[Debian-tex-commits] SVN pkg-tetex-web commit + diffs: r2066 -
Frank Küster
frank at alioth.debian.org
Wed Dec 13 21:51:02 CET 2006
Author: frank
Date: 2006-12-13 21:51:02 +0100 (Wed, 13 Dec 2006)
New Revision: 2066
more receipes for mapping
Modified: pkg-tetex-web/trunk/mapping-texlive.html
--- pkg-tetex-web/trunk/mapping-texlive.html 2006-12-12 16:55:57 UTC (rev 2065)
+++ pkg-tetex-web/trunk/mapping-texlive.html 2006-12-13 20:51:02 UTC (rev 2066)
@@ -8,21 +8,22 @@
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
charset=iso-8859-1"><title>Mapping existing teTeX dependencies to TeXlive packages</title>
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@@ -51,19 +52,106 @@
<p>Depending on <kbd>tetex-base</kbd> is almost always a bug. The
package only provides input files, but no functionality for a user.
Most packages should depend on <kbd>tetex-bin</kbd> instead, unless
-they do not need any of the "engines" (binaries) and formats provided
-by <kbd>tetex-bin</kbd>.</p>
+they do not need any of the "engines" (binaries, in particular
+<code>/usr/bin/latex</code>) and formats provided by
+<kbd>tetex-bin</kbd>. See below...</p>
<h2><a name="filesVSpackages">Mapping files vs. mapping packages</a></h2>
-<p>Unfortunately, </p>
+<p>Unfortunately, a simple rule like "Replace 'tetex-bin' by
+'tetex-bin | texlive-latex-base'" cannot be given. The reason for
+this is the much finer granularity of the TeXlive packages (many teTeX
+bugs also request finer splitting, but this has never been
+implemented), and the actually buggy splitting scheme of teTeX: Things
+that are a required part of the LaTeX distribution ought not to be in
+an <kbd>-extra</kbd> package. </p>
+<p>The consequence is that <samp>Depends: tetex-bin,
+tetex-extra</samp> might be equivalent to <samp>Depends:
+texlive-latex-base</samp> as well as <samp>Depends:
+texlive-latex-recommended, texlive-latex-extra,
+texlive-fonts-recommended</samp> or even more. </p>
+<p>In order to figure out which dependencies are actually needed,
+one must therefore look at the (La)TeX code which is contained,
+generated etc. by the package, check which files are loaded, and
+determine the TeXlive packages which provide these files.</p>
+<h2><a name="order">Order of alternative dependencies: Which first?</a></h2>
+<p>Generally, since TeXlive is the more up-to-date TeX system, it should
+be preferred, and the TeXlive packages should be listed first, like
+<pre>Depends: texlive-latex-base | tetex-bin</pre>
+This is also true for <code>etch</code>. However, for uploads
+targetted at <code>etch</code>, maintainers who are unfamiliar with
+TeXlive and fear to introduce incomplete dependencies should consider
+putting teTeX first. This will ensure that the default selection when
+installing the package is the tested one which is known to work. We
+have asked the release team to not treat such bugs as
+release-critical, or grant an <code>etch-ignore</code> tag if the
+combination of dependencies listed first is correct. </p>
<h1><a name="receipe">A receipe for mapping packages</a></h1>
+<h2><a name="documents">Packages that include LaTeX documents or snippets to
+create LaTeX documents </a></h2>
+<p>In the following, we are only dealing with LaTeX code. Packages
+that use plain TeX, ConTeXt or other formats are very rare and not
+covered here. In the case of packages shipping snippets of LaTeX
+code, the individual snippets can be treated independently.</p>
+<p>The command to load additional files and activate their functions
+in a LaTeX document is
+<pre>\usepackage[<optional arguments>]{<packagename>}</pre>
+This will load the file <kbd><packagename>.sty</kbd>. Documents
+without such directives only need <code>tetex-bin |
+texlive-latex-base</code>. Otherwise, the maintainer has to figure
+out by which TeXlive package the loaded files are installed and add
+these packages as dependencies. This can be done by querying <a
+>Check Link!</a> or grepping through a copy of <a
+>http://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/unstable/Contents-i386.gz</a>, for
+example with the extended <code>findpkg</code> script available at <a
+href="" >Upload to people.debian.org!</a>. </p>
+<h2><a name="styles">Packages that provide additional LaTeX styles</a></h2>
+<p>If a package provides additional style files for LaTeX, the maintainer
+must check which other style files are loaded by these additional
+styles. Note that files cannot only be loaded in the
+<kbd><packagename>.sty</kbd> file, but also in any files it
+includes - common extensions are <kbd>.tex</kbd> or
+<p>In style files, <kbd>\RequirePackage</kbd> is used instead of
+<h2><a name="formats">Packages that provide additional
+<p>The file that determines format generation is usually called
+<kbd><formatname>.ini</kbd>. The command to load other files is
+<kbd>\input</kbd>, and these input commands can be nested.</p>
+<h2><a name="fonts">Packages that provide TeX fonts, additional
+hyphenation patterns etc.</a></h2>
+<p>These packages do not need to depend on a TeX system. See the <a
+>Debian TeX Policy</a> for details.</p>
<table border="0" width="100%">
-<tbody><tr><td><p style="font-size: smaller; font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;"><!-- hhmts start -->Last modified: Tue Dec 12 17:55:25 CET 2006 <!-- hhmts end --></em>.</p>
+<tbody><tr><td><p style="font-size: smaller; font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;"><!-- hhmts start -->Last modified: Wed Dec 13 12:52:07 CET 2006 <!-- hhmts end --></em>.</p>
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