[r-cran-maps] 40/64: Import Upstream version 2.2-5

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Thu Sep 7 07:32:33 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tille pushed a commit to branch master
in repository r-cran-maps.

commit 0997702f052f3ed188514d8f6891476c0d4cc1d2
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date:   Thu Sep 7 09:27:12 2017 +0200

    Import Upstream version 2.2-5
 DESCRIPTION                 |  16 +-
 MD5                         |  46 ++--
 R/map.r                     |   6 +-
 R/zzz.R                     |   2 -
 data/state.carto.center.rda | Bin 0 -> 674 bytes
 data/state.cartoMapEnv.r    |   1 +
 data/state.vbm.center.rda   | Bin 0 -> 338 bytes
 data/state.vbmMapEnv.r      |   1 +
 man/map.Rd                  |  10 +-
 man/state.carto.Rd          |  49 +++++
 man/state.fips.Rd           |   6 +-
 man/state.vbm.Rd            |  51 +++++
 src/Makefile                |  14 +-
 src/Makefile.win            |  14 +-
 src/county.gon              |   6 +-
 src/county.gonstats         |   2 +-
 src/county.line             |  20 +-
 src/county.linestats        |   2 +-
 src/county.name             |   3 +-
 src/mapget.c                |   8 +-
 src/maps.def                |   6 +
 src/state.carto.gon         | 100 +++++++++
 src/state.carto.gonstats    |   1 +
 src/state.carto.line        | 524 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/state.carto.linestats   |   1 +
 src/state.carto.name        |  50 +++++
 src/state.vbm.gon           | 100 +++++++++
 src/state.vbm.gonstats      |   1 +
 src/state.vbm.line          | 494 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/state.vbm.linestats     |   1 +
 src/state.vbm.name          |  50 +++++
 src/thin.c                  |  55 ++---
 src/thin.c.orig             | 216 ------------------
 33 files changed, 1545 insertions(+), 311 deletions(-)

index 272cfca..5d1bd08 100755
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
 Package: maps
 Title: Draw Geographical Maps
-Version: 2.2-1
-Date: 2011-11-03
-Author: Original S code by Richard A. Becker and Allan R. Wilks.
-	R version by Ray Brownrigg <Ray.Brownrigg at ecs.vuw.ac.nz>
-        Enhancements by Thomas P Minka <surname at stat.cmu.edu>
+Version: 2.2-5
+Date: 2012-01-16
+Author: Original S code by Richard A. Becker and Allan R. Wilks.  R
+        version by Ray Brownrigg <Ray.Brownrigg at ecs.vuw.ac.nz>.
+        Enhancements by Thomas P Minka <surname at stat.cmu.edu>.
 Description: Display of maps.  Projection code and larger maps are in
-             separate packages (mapproj and mapdata).
+        separate packages (mapproj and mapdata).
 Depends: R (>= 2.10.0)
 LazyLoad: yes
 Suggests: mapproj
 License: GPL-2
 Maintainer: Ray Brownrigg <Ray.Brownrigg at ecs.vuw.ac.nz>
-Packaged: 2011-11-03 03:23:57 UTC; ray
+Packaged: 2012-01-15 19:27:26 UTC; ray
 Repository: CRAN
-Date/Publication: 2011-11-03 11:48:16
+Date/Publication: 2012-01-15 20:48:09
diff --git a/MD5 b/MD5
index 3d20bfd..52e111a 100644
--- a/MD5
+++ b/MD5
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-13cf847a6d86dc9f38e0731d583a3275 *DESCRIPTION
+3964d2eac0d6883c86b109d3a9570a0a *DESCRIPTION
 012592abf4b40a8d741b299df2ded05a *NAMESPACE
 80aa05ca421f4b4aafd2aa1c62e5bf2d *R/db.r
-4a62baaaeb68b971eba22eb579f4e414 *R/map.r
+3300f5294c8c0e572b76ec9125441284 *R/map.r
 5f0c0ab48d2ce320c4ba0d0018a57d99 *R/misc.r
 89ba2eda91abd2d6fdaebfde9da3f4e9 *R/polygon.r
 45bb5cad9ffc203d8e62dae784725f37 *R/smooth.r
-6e753ff5cb6ed7189c4e0dcd3eb46758 *R/zzz.R
+6f0c8ff18c3b1d87c3fe4687ae7da8da *R/zzz.R
 6d3acd6bf8fe0501140653a66952a160 *data/canada.cities.rda
 09229fd795049dfd32cba1042ae16c69 *data/county.fips.rda
 35d87c916a508fe3c71c917cd1c33cb3 *data/countyMapEnv.r
@@ -13,7 +13,11 @@
 e905d7c3ec3746a5463aece42a29afce *data/italyMapEnv.r
 b8168bd40b33d5493e67a5d2f35d7e67 *data/nzMapEnv.r
 8d109b47aa40edeaaa43e7406c0ea3ba *data/ozone.rda
+362b6ac3137d24e14ff31545c6bc75e5 *data/state.carto.center.rda
+4188c1cf58e79e9ad31f2a828bf3f1aa *data/state.cartoMapEnv.r
 e5e971cef422bb733644791ebdc05547 *data/state.fips.rda
+0d920fc325a0cbd152019a3ef88adeb7 *data/state.vbm.center.rda
+b69d31b3798c90f8daf7739755de1a93 *data/state.vbmMapEnv.r
 388d3067e6c9ce642d2dafbb02b8851e *data/stateMapEnv.r
 3bbbc17c88b46d5ccfc51cfdc599ce28 *data/unemp.rda
 47260e722f73cdedba76a2cc1e6a3205 *data/us.cities.rda
@@ -31,7 +35,7 @@ f6c4336f6614dabf3573895a38ea1099 *man/identify.map.Rd
 b39d593d4b02815c823f555cf8599ee5 *man/internal.Rd
 56766404494d261648f09393180151dc *man/internal2.Rd
 b80ddc48b7415d5f4122b9ef598279b0 *man/italy.Rd
-fb972de4b0386b6cdcc42aae735212ea *man/map.Rd
+338087ffbea9f06c8249b4c2db629688 *man/map.Rd
 f590ca3d82f3a60d0714c70bf6bdffb6 *man/map.axes.Rd
 5a6345e78e10197ba4db0ffa550670cf *man/map.cities.Rd
 7154c4758c1f712f926af93e5fce1c60 *man/map.scale.Rd
@@ -43,7 +47,9 @@ dc4256b7510c06529ade1c14c58cd5c7 *man/ozone.Rd
 e368efb53ad4d9a95938eb078ca68fd8 *man/polygon.Rd
 fc2661fa4e7119cae77f7c937205bab3 *man/smooth.map.Rd
 53e2f7fe3c4166e412fdbecab22557fa *man/state.Rd
-ba8d5d668beb64222ee0feecc3be1f83 *man/state.fips.Rd
+c2bfc2d7a2639dbf64962901f70e4c92 *man/state.carto.Rd
+fa354b69c9d9ca135a97133f00bd0024 *man/state.fips.Rd
+5634c8781a38aff1c8c5867a2582b504 *man/state.vbm.Rd
 4772854c8b17ec1604f5e099e4375c8a *man/us.cities.Rd
 f25971f020951d5260292158a6600389 *man/usa.Rd
 8f319ab0ebd2fe4d3db27fea8b2e52fc *man/world.Rd
@@ -51,15 +57,15 @@ dc4668c3b67ae20d466fdb60c07be88c *man/world.cities.Rd
 150ee84eeb7fb26843418b9213468e88 *man/world2.Rd
 f684d16afeece0ab0ecdaddd67397466 *src/Gmake.c
 9d0c7fa4265c2622840a930b7fa8f67a *src/Lmake.c
-b166b91401f14635f63f96152a837baf *src/Makefile
-5836a87ca9b464dd87c5cbf401e6344a *src/Makefile.win
+7088312f20b1d127d59081a8ea4ce10c *src/Makefile
+d1ebffb0e35151ea78870f20b78320d5 *src/Makefile.win
 ee000c17ddd154301f679ce267ed4918 *src/README
 885521324ea75cdfcea9d91a5afb0ec5 *src/convert.awk
-7e6373f288c239e3c4a81dd10347d2c9 *src/county.gon
-42d31544ad47078bf51d2d43cd125658 *src/county.gonstats
-d12c98250b5ebfb76d373848f2dfe17c *src/county.line
-013879757feaded46183178af9dbf262 *src/county.linestats
-8a1b5889411471d7694d97ebdf783356 *src/county.name
+34229207131e202f22a184d96291370b *src/county.gon
+38ce6dae990d17ef1f7025cc01a48f20 *src/county.gonstats
+83e6208927194a37954576191c968ba9 *src/county.line
+3840bd593493aff0a8a09564772ca1ce *src/county.linestats
+013536d7e03fa19af1c13dbd821a352e *src/county.name
 39cb343519f464aa76c254763e420890 *src/france.gon
 0ea34241398d4f8b1512e52d9039917e *src/france.gonstats
 fc3a0c540e31cc2d6c92579fd0ee9bd1 *src/france.line
@@ -72,20 +78,30 @@ f7c622f74f28e328d3d65f265f0a26c3 *src/italy.gonstats
 1495aafdb361a79248ca9c2950c57d90 *src/italy.linestats
 1ddcc46403193ad474b3934d046f10bf *src/italy.name
 28f0356bc9bb3e0b479b9cc916930730 *src/map.h
-11fb4709e58d7a684b9c48dbe54fd8b5 *src/mapget.c
+c618f6bb1a25250d0132a989894906b8 *src/mapget.c
+8cee9d537960596124350a5aad35f91a *src/maps.def
 5e9c4adf4fc41a391e3539fa708961b0 *src/nz.gon
 1baecc758797af3a5db79c56f81b16be *src/nz.gonstats
 750f995d19363927fdc64f1656f5e6ac *src/nz.line
 f4813dcc9e8ace61c3127247d89ca050 *src/nz.linestats
 9f6127bc86be1670ef43b54b113a94b9 *src/nz.name
 38c841a4ae31088764a4173dea9fb99d *src/smooth.c
+6c92393ef3acc69f57b4f872d1c28e47 *src/state.carto.gon
+db440c97b18a6344052b56e25b841f4f *src/state.carto.gonstats
+165c66a04e6a98fc905ccf2a8f8ecfe2 *src/state.carto.line
+89c9babeeb2c2ba537e6c0948abcd038 *src/state.carto.linestats
+55f43c464d795dfd9f5c30bd1326a431 *src/state.carto.name
 efbdb5e7346ddaae0314aff52661b45f *src/state.gon
 8a5f0b214eb18898570b3d3265690c7b *src/state.gonstats
 9ec76bff7df86d5e1d1e62b231f57d8c *src/state.line
 1cf5afc6966bb36f5bc82eea4b2335c6 *src/state.linestats
 54a14292aa6880f6e3760b8f6c559a85 *src/state.name
-11c733a2db4704c9e2f13942a4c998fc *src/thin.c
-7565197b7181346e1632535bfc36650a *src/thin.c.orig
+6c92393ef3acc69f57b4f872d1c28e47 *src/state.vbm.gon
+db440c97b18a6344052b56e25b841f4f *src/state.vbm.gonstats
+85b0e36ec94dcf8b1b5b39ae324106b1 *src/state.vbm.line
+69fd7440de022ae8ff0874b0aa441de7 *src/state.vbm.linestats
+55f43c464d795dfd9f5c30bd1326a431 *src/state.vbm.name
+7565197b7181346e1632535bfc36650a *src/thin.c
 f298493e3329a78ce0931272d511b60f *src/usa.gon
 1c1041f7228b105eaaa93d8b3a9bf8d1 *src/usa.gonstats
 64612e351ce91a03a2040b0edd64d295 *src/usa.line
diff --git a/R/map.r b/R/map.r
index fc176cc..cfdd74a 100644
--- a/R/map.r
+++ b/R/map.r
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ function(database = "world", regions = ".", exact = FALSE,
 	 col = 1, plot = TRUE, add = FALSE, namesonly = FALSE, 
          xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, wrap = FALSE,
          resolution = if (plot) 1 else 0, type = "l", bg = par("bg"),
-         mar = c(4.1, 4.1, par("mar")[3], 0.1), border = 0.01, ...)
+         mar = c(4.1, 4.1, par("mar")[3], 0.1), myborder = 0.01, ...)
   # parameter checks
   if (resolution>0 && !plot) 
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ function(database = "world", regions = ".", exact = FALSE,
 	aspect <- c(1, 1) 
       } else
         aspect <- c(cos((mean(yrange) * pi)/180), 1)
-      d <- c(diff(xrange), diff(yrange)) * (1 + 2 * border) * aspect
+      d <- c(diff(xrange), diff(yrange)) * (1 + 2 * myborder) * aspect
       if (coordtype != "spherical" || doproj) {
         plot.window(xrange, yrange, asp = 1/aspect[1])
       } else {
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ function(database = "world", regions = ".", exact = FALSE,
         p <- par("pin")
         p <- d * min(p/d)
         par(pin = p)
-        d <- d * border + ((p/min(p/d) - d)/2)/aspect
+        d <- d * myborder + ((p/min(p/d) - d)/2)/aspect
         usr <- c(xrange, yrange) + rep(c(-1, 1), 2) * rep(d, c(2, 2))
         par(usr = usr)
diff --git a/R/zzz.R b/R/zzz.R
index db98d67..7ae0c9d 100755
--- a/R/zzz.R
+++ b/R/zzz.R
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
 .onLoad <- function(lib, pkg) {
-  if(!exists("Sys.setenv", envir = baseenv()))
-    Sys.setenv <- Sys.putenv
   if (Sys.getenv("R_MAP_DATA_DIR") == "")
     Sys.setenv("R_MAP_DATA_DIR"=paste(lib, pkg, "mapdata/", sep="/"))
   library.dynam("maps", pkg, lib)
diff --git a/data/state.carto.center.rda b/data/state.carto.center.rda
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a835b5
Binary files /dev/null and b/data/state.carto.center.rda differ
diff --git a/data/state.cartoMapEnv.r b/data/state.cartoMapEnv.r
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9cba662
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/state.cartoMapEnv.r
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+state.cartoMapEnv <- "R_MAP_DATA_DIR"
diff --git a/data/state.vbm.center.rda b/data/state.vbm.center.rda
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6aac25a
Binary files /dev/null and b/data/state.vbm.center.rda differ
diff --git a/data/state.vbmMapEnv.r b/data/state.vbmMapEnv.r
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8747981
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/state.vbmMapEnv.r
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+state.vbmMapEnv <- "R_MAP_DATA_DIR"
diff --git a/man/map.Rd b/man/map.Rd
index 317b7f2..bca6b5e 100644
--- a/man/map.Rd
+++ b/man/map.Rd
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ map(database = "world", regions = ".", exact = FALSE, boundary = TRUE,
   fill = FALSE, col = 1, plot = TRUE, add = FALSE, namesonly = FALSE,
   xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, wrap = FALSE, resolution = if(plot) 1 else 0,
   type = "l", bg = par("bg"), mar = c(4.1, 4.1, par("mar")[3], 0.1),
-  border = 0.01, ...)
+  myborder = 0.01, ...)
 map(database, regions)  # simple form
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ map(database = "world", regions = ".", exact = FALSE, boundary = TRUE,
   fill = FALSE, col = 1, plot = TRUE, add = FALSE, namesonly = FALSE,
   xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, wrap = FALSE, resolution = if(plot) 1 else 0,
   type = "l", bg = par("bg"), mar = c(4.1, 4.1, par("mar")[3], 0.1),
-  border = 0.01, ...)
+  myborder = 0.01, ...)
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ map(database = "world", regions = ".", exact = FALSE, boundary = TRUE,
     margins, as in \code{\link{par}}.  Defaults allow for map.axes().
-  \item{border}{
+  \item{myborder}{
     scalar or vector of length 2 specifying the porportion of the plot
     to add to the defined or computed limits as borders.
@@ -206,8 +206,8 @@ map()	# low resolution map of the world
 map('usa')	# national boundaries
 map('county', 'new jersey')	# county map of New Jersey
 map('state', region = c('new york', 'new jersey', 'penn'))	# map of three states
-map("state", ".*dakota", border = 0)	# map of the dakotas
-map.axes()				# show the effect of border = 0
+map("state", ".*dakota", myborder = 0)	# map of the dakotas
+map.axes()				# show the effect of myborder = 0
   map('state', proj = 'bonne', param = 45)	# Bonne equal-area projection of states
diff --git a/man/state.carto.Rd b/man/state.carto.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84d1dc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/state.carto.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+United States State Population Cartogram Map
+This database produces a cartogram of the states of the United States
+mainland based on CartoDraw, roughly proportional to population (see
+\code{state.carto.center} are coordinates of the state centers
+for annotation purposes.
+The data file is merely an assignment to a character string which
+specifies the name of an environment variable which contains the
+base location of the binary files used by the map drawing functions.
+This environment variable (\code{R_MAP_DATA_DIR} for the datasets in the
+maps package) is set at package load time \emph{if it does not
+already exist}.  Hence setting the environment variable before loading
+the package can override the default location of the binary datasets.
+map('state.carto', fill = TRUE, col = palette())
+Richard A. Becker, and Allan R. Wilks,
+"Maps in S",
+\emph{AT\&T Bell Laboratories Statistics Research Report [93.2], 1993.}
+Richard A. Becker, and Allan R. Wilks,
+"Constructing a Geographical Database",
+\emph{AT\&T Bell Laboratories Statistics Research Report [95.2], 1995.}
diff --git a/man/state.fips.Rd b/man/state.fips.Rd
index 9212730..111aec5 100644
--- a/man/state.fips.Rd
+++ b/man/state.fips.Rd
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ A database matching FIPS codes to maps package state names.
 A list with 6 components, namely "fips", "ssa", "region", division",
-"abb" and "polyname", containing the FIPS, SSA, REGION and DIVISION
-numbers, the standard state abbreviation and the the respective state
-polygon name.
+"abb" and "polyname", containing the US Census Bureau FIPS, SSA, REGION
+and DIVISION numbers, the standard state abbreviation and the respective
+state polygon name.
diff --git a/man/state.vbm.Rd b/man/state.vbm.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37146c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/state.vbm.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+United States State Visibility Base Map
+This database produces a map of the states of the United States
+mainland. The Visibility Base Map was created by Mark Monmonier
+to provide simplified state shapes with sufficient areas to allow
+annotations in even the small states.
+\code{state.vbm.center} are coordinates of the state centers
+for annotation purposes.
+The data file is merely an assignment to a character string which
+specifies the name of an environment variable which contains the
+base location of the binary files used by the map drawing functions.
+This environment variable (\code{R_MAP_DATA_DIR} for the datasets in the
+maps package) is set at package load time \emph{if it does not
+already exist}.  Hence setting the environment variable before loading
+the package can override the default location of the binary datasets.
+map('state.vbm', fill = TRUE, col = palette())
+Richard A. Becker, and Allan R. Wilks,
+"Maps in S",
+\emph{AT\&T Bell Laboratories Statistics Research Report [93.2], 1993.}
+Richard A. Becker, and Allan R. Wilks,
+"Constructing a Geographical Database",
+\emph{AT\&T Bell Laboratories Statistics Research Report [95.2], 1995.}
+Mark Monmonier and George Schnell,
+"The Study of Population",
+\emph{Elements, Patterns, Processes. Charles E. Merrill. Columbus, OH. 1982.}
diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
index 2fd87fb..e014f19 100644
--- a/src/Makefile
+++ b/src/Makefile
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ OBJS = mapget.o		\
 	smooth.o	\
-GDATA = county.G state.G usa.G nz.G world.G world2.G italy.G france.G
-LDATA = county.L state.L usa.L nz.L world.L world2.L italy.L france.L
-NDATA = county.N state.N usa.N nz.N world.N world2.N italy.N france.N
+GDATA = county.G state.G usa.G nz.G world.G world2.G italy.G france.G state.vbm.G state.carto.G
+LDATA = county.L state.L usa.L nz.L world.L world2.L italy.L france.L state.vbm.L state.carto.L
+NDATA = county.N state.N usa.N nz.N world.N world2.N italy.N france.N state.vbm.N state.carto.N
 	@$(MKDIR) -p ../inst/mapdata
@@ -30,6 +30,14 @@ NDATA = county.N state.N usa.N nz.N world.N world2.N italy.N france.N
 all: gdata ndata $(PKGNAME)$(SHLIB_EXT)
+state.carto.L: state.carto.line state.carto.linestats Lmake
+	@$(MKDIR) -p ../inst/mapdata
+	./Lmake 0 p b state.carto.line state.carto.linestats ../inst/mapdata/state.carto.L
+state.vbm.L: state.vbm.line state.vbm.linestats Lmake
+	@$(MKDIR) -p ../inst/mapdata
+	./Lmake 0 p b state.vbm.line state.vbm.linestats ../inst/mapdata/state.vbm.L
 gdata: Gmake ldata
 	$(MAKE) $(GDATA)
diff --git a/src/Makefile.win b/src/Makefile.win
index 9062a91..80be8e1 100644
--- a/src/Makefile.win
+++ b/src/Makefile.win
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ OBJS = mapget.o		\
 	smooth.o	\
-GDATA = county.G state.G usa.G nz.G world.G world2.G italy.G france.G
-LDATA = county.L state.L usa.L nz.L world.L world2.L italy.L france.L
-NDATA = county.N state.N usa.N nz.N world.N world2.N italy.N france.N
+GDATA = county.G state.G usa.G nz.G world.G world2.G italy.G france.G state.vbm.G state.carto.G
+LDATA = county.L state.L usa.L nz.L world.L world2.L italy.L france.L state.vbm.L state.carto.L
+NDATA = county.N state.N usa.N nz.N world.N world2.N italy.N france.N state.vbm.N state.carto.N
 	@$(MKDIR) -p ../inst/mapdata
@@ -33,6 +33,14 @@ NDATA = county.N state.N usa.N nz.N world.N world2.N italy.N france.N
 all: ../libs$(R_ARCH)/$(DLLNAME).dll ldata gdata ndata
+state.carto.L: state.carto.line state.carto.linestats Lmake
+	@$(MKDIR) -p ../inst/mapdata
+	./Lmake 0 p b state.carto.line state.carto.linestats ../inst/mapdata/state.carto.L
+state.vbm.L: state.vbm.line state.vbm.linestats Lmake
+	@$(MKDIR) -p ../inst/mapdata
+	./Lmake 0 p b state.vbm.line state.vbm.linestats ../inst/mapdata/state.vbm.L
 gdata: Gmake ldata
 	$(MAKE) -f Makefile.win $(GDATA)
diff --git a/src/county.gon b/src/county.gon
index 70972a0..f8d6350 100644
--- a/src/county.gon
+++ b/src/county.gon
@@ -3576,7 +3576,7 @@ EOR
  1911 8113 -4928 4927 -2379 2380 -1912
- -3656 3657 -5697 5698 -4927
+ -3656 8944 3657 -5697 5698 -4927
  -3931 3932 8629 -4635 4636
@@ -3584,7 +3584,7 @@ EOR
  557 2751 2793 -922 923 -1488 1487 -558
- -598 600 5919 -8582 -3657 3655 -6294
+ -598 600 8942 8943 -8944 3655 -6294
  3005 -6919 -5135 5134 -3007
@@ -6162,3 +6162,5 @@ EOR
  1205 -8878 -8875 -8873 -5445 5446 -1207
+ -8943 5919 -8582 -3657
diff --git a/src/county.gonstats b/src/county.gonstats
index 3ba8d86..eaae380 100644
--- a/src/county.gonstats
+++ b/src/county.gonstats
@@ -1 +1 @@
-3082 13
+3083 13
diff --git a/src/county.line b/src/county.line
index 70f32cf..5dadba9 100644
--- a/src/county.line
+++ b/src/county.line
@@ -13444,9 +13444,8 @@ EOR
  -1.8803 0.6032 -1.8803 0.5980 -1.8800 0.5979 -1.8801 0.5905 -1.8799 0.5904
  -1.8799 0.5860 -1.8799 0.5843
-1794 1790
- -1.8803 0.6032 -1.8780 0.6034 -1.8673 0.6034 -1.8633 0.6034 -1.8579 0.6006
- -1.8574 0.6006
+3083 1790
+ -1.8711 0.6034 -1.8633 0.6034 -1.8579 0.6006 -1.8574 0.6006
 2192 2183
  -2.1138 0.7747 -2.1116 0.7748 -2.1116 0.7762 -2.1089 0.7763 -2.1088 0.7776
@@ -21877,8 +21876,8 @@ EOR
 1785 1763
  -1.8713 0.6147 -1.8543 0.6147
-1763 1794
- -1.8713 0.6147 -1.8682 0.6085 -1.8624 0.6084 -1.8620 0.6089 -1.8567 0.6089
+1763 3083
+ -1.8690 0.6101 -1.8682 0.6085 -1.8624 0.6084 -1.8620 0.6089 -1.8567 0.6089
  -1.8566 0.6084
 288 1164
@@ -31758,7 +31757,7 @@ EOR
  -1.6026 0.5193 -1.6019 0.5200 -1.6013 0.5204 -1.6006 0.5209 -1.5999 0.5215
  -1.5993 0.5224 -1.5990 0.5228 -1.5988 0.5229 -1.5983 0.5229 -1.5974 0.5227
-1794 1792
+3083 1792
  -1.8574 0.6006 -1.8572 0.6024 -1.8582 0.6024 -1.8582 0.6038 -1.8580 0.6039
  -1.8580 0.6084 -1.8566 0.6084
@@ -33154,3 +33153,12 @@ EOR
  -2.1443 0.8465 -2.1448 0.8464 -2.1448 0.8458 -2.1445 0.8455 -2.1439 0.8453
  -2.1440 0.8450 -2.1437 0.8448
+1763 1794
+ -1.8713 0.6147 -1.8690 0.6101
+3083 1794
+ -1.8690 0.6101 -1.8710 0.6101 -1.8711 0.6034
+1794 1790
+ -1.8803 0.6032 -1.8780 0.6034 -1.8711 0.6034
diff --git a/src/county.linestats b/src/county.linestats
index 6186c38..8c6094e 100644
--- a/src/county.linestats
+++ b/src/county.linestats
@@ -1 +1 @@
-8941 225
+8944 225
diff --git a/src/county.name b/src/county.name
index d06a893..477777e 100644
--- a/src/county.name
+++ b/src/county.name
@@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@ new mexico,socorro	 1790
 new mexico,taos	 1791
 new mexico,torrance	 1792
 new mexico,union	 1793
-new mexico,valencia	 1794
+new mexico,cibola	 1794
 new york,albany	 1795
 new york,allegany	 1796
 new york,bronx	 1797
@@ -3080,3 +3080,4 @@ wyoming,teton	 3079
 wyoming,uinta	 3080
 wyoming,washakie	 3081
 wyoming,weston	 3082
+new mexico,valencia	 3083
diff --git a/src/mapget.c b/src/mapget.c
index 063d7d4..8b5ea9b 100644
--- a/src/mapget.c
+++ b/src/mapget.c
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ void maptype(database, type)
 char **database;
 int *type;
-  char Lname[100];
+  char Lname[512];
   int Coordtype;
   FILE *lf;
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ int *which, *nwhich, *sl, *retlines, *fill;
 double *range;
 	Region region, total;
-	char Gname[100];
+	char Gname[512];
 	int i, maxsize = 0, k;
 	int type;
 	double factor, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ int *which, *nwhich, *getcoords, *fill;
 double *x, *y, *range;
   Polyline line, total;
-	char Lname[100];
+	char Lname[512];
 	int i, Coordtype, k, maxsize = 0, start, end, incr;
 	int type;
 	double factor, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, ox, dx, wind;
@@ -549,7 +549,7 @@ void
 map_where(char **database, double *x, double *y, int *n, int *poly)
   Region npoly;
-  char Gname[100];
+  char Gname[512];
   int i, j;
   int nv;
   struct region_h *rh;
diff --git a/src/maps.def b/src/maps.def
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..88c6896
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/maps.def
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ _i686.get_pc_thunk.bx
+ _i686.get_pc_thunk.cx
+ _i686.get_pc_thunk.bx
+ _i686.get_pc_thunk.bx
+ _i686.get_pc_thunk.cx
diff --git a/src/state.carto.gon b/src/state.carto.gon
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd48a21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/state.carto.gon
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+ 1
+ 2
+ 3
+ 4
+ 5
+ 6
+ 7
+ 8
+ 9
+ 10
+ 11
+ 12
+ 13
+ 14
+ 15
+ 16
+ 17
+ 18
+ 19
+ 20
+ 21
+ 22
+ 23
+ 24
+ 25
+ 26
+ 27
+ 28
+ 29
+ 30
+ 31
+ 32
+ 33
+ 34
+ 35
+ 36
+ 37
+ 38
+ 39
+ 40
+ 41
+ 42
+ 43
+ 44
+ 45
+ 46
+ 47
+ 48
+ 49
+ 50
diff --git a/src/state.carto.gonstats b/src/state.carto.gonstats
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4443696
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/state.carto.gonstats
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+50 1
diff --git a/src/state.carto.line b/src/state.carto.line
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9f7b1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/state.carto.line
@@ -0,0 +1,524 @@
+1 0
+5.832 5.8024
+5.7456 6.4288
+5.3064 6.4648
+5.2776 5.8744
+5.3712 5.8168
+5.832 5.8024
+0 2
+0.9864 9.3448
+1.1808 9.3304
+1.1592 9.028
+1.116 9.2008
+1.0296 9.0928
+0.9864 9.3448
+0 3
+2.4192 6.7528
+2.556 7.264
+2.4408 7.48
+2.4624 7.6168
+2.7648 7.5952
+2.8224 6.8824
+2.6496 6.6952
+2.4192 6.7528
+4 0
+4.788 6.58
+4.8456 6.7312
+4.716 6.7672
+4.7808 6.8752
+4.0824 7.2784
+4.2552 6.8968
+4.392 6.8392
+4.392 6.6952
+4.788 6.58
+5 0
+2.376 6.796
+2.52 7.2712
+2.1096 7.8832
+2.1096 8.0848
+0.9216 8.1208
+0.3744 7.6816
+0.8856 6.6664
+1.2672 6.4576
+1.6056 6.22
+2.376 6.796
+6 0
+2.808 7.66
+3.1752 7.5808
+3.3552 7.5952
+3.3624 8.1856
+2.8152 8.2
+2.808 7.66
+7 0
+9.1512 7.948
+9.1872 8.3152
+8.6256 8.344
+8.604 7.8616
+9.1512 7.948
+8 0
+8.0928 6.8536
+7.8408 7.2784
+7.9056 7.4872
+7.8048 7.48
+7.8552 6.8464
+8.0928 6.8536
+9 0
+5.4 5.788
+5.4072 5.6728
+5.6304 5.6296
+5.7888 5.4568
+6.0408 5.5216
+6.3432 5.2048
+6.4512 4.6072
+6.9552 3.7864
+7.1064 3.7432
+7.272 3.9448
+7.2864 4.3696
+7.1136 4.8808
+6.84 5.608
+6.6096 5.608
+5.904 5.68
+5.8608 5.7664
+5.4 5.788
+10 0
+6.84 5.7592
+6.2784 6.4
+5.7672 6.4432
+5.8968 5.7448
+6.6456 5.6296
+6.6816 5.716
+6.8256 5.6584
+6.84 5.7592
+0 11
+0.6624 5.9752
+0.8784 6.1192
+0.9864 6.0832
+1.008 5.9896
+0.828 5.896
+0.6624 5.9752
+12 0
+2.3976 8.5888
+2.412 8.1496
+2.772 8.1568
+2.772 8.2216
+2.3976 8.5888
+0 13
+5.2848 7.3432
+5.1264 6.9976
+4.9248 6.9328
+4.6224 7.2856
+4.6512 7.4584
+4.536 7.5088
+4.3272 7.7968
+4.3416 7.9768
+4.6224 8.3368
+5.1696 8.3944
+5.2272 8.2216
+5.2848 7.3432
+0 14
+5.7168 8.2216
+5.7096 7.2928
+5.5584 7.1272
+5.436 7.1344
+5.1912 7.0696
+5.3064 7.3288
+5.2776 8.2072
+5.7168 8.2216
+15 0
+4.32 7.9912
+4.3776 8.1712
+4.5648 8.308
+4.4424 8.3872
+3.6792 8.3296
+3.7512 8.056
+4.32 7.9912
+16 0
+3.4416 7.5736
+3.9456 7.5376
+3.9528 7.7608
+3.8664 7.912
+3.4056 7.9192
+3.4416 7.5736
+0 17
+6.228 7.0192
+6.1632 7.156
+5.9904 7.1056
+5.724 7.2352
+5.5584 7.0768
+5.1408 6.9976
+4.9608 6.9256
+4.9536 6.8536
+5.1552 6.8896
+5.9976 6.8392
+6.228 7.0192
+0 18
+5.1336 5.86
+5.1336 5.7232
+4.4568 5.8744
+4.536 6.1984
+4.392 6.6376
+4.7736 6.508
+4.824 6.3712
+4.7088 6.1336
+5.1336 5.86
+19 0
+9.144 9.1216
+9.4464 9.2872
+9.3672 9.3448
+9.36 9.5392
+9.216 9.5968
+9.0936 9.424
+9.144 9.1216
+0 20
+8.1144 6.796
+8.0496 6.5944
+7.8048 6.5368
+7.7112 6.94
+7.6968 6.7672
+7.4016 7.048
+7.2648 7.3288
+7.0776 7.48
+7.776 7.4584
+7.8264 6.8176
+8.1144 6.796
+0 21
+8.7552 8.9776
+9.2016 9.0136
+9.4032 8.8552
+9.3816 8.6032
+9.6336 8.1856
+9.7776 8.1856
+9.7776 8.0488
+9.4968 8.092
+9.3816 8.3296
+8.6256 8.3944
+8.7552 8.9776
+22 0
+5.436 8.272
+6.1992 8.3008
+6.3936 8.5744
+6.4512 8.848
+6.2928 9.0352
+6.0048 9.1936
+6.3216 9.2008
+6.156 9.3016
+5.7744 9.2584
+5.472 9.3448
+4.8312 9.0424
+5.2056 8.8912
+5.256 8.8048
+5.4288 9.0712
+5.8032 9.1936
+5.976 9.136
+5.7456 8.9488
+5.6448 8.9992
+5.4792 8.7184
+5.5224 8.5024
+5.436 8.272
+23 0
+3.6576 8.3872
+4.4136 8.416
+4.2912 8.5456
+4.32 8.7688
+4.5216 8.9776
+3.888 8.9056
+3.888 8.8192
+3.564 8.6248
+3.6576 8.3872
+24 0
+5.2416 5.9176
+5.2632 6.4864
+4.824 6.5656
+4.86 6.3568
+4.7448 6.1552
+5.076 6.112
+5.1336 5.932
+5.2416 5.9176
+25 0
+4.8672 6.7816
+4.9176 6.8896
+4.572 7.2928
+4.608 7.4656
+4.4712 7.48
+4.284 7.8256
+4.2696 7.9768
+3.78 8.0128
+3.9816 7.7752
+3.9816 7.3648
+4.824 6.904
+4.8024 6.8032
+4.8672 6.7816
+0 26
+2.4984 8.5672
+3.0672 8.5384
+3.0744 8.4088
+2.7144 8.38
+2.6712 8.3368
+2.4984 8.5672
+27 0
+3.3984 7.9624
+3.7728 7.9624
+3.6792 8.2504
+3.1176 8.3008
+3.1104 8.2144
+3.3912 8.1928
+3.3984 7.9624
+28 0
+2.4048 7.5664
+2.4264 8.0992
+2.1384 8.092
+2.1528 7.8976
+2.4048 7.5664
+29 0
+8.9856 9.4168
+8.8776 9.208
+8.8416 9.0208
+9.1512 9.0424
+9.0864 9.1432
+9.0576 9.4024
+8.9856 9.4168
+0 30
+8.1 8.0776
+8.4744 7.8616
+8.4024 7.732
+8.4312 7.6096
+8.6832 7.5592
+8.6616 7.1128
+8.1864 6.6232
+8.208 6.8608
+7.8552 7.2856
+7.9416 7.5016
+8.0928 7.6096
+7.9488 7.8112
+7.9704 7.9696
+8.1 8.0776
+31 0
+2.844 7.0768
+3.1464 7.084
+3.1608 7.5448
+2.8152 7.6096
+2.844 7.0768
+0 32
+8.7264 9.3808
+8.7264 8.92
+8.568 8.4088
+8.5536 7.8904
+8.1072 8.1208
+7.92 8.3872
+6.8328 8.416
+7.0488 8.6392
+6.9984 8.8912
+7.632 8.9128
+7.8192 9.064
+7.74 9.172
+8.1576 9.4168
+8.7264 9.3808
+0 33
+7.6824 6.6952
+7.7688 6.364
+7.308 6.1264
+7.0632 6.3496
+6.8256 6.3568
+6.768 6.472
+6.372 6.4576
+6.0984 6.4936
+6.4872 6.7456
+7.6824 6.6952
+0 34
+3.06 8.5384
+3.5352 8.6176
+3.5784 8.4664
+3.0816 8.4376
+3.06 8.5384
+0 35
+6.7032 8.3152
+6.7176 7.7752
+6.5016 7.3648
+6.2424 7.1056
+6.156 7.1776
+5.9616 7.1416
+5.7456 7.2712
+5.7672 8.2144
+6.2136 8.2432
+6.7032 8.3152
+36 0
+4.2192 6.9184
+4.14 7.1632
+3.9312 7.3432
+3.9384 7.4872
+3.204 7.5448
+3.204 7.4872
+3.6504 7.48
+3.6432 7.0624
+3.888 6.9472
+4.2192 6.9184
+37 0
+0.9144 8.1856
+0.936 8.4088
+1.152 8.2648
+2.376 8.3512
+2.3616 8.1496
+0.9144 8.1856
+0 38
+6.7824 8.3656
+7.884 8.3368
+8.064 8.1352
+7.9416 7.984
+7.8984 7.804
+8.0424 7.624
+7.7976 7.5232
+6.7464 7.5376
+6.7824 8.3656
+0 39
+9.2088 7.9552
+9.2232 8.308
+9.3528 8.308
+9.4536 8.0848
+9.432 7.9912
+9.2088 7.9552
+40 0
+6.8832 5.7664
+7.2576 6.0904
+7.0488 6.2992
+6.8256 6.3064
+6.7536 6.4072
+6.372 6.4
+6.732 5.9968
+6.8832 5.7664
+41 0
+3.0888 8.4016
+3.1104 8.3296
+3.6432 8.308
+3.564 8.4304
+3.0888 8.4016
+0 42
+4.9248 6.796
+5.1768 6.832
+6.4512 6.7528
+6.0552 6.4936
+4.8528 6.6016
+4.9248 6.796
+43 0
+2.88 7.0408
+3.1248 6.3352
+3.3264 6.1192
+3.3912 6.2128
+3.8304 5.5
+4.104 5.4064
+4.1256 5.6512
+4.428 5.9104
+4.4856 6.2128
+4.3704 6.4072
+4.356 6.832
+3.6504 6.9544
+3.6216 7.4656
+3.1824 7.4656
+3.1824 7.084
+2.88 7.0408
+44 0
+2.7792 7.66
+2.7792 8.1928
+2.4768 8.1064
+2.4624 7.6744
+2.7792 7.66
+45 0
+8.7624 9.388
+8.748 8.9992
+8.8056 9.0064
+8.8488 9.2296
+8.964 9.3808
+8.7624 9.388
+46 0
+7.6608 6.7312
+7.3656 7.0192
+7.1424 7.3792
+6.9768 7.4296
+6.5592 6.9904
+6.0408 6.8464
+6.9696 6.7384
+7.6608 6.7312
+47 0
+2.376 8.3872
+2.3688 8.6032
+1.2528 8.74
+1.2528 8.596
+0.8208 8.7256
+0.9288 8.452
+1.188 8.308
+2.376 8.3872
+0 48
+6.264 7.0696
+6.4872 7.3072
+6.7248 7.66
+6.7248 7.4944
+6.8184 7.4656
+6.7968 7.2712
+6.6888 7.2928
+6.5376 7.0264
+6.336 6.976
+6.264 7.0696
+49 0
+4.4784 8.3944
+5.1912 8.4448
+5.22 8.7904
+4.7952 8.992
+4.4352 8.8768
+4.3344 8.7112
+4.3272 8.5744
+4.4784 8.3944
+0 50
+2.8296 8.236
+2.8008 8.3368
+3.0816 8.344
+3.0744 8.2648
+2.8296 8.236
diff --git a/src/state.carto.linestats b/src/state.carto.linestats
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9dd567
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/state.carto.linestats
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+50 45
diff --git a/src/state.carto.name b/src/state.carto.name
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9871bfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/state.carto.name
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+Alabama	1
+Alaska	2
+Arizona	3
+Arkansas	4
+California	5
+Colorado	6
+Connecticut	7
+Delaware	8
+Florida	9
+Georgia	10
+Hawaii	11
+Idaho	12
+Illinois	13
+Indiana	14
+Iowa	15
+Kansas	16
+Kentucky	17
+Louisiana	18
+Maine	19
+Maryland	20
+Massachusetts	21
+Michigan	22
+Minnesota	23
+Mississippi	24
+Missouri	25
+Montana	26
+Nebraska	27
+Nevada	28
+New Hampshire	29
+New Jersey	30
+New Mexico	31
+New York	32
+North Carolina	33
+North Dakota	34
+Ohio	35
+Oklahoma	36
+Oregon	37
+Pennsylvania	38
+Rhode Island	39
+South Carolina	40
+South Dakota	41
+Tennessee	42
+Texas	43
+Utah	44
+Vermont	45
+Virginia	46
+Washington	47
+West Virginia	48
+Wisconsin	49
+Wyoming	50
diff --git a/src/state.vbm.gon b/src/state.vbm.gon
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd48a21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/state.vbm.gon
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+ 1
+ 2
+ 3
+ 4
+ 5
+ 6
+ 7
+ 8
+ 9
+ 10
+ 11
+ 12
+ 13
+ 14
+ 15
+ 16
+ 17
+ 18
+ 19
+ 20
+ 21
+ 22
+ 23
+ 24
+ 25
+ 26
+ 27
+ 28
+ 29
+ 30
+ 31
+ 32
+ 33
+ 34
+ 35
+ 36
+ 37
+ 38
+ 39
+ 40
+ 41
+ 42
+ 43
+ 44
+ 45
+ 46
+ 47
+ 48
+ 49
+ 50
diff --git a/src/state.vbm.gonstats b/src/state.vbm.gonstats
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4443696
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/state.vbm.gonstats
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+50 1
diff --git a/src/state.vbm.line b/src/state.vbm.line
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfc8fd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/state.vbm.line
@@ -0,0 +1,494 @@
+1 0
+89.0 34.0
+96.0 34.0
+98 20
+91 20
+91.0 16.0
+89.0 17.0
+89.0 34.0
+2 0
+9.0 26.0
+16.0 23.0
+16.0 13.0
+13.0 15.0
+2.0 8.0
+7.0 13.0
+4.0 15.0
+7.0 18.0
+4.0 18.0
+4 20
+7.0 19.0
+5.0 22.0
+9.0 26.0
+3 0
+27.0 43.0
+38.0 43.0
+38.0 23.0
+32.0 23.0
+25.0 27.0
+25.0 39.0
+27.0 39.0
+27.0 43.0
+4 0
+70 40
+79 40
+79.0 38.0
+82.0 38.0
+80.0 28.0
+73.0 28.0
+73 30
+70.0 31.0
+70 40
+5 0
+1.0 61.0
+13.0 61.0
+13.0 51.0
+24.0 39.0
+24.0 27.0
+20.0 27.0
+20.0 29.0
+12.0 33.0
+1.0 55.0
+1.0 61.0
+6 0
+39.0 58.0
+53.0 58.0
+53.0 44.0
+39.0 44.0
+39.0 58.0
+7 0
+136.0 69.0
+142.0 69.0
+142.0 64.0
+137.0 63.0
+136.0 64.0
+136.0 69.0
+8 0
+128.0 57.0
+132.0 51.0
+132.0 49.0
+127.0 49.0
+127.0 55.0
+128.0 57.0
+9 0
+92.0 19.0
+97.0 19.0
+99.0 18.0
+108.0 18.0
+112.0 6.0
+109.0 1.0
+103.0 5.0
+102.0 13.0
+100.0 16.0
+92.0 16.0
+92.0 19.0
+10 0
+97.0 34.0
+101.0 34.0
+102.0 33.0
+109.0 23.0
+108.0 19.0
+99.0 19.0
+97.0 34.0
+11 0
+38.0 12.0
+41 10
+40.0 5.0
+35.0 2.0
+32.0 7.0
+38.0 12.0
+12 0
+19.0 91.0
+21.0 91.0
+21.0 87.0
+29.0 72.0
+33.0 72.0
+33.0 62.0
+19.0 62.0
+19.0 91.0
+13 0
+79.0 66.0
+84.0 66.0
+84.0 63.0
+86.0 63.0
+86.0 46.0
+84.0 44.0
+78.0 55.0
+80.0 64.0
+79.0 66.0
+14 0
+87.0 63.0
+95.0 63.0
+95.0 51.0
+88.0 47.0
+87.0 47.0
+87.0 63.0
+15 0
+65 70
+76 70
+79.0 64.0
+78 60
+77.0 58.0
+69.0 58.0
+65.0 67.0
+65 70
+16 0
+54.0 55.0
+68.0 55.0
+69.0 52.0
+69.0 44.0
+54.0 44.0
+54.0 55.0
+17 0
+95 50
+96 50
+101.0 48.0
+103.0 48.0
+105.0 45.0
+101.0 41.0
+84.0 41.0
+84.0 43.0
+95 50
+18 0
+73.0 27.0
+80.0 27.0
+79.0 21.0
+83.0 21.0
+85.0 12.0
+73.0 15.0
+73.0 27.0
+19 0
+147.0 97.0
+152.0 93.0
+153.0 83.0
+146.0 76.0
+143 90
+147.0 97.0
+20 0
+113.0 55.0
+126.0 55.0
+126.0 48.0
+132.0 48.0
+127.0 44.0
+119.0 51.0
+113.0 51.0
+113.0 55.0
+21 0
+136.0 74.0
+146.0 74.0
+149.0 72.0
+150.0 73.0
+152.0 73.0
+152.0 66.0
+148.0 65.0
+148 70
+136 70
+136.0 74.0
+22 0
+84 90
+93.0 89.0
+98.0 84.0
+94.0 84.0
+99.0 79.0
+98.0 75.0
+101.0 79.0
+101.0 71.0
+98.0 64.0
+90.0 64.0
+90.0 79.0
+94.0 84.0
+90.0 84.0
+88.0 81.0
+80.0 86.0
+84 90
+23 0
+64.0 91.0
+81.0 91.0
+74.0 84.0
+74.0 76.0
+76.0 71.0
+65.0 71.0
+65.0 79.0
+64.0 91.0
+24 0
+83.0 34.0
+88.0 34.0
+88.0 17.0
+85.0 17.0
+84.0 22.0
+80.0 22.0
+82.0 33.0
+83.0 34.0
+25 0
+69.0 57.0
+77.0 57.0
+77.0 55.0
+83.0 44.0
+82.0 39.0
+80.0 39.0
+80.0 41.0
+70.0 41.0
+70.0 52.0
+69.0 57.0
+26 0
+22.0 91.0
+47.0 91.0
+47.0 76.0
+33.0 76.0
+33.0 73.0
+30.0 73.0
+22.0 88.0
+22.0 91.0
+27 0
+48.0 66.0
+60.0 66.0
+64.0 65.0
+65.0 64.0
+68.0 56.0
+54.0 56.0
+54.0 59.0
+48.0 59.0
+48.0 66.0
+28 0
+14.0 61.0
+26.0 61.0
+26 40
+25 40
+14.0 52.0
+14.0 61.0
+29 0
+142.0 89.0
+145.0 75.0
+139.0 75.0
+142.0 89.0
+30 0
+132.0 66.0
+136.0 62.0
+136.0 54.0
+133.0 52.0
+130.0 58.0
+131 60
+129.0 64.0
+132.0 66.0
+31 0
+39.0 43.0
+51.0 43.0
+51.0 25.0
+42.0 25.0
+42.0 23.0
+39.0 23.0
+39.0 43.0
+32 0
+130.0 89.0
+135.0 89.0
+135.0 64.0
+130 70
+113 70
+113.0 72.0
+115.0 73.0
+115.0 77.0
+125.0 77.0
+125.0 84.0
+130.0 89.0
+33 0
+107 40
+127 40
+126.0 37.0
+117 30
+112.0 35.0
+101.0 35.0
+107 40
+34 0
+48.0 91.0
+63.0 91.0
+64.0 79.0
+48.0 79.0
+48.0 91.0
+35 0
+109.0 68.0
+109.0 59.0
+108.0 57.0
+103.0 49.0
+102.0 49.0
+96.0 51.0
+96.0 63.0
+103.0 63.0
+109.0 68.0
+36 0
+52.0 43.0
+69.0 43.0
+69.0 31.0
+57.0 35.0
+57 40
+52 40
+52.0 43.0
+37 0
+3.0 77.0
+5.0 77.0
+5.0 75.0
+15.0 77.0
+18.0 77.0
+18.0 62.0
+1.0 62.0
+1.0 67.0
+3.0 77.0
+38 0
+112.0 71.0
+112.0 69.0
+129.0 69.0
+131.0 67.0
+128.0 65.0
+128.0 64.0
+130 60
+126.0 56.0
+110.0 56.0
+110.0 69.0
+112.0 71.0
+39 0
+143.0 69.0
+147.0 69.0
+147.0 65.0
+143.0 64.0
+143.0 69.0
+40 0
+103.0 34.0
+111.0 34.0
+117.0 28.0
+110.0 24.0
+103.0 34.0
+41 0
+48.0 78.0
+64.0 78.0
+64.0 66.0
+60.0 67.0
+48.0 67.0
+48.0 78.0
+42 0
+84 40
+105 40
+99.0 35.0
+83.0 35.0
+84 40
+43 0
+52.0 39.0
+56.0 39.0
+56.0 34.0
+72.0 29.0
+72.0 14.0
+67.0 9.0
+67.0 2.0
+61.0 5.0
+57.0 14.0
+52.0 14.0
+43.0 24.0
+52.0 24.0
+52.0 39.0
+44 0
+27.0 61.0
+33.0 61.0
+33.0 58.0
+38.0 58.0
+38.0 44.0
+27.0 44.0
+27.0 61.0
+45 0
+136.0 89.0
+141.0 89.0
+138.0 75.0
+136.0 75.0
+136.0 89.0
+46 0
+118 50
+127.0 43.0
+125.0 41.0
+102.0 41.0
+105.0 44.0
+112.0 44.0
+117.0 49.0
+118 50
+47 0
+7.0 91.0
+18.0 91.0
+18.0 78.0
+14.0 78.0
+6.0 76.0
+6.0 78.0
+3.0 78.0
+1.0 89.0
+7.0 89.0
+7.0 91.0
+48 0
+109.0 57.0
+109.0 55.0
+112.0 55.0
+112 50
+116 50
+111.0 45.0
+106.0 45.0
+104.0 49.0
+109.0 57.0
+49 0
+75.0 84.0
+81.0 84.0
+88 80
+85.0 76.0
+85.0 67.0
+79.0 67.0
+75.0 76.0
+75.0 84.0
+50 0
+34.0 75.0
+47.0 75.0
+47.0 59.0
+34.0 59.0
+34.0 75.0
diff --git a/src/state.vbm.linestats b/src/state.vbm.linestats
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c40afb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/state.vbm.linestats
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+50 35
diff --git a/src/state.vbm.name b/src/state.vbm.name
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9871bfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/state.vbm.name
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+Alabama	1
+Alaska	2
+Arizona	3
+Arkansas	4
+California	5
+Colorado	6
+Connecticut	7
+Delaware	8
+Florida	9
+Georgia	10
+Hawaii	11
+Idaho	12
+Illinois	13
+Indiana	14
+Iowa	15
+Kansas	16
+Kentucky	17
+Louisiana	18
+Maine	19
+Maryland	20
+Massachusetts	21
+Michigan	22
+Minnesota	23
+Mississippi	24
+Missouri	25
+Montana	26
+Nebraska	27
+Nevada	28
+New Hampshire	29
+New Jersey	30
+New Mexico	31
+New York	32
+North Carolina	33
+North Dakota	34
+Ohio	35
+Oklahoma	36
+Oregon	37
+Pennsylvania	38
+Rhode Island	39
+South Carolina	40
+South Dakota	41
+Tennessee	42
+Texas	43
+Utah	44
+Vermont	45
+Virginia	46
+Washington	47
+West Virginia	48
+Wisconsin	49
+Wyoming	50
diff --git a/src/thin.c b/src/thin.c
index 5263127..be93ffa 100644
--- a/src/thin.c
+++ b/src/thin.c
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
 #include "R.h"
 #include "map.h"
+#define INIT(a)		a.begin = -PI; a.end = PI
+#define INSTALL_UP(j)	x[upfence]=x[j]; y[upfence++]=y[j]; INIT(wedge)
+#define INSTALL_DOWN(j)	x[--downfence]=x[j]; y[downfence]=y[j]; INIT(wedge)
+#define Max(a,b)	((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
+#define Min(a,b)	((a)<(b)?(a):(b))
  * An arc structure has a beginning angle and
  * an ending angle.  It should be in a canonical
@@ -57,8 +63,8 @@ static void intersect(a, begin, end)
 	/* do the intersection ... */
   else {
-    a->begin = MAX(begin, a->begin);
-    a->end = MIN(end, a->end);
+    a->begin = Max(begin, a->begin);
+    a->end = Min(end, a->end);
   /* canonicalize the intersection if necessary */
@@ -90,10 +96,7 @@ int thin(x, y, n, delta, symmetric)
 	/* non-symmetric thin goes from one end to the other */
 	if(!symmetric) {
 		upfence = 0;
-		x[upfence]=x[0];
-		y[upfence++]=y[0];
-		wedge.begin = -PI;
-		wedge.end = PI;
 		for(cur = 0, next = 1; next < n; next++) {
 			dx = x[next] - x[cur];
 			dy = y[next] - y[cur];
@@ -102,10 +105,7 @@ int thin(x, y, n, delta, symmetric)
 			theta = atan2(dy, dx);
 			if(!inarc(wedge, theta)) {
 				cur = --next;
-				x[upfence]=x[cur];
-				y[upfence++]=y[cur];
-				wedge.begin = -PI;
-				wedge.end = PI;
+				INSTALL_UP(cur);
 			dist = hypot(dx, dy);
@@ -114,19 +114,13 @@ int thin(x, y, n, delta, symmetric)
 				intersect(&wedge, theta - alpha, theta + alpha);
-		x[upfence]=x[n-1];
-		y[upfence++]=y[n-1];
-		wedge.begin = -PI;
-		wedge.end = PI;
+		INSTALL_UP(n-1);
 	/* symmetric version: first thin from the beginning to the middle */
 	upfence = 0; mid = (n + 1) / 2;
-	x[upfence]=x[0];
-	y[upfence++]=y[0];
-	wedge.begin = -PI;
-	wedge.end = PI;
 	for(cur = 0, next = 1; next < mid; next++) {
 		dx = x[next] - x[cur];
 		dy = y[next] - y[cur];
@@ -135,10 +129,7 @@ int thin(x, y, n, delta, symmetric)
 		theta = atan2(dy, dx);
 		if(!inarc(wedge, theta)) {
 			cur = --next;
-			x[upfence]=x[cur];
-			y[upfence++]=y[cur];
-			wedge.begin = -PI;
-			wedge.end = PI;
+			INSTALL_UP(cur);
 		dist = hypot(dx, dy);
@@ -147,18 +138,12 @@ int thin(x, y, n, delta, symmetric)
 			intersect(&wedge, theta - alpha, theta + alpha);
-	x[upfence]=x[mid-1];
-	y[upfence++]=y[mid-1];
-	wedge.begin = -PI;
-	wedge.end = PI;
+	INSTALL_UP(mid-1);
 	uptotal = upfence;
 	/* now work from the end to the middle */
 	downfence = n; mid = n - mid;
-	x[--downfence]=x[n-1];
-	y[downfence]=y[n-1];
-	wedge.begin = -PI;
-	wedge.end = PI;
 	for(cur = n-1, next = n-2; next >= mid; next--) {
 		dx = x[next] - x[cur];
 		dy = y[next] - y[cur];
@@ -167,10 +152,7 @@ int thin(x, y, n, delta, symmetric)
 		theta = atan2(dy, dx);
 		if(!inarc(wedge, theta)) {
 			cur = ++next;
-			x[--downfence]=x[cur];
-			y[downfence]=y[cur];
-			wedge.begin = -PI;
-			wedge.end = PI;
+			INSTALL_DOWN(cur);
 		dist = hypot(dx, dy);
@@ -179,10 +161,7 @@ int thin(x, y, n, delta, symmetric)
 			intersect(&wedge, theta - alpha, theta + alpha);
-	x[--downfence]=x[mid];
-	y[downfence]=y[mid];
-	wedge.begin = -PI;
-	wedge.end = PI;
 	downtotal = n - downfence;
 	/* for n odd, middle point is recorded twice, so fix that */
diff --git a/src/thin.c.orig b/src/thin.c.orig
deleted file mode 100644
index be93ffa..0000000
--- a/src/thin.c.orig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
-#include "R.h"
-#include "map.h"
-#define INIT(a)		a.begin = -PI; a.end = PI
-#define INSTALL_UP(j)	x[upfence]=x[j]; y[upfence++]=y[j]; INIT(wedge)
-#define INSTALL_DOWN(j)	x[--downfence]=x[j]; y[downfence]=y[j]; INIT(wedge)
-#define Max(a,b)	((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
-#define Min(a,b)	((a)<(b)?(a):(b))
- * An arc structure has a beginning angle and
- * an ending angle.  It should be in a canonical
- * form such that the beginning angle is
- * in [-PI,PI).  This implies that the end
- * angle is always greater than -PI, a fact
- * which is assumed in the routines below which
- * manipulate arcs.
- */
-struct arc {
-	double begin;
-	double end;
- * Test whether theta lies in the arc a.
- * Theta is expected to be in [-PI,PI).
- */
-static int inarc(a, theta)
-     struct arc a;
-     double theta;
-  if(a.begin <= theta && theta <= a.end)
-    return(1);
-  theta += PI2;
-  if(a.begin <= theta && theta <= a.end)
-    return(1);
-  return(0);
- * Intersect the arc a with the arc defined by begin
- * and end.  The arc is assumed to be in canonical form
- * but the arc defined by (begin,end) can be located
- * anywhere.
- */
-static void intersect(a, begin, end)
-     struct arc *a;
-     double begin, end;
-  /* move (begin,end) until it has a chance to intersect a */
-  while(end < a->begin) {
-    begin += PI2;
-    end += PI2;
-  }
-  while(begin > a->end) {
-    begin -= PI2;
-    end -= PI2;
-  }	
-  /* if no intersection ... */
-  if(end < a->begin || begin > a->end)
-    a->begin = a->end = 0;
-	/* do the intersection ... */
-  else {
-    a->begin = Max(begin, a->begin);
-    a->end = Min(end, a->end);
-  }
-  /* canonicalize the intersection if necessary */
-  while(a->begin >= PI) {
-    a->begin -= PI;
-    a->end -= PI;
-  }
- * Given an ordered list of n points in the plane, and
- * a tolerance delta, find a subset of the points with
- * the same ordering such that the linear spline passing
- * through the new points passes within delta of each of
- * the original points.
- */
-int thin(x, y, n, delta, symmetric)
-     double x[], y[], delta;
-     int n, symmetric;
-	int cur, next, mid, uptotal, downtotal, upfence, downfence, m;
-	double dist, theta, alpha, dx, dy;
-	struct arc wedge;
-	if((symmetric && n <= 4) || (!symmetric && n <= 2) || delta <= 0)
-		return(n);
-	/* non-symmetric thin goes from one end to the other */
-	if(!symmetric) {
-		upfence = 0;
-		for(cur = 0, next = 1; next < n; next++) {
-			dx = x[next] - x[cur];
-			dy = y[next] - y[cur];
-			if(dx == 0 && dy == 0)
-				continue;
-			theta = atan2(dy, dx);
-			if(!inarc(wedge, theta)) {
-				cur = --next;
-				INSTALL_UP(cur);
-				continue;
-			}
-			dist = hypot(dx, dy);
-			if(dist > delta) {
-				alpha = asin(delta / dist);
-				intersect(&wedge, theta - alpha, theta + alpha);
-			}
-		}
-		INSTALL_UP(n-1);
-		return(upfence);
-	}
-	/* symmetric version: first thin from the beginning to the middle */
-	upfence = 0; mid = (n + 1) / 2;
-	for(cur = 0, next = 1; next < mid; next++) {
-		dx = x[next] - x[cur];
-		dy = y[next] - y[cur];
-		if(dx == 0 && dy == 0)
-			continue;
-		theta = atan2(dy, dx);
-		if(!inarc(wedge, theta)) {
-			cur = --next;
-			INSTALL_UP(cur);
-			continue;
-		}
-		dist = hypot(dx, dy);
-		if(dist > delta) {
-			alpha = asin(delta / dist);
-			intersect(&wedge, theta - alpha, theta + alpha);
-		}
-	}
-	INSTALL_UP(mid-1);
-	uptotal = upfence;
-	/* now work from the end to the middle */
-	downfence = n; mid = n - mid;
-	for(cur = n-1, next = n-2; next >= mid; next--) {
-		dx = x[next] - x[cur];
-		dy = y[next] - y[cur];
-		if(dx == 0 && dy == 0)
-			continue;
-		theta = atan2(dy, dx);
-		if(!inarc(wedge, theta)) {
-			cur = ++next;
-			INSTALL_DOWN(cur);
-			continue;
-		}
-		dist = hypot(dx, dy);
-		if(dist > delta) {
-			alpha = asin(delta / dist);
-			intersect(&wedge, theta - alpha, theta + alpha);
-		}
-	}
-	downtotal = n - downfence;
-	/* for n odd, middle point is recorded twice, so fix that */
-	if(n % 2) {
-		downfence++;
-		downtotal--;
-	}
-	/* now copy back upper half so that arrays are contiguous */
-	for(m = 0; m < downtotal; m++) {
-		x[upfence] = x[downfence];
-		y[upfence++] = y[downfence++];
-	}
-	return(uptotal + downtotal);
-void mapthin(x, y, n, delta, symmetric)
-     double *x, *y, *delta;
-     int *n, *symmetric;
-	int start, end, m, from, to, wasna, isna, i;
-	end = 0;
-	while(end < *n) {
-		start = end;
-		while(end < *n && !ISNA(x[end]))
-			end++;
-		m = thin(x+start, y+start, end-start, *delta, (int)*symmetric);
-		for(i = start+m; i < end; i++) {
-			x[i] = NA_REAL;
-			y[i] = NA_REAL;
-		}
-		while(end < *n && ISNA(x[end]))
-			end++;
-	}
-	wasna = 0;
-	for(from = to = 0; from < *n; from++) {
-		isna = ISNA(x[from]);
-		if(!isna) {
-			x[to] = x[from];
-			y[to] = y[from];
-			to++;
-		} else if(!wasna) {
-			x[to] = NA_REAL;
-			y[to] = NA_REAL;
-			to++;
-		}
-		wasna = isna;
-	}
-	*n = wasna ? to-1 : to;

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/r-cran-maps.git

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