[pytango] 411/483: Fixes #678
Sandor Bodo-Merle
sbodomerle-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Sep 28 19:15:06 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
sbodomerle-guest pushed a commit to annotated tag bliss_8.10
in repository pytango.
commit ec97fe71c6924f6542250ed697c796f01d656173
Author: tiagocoutinho <tiagocoutinho at 4e9c00fd-8f2e-0410-aa12-93ce3db5e235>
Date: Tue Sep 30 12:22:41 2014 +0000
Fixes #678
git-svn-id: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/tango-cs/code/bindings/PyTango/trunk@26595 4e9c00fd-8f2e-0410-aa12-93ce3db5e235
doc/_static/jssor.js | 2806 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
doc/_static/jssor.slider.js | 4081 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
doc/_static/jssor.slider.mini.js | 2 -
doc/_templates/index.html | 4 +-
4 files changed, 6890 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/doc/_static/jssor.js b/doc/_static/jssor.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..255b990
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/_static/jssor.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2806 @@
+* Jssor 18.0
+* http://www.jssor.com/
+* TERMS OF USE - Jssor
+* Copyright 2014 Jssor
+* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+* the following conditions:
+* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+/*! Jssor */
+var $JssorDebug$ = new function () {
+ this.$DebugMode = true;
+ // Methods
+ this.$Log = function (msg, important) {
+ var console = window.console || {};
+ var debug = this.$DebugMode;
+ if (debug && console.log) {
+ console.log(msg);
+ } else if (debug && important) {
+ alert(msg);
+ }
+ };
+ this.$Error = function (msg, e) {
+ var console = window.console || {};
+ var debug = this.$DebugMode;
+ if (debug && console.error) {
+ console.error(msg);
+ } else if (debug) {
+ alert(msg);
+ }
+ if (debug) {
+ // since we're debugging, fail fast by crashing
+ throw e || new Error(msg);
+ }
+ };
+ this.$Fail = function (msg) {
+ throw new Error(msg);
+ };
+ this.$Assert = function (value, msg) {
+ var debug = this.$DebugMode;
+ if (debug) {
+ if (!value)
+ throw new Error("Assert failed " + msg || "");
+ }
+ };
+ this.$Trace = function (msg) {
+ var console = window.console || {};
+ var debug = this.$DebugMode;
+ if (debug && console.log) {
+ console.log(msg);
+ }
+ };
+ this.$Execute = function (func) {
+ var debug = this.$DebugMode;
+ if (debug)
+ func();
+ };
+ this.$LiveStamp = function (obj, id) {
+ var debug = this.$DebugMode;
+ if (debug) {
+ var stamp = document.createElement("DIV");
+ stamp.setAttribute("id", id);
+ obj.$Live = stamp;
+ }
+ };
+ this.$C_AbstractMethod = function () {
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Tells compiler the method is abstract, it should be implemented by subclass.
+ /// </summary>
+ throw new Error("The method is abstract, it should be implemented by subclass.");
+ };
+ function C_AbstractClass (instance) {
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Tells compiler the class is abstract, it should be implemented by subclass.
+ /// </summary>
+ if(instance.constructor === C_AbstractClass.caller)
+ throw new Error("Cannot create instance of an abstract class.");
+ }
+ this.$C_AbstractClass = C_AbstractClass;
+var $JssorPoint$ = function (x, y) {
+ var _ThisPoint = this;
+ // Properties
+ _ThisPoint.x = x;
+ _ThisPoint.y = y;
+ _ThisPoint.$Plus = function (point) {
+ return new $JssorPoint$(x + point.x, y + point.y);
+ };
+ _ThisPoint.$Minus = function (point) {
+ return new $JssorPoint$(x - point.x, y - point.y);
+ };
+ _ThisPoint.$Times = function (factor) {
+ return new $JssorPoint$(x * factor, y * factor);
+ };
+ _ThisPoint.$Divide = function (factor) {
+ return new $JssorPoint$(x / factor, y / factor);
+ };
+ _ThisPoint.$Negate = function () {
+ return new $JssorPoint$(-x, -y);
+ };
+ _ThisPoint.$DistanceTo = function (point) {
+ return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x - point.x, 2) + Math.pow(y - point.y, 2));
+ };
+ _ThisPoint.$Apply = function (func) {
+ return new $JssorPoint$(func(x), func(y));
+ };
+ _ThisPoint.$Equals = function (point) {
+ return (point instanceof $JssorPoint$) && (x === point.x) && (y === point.y);
+ };
+ _ThisPoint.$ToString = function () {
+ return "(" + x + "," + y + ")";
+ };
+var $JssorEasing$ = window.$JssorEasing$ = {
+ $EaseLinear: function (t) {
+ return t;
+ },
+ $EaseGoBack: function (t) {
+ return 1 - Math.abs((t *= 2) - 1);
+ },
+ $EaseSwing: function (t) {
+ return -Math.cos(t * Math.PI) / 2 + .5;
+ },
+ $EaseInQuad: function (t) {
+ return t * t;
+ },
+ $EaseOutQuad: function (t) {
+ return -t * (t - 2);
+ },
+ $EaseInOutQuad: function (t) {
+ return (t *= 2) < 1 ? 1 / 2 * t * t : -1 / 2 * (--t * (t - 2) - 1);
+ },
+ $EaseInCubic: function (t) {
+ return t * t * t;
+ },
+ $EaseOutCubic: function (t) {
+ return (t -= 1) * t * t + 1;
+ },
+ $EaseInOutCubic: function (t) {
+ return (t *= 2) < 1 ? 1 / 2 * t * t * t : 1 / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * t + 2);
+ },
+ $EaseInQuart: function (t) {
+ return t * t * t * t;
+ },
+ $EaseOutQuart: function (t) {
+ return -((t -= 1) * t * t * t - 1);
+ },
+ $EaseInOutQuart: function (t) {
+ return (t *= 2) < 1 ? 1 / 2 * t * t * t * t : -1 / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * t * t - 2);
+ },
+ $EaseInQuint: function (t) {
+ return t * t * t * t * t;
+ },
+ $EaseOutQuint: function (t) {
+ return (t -= 1) * t * t * t * t + 1;
+ },
+ $EaseInOutQuint: function (t) {
+ return (t *= 2) < 1 ? 1 / 2 * t * t * t * t * t : 1 / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * t * t * t + 2);
+ },
+ $EaseInSine: function (t) {
+ return 1 - Math.cos(t * Math.PI / 2);
+ },
+ $EaseOutSine: function (t) {
+ return Math.sin(t * Math.PI / 2);
+ },
+ $EaseInOutSine: function (t) {
+ return -1 / 2 * (Math.cos(Math.PI * t) - 1);
+ },
+ $EaseInExpo: function (t) {
+ return t == 0 ? 0 : Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 1));
+ },
+ $EaseOutExpo: function (t) {
+ return t == 1 ? 1 : -Math.pow(2, -10 * t) + 1;
+ },
+ $EaseInOutExpo: function (t) {
+ return t == 0 || t == 1 ? t : (t *= 2) < 1 ? 1 / 2 * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 1)) : 1 / 2 * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * --t) + 2);
+ },
+ $EaseInCirc: function (t) {
+ return -(Math.sqrt(1 - t * t) - 1);
+ },
+ $EaseOutCirc: function (t) {
+ return Math.sqrt(1 - (t -= 1) * t);
+ },
+ $EaseInOutCirc: function (t) {
+ return (t *= 2) < 1 ? -1 / 2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - t * t) - 1) : 1 / 2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t -= 2) * t) + 1);
+ },
+ $EaseInElastic: function (t) {
+ if (!t || t == 1)
+ return t;
+ var p = .3, s = .075;
+ return -(Math.pow(2, 10 * (t -= 1)) * Math.sin((t - s) * 2 * Math.PI / p));
+ },
+ $EaseOutElastic: function (t) {
+ if (!t || t == 1)
+ return t;
+ var p = .3, s = .075;
+ return Math.pow(2, -10 * t) * Math.sin((t - s) * 2 * Math.PI / p) + 1;
+ },
+ $EaseInOutElastic: function (t) {
+ if (!t || t == 1)
+ return t;
+ var p = .45, s = .1125;
+ return (t *= 2) < 1 ? -.5 * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t -= 1)) * Math.sin((t - s) * 2 * Math.PI / p) : Math.pow(2, -10 * (t -= 1)) * Math.sin((t - s) * 2 * Math.PI / p) * .5 + 1;
+ },
+ $EaseInBack: function (t) {
+ var s = 1.70158;
+ return t * t * ((s + 1) * t - s);
+ },
+ $EaseOutBack: function (t) {
+ var s = 1.70158;
+ return (t -= 1) * t * ((s + 1) * t + s) + 1;
+ },
+ $EaseInOutBack: function (t) {
+ var s = 1.70158;
+ return (t *= 2) < 1 ? 1 / 2 * t * t * (((s *= 1.525) + 1) * t - s) : 1 / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * (((s *= 1.525) + 1) * t + s) + 2);
+ },
+ $EaseInBounce: function (t) {
+ return 1 - $JssorEasing$.$EaseOutBounce(1 - t)
+ },
+ $EaseOutBounce: function (t) {
+ return t < 1 / 2.75 ? 7.5625 * t * t : t < 2 / 2.75 ? 7.5625 * (t -= 1.5 / 2.75) * t + .75 : t < 2.5 / 2.75 ? 7.5625 * (t -= 2.25 / 2.75) * t + .9375 : 7.5625 * (t -= 2.625 / 2.75) * t + .984375;
+ },
+ $EaseInOutBounce: function (t) {
+ return t < 1 / 2 ? $JssorEasing$.$EaseInBounce(t * 2) * .5 : $JssorEasing$.$EaseOutBounce(t * 2 - 1) * .5 + .5;
+ },
+ $EaseInWave: function (t) {
+ return 1 - Math.cos(t * Math.PI * 2)
+ },
+ $EaseOutWave: function (t) {
+ return Math.sin(t * Math.PI * 2);
+ },
+ $EaseOutJump: function (t) {
+ return 1 - (((t *= 2) < 1) ? (t = 1 - t) * t * t : (t -= 1) * t * t);
+ },
+ $EaseInJump: function (t) {
+ return ((t *= 2) < 1) ? t * t * t : (t = 2 - t) * t * t;
+ }
+var $JssorDirection$ = window.$JssorDirection$ = {
+ $TO_LEFT: 0x0001,
+ $TO_RIGHT: 0x0002,
+ $TO_TOP: 0x0004,
+ $TO_BOTTOM: 0x0008,
+ $HORIZONTAL: 0x0003,
+ $VERTICAL: 0x000C,
+ $LEFTRIGHT: 0x0003,
+ $TOPBOTOM: 0x000C,
+ $TOPLEFT: 0x0005,
+ $TOPRIGHT: 0x0006,
+ $BOTTOMLEFT: 0x0009,
+ $AROUND: 0x000F,
+ $GetDirectionHorizontal: function (direction) {
+ return direction & 0x0003;
+ },
+ $GetDirectionVertical: function (direction) {
+ return direction & 0x000C;
+ },
+ $ChessHorizontal: function (direction) {
+ return (~direction & 0x0003) + (direction & 0x000C);
+ },
+ $ChessVertical: function (direction) {
+ return (~direction & 0x000C) + (direction & 0x0003);
+ },
+ $IsToLeft: function (direction) {
+ return (direction & 0x0003) == 0x0001;
+ },
+ $IsToRight: function (direction) {
+ return (direction & 0x0003) == 0x0002;
+ },
+ $IsToTop: function (direction) {
+ return (direction & 0x000C) == 0x0004;
+ },
+ $IsToBottom: function (direction) {
+ return (direction & 0x000C) == 0x0008;
+ },
+ $IsHorizontal: function (direction) {
+ return (direction & 0x0003) > 0;
+ },
+ $IsVertical: function (direction) {
+ return (direction & 0x000C) > 0;
+ }
+var $JssorKeyCode$ = {
+ $COMMA: 188,
+ $DELETE: 46,
+ $DOWN: 40,
+ $END: 35,
+ $ENTER: 13,
+ $ESCAPE: 27,
+ $HOME: 36,
+ $LEFT: 37,
+ $NUMPAD_ADD: 107,
+ $PAGE_DOWN: 34,
+ $PAGE_UP: 33,
+ $PERIOD: 190,
+ $RIGHT: 39,
+ $SPACE: 32,
+ $TAB: 9,
+ $UP: 38
+var $JssorAlignment$ = {
+ $TopLeft: 0x11,
+ $TopCenter: 0x12,
+ $TopRight: 0x14,
+ $MiddleLeft: 0x21,
+ $MiddleCenter: 0x22,
+ $MiddleRight: 0x24,
+ $BottomLeft: 0x41,
+ $BottomCenter: 0x42,
+ $BottomRight: 0x44,
+ $IsTop: function (aligment) {
+ return aligment & 0x10 > 0;
+ },
+ $IsMiddle: function (alignment) {
+ return alignment & 0x20 > 0;
+ },
+ $IsBottom: function (alignment) {
+ return alignment & 0x40 > 0;
+ },
+ $IsLeft: function (alignment) {
+ return alignment & 0x01 > 0;
+ },
+ $IsCenter: function (alignment) {
+ return alignment & 0x02 > 0;
+ },
+ $IsRight: function (alignment) {
+ return alignment & 0x04 > 0;
+ }
+var $JssorMatrix$;
+var $JssorAnimator$;
+// $Jssor$ is a static class, so make it singleton instance
+var $Jssor$ = window.$Jssor$ = new function () {
+ // Fields
+ var _This = this;
+ var BROWSER_IE = 1;
+ var BROWSER_OPERA = 5;
+ //var arrActiveX = ["Msxml2.XMLHTTP", "Msxml3.XMLHTTP", "Microsoft.XMLHTTP"];
+ var browser = 0;
+ var browserRuntimeVersion = 0;
+ var browserEngineVersion = 0;
+ var browserJavascriptVersion = 0;
+ var webkitVersion = 0;
+ var app = navigator.appName;
+ var ver = navigator.appVersion;
+ var ua = navigator.userAgent;
+ var _DocElmt = document.documentElement;
+ var _TransformProperty;
+ function DetectBrowser() {
+ if (!browser) {
+ if (app == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" &&
+ !!window.attachEvent && !!window.ActiveXObject) {
+ var ieOffset = ua.indexOf("MSIE");
+ browser = BROWSER_IE;
+ browserEngineVersion = ParseFloat(ua.substring(ieOffset + 5, ua.indexOf(";", ieOffset)));
+ //check IE javascript version
+ /*@cc_on
+ browserJavascriptVersion = @_jscript_version;
+ @*/
+ // update: for intranet sites and compat view list sites, IE sends
+ // an IE7 User-Agent to the server to be interoperable, and even if
+ // the page requests a later IE version, IE will still report the
+ // IE7 UA to JS. we should be robust to self
+ //var docMode = document.documentMode;
+ //if (typeof docMode !== "undefined") {
+ // browserRuntimeVersion = docMode;
+ //}
+ browserRuntimeVersion = document.documentMode || browserEngineVersion;
+ }
+ else if (app == "Netscape" && !!window.addEventListener) {
+ var ffOffset = ua.indexOf("Firefox");
+ var saOffset = ua.indexOf("Safari");
+ var chOffset = ua.indexOf("Chrome");
+ var webkitOffset = ua.indexOf("AppleWebKit");
+ if (ffOffset >= 0) {
+ browser = BROWSER_FIREFOX;
+ browserRuntimeVersion = ParseFloat(ua.substring(ffOffset + 8));
+ }
+ else if (saOffset >= 0) {
+ var slash = ua.substring(0, saOffset).lastIndexOf("/");
+ browser = (chOffset >= 0) ? BROWSER_CHROME : BROWSER_FIREFOX;
+ browserRuntimeVersion = ParseFloat(ua.substring(slash + 1, saOffset));
+ }
+ if (webkitOffset >= 0)
+ webkitVersion = ParseFloat(ua.substring(webkitOffset + 12));
+ }
+ else {
+ var match = /(opera)(?:.*version|)[ \/]([\w.]+)/i.exec(ua);
+ if (match) {
+ browser = BROWSER_OPERA;
+ browserRuntimeVersion = ParseFloat(match[2]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function IsBrowserIE() {
+ DetectBrowser();
+ return browser == BROWSER_IE;
+ }
+ function IsBrowserIeQuirks() {
+ return IsBrowserIE() && (browserRuntimeVersion < 6 || document.compatMode == "BackCompat"); //Composite to "CSS1Compat"
+ }
+ function IsBrowserFireFox() {
+ DetectBrowser();
+ return browser == BROWSER_FIREFOX;
+ }
+ function IsBrowserSafari() {
+ DetectBrowser();
+ return browser == BROWSER_FIREFOX;
+ }
+ function IsBrowserChrome() {
+ DetectBrowser();
+ return browser == BROWSER_CHROME;
+ }
+ function IsBrowserOpera() {
+ DetectBrowser();
+ return browser == BROWSER_OPERA;
+ }
+ function IsBrowserBadTransform() {
+ return IsBrowserSafari() && (webkitVersion > 534) && (webkitVersion < 535);
+ }
+ function IsBrowserSafeHWA() {
+ return IsBrowserSafari() && (webkitVersion < 535);
+ }
+ function IsBrowserIe9Earlier() {
+ return IsBrowserIE() && browserRuntimeVersion < 9;
+ }
+ function GetTransformProperty(elmt) {
+ if (!_TransformProperty) {
+ // Note that in some versions of IE9 it is critical that
+ // msTransform appear in this list before MozTransform
+ each(['transform', 'WebkitTransform', 'msTransform', 'MozTransform', 'OTransform'], function (property) {
+ if (elmt.style[property] != undefined) {
+ _TransformProperty = property;
+ return true;
+ }
+ });
+ _TransformProperty = _TransformProperty || "transform";
+ }
+ return _TransformProperty;
+ }
+ // Helpers
+ function getOffsetParent(elmt, isFixed) {
+ // IE and Opera "fixed" position elements don't have offset parents.
+ // regardless, if it's fixed, its offset parent is the body.
+ if (isFixed && elmt != document.body) {
+ return document.body;
+ } else {
+ return elmt.offsetParent;
+ }
+ }
+ function toString(obj) {
+ return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj);
+ }
+ // [[Class]] -> type pairs
+ var class2type;
+ function each(object, callback) {
+ if (toString(object) == "[object Array]") {
+ for (var i = 0; i < object.length; i++) {
+ if (callback(object[i], i, object)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ for (var name in object) {
+ if (callback(object[name], name, object)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function GetClass2Type() {
+ if (!class2type) {
+ class2type = {};
+ each(["Boolean", "Number", "String", "Function", "Array", "Date", "RegExp", "Object"], function (name) {
+ class2type["[object " + name + "]"] = name.toLowerCase();
+ });
+ }
+ return class2type;
+ }
+ function type(obj) {
+ return obj == null ? String(obj) : GetClass2Type()[toString(obj)] || "object";
+ }
+ function isPlainObject(obj) {
+ // Must be an Object.
+ // Because of IE, we also have to check the presence of the constructor property.
+ // Make sure that DOM nodes and window objects don't pass through, as well
+ if (!obj || type(obj) !== "object" || obj.nodeType || _This.$IsWindow(obj)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
+ try {
+ // Not own constructor property must be Object
+ if (obj.constructor &&
+ !hasOwn.call(obj, "constructor") &&
+ !hasOwn.call(obj.constructor.prototype, "isPrototypeOf")) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ // IE8,9 Will throw exceptions on certain host objects #9897
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Own properties are enumerated firstly, so to speed up,
+ // if last one is own, then all properties are own.
+ var key;
+ for (key in obj) { }
+ return key === undefined || hasOwn.call(obj, key);
+ }
+ function Delay(code, delay) {
+ setTimeout(code, delay || 0);
+ }
+ function RemoveByReg(str, reg) {
+ var m = reg.exec(str);
+ if (m) {
+ var header = str.substr(0, m.index);
+ var tailer = str.substr(m.lastIndex + 1, str.length - (m.lastIndex + 1));
+ str = header + tailer;
+ }
+ return str;
+ }
+ function BuildNewCss(oldCss, removeRegs, replaceValue) {
+ var css = (!oldCss || oldCss == "inherit") ? "" : oldCss;
+ each(removeRegs, function (removeReg) {
+ var m = removeReg.exec(css);
+ if (m) {
+ var header = css.substr(0, m.index);
+ var tailer = css.substr(m.lastIndex + 1, css.length - (m.lastIndex + 1));
+ css = header + tailer;
+ }
+ });
+ css = replaceValue + (css.indexOf(" ") != 0 ? " " : "") + css;
+ return css;
+ }
+ function SetStyleFilterIE(elmt, value) {
+ if (browserRuntimeVersion < 9) {
+ elmt.style.filter = value;
+ }
+ }
+ function SetStyleMatrixIE(elmt, matrix, offset) {
+ //matrix is not for ie9+ running in ie8- mode
+ if (browserJavascriptVersion < 9) {
+ var oldFilterValue = elmt.style.filter;
+ var matrixReg = new RegExp(/[\s]*progid:DXImageTransform\.Microsoft\.Matrix\([^\)]*\)/g);
+ var matrixValue = matrix ? "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(" + "M11=" + matrix[0][0] + ", M12=" + matrix[0][1] + ", M21=" + matrix[1][0] + ", M22=" + matrix[1][1] + ", SizingMethod='auto expand')" : "";
+ var newFilterValue = BuildNewCss(oldFilterValue, [matrixReg], matrixValue);
+ SetStyleFilterIE(elmt, newFilterValue);
+ _This.$CssMarginTop(elmt, offset.y);
+ _This.$CssMarginLeft(elmt, offset.x);
+ }
+ }
+ // Methods
+ _This.$IsBrowserIE = IsBrowserIE;
+ _This.$IsBrowserIeQuirks = IsBrowserIeQuirks;
+ _This.$IsBrowserFireFox = IsBrowserFireFox;
+ _This.$IsBrowserSafari = IsBrowserSafari;
+ _This.$IsBrowserChrome = IsBrowserChrome;
+ _This.$IsBrowserOpera = IsBrowserOpera;
+ _This.$IsBrowserBadTransform = IsBrowserBadTransform;
+ _This.$IsBrowserSafeHWA = IsBrowserSafeHWA;
+ _This.$IsBrowserIe9Earlier = IsBrowserIe9Earlier;
+ _This.$BrowserVersion = function () {
+ return browserRuntimeVersion;
+ };
+ _This.$BrowserEngineVersion = function () {
+ return browserEngineVersion || browserRuntimeVersion;
+ };
+ _This.$WebKitVersion = function () {
+ return webkitVersion;
+ };
+ _This.$Delay = Delay;
+ _This.$Inherit = function (instance, baseClass) {
+ baseClass.apply(instance, [].slice.call(arguments, 2));
+ return Extend({}, instance);
+ };
+ function Construct(instance, constructor) {
+ instance.constructor === Construct.caller && instance.$Construct && instance.$Construct();
+ }
+ _This.$Construct = Construct;
+ _This.$GetElement = function (elmt) {
+ if (_This.$IsString(elmt)) {
+ elmt = document.getElementById(elmt);
+ }
+ return elmt;
+ };
+ function GetEvent(event) {
+ return event || window.event;
+ }
+ GetEvent = GetEvent;
+ _This.$EventSrc = function (event) {
+ event = GetEvent(event);
+ return event.target || event.srcElement || document;
+ };
+ _This.$EventDst = function (event) {
+ event = GetEvent(event);
+ return event.relatedTarget || event.toElement;
+ };
+ _This.$MousePosition = function (event) {
+ event = GetEvent(event);
+ var body = document.body;
+ return {
+ x: event.pageX || event.clientX + (_DocElmt.scrollLeft || body.scrollLeft || 0) - (_DocElmt.clientLeft || body.clientLeft || 0) || 0,
+ y: event.pageY || event.clientY + (_DocElmt.scrollTop || body.scrollTop || 0) - (_DocElmt.clientTop || body.clientTop || 0) || 0
+ };
+ };
+ _This.$PageScroll = function () {
+ var body = document.body;
+ return {
+ x: (window.pageXOffset || _DocElmt.scrollLeft || body.scrollLeft || 0) - (_DocElmt.clientLeft || body.clientLeft || 0),
+ y: (window.pageYOffset || _DocElmt.scrollTop || body.scrollTop || 0) - (_DocElmt.clientTop || body.clientTop || 0)
+ };
+ };
+ _This.$WindowSize = function () {
+ var body = document.body;
+ return {
+ x: body.clientWidth || _DocElmt.clientWidth,
+ y: body.clientHeight || _DocElmt.clientHeight
+ };
+ };
+ //_This.$GetElementPosition = function (elmt) {
+ // elmt = _This.$GetElement(elmt);
+ // var result = new $JssorPoint$();
+ // // technique from:
+ // // http://www.quirksmode.org/js/findpos.html
+ // // with special check for "fixed" elements.
+ // while (elmt) {
+ // result.x += elmt.offsetLeft;
+ // result.y += elmt.offsetTop;
+ // var isFixed = _This.$GetElementStyle(elmt).position == "fixed";
+ // if (isFixed) {
+ // result = result.$Plus(_This.$PageScroll(window));
+ // }
+ // elmt = getOffsetParent(elmt, isFixed);
+ // }
+ // return result;
+ //};
+ //_This.$GetMouseScroll = function (event) {
+ // event = GetEvent(event);
+ // var delta = 0; // default value
+ // // technique from:
+ // // http://blog.paranoidferret.com/index.php/2007/10/31/javascript-tutorial-the-scroll-wheel/
+ // if (typeof (event.wheelDelta) == "number") {
+ // delta = event.wheelDelta;
+ // } else if (typeof (event.detail) == "number") {
+ // delta = event.detail * -1;
+ // } else {
+ // $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Unknown event mouse scroll, no known technique.");
+ // }
+ // // normalize value to [-1, 1]
+ // return delta ? delta / Math.abs(delta) : 0;
+ //};
+ //_This.$MakeAjaxRequest = function (url, callback) {
+ // var async = typeof (callback) == "function";
+ // var req = null;
+ // if (async) {
+ // var actual = callback;
+ // var callback = function () {
+ // Delay($Jssor$.$CreateCallback(null, actual, req), 1);
+ // };
+ // }
+ // if (window.ActiveXObject) {
+ // for (var i = 0; i < arrActiveX.length; i++) {
+ // try {
+ // req = new ActiveXObject(arrActiveX[i]);
+ // break;
+ // } catch (e) {
+ // continue;
+ // }
+ // }
+ // } else if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
+ // req = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ // }
+ // if (!req) {
+ // $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Browser doesn't support XMLHttpRequest.");
+ // }
+ // if (async) {
+ // req.onreadystatechange = function () {
+ // if (req.readyState == 4) {
+ // // prevent memory leaks by breaking circular reference now
+ // req.onreadystatechange = new Function();
+ // callback();
+ // }
+ // };
+ // }
+ // try {
+ // req.open("GET", url, async);
+ // req.send(null);
+ // } catch (e) {
+ // $JssorDebug$.$Log(e.name + " while making AJAX request: " + e.message);
+ // req.onreadystatechange = null;
+ // req = null;
+ // if (async) {
+ // callback();
+ // }
+ // }
+ // return async ? null : req;
+ //};
+ //_This.$ParseXml = function (string) {
+ // var xmlDoc = null;
+ // if (window.ActiveXObject) {
+ // try {
+ // xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
+ // xmlDoc.async = false;
+ // xmlDoc.loadXML(string);
+ // } catch (e) {
+ // $JssorDebug$.$Log(e.name + " while parsing XML (ActiveX): " + e.message);
+ // }
+ // } else if (window.DOMParser) {
+ // try {
+ // var parser = new DOMParser();
+ // xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(string, "text/xml");
+ // } catch (e) {
+ // $JssorDebug$.$Log(e.name + " while parsing XML (DOMParser): " + e.message);
+ // }
+ // } else {
+ // $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Browser doesn't support XML DOM.");
+ // }
+ // return xmlDoc;
+ //};
+ function Css(elmt, name, value) {
+ /// <summary>
+ /// access css
+ /// $Jssor$.$Css(elmt, name); //get css value
+ /// $Jssor$.$Css(elmt, name, value); //set css value
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="elmt" type="HTMLElement">
+ /// the element to access css
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="name" type="String">
+ /// the name of css property
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="value" optional="true">
+ /// the value to set
+ /// </param>
+ if (value != undefined) {
+ elmt.style[name] = value;
+ }
+ else {
+ var style = elmt.currentStyle || elmt.style;
+ value = style[name];
+ if (value == "" && window.getComputedStyle) {
+ style = elmt.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elmt, null);
+ style && (value = style.getPropertyValue(name) || style[name]);
+ }
+ return value;
+ }
+ }
+ function CssN(elmt, name, value, isDimensional) {
+ /// <summary>
+ /// access css as numeric
+ /// $Jssor$.$CssN(elmt, name); //get css value
+ /// $Jssor$.$CssN(elmt, name, value); //set css value
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="elmt" type="HTMLElement">
+ /// the element to access css
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="name" type="String">
+ /// the name of css property
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="value" type="Number" optional="true">
+ /// the value to set
+ /// </param>
+ if (value != undefined) {
+ isDimensional && (value += "px");
+ Css(elmt, name, value);
+ }
+ else {
+ return ParseFloat(Css(elmt, name));
+ }
+ }
+ function CssP(elmt, name, value) {
+ /// <summary>
+ /// access css in pixel as numeric, like 'top', 'left', 'width', 'height'
+ /// $Jssor$.$CssP(elmt, name); //get css value
+ /// $Jssor$.$CssP(elmt, name, value); //set css value
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="elmt" type="HTMLElement">
+ /// the element to access css
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="name" type="String">
+ /// the name of css property
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="value" type="Number" optional="true">
+ /// the value to set
+ /// </param>
+ return CssN(elmt, name, value, true);
+ }
+ function CssProxy(name, numericOrDimension) {
+ /// <summary>
+ /// create proxy to access css, CssProxy(name[, numericOrDimension]);
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="elmt" type="HTMLElement">
+ /// the element to access css
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="numericOrDimension" type="Number" optional="true">
+ /// not set: access original css, 1: access css as numeric, 2: access css in pixel as numeric
+ /// </param>
+ var isDimensional = numericOrDimension & 2;
+ var cssAccessor = numericOrDimension ? CssN : Css;
+ return function (elmt, value) {
+ return cssAccessor(elmt, name, value, isDimensional);
+ };
+ }
+ function GetStyleOpacity(elmt) {
+ if (IsBrowserIE() && browserEngineVersion < 9) {
+ var match = /opacity=([^)]*)/.exec(elmt.style.filter || "");
+ return match ? (ParseFloat(match[1]) / 100) : 1;
+ }
+ else
+ return ParseFloat(elmt.style.opacity || "1");
+ }
+ function SetStyleOpacity(elmt, opacity, ie9EarlierForce) {
+ if (IsBrowserIE() && browserEngineVersion < 9) {
+ //var filterName = "filter"; // browserEngineVersion < 8 ? "filter" : "-ms-filter";
+ var finalFilter = elmt.style.filter || "";
+ // for CSS filter browsers (IE), remove alpha filter if it's unnecessary.
+ // update: doing _This always since IE9 beta seems to have broken the
+ // behavior if we rely on the programmatic filters collection.
+ var alphaReg = new RegExp(/[\s]*alpha\([^\)]*\)/g);
+ // important: note the lazy star! _This protects against
+ // multiple filters; we don't want to delete the other ones.
+ // update: also trimming extra whitespace around filter.
+ var ieOpacity = Math.round(100 * opacity);
+ var alphaFilter = "";
+ if (ieOpacity < 100 || ie9EarlierForce) {
+ alphaFilter = "alpha(opacity=" + ieOpacity + ") ";
+ //elmt.style["-ms-filter"] = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=" + ieOpacity + ") ";
+ }
+ var newFilterValue = BuildNewCss(finalFilter, [alphaReg], alphaFilter);
+ SetStyleFilterIE(elmt, newFilterValue);
+ }
+ //if (!IsBrowserIE() || browserEngineVersion >= 9)
+ else {
+ elmt.style.opacity = opacity == 1 ? "" : Math.round(opacity * 100) / 100;
+ }
+ }
+ function SetStyleTransformInternal(elmt, transform) {
+ var rotate = transform.$Rotate || 0;
+ var scale = transform.$Scale == undefined ? 1 : transform.$Scale;
+ if (IsBrowserIe9Earlier()) {
+ var matrix = _This.$CreateMatrix(rotate / 180 * Math.PI, scale, scale);
+ SetStyleMatrixIE(elmt, (!rotate && scale == 1) ? null : matrix, _This.$GetMatrixOffset(matrix, transform.$OriginalWidth, transform.$OriginalHeight));
+ }
+ else {
+ //rotate(15deg) scale(.5) translateZ(0)
+ var transformProperty = GetTransformProperty(elmt);
+ if (transformProperty) {
+ var transformValue = "rotate(" + rotate % 360 + "deg) scale(" + scale + ")";
+ if (IsBrowserChrome() && webkitVersion > 535)
+ transformValue += " perspective(2000px)";
+ elmt.style[transformProperty] = transformValue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _This.$SetStyleTransform = function (elmt, transform) {
+ if (IsBrowserBadTransform()) {
+ Delay(_This.$CreateCallback(null, SetStyleTransformInternal, elmt, transform));
+ }
+ else {
+ SetStyleTransformInternal(elmt, transform);
+ }
+ };
+ _This.$SetStyleTransformOrigin = function (elmt, transformOrigin) {
+ var transformProperty = GetTransformProperty(elmt);
+ if (transformProperty)
+ elmt.style[transformProperty + "Origin"] = transformOrigin;
+ };
+ _This.$CssScale = function (elmt, scale) {
+ if (IsBrowserIE() && browserEngineVersion < 9 || (browserEngineVersion < 10 && IsBrowserIeQuirks())) {
+ elmt.style.zoom = (scale == 1) ? "" : scale;
+ }
+ else {
+ var transformProperty = GetTransformProperty(elmt);
+ if (transformProperty) {
+ //rotate(15deg) scale(.5)
+ var transformValue = "scale(" + scale + ")";
+ var oldTransformValue = elmt.style[transformProperty];
+ var scaleReg = new RegExp(/[\s]*scale\(.*?\)/g);
+ var newTransformValue = BuildNewCss(oldTransformValue, [scaleReg], transformValue);
+ elmt.style[transformProperty] = newTransformValue;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ _This.$EnableHWA = function (elmt) {
+ if (!elmt.style[GetTransformProperty(elmt)] || elmt.style[GetTransformProperty(elmt)] == "none")
+ elmt.style[GetTransformProperty(elmt)] = "perspective(2000px)";
+ };
+ _This.$DisableHWA = function (elmt) {
+ //if (force || elmt.style[GetTransformProperty(elmt)] == "perspective(2000px)")
+ elmt.style[GetTransformProperty(elmt)] = "none";
+ };
+ var ie8OffsetWidth = 0;
+ var ie8OffsetHeight = 0;
+ //var ie8WindowResizeCallbackHandlers;
+ //var ie8LastVerticalScrollbar;
+ //var toggleInfo = "";
+ //function Ie8WindowResizeFilter(window, handler) {
+ // var trigger = true;
+ // var checkElement = (IsBrowserIeQuirks() ? window.document.body : window.document.documentElement);
+ // if (checkElement) {
+ // //check vertical bar
+ // //var hasVerticalBar = checkElement.scrollHeight > checkElement.clientHeight;
+ // //var verticalBarToggle = hasVerticalBar != ie8LastVerticalScrollbar;
+ // //ie8LastVerticalScrollbar = hasVerticalBar;
+ // var widthChange = checkElement.offsetWidth - ie8OffsetWidth;
+ // var heightChange = checkElement.offsetHeight - ie8OffsetHeight;
+ // if (widthChange || heightChange) {
+ // ie8OffsetWidth += widthChange;
+ // ie8OffsetHeight += heightChange;
+ // }
+ // else
+ // trigger = false;
+ // }
+ // trigger && handler();
+ //}
+ //_This.$OnWindowResize = function (window, handler) {
+ // if (IsBrowserIE() && browserEngineVersion < 9) {
+ // if (!ie8WindowResizeCallbackHandlers) {
+ // ie8WindowResizeCallbackHandlers = [handler];
+ // handler = _This.$CreateCallback(null, Ie8WindowResizeFilter, window);
+ // }
+ // else {
+ // ie8WindowResizeCallbackHandlers.push(handler);
+ // return;
+ // }
+ // }
+ // _This.$AddEvent(window, "resize", handler);
+ //};
+ _This.$WindowResizeFilter = function (window, handler) {
+ return IsBrowserIe9Earlier() ? function () {
+ var trigger = true;
+ var checkElement = (IsBrowserIeQuirks() ? window.document.body : window.document.documentElement);
+ if (checkElement) {
+ //check vertical bar
+ //var hasVerticalBar = checkElement.scrollHeight > checkElement.clientHeight;
+ //var verticalBarToggle = hasVerticalBar != ie8LastVerticalScrollbar;
+ //ie8LastVerticalScrollbar = hasVerticalBar;
+ var widthChange = checkElement.offsetWidth - ie8OffsetWidth;
+ var heightChange = checkElement.offsetHeight - ie8OffsetHeight;
+ if (widthChange || heightChange) {
+ ie8OffsetWidth += widthChange;
+ ie8OffsetHeight += heightChange;
+ }
+ else
+ trigger = false;
+ }
+ trigger && handler();
+ } : handler;
+ };
+ _This.$MouseOverOutFilter = function (handler, target) {
+ /// <param name="target" type="HTMLDomElement">
+ /// The target element to detect mouse over/out events. (for ie < 9 compatibility)
+ /// </param>
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ if (!target) {
+ throw new Error("Null reference, parameter \"target\".");
+ }
+ });
+ return function (event) {
+ event = GetEvent(event);
+ var eventName = event.type;
+ var related = event.relatedTarget || (eventName == "mouseout" ? event.toElement : event.fromElement);
+ if (!related || (related !== target && !_This.$IsChild(target, related))) {
+ handler(event);
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ _This.$AddEvent = function (elmt, eventName, handler, useCapture) {
+ elmt = _This.$GetElement(elmt);
+ // technique from:
+ // http://blog.paranoidferret.com/index.php/2007/08/10/javascript-working-with-events/
+ if (elmt.addEventListener) {
+ if (eventName == "mousewheel") {
+ elmt.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", handler, useCapture);
+ }
+ // we are still going to add the mousewheel -- not a mistake!
+ // _This is for opera, since it uses onmousewheel but needs addEventListener.
+ elmt.addEventListener(eventName, handler, useCapture);
+ }
+ else if (elmt.attachEvent) {
+ elmt.attachEvent("on" + eventName, handler);
+ if (useCapture && elmt.setCapture) {
+ elmt.setCapture();
+ }
+ }
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ if (!elmt.addEventListener && !elmt.attachEvent) {
+ $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Unable to attach event handler, no known technique.");
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ _This.$RemoveEvent = function (elmt, eventName, handler, useCapture) {
+ elmt = _This.$GetElement(elmt);
+ // technique from:
+ // http://blog.paranoidferret.com/index.php/2007/08/10/javascript-working-with-events/
+ if (elmt.removeEventListener) {
+ if (eventName == "mousewheel") {
+ elmt.removeEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", handler, useCapture);
+ }
+ // we are still going to remove the mousewheel -- not a mistake!
+ // _This is for opera, since it uses onmousewheel but needs removeEventListener.
+ elmt.removeEventListener(eventName, handler, useCapture);
+ }
+ else if (elmt.detachEvent) {
+ elmt.detachEvent("on" + eventName, handler);
+ if (useCapture && elmt.releaseCapture) {
+ elmt.releaseCapture();
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ _This.$FireEvent = function (elmt, eventName) {
+ //var document = elmt.document;
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ if (!document.createEvent && !document.createEventObject) {
+ $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Unable to fire event, no known technique.");
+ }
+ if (!elmt.dispatchEvent && !elmt.fireEvent) {
+ $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Unable to fire event, no known technique.");
+ }
+ });
+ var evento;
+ if (document.createEvent) {
+ evento = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
+ evento.initEvent(eventName, false, false);
+ elmt.dispatchEvent(evento);
+ }
+ else {
+ var ieEventName = "on" + eventName;
+ evento = document.createEventObject();
+ //event.eventType = ieEventName;
+ //event.eventName = ieEventName;
+ elmt.fireEvent(ieEventName, evento);
+ }
+ };
+ _This.$AddEventBrowserMouseUp = function (handler, userCapture) {
+ _This.$AddEvent((IsBrowserIe9Earlier()) ? document : window, "mouseup", handler, userCapture);
+ };
+ _This.$RemoveEventBrowserMouseUp = function (handler, userCapture) {
+ _This.$RemoveEvent((IsBrowserIe9Earlier()) ? document : window, "mouseup", handler, userCapture);
+ };
+ //_This.$AddEventBrowserMouseDown = function (handler, userCapture) {
+ // _This.$AddEvent((IsBrowserIe9Earlier()) ? document : window, "mousedown", handler, userCapture);
+ //};
+ //_This.$RemoveEventBrowserMouseDown = function (handler, userCapture) {
+ // _This.$RemoveEvent((IsBrowserIe9Earlier()) ? document : window, "mousedown", handler, userCapture);
+ //};
+ _This.$CancelEvent = function (event) {
+ event = GetEvent(event);
+ // technique from:
+ // http://blog.paranoidferret.com/index.php/2007/08/10/javascript-working-with-events/
+ if (event.preventDefault) {
+ event.preventDefault(); // W3C for preventing default
+ }
+ event.cancel = true; // legacy for preventing default
+ event.returnValue = false; // IE for preventing default
+ };
+ _This.$StopEvent = function (event) {
+ event = GetEvent(event);
+ // technique from:
+ // http://blog.paranoidferret.com/index.php/2007/08/10/javascript-working-with-events/
+ if (event.stopPropagation) {
+ event.stopPropagation(); // W3C for stopping propagation
+ }
+ event.cancelBubble = true; // IE for stopping propagation
+ };
+ _This.$CreateCallback = function (object, method) {
+ // create callback args
+ var initialArgs = [].slice.call(arguments, 2);
+ // create closure to apply method
+ var callback = function () {
+ // concatenate new args, but make a copy of initialArgs first
+ var args = initialArgs.concat([].slice.call(arguments, 0));
+ return method.apply(object, args);
+ };
+ //$JssorDebug$.$LiveStamp(callback, "callback_" + ($Jssor$.$GetNow() & 0xFFFFFF));
+ return callback;
+ };
+ var _Freeer;
+ _This.$FreeElement = function (elmt) {
+ if (!_Freeer)
+ _Freeer = _This.$CreateDiv();
+ if (elmt) {
+ $Jssor$.$AppendChild(_Freeer, elmt);
+ $Jssor$.$ClearInnerHtml(_Freeer);
+ }
+ };
+ _This.$InnerText = function (elmt, text) {
+ if (text == undefined)
+ return elmt.textContent || elmt.innerText;
+ var textNode = document.createTextNode(text);
+ _This.$ClearInnerHtml(elmt);
+ elmt.appendChild(textNode);
+ };
+ _This.$InnerHtml = function (elmt, html) {
+ if (html == undefined)
+ return elmt.innerHTML;
+ elmt.innerHTML = html;
+ };
+ _This.$GetClientRect = function (elmt) {
+ var rect = elmt.getBoundingClientRect();
+ return { x: rect.left, y: rect.top, w: rect.right - rect.left, h: rect.bottom - rect.top };
+ };
+ _This.$ClearInnerHtml = function (elmt) {
+ elmt.innerHTML = "";
+ };
+ _This.$EncodeHtml = function (text) {
+ var div = _This.$CreateDiv();
+ _This.$InnerText(div, text);
+ return _This.$InnerHtml(div);
+ };
+ _This.$DecodeHtml = function (html) {
+ var div = _This.$CreateDiv();
+ _This.$InnerHtml(div, html);
+ return _This.$InnerText(div);
+ };
+ _This.$SelectElement = function (elmt) {
+ var userSelection;
+ if (window.getSelection) {
+ //W3C default
+ userSelection = window.getSelection();
+ }
+ var theRange = null;
+ if (document.createRange) {
+ theRange = document.createRange();
+ theRange.selectNode(elmt);
+ }
+ else {
+ theRange = document.body.createTextRange();
+ theRange.moveToElementText(elmt);
+ theRange.select();
+ }
+ //set user selection
+ if (userSelection)
+ userSelection.addRange(theRange);
+ };
+ _This.$DeselectElements = function () {
+ if (document.selection) {
+ document.selection.empty();
+ } else if (window.getSelection) {
+ window.getSelection().removeAllRanges();
+ }
+ };
+ _This.$Children = function (elmt) {
+ var children = [];
+ for (var tmpEl = elmt.firstChild; tmpEl; tmpEl = tmpEl.nextSibling) {
+ if (tmpEl.nodeType == 1) {
+ children.push(tmpEl);
+ }
+ }
+ return children;
+ };
+ function FindFirstChild(elmt, attrValue, attrName, deep) {
+ if (!attrName)
+ attrName = "u";
+ for (elmt = elmt ? elmt.firstChild : null; elmt; elmt = elmt.nextSibling) {
+ if (elmt.nodeType == 1) {
+ if (AttributeEx(elmt, attrName) == attrValue)
+ return elmt;
+ if (deep) {
+ var childRet = FindFirstChild(elmt, attrValue, attrName, deep);
+ if (childRet)
+ return childRet;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _This.$FindFirstChild = FindFirstChild;
+ function FindChildren(elmt, attrValue, attrName, deep) {
+ if (!attrName)
+ attrName = "u";
+ var ret = [];
+ for (elmt = elmt ? elmt.firstChild : null; elmt; elmt = elmt.nextSibling) {
+ if (elmt.nodeType == 1) {
+ if (AttributeEx(elmt, attrName) == attrValue)
+ ret.push(elmt);
+ if (deep) {
+ var childRet = FindChildren(elmt, attrValue, attrName, deep);
+ if (childRet.length)
+ ret = ret.concat(childRet);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ _This.$FindChildren = FindChildren;
+ function FindFirstChildByTag(elmt, tagName, deep) {
+ for (elmt = elmt ? elmt.firstChild : null; elmt; elmt = elmt.nextSibling) {
+ if (elmt.nodeType == 1) {
+ if (elmt.tagName == tagName)
+ return elmt;
+ if (deep) {
+ var childRet = FindFirstChildByTag(elmt, tagName, deep);
+ if (childRet)
+ return childRet;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _This.$FindFirstChildByTag = FindFirstChildByTag;
+ function FindChildrenByTag(elmt, tagName, deep) {
+ var ret = [];
+ for (elmt = elmt ? elmt.firstChild : null; elmt; elmt = elmt.nextSibling) {
+ if (elmt.nodeType == 1) {
+ if (!tagName || elmt.tagName == tagName)
+ ret.push(elmt);
+ if (deep) {
+ var childRet = FindChildrenByTag(elmt, tagName, true);
+ if (childRet.length)
+ ret = ret.concat(childRet);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ _This.$FindChildrenByTag = FindChildrenByTag;
+ _This.$GetElementsByTag = function (elmt, tagName) {
+ return elmt.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
+ };
+ function Extend(target) {
+ for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+ var options = arguments[i];
+ // Only deal with non-null/undefined values
+ if (options) {
+ // Extend the base object
+ for (var name in options) {
+ target[name] = options[name];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Return the modified object
+ return target;
+ }
+ _This.$Extend = Extend;
+ function Unextend(target, options) {
+ $JssorDebug$.$Assert(options);
+ var unextended = {};
+ // Extend the base object
+ for (var name in target) {
+ if (target[name] != options[name]) {
+ unextended[name] = target[name];
+ }
+ }
+ // Return the modified object
+ return unextended;
+ }
+ _This.$Unextend = Unextend;
+ _This.$IsUndefined = function (obj) {
+ return type(obj) == "undefined";
+ };
+ _This.$IsFunction = function (obj) {
+ return type(obj) == "function";
+ };
+ _This.$IsArray = function (obj) {
+ return type(obj) == "array";
+ };
+ _This.$IsString = function (obj) {
+ return type(obj) == "string";
+ };
+ _This.$IsNumeric = function (obj) {
+ return !isNaN(ParseFloat(obj)) && isFinite(obj);
+ };
+ _This.$IsWindow = function (obj) {
+ return obj && obj == obj.window;
+ };
+ _This.$Type = type;
+ // args is for internal usage only
+ _This.$Each = each;
+ _This.$IsPlainObject = isPlainObject;
+ function CreateElement(tagName) {
+ return document.createElement(tagName);
+ }
+ _This.$CreateElement = CreateElement;
+ _This.$CreateDiv = function () {
+ return CreateElement("DIV", document);
+ };
+ _This.$CreateSpan = function () {
+ return CreateElement("SPAN", document);
+ };
+ _This.$EmptyFunction = function () { };
+ function Attribute(elmt, name, value) {
+ if (value == undefined)
+ return elmt.getAttribute(name);
+ elmt.setAttribute(name, value);
+ }
+ function AttributeEx(elmt, name) {
+ return Attribute(elmt, name) || Attribute(elmt, "data-" + name);
+ }
+ _This.$Attribute = Attribute;
+ _This.$AttributeEx = AttributeEx;
+ function ClassName(elmt, className) {
+ if (className == undefined)
+ return elmt.className;
+ elmt.className = className;
+ }
+ _This.$ClassName = ClassName;
+ function ToHash(array) {
+ var hash = {};
+ each(array, function (item) {
+ hash[item] = item;
+ });
+ return hash;
+ }
+ _This.$ToHash = ToHash;
+ function Join(separator, strings) {
+ /// <param name="separator" type="String">
+ /// The element to show the dialog around
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="strings" type="Array" value="['1']">
+ /// The element to show the dialog around
+ /// </param>
+ var joined = "";
+ each(strings, function (str) {
+ joined && (joined += separator);
+ joined += str;
+ });
+ return joined;
+ }
+ _This.$Join = Join;
+ _This.$AddClass = function (elmt, className) {
+ var newClassName = ClassName(elmt) + " " + className;
+ ClassName(elmt, Join(" ", ToHash(newClassName.match(REGEX_WHITESPACE_GLOBAL))));
+ };
+ _This.$RemoveClass = function (elmt, className) {
+ ClassName(elmt, Join(" ", _This.$Unextend(ToHash(ClassName(elmt).match(REGEX_WHITESPACE_GLOBAL)), ToHash(className.match(REGEX_WHITESPACE_GLOBAL)))));
+ };
+ _This.$ParentNode = function (elmt) {
+ return elmt.parentNode;
+ };
+ _This.$HideElement = function (elmt) {
+ _This.$CssDisplay(elmt, "none");
+ };
+ _This.$HideElements = function (elmts) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < elmts.length; i++) {
+ _This.$HideElement(elmts[i]);
+ }
+ };
+ _This.$ShowElement = function (elmt, show) {
+ _This.$CssDisplay(elmt, show == false ? "none" : "");
+ };
+ _This.$ShowElements = function (elmts) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < elmts.length; i++) {
+ _This.$ShowElement(elmts[i]);
+ }
+ };
+ _This.$RemoveAttribute = function (elmt, attrbuteName) {
+ elmt.removeAttribute(attrbuteName);
+ };
+ _This.$CanClearClip = function () {
+ return IsBrowserIE() && browserRuntimeVersion < 10;
+ };
+ _This.$SetStyleClip = function (elmt, clip) {
+ if (clip) {
+ elmt.style.clip = "rect(" + Math.round(clip.$Top) + "px " + Math.round(clip.$Right) + "px " + Math.round(clip.$Bottom) + "px " + Math.round(clip.$Left) + "px)";
+ }
+ else {
+ var cssText = elmt.style.cssText;
+ var clipRegs = [
+ new RegExp(/[\s]*clip: rect\(.*?\)[;]?/i),
+ new RegExp(/[\s]*cliptop: .*?[;]?/i),
+ new RegExp(/[\s]*clipright: .*?[;]?/i),
+ new RegExp(/[\s]*clipbottom: .*?[;]?/i),
+ new RegExp(/[\s]*clipleft: .*?[;]?/i)
+ ];
+ var newCssText = BuildNewCss(cssText, clipRegs, "");
+ $Jssor$.$CssCssText(elmt, newCssText);
+ }
+ };
+ _This.$GetNow = function () {
+ return new Date().getTime();
+ };
+ _This.$AppendChild = function (elmt, child) {
+ elmt.appendChild(child);
+ };
+ _This.$AppendChildren = function (elmt, children) {
+ each(children, function (child) {
+ _This.$AppendChild(elmt, child);
+ });
+ };
+ _This.$InsertBefore = function (elmt, child, refObject) {
+ elmt.insertBefore(child, refObject);
+ };
+ _This.$InsertAdjacentHtml = function (elmt, where, text) {
+ elmt.insertAdjacentHTML(where, text);
+ };
+ _This.$RemoveChild = function (elmt, child) {
+ elmt.removeChild(child);
+ };
+ _This.$RemoveChildren = function (elmt, children) {
+ each(children, function (child) {
+ _This.$RemoveChild(elmt, child);
+ });
+ };
+ _This.$ClearChildren = function (elmt) {
+ _This.$RemoveChildren(elmt, _This.$Children(elmt));
+ };
+ _This.$ParseInt = function (str, radix) {
+ return parseInt(str, radix || 10);
+ };
+ function ParseFloat(str) {
+ return parseFloat(str);
+ }
+ _This.$ParseFloat = ParseFloat;
+ _This.$IsChild = function (elmtA, elmtB) {
+ var body = document.body;
+ while (elmtB && elmtA != elmtB && body != elmtB) {
+ try {
+ elmtB = elmtB.parentNode;
+ } catch (e) {
+ // Firefox sometimes fires events for XUL elements, which throws
+ // a "permission denied" error. so this is not a child.
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return elmtA == elmtB;
+ };
+ function CloneNode(elmt, deep) {
+ return elmt.cloneNode(deep);
+ }
+ _This.$CloneNode = CloneNode;
+ function TranslateTransition(transition) {
+ if (transition) {
+ var flyDirection = transition.$FlyDirection;
+ if (flyDirection & 1) {
+ transition.x = transition.$ScaleHorizontal || 1;
+ }
+ if (flyDirection & 2) {
+ transition.x = -transition.$ScaleHorizontal || -1;
+ }
+ if (flyDirection & 4) {
+ transition.y = transition.$ScaleVertical || 1;
+ }
+ if (flyDirection & 8) {
+ transition.y = -transition.$ScaleVertical || -1;
+ }
+ TranslateTransition(transition.$Brother);
+ }
+ }
+ _This.$TranslateTransitions = function (transitions) {
+ /// <summary>
+ /// For backward compatibility only.
+ /// </summary>
+ if (transitions) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < transitions.length; i++) {
+ TranslateTransition(transitions[i]);
+ }
+ for (var name in transitions) {
+ TranslateTransition(transitions[name]);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ function LoadImageCallback(callback, image, abort) {
+ image.onload = null;
+ image.abort = null;
+ if (callback)
+ callback(image, abort);
+ }
+ _This.$LoadImage = function (src, callback) {
+ if (IsBrowserOpera() && browserRuntimeVersion < 11.6 || !src) {
+ LoadImageCallback(callback, null);
+ }
+ else {
+ var image = new Image();
+ image.onload = _This.$CreateCallback(null, LoadImageCallback, callback, image);
+ image.onabort = _This.$CreateCallback(null, LoadImageCallback, callback, image, true);
+ image.src = src;
+ }
+ };
+ _This.$LoadImages = function (imageElmts, mainImageElmt, callback) {
+ var _ImageLoading = imageElmts.length + 1;
+ function LoadImageCompleteEventHandler(image, abort) {
+ _ImageLoading--;
+ if (mainImageElmt && image && image.src == mainImageElmt.src)
+ mainImageElmt = image;
+ !_ImageLoading && callback && callback(mainImageElmt);
+ }
+ each(imageElmts, function (imageElmt) {
+ $Jssor$.$LoadImage(imageElmt.src, LoadImageCompleteEventHandler);
+ });
+ LoadImageCompleteEventHandler();
+ };
+ _This.$BuildElement = function (template, tagName, replacer, createCopy) {
+ if (createCopy)
+ template = CloneNode(template, true);
+ var templateHolders = $Jssor$.$GetElementsByTag(template, tagName);
+ for (var j = templateHolders.length - 1; j > -1; j--) {
+ var templateHolder = templateHolders[j];
+ var replaceItem = CloneNode(replacer, true);
+ ClassName(replaceItem, ClassName(templateHolder));
+ $Jssor$.$CssCssText(replaceItem, templateHolder.style.cssText);
+ var thumbnailPlaceHolderParent = $Jssor$.$ParentNode(templateHolder);
+ $Jssor$.$InsertBefore(thumbnailPlaceHolderParent, replaceItem, templateHolder);
+ $Jssor$.$RemoveChild(thumbnailPlaceHolderParent, templateHolder);
+ }
+ return template;
+ };
+ var _MouseDownButtons;
+ function JssorButtonEx(elmt) {
+ var _Self = this;
+ var _OriginClassName;
+ var _IsMouseDown; //class name 'dn'
+ var _IsActive; //class name 'av'
+ var _IsDisabled; //class name 'ds'
+ function Highlight() {
+ var className = _OriginClassName;
+ if (_IsDisabled) {
+ className += 'ds';
+ }
+ else if (_IsMouseDown) {
+ className += 'dn';
+ }
+ else if (_IsActive) {
+ className += "av";
+ }
+ ClassName(elmt, className);
+ }
+ function OnMouseDown(event) {
+ if (_IsDisabled) {
+ _This.$CancelEvent(event);
+ }
+ else {
+ _MouseDownButtons.push(_Self);
+ _IsMouseDown = true;
+ Highlight();
+ }
+ }
+ _Self.$MouseUp = function () {
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Internal member function, do not use it.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <private />
+ _IsMouseDown = false;
+ Highlight();
+ };
+ _Self.$Activate = function (activate) {
+ if (activate != undefined) {
+ _IsActive = activate;
+ Highlight();
+ }
+ else {
+ return _IsActive;
+ }
+ };
+ _Self.$Enable = function (enable) {
+ if (enable != undefined) {
+ _IsDisabled = !enable;
+ Highlight();
+ }
+ else {
+ return !_IsDisabled;
+ }
+ };
+ //JssorButtonEx Constructor
+ {
+ elmt = _This.$GetElement(elmt);
+ if (!_MouseDownButtons) {
+ _This.$AddEventBrowserMouseUp(function () {
+ var oldMouseDownButtons = _MouseDownButtons;
+ _MouseDownButtons = [];
+ each(oldMouseDownButtons, function (button) {
+ button.$MouseUp();
+ });
+ });
+ _MouseDownButtons = [];
+ }
+ _OriginClassName = ClassName(elmt);
+ $Jssor$.$AddEvent(elmt, "mousedown", OnMouseDown);
+ }
+ }
+ _This.$Buttonize = function (elmt) {
+ return new JssorButtonEx(elmt);
+ };
+ _This.$Css = Css;
+ _This.$CssN = CssN;
+ _This.$CssP = CssP;
+ _This.$CssOverflow = CssProxy("overflow");
+ _This.$CssTop = CssProxy("top", 2);
+ _This.$CssLeft = CssProxy("left", 2);
+ _This.$CssWidth = CssProxy("width", 2);
+ _This.$CssHeight = CssProxy("height", 2);
+ _This.$CssMarginLeft = CssProxy("marginLeft", 2);
+ _This.$CssMarginTop = CssProxy("marginTop", 2);
+ _This.$CssPosition = CssProxy("position");
+ _This.$CssDisplay = CssProxy("display");
+ _This.$CssZIndex = CssProxy("zIndex", 1);
+ _This.$CssFloat = function (elmt, float) {
+ return Css(elmt, IsBrowserIE() ? "styleFloat" : "cssFloat", float);
+ };
+ _This.$CssOpacity = function (elmt, opacity, ie9EarlierForce) {
+ if (opacity != undefined) {
+ SetStyleOpacity(elmt, opacity, ie9EarlierForce);
+ }
+ else {
+ return GetStyleOpacity(elmt);
+ }
+ };
+ _This.$CssCssText = function (elmt, text) {
+ if (text != undefined) {
+ elmt.style.cssText = text;
+ }
+ else {
+ return elmt.style.cssText;
+ }
+ };
+ var _StyleGetter = {
+ $Opacity: _This.$CssOpacity,
+ $Top: _This.$CssTop,
+ $Left: _This.$CssLeft,
+ $Width: _This.$CssWidth,
+ $Height: _This.$CssHeight,
+ $Position: _This.$CssPosition,
+ $Display: _This.$CssDisplay,
+ $ZIndex: _This.$CssZIndex
+ };
+ //var _StyleGetter = {
+ // $Opacity: _This.$GetStyleOpacity,
+ // $Top: _This.$GetStyleTop,
+ // $Left: _This.$GetStyleLeft,
+ // $Width: _This.$GetStyleWidth,
+ // $Height: _This.$GetStyleHeight,
+ // $Position: _This.$GetStylePosition,
+ // $Display: _This.$GetStyleDisplay,
+ // $ZIndex: _This.$GetStyleZIndex
+ //};
+ var _StyleSetterReserved;
+ //var _StyleSetterReserved = {
+ // $Opacity: _This.$SetStyleOpacity,
+ // $Top: _This.$SetStyleTop,
+ // $Left: _This.$SetStyleLeft,
+ // $Width: _This.$SetStyleWidth,
+ // $Height: _This.$SetStyleHeight,
+ // $Display: _This.$SetStyleDisplay,
+ // $Clip: _This.$SetStyleClip,
+ // $MarginLeft: _This.$SetStyleMarginLeft,
+ // $MarginTop: _This.$SetStyleMarginTop,
+ // $Transform: _This.$SetStyleTransform,
+ // $Position: _This.$SetStylePosition,
+ // $ZIndex: _This.$SetStyleZIndex
+ //};
+ function StyleSetter() {
+ if (!_StyleSetterReserved) {
+ _StyleSetterReserved = Extend({
+ $MarginTop: _This.$CssMarginTop,
+ $MarginLeft: _This.$CssMarginLeft,
+ $Clip: _This.$SetStyleClip,
+ $Transform: _This.$SetStyleTransform
+ }, _StyleGetter);
+ }
+ return _StyleSetterReserved;
+ }
+ function StyleSetterEx() {
+ StyleSetter();
+ //For Compression Only
+ _StyleSetterReserved.$Transform = _StyleSetterReserved.$Transform;
+ return _StyleSetterReserved;
+ }
+ _This.$StyleSetter = StyleSetter;
+ _This.$StyleSetterEx = StyleSetterEx;
+ _This.$GetStyles = function (elmt, originStyles) {
+ StyleSetter();
+ var styles = {};
+ each(originStyles, function (value, key) {
+ if (_StyleGetter[key]) {
+ styles[key] = _StyleGetter[key](elmt);
+ }
+ });
+ return styles;
+ };
+ _This.$SetStyles = function (elmt, styles) {
+ var styleSetter = StyleSetter();
+ each(styles, function (value, key) {
+ styleSetter[key] && styleSetter[key](elmt, value);
+ });
+ };
+ _This.$SetStylesEx = function (elmt, styles) {
+ StyleSetterEx();
+ _This.$SetStyles(elmt, styles);
+ };
+ $JssorMatrix$ = new function () {
+ var _ThisMatrix = this;
+ function Multiply(ma, mb) {
+ var acs = ma[0].length;
+ var rows = ma.length;
+ var cols = mb[0].length;
+ var matrix = [];
+ for (var r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
+ var row = matrix[r] = [];
+ for (var c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
+ var unitValue = 0;
+ for (var ac = 0; ac < acs; ac++) {
+ unitValue += ma[r][ac] * mb[ac][c];
+ }
+ row[c] = unitValue;
+ }
+ }
+ return matrix;
+ }
+ _ThisMatrix.$ScaleX = function (matrix, sx) {
+ return _ThisMatrix.$ScaleXY(matrix, sx, 0);
+ };
+ _ThisMatrix.$ScaleY = function (matrix, sy) {
+ return _ThisMatrix.$ScaleXY(matrix, 0, sy);
+ };
+ _ThisMatrix.$ScaleXY = function (matrix, sx, sy) {
+ return Multiply(matrix, [[sx, 0], [0, sy]]);
+ };
+ _ThisMatrix.$TransformPoint = function (matrix, p) {
+ var pMatrix = Multiply(matrix, [[p.x], [p.y]]);
+ return new $JssorPoint$(pMatrix[0][0], pMatrix[1][0]);
+ };
+ };
+ _This.$CreateMatrix = function (alpha, scaleX, scaleY) {
+ var cos = Math.cos(alpha);
+ var sin = Math.sin(alpha);
+ //var r11 = cos;
+ //var r21 = sin;
+ //var r12 = -sin;
+ //var r22 = cos;
+ //var m11 = cos * scaleX;
+ //var m12 = -sin * scaleY;
+ //var m21 = sin * scaleX;
+ //var m22 = cos * scaleY;
+ return [[cos * scaleX, -sin * scaleY], [sin * scaleX, cos * scaleY]];
+ };
+ _This.$GetMatrixOffset = function (matrix, width, height) {
+ var p1 = $JssorMatrix$.$TransformPoint(matrix, new $JssorPoint$(-width / 2, -height / 2));
+ var p2 = $JssorMatrix$.$TransformPoint(matrix, new $JssorPoint$(width / 2, -height / 2));
+ var p3 = $JssorMatrix$.$TransformPoint(matrix, new $JssorPoint$(width / 2, height / 2));
+ var p4 = $JssorMatrix$.$TransformPoint(matrix, new $JssorPoint$(-width / 2, height / 2));
+ return new $JssorPoint$(Math.min(p1.x, p2.x, p3.x, p4.x) + width / 2, Math.min(p1.y, p2.y, p3.y, p4.y) + height / 2);
+ };
+//for backward compatibility
+//var $JssorUtils$ = window.$JssorUtils$ = $Jssor$;
+var $JssorObject$ = window.$JssorObject$ = function () {
+ var _ThisObject = this;
+ // Fields
+ var _Listeners = []; // dictionary of eventName --> array of handlers
+ var _Listenees = [];
+ // Private Methods
+ function AddListener(eventName, handler) {
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ if (eventName == undefined || eventName == null)
+ throw new Error("param 'eventName' is null or empty.");
+ if (typeof (handler) != "function") {
+ throw "param 'handler' must be a function.";
+ }
+ $Jssor$.$Each(_Listeners, function (listener) {
+ if (listener.$EventName == eventName && listener.$Handler === handler) {
+ throw new Error("The handler listened to the event already, cannot listen to the same event of the same object with the same handler twice.");
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ _Listeners.push({ $EventName: eventName, $Handler: handler });
+ }
+ function RemoveListener(eventName, handler) {
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ if (eventName == undefined || eventName == null)
+ throw new Error("param 'eventName' is null or empty.");
+ if (typeof (handler) != "function") {
+ throw "param 'handler' must be a function.";
+ }
+ });
+ $Jssor$.$Each(_Listeners, function (listener, index) {
+ if (listener.$EventName == eventName && listener.$Handler === handler) {
+ _Listeners.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function ClearListeners() {
+ _Listeners = [];
+ }
+ function ClearListenees() {
+ $Jssor$.$Each(_Listenees, function (listenee) {
+ $Jssor$.$RemoveEvent(listenee.$Obj, listenee.$EventName, listenee.$Handler);
+ });
+ _Listenees = [];
+ }
+ //Protected Methods
+ _ThisObject.$Listen = function (obj, eventName, handler, useCapture) {
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ if (!obj)
+ throw new Error("param 'obj' is null or empty.");
+ if (eventName == undefined || eventName == null)
+ throw new Error("param 'eventName' is null or empty.");
+ if (typeof (handler) != "function") {
+ throw "param 'handler' must be a function.";
+ }
+ $Jssor$.$Each(_Listenees, function (listenee) {
+ if (listenee.$Obj === obj && listenee.$EventName == eventName && listenee.$Handler === handler) {
+ throw new Error("The handler listened to the event already, cannot listen to the same event of the same object with the same handler twice.");
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ $Jssor$.$AddEvent(obj, eventName, handler, useCapture);
+ _Listenees.push({ $Obj: obj, $EventName: eventName, $Handler: handler });
+ };
+ _ThisObject.$Unlisten = function (obj, eventName, handler) {
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ if (!obj)
+ throw new Error("param 'obj' is null or empty.");
+ if (eventName == undefined || eventName == null)
+ throw new Error("param 'eventName' is null or empty.");
+ if (typeof (handler) != "function") {
+ throw "param 'handler' must be a function.";
+ }
+ });
+ $Jssor$.$Each(_Listenees, function (listenee, index) {
+ if (listenee.$Obj === obj && listenee.$EventName == eventName && listenee.$Handler === handler) {
+ $Jssor$.$RemoveEvent(obj, eventName, handler);
+ _Listenees.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ _ThisObject.$UnlistenAll = ClearListenees;
+ // Public Methods
+ _ThisObject.$On = _ThisObject.addEventListener = AddListener;
+ _ThisObject.$Off = _ThisObject.removeEventListener = RemoveListener;
+ _ThisObject.$TriggerEvent = function (eventName) {
+ var args = [].slice.call(arguments, 1);
+ $Jssor$.$Each(_Listeners, function (listener) {
+ try {
+ listener.$EventName == eventName && listener.$Handler.apply(window, args);
+ } catch (e) {
+ // handler threw an error, ignore, go on to next one
+ $JssorDebug$.$Error(e.name + " while executing " + eventName +
+ " handler: " + e.message, e);
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ _ThisObject.$Destroy = function () {
+ ClearListenees();
+ ClearListeners();
+ for (var name in _ThisObject)
+ delete _ThisObject[name];
+ };
+ $JssorDebug$.$C_AbstractClass(_ThisObject);
+$JssorAnimator$ = function (delay, duration, options, elmt, fromStyles, toStyles) {
+ delay = delay || 0;
+ var _ThisAnimator = this;
+ var _AutoPlay;
+ var _Hiden;
+ var _CombineMode;
+ var _PlayToPosition;
+ var _PlayDirection;
+ var _NoStop;
+ var _TimeStampLastFrame = 0;
+ var _SubEasings;
+ var _SubRounds;
+ var _SubDurings;
+ var _Callback;
+ var _Position_Current = 0;
+ var _Position_Display = 0;
+ var _Hooked;
+ var _Position_InnerBegin = delay;
+ var _Position_InnerEnd = delay + duration;
+ var _Position_OuterBegin;
+ var _Position_OuterEnd;
+ var _LoopLength;
+ var _NestedAnimators = [];
+ var _StyleSetter;
+ function GetPositionRange(position, begin, end) {
+ var range = 0;
+ if (position < begin)
+ range = -1;
+ else if (position > end)
+ range = 1;
+ return range;
+ }
+ function GetInnerPositionRange(position) {
+ return GetPositionRange(position, _Position_InnerBegin, _Position_InnerEnd);
+ }
+ function GetOuterPositionRange(position) {
+ return GetPositionRange(position, _Position_OuterBegin, _Position_OuterEnd);
+ }
+ function Shift(offset) {
+ _Position_OuterBegin += offset;
+ _Position_OuterEnd += offset;
+ _Position_InnerBegin += offset;
+ _Position_InnerEnd += offset;
+ _Position_Current += offset;
+ _Position_Display += offset;
+ $Jssor$.$Each(_NestedAnimators, function (animator) {
+ animator, animator.$Shift(offset);
+ });
+ }
+ function Locate(position, relative) {
+ var offset = position - _Position_OuterBegin + delay * relative;
+ Shift(offset);
+ //$JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ // _ThisAnimator.$Position_InnerBegin = _Position_InnerBegin;
+ // _ThisAnimator.$Position_InnerEnd = _Position_InnerEnd;
+ // _ThisAnimator.$Position_OuterBegin = _Position_OuterBegin;
+ // _ThisAnimator.$Position_OuterEnd = _Position_OuterEnd;
+ //});
+ return _Position_OuterEnd;
+ }
+ function GoToPosition(positionOuter, force) {
+ var trimedPositionOuter = positionOuter;
+ if (_LoopLength && (trimedPositionOuter >= _Position_OuterEnd || trimedPositionOuter <= _Position_OuterBegin)) {
+ trimedPositionOuter = ((trimedPositionOuter - _Position_OuterBegin) % _LoopLength + _LoopLength) % _LoopLength + _Position_OuterBegin;
+ }
+ if (!_Hooked || _NoStop || force || _Position_Current != trimedPositionOuter) {
+ var positionToDisplay = Math.min(trimedPositionOuter, _Position_OuterEnd);
+ positionToDisplay = Math.max(positionToDisplay, _Position_OuterBegin);
+ if (!_Hooked || _NoStop || force || positionToDisplay != _Position_Display) {
+ if (toStyles) {
+ var currentStyles = toStyles;
+ if (fromStyles) {
+ var interPosition = (positionToDisplay - _Position_InnerBegin) / (duration || 1);
+ if (options.$Optimize && $Jssor$.$IsBrowserChrome() && duration) {
+ interPosition = Math.round(interPosition / 16 * duration) * 16 / duration;
+ }
+ if (options.$Reverse)
+ interPosition = 1 - interPosition;
+ currentStyles = {};
+ for (var key in toStyles) {
+ var round = _SubRounds[key] || 1;
+ var during = _SubDurings[key] || [0, 1];
+ var propertyInterPosition = (interPosition - during[0]) / during[1];
+ propertyInterPosition = Math.min(Math.max(propertyInterPosition, 0), 1);
+ propertyInterPosition = propertyInterPosition * round;
+ var floorPosition = Math.floor(propertyInterPosition);
+ if (propertyInterPosition != floorPosition)
+ propertyInterPosition -= floorPosition;
+ var easing = _SubEasings[key] || _SubEasings.$Default;
+ var easingValue = easing(propertyInterPosition);
+ var currentPropertyValue;
+ var value = fromStyles[key];
+ var toValue = toStyles[key];
+ if ($Jssor$.$IsNumeric(toValue)) {
+ currentPropertyValue = value + (toValue - value) * easingValue;
+ }
+ else {
+ currentPropertyValue = $Jssor$.$Extend({ $Offset: {} }, fromStyles[key]);
+ $Jssor$.$Each(toValue.$Offset, function (rectX, n) {
+ var offsetValue = rectX * easingValue;
+ currentPropertyValue.$Offset[n] = offsetValue;
+ currentPropertyValue[n] += offsetValue;
+ });
+ }
+ currentStyles[key] = currentPropertyValue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (fromStyles.$Zoom) {
+ currentStyles.$Transform = { $Rotate: currentStyles.$Rotate || 0, $Scale: currentStyles.$Zoom, $OriginalWidth: options.$OriginalWidth, $OriginalHeight: options.$OriginalHeight };
+ }
+ if (toStyles.$Clip && options.$Move) {
+ var styleFrameNClipOffset = currentStyles.$Clip.$Offset;
+ var offsetY = (styleFrameNClipOffset.$Top || 0) + (styleFrameNClipOffset.$Bottom || 0);
+ var offsetX = (styleFrameNClipOffset.$Left || 0) + (styleFrameNClipOffset.$Right || 0);
+ currentStyles.$Left = (currentStyles.$Left || 0) + offsetX;
+ currentStyles.$Top = (currentStyles.$Top || 0) + offsetY;
+ currentStyles.$Clip.$Left -= offsetX;
+ currentStyles.$Clip.$Right -= offsetX;
+ currentStyles.$Clip.$Top -= offsetY;
+ currentStyles.$Clip.$Bottom -= offsetY;
+ }
+ if (currentStyles.$Clip && $Jssor$.$CanClearClip() && !currentStyles.$Clip.$Top && !currentStyles.$Clip.$Left && (currentStyles.$Clip.$Right == options.$OriginalWidth) && (currentStyles.$Clip.$Bottom == options.$OriginalHeight))
+ currentStyles.$Clip = null;
+ $Jssor$.$Each(currentStyles, function (value, key) {
+ _StyleSetter[key] && _StyleSetter[key](elmt, value);
+ });
+ }
+ _ThisAnimator.$OnInnerOffsetChange(_Position_Display - _Position_InnerBegin, positionToDisplay - _Position_InnerBegin);
+ }
+ _Position_Display = positionToDisplay;
+ $Jssor$.$Each(_NestedAnimators, function (animator, i) {
+ var nestedAnimator = positionOuter < _Position_Current ? _NestedAnimators[_NestedAnimators.length - i - 1] : animator;
+ nestedAnimator.$GoToPosition(positionOuter, force);
+ });
+ var positionOld = _Position_Current;
+ var positionNew = positionOuter;
+ _Position_Current = trimedPositionOuter;
+ _Hooked = true;
+ _ThisAnimator.$OnPositionChange(positionOld, positionNew);
+ }
+ }
+ function Join(animator, combineMode) {
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Combine another animator as nested animator
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="animator" type="$JssorAnimator$">
+ /// An instance of $JssorAnimator$
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="combineMode" type="int">
+ /// 0: parallel - place the animator parallel to this animator.
+ /// 1: chain - chain the animator at the _Position_InnerEnd of this animator.
+ /// </param>
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ if (combineMode !== 0 && combineMode !== 1)
+ $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Argument out of range, the value of 'combineMode' should be either 0 or 1.");
+ });
+ if (combineMode)
+ animator.$Locate(_Position_OuterEnd, 1);
+ _Position_OuterEnd = Math.max(_Position_OuterEnd, animator.$GetPosition_OuterEnd());
+ _NestedAnimators.push(animator);
+ }
+ function PlayFrame() {
+ if (_AutoPlay) {
+ var now = $Jssor$.$GetNow();
+ //var timeOffset = Math.min(now - _TimeStampLastFrame, $Jssor$.$IsBrowserOpera() ? 80 : 20);
+ var timeOffset = Math.min(now - _TimeStampLastFrame, 80);
+ var timePosition = _Position_Current + timeOffset * _PlayDirection;
+ _TimeStampLastFrame = now;
+ if (timePosition * _PlayDirection >= _PlayToPosition * _PlayDirection)
+ timePosition = _PlayToPosition;
+ GoToPosition(timePosition);
+ if (!_NoStop && timePosition * _PlayDirection >= _PlayToPosition * _PlayDirection) {
+ Stop(_Callback);
+ }
+ else {
+ $Jssor$.$Delay(PlayFrame, options.$Interval);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function PlayToPosition(toPosition, callback, noStop) {
+ if (!_AutoPlay) {
+ _AutoPlay = true;
+ _NoStop = noStop
+ _Callback = callback;
+ toPosition = Math.max(toPosition, _Position_OuterBegin);
+ toPosition = Math.min(toPosition, _Position_OuterEnd);
+ _PlayToPosition = toPosition;
+ _PlayDirection = _PlayToPosition < _Position_Current ? -1 : 1;
+ _ThisAnimator.$OnStart();
+ _TimeStampLastFrame = $Jssor$.$GetNow();
+ PlayFrame();
+ }
+ }
+ function Stop(callback) {
+ if (_AutoPlay) {
+ _NoStop = _AutoPlay = _Callback = false;
+ _ThisAnimator.$OnStop();
+ if (callback)
+ callback();
+ }
+ }
+ _ThisAnimator.$Play = function (positionLength, callback, noStop) {
+ PlayToPosition(positionLength ? _Position_Current + positionLength : _Position_OuterEnd, callback, noStop);
+ };
+ _ThisAnimator.$PlayToPosition = PlayToPosition;
+ _ThisAnimator.$PlayToBegin = function (callback, noStop) {
+ PlayToPosition(_Position_OuterBegin, callback, noStop);
+ };
+ _ThisAnimator.$PlayToEnd = function (callback, noStop) {
+ PlayToPosition(_Position_OuterEnd, callback, noStop);
+ };
+ _ThisAnimator.$Stop = Stop;
+ _ThisAnimator.$Continue = function (toPosition) {
+ PlayToPosition(toPosition);
+ };
+ _ThisAnimator.$GetPosition = function () {
+ return _Position_Current;
+ };
+ _ThisAnimator.$GetPlayToPosition = function () {
+ return _PlayToPosition;
+ };
+ _ThisAnimator.$GetPosition_Display = function () {
+ return _Position_Display;
+ };
+ _ThisAnimator.$GoToPosition = GoToPosition;
+ _ThisAnimator.$GoToBegin = function () {
+ GoToPosition(_Position_OuterBegin, true);
+ };
+ _ThisAnimator.$GoToEnd = function () {
+ GoToPosition(_Position_OuterEnd, true);
+ };
+ _ThisAnimator.$Move = function (offset) {
+ GoToPosition(_Position_Current + offset);
+ };
+ _ThisAnimator.$CombineMode = function () {
+ return _CombineMode;
+ };
+ _ThisAnimator.$GetDuration = function () {
+ return duration;
+ };
+ _ThisAnimator.$IsPlaying = function () {
+ return _AutoPlay;
+ };
+ _ThisAnimator.$IsOnTheWay = function () {
+ return _Position_Current > _Position_InnerBegin && _Position_Current <= _Position_InnerEnd;
+ };
+ _ThisAnimator.$SetLoopLength = function (length) {
+ _LoopLength = length;
+ };
+ _ThisAnimator.$Locate = Locate;
+ _ThisAnimator.$Shift = Shift;
+ _ThisAnimator.$Join = Join;
+ _ThisAnimator.$Combine = function (animator) {
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Combine another animator parallel to this animator
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="animator" type="$JssorAnimator$">
+ /// An instance of $JssorAnimator$
+ /// </param>
+ Join(animator, 0);
+ };
+ _ThisAnimator.$Chain = function (animator) {
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Chain another animator at the _Position_InnerEnd of this animator
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="animator" type="$JssorAnimator$">
+ /// An instance of $JssorAnimator$
+ /// </param>
+ Join(animator, 1);
+ };
+ _ThisAnimator.$GetPosition_InnerBegin = function () {
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Internal member function, do not use it.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <private />
+ /// <returns type="int" />
+ return _Position_InnerBegin;
+ };
+ _ThisAnimator.$GetPosition_InnerEnd = function () {
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Internal member function, do not use it.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <private />
+ /// <returns type="int" />
+ return _Position_InnerEnd;
+ };
+ _ThisAnimator.$GetPosition_OuterBegin = function () {
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Internal member function, do not use it.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <private />
+ /// <returns type="int" />
+ return _Position_OuterBegin;
+ };
+ _ThisAnimator.$GetPosition_OuterEnd = function () {
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Internal member function, do not use it.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <private />
+ /// <returns type="int" />
+ return _Position_OuterEnd;
+ };
+ _ThisAnimator.$OnPositionChange = _ThisAnimator.$OnStart = _ThisAnimator.$OnStop = _ThisAnimator.$OnInnerOffsetChange = $Jssor$.$EmptyFunction;
+ _ThisAnimator.$Version = $Jssor$.$GetNow();
+ //Constructor 1
+ {
+ options = $Jssor$.$Extend({
+ $Interval: 16
+ }, options);
+ //Sodo statement, for development time intellisence only
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ options = $Jssor$.$Extend({
+ $LoopLength: undefined,
+ $Setter: undefined,
+ $Easing: undefined
+ }, options);
+ });
+ _LoopLength = options.$LoopLength;
+ _StyleSetter = $Jssor$.$Extend({}, $Jssor$.$StyleSetter(), options.$Setter);
+ _Position_OuterBegin = _Position_InnerBegin = delay;
+ _Position_OuterEnd = _Position_InnerEnd = delay + duration;
+ var _SubRounds = options.$Round || {};
+ var _SubDurings = options.$During || {};
+ _SubEasings = $Jssor$.$Extend({ $Default: $Jssor$.$IsFunction(options.$Easing) && options.$Easing || $JssorEasing$.$EaseSwing }, options.$Easing);
+ }
+function $JssorPlayerClass$() {
+ var _ThisPlayer = this;
+ var _PlayerControllers = [];
+ function PlayerController(playerElement) {
+ var _SelfPlayerController = this;
+ var _PlayerInstance;
+ var _PlayerInstantces = [];
+ function OnPlayerInstanceDataAvailable(event) {
+ var srcElement = $Jssor$.$EventSrc(event);
+ _PlayerInstance = srcElement.pInstance;
+ $Jssor$.$RemoveEvent(srcElement, "dataavailable", OnPlayerInstanceDataAvailable);
+ $Jssor$.$Each(_PlayerInstantces, function (playerInstance) {
+ if (playerInstance != _PlayerInstance) {
+ playerInstance.$Remove();
+ }
+ });
+ playerElement.pTagName = _PlayerInstance.tagName;
+ _PlayerInstantces = null;
+ }
+ function HandlePlayerInstance(playerInstanceElement) {
+ var playerHandler;
+ if (!playerInstanceElement.pInstance) {
+ var playerHandlerAttribute = $Jssor$.$AttributeEx(playerInstanceElement, "pHandler");
+ if ($JssorPlayer$[playerHandlerAttribute]) {
+ $Jssor$.$AddEvent(playerInstanceElement, "dataavailable", OnPlayerInstanceDataAvailable);
+ playerHandler = new $JssorPlayer$[playerHandlerAttribute](playerElement, playerInstanceElement);
+ _PlayerInstantces.push(playerHandler);
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ if ($Jssor$.$Type(playerHandler.$Remove) != "function") {
+ $JssorDebug$.$Fail("'pRemove' interface not implemented for player handler '" + playerHandlerAttribute + "'.");
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ return playerHandler;
+ }
+ _SelfPlayerController.$InitPlayerController = function () {
+ if (!playerElement.pInstance && !HandlePlayerInstance(playerElement)) {
+ var playerInstanceElements = $Jssor$.$Children(playerElement);
+ $Jssor$.$Each(playerInstanceElements, function (playerInstanceElement) {
+ HandlePlayerInstance(playerInstanceElement);
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ _ThisPlayer.$EVT_SWITCH = 21;
+ _ThisPlayer.$FetchPlayers = function (elmt) {
+ elmt = elmt || document.body;
+ var playerElements = $Jssor$.$FindChildren(elmt, "player", null, true);
+ $Jssor$.$Each(playerElements, function (playerElement) {
+ if (!_PlayerControllers[playerElement.pId]) {
+ playerElement.pId = _PlayerControllers.length;
+ _PlayerControllers.push(new PlayerController(playerElement));
+ }
+ var playerController = _PlayerControllers[playerElement.pId];
+ playerController.$InitPlayerController();
+ });
+ };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/_static/jssor.slider.js b/doc/_static/jssor.slider.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77c5acc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/_static/jssor.slider.js
@@ -0,0 +1,4081 @@
+/// <reference path="Jssor.js" />
+* Jssor.Slider 18.0
+* http://www.jssor.com/
+* TERMS OF USE - Jssor.Slider
+* Copyright 2014 Jssor
+* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+* the following conditions:
+* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+var $JssorSlider$;
+var $JssorSlideshowFormations$ = window.$JssorSlideshowFormations$ = {};
+var $JssorSlideshowRunner$;
+new function () {
+ //Constants +++++++
+ var ROW_INCREASE = 2;
+ var ROW_DECREASE = 3;
+ var TO_LEFT = 0x0001;
+ var TO_RIGHT = 0x0002;
+ var TO_TOP = 0x0004;
+ var TO_BOTTOM = 0x0008;
+ var FROM_LEFT = 0x0100;
+ var FROM_TOP = 0x0200;
+ var FROM_RIGHT = 0x0400;
+ var FROM_BOTTOM = 0x0800;
+ //Constants -------
+ //Formation Definition +++++++
+ function isToLeft(roadValue) {
+ return (roadValue & TO_LEFT) == TO_LEFT;
+ }
+ function isToRight(roadValue) {
+ return (roadValue & TO_RIGHT) == TO_RIGHT;
+ }
+ function isToTop(roadValue) {
+ return (roadValue & TO_TOP) == TO_TOP;
+ }
+ function isToBottom(roadValue) {
+ return (roadValue & TO_BOTTOM) == TO_BOTTOM;
+ }
+ function PushFormationOrder(arr, order, formationItem) {
+ formationItem.push(order);
+ arr[order] = arr[order] || [];
+ arr[order].push(formationItem);
+ }
+ $JssorSlideshowFormations$.$FormationStraight = function (transition) {
+ var cols = transition.$Cols;
+ var rows = transition.$Rows;
+ var formationDirection = transition.$Assembly;
+ var count = transition.$Count;
+ var a = [];
+ var i = 0;
+ var col = 0;
+ var r = 0;
+ var cl = cols - 1;
+ var rl = rows - 1;
+ var il = count - 1;
+ var cr;
+ var order;
+ for (r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
+ for (col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
+ cr = r + ',' + col;
+ switch (formationDirection) {
+ order = il - (col * rows + (rl - r));
+ break;
+ order = il - (r * cols + (cl - col));
+ break;
+ order = il - (col * rows + r);
+ order = il - (r * cols + col);
+ break;
+ order = col * rows + r;
+ break;
+ order = r * cols + (cl - col);
+ break;
+ order = col * rows + (rl - r);
+ break;
+ default:
+ order = r * cols + col;
+ }
+ PushFormationOrder(a, order, [r, col]);
+ }
+ }
+ return a;
+ };
+ $JssorSlideshowFormations$.$FormationSwirl = function (transition) {
+ var cols = transition.$Cols;
+ var rows = transition.$Rows;
+ var formationDirection = transition.$Assembly;
+ var count = transition.$Count;
+ var a = [];
+ var hit = [];
+ var i = 0;
+ var col = 0;
+ var r = 0;
+ var cl = cols - 1;
+ var rl = rows - 1;
+ var il = count - 1;
+ var cr;
+ var courses;
+ var course = 0;
+ switch (formationDirection) {
+ col = cl;
+ r = 0;
+ break;
+ col = 0;
+ r = rl;
+ break;
+ col = cl;
+ r = rl;
+ break;
+ col = cl;
+ r = rl;
+ break;
+ col = 0;
+ r = 0;
+ break;
+ col = cl;
+ r = 0;
+ break;
+ col = 0;
+ r = rl;
+ break;
+ default:
+ col = 0;
+ r = 0;
+ }
+ i = 0;
+ while (i < count) {
+ cr = r + ',' + col;
+ if (col >= 0 && col < cols && r >= 0 && r < rows && !hit[cr]) {
+ //a[cr] = i++;
+ hit[cr] = true;
+ PushFormationOrder(a, i++, [r, col]);
+ }
+ else {
+ switch (courses[course++ % courses.length]) {
+ col--;
+ break;
+ r--;
+ break;
+ col++;
+ break;
+ r++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ switch (courses[course % courses.length]) {
+ col++;
+ break;
+ r++;
+ break;
+ col--;
+ break;
+ r--;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return a;
+ };
+ $JssorSlideshowFormations$.$FormationZigZag = function (transition) {
+ var cols = transition.$Cols;
+ var rows = transition.$Rows;
+ var formationDirection = transition.$Assembly;
+ var count = transition.$Count;
+ var a = [];
+ var i = 0;
+ var col = 0;
+ var r = 0;
+ var cl = cols - 1;
+ var rl = rows - 1;
+ var il = count - 1;
+ var cr;
+ var courses;
+ var course = 0;
+ switch (formationDirection) {
+ col = cl;
+ r = 0;
+ break;
+ col = 0;
+ r = rl;
+ break;
+ col = cl;
+ r = rl;
+ break;
+ col = cl;
+ r = rl;
+ break;
+ col = 0;
+ r = 0;
+ break;
+ col = cl;
+ r = 0;
+ break;
+ col = 0;
+ r = rl;
+ break;
+ default:
+ col = 0;
+ r = 0;
+ }
+ i = 0;
+ while (i < count) {
+ cr = r + ',' + col;
+ if (col >= 0 && col < cols && r >= 0 && r < rows && typeof (a[cr]) == 'undefined') {
+ PushFormationOrder(a, i++, [r, col]);
+ //a[cr] = i++;
+ switch (courses[course % courses.length]) {
+ col++;
+ break;
+ r++;
+ break;
+ col--;
+ break;
+ r--;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ switch (courses[course++ % courses.length]) {
+ col--;
+ break;
+ r--;
+ break;
+ col++;
+ break;
+ r++;
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (courses[course++ % courses.length]) {
+ col++;
+ break;
+ r++;
+ break;
+ col--;
+ break;
+ r--;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return a;
+ };
+ $JssorSlideshowFormations$.$FormationStraightStairs = function (transition) {
+ var cols = transition.$Cols;
+ var rows = transition.$Rows;
+ var formationDirection = transition.$Assembly;
+ var count = transition.$Count;
+ var a = [];
+ var i = 0;
+ var col = 0;
+ var r = 0;
+ var cl = cols - 1;
+ var rl = rows - 1;
+ var il = count - 1;
+ var cr;
+ switch (formationDirection) {
+ var C = 0;
+ var R = 0;
+ break;
+ var C = cl;
+ var R = 0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ formationDirection = ASSEMBLY_RIGHT_BOTTOM;
+ var C = cl;
+ var R = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ col = C;
+ r = R;
+ while (i < count) {
+ cr = r + ',' + col;
+ if (isToTop(formationDirection) || isToRight(formationDirection)) {
+ PushFormationOrder(a, il - i++, [r, col]);
+ //a[cr] = il - i++;
+ }
+ else {
+ PushFormationOrder(a, i++, [r, col]);
+ //a[cr] = i++;
+ }
+ switch (formationDirection) {
+ col--;
+ r++;
+ break;
+ col++;
+ r--;
+ break;
+ col--;
+ r--;
+ break;
+ default:
+ col++;
+ r++;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (col < 0 || r < 0 || col > cl || r > rl) {
+ switch (formationDirection) {
+ C++;
+ break;
+ R++;
+ break;
+ default:
+ C--;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (C < 0 || R < 0 || C > cl || R > rl) {
+ switch (formationDirection) {
+ C = cl;
+ R++;
+ break;
+ R = rl;
+ C++;
+ break;
+ case ASSEMBLY_RIGHT_TOP: R = rl; C--;
+ break;
+ default:
+ C = 0;
+ R++;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (R > rl)
+ R = rl;
+ else if (R < 0)
+ R = 0;
+ else if (C > cl)
+ C = cl;
+ else if (C < 0)
+ C = 0;
+ }
+ r = R;
+ col = C;
+ }
+ }
+ return a;
+ };
+ $JssorSlideshowFormations$.$FormationSquare = function (transition) {
+ var cols = transition.$Cols || 1;
+ var rows = transition.$Rows || 1;
+ var arr = [];
+ var i = 0;
+ var col;
+ var r;
+ var dc;
+ var dr;
+ var cr;
+ dc = cols < rows ? (rows - cols) / 2 : 0;
+ dr = cols > rows ? (cols - rows) / 2 : 0;
+ cr = Math.round(Math.max(cols / 2, rows / 2)) + 1;
+ for (col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
+ for (r = 0; r < rows; r++)
+ PushFormationOrder(arr, cr - Math.min(col + 1 + dc, r + 1 + dr, cols - col + dc, rows - r + dr), [r, col]);
+ }
+ return arr;
+ };
+ $JssorSlideshowFormations$.$FormationRectangle = function (transition) {
+ var cols = transition.$Cols || 1;
+ var rows = transition.$Rows || 1;
+ var arr = [];
+ var i = 0;
+ var col;
+ var r;
+ var cr;
+ cr = Math.round(Math.min(cols / 2, rows / 2)) + 1;
+ for (col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
+ for (r = 0; r < rows; r++)
+ PushFormationOrder(arr, cr - Math.min(col + 1, r + 1, cols - col, rows - r), [r, col]);
+ }
+ return arr;
+ };
+ $JssorSlideshowFormations$.$FormationRandom = function (transition) {
+ var a = [];
+ var r, col, i;
+ for (r = 0; r < transition.$Rows; r++) {
+ for (col = 0; col < transition.$Cols; col++)
+ PushFormationOrder(a, Math.ceil(100000 * Math.random()) % 13, [r, col]);
+ }
+ return a;
+ };
+ $JssorSlideshowFormations$.$FormationCircle = function (transition) {
+ var cols = transition.$Cols || 1;
+ var rows = transition.$Rows || 1;
+ var arr = [];
+ var i = 0;
+ var col;
+ var r;
+ var hc = cols / 2 - 0.5;
+ var hr = rows / 2 - 0.5;
+ for (col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
+ for (r = 0; r < rows; r++)
+ PushFormationOrder(arr, Math.round(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(col - hc, 2) + Math.pow(r - hr, 2))), [r, col]);
+ }
+ return arr;
+ };
+ $JssorSlideshowFormations$.$FormationCross = function (transition) {
+ var cols = transition.$Cols || 1;
+ var rows = transition.$Rows || 1;
+ var arr = [];
+ var i = 0;
+ var col;
+ var r;
+ var hc = cols / 2 - 0.5;
+ var hr = rows / 2 - 0.5;
+ for (col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
+ for (r = 0; r < rows; r++)
+ PushFormationOrder(arr, Math.round(Math.min(Math.abs(col - hc), Math.abs(r - hr))), [r, col]);
+ }
+ return arr;
+ };
+ $JssorSlideshowFormations$.$FormationRectangleCross = function (transition) {
+ var cols = transition.$Cols || 1;
+ var rows = transition.$Rows || 1;
+ var arr = [];
+ var i = 0;
+ var col;
+ var r;
+ var hc = cols / 2 - 0.5;
+ var hr = rows / 2 - 0.5;
+ var cr = Math.max(hc, hr) + 1;
+ for (col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
+ for (r = 0; r < rows; r++)
+ PushFormationOrder(arr, Math.round(cr - Math.max(hc - Math.abs(col - hc), hr - Math.abs(r - hr))) - 1, [r, col]);
+ }
+ return arr;
+ };
+ function GetFormation(transition) {
+ var formationInstance = transition.$Formation(transition);
+ return transition.$Reverse ? formationInstance.reverse() : formationInstance;
+ } //GetFormation
+ //var _PrototypeTransitions = [];
+ function EnsureTransitionInstance(options, slideshowInterval) {
+ var _SlideshowTransition = {
+ $Interval: slideshowInterval, //Delay to play next frame
+ $Duration: 1, //Duration to finish the entire transition
+ $Delay: 0, //Delay to assembly blocks
+ $Cols: 1, //Number of columns
+ $Rows: 1, //Number of rows
+ $Opacity: 0, //Fade block or not
+ $Zoom: 0, //Zoom block or not
+ $Clip: 0, //Clip block or not
+ $Move: false, //Move block or not
+ $SlideOut: false, //Slide the previous slide out to display next slide instead
+ //$FlyDirection: 0, //Specify fly transform with direction
+ $Reverse: false, //Reverse the assembly or not
+ $Formation: $JssorSlideshowFormations$.$FormationRandom, //Shape that assembly blocks as
+ $Assembly: ASSEMBLY_RIGHT_BOTTOM, //The way to assembly blocks
+ $ChessMode: { $Column: 0, $Row: 0 }, //Chess move or fly direction
+ $Easing: $JssorEasing$.$EaseSwing, //Specify variation of speed during transition
+ $Round: {},
+ $Blocks: [],
+ $During: {}
+ };
+ $Jssor$.$Extend(_SlideshowTransition, options);
+ _SlideshowTransition.$Count = _SlideshowTransition.$Cols * _SlideshowTransition.$Rows;
+ if ($Jssor$.$IsFunction(_SlideshowTransition.$Easing))
+ _SlideshowTransition.$Easing = { $Default: _SlideshowTransition.$Easing };
+ _SlideshowTransition.$FramesCount = Math.ceil(_SlideshowTransition.$Duration / _SlideshowTransition.$Interval);
+ _SlideshowTransition.$EasingInstance = GetEasing(_SlideshowTransition);
+ _SlideshowTransition.$GetBlocks = function (width, height) {
+ width /= _SlideshowTransition.$Cols;
+ height /= _SlideshowTransition.$Rows;
+ var wh = width + 'x' + height;
+ if (!_SlideshowTransition.$Blocks[wh]) {
+ _SlideshowTransition.$Blocks[wh] = { $Width: width, $Height: height };
+ for (var col = 0; col < _SlideshowTransition.$Cols; col++) {
+ for (var r = 0; r < _SlideshowTransition.$Rows; r++)
+ _SlideshowTransition.$Blocks[wh][r + ',' + col] = { $Top: r * height, $Right: col * width + width, $Bottom: r * height + height, $Left: col * width };
+ }
+ }
+ return _SlideshowTransition.$Blocks[wh];
+ };
+ if (_SlideshowTransition.$Brother) {
+ _SlideshowTransition.$Brother = EnsureTransitionInstance(_SlideshowTransition.$Brother, slideshowInterval);
+ _SlideshowTransition.$SlideOut = true;
+ }
+ return _SlideshowTransition;
+ }
+ function GetEasing(transition) {
+ var easing = transition.$Easing;
+ if (!easing.$Default)
+ easing.$Default = $JssorEasing$.$EaseSwing;
+ var duration = transition.$FramesCount;
+ var cache = easing.$Cache;
+ if (!cache) {
+ var enumerator = $Jssor$.$Extend({}, transition.$Easing, transition.$Round);
+ cache = easing.$Cache = {};
+ $Jssor$.$Each(enumerator, function (v, easingName) {
+ var easingFunction = easing[easingName] || easing.$Default;
+ var round = transition.$Round[easingName] || 1;
+ if (!$Jssor$.$IsArray(easingFunction.$Cache))
+ easingFunction.$Cache = [];
+ var easingFunctionCache = easingFunction.$Cache[duration] = easingFunction.$Cache[duration] || [];
+ if (!easingFunctionCache[round]) {
+ easingFunctionCache[round] = [0];
+ for (var t = 1; t <= duration; t++) {
+ var tRound = t / duration * round;
+ var tRoundFloor = Math.floor(tRound);
+ if (tRound != tRoundFloor)
+ tRound -= tRoundFloor;
+ easingFunctionCache[round][t] = easingFunction(tRound);
+ }
+ }
+ cache[easingName] = easingFunctionCache;
+ });
+ }
+ return cache;
+ } //GetEasing
+ //Formation Definition -------
+ function JssorSlideshowPlayer(slideContainer, slideElement, slideTransition, beginTime, slideContainerWidth, slideContainerHeight) {
+ var _Self = this;
+ var _Block;
+ var _StartStylesArr = {};
+ var _AnimationStylesArrs = {};
+ var _AnimationBlockItems = [];
+ var _StyleStart;
+ var _StyleEnd;
+ var _StyleDif;
+ var _ChessModeColumn = slideTransition.$ChessMode.$Column || 0;
+ var _ChessModeRow = slideTransition.$ChessMode.$Row || 0;
+ var _Blocks = slideTransition.$GetBlocks(slideContainerWidth, slideContainerHeight);
+ var _FormationInstance = GetFormation(slideTransition);
+ var _MaxOrder = _FormationInstance.length - 1;
+ var _Period = slideTransition.$Duration + slideTransition.$Delay * _MaxOrder;
+ var _EndTime = beginTime + _Period;
+ var _SlideOut = slideTransition.$SlideOut;
+ var _IsIn;
+ _EndTime += $Jssor$.$IsBrowserChrome() ? 260 : 50;
+ _Self.$EndTime = _EndTime;
+ _Self.$ShowFrame = function (time) {
+ time -= beginTime;
+ var isIn = time < _Period;
+ if (isIn || _IsIn) {
+ _IsIn = isIn;
+ if (!_SlideOut)
+ time = _Period - time;
+ var frameIndex = Math.ceil(time / slideTransition.$Interval);
+ $Jssor$.$Each(_AnimationStylesArrs, function (value, index) {
+ var itemFrameIndex = Math.max(frameIndex, value.$Min);
+ itemFrameIndex = Math.min(itemFrameIndex, value.length - 1);
+ if (value.$LastFrameIndex != itemFrameIndex) {
+ if (!value.$LastFrameIndex && !_SlideOut) {
+ $Jssor$.$ShowElement(_AnimationBlockItems[index]);
+ }
+ else if (itemFrameIndex == value.$Max && _SlideOut) {
+ $Jssor$.$HideElement(_AnimationBlockItems[index]);
+ }
+ value.$LastFrameIndex = itemFrameIndex;
+ $Jssor$.$SetStylesEx(_AnimationBlockItems[index], value[itemFrameIndex]);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ function DisableHWA(elmt) {
+ $Jssor$.$DisableHWA(elmt);
+ var children = $Jssor$.$Children(elmt);
+ $Jssor$.$Each(children, function (child) {
+ DisableHWA(child);
+ });
+ }
+ //constructor
+ {
+ slideElement = $Jssor$.$CloneNode(slideElement, true);
+ DisableHWA(slideElement);
+ if ($Jssor$.$IsBrowserIe9Earlier()) {
+ var hasImage = !slideElement["no-image"];
+ var slideChildElements = $Jssor$.$FindChildrenByTag(slideElement, null, true);
+ $Jssor$.$Each(slideChildElements, function (slideChildElement) {
+ if (hasImage || slideChildElement["jssor-slider"])
+ $Jssor$.$CssOpacity(slideChildElement, $Jssor$.$CssOpacity(slideChildElement), true);
+ });
+ }
+ $Jssor$.$Each(_FormationInstance, function (formationItems, order) {
+ $Jssor$.$Each(formationItems, function (formationItem) {
+ var row = formationItem[0];
+ var col = formationItem[1];
+ {
+ var columnRow = row + ',' + col;
+ var chessHorizontal = false;
+ var chessVertical = false;
+ var chessRotate = false;
+ if (_ChessModeColumn && col % 2) {
+ if ($JssorDirection$.$IsHorizontal(_ChessModeColumn)) {
+ chessHorizontal = !chessHorizontal;
+ }
+ if ($JssorDirection$.$IsVertical(_ChessModeColumn)) {
+ chessVertical = !chessVertical;
+ }
+ if (_ChessModeColumn & 16)
+ chessRotate = !chessRotate;
+ }
+ if (_ChessModeRow && row % 2) {
+ if ($JssorDirection$.$IsHorizontal(_ChessModeRow)) {
+ chessHorizontal = !chessHorizontal;
+ }
+ if ($JssorDirection$.$IsVertical(_ChessModeRow)) {
+ chessVertical = !chessVertical;
+ }
+ if (_ChessModeRow & 16)
+ chessRotate = !chessRotate;
+ }
+ slideTransition.$Top = slideTransition.$Top || (slideTransition.$Clip & 4);
+ slideTransition.$Bottom = slideTransition.$Bottom || (slideTransition.$Clip & 8);
+ slideTransition.$Left = slideTransition.$Left || (slideTransition.$Clip & 1);
+ slideTransition.$Right = slideTransition.$Right || (slideTransition.$Clip & 2);
+ var topBenchmark = chessVertical ? slideTransition.$Bottom : slideTransition.$Top;
+ var bottomBenchmark = chessVertical ? slideTransition.$Top : slideTransition.$Bottom;
+ var leftBenchmark = chessHorizontal ? slideTransition.$Right : slideTransition.$Left;
+ var rightBenchmark = chessHorizontal ? slideTransition.$Left : slideTransition.$Right;
+ //$JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ // topBenchmark = bottomBenchmark = leftBenchmark = rightBenchmark = false;
+ //});
+ slideTransition.$Clip = topBenchmark || bottomBenchmark || leftBenchmark || rightBenchmark;
+ _StyleDif = {};
+ _StyleEnd = { $Top: 0, $Left: 0, $Opacity: 1, $Width: slideContainerWidth, $Height: slideContainerHeight };
+ _StyleStart = $Jssor$.$Extend({}, _StyleEnd);
+ _Block = $Jssor$.$Extend({}, _Blocks[columnRow]);
+ if (slideTransition.$Opacity) {
+ _StyleEnd.$Opacity = 2 - slideTransition.$Opacity;
+ }
+ if (slideTransition.$ZIndex) {
+ _StyleEnd.$ZIndex = slideTransition.$ZIndex;
+ _StyleStart.$ZIndex = 0;
+ }
+ var allowClip = slideTransition.$Cols * slideTransition.$Rows > 1 || slideTransition.$Clip;
+ if (slideTransition.$Zoom || slideTransition.$Rotate) {
+ var allowRotate = true;
+ if ($Jssor$.$IsBrowserIE() && $Jssor$.$BrowserEngineVersion() < 9) {
+ if (slideTransition.$Cols * slideTransition.$Rows > 1)
+ allowRotate = false;
+ else
+ allowClip = false;
+ }
+ if (allowRotate) {
+ _StyleEnd.$Zoom = slideTransition.$Zoom ? slideTransition.$Zoom - 1 : 1;
+ _StyleStart.$Zoom = 1;
+ if ($Jssor$.$IsBrowserIe9Earlier() || $Jssor$.$IsBrowserOpera())
+ _StyleEnd.$Zoom = Math.min(_StyleEnd.$Zoom, 2);
+ var rotate = slideTransition.$Rotate;
+ //if (rotate == true)
+ // rotate = 1;
+ _StyleEnd.$Rotate = rotate * 360 * ((chessRotate) ? -1 : 1);
+ _StyleStart.$Rotate = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (allowClip) {
+ if (slideTransition.$Clip) {
+ var clipScale = slideTransition.$ScaleClip || 1;
+ var blockOffset = _Block.$Offset = {};
+ if (topBenchmark && bottomBenchmark) {
+ blockOffset.$Top = _Blocks.$Height / 2 * clipScale;
+ blockOffset.$Bottom = -blockOffset.$Top;
+ }
+ else if (topBenchmark) {
+ blockOffset.$Bottom = -_Blocks.$Height * clipScale;
+ }
+ else if (bottomBenchmark) {
+ blockOffset.$Top = _Blocks.$Height * clipScale;
+ }
+ if (leftBenchmark && rightBenchmark) {
+ blockOffset.$Left = _Blocks.$Width / 2 * clipScale;
+ blockOffset.$Right = -blockOffset.$Left;
+ }
+ else if (leftBenchmark) {
+ blockOffset.$Right = -_Blocks.$Width * clipScale;
+ }
+ else if (rightBenchmark) {
+ blockOffset.$Left = _Blocks.$Width * clipScale;
+ }
+ }
+ _StyleDif.$Clip = _Block;
+ _StyleStart.$Clip = _Blocks[columnRow];
+ }
+ //fly
+ {
+ var chessHor = chessHorizontal ? 1 : -1;
+ var chessVer = chessVertical ? 1 : -1;
+ if (slideTransition.x)
+ _StyleEnd.$Left += slideContainerWidth * slideTransition.x * chessHor;
+ if (slideTransition.y)
+ _StyleEnd.$Top += slideContainerHeight * slideTransition.y * chessVer;
+ }
+ $Jssor$.$Each(_StyleEnd, function (propertyEnd, property) {
+ if ($Jssor$.$IsNumeric(propertyEnd)) {
+ if (propertyEnd != _StyleStart[property]) {
+ _StyleDif[property] = propertyEnd - _StyleStart[property];
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ _StartStylesArr[columnRow] = _SlideOut ? _StyleStart : _StyleEnd;
+ var animationStylesArr = [];
+ var virtualFrameCount = Math.round(order * slideTransition.$Delay / slideTransition.$Interval);
+ _AnimationStylesArrs[columnRow] = new Array(virtualFrameCount);
+ _AnimationStylesArrs[columnRow].$Min = virtualFrameCount;
+ var framesCount = slideTransition.$FramesCount;
+ for (var frameN = 0; frameN <= framesCount; frameN++) {
+ var styleFrameN = {};
+ $Jssor$.$Each(_StyleDif, function (propertyDiff, property) {
+ var propertyEasings = slideTransition.$EasingInstance[property] || slideTransition.$EasingInstance.$Default;
+ var propertyEasingArray = propertyEasings[slideTransition.$Round[property] || 1];
+ var propertyDuring = slideTransition.$During[property] || [0, 1];
+ var propertyFrameN = (frameN / framesCount - propertyDuring[0]) / propertyDuring[1] * framesCount;
+ propertyFrameN = Math.round(Math.min(framesCount, Math.max(propertyFrameN, 0)));
+ var propertyEasingValue = propertyEasingArray[propertyFrameN];
+ if ($Jssor$.$IsNumeric(propertyDiff)) {
+ styleFrameN[property] = _StyleStart[property] + propertyDiff * propertyEasingValue;
+ }
+ else {
+ var value = styleFrameN[property] = $Jssor$.$Extend({}, _StyleStart[property]);
+ value.$Offset = [];
+ $Jssor$.$Each(propertyDiff.$Offset, function (rectX, n) {
+ var offsetValue = rectX * propertyEasingValue;
+ value.$Offset[n] = offsetValue;
+ value[n] += offsetValue;
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ if (_StyleStart.$Zoom) {
+ styleFrameN.$Transform = { $Rotate: styleFrameN.$Rotate || 0, $Scale: styleFrameN.$Zoom, $OriginalWidth: slideContainerWidth, $OriginalHeight: slideContainerHeight };
+ }
+ if (styleFrameN.$Clip && slideTransition.$Move) {
+ var styleFrameNClipOffset = styleFrameN.$Clip.$Offset;
+ var offsetY = (styleFrameNClipOffset.$Top || 0) + (styleFrameNClipOffset.$Bottom || 0);
+ var offsetX = (styleFrameNClipOffset.$Left || 0) + (styleFrameNClipOffset.$Right || 0);
+ styleFrameN.$Left = (styleFrameN.$Left || 0) + offsetX;
+ styleFrameN.$Top = (styleFrameN.$Top || 0) + offsetY;
+ styleFrameN.$Clip.$Left -= offsetX;
+ styleFrameN.$Clip.$Right -= offsetX;
+ styleFrameN.$Clip.$Top -= offsetY;
+ styleFrameN.$Clip.$Bottom -= offsetY;
+ }
+ styleFrameN.$ZIndex = styleFrameN.$ZIndex || 1;
+ _AnimationStylesArrs[columnRow].push(styleFrameN);
+ }
+ } //for
+ });
+ });
+ _FormationInstance.reverse();
+ $Jssor$.$Each(_FormationInstance, function (formationItems) {
+ $Jssor$.$Each(formationItems, function (formationItem) {
+ var row = formationItem[0];
+ var col = formationItem[1];
+ var columnRow = row + ',' + col;
+ var image = slideElement;
+ if (col || row)
+ image = $Jssor$.$CloneNode(slideElement, true);
+ $Jssor$.$SetStyles(image, _StartStylesArr[columnRow]);
+ $Jssor$.$CssOverflow(image, "hidden");
+ $Jssor$.$CssPosition(image, "absolute");
+ slideContainer.$AddClipElement(image);
+ _AnimationBlockItems[columnRow] = image;
+ $Jssor$.$ShowElement(image, _SlideOut);
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ //JssorSlideshowRunner++++++++
+ var _SlideshowRunnerCount = 1;
+ $JssorSlideshowRunner$ = window.$JssorSlideshowRunner$ = function (slideContainer, slideContainerWidth, slideContainerHeight, slideshowOptions, handleTouchEventOnly) {
+ var _SelfSlideshowRunner = this;
+ //var _State = 0; //-1 fullfill, 0 clean, 1 initializing, 2 stay, 3 playing
+ var _EndTime;
+ var _SliderFrameCount;
+ var _SlideshowPlayerBelow;
+ var _SlideshowPlayerAbove;
+ var _PrevItem;
+ var _SlideItem;
+ var _TransitionIndex = 0;
+ var _TransitionsOrder = slideshowOptions.$TransitionsOrder;
+ var _SlideshowTransition;
+ var _SlideshowPerformance = 16;
+ function SlideshowProcessor() {
+ var _SelfSlideshowProcessor = this;
+ var _CurrentTime = 0;
+ $JssorAnimator$.call(_SelfSlideshowProcessor, 0, _EndTime);
+ _SelfSlideshowProcessor.$OnPositionChange = function (oldPosition, newPosition) {
+ if ((newPosition - _CurrentTime) > _SlideshowPerformance) {
+ _CurrentTime = newPosition;
+ _SlideshowPlayerAbove && _SlideshowPlayerAbove.$ShowFrame(newPosition);
+ _SlideshowPlayerBelow && _SlideshowPlayerBelow.$ShowFrame(newPosition);
+ }
+ };
+ _SelfSlideshowProcessor.$Transition = _SlideshowTransition;
+ }
+ //member functions
+ _SelfSlideshowRunner.$GetTransition = function (slideCount) {
+ var n = 0;
+ var transitions = slideshowOptions.$Transitions;
+ var transitionCount = transitions.length;
+ if (_TransitionsOrder) { /*Sequence*/
+ if (transitionCount > slideCount && ($Jssor$.$IsBrowserChrome() || $Jssor$.$IsBrowserSafari() || $Jssor$.$IsBrowserFireFox())) {
+ transitionCount -= transitionCount % slideCount;
+ }
+ n = _TransitionIndex++ % transitionCount;
+ }
+ else { /*Random*/
+ n = Math.floor(Math.random() * transitionCount);
+ }
+ transitions[n] && (transitions[n].$Index = n);
+ return transitions[n];
+ };
+ _SelfSlideshowRunner.$Initialize = function (slideIndex, prevIndex, slideItem, prevItem, slideshowTransition) {
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ if (_SlideshowPlayerBelow) {
+ $JssorDebug$.$Fail("slideshow runner has not been cleared.");
+ }
+ });
+ _SlideshowTransition = slideshowTransition;
+ slideshowTransition = EnsureTransitionInstance(slideshowTransition, _SlideshowPerformance);
+ _SlideItem = slideItem;
+ _PrevItem = prevItem;
+ var prevSlideElement = prevItem.$Item;
+ var currentSlideElement = slideItem.$Item;
+ prevSlideElement["no-image"] = !prevItem.$Image;
+ currentSlideElement["no-image"] = !slideItem.$Image;
+ var slideElementAbove = prevSlideElement;
+ var slideElementBelow = currentSlideElement;
+ var slideTransitionAbove = slideshowTransition;
+ var slideTransitionBelow = slideshowTransition.$Brother || EnsureTransitionInstance({}, _SlideshowPerformance);
+ if (!slideshowTransition.$SlideOut) {
+ slideElementAbove = currentSlideElement;
+ slideElementBelow = prevSlideElement;
+ }
+ var shift = slideTransitionBelow.$Shift || 0;
+ _SlideshowPlayerBelow = new JssorSlideshowPlayer(slideContainer, slideElementBelow, slideTransitionBelow, Math.max(shift - slideTransitionBelow.$Interval, 0), slideContainerWidth, slideContainerHeight);
+ _SlideshowPlayerAbove = new JssorSlideshowPlayer(slideContainer, slideElementAbove, slideTransitionAbove, Math.max(slideTransitionBelow.$Interval - shift, 0), slideContainerWidth, slideContainerHeight);
+ _SlideshowPlayerBelow.$ShowFrame(0);
+ _SlideshowPlayerAbove.$ShowFrame(0);
+ _EndTime = Math.max(_SlideshowPlayerBelow.$EndTime, _SlideshowPlayerAbove.$EndTime);
+ _SelfSlideshowRunner.$Index = slideIndex;
+ };
+ _SelfSlideshowRunner.$Clear = function () {
+ slideContainer.$Clear();
+ _SlideshowPlayerBelow = null;
+ _SlideshowPlayerAbove = null;
+ };
+ _SelfSlideshowRunner.$GetProcessor = function () {
+ var slideshowProcessor = null;
+ if (_SlideshowPlayerAbove)
+ slideshowProcessor = new SlideshowProcessor();
+ return slideshowProcessor;
+ };
+ //Constructor
+ {
+ if ($Jssor$.$IsBrowserIe9Earlier() || $Jssor$.$IsBrowserOpera() || (handleTouchEventOnly && $Jssor$.$WebKitVersion() < 537)) {
+ _SlideshowPerformance = 32;
+ }
+ $JssorObject$.call(_SelfSlideshowRunner);
+ $JssorAnimator$.call(_SelfSlideshowRunner, -10000000, 10000000);
+ $JssorDebug$.$LiveStamp(_SelfSlideshowRunner, "slideshow_runner_" + _SlideshowRunnerCount++);
+ }
+ };
+ //JssorSlideshowRunner--------
+ //JssorSlider
+ function JssorSlider(elmt, options) {
+ var _SelfSlider = this;
+ //private classes
+ function Conveyor() {
+ var _SelfConveyor = this;
+ $JssorAnimator$.call(_SelfConveyor, -100000000, 200000000);
+ _SelfConveyor.$GetCurrentSlideInfo = function () {
+ var positionDisplay = _SelfConveyor.$GetPosition_Display();
+ var virtualIndex = Math.floor(positionDisplay);
+ var slideIndex = GetRealIndex(virtualIndex);
+ var slidePosition = positionDisplay - Math.floor(positionDisplay);
+ return { $Index: slideIndex, $VirtualIndex: virtualIndex, $Position: slidePosition };
+ };
+ _SelfConveyor.$OnPositionChange = function (oldPosition, newPosition) {
+ var index = Math.floor(newPosition);
+ if (index != newPosition && newPosition > oldPosition)
+ index++;
+ ResetNavigator(index, true);
+ _SelfSlider.$TriggerEvent(JssorSlider.$EVT_POSITION_CHANGE, GetRealIndex(newPosition), GetRealIndex(oldPosition), newPosition, oldPosition);
+ };
+ }
+ //Carousel
+ function Carousel() {
+ var _SelfCarousel = this;
+ $JssorAnimator$.call(_SelfCarousel, 0, 0, { $LoopLength: _SlideCount });
+ //Carousel Constructor
+ {
+ $Jssor$.$Each(_SlideItems, function (slideItem) {
+ (_Loop & 1) && slideItem.$SetLoopLength(_SlideCount);
+ _SelfCarousel.$Chain(slideItem);
+ slideItem.$Shift(_ParkingPosition / _StepLength);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ //Carousel
+ //Slideshow
+ function Slideshow() {
+ var _SelfSlideshow = this;
+ var _Wrapper = _SlideContainer.$Elmt;
+ $JssorAnimator$.call(_SelfSlideshow, -1, 2, { $Easing: $JssorEasing$.$EaseLinear, $Setter: { $Position: SetPosition }, $LoopLength: _SlideCount }, _Wrapper, { $Position: 1 }, { $Position: -1 });
+ _SelfSlideshow.$Wrapper = _Wrapper;
+ //Slideshow Constructor
+ {
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ $Jssor$.$Attribute(_SlideContainer.$Elmt, "debug-id", "slide_container");
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ //Slideshow
+ //CarouselPlayer
+ function CarouselPlayer(carousel, slideshow) {
+ var _SelfCarouselPlayer = this;
+ var _FromPosition;
+ var _ToPosition;
+ var _Duration;
+ var _StandBy;
+ var _StandByPosition;
+ $JssorAnimator$.call(_SelfCarouselPlayer, -100000000, 200000000);
+ _SelfCarouselPlayer.$OnStart = function () {
+ _IsSliding = true;
+ _LoadingTicket = null;
+ _SelfSlider.$TriggerEvent(JssorSlider.$EVT_SWIPE_START, GetRealIndex(_Conveyor.$GetPosition()), _Conveyor.$GetPosition());
+ };
+ _SelfCarouselPlayer.$OnStop = function () {
+ _IsSliding = false;
+ _StandBy = false;
+ var currentSlideInfo = _Conveyor.$GetCurrentSlideInfo();
+ _SelfSlider.$TriggerEvent(JssorSlider.$EVT_SWIPE_END, GetRealIndex(_Conveyor.$GetPosition()), _Conveyor.$GetPosition());
+ if (!currentSlideInfo.$Position) {
+ OnPark(currentSlideInfo.$VirtualIndex, _CurrentSlideIndex);
+ }
+ };
+ _SelfCarouselPlayer.$OnPositionChange = function (oldPosition, newPosition) {
+ var toPosition;
+ if (_StandBy)
+ toPosition = _StandByPosition;
+ else {
+ toPosition = _ToPosition;
+ if (_Duration) {
+ var interPosition = newPosition / _Duration;
+ if ($Jssor$.$IsBrowserChrome() || $Jssor$.$IsBrowserFireFox()) {
+ Math.round(interPosition * 16 / _Duration) / 16 * _Duration;
+ interPosition = parseFloat(interPosition.toFixed(4));
+ }
+ toPosition = _Options.$SlideEasing(interPosition) * (_ToPosition - _FromPosition) + _FromPosition;
+ }
+ }
+ _Conveyor.$GoToPosition(toPosition);
+ };
+ _SelfCarouselPlayer.$PlayCarousel = function (fromPosition, toPosition, duration, callback) {
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ if (_SelfCarouselPlayer.$IsPlaying())
+ $JssorDebug$.$Fail("The carousel is already playing.");
+ });
+ _FromPosition = fromPosition;
+ _ToPosition = toPosition;
+ _Duration = duration;
+ _Conveyor.$GoToPosition(fromPosition);
+ _SelfCarouselPlayer.$GoToPosition(0);
+ _SelfCarouselPlayer.$PlayToPosition(duration, callback);
+ };
+ _SelfCarouselPlayer.$StandBy = function (standByPosition) {
+ _StandBy = true;
+ _StandByPosition = standByPosition;
+ _SelfCarouselPlayer.$Play(standByPosition, null, true);
+ };
+ _SelfCarouselPlayer.$SetStandByPosition = function (standByPosition) {
+ _StandByPosition = standByPosition;
+ };
+ _SelfCarouselPlayer.$MoveCarouselTo = function (position) {
+ _Conveyor.$GoToPosition(position);
+ };
+ //CarouselPlayer Constructor
+ {
+ _Conveyor = new Conveyor();
+ _Conveyor.$Combine(carousel);
+ _Conveyor.$Combine(slideshow);
+ }
+ }
+ //CarouselPlayer
+ //SlideContainer
+ function SlideContainer() {
+ var _Self = this;
+ var elmt = CreatePanel();
+ $Jssor$.$CssZIndex(elmt, 0);
+ _Self.$Elmt = elmt;
+ _Self.$AddClipElement = function (clipElement) {
+ $Jssor$.$AppendChild(elmt, clipElement);
+ $Jssor$.$ShowElement(elmt);
+ };
+ _Self.$Clear = function () {
+ $Jssor$.$HideElement(elmt);
+ $Jssor$.$ClearInnerHtml(elmt);
+ };
+ }
+ //SlideContainer
+ //SlideItem
+ function SlideItem(slideElmt, slideIndex) {
+ var _SelfSlideItem = this;
+ var _CaptionSliderIn;
+ var _CaptionSliderOut;
+ var _CaptionSliderCurrent;
+ var _IsCaptionSliderPlayingWhenDragStart;
+ var _Wrapper;
+ var _BaseElement = slideElmt;
+ var _LoadingScreen;
+ var _ImageItem;
+ var _ImageElmts = [];
+ var _LinkItemOrigin;
+ var _LinkItem;
+ var _ImageLoading;
+ var _ImageLoaded;
+ var _ImageLazyLoading;
+ var _ContentRefreshed;
+ var _Processor;
+ var _PlayerInstanceElement;
+ var _PlayerInstance;
+ var _SequenceNumber; //for debug only
+ $JssorAnimator$.call(_SelfSlideItem, -_DisplayPieces, _DisplayPieces + 1, { $SlideItemAnimator: true });
+ function ResetCaptionSlider(fresh) {
+ _CaptionSliderOut && _CaptionSliderOut.$Revert();
+ _CaptionSliderIn && _CaptionSliderIn.$Revert();
+ RefreshContent(slideElmt, fresh);
+ _ContentRefreshed = true;
+ _CaptionSliderIn = new _CaptionSliderOptions.$Class(slideElmt, _CaptionSliderOptions, 1);
+ $JssorDebug$.$LiveStamp(_CaptionSliderIn, "caption_slider_" + _CaptionSliderCount + "_in");
+ _CaptionSliderOut = new _CaptionSliderOptions.$Class(slideElmt, _CaptionSliderOptions);
+ $JssorDebug$.$LiveStamp(_CaptionSliderOut, "caption_slider_" + _CaptionSliderCount + "_out");
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ _CaptionSliderCount++;
+ });
+ _CaptionSliderOut.$GoToBegin();
+ _CaptionSliderIn.$GoToBegin();
+ }
+ function EnsureCaptionSliderVersion() {
+ if (_CaptionSliderIn.$Version < _CaptionSliderOptions.$Version) {
+ ResetCaptionSlider();
+ }
+ }
+ //event handling begin
+ function LoadImageCompleteEventHandler(completeCallback, loadingScreen, image) {
+ if (!_ImageLoaded) {
+ _ImageLoaded = true;
+ if (_ImageItem && image) {
+ var imageWidth = image.width;
+ var imageHeight = image.height;
+ var fillWidth = imageWidth;
+ var fillHeight = imageHeight;
+ if (imageWidth && imageHeight && _Options.$FillMode) {
+ //0 stretch, 1 contain (keep aspect ratio and put all inside slide), 2 cover (keep aspect ratio and cover whole slide), 4 actual size, 5 contain for large image, actual size for small image, default value is 0
+ if (_Options.$FillMode & 3 && (!(_Options.$FillMode & 4) || imageWidth > _SlideWidth || imageHeight > _SlideHeight)) {
+ var fitHeight = false;
+ var ratio = _SlideWidth / _SlideHeight * imageHeight / imageWidth;
+ if (_Options.$FillMode & 1) {
+ fitHeight = (ratio > 1);
+ }
+ else if (_Options.$FillMode & 2) {
+ fitHeight = (ratio < 1);
+ }
+ fillWidth = fitHeight ? imageWidth * _SlideHeight / imageHeight : _SlideWidth;
+ fillHeight = fitHeight ? _SlideHeight : imageHeight * _SlideWidth / imageWidth;
+ }
+ $Jssor$.$CssWidth(_ImageItem, fillWidth);
+ $Jssor$.$CssHeight(_ImageItem, fillHeight);
+ $Jssor$.$CssTop(_ImageItem, (_SlideHeight - fillHeight) / 2);
+ $Jssor$.$CssLeft(_ImageItem, (_SlideWidth - fillWidth) / 2);
+ }
+ $Jssor$.$CssPosition(_ImageItem, "absolute");
+ _SelfSlider.$TriggerEvent(JssorSlider.$EVT_LOAD_END, slideItem);
+ }
+ }
+ $Jssor$.$HideElement(loadingScreen);
+ completeCallback && completeCallback(_SelfSlideItem);
+ }
+ function LoadSlideshowImageCompleteEventHandler(nextIndex, nextItem, slideshowTransition, loadingTicket) {
+ if (loadingTicket == _LoadingTicket && _CurrentSlideIndex == slideIndex && _AutoPlay) {
+ if (!_Frozen) {
+ var nextRealIndex = GetRealIndex(nextIndex);
+ _SlideshowRunner.$Initialize(nextRealIndex, slideIndex, nextItem, _SelfSlideItem, slideshowTransition);
+ nextItem.$HideContentForSlideshow();
+ _Slideshow.$Locate(nextRealIndex, 1);
+ _Slideshow.$GoToPosition(nextRealIndex);
+ _CarouselPlayer.$PlayCarousel(nextIndex, nextIndex, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function SlideReadyEventHandler(loadingTicket) {
+ if (loadingTicket == _LoadingTicket && _CurrentSlideIndex == slideIndex) {
+ if (!_Processor) {
+ var slideshowProcessor = null;
+ if (_SlideshowRunner) {
+ if (_SlideshowRunner.$Index == slideIndex)
+ slideshowProcessor = _SlideshowRunner.$GetProcessor();
+ else
+ _SlideshowRunner.$Clear();
+ }
+ EnsureCaptionSliderVersion();
+ _Processor = new Processor(slideIndex, slideshowProcessor, _SelfSlideItem.$GetCaptionSliderIn(), _SelfSlideItem.$GetCaptionSliderOut());
+ _Processor.$SetPlayer(_PlayerInstance);
+ }
+ !_Processor.$IsPlaying() && _Processor.$Replay();
+ }
+ }
+ function ParkEventHandler(currentIndex, previousIndex) {
+ if (currentIndex == slideIndex) {
+ if (currentIndex != previousIndex)
+ _SlideItems[previousIndex] && _SlideItems[previousIndex].$ParkOut();
+ else
+ _Processor && _Processor.$AdjustIdleOnPark();
+ _PlayerInstance && _PlayerInstance.$Enable();
+ //park in
+ var loadingTicket = _LoadingTicket = $Jssor$.$GetNow();
+ _SelfSlideItem.$LoadImage($Jssor$.$CreateCallback(null, SlideReadyEventHandler, loadingTicket));
+ }
+ else {
+ var distance = Math.abs(slideIndex - currentIndex);
+ var loadRange = _DisplayPieces + _Options.$LazyLoading;
+ if (!_ImageLazyLoading || distance <= loadRange || _SlideCount - distance <= loadRange) {
+ _SelfSlideItem.$LoadImage();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function SwipeStartEventHandler() {
+ if (_CurrentSlideIndex == slideIndex && _Processor) {
+ _Processor.$Stop();
+ _PlayerInstance && _PlayerInstance.$Quit();
+ _PlayerInstance && _PlayerInstance.$Disable();
+ _Processor.$OpenSlideshowPanel();
+ }
+ }
+ function FreezeEventHandler() {
+ if (_CurrentSlideIndex == slideIndex && _Processor) {
+ _Processor.$Stop();
+ }
+ }
+ function LinkClickEventHandler(event) {
+ if (_LastDragSucceded) {
+ $Jssor$.$CancelEvent(event);
+ }
+ else {
+ _SelfSlider.$TriggerEvent(JssorSlider.$EVT_CLICK, slideIndex, event);
+ }
+ }
+ function PlayerAvailableEventHandler() {
+ _PlayerInstance = _PlayerInstanceElement.pInstance;
+ _Processor && _Processor.$SetPlayer(_PlayerInstance);
+ }
+ _SelfSlideItem.$LoadImage = function (completeCallback, loadingScreen) {
+ loadingScreen = loadingScreen || _LoadingScreen;
+ if (_ImageElmts.length && !_ImageLoaded) {
+ $Jssor$.$ShowElement(loadingScreen);
+ if (!_ImageLoading) {
+ _ImageLoading = true;
+ _SelfSlider.$TriggerEvent(JssorSlider.$EVT_LOAD_START);
+ $Jssor$.$Each(_ImageElmts, function (imageElmt) {
+ if (!imageElmt.src) {
+ imageElmt.src = $Jssor$.$AttributeEx(imageElmt, "src2");
+ $Jssor$.$CssDisplay(imageElmt, imageElmt["display-origin"]);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ $Jssor$.$LoadImages(_ImageElmts, _ImageItem, $Jssor$.$CreateCallback(null, LoadImageCompleteEventHandler, completeCallback, loadingScreen));
+ }
+ else {
+ LoadImageCompleteEventHandler(completeCallback, loadingScreen);
+ }
+ };
+ _SelfSlideItem.$GoForNextSlide = function () {
+ if (_SlideshowRunner) {
+ var slideshowTransition = _SlideshowRunner.$GetTransition(_SlideCount);
+ if (slideshowTransition) {
+ var loadingTicket = _LoadingTicket = $Jssor$.$GetNow();
+ var nextIndex = slideIndex + _PlayReverse;
+ var nextItem = _SlideItems[GetRealIndex(nextIndex)];
+ return nextItem.$LoadImage($Jssor$.$CreateCallback(null, LoadSlideshowImageCompleteEventHandler, nextIndex, nextItem, slideshowTransition, loadingTicket), _LoadingScreen);
+ }
+ }
+ PlayTo(_CurrentSlideIndex + _Options.$AutoPlaySteps * _PlayReverse);
+ };
+ _SelfSlideItem.$TryActivate = function () {
+ ParkEventHandler(slideIndex, slideIndex);
+ };
+ _SelfSlideItem.$ParkOut = function () {
+ //park out
+ _PlayerInstance && _PlayerInstance.$Quit();
+ _PlayerInstance && _PlayerInstance.$Disable();
+ _SelfSlideItem.$UnhideContentForSlideshow();
+ _Processor && _Processor.$Abort();
+ _Processor = null;
+ ResetCaptionSlider();
+ };
+ //for debug only
+ _SelfSlideItem.$StampSlideItemElements = function (stamp) {
+ stamp = _SequenceNumber + "_" + stamp;
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ if (_ImageItem)
+ $Jssor$.$Attribute(_ImageItem, "debug-id", stamp + "_slide_item_image_id");
+ $Jssor$.$Attribute(slideElmt, "debug-id", stamp + "_slide_item_item_id");
+ });
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ $Jssor$.$Attribute(_Wrapper, "debug-id", stamp + "_slide_item_wrapper_id");
+ });
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ $Jssor$.$Attribute(_LoadingScreen, "debug-id", stamp + "_loading_container_id");
+ });
+ };
+ _SelfSlideItem.$HideContentForSlideshow = function () {
+ $Jssor$.$HideElement(slideElmt);
+ };
+ _SelfSlideItem.$UnhideContentForSlideshow = function () {
+ $Jssor$.$ShowElement(slideElmt);
+ };
+ _SelfSlideItem.$EnablePlayer = function () {
+ _PlayerInstance && _PlayerInstance.$Enable();
+ };
+ function RefreshContent(elmt, fresh, level) {
+ if (elmt["jssor-slider"])
+ return;
+ level = level || 0;
+ if (!_ContentRefreshed) {
+ if (elmt.tagName == "IMG") {
+ _ImageElmts.push(elmt);
+ if (!elmt.src) {
+ _ImageLazyLoading = true;
+ elmt["display-origin"] = $Jssor$.$CssDisplay(elmt);
+ $Jssor$.$HideElement(elmt);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($Jssor$.$IsBrowserIe9Earlier()) {
+ $Jssor$.$CssZIndex(elmt, ($Jssor$.$CssZIndex(elmt) || 0) + 1);
+ }
+ if (_Options.$HWA && $Jssor$.$WebKitVersion() > 0) {
+ //if ((_HandleTouchEventOnly && ($Jssor$.$WebKitVersion() < 534 || !_SlideshowEnabled)) || (!_HandleTouchEventOnly && $Jssor$.$WebKitVersion() < 535)) {
+ // $Jssor$.$EnableHWA(elmt);
+ //}
+ if (!_HandleTouchEventOnly || ($Jssor$.$WebKitVersion() < 534 || !_SlideshowEnabled)) {
+ $Jssor$.$EnableHWA(elmt);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var childElements = $Jssor$.$Children(elmt);
+ $Jssor$.$Each(childElements, function (childElement, i) {
+ var uAttribute = $Jssor$.$AttributeEx(childElement, "u");
+ if (uAttribute == "player" && !_PlayerInstanceElement) {
+ _PlayerInstanceElement = childElement;
+ if (_PlayerInstanceElement.pInstance) {
+ PlayerAvailableEventHandler();
+ }
+ else {
+ $Jssor$.$AddEvent(_PlayerInstanceElement, "dataavailable", PlayerAvailableEventHandler);
+ }
+ }
+ if (uAttribute == "caption") {
+ if (!$Jssor$.$IsBrowserIE() && !fresh) {
+ var captionElement = $Jssor$.$CloneNode(childElement, true);
+ $Jssor$.$InsertBefore(elmt, captionElement, childElement);
+ $Jssor$.$RemoveChild(elmt, childElement);
+ childElement = captionElement;
+ fresh = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!_ContentRefreshed && !level && !_ImageItem && $Jssor$.$AttributeEx(childElement, "u") == "image") {
+ _ImageItem = childElement;
+ if (_ImageItem) {
+ if (_ImageItem.tagName == "A") {
+ _LinkItemOrigin = _ImageItem;
+ $Jssor$.$SetStyles(_LinkItemOrigin, _StyleDef);
+ _LinkItem = $Jssor$.$CloneNode(_ImageItem, false);
+ //cancel click event on <A> element when a drag of slide succeeded
+ $Jssor$.$AddEvent(_LinkItem, "click", LinkClickEventHandler);
+ $Jssor$.$SetStyles(_LinkItem, _StyleDef);
+ $Jssor$.$CssDisplay(_LinkItem, "block");
+ $Jssor$.$CssOpacity(_LinkItem, 0);
+ $Jssor$.$Css(_LinkItem, "backgroundColor", "#000");
+ _ImageItem = $Jssor$.$FindFirstChildByTag(_ImageItem, "IMG");
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ if (!_ImageItem) {
+ $JssorDebug$.$Error("slide html code definition error, no 'IMG' found in a 'image with link' slide.\r\n" + elmt.outerHTML);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ _ImageItem.border = 0;
+ $Jssor$.$SetStyles(_ImageItem, _StyleDef);
+ }
+ }
+ RefreshContent(childElement, fresh, level + 1);
+ });
+ }
+ _SelfSlideItem.$OnInnerOffsetChange = function (oldOffset, newOffset) {
+ var slidePosition = _DisplayPieces - newOffset;
+ SetPosition(_Wrapper, slidePosition);
+ //following lines are for future usage, not ready yet
+ //if (!_IsDragging || !_IsCaptionSliderPlayingWhenDragStart) {
+ // var _DealWithParallax;
+ // if (IsCurrentSlideIndex(slideIndex)) {
+ // if (_CaptionSliderOptions.$PlayOutMode == 2)
+ // _DealWithParallax = true;
+ // }
+ // else {
+ // if (!_CaptionSliderOptions.$PlayInMode) {
+ // //PlayInMode: 0 none
+ // _CaptionSliderIn.$GoToEnd();
+ // }
+ // //else if (_CaptionSliderOptions.$PlayInMode == 1) {
+ // // //PlayInMode: 1 chain
+ // // _CaptionSliderIn.$GoToBegin();
+ // //}
+ // else if (_CaptionSliderOptions.$PlayInMode == 2) {
+ // //PlayInMode: 2 parallel
+ // _DealWithParallax = true;
+ // }
+ // }
+ // if (_DealWithParallax) {
+ // _CaptionSliderIn.$GoToPosition((_CaptionSliderIn.$GetPosition_OuterEnd() - _CaptionSliderIn.$GetPosition_OuterBegin()) * Math.abs(newOffset - 1) * .8 + _CaptionSliderIn.$GetPosition_OuterBegin());
+ // }
+ //}
+ };
+ _SelfSlideItem.$GetCaptionSliderIn = function () {
+ return _CaptionSliderIn;
+ };
+ _SelfSlideItem.$GetCaptionSliderOut = function () {
+ return _CaptionSliderOut;
+ };
+ _SelfSlideItem.$Index = slideIndex;
+ $JssorObject$.call(_SelfSlideItem);
+ //SlideItem Constructor
+ {
+ var thumb = $Jssor$.$FindFirstChild(slideElmt, "thumb");
+ if (thumb) {
+ _SelfSlideItem.$Thumb = $Jssor$.$CloneNode(thumb, true);
+ $Jssor$.$RemoveAttribute(thumb, "id");
+ $Jssor$.$HideElement(thumb);
+ }
+ $Jssor$.$ShowElement(slideElmt);
+ _LoadingScreen = $Jssor$.$CloneNode(_LoadingContainer, true);
+ $Jssor$.$CssZIndex(_LoadingScreen, 1000);
+ //cancel click event on <A> element when a drag of slide succeeded
+ $Jssor$.$AddEvent(slideElmt, "click", LinkClickEventHandler);
+ ResetCaptionSlider(true);
+ _SelfSlideItem.$Image = _ImageItem;
+ _SelfSlideItem.$Link = _LinkItem;
+ _SelfSlideItem.$Item = slideElmt;
+ _SelfSlideItem.$Wrapper = _Wrapper = slideElmt;
+ $Jssor$.$AppendChild(_Wrapper, _LoadingScreen);
+ _SelfSlider.$On(203, ParkEventHandler);
+ _SelfSlider.$On(28, FreezeEventHandler);
+ _SelfSlider.$On(24, SwipeStartEventHandler);
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ _SequenceNumber = _SlideItemCreatedCount++;
+ });
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ $Jssor$.$Attribute(_Wrapper, "debug-id", "slide-" + slideIndex);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ //SlideItem
+ //Processor
+ function Processor(slideIndex, slideshowProcessor, captionSliderIn, captionSliderOut) {
+ var _SelfProcessor = this;
+ var _ProgressBegin = 0;
+ var _SlideshowBegin = 0;
+ var _SlideshowEnd;
+ var _CaptionInBegin;
+ var _IdleBegin;
+ var _IdleEnd;
+ var _ProgressEnd;
+ var _IsSlideshowRunning;
+ var _IsRollingBack;
+ var _PlayerInstance;
+ var _IsPlayerOnService;
+ var slideItem = _SlideItems[slideIndex];
+ $JssorAnimator$.call(_SelfProcessor, 0, 0);
+ function UpdateLink() {
+ $Jssor$.$ClearChildren(_LinkContainer);
+ if (_ShowLink && _IsSlideshowRunning && slideItem.$Link) {
+ $Jssor$.$AppendChild(_LinkContainer, slideItem.$Link);
+ }
+ $Jssor$.$ShowElement(_LinkContainer, _IsSlideshowRunning || !slideItem.$Image);
+ }
+ function ProcessCompleteEventHandler() {
+ if (_IsRollingBack) {
+ _IsRollingBack = false;
+ _SelfSlider.$TriggerEvent(JssorSlider.$EVT_ROLLBACK_END, slideIndex, _IdleEnd, _ProgressBegin, _IdleBegin, _IdleEnd, _ProgressEnd);
+ _SelfProcessor.$GoToPosition(_IdleBegin);
+ }
+ _SelfProcessor.$Replay();
+ }
+ function PlayerSwitchEventHandler(isOnService) {
+ _IsPlayerOnService = isOnService;
+ _SelfProcessor.$Stop();
+ _SelfProcessor.$Replay();
+ }
+ _SelfProcessor.$Replay = function () {
+ var currentPosition = _SelfProcessor.$GetPosition_Display();
+ if (!_IsDragging && !_IsSliding && !_IsPlayerOnService && _CurrentSlideIndex == slideIndex) {
+ if (!currentPosition) {
+ if (_SlideshowEnd && !_IsSlideshowRunning) {
+ _IsSlideshowRunning = true;
+ _SelfProcessor.$OpenSlideshowPanel(true);
+ _SelfSlider.$TriggerEvent(JssorSlider.$EVT_SLIDESHOW_START, slideIndex, _ProgressBegin, _SlideshowBegin, _SlideshowEnd, _ProgressEnd);
+ }
+ UpdateLink();
+ }
+ var toPosition;
+ var stateEvent = JssorSlider.$EVT_STATE_CHANGE;
+ if (currentPosition != _ProgressEnd) {
+ if (currentPosition == _IdleEnd) {
+ toPosition = _ProgressEnd;
+ }
+ else if (currentPosition == _IdleBegin) {
+ toPosition = _IdleEnd;
+ }
+ else if (!currentPosition) {
+ toPosition = _IdleBegin;
+ }
+ else if (currentPosition > _IdleEnd) {
+ _IsRollingBack = true;
+ toPosition = _IdleEnd;
+ stateEvent = JssorSlider.$EVT_ROLLBACK_START;
+ }
+ else {
+ //continue from break (by drag or lock)
+ toPosition = _SelfProcessor.$GetPlayToPosition();
+ }
+ }
+ _SelfSlider.$TriggerEvent(stateEvent, slideIndex, currentPosition, _ProgressBegin, _IdleBegin, _IdleEnd, _ProgressEnd);
+ var allowAutoPlay = _AutoPlay && (!_HoverToPause || _HoverStatus);
+ if (currentPosition == _ProgressEnd) {
+ allowAutoPlay && slideItem.$GoForNextSlide();
+ }
+ else if (allowAutoPlay || currentPosition != _IdleEnd) {
+ _SelfProcessor.$PlayToPosition(toPosition, ProcessCompleteEventHandler);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ _SelfProcessor.$AdjustIdleOnPark = function () {
+ if (_IdleEnd == _ProgressEnd && _IdleEnd == _SelfProcessor.$GetPosition_Display())
+ _SelfProcessor.$GoToPosition(_IdleBegin);
+ };
+ _SelfProcessor.$Abort = function () {
+ _SlideshowRunner && _SlideshowRunner.$Index == slideIndex && _SlideshowRunner.$Clear();
+ var currentPosition = _SelfProcessor.$GetPosition_Display();
+ if (currentPosition < _ProgressEnd) {
+ _SelfSlider.$TriggerEvent(JssorSlider.$EVT_STATE_CHANGE, slideIndex, -currentPosition -1, _ProgressBegin, _IdleBegin, _IdleEnd, _ProgressEnd);
+ }
+ };
+ _SelfProcessor.$OpenSlideshowPanel = function (open) {
+ if (slideshowProcessor) {
+ $Jssor$.$CssOverflow(_SlideshowPanel, open && slideshowProcessor.$Transition.$Outside ? "" : "hidden");
+ }
+ };
+ _SelfProcessor.$OnInnerOffsetChange = function (oldPosition, newPosition) {
+ if (_IsSlideshowRunning && newPosition >= _SlideshowEnd) {
+ _IsSlideshowRunning = false;
+ UpdateLink();
+ slideItem.$UnhideContentForSlideshow();
+ _SlideshowRunner.$Clear();
+ _SelfSlider.$TriggerEvent(JssorSlider.$EVT_SLIDESHOW_END, slideIndex, _ProgressBegin, _SlideshowBegin, _SlideshowEnd, _ProgressEnd);
+ }
+ _SelfSlider.$TriggerEvent(JssorSlider.$EVT_PROGRESS_CHANGE, slideIndex, newPosition, _ProgressBegin, _IdleBegin, _IdleEnd, _ProgressEnd);
+ };
+ _SelfProcessor.$SetPlayer = function (playerInstance) {
+ if (playerInstance && !_PlayerInstance) {
+ _PlayerInstance = playerInstance;
+ playerInstance.$On($JssorPlayer$.$EVT_SWITCH, PlayerSwitchEventHandler);
+ }
+ };
+ //Processor Constructor
+ {
+ if (slideshowProcessor) {
+ _SelfProcessor.$Chain(slideshowProcessor);
+ }
+ _SlideshowEnd = _SelfProcessor.$GetPosition_OuterEnd();
+ _CaptionInBegin = _SelfProcessor.$GetPosition_OuterEnd();
+ _SelfProcessor.$Chain(captionSliderIn);
+ _IdleBegin = captionSliderIn.$GetPosition_OuterEnd();
+ _IdleEnd = _IdleBegin + _Options.$AutoPlayInterval;
+ captionSliderOut.$Shift(_IdleEnd);
+ _SelfProcessor.$Combine(captionSliderOut);
+ _ProgressEnd = _SelfProcessor.$GetPosition_OuterEnd();
+ }
+ }
+ //Processor
+ //private classes
+ function SetPosition(elmt, position) {
+ var orientation = _DragOrientation > 0 ? _DragOrientation : _PlayOrientation;
+ var x = _StepLengthX * position * (orientation & 1);
+ var y = _StepLengthY * position * ((orientation >> 1) & 1);
+ if ($Jssor$.$IsBrowserChrome()) {
+ x = x.toFixed(3);
+ y = y.toFixed(3);
+ }
+ else {
+ x = Math.round(x);
+ y = Math.round(y);
+ }
+ if ($Jssor$.$IsBrowserIE() && $Jssor$.$BrowserVersion() >= 10 && $Jssor$.$BrowserVersion() < 11) {
+ elmt.style.msTransform = "translate(" + x + "px, " + y + "px)";
+ }
+ else if ($Jssor$.$IsBrowserChrome() && $Jssor$.$BrowserVersion() >= 30 && $Jssor$.$BrowserVersion() < 34) {
+ elmt.style.WebkitTransition = "transform 0s";
+ elmt.style.WebkitTransform = "translate3d(" + x + "px, " + y + "px, 0px) perspective(2000px)";
+ }
+ else {
+ $Jssor$.$CssLeft(elmt, x);
+ $Jssor$.$CssTop(elmt, y);
+ }
+ }
+ //Event handling begin
+ function OnMouseDown(event) {
+ var tagName = $Jssor$.$EventSrc(event).tagName;
+ if (!_DragOrientationRegistered && tagName != "INPUT" && tagName != "TEXTAREA" && tagName != "SELECT" && RegisterDrag()) {
+ OnDragStart(event);
+ }
+ }
+ function Freeze() {
+ _CarouselPlaying_OnFreeze = _IsSliding;
+ _PlayToPosition_OnFreeze = _CarouselPlayer.$GetPlayToPosition();
+ _Position_OnFreeze = _Conveyor.$GetPosition();
+ if (_IsDragging || !_HoverStatus && (_HoverToPause & 12)) {
+ _CarouselPlayer.$Stop();
+ _SelfSlider.$TriggerEvent(JssorSlider.$EVT_FREEZE);
+ }
+ }
+ function Unfreeze(byDrag) {
+ if (!_IsDragging && (_HoverStatus || !(_HoverToPause & 12)) && !_CarouselPlayer.$IsPlaying()) {
+ var currentPosition = _Conveyor.$GetPosition();
+ var toPosition = Math.ceil(_Position_OnFreeze);
+ if (byDrag && Math.abs(_DragOffsetTotal) >= _Options.$MinDragOffsetToSlide) {
+ toPosition = Math.ceil(currentPosition);
+ toPosition += _DragIndexAdjust;
+ }
+ if (!(_Loop & 1)) {
+ toPosition = Math.min(_SlideCount - _DisplayPieces, Math.max(toPosition, 0));
+ }
+ var t = Math.abs(toPosition - currentPosition);
+ t = 1 - Math.pow(1 - t, 5);
+ if (!_LastDragSucceded && _CarouselPlaying_OnFreeze) {
+ _CarouselPlayer.$Continue(_PlayToPosition_OnFreeze);
+ }
+ else if (currentPosition == toPosition) {
+ _CurrentSlideItem.$EnablePlayer();
+ _CurrentSlideItem.$TryActivate();
+ }
+ else {
+ _CarouselPlayer.$PlayCarousel(currentPosition, toPosition, t * _SlideDuration);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function OnDragStart(event) {
+ _IsDragging = true;
+ _DragInvalid = false;
+ _LoadingTicket = null;
+ $Jssor$.$AddEvent(document, _MoveEvent, OnDragMove);
+ _LastTimeMoveByDrag = $Jssor$.$GetNow() - 50;
+ _LastDragSucceded = 0;
+ Freeze();
+ if (!_CarouselPlaying_OnFreeze)
+ _DragOrientation = 0;
+ if (_HandleTouchEventOnly) {
+ var touchPoint = event.touches[0];
+ _DragStartMouseX = touchPoint.clientX;
+ _DragStartMouseY = touchPoint.clientY;
+ }
+ else {
+ var mousePoint = $Jssor$.$MousePosition(event);
+ _DragStartMouseX = mousePoint.x;
+ _DragStartMouseY = mousePoint.y;
+ $Jssor$.$CancelEvent(event);
+ }
+ _DragOffsetTotal = 0;
+ _DragOffsetLastTime = 0;
+ _DragIndexAdjust = 0;
+ _SelfSlider.$TriggerEvent(JssorSlider.$EVT_DRAG_START, GetRealIndex(_Position_OnFreeze), _Position_OnFreeze, event);
+ }
+ function OnDragMove(event) {
+ if (_IsDragging && (!$Jssor$.$IsBrowserIe9Earlier() || event.button)) {
+ var actionPoint;
+ if (_HandleTouchEventOnly) {
+ var touches = event.touches;
+ if (touches && touches.length > 0) {
+ actionPoint = new $JssorPoint$(touches[0].clientX, touches[0].clientY);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ actionPoint = $Jssor$.$MousePosition(event);
+ }
+ if (actionPoint) {
+ var distanceX = actionPoint.x - _DragStartMouseX;
+ var distanceY = actionPoint.y - _DragStartMouseY;
+ if (Math.floor(_Position_OnFreeze) != _Position_OnFreeze)
+ _DragOrientation = _DragOrientation || (_PlayOrientation & _DragOrientationRegistered);
+ if ((distanceX || distanceY) && !_DragOrientation) {
+ if (_DragOrientationRegistered == 3) {
+ if (Math.abs(distanceY) > Math.abs(distanceX)) {
+ _DragOrientation = 2;
+ }
+ else
+ _DragOrientation = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ _DragOrientation = _DragOrientationRegistered;
+ }
+ if (_HandleTouchEventOnly && _DragOrientation == 1 && Math.abs(distanceY) - Math.abs(distanceX) > 3) {
+ _DragInvalid = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (_DragOrientation) {
+ var distance = distanceY;
+ var stepLength = _StepLengthY;
+ if (_DragOrientation == 1) {
+ distance = distanceX;
+ stepLength = _StepLengthX;
+ }
+ if (!(_Loop & 1)) {
+ if (distance > 0) {
+ var normalDistance = stepLength * _CurrentSlideIndex;
+ var sqrtDistance = distance - normalDistance;
+ if (sqrtDistance > 0) {
+ distance = normalDistance + Math.sqrt(sqrtDistance) * 5;
+ }
+ }
+ if (distance < 0) {
+ var normalDistance = stepLength * (_SlideCount - _DisplayPieces - _CurrentSlideIndex);
+ var sqrtDistance = -distance - normalDistance;
+ if (sqrtDistance > 0) {
+ distance = -normalDistance - Math.sqrt(sqrtDistance) * 5;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (_DragOffsetTotal - _DragOffsetLastTime < -2) {
+ _DragIndexAdjust = 0;
+ }
+ else if (_DragOffsetTotal - _DragOffsetLastTime > 2) {
+ _DragIndexAdjust = -1;
+ }
+ _DragOffsetLastTime = _DragOffsetTotal;
+ _DragOffsetTotal = distance;
+ _PositionToGoByDrag = _Position_OnFreeze - _DragOffsetTotal / stepLength / (_ScaleRatio || 1);
+ if (_DragOffsetTotal && _DragOrientation && !_DragInvalid) {
+ $Jssor$.$CancelEvent(event);
+ if (!_IsSliding) {
+ _CarouselPlayer.$StandBy(_PositionToGoByDrag);
+ }
+ else
+ _CarouselPlayer.$SetStandByPosition(_PositionToGoByDrag);
+ }
+ else if ($Jssor$.$IsBrowserIe9Earlier()) {
+ $Jssor$.$CancelEvent(event);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ OnDragEnd(event);
+ }
+ }
+ function OnDragEnd(event) {
+ UnregisterDrag();
+ if (_IsDragging) {
+ _IsDragging = false;
+ _LastTimeMoveByDrag = $Jssor$.$GetNow();
+ $Jssor$.$RemoveEvent(document, _MoveEvent, OnDragMove);
+ _LastDragSucceded = _DragOffsetTotal;
+ _LastDragSucceded && $Jssor$.$CancelEvent(event);
+ _CarouselPlayer.$Stop();
+ var currentPosition = _Conveyor.$GetPosition();
+ //Trigger EVT_DRAG_END
+ _SelfSlider.$TriggerEvent(JssorSlider.$EVT_DRAG_END, GetRealIndex(currentPosition), currentPosition, GetRealIndex(_Position_OnFreeze), _Position_OnFreeze, event);
+ Unfreeze(true);
+ Freeze();
+ }
+ }
+ //Event handling end
+ function SetCurrentSlideIndex(index) {
+ _PrevSlideItem = _SlideItems[_CurrentSlideIndex];
+ _PreviousSlideIndex = _CurrentSlideIndex;
+ _CurrentSlideIndex = GetRealIndex(index);
+ _CurrentSlideItem = _SlideItems[_CurrentSlideIndex];
+ ResetNavigator(index);
+ return _CurrentSlideIndex;
+ }
+ function OnPark(slideIndex, prevIndex) {
+ _DragOrientation = 0;
+ SetCurrentSlideIndex(slideIndex);
+ //Trigger EVT_PARK
+ _SelfSlider.$TriggerEvent(JssorSlider.$EVT_PARK, GetRealIndex(slideIndex), prevIndex);
+ }
+ function ResetNavigator(index, temp) {
+ _TempSlideIndex = index;
+ $Jssor$.$Each(_Navigators, function (navigator) {
+ navigator.$SetCurrentIndex(GetRealIndex(index), index, temp);
+ });
+ }
+ function RegisterDrag() {
+ var dragRegistry = JssorSlider.$DragRegistry || 0;
+ var dragOrientation = _DragEnabled;
+ if (_HandleTouchEventOnly)
+ (dragOrientation & 1) && (dragOrientation &= 1);
+ JssorSlider.$DragRegistry |= dragOrientation;
+ return (_DragOrientationRegistered = dragOrientation & ~dragRegistry);
+ }
+ function UnregisterDrag() {
+ if (_DragOrientationRegistered) {
+ JssorSlider.$DragRegistry &= ~_DragEnabled;
+ _DragOrientationRegistered = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ function CreatePanel() {
+ var div = $Jssor$.$CreateDiv();
+ $Jssor$.$SetStyles(div, _StyleDef);
+ $Jssor$.$CssPosition(div, "absolute");
+ return div;
+ }
+ function GetRealIndex(index) {
+ return (index % _SlideCount + _SlideCount) % _SlideCount;
+ }
+ function IsCurrentSlideIndex(index) {
+ return GetRealIndex(index) == _CurrentSlideIndex;
+ }
+ function IsPreviousSlideIndex(index) {
+ return GetRealIndex(index) == _PreviousSlideIndex;
+ }
+ //Navigation Request Handler
+ function NavigationClickHandler(index, relative) {
+ if (relative) {
+ if (!_Loop) {
+ //Stop at threshold
+ index = Math.min(Math.max(index + _TempSlideIndex, 0), _SlideCount - _DisplayPieces);
+ relative = false;
+ }
+ else if (_Loop & 2) {
+ //Rewind
+ index = GetRealIndex(index + _TempSlideIndex);
+ relative = false;
+ }
+ }
+ PlayTo(index, _Options.$SlideDuration, relative);
+ }
+ function ShowNavigators() {
+ $Jssor$.$Each(_Navigators, function (navigator) {
+ navigator.$Show(navigator.$Options.$ChanceToShow > _HoverStatus);
+ });
+ }
+ function MainContainerMouseLeaveEventHandler() {
+ if (!_HoverStatus) {
+ //$JssorDebug$.$Log("mouseleave");
+ _HoverStatus = 1;
+ ShowNavigators();
+ if (!_IsDragging) {
+ (_HoverToPause & 12) && Unfreeze();
+ (_HoverToPause & 3) && _SlideItems[_CurrentSlideIndex].$TryActivate();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function MainContainerMouseEnterEventHandler() {
+ if (_HoverStatus) {
+ //$JssorDebug$.$Log("mouseenter");
+ _HoverStatus = 0;
+ ShowNavigators();
+ _IsDragging || !(_HoverToPause & 12) || Freeze();
+ }
+ }
+ function AdjustSlidesContainerSize() {
+ _StyleDef = { $Width: _SlideWidth, $Height: _SlideHeight, $Top: 0, $Left: 0 };
+ $Jssor$.$Each(_SlideElmts, function (slideElmt, i) {
+ $Jssor$.$SetStyles(slideElmt, _StyleDef);
+ $Jssor$.$CssPosition(slideElmt, "absolute");
+ $Jssor$.$CssOverflow(slideElmt, "hidden");
+ $Jssor$.$HideElement(slideElmt);
+ });
+ $Jssor$.$SetStyles(_LoadingContainer, _StyleDef);
+ }
+ function PlayToOffset(offset, slideDuration) {
+ PlayTo(offset, slideDuration, true);
+ }
+ function PlayTo(slideIndex, slideDuration, relative) {
+ /// <summary>
+ /// PlayTo( slideIndex [, slideDuration] ); //Play slider to position 'slideIndex' within a period calculated base on 'slideDuration'.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="slideIndex" type="Number">
+ /// slide slideIndex or position will be playing to
+ /// </param>
+ /// <param name="slideDuration" type="Number" optional="true">
+ /// base slide duration in milliseconds to calculate the whole duration to complete this play request.
+ /// default value is '$SlideDuration' value which is specified when initialize the slider.
+ /// </param>
+ /// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/bb385682.aspx
+ /// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/hh542720.aspx
+ if (_CarouselEnabled && (!_IsDragging || _Options.$NaviQuitDrag)) {
+ _IsSliding = true;
+ _IsDragging = false;
+ _CarouselPlayer.$Stop();
+ {
+ //Slide Duration
+ if (slideDuration == undefined)
+ slideDuration = _SlideDuration;
+ var positionDisplay = _Carousel.$GetPosition_Display();
+ var positionTo = slideIndex;
+ if (relative) {
+ positionTo = positionDisplay + slideIndex;
+ if (slideIndex > 0)
+ positionTo = Math.ceil(positionTo);
+ else
+ positionTo = Math.floor(positionTo);
+ }
+ if (!(_Loop & 1)) {
+ positionTo = GetRealIndex(positionTo);
+ positionTo = Math.max(0, Math.min(positionTo, _SlideCount - _DisplayPieces));
+ }
+ var positionOffset = (positionTo - positionDisplay) % _SlideCount;
+ positionTo = positionDisplay + positionOffset;
+ var duration = positionDisplay == positionTo ? 0 : slideDuration * Math.abs(positionOffset);
+ duration = Math.min(duration, slideDuration * _DisplayPieces * 1.5);
+ _CarouselPlayer.$PlayCarousel(positionDisplay, positionTo, duration || 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //private functions
+ //member functions
+ _SelfSlider.$PlayTo = PlayTo;
+ _SelfSlider.$GoTo = function (slideIndex) {
+ /// <summary>
+ /// instance.$GoTo( slideIndex ); //Go to the specifed slide immediately with no play.
+ /// </summary>
+ PlayTo(slideIndex, 1);
+ };
+ _SelfSlider.$Next = function () {
+ /// <summary>
+ /// instance.$Next(); //Play the slider to next slide.
+ /// </summary>
+ PlayToOffset(1);
+ };
+ _SelfSlider.$Prev = function () {
+ /// <summary>
+ /// instance.$Prev(); //Play the slider to previous slide.
+ /// </summary>
+ PlayToOffset(-1);
+ };
+ _SelfSlider.$Pause = function () {
+ /// <summary>
+ /// instance.$Pause(); //Pause the slider, prevent it from auto playing.
+ /// </summary>
+ _AutoPlay = false;
+ };
+ _SelfSlider.$Play = function () {
+ /// <summary>
+ /// instance.$Play(); //Start auto play if the slider is currently paused.
+ /// </summary>
+ if (!_AutoPlay) {
+ _AutoPlay = true;
+ _SlideItems[_CurrentSlideIndex] && _SlideItems[_CurrentSlideIndex].$TryActivate();
+ }
+ };
+ _SelfSlider.$SetSlideshowTransitions = function (transitions) {
+ /// <summary>
+ /// instance.$SetSlideshowTransitions( transitions ); //Reset slideshow transitions for the slider.
+ /// </summary>
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ if (!transitions || !transitions.length) {
+ $JssorDebug$.$Error("Can not set slideshow transitions, no transitions specified.");
+ }
+ });
+ $Jssor$.$TranslateTransitions(transitions); //for old transition compatibility
+ _Options.$SlideshowOptions.$Transitions = transitions;
+ };
+ _SelfSlider.$SetCaptionTransitions = function (transitions) {
+ /// <summary>
+ /// instance.$SetCaptionTransitions( transitions ); //Reset caption transitions for the slider.
+ /// </summary>
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ if (!transitions || !transitions.length) {
+ $JssorDebug$.$Error("Can not set caption transitions, no transitions specified");
+ }
+ });
+ $Jssor$.$TranslateTransitions(transitions); //for old transition compatibility
+ _CaptionSliderOptions.$CaptionTransitions = transitions;
+ _CaptionSliderOptions.$Version = $Jssor$.$GetNow();
+ };
+ _SelfSlider.$SlidesCount = function () {
+ /// <summary>
+ /// instance.$SlidesCount(); //Retrieve slides count of the slider.
+ /// </summary>
+ return _SlideElmts.length;
+ };
+ _SelfSlider.$CurrentIndex = function () {
+ /// <summary>
+ /// instance.$CurrentIndex(); //Retrieve current slide index of the slider.
+ /// </summary>
+ return _CurrentSlideIndex;
+ };
+ _SelfSlider.$IsAutoPlaying = function () {
+ /// <summary>
+ /// instance.$IsAutoPlaying(); //Retrieve auto play status of the slider.
+ /// </summary>
+ return _AutoPlay;
+ };
+ _SelfSlider.$IsDragging = function () {
+ /// <summary>
+ /// instance.$IsDragging(); //Retrieve drag status of the slider.
+ /// </summary>
+ return _IsDragging;
+ };
+ _SelfSlider.$IsSliding = function () {
+ /// <summary>
+ /// instance.$IsSliding(); //Retrieve right<-->left sliding status of the slider.
+ /// </summary>
+ return _IsSliding;
+ };
+ _SelfSlider.$IsMouseOver = function () {
+ /// <summary>
+ /// instance.$IsMouseOver(); //Retrieve mouse over status of the slider.
+ /// </summary>
+ return !_HoverStatus;
+ };
+ _SelfSlider.$LastDragSucceded = function () {
+ /// <summary>
+ /// instance.$IsLastDragSucceded(); //Retrieve last drag succeded status, returns 0 if failed, returns drag offset if succeded
+ /// </summary>
+ return _LastDragSucceded;
+ };
+ function OriginalWidth() {
+ /// <summary>
+ /// instance.$OriginalWidth(); //Retrieve original width of the slider.
+ /// </summary>
+ return $Jssor$.$CssWidth(_ScaleWrapper || elmt);
+ }
+ function OriginalHeight() {
+ /// <summary>
+ /// instance.$OriginalHeight(); //Retrieve original height of the slider.
+ /// </summary>
+ return $Jssor$.$CssHeight(_ScaleWrapper || elmt);
+ }
+ _SelfSlider.$OriginalWidth = _SelfSlider.$GetOriginalWidth = OriginalWidth;
+ _SelfSlider.$OriginalHeight = _SelfSlider.$GetOriginalHeight = OriginalHeight;
+ function Scale(dimension, isHeight) {
+ /// <summary>
+ /// instance.$ScaleWidth(); //Retrieve scaled dimension the slider currently displays.
+ /// instance.$ScaleWidth( dimension ); //Scale the slider to new width and keep aspect ratio.
+ /// </summary>
+ if (dimension == undefined)
+ return $Jssor$.$CssWidth(elmt);
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ if (!dimension || dimension < 0) {
+ $JssorDebug$.$Fail("'$ScaleWidth' error, 'dimension' should be positive value.");
+ }
+ });
+ if (!_ScaleWrapper) {
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ var originalWidthStr = $Jssor$.$Css(elmt, "width");
+ var originalHeightStr = $Jssor$.$Css(elmt, "height");
+ var originalWidth = $Jssor$.$CssP(elmt, "width");
+ var originalHeight = $Jssor$.$CssP(elmt, "height");
+ if (!originalWidthStr) {
+ $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Cannot scale jssor slider, 'dimension' of 'outer container' not specified. Please specify 'dimension' in pixel. e.g. 'dimension: 600px;'");
+ }
+ if (!originalHeightStr) {
+ $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Cannot scale jssor slider, 'height' of 'outer container' not specified. Please specify 'height' in pixel. e.g. 'height: 300px;'");
+ }
+ if (originalWidthStr.indexOf('%') != -1) {
+ $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Cannot scale jssor slider, 'dimension' of 'outer container' not valid. Please specify 'dimension' in pixel. e.g. 'dimension: 600px;'");
+ }
+ if (originalHeightStr.indexOf('%') != -1) {
+ $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Cannot scale jssor slider, 'height' of 'outer container' not valid. Please specify 'height' in pixel. e.g. 'height: 300px;'");
+ }
+ if (!originalWidth) {
+ $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Cannot scale jssor slider, 'dimension' of 'outer container' not valid. 'dimension' of 'outer container' should be positive number. e.g. 'dimension: 600px;'");
+ }
+ if (!originalHeight) {
+ $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Cannot scale jssor slider, 'height' of 'outer container' not valid. 'height' of 'outer container' should be positive number. e.g. 'height: 300px;'");
+ }
+ });
+ //var innerWrapper = $Jssor$.$CloneNode(elmt, false);
+ //$Jssor$.$RemoveAttribute(innerWrapper, "id");
+ var innerWrapper = $Jssor$.$CreateDiv(document);
+ $Jssor$.$CssCssText(innerWrapper, $Jssor$.$CssCssText(elmt));
+ $Jssor$.$ClassName(innerWrapper, $Jssor$.$ClassName(elmt));
+ $Jssor$.$CssPosition(innerWrapper, "relative");
+ $Jssor$.$CssTop(innerWrapper, 0);
+ $Jssor$.$CssLeft(innerWrapper, 0);
+ $Jssor$.$CssOverflow(innerWrapper, "visible");
+ //_ScaleWrapper = $Jssor$.$CloneNode(elmt, false);
+ //$Jssor$.$RemoveAttribute(_ScaleWrapper, "id");
+ //$Jssor$.$CssCssText(_ScaleWrapper, "");
+ _ScaleWrapper = $Jssor$.$CreateDiv(document);
+ $Jssor$.$CssPosition(_ScaleWrapper, "absolute");
+ $Jssor$.$CssTop(_ScaleWrapper, 0);
+ $Jssor$.$CssLeft(_ScaleWrapper, 0);
+ $Jssor$.$CssWidth(_ScaleWrapper, $Jssor$.$CssWidth(elmt));
+ $Jssor$.$CssHeight(_ScaleWrapper, $Jssor$.$CssHeight(elmt));
+ $Jssor$.$SetStyleTransformOrigin(_ScaleWrapper, "0 0");
+ $Jssor$.$AppendChild(_ScaleWrapper, innerWrapper);
+ var children = $Jssor$.$Children(elmt);
+ $Jssor$.$AppendChild(elmt, _ScaleWrapper);
+ $Jssor$.$Css(elmt, "backgroundImage", "");
+ var noMoveElmts = {
+ "navigator": _BulletNavigatorOptions && _BulletNavigatorOptions.$Scale == false,
+ "arrowleft": _ArrowNavigatorOptions && _ArrowNavigatorOptions.$Scale == false,
+ "arrowright": _ArrowNavigatorOptions && _ArrowNavigatorOptions.$Scale == false,
+ "thumbnavigator": _ThumbnailNavigatorOptions && _ThumbnailNavigatorOptions.$Scale == false,
+ "thumbwrapper": _ThumbnailNavigatorOptions && _ThumbnailNavigatorOptions.$Scale == false
+ };
+ $Jssor$.$Each(children, function (child) {
+ $Jssor$.$AppendChild(noMoveElmts[$Jssor$.$AttributeEx(child, "u")] ? elmt : innerWrapper, child);
+ });
+ $Jssor$.$ShowElement(innerWrapper);
+ $Jssor$.$ShowElement(_ScaleWrapper);
+ }
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ if (!_InitialScrollWidth) {
+ _InitialScrollWidth = _SelfSlider.$Elmt.scrollWidth;
+ }
+ });
+ _ScaleRatio = dimension / (isHeight? $Jssor$.$CssHeight : $Jssor$.$CssWidth)(_ScaleWrapper);
+ $Jssor$.$CssScale(_ScaleWrapper, _ScaleRatio);
+ $Jssor$.$CssWidth(elmt, isHeight ? (_ScaleRatio * OriginalWidth()) : dimension);
+ $Jssor$.$CssHeight(elmt, isHeight ? dimension : (_ScaleRatio * OriginalHeight()));
+ $Jssor$.$Each(_Navigators, function (navigator) {
+ navigator.$Relocate();
+ });
+ }
+ _SelfSlider.$ScaleHeight = _SelfSlider.$GetScaleHeight = function (height) {
+ /// <summary>
+ /// instance.$ScaleHeight(); //Retrieve scaled height the slider currently displays.
+ /// instance.$ScaleHeight( dimension ); //Scale the slider to new height and keep aspect ratio.
+ /// </summary>
+ if (height == undefined)
+ return $Jssor$.$CssHeight(elmt);
+ Scale(height, true);
+ };
+ _SelfSlider.$ScaleWidth = _SelfSlider.$SetScaleWidth = _SelfSlider.$GetScaleWidth = Scale;
+ _SelfSlider.$GetVirtualIndex = function (index) {
+ var parkingIndex = Math.ceil(GetRealIndex(_ParkingPosition / _StepLength));
+ var displayIndex = GetRealIndex(index - _CurrentSlideIndex + parkingIndex);
+ if (displayIndex > _DisplayPieces) {
+ if (index - _CurrentSlideIndex > _SlideCount / 2)
+ index -= _SlideCount;
+ else if (index - _CurrentSlideIndex <= -_SlideCount / 2)
+ index += _SlideCount;
+ }
+ else {
+ index = _CurrentSlideIndex + displayIndex - parkingIndex;
+ }
+ return index;
+ };
+ //member functions
+ $JssorObject$.call(this);
+ //initialize member variables
+ _SelfSlider.$Elmt = elmt = $Jssor$.$GetElement(elmt);
+ //initialize member variables
+ var _InitialScrollWidth; //for debug only
+ var _CaptionSliderCount = 1; //for debug only
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ var outerContainerElmt = $Jssor$.$GetElement(elmt);
+ if (!outerContainerElmt)
+ $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Outer container '" + elmt + "' not found.");
+ });
+ var _Options = $Jssor$.$Extend({
+ $FillMode: 0, //[Optional] The way to fill image in slide, 0 stretch, 1 contain (keep aspect ratio and put all inside slide), 2 cover (keep aspect ratio and cover whole slide), 4 actual size, 5 contain for large image, actual size for small image, default value is 0
+ $LazyLoading: 1, //[Optional] For image with lazy loading format (<IMG src2="url" .../>), by default it will be loaded only when the slide comes.
+ //But an integer value (maybe 0, 1, 2 or 3) indicates that how far of nearby slides should be loaded immediately as well, default value is 1.
+ $StartIndex: 0, //[Optional] Index of slide to display when initialize, default value is 0
+ $AutoPlay: false, //[Optional] Whether to auto play, default value is false
+ $Loop: 1, //[Optional] Enable loop(circular) of carousel or not, 0: stop, 1: loop, 2 rewind, default value is 1
+ $HWA: true, //[Optional] Enable hardware acceleration or not, default value is true
+ $NaviQuitDrag: true,
+ $AutoPlaySteps: 1, //[Optional] Steps to go of every play (this options applys only when slideshow disabled), default value is 1
+ $AutoPlayInterval: 3000, //[Optional] Interval to play next slide since the previous stopped if a slideshow is auto playing, default value is 3000
+ $PauseOnHover: 1, //[Optional] Whether to pause when mouse over if a slider is auto playing, 0 no pause, 1 pause for desktop, 2 pause for touch device, 3 pause for desktop and touch device, 4 freeze for desktop, 8 freeze for touch device, 12 freeze for desktop and touch device, default value is 1
+ $SlideDuration: 500, //[Optional] Specifies default duration (swipe) for slide in milliseconds, default value is 400
+ $SlideEasing: $JssorEasing$.$EaseOutQuad, //[Optional] Specifies easing for right to left animation, default value is $JssorEasing$.$EaseOutQuad
+ $MinDragOffsetToSlide: 20, //[Optional] Minimum drag offset that trigger slide, default value is 20
+ $SlideSpacing: 0, //[Optional] Space between each slide in pixels, default value is 0
+ $DisplayPieces: 1, //[Optional] Number of pieces to display (the slideshow would be disabled if the value is set to greater than 1), default value is 1
+ $ParkingPosition: 0, //[Optional] The offset position to park slide (this options applys only when slideshow disabled), default value is 0.
+ $UISearchMode: 1, //[Optional] The way (0 parellel, 1 recursive, default value is recursive) to search UI components (slides container, loading screen, navigator container, arrow navigator container, thumbnail navigator container etc.
+ $PlayOrientation: 1, //[Optional] Orientation to play slide (for auto play, navigation), 1 horizental, 2 vertical, 5 horizental reverse, 6 vertical reverse, default value is 1
+ $DragOrientation: 1 //[Optional] Orientation to drag slide, 0 no drag, 1 horizental, 2 vertical, 3 both, default value is 1 (Note that the $DragOrientation should be the same as $PlayOrientation when $DisplayPieces is greater than 1, or parking position is not 0)
+ }, options);
+ //Sodo statement for development time intellisence only
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ _Options = $Jssor$.$Extend({
+ $ArrowKeyNavigation: undefined,
+ $SlideWidth: undefined,
+ $SlideHeight: undefined,
+ $SlideshowOptions: undefined,
+ $CaptionSliderOptions: undefined,
+ $BulletNavigatorOptions: undefined,
+ $ArrowNavigatorOptions: undefined,
+ $ThumbnailNavigatorOptions: undefined
+ },
+ _Options);
+ });
+ var _PlayOrientation = _Options.$PlayOrientation & 3;
+ var _PlayReverse = (_Options.$PlayOrientation & 4) / -4 || 1;
+ var _SlideshowOptions = _Options.$SlideshowOptions;
+ var _CaptionSliderOptions = $Jssor$.$Extend({ $Class: $JssorCaptionSliderBase$, $PlayInMode: 1, $PlayOutMode: 1 }, _Options.$CaptionSliderOptions);
+ $Jssor$.$TranslateTransitions(_CaptionSliderOptions.$CaptionTransitions); //for old transition compatibility
+ var _BulletNavigatorOptions = _Options.$BulletNavigatorOptions;
+ var _ArrowNavigatorOptions = _Options.$ArrowNavigatorOptions;
+ var _ThumbnailNavigatorOptions = _Options.$ThumbnailNavigatorOptions;
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ if (_SlideshowOptions && !_SlideshowOptions.$Class) {
+ $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Option $SlideshowOptions error, class not specified.");
+ }
+ });
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ if (_Options.$CaptionSliderOptions && !_Options.$CaptionSliderOptions.$Class) {
+ $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Option $CaptionSliderOptions error, class not specified.");
+ }
+ });
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ if (_BulletNavigatorOptions && !_BulletNavigatorOptions.$Class) {
+ $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Option $BulletNavigatorOptions error, class not specified.");
+ }
+ });
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ if (_ArrowNavigatorOptions && !_ArrowNavigatorOptions.$Class) {
+ $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Option $ArrowNavigatorOptions error, class not specified.");
+ }
+ });
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ if (_ThumbnailNavigatorOptions && !_ThumbnailNavigatorOptions.$Class) {
+ $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Option $ThumbnailNavigatorOptions error, class not specified.");
+ }
+ });
+ var _UISearchMode = _Options.$UISearchMode;
+ var _ScaleWrapper;
+ var _SlidesContainer = $Jssor$.$FindFirstChild(elmt, "slides", null, _UISearchMode);
+ var _LoadingContainer = $Jssor$.$FindFirstChild(elmt, "loading", null, _UISearchMode) || $Jssor$.$CreateDiv(document);
+ var _BulletNavigatorContainer = $Jssor$.$FindFirstChild(elmt, "navigator", null, _UISearchMode);
+ var _ArrowLeft = $Jssor$.$FindFirstChild(elmt, "arrowleft", null, _UISearchMode);
+ var _ArrowRight = $Jssor$.$FindFirstChild(elmt, "arrowright", null, _UISearchMode);
+ var _ThumbnailNavigatorContainer = $Jssor$.$FindFirstChild(elmt, "thumbnavigator", null, _UISearchMode);
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ //if (_BulletNavigatorOptions && !_BulletNavigatorContainer) {
+ // throw new Error("$BulletNavigatorOptions specified but bullet navigator container (<div u=\"navigator\" ...) not defined.");
+ //}
+ if (_BulletNavigatorContainer && !_BulletNavigatorOptions) {
+ throw new Error("Bullet navigator container defined but $BulletNavigatorOptions not specified.");
+ }
+ //if (_ArrowNavigatorOptions) {
+ // if (!_ArrowLeft) {
+ // throw new Error("$ArrowNavigatorOptions specified, but arrowleft (<span u=\"arrowleft\" ...) not defined.");
+ // }
+ // if (!_ArrowRight) {
+ // throw new Error("$ArrowNavigatorOptions specified, but arrowright (<span u=\"arrowright\" ...) not defined.");
+ // }
+ //}
+ if ((_ArrowLeft || _ArrowRight) && !_ArrowNavigatorOptions) {
+ throw new Error("arrowleft or arrowright defined, but $ArrowNavigatorOptions not specified.");
+ }
+ //if (_ThumbnailNavigatorOptions && !_ThumbnailNavigatorContainer) {
+ // throw new Error("$ThumbnailNavigatorOptions specified, but thumbnail navigator container (<div u=\"thumbnavigator\" ...) not defined.");
+ //}
+ if (_ThumbnailNavigatorContainer && !_ThumbnailNavigatorOptions) {
+ throw new Error("Thumbnail navigator container defined, but $ThumbnailNavigatorOptions not specified.");
+ }
+ });
+ var _SlidesContainerWidth = $Jssor$.$CssWidth(_SlidesContainer);
+ var _SlidesContainerHeight = $Jssor$.$CssHeight(_SlidesContainer);
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ if (isNaN(_SlidesContainerWidth))
+ $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Width of slides container wrong specification, it should be specified by inline style in pixels (like style='width: 600px;').");
+ if (_SlidesContainerWidth == undefined)
+ $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Width of slides container not specified, it should be specified by inline style in pixels (like style='width: 600px;').");
+ if (isNaN(_SlidesContainerHeight))
+ $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Height of slides container wrong specification, it should be specified by inline style in pixels (like style='height: 300px;').");
+ if (_SlidesContainerHeight == undefined)
+ $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Height of slides container not specified, it should be specified by inline style in pixels (like style='height: 300px;').");
+ var slidesContainerOverflow = $Jssor$.$CssOverflow(_SlidesContainer);
+ var slidesContainerOverflowX = $Jssor$.$Css(_SlidesContainer, "overflowX");
+ var slidesContainerOverflowY = $Jssor$.$Css(_SlidesContainer, "overflowY");
+ if (slidesContainerOverflow != "hidden" && (slidesContainerOverflowX != "hidden" || slidesContainerOverflowY != "hidden"))
+ $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Overflow of slides container wrong specification, it should be specified as 'hidden' (style='overflow:hidden;').");
+ //var slidesContainerTop = $Jssor$.$CssTop(_SlidesContainer);
+ //var slidesContainerLeft = $Jssor$.$CssLeft(_SlidesContainer);
+ //if (isNaN(slidesContainerTop))
+ // $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Top of slides container wrong specification, it should be specified by inline style in pixels (like style='top: 0px;').");
+ //if (slidesContainerTop == undefined)
+ // $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Top of slides container not specified, it should be specified by inline style in pixels (like style='top: 0px;').");
+ //if (isNaN(slidesContainerLeft))
+ // $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Left of slides container wrong specification, it should be specified by inline style in pixels (like style='left: 0px;').");
+ //if (slidesContainerLeft == undefined)
+ // $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Left of slides container not specified, it should be specified by inline style in pixels (like style='left: 0px;').");
+ });
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ if (!$Jssor$.$IsNumeric(_Options.$DisplayPieces))
+ $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Option $DisplayPieces error, it should be a numeric value and greater than or equal to 1.");
+ if (_Options.$DisplayPieces < 1)
+ $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Option $DisplayPieces error, it should be greater than or equal to 1.");
+ if (_Options.$DisplayPieces > 1 && _Options.$DragOrientation && _Options.$DragOrientation != _PlayOrientation)
+ $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Option $DragOrientation error, it should be 0 or the same of $PlayOrientation when $DisplayPieces is greater than 1.");
+ if (!$Jssor$.$IsNumeric(_Options.$ParkingPosition))
+ $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Option $ParkingPosition error, it should be a numeric value.");
+ if (_Options.$ParkingPosition && _Options.$DragOrientation && _Options.$DragOrientation != _PlayOrientation)
+ $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Option $DragOrientation error, it should be 0 or the same of $PlayOrientation when $ParkingPosition is not equal to 0.");
+ });
+ var _StyleDef;
+ var _SlideElmts = [];
+ {
+ var slideElmts = $Jssor$.$Children(_SlidesContainer);
+ $Jssor$.$Each(slideElmts, function (slideElmt) {
+ if (slideElmt.tagName == "DIV" && !$Jssor$.$AttributeEx(slideElmt, "u")) {
+ _SlideElmts.push(slideElmt);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ if (_SlideElmts.length < 1) {
+ $JssorDebug$.$Error("Slides html code definition error, there must be at least 1 slide to initialize a slider.");
+ }
+ });
+ var _SlideItemCreatedCount = 0; //for debug only
+ var _SlideItemReleasedCount = 0; //for debug only
+ var _PreviousSlideIndex;
+ var _CurrentSlideIndex = -1;
+ var _TempSlideIndex;
+ var _PrevSlideItem;
+ var _CurrentSlideItem;
+ var _SlideCount = _SlideElmts.length;
+ var _SlideWidth = _Options.$SlideWidth || _SlidesContainerWidth;
+ var _SlideHeight = _Options.$SlideHeight || _SlidesContainerHeight;
+ var _SlideSpacing = _Options.$SlideSpacing;
+ var _StepLengthX = _SlideWidth + _SlideSpacing;
+ var _StepLengthY = _SlideHeight + _SlideSpacing;
+ var _StepLength = (_PlayOrientation & 1) ? _StepLengthX : _StepLengthY;
+ var _DisplayPieces = Math.min(_Options.$DisplayPieces, _SlideCount);
+ var _SlideshowPanel;
+ var _CurrentBoardIndex = 0;
+ var _DragOrientation;
+ var _DragOrientationRegistered;
+ var _DragInvalid;
+ var _HandleTouchEventOnly;
+ var _Navigators = [];
+ var _BulletNavigator;
+ var _ArrowNavigator;
+ var _ThumbnailNavigator;
+ var _ShowLink;
+ var _Frozen;
+ var _AutoPlay;
+ var _AutoPlaySteps = _Options.$AutoPlaySteps;
+ var _HoverToPause = _Options.$PauseOnHover;
+ var _AutoPlayInterval = _Options.$AutoPlayInterval;
+ var _SlideDuration = _Options.$SlideDuration;
+ var _SlideshowRunnerClass;
+ var _TransitionsOrder;
+ var _SlideshowEnabled;
+ var _ParkingPosition;
+ var _CarouselEnabled = _DisplayPieces < _SlideCount;
+ var _Loop = _CarouselEnabled ? _Options.$Loop : 0;
+ var _DragEnabled;
+ var _LastDragSucceded;
+ var _HoverStatus = 1; //0 Hovering, 1 Not hovering
+ //Variable Definition
+ var _IsSliding;
+ var _IsDragging;
+ var _LoadingTicket;
+ //The X position of mouse/touch when a drag start
+ var _DragStartMouseX = 0;
+ //The Y position of mouse/touch when a drag start
+ var _DragStartMouseY = 0;
+ var _DragOffsetTotal;
+ var _DragOffsetLastTime;
+ var _DragIndexAdjust;
+ var _Carousel;
+ var _Conveyor;
+ var _Slideshow;
+ var _CarouselPlayer;
+ var _SlideContainer = new SlideContainer();
+ var _ScaleRatio;
+ //$JssorSlider$ Constructor
+ {
+ _AutoPlay = _Options.$AutoPlay;
+ _SelfSlider.$Options = options;
+ AdjustSlidesContainerSize();
+ elmt["jssor-slider"] = true;
+ //_SlideshowPanel = CreatePanel();
+ //$Jssor$.$CssZIndex(elmt, $Jssor$.$CssZIndex(elmt));
+ //$Jssor$.$CssLeft(_SlideshowPanel, $Jssor$.$CssLeft(_SlidesContainer));
+ //$Jssor$.$CssZIndex(_SlidesContainer, $Jssor$.$CssZIndex(_SlidesContainer));
+ //$Jssor$.$CssTop(_SlideshowPanel, $Jssor$.$CssTop(_SlidesContainer));
+ $Jssor$.$CssZIndex(_SlidesContainer, $Jssor$.$CssZIndex(_SlidesContainer) || 0);
+ $Jssor$.$CssPosition(_SlidesContainer, "absolute");
+ _SlideshowPanel = $Jssor$.$CloneNode(_SlidesContainer);
+ $Jssor$.$InsertBefore($Jssor$.$ParentNode(_SlidesContainer), _SlideshowPanel, _SlidesContainer);
+ if (_SlideshowOptions) {
+ _ShowLink = _SlideshowOptions.$ShowLink;
+ _SlideshowRunnerClass = _SlideshowOptions.$Class;
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ if (!_SlideshowOptions.$Transitions || !_SlideshowOptions.$Transitions.length) {
+ $JssorDebug$.$Error("Invalid '$SlideshowOptions', no '$Transitions' specified.");
+ }
+ });
+ $Jssor$.$TranslateTransitions(_SlideshowOptions.$Transitions); //for old transition compatibility
+ _SlideshowEnabled = _DisplayPieces == 1 && _SlideCount > 1 && _SlideshowRunnerClass && (!$Jssor$.$IsBrowserIE() || $Jssor$.$BrowserVersion() >= 8);
+ }
+ _ParkingPosition = (_SlideshowEnabled || _DisplayPieces >= _SlideCount || !(_Loop & 1)) ? 0 : _Options.$ParkingPosition;
+ _DragEnabled = ((_DisplayPieces > 1 || _ParkingPosition) ? _PlayOrientation : -1) & _Options.$DragOrientation;
+ //SlideBoard
+ var _SlideboardElmt = _SlidesContainer;
+ var _SlideItems = [];
+ var _SlideshowRunner;
+ var _LinkContainer;
+ var _DownEvent = "mousedown";
+ var _MoveEvent = "mousemove";
+ var _UpEvent = "mouseup";
+ var _CancelEvent;
+ var _LastTimeMoveByDrag;
+ var _Position_OnFreeze;
+ var _CarouselPlaying_OnFreeze;
+ var _PlayToPosition_OnFreeze;
+ var _PositionToGoByDrag;
+ //SlideBoard Constructor
+ {
+ var msPrefix;
+ if (window.navigator.pointerEnabled || (msPrefix = window.navigator.msPointerEnabled)) {
+ _DownEvent = msPrefix ? "MSPointerDown" : "pointerdown";
+ _MoveEvent = msPrefix ? "MSPointerMove" : "pointermove";
+ _UpEvent = msPrefix ? "MSPointerUp" : "pointerup";
+ _CancelEvent = msPrefix ? "MSPointerCancel" : "pointercancel";
+ if (_DragEnabled) {
+ var touchAction = "none";
+ if (_DragEnabled == 1) {
+ touchAction = "pan-y";
+ }
+ else if (_DragEnabled == 2) {
+ touchAction = "pan-x";
+ }
+ $Jssor$.$Css(_SlideboardElmt, msPrefix ? "msTouchAction" : "touchAction", touchAction);
+ }
+ }
+ else if ("ontouchstart" in window || "createTouch" in document) {
+ _HandleTouchEventOnly = true;
+ _DownEvent = "touchstart";
+ _MoveEvent = "touchmove";
+ _UpEvent = "touchend";
+ _CancelEvent = "touchcancel";
+ }
+ _Slideshow = new Slideshow();
+ if (_SlideshowEnabled)
+ _SlideshowRunner = new _SlideshowRunnerClass(_SlideContainer, _SlideWidth, _SlideHeight, _SlideshowOptions, _HandleTouchEventOnly);
+ $Jssor$.$AppendChild(_SlideshowPanel, _Slideshow.$Wrapper);
+ $Jssor$.$CssOverflow(_SlidesContainer, "hidden");
+ //link container
+ {
+ _LinkContainer = CreatePanel();
+ $Jssor$.$Css(_LinkContainer, "backgroundColor", "#000");
+ $Jssor$.$CssOpacity(_LinkContainer, 0);
+ $Jssor$.$InsertBefore(_SlideboardElmt, _LinkContainer, _SlideboardElmt.firstChild);
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < _SlideElmts.length; i++) {
+ var slideElmt = _SlideElmts[i];
+ var slideItem = new SlideItem(slideElmt, i);
+ _SlideItems.push(slideItem);
+ }
+ $Jssor$.$HideElement(_LoadingContainer);
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ $Jssor$.$Attribute(_LoadingContainer, "debug-id", "loading-container");
+ });
+ _Carousel = new Carousel()
+ _CarouselPlayer = new CarouselPlayer(_Carousel, _Slideshow);
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ $Jssor$.$Attribute(_SlideboardElmt, "debug-id", "slide-board");
+ });
+ if (_DragEnabled) {
+ $Jssor$.$AddEvent(_SlidesContainer, _DownEvent, OnMouseDown);
+ $Jssor$.$AddEvent(document, _UpEvent, OnDragEnd);
+ _CancelEvent && $Jssor$.$AddEvent(document, _CancelEvent, OnDragEnd);
+ }
+ }
+ //SlideBoard
+ _HoverToPause &= (_HandleTouchEventOnly ? 10 : 5);
+ //Bullet Navigator
+ if (_BulletNavigatorContainer && _BulletNavigatorOptions) {
+ _BulletNavigator = new _BulletNavigatorOptions.$Class(_BulletNavigatorContainer, _BulletNavigatorOptions, OriginalWidth(), OriginalHeight());
+ _Navigators.push(_BulletNavigator);
+ }
+ //Arrow Navigator
+ if (_ArrowNavigatorOptions && _ArrowLeft && _ArrowRight) {
+ _ArrowNavigator = new _ArrowNavigatorOptions.$Class(_ArrowLeft, _ArrowRight, _ArrowNavigatorOptions, OriginalWidth(), OriginalHeight());
+ _Navigators.push(_ArrowNavigator);
+ }
+ //Thumbnail Navigator
+ if (_ThumbnailNavigatorContainer && _ThumbnailNavigatorOptions) {
+ _ThumbnailNavigatorOptions.$StartIndex = _Options.$StartIndex;
+ _ThumbnailNavigator = new _ThumbnailNavigatorOptions.$Class(_ThumbnailNavigatorContainer, _ThumbnailNavigatorOptions);
+ _Navigators.push(_ThumbnailNavigator);
+ }
+ $Jssor$.$Each(_Navigators, function (navigator) {
+ navigator.$Reset(_SlideCount, _SlideItems, _LoadingContainer);
+ navigator.$On($JssorNavigatorEvents$.$NAVIGATIONREQUEST, NavigationClickHandler);
+ });
+ Scale(OriginalWidth());
+ $Jssor$.$AddEvent(elmt, "mouseout", $Jssor$.$MouseOverOutFilter(MainContainerMouseLeaveEventHandler, elmt));
+ $Jssor$.$AddEvent(elmt, "mouseover", $Jssor$.$MouseOverOutFilter(MainContainerMouseEnterEventHandler, elmt));
+ ShowNavigators();
+ //Keyboard Navigation
+ if (_Options.$ArrowKeyNavigation) {
+ $Jssor$.$AddEvent(document, "keydown", function (e) {
+ if (e.keyCode == $JssorKeyCode$.$LEFT) {
+ //Arrow Left
+ PlayToOffset(-1);
+ }
+ else if (e.keyCode == $JssorKeyCode$.$RIGHT) {
+ //Arrow Right
+ PlayToOffset(1);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ var startPosition = _Options.$StartIndex;
+ if (!(_Loop & 1)) {
+ startPosition = Math.max(0, Math.min(startPosition, _SlideCount - _DisplayPieces));
+ }
+ _CarouselPlayer.$PlayCarousel(startPosition, startPosition, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ //Jssor Slider
+ JssorSlider.$EVT_CLICK = 21;
+ JssorSlider.$EVT_DRAG_START = 22;
+ JssorSlider.$EVT_DRAG_END = 23;
+ JssorSlider.$EVT_SWIPE_START = 24;
+ JssorSlider.$EVT_SWIPE_END = 25;
+ JssorSlider.$EVT_LOAD_START = 26;
+ JssorSlider.$EVT_LOAD_END = 27;
+ JssorSlider.$EVT_FREEZE = 28;
+ JssorSlider.$EVT_POSITION_CHANGE = 202;
+ JssorSlider.$EVT_PARK = 203;
+ JssorSlider.$EVT_SLIDESHOW_START = 206;
+ JssorSlider.$EVT_SLIDESHOW_END = 207;
+ JssorSlider.$EVT_PROGRESS_CHANGE = 208;
+ JssorSlider.$EVT_STATE_CHANGE = 209;
+ JssorSlider.$EVT_ROLLBACK_START = 210;
+ JssorSlider.$EVT_ROLLBACK_END = 211;
+ window.$JssorSlider$ = $JssorSlider$ = JssorSlider;
+ //(function ($) {
+ // jQuery.fn.jssorSlider = function (options) {
+ // return this.each(function () {
+ // return $(this).data('jssorSlider') || $(this).data('jssorSlider', new JssorSlider(this, options));
+ // });
+ // };
+ //})(jQuery);
+ //window.jQuery && (jQuery.fn.jssorSlider = function (options) {
+ // return this.each(function () {
+ // return jQuery(this).data('jssorSlider') || jQuery(this).data('jssorSlider', new JssorSlider(this, options));
+ // });
+ //});
+var $JssorNavigatorEvents$ = {
+ $RESET: 3
+var $JssorBulletNavigator$ = window.$JssorBulletNavigator$ = function (elmt, options, containerWidth, containerHeight) {
+ var self = this;
+ $JssorObject$.call(self);
+ elmt = $Jssor$.$GetElement(elmt);
+ var _Count;
+ var _Length;
+ var _Width;
+ var _Height;
+ var _CurrentIndex;
+ var _CurrentInnerIndex = 0;
+ var _Options;
+ var _Steps;
+ var _Lanes;
+ var _SpacingX;
+ var _SpacingY;
+ var _Orientation;
+ var _ItemPrototype;
+ var _PrototypeWidth;
+ var _PrototypeHeight;
+ var _ButtonElements = [];
+ var _Buttons = [];
+ function Highlight(index) {
+ if (index != -1)
+ _Buttons[index].$Activate(index == _CurrentInnerIndex);
+ }
+ function OnNavigationRequest(index) {
+ self.$TriggerEvent($JssorNavigatorEvents$.$NAVIGATIONREQUEST, index * _Steps);
+ }
+ self.$Elmt = elmt;
+ self.$GetCurrentIndex = function () {
+ return _CurrentIndex;
+ };
+ self.$SetCurrentIndex = function (index) {
+ if (index != _CurrentIndex) {
+ var lastInnerIndex = _CurrentInnerIndex;
+ var innerIndex = Math.floor(index / _Steps);
+ _CurrentInnerIndex = innerIndex;
+ _CurrentIndex = index;
+ Highlight(lastInnerIndex);
+ Highlight(innerIndex);
+ //self.$TriggerEvent($JssorNavigatorEvents$.$INDEXCHANGE, index);
+ }
+ };
+ self.$Show = function (show) {
+ $Jssor$.$ShowElement(elmt, show);
+ };
+ var _Located;
+ self.$Relocate = function (force) {
+ if (!_Located || _Options.$Scale == false) {
+ if (_Options.$AutoCenter & 1) {
+ $Jssor$.$CssLeft(elmt, (containerWidth - _Width) / 2);
+ }
+ if (_Options.$AutoCenter & 2) {
+ $Jssor$.$CssTop(elmt, (containerHeight - _Height) / 2);
+ }
+ _Located = true;
+ }
+ };
+ var _Initialized;
+ self.$Reset = function (length) {
+ if (!_Initialized) {
+ _Length = length;
+ _Count = Math.ceil(length / _Steps);
+ _CurrentInnerIndex = 0;
+ var itemOffsetX = _PrototypeWidth + _SpacingX;
+ var itemOffsetY = _PrototypeHeight + _SpacingY;
+ var maxIndex = Math.ceil(_Count / _Lanes) - 1;
+ _Width = _PrototypeWidth + itemOffsetX * (!_Orientation ? maxIndex : _Lanes - 1);
+ _Height = _PrototypeHeight + itemOffsetY * (_Orientation ? maxIndex : _Lanes - 1);
+ $Jssor$.$CssWidth(elmt, _Width);
+ $Jssor$.$CssHeight(elmt, _Height);
+ //self.$Relocate(true);
+ for (var buttonIndex = 0; buttonIndex < _Count; buttonIndex++) {
+ var numberDiv = $Jssor$.$CreateSpan();
+ $Jssor$.$InnerText(numberDiv, buttonIndex + 1);
+ var div = $Jssor$.$BuildElement(_ItemPrototype, "NumberTemplate", numberDiv, true);
+ $Jssor$.$CssPosition(div, "absolute");
+ var columnIndex = buttonIndex % (maxIndex + 1);
+ $Jssor$.$CssLeft(div, !_Orientation ? itemOffsetX * columnIndex : buttonIndex % _Lanes * itemOffsetX);
+ $Jssor$.$CssTop(div, _Orientation ? itemOffsetY * columnIndex : Math.floor(buttonIndex / (maxIndex + 1)) * itemOffsetY);
+ $Jssor$.$AppendChild(elmt, div);
+ _ButtonElements[buttonIndex] = div;
+ if (_Options.$ActionMode & 1)
+ $Jssor$.$AddEvent(div, "click", $Jssor$.$CreateCallback(null, OnNavigationRequest, buttonIndex));
+ if (_Options.$ActionMode & 2)
+ $Jssor$.$AddEvent(div, "mouseover", $Jssor$.$MouseOverOutFilter($Jssor$.$CreateCallback(null, OnNavigationRequest, buttonIndex), div));
+ _Buttons[buttonIndex] = $Jssor$.$Buttonize(div);
+ }
+ //self.$TriggerEvent($JssorNavigatorEvents$.$RESET);
+ _Initialized = true;
+ }
+ };
+ //JssorBulletNavigator Constructor
+ {
+ self.$Options = _Options = $Jssor$.$Extend({
+ $SpacingX: 0,
+ $SpacingY: 0,
+ $Orientation: 1,
+ $ActionMode: 1
+ }, options);
+ //Sodo statement for development time intellisence only
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ _Options = $Jssor$.$Extend({
+ $Steps: undefined,
+ $Lanes: undefined
+ }, _Options);
+ });
+ _ItemPrototype = $Jssor$.$FindFirstChild(elmt, "prototype");
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ if (!_ItemPrototype)
+ $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Navigator item prototype not defined.");
+ if (isNaN($Jssor$.$CssWidth(_ItemPrototype))) {
+ $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Width of 'navigator item prototype' not specified.");
+ }
+ if (isNaN($Jssor$.$CssHeight(_ItemPrototype))) {
+ $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Height of 'navigator item prototype' not specified.");
+ }
+ });
+ _PrototypeWidth = $Jssor$.$CssWidth(_ItemPrototype);
+ _PrototypeHeight = $Jssor$.$CssHeight(_ItemPrototype);
+ $Jssor$.$RemoveChild(elmt, _ItemPrototype);
+ _Steps = _Options.$Steps || 1;
+ _Lanes = _Options.$Lanes || 1;
+ _SpacingX = _Options.$SpacingX;
+ _SpacingY = _Options.$SpacingY;
+ _Orientation = _Options.$Orientation - 1;
+ }
+var $JssorArrowNavigator$ = window.$JssorArrowNavigator$ = function (arrowLeft, arrowRight, options, containerWidth, containerHeight) {
+ var self = this;
+ $JssorObject$.call(self);
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ //var arrowLeft = $Jssor$.$FindFirstChild(elmt, "arrowleft", null, uiSearchMode);
+ //var arrowRight = $Jssor$.$FindFirstChild(elmt, "arrowright", null, uiSearchMode);
+ if (!arrowLeft)
+ $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Option '$ArrowNavigatorOptions' spepcified, but UI 'arrowleft' not defined. Define 'arrowleft' to enable direct navigation, or remove option '$ArrowNavigatorOptions' to disable direct navigation.");
+ if (!arrowRight)
+ $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Option '$ArrowNavigatorOptions' spepcified, but UI 'arrowright' not defined. Define 'arrowright' to enable direct navigation, or remove option '$ArrowNavigatorOptions' to disable direct navigation.");
+ if (isNaN($Jssor$.$CssWidth(arrowLeft))) {
+ $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Width of 'arrow left' not specified.");
+ }
+ if (isNaN($Jssor$.$CssWidth(arrowRight))) {
+ $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Width of 'arrow right' not specified.");
+ }
+ if (isNaN($Jssor$.$CssHeight(arrowLeft))) {
+ $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Height of 'arrow left' not specified.");
+ }
+ if (isNaN($Jssor$.$CssHeight(arrowRight))) {
+ $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Height of 'arrow right' not specified.");
+ }
+ });
+ //var arrowLeft = $Jssor$.$FindFirstChild(elmt, "arrowleft", null, uiSearchMode);
+ //var arrowRight = $Jssor$.$FindFirstChild(elmt, "arrowright", null, uiSearchMode);
+ var _Length;
+ var _CurrentIndex;
+ var _Options;
+ var _Steps;
+ var _ArrowWidth = $Jssor$.$CssWidth(arrowLeft);
+ var _ArrowHeight = $Jssor$.$CssHeight(arrowLeft);
+ function OnNavigationRequest(steps) {
+ self.$TriggerEvent($JssorNavigatorEvents$.$NAVIGATIONREQUEST, steps, true);
+ }
+ self.$GetCurrentIndex = function () {
+ return _CurrentIndex;
+ };
+ self.$SetCurrentIndex = function (index, virtualIndex, temp) {
+ if (temp) {
+ _CurrentIndex = virtualIndex;
+ }
+ else {
+ _CurrentIndex = index;
+ }
+ //self.$TriggerEvent($JssorNavigatorEvents$.$INDEXCHANGE, index);
+ };
+ self.$Show = function (show) {
+ $Jssor$.$ShowElement(arrowLeft, show);
+ $Jssor$.$ShowElement(arrowRight, show);
+ };
+ var _Located;
+ self.$Relocate = function (force) {
+ if (!_Located || _Options.$Scale == false) {
+ if (_Options.$AutoCenter & 1) {
+ $Jssor$.$CssLeft(arrowLeft, (containerWidth - _ArrowWidth) / 2);
+ $Jssor$.$CssLeft(arrowRight, (containerWidth - _ArrowWidth) / 2);
+ }
+ if (_Options.$AutoCenter & 2) {
+ $Jssor$.$CssTop(arrowLeft, (containerHeight - _ArrowHeight) / 2);
+ $Jssor$.$CssTop(arrowRight, (containerHeight - _ArrowHeight) / 2);
+ }
+ _Located = true;
+ }
+ };
+ var _Initialized;
+ self.$Reset = function (length) {
+ _Length = length;
+ _CurrentIndex = 0;
+ if (!_Initialized) {
+ //self.$Relocate(true);
+ $Jssor$.$AddEvent(arrowLeft, "click", $Jssor$.$CreateCallback(null, OnNavigationRequest, -_Steps));
+ $Jssor$.$AddEvent(arrowRight, "click", $Jssor$.$CreateCallback(null, OnNavigationRequest, _Steps));
+ $Jssor$.$Buttonize(arrowLeft);
+ $Jssor$.$Buttonize(arrowRight);
+ _Initialized = true;
+ }
+ //self.$TriggerEvent($JssorNavigatorEvents$.$RESET);
+ };
+ //JssorArrowNavigator Constructor
+ {
+ self.$Options = _Options = $Jssor$.$Extend({
+ $Steps: 1
+ }, options);
+ _Steps = _Options.$Steps;
+ }
+var $JssorThumbnailNavigator$ = window.$JssorThumbnailNavigator$ = function (elmt, options) {
+ var _Self = this;
+ var _Length;
+ var _Count;
+ var _CurrentIndex;
+ var _Options;
+ var _NavigationItems = [];
+ var _Width;
+ var _Height;
+ var _Lanes;
+ var _SpacingX;
+ var _SpacingY;
+ var _PrototypeWidth;
+ var _PrototypeHeight;
+ var _DisplayPieces;
+ var _Slider;
+ var _CurrentMouseOverIndex = -1;
+ var _SlidesContainer;
+ var _ThumbnailPrototype;
+ $JssorObject$.call(_Self);
+ elmt = $Jssor$.$GetElement(elmt);
+ function NavigationItem(item, index) {
+ var self = this;
+ var _Wrapper;
+ var _Button;
+ var _Thumbnail;
+ function Highlight(mouseStatus) {
+ _Button.$Activate(_CurrentIndex == index);
+ }
+ function OnNavigationRequest(event) {
+ if (!_Slider.$LastDragSucceded()) {
+ var tail = _Lanes - index % _Lanes;
+ var slideVirtualIndex = _Slider.$GetVirtualIndex((index + tail) / _Lanes - 1);
+ var itemVirtualIndex = slideVirtualIndex * _Lanes + _Lanes - tail;
+ _Self.$TriggerEvent($JssorNavigatorEvents$.$NAVIGATIONREQUEST, itemVirtualIndex);
+ }
+ //$JssorDebug$.$Log("navigation request");
+ }
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ self.$Wrapper = undefined;
+ });
+ self.$Index = index;
+ self.$Highlight = Highlight;
+ //NavigationItem Constructor
+ {
+ _Thumbnail = item.$Thumb || item.$Image || $Jssor$.$CreateDiv();
+ self.$Wrapper = _Wrapper = $Jssor$.$BuildElement(_ThumbnailPrototype, "ThumbnailTemplate", _Thumbnail, true);
+ _Button = $Jssor$.$Buttonize(_Wrapper);
+ if (_Options.$ActionMode & 1)
+ $Jssor$.$AddEvent(_Wrapper, "click", OnNavigationRequest);
+ if (_Options.$ActionMode & 2)
+ $Jssor$.$AddEvent(_Wrapper, "mouseover", $Jssor$.$MouseOverOutFilter(OnNavigationRequest, _Wrapper));
+ }
+ }
+ _Self.$GetCurrentIndex = function () {
+ return _CurrentIndex;
+ };
+ _Self.$SetCurrentIndex = function (index, virtualIndex, temp) {
+ var oldIndex = _CurrentIndex;
+ _CurrentIndex = index;
+ if (oldIndex != -1)
+ _NavigationItems[oldIndex].$Highlight();
+ _NavigationItems[index].$Highlight();
+ if (!temp) {
+ _Slider.$PlayTo(_Slider.$GetVirtualIndex(Math.floor(virtualIndex / _Lanes)));
+ }
+ };
+ _Self.$Show = function (show) {
+ $Jssor$.$ShowElement(elmt, show);
+ };
+ _Self.$Relocate = $Jssor$.$EmptyFunction;
+ var _Initialized;
+ _Self.$Reset = function (length, items, loadingContainer) {
+ if (!_Initialized) {
+ _Length = length;
+ _Count = Math.ceil(_Length / _Lanes);
+ _CurrentIndex = -1;
+ _DisplayPieces = Math.min(_DisplayPieces, items.length);
+ var horizontal = _Options.$Orientation & 1;
+ var slideWidth = _PrototypeWidth + (_PrototypeWidth + _SpacingX) * (_Lanes - 1) * (1 - horizontal);
+ var slideHeight = _PrototypeHeight + (_PrototypeHeight + _SpacingY) * (_Lanes - 1) * horizontal;
+ var slidesContainerWidth = slideWidth + (slideWidth + _SpacingX) * (_DisplayPieces - 1) * horizontal;
+ var slidesContainerHeight = slideHeight + (slideHeight + _SpacingY) * (_DisplayPieces - 1) * (1 - horizontal);
+ $Jssor$.$CssPosition(_SlidesContainer, "absolute");
+ $Jssor$.$CssOverflow(_SlidesContainer, "hidden");
+ if (_Options.$AutoCenter & 1) {
+ $Jssor$.$CssLeft(_SlidesContainer, (_Width - slidesContainerWidth) / 2);
+ }
+ if (_Options.$AutoCenter & 2) {
+ $Jssor$.$CssTop(_SlidesContainer, (_Height - slidesContainerHeight) / 2);
+ }
+ //$JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ // if (!_Options.$AutoCenter) {
+ // var slidesContainerTop = $Jssor$.$CssTop(_SlidesContainer);
+ // var slidesContainerLeft = $Jssor$.$CssLeft(_SlidesContainer);
+ // if (isNaN(slidesContainerTop)) {
+ // $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Position 'top' wrong specification of thumbnail navigator slides container (<div u=\"thumbnavigator\">...<div u=\"slides\">), \r\nwhen option $ThumbnailNavigatorOptions.$AutoCenter set to 0, it should be specified by inline style in pixels (like <div u=\"slides\" style=\"top: 0px;\">)");
+ // }
+ // if (isNaN(slidesContainerLeft)) {
+ // $JssorDebug$.$Fail("Position 'left' wrong specification of thumbnail navigator slides container (<div u=\"thumbnavigator\">...<div u=\"slides\">), \r\nwhen option $ThumbnailNavigatorOptions.$AutoCenter set to 0, it should be specified by inline style in pixels (like <div u=\"slides\" style=\"left: 0px;\">)");
+ // }
+ // }
+ //});
+ $Jssor$.$CssWidth(_SlidesContainer, slidesContainerWidth);
+ $Jssor$.$CssHeight(_SlidesContainer, slidesContainerHeight);
+ var slideItemElmts = [];
+ $Jssor$.$Each(items, function (item, index) {
+ var navigationItem = new NavigationItem(item, index);
+ var navigationItemWrapper = navigationItem.$Wrapper;
+ var columnIndex = Math.floor(index / _Lanes);
+ var laneIndex = index % _Lanes;
+ $Jssor$.$CssLeft(navigationItemWrapper, (_PrototypeWidth + _SpacingX) * laneIndex * (1 - horizontal));
+ $Jssor$.$CssTop(navigationItemWrapper, (_PrototypeHeight + _SpacingY) * laneIndex * horizontal);
+ if (!slideItemElmts[columnIndex]) {
+ slideItemElmts[columnIndex] = $Jssor$.$CreateDiv();
+ $Jssor$.$AppendChild(_SlidesContainer, slideItemElmts[columnIndex]);
+ }
+ $Jssor$.$AppendChild(slideItemElmts[columnIndex], navigationItemWrapper);
+ _NavigationItems.push(navigationItem);
+ });
+ var thumbnailSliderOptions = $Jssor$.$Extend({
+ $AutoPlay: false,
+ $NaviQuitDrag: false,
+ $SlideWidth: slideWidth,
+ $SlideHeight: slideHeight,
+ $SlideSpacing: _SpacingX * horizontal + _SpacingY * (1 - horizontal),
+ $MinDragOffsetToSlide: 12,
+ $SlideDuration: 200,
+ $PauseOnHover: 1,
+ $PlayOrientation: _Options.$Orientation,
+ $DragOrientation: _Options.$DisableDrag ? 0 : _Options.$Orientation
+ }, _Options);
+ _Slider = new $JssorSlider$(elmt, thumbnailSliderOptions);
+ _Initialized = true;
+ }
+ //_Self.$TriggerEvent($JssorNavigatorEvents$.$RESET);
+ };
+ //JssorThumbnailNavigator Constructor
+ {
+ _Self.$Options = _Options = $Jssor$.$Extend({
+ $SpacingX: 3,
+ $SpacingY: 3,
+ $DisplayPieces: 1,
+ $Orientation: 1,
+ $AutoCenter: 3,
+ $ActionMode: 1
+ }, options);
+ //Sodo statement for development time intellisence only
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ _Options = $Jssor$.$Extend({
+ $Lanes: undefined,
+ $Width: undefined,
+ $Height: undefined
+ }, _Options);
+ });
+ _Width = $Jssor$.$CssWidth(elmt);
+ _Height = $Jssor$.$CssHeight(elmt);
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ if (!_Width)
+ $JssorDebug$.$Fail("width of 'thumbnavigator' container not specified.");
+ if (!_Height)
+ $JssorDebug$.$Fail("height of 'thumbnavigator' container not specified.");
+ });
+ _SlidesContainer = $Jssor$.$FindFirstChild(elmt, "slides");
+ _ThumbnailPrototype = $Jssor$.$FindFirstChild(_SlidesContainer, "prototype");
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ if (!_ThumbnailPrototype)
+ $JssorDebug$.$Fail("prototype of 'thumbnavigator' not defined.");
+ });
+ _PrototypeWidth = $Jssor$.$CssWidth(_ThumbnailPrototype);
+ _PrototypeHeight = $Jssor$.$CssHeight(_ThumbnailPrototype);
+ $Jssor$.$RemoveChild(_SlidesContainer, _ThumbnailPrototype);
+ _Lanes = _Options.$Lanes || 1;
+ _SpacingX = _Options.$SpacingX;
+ _SpacingY = _Options.$SpacingY;
+ _DisplayPieces = _Options.$DisplayPieces;
+ }
+function $JssorCaptionSliderBase$() {
+ $JssorAnimator$.call(this, 0, 0);
+ this.$Revert = $Jssor$.$EmptyFunction;
+var $JssorCaptionSlider$ = window.$JssorCaptionSlider$ = function (container, captionSlideOptions, playIn) {
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ if (!captionSlideOptions.$CaptionTransitions) {
+ $JssorDebug$.$Error("'$CaptionSliderOptions' option error, '$CaptionSliderOptions.$CaptionTransitions' not specified.");
+ }
+ //else if (!$Jssor$.$IsArray(captionSlideOptions.$CaptionTransitions)) {
+ // $JssorDebug$.$Error("'$CaptionSliderOptions' option error, '$CaptionSliderOptions.$CaptionTransitions' is not an array.");
+ //}
+ });
+ var _Self = this;
+ var _ImmediateOutCaptionHanger;
+ var _PlayMode = playIn ? captionSlideOptions.$PlayInMode : captionSlideOptions.$PlayOutMode;
+ var _CaptionTransitions = captionSlideOptions.$CaptionTransitions;
+ var _CaptionTuningFetcher = { $Transition: "t", $Delay: "d", $Duration: "du", x: "x", y: "y", $Rotate: "r", $Zoom: "z", $Opacity: "f", $BeginTime: "b" };
+ var _CaptionTuningTransfer = {
+ $Default: function (value, tuningValue) {
+ if (!isNaN(tuningValue.$Value))
+ value = tuningValue.$Value;
+ else
+ value *= tuningValue.$Percent;
+ return value;
+ },
+ $Opacity: function (value, tuningValue) {
+ return this.$Default(value - 1, tuningValue);
+ }
+ };
+ _CaptionTuningTransfer.$Zoom = _CaptionTuningTransfer.$Opacity;
+ $JssorAnimator$.call(_Self, 0, 0);
+ function GetCaptionItems(element, level) {
+ var itemsToPlay = [];
+ var lastTransitionName;
+ var namedTransitions = [];
+ var namedTransitionOrders = [];
+ //$JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ // var debugInfoElement = $Jssor$.$GetElement("debugInfo");
+ // if (debugInfoElement && playIn) {
+ // var text = $Jssor.$InnerHtml(debugInfoElement) + "<br>";
+ // $Jssor$.$InnerHtml(debugInfoElement, text);
+ // }
+ //});
+ function FetchRawTransition(captionElmt, index) {
+ var rawTransition = {};
+ $Jssor$.$Each(_CaptionTuningFetcher, function (fetchAttribute, fetchProperty) {
+ var attributeValue = $Jssor$.$AttributeEx(captionElmt, fetchAttribute + (index || ""));
+ if (attributeValue) {
+ var propertyValue = {};
+ if (fetchAttribute == "t") {
+ //if (($Jssor$.$IsBrowserChrome() || $Jssor$.$IsBrowserSafari() || $Jssor$.$IsBrowserFireFox()) && attributeValue == "*") {
+ // attributeValue = Math.floor(Math.random() * captionSlideOptions.$CaptionTransitions.length);
+ // $Jssor$.$Attribute(captionElmt, fetchAttribute + (index || ""), attributeValue);
+ //}
+ propertyValue.$Value = attributeValue;
+ }
+ else if (attributeValue.indexOf("%") + 1)
+ propertyValue.$Percent = $Jssor$.$ParseFloat(attributeValue) / 100;
+ else
+ propertyValue.$Value = $Jssor$.$ParseFloat(attributeValue);
+ rawTransition[fetchProperty] = propertyValue;
+ }
+ });
+ return rawTransition;
+ }
+ function GetRandomTransition() {
+ //return _CaptionTransitions.length && _CaptionTransitions[Math.floor(Math.random() * 42737 / (i + 1)) % _CaptionTransitions.length];
+ return _CaptionTransitions[Math.floor(Math.random() * _CaptionTransitions.length)];
+ }
+ function EvaluateCaptionTransition(transitionName) {
+ var transition;
+ if (transitionName == "*") {
+ transition = GetRandomTransition();
+ }
+ else if (transitionName) {
+ //indexed transition allowed, just the same as named transition
+ var tempTransition = _CaptionTransitions[$Jssor$.$ParseInt(transitionName)] || _CaptionTransitions[transitionName];
+ if ($Jssor$.$IsArray(tempTransition)) {
+ if (transitionName != lastTransitionName) {
+ lastTransitionName = transitionName;
+ namedTransitionOrders[transitionName] = 0;
+ namedTransitions[transitionName] = tempTransition[Math.floor(Math.random() * tempTransition.length)];
+ }
+ else {
+ namedTransitionOrders[transitionName]++;
+ }
+ tempTransition = namedTransitions[transitionName];
+ if ($Jssor$.$IsArray(tempTransition)) {
+ tempTransition = tempTransition.length && tempTransition[namedTransitionOrders[transitionName] % tempTransition.length];
+ if ($Jssor$.$IsArray(tempTransition)) {
+ //got transition from array level 3, random for all captions
+ tempTransition = tempTransition[Math.floor(Math.random() * tempTransition.length)];
+ }
+ //else {
+ // //got transition from array level 2, in sequence for all adjacent captions with same name specified
+ // transition = tempTransition;
+ //}
+ }
+ //else {
+ // //got transition from array level 1, random but same for all adjacent captions with same name specified
+ // transition = tempTransition;
+ //}
+ }
+ //else {
+ // //got transition directly from a simple transition object
+ // transition = tempTransition;
+ //}
+ transition = tempTransition;
+ if ($Jssor$.$IsString(transition))
+ transition = EvaluateCaptionTransition(transition);
+ }
+ return transition;
+ }
+ var captionElmts = $Jssor$.$Children(element);
+ $Jssor$.$Each(captionElmts, function (captionElmt, i) {
+ var transitionsWithTuning = [];
+ transitionsWithTuning.$Elmt = captionElmt;
+ var isCaption = $Jssor$.$AttributeEx(captionElmt, "u") == "caption";
+ $Jssor$.$Each(playIn ? [0, 3] : [2], function (j, k) {
+ if (isCaption) {
+ var transition;
+ var rawTransition;
+ if (j != 2 || !$Jssor$.$AttributeEx(captionElmt, "t3")) {
+ rawTransition = FetchRawTransition(captionElmt, j);
+ if (j == 2 && !rawTransition.$Transition) {
+ rawTransition.$Delay = rawTransition.$Delay || { $Value: 0 };
+ rawTransition = $Jssor$.$Extend(FetchRawTransition(captionElmt, 0), rawTransition);
+ }
+ }
+ if (rawTransition && rawTransition.$Transition) {
+ transition = EvaluateCaptionTransition(rawTransition.$Transition.$Value);
+ if (transition) {
+ //var transitionWithTuning = $Jssor$.$Extend({ $Delay: 0, $ScaleHorizontal: 1, $ScaleVertical: 1 }, transition);
+ var transitionWithTuning = $Jssor$.$Extend({ $Delay: 0 }, transition);
+ $Jssor$.$Each(rawTransition, function (rawPropertyValue, propertyName) {
+ var tuningPropertyValue = (_CaptionTuningTransfer[propertyName] || _CaptionTuningTransfer.$Default).apply(_CaptionTuningTransfer, [transitionWithTuning[propertyName], rawTransition[propertyName]]);
+ if (!isNaN(tuningPropertyValue))
+ transitionWithTuning[propertyName] = tuningPropertyValue;
+ });
+ if (!k) {
+ if (rawTransition.$BeginTime)
+ transitionWithTuning.$BeginTime = rawTransition.$BeginTime.$Value || 0;
+ else if ((_PlayMode) & 2)
+ transitionWithTuning.$BeginTime = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ transitionsWithTuning.push(transitionWithTuning);
+ }
+ if ((level % 2) && !k) {
+ //transitionsWithTuning.$Children = GetCaptionItems(captionElmt, lastTransitionName, [].concat(namedTransitions), [].concat(namedTransitionOrders), level + 1);
+ transitionsWithTuning.$Children = GetCaptionItems(captionElmt, level + 1);
+ }
+ });
+ itemsToPlay.push(transitionsWithTuning);
+ });
+ return itemsToPlay;
+ }
+ function CreateAnimator(item, transition, immediateOut) {
+ var animatorOptions = {
+ $Easing: transition.$Easing,
+ $Round: transition.$Round,
+ $During: transition.$During,
+ $Reverse: playIn && !immediateOut,
+ $Optimize: true
+ };
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ animatorOptions.$CaptionAnimator = true;
+ });
+ var captionItem = item;
+ var captionParent = $Jssor$.$ParentNode(item);
+ var captionItemWidth = $Jssor$.$CssWidth(captionItem);
+ var captionItemHeight = $Jssor$.$CssHeight(captionItem);
+ var captionParentWidth = $Jssor$.$CssWidth(captionParent);
+ var captionParentHeight = $Jssor$.$CssHeight(captionParent);
+ var toStyles = {};
+ var fromStyles = {};
+ var scaleClip = transition.$ScaleClip || 1;
+ //Opacity
+ if (transition.$Opacity) {
+ toStyles.$Opacity = 2 - transition.$Opacity;
+ }
+ animatorOptions.$OriginalWidth = captionItemWidth;
+ animatorOptions.$OriginalHeight = captionItemHeight;
+ //Transform
+ if (transition.$Zoom || transition.$Rotate) {
+ toStyles.$Zoom = transition.$Zoom ? transition.$Zoom - 1 : 1;
+ if ($Jssor$.$IsBrowserIe9Earlier() || $Jssor$.$IsBrowserOpera())
+ toStyles.$Zoom = Math.min(toStyles.$Zoom, 2);
+ fromStyles.$Zoom = 1;
+ var rotate = transition.$Rotate || 0;
+ toStyles.$Rotate = rotate * 360;
+ fromStyles.$Rotate = 0;
+ }
+ //Clip
+ else if (transition.$Clip) {
+ var fromStyleClip = { $Top: 0, $Right: captionItemWidth, $Bottom: captionItemHeight, $Left: 0 };
+ var toStyleClip = $Jssor$.$Extend({}, fromStyleClip);
+ var blockOffset = toStyleClip.$Offset = {};
+ var topBenchmark = transition.$Clip & 4;
+ var bottomBenchmark = transition.$Clip & 8;
+ var leftBenchmark = transition.$Clip & 1;
+ var rightBenchmark = transition.$Clip & 2;
+ if (topBenchmark && bottomBenchmark) {
+ blockOffset.$Top = captionItemHeight / 2 * scaleClip;
+ blockOffset.$Bottom = -blockOffset.$Top;
+ }
+ else if (topBenchmark)
+ blockOffset.$Bottom = -captionItemHeight * scaleClip;
+ else if (bottomBenchmark)
+ blockOffset.$Top = captionItemHeight * scaleClip;
+ if (leftBenchmark && rightBenchmark) {
+ blockOffset.$Left = captionItemWidth / 2 * scaleClip;
+ blockOffset.$Right = -blockOffset.$Left;
+ }
+ else if (leftBenchmark)
+ blockOffset.$Right = -captionItemWidth * scaleClip;
+ else if (rightBenchmark)
+ blockOffset.$Left = captionItemWidth * scaleClip;
+ animatorOptions.$Move = transition.$Move;
+ toStyles.$Clip = toStyleClip;
+ fromStyles.$Clip = fromStyleClip;
+ }
+ //Fly
+ {
+ var toLeft = 0;
+ var toTop = 0;
+ if (transition.x)
+ toLeft -= captionParentWidth * transition.x;
+ if (transition.y)
+ toTop -= captionParentHeight * transition.y;
+ if (toLeft || toTop || animatorOptions.$Move) {
+ toStyles.$Left = toLeft + $Jssor$.$CssLeft(captionItem);
+ toStyles.$Top = toTop + $Jssor$.$CssTop(captionItem);
+ }
+ }
+ //duration
+ var duration = transition.$Duration;
+ fromStyles = $Jssor$.$Extend(fromStyles, $Jssor$.$GetStyles(captionItem, toStyles));
+ animatorOptions.$Setter = $Jssor$.$StyleSetterEx();
+ return new $JssorAnimator$(transition.$Delay, duration, animatorOptions, captionItem, fromStyles, toStyles);
+ }
+ function CreateAnimators(streamLineLength, captionItems) {
+ $Jssor$.$Each(captionItems, function (captionItem, i) {
+ $JssorDebug$.$Execute(function () {
+ if (captionItem.length) {
+ var top = $Jssor$.$CssTop(captionItem.$Elmt);
+ var left = $Jssor$.$CssLeft(captionItem.$Elmt);
+ var width = $Jssor$.$CssWidth(captionItem.$Elmt);
+ var height = $Jssor$.$CssHeight(captionItem.$Elmt);
+ var error = null;
+ if (isNaN(top))
+ error = "Style 'top' for caption not specified. Please always specify caption like 'position: absolute; top: ...px; left: ...px; width: ...px; height: ...px;'.";
+ else if (isNaN(left))
+ error = "Style 'left' not specified. Please always specify caption like 'position: absolute; top: ...px; left: ...px; width: ...px; height: ...px;'.";
+ else if (isNaN(width))
+ error = "Style 'width' not specified. Please always specify caption like 'position: absolute; top: ...px; left: ...px; width: ...px; height: ...px;'.";
+ else if (isNaN(height))
+ error = "Style 'height' not specified. Please always specify caption like 'position: absolute; top: ...px; left: ...px; width: ...px; height: ...px;'.";
+ if (error)
+ $JssorDebug$.$Error("Caption " + (i + 1) + " definition error, \r\n" + error + "\r\n" + captionItem.$Elmt.outerHTML);
+ }
+ });
+ var animator;
+ var captionElmt = captionItem.$Elmt;
+ var transition = captionItem[0];
+ var transition3 = captionItem[1];
+ if (transition) {
+ animator = CreateAnimator(captionElmt, transition);
+ streamLineLength = animator.$Locate(transition.$BeginTime == undefined ? streamLineLength : transition.$BeginTime, 1);
+ }
+ streamLineLength = CreateAnimators(streamLineLength, captionItem.$Children);
+ if (transition3) {
+ var animator3 = CreateAnimator(captionElmt, transition3, 1);
+ animator3.$Locate(streamLineLength, 1);
+ _Self.$Combine(animator3);
+ _ImmediateOutCaptionHanger.$Combine(animator3);
+ }
+ if (animator)
+ _Self.$Combine(animator);
+ });
+ return streamLineLength;
+ }
+ _Self.$Revert = function () {
+ _Self.$GoToPosition(_Self.$GetPosition_OuterEnd() * (playIn || 0));
+ _ImmediateOutCaptionHanger.$GoToBegin();
+ };
+ //Constructor
+ {
+ _ImmediateOutCaptionHanger = new $JssorAnimator$(0, 0);
+ //var streamLineLength = 0;
+ //var captionItems = GetCaptionItems(container, null, [], [], 1);
+ CreateAnimators(0, _PlayMode ? GetCaptionItems(container, 1) : []);
+ }
+//Event Table
+//$EVT_CLICK = 21; function(slideIndex[, event])
+//$EVT_DRAG_START = 22; function(position[, virtualPosition, event])
+//$EVT_DRAG_END = 23; function(position, startPosition[, virtualPosition, virtualStartPosition, event])
+//$EVT_SWIPE_START = 24; function(position[, virtualPosition])
+//$EVT_SWIPE_END = 25; function(position[, virtualPosition])
+//$EVT_LOAD_START = 26; function(slideIndex)
+//$EVT_LOAD_END = 27; function(slideIndex)
+//$EVT_POSITION_CHANGE = 202; function(position, fromPosition[, virtualPosition, virtualFromPosition])
+//$EVT_PARK = 203; function(slideIndex, fromIndex)
+//$EVT_PROGRESS_CHANGE = 208; function(slideIndex, progress[, progressBegin, idleBegin, idleEnd, progressEnd])
+//$EVT_STATE_CHANGE = 209; function(slideIndex, progress[, progressBegin, idleBegin, idleEnd, progressEnd])
+//$EVT_ROLLBACK_START = 210; function(slideIndex, progress[, progressBegin, idleBegin, idleEnd, progressEnd])
+//$EVT_ROLLBACK_END = 211; function(slideIndex, progress[, progressBegin, idleBegin, idleEnd, progressEnd])
+//$EVT_SLIDESHOW_START = 206; function(slideIndex[, progressBegin, slideshowBegin, slideshowEnd, progressEnd])
+//$EVT_SLIDESHOW_END = 207; function(slideIndex[, progressBegin, slideshowBegin, slideshowEnd, progressEnd])
diff --git a/doc/_static/jssor.slider.mini.js b/doc/_static/jssor.slider.mini.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b69c55a..0000000
--- a/doc/_static/jssor.slider.mini.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-(function(g,f,b,d,c,e,z){/*! Jssor */
-$Jssor$=g.$Jssor$=g.$Jssor$||{};new(function(){});var m=function(){var b=this,a={};b.$On=b.addEventListener=function(b,c){if(typeof c!="function")return;if(!a[b])a[b]=[];a[b].push(c)};b.$Off=b.removeEventListener=function(e,d){var b=a[e];if(typeof d!="function")return;else if(!b)return;for(var c=0;c<b.length;c++)if(d==b[c]){b.splice(c,1);return}};b.g=function(e){var c=a[e],d=[];if(!c)return;for(var b=1;b<arguments.length;b++)d.push(arguments[b]);for(var b=0;b<c.length;b++)try{c[b].apply( [...]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/_templates/index.html b/doc/_templates/index.html
index d9bdf44..4b81976 100644
--- a/doc/_templates/index.html
+++ b/doc/_templates/index.html
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
{% extends "layout.html" %}
{% set title = 'PyTango documentation' %}
-{% set script_files = script_files + ["http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.min.js", "_static/jssor.slider.mini.js"] %}
+{% set script_files = script_files + ["http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.min.js",
+ "_static/jssor.js",
+ "_static/jssor.slider.js"] %}
{% block body %}
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