[pytango] 409/483: avoid inheriting from DeviceClass.\nMake use of original DeviceClass class wrapped from c++
Sandor Bodo-Merle
sbodomerle-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Sep 28 19:15:06 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
sbodomerle-guest pushed a commit to annotated tag bliss_8.10
in repository pytango.
commit c45cb91e3edf310e0b65121e73c8cb73ff2f7a7c
Author: tiagocoutinho <tiagocoutinho at 4e9c00fd-8f2e-0410-aa12-93ce3db5e235>
Date: Tue Sep 30 11:18:28 2014 +0000
avoid inheriting from DeviceClass.\nMake use of original DeviceClass class wrapped from c++
git-svn-id: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/tango-cs/code/bindings/PyTango/trunk@26593 4e9c00fd-8f2e-0410-aa12-93ce3db5e235
src/boost/cpp/server/device_class.cpp | 77 ++--
src/boost/python/device_class.py | 736 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
2 files changed, 407 insertions(+), 406 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/boost/cpp/server/device_class.cpp b/src/boost/cpp/server/device_class.cpp
index 63e4324..58d9c7b 100644
--- a/src/boost/cpp/server/device_class.cpp
+++ b/src/boost/cpp/server/device_class.cpp
@@ -70,18 +70,18 @@ void CppDeviceClass::create_command(const std::string &cmd_name,
void CppDeviceClass::create_attribute(vector<Tango::Attr *> &att_list,
- const std::string &attr_name,
- Tango::CmdArgType attr_type,
- Tango::AttrDataFormat attr_format,
- Tango::AttrWriteType attr_write,
- long dim_x, long dim_y,
- Tango::DispLevel display_level,
- long polling_period,
- bool memorized, bool hw_memorized,
- const std::string &read_method_name,
- const std::string &write_method_name,
- const std::string &is_allowed_name,
- Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp *att_prop)
+ const std::string &attr_name,
+ Tango::CmdArgType attr_type,
+ Tango::AttrDataFormat attr_format,
+ Tango::AttrWriteType attr_write,
+ long dim_x, long dim_y,
+ Tango::DispLevel display_level,
+ long polling_period,
+ bool memorized, bool hw_memorized,
+ const std::string &read_method_name,
+ const std::string &write_method_name,
+ const std::string &is_allowed_name,
+ Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp *att_prop)
// Create the attribute objet according to attribute format
@@ -102,13 +102,15 @@ void CppDeviceClass::create_attribute(vector<Tango::Attr *> &att_list,
case Tango::SPECTRUM:
- spec_attr_ptr = new PySpecAttr(attr_name.c_str(), attr_type, attr_write, dim_x);
+ spec_attr_ptr = new PySpecAttr(attr_name.c_str(), attr_type,
+ attr_write, dim_x);
py_attr_ptr = spec_attr_ptr;
attr_ptr = spec_attr_ptr;
case Tango::IMAGE:
- ima_attr_ptr = new PyImaAttr(attr_name.c_str(), attr_type, attr_write, dim_x, dim_y);
+ ima_attr_ptr = new PyImaAttr(attr_name.c_str(), attr_type,
+ attr_write, dim_x, dim_y);
py_attr_ptr = ima_attr_ptr;
attr_ptr = ima_attr_ptr;
@@ -178,7 +180,7 @@ void CppDeviceClassWrap::attribute_factory(std::vector<Tango::Attr *> &att_list)
- boost::python::call_method<void>(m_self, "_DeviceClass__attribute_factory",
+ boost::python::call_method<void>(m_self, "_attribute_factory",
catch(boost::python::error_already_set &eas)
@@ -189,7 +191,7 @@ void CppDeviceClassWrap::attribute_factory(std::vector<Tango::Attr *> &att_list)
void CppDeviceClassWrap::command_factory()
- CALL_DEVCLASS_METHOD(_DeviceClass__command_factory)
+ CALL_DEVCLASS_METHOD(_command_factory)
void CppDeviceClassWrap::device_name_factory(std::vector<std::string> &dev_list)
@@ -281,7 +283,8 @@ namespace PyDeviceClass
boost::python::list py_cmd_list;
vector<Tango::Command *> cmd_list = self.get_command_list();
- for(vector<Tango::Command *>::iterator it = cmd_list.begin(); it != cmd_list.end(); ++it)
+ for(vector<Tango::Command *>::iterator it = cmd_list.begin();
+ it != cmd_list.end(); ++it)
object py_value = object(
@@ -292,37 +295,25 @@ namespace PyDeviceClass
return py_cmd_list;
- /*
- void add_device(CppDeviceClass &self, auto_ptr<Tango::DeviceImpl> dev)
+ void register_signal(CppDeviceClass &self, long signo)
- self.add_device(dev.get());
- dev.release();
+ self.register_signal(signo);
- void add_device(CppDeviceClass &self, auto_ptr<Tango::Device_4Impl> dev)
+#if (defined __linux)
+ void register_signal(CppDeviceClass &self, long signo, bool own_handler)
- self.add_device(dev.get());
- dev.release();
+ self.register_signal(signo, own_handler);
- void (*add_device1)(CppDeviceClass &, auto_ptr<Tango::DeviceImpl>) = &add_device;
- void (*add_device2)(CppDeviceClass &, auto_ptr<Tango::Device_4Impl>) = &add_device;
- */
CppDeviceClass::export_device, 1, 2)
-#if !(defined __linux)
- Tango::DeviceClass::register_signal, 1, 1)
- Tango::DeviceClass::register_signal, 1, 2)
void export_device_class()
@@ -335,18 +326,20 @@ void export_device_class()
void (Tango::DeviceClass::*add_wiz_class_prop__)(string &,string &,string &) =
- class_<CppDeviceClass, auto_ptr<CppDeviceClassWrap>, boost::noncopyable>("_DeviceClass",
+ class_<CppDeviceClass, auto_ptr<CppDeviceClassWrap>, boost::noncopyable>("DeviceClass",
init<const std::string &>())
.def("device_factory", &CppDeviceClassWrap::device_factory)
.def("device_name_factory", &CppDeviceClassWrap::device_name_factory)
.def("export_device", &CppDeviceClass::export_device,
- //.def("_add_device", PyDeviceClass::add_device1)
- //.def("_add_device", PyDeviceClass::add_device2)
.def("_add_device", &CppDeviceClass::add_device)
- .def("register_signal",&Tango::DeviceClass::register_signal,
- register_signal_overload())
+ .def("register_signal",
+ (void (*) (CppDeviceClass &, long)) &PyDeviceClass::register_signal)
+#if defined __linux
+ .def("register_signal",
+ (void (*) (CppDeviceClass &, long, bool)) &PyDeviceClass::register_signal)
.def("unregister_signal", &Tango::DeviceClass::unregister_signal)
.def("signal_handler", &Tango::DeviceClass::signal_handler,
diff --git a/src/boost/python/device_class.py b/src/boost/python/device_class.py
index f35eef4..ff71336 100644
--- a/src/boost/python/device_class.py
+++ b/src/boost/python/device_class.py
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ __docformat__ = "restructuredtext"
import collections
-from ._PyTango import Except, DevFailed, _DeviceClass, CmdArgType, \
+from ._PyTango import Except, DevFailed, DeviceClass, CmdArgType, \
DispLevel, UserDefaultAttrProp
from .pyutil import Util
@@ -261,393 +261,401 @@ class PropUtil:
return obj_2_str(argin, argout_type)
-class DeviceClass(_DeviceClass):
- """Base class for all TANGO device-class class.
- A TANGO device-class class is a class where is stored all
- data/method common to all devices of a TANGO device class"""
+def __DeviceClass__init__(self, name):
+ DeviceClass.__init_orig__(self, name)
+ self.dyn_att_added_methods = []
+ try:
+ pu = self.prop_util = PropUtil()
+ self.py_dev_list = []
+ pu.set_default_property_values(self, self.class_property_list,
+ self.device_property_list)
+ pu.get_class_properties(self, self.class_property_list)
+ for prop_name in self.class_property_list:
+ if not hasattr(self, prop_name):
+ setattr(self, prop_name, pu.get_property_values(prop_name,
+ self.class_property_list))
+ except DevFailed as df:
+ print("PyDS: %s: A Tango error occured in the constructor:" % name)
+ Except.print_exception(df)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("PyDS: %s: An error occured in the constructor:" % name)
+ print(str(e))
+def __DeviceClass__str__(self):
+ return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.get_name())
+def __DeviceClass__repr__(self):
+ return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.get_name())
+def __throw_create_attribute_exception(msg):
+ """
+ Helper method to throw DevFailed exception when inside
+ create_attribute
+ """
+ Except.throw_exception("PyDs_WrongAttributeDefinition", msg,
+ "create_attribute()")
+def __throw_create_command_exception(msg):
+ """
+ Helper method to throw DevFailed exception when inside
+ create_command
+ """
+ Except.throw_exception("PyDs_WrongCommandDefinition", msg,
+ "create_command()")
+def __DeviceClass__attribute_factory(self, attr_list):
+ """for internal usage only"""
+ for attr_name, attr_info in self.attr_list.items():
+ if isinstance(attr_info, AttrData):
+ attr_data = attr_info
+ else:
+ attr_data = AttrData(attr_name, self.get_name(), attr_info)
+ self._create_attribute(attr_list, attr_data.attr_name,
+ attr_data.attr_type,
+ attr_data.attr_format,
+ attr_data.attr_write,
+ attr_data.dim_x, attr_data.dim_y,
+ attr_data.display_level,
+ attr_data.polling_period,
+ attr_data.memorized,
+ attr_data.hw_memorized,
+ attr_data.read_method_name,
+ attr_data.write_method_name,
+ attr_data.is_allowed_name,
+ attr_data.att_prop)
+def __DeviceClass__command_factory(self):
+ """for internal usage only"""
+ name = self.get_name()
+ class_info = get_class(name)
+ deviceimpl_class = class_info[1]
+ if not hasattr(deviceimpl_class, "init_device"):
+ msg = "Wrong definition of class %s\n" \
+ "The init_device() method does not exist!" % name
+ Except.throw_exception("PyDs_WrongCommandDefinition", msg, "command_factory()")
+ for cmd_name, cmd_info in self.cmd_list.items():
+ __create_command(self, deviceimpl_class, cmd_name, cmd_info)
+def __create_command(self, deviceimpl_class, cmd_name, cmd_info):
+ """for internal usage only"""
+ name = self.get_name()
+ # check for well defined command info
+ # check parameter
+ if not isinstance(cmd_info, collections.Sequence):
+ msg = "Wrong data type for value for describing command %s in " \
+ "class %s\nMust be a sequence with 2 or 3 elements" % (cmd_name, name)
+ __throw_create_command_exception(msg)
+ if len(cmd_info) < 2 or len(cmd_info) > 3:
+ msg = "Wrong number of argument for describing command %s in " \
+ "class %s\nMust be a sequence with 2 or 3 elements" % (cmd_name, name)
+ __throw_create_command_exception(msg)
+ param_info, result_info = cmd_info[0], cmd_info[1]
+ if not isinstance(param_info, collections.Sequence):
+ msg = "Wrong data type in command argument for command %s in " \
+ "class %s\nCommand parameter (first element) must be a sequence" % (cmd_name, name)
+ __throw_create_command_exception(msg)
+ if len(param_info) < 1 or len(param_info) > 2:
+ msg = "Wrong data type in command argument for command %s in " \
+ "class %s\nSequence describing command parameters must contain " \
+ "1 or 2 elements"
+ __throw_create_command_exception(msg)
+ param_type = CmdArgType.DevVoid
+ try:
+ param_type = CmdArgType(param_info[0])
+ except:
+ msg = "Wrong data type in command argument for command %s in " \
+ "class %s\nCommand parameter type (first element in first " \
+ "sequence) must be a PyTango.CmdArgType"
+ __throw_create_command_exception(msg)
+ param_desc = ""
+ if len(param_info) > 1:
+ param_desc = param_info[1]
+ if not is_pure_str(param_desc):
+ msg = "Wrong data type in command parameter for command %s in " \
+ "class %s\nCommand parameter description (second element " \
+ "in first sequence), when given, must be a string"
+ __throw_create_command_exception(msg)
+ # Check result
+ if not isinstance(result_info, collections.Sequence):
+ msg = "Wrong data type in command result for command %s in " \
+ "class %s\nCommand result (second element) must be a sequence" % (cmd_name, name)
+ __throw_create_command_exception(msg)
+ if len(result_info) < 1 or len(result_info) > 2:
+ msg = "Wrong data type in command result for command %s in " \
+ "class %s\nSequence describing command result must contain " \
+ "1 or 2 elements" % (cmd_name, name)
+ __throw_create_command_exception(msg)
+ result_type = CmdArgType.DevVoid
+ try:
+ result_type = CmdArgType(result_info[0])
+ except:
+ msg = "Wrong data type in command result for command %s in " \
+ "class %s\nCommand result type (first element in second " \
+ "sequence) must be a PyTango.CmdArgType" % (cmd_name, name)
+ __throw_create_command_exception(msg)
+ result_desc = ""
+ if len(result_info) > 1:
+ result_desc = result_info[1]
+ if not is_pure_str(result_desc):
+ msg = "Wrong data type in command result for command %s in " \
+ "class %s\nCommand parameter description (second element " \
+ "in second sequence), when given, must be a string" % (cmd_name, name)
+ __throw_create_command_exception(msg)
+ # If it is defined, get addictional dictionnary used for optional parameters
+ display_level, default_command, polling_period = DispLevel.OPERATOR, False, -1
+ if len(cmd_info) == 3:
+ extra_info = cmd_info[2]
+ if not isinstance(extra_info, collections.Mapping):
+ msg = "Wrong data type in command information for command %s in " \
+ "class %s\nCommand information (third element in sequence), " \
+ "when given, must be a dictionary" % (cmd_name, name)
+ __throw_create_command_exception(msg)
+ if len(extra_info) > 3:
+ msg = "Wrong data type in command information for command %s in " \
+ "class %s\nThe optional dictionary can not have more than " \
+ "three elements" % (cmd_name, name)
+ __throw_create_command_exception(msg)
+ for info_name, info_value in extra_info.items():
+ info_name_lower = info_name.lower()
+ if info_name_lower == "display level":
+ try:
+ display_level = DispLevel(info_value)
+ except:
+ msg = "Wrong data type in command information for command %s in " \
+ "class %s\nCommand information for display level is not a " \
+ "PyTango.DispLevel" % (cmd_name, name)
+ __throw_create_command_exception(msg)
+ elif info_name_lower == "default command":
+ if not is_pure_str(info_value):
+ msg = "Wrong data type in command information for command %s in " \
+ "class %s\nCommand information for default command is not a " \
+ "string" % (cmd_name, name)
+ __throw_create_command_exception(msg)
+ v = info_value.lower()
+ default_command = v == 'true'
+ elif info_name_lower == "polling period":
+ try:
+ polling_period = int(info_value)
+ except:
+ msg = "Wrong data type in command information for command %s in " \
+ "class %s\nCommand information for polling period is not an " \
+ "integer" % (cmd_name, name)
+ __throw_create_command_exception(msg)
+ else:
+ msg = "Wrong data type in command information for command %s in " \
+ "class %s\nCommand information has unknown key " \
+ "%s" % (cmd_name, name, info_name)
+ __throw_create_command_exception(msg)
+ # check that the method to be executed exists
+ try:
+ cmd = getattr(deviceimpl_class, cmd_name)
+ if not isinstance(cmd, collections.Callable):
+ msg = "Wrong definition of command %s in " \
+ "class %s\nThe object exists in class but is not " \
+ "a method!" % (cmd_name, name)
+ __throw_create_command_exception(msg)
+ except AttributeError:
+ msg = "Wrong definition of command %s in " \
+ "class %s\nThe command method does not exist!" % (cmd_name, name)
+ __throw_create_command_exception(msg)
+ is_allowed_name = "is_%s_allowed" % cmd_name
+ try:
+ is_allowed = getattr(deviceimpl_class, is_allowed_name)
+ if not isinstance(is_allowed, collections.Callable):
+ msg = "Wrong definition of command %s in " \
+ "class %s\nThe object '%s' exists in class but is " \
+ "not a method!" % (cmd_name, name, is_allowed_name)
+ __throw_create_command_exception(msg)
+ except:
+ is_allowed_name = ""
- class_property_list = {}
- device_property_list = {}
- cmd_list = {}
- attr_list = {}
+ self._create_command(cmd_name, param_type, result_type,
+ param_desc, result_desc,
+ display_level, default_command,
+ polling_period, is_allowed_name)
- def __init__(self, name):
- _DeviceClass.__init__(self, name)
- self.dyn_att_added_methods = []
- try:
- pu = self.prop_util = PropUtil()
- self.py_dev_list = []
- pu.set_default_property_values(self, self.class_property_list,
- self.device_property_list)
- pu.get_class_properties(self, self.class_property_list)
- for prop_name in self.class_property_list:
- if not hasattr(self, prop_name):
- setattr(self, prop_name, pu.get_property_values(prop_name,
- self.class_property_list))
- except DevFailed as df:
- print("PyDS: %s: A Tango error occured in the constructor:" % name)
- Except.print_exception(df)
- except Exception as e:
- print("PyDS: %s: An error occured in the constructor:" % name)
- print(str(e))
- def __str__(self):
- return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.get_name())
- def __repr__(self):
- return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.get_name())
- def __throw_create_attribute_exception(self, msg):
- """Helper method to throw DevFailed exception when inside create_attribute"""
- Except.throw_exception("PyDs_WrongAttributeDefinition", msg, "create_attribute()")
+def __DeviceClass__new_device(self, klass, dev_class, dev_name):
+ return klass(dev_class, dev_name)
- def __throw_create_command_exception(self, msg):
- """Helper method to throw DevFailed exception when inside create_command"""
- Except.throw_exception("PyDs_WrongCommandDefinition", msg, "create_command()")
+def __DeviceClass__device_factory(self, device_list):
+ """for internal usage only"""
- def __attribute_factory(self, attr_list):
- """for internal usage only"""
+ klass = self.__class__
+ klass_name = klass.__name__
+ info, klass = get_class_by_class(klass), get_constructed_class_by_class(klass)
- for attr_name, attr_info in self.attr_list.items():
- if isinstance(attr_info, AttrData):
- attr_data = attr_info
- else:
- attr_data = AttrData(attr_name, self.get_name(), attr_info)
- self.__create_attribute(attr_list, attr_data)
+ if info is None:
+ raise RuntimeError("Device class '%s' is not registered" % klass_name)
- def __create_attribute(self, attr_list, attr_data):
- """for internal usage only"""
- self._create_attribute(attr_list, attr_data.attr_name,
- attr_data.attr_type, attr_data.attr_format,
- attr_data.attr_write, attr_data.dim_x,
- attr_data.dim_y, attr_data.display_level,
- attr_data.polling_period, attr_data.memorized,
- attr_data.hw_memorized,
- attr_data.read_method_name,
- attr_data.write_method_name,
- attr_data.is_allowed_name, attr_data.att_prop)
- def __create_user_default_attr_prop(self, attr_name, extra_info):
- """for internal usage only"""
- p = UserDefaultAttrProp()
- for k, v in extra_info.items():
- k_lower = k.lower()
- method_name = "set_%s" % k_lower.replace(' ','_')
- if hasattr(p, method_name):
- method = getattr(p, method_name)
- method(str(v))
- elif k == 'delta_time':
- p.set_delta_t(str(v))
- elif not k_lower in ('display level', 'polling period', 'memorized'):
- name = self.get_name()
- msg = "Wrong definition of attribute %s in " \
- "class %s\nThe object extra information '%s' " \
- "is not recognized!" % (attr_name, name, k)
- self.__throw_create_attribute_exception(msg)
- return p
- def __command_factory(self):
- """for internal usage only"""
- name = self.get_name()
- class_info = get_class(name)
- deviceimpl_class = class_info[1]
- if not hasattr(deviceimpl_class, "init_device"):
- msg = "Wrong definition of class %s\n" \
- "The init_device() method does not exist!" % name
- Except.throw_exception("PyDs_WrongCommandDefinition", msg, "command_factory()")
- for cmd_name, cmd_info in self.cmd_list.items():
- self.__create_command(deviceimpl_class, cmd_name, cmd_info)
- def __create_command(self, deviceimpl_class, cmd_name, cmd_info):
- """for internal usage only"""
- name = self.get_name()
- # check for well defined command info
- # check parameter
- if not isinstance(cmd_info, collections.Sequence):
- msg = "Wrong data type for value for describing command %s in " \
- "class %s\nMust be a sequence with 2 or 3 elements" % (cmd_name, name)
- self.__throw_create_command_exception(msg)
- if len(cmd_info) < 2 or len(cmd_info) > 3:
- msg = "Wrong number of argument for describing command %s in " \
- "class %s\nMust be a sequence with 2 or 3 elements" % (cmd_name, name)
- self.__throw_create_command_exception(msg)
- param_info, result_info = cmd_info[0], cmd_info[1]
- if not isinstance(param_info, collections.Sequence):
- msg = "Wrong data type in command argument for command %s in " \
- "class %s\nCommand parameter (first element) must be a sequence" % (cmd_name, name)
- self.__throw_create_command_exception(msg)
- if len(param_info) < 1 or len(param_info) > 2:
- msg = "Wrong data type in command argument for command %s in " \
- "class %s\nSequence describing command parameters must contain " \
- "1 or 2 elements"
- self.__throw_create_command_exception(msg)
- param_type = CmdArgType.DevVoid
- try:
- param_type = CmdArgType(param_info[0])
- except:
- msg = "Wrong data type in command argument for command %s in " \
- "class %s\nCommand parameter type (first element in first " \
- "sequence) must be a PyTango.CmdArgType"
- self.__throw_create_command_exception(msg)
- param_desc = ""
- if len(param_info) > 1:
- param_desc = param_info[1]
- if not is_pure_str(param_desc):
- msg = "Wrong data type in command parameter for command %s in " \
- "class %s\nCommand parameter description (second element " \
- "in first sequence), when given, must be a string"
- self.__throw_create_command_exception(msg)
- # Check result
- if not isinstance(result_info, collections.Sequence):
- msg = "Wrong data type in command result for command %s in " \
- "class %s\nCommand result (second element) must be a sequence" % (cmd_name, name)
- self.__throw_create_command_exception(msg)
+ if klass is None:
+ raise RuntimeError("Device class '%s' as not been constructed" % klass_name)
- if len(result_info) < 1 or len(result_info) > 2:
- msg = "Wrong data type in command result for command %s in " \
- "class %s\nSequence describing command result must contain " \
- "1 or 2 elements" % (cmd_name, name)
- self.__throw_create_command_exception(msg)
+ deviceClassClass, deviceImplClass, deviceImplName = info
+ deviceImplClass._device_class_instance = klass
- result_type = CmdArgType.DevVoid
- try:
- result_type = CmdArgType(result_info[0])
- except:
- msg = "Wrong data type in command result for command %s in " \
- "class %s\nCommand result type (first element in second " \
- "sequence) must be a PyTango.CmdArgType" % (cmd_name, name)
- self.__throw_create_command_exception(msg)
- result_desc = ""
- if len(result_info) > 1:
- result_desc = result_info[1]
- if not is_pure_str(result_desc):
- msg = "Wrong data type in command result for command %s in " \
- "class %s\nCommand parameter description (second element " \
- "in second sequence), when given, must be a string" % (cmd_name, name)
- self.__throw_create_command_exception(msg)
- # If it is defined, get addictional dictionnary used for optional parameters
- display_level, default_command, polling_period = DispLevel.OPERATOR, False, -1
- if len(cmd_info) == 3:
- extra_info = cmd_info[2]
- if not isinstance(extra_info, collections.Mapping):
- msg = "Wrong data type in command information for command %s in " \
- "class %s\nCommand information (third element in sequence), " \
- "when given, must be a dictionary" % (cmd_name, name)
- self.__throw_create_command_exception(msg)
+ tmp_dev_list = []
+ for dev_name in device_list:
+ device = self._new_device(deviceImplClass, klass, dev_name)
+ self._add_device(device)
+ tmp_dev_list.append(device)
- if len(extra_info) > 3:
- msg = "Wrong data type in command information for command %s in " \
- "class %s\nThe optional dictionary can not have more than " \
- "three elements" % (cmd_name, name)
- self.__throw_create_command_exception(msg)
- for info_name, info_value in extra_info.items():
- info_name_lower = info_name.lower()
- if info_name_lower == "display level":
- try:
- display_level = DispLevel(info_value)
- except:
- msg = "Wrong data type in command information for command %s in " \
- "class %s\nCommand information for display level is not a " \
- "PyTango.DispLevel" % (cmd_name, name)
- self.__throw_create_command_exception(msg)
- elif info_name_lower == "default command":
- if not is_pure_str(info_value):
- msg = "Wrong data type in command information for command %s in " \
- "class %s\nCommand information for default command is not a " \
- "string" % (cmd_name, name)
- self.__throw_create_command_exception(msg)
- v = info_value.lower()
- default_command = v == 'true'
- elif info_name_lower == "polling period":
- try:
- polling_period = int(info_value)
- except:
- msg = "Wrong data type in command information for command %s in " \
- "class %s\nCommand information for polling period is not an " \
- "integer" % (cmd_name, name)
- self.__throw_create_command_exception(msg)
- else:
- msg = "Wrong data type in command information for command %s in " \
- "class %s\nCommand information has unknown key " \
- "%s" % (cmd_name, name, info_name)
- self.__throw_create_command_exception(msg)
+ self.dyn_attr(tmp_dev_list)
- # check that the method to be executed exists
- try:
- cmd = getattr(deviceimpl_class, cmd_name)
- if not isinstance(cmd, collections.Callable):
- msg = "Wrong definition of command %s in " \
- "class %s\nThe object exists in class but is not " \
- "a method!" % (cmd_name, name)
- self.__throw_create_command_exception(msg)
- except AttributeError:
- msg = "Wrong definition of command %s in " \
- "class %s\nThe command method does not exist!" % (cmd_name, name)
- self.__throw_create_command_exception(msg)
+ for dev in tmp_dev_list:
+ if Util._UseDb and not Util._FileDb:
+ self.export_device(dev)
+ else:
+ self.export_device(dev, dev.get_name())
+ self.py_dev_list += tmp_dev_list
- is_allowed_name = "is_%s_allowed" % cmd_name
- try:
- is_allowed = getattr(deviceimpl_class, is_allowed_name)
- if not isinstance(is_allowed, collections.Callable):
- msg = "Wrong definition of command %s in " \
- "class %s\nThe object '%s' exists in class but is " \
- "not a method!" % (cmd_name, name, is_allowed_name)
- self.__throw_create_command_exception(msg)
- except:
- is_allowed_name = ""
- self._create_command(cmd_name, param_type, result_type,
- param_desc, result_desc,
- display_level, default_command,
- polling_period, is_allowed_name)
- def device_factory(self, device_list):
- """for internal usage only"""
- klass = self.__class__
- klass_name = klass.__name__
- info, klass = get_class_by_class(klass), get_constructed_class_by_class(klass)
- if info is None:
- raise RuntimeError("Device class '%s' is not registered" % klass_name)
+def __DeviceClass__create_device(self, device_name, alias=None, cb=None):
+ """
+ create_device(self, device_name, alias=None, cb=None) -> None
- if klass is None:
- raise RuntimeError("Device class '%s' as not been constructed" % klass_name)
- deviceClassClass, deviceImplClass, deviceImplName = info
- deviceImplClass._device_class_instance = klass
+ Creates a new device of the given class in the database, creates a new
+ DeviceImpl for it and calls init_device (just like it is done for
+ existing devices when the DS starts up)
+ An optional parameter callback is called AFTER the device is
+ registered in the database and BEFORE the init_device for the
+ newly created device is called
- tmp_dev_list = []
- for dev_name in device_list:
- device = deviceImplClass(klass, dev_name)
- self._add_device(device)
- tmp_dev_list.append(device)
+ Throws PyTango.DevFailed:
+ - the device name exists already or
+ - the given class is not registered for this DS.
+ - the cb is not a callable
- self.dyn_attr(tmp_dev_list)
+ New in PyTango 7.1.2
- for dev in tmp_dev_list:
- if Util._UseDb and not Util._FileDb:
- self.export_device(dev)
- else:
- self.export_device(dev, dev.get_name())
- self.py_dev_list += tmp_dev_list
+ Parameters :
+ - device_name : (str) the device name
+ - alias : (str) optional alias. Default value is None meaning do not create device alias
+ - cb : (callable) a callback that is called AFTER the device is registered
+ in the database and BEFORE the init_device for the newly created
+ device is called. Typically you may want to put device and/or attribute
+ properties in the database here. The callback must receive a parameter:
+ device name (str). Default value is None meaning no callback
+ Return : None"""
+ util = Util.instance()
+ util.create_device(self.get_name(), device_name, alias=alias, cb=cb)
+def __DeviceClass__delete_device(self, device_name):
+ """
+ delete_device(self, klass_name, device_name) -> None
+ Deletes an existing device from the database and from this running
+ server
- def create_device(self, device_name, alias=None, cb=None):
- """
- create_device(self, device_name, alias=None, cb=None) -> None
- Creates a new device of the given class in the database, creates a new
- DeviceImpl for it and calls init_device (just like it is done for
- existing devices when the DS starts up)
- An optional parameter callback is called AFTER the device is
- registered in the database and BEFORE the init_device for the
- newly created device is called
Throws PyTango.DevFailed:
- - the device name exists already or
- - the given class is not registered for this DS.
- - the cb is not a callable
- New in PyTango 7.1.2
- Parameters :
- - device_name : (str) the device name
- - alias : (str) optional alias. Default value is None meaning do not create device alias
- - cb : (callable) a callback that is called AFTER the device is registered
- in the database and BEFORE the init_device for the newly created
- device is called. Typically you may want to put device and/or attribute
- properties in the database here. The callback must receive a parameter:
- device name (str). Default value is None meaning no callback
- Return : None"""
- util = Util.instance()
- util.create_device(self.get_name(), device_name, alias=alias, cb=cb)
- def delete_device(self, device_name):
- """
- delete_device(self, klass_name, device_name) -> None
- Deletes an existing device from the database and from this running
- server
- Throws PyTango.DevFailed:
- - the device name doesn't exist in the database
- - the device name doesn't exist in this DS.
- New in PyTango 7.1.2
- Parameters :
- - klass_name : (str) the device class name
- - device_name : (str) the device name
- Return : None"""
- util = Util.instance()
- util.delete_device(self.get_name(), device_name)
- def dyn_attr(self,device_list):
- """
- dyn_attr(self,device_list) -> None
+ - the device name doesn't exist in the database
+ - the device name doesn't exist in this DS.
- Default implementation does not do anything
- Overwrite in order to provide dynamic attributes
+ New in PyTango 7.1.2
- Parameters :
- - device_list : (seq<DeviceImpl>) sequence of devices of this class
- Return : None"""
- pass
- def device_destroyer(self,name):
- """for internal usage only"""
- name = name.lower()
- for d in self.py_dev_list:
- dname = d.get_name().lower()
- if dname == name:
- dev_cl = d.get_device_class()
- # the internal C++ device_destroyer isn't case sensitive so we
- # use the internal DeviceImpl name to make sure the DeviceClass
- # finds it
- dev_cl._device_destroyer(d.get_name())
- self.py_dev_list.remove(d)
- return
- err_mess = "Device " + name + " not in Tango class device list!"
- Except.throw_exception("PyAPI_CantDestroyDevice",err_mess,"DeviceClass.device_destroyer")
- def device_name_factory(self, dev_name_list):
- """
- device_name_factory(self, dev_name_list) -> None
- Create device(s) name list (for no database device server).
- This method can be re-defined in DeviceClass sub-class for
- device server started without database. Its rule is to
- initialise class device name. The default method does nothing.
- Parameters :
- - dev_name_list : (seq<str>) sequence of devices to be filled
+ Parameters :
+ - klass_name : (str) the device class name
+ - device_name : (str) the device name
+ Return : None"""
+ util = Util.instance()
+ util.delete_device(self.get_name(), device_name)
+def __DeviceClass__dyn_attr(self,device_list):
+ """
+ dyn_attr(self,device_list) -> None
+ Default implementation does not do anything
+ Overwrite in order to provide dynamic attributes
+ Parameters :
+ - device_list : (seq<DeviceImpl>) sequence of devices of this class
+ Return : None"""
+ pass
+def __DeviceClass__device_destroyer(self,name):
+ """for internal usage only"""
+ name = name.lower()
+ for d in self.py_dev_list:
+ dname = d.get_name().lower()
+ if dname == name:
+ dev_cl = d.get_device_class()
+ # the internal C++ device_destroyer isn't case sensitive so we
+ # use the internal DeviceImpl name to make sure the DeviceClass
+ # finds it
+ dev_cl._device_destroyer(d.get_name())
+ self.py_dev_list.remove(d)
+ return
+ err_mess = "Device " + name + " not in Tango class device list!"
+ Except.throw_exception("PyAPI_CantDestroyDevice",err_mess,"DeviceClass.device_destroyer")
+def __DeviceClass__device_name_factory(self, dev_name_list):
+ """
+ device_name_factory(self, dev_name_list) -> None
+ Create device(s) name list (for no database device server).
+ This method can be re-defined in DeviceClass sub-class for
+ device server started without database. Its rule is to
+ initialise class device name. The default method does nothing.
+ Parameters :
+ - dev_name_list : (seq<str>) sequence of devices to be filled
+ Return : None"""
+ pass
- Return : None"""
- pass
def __init_DeviceClass():
- pass
+ DeviceClass.class_property_list = {}
+ DeviceClass.device_property_list = {}
+ DeviceClass.cmd_list = {}
+ DeviceClass.attr_list = {}
+ DeviceClass.__init_orig__ = DeviceClass.__init__
+ DeviceClass.__init__ = __DeviceClass__init__
+ DeviceClass.__str__ = __DeviceClass__str__
+ DeviceClass.__repr__ = __DeviceClass__repr__
+ DeviceClass._attribute_factory = __DeviceClass__attribute_factory
+ DeviceClass._command_factory = __DeviceClass__command_factory
+ DeviceClass._new_device = __DeviceClass__new_device
+ DeviceClass.device_factory = __DeviceClass__device_factory
+ DeviceClass.create_device = __DeviceClass__create_device
+ DeviceClass.delete_device = __DeviceClass__delete_device
+ DeviceClass.dyn_attr = __DeviceClass__dyn_attr
+ DeviceClass.device_destroyer = __DeviceClass__device_destroyer
+ DeviceClass.device_name_factory = __DeviceClass__device_name_factory
def __doc_DeviceClass():
+ DeviceClass.__doc__ = """
+ Base class for all TANGO device-class class.
+ A TANGO device-class class is a class where is stored all
+ data/method common to all devices of a TANGO device class
+ """
def document_method(method_name, desc, append=True):
return __document_method(DeviceClass, method_name, desc, append)
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