[segyio] 157/376: mex: get/put_ps_line, parse_ps_segycube

Jørgen Kvalsvik jokva-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Sep 20 08:04:25 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

jokva-guest pushed a commit to branch debian
in repository segyio.

commit 28336eca22c135d6ddcd2f3ee50e1d5a868f7d43
Author: Jørgen Kvalsvik <jokva at statoil.com>
Date:   Thu Jan 12 08:59:28 2017 +0100

    mex: get/put_ps_line, parse_ps_segycube
    Matlab support for prestack files.
 mex/CMakeLists.txt                |   4 ++
 mex/Segy.m                        | 105 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 mex/SegySpec.m                    |   4 ++
 mex/segy_get_offsets_mex.c        |  63 +++++++++++++++++++
 mex/segy_get_ps_line_mex.c        |  62 +++++++++++++++++++
 mex/segy_read_write_ps_line_mex.c | 125 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/test_segy_mex.m             |  50 ++++++++++++++-
 7 files changed, 408 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/mex/CMakeLists.txt b/mex/CMakeLists.txt
index 8c406bc..44fe589 100644
--- a/mex/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/mex/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ configure_file(TraceField.m TraceField.m)
 mex(segy_read_write_line_mex segyutil)
+mex(segy_read_write_ps_line_mex segyutil)
 mex(segy_get_header_mex segyutil)
 mex(segy_get_traces_mex segyutil)
 mex(segy_put_traces_mex segyutil)
@@ -30,10 +31,12 @@ mex(segy_get_bfield_mex segyutil)
 mex(segy_get_trace_header_mex segyutil)
 mex(segy_get_field_mex segyutil)
 mex(segy_put_headers_mex segyutil)
+mex(segy_get_offsets_mex segyutil)
+        ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/segy_read_write_ps_line_mex.mexa64
@@ -43,6 +46,7 @@ install(FILES
+        ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/segy_get_offsets_mex.mexa64
diff --git a/mex/Segy.m b/mex/Segy.m
index 0829565..d032b99 100644
--- a/mex/Segy.m
+++ b/mex/Segy.m
@@ -182,16 +182,113 @@ classdef Segy
             segycube = SegySpec(filename, il_word, xl_word, t0);
+        % Goal: 
+        %   Interpret segy cube as a 3D cube and save information needed to access
+        %   the segy file as a cube in terms of inline and crossline numbers.
+        % inputs:
+        %   name        meaning
+        %   filename    filename of segy file
+        %   offset      bytenumber or header word for offset number
+        %   il_word     bytenumber or header word for inline number
+        %   xl_word     bytenumber or header word for crossline number
+        %   t0          Time (ms) / depth (m) of first sample. Optional (default = 0)
+        %   
+        % output:
+        %   name        meaning
+        %   segycube    struct needed to access segy file as a cube. Used by
+        %               get_ps_line.m, put_ps_line.m and possibly friends
+        function segycube = parse_ps_segycube(filename, offset, il_word, xl_word, t0)
+            if ~exist('offset', 'var') || isempty(offset)
+                offset = TraceField.offset;
+            end
+            if ~exist('il_word', 'var') || isempty(il_word)
+                il_word = TraceField.Inline3D;
+            end
+            if ~exist('xl_word', 'var') || isempty(xl_word)
+                xl_word = TraceField.Crossline3D;
+            end
+            if ~exist('t0', 'var') || isempty(t0)
+                t0 = 0;
+            end
+            if ischar(il_word)
+                il_word = TraceField.(il_word);
+            end
+            if ischar(xl_word)
+                xl_word = TraceField.(xl_word);
+            end
+            if ischar(offset)
+                offset = TraceField.(offset);
+            end
+            offset  = int32(offset);
+            il_word = int32(il_word);
+            xl_word = int32(xl_word);
+            t0      = double(t0);
+            segycube = Segy.interpret_segycube(filename, il_word, xl_word, t0);
+            offsets = segy_get_offsets_mex(segycube, offset, il_word, xl_word);
+            segycube.offset = offsets;
+        end
         % Goal:
-        %   Read a full cube from segycube struct.
+        %   Read an inline / crosline from a cube.
         % Inputs:
-        %   sc          Data as an interpreted segy cube from
+        %   cube        Data as an interpreted segy cube from
         %               'interpret_segycube.m'
-        % Output:
-        %   data        Extracted cube with same sorting as in segy.
+        %   dir         Direction of desired line (iline / xline) as a string
+        %   n           Inline / crossline number
+        % Output:
+        %   data        Extracted line
+        function data = get_ps_line(cube, dir, n)
+            if nargin < 3
+                error('Too few arguments. Usage: Segy.get_ps_line(cube, dir, n)');
+            end
+            if strcmpi(dir, 'iline')
+                len  = max(size(cube.crossline_indexes));
+                ix   = cube.inline_indexes;
+                st   = cube.il_stride;
+            elseif strcmpi(dir, 'xline')
+                len  = max(size(cube.inline_indexes));
+                ix   = cube.crossline_indexes;
+                st   = cube.xl_stride;
+            else
+                error('Only iline and xline are valid directions.');
+            end
+            tmp = segy_read_write_ps_line_mex(cube, n, len, ix, st);
+            tmp = reshape(tmp, [], cube.offset_count);
+            nt = length(cube.t);
+            data = permute(reshape(tmp, nt, size(tmp, 1)/nt, []), [1 3 2]);
+        end
+        function data = put_ps_line(cube, data, dir, n)
+            if nargin < 4
+                error('Too few arguments. Usage: Segy.put_ps_line(cube, data, dir, n)');
+            end
+            if strcmpi(dir, 'iline')
+                len  = max(size(cube.crossline_indexes));
+                ix   = cube.inline_indexes;
+                st   = cube.il_stride;
+            elseif strcmpi(dir, 'xline')
+                len  = max(size(cube.inline_indexes));
+                ix   = cube.crossline_indexes;
+                st   = cube.xl_stride;
+            else
+                error('Only iline and xline are valid directions.');
+            end
+            tmp = permute( data, [1 3 2] );
+            segy_read_write_ps_line_mex( cube, n, len, ix, st, tmp );
+        end
         function data = get_cube(sc)
             data = Segy.get_traces(sc.filename);
diff --git a/mex/SegySpec.m b/mex/SegySpec.m
index 35d49a6..a30eec2 100644
--- a/mex/SegySpec.m
+++ b/mex/SegySpec.m
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ classdef SegySpec
+        offset
@@ -15,6 +16,7 @@ classdef SegySpec
+        sorting
@@ -42,6 +44,8 @@ classdef SegySpec
             obj.t = obj.sample_indexes;
             obj.iline = obj.inline_indexes;
             obj.xline = obj.crossline_indexes;
+            [~, s] = enumeration(obj.trace_sorting_format);
+            obj.sorting = s{uint32(obj.trace_sorting_format) + 1};
diff --git a/mex/segy_get_offsets_mex.c b/mex/segy_get_offsets_mex.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00713ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mex/segy_get_offsets_mex.c
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+#include <string.h>
+#include "mex.h"
+#include "matrix.h"
+#include "segyutil.h"
+#include <segyio/segy.h>
+void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
+                 int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) {
+    int errc = SEGY_OK;
+    if (nrhs != 4) {
+        goto ERROR;
+    }
+    const mxArray* mx_spec = prhs[0];
+    const mxArray* mx_offset = prhs[1];
+    const mxArray* mx_il_word = prhs[2];
+    const mxArray* mx_xl_word = prhs[3];
+    SegySpec spec;
+    recreateSpec(&spec, mx_spec);
+    int offset = (int)mxGetScalar(mx_offset);
+    int il = (int)mxGetScalar(mx_il_word);
+    int xl = (int)mxGetScalar(mx_xl_word);
+    segy_file* fp = segy_open( spec.filename, "rb" );
+    if( !fp ) {
+        errc = SEGY_FOPEN_ERROR;
+        goto ERROR;
+    };
+    plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericMatrix(1, spec.offset_count, mxINT32_CLASS, mxREAL);
+    int* int_offsets = mxMalloc(sizeof( int ) * spec.offset_count);
+    errc = segy_offset_indices(fp, offset, spec.offset_count,
+                               int_offsets,
+                               spec.first_trace_pos, spec.trace_bsize);
+    if( errc != SEGY_OK ) goto CLEANUP;
+    int32_t* plhs0 = (int32_t*)mxGetData(plhs[0]);
+    for( unsigned int i = 0; i < spec.offset_count; ++i )
+        plhs0[i] = int_offsets[i];
+    mxFree( int_offsets );
+    segy_close(fp);
+    return;
+    segy_close(fp);
+    ERROR:
+    {
+        int nfields = 1;
+        const char *fnames[nfields];
+        fnames[0] = "error";
+        plhs[0] = mxCreateStructMatrix(0,0, nfields, fnames);
+        mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0], 0, 0, mxCreateDoubleScalar(errc));
+    }
diff --git a/mex/segy_get_ps_line_mex.c b/mex/segy_get_ps_line_mex.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cafdf43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mex/segy_get_ps_line_mex.c
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+#include <string.h>
+#include "mex.h"
+#include "matrix.h"
+#include "segyutil.h"
+#include <segyio/segy.h>
+void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
+                 int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) {
+    int errc = 0;
+    if (nrhs != 4) {
+        goto ERROR;
+    }
+    const mxArray* mx_spec = prhs[0];
+    const mxArray* mx_offset = prhs[1];
+    const mxArray* mx_il_word = prhs[2];
+    const mxArray* mx_xl_word = prhs[3];
+    SegySpec spec;
+    recreateSpec(&spec, mx_spec);
+    int offset = (int)mxGetScalar(mx_offset);
+    int il = (int)mxGetScalar(mx_il_word);
+    int xl = (int)mxGetScalar(mx_xl_word);
+    segy_file* fp = segyio_open( spec.filename, "rb" );
+    if( !fp ) {
+        errc = SEGY_FOPEN_ERROR;
+        goto ERROR;
+    };
+    plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericMatrix(spec.sample_count, spec.offset_count, mxINT32_CLASS, mxREAL);
+    int* int_offsets = mxMalloc(sizeof( int ) * spec.offset_count);
+    errc = segy_offsets(fp, offset, spec.offset_count,
+                        int_offsets,
+                        spec.first_trace_pos, spec.trace_bsize);
+    if( err != SEGY_OK ) goto CLEANUP;
+    int32_t* plhs0 = (int32_t*)mxGetScalar(plhs[0]);
+    for( unsigned int i = 0; i < spec.sample_count; ++i )
+        plhs0[i] = int_offsets[i];
+    segy_close(fp);
+    return;
+    segy_close(fp);
+    ERROR:
+    {
+        int nfields = 1;
+        const char *fnames[nfields];
+        fnames[0] = "error";
+        plhs[0] = mxCreateStructMatrix(0,0, nfields, fnames);
+        mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0], 0, 0, mxCreateDoubleScalar(errc));
+    }
diff --git a/mex/segy_read_write_ps_line_mex.c b/mex/segy_read_write_ps_line_mex.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a084df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mex/segy_read_write_ps_line_mex.c
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+#include <string.h>
+#include "mex.h"
+#include "matrix.h"
+#include "segyutil.h"
+#include <segyio/segy.h>
+/* The gateway function */
+void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
+                 int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) {
+    if( nrhs < 5 || nrhs > 6 ) goto ERROR;
+    bool read = nrhs == 5;
+    const mxArray* mx_spec = prhs[0];
+    const mxArray* mx_index = prhs[1];
+    const mxArray* mx_line_length = prhs[2];
+    const mxArray* mx_line_indexes = prhs[3];
+    const mxArray* mx_stride = prhs[4];
+    SegySpec spec;
+    recreateSpec(&spec, mx_spec);
+    size_t index = (size_t)mxGetScalar(mx_index);
+    uint32_t line_length = (uint32_t)mxGetScalar(mx_line_length);
+    uint32_t* line_indexes = (uint32_t*)mxGetData(mx_line_indexes);
+    int n = mxGetN(mx_line_indexes);
+    int m = mxGetM(mx_line_indexes);
+    uint32_t line_count = (n>m)? n:m;
+    uint32_t stride = (uint32_t)mxGetScalar(mx_stride);
+    int offsets = spec.offset_count;
+    segy_file* fp;
+    unsigned int line_trace0;
+    int errc = segy_line_trace0( index, line_length, stride, offsets, line_indexes, line_count, &line_trace0 );
+    if( errc != SEGY_OK ) { 
+        mexErrMsgIdAndTxt( "segy:get_ps_line:wrong_line_number",
+                           "Specified line number is not in cube." );
+        return;
+    }
+    const char* mode = read ? "rb" : "r+b";
+    fp = segy_open( spec.filename, mode );
+    if( !fp ) {
+        mexErrMsgIdAndTxt( "segy:get:ps_line:file",
+                           "unable to open file" );
+        return;
+    }
+    mwSize dims[] = { spec.sample_count, spec.offset_count, line_length };
+    const size_t tr_size = SEGY_TRACE_HEADER_SIZE + spec.trace_bsize;
+    if( read ) {
+        plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericArray(3, dims, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL );
+        float* buf = (float*) mxGetData(plhs[0]);
+        for( int i = 0; i < offsets; ++i ) {
+            errc = segy_read_line( fp,
+                                   line_trace0,
+                                   line_length,
+                                   stride,
+                                   offsets,
+                                   buf + (spec.sample_count * line_length * i),
+                                   spec.first_trace_pos + (i * tr_size),
+                                   spec.trace_bsize );
+            if( errc != 0 ) goto CLEANUP;
+        }
+        errc = segy_to_native( spec.sample_format,
+                               offsets * line_length * spec.sample_count,
+                               buf );
+        if( errc != 0 ) goto CLEANUP;
+    }
+    else {
+        const mxArray* mx_data = prhs[5];
+        float* buf = (float*) mxGetData(mx_data);
+        errc = segy_from_native( spec.sample_format,
+                                 offsets * line_length * spec.sample_count,
+                                 buf );
+        if( errc != 0 ) goto CLEANUP;
+        for( int i = 0; i < offsets; ++i ) {
+            errc = segy_write_line( fp,
+                                    line_trace0,
+                                    line_length,
+                                    stride,
+                                    offsets,
+                                    buf + (spec.sample_count * line_length * i),
+                                    spec.first_trace_pos + (i * tr_size),
+                                    spec.trace_bsize );
+            if( errc != 0 ) goto CLEANUP;
+        }
+        errc = segy_to_native( spec.sample_format,
+                               offsets * line_length * spec.sample_count,
+                               buf );
+        if( errc != 0 ) goto CLEANUP;
+    }
+    segy_close(fp);
+    return;
+    segy_close(fp);
+    ERROR:
+    {
+        int nfields = 1;
+        const char *fnames[nfields];
+        fnames[0] = "error";
+        plhs[0] = mxCreateStructMatrix(0,0, nfields, fnames);
+        mxSetFieldByNumber(plhs[0], 0, 0, mxCreateDoubleScalar(errc));
+    }
diff --git a/tests/test_segy_mex.m b/tests/test_segy_mex.m
index affff32..021d6f1 100644
--- a/tests/test_segy_mex.m
+++ b/tests/test_segy_mex.m
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ spec = Segy.interpret_segycube(filename, 'Inline3D', 'Crossline3D', t0);
 data = Segy.get_line(spec, 'iline', 4);
 sample_count = length(spec.sample_indexes);
-eps = 1e-4;
+eps = 1e-6;
 % first trace along xline
 % first sample
 assert(abs(data(1, 1) - 4.2)<eps);
@@ -228,3 +228,51 @@ Segy.get_header( filename, 'cdp' );
 increasing = linspace( 1, notraces, notraces );
 Segy.put_headers( filename_copy, increasing, 'offset' );
 assert( all(increasing == Segy.get_header( filename_copy, 'offset' )) );
+%% test_traces_offset
+prestack_filename = 'test-data/small-ps.sgy';
+cube_with_offsets = Segy.parse_ps_segycube(prestack_filename);
+assert(isequal(cube_with_offsets.offset, [1 2]));
+    ps_line1 = Segy.get_ps_line(cube_with_offsets, 'iline', 22);
+    % reading a line that doesn't exist should throw
+    assert(false);
+ps_line1 = Segy.get_ps_line(cube_with_offsets, 'iline', 1);
+ps_line2 = Segy.get_ps_line(cube_with_offsets, 'xline', 1);
+% offset 1
+assert(abs(ps_line1(1,1,1) - 101.01)    < eps);
+assert(abs(ps_line1(1,1,2) - 101.02)    < eps);
+assert(abs(ps_line1(1,1,3) - 101.03)    < eps);
+assert(abs(ps_line1(2,1,1) - 101.01001) < eps);
+assert(abs(ps_line1(3,1,1) - 101.01002) < eps);
+assert(abs(ps_line1(2,1,2) - 101.02001) < eps);
+% offset 2
+assert(abs(ps_line1(1,2,1) - 201.01)    < eps);
+assert(abs(ps_line1(1,2,2) - 201.02)    < eps);
+assert(abs(ps_line1(1,2,3) - 201.03)    < eps);
+assert(abs(ps_line1(2,2,1) - 201.01001) < eps);
+assert(abs(ps_line1(3,2,1) - 201.01002) < eps);
+assert(abs(ps_line1(2,2,2) - 201.02001) < eps);
+% test writing of prestack lines
+Segy.put_ps_line( cube_with_offsets, ps_line1 - 100.00, 'iline', 1 );
+% offset 1
+wr_line1 = Segy.get_ps_line( cube_with_offsets, 'iline', 1 );
+assert(abs(wr_line1(1,1,1) - 001.01)    < eps);
+assert(abs(wr_line1(1,1,2) - 001.02)    < eps);
+assert(abs(wr_line1(1,1,3) - 001.03)    < eps);
+assert(abs(wr_line1(2,1,1) - 001.01001) < eps);
+assert(abs(wr_line1(3,1,1) - 001.01002) < eps);
+assert(abs(wr_line1(2,1,2) - 001.02001) < eps);
+% offset 2
+assert(abs(wr_line1(1,2,1) - 101.01)    < eps);
+assert(abs(wr_line1(1,2,2) - 101.02)    < eps);
+assert(abs(wr_line1(1,2,3) - 101.03)    < eps);
+assert(abs(wr_line1(2,2,1) - 101.01001) < eps);
+assert(abs(wr_line1(3,2,1) - 101.01002) < eps);
+assert(abs(wr_line1(2,2,2) - 101.02001) < eps);

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/segyio.git

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