[hdf-eos5] 10/10: Merge stuff that wasn't done in git

Alastair McKinstry mckinstry at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Oct 25 12:29:01 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

mckinstry pushed a commit to branch debian/master
in repository hdf-eos5.

commit 8bb04bbd0515c8dbb080543166aa5886b5c25eeb
Author: Alastair McKinstry <mckinstry at debian.org>
Date:   Fri Oct 20 09:14:24 2017 +0100

    Merge stuff that wasn't done in git
 debian/changelog                   |  22 +-
 debian/patches/hid_t.patch         | 682 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 debian/patches/hit_t-changes.patch | 514 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 1213 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 9766527..13657b9 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,15 +1,27 @@
-hdf-eos5 (5.1.15.dfsg.1-7) unstable; urgency=medium
+hdf-eos5 (5.1.15.dfsg.1-9) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Standards-Version: 4.1.1; no changes required
   * Now at debhelper level 10. Drop unnecessary build-deps on auto* 
-  * fix-type-errors.patch: some type errors (hid_t != int) fixed; 
-    flagged as errors not warnings now
   * Drop build-depends on transitional libhdf5-serial-dev. Closes: #879140
-  * Drop redundant postinst, postrm calls
-  * Ensure chrpath called to clear unnecessary rpaths in lib
  -- Alastair McKinstry <mckinstry at debian.org>  Fri, 20 Oct 2017 09:08:15 +0100
+hdf-eos5 (5.1.15.dfsg.1-8.1) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * Non-maintainer upload
+  * New patch hid_t.patch: hid_t isn't native int anymore (closes: #846853)
+ -- Gilles Filippini <pini at debian.org>  Sat, 03 Dec 2016 01:48:32 +0100
+hdf-eos5 (5.1.15.dfsg.1-8) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * Patch to build against hdf5-1.10.1: use hid_t not int (hid_t == int64_t
+    now).
+  * Don't add bash as B-Depend. Its essential.
+  * chrpath -d to remove rpaths.
+ -- Alastair McKinstry <mckinstry at debian.org>  Mon, 20 Jun 2016 11:29:55 +0100
 hdf-eos5 (5.1.15.dfsg.1-6) experimental; urgency=medium
   * Now build with szip support. Closes: #813160.
diff --git a/debian/patches/hid_t.patch b/debian/patches/hid_t.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f140ec9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/hid_t.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,682 @@
+Index: hdf-eos5-5.1.15.dfsg.1/src/EHapi.c
+--- hdf-eos5-5.1.15.dfsg.1.orig/src/EHapi.c
++++ hdf-eos5-5.1.15.dfsg.1/src/EHapi.c
+@@ -314,6 +314,8 @@ HE5_EHhid2long(hid_t invalue)
+ 	outvalue = HE5_EHint2long(invalue);
+   else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long))
+ 	outvalue = invalue;
++  else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long long))
++	outvalue = HE5_EHllong2long(invalue);
+   return(outvalue);
+ }
+@@ -399,6 +401,8 @@ HE5_EHhid2int(hid_t invalue)
+ 	outvalue = invalue;
+   else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long))
+ 	outvalue = HE5_EHlong2int(invalue);
++  else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long long))
++	outvalue = HE5_EHllong2int(invalue);
+   return(outvalue);
+ }
+@@ -436,6 +440,8 @@ HE5_EHint2hid(int invalue)
+ 	outvalue = invalue;
+   else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long))
+ 	outvalue = HE5_EHint2long(invalue);
++  else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long long))
++	outvalue = HE5_EHint2llong(invalue);
+   return(outvalue);
+ }
+@@ -474,6 +480,8 @@ HE5_EHlong2hid(long invalue)
+ 	outvalue = HE5_EHlong2int(invalue);
+   else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long))
+ 	outvalue = invalue;
++  else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long long))
++	outvalue = HE5_EHlong2llong(invalue);
+   return(outvalue);
+ }
+@@ -565,6 +573,8 @@ HE5_EHhid2hsize(hid_t invalue)
+ 	outvalue = HE5_EHint2hsize(invalue);
+   else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long) )
+ 	outvalue = HE5_EHlong2hsize(invalue);
++  else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long long))
++	outvalue = HE5_EHllong2hsize(invalue);
+   return(outvalue);  
+ }
+@@ -717,6 +727,8 @@ HE5_EHhsize2hid(hsize_t invalue)
+ 	outvalue = HE5_EHhsize2int(invalue);
+   else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long) )
+ 	outvalue = HE5_EHhsize2long(invalue);
++  else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long long))
++	outvalue = HE5_EHhsize2llong(invalue);
+   return(outvalue);
+ }
+@@ -866,6 +878,8 @@ HE5_EHhid2hssize(hid_t invalue)
+ 	outvalue = HE5_EHint2hssize(invalue);
+   else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long) )
+ 	outvalue = HE5_EHlong2hssize(invalue);
++  else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long long))
++	outvalue = HE5_EHllong2hssize(invalue);
+   return(outvalue);
+ }
+@@ -1016,6 +1030,8 @@ HE5_EHhssize2hid(hssize_t invalue)
+ 	outvalue = HE5_EHhssize2int(invalue);
+   else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long) )
+ 	outvalue = HE5_EHhssize2long(invalue);
++  else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long long))
++	outvalue = HE5_EHhssize2llong(invalue);
+   return(outvalue);  
+ }
+@@ -1348,6 +1364,178 @@ HE5_EHhsize2hssize(hsize_t invalue)
+   return(outvalue);
+ }
++long long 
++HE5_EHint2llong(int invalue)
++  herr_t        status   = FAIL;
++  long long     outvalue = FAIL;
++  long long     buf      = FAIL;
++  memmove(&buf,&invalue,sizeof(int));
++  status = H5Tconvert(H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5T_NATIVE_LLONG, 1, &buf, NULL, H5P_DEFAULT);
++  if (status == FAIL)
++	{
++	  H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_EHint2llong", __LINE__, H5E_FUNC, H5E_CANTINIT, "Cannot convert \"int\" to \"long long\" data type.");
++	  return(status);
++	}
++  memmove(&outvalue,&buf,sizeof(long long));
++  return(outvalue);
++long long 
++HE5_EHlong2llong(long invalue)
++  herr_t        status   = FAIL;
++  long long     outvalue = FAIL;
++  long long     buf      = FAIL;
++  memmove(&buf,&invalue,sizeof(long));
++  status = H5Tconvert(H5T_NATIVE_LONG, H5T_NATIVE_LLONG, 1, &buf, NULL, H5P_DEFAULT);
++  if (status == FAIL)
++	{
++	  H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_EHlong2llong", __LINE__, H5E_FUNC, H5E_CANTINIT, "Cannot convert \"long\" to \"long long\" data type.");
++	  return(status);
++	}
++  memmove(&outvalue,&buf,sizeof(long long));
++  return(outvalue);
++long long 
++HE5_EHhsize2llong(hsize_t invalue)
++  herr_t        status   = FAIL;
++  long long     outvalue = FAIL;
++  long long     buf      = FAIL;
++  memmove(&buf,&invalue,H5Tget_size(H5T_NATIVE_HSIZE));
++  status = H5Tconvert(H5T_NATIVE_HSIZE, H5T_NATIVE_LLONG, 1, &buf, NULL, H5P_DEFAULT);
++  if (status == FAIL)
++	{
++	  H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_EHhsize2llong", __LINE__, H5E_FUNC, H5E_CANTINIT, "Cannot convert \"hsize_t\" to \"long long\" data type.");
++	  return(status);
++	}
++  memmove(&outvalue,&buf,sizeof(long long));
++  return(outvalue);
++long long 
++HE5_EHhssize2llong(hssize_t invalue)
++  herr_t        status   = FAIL;
++  long long     outvalue = FAIL;
++  long long     buf      = FAIL;
++  memmove(&buf,&invalue,H5Tget_size(H5T_NATIVE_HSSIZE));
++  status = H5Tconvert(H5T_NATIVE_HSSIZE, H5T_NATIVE_LLONG, 1, &buf, NULL, H5P_DEFAULT);
++  if (status == FAIL)
++	{
++	  H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_EHhssize2llong", __LINE__, H5E_FUNC, H5E_CANTINIT, "Cannot convert \"hssize_t\" to \"long long\" data type.");
++	  return(status);
++	}
++  memmove(&outvalue,&buf,sizeof(long long));
++  return(outvalue);
++HE5_EHllong2int(long long invalue)
++  herr_t                  status   = FAIL;
++  int                     outvalue = FAIL;
++  long long               *buf     = (long long *)NULL;
++  buf = (long long *)calloc(1,sizeof(long long));
++  memmove(buf,&invalue,sizeof(long long));
++  status = H5Tconvert(H5T_NATIVE_LLONG, H5T_NATIVE_INT, 1, buf, NULL, H5P_DEFAULT);
++  if (status == FAIL)
++	{
++	  H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_EHllong2int", __LINE__, H5E_FUNC, H5E_CANTINIT, "Cannot convert \"long long\" to \"int\" data type.");
++	  return(status);
++	}
++  memmove(&outvalue,buf,sizeof(int));
++  free(buf);
++  return(outvalue);
++HE5_EHllong2long(long long invalue)
++  herr_t                  status   = FAIL;
++  long                    outvalue = FAIL;
++  long long               *buf     = (long long *)NULL;
++  buf = (long long *)calloc(1,sizeof(long long));
++  memmove(buf,&invalue,sizeof(long long));
++  status = H5Tconvert(H5T_NATIVE_LLONG, H5T_NATIVE_LONG, 1, buf, NULL, H5P_DEFAULT);
++  if (status == FAIL)
++	{
++	  H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_EHllong2long", __LINE__, H5E_FUNC, H5E_CANTINIT, "Cannot convert \"long long\" to \"long\" data type.");
++	  return(status);
++	}
++  memmove(&outvalue,buf,sizeof(long));
++  free(buf);
++  return(outvalue);
++HE5_EHllong2hsize(long long invalue)
++  herr_t                  status   = FAIL;
++  hsize_t                 outvalue = FAIL;
++  long long               *buf     = (long long *)NULL;
++  buf = (long long *)calloc(1,sizeof(long long));
++  memmove(buf,&invalue,sizeof(long long));
++  status = H5Tconvert(H5T_NATIVE_LLONG, H5T_NATIVE_HSIZE, 1, buf, NULL, H5P_DEFAULT);
++  if (status == FAIL)
++	{
++	  H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_EHllong2hsize", __LINE__, H5E_FUNC, H5E_CANTINIT, "Cannot convert \"long long\" to \"hsize_t\" data type.");
++	  return(status);
++	}
++  memmove(&outvalue,buf,H5Tget_size(H5T_NATIVE_HSIZE));
++  free(buf);
++  return(outvalue);
++HE5_EHllong2hssize(long long invalue)
++  herr_t                  status   = FAIL;
++  hssize_t                outvalue = FAIL;
++  long long               *buf     = (long long *)NULL;
++  buf = (long long *)calloc(1,sizeof(long long));
++  memmove(buf,&invalue,sizeof(long long));
++  status = H5Tconvert(H5T_NATIVE_LLONG, H5T_NATIVE_HSSIZE, 1, buf, NULL, H5P_DEFAULT);
++  if (status == FAIL)
++	{
++	  H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_EHllong2hssize", __LINE__, H5E_FUNC, H5E_CANTINIT, "Cannot convert \"long long\" to \"hssize_t\" data type.");
++	  return(status);
++	}
++  memmove(&outvalue,buf,H5Tget_size(H5T_NATIVE_HSSIZE));
++  free(buf);
++  return(outvalue);
+ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
+ |  BEGIN_PROLOG                                                               |
+Index: hdf-eos5-5.1.15.dfsg.1/include/HE5_HdfEosDef.h
+--- hdf-eos5-5.1.15.dfsg.1.orig/include/HE5_HdfEosDef.h
++++ hdf-eos5-5.1.15.dfsg.1/include/HE5_HdfEosDef.h
+@@ -560,6 +560,15 @@ long                 HE5_EHhssize2long(h
+ int                  HE5_EHhssize2int(hssize_t invalue);
+ hsize_t              HE5_EHhssize2hsize(hssize_t invalue);
++long long            HE5_EHint2llong(int invalue);
++long long            HE5_EHlong2llong(long invalue);
++long long            HE5_EHhsize2llong(hsize_t invalue);
++long long            HE5_EHhssize2llong(hssize_t invalue);
++int                  HE5_EHllong2int(long long invalue);
++long                 HE5_EHllong2long(long long invalue);
++hsize_t              HE5_EHllong2hsize(long long invalue);
++hssize_t             HE5_EHllong2hssize(long long invalue);
+ unsigned LONGLONG    HE5_EHint2ullong(int invalue);
+ long                 HE5_EHullong2long(unsigned LONGLONG invalue);
+Index: hdf-eos5-5.1.15.dfsg.1/src/PTapi.c
+--- hdf-eos5-5.1.15.dfsg.1.orig/src/PTapi.c
++++ hdf-eos5-5.1.15.dfsg.1/src/PTapi.c
+@@ -104,82 +104,82 @@ HE5_PTgetlevelname_fromSM(hid_t pointID,
+ int
+ HE5_PTopenF(char *filename, uintn Flags);
+ int 
+-HE5_PTcreateF(int FileID, char *pointname);
++HE5_PTcreateF(hid_t FileID, char *pointname);
+ int
+-HE5_PTattachF(int FileID, char *pointname);
++HE5_PTattachF(hid_t FileID, char *pointname);
+ int
+-HE5_PTdetachF(int pointID);
++HE5_PTdetachF(hid_t pointID);
+ int 
+-HE5_PTcloseF(int FileID);
++HE5_PTcloseF(hid_t FileID);
+ /* Definition routines */
+ int
+-HE5_PTdeflevelF(int  pointID, const char *levelname, int rank[], char *fieldlist, long *dim_sizes, int dtype[], int array[]);
++HE5_PTdeflevelF(hid_t  pointID, const char *levelname, int rank[], char *fieldlist, long *dim_sizes, int dtype[], int array[]);
+ int  
+-HE5_PTdeflinkageF(int pointID, char *parent, char *child, char *linkfield);
++HE5_PTdeflinkageF(hid_t pointID, char *parent, char *child, char *linkfield);
+ /* I/O routines */
+ int 
+-HE5_PTreadlevelF(int pointID, int level, char *fieldname, int ntype, void *datbuf);
++HE5_PTreadlevelF(hid_t pointID, int level, char *fieldname, int ntype, void *datbuf);
+ int
+-HE5_PTupdatelevelF(int pointID, int level, char *fieldlist, long nrec,  long recs[], int ntype, void *data);
++HE5_PTupdatelevelF(hid_t pointID, int level, char *fieldlist, long nrec,  long recs[], int ntype, void *data);
+ int
+-HE5_PTwritelevelF(int pointID, int level, long count[], char *fieldname, int ntype, void *data);
++HE5_PTwritelevelF(hid_t pointID, int level, long count[], char *fieldname, int ntype, void *data);
+ int
+-HE5_PTwriteattrF(int pointID, const char *attrname, int ntype, long fortcount[], void *datbuf);
++HE5_PTwriteattrF(hid_t pointID, const char *attrname, int ntype, long fortcount[], void *datbuf);
+ int
+-HE5_PTwritegrpattrF(int pointID, const char *attrname, int ntype, long fortcount[], void * datbuf);
++HE5_PTwritegrpattrF(hid_t pointID, const char *attrname, int ntype, long fortcount[], void * datbuf);
+ int 
+-HE5_PTwritelocattrF(int pointID, const char *levelname, const char *attrname, int ntype, long count[],void * datbuf);
++HE5_PTwritelocattrF(hid_t pointID, const char *levelname, const char *attrname, int ntype, long count[],void * datbuf);
+ int 
+-HE5_PTreadattrF(int pointID, const char *attrname, void *datbuf);
++HE5_PTreadattrF(hid_t pointID, const char *attrname, void *datbuf);
+ int  
+-HE5_PTreadgrpattrF(int pointID, const char *attrname, void *datbuf);
++HE5_PTreadgrpattrF(hid_t pointID, const char *attrname, void *datbuf);
+ int  
+-HE5_PTreadlocattrF(int pointID, const char *levelname, const char *attrname, void *datbuf);
++HE5_PTreadlocattrF(hid_t pointID, const char *levelname, const char *attrname, void *datbuf);
+ int       
+-HE5_PTwrbckptrF(int pointID, int level);
++HE5_PTwrbckptrF(hid_t pointID, int level);
+ int       
+-HE5_PTwrfwdptrF(int pointID, int level);
++HE5_PTwrfwdptrF(hid_t pointID, int level);
+ /* Inquiry routines */
+ int 
+-HE5_PTnrecsF(int pointID, int level);
++HE5_PTnrecsF(hid_t pointID, int level);
+ int
+ HE5_PTnlevelsF(hid_t pointID);
+ int 
+-HE5_PTnfieldsF(int pointID, int level, char *fieldlist, long *strbufsize);
++HE5_PTnfieldsF(hid_t pointID, int level, char *fieldlist, long *strbufsize);
+ int  
+-HE5_PTlevelindxF(int pointID, const char *levelname);
++HE5_PTlevelindxF(hid_t pointID, const char *levelname);
+ int 
+-HE5_PTgetlevelnameF(int pointID, int  level, char *levelname, long *strbufsize);
++HE5_PTgetlevelnameF(hid_t pointID, int  level, char *levelname, long *strbufsize);
+ int 
+-HE5_PTbcklinkinfoF(int pointID, int level, char *linkfield);
++HE5_PTbcklinkinfoF(hid_t pointID, int level, char *linkfield);
+ int   
+-HE5_PTfwdlinkinfoF(int pointID, int level, char *linkfield);
++HE5_PTfwdlinkinfoF(hid_t pointID, int level, char *linkfield);
+ int  
+-HE5_PTlevelinfoF(int pointID, int level, char *levelname, int rank[], char *fieldlist, long *dim_sizes, long *datasize, long offset[], int dtype[]);
++HE5_PTlevelinfoF(hid_t pointID, int level, char *levelname, int rank[], char *fieldlist, long *dim_sizes, long *datasize, long offset[], int dtype[]);
+ int   
+-HE5_PTinqdatatypeF(int pointID, char *fieldname, char *attrname, int fieldgroup, int *Type, int *Class, int *Order, long *size);
++HE5_PTinqdatatypeF(hid_t pointID, char *fieldname, char *attrname, int fieldgroup, int *Type, int *Class, int *Order, long *size);
+ int  
+ HE5_PTinqpointF(const char *filename, char *pointlist, long *strbufsize);
+ int 
+-HE5_PTattrinfoF(int pointID, const char *attrname, int *numbertype, long *fortcount);
++HE5_PTattrinfoF(hid_t pointID, const char *attrname, int *numbertype, long *fortcount);
+ int
+-HE5_PTgrpattrinfoF(int pointID, const char *attrname, int *numbertype, long *fortcount);
++HE5_PTgrpattrinfoF(hid_t pointID, const char *attrname, int *numbertype, long *fortcount);
+ int   
+-HE5_PTlocattrinfoF(int pointID, const char *levelname, const char *attrname, int *numbertype, long *fortcount);
++HE5_PTlocattrinfoF(hid_t pointID, const char *levelname, const char *attrname, int *numbertype, long *fortcount);
+ long 
+-HE5_PTinqattrsF(int pointID, char *attrnames, long *strbufsize);
++HE5_PTinqattrsF(hid_t pointID, char *attrnames, long *strbufsize);
+ long 
+-HE5_PTinqgrpattrsF(int pointID, char *attrnames, long *strbufsize);
++HE5_PTinqgrpattrsF(hid_t pointID, char *attrnames, long *strbufsize);
+ long 
+-HE5_PTinqlocattrsF(int pointID, const char *levelname, char *attrnames, long *strbufsize);
++HE5_PTinqlocattrsF(hid_t pointID, const char *levelname, char *attrnames, long *strbufsize);
+ int
+-HE5_PTnumtypeinfoF(int pointID, int level, int numtype[]);
++HE5_PTnumtypeinfoF(hid_t pointID, int level, int numtype[]);
+ /* Fortran Wrapper Utility Routines  */
+@@ -8119,7 +8119,7 @@ HE5_PTopenF(char *filename, uintn Flags)
+ |  END_PROLOG                                                                 |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+-HE5_PTcreateF(int FileID, char *pointname)
++HE5_PTcreateF(hid_t FileID, char *pointname)
+ {
+   int             PointID   = FAIL;/* point ID (return value)             */
+@@ -8187,7 +8187,7 @@ HE5_PTcreateF(int FileID, char *pointnam
+ |  END_PROLOG                                                                 |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+-HE5_PTattachF(int FileID, char *pointname)
++HE5_PTattachF(hid_t FileID, char *pointname)
+ {
+   int             PointID  = FAIL;	/* Return value of the Point ID    */
+@@ -8259,7 +8259,7 @@ HE5_PTattachF(int FileID, char *pointnam
+ |  END_PROLOG                                                                 |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int  
+-HE5_PTdetachF(int  PointID)   
++HE5_PTdetachF(hid_t  PointID)   
+ {
+   int             ret    = FAIL;/* (int) Return status variable   */
+@@ -8329,7 +8329,7 @@ HE5_PTdetachF(int  PointID)
+ |  END_PROLOG                                                                 |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+-HE5_PTcloseF(int FileID)
++HE5_PTcloseF(hid_t FileID)
+ {
+   int               ret    = FAIL;/* (int) return status variable   */
+@@ -8412,7 +8412,7 @@ HE5_PTcloseF(int FileID)
+ |  END_PROLOG                                                                 |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+-HE5_PTdeflevelF(int  pointID, const char *levelname, int rank[], char *fieldlist, long *dim_sizes, int dtype[], int array[])
++HE5_PTdeflevelF(hid_t  pointID, const char *levelname, int rank[], char *fieldlist, long *dim_sizes, int dtype[], int array[])
+ {
+   herr_t            status    = FAIL;/* routine return status variable */    
+@@ -8609,7 +8609,7 @@ HE5_PTdeflevelF(int  pointID, const char
+ |  END_PROLOG                                                                 |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int  
+-HE5_PTdeflinkageF(int pointID, char *parent, char *child, char *linkfield)
++HE5_PTdeflinkageF(hid_t pointID, char *parent, char *child, char *linkfield)
+ {
+   int       ret     = FAIL;/* (int) Return status variable   */
+@@ -8686,7 +8686,7 @@ HE5_PTdeflinkageF(int pointID, char *par
+ |  END_PROLOG                                                                 |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+-HE5_PTreadlevelF(int pointID, int level, char *fieldname, int ntype, void *datbuf)
++HE5_PTreadlevelF(hid_t pointID, int level, char *fieldname, int ntype, void *datbuf)
+ {
+   int            ret     = FAIL;/* (int) return status variable   */
+@@ -9075,7 +9075,7 @@ HE5_PTreadlevel_f(hid_t pointID, int lev
+ |  END_PROLOG                                                                 |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+-HE5_PTwritelevelF(int pointID, int level, long count[], char *fieldname, int ntype, void *data)
++HE5_PTwritelevelF(hid_t pointID, int level, long count[], char *fieldname, int ntype, void *data)
+ {
+   herr_t            status = FAIL;/* routine return status variable */
+@@ -9546,7 +9546,7 @@ HE5_PTwritelevel_f(hid_t pointID, int le
+ |  END_PROLOG                                                                 |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int   
+-HE5_PTwrbckptrF(int pointID, int level)
++HE5_PTwrbckptrF(hid_t pointID, int level)
+ {
+   int             ret    = FAIL;/* (int) Return status variable   */
+@@ -9615,7 +9615,7 @@ HE5_PTwrbckptrF(int pointID, int level)
+ |  END_PROLOG                                                                 |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int   
+-HE5_PTwrfwdptrF(int pointID, int level)
++HE5_PTwrfwdptrF(hid_t pointID, int level)
+ {
+   int             ret    = FAIL;/* (int) Return status variable   */
+@@ -9688,7 +9688,7 @@ HE5_PTwrfwdptrF(int pointID, int level)
+ |  END_PROLOG                                                                 |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+-HE5_PTupdatelevelF(int pointID, int level, char *fieldlist, long nrec,  long recs[], int ntype, void *data)
++HE5_PTupdatelevelF(hid_t pointID, int level, char *fieldlist, long nrec,  long recs[], int ntype, void *data)
+ {
+   herr_t            status  = FAIL;
+@@ -10426,7 +10426,7 @@ HE5_PTupdatelevel_f(hid_t pointID, int l
+ |  END_PROLOG                                                                 |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+-HE5_PTwriteattrF(int pointID, const char *attrname, int ntype, long fortcount[], void *datbuf)
++HE5_PTwriteattrF(hid_t pointID, const char *attrname, int ntype, long fortcount[], void *datbuf)
+ {
+   int       ret     = FAIL;/* int return status variable                 */
+@@ -10584,7 +10584,7 @@ HE5_PTwriteattrF(int pointID, const char
+ |  END_PROLOG                                                                 |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+-HE5_PTwritegrpattrF(int pointID, const char *attrname, int ntype, long fortcount[], void * datbuf)
++HE5_PTwritegrpattrF(hid_t pointID, const char *attrname, int ntype, long fortcount[], void * datbuf)
+ {
+   int          ret        = FAIL;        /* (int) return status variable      */
+   int	       rank       = 1;           /* Rank variable                     */
+@@ -10739,7 +10739,7 @@ HE5_PTwritegrpattrF(int pointID, const c
+ |  END_PROLOG                                                                 |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+-HE5_PTwritelocattrF(int pointID, const char *levelname, const char *attrname, int ntype, long fortcount[],void * datbuf)
++HE5_PTwritelocattrF(hid_t pointID, const char *levelname, const char *attrname, int ntype, long fortcount[],void * datbuf)
+ {
+   int	       ret  = FAIL;             /* routine return status variable             */
+   int 	       rank = 1;                /* Note: It is assumed that fortcout has just */
+@@ -10893,7 +10893,7 @@ HE5_PTwritelocattrF(int pointID, const c
+ |  END_PROLOG                                                                 |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+-HE5_PTreadattrF(int pointID, const char *attrname, void *datbuf)
++HE5_PTreadattrF(hid_t pointID, const char *attrname, void *datbuf)
+ {
+   int         ret     = FAIL;/* routine return status variable  */
+@@ -10949,7 +10949,7 @@ HE5_PTreadattrF(int pointID, const char
+ |  END_PROLOG                                                                 |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int  
+-HE5_PTreadgrpattrF(int pointID, const char *attrname, void *datbuf)
++HE5_PTreadgrpattrF(hid_t pointID, const char *attrname, void *datbuf)
+ {
+   int         ret             = FAIL;   /* (int) return status      */
+@@ -11004,7 +11004,7 @@ HE5_PTreadgrpattrF(int pointID, const ch
+ |  END_PROLOG                                                                 |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int  
+-HE5_PTreadlocattrF(int pointID, const char *levelname, const char *attrname, void *datbuf)
++HE5_PTreadlocattrF(hid_t pointID, const char *levelname, const char *attrname, void *datbuf)
+ {
+   int         ret             =  FAIL;/* return status variable   */
+@@ -11714,7 +11714,7 @@ HE5_PTgetfort_order(long *dims, int dim_
+ |  END_PROLOG                                                                 |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+-HE5_PTnrecsF(int pointID, int level)
++HE5_PTnrecsF(hid_t pointID, int level)
+ { 
+   hid_t           PointID = FAIL;/* HDF5 type point ID            */
+@@ -11839,7 +11839,7 @@ HE5_PTnlevelsF(hid_t pointID)
+ |  END_PROLOG                                                                 |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+-HE5_PTnfieldsF(int pointID, int level, char *fieldlist, long *strbufsize)
++HE5_PTnfieldsF(hid_t pointID, int level, char *fieldlist, long *strbufsize)
+ {
+   hid_t           PointID  = FAIL;/* HDF5 type point ID            */
+@@ -11904,7 +11904,7 @@ HE5_PTnfieldsF(int pointID, int level, c
+ |  END_PROLOG                                                                 |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int  
+-HE5_PTlevelindxF(int pointID, const char *levelname)
++HE5_PTlevelindxF(hid_t pointID, const char *levelname)
+ {
+   hid_t           PointID = FAIL;/* HDF5 type point ID            */
+@@ -11970,7 +11970,7 @@ HE5_PTlevelindxF(int pointID, const char
+ |  END_PROLOG                                                                 |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+-HE5_PTgetlevelnameF(int pointID, int  level, char *levelname, long *strbufsize)
++HE5_PTgetlevelnameF(hid_t pointID, int  level, char *levelname, long *strbufsize)
+ {
+   int             ret     = FAIL;
+@@ -12040,7 +12040,7 @@ HE5_PTgetlevelnameF(int pointID, int  le
+ |  END_PROLOG                                                                 |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+-HE5_PTbcklinkinfoF(int pointID, int level, char *linkfield)
++HE5_PTbcklinkinfoF(hid_t pointID, int level, char *linkfield)
+ {
+   int             ret     = FAIL;
+@@ -12108,7 +12108,7 @@ HE5_PTbcklinkinfoF(int pointID, int leve
+ |  END_PROLOG                                                                 |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int   
+-HE5_PTfwdlinkinfoF(int pointID, int level, char *linkfield)
++HE5_PTfwdlinkinfoF(hid_t pointID, int level, char *linkfield)
+ {
+   int             ret     = FAIL;
+@@ -12185,7 +12185,7 @@ HE5_PTfwdlinkinfoF(int pointID, int leve
+ |  END_PROLOG                                                                 |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int  
+-HE5_PTlevelinfoF(int pointID, int level, char *levelname, int rank[], char *fieldlist, long *dim_sizes, long *datasize, long offset[], int dtype[])
++HE5_PTlevelinfoF(hid_t pointID, int level, char *levelname, int rank[], char *fieldlist, long *dim_sizes, long *datasize, long offset[], int dtype[])
+ {
+   herr_t            status = FAIL;/* routine return status variable */    
+@@ -12311,7 +12311,7 @@ HE5_PTlevelinfoF(int pointID, int level,
+ |  END_PROLOG                                                                 |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int   
+-HE5_PTinqdatatypeF(int pointID, char *fieldname, char *attrname, int fieldgroup, int *Type, int *Class, int *Order, long *size)
++HE5_PTinqdatatypeF(hid_t pointID, char *fieldname, char *attrname, int fieldgroup, int *Type, int *Class, int *Order, long *size)
+ {
+   int	       ret      = FAIL;               /* (int) status variable  */
+@@ -12500,7 +12500,7 @@ HE5_PTinqpointF(const char *filename, ch
+ |  END_PROLOG                                                                 |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+-HE5_PTattrinfoF(int pointID, const char *attrname, int *numbertype, long *fortcount)
++HE5_PTattrinfoF(hid_t pointID, const char *attrname, int *numbertype, long *fortcount)
+ {
+   int          ret      = FAIL;               /* (int) return status variable  */ 
+@@ -12601,7 +12601,7 @@ HE5_PTattrinfoF(int pointID, const char
+ |  END_PROLOG                                                                 |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int
+-HE5_PTgrpattrinfoF(int pointID, const char *attrname, int *numbertype, long *fortcount)
++HE5_PTgrpattrinfoF(hid_t pointID, const char *attrname, int *numbertype, long *fortcount)
+ {
+   int	      ret     = FAIL;	        /* (int) return status variable   */
+@@ -12701,7 +12701,7 @@ HE5_PTgrpattrinfoF(int pointID, const ch
+ |  END_PROLOG                                                                 |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int   
+-HE5_PTlocattrinfoF(int pointID, const char *levelname, const char *attrname, int *numbertype, long *fortcount)
++HE5_PTlocattrinfoF(hid_t pointID, const char *levelname, const char *attrname, int *numbertype, long *fortcount)
+ {
+   int	      ret     = FAIL;	        /* (int) return status variable   */
+@@ -12802,7 +12802,7 @@ HE5_PTlocattrinfoF(int pointID, const ch
+ |  END_PROLOG                                                                 |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ long 
+-HE5_PTinqattrsF(int pointID, char *attrnames, long *strbufsize)
++HE5_PTinqattrsF(hid_t pointID, char *attrnames, long *strbufsize)
+ {
+   long            nattr    = FAIL;/* Number of attributes (return)  */
+@@ -12876,7 +12876,7 @@ HE5_PTinqattrsF(int pointID, char *attrn
+ |  END_PROLOG                                                                 |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ long 
+-HE5_PTinqgrpattrsF(int pointID, char *attrnames, long *strbufsize)
++HE5_PTinqgrpattrsF(hid_t pointID, char *attrnames, long *strbufsize)
+ {
+   long            nattr   = FAIL;         /* Number of attributes (return)  */
+@@ -12947,7 +12947,7 @@ HE5_PTinqgrpattrsF(int pointID, char *at
+ |  END_PROLOG                                                                 |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ long 
+-HE5_PTinqlocattrsF(int pointID, const char *levelname, char *attrnames, long *strbufsize)
++HE5_PTinqlocattrsF(hid_t pointID, const char *levelname, char *attrnames, long *strbufsize)
+ {
+   long            nattr       = FAIL;     /* Number of attributes   */
+@@ -13013,7 +13013,7 @@ HE5_PTinqlocattrsF(int pointID, const ch
+ |  END_PROLOG                                                                 |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ int 
+-HE5_PTnumtypeinfoF(int pointID, int level, int numtype[])
++HE5_PTnumtypeinfoF(hid_t pointID, int level, int numtype[])
+ {
+   herr_t            status = FAIL;/* routine return status variable */
diff --git a/debian/patches/hit_t-changes.patch b/debian/patches/hit_t-changes.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9708de7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/hit_t-changes.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,514 @@
+Author: Alastair McKinstry <mckinstry at debian.org>
+Description: Add int -> hid_t (int64_t) changes needed for HDF5 1.10.1
+Forwarded: no
+Last-Updated: 2016-06-20
+Index: hdf-eos5-5.1.15.dfsg.1/src/GDapi.c
+--- hdf-eos5-5.1.15.dfsg.1.orig/src/GDapi.c
++++ hdf-eos5-5.1.15.dfsg.1/src/GDapi.c
+@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ int HE5_szip_can_encode(void );
+ void HE5_GDgetEastAndNorthFiles(char *eastFile, char *northFile);
+ static herr_t HE5_GDflddiminfo(int gridID, char *fieldname, int *rank,  hsize_t dims[], hsize_t maxdims[]);
+-static herr_t HE5_GDupdatedim(int gridhID,  char *dimname, hsize_t dim);
++static herr_t HE5_GDupdatedim(hid_t gridhID,  char *dimname, hsize_t dim);
+ /* FORTRAN wrappers */
+ /* ================ */
+@@ -1710,7 +1710,8 @@ HE5_GDdefcomp(hid_t gridID, int compcode
+   hid_t           fid      = FAIL;/* HDF-EOS file id                */
+   hid_t           gid      = FAIL;/* "HDFEOS" group ID              */
+-  hid_t           (*func)(void*);
++  /* hid_t           (*func)(void*); */
++  H5E_auto1_t     func;
+   void            *edata = (void *)NULL;
+@@ -2547,7 +2548,8 @@ HE5_GDdefcomtile(hid_t gridID, int compc
+   hid_t           fid      = FAIL;/* HDF-EOS file id                */
+   hid_t           gid      = FAIL;/* "HDFEOS" group ID              */
+-  hid_t           (*func)(void*);
++  /* hid_t           (*func)(void*); */
++  H5E_auto1_t	  func;
+   hsize_t         dims[HE5_DTSETRANKMAX];/* default dimension sizes */
+@@ -2560,7 +2562,7 @@ HE5_GDdefcomtile(hid_t gridID, int compc
+   char            errbuf[HE5_HDFE_ERRBUFSIZE];/* Error message Buffer  */
+   int             can_encode;        /* szip encoder presence flag  */
+-  H5Eget_auto(&func,&edata);
++  H5Eget_auto1(&func,&edata);
+   HE5_LOCK;
+   CHECKPOINTER(compparm);
+@@ -4595,7 +4597,7 @@ HE5_GDcompinfo(hid_t gridID, const char
+   int             i;                          /* Loop Index                     */
+-  hid_t           (*func)(void*);
++  H5E_auto1_t	  func ;                      /* hid_t    (*func)(void*);       */
+   hid_t           fid    = FAIL;              /* HDF-EOS file ID                */
+   hid_t           gid    = FAIL;              /* "HDFEOS" group ID              */
+@@ -4620,7 +4622,7 @@ HE5_GDcompinfo(hid_t gridID, const char
+   void            *edata = (void *)NULL;
+-  H5Eget_auto(&func, &edata);
++  H5Eget_auto1(&func, &edata);
+   CHECKPOINTER(fieldname);
+@@ -15842,7 +15844,7 @@ HE5_GDregioninfo(hid_t gridID, hid_t reg
+   if (regionID < 0 || regionID >= HE5_NGRIDREGN)
+     {
+       status = FAIL;
+-      sprintf(errbuf, "Invalid Region ID: %d.\n", regionID);
++      sprintf(errbuf, "Invalid Region ID: %ld.\n", (long int) regionID);
+       H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_GDregioninfo", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, errbuf);
+       HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+       free(errbuf);
+@@ -15857,7 +15859,7 @@ HE5_GDregioninfo(hid_t gridID, hid_t reg
+   if (HE5_GDXRegion[regionID] == 0)
+     {
+       status = FAIL;
+-      sprintf(errbuf, "Inactive Region ID: %d.\n", regionID);
++      sprintf(errbuf, "Inactive Region ID: %ld.\n", regionID);
+       H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_GDregioninfo", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, errbuf);
+       HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+       free(errbuf);
+@@ -16360,7 +16362,7 @@ HE5_GDextractregion(hid_t gridID, hid_t
+   if (regionID < 0 || regionID >= HE5_NGRIDREGN)
+     {
+       status = FAIL;
+-      sprintf(errbuf, "Invalid Region id: %d.\n", regionID);
++      sprintf(errbuf, "Invalid Region id: %ld.\n", regionID);
+       H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_GDextractregion", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, errbuf);
+       HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+       free(errbuf);
+@@ -16374,7 +16376,7 @@ HE5_GDextractregion(hid_t gridID, hid_t
+   if (HE5_GDXRegion[regionID] == 0)
+     {
+       status = FAIL;
+-      sprintf(errbuf, "Inactive Region ID: %d.\n", regionID);
++      sprintf(errbuf, "Inactive Region ID: %ld.\n", regionID);
+       H5Epush(__FILE__,  "HE5_GDextractregion", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, errbuf);
+       HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+       free(errbuf);
+@@ -19990,7 +19992,7 @@ HE5_GDgetextdata(hid_t gridID, char *fie
+ |  END_PROLOG                                                                 |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ static int
+-HE5_GDfldnameinfo(int gridID, const char *fieldname, char *actualname)
++HE5_GDfldnameinfo(hid_t gridID, const char *fieldname, char *actualname)
+ {
+   int         nameFlag       = FAIL;/* Return value of flag            */
+   int         length         = 0;   /* String length                   */
+Index: hdf-eos5-5.1.15.dfsg.1/include/HE5_HdfEosDef.h
+--- hdf-eos5-5.1.15.dfsg.1.orig/include/HE5_HdfEosDef.h
++++ hdf-eos5-5.1.15.dfsg.1/include/HE5_HdfEosDef.h
+@@ -789,7 +789,7 @@ long     HE5_GDinqdscaleattrs(hid_t grid
+ hid_t    HE5_GDdefboxregion(hid_t gridID, double cornerlon[], double cornerlat[]);
+ hid_t    HE5_GDdefvrtregion(hid_t gridID, hid_t regionID, char *vertObj, double range[]);
+-herr_t   HE5_GDdeftimeperiod(hid_t gridID, hid_t periodID, double starttime, double stoptime);
++hid_t    HE5_GDdeftimeperiod(hid_t gridID, hid_t periodID, double starttime, double stoptime);
+ herr_t   HE5_GDextractregion(hid_t gridID, hid_t regionID, const char *fieldname, void *buffer);
+ hid_t    HE5_GDdupregion(hid_t oldregionID);
+ herr_t   HE5_GDgetpixels(hid_t gridID, long nLonLat, double lonVal[], double latVal[], long pixRow[], long pixCol[]);
+Index: hdf-eos5-5.1.15.dfsg.1/src/EHapi.c
+--- hdf-eos5-5.1.15.dfsg.1.orig/src/EHapi.c
++++ hdf-eos5-5.1.15.dfsg.1/src/EHapi.c
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  |    Copyright (C) 1999 Emergent IT Inc. and Raytheon Systems Company      |
+  |                                                                          |
+@@ -2202,7 +2202,7 @@ HE5_EHchkfid(hid_t fid, const char *name
+   if (fid < HE5_EHIDOFFSET || fid > HE5_NEOSHDF + HE5_EHIDOFFSET)
+     {
+ 	  status = FAIL;
+-	  sprintf(errbuf,"Invalid file ID: %d. ID should range from %d to  %d .\n", fid, HE5_EHIDOFFSET, HE5_NEOSHDF + HE5_EHIDOFFSET);
++	  sprintf(errbuf,"Invalid file ID: %ld. ID should range from %d to  %d .\n", (long int) fid, HE5_EHIDOFFSET, HE5_NEOSHDF + HE5_EHIDOFFSET);
+ 	  H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_EHchkfid", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, errbuf); 
+ 	  HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__); 
+     } 
+@@ -2214,7 +2214,7 @@ HE5_EHchkfid(hid_t fid, const char *name
+ 	  if( HE5_HeosTable[ fid0 ].active == 0) 
+         {
+ 		  status = FAIL;
+-		  sprintf(errbuf,"HE5_EHchkid: File ID %d not active (%s).\n",fid, name);
++		  sprintf(errbuf,"HE5_EHchkid: File ID %ld not active (%s).\n",(long int) fid, name);
+ 		  H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_EHchkfid", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, errbuf); 
+ 		  HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__); 
+         }
+@@ -8347,7 +8347,7 @@ HE5_EHclose(hid_t fid)
+   else
+     {
+       status = FAIL;
+-      sprintf(errbuf,"Invalid file ID: %d . ID should range from %d to %d . \n", fid, HE5_EHIDOFFSET, HE5_NEOSHDF + HE5_EHIDOFFSET);
++      sprintf(errbuf,"Invalid file ID: %ld . ID should range from %d to %d . \n", (long int) fid, HE5_EHIDOFFSET, HE5_NEOSHDF + HE5_EHIDOFFSET);
+       H5Epush(__FILE__,  "HE5_EHclose", __LINE__, H5E_FILE, H5E_BADFILE, errbuf); 
+       HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+     }
+Index: hdf-eos5-5.1.15.dfsg.1/src/PTapi.c
+--- hdf-eos5-5.1.15.dfsg.1.orig/src/PTapi.c
++++ hdf-eos5-5.1.15.dfsg.1/src/PTapi.c
+@@ -815,7 +815,7 @@ HE5_PTattach(hid_t fid, const char *poin
+ 	      status = HE5_PTgetlevelname_fromSM(pointID, i, LevelName);
+ 	      if ( status == FAIL )
+ 		{
+-		  sprintf(errbuf, "Failed to get LevelName for the Level_%d.",i) ;
++		  sprintf(errbuf, "Failed to get LevelName for the Level_%ld.", (long int) i) ;
+ 		  H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_PTattach", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, errbuf);
+ 		  HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+@@ -1182,7 +1182,7 @@ HE5_PTnrecs(hid_t pointID, int level)
+   nlevels = HE5_PTnlevels(pointID);
+   if (nlevels == 0)
+     {
+-      sprintf(errbuf, "No Levels Defined for point ID: %d\n", pointID);
++      sprintf(errbuf, "No Levels Defined for point ID: %ld\n", (long int) pointID);
+       H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_PTnrecs", __LINE__, H5E_BTREE, H5E_NOTFOUND, errbuf);
+       HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+       return(0);
+@@ -1191,7 +1191,7 @@ HE5_PTnrecs(hid_t pointID, int level)
+     {
+       /* Report error if level # to large */
+       /* -------------------------------- */
+-      sprintf(errbuf, "Only %d levels Defined for point ID: %d\n", nlevels, pointID);
++      sprintf(errbuf, "Only %d levels Defined for point ID: %ld\n", nlevels,(long int)  pointID);
+       H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_PTnrecs", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, errbuf);
+       HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+       return(0);
+@@ -1649,7 +1649,7 @@ HE5_PTnfields(hid_t pointID, int level,
+   if (nlevels == 0)
+     {
+       status = FAIL;
+-      sprintf(errbuf, "No Levels Defined for point ID: %d\n", pointID);
++      sprintf(errbuf, "No Levels Defined for point ID: %ld\n", (long int) pointID);
+       H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_PTnfields", __LINE__, H5E_BTREE, H5E_NOTFOUND, errbuf);
+       HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+       return(status);
+@@ -1659,7 +1659,7 @@ HE5_PTnfields(hid_t pointID, int level,
+       /* Report error if level # too large */
+       /* --------------------------------- */
+       status = FAIL;
+-      sprintf(errbuf, "Only %d levels Defined for point ID: %d\n", nlevels, pointID);
++      sprintf(errbuf, "Only %d levels Defined for point ID: %ld\n", nlevels,(long int)  pointID);
+       H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_PTnfields", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADRANGE, errbuf);
+       HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+       return(status);
+@@ -1838,7 +1838,7 @@ HE5_PTgetlevelname(hid_t pointID, int  l
+       if (nlevels == 0)
+ 	{
+ 	  status = FAIL;
+-	  sprintf(errbuf, "No Levels Defined for point ID: %d\n", pointID);
++	  sprintf(errbuf, "No Levels Defined for point ID: %ld\n", (long int) pointID);
+ 	  H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_PTgetlevelname", __LINE__, H5E_BTREE, H5E_NOTFOUND, errbuf);
+ 	  HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+@@ -1848,7 +1848,7 @@ HE5_PTgetlevelname(hid_t pointID, int  l
+ 	  /* Report error if level # to large */
+ 	  /* -------------------------------- */
+ 	  status = FAIL;
+-	  sprintf(errbuf, "Only %d levels Defined for point ID: %d\n", nlevels, pointID);
++	  sprintf(errbuf, "Only %d levels Defined for point ID: %ld\n", nlevels, (long int) pointID);
+ 	  H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_PTgetlevelname", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, errbuf);
+ 	  HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ 	}
+@@ -1896,7 +1896,7 @@ HE5_PTgetlevelname(hid_t pointID, int  l
+ |                                                                             |
+ |  END_PROLOG                                                                 |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ HE5_PTopenlevel(hid_t loc_id, const char *name, void *opdata)
+ {
+   int      i = 0;
+@@ -3043,7 +3043,7 @@ HE5_PTwritelevel(hid_t pointID, int leve
+   if (nlevels == 0)
+     {
+       status = FAIL;
+-      sprintf(errbuf, "No Levels Defined for point ID: %d\n", pointID);
++      sprintf(errbuf, "No Levels Defined for point ID: %ld\n", (long int) pointID);
+       H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_PTwritelevel",   __LINE__, H5E_BTREE, H5E_NOTFOUND, errbuf);
+       HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+       return(status);
+@@ -3053,7 +3053,7 @@ HE5_PTwritelevel(hid_t pointID, int leve
+       /* Report error if level # to large */
+       /* -------------------------------- */
+       status = FAIL;
+-      sprintf(errbuf, "Only %d levels Defined for point ID: %d\n", nlevels, pointID);
++      sprintf(errbuf, "Only %d levels Defined for point ID: %ld\n", nlevels,(long int)  pointID);
+       H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_PTwritelevel", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, errbuf);
+       HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+       return(status);
+@@ -3482,7 +3482,7 @@ HE5_PTlevelinfo(hid_t pointID, int level
+   nlevels = HE5_PTnlevels(pointID);
+   if (nlevels == 0)
+     {
+-      sprintf(errbuf, "No Levels Defined for point ID: %d\n", pointID);
++      sprintf(errbuf, "No Levels Defined for point ID: %ld\n", (long int) pointID);
+       H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_PTlevelinfo", __LINE__, H5E_BTREE, H5E_NOTFOUND, errbuf);
+       HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+       return(FAIL);
+@@ -3491,7 +3491,7 @@ HE5_PTlevelinfo(hid_t pointID, int level
+     {
+       /* Report error if level # to large */
+       /* -------------------------------- */
+-      sprintf(errbuf, "Only %d levels Defined for point ID: %d\n", nlevels, pointID);
++      sprintf(errbuf, "Only %d levels Defined for point ID: %ld\n", nlevels,(long int)  pointID);
+       H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_PTlevelinfo", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, errbuf);
+       HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+       return(FAIL);
+@@ -3909,7 +3909,7 @@ HE5_PTreadlevel(hid_t pointID, int level
+   if (nlevels == 0)
+     {
+       status = FAIL;
+-      sprintf(errbuf, "No Levels Defined for point ID: %d\n", pointID);
++      sprintf(errbuf, "No Levels Defined for point ID: %ld\n", (long int) pointID);
+       H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_PTreadlevel", __LINE__, H5E_BTREE, H5E_NOTFOUND, errbuf);
+       HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+       return(status);
+@@ -3919,7 +3919,7 @@ HE5_PTreadlevel(hid_t pointID, int level
+       /* Report error if level # to large */
+       /* -------------------------------- */
+       status = FAIL;
+-      sprintf(errbuf, "Only %d levels Defined for point ID: %d\n", nlevels, pointID);
++      sprintf(errbuf, "Only %d levels Defined for point ID: %ld\n", nlevels, (long int) pointID);
+       H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_PTreadlevel", __LINE__, H5E_FILE, H5E_SEEKERROR, errbuf);
+       HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+       return(status);
+@@ -8823,7 +8823,7 @@ HE5_PTreadlevel_f(hid_t pointID, int lev
+   if (nlevels == 0)
+     {
+       status = FAIL;
+-      sprintf(errbuf, "No Levels Defined for point ID: %d\n", pointID);
++      sprintf(errbuf, "No Levels Defined for point ID: %ld\n", (long int) pointID);
+       H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_PTreadlevel_f", __LINE__, H5E_BTREE, H5E_NOTFOUND, errbuf);
+       HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+       return(status);
+@@ -8833,7 +8833,7 @@ HE5_PTreadlevel_f(hid_t pointID, int lev
+       /* Report error if level # to large */
+       /* -------------------------------- */
+       status = FAIL;
+-      sprintf(errbuf, "Only %d levels Defined for point ID: %d\n", nlevels, pointID);
++      sprintf(errbuf, "Only %d levels Defined for point ID: %ld\n", nlevels, (long int) pointID);
+       H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_PTreadlevel_f", __LINE__, H5E_FILE, H5E_SEEKERROR, errbuf);
+       HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+       return(status);
+@@ -9237,7 +9237,7 @@ HE5_PTwritelevel_f(hid_t pointID, int le
+   if (nlevels == 0)
+     {
+       status = FAIL;
+-      sprintf(errbuf, "No Levels Defined for point ID: %d\n", pointID);
++      sprintf(errbuf, "No Levels Defined for point ID: %ld\n", (long int) pointID);
+       H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_PTwritelevel_f", __LINE__, H5E_BTREE, H5E_NOTFOUND, errbuf);
+       HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+       return(status);
+@@ -9247,7 +9247,7 @@ HE5_PTwritelevel_f(hid_t pointID, int le
+       /* Report error if level # to large */
+       /* -------------------------------- */
+       status = FAIL;
+-      sprintf(errbuf, "Only %d levels Defined for point ID: %d\n", nlevels, pointID);
++      sprintf(errbuf, "Only %d levels Defined for point ID: %ld\n", nlevels, (long int) pointID);
+       H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_PTwritelevel_f", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, errbuf);
+       HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+       return(status);
+Index: hdf-eos5-5.1.15.dfsg.1/src/SWapi.c
+--- hdf-eos5-5.1.15.dfsg.1.orig/src/SWapi.c
++++ hdf-eos5-5.1.15.dfsg.1/src/SWapi.c
+@@ -87,15 +87,15 @@ static herr_t
+ HE5_SWwrrdfield(hid_t swathID, char *fieldname, char *code, const hssize_t start[], const hsize_t stride[], const hsize_t count[],  void * datbuf);
+ static herr_t 
+ HE5_SWfinfo(hid_t swathID, char *fieldtype, char *fieldname, int *rank, hsize_t dims[], hid_t ntype[], char *dimlist, char *maxdimlist);
+-static int 
++static herr_t 
+ HE5_SWfldnameinfo(hid_t swathID, char *fieldname, char *fldactualname);
+ static herr_t
+-HE5_SWupdatedim(int swathID,  char *dimname, hsize_t dim);
++HE5_SWupdatedim(hid_t swathID,  char *dimname, hsize_t dim);
+ static herr_t
+ HE5_SWllmapedidxinfo(hid_t swathID, char *object, long *index0, long *index1);
+ static herr_t
+-HE5_SWflddiminfo(int SwathID, char *fieldname, int *rank,  hsize_t dims[], hsize_t maxdims[]);
++HE5_SWflddiminfo(hid_t SwathID, char *fieldname, int *rank,  hsize_t dims[], hsize_t maxdims[]);
+@@ -4086,8 +4086,8 @@ HE5_SWcompinfo(hid_t swathID, char *fldn
+ |                                                                             |
+ |  END_PROLOG                                                                 |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+-static int
+-HE5_SWfldnameinfo(int swathID, char *fieldname, char *actualname)
++static herr_t
++HE5_SWfldnameinfo(hid_t swathID, char *fieldname, char *actualname)
+ {
+   int         nameFlag       = FAIL;/* Return value of flag            */
+   int         length         = 0;   /* String length                   */
+@@ -4284,7 +4284,7 @@ HE5_SWfldnameinfo(int swathID, char *fie
+ |  END_PROLOG                                                                 |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ static herr_t
+-HE5_SWfinfo(int swathID, char *fieldtype, char *fieldname, int *rank, hsize_t dims[], hid_t numbertype[], char *dimlist, char *maxdimlist)
++HE5_SWfinfo(hid_t swathID, char *fieldtype, char *fieldname, int *rank, hsize_t dims[], hid_t numbertype[], char *dimlist, char *maxdimlist)
+ {
+   herr_t     status         = FAIL;/* routine return status variable                  */
+   herr_t     statmeta       = FAIL;/* EHgetmetavalue return status                    */
+@@ -12473,7 +12473,7 @@ HE5_SWdefboxregion(hid_t swathID, double
+ 		      if ((HE5_SWXRegion[k]->nRegions) > HE5_MAXNREGIONS)
+ 			{
+-			  sprintf(errbuf, "HE5_SWXRegion[%d]->nRegions exceeded HE5_MAXNREGIONS = %d.\n", k, HE5_MAXNREGIONS);
++			  sprintf(errbuf, "HE5_SWXRegion[%ld]->nRegions exceeded HE5_MAXNREGIONS = %d.\n", k, HE5_MAXNREGIONS);
+ 			  H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_SWdefboxregion", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADRANGE, errbuf);
+ 			  HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ 			  if (lonArr != NULL) free(lonArr);
+@@ -13797,7 +13797,7 @@ HE5_SWextractregion(hid_t swathID, hid_t
+       if (regionID < 0 || regionID >= HE5_NSWATHREGN)
+         {
+ 	  status = FAIL;
+-	  sprintf(errbuf, "Invalid Region ID: %d.\n", regionID);
++	  sprintf(errbuf, "Invalid Region ID: %ld.\n", (long int) regionID);
+ 	  H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_SWextractregion", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, errbuf);
+ 	  HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+         }
+@@ -13810,7 +13810,7 @@ HE5_SWextractregion(hid_t swathID, hid_t
+       if (HE5_SWXRegion[regionID] == 0)
+         {
+ 	  status = FAIL;
+-	  sprintf(errbuf, "Inactive Region ID: %d.\n", regionID);
++	  sprintf(errbuf, "Inactive Region ID: %ld.\n", (long int) regionID);
+ 	  H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_SWextractregion", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, errbuf);
+ 	  HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+         }
+@@ -15324,7 +15324,7 @@ HE5_SWregioninfo(hid_t swathID, hid_t re
+       if (regionID < 0 || regionID >= HE5_NSWATHREGN)
+         {
+ 	  status = FAIL;
+-	  sprintf(errbuf, "Invalid Region id: %d.\n", regionID);
++	  sprintf(errbuf, "Invalid Region id: %ld.\n", (long int) regionID);
+ 	  H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_SWregioninfo", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, errbuf);
+ 	  HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+         }
+@@ -15337,7 +15337,7 @@ HE5_SWregioninfo(hid_t swathID, hid_t re
+       if (HE5_SWXRegion[regionID] == 0)
+         {
+ 	  status = FAIL;
+-	  sprintf(errbuf,"Inactive Region ID: %d.\n", regionID);
++	  sprintf(errbuf,"Inactive Region ID: %ld.\n", (long int) regionID);
+ 	  H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_SWregioninfo", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, errbuf);
+ 	  HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+         }
+@@ -15804,7 +15804,7 @@ HE5_SWupdatescene(hid_t swathID, hid_t r
+       if (regionID < 0 || regionID >= HE5_NSWATHREGN)
+         {
+ 	  status = FAIL;
+-	  sprintf(errbuf, "Invalid Region ID: %d.\n", regionID);
++	  sprintf(errbuf, "Invalid Region ID: %ld.\n", (long int) regionID);
+ 	  H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_SWupdatescene", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADRANGE, errbuf); 
+ 	  HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+         }
+@@ -15817,7 +15817,7 @@ HE5_SWupdatescene(hid_t swathID, hid_t r
+       if (HE5_SWXRegion[regionID] == 0)
+         {
+ 	  status = FAIL;
+-	  sprintf(errbuf, "Inactive Region ID: %d.\n", regionID);
++	  sprintf(errbuf, "Inactive Region ID: %ld.\n", (long int) regionID);
+ 	  H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_SWupdatescene", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADRANGE, errbuf);
+ 	  HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+         }
+@@ -15846,7 +15846,7 @@ HE5_SWupdatescene(hid_t swathID, hid_t r
+ 		  free(HE5_SWXRegion[regionID]);
+ 		  HE5_SWXRegion[regionID] = 0;
+ 		  status = FAIL;
+-		  sprintf(errbuf, "Inactive Region ID: %d.\n", regionID);
++		  sprintf(errbuf, "Inactive Region ID: %ld.\n", (long int) regionID);
+ 		  H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_SWupdatescene", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADRANGE, errbuf);
+ 		  HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ 		  break;
+@@ -15965,7 +15965,7 @@ HE5_SWupdateidxmap(hid_t swathID, hid_t
+       if (regionID < 0 || regionID >= HE5_NSWATHREGN)
+         {
+ 	  status = FAIL;
+-	  sprintf(errbuf,"Invalid Region id: %d.\n", regionID);
++	  sprintf(errbuf,"Invalid Region id: %ld.\n", (long int) regionID);
+ 	  H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_SWupdateidxmap", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADRANGE, errbuf); 
+ 	  HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+         }
+@@ -15978,7 +15978,7 @@ HE5_SWupdateidxmap(hid_t swathID, hid_t
+       if (HE5_SWXRegion[regionID] == 0)
+         {
+ 	  status = FAIL;
+-	  sprintf(errbuf, "Inactive Region ID: %d.\n", regionID);
++	  sprintf(errbuf, "Inactive Region ID: %ld.\n", (long int) regionID);
+ 	  H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_SWupdateidxmap", __LINE__, H5E_FILE, H5E_BADRANGE, errbuf );
+ 	  HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+         }
+@@ -22300,7 +22300,7 @@ HE5_SWindexinfo(hid_t regionID, char *ob
+   if (regionID < 0 || regionID >= HE5_NSWATHREGN)
+     {
+       status = FAIL;
+-      sprintf(errbuf, "Invalid Region ID: %d.\n", regionID);
++      sprintf(errbuf, "Invalid Region ID: %ld.\n", (long int) regionID);
+       H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_SWindexinfo", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, errbuf);
+       HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+       return(status);
+@@ -22311,7 +22311,7 @@ HE5_SWindexinfo(hid_t regionID, char *ob
+   if (HE5_SWXRegion[regionID] == 0)
+     {
+       status = FAIL;
+-      sprintf(errbuf, "Inactive Region ID: %d.\n", regionID);
++      sprintf(errbuf, "Inactive Region ID: %ld.\n", (long int) regionID);
+       H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_SWindexinfo", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, errbuf);
+       HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+       return(status);
+@@ -31317,7 +31317,7 @@ HE5_SWinqdscaleattrsF(int SwathID, char
+ |  END_PROLOG                                                                 |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ herr_t
+-HE5_SWflddiminfo(int SwathID, char *fieldname, int *rank,  hsize_t dims[], hsize_t maxdims[])
++HE5_SWflddiminfo(hid_t SwathID, char *fieldname, int *rank,  hsize_t dims[], hsize_t maxdims[])
+ {
+   herr_t      status         = FAIL;      /* return status             */
+   hid_t       swID           = FAIL;      /* HDF5 type swath ID        */
+Index: hdf-eos5-5.1.15.dfsg.1/src/ZAapi.c
+--- hdf-eos5-5.1.15.dfsg.1.orig/src/ZAapi.c
++++ hdf-eos5-5.1.15.dfsg.1/src/ZAapi.c
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  |    Copyright (C) 2002  Emergent IT Inc.  and Raytheon Systems Company    |
+  |                                                                          |
+@@ -2948,7 +2948,7 @@ HE5_ZAcompinfo(hid_t zaID, char *fldname
+ |  END_PROLOG                                                                 |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ static int
+-HE5_ZAfldnameinfo(int zaID, char *fieldname, char *actualname)
++HE5_ZAfldnameinfo(hid_t zaID, char *fieldname, char *actualname)
+ {
+   int         nameFlag       = FAIL;/* Return value of flag            */
+   int         length         = 0;   /* String length                   */
+@@ -3100,7 +3100,7 @@ HE5_ZAfldnameinfo(int zaID, char *fieldn
+ |  END_PROLOG                                                                 |
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+ static herr_t
+-HE5_ZAfldinfo(int zaID, char *datafield, char *za_name, int *rank, hsize_t dims[], hid_t numbertype[], char *dimlist, char *maxdimlist)
++HE5_ZAfldinfo(hid_t zaID, char *datafield, char *za_name, int *rank, hsize_t dims[], hid_t numbertype[], char *dimlist, char *maxdimlist)
+ {
+   herr_t     status         = FAIL;/* routine return status variable                  */
+   herr_t     statmeta       = FAIL;/* EHgetmetavalue return status                    */

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