[r-cran-mlbench] 04/05: Updated version 2.1-1 from 'upstream/2.1-1'

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Sat Oct 21 14:44:18 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tille pushed a commit to branch master
in repository r-cran-mlbench.

commit 77f114634c288b93f1db5d061a8189c272d42040
Merge: 176987c 4ac351d
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date:   Sat Oct 21 16:40:04 2017 +0200

    Updated version 2.1-1 from 'upstream/2.1-1'
    with Debian dir 99f456322ddf160a5827022afaed0153e44949df

 DESCRIPTION                   |  16 ++
 Data-Administration.R         |  93 ++++++++
 MD5                           |  66 ++++++
 NAMESPACE                     |  18 ++
 NEWS                          | 102 +++++++++
 R/mlbench-class.R             | 500 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 R/mlbench-regression.R        |  78 +++++++
 README                        |  11 +
 data/BostonHousing.rda        | Bin 0 -> 12932 bytes
 data/BostonHousing2.rda       | Bin 0 -> 16660 bytes
 data/BreastCancer.rda         | Bin 0 -> 5460 bytes
 data/DNA.rda                  | Bin 0 -> 81208 bytes
 data/Glass.rda                | Bin 0 -> 4144 bytes
 data/HouseVotes84.rda         | Bin 0 -> 2264 bytes
 data/Ionosphere.rda           | Bin 0 -> 34524 bytes
 data/LetterRecognition.rda    | Bin 0 -> 162580 bytes
 data/Ozone.rda                | Bin 0 -> 5224 bytes
 data/PimaIndiansDiabetes.rda  | Bin 0 -> 8424 bytes
 data/PimaIndiansDiabetes2.rda | Bin 0 -> 8284 bytes
 data/Satellite.rda            | Bin 0 -> 109096 bytes
 data/Servo.rda                | Bin 0 -> 1060 bytes
 data/Shuttle.rda              | Bin 0 -> 371492 bytes
 data/Sonar.rda                | Bin 0 -> 26152 bytes
 data/Soybean.rda              | Bin 0 -> 4732 bytes
 data/Vehicle.rda              | Bin 0 -> 15220 bytes
 data/Vowel.rda                | Bin 0 -> 17800 bytes
 data/Zoo.rda                  | Bin 0 -> 1268 bytes
 inst/CITATION                 |  31 +++
 man/BostonHousing.Rd          |  83 +++++++
 man/BreastCancer.Rd           |  86 ++++++++
 man/DNA.Rd                    |  80 +++++++
 man/Glass.Rd                  |  55 +++++
 man/HouseVotes84.Rd           |  64 ++++++
 man/Ionosphere.Rd             |  74 +++++++
 man/LetterRecognition.Rd      |  76 +++++++
 man/Ozone.Rd                  |  38 ++++
 man/PimaIndiansDiabetes.Rd    |  74 +++++++
 man/Satellite.Rd              | 113 ++++++++++
 man/Servo.Rd                  |  56 +++++
 man/Shuttle.Rd                |  42 ++++
 man/Sonar.Rd                  |  60 +++++
 man/Soybean.Rd                | 106 +++++++++
 man/Vehicle.Rd                |  80 +++++++
 man/Vowel.Rd                  |  53 +++++
 man/Zoo.Rd                    |  48 ++++
 man/as.data.frame.mlbench.Rd  |  19 ++
 man/bayesclass.Rd             |  39 ++++
 man/mlbench.2dnormals.Rd      |  30 +++
 man/mlbench.cassini.Rd        |  28 +++
 man/mlbench.circle.Rd         |  32 +++
 man/mlbench.cuboids.Rd        |  32 +++
 man/mlbench.friedman1.Rd      |  34 +++
 man/mlbench.friedman2.Rd      |  39 ++++
 man/mlbench.friedman3.Rd      |  40 ++++
 man/mlbench.hypercube.Rd      |  33 +++
 man/mlbench.peak.Rd           |  23 ++
 man/mlbench.ringnorm.Rd       |  31 +++
 man/mlbench.shapes.Rd         |  19 ++
 man/mlbench.simplex.Rd        |  37 ++++
 man/mlbench.smiley.Rd         |  24 ++
 man/mlbench.spirals.Rd        |  32 +++
 man/mlbench.threenorm.Rd      |  33 +++
 man/mlbench.twonorm.Rd        |  31 +++
 man/mlbench.waveform.Rd       |  52 +++++
 man/mlbench.xor.Rd            |  30 +++
 man/plot.mlbench.Rd           |  28 +++
 src/waveform.c                | 126 +++++++++++
 67 files changed, 2895 insertions(+)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/r-cran-mlbench.git

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