[Debian-tex-commits] SVN tex-common commit + diffs: r3926 - in tex-common/branches/for-tl2008: conf/hyphen.d debian scripts

Norbert Preining preining at alioth.debian.org
Mon May 11 21:33:22 UTC 2009

Author: preining
Date: 2009-05-11 21:33:21 +0000 (Mon, 11 May 2009)
New Revision: 3926

work on update-fontlang for language.def

Deleted: tex-common/branches/for-tl2008/conf/hyphen.d/00tex.cnf
--- tex-common/branches/for-tl2008/conf/hyphen.d/00tex.cnf	2009-05-10 22:27:55 UTC (rev 3925)
+++ tex-common/branches/for-tl2008/conf/hyphen.d/00tex.cnf	2009-05-11 21:33:21 UTC (rev 3926)
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-% 00tex.cnf: header of the configuration file for language.dat
-% In Debian, language.dat is a file that is generated from
-% configuration files in /etc/texmf/language.d/.  This file, 00tex.cnf, 
-% contains only some comments on how to edit these files.
-% The text of the comments is Copyright 1998, 1999 by Thomas Esser, it
-% is in the Public domain.
-%%  To make it possible for package scripts to parse this file, 
-%%  please use only "%! " to comment out hyphenation patterns!
-% CAUTION: the first language will be the default if no style-file
-%          (e.g. german.sty) is used.
-% Since version 3.0 of TeX, hyphenation patterns for multiple languages are
-% possible. Unless you know what you are doing, please let the american
-% english patterns be the first ones. The babel system allows you to
-% easily change the active language for your texts. For more information,
-% have a look to the documentation in texmf/doc/generic/babel.
-% The hyphenation pattern files are in the directory:
-%       texmf/tex/generic/hyphen

Modified: tex-common/branches/for-tl2008/debian/rules
--- tex-common/branches/for-tl2008/debian/rules	2009-05-10 22:27:55 UTC (rev 3925)
+++ tex-common/branches/for-tl2008/debian/rules	2009-05-11 21:33:21 UTC (rev 3926)
@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@
 bin_installfiles=$(foreach script,$(bin_scripts), scripts/$(script))
 bin_manpages=$(foreach script,$(bin_scripts), scripts/$(script).1) 
-nonbin_installfiles=$(foreach script,$(nonbin_scripts), scripts/$(script)) texmf/web2c/mktex.cnf
+nonbin_installfiles=$(foreach script,$(nonbin_scripts), scripts/$(script)) \
+	texmf/web2c/mktex.cnf scripts/language.def.header \
+	scripts/language.dat.header
 # create maintainer scripts etc.
 EPERL_FILES := debian/common.functions debian/postinst debian/postrm debian/config debian/preinst
@@ -72,7 +74,6 @@
         # Add here commands to install the package into debian/tex-common.
 	cd doc; $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(INSTDIR)/usr/share/doc/tex-common
 	cp conf/fmt.d/00tex.cnf $(INSTDIR)/etc/texmf/fmt.d/
-	cp conf/hyphen.d/00tex.cnf $(INSTDIR)/etc/texmf/hyphen.d/
         # ucf files
 	cp conf/texmf.d/*cnf $(INSTDIR)/usr/share/tex-common/
 	cp conf/updmap.d/00updmap.cfg $(INSTDIR)/usr/share/tex-common/

Added: tex-common/branches/for-tl2008/scripts/language.dat.header
--- tex-common/branches/for-tl2008/scripts/language.dat.header	                        (rev 0)
+++ tex-common/branches/for-tl2008/scripts/language.dat.header	2009-05-11 21:33:21 UTC (rev 3926)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+% header of the configuration file for language.dat
+% In Debian, language.dat is a file that is generated from
+% configuration files in /etc/texmf/hyphen.d/.  
+% The text of the comments is Copyright 1998, 1999 by Thomas Esser, it
+% is in the Public domain.
+%%  To make it possible for package scripts to parse this file, 
+%%  please use only "%! " to comment out hyphenation patterns!
+% CAUTION: the first language will be the default if no style-file
+%          (e.g. german.sty) is used.
+% Since version 3.0 of TeX, hyphenation patterns for multiple languages are
+% possible. Unless you know what you are doing, please let the american
+% english patterns be the first ones. The babel system allows you to
+% easily change the active language for your texts. For more information,
+% have a look to the documentation in texmf/doc/generic/babel.
+% The hyphenation pattern files are in the directory:
+%       texmf/tex/generic/hyphen

Added: tex-common/branches/for-tl2008/scripts/language.def.header
--- tex-common/branches/for-tl2008/scripts/language.def.header	                        (rev 0)
+++ tex-common/branches/for-tl2008/scripts/language.def.header	2009-05-11 21:33:21 UTC (rev 3926)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+%% e-TeX V2.0;2
+% Note: the first line of this file must match the corresponding line
+% in "etex.src" and "etexdefs.lib", otherwise fallback will be used.
+% This is the header for "language.def", e-TeX's language definition file.
+% $Id: language.us.def 9250 2008-07-04 21:15:23Z karl $
+% header of the configuration file for language.dat
+% In Debian, language.dat is a file that is generated from
+% configuration files in /etc/texmf/hyphen.d/.  
+% It is explicitly permitted to augment this file by adding additional
+% \addlanguage ... commands AFTER the first (\addlanguage {USenglish})
+% which must remain as the first language added to ensure total document
+% portability for pre-\language documents.  The last line of the file
+% MUST be left as \uselanguage {USenglish} for the sane reason.
+% Additional languages, patterns, exceptions and left- and right-hyphen
+% minima may be added here, and an example is given for German.
+% The five parameters for \addlanguage are:
+% language, patterns file, exceptions file, left- and right-hyphen minima

Modified: tex-common/branches/for-tl2008/scripts/update-fontlang
--- tex-common/branches/for-tl2008/scripts/update-fontlang	2009-05-10 22:27:55 UTC (rev 3925)
+++ tex-common/branches/for-tl2008/scripts/update-fontlang	2009-05-11 21:33:21 UTC (rev 3926)
@@ -134,6 +134,26 @@
     case "$line" in
         ${CC}*) echo "$line" >> "$tempfile" ; return ;;
+        USEFILE*) 
+            set -- $line
+            shift
+            datfile="$1"
+            deffile="$2"
+            if [ "$HYPHENMODE" = "etex" ] ; then
+                if [ -r "$deffile" ] ; then
+                    cat "$deffile" >> "$tempfile"
+                else 
+                    echo "${CC} USEFILE $deffile not found" >> "$tempfile"
+                fi
+            else
+                if [ -r "$datfile" ] ; then
+                    cat "$datfile" >> "$tempfile"
+                else 
+                    echo "${CC} USEFILE $datfile not found" >> "$tempfile"
+                fi
+            fi
+            return
+            ;;
     set -- $line
@@ -764,4 +784,4 @@
-# vim:set expandtab: #
+# vim:set expandtab tabstop=4: #

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