[gle-graphics] 17/23: Import Debian changes 4.2.5-1

Christian T. Steigies cts at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Oct 31 18:25:37 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

cts pushed a commit to branch master
in repository gle-graphics.

commit 0db82772776801709d05130dce9527b97cd4b2bf
Merge: 56ab8c5 2f85264
Author: Christian T. Steigies <cts at debian.org>
Date:   Tue Aug 18 11:55:12 2015 +0200

    Import Debian changes 4.2.5-1
    gle-graphics (4.2.5-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * new upstream version
      * remove gle.cpp-typo patch

 ChangeLog.txt                                 |   41 +
 Makefile.in                                   |   14 +-
 config.i                                      |    2 +-
 configure                                     |  353 +++++---
 configure.ac                                  |   19 +-
 contrib/packagers/nsis/gle.nsi                |    2 +-
 debian/changelog                              |    7 +
 debian/create_orig_tar_gz.sh                  |   15 -
 debian/patches/gle.cpp-typo                   |   11 -
 debian/patches/series                         |    1 -
 gle-refman/appendix/appendix.tex              |    1 +
 gle-refman/graph/fig/Makefile.gcc~            |   56 --
 gle-refman/graph/fig/energy_level.gle         |   44 -
 gle-refman/graph/fig/gc_fillgraph.tex         |   34 -
 gle-refman/graph/fig/gc_fillgraph_nocairo.tex |   34 -
 gle-refman/key/key.tex                        |    4 +
 gle-refman/prog/prog.tex                      |    2 +
 gle-refman/title/title.tex                    |    2 +-
 src/fbuild/Makefile.in                        |    9 +-
 src/fbuild/basicconf.h                        |    1 +
 src/fbuild/fbuild.cpp                         |   50 +-
 src/fbuild/files.txt                          |    3 +-
 src/fbuild/token.cpp                          |    6 +-
 src/gle/Makefile.in                           |    2 +-
 src/gle/axis.cpp                              |  108 ++-
 src/gle/axis.h                                |    4 +-
 src/gle/basicconf.h                           |    1 +
 src/gle/bitmap/ascii85.cpp                    |    1 +
 src/gle/bitmap/glegif.cpp                     |   29 +-
 src/gle/bitmap/glejpeg.cpp                    |   19 +-
 src/gle/bitmap/glepng.cpp                     |    5 +-
 src/gle/bitmap/gletiff.cpp                    |    7 +-
 src/gle/bitmap/img2ps.cpp                     |   95 ++-
 src/gle/bitmap/img2ps.h                       |   63 +-
 src/gle/bitmap/lzwencode.cpp                  |    1 +
 src/gle/cmdline.cpp                           |   10 +
 src/gle/cmdline.h                             |    1 +
 src/gle/color.cpp                             |   13 +-
 src/gle/config.cpp                            |   11 +-
 src/gle/config.h                              |    1 +
 src/gle/core.cpp                              |  135 ++-
 src/gle/core.h                                |    9 +-
 src/gle/curve.cpp                             |   18 +-
 src/gle/cutils.cpp                            |   38 +-
 src/gle/cutils.h                              |    7 +
 src/gle/d_cairo.cpp                           |   65 +-
 src/gle/d_dummy.cpp                           |    4 +-
 src/gle/d_interface.h                         |   16 +-
 src/gle/d_ps.cpp                              |   56 +-
 src/gle/d_x.cpp                               |    8 +-
 src/gle/drawit.cpp                            |   40 +-
 src/gle/eval.cpp                              | 1115 +++++++++++++------------
 src/gle/file_io.cpp                           |  124 ++-
 src/gle/file_io.h                             |   27 +
 src/gle/fn.cpp                                |    1 +
 src/gle/fn.h                                  |   47 +-
 src/gle/font.cpp                              |   63 +-
 src/gle/gle-datatype.cpp                      |  199 ++++-
 src/gle/gle-interface.cpp                     |   44 +-
 src/gle/gle-interface/gle-datatype.h          |   49 +-
 src/gle/gle-interface/gle-interface.h         |   38 +-
 src/gle/gle.cpp                               |   21 +-
 src/gle/glearray.cpp                          |   46 +-
 src/gle/glec.cpp                              |    2 +-
 src/gle/glepro.h                              |   15 +-
 src/gle/graph.cpp                             |   66 +-
 src/gle/graph.h                               |   64 +-
 src/gle/graph2.cpp                            |  688 ++++++++-------
 src/gle/key.cpp                               |   15 +-
 src/gle/key.h                                 |    1 +
 src/gle/letzfitz/let.cpp                      |   14 +-
 src/gle/mychar.cpp                            |   18 +-
 src/gle/numberformat.cpp                      |   32 +-
 src/gle/op_def.h                              |    2 +-
 src/gle/pass.cpp                              |  189 ++---
 src/gle/pass.h                                |   12 +-
 src/gle/polish.cpp                            |  296 ++++---
 src/gle/polish.h                              |   56 +-
 src/gle/run.cpp                               |  329 ++++----
 src/gle/run.h                                 |   36 +-
 src/gle/sub.cpp                               |  137 +--
 src/gle/surface/gsurface.cpp                  |    4 +-
 src/gle/surface/hide.cpp                      |   25 +-
 src/gle/tex.cpp                               |  251 +++---
 src/gle/texinterface.cpp                      |   25 +-
 src/gle/texinterface.h                        |    2 +-
 src/gle/token.cpp                             |   13 +-
 src/gle/tokens/Tokenizer.cpp                  |    2 +-
 src/gle/unit-tests/part1.cpp                  |   69 +-
 src/gle/var.cpp                               |   21 +-
 src/gle/var.h                                 |   17 +-
 src/gui/MakefileAC.in                         |   30 +-
 src/gui/dialogues.cpp                         |    2 +-
 src/gui/fileinfo.cpp                          |   42 +-
 src/gui/fileinfo.h                            |   11 +
 src/gui/main.cpp                              |    3 +
 src/gui/mainwindow.cpp                        |   14 +
 src/gui/mainwindow.h                          |    1 +
 src/gui/qgslibloader.cpp                      |   17 +-
 src/gui/settings_dialogue.cpp                 |    4 +-
 src/lib/barcode.gle                           |  173 ++++
 src/lib/color.gle                             |    4 +-
 src/lib/graphutil.gle                         |   13 +
 src/lib/polarplot.gle                         |   16 +
 src/lib/shape.gle                             |  118 ++-
 src/makefmt/Makefile.in                       |   11 +-
 src/makefmt/files.txt                         |    4 +
 src/makefmt/makefmt.cpp                       |   54 +-
 src/makefmt/parseAFM.cpp                      |    2 +-
 src/manip/all.h                               |    2 +-
 src/manip/cmd.cpp                             |   18 +-
 src/manip/eval.cpp                            |    2 +-
 src/manip/filemenu.cpp                        |    4 +-
 src/manip/mjl.cpp                             |   28 +-
 src/manip/mygraph.h                           |    2 +-
 src/manip/unix_extra.cpp                      |   14 +-
 116 files changed, 3706 insertions(+), 2536 deletions(-)

diff --cc debian/changelog
index 5e0a97d,0000000..5629e2e
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@@ -1,187 -1,0 +1,194 @@@
++gle-graphics (4.2.5-1) unstable; urgency=medium
++  * new upstream version
++  * remove gle.cpp-typo patch
++ -- Christian T. Steigies <cts at debian.org>  Tue, 18 Aug 2015 11:55:12 +0200
 +gle-graphics (4.2.4c-6) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * update config.{sub,guess} with autools_dev (closes: #727871, #744438)
 +  * updated Standards-Version to 3.9.6 (no changes)
 +  * use debhelper 9 and dpkg-buildflags instead of hardening-wrapper,
 +    enable hardening on sparc
 +  * patch qgle.pro.in so that LDFLAGS are used (for hardening)
 + -- Christian T. Steigies <cts at debian.org>  Tue, 21 Oct 2014 21:59:16 +0200
 +gle-graphics (4.2.4c-5) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * fix building on hurd-i386 with workaround from #578320
 + -- Christian T. Steigies <cts at debian.org>  Sun, 30 Sep 2012 23:58:58 +0200
 +gle-graphics (4.2.4c-4) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * rewrite package description (closes: #685822)
 + -- Christian T. Steigies <cts at debian.org>  Wed, 26 Sep 2012 23:07:27 +0200
 +gle-graphics (4.2.4c-3) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * pass --build $(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE) to configure
 +  * do not set DEB_BUILD_HARDENING on sparc to fix building on the buildd
 + -- Christian T. Steigies <cts at debian.org>  Wed, 27 Jun 2012 21:50:27 +0200
 +gle-graphics (4.2.4c-2) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * add libpoppler-glib-dev and libcairo-dev to Build-Depends
 +  * build package on smetana.debian.org to show that it does not FTBFS 
 +    on sparc (closes: #669161)
 + -- Christian T. Steigies <cts at debian.org>  Tue, 15 May 2012 23:56:53 +0200
 +gle-graphics (4.2.4c-1) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * new upstream version (closes: #662710, #667183)
 +  * updated Standards-Version to 3.9.3 (no changes)
 + -- Christian T. Steigies <cts at debian.org>  Fri, 11 May 2012 00:01:36 +0200
 +gle-graphics (4.2.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * new upstream version
 + -- Christian T. Steigies <cts at debian.org>  Wed, 11 Jan 2012 22:59:48 +0100
 +gle-graphics (4.2.3b~rc1-1) experimental; urgency=low
 +  * new upstream version, includes libgs9 and hurd patches
 +  * enable hardening with hardening-wrapper
 +  * fix typos in binaries
 +  * add Homepage field
 +  * register gle-manual with doc-base
 + -- Christian T. Steigies <cts at debian.org>  Sat, 12 Nov 2011 13:37:12 +0100
 +gle-graphics (4.2.3b-2) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * configure with-scripts=no
 +  * remove glebtool only when it exists
 +  * do not compress LICENSE.txt as it is read by qgle
 +  * let qgle search for /usr/lib/libgs.so.9 before any other libgs
 + -- Christian T. Steigies <cts at debian.org>  Mon, 07 Nov 2011 22:42:59 +0100
 +gle-graphics (4.2.3b-1) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * new upstream version
 +  * switch from cdbs to debhelper 8
 +  * update copyright file
 +  * do no rely on proc on non-linux systems (closes: #644588)
 +  * do not ship glebtool, which is a helper used only during build
 +  * add libqt4-opengl-dev to build-depends
 + -- Christian T. Steigies <cts at debian.org>  Thu, 20 Oct 2011 22:15:27 +0200
 +gle-graphics (4.2.2-6) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * define PATH_MAX to fix building on gnu-hurd
 + -- Christian T. Steigies <cts at debian.org>  Fri, 07 Oct 2011 21:20:44 +0200
 +gle-graphics (4.2.2-5) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * Switch to dpkg-source 3.0 (quilt) format
 +  * qgle: link with -ldl for all unix targets (closes: #554556)
 +  * recommend libgs9 instead of libgs8
 +  * Updated Standards-Version to 3.9.2 (no changes)
 +  * do not ignore make clean errors
 + -- Christian T. Steigies <cts at debian.org>  Thu, 06 Oct 2011 23:10:58 +0200
 +gle-graphics (4.2.2-4) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * add libtool and pkg-config to build-depends
 + -- Christian T. Steigies <cts at debian.org>  Tue, 06 Apr 2010 22:52:09 +0200
 +gle-graphics (4.2.2-3) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * run "autoreconf -vfi" as pre-configure action instead of 
 +    "aclocal && autoconf" as configure action (closes: #571296)
 +  * remove autogenerated aclocal.m4 and configure in clean target
 + -- Christian T. Steigies <cts at debian.org>  Mon, 05 Apr 2010 21:36:40 +0200
 +gle-graphics (4.2.2-2) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * upload to unstable
 +  * Updated Standards-Version to 3.8.4 (no changes)
 + -- Christian T. Steigies <cts at debian.org>  Wed, 24 Feb 2010 23:21:37 +0100
 +gle-graphics (4.2.2-1) experimental; urgency=low
 +  * new upstream version
 +  * 001-kfreebsd-support patch is included upstream
 +  * configure --with-rpath=no
 + -- Christian T. Steigies <cts at debian.org>  Wed, 20 Jan 2010 22:59:32 +0100
 +gle-graphics (4.2.1-2) experimental; urgency=low
 +  * add patch to allow building on kfreebsd
 +  * Updated Standards-Version to 3.8.3 (no changes)
 + -- Christian T. Steigies <cts at debian.org>  Wed, 09 Sep 2009 00:56:21 +0200
 +gle-graphics (4.2.1-1) experimental; urgency=low
 +  * new upstream version
 +  * added automake and ghostscript to Build-Depends
 + -- Christian T. Steigies <cts at debian.org>  Sat, 05 Sep 2009 22:33:51 +0200
 +gle-graphics (4.2.0-1) experimental; urgency=low
 +  * new upstream version
 +  * rename package to gle-graphics
 + -- Christian T. Steigies <cts at debian.org>  Fri, 17 Apr 2009 00:36:23 +0200
 +glx (4.2.0-1) experimental; urgency=low
 +  * new upstream version
 +  * Updated Standards-Version to 3.8.0 (no changes)
 +  * do not ship LICENSE.txt, this is included in debian/copyright
 +  * addeded simple man and qgle manpages
 +  * build and ship gle-manual.pdf
 + -- Christian T. Steigies <cts at debian.org>  Mon, 13 Apr 2009 14:04:59 +0200
 +glx (4.1.1) experimental; urgency=low
 +  * new upstream version
 + -- Christian T. Steigies <cts at debian.org>  Tue, 26 Feb 2008 23:58:04 +0100
 +glx (4.1.0-rc2-1) experimental; urgency=low
 +  * new upstream version
 + -- Christian T. Steigies <cts at debian.org>  Thu, 22 Nov 2007 22:52:11 +0100
 +glx (4.1.0-rc1-1) experimental; urgency=low
 +  * new upstream version
 + -- Christian T. Steigies <cts at debian.org>  Thu,  4 Oct 2007 00:46:10 +0200
 +glx (4.0.12-1) experimental; urgency=low
 +  * new upstream version
 +  * switch to cdbs, build from upstream "tarball"
 + -- Christian T. Steigies <cts at debian.org>  Wed,  3 Oct 2007 12:08:52 +0200
 +glx (4.0.7-1) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * Initial Release.
 + -- Christian T. Steigies <cts at debian.org>  Sat,  8 Jan 2005 11:31:38 +0100
diff --cc debian/patches/series
index bce6c62,0000000..dd15d9f
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@@ -1,3 -1,0 +1,2 @@@
- gle.cpp-typo

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/gle-graphics.git

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