[Debian-tex-commits] SVN tex-common commit + diffs: r1990 - tex-common/trunk/doc/tds-1.1

Frank Küster frank at alioth.debian.org
Wed Dec 6 17:29:14 CET 2006

Author: frank
Date: 2006-12-06 17:29:14 +0100 (Wed, 06 Dec 2006)
New Revision: 1990

remove intermediate files, they'll be recreated every time

Deleted: tex-common/trunk/doc/tds-1.1/tds.texi
--- tex-common/trunk/doc/tds-1.1/tds.texi	2006-12-06 16:27:53 UTC (rev 1989)
+++ tex-common/trunk/doc/tds-1.1/tds.texi	2006-12-06 16:29:14 UTC (rev 1990)
@@ -1,1834 +0,0 @@
-% Id: tds.tex,v 1.43 2004/06/23 17:24:42 karl Exp 
-\input texinfo
- at setfilename tds.info
- at settitle A Directory Structure for TeX Files
- at set version 1.1
- at dircategory TeX
- at direntry
-* TeX Directories: (tds).       A directory structure for TeX files.
- at end direntry
- at titlepage
- at title A Directory Structure for TeX Files
- at subtitle Version @value{version}
- at author TUG Working Group on a TeX Directory Structure (TWG-TDS)
- at page
- at vskip 0pt plus 1filll
-Copyright @copyright{} 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2003, 2004
-TeX Users Group.
-Permission to use, copy, and distribute this document @emph{without
-modification} for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
-provided that this notice appears in all copies.  It is provided ``as
-is'' without expressed or implied warranty.
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
-document under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the
-modifications are clearly marked and the document is not represented as
-the official one.
-This document is available on any CTAN host
-(see Appendix at tie{}@ref{Related references}).
-Please send questions or suggestions by email to
- at email{tds@@tug.org}.  We welcome all comments.   This is version
- at value{version}.
- at end titlepage
- at ifnottex
- at node Top
- at top A Directory Structure for TeX Files
-Copyright @copyright{} 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2003, 2004
-TeX Users Group.
-Permission to use, copy, and distribute this document @emph{without
-modification} for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
-provided that this notice appears in all copies.  It is provided ``as
-is'' without expressed or implied warranty.
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
-document under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the
-modifications are clearly marked and the document is not represented as
-the official one.
-This document is available on any CTAN host
-(see Appendix at tie{}@ref{Related references}).
-Please send questions or suggestions by email to
- at email{tds@@tug.org}.  We welcome all comments.   This is version
- at value{version}.
- at menu
-* Introduction::		
-* General::			
-* Top-level directories::	
-* Summary::			
-* Unspecified pieces::		
-* Implementation issues::	
-* Is there a better way?::	
-* Related references::		
-* Contributors::		
- at detailmenu
- --- The Detailed Node Listing ---
-* History::			
-* The role of the TDS::		
-* Conventions::			
-* Subdirectory searching::	
-* Rooting the tree::		
-* Local additions::		
-* Duplicate filenames::		
-Top-level directories
-* Macros::			
-* Fonts::			
-* Non-font Metafont files::	
-* MetaPost::			
-* BibTeX::			
-* Scripts::			
-* Documentation::		
-* Extensions::			
-* Font bitmaps::		
-* Valid font bitmaps::		
-* Documentation tree summary::	
-Unspecified pieces
-* Portable filenames::		
-Implementation issues
-* Adoption of the TDS::		
-* More on subdirectory searching::  
-* Example implementation-specific trees::  
-Example implementation-specific trees
-* AmiWeb2c 2.0::		
-* Public DECUS TeX::		
-* Web2c 7::			
-Is there a better way?
-* Macro structure::		
-* Font structure::		
-* Documentation structure::	
-Font structure
-* Font file type location::	
-* Mode and resolution location::  
-* Modeless bitmaps::		
- at end detailmenu
- at end menu
- at end ifnottex
- at node Introduction
- at chapter Introduction
-TeX is a powerful, flexible typesetting system used by many people
-around the world.  It is extremely portable and runs on virtually all
-operating systems.  One unfortunate side effect of TeX's flexibility,
-however, is that there has been no single ``right'' way to install it.
-This has resulted in many sites having different installed arrangements.
-The primary purpose of this document is to describe a standard TeX
-Directory Structure (TDS): a directory hierarchy for macros,
-fonts, and the other implementation-independent TeX system files.  As
-a matter of practicality, this document also suggests ways to
-incorporate the rest of the TeX files into a single structure.  The
-TDS has been designed to work on all modern systems.  In
-particular, the Technical Working Group (TWG) believes it is usable
-under MacOS, MS-DOS, OS/2, Unix, VMS, and
-Windows NT at .  We hope that administrators and developers of both
-free and commercial TeX implementations will adopt this standard.
-This document is intended both for the TeX system administrator at a
-site and for people preparing TeX distributions---everything from a
-complete runnable system to a single macro or style file. It may also
-help TeX users find their way around systems organized this way.  It
-is not a tutorial: we necessarily assume knowledge of the many parts of
-a working TeX system. If you are unfamiliar with any of the programs
-or file formats we refer to, consult the references in
-Appendix at tie{}@ref{Related references}.
- at menu
-* History::			
-* The role of the TDS::		
-* Conventions::			
- at end menu
- at node History
- at section History
-Version 1.0 of the TDS was released in February 2003.
-Version 1.1 was released in June 2004, with the following non-editorial
- at itemize @bullet
- at item Inputs for TeX extensions included under @file{tex}, instead
-      of in their own top-level directories (Section at tie{}@ref{Extensions})
- at item New top-level directory @file{scripts} (Section at tie{}@ref{Scripts}).
- at item New subdirectories @file{lig}, @file{opentype},
-      @file{truetype}, and @file{type3} under @file{fonts}
-      (Section at tie{}@ref{Fonts}).
- at item @samp{enc},
- at file{lig}, and @file{map} all use
-      @file{@var{syntax}/@var{package}} subdirectories
-      (Section at tie{}@ref{Fonts}).
- at item @samp{pfm} files specified to go under @file{type1},
-      @file{inf} files under @file{afm} (Section at tie{}@ref{Fonts}).
- at end itemize
- at node The role of the TDS
- at section The role of the TDS
-The role of the TDS is to stabilize the organization of
-TeX-related software packages that are installed and in use, possibly
-on multiple platforms simultaneously.
-At first glance, it may seem that the Comprehensive TeX Archive
-Network (CTAN) fulfills at least part of this role, but this is
-not the case.  The role of CTAN is to simplify archiving and
-distribution, not installation and use.
-In fact, the roles of the TDS and CTAN are frequently in
-conflict, as we will see.  For distribution, many different types of
-files must be combined into a single unit; for use, it is traditional to
-segregate files (even similar files) from a single package into
-separate, occasionally distant, directories.
- at node Conventions
- at section Conventions
-In this document, @file{/} is used to separate filename components;
-for example, @file{texmf/fonts}.  This is the Unix convention but the
-ideas are in no way Unix-specific.
-In this document, ``TeX'' generally means the TeX system, including
-Metafont, DVI drivers, utilities, etc., not just the TeX
-program itself.
-The word ``package'' in this document has its usual meaning: a set of
-related files distributed, installed, and maintained as a unit.  This is
- at emph{not} a LaTeX2e package, which is a style file supplementing
-a document class.
-We use the following typographic conventions:
- at itemize @bullet
- at item @samp{literal}
-Literal text such as @file{filename} is
-typeset in typewriter type.
- at item @samp{@var{replaceable}}
-Replaceable text such as
- at file{@var{package}}, identifying a class of things, is typeset in
-italics inside angle brackets.
- at end itemize
- at node General
- at chapter General
-This section describes common properties throughout the TDS tree.
- at menu
-* Subdirectory searching::	
-* Rooting the tree::		
-* Local additions::		
-* Duplicate filenames::		
- at end menu
- at node Subdirectory searching
- at section Subdirectory searching
-Older TeX installations store large numbers of related files in single
-directories, for example, all @file{TFM} files and/or all TeX
-input files.
-This monolithic arrangement hinders maintenance of a TeX system: it
-is difficult to determine what files are used by what packages, what
-files need to be updated when a new version is installed, or what files
-should be deleted if a package is removed.  It is also a source of error
-if two or more packages happen to have input files with the same name.
-Therefore, the TWG felt each package should be in a separate
-directory. But we recognized that explicitly listing all directories to
-be searched would be unbearable.  A site may wish to install dozens of
-packages.  Aside from anything else, listing that many directories would
-produce search paths many thousands of characters long, overflowing the
-available space on some systems.
-Also, if all directories are explicitly listed, installing or removing a
-new package would mean changing a path as well as installing or removing
-the actual files.  This would be a time-consuming and error-prone
-operation, even with implementations that provide some way to specify
-the directories to search at runtime.  On systems without runtime
-configuration, it would require recompiling software, an intolerable
-As a result, the TWG concluded that a comprehensive TDS
-requires implementations to support some form of implicit subdirectory
-searching.  More precisely, implementations must make it possible to
-specify that TeX, Metafont, and their companion utilities search in both
-a specified directory and recursively through all subdirectories of that
-directory when looking for an input file.  Other forms of subdirectory
-searching, for example recursive-to-one-level searches, may also be
-provided.  We encourage implementors to provide subdirectory searching
-at the option of the installer and user for all paths.
-The TDS does not specify a syntax for specifying recursive
-searching, but we encourage implementors to provide interoperability
-(see Section at tie{}@ref{More on subdirectory searching}).
- at node Rooting the tree
- at section Rooting the tree
-In this document, we shall designate the root TDS directory by
- at file{texmf} (for ``TeX and Metafont''). We recommend using that name
-where possible, but the actual name of the directory is up to the
-installer. On PC networks, for example, this could map to a
-logical drive specification such as @file{T:}.
-Similarly, the location of this directory on the system is
-site-dependent.  It may be at the root of the file system; on Unix
-systems, @file{/usr/local/share}, @file{/usr/local},
- at file{/usr/local/lib}, and @file{/opt} are common choices.
-The name @file{texmf} was chosen for several reasons: it reflects the fact
-that the directory contains files pertaining to an entire TeX system
-(including Metafont, MetaPost, BibTeX, etc.), not just TeX itself; and it
-is descriptive of a generic installation rather than a particular
-A site may choose to have more than one TDS hierarchy installed
-(for example, when installing an upgrade). This is perfectly legitimate.
- at node Local additions
- at section Local additions
-The TDS cannot specify precisely when a package is or is not a
-``local addition''. Each site must determine this according to its own
-conventions.  At the two extremes, one site might wish to consider
-``nonlocal'' all files not acquired as part of the installed TeX
-distribution; another site might consider ``local'' only those files
-that were actually developed at the local site and not distributed
-We recognize two common methods for local additions to a distributed
- at file{texmf} tree. Both have their place; in fact, some sites employ
-both simultaneously:
- at enumerate
- at item A completely separate tree which is a TDS structure
-itself; for example, @file{/usr/local/umbtex} at the University of
-Massachusetts at Boston. This is another example of the multiple
- at file{texmf} hierarchies mentioned in the previous section.
- at item A directory named @file{local} at any appropriate level, for
-example, in the @file{@var{format}}, @file{@var{package}}, and
- at file{@var{supplier}} directories discussed in the following sections.
-The TDS reserves the directory name @file{local} for this
-We recommend using @file{local} for site-adapted configuration files,
-such as @file{language.dat} for the Babel package or @file{graphics.cfg}
-for the graphics package.  Unmodified configuration files from a package
-should remain in the package directory. The intent is to separate
-locally modified or created files from distribution files, to ease
-installing new releases.
- at end enumerate
-One common case of local additions is dynamically generated files, e.g.,
-PK fonts by the @file{mktexpk} script (which originated in
-Dvips as @file{MakeTeXPK}).  A site may store the
-generated files directly in any of:
- at itemize @bullet
- at item their standard location in the main TDS tree (if it can be
-made globally writable);
- at item an alternative location in the main TDS tree (for
-example, under @file{texmf/fonts/tmp});
- at item a second complete TDS tree (as outlined above);
- at item any other convenient directory (perhaps under
- at file{/var}, for example @file{/var/spool/fonts}).
- at end itemize
-No one solution will be appropriate for all sites.
- at node Duplicate filenames
- at section Duplicate filenames
-Different files by the same name may exist in a TDS tree. The
-TDS generally leaves unspecified which of two files by the same
-name in a search path will be found, so generally the only way to
-reliably find a given file is for it to have a unique name.  However,
-the TDS requires implementations to support the following
- at itemize @bullet
- at item Names of TeX input files must be unique within each first-level
-subdirectory of @file{texmf/tex} and @file{texmf/tex/generic}, but not
-within all of @file{texmf/tex}; i.e., different TeX formats may have
-files by the same name. (Section at tie{}@ref{Macros} discusses this
-further.)  Thus, no single format-independent path specification, such
-as a recursive search beginning at @file{texmf/tex} specifying no other
-directories, suffices.  So implementations must provide format-dependent
-path specifications, for example via wrapper scripts or configuration
- at item Many font files will have the same name (e.g., @file{cmr10.pk}),
-as discussed in Section at tie{}@ref{Valid font bitmaps}.  Implementations
-must distinguish these files by mode and resolution.
- at end itemize
-All implementations we know of already have these capabilities.
-One place where duplicate names are likely to occur is not an exception:
- at itemize @bullet
- at item Names of Metafont input files (as opposed to bitmaps) must be unique
-within all of @file{texmf/fonts}. In practice, this is a problem with
-some variants of Computer Modern which contain slightly modified files
-named @file{punct.mf}, @file{romanl.mf}, and so on. We believe the only
-feasible solution is to rename the derivative files to be
- at end itemize
- at node Top-level directories
- at chapter Top-level directories
-The directories under the @file{texmf} root identify the major components of
-a TeX system (see Section at tie{}@ref{Summary} for a summary).  A site
-may omit any unneeded directories.
-Although the TDS by its nature can specify precise locations only
-for implementation-independent files, we recognize that installers may
-well wish to place other files under @file{texmf} to simplify administration
-of the TeX tree, especially if it is maintained by someone other than
-the system administrator.  Therefore, additional top-level directories
-may be present.
-The top-level directories specified by the TDS are:
- at itemize @bullet
- at item @samp{tex}
-for TeX files (Section at tie{}@ref{Macros}).
- at item @samp{fonts}
-for font-related files (Section at tie{}@ref{Fonts}).
- at item @samp{metafont}
-for Metafont files which are not fonts (Section at tie{}@ref{Non-font Metafont files}).
- at item @samp{metapost}
-for MetaPost files (Section at tie{}@ref{MetaPost}).
- at item @samp{bibtex}
-for BibTeX files (Section at tie{}@ref{BibTeX}).
- at item @samp{scripts}
-for platform-independent executables (Section at tie{}@ref{Scripts}).
- at item @samp{doc}
-for user documentation (Section at tie{}@ref{Documentation}).
- at item @samp{source}
-for sources.  This includes both traditional
-program sources (for example, Web2C sources go in
- at file{texmf/source/web2c}) and, e.g., LaTeX @file{dtx} sources (which
-go in @file{texmf/source/latex}). The TDS leaves unspecified any
-structure under @file{source}.
- at file{source} is intended for files which are not needed at runtime by
-any TeX program; it should not be included in any search path. For
-example, @file{plain.tex} does not belong under @file{texmf/source},
-even though it is a ``source file'' in the sense of not being derived
-from another file. (It goes in @file{texmf/tex/plain/base}, as explained
-in Section at tie{}@ref{Macros}).
- at item @samp{@var{implementation}}
-for implementations (examples:
- at file{emtex}, @file{vtex}, @file{web2c}), to be used for whatever
-purpose deemed suitable by the implementor or TeX administrator.
-That is, files that cannot be shared between implementations, such as
-pool files (@file{tex.pool}) and memory dump files (@file{plain.fmt}) go
-here, in addition to implementation-wide configuration files.  See
-Section at tie{}@ref{Example implementation-specific trees} for examples of
-real @file{@var{implementation}} trees.
-Such implementation-specific configuration files should @emph{not}
-be located using the main TeX input search path (e.g.,
- at file{TEXINPUTS}).  This must be reserved for files actually read by a
-TeX engine.  See Section at tie{}@ref{Extensions}.
- at item @samp{@var{program}}
-for program-specific input and
-configuration files for any TeX-related programs (examples:
- at file{mft}, @file{dvips}).  In fact, the @file{tex}, @file{metafont},
- at file{metapost}, and @file{bibtex} items above may all be seen as
-instances of this case.
- at end itemize
- at menu
-* Macros::			
-* Fonts::			
-* Non-font Metafont files::	
-* MetaPost::			
-* BibTeX::			
-* Scripts::			
-* Documentation::		
- at end menu
- at node Macros
- at section Macros
-TeX macro files shall be stored in separate directories, segregated
-by TeX format and package name (we use `format' in its traditional
-TeX sense to mean a usefully @file{\dump}-able package):
- at example
- at end example
- at itemize @bullet
- at item @samp{@var{format}}
-is a format name (examples: @file{amstex},
- at file{latex}, @file{plain}, @file{texinfo}).
-The TDS allows distributions that can be used as either formats or
-packages (e.g., Texinfo, Eplain) to be stored at either level, at the
-option of the format author or TeX administrator. We recommend that
-packages used as formats at a particular site be stored at the
- at file{@var{format}} level: by adjusting the TeX inputs search path,
-it will be straightforward to use them as macro packages under another
-format, whereas placing them in another tree completely obscures their
-use as a format.
-The TDS reserves the following @file{@var{format}} names:
- at itemize @bullet
- at item @samp{generic},
-for input files that are useful across a wide
-range of formats (examples: @file{null.tex}, @file{path.sty}).
-Generally, this means any format that uses the category codes of Plain
-TeX and does not rely on any particular format.  This is in contrast
-to those files which are useful only with Plain TeX (which go under
- at file{texmf/tex/plain}), e.g., @file{testfont.tex} and @file{plain.tex}
- at item @samp{local},
-for local additions. See Section at tie{}@ref{Local
- at end itemize
-Thus, for almost every format, it is necessary to search at least the
- at file{@var{format}} directory and then the @file{generic} directory (in
-that order).  Other directories may need to be searched as well,
-depending on the format.  When using AMS-TeX, for example, the
- at file{amstex}, @file{plain}, and @file{generic} directories should be
-searched, because AMS-TeX is compatible with Plain.
- at item @samp{@var{package}}
-is a TeX package name (examples:
- at file{babel}, @file{texdraw}).
-In the case where a format consists of only a single file and has no
-auxiliary packages, that file can simply be placed in the
- at file{@var{format}} directory, instead of
- at file{@var{format}/base}.  For example, Texinfo may go in
- at file{texmf/tex/texinfo/texinfo.tex}, not
- at file{texmf/tex/texinfo/base/texinfo.tex}.
-The TDS reserves the following @file{@var{package}} names:
- at itemize @bullet
- at item @samp{base},
-for the base distribution of each format,
-including files used by INITEX when dumping format files.  For
-example, in the standard LaTeX distribution, the @file{ltx} files
-created during the build process.  Another example: the @file{.ini}
-driver files for formats used by TeX Live and other distributions.
- at item @samp{hyphen},
-for hyphenation patterns, including the original
-American English @file{hyphen.tex}.  These are typically used only by
-INITEX.  In most situations, this directory need exist only under the
- at file{generic} format.
- at item @samp{images},
-for image input files, such as Encapsulated
-PostScript figures. Although it is somewhat non-intuitive for these to
-be under a directory named @file{tex}, TeX needs to read these
-files to glean bounding box or other information.  A mechanism for
-sharing image inputs between TeX and other typesetting programs
-(e.g., Interleaf, FrameMaker) is beyond the scope of the
-TDS at . In most situations, this directory need exist only under
-the @file{generic} format.
- at item @samp{local},
-for local additions and configuration files. See
-Section at tie{}@ref{Local additions}.
- at item @samp{misc},
-for packages that consist of a single file.  An
-administrator or package maintainer may create directories for
-single-file packages at their discretion, instead of using @file{misc}.
- at end itemize
- at end itemize
- at menu
-* Extensions::			
- at end menu
- at node Extensions
- at subsection Extensions
-TeX has spawned many companion and successor programs (``engines''),
-such as PDFTeX, Omega, and others.  The TDS specifies
-that the input files for such programs (using a TeX-like syntax) be
-placed within the top-level @file{tex} directory, either at the top
-level or within a format subdirectory, even though the original TeX
-program may not be able to read them.  For example:
- at example
- at end example
-This is a change from TDS at tie{}1.0, which specified top-level
- at file{@var{extension}} directories for each such program.  We felt the
-new approach is preferable, because:
- at itemize @bullet
- at item Authors of relevant packages typically make their code detect the
-engine being used, and issue error messages or adapt to circumstances
-appropriately.  Furthermore, as a package matures, it may support
-multiple engines.  Thus, a package could conceivably be placed in any of
-several top-level directories, at different times.  Putting all packages
-under the top-level @file{tex} directory provides a stable location over
- at item Users need to be able to switch between engines, and configuring
-different search paths for each engine is difficult and error-prone.
- at end itemize
-Thus, in practice, having different top-level directories caused
-difficulties for everyone involved---users, package authors, site
-administrators, and system distributors.
-Please contrast this approach with the @file{@var{implementation}}
-top-level subdirectory (Section at tie{}@ref{Top-level directories}), which
-is to be used for configuration files that (presumably) do not use
-TeX syntax and in any case should not be found along the main TeX
-input search path.
- at node Fonts
- at section Fonts
-Font files are stored in separate directories, segregated by file type,
-and then (in most cases) font supplier and typeface.  PK and
-GF files need additional structure, as detailed in the next
- at example
- at end example
- at itemize @bullet
- at item @samp{@var{type}}
-is the type of font file. The TDS
-reserves the following @file{@var{type}} names for common TeX file
- at itemize @bullet
- at item @samp{afm},
-for Adobe font metrics, and @file{inf} files.
- at item @samp{gf},
-for generic font bitmap files.
- at item @samp{opentype},
-for OpenType fonts.
- at item @samp{pk},
-for packed bitmap files.
- at item @samp{source},
-for font sources (Metafont files, property lists, etc.).
- at item @samp{tfm},
-for TeX font metric files.
- at item @samp{truetype},
-for TrueType fonts.
- at item @samp{type1},
-for PostScript Type 1 fonts (in @file{pfa},
-      @file{pfb}, or any other format), and @file{pfm} files. 
- at item @samp{type3},
-for PostScript Type 3 fonts.
- at item @samp{vf},
-for virtual fonts.
- at end itemize
-The TDS also reserves the names @file{enc}, @file{lig}, and
- at file{map} for font encoding, ligature, and mapping files, respectively.
-All of these directories are structured the same way, with
- at file{@var{syntax}} subdirectories, and then @file{@var{package}}
-subsubdirectories.  Each of these file types is intended to be searched
-along its own recursively-searched path.  The names of the actual files
-must be unique within their subtree, as usual.  Examples:
- at example
- at end example
-The Fontname and Dvips packages have more examples of the @file{enc} and
- at file{map} types.  The @file{afm2pl} program uses @file{lig} files.  
- at file{pfm} files are included in the @file{type1} directory, instead of
-being given their own directory, for two reasons: 1)@tie{}a @file{.pfm} file
-is always an adjunct to a given @file{.pfb} file; 2)@tie{}they must be
-installed from the same directory for Windows programs other than TeX
-to use them.
- at file{inf} files are included in the @file{afm} directory, since
-an @file{inf} and @file{afm} file can be used to generate a @file{pfm}.
-(Unfortunately, Adobe Type Manager and perhaps other software requires
-that the @file{pfb} be in the same directory as @file{afm} and
- at file{inf} for installation.)
-As usual, a site may omit any of these directories that are unnecessary.
- at file{gf} is a particularly likely candidate for omission.
- at item @samp{@var{supplier}}
-is a name identifying font source
-(examples: @file{adobe}, @file{ams}, @file{public}). The TDS
-reserves the following @file{@var{supplier}} names:
- at itemize @bullet
- at item @samp{ams},
-for the American Mathematical Society's AMS-fonts
- at item @samp{local},
-for local additions. See Section at tie{}@ref{Local additions}.
- at item @samp{public},
-for freely redistributable fonts where the supplier
-neither (1)@tie{}requested their own directory (e.g., @file{ams}), nor
-(2)@tie{}also made proprietary fonts (e.g., @file{adobe}).  It does not
-contain all extant freely distributable fonts, nor are all files therein
-necessarily strictly public domain.
- at item @samp{tmp},
-for dynamically-generated fonts, as is traditional on
-some systems. It may be omitted if unnecessary, as usual.
- at end itemize
- at item @samp{@var{typeface}}
-is the name of a typeface family
-(examples: @file{cm}, @file{euler}, @file{times}). The TDS
-reserves the following @file{@var{typeface}} names:
- at itemize @bullet
- at item @samp{cm} (within @file{public}),
-for the 75 fonts defined in
- at cite{Computers and Typesetting, Volume at tie{}E}.
- at item @samp{latex} (within @file{public}),
-for those fonts distributed
-with LaTeX in the base distribution.
- at item @samp{local},
-for local additions. See Section at tie{}@ref{Local additions}.
- at end itemize
- at end itemize
-Some concrete examples:
- at example
- at end example
-For complete supplier and typeface name lists, consult
- at cite{Filenames for TeX fonts} (see Appendix at tie{}@ref{Related
- at menu
-* Font bitmaps::		
-* Valid font bitmaps::		
- at end menu
- at node Font bitmaps
- at subsection Font bitmaps
-Font bitmap files require two characteristics in addition to the above
-to be uniquely identifiable: (1)@tie{}the type of device (i.e., mode) for
-which the font was created; (2)@tie{}the resolution of the bitmap.
-Following common practice, the TDS segregates fonts with
-different device types into separate directories.  See @file{modes.mf}
-in Appendix at tie{}@ref{Related references} for recommended mode names.
-Some printers operate at more than one resolution (e.g., at 300 at dmn{dpi} and
-600 at dmn{dpi}), but each such resolution will necessarily have a different
-mode name. Nothing further is needed, since implicit in the TeX
-system is the assumption of a single target resolution.
-Two naming strategies are commonly used to identify the resolution of
-bitmap font files.  On systems that allow long filenames (and in the
-original Metafont program itself), the resolution is included in the
-filename (e.g., @file{cmr10.300pk}).  On systems which do not support
-long filenames, fonts are generally segregated into directories by
-resolution (e.g., @file{dpi300/cmr10.pk}).
-Because the TDS cannot require long filenames, we must use the
-latter scheme for naming fonts. So we have two more subdirectory
-levels under @file{pk} and @file{gf}:
- at example
-texmf/fonts/pk/@var{mode}/@var{supplier}/@var{typeface}/dpi at var{nnn}/
-texmf/fonts/gf/@var{mode}/@var{supplier}/@var{typeface}/dpi at var{nnn}/
- at end example
- at itemize @bullet
- at item @samp{@var{mode}}
-is a name which identifies the device type
-(examples: @file{cx}, @file{ljfour}, @file{modeless}).  Usually, this is
-the name of the Metafont mode used to build the PK file.  For fonts
-rendered as bitmaps by a program that does not distinguish between
-different output devices, the @file{@var{mode}} name shall be simply
- at file{modeless}.  The @file{@var{mode}} level shall not be omitted,
-even if only a single mode happens to be in use.
- at item @samp{dpi at var{nnn}}
-specifies the resolution of the font
-(examples: @file{dpi300}, @file{dpi329}).  @file{dpi} stands for
-dots per inch, i.e., pixels per inch. We recognize that pixels per
-millimeter is used in many parts of the world, but dpi is too
-traditional in the TeX world to consider changing now.
-The integer @file{@var{nnn}} is to be calculated as if using Metafont
-arithmetic and then rounded; i.e., it is the integer Metafont uses in its
-output @file{gf} filename.  We recognize small differences in the
-resolution are a common cause of frustration among users, however, and
-recommend implementors follow the level at tie{}0 DVI driver standard
-(see Appendix at tie{}@ref{Related references}) in bitmap font searches by
-allowing a fuzz of +-0.2% (with a minimum of 1) in the
- at file{@var{dpi}}.
- at end itemize
-Implementations may provide extensions to the basic naming scheme, such
-as long filenames (as in the original Metafont) and font library files (as
-in emTeX's @file{.fli} files), provided that the basic scheme is also
- at node Valid font bitmaps
- at subsection Valid font bitmaps
-The TWG recognizes that the use of short filenames has many
-disadvantages.  The most vexing is that it results in the creation of
-dozens of different files with the same name.  At a typical site,
- at file{cmr10.pk} will be the filename for Computer Modern Roman 10 at dmn{pt} at
-5--10 magnifications for 2--3 modes. (Section at tie{}@ref{Duplicate
-filenames} discusses duplicate filenames in general.)
-To minimize this problem, we strongly recommend that PK files
-contain enough information to identify precisely how they were created:
-at least the mode, base resolution, and magnification used to create the
-This information is easy to supply: a simple addition to the local modes
-used for building the fonts with Metafont will automatically provide the
-required information.  If you have been using a local modes file derived
-from (or that is simply) @file{modes.mf} (see Appendix at tie{}@ref{Related
-references}), the required information is already in your PK
-files.  If not, a simple addition based on the code found in
- at file{modes.mf} can be made to your local modes file and the PK
-files rebuilt.
- at node Non-font Metafont files
- at section Non-font Metafont files
-Most Metafont input files are font programs or parts of font programs and
-are thus covered by the previous section. However, a few non-font input
-files do exist. Such files shall be stored in:
- at example
- at end example
- at file{@var{package}} is the name of a
-Metafont package (for example, @file{mfpic}).
-The TDS reserves the following @file{@var{package}} names:
- at itemize @bullet
- at item @samp{base},
-for the standard Metafont macro files as described in
- at cite{The Metafontbook}, such as @file{plain.mf} and @file{expr.mf}.
- at item @samp{local},
-for local additions. See Section at tie{}@ref{Local additions}.
- at item @samp{misc},
-for Metafont packages consisting of only a single file
-(for example, @file{modes.mf}).  An administrator or package maintainer
-may create directories for single-file packages at their discretion,
-instead of using @file{misc}.
- at end itemize
- at node MetaPost
- at section MetaPost
-MetaPost is a picture-drawing language developed by John Hobby, derived
-from Knuth's Metafont. Its primary purpose is to output Encapsulated PostScript
-instead of bitmaps.
-MetaPost input files and the support files for MetaPost-related utilities
-shall be stored in:
- at example
- at end example
- at file{@var{package}} is the name of a MetaPost package.  At the present
-writing none exist, but the TWG thought it prudent to leave room
-for contributed packages that might be written in the future.
-The TDS reserves the following @file{@var{package}} names:
- at itemize @bullet
- at item @samp{base},
-for the standard MetaPost macro files, such as
- at file{plain.mp}, @file{mfplain.mp}, @file{boxes.mp}, and
- at file{graph.mp}.  This includes files used by INIMP when dumping mem
-files containing preloaded macro definitions.
- at item @samp{local},
-for local additions. See Section at tie{}@ref{Local
- at item @samp{misc},
-for MetaPost packages consisting of only a single file.
-An administrator or package maintainer may create directories for
-single-file packages at their discretion, instead of using @file{misc}.
- at item @samp{support},
-for additional input files required by MetaPost
-utility programs, including a font map, a character adjustment table,
-and a subdirectory containing low-level MetaPost programs for rendering
-some special characters.
- at end itemize
- at node BibTeX
- at section BibTeX
-BibTeX-related files shall be stored in:
- at example
- at end example
-The @file{bib} directory is for BibTeX database (@file{.bib}) files,
-the @file{bst} directory for style (@file{.bst}) files.
- at file{@var{package}} is the name of a BibTeX package.  The
-TDS reserves the following @file{@var{package}} names (the same
-names are reserved under both @file{bib} and @file{bst}):
- at itemize @bullet
- at item @samp{base},
-for the standard BibTeX databases and styles, such
-as @file{xampl.bib}, @file{plain.bst}.
- at item @samp{local},
-for local additions. See Section at tie{}@ref{Local
- at item @samp{misc},
-for BibTeX packages consisting of only a single
-file.  An administrator or package maintainer may create directories for
-single-file packages at their discretion, instead of using @file{misc}.
- at end itemize
- at node Scripts
- at section Scripts
-The top-level @file{scripts} directory is for platform-independent
-executables, such as Perl, Python, and shell scripts, and Java class
-files.  Subdirectories under @file{scripts} are package names.  This
-eases creating distributions, by providing a common place for such
-platform-independent programs.
-The intent is not for all such directories to be added to a user's
-command search path, which would be quite impractical.  Rather, these
-executables are primarily for the benefit of wrapper scripts in whatever
-executable directory a distribution may provide (which is not specified
-by the TDS).  
-Truly auxiliary scripts which are invoked directly by other programs,
-rather than wrapper scripts, may also be placed here.  That is,
- at file{scripts} also serves as a platform-independent analog of the
-standard Unix @file{libexec} directory.
-We recommend using extensions specifying the language (such as
- at file{.pl}, @file{.py}, @file{.sh}) on these files, to help uniquely
-identify the name.  Since the intent of the TDS is for programs
-in @file{scripts} not to be invoked directly by users, this poses no
-For example, in the TeX Live distribution, the ConTeXt user-level
-program @file{texexec} can exist as a small wrapper script in each
- at file{bin/@var{platform}/texexec} (which is outside the
- at file{texmf} tree), which merely finds and calls
- at file{texmf/scripts/context/perl/texexec.pl}.
- at example
- at end example
-The TDS does not specify a location for platform-dependent
-binary executables, whether auxiliary or user-level.
- at node Documentation
- at section Documentation
-Most packages come with some form of documentation: user manuals,
-example files, programming guides, etc.  In addition, many independent
-files not part of any macro or other package have been created to
-describe various aspects of the TeX system.
-The TDS specifies that these additional documentation files shall
-be stored in a structure that parallels to some extent the
- at file{fonts} and @file{tex} directories, as follows:
- at example
- at end example
- at file{@var{category}} identifies the general topic of documentation
-that resides below it; for example, a TeX format name (@file{latex}),
-program name (@file{bibtex}, @file{tex}), language (@file{french},
- at file{german}), a file format (@file{info}, @file{man}), or other system
-components (@file{web}, @file{fonts}).
-One possible arrangement is to organize @file{doc} by language, with all
-the other category types below that.  This helps users find
-documentation in the language(s) in which they are fluent.  Neither this
-nor any other particular arrangement is required, however.
-Within each @file{@var{category}} tree for a TeX format, the
-directory @file{base} is reserved for base documentation distributed by
-the format's maintainers.
-The TDS reserves the following category names:
- at itemize @bullet
- at item @samp{general},
-for standalone documents not specific to any
-particular program (for example, Joachim Schrod's @cite{Components
-of TeX}).
- at item @samp{help},
-for meta-information, such as FAQ's, 
-the TeX Catalogue, etc.
- at item @samp{info},
-for processed Texinfo documents.  (Info files, like
-anything else, may also be stored outside the TDS, at the
-installer's option.)
- at item @samp{local},
-for local additions. See Section at tie{}@ref{Local
- at end itemize
-The @file{doc} directory is intended for implementation-independent and
-operating system-independent documentation
-files. Implementation-dependent files are best stored elsewhere, as
-provided for by the implementation and/or TeX administrator (for
-example, VMS help files under @file{texmf/vms/help}).
-The documentation directories may contain TeX sources, DVI
-files, PostScript files, text files, example input files, or any other useful
-documentation format(s).
-See Section at tie{}@ref{Documentation tree summary} for a summary.
- at node Summary
- at chapter Summary
-A skeleton of a TDS @file{texmf} directory tree.  This is not to
-imply these are the only entries allowed.  For example, @file{local} may
-occur at any level.
- at example
-  bibtex/           BibTeX input files
-    bib/            BibTeX databases
-      base/         base distribution (e.g., @file{xampl.bib})
-      misc/         single-file databases
-    <package>/      name of a package
-    bst/            BibTeX style files
-      base/         base distribution (e.g., @file{plain.bst}, @file{acm.bst})
-      misc/         single-file styles
-    <package>/      name of a package
-  doc/              see Section at tie{}@ref{Documentation} and the summary below
-  fonts/            font-related files
-    <type>/         file type (e.g., @file{pk})
-      <mode>/       type of output device (for @file{pk} and @file{gf} only)
-        <supplier>/     name of a font supplier (e.g., @file{public})
-          <typeface>/   name of a typeface (e.g., @file{cm})
-            dpi<nnn>/   font resolution (for @file{pk} and @file{gf} only)
-  <implementation>/ TeX implementations, by name (e.g., @file{emtex})
-  local/            files created or modified at the local site
-  metafont/         Metafont (non-font) input files
-    base/           base distribution (e.g., @file{plain.mf})
-    misc/           single-file packages (e.g., @file{modes.mf})
-    <package>/      name of a package (e.g., @file{mfpic})
-  metapost/         MetaPost input and support files
-    base/           base distribution (e.g., @file{plain.mp})
-    misc/           single-file packages
-    <package>/      name of a package
-    support/        support files for MetaPost-related utilities
-  mft/              @file{MFT} inputs (e.g., @file{plain.mft})
-  <program>/        TeX-related programs, by name (e.g., @file{dvips})
-  source/           program source code by name (e.g., @file{latex}, @file{web2c})
-  tex/              TeX input files
-    <engine>/       name of an engine (e.g., @file{aleph}); can also be lower
-    <format>/       name of a format (e.g., @file{plain})
-      base/         base distribution for format (e.g., @file{plain.tex})
-      misc/         single-file packages (e.g., @file{webmac.tex})
-      local/        local additions to or local configuration files for @file{@var{format}}
-      <package>/    name of a package (e.g., @file{graphics}, @file{mfnfss})
-    generic/        format-independent packages
-      hyphen/       hyphenation patterns (e.g., @file{hyphen.tex})
-      images/       image input files (e.g., Encapsulated PostScript)
-      misc/         single-file format-independent packages (e.g., @file{null.tex}).
-      <package>/    name of a package (e.g., @file{babel})
- at end example
- at menu
-* Documentation tree summary::	
- at end menu
- at node Documentation tree summary
- at section Documentation tree summary
-An example skeleton of a TDS directory tree under
- at file{texmf/doc}.  This is not to imply these are the only entries
-allowed, or that this structure must be followed precisely for the
-entries listed.
-As mentioned, the @file{texmf/doc} tree may be organized by language, so
-that all documentation in French, say, is in a @file{french}
-subdirectory.  In that case, the example structure here would be in a
-given language directory.
- at example
-  ams/
-    amsfonts/       @file{amsfonts.faq}, @file{amfndoc}
-    amslatex/       @file{amslatex.faq}, @file{amsldoc}
-    amstex/         @file{amsguide}, @file{joyerr}
-  bibtex/           BibTeX
-    base/           @file{btxdoc.tex}
-  fonts/
-    fontname/       @cite{Filenames for TeX fonts}
-    oldgerm/        @file{corkpapr}
-  <format>/         name of a TeX format (e.g., @file{generic}, @file{latex})
-    base/           for the base distribution
-    misc/           for contributed single-file package documentation
-    <package>/      for @emph{package}
-  general/          across programs, generalities
-    errata/         @file{errata}, @file{errata[1-8]}
-    texcomp/        @cite{Components of TeX}
-  help/             meta-information
-    ctan/           info about CTAN mirror sites
-    faq/            FAQs of @file{comp.text.tex}, etc.
-  info/             GNU Info files, made from Texinfo sources
-  latex/            example of @file{@var{format}}
-    base/           @file{ltnews*}, @file{*guide}, etc.
-    graphics/       @file{grfguide}
-  local/            site-specific documentation
-  man/              Unix man pages
-  <program>/        TeX-related programs, by name (examples follow)
-  metafont/         @file{mfbook.tex}, @file{metafont-for-beginners}, etc.
-  metapost/         @file{mpman}, @file{manfig}, etc.
-  tex/              @file{texbook.tex}, @cite{A Gentle Introduction to TeX}, etc.
-  web/              @file{webman}, @file{cwebman}
- at end example
- at node Unspecified pieces
- at appendix Unspecified pieces
-The TDS cannot address the following aspects of a functioning
-TeX system:
- at enumerate
- at item The location of executable programs: this is too site-dependent
-even to recommend a location, let alone require one. A site may place
-executables outside the @file{texmf} tree altogether (e.g.,
- at file{/usr/local/bin}), in a platform-dependent directory within
- at file{texmf}, or elsewhere.
- at item Upgrading packages when new releases are made: we could find no
-way of introducing version specifiers into @file{texmf} that would do more
-good than harm, or that would be practical for even a plurality of
- at item The location of implementation-specific files (e.g., TeX
- at file{.fmt} files): by their nature, these must be left to the
-implementor or TeX maintainer. See Section at tie{}@ref{Example
-implementation-specific trees}.
- at item Precisely when a package or file should be considered ``local'',
-and where such local files are installed.  See Section at tie{}@ref{Local
-additions} for more discussion.
- at end enumerate
- at menu
-* Portable filenames::		
- at end menu
- at node Portable filenames
- at section Portable filenames
-The TDS cannot require any particular restriction on filenames in
-the tree, since the names of many existing TeX files conform to no
-standard scheme. For the benefit of people who wish to make a portable
-TeX distribution or installation, however, we outline here the
-necessary restrictions. The TDS specifications themselves are
-compatible with these.
-ISO-9660 is the only universally acceptable file system format
-for CD-ROMs.  A subset thereof meets the stringent limitations of
-all operating systems in use today. It specifies the following:
- at itemize @bullet
- at item File and directory names, not including any directory path or
-extension part, may not exceed eight characters.
- at item Filenames may have a single extension.  Extensions may not exceed
-three characters. Directory names may not have an extension.
- at item Names and extensions may consist of @emph{only} the characters
- at file{A}-- at file{Z}, @file{0}-- at file{9}, and underscore.
-Lowercase letters are excluded.
- at item A period separates the filename from the extension and is always
-present, even if the name or extension is missing (e.g.,
- at file{FILENAME.} or @file{.EXT}).
- at item A version number, ranging from 1--32767, is appended to the file
-extension, separated by a semicolon (e.g., @file{FILENAME.EXT;1}).
- at item Only eight directory levels are allowed, including the top-level
-(mounted) directory (see Section at tie{}@ref{Rooting the tree}).  Thus, the
-deepest valid ISO-9660 path is:
- at example
-1     2  3  4  5  6  7  8
- at end example
-The deepest TDS path needs only seven levels:
- at example
-1     2     3  4  5      6  7
- at end example
- at end itemize
-Some systems display a modified format of ISO-9660 names,
-mapping alphabetic characters to lowercase, removing version numbers and
-trailing periods, etc.
-Before the December 1996 release, LaTeX used mixed-case names for
-font descriptor files.  Fortunately, it never relied on case alone to
-distinguish among the files.  Nowadays, it uses only monocase names.
- at node Implementation issues
- at appendix Implementation issues
-We believe that the TDS can bring a great deal of order to the
-current anarchic state of many TeX installations.  In addition, by
-providing a common frame of reference, it will ease the burden of
-documenting administrative tasks.  Finally, it is a necessary part of
-any reasonable system of true ``drop-in'' distribution packages for
- at menu
-* Adoption of the TDS::		
-* More on subdirectory searching::  
-* Example implementation-specific trees::  
- at end menu
- at node Adoption of the TDS
- at section Adoption of the TDS
-[This section is retained for historical purposes; the TDS
-is now quite firmly entrenched in most TeX distributions.]
-We recognize that adoption of the TDS will not be immediate or
-universal.  Most TeX administrators will not be inclined to make the
-final switch until:
- at itemize @bullet
- at item Clear and demonstrable benefits can be shown for the TDS.
- at item TDS-compliant versions of all key programs are available
-in ported, well-tested forms.
- at item A ``settling'' period has taken place, to flush out problems.  The
-public release of the first draft of this document was the first step in
-this process.
- at end itemize
-Consequently, most of the first trials of the TDS will be made by
-members of the TDS committee and/or developers of TeX-related
-software.  This has already taken place during the course of our
-deliberations (see Appendix at tie{}@ref{Related references} for a sample
-tree available electronically).  They will certainly result in the
-production of a substantial number of TDS-compliant packages.
-Indeed, the teTeX and TeX Live
-distributions are TDS-compliant and in use now at many sites.
-Once installable forms of key TDS-compliant packages are more
-widespread, some TeX administrators will set up TDS-compliant
-trees, possibly in parallel to existing production directories.  This
-testing will likely flush out problems that were not obvious in the
-confined settings of the developers' sites; for example, it should help
-to resolve system and package dependencies, package interdependencies, and
-other details not addressed by this TDS version.
-After most of the dust has settled, hopefully even conservative TeX
-administrators will begin to adopt the TDS.  Eventually, most
-TeX sites will have adopted the common structure, and most packages
-will be readily available in TDS-compliant form.
-We believe that this process will occur relatively quickly.  The
-TDS committee spans a wide range of interests in the TeX
-community.  Consequently, we believe that most of the key issues
-involved in defining a workable TDS definition have been covered,
-often in detail.  TeX developers have been consulted about
-implementation issues, and have been trying out the TDS
-arrangement.  Thus, we hope for few surprises as implementations mature.
-Finally, there are several (current or prospective) publishers of TeX
-CD-ROMs.  These publishers are highly motivated to work out
-details of TDS implementation, and their products will provide
-inexpensive and convenient ways for experimentally-minded TeX
-administrators to experiment with the TDS.
- at node More on subdirectory searching
- at section More on subdirectory searching
-Recursive subdirectory searching is the ability to specify a search not
-only of a specified directory @file{@var{d}}, but recursively of all
-directories below @file{@var{d}}.
-Since the TDS specifies precise locations for most files, with no
-extra levels of subdirectories allowed, true recursive searching is not
-actually required for a TDS-compliant implementation. We do,
-however, strongly recommend recursive searching as the most
-user-friendly and natural approach to the problem, rather than
-convoluted methods to specify paths without recursion.
-This feature is already supported by many implementations of TeX and
-companion utilities, for example DECUS TeX for VMS,
-Dvips(k), emTeX (and its drivers),
-PubliC TeX, Web2C, Xdvi(k),
-and Y&YTeX.  The Kpathsea library is a reusable
-implementation of subdirectory searching for TeX, used in a number of
-the above programs.
-Even if your TeX implementation does not directly support
-subdirectory searching, you may find it useful to adopt the structure if
-you do not use many fonts or packages. For instance, if you only use
-Computer Modern and AMS fonts, it would be feasible to store them
-in the TDS layout and list the directories individually in
-configuration files or environment variables.
-The TWG recognizes that subdirectory searching places an extra
-burden on the system and may be the source of performance bottlenecks,
-particularly on slower machines.  Nevertheless, we feel that
-subdirectory searching is imperative for a well-organized TDS,
-for the reasons stated in Section at tie{}@ref{Subdirectory searching}.
-Implementors are encouraged to provide enhancements to the basic
-principle of subdirectory searching to avoid performance problems, e.g.,
-the use of a filename cache (this can be as simple as a recursive
-directory listing) that is consulted before disk searching begins.  If a
-match is found in the database, subdirectory searching is not required,
-and performance is thus independent of the number of subdirectories
-present on the system.
-Different implementations specify subdirectory searching differently.
-In the interest of typographic clarity, the examples here do not use the
- at file{@var{replaceable}} font.
- at itemize @bullet
- at item Dvips:
-via a separate
- at file{TEXFONTS_SUBDIR} environment variable.
- at item emTeX:
- at file{t:\subdir!!}; @file{t:\subdir!} for
-a single level of searching.
- at item Kpathsea:
- at file{texmf/subdir//}
- at item VMS:
- at file{texmf:[subdir...]}
- at item Xdvi (patchlevel 20):
- at file{texmf/subdir/**};
- at file{texmf/subdir/*} for a single level of searching.  Version 20.50
-and above support the @file{//} notation.
- at item Y&Y TeX:
- at file{t:/subdir//} or
- at file{t:\subdir\\}.
- at end itemize
- at node Example implementation-specific trees
- at section Example implementation-specific trees
-The TDS cannot specify a precise location for
-implementation-specific files, such as @file{texmf/ini}, because a site
-may have multiple TeX implementations.
-Nevertheless, for informative purposes, we provide here the default
-locations for some implementations. Please contact us with additions or
-corrections. These paths are not definitive, may not match anything at
-your site, and may change without warning.
-We recommend all implementations have default search paths that start
-with the current directory (e.g., @file{.}).  Allowing users to
-include the parent directory (e.g., @file{..}) is also helpful.
- at menu
-* AmiWeb2c 2.0::		
-* Public DECUS TeX::		
-* Web2c 7::			
- at end menu
- at node AmiWeb2c 2.0
- at subsection AmiWeb2c 2.0
-(Email @email{scherer@@physik.rwth-aachen.de} to contact the maintainer
-of this implementation.)
-AmiWeb2c 2 is compatible with Web2c 7 to the greatest possible
-extent, so only the very few differences are described in this
-section.  Detailed information about the basic concepts is given in
-the section for Web2c 7 below.
-Thanks to the @file{SELFAUTO} mechanism of Kpathsea 3.0 no specific
-location for the installation of AmiWeb2c is required as long as the
-general structure of the distribution is preserved.
-In addition to Kpathsea's @file{//} notation recursive path search may
-also be started by @file{@var{DEVICE}:/}, e.g., @file{TeXMF:/}
-will scan this specific device completely.
-Binaries coming with the AmiWeb2c distribution are installed in the
-directory @file{bin/amiweb2c/} outside the common TDS tree
- at file{share/texmf/}.  In addition to the set of AmiWeb2c binaries
-you will find two subdirectories @file{local/} and @file{pastex/}
-with auxiliary programs.
-A stripped version of the PasTeX system (used by kind permission of
-Georg He at ss{}mann) is coming with AmiWeb2c, pre-installed in its own
- at file{share/texmf/amiweb2c/pastex/} directory.  If you want to use
-PasTeX you have to @file{assign} the name @file{TeX:} to this place.
-Documentation files in AmigaGuide format should be stored at
- at file{doc/guide/} similar to @file{doc/info/}.
- at node Public DECUS TeX
- at subsection Public DECUS TeX
-If another VMS implementation besides Public DECUS TeX
-appears, the top level implementation directory name will be modified to
-something more specific (e.g., @file{vms_decus}).
- at example
-  texmf/
-    vms/            VMS implementation specific files
-      exe/          end-user commands
-        common/     command procedures, command definition files, etc.
-        axp/        binary executables for Alpha AXP
-        vax/        binary executables for VAX
-      formats/      pool files, formats, bases
-      help/         VMS help library, and miscellaneous help sources
-      mgr/          command procedures, programs, docs, etc., for system management
- at end example
- at node Web2c 7
- at subsection Web2c 7
-All implementation-dependent TeX system files (@file{.pool},
- at file{.fmt}, @file{.base}, @file{.mem}) are stored by default directly
-in @file{texmf/web2c}.  The configuration file @file{texmf.cnf} and
-various subsidiary @file{MakeTeX...} scripts used as subroutines are
-also stored there.
-Non-TeX specific files are stored following the GNU coding
-standards.  Given a root directory @file{@var{prefix}}
-(@file{/usr/local} by default), we have default locations as follows:
- at example
-  <prefix>/         installation root (@file{/usr/local} by default)
-    bin/            executables
-    man/            man pages
-    info/           info files
-    lib/            libraries (@file{libkpathsea.*})
-    share/          architecture-independent files
-      texmf/        TDS root
-        web2c/      implementation-dependent files (@file{.pool}, @file{.fmt}, @file{texmf.cnf}, etc.)
- at end example
-See @uref{http://www.gnu.org/prep/standards_toc.html} for the
-rationale behind and descriptions of this arrangement. A site may of
-course override these defaults; for example, it may put everything under
-a single directory such as @file{/usr/local/texmf}.
- at node Is there a better way?
- at appendix Is there a better way?
-Defining the TDS required many compromises.  Both the overall
-structure and the details of the individual directories were arrived at
-by finding common ground among many opinions.  The driving forces were
-feasibility (in terms of what could technically be done and what could
-reasonably be expected from developers) and regularity (files grouped
-together in an arrangement that ``made sense'').
-Some interesting ideas could not be applied due to implementations
-lacking the necessary support:
- at itemize @bullet
- at item Path searching control at the TeX level. If documents could
-restrict subdirectory searching to a subdirectory via some portable
-syntax in file names, restrictions on uniqueness of filenames could be
-relaxed considerably (with the cooperation of the formats), and the
-TeX search path would not need to depend on the format.
- at item Multiple logical @file{texmf} trees. For example, a site might have
-one (read-only) location for stable files, and a different (writable)
-location for dynamically-created fonts or other files. It would be
-reasonable for two such trees to be logically merged when searching.
-See Michael Downes' article in the references for how this can work in
-practice with Web2C.
- at end itemize
- at menu
-* Macro structure::		
-* Font structure::		
-* Documentation structure::	
- at end menu
- at node Macro structure
- at section Macro structure
-The TWG settled on the
- at file{@var{format}/@var{package}} arrangement after long
-discussion about how best to arrange the files.
-The primary alternative to this arrangement was a scheme which reversed
-the order of these directories:
- at file{@var{package}/@var{format}}.  This reversed
-arrangement has a strong appeal: it keeps all of the files related to a
-particular package in a single place.  The arrangement actually adopted
-tends to spread files out into two or three places (macros,
-documentation, and fonts, for example, are spread into different
-sections of the tree right at the top level).
-Nevertheless, the @file{@var{format}/@var{package}}
-structure won for a couple of reasons:
- at itemize @bullet
- at item It is closer to current practice; in fact, several members of the
-TWG have already implemented the TDS hierarchy.  The
-alternative is not in use at any known site, and the TWG felt it
-wrong to mandate something with which there is no practical experience.
- at item The alternative arrangement increases the number of top-level
-directories, so the files that must be found using subdirectory
-searching are spread out in a wide, shallow tree.  This could have a
-profound impact on the efficiency of subdirectory searching.
- at end itemize
- at node Font structure
- at section Font structure
-The TWG struggled more with the font directory structure than
-anything else. This is not surprising; the need to use the proliferation
-of PostScript fonts with TeX is what made the previous arrangement
-with all files in a single directory untenable, and therefore what
-initiated the TDS effort.
- at menu
-* Font file type location::	
-* Mode and resolution location::  
-* Modeless bitmaps::		
- at end menu
- at node Font file type location
- at subsection Font file type location
-We considered the supplier-first arrangement in use at many sites:
- at example
- at end example
-This improves the maintainability of the font tree, since all files
-comprising a given typeface are in one place, but unless all the
-programs that search this tree employ some form of caching, there are
-serious performance concerns.  For example, in order to find a
- at file{TFM} file, the simplest implementation would require TeX to
-search through all the directories that contain PK files in all
-modes and at all resolutions.
-In the end, a poll of developers revealed considerable resistance to
-implementing sufficient caching mechanisms, so this arrangement was
-abandoned.  The TDS arrangement allows the search tree to be
-restricted to the correct type of file, at least.  Concerns about
-efficiency remain, but there seems to be no more we can do without
-abandoning subdirectory searching entirely.
-We also considered segregating all font-related files strictly by file
-type, so that Metafont sources would be in a directory
- at file{texmf/fonts/mf}, property list files in @file{texmf/fonts/pl}, the
-various forms of Type at tie{}1 fonts separated, and so on. Although more
-blindly consistent, we felt that the drawback of more complicated path
-constructions outweighed this. The TDS merges file types
-(@file{mf} and @file{pl} under @file{source}, @file{pfa} and @file{pfb}
-and @file{gsf} under @file{type1}) where we felt this was beneficial.
- at node Mode and resolution location
- at subsection Mode and resolution location
-We considered having the @file{mode} at the bottom of the font tree:
- at example
- at end example
-In this case, however, it is difficult to limit subdirectory searching
-to the mode required for a particular device.
-We then considered moving the @file{dpi at var{nnn}} up to below
-the mode:
- at example
- at end example
-But then it is not feasible to omit the @file{dpi at var{nnn}}
-level altogether on systems which can and do choose to use long
- at node Modeless bitmaps
- at subsection Modeless bitmaps
-The TDS specifies using a single directory @file{modeless/} as
-the mode name for those utilities which generate bitmaps, e.g.,
- at file{texmf/fonts/modeless/times/}.  This has the considerable advantage
-of not requiring each such directory name to be listed in a search path.
-An alternative was to use the utility name below which all such
-directories could be gathered.  That has the advantage of separating,
-say, @file{gsftopk}-generated bitmaps from @file{ps2pk}-generated ones.
-However, we decided this was not necessary; most sites will use only one
-program for the purpose.  Also, PK and GF fonts generally
-identify their creator in the font comment following the @file{PK_ID}
-We are making an implicit assumption that Metafont is the only program
-producing mode-dependent bitmaps. If this becomes false we could add an
-abbreviation for the program to mode names, as in @file{mfcx} vs.@:
- at file{xyzcx} for a hypothetical program Xyz, or we could
-at that time add an additional program name level uniformly to the tree.
-It seemed more important to concisely represent the current situation
-than to worry about hypothetical possibilities that may never at tie{}happen.
- at node Documentation structure
- at section Documentation structure
-We considered placing additional documentation files in the same
-directory as the source files for the packages, but we felt that users
-should be able to find documentation separately from sources, since most
-users have no interest in sources.
-We hope that a separate, but parallel, structure for documentation would
-(1)@tie{}keep the documentation together and (2)@tie{}make it as straightforward
-as possible for users to find the particular documentation they were
- at node Related references
- at appendix Related references
-This appendix gives pointers to related files and other documents.  For
-CTAN references, we use @file{http://www.ctan.org} as the
-top-level domain only to make the links be live in this document.  See
- at uref{http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/CTAN.sites} for a complete list of
-CTAN sites; there are mirrors worldwide.
- at itemize @bullet
- at item This document, in many formats (tex, dvi, info, pdf):@*
- at uref{http://tug.org/tds/}
- at item The TDS mailing list archives:@*
- at uref{http://tug.org/mail-archives/twg-tds/}
- at item The level at tie{}0 DVI driver standard:@*
- at uref{http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/dviware/driv-standard/level-0/}
- at item @cite{Filenames for TeX fonts}, with lists of recommended
-supplier and typeface names:@*
- at uref{http://tug.org/fontname/}
- at item ISO-9660 CD-ROM file system standard:@*
- at uref{http://www.iso.ch/cate/cat.html}
- at item @cite{Components of TeX}, a paper by Joachim
- at uref{http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/documentation/components-of-TeX/}
- at item @cite{Managing Multiple TDS trees}, an article by Michael
- at uref{http://tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb22-3/tb72downes.pdf}
- at item A complete set of Metafont modes:@*
- at uref{http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/fonts/modes/modes.mf}
- at item A large collection of BibTeX databases and styles:@*
- at uref{ftp://ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/}
- at end itemize
- at node Contributors
- at appendix Contributors
-The TWG has had no physical meetings; electronic mail was the
-communication medium.
-Sebastian Rahtz is the TeX Users Group Technical Council liaison.
-Norman Walsh was the original committee chair.  Karl Berry is the
-current editor.
-The list of contributors has grown too large to fairly include, as some
-would surely be inadvertently omitted.  Please consider the archives of
-the @email{tds@@tug.org} and @email{tex-live@@tug.org} mailing lists as
-the record of contributions.
- at iftex
- at contents
- at end iftex
- at bye

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-\input texinfo
- at setfilename tds.info
- at settitle A Directory Structure for TeX Files
- at set version 1.1
- at dircategory TeX
- at direntry
-* TeX Directories: (tds).       A directory structure for TeX files.
- at end direntry
- at titlepage
- at title A Directory Structure for TeX Files
- at subtitle Version @value{version}
- at author TUG Working Group on a TeX Directory Structure (TWG-TDS)
- at page
- at vskip 0pt plus 1filll
-Copyright @copyright{} 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2003, 2004
-TeX Users Group.
-Permission to use, copy, and distribute this document @emph{without
-modification} for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
-provided that this notice appears in all copies.  It is provided ``as
-is'' without expressed or implied warranty.
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
-document under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the
-modifications are clearly marked and the document is not represented as
-the official one.
-This document is available on any CTAN host
-(see Appendix at tie{}@ref{Related references}).
-Please send questions or suggestions by email to
- at email{tds@@tug.org}.  We welcome all comments.   This is version
- at value{version}.
- at end titlepage
- at ifnottex
- at node Top
- at top A Directory Structure for TeX Files
-Copyright @copyright{} 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2003, 2004
-TeX Users Group.
-Permission to use, copy, and distribute this document @emph{without
-modification} for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
-provided that this notice appears in all copies.  It is provided ``as
-is'' without expressed or implied warranty.
-Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
-document under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the
-modifications are clearly marked and the document is not represented as
-the official one.
-This document is available on any CTAN host
-(see Appendix at tie{}@ref{Related references}).
-Please send questions or suggestions by email to
- at email{tds@@tug.org}.  We welcome all comments.   This is version
- at value{version}.
- at menu
-* Introduction::		
-* General::			
-* Top-level directories::	
-* Summary::			
-* Unspecified pieces::		
-* Implementation issues::	
-* Is there a better way?::	
-* Related references::		
-* Contributors::		
- at detailmenu
- --- The Detailed Node Listing ---
-* History::			
-* The role of the TDS::		
-* Conventions::			
-* Subdirectory searching::	
-* Rooting the tree::		
-* Local additions::		
-* Duplicate filenames::		
-Top-level directories
-* Macros::			
-* Fonts::			
-* Non-font Metafont files::	
-* MetaPost::			
-* BibTeX::			
-* Scripts::			
-* Documentation::		
-* Extensions::			
-* Font bitmaps::		
-* Valid font bitmaps::		
-* Documentation tree summary::	
-Unspecified pieces
-* Portable filenames::		
-Implementation issues
-* Adoption of the TDS::		
-* More on subdirectory searching::  
-* Example implementation-specific trees::  
-Example implementation-specific trees
-* AmiWeb2c 2.0::		
-* Public DECUS TeX::		
-* Web2c 7::			
-Is there a better way?
-* Macro structure::		
-* Font structure::		
-* Documentation structure::	
-Font structure
-* Font file type location::	
-* Mode and resolution location::  
-* Modeless bitmaps::		
- at end detailmenu
- at end menu
- at end ifnottex
- at node Introduction
- at chapter Introduction
-TeX is a powerful, flexible typesetting system used by many people
-around the world.  It is extremely portable and runs on virtually all
-operating systems.  One unfortunate side effect of TeX's flexibility,
-however, is that there has been no single ``right'' way to install it.
-This has resulted in many sites having different installed arrangements.
-The primary purpose of this document is to describe a standard TeX
-Directory Structure (TDS): a directory hierarchy for macros,
-fonts, and the other implementation-independent TeX system files.  As
-a matter of practicality, this document also suggests ways to
-incorporate the rest of the TeX files into a single structure.  The
-TDS has been designed to work on all modern systems.  In
-particular, the Technical Working Group (TWG) believes it is usable
-under MacOS, MS-DOS, OS/2, Unix, VMS, and
-Windows NT at .  We hope that administrators and developers of both
-free and commercial TeX implementations will adopt this standard.
-This document is intended both for the TeX system administrator at a
-site and for people preparing TeX distributions---everything from a
-complete runnable system to a single macro or style file. It may also
-help TeX users find their way around systems organized this way.  It
-is not a tutorial: we necessarily assume knowledge of the many parts of
-a working TeX system. If you are unfamiliar with any of the programs
-or file formats we refer to, consult the references in
-Appendix at tie{}@ref{Related references}.
- at menu
-* History::			
-* The role of the TDS::		
-* Conventions::			
- at end menu
- at node History
- at section History
-Version 1.0 of the TDS was released in February 2003.
-Version 1.1 was released in June 2004, with the following non-editorial
- at itemize @bullet
- at item Inputs for TeX extensions included under @file{tex}, instead
-      of in their own top-level directories (Section at tie{}@ref{Extensions})
- at item New top-level directory @file{scripts} (Section at tie{}@ref{Scripts}).
- at item New subdirectories @file{lig}, @file{opentype},
-      @file{truetype}, and @file{type3} under @file{fonts}
-      (Section at tie{}@ref{Fonts}).
- at item @samp{enc},
- at file{lig}, and @file{map} all use
-      @file{@var{syntax}/@var{package}} subdirectories
-      (Section at tie{}@ref{Fonts}).
- at item @samp{pfm} files specified to go under @file{type1},
-      @file{inf} files under @file{afm} (Section at tie{}@ref{Fonts}).
- at end itemize
- at node The role of the TDS
- at section The role of the TDS
-The role of the TDS is to stabilize the organization of
-TeX-related software packages that are installed and in use, possibly
-on multiple platforms simultaneously.
-At first glance, it may seem that the Comprehensive TeX Archive
-Network (CTAN) fulfills at least part of this role, but this is
-not the case.  The role of CTAN is to simplify archiving and
-distribution, not installation and use.
-In fact, the roles of the TDS and CTAN are frequently in
-conflict, as we will see.  For distribution, many different types of
-files must be combined into a single unit; for use, it is traditional to
-segregate files (even similar files) from a single package into
-separate, occasionally distant, directories.
- at node Conventions
- at section Conventions
-In this document, @file{/} is used to separate filename components;
-for example, @file{texmf/fonts}.  This is the Unix convention but the
-ideas are in no way Unix-specific.
-In this document, ``TeX'' generally means the TeX system, including
-Metafont, DVI drivers, utilities, etc., not just the TeX
-program itself.
-The word ``package'' in this document has its usual meaning: a set of
-related files distributed, installed, and maintained as a unit.  This is
- at emph{not} a LaTeX2e package, which is a style file supplementing
-a document class.
-We use the following typographic conventions:
- at itemize @bullet
- at item @samp{literal}
-Literal text such as @file{filename} is
-typeset in typewriter type.
- at item @samp{@var{replaceable}}
-Replaceable text such as
- at file{@var{package}}, identifying a class of things, is typeset in
-italics inside angle brackets.
- at end itemize
- at node General
- at chapter General
-This section describes common properties throughout the TDS tree.
- at menu
-* Subdirectory searching::	
-* Rooting the tree::		
-* Local additions::		
-* Duplicate filenames::		
- at end menu
- at node Subdirectory searching
- at section Subdirectory searching
-Older TeX installations store large numbers of related files in single
-directories, for example, all @file{TFM} files and/or all TeX
-input files.
-This monolithic arrangement hinders maintenance of a TeX system: it
-is difficult to determine what files are used by what packages, what
-files need to be updated when a new version is installed, or what files
-should be deleted if a package is removed.  It is also a source of error
-if two or more packages happen to have input files with the same name.
-Therefore, the TWG felt each package should be in a separate
-directory. But we recognized that explicitly listing all directories to
-be searched would be unbearable.  A site may wish to install dozens of
-packages.  Aside from anything else, listing that many directories would
-produce search paths many thousands of characters long, overflowing the
-available space on some systems.
-Also, if all directories are explicitly listed, installing or removing a
-new package would mean changing a path as well as installing or removing
-the actual files.  This would be a time-consuming and error-prone
-operation, even with implementations that provide some way to specify
-the directories to search at runtime.  On systems without runtime
-configuration, it would require recompiling software, an intolerable
-As a result, the TWG concluded that a comprehensive TDS
-requires implementations to support some form of implicit subdirectory
-searching.  More precisely, implementations must make it possible to
-specify that TeX, Metafont, and their companion utilities search in both
-a specified directory and recursively through all subdirectories of that
-directory when looking for an input file.  Other forms of subdirectory
-searching, for example recursive-to-one-level searches, may also be
-provided.  We encourage implementors to provide subdirectory searching
-at the option of the installer and user for all paths.
-The TDS does not specify a syntax for specifying recursive
-searching, but we encourage implementors to provide interoperability
-(see Section at tie{}@ref{More on subdirectory searching}).
- at node Rooting the tree
- at section Rooting the tree
-In this document, we shall designate the root TDS directory by
- at file{texmf} (for ``TeX and Metafont''). We recommend using that name
-where possible, but the actual name of the directory is up to the
-installer. On PC networks, for example, this could map to a
-logical drive specification such as @file{T:}.
-Similarly, the location of this directory on the system is
-site-dependent.  It may be at the root of the file system; on Unix
-systems, @file{/usr/local/share}, @file{/usr/local},
- at file{/usr/local/lib}, and @file{/opt} are common choices.
-The name @file{texmf} was chosen for several reasons: it reflects the fact
-that the directory contains files pertaining to an entire TeX system
-(including Metafont, MetaPost, BibTeX, etc.), not just TeX itself; and it
-is descriptive of a generic installation rather than a particular
-A site may choose to have more than one TDS hierarchy installed
-(for example, when installing an upgrade). This is perfectly legitimate.
- at node Local additions
- at section Local additions
-The TDS cannot specify precisely when a package is or is not a
-``local addition''. Each site must determine this according to its own
-conventions.  At the two extremes, one site might wish to consider
-``nonlocal'' all files not acquired as part of the installed TeX
-distribution; another site might consider ``local'' only those files
-that were actually developed at the local site and not distributed
-We recognize two common methods for local additions to a distributed
- at file{texmf} tree. Both have their place; in fact, some sites employ
-both simultaneously:
- at enumerate
- at item A completely separate tree which is a TDS structure
-itself; for example, @file{/usr/local/umbtex} at the University of
-Massachusetts at Boston. This is another example of the multiple
- at file{texmf} hierarchies mentioned in the previous section.
- at item A directory named @file{local} at any appropriate level, for
-example, in the @file{@var{format}}, @file{@var{package}}, and
- at file{@var{supplier}} directories discussed in the following sections.
-The TDS reserves the directory name @file{local} for this
-We recommend using @file{local} for site-adapted configuration files,
-such as @file{language.dat} for the Babel package or @file{graphics.cfg}
-for the graphics package.  Unmodified configuration files from a package
-should remain in the package directory. The intent is to separate
-locally modified or created files from distribution files, to ease
-installing new releases.
- at end enumerate
-One common case of local additions is dynamically generated files, e.g.,
-PK fonts by the @file{mktexpk} script (which originated in
-Dvips as @file{MakeTeXPK}).  A site may store the
-generated files directly in any of:
- at itemize @bullet
- at item their standard location in the main TDS tree (if it can be
-made globally writable);
- at item an alternative location in the main TDS tree (for
-example, under @file{texmf/fonts/tmp});
- at item a second complete TDS tree (as outlined above);
- at item any other convenient directory (perhaps under
- at file{/var}, for example @file{/var/spool/fonts}).
- at end itemize
-No one solution will be appropriate for all sites.
- at node Duplicate filenames
- at section Duplicate filenames
-Different files by the same name may exist in a TDS tree. The
-TDS generally leaves unspecified which of two files by the same
-name in a search path will be found, so generally the only way to
-reliably find a given file is for it to have a unique name.  However,
-the TDS requires implementations to support the following
- at itemize @bullet
- at item Names of TeX input files must be unique within each first-level
-subdirectory of @file{texmf/tex} and @file{texmf/tex/generic}, but not
-within all of @file{texmf/tex}; i.e., different TeX formats may have
-files by the same name. (Section at tie{}@ref{Macros} discusses this
-further.)  Thus, no single format-independent path specification, such
-as a recursive search beginning at @file{texmf/tex} specifying no other
-directories, suffices.  So implementations must provide format-dependent
-path specifications, for example via wrapper scripts or configuration
- at item Many font files will have the same name (e.g., @file{cmr10.pk}),
-as discussed in Section at tie{}@ref{Valid font bitmaps}.  Implementations
-must distinguish these files by mode and resolution.
- at end itemize
-All implementations we know of already have these capabilities.
-One place where duplicate names are likely to occur is not an exception:
- at itemize @bullet
- at item Names of Metafont input files (as opposed to bitmaps) must be unique
-within all of @file{texmf/fonts}. In practice, this is a problem with
-some variants of Computer Modern which contain slightly modified files
-named @file{punct.mf}, @file{romanl.mf}, and so on. We believe the only
-feasible solution is to rename the derivative files to be
- at end itemize
- at node Top-level directories
- at chapter Top-level directories
-The directories under the @file{texmf} root identify the major components of
-a TeX system (see Section at tie{}@ref{Summary} for a summary).  A site
-may omit any unneeded directories.
-Although the TDS by its nature can specify precise locations only
-for implementation-independent files, we recognize that installers may
-well wish to place other files under @file{texmf} to simplify administration
-of the TeX tree, especially if it is maintained by someone other than
-the system administrator.  Therefore, additional top-level directories
-may be present.
-The top-level directories specified by the TDS are:
- at itemize @bullet
- at item @samp{tex}
-for TeX files (Section at tie{}@ref{Macros}).
- at item @samp{fonts}
-for font-related files (Section at tie{}@ref{Fonts}).
- at item @samp{metafont}
-for Metafont files which are not fonts (Section at tie{}@ref{Non-font Metafont files}).
- at item @samp{metapost}
-for MetaPost files (Section at tie{}@ref{MetaPost}).
- at item @samp{bibtex}
-for BibTeX files (Section at tie{}@ref{BibTeX}).
- at item @samp{scripts}
-for platform-independent executables (Section at tie{}@ref{Scripts}).
- at item @samp{doc}
-for user documentation (Section at tie{}@ref{Documentation}).
- at item @samp{source}
-for sources.  This includes both traditional
-program sources (for example, Web2C sources go in
- at file{texmf/source/web2c}) and, e.g., LaTeX @file{dtx} sources (which
-go in @file{texmf/source/latex}). The TDS leaves unspecified any
-structure under @file{source}.
- at file{source} is intended for files which are not needed at runtime by
-any TeX program; it should not be included in any search path. For
-example, @file{plain.tex} does not belong under @file{texmf/source},
-even though it is a ``source file'' in the sense of not being derived
-from another file. (It goes in @file{texmf/tex/plain/base}, as explained
-in Section at tie{}@ref{Macros}).
- at item @samp{@var{implementation}}
-for implementations (examples:
- at file{emtex}, @file{vtex}, @file{web2c}), to be used for whatever
-purpose deemed suitable by the implementor or TeX administrator.
-That is, files that cannot be shared between implementations, such as
-pool files (@file{tex.pool}) and memory dump files (@file{plain.fmt}) go
-here, in addition to implementation-wide configuration files.  See
-Section at tie{}@ref{Example implementation-specific trees} for examples of
-real @file{@var{implementation}} trees.
-Such implementation-specific configuration files should @emph{not}
-be located using the main TeX input search path (e.g.,
- at file{TEXINPUTS}).  This must be reserved for files actually read by a
-TeX engine.  See Section at tie{}@ref{Extensions}.
- at item @samp{@var{program}}
-for program-specific input and
-configuration files for any TeX-related programs (examples:
- at file{mft}, @file{dvips}).  In fact, the @file{tex}, @file{metafont},
- at file{metapost}, and @file{bibtex} items above may all be seen as
-instances of this case.
- at end itemize
- at menu
-* Macros::			
-* Fonts::			
-* Non-font Metafont files::	
-* MetaPost::			
-* BibTeX::			
-* Scripts::			
-* Documentation::		
- at end menu
- at node Macros
- at section Macros
-TeX macro files shall be stored in separate directories, segregated
-by TeX format and package name (we use `format' in its traditional
-TeX sense to mean a usefully @file{\dump}-able package):
- at example
- at end example
- at itemize @bullet
- at item @samp{@var{format}}
-is a format name (examples: @file{amstex},
- at file{latex}, @file{plain}, @file{texinfo}).
-The TDS allows distributions that can be used as either formats or
-packages (e.g., Texinfo, Eplain) to be stored at either level, at the
-option of the format author or TeX administrator. We recommend that
-packages used as formats at a particular site be stored at the
- at file{@var{format}} level: by adjusting the TeX inputs search path,
-it will be straightforward to use them as macro packages under another
-format, whereas placing them in another tree completely obscures their
-use as a format.
-The TDS reserves the following @file{@var{format}} names:
- at itemize @bullet
- at item @samp{generic},
-for input files that are useful across a wide
-range of formats (examples: @file{null.tex}, @file{path.sty}).
-Generally, this means any format that uses the category codes of Plain
-TeX and does not rely on any particular format.  This is in contrast
-to those files which are useful only with Plain TeX (which go under
- at file{texmf/tex/plain}), e.g., @file{testfont.tex} and @file{plain.tex}
- at item @samp{local},
-for local additions. See Section at tie{}@ref{Local
- at end itemize
-Thus, for almost every format, it is necessary to search at least the
- at file{@var{format}} directory and then the @file{generic} directory (in
-that order).  Other directories may need to be searched as well,
-depending on the format.  When using AMS-TeX, for example, the
- at file{amstex}, @file{plain}, and @file{generic} directories should be
-searched, because AMS-TeX is compatible with Plain.
- at item @samp{@var{package}}
-is a TeX package name (examples:
- at file{babel}, @file{texdraw}).
-In the case where a format consists of only a single file and has no
-auxiliary packages, that file can simply be placed in the
- at file{@var{format}} directory, instead of
- at file{@var{format}/base}.  For example, Texinfo may go in
- at file{texmf/tex/texinfo/texinfo.tex}, not
- at file{texmf/tex/texinfo/base/texinfo.tex}.
-The TDS reserves the following @file{@var{package}} names:
- at itemize @bullet
- at item @samp{base},
-for the base distribution of each format,
-including files used by INITEX when dumping format files.  For
-example, in the standard LaTeX distribution, the @file{ltx} files
-created during the build process.  Another example: the @file{.ini}
-driver files for formats used by TeX Live and other distributions.
- at item @samp{hyphen},
-for hyphenation patterns, including the original
-American English @file{hyphen.tex}.  These are typically used only by
-INITEX.  In most situations, this directory need exist only under the
- at file{generic} format.
- at item @samp{images},
-for image input files, such as Encapsulated
-PostScript figures. Although it is somewhat non-intuitive for these to
-be under a directory named @file{tex}, TeX needs to read these
-files to glean bounding box or other information.  A mechanism for
-sharing image inputs between TeX and other typesetting programs
-(e.g., Interleaf, FrameMaker) is beyond the scope of the
-TDS at . In most situations, this directory need exist only under
-the @file{generic} format.
- at item @samp{local},
-for local additions and configuration files. See
-Section at tie{}@ref{Local additions}.
- at item @samp{misc},
-for packages that consist of a single file.  An
-administrator or package maintainer may create directories for
-single-file packages at their discretion, instead of using @file{misc}.
- at end itemize
- at end itemize
- at menu
-* Extensions::			
- at end menu
- at node Extensions
- at subsection Extensions
-TeX has spawned many companion and successor programs (``engines''),
-such as PDFTeX, Omega, and others.  The TDS specifies
-that the input files for such programs (using a TeX-like syntax) be
-placed within the top-level @file{tex} directory, either at the top
-level or within a format subdirectory, even though the original TeX
-program may not be able to read them.  For example:
- at example
- at end example
-This is a change from TDS at tie{}1.0, which specified top-level
- at file{@var{extension}} directories for each such program.  We felt the
-new approach is preferable, because:
- at itemize @bullet
- at item Authors of relevant packages typically make their code detect the
-engine being used, and issue error messages or adapt to circumstances
-appropriately.  Furthermore, as a package matures, it may support
-multiple engines.  Thus, a package could conceivably be placed in any of
-several top-level directories, at different times.  Putting all packages
-under the top-level @file{tex} directory provides a stable location over
- at item Users need to be able to switch between engines, and configuring
-different search paths for each engine is difficult and error-prone.
- at end itemize
-Thus, in practice, having different top-level directories caused
-difficulties for everyone involved---users, package authors, site
-administrators, and system distributors.
-Please contrast this approach with the @file{@var{implementation}}
-top-level subdirectory (Section at tie{}@ref{Top-level directories}), which
-is to be used for configuration files that (presumably) do not use
-TeX syntax and in any case should not be found along the main TeX
-input search path.
- at node Fonts
- at section Fonts
-Font files are stored in separate directories, segregated by file type,
-and then (in most cases) font supplier and typeface.  PK and
-GF files need additional structure, as detailed in the next
- at example
- at end example
- at itemize @bullet
- at item @samp{@var{type}}
-is the type of font file. The TDS
-reserves the following @file{@var{type}} names for common TeX file
- at itemize @bullet
- at item @samp{afm},
-for Adobe font metrics, and @file{inf} files.
- at item @samp{gf},
-for generic font bitmap files.
- at item @samp{opentype},
-for OpenType fonts.
- at item @samp{pk},
-for packed bitmap files.
- at item @samp{source},
-for font sources (Metafont files, property lists, etc.).
- at item @samp{tfm},
-for TeX font metric files.
- at item @samp{truetype},
-for TrueType fonts.
- at item @samp{type1},
-for PostScript Type 1 fonts (in @file{pfa},
-      @file{pfb}, or any other format), and @file{pfm} files. 
- at item @samp{type3},
-for PostScript Type 3 fonts.
- at item @samp{vf},
-for virtual fonts.
- at end itemize
-The TDS also reserves the names @file{enc}, @file{lig}, and
- at file{map} for font encoding, ligature, and mapping files, respectively.
-All of these directories are structured the same way, with
- at file{@var{syntax}} subdirectories, and then @file{@var{package}}
-subsubdirectories.  Each of these file types is intended to be searched
-along its own recursively-searched path.  The names of the actual files
-must be unique within their subtree, as usual.  Examples:
- at example
- at end example
-The Fontname and Dvips packages have more examples of the @file{enc} and
- at file{map} types.  The @file{afm2pl} program uses @file{lig} files.  
- at file{pfm} files are included in the @file{type1} directory, instead of
-being given their own directory, for two reasons: 1)@tie{}a @file{.pfm} file
-is always an adjunct to a given @file{.pfb} file; 2)@tie{}they must be
-installed from the same directory for Windows programs other than TeX
-to use them.
- at file{inf} files are included in the @file{afm} directory, since
-an @file{inf} and @file{afm} file can be used to generate a @file{pfm}.
-(Unfortunately, Adobe Type Manager and perhaps other software requires
-that the @file{pfb} be in the same directory as @file{afm} and
- at file{inf} for installation.)
-As usual, a site may omit any of these directories that are unnecessary.
- at file{gf} is a particularly likely candidate for omission.
- at item @samp{@var{supplier}}
-is a name identifying font source
-(examples: @file{adobe}, @file{ams}, @file{public}). The TDS
-reserves the following @file{@var{supplier}} names:
- at itemize @bullet
- at item @samp{ams},
-for the American Mathematical Society's AMS-fonts
- at item @samp{local},
-for local additions. See Section at tie{}@ref{Local additions}.
- at item @samp{public},
-for freely redistributable fonts where the supplier
-neither (1)@tie{}requested their own directory (e.g., @file{ams}), nor
-(2)@tie{}also made proprietary fonts (e.g., @file{adobe}).  It does not
-contain all extant freely distributable fonts, nor are all files therein
-necessarily strictly public domain.
- at item @samp{tmp},
-for dynamically-generated fonts, as is traditional on
-some systems. It may be omitted if unnecessary, as usual.
- at end itemize
- at item @samp{@var{typeface}}
-is the name of a typeface family
-(examples: @file{cm}, @file{euler}, @file{times}). The TDS
-reserves the following @file{@var{typeface}} names:
- at itemize @bullet
- at item @samp{cm} (within @file{public}),
-for the 75 fonts defined in
- at cite{Computers and Typesetting, Volume at tie{}E}.
- at item @samp{latex} (within @file{public}),
-for those fonts distributed
-with LaTeX in the base distribution.
- at item @samp{local},
-for local additions. See Section at tie{}@ref{Local additions}.
- at end itemize
- at end itemize
-Some concrete examples:
- at example
- at end example
-For complete supplier and typeface name lists, consult
- at cite{Filenames for TeX fonts} (see Appendix at tie{}@ref{Related
- at menu
-* Font bitmaps::		
-* Valid font bitmaps::		
- at end menu
- at node Font bitmaps
- at subsection Font bitmaps
-Font bitmap files require two characteristics in addition to the above
-to be uniquely identifiable: (1)@tie{}the type of device (i.e., mode) for
-which the font was created; (2)@tie{}the resolution of the bitmap.
-Following common practice, the TDS segregates fonts with
-different device types into separate directories.  See @file{modes.mf}
-in Appendix at tie{}@ref{Related references} for recommended mode names.
-Some printers operate at more than one resolution (e.g., at 300 at dmn{dpi} and
-600 at dmn{dpi}), but each such resolution will necessarily have a different
-mode name. Nothing further is needed, since implicit in the TeX
-system is the assumption of a single target resolution.
-Two naming strategies are commonly used to identify the resolution of
-bitmap font files.  On systems that allow long filenames (and in the
-original Metafont program itself), the resolution is included in the
-filename (e.g., @file{cmr10.300pk}).  On systems which do not support
-long filenames, fonts are generally segregated into directories by
-resolution (e.g., @file{dpi300/cmr10.pk}).
-Because the TDS cannot require long filenames, we must use the
-latter scheme for naming fonts. So we have two more subdirectory
-levels under @file{pk} and @file{gf}:
- at example
-texmf/fonts/pk/@var{mode}/@var{supplier}/@var{typeface}/dpi at var{nnn}/
-texmf/fonts/gf/@var{mode}/@var{supplier}/@var{typeface}/dpi at var{nnn}/
- at end example
- at itemize @bullet
- at item @samp{@var{mode}}
-is a name which identifies the device type
-(examples: @file{cx}, @file{ljfour}, @file{modeless}).  Usually, this is
-the name of the Metafont mode used to build the PK file.  For fonts
-rendered as bitmaps by a program that does not distinguish between
-different output devices, the @file{@var{mode}} name shall be simply
- at file{modeless}.  The @file{@var{mode}} level shall not be omitted,
-even if only a single mode happens to be in use.
- at item @samp{dpi at var{nnn}}
-specifies the resolution of the font
-(examples: @file{dpi300}, @file{dpi329}).  @file{dpi} stands for
-dots per inch, i.e., pixels per inch. We recognize that pixels per
-millimeter is used in many parts of the world, but dpi is too
-traditional in the TeX world to consider changing now.
-The integer @file{@var{nnn}} is to be calculated as if using Metafont
-arithmetic and then rounded; i.e., it is the integer Metafont uses in its
-output @file{gf} filename.  We recognize small differences in the
-resolution are a common cause of frustration among users, however, and
-recommend implementors follow the level at tie{}0 DVI driver standard
-(see Appendix at tie{}@ref{Related references}) in bitmap font searches by
-allowing a fuzz of +-0.2% (with a minimum of 1) in the
- at file{@var{dpi}}.
- at end itemize
-Implementations may provide extensions to the basic naming scheme, such
-as long filenames (as in the original Metafont) and font library files (as
-in emTeX's @file{.fli} files), provided that the basic scheme is also
- at node Valid font bitmaps
- at subsection Valid font bitmaps
-The TWG recognizes that the use of short filenames has many
-disadvantages.  The most vexing is that it results in the creation of
-dozens of different files with the same name.  At a typical site,
- at file{cmr10.pk} will be the filename for Computer Modern Roman 10 at dmn{pt} at
-5--10 magnifications for 2--3 modes. (Section at tie{}@ref{Duplicate
-filenames} discusses duplicate filenames in general.)
-To minimize this problem, we strongly recommend that PK files
-contain enough information to identify precisely how they were created:
-at least the mode, base resolution, and magnification used to create the
-This information is easy to supply: a simple addition to the local modes
-used for building the fonts with Metafont will automatically provide the
-required information.  If you have been using a local modes file derived
-from (or that is simply) @file{modes.mf} (see Appendix at tie{}@ref{Related
-references}), the required information is already in your PK
-files.  If not, a simple addition based on the code found in
- at file{modes.mf} can be made to your local modes file and the PK
-files rebuilt.
- at node Non-font Metafont files
- at section Non-font Metafont files
-Most Metafont input files are font programs or parts of font programs and
-are thus covered by the previous section. However, a few non-font input
-files do exist. Such files shall be stored in:
- at example
- at end example
- at file{@var{package}} is the name of a
-Metafont package (for example, @file{mfpic}).
-The TDS reserves the following @file{@var{package}} names:
- at itemize @bullet
- at item @samp{base},
-for the standard Metafont macro files as described in
- at cite{The Metafontbook}, such as @file{plain.mf} and @file{expr.mf}.
- at item @samp{local},
-for local additions. See Section at tie{}@ref{Local additions}.
- at item @samp{misc},
-for Metafont packages consisting of only a single file
-(for example, @file{modes.mf}).  An administrator or package maintainer
-may create directories for single-file packages at their discretion,
-instead of using @file{misc}.
- at end itemize
- at node MetaPost
- at section MetaPost
-MetaPost is a picture-drawing language developed by John Hobby, derived
-from Knuth's Metafont. Its primary purpose is to output Encapsulated PostScript
-instead of bitmaps.
-MetaPost input files and the support files for MetaPost-related utilities
-shall be stored in:
- at example
- at end example
- at file{@var{package}} is the name of a MetaPost package.  At the present
-writing none exist, but the TWG thought it prudent to leave room
-for contributed packages that might be written in the future.
-The TDS reserves the following @file{@var{package}} names:
- at itemize @bullet
- at item @samp{base},
-for the standard MetaPost macro files, such as
- at file{plain.mp}, @file{mfplain.mp}, @file{boxes.mp}, and
- at file{graph.mp}.  This includes files used by INIMP when dumping mem
-files containing preloaded macro definitions.
- at item @samp{local},
-for local additions. See Section at tie{}@ref{Local
- at item @samp{misc},
-for MetaPost packages consisting of only a single file.
-An administrator or package maintainer may create directories for
-single-file packages at their discretion, instead of using @file{misc}.
- at item @samp{support},
-for additional input files required by MetaPost
-utility programs, including a font map, a character adjustment table,
-and a subdirectory containing low-level MetaPost programs for rendering
-some special characters.
- at end itemize
- at node BibTeX
- at section BibTeX
-BibTeX-related files shall be stored in:
- at example
- at end example
-The @file{bib} directory is for BibTeX database (@file{.bib}) files,
-the @file{bst} directory for style (@file{.bst}) files.
- at file{@var{package}} is the name of a BibTeX package.  The
-TDS reserves the following @file{@var{package}} names (the same
-names are reserved under both @file{bib} and @file{bst}):
- at itemize @bullet
- at item @samp{base},
-for the standard BibTeX databases and styles, such
-as @file{xampl.bib}, @file{plain.bst}.
- at item @samp{local},
-for local additions. See Section at tie{}@ref{Local
- at item @samp{misc},
-for BibTeX packages consisting of only a single
-file.  An administrator or package maintainer may create directories for
-single-file packages at their discretion, instead of using @file{misc}.
- at end itemize
- at node Scripts
- at section Scripts
-The top-level @file{scripts} directory is for platform-independent
-executables, such as Perl, Python, and shell scripts, and Java class
-files.  Subdirectories under @file{scripts} are package names.  This
-eases creating distributions, by providing a common place for such
-platform-independent programs.
-The intent is not for all such directories to be added to a user's
-command search path, which would be quite impractical.  Rather, these
-executables are primarily for the benefit of wrapper scripts in whatever
-executable directory a distribution may provide (which is not specified
-by the TDS).  
-Truly auxiliary scripts which are invoked directly by other programs,
-rather than wrapper scripts, may also be placed here.  That is,
- at file{scripts} also serves as a platform-independent analog of the
-standard Unix @file{libexec} directory.
-We recommend using extensions specifying the language (such as
- at file{.pl}, @file{.py}, @file{.sh}) on these files, to help uniquely
-identify the name.  Since the intent of the TDS is for programs
-in @file{scripts} not to be invoked directly by users, this poses no
-For example, in the TeX Live distribution, the ConTeXt user-level
-program @file{texexec} can exist as a small wrapper script in each
- at file{bin/@var{platform}/texexec} (which is outside the
- at file{texmf} tree), which merely finds and calls
- at file{texmf/scripts/context/perl/texexec.pl}.
- at example
- at end example
-The TDS does not specify a location for platform-dependent
-binary executables, whether auxiliary or user-level.
- at node Documentation
- at section Documentation
-Most packages come with some form of documentation: user manuals,
-example files, programming guides, etc.  In addition, many independent
-files not part of any macro or other package have been created to
-describe various aspects of the TeX system.
-The TDS specifies that these additional documentation files shall
-be stored in a structure that parallels to some extent the
- at file{fonts} and @file{tex} directories, as follows:
- at example
- at end example
- at file{@var{category}} identifies the general topic of documentation
-that resides below it; for example, a TeX format name (@file{latex}),
-program name (@file{bibtex}, @file{tex}), language (@file{french},
- at file{german}), a file format (@file{info}, @file{man}), or other system
-components (@file{web}, @file{fonts}).
-One possible arrangement is to organize @file{doc} by language, with all
-the other category types below that.  This helps users find
-documentation in the language(s) in which they are fluent.  Neither this
-nor any other particular arrangement is required, however.
-Within each @file{@var{category}} tree for a TeX format, the
-directory @file{base} is reserved for base documentation distributed by
-the format's maintainers.
-The TDS reserves the following category names:
- at itemize @bullet
- at item @samp{general},
-for standalone documents not specific to any
-particular program (for example, Joachim Schrod's @cite{Components
-of TeX}).
- at item @samp{help},
-for meta-information, such as FAQ's, 
-the TeX Catalogue, etc.
- at item @samp{info},
-for processed Texinfo documents.  (Info files, like
-anything else, may also be stored outside the TDS, at the
-installer's option.)
- at item @samp{local},
-for local additions. See Section at tie{}@ref{Local
- at end itemize
-The @file{doc} directory is intended for implementation-independent and
-operating system-independent documentation
-files. Implementation-dependent files are best stored elsewhere, as
-provided for by the implementation and/or TeX administrator (for
-example, VMS help files under @file{texmf/vms/help}).
-The documentation directories may contain TeX sources, DVI
-files, PostScript files, text files, example input files, or any other useful
-documentation format(s).
-See Section at tie{}@ref{Documentation tree summary} for a summary.
- at node Summary
- at chapter Summary
-A skeleton of a TDS @file{texmf} directory tree.  This is not to
-imply these are the only entries allowed.  For example, @file{local} may
-occur at any level.
- at example
-  bibtex/           BibTeX input files
-  . bib/            BibTeX databases
-  . . base/         base distribution (e.g., @file{xampl.bib})
-  . . misc/         single-file databases
-  . <package>/      name of a package
-  . bst/            BibTeX style files
-  . . base/         base distribution (e.g., @file{plain.bst}, @file{acm.bst})
-  . . misc/         single-file styles
-  . <package>/      name of a package
-  doc/              see Section at tie{}@ref{Documentation} and the summary below
-  fonts/            font-related files
-  . <type>/         file type (e.g., @file{pk})
-  . . <mode>/       type of output device (for @file{pk} and @file{gf} only)
-  . . . <supplier>/     name of a font supplier (e.g., @file{public})
-  . . . . <typeface>/   name of a typeface (e.g., @file{cm})
-  . . . . . dpi<nnn>/   font resolution (for @file{pk} and @file{gf} only)
-  <implementation>/ TeX implementations, by name (e.g., @file{emtex})
-  local/            files created or modified at the local site
-  metafont/         Metafont (non-font) input files
-  . base/           base distribution (e.g., @file{plain.mf})
-  . misc/           single-file packages (e.g., @file{modes.mf})
-  . <package>/      name of a package (e.g., @file{mfpic})
-  metapost/         MetaPost input and support files
-  . base/           base distribution (e.g., @file{plain.mp})
-  . misc/           single-file packages
-  . <package>/      name of a package
-  . support/        support files for MetaPost-related utilities
-  mft/              @file{MFT} inputs (e.g., @file{plain.mft})
-  <program>/        TeX-related programs, by name (e.g., @file{dvips})
-  source/           program source code by name (e.g., @file{latex}, @file{web2c})
-  tex/              TeX input files
-  . <engine>/       name of an engine (e.g., @file{aleph}); can also be lower
-  . <format>/       name of a format (e.g., @file{plain})
-  . . base/         base distribution for format (e.g., @file{plain.tex})
-  . . misc/         single-file packages (e.g., @file{webmac.tex})
-  . . local/        local additions to or local configuration files for @file{@var{format}}
-  . . <package>/    name of a package (e.g., @file{graphics}, @file{mfnfss})
-  . generic/        format-independent packages
-  . . hyphen/       hyphenation patterns (e.g., @file{hyphen.tex})
-  . . images/       image input files (e.g., Encapsulated PostScript)
-  . . misc/         single-file format-independent packages (e.g., @file{null.tex}).
-  . . <package>/    name of a package (e.g., @file{babel})
- at end example
- at menu
-* Documentation tree summary::	
- at end menu
- at node Documentation tree summary
- at section Documentation tree summary
-An example skeleton of a TDS directory tree under
- at file{texmf/doc}.  This is not to imply these are the only entries
-allowed, or that this structure must be followed precisely for the
-entries listed.
-As mentioned, the @file{texmf/doc} tree may be organized by language, so
-that all documentation in French, say, is in a @file{french}
-subdirectory.  In that case, the example structure here would be in a
-given language directory.
- at example
-  ams/
-  . amsfonts/       @file{amsfonts.faq}, @file{amfndoc}
-  . amslatex/       @file{amslatex.faq}, @file{amsldoc}
-  . amstex/         @file{amsguide}, @file{joyerr}
-  bibtex/           BibTeX
-  . base/           @file{btxdoc.tex}
-  fonts/
-  . fontname/       @cite{Filenames for TeX fonts}
-  . oldgerm/        @file{corkpapr}
-  <format>/         name of a TeX format (e.g., @file{generic}, @file{latex})
-  . base/           for the base distribution
-  . misc/           for contributed single-file package documentation
-  . <package>/      for @emph{package}
-  general/          across programs, generalities
-  . errata/         @file{errata}, @file{errata[1-8]}
-  . texcomp/        @cite{Components of TeX}
-  help/             meta-information
-  . ctan/           info about CTAN mirror sites
-  . faq/            FAQs of @file{comp.text.tex}, etc.
-  info/             GNU Info files, made from Texinfo sources
-  latex/            example of @file{@var{format}}
-  . base/           @file{ltnews*}, @file{*guide}, etc.
-  . graphics/       @file{grfguide}
-  local/            site-specific documentation
-  man/              Unix man pages
-  <program>/        TeX-related programs, by name (examples follow)
-  metafont/         @file{mfbook.tex}, @file{metafont-for-beginners}, etc.
-  metapost/         @file{mpman}, @file{manfig}, etc.
-  tex/              @file{texbook.tex}, @cite{A Gentle Introduction to TeX}, etc.
-  web/              @file{webman}, @file{cwebman}
- at end example
- at node Unspecified pieces
- at appendix Unspecified pieces
-The TDS cannot address the following aspects of a functioning
-TeX system:
- at enumerate
- at item The location of executable programs: this is too site-dependent
-even to recommend a location, let alone require one. A site may place
-executables outside the @file{texmf} tree altogether (e.g.,
- at file{/usr/local/bin}), in a platform-dependent directory within
- at file{texmf}, or elsewhere.
- at item Upgrading packages when new releases are made: we could find no
-way of introducing version specifiers into @file{texmf} that would do more
-good than harm, or that would be practical for even a plurality of
- at item The location of implementation-specific files (e.g., TeX
- at file{.fmt} files): by their nature, these must be left to the
-implementor or TeX maintainer. See Section at tie{}@ref{Example
-implementation-specific trees}.
- at item Precisely when a package or file should be considered ``local'',
-and where such local files are installed.  See Section at tie{}@ref{Local
-additions} for more discussion.
- at end enumerate
- at menu
-* Portable filenames::		
- at end menu
- at node Portable filenames
- at section Portable filenames
-The TDS cannot require any particular restriction on filenames in
-the tree, since the names of many existing TeX files conform to no
-standard scheme. For the benefit of people who wish to make a portable
-TeX distribution or installation, however, we outline here the
-necessary restrictions. The TDS specifications themselves are
-compatible with these.
-ISO-9660 is the only universally acceptable file system format
-for CD-ROMs.  A subset thereof meets the stringent limitations of
-all operating systems in use today. It specifies the following:
- at itemize @bullet
- at item File and directory names, not including any directory path or
-extension part, may not exceed eight characters.
- at item Filenames may have a single extension.  Extensions may not exceed
-three characters. Directory names may not have an extension.
- at item Names and extensions may consist of @emph{only} the characters
- at file{A}-- at file{Z}, @file{0}-- at file{9}, and underscore.
-Lowercase letters are excluded.
- at item A period separates the filename from the extension and is always
-present, even if the name or extension is missing (e.g.,
- at file{FILENAME.} or @file{.EXT}).
- at item A version number, ranging from 1--32767, is appended to the file
-extension, separated by a semicolon (e.g., @file{FILENAME.EXT;1}).
- at item Only eight directory levels are allowed, including the top-level
-(mounted) directory (see Section at tie{}@ref{Rooting the tree}).  Thus, the
-deepest valid ISO-9660 path is:
- at example
-1     2  3  4  5  6  7  8
- at end example
-The deepest TDS path needs only seven levels:
- at example
-1     2     3  4  5      6  7
- at end example
- at end itemize
-Some systems display a modified format of ISO-9660 names,
-mapping alphabetic characters to lowercase, removing version numbers and
-trailing periods, etc.
-Before the December 1996 release, LaTeX used mixed-case names for
-font descriptor files.  Fortunately, it never relied on case alone to
-distinguish among the files.  Nowadays, it uses only monocase names.
- at node Implementation issues
- at appendix Implementation issues
-We believe that the TDS can bring a great deal of order to the
-current anarchic state of many TeX installations.  In addition, by
-providing a common frame of reference, it will ease the burden of
-documenting administrative tasks.  Finally, it is a necessary part of
-any reasonable system of true ``drop-in'' distribution packages for
- at menu
-* Adoption of the TDS::		
-* More on subdirectory searching::  
-* Example implementation-specific trees::  
- at end menu
- at node Adoption of the TDS
- at section Adoption of the TDS
-[This section is retained for historical purposes; the TDS
-is now quite firmly entrenched in most TeX distributions.]
-We recognize that adoption of the TDS will not be immediate or
-universal.  Most TeX administrators will not be inclined to make the
-final switch until:
- at itemize @bullet
- at item Clear and demonstrable benefits can be shown for the TDS.
- at item TDS-compliant versions of all key programs are available
-in ported, well-tested forms.
- at item A ``settling'' period has taken place, to flush out problems.  The
-public release of the first draft of this document was the first step in
-this process.
- at end itemize
-Consequently, most of the first trials of the TDS will be made by
-members of the TDS committee and/or developers of TeX-related
-software.  This has already taken place during the course of our
-deliberations (see Appendix at tie{}@ref{Related references} for a sample
-tree available electronically).  They will certainly result in the
-production of a substantial number of TDS-compliant packages.
-Indeed, the teTeX and TeX Live
-distributions are TDS-compliant and in use now at many sites.
-Once installable forms of key TDS-compliant packages are more
-widespread, some TeX administrators will set up TDS-compliant
-trees, possibly in parallel to existing production directories.  This
-testing will likely flush out problems that were not obvious in the
-confined settings of the developers' sites; for example, it should help
-to resolve system and package dependencies, package interdependencies, and
-other details not addressed by this TDS version.
-After most of the dust has settled, hopefully even conservative TeX
-administrators will begin to adopt the TDS.  Eventually, most
-TeX sites will have adopted the common structure, and most packages
-will be readily available in TDS-compliant form.
-We believe that this process will occur relatively quickly.  The
-TDS committee spans a wide range of interests in the TeX
-community.  Consequently, we believe that most of the key issues
-involved in defining a workable TDS definition have been covered,
-often in detail.  TeX developers have been consulted about
-implementation issues, and have been trying out the TDS
-arrangement.  Thus, we hope for few surprises as implementations mature.
-Finally, there are several (current or prospective) publishers of TeX
-CD-ROMs.  These publishers are highly motivated to work out
-details of TDS implementation, and their products will provide
-inexpensive and convenient ways for experimentally-minded TeX
-administrators to experiment with the TDS.
- at node More on subdirectory searching
- at section More on subdirectory searching
-Recursive subdirectory searching is the ability to specify a search not
-only of a specified directory @file{@var{d}}, but recursively of all
-directories below @file{@var{d}}.
-Since the TDS specifies precise locations for most files, with no
-extra levels of subdirectories allowed, true recursive searching is not
-actually required for a TDS-compliant implementation. We do,
-however, strongly recommend recursive searching as the most
-user-friendly and natural approach to the problem, rather than
-convoluted methods to specify paths without recursion.
-This feature is already supported by many implementations of TeX and
-companion utilities, for example DECUS TeX for VMS,
-Dvips(k), emTeX (and its drivers),
-PubliC TeX, Web2C, Xdvi(k),
-and Y&YTeX.  The Kpathsea library is a reusable
-implementation of subdirectory searching for TeX, used in a number of
-the above programs.
-Even if your TeX implementation does not directly support
-subdirectory searching, you may find it useful to adopt the structure if
-you do not use many fonts or packages. For instance, if you only use
-Computer Modern and AMS fonts, it would be feasible to store them
-in the TDS layout and list the directories individually in
-configuration files or environment variables.
-The TWG recognizes that subdirectory searching places an extra
-burden on the system and may be the source of performance bottlenecks,
-particularly on slower machines.  Nevertheless, we feel that
-subdirectory searching is imperative for a well-organized TDS,
-for the reasons stated in Section at tie{}@ref{Subdirectory searching}.
-Implementors are encouraged to provide enhancements to the basic
-principle of subdirectory searching to avoid performance problems, e.g.,
-the use of a filename cache (this can be as simple as a recursive
-directory listing) that is consulted before disk searching begins.  If a
-match is found in the database, subdirectory searching is not required,
-and performance is thus independent of the number of subdirectories
-present on the system.
-Different implementations specify subdirectory searching differently.
-In the interest of typographic clarity, the examples here do not use the
- at file{@var{replaceable}} font.
- at itemize @bullet
- at item Dvips:
-via a separate
- at file{TEXFONTS_SUBDIR} environment variable.
- at item emTeX:
- at file{t:\subdir!!}; @file{t:\subdir!} for
-a single level of searching.
- at item Kpathsea:
- at file{texmf/subdir//}
- at item VMS:
- at file{texmf:[subdir...]}
- at item Xdvi (patchlevel 20):
- at file{texmf/subdir/**};
- at file{texmf/subdir/*} for a single level of searching.  Version 20.50
-and above support the @file{//} notation.
- at item Y&Y TeX:
- at file{t:/subdir//} or
- at file{t:\subdir\\}.
- at end itemize
- at node Example implementation-specific trees
- at section Example implementation-specific trees
-The TDS cannot specify a precise location for
-implementation-specific files, such as @file{texmf/ini}, because a site
-may have multiple TeX implementations.
-Nevertheless, for informative purposes, we provide here the default
-locations for some implementations. Please contact us with additions or
-corrections. These paths are not definitive, may not match anything at
-your site, and may change without warning.
-We recommend all implementations have default search paths that start
-with the current directory (e.g., @file{.}).  Allowing users to
-include the parent directory (e.g., @file{..}) is also helpful.
- at menu
-* AmiWeb2c 2.0::		
-* Public DECUS TeX::		
-* Web2c 7::			
- at end menu
- at node AmiWeb2c 2.0
- at subsection AmiWeb2c 2.0
-(Email @email{scherer@@physik.rwth-aachen.de} to contact the maintainer
-of this implementation.)
-AmiWeb2c 2 is compatible with Web2c 7 to the greatest possible
-extent, so only the very few differences are described in this
-section.  Detailed information about the basic concepts is given in
-the section for Web2c 7 below.
-Thanks to the @file{SELFAUTO} mechanism of Kpathsea 3.0 no specific
-location for the installation of AmiWeb2c is required as long as the
-general structure of the distribution is preserved.
-In addition to Kpathsea's @file{//} notation recursive path search may
-also be started by @file{@var{DEVICE}:/}, e.g., @file{TeXMF:/}
-will scan this specific device completely.
-Binaries coming with the AmiWeb2c distribution are installed in the
-directory @file{bin/amiweb2c/} outside the common TDS tree
- at file{share/texmf/}.  In addition to the set of AmiWeb2c binaries
-you will find two subdirectories @file{local/} and @file{pastex/}
-with auxiliary programs.
-A stripped version of the PasTeX system (used by kind permission of
-Georg He at ss{}mann) is coming with AmiWeb2c, pre-installed in its own
- at file{share/texmf/amiweb2c/pastex/} directory.  If you want to use
-PasTeX you have to @file{assign} the name @file{TeX:} to this place.
-Documentation files in AmigaGuide format should be stored at
- at file{doc/guide/} similar to @file{doc/info/}.
- at node Public DECUS TeX
- at subsection Public DECUS TeX
-If another VMS implementation besides Public DECUS TeX
-appears, the top level implementation directory name will be modified to
-something more specific (e.g., @file{vms_decus}).
- at example
-  texmf/
-  . vms/            VMS implementation specific files
-  . . exe/          end-user commands
-  . . . common/     command procedures, command definition files, etc.
-  . . . axp/        binary executables for Alpha AXP
-  . . . vax/        binary executables for VAX
-  . . formats/      pool files, formats, bases
-  . . help/         VMS help library, and miscellaneous help sources
-  . . mgr/          command procedures, programs, docs, etc., for system management
- at end example
- at node Web2c 7
- at subsection Web2c 7
-All implementation-dependent TeX system files (@file{.pool},
- at file{.fmt}, @file{.base}, @file{.mem}) are stored by default directly
-in @file{texmf/web2c}.  The configuration file @file{texmf.cnf} and
-various subsidiary @file{MakeTeX...} scripts used as subroutines are
-also stored there.
-Non-TeX specific files are stored following the GNU coding
-standards.  Given a root directory @file{@var{prefix}}
-(@file{/usr/local} by default), we have default locations as follows:
- at example
-  <prefix>/         installation root (@file{/usr/local} by default)
-  . bin/            executables
-  . man/            man pages
-  . info/           info files
-  . lib/            libraries (@file{libkpathsea.*})
-  . share/          architecture-independent files
-  . . texmf/        TDS root
-  . . . web2c/      implementation-dependent files (@file{.pool}, @file{.fmt}, @file{texmf.cnf}, etc.)
- at end example
-See @uref{http://www.gnu.org/prep/standards_toc.html} for the
-rationale behind and descriptions of this arrangement. A site may of
-course override these defaults; for example, it may put everything under
-a single directory such as @file{/usr/local/texmf}.
- at node Is there a better way?
- at appendix Is there a better way?
-Defining the TDS required many compromises.  Both the overall
-structure and the details of the individual directories were arrived at
-by finding common ground among many opinions.  The driving forces were
-feasibility (in terms of what could technically be done and what could
-reasonably be expected from developers) and regularity (files grouped
-together in an arrangement that ``made sense'').
-Some interesting ideas could not be applied due to implementations
-lacking the necessary support:
- at itemize @bullet
- at item Path searching control at the TeX level. If documents could
-restrict subdirectory searching to a subdirectory via some portable
-syntax in file names, restrictions on uniqueness of filenames could be
-relaxed considerably (with the cooperation of the formats), and the
-TeX search path would not need to depend on the format.
- at item Multiple logical @file{texmf} trees. For example, a site might have
-one (read-only) location for stable files, and a different (writable)
-location for dynamically-created fonts or other files. It would be
-reasonable for two such trees to be logically merged when searching.
-See Michael Downes' article in the references for how this can work in
-practice with Web2C.
- at end itemize
- at menu
-* Macro structure::		
-* Font structure::		
-* Documentation structure::	
- at end menu
- at node Macro structure
- at section Macro structure
-The TWG settled on the
- at file{@var{format}/@var{package}} arrangement after long
-discussion about how best to arrange the files.
-The primary alternative to this arrangement was a scheme which reversed
-the order of these directories:
- at file{@var{package}/@var{format}}.  This reversed
-arrangement has a strong appeal: it keeps all of the files related to a
-particular package in a single place.  The arrangement actually adopted
-tends to spread files out into two or three places (macros,
-documentation, and fonts, for example, are spread into different
-sections of the tree right at the top level).
-Nevertheless, the @file{@var{format}/@var{package}}
-structure won for a couple of reasons:
- at itemize @bullet
- at item It is closer to current practice; in fact, several members of the
-TWG have already implemented the TDS hierarchy.  The
-alternative is not in use at any known site, and the TWG felt it
-wrong to mandate something with which there is no practical experience.
- at item The alternative arrangement increases the number of top-level
-directories, so the files that must be found using subdirectory
-searching are spread out in a wide, shallow tree.  This could have a
-profound impact on the efficiency of subdirectory searching.
- at end itemize
- at node Font structure
- at section Font structure
-The TWG struggled more with the font directory structure than
-anything else. This is not surprising; the need to use the proliferation
-of PostScript fonts with TeX is what made the previous arrangement
-with all files in a single directory untenable, and therefore what
-initiated the TDS effort.
- at menu
-* Font file type location::	
-* Mode and resolution location::  
-* Modeless bitmaps::		
- at end menu
- at node Font file type location
- at subsection Font file type location
-We considered the supplier-first arrangement in use at many sites:
- at example
- at end example
-This improves the maintainability of the font tree, since all files
-comprising a given typeface are in one place, but unless all the
-programs that search this tree employ some form of caching, there are
-serious performance concerns.  For example, in order to find a
- at file{TFM} file, the simplest implementation would require TeX to
-search through all the directories that contain PK files in all
-modes and at all resolutions.
-In the end, a poll of developers revealed considerable resistance to
-implementing sufficient caching mechanisms, so this arrangement was
-abandoned.  The TDS arrangement allows the search tree to be
-restricted to the correct type of file, at least.  Concerns about
-efficiency remain, but there seems to be no more we can do without
-abandoning subdirectory searching entirely.
-We also considered segregating all font-related files strictly by file
-type, so that Metafont sources would be in a directory
- at file{texmf/fonts/mf}, property list files in @file{texmf/fonts/pl}, the
-various forms of Type at tie{}1 fonts separated, and so on. Although more
-blindly consistent, we felt that the drawback of more complicated path
-constructions outweighed this. The TDS merges file types
-(@file{mf} and @file{pl} under @file{source}, @file{pfa} and @file{pfb}
-and @file{gsf} under @file{type1}) where we felt this was beneficial.
- at node Mode and resolution location
- at subsection Mode and resolution location
-We considered having the @file{mode} at the bottom of the font tree:
- at example
- at end example
-In this case, however, it is difficult to limit subdirectory searching
-to the mode required for a particular device.
-We then considered moving the @file{dpi at var{nnn}} up to below
-the mode:
- at example
- at end example
-But then it is not feasible to omit the @file{dpi at var{nnn}}
-level altogether on systems which can and do choose to use long
- at node Modeless bitmaps
- at subsection Modeless bitmaps
-The TDS specifies using a single directory @file{modeless/} as
-the mode name for those utilities which generate bitmaps, e.g.,
- at file{texmf/fonts/modeless/times/}.  This has the considerable advantage
-of not requiring each such directory name to be listed in a search path.
-An alternative was to use the utility name below which all such
-directories could be gathered.  That has the advantage of separating,
-say, @file{gsftopk}-generated bitmaps from @file{ps2pk}-generated ones.
-However, we decided this was not necessary; most sites will use only one
-program for the purpose.  Also, PK and GF fonts generally
-identify their creator in the font comment following the @file{PK_ID}
-We are making an implicit assumption that Metafont is the only program
-producing mode-dependent bitmaps. If this becomes false we could add an
-abbreviation for the program to mode names, as in @file{mfcx} vs.@:
- at file{xyzcx} for a hypothetical program Xyz, or we could
-at that time add an additional program name level uniformly to the tree.
-It seemed more important to concisely represent the current situation
-than to worry about hypothetical possibilities that may never at tie{}happen.
- at node Documentation structure
- at section Documentation structure
-We considered placing additional documentation files in the same
-directory as the source files for the packages, but we felt that users
-should be able to find documentation separately from sources, since most
-users have no interest in sources.
-We hope that a separate, but parallel, structure for documentation would
-(1)@tie{}keep the documentation together and (2)@tie{}make it as straightforward
-as possible for users to find the particular documentation they were
- at node Related references
- at appendix Related references
-This appendix gives pointers to related files and other documents.  For
-CTAN references, we use @file{http://www.ctan.org} as the
-top-level domain only to make the links be live in this document.  See
- at uref{http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/CTAN.sites} for a complete list of
-CTAN sites; there are mirrors worldwide.
- at itemize @bullet
- at item This document, in many formats (tex, dvi, info, pdf):@*
- at uref{http://tug.org/tds/}
- at item The TDS mailing list archives:@*
- at uref{http://tug.org/mail-archives/twg-tds/}
- at item The level at tie{}0 DVI driver standard:@*
- at uref{http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/dviware/driv-standard/level-0/}
- at item @cite{Filenames for TeX fonts}, with lists of recommended
-supplier and typeface names:@*
- at uref{http://tug.org/fontname/}
- at item ISO-9660 CD-ROM file system standard:@*
- at uref{http://www.iso.ch/cate/cat.html}
- at item @cite{Components of TeX}, a paper by Joachim
- at uref{http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/documentation/components-of-TeX/}
- at item @cite{Managing Multiple TDS trees}, an article by Michael
- at uref{http://tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb22-3/tb72downes.pdf}
- at item A complete set of Metafont modes:@*
- at uref{http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/fonts/modes/modes.mf}
- at item A large collection of BibTeX databases and styles:@*
- at uref{ftp://ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/}
- at end itemize
- at node Contributors
- at appendix Contributors
-The TWG has had no physical meetings; electronic mail was the
-communication medium.
-Sebastian Rahtz is the TeX Users Group Technical Council liaison.
-Norman Walsh was the original committee chair.  Karl Berry is the
-current editor.
-The list of contributors has grown too large to fairly include, as some
-would surely be inadvertently omitted.  Please consider the archives of
-the @email{tds@@tug.org} and @email{tex-live@@tug.org} mailing lists as
-the record of contributions.
- at iftex
- at contents
- at end iftex
- at bye

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