  {AEA Papers and Proceedings},
+  year =     {2001},
+  volume =   {91},
+  number =   {2},
+  pages =    {112--118},
+ at book( sniderman1991,
+  author=       {Sniderman, Paul M. and Richard Brody and Philip E. Tetlock},
+  title=        {Reasoning and Choice: Explorations in Political Psychology},
+  publisher=    cup, address= ny,
+  year=         1991
+ at incollection( sniderman1993,
+  author=       {Sniderman, Paul M.},
+  title=        {The New Look in Public Opinion Research},
+  booktitle=    {Political Science: The State of the Discipline II},
+  editor=       {Ada W. Finifter},
+  publisher=    {American Political Science Association}, 
+  address=      {Washington, DC},
+  year=         1993
+ at book( snyder2000,
+  author=       {Snyder, Jack},
+  title=        {From Voting to Violence: Democratization and Nationalist Conflict},
+  publisher=    {W. W. Norton}, address= ny,
+  year=         2000
+ at article( stephens1974,
+  author=       {Stephens, M. A.},
+  title=        {EDF Statistics for Goodness of Fit and Some Comparisons},
+  journal=      jasa, volume=69,
+  pages=        {730--737},
+  year=         1974
+ at article( stokes2004,
+  author=       {Stokes, Houston},
+  title=        {On the Advantage of Using Two or More Econometric Software Systems to Solve the Same Problem},
+  journal=      {Journal of Economic and Social Measurement}, volume=29, number="1-3",
+  pages=        {307--320},
+  year=         2004
+ at Manual{synth2008,
+  author =   {Alexis Diamond and Jens Hainmueller},
+  title  =   {\pkg{Synth}: Synthetic Control Group Method for Comparative Case Studies},
+  note   =   {\proglang{R}~package version~0.1-6},
+  url    =   {http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=Synth},
+  year   =   {2008}
+ at incollection( vose1993,
+  author=       {Vose, Michael D.},
+  title=        {Modeling Simple Genetic Algorithms},
+  booktitle=    {Foundations of Genetic Algorithms 2},
+  editor=       {L.~Darrell Whitley},
+  publisher=    {Morgan Kaufmann}, address= {San Mateo, CA},
+  year=         1993
+ at Manual{WandKingLau2007,
+  author =   {Wand, Jonathan and Gary King and Olivia Lau},
+  title =    {\pkg{Anchors}: Software for Anchoring Vignette Data},
+  note      = {\proglang{R}~package version~2.0},
+  url       = {http://wand.stanford.edu/anchors/},
+  year =     {2008}
+ at book( wilcox1997,
+  author=       {Wilcox, Rand R.},
+  title=        {Introduction to Robust Estimation},
+  publisher=    {Academic Press}, address= {San Diego, CA},
+  year=         1997
+ at article( wilcoxon1945,
+  author=       {Wilcoxon, F},
+  title=        {Individual Comparisons by Ranking Methods},
+  journal=      {Biometrics}, volume=1,
+  pages=        {8083},
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+ at article( WinshipMorgan1999,
+  author=       {Winship, Christopher and Stephen Morgan},
+  title=        {The estimation of causal effects from observational data},
+  journal=      "Annual Review of Sociology", volume=25, 
+  pages=        "659--707",
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+ at article( wittman1989,
+  author=       {Wittman, Donald A},
+  title=        {Why Democracies Produce Efficient Results},
+  journal=      jpe, volume=97,
+  pages=        {1395--1424},
+  year=         1989
+ at article( yao.liu.lin1999,
+  author=       {Yao, Xin and Yong Liu and Guangming Lin},
+  title=        {Evolutionary Programming Made Faster},
+  journal=      {IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation}, volume=3,
+  month=        {July}, number= 2,
+  pages=        {82--102},
+  year=         1999
+ at article( yule1899,
+  author=       {Yule, Undy G.},
+  title=        {An Investigation into the Causes of Changes in Pauperism in England, Chiefly During the Last Two Intercensal Decades (Part I.)},
+  journal=      {Journal of the Royal Statistical Society}, volume=62,
+  number =      2,
+  pages=        {249--295},
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+ at incollection( zaller2004,
+  author=       {Zaller, John R},
+  title=        {Floating Voters in U.S.\ Presidential Elections, 1948--1996},
+  booktitle=    {Studies in Public Opinion: Gauging Attitudes, Nonattitudes, Measurement Error and Change},
+  editor=       {Willem Saris and Paul Sniderman},
+  publisher=    pup, 
+  address=      nj,
+  year=         "forthcoming"
+ at book( zaller1992,
+  author=       {Zaller, John R},
+  title=        {The Nature and Origins of Mass Opinion},
+  publisher=    cup, address= ny,
+  year=         1992
+ at unpublished( zaller1986,
+  author=       {Zaller, John R.},
+  title=        {Analysis of Information Items in the 1985 NES Pilot Study},
+  note=         {NES Pilot Study Report. Center for Political Studies, University of Michigan},
+  year=         1986
+ at unpublished( zaller1985,
+  author=       {Zaller, John R.},
+  title=        {Proposal for the Measurement of Political Information},
+  note=         {Report to the NES Board of Overseers. Center for Political Studies, University of Michigan},
+  year=         1985
+ at book( zakaria2003,
+  author=       {Zakaria, Fareed},
+  title=        {The Future of Freedom: Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad},
+  publisher=    {W. W. Norton}, address= {New York}, 
+  year=         2003
+ at article( zakaria1998,
+  author=       {Zakaria, Fareed},
+  title=        {Doubts About Democracy},
+  journal=      {Newsweek}, Month="January", day=5,
+  year=         1998
+ at article( zakaria1997,
+  author=       {Zakaria, Fareed},
+  title=        {The Rise of Illiberal Democracy},
+  journal=      {Foreign Affairs}, volume=76, number=6,
+  pages=        {249--295},
+  year=         1997
+ at Article{Altman+McDonald:2011,
+  author	= {Micah Altman and Michael P. McDonald},
+  title		= {\pkg{BARD}: Better Automated Redistricting},
+  journal	= {Journal of Statistical Software},
+  year		= {2011},
+  note		= {Forthcoming},
+  url		= {http://www.jstatsoft.org/}
+ at Article{Wand+King:2011,
+  author	= {Jonathan Wand and Gary King},
+  title		= {\pkg{Anchors}: Software for Anchoring Vignette Data},
+  journal	= {Journal of Statistical Software},
+  year		= {2011},
+  note		= {Forthcoming},
+  url		= {http://www.jstatsoft.org/}
+ at Article{Sekhon:2011,
+  author	= {Jasjeet S. Sekhon},
+  title		= {Multivariate and Propensity Score Matching Software with Automated
+  		   Balance Optimization: The \pkg{Matching} Package for \proglang{R}},
+  journal	= {Journal of Statistical Software},
+  year		= {2011},
+  note		= {Forthcoming},
+  url		= {http://www.jstatsoft.org/}
+ at Manual{Rcore,
+    title = {R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing},
+    author = {{R Development Core Team}},
+    organization = {R Foundation for Statistical Computing},
+    address = {Vienna, Austria},
+    year = {2009},
+    note = {{ISBN} 3-900051-07-0},
+    url = {http://www.R-project.org},
+ at Comment  LocalWords:  apsr booktitle Finifter Zaller NES Iyengar Shanto Brehm
+ at Comment  LocalWords:  AlvarezBrehm ajps HorvitzThompson Horvitz jasa ny kunsch
+ at Comment  LocalWords:  MannWhitney Psychometrika Biometrika rubinMI Stefanski
+ at Comment  LocalWords:  Cantoni Elvezio Ronchetti CarrollPederson Pederson jssrb
+ at Comment  LocalWords:  copas jrssb sekhon glmRob Probit Fearon Laitin's althaus
+ at Comment  LocalWords:  Bartels's MebaneSekhon Keisuke Geert ec Allyson Berent
+ at Comment  LocalWords:  Krosnick Visser Boninger Hausman Kosuke Rosenbaum Bon Ai
+ at Comment  LocalWords:  Kornhauser Jamieson hersh url huntington Zakaria Fareed
+ at Comment  LocalWords:  zakaria rustow Dankwart Lipset geddes MacKuen Brunell
+ at Comment  LocalWords:  BrunellNiNardo DiNardo Reweighting AldrichMcKelvey rubin
+ at Comment  LocalWords:  McKelvey imbens abadie incollection dominguez nguez jop
+ at Comment  LocalWords:  Chappell Ordeshook Lupia fishkin Subclassification Jong
+ at Comment  LocalWords:  CochranRubin BertsimasTsitsiklis Bertsimas Dimitris Yung
+ at Comment  LocalWords:  Tsitsiklis Kaufmann Quantile Ellipsoidally Galiani Segal
+ at Comment  LocalWords:  Gertler Schargrodsky GalianiGertlerSchargrodsky Diprete
+ at Comment  LocalWords:  DipreteEngelhardt Engelhardt herbert Winship Jin PKfit
+ at Comment  LocalWords:  WinshipMorgan BowersHansen Pharmacokinetics Vinod aer
+ at Comment  LocalWords:  McCulloughVinod SchacharNalebuff Shachar Nalebuff Hsin
+ at Comment  LocalWords:  AltmanGillMcDonald Braumoeller Jasjeet ivivc vitro vivo
+                  @Comment LocalWords:  IVIVC Hainmueller Synth Mebane GENetic
+                  @Comment LocalWords:  GENOUD DiceOptim Ginsbourger Roustant
+                  @Comment LocalWords:  Kriging
diff --git a/inst/doc/rgenoud.pdf b/inst/doc/rgenoud.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4632ed4
Binary files /dev/null and b/inst/doc/rgenoud.pdf differ
diff --git a/man/genoud.Rd b/man/genoud.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f13eb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/genoud.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,708 @@
+  GENetic Optimization Using Derivatives
+  \code{Genoud} is a function that combines evolutionary search
+  algorithms with derivative-based (Newton or quasi-Newton) methods to
+  solve difficult optimization problems.  \code{Genoud} may also be
+  used for optimization problems for which derivatives do not exist.
+  \code{Genoud}, via the \code{cluster} option, supports the use of
+  multiple computers, CPUs or cores to perform parallel computations.
+\usage{genoud(fn, nvars, max=FALSE, pop.size=1000, max.generations=100, wait.generations=10,
+              hard.generation.limit=TRUE, starting.values=NULL, MemoryMatrix=TRUE, 
+              Domains=NULL, default.domains=10, solution.tolerance=0.001,
+              gr=NULL, boundary.enforcement=0, lexical=FALSE, gradient.check=TRUE,
+	      BFGS=TRUE, data.type.int=FALSE, hessian=FALSE, 
+	      unif.seed=812821, int.seed=53058,
+              print.level=2, share.type=0, instance.number=0, 
+              output.path="stdout", output.append=FALSE, project.path=NULL,
+              P1=50, P2=50, P3=50, P4=50, P5=50, P6=50, P7=50, P8=50, P9=0,
+              P9mix=NULL, BFGSburnin=0, BFGSfn=NULL, BFGShelp=NULL,
+              control=list(), 
+	      optim.method=ifelse(boundary.enforcement < 2, "BFGS", "L-BFGS-B"), 
+	      transform=FALSE, debug=FALSE, cluster=FALSE, balance=FALSE, ...)
+  \item{fn}{
+    The function to be minimized (or maximized if
+    max=\code{TRUE}).  The first argument of the function must be the
+    vector of parameters over which minimizing is to
+    occur.  The function must return a scalar result (unless
+    \code{lexical=TRUE}).
+    For example, if we wish to \emph{maximize} the \code{sin()}
+    function.  We can simply call genoud by \code{genoud(sin,
+      nvars=1,max=TRUE)}.}
+  \item{nvars}{The number of parameters to be selected for the function to be minimized (or
+    maximized).}
+  \item{max}{
+    Maximization (\code{TRUE}) or Minimizing (\code{FALSE}).  Determines
+    if \code{genoud} minimizes or maximizes the objective function.}
+  \item{pop.size}{
+    Population Size.  This is the number of individuals \code{genoud} uses to
+    solve the optimization problem.  There are several restrictions on
+    what the value of this number can be.  No matter what population
+    size the user requests, the number is automatically adjusted to make
+    certain that the relevant restrictions are satisfied.  These
+    restrictions originate
+    in what is required by several of the operators.  In particular,
+    operators 6 (Simple Crossover) and 8 (Heuristic
+    Crossover) require an even number of individuals to work on---i.e., they
+    require two parents.  Therefore, the \code{pop.size} variable and the
+    operators sets must be such that these three operators have an even
+    number of individuals to work with.  If this does not occur, the
+    population size is automatically increased until this constraint is
+    satisfied.}
+  \item{max.generations}{
+    Maximum Generations.  This is the maximum number of generations that
+    \code{genoud} will run when attempting to optimize a function.  This is a
+    \emph{soft} limit.  The maximum generation limit will be binding for
+    \code{genoud} only if \code{hard.generation.limit} has
+    been set equal to \code{TRUE}.  If it has not been set equal to
+    \code{TRUE}, two soft  triggers control when \code{genoud} stops:
+    \code{wait.generations} and \code{gradient.check}. \cr
+    Although the \code{max.generations} variable is not, by default,
+    binding, it is nevertheless important because many operators use it
+    to adjust
+    their behavior.  In essence, many of the operators become less random
+    as the generation count gets closer to the \code{max.generations}
+    limit.  If
+    the limit is hit and \code{genoud} decides to
+    continue working, \code{genoud} automatically increases the
+    \code{max.generation}
+    limit.\cr
+    Please see \code{MemoryMatrix} for some important interactions
+    with memory management.}
+  \item{wait.generations}{
+    If there is no improvement in the objective function in this number
+    of generations, \code{genoud} will think that it has
+    found the optimum.  If the
+    \code{gradient.check} trigger has been
+    turned on, \code{genoud} will only start counting \code{wait.generations}
+    if the gradients are within
+    \code{solution.tolerance} of zero.  The
+    other variables controlling termination are
+    \code{max.generations} and \code{hard.generation.limit}.}
+  \item{hard.generation.limit}{
+    This logical variable determines if the \code{max.generations}
+    variable is a binding constraint for \code{genoud}.  If
+    \code{hard.generation.limit} is \code{FALSE}, then \code{genoud} may exceed
+    the \code{max.generations} count if either the objective function
+    has improved within a given number of generations (determined by
+    \code{wait.generations}) or if the gradients are not zero
+    (determined by \code{gradient.check}). \cr
+    Please see \code{MemoryMatrix} for some important interactions
+    with memory management.}
+  \item{starting.values}{A vector or matrix containing parameter values
+    which \code{genoud} will use at startup.  Using this option, the user
+    may insert one or more individuals into the starting population.  If a
+    matrix is provided, the columns should be the variables and the rows
+    the individuals. \code{genoud} will randomly create the other
+    individuals.}
+  \item{MemoryMatrix}{
+    This variable controls if \code{genoud} sets up a memory matrix.  Such a
+    matrix ensures that \code{genoud} will request the fitness evaluation of a
+    given set of parameters only once. The variable may
+    be \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}.  If it is \code{FALSE}, \code{genoud} will
+    be aggressive in conserving memory.  The most significant negative
+    implication of this variable being set to \code{FALSE} is that
+    \code{genoud} will no longer maintain a memory matrix of all evaluated
+    individuals.  Therefore, \code{genoud} may request evaluations which it has
+    already previously requested. \cr
+    Note that when \code{nvars} or \code{pop.size} are large, the memory
+    matrix consumes a large amount of RAM. \code{Genoud}'s memory matrix will
+    require somewhat less memory if the user sets
+    \code{hard.generation.limit} equal to \code{TRUE}.}
+  \item{Domains}{
+    This is a \code{nvars} \eqn{\times 2}{*2}
+    matrix.  For each variable, in the first column is the lower bound and
+    in the second column the upper bound.  None of \code{genoud}'s
+    starting population will be
+    generated outside of the bounds.  But some of the operators may
+    generate children which
+    will be outside of the bounds unless the
+    \code{boundary.enforcement} flag is
+    turned on. \cr
+    If the user does not provide any values for Domains, \code{genoud} will setup
+    default domains using \code{default.domains}. \cr
+    For linear and nonlinear constraints please see the discussion in
+    the \code{Note} section.}
+  \item{default.domains}{
+    If the user does not want to provide a \code{Domains} matrix,
+    domains may nevertheless be set by the user with this easy to use
+    scalar option.  \code{Genoud} will create a
+    Domains matrix by setting the lower bound for all of the parameters
+    equal to -1 \eqn{\times}{*} \code{default.domains} and the upper
+    bound equal to \code{default.domains}.}
+  \item{solution.tolerance}{
+    This is the tolerance level used by \code{genoud}.  Numbers within
+    \code{solution.tolerance} are considered to be equal.  This is
+    particularly
+    important when it comes to evaluating \code{wait.generations} and
+    conducting the \code{gradient.check}.}  
+  \item{gr}{A function to provide the gradient for the \code{BFGS}
+    optimizer.  If it is \code{NULL}, numerical gradients will be used
+    instead.}
+  \item{boundary.enforcement}{
+    This variable determines the degree to which \code{genoud} obeys the
+    boundary constraints.  Notwithstanding the value of the variable,
+    none of \code{genoud}'s starting population values will be outside
+    of the bounds.  \cr
+    \code{boundary.enforcement} has three possible values: 0 (anything goes), 1
+    (partial), and 2 (no trespassing):
+    \itemize{
+      \item{\emph{0: Anything Goes}}{
+	This option allows any of the operators to
+	create out-of-bounds individuals and these individuals will be
+	included in the
+	population if their fit values are good enough.  The boundaries are only
+	important when generating random individuals.}
+      \item{\emph{1: partial enforcement}}{
+	This allows operators (particularly those operators
+	which use the derivative based optimizer, BFGS) to go out-of-bounds
+	during the creation of an individual (i.e., out-of-bounds values
+	will often be evaluated).  But when the operator has decided
+	on an individual, it \emph{must} be in bounds to be acceptable.}
+      \item{\emph{2: No Trespassing}}{
+	No out-of-bounds evaluations will ever be requested. In this
+	case, boundary enforcement is also applied to the BFGS
+	algorithm, which prevents candidates from straying beyond the
+	bounds defined by \code{Domains}. Note that this forces the use
+	of the L-BFGS-B algorithm for \code{\link[stats]{optim}}.
+	This algorithm requires that all fit values and gradients be
+	defined and finite for all function evaluations.  If this causes
+	an error, it is suggested that the BFGS algorithm be used
+	instead by setting \code{boundary.enforcement=1}.}}}
+  \item{lexical}{This option enables lexical optimization.  This is
+    where there are multiple fit criteria and the parameters are chosen so
+    as to maximize fitness values in lexical order---i.e., the second fit
+    criterion is only relevant if the parameters have the same fit for the
+    first etc.  The fit function used with this option should return a
+    numeric vector of fitness values in lexical order.  This option
+    can take on the values of \code{FALSE}, \code{TRUE} or an integer
+    equal to the number of fit criteria which are returned by \code{fn}.
+    The \code{value} object which is returned by \code{genoud} will
+    include all of the fit criteria at the solution.  The
+    \code{\link[Matching]{GenMatch}} function makes extensive use of this
+    option.}
+  \item{gradient.check}{
+    If this variable is \code{TRUE}, \code{genoud} will not start counting
+    \code{wait.generations} unless each gradient is
+    \code{solution.tolerance} close to zero.  This
+    variable has no effect if the \code{max.generations} limit has been
+    hit and the \code{hard.generation.limit} option has been set to
+    \code{TRUE}. If \code{BFGSburnin < 0}, then it will be ignored unless
+    \code{gradient.check = TRUE}. }
+    This variable denotes whether or not \code{genoud} applies a
+    quasi-Newton derivative optimizer (BFGS) to the best individual at
+    the end of each generation after the initial one. See the
+    \code{optim.method} option to change the optimizer. Setting BFGS to
+    \code{FALSE} does not mean that the BFGS will never be used.  In
+    particular, if you want BFGS never to be used, \code{P9} (the
+    Local-Minimum Crossover operator) must also be set to zero.}
+  \item{data.type.int}{
+    This option sets the data type of the parameters of the function to
+    be optimized.  If the variable is \code{TRUE}, \code{genoud} will
+    search over integers when it optimizes the parameters.  \cr
+    With integer parameters, \code{genoud} never uses derivative
+    information.  This implies that the BFGS quasi-Newton optimizer is
+    never used---i.e., the \code{BFGS} flag is set to \code{FALSE}.  It
+    also implies
+    that Operator 9 (Local-Minimum Crossover) is set to zero and that
+    gradient checking (as a convergence criterion) is turned off.  No
+    matter what other options have been set to,
+    \code{data.type.int} takes precedence---i.e., if \code{genoud} is told that
+    it is searching over an integer parameter space, gradient
+    information is never considered. \cr
+    There is no option to mix integer and floating point parameters.  If
+    one wants to mix the two, it is suggested that the user pick integer type 
+    and in the objective function map a particular integer range into a
+    floating point number range.  For example, tell \code{genoud} to search
+    from 0 to 100 and divide by 100 to obtain a search grid of 0 to 1.0
+    (by .1). \cr
+    Alternatively, the user could use floating point numbers and round
+    the appropriate parameters to the nearest integer inside \code{fn}
+    before the criterion (or criteria if \code{lexical = TRUE}) is
+    evaluated. In that case, the \code{transform} option can be used to
+    create the next generation from the current generation when the 
+    appropriate parameters are in the rounded state.
+    }
+  \item{hessian}{
+    When this flag is set to \code{TRUE}, \code{genoud} will return the
+    hessian matrix at the solution as part of its return list.  A user
+    can use this matrix to calculate standard errors.}
+  \item{unif.seed}{This sets the seed for the floating-point
+    pseudorandom number generator \code{genoud} uses.  The default value of this
+    seed is 81282.  \code{genoud} uses its own internal pseudorandom number
+    generator (a Tausworthe-Lewis-Payne generator) to allow for recursive
+    and parallel calls to \code{genoud}.  Repeated invocations without specifying
+    this argument cause the program to continue drawing from its internal
+    pseudorandom number stream, which is preserved in a static structure
+    between invocations during the same R session, so the second
+    invocation does not use the same pseudorandom numbers as the first.
+    To produce exactly the same results in a subsequent invocation, one
+    must explicitly provide the same, nondefault value for this argument.
+    \code{genoud} does not use the seed set by R's
+    \code{\link{set.seed}} function. This will change in a subsequent version.}
+  \item{int.seed}{This sets the seed for the integer pseudorandom number
+    generator \code{genoud} uses. The default value of this seed is 53058. \code{genoud}
+    uses its own internal pseudorandom number generator (a
+    Tausworthe-Lewis-Payne generator) to allow for recursive and parallel
+    calls to \code{genoud}.  Repeated invocations without specifying this
+    argument cause the program to continue drawing from its internal
+    pseudorandom number stream, which is preserved in a static structure
+    between invocations during the same R session, so the second
+    invocation does not use the same pseudorandom numbers as the first.
+    To produce exactly the same results in a subsequent invocation, one
+    must explicitly provide the same, nondefault value for this argument.
+    \code{genoud} does not use the seed set by R's
+    \code{\link{set.seed}} function. This will change in a subsequent version.}
+  \item{print.level}{
+    This variable controls the level of printing that \code{genoud} does.  There
+    are four possible levels: 0 (minimal printing), 1 (normal), 2
+    (detailed), and 3 (debug).  If level 2 is selected, \code{genoud} will
+    print details about the population at each generation.  The
+    \code{print.level} variable also significantly affects how much
+    detail is placed in the project file---see \code{project.path}.
+    Note that R convention would have
+    us at print level 0 (minimal printing).  However, because \code{genoud}
+    runs may take a long time, it is important for the user to receive
+    feedback.  Hence, print level 2 has been set as the default.}
+  \item{share.type}{
+    If \code{share.type} is equal to 1, then \code{genoud}, at
+    startup, checks to see if there is an existing project file (see
+    \code{project.path}).  If such a file exists, it initializes its
+    original population using it. This option can be used neither with
+    the \code{lexical} nor the \code{transform} options.\cr
+    If the project file contains a smaller population than the current
+    \code{genoud} run, \code{genoud} will randomly create the necessary individuals.  If
+    the project file contains a larger population than the current \code{genoud}
+    run, \code{genoud} will kill the necessary individuals using exponential
+    selection. \cr
+    If the number of variables (see \code{nvars})
+    reported in the project file is different from the current \code{genoud} run,
+    \code{genoud} does not use the project file (regardless of the value of
+    \code{share.type}) and \code{genoud} generates the necessary starting
+    population at random.}
+  \item{instance.number}{
+    This number (starting from 0) denotes the number of recursive
+    instances of \code{genoud}.  \code{genoud} then sets up its random number
+    generators and other such structures so that the multiple instances
+    do not interfere with each other.  It is
+    up to the user to make certain that the different instances of
+    \code{genoud} are not writing to
+    the same output file(s): see \code{project.path}. \cr
+    For the R version of \code{genoud} this variable is of limited
+    use.  It is basically there in case a \code{genoud} run is being
+    used to optimize the result of another \code{genoud} run (i.e., a
+    recursive implementation).}  
+  \item{output.path}{This option is no longer supported. It used to
+    allow one to redirect the output. Now please use
+    \code{\link{sink}}. The option remains in order to provide
+    backward compatibility for the API.}
+  \item{output.append}{This option is no longer supported. Please see
+    \code{\link{sink}}. The option remains in order to provide
+    backward compatibility for the API.}
+  \item{project.path}{ This is the path of the \code{genoud} project
+    file. The project file prints one individual per line with the fit
+    value(s) printed first and then the parameter values. By default
+    \code{genoud} places its output in a file called "genoud.pro"
+    located in the temporary directory provided by
+    \code{\link{tempdir}}.  The behavior of the project file depends
+    on the \code{print.level} chosen.  If the \code{print.level}
+    variable is set to 1, then the project file is rewritten after
+    each generation.  Therefore, only the currently fully completed
+    generation is included in the file.  If the \code{print.level}
+    variable is set to 2, then each new generation is simply appended
+    to the project file.  For \code{print.level=0}, the project file
+    is not created.  } 
+  \item{P1}{ This is the cloning operator.
+    \code{genoud} always clones the best individual each generation.
+    But this operator clones others as well.  Please see the Operators
+    Section for details about operators and how they are weighted.}
+  \item{P2}{ This is the uniform mutation operator.  One parameter
+    of the parent is mutated.  Please see the Operators Section for
+    details about operators and how they are weighted.}  
+  \item{P3}{
+    This is the boundary mutation operator.  This operator finds a
+    parent and mutates one of its parameters towards the boundary.
+    Please see the Operators Section for details about operators and
+    how they are weighted.}  
+  \item{P4}{ Non-Uniform Mutation.  Please
+    see the Operators Section for details about operators and how they
+    are weighted.}  
+  \item{P5}{ This is the polytope crossover.  Please
+    see the Operators Section for details about operators and how they
+    are weighted.}  
+  \item{P6}{ Simple Crossover.  Please see the
+    Operators Section for details about operators and how they are
+    weighted.}  
+  \item{P7}{ Whole Non-Uniform Mutation.  Please see the
+    Operators Section for details about operators and how they are
+    weighted.}  
+  \item{P8}{ Heuristic Crossover.  Please see the
+    Operators Section for details about operators and how they are
+    weighted.}  
+  \item{P9}{ Local-Minimum Crossover: BFGS.  This is
+    rather CPU intensive, and should be generally used less than the
+    other operators.  Please see the Operators Section for details
+    about operators and how they are weighted.}  
+  \item{P9mix}{This is
+    a tuning parameter for the \code{P9} operator.  The local-minimum
+    crossover operator by default takes the convex combination of the
+    result of a BFGS optimization and the parent individual.  By
+    default the mixing (weight) parameter for the convex combination
+    is chosen by a uniform random draw between 0 and 1.  The
+    \code{P9mix} option allows the user to select this mixing
+    parameter.  It may be any number greater than 0 and less than or
+    equal to 1.  If 1, then the BFGS result is simply used.}
+  \item{BFGSburnin}{The number of generations which are run before
+    the BFGS is first used.  Premature use of the BFGS can lead to
+    convergence to a local optimum instead of the global one.  This
+    option allows the user to control how many generations are run
+    before the BFGS is started and would logically be a non-negative
+    integer. However, if \code{BFGSburnin < 0}, the BFGS will be used
+    if and when \code{wait.generations} is doubled because at least
+    one gradient is too large, which can only occur when
+    \code{gradient.check = TRUE}. This option delays the use of both
+    the BFGS on the best individual and the \code{P9} operator. }
+  \item{BFGSfn}{This is a function for the BFGS optimizer to
+    optimize, if one wants to make it distinct from the \code{fn}
+    function.  This is useful when doing \code{lexical} optimization
+    because otherwise a derivative based optimizer cannot be used
+    (since it requires a single fit value).  It is suggested that if
+    this functionality is being used, both the \code{fn} and
+    \code{BFGSfn} functions obtain all of the arguments they need
+    (except for the parameters being optimized) by lexical scope
+    instead of being passed in as arguments to the functions.
+    Alternatively, one may use the \code{BFGShelp} option to pass
+    arguments to \code{BFGSfn}. If \code{print.level > 2}, the results
+    from the BFGS optimizer are printed every time it is called.}
+  \item{BFGShelp}{An optional function to pass arguments to
+    \code{BFGSfn}.  This function should take an argument named
+    `initial', an argument named `done' that defaults to \code{FALSE},
+    or at least allow \code{...}  to be an argument. \code{BFGSfn}
+    must have an argument named `helper' if \code{BFGShelp} is used
+    because the call to \code{\link[stats]{optim}} includes the hard-coded
+    expression \code{helper = do.call(BFGShelp, args = list(initial =
+      foo.vals), envir = environment(fn)))}, which evaluates the
+    \code{BFGShelp} function in the environment of \code{BFGSfn}
+    (\code{fn} is just a wrapper for \code{BFGSfn}) at \code{par =
+      foo.vals} where \code{foo.vals} contains the starting values for
+    the BFGS algorithm. The `done' argument to \code{BFGSfn} is used
+    if the user requests that the Hessian be calculated at the
+    \code{genoud} solution.}  
+  \item{control}{A list of control
+    parameters that is passed to \code{\link[stats]{optim}} if
+    \code{BFGS = TRUE} or \code{P9 > 0}. Please see the
+    \code{\link[stats]{optim}} documentation for details.  }
+  \item{optim.method}{A character string among those that are admissible for the
+    \code{method} argument to the \code{\link{optim}} function, namely one of
+    \code{"BFGS"}, \code{"L-BFGS-B"}, \code{"Nelder-Mead"}, \code{"CG"}, or \code{"SANN"}.
+     By default, \code{optim.method} is \code{"BFGS"} if \code{boundary.enforcement < 2}
+     and is \code{"L-BFGS-B"} if \code{boundary.enforcement = 2}.  For discontinuous
+     objective functions, it may be advisable to select \code{"Nelder-Mead"} or \code{"SANN"}.
+     If selecting \code{"L-BFGS-B"} causes an error message, it may be advisable to
+     select another method or to adjust the \code{control} argument.  Note that the various 
+     arguments of \code{genoud} that involve the four letters \dQuote{BFGS} continue to
+     be passed to \code{\link[stats]{optim}} even if \code{optim.method != "BFGS"}.}
+  \item{transform}{A logical that defaults to \code{FALSE}.  If
+    \code{TRUE}, it signifies that \code{fn} will return a numeric
+    vector that contains the fit criterion (or fit criteria if
+    \code{lexical = TRUE}), followed by the parameters. If this option
+    is used, \code{fn} should have the following general form in
+    its body:\cr
+    \code{par <- myTransformation(par)}\cr
+    \code{criter <- myObjective(par)}\cr
+    \code{return( c(criter, par) )}\cr
+    This option is useful when parameter transformations are necessary
+    because the next generation of the population will be created from
+    the current generation in the transformed state, rather than the
+    original state.  This option can be used by users to implement their
+    own operators. \cr
+    There are some issues that should be kept in mind. This option cannot
+    be used when \code{data.type.int = TRUE}.  Also, this option coerces
+    \code{MemoryMatrix} to be \code{FALSE}, implying that the \code{cluster}
+    option cannot be used.  And, unless \code{BFGSfn} is specified, this option coerces
+    \code{gradient.check} to \code{FALSE}, \code{BFGS} to \code{FALSE}, 
+    and \code{P9} to \code{0}.  If \code{BFGSfn} is specified, that function should
+    perform the transformation but should only return a scalar fit criterion, 
+    for example:\cr
+    \code{par <- myTransformation(par)}\cr
+    \code{criter <- myCriterion(par)}\cr
+    \code{return(criter)}\cr
+    Finally, if \code{boundary.enforcement > 0}, care must be taken to
+    assure that the transformed parameters are within the \code{Domains},
+    otherwise unpredictable results could occur. In this case, the transformations are
+    checked for consistency with \code{Domains} but only in the initial generation
+    (to avoid an unacceptable loss in computational speed). }
+  \item{debug}{ This
+    variable turns on some debugging information.  This variable may
+    be \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}.}  
+  \item{cluster}{This can either be an
+    object of the 'cluster' class returned by one of the
+    \code{\link[parallel]{makeCluster}} commands in the \code{parallel} package or a
+    vector of machine names so \code{genoud} can setup the cluster
+    automatically.  If it is the latter, the vector should look like:
+    \cr \code{c("localhost","musil","musil","deckard")}.\cr This
+    vector would create a cluster with four nodes: one on the
+    localhost another on "deckard" and two on the machine named
+    "musil".  Two nodes on a given machine make sense if the machine
+    has two or more chips/cores.  \code{genoud} will setup a SOCK
+    cluster by a call to \code{\link[parallel]{makePSOCKcluster}}.  This
+    will require the user to type in her password for each node as the
+    cluster is by default created via \code{ssh}.  One can add on
+    usernames to the machine name if it differs from the current
+    shell: "username at musil".  Other cluster types, such as PVM and
+    MPI, which do not require passwords can be created by directly
+    calling \code{\link[parallel]{makeCluster}}, and then passing the
+    returned cluster object to \code{genoud}. For an example of how to
+    manually setup up a cluster with a direct call to
+    \code{\link[parallel]{makeCluster}} see
+    \url{http://sekhon.berkeley.edu/rgenoud/R/genoud_cluster_manual.R}.
+    For an example of how to get around a firewall by ssh tunneling
+    see:
+    \url{http://sekhon.berkeley.edu/rgenoud/R/genoud_cluster_manual_tunnel.R}.}
+  \item{balance}{This logical flag controls if load balancing is
+    done across the cluster.  Load balancing can result in better
+    cluster utilization; however, increased communication can reduce
+    performance.  This option is best used if the function being
+    optimized takes at least several minutes to calculate or if the
+    nodes in the cluster vary significantly in their performance. If
+    cluster==FALSE, this option has no effect.}  
+  \item{...}{Further arguments to be passed to \code{fn} and
+    \code{gr}.}  } 
+\details{\code{Genoud} solves problems that are nonlinear or
+  perhaps even discontinuous in the parameters of the function to be
+  optimized.  When a statistical model's estimating function (for
+  example, a log-likelihood) is nonlinear in the model's parameters,
+  the function to be optimized will generally not be globally
+  concave and may have irregularities such as saddlepoints or
+  discontinuities.  Optimization methods that rely on derivatives of
+  the objective function may be unable to find any optimum at all.
+  Multiple local optima may exist, so that there is no guarantee
+  that a derivative-based method will converge to the global
+  optimum. On the other hand, algorithms that do not use derivative
+  information (such as pure genetic algorithms) are for many
+  problems needlessly poor at local hill climbing.  Most statistical
+  problems are regular in a neighborhood of the solution.
+  Therefore, for some portion of the search space, derivative
+  information is useful for such problems.  \code{Genoud} also works
+  well for problems that no derivative information exists. For
+  additional documentation and examples please see
+  \url{http://sekhon.berkeley.edu/rgenoud}.}
+\value{\code{genoud} returns a list
+  with 7 objects.  8 objects are returned if the user has requested
+  the hessian to be calculated at the solution.  Please see the
+  \code{hessian} option.  The returned objects are:
+  \item{value}{
+    This variable contains the fitness value at the solution. If
+    \code{lexical} optimization was requested, it is a vector.}
+  \item{par}{
+    This vector contains the parameter values found at the solution.}
+  \item{gradients}{
+    This vector contains the gradients found at the solution.  If no
+    gradients were calculated, they are reported to be \code{NA}.}
+  \item{generations}{
+    This variable contains the number of generations \code{genoud} ran for.}
+  \item{peakgeneration}{
+    This variable contains the generation number at which \code{genoud} found
+    the solution.}
+  \item{pop.size}{
+    This variable contains the population size that \code{genoud} actually used.
+    See \code{pop.size} for why this value may differ from the
+    population size the user requested.}
+  \item{operators}{
+    This vector reports the actual number of operators (of each type)
+    \code{genoud} used.  Please see the Operators Section for details.}    
+  \item{hessian}{
+    If the user has requested the hessian
+    matrix to be returned (via the \code{hessian} flag), the hessian
+    at the solution will be returned.  The user may use this matrix to calculate standard
+    errors.}    
+  \code{Genoud} has nine operators that it uses.  The integer values which are
+  assigned to each of these operators (P1\eqn{\cdots}{...}P9) are
+  weights.
+  \code{Genoud} calculates the sum of \eqn{s = P1+P2+\cdots+P9}{s =
+    P1+P2+...+P9}.  Each operator is
+  assigned a weight equal to \eqn{W_{n} = \frac{s}{P_{n}}}{W_n =
+    s/(P_n)}. The number of
+  times an operator is called usually equals \eqn{c_{n} = W_{n} \times
+    pop.size}{c_n = W_n * pop.size}. \cr
+  Operators 6 (Simple Crossover) and 8 (Heuristic
+  Crossover) require an even number of individuals to work on---i.e.,
+  they require two parents.  Therefore, the \code{pop.size} variable and
+  the operators sets must be such that these three operators have an
+  even number of individuals to work with.  If this does not occur,
+  \code{genoud} automatically upwardly adjusts the population size to make this
+  constraint hold. \cr
+  Strong uniqueness checks have been built into the operators to help
+  ensure that the operators produce offspring different from their
+  parents, but this does not always happen. \cr
+  Note that \code{genoud} always keeps the best individual each generation. \cr
+  \code{genoud}'s 9 operators are: \cr
+  \enumerate{
+    \item Cloning
+    \item Uniform Mutation
+    \item Boundary Mutation
+    \item Non-Uniform Crossover
+    \item Polytope Crossover
+    \item Simple Crossover
+    \item Whole Non-Uniform Mutation
+    \item Heuristic Crossover
+    \item Local-Minimum Crossover: BFGS}
+  For more information please see Table 1 of the reference article: 
+  \url{http://sekhon.berkeley.edu/papers/rgenoudJSS.pdf}.}
+  The most important options affecting performance are those determining
+  population size (\code{pop.size}) and the
+  number of generations the algorithm runs
+  (\code{max.generations}, \code{wait.generations},
+  \code{hard.generation.limit} and \code{gradient.check}).  Search
+  performance is expected to improve as
+  the population size and the number of generations the program runs for
+  increase.  These and the other options should be adjusted for the
+  problem at hand.  Please pay particular attention to the search
+  domains (\code{Domains} and \code{default.domains}). For more information
+  please see the reference article. \cr
+  Linear and nonlinear constraints among the parameters can be
+  introduced by users in their fit function.  For example, if
+  the sum of parameters 1 and 2 must be less than 725, the following can
+  be placed in the fit function the user is going to have \code{genoud}
+  maximize: \code{if ( (parm1 + parm2) >= 725) \{ return(-99999999) \}}.
+  In this example, a very bad fit value is returned to \code{genoud} if the
+  linear constrain is violated.  \code{genoud} will then attempt to find
+  parameter values that satisfy the constraint. \cr
+  Alternatively, one can use lexical optimization where the first criterion is a
+  binary variable that equals 1.0 iff \code{ (parm1 + parm2) < 725} and the
+  second criterion is the fit function, which should also be passed to 
+  \code{BFGSfn}. All candidates where \code{ (parm1 + parm2) >= 725} will be
+  ranked below all candidates where \code{ (parm1 + parm2) < 725} and within 
+  these two groups, candidates will be ranked by their fit on the second 
+  criterion. The optimal candidate is thus the one with the best fit on the
+  second criterion among candidates that satisfy this restriction.}
+  Mebane, Walter R., Jr. and Jasjeet S. Sekhon.  2011.  "Genetic
+  Optimization Using Derivatives: The rgenoud Package for R."
+  \emph{Journal of Statistical Software}, 42(11):  1-26. 
+  \url{http://www.jstatsoft.org/v42/i11/} \cr
+  Sekhon, Jasjeet Singh and Walter R. Mebane, Jr. 1998.  ``Genetic
+  Optimization Using Derivatives: Theory and Application to Nonlinear
+  Models.'' \emph{Political Analysis}, 7: 187-210.
+  \url{http://sekhon.berkeley.edu/genoud/genoud.pdf} \cr
+  Mebane, Walter R., Jr. and Jasjeet S. Sekhon. 2004. ``Robust
+  Estimation and Outlier Detection for Overdispersed Multinomial Models
+  of Count Data.''  \emph{American Journal of Political Science}, 48
+  (April): 391-410. \url{http://sekhon.berkeley.edu/multinom.pdf} \cr
+  Bright, H. and R. Enison. 1979. Quasi-Random Number Sequences from a
+  Long-Period TLP Generator with Remarks on Application to
+  Cryptography. \emph{Computing Surveys}, 11(4): 357-370.
+\author{Walter R. Mebane, Jr., University of Michigan,
+  \email{wmebane at umich.edu}, \url{http://www-personal.umich.edu/~wmebane/} \cr
+  Jasjeet S. Sekhon, UC Berkeley, \email{sekhon at berkeley.edu},
+  \url{http://sekhon.berkeley.edu/}}
+  \code{\link[stats]{optim}}.
+#maximize the sin function
+ sin1 <- genoud(sin, nvars=1, max=TRUE)
+#minimize the sin function
+ sin2 <- genoud(sin, nvars=1, max=FALSE)
+#maximize a univariate normal mixture which looks like a claw
+ claw <- function(xx) {
+   x <- xx[1]
+   y <- (0.46*(dnorm(x,-1.0,2.0/3.0) + dnorm(x,1.0,2.0/3.0)) +
+   (1.0/300.0)*(dnorm(x,-0.5,.01) + dnorm(x,-1.0,.01) + dnorm(x,-1.5,.01)) +
+   (7.0/300.0)*(dnorm(x,0.5,.07) + dnorm(x,1.0,.07) + dnorm(x,1.5,.07))) 
+   return(y)
+ }
+ claw1   <- genoud(claw, nvars=1,pop.size=3000,max=TRUE)
+#Plot the previous run
+ xx <- seq(-3,3,.05)
+ plot(xx,lapply(xx,claw),type="l",xlab="Parameter",ylab="Fit",
+      main="GENOUD: Maximize the Claw Density")
+ points(claw1$par,claw1$value,col="red")
+# Maximize a bivariate normal mixture which looks like a claw.
+ biclaw <- function(xx) {
+  mNd2 <- function(x1, x2, mu1, mu2, sigma1, sigma2, rho)
+    {
+      z1 <- (x1-mu1)/sigma1
+      z2 <- (x2-mu2)/sigma2
+      w <- (1.0/(2.0*pi*sigma1*sigma2*sqrt(1-rho*rho))) 
+      w <- w*exp(-0.5*(z1*z1 - 2*rho*z1*z2 + z2*z2)/(1-rho*rho)) 
+      return(w)
+    }
+  x1 <- xx[1]+1
+  x2 <- xx[2]+1
+  y <- (0.5*mNd2(x1,x2,0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0,0.0) +
+	    0.1*(mNd2(x1,x2,-1.0,-1.0,0.1,0.1,0.0) +
+		 mNd2(x1,x2,-0.5,-0.5,0.1,0.1,0.0) +
+		 mNd2(x1,x2,0.0,0.0,0.1,0.1,0.0) +
+		 mNd2(x1,x2,0.5,0.5,0.1,0.1,0.0) +
+		 mNd2(x1,x2,1.0,1.0,0.1,0.1,0.0)))
+  return(y)
+ }
+ biclaw1 <- genoud(biclaw, default.domains=20, nvars=2,pop.size=5000,max=TRUE)
+# For more examples see: http://sekhon.berkeley.edu/rgenoud/R.
+%  LocalWords:  genoud GENetic GAs fn nvars max MemoryMatrix BFGS hessian unif
+%  LocalWords:  stdout Polytope cr emph eqn GENOUD's peakgeneration dfrac optim
+%  LocalWords:  seealso saddlepoints lapply xlab ylab biclaw mNd polytope cdots
+%  LocalWords:  frac url jasjeet RGENOUD PVM MPI parm Overdispersed UC dontrun
+%  LocalWords:  bivariate CPUs startup Genoud's GenMatch tempdir makeCluster
+%  LocalWords:  localhost musil deckard makePSOCKcluster usernames univariate
+% LocalWords:  SANN dQuote BFGSburnin BFGSfn BFGShelp myCriterion iff Mebane TLP
+% LocalWords:  Singh rgenoud Multinomial Enison dnorm pseudorandom Tausworthe
+% LocalWords:  nondefault args vals envir Nelder myTransformation criter
+% LocalWords:  myObjective
diff --git a/src/change_order.cpp b/src/change_order.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..711502d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/change_order.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
+  Walter R. Mebane, Jr.
+  Cornell University
+  http://macht.arts.cornell.edu/wrm1
+  <wrm1 at macht.arts.cornell.edu>
+  Jasjeet Singh Sekhon 
+  UC Berkeley
+  http://sekhon.polisci.berkeley.edu
+  <sekhon at berkeley.edu>
+  $Header: /home/jsekhon/xchg/genoud/rgenoud.distribution/sources/RCS/change_order.cpp,v 2.15 2005/10/29 06:14:44 jsekhon Exp jsekhon $
+#include "genoud.h"
+void get_var_order(IVECTOR tot, IVECTOR cart, IMATRIX var_order)
+     /* IVECTOR tot,       array with total number of variables and equalities
+        cart;              array with the subscript of the variables to be eliminated
+	IMATRIX var_order; matrix with the variables in one column and a tag in the 
+	                   other to identify as to whether it is to be eliminated 
+			   or not
+     */
+  int i;
+  for(i=1; i<=tot[0]; i++)
+    {
+      var_order[i][1] = i;
+      var_order[i][2] = 0;
+    }
+  for(i=1; i<=tot[1]; i++)
+    var_order[cart[i]][2] = 1;

+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   find_x1_x2()                                 */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           SYNOPSIS          :   void find_x1_x2(tot,var_order,eq_co,x1,x2)   */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           DESCRIPTION       :   This function splits the original vector of  */
+/*                                  variables into x1 and x2, where x1 consists */
+/*                                  of the 'p' variables to be eliminated and   */
+/*                                  x2 consists of the remaining variables      */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTIONS CALLED  :   None                                         */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           CALLING FUNCITONS :   main()                                       */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           REV            DATE            BY           DESCRIPTION            */
+/*           ---            ----            --           -----------            */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+void find_x1_x2(int tot, IMATRIX var_order, IVECTOR x1, IVECTOR x2)
+     /*
+       int tot;            total number of variables
+       IMATRIX var_order;  array of variables with tag identifying them 
+                           to be eliminated
+       IVECTOR x1,         array of variables to be eliminated
+       x2;                 array of remaining variables
+     */
+  int i,j=1,k=1;
+  for(i=1; i<=tot; i++)
+    {
+      if(var_order[i][2] == 1)
+        x1[j++] = var_order[i][1];
+      else
+        x2[k++] = var_order[i][1];
+    }

+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   find_ac1_ac2()                               */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           SYNOPSIS          :   void find_ac1_ac2(t1,t2,t3,x1,x2,mat,ac1,ac2)*/
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           DESCRIPTION       :   This function splits the original equality   */
+/*                                  or the inequality matrix into two matrices; */
+/*                                  the p-equalities or the inequalities and the*/
+/*                                  remaining part of the matrix                */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTIONS CALLED  :   None                                         */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           CALLING FUNCITONS :   main()                                       */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           REV            DATE            BY           DESCRIPTION            */
+/*           ---            ----            --           -----------            */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+void find_ac1_ac2(int t1, int t2, int t3, IVECTOR x1, IVECTOR x2, MATRIX mat, MATRIX ac1, MATRIX ac2)
+     /* 
+	int t1,t2,t3;
+	IVECTOR x1,x2;   the variables corresponding to the split matrices
+	MATRIX  mat,     the original matrix to be split
+        ac1,ac2;         the split matrices
+     */
+  int i,j;
+  for(i=1; i<=t1; i++)
+    for(j=1; j<=t2; j++)
+      ac1[j][i] = mat[j][x1[i]];
+  for(i=1; i<=t3; i++)
+    for(j=1; j<=t2; j++)
+      ac2[j][i] = mat[j][x2[i]];

+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   find_lu1_lu2()                               */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           SYNOPSIS          :   void find_lu1_lu2_(tot,x1,x2,dom,dom1,dom2)  */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           DESCRIPTION       :   This function splits the lower or the upper  */
+/*                                  bounds of the total domain constraints into */
+/*                                  two groups, one with the domain constraints */
+/*                                  for the variables to be eliminated and the  */
+/*                                  other one for the remaining variables       */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTIONS CALLED  :   None                                         */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           CALLING FUNCITONS :   main()                                       */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           REV            DATE            BY           DESCRIPTION            */
+/*           ---            ----            --           -----------            */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+void find_lu1_lu2(IVECTOR tot, IVECTOR x1, IVECTOR x2, VECTOR dom, VECTOR dom1, VECTOR dom2)
+     /*
+       IVECTOR tot,x1,x2;
+       VECTOR  dom,        the original array of the lower or the upper bounds
+       dom1,dom2;          the original bounds split in to two groups
+     */
+  int i;
+  for(i=1; i<=tot[1]; i++)
+      dom1[i] = dom[x1[i]];
+  for(i=1; i<=tot[0]-tot[1]; i++)
+      dom2[i] = dom[x2[i]];

+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   find_limits()                                */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           SYNOPSIS          :   void find_limits(tot,domains,llim,ulim)      */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           DESCRIPTION       :   This function forms seperate arrays for the  */
+/*                                  lower and upper limits of the domains from  */
+/*                                  the original domain constraints read already*/
+/*                                  from the input file                         */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTIONS CALLED  :   None                                         */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           CALLING FUNCITONS :   main()                                       */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           REV            DATE            BY           DESCRIPTION            */
+/*           ---            ----            --           -----------            */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+void find_limits(int tot, MATRIX domains, VECTOR llim, VECTOR ulim)
+     /*
+       int tot;
+       MATRIX domains;     matrix containing the domain variables and the limits
+       VECTOR llim,ulim;     vectors of lower and upper limits
+     */
+  int i;
+  for(i=1; i<=tot; i++)
+    {
+      llim[i] = domains[i][1];
+      ulim[i] = domains[i][3];
+    }

+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   find_new_in_eq()                             */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           SYNOPSIS          :   void find_new_in_eq(a1b.a1a2,ll,ul,rc,newin) */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           DESCRIPTION       :   This function converts the original          */
+/*                                  equality constraints into domain            */
+/*                                  constraints eliminating the p-equalities    */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTIONS CALLED  :   None                                         */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           CALLING FUNCITONS :   main()                                       */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           REV            DATE            BY           DESCRIPTION            */
+/*           ---            ----            --           -----------            */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+void find_new_in_eq(VECTOR a1b, MATRIX a1a2, VECTOR ll, VECTOR ul, INDEX rc, MATRIX newin)
+     /*
+       VECTOR a1b,    the product of a-inverse and b
+       ll,ul;         upper and lower limits of the domain constraints
+       MATRIX a1a2,   the products of a-inverse and matrix a2
+       newin;         the final matrix with domain constraints
+       INDEX rc;
+     */
+  int i,j;
+  for(i=1; i<=rc.r; i++)
+    for(j=1; j<=rc.c; j++)
+      if(j==1)
+        newin[i][j] = ll[i] - a1b[i];/*eliminating the constrants from the*/
+      else if(j==rc.c)                      /*equations in the domain constraints*/
+        newin[i][j] = ul[i] - a1b[i];
+      else
+        newin[i][j] = 0 - a1a2[i][j-1];

+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   find_org_in_eq()                             */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           SYNOPSIS          :   void find_org_in_eq(a1_b,a1_a2,vec_d,c1,c2,  */
+/*                                                          c1row,a1a2,org_ineq)*/
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           DESCRIPTION       :   This function converts the original          */
+/*                                  inequality constraints into domain          */
+/*                                  constraints, with the variables other than  */
+/*                                  the p-variables eliminated                  */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTIONS CALLED  :   matrix().                                    */
+/*                                 mmprod(),                                    */
+/*                                 mvprod(),                                    */
+/*                                 Gvector(),                                    */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           CALLING FUNCITONS :   main()                                       */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           REV            DATE            BY           DESCRIPTION            */
+/*           ---            ----            --           -----------            */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+void find_org_in_eq(VECTOR a1_b, MATRIX a1_a2, VECTOR vec_d, MATRIX c1, MATRIX c2, int c1row,
+		    INDEX a1a2, MATRIX org_ineq)
+     /*
+       VECTOR vec_d,       the RHS constant vector
+       a1_b;               product of a1-inverse and b
+       MATRIX a1_a2,       product of a1-inverse and a2
+       org_ineq,           the converted inequalities into domains
+       c1,c2;              p_inequalities and the remaining inequalities
+       int c1row;
+       INDEX a1a2;         rows and columns of the matrices
+     */
+  int i,j;
+  VECTOR temp;
+  MATRIX mat;
+  temp = Gvector(1,c1row);
+  mat = matrix(1,c1row,1,a1a2.c-1);
+  mvprod(c1row,a1a2.r,temp,c1,a1_b);/*matrix, vector product C1.invA1.b*/
+  mmprod(c1row,a1a2.r,a1a2.c-1,mat,c1,a1_a2);/*matrix, matrix product*/
+  for(i=1; i<=c1row; i++)
+    for(j=1; j<=a1a2.c; j++)
+      {
+        if (j==a1a2.c)
+          org_ineq[i][j] = vec_d[i] - temp[i];
+        else
+          org_ineq[i][j] = c2[i][j] - mat[i][j];
+      }
+  free_vector(temp,1);
+  free_matrix(mat,1,c1row,1);

+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   initialize()                                 */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           SYNOPSIS          :   void initialize(mat,rc)                      */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           DESCRIPTION       :   This function initializes all the components */
+/*                                  of the given matrix to zero                 */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTIONS CALLED  :   None                                         */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           CALLING FUNCITONS :   main()                                       */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           REV            DATE            BY           DESCRIPTION            */
+/*           ---            ----            --           -----------            */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+void initialize(MATRIX mat, INDEX rc)
+     /*
+       MATRIX mat;
+       INDEX rc;
+     */
+  int i,j;
+  for(i=1; i<=rc.r; i++)
+    for(j=1; j<=rc.c; j++)
+      mat[i][j] = 0.0;

+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   find_final_mat1()                            */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           SYNOPSIS          :   void find_final_mat1(x2,l2,u2,finmat,row,col)*/
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           DESCRIPTION       :   This function copies the remaining original  */
+/*                                  domain constraints on to the final matrix   */
+/*                                  to be printed                               */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTIONS CALLED  :   None                                         */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           CALLING FUNCITONS :   main()                                       */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           REV            DATE            BY           DESCRIPTION            */
+/*           ---            ----            --           -----------            */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+void find_final_mat1(VECTOR l2, VECTOR u2, MATRIX finmat, int row, int col)
+     /*
+       MATRIX finmat;
+       VECTOR l2,u2;
+       int row,col;
+     */
+  int i,j=2;
+  for(i=1; i<=row; i++)
+    {
+      finmat[i][1] = l2[i];
+      finmat[i][col] = u2[i];
+      finmat[i][j++] = 1.0;
+    }

+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   find_final_mat2()                            */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           SYNOPSIS          :   void find_final_mat2(newin,r,c,finr,finmat) */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           DESCRIPTION       :   This function appends the new inequalities   */
+/*                                  got from the original equalities, on to the */
+/*                                  final matrix to be printed                  */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTIONS CALLED  :   None                                         */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           CALLING FUNCITONS :   main()                                       */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           REV            DATE            BY           DESCRIPTION            */
+/*           ---            ----            --           -----------            */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+void find_final_mat2(MATRIX newin, int r, int c, int finr, MATRIX finmat)
+     /*
+       MATRIX newin,finmat;
+       int r,c,finr;
+     */
+  int i,j;
+  for(i=1; i<=r; i++)
+    {
+      for(j=1; j<=c; j++)
+        finmat[finr][j] = newin[i][j];
+      finr++;
+    }

+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   find_final_mat3()                            */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           SYNOPSIS          :   void find_final_mat3(orgin,r,c,finr,finmat)  */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           DESCRIPTION       :   This function appends the inequalities, which*/
+/*                                  were converted into domain constraints, on  */
+/*                                  to the final matrix to be printed           */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTIONS CALLED  :   None                                         */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           CALLING FUNCITONS :   main()                                       */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           REV            DATE            BY           DESCRIPTION            */
+/*           ---            ----            --           -----------            */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+void find_final_mat3(MATRIX orgin, int r, int c, int finr, MATRIX finmat)
+     /*
+       MATRIX orgin,finmat;
+       int r,c,finr;
+     */
+  int i,j;
+  for(i=1; i<=r; i++)
+    {
+      finmat[finr][1] = MIN;
+      for(j=1; j<=c; j++)
+        finmat[finr][j+1] = orgin[i][j];
+      finr++;
+    }
diff --git a/src/eval.cpp b/src/eval.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64b8c25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/eval.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+  Walter R. Mebane, Jr.
+  University of Michigan
+  http://www-personal.umich.edu/~wmebane
+  <wmebane at umich.edu>
+  Jasjeet Singh Sekhon 
+  UC Berkeley
+  http://sekhon.berkeley.edu
+  <sekhon at berkeley.edu>
+  August 3, 2009
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "genoud.h"
+extern "C" 
+  double evaluate(SEXP fn, SEXP rho, double *X, long nvars, short int MinMax)
+  {
+    SEXP R_fcall, Rx;
+    double fit;
+    long i;
+    int isFinite=0;
+    PROTECT(Rx = allocVector(REALSXP, nvars));  
+    for (i=0; i<nvars; i++)
+      {
+	REAL(Rx)[i] = X[(i+1)];
+      }
+    PROTECT(R_fcall = lang2(fn, R_NilValue));
+    SETCADR(R_fcall, Rx);
+    fit =  REAL(eval(R_fcall, rho))[0];
+    UNPROTECT(2);
+    isFinite = R_finite(fit);  
+    if (!isFinite)
+      {
+	if (MinMax)
+	  {
+	    return(-1*DOUBLEMAX);
+	  }
+	else
+	  {
+	    return(DOUBLEMAX);
+	  }
+      }  
+   return(fit);
+  } /* double evaluate(SEXP fn, VECTOR X, long nvars, short int MinMax) */
+  void EvaluateLexical(SEXP fn, SEXP rho,
+		       double *X, long nvars, long lexical, short int MinMax, double *ret)
+  {
+    SEXP R_fcall, Rx, Rret;
+    long i;
+    int isFinite=0;
+    PROTECT(Rx = allocVector(REALSXP, nvars));
+    for (i=0; i<nvars; i++)
+      {
+	REAL(Rx)[i] = X[i+1];
+      }
+    PROTECT(R_fcall = lang2(fn, R_NilValue));
+    SETCADR(R_fcall, Rx);
+    Rret = eval(R_fcall, rho);
+    for (i=0; i<lexical; i++)
+      {
+        ret[i] =  REAL(Rret)[i];
+	isFinite = R_finite(ret[i]);  
+	if (!isFinite)
+	  {
+	    if (MinMax)
+	      {
+		ret[i]=(-1*DOUBLEMAX);
+	      }
+	    else
+	      {
+		ret[i]=(DOUBLEMAX);
+	      }
+	  }  
+      }
+    UNPROTECT(2);
+  } /*   void EvaluateLexical(SEXP fn, SEXP rho */
+  void EvaluateTransform(SEXP fn, SEXP rho,
+                       double *X, long nvars, long lexical, short int MinMax, double *ret)
+  {
+    SEXP R_fcall, Rx, Rret;
+    long i;
+    int isFinite=0;
+    PROTECT(Rx = allocVector(REALSXP, nvars));
+    for (i=0; i<nvars; i++)
+      {
+        REAL(Rx)[i] = X[i+1];
+      }
+    PROTECT(R_fcall = lang2(fn, R_NilValue));
+    SETCADR(R_fcall, Rx);
+    Rret = eval(R_fcall, rho);
+    for (i=0; i<lexical; i++)
+      {
+        ret[i] =  REAL(Rret)[i];
+        isFinite = R_finite(ret[i]);
+        if (!isFinite)
+          {
+            if (MinMax)
+              {
+                ret[i]=(-1*DOUBLEMAX);
+              }
+            else
+              {
+                ret[i]=(DOUBLEMAX);
+              }
+          }
+      }
+    for(i=0; i<nvars; i++) // this is the only part that differs from EvaluateLexical
+      {
+        X[(i+1)] = REAL(Rret)[(i+lexical)];
+      }
+    UNPROTECT(2);
+  } /*   void EvaluateTransform(SEXP fn, SEXP rho */
+  void userGradientfn(SEXP fnGR, SEXP rho, double *parms, double *grad, long nvars)
+  {
+    SEXP Rparms, R_fcall, Rgrad;
+    long i;
+    PROTECT(Rparms = allocVector(REALSXP, nvars));    
+    PROTECT(Rgrad  = allocVector(REALSXP, nvars));    
+    for(i=0; i<nvars; i++)
+      {
+	REAL(Rparms)[i] = parms[i];
+      }
+    PROTECT(R_fcall = lang2(fnGR, R_NilValue));
+    SETCADR(R_fcall, Rparms);    
+    Rgrad = eval(R_fcall, rho);  
+    for(i=0; i<nvars; i++)
+      {
+	grad[i] = REAL(Rgrad)[i];
+      }
+    UNPROTECT(3);    
+  } /*   void userGradientfn(SEXP fnGR, SEXP rho, double *parms, double *grad, long nvars) */
+  void RlexicalSort(SEXP fnLexicalSort, SEXP rho,
+		    double **population, 
+		    short int MinMax, long pop_size, long nvars, long lexical_end,
+		    short int type)
+  {
+    SEXP parms, MAT, R_fcall, MATret;
+    long i,j,k=0;
+    /* MinMax: 0 min, 1 max */
+    /* parms = (1) MinMax, (2) nvars, (3) lexical_end, (4) [nvars/or lexical sort] */
+    /* using: #define M(ROW,COL,NCOLS) (((ROW)*(NCOLS))+(COL)) */
+    PROTECT(MAT = allocMatrix(REALSXP, pop_size, lexical_end));
+    PROTECT(parms = allocVector(REALSXP, 4));
+    REAL(parms)[0] = MinMax;
+    REAL(parms)[1] = nvars;
+    REAL(parms)[2] = lexical_end;
+    REAL(parms)[3] = type; /* 0=nvars, 1=lexical on obj function */
+    for(j=0; j<lexical_end; j++)
+      for (i=1; i<=pop_size; i++)
+	{
+	  {
+	    REAL(MAT)[k] = population[i][j];
+	    k++;
+	  }
+	}  
+    PROTECT(R_fcall = lang3(fnLexicalSort, MAT, parms));
+    SETCADR(R_fcall, parms);
+    SETCADR(R_fcall, MAT);
+    MATret = eval(R_fcall, rho);  
+    k = 0;
+    for(j=0; j<lexical_end; j++)
+      for (i=1; i<=pop_size; i++)
+	{
+	  {
+	    population[i][j] = REAL(MATret)[k];
+	    k++;
+	  }
+	}  
+    UNPROTECT(3);
+  }
+  long RmemoryMatrixEvaluate(SEXP fnMemoryMatrixEvaluate, SEXP rho,
+			     double **Memory, double **population, 
+			     short int MinMax, long pop_size, long UniqueCount,
+			     long nvars, long lexical, long lexical_end)
+  {
+    SEXP parms, Rmemory, Rpopulation, R_fcall, Rret;
+    long i,j,k;    
+    /* MinMax: 0 min, 1 max */
+    /* parms = (1) MinMax, (2) UniqueCount, (3) nvars, (4) lexical */
+    PROTECT(Rmemory = allocMatrix(REALSXP, UniqueCount, lexical_end));
+    PROTECT(Rpopulation = allocMatrix(REALSXP, pop_size, lexical_end));
+    PROTECT(parms = allocVector(REALSXP, 3));
+    REAL(parms)[0] = MinMax;
+    REAL(parms)[1] = nvars;
+    REAL(parms)[2] = lexical;
+    if(UniqueCount > 1)
+      {
+	k=0;
+	for(j=0; j<lexical_end; j++)
+	  for (i=1; i<=UniqueCount; i++)
+	    {
+	      {
+		REAL(Rmemory)[k] = Memory[i][j];
+		k++;
+	      }
+	    }  	
+      }
+    k =0;
+    for(j=0; j<lexical_end; j++)
+      for (i=1; i<=pop_size; i++)
+	{
+	  {
+	    REAL(Rpopulation)[k] = population[i][j];
+	    k++;
+	  }
+	}  
+    PROTECT(R_fcall = lang4(fnMemoryMatrixEvaluate, Rmemory, Rpopulation, parms));    
+    SETCADR(R_fcall, parms);
+    SETCADR(R_fcall, Rpopulation);
+    SETCADR(R_fcall, Rmemory);
+    Rret = eval(R_fcall, rho);      
+    UniqueCount = (long) REAL(Rret)[0];
+    k =1;
+    for(j=0; j<lexical_end; j++)
+      for (i=1; i<=UniqueCount; i++)
+	{
+	  {
+	    Memory[i][j] = REAL(Rret)[k];
+	    k++;
+	  }
+	}      
+    for(j=0; j<lexical_end; j++)
+      for (i=1; i<=pop_size; i++)
+	{
+	  {
+	    population[i][j] = REAL(Rret)[k];
+	    k++;
+	  }
+	}  
+    UNPROTECT(4);
+    return(UniqueCount);
+  }
+} /* end of extern "C" */
diff --git a/src/evaluate.cpp b/src/evaluate.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fc32ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/evaluate.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,4117 @@
+  Walter R. Mebane, Jr.
+  University of Michigan
+  http://www-personal.umich.edu/~wmebane
+  <wmebane at umich.edu>
+  Jasjeet Singh Sekhon 
+  UC Berkeley
+  http://sekhon.berkeley.edu
+  <sekhon at berkeley.edu>
+  June 27, 2013
+#include "genoud.h"
+#include "gradient.h"
+extern "C" 
+  double genoud_optim(SEXP fn_optim, SEXP rho, double *X, long parameters);
+  void RlexicalSort(SEXP fnLexicalSort, SEXP rho,
+			   double **population, 
+			   short int MinMax, long pop_size, long nvars, long lexical_end,
+			   short int type);
+  long RmemoryMatrixEvaluate(SEXP fnMemoryMatrixEvaluate, SEXP rho,
+				    double **Memory, double **population, 
+				    short int MinMax, long pop_size, long UniqueCount,
+				    long nvars, long lexical, long lexical_end);
+  void userGradientfn(SEXP fnGR, SEXP rho, double *parms, double *grad, long nvars);
+long Gnvars[MAXINSTANCES];
+struct GND_IOstructure *ExternStructure;
+int JaIntegerCMP(double **a, double **b) 
+  extern long Gnvars[MAXINSTANCES];
+  extern struct GND_IOstructure *ExternStructure;
+  long i = 0;
+  long nvars;
+  nvars=Gnvars[ExternStructure->InstanceNumber];
+  for (i=1; i<=nvars; i++) {
+    if ( (int) a[0][i] != (int) b[0][i])
+      break;
+  }
+  if ( (int) a[0][i] >  (int) b[0][i]) i = 1;
+  else if ( (int) a[0][i] <  (int) b[0][i]) i = -1;
+  return i;
+} /* end of JaIntegerCMP */
+int JaDoubleCMP(double **a, double **b) 
+  extern long Gnvars[MAXINSTANCES];
+  extern struct GND_IOstructure *ExternStructure;
+  long i = 0;
+  long nvars;
+  nvars=Gnvars[ExternStructure->InstanceNumber];
+  for (i=1; i<=nvars; i++) {
+    if ( a[0][i] != b[0][i])
+      break;
+  }
+  if ( a[0][i] > b[0][i]) i = 1;
+  else if ( a[0][i] < b[0][i]) i = -1;
+  return i;
+} /* end of JaCMP */
+/* Cummulative probability on crossover */
+/* Random probability on mutation       */
+/* NO multiple hits per agent possible  */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   optimization()                               */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           SYNOPSIS          :   double optimization(X,x1,x2,fin_mat,rc,tot_eq) */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           DESCRIPTION       :   This procedure initializes the population    */
+/*                                  with the values X passed from main, and     */
+/*                                  evaluates them.  After assigning weight     */
+/*                                  for each member of the populaiton, a group  */
+/*                                  of them are chosen to reproduce and a group */
+/*                                  is chosen to die.  Genetic operators are    */
+/*                                  applied and a new generation is produced    */
+/*                                  to replace the members that died.  This     */
+/*                                  cycle continues for the number of times,    */
+/*                                  user specifies in the input file            */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTIONS CALLED  :   assign_probab(),                             */
+/*                                 evaluate(),                                  */
+/*                                 find_cum_probab(),                           */
+/*                                 find_live_die(),                             */
+/*                                 find_parent(),                               */
+/*                                 ivector(),                                   */
+/*                                 matrix(),                                    */
+/*                                 oper1(),                                     */
+/*                                 oper2(),                                     */
+/*                                 oper3(),                                     */
+/*                                 oper4(),                                     */
+/*                                 oper5(),                                     */
+/*                                 oper6(),                                     */
+/*                                 print_population(),                          */
+/*                                 sort(),                                      */
+/*                                 Gvector() was vector().                      */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           CALLING FUNCITONS :   main()                                       */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+void optimization(struct GND_IOstructure *Structure, VECTOR X, 
+		    MATRIX domains)
+  extern struct GND_IOstructure *ExternStructure;
+    new_genera,   /*Temporary storage for the new generation*/
+    population,   /*Population of x2 variables*/
+    temp;
+  VECTOR probab,       /*Probability of agents to die or live*/
+         cum_probab,   /*Cumilative probability of agents*/
+         t_vec;
+  IVECTOR live;
+  /* for oper4 */
+  IVECTOR parents;
+  long count_gener= 1; /*Counter to keep track of the number of generations*/
+  unsigned long peak_cnt;
+  int                     /*Total number of agents chosen to reproduce*/
+    j1,
+    j2,
+    j3,
+    j4,
+    j5,
+    j6,
+    j7,
+    j8,
+    oper,
+    ocnt,
+    B,                     /*Parameter for the 3rd operator - nonuniform mutation*/
+    STEP,                  /*Parameter for the 5th operator - simple arithmetical crossover*/
+    first_live=0,            /*Index of the two parents for crossover parents*/
+    second_live=0,
+    first_die,             /*Index of the two parents for crossover death*/
+    second_die,
+    die_now;               /*index of agent to replace in current operation*/
+  long i,j, s, k;
+  /* for oper 4 */
+  int p2use;
+  double Q;                /*Probability of the best agent*/
+  FLAG  same;
+  double **Jnew; 
+  double bfgsfit;
+  double *grad, *evalX, *finalhessin, *bfgsoutX;
+  int nochange_gen=0;
+  double oldfitvalue=0;
+  int IncreaseGenerations;
+  short int GradientTrigger=0;
+  short int BoundaryTrigger;
+  long InstanceNumber;
+  long nvars, MaxGenerations, WaitGenerations, count;
+  long pop_size, P, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8;
+  short int MinMax, GradientCheck, BoundaryEnforcement, UseBFGS, HardMaximumNumber=0;
+  double SolutionTolerance, *Results, *Gradients;
+  short PrintLevel, HardGenerationLimit;
+  /* Old variables which may change when SetRunTimeParameters is run during a run! */
+  long pop_size_old;
+  /* Summary Statistics (mean, variance etc) */
+  /* double popmean, popvar, popwrk, popstat; */
+  /* Population Print population*/
+  FILE *popout;
+  long *tobs, nnull;
+  double *mean, *var, *skew, *kur;
+  /* Stuff for the Unique Stuff (how's that for an informative comment! */
+  /* A big Matrix which remembers all of our past evaluations. It's
+     maximum memory is set in genoud.h */
+  extern long Gnvars[MAXINSTANCES];
+  double **Memory;
+  long MemorySize=0, UniqueCount=0, OldUniqueCount=0;
+  /* fine two unique parents count */
+  long SameCount, UniquePairs;
+  ExternStructure=Structure;
+  Results=Structure->oResults;
+  Gradients=Structure->oGradients;
+  /* Structure Done */
+  SetRunTimeParameters(Structure, 1,
+		       &pop_size, &nvars, &MaxGenerations, &WaitGenerations,
+		       &MinMax, &GradientCheck, &BoundaryEnforcement, &UseBFGS, &SolutionTolerance,
+		       &InstanceNumber, &P, &P0, &P1, &P2, &P3, &P4, &P5, &P6, &P7, &P8, 
+		       &PrintLevel, &HardGenerationLimit);
+  /*Space allocation for all the vectors and matrices involved*/
+  long lexical_end = (Structure->Lexical-1)+nvars+2;
+  /* population[][0] = fitness value (first)
+     population[][1:nvars] = parameter values
+     population[][nvars+1] = flag for fitting
+     population[][(nvars+2):((Structure->Lexical-1)+nvars+2)] = other fitness for Lexical fitting
+  */
+  population    = JaMatrixAllocate(pop_size+2, lexical_end);
+  new_genera    = JaMatrixAllocate(pop_size+2, lexical_end);
+  /* reset population to get rid of odd things being passed to R */
+  for(i=1; i<=pop_size; i++)
+    {
+      for(j=0; j<lexical_end; j++)
+	{
+	  population[i][j] = 0;
+	}
+    }
+  VECTOR LexicalReturn;
+  VECTOR oldfitvalueVEC;
+  short int LexicalFitsImproving;
+  /* Transform is logically similar to Lexical even if there is only one fit criterion */
+  if(Structure->Lexical > 1 || Structure->Transform == 1)
+    {
+      LexicalReturn = (double *)  malloc(Structure->Lexical*sizeof(double));  
+      oldfitvalueVEC = (double *)  malloc(Structure->Lexical*sizeof(double));  
+    }
+  temp       = matrix(0,nvars+1,0,nvars);
+  probab     = Gvector(1,pop_size);
+  t_vec      = Gvector(1,nvars);
+  cum_probab = Gvector(1,pop_size);
+  live       = ivector(1,pop_size);
+  /*for oper4 Find max(2,nvars) parents for crossover operator 4*/
+  p2use = nvars > 2 ? nvars : 2;
+  parents    = ivector(1,p2use);
+  Gnvars[Structure->InstanceNumber]=nvars;
+  if (Structure->MemoryUsage==1)
+    {
+      if (HardGenerationLimit==0)
+	MemorySize=3*(MaxGenerations+1)*pop_size+1+pop_size;
+      else
+	MemorySize=(MaxGenerations+1)*pop_size+1+pop_size;
+      Memory = JaMatrixAllocate(MemorySize, lexical_end);
+    }
+  grad = (double *) malloc((nvars)*sizeof(double));
+  evalX = (double *) malloc((nvars)*sizeof(double));
+  finalhessin = (double *) malloc(((nvars*nvars)+(nvars))*sizeof(double));
+  bfgsoutX = (double *) malloc((nvars+1)*sizeof(double));
+  /* populationstats variables */
+  mean = (double *) malloc((nvars+1)*sizeof(double));
+  var = (double *) malloc((nvars+1)*sizeof(double));
+  skew = (double *) malloc((nvars+1)*sizeof(double));
+  kur = (double *) malloc((nvars+1)*sizeof(double));
+  tobs = (long *) malloc((nvars+1)*sizeof(long));
+  Q=0.5;
+  B=6;
+  STEP=10;
+  if(PrintLevel>0)
+    {
+      switch(MinMax) {
+      case 0:
+	Rprintf("Minimization Problem.\n");  
+	break;
+      case 1:
+	Rprintf("Maximization Problem.\n");  
+	break;
+      }
+    }
+  /*
+    if (PrintLevel>2) {
+    Rprintf("Parameter B (hardcoded): %d\n", B); 
+    Rprintf("Parameter Q (hardcoded): %f\n", Q);
+    }
+  */
+  peak_cnt = 0;
+  pop_size_old=0;
+  if (Structure->ShareType == 1 || Structure->ShareType == 3) {
+    if(PrintLevel>0)
+      Rprintf( "Using old population file to initialize new population.\n");
+    if((popout = fopen(Structure->ProjectPath, "r")) == NULL) {
+      Rprintf("         Generating new population\n");
+      warning("Unable to open the old project file: %s", Structure->ProjectPath);
+    }
+    else {
+      pop_size_old=ReadPopulation(population, pop_size, nvars, popout, PrintLevel);
+      fclose(popout);
+      if (pop_size_old<2) {
+	warning("The old population file appears to be from a different genoud specification.");
+	pop_size_old=0;
+      }
+    }
+    if (PrintLevel>1) {
+      if((popout = fopen(Structure->ProjectPath, "a")) == NULL) {
+	warning("Unable to open the project file: %s", Structure->ProjectPath);
+	/* free populationstats stuff */
+	free(mean);
+	free(var);
+	free(skew);
+	free(kur);
+	free(tobs);
+	free(bfgsoutX);
+	free(finalhessin);
+	free(evalX);
+	free(grad);
+        /* free numeric.c allocations */
+	if (Structure->MemoryUsage==1)
+	  JaMatrixFree(Memory, MemorySize);
+	JaMatrixFree(population, pop_size+2);
+	JaMatrixFree(new_genera, pop_size+2);
+	free_matrix(temp, 0, nvars+1, 0);
+	free_vector(probab, 1);
+	free_vector(t_vec, 1);
+	free_vector(cum_probab, 1);
+	free_ivector(live, 1);
+	free_ivector(parents, 1);
+        if(Structure->Lexical > 1 || Structure->Transform == 1)
+	  {
+	    free(LexicalReturn);
+	    free(oldfitvalueVEC);
+	  }
+	error("Fatal Error. See output for diagnostic information.");
+      }
+      fclose(popout);
+    }
+  } /* end of ShareType 0 */
+  else {
+    if (PrintLevel>1) {
+      if((popout = fopen(Structure->ProjectPath, "w")) == NULL) {
+	Rprintf("Unable to open the project file: %s", 
+		Structure->ProjectPath);
+	/* free populationstats stuff */
+	free(mean);
+	free(var);
+	free(skew);
+	free(kur);
+	free(tobs);
+	free(bfgsoutX);
+	free(finalhessin);
+	free(evalX);
+	free(grad);
+        /* free numeric.c allocations */
+	if (Structure->MemoryUsage==1)
+	  JaMatrixFree(Memory, MemorySize);
+	JaMatrixFree(population, pop_size+2);
+	JaMatrixFree(new_genera, pop_size+2);
+	free_matrix(temp, 0, nvars+1, 0);
+	free_vector(probab, 1);
+	free_vector(t_vec, 1);
+	free_vector(cum_probab, 1);
+	free_ivector(live, 1);
+	free_ivector(parents, 1);
+        if(Structure->Lexical > 1 || Structure->Transform == 1)
+	  {
+	    free(LexicalReturn);
+	    free(oldfitvalueVEC);
+	  }
+	error("Fatal Error. See output for diagnostic information.");
+      }
+      fclose(popout);
+    }
+  }
+  /* The new initial value matrix: setting a new initial value for every individual */
+  if (ExternStructure->nStartingValues > 0) 
+    {
+      /* Adjust old starting values (from ReadPopulation) so we have enough room for our 
+	 starting.values */
+      pop_size_old = pop_size_old-ExternStructure->nStartingValues-1;
+      if (pop_size_old < 0)
+	pop_size_old = 0;
+      // seed the starting values until we run out of population or starting values!
+      j = pop_size_old;
+      for(s=0; s<ExternStructure->nStartingValues; s++) {
+	j++;
+	for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++) {
+	  population[j][i] = ExternStructure->StartingValues[s][i-1];
+	  population[j][nvars+1] = -1.0;
+	}
+      } // end of for loop
+      pop_size_old = j;
+      // randomly add on people if we still have population left over!
+      for(j=pop_size_old+1; j<=pop_size; j++) {
+	for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++) { 
+	  population[j][i] = frange_ran(domains[i][1], domains[i][3]); 
+	  population[j][nvars+1] = -1.0;
+	}
+      }
+    } // end of we have starting values!
+  else 
+    {
+      for(j=pop_size_old+1; j<=pop_size; j++) {
+	for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++) { 
+	  population[j][i] = frange_ran(domains[i][1], domains[i][3]); 
+	  population[j][nvars+1] = -1.0;
+	}
+      }
+    } // end of else
+  if (Structure->MemoryUsage==1)
+    {
+      OldUniqueCount=UniqueCount;
+      if (UniqueCount==0)
+	UniqueCount = 1;
+      UniqueCount = RmemoryMatrixEvaluate(Structure->fnMemoryMatrixEvaluate, Structure->rho,
+					  Memory, population,
+					  MinMax, pop_size, UniqueCount,
+					  nvars, Structure->Lexical, lexical_end);
+      if ( (UniqueCount+pop_size) >= MemorySize )
+	{
+	  Structure->MemoryUsage=0;
+	  warning("Turned Off MemoryMatrix because memory usage was too great.");
+	} /* end of if */
+    } // end of Memory based evaluation
+  else
+    {
+      for (i=1; i<=pop_size; i++) 
+	{
+	  if (population[i][nvars+1]==-1.0 || population[i][nvars+1]==11.0)
+	    {
+	      for(j=1; j<=nvars; j++)
+		X[j] = population[i][j];
+              if (Structure->whichFUN == 1) // neither Lexical, nor Transform
+		{
+		  population[i][0] = evaluate(Structure->fn, Structure->rho, X, nvars, MinMax);
+		} 
+              else if(Structure->whichFUN == 2) // Lexical but not Transform
+		{
+		  EvaluateLexical(Structure->fn, Structure->rho, 
+				  X, nvars, Structure->Lexical, MinMax, LexicalReturn);
+		  population[i][0] = LexicalReturn[0];
+		  count = 0;
+		  for(j=(nvars+2);j<lexical_end;j++)
+		    {
+		      count++;
+		      population[i][j] = LexicalReturn[count];
+		    }		      
+                }  // else if
+              else // Transform
+                {
+                  EvaluateTransform(Structure->fn, Structure->rho,
+				    X, nvars, Structure->Lexical, MinMax, LexicalReturn);
+                  population[i][0] = LexicalReturn[0];
+                  count = 0;
+                  if(Structure->Lexical > 1) 
+		    for(j=(nvars+2);j<lexical_end;j++)
+		      {
+			count++;
+			population[i][j] = LexicalReturn[count];
+		      }
+                  if (BoundaryEnforcement==0) 
+		    for(j=1; j<=nvars; j++)
+		      {
+			population[i][j] = X[j];
+		      }
+                  else 
+		    for(j=1; j<=nvars; j++)
+		      {
+			if(X[j] < domains[j][1])
+			  {
+			    if(PrintLevel>0)
+			      {
+				Rprintf(
+					"\nNOTE: Transformed individual below lower bound.\n");
+				Rprintf("NOTE: Generation: %d \t Parameter: %d \t Value: %e \t Bound: %e\n\n",
+					count_gener, j, X[j], domains[j][1]);
+			      }
+			    warning("Transformed individual below lower bound. Generation: %d; Parameter: %d; Value: %e; Bound: %e",
+				    count_gener, j, X[j], domains[j][1]);
+			  }
+			if(X[j] > domains[j][3])
+			  {
+			    if(PrintLevel>0)
+			      {
+				Rprintf(
+					"\nNOTE: Transformed individual above upper bound.\n");
+				Rprintf("NOTE: Generation: %d \t Parameter: %d \t Value: %e \t Bound: %e\n\n",
+					count_gener, j, X[j], domains[j][3]);
+			      }
+			    warning("Transformed individual above upper bound. Generation: %d; Parameter: %d; Value: %e; Bound: %e",
+				    count_gener, j, X[j], domains[j][3]);
+			  }
+			population[i][j] = X[j]; // put the transformation in anyway
+		      }//end for
+                }//end Transform
+	    }
+	} //end of i loop
+    } // end of default evaluation
+  if(Structure->MemoryUsage!=1)
+    {
+      /*Sort the initial individuals based on their evaluation function*/
+      if (Structure->Lexical < 2)
+	{
+	  sort(MinMax,population,pop_size,0);
+	}
+      else
+	{
+	  /* in eval.cpp because it is like the EvaluateLexical() function */
+	  RlexicalSort(Structure->fnLexicalSort, Structure->rho,
+		       population,
+		       MinMax, pop_size, nvars, lexical_end, 1);
+	}
+    }
+  peak_cnt = count_gener;
+  /* since we are on generation 0 */
+  oldfitvalue=population[1][0];
+  if(Structure->Lexical  > 1)
+    {
+      oldfitvalueVEC[0]=population[1][0];
+      k = 1;
+      for (i=(nvars+2);i<lexical_end;i++)  {
+	oldfitvalueVEC[k]=population[1][i];
+	k++;  
+      } /* for (i=(nvars+2);i<lexical_end;i++) */
+    }
+  /*
+  if(PrintLevel>0)
+    {
+      Rprintf("\nThe best initial individual is:\n");
+      print_vector(population[1],1,nvars,output);
+      if (Structure->Lexical > 1)
+	{
+	  Rprintf("\nbest (lexical) fitness:\n");
+	  Rprintf("%e  ", population[1][0]);
+	  for(j=(nvars+2);j<lexical_end;j++)
+	    {
+	      Rprintf("%e  ", population[1][j]);
+	    }		      
+	  Rprintf("\n");
+	} else {
+	Rprintf("\nbest fitness: %e\n", population[1][0]);
+      }
+      Rprintf("\n");
+      if (Structure->Lexical > 1)
+	{      
+	  Rprintf("The worst (lexical) fitness is:\n");
+	  Rprintf("%e  ", population[pop_size][0]);
+	  for(j=(nvars+2);j<lexical_end;j++)
+	    {
+	      Rprintf("%e  ", population[pop_size][j]);
+	    }		   
+	  Rprintf("\n");   	  
+	} else {
+	Rprintf("The worst fit is: %e\n", 
+		population[pop_size][0]);
+      }
+      Rprintf("\n");
+    }
+  */
+  if(PrintLevel==1)
+    {
+      if (Structure->Lexical > 1)
+	{
+	Rprintf("\n\nGeneration#\t    Solution Values (lexical)\n");	  
+	Rprintf("\n%7d \t%e  ", 0, population[1][0]);
+	for(j=(nvars+2);j<lexical_end;j++)
+	  {
+	    Rprintf("%e  ", population[1][j]);
+	  }		      
+	Rprintf("\n");	
+	} else {
+	Rprintf("\n\nGeneration#\t    Solution Value\n");
+	Rprintf("\n%7d \t%e\n", 0, population[1][0]);
+      }
+    }
+  /* compute and print mean and variance of population */
+  if (PrintLevel>1) {
+    Rprintf("GENERATION: 0 (initializing the population)\n");
+    populationstats(population, pop_size, nvars, mean, var, skew, kur, tobs);
+    if(Structure->Lexical > 1)
+      {
+	Rprintf( "Lexical Fit..... %e  ", population[1][0]);
+	for(j=(nvars+2);j<lexical_end;j++)
+	  {
+	    Rprintf("%e  ", population[1][j]);
+	  }		      
+	Rprintf("\n");	    
+      }
+    else
+      {
+	Rprintf( "Fitness value... %e\n", population[1][0]);
+	Rprintf( "mean............ %e\n", mean[0]);
+	Rprintf( "variance........ %e\n", var[0]);
+	/*
+	  Rprintf( "skewness........ %e\n", skew[i]);
+	  Rprintf( "kurtosis........ %e\n", kur[i]);
+	*/
+      }
+    nnull = pop_size-tobs[0];
+    if(nnull > 0)
+      Rprintf( "#null........... %d\n", nnull);
+    if(Structure->MemoryUsage==1)
+      Rprintf( "#unique......... %d, #Total UniqueCount: %d\n", 
+	      UniqueCount-OldUniqueCount, UniqueCount);
+    /* Rprintf( "tobs............ %d\n", tobs[i]); */
+    for (i=1; i<=nvars; i++) {
+      Rprintf( "var %d:\n", i);
+      Rprintf( "best............ %e\n", population[1][i]);
+      Rprintf( "mean............ %e\n", mean[i]);
+      Rprintf( "variance........ %e\n", var[i]);
+      /*
+	Rprintf( "skewness........ %e\n", skew[i]);
+	Rprintf( "kurtosis........ %e\n", kur[i]);
+      */
+      nnull = pop_size-tobs[i];
+      if(nnull > 0)
+	Rprintf( "#null........... %d\n", nnull);
+      /* Rprintf( "tobs............ %d\n", tobs[i]); */
+    }
+  } /* end of printlevel if */
+  /* if(PrintLevel>0)
+    fflush(output);  */
+  /* Print the population file */
+  if ( PrintLevel == 1 ) {
+    if((popout = fopen(Structure->ProjectPath, "w")) == NULL) {
+      Rprintf("Unable to open the project file: %s", 
+	      Structure->ProjectPath);
+      /* free populationstats stuff */
+      free(mean);
+      free(var);
+      free(skew);
+      free(kur);
+      free(tobs);
+      free(bfgsoutX);
+      free(finalhessin);
+      free(evalX);
+      free(grad);
+      /* free numeric.c allocations */
+      if (Structure->MemoryUsage==1)
+	JaMatrixFree(Memory, MemorySize);
+      JaMatrixFree(population, pop_size+2);
+      JaMatrixFree(new_genera, pop_size+2);
+      free_matrix(temp, 0, nvars+1, 0);
+      free_vector(probab, 1);
+      free_vector(t_vec, 1);
+      free_vector(cum_probab, 1);
+      free_ivector(live, 1);
+      free_ivector(parents, 1);
+      if(Structure->Lexical > 1 || Structure->Transform == 1)
+	{
+	  free(LexicalReturn);
+	  free(oldfitvalueVEC);
+	}
+	error("Fatal Error. See output for diagnostic information.");
+    }
+    print_population((int) pop_size, (int) nvars, 0, (int) Structure->Lexical, population, popout);
+    fclose(popout);
+  } /* end of PrintLevel if */
+  if ( PrintLevel>1 ) {
+    if((popout = fopen(Structure->ProjectPath, "a")) == NULL) {
+      Rprintf("Unable to open the project file: %s", 
+	      Structure->ProjectPath);
+      /* free populationstats stuff */
+      free(mean);
+      free(var);
+      free(skew);
+      free(kur);
+      free(tobs);
+      free(bfgsoutX);
+      free(finalhessin);
+      free(evalX);
+      free(grad);
+      /* free numeric.c allocations */
+      if (Structure->MemoryUsage==1)
+	JaMatrixFree(Memory, MemorySize);
+      JaMatrixFree(population, pop_size+2);
+      JaMatrixFree(new_genera, pop_size+2);
+      free_matrix(temp, 0, nvars+1, 0);
+      free_vector(probab, 1);
+      free_vector(t_vec, 1);
+      free_vector(cum_probab, 1);
+      free_ivector(live, 1);
+      free_ivector(parents, 1);
+      if(Structure->Lexical > 1 || Structure->Transform == 1)
+	{
+	  free(LexicalReturn);
+	  free(oldfitvalueVEC);
+	}
+      error("Fatal Error. See output for diagnostic information.");
+    }
+    print_population((int) pop_size, (int) nvars, 0, (int) Structure->Lexical, population, popout);
+    fflush(popout);
+    fclose(popout);
+  }
+  /* Interrupt setup.  Let's print a nice message to recover the best
+     solution so far if at least generation 0 has been run */
+  if (PrintLevel > 0 & (strcmp(Structure->ProjectPath, "/dev/null")!=0))
+    setVar(install("interrupted"), ScalarLogical(1), Structure->rho);
+  /*Assigning probability of survival for each of the agent, with the*/
+  /*probability provided by the user for the best agent*/
+  assign_probab(probab,pop_size,Q); 
+  /*Finding the cumulative probability of the agents*/
+  find_cum_probab(cum_probab,probab,pop_size);
+  /*Reproducing and evaluating for the total number of generations times*/
+  do
+    {
+      /*Initializing the live vector*/
+      for(j=1; j<=pop_size; j++)
+        {
+          live[j] = 0;
+          for(i=0; i<lexical_end; i++)
+            new_genera[j][i] = population[j][i];
+	  new_genera[j][nvars+1]=0;
+        }
+      /*Finding the agents that will die and the agents that will reproduce*/
+      find_live(cum_probab,live,pop_size,P);
+      /* set die_now counter to start replacements with the worst agent.
+         use of die_now is okay if the entire population (except the previous
+         best) is to be replaced in each generation */
+      die_now = pop_size;
+      j1=j2=j3=j4=j5=j6=j7=j8=0;
+      /* This was causing a difference to appear between MemoryMatrix and !MemoryMatrix runs see oper5 and oper7
+      UniquePairs= UniqueCount-OldUniqueCount;
+      UniquePairs= (int) (0.5*(UniquePairs*UniquePairs-UniquePairs));
+      if ( MAX_OPER_UNIQUE_TRY < UniquePairs)
+	UniquePairs = MAX_OPER_UNIQUE_TRY;
+      */
+      UniquePairs = MAX_OPER_UNIQUE_TRY;
+      /* main operator loop */
+      while(j1+j2+j3+j4+j4+j5+j5+j6+j7+j7+j8 < P)
+        {
+          oper = irange_ran(1,8);
+          switch (oper)
+            {
+              case 1:
+		/* JS Description: Uniform Mutation */
+                     /*Applying the first operator, uniform mutation*/
+                    if (j1 < P1)
+                      {
+			/*Find one parent for mutation operator 1*/
+			first_live  = find_parent(live,pop_size);
+			live[first_live]--;
+			/* check that agent to replace is in range */
+			if (die_now < 2) {
+			  error( "No agents to be replaced\n");
+			}
+			new_genera[die_now][nvars+1] = 1.0;
+			for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+			  t_vec[i] = population[first_live][i];
+			for (ocnt = irange_ran(1,nvars); ocnt>0; ocnt--)
+			  oper1(t_vec,domains,nvars);
+			for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+			  new_genera[die_now][i] = t_vec[i];
+			die_now--;
+			j1++;
+		      }
+                    break;
+              case 2:
+		/* JS Description: Boundary Mutation */
+                    /*Applying the second operator, boundary mutation*/
+                    if (j2 < P2)
+                      {
+                        /*Find one parent for mutation operator 2*/
+                        first_live  = find_parent(live,pop_size);
+			live[first_live]--;
+			/* check that agent to replace is in range */
+			if (die_now < 2) {
+			  error( "No agents to be replaced\n");
+			}
+                        new_genera[die_now][nvars+1] = 2.0;
+                        for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+                          t_vec[i] = population[first_live][i];
+			oper2(t_vec,domains,nvars);
+                        for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+                          new_genera[die_now][i] = t_vec[i];
+			die_now--;
+                        j2++;
+                      }
+                    break;
+              case 3:
+		/* JS Description: Non-uniform Mutation */
+                    /*Applying the third operator, non-uniform mutation*/
+                    if (j3 < P3)
+                      {
+                        /*Find one parent for mutation operator 3*/
+                        first_live  = find_parent(live,pop_size);
+			live[first_live]--;
+			/* check that agent to replace is in range */
+			if (die_now < 2) {
+			  error( "No agents to be replaced\n");
+			}
+                        new_genera[die_now][nvars+1] = 3.0;
+                        for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+                          t_vec[i] = population[first_live][i];
+			for (ocnt = irange_ran(1,nvars); ocnt>0; ocnt--)
+			  oper3(t_vec,domains,nvars,MaxGenerations,count_gener,B);
+                        for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+                          new_genera[die_now][i] = t_vec[i];
+			die_now--;
+                        j3++;
+                      }
+                    break;
+              case 4:
+                    /*Applying the fourth operator, GENOUD Polytope Crossover */
+                    if (j4 < (int) P4)
+                      {
+                        /*Find max(2,nvars) parents for crossover operator 4*/
+			for (i=1; i<p2use; i++) {
+			  parents[i] = find_parent(live,pop_size);
+			  live[parents[i]]++;  /* no decr. first p2use-1 parents */
+			}
+			parents[p2use] = find_parent(live,pop_size);
+			/* check that agents to replace are in range */
+			if (die_now < 2) {
+			  error("No agents to be replaced\n");
+			}
+			new_genera[die_now][nvars+1]  = 4.0;
+			for(j=1; j<=p2use; j++)
+			  for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+			    temp[j][i] = population[parents[j]][i];
+			oper4(temp,p2use,nvars);
+			for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+			  new_genera[die_now][i]  = temp[1][i];
+			die_now--;
+                        j4++;
+                      }		
+                    break;
+              case 5:
+		/* JS Description: Simple Crossover
+		   Applying the fifth operator, simple arithmetical crossover*/
+                    if (j5 < (int) P5/2)
+                      {
+                        /*Find two distinct parents for crossover operator 5*/
+                        same = TRUE;
+			SameCount=0;
+			while (same==TRUE) {
+			  SameCount++;
+			  first_live  = find_parent(live,pop_size);
+			  second_live = find_parent(live,pop_size);
+			  if (SameCount >= (UniquePairs) ) 
+			    break;
+			  for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+			    {
+			      if (population[first_live][i] != population[second_live][i])
+				{
+				  same = FALSE;
+				  break;
+				}
+			    }
+			} /* end of while same==TRUE loop */
+			/* check that agents to replace are in range */
+			if (die_now < 3) {
+			  error("Not enough agents to be replaced\n");
+			}
+			live[first_live]--;
+			live[second_live]--;
+			first_die   = die_now-- ;
+			second_die  = die_now-- ;
+			new_genera[first_die][nvars+1]  = 5.0;
+			new_genera[second_die][nvars+1] = 5.0;
+                        if (!same)
+                          {
+                            for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+                              {
+                                temp[1][i] = population[first_live][i];
+                                temp[2][i] = population[second_live][i];
+                              }
+                            oper5(temp[1],temp[2],STEP,domains,nvars);
+                            for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+                              {
+                                new_genera[first_die][i]  = temp[1][i];
+                                new_genera[second_die][i] = temp[2][i];
+                              }
+                          }
+			else {
+			  /* copy agent chosen twice into two new indivs */
+			  for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++) {
+			    new_genera[first_die][i]  = 
+			      population[first_live][i];
+			    new_genera[second_die][i] = 
+			      population[second_live][i];
+			  }
+			}
+                        j5++;
+                      }
+                    break;
+              case 6:
+		/* JS Description: Whole Non-uniform Mutation */
+                    /*Applying the sixth operator, whole non-uniform mutation*/
+                    if (j6 < P6)
+                      {
+                        /*Find one parent for mutation operator 6*/
+                        first_live  = find_parent(live,pop_size);
+			live[first_live]--;
+			/* check that agent to replace is in range */
+			if (die_now < 2) {
+			  error( "No agents to be replaced\n");
+			}
+                        new_genera[die_now][nvars+1] = 6.0;
+                        for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+                          t_vec[i] = population[first_live][i];
+                        oper6(t_vec,domains,nvars,MaxGenerations,count_gener,B);
+                        for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+                          new_genera[die_now][i] = t_vec[i];
+			die_now--;
+                        j6++;
+                      }
+                    break;
+              case 7:
+		/* JS Description: Heuristic Crossover */
+                    /*Applying the seventh operator*/
+                    if (j7 < (int) P7/2)
+                      {
+                        /*Find two distinct parents for operator 7*/
+                        same = TRUE;
+			SameCount=0;
+			while (same==TRUE) {
+			  SameCount++;
+			  first_live  = find_parent(live,pop_size);
+			  second_live = find_parent(live,pop_size);
+			  if (SameCount >= (UniquePairs) ) 
+			    break;
+			  for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+			    {
+			      if (population[first_live][i] != population[second_live][i])
+				{
+				  same = FALSE;
+				  break;
+				}
+			    }
+			} /* end of while same==TRUE loop */
+			/* check that agents to replace are in range */
+			if (die_now < 3) {
+			  error("Not enough agents to be replaced\n");
+			}
+			live[first_live]--;
+			live[second_live]--;
+			first_die   = die_now-- ;
+			second_die  = die_now-- ;
+			new_genera[first_die][nvars+1]  = 7.0;
+			new_genera[second_die][nvars+1] = 7.0;
+                        if (!same) {
+			  if (first_live < second_live)
+			    /* first agent is better agent */
+			    for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++) {
+			      temp[2][i] = population[first_live][i];
+			      temp[1][i] = population[second_live][i];
+			    }
+			  else
+			    /* second agent is better agent */
+			    for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++) {
+			      temp[2][i] = population[second_live][i];
+			      temp[1][i] = population[first_live][i];
+			    }
+			  oper7(temp[1],temp[2],domains,nvars);
+			  for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+			    new_genera[first_die][i]  = temp[1][i];
+			  if (first_live < second_live)
+			    /* first agent is better agent */
+			    for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++) {
+			      temp[2][i] = population[first_live][i];
+			      temp[1][i] = population[second_live][i];
+			    }
+			  else
+			    /* second agent is better agent */
+			    for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++) {
+			      temp[2][i] = population[second_live][i];
+			      temp[1][i] = population[first_live][i];
+			    }
+			  oper7(temp[1],temp[2],domains,nvars);
+			  for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+			    new_genera[second_die][i]  = temp[1][i];
+			}
+			else {
+			  /* copy agent chosen twice into two new indivs */
+			  for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++) {
+			    new_genera[first_die][i]  = 
+			      population[first_live][i];
+			    new_genera[second_die][i] = 
+			      population[second_live][i];
+			  }
+			}
+                        j7++;
+                      }
+              case 8:
+		/* JS Description: Local-Minimum Crossover */
+                     /*Applying the eighth operator, homotopy (BFGS) */
+		if (j8 < P8 & (Structure->BFGSburnin >= 0) & (count_gener > Structure->BFGSburnin))
+                      {
+                        /*Find one parent for BFGS operator 1*/
+                        first_live  = find_parent(live,pop_size);
+			live[first_live]--;
+			/* check that agent to replace is in range */
+			if (die_now < 2) {
+			  error( "No agents to be replaced\n");
+			}
+                        new_genera[die_now][nvars+1] = 8.0;
+                        for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+                          t_vec[i] = population[first_live][i];
+                        oper8(Structure->fn_optim, Structure->rho, t_vec, domains, SolutionTolerance, 
+			      nvars, BoundaryEnforcement, PrintLevel,
+			      Structure->P9mix);
+			for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+			  new_genera[die_now][i] = t_vec[i];
+			die_now--;
+			j8++;
+                      }
+                    break;
+            }
+        }
+      /*Replace the population with the new generation */
+      Jnew = new_genera;
+      new_genera = population;
+      population = Jnew;
+      if (Structure->MemoryUsage==1)
+	{
+	  OldUniqueCount=UniqueCount;
+	  UniqueCount = RmemoryMatrixEvaluate(Structure->fnMemoryMatrixEvaluate, Structure->rho,
+					      Memory, population,
+					      MinMax, pop_size, UniqueCount,
+					      nvars, Structure->Lexical, lexical_end);	  
+	  if ( (UniqueCount+pop_size) >= MemorySize )
+	    {
+	      Structure->MemoryUsage=0;
+	      warning("Turned Off MemoryMatrix because memory usage was too great.");
+	    } /* end of if */
+	} // end of MemoryUsage==1
+      else
+	{
+	  for (i=1; i<=pop_size; i++) 
+	    {
+	      if (population[i][nvars+1]!=0)
+		{
+		  for(j=1; j<=nvars; j++)
+		    X[j] = population[i][j];
+                  if (Structure->whichFUN == 1) // neither Lexical, nor Transform
+		    {
+		      population[i][0] = evaluate(Structure->fn, Structure->rho, X, nvars, MinMax);
+		    } 
+                  else if(Structure->whichFUN == 2) // Lexical but not Transform
+		    {
+		      EvaluateLexical(Structure->fn, Structure->rho, 
+				      X, nvars, Structure->Lexical, MinMax, LexicalReturn);
+		      population[i][0] = LexicalReturn[0];
+		      count = 0;
+		      for(j=(nvars+2);j<lexical_end;j++)
+			{
+			  count++;
+			  population[i][j] = LexicalReturn[count];
+			}		      			  
+		    }
+                  else // Transform
+                    {
+                      EvaluateTransform(Structure->fn, Structure->rho,
+                                      X, nvars, Structure->Lexical, MinMax, LexicalReturn);
+                      population[i][0] = LexicalReturn[0];
+                      count = 0;
+                      if(Structure->Lexical > 1) for(j=(nvars+2);j<lexical_end;j++)
+                        {
+                          count++;
+                          population[i][j] = LexicalReturn[count];
+                        }
+                      for(j=1; j<=nvars; j++)
+                        {
+                          population[i][j] = X[j];
+                        }
+                    }
+		}
+	    } //end of i loop	  
+	} //end of default evaluation scheme
+      if(Structure->MemoryUsage!=1)
+	{
+	  /*Sort the new population based on their evaluation function*/
+	  if (Structure->Lexical < 2)
+	    {
+	      sort(MinMax,population,pop_size,0);
+	    }
+	  else
+	    {
+	      /* in eval.cpp because it is like the EvaluateLexical() function */
+	      RlexicalSort(Structure->fnLexicalSort, Structure->rho,
+			   population,
+			   MinMax, pop_size, nvars, lexical_end, 1);
+	    }
+	}
+      /* apply the bfgs to the best individual */
+      if (UseBFGS != 0 & (Structure->BFGSburnin >= 0) & (count_gener > Structure->BFGSburnin)) {
+	for (i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+	  {
+	    bfgsoutX[i-1]=population[1][i];
+	  }
+	bfgsfit = genoud_optim(Structure->fn_optim, Structure->rho, bfgsoutX, nvars);
+        if (Structure->whichFUN == 1) // neither Lexical, nor Transform
+	  {
+	    switch(MinMax) {
+	    case 0:
+	      if (population[1][0] > bfgsfit) /* minimize */
+		{
+		  /* is the BFGS individual in the bounds? */
+		  BoundaryTrigger=0; /* outside of bounds ? */
+		  for (i=0; i<nvars; i++) {
+		    j = i+1;
+		    if (bfgsoutX[i] < domains[j][1]) {
+		      BoundaryTrigger=1;
+		      if (PrintLevel>1)
+			{
+			  Rprintf(
+				  "\nNOTE: BFGS hit on best individual produced Out of Boundary individual.\n");
+			  Rprintf("NOTE: Generation: %d \t Parameter: %d \t Value: %e\n\n", 
+				  count_gener, i+1, bfgsoutX[i]);
+			  Rprintf("NOTE: Fit: %e\n\n", bfgsfit);
+			}
+		      warning("BFGS hit on best individual produced Out of Boundary individual.");
+		    }
+		    if (bfgsoutX[i] > domains[j][3]) {
+		      BoundaryTrigger=1;
+		      if (PrintLevel>1)
+			{
+			  Rprintf(
+				  "\nNOTE: BFGS hit on best individual produced Out of Boundary individual.\n");
+			  Rprintf("NOTE: Generation: %d \t Parameter: %d \t Value: %e\n", 
+				  count_gener, i+1, bfgsoutX[i]);
+			  Rprintf("NOTE: Fit: %e\n\n", bfgsfit);
+			}
+		      warning("BFGS hit on best individual produced Out of Boundary individual.");
+		    }
+		  } /* end for loop */
+		  /* if we use out of bounds individuals then proceed */
+		  /* 0=anything goes, 1: regular; 2: no trespassing! */
+		  if (BoundaryEnforcement==0) {
+		    for(i=1;i<=nvars;i++) 
+		      {
+			population[1][i]=bfgsoutX[i-1];
+		      }
+		    population[1][0]=bfgsfit;
+		  }
+		  else if (BoundaryTrigger==0) {
+		    for(i=1;i<=nvars;i++) 
+		      {
+			population[1][i]=bfgsoutX[i-1];
+		      }
+		    population[1][0]=bfgsfit;
+		  }
+		} /* end if (population[1][0] > bfgs) */
+	    case 1:
+	      if (population[1][0] < bfgsfit) /* maximize */
+		{
+		  /* is the BFGS individual in the bounds? */
+		  BoundaryTrigger=0; /* outside of bounds ? */
+		  for (i=0; i<nvars; i++) {
+		    j = i+1;
+		    if (bfgsoutX[i] < domains[j][1]) {
+		      BoundaryTrigger=1;
+		      if (PrintLevel>1)
+			{
+			  Rprintf(
+				  "\nNOTE: BFGS hit on best individual produced Out of Boundary individual.\n");
+			  Rprintf("NOTE: Generation: %d \t Parameter: %d \t Value: %e\n\n", 
+				  count_gener, i+1, bfgsoutX[i]);
+			}
+		      warning("BFGS hit on best individual produced Out of Boundary individual.");
+		    }
+		    if (bfgsoutX[i] > domains[j][3]) {
+		      BoundaryTrigger=1;
+		      if (PrintLevel>1)
+			{
+			  Rprintf(
+				  "\nNOTE: BFGS hit on best individual produced Out of Boundary individual.\n");
+			  Rprintf("NOTE: Generation: %d \t Parameter: %d \t Value: %e\n\n", 
+				  count_gener, i+1, bfgsoutX[i]);
+			}
+		      warning("BFGS hit on best individual produced Out of Boundary individual.");
+		    }
+		  } /* end for loop */
+		  /* if we we use out of bounds individuals then proceed */
+		  /* 0=anything goes, 1: regular; 2: no trespassing! */
+		  if (BoundaryEnforcement==0) {
+		    for(i=1;i<=nvars;i++) 
+		      {
+			population[1][i]=bfgsoutX[i-1];
+		      }
+		    population[1][0]=bfgsfit;
+		  }
+		  else if (BoundaryTrigger==0) {
+		    for(i=1;i<=nvars;i++) 
+		      {
+			population[1][i]=bfgsoutX[i-1];
+		      }
+		    population[1][0]=bfgsfit;
+		  }
+		} /* end if (population[1][0] < bfgsfit) */
+	    } /* end switch */
+	  }/*end of NOT lexical bfgs hit */
+        else if(Structure->whichFUN == 2) // Lexical but not Transform
+	  {
+	    /* is the BFGS individual in the bounds? */
+	    BoundaryTrigger=0; /* outside of bounds ? */
+	    for (i=0; i<nvars; i++) {
+	      j = i+1;
+	      if (bfgsoutX[i] < domains[j][1]) {
+		BoundaryTrigger=1;
+		if (PrintLevel>1)
+		  {
+		    Rprintf(
+			    "\nNOTE: BFGS hit on best individual produced Out of Boundary individual.\n");
+		    Rprintf("NOTE: Generation: %d \t Parameter: %d \t Value: %e\n\n", 
+			    count_gener, i+1, bfgsoutX[i]);
+		    Rprintf("NOTE: Fit: %e\n\n", bfgsfit);
+		  }
+		warning("BFGS hit on best individual produced Out of Boundary individual.");
+	      }
+	      if (bfgsoutX[i] > domains[j][3]) {
+		BoundaryTrigger=1;
+		if (PrintLevel>1)
+		  {
+		    Rprintf(
+			    "\nNOTE: BFGS hit on best individual produced Out of Boundary individual.\n");
+		    Rprintf("NOTE: Generation: %d \t Parameter: %d \t Value: %e\n", 
+			    count_gener, i+1, bfgsoutX[i]);
+		    Rprintf("NOTE: Fit: %e\n\n", bfgsfit);
+		  }
+		warning("BFGS hit on best individual produced Out of Boundary individual.");
+	      }
+	    } /* end for loop */
+	    /* if we use out of bounds individuals then proceed */
+	    /* 0=anything goes, 1: regular; 2: no trespassing! */
+	    /* Add new individual to the END because we are doing lexical stuff */
+	    if (BoundaryEnforcement==0) {
+	      for(i=1;i<=nvars;i++) 
+		{
+		  population[(pop_size-1)][i]=bfgsoutX[i-1];
+		  X[i] = bfgsoutX[i-1];
+		}
+	      EvaluateLexical(Structure->fn, Structure->rho, 
+			      X, nvars, Structure->Lexical, MinMax, LexicalReturn);
+	      population[(pop_size-1)][0] = LexicalReturn[0];
+	      count = 0;
+	      for(i=(nvars+2);i<lexical_end;i++)
+		{
+		  count++;
+		  population[(pop_size-1)][i] = LexicalReturn[count];
+		}		      			  
+	      /* REDO SORT.  This is inefficient becase we only changed 1 individual*/
+	      RlexicalSort(Structure->fnLexicalSort, Structure->rho,
+			   population,
+			   MinMax, pop_size, nvars, lexical_end, 1);
+	    }
+	    else if (BoundaryTrigger==0) {
+	      for(i=1;i<=nvars;i++) 
+		{
+		  population[(pop_size-1)][i]=bfgsoutX[i-1];
+		  X[i] = bfgsoutX[i-1];
+		}
+	      EvaluateLexical(Structure->fn, Structure->rho, 
+			      X, nvars, Structure->Lexical, MinMax, LexicalReturn);
+	      population[(pop_size-1)][0] = LexicalReturn[0];
+	      count = 0;
+	      for(i=(nvars+2);i<lexical_end;i++)
+		{
+		  count++;
+		  population[(pop_size-1)][i] = LexicalReturn[count];
+		}		      			  
+	      /* REDO SORT.  This is inefficient becase we only changed 1 individual*/
+	      RlexicalSort(Structure->fnLexicalSort, Structure->rho,
+			   population,
+			   MinMax, pop_size, nvars, lexical_end, 1);
+	    }
+	  } /*end of LEXICAL bfgs hit */
+        else // Transform
+          {
+            for(j=1; j<=nvars; j++)
+              {
+                X[j] = bfgsoutX[(j-1)];
+              }
+            // Call EvaluateTransform now to transform X
+            EvaluateTransform(Structure->fn, Structure->rho,
+                              X, nvars, Structure->Lexical, MinMax, LexicalReturn);
+            /* is the BFGS individual in the bounds? */
+            BoundaryTrigger=0; /* outside of bounds ? */
+            for (j=1; i<=nvars; i++) {
+              if (X[j] < domains[j][1]) {
+                BoundaryTrigger=1;
+                if (PrintLevel>1)
+                  {
+                    Rprintf(
+                            "\nNOTE: BFGS hit on best individual produced Out of Boundary individual.\n");
+                    Rprintf("NOTE: Generation: %d \t Parameter: %d \t Value: %e\n\n",
+                            count_gener, j, X[j]);
+                    Rprintf("NOTE: Fit: %e\n\n", bfgsfit);
+                  }
+                warning("BFGS hit on best individual produced Out of Boundary individual.");
+              }
+              if (X[j] > domains[j][3]) {
+                BoundaryTrigger=1;
+                if (PrintLevel>1)
+                  {
+                    Rprintf(
+                            "\nNOTE: BFGS hit on best individual produced Out of Boundary individual.\n");
+                    Rprintf("NOTE: Generation: %d \t Parameter: %d \t Value: %e\n",
+                            count_gener, j, X[j]);
+                    Rprintf("NOTE: Fit: %e\n\n", bfgsfit);
+                  }
+                warning("BFGS hit on best individual produced Out of Boundary individual.");
+              }
+            } /* end for loop */
+            /* if we use out of bounds individuals then proceed */
+            /* 0=anything goes, 1: regular; 2: no trespassing! */
+            /* Figure out why BoundaryEnforcement==0 and BoundaryTrigerr==0 are separate above */
+            if (BoundaryEnforcement == 0 || BoundaryTrigger == 0) {
+              if(Structure->Lexical < 2) // Transform but not Lexical
+                {
+                  for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+                    {
+                      population[1][i] = X[i];
+                    }
+                  population[1][0] = LexicalReturn[0]; // from ~45 lines above
+                }
+              else /* Add new individual to the END because we are doing Transform and Lexical */
+                {
+                  for(i=1;i<=nvars;i++)
+                    {
+                      population[(pop_size-1)][i] = X[i];
+                    }
+                  population[(pop_size-1)][0] = LexicalReturn[0]; // from ~55 lines above
+                  count = 0;
+                  for(i=(nvars+2);i<lexical_end;i++)
+                    {
+                      count++;
+                      population[(pop_size-1)][i] = LexicalReturn[count];
+                    }
+                    /* REDO SORT.  This is inefficient becase we only changed 1 individual*/
+                    RlexicalSort(Structure->fnLexicalSort, Structure->rho,
+                                 population,
+                                 MinMax, pop_size, nvars, lexical_end, 1);
+                }
+            } /* end of boundary enforcment */
+          } /*end of TRANSFORM bfgs hit */
+      } /* end of UseBFGS */  
+      /* check to see if fit is improving */
+      if(Structure->Lexical < 2)
+	{
+	  switch(MinMax)
+	    {
+	    case 0:
+	      if ( (oldfitvalue - SolutionTolerance) > population[1][0]) {
+		nochange_gen=0;
+		oldfitvalue=population[1][0];
+		peak_cnt = count_gener;
+	      }
+	      else nochange_gen++;
+	      break;
+	    case 1:
+	      if ( (oldfitvalue + SolutionTolerance) < population[1][0]) {
+		nochange_gen=0;
+		oldfitvalue=population[1][0];
+		peak_cnt = count_gener;
+	      }
+	      else nochange_gen++;	      
+	      break;
+	    }
+	} /*       if(Structure->Lexical < 2) */
+      else
+	{
+	  switch(MinMax)
+	    {
+	    case 0:
+	      LexicalFitsImproving = 0;
+	      if ( (oldfitvalue - SolutionTolerance) > population[1][0]) 
+		{
+		  LexicalFitsImproving = 1;
+		} 
+	      else
+		{
+		  k=1;
+		  for (i=(nvars+2);i<lexical_end;i++)  {
+		    if ( (oldfitvalueVEC[k] - SolutionTolerance) > population[1][i] ) {
+		      LexicalFitsImproving = 1;
+		      break;
+		    } /* (oldfitvalueVEC[k] - SolutionTolerance) > population[1][i] ) */
+		    k++;  
+		  } /* for (i=(nvars+2);i<lexical_end;i++) */
+		} /* else if ( (oldfitvalue - SolutionTolerance) > population[1][0])  */
+	      if (LexicalFitsImproving)
+		{
+		  nochange_gen = 0;
+		  peak_cnt = count_gener;
+		  oldfitvalue=population[1][0];
+		  oldfitvalueVEC[0]=population[1][0];
+		  k = 1;
+		  for (i=(nvars+2);i<lexical_end;i++)  {
+		    oldfitvalueVEC[k]=population[1][i];
+		    k++;  
+		  } /* for (i=(nvars+2);i<lexical_end;i++) */
+		}
+	      else
+		nochange_gen++;
+	      break;
+	    case 1:
+	      LexicalFitsImproving = 0;
+	      if ( (oldfitvalue + SolutionTolerance) < population[1][0]) 
+		{
+		  LexicalFitsImproving = 1;
+		} 
+	      else
+		{
+		  k=1;
+		  for (i=(nvars+2);i<lexical_end;i++)  {
+		    if ( (oldfitvalueVEC[k] + SolutionTolerance) < population[1][i] ) {
+		      LexicalFitsImproving = 1;
+		      break;
+		    } /* (oldfitvalueVEC[k] - SolutionTolerance) > population[1][i] ) */
+		    k++;  
+		  } /* for (i=(nvars+2);i<lexical_end;i++) */
+		} /* else if ( (oldfitvalue - SolutionTolerance) > population[1][0])  */
+	      if (LexicalFitsImproving)
+		{
+		  nochange_gen = 0;
+		  peak_cnt = count_gener;
+		  oldfitvalue=population[1][0];
+		  oldfitvalueVEC[0]=population[1][0];
+		  k = 1;
+		  for (i=(nvars+2);i<lexical_end;i++)  {
+		    oldfitvalueVEC[k]=population[1][i];
+		    k++;  
+		  } /* for (i=(nvars+2);i<lexical_end;i++) */
+		}
+	      else
+		nochange_gen++;
+	      break;	      
+	    } /* switch(MinMax) */
+	} /* else (Structure->Lexical > 2) */
+      if(PrintLevel==1)
+	{
+	  if( nochange_gen==0 )
+	    {
+	      if(Structure->Lexical > 1)
+		{
+		  Rprintf("\n%7d \t%e  ", count_gener, population[1][0]);
+		  for(j=(nvars+2);j<lexical_end;j++)
+		    {
+		      Rprintf("%e  ", population[1][j]);
+		    }		      
+		  Rprintf("\n");	
+		}
+	      else
+		{
+		  Rprintf("%7d \t%e\n",
+			  count_gener,population[1][0]); 
+		  /* fflush(output); */
+		}
+	    } 
+	}
+      /* compute and print mean and variance of population */
+      if (PrintLevel>1) {
+	Rprintf("\nGENERATION: %d\n", count_gener);
+	populationstats(population, pop_size, nvars, mean, var, skew, kur, tobs);
+	if(Structure->Lexical > 1)
+	  {
+	    Rprintf( "Lexical Fit..... %e  ", population[1][0]);
+	    for(j=(nvars+2);j<lexical_end;j++)
+	      {
+		Rprintf("%e  ", population[1][j]);
+	      }		      
+	    Rprintf("\n");	    
+	  }
+	else
+	  {
+	    Rprintf( "Fitness value... %e\n", population[1][0]);
+	    Rprintf( "mean............ %e\n", mean[0]);
+	    Rprintf( "variance........ %e\n", var[0]);
+	    /*
+	      Rprintf( "skewness........ %e\n", skew[i]);
+	      Rprintf( "kurtosis........ %e\n", kur[i]);
+	    */
+	  }
+	nnull = pop_size-tobs[0];
+	if(nnull > 0)
+	  Rprintf( "#null........... %d\n", nnull);
+	if(Structure->MemoryUsage==1)
+	  Rprintf( "#unique......... %d, #Total UniqueCount: %d\n", 
+		  UniqueCount-OldUniqueCount, UniqueCount);
+	/* Rprintf( "tobs............ %d\n", tobs[i]); */
+	for (i=1; i<=nvars; i++) {
+	  Rprintf( "var %d:\n", i);
+	  Rprintf( "best............ %e\n", population[1][i]);
+	  Rprintf( "mean............ %e\n", mean[i]);
+	  Rprintf( "variance........ %e\n", var[i]);
+	  /*
+	    Rprintf( "skewness........ %e\n", skew[i]);
+	    Rprintf( "kurtosis........ %e\n", kur[i]);
+	  */
+	  nnull = pop_size-tobs[i];
+	  if(nnull > 0)
+	    Rprintf( "#null........... %d\n", nnull);
+	  /* Rprintf( "tobs............ %d\n", tobs[i]); */
+	}
+      } /* end of printlevel if */
+      /* if (PrintLevel>0)
+	 fflush(output); */
+      /* Print the population file */
+      if ( PrintLevel == 1 ) {
+	if((popout = fopen(Structure->ProjectPath, "w")) == NULL) {
+	  Rprintf("Unable to open the project file: %s", 
+		  Structure->ProjectPath);
+	  /* free populationstats stuff */
+	  free(mean);
+	  free(var);
+	  free(skew);
+	  free(kur);
+	  free(tobs);
+	  free(bfgsoutX);
+	  free(finalhessin);
+	  free(evalX);
+	  free(grad);
+	  /* free numeric.c allocations */
+	  if (Structure->MemoryUsage==1)
+	      JaMatrixFree(Memory, MemorySize);
+	  JaMatrixFree(population, pop_size+2);
+	  JaMatrixFree(new_genera, pop_size+2);
+	  free_matrix(temp, 0, nvars+1, 0);
+	  free_vector(probab, 1);
+	  free_vector(t_vec, 1);
+	  free_vector(cum_probab, 1);
+	  free_ivector(live, 1);
+	  free_ivector(parents, 1);
+          if(Structure->Lexical > 1 || Structure->Transform == 1)
+	    {
+	      free(LexicalReturn);
+	      free(oldfitvalueVEC);
+	    }
+	  error("Fatal Error. See output for diagnostic information.");
+	}
+	print_population((int) pop_size, (int) nvars, (int) count_gener, (int) Structure->Lexical, population, popout);
+	fclose(popout);
+      } /* end of PrintLevel if */
+      if ( PrintLevel>1) {
+	if((popout = fopen(Structure->ProjectPath, "a")) == NULL) {
+	  Rprintf("Unable to open the project file: %s", 
+		  Structure->ProjectPath);
+	  /* free populationstats stuff */
+	  free(mean);
+	  free(var);
+	  free(skew);
+	  free(kur);
+	  free(tobs);
+	  free(bfgsoutX);
+	  free(finalhessin);
+	  free(evalX);
+	  free(grad);
+	  /* free numeric.c allocations */
+	  if (Structure->MemoryUsage==1)
+	    JaMatrixFree(Memory, MemorySize);
+	  JaMatrixFree(population, pop_size+2);
+	  JaMatrixFree(new_genera, pop_size+2);
+	  free_matrix(temp, 0, nvars+1, 0);
+	  free_vector(probab, 1);
+	  free_vector(t_vec, 1);
+	  free_vector(cum_probab, 1);
+	  free_ivector(live, 1);
+	  free_ivector(parents, 1);
+          if(Structure->Lexical > 1 || Structure->Transform == 1)
+	    {
+	      free(LexicalReturn);
+	      free(oldfitvalueVEC);
+	    }
+	  error("Fatal Error. See output for diagnostic information.");
+	}
+	print_population((int) pop_size, (int) nvars, (int) count_gener, (int) Structure->Lexical, population, popout);
+	fflush(popout);
+	fclose(popout);
+      }
+      if (nochange_gen > (WaitGenerations)) {
+	/* increase the number of WaitGenerations if the gradients are NOT zero! */	  
+	if (GradientCheck==0) {
+	  if(PrintLevel>0)	  
+	    {
+	      Rprintf("\n'wait.generations' limit reached.\n");
+	      Rprintf("No significant improvement in %d generations.\n", nochange_gen-1);
+	      /* fflush(output); */
+	    }
+	  MaxGenerations = 0;
+	  nochange_gen=0;
+	}
+	else  
+	  {
+	    for (i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+	      {
+		bfgsoutX[i-1]=population[1][i];
+	      }
+	    if(Structure->UserGradient==0)
+	      {	    
+		gradient(Structure->fn, Structure->rho,
+			 bfgsoutX, grad, nvars, MinMax, BoundaryEnforcement, domains);
+	      } 
+	    else 
+	      {
+		userGradientfn(Structure->fnGR, Structure->rho, bfgsoutX, grad, nvars);
+	      }
+	    GradientTrigger = 0;
+	    for (i=0; i<nvars; i++) {
+	      if (fabs(grad[i]) > SolutionTolerance) {
+		GradientTrigger = 1;
+		break;
+	      }
+	    } /* end for loop */
+	    if (GradientTrigger==1) {
+	      IncreaseGenerations = WaitGenerations;
+	      WaitGenerations += IncreaseGenerations;
+              if(Structure->BFGSburnin < 0) Structure->BFGSburnin = 0;
+	      if(PrintLevel>0)	  
+		{
+		  Rprintf(
+			  "\nDoubling 'wait.generations' limit to %d (from %d) ", 
+			  WaitGenerations, IncreaseGenerations);
+		  Rprintf("because at least one gradient is too large.\n");
+		  Rprintf("G[%d]: %e\t Solution Tolerance: %e\n\n", 
+			  i+1, grad[i], SolutionTolerance);
+		}
+	    }
+	    else {
+	      if(PrintLevel>0)	  
+		{
+		  Rprintf("\n'wait.generations' limit reached.\n");
+		  Rprintf("No significant improvement in %d generations.\n", nochange_gen-1);
+		  /* fflush(output); */
+		}
+	      MaxGenerations = 0;
+	      nochange_gen=0;
+	    }
+	  }/* end else loop */
+      } /* end of if (nochange_gen > (WaitGenerations)) { */
+      if ( (count_gener == MaxGenerations) && (GradientTrigger==1) ) 
+	{
+	  if (HardGenerationLimit==0)
+	    {
+	      IncreaseGenerations = MaxGenerations;
+	      MaxGenerations += IncreaseGenerations;
+	      if(PrintLevel>0)	  
+		{
+		  Rprintf(
+			  "\nIncreasing 'max.generations' limit by %d generations to %d ", 
+			  IncreaseGenerations, MaxGenerations);
+		  Rprintf("because at least one gradient is too large.\n\n");
+		}
+	    } // if (Structure->HardGenerationLimit==0)
+	  else
+	    {
+	      HardMaximumNumber = 1;
+	      warning("Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit.\nAt least one gradient is too large.");
+	      if(PrintLevel>0)	  
+		{
+		  Rprintf("        At least one gradient is too large\n");
+		}
+	    } // else
+	} // if ( (count_gener == MaxGenerations) && (GradientTrigger==1) ) 
+      /* increase the number of generations if fitness has been improving */
+      if ( (count_gener == MaxGenerations) &&  (nochange_gen < WaitGenerations) ) {
+	if (HardGenerationLimit==0)
+	  {
+	    if (WaitGenerations > MaxGenerations) {
+	      IncreaseGenerations = WaitGenerations;
+	      MaxGenerations += (int) (IncreaseGenerations);
+	      if(PrintLevel>0)	  
+		{
+		  Rprintf(
+			  "\nIncreasing 'max.generations' limit by %d generations to %d ", 
+			  IncreaseGenerations, MaxGenerations);
+		  Rprintf("because the fitness is still impoving.\n\n");
+		}
+	    }
+	    else {
+	      IncreaseGenerations = MaxGenerations;
+	      MaxGenerations += (int) (IncreaseGenerations);
+	      if(PrintLevel>0)	  
+		{
+		  Rprintf(
+			  "\nIncreasing 'max.generations' limit by %d generations to %d ", 
+			  IncreaseGenerations, MaxGenerations);
+		  Rprintf("because the fitness is still improving.\n\n");
+		}
+	    }
+	  } // if (Structure->HardGenerationLimit==0)
+	else
+	  {
+	    if (HardMaximumNumber==0)
+	      {
+		warning("Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit.");
+		if(PrintLevel>0)	  
+		  {
+		  }
+	      } /* end of if HardMax */
+	  }
+      } // if ( (count_gener == MaxGenerations) &&  (nochange_gen < WaitGenerations) )
+      /* if(PrintLevel>0)	  
+	 fflush(output); */
+    } /* end of do loop */
+  /*Increment iteration count and test whether all generations are done*/
+  while (++count_gener <= MaxGenerations);
+  if(PrintLevel>0)	    
+    {
+      if(Structure->Lexical > 1)
+	{
+	  Rprintf("\nSolution Lexical Fitness Value:\n");
+	  Rprintf("%e  ", population[1][0]);
+	  for(j=(nvars+2);j<lexical_end;j++)
+	    {
+	      Rprintf("%e  ", population[1][j]);
+	    }		      
+	  Rprintf("\n");
+	}
+      else
+	{
+	  Rprintf("\nSolution Fitness Value: %e\n", population[1][0]);
+	}
+      if (GradientCheck==0 && UseBFGS==0)
+	Rprintf("\nParameters at the Solution:\n\n");
+      else
+	Rprintf("\nParameters at the Solution (parameter, gradient):\n\n");
+    }
+  /* output data structure */
+  Structure->oPeakGeneration=peak_cnt;
+  Structure->oGenerations=count_gener-1;
+  /* obtain gradients */
+  /* print best solution */
+  if (GradientCheck==0 && UseBFGS==0)
+    {
+      for(j = 1; j <= nvars; j++) {
+	i = j-1;
+	if(PrintLevel>0)	  
+	  Rprintf(" X[%2d] :\t%e\n",j,population[1][j]);
+	grad[i] = -1.0;
+	Results[i] = population[1][j];
+	Gradients[i] = grad[i];
+      }
+    } /* end of if (GradientCheck==0 && UseBFGS==0) */
+  else 
+    {
+      for (i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+	{
+	  bfgsoutX[i-1]=population[1][i];
+	}
+      if(Structure->UserGradient==0)
+	{
+	  gradient(Structure->fn, Structure->rho,
+		   bfgsoutX, grad, nvars, MinMax, BoundaryEnforcement, domains);
+	} 
+      else 
+	{
+	  userGradientfn(Structure->fnGR, Structure->rho, bfgsoutX, grad, nvars);
+	}
+      for(j = 1; j <= nvars; j++) {
+	i = j-1;
+	if(PrintLevel>0)	  
+	  Rprintf(" X[%2d] :\t%e\tG[%2d] :\t%e\n",j,population[1][j],j,grad[i]);
+	Results[i] = population[1][j];
+	Gradients[i] = grad[i];
+      }
+    } /* end of  else (GradientCheck==0 && UseBFGS==0) */
+  Structure->oFitValues[0]=population[1][0];
+  if (Structure->Lexical > 1)
+    {
+      k = 1;
+      for (i=(nvars+2);i<lexical_end;i++)  {
+	Structure->oFitValues[k]=population[1][i];
+	k++;  	  
+      }
+    } 
+  /* free memory */
+  /* free populationstats stuff */
+  free(mean);
+  free(var);
+  free(skew);
+  free(kur);
+  free(tobs);
+  free(bfgsoutX);
+  free(finalhessin);
+  free(evalX);
+  free(grad);
+  if (Structure->MemoryUsage==1)
+    JaMatrixFree(Memory, MemorySize);
+  JaMatrixFree(population, pop_size+2);
+  JaMatrixFree(new_genera, pop_size+2);
+  free_matrix(temp, 0, nvars+1, 0);
+  free_vector(probab, 1);
+  free_vector(t_vec, 1);
+  free_vector(cum_probab, 1);
+  free_ivector(live, 1);
+  free_ivector(parents, 1);
+  if(Structure->Lexical > 1 || Structure->Transform == 1)
+    {
+      free(LexicalReturn);
+      free(oldfitvalueVEC);
+    }
+} /* end optimiztion function */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   sort()                                       */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           SYNOPSIS          :   void sort(MinMax, population,pop_size,       */
+/*                                 variable)                                    */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           DESCRIPTION       :   This function sorts the population, in the   */
+/*                                  ascending or the descending order of the    */
+/*                                  evaluation function, depending on whether   */
+/*                                  it is a maximization or a minimization      */
+/*                                  function, respectively.                     */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                  As an alternative, the sortq function below */
+/*                                  can be used, That sorting function uses     */
+/*                                  the quicksort algorithm.                    */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTIONS CALLED  :   swap()                                       */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           CALLING FUNCITONS :   optimization()                               */
+/*                                                                              */
+void sort(short int MinMax, MATRIX  population, int pop_size,
+	  long nvar)
+     /*
+       short int MinMax;      Tells whether it is a maximizaiton or a minimization function
+       int pop_size;          Population size
+       MATRIX population;     Array of population
+     */
+  int i,j;
+  /*If MinMax is 0 sorts in the descending order, and*/
+  /*if it is 1 sorts in the ascending order*/
+  /*Sorted in ascending or descending order, based on*/
+  /*the evaluated values of each of the agents*/
+  switch(MinMax)
+    {
+    case 0 :
+      for(i=1; i<=pop_size; i++)
+        for(j=i+1; j<=pop_size; j++)
+          if(population[i][nvar] > population[j][nvar])
+            swap(&population[i],&population[j]);
+      break;
+    case 1 :
+      for(i=1; i<=pop_size; i++)
+        for(j=i+1; j<=pop_size; j++)
+          if(population[i][nvar] < population[j][nvar])
+            swap(&population[i],&population[j]);
+      break;
+    }
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   swap()                                       */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           SYNOPSIS          :   void swap(x,y)                               */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           DESCRIPTION       :   This function interchanges the values of     */
+/*                                  x and y.                                    */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTIONS CALLED  :   None                                         */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           CALLING FUNCITONS :   sort()                                       */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+void swap(double **x, double **y)
+     /* double **x,**y; */
+  double *temp;
+  temp = *x;
+  *x = *y;
+  *y = temp;
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   find_parent()                                */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           SYNOPSIS          :   int find_parent(live,pop_size)               */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           DESCRIPTION       :   This function returns the index of the       */
+/*                                  agent in the population, which is to be     */
+/*                                  chosen for reproduction.                    */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTIONS CALLED  :   irange_ran()                                 */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           CALLING FUNCITONS :   optimization()                               */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+int find_parent(IVECTOR live, int pop_size)
+     /*
+       int pop_size;    Population size
+       IVECTOR live;    Vector containing the number of times each agent
+                        is going to reproduce
+     */
+  int i,temp,t1=0,tot=0;
+  /*Finding the total number of parents to reproduce*/
+  for(i=1; i<=pop_size; i++)
+    tot = tot + live[i];
+  if(tot==0)
+    {
+      error("No agents to select");
+    }
+  /*Choosing one of them randomly*/
+  temp = irange_ran(1,tot);
+  tot = 0;
+  i = 1;
+  do{
+    if(live[i]!=0)
+      t1 = i;
+    tot = tot + live[i++];
+  }while(tot<temp);
+  /*Decrementing the number of times the parent chosen is going to reproduce*/
+  // live[t1]--;
+  return(t1);
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   assign_probab()                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           SYNOPSIS          :   void assign_probab(probab,pop_size,Q)        */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           DESCRIPTION       :   This function assigns probability of survival*/
+/*                                  to each of the agents determined by the     */
+/*                                  value provided by the user for the          */
+/*                                  probability of the best agnet.              */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTIONS CALLED  :   None                                         */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           CALLING FUNCITONS :   optimization()                               */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+void assign_probab(VECTOR probab, int pop_size, double Q)
+     /*
+       int pop_size;     Population size
+       double Q;         The probability of survival of the best agent
+       VECTOR probab;    Array to contain the probability of survival
+                         of each of the agents
+     */
+  int i;
+  /* Q, Q(1-Q)^1, Q(1-Q)^2 ... Q(1-Q)^n */
+  for(i=1; i<=pop_size; i++)
+    probab[i] = Q * x_pow_y(1-Q,i-1);
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   x_pow_y()                                    */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           SYNOPSIS          :   double x_pow_y(x,y)                           */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           DESCRIPTION       :   This function returns the value of x to the  */
+/*                                  power of y.                                 */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTIONS CALLED  :   None                                         */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           CALLING FUNCITONS :   assign_probab()                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+double x_pow_y(double x, int y)
+     /*
+       double x;
+       int y;
+     */
+  int i;
+  double tot = 1.0;
+  for(i=0; i < y; i++)
+    tot = tot * x;
+  return(tot);
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   find_cum__probab()                           */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           SYNOPSIS          :   void find_cum__probab(cum_probab,probab,     */
+/*                                                                     pop_size)*/
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           DESCRIPTION       :   This function finds the cumulative           */
+/*                                  probability of each of the agents, from the */
+/*                                  individual probability found earlier.       */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTIONS CALLED  :   None                                         */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           CALLING FUNCITONS :   optimization()                               */
+/*                                                                              */
+void find_cum_probab(VECTOR cum_probab, VECTOR probab, int pop_size)
+     /*
+       int pop_size;     Population size
+       VECTOR probab,      Individual probability of survival of each of the agent
+       cum_probab;         Cumulative probability of survival of each of the agent
+     */
+  int i;
+  cum_probab[1] = probab[1];
+  for(i=2; i<=pop_size; i++)
+    cum_probab[i] = cum_probab[i-1] + probab[i];
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   find_live()                                  */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           SYNOPSIS          :   void find_live(cum_probab,live,pop_size,P4+P5*/
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           DESCRIPTION       :   This function finds the agents from the      */
+/*                                  population, who are going to live - those   */
+/*                                  who are going to reproduce, which is done   */
+/*                                  based on the cumulative probability of      */
+/*                                  survival of each of the agents.             */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTIONS CALLED  :   frange_ran()                                 */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           CALLING FUNCITONS :   optimization()                               */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+void find_live(VECTOR cum_probab, IVECTOR live, int pop_size, int P)
+     /*
+       VECTOR cum_probab;  Cumulative probability
+       IVECTOR live;       Agents that are going to reproduce
+       int pop_size,       Population size
+       P;                  Total number of parents needed to reproduce
+     */
+  double random;
+  int count=0,/*Count of the number of agents chosen to live*/
+      i;
+  do
+    {
+      /*Choosing a random cumulative probability*/
+      random = frange_ran(0.0,1.0);
+      i=0;
+      /*Finding the agent with the chosen cumulative probability*/
+      do{
+        i++;
+        }while((random > cum_probab[i]) && (i< pop_size));
+      /*Chosing the parent with that probability to reproduce*/
+      if(count < P)
+        {
+          live[i]++;
+          count++;
+        }
+    }while(count < P);
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   find_die()                                   */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           SYNOPSIS          :   void find_die(cum_probab,die,pop_size,P4+P5) */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           DESCRIPTION       :   This function finds the agents from the      */
+/*                                  population, who are going to die.           */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTIONS CALLED  :   frange_ran()                                 */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           CALLING FUNCITONS :   optimization()                               */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+int find_die(VECTOR cum_probab, IVECTOR die, int pop_size)
+     /*
+       VECTOR cum_probab; Cumulative probability
+       IVECTOR die;       Agents that are going to die
+       int pop_size;      Population size
+     */
+  double random;
+  int i;
+  int done = FALSE;
+  do
+    {
+      /*Choosing a random cumulative probability*/
+      random = frange_ran(0.0,1.0);
+      i=0;
+      /*Finding the agent with the chosen cumulative probability*/
+      do{
+        i++;
+        }
+      while((random > cum_probab[i]) && (i< pop_size));
+      /*Chosing the agent to die*/
+      if ((die[pop_size+1-i] == 0) && (i < pop_size))
+        done = TRUE;
+    }
+  while(!done);
+  return(pop_size+1-i);
+void SetRunTimeParameters(struct GND_IOstructure *Structure, 
+			  short FirstTime,
+			  long *PopSize, long *nvars, long *MaxGenerations, long *WaitGenerations,
+			  short *MinMax, short *GradientCheck, short *BoundaryEnforcement, short *UseBFGS,
+			  double *SolutionTolerance,
+			  long *InstanceNumber, long *P, long *P0, long *P1, long *P2, long *P3, long *P4, long *P5, 
+			  long *P6, long *P7, long *P8, short *PrintLevel, 
+			  short *HardGenerationLimit)
+  double tP;
+  int i;
+  *PopSize=Structure->PopSize;
+  *nvars=Structure->nvars;
+  *MaxGenerations=Structure->MaxGenerations;
+  *WaitGenerations=Structure->WaitGenerations;
+  if (FirstTime==1)
+    *HardGenerationLimit=Structure->HardGenerationLimit;
+  *MinMax=Structure->MinMax;
+  *GradientCheck=Structure->GradientCheck;
+  *BoundaryEnforcement=Structure->BoundaryEnforcement;
+  *UseBFGS=Structure->UseBFGS;
+  *InstanceNumber=Structure->InstanceNumber;
+  *SolutionTolerance=Structure->SolutionTolerance;
+  *PrintLevel=Structure->PrintLevel;
+  /* Check to make sure that all operators are positve numbers! */
+  if (Structure->P[0] < 0 ) {
+    warning("Operator 1 (Cloning) was Assigned an Illegal Value: %d.", Structure->P[0]);
+    Structure->P[0]=0.0;
+  }
+  if (Structure->P[1] < 0 ) {
+    warning("Operator 1 (Uniform Mutation) was Assigned an Illegal Value: %d.", Structure->P[1]);
+    Structure->P[1]=0.0;
+  }
+  if (Structure->P[2] < 0 ) {
+    warning("Operator 3 (Boundary Mutation) was Assigned an Illegal Value: %d.", Structure->P[2]);
+    Structure->P[2]=0;
+  }
+  if (Structure->P[3] < 0 ) {
+    warning("Operator 4 (Non-Uniform Mutation) was Assigned an Illegal Value: %d.", 
+	    Structure->P[3]);
+    Structure->P[3]=0;
+  }
+  if (Structure->P[4] < 0 ) {
+    warning("Operator 5 (Polytope Crossover) was Assigned an Illegal Value: %d.", 
+	    Structure->P[4]);
+    Structure->P[4]=0;
+  }
+  if (Structure->P[5] < 0 ) {
+    warning("Operator 6 (Simple Crossover) was Assigned an Illegal Value: %d.", 
+	    Structure->P[5]);
+    Structure->P[5]=0;
+  }
+  if (Structure->P[6] < 0 ) {
+    warning("Operator 7 (Whole Non-Uniform Mutation) was Assigned an Illegal Value: %d.", 
+	    Structure->P[6]);
+    Structure->P[6]=0;
+  }
+  if (Structure->P[7] < 0 ) {
+    warning("Operator 8 (Heuristic Crossover) was Assigned an Illegal Value: %d.", 
+	    Structure->P[7]);
+    Structure->P[7]=0;
+  }
+  /* if DataType==1 (i.e., integer) we are not giong to use any gradient information etc. */
+  if (Structure->DataType==1) {
+    *UseBFGS=0;
+    *GradientCheck=0;
+    if (Structure->P[8] > 0) {
+      warning("Operator 9 (Local-Minimum Crossover) was Assigned an Illegal Value: %d\nThis is an illegal value because we are working with integer data.", 
+	      Structure->P[8]);
+      Structure->P[8]=0;
+    } /* end of if */
+  }
+  else {
+    if (Structure->P[8] < 0 ) {
+      warning("Operator 9 (Local-Minimum Crossover) was Assigned an Illegal Value: %d.", 
+	      Structure->P[8]);
+      Structure->P[8]=0;
+    }
+  } /* end of else */
+  /* Let's figure out the number of operators we need.  Move stuff to absolute space */
+  tP = 0;
+  for (i=0; i<9; i++) {
+    tP = tP + Structure->P[i] ;
+  }
+  if (tP > 0) {
+    *P0 = Iround(  (Structure->P[0] /  tP) * (double) (*PopSize-2) );
+    *P1 = Iround(  (Structure->P[1] /  tP) * (*PopSize-2) );
+    *P2 = Iround(  (Structure->P[2] /  tP) * (*PopSize-2) );
+    *P3 = Iround(  (Structure->P[3] /  tP) * (*PopSize-2) );
+    *P4 = Iround(  (Structure->P[4] /  tP) * (*PopSize-2) );
+    *P5 = Iround(  (Structure->P[5] /  tP) * (*PopSize-2) );
+    *P6 = Iround(  (Structure->P[6] /  tP) * (*PopSize-2) );
+    *P7 = Iround(  (Structure->P[7] /  tP) * (*PopSize-2) );
+    *P8 = Iround(  (Structure->P[8] /  tP) * (*PopSize-2) );
+  }
+  else {
+    *P0 = 0;
+    *P1 = 0;
+    *P2 = 0;
+    *P3 = 0;
+    *P4 = 0;
+    *P5 = 0;
+    *P6 = 0;
+    *P7 = 0;
+    *P8 = 0;
+  }
+  /* Check to make sure that all operators (i.e., 5, 7) which have to be even numbers are */
+  if (fmod((long double) *P5, (long double) 2) > 0.0) {
+    if(Structure->PrintLevel>2)
+      {
+	Rprintf("\nNOTE: Operator 6 (Simple Crossover) may only be started\n");
+	Rprintf("NOTE: an even number of times.  I am increasing this operator by one.\n");
+      }
+    *P5=*P5+1;
+  }
+  if (fmod((long double) *P7, (long double) 2) > 0.0) {
+    if(Structure->PrintLevel>2)
+      {
+	Rprintf("\nNOTE: Operator 8 (Heuristic Crossover) may only be started\n");
+	Rprintf("NOTE: an even number of times.  I am increasing this operator by one.\n");
+      }
+    *P7=*P7+1;
+  }
+  /*P is the total number of parents needed for applying all the operators*/
+  *P = *P1 + *P2 + *P3 + *P4 + *P5 + *P6 + *P7 + *P8;
+  if(*P > *PopSize)
+    {
+      if(Structure->PrintLevel>0)
+	{
+	  Rprintf("\nNOTE: The total number of operators greater than population size\n");
+	}
+      if (fmod((long double) *P+1, (long double) 2) > 0.0) {
+	*PopSize = *P+2;
+	if(Structure->PrintLevel>0)
+	  {
+	    Rprintf("NOTE: I'm increasing the population size to %d (operators+2).\n", *PopSize);
+	  }
+      }
+      else {
+	*PopSize = *P+1;
+	if(Structure->PrintLevel>0)
+	  {
+	    Rprintf("NOTE: I'm increasing the population size to %d (operators+1).\n", *PopSize);
+	  }
+      }
+    }
+  else if ( *P== *PopSize) {
+    if(Structure->PrintLevel>0)
+      {
+	Rprintf("\nNOTE: The total number of operators equal to the population size\n");
+      }
+    if (fmod( (long double) *P+1, (long double) 2) > 0.0) {
+	*PopSize = *P+2;
+	if(Structure->PrintLevel>0)
+	  {
+	    Rprintf("NOTE: I'm increasing the population size to %d (operators+2).\n", *PopSize);
+	  }
+      }
+      else {
+	*PopSize = *P+1;
+	if(Structure->PrintLevel>0)
+	  {
+	    Rprintf("NOTE: I'm increasing the population size to %d (operators+1).\n", *PopSize);
+	  }
+      }
+  }
+  if (fmod( (long double) *PopSize, (long double) 2) > 0.0) {
+    if(Structure->PrintLevel>0)
+      {
+	Rprintf("NOTE: population size is not an even number\n");
+	Rprintf("      increasing population size by 1\n");
+      }
+    *PopSize=*PopSize+1;
+  }
+  /* return PopSize and P values to the return data structure */
+  *P0 = *PopSize-*P-1;
+  Structure->oP[0]=*P0;
+  Structure->oP[1]=*P1;
+  Structure->oP[2]=*P2;
+  Structure->oP[3]=*P3;
+  Structure->oP[4]=*P4;
+  Structure->oP[5]=*P5;
+  Structure->oP[6]=*P6;
+  Structure->oP[7]=*P7;
+  Structure->oP[8]=*P8;
+  Structure->oPopSize=*PopSize;
+  if(Structure->PrintLevel>0)
+    {
+      Rprintf( "\n");
+      if (Structure->DataType==1) Rprintf( "Data Type: Integer\n");
+      else Rprintf( "Data Type: Floating Point\n");
+      Rprintf("Operators (code number, name, population) \n");
+      Rprintf("\t(1) Cloning........................... \t%d\n", *P0);
+      Rprintf("\t(2) Uniform Mutation.................. \t%d\n", *P1);
+      Rprintf("\t(3) Boundary Mutation................. \t%d\n", *P2);
+      Rprintf("\t(4) Non-Uniform Mutation.............. \t%d\n", *P3);
+      Rprintf("\t(5) Polytope Crossover................ \t%d\n", *P4);
+      Rprintf("\t(6) Simple Crossover.................. \t%d\n", *P5);
+      Rprintf("\t(7) Whole Non-Uniform Mutation........ \t%d\n", *P6);
+      Rprintf("\t(8) Heuristic Crossover............... \t%d\n", *P7);
+      Rprintf("\t(9) Local-Minimum Crossover........... \t%d\n\n", *P8);
+      if (*HardGenerationLimit==0)
+	Rprintf("SOFT Maximum Number of Generations: %lu\n", *MaxGenerations);
+      else
+	Rprintf("HARD Maximum Number of Generations: %lu\n", *MaxGenerations);
+      Rprintf("Maximum Nonchanging Generations: %lu\n", *WaitGenerations);
+      Rprintf("Population size       : %d\n", *PopSize);
+      Rprintf("Convergence Tolerance: %e\n", *SolutionTolerance);
+      Rprintf( "\n");
+      if (*UseBFGS !=0) {
+	Rprintf(
+		"Using the BFGS Derivative Based Optimizer on the Best Individual Each Generation.\n");
+      }
+      else {
+	Rprintf(
+		"Not Using the BFGS Derivative Based Optimizer on the Best Individual Each Generation.\n");
+      }
+      if (*GradientCheck==0)
+	Rprintf("Not Checking Gradients before Stopping.\n");
+      else 
+	Rprintf("Checking Gradients before Stopping.\n");
+      if (*BoundaryEnforcement==0) 
+	Rprintf("Using Out of Bounds Individuals.\n\n");
+      else if (*BoundaryEnforcement==1) 
+	Rprintf("Not Using Out of Bounds Individuals But Allowing Trespassing.\n\n");
+      else if (*BoundaryEnforcement==2) 
+	Rprintf("Not Using Out of Bounds Individuals and Not Allowing Trespassing.\n\n");
+    }
+  /* if(Structure->PrintLevel>0)
+     fflush(output); */
+} /* End SetOperators */
+/*  JaIntegerOptimization:                                                      */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*  This function assumes that the X variables are integers.                    */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*  The cross over operators are different!                                     */
+/*                                                                              */
+void JaIntegerOptimization(struct GND_IOstructure *Structure, VECTOR X, 
+			     MATRIX domains)
+  extern struct GND_IOstructure *ExternStructure;
+  MATRIX new_genera,   /*Temporary storage for the new generation*/
+         population,   /*Population of x2 variables*/
+         temp;
+  VECTOR probab,       /*Probability of agents to die or live*/
+         cum_probab,   /*Cumilative probability of agents*/
+         t_vec;
+  IVECTOR live;
+  /* for oper4 */
+  IVECTOR parents;
+  long count_gener= 1; /*Counter to keep track of the number of generations*/
+  unsigned long peak_cnt;
+  int                     /*Total number of agents chosen to reproduce*/
+    j1,
+    j2,
+    j3,
+    j4,
+    j5,
+    j6,
+    j7,
+    j8,
+    oper,
+    ocnt,
+    B,                     /*Parameter for the 3rd operator - nonuniform mutation*/
+    STEP,                  /*Parameter for the 5th operator - simple arithmetical crossover*/
+    first_live=0,          /*Index of the two parents for crossover parents*/
+    second_live=0,
+    first_die,             /*Index of the two parents for crossover death*/
+    second_die,
+    die_now;               /*index of agent to replace in current operation*/
+  long i,j, s, k;
+  /* for oper 4 */
+  int p2use;
+  double Q;                   /*Probability of the best agent*/
+  FLAG  same;
+  double **Jnew;
+  double *grad, *evalX, *finalhessin, *bfgsoutX;
+  int nochange_gen=0;
+  double oldfitvalue=0;
+  int IncreaseGenerations;
+  short int GradientTrigger=0;
+  long InstanceNumber;
+  long nvars, MaxGenerations, WaitGenerations, count;
+  long pop_size, P, P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8;
+  short int MinMax, GradientCheck, BoundaryEnforcement, UseBFGS, HardMaximumNumber=0;
+  double SolutionTolerance, *Results, *Gradients;
+  short PrintLevel, HardGenerationLimit;
+  /* Old variables which may change when SetRunTimeParameters is run during a run! */
+  long pop_size_old;
+  /* Summary Statistics (mean, variance etc) */
+  /* double popmean, popvar, popwrk, popstat; */
+  /* Population Print population*/
+  FILE *popout;
+  long *tobs, nnull;
+  double *mean, *var, *skew, *kur;
+  /* Stuff for the Unique Stuff (how's that for an informative comment! */
+  /* A big Matrix which remembers all of our past evaluations. It's
+     maximum memory is set in genoud.h */
+  extern long Gnvars[MAXINSTANCES];
+  double **Memory;
+  long MemorySize=0, UniqueCount=0, OldUniqueCount=0;
+  /* fine two unique parents count */
+  long SameCount, UniquePairs;
+  ExternStructure=Structure;
+  Results=Structure->oResults;
+  Gradients=Structure->oGradients;
+  /* Structure Done */
+  SetRunTimeParameters(Structure, 1,
+		       &pop_size, &nvars, &MaxGenerations, &WaitGenerations,
+		       &MinMax, &GradientCheck, &BoundaryEnforcement, &UseBFGS, &SolutionTolerance,
+		       &InstanceNumber, &P, &P0, &P1, &P2, &P3, &P4, &P5, &P6, &P7, &P8, 
+		       &PrintLevel, &HardGenerationLimit);
+  /*Space allocation for all the vectors and matrices involved*/
+  long lexical_end = (Structure->Lexical-1)+nvars+2;
+  /* population[][0] = fitness value (first)
+     population[][1:nvars] = parameter values
+     population[][nvars+1] = flag for fitting
+     population[][(nvars+2):((Structure->Lexical-1)+nvars+2)] = other fitness for Lexical fitting
+  */
+  population    = JaMatrixAllocate(pop_size+2, lexical_end);
+  new_genera    = JaMatrixAllocate(pop_size+2, lexical_end);
+  /* reset population to get rid of odd things being passed to R */
+  for(i=1; i<=pop_size; i++)
+    {
+      for(j=0; j<lexical_end; j++)
+	{
+	  population[i][j] = 0;
+	}
+    }
+  VECTOR LexicalReturn;
+  VECTOR oldfitvalueVEC;
+  short int LexicalFitsImproving;
+  if(Structure->Lexical > 1)
+    {
+      LexicalReturn = (double *)  malloc(Structure->Lexical*sizeof(double));  
+      oldfitvalueVEC = (double *)  malloc(Structure->Lexical*sizeof(double));  
+    }
+  temp       = matrix(0,nvars+1,0,nvars);
+  probab     = Gvector(1,pop_size);
+  t_vec      = Gvector(1,nvars);
+  cum_probab = Gvector(1,pop_size);
+  live       = ivector(1,pop_size);
+  /*for oper4 Find max(2,nvars) parents for crossover operator 4*/
+  p2use = nvars > 2 ? nvars : 2;
+  parents    = ivector(1,p2use);
+  Gnvars[Structure->InstanceNumber]=nvars;
+  if (Structure->MemoryUsage==1)
+    {
+      if (HardGenerationLimit==0)
+	MemorySize=3*(MaxGenerations+1)*pop_size+1+pop_size;
+      else
+	MemorySize=(MaxGenerations+1)*pop_size+1+pop_size;
+      Memory = JaMatrixAllocate(MemorySize, lexical_end);
+    }
+  grad = (double *) malloc((nvars)*sizeof(double));
+  evalX = (double *) malloc((nvars)*sizeof(double));
+  finalhessin = (double *) malloc(((nvars*nvars)+(nvars))*sizeof(double));
+  bfgsoutX = (double *) malloc((nvars+1)*sizeof(double));
+  /* populationstats variables */
+  mean = (double *) malloc((nvars+1)*sizeof(double));
+  var = (double *) malloc((nvars+1)*sizeof(double));
+  skew = (double *) malloc((nvars+1)*sizeof(double));
+  kur = (double *) malloc((nvars+1)*sizeof(double));
+  tobs = (long *) malloc((nvars+1)*sizeof(long));
+  /* JS: Integer Q was different, why? Q=0.2; */
+  Q=0.5;
+  B=6;
+  STEP=10;
+  if(PrintLevel>0)
+    {
+      switch(MinMax) {
+      case 0:
+	Rprintf("Minimization Problem.\n");  
+	break;
+      case 1:
+	Rprintf("Maximization Problem.\n");  
+	break;
+      }
+    }
+  /*
+    if (PrintLevel>2) {
+    Rprintf("Parameter B (hardcoded): %d\n", B); 
+    Rprintf("Parameter Q (hardcoded): %f\n", Q);
+    }
+  */
+  peak_cnt = 0;
+  pop_size_old=0;
+  if (Structure->ShareType == 1 || Structure->ShareType == 3) {
+    if(PrintLevel>0)
+      Rprintf( "Using old population file to initialize new population\n");
+    if((popout = fopen(Structure->ProjectPath, "r")) == NULL) {
+      Rprintf("         Generating new population\n");
+      warning("Unable to open the old project file: %s", Structure->ProjectPath);
+    }
+    else {
+      pop_size_old=ReadPopulation(population, pop_size, nvars, popout, PrintLevel);
+      fclose(popout);
+      for (i=1; i<=pop_size; i++) {
+	for (j=1; j<=nvars; j++) {
+	  population[i][j] = (int) population[i][j];
+	}
+      }
+      if (pop_size_old<2) {
+	warning("The old population file appears to be from a different genoud specification.");
+	pop_size_old=0;
+      }
+    }
+    if (PrintLevel>1) {
+      if((popout = fopen(Structure->ProjectPath, "a")) == NULL) {
+	warning("Unable to open the project file: %s", Structure->ProjectPath);
+	/* free populationstats stuff */
+	free(mean);
+	free(var);
+	free(skew);
+	free(kur);
+	free(tobs);
+	free(bfgsoutX);
+	free(finalhessin);
+	free(evalX);
+	free(grad);
+	/* free numeric.c allocations */
+	if (Structure->MemoryUsage==1)
+	  JaMatrixFree(Memory, MemorySize);
+	JaMatrixFree(population, pop_size+2);
+	JaMatrixFree(new_genera, pop_size+2);
+	free_matrix(temp, 0, nvars+1, 0);
+	free_vector(probab, 1);
+	free_vector(t_vec, 1);
+	free_vector(cum_probab, 1);
+	free_ivector(live, 1);
+	free_ivector(parents, 1);
+	if(Structure->Lexical > 1)
+	  {
+	    free(LexicalReturn);
+	    free(oldfitvalueVEC);
+	  }
+	error("Fatal Error. See output for diagnostic information.");
+      }
+      fclose(popout);
+    }
+  } /* end of ShareType 0 */
+  else {
+    if (PrintLevel>1) {
+      if((popout = fopen(Structure->ProjectPath, "w")) == NULL) {
+	warning("Unable to open the project file: %s", Structure->ProjectPath);
+	/* free populationstats stuff */
+	free(mean);
+	free(var);
+	free(skew);
+	free(kur);
+	free(tobs);
+	free(bfgsoutX);
+	free(finalhessin);
+	free(evalX);
+	free(grad);
+	/* free numeric.c allocations */
+	if (Structure->MemoryUsage==1)
+	  JaMatrixFree(Memory, MemorySize);
+	JaMatrixFree(population, pop_size+2);
+	JaMatrixFree(new_genera, pop_size+2);
+	free_matrix(temp, 0, nvars+1, 0);
+	free_vector(probab, 1);
+	free_vector(t_vec, 1);
+	free_vector(cum_probab, 1);
+	free_ivector(live, 1);
+	free_ivector(parents, 1);
+	if(Structure->Lexical > 1)
+	  {
+	    free(LexicalReturn);
+	    free(oldfitvalueVEC);
+	  }
+	error("Fatal Error. See output for diagnostic information.");
+      }
+      fclose(popout);
+    }
+  }
+  /* The new initial value matrix: setting a new initial value for every individual */
+  if (ExternStructure->nStartingValues > 0) 
+    {
+      /* Adjust old starting values (from ReadPopulation) so we have enough room for our 
+	 starting.values */
+      pop_size_old = pop_size_old-ExternStructure->nStartingValues-1;
+      if (pop_size_old < 0)
+	pop_size_old = 0;
+      // seed the starting values until we run out of population or starting values!
+      j = pop_size_old;
+      for(s=0; s<ExternStructure->nStartingValues; s++) {
+	j++;
+	for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++) {
+	  population[j][i] = (int) ExternStructure->StartingValues[s][i-1];
+	  population[j][nvars+1] = -1.0;
+	}
+      } // end of for loop
+      pop_size_old = j;
+      // randomly add on people if we still have population left over!
+      for(j=pop_size_old+1; j<=pop_size; j++) {
+	for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++) { 
+	  population[j][i] = (int) frange_ran(domains[i][1], domains[i][3]); 
+	  population[j][nvars+1] = -1.0;
+	}
+      }
+    } // end of we have starting values!
+  else 
+    {
+      for(j=pop_size_old+1; j<=pop_size; j++) {
+	for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++) { 
+	  population[j][i] = (int) frange_ran(domains[i][1], domains[i][3]); 
+	  population[j][nvars+1] = -1.0;
+	}
+      }
+    } // end of else
+  if (Structure->MemoryUsage==1)
+    {
+      OldUniqueCount=UniqueCount;
+      if (UniqueCount==0)
+	UniqueCount = 1;
+      UniqueCount = RmemoryMatrixEvaluate(Structure->fnMemoryMatrixEvaluate, Structure->rho,
+					  Memory, population,
+					  MinMax, pop_size, UniqueCount,
+					  nvars, Structure->Lexical, lexical_end);
+      if ( (UniqueCount+pop_size) >= MemorySize )
+	{
+	  Structure->MemoryUsage=0;
+	  warning("Turned Off MemoryMatrix because memory usage was too great.");
+	} /* end of if */
+    } // end of Memory based evaluation
+  else
+    {
+      for (i=1; i<=pop_size; i++) 
+	{
+	  if (population[i][nvars+1]==-1.0 || population[i][nvars+1]==11.0)
+	    {
+	      for(j=1; j<=nvars; j++)
+		X[j] = population[i][j];
+	      if (Structure->Lexical < 2)
+		{
+		  population[i][0] = evaluate(Structure->fn, Structure->rho, X, nvars, MinMax);
+		} 
+	      else 
+		{
+		  EvaluateLexical(Structure->fn, Structure->rho, 
+				  X, nvars, Structure->Lexical, MinMax, LexicalReturn);
+		  population[i][0] = LexicalReturn[0];
+		  count = 0;
+		  for(j=(nvars+2);j<lexical_end;j++)
+		    {
+		      count++;
+		      population[i][j] = LexicalReturn[count];
+		    }		      
+		} // else
+	    }
+	} //end of i loop
+    } // end of default evaluation
+  if(Structure->MemoryUsage!=1)
+    {
+      /*Sort the initial individuals based on their evaluation function*/
+      if (Structure->Lexical < 2)
+	{
+	  sort(MinMax,population,pop_size,0);
+	}
+      else
+	{
+	  /* in eval.cpp because it is like the EvaluateLexical() function */
+	  RlexicalSort(Structure->fnLexicalSort, Structure->rho,
+		       population,
+		       MinMax, pop_size, nvars, lexical_end, 1);
+	}
+    }
+  peak_cnt = count_gener;
+  /* since we are on generation 0 */
+  oldfitvalue=population[1][0];
+  if(Structure->Lexical  > 1)
+    {
+      oldfitvalueVEC[0]=population[1][0];
+      k = 1;
+      for (i=(nvars+2);i<lexical_end;i++)  {
+	oldfitvalueVEC[k]=population[1][i];
+	k++;  
+      } /* for (i=(nvars+2);i<lexical_end;i++) */
+    }
+  /*
+  if(PrintLevel>0)
+    {
+      Rprintf("\nThe best initial individual is:\n");
+      print_vector(population[1],1,nvars,output);
+      if (Structure->Lexical > 1)
+	{
+	  Rprintf("\nbest (lexical) fitness:\n");
+	  Rprintf("%e  ", population[1][0]);
+	  for(j=(nvars+2);j<lexical_end;j++)
+	    {
+	      Rprintf("%e  ", population[1][j]);
+	    }		      
+	  Rprintf("\n");
+	} else {
+	Rprintf("\nbest fitness: %e\n", population[1][0]);
+      }
+      Rprintf("\n");
+      if (Structure->Lexical > 1)
+	{      
+	  Rprintf("The worst (lexical) fitness is:\n");
+	  Rprintf("%e  ", population[pop_size][0]);
+	  for(j=(nvars+2);j<lexical_end;j++)
+	    {
+	      Rprintf("%e  ", population[pop_size][j]);
+	    }		   
+	  Rprintf("\n");   	  
+	} else {
+	Rprintf("The worst fit is: %e\n", 
+		population[pop_size][0]);
+      }
+      Rprintf("\n");
+    }
+  */
+  if(PrintLevel==1)
+    {
+      if (Structure->Lexical > 1)
+	{
+	Rprintf("\n\nGeneration#\t    Solution Values (lexical)\n");	  
+	Rprintf("\n%7d \t%e  ", 0, population[1][0]);
+	for(j=(nvars+2);j<lexical_end;j++)
+	  {
+	    Rprintf("%e  ", population[1][j]);
+	  }		      
+	Rprintf("\n");	
+	} else {
+	Rprintf("\n\nGeneration#\t    Solution Value\n");
+	Rprintf("\n%7d \t%e\n", 0, population[1][0]);
+      }
+    }
+  /* compute and print mean and variance of population */
+  if (PrintLevel>1) {
+    Rprintf("GENERATION: 0 (initializing the population)\n");
+    populationstats(population, pop_size, nvars, mean, var, skew, kur, tobs);
+    if(Structure->Lexical > 1)
+      {
+	Rprintf( "Lexical Fit..... %e  ", population[1][0]);
+	for(j=(nvars+2);j<lexical_end;j++)
+	  {
+	    Rprintf("%e  ", population[1][j]);
+	  }		      
+	Rprintf("\n");	    
+      }
+    else
+      {
+	Rprintf( "Fitness value... %e\n", population[1][0]);
+	Rprintf( "mean............ %e\n", mean[0]);
+	Rprintf( "variance........ %e\n", var[0]);
+	/*
+	  Rprintf( "skewness........ %e\n", skew[i]);
+	  Rprintf( "kurtosis........ %e\n", kur[i]);
+	*/
+      }
+    nnull = pop_size-tobs[0];
+    if(nnull > 0)
+      Rprintf( "#null........... %d\n", nnull);    
+    if(Structure->MemoryUsage==1)
+      Rprintf( "#unique......... %d, #Total UniqueCount: %d\n", 
+	      UniqueCount-OldUniqueCount, UniqueCount);
+    /* Rprintf( "tobs............ %d\n", tobs[i]); */
+    for (i=1; i<=nvars; i++) {
+      Rprintf( "var %d:\n", i);
+      Rprintf( "best............ %e\n", population[1][i]);
+      Rprintf( "mean............ %e\n", mean[i]);
+      Rprintf( "variance........ %e\n", var[i]);
+      /*
+	Rprintf( "skewness........ %e\n", skew[i]);
+	Rprintf( "kurtosis........ %e\n", kur[i]);
+      */
+      nnull = pop_size-tobs[i];
+      if(nnull > 0)
+	Rprintf( "#null........... %d\n", nnull);
+      /* Rprintf( "tobs............ %d\n", tobs[i]); */
+    }
+  } /* end of printlevel if */
+  /* if(PrintLevel>0)
+     fflush(output); */
+  /* Print the population file */
+  if ( PrintLevel == 1 ) {
+    if((popout = fopen(Structure->ProjectPath, "w")) == NULL) {
+      Rprintf("Unable to open the project file: %s", 
+	      Structure->ProjectPath);
+      /* free populationstats stuff */
+      free(mean);
+      free(var);
+      free(skew);
+      free(kur);
+      free(tobs);
+      free(bfgsoutX);
+      free(finalhessin);
+      free(evalX);
+      free(grad);
+      /* free numeric.c allocations */
+      if (Structure->MemoryUsage==1)
+	JaMatrixFree(Memory, MemorySize);
+      JaMatrixFree(population, pop_size+2);
+      JaMatrixFree(new_genera, pop_size+2);
+      free_matrix(temp, 0, nvars+1, 0);
+      free_vector(probab, 1);
+      free_vector(t_vec, 1);
+      free_vector(cum_probab, 1);
+      free_ivector(live, 1);
+      free_ivector(parents, 1);
+      if(Structure->Lexical > 1)
+	{
+	  free(LexicalReturn);
+	  free(oldfitvalueVEC);
+	}
+      error("Fatal Error. See output for diagnostic information.");
+    }
+    print_population((int) pop_size, (int) nvars, 0, (int) Structure->Lexical, population, popout);
+    fclose(popout);
+  } /* end of PrintLevel if */
+  if ( PrintLevel>1) {
+    if((popout = fopen(Structure->ProjectPath, "a")) == NULL) {
+      Rprintf("Unable to open the project file: %s", 
+	      Structure->ProjectPath);
+      /* free populationstats stuff */
+      free(mean);
+      free(var);
+      free(skew);
+      free(kur);
+      free(tobs);
+      free(bfgsoutX);
+      free(finalhessin);
+      free(evalX);
+      free(grad);
+      /* free numeric.c allocations */
+      if (Structure->MemoryUsage==1)
+	JaMatrixFree(Memory, MemorySize);
+      JaMatrixFree(population, pop_size+2);
+      JaMatrixFree(new_genera, pop_size+2);
+      free_matrix(temp, 0, nvars+1, 0);
+      free_vector(probab, 1);
+      free_vector(t_vec, 1);
+      free_vector(cum_probab, 1);
+      free_ivector(live, 1);
+      free_ivector(parents, 1);
+      if(Structure->Lexical > 1)
+	{
+	  free(LexicalReturn);
+	  free(oldfitvalueVEC);
+	}
+      error("Fatal Error. See output for diagnostic information.");
+    }
+    print_population((int) pop_size, (int) nvars, 0, (int) Structure->Lexical, population, popout);
+    fflush(popout);
+    fclose(popout);
+  }
+  /* Interrupt setup.  Let's print a nice message to recover the best
+     solution so far if at least generation 0 has been run */
+  if (PrintLevel > 0 & (strcmp(Structure->ProjectPath, "/dev/null")!=0))
+    setVar(install("interrupted"), ScalarLogical(1), Structure->rho);
+  /*Assigning probability of survival for each of the agent, with the*/
+  /*probability provided by the user for the best agent*/
+  assign_probab(probab,pop_size,Q); 
+  /*Finding the cumulative probability of the agents*/
+  find_cum_probab(cum_probab,probab,pop_size);
+  /*Reproducing and evaluating for the total number of generations times*/
+  do
+    {
+      /*Initializing the live vector*/
+      for(j=1; j<=pop_size; j++)
+        {
+          live[j] = 0;
+          for(i=0; i<lexical_end; i++)
+            new_genera[j][i] = population[j][i];
+	  new_genera[j][nvars+1]=0;
+        }
+      /*Finding the agents that will die and the agents that will reproduce*/
+      find_live(cum_probab,live,pop_size,P);
+      /* set die_now counter to start replacements with the worst agent.
+         use of die_now is okay if the entire population (except the previous
+         best) is to be replaced in each generation */
+      die_now = pop_size;
+      j1=j2=j3=j4=j5=j6=j7=j8=0;
+      /* This was causing a difference to appear between MemoryMatrix and !MemoryMatrix runs see oper5 and oper7
+      UniquePairs= UniqueCount-OldUniqueCount;
+      UniquePairs= (int) (0.5*(UniquePairs*UniquePairs-UniquePairs));
+      if ( MAX_OPER_UNIQUE_TRY < UniquePairs)
+	UniquePairs = MAX_OPER_UNIQUE_TRY;
+      */
+      UniquePairs = MAX_OPER_UNIQUE_TRY;
+      /* main operator loop */
+      while(j1+j2+j3+j4+j4+j5+j5+j6+j7+j7 < P)
+        {
+          oper = irange_ran(1,7);
+          switch (oper)
+            {
+	    case 1:
+	      /* JS Description: Uniform Mutation */
+	      /*Applying the first operator, uniform mutation*/
+	      if (j1 < P1)
+		{
+		  /*Find one parent for mutation operator 1*/
+		  first_live  = find_parent(live,pop_size);
+		  live[first_live]--;
+		  /* check that agent to replace is in range */
+		  if (die_now < 2) {
+		    error("No agents to be replaced\n");
+		  }
+		  new_genera[die_now][nvars+1] = 1.0;
+		  for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+		    t_vec[i] = population[first_live][i];
+		  for (ocnt = irange_ran(1,nvars); ocnt>0; ocnt--)
+		    JaIntegerOper1(t_vec,domains,nvars);
+		  for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+		    new_genera[die_now][i] = t_vec[i];
+		  die_now--;
+		  j1++;
+		}
+	      break;
+	    case 2:
+	      /* JS Description: Boundary Mutation */
+	      /*Applying the second operator, boundary mutation*/
+	      if (j2 < P2)
+		{
+		  /*Find one parent for mutation operator 2*/
+		  first_live  = find_parent(live,pop_size);
+		  live[first_live]--;
+		  /* check that agent to replace is in range */
+		  if (die_now < 2) {
+		    error( "No agents to be replaced\n");
+		  }
+		  new_genera[die_now][nvars+1] = 2.0;
+		  for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+		    t_vec[i] = population[first_live][i];
+		  JaIntegerOper2(t_vec,domains,nvars);
+		  for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+		    new_genera[die_now][i] = t_vec[i];
+		  die_now--;
+		  j2++;
+		}
+	      break;
+	    case 3:
+	      /* JS Description: Non-uniform Mutation */
+	      /*Applying the third operator, non-uniform mutation*/
+	      if (j3 < P3)
+		{
+		  /*Find one parent for mutation operator 3*/
+		  first_live  = find_parent(live,pop_size);
+		  live[first_live]--;
+		  /* check that agent to replace is in range */
+		  if (die_now < 2) {
+		    error( "No agents to be replaced\n");
+		  }
+		  new_genera[die_now][nvars+1] = 3.0;
+		  for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+		    t_vec[i] = population[first_live][i];
+		  for (ocnt = irange_ran(1,nvars); ocnt>0; ocnt--)
+		    JaIntegerOper3(t_vec,domains,nvars,MaxGenerations,count_gener,B);
+		  for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+		    new_genera[die_now][i] = t_vec[i];
+		  die_now--;
+		  j3++;
+		}
+	      break;
+	    case 4:
+	      /*Applying the fourth operator, GENOUD Polytope Crossover */
+	      if (j4 < (int) P4)
+		{
+		  /*Find max(2,nvars) parents for crossover operator 4*/
+		  for (i=1; i<p2use; i++) {
+		    parents[i] = find_parent(live,pop_size);
+		    live[parents[i]]++;  /* no decr. first p2use-1 parents */
+		  }
+		  parents[p2use] = find_parent(live,pop_size);
+		  /* check that agents to replace are in range */
+		  if (die_now < 2) {
+		    error("No agents to be replaced\n");
+		  }
+		  new_genera[die_now][nvars+1]  = 4.0;
+		  for(j=1; j<=p2use; j++)
+		    for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+		      temp[j][i] = population[parents[j]][i];
+		  JaIntegeroper4(temp,p2use,nvars,domains);
+		  for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+		    new_genera[die_now][i]  = temp[1][i];
+		  die_now--;
+		  j4++;
+		}		
+	      break;
+	    case 5:
+	      /* JS Description: Simple Crossover
+		 Applying the fifth operator, simple arithmetical crossover*/
+	      if (j5 < (int) P5/2)
+		{
+		  /*Find two distinct parents for crossover operator 5*/
+		  same = TRUE;
+		  SameCount=0;
+		  while (same==TRUE) {
+		    SameCount++;
+		    first_live  = find_parent(live,pop_size);
+		    second_live = find_parent(live,pop_size);
+		    if (SameCount >= (UniquePairs) ) 
+		      break;
+		    for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+		      {
+			if ((int) population[first_live][i] != (int) population[second_live][i])
+			  {
+			    same = FALSE;
+			    break;
+			  }
+		      }
+		  } /* end of while same==TRUE loop */
+		  /* check that agents to replace are in range */
+		  if (die_now < 3) {
+		    error("Not enough agents to be replaced\n");
+		  }
+		  live[first_live]--;
+		  live[second_live]--;
+		  first_die   = die_now-- ;
+		  second_die  = die_now-- ;
+		  new_genera[first_die][nvars+1]  = 5.0;
+		  new_genera[second_die][nvars+1] = 5.0;
+		  if (!same)
+		    {
+		      for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+			{
+			  temp[1][i] = population[first_live][i];
+			  temp[2][i] = population[second_live][i];
+			}
+		      JaIntegerOper5(temp[1],temp[2],STEP,domains,nvars);
+		      for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+			{
+			  new_genera[first_die][i]  = temp[1][i];
+			  new_genera[second_die][i] = temp[2][i];
+			}
+		    }
+		  else {
+		    /* copy agent chosen twice into two new indivs */
+		    for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++) {
+		      new_genera[first_die][i]  = 
+			      population[first_live][i];
+		      new_genera[second_die][i] = 
+			population[second_live][i];
+		    }
+		  }
+		  j5++;
+		}
+	      break;
+	    case 6:
+	      /* JS Description: Whole Non-uniform Mutation */
+	      /*Applying the sixth operator, whole non-uniform mutation*/
+                    if (j6 < P6)
+                      {
+                        /*Find one parent for mutation operator 6*/
+                        first_live  = find_parent(live,pop_size);
+			live[first_live]--;
+			/* check that agent to replace is in range */
+			if (die_now < 2) {
+			  error( "No agents to be replaced\n");
+			}
+                        new_genera[die_now][nvars+1] = 6.0;
+                        for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+                          t_vec[i] = population[first_live][i];
+                        JaIntegerOper6(t_vec,domains,nvars,MaxGenerations,count_gener,B);
+                        for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+                          new_genera[die_now][i] = t_vec[i];
+			die_now--;
+                        j6++;
+                      }
+                    break;
+	    case 7:
+	      /* JS Description: Heuristic Crossover */
+	      /*Applying the seventh operator*/
+	      if (j7 < (int) P7/2)
+		{
+		  /*Find two distinct parents for operator 7*/
+		  same = TRUE;
+		  SameCount=0;
+		  while (same==TRUE) {
+		    SameCount++;
+		    first_live  = find_parent(live,pop_size);
+		    second_live = find_parent(live,pop_size);
+		    if (SameCount >= (UniquePairs) ) 
+		      break;
+		    for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+		      {
+			if ((int) population[first_live][i] != (int) population[second_live][i])
+			  {
+			    same = FALSE;
+			    break;
+			  }
+		      }
+		  } /* end of while same==TRUE loop */
+		  /* check that agents to replace are in range */
+		  if (die_now < 3) {
+		    error("Not enough agents to be replaced\n");
+		  }
+		  live[first_live]--;
+		  live[second_live]--;
+		  first_die   = die_now-- ;
+		  second_die  = die_now-- ;
+		  new_genera[first_die][nvars+1]  = 7.0;
+		  new_genera[second_die][nvars+1] = 7.0;
+		  if (!same) {
+		    if (first_live < second_live)
+		      /* first agent is better agent */
+		      for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++) {
+			temp[2][i] = population[first_live][i];
+			temp[1][i] = population[second_live][i];
+			    }
+		    else
+		      /* second agent is better agent */
+		      for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++) {
+			temp[2][i] = population[second_live][i];
+			temp[1][i] = population[first_live][i];
+		      }
+		    JaIntegerOper7(temp[1],temp[2],domains,nvars);
+		    for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+		      new_genera[first_die][i]  = temp[1][i];
+		    if (first_live < second_live)
+		      /* first agent is better agent */
+		      for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++) {
+			temp[2][i] = population[first_live][i];
+			temp[1][i] = population[second_live][i];
+			    }
+		    else
+		      /* second agent is better agent */
+		      for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++) {
+			temp[2][i] = population[second_live][i];
+			temp[1][i] = population[first_live][i];
+		      }
+		    JaIntegerOper7(temp[1],temp[2],domains,nvars);
+		    for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+		      new_genera[second_die][i]  = temp[1][i];
+		  }
+		  else {
+		    /* copy agent chosen twice into two new indivs */
+		    for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++) {
+			    new_genera[first_die][i]  = 
+			      population[first_live][i];
+			    new_genera[second_die][i] = 
+			      population[second_live][i];
+		    }
+		  }
+		  j7++;
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+      /*Replace the population with the new generation */
+      Jnew = new_genera;
+      new_genera = population;
+      population = Jnew;
+      if (Structure->MemoryUsage==1)
+	{
+	  OldUniqueCount=UniqueCount;
+	  UniqueCount = RmemoryMatrixEvaluate(Structure->fnMemoryMatrixEvaluate, Structure->rho,
+					      Memory, population,
+					      MinMax, pop_size, UniqueCount,
+					      nvars, Structure->Lexical, lexical_end);	  	  
+	  if ( (UniqueCount+pop_size) >= MemorySize )
+	    {
+	      Structure->MemoryUsage=0;
+	      warning("Turned Off MemoryMatrix because memory usage was too great.");
+	    } /* end of if */
+	} // end of MemoryUsage==1
+        else
+	  {
+	    for (i=1; i<=pop_size; i++) 
+	      {
+		if (population[i][nvars+1]!=0)
+		  {
+		    for(j=1; j<=nvars; j++)
+		      X[j] = population[i][j];
+		    if (Structure->Lexical < 2)
+		      {
+			population[i][0] = evaluate(Structure->fn, Structure->rho, X, nvars, MinMax);
+		      } 
+		    else 
+		      {
+			EvaluateLexical(Structure->fn, Structure->rho, 
+					X, nvars, Structure->Lexical, MinMax, LexicalReturn);
+			population[i][0] = LexicalReturn[0];
+			count = 0;
+			for(j=(nvars+2);j<lexical_end;j++)
+			  {
+			    count++;
+			    population[i][j] = LexicalReturn[count];
+			  }		      			  
+		      }
+		  }
+	      } //end of i loop
+	} //end of default evaluation scheme
+      if(Structure->MemoryUsage!=1)
+	{
+	  /*Sort the new population based on their evaluation function*/
+	  if (Structure->Lexical < 2)
+	    {
+	      sort(MinMax,population,pop_size,0);
+	    }
+	  else
+	    {
+	      /* in eval.cpp because it is like the EvaluateLexical() function */
+	      RlexicalSort(Structure->fnLexicalSort, Structure->rho,
+			   population,
+			   MinMax, pop_size, nvars, lexical_end, 1);
+	    }
+	}
+      /* check to see if fit is improving */
+      if(Structure->Lexical < 2)
+	{
+	  switch(MinMax)
+	    {
+	    case 0:
+	      if ( (oldfitvalue - SolutionTolerance) > population[1][0]) {
+		nochange_gen=0;
+		oldfitvalue=population[1][0];
+		peak_cnt = count_gener;
+	      }
+	      else nochange_gen++;
+	      break;
+	    case 1:
+	      if ( (oldfitvalue + SolutionTolerance) < population[1][0]) {
+		nochange_gen=0;
+		oldfitvalue=population[1][0];
+		peak_cnt = count_gener;
+	      }
+	      else nochange_gen++;	      
+	      break;
+	    }
+	} /*       if(Structure->Lexical < 2) */
+      else
+	{
+	  switch(MinMax)
+	    {
+	    case 0:
+	      LexicalFitsImproving = 0;
+	      if ( (oldfitvalue - SolutionTolerance) > population[1][0]) 
+		{
+		  LexicalFitsImproving = 1;
+		} 
+	      else
+		{
+		  k=1;
+		  for (i=(nvars+2);i<lexical_end;i++)  {
+		    if ( (oldfitvalueVEC[k] - SolutionTolerance) > population[1][i] ) {
+		      LexicalFitsImproving = 1;
+		      break;
+		    } /* (oldfitvalueVEC[k] - SolutionTolerance) > population[1][i] ) */
+		    k++;  
+		  } /* for (i=(nvars+2);i<lexical_end;i++) */
+		} /* else if ( (oldfitvalue - SolutionTolerance) > population[1][0])  */
+	      if (LexicalFitsImproving)
+		{
+		  nochange_gen = 0;
+		  peak_cnt = count_gener;
+		  oldfitvalue=population[1][0];
+		  oldfitvalueVEC[0]=population[1][0];
+		  k=1;
+		  for (i=(nvars+2);i<lexical_end;i++)  {
+		    oldfitvalueVEC[k]=population[1][i];
+		    k++;  
+		  } /* for (i=(nvars+2);i<lexical_end;i++) */
+		}
+	      else
+		nochange_gen++;
+	      break;
+	    case 1:
+	      LexicalFitsImproving = 0;
+	      if ( (oldfitvalue + SolutionTolerance) < population[1][0]) 
+		{
+		  LexicalFitsImproving = 1;
+		} 
+	      else
+		{
+		  k=1;
+		  for (i=(nvars+2);i<lexical_end;i++)  {
+		    if ( (oldfitvalueVEC[k] + SolutionTolerance) < population[1][i] ) {
+		      LexicalFitsImproving = 1;
+		      break;
+		    } /* (oldfitvalueVEC[k] - SolutionTolerance) > population[1][i] ) */
+		    k++;  
+		  } /* for (i=(nvars+2);i<lexical_end;i++) */
+		} /* else if ( (oldfitvalue - SolutionTolerance) > population[1][0])  */
+	      if (LexicalFitsImproving)
+		{
+		  nochange_gen = 0;
+		  peak_cnt = count_gener;
+		  oldfitvalue=population[1][0];
+		  oldfitvalueVEC[0]=population[1][0];
+		  k=1;
+		  for (i=(nvars+2);i<lexical_end;i++)  {
+		    oldfitvalueVEC[k]=population[1][i];
+		    k++;  
+		  } /* for (i=(nvars+2);i<lexical_end;i++) */
+		}
+	      else
+		nochange_gen++;
+	      break;	      
+	    } /* switch(MinMax) */
+	} /* else (Structure->Lexical > 2) */
+      if(PrintLevel==1)
+	{
+	  if( nochange_gen==0 )
+	    {
+	      if(Structure->Lexical > 1)
+		{
+		  Rprintf("\n%7d \t%e  ", count_gener, population[1][0]);
+		  for(j=(nvars+2);j<lexical_end;j++)
+		    {
+		      Rprintf("%e  ", population[1][j]);
+		    }		      
+		  Rprintf("\n");	
+		}
+	      else
+		{
+		  Rprintf("%7d \t%e\n",
+			  count_gener,population[1][0]); 
+		  /* fflush(output); */
+		}
+	    } 
+	}
+      /* compute and print mean and variance of population */
+      if (PrintLevel>1) {
+	Rprintf("\nGENERATION: %d\n", count_gener);
+	populationstats(population, pop_size, nvars, mean, var, skew, kur, tobs);
+	if(Structure->Lexical > 1)
+	  {
+	    Rprintf( "Lexical Fit..... %e  ", population[1][0]);
+	    for(j=(nvars+2);j<lexical_end;j++)
+	      {
+		Rprintf("%e  ", population[1][j]);
+	      }		      
+	    Rprintf("\n");	    
+	  }
+	else
+	  {
+	    Rprintf( "Fitness value... %e\n", population[1][0]);
+	    Rprintf( "mean............ %e\n", mean[0]);
+	    Rprintf( "variance........ %e\n", var[0]);
+	    /*
+	      Rprintf( "skewness........ %e\n", skew[i]);
+	      Rprintf( "kurtosis........ %e\n", kur[i]);
+	    */
+	  }
+	nnull = pop_size-tobs[0];
+	if(nnull > 0)
+	  Rprintf( "#null........... %d\n", nnull);
+	if(Structure->MemoryUsage==1)
+	  Rprintf( "#unique......... %d, #Total UniqueCount: %d\n", 
+		  UniqueCount-OldUniqueCount, UniqueCount);
+	/* Rprintf( "tobs............ %d\n", tobs[i]); */
+	for (i=1; i<=nvars; i++) {
+	  Rprintf( "var %d:\n", i);
+	  Rprintf( "best............ %e\n", population[1][i]);
+	  Rprintf( "mean............ %e\n", mean[i]);
+	  Rprintf( "variance........ %e\n", var[i]);
+	  /*
+	    Rprintf( "skewness........ %e\n", skew[i]);
+	    Rprintf( "kurtosis........ %e\n", kur[i]);
+	  */
+	  nnull = pop_size-tobs[i];
+	  if(nnull > 0)
+	    Rprintf( "#null........... %d\n", nnull);
+	  /* Rprintf( "tobs............ %d\n", tobs[i]); */
+	}
+      } /* end of printlevel if */
+      /* if (PrintLevel>0)
+	 fflush(output); */
+      /* Print the population file */
+      if ( PrintLevel == 1 ) {
+	if((popout = fopen(Structure->ProjectPath, "w")) == NULL) {
+	  Rprintf("Unable to open the project file: %s", 
+		  Structure->ProjectPath);
+	  /* free populationstats stuff */
+	  free(mean);
+	  free(var);
+	  free(skew);
+	  free(kur);
+	  free(tobs);
+	  free(bfgsoutX);
+	  free(finalhessin);
+	  free(evalX);
+	  free(grad);
+	  /* free numeric.c allocations */
+	  if (Structure->MemoryUsage==1)
+	    JaMatrixFree(Memory, MemorySize);
+	  JaMatrixFree(population, pop_size+2);
+	  JaMatrixFree(new_genera, pop_size+2);
+	  free_matrix(temp, 0, nvars+1, 0);
+	  free_vector(probab, 1);
+	  free_vector(t_vec, 1);
+	  free_vector(cum_probab, 1);
+	  free_ivector(live, 1);
+	  free_ivector(parents, 1);
+	  if(Structure->Lexical > 1)
+	    {
+	      free(LexicalReturn);
+	      free(oldfitvalueVEC);
+	    }
+	  error("Fatal Error. See output for diagnostic information.");
+	}
+	print_population((int) pop_size, (int) nvars, (int) count_gener, (int) Structure->Lexical, population, popout);
+	fclose(popout);
+      } /* end of PrintLevel if */
+      if ( PrintLevel>1) {
+	if((popout = fopen(Structure->ProjectPath, "a")) == NULL) {
+	  Rprintf("Unable to open the project file: %s", 
+		  Structure->ProjectPath);
+	  /* free populationstats stuff */
+	  free(mean);
+	  free(var);
+	  free(skew);
+	  free(kur);
+	  free(tobs);
+	  free(bfgsoutX);
+	  free(finalhessin);
+	  free(evalX);
+	  free(grad);
+	  /* free numeric.c allocations */
+	  if (Structure->MemoryUsage==1)
+	    JaMatrixFree(Memory, MemorySize);
+	  JaMatrixFree(population, pop_size+2);
+	  JaMatrixFree(new_genera, pop_size+2);
+	  free_matrix(temp, 0, nvars+1, 0);
+	  free_vector(probab, 1);
+	  free_vector(t_vec, 1);
+	  free_vector(cum_probab, 1);
+	  free_ivector(live, 1);
+	  free_ivector(parents, 1);
+	  if(Structure->Lexical > 1)
+	    {
+	      free(LexicalReturn);
+	      free(oldfitvalueVEC);
+	    }
+	  error("Fatal Error. See output for diagnostic information.");
+	}
+	print_population((int) pop_size, (int) nvars, (int) count_gener, (int) Structure->Lexical, population, popout);
+	fflush(popout);
+	fclose(popout);
+      }
+      if (nochange_gen > (WaitGenerations)) {
+	/* increase the number of WaitGenerations if the gradients are NOT zero! */	  
+	if (GradientCheck==0) {
+	  if(PrintLevel>0)	  
+	    {
+	      Rprintf("\n'wait.generations' limit reached.\n");
+	      Rprintf("No significant improvement in %d generations.\n", nochange_gen-1);
+	      /* fflush(output); */
+	    }
+	  MaxGenerations = 0;
+	  nochange_gen=0;
+	}
+	else  
+	  {
+	    for (i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+	      {
+		bfgsoutX[i-1]=population[1][i];
+	      }
+	    if(Structure->UserGradient==0)
+	      {	    
+		gradient(Structure->fn, Structure->rho,
+			 bfgsoutX, grad, nvars, MinMax, BoundaryEnforcement, domains);
+	      } 
+	    else 
+	      {
+		userGradientfn(Structure->fnGR, Structure->rho, bfgsoutX, grad, nvars);
+	      }
+	    GradientTrigger = 0;
+	    for (i=0; i<nvars; i++) {
+	      if (fabs(grad[i]) > SolutionTolerance) {
+		GradientTrigger = 1;
+		break;
+	      }
+	    } /* end for loop */
+	    if (GradientTrigger==1) {
+	      IncreaseGenerations = WaitGenerations;
+	      WaitGenerations += IncreaseGenerations;
+	      if(PrintLevel>0)	  
+		{
+		  Rprintf(
+			  "\nDoubling 'wait.generations' limit to %d (from %d) ", 
+			  WaitGenerations, IncreaseGenerations);
+		  Rprintf("because at least one gradient is too large.\n");
+		  Rprintf("G[%d]: %e\t Solution Tolerance: %e\n\n", 
+			  i+1, grad[i], SolutionTolerance);
+		}
+	    }
+	    else {
+	      if(PrintLevel>0)	  
+		{
+		  Rprintf("\n'wait.generations' limit reached.\n");
+		  Rprintf("No significant improvement in %d generations.\n", nochange_gen-1);
+		  /* fflush(output); */
+		}
+	      MaxGenerations = 0;
+	      nochange_gen=0;
+	    }
+	  }/* end else loop */
+      } /* end of if (nochange_gen > (WaitGenerations)) { */
+      if ( (count_gener == MaxGenerations) && (GradientTrigger==1) ) 
+	{
+	  if (HardGenerationLimit==0)
+	    {
+	      IncreaseGenerations = MaxGenerations;
+	      MaxGenerations += IncreaseGenerations;
+	      if(PrintLevel>0)	  
+		{
+		  Rprintf(
+			  "\nIncreasing 'max.generations' limit by %d generations to %d ", 
+			  IncreaseGenerations, MaxGenerations);
+		  Rprintf("because at least one gradient is too large.\n\n");
+		}
+	    } // if (Structure->HardGenerationLimit==0)
+	  else
+	    {
+	      HardMaximumNumber = 1;
+	      warning("Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit.\nAt least one gradient is too large.");
+	      if(PrintLevel>0)	  
+		{
+		  Rprintf("        At least one gradient is too large\n");
+		}
+	    } // else
+	} // if ( (count_gener == MaxGenerations) && (GradientTrigger==1) ) 
+      /* increase the number of generations if fitness has been improving */
+      if ( (count_gener == MaxGenerations) &&  (nochange_gen < WaitGenerations) ) {
+	if (HardGenerationLimit==0)
+	  {
+	    if (WaitGenerations > MaxGenerations) {
+	      IncreaseGenerations = WaitGenerations;
+	      MaxGenerations += (int) (IncreaseGenerations);
+	      if(PrintLevel>0)	  
+		{
+		  Rprintf(
+			  "\nIncreasing 'max.generations' limit by %d generations to %d ", 
+			  IncreaseGenerations, MaxGenerations);
+		  Rprintf("because the fitness is still impoving.\n\n");
+		}
+	    }
+	    else {
+	      IncreaseGenerations = MaxGenerations;
+	      MaxGenerations += (int) (IncreaseGenerations);
+	      if(PrintLevel>0)	  
+		{
+		  Rprintf(
+			  "\nIncreasing 'max.generations' limit by %d generations to %d ", 
+			  IncreaseGenerations, MaxGenerations);
+		  Rprintf("because the fitness is still improving.\n\n");
+		}
+	    }
+	  } // if (Structure->HardGenerationLimit==0)
+	else
+	  {
+	    if (HardMaximumNumber==0)
+	      {
+		warning("Stopped because hard maximum generation limit was hit.");
+		if(PrintLevel>0)	  
+		  {
+		  }
+	      } /* end of if HardMax */		
+	  }
+      } // if ( (count_gener == MaxGenerations) &&  (nochange_gen < WaitGenerations) )
+      /* if(PrintLevel>0)	  
+	 fflush(output); */
+    } /* end of do loop */
+  /*Increment iteration count and test whether all generations are done*/
+  while (++count_gener <= MaxGenerations);
+  if(PrintLevel>0)	    
+    {
+      if(Structure->Lexical > 1)
+	{
+	  Rprintf("\nSolution Lexical Fitness Value:\n");
+	  Rprintf("%e  ", population[1][0]);
+	  for(j=(nvars+2);j<lexical_end;j++)
+	    {
+	      Rprintf("%e  ", population[1][j]);
+	    }		      
+	  Rprintf("\n");
+	}
+      else
+	{
+	  Rprintf("\nSolution Fitness Value: %e\n", population[1][0]);
+	}
+      if (GradientCheck==0 && UseBFGS==0)
+	Rprintf("\nParameters at the Solution:\n\n");
+      else
+	Rprintf("\nParameters at the Solution (parameter, gradient):\n\n");
+    }
+  /* output data structure */
+  Structure->oPeakGeneration=peak_cnt;
+  Structure->oGenerations=count_gener-1;
+  /* obtain gradients */
+  /* print best solution */
+  if (GradientCheck==0 && UseBFGS==0)
+    {
+      for(j = 1; j <= nvars; j++) {
+	i = j-1;
+	if(PrintLevel>0)	  
+	  Rprintf(" X[%2d] :\t%e\n",j,population[1][j]);
+	grad[i] = -1.0;
+	Results[i] = population[1][j];
+	Gradients[i] = grad[i];
+      }
+    } /* end of if (GradientCheck==0 && UseBFGS==0) */
+  else 
+    {
+      for (i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+	{
+	  bfgsoutX[i-1]=population[1][i];
+	}
+      if(Structure->UserGradient==0)
+	{
+	  gradient(Structure->fn, Structure->rho,
+		   bfgsoutX, grad, nvars, MinMax, BoundaryEnforcement, domains);
+	} 
+      else 
+	{
+	  userGradientfn(Structure->fnGR, Structure->rho, bfgsoutX, grad, nvars);
+	}
+      for(j = 1; j <= nvars; j++) {
+	i = j-1;
+	if(PrintLevel>0)	  
+	  Rprintf(" X[%2d] :\t%e\tG[%2d] :\t%e\n",j,population[1][j],j,grad[i]);
+	Results[i] = population[1][j];
+	Gradients[i] = grad[i];
+      }
+    } /* end of  else (GradientCheck==0 && UseBFGS==0) */
+  Structure->oFitValues[0]=population[1][0];
+  if (Structure->Lexical > 1)
+    {
+      k = 1;
+      for (i=(nvars+2);i<lexical_end;i++)  {
+	Structure->oFitValues[k]=population[1][i];
+	k++;  	  
+      }
+    } 
+  /* free memory */
+  /* free populationstats stuff */
+  free(mean);
+  free(var);
+  free(skew);
+  free(kur);
+  free(tobs);
+  free(bfgsoutX);
+  free(finalhessin);
+  free(evalX);
+  free(grad);
+  if (Structure->MemoryUsage==1)
+    JaMatrixFree(Memory, MemorySize);
+  JaMatrixFree(population, pop_size+2);
+  JaMatrixFree(new_genera, pop_size+2);
+  free_matrix(temp, 0, nvars+1, 0);
+  free_vector(probab, 1);
+  free_vector(t_vec, 1);
+  free_vector(cum_probab, 1);
+  free_ivector(live, 1);
+  free_ivector(parents, 1);
+  if(Structure->Lexical > 1)
+    {
+      free(LexicalReturn);
+      free(oldfitvalueVEC);
+    }
+} /* end JaIntegerOptimization */
+/*  JaIntegerSort():                                                            */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*  This function sorts a double** on an integer basis.                         */
+/*  The function also assumes that the double** is indexed from 1 in its rows   */
+/*  and from zero in its columns.                                               */
+/*                                                                              */
+void JaIntegerSort(double **InMatrix, long n, long k)
+  /* extern int JaIntegerCMP(); */
+  long i, j;
+  double **Tmp;
+  extern long Gnvars[MAXINSTANCES];
+  long nvars;
+  Tmp = JaMatrixAllocate(n, k);
+  nvars=Gnvars[ExternStructure->InstanceNumber];
+  for (i=1; i<=n; i++) {
+    for (j=0; j<k; j++) {
+      Tmp[i-1][j] = InMatrix[i][j];
+    }
+  }
+  for (i=1; i<=n; i++) {
+    for (j=0; j<k; j++) {
+      InMatrix[i][j] = Tmp[i-1][j];
+    }
+  }
+  JaMatrixFree(Tmp, n);
+} /* end of JaIntegerSort */
+/*  JaDoubleSort():                                                             */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*  This function sorts a double** on an double  basis.                         */
+/*  The function also assumes that the double** is indexed from 1 in its rows   */
+/*  and from zero in its columns.                                               */
+/*                                                                              */
+void JaDoubleSort(double **InMatrix, long n, long k)
+  /* extern int JaDoubleCMP(); */
+  long i, j;
+  double **Tmp;
+  extern long Gnvars[MAXINSTANCES];
+  long nvars;
+  Tmp = JaMatrixAllocate(n, k);
+  nvars=Gnvars[ExternStructure->InstanceNumber];
+  for (i=1; i<=n; i++) {
+    for (j=0; j<k; j++) {
+      Tmp[i-1][j] = InMatrix[i][j];
+    }
+  }
+  for (i=1; i<=n; i++) {
+    for (j=0; j<k; j++) {
+      InMatrix[i][j] = Tmp[i-1][j];
+    }
+  }
+  JaMatrixFree(Tmp, n);
+} /* end of JaDoubleSort */
diff --git a/src/frange_ran.cpp b/src/frange_ran.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0abf29c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/frange_ran.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+  Walter R. Mebane, Jr.
+  Cornell University
+  http://macht.arts.cornell.edu/wrm1
+  <wrm1 at macht.arts.cornell.edu>
+  Jasjeet Singh Sekhon 
+  UC Berkeley
+  http://sekhon.polisci.berkeley.edu
+  <sekhon at berkeley.edu>
+  $Header: /home/jsekhon/xchg/genoud/rgenoud.distribution/sources/RCS/frange_ran.cpp,v 2.15 2005/10/29 06:14:44 jsekhon Exp jsekhon $
+#include "genoud.h"
+/* replacements for random number functions in GENOCOP's frange_ran.c */
+#include "unif.h"
+#include "urans.h"
+double newunif(void)
+  extern int NewUnifSeed[MAXTHREADS];
+  extern int ThreadNumber;
+  /*  static integer aux[TLPAUXSIZE], iseed = NEWUNIFSEED ;*/
+  static integer aux[TLPAUXSIZE];
+  double wrkout;
+  double wrk;
+  /* get a random uniform double on (0,1] */
+  ruxorv (&NewUnifSeed[ThreadNumber], 1, &wrk, aux);
+  wrkout = (double) wrk;
+  return(wrkout);
+double frange_ran(double llim, double ulim)
+     /*
+       double ulim;
+       double llim;
+     */
+  /*llim, ulim:  The upper and lower limits between which the random
+      number is to be generated*/
+  double num1, diff = ulim - llim;
+  if (diff == 0)
+    return(llim);
+  else if(diff < 0.0001)
+    return((flip() == TAIL) ? llim : ulim);
+  do {
+//      printf("num1: %lf, ulim: %lf, llim: %lf\n",num1,ulim,llim); 
+//      fflush(stdout);
+      num1 = llim +  newunif()*(ulim-llim) ;
+  }
+  while((num1<llim)||(num1>ulim));
+//  printf("fr2\n"); 
+//  fflush(stdout);
+  return(num1);
+unsigned int randint (void)
+  extern int RandIntSeed[MAXTHREADS];
+  extern int ThreadNumber;
+  /*  static integer aux[TLPAUXSIZE], iseed = RANDINTSEED ; */
+  static integer aux[TLPAUXSIZE];
+  integer wrk;
+  int num;
+  /* get a signed 32-bit number from the TLP generator */
+  tlpseq (&RandIntSeed[ThreadNumber], 1, &wrk, aux);
+  /* truncate to 16 bits */
+  num = wrk%65535;
+  return (num);
+unsigned int newrand (void)
+  return (randint());
diff --git a/src/genoud.cpp b/src/genoud.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2dbb33a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/genoud.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+  Walter R. Mebane, Jr.
+  Cornell University
+  http://macht.arts.cornell.edu/wrm1
+  <wrm1 at macht.arts.cornell.edu>
+  Jasjeet Singh Sekhon 
+  UC Berkeley
+  http://sekhon.polisci.berkeley.edu
+  <sekhon at berkeley.edu>
+  June 3, 2012
+#include "genoud.h"
+#include "unif.h"
+/* unif.h integer definition */
+int NewUnifSeed[MAXTHREADS];
+int RandIntSeed[MAXTHREADS];
+int ThreadNumber;
+extern double func4g(double *X);
+void genoud(struct GND_IOstructure *Structure)
+  extern int NewUnifSeed[MAXTHREADS];
+  extern int RandIntSeed[MAXTHREADS];
+  extern int ThreadNumber;
+    domains,      /*Matrix for Domains*/
+    final_mat;    /*The final Domain*/
+    LowerBounds,
+    UpperBounds,
+    X;            /*Initial values for the variables*/
+    fin;          /*Size of final matrix*/
+  int 
+    i,            /*Counter variable*/
+    nvars;        /*Remaining variables after p-variables were eliminated*/
+  time_t start_time,
+         stop_time;
+  double delta_time;
+  long   hours, minutes, seconds;
+  char   time_str[27];
+  static long BaseNewUnifSeed=81282,
+    BaseRandIntSeed=53058;
+  static short firsttime=1;
+  /* FILE *output; */
+  /* Lamarck Child Test Variables */
+  // char LVMchar[1000];
+  long LVMreturn;
+  LVMreturn=0;
+  time(&start_time);
+  strcpy(time_str, ctime(&start_time));
+  /* Fault Tolerant MinMax */
+  if (Structure->MinMax > 0) Structure->MinMax=1;
+  else Structure->MinMax=0;
+  if (Structure->OutputType!=0) {
+    error("output path/type must be the 'R' default");
+  } /* else {
+    output=stdout;
+    } */
+  if(Structure->PrintLevel>0)
+    Rprintf("\n\n%s",time_str);
+  ThreadNumber=Structure->ThreadNumber;
+  if (ThreadNumber > MAXTHREADS) {
+    error("No more than %d threads allowed\n\n", MAXTHREADS);
+  }
+  if (Structure->ProvideSeeds == 1) {
+    /*
+      Only toggle the instance number if we have threads! */
+    NewUnifSeed[ThreadNumber] = Structure->UnifSeed;
+    RandIntSeed[ThreadNumber] = Structure->IntSeed;
+  }
+  else {
+    /* If a Seed is NOT provided, use the base random number and run from that base!
+       In other words, might as well the ThreadNumber equal to 0 
+    */
+    if (firsttime==1) {
+      NewUnifSeed[0] = BaseNewUnifSeed;
+      RandIntSeed[0] = BaseRandIntSeed;	
+      firsttime=0;
+    }
+    ThreadNumber = 0;
+  }
+  fin.r =   Structure->nvars;            /*total number of inequalities + domains*/
+  fin.c =   Structure->nvars+2;          /*x2 variables + lower limits + upper limits*/
+  nvars = Structure->nvars;
+  /*Allocating memory for all the vectors and matrices*/
+  final_mat = matrix(1,fin.r,1,fin.c);
+  domains = matrix(1,nvars,1,3);
+  LowerBounds = Gvector(1, nvars);
+  UpperBounds = Gvector(1, nvars);
+  X = Gvector(1,nvars);
+  /* alter the domains when we are using integers because of the "open
+     set" problem.  We only extend the UPPER domain bound */
+  if (Structure->DataType==1) {
+    for(i=0; i<Structure->nvars; i++)
+      Structure->Domains[i][1] = Structure->Domains[i][1] + 0.99999;
+  }
+  for(i=1; i<=Structure->nvars; i++)
+    {
+      domains[i][1] = Structure->Domains[i-1][0];
+      domains[i][2] =  (double) i;
+      domains[i][3] = Structure->Domains[i-1][1];
+    }
+  for (i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+    {
+      LowerBounds[i] = domains[i][1];
+      UpperBounds[i] = domains[i][3];
+    }
+  /*Initialization*/
+  if(Structure->PrintLevel>0)
+    print_domains(domains,nvars,Structure->DataType);
+  if (Structure->DataType==1) {
+    JaIntegerOptimization(Structure, X, domains);
+  }
+  else {
+    optimization(Structure, X, domains);
+  }
+  /* free memory */
+  free_matrix(final_mat,1,fin.r,1);
+  free_matrix(domains, 1, nvars, 1);
+  free_vector(LowerBounds,1);
+  free_vector(UpperBounds,1);
+  free_vector(X,1);
+  /* print final numbers and the time this has taken */
+  if(Structure->PrintLevel>0)
+    {
+      Rprintf( "\n");
+      Rprintf( "Solution Found Generation %d\n", Structure->oPeakGeneration);
+      Rprintf( "Number of Generations Run %d\n", Structure->oGenerations);
+    }
+  time(&stop_time);
+  strcpy(time_str, ctime(&stop_time));
+  if(Structure->PrintLevel>0)
+    Rprintf("\n%s",time_str);
+  delta_time = difftime(stop_time, start_time);
+  hours   = (int) (delta_time/3600);
+  minutes = (int) (delta_time - (hours*3600))/60;
+  seconds = (int) delta_time - (hours*3600) - (minutes*60);
+  if(Structure->PrintLevel>0)
+    {
+      Rprintf("Total run time : %d hours %d minutes and %d seconds\n", 
+	      hours, minutes, seconds);
+      /* fflush(output); */
+    }
+  /* no longer allowed */
+  /* if (Structure->OutputType==1) fclose(output); */
diff --git a/src/genoud.h b/src/genoud.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed0e242
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/genoud.h
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+  Walter R. Mebane, Jr.
+  Cornell University
+  http://macht.arts.cornell.edu/wrm1
+  <wrm1 at macht.arts.cornell.edu>
+  Jasjeet Singh Sekhon 
+  UC Berkeley
+  http://sekhon.polisci.berkeley.edu
+  <sekhon at berkeley.edu>
+  June 3, 2012
+extern "C"
+  /* function definitions */
+  double evaluate(SEXP fn, SEXP rho, double *X, long nvars, short int MinMax);
+  void EvaluateLexical(SEXP fn, SEXP rho,
+		       double *X, long nvars, long lexical, short int MinMax, double *ret);
+  void EvaluateTransform(SEXP fn, SEXP rho,
+		       double *X, long nvars, long lexical, short int MinMax, double *ret);  
+} /*end of extern C */
+#define M(ROW,COL,NCOLS) (((ROW)*(NCOLS))+(COL))
+#define EVALUATE -645271937
+#define MAXPATH 1000
+#define MAXTHREADS 20
+#define MAXINSTANCES 20
+#define ERROR_CODE -99999
+#define MAX_OPER_UNIQUE_TRY 1000
+#define TRUE 1
+#define FALSE 0
+#define DOS_SYS  FALSE           /* set to true for dos, false for unix */
+#define UNIX_SYS TRUE            /* set to true for unix, false for dos */
+#define flip()  ((int) ((newrand()*(long)2)/(long) 65535))
+#define MIN -32768
+#define MAX 32768
+#define HEAD 1
+#define TAIL 0
+#define TRIES 1000
+#define MULT 25173
+#define INCR 13849
+#define MOD ((long int) 65536)
+#define SHUFFLE 256   /* size of random number shuffle array */
+#define EST_OFFSET 0  /* offset in hours from Eastern Standard Time zone)  */
+#define NOTDONE_ADD 0.25
+/* number of generations with no changes to be treated as convergence at
+   generation limit */
+#define NOTDONE_LIM 50
+typedef double **MATRIX;
+typedef double *VECTOR;
+typedef int **IMATRIX;
+typedef int *IVECTOR;
+typedef int FLAG;
+typedef int TOSS;
+typedef struct {int r; int c;}INDEX;
+struct GND_IOstructure
+  /* --- Basic Input Parameters ---- */
+  SEXP          fn;
+  SEXP          rho;
+  SEXP          fnLexicalSort;
+  SEXP          fnMemoryMatrixEvaluate;
+  SEXP          fnGR;
+  SEXP          fn_optim;
+  long		nvars;
+  long		PopSize;
+  long		MaxGenerations;
+  long		WaitGenerations; 
+  double	P[9];		  /* Operators */
+  double	**Domains;
+  short		MinMax;
+  short		GradientCheck;
+  short		BoundaryEnforcement;  /* 0=anything goes, 1: regular; 2: no trespassing! */
+  double	SolutionTolerance;
+  long		ThreadNumber;	/* indexed from zero */
+  long          InstanceNumber; /* indexed from zero, the number of parallel runs */
+  short		UseBFGS;        /* Use BFGS on the Best Individual 1= True, 0=False */
+  short         DataType;       /* 1== integer, everything else equals float */
+  short         MemoryUsage;    /* 0=minimize, 1=normal */
+  short         Debug;          /* T, F */
+  short         HardGenerationLimit; // T, F
+  /* Starting Values (if we want to provide any) */
+  double        **StartingValues; /* a matrix of starting values (each set consists of a row) */
+  long          nStartingValues;  /* number of starting values */
+  /* Random Number Stuff */
+  short         ProvideSeeds; /* 0: no, 1: yes */
+  long          UnifSeed;
+  long          IntSeed;
+  /* --- Ouput Diagnostics --- */
+  double	*oFitValues; 
+  double	*oResults; 
+  double	*oGradients;
+  long		oP[9];				/* operators used */
+  long		oGenerations;
+  long		oPeakGeneration;
+  long		oPopSize;
+  /* Output Files */
+  char*		OutputPath;
+  char*         ProjectPath;
+  /* I/O types */
+  short		OutputType;
+  short         PrintLevel;
+  /* Parallel Processing Stuff */
+  short         ShareType;
+  /* lexical sorting */
+  long          Lexical;
+  short int     UserGradient;
+  /* Operator Options */
+  double        P9mix;
+  int           BFGSburnin;
+  /* Transform Related Variables */
+  short int     whichFUN;  /* 1, 2, or 3 corresponding to which evaluate function to call   */
+  short int     Transform; /* 0 or 1 indicating whether transformed parameters are returned */
+/* bfgs.c */
+void dfgsmin(SEXP fn, SEXP rho,
+	     double *p, int n, double gtol, int *iter, double *fret, double *hessian,
+	     short int MinMax, short int BoundaryEnforcement, long InstanceNumber,
+	     double **Domains, short PrintLevel, FILE *output);
+/* change_order.c file */
+void get_var_order(IVECTOR tot, IVECTOR cart, IMATRIX var_order);
+void find_x1_x2(int tot, IMATRIX var_order, IVECTOR x1, IVECTOR x2);
+void find_ac1_ac2(int t1, int t2, int t3, IVECTOR x1, IVECTOR x2, MATRIX mat, MATRIX ac1, MATRIX ac2);
+void find_lu1_lu2(IVECTOR tot, IVECTOR x1, IVECTOR x2, VECTOR dom, VECTOR dom1, VECTOR dom2);
+void find_limits(int tot, MATRIX domains, VECTOR llim, VECTOR ulim);
+void find_new_in_eq(VECTOR a1b, MATRIX a1a2, VECTOR ll, VECTOR ul, INDEX rc, MATRIX newin);
+void find_org_in_eq(VECTOR a1_b, MATRIX a1_a2, VECTOR vec_d, MATRIX c1, MATRIX c2, int c1row,
+		    INDEX a1a2, MATRIX org_ineq);
+void initialize(MATRIX mat, INDEX rc);
+void find_final_mat1(VECTOR l2, VECTOR u2, MATRIX finmat, int row, int col);
+void find_final_mat2(MATRIX newin, int r, int c, int finr, MATRIX finmat);
+void find_final_mat3(MATRIX orgin, int r, int c, int finr, MATRIX finmat);
+/* evaluate.c */
+void optimization(struct GND_IOstructure *Structure, VECTOR X, 
+		    MATRIX domains);
+void sort(short int MinMax, MATRIX  population, int pop_size,
+	  long nvar);
+void swap(double **x, double **y);
+int find_parent(IVECTOR live, int pop_size);
+void assign_probab(VECTOR probab, int pop_size, double Q);
+double x_pow_y(double x, int y);
+void find_cum_probab(VECTOR cum_probab, VECTOR probab, int pop_size);
+void find_live(VECTOR cum_probab, IVECTOR live, int pop_size, int P);
+int find_die(VECTOR cum_probab, IVECTOR die, int pop_size);
+void SetRunTimeParameters(struct GND_IOstructure *Structure, 
+			  short FirstTime,
+			  long *PopSize, long *nvars, long *MaxGenerations, long *WaitGenerations,
+			  short *MinMax, short *GradientCheck, short *BoundaryEnforcement, short *UseBFGS,
+			  double *SolutionTolerance,
+			  long *InstanceNumber, long *P, long *P0, long *P1, long *P2, long *P3, long *P4, long *P5, 
+			  long *P6, long *P7, long *P8, short *PrintLevel, 
+			  short *HardGenerationLimit);
+void JaIntegerOptimization(struct GND_IOstructure *Structure, VECTOR X, 
+			     MATRIX domains);
+void JaIntegerSort(double **InMatrix, long n, long k);
+int JaIntegerCMP(double **a, double **b) ;
+void JaDoubleSort(double **InMatrix, long n, long k);
+int JaDoubleCMP(double **a, double **b) ;
+/* frange_ran.c */
+double newunif(void);
+double frange_ran(double llim, double ulim);
+unsigned int randint(void);
+unsigned int newrand(void);
+/* math.c */
+/* Not needed here.  In here for completeness! */
+void add(double *in1, double *in2, double *out, int row, int col);
+void copy(double *in, double *target, int row, int col);
+void multi(double *in1, double *in2, double *out,
+	   int row1, int col1, int row2, int col2, int outrowcol[2]);
+void scalarmulti(double scalar, double *in1, double *out, int row, int col) ;
+void scalarmultioffdiag(double scalar, double *in1, double *out, int row, int col) ;
+void subtract(double *in1, double *in2, double *out, int row, int col);
+double trace(double *a, int n);
+void transpose(double *orig_matrix, double *t_matrix, int orig_rows, int orig_columns);
+void copy_matrix(MATRIX mat1, MATRIX mat2, int lr, int ur, int lc, int uc);
+int Iround(double in);
+void samplestats(double **obsdata, int numobsv, int novarsv, int weightflag, 
+		 double *weightdata);
+void populationstats(double **popdata, int numobsv, int novarsv, 
+		     double *mean, double *var, double *skew, double *kur,
+		     long *tobs);
+/* multiply.c */
+void mmprod(int m, int nm, int n, MATRIX mul_cm, MATRIX mul_am, MATRIX mul_bm);
+void mvprod(int m, int nm, VECTOR cm, MATRIX am, VECTOR bm);
+/* numerics.c */
+double **JaMatrixAllocate(long n, long k);
+void JaMatrixFree(double **M, long k);
+short **JaShortMatrixAllocate(long nobs, long nvars);
+void JaShortMatrixFree(double **M, long nobs);
+MATRIX matrix(int nrl, int nrh, int ncl, int nch);
+void nrerror(char error_text[]);
+double *Gvector(int nl, int nh);
+int **imatrix(int nrl, int nrh, int ncl, int nch);
+int *ivector(int nl, int nh);
+void free_vector(double *v, int nl);
+void free_ivector(int *v, int nl);
+void free_matrix(double **m, int nrl, int nrh, int ncl);
+void free_imatrix(int **m, int nrl, int nrh, int ncl);
+/* operators.c file */
+void oper1(VECTOR parent, double **domains, int nvars);
+void oper2(VECTOR parent, double **domains, int nvars);
+void oper3(VECTOR parent, double **domains, int nvars, int T, int t, int B);
+void oper4(MATRIX p, int p2use, int nvars);
+void oper5(VECTOR p1, VECTOR p2, int STEP, double **domains, int nvars);
+void oper6(VECTOR parent, double **domains, int nvars, int T, int t, int B);
+void oper7(VECTOR p1, VECTOR p2, double **domains, int nvars);
+void oper8(SEXP fn, SEXP rho,
+	   VECTOR parent, MATRIX domains, 
+	   double SolutionTolerance, long nvars, 
+	   short BoundaryEnforcement, 
+	   short PrintLevel, double mix);
+void find_range(double *llim, double *ulim, int comp, double **domains, int nvars, VECTOR parent);
+void find_rangeInt(int *llim, int *ulim, int comp, double **domains, int nvars, VECTOR parent);
+int irange_ran(int llim, int ulim);
+double get_F(int T, int t, double y, int B);
+void JaIntegerOper1(VECTOR parent, double **domains, int nvars);
+void JaIntegerOper2(VECTOR parent, double **domains, int nvars);
+void JaIntegerOper3(VECTOR parent, double **domains, int nvars, int T, int t, int B);
+void JaIntegeroper4(MATRIX p, int p2use, int nvars, double **domains);
+void JaIntegerOper5(VECTOR p1, VECTOR p2, int STEP, double **domains, int nvars);
+void JaIntegerOper6(VECTOR parent, double **domains, int nvars, int T, int t, int B);
+void JaIntegerOper7(VECTOR p1, VECTOR p2, double **domains, int nvars);
+FLAG InBounds(VECTOR child, double **domains, int nvars);
+/*print_format.c */
+long ReadPopulation(double **Data, long NewPopSize, long NewVars, FILE *fp, short PrintLevel);
+void print_domains(MATRIX equal, int t_equ, short DataType);
+void print_population(int popsize, int nvars, int generation, int
+		      lexical, double **foo, FILE *out);
diff --git a/src/gradient.cpp b/src/gradient.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0cd25ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gradient.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,870 @@
+  Walter R. Mebane, Jr.
+  Cornell University
+  http://macht.arts.cornell.edu/wrm1
+  <wrm1 at macht.arts.cornell.edu>
+  Jasjeet Singh Sekhon 
+  UC Berkeley
+  http://sekhon.polisci.berkeley.edu
+  <sekhon at berkeley.edu>
+  June 2, 2012
+#include "genoud.h"
+#include "gradient.h"
+double GammaLN(double xx)
+	double cof[6] = {
+						 76.18009173,
+						-86.50532033,
+						 24.01409822,
+						 -1.231739516,
+						  0.12085003E-2,
+						 -0.536382E-5,
+					};
+	double stp  = 2.50662827465;
+	double x, tmp, ser;
+	int j;
+	x = xx - 1.0;
+	tmp = x + 5.5;
+	tmp = (x + 0.5) * log(tmp) - tmp;
+	ser = 1.0;
+	for (j = 0; j < 6; j++)
+	{
+		x	+= 1.0;
+		ser += cof[j] / x;
+	}
+	return tmp + log(stp * ser);
+double VMgamma(double xx)
+	#define PI2 3.141592654
+	if		(xx > 0) return exp(GammaLN(xx));
+	else if (xx < 0) return PI2 / exp(GammaLN(1 - xx)) / sin( PI2 * (1 - xx));
+	else			 return 0;
+  func4g is required by the gradient code.  It takes what is in
+  evaluate() and increments it down by 1
+  NOTE: funco() (which not used here) does not increment evaluate() down by 1.
+  The code internal to the function does this.
+  */
+double func4g(SEXP fn, SEXP rho,
+	      double *X, long nvars, short MinMax, short BoundaryEnforcement, 
+	      double **Domains)
+  double fit;
+  short BoundaryTrigger=0;
+  long i;
+  if (BoundaryEnforcement==2) {
+    for (i=0; i<nvars; i++) {
+      if (X[i] < Domains[(i+1)][1]) {
+	BoundaryTrigger=1;
+	break;
+      }
+      if (X[i] > Domains[(i+1)][3]){
+	BoundaryTrigger=1;
+	break;
+      }
+    }
+    if (BoundaryTrigger > 0) {
+      // *Status=-3;
+      // min
+      if (MinMax==0) return(-1*DOUBLEMAX);
+      //max
+      else return(DOUBLEMAX);
+    }
+  }
+  if (MinMax==0) fit=evaluate(fn, rho, X-1, nvars, MinMax);
+  else fit = -1*evaluate(fn, rho, X-1, nvars, MinMax);
+  return(fit);
+/* replace gradient() body with analytical gradient code, if desired.
+   by default, numerical gradients with the intervals in *optint are used
+   arguments (must be identical in any replacement code):
+   *p, vector of parameters, p[0] is the first parameter;
+   *g, vector that will hold the gradient, allocated by caller,
+       g[0] is the derivative for the first parameter;
+   nparms, the number of parameters, p[nparms-1] is the last parameter.
+void gradient(SEXP fn, SEXP rho,
+	      double *p, double *g, long nparms, short MinMax, short BoundaryEnforcement,
+	      double **Domains)
+  double *wrk;
+  int ndiffs;
+  /* formally declared global in graddata.h */
+  // double *epsacc, *optint, *ihessians;
+  double *epsacc, *optint;
+  optint = (double *) malloc(nparms*sizeof(double));
+  epsacc = (double *) malloc(nparms*sizeof(double));
+  wrk = (double *) malloc(nparms*sizeof(double));
+  ndiffs = 9;  /* order of differences for num grad optimal interval calcs */
+  estoptint(fn, rho, epsacc, optint, nparms, ndiffs, 2, p, func4g, 
+	    MinMax, BoundaryEnforcement, Domains);
+  /* numgradc:  numerical gradient, central-difference */
+  numgradc(fn, rho, epsacc, optint, nparms, p, g, wrk, func4g, MinMax,
+	   BoundaryEnforcement, Domains);
+  free(wrk);
+  free(epsacc);
+  free(optint);
+  return;
+/* numerical gradient, forward-difference */
+/* see Gill, Murray and Wright, 1981, "Practical Optimization," p. 342 */
+/* invals, grads, wrk should point to double w[nparms+1] arrays;
+   func is the function whose gradient is to be evaluated */
+void numgrad(SEXP fn, SEXP rho,
+	     double *epsacc, double *optint,
+	     int nparms, double *invals, double *grads, double *wrk,
+	     double (*func)(SEXP fn, SEXP rho, double *X, int nvars, short int MinMax), 
+	     short MinMax)
+  int i;
+  //  double u, rf, fplus, fminus;
+  double u, fplus, fminus;
+  double epsuse;
+  double duse;
+  /* evaluate func at the input point */
+  u = func(fn, rho, invals, nparms, MinMax);
+  /* copy the parameter values for point at which to evaluate the gradient */
+  for (i=0; i<nparms; i++) wrk[i] = invals[i];
+  /* evaluate the gradient */
+  for (i=0; i<nparms; i++) {
+    epsuse = epsacc[i];
+    duse = optint[i];
+    wrk[i] += duse;
+    grads[i] = (func(fn, rho, wrk, nparms, MinMax) - u) / duse ;
+    /* check the gradient */
+    if (2.0*epsuse / (duse*fabs(grads[i])) > 0.1) { /* switch to central-diff */
+      duse = pow(duse, 2.0/3.0);  /* see GMW p 131 */
+      wrk[i] = invals[i] + duse;
+      fplus = func(fn, rho, wrk, nparms, MinMax);
+      wrk[i] = invals[i] - duse;
+      fminus = func(fn, rho, wrk, nparms, MinMax);
+      grads[i] = (fplus-fminus) * 0.5 / duse ;
+    }
+    wrk[i] = invals[i];
+  }
+/* numerical gradient, central-difference */
+/* see Gill, Murray and Wright, 1981, "Practical Optimization," p. 342 */
+/* invals, grads, wrk should point to double w[nparms+1] arrays;
+   func is the function whose gradient is to be evaluated */
+void numgradc(SEXP fn, SEXP rho,
+	      double *epsacc, double *optint,	      
+	      int nparms, double *invals, double *grads, double *wrk,
+	      double (*func)(SEXP fn, SEXP rho,
+			     double *X, long nvars, short MinMax, 
+			     short BoundaryEnforcement, double **Domains), 
+	      short MinMax, short BoundaryEnforcement, double **Domains)
+  int i;
+  // double u, rf, fplus, fminus;
+  double u, fplus, fminus;
+  double epsuse;
+  double duse;
+  /* evaluate func at the input point */
+  u = func(fn, rho, invals, nparms, MinMax, BoundaryEnforcement, Domains);
+  /* copy the parameter values for point at which to evaluate the gradient */
+  for (i=0; i<nparms; i++) wrk[i] = invals[i];
+  /* evaluate the gradient */
+  for (i=0; i<nparms; i++) {
+    epsuse = epsacc[i];
+    duse = optint[i];
+    duse = pow(duse, 2.0/3.0);  /* see GMW p 131 */
+    wrk[i] = invals[i] + duse;
+    fplus = func(fn, rho, wrk, nparms, MinMax, BoundaryEnforcement, Domains);
+    wrk[i] = invals[i] - duse;
+    fminus = func(fn, rho, wrk, nparms, MinMax, BoundaryEnforcement, Domains);
+    grads[i] = (fplus-fminus) * 0.5 / duse ;
+    wrk[i] = invals[i];
+  }
+/* numerical outer-product of gradient, central-difference */
+/* return pointer to full numerical OPG */
+/*  uses central differences: */
+/*   phi2 = (f(x+hi ei) - f(x-hi ei)) * (f(x+hj ej) - f(x-hj ej)) */
+/* invals, grads, wrk should point to double w[nparms+1] arrays;
+   func is the function whose gradient is to be evaluated */
+double *numopgc(double *epsacc, double *optint,
+		int nparms, int nobs, double *invals, double *opg, double *wrk,
+		int (*func)(double *X, double *outvec))
+  double *outvec, *outplus, *outminus, *outdiff;
+  int i,j,k, idx;
+  int ni = 0;
+  double hi, ih;
+  double phi2, dini;
+  double *hfuse = optint;
+  outvec = (double *) malloc(nobs*sizeof(double));
+  outplus = (double *) malloc(nobs*nparms*sizeof(double));
+  outminus = (double *) malloc(nobs*nparms*sizeof(double));
+  outdiff = (double *) malloc(nobs*nparms*sizeof(double));
+  /* allocate storage for the hessian */
+  opg = (double *) calloc(nparms*nparms,sizeof(double));
+  /* evaluate func at the input point */
+  /* parameters, ooutvec=nobs */
+  /* evaluates the function (i.e., the likelihood) at each observation */
+  func(invals-1, outvec);
+  /* copy the parameter values for point at which to evaluate the gradient */
+  for (i=0; i<nparms; i++) wrk[i] = invals[i];
+  /* evaluate the gradient elements */
+  for (i=0; i<nparms; i++) {
+    hi = pow(hfuse[i], 2.0/3.0);
+    wrk[i] = invals[i] + hi;
+    func(wrk-1, outplus+i*nobs);
+    wrk[i] = invals[i] - hi;
+    func(wrk-1, outminus+i*nobs);
+    wrk[i] = invals[i];
+    ih = 0.5 / hi;
+    for (k=0; k<nobs; k++) {
+      idx = i*nobs+k;
+      outdiff[idx] = (outplus[idx] - outminus[idx]) * ih ;
+    }
+  }
+  for (i=0; i<nparms; i++) {
+    idx = i*nparms;
+    for (j=0; j<=i; j++) {
+      phi2 = 0.0;
+      for (k=0; k<nobs; k++) {
+	phi2 += outdiff[i*nobs+k] * outdiff[j*nobs+k];
+      }
+      opg[i*nparms + j] = phi2;
+      if (i!=j) opg[j*nparms + i] = phi2;
+    }
+  }
+  free(outdiff);
+  free(outminus);
+  free(outplus);
+  free(outvec);
+  return opg;
+/* estimate accuracy */
+/* see Gill, Murray and Wright, 1981, "Practical Optimization," p. 337 */
+double **eaccuracy(SEXP fn, SEXP rho,
+		   int nparms, int ndiffs, double h, double *invals,
+		   double *wrk, 
+		   double (*func)(SEXP fn, SEXP rho,
+				  double *X, long nvars, short MinMax, 
+				  short BoundaryEnforcement, double **Domains), 
+		   short MinMax, short BoundaryEnforcement, double **Domains)
+  double **table;
+  int i,j,k, idx;
+  int nsteps = 1+2*ndiffs, nrows = nparms*nsteps, ncols = ndiffs+1;
+  double u, huse, v;
+  double scale = 2.0*pow(10.0,6.0);
+  /* allocate storage for the table to differences to be returned */
+  table = (double **) malloc(ncols*sizeof(double *));
+  for (i=0; i<ncols; i++)
+    table[i] = (double *) calloc(nrows, sizeof(double));
+  /* evaluate func at the input point */
+  u = func(fn, rho, invals, nparms, MinMax, BoundaryEnforcement, Domains);
+  for (i=0; i<nparms; i++) table[0][i*nsteps] = u;
+  /* copy the parameter values for point at which to evaluate the gradient */
+  for (i=0; i<nparms; i++) wrk[i] = invals[i];
+  /* evaluate the offsets */
+  for (i=0; i<nparms; i++) {
+    /* make sure huse is sufficiently small */
+    v = fabs(invals[i]);
+    huse = h;
+    if (v>EPS*scale) {
+      while (huse > v/scale)
+	huse *= 0.1;
+    }
+    for (j=1; j<nsteps; j++) {
+      wrk[i] += huse;
+      table[0][i*nsteps+j] = func(fn, rho, wrk, nparms, MinMax, BoundaryEnforcement, Domains) ;
+    }
+    wrk[i] = invals[i];
+  }
+  /* compute the differences */
+  for (i=0; i<nparms; i++) {
+    idx = i*nsteps;
+    for (j=0; j<ndiffs; j++) {
+      for (k=0; k<nsteps-j-1; k++) {
+	table[j+1][idx+k] = table[j][idx+k+1] - table[j][idx+k];
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return table;
+/* estimate intervals for use in numerical gradients */
+/* see Gill, Murray and Wright, 1981, "Practical Optimization," p. 343-344 */
+struct estints *algfd(SEXP fn, SEXP rho,
+		      int nparms, double *eps, double *invals, double *wrk,
+		      double (*func)(SEXP fn, SEXP rho,
+				     double *X, long nvars, short MinMax, 
+				     short BoundaryEnforcement, double **Domains), 
+		      short MinMax, short BoundaryEnforcement, double **Domains)
+  struct estints *outstruc;
+  // int i,j,k;
+  int i, k;
+  int K = 20;
+  int errval = 0;
+  double omega = 1.0, eta = 1.0;
+  double u;
+  double hf, hk, hbar, hs, hphi=0;
+  double fplus, fminus, phi, phif, phib, phic, phi2, cf, cb, c2;
+  // double fplus, fminus, phi, phic, phi2, c2;
+  double ef, ebar;
+  /* allocate structure to return */
+  outstruc = (struct estints *) malloc(sizeof(struct estints));
+  outstruc->errors = (int *) calloc(nparms, sizeof(int));
+  outstruc->hf = (double *) calloc(nparms, sizeof(double));
+  outstruc->phi = (double *) calloc(nparms, sizeof(double));
+  outstruc->phic = (double *) calloc(nparms, sizeof(double));
+  outstruc->phi2 = (double *) calloc(nparms, sizeof(double));
+  outstruc->ef = (double *) calloc(nparms, sizeof(double));
+  outstruc->nparms = nparms;
+  /* evaluate func at the input point */
+  u = func(fn, rho, invals, nparms, MinMax, BoundaryEnforcement, Domains);
+  /* copy the parameter values for point at which to evaluate the gradient */
+  for (i=0; i<nparms; i++) wrk[i] = invals[i];
+  for (i=0; i<nparms; i++) {
+    // #ifdef NEVERDEFINED
+  FD1:
+    hbar = 2.0*(eta+fabs(invals[i]))* sqrt(eps[i]/(omega + fabs(u))) ;
+    hk = 10.0 * hbar;
+    k = 0;
+    fdestimates(fn, rho, i, u, invals, wrk, eps[i], hk,
+		&fplus, &fminus, &phif, &phib, &phic, &phi2, &cf, &cb, &c2,
+		func, nparms, MinMax, BoundaryEnforcement, Domains);
+    hs = -1.0;
+  FD2:
+    if ((cf>cb ? cf : cb) <= 0.1) hs = hk;
+    if (0.001 <= c2 && c2 <= 0.1) {
+      hphi = hk;
+      goto FD5;
+    }
+    if (0.001 > c2) goto FD4;
+  FD3:
+    do {
+      k++;
+      hk *= 10.0;
+      fdestimates(fn, rho, i, u, invals, wrk, eps[i], hk,
+		  &fplus, &fminus, &phif, &phib, &phic, &phi2, &cf, &cb, &c2,
+		  func, nparms, MinMax, BoundaryEnforcement, Domains);
+      if (hs<0 && ((cf>cb ? cf : cb) <= 0.1)) hs = hk;
+      if (c2 <= 0.1) {
+	hphi = hk;
+	goto FD5;
+      }
+    } while (k<K);
+    if (k==K) goto FD6;
+  FD4:
+    do {
+      k++;
+      hk /= 10.0;
+      fdestimates(fn, rho, i, u, invals, wrk, eps[i], hk,
+		  &fplus, &fminus, &phif, &phib, &phic, &phi2, &cf, &cb, &c2,
+		  func, nparms, MinMax, BoundaryEnforcement, Domains);
+      if (c2 > 0.1) {
+	hphi = hk * 10.0;
+	goto FD5;
+      }
+      if ((cf>cb ? cf : cb) <= 0.1) hs = hk;
+      if (0.001 <= c2 && c2 <= 0.1) {
+	hphi = hk;
+	goto FD5;
+      }
+    } while (k<K);
+    if (k==K) goto FD6;
+  FD5:
+    hf = 2.0*sqrt(eps[i]/fabs(phi2));
+    wrk[i] = invals[i] + hf;
+    fplus = func(fn, rho, wrk, nparms, MinMax, BoundaryEnforcement, Domains);
+    phi = (fplus-u)/hf;
+    wrk[i] = invals[i] + hphi;
+    fplus = func(fn, rho, wrk, nparms, MinMax, BoundaryEnforcement, Domains);
+    wrk[i] = invals[i] - hphi;
+    fminus = func(fn, rho, wrk, nparms, MinMax, BoundaryEnforcement, Domains);
+    wrk[i] = invals[i];
+    phic = (fplus-fminus)/(2.0*hphi);
+    ef = hf*fabs(phi2)*0.5 + 2.0*eps[i]/hf ;
+    ebar = fabs(phi-phic);
+    outstruc->hf[i] = hf;
+    outstruc->phi[i] = phi;
+    outstruc->phic[i] = phic;
+    outstruc->phi2[i] = phi2;
+    outstruc->ef[i] = ef;
+    if ((ef>ebar ? ef : ebar) <= 0.5*fabs(phi)) {
+      outstruc->errors[i] = 0;
+    }
+    else
+      outstruc->errors[i] = 1;
+    continue;
+  FD6:
+    if (hs<0) {
+      hf = hbar;
+      phi = phi2 = ef = 0.0;
+      errval = 2;
+    }
+    else if (hs > 0 && c2 > 0.1) {
+      hf = hs;
+      wrk[i] = invals[i] + hf;
+      fplus = func(fn, rho, wrk, nparms, MinMax, BoundaryEnforcement, Domains);
+      wrk[i] = invals[i];
+      phi = (fplus-u)/hf;
+      phi2 = 0.0;
+      ef = 2.0*eps[i]/hf ;
+      errval = 3;
+    }
+    else {
+      hf = hk;
+      wrk[i] = invals[i] + hf;
+      fplus = func(fn, rho, wrk, nparms, MinMax, BoundaryEnforcement, Domains);
+      phi = (fplus-u)/hf;
+      wrk[i] = invals[i] - hf;
+      fminus = func(fn, rho, wrk, nparms, MinMax, BoundaryEnforcement, Domains);
+      wrk[i] = invals[i];
+      phic = (fplus-fminus)/(2.0*hf);
+      ef = hf*fabs(phi2)*0.5 + 2.0*eps[i]/hf ;
+      errval = 4;
+    }
+    outstruc->hf[i] = hf;
+    outstruc->phi[i] = phi;
+    outstruc->phic[i] = phic;
+    outstruc->phi2[i] = phi2;
+    outstruc->ef[i] = ef;
+    outstruc->errors[i] = errval;
+    // #endif
+  }
+  return outstruc;
+void fdestimates(SEXP fn, SEXP rho,
+		 int parm, double fvalue, double *invals, double *wrk,
+		 double eps, double h,
+		 double *fplus, double *fminus,
+		 double *phif, double *phib, double *phic, double *phi2,
+		 double *cf, double *cb, double *c2,
+		 double (*func)(SEXP fn, SEXP rho,
+				double *X, long nvars, short MinMax, 
+				short BoundaryEnforcement, double **Domains), 
+		 int nparms, short MinMax, short BoundaryEnforcement, double **Domains)
+  double ih = 1.0/h;
+  wrk[parm] = invals[parm] + h;
+  *fplus = func(fn, rho, wrk, nparms, MinMax, BoundaryEnforcement, Domains);
+  wrk[parm] = invals[parm] - h;
+  *fminus = func(fn, rho, wrk, nparms, MinMax, BoundaryEnforcement, Domains);
+  wrk[parm] = invals[parm];
+  *phif = (*fplus-fvalue) * ih;
+  *phib = (fvalue-*fminus) * ih;
+  *phic = (*fplus-*fminus) * 0.5 * ih;
+  *phi2 = (*phif-*phib) * ih;
+  *cf = 2.0*eps*ih/fabs(*phif);
+  *cb = 2.0*eps*ih/fabs(*phib);
+  *c2 = 4.0*eps*ih*ih/fabs(*phi2);
+/* put strict lower triangle of numerical hessian into instruc->hessian */
+/* instruc should have been set by algfd */
+struct estints *numhessian(struct estints *instruc, double *invals, double *wrk,
+			   double (*func)(double *))
+  int nparms;
+  double *fplusi = NULL;
+  int i,j;
+  double hi, hj, ih, jh;
+  double fvalue, fplus, phi2;
+  nparms = instruc->nparms;
+  fplusi = (double *) malloc(nparms*sizeof(double));
+  /* allocate storage for the hessian */
+  instruc->hessian = (double *) calloc((nparms*(nparms+1))/2,sizeof(double));
+  /* evaluate func at the input point */
+  fvalue = func(invals);
+  /* copy the parameter values for point at which to evaluate the gradient */
+  for (i=0; i<nparms; i++) wrk[i] = invals[i];
+  for (i=0; i<nparms; i++) {
+    wrk[i] = invals[i] + instruc->hf[i];
+    fplusi[i] = func(wrk);
+    wrk[i] = invals[i];
+  }
+  for (i=1; i<nparms; i++) {
+    hi = instruc->hf[i];
+    ih = 1.0/hi;
+    wrk[i] = invals[i] + hi;
+    for (j=0; j<i; j++) {
+      hj = instruc->hf[j];
+      jh = 1.0/hj;
+      wrk[j] = invals[j] + hj;
+      fplus = func(wrk);
+      wrk[j] = invals[j];
+      phi2 = (fplus - fplusi[i] - fplusi[j] + fvalue) * ih * jh;
+      instruc->hessian[(i*(i-1))/2 + j] = phi2;
+    }
+    wrk[i] = invals[i];
+  }
+  free(fplusi);
+  return instruc;
+/* put strict lower triangle of numerical hessian into instruc->hessian */
+/*  uses central differences: */
+/*   phi2 =
+       f(x+hj ej+hi ei) - f(x+hj ej-hi ei) - f(x-hj ej+hi ei) + f(x-hj ej-hi ei) */
+/* instruc should have been set by algfd */
+struct estints *numhessianc(SEXP fn, SEXP rho,
+			    struct estints *instruc, double *invals, double *wrk,
+			    double (*func)(SEXP fn, SEXP rho,
+					   double *X, long nvars, short MinMax, 
+					   short BoundaryEnforcement, double **Domains), 
+			    short MinMax, short BoundaryEnforcement, double **Domains)
+  int nparms;
+  int nelems;
+  double *fplusi;
+  double *fminusi;
+  double *fppi;
+  double *fpmi;
+  double *fmmi;
+  int i,j, idx;
+  double hi, hj, ih, jh;
+  // double fvalue, fplus, fminus, phi2;
+  double fvalue, phi2;
+  nparms = instruc->nparms;
+  nelems = (nparms*(nparms-1))/2;
+  fplusi = (double *) malloc(nparms*sizeof(double));
+  fminusi = (double *) malloc(nparms*sizeof(double));
+  fppi = (double *) malloc(nelems*sizeof(double));
+  fpmi = (double *) malloc(nparms*nparms*sizeof(double));
+  fmmi = (double *) malloc(nelems*sizeof(double));
+  /* allocate storage for the hessian */
+  instruc->hessian = (double *) calloc(nelems,sizeof(double));
+  /* evaluate func at the input point */
+  fvalue = func(fn, rho, invals, nparms, MinMax, BoundaryEnforcement, Domains);
+  /* copy the parameter values for point at which to evaluate the gradient */
+  for (i=0; i<nparms; i++) wrk[i] = invals[i];
+  for (i=0; i<nparms; i++) {
+    hi = pow(instruc->hf[i], 2.0/3.0);
+    idx = (i*(i-1))/2;
+    wrk[i] = invals[i] + 2.0*hi;
+    fplusi[i] = func(fn, rho, wrk, nparms, MinMax, BoundaryEnforcement, Domains);
+    wrk[i] = invals[i] - 2.0*hi;
+    fminusi[i] = func(fn, rho, wrk, nparms, MinMax, BoundaryEnforcement, Domains);
+    for (j=0; j<i; j++) {
+      hj = pow(instruc->hf[j], 2.0/3.0);
+      wrk[i] = invals[i] + hi;
+      wrk[j] = invals[j] + hj;
+      fppi[idx + j] = func(fn, rho, wrk, nparms, MinMax, BoundaryEnforcement, Domains);
+      wrk[i] = invals[i] + hi;
+      wrk[j] = invals[j] - hj;
+      fpmi[i*nparms + j] = func(fn, rho, wrk, nparms, MinMax, BoundaryEnforcement, Domains);
+      wrk[i] = invals[i] - hi;
+      wrk[j] = invals[j] + hj;
+      fpmi[j*nparms + i] = func(fn, rho, wrk, nparms, MinMax, BoundaryEnforcement, Domains);
+      wrk[i] = invals[i] - hi;
+      wrk[j] = invals[j] - hj;
+      fmmi[idx + j] = func(fn, rho, wrk, nparms, MinMax, BoundaryEnforcement, Domains);
+      wrk[j] = invals[j];
+    }
+    wrk[i] = invals[i];
+  }
+  for (i=0; i<nparms; i++) {
+    hi = pow(instruc->hf[i], 2.0/3.0);
+    ih = 1.0/hi;
+    idx = (i*(i-1))/2;
+    phi2 = (fplusi[i] - 2.0*fvalue + fminusi[i]) * ih * ih * 0.25;
+    instruc->phi2[i] = phi2;
+    for (j=0; j<i; j++) {
+      hj = pow(instruc->hf[j], 2.0/3.0);
+      jh = 1.0/hj;
+      phi2 = (fppi[idx+j] - fpmi[j*nparms+i] - fpmi[i*nparms+j] + fmmi[idx+j])
+	* ih * jh * 0.25;
+      instruc->hessian[idx + j] = phi2;
+    }
+  }
+  free(fmmi);
+  free(fpmi);
+  free(fppi);
+  free(fplusi);
+  return instruc;
+void estoptint(SEXP fn, SEXP rho,
+	       double *epsacc, double *optint,
+	       int nparms, int ndiffs, int pflag, double *invals,
+	       double (*func)(SEXP fn, SEXP rho,
+			      double *X, long nvars, short MinMax, short BoundaryEnforcement,
+			      double **Domains), 
+	       short MinMax, short BoundaryEnforcement, double **Domains) 
+  double *wrk;
+  int i,j,k;
+  // int nsteps=1+2*ndiffs, nrows=nparms*nsteps, ncols=ndiffs+1;
+  int nsteps=1+2*ndiffs;
+  double h, beta, dwrk;
+  double **table;
+  struct estints *estructure;
+  wrk = (double *) malloc(nparms*(ndiffs+1)*sizeof(double));
+  h = 0.0000002;
+  table = eaccuracy(fn, rho, nparms, ndiffs, h, invals, wrk, func, MinMax,
+		    BoundaryEnforcement, Domains);
+  for (i=0; i<nparms*ndiffs; i++) wrk[i] = 0.0;
+  for (i=0; i<nparms; i++) {
+    for (j=0; j<ndiffs; j++) {
+      for (k=1; k<=ndiffs; k++) {
+	/* find largest difference of each order for each parm */
+	dwrk = fabs(table[j+1][i*nsteps+k]);
+	if (wrk[i*ndiffs+j] < dwrk) wrk[i*ndiffs+j] = dwrk;
+      }
+      beta = sqrt(VMgamma(1.0+2.0*(1.0+(double)j))/pow(VMgamma(2.0+(double)j),2.0));
+      wrk[i*ndiffs+j] /= beta;
+    }
+  }
+  /* put estimates for highest difference order into epsacc */
+  for (i=0; i<nparms; i++) {
+    dwrk = wrk[i*ndiffs+ndiffs-1];
+    /* make sure epsacc values >= EPS */
+    epsacc[i] = (dwrk > EPS ? dwrk : EPS) ; 
+  }
+  Rprintf("accuracy estimates:\n");
+  for (i=0; i<nparms; i++) {
+    Rprintf("parm = %d\n", i+1);
+    for (j=0; j<ndiffs; j++) {
+      Rprintf(" %14.7e", wrk[i*ndiffs+j]);
+    }
+    Rprintf("\n");
+  }
+  Rprintf("difference table:\n");
+  for (i=0; i<nparms; i++) {
+    Rprintf("parm = %d\n", i+1);
+    for (j=0; j<=ndiffs; j++) {
+      for (k=0; k<=ndiffs; k++) {
+	Rprintf(" %14.7e", table[j][i*nsteps+k]);
+      }
+      Rprintf("\n");
+    }
+  }
+  estructure = algfd(fn, rho, nparms, epsacc, invals, wrk, func, MinMax, 
+		     BoundaryEnforcement, Domains);
+  if (pflag==1) {
+    Rprintf("err   interval          f'                fc'               f''               errorbound\n");
+    for (i=0; i<nparms; i++) {
+      Rprintf(" %d  ", estructure->errors[i]);
+      Rprintf(" %17.10e", estructure->hf[i]);
+      Rprintf(" %17.10e", estructure->phi[i]);
+      Rprintf(" %17.10e", estructure->phic[i]);
+      Rprintf(" %17.10e", estructure->phi2[i]);
+      Rprintf(" %17.10e", estructure->ef[i]);
+      Rprintf("\n");
+    }
+  }
+  /* put estimates for optimal interval into optint */
+  for (i=0; i<nparms; i++) {
+    optint[i] = estructure->hf[i];
+  }
+  free(table);
+  free(wrk);
+  /* free the estructure */
+  free(estructure->errors);
+  free(estructure->hf);
+  free(estructure->phi);
+  free(estructure->phic);
+  free(estructure->phi2);
+  free(estructure->ef);
+  free(estructure);
+void dohessians(SEXP fn, SEXP rho,
+		double *epsacc, 
+		int nparms, int nobs, int ndiffs, double *invals,
+		double (*func)(SEXP fn, SEXP rho,
+			       double *X, long nvars, short MinMax, 
+			       short BoundaryEnforcment, double **Domains), 
+		double (*funco)(double *, double *),
+		short MinMax, short BoundaryEnforcement, double **Domains)
+  double *wrk;
+  int i,j;
+  // int nsteps=1+2*ndiffs, nrows=nparms*nsteps, ncols=ndiffs+1;
+  // int nsteps=1+2*ndiffs;
+  struct estints *estructure;
+  // double *opg;
+  wrk = (double *) malloc(nparms*(ndiffs+1)*sizeof(double));
+  estructure = algfd(fn, rho, nparms, epsacc, invals, wrk, func, MinMax, 
+		     BoundaryEnforcement, Domains);
+  /* numerical hessian, using forward differences for off-diagonal elements */
+  numhessian(estructure, invals, wrk, func);
+  Rprintf("numerical hessian, forward differences:\n");
+  for (i=0; i<nparms; i++) {
+    for (j=0; j<nparms; j++) {
+      if (i==j)
+	Rprintf(" %19.12e", estructure->phi2[i] / 2.0);
+      else if (i>j)
+	Rprintf(" %19.12e", estructure->hessian[(i*(i-1))/2 + j] / 2.0);
+      else if (j>i)
+	Rprintf(" %19.12e", estructure->hessian[(j*(j-1))/2 + i] / 2.0);
+    }
+    Rprintf("\n");
+  }
+  /* fflush(stdout); */
+  /* numerical hessian, using central differences */
+  numhessianc(fn, rho, estructure, invals, wrk, func, MinMax, BoundaryEnforcement, 
+	      Domains);
+  Rprintf("numerical hessian, central differences:\n");
+  for (i=0; i<nparms; i++) {
+    for (j=0; j<nparms; j++) {
+      if (i==j)
+	Rprintf(" %19.12e", estructure->phi2[i] / 2.0);
+      else if (i>j)
+	Rprintf(" %19.12e", estructure->hessian[(i*(i-1))/2 + j] / 2.0);
+      else if (j>i)
+	Rprintf(" %19.12e", estructure->hessian[(j*(j-1))/2 + i] / 2.0);
+    }
+    Rprintf("\n");
+  }
+  /* fflush(stdout); */
+  /* numerical outer product of gradients, using central differences */
+  if (funco != NULL) {
+    opg = numopgc(nparms, nobs, invals, opg, wrk, funco);
+    Rprintf("numerical outer product of gradients, central differences:\n");
+    for (i=0; i<nparms; i++) {
+      for (j=0; j<nparms; j++)
+	Rprintf(" %19.12e", opg[i*nparms+j] / 2.0);
+      Rprintf("\n");
+    }
+    /* fflush(stdout); */
+  }
+  free(wrk);
diff --git a/src/gradient.h b/src/gradient.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54f4849
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gradient.h
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+  Walter R. Mebane, Jr.
+  Cornell University
+  http://macht.arts.cornell.edu/wrm1
+  <wrm1 at macht.arts.cornell.edu>
+  Jasjeet Singh Sekhon 
+  UC Berkeley
+  http://sekhon.polisci.berkeley.edu
+  <sekhon at berkeley.edu>
+  $Header: /home/jsekhon/xchg/genoud/rgenoud.distribution/sources/RCS/gradient.h,v 2.15 2005/10/29 06:14:44 jsekhon Exp jsekhon $
+#define EPS 0.000000000000001   /* machine precision */
+void gradient(SEXP fn, SEXP rho,
+	      double *p, double *g, long nparms, short MinMax, short BoundaryEnforcement,
+	      double **Domains);
+double func4g(SEXP fn, SEXP rho,
+	      double *X, long nvars, short MinMax, short BoundaryEnforcement, 
+	      double **Domains);
+void numgrad(SEXP fn, SEXP rho,
+	     double *epsacc, double *optint,
+	     int nparms, double *invals, double *grads, double *wrk,
+	     double (*func)(SEXP fn, SEXP rho,
+			     double *X, int nvars, short int MinMax), 
+	     short MinMax);
+void numgradc(SEXP fn, SEXP rho,
+	      double *epsacc, double *optint,	      
+	      int nparms, double *invals, double *grads, double *wrk,
+	      double (*func)(SEXP fn, SEXP rho,
+			     double *X, long nvars, short MinMax, 
+			     short BoundaryEnforcement, double **Domains), 
+	      short MinMax, short BoundaryEnforcement, double **Domains);
+extern double *numopgc(double *epsacc, double *optint,
+		int nparms, int nobs, double *invals, double *opg, double *wrk,
+		int (*func)(double *X, double *outvec));
+double **eaccuracy(SEXP fn, SEXP rho,
+		   int nparms, int ndiffs, double h, double *invals,
+		   double *wrk, 
+		   double (*func)(SEXP fn, SEXP rho,
+				  double *X, long nvars, short MinMax, 
+				  short BoundaryEnforcement, double **Domains), 
+		   short MinMax, short BoundaryEnforcement, double **Domains);
+struct estints {
+  int nparms;
+  int *errors;  /* 0 == OK, >=1 == error */
+  double
+    *hf,   /* interval */
+    *phi,  /* f' (first derivative) */
+    *phic,  /* f' (first derivative, central-difference) */
+    *phi2, /* f'' (second derivative) */
+    *ef,   /* error bound */
+    *hessian;  /* hessian matrix (lower triangle) */
+struct estints *algfd(SEXP fn, SEXP rho,
+		      int nparms, double *eps, double *invals, double *wrk,
+		      double (*func)(SEXP fn, SEXP rho,
+				     double *X, long nvars, short MinMax, 
+				     short BoundaryEnforcement, double **Domains), 
+		      short MinMax, short BoundaryEnforcement, double **Domains);
+void fdestimates(SEXP fn, SEXP rho,
+		 int parm, double fvalue, double *invals, double *wrk,
+		 double eps, double h,
+		 double *fplus, double *fminus,
+		 double *phif, double *phib, double *phic, double *phi2,
+		 double *cf, double *cb, double *c2,
+		 double (*func)(SEXP fn, SEXP rho,
+				double *X, long nvars, short MinMax, 
+				short BoundaryEnforcement, double **Domains), 
+		 int nparms, short MinMax, short BoundaryEnforcement, double **Domains);
+struct estints *numhessian(struct estints *instruc, double *invals, double *wrk,
+			   double (*func)(double *));
+struct estints *numhessianc(SEXP fn, SEXP rho,
+			    struct estints *instruc, double *invals, double *wrk,
+			    double (*func)(SEXP fn, SEXP rho,
+					   double *X, long nvars, short MinMax, 
+					   short BoundaryEnforcement, double **Domains), 
+			    short MinMax, short BoundaryEnforcement, double **Domains);
+void estoptint(SEXP fn, SEXP rho,
+	       double *epsacc, double *optint,
+	       int nparms, int ndiffs, int pflag, double *invals,
+	       double (*func)(SEXP fn, SEXP rho,
+			      double *X, long nvars, short MinMax, short BoundaryEnforcement,
+			      double **Domains), 
+	       short MinMax, short BoundaryEnforcement, double **Domains);
+void dohessians(SEXP fn, SEXP rho,
+		double *epsacc, 
+		int nparms, int nobs, int ndiffs, double *invals,
+		double (*func)(SEXP fn, SEXP rho,
+			       double *X, long nvars, short MinMax, 
+			       short BoundaryEnforcment, double **Domains), 
+		double (*funco)(double *, double *),
+		short MinMax, short BoundaryEnforcement, double **Domains);
diff --git a/src/math.cpp b/src/math.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b3e61c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/math.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+  Walter R. Mebane, Jr.
+  Cornell University
+  http://macht.arts.cornell.edu/wrm1
+  <wrm1 at macht.arts.cornell.edu>
+  Jasjeet Singh Sekhon 
+  UC Berkeley
+  http://sekhon.polisci.berkeley.edu
+  <sekhon at berkeley.edu>
+  June 3, 2012
+#include "genoud.h"
+void add(double *in1, double *in2, double
+         *out, int row, int col) 
+{ int i, j, idx;
+  for (i=0;i<row;i++) {
+    for (j=0;j<col;j++) {
+        idx=M(i,j,col);
+        out[idx]=in1[idx]+in2[idx];
+      }
+  }
+void copy(double *in, double *target, int row, int col)
+  int i, j, idx;
+  for (i=0;i<row;i++) {
+    for (j=0;j<col;j++) {
+        idx=M(i,j,col);
+        target[idx]=in[idx];
+      }
+  }
+void multi(double *in1, double *in2, double *out,
+	   int row1, int col1, int row2, int col2, int outrowcol[2],
+	   FILE *output)
+  int oi, oj, i;
+if (col1!=row2) {
+  error("The matrices are not conformable for muliplication\n");
+for (oi=0;oi<outrowcol[0];oi++) {
+  for (oj=0;oj<outrowcol[1];oj++) {
+    out[M(oi,oj,outrowcol[1])] = 0.0;
+  }
+for (oi=0;oi<outrowcol[0];oi++) {
+   for (oj=0;oj<outrowcol[1];oj++) {
+       for (i=0;i<col1;i++) {
+                out[M(oi,oj,outrowcol[1])] += in1[M(oi,i,col1)]*in2[M(i,oj,col2)];
+        }
+    }
+} /* end of multi.c */
+void scalarmulti(double scalar, double *in1, double *out, int row, int col) 
+  int i, j, idx;
+  for (i=0;i<row;i++) {
+    for (j=0;j<col;j++) {
+        idx=M(i,j,col);
+        out[idx]=scalar*in1[idx];
+      }
+  }
+void scalarmultioffdiag(double scalar, double *in1, double *out, int row, int col) 
+  int i, j, idx;
+  for (i=0;i<row;i++) {
+    for (j=0;j<col;j++) {
+      idx=M(i,j,col);
+      if (i==j)
+	out[idx] = in1[idx];
+      else
+	out[idx] = scalar*in1[idx];
+    }
+  }
+void subtract(double *in1, double *in2,
+         double *out, int row, int col) { int i, j, idx;
+  for (i=0;i<row;i++) {
+    for (j=0;j<col;j++) {
+        idx=M(i,j,col);
+        out[idx]=in1[idx]-in2[idx];
+      }
+  }
+double trace(double *a, int n)
+int i;
+double  out;
+ for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
+     out += a[M(i,i,n)];
+ return out;
+void transpose(double *orig_matrix,
+	       double *t_matrix,
+	       int orig_rows, int orig_columns) 
+  int i, j, idx, t_idx;
+  for(i=0;i<orig_rows;i++) {
+    for(j=0;j<orig_columns;j++) {
+      idx = M(i,j,orig_columns);
+      t_idx = M(j,i,orig_rows);
+      t_matrix[t_idx]=orig_matrix[idx];
+    }
+  }
+} /* end transpose */
+void copy_matrix(MATRIX mat1, MATRIX mat2, int lr, int ur, int lc, int uc)
+     /*
+       int lr,ur,lc,uc;
+       MATRIX mat1,mat2;
+     */
+  int i,j;
+  for(i=lr; i<=ur; i++)
+    for(j=lc; j<=uc; j++)
+      mat2[i][j] = mat1[i][j];
+/* this rounds a double to the closest integer */
+int Iround(double in)
+  double ip, frac;
+  frac = modf(in, &ip);
+  if (frac < 0.5) return( (int) ip);
+  else return( (int) ip+ (int) 1.0);
+/* This function computs some sample statistics */
+void samplestats(double **obsdata, int numobsv, int novarsv, int weightflag, 
+		 double *weightdata, FILE *output)
+  double *mean, *var, *skew, *kur;
+  double *rmu, *rvar, *rskew, *rkur;
+  int i, j, maxnovars, nobs, nvars;
+  double sum[4], x1, x2, wsum, iwsum;
+  double dinobs;
+  maxnovars = novarsv;
+  mean = (double *) malloc((size_t) maxnovars*sizeof(double));
+  var = (double *) malloc((size_t) maxnovars*sizeof(double));
+  skew = (double *) malloc((size_t) maxnovars*sizeof(double));
+  kur = (double *) malloc((size_t) maxnovars*sizeof(double));
+  rmu = (double *) malloc((size_t) maxnovars*sizeof(double));
+  rvar = (double *) malloc((size_t) maxnovars*sizeof(double));
+  rskew = (double *) malloc((size_t) maxnovars*sizeof(double));
+  rkur = (double *) malloc((size_t) maxnovars*sizeof(double));
+  nobs = numobsv;
+  nvars = novarsv;
+  dinobs = 1.0 / nobs;
+  if (weightflag==0) {
+    for (j=0; j<nvars; j++) {
+      sum[0] = 0.0;
+      for (i=0; i<nobs; i++) {
+	sum[0] += obsdata[i][j];
+      }
+      sum[0] *= dinobs;
+      sum[1] = 0.0; sum[2] = 0.0; sum[3] = 0.0;
+      for (i=0; i<nobs; i++) {
+	x1 = obsdata[i][j] - sum[0];
+	x2 = x1*x1;
+	sum[1] += x2;
+	x2 *= x1;
+	sum[2] += x2;
+	x2 *= x1;
+	sum[3] += x2;
+      }
+      rmu[j] = sum[0];
+      rvar[j] = sum[1] * dinobs;
+      rskew[j] = sum[2] * dinobs;
+      rkur[j] = sum[3] * dinobs;
+    }
+    for (j=0; j<nvars; j++) {
+      mean[j] = rmu[j];
+      x1 = rvar[j] ;
+      var[j] = x1;
+      x2 = 1.0 / (x1*x1) ;
+      kur[j] = rkur[j] * x2;
+      skew[j] = rskew[j] * sqrt(x2/x1);
+      Rprintf("var %d:\n", j+1);
+      Rprintf("sample mean = %f\n", mean[j]);
+      Rprintf("sample var = %f\n", var[j]);
+      Rprintf("sample skewness = %f\n", skew[j]);
+      Rprintf("sample kurtosis = %f\n", kur[j]);
+    }
+  }
+  else if (weightflag==1) {
+    for (wsum = 0.0, i=0; i<nobs; i++) wsum += weightdata[i];
+    iwsum = 1.0/wsum;
+    for (j=0; j<nvars; j++) {
+      sum[0] = 0.0;
+      for (i=0; i<nobs; i++) {
+	sum[0] += obsdata[i][j] * weightdata[i];
+      }
+      sum[0] *= iwsum;
+      sum[1] = 0.0; sum[2] = 0.0; sum[3] = 0.0;
+      for (i=0; i<nobs; i++) {
+	x1 = obsdata[i][j] - sum[0];
+	x2 = x1*x1;
+	sum[1] += x2 * weightdata[i];
+	x2 *= x1;
+	sum[2] += x2 * weightdata[i];
+	x2 *= x1;
+	sum[3] += x2 * weightdata[i];
+      }
+      rmu[j] = sum[0];
+      rvar[j] = sum[1] * iwsum;
+      rskew[j] = sum[2] * iwsum;
+      rkur[j] = sum[3] * iwsum;
+    }
+    for (j=0; j<nvars; j++) {
+      mean[j] = rmu[j];
+      x1 = rvar[j] ;
+      var[j] = x1;
+      x2 = 1.0 / (x1*x1) ;
+      kur[j] = rkur[j] * x2;
+	skew[j] = rskew[j] * sqrt(x2/x1);
+	Rprintf("var %d:\n", j+1);
+	Rprintf("sample mean = %f\n", mean[j]);
+	Rprintf("sample var = %f\n", var[j]);
+	Rprintf("sample skewness = %f\n", skew[j]);
+	Rprintf("sample kurtosis = %f\n", kur[j]);
+      }
+  }
+  /* free data and work storage */
+  free(rkur);
+  free(rskew);
+  free(rvar);
+  free(rmu);
+  free(kur);
+  free(skew);
+  free(var);
+  free(mean);
+/* This function computs some sample statistics for the population matrix */
+void populationstats(double **popdata, int numobsv, int novarsv, 
+		     double *mean, double *var, double *skew, double *kur,
+		     long *tobs)
+  double *rvar, *rskew, *rkur;
+  long i, j, maxnovars, nobs, nvars;
+  double sum[4], x1, x2;
+  double dinobs;
+  maxnovars = novarsv+1;
+  rvar = (double *) malloc(maxnovars*sizeof(double));
+  rskew = (double *) malloc(maxnovars*sizeof(double));
+  rkur = (double *) malloc(maxnovars*sizeof(double));
+  nobs = numobsv;
+  nvars = novarsv;
+  dinobs = 1.0 / nobs;
+  for (j=0; j<=nvars; j++) {
+    tobs[j] = nobs;
+    sum[0] = 0.0;
+    for (i=1; i<=nobs; i++) {
+      if (popdata[i][j] > DOUBLEMAX) {
+	tobs[j]=tobs[j]-1;
+	}
+      if (popdata[i][j] < -1*DOUBLEMAX) {
+	tobs[j]=tobs[j]-1;
+      }
+      else sum[0] += popdata[i][j];
+    }
+    dinobs = 1.0/tobs[j]; 
+    sum[0] *= dinobs; 
+    sum[1] = 0.0; sum[2] = 0.0; sum[3] = 0.0;
+    for (i=1; i<=nobs; i++) {
+      if ( (popdata[i][j] < DOUBLEMAX) && (popdata[i][j] > -1*DOUBLEMAX) )
+	{
+	  x1 = popdata[i][j] - sum[0];
+	  x2 = x1*x1;
+	  sum[1] += x2;
+	  x2 *= x1;
+	  sum[2] += x2;
+	  x2 *= x1;
+	  sum[3] += x2;
+	} /* end of if */
+    } /* end of i loop */
+      mean[j] = sum[0];
+      rvar[j] = sum[1] * dinobs;
+      rskew[j] = sum[2] * dinobs;
+      rkur[j] = sum[3] * dinobs;
+  } /* end of j loop */
+  for (j=0; j<=nvars; j++) {
+    x1 = rvar[j] ;
+    var[j] = x1;
+    x2 = 1.0 / (x1*x1) ;
+    kur[j] = rkur[j] * x2;
+    skew[j] = rskew[j] * sqrt(x2/x1);
+  }
+  /* free data and work storage */
+  free(rkur); 
+  free(rskew);
+  free(rvar);
diff --git a/src/multiply.cpp b/src/multiply.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9275397
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/multiply.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+  Walter R. Mebane, Jr.
+  Cornell University
+  http://macht.arts.cornell.edu/wrm1
+  <wrm1 at macht.arts.cornell.edu>
+  Jasjeet Singh Sekhon 
+  UC Berkeley
+  http://sekhon.polisci.berkeley.edu
+  <sekhon at berkeley.edu>
+  $Header: /home/jsekhon/xchg/genoud/rgenoud.distribution/sources/RCS/multiply.cpp,v 2.15 2005/10/29 06:14:44 jsekhon Exp jsekhon $
+#include "genoud.h"
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   mmprod()                                     */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           SYNOPSIS          :   void mmprod(m,nm,n,mul_cm,mul_am,mul_bm)     */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           DESCRIPTION       :   This function finds the product of two       */
+/*                                  double matrices                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTIONS CALLED  :   None                                         */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           CALLING FUNCITONS :   find_org_in_eq(),                            */
+/*                                 main().                                      */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           REV            DATE            BY           DESCRIPTION            */
+/*           ---            ----            --           -----------            */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+void mmprod(int m, int nm, int n, MATRIX mul_cm, MATRIX mul_am, MATRIX mul_bm)
+     /*
+       int m,      row of mul_am matrix
+       nm,         column of mul_am and row of mul_bm matrices
+       n;          row of mul_bm matrix
+       MATRIX mul_cm,   the final matrix
+       mul_am,          the first matrix to be multiplied
+       mul_bm;          the second matrix to be multiplied
+     */
+ int i,j,k;       /*counter variables, where i=m, j=nm, k=n*/
+ for(i= 1; i<=m; i++)
+  for(j = 1; j<=n; j++)
+   {
+     mul_cm[i][j] = 0.0;
+     for (k= 1;k<nm+1;k++)
+       mul_cm[i][j] = mul_am[i][k]*mul_bm[k][j]  + mul_cm[i][j];
+    }
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   mvprod()                                     */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           SYNOPSIS          :   void mvprod(m,nm,cm,am,bm)                   */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           DESCRIPTION       :   This function finds the product of a double   */
+/*                                  vector and a double matrix                   */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTIONS CALLED  :   None                                         */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           CALLING FUNCITONS :   find_org_in_eq(),                            */
+/*                                 main().                                      */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           REV            DATE            BY           DESCRIPTION            */
+/*           ---            ----            --           -----------            */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+void mvprod(int m, int nm, VECTOR cm, MATRIX am, VECTOR bm)
+     /*
+       int m,     row of matrix am and length of vector cm
+       nm;        column of matrix am
+       VECTOR cm,  the final vector
+       bm;         original vector
+       MATRIX am;  original matrix
+     */
+int i,k;    /*counter variables, where i=m, k=nm*/
+ for (i = 1; i<=m; i++)
+  {
+   cm[i]=0.0;
+   for (k = 1; k<=nm; k++)
+    cm[i] = cm[i] + am[i][k]*bm[k];
+  }
diff --git a/src/numerics.cpp b/src/numerics.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42b0cd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/numerics.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+  Walter R. Mebane, Jr.
+  Cornell University
+  http://macht.arts.cornell.edu/wrm1
+  <wrm1 at macht.arts.cornell.edu>
+  Jasjeet Singh Sekhon 
+  UC Berkeley
+  http://sekhon.polisci.berkeley.edu
+  <sekhon at berkeley.edu>
+  June 2, 2012
+#include "genoud.h"
+double **JaMatrixAllocate(long nobs, long nvars)
+  long i;
+  double **M;
+  M= (double **) malloc(nobs*sizeof(double *));
+  for (i=0; i<nobs; i++) {
+    M[i] = (double *) malloc(nvars*sizeof(double));
+  }
+  return(M);
+void JaMatrixFree(double **M, long nobs)
+  long i;
+  if (M == NULL)
+    return;
+  else
+    {
+      for (i=0; i<nobs; i++) {
+	free(M[i]);
+      }
+    }
+  free(M);
+short **JaShortMatrixAllocate(long nobs, long nvars)
+  long i;
+  short **M;
+  M= (short **) malloc(nobs*sizeof(short *));
+  for (i=0; i<nobs; i++) {
+    M[i] = (short *) malloc(nvars*sizeof(short));
+  }
+  return(M);
+void JaShortMatrixFree(double **M, long nobs)
+  long i;
+  if (M == NULL)
+    return;
+  else
+    {
+      for (i=0; i<nobs; i++) {
+	free( (short *) M[i]);
+      }
+    }
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   nrerror()                                    */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           SYNOPSIS          :   void nrerror(error_text)                     */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           DESCRIPTION       :   This function gives out an error message on  */
+/*                                  to the standard output.                     */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTIONS CALLED  :   None                                         */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           CALLING FUNCITONS :   Gvector() was vector()                       */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           REV            DATE            BY           DESCRIPTION            */
+/*           ---            ----            --           -----------            */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+/* Dated GENOUD Memory run-time error */
+void nrerror(char error_text[])
+  error("Dated GENOUD Memory run-time error...\n %s.\n ...now exiting to system...\n",error_text);
+/* Dated fault tolerant GENOUD Memory run-time error */
+void nrerror(char error_text[])
+  warning("Dated GENOUD Memory run-time error...\n %s.\n I SHOULD exit the system, but I will not because of cheap fault tolerance.\n",error_text);
+  return;
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   Gvector()                                     */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           SYNOPSIS          :   double *Gvector(nl,nh)                         */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           DESCRIPTION       :   This function returns a single dimensional   */
+/*                                  double array after allocating memory from    */
+/*                                  indices nl to nh                            */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTIONS CALLED  :   None                                         */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           CALLING FUNCITONS :   find_org_in_eq(),                            */
+/*                                 initialize_x2(),                             */
+/*                                 oper1(),                                     */
+/*                                 oper2(),                                     */
+/*                                 oper3(),                                     */
+/*                                 optimization(),                              */
+/*                                 main().                                      */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+VECTOR Gvector(int nl, int nh)
+        VECTOR v;
+        if (nh <  nl)
+          return(NULL);
+        v=(double *)malloc((unsigned) (nh-nl+1)*sizeof(double));
+        /* if (!v) nrerror("allocation failure in Gvector()"); */
+        return v-nl;
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   ivector()                                    */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           SYNOPSIS          :   int *vector(nl,nh)                           */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           DESCRIPTION       :   This function returns a single dimensional   */
+/*                                  integer array after allocating memory from  */
+/*                                  indices nl to nh                            */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTIONS CALLED  :   None                                         */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           CALLING FUNCITONS :   find_probability(),                          */
+/*                                 initialize_x2(),                             */
+/*                                 main(),                                      */
+/*                                 optimization(),                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           REV            DATE            BY           DESCRIPTION            */
+/*           ---            ----            --           -----------            */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+IVECTOR ivector(int nl, int nh)
+        IVECTOR v;
+        if (nh <  nl)
+          return(NULL);
+        v=(int *)malloc((unsigned) (nh-nl+1)*sizeof(int));
+        /* if (!v) nrerror("allocation failure in ivector()"); */
+        return v-nl;
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   matrix()                                     */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           SYNOPSIS          :   double *matrix(nrl,nrh,ncl,nch)               */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           DESCRIPTION       :   This function returns a two dimensional      */
+/*                                  double array after allocating memory for the */
+/*                                  rows from indices nrl to nrh, and for the   */
+/*                                  columns from ncl to nch                     */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTIONS CALLED  :   None                                         */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           CALLING FUNCITONS :   det(),                                       */
+/*                                 find_org_in_eq(),                            */
+/*                                 initialize_x2(),                             */
+/*                                 inverse(),                                   */
+/*                                 main(),                                      */
+/*                                 oper4(),                                     */
+/*                                 oper5(),                                     */
+/*                                 optimization(),                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           REV            DATE            BY           DESCRIPTION            */
+/*           ---            ----            --           -----------            */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+MATRIX matrix(int nrl, int nrh, int ncl, int nch)
+        int i;
+        MATRIX m;
+        if (nrh <  nrl)
+          return(NULL);
+        if (nch <  ncl)
+          return(NULL);
+        m=(double **) malloc((unsigned) (nrh-nrl+1)*sizeof(double*));
+        /* if (!m) nrerror("allocation failure 1 in matrix()"); */
+        m -= nrl;
+        for(i=nrl;i<=nrh;i++) {
+                m[i]=(double *) malloc((unsigned) (nch-ncl+1)*sizeof(double));
+                /* if (!m[i]) nrerror("allocation failure 2 in matrix()"); */
+                m[i] -= ncl;
+        }
+        return m;
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   imatrix()                                    */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           SYNOPSIS          :   int *imatrix(nrl,nrh,ncl,nch)                */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           DESCRIPTION       :   This function returns a two dimensional      */
+/*                                  integer array after allocating memory for   */
+/*                                  the rows from indices nrl to nrh, and for   */
+/*                                  the columns from ncl to nch                 */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTIONS CALLED  :   None                                         */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           CALLING FUNCITONS :   find_probability(),                          */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           REV            DATE            BY           DESCRIPTION            */
+/*           ---            ----            --           -----------            */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+IMATRIX imatrix(int nrl, int nrh, int ncl, int nch)
+        int i;
+        IMATRIX m;
+        if (nrh <  nrl)
+          return(NULL);
+        if (nch <  ncl)
+          return(NULL);
+        m=(int **)malloc((unsigned) (nrh-nrl+1)*sizeof(int*));
+        /* if (!m) nrerror("allocation failure 1 in imatrix()"); */
+        m -= nrl;
+        for(i=nrl;i<=nrh;i++) {
+                m[i]=(int *)malloc((unsigned) (nch-ncl+1)*sizeof(int));
+                /* if (!m[i]) nrerror("allocation failure 2 in imatrix()"); */
+                m[i] -= ncl;
+        }
+        return m;
+void free_vector(double *v, int nl)
+     if (v == NULL)
+      return;
+     else
+      free((double*) (v+nl));
+void free_ivector(int *v, int nl)
+     if (v == NULL)
+      return;
+     else
+      free((unsigned int*) (v+nl));
+void free_matrix(double **m, int nrl, int nrh, int ncl)
+     int i;
+     if (m == NULL)
+      return;
+     else
+      {
+        for(i=nrh;i>=nrl;i--) free((double*) (m[i]+ncl));
+          free((double*) (m+nrl));
+      }
+void free_imatrix(int **m, int nrl, int nrh, int ncl)
+     int i;
+     if (m == NULL)
+      return;
+     else
+      {
+        for(i=nrh;i>=nrl;i--) free((unsigned int*) (m[i]+ncl));
+          free((unsigned int*) (m+nrl));
+      }
diff --git a/src/operators.cpp b/src/operators.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4aa100c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/operators.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1182 @@
+  Walter R. Mebane, Jr.
+  University of Michigan
+  http://www-personal.umich.edu/~wmebane/
+  <wmebane at umich.edu>
+  Jasjeet Singh Sekhon 
+  UC Berkeley
+  http://sekhon.polisci.berkeley.edu
+  <sekhon at berkeley.edu>
+  May 6, 2013
+#include "genoud.h"
+extern "C" 
+  double genoud_optim(SEXP fn_optim, SEXP rho, double *X, long parameters);
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   oper1()                                      */
+/*                                 Uniform Mutation                             */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           SYNOPSIS          :   void oper1(parent,domains,nvars)             */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           DESCRIPTION       :   This function returns a new vector generated */
+/*                                  from the parent vector, after applying      */
+/*                                  the operator, uniform mutation.             */
+/*                                                                              */
+void oper1(VECTOR parent, double **domains, int nvars)
+     /* VECTOR parent;  The parent vector*/
+  int comp;
+  double llim,ulim;/*Lower and Upper limits of the value to be mutated*/
+  double tmp;
+  long count;
+  count=0;
+  while (SAME==TRUE) 
+    {
+      count++;
+      comp = irange_ran(1,nvars);
+      /*Finding the lower and upper limits between which the values are to be mutated*/
+      find_range(&llim,&ulim,comp,domains,nvars,parent);
+      /*Find a random value between the lower and the upper limits, to substitute*/
+      /*for the old value*/
+      tmp = frange_ran(llim,ulim);
+      if ( parent[comp] != tmp)
+      else if (count >= MAX_OPER_UNIQUE_TRY)
+    } /* end of while */
+  parent[comp] = tmp;
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   oper2()                                      */
+/*                                 Boundary Mutatation                          */
+/*                                 No Uniqueness checking here                  */
+/*                                 Don't use this oper often!                   */
+/*                                                                              */
+void oper2(VECTOR parent, double **domains, int nvars)
+     /* VECTOR parent;  The parent vector*/
+     /* MATRIX fin_mat; The final matrix*/
+  int comp;
+  double llim,ulim;/*Lower and Upper limits of the value to be mutated*/
+  double tmp;
+  long count;
+  count=0;
+  while (SAME==TRUE) 
+    {
+      count++;
+      comp = irange_ran(1,nvars);
+      /*Finding the lower and upper limits between which the values are to be mutated*/
+      find_range(&llim,&ulim,comp,domains,nvars,parent);
+      /*Replace either the lower limit or the upper limit at random,*/
+      /*for the old value*/
+      tmp = (flip() == TAIL) ? llim : ulim;
+      if ( tmp != parent[comp])
+      else if (count >= MAX_OPER_UNIQUE_TRY)
+    } /* end of while */
+  parent[comp] = tmp;
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   oper3()                                      */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           SYNOPSIS          :   void oper3(parent,fin_mat,r,c,T,t,B)         */
+/*                                                                              */
+void oper3(VECTOR parent, double **domains, int nvars, int T, int t, int B)
+  /* VECTOR parent; */
+  /* unsigned long T;   Total number of generations*/
+  /* unsigned long t;   Current generation number*/
+  /* int B; */
+  int comp;
+  double llim,ulim;
+  double tmp;
+  long count;
+  count=0;
+  while (SAME==TRUE) {
+    count++;
+    comp = irange_ran(1,nvars);
+    find_range(&llim,&ulim,comp,domains,nvars,parent);
+    /*From the current value of the component to be mutated, chooose at random*/
+    /*whether to mutate with a lesser value or a greater value*/
+    /*Then find a value lesser or greater than the original value from the*/
+    /*function get_f()*/
+    tmp = (flip() == TAIL) ? parent[comp]-get_F(T,t,parent[comp]-llim,B) :
+      parent[comp]+get_F(T,t,ulim-parent[comp],B);
+    if ( parent[comp] != tmp)
+      SAME=FALSE;
+    else if (count >= MAX_OPER_UNIQUE_TRY)
+      SAME=FALSE;
+  } /* end of while */
+  parent[comp] = tmp;
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   oper4()                                      */
+/*                                 Polytope Crossover                           */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+void oper4(MATRIX p, int p2use, int nvars)
+  /* int p The parents chosen for crossover */
+  /* p2use;     number of parents (rows) in p */
+  /* int nvars Length of the parameter vector (cols in p) */
+  double *A, sum;
+  int    i,k;
+  A = (double *) malloc((p2use+1)*sizeof(double));
+  sum=0.0;
+  for (k=1; k<=p2use; k++) {
+    do
+      A[k] = frange_ran(0.0,1.0);
+    while (A[k]==0.0);                   /* insure A[k] is above 0.0 */
+    sum += A[k];
+  }
+  sum = 1.0/sum;
+  for (k=1; k<=p2use; k++) {    /* rescale A[k] to sum to 1.0 */
+    A[k] *= sum;
+  }
+  for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++) {
+    sum = p[1][i] * A[1];
+    for (k=2; k<=p2use; k++)
+      sum += p[k][i] * A[k];
+    p[1][i] = sum;
+  }
+  free(A);
+} /* end of oper4 */
+/* This is the arithmetic crossover operator */
+void oper4(VECTOR p1, VECTOR p2, int nvars)
+     /* VECTOR p1,p2;  The two parents chosen for crossover*/
+     /* int nvars;   Length of the vector*/
+  double **child;
+  long    i;
+  double  A;
+  long count, tcount;
+  child = JaMatrixAllocate(3, nvars+1); 
+  count=0;
+  while (SAME==TRUE) {
+    count++;
+    do
+      A = frange_ran(0.0,1.0);
+    while (A==0);                   /* insure A is above 0 */
+    for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+      {
+	child[1][i] = p1[i] * A + p2[i] * (1.0-A);
+	child[2][i] = p2[i] * A + p1[i] * (1.0-A);
+      }
+    if (count >= MAX_OPER_UNIQUE_TRY)
+      {
+	break;
+      }
+    /* Are the two new individuals unique? */    
+    tcount=0;
+    for (i=1; i<=nvars; i++) {
+      if ( (int) child[1][i] != (int) p1[i] )
+	tcount++;
+      if ( (int) child[2][i] != (int) p2[i] )
+	tcount++;
+    } /* end of i loop */
+    if (tcount==(nvars*2)) SAME=FALSE;
+  } /* end of while */
+  for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+    {
+      p1[i] = child[1][i];
+      p2[i] = child[2][i];
+    }
+  JaMatrixFree(child, 3);  
+} /* end of oper4() */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   oper5()                                      */
+/*                                 Simple Crossover                             */
+/*                                                                              */
+void oper5(VECTOR p1, VECTOR p2, int STEP, double **domains, int nvars)
+     /* VECTOR p1,p2;   *The two parents for crossing over*/
+     /* int    STEP;    *Parameter for the crossover*/
+  MATRIX child;
+  FLAG BFLAG1 = FALSE,/*Check to see if the newly created vectors satisfies the*/
+       BFLAG2 = FALSE;/*set of constraints*/
+  int i,n=1,cut;
+  /* unique check variables */
+  int count, tcount, ccount;
+  child = matrix(1,2,1,nvars);
+  count=0;
+  while (SAME==TRUE)
+    {
+      count++;
+      /*Get a random spot on the vector for crossover*/
+      cut = irange_ran(1,nvars);
+      /*Copy the parent vectors on to the child vectors*/
+      for(i=1; i<=cut; i++)
+	{
+	  child[1][i] = p1[i];
+	  child[2][i] = p2[i];
+	}
+      do
+	{
+	  /*Cross the two vectors*/
+	  ccount = 0;
+	  for(i=cut + 1; i<=nvars; i++)
+	    {
+	      child[1][i] = p1[i] * (double)n/(double)STEP + p2[i] * (1.0-(double)n/(double)STEP);
+	      child[2][i] = p2[i] * (double)n/(double)STEP + p1[i] * (1.0-(double)n/(double)STEP);
+	      ccount++;
+	    }
+	  /*Check to see if they satisfy the constraints*/
+	  BFLAG1 = InBounds(child[1],domains,nvars);
+	  BFLAG2 = InBounds(child[2],domains,nvars);
+	  n++;
+	  /*If the constraints not satisfied, then generate another*/
+	  /*set of crossed over values*/
+	}while((n<=STEP) && ((BFLAG1 == FALSE) || (BFLAG2 == FALSE)));
+      /* Are the two new individuals unique? */
+      if (count >= MAX_OPER_UNIQUE_TRY)
+	{
+	  break;
+	}
+      tcount=0;
+      for (i=cut+1; i<=nvars; i++) {
+	if ( child[1][i] != p1[i] )
+	  tcount++;
+	if ( child[2][i] != p2[i] )
+	  tcount++;
+      } /* end of i loop */
+      if (tcount>=(ccount*2)) SAME=FALSE;
+    } /* end of while (SAME==TRUE) */
+  if (BFLAG1==TRUE && BFLAG2==TRUE)
+    {
+      for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+	{
+	  p1[i] = child[1][i];
+	  p2[i] = child[2][i];
+	}
+    }
+  free_matrix(child,1,2,1);
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   oper6()                                      */
+/*                                 Whole Non-Uniform Mutation                   */
+/*                                                                              */
+void oper6(VECTOR parent, double **domains, int nvars, int T, int t, int B)
+     /* VECTOR parent;
+	MATRIX fin_mat;
+	unsigned long T;    Total number of generations
+	unsigned long t;    Current generation number
+	int B; */
+  int  i;
+  double llim,ulim;
+  /* unique check variables */
+  long count;
+  double tmp=0;
+  count=0;
+  while (SAME==TRUE)
+    {
+      for (i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+	{
+	  count++;
+	  find_range(&llim,&ulim,i,domains,nvars,parent);
+	  /*From the current value of the component to be mutated, chooose at random*/
+	  /*whether to mutate with a lesser value or a greater value*/
+	  /*Then find a value lesser or greater than the original value from the*/
+	  /*function get_f()*/
+	  tmp = (flip() == TAIL) ? parent[i]-get_F(T,t,parent[i]-llim,B) :
+	    parent[i]+get_F(T,t,ulim-parent[i],B);
+	  if ( parent[i] != tmp)
+	  else if (count >= MAX_OPER_UNIQUE_TRY)
+	  parent[i] = tmp;
+	}//end of for loop
+    } // end of while loop 
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   oper7()                                      */
+/*                                 Heuristic Crossover                          */
+/*                                                                              */
+void oper7(VECTOR p1, VECTOR p2, double **domains, int nvars)
+  VECTOR child;
+  FLAG BFLAG = FALSE;/*Check to see if the newly created vector satisfies the*/
+                      /*set of constraints*/
+  int i,n=2,tries=MAX_OPER_UNIQUE_TRY;
+  double A;
+  /* unique check variables */
+  long count;
+  child = Gvector(1,nvars);
+  count=0;
+  while (SAME==TRUE)
+    {
+      count++;
+      do
+	{
+	  A = frange_ran(0.0,1.0);
+	  for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+	    child[i] = (  A * (p2[i] - p1[i]) + p2[i] );
+	  /*Check to see if it satisfies the constraints*/
+	  BFLAG = InBounds(child,domains,nvars);
+	  n++;
+	  /*If the constraints not satisfied, then try again */
+	}
+      while((n<=tries) && (BFLAG == FALSE));
+      /* Is the new individual unique? */
+      if (count >= MAX_OPER_UNIQUE_TRY)
+	{
+	  break;
+	}
+      for (i=1; i<=nvars; i++) {
+	if ( child[i] != p1[i] ) {
+	  break;
+	}
+      }
+    } /* end of while SAME loop */
+  if (BFLAG==TRUE)
+    {
+      for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+	p1[i] = child[i];
+    }
+  free_vector(child,1);
+} /* end of oper7() */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   find_range()                                 */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           SYNOPSIS          :   void find_range(llim,ulim,domains,nvars,     */
+/*                                                 parent                       */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           DESCRIPTION       :   This function finds the upper and lower      */
+/*                                  limits, within which the mutation should    */
+/*                                  occur.                                      */
+/*                                                                              */
+void find_range(double *llim, double *ulim, int comp, double **domains, int nvars, VECTOR parent)
+     /* double *llim,*ulim; Upper and lower limits*/
+     /* int comp;           Component of the vector to be mutated*/
+     /* VECTOR parent;      The vector with the values of the variables*/
+  double A, B;
+  A = frange_ran(0.0,1.0);
+  B = 1.0 - A;
+  *llim = (A*domains[comp][1]) + B* parent[comp];
+  A = frange_ran(0.0,1.0);
+  B = 1.0 - A;
+  *ulim = B * parent[comp] + (A*domains[comp][3]);
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   find_rangeInt()                                 */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           SYNOPSIS          :   void find_range(llim,ulim,domains,nvars,     */
+/*                                                 parent                       */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           DESCRIPTION       :   This function finds the upper and lower      */
+/*                                  limits, within which the mutation should    */
+/*                                  occur.                                      */
+/*                                                                              */
+void find_rangeInt(int *llim, int *ulim, int comp, double **domains, int nvars, VECTOR parent)
+     /* int *llim,*ulim; Upper and lower limits*/
+     /* int comp;           Component of the vector to be mutated*/
+     /* VECTOR parent;      The vector with the values of the variables*/
+  double A, B;
+  A = frange_ran(0.0,1.0);
+  B = 1.0 - A;
+  *llim = (int) ( (A*domains[comp][1]) + B* parent[comp]);
+  if( (int) domains[comp][1] > *llim)
+    *llim = (int) domains[comp][1];
+  A = frange_ran(0.0,1.0);
+  B = 1.0 - A;
+  *ulim = (int) ( B * parent[comp] + (A*domains[comp][3]) );
+  if( (int) domains[comp][3] < *ulim)
+    *ulim = (int) domains[comp][3];
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   irange_ran()                                 */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           SYNOPSIS          :   int irange_ran(llim,ulim)                    */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           DESCRIPTION       :   This function returns a random integer       */
+/*                                  between the llim and ulim.                  */
+/*                                                                              */
+int irange_ran(int llim, int ulim)
+  int num;
+  do
+    num =  llim + ((int) ((newrand()*(long)(ulim-llim+1))/(long) 65535));
+  while ((num < llim) || (num > ulim));
+  return(num);
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   get_F()                                      */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           SYNOPSIS          :   double get_F(T,t,y,B)                         */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           DESCRIPTION       :   This function returns the double value which  */
+/*                                  is the evaluated value of the function,     */
+/*                                  needed for the operators 3 and 6            */
+/*                                                                              */
+double get_F(int T, int t, double y, int B)
+     /*
+       unsigned long t,T;
+       int           B;
+       double         y;
+     */
+  double factor;
+  factor =  (double) pow(1.0 - (double)t/(double)T,(double)B);
+  factor = factor * frange_ran(0.0,1.0);
+  if (factor < 0.00001)
+    factor = 0.00001;
+  return(y * factor);
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   oper8()                                      */
+/*                                 Local-Minimum Crossover: bfgs                */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           SYNOPSIS          :   void oper8(parent,fin_mat,rc)                */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           DESCRIPTION       :   This function returns a new vector generated */
+/*                                  from the parent vector, after applying      */
+/*                                  the operator, BFGS.                         */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           CALLING FUNCITONS :   optimization()                               */
+/*                                                                              */
+void oper8(SEXP fn_optim, SEXP rho,
+	   VECTOR parent, MATRIX domains, 
+	   double SolutionTolerance, long nvars, 
+	   short BoundaryEnforcement, 
+	   short PrintLevel,
+	   double mix)
+  double *parm, *work;
+  long i, j, btest;
+  double bfgsfit;
+  double A, B;
+  parm  = (double *) malloc((nvars+1)*sizeof(double)); 
+  work  = (double *) malloc((nvars+1)*sizeof(double));
+  if( mix < 0)
+    {
+      A = frange_ran(0.0,1.0);
+    } 
+  else 
+    {
+      A = mix;
+    }
+  B = 1.0 - A;
+  for (i=0; i<nvars; i++) {
+    parm[i] = parent[i+1];
+  }
+  bfgsfit = genoud_optim(fn_optim, rho, parm, nvars);
+  if (BoundaryEnforcement==0) {
+    for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++) {
+      parent[i] = A * parm[i-1] + B * parent[i];
+    }
+  }
+  else {
+    for (j=0; j<20; j++) 
+      {
+	btest = 0;
+	for (i=1; i<=nvars; i++) 
+	  {
+	    work[i] = A * parm[i-1] + B * parent[i]; 
+	    btest = (domains[i][1] > work[i]) || (work[i] > domains[i][3]) ;
+	    /* shrink point until all parameters are in bounds */
+	    if (btest) 
+	      {
+		if(PrintLevel > 1)
+		  {
+		    Rprintf("NOTE: killing out-of-bounds individual created by bfgs oper(9). fit:%10.8lf\n",bfgsfit);
+		    Rprintf("NOTE: oper(9) Parameter: %d \t Value: %e\n\n", i, work[i]);
+		  }
+		warning("killed out-of-bounds individual created by bfgs oper(9)");
+	      }
+	  }
+	if (btest==0) break;
+	A *= 0.5 ;
+	B = 1.0 - A;
+      }
+    if (j<20) 
+      { 
+	/* leave parent unchanged if not in boundary after 20 halvings */
+	for (i=1; i<=nvars; i++) 
+	  {
+	    parent[i] = work[i];
+	  }
+      }
+  }
+  free(work);
+  free(parm);
+  return ;
+/* Integer Operators!                                                           */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   JaIntegerOper1()                             */
+/*                                 Uniform Mutation                             */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           SYNOPSIS          :   void oper1(parent,fin_mat,rc)                */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           DESCRIPTION       :   This function returns a new vector generated */
+/*                                  from the parent vector, after applying      */
+/*                                  the operator, uniform mutation.             */
+/*                                                                              */
+void JaIntegerOper1(VECTOR parent, double **domains, int nvars)
+     /* VECTOR parent;  The parent vector*/
+     /* MATRIX fin_mat; The final matrix*/
+     /* INDEX rc;       Row and column of the final matrix*/
+  long comp;
+  int llim,ulim;/*Lower and Upper limits of the value to be mutated*/
+  int tmp;
+  long count;
+  count=0;
+  while (SAME==TRUE) 
+    {
+      count++;
+      comp = irange_ran(1,nvars);
+      /*Finding the lower and upper limits between which the values are to be mutated*/
+      find_rangeInt(&llim,&ulim,comp,domains,nvars,parent);
+      /*Find a random value between the lower and the upper limits, to substitute*/
+      /*for the old value*/
+      tmp =  irange_ran(llim,ulim);
+      if ( (int) parent[comp] != (int) tmp)
+      else if (count >= MAX_OPER_UNIQUE_TRY)
+    } /* end of while */
+  parent[comp] = (int) tmp;
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   JaIntegerOper2()                             */
+/*                                 Boundary Mutatation                          */
+/*                                 No Uniqueness checking here                  */
+/*                                 Don't use this oper often!                   */
+/*                                                                              */
+void JaIntegerOper2(VECTOR parent, double **domains, int nvars)
+     /* VECTOR parent;  The parent vector*/
+     /* MATRIX fin_mat; The final matrix*/
+     /* INDEX rc;       Row and column of the final matrix*/
+  int comp;
+  int llim,ulim;/*Lower and Upper limits of the value to be mutated*/
+  int tmp;
+  long count;
+  count=0;
+  while (SAME==TRUE) 
+    {
+      count++;
+      comp = irange_ran(1,nvars);
+      /*Finding the lower and upper limits between which the values are to be mutated*/
+      find_rangeInt(&llim,&ulim,comp,domains,nvars,parent);
+      /*Replace either the lower limit or the upper limit at random,*/
+      /*for the old value*/
+      tmp =  (int) (flip() == TAIL) ? llim : ulim;
+      if ( (int) tmp != (int) parent[comp])
+      else if (count >= MAX_OPER_UNIQUE_TRY)
+    } /* end of while */
+  parent[comp] = (int) tmp;
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   JaIntegeroper3()                             */
+/*                                 Non-Uniform Mutation                         */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           SYNOPSIS          :   VECTOR oper3(parent,fin_mat,r,c,T,t,B)       */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           DESCRIPTION       :   This function returns a new vector generated */
+/*                                  from the parent vector, after applying      */
+/*                                  the operator, non-uniform mutation.         */
+/*                                                                              */
+void JaIntegerOper3(VECTOR parent, double **domains, int nvars, int T, int t, int B)
+     /* VECTOR parent;
+	MATRIX fin_mat;
+	INDEX rc; */
+     /* unsigned long T;   Total number of generations*/
+     /* unsigned long t;   Current generation number*/
+     /* int B; */
+  int comp;
+  int llim,ulim;
+  int tmp;
+  long count;
+  count=0;
+  while (SAME==TRUE) {
+    count++;
+    comp = irange_ran(1,nvars);
+    find_rangeInt(&llim,&ulim,comp,domains,nvars,parent);
+    /*From the current value of the component to be mutated, chooose at random*/
+    /*whether to mutate with a lesser value or a greater value*/
+    /*Then find a value lesser or greater than the original value from the*/
+    /*function get_f()*/
+    tmp = 
+      (int) (flip() == TAIL) ? parent[comp]-get_F(T,t,parent[comp]-llim,B) :
+      parent[comp]+get_F(T,t,ulim-parent[comp],B);
+    if ( (int) parent[comp] != (int) tmp)
+      SAME=FALSE;
+    else if (count >= MAX_OPER_UNIQUE_TRY)
+      SAME=FALSE;
+  } /* end of while */
+  parent[comp] = (int) tmp;
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   JaIntegeroper4()                             */
+/*                                 Polytope Crossover                           */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+void JaIntegeroper4(MATRIX p, int p2use, int nvars, double **domains)
+  /* int p The parents chosen for crossover */
+  /* p2use;     number of parents (rows) in p */
+  /* int nvars Length of the parameter vector (cols in p) */
+  double *A, sum;
+  int    i,k;
+  A = (double *) malloc((p2use+1)*sizeof(double));
+  sum=0.0;
+  for (k=1; k<=p2use; k++) {
+    do
+      A[k] = frange_ran(0.0,1.0);
+    while (A[k]==0.0);                   /* insure A[k] is above 0.0 */
+    sum += A[k];
+  }
+  sum = 1.0/sum;
+  for (k=1; k<=p2use; k++) {    /* rescale A[k] to sum to 1.0 */
+    A[k] *= sum;
+  }
+  for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++) {
+    sum = p[1][i] * A[1];
+    for (k=2; k<=p2use; k++)
+      sum += p[k][i] * A[k];
+    p[1][i] = (int) sum;
+    if( (int) domains[i][1] > (int) p[1][i])
+      p[1][i] = (int) domains[i][1];
+    if( (int) domains[i][3] < (int) p[1][i])
+      p[1][i] = (int) domains[i][3];
+  }
+  free(A);
+void JaIntegerOper4(VECTOR p1, VECTOR p2, int nvars)
+     /* VECTOR p1,p2;  The two parents chosen for crossover*/
+     /* int nvars;   Length of the vector*/
+  double **child;
+  long    i;
+  double  A;
+  long count, tcount;
+  child = JaMatrixAllocate(3, nvars+1); 
+  count=0;
+  while (SAME==TRUE) {
+    count++;
+    do
+      A = frange_ran(0.0,1.0);
+    while (A==0);                   /* insure A is above 0 */
+    for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+      {
+	child[1][i] = ( p1[i] * A + p2[i] * (1.0-A) );
+	child[2][i] = ( p2[i] * A + p1[i] * (1.0-A) );
+      }
+    if (count >= MAX_OPER_UNIQUE_TRY)
+      {
+	break;
+      }
+    /* Are the two new individuals unique? */    
+    tcount=0;
+    for (i=1; i<=nvars; i++) {
+      if ( (int) child[1][i] != (int) p1[i] )
+	tcount++;
+      if ( (int) child[2][i] != (int) p2[i] )
+	tcount++;
+    } /* end of i loop */
+    if (tcount==(nvars*2)) SAME=FALSE;
+  } /* end of SAME while */
+    for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+      {
+	p1[i] = (int) child[1][i];
+	p2[i] = (int) child[2][i];
+      }
+  JaMatrixFree(child, 3);  
+} /* end of JaIntegerOper4 */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   JaIntegerOper5()                             */
+/*                                 Simple Crossover                             */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           SYNOPSIS          :   void oper5(p1,p2,STEP,rc,fin_mat,X,x2)       */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           DESCRIPTION       :   This function returns two new vectors        */
+/*                                  generated after simple arithmetical         */
+/*                                  crossover, from the two parent vectors.     */
+/*                                                                              */
+void JaIntegerOper5(VECTOR p1, VECTOR p2, int STEP, double **domains, int nvars)
+     /* VECTOR p1,p2;   *The two parents for crossing over*/
+     /* INDEX rc;       *Row and column of the final matrix*/
+     /* MATRIX fin_mat; *The final matrix*/
+     /* int    STEP;    *Parameter for the crossover*/
+  MATRIX child;
+  FLAG BFLAG1 = FALSE,/*Check to see if the newly created vectors satisfies the*/
+       BFLAG2 = FALSE;/*set of constraints*/
+  int i,n=1,cut;
+  /* unique check variables */
+  int count, tcount, ccount;
+  child = matrix(1,2,1,nvars);
+  count=0;
+  while (SAME==TRUE)
+    {
+      count++;
+      /*Get a random spot on the vector for crossover*/
+      cut = irange_ran(1,nvars);
+      /*Copy the parent vectors on to the child vectors*/
+      for(i=1; i<=cut; i++)
+	{
+	  child[1][i] = p1[i];
+	  child[2][i] = p2[i];
+	}
+      do
+	{
+	  /*Cross the two vectors*/
+	  ccount = 0;
+	  for(i=cut + 1; i<=nvars; i++)
+	    {
+	      child[1][i] = p1[i] * (double)n/(double)STEP + p2[i] * (1.0-(double)n/(double)STEP);
+	      child[2][i] = p2[i] * (double)n/(double)STEP + p1[i] * (1.0-(double)n/(double)STEP);
+	      ccount++;
+	    }
+	  /*Check to see if they satisfy the constraints*/
+	  BFLAG1 = InBounds(child[1],domains,nvars);
+	  BFLAG2 = InBounds(child[2],domains,nvars);
+	  n++;
+	  /*If the constraints not satisfied, then generate another*/
+	  /*set of crossed over values*/
+	}while((n<=STEP) && ((BFLAG1 == FALSE) || (BFLAG2 == FALSE)));
+      /* Are the two new individuals unique? */
+      if (count >= MAX_OPER_UNIQUE_TRY)
+	{
+	  break;
+	}
+      tcount=0;
+      for (i=cut+1; i<=nvars; i++) {
+	if ( (int) child[1][i] != (int) p1[i] )
+	  tcount++;
+	if ( (int) child[2][i] != (int) p2[i] )
+	  tcount++;
+      } /* end of i loop */
+      if (tcount>=(ccount*2)) SAME=FALSE;
+    } /* end of while (SAME==TRUE); */
+  if (BFLAG1==TRUE && BFLAG2==TRUE)
+    {
+      for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+	{
+	  p1[i] = (int) child[1][i];
+	  p2[i] = (int) child[2][i];
+	}
+    }
+  free_matrix(child,1,2,1);
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   JaIntegerOper6()                             */
+/*                                 Whole Non-Uniform Mutation                   */
+/*                                                                              */
+void JaIntegerOper6(VECTOR parent, double **domains, int nvars, int T, int t, int B)
+     /* VECTOR parent;
+	unsigned long T;    Total number of generations
+	unsigned long t;    Current generation number
+	int B; */
+  int  i;
+  int llim,ulim;
+  /* unique check variables */
+  long count;
+  int tmp;
+  count=0;
+  while (SAME==TRUE)
+    {
+      for (i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+	{
+	  count++;
+	  find_rangeInt(&llim,&ulim,i,domains,nvars,parent);
+	  /*From the current value of the component to be mutated, chooose at random*/
+	  /*whether to mutate with a lesser value or a greater value*/
+	  /*Then find a value lesser or greater than the original value from the*/
+	  /*function get_f()*/
+	  tmp = (int) (flip() == TAIL) ? parent[i]-get_F(T,t,parent[i]-llim,B) :
+	    parent[i]+get_F(T,t,ulim-parent[i],B);
+	  if ( (int) parent[i] != (int) tmp)
+	  else if (count >= MAX_OPER_UNIQUE_TRY)
+	  parent[i] = (int) tmp;
+	}//end of for loop
+    } // end of while loop 
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   JaIntegerOper7()                             */
+/*                                 Heuristic Crossover                          */
+/*                                                                              */
+void JaIntegerOper7(VECTOR p1, VECTOR p2, double **domains, int nvars)
+  VECTOR child;
+  FLAG BFLAG = FALSE;/*Check to see if the newly created vector satisfies the*/
+                      /*set of constraints*/
+  int i,n=2,tries=MAX_OPER_UNIQUE_TRY;
+  double A;
+  /* unique check variables */
+  long count;
+  child = Gvector(1,nvars);
+  count=0;
+  while (SAME==TRUE)
+    {
+      count++;
+      do
+	{
+	  A = frange_ran(0.0,1.0);
+	  for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+	    child[i] = (int) (  A * (p2[i] - p1[i]) + p2[i] );
+	  /*Check to see if it satisfies the constraints*/
+	  BFLAG = InBounds(child,domains,nvars);
+	  n++;
+	  /*If the constraints not satisfied, then try again */
+	}
+      while((n<=tries) && (BFLAG == FALSE));
+      /* Is the new individual unique? */
+      if (count >= MAX_OPER_UNIQUE_TRY)
+	{
+	  break;
+	}
+      for (i=1; i<=nvars; i++) {
+	if ( (int) child[i] != (int) p1[i] ) {
+	  break;
+	}
+      }
+    } /* end of while SAME loop */
+  if (BFLAG==TRUE) 
+    {
+      for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+	p1[i] = (int) child[i];
+    }
+  free_vector(child,1);
+} /* end of JaIntegerOper7() */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   InBounds(child, domains, nvars)              */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           DESCRIPTION       :   This function returns TRUE or FALSE depending*/
+/*                                  on whether the vector passed satisfies all  */
+/*                                  the constraints or not.                     */
+/*                                                                              */
+FLAG InBounds(VECTOR child, double **domains, int nvars)
+     /* VECTOR child;   The vector to be checked for violation of constriants*/
+  int i;
+  for(i=1; i<=nvars; i++)
+    {
+      if( (child[i] < domains[i][1]) || (child[i] > domains[i][3]) )
+	return(FALSE);
+    }
+  return(TRUE);
diff --git a/src/print_format.cpp b/src/print_format.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43c557e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/print_format.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+  Walter R. Mebane, Jr.
+  Cornell University
+  http://macht.arts.cornell.edu/wrm1
+  <wrm1 at macht.arts.cornell.edu>
+  Jasjeet Singh Sekhon 
+  UC Berkeley
+  http://sekhon.polisci.berkeley.edu
+  <sekhon at berkeley.edu>
+  June 3, 2012
+#include "genoud.h"
+/*  ReadPopulation():                                                           */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*  This function reads in an old population file and initializes the           */
+/*  newpopulation with it.                                                      */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+long ReadPopulation(double **Data, long NewPopSize, long NewVars, FILE *fp, short PrintLevel)
+  char ctmp[MAXPATH];
+  int generation, PopSize, nvars, UsePopSize, FitVals;
+  int i, j, ltmp, fint;
+  double **OldData;
+  short trip=0;
+  /* This reads the "Generations:" name */
+  while(!(feof(fp))) {
+    /* pos = ftell(fp); */
+    fint = fscanf(fp, "%s", ctmp);
+    fint = fscanf(fp, " %d", &generation);
+    if(PrintLevel>0)
+      Rprintf( "Generation: %d\n", generation);
+    /* This reads the "Population" name */
+    fint = fscanf(fp, "%s", ctmp);
+    /* This reads the "Size:" name */
+    fint = fscanf(fp, "%s", ctmp);
+    fint = fscanf(fp, " %d", &PopSize);
+    if(PrintLevel>0 & trip==0)
+      Rprintf( "Population Size: %d\n", PopSize); 
+    fint = fscanf(fp, "%s", ctmp);     /* reads "Fit" */
+    fint = fscanf(fp, "%s", ctmp);     /* reads "Values:" */
+    fint = fscanf(fp, "%d", &FitVals); /* reads number of fit values */
+    if(FitVals > 1)
+      warning("Reading an existing population file is not supported for Fit Values != 1");
+    /* This reads the "Variables:" name */
+    fint = fscanf(fp, "%s", ctmp);
+    fint = fscanf(fp, " %d", &nvars);
+    if(PrintLevel>0 & trip==0)
+      Rprintf( "Number of Variables: %d\n", nvars); 
+    if (trip==0) {
+      if (nvars!=NewVars) return(0);
+      OldData = JaMatrixAllocate(PopSize+2, nvars+2);
+      trip++;
+    }
+    /* loop over the main data part */
+    for (i=1; i<=PopSize; i++) {
+      fint = fscanf(fp,"%d",&ltmp);
+      for (j=0; j<=nvars; j++) {
+	fint = fscanf(fp,"%lf", &OldData[i][j]);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /* Map OldData to Data */
+  if (NewPopSize < PopSize) UsePopSize = NewPopSize;
+  else UsePopSize=PopSize;
+  for (i=1; i<=UsePopSize; i++) {
+    Data[i][nvars+1] = 0.0;
+    for (j=0; j<=nvars; j++) {
+      Data[i][j] = OldData[i][j];
+    }
+  }
+  /* let's print the population file */
+  if(PrintLevel>1)
+    {
+      Rprintf( "\nRead in Population. Used Population Size: %d\n", UsePopSize); 
+      for (i=1; i<=UsePopSize; i++) {
+	Rprintf( "%d \t", i); 
+	for (j=0; j<=nvars; j++) {
+	  Rprintf( "%e \t", Data[i][j]);
+	}
+	Rprintf( "\n");
+      }
+      Rprintf( "\n");
+      /* fflush(output); */
+    }
+  JaMatrixFree(OldData, PopSize);
+  return(PopSize);
+} /* end Read Population */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   print_domains()                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           SYNOPSIS          :   void print_domains(equal,t_equ)              */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           DESCRIPTION       :   This function prints the matrix passed, on to*/
+/*                                  the standard output, in the format of       */
+/*                                  domains.                                    */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTIONS CALLED  :   None                                         */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           CALLING FUNCITONS :   main()                                       */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           REV            DATE            BY           DESCRIPTION            */
+/*           ---            ----            --           -----------            */
+/*                                                                              */
+/*                                                                              */
+void print_domains(MATRIX equal, int t_equ, short DataType)
+     /*
+       MATRIX equal;   the domains matrix, with the upper and lower limits
+       int t_equ;      *the total number of domains
+     */
+  int i,j;
+  Rprintf("Domains:\n");
+  //Integer
+  if (DataType==1) 
+  {
+      for(i=1; i<=t_equ; i++)
+      {
+	  for(j=1; j<=3; j++)
+	  {
+	      if(j == 2)
+		  Rprintf("  <=  X%-2d  <=   ",(int)equal[i][j]);
+	      else
+		  Rprintf(" %d ",(int) equal[i][j]);
+	  }
+	  Rprintf("\n");
+      }
+  } else {
+      for(i=1; i<=t_equ; i++)
+      {
+	  for(j=1; j<=3; j++)
+	  {
+	      if(j == 2)
+		  Rprintf("  <=  X%-2d  <=   ",(int)equal[i][j]);
+	      else
+		  Rprintf(" %e ",equal[i][j]);
+	  }
+	  Rprintf("\n");
+      }
+  }
+/*                                                                              */
+/*           FUNCTION NAME     :   print_population()                           */
+/*                                                                              */
+void print_population(int popsize, int nvars, int generation, int lexical, double **foo, FILE *out)
+  int i,j;
+  if (lexical < 2)
+    {
+      fprintf(out,"Generation: %d \t Population Size: %d \t Fit Values: 1 \t Variables: %d\n\n", 
+	      generation, popsize, nvars);
+      for(i = 1; i <= popsize; i++)
+	{
+	  fprintf(out,"%d \t %e \t",i, foo[i][0]);
+	  for (j = 1; j <= nvars; j++)
+	    {
+	      fprintf(out,"%e \t ",foo[i][j]);
+	    }
+	  fprintf(out,"\n");
+	}
+      fprintf(out,"\n\n");
+    }
+  else 
+    {
+      long lexical_end = lexical-1+nvars+2;
+      fprintf(out,"Generation: %d \t Population Size: %d \t Fit Values: %d \t Variables: %d\n\n", 
+	      generation, popsize, lexical, nvars);
+      for(i = 1; i <= popsize; i++)
+	{
+	  fprintf(out,"%d \t ", i);
+	  /* print lexical fit values */
+	  fprintf(out,"%e \t ",foo[i][0]);
+	  for(j=(nvars+2);j<lexical_end;j++)
+	    {
+	      fprintf(out,"%e \t ",foo[i][j]);
+	    }		      
+	  /* print variables */
+	  for (j = 1; j <= nvars; j++)
+	    {
+	      fprintf(out,"%e \t ",foo[i][j]);
+	    }
+	  fprintf(out,"\n");
+	}
+      fprintf(out,"\n\n");
+    }
+} /* end */
diff --git a/src/rgenoud.cpp b/src/rgenoud.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8db0382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/rgenoud.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+  Walter R. Mebane, Jr.
+  Cornell University
+  http://macht.arts.cornell.edu/wrm1
+  <wrm1 at macht.arts.cornell.edu>
+  Jasjeet Singh Sekhon 
+  UC Berkeley
+  http://sekhon.polisci.berkeley.edu
+  <sekhon at berkeley.edu>
+  August 3, 2009
+#include "genoud.h"
+void genoud(struct GND_IOstructure *Structure);
+extern "C" 
+  // mkanswer
+  SEXP mkans(double *oFitValues, double *oResults, double *oGradients, long *oP, long oGenerations,
+	     long oPeakGeneration, long oPopSize, long nvars, long lexical)
+  { 
+    SEXP ans;
+    long length, i, indx, operators;
+    operators=9;
+    length= lexical + (nvars*2) + 3 + operators;
+    PROTECT(ans=allocVector(REALSXP,length));
+    REAL(ans)[0] = (double) oGenerations;
+    REAL(ans)[1] = (double) oPeakGeneration;
+    REAL(ans)[2] = (double) oPopSize;
+    indx = 2;
+    // include fit values
+    for (i=0; i<lexical; i++) {
+      indx++;
+      REAL(ans)[indx] = oFitValues[i];
+    }    
+    // include results
+    for (i=0; i<nvars; i++) {
+      indx++;
+      REAL(ans)[indx] = oResults[i];
+    }
+    // include gradients
+    for (i=0; i<nvars; i++) {
+      indx++;
+      REAL(ans)[indx] = oGradients[i];
+    }
+    // include the actual operator count
+    for (i=0; i<operators; i++) {
+      indx++;
+      REAL(ans)[indx] = oP[i];
+    }
+    UNPROTECT(1);
+    return(ans);
+  } // end of mkans
+  double genoud_optim(SEXP fn_optim, SEXP rho, double *X, long parameters)
+  {
+    SEXP ans, R_fcall, x;
+    double fit;
+    long i;
+    PROTECT(x = allocVector(REALSXP, parameters));
+    for (i=0; i<parameters; i++)
+      {
+	REAL(x)[i] = X[i];
+      }
+    PROTECT(R_fcall = lang2(fn_optim, R_NilValue));
+    SETCADR(R_fcall, x);
+    ans = eval(R_fcall, rho);
+    fit = REAL(ans)[0];
+    for(i=0; i<parameters; i++)
+      {
+	X[i] = REAL(ans)[i+1];
+      }
+    UNPROTECT(2);
+    return(fit);
+  } // end of genoud_optim()
+  SEXP rgenoud(SEXP fn, SEXP rho,
+	       SEXP nvars, SEXP pop_size, SEXP max_generations, SEXP wait_generations,
+	       SEXP n_starting_values, SEXP starting_values,
+	       SEXP P, SEXP Domains, 
+	       SEXP max, SEXP gradient_check, SEXP boundary_enforcement,
+	       SEXP solution_tolerance, SEXP BFGS, SEXP data_type_int,
+	       SEXP provide_seeds, SEXP unif_seed, SEXP int_seed,
+	       SEXP print_level, SEXP share_type, SEXP instance_number,
+	       SEXP MemoryMatrix, SEXP Debug,
+	       SEXP output_path, SEXP output_type, SEXP project_path,
+	       SEXP hard_generation_limit,
+	       SEXP fn_optim, 
+	       SEXP lexical, SEXP fnLexicalSort, SEXP fnMemoryMatrixEvaluate,
+	       SEXP RuserGradient, SEXP fnGR,
+               SEXP RP9mix, SEXP BFGSburnin, SEXP transform)
+  {
+    SEXP ret;
+    long parameters, i, j;
+    double *FitValues, *Results, *Gradients;
+    if(!isEnvironment(rho)) 
+      error ("`rho' should be an environment");
+    parameters = asInteger(nvars);
+    // setup GENOUD
+    struct GND_IOstructure *MainStructure;
+    MainStructure = (struct GND_IOstructure *) malloc(sizeof(struct GND_IOstructure));
+    double **domains;
+    domains = (double **) malloc(parameters*sizeof(double));
+    for (i=0; i<parameters; i++) {
+      domains[i] = (double *) malloc(2*sizeof(double));
+    }
+    for (j=0; j<2; j++) {
+      for (i=0; i<parameters; i++) {
+	domains[i][j] = REAL(Domains)[i + j*parameters];
+      }
+    }
+    // starting values
+    double **StartingValues;
+    int nStartingValues;
+    nStartingValues = asInteger(n_starting_values);
+    if (nStartingValues > 0) {
+      /* need to free a matrix of StaringValues below */
+      StartingValues = (double **) malloc(nStartingValues*sizeof(double));
+      for (i=0; i<nStartingValues; i++) {
+	StartingValues[i] = (double *) malloc(parameters*sizeof(double));
+        for(j=0; j<parameters; j++) 
+	  StartingValues[i][j] = REAL(starting_values)[(i * parameters + j)];
+      }
+    }
+    MainStructure->fn=fn;
+    MainStructure->rho=rho;
+    MainStructure->fnLexicalSort=fnLexicalSort;
+    MainStructure->fnMemoryMatrixEvaluate=fnMemoryMatrixEvaluate;
+    MainStructure->fnGR=fnGR;
+    MainStructure->fn_optim=fn_optim;
+    MainStructure->Lexical=asInteger(lexical);
+    MainStructure->UserGradient=asInteger(RuserGradient);
+    MainStructure->nvars=parameters;
+    MainStructure->PopSize=asInteger(pop_size);
+    MainStructure->MaxGenerations=asInteger(max_generations);
+    MainStructure->WaitGenerations=asInteger(wait_generations);
+    MainStructure->HardGenerationLimit=asInteger(hard_generation_limit);
+    MainStructure->nStartingValues=nStartingValues;
+    MainStructure->StartingValues=StartingValues;
+    MainStructure->P[0]=REAL(P)[0];
+    MainStructure->P[1]=REAL(P)[1];
+    MainStructure->P[2]=REAL(P)[2];
+    MainStructure->P[3]=REAL(P)[3];
+    MainStructure->P[4]=REAL(P)[4];
+    MainStructure->P[5]=REAL(P)[5];
+    MainStructure->P[6]=REAL(P)[6];
+    MainStructure->P[7]=REAL(P)[7];
+    MainStructure->P[8]=REAL(P)[8];
+    MainStructure->Domains=domains;
+    MainStructure->MinMax=asInteger(max);
+    MainStructure->GradientCheck=asInteger(gradient_check);
+    MainStructure->BoundaryEnforcement=asInteger(boundary_enforcement);
+    MainStructure->SolutionTolerance=asReal(solution_tolerance);
+    MainStructure->UseBFGS=asInteger(BFGS);
+    MainStructure->MemoryUsage=asInteger(MemoryMatrix);
+    MainStructure->Debug=asInteger(Debug);
+    MainStructure->InstanceNumber=asInteger(instance_number);
+    MainStructure->ProvideSeeds=asInteger(provide_seeds);
+    MainStructure->UnifSeed=asInteger(unif_seed);
+    MainStructure->IntSeed=asInteger(int_seed);
+    MainStructure->PrintLevel=asInteger(print_level);
+    MainStructure->DataType=asInteger(data_type_int);
+    /* 
+       Share Type:
+       (0) no reading of the existing project file and no looking at the public population file
+       (1) reading of any existing project file, but no examining of public population file
+       (2) NO reading of any existing project file but examination of public population file
+       (3) BOTH reading of any existing project file AND examination of public population file
+    */
+    MainStructure->ShareType=asInteger(share_type);
+    //Paths
+    char OutputPath[1000], ProjectPath[1000];
+    strcpy(OutputPath,STRING_VALUE(output_path));
+    strcpy(ProjectPath,STRING_VALUE(project_path));
+    MainStructure->OutputPath=OutputPath;
+    MainStructure->ProjectPath=ProjectPath;
+    MainStructure->OutputType=asInteger(output_type);
+    /* output data structures */
+    FitValues = (double *) malloc(MainStructure->Lexical*sizeof(double));  
+    Results = (double *)  malloc(parameters*sizeof(double));
+    Gradients = (double *)  malloc(parameters*sizeof(double));
+    MainStructure->oFitValues=FitValues;
+    MainStructure->oResults=Results;
+    MainStructure->oGradients=Gradients;
+    /* from setupGenoud */
+    /* output data structures */
+    MainStructure->oGenerations=0;
+    MainStructure->oPeakGeneration=0;
+    MainStructure->oPopSize=0;
+    MainStructure->ThreadNumber=0;
+    /* Operator Options */
+    MainStructure->P9mix=asReal(RP9mix);
+    MainStructure->BFGSburnin=asInteger(BFGSburnin);
+    /* Transform Related Variables */
+    /* whichFUN == 3 implies EvaluateTransform should be called */
+    /* whichFUN == 2 implies EvaluateLexical should be called */
+    /* whichFUN == 1 implies evaluate should be called */
+    MainStructure->Transform=asInteger(transform);
+    if(MainStructure->Transform == 1)
+        MainStructure->whichFUN = 3;
+    else if(MainStructure->Lexical > 1)
+        MainStructure->whichFUN = 2;
+    else
+        MainStructure->whichFUN = 1;
+    genoud(MainStructure);
+    ret = mkans(MainStructure->oFitValues,
+		MainStructure->oResults, MainStructure->oGradients, MainStructure->oP,
+		MainStructure->oGenerations, MainStructure->oPeakGeneration,
+		MainStructure->oPopSize, MainStructure->nvars, MainStructure->Lexical);
+    // Free memory
+    free(MainStructure);
+    for (i=0; i<parameters; i++) 
+      free(domains[i]);
+    free(domains);
+    free(Results);
+    free(Gradients);
+    free(FitValues);
+    if (nStartingValues > 0) {
+      for (i=0; i<nStartingValues; i++) 
+	free(StartingValues[i]);
+      free(StartingValues);
+    }
+    return(ret);
+  } // end of rgenoud()
+} // end of extern "C"
diff --git a/src/unif.cpp b/src/unif.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86b75bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/unif.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+  Walter R. Mebane, Jr.
+  Cornell University
+  http://macht.arts.cornell.edu/wrm1
+  <wrm1 at macht.arts.cornell.edu>
+  Jasjeet Singh Sekhon 
+  UC Berkeley
+  http://sekhon.polisci.berkeley.edu
+  <sekhon at berkeley.edu>
+  $Header: /home/jsekhon/xchg/genoud/rgenoud.distribution/sources/RCS/unif.cpp,v 2.15 2005/10/29 06:14:44 jsekhon Exp jsekhon $
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "unif.h"
+void ruxorv (integer *iseed, int n, double *rvec, integer *aux)
+/* the double precision random uniforms in rvec have only 31 random bits
+     set *iseed!=0 to reinitialize the sequence, else use *iseed==0
+   *iseed always equals 0 on return
+   aux points to an integer vector of length > 1279+3
+  int i, ibloc, nw;
+  static integer wrk[TLPDBSIZ];
+  double fk = 1.0/((double) TLPMOD) ;
+  /* if n==0, initialize the TLP seed vector in aux[] and return */
+  if (n == 0) {
+    /* initialize only if *iseed > 0 */
+    if (*iseed != 0) tlpseq (iseed, 0, wrk, aux);
+  } else {
+    nw = n;
+    ibloc = 0;
+    while (nw > TLPDBSIZ) {
+      tlpseq (iseed, TLPDBSIZ, wrk, aux);
+      if (ibloc > 0) {
+	for (i=0; i<TLPDBSIZ; i++) rvec[ibloc+i] = wrk[i] * fk ;
+      } else {
+	for (i=0; i<TLPDBSIZ; i++) rvec[i] = wrk[i] * fk ;
+      }
+      nw -= TLPDBSIZ;
+      ibloc += TLPDBSIZ;
+    } ;
+    if (nw > 0) {
+      tlpseq (iseed, nw, wrk, aux);
+      if (ibloc > 0) {
+	for (i=0; i<nw; i++) rvec[ibloc+i] = wrk[i] * fk;
+      } else {
+	for (i=0; i<nw; i++) rvec[i] = wrk[i] * fk;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+/* Tausworthe-Lewis-Payne generator,
+    for primitive trinomial with k=K, q=Q.  Here K=1279, Q=216.
+   see Bratley, Fox and Schrage (1983, 190) and Bright and Enison (1979)
+void tlpseq (integer *iseed, int n, integer *rvec, integer *aux)
+  static integer k = 1279, q = 216, k0 = 89, q0 = 38,
+    seed = (integer) 524287 ;
+  static integer aux0[89+3];
+  int i;
+  integer seedw;
+  /* aux is a vector of length > k+3 */
+  /* initialize aux if nonzero *iseed is supplied or
+     if aux[k+2] is not set to the magic value */
+  if (*iseed != ZEROI || aux[k+2] != k) {
+    if (*iseed < ZEROI) *iseed = -(*iseed);
+    seedw = (*iseed != seed) ? (*iseed ^ seed) : seed ;
+    *iseed = ZEROI;
+    for (i=0; i<k0; i++) {
+      tauint (&seedw) ;
+      aux0[i] = seedw;
+    }
+    aux0[k0] = k0 - 1;
+    aux0[k0+1] = aux0[k0] - q0;
+    aux0[k0+2] = k0;
+    /* initialize the k=K, q=Q generator using the k=89, q=38 generator */
+    tlpcor (k0, k, aux, aux0);
+    /* store initial recurrence location indexes and the magic value in aux */
+    aux[k] = k - 1;
+    aux[k+1] = aux[k] - q;
+    aux[k+2] = k;
+  }
+  if (n > 0) tlpcor (k, n, rvec, aux);
+/* Tausworthe-Lewis-Payne generator, core recursion.
+   assumes aux is valid
+   see Bratley, Fox and Schrage (1983, 190) and Bright and Enison (1979)
+void tlpcor (integer k, int n, integer *rvec, integer *aux)
+  /* aux is a vector of length k+2 */
+  int ii;
+  integer i, j, inew;
+  /* get the recursion location indexes out of AUX */
+  i = aux[k];
+  j = aux[k+1];
+  for (ii=0; ii<n; ii++) {
+    inew = aux[j] ^ aux[i] ;
+    aux[i] = inew;
+    rvec[ii] = inew;
+    j = j==0 ? k-1 : j - 1;
+    i = i==0 ? k-1 : i - 1;    
+  }
+  /* store the recursion location indexes in aux */
+  aux[k] = i;
+  aux[k+1] = j;
+void tauint (integer *ix)
+/* Tausworthe generator (integer part)
+   requires full-word logical operations, 32-bit words, and
+     two's complement arithmetic
+   from Bratley, Fox and Schrage (1983, 203)
+   a recommended initial value for IX is 524287
+  integer i, j;
+  i = *ix;
+  /* do the right shift */
+  j = i/8192;
+  /* exclusive-or */
+  j ^= i;
+  /* lower-order bits are done.  now do the rest */
+  i = j;
+  /* do the left shift */
+  j <<= 18;
+  /* exclusive-or, handling cases where the left shift makes j negative */
+  *ix = j<0 ? i^(-j) : i^j ;
diff --git a/src/unif.h b/src/unif.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1262c9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/unif.h
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+  Walter R. Mebane, Jr.
+  Cornell University
+  http://macht.arts.cornell.edu/wrm1
+  <wrm1 at macht.arts.cornell.edu>
+  Jasjeet Singh Sekhon 
+  UC Berkeley
+  http://sekhon.polisci.berkeley.edu
+  <sekhon at berkeley.edu>
+  $Header: /home/jsekhon/xchg/genoud/rgenoud.distribution/sources/RCS/unif.h,v 2.15 2005/10/29 06:14:44 jsekhon Exp jsekhon $
+/* Tausworthe-Lewis-Payne generator */
+#ifndef DEFTLPGEN
+typedef int integer;
+#define TLPAUXSIZE 1300
+#define TLPDBSIZ 2000
+#define ZEROI ((integer)0)
+#define TLPMOD 2147483647
+void ruxorv (integer *, int, double *, integer *);
+void tlpseq (integer *, int, integer *, integer *);
+void tauint (integer *);
+void tlpcor (integer, int, integer *, integer *);
+#define DEFTLPGEN
diff --git a/src/urans.h b/src/urans.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61c2336
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/urans.h
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+  Walter R. Mebane, Jr.
+  Cornell University
+  http://macht.arts.cornell.edu/wrm1
+  <wrm1 at macht.arts.cornell.edu>
+  Jasjeet Singh Sekhon 
+  UC Berkeley
+  http://sekhon.polisci.berkeley.edu
+  <sekhon at berkeley.edu>
+  $Header: /home/jsekhon/xchg/genoud/rgenoud.distribution/sources/RCS/urans.h,v 2.15 2005/10/29 06:14:44 jsekhon Exp jsekhon $
+/* set seeds for the random number generators */
+#ifndef DEFURANS
+#define NEWUNIFSEED 81345
+#define RANDINTSEED 98711
+#define DEFURANS
diff --git a/tests/tests.R b/tests/tests.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..429473e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/tests.R
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+#maximize the sin function
+sin1 <- genoud(sin, nvars=1, max=TRUE, unif.seed=912821, int.seed=93058, print.level=0)
+sin1$value <- signif(sin1$value,6)
+sin1$par <- signif(sin1$par,6)
+sin1$gradients <- signif(sin1$gradients,6)
+#minimize the sin function
+sin2 <- genoud(sin, nvars=1, max=FALSE, unif.seed=912821, int.seed=93058, print.level=0)
+sin2$value <- signif(sin2$value,6)
+sin2$par <- signif(sin2$par,6)
+sin2$gradients <- signif(sin2$gradients,6)
+#maximize a univariate normal mixture which looks like a claw
+claw <- function(xx) {
+  x <- xx[1]
+  y <- (0.46*(dnorm(x,-1.0,2.0/3.0) + dnorm(x,1.0,2.0/3.0)) +
+        (1.0/300.0)*(dnorm(x,-0.5,.01) + dnorm(x,-1.0,.01) + dnorm(x,-1.5,.01)) +
+        (7.0/300.0)*(dnorm(x,0.5,.07) + dnorm(x,1.0,.07) + dnorm(x,1.5,.07))) 
+  return(y)
+claw1   <- genoud(claw, nvars=1,pop.size=3000,max=TRUE, unif.seed=912821, int.seed=93058, print.level=0)
+claw1$value <- signif(claw1$value,6)
+claw1$par <- signif(claw1$par,6)
+claw1$gradients <- signif(claw1$gradients,6)
+# Maximize a bivariate normal mixture which looks like a claw.
+biclaw <- function(xx) {
+  mNd2 <- function(x1, x2, mu1, mu2, sigma1, sigma2, rho)
+    {
+      z1 <- (x1-mu1)/sigma1
+      z2 <- (x2-mu2)/sigma2
+      w <- (1.0/(2.0*pi*sigma1*sigma2*sqrt(1-rho*rho))) 
+      w <- w*exp(-0.5*(z1*z1 - 2*rho*z1*z2 + z2*z2)/(1-rho*rho)) 
+      return(w)
+    }
+  x1 <- xx[1]+1
+  x2 <- xx[2]+1
+  y <- (0.5*mNd2(x1,x2,0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0,0.0) +
+        0.1*(mNd2(x1,x2,-1.0,-1.0,0.1,0.1,0.0) +
+             mNd2(x1,x2,-0.5,-0.5,0.1,0.1,0.0) +
+             mNd2(x1,x2,0.0,0.0,0.1,0.1,0.0) +
+             mNd2(x1,x2,0.5,0.5,0.1,0.1,0.0) +
+             mNd2(x1,x2,1.0,1.0,0.1,0.1,0.0)))
+  return(y)
+biclaw1 <- genoud(biclaw, default.domains=20, nvars=2,pop.size=5000,max=TRUE, unif.seed=912821, int.seed=93058, print.level=0)
+biclaw1$value <- signif(biclaw1$value,6)
+biclaw1$par <- signif(biclaw1$par,6)
+biclaw1$gradients <- signif(biclaw1$gradients,6)
diff --git a/tests/tests.Rout.save b/tests/tests.Rout.save
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dac3f5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/tests.Rout.save
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+R version 3.2.1 (2015-06-18) -- "World-Famous Astronaut"
+Copyright (C) 2015 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
+Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0 (64-bit)
+R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
+You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
+Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.
+R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
+Type 'contributors()' for more information and
+'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.
+Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
+'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
+Type 'q()' to quit R.
+> suppressMessages(library(rgenoud))
+> #maximize the sin function
+> sin1 <- genoud(sin, nvars=1, max=TRUE, unif.seed=912821, int.seed=93058, print.level=0)
+> sin1$value <- signif(sin1$value,6)
+> sin1$par <- signif(sin1$par,6)
+> sin1$gradients <- signif(sin1$gradients,6)
+> print(sin1)
+[1] 1
+[1] 7.85398
+[1] -3.8465e-11
+[1] 11
+[1] 1
+[1] 1000
+[1] 122 125 125 125 125 126 125 126   0
+> #minimize the sin function
+> sin2 <- genoud(sin, nvars=1, max=FALSE, unif.seed=912821, int.seed=93058, print.level=0)
+> sin2$value <- signif(sin2$value,6)
+> sin2$par <- signif(sin2$par,6)
+> sin2$gradients <- signif(sin2$gradients,6)
+> print(sin2)
+[1] -1
+[1] -1.5708
+[1] 5.94475e-11
+[1] 11
+[1] 1
+[1] 1000
+[1] 122 125 125 125 125 126 125 126   0
+> #maximize a univariate normal mixture which looks like a claw
+> claw <- function(xx) {
++   x <- xx[1]
++   y <- (0.46*(dnorm(x,-1.0,2.0/3.0) + dnorm(x,1.0,2.0/3.0)) +
++         (1.0/300.0)*(dnorm(x,-0.5,.01) + dnorm(x,-1.0,.01) + dnorm(x,-1.5,.01)) +
++         (7.0/300.0)*(dnorm(x,0.5,.07) + dnorm(x,1.0,.07) + dnorm(x,1.5,.07))) 
++   return(y)
++ }
+> claw1   <- genoud(claw, nvars=1,pop.size=3000,max=TRUE, unif.seed=912821, int.seed=93058, print.level=0)
+> claw1$value <- signif(claw1$value,6)
+> claw1$par <- signif(claw1$par,6)
+> claw1$gradients <- signif(claw1$gradients,6)
+> print(claw1)
+[1] 0.411312
+[1] 0.999503
+[1] -1.27716e-06
+[1] 11
+[1] 1
+[1] 3000
+[1] 372 375 375 375 375 376 375 376   0
+> # Maximize a bivariate normal mixture which looks like a claw.
+> biclaw <- function(xx) {
++   mNd2 <- function(x1, x2, mu1, mu2, sigma1, sigma2, rho)
++     {
++       z1 <- (x1-mu1)/sigma1
++       z2 <- (x2-mu2)/sigma2
++       w <- (1.0/(2.0*pi*sigma1*sigma2*sqrt(1-rho*rho))) 
++       w <- w*exp(-0.5*(z1*z1 - 2*rho*z1*z2 + z2*z2)/(1-rho*rho)) 
++       return(w)
++     }
++   x1 <- xx[1]+1
++   x2 <- xx[2]+1
++   y <- (0.5*mNd2(x1,x2,0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0,0.0) +
++         0.1*(mNd2(x1,x2,-1.0,-1.0,0.1,0.1,0.0) +
++              mNd2(x1,x2,-0.5,-0.5,0.1,0.1,0.0) +
++              mNd2(x1,x2,0.0,0.0,0.1,0.1,0.0) +
++              mNd2(x1,x2,0.5,0.5,0.1,0.1,0.0) +
++              mNd2(x1,x2,1.0,1.0,0.1,0.1,0.0)))
++   return(y)
++ }
+> biclaw1 <- genoud(biclaw, default.domains=20, nvars=2,pop.size=5000,max=TRUE, unif.seed=912821, int.seed=93058, print.level=0)
+> biclaw1$value <- signif(biclaw1$value,6)
+> biclaw1$par <- signif(biclaw1$par,6)
+> biclaw1$gradients <- signif(biclaw1$gradients,6)
+> print(biclaw1)
+[1] 1.67113
+[1] -1 -1
+[1]  2.49105e-08 -3.42757e-08
+[1] 12
+[1] 1
+[1] 5000
+[1] 622 625 625 625 625 626 625 626   0
+> proc.time()
+   user  system elapsed 
+  6.218   0.141   6.384 
diff --git a/vignettes/Figures/fig1.pdf b/vignettes/Figures/fig1.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ee603f
Binary files /dev/null and b/vignettes/Figures/fig1.pdf differ
diff --git a/vignettes/Figures/lqdxmpl2B.pdf b/vignettes/Figures/lqdxmpl2B.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f8cd43
Binary files /dev/null and b/vignettes/Figures/lqdxmpl2B.pdf differ
diff --git a/vignettes/rgenoud.Rnw b/vignettes/rgenoud.Rnw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4b958b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vignettes/rgenoud.Rnw
@@ -0,0 +1,1465 @@
+%%My declarations
+\newcommand{\MyPerp}{\perp \! \! \! \perp}
+%% declarations for jss.cls %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%% almost as usual
+\author{Walter R. Mebane, Jr. \\
+  University of Michigan 
+  \And
+  Jasjeet S. Sekhon \\
+  UC Berkeley} 
+%% for pretty printing and a nice hypersummary also set:
+\title{Genetic Optimization Using Derivatives:  The \pkg{rgenoud} Package for \proglang{R}}
+\Plaintitle{Genetic Optimization Using Derivatives:  The rgenoud Package for R}
+\Plainauthor{Walter R. Mebane, Jr., Jasjeet S. Sekhon} %% comma-separated
+\Shorttitle{\pkg{rgenoud}: Genetic Optimization  Using Derivatives in \proglang{R}}
+%% an abstract and keywords
+\Abstract{ This introduction to the \proglang{R} package \pkg{rgenoud}
+  is a modified version of \cite{MebaneJr.+Sekhon:2011}, published in
+  the \textit{Journal of Statistical Software}.  That version of the
+  introduction contains higher resolution figures.
+  \code{genoud} is an \proglang{R} function that combines
+  evolutionary algorithm methods with a derivative-based
+  (quasi-Newton) method to solve difficult optimization problems.
+  \code{genoud} may also be used for optimization problems for which
+  derivatives do not exist.  \code{genoud} solves problems that are nonlinear
+  or perhaps even discontinuous in the parameters of the function to
+  be optimized.  When the function to be optimized (for
+  example, a log-likelihood) is nonlinear in the model's parameters,
+  the function will generally not be globally concave
+  and may have irregularities such as saddlepoints or discontinuities.
+  Optimization methods that rely on derivatives of the objective
+  function may be unable to find any optimum at all.  Multiple local
+  optima may exist, so that there is no guarantee that a
+  derivative-based method will converge to the global optimum.  On the
+  other hand, algorithms that do not use derivative information (such
+  as pure genetic algorithms) are for many problems needlessly poor at
+  local hill climbing.  Most statistical problems are regular in a
+  neighborhood of the solution.  Therefore, for some portion of the
+  search space, derivative information is useful.  The function
+  supports parallel processing on multiple CPUs on a single machine or
+  a cluster of computers.}
+\Keywords{genetic algorithm, evolutionary program, optimization, parallel computing, \proglang{R}}
+\Plainkeywords{genetic algorithm, evolutionary program, optimization, parallel computing, R} %% without formatting
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+  Walter R. Mebane, Jr.\\
+%  Professor\\
+  Department of Political Science\\
+  Department of Statistics\\
+  University of Michigan\\
+  Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1045\\
+  E-mail: \email{wmebane at umich.edu}\\
+  URL: \url{http://www.umich.edu/~wmebane} \\ [2ex]
+  Jasjeet S. Sekhon\\
+  Department of Political Science\\
+  Department of Statistics\\  
+ 210 Barrows Hall \#1950\\
+  UC Berkeley\\
+ Berkeley, CA 94720-1950\\
+  E-mail: \email{sekhon at berkeley.edu}\\
+  URL: \url{http://sekhon.berkeley.edu}
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+%\VignetteIndexEntry{Using genoud} 
+We developed the \proglang{R} package \pkg{rgenoud} to solve difficult
+optimization problems such as often arise when estimating nonlinear
+statistical models or solving complicated nonlinear, nonsmooth and
+even discontinuous functions.\footnote{The \pkg{rgenoud} software
+  package is available from the Comprehensive \proglang{R}
+  \citep{Rcore} Archive Network at
+  \url{http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=rgenoud}.}  Optimization
+difficulties often arise when the objective function (for instance,
+the log-likelihood) is a nonlinear function of the parameters. In such
+cases the function to be optimized is usually not globally concave.
+An objective function that is not globally concave may have multiple
+local optima, saddle points, boundary solutions or discontinuities.
+While the objective function for a statistical model is often concave
+in a neighborhood of the optimal solution, that neighborhood is often
+a small proportion of the parameter space of potential interest, and
+outside that neighborhood the function may be irregular.  In such
+cases, methods of optimization that depend entirely on derivatives can
+be unreliable and often are virtually unusable.  Newton-Raphson and
+quasi-Newton methods are among the commonly used optimization methods
+that rely completely on derivatives.  Such methods work well when the
+function to be optimized is regular and smooth over the domain of
+parameter values that is of interest, but otherwise the methods often
+fail \citep{GillMurrayWright1981}.  Even in models where such methods
+can be expected to work most of the time, resampling techniques such
+as the bootstrap \citep{EfronTibshirani1994} can generate resamples in
+which derivative-based optimization algorithms encounter severe
+difficulties.  This is unfortunate because the methods most frequently
+used for optimization in problems of statistical estimation are
+entirely based on derivatives.
+The \pkg{rgenoud} package has been used by wide variety of users and
+developers.  More than twelve \proglang{R} packages currently rely upon
+\pkg{rgenoud} including:  
+\pkg{anchors} \citep[analyzing survey data with
+anchoring vignettes,][]{Wand+King:2011,WandKingLau2007,KingWand2007};
+\pkg{BARD} \citep[automated redistricting,][]{Altman+McDonald:2011};
+\pkg{boolean} \citep[boolean binary response models,][]{braumoeller2003,BraumoellerGoodrichKline2006}; 
+\pkg{DiceOptim} \citep[kriging-based optimization for computer experiments,][]{DiceOptim}; 
+\pkg{FAiR} \citep[factor analysis,][]{goodrich.fair}; 
+\pkg{JOP} \citep[simultaneous optimization of multiple responses,][]{JOP}; 
+\pkg{KrigInv} \citep[kriging-based inversion,][]{KrigInv}; 
+\pkg{PKfit} \citep[data analysis in pharmacokinetics,][]{LeeLee2006};
+\pkg{Matching} \citep[propensity score and multivariate matching,][]{SekhonMatching,Sekhon:2011}; 
+\pkg{ivivc} \citep[in vitro-in vivo correlation modeling,][]{ivivc};
+\pkg{multinomRob} \citep[robust multinomial models,][]{MebaneSekhon.multinomRob,MebaneSekhon2004}; and
+\pkg{Synth} \citep[synthetic control group method for comparative case studies,][]{AbadieGardeazabal2003,synth2008,Abadie+Diamond+Hainmueller:2011}.
+We present in Section \ref{sec:examples} an example using benchmark functions
+taken from \citet{yao.liu.lin1999}, followed by an example motivated by the
+\code{multinomRob} package.  The benchmark suite includes functions that are
+high-dimensional, discontinuous or that have many local optima.  The
+\code{multinomRob} package robustly estimates overdispersed multinomial
+regression models and uses \pkg{rgenoud} to solve a least quartile difference
+(LQD) generalized S-estimator \citep{MebaneSekhon2004}.  The LQD is not a
+smooth function of the regression model parameters.  The function is
+continuous, but the parameter space is finely partitioned by nondifferentiable
+In another paper in this volume, the \pkg{Matching} package and its
+use of \pkg{rgenoud} are described in detail \citep{Sekhon:2011}.
+\pkg{Matching} provides functions for multivariate and propensity
+score matching and for finding optimal covariate balance based on a
+genetic search algorithm implemented in \pkg{rgenoud}.  The search
+over optimal matches is discontinuous so no derivatives are
+used.\footnote{The \code{BFGS} option of \code{genoud} is set to
+  \code{FALSE}, and the ninth operator which depends on derivatives is
+  not used.}  The search also involves lexical
+optimization which is a unique feature implemented in
+\pkg{rgenoud}.\footnote{Lexical optimization is useful when there are
+  multiple fitness criteria; the parameters are chosen so as to
+  maximize fitness values in lexical order---i.e., the second fit criterion
+  is only considered if the parameters have the same fit for the
+ first.  See the \code{lexical} option and \citet{Sekhon:2011} for
+  details.  All of \code{genoud}'s options are described in the
+  \proglang{R} help file for the function.}
+%  If one wishes to use such a model,
+%significant optimization difficulties may need to be overcome.  For
+%example, the estimating functions of all of the following models are
+%not in general globally concave: models with multivariate qualitative
+%variables, censoring or endogenous switching
+%\citep{maddala1983,amemiya1985}; linear covariance structures
+%\citep{bollen1989}; models for durations or transitions with
+%unobserved heterogeneity \citep{HeckmanSinger1985,lancaster1990};
+%quasi-likelihood and extended quasi-likelihood models
+%\citep{McCullaghNelder1989} and systems based on such models
+%\citep{FahrmeirTutz1994}; and nonlinear simultaneous equation models
+%\citep{gallant1987}.  For such models, optimization methods driven
+%entirely by derivatives are often unreliable.  For some versions of
+%some of these models, algorithms such as EM that involve data
+%augmentation have been successfully applied to produce optimization
+%problems that derivative-based methods can solve
+The \pkg{rgenoud} package implements an updated and extended version
+of the \proglang{C} program \code{GENOUD} \citep{MebaneSekhon1997}
+described in \citep{SekhonMebane1998}.  The many improvements include
+among other things the interface with \proglang{R}, which includes the
+ability to optimize functions written in \proglang{R}, options to
+optimize both floating point and integer-valued parameters, the
+ability to optimize loss functions which return multiple fitness values
+(lexical optimization), the ability to call \code{genoud} recursively,
+the ability to have the optimizer evaluate fits only for new parameter
+values, and the ability to use multiple computers, CPUs or cores to
+perform parallel computations.
+The \pkg{rgenoud} program combines an evolutionary algorithm with a
+quasi-Newton method.  The quasi-Newton method is the
+Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) method
+\citep[][119]{GillMurrayWright1981} implemented in \proglang{R}'s \code{optim}
+function.  When the BFGS is being used, our program offers the option of using
+either \pkg{rgenoud}'s built-in numerical derivatives (which are based on
+code taken from \citealt[][337--344]{GillMurrayWright1981}) or user-supplied
+analytical derivatives.\footnote{User supplied derivatives may be provides via
+  the \code{gr} option.}  Our program can also work without the BFGS, in which
+case no derivatives are needed and the optimizer will work even when the
+function is discontinuous.  The primary benefit from using derivatives is that
+the algorithm will then quickly find a local optimum when a current set of
+trial solution parameter values is in a smooth neighborhood of the local
+optimum point.  Appropriate use of the BFGS can make the algorithm converge to
+the global optimum much more quickly.  But premature or excessive use of the
+BFGS can prevent convergence to the global optimum.\footnote{The user can
+  control whether \code{genoud} uses the BFGS at all (via the \code{BFGS}
+  option), and if operators that use the BFGS are used (via the \code{P9}
+  option), how often they are used.}  As always, it is hazardous to rely on an
+optimizer's default settings.  Our program does not eliminate the need for
+judgment, testing and patience.
+As Gill, Murray and Wright observe, ``there is no guaranteed strategy that
+will resolve every difficulty'' \citep[285]{GillMurrayWright1981}.  In this article, we very briefly
+review the theory of random search algorithms that supports the assertion that
+\pkg{rgenoud} has a high probability of finding the global optimum when such
+exists.  And we present three examples of how to use the \code{genoud}
+function: to optimize a simple but fiendish scalar Normal mixture model; to
+minimize a suite of benchmark functions that have previously been used to test
+evolutionary programming optimization algorithms; and to optimize a version of
+the only intermittently differentiable LQD estimator.  Additional details on
+both the theory and performance of \code{genoud} can be found in our article
+that describes \code{GENOUD} \citep{SekhonMebane1998}.
+\section{Background on Genetic Optimization}
+An evolutionary algorithm (EA) uses a collection of heuristic rules to
+modify a population of trial solutions in such a way that each
+generation of trial values tends to be, on average, better than its
+predecessor.  The measure for whether one trial solution is better
+than another is the trial solution's fitness value.  In statistical
+applications, the fitness is a function of the summary statistic being
+optimized (e.g., the log-likelihood).  \pkg{rgenoud} works for cases
+in which a solution is a vector of floating-point or integer numbers
+that serve as the parameters of a function to be optimized.  The
+search for a solution proceeds via a set of heuristic rules, or
+\textit{operators}, each of which acts on one or more trial solutions
+from the current population to produce one or more trial solutions to
+be included in the new population. EAs do not require derivatives to
+exist or the function to be continuous in order find the global
+The EA in \pkg{rgenoud} is fundamentally a genetic algorithm (GA) in which
+the code-strings are vectors of numbers rather than bit
+strings, and the GA operators take special forms tuned for the
+floating-point or integer vector representation.  A GA uses a set of randomized
+genetic operators to evolve a finite population of finite code-strings
+over a series of generations
+\citep{holland1975,goldberg1989,GrefenstetteBaker1989}.  The operators
+used in GA implementations vary
+\citep{davis1991,FilhoTreleavenAlippi1994}, but in an analytical sense
+the basic set of operators can be defined as reproduction, mutation,
+crossover and inversion.  The variation in these operators across different
+GA implementations reflects
+the variety of codes best suited for different applications.
+Reproduction entails selecting a code-string with a probability that
+increases with the code-string's fitness value.  Crossover and
+inversion use pairs or larger sets of the selected code-strings to
+create new code-strings.  Mutation randomly changes the values of
+elements of a single selected code-string.
+Used in suitable combinations, the genetic operators tend to improve
+average fitness of each successive generation, though there is no
+guarantee that average fitness will improve between every pair of
+successive generations.  Average fitness may well decline.  But
+theorems exist to prove that parts of the trial solutions that have above average
+fitness values in the current population are sampled at an
+exponential rate for inclusion in the subsequent population
+\citep[][139--140]{holland1975}.  Each generation's population
+contains a biased sample of code-strings, so that a substring's
+performance in that population is a biased estimate of its average
+performance over all possible populations
+The long-run properties of a GA may be understood by thinking of the GA as a
+Markov chain.  A state of the chain is a code-string population of the size
+used in the GA.  For code-strings of finite length and GA populations of
+finite size, the state space is finite.  If such a GA uses random reproduction
+and random mutation, all states always have a positive probability of
+occurring.  A finite GA with random reproduction and mutation is therefore
+approximately a finite and irreducible Markov
+chain.\footnote{\citet[][372--419]{feller1970} and
+  \citet[][107--142]{billingsley1986} review the relevant properties of Markov
+  chains.  The randomness in an actual GA depends on the performance of
+  pseudorandom number generators.  This and the limitations of floating point
+  arithmetic mean it is not literally true that an actual GA has a positive
+  probability of reaching any state from any other state, and some states may
+  in fact not be reachable from a given set of initial conditions.}  An
+irreducible, finite Markov chain converges at an exponential rate to a unique
+stationary distribution \citep[][128]{billingsley1986}.  This means that the
+probability that each population occurs rapidly converges to a constant,
+positive value.  \citet{NixVose1992} and 
+\citet{vose1993} use a Markov chain model to show that in a GA where the
+probability that each code-string is selected to reproduce is proportional to
+its observed fitness, the stationary distribution strongly emphasizes
+populations that contain code-strings that have high fitness values.  They
+show that asymptotic in the population size---i.e., in the limit for a series
+of GAs with successively larger populations---populations that have suboptimal
+average fitness have probabilities approaching zero in the stationary
+distribution, while the probability for the population that has optimal
+average fitness approaches one.  If $k>1$ populations have optimal average
+fitness, then in the limiting stationary distribution the probability for each
+approaches $1/k$.
+The theoretical results of Nix and Vose imply that a GA's success as an
+optimizer depends on having a sufficiently large population of code-strings.
+If the GA population is not sufficiently large, then the Markov chain that the
+GA approximately implements is converging to a stationary distribution in
+which the probabilities of optimal and suboptimal states are not sharply
+distinguished.  Suboptimal populations can be as likely to occur as optimal
+ones.  If the stationary distribution is not favorable, the run time in terms
+of generations needed to produce an optimal code-string will be excessive.
+For all but trivially small state spaces, an unfavorable stationary
+distribution can easily imply an expected running time in the millions of
+generations.  But if the stationary distribution strongly emphasizes optimal
+populations, relatively few generations may be needed to find an optimal
+code-string.  In general, the probability of producing an optimum in a fixed
+number of generations tends to increase with the GA population size.
+  \line(1,0){450}
+\item[\code{P1}] Cloning.  Copy $\mathbf{X}_{t}$ into the next generation,
+  $\mathbf{X}_{t+1}$. 
+\item[\code{P2}] Uniform Mutation.  At random choose $i\in\mathbf{N}$.  Select a value
+  $\tilde{x}_i \sim U(\underline{x}_i, \overline{x}_i)$.  Set
+  $X_i=\tilde{x}_i$.  
+\item[\code{P3}] Boundary Mutation.  At random choose $i\in\mathbf{N}$.  Set either
+  $X_i=\underline{x}_i$ or $X_i=\overline{x}_i$, with probability $1/2$ of
+  using each value.  
+\item[\code{P4}] Non-uniform Mutation.  At random choose $i\in\mathbf{N}$.  Compute
+  $p = (1-t/T)^B u$, where $t$ is the current generation number, $T$ is the
+  maximum number of generations, $B>0$ is a tuning parameter and $u \sim
+  U(0,1)$.  Set either $X_i=(1-p)x_i + p\underline{x}_i$ or $X_i=(1-p)x_i +
+  p\overline{x}_i$, with probability $1/2$ of using each value.    
+\item[\code{P5}] Polytope Crossover.  Using $m=\max(2,n)$ vectors
+  $\mathbf{x}$ from the current population and $m$ random numbers
+  $p_j\in(0,1)$ such that $\sum_{j=1}^m p_j = 1$, set $\mathbf{X} =
+  \sum_{j=1}^m p_j \mathbf{x}_j$. 
+\item[\code{P6}] Simple Crossover.  Choose a single integer $i$ from $\mathbf{N}$.
+  Using two parameter vectors, $\mathbf{x}$ and $\mathbf{y}$, 
+  set $X_i = p x_i + (1-p) y_i$ and $Y_i = p y_i + (1-p)
+  x_i$, where $p\in(0,1)$ is a fixed number. 
+\item[\code{P7}] Whole Non-uniform Mutation.  Do non-uniform mutation for
+  all the elements of $\mathbf{X}$.
+\item[\code{P8}] Heuristic Crossover.  Choose $p \sim U(0,1)$.  Using two parameter
+  vectors, $\mathbf{x}$ and $\mathbf{y}$, compute $\mathbf{z} =
+  p(\mathbf{x} - \mathbf{y}) + \mathbf{x}$.  If $\mathbf{z}$ satisfies
+  all constraints, use it.  Otherwise choose another $p$ value and repeat.
+  Set $\mathbf{z}$ equal to the better of $\mathbf{x}$ and $\mathbf{y}$ if
+  a satisfactory mixed $\mathbf{z}$ is not found by a preset number of
+  attempts.  In this fashion produce two $\mathbf{z}$ vectors.  
+\item[\code{P9}] Local-minimum Crossover.  Choose $p \sim U(0,1)$.
+  Starting with $\mathbf{x}$, run BFGS optimization up to a preset
+  number of iterations to produce $\mathbf{\tilde{x}}$.  Compute
+  $\mathbf{z} = p\mathbf{\tilde{x}} + (1-p)\mathbf{x}$.  If
+  $\mathbf{z}$ satisfies boundary constraints, use it.  Otherwise
+  shrink $p$ by setting $p = p/2$ and recompute $\mathbf{z}$.  If a
+  satisfactory $\mathbf{z}$ is not found by a preset number of
+  attempts, return $\mathbf{x}$.  This operators is extremely
+  computationally intensive, use sparingly. 
+  Notation: \\ [2ex]
+  $\mathbf{X} =\begin{bmatrix}X_1,\dots,X_n\end{bmatrix}$ is the
+  vector of $n$ parameters $X_i$.  $\underline{x}_i$ is the lower
+  bound and $\overline{x}_i$ is the upper bound on values for $X_i$.
+  $x_i$ is the current value of $X_i$, and $\mathbf{x}$ is the current
+  value of $\mathbf{X}$.  $\mathbf{N} = \{1,\dots,n\}$.  $p \sim
+  U(0,1)$ means that $p$ is drawn from the uniform distribution on the
+  $[0,1]$ interval.
+  \caption{`genoud' Operators. Adapted from \citet{SekhonMebane1998}.}
+  \line(1,0){450}
+The evolutionary algorithm in \pkg{rgenoud} uses nine operators that
+are listed in Table~\ref{tab:operators}.  The operators extend and
+modify a set of operators used in \code{GENOCOP}
+\citep{MichalewiczSwaminathanLogan1993, Michalewicz1992}.  The
+operators are numbered using syntax matching that used to refer to
+them by \pkg{rgenoud}.  The \textit{cloning} operator simply makes
+copies of the best trial solution in the current generation
+(independent of this operator, \pkg{rgenoud} always retains one
+instance of the best trial solution).  The \textit{uniform mutation},
+\textit{boundary mutation} and \textit{non-uniform mutation} operators
+act on a single trial solution.  Uniform mutation changes one
+parameter in the trial solution to a random value uniformly
+distributed on the domain specified for the parameter.  Boundary
+mutation replaces one parameter with one of the bounds of its domain.
+Non-uniform mutation shrinks one parameter toward one of the bounds,
+with the amount of shrinkage decreasing as the generation count
+approaches the specified maximum number of generations.  \textit{Whole
+  non-uniform mutation} does non-uniform mutation for all the
+parameters in the trial solution.  \textit{Heuristic crossover} uses
+two trial solutions to produce a new trial solution located along a
+vector that starts at one trial solution and points away from the
+other one.  \textit{Polytope crossover} (inspired by simplex search,
+\citealt[][94--95]{GillMurrayWright1981}) computes a trial solution
+that is a convex combination of as many trial solutions as there are
+parameters.  \textit{Simple crossover} computes two trial solutions
+from two input trial solutions by swapping parameter values between
+the solutions after splitting the solutions at a randomly selected
+point.  This operator can be especially effective if the ordering of
+the parameters in each trial solution is consequential.
+\textit{Local-minimum crossover} computes a new trial solution in two
+steps: first it does a preset number of BFGS iterations starting from
+the input trial solution; then it computes a convex combination of the
+input solutions and the BFGS iterate.
+The only function in the \pkg{rgenoud} package is \code{genoud}.  The
+interface of this function is similar to that of the \code{optim}
+function in \proglang{R}.  But the function has many additional
+arguments that control the behavior of the evolutionary algorithm.
+\subsection{Asymmetric Double Claw:}
+Our first example, which we also studied in \citet{SekhonMebane1998}, is a
+normal mixture called the Asymmetric Double Claw (ADC).  We plot the function
+in Figure~\ref{fig:mixture1}.
+  \caption{Normal Mixture: Asymmetric Double Claw}
+  \vspace{-.5in}
+  \label{fig:mixture1}
+  \begin{center}
+    \includegraphics{fig1.pdf}
+  \end{center}
+  \vspace{-.7in}
+Mathematically, this mixture is defined as
+  \label{eq:adclaw}
+  f_{\mathrm{ADC}} & =
+  \sum_{m=0}^{1} \frac{46}{100} \mathrm{N}\left(2m-1,\frac{2}{3}\right) +
+  \sum_{m=1}^{3} \frac{1}{300} \mathrm{N}\left(\frac{-m}{2},\frac{1}{100}\right) +
+  \sum_{m=1}^{3} \frac{7}{300} \mathrm{N}\left(\frac{m}{2},\frac{7}{100}\right), 
+where N is the normal density.
+The asymmetric double claw is difficult to maximize because there are
+many local solutions.  There are five local maxima in Figure
+\ref{fig:mixture1}.  Standard derivative-based optimizers would
+simply climb up the hill closest to the starting value.
+To optimize this normal mixture we must first create a function for it
+    claw <- function(xx) {
+     x <- xx[1]
+      y <- (0.46*(dnorm(x,-1.0,2.0/3.0) + dnorm(x,1.0,2.0/3.0)) +
+      (1.0/300.0)*(dnorm(x,-0.5,.01) + dnorm(x,-1.0,.01) + dnorm(x,-1.5,.01)) +
+     (7.0/300.0)*(dnorm(x,0.5,.07) + dnorm(x,1.0,.07) + dnorm(x,1.5,.07))) 
+      return(y)
+    }
+And we now make a call to \pkg{rgenoud} using this function:
+claw1   <- genoud(claw, nvars=1, max=TRUE, pop.size=3000)
+The first argument of \code{genoud} is the function to be optimized.  The first
+argument of that function must be the vector of parameters over which
+optimizing is to occur.  Generally, the function should return a
+scalar result.\footnote{The function to be optimized may return a
+  vector if one wishes to do lexical optimization.  Please see
+  the \code{lexical} option to \code{genoud}.}  The second argument of \code{genoud} in this example
+(\code{nvars}) is 
+the number of variables the function to be optimized takes.
+The third argument, \code{max=TRUE}, tells
+\code{genoud} to maximize the function instead of its default behavior
+which is to minimize.
+The fourth option \code{pop.size} controls the most important part
+of the evolutionary algorithm, the population size.  This is the
+number of individuals \code{genoud} uses to solve the optimization
+problem.  As noted in the theoretical discussion, the theorems related
+to evolutionary algorithms are asymptotic in the population size so
+larger is generally better but obviously takes longer.  The maximum
+solution of the double claw density is reliably found by \code{genoud}
+even using the default value of \code{pop.size=1000}.
+Reliability does increase as the \code{pop.size} is made larger.
+Unfortunately, because of the stochastic nature of the algorithm, it
+is impossible to generally answer the question of what is the best
+population size to use.
+Other options determine the maximum number of generations the evolutionary
+algorithm computes.  These options are \code{max.generations},
+\code{wait.generations} and \code{hard.generation.limit}.  The specified
+termination point also affects how some of the operators perform: the two
+non-uniform mutation operators introduce smaller ranges of variation in the
+trial solutions as the generation count approaches the specified
+\code{max.generations} value.  There are many more options that can be used
+to fine-tune the behavior of the algorithm.
+The output printed by \code{genoud} is controlled by a \code{print.level}
+argument.  The default value, \code{print.level=2}, produces relatively
+verbose output that gives extensive information about the set of operators
+being used and the progress of the optimization.  Normally \proglang{R}
+conventions would suggest setting the default to be \code{print.level=0},
+which would suppress output to the screen, but because \code{genoud} runs may
+take a long time, it can be important for the user to receive some feedback to
+see the program has not died and to be able to see where the program got stuck
+if it eventually fails to make adequate progress.
+The output printed by the preceding invocation of \code{genoud}, which uses
+the default value for a \code{print.level} argument, is as follows.
+  \begin{CodeOutput}
+Fri Feb  9 19:33:42 2007
+ -1.000000e+01   <=  X1   <=    1.000000e+01 
+Data Type: Floating Point
+Operators (code number, name, population) 
+        (1) Cloning...........................  372
+        (2) Uniform Mutation..................  375
+        (3) Boundary Mutation.................  375
+        (4) Non-Uniform Mutation..............  375
+        (5) Polytope Crossover................  375
+        (6) Simple Crossover..................  376
+        (7) Whole Non-Uniform Mutation........  375
+        (8) Heuristic Crossover...............  376
+        (9) Local-Minimum Crossover...........  0
+HARD Maximum Number of Generations: 100
+Maximum Nonchanging Generations: 10
+Population size       : 3000
+Convergence Tolerance: 1.000000e-03
+Using the BFGS Derivative Based Optimizer on the Best Individual Each Generation.
+Checking Gradients before Stopping.
+Using Out of Bounds Individuals.
+Maximization Problem.
+GENERATION: 0 (initializing the population)
+Fitness value... 4.112017e-01
+mean............ 4.990165e-02
+variance........ 9.708147e-03
+#unique......... 3000, #Total UniqueCount: 3000
+var 1:
+best............ 9.966758e-01
+mean............ 3.453097e-02
+variance........ 3.373681e+01
+Fitness value... 4.113123e-01
+mean............ 2.237095e-01
+variance........ 2.566140e-02
+#unique......... 1858, #Total UniqueCount: 4858
+var 1:
+best............ 9.995043e-01
+mean............ 4.615946e-01
+variance........ 7.447887e+00
+Fitness value... 4.113123e-01
+mean............ 2.953888e-01
+variance........ 2.590842e-02
+#unique......... 1831, #Total UniqueCount: 21708
+var 1:
+best............ 9.995033e-01
+mean............ 8.403935e-01
+variance........ 5.363241e+00
+Fitness value... 4.113123e-01
+mean............ 2.908561e-01
+variance........ 2.733896e-02
+#unique......... 1835, #Total UniqueCount: 23543
+var 1:
+best............ 9.995033e-01
+mean............ 8.084638e-01
+variance........ 6.007372e+00
+'wait.generations' limit reached.
+No significant improvement in 10 generations.
+Solution Fitness Value: 4.113123e-01
+Parameters at the Solution (parameter, gradient):
+ X[ 1] :        9.995033e-01    G[ 1] : -6.343841e-09
+Solution Found Generation 1
+Number of Generations Run 11
+Fri Feb  9 19:33:45 2007
+Total run time : 0 hours 0 minutes and 3 seconds
+  \end{CodeOutput}
+After printing the date and time of the run, the program prints the domain of
+values it is allowing for each parameter of the function being optimized.  In
+this case the default domain values are being used.  Naturally it is important
+to specify domains wide enough to include the solution.  In practice with
+highly nonlinear functions it is often better to specify domains that are
+relatively wide than to have domains that narrowly and perhaps even correctly
+bound the solution.  This surprising behavior reflects the fact with a highly
+nonlinear function, a point that is close to the solution in the sense of
+simple numerical proximity may not be all that close in the sense of there
+being a short feasible path to get to the solution.
+Next the program prints the Data Type.  This indicates whether the parameters
+of the function to be optimized are being treated as floating point numbers or
+integers.  For more information about this, see the \code{data.type.int}
+The program then displays the number of operators being used, followed by the
+values that describe the other characteristics set for this particular run:
+the maximum number of generations, the population size and the tolerance value
+to be used to determine when the parameter values will be deemed to have
+The output then reports whether BFGS optimization will be applied to the best
+trial solution produced by the operators in each generation.  For problems
+that are smooth and concave in a neighborhood of the global optimum, using the
+BFGS in this way can help \code{genoud} quickly converge once the best trial
+solution is in the correct neighborhood.  This run of \code{genoud} will also
+compute the gradient at the best trial solution before stopping.  In fact this
+gradient checking is used as a convergence check.  The algorithm will not
+start counting its final set of generations (the \code{wait.generations})
+until each element of the gradient is smaller in magnitude than the
+convergence tolerance.  Gradients are never used and BFGS optimization is not
+used when the parameters of the function to be optimized are integers.
+The next message describes how strictly \code{genoud} is enforcing the
+boundary constraints specified by the domain values.  By default
+(\code{boundary.enforcement=0}), the trial solutions are allowed to wander
+freely outside the boundaries.  The boundaries are used only to define domains
+for those operators that use the boundary information.  Other settings of the
+\code{boundary.enforcement} argument induce either more stringent or
+completely strict enforcement of the boundary constraints.  Notice that the
+boundary constraints apply to the parameters one at a time.  To enforce
+constraints that are defined by more complicated functional or data-dependent
+relationships, one can include an appropriate penalty function as part of the
+definition of the function to be optimized, letting that function define an
+extremely high (if minimizing) or low (if maximizing) value to be returned if
+the desired conditions are violated.
+After reporting whether it is solving a minimization or a maximization problem,
+\code{genoud} reports summary statistics that describe the distribution of the
+fitness value and the parameter values across the trial solutions at the end
+of each generation.  In the default case where \code{genoud} is keeping track
+of all the distinct solutions considered over the whole course of the
+optimizing run, these generational reports also include a report of the number
+of unique trial solutions in the current population and the number of unique
+solutions ever considered.  The benefit of keeping track of the solutions is
+to avoid repeatedly evaluating the function being optimized for the
+identical set of parameter values.  This can be an important efficiency when
+function evaluations are expensive, as they can be in statistical applications
+where the data are extensive.  This tracking behavior is controlled by the
+\code{MemoryMatrix} argument.
+Upon convergence, or when the hard maximum generation limit is reached, the
+program prints the fitness value at the best trial solution and that
+solution's parameter values.  In this case the solution was found after one
+generation.  While the Asymmetric Double Claw might present a difficult
+challenge for a gradient-based optimizer that uses only local hill climbing,
+it is an almost trivially simple problem for \code{genoud}.
+\subsection{Benchmark Functions:}
+The second example is a suite of 23 benchmark nonlinear functions used
+in \citet{yao.liu.lin1999} to study a pair of evolutionary programming
+optimization algorithms.  Function definitions are in
+Table~\ref{tab:23funcs}.  Because it includes a random component and
+so lacks a reproducible minimum value, we ignore the function numbered
+function 7 in their sequence.\footnote{The omitted function is
+  $\sum_{i=1}^n ix_i^4 +U(0,1)$, where $U(0,1)$ is a uniformly
+  distributed random variable on the unit interval that takes a new
+  value whenever the function is evaluated.  This stochastic aspect
+  means that even given the set of parameters that minimize the
+  nonstochastic component $\sum_{i=1}^n ix_i^4$, i.e., $x_i=0$, the
+  value of the function virtually never attains the minimum possible
+  value of zero.  An optimizer that evaluated the function at $x_i=0$
+  would not in general obtain a function value smaller than the
+  function value obtained for a wide range of different parameter
+  values.  Hence we do not consider this function to be a good test
+  for function optimization algorithms.}  Implementations of these
+functions are available in the supplemental \proglang{R} file provided
+with this article.\footnote{This supplemental file is available at
+  \url{http://sekhon.berkeley.edu/rgenoud/func23.R}.}  These
+\proglang{R} definitions include the values of the constants used in
+functions 14, 15 and 19 through 23.  The function argument domains are
+restricted to the specific domains used by \citet{yao.liu.lin1999} via
+bounds that are stated in the list named \code{testbounds} in the
+supplemental file.
+  \begin{center}
+    \line(1,0){450}
+  \end{center}  
+ \begin{tabular}{LLLL}
+\text{func.} & \text{definition} & n & \text{minimum}^a \\
+ 1 & \sum_{i=1}^n x_i^2 & 30 & 0 \\
+ 2 & \sum_{i=1}^n |x_i| + \prod_{i=1}^n |x_i| & 30 & 0 \\
+ 3 & \sum_{i=1}^n (\sum_{j=1}^i x_j)^2 & 30 & 0 \\
+ 4 & \max_i \{|x_i|, 1\leq i\leq n\} & 30 & 0 \\
+ 5 & \sum_{i=1}^{n-1} [100(x_{i+1}-x_i^2)^2 +(x_i-1)^2],
+ & 30 & 0 \\
+ 6 & \sum_{i=1}^n (\lfloor x_i + 0.5\rfloor)^2 & 30 & 0 \\
+ 7 & \sum_{i=1}^n ix_i^4 +U(0,1) & 30 & 0 \\
+ 8 & \sum_{i=1}^n -x_i\sin(\sqrt{|x_i|}) & 30 & -12569.5 \\
+ 9 & \sum_{i=1}^n [x_i^2-10\cos(2\pi x_i)+10] & 30 & 0 \\
+10 & -20\exp\left(-0.2\sqrt{n^{-1}\sum_{i=1}^n x_i^2}\,\right) \\
+   & \qquad -\exp(n^{-1}\sum_{i=1}^n\cos 2\pi x_i)+20+e & 30 & 0 \\
+11 & (1/1000) \sum_{i=1}^n x_i^2 -
+\prod_{i=1}^n\cos\left(x_i/\sqrt{i}\right) + 1 & 30 & 0 \\
+12 & n^{-1}\pi \left\{10 \sin^2(\pi y_1)+\sum_{i=1}^{n-1}(y_i-1)^2
+[1+10\sin^2(\pi y_{i+1})]+(y_n-1)^2\right\} \\
+ & \quad +\sum_{i=1}^n u(x_i,10,100,4), & 30 & 0 \\
+ & y_i=1+(x_i+1)/4, \quad u(x_i,a,k,m)=\begin{cases} k(x_i-a)^m, & x_i>a, \\
+ 0, & -a\leq x_i\leq a,\\ k(-x_i-a)^m, & x_i<-a,
+\end{cases} & \\
+13 & \left\{ \sin^2(3\pi
+  x_1)+\sum_{i=1}^{n-1}(x_i-1)^2[1+\sin^2(3\pi x_{i+1})]\right\}/10 \\
+ & \quad  +(x_n-1)[1+\sin^2(2\pi x_n)]/10
++\sum_{i=1}^n u(x_i,5,100,4) & 30 & 0 \\
+14 & \left\{1/500+
+\sum_{j=1}^{25} 1/\left[j+\sum_{i=1}^2(x_i-a_{ij})^6\right]\right\}^{-1} & 2 & 1 \\
+15 & \sum_{i=1}^{11} [a_i-x_1(b_i^2+b_ix_2)/(b_i^2+b_ix_3+x_4)]^2 & 4 & 0.0003075 \\
+16 & 4x_1^2-2.1x_1^4+x_1^6/3+x_1x_2-4x_2^2+4x_2^4 & 2 & -1.0316285 \\
+17 & [x_2-5.1x_1^2/(4\pi^2) + 5x_1/\pi - 6]^2 +
+    10[1-1/(8\pi)]\cos(x_1) + 10 & 2 & 0.398 \\
+18 & [1+(x_1+x_2+1)^2(19-14 x_1+3 x_1^2-14 x_2+6 x_1 x_2+3 x_2^2)] \\
+ & \quad \times [30+(2 x_1-3 x_2)^2 (18-32 x_1+12 x_1^2+48 x_2-36 x_1 x_2+27 x_2^2)] & 2 & 3 \\
+19 & -\sum_{i=1}^4 c_i\exp\left[-\sum_{j=1}^4 a_{ij}(x_i-p_{ij})^2\right] & 4 & -3.86 \\
+20 & -\sum_{i=1}^4 c_i\exp\left[-\sum_{j=1}^6 a_{ij}(x_i-p_{ij})^2\right] & 6 & -3.32 \\
+21 & \sum_{i=1}^5 [(x-a_i)^{\prime}(x-a_i)+c_i]^{-1} & 4 & -10 \\
+22 & \sum_{i=1}^7 [(x-a_i)^{\prime}(x-a_i)+c_i]^{-1} & 4 & -10 \\
+23 & \sum_{i=1}^{10} [(x-a_i)^{\prime}(x-a_i)+c_i]^{-1} & 4 & -10 
+  \end{tabular}
+  \begin{flushleft}
+    Notes: $^a$Minimum function value within specified bounds as given by
+    \citet[85]{yao.liu.lin1999}.
+  \end{flushleft}
+  \vspace*{.1in}
+  \caption{23 Benchmark Functions}
+  \label{tab:23funcs}
+  \line(1,0){450}
+As \citet{yao.liu.lin1999} describe, optimizing each of functions
+1--13 presents a high-dimensional problem.  These functions each have
+$n=30$ free parameters.  Functions 1--5 are unimodal, with function 5
+being a 30-dimensional version of the banana-shaped Rosenbrock
+function.  Function 6 is a step function.  Function 6 has one minimum
+value that occurs when all arguments are in the interval
+$x_i\in[0,.5)$, and the function is discontinuous.  Functions 8--13
+are multimodal, defined such that the number of local minima increases
+exponentially with the number of arguments.
+\citet[84]{yao.liu.lin1999} describe these functions as among ``the
+most difficult class of problems for many optimization algorithms
+(including [evolutionary programming]).''  Functions 14--23, which
+have between two and six free parameters each, each have only a few
+local minima.  Nonetheless the evolutionary programming algorithms
+considered by \citet{yao.liu.lin1999} have trouble optimizing
+functions 21--23.  Although \citet[85]{yao.liu.lin1999} state that
+each of these functions has a minimum value of $-10$, over 50
+replications the two algorithms they consider achieve solutions
+averaging between $-5.52$ and $-9.10$ \citep[88,
+We use these benchmark functions to illustrate not only how effective
+\code{genoud} can be with a range of difficult problems, but also to emphasize
+an important aspect of how one should think about trying to tune the
+optimizer's performance.  Theory regarding genetic algorithms suggests that
+optimal solutions are more likely to appear as both the population size of
+candidate solutions and the number of generations increase.  In \code{genoud}
+two arguments determine the number of generations.  One is
+\code{max.generations}: if \code{hard.generation.limit=TRUE}, then the value
+specified for \code{max.generations} is a binding upper limit.  The other is
+\code{wait.generations}, which determines when the algorithm terminates if
+\code{hard.generation.limit=FALSE}.  But even if
+\code{hard.generation.limit=TRUE}, then \code{wait.generations} determines for
+how many generations the algorithm continues once the best parameter vector
+and the value of the function being optimized appear to have settled down.
+The fact that the current best solution is not changing should not be treated
+as decisive, because this solution may be merely a local optimum or a
+saddlepoint.  If the population size is sufficient, the algorithm tends to
+build a population of trial solutions that contain parameters in neighborhoods
+of all the competitive local optima in the domain defined by the parameter
+boundaries.  Even while the current best solution is stable, the algorithm is
+improving the solutions near other local optima.  So having a higher
+\code{wait.generations} value never worsens the algorithm's efficacy.
+Increasing \code{max.generations} may or may not in itself improve
+optimization.  The value of \code{max.generations} sets the value of $T$ used
+in the mutation operators---operators 4 and 7 in Table~\ref{tab:operators}.
+These mutation operators perform random search near a trial solution that has
+been selected for mutation only when the current generation count is an
+appreciable fraction of $T$.  So increasing \code{max.generations} without
+changing \code{wait.generations} increases the period during which random
+search is occurring over a wider domain.  For multimodal functions such a
+wider search may be helpful, but sometimes failing to search more densely near
+the current trial solutions is not good.
+We use \code{genoud} to minimize the 23 functions using two values for
+\code{pop.size} (5000 and 10000) and two values for
+\code{max.generations} (30 and 100).  Following
+\citet{yao.liu.lin1999}, we replicate each optimization 50 times.  The
+following code describes the computations.  The list \code{testfuncs},
+vector \code{testNparms} and list \code{testbounds} are defined in the
+supplemental \proglang{R} file, and it is assume that this file is
+loaded with the \code{source("supplemental.R")} command.  The vector
+\code{gradcheck} is true for all elements except the ones corresponding
+to functions 6 and 7.
+gradcheck <- rep(TRUE,23)
+gradcheck[6:7] <- FALSE
+sizeset <- c(5000,10000)
+genset <- c(30,100)
+nreps <- 50
+gsarray <- array(NA, dim=c(length(sizeset), length(genset), 23, nreps))
+asc <- function(x) { as.character(x) }
+dimnames(gsarray) <- list(asc(sizeset), asc(genset), NULL, NULL);
+for (gsize in sizeset) {
+  for (ngens in genset) {
+    for (i in 1:23) {
+      for (j in 1:nreps) {
+        gsarray[as.character(gsize), as.character(ngens),i,j] <- 
+          genoud(testfuncs[[i]], nvars=testNparms[i], pop.size=gsize,
+               max.gen=ngens, hard.gen=TRUE, Domains=testbounds[[i]],
+               solution.tol=1e-6, boundary=1, gradient.check=gradcheck[i],
+              print=0)$value
+      }
+    }
+  }
+Using \code{genoud} to minimize the benchmark functions produces excellent
+results, at least when the \code{pop.size} and \code{max.generations}
+arguments are sufficiently large.  Table~\ref{tab:23mean} reports the mean
+function values for each configuration of the arguments.  These values may be
+compared both to the true function minima given by \citet{yao.liu.lin1999}
+(see the rightmost column in Table~\ref{tab:23funcs}) and to the average
+minimum function values \citet{yao.liu.lin1999} report for their ``fast''
+evolutionary programming (FEP) algorithm, which appear in the last column of
+Table~\ref{tab:23mean}.  The \code{genoud} averages for the \code{max.gen=100}
+configurations equal or are close to the true minima for all the functions
+except function 13.  One can reasonably argue that the average solutions for
+function 5 are not as close to zero as might be desired: these averages are
+close to $10^{-7}$, while the averages for other functions that have a true
+minimum of zero are $10^{-15}$ or smaller.  And the averages for functions 6,
+12 and 15 in the \code{pop.size=5000} case are off.  The effect of increasing
+\code{pop.size} is apparent with respect to both those three functions and
+also functions 13 and 20--23: the average minima are smaller with
+\code{pop.size=10000} than with \code{pop.size=5000}.  Except for functions 6
+and 12 in the \code{pop.size=5000} case and function 13, all the \code{genoud}
+solution averages for \code{max.gen=100} are either slightly or substantially
+better than the corresponding FEP solution averages.
+The results in Table~\ref{tab:23mean} clearly illustrate the potential
+consequences of not allowing \code{genoud} to run for a sufficient number of
+generations.  While some of the \code{genoud} solutions for \code{max.gen=30}
+have competitive means, several of the means are not good at all.
+  \begin{center}
+    \line(1,0){450}
+  \end{center}    
+ \begin{tabular}{llllll}
+ & \multicolumn{4}{c}{\code{genoud}} & \\ \cline{2-5}
+ & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\code{pop.size=5000}$^a$} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\code{pop.size=10000}$^a$} & \\
+\text{func.} & \code{max=30} & \code{max=100} & \code{max=30} & \code{max=100} & \text{FEP}$^b$ \\
+ 1 & 1.453\e 32 & 1.658\e 32 & 2.416\e 32 & 6.134\e 32 & 5.7\e 4 \\
+ 2 & 6.55\e 16 & 7.212\e 16 & 9.652\e 16 & 1.043\e 15 & 8.1\e 3 \\
+ 3 & 4.633\e 18 & 3.918\e 18 & 3.787\e 18 & 4.032\e 18 & 1.6\e 2 \\
+ 4 & 6.203\e 17 & 6.542\e 17 & 9.453\e 17 & 7.85\e 17 & 0.3 \\
+ 5 & 0.07973 & 5.887\e 08 & 8.133\e 08 & 8.917\e 08 & 5.06 \\
+ 6 &  18.58 &   0.08 &   9.38 &      0 & 0 \\
+% 7 & 0.1114 & 0.07473 & 0.1114 & 0.06466 & 7.6\e 3 \\
+ 8 & -12569.49 & -12569.49 & -12569.49 & -12569.49 & -12554.5 \\
+ 9 &  2.786 &      0 & 0.9353 &      0 & 4.6\e 2 \\
+10 &  2.849 & 3.997\e 15 &  2.199 & 3.997\e 15 & 1.8\e 2 \\
+11 & 7.994\e 17 & 7.105\e 17 & 9.548\e 17 & 6.439\e 17 & 1.6\e 2 \\
+12 & 5.371\e 19 & 0.004147 & 0.002073 & 1.178\e 19 & 9.2\e 6 \\
+13 & 0.02095 & 0.006543 & 0.006629 & 0.003011 & 1.6\e 4 \\
+14 &  0.998 &  0.998 &  0.998 &  0.998 & 1.22 \\
+15 & 0.0003441 & 0.0004746 & 0.0003807 & 0.0003807 & 5.0\e 4 \\
+16 & -1.0316285 & -1.0316285 & -1.0316285 & -1.0316285 & -1.03 \\
+17 & 0.3979 & 0.3979 & 0.3979 & 0.3979 & 0.398 \\
+18 &      3 &      3 &      3 &      3 & 3.02 \\
+19 & -3.863 & -3.863 & -3.863 & -3.863 & -3.86 \\
+20 & -3.274 & -3.277 & -3.279 & -3.286 & -3.27 \\
+21 &  -9.85 & -9.444 &  -9.95 & -10.05 & -5.52 \\
+22 & -9.771 & -10.09 & -10.19 &  -10.3 & -5.52 \\
+23 &  -10.1 & -9.997 & -10.32 & -10.21 & -6.57 
+  \end{tabular}
+  \begin{flushleft}
+    Note: $^b$Average minimum function values (over 50 replications) obtained
+    using \code{genoud}.  $^a$Mean best function values (over 50 replications)
+    reported for the ''fast'' evolutionary programming algorithm, from
+    \citet[85 and 88, Tables II--IV]{yao.liu.lin1999}.
+  \end{flushleft}
+  \vspace*{.1in}
+  \caption{Mean Values of 22 Optimized Functions}
+  \label{tab:23mean}
+  \line(1,0){450}
+The effect of increasing \code{pop.size} are even more clearly apparent in
+Table~\ref{tab:23sdev}, which reports the standard deviations of the
+respective minima across the 50 replications.  With the exceptions of
+functions 6, 12, 13, 15 and 21 with \code{pop.size=5000}, the \code{genoud}
+solutions for \code{max.gen=100} vary much less than the corresponding FEP
+solutions.  For those functions and also for functions 20, 22 and 23, the
+\code{max.gen=100} solutions with \code{pop.size=10000} vary noticeably less
+than the solutions with \code{pop.size=5000}.
+  \line(1,0){450}
+  \begin{tabular}{llllll}
+ & \multicolumn{4}{c}{\code{genoud}} & \\ \cline{2-5}
+ & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\code{pop.size=5000}$^a$} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\code{pop.size=10000}$^a$} & \\
+\text{func.} & \code{max=30} & \code{max=100} & \code{max=30} & \code{max=100} & \text{FEP}$^b$ \\
+ 1 & 9.997\e 32 & 7.059\e 32 & 9.562\e 32 & 2.1\e 31 & 1.3\e 4 \\
+ 2 & 1.668\e 15 & 1.621\e 15 & 2.116\e 15 & 2.102\e 15 & 7.7\e 4 \\
+ 3 & 4.568\e 18 & 3.342\e 18 & 4.38\e 18 & 5.136\e 18 & 1.4\e 2 \\
+ 4 & 1.793\e 16 & 1.758\e 16 & 2.055\e 16 & 2.002\e 16 & 0.5 \\
+ 5 & 0.5638 & 4.921\e 08 & 5.573\e 08 & 4.955\e 08 & 5.87 \\
+ 6 &   5.65 &  0.274 &  3.528 &      0 & 0 \\
+% 7 & 0.0837 & 0.05153 & 0.08042 & 0.04883 & 2.6\e 3 \\
+ 8 & 3.749\e 10 & 1.071\e 12 & 8.948\e 09 & 6.365\e 13 & 52.6 \\
+ 9 &  1.864 &      0 &  1.179 &      0 & 1.2\e 2 \\
+10 & 0.7146 &      0 &  0.702 &      0 & 2.1\e 3 \\
+11 & 1.209\e 16 & 1.582\e 16 & 1.289\e 16 & 8.713\e 17 & 2.2\e 2 \\
+12 & 2.336\e 18 & 0.02052 & 0.01466 & 7.423\e 19 & 3.6\e 6 \\
+13 & 0.03427 & 0.006867 & 0.006903 & 0.001508 & 7.3\e 5 \\
+14 & 5.638\e 12 & 8.894\e 11 & 1.029\e 12 & 4.35\e 12 & 0.56 \\
+15 & 0.0001813 & 0.0003546 & 0.000251 & 0.0002509 & 3.2\e 4 \\
+16 & 1.315\e 14 & 9.751\e 15 & 1.233\e 14 & 1.054\e 14 & 4.9\e 7 \\
+17 & 5.422\e 15 & 5.51\e 15 & 4.925\e 15 & 1.392\e 14 & 1.5\e 7 \\
+18 & 1.509\e 13 & 3.477\e 14 & 6.18\e 14 & 2.907\e 14 & 0.11 \\
+19 & 7.349\e 15 & 1.521\e 15 & 1.344\e 14 & 7.255\e 15 & 1.4\e 5 \\
+20 & 0.05884 & 0.0583 & 0.05765 & 0.05504 & 5.9\e 2 \\
+21 &  1.212 &  1.776 &  1.005 & 0.7145 & 1.59 \\
+22 &  1.937 &  1.269 &  1.052 & 0.7459 & 2.12 \\
+23 &  1.479 &  1.636 &  1.066 &   1.29 & 3.14 
+  \end{tabular}
+  \begin{flushleft}
+    Note: $^a$Standard deviation of the minimum function values (over 50
+    replications) obtained using \code{genoud}.  $^b$Standard deviation of the
+    best function values (over 50 replications) reported for the ''fast''
+    evolutionary programming algorithm, from \citet[85 and 88, Tables
+    II--IV]{yao.liu.lin1999}.
+  \end{flushleft}
+  \vspace*{.1in}
+  \caption{Standard Deviations of Values of 22 Optimized Functions}
+  \label{tab:23sdev}
+  \line(1,0){450}
+\subsection{A Logistic Least Quartile Difference Estimator:}
+Our third example is a version of the LQD estimator used in
+\code{multinomRob}.  Using the \proglang{R} function \code{IQR} to compute the
+interquartile range, the function to be minimized may be defined as
+follows.\footnote{The LQD problem solved in \code{multinomRob} is somewhat
+  different.  There the problem is to minimize the $\binom{h_{K}}{2}$ order
+  statistic of the set of absolute differences among the standardized
+  residuals, where $h_K$ is a function of the sample size and the number of
+  unknown regression model coefficients \citep{MebaneSekhon2004}.  The problem
+  considered in the current example is simpler but exhibits similar estimation
+  difficulties.}
+LQDxmpl <- function(b) {
+  logistic <- function(x) { 1/(1+exp(-x)) }
+  sIQR <- function(y, yhat, n) {
+    IQR((y-yhat)/sqrt(yhat*(n-yhat)), na.rm=TRUE)
+  }
+ sIQR(y, m*logistic(x %*% b), m)
+For this example we define \code{LQDxmpl} after we compute the simulated data,
+so the data vector \code{y}, matrix \code{x} and scalar \code{m} are in scope
+to evaluate to have the values we simulate:
+m <- 100
+x <- cbind(1,rnorm(1000),rnorm(1000))
+b1 <- c(.5, 1, -1)
+b2 <- c(0, -1, 1)
+logistic <- function(x) { 1/(1+exp(-x)) }
+y <- rbinom(1000, m, logistic(c(x[1:900,] %*% b1, x[901:1000,] %*% b2)))
+The data simulate substantial contamination.  The first 900 observations are
+generated by one binomial regression model while the last 100 observations
+come from a very different model.
+Presuming we are interested in the model that generated the bulk of the data,
+ignoring the contamination in a generalized linear model with the binomial
+family produces very poor results:
+summary(glm1 <- glm(cbind(y,m-y) ~ x[,2] + x[,3], family="binomial"))
+  \begin{CodeOutput}
+glm(formula = cbind(y, m - y) ~ x[, 2] + x[, 3], family = "binomial")
+Deviance Residuals: 
+     Min        1Q    Median        3Q       Max  
+-22.9168   -1.1693    0.3975    1.5895   24.6439  
+             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
+(Intercept)  0.439492   0.007097   61.93   <2e-16 ***
+x[, 2]       0.679847   0.007985   85.14   <2e-16 ***
+x[, 3]      -0.716963   0.007852  -91.31   <2e-16 ***
+Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 
+  \end{CodeOutput}
+Of course, if we knew which observations to omit the results would be much
+suby <- y[1:900]
+subx <- x[1:900,]
+summary(glm2 <- glm(cbind(suby,m-suby) ~ subx[,2] + subx[,3], family="binomial"))
+  \begin{CodeOutput}
+glm(formula = cbind(suby, m - suby) ~ subx[, 2] + subx[, 3], 
+    family = "binomial")
+Deviance Residuals: 
+     Min        1Q    Median        3Q       Max  
+-3.21478  -0.71699   0.03528   0.67867   2.88314  
+             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
+(Intercept)  0.501880   0.008036   62.46   <2e-16 ***
+subx[, 2]    1.003592   0.009779  102.63   <2e-16 ***
+subx[, 3]   -0.984295   0.009437 -104.30   <2e-16 ***
+Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 
+  \end{CodeOutput}
+But in practical applications it is unknown apriori which observations should
+be treated as outliers.
+As the definition of \code{LQDxmpl} indicates, the LQD is based on
+minimizing the interquartile range (IQR) of the standardized
+residuals.  Because the quartiles correspond to different data points
+for different values of the regression coefficients, the fitness
+function is not smooth, which is to say it is not everywhere
+differentiable.  In general, at every point in the parameter space
+where the identity of the first or third quartile point changes, the
+function is not differentiable.  Figure~\ref{fig:lqd1} illustrates
+this.  A higher resolution version of this figure is available in
+\cite{MebaneJr.+Sekhon:2011}---also see
+The IQR clearly has a minimum in the vicinity of the coefficient
+values used to generate most of the data.  But contour plots for the
+numerically evaluated partial derivative with respect to the second
+coefficient parameter testify to the function's local irregularity.
+The function we use to evaluate this numerical derivative is defined
+as follows.
+dLQDxmpl <- function(b) {
+ eps <- 1e-10
+  logistic <- function(x) { 1/(1+exp(-x)) }
+  sIQR <- function(y, yhat, n) {
+    IQR((y-yhat)/sqrt(yhat*(n-yhat)), na.rm=TRUE)
+  }
+ dsIQR <- vector()
+  for (i in 1:length(b)) {
+   beps <- b
+    beps[i] <- b[i]+eps
+    dsIQR <-
+      c(dsIQR,
+        (sIQR(y, m*logistic(x %*% beps), m)-
+          sIQR(y, m*logistic(x %*% b), m))/eps)
+  }
+  return(dsIQR)
+Setting the intercept equal to 0.5, the code to generate the plotted values is
+%  -rw-rw---- 1 wrm1 research    1878 Feb 10  2007 lqdxmpl2plotB.R
+blen <- 3
+lenbseq <- length(bseq <- seq(-2,2,length=200))
+bseq3 <- seq(-1.2,-.9,length=200)
+bseq2 <- seq(.89,1.1,length=200)
+IQRarr <- IQRarrA <- array(NA, dim=c((1+blen), lenbseq, lenbseq))
+dimnames(IQRarrA) <- list(NULL, as.character(bseq), as.character(bseq))
+dimnames(IQRarr) <- list(NULL, as.character(bseq2), as.character(bseq3))
+for (i in 1:lenbseq) {
+  for (j in 1:lenbseq) {
+   IQRarrA[1,i,j] <- LQDxmpl(c(.5, bseq[i], bseq[j]))
+    IQRarrA[-1,i,j] <- dLQDxmpl(c(.5, bseq[i], bseq[j]))
+    IQRarr[1,i,j] <- LQDxmpl(c(.5, bseq2[i], bseq3[j]))
+    IQRarr[-1,i,j] <- dLQDxmpl(c(.5, bseq2[i], bseq3[j]))
+  }
+The following code produces the plots:
+par(mfrow=c(2,2), lwd=.1)
+contour(bseq,bseq, IQRarrA[1,,], main="IQR", xlab="b[2]", ylab="b[3]")
+contour(bseq,bseq, IQRarrA[3,,], main="partial derivative w/r/t b[2]",
+        xlab="b[2]", ylab="b[3]")
+loc2 <- (150:160)-5
+loc3 <- (40:50)+5
+contour(bseq[loc2],bseq[loc3], IQRarrA[3,loc2,loc3],
+        main="partial derivative w/r/t b[2]",
+        xlab="b[2]", ylab="b[3]")
+contour(bseq2,bseq3, IQRarr[3,,], main="partial derivative w/r/t b[2]",
+        xlab="b[2]", ylab="b[3]")
+If the IQR function were smooth, we would see clearly separated, slightly
+curved contour lines, reflecting the nonlinearity of the \code{logistic}
+function, but there is nothing like that.  Instead, looking over the domain
+$[-2,2]^2$ for the second and third regression coefficient parameters, with
+200 points evaluated along each axis (the upper right plot), there is a
+splotchy cloud.  This reflects the fact that the derivative changes sign very
+frequently over the domain: of the 40,000 points at which the derivative is
+evaluated, it is positive at 12,460 points and negative at 27,540 points.
+  \caption{Contour Plots of the LQD Fitness Function and of its Partial Derivatives}
+  \label{fig:lqd1}
+  \begin{center}
+    \includegraphics{lqdxmpl2B.pdf}
+%  -rw-rw---- 1 wrm1 research    2745 Feb 10 23:15 lqdxmpl2plotB.Rout
+  \end{center}
+  \vspace{-.3in}
+The LQD fitness function is not appreciably smoother close to the true
+values.  The bottom two plots show the partial derivatives with
+respect to the second coefficient parameter evaluated over the domain
+$[.89,1.1]\times[-1.2,-.9]$.  The bottom left plot evaluates the
+derivatives at 11 points along each axis while the bottom right plot
+uses 200 points along each axis.  In the left plot it is easier to see
+the intricacy of the partitioning of the parameter space as the
+identity of the first or third quartile point changes.  The bottom
+right plot shows the intricacy in fact replicates at the finer grain
+of the more detailed evaluations (to see this it is probably necessary
+to magnify the plot while viewing online the \textit{Journal of
+  Statistical Software} version of this
+documentation).\footnote{Please see \cite{MebaneJr.+Sekhon:2011} or
+  \url{http://sekhon.berkeley.edu/papers/rgenoudJSS.pdf}.}  Within
+this smaller domain the sign of the derivative changes even more
+frequently than it does over the domain $[-2,2]^2$: the derivative is
+positive at 18,098 points and negative at 21,902 points.
+While the LQD fitness function may be differentiable in a neighborhood of the
+global solution, that neighborhood, if it exists, is clearly not very big.  As
+likely is that the global solution is located at a point where the function is
+not differentiable.  Hence a numerically evaluated gradient is not meaningful
+for evaluating whether the solution has been found.  At the true solution,
+numerical gradient values may differ substantially from zero.
+To use the LQD to estimate the binomial regression model parameters we use the
+following call to \code{genoud}.  Because gradient information is of
+questionable relevance for this problem, we turn off the termination condition
+that the gradient at the solution be smaller than the value specified for the
+\code{solution.tolerance} argument.  We retain the default setting
+\code{BFGS=TRUE} because, in principle, gradient-driven optimization may help
+in each of the many differentiable neighborhoods, even if it is useless across
+the nondifferentiable boundaries.  Our experience optimizing the LQD
+\citep{MebaneSekhon2004} shows that using the BFGS in this way improves
+performance, even though the gradient is not useful for evaluating whether the
+solution has been found.
+LQD1  <-
+  genoud(LQDxmpl, nvars=3, max=FALSE, pop.size=2000, max.generations=300,
+        wait.generations=100, gradient.check=FALSE, print=1)
+This invocation of the \code{LQDxmpl} function matches the behavior of
+\code{multinomRob} in that it produces an estimate for the intercept parameter
+along with the other coefficients.  In a linear regression context, the
+interquartile range statistic contains no information about the intercept, so
+the LQD is not an estimator for that parameter.  With a binomial regression
+model there is some information about the intercept due to the nonlinearity of
+the \code{logistic} function.  The LQD estimate for the intercept should
+nonetheless be expected not to be very good.
+Results from the preceding estimation are as follows.
+%  macht:/home/xchg/jss07/rgenoud:
+%  -rw-rw---- 1 wrm1 research    5080 Aug  7 02:31 lqdxmpl1b.Rout
+  \begin{CodeOutput}
+Tue Aug  7 02:27:08 2007
+ -1.000000e+01   <=  X1   <=    1.000000e+01 
+ -1.000000e+01   <=  X2   <=    1.000000e+01 
+ -1.000000e+01   <=  X3   <=    1.000000e+01 
+HARD Maximum Number of Generations: 300
+Maximum Nonchanging Generations: 100
+Population size       : 2000
+Convergence Tolerance: 1.000000e-06
+Using the BFGS Derivative Based Optimizer on the Best Individual Each Generation.
+Not Checking Gradients before Stopping.
+Using Out of Bounds Individuals.
+Minimization Problem.
+Generation#	    Solution Value
+      0 	4.951849e-01
+     56 	1.298922e-01
+     57 	1.298891e-01
+     59 	1.298848e-01
+     60 	1.298820e-01
+     61 	1.298793e-01
+     62 	1.298768e-01
+     63 	1.298744e-01
+'wait.generations' limit reached.
+No significant improvement in 100 generations.
+Solution Fitness Value: 1.298743e-01
+Parameters at the Solution (parameter, gradient):
+ X[ 1] :	8.130357e-02	G[ 1] :	9.616492e-03
+ X[ 2] :	8.889485e-01	G[ 2] :	-1.167897e-01
+ X[ 3] :	-9.327966e-01	G[ 3] :	-3.090130e-02
+Solution Found Generation 63
+Number of Generations Run 164
+Tue Aug  7 02:31:09 2007
+Total run time : 0 hours 4 minutes and 1 seconds
+  \end{CodeOutput}
+Recall that the gradient is not reliably informative at the solution.  To
+check whether this solution is believable, we might try reestimating the model
+using a larger population and larger specified number of generations:
+LQD1  <-
+  genoud(LQDxmpl, nvars=3, max=FALSE, pop.size=10000, max.generations=1000,
+        wait.generations=300, gradient.check=FALSE, print=1)
+At the price of a greatly increased running time (from four minutes up to
+one hour 53 minutes), the results are better than the
+first run (even though the summary measure of fit is slightly worse):
+%  macht:/home/xchg/jss07/rgenoud:
+%  -rw-rw---- 1 wrm1 research    5236 Aug  7 05:16 lqdxmpl1d.Rout
+  \begin{CodeOutput}
+Minimization Problem.
+Generation#	    Solution Value
+      0 	2.238865e-01
+      2 	1.301149e-01
+      3 	1.300544e-01
+      4 	1.300482e-01
+      6 	1.300375e-01
+      7 	1.300343e-01
+      8 	1.300323e-01
+    134 	1.299662e-01
+    135 	1.299099e-01
+    136 	1.298867e-01
+    137 	1.298843e-01
+    138 	1.298822e-01
+    139 	1.298791e-01
+    141 	1.298774e-01
+'wait.generations' limit reached.
+No significant improvement in 300 generations.
+Solution Fitness Value: 1.298770e-01
+Parameters at the Solution (parameter, gradient):
+ X[ 1] :	2.013748e-01	G[ 1] :	-7.394125e-02
+ X[ 2] :	9.526390e-01	G[ 2] :	7.807607e-02
+ X[ 3] :	-9.642458e-01	G[ 3] :	3.834052e-02
+Solution Found Generation 141
+Number of Generations Run 442
+Tue Aug  7 05:16:37 2007
+Total run time : 1 hours 53 minutes and 45 seconds
+  \end{CodeOutput}
+This example demonstrates a key difficulty that arises when optimizing
+irregular functions in the absence of gradients.  It is difficult to assess
+when or whether an optimum has been found.  The estimated coefficient values
+are close to the ones used to generate most of the data, except as expected
+the estimate for the intercept is not good.  The estimates are better than if
+we had ignored the possibility of contamination.  But whether these are the
+best possible estimates is not clear.  If we were to use an even larger
+population and specify that an even greater number of generations be run,
+perhaps a better solution would be found.
+%\code{genoud} can be tricked into doing constrained optimization by
+%passing in a function which contains a penalty function.
+Even for less irregular problems convergence is difficult to determine.
+Nonlinear optimizers often report false convergence, and users should not
+simply trust whatever convergence criteria an optimizer uses.
+\citet{McCulloughVinod2003} offer four criteria for verifying the solution of
+a nonlinear solver.  These criteria are meaningful only for problems that meet
+regularity conditions at the solution, notably differentiability, and as such
+are not useful for the LQD example offered above.  The four criteria are: (1)
+making sure the gradients are zero; (2) inspecting the solution path (i.e.,
+the trace) to make sure it follows the expected rate of convergence; (3)
+evaluating the Hessian to make sure it is well-conditioned;\footnote{Following
+  an exchange with \citet{DrukkerWiggins2004}, \citet{McCulloughVinod2004b}
+  modify their third suggestion to note that determining if the Hessian is
+  well-conditioned in part depends on how the data are scaled.  That is, a
+  Hessian that appears to be ill-conditioned may be made well-conditioned by
+  rescaling. So if an Hessian appears to be ill-conditioned,
+  \citet{McCulloughVinod2004b} recommend that the analyst attempt to determine
+  if rescaling the data can result in a well-conditioned Hessian.} and (4)
+profiling the likelihood to ascertain if a quadratic approximation is
+adequate.  One may need to take the results from \code{genoud} and pass them
+to \code{optim} to conduct some of these diagnostic tests such as to profile
+the likelihood.  It is also good practice to use more than one optimizer to
+verify the solution \citep{stokes2004}.
+Note that \code{genoud} uses its own random number seeds and internal
+pseudorandom number generators to insure backward compatibility with
+the original C version of the software and to make cluster behavior
+more predictable.  These seeds are set by the \code{unif.seed} and
+\code{int.seed} options.  The \proglang{R} \code{set.seed} command is
+ignored by \code{genoud}.
+%user supplied gradients and lexical search?
+The \code{genoud} function provides many more options than can be reviewed in
+this brief paper.  These options are described in the \proglang{R} help file.
+The most important option 
+influencing how well the evolutionary algorithm works is the \code{pop.size}
+argument.  This argument controls the population size---i.e., it is the number
+of individuals \code{genoud} uses to solve the optimization problem.  As noted
+above, the theorems proving that genetic algorithms find good solutions are
+asymptotic in both population size and the number of generations.  It is
+therefore important that the \code{pop.size} value not be small.  On the other
+hand, computational time is finite so obvious trade-offs must be made.  As the
+LQD example illustrates, a larger population size is not necessarily
+demonstrably better.
+The most important options to ensure that a good solution is found, aside from
+\code{pop.size}, are \code{wait.generations}, \code{max.generations} and
+Many statistical models have objective functions that are nonlinear
+functions of the parameters, and optimizing such functions is tricky
+business \citep{AltmanGillMcDonald2003}.  Optimization difficulties
+often arise even for problems that are generally considered to be
+simple.  For a cautionary tale on how optimization can be a difficult
+task even for such problems see Stokes' (\citeyear{stokes2004}) effort
+to replicate a probit model estimated by \citet[pp. 335]{maddala1992}.
+A recent controversy over estimating a nonlinear model estimated by
+maximum likelihood offers another cautionary tale
+End users are generally surprised to learn that such optimization
+issues can arise, and that results can substantially vary across
+optimizers and software implementations.
+The \pkg{rgenoud} package provides a powerful and flexible global
+optimizer.  When compared with traditional derivative-based
+optimization methods, \pkg{rgenoud} performs well
+\citep{SekhonMebane1998}.  Optimization of irregular functions is,
+however, as much of an art as science.  And an optimizer cannot be
+used without thought even for simple surfaces, let alone spaces that
+require a genetic algorithm.  We hope that the availability of a
+scalable global optimizer will allow users to work with difficult
+functions more effectively.
+% LocalWords:  optima GillMurrayWright EfronTibshirani GENOUD MebaneSekhon LQD
+% LocalWords:  SekhonMebane multinomRob overdispersed nondifferentiable Broyden
+% LocalWords:  Goldfarb Shanno BFGS optim genoud EA EAs GA holland goldberg GAs
+% LocalWords:  GrefenstetteBaker davis FilhoTreleavenAlippi generation's dejong
+% LocalWords:  substring's grefenstette billingsley Vose NixVose vose GA's ADC
+% LocalWords:  GENOCOP MichalewiczSwaminathanLogan Michalewicz Polytope dnorm
+% LocalWords:  nvars Nonchanging UniqueCount var MemoryMatrix IQR LQDxmpl exp
+% LocalWords:  sIQR yhat na rm cbind rnorm rbinom Min Std Pr Signif suby subx
+% LocalWords:  apriori Raphson saddlepoints fn Genoud's gr hessian unif int ssh
+% LocalWords:  Tausworthe stdout tempdir polytope musil deckard makeSOCKcluster
+% LocalWords:  usernames username PVM MPI peakgeneration parm UC Outlier seq mu
+% LocalWords:  lapply xlab ylab col biclaw mNd ALTMAN rgenoud WandKingLau PKfit
+% LocalWords:  KingWand braumoeller BraumoellerGoodrichKline pharmacokinetics
+% LocalWords:  LeeLee pseudorandom pdf glm rw wrm lqdxmpl cl makeCluster probit
+% LocalWords:  localhost clusterExport stopCluster AltmanGillMcDonald GENetic
+% LocalWords:  McCulloughVinod SchacharNalebuff GenMatch GUI URL boolean Sekhon
+% LocalWords:  CPUs nonlinearity FAiR goodrich SekhonMatching ivivc vitro vivo
+% LocalWords:  multinomial Synth AbadieGardeazabal synth nonsmooth Rcore maxima
+% LocalWords:  resampling resamples optimizer's eval nonstochastic testbounds
+% LocalWords:  LLLL func ij unimodal Rosenbrock multimodal minima  saddlepoint
+% LocalWords:  testfuncs testNparms gradcheck sizeset genset nreps gsarray tol
+% LocalWords:  gsize ngens FEP LLLLLL sqrt dLQDxmpl eps dsIQR beps blen lenbseq
+% LocalWords:  bseq IQRarr IQRarrA dimnames mfrow lwd loc online DrukkerWiggins
+% LocalWords:  maddala funcs sapply runif ifelse rbind crossprod byrow vXXi
+% LocalWords:  interquartile
diff --git a/vignettes/rgenoud.bib b/vignettes/rgenoud.bib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f72a55d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vignettes/rgenoud.bib
@@ -0,0 +1,1903 @@
+ at string{aer = "American Economic Review"}
+ at string{ajps= "American Journal of Political Science"}
+ at string(apq = "American Politics Quarterly")
+ at string{apsr= "American Political Science Review"}
+ at string{ams = "Annals of Mathematical Statistics"}
+ at string{aos = "Annals of Statistics"}
+ at string{bjps= "British Journal of Political Science"}
+ at string{ec  = "Econometrica"}
+ at string{ier = "International Economic Review"}
+ at string{jasa= "Journal of the American Statistical Association"}
+ at string{je  = "Journal of Econometrics"}
+ at string{jel = "Journal of Economic Literature"}
+ at string{jep = "Journal of Economic Perspectives"}
+ at string{jet = "Journal of Economic Theory"}
+ at string{jmcb= "Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking"}
+ at string{jme = "Journal of Monetary Economics"}
+ at string{jpe = "Journal of Political Economy"}
+ at string{jop = "Journal of Politics"}
+ at string{jrsa= "Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A"}
+ at string{jrssb= "Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B"}
+ at string{lsq = "Legislative Studies Quarterly"}
+ at string{pa  = "Political Analysis"}
+ at string{pm  = "Political Methodology"}
+ at string{pop = "Perspectives on Politics"}
+ at string{ps  = "PS: Political Science and Politics"}
+ at string{qje = "Quarterly Journal of Economics"}
+ at string{c-h = "Chapman \& Hall"}
+ at string{cup = "Cambridge University Press"}
+ at string{cornell.up = "Cornell University Press"}
+ at string{hup = "Harvard University Press"}
+ at string{mit = "MIT Press"}
+ at string(pup = {Princeton University Press})
+ at string{s-v = "Springer-Verlag"}
+ at string(sup = "Stanford University Press")
+ at string{ucp = "University of California Press"}
+ at string{uchp = "University of Chicago Press"}
+ at string{ump = "University of Michigan Press"}
+ at string{yup = "Yale University Press"}
+ at string{cq  = "Congressional Quarterly"}
+ at string{aa  = "Ann Arbor"}
+ at string{berk= "Berkeley"}
+ at string{bos = "Boston"}
+ at string{cam = "Cambridge, MA"}
+ at string{camUK = "Cambridge, UK"}
+ at string{chic= "Chicago"}
+ at string{dc  = "Washington, D.C."}
+ at string{nh  = "New Haven"}
+ at string{nj  = "New Jersey"}
+ at string{ny  = "New York"}
+ at string{sf  = "San Francisco"}
+ at string{st  = "Stanford"}
+ at article( abadie2002,
+  author=       {Abadie, Alberto},
+  title=        {Bootstrap Tests for Distributional Treatment Effect in Instrumental Variable Models},
+  journal=      jasa, volume=97, number=457,
+  pages=        {284--292},
+  year=         2002
+ at article( AbadieGardeazabal2003,
+  author=       {Abadie, Alberto and Javier Gardeazabal},
+  title=        {The Economic Costs of Conflict: a Case-Control Study for the Basque Country},
+  journal=      aer, volume=92, number=1,
+  year=         2003
+ at article( AbadieImbens_largesample,
+  author=       {Abadie, Alberto and Guido Imbens},
+  title=        {Large Sample Properties of  Matching Estimators for Average Treatment Effects},
+  journal=      ec,
+  year=         "forthcoming"
+ at Article{Abadie+Diamond+Hainmueller:2011,
+  author	= {Alberto Abadie and Alexis Diamond and Jens Hainmueller},
+  title		= {\pkg{Synth}: An \proglang{R} Package for Synthetic Control Methods in Comparative Case Studies},
+  journal	= {Journal of Statistical Software},
+  year		= {2011},
+  note		= {Forthcoming},
+  url		= {http://www.jstatsoft.org/}
+ at book( adams1805,
+  author=       {Adams, John},
+  title=        {Discourses on Davila: A Series of Papers on Political History},
+  publisher=    {Da Capo Press}, address= {New York}, 
+  year=         {1973 [1805]}
+ at book( alesina1995,
+  author=       {Alesina, Alberto and Howard Rosenthal},
+  title=        {Partisan Politics, Divided Government, and the Economy},
+  publisher=    cup, address= ny, 
+  year=         1995
+ at article( alesina1989,
+  author=       {Alesina, Alberto and Howard Rosenthal},
+  title=        {Partisan Cycles in {C}ongressional Elections and the Macroeconomy},
+  journal=      apsr, volume=83,
+  pages=        {373-398},
+  year=         1989
+ at article( AlesinaLondregan1993,
+  author=       {Alesina, Alberto and John Londregan and Howard Rosenthal},
+  title=        {A Model of the Political Economy of the United States},
+  journal=      apsr, volume=87,
+  number=       1,
+  pages=        {12--33},
+  year=         1993
+ at book( AltmanGillMcDonald2003,
+  author=       {Altman, Micah and Jeff Gill and Michael McDonald},
+  title=        {Numerical Issues in Statistical Computing for the Social Scientist},
+  publisher=    {John Wiley and Sons}, address= {New York}, 
+  year=         2003
+ at book( alvarez1997,
+  author=       {Alvarez, R. Michael},
+  title=        {Information and Elections},
+  publisher=    {University of Michigan Press}, address= {Ann-Arbor}, 
+  year=         1997
+ at book( AlvarezBrehm2002,
+  author=       {Alvarez, R. Michael and John Brehm},
+  title=        {Hard Choices, Easy Answers: Values, Information, and American Public Opinion},
+  publisher=    pup, address= nj, 
+  year=         2002
+ at article( AlvarezBrehm1998,
+  author=       {Alvarez, R. Michael and John Brehm},
+  title=        {Speaking in Two Voices: American Equivocation about the Internal Revenue Service},
+  journal=      ajps, volume=42,
+  number=       2,
+  pages=        {418--452},
+  year=         1998
+ at article( AlvarezBrehm1997,
+  author=       {Alvarez, R. Michael and John Brehm},
+  title=        {Are Americans Ambivalent Toward Racial Policies?},
+  journal=      ajps, volume=41,
+  pages=        {345--374},
+  year=         1997
+ at article( AlvarezBrehm1995,
+  author=       {Alvarez, R. Michael and John Brehm},
+  title=        {American Ambivalence Toward Abortion Policy: A Heteroskedastic Probit Method for Assessing Conflicting Values},
+  journal=      ajps, volume=39,
+  pages=        {1055--1082},
+  year=         1995
+ at book( althaus2003,
+  author=       {Althaus, Scott L.},
+  title=        {Collective Preferences in Democratic Politics: Opinion Surveys and the Will of the People},
+  publisher=    cup, address= ny, 
+  year=         2003
+ at article( althaus1998,
+  author=       {Althaus, Scott L.},
+  title=        {Information Effects in Collective Preferences},
+  journal=      apsr, volume=92,
+  number=       3,
+  pages=        {545--558},
+  year=         1998
+ at article( AldrichMcKelvey1977,
+  author=       {Aldrich, John H. and Richard D. McKelvey},
+  title=        {A Method of Scaling with Applications to the 1968 and 1972 Presidential Elections},
+  journal=      apsr, volume=71, number=1,
+  pages=        {111--130},
+  year=         1977
+ at book( amemiya1985,
+  author=       {Amemiya, Takeshi},
+  title=        {Advanced Econometrics},
+  publisher=    hup, address={Cambridge, MA}, 
+  year=         {1985}
+ at article( atkinson86,
+  author=       {Atkinson, A. C.},
+  title=        {Masking Unmasked},
+  journal=      {Biometrika}, volume=73,
+  pages=        {533--541},
+  year=         1986,
+  month=        {Dec.}
+ at article( austen-smith1996,
+  author=       {Austen-Smith, David and Jeffrey S. Banks},
+  title=        {Information Aggregation, Rationality, and the Condorcet Jury Theorem},
+  journal=      apsr, volume=90,
+  pages=        {34--45},
+  year=         1996
+ at unpublished( bartels2003,
+  author=       {Bartels, Larry M.},
+  title=        {Homer Gets a Tax Cut: Inequality and Public Policy in the American Mind},
+  note=         {Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, August},
+  year=         2003
+ at article( bartels1999,
+  author=       {Bartels, Larry M.},
+  title=        {Panel Effects in the National Election Studies},
+  journal=      pa, volume=8, 
+  number=       1,
+  year=         1999
+ at article( bartels1996b,
+  author=       {Bartels, Larry M.},
+  title=        {Uninformed Votes: Information Effects in Presidential Elections},
+  journal=      ajps, volume=40, 
+  number=       1,
+  pages=        {194--230},
+  year=         1996
+ at article( bartels1986,
+  author=       {Bartels, Larry M.},
+  title=        "Issue Voting Under Uncertainty: An Empirical Test",
+  journal=      ajps, volume=30, 
+  number=       4,
+  pages=        {709--728},
+  year=         1986
+ at unpublished( battistin2004,
+  author=       {Battistin, Erich and Andrew Chesher},
+  title=        {Measurement Error Bias and Propensity Score Methods},
+  year=         2004,
+  note=         "Working Paper"
+ at article( bennett1988,
+  author=       {Bennett, Stephen Earl},
+  title=        {Know-nothings' Revisited: The Meaning of Political Ignorance Today},
+  journal=      {Social Science Quarterly}, volume=69,
+  pages=        {476--490},
+  year=         1988
+ at article( berg1993,
+  author=       {Berg, Sven},
+  title=        {Condorcet's Jury Theorem, Dependency Among Jurors},
+  journal=      {Social Choice and Welfare}, volume=10,
+  pages=        {87--95},
+  year=         1993
+ at book( berelson1954,
+  author=       {Berelson, Bernard R. and Paul F. Lazarsfeld and William N. McPhee},
+  title=        {Voting: A Study of Opinion Formation in a Presidential Campaign},
+  publisher=    uchp, address= chic, 
+  year=         1954
+ at article( BertsimasTsitsiklis1993,
+  author=       {Bertsimas, Dimitris and John Tsitsiklis},
+  title=        {Simulated Annealing},
+  journal=      "Statistical Science", volume=8, number=1,
+  pages=        {10--15},
+  year=         1993
+ at book( billingsley1986,
+  author=       {Billingsley, Patrick},
+  title=        {Probability and Measure},
+  publisher=    "Wiley", address= "New York",
+  year=         1986
+ at book( bollen1989,
+  author=       {Bollen, Kenneth A.},
+  title=        {Structural Equations with Latent Variables},
+  publisher=    "Wiley", address={New York}, 
+  year=         {1989}
+ at unpublished( BowersHansen2005,
+  author=       {Bowers, Jake and Ben Hansen},
+  title=        {Attributing Effects to a Get-Out-The-Vote Campaign Using Full Matching and Randomization Inference},
+  note=         "Working Paper",
+  year=         2005
+ at article(braumoeller2003,
+  author=       {Braumoeller, Bear F.},
+  title=        {Causal Complexity and the Study of Politics},
+  journal=      pa, volume=11, number=3,
+  pages=        {209-233},
+  year=         2003
+ at Manual{BraumoellerGoodrichKline2006,
+  author =   {Braumoeller, Bear F. and Ben Goodrich and Jacob Kline},
+  title =    {\pkg{Boolean}: Boolean Binary Response Models},
+  note =     {\proglang{R}~package version~2.0-2},
+  url =      {http://polisci.osu.edu/faculty/braumoeller/custom/Booleanbatch.html},
+  year =     {2010},
+ at article( BrunellNiNardo2004,
+  author=       {Brunell, Thomas L. and John DiNardo},
+  title=        {A Propensity Score Reweighting Approach to Estimating the Partisan Effects of Full Turnout in American Presidential Elections},
+  journal=      pa, volume=12, number=1,
+  pages=        {28--45},
+  year=         2004
+ at book( bryce1888,
+  author=       {Bryce, James},
+  title=        {The American Commonwealth},
+  publisher=    {Liberty Fund}, address= {Indianapolis}, 
+  year=         "1995 [1888]"
+ at article( bunce2000,
+  author=       {Bunce, Valerie},
+  title=        {Comparative Democratization: Big and Bounded Generalizations},
+  journal=      {Comparative Political Studies}, volume=33, number={6/7},
+  pages=        {703--724},
+  year=         2000
+ at incollection( camp2004,
+  author=       {Camp, Ai Roderic},
+  title=        {Citizen Attitudes toward Democracy and Vicente Fox's Victory in 2000},
+  booktitle=    {Mexico's Pivotal Democratic Election},
+  editor=       {Jorge I. Dom\'{i}nguez and Chappell Lawson},
+  publisher=    sup, address= "Stanford",
+  pages=        {25--46},
+  year=         2004
+ at book( campbell1960,
+  author=       {Campbell, Angus and Philip E. Converse and Warren E. Miller and Donald E. Stokes},
+  title=        {The {A}merican Voter},
+  publisher=    {John Wiley \& Sons}, address= ny,
+  year=         1960
+ at article( CantoniRonchetti2001,
+  author=       {Cantoni, Eva and Elvezio Ronchetti},
+  title=        {Robust Inference for Generalized Linear Models},
+  journal=      jasa, volume=96,
+  pages=        {1022--1030},
+  year=         2001
+ at article( CarrollPederson1993,
+  author=       {Carroll, R. J. and Pederson, Shane},
+  title=        {On Robustness in the Logistic Regression Model},
+  journal=      jrssb, volume=84,
+  number=       3,
+  pages=        {693--706},
+  year=         1993
+ at article{ cerny1985,
+    author = "Cerny, V.",
+    title = "Thermodynamical Approach to the Traveling Salesman Problem: An Efficient Simulation Algorithm",
+    journal = "Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications", number = "1", 
+    volume = "45",
+    pages = "41--51",
+    year = "1985"
+ at article( ChristakisIwashyna2003,
+  author=       {Christakis, Nicholas A. and Iwashyna, Theodore I.},
+  title=        "The Health Impact of Health Care on Families: A matched cohort study of hospice use by decedents and mortality outcomes in surviving, widowed spouses.",
+  journal=      "Social Science \& Medicine", volume=57, number=3,
+  pages=        {465--475},
+  year=         2003
+ at article( CochranRubin1973,
+  author=       {Cochran, William G. and Donald B. Rubin},
+  title=        "Controlling Bias in Observational Studies: A Review",
+  journal=      {Sankhya, $\mathrm{Ser.\ A}$}, volume=35, 
+  pages=        {417--446},
+  year=         1973
+ at book( collier_christopher1971,
+  author=       {Collier, Christopher},
+  title=        {Roger Sherman's Connecticut: Yankee Politics and the American Revolution},
+  publisher=    "Wesleyan University Press", address= "Middletown, Conn.",
+  year=         1971
+ at book( conover1971,
+  author=       {Conover, William J.},
+  title=        {Practical Nonparametric Statistics},
+  publisher=    {John Wiley \& Sons}, address= {New York}, 
+  year=         {1971}
+ at incollection( converse1964,
+  author=       {Converse, Phillip},
+  title=        {The Nature of Belief Systems in Mass Publics},
+  booktitle=    {Ideology and Discontent},
+  editor=       {David Apter},
+  publisher=    {Free Press}, address= ny,
+  pages=       {240--268},
+  year=         1964
+ at article( cornfield1959,
+  author=       {Cornfield, J. and W. Haenszel and E. Hammond and A. Lilienfeld and M. Shimkin and E. Wynder},
+  title=        {Smoking and lunch cancer: Recent evidence and a discussion of some questions},
+  journal=      {Journal of the National Cancer Institute}, volume=22, 
+  pages=        {173--203},
+  year=         1959
+ at article( copas1988,
+  author=       {Copas, J. B.},
+  title=        {Binary Regression Models for Contaminated Data},
+  journal=      jrssb, volume=50,
+  number=       2,
+  pages=        {225--265},
+  year=         1988
+ at book( cox1958,
+  author=       {Cox, David R.},
+  title=        {Planning of Experiments},
+  publisher=    "Wiley", address= ny,
+  year=         1958
+ at book( davis1991,
+  editor=       {Davis, Lawrence},
+  title=        {Handbook of Genetic Algorithms},
+  publisher=    {Van Nostrand Reinhold}, address= {New York}, 
+  year=         {1991}
+ at article( dawid1979,
+  author=       {Dawid, A. Phillip},
+  title=        {Conditional Independence in Statistical Theory},
+  journal=      jrssb, volume=41,
+  pages=        {1--31},
+  number=       1,
+  year=         1979
+ at incollection( dejong1993,
+  author=       {De Jong, Kenneth A.},
+  title=        {Genetic Algorithms Are Not Function Optimizers},
+  booktitle=    {Foundations of Genetic Algorithms 2},
+  editor=       {L.~Darrell Whitley},
+  publisher=    {Morgan Kaufmann}, address= {San Mateo, CA},
+  year=         1993
+ at Article{Dehejia2005,
+  author =   {Rajeev Dehejia},
+  title =    {Practical Propensity Score Matching: A Reply to Smith and Todd},
+  journal =  {Journal of Econometrics},
+  year =     {2005},
+  volume =   {125}, number="1--2",
+  pages =    {355--364},
+ at Article{DehejiaWahba2002,
+  author =   {Rajeev H. Dehejia and Sadek Wahba},
+  title =    {Propensity Score Matching Methods for Nonexperimental Causal Studies},
+  journal =  {Review of Economics and Statistics},
+  year =     {2002},
+  volume =   {84},
+  number =   {1},
+  pages =    {151--161},
+  month =    {February},
+ at article( DehejiaWahba1999,
+  author=    {Dehejia, Rajeev and Sadek Wahba},
+  title=     {Causal Effects in Non-Experimental Studies: Re-Evaluating the Evaluation of Training Programs},
+  journal=   jasa, volume=94,
+  number=    448,
+  pages=     {1053--1062},
+  year=      1999
+ at unpublished( DehejiaWahba1997,
+  author=       {Dehejia, Rajeev and Sadek Wahba},
+  title=        {Causal Effects in Non-Experimental Studies: Re-Evaluating the Evaluation of Training Programs},
+  note=         {Rejeev Dehejia, \textit{Econometric Methods for Program Evaluation}. Ph.D. Dissertation, Harvard University, Chapter 1},
+  year=         1997
+ at book( delli1996,
+  author=       {Delli Carpini, X. Michael and Scott Keeter},
+  title=        {What Americans Know about Politics and Why It Matters},
+  publisher=    {Yale University Press}, address= {New Haven}, 
+  year=         1996
+ at article( delli1993,
+  author=       {Delli Carpini, X. Michael and Scott Keeter},
+  title=        {Measuring Political Knowledge: Putting First Things First},
+  journal=      ajps, volume=37,
+  number =      4,
+  pages=        {1179-1206},
+  year=         1993
+ at Manual{DiceOptim,
+  author =   {Ginsbourger, D. and O. Roustant},
+  title =    {\pkg{DiceOptim}: Kriging-based optimization for computer experiments},
+  note      = {\proglang{R}~package version~1.0},
+  url       = {http://cran.r-project.org/package=DiceOptim},
+  year =     {2010},
+ at article( DipreteEngelhardt2004,
+  author=       {Diprete, Thomas A. and Henriette Engelhardt},
+  title=        {Estimating Causal Effects With Matching Methods in the Presence and Absence of Bias Cancellation},
+  journal=      "Sociological Methods \& Research", volume=32, number=4,
+  pages=        "501--528",
+  year=         "2004",
+ at incollection( dominguez2004,
+  author=       {Dom\'{i}nguez, I. Jorge},
+  title=        {Why and How Did Mexico's 2000 Presidential Election Campaign Matter?},
+  booktitle=    {Mexico's Pivotal Democratic Election},
+  editor=       {Jorge I. Dom\'{i}nguez and Chappell Lawson},
+  publisher=    sup, address= "Stanford",
+  pages=        {321--344},
+  year=         2004
+ at article( drake1993,
+  author=       {Drake, Christiana},
+  title=        {Effects of Misspecification of the Propensity Score on Estimators of Treatment Effect},
+  journal=      {Biometrics}, volume=49, 
+  number=       4,
+  pages=        {1231--1236},
+  year=         1993
+ at article( DrukkerWiggins2004,
+  author=       {Drukker, David M. and Vince Wiggins},
+  title=        {Verifying the Solution from a Nonlinear Solver: A Case Study: Comment},
+  journal=      aer, volume=94, number=1,
+  pages=        {397--399},
+  year=         2004
+ at book( EfronTibshirani1994,
+  author=       {Efron, Bradely and Robert J. Tibshirani},
+  title=        {An Introduction to the Bootstrap},
+  publisher=    {Chapman \& Hall}, address= {New York}, 
+  year=         {1994}
+ at article( EpsteinHoKing2005,
+  author=       {Epstein, Lee and Daniel E. Ho and Gary King and Jeffrey A. Segal},
+  title=        {The Supreme Court During Crisis: How War Affects only Non-War Cases},
+  journal=      "New York University Law Review", volume=80, number=1,
+  pages=        "1--116",
+  year=         "2005",
+ at article( erikson1988,
+  author=       {Erikson, Robert S.},
+  title=        {The Puzzle of Midterm Loss},
+  journal=      jop, volume=50,
+  number =      4,
+  pages=        {1012--1029},
+  year=         1988
+ at book( FahrmeirTutz1994,
+  author=       {Fahrmeir, Ludwig and Gerhard Tutz},
+  title=        {Multivariate Statistical Modeling Based on Generalized Linear Models},
+  publisher=    "Springer-Verlag", address= "New York",
+  year=         1994
+ at book( fechner1860,
+  author=       {Fechner, Gustav Theodor},
+  title=        {Elements of psychophysics, Vol 1.},
+  note       =  {Translated by Helmut E. Adler and edited by D.H. Howes and E.G. Boring},
+  publisher=    {Rinehart \& Winston}, address= ny, 
+  year=         "1966 [1860]"
+ at book( feller1970,
+  author=       {Feller, William},
+  title=        {An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications},
+  publisher=    "Wiley", address= "New York",
+  note=         "Vol.\ 1, 3d ed., revised printing",
+  year=         1970
+ at article( FilhoTreleavenAlippi1994,
+  author=       {Filho, Jose L. Ribeiro, Philip C. Treleaven and Cesare Alippi},
+  title=        {Genetic Algorithm Programming Environments},
+  journal=      {Computer}, volume=27,
+  pages=        {28--43},
+  year=         1994
+ at book( fiorina1996,
+  author=       {Fiorina, Morris P.},
+  title=        {Divided Government},
+  publisher=    {Allyn \& Bacon}, address= "Boston", 
+  edition=      "2nd",
+  year=         1992
+ at book( fisher1935,
+  author=       {Fisher, Ronald A.},
+  title=        {Design of Experiments},
+  publisher=    {Hafner}, address= {New York}, 
+  year=         {1935}
+ at book( fishkin1997,
+  author=       {James S. Fishkin},
+  title=        {The Voice of the People: Public Opinion and Democracy},
+  edition=      {2nd},
+  publisher=    {Yale University Press}, address= {New Haven, CT}, 
+  year=         {1997}
+ at article( franklin1991,
+  author=       {Franklin, Charles H.},
+  title=        {Eschewing Obfuscation? Campaigns and the Perception of U.S. Senate Incumbents},
+  journal=      apsr, volume=85,
+  number =      4,
+  pages=        {1193--1214},
+  year=         1991
+ at book( gallant1987,
+  author=       {Gallant, A. Ronald},
+  title=        {Nonlinear Statistical Models},
+  publisher=    "Wiley", address= ny,
+  year=         1987
+ at article( GalianiGertlerSchargrodsky2005,
+  author=       {Galiani, Sebastian and Paul Gertler and Ernesto Schargrodsky},
+  title=        {Water for Life: The Impact of the Privatization of Water Services on Child Mortality},
+  journal=      jpe, volume=113, number=1,
+  pages=        {83--120},
+  year=         2005
+ at article( geddes1999,
+  author=       {Geddes, Barbara},
+  title=        {What Do We Know about Democratization},
+  journal=      "Annual Review of Political Science", volume=2,
+  pages=        {129--148},
+  year=         1999
+ at book( GillMurrayWright1981,
+  author=       {Gill, Philip E. and Walter Murray and Margaret H. Wright},
+  title=        {Practical Optimization},
+  publisher=    "Academic Press", address= "San Diego",
+  year=         1981
+ at incollection( GrefenstetteBaker1989,
+  author=       {Grefenstette, John J. and James E. Baker},
+  title=        {How Genetic Algorithms Work: A Critical Look at Implicit Parallelism},
+  booktitle=    {Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Genetic Algorithms},
+  publisher=    "Morgan Kaufmann", address= "San Mateo, CA",
+  pages=        {20--27},
+  year=         1989
+ at article( GeyerThompson1995,
+  author=       {Geyer, Charles J. and Elizabeth A. Thompson},
+  title=        {Annealing Markov Chain Monte Carlo with Applications to Ancestral Inference},
+  journal=      jasa, volume=90, number=431,
+  pages=        {909--920},
+  year=         1995
+ at book( goldberg1989,
+  author=       {Goldberg, David E.},
+  title=        {Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and Machine Learning},
+  publisher=    "Addison-Wesley", address= "Reading, MA",
+  year=         1989
+ at Manual{goodrich.fair,
+  author =   {Goodrich, Ben},
+  title =    {\pkg{FAiR}: Factor Analysis in \proglang{R}},
+  note      = {\proglang{R}~package version~0.4-7},
+  url       = {http://cran.r-project.org/package=FAiR},
+  year =     {2011},
+ at incollection( grefenstette1993,
+  author=       {Grefenstette, John J.},
+  title=        {Deception Considered Harmful},
+  booktitle=    {Foundations of Genetic Algorithms 2},
+  editor=       {L.~Darrell Whitley},
+  publisher=    {Morgan Kaufmann}, address= {San Mateo, CA},
+  year=         1993
+ at book( habermas1964,
+  author=       {Habermas, J\"{u}rgen},
+  title=        {The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere: An Inquiry into a Category of Bourgeois Society},
+  note       =  {Translated by Thomas Burger},
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+ at book( hall1992,
+  author=       {Hall, Peter},
+  title=        {The Bootstrap and Edgeworth Expansion},
+  publisher=    {Springer-Verlag}, address= {New York}, 
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+ at book( hampel1986,
+  author=       {Hampel, Frank R. and Elvezio M. Ronchetti and Peter J. Rousseeuw and Werner A. Stahel},
+  title=        {Robust Statistics: The Approach Based on Influence Functions},
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+  year=         1986
+ at article( HausmanWise1979,
+  author=       {Hausman, Jerry A. and David A. Wise},
+  title=        {Attrition Bias in Experimental and Panel Data: The Gary Income Maintenance Experiment},
+  journal=      ec, volume=47,
+  pages=        {455--473},
+  year=         1979
+ at article( hirnao1998,
+  author=       {Hirano, Keisuke and Guido W. Imbens and Geert Ridder and Donald B. Rubin},
+  title=        {Combining Panel Data Sets with Attrition and Refreshment Samples},
+  journal=      ec, volume=69,
+  pages=        {1645--1659},
+  year=         1998
+ at article( heckman1979,
+  author=       {Heckman, James J},
+  title=        {Sample Selection Bias as a Specification Error},
+  journal=      ec, volume=47,
+  pages=        {153--161},
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+ at article( heckman1998,
+  author=       {Heckman, James J. and  Hidehiko Ichimura and Jeffrey Smith and Petra Todd},
+  title=        {Characterizing Selection Bias Using Experimental Data},
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+  number =      5,
+  pages=        {1017-1098},
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+ at book( HeckmanSinger1985,
+  editor=       {Heckman, James J. and Burton Singer},
+  title=        {Longitudinal Analysis of Labor Market Data},
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+ at unpublished{HerronWand2004,
+  author =   {Herron, Michael C. and Jonathan Wand},
+  title =    {Assessing Partisan Bias in Voting Technology: The Case of the 2004 New Hampshire Recount},
+  note =     "Working Paper",
+  year =     {2004},
+ at article( hersh1982,
+  author=       {Hersh, Seymour M.},
+  title=        {The Price of Power: Kissinger, Nixon, and Chile},
+  journal=      {The Atlantic Monthly}, month=12, 
+  url=          {http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/82dec/hersh.htm},
+  year=         1982
+ at book( hettmansperger1984,
+  author=       {Hettmansperger, T},
+  title=        {Statistical Inference Based on Ranks},
+  publisher=    "Wiley", address= ny, 
+  year=         1984
+ at article( holland1986,
+  author=       {Holland, Paul W.},
+  title=        {Statistics and Causal Inference},
+  journal=      jasa, volume=81, number=396,
+  pages=        {945--960},
+  year=         1986
+ at book( holland1975,
+  author=       {Holland, John H.},
+  title=        {Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems},
+  publisher=    "University of Michigan Press", address= "Ann Arbor",
+  year=         1975
+ at article( HorvitzThompson1952,
+  author=       {Horvitz, D. G. and D. J. Thompson},
+  title=        {A Generalization of Sampling without Replacement from a Finite Universe},
+  journal=      jasa, volume=47,
+  pages=        {663--685},
+  year=         1952
+ at book( huber1981,
+  author=       {Huber, Peter J.},
+  title=        {Robust Statistics},
+  publisher=    {Wiley, John and Sons}, address= {New York}, 
+  year=         1981
+ at book( huntington1968,
+  author=       {Huntington, Samuel P.},
+  title=        {Political Order in Changing Societies},
+  publisher=    {Yale University Press}, address= {New Haven}, 
+  year=         1968
+ at book( huntington1991,
+  author=       {Huntington, Samuel P.},
+  title=        {The Third Wave: Democratization in the Late Twentieth Century},
+  publisher=    {University of Oklahoma Press}, address= {Norman and London}, 
+  year=         1991
+ at article(KingWand2007,
+  author=       {King, Gary and Jonathan Wand},
+  title=        {Comparing Incomparable Survey Responses: Evaluating and Selecting Anchoring Vignettes},
+  journal=      pa, volume=15, 
+  pages=        {46--66},
+  year=         2007
+ at article{ KirkpatrickGelattVecchi83,
+    author = "S. Kirkpatrick and C. D. Gelatt and M. P. Vecchi",
+    title = "Optimization by Simulated Annealing",
+    journal = "Science", number = "4598", 
+    volume = "220",
+    pages = "671--680",
+    year = "1983"
+ at book( knuth1998,
+  author=       {Knuth, Donald E.},
+  title=        {The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 2: Seminumerical Algorithms},
+  edition=      "3rd",
+  publisher=    "Addison-Wesley", address= "Reading: MA", 
+  year=         1998
+ at Manual{KrigInv,
+  author =   {Victor Picheny and David Ginsbourger},
+  title  =   {\pkg{KrigInv}: Kriging-based Inversion for Deterministic and Noisy Computer Experiments},
+  note   =   {\proglang{R}~package version~1.1},
+  url    =   {http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=KrigInv},
+  year   =   {2011}
+ at unpublished( krosnick2004,
+  author=       {Holbrook, Allyson L. and Matthew K. Berent and Jon A. Krosnick and Penny S. Visser and David S. Boninger},
+  title=        {Attitude Importance and the Accumulation of Attitude-Relevant Knowledge in Memory},
+  note=         "Working Paper",
+  year=         2004
+ at Manual{LeeLee2006,
+  author =   {Lee, Chun-Ying and Yung-Jin Lee},
+  title =    {\pkg{PKfit}: A Tool for Data Analysis in Pharmacokinetics},
+  note      = {\proglang{R}~package version~1.1.8},
+  url       = {http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=PKfit},
+  year =     {2009},
+ at Manual{ivivc,
+  author =   {Hsin Ya Lee and Yung-Jin Lee},
+  title  =   {\pkg{ivivc}: in vitro-in vivo correlation (IVIVC) modeling},
+  note   =   {\proglang{R}~package version~0.1.5},
+  url    =   {http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=ivivc},
+  year   =   {2009}
+ at article( imbens2000,
+  author=       {Imbens, Guido W.},
+  title=        "The Role of the Propensity Score in Estimating Dose-Response Functions",
+  journal=      {Biometrika}, volume=87, number=3,
+  pages=        {706--710},
+  year=         2000
+ at Article{imai2005,
+  author =   {Kosuke Imai},
+  title =    {Do Get-Out-The-Vote Calls Reduce Turnout? The Importance of Statistical Methods for Field Experiments},
+  journal =  apsr, volume =   99, number=2,
+  pages =    "283--300",
+  year =     {2005},
+ at incollection( iyengar1990,
+  author=       {Iyengar, Shanto},
+  title=        {Shorts to Political Knowledge: Selective attention and the accessibility bias},
+  booktitle=    {Information and the Democratic Process},
+  editor=       {John Ferejohn and James Kuklinski},
+  publisher=    {University of Illinois Press}, address= {Urbana},
+  year=         1990
+ at unpublished( iyengar1986,
+  author=       {Iyengar, Shanto},
+  title=        {Whither Political Information},
+  note=         {Report to the NES Board of Overseers. Center for Political Studies, University of Michigan},
+  year=         1986
+ at Manual{JOP,
+  author =   {Sonja Kuhnt and Nikolaus Rudak},
+  title =    {\pkg{JOP}: Joint Optimization Plot},
+  note      = {\proglang{R}~package version~2.0.1},
+  url       = {http://cran.r-project.org/package=JOP},
+  year =     {2011},
+ at book( johnston2004,
+  author=       {Johnston, Richard and Michael G. Hagen and Kathleen Hall Jamieson},
+  title=        {The 2000 Presidential Election and the Foundations of Party Politics},
+  publisher=    cup, address= ny, 
+  year=         2004
+ at book( johnston1992,
+  author=       {Johnston, Richard and Andr\'{e} Blais and Henry E. Brady and Jean Cr\^{e}te},
+  title=        {Letting the People Decide: Dynamics of a Canadian Election},
+  publisher=    "McGill-Queen's University Press", address= "Montreal", 
+  year=         1992
+ at book( kornhauser1959,
+  author=       {Kornhauser, William},
+  title=        {The Politics of Mass Society},
+  publisher=    {The Free Press}, address= {New York}, 
+  year=         1959
+ at article( kunsch1989,
+  author=       {Kunsch, H. R. and L. A. Stefanski and R. J. Carroll},
+  title=        {Conditionally Unbiased Bounded-Influence Estimation in General Regression Models},
+  journal=      jasa, volume=84,
+  pages=        {460--466},
+  year=         1989
+ at book( lancaster1990,
+  editor=       {Lancaster, Tony},
+  title=        {The Econometric Analysis of Transition Data},
+  publisher=    cup, address={New York}, 
+  year=         {1990}
+ at Article{lalonde1986,
+  author =   {Robert LaLonde},
+  title =    {Evaluating the Econometric Evaluations of Training Programs with Experimental Data},
+  journal =      {American Economic Review},
+  year =     {1986},
+  OPTkey =   {},
+  volume =   {76},
+  OPTnumber =    {4},
+  pages =    {604--20},
+  month =    {September},
+  OPTnote =      {},
+  OPTannote =    {}
+ at incollection( lawson2004,
+  author=       {Lawson, Chappell},
+  title=        {Introduction},
+  booktitle=    {Mexico's Pivotal Democratic Election},
+  editor=       {Jorge I. Dom\'{i}nguez and Chappell Lawson},
+  publisher=    sup, address= "Stanford",
+  pages=        {1--21},
+  year=         2004
+ at article( lipset1959,
+  author=       {Lipset, Seymour Martin},
+  title=        {Some Social Requisites of Democracy: Economic Development and Political Legitimacy},
+  journal=      apsr, volume=53, number=1,
+  pages=        {69--105},
+  year=         1959
+ at book( LittleRubin1987,
+  author=       {Little, Roderick J. A. and Rubin, Donald B.},
+  title=        {Statistical Analysis with Missing Data},
+  publisher=    {J. Wiley \& Sons}, address= ny,
+  year=         1987
+ at unpublished( lupia2004,
+  author=       {Lupia, Arthur},
+  title=        {Questioning Our Competence: Tasks, Institutions, and the Limited Practical Relevance of Common Political Knowledge Measures},
+  note=         "Working Paper",
+  year=         2004
+ at article( luskin2002,
+  author=       {Luskin, Robert C. and James S. Fishkin and Roger Jowell},
+  title=        {Considered Opinions: Deliberative Polling in Britain},
+  journal=      bjps, volume=32,
+  pages=        {455--487},
+  year=         2002
+ at book( MccullaghNelder1989,
+  author=       {McCullagh, Peter and John A. Nelder},
+  title=        {Generalized Linear Models},
+  edition=      "2nd",
+  publisher=    c-h, address= ny,
+  year=         1989
+ at article( McCulloughVinod2004a,
+  author=       {McCullough, B. D. and H. D. Vinod},
+  title=        {Verifying the Solution from a Nonlinear Solver: A Case Study: Reply},
+  journal=      aer, volume=94, number=1,
+  pages=        {391--396},
+  year=         2004
+ at article( McCulloughVinod2004b,
+  author=       {McCullough, B. D. and H. D. Vinod},
+  title=        {Verifying the Solution from a Nonlinear Solver: A Case Study: Reply},
+  journal=      aer, volume=94, number=1,
+  pages=        {400--403},
+  year=         2004
+ at article( McCulloughVinod2003,
+  author=       {McCullough, B. D. and H. D. Vinod},
+  title=        {Verifying the Solution from a Nonlinear Solver: A Case Study},
+  journal=      aer, volume=93, number=3,
+  pages=        {873--892},
+  year=         2003
+ at article( mckelvey1985a,
+  author=       {McKelvey, Richard D. and Peter C. Ordeshook},
+  title=        {Elections with Limited
+Information:  A Fulfilled Expectations Model Using Contemporaneous Poll and
+Endorsement Data as Information Sources},
+  journal=      jet, volume=36,
+  pages=        {55--85},
+  year=         1985
+ at article( mckelvey1985b,
+  author=       {McKelvey, Richard D. and Peter C. Ordeshook},
+  title=        {Sequential Elections with Limited Information},
+  journal=      ajps, volume=29, number=3,
+  pages=        {480--512},
+  year=         1985
+ at article( mckelvey1986,
+  author=       {McKelvey, Richard D. and Peter C. Ordeshook},
+  title=        {Information, Electoral Equilibria, and the Democratic Ideal},
+  journal=      jop, volume=48, number=4,
+  pages=        {909--937},
+  year=         1986
+ at article( mcgraw1990,
+  author=       {McGraw, Kathleen and Neil Pinney},
+  title=        {The Effects of General and Domain-Specific Expertise on Political Memory and Judgement},
+  journal=      {Social Cognition}, volume=8,
+  pages=        {9--30},
+  year=         1990
+ at article( mckelvey1985a,
+  author=       {McKelvey, Richard D. and Peter C. Ordeshook},
+  title=        {Elections with Limited
+Information:  A Fulfilled Expectations Model Using Contemporaneous Poll and
+Endorsement Data as Information Sources},
+  journal=      jet, volume=36,
+  pages=        {55--85},
+  year=         1985
+ at article( mckelvey1985b,
+  author=       {McKelvey, Richard D. and Peter C. Ordeshook},
+  title=        {Sequential Elections with Limited Information},
+  journal=      ajps, volume=29, number=3,
+  pages=        {480--512},
+  year=         1985
+ at article( mckelvey1986,
+  author=       {McKelvey, Richard D. and Peter C. Ordeshook},
+  title=        {Information, Electoral Equilibria, and the Democratic Ideal},
+  journal=      jop, volume=48, number=4,
+  pages=        {909--937},
+  year=         1986
+ at article( McNemar1947,
+  author=       {McNemar, Q.},
+  title=        {Note on the Sampling Error of the Differences Between Correlated Proportions or Percentage},
+  journal=      {Psychometrika}, volume=12,
+  pages=        {153--157},
+  year=         1947
+ at book( maddala1992,
+  author=       {Maddala, G.S.},
+  title=        {Introduction to Econometrics},
+  edition=      "2nd",
+  publisher=    {MacMillan}, address= {New York}, 
+  year=         "1992"
+ at book( maddala1983,
+  author=       {Maddala, G.S.p},
+  title=        {Limited-Dependent and Qualitative Variables in Econometrics},
+  publisher=    cup, address={New York}, 
+  year=         {1983}
+ at article{ MarinariParisi1992,
+    author = "E. Marinari and G. Parisi",
+    title = "Simulated tempering: A New Monte Carlo Scheme",
+    journal = "Europhysics Letters", number = "19", 
+    volume = "6",
+    pages = "451--455",
+    year = "1992"
+ at article( MannWhitney1947,
+  author=       {Mann, H. and Whitney, D},
+  title=        {On a Test of Whether One of Two Random Variables is Stochastically Larger than the Other},
+  journal=      {Annals of Mathematical Statistics}, volume=18,
+  pages=        {50--60},
+  year=         1947
+ at Article{MebaneJr.+Sekhon:2011,
+  author	= {Mebane, Jr., Walter R. and Jasjeet S. Sekhon},
+  title		= {Genetic Optimization Using Derivatives: The \pkg{rgenoud} Package for \proglang{R}},
+  journal	= {Journal of Statistical Software},
+  year		= {2011},
+  note		= {Forthcoming},
+  url		= {http://www.jstatsoft.org/}
+ at article( mebane2000,
+  author=       {Mebane, Jr., Walter R.},
+  title=        {Coordination, Moderation and Institutional Balancing in American Presidential and House Elections},
+  journal=      apsr, volume=94,
+  number =      1,
+  pages=        {37--57},
+  year=         2000
+ at Manual{MebaneSekhon1997,
+  author =   {Mebane, Jr., Walter R. and Jasjeet S. Sekhon},
+  title =    {GENetic Optimization Using Derivatives (GENOUD)},
+  note =     {Computer program available upon request},
+  year =     {1997}
+ at article( MebaneSekhon2004,
+  author=       {Mebane, Jr., Walter R. and Jasjeet S. Sekhon},
+  title=        {Robust Estimation and Outlier Detection for Overdispersed Multinomial Models of Count Data},
+  journal=      ajps, volume=48,
+  number =      2,
+  pages=        {391--410},
+  year=         2004
+ at Manual{MebaneSekhon.multinomRob,
+  author =   {Mebane, Jr., Walter R. and Jasjeet S. Sekhon},
+  title =    {\pkg{multinomRob}:  Robust Estimation of Overdispersed Multinomial Regression Models},
+  note      = {\proglang{R}~package version~1.8-4},
+  url       = {http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=multinomRob},
+  year =     {2009},
+ at article( MebaneSekhon2002,
+  author=       {Mebane, Jr., Walter R. and Jasjeet S. Sekhon},
+  title=        {Coordination and Policy Moderation at Midterm},
+  journal=      apsr, volume=96,
+  number =      1,
+  pages=        {141--157},
+  year=         2002
+ at unpublished( MebaneSekhon1998,
+  author=       {Mebane, Jr., Walter R. and Jasjeet S. Sekhon},
+  title=        {GENetic Optimization Using Derivatives (GENOUD)},
+  note =        {Software Package. \url{http://sekhon.berkeley.edu/rgenoud/}},
+  year=         1998
+ at book( Michalewicz1992,
+  author=       {Michalewicz, Zbigniew},
+  title=        {Genetic Algorithms + Data Structures = Evolution Programs},
+  publisher=    s-v, address= {New York}, 
+  year=         {1992}
+ at unpublished( MichalewiczSwaminathanLogan1993,
+  author=       {Michalewicz, Zbigniew and Swarnalatha Swaminathan and Thomas D. Logan},
+  title=        {GENOCOP (version 2.0)},
+  note =        {C language computer program source code.  
+  year=         1993
+ at book( mes2002,
+  author=       {Erikson, Robert S. and Michael B. MacKuen and James A. Stimson},
+  title=        {The Macro Polity},
+  publisher=    cup, address= {New York}, 
+  year=         {2002}
+ at incollection( miller1986,
+  author=       {Miller, Nicholas R},
+  title=        {Information, Electorates, and Democracy: Some Extensions and
+Interpretations of the Condorcet Jury Theorem},
+  booktitle=    {Information Pooling and Group Decision Making},
+  editor=       {Bernard Grofman and Guillermo Owen},
+  publisher=    {JAI}, address= {Greenwich, CT},
+  year=         1986
+ at article{MitchellKrzanowski1989,
+  author =   {Mitchell, Ann F. S. and Wojtek J. Krzanowski},
+  title =    {Amendments and Corrections: The Mahalanobis Distance and Elliptic Distributions},
+  journal =  {Biometrika},
+  year =     {1989},
+  volume =   {76},
+  number =   {2},
+  pages =    {407},
+ at article{MitchellKrzanowski1985,
+  author =   {Mitchell, Ann F. S. and Wojtek J. Krzanowski},
+  title =    {The Mahalanobis Distance and Elliptic Distributions},
+  journal =  {Biometrika},
+  year =     {1985},
+  volume =   {72},
+  number =   {2},
+  pages =    {464--467},
+ at book( neuman86,
+  author=       {Neuman, W. Russell},
+  title=        {The Paradox of Mass Politics: Knowledge and Opinion in the {A}merican Electorate},
+  publisher=    hup, address= cam, 
+  year=         1986
+ at article( NixVose1992,
+  author=       {Nix, Allen E. and Michael D. Vose},
+  title=        {Modeling Genetic Algorithms with Markov Chains},
+  journal=      {Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence}, volume=5,
+  pages=        {79--88},
+  year=         1992
+ at book( page1992,
+  author=       {Page, Benjamin I. and Robert Y. Shapiro},
+  title=        {The Rational Public: Fifty Years of Trends in {A}mericans' Policy Preferences},
+  publisher=    uchp, address= chic, 
+  year=         1992
+ at article( PalfreyPoole1987,
+  author=       {Palfrey, Thomas R. and Keith T. Poole},
+  title=        {The Relationship between Information, Ideology, and Voting Behavior},
+  journal=      ajps, volume=31,
+  number =      3,
+  pages=        {511--530},
+  year=         1987
+ at book( patterson2002,
+  author=       {Patterson, Thomas E.},
+  title=        {The Vanishing Voter: Public Involvement in an Age of Uncertainty},
+  publisher=    "Alfred A. Knopf", address= "New York",
+  year=         2002
+ at book( popkin1991,
+  author=       {Popkin, Samuel L},
+  title=        {The Reasoning Voter: Communication and Persuasion in Presidential Campaigns},
+  publisher=    uchp, address= chic, 
+  year=         1991
+ at article( PriceZaller1993,
+  author=       {Price, Vincent and John Zaller},
+  title=        {Who Gets the News? Alternative Measures of News Reception and Their Implications for Research},
+  journal=      {Public Opinion Quarterly}, volume=57, number=2,
+  pages=        {133--164},
+  year=         1993
+ at article( pryor2003,
+  author=       {Pryor, Kane},
+  title=        {A national state of confusion},
+  journal=      {Salon.com}, month=6, day=2,
+  url=          {http://www.salon.com/opinion/feature/2003/02/06/iraq_poll},
+  note=         "Accessed 07/05/2004",
+  year=         2003
+ at book( putnam2000,
+  author=       {Putnam, Robert D.},
+  title=        {Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community},
+  publisher=    "Simon \& Schuster", address= ny, 
+  year=         2000
+ at book( rosenbaum2002,
+  author=       {Rosenbaum, Paul R.},
+  title=        {Observational Studies},
+  edition=      "2nd",
+  publisher=    "Springer-Verlag", address= ny, 
+  year=         2002
+ at article( Rosenbaum1999,
+  author=       {Rosenbaum, Paul R.},
+  title=        {Using Quantile Averages in Matched Observational Studies},
+  journal=      {Applied Statistics}, volume=48, 
+  number=       1,
+  pages=        {63--78},
+  year=         1999
+ at article( Rosenbaum1993,
+  author=       {Rosenbaum, Paul R.},
+  title=        {Comparison of Multivariate Matching Methods: Structures, Distances, and Algorithms},
+  journal=      {Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics}, volume=2, 
+  number=       4,
+  pages=        {405--420},
+  year=         1993
+ at article( Rosenbaum1991,
+  author=       {Rosenbaum, Paul R.},
+  title=        {A Characterization of Optimal Designs for Observational Studies},
+  journal=      jrssb, volume=53, 
+  number=       3,
+  pages=        {597--610},
+  year=         1991
+ at article( Rosenbaum1989,
+  author=       {Rosenbaum, Paul R.},
+  title=        {Optimal Matching for Observational Studies},
+  journal=      jasa, volume=84, 
+  number=       408,
+  pages=        {1024--1032},
+  year=         1989
+ at article( RosenbaumRubin1985,
+  author=       {Rosenbaum, Paul R. and Donald B. Rubin},
+  title=        {Constructing a Control Group Using Multivariate Matched Sampling Methods That Incorporate the Propensity Score},
+  journal=      {The American Statistician}, volume=39, 
+  number=       1,
+  pages=        {33--38},
+  year=         1985
+ at article( RosenbaumRubin1984,
+  author=       {Rosenbaum, Paul R. and Donald B. Rubin},
+  title=        {Reducing Bias in Observational Studies Using Subclassification on the Propensity Score},
+  journal=      jasa, volume=79, 
+  number=       387,
+  pages=        {516--524},
+  year=         1984
+ at article( RosenbaumRubin1983,
+  author=       {Rosenbaum, Paul R. and Donald B. Rubin},
+  title=        {The Central Role of the Propensity Score in Observational Studies for Causal Effects},
+  journal=      {Biometrika}, volume=70, 
+  number=       1,
+  pages=        {41--55},
+  year=         1983
+ at article( rubin2001,
+  author=       {Rubin, Donald B},
+  title=        "Using Propensity Scores to Help Design Observational Studies: Application to the Tobacco Litigation",
+  journal=      "Health Services \& Outcomes Research Methodology", volume=2, number=1,
+  pages=        "169--188",
+  year=         2001
+ at article( rubin1997,
+  author=       {Rubin, Donald B},
+  title=        "Estimating Causal Effects from Large Data Sets Using Propensity Scores",
+  journal=      {Annals of Internal Medicine}, volume=127, number="8S",
+  pages=        "757--763",
+  year=         1997
+ at book( rubinMI1987,
+  author=       {Rubin, Donald B.},
+  title=        {Multiple Imputation for Nonresponse in Surveys},
+  publisher=    {J. Wiley \& Sons}, address= ny,
+  year=         1987
+ at article( rubin1980,
+  author=       {Rubin, Donald B.},
+  title=        "Bias Reduction Using Mahalanobis-Metric Matching",
+  journal=      {Biometrics}, volume=36, 
+  number =      2,
+  pages=        {293--298},
+  year=         1980
+ at article( rubin1979,
+  author=       {Rubin, Donald B.},
+  title=        "Using Multivariate Sampling and Regression Adjustment to Control Bias in Observational Studies",
+  journal=      jasa, volume=74, 
+  pages=        {318--328},
+  year=         1979
+ at article( rubin1978,
+  author=       {Rubin, Donald B.},
+  title=        {Bayesian Inference for Causal Effects: The Role of Randomization},
+  journal=      {Annals of Statistics}, volume=6, number=1,
+  pages=        {34--58},
+  year=         1978
+ at article( rubin1977,
+  author=       {Rubin, Donald B.},
+  title=        {Assignment to a Treatment Group on the Basis of a Covariate},
+  journal=      {Journal of Educational Statistics}, volume=2, 
+  pages=        {1--26},
+  year=         1977
+ at article( rubin1976,
+  author=       {Rubin, Donald B.},
+  title=        {Multivariate Matching Methods That are Equal Percent Bias Reducing, I: Some Examples},
+  journal=      {Biometrics}, 
+  volume =      32, 
+  number =      1,
+  pages=        {109--120},
+  year=         1976
+ at article( rubin1976b,
+  author=       {Rubin, Donald B.},
+  title=        {Multivariate Matching Methods That are Equal Percent Bias Reducing, II: Maximums on Bias Reduction for Fixed Sample Sizes},
+  journal=      {Biometrics}, 
+  volume =      32, 
+  number =      1,
+  pages=        {121--132},
+  year=         1976
+ at article( rubinMI1976,
+  author=       {Rubin, Donald B.},
+  title=        {Inference and Missing Data},
+  journal=      {Biometrika}, volume=63, 
+  pages=        {581-592},
+  year=         1976
+ at article( rubin1973a,
+  author=       {Rubin, Donald B.},
+  title=        "Matching to Remove Bias in Observational Studies",
+  journal=      {Biometrics}, volume=29, 
+  pages=        {159--184},
+  year=         1973
+ at article( rubin1973b,
+  author=       {Rubin, Donald B.},
+  title=        "The Use of Matching and Regression Adjustment to Remove Bias in Observational Studies",
+  journal=      {Biometrics}, volume=29, 
+  pages=        {185--203},
+  year=         1973
+ at unpublished( RubinStuart,
+  author=       {Rubin, Donald B. and Elizabeth A. Stuart},
+  title=        {Affinely Invariant Matching Methods with Discriminant Mixtures of Proportional Ellipsoidally Symmetric Distributions},
+  note=         "Working Paper",
+  year=         2005
+ at article( RubinThomas1996,
+  author=       {Rubin, Donald B. and Neal Thomas},
+  title=        "Matching Using Estimated Propensity Scores: Relating Theory to Practice",
+  journal=      {Biometrics}, volume=52, number=1,
+  pages=        {249--264},
+  year=         1996
+ at article( RubinThomas1992,
+  author=       {Rubin, Donald B. and Neal Thomas},
+  title=        "Affinely Invariant Matching Methods with Ellipsoidal Distributions",
+  journal=      aos, volume=20, number=2,
+  pages=        {1079--1093},
+  year=         1992
+ at article( RubinThomas1992b,
+  author=       {Rubin, Donald B. and Neal Thomas},
+  title=        "Characterizing the Effect of Matching Using Linear Propensity Score Methods with Normal Distributions",
+  journal=      "Biometrika", volume=79, number=4,
+  pages=        {797--809},
+  year=         1992
+ at article( rustow1970,
+  author=       {Rustow, Dankwart A.},
+  title=        {Transitions to Democracy: Toward a Dynamic Model},
+  journal=      {Comparative Politics}, volume=2, number=3,
+  pages=        {337--363},
+  year=         1970
+ at article(SchacharNalebuff2004,
+  author=       {Shachar, Ron and Barry Nalebuff},
+  title=        {Verifying the Solution from a Nonlinear Solver: A Case Study: Comment},
+  journal=      aer, volume=94, number=1,
+  pages=        {382-390},
+  year=         2004
+ at book( schafer1997a,
+  author=       {Schafer, Joseph L.},
+  title=        {Analysis of Incomplete Multivariate Data},
+  publisher=    c-h, address= "London", 
+  year=         1997
+ at unpublished( schafer1997b,
+  author=       {Schafer, Joseph L.},
+  title=        {Imputation of missing covariates under a general linear mixed model},
+  note=         {Technical report, Dept. of Statistics, Penn State University},
+  year=         1997
+ at Manual{SekhonMatching,
+  author =   {Jasjeet S. Sekhon},
+  title =    {\pkg{Matching}: Multivariate and Propensity Score Matching with Automated Balance Search},
+  note  =    {\proglang{R}~package version~4.7-12},
+  url    =   {http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=Matching},
+  year =     {2011},
+ at article( sekhon2004,
+  author=       {Sekhon, Jasjeet S.},
+  title=        {Quality Meets Quantity: Case Studies, Conditional Probability and Counterfactuals},
+  journal=      pop, volume=2,
+  number =      2,
+  pages=        {281--293},
+  year=         2004
+ at unpublished( SekhonInformation,
+  author=       {Sekhon, Jasjeet S.},
+  title=        "The Varying Role of Voter Information Across Democratic Societies",
+  note =        "Working Paper",
+  url=          {http://sekhon.berkeley.edu/papers/SekhonInformation.pdf},
+  year=         2004
+ at article( SekhonMebane1998,
+  author=       {Sekhon, Jasjeet Singh and Mebane, Jr., Walter R.},
+  title=        {Genetic Optimization Using Derivatives: Theory and Application to Nonlinear Models},
+  journal=      {Political Analysis}, volume={7},
+  pages=        {189--203},
+  year=         1998
+ at unpublished( sekhon_glmRob,
+  author=       {Sekhon, Jasjeet S.},
+  title=        {Robust Alternatives to Binary Logit and Probit: With
+  reanalysis of Fearon and Laitin's (2003) ``Ethnicity, Insurgency and
+  Civil War'' and Bartels's (1996) ``Uninformed Votes: Information Effects in
+  Presidential Elections.},
+  note=         "Working Paper",
+  year=         2004
+ at book( smith_charles1956,
+  author=       {Smith, Charles Page},
+  title=        {James Wilson, Founding Father, 1742-1798},
+  publisher=    "University of North Carolina Press", address= "Chapel Hill",
+  year=         1956
+ at article( smith_herbert1997,
+  author=       {Smith, Herbert L.},
+  title=        {Matching with Multiple Controls to Estimate Treatment Effects in Observational Studies},
+  journal=      "Sociological Methodology", volume=27,
+  pages=        "305--353",
+  year=         "1997"
+ at article( SmithTodd2005a,
+  author=       {Smith, Jeffrey and Petra Todd},
+  title=        {Does Matching Overcome LaLonde's Critique of Nonexperimental Estimators?},
+  journal=      je, volume=125, number="1--2",
+  pages=        "305--353",
+  year=         "2005"
+ at article( SmithTodd2005b,
+  author=       {Smith, Jeffrey and Petra Todd},
+  title=        {Rejoinder},
+  journal=      je, volume=125, number="1--2",
+  pages=        "365--375",
+  year=         "2005"
+ at article{SmithTodd2001,
+  author =   {Jeffrey A. Smith and Petra E. Todd},
+  title =    {Reconciling Conflicting Evidence on the Performance of Propensity Score Matching Methods},
+  journal =  {AEA Papers and Proceedings},
+  year =     {2001},
+  volume =   {91},
+  number =   {2},
+  pages =    {112--118},
+ at book( sniderman1991,
+  author=       {Sniderman, Paul M. and Richard Brody and Philip E. Tetlock},
+  title=        {Reasoning and Choice: Explorations in Political Psychology},
+  publisher=    cup, address= ny,
+  year=         1991
+ at incollection( sniderman1993,
+  author=       {Sniderman, Paul M.},
+  title=        {The New Look in Public Opinion Research},
+  booktitle=    {Political Science: The State of the Discipline II},
+  editor=       {Ada W. Finifter},
+  publisher=    {American Political Science Association}, 
+  address=      {Washington, DC},
+  year=         1993
+ at book( snyder2000,
+  author=       {Snyder, Jack},
+  title=        {From Voting to Violence: Democratization and Nationalist Conflict},
+  publisher=    {W. W. Norton}, address= ny,
+  year=         2000
+ at article( stephens1974,
+  author=       {Stephens, M. A.},
+  title=        {EDF Statistics for Goodness of Fit and Some Comparisons},
+  journal=      jasa, volume=69,
+  pages=        {730--737},
+  year=         1974
+ at article( stokes2004,
+  author=       {Stokes, Houston},
+  title=        {On the Advantage of Using Two or More Econometric Software Systems to Solve the Same Problem},
+  journal=      {Journal of Economic and Social Measurement}, volume=29, number="1-3",
+  pages=        {307--320},
+  year=         2004
+ at Manual{synth2008,
+  author =   {Alexis Diamond and Jens Hainmueller},
+  title  =   {\pkg{Synth}: Synthetic Control Group Method for Comparative Case Studies},
+  note   =   {\proglang{R}~package version~0.1-6},
+  url    =   {http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=Synth},
+  year   =   {2008}
+ at incollection( vose1993,
+  author=       {Vose, Michael D.},
+  title=        {Modeling Simple Genetic Algorithms},
+  booktitle=    {Foundations of Genetic Algorithms 2},
+  editor=       {L.~Darrell Whitley},
+  publisher=    {Morgan Kaufmann}, address= {San Mateo, CA},
+  year=         1993
+ at Manual{WandKingLau2007,
+  author =   {Wand, Jonathan and Gary King and Olivia Lau},
+  title =    {\pkg{Anchors}: Software for Anchoring Vignette Data},
+  note      = {\proglang{R}~package version~2.0},
+  url       = {http://wand.stanford.edu/anchors/},
+  year =     {2008}
+ at book( wilcox1997,
+  author=       {Wilcox, Rand R.},
+  title=        {Introduction to Robust Estimation},
+  publisher=    {Academic Press}, address= {San Diego, CA},
+  year=         1997
+ at article( wilcoxon1945,
+  author=       {Wilcoxon, F},
+  title=        {Individual Comparisons by Ranking Methods},
+  journal=      {Biometrics}, volume=1,
+  pages=        {8083},
+  year=         1945
+ at article( WinshipMorgan1999,
+  author=       {Winship, Christopher and Stephen Morgan},
+  title=        {The estimation of causal effects from observational data},
+  journal=      "Annual Review of Sociology", volume=25, 
+  pages=        "659--707",
+  year=         "1999"
+ at article( wittman1989,
+  author=       {Wittman, Donald A},
+  title=        {Why Democracies Produce Efficient Results},
+  journal=      jpe, volume=97,
+  pages=        {1395--1424},
+  year=         1989
+ at article( yao.liu.lin1999,
+  author=       {Yao, Xin and Yong Liu and Guangming Lin},
+  title=        {Evolutionary Programming Made Faster},
+  journal=      {IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation}, volume=3,
+  month=        {July}, number= 2,
+  pages=        {82--102},
+  year=         1999
+ at article( yule1899,
+  author=       {Yule, Undy G.},
+  title=        {An Investigation into the Causes of Changes in Pauperism in England, Chiefly During the Last Two Intercensal Decades (Part I.)},
+  journal=      {Journal of the Royal Statistical Society}, volume=62,
+  number =      2,
+  pages=        {249--295},
+  year=         1899
+ at incollection( zaller2004,
+  author=       {Zaller, John R},
+  title=        {Floating Voters in U.S.\ Presidential Elections, 1948--1996},
+  booktitle=    {Studies in Public Opinion: Gauging Attitudes, Nonattitudes, Measurement Error and Change},
+  editor=       {Willem Saris and Paul Sniderman},
+  publisher=    pup, 
+  address=      nj,
+  year=         "forthcoming"
+ at book( zaller1992,
+  author=       {Zaller, John R},
+  title=        {The Nature and Origins of Mass Opinion},
+  publisher=    cup, address= ny,
+  year=         1992
+ at unpublished( zaller1986,
+  author=       {Zaller, John R.},
+  title=        {Analysis of Information Items in the 1985 NES Pilot Study},
+  note=         {NES Pilot Study Report. Center for Political Studies, University of Michigan},
+  year=         1986
+ at unpublished( zaller1985,
+  author=       {Zaller, John R.},
+  title=        {Proposal for the Measurement of Political Information},
+  note=         {Report to the NES Board of Overseers. Center for Political Studies, University of Michigan},
+  year=         1985
+ at book( zakaria2003,
+  author=       {Zakaria, Fareed},
+  title=        {The Future of Freedom: Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad},
+  publisher=    {W. W. Norton}, address= {New York}, 
+  year=         2003
+ at article( zakaria1998,
+  author=       {Zakaria, Fareed},
+  title=        {Doubts About Democracy},
+  journal=      {Newsweek}, Month="January", day=5,
+  year=         1998
+ at article( zakaria1997,
+  author=       {Zakaria, Fareed},
+  title=        {The Rise of Illiberal Democracy},
+  journal=      {Foreign Affairs}, volume=76, number=6,
+  pages=        {249--295},
+  year=         1997
+ at Article{Altman+McDonald:2011,
+  author	= {Micah Altman and Michael P. McDonald},
+  title		= {\pkg{BARD}: Better Automated Redistricting},
+  journal	= {Journal of Statistical Software},
+  year		= {2011},
+  note		= {Forthcoming},
+  url		= {http://www.jstatsoft.org/}
+ at Article{Wand+King:2011,
+  author	= {Jonathan Wand and Gary King},
+  title		= {\pkg{Anchors}: Software for Anchoring Vignette Data},
+  journal	= {Journal of Statistical Software},
+  year		= {2011},
+  note		= {Forthcoming},
+  url		= {http://www.jstatsoft.org/}
+ at Article{Sekhon:2011,
+  author	= {Jasjeet S. Sekhon},
+  title		= {Multivariate and Propensity Score Matching Software with Automated
+  		   Balance Optimization: The \pkg{Matching} Package for \proglang{R}},
+  journal	= {Journal of Statistical Software},
+  year		= {2011},
+  note		= {Forthcoming},
+  url		= {http://www.jstatsoft.org/}
+ at Manual{Rcore,
+    title = {R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing},
+    author = {{R Development Core Team}},
+    organization = {R Foundation for Statistical Computing},
+    address = {Vienna, Austria},
+    year = {2009},
+    note = {{ISBN} 3-900051-07-0},
+    url = {http://www.R-project.org},
+ at Comment  LocalWords:  apsr booktitle Finifter Zaller NES Iyengar Shanto Brehm
+ at Comment  LocalWords:  AlvarezBrehm ajps HorvitzThompson Horvitz jasa ny kunsch
+ at Comment  LocalWords:  MannWhitney Psychometrika Biometrika rubinMI Stefanski
+ at Comment  LocalWords:  Cantoni Elvezio Ronchetti CarrollPederson Pederson jssrb
+ at Comment  LocalWords:  copas jrssb sekhon glmRob Probit Fearon Laitin's althaus
+ at Comment  LocalWords:  Bartels's MebaneSekhon Keisuke Geert ec Allyson Berent
+ at Comment  LocalWords:  Krosnick Visser Boninger Hausman Kosuke Rosenbaum Bon Ai
+ at Comment  LocalWords:  Kornhauser Jamieson hersh url huntington Zakaria Fareed
+ at Comment  LocalWords:  zakaria rustow Dankwart Lipset geddes MacKuen Brunell
+ at Comment  LocalWords:  BrunellNiNardo DiNardo Reweighting AldrichMcKelvey rubin
+ at Comment  LocalWords:  McKelvey imbens abadie incollection dominguez nguez jop
+ at Comment  LocalWords:  Chappell Ordeshook Lupia fishkin Subclassification Jong
+ at Comment  LocalWords:  CochranRubin BertsimasTsitsiklis Bertsimas Dimitris Yung
+ at Comment  LocalWords:  Tsitsiklis Kaufmann Quantile Ellipsoidally Galiani Segal
+ at Comment  LocalWords:  Gertler Schargrodsky GalianiGertlerSchargrodsky Diprete
+ at Comment  LocalWords:  DipreteEngelhardt Engelhardt herbert Winship Jin PKfit
+ at Comment  LocalWords:  WinshipMorgan BowersHansen Pharmacokinetics Vinod aer
+ at Comment  LocalWords:  McCulloughVinod SchacharNalebuff Shachar Nalebuff Hsin
+ at Comment  LocalWords:  AltmanGillMcDonald Braumoeller Jasjeet ivivc vitro vivo
+                  @Comment LocalWords:  IVIVC Hainmueller Synth Mebane GENetic
+                  @Comment LocalWords:  GENOUD DiceOptim Ginsbourger Roustant
+                  @Comment LocalWords:  Kriging

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