[pybind11] 01/13: Merge tag 'upstream/2.2.1' into experimental

Ghislain Vaillant ghisvail-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Sep 14 11:28:04 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

ghisvail-guest pushed a commit to branch experimental
in repository pybind11.

commit c4e5566e3cc0a949e85bd9501058ab0ef5963821
Merge: d1f939b 06b90d8
Author: Ghislain Antony Vaillant <ghisvail at gmail.com>
Date:   Thu Sep 14 09:02:08 2017 +0100

    Merge tag 'upstream/2.2.1' into experimental
    Upstream version 2.2.1
    # gpg: Signature made Thu 14 Sep 2017 09:02:02 BST
    # gpg:                using RSA key F3DB8E7525060E1BDB84C20D6A990FB3DDEB910A
    # gpg:                issuer "ghisvail at gmail.com"
    # gpg: Good signature from "Ghislain Antony Vaillant <ghisvail at gmail.com>" [ultimate]

 .appveyor.yml                                      |   50 +-
 .travis.yml                                        |  238 ++--
 CMakeLists.txt                                     |   65 +-
 ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md                                  |    6 +-
 MANIFEST.in                                        |    2 +-
 docs/Doxyfile                                      |    1 +
 docs/advanced/cast/custom.rst                      |    6 +
 docs/advanced/cast/eigen.rst                       |    8 +-
 docs/advanced/cast/functional.rst                  |    6 +-
 docs/advanced/cast/overview.rst                    |    5 +
 docs/advanced/cast/stl.rst                         |  109 +-
 docs/advanced/cast/strings.rst                     |  116 +-
 docs/advanced/classes.rst                          |  484 ++++++--
 docs/advanced/embedding.rst                        |  261 ++++
 docs/advanced/functions.rst                        |  115 +-
 docs/advanced/misc.rst                             |   80 +-
 docs/advanced/pycpp/numpy.rst                      |   79 +-
 docs/advanced/pycpp/object.rst                     |   76 +-
 docs/advanced/pycpp/utilities.rst                  |  103 +-
 docs/advanced/smart_ptrs.rst                       |    6 +-
 docs/basics.rst                                    |   58 +-
 docs/benchmark.py                                  |    4 +-
 docs/benchmark.rst                                 |    4 +-
 docs/changelog.rst                                 |  359 ++++++
 docs/classes.rst                                   |   69 +-
 docs/compiling.rst                                 |  124 +-
 docs/conf.py                                       |   10 +-
 docs/faq.rst                                       |   64 +-
 docs/index.rst                                     |    2 +
 docs/reference.rst                                 |   24 +-
 docs/release.rst                                   |    7 +-
 docs/upgrade.rst                                   |  404 +++++++
 include/pybind11/attr.h                            |  121 +-
 include/pybind11/buffer_info.h                     |  108 ++
 include/pybind11/cast.h                            | 1257 +++++++++++++-------
 include/pybind11/chrono.h                          |    4 +-
 include/pybind11/common.h                          |  721 +----------
 include/pybind11/complex.h                         |   17 +-
 .../pybind11/{class_support.h => detail/class.h}   |  322 +++--
 include/pybind11/{ => detail}/common.h             |  515 ++++----
 include/pybind11/{ => detail}/descr.h              |   20 +-
 include/pybind11/detail/init.h                     |  325 +++++
 include/pybind11/detail/internals.h                |  247 ++++
 include/pybind11/{ => detail}/typeid.h             |    6 +-
 include/pybind11/eigen.h                           |  117 +-
 include/pybind11/embed.h                           |  194 +++
 include/pybind11/eval.h                            |   37 +-
 include/pybind11/functional.h                      |   28 +-
 include/pybind11/iostream.h                        |  200 ++++
 include/pybind11/numpy.h                           |  635 ++++++----
 include/pybind11/operators.h                       |   52 +-
 include/pybind11/options.h                         |    6 +-
 include/pybind11/pybind11.h                        |  562 ++++++---
 include/pybind11/pytypes.h                         |  196 ++-
 include/pybind11/stl.h                             |  157 ++-
 include/pybind11/stl_bind.h                        |   82 +-
 pybind11/__main__.py                               |   37 +
 pybind11/_version.py                               |    2 +-
 setup.py                                           |   30 +-
 tests/CMakeLists.txt                               |  160 ++-
 tests/conftest.py                                  |    4 +-
 tests/constructor_stats.h                          |    2 +-
 tests/local_bindings.h                             |   64 +
 tests/pybind11_cross_module_tests.cpp              |  123 ++
 tests/pybind11_tests.cpp                           |   49 +-
 tests/pybind11_tests.h                             |   59 +-
 tests/pytest.ini                                   |    8 +
 tests/test_alias_initialization.cpp                |   62 -
 tests/test_alias_initialization.py                 |   80 --
 tests/test_buffers.cpp                             |  196 +--
 tests/test_buffers.py                              |   55 +-
 tests/test_builtin_casters.cpp                     |  156 +++
 tests/test_builtin_casters.py                      |  322 +++++
 tests/test_call_policies.cpp                       |   98 ++
 tests/test_call_policies.py                        |  187 +++
 tests/test_callbacks.cpp                           |  167 ++-
 tests/test_callbacks.py                            |   83 +-
 tests/test_chrono.cpp                              |   72 +-
 tests/test_chrono.py                               |   41 +-
 tests/test_class.cpp                               |  357 ++++++
 tests/test_class.py                                |  235 ++++
 tests/test_class_args.cpp                          |   68 --
 tests/test_class_args.py                           |    8 -
 tests/test_cmake_build/CMakeLists.txt              |   58 +
 tests/test_cmake_build/embed.cpp                   |   21 +
 .../installed_embed/CMakeLists.txt                 |   15 +
 tests/test_cmake_build/main.cpp                    |    6 +-
 .../subdirectory_embed/CMakeLists.txt              |   25 +
 tests/test_constants_and_functions.cpp             |   25 +-
 tests/test_constants_and_functions.py              |   38 +-
 tests/test_copy_move.cpp                           |  213 ++++
 tests/test_copy_move.py                            |  112 ++
 tests/test_copy_move_policies.cpp                  |   41 -
 tests/test_copy_move_policies.py                   |   15 -
 tests/test_docstring_options.cpp                   |   17 +-
 tests/test_docstring_options.py                    |   34 +-
 tests/test_eigen.cpp                               |   73 +-
 tests/test_eigen.py                                |  443 ++++---
 tests/test_embed/CMakeLists.txt                    |   34 +
 tests/test_embed/catch.cpp                         |   16 +
 tests/test_embed/test_interpreter.cpp              |  269 +++++
 tests/test_embed/test_interpreter.py               |    9 +
 tests/test_enum.cpp                                |   73 +-
 tests/test_enum.py                                 |  118 +-
 tests/test_eval.cpp                                |   28 +-
 tests/test_eval.py                                 |   16 +-
 tests/test_exceptions.cpp                          |   69 +-
 tests/test_exceptions.py                           |  130 +-
 tests/test_factory_constructors.cpp                |  337 ++++++
 tests/test_factory_constructors.py                 |  459 +++++++
 tests/test_inheritance.cpp                         |  123 --
 tests/test_inheritance.py                          |   78 --
 tests/test_iostream.cpp                            |   73 ++
 tests/test_iostream.py                             |  203 ++++
 tests/test_issues.cpp                              |  400 -------
 tests/test_issues.py                               |  251 ----
 tests/test_keep_alive.cpp                          |   40 -
 tests/test_keep_alive.py                           |   97 --
 tests/test_kwargs_and_defaults.cpp                 |  124 +-
 tests/test_kwargs_and_defaults.py                  |   71 +-
 tests/test_local_bindings.cpp                      |  101 ++
 tests/test_local_bindings.py                       |  226 ++++
 tests/test_methods_and_attributes.cpp              |  281 ++++-
 tests/test_methods_and_attributes.py               |  305 +++--
 tests/test_modules.cpp                             |  104 +-
 tests/test_modules.py                              |   34 +-
 tests/test_multiple_inheritance.cpp                |  208 ++--
 tests/test_multiple_inheritance.py                 |  296 ++++-
 tests/test_numpy_array.cpp                         |  140 ++-
 tests/test_numpy_array.py                          |  327 ++---
 tests/test_numpy_dtypes.cpp                        |  364 +++---
 tests/test_numpy_dtypes.py                         |  154 ++-
 tests/test_numpy_vectorize.cpp                     |   49 +-
 tests/test_numpy_vectorize.py                      |   73 +-
 tests/test_opaque_types.cpp                        |   17 +-
 tests/test_opaque_types.py                         |   38 +-
 tests/test_operator_overloading.cpp                |  102 +-
 tests/test_operator_overloading.py                 |   80 +-
 tests/test_pickling.cpp                            |   97 +-
 tests/test_pickling.py                             |   17 +-
 tests/test_python_types.cpp                        |  495 --------
 tests/test_python_types.py                         |  535 ---------
 tests/test_pytypes.cpp                             |  272 +++++
 tests/test_pytypes.py                              |  240 ++++
 tests/test_sequences_and_iterators.cpp             |  334 +++---
 tests/test_sequences_and_iterators.py              |   87 +-
 tests/test_smart_ptr.cpp                           |  374 +++---
 tests/test_smart_ptr.py                            |  136 ++-
 tests/test_stl.cpp                                 |  238 ++++
 tests/test_stl.py                                  |  200 ++++
 tests/test_stl_binders.cpp                         |   75 +-
 tests/test_stl_binders.py                          |  139 +--
 tests/test_virtual_functions.cpp                   |  191 ++-
 tests/test_virtual_functions.py                    |  270 +++--
 tools/FindCatch.cmake                              |   57 +
 tools/FindPythonLibsNew.cmake                      |    3 +-
 tools/check-style.sh                               |  109 +-
 tools/mkdoc.py                                     |   45 +-
 tools/pybind11Config.cmake.in                      |   28 +-
 tools/pybind11Tools.cmake                          |   41 +-
 160 files changed, 15173 insertions(+), 7462 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/pybind11.git

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