[pytango] 299/483: preparing ipython >= 1.0; clean up HLAPI

Sandor Bodo-Merle sbodomerle-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Sep 28 19:14:52 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

sbodomerle-guest pushed a commit to annotated tag bliss_8.10
in repository pytango.

commit fb6c042d709186ba2aef7d93f1360d485492982a
Author: tiagocoutinho <tiagocoutinho at 4e9c00fd-8f2e-0410-aa12-93ce3db5e235>
Date:   Fri Nov 15 16:29:44 2013 +0000

    preparing ipython >= 1.0; clean up HLAPI
    git-svn-id: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/tango-cs/code/bindings/PyTango/trunk@24227 4e9c00fd-8f2e-0410-aa12-93ce3db5e235
 doc/WINDOWS-COMPILATION-EXAMPLE.TXT                |  38 --
 doc/_templates/index.html                          |  95 ++++-
 doc/_templates/indexsidebar.html                   |   4 +-
 doc/client/miscellaneous.rst                       |   8 +-
 doc/quicktour.rst                                  |   3 +-
 doc/server/hlapi.rst                               | 112 ++++-
 doc/start.rst                                      | 394 +++--------------
 doc/utilities.rst                                  |   5 -
 doc/windows_notes.txt                              | 156 +++++++
 setup.py                                           |   1 +
 src/boost/python/__init__.py                       |   2 +-
 src/boost/python/attr_data.py                      |  29 +-
 src/boost/python/attribute_proxy.py                |  10 +-
 src/boost/python/device_proxy.py                   |  28 +-
 src/boost/python/hlapi.py                          | 473 ++++++++++++++++-----
 src/boost/python/ipython/__init__.py               |  30 +-
 src/boost/python/ipython/common.py                 |  91 +---
 .../python/ipython/ipython_00_10/ipython_00_10.py  |   8 +-
 .../python/ipython/ipython_00_11/ipython_00_11.py  |  13 +-
 src/boost/python/tango_green.py                    |  41 +-
 src/boost/python/utils.py                          |  62 +--
 21 files changed, 910 insertions(+), 693 deletions(-)

deleted file mode 100644
index 877ac65..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-REM Set environment variables needed to compile
-set TANGO_ROOT=C:\Program Files\tango\win32_vc8\win32_dll
-set BOOST_ROOT=C:\Program Files\boost\boost_1_38
-set NUMPY_ROOT=C:\sicilia\Python25\Lib\site-packages\numpy\core\
-dir "%OMNI_ROOT%"\lib
-dir "%BOOST_ROOT%\lib"
-REM For some reason distutils is trying to locate Vs9 tools...
-REM And obviously it fails. We will fool him with this:
-REM compile :)
-setup.py -v build
-REM ------------------------------------
-REM to compile:
-setup.py -v build
-REM to create a MSI windows installer:
-setup.py bdist_msi
-REM to create a EXE windows installer:
-setup.py bdist_wininst
diff --git a/doc/_templates/index.html b/doc/_templates/index.html
index 9e5d7db..35d2404 100644
--- a/doc/_templates/index.html
+++ b/doc/_templates/index.html
@@ -5,16 +5,11 @@
 <h1>Welcome to PyTango documentation!</h1>
-    PyTango is a python module that exposes to <a class="reference external" href="http://www.python.org/">Python</a>
-    the complete <a class="reference external" href="http://www.tango-controls.org/">Tango</a> C++ API
-    (including both client and server).
-    This means that you can write not only tango applications (scripts, CLIs, GUIs)
-    that access tango device servers but also tango device servers themselves, all
-    of this in pure python.
+  PyTango is a python module that exposes to <a class="reference external" href="http://www.python.org/">Python</a>
+  the complete <a class="reference external" href="http://www.tango-controls.org/">Tango</a> C++ API.
+  This means that you can write not only tango applications (scripts, CLIs, GUIs)
+  that access tango device servers but also tango device servers themselves, all
+  of this in pure python.
 <div class="figure align-center">
@@ -25,8 +20,86 @@
     Check out the <a class="reference internal" href="start.html#getting-started"><em>getting started guide</em></a>
     to learn how to build and/or install PyTango and after that the <a class="reference internal" href="quicktour.html#quick-tour"><em>quick tour</em></a>
     can help you with the first steps in the PyTango world.
+    In the meantime here is a preview:
+  <td rowspan="2" style="width:50%; vertical-align:top;">
+<div class="highlight-python"><div class="highlight"><pre>
+<span class="c"># --------------- Server -------------------</span>
+<span class="kn">import</span> <span class="nn">time</span>
+<span class="kn">from</span> <span class="nn">PyTango</span> <span class="kn">import</span> <span class="n">server_run</span>
+<span class="kn">from</span> <span class="nn">PyTango.hlapi</span> <span class="kn">import</span> <span class="n">Device</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">DeviceMeta</span>
+<span class="kn">from</span> <span class="nn">PyTango.hlapi</span> <span class="kn">import</span> <span class="n">attribute</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">command</span>
+<span class="k">class</span> <span class="nc">Clock</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">Device</span><span class="p">):</span>
+    <span class="n">__metaclass__</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">DeviceMeta</span>
+    <span class="n">time</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">attribute</span><span class="p">()</span>
+    <span class="k">def</span> <span class="nf">read_time</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="bp">self</span><span class="p">):</span>
+        <span class="k">return</span> <span class="n">time</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">time</span><span class="p">()</span>
+    <span class="nd">@command</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">din_type</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="nb">str</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">dout_type</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="nb">str</span><span class="p">)</span>
+    <span class="k">def</span> <span class="nf">strftime</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="bp">self</span><span class="p">,</span> <span class="n">format</span><span class="p">):</span>
+        <span class="k">return</span> <span class="n">time</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">strftime</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="n">format</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="k">if</span> <span class="n">__name__</span> <span class="o">==</span> <span class="s">"__main__"</span><span class="p">:</span>
+    <span class="n">server_run</span><span class="p">((</span><span class="n">Clock</span><span class="p">,))</span>
+  </td>
+  <td style="width:50%; vertical-align:top;">
+<div class="highlight-python"><div class="highlight"><pre>
+<span class="n">$</span><span class="c"> # ---------- Python Client --------------</span>
+<span class="n">$ python</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="kn">from</span> <span class="nn">PyTango</span> <span class="kn">import</span> <span class="n">DeviceProxy</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">clock</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">DeviceProxy</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s">"my/first/clock"</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">clock</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">time</span>
+<span class="go">1384447223.774121</span>
+<span class="gp">>>> </span><span class="n">clock</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">strftime</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s">"%H:%M:%S"</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="go">'17:41:50'</span>
+  </td>
+    <div class="highlight-python">
+      <div class="highlight">
+<span class="n">$</span><span class="c"> # -------- ITango Client ----------------</span>
+<span class="n">$ itango</span>
+<span class="gp">ITango [1]: </span><span class="n">clock</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">Clock</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s">"my/first/clock"</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="gp">ITango [2]: </span><span class="n">clock</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">time</span>
+<span class="go">1384447223.774121</span>
+<span class="gp">ITango [3]: </span><span class="n">clock</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">strftime</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="s">"%H:%M:%S"</span><span class="p">)</span>
+<span class="go">'17:41:50'</span>
+      </div>
+    </div>
     If you need help understanding what Tango itself really is, you can check the
     <a class="reference external" href="http://www.tango-controls.org/">Tango</a>
@@ -34,7 +107,7 @@
-    A PDF version can be downloaded from <a href="PyTango.pdf">here</a>.
+    A PDF version of this documentation can be downloaded from <a href="PyTango.pdf">here</a>.
     For convenience here are the links to other versions:<br/>
diff --git a/doc/_templates/indexsidebar.html b/doc/_templates/indexsidebar.html
index 5a9747d..7bf049c 100644
--- a/doc/_templates/indexsidebar.html
+++ b/doc/_templates/indexsidebar.html
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 <p>Current version: <b>{{ version }}</b></p>
-<p>Get PyTango from the <a href="http://pypi.python.org/pypi/PyTango">PyPi</a>,
+<p>Get PyTango from <a href="http://pypi.python.org/pypi/PyTango">PyPi</a>,
 or install it with:</p>
-<pre>easy_install -U PyTango</pre>
+<pre>pip install PyTango</pre>
 <p>A PDF version <a href="PyTango.pdf">here</a>.
diff --git a/doc/client/miscellaneous.rst b/doc/client/miscellaneous.rst
index 4ab6deb..599f635 100644
--- a/doc/client/miscellaneous.rst
+++ b/doc/client/miscellaneous.rst
@@ -265,14 +265,14 @@ Green API
-    * :func:`get_green_mode` 
-    * :func:`set_green_mode` 
+    * :func:`PyTango.get_green_mode` 
+    * :func:`PyTango.set_green_mode` 
     * :func:`PyTango.gevent.DeviceProxy` 
     * :func:`PyTango.futures.DeviceProxy` 
-.. autofunction:: get_green_mode
+.. autofunction:: PyTango.get_green_mode
-.. autofunction:: set_green_mode
+.. autofunction:: PyTango.set_green_mode
 .. autofunction:: PyTango.gevent.DeviceProxy
diff --git a/doc/quicktour.rst b/doc/quicktour.rst
index a881b76..5b7432c 100644
--- a/doc/quicktour.rst
+++ b/doc/quicktour.rst
@@ -500,4 +500,5 @@ The following code is the complete device server code::
     Quick tour (original) <quicktour_old>
-.. _IPython: http://ipython.scipy.org/
+.. _IPython: http://ipython.org/
+.. _numpy: http://www.numpy.org/
diff --git a/doc/server/hlapi.rst b/doc/server/hlapi.rst
index de3cb92..ddabf83 100644
--- a/doc/server/hlapi.rst
+++ b/doc/server/hlapi.rst
@@ -6,15 +6,113 @@
-The High Level API for writting Tango device servers.
 This module provides a high level device server API. It implements
 :ref:`TEP1 <pytango-TEP1>`. It exposes an easier API for developing a Tango
 device server.
+Here is an example on how to write a *Clock* device server using the
+high level API::
+    import time
+    from PyTango import server_run
+    from PyTango.hlapi import Device, DeviceMeta
+    from PyTango.hlapi import attribute, command   
+    class Clock(Device):
+        __metaclass__ = DeviceMeta
+	time = attribute()
+	def read_time(self):
+	    return time.time()
+	@command(din_type=str, dout_type=str)
+	def strftime(self, format):
+	    return time.strftime(format)
+    if __name__ == "__main__":
+        server_run((Clock,))
+Here is an example on how to write a *PowerSupply* device server using the
+high level API. The example contains:
+#. a read-only double scalar attribute called *voltage*
+#. a read/write double scalar expert attribute *current*
+#. a read-only double image attribute called *noise*
+#. a *ramp* command
+#. a *host* device property
+#. a *port* class property
+.. code-block:: python
+    :linenos:
+    from time import time
+    from PyTango import AttrQuality, AttrWriteType, DispLevel, server_run
+    from PyTango.hlapi import Device, DeviceMeta, attribute, command
+    from PyTango.hlapi import class_property, device_property
+    class PowerSupply(Device):
+        __metaclass__ = DeviceMeta
+        voltage = attribute()
+        current = attribute(label="Current",
+                            dtype=float,
+                            display_level=DispLevel.EXPERT,
+                            access=AttrWriteType.READ_WRITE,
+                            unit="A",
+                            format="8.4f",
+			    min_value=0.0, max_value=8.5,
+			    min_alarm=0.001, max_alarm=8.4,
+			    min_warning=0.1, max_warning=8.0,
+                            fget="get_current",
+                            fset="set_current",
+                            doc="the power supply current")
+	noise = attribute(label="Noise",
+			  dtype=((float,),),
+			  max_dim_x=1024, max_dim_y=1024,
+			  fget="get_noise")
+        host = device_property(dtype=str)
+        port = class_property(dtype=int, default_value=9788)
+        def read_voltage(self):
+            self.info_stream("get voltage(%s, %d)" %(self.host, self.port))
+            return 10.0
+        def get_current(self):
+            return 2.3456, time(), AttrQuality.ATTR_WARNING
+        def set_current(self, value):
+            new_current = self.current.get_write_value()
+            print new_current
+	def get_noise(self):
+	    import numpy.random
+	    return numpy.random.random_sample((1024, 1024))
+        @command(din_type=(float,))
+        def go(self, array):
+            self.info_stream("Going..." + str(array))
+        @command(din_type=float, din_doc="initial current",
+                 dout_type=bool, dout_doc="number of ramps")
+        def ramp(self, value):
+            self.info_stream("Ramping on %f..." % value)
+            return True
+    def main():
+        server_run((PowerSupply,))
+    if __name__ == "__main__":
+        main()
 Here is the summary of features which this module exposes and are not available
 on the low level :mod:`PyTango` server API:
@@ -105,7 +203,7 @@ Here is an example of a PowerSupply device with:
         def write_current(self):
             new_current = self.current.get_write_value()
-        @command()
+        @command
         def ramp(self):
             self.info_stream("Ramping on " + self.host + "...")
@@ -138,7 +236,7 @@ And here is the equivalent code using the low-level API:
         def read_voltage(self, attr):
-        def read_current(self):
+        def read_current(self, attr):
             attr.set_value_date_quality(2.5, time.time(), PyTango.AttrQuality.ON)
diff --git a/doc/start.rst b/doc/start.rst
index 9feb492..359b919 100644
--- a/doc/start.rst
+++ b/doc/start.rst
@@ -6,106 +6,54 @@
 Getting started
-Quick installation
+Quick installation: Linux
-If you have all :ref:`dependencies <dependencies>` installed on your system,
-building and installing / updating PyTango can be as simple as::
+PyTango is available on linux as an official debian/ubuntu package::
-    easy_install -U PyTango
+    $ sudo apt-get install python-pytango
-.. _dependencies:
-If you managed to run this line, the :ref:`quick tour <quick-tour>` can guide
-you through the first steps on using PyTango.
-Dependencies on other libraries
-.. graphviz::
+RPM packages are also available for RHEL & CentOS:
-    digraph dependencies {
-        size="6,3";
-        PyTango     [shape=box, label="PyTango 8.0"];
-        Python      [shape=box, label="Python >=2.6"];
-        boostpython [shape=box, label="boost python"];
-        Tango       [shape=box, label="Tango >=8.0.5"];
-        omniORB     [shape=box, label="omniORB >=4"];
-        numpy       [shape=box, label="numpy >=1.1.0"];
-        IPython     [shape=box, label="IPython >=0.10"];
-        PyTango -> Python;
-        PyTango -> Tango;
-        PyTango -> numpy [style=dotted, label="mandatory in windows"];
-        Tango -> omniORB;
-        PyTango -> boostpython
-        PyTango -> IPython [style=dotted, label="optional"];
-    }   
+.. hlist::
+   :columns: 2
-Don't be scared by the graph. Probably most of the packages are already installed.
-The current PyTango version has three major dependencies:
+   * `RHEL 5/CentOS 5 32bits <ftp://ftp.maxlab.lu.se/pub/maxlab/packages/el5/i386/repoview/index.html>`_
+   * `RHEL 5/CentOS 5 64bits <ftp://ftp.maxlab.lu.se/pub/maxlab/packages/el5/x86_64/repoview/index.html>`_
+   * `RHEL 6/CentOS 6 32bits <ftp://ftp.maxlab.lu.se/pub/maxlab/packages/el6/i386/repoview/index.html>`_
+   * `RHEL 6/CentOS 6 64bits <ftp://ftp.maxlab.lu.se/pub/maxlab/packages/el6/x86_64/repoview/index.html>`_
-- python (>= 2.6) (http://www.python.org/)
-- Tango (>= 8.0.5) (http://www.tango-controls.org/)
-- boost python (http://www.boost.org):
-    We **strongly** recommend always using boost python >= 1.41
-plus two optional dependencies (activated by default) on:
+From PyPi
-- IPython (>=0.10) (http://www.ipython.org/) (necessary for :ref:`itango`)
-- numpy (>= 1.1.0) (http://numpy.scipy.org/)
+You can also install the latest version from `PyPi`_.
-.. note::
-    For the provided windows binary, numpy is MANDATORY!
+First, make sure you have the following packages already installed (all of them
+are available from the major official distribution repositories):
-Installing precompiled binaries
+* `boost-python`_ (including boost-python-dev)
+* `numpy`_ 
+* `IPython`_ (optional, highly recommended)
+Then install PyTango either from through pip::
-PyTango is available on linux as an official debian/ubuntu package (python-pytango).
+    $ pip install PyTango
-RPM packages are also available for RHEL & CentOS:
+or easy_install::
-    * `RHEL5/CentOS5 5 32bits <ftp://ftp.maxlab.lu.se/pub/maxlab/packages/el5/i386/repoview/index.html>`_
-    * `RHEL5/CentOS5 5 64bits <ftp://ftp.maxlab.lu.se/pub/maxlab/packages/el5/x86_64/repoview/index.html>`_
-    * `RHEL6/CentOS6 5 32bits <ftp://ftp.maxlab.lu.se/pub/maxlab/packages/el6/i386/repoview/index.html>`_
-    * `RHEL6/CentOS6 5 64bits <ftp://ftp.maxlab.lu.se/pub/maxlab/packages/el6/x86_64/repoview/index.html>`_        
+    $ easy_install -U PyTango
-.. _pytango-windows-bin:
+Quick installation: Windows
+First, make sure `Python`_ and `numpy`_ are installed.
 PyTango team provides a limited set of binary PyTango distributables for
-Windows XP/Vista/7. The complete list of binaries can be downloaded from
-`PyTango PyPI website <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/PyTango/>`_.
-* Install `Tango C++ 32 bits <http://ftp.esrf.fr/pub/cs/tango/TangoSetup-8.0.5_win32.exe>`_
-* For `Python 2.6 32 bits <http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.6.6/python-2.6.6.msi>`_
-    * `Numpy for python 2.6 <http://pypi.python.org/packages/2.6/n/numpy/numpy-1.6.2.win32-py2.6.exe>`_
-    * `PyTango 8 for python 2.6 <http://pypi.python.org/packages/2.6/P/PyTango/PyTango-8.0.2.win32-py2.6.msi>`_
-* For `Python 2.7 32 bits <http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.3/python-2.7.3.msi>`_
-    * `Numpy for python 2.7 <http://pypi.python.org/packages/2.7/n/numpy/numpy-1.6.2.win32-py2.7.exe>`_
-    * `PyTango 8 for python 2.7 <http://pypi.python.org/packages/2.7/P/PyTango/PyTango-8.0.2.win32-py2.7.msi>`_
-* For `Python 3.1 32 bits <http://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.1.4/python-3.1.4.msi>`_
-    * `Numpy for python 3.1 <http://pypi.python.org/packages/3.1/n/numpy/numpy-1.6.2.win32-py3.1.exe>`_
-    * `PyTango 8 for python 3.1 <http://pypi.python.org/packages/3.1/P/PyTango/PyTango-8.0.2.win32-py3.1.msi>`_
-* For `Python 3.2 32 bits <http://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.2.3/python-3.2.3.msi>`_
-    * `Numpy for python 3.2 <http://pypi.python.org/packages/3.2/n/numpy/numpy-1.6.2.win32-py3.2.exe>`_
-    * `PyTango 8 for python 3.2 <http://pypi.python.org/packages/3.2/P/PyTango/PyTango-8.0.2.win32-py3.2.msi>`_
-.. _PyTango-8.0.2.win32-py2.6.msi: http://pypi.python.org/packages/2.6/P/PyTango/PyTango-8.0.2.win32-py2.6.msi
-.. _PyTango-8.0.2.win32-py2.6.exe: http://pypi.python.org/packages/2.6/P/PyTango/PyTango-8.0.2.win32-py2.6.exe
-.. _PyTango-8.0.2.win32-py2.7.msi: http://pypi.python.org/packages/2.7/P/PyTango/PyTango-8.0.2.win32-py2.7.msi
-.. _PyTango-8.0.2.win32-py2.7.exe: http://pypi.python.org/packages/2.7/P/PyTango/PyTango-8.0.2.win32-py2.7.exe
-.. _PyTango-8.0.2.win32-py3.1.msi: http://pypi.python.org/packages/3.1/P/PyTango/PyTango-8.0.2.win32-py3.1.msi
-.. _PyTango-8.0.2.win32-py3.1.exe: http://pypi.python.org/packages/3.1/P/PyTango/PyTango-8.0.2.win32-py3.1.exe
-.. _PyTango-8.0.2.win32-py3.2.msi: http://pypi.python.org/packages/3.2/P/PyTango/PyTango-8.0.2.win32-py3.2.msi
-.. _PyTango-8.0.2.win32-py3.2.exe: http://pypi.python.org/packages/3.2/P/PyTango/PyTango-8.0.2.win32-py3.2.exe
+Windows XP/Vista/7/8. The complete list of binaries can be downloaded from
+Select the proper windows package, download it and finally execute the 
+installion wizard.
 Compiling & installing
@@ -120,109 +68,35 @@ distutils.
 Besides the binaries for the three dependencies mentioned above, you also need 
 the development files for the respective libraries.
-boost python dependency
-PyTango has a dependency on the boost python library (>= 1.33). This means that
-the shared library file **libboost-python.so** must be accessible to the 
-compilation command.
-.. note::
+You can get the latest ``.tar.gz`` from `PyPI`_ or directly
+the latest SVN checkout::
-    If you use python >= 2.6.3 you MUST install boost python >= 1.41
+    $ svn co http://svn.code.sf.net/p/tango-cs/code/bindings/PyTango/trunk PyTango
+    $ cd PyTango
+    $ python setup.py build
+    $ sudo python setup.py install
-Most linux distributions today provide a boost python package.
-Furthermore, in order to be able to build PyTango, you also need the include
-headers of boost python. They are normaly provided by a package called
-If, for some reason, you need to compile and install boost python, here is a
-quick recipie:
-    #. Download latest boost tar.gz file and extract it
-    #. Download latest bjam (most linux distributions have a bjam package. If
-       not, sourceforge provides a binary for many platforms)
-    #. build and/or install:
-       #. Simple build: in the root directory where you extracted boost type:
-          ``bjam --with-python toolset=gcc variant=release threading=multi link=shared``
-          this will produce in :file:`bin.v2/libs/python/build/gcc-<gcc_ver>/release/threading-multi` a file called :file:`libboost_python-gcc<gcc_ver>-mt-<boost_ver>.so.<boost_python_ver>`
-       #. Install (you may need administrator permissions to do so):
-          ``bjam --with-python toolset=gcc variant=release threading=multi link=shared install``
-       #. Install in a different directory (<install_dir>):
-          ``bjam --with-python toolset=gcc variant=release threading=multi link=shared install --prefix=<install_dir>``
-boost, omniORB and TangoC++ configuration
-The second step is to make sure the three/four libraries (omniORB, tango, 
-boost python and/or numpy) are accessible to the compilation command. So, for 
-example, if you installed:
-    ``boost python under /home/homer/local``
-    ``omniORB under /home/homer/local1``
-    ``tango under /home/homer/local2``
-    ``numpy under /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/numpy``
-you must export the three environment variables::
-    export BOOST_ROOT=/home/homer/local
-    export OMNI_ROOT=/home/homer/local1
-    export TANGO_ROOT=/home/homer/local2
-    # in openSUSE 11.1 this is the default base location for the include files
-    export NUMPY_ROOT=/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/numpy/core
-(for numpy this is the default base location for the include files. This is
-distribution dependent. For example, ubuntu places a numpy directory under /usr/include,
-so exporting NUMPY_ROOT is not necessary for this distribution)
-For the libraries that were installed in the default system directory (/usr or /usr/local)
-the above lines are not necessary.
-.. _build-install:
-build & install
-    python setup.py build
-    sudo python setup.py install
 This will install PyTango in the system python installation directory and, since
 version 8.0.0, it will also install :ref:`itango` as an IPython_ extension.
-Or if you whish to install in a different directory::
-    python setup.py build
-    python setup.py install --prefix=/home/homer/local --ipython-local
-(This will try to install :ref:`itango` as an IPython profile to the local
-user, since probably there is no permission to write into the IPython_ extension
+If whish to install in a different directory, replace the last line with::
+    $ # private installation to your user (usually ~/.local/lib/python<X>.<Y>/site-packages
+    $ python setup.py install --user
-Or if you wish to use your own private python distribution::
+    $ # or specific installation directory
+    $ python setup.py install --prefix=/home/homer/local
-    /home/homer/bin/python setup.py build
-    /home/homer/bin/python setup.py install
-For the last case above don't forget that boost python should have also been 
-previously compiled with this private python distribution.
+On windows, PyTango must be built using MS VC++.
+Since it is rarely needed and the instructions are so complicated, I have
+choosen to place the how-to in a separate text file. You can find it in the
+source package under :file:`doc/windows_notes.txt`.
+Testing your installation
 If you have IPython_ installed, the best way to test your PyTango installation
 is by starting the new PyTango CLI called :ref:`itango` by typing on the command
@@ -237,167 +111,19 @@ then, in ITango type:
     ITango [1]: PyTango.Release.version
     Result [1]: '8.0.2'
-(if you are wondering, :ref:`itango` automaticaly does ``import PyTango`` for you!)
+(if you are wondering, :ref:`itango` automaticaly does ``import PyTango`` 
+for you!)
-If you don't have IPython_ installed, to test the installation start a python console
-and type:
+If you don't have IPython_ installed, to test the installation start a
+python console and type:
     >>> import PyTango
     >>> PyTango.Release.version
-On windows, PyTango must be built using MS VC++.
-... which is good fun specially if you only have express edition and multiple python versions to build with! 
-Python must be installed in the following directory structure:
-    <PythonBaseDir>\\<PlatformName>\\<PythonVersion>
-    - <PythonBaseDir> is a directory that can be choosen by the you (ex: C:\\Python)
-    - <PlatformName> **must** be either *win32* or *x64*
-    - <PythonVersion> **must** be *26*, *27*, *31*, *32*, *33*
-Example: Assuming you choose *C:\\Python* as PythonBaseDir, if you want to build
-PyTango for python 2.7 on 64 bits you must install python in:
-    c:\\python\\x64\\27
-**Visual C++**
-Python recommends compiling any python libraries using the same compiler
-version. So, depending on the python version(s) you want PyTango to be
-build, you need VC++ 9.0 (2008) or/and VC++ 10.0 (2010).
-Here is the table of compilers and corresponding Visual C++ version used by CPython:
-| Visual C++ version   | Compiler     |
-| Visual C++ 4.x       | MSC_VER=1000 |
-| Visual C++ 5         | MSC_VER=1100 |
-| Visual C++ 6         | MSC_VER=1200 |
-| Visual C++ .NET      | MSC_VER=1300 |
-| Visual C++ .NET 2003 | MSC_VER=1310 |
-| Visual C++ 2005      | MSC_VER=1400 |
-| Visual C++ 2008      | MSC_VER=1500 |
-| Visual C++ 2010      | MSC_VER=1600 |
-| Visual C++ 2011      | MSC_VER=1700 |
-| version  | architecture |            VC++             |
-|  2.6.6   |   32 bits    | MSC 1500 (Visual C++ 2008)  |
-|  2.6.6   |   64 bits    | MSC 1500 (Visual C++ 2008)  |
-|  2.7.3   |   32 bits    | MSC 1500 (Visual C++ 2008)  |
-|  2.7.3   |   64 bits    | MSC 1500 (Visual C++ 2008)  |
-|  3.1.4   |   32 bits    | MSC 1500 (Visual C++ 2008)  |
-|  3.1.4   |   64 bits    | MSC 1500 (Visual C++ 2008)  |
-|  3.2.3   |   32 bits    | MSC 1500 (Visual C++ 2008)  |
-|  3.2.3   |   64 bits    | MSC 1500 (Visual C++ 2008)  |
-|  3.3.0   |   32 bits    | MSC 1600 (Visual C++ 2010)  |
-|  3.3.0   |   64 bits    | MSC 1600 (Visual C++ 2010)  |
-**Visual C++ 9.0 (2008) express quick install guide**
-1. Download and install VC++ 9.0 (2008) Express Edition
-2. If you need to compile in 64 bits platform
-    2.1. Download and install Windows 7 SDK for .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 [a.k.a. Windows SDK 7.0]
-        (**not** Windows SDK 7.1!)
-    2.2. The vcvarsall.bat in VC++ 2008 Express looks for the x86_amd64 vcvarsx86_amd64.bat
-         in all the wrong places. The easiest way to work around that is to navigate to the
-         VC\\bin directory of your VC++ 2008 installation (in my case
-         C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\\VC\\bin). Copy vcvarsx86_amd64.bat,
-         and paste into the VC\\bin\\x86_amd64 subdirectory.
-**Visual C++ 10.0 (2010) express quick install guide**
-1. Download and install VC++ 10.0 (2010) Express Edition
-2. If you need to compile in 64 bits platform follow the instructions
-   **in the order they appear** (not doing so may lead to
-   `KB2519277 <http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2519277>`_ problem)
-    2.1. Visual Studio 2010 SP1
-    2.2. Download and install Windows 7 SDK for .NET Framework 4.0 [a.k.a. Windows SDK 7.1]
-    2.3. VC++ 2010 doesn't come with vcvarsx86_amd64.bat. But in this case, since the 
-         environment setting tool is different than in VC++ 2008, all you have to do is 
-         create a file called vcvarsx86_amd64.bat in VC\\bin\\x86_amd64 directory of your 
-         VC++ 2010 installation (in my case 
-         C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\\VC\\bin\\x86_amd64) with the
-         following content:
-             @CALL "C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows\\v7.1\\Bin\\SetEnv.Cmd" /Release /x64
-         (adapt to your Windows SDK installation directory)
-**Boost python**
-Boost python DLL, lib and header files must be installed for the specific platform(s)
-and python version(s) you which to build PyTango on. The directory structure for
-the boost headers: 
-    <BoostDir>\\include
-The directory structure for the boost libraries:
-    <BoostDir>\\multi\\release\\<MSVCVersion>\\<PlatformName>\\<Link>\\<RuntimeLink>\\<PythonVersion>
-    - <BoostDir> the boost base directory (ex: C:\Boost-1.53.0)
-    - <MSVCVersion> may be either *msvc-9.0* or *msvc-10.0*
-    - <PlatformName> **must** be either *win32* or *x64*
-    - <Link> **must** be either *static* or *shared*
-    - <RuntimeLink> **must** be either *static* or *shared*
-      (if Link==static, RuntimeLink can only be *static*)
-    - <PythonVersion> **must** be *26*, *27*, *31*, *32*, *33*
-**Boost python multi platform compilation quick build guide**
-    - Download boost source code from http://wwww.boost.org
-    - Extract boost to a directory (ex: c:\\workspace\\boost-1.53.0)
-    - Download and place `boost_python_install.py <>` in your boost extract directory (ex: c:\\workspace\\boost-1.53.0\\boost_python_install.py)
-      (adapt python versions you which to build)
-    - Place the user-config.jam file in %HOMEPATH%%HOMEDIR% (adapt paths and python versions to your system)
-    - Open a console
-    - Switch to the boost directory 
-    - Execute this script using python (ex: C:\\Python\\win32\\26\\python.exe boost_python_install.py)
-.. _IPython: http://ipython.scipy.org/
+.. _Python: http://python.org/
+.. _IPython: http://ipython.org/
+.. _numpy: http://www.numpy.org/
+.. _boost-python: http://www.boost.org/libs/python/‎
+.. _PyPi: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/PyTango/
diff --git a/doc/utilities.rst b/doc/utilities.rst
index 5412ca9..27caf33 100644
--- a/doc/utilities.rst
+++ b/doc/utilities.rst
@@ -5,17 +5,12 @@ The Utilities API
 .. autofunction:: PyTango.server_run
 .. currentmodule:: PyTango.utils
 .. autoclass:: PyTango.utils.EventCallBack
-.. autofunction:: PyTango.utils.get_green_mode
-.. autofunction:: PyTango.utils.set_green_mode
 .. autofunction:: PyTango.utils.is_scalar_type
 .. autofunction:: PyTango.utils.is_array_type
diff --git a/doc/windows_notes.txt b/doc/windows_notes.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8df6a95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/windows_notes.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+On windows, PyTango must be built using MS VC++.
+... which is good fun specially if you only have express edition and multiple python versions to build with! 
+.. warning::
+   The next chapters are internal notes I have gathered along the years to
+   overcome windows limitations/problems in order to be able to compile PyTango.
+   They are not for the weak of heart, seriously! 
+Python must be installed in the following directory structure:
+    <PythonBaseDir>\\<PlatformName>\\<PythonVersion>
+    - <PythonBaseDir> is a python base directory choosen by you (ex: :file:`C:\\Python`)
+    - <PlatformName> **must** be either *win32* or *x64*
+    - <PythonVersion> **must** be *26*, *27*, *31*, *32*, *33*
+Example: Assuming you choose *C:\\Python* as PythonBaseDir, if you want to build
+PyTango for python 2.7 on 64 bits you must install python in
+**Visual C++**
+Python recommends compiling any python libraries using the same compiler
+version. So, depending on the python version(s) you want PyTango to be
+build, you need VC++ 9.0 (2008) or/and VC++ 10.0 (2010).
+Here is the table of compilers and corresponding Visual C++ version used by CPython:
+| Visual C++ version   | Compiler     |
+| Visual C++ 4.x       | MSC_VER=1000 |
+| Visual C++ 5         | MSC_VER=1100 |
+| Visual C++ 6         | MSC_VER=1200 |
+| Visual C++ .NET      | MSC_VER=1300 |
+| Visual C++ .NET 2003 | MSC_VER=1310 |
+| Visual C++ 2005      | MSC_VER=1400 |
+| Visual C++ 2008      | MSC_VER=1500 |
+| Visual C++ 2010      | MSC_VER=1600 |
+| Visual C++ 2011      | MSC_VER=1700 |
+| version  | architecture |            VC++             |
+|  2.6.6   |   32 bits    | MSC 1500 (Visual C++ 2008)  |
+|  2.6.6   |   64 bits    | MSC 1500 (Visual C++ 2008)  |
+|  2.7.3   |   32 bits    | MSC 1500 (Visual C++ 2008)  |
+|  2.7.3   |   64 bits    | MSC 1500 (Visual C++ 2008)  |
+|  3.1.4   |   32 bits    | MSC 1500 (Visual C++ 2008)  |
+|  3.1.4   |   64 bits    | MSC 1500 (Visual C++ 2008)  |
+|  3.2.3   |   32 bits    | MSC 1500 (Visual C++ 2008)  |
+|  3.2.3   |   64 bits    | MSC 1500 (Visual C++ 2008)  |
+|  3.3.0   |   32 bits    | MSC 1600 (Visual C++ 2010)  |
+|  3.3.0   |   64 bits    | MSC 1600 (Visual C++ 2010)  |
+**Visual C++ 9.0 (2008) express quick install guide**
+1. Download and install VC++ 9.0 (2008) Express Edition
+2. If you need to compile in 64 bits platform
+    2.1. Download and install Windows 7 SDK for .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 [a.k.a. Windows SDK 7.0]
+        (**not** Windows SDK 7.1!)
+    2.2. The vcvarsall.bat in VC++ 2008 Express looks for the x86_amd64 :file:`vcvarsx86_amd64.bat`
+         in all the wrong places. The easiest way to work around that is to navigate to the
+         :file:`VC\\bin` directory of your VC++ 2008 installation (in my case
+         :file:`C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\\VC\\bin`). Copy :file:`vcvarsx86_amd64.bat`,
+         and paste into the :file:`VC\\bin\\x86_amd64 subdirectory`.
+**Visual C++ 10.0 (2010) express quick install guide**
+1. Download and install VC++ 10.0 (2010) Express Edition
+2. If you need to compile in 64 bits platform follow the instructions
+   **in the order they appear** (not doing so may lead to
+   `KB2519277 <http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2519277>`_ problem)
+    2.1. Visual Studio 2010 SP1
+    2.2. Download and install Windows 7 SDK for .NET Framework 4.0 [a.k.a. Windows SDK 7.1]
+    2.3. VC++ 2010 doesn't come with vcvarsx86_amd64.bat. But in this case, since the 
+         environment setting tool is different than in VC++ 2008, all you have to do is 
+         create a file called vcvarsx86_amd64.bat in VC\\bin\\x86_amd64 directory of your 
+         VC++ 2010 installation (in my case 
+         C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\\VC\\bin\\x86_amd64) with the
+         following content:
+             @CALL "C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows\\v7.1\\Bin\\SetEnv.Cmd" /Release /x64
+         (adapt to your Windows SDK installation directory)
+**Boost python**
+Boost python DLL, lib and header files must be installed for the specific platform(s)
+and python version(s) you which to build PyTango on. The directory structure for
+the boost headers: 
+    <BoostDir>\\include
+The directory structure for the boost libraries:
+    <BoostDir>\\multi\\release\\<MSVCVersion>\\<PlatformName>\\<Link>\\<RuntimeLink>\\<PythonVersion>
+    - <BoostDir> the boost base directory (ex: C:\Boost-1.53.0)
+    - <MSVCVersion> may be either *msvc-9.0* or *msvc-10.0*
+    - <PlatformName> **must** be either *win32* or *x64*
+    - <Link> **must** be either *static* or *shared*
+    - <RuntimeLink> **must** be either *static* or *shared*
+      (if Link==static, RuntimeLink can only be *static*)
+    - <PythonVersion> **must** be *26*, *27*, *31*, *32*, *33*
+**Boost python multi platform compilation quick build guide**
+    - Download boost source code from http://wwww.boost.org
+    - Extract boost to a directory (ex: c:\\workspace\\boost-1.53.0)
+    - Download and place `boost_python_install.py <>` in your boost extract directory (ex: c:\\workspace\\boost-1.53.0\\boost_python_install.py)
+      (adapt python versions you which to build)
+    - Place the user-config.jam file in %HOMEPATH%%HOMEDIR% (adapt paths and python versions to your system)
+    - Open a console
+    - Switch to the boost directory 
+    - Execute this script using python (ex: C:\\Python\\win32\\26\\python.exe boost_python_install.py)
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index fe904cb..0e3ecda 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -383,6 +383,7 @@ def main():
+        'PyTango.ipython.ipython_10_00',        
     py_modules = []
diff --git a/src/boost/python/__init__.py b/src/boost/python/__init__.py
index a050873..01a8088 100644
--- a/src/boost/python/__init__.py
+++ b/src/boost/python/__init__.py
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ from .globals import get_class, get_classes, get_cpp_class, get_cpp_classes, \
 from .utils import is_scalar_type, is_array_type, is_numerical_type, \
     is_int_type, is_float_type, obj_2_str, seqStr_2_obj
 from .utils import server_run
-from .utils import set_green_mode, get_green_mode
+from .tango_green import set_green_mode, get_green_mode
 from .device_proxy import get_device_proxy
 from .tango_numpy import NumpyType, numpy_type, numpy_spectrum, numpy_image
diff --git a/src/boost/python/attr_data.py b/src/boost/python/attr_data.py
index 6dd7ed8..c75c6d6 100644
--- a/src/boost/python/attr_data.py
+++ b/src/boost/python/attr_data.py
@@ -22,8 +22,9 @@ __docformat__ = "restructuredtext"
 import inspect
-from ._PyTango import Except, CmdArgType, AttrDataFormat, AttrWriteType, \
-    DispLevel, UserDefaultAttrProp, Attr, SpectrumAttr, ImageAttr
+from ._PyTango import Except, CmdArgType, AttrDataFormat, AttrWriteType
+from ._PyTango import DispLevel, UserDefaultAttrProp
+from ._PyTango import Attr, SpectrumAttr, ImageAttr
 from .utils import is_non_str_seq, is_pure_str
@@ -63,6 +64,10 @@ class AttrData(object):
         name = attr_dict.pop('name', None)
         class_name = attr_dict.pop('class_name', None)
         self = cls(name, class_name)
+        self.build_from_dict(attr_dict)
+        return self
+    def build_from_dict(self, attr_dict):
         self.attr_type = attr_dict.pop('dtype', CmdArgType.DevDouble)
         self.attr_format = attr_dict.pop('dformat', AttrDataFormat.SCALAR)
         self.dim_x = attr_dict.pop('max_dim_x', 1)
@@ -77,7 +82,8 @@ class AttrData(object):
             self.attr_write = attr_dict.pop('access')
             # access is defined by which methods were defined
-            r_explicit, w_explicit = "fread" in attr_dict, "fwrite" in attr_dict
+            r_explicit = "fread" in attr_dict or "fget" in attr_dict
+            w_explicit = "fwrite" in attr_dict or "fset" in attr_dict
             if r_explicit and w_explicit:
                 self.attr_write = AttrWriteType.READ_WRITE
             elif r_explicit:
@@ -87,13 +93,13 @@ class AttrData(object):
                 self.attr_write = AttrWriteType.READ
-        fread = attr_dict.pop('fread', None)
+        fread = attr_dict.pop('fget', attr_dict.pop('fread', None))
         if fread is not None:
             if is_pure_str(fread):
                 self.read_method_name = fread
             elif inspect.isroutine(fread):
                 self.read_method_name = fread.__name__
-        fwrite = attr_dict.pop('fwrite', None)
+        fwrite = attr_dict.pop('fset', attr_dict.pop('fwrite', None))
         if fwrite is not None:
             if is_pure_str(fwrite):
                 self.write_method_name = fwrite
@@ -112,7 +118,7 @@ class AttrData(object):
             if not self.attr_format == AttrDataFormat.SPECTRUM:
         if len(attr_dict):
-            self.att_prop = self.__create_user_default_attr_prop(self.attr_name, attr_dict)
+            self.att_prop = self.__create_user_default_attr_prop(attr_dict)
         return self
     def _set_name(self, name):
@@ -130,9 +136,14 @@ class AttrData(object):
     def __throw_exception(self, msg, meth="create_attribute()"):
         Except.throw_exception("PyDs_WrongAttributeDefinition", msg, meth)
-    def __create_user_default_attr_prop(self, attr_name, extra_info):
+    def __create_user_default_attr_prop(self, extra_info):
         """for internal usage only"""
         p = UserDefaultAttrProp()
+        doc = extra_info.pop('doc', None)
+        if 'doc' is not None:
+            extra_info['description'] = doc
         for k, v in extra_info.items():
             k_lower = k.lower()
             method_name = "set_%s" % k_lower.replace(' ','_')
@@ -237,7 +248,7 @@ class AttrData(object):
                 self.dim_y = int(attr_info[4])
                 throw_ex("Wrong data type in attribute argument for attribute "
-                         "%s in class %s\n5th element in sequence describing "
+                         "%s in class %s\n5th element in sequence desribing "
                          "mandatory dim_y attribute parameter for image "
                          "attribute must be an integer" % (attr_name, name))
@@ -282,7 +293,7 @@ class AttrData(object):
         att_prop = None
         if extra_info:
-            att_prop = self.__create_user_default_attr_prop(attr_name, extra_info)
+            att_prop = self.__create_user_default_attr_prop(extra_info)
         self.att_prop = att_prop
     def to_attr(self):
diff --git a/src/boost/python/attribute_proxy.py b/src/boost/python/attribute_proxy.py
index 89f9bed..f3d568e 100644
--- a/src/boost/python/attribute_proxy.py
+++ b/src/boost/python/attribute_proxy.py
@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ import collections
 from ._PyTango import StdStringVector, DbData, DbDatum, DeviceProxy
 from ._PyTango import __AttributeProxy as _AttributeProxy
-from .utils import seq_2_StdStringVector, seq_2_DbData, DbData_2_dict, \
-    is_pure_str, is_non_str_seq, get_green_mode
-from .tango_green import result, submit, green
+from .utils import seq_2_StdStringVector, seq_2_DbData, DbData_2_dict
+from .utils import is_pure_str, is_non_str_seq
+from .tango_green import result, submit, get_green_mode
 def get_attribute_proxy(*args, **kwargs):
@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ def get_attribute_proxy(*args, **kwargs):
     :type attr_name: str
     :param green_mode: determines the mode of execution of the device (including
                       the way it is created). Defaults to the current global
-                      green_mode (check :func:`~PyTango.utils.get_green_mode` and
-                      :func:`~PyTango.utils.set_green_mode`)
+                      green_mode (check :func:`~PyTango.get_green_mode` and
+                      :func:`~PyTango.set_green_mode`)
     :type green_mode: :obj:`~PyTango.GreenMode`
     :param wait: whether or not to wait for result. If green_mode
                  Ignored when green_mode is Synchronous (always waits).
diff --git a/src/boost/python/device_proxy.py b/src/boost/python/device_proxy.py
index ef03865..298112e 100644
--- a/src/boost/python/device_proxy.py
+++ b/src/boost/python/device_proxy.py
@@ -19,23 +19,19 @@ __all__ = ["device_proxy_init", "get_device_proxy"]
 __docformat__ = "restructuredtext"
-import collections
-import numbers
 import threading
+import collections
 from ._PyTango import StdStringVector, DbData, DbDatum, AttributeInfo, \
     AttributeInfoEx, AttributeInfoList, AttributeInfoListEx, DeviceProxy, \
     __CallBackAutoDie, __CallBackPushEvent, EventType, DevFailed, Except, \
     ExtractAs, GreenMode
-from .utils import is_pure_str, is_non_str_seq, is_integer, \
-    seq_2_StdStringVector, StdStringVector_2_seq, seq_2_DbData, DbData_2_dict
+from .utils import is_pure_str, is_non_str_seq, is_integer
+from .utils import seq_2_StdStringVector, StdStringVector_2_seq
+from .utils import seq_2_DbData, DbData_2_dict
 from .utils import document_method as __document_method
-from .utils import get_green_mode
-from .tango_green import result, submit, green
+from .tango_green import result, submit, green, get_green_mode
 def get_device_proxy(*args, **kwargs):
@@ -64,8 +60,8 @@ def get_device_proxy(*args, **kwargs):
     :type need_check_acc: bool
     :param green_mode: determines the mode of execution of the device (including
                       the way it is created). Defaults to the current global
-                      green_mode (check :func:`~PyTango.utils.get_green_mode` and
-                      :func:`~PyTango.utils.set_green_mode`)
+                      green_mode (check :func:`~PyTango.get_green_mode` and
+                      :func:`~PyTango.set_green_mode`)
     :type green_mode: :obj:`~PyTango.GreenMode`
     :param wait: whether or not to wait for result. If green_mode
                  Ignored when green_mode is Synchronous (always waits).
@@ -136,8 +132,8 @@ def __DeviceProxy__get_green_mode(self):
     :rtype: GreenMode
     .. seealso::
-        :func:`PyTango.utils.get_green_mode`
-        :func:`PyTango.utils.set_green_mode`
+        :func:`PyTango.get_green_mode`
+        :func:`PyTango.set_green_mode`
     New in PyTango 8.1.0
@@ -149,7 +145,7 @@ def __DeviceProxy__get_green_mode(self):
 def __DeviceProxy__set_green_mode(self, green_mode=None):
     """Sets the green mode to be used by this DeviceProxy
     Setting it to None means use the global PyTango green mode
-    (see :func:`PyTango.utils.get_green_mode`).
+    (see :func:`PyTango.get_green_mode`).
     :param green_mode: the new green mode
     :type green_mode: GreenMode
@@ -1119,8 +1115,8 @@ def __doc_DeviceProxy():
     :type need_check_acc: bool
     :param green_mode: determines the mode of execution of the device (including.
                       the way it is created). Defaults to the current global
-                      green_mode (check :func:`~PyTango.utils.get_green_mode` and
-                      :func:`~PyTango.utils.set_green_mode`)
+                      green_mode (check :func:`~PyTango.get_green_mode` and
+                      :func:`~PyTango.set_green_mode`)
     :type green_mode: :obj:`~PyTango.GreenMode`
     :param wait: whether or not to wait for result. If green_mode
                  Ignored when green_mode is Synchronous (always waits).
diff --git a/src/boost/python/hlapi.py b/src/boost/python/hlapi.py
index 7890d42..1fb02e9 100644
--- a/src/boost/python/hlapi.py
+++ b/src/boost/python/hlapi.py
@@ -9,7 +9,142 @@
 # See LICENSE.txt for more info.
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-"""High Level API for writting Tango device servers."""
+"""High Level API for writting Tango device servers.
+.. _pytango-hlapi-datatypes:
+.. rubric:: Data types
+When declaring attributes, properties or commands, one of the most important
+information is the data type. It is given by the keyword argument *dtype*.
+This argument is not retricted to the :obj:`~PyTango.CmdArgType` options.
+For example, to define a *SCALAR* :obj:`~PyTango.CmdArgType.DevLong`
+attribute you have several possibilities:
+#. :obj:`int`
+#. 'int'
+#. 'int32'
+#. 'integer' 
+#. :obj:`PyTango.CmdArgType.DevLong`
+#. 'DevLong' 
+#. :obj:`numpy.int32`
+To define a *SPECTRUM* attribute simply wrap the scalar data type in any
+python sequence:
+* (:obj:`int`,)
+* [:obj:`int`]
+To define an *IMAGE* attribute simply wrap the scalar data type in any
+python sequence of sequences:
+* ((:obj:`int`,),)
+* [[:obj:`int`]]
+Below is the complete table of equivalences.
+========================================  ========================================
+ type                                      tango type                             
+========================================  ========================================
+ ``None``                                  ``DevVoid``                            
+ ``DevVoid``                               ``DevVoid``                            
+ ``DevBoolean``                            ``DevBoolean``                         
+ ``DevShort``                              ``DevShort``                           
+ ``DevLong``                               ``DevLong``                            
+ ``DevFloat``                              ``DevFloat``                           
+ ``DevDouble``                             ``DevDouble``                          
+ ``DevUShort``                             ``DevUShort``                          
+ ``DevULong``                              ``DevULong``                           
+ ``DevString``                             ``DevString``                          
+ ``DevVarCharArray``                       ``DevVarCharArray``                    
+ ``DevVarShortArray``                      ``DevVarShortArray``                   
+ ``DevVarLongArray``                       ``DevVarLongArray``                    
+ ``DevVarFloatArray``                      ``DevVarFloatArray``                   
+ ``DevVarDoubleArray``                     ``DevVarDoubleArray``                  
+ ``DevVarUShortArray``                     ``DevVarUShortArray``                  
+ ``DevVarULongArray``                      ``DevVarULongArray``                   
+ ``DevVarStringArray``                     ``DevVarStringArray``                  
+ ``DevVarLongStringArray``                 ``DevVarLongStringArray``              
+ ``DevVarDoubleStringArray``               ``DevVarDoubleStringArray``            
+ ``DevState``                              ``DevState``                           
+ ``DevVarBooleanArray``                    ``DevVarBooleanArray``                 
+ ``DevUChar``                              ``DevUChar``                           
+ ``DevLong64``                             ``DevLong64``                          
+ ``DevULong64``                            ``DevULong64``                         
+ ``DevVarLong64Array``                     ``DevVarLong64Array``                  
+ ``DevVarULong64Array``                    ``DevVarULong64Array``                 
+ ``DevInt``                                ``DevInt``                             
+ ``DevEncoded``                            ``DevEncoded``                         
+ ``chr``                                   ``DevUChar``                           
+ ``'DevBoolean'``                          ``DevBoolean``                         
+ ``'DevDouble'``                           ``DevDouble``                          
+ ``'DevEncoded'``                          ``DevEncoded``                         
+ ``'DevFloat'``                            ``DevFloat``                           
+ ``'DevInt'``                              ``DevInt``                             
+ ``'DevLong'``                             ``DevLong``                            
+ ``'DevLong64'``                           ``DevLong64``                          
+ ``'DevShort'``                            ``DevShort``                           
+ ``'DevState'``                            ``DevState``                           
+ ``'DevString'``                           ``DevString``                          
+ ``'DevUChar'``                            ``DevUChar``                           
+ ``'DevULong'``                            ``DevULong``                           
+ ``'DevULong64'``                          ``DevULong64``                         
+ ``'DevUShort'``                           ``DevUShort``                          
+ ``'DevVarBooleanArray'``                  ``DevVarBooleanArray``                 
+ ``'DevVarCharArray'``                     ``DevVarCharArray``                    
+ ``'DevVarDoubleArray'``                   ``DevVarDoubleArray``                  
+ ``'DevVarDoubleStringArray'``             ``DevVarDoubleStringArray``            
+ ``'DevVarFloatArray'``                    ``DevVarFloatArray``                   
+ ``'DevVarLong64Array'``                   ``DevVarLong64Array``                  
+ ``'DevVarLongArray'``                     ``DevVarLongArray``                    
+ ``'DevVarLongStringArray'``               ``DevVarLongStringArray``              
+ ``'DevVarShortArray'``                    ``DevVarShortArray``
+ ``'DevVarStringArray'``                   ``DevVarStringArray``                  
+ ``'DevVarULong64Array'``                  ``DevVarULong64Array``                 
+ ``'DevVarULongArray'``                    ``DevVarULongArray``                   
+ ``'DevVarUShortArray'``                   ``DevVarUShortArray``                  
+ ``'DevVoid'``                             ``DevVoid``                            
+ ``'None'``                                ``DevVoid``                            
+ ``'bool'``                                ``DevBoolean``                         
+ ``'boolean'``                             ``DevBoolean``                         
+ ``'byte'``                                ``DevUChar``                           
+ ``'bytearray'``                           ``DevEncoded``                         
+ ``'bytes'``                               ``DevEncoded``                         
+ ``'char'``                                ``DevUChar``                           
+ ``'chr'``                                 ``DevUChar``                           
+ ``'double'``                              ``DevDouble``                          
+ ``'float'``                               ``DevDouble``                          
+ ``'float32'``                             ``DevFloat``                           
+ ``'float64'``                             ``DevDouble``                          
+ ``'int'``                                 ``DevLong``                            
+ ``'int16'``                               ``DevShort``                           
+ ``'int32'``                               ``DevLong``                            
+ ``'int64'``                               ``DevLong64``                          
+ ``'str'``                                 ``DevString``                          
+ ``'string'``                              ``DevString``                          
+ ``'text'``                                ``DevString``                          
+ ``'uint'``                                ``DevULong``                           
+ ``'uint16'``                              ``DevUShort``                          
+ ``'uint32'``                              ``DevULong``                           
+ ``'uint64'``                              ``DevULong64``                         
+ :py:obj:`float`                           ``DevDouble``                          
+ :py:obj:`int`                             ``DevLong``                            
+ :py:obj:`str`                             ``DevString``                          
+ :py:obj:`bool`                            ``DevBoolean``                         
+ :py:obj:`bytearray`                       ``DevEncoded``                         
+ :py:obj:`numpy.bool_`                     ``DevBoolean``                         
+ :py:obj:`numpy.int16`                     ``DevShort``                           
+ :py:obj:`numpy.int32`                     ``DevLong``                            
+ :py:obj:`numpy.int64`                     ``DevLong64``                          
+ :py:obj:`numpy.uint8`                     ``DevUChar``                           
+ :py:obj:`numpy.uint16`                    ``DevUShort``                          
+ :py:obj:`numpy.uint32`                    ``DevULong``                           
+ :py:obj:`numpy.uint64`                    ``DevULong64``                         
+ :py:obj:`numpy.float32`                   ``DevFloat``                           
+ :py:obj:`numpy.float64`                   ``DevDouble``                          
+========================================  ========================================
 from __future__ import with_statement
 from __future__ import print_function
@@ -17,15 +152,16 @@ from __future__ import print_function
 __all__ = ["DeviceMeta", "Device", "LatestDeviceImpl", "attribute", "command",
            "device_property", "class_property"]
-import functools
 import __builtin__
+import inspect
+import functools
-from ._PyTango import DeviceImpl, Attribute, WAttribute, CmdArgType, \
-    AttrDataFormat, AttrWriteType, DispLevel, constants
+from ._PyTango import DeviceImpl, Attribute, WAttribute, CmdArgType
+from ._PyTango import AttrDataFormat, AttrWriteType, DispLevel, constants
 from .attr_data import AttrData
 from .device_class import DeviceClass
-from .utils import get_tango_device_classes, is_non_str_seq, is_pure_str
-from .log4tango import DebugIt
+from .utils import get_tango_device_classes, is_seq, is_non_str_seq
+from .utils import scalar_to_array_type
@@ -90,38 +226,31 @@ def __build_to_tango_type():
         for key,value in FROM_TANGO_TO_NUMPY_TYPE.items():
             ret[value] = key
+    return ret
-    head = "{0:40}  {0:40}\n".format(40*"=")
-    doc = "{0} {1:38}    {2:38} \n{0}".format(head,'type','tango type')
-    keys = sorted(ret)
-    for key in keys:
-        value = ret[key]
-        if type(key) == type:
-            key_name = key.__name__
-            if key_name in __builtin__.__dict__:
-                key = ":py:obj:`{0}`".format(key_name)
-            elif key.__module__ == 'numpy':
-                key = ":py:obj:`numpy.{0}`".format(key_name)
-            else:
-                key = "``{0}``".format(key_name)
-        elif is_pure_str(key):
-            key = "``'{0}'``".format(key) 
-        else:
-            key = "``{0}``".format(key)
-        value = "``{0}``".format(value) 
-        doc += " {0:38}    {1:38} \n".format(key, str(value))
-    doc += head
-    return ret, doc
-TO_TANGO_TYPE, __type_doc = __build_to_tango_type()
+TO_TANGO_TYPE = __build_to_tango_type()
+def get_tango_type_format(dtype=None, dformat=None):
+    if dformat is None:
+        dformat = AttrDataFormat.SCALAR
+        if is_non_str_seq(dtype):
+            dtype = dtype[0]
+            dformat = AttrDataFormat.SPECTRUM
+            if is_non_str_seq(dtype):
+                dtype = dtype[0]
+                dformat = AttrDataFormat.IMAGE
+    return TO_TANGO_TYPE[dtype], dformat
-def get_tango_type(dtype):
-    return TO_TANGO_TYPE[dtype]
-get_tango_type.__doc__ = __type_doc
+def from_typeformat_to_type(dtype, dformat):
+    if dformat == AttrDataFormat.SCALAR:
+        return dtype
+    elif dformat == AttrDataFormat.IMAGE:
+        raise TypeError("Cannot translate IMAGE to tango type")
+    return scalar_to_array_type(dtype)
 def set_complex_value(attr, value):
     is_tuple = isinstance(value, tuple)
     dtype, fmt = attr.get_data_type(), attr.get_data_format()
@@ -182,7 +311,7 @@ def check_tango_device_klass_attribute_write_method(tango_device_klass, method_n
     :type tango_device_klass: class
     :param method_name: method to be cheched
     :type attr_data: str"""
-    write_method = real_f_obj = getattr(tango_device_klass, method_name)
+    write_method = getattr(tango_device_klass, method_name)
     def write_attr(self, attr):
@@ -207,21 +336,31 @@ def check_tango_device_klass_attribute_methods(tango_device_klass, attr_data):
 def create_tango_deviceclass_klass(tango_device_klass, attrs=None):
     klass_name = tango_device_klass.__name__
     if not issubclass(tango_device_klass, (Device)):
-        raise Exception("{0} device must inherit from PyTango.hlapi.Device".format(klass_name))
+        msg = "{0} device must inherit from PyTango.hlapi.Device".format(klass_name)
+        raise Exception(msg)
     if attrs is None:
         attrs = tango_device_klass.__dict__
     attr_list = {}
+    class_property_list = {}
+    device_property_list = {}
+    cmd_list = {}
     for attr_name, attr_obj in attrs.items():
-        if isinstance(attr_obj, AttrData2):
+        if isinstance(attr_obj, attribute):
             attr_list[attr_name] = attr_obj
             check_tango_device_klass_attribute_methods(tango_device_klass, attr_obj)
+        elif isinstance(attr_obj, device_property):
+            device_property_list[attr_name] = [attr_obj.dtype, attr_obj.doc, attr_obj.default_value]
+        elif isinstance(attr_obj, class_property):
+            class_property_list[attr_name] = [attr_obj.dtype, attr_obj.doc, attr_obj.default_value]
+        elif inspect.isroutine(attr_obj):
+            if hasattr(attr_obj, "__tango_command__"):
+                cmd_name, cmd_info = attr_obj.__tango_command__
+                cmd_list[cmd_name] = cmd_info
-    class_property_list = {}
-    device_property_list = {}
-    cmd_list = {}
     devclass_name = klass_name + "Class"
     def device_class_constructor(self, name):
@@ -293,12 +432,75 @@ class Device(LatestDeviceImpl):
-class AttrData2(AttrData):
-    """High level AttrData. To be used """
+class attribute(AttrData):
+    """declares a new tango attribute in a :class:`Device`. To be used like
+the python native :obj:`property` function. For example, to declare a
+scalar, `PyTango.DevDouble`, read-only attribute called *voltage* in a
+*PowerSupply* :class:`Device` do::
+    class PowerSupply(Device):
+        voltage = attribute()
+        def read_voltage(self):
+            self.voltage = 1.0
+It receives multiple keyword arguments.
+===================== ================================ ======================================= =======================================================================================
+parameter              type                                       default value                                 description
+===================== ================================ ======================================= =======================================================================================
+name                   :obj:`str`                       class member name                       alternative attribute name
+dtype                  :obj:`object`                    :obj:`~PyTango.CmdArgType.DevDouble`    data type (see :ref:`Data type equivalence <pytango-hlapi-datatypes>`)
+dformat                :obj:`~PyTango.AttrDataFormat`   :obj:`~PyTango.AttrDataFormat.SCALAR`   data format
+max_dim_x              :obj:`int`                       1                                       maximum size for x dimension (ignored for SCALAR format) 
+max_dim_y              :obj:`int`                       0                                       maximum size for y dimension (ignored for SCALAR and SPECTRUM formats) 
+display_level          :obj:`~PyTango.DispLevel`        :obj:`~PyTango.DisLevel.OPERATOR`       display level
+polling_period         :obj:`int`                       -1                                      polling period
+memorized              :obj:`bool`                      False                                   attribute should or not be memorized
+hw_memorized           :obj:`bool`                      False                                   write method should be called at startup when restoring memorize value (dangerous!)
+access                 :obj:`~PyTango.AttrWriteType`    :obj:`~PyTango.AttrWriteType.READ`      read only/ read write / write only access
+fget (or fread)        :obj:`str` or :obj:`callable`    'read_<attr_name>'                      read method name or method object
+fset (or fwrite)       :obj:`str` or :obj:`callable`    'write_<attr_name>'                     write method name or method object
+is_allowed             :obj:`str` or :obj:`callable`    'is_<attr_name>_allowed'                is allowed method name or method object
+label                  :obj:`str`                       '<attr_name>'                           attribute label
+doc (or description)   :obj:`str`                       ''                                      attribute description
+unit                   :obj:`str`                       ''                                      physical units the attribute value is in
+standard_unit          :obj:`str`                       ''                                      physical standard unit
+display_unit           :obj:`str`                       ''                                      physical display unit (hint for clients)
+format                 :obj:`str`                       '6.2f'                                  attribute representation format
+min_value              :obj:`str`                       None                                    minimum allowed value
+max_value              :obj:`str`                       None                                    maximum allowed value
+min_alarm              :obj:`str`                       None                                    minimum value to trigger attribute alarm
+max_alarm              :obj:`str`                       None                                    maximum value to trigger attribute alarm
+min_warning            :obj:`str`                       None                                    minimum value to trigger attribute warning
+max_warning            :obj:`str`                       None                                    maximum value to trigger attribute warning
+delta_val              :obj:`str`                       None
+delta_t                :obj:`str`                       None
+abs_change             :obj:`str`                       None                                    minimum value change between events that causes event filter to send the event
+rel_change             :obj:`str`                       None                                    minimum relative change between events that causes event filter to send the event (%)
+period                 :obj:`str`                       None
+archive_abs_change     :obj:`str`                       None
+archive_rel_change     :obj:`str`                       None
+archive_period         :obj:`str`                       None
+===================== ================================ ======================================= ======================================================================================="""
+    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+        name = kwargs.pop("name", None)
+        class_name = kwargs.pop("class_name", None)
+        super(attribute, self).__init__(name, class_name)
+        if 'dtype' in kwargs:
+            kwargs['dtype'], kwargs['dformat'] = \
+                get_tango_type_format(kwargs['dtype'], kwargs.get('dformat'))
+        self.build_from_dict(kwargs)
     def get_attribute(self, obj):
         return obj.get_device_attr().get_attr_by_name(self.attr_name)
+    # --------------------
+    # descriptor interface
+    # --------------------
     def __get__(self, obj, objtype):
         return self.get_attribute(obj)
@@ -308,12 +510,13 @@ class AttrData2(AttrData):
     def __delete__(self, obj):
-def attribute(**kwargs):
-    """declares a new tango attribute in a :class:`Device`. To be used like the python
-native :obj:`property` function. For example, to declare a scalar, 
-`PyTango.DevDouble`, read-only attribute called *voltage* in a *PowerSupply*
-:class:`Device` do::
+def _attribute(**kwargs):
+    """declares a new tango attribute in a :class:`Device`. To be used like
+the python native :obj:`property` function. For example, to declare a
+scalar, `PyTango.DevDouble`, read-only attribute called *voltage* in a
+*PowerSupply* :class:`Device` do::
     class PowerSupply(Device):
@@ -324,81 +527,123 @@ native :obj:`property` function. For example, to declare a scalar,
 It receives multiple keyword arguments.
-===================== ========================================== ============================================== =======================================================================================
-parameter              type                                       default value                                  description
-===================== ========================================== ============================================== =======================================================================================
-name                   :obj:`str`                                 class member name                              alternative attribute name
-dtype                  :obj:`object`                              :obj:`~PyTango.CmdArgType`\ ``.DevDouble``     data type (see :ref:`Data type equivalence <pytango-hlapi-datatypes>`)
-dformat                :obj:`~PyTango.AttrDataFormat`             :obj:`~PyTango.AttrDataFormat`\ ``.SCALAR``    data format
-max_dim_x              :obj:`int`                                 1                                              maximum size for x dimension (ignored for SCALAR format) 
-max_dim_y              :obj:`int`                                 0                                              maximum size for y dimension (ignored for SCALAR and SPECTRUM formats) 
-display_level          :obj:`~PyTango.DispLevel`                  :obj:`~PyTango.DisLevel`\ ``.OPERATOR``        display level
-polling_period         :obj:`int`                                 -1                                             polling period
-memorized              :obj:`bool`                                False                                          attribute should or not be memorized
-hw_memorized           :obj:`bool`                                False                                          write method should be called at startup when restoring memorize value (dangerous!)
-access                 :obj:`~PyTango.AttrWriteType`              :obj:`~PyTango.AttrWriteType`\ ``.READ``       read only/ read write / write only access
-fread                  :obj:`str` or :obj:`callable`              'read_<attr_name>'                             read method name or method object
-fwrite                 :obj:`str` or :obj:`callable`              'write_<attr_name>'                            write method name or method object
-is_allowed             :obj:`str` or :obj:`callable`              'is_<attr_name>_allowed'                       is allowed method name or method object
-label                  :obj:`str`                                 '<attr_name>'                                  attribute label
-description            :obj:`str`                                 ''                                             attribute description
-unit                   :obj:`str`                                 ''                                             physical units the attribute value is in
-standard_unit          :obj:`str`                                 ''                                             physical standard unit
-display_unit           :obj:`str`                                 ''                                             physical display unit (hint for clients)
-format                 :obj:`str`                                 '6.2f'                                         attribute representation format
-min_value              :obj:`str`                                 None                                           minimum allowed value
-max_value              :obj:`str`                                 None                                           maximum allowed value
-min_alarm              :obj:`str`                                 None                                           minimum value to trigger attribute alarm
-max_alarm              :obj:`str`                                 None                                           maximum value to trigger attribute alarm
-min_warning            :obj:`str`                                 None                                           minimum value to trigger attribute warning
-max_warning            :obj:`str`                                 None                                           maximum value to trigger attribute warning
-delta_val              :obj:`str`                                 None
-delta_t                :obj:`str`                                 None
-abs_change             :obj:`str`                                 None                                           minimum value change between events that causes event filter to send the event
-rel_change             :obj:`str`                                 None                                           minimum relative change between events that causes event filter to send the event (%)
-period                 :obj:`str`                                 None
-archive_abs_change     :obj:`str`                                 None
-archive_rel_change     :obj:`str`                                 None
-archive_period         :obj:`str`                                 None
-===================== ========================================== ============================================== ======================================================================================="""
+===================== ================================ ======================================= =======================================================================================
+parameter              type                                       default value                                 description
+===================== ================================ ======================================= =======================================================================================
+name                   :obj:`str`                       class member name                       alternative attribute name
+dtype                  :obj:`object`                    :obj:`~PyTango.CmdArgType.DevDouble`    data type (see :ref:`Data type equivalence <pytango-hlapi-datatypes>`)
+dformat                :obj:`~PyTango.AttrDataFormat`   :obj:`~PyTango.AttrDataFormat.SCALAR`   data format
+max_dim_x              :obj:`int`                       1                                       maximum size for x dimension (ignored for SCALAR format) 
+max_dim_y              :obj:`int`                       0                                       maximum size for y dimension (ignored for SCALAR and SPECTRUM formats) 
+display_level          :obj:`~PyTango.DispLevel`        :obj:`~PyTango.DisLevel.OPERATOR`       display level
+polling_period         :obj:`int`                       -1                                      polling period
+memorized              :obj:`bool`                      False                                   attribute should or not be memorized
+hw_memorized           :obj:`bool`                      False                                   write method should be called at startup when restoring memorize value (dangerous!)
+access                 :obj:`~PyTango.AttrWriteType`    :obj:`~PyTango.AttrWriteType.READ`      read only/ read write / write only access
+fget (or fread)        :obj:`str` or :obj:`callable`    'read_<attr_name>'                      read method name or method object
+fset (or fwrite)       :obj:`str` or :obj:`callable`    'write_<attr_name>'                     write method name or method object
+is_allowed             :obj:`str` or :obj:`callable`    'is_<attr_name>_allowed'                is allowed method name or method object
+label                  :obj:`str`                       '<attr_name>'                           attribute label
+doc (or description)   :obj:`str`                       ''                                      attribute description
+unit                   :obj:`str`                       ''                                      physical units the attribute value is in
+standard_unit          :obj:`str`                       ''                                      physical standard unit
+display_unit           :obj:`str`                       ''                                      physical display unit (hint for clients)
+format                 :obj:`str`                       '6.2f'                                  attribute representation format
+min_value              :obj:`str`                       None                                    minimum allowed value
+max_value              :obj:`str`                       None                                    maximum allowed value
+min_alarm              :obj:`str`                       None                                    minimum value to trigger attribute alarm
+max_alarm              :obj:`str`                       None                                    maximum value to trigger attribute alarm
+min_warning            :obj:`str`                       None                                    minimum value to trigger attribute warning
+max_warning            :obj:`str`                       None                                    maximum value to trigger attribute warning
+delta_val              :obj:`str`                       None
+delta_t                :obj:`str`                       None
+abs_change             :obj:`str`                       None                                    minimum value change between events that causes event filter to send the event
+rel_change             :obj:`str`                       None                                    minimum relative change between events that causes event filter to send the event (%)
+period                 :obj:`str`                       None
+archive_abs_change     :obj:`str`                       None
+archive_rel_change     :obj:`str`                       None
+archive_period         :obj:`str`                       None
+===================== ================================ ======================================= ======================================================================================="""
     if 'dtype' in kwargs:
-        kwargs['dtype'] = get_tango_type(kwargs['dtype'])
-    return AttrData2.from_dict(kwargs)
+        kwargs['dtype'], kwargs['dformat'] = \
+          get_tango_type_format(kwargs['dtype'], kwargs.get('dformat'))
+    return attribute.from_dict(kwargs)
+def command(f=None, dtype_in=None, dformat_in=None, doc_in="",
+            dtype_out=None, dformat_out=None, doc_out="",):
+    """declares a new tango command in a :class:`Device`.
+    To be used like a decorator in the methods you want to declare as tango
+    commands. For example, to declare a *ramp* command that receives a
+    `PyTango.DevDouble` parameter called *current*, do::
+        class PowerSupply(Device):
+            @command(dtype_in=float)
+            def ramp(self, current):
+                self.info_stream("Ramping on %f..." % current)
+            # Another more elaborate command
+            @command(dtype_in=float, doc_in="the pressure to be set",
+                     dtype_out=(bool, doc_out="True if it worked, False otherwise")
+            def setPressure(self, pressure):
+                self.info_stream("Setting pressure on %f..." % pressure)
+    :param dtype_in: a :ref:`data type <pytango-hlapi-datatypes>`
+                     describing the type of parameter. Default is None meaning
+                     no parameter.
+    :param dformat_in: parameter data format. Default is None.
+    :type dformat_in: AttrDataFormat
+    :param doc_in: parameter documentation
+    :type doc_in: str
+    :param dtype_out: a :ref:`data type <pytango-hlapi-datatypes>`
+                      describing the type of return value. Default is None
+                      meaning no return value.
+    :param dformat_out: return value data format. Default is None.
+    :type dformat_out: AttrDataFormat
+    :param doc_out: return value documentation
+    :type doc_out: str
+    """
+    if f is None:
+        return functools.partial(command,
+            dtype_in=dtype_in, dformat_in=dformat_in, doc_in=doc_in,
+            dtype_out=dtype_out, dformat_out=dformat_out, doc_out=doc_out)
+    name = f.__name__
-def command():
-    """TODO"""
-    pass
-def device_property():
-    """TODO"""
-    pass
+    dtype_in, dformat_in = get_tango_type_format(dtype_in, dformat_in)
+    dtype_out, dformat_out = get_tango_type_format(dtype_out, dformat_out)
-def class_property():
-    """TODO"""
-    pass
+    din = [from_typeformat_to_type(dtype_in, dformat_in), doc_in]
+    dout = [from_typeformat_to_type(dtype_out, dformat_out), doc_out]
+    f.__tango_command__ = name, [din, dout]
+    return f
-__doc__ = """High Level API for writting Tango device servers.
-.. _pytango-hlapi-datatypes:
+class _property(object):
-.. rubric:: Data types
+    def __init__(self, dtype, doc='', default_value=None):
+        self.__value = None
+        dtype = from_typeformat_to_type(*get_tango_type_format(dtype))
+        self.dtype = dtype
+        self.doc = doc
+        self.default_value = default_value
+    def __get__(self, obj, objtype):
+        return self.__value
-When declaring attributes, properties or commands, one of the most important
-information is the data type. It is given by the keyword argument *dtype*.
-This argument is not retricted to the :obj:`~PyTango.CmdArgType` options.
+    def __set__(self, obj, value):
+        self.__value = value
+    def __delete__(self, obj):
+        del self.__value
-For example, to define a :obj:`~PyTango.CmdArgType.DevLong` attribute you
-have several possibilities:
-    #. :obj:`int`
-    #. 'int'
-    #. 'int32'
-    #. 'integer' 
-    #. :obj:`~PyTango.CmdArgType.DevLong`
-    #. 'DevLong' 
-    #. :obj:`numpy.int32`
+class device_property(_property):
+    pass
-Below is the complete table of equivalences.
-""" + __type_doc
+class class_property(_property):
+    pass
diff --git a/src/boost/python/ipython/__init__.py b/src/boost/python/ipython/__init__.py
index ae7e657..94e27fb 100644
--- a/src/boost/python/ipython/__init__.py
+++ b/src/boost/python/ipython/__init__.py
@@ -12,18 +12,18 @@
 __all__ = ["init_ipython", "install", "load_ipython_extension",
            "unload_ipython_extension", "load_config"]
-from .common import get_python_version, get_python_version_number, \
-    get_ipython_version, get_ipython_version_list, \
-    get_ipython_version_number, get_pytango_version, get_pytango_version_number
+from .common import get_python_version
+from .common import get_ipython_version
+from .common import get_pytango_version
-def default_init_ipython(ip, store=True, pytango=True, colors=True,
-                         console=True, magic=True):
+def default_init_ipython(*args, **kwargs):
     print("Unsupported IPython version (%s) for tango profile" \
         % get_ipython_version())
     print("Supported IPython versions are: >= 0.10")
     print("Starting normal IPython console...")
-def default_install(ipydir=None, verbose=True):
+def default_install(*args, **kwargs):
     print("Unsupported IPython version (%s) for tango profile" \
         % get_ipython_version())
     print("Supported IPython versions are: >= 0.10")
@@ -32,8 +32,9 @@ def default_install(ipydir=None, verbose=True):
 init_ipython = default_init_ipython
 install = default_install
-ipv = get_ipython_version_list()
-if ipv >= [0, 10] and ipv < [0, 11]:
+ipv = get_ipython_version()
+if ipv >= "0.10" and ipv < "0.11":
     from . import ipython_00_10
     init_ipython = ipython_00_10.init_ipython
     install = ipython_00_10.install
@@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ if ipv >= [0, 10] and ipv < [0, 11]:
     load_config = None
     load_ipython_extension = None
     unload_ipython_extension = None
-elif ipv >= [0, 11]:
+elif ipv >= "0.11" and ipv < "1.0":
     from . import ipython_00_11
     init_ipython = None
     install = ipython_00_11.install
@@ -51,7 +52,16 @@ elif ipv >= [0, 11]:
     load_config = ipython_00_11.load_config
     load_ipython_extension = ipython_00_11.load_ipython_extension
     unload_ipython_extension = ipython_00_11.unload_ipython_extension
+elif ipv >= "1.00":
+    from . import ipython_10_00
+    init_ipython = None
+    install = ipython_10_00.install
+    is_installed = ipython_10_00.is_installed
+    __run = ipython_10_00.run
+    load_config = ipython_10_00.load_config
+    load_ipython_extension = ipython_10_00.load_ipython_extension
+    unload_ipython_extension = ipython_10_00.unload_ipython_extension
 def run():
     if not is_installed():
diff --git a/src/boost/python/ipython/common.py b/src/boost/python/ipython/common.py
index d20b5cf..1ae516f 100644
--- a/src/boost/python/ipython/common.py
+++ b/src/boost/python/ipython/common.py
@@ -13,78 +13,19 @@
 """functions common (hopefully) to all ipython versions"""
-__all__ = ["translate_version_str2int", "translate_version_str2list",
-           "get_python_version", "get_python_version_number",
-           "get_ipython_version", "get_ipython_version_list",
-           "get_ipython_version_number",
-           "get_pytango_version", "get_pytango_version_number"]
+__all__ = ["get_python_version",
+           "get_ipython_version",
+           "get_pytango_version"]
 import sys
-import math
-def translate_version_str2int(version_str):
-    """Translates a version string in format 'x[.y[.z[...]]]' into a 000000 number"""
-    parts = version_str.split('.')
-    i, v, l = 0, 0, len(parts)
-    if not l:
-        return v
-    while i<3:
-        try:
-            v += int(parts[i])*int(math.pow(10,(2-i)*2))
-            l -= 1
-            i += 1
-        except ValueError:
-            return v
-        if not l: return v
-    return v
-    try:
-        v += 10000*int(parts[0])
-        l -= 1
-    except ValueError:
-        return v
-    if not l: return v
-    try:
-        v += 100*int(parts[1])
-        l -= 1
-    except ValueError:
-        return v
-    if not l: return v
-    try:
-        v += int(parts[0])
-        l -= 1
-    except ValueError:
-        return v
-    if not l: return v
-def translate_version_str2list(version_str):
-    """Translates a version string in format 'x[.y[.z[...]]]' into a list of
-    numbers"""
-    if version_str is None:
-        ver = [0, 0]
-    else:
-        ver = []
-        for i in version_str.split(".")[:2]:
-            try:
-                i = int(i)
-            except:
-                i = 0
-            ver.append(i)
-    return ver
+from distutils.version import StrictVersion
 # Python utilities
 def get_python_version():
-    return '.'.join(map(str, sys.version_info[:3]))
-def get_python_version_number():
-    pyver_str = get_python_version()
-    return translate_version_str2int(pyver_str)
+    return StrictVersion('.'.join(map(str, sys.version_info[:3])))
 # IPython utilities
@@ -104,17 +45,7 @@ def get_ipython_version():
-    return v
-def get_ipython_version_list():
-    ipv_str = get_ipython_version()
-    return translate_version_str2list(ipv_str)
-def get_ipython_version_number():
-    """Returns the current IPython version number"""
-    ipyver_str = get_ipython_version()
-    if ipyver_str is None: return None
-    return translate_version_str2int(ipyver_str)
+    return StrictVersion(v)
 # PyTango utilities
@@ -126,11 +57,7 @@ def get_pytango_version():
-        return PyTango.Release.version
+        v = PyTango.Release.version
-        return '0.0.0'
-def get_pytango_version_number():
-    tgver_str = get_pytango_version()
-    if tgver_str is None: return None
-    return translate_version_str2int(tgver_str)
\ No newline at end of file
+        v = '0.0.0'
+    return StrictVersion(v)
diff --git a/src/boost/python/ipython/ipython_00_10/ipython_00_10.py b/src/boost/python/ipython/ipython_00_10/ipython_00_10.py
index 49ca3d2..9bc8a6c 100644
--- a/src/boost/python/ipython/ipython_00_10/ipython_00_10.py
+++ b/src/boost/python/ipython/ipython_00_10/ipython_00_10.py
@@ -865,10 +865,10 @@ def init_console(ip):
     TermColors = IPython.ColorANSI.TermColors
-    d = { "version" : PyTango.ipython.get_pytango_version(),
-          "pyver" : PyTango.ipython.get_python_version(),
-          "ipyver" : PyTango.ipython.get_ipython_version(),
-          "pytangover" : PyTango.ipython.get_pytango_version() }
+    d = { "version" : str(PyTango.ipython.get_pytango_version()),
+          "pyver" : str(PyTango.ipython.get_python_version()),
+          "ipyver" : str(PyTango.ipython.get_ipython_version()),
+          "pytangover" : str(PyTango.ipython.get_pytango_version()) }
     o = ip.options
diff --git a/src/boost/python/ipython/ipython_00_11/ipython_00_11.py b/src/boost/python/ipython/ipython_00_11/ipython_00_11.py
index 7ac6fef..bbf5911 100644
--- a/src/boost/python/ipython/ipython_00_11/ipython_00_11.py
+++ b/src/boost/python/ipython/ipython_00_11/ipython_00_11.py
@@ -1129,10 +1129,10 @@ def load_config(config):
     import PyTango.ipython
     import IPython.utils.coloransi
-    d = { "version" : PyTango.ipython.get_pytango_version(),
-          "pyver" : PyTango.ipython.get_python_version(),
-          "ipyver" : PyTango.ipython.get_ipython_version(),
-          "pytangover" : PyTango.ipython.get_pytango_version(), }
+    d = { "version" : str(PyTango.ipython.get_pytango_version()),
+          "pyver" : str(PyTango.ipython.get_python_version()),
+          "ipyver" : str(PyTango.ipython.get_ipython_version()),
+          "pytangover" : str(PyTango.ipython.get_pytango_version()), }
     so = Struct(
@@ -1140,8 +1140,7 @@ def load_config(config):
     so = config.get("tango_options", so)
-    import PyTango.ipython
-    ipy_ver = PyTango.ipython.get_ipython_version_list()
+    ipy_ver = PyTango.ipython.get_ipython_version()
     # ------------------------------------
     # Application
@@ -1155,7 +1154,7 @@ def load_config(config):
     i_shell = config.InteractiveShell
     i_shell.colors = 'Linux'
-    if ipy_ver >= [0, 12]:
+    if ipy_ver >= "0.12":
         # ------------------------------------
         # PromptManager (ipython >= 0.12)
         # ------------------------------------
diff --git a/src/boost/python/tango_green.py b/src/boost/python/tango_green.py
index d24e096..a5ea588 100644
--- a/src/boost/python/tango_green.py
+++ b/src/boost/python/tango_green.py
@@ -9,14 +9,16 @@
 # See LICENSE.txt for more info.
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-__all__ = ["get_executor", "submit", "spawn",
+__all__ = ["get_green_mode", "set_green_mode",
+           "get_executor", "submit", "spawn",
            "get_synch_executor", "synch_submit",
            "get_gevent_executor", "gevent_submit",
-           "get_futures_executor", "futures_submit"
+           "get_futures_executor", "futures_submit",
            "result", "submitable", "green"] 
 __docformat__ = "restructuredtext"
+import os
 from functools import wraps
 from ._PyTango import GreenMode
@@ -24,7 +26,40 @@ from .tango_gevent import get_global_executor as get_gevent_executor
 from .tango_gevent import submit as gevent_submit
 from .tango_futures import get_global_executor as get_futures_executor
 from .tango_futures import submit as futures_submit
-from .utils import get_green_mode
+__default_green_mode = GreenMode.Synchronous
+    __current_green_mode = getattr(GreenMode,
+                                   os.environ.get("PYTANGO_GREEN_MODE",
+                                                  "Synchronous").capitalize())
+    __current_green_mode = __default_green_mode
+def set_green_mode(green_mode=None):
+    """Sets the global default PyTango green mode.
+    Advice: Use only in your final application. Don't use this in a python library
+    in order not to interfere with the beavior of other libraries and/or 
+    application where your library is being.
+    :param green_mode: the new global default PyTango green mode
+    :type green_mode: GreenMode
+    """
+    global __current_green_mode
+    if green_mode is None:
+        green_mode = GreenMode.Synchronous
+    __current_green_mode = green_mode
+def get_green_mode():
+    """Returns the current global default PyTango green mode.
+    :returns: the current global default PyTango green mode
+    :rtype: GreenMode
+    """
+    return __current_green_mode
 class SynchExecutor(object):
     def submit(self, fn, *args, **kwargs):
diff --git a/src/boost/python/utils.py b/src/boost/python/utils.py
index 32a8788..b834e6d 100644
--- a/src/boost/python/utils.py
+++ b/src/boost/python/utils.py
@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ This is an internal PyTango module.
 from __future__ import with_statement
 from __future__ import print_function
-__all__ = [ "get_green_mode", "set_green_mode",
-            "is_pure_str", "is_seq", "is_non_str_seq", "is_integer",
+__all__ = [ "is_pure_str", "is_seq", "is_non_str_seq", "is_integer",
             "is_number", "is_scalar_type", "is_array_type", "is_numerical_type",
             "is_int_type", "is_float_type", "is_bool_type", "is_bin_type",
             "is_str_type", "obj_2_str", "seqStr_2_obj",
+            "scalar_to_array_type",
             "document_method", "document_static_method", "document_enum",
             "CaselessList", "CaselessDict", "EventCallBack", "get_home",
             "from_version_str_to_hex_str", "from_version_str_to_int",
@@ -90,39 +90,6 @@ _scalar_to_array_type = {
     CmdArgType.ConstDevString : CmdArgType.DevVarStringArray,
-__default_green_mode = GreenMode.Synchronous
-    __current_green_mode = getattr(GreenMode,
-                                   os.environ.get("PYTANGO_GREEN_MODE",
-                                                  "Synchronous").capitalize())
-    __current_green_mode = __default_green_mode
-def set_green_mode(green_mode=None):
-    """Sets the global default PyTango green mode.
-    Advice: Use only in your final application. Don't use this in a python library
-    in order not to interfere with the beavior of other libraries and/or 
-    application where your library is being.
-    :param green_mode: the new global default PyTango green mode
-    :type green_mode: GreenMode
-    """
-    global __current_green_mode
-    if green_mode is None:
-        green_mode = GreenMode.Synchronous
-    __current_green_mode = green_mode
-def get_green_mode():
-    """Returns the current global default PyTango green mode.
-    :returns: the current global default PyTango green mode
-    :rtype: GreenMode
-    """
-    return __current_green_mode
 __device_classes = None
 def get_tango_device_classes():
@@ -543,7 +510,7 @@ def _seqStr_2_obj_from_type_format(seq, tg_type, tg_format):
     if tg_format == AttrDataFormat.SCALAR:
         return _seqStr_2_obj_from_type(tg_type, seq)
     elif tg_format == AttrDataFormat.SPECTRUM:
-        return _seqStr_2_obj_from_type(_scalar_to_array_type(tg_type), seq)
+        return _seqStr_2_obj_from_type(_scalar_to_array_type[tg_type], seq)
     elif tg_format == AttrDataFormat.IMAGE:
         if tg_type == CmdArgType.DevString:
             return seq
@@ -571,6 +538,9 @@ def _seqStr_2_obj_from_type_format(seq, tg_type, tg_format):
     return _seqStr_2_obj_from_type(tg_type, seq)
+def scalar_to_array_type(dtype):
+    return _scalar_to_array_type[dtype]
 def obj_2_str(obj, tg_type):
     """Converts a python object into a string according to the given tango type
@@ -1141,7 +1111,8 @@ def from_version_str_to_hex_str(version_str):
 def from_version_str_to_int(version_str):
     return int(from_version_str_to_hex_str(version_str, 16))
-def __server_run(classes, args=None, msg_stream=sys.stderr, util=None):
+def __server_run(classes, args=None, msg_stream=sys.stdout, util=None,
+                 event_loop=None):
     import PyTango
     if msg_stream is None:
         import io
@@ -1173,12 +1144,15 @@ def __server_run(classes, args=None, msg_stream=sys.stderr, util=None):
                 klass = klass_info
             util.add_class(klass_klass, klass, klass_name)
     u_instance = PyTango.Util.instance()
+    if event_loop is not None:
+        u_instance.server_set_event_loop(event_loop)
     msg_stream.write("Ready to accept request\n")
     return util
-def server_run(classes, args=None, msg_stream=sys.stderr, verbose=False, util=None):
+def server_run(classes, args=None, msg_stream=sys.stdout,
+               verbose=False, util=None, event_loop=None):
     """Provides a simple way to run a tango server. It handles exceptions
        by writting a message to the msg_stream.
@@ -1224,11 +1198,14 @@ def server_run(classes, args=None, msg_stream=sys.stderr, verbose=False, util=No
        :type args: list
        :param msg_stream:
-           stream where to put messages [default: sys.stderr]
+           stream where to put messages [default: sys.stdout]
        :param util:
            PyTango Util object [default: None meaning create a Util instance]
        :type util: :class:`~PyTango.Util`
+       :param event_loop: event_loop callable
+       :type event_loop: callable
        :return: The Util singleton object
        :rtype: :class:`~PyTango.Util`
@@ -1237,6 +1214,11 @@ def server_run(classes, args=None, msg_stream=sys.stderr, verbose=False, util=No
        .. versionchanged:: 8.0.3
            Added `util` keyword parameter.
+           Returns util object
+       .. versionchanged:: 8.1.1
+           Changed default msg_stream from *stderr* to *stdout*
+           Added `event_loop` keyword parameter.
            Returns util object"""
     if msg_stream is None:
@@ -1244,7 +1226,7 @@ def server_run(classes, args=None, msg_stream=sys.stderr, verbose=False, util=No
         msg_stream = io.BytesIO()
     write = msg_stream.write
-        return __server_run(classes, args=args, util=util)
+        return __server_run(classes, args=args, util=util, event_loop=event_loop)
     except KeyboardInterrupt:
         write("Exiting: Keyboard interrupt\n")

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