[texmaker] 96/103: Fix spelling errors

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Sun Sep 10 17:38:33 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tille pushed a commit to branch master
in repository texmaker.

commit 650a087bb4f0283d6e66ba54b1bb646b4695f4f6
Author: Julián Moreno Patiño <julian at debian.org>
Date:   Tue Sep 27 19:17:03 2016 +0000

    Fix spelling errors
 debian/patches/30-fix-spelling-errors.patch | 451 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 debian/patches/series                       |   2 +-
 2 files changed, 452 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/debian/patches/30-fix-spelling-errors.patch b/debian/patches/30-fix-spelling-errors.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0250deb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/30-fix-spelling-errors.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
+Description: Fix spelling errors.
+Forwarded: yes
+Last-Update: 2016-09-27
+Author: Julián Moreno Patiño <julian at debian.org>
+--- a/icondelegate.cpp
++++ b/icondelegate.cpp
+@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@
+         display.setRect(x, y, w, h);
+         break; }
+     default:
+-        qWarning("doLayout: decoration positon is invalid");
++        qWarning("doLayout: decoration position is invalid");
+         decoration = *pixmapRect;
+         break;
+     }
+--- a/hunspell/affixmgr.cxx
++++ b/hunspell/affixmgr.cxx
+@@ -1259,7 +1259,7 @@ int AffixMgr::cpdrep_check(const char * word, int wl)
+       r = word;
+       lenr = strlen(reptable[i].pattern2);
+       lenp = strlen(reptable[i].pattern);
+-      // search every occurence of the pattern in the word
++      // search every occurrence of the pattern in the word
+       while ((r=strstr(r, reptable[i].pattern)) != NULL) {
+           strcpy(candidate, word);
+           if (r-word + lenr + strlen(r+lenp) >= MAXLNLEN) break;
+--- a/hunspell/suggestmgr.cxx
++++ b/hunspell/suggestmgr.cxx
+@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ int SuggestMgr::replchars(char** wlst, const char * word, int ns, int cpdsuggest
+       r = word;
+       lenr = strlen(reptable[i].pattern2);
+       lenp = strlen(reptable[i].pattern);
+-      // search every occurence of the pattern in the word
++      // search every occurrence of the pattern in the word
+       while ((r=strstr(r, reptable[i].pattern)) != NULL) {
+           strcpy(candidate, word);
+           if (r-word + lenr + strlen(r+lenp) >= MAXSWUTF8L) break;
+--- a/replacewidget.cpp
++++ b/replacewidget.cpp
+@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ if (ui.checkSelection->isChecked())
+      if (result>-1)
+       {
+       startpos=result;
+-      switch(  QMessageBox::warning(this, "Texmaker",tr("Replace this occurence ? "),tr("Yes"), tr("No"), tr("Cancel"), 0,2 ) )
++      switch(  QMessageBox::warning(this, "Texmaker",tr("Replace this occurrence ? "),tr("Yes"), tr("No"), tr("Cancel"), 0,2 ) )
+ 	{
+ 	case 0:
+ 	replaceSelection();  
+@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ else
+   while (go && editor->search( ui.comboFind->currentText(), ui.checkCase->isChecked(),
+ 	  ui.checkWords->isChecked(), ui.radioForward->isChecked(), !ui.checkBegin->isChecked(),ui.checkRegExp->isChecked()) )
+ 	{
+-	switch(  QMessageBox::warning(this, "Texmaker",tr("Replace this occurence ? "),tr("Yes"), tr("No"), tr("Cancel"), 0,2 ) )
++	switch(  QMessageBox::warning(this, "Texmaker",tr("Replace this occurrence ? "),tr("Yes"), tr("No"), tr("Cancel"), 0,2 ) )
+ 	  {
+ 	  case 0:
+ 	  editor->replace(ui.comboReplace->currentText(),ui.checkRegExp->isChecked(),ui.comboFind->currentText() );
+--- a/trans/texmaker_ar.ts
++++ b/trans/texmaker_ar.ts
+@@ -1707,7 +1707,7 @@ with the default encoding setting</source>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="73"/>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="96"/>
+-        <source>Replace this occurence ? </source>
++        <source>Replace this occurrence ? </source>
+         <translation>عوّض هذا التواجد؟</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+--- a/trans/texmaker_ca.ts
++++ b/trans/texmaker_ca.ts
+@@ -1701,7 +1701,7 @@ amb la codificació de caràcters predeterminada</translation>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="73"/>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="96"/>
+-        <source>Replace this occurence ? </source>
++        <source>Replace this occurrence ? </source>
+         <translation>Reemplaça en aquesta ocurrència?</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+--- a/trans/texmaker_cs.ts
++++ b/trans/texmaker_cs.ts
+@@ -1829,7 +1829,7 @@ zakódování správně rozšifrovat</translation>
+ <context>
+     <name>ReplaceDialog</name>
+     <message>
+-        <source>Replace this occurence ? </source>
++        <source>Replace this occurrence ? </source>
+         <translation type="obsolete">Nahradit tento výskyt?</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+@@ -1985,7 +1985,7 @@ zakódování správně rozšifrovat</translation>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="73"/>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="96"/>
+-        <source>Replace this occurence ? </source>
++        <source>Replace this occurrence ? </source>
+         <translation>Nahradit tento výskyt?</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+--- a/trans/texmaker_da.ts
++++ b/trans/texmaker_da.ts
+@@ -1700,7 +1700,7 @@ with the default encoding setting</source>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="73"/>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="96"/>
+-        <source>Replace this occurence ? </source>
++        <source>Replace this occurrence ? </source>
+         <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+--- a/trans/texmaker_de.ts
++++ b/trans/texmaker_de.ts
+@@ -1934,7 +1934,7 @@ with the default encoding setting</source>
+         <translation type="obsolete">Rückwärts</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+-        <source>Replace this occurence ? </source>
++        <source>Replace this occurrence ? </source>
+         <translation type="obsolete">Dieses Auftreten ersetzen?</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+@@ -2038,7 +2038,7 @@ with the default encoding setting</source>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="73"/>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="96"/>
+-        <source>Replace this occurence ? </source>
++        <source>Replace this occurrence ? </source>
+         <translation>Diesen Eintrag ersetzen ?</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+--- a/trans/texmaker_el.ts
++++ b/trans/texmaker_el.ts
+@@ -1796,7 +1796,7 @@ with the default encoding setting</source>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="73"/>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="96"/>
+-        <source>Replace this occurence ? </source>
++        <source>Replace this occurrence ? </source>
+         <translation>Αντικατάσταση αυτής της εύρεσης; </translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+--- a/trans/texmaker_es.ts
++++ b/trans/texmaker_es.ts
+@@ -1819,7 +1819,7 @@ correctamente con la codificación por defecto</translation>
+ <context>
+     <name>ReplaceDialog</name>
+     <message>
+-        <source>Replace this occurence ? </source>
++        <source>Replace this occurrence ? </source>
+         <translation type="obsolete">¿Reemplazar esta ocurrencia?</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+@@ -1971,7 +1971,7 @@ correctamente con la codificación por defecto</translation>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="73"/>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="96"/>
+-        <source>Replace this occurence ? </source>
++        <source>Replace this occurrence ? </source>
+         <translatorcomment>ocurrencia no es válida en este contexto</translatorcomment>
+         <translation>¿Reemplazar esta aparición?</translation>
+     </message>
+--- a/trans/texmaker_fa.ts
++++ b/trans/texmaker_fa.ts
+@@ -2091,7 +2091,7 @@ with the default encoding setting</source>
+         <translation type="obsolete">به عقب</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+-        <source>Replace this occurence ? </source>
++        <source>Replace this occurrence ? </source>
+         <translation type="obsolete">مورد پیدا شده جایگزین شود؟</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+@@ -2195,7 +2195,7 @@ with the default encoding setting</source>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="73"/>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="96"/>
+-        <source>Replace this occurence ? </source>
++        <source>Replace this occurrence ? </source>
+         <translation type="unfinished">مورد پیدا شده جایگزین شود؟</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+--- a/trans/texmaker_fr.ts
++++ b/trans/texmaker_fr.ts
+@@ -1963,8 +1963,8 @@ avec l'encodage défini par défaut</translation>
+         <translation type="obsolete">En arrière</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+-        <source>Replace this occurence ? </source>
+-        <translation type="obsolete">Remplacer cette occurence ?</translation>
++        <source>Replace this occurrence ? </source>
++        <translation type="obsolete">Remplacer cette occurrence ?</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <source>Yes</source>
+@@ -2071,8 +2071,8 @@ avec l'encodage défini par défaut</translation>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="73"/>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="96"/>
+-        <source>Replace this occurence ? </source>
+-        <translation>Remplacer cette occurence ?</translation>
++        <source>Replace this occurrence ? </source>
++        <translation>Remplacer cette occurrence ?</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="73"/>
+--- a/trans/texmaker_gl.ts
++++ b/trans/texmaker_gl.ts
+@@ -1781,7 +1781,7 @@ with the default encoding setting</source>
+ <context>
+     <name>ReplaceDialog</name>
+     <message>
+-        <source>Replace this occurence ? </source>
++        <source>Replace this occurrence ? </source>
+         <translation type="obsolete">¿Reemprazar esta coincidencia?</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+@@ -1929,7 +1929,7 @@ with the default encoding setting</source>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="73"/>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="96"/>
+-        <source>Replace this occurence ? </source>
++        <source>Replace this occurrence ? </source>
+         <translation>¿Reemprazar esta coincidencia?</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+--- a/trans/texmaker_hu.ts
++++ b/trans/texmaker_hu.ts
+@@ -1775,7 +1775,7 @@ az alapértelmezett kódolási beállítással</translation>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="73"/>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="96"/>
+-        <source>Replace this occurence ? </source>
++        <source>Replace this occurrence ? </source>
+         <translation>Cseréli ezt az előfordulást?</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+--- a/trans/texmaker_it.ts
++++ b/trans/texmaker_it.ts
+@@ -1946,7 +1946,7 @@ con le impostazioni di codifica di default</translation>
+         <translation type="obsolete">Indietro</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+-        <source>Replace this occurence ? </source>
++        <source>Replace this occurrence ? </source>
+         <translation type="obsolete">Sostituisci questa volta?</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+@@ -2050,7 +2050,7 @@ con le impostazioni di codifica di default</translation>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="73"/>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="96"/>
+-        <source>Replace this occurence ? </source>
++        <source>Replace this occurrence ? </source>
+         <translation>Sostituisci questa volta ? </translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+--- a/trans/texmaker_lv.ts
++++ b/trans/texmaker_lv.ts
+@@ -1712,7 +1712,7 @@ with the default encoding setting</source>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="73"/>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="96"/>
+-        <source>Replace this occurence ? </source>
++        <source>Replace this occurrence ? </source>
+         <translation>Aizstāt šo gadījumu ? </translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+--- a/trans/texmaker_nl.ts
++++ b/trans/texmaker_nl.ts
+@@ -1945,7 +1945,7 @@ worden met de standaard encodeer instellingen</translation>
+         <translation type="obsolete">Achterwaarts</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+-        <source>Replace this occurence ? </source>
++        <source>Replace this occurrence ? </source>
+         <translation type="obsolete">Dit voorval vervangen ?</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+@@ -2049,7 +2049,7 @@ worden met de standaard encodeer instellingen</translation>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="73"/>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="96"/>
+-        <source>Replace this occurence ? </source>
++        <source>Replace this occurrence ? </source>
+         <translation>Dit voorval vervangen ?</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+--- a/trans/texmaker_pl.ts
++++ b/trans/texmaker_pl.ts
+@@ -1955,7 +1955,7 @@ with the default encoding setting</source>
+         <translation type="obsolete">Wstecz</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+-        <source>Replace this occurence ? </source>
++        <source>Replace this occurrence ? </source>
+         <translation type="obsolete">Zastąpić bieżące dopasowanie?</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+@@ -2063,7 +2063,7 @@ with the default encoding setting</source>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="73"/>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="96"/>
+-        <source>Replace this occurence ? </source>
++        <source>Replace this occurrence ? </source>
+         <translation>Zastąpić bieżące dopasowanie?</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+--- a/trans/texmaker_pt.ts
++++ b/trans/texmaker_pt.ts
+@@ -1934,7 +1934,7 @@ com as configurações de descodificação padrão</translation>
+         <translation type="obsolete">Voltar</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+-        <source>Replace this occurence ? </source>
++        <source>Replace this occurrence ? </source>
+         <translation type="obsolete">Substituir ocorrência?</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+@@ -2038,7 +2038,7 @@ com as configurações de descodificação padrão</translation>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="73"/>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="96"/>
+-        <source>Replace this occurence ? </source>
++        <source>Replace this occurrence ? </source>
+         <translation>Substituir esta ocorrência?</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+--- a/trans/texmaker_pt_BR.ts
++++ b/trans/texmaker_pt_BR.ts
+@@ -1938,7 +1938,7 @@ com as configurações de decodificação padrão</translation>
+         <translation type="obsolete">Voltar</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+-        <source>Replace this occurence ? </source>
++        <source>Replace this occurrence ? </source>
+         <translation type="obsolete">Substituir ocorrência?</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+@@ -2042,7 +2042,7 @@ com as configurações de decodificação padrão</translation>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="73"/>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="96"/>
+-        <source>Replace this occurence ? </source>
++        <source>Replace this occurrence ? </source>
+         <translation>Substituir esta ocorrência?</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+--- a/trans/texmaker_ru.ts
++++ b/trans/texmaker_ru.ts
+@@ -1891,7 +1891,7 @@ with the default encoding setting</source>
+         <translation type="obsolete">Назад</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+-        <source>Replace this occurence ? </source>
++        <source>Replace this occurrence ? </source>
+         <translation type="obsolete">Заменить это вхождение? </translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+@@ -1995,7 +1995,7 @@ with the default encoding setting</source>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="73"/>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="96"/>
+-        <source>Replace this occurence ? </source>
++        <source>Replace this occurrence ? </source>
+         <translation>Заменить это вхождение? </translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+--- a/trans/texmaker_se.ts
++++ b/trans/texmaker_se.ts
+@@ -1775,7 +1775,7 @@ med standardinställningarna för kodning</translation>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="73"/>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="96"/>
+-        <source>Replace this occurence ? </source>
++        <source>Replace this occurrence ? </source>
+         <translation>Ersätt denna förekomst ? </translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+--- a/trans/texmaker_sr.ts
++++ b/trans/texmaker_sr.ts
+@@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@ with the default encoding setting</source>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="73"/>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="96"/>
+-        <source>Replace this occurence ? </source>
++        <source>Replace this occurrence ? </source>
+         <translation>Да заменим ову појаву ? </translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+--- a/trans/texmaker_uk.ts
++++ b/trans/texmaker_uk.ts
+@@ -1704,7 +1704,7 @@ with the default encoding setting</source>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="73"/>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="96"/>
+-        <source>Replace this occurence ? </source>
++        <source>Replace this occurrence ? </source>
+         <translation>Замінити це входження ?</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+--- a/trans/texmaker_vi_VN.ts
++++ b/trans/texmaker_vi_VN.ts
+@@ -1700,7 +1700,7 @@ with the default encoding setting</source>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="73"/>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="96"/>
+-        <source>Replace this occurence ? </source>
++        <source>Replace this occurrence ? </source>
+         <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+--- a/trans/texmaker_zh_CN.ts
++++ b/trans/texmaker_zh_CN.ts
+@@ -1781,7 +1781,7 @@ with the default encoding setting</source>
+ <context>
+     <name>ReplaceDialog</name>
+     <message>
+-        <source>Replace this occurence ? </source>
++        <source>Replace this occurrence ? </source>
+         <translation type="obsolete">替换这个 ? </translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+@@ -1933,7 +1933,7 @@ with the default encoding setting</source>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="73"/>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="96"/>
+-        <source>Replace this occurence ? </source>
++        <source>Replace this occurrence ? </source>
+         <translation>替换这个 ? </translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+--- a/trans/texmaker_zh_TW.ts
++++ b/trans/texmaker_zh_TW.ts
+@@ -2055,7 +2055,7 @@ with the default encoding setting</source>
+         <translation type="obsolete">向後</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+-        <source>Replace this occurence ? </source>
++        <source>Replace this occurrence ? </source>
+         <translation type="obsolete">替換這個事件?</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
+@@ -2159,7 +2159,7 @@ with the default encoding setting</source>
+     <message>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="73"/>
+         <location filename="../replacewidget.cpp" line="96"/>
+-        <source>Replace this occurence ? </source>
++        <source>Replace this occurrence ? </source>
+         <translation>替換這個事件?</translation>
+     </message>
+     <message>
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index 49df170..ad86cd2 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/texmaker.git

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