[Debian-tex-commits] SVN pkg-tetex-web commit + diffs: r3530 - pkg-tetex-web/trunk/TeX-on-Debian.html

Frank Küster frank at alioth.debian.org
Sun Aug 17 14:18:18 UTC 2008

Author: frank
Date: 2008-08-17 14:18:17 +0000 (Sun, 17 Aug 2008)
New Revision: 3530

add user docs

Added: pkg-tetex-web/trunk/TeX-on-Debian.html/ch1.html
--- pkg-tetex-web/trunk/TeX-on-Debian.html/ch1.html	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg-tetex-web/trunk/TeX-on-Debian.html/ch1.html	2008-08-17 14:18:17 UTC (rev 3530)
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
+<title>Debian-specific information about TeX packages - Overview of the packages</title>
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+<link href="ch4.html" rel="chapter" title="4 How to install additional or updated (La)TeX packages or fonts">
+<link href="ch5.html" rel="chapter" title="5 Problems, bug reports">
+<link href="ch2.html#s-sec-texmf-trees" rel="section" title="2.1 Available <var>TEXMF</var> trees for users and system administrators">
+<link href="ch2.html#s2.2" rel="section" title="2.2 General hints">
+<link href="ch2.html#s2.3" rel="section" title="2.3 Hyphenation">
+<link href="ch2.html#s-sec-core-config-files" rel="section" title="2.4 The files <code>texmf.cnf</code>, <code>fmtutil.cnf</code>, <code>updmap.cfg</code> and <code>language.dat</code>">
+<link href="ch2.html#s2.5" rel="section" title="2.5 Font caching">
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+<link href="ch4.html#s4.1" rel="section" title="4.1 (La)TeX input files">
+<link href="ch4.html#s4.2" rel="section" title="4.2 Complex installations">
+<link href="ch4.html#s-sec-font-installation" rel="section" title="4.3 Font installation">
+<link href="ch4.html#s-sec-user-specific-installation" rel="section" title="4.4 User-specific installation">
+<link href="ch2.html#s2.2.1" rel="subsection" title="2.2.1 System-wide versus user-specific configuration">
+<link href="ch2.html#s2.2.2" rel="subsection" title="2.2.2 Configuration file placement">
+<link href="ch2.html#s2.2.3" rel="subsection" title="2.2.3 What is configured where?">
+<link href="ch2.html#s-sec-texmfcnf-and-update-texmf" rel="subsection" title="2.4.1 <code>texmf.cnf</code> and <code>update-texmf</code>">
+<link href="ch2.html#s2.4.2" rel="subsection" title="2.4.2 <code>fmtutil.cnf</code> and <code>update-fmtutil</code>, <code>updmap.cfg</code> and <code>update-updmap</code>, <code>language.dat</code> and <code>update-language</code>">
+<link href="ch2.html#s-jadetex-xmltex-specialcase" rel="subsection" title="2.4.3 A special case in <code>update-fmtutil</code>: Formats which are based on other formats">
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+Debian-specific information about TeX packages
+<br>Chapter 1 - Overview of the packages
+The Debian TeX Live packages are comprised of (currently) 80 packages in total.
+The most important are:
+provides the basic binaries and basic TeX input files
+provides the most basic LaTeX input files, and will be sufficient for some
+simple documents
+a recommended set of LaTeX packages which are sufficient for most typesetting
+purposes if you don't have any special requirements
+a recommended set of fonts which are sufficient for most typesetting purposes
+if you don't have any special requirements
+a meta-package depending on a decent selection of packages, comprising all of
+the above
+a meta-package depending on all packages from the TeX Live group and on some
+other packages to create something similar to a full TeX Live installation
+packages like <code>texlive-doc-en</code> and <code>texlive-doc-de</code>
+provide documentation in the respective language
+packages like <code>texlive-lang-dutch</code> and
+<code>texlive-lang-spanish</code> provide language-specific support, like
+hyphenation patterns
+There are many more packages, providing extra functionality and extra fonts.
+Please see the respective descriptions of these packages.
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+Debian-specific information about TeX packages
+generated from $Id: TeX-on-Debian.sgml 3103 2007-09-25 11:01:46Z preining $<br>
+The Debian TeX mailing list <code><a href="mailto:debian-tex-maint at lists.debian.org">debian-tex-maint at lists.debian.org</a></code><br>

Added: pkg-tetex-web/trunk/TeX-on-Debian.html/ch2.html
--- pkg-tetex-web/trunk/TeX-on-Debian.html/ch2.html	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg-tetex-web/trunk/TeX-on-Debian.html/ch2.html	2008-08-17 14:18:17 UTC (rev 3530)
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+<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
+<title>Debian-specific information about TeX packages - Changing your configuration, file placement</title>
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+<link href="ch2.html" rel="chapter" title="2 Changing your configuration, file placement">
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+<link href="ch4.html" rel="chapter" title="4 How to install additional or updated (La)TeX packages or fonts">
+<link href="ch5.html" rel="chapter" title="5 Problems, bug reports">
+<link href="ch2.html#s-sec-texmf-trees" rel="section" title="2.1 Available <var>TEXMF</var> trees for users and system administrators">
+<link href="ch2.html#s2.2" rel="section" title="2.2 General hints">
+<link href="ch2.html#s2.3" rel="section" title="2.3 Hyphenation">
+<link href="ch2.html#s-sec-core-config-files" rel="section" title="2.4 The files <code>texmf.cnf</code>, <code>fmtutil.cnf</code>, <code>updmap.cfg</code> and <code>language.dat</code>">
+<link href="ch2.html#s2.5" rel="section" title="2.5 Font caching">
+<link href="ch3.html#s3.1" rel="section" title="3.1 Note on <code>dvips</code>">
+<link href="ch3.html#s3.2" rel="section" title="3.2 Note on <code>dvipdfm</code>">
+<link href="ch3.html#s3.3" rel="section" title="3.3 &ldquo;TeX capacity exceeded&rdquo; and similar errors">
+<link href="ch4.html#s4.1" rel="section" title="4.1 (La)TeX input files">
+<link href="ch4.html#s4.2" rel="section" title="4.2 Complex installations">
+<link href="ch4.html#s-sec-font-installation" rel="section" title="4.3 Font installation">
+<link href="ch4.html#s-sec-user-specific-installation" rel="section" title="4.4 User-specific installation">
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+<link href="ch2.html#s2.2.2" rel="subsection" title="2.2.2 Configuration file placement">
+<link href="ch2.html#s2.2.3" rel="subsection" title="2.2.3 What is configured where?">
+<link href="ch2.html#s-sec-texmfcnf-and-update-texmf" rel="subsection" title="2.4.1 <code>texmf.cnf</code> and <code>update-texmf</code>">
+<link href="ch2.html#s2.4.2" rel="subsection" title="2.4.2 <code>fmtutil.cnf</code> and <code>update-fmtutil</code>, <code>updmap.cfg</code> and <code>update-updmap</code>, <code>language.dat</code> and <code>update-language</code>">
+<link href="ch2.html#s-jadetex-xmltex-specialcase" rel="subsection" title="2.4.3 A special case in <code>update-fmtutil</code>: Formats which are based on other formats">
+<link href="ch2.html#s-sec-user-config-files" rel="subsection" title="2.4.4 Per user configuration changes">
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+Debian-specific information about TeX packages
+<br>Chapter 2 - Changing your configuration, file placement
+<h2><a name="s-sec-texmf-trees"></a>2.1 Available <var>TEXMF</var> trees for users and system administrators</h2>
+The following <var>TEXMF</var> trees are available.  They are displayed below
+in the order they are searched, where earlier ones override later ones.
+Default location: <code>$HOME/.texmf-config/</code>
+Contains user-specific configuration
+Default location: <code>$HOME/.texmf-var/</code>
+Contains user-specific generated files
+Default location: <code>$HOME/texmf/</code>
+Contains user-specific static input files, e.g.  new LaTeX packages.
+Default location: <code>/etc/texmf</code>
+Contains system-wide configuration
+Default location: <code>/var/lib/texmf/</code>
+Contains system-wide generated files
+Default location: <code>/usr/local/share/texmf/</code>
+Contains system-wide input files
+Default location: <code>/usr/share/texmf/</code>
+Contains system-wide, <code>dpkg</code>-managed input files (TeX add-on
+Default location: <code>/usr/share/texmf-texlive</code>
+Contains system-wide, <code>dpkg</code>-managed input files (basic TeX
+If you want to add files, you should usually use <var>TEXMFLOCAL</var> or
+<var>TEXMFHOME</var>, depending on whether you are the system administrator or
+a user.  If needed, a system administrator can add additional trees to the
+<var>TEXMF</var> variable in <code>/etc/texmf/texmf.d/05TeXMF.cnf</code>
+(earlier entries take precedence).  <var>TEXMFCONFIG</var> and
+<var>TEXMFVAR</var> are used by the user-specific <code>texconfig</code>,
+<code>updmap</code>, and <code>fmtutil</code> commands.  Note that
+<code>texconfig</code> creates a copy of configuration files from
+<var>TEXMFMAIN</var> (or <code>/etc/texmf</code>) at the time it is first
+invoked to handle a particular file, and does not track later system-wide
+changes, and it does not know about <code>update-*</code> programs (see below
+<a href="#s-sec-core-config-files">The files <code>texmf.cnf</code>,
+<code>fmtutil.cnf</code>, <code>updmap.cfg</code> and
+<code>language.dat</code>, Section 2.4</a>).
+<h2><a name="s2.2"></a>2.2 General hints</h2>
+<h3><a name="s2.2.1"></a>2.2.1 System-wide versus user-specific configuration</h3>
+TeX Live supports a complete user-specific configuration setup in the user's
+home directory.  System administrators must use the commands
+<code>texconfig-sys</code>, <code>fmtutil-sys</code> and
+<code>updmap-sys</code> which act on the system-wide configuration files.
+Users can invoke their user counterparts <code>texconfig</code>,
+<code>fmtutil</code> and <code>updmap</code>.  This will put copies of the
+system-wide configuration files into the user's <var>TEXMFCONFIG</var>
+directory (by default, <code>$HOME/.texmf-config</code>), modify them and
+generate according formats, if applicable.
+There is no such mechanism for <code>texmf.cnf</code>.  For a way to customize
+<code>texmf.cnf</code> as a user, see <a href="#s-sec-user-config-files">Per
+user configuration changes, Section 2.4.4</a>.
+<h3><a name="s2.2.2"></a>2.2.2 Configuration file placement</h3>
+On a TeX system, in principle every TeX input file can be used to <em>change
+the behavior of the system</em> and hence could be treated as a configuration
+file.  To avoid an inflation of configuration files, those that are used to
+control the typeset output - the appearance of documents - are not installed as
+configuration files.  It makes more sense to keep changed versions in the
+current directory for a certain project, or in <var>TEXMFHOME</var> or
+<var>TEXMFCONFIG</var> of a particular user.  However, local admins can take
+any file they want from the <var>TEXMFDIST</var>
+(<code>/usr/share/texmf-texlive</code>) or <var>TEXMFMAIN</var>
+(<code>/usr/share/texmf</code>) trees and put changed copies into the
+respective directories below <code>/etc/texmf</code> (<var>TEXMFSYSCONFIG</var>
+which sorts before all other trees).
+Since the package management system does not know whether a file is treated as
+a configuration file on a specific system, it is up to the site admin or local
+user to check whether one of their changed files has changed in
+<var>TEXMFMAIN</var> or <var>TEXMFDIST</var>.
+<h3><a name="s2.2.3"></a>2.2.3 What is configured where?</h3>
+The central system-wide configuration files <code>texmf.cnf</code> (which
+controls the basic operation and file search paths for the included programs),
+<code>fmtutil.cnf</code> (which specifies the available TeX formats),
+<code>updmap.cfg</code> (font configuration) and <code>language.dat</code>
+(hyphenation patterns for many formats) are handled through a Debian-specific
+mechanism that allows the basic TeX packages, add-on packages and local
+administrators to combine their changes (see <a
+href="#s-sec-core-config-files">The files <code>texmf.cnf</code>,
+<code>fmtutil.cnf</code>, <code>updmap.cfg</code> and
+<code>language.dat</code>, Section 2.4</a> below).
+For some configuration changes, there is a program called
+<code>texconfig-dialog</code> (or simply <code>texconfig</code> for a
+commandline frontend); alternatively, you can of course make the necessary
+changes in configuration files by hand.
+<h2><a name="s2.3"></a>2.3 Hyphenation</h2>
+Hyphenation should pretty much work out of the box.  Please note that in
+Debian, language.dat is a generated file (see <a
+href="#s-sec-core-config-files">The files <code>texmf.cnf</code>,
+<code>fmtutil.cnf</code>, <code>updmap.cfg</code> and
+<code>language.dat</code>, Section 2.4</a>).
+For users of the ukranian language, the right pattern file depends on the
+output encoding (see
+<code>/usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/generic/ukrhyph/ukrhyph.tex</code>); you can
+also choose different rule sets in the file.
+<h2><a name="s-sec-core-config-files"></a>2.4 The files <code>texmf.cnf</code>, <code>fmtutil.cnf</code>, <code>updmap.cfg</code> and <code>language.dat</code></h2>
+In the following we describe ways to configure these files for the <em>system
+administrator</em>, i.e.  one that has write access to the
+<code>/etc/texmf</code> hierachy.  In <a href="#s-sec-user-config-files">Per
+user configuration changes, Section 2.4.4</a> we describe a per-user
+The files <code>texmf.cnf</code>, <code>fmtutil.cnf</code>,
+<code>updmap.cfg</code> and <code>language.dat</code> contain configuration
+options from TeX Live, possibly from you, and from other TeX-related packages.
+They are generated by scripts and should not&mdash;in fact, except
+<code>texmf.cnf</code> may not&mdash;be edited directly.  Rather, you should
+work with the source files in the respective directories below
+In order to make updates smooth, you should <em>avoid editing</em> system-wide
+files as far as possible, and instead <em>add new files</em> to change
+settings.  For <code>texmf.cnf</code> snippets, this is particularly easy,
+since earlier entries override any later entries.  Only for removing settings
+from <code>fmtutil.cnf</code>, <code>updmap.cfg</code> or
+<code>language.dat</code> is it necessary to edit existing files.
+<h3><a name="s-sec-texmfcnf-and-update-texmf"></a>2.4.1 <code>texmf.cnf</code> and <code>update-texmf</code></h3>
+The TeX binaries are built to look for <code>texmf.cnf</code> (the master
+config file for TeX and Metafont) in
+<code>/usr/share/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf</code> (or
+<code>$HOME/.texmf-config/web2c/texmf.cnf</code> if it exists).  The
+system-wide file is a symbolic link to <code>/etc/texmf/texmf.cnf</code>.  The
+Debian packaging includes a mechanism for constructing texmf.cnf from a
+collection of files under <code>/etc/texmf/texmf.d/</code>.  To customize
+<code>texmf.cnf</code> while retaining the Debian-supplied configuration,
+create an appropriate file (or files) in <code>/etc/texmf/texmf.d/</code>, or
+change existing files, and then run <code>update-texmf</code>.  This will
+generate the desired <code>texmf.cnf</code> for you.
+You should not edit this file directly!  While changes made by the local
+administrator will not be overwritten, they will cause you trouble once a
+package is updated and brings in a configuration change.  You will be shown the
+differences between the edited and the newly generated file.  We will try to
+merge our and your changes, but that might not always work, and you will
+probably have to edit again.
+Therefore, if you want a smooth upgrade, please edit the files in
+<code>/etc/texmf/texmf.d</code>, or create an additional one, and invoke
+<code>update-texmf</code>.  This will write your changes into
+You should name your customization file something like
+<code>40macros.cnf</code>; the leading numerals will decide the order in which
+configuration fragments will be assembled by <code>update-texmf</code>, so it
+might be important to place your customizations in an appropriate place in the
+sequence &mdash; earlier definitions take precedence over later ones.  In
+previous versions the extension <samp>.cnf</samp> was not necessary, and all
+files in the directory were used.  If you had teTeX installed in woody, you
+might still have private files which need the extension to be added.
+<h3><a name="s2.4.2"></a>2.4.2 <code>fmtutil.cnf</code> and <code>update-fmtutil</code>, <code>updmap.cfg</code> and <code>update-updmap</code>, <code>language.dat</code> and <code>update-language</code></h3>
+These files are also generated files, just as it has been explained above for
+<code>texmf.cnf</code>.  The difference to <code>texmf.cnf</code> is that the
+system-wide files will be put into <code>/var/lib/texmf/web2c</code>, and any
+change made in these files will be <strong>unconditionally overwritten</strong>
+by <code>update-fmtutil</code>, <code>update-language</code> and
+<code>update-updmap</code>, respectively.  Only the files in
+<code>/etc/texmf/updmap.d/</code>, <code>/etc/texmf/fmt.d/</code> and
+<code>/etc/texmf/language.d/</code> will be treated as configuration files.
+Furthermore, the files <code>fmtutil.cnf</code>, <code>updmap.cfg</code> and
+<code>language.dat</code> are used on a first-found-first-used basis, if there
+are more than one in the search path, whereas if there are several
+<code>texmf.cnf</code> files in the search path, their settings are combined as
+described in <a href="#s-sec-user-config-files">Per user configuration changes,
+Section 2.4.4</a>.
+Just as for <code>texmf.cnf</code>, the right way to change settings is to edit
+or add files in <code>/etc/texmf/updmap.d/</code>,
+<code>/etc/texmf/fmt.d/</code> or <code>/etc/texmf/language.d/</code>.  The
+details have been described above (see <a
+href="#s-sec-texmfcnf-and-update-texmf"><code>texmf.cnf</code> and
+<code>update-texmf</code>, Section 2.4.1</a>).  Note, however, that the
+extension for <code>updmap.cfg</code> snippets in
+<code>/etc/texmf/updmap.d/</code> is <code>.cfg</code>, not <code>.cnf</code>.
+<code>updmap-sys(8)</code> provides options for enabling or disabling font map
+files.  When enabling a new map file that is not mentioned,
+<code>updmap-sys</code> will first create or edit <code>10local.cfg</code> in
+the <code>/etc/texmf/updmap.d</code> directory and then call
+<code>update-updmap</code>.  Note that <code>updmap-sys</code>'s
+<samp>--edit</samp> and <samp>--syncwithtrees</samp> options cannot be used on
+a Debian system.
+<h3><a name="s-jadetex-xmltex-specialcase"></a>2.4.3 A special case in <code>update-fmtutil</code>: Formats which are based on other formats</h3>
+The JadeTeX and xmlTeX formats are built on top of LaTeX and therefore require
+special treatment.  This is done automatically for the Debian packages for
+these formats.  However, local administrators who similarly base their custom
+formats on LaTeX (or any other format) might need to take special care, in
+particular when dist-upgrading.
+JadeTeX is based on LaTeX such that during format generation, the LaTeX format
+dump is preloaded with this line in <code>fmtutil.cnf</code>:
+     jadetex		etex	language.dat	&amp;latex jadetex.ini
+This is problematic if the package which provides LaTeX (currently
+<code>texlive-latex-base</code>) is upgraded at the same time as the package
+which provides the executables (currently <code>texlive-base-bin</code>).  In
+this dpkg run, <code>texlive-base-bin</code> will be configured while
+<code>texlive-latex-base</code> is unpacked but unconfigured and might have a
+<code>10texlive-latex-base.cnf.dpkg-new</code> file in
+<code>/etc/texmf/fmt.d</code>.  <code>texlive-base-bin</code> will call
+<code>update-fmtutil</code> just before it executes <samp>fmtutil --all</samp>,
+and because of the <code>dpkg-new</code> file information for LaTeX will not be
+included.  If JadeTeX would still be included, its format generation would
+consequently fail.
+<code>update-fmtutil</code> knows about this problem and will ignore JadeTeX
+and xmlTeX if LaTeX is not available.  It does not know which other (locally
+defined) formats are also based on LaTeX, though.  To prevent failures (and
+actually a possible fork bomb, see Debian Bug #427562), local administrators
+should manually disable such formats before upgrading TeX Live packages.
+<h3><a name="s-sec-user-config-files"></a>2.4.4 Per user configuration changes</h3>
+<code>update-texmf</code> is only available for root; if a user wants to
+maintain their own <code>texmf.cnf</code>, they can put it into
+<samp><var>TEXMFCONFIG</var>/web2c</samp> and must manually edit it.  However,
+in order for it to be found, they need to set an environment variable [<a
+href="footnotes.html#f1" name="fr1">1</a>]:
+     export TEXMFCNF=$HOME/.texmf-config/web2c:
+The final colon includes the system wide default.  Since all
+<code>texmf.cnf</code> files are read, with earlier definitions taking
+precedence over later ones, it is best to keep only a minimal set of
+definitions in the user-specific file.
+In contrast to the above&mdash;TeX reading and merging all
+<code>texmf.cnf</code> files&mdash;the <em>first</em> found occurrence of one
+of the files <code>updmap.cfg</code>, <code>language.dat</code>,
+<code>fmtutil.cnf</code> is used.  Thus, when called by a user, the other
+configuration update programs also work with files in
+<samp><var>TEXMFCONFIG</var>/fmt.d</samp> or
+<samp><var>TEXMFCONFIG</var>/language.d</samp>, where <var>TEXMFCONFIG</var> is
+usually <code><var>HOME</var>/.texmf-config</code>.  They combine files in
+these directories with the files in the system-wide directories&mdash;naturally
+the user-specific ones take precedence if the names are equal (see <a
+href="ch4.html#s-sec-user-specific-installation">User-specific installation,
+Section 4.4</a>) &mdash;and drop the respective generated file into the user's
+<var>TEXMFVAR</var>, effectively overriding the system-wide config files.  Note
+that changes to existing configuration file snippets made by package updates
+will not be propagated to the user's files.
+<code>updmap(1)</code> provides the same options for enabling and disabling map
+files as <code>updmap-sys(8)</code>, see above.  <code>10local.cfg</code> is
+created or edited in <samp><var>TEXMFCONFIG</var>/updmap.d</samp>.
+<h2><a name="s2.5"></a>2.5 Font caching</h2>
+A TeX system needs to generate new font data (pixel data, metric, sources) on
+the fly.  These files can be saved into the TeX font cache and later be reused.
+By default, a separate font cache is created for each user in their own
+<var>TEXMFVAR</var> directory (<code>$<var>HOME</var>/.texmf-var/</code>).  If
+this directory is not writable, e.g.  during automated package building, a
+directory called <var>VARTEXFONTS</var>, <code>/tmp/texfonts/</code>, is used
+instead, but this directory is cleaned up regularly.
+On multi-user machines, it might be advisable that the local administrator
+enables a site-wide font cache and sets <var>VARTEXFONTS</var> to a persistent
+directory, e.g.  <code>/var/cache/fonts</code>.  The variable is set in
+<code>/etc/texmf/texmf.d/05TeXMF.cnf</code> and can either be changed there or
+preferrably overwritten in a file that sorts before <code>05TeXMF.cnf</code>,
+e.g.  <code>/etc/texmf/texmf.d/04VARTEXFONTS.cnf</code>.  Do not forget to run
+<code>update-texmf</code> after making the change.  To enable a side-wide font
+caching the admin should edit <code>/etc/texmf/web2c/mktex.cnf</code> and use
+'varfonts' instead of 'texmfvar' in <var>MT_FEATURES</var>.  Care should be
+taken to specifiy appropriate permissions for the directory containing the font
+cache.  Either the local admin should create all available font data and not
+allow write access, or else write access should be limited to trusted users.
+Yet an other alternative is to bind-mount <code>/var/cache/fonts</code> from a
+separate partition, so that users are not able to fill up the <code>/var</code>
+partition with font data.
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+Debian-specific information about TeX packages
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+Debian-specific information about TeX packages
+<br>Chapter 3 - Usage hints, Debian-specific adaptations
+<h2><a name="s3.1"></a>3.1 Note on <code>dvips</code></h2>
+Per default, <code>dvips</code> is in secure mode and won't execute shell
+commands in <samp>\special</samp> commands, like backticks in
+<samp>\DeclareGraphicsRule</samp>, etc.  To enable this, change <samp>z1</samp>
+to <samp>z0</samp> in <code>/etc/texmf/dvips/config.ps</code> (second entry).
+<h2><a name="s3.2"></a>3.2 Note on <code>dvipdfm</code></h2>
+The Debian TeX Live packages currently do not evaluate the settings of
+<code>/etc/papersize</code>, please set the paper geometry explicitly in the
+(La)TeX source, e.g.  using the packages <samp>geometry</samp> or
+<h2><a name="s3.3"></a>3.3 &ldquo;TeX capacity exceeded&rdquo; and similar errors</h2>
+In most cases, this error is the symptom of a syntax error in the
+document&mdash;TeX is getting into an infinite loop, and after some time all
+its internal registers have been used.  Sometimes, however, a large document
+that loads a package that uses a lot of TeX's registers leads to that error, or
+to a similar error message.  The package documentation, the Google archive, or
+TeX-related mailing-lists or newsgroups will be helpful to find out which
+parameter needs to be changed in <code>/etc/texmf/texmf.cnf</code> (or rather
+in <code>/etc/texmf/texmf.d/95NonPath.cnf</code>, (see <a
+href="ch2.html#s-sec-texmfcnf-and-update-texmf"><code>texmf.cnf</code> and
+<code>update-texmf</code>, Section 2.4.1</a>)).
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+Debian-specific information about TeX packages
+generated from $Id: TeX-on-Debian.sgml 3103 2007-09-25 11:01:46Z preining $<br>
+The Debian TeX mailing list <code><a href="mailto:debian-tex-maint at lists.debian.org">debian-tex-maint at lists.debian.org</a></code><br>

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+<link href="ch2.html#s-jadetex-xmltex-specialcase" rel="subsection" title="2.4.3 A special case in <code>update-fmtutil</code>: Formats which are based on other formats">
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+Debian-specific information about TeX packages
+<br>Chapter 4 - How to install additional or updated (La)TeX packages or fonts
+If you want to install additional (La)TeX stuff, you have to:
+<ol type="1" start="1" >
+install it at a place where TeX can find it;
+<ol type="1" start="2" >
+register it properly.
+This can generally be done site-wide (by an administrator who has write access
+to at least <code>/usr/local/share/texmf</code> and <code>/etc/texmf</code>),
+or on a per-user basis.  This can be done by any user on the system, without
+requiring write access to system directories.  Some people might also find it
+more convenient in case they share their home directory between a couple of
+machines, even if they do have administrator rights.
+In the following, we first explain the principles by describing a site-wide
+setup; then we explain the details for user-specific setup.
+<h2><a name="s4.1"></a>4.1 (La)TeX input files</h2>
+This is usually quite easy.  Put the files in an appropriate directory below
+<var>TEXMFLOCAL</var>, which is the directory tree rooted at
+For LaTeX packages, create the directory
+<code>tex/latex/<var>packagename</var></code> within that tree (or use
+<code>tex/latex/misc</code>) and put the files there; the documentation should
+be put into <code>doc/latex/<var>packagename</var></code>.  If the package
+comes as a pair of <code>.dtx</code> and <code>.ins</code> files, you need to
+run <code>latex</code> over the <code>.ins</code> file in order to produce the
+package files, and over the <code>.dtx</code> file to produce the
+documentation.  After that, the <code>.dtx</code> and <code>.ins</code> files
+are no longer needed.  Please refer to the <code>README</code> file of the
+package if there is one.
+After that, <em>registering</em> is easy: just run the command
+<code>mktexlsr</code> (also called <code>texhash</code>).  This will regenerate
+the <code>ls-R</code> file for all <var>TEXMF</var> trees you have write access
+<h2><a name="s4.2"></a>4.2 Complex installations</h2>
+With some packages, e.g.  when they contain fonts, the procedure is more
+complicated.  Please follow the instructions given in the package.  The
+Debian-specific part comes in when the configuration files
+<code>texmf.cnf</code>, <code>fmtutil.cnf</code>, <code>updmap.cfg</code>, or
+<code>language.dat</code> need to be changed.  See the description above (<a
+href="ch2.html#s-sec-core-config-files">The files <code>texmf.cnf</code>,
+<code>fmtutil.cnf</code>, <code>updmap.cfg</code> and
+<code>language.dat</code>, Section 2.4</a>), the manual pages for
+<code>update-updmap</code>, <code>update-texmf</code>,
+<code>update-fmtutil</code>, <code>update-language</code> and <a
+href="#s-sec-font-installation">Font installation, Section 4.3</a>.
+<h2><a name="s-sec-font-installation"></a>4.3 Font installation</h2>
+If you wish to install a font package in a system-wide manner, please follow
+the instructions in this section.  If you are preparing a Debian package
+containing fonts, you should refer to the Debian TeX policy instead, which is
+shipped in the <code>tex-common</code> package.
+Generally, you should first have a look at the installation instructions that
+come with the font package, in case there is something specific to that package
+with respect to installation.  But you should make sure that you install most
+files in a subdirectory of <var>TEXMFLOCAL</var> (see <a
+href="ch2.html#s-sec-texmf-trees">Available <var>TEXMF</var> trees for users
+and system administrators, Section 2.1</a>).  This is because we are describing
+here a system-wide installation that is not done by Debian packages.
+For instance, AFM files should be stored into
+where <var>supplier</var> identifies the supplier of the fonts (for instance,
+<samp>adobe</samp>, <samp>urw</samp> or <samp>public</samp>) and
+<var>typeface</var> refers to the name of the font family (e.g.,
+<samp>marvosym</samp> or <samp>lm</samp>).  If in doubt, you should have a look
+at the system trees managed by Debian packages, <code>/usr/share/texmf</code>,
+<code>/usr/share/texmf-texlive</code> and
+<code>/usr/share/texmf-texlive</code>; they follow the same layout, called the
+TeX Directory Structure (which is documented at <code><a
+In order for the various TeX-related programs to be able to use a font, you
+need to somehow register its map files (simply copying the files to
+<var>TEXMFLOCAL</var> is not enough).  You can do this with the following
+steps, performed as <samp>root</samp>, where <var>foo</var> stands for the name
+of the font package you are installing:
+<ol type="1" start="1" >
+Make sure you have stored all the relevant files shipped in the package
+(<code>.afm</code>, <code>.tfm</code>, <code>.pfb</code>, <code>.pfa</code>,
+<code>.mf</code>, <code>.fd</code>, <code>.enc</code>, <code>.map</code>,
+<code>.sty</code> are all relevant in this context) in the appropriate
+subdirectories of <var>TEXMFLOCAL</var>, as explained above.
+Note: in teTeX 3 and current TeX Live (as opposed to teTeX 2):
+<code>.map</code> files should go to
+<code>.enc</code> files should go to
+where <var>syntax</var> indicates the syntax followed by the files (it is often
+<samp>dvips</samp>).  Please refer to the teTeX Manual for details.  You can
+read this manual with the command
+     texdoc TETEXDOC
+<ol type="1" start="2" >
+Create a configuration file
+<code>/etc/texmf/updmap.d/10local-<var>foo</var>.cfg</code> (the extension
+<code>.cfg</code> is important!  You can also use one <code>10local.cfg</code>
+for all your locally installed fonts).  The file should list the map files you
+stored in step 1 under <var>TEXMFLOCAL</var>, with one line per file, as in:
+     # This is a comment line
+     Map <var>foo</var>.map
+     Map other-map-file-from-package-<var>foo</var>.map
+If a font is available both as bitmap and outline, you should use
+<samp>MixedMap</samp> instead of <samp>Map</samp>.  Please refer to the manual
+pages for <code>update-updmap</code> and <code>updmap-sys</code> for details.
+You can also use <samp>updmap-sys --enable Map <var>foo</var>.map</samp>; this
+will create the <code>10local.cfg</code> file for you.
+<ol type="1" start="3" >
+Run the program <code>update-updmap</code>.  This will generate an appropriate
+<code>updmap.cfg</code> file under <code>/var/lib/texmf/web2c/</code> (not
+<code>/etc/texmf/</code>!), containing the <samp>Map</samp> and/or
+<samp>MixedMap</samp> lines taken from <code>10local-<var>foo</var>.cfg</code>.
+Note: modifying <code>updmap.cfg</code> directly is not supported in Debian,
+because Debian font packages need to update it when they are installed or
+removed.  This is why <code>updmap.cfg</code> is not stored under
+<code>/etc</code> and why you have to use <code>update-updmap</code> whenever
+you want to modify it.
+<ol type="1" start="4" >
+Run the program <code>mktexlsr</code> (or <code>texhash</code>, which is the
+same).  This will record all the newly created files in <code>ls-R</code> files
+(these are used by TeX-related programs as indices to find the files they need
+when operating).
+<ol type="1" start="5" >
+Run the program <code>updmap-sys</code>.  This will use your updated
+<code>updmap.cfg</code> to generate files that are needed by
+<code>dvips</code>, <code>pdflatex</code>, <code>dvipdfm</code>, etc., such as
+<code>psfonts.map</code> and <code>pdftex.map</code>.
+At this point, the font package should be properly installed for all users on
+the system.
+<h2><a name="s-sec-user-specific-installation"></a>4.4 User-specific installation</h2>
+Instead of a system-wide installation, one can also install input files and
+fonts in the private <var>TEXMFHOME</var>, which is set to
+<code>$HOME/texmf</code> by default.  For fonts, compared to the system-wide
+installation explained above, the following changes have to be made:
+In step 1, copy all relevant files to the appropriate subdirectories in
+The configuration file created in step 2 should be placed in
+<var>TEXMFCONFIG</var> (<code>$HOME/.texmf-config</code> by default).  An
+appropriate place would be <code><var>TEXMFCONFIG</var>/updmap.d/</code>.  Note
+that most likely you will have to create this directory first.
+As for the site-wide installation, you can also use <samp>updmap --enable Map
+After updating the <code>ls-R</code> files with <code>mktexlsr</code> or
+<code>texhash</code> (step 4), one has to generate the map files in step 5.
+This is done by running the program <code>updmap</code> instead of
+<code>updmap-sys</code>.  The generated files are created in directories below
+Note that <code>update-updmap</code> merges the configuration files in
+<code>$HOME/.texmf-config/web2c/updmap.d</code> and in
+<code>/etc/texmf/updmap.d</code>.  Therefore, all system-wide installed fonts
+are accessible without duplicating their configuration files.  Merging the
+configuration files is done on the basis of file names: If a file exists in
+both directories, the version in <var>TEXMFCONFIG</var> takes precedence.
+Thus, you can also use this mechanism to change settings compared to the
+site-wide configuration, e.g.  by keeping a changed copy of
+<code>00updmap.cfg</code> in <code><var>TEXMFCONFIG</var>/updmap.d/</code>.
+Keep in mind that you still have to call <code>update-updmap</code> whenever
+the system-wide installation changes.  If you keep a changed copy of a file
+from the site-wide directories, you need to manually merge any changes to this
+file, if desired.
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+Debian-specific information about TeX packages
+generated from $Id: TeX-on-Debian.sgml 3103 2007-09-25 11:01:46Z preining $<br>
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+<link href="ch4.html" rel="chapter" title="4 How to install additional or updated (La)TeX packages or fonts">
+<link href="ch5.html" rel="chapter" title="5 Problems, bug reports">
+<link href="ch2.html#s-sec-texmf-trees" rel="section" title="2.1 Available <var>TEXMF</var> trees for users and system administrators">
+<link href="ch2.html#s2.2" rel="section" title="2.2 General hints">
+<link href="ch2.html#s2.3" rel="section" title="2.3 Hyphenation">
+<link href="ch2.html#s-sec-core-config-files" rel="section" title="2.4 The files <code>texmf.cnf</code>, <code>fmtutil.cnf</code>, <code>updmap.cfg</code> and <code>language.dat</code>">
+<link href="ch2.html#s2.5" rel="section" title="2.5 Font caching">
+<link href="ch3.html#s3.1" rel="section" title="3.1 Note on <code>dvips</code>">
+<link href="ch3.html#s3.2" rel="section" title="3.2 Note on <code>dvipdfm</code>">
+<link href="ch3.html#s3.3" rel="section" title="3.3 &ldquo;TeX capacity exceeded&rdquo; and similar errors">
+<link href="ch4.html#s4.1" rel="section" title="4.1 (La)TeX input files">
+<link href="ch4.html#s4.2" rel="section" title="4.2 Complex installations">
+<link href="ch4.html#s-sec-font-installation" rel="section" title="4.3 Font installation">
+<link href="ch4.html#s-sec-user-specific-installation" rel="section" title="4.4 User-specific installation">
+<link href="ch2.html#s2.2.1" rel="subsection" title="2.2.1 System-wide versus user-specific configuration">
+<link href="ch2.html#s2.2.2" rel="subsection" title="2.2.2 Configuration file placement">
+<link href="ch2.html#s2.2.3" rel="subsection" title="2.2.3 What is configured where?">
+<link href="ch2.html#s-sec-texmfcnf-and-update-texmf" rel="subsection" title="2.4.1 <code>texmf.cnf</code> and <code>update-texmf</code>">
+<link href="ch2.html#s2.4.2" rel="subsection" title="2.4.2 <code>fmtutil.cnf</code> and <code>update-fmtutil</code>, <code>updmap.cfg</code> and <code>update-updmap</code>, <code>language.dat</code> and <code>update-language</code>">
+<link href="ch2.html#s-jadetex-xmltex-specialcase" rel="subsection" title="2.4.3 A special case in <code>update-fmtutil</code>: Formats which are based on other formats">
+<link href="ch2.html#s-sec-user-config-files" rel="subsection" title="2.4.4 Per user configuration changes">
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+Debian-specific information about TeX packages
+<br>Chapter 5 - Problems, bug reports
+If the installation failed, please check the following points:
+Is there enough room on your hard disk?
+Is there any privately-compiled TeX system besides the Debian packages?
+Does the command:
+     kpsewhich --format=cnf texmf
+return <code>/usr/share/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf</code>?
+Is <code>texmf.cnf</code> modified a lot?  Please check
+Did you set any TeX-related environment variable?
+Try again.  This might work in some cases.
+Is your <code>language.dat</code> correct?
+How to report a bug:
+Please calm down anyway.  ;)
+Please check the Debian Bug Tracking System first.
+Please read carefully the error messages, if any.  It will help both you and
+Please use <code>reportbug</code> and include all information it gathers
+Please attach a simple and short sample file which causes the problem you want
+to report.
+Be prepared that we will have to ask more questions: You should have time to
+exchange a couple of e-mails with us
+It will be helpful to show us the output of the command:
+     ls /etc/texmf/texmf.d/*
+If you see something like:
+     Unpacking replacement tetex-base ...
+     dpkg: error processing /var/cache/../tetex-base_*_all.deb (--unpack): trying to overwrite `/usr/share/texmf/dvips/config', which is also in package foo
+then the problem should be of package <code>foo</code>, not of
+The Debian maintainers will not include anything in the TeX Live packages that
+is not already in TeX Live upstream.
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+Debian-specific information about TeX packages
+generated from $Id: TeX-on-Debian.sgml 3103 2007-09-25 11:01:46Z preining $<br>
+The Debian TeX mailing list <code><a href="mailto:debian-tex-maint at lists.debian.org">debian-tex-maint at lists.debian.org</a></code><br>

Added: pkg-tetex-web/trunk/TeX-on-Debian.html/footnotes.html
--- pkg-tetex-web/trunk/TeX-on-Debian.html/footnotes.html	                        (rev 0)
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+<link href="ch4.html" rel="chapter" title="4 How to install additional or updated (La)TeX packages or fonts">
+<link href="ch5.html" rel="chapter" title="5 Problems, bug reports">
+<link href="ch2.html#s-sec-texmf-trees" rel="section" title="2.1 Available <var>TEXMF</var> trees for users and system administrators">
+<link href="ch2.html#s2.2" rel="section" title="2.2 General hints">
+<link href="ch2.html#s2.3" rel="section" title="2.3 Hyphenation">
+<link href="ch2.html#s-sec-core-config-files" rel="section" title="2.4 The files <code>texmf.cnf</code>, <code>fmtutil.cnf</code>, <code>updmap.cfg</code> and <code>language.dat</code>">
+<link href="ch2.html#s2.5" rel="section" title="2.5 Font caching">
+<link href="ch3.html#s3.1" rel="section" title="3.1 Note on <code>dvips</code>">
+<link href="ch3.html#s3.2" rel="section" title="3.2 Note on <code>dvipdfm</code>">
+<link href="ch3.html#s3.3" rel="section" title="3.3 &ldquo;TeX capacity exceeded&rdquo; and similar errors">
+<link href="ch4.html#s4.1" rel="section" title="4.1 (La)TeX input files">
+<link href="ch4.html#s4.2" rel="section" title="4.2 Complex installations">
+<link href="ch4.html#s-sec-font-installation" rel="section" title="4.3 Font installation">
+<link href="ch4.html#s-sec-user-specific-installation" rel="section" title="4.4 User-specific installation">
+<link href="ch2.html#s2.2.1" rel="subsection" title="2.2.1 System-wide versus user-specific configuration">
+<link href="ch2.html#s2.2.2" rel="subsection" title="2.2.2 Configuration file placement">
+<link href="ch2.html#s2.2.3" rel="subsection" title="2.2.3 What is configured where?">
+<link href="ch2.html#s-sec-texmfcnf-and-update-texmf" rel="subsection" title="2.4.1 <code>texmf.cnf</code> and <code>update-texmf</code>">
+<link href="ch2.html#s2.4.2" rel="subsection" title="2.4.2 <code>fmtutil.cnf</code> and <code>update-fmtutil</code>, <code>updmap.cfg</code> and <code>update-updmap</code>, <code>language.dat</code> and <code>update-language</code>">
+<link href="ch2.html#s-jadetex-xmltex-specialcase" rel="subsection" title="2.4.3 A special case in <code>update-fmtutil</code>: Formats which are based on other formats">
+<link href="ch2.html#s-sec-user-config-files" rel="subsection" title="2.4.4 Per user configuration changes">
+Debian-specific information about TeX packages
+<h2><a href="ch2.html#fr1" name="f1">1</a></h2>
+The reason for this is that the search path for <code>texmf.cnf</code>, which
+is the file that defines all search paths for later use, naturally cannot be
+specified in the file, but is fixed at compile time.
+Debian-specific information about TeX packages
+generated from $Id: TeX-on-Debian.sgml 3103 2007-09-25 11:01:46Z preining $<br>
+The Debian TeX mailing list <code><a href="mailto:debian-tex-maint at lists.debian.org">debian-tex-maint at lists.debian.org</a></code><br>

Added: pkg-tetex-web/trunk/TeX-on-Debian.html/index.html
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+<link href="ch4.html" rel="chapter" title="4 How to install additional or updated (La)TeX packages or fonts">
+<link href="ch5.html" rel="chapter" title="5 Problems, bug reports">
+<link href="ch2.html#s-sec-texmf-trees" rel="section" title="2.1 Available <var>TEXMF</var> trees for users and system administrators">
+<link href="ch2.html#s2.2" rel="section" title="2.2 General hints">
+<link href="ch2.html#s2.3" rel="section" title="2.3 Hyphenation">
+<link href="ch2.html#s-sec-core-config-files" rel="section" title="2.4 The files <code>texmf.cnf</code>, <code>fmtutil.cnf</code>, <code>updmap.cfg</code> and <code>language.dat</code>">
+<link href="ch2.html#s2.5" rel="section" title="2.5 Font caching">
+<link href="ch3.html#s3.1" rel="section" title="3.1 Note on <code>dvips</code>">
+<link href="ch3.html#s3.2" rel="section" title="3.2 Note on <code>dvipdfm</code>">
+<link href="ch3.html#s3.3" rel="section" title="3.3 &ldquo;TeX capacity exceeded&rdquo; and similar errors">
+<link href="ch4.html#s4.1" rel="section" title="4.1 (La)TeX input files">
+<link href="ch4.html#s4.2" rel="section" title="4.2 Complex installations">
+<link href="ch4.html#s-sec-font-installation" rel="section" title="4.3 Font installation">
+<link href="ch4.html#s-sec-user-specific-installation" rel="section" title="4.4 User-specific installation">
+<link href="ch2.html#s2.2.1" rel="subsection" title="2.2.1 System-wide versus user-specific configuration">
+<link href="ch2.html#s2.2.2" rel="subsection" title="2.2.2 Configuration file placement">
+<link href="ch2.html#s2.2.3" rel="subsection" title="2.2.3 What is configured where?">
+<link href="ch2.html#s-sec-texmfcnf-and-update-texmf" rel="subsection" title="2.4.1 <code>texmf.cnf</code> and <code>update-texmf</code>">
+<link href="ch2.html#s2.4.2" rel="subsection" title="2.4.2 <code>fmtutil.cnf</code> and <code>update-fmtutil</code>, <code>updmap.cfg</code> and <code>update-updmap</code>, <code>language.dat</code> and <code>update-language</code>">
+<link href="ch2.html#s-jadetex-xmltex-specialcase" rel="subsection" title="2.4.3 A special case in <code>update-fmtutil</code>: Formats which are based on other formats">
+<link href="ch2.html#s-sec-user-config-files" rel="subsection" title="2.4.4 Per user configuration changes">
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+Debian-specific information about TeX packages
+<h2><a name="abstract"></a>Abstract</h2>
+This document covers Debian-specific information for <em>users</em> of the
+Debian TeX Live packages (all packages named <code>texlive-something</code>).
+Further information, especially for <em>developers</em>, can be found in the
+Debian TeX Policy draft in <code>/usr/share/doc/tex-common/</code>.
+Information for people upgrading from teTeX 2.0.2 in sarge is in the
+<code>NEWS.Debian</code> file.
+<h2><a name="copyright"></a>Copyright Notice</h2>
+Copyright &copy; 2004-2007 Frank Küster, Florent Rougon, Norbert Preining
+This document is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
+This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+<em>without any warranty</em>; without even the implied warranty of
+merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.  See the GNU General
+Public License for more details.
+A copy of the GNU General Public License is available as <code><a
+in the Debian distribution or on the World Wide Web at <code><a
+href="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html">The GNU General Public
+Licence</a></code>.  You can also obtain it by writing to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+<h2><a name="contents"></a>Contents</h2>
+<li><a href="ch1.html">1 Overview of the packages</a><li><a href="ch2.html">2 Changing your configuration, file placement</a>
+  <ul>
+  <li><a href="ch2.html#s-sec-texmf-trees">2.1 Available <var>TEXMF</var> trees for users and system administrators</a></li>
+  <li><a href="ch2.html#s2.2">2.2 General hints</a></li>
+  <li><a href="ch2.html#s2.3">2.3 Hyphenation</a></li>
+  <li><a href="ch2.html#s-sec-core-config-files">2.4 The files <code>texmf.cnf</code>, <code>fmtutil.cnf</code>, <code>updmap.cfg</code> and <code>language.dat</code></a></li>
+  <li><a href="ch2.html#s2.5">2.5 Font caching</a>
+  </ul></li>
+<li><a href="ch3.html">3 Usage hints, Debian-specific adaptations</a>
+  <ul>
+  <li><a href="ch3.html#s3.1">3.1 Note on <code>dvips</code></a></li>
+  <li><a href="ch3.html#s3.2">3.2 Note on <code>dvipdfm</code></a></li>
+  <li><a href="ch3.html#s3.3">3.3 &ldquo;TeX capacity exceeded&rdquo; and similar errors</a>
+  </ul></li>
+<li><a href="ch4.html">4 How to install additional or updated (La)TeX packages or fonts</a>
+  <ul>
+  <li><a href="ch4.html#s4.1">4.1 (La)TeX input files</a></li>
+  <li><a href="ch4.html#s4.2">4.2 Complex installations</a></li>
+  <li><a href="ch4.html#s-sec-font-installation">4.3 Font installation</a></li>
+  <li><a href="ch4.html#s-sec-user-specific-installation">4.4 User-specific installation</a>
+  </ul></li>
+<li><a href="ch5.html">5 Problems, bug reports</a></li>
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+Debian-specific information about TeX packages
+generated from $Id: TeX-on-Debian.sgml 3103 2007-09-25 11:01:46Z preining $<br>
+The Debian TeX mailing list <code><a href="mailto:debian-tex-maint at lists.debian.org">debian-tex-maint at lists.debian.org</a></code><br>

More information about the Debian-tex-commits mailing list