[r-cran-maps] 21/64: Import Upstream version 2.0-39
Andreas Tille
tille at debian.org
Thu Sep 7 07:32:31 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
tille pushed a commit to branch master
in repository r-cran-maps.
commit c1d9388ffff05b41681d8c04e66557b8b439d926
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date: Thu Sep 7 09:26:09 2017 +0200
Import Upstream version 2.0-39
DESCRIPTION | 29 +++++------
R/misc.r | 11 +++--
R/oldmap.r | 136 ----------------------------------------------------
R/polygon.r | 8 ++--
R/smooth.r | 11 ++---
man/internal2.Rd | 6 ---
man/polygon.Rd | 2 -
man/world.cities.Rd | 1 +
src/Makefile | 2 -
9 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 175 deletions(-)
index 2dd9910..9afc3ad 100644
@@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
-Package: maps
-Title: Draw Geographical Maps
-Version: 2.0-38
-Date: 2007-09-12
-Author: Original S code by Richard A. Becker and Allan R. Wilks.
- R version by Ray Brownrigg <Ray.Brownrigg at mcs.vuw.ac.nz>
- Enhancements by Thomas P Minka <surname at stat.cmu.edu>
-Description: Display of maps. Projection code and larger maps are in
- separate packages (mapproj and mapdata).
-Depends: R (>= 1.7.0)
-Suggests: mapproj
-License: GPL2
-Maintainer: Ray Brownrigg <Ray.Brownrigg at mcs.vuw.ac.nz>
-Packaged: Wed Sep 12 14:18:10 2007; ray
+Package: maps
+Title: Draw Geographical Maps
+Version: 2.0-39
+Date: 2007-10-14
+Author: Original S code by Richard A. Becker and Allan R. Wilks.
+ R version by Ray Brownrigg <Ray.Brownrigg at mcs.vuw.ac.nz>
+ Enhancements by Thomas P Minka <surname at stat.cmu.edu>
+Description: Display of maps. Projection code and larger maps are in
+ separate packages (mapproj and mapdata).
+Depends: R (>= 2.0.0)
+LazyLoad: yes
+Suggests: mapproj
+License: GPL2
+Maintainer: Ray Brownrigg <Ray.Brownrigg at mcs.vuw.ac.nz>
+Packaged: Sun Oct 14 11:00:16 2007; root
diff --git a/R/misc.r b/R/misc.r
index 1054471..0a1b17e 100644
--- a/R/misc.r
+++ b/R/misc.r
@@ -30,8 +30,9 @@ function (x = world.cities, country = "", label = NULL, minpop = 0,
maxpop = Inf, capitals = 0, cex = par("cex"), projection = FALSE,
parameters = NULL, orientation = NULL, ...)
- if (missing(x))
- data(world.cities) # uses lazy evaluation
+ if (missing(x)) {
+ data(world.cities, package = "maps") # uses lazy evaluation
+ }
usr <- par("usr")
if (!missing(projection) && projection != FALSE) {
if (is.character(projection)) {
@@ -98,9 +99,9 @@ function (x = world.cities, country = "", label = NULL, minpop = 0,
function (x, y, relwidth = 0.15, metric = TRUE, ratio = TRUE, ...)
# old version
- format.pretty <- function(x) {
- as.character(pretty(x * c(0.99, 1.01), n = 2)[2])
- }
+ # format.pretty <- function(x) {
+ # as.character(pretty(x * c(0.99, 1.01), n = 2)[2])
+ # }
# minka: new version
format.pretty <- function(x, digits = 2) {
x = signif(x, 2)
diff --git a/R/oldmap.r b/R/oldmap.r
deleted file mode 100644
index 5230ee6..0000000
--- a/R/oldmap.r
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-"map.old" <-
-function (database = "state", regions = ".", exact = F, boundary = T,
- interior = T, fill = F, projection = "", parameters = NULL,
- orientation = rep(NA, 3), color = 1, add = F, plot = T, namesonly = F,
- xlim = c(-1e+30, 1e+30), ylim = c(-1e+30, 1e+30), resolution = 1,
- type = "l", ...)
- "makepoly" <- function(xy, gonsize, keep) {
- x <- xy$x
- y <- xy$y
- n <- length(x)
- gonsize <- gonsize[ - length(gonsize)]
- discard <- seq(x)[is.na(x)]
- if(length(discard) > 0)
- discard <- c(discard, discard - 1, n)
- if(length(gonsize) > 0)
- discard <- discard[ - cumsum(gonsize)]
- if(length(discard) > 0) {
- x <- x[ - discard]
- y <- y[ - discard]
- }
- keep <- rep(keep, diff(c(0, seq(x)[is.na(x)], length(x))))
- list(x = x[keep], y = y[keep])
- }
- if (!missing(resolution) && !plot)
- stop("must have plot=T if resolution is given")
- if (!fill && !boundary && !interior)
- stop("one of boundary and interior must be TRUE")
- doproj <- !missing(projection) || !missing(parameters) ||
- !missing(orientation)
- coordtype <- maptype(database)
- if (coordtype == "unknown")
- stop("missing database or unknown coordinate type")
- if (doproj && coordtype != "spherical")
- stop(paste(database, "database is not spherical; projections not allowed"))
- gon <- mapname(database, regions, exact)
- n <- length(gon)
- if (n == 0)
- stop("nothing to draw: no recognized region names")
- line <- mapgetg(database, gon, fill, xlim, ylim)
- if (length(line$number) == 0) {
- if (missing(xlim) || missing(ylim))
- stop("nothing to draw: all regions out of bounds")
- else coord <- list(x = c(xlim[1], NA, xlim[2]), y = c(ylim[1],
- NA, ylim[2]), range = c(xlim, ylim))
- if (fill)
- stop("cannot fill: all data out of bounds")
- }
- else {
- if (fill)
- coord <- mapgetl(database, line$number, xlim, ylim)
- else {
- l <- abs(line$number)
- if (boundary && interior)
- l <- unique(l)
- else if (boundary)
- l <- l[!match(l, l[duplicated(l)], F)]
- else l <- l[duplicated(l)]
- coord <- mapgetl(database, l, xlim, ylim)
- if (length(coord) == 0)
- if (missing(xlim) || missing(ylim))
- stop("all data out of bounds")
- else coord <- list(x = c(xlim[1], NA, xlim[2]),
- y = c(ylim[1], NA, ylim[2]), range = c(xlim,
- ylim))
- }
- }
- if (doproj) {
- coord <- mapproject(coord, pr = projection, pa = parameters,
- or = orientation)
- if (plot && coord$error)
- if (all(is.na(coord$x)))
- stop("projection failed for all data")
- else warning("projection failed for some data")
- }
- if (fill) {
- gonsize <- line$size
- color <- rep(color, length = length(gonsize))
- keep <- !is.na(color)
- coord[c("x", "y")] <- makepoly(coord, gonsize, keep)
- color <- color[keep]
- }
- if (plot) {
- if (!add) {
- # remove margins
- par(pin = par("fin"))
- plot.new()
- #xrange <- coord$range[1:2]
- #yrange <- coord$range[3:4]
- xrange <- range(coord$x, na.rm = T)
- yrange <- range(coord$y, na.rm = T)
- border <- c(0.01, 0.01)
- if (!missing(xlim)) {
- xrange[1] <- max(xrange[1], xlim[1])
- xrange[2] <- min(xrange[2], xlim[2])
- border[1] <- 0
- }
- if (!missing(ylim)) {
- yrange[1] <- max(yrange[1], ylim[1])
- yrange[2] <- min(yrange[2], ylim[2])
- border[2] <- 0
- }
- aspect <- if (coordtype != "spherical" || doproj)
- c(1, 1)
- else c(cos((mean(yrange) * pi)/180), 1)
- d <- c(diff(xrange), diff(yrange)) * aspect
- p <- par("pin")
- # assumes coordinates are already clipped
- p <- d*min(p/d)
- par(pin = p)
- d <- d*border + ((p/min(p/d) - d)/2)/aspect
- usr <- c(xrange, yrange) + rep(c(-1, 1), 2) * rep(d, c(2, 2))
- par(usr = usr)
- }
- if (resolution != 0 && type != "n") {
- pin <- par("pin")
- usr <- par("usr")
- resolution <- resolution * min(diff(usr)[-2]/pin/100)
- coord[c("x", "y")] <- mapthin(coord, resolution)
- }
- if (type != "n") {
- #oerr <- par(err = -1)
- #on.exit(par(oerr))
- if (fill)
- polygon(coord, col = color, ...)
- else lines(coord, col = color, type = type, ...)
- }
- }
- value <- if (namesonly)
- line$name
- else coord[c("x", "y", "range")]
- if (plot)
- invisible(value)
- else value
diff --git a/R/polygon.r b/R/polygon.r
index 0df555a..69adbaa 100644
--- a/R/polygon.r
+++ b/R/polygon.r
@@ -115,10 +115,10 @@ num.polygons <- function(p) {
else 1 + sum(is.na(p[, 1]))
-range.polygon <- function(..., na.rm = FALSE) {
- p <- as.list.polygon(...)
- lapply(p[c("x", "y")], range, na.rm = na.rm)
+# range.polygon <- function(..., na.rm = FALSE) {
+# p <- as.list.polygon(...)
+# lapply(p[c("x", "y")], range, na.rm = na.rm)
+# }
map.text <- function(database, regions = ".", labels, cex = 0.75, add = FALSE,
move = FALSE, ...) {
diff --git a/R/smooth.r b/R/smooth.r
index d305d63..9b1aaeb 100644
--- a/R/smooth.r
+++ b/R/smooth.r
@@ -82,12 +82,11 @@ smooth.map <- function(m, z, res = 50, span = 1/10, averages = FALSE,
if(FALSE) {
# code for these is in 315/util.r
# most time is spent here
- w <- switch(type,
- mass = gp.smoother(x, x, r, lambda),
- smooth = kr.smoother(x, x, r, lambda))
- #list(x = x, r = r, w = w)
- z = drop(z %*% w)
- cbind(x, z = z)
+ # w <- switch(type,
+ # mass = gp.smoother(x, x, r, lambda),
+ # smooth = kr.smoother(x, x, r, lambda))
+ # z = drop(z %*% w)
+ # cbind(x, z = z)
} else {
if(type == "smooth") {
z = kernel.smooth(x, z, xo, lambda, r)
diff --git a/man/internal2.Rd b/man/internal2.Rd
index 520ddd6..dc92ddc 100644
--- a/man/internal2.Rd
+++ b/man/internal2.Rd
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
@@ -23,11 +22,6 @@ indicators.factor(y)
insert(x, i, v)
match.map.slow(nam, regions, warn = FALSE)
match.map.grep(nam, regions, warn = FALSE)
-map.old(database = "state", regions = ".", exact = F, boundary = T,
- interior = T, fill = F, projection = "", parameters = NULL,
- orientation = rep(NA, 3), color = 1, add = F, plot = T, namesonly = F,
- xlim = c(-1e+30, 1e+30), ylim = c(-1e+30, 1e+30), resolution = 1,
- type = "l", ...)
map.poly(database, regions = ".", exact = FALSE, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL,
boundary = TRUE, interior = TRUE, fill = FALSE, as.polygon = FALSE)
diff --git a/man/polygon.Rd b/man/polygon.Rd
index 1078b66..fdef7e7 100644
--- a/man/polygon.Rd
+++ b/man/polygon.Rd
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
\title{Polygon functions}
@@ -18,7 +17,6 @@ closed.polygon(p)
in.one.polygon(p, x)
in.polygon(p, x)
-\method{range}{polygon}(..., na.rm = FALSE)
sub.polygon(p, i)
diff --git a/man/world.cities.Rd b/man/world.cities.Rd
index 367630b..d5aadd9 100644
--- a/man/world.cities.Rd
+++ b/man/world.cities.Rd
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ This database is primarily of world cities of population greater than
about 40,000. Also included are capital cities of any population size, and
many smaller towns.
A list with 6 components, namely "name", "country.etc", "pop", "lat",
"long", and "capital", containing the city name, the country name,
diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
index e778b39..02b5493 100644
--- a/src/Makefile
+++ b/src/Makefile
@@ -6,8 +6,6 @@ CP = cp
ECHO = echo
RM = rm
-CFLAGS = -g -Wall -pedantic -O6
OBJS = mapget.o \
smooth.o \
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/r-cran-maps.git
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