[Debian-tex-commits] SVN tex-common commit + diffs: r4538 - in tex-common/tags: . 2.06/debian
Norbert Preining
preining at alioth.debian.org
Wed Jan 13 02:46:15 UTC 2010
Author: preining
Date: 2010-01-13 02:46:15 +0000 (Wed, 13 Jan 2010)
New Revision: 4538
tagging tex-common 2.06
Deleted: tex-common/tags/2.06/debian/changelog
--- tex-common/branches/for-tl2008/debian/changelog 2009-12-28 09:23:04 UTC (rev 4511)
+++ tex-common/tags/2.06/debian/changelog 2010-01-13 02:46:15 UTC (rev 4538)
@@ -1,1168 +0,0 @@
-tex-common (2.04) unstable; urgency=low
- * fix bug in dh_installtex that added a rogue newline in hyphenation
- definitions, thanks Danai (Closes: #562783)
- -- Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org> Mon, 28 Dec 2009 07:05:31 +0900
-tex-common (2.03) unstable; urgency=low
- * only call fmtutil-sys in postinst if texlive-base is configured
- (Closes: #560854)
- -- Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org> Sun, 13 Dec 2009 07:50:25 +0900
-tex-common (2.02) unstable; urgency=low
- * upload to unstable
- -- Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org> Wed, 09 Dec 2009 23:44:02 +0900
-tex-common (2.01) experimental; urgency=low
- * Remove setting of MPXCOMMAND. MetaPost in TeXLive 2009 no longer needs
- it, and is broken when it is set. [fk]
- * postinst trigger action: run updmap sys action only if texlive-base
- installed since otherwise updmap-sys will break
- * bump standards version to 3.8.3
- * bump depends to << 2009 (there was no 2008 anyway)
- -- Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org> Thu, 03 Dec 2009 22:32:27 +0900
-tex-common (2.00) experimental; urgency=low
- * new experimental branch for changes necessary to support TeX Live 2008
- and later that introduced hyphenation pattern support for etex based
- formats. language.def is now managed like language.dat.
- - add support for generating language.def to update-fontlang
- - install those scripts as update-language-def and update-language-dat
- - make update-language work as calling both of the above
- - adjust dh_installtex to accept new syntax
- * Make the wording of the warning message in postrm-texlsr broader,
- since there are a couple of reasons why this can fail
- * postrm's generated by dh_installtex now no longer assume that
- tex-common is installed when the package is removed. After a rebuild
- of texlive, this will fix #531581.
- * Update some texmf.cnf settings for TeXLive 2009. Before uploading to
- unstable, this needs a closer inspection (in particular, comment
- changes possibly cluttering diffs.
- * Add a Conflicts on old texlive-common, in order to force an upgrade of
- all the packages in one bunch.
- * implement trigger support for mktexlsr
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Thu, 15 Oct 2009 10:22:22 +0200
-tex-common (1.20) unstable; urgency=low
- * after the change to tex-common's postinst script the ls-R file for
- /var/lib/texmf was not recreated, which breaks installation.
- Add this tree to the trigger call to mktexlsr (Closes: #532525)
- -- Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org> Tue, 09 Jun 2009 22:37:03 +0200
-tex-common (1.19) unstable; urgency=low
- [ Norbert Preining ]
- * change dh_installtex generated postrm code to call update-texmf-config
- only if it is present. That should be due to the policy, but it still
- might happen that tex-common is not installed bug another package
- depending on it is tried to be removed (see bug #531581).
- (Closes: #530832)
- * Remove the code in postrm that removes /usr/local/share/texmf/ls-R,
- we are not allowed to do that (policy), but we try to remove that
- directory if it is empty. (Closes: #528021)
- [ Frank Küster ]
- * Make sure that tex-common's own postinst script does not create
- /usr/local/share/texmf/ls-R (closes: #528021)
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Sun, 07 Jun 2009 21:53:07 +0200
-tex-common (1.18) unstable; urgency=low
- * make sure that fmtutil-sys --all and updmap-sys are called on new
- installations when tex-common is configured, since new installations
- do not trigger. This bug fixes via rebuild of texlive-base #520042,
- #520410, and via rebuild of #520449.
- * bump the dh_installtex induced dependency on tex-common to 1.18
- * rework trigger support so that new file triggers are used, but
- the code in the maintainer scripts generated by dh_installtex
- for updmap and language calls the new script update-texmf-config
- which simply calls the respective trigger. In the course of the
- the options map:notriggers and language:notriggers were removed
- from the possible options of dh_installtex.
- -- Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org> Mon, 13 Apr 2009 22:33:23 +0200
-tex-common (1.17) unstable; urgency=low
- * remove developer only information from debian/NEWS (Closes: #519964)
- and include the information in the changelog entry for 1.15.
- * using dh_installtex --flavor formats:build_all breaks because we
- removed the calls to update-fmtutil etc. Readd all those calls
- (Closes: #520166)
- * bump standards version to 3.8.1, no changes needed
- -- Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org> Tue, 17 Mar 2009 21:57:47 +0100
-tex-common (1.16) unstable; urgency=low
- * add mktexlsr calling code from postinst-tex to the trigger action in
- case it has never been run before. That allows fresh installations
- to succeed. (Closes: #519701) [np]
- -- Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org> Sat, 14 Mar 2009 16:57:24 +0100
-tex-common (1.15) unstable; urgency=low
- [ Norbert Preining ]
- * upload of trigger-enabled tex-common to unstable, packages should be
- rebuild. Triggers are supported for files dropped into /etc/texmf/updmap.d
- and /etc/texmf/language.d, i.e., for calls to updmap-sys
- and fmtutil-sys (when hyphenation patterns are used). If packages
- need to install fonts/hyphenation patterns and need them active
- in the postinst already, it should call dh_installtex with
- --flavor=map:notriggers
- or
- --flavor=language:notriggers
- Until all packages have been rebuilt with the new dh_installtex
- updmap-sys and fmtutil-sys will be called two times.
- * remove references to teTeX from the man pages (Closes: #486369)
- * bump dh compat level to 5, adjust debian/control
- * add ${misc:Depends} to dependencies
- [ Jan Hauke Rahm ]
- * make debhelper's '--with' option available for tex-common. dh_installtex
- can now be integrated in debian/rules via 'dh install --with tex' when
- using compat 7
- -- Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org> Tue, 10 Mar 2009 18:36:33 +0100
-tex-common (1.14) experimental; urgency=low
- * fix coding error in dh_installtex's pod documentation [np]
- * updated Romanian translation (ro.po) (Closes: #506038)
- [hilmar-guest]
- * add a fix for dh_installtex to work with debhelper >= 7.1.0 (experimental)
- (Closes: #507365) (patch from Roderich Schupp) [np]
- -- Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org> Mon, 01 Dec 2008 17:31:26 +0100
-tex-common (1.13) experimental; urgency=low
- * bump standards version to 3.8.0, no changes necessary [np]
- * use the local keyword in policy compliant way [np]
- * replace emacs with share/texmf in postinst.in [np]
- * add updated version of sv.po (Closes: #491426) [hilmar-guest]
- * Fix dh_installtex compatibility with debhelper version >= 6
- (Closes: #492604) [np]
- -- Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org> Sat, 02 Aug 2008 13:04:18 +0200
-tex-common (1.12) experimental; urgency=low
- * bump version of tex-common packages built with dh_installtex to 1.11
- otherwise the conflict with tetex-base is not included properly. This really
- would close #467330, but due to the disappearance of 1.10 the last
- version is also sufficient [np]
- * Create empty /usr/local/share/texmf in postinst, remove in prerm if
- empty, with code taken from the Policy manual. The decision whether
- local documentation should be in the texmf tree or in
- /usr/local/share/doc and accessed via a symlink is left to the local
- admin (closes: 475077) [fk]
- * Removed the tetex-bin-upgrade script from the source, it is not needed
- nor installed, anyway [fk]
- * register TeX on Debian and the Policy in section Debian [hp, np]
- * remove double definition of OPENTYPEFONTS in texmf.d [np]
- * fix wrong file link in Debian-TeX-Policy.sgml (Closes: #481038)
- * Again install the README file for tpm2licenses in
- /usr/share/tex-common/ [fk]
- * implement support for triggers for /etc/texmf/updmap.d and
- /etc/texmf/language.d [np]
- -- Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org> Mon, 02 Jun 2008 16:41:31 +0200
-tex-common (1.11) unstable; urgency=medium
- * bump version of tex-common packages built with dh_installtex to 1.10
- since it is the version that removes the tetex part (see #466036) [np]
- * And Conflict with tetex-base (<< 2007), in order to force a /complete/
- transition to texlive in lenny (closes: #467330). At the same time,
- drop the conflict with tetex-bin, since tetex-base already does
- that. However, when and if we remove the tetex-base package, we need
- to find a different solution for this [fk]
- * These two changes fix RC bugs, hence the urgency [fk]
- * Another update run for debconf translations [hilmar-guest]
- - Vietnamese (Closes: #453780)
- * change the definition of TEXFORMATS to prohibit the finding of wrong
- formats (and be in sync with upstream TeX Live), and remove the trailing
- // of MFBASES and MPMEMS. [np]
- * update po files [np]
- * bump standards version to 3.7.3, no changes necessary [np]
- * move the build stuff to binary-indep, the package is arch=all [np]
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Wed, 16 Apr 2008 21:54:38 +0200
-tex-common (1.10) unstable; urgency=low
- * update-fontlang:
- - properly handle file paths containing spaces;
- - when the jadetex or xmltex snippet is not included, write an
- explanation to fmtutil.cnf;
- - only trigger special behavior on 40jadetex.cnf, not on
- *40jadetex.cnf; same thing with 40xmltex.cnf and
- 10texlive-latex-base.cnf;
- - use 0 and 1 instead of "false" and "true" for $seen_latex in order
- to be consistent with the rest of the script.
- [florent]
- * add warning to the pod documentation / man page of dh_installtex that
- it will add management calls to *all* packages if not instructed
- otherwise (Closes: #400742) [np]
- * remove duplicate TEXDOC configuration in 45TeXinputs.cnf which gave
- .html a higher priority then pdf.gz. Thanks Jörg. (Closes: #431610) [np]
- * Remove some outdated stuff in TeX-on-Debian [np]
- * remove the tetex part in TEXMFDIST, remove TETEXDIR from TEXMFCNF [np]
- * add Vcs-Svn and Vcs-Browser fields to debian/control [np]
- * update debconf template and package descriptions in control file
- (Closes: #447689) [hilmar-guest]
- * l10n updates + additions [hilmar-guest]
- - Basque (Closes: #448485)
- - Catalan
- - Czech (Closes: #449263)
- - Danish
- - Dutch
- - Finnish (Closes: 448291)
- - French (Closes: #450704)
- - Galician (Closes: #448232)
- - German (Closes: #448245)
- - Italian (Closes: #448367)
- - Japanese (Closes: #448680)
- - Korean (Closes: #448436)
- - Lithuanian (Closes: #448705)
- - Norwegian Bokmål (Closes: #450911)
- - Portuguese (Closes: #449234)
- - Portuguese/Brazil
- - Russian (Closes: #450726)
- - Romanian
- - Spanish (Closes: #448541)
- - Swedish
- - Turkish
- - Vietnamese
- -- Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org> Wed, 21 Nov 2007 09:26:01 +0100
-tex-common (1.9) unstable; urgency=low
- * Make sure that update-fontlang detects TEXMFVAR properly even if the
- directory does not yet exist (closes: #428448) [fk].
- * let update-fontlang and debianize-updmap create TEXMFCONFIG if it
- doesn't exist yet (at least when there's only one directory in that
- variable) [fk].
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Tue, 19 Jun 2007 11:32:09 +0200
-tex-common (1.8) unstable; urgency=medium
- * Bump urgency since this fixes a RC bug which hits anyone upgrading
- from lenny to sid and triggers a forkbomb. Urgency only medium
- because of the long list of unrelated other changes. [fk]
- * Add a workaround for the fork bomb problem in format generation:
- Ignore jadetex and xmltex if latex is not present (closes: #427562) [fk]
- * make proper ucfr checking in maintainer scripts (Closes: #409897) [np]
- * rework the code generated by dh_installtex in the postinst script.
- Now at postinst/configure time fmtutil-sys is called with
- --all --cnffile <file>
- where <file> are the fmt.d config files installed by the package. This
- way a dpkg-reconfigure will create *all* formats defined in the config
- file, even if the sysadm has defined additional formats.
- (Closes: #418983) [np]
- * Update snippets in texmf.d according to a reordering patch accepted
- upstream [fk]
- * (first) rework of Debian-on-TeX document for TeX Live only [np]
- * add a list of old files from teTeX which can be removed
- * Do not install unused 01tetex.cnf and its md5sum file [fk]
- * dh_installtex: rewrite $engine to metafont if $engine = mf|mf-nowin
- * Install a copy of mktex.cnf in /usr/share/tex-common, and advice in
- NEWS.Debian to reinstall it. [fk]
- * Debconf translations: Added Vietnamese translation, thanks to Clytie
- Siddall <clytie at riverland.net.au> (closes: #426881)
- * implement an opion --nosourcefiles for tpm2licenses to not check
- source files
- * Add symlinks "README.Debian.$ext" to the respective "TeX-on-Debian"
- formats. [fk]
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Mon, 11 Jun 2007 10:14:14 +0200
-tex-common (1.7) unstable; urgency=low
- * Undo the changes of the autoscripts snippets ordering, debhelper has
- changed back to the former method.
- -- Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org> Sat, 14 Apr 2007 08:39:46 +0200
-tex-common (1.6) unstable; urgency=low
- * Document in NEWS.Debian that support for ls-R in TEXMFHOME has been
- dropped [fk]
- * Policy: Add a chapter on meta-packages and document that they are
- usually not acceptable as dependencies
- * reverse the order of autoscripts snippets in postrm (Closes: #418984)
- * change alternative dep on cdebconf to (>= 0.39), lintian error.
- -- Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org> Fri, 13 Apr 2007 09:34:44 +0200
-tex-common (1.5) unstable; urgency=low
- * fix missing tetex component of TEXMFDIST (Closes: #418674)
- -- Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org> Wed, 11 Apr 2007 09:45:29 +0200
-tex-common (1.4) unstable; urgency=low
- * Change main_memory to 1500000 to go with the main_memory of mpost
- and TeX Live's texmf.cnf. This change is needed to make mpost work
- under all circumstances [np].
- * Update settings and comments in the texmf.cnf snippets to match
- upstream's as close as possible [fk]
- * Drop backwards compatibility hacks for paths (see NEWS.Debian) [fk]
- * Enable parse-first-line feature, except for Knuth's "tex". [fk]
- * Update Tpm.pm and FileUtils.pm from TeXLive 2007 [fk]
- -- Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org> Tue, 10 Apr 2007 17:52:56 +0200
-tex-common (1.3) experimental; urgency=low
- * Fix typography in Debian-on-TeX, thanks to Miguel de Val Borro
- <miguel.deval at gmail.com> (closes: #413449) [frank]
- * In the source package, replace 'tex-sed' with a Python script named
- 'texify-tex-output' to do a better job (handling all known cases so
- far, some of which seemed rather difficult to implement in sed).
- We don't need to Build-Depend on Python, because this script is only
- used when we generate PDF output from the DebianDoc documents
- (Debian-TeX-Policy, TeX-on-Debian), which we don't do at build time
- in order to avoid chicken-and-egg problems. [florent]
- * Add engine subdirectories to the search paths for MetaFont and
- MetaPost, too. Thanks to Jörg Sommer <joerg at alea.gnuu.de>
- * Change the dh_installtex removal logic since format dumps are placed
- into engine subdirectories. We now remove all format dumps and log files
- in /v/l/t/web2c and /v/l/t/web2c/$engine/
- -- Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org> Thu, 22 Mar 2007 01:28:27 +0100
-tex-common (1.2) experimental; urgency=low
- * rename flavor format:no_format_links to format:no_links (nobody is using
- it already), and document it [NP]
- * increase trie_size to 400000 to allow the loading of all texlive
- hyphenation patterns [NP]
- * Make sure that dh_installtex's postrm snippets won't try to run
- fmtutil-sys when it might be already uninstalled.
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Fri, 9 Mar 2007 16:12:17 +0100
-tex-common (1.1) experimental; urgency=low
- * Upload to experimental. This version is needed to build TeXLive
- 2007.
- * Increase trie_size to the value in TeXLive 2007, and update the
- comment from their texmf.in file, too.
- * Only strip comments with '^[ \t]*# ' from the auto files to preserve
- comments starting with ## [NP]
- * small fix to dh_installtex for useless inclusion of postinst-tex
- (move the definition of $dothefullstuff into the package loop)
- * implement flavors format:build_all and format:add_one:formatname
- * let dh_installtex automatically create links for formats installed
- and add flavor to disable this behaviour.
- * fix a bug in dh_installtex which prohibits --priority to work
- correctly for command line config files. [NP]
- * add Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org> to the uploaders
- * add lintian overrides for wrongly detected bashism
- -- Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org> Mon, 26 Feb 2007 18:31:32 +0100
-tex-common (1.0) unstable; urgency=low
- * Release as version 1.0, tex-common has been stable for months and
- deserves a non-zero version number
- * Debconf translations: [frank]
- - New Romanian translation, thanks to Eddy Petrișor
- <eddy.petrisor at gmail.com> (closes: #409267)
- - New Portuguese Brazilian translation, thanks to the Traduz
- MailingList <traduz at debianpt.org> (closes: #408866)
- - Updated Catalan translation, thanks to Guillem Jover
- <guillem at debian.org> (closes: #409162)
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Mon, 5 Feb 2007 10:55:26 +0100
-tex-common (0.44) unstable; urgency=low
- * Use full pathname when registering files with ucf (closes: #408263)
- * New and updated debconf translations:
- - Galician by Jacobo Tarrio <jtarrio at trasno.net> (closes: #408122)
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Fri, 26 Jan 2007 18:10:23 +0100
-tex-common (0.43) unstable; urgency=low
- * Register documentation in section TeX instead of Text (closes:
- #403086) [frank]
- * Debconf translations:
- - add Russian translation, thanks to Yuri Kozlov <kozlov.y at gmail.com>
- (closes: #406872)
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Mon, 15 Jan 2007 07:51:34 +0100
-tex-common (0.42) unstable; urgency=low
- * Documentation fixes to update-fontlang.1:
- - the .TH line was broken, causing an ugly footer in the formatted
- manpage;
- - the SYNOPSIS had an incorrect syntax ('-language', '-updmap', and
- '-fmtutil' aren't optional) and the new way is much easier to read
- anyway IMO;
- - always mention the programs in that order: update-updmap,
- update-language and update-fmtutil (reason is, I think the average
- user is more likely to need update-updmap than any of the two
- others);
- - the arguments to some options were forgotten, as in the
- update-fontlang usage message ('--help');
- - better option formatting (for those with a short and a long form;
- copied from /usr/share/man/man1/man.1.gz);
- - the default values for TEXMFCONFIG and TEXMFVAR do *not* end with
- a slash;
- - the path to TeX-on-Debian.txt.gz was wrong;
- - s/updmap.sys/updmap.cfg/;
- - s/TEMXF/TEXMF/ in a few places;
- - a package may install *several* files in each /etc/texmf/*.d
- directory (and list them in the .list files under
- /var/lib/tex-common).
- - a bit more details here and there;
- - more formatting to ease reading (such as italics), punctuation,
- typographical fixes. [florent]
- * Fix to update-fontlang: don't forget the arguments to '-c' and '-o' in
- the usage message ('--help'). [florent]
- * Minor fixes to postrm-texlsr to avoid having too long lines (greater
- than 80 characters). [florent]
- * remove the left-over definition of dhit_check_run_without_errors in
- postrm-tex, it is included in postrm-texlsr (Closes: #402068). [NP]
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Mon, 11 Dec 2006 19:46:08 +0100
-tex-common (0.41) unstable; urgency=low
- * Install the TDS specification along with the Debian TeX Policy
- (closes: #401196) [frank]
- * Register ucf files with ucfr (closes: #395018) [frank]
- * Refined wording and typography of the documentation documents
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Wed, 6 Dec 2006 19:03:21 +0100
-tex-common (0.40) unstable; urgency=low
- * Register TeX-on-Debian and the policy with doc-base
- * Change the wording of Policy to indicate more clearly that everything
- can (and should) be done using dh_installtex.
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Wed, 6 Dec 2006 11:08:26 +0100
-tex-common (0.39) unstable; urgency=low
- * changelog editing: fix wrong bugnumber in last upload [frank]
- * Add a more verbose explanation to the warning when updmap-sys failed
- (closes: #397717), and echo errors to stderr. [frank]
- * Change default priority for dh_installtex to 20, and document in the
- TeX Policy that 10 is reserved for Basic TeX packages. This would
- have avoided bug #399447. [frank]
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Tue, 21 Nov 2006 18:32:32 +0100
-tex-common (0.38) unstable; urgency=low
- * install update-fontlang and the three links all into /usr/bin
- and keep symlinks in /usr/sbin for old packages. Update the man page
- of update-fontlang. (Closes: #396822) [preining]
- * Clear up the description about user-specific configuration in
- TeX-on-Debian, many thanks to Géraud Meyer <geraud_meyer at hotmail.com>
- (closes: #396826) [preining,frank]
- * Debconf translation updates: [frank]
- - French, thanks to Christian Perrier (closes: #395844)
- - Italian, thanks to Luca Monducci <luca.mo at tiscali.it> (closes:
- #396101)
- - German, thanks to Helge Kreutzmann <debian at helgefjell.de> (closes:
- #396036)
- - All others except the heavily outdated ca.po where unfuzzied by me,
- even in Japanese I can change "dpkg-dist" to "ucf-dist" [frank]
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Fri, 3 Nov 2006 14:14:12 +0100
-tex-common (0.37) unstable; urgency=low
- * Fix bashism in postinst, thanks to Michael Biebl <biebl at teco.edu>
- (closes: #395274) [frank]
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Thu, 26 Oct 2006 08:14:29 +0200
-tex-common (0.36) unstable; urgency=medium
- * Depend on debconf (>= 1.4.69), which introduced the error template
- type (closes: #395032). This broke upgrades, hence the urgency
- [frank]
- * Fix format extraction regexp in dh_installtex, the format name must
- now be at the beginning of the line, without any leading whitespace,
- but hyphens are allowed in the name. Thanks Ralf. [preining]
- * dh_installtex: Include only the minimal mktexlsr code in case no other
- installation is done (ie no maps, formats, languages). Also add the
- ability to specify texmf trees on the command line, and only recreate
- the ls-R DB for /usr/share/texmf and /var/lib/texmf [preining]
- (Closes: #392359)
- * Add engine-specific paths to the TEXFORMATS and TEXFONTMAPS variables,
- and avoid triple slashes. This is completely backwards-compatible (it
- only adds path components), and is needed for the planned separate
- context package. Thanks to Ralf Stubner for the details!
- [preining,frank]
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Wed, 25 Oct 2006 13:16:13 +0200
-tex-common (0.35) unstable; urgency=low
- * Use local variables in debianize-updmap, so that the right file for
- enabling font maps will be found (closes: #393920) [frank]
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Wed, 18 Oct 2006 17:58:09 +0200
-tex-common (0.34) unstable; urgency=medium
- * Handle non-writable /usr/local gracefully upon removal, thanks to Sam
- Hocevar <sam at zoy.org> (closes: #392518) [frank]
- * Change debianize-updmap so that the --syncwithtrees and --edit options
- do something sensible, and won't break the system. Together with the
- upload of tetex-bin 3.0-22, this will close #392573 and #334747.
- [frank]
- * Add a check for shadowed config files to update-fontlang [preining]
- * Move and extend the teTeX README.Debian to TeX-on-Debian Documentation
- [frank, preining]
- * Move po-debconf from Build-Depends-Indep to Build-Depends, since it's
- used in the clean target of debian/rules. [florent]
- * Adjust the TEXMFCNF setting in conf/texmf.d/85Misc.cnf to reflect the
- change in tetex-bin 3.0-22. [frank, florent]
- -- Florent Rougon <frn at debian.org> Sat, 14 Oct 2006 18:53:20 +0200
-tex-common (0.33) unstable; urgency=medium
- * Fix syntax error in debianize-updmap (closes: #391976). Also, the
- logic in the script has been fixed, so that it actually works [frank]
- * Add an additional check to update-* scripts in case users shadow their
- generated files with files in TEXMFCONFIG. [preining]
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Tue, 10 Oct 2006 10:21:19 +0200
-tex-common (0.32) unstable; urgency=medium
- * adapted sanity check in update-fontlang to TEXMFSYSCONFIG = /etc/texmf
- (closes: #391348) [ralf]
- * Provide a tetex-bin-update script. This allows also texlive to
- properly rename an old tetex-bin conffile, and add the magic comment,
- and is therefore needed for a transition from teTeX to TeXlive without
- upgrading teTeX to the etch version first [frank]
- * Install debianize-updmap into the scripts dir [frank]
- * Provide the debianize-updmap functions in /usr/share/tex-common, for
- usage by all TeX systems in Debian [frank]
- * Changed the order of trees in TEXMFDIST. If TeXlive and teTeX
- packages are installed together, files from TeXlive now take
- precedence. This makes sense because those files are usually
- newer. [frank]
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Mon, 9 Oct 2006 07:46:31 +0200
-tex-common (0.31) unstable; urgency=medium
- * Document in policy that font cache data have to be cleaned by packages
- that Build-Depend on TeX, and how to do that (closes: #388399) [frank]
- * On systems upgraded from woody to sarge, tetex-bin generated a bogus
- local configuration file with entries that were erroneously detected
- as locally changed. These entries are now harmful and break texlive,
- and the file is therefore renamed if it meets our expectations
- (closes: #391355) [frank]
- * In 95NonPath.cnf, add a comment about how to redump the format file
- (closes: #380323) [frank]
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Fri, 6 Oct 2006 17:40:19 +0200
-tex-common (0.30) unstable; urgency=high
- * update-fontlang: If a conffile has a corresponding dpkg-new file,
- that is, it is from a yet-unconfigured package, drop it any case.
- Previously, the check was only done when the file had a magic comment,
- but conffiles in sarge generally do not have this magic. Therefore,
- upgrades from sarge would have failed if the conffile change is needed for
- proper configuration (closes: #389550) [frank]
- * Remove the medium-priority debconf note without replacement; anybody
- who really runs into the problem will be able to find the information
- in tetex-bin's README.Debian (closes: #388973) [frank]
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Tue, 26 Sep 2006 17:14:45 +0200
-tex-common (0.29) unstable; urgency=medium
- * Add missing function and variable declarations to preinst, thanks to
- Hilmar (closes: #385532) [frank]
- * Do not load debconf manually in postrm, it isn't needed at all, thanks
- to Bill Allombert <ballombe at debian.org> (closes: #388156) [frank]
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Tue, 19 Sep 2006 09:17:13 +0200
-tex-common (0.28) unstable; urgency=low
- * Fix spelling of "medium" in the last upload
- * Remove jadetex settings from texmf.d (closes: #384333) [frank]
- * Add a paragraph to the Policy how to handle format creation when
- latex.fmt or other basic formats are needed [frank]
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Wed, 23 Aug 2006 22:09:37 +0200
-tex-common (0.27) unstable; urgency=medium
- * Policy Change: Treat configuration files properly as Debian Policy
- mandates. The only TeX-specific addition is that we remind
- maintainers to only treat files for site-wide changes as configuration
- files, not files intended to change the typeset output on a
- per-document or per-project basis. Consequently, mktex.cnf is now
- installed as /etc/texmf/web2c/mktex.cnf. Thanks to Manoj Srivastava!
- This closes: #379089, a RC bug, hence the medium urgency [frank]
- * Really install NEWS.Debian about the font cache changes in the last
- upload [frank]
- * Update changelog for 0.16. We forgot to close two bugs. [hilmar-guest]
- * Debconf Translations: [frank]
- - Update Dutch translation, thanks to Vincent Zweije
- <zweije at xs4all.nl> (closes: #379234)
- - Update Spanish translation, thanks to Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña
- <jfs at computer.org> (closes: #382967)
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Wed, 16 Aug 2006 16:58:01 +0200
-tex-common (0.26) unstable; urgency=low
- * Font data are now cached separately for each user, or in /tmp/texfonts
- when there is no writable home directory. Thus we could get rid of
- the complicated debconf questions related to that issue (there's still
- one note left) (closes: #376050, #366805, #368411). Many thanks to
- Ralf Stubner for his "braindump".
- This change requires installation of a file in a TEXMF tree; we
- therefore run mktexlsr if it is available. [frank]
- * Debconf Translations: [frank]
- - Updated Czech translation, thanks to Miroslav Kure
- <kurem at upcase.inf.upol.cz>
- - Updated Japanese translation, thank to Kenshi Muto
- <kmuto at debian.org> (closes: #376632, #377945)
- - Updated brazilian Portuguese translation, thanks to Felipe Augusto
- van de Wiel (faw) <felipe at cathedrallabs.org>
- - Updated Danish translation, thanks to Claus Hindsgaul
- <claus.hindsgaul at gmail.com> (closes: #377664)
- - Updated German translation, thanks to Helge Kreutzmann
- <debian at helgefjell.de>
- - Updated italian translation, thanks to Luca Monducci
- <luca.mo at tiscali.it> (closes: #377378).
- - Updated french translation, thanks to Jean-Baka Domelevo-Entfellner
- <domelevo at gmail.com> (closes: #377388)
- - Updated Swedish translation, thanks to Daniel Nylander
- <po at danielnylander.se>
- - Updated Lithuanian translation, thanks to Kęstutis Biliūnas
- <kebil at kaunas.init.lt>
- * common.functions.in: [florent]
- + change create_tetex_formats() so that fmtutil-sys is run in a
- temporary directory; otherwise, it may use files lying in the
- current directory, which can cause bad surprises. This will close
- #377581 when propagated to the various packages using this function
- in their maintainer scripts.
- + replace `command args ...` with $(command args ...) everywhere in
- the file.
- * Updated Maintainer field to use new mailing list [jdg]
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Wed, 19 Jul 2006 16:05:47 +0200
-tex-common (0.25) unstable; urgency=low
- * Translations:
- - Fix typos in french debconf translation, thanks to Florentin Duneau
- <f.baced at wanadoo.fr> (closes: #374632) [frank]
- - Update brazilian Portuguese debconf translation, thanks to Andre
- Luis Lopes <andrelop at debian.org> and Felipe Augusto van de Wiel
- <felipe at cathedrallabs.org> [frank]
- * scripts/update-fontlang:
- - don't include ${conffile} in the generated file if
- ${conffile}.dpkg-new exists ($conffile may not be up-to-date in this
- case);
- see http://lists.debian.org/debian-tetex-maint/2006/06/msg00260.html
- for a discussion of this subject.
- - cosmetic fixes. [florent]
- * Update scripts/update-updmap.1 and doc/Debian-TeX-Policy.sgml
- accordingly. [florent]
- -- Florent Rougon <frn at debian.org> Mon, 26 Jun 2006 10:37:04 +0200
-tex-common (0.24) unstable; urgency=low
- * Updated debconf translations:
- - French, thanks to Steve <dlist at bluewin.ch> (closes: #369360) [frank]
- * dhit_check_run_without_errors() in postrm-tex was not completely silent
- even if called with -silent (outputing 3 ugly lines starting with a space
- followed by "done."). This is now fixed. [florent]
- -- Florent Rougon <frn at debian.org> Sun, 18 Jun 2006 23:14:27 +0200
-tex-common (0.23) unstable; urgency=low
- * After the groupname question has been renamed, make sure that the new
- questions are not shown again when the old one has already been seen,
- and unregister the old question (closes: #366812) [frank]
- * Fix bashism in config (closes: #366789) [frank]
- * Fix our check for a working configuration in texmf.d, and write short
- information messages to stderr for the noninteractive frontend or for
- people who don't have a pencil (closes: #366907), thanks Ralf [frank]
- * Make sure the font cache directory is always world-writeable - we
- previously missed the case where apt-utils are installed in a buildd
- chroot (again closes: #354113, #366858) [frank]
- * Updated debconf translations: [frank]
- - Czech by Miroslav Kure <kurem at upcase.inf.upol.cz> (closes: #367162)
- - Danish by Claus Hindsgaul <claus.hindsgaul at gmail.com> (closes:
- #367180)
- - Italian by Luca Monducci <luca.mo at tiscali.it> (closes: #367183)
- * Debian TeX Policy:
- Remove last occurrences of obsolete TEXMFSITE.
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Wed, 17 May 2006 18:56:32 +0200
-tex-common (0.22) unstable; urgency=low
- * Also install FileUtils.pm which is needed by tpm2licenses [frank]
- * Make running of update-* commands silent in the debhelper postrm
- helper scripts (Closes: #365070) [preining]
- * Debconf translations:
- - updated wording of swedish template, thanks to Daniel Nylander
- <yeager at lidkoping.net> (closes: #365992) [frank]
- * Change the configuration scheme again a little: Before accepting a
- group name typed by the user, test whether it really exists.
- Furthermore, if there is only one user in the "normal user" range in
- /etc/passwd, suggest their group as the owner of the font cache. And
- finally, make the wording clearer everywhere. Many thanks to Anthony
- DeRobertis <anthony at derobert.net>, James R. Van Zandt"
- <jrvz at comcast.net> and Helge Hafting <helge.hafting at aitel.hist.no>
- (closes: #366107, #366095, #365513) [frank]
- * Fix lintian warnings and errors: [frank]
- - Move eperl to Build-Depends-Indep
- - Fix my name in update-language(8)
- - Add overrides for the font cache permissions and our debconf note if
- the postinst script fails.
- * Bump standards version (no changes needed) [frank]
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Wed, 10 May 2006 13:19:52 +0200
-tex-common (0.21) unstable; urgency=low
- * Syntax error: postinst script silently failed when it should have
- displayed a debconf warning [frank]
- * Improve readability of eperl scripts in debian/ as in tetex-bin [jdg]
- * Adjust priority of the groupname debconf question to be the same as
- the managecache question (closes: #360127) [frank]
- * Fix eperl open commands in maintainer scripts to work with -k [jdg]
- * Made preinst a /bin/sh script [jdg]
- * Install the tpm2licenses Perl script and the Tpm.pm module into
- /usr/share/tex-common for more convenient use [frank].
- * Add to the source package a ChangeLog file to keep track of the
- copyright/licensing verification work I'm doing [frank]
- * Update debconf translations:
- - Danish by Claus Hindsgaul <claus.hindsgaul at gmail.com> (closes:
- #360035)
- - Czech by Miroslav Kure <kurem at upcase.inf.upol.cz> (closes: #360212)
- - Spanish by Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña <jfs at computer.org>
- - Swedish by Daniel Nylander <po at danielnylander.se>
- - Turkish by Osman Yuksel <yuxel at sonsuzdongu.com>
- - Lithuanian by Kęstutis Biliūnas <kebil at kaunas.init.lt> (closes:
- #360282)
- - Italian by Luca Monducci <luca.mo at tiscali.it> (closes: #360645)
- - Japanese by Kenshi Muto <kmuto at topstudio.co.jp> (closes: #360679)
- - German by Helge Kreutzmann <kreutzm at itp.uni-hannover.de>
- - French by steve <dlist at bluewin.ch> (closes: #362426)
- Many thanks to all contributors! [frank]
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Fri, 21 Apr 2006 09:49:06 +0200
-tex-common (0.20) unstable; urgency=medium
- * This version fixes a RC bug (#357983) - the version in testing was not
- affected. But taken together, 0.20 fixes lots of important and
- annoying bugs that also exist in testing that I'm increasing the
- urgency. [frank]
- * Change wording in debconf template and README.Debian to clearly
- indicate that per default users are not member of the "users" group,
- (closes: #356960, #357983) [frank]
- * Install reportbug control script to report with tetex and texlive
- packages [frank]
- * update-fontlang: Change the note that is displayed when the output
- file is a symlink to an error message (displayed also in quiet mode)
- (closes: #357289) [frank]
- * Fix typos in update-updmap.1 and update-language.8, thanks to Nicolas
- François (closes: #357763). [florent]
- * Translations:
- - Update french debconf translation, thanks to Steve
- <dlist at bluewin.ch> (does not closes bug #356840, since it is
- incomplete) [frank]
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Wed, 22 Mar 2006 12:29:54 +0100
-tex-common (0.19) unstable; urgency=low
- * cater for groups without a name when setting the groupname debconf
- variable (Closes: #354401) [preining]
- * Use debconf for user interaction if the postinst script detects
- incompatible settings, thanks to John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>
- (closes: #353474) [frank]
- * add --check option to update-fontlang and to the man pages, but
- state that it should not be used in maintainer scripts
- (Closes: #354517) [preining]
- * Fix copying error in dh_installtex that created dvips config files
- with an additional comma [preining]
- * Translations:
- - Update Swedish debconf translation, thanks to Daniel Nylander
- <yeager at lidkoping.net> (closes: #354635) [frank]
- - Update Danish debconf translation, thanks to Claus Hindsgaul
- <claus.hindsgaul at gmail.com> [frank]
- - Update German debconf translation, thanks to Helge Kreutzmann
- <kreutzm at itp.uni-hannover.de> [frank]
- - Update Italian debconf translation, thanks to Luca Monducci
- <luca.mo at tiscali.it> (closes: #355033) [frank]
- - Update Turkish debconf translation, thanks to Osman Yüksel
- <yuxel at sonsuzdongu.com> (closes: #355061) [frank]
- - Update Japanese debconf translation, thanks to Kenshi Muto
- <kmuto at debian.org> (closes: #355141) [frank]
- - Update Czech debconf translation, thanks to Miroslav Kure
- <kurem at upcase.inf.upol.cz> [frank]
- - Update Lithuanian debconf translation, thanks to Kęstutis Biliūnas
- <kebil at kaunas.init.lt> (closes: #355453) [frank]
- - Update Spanish debconf translation, thanks to Javier
- Fernández-Sanguino Peña <jfs at computer.org> [frank]
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Sat, 11 Mar 2006 17:58:38 +0100
-tex-common (0.18) unstable; urgency=low
- * Perform all config checks in the postinst script instead of exiting
- after the first failure
- * Call debconf-updatepo in the clean and build targets, thanks to Thomas
- Huriaux <thomas.huriaux at gmail.com> (closes: #354138) [frank]
- * Remove "set -x" from config.in, a leftover from debugging. Sorry.
- (closes: #354181) [frank]
- * Add many more md5sums for obsolete conffiles. And add a script in the
- source package to check whether we now catch all of them. Many thanks
- to Andreas Tille! [frank]
- * Fix the missing dhit_ prefix to the build_format call in
- postinst-tex autoscript [preining]
- * Fix spelling error in template, thanks to Matt Krai (closes: #354318)
- * Replace wrong mode 3755 with 3775 in templates. [florent]
- * Add myself to the Uploaders field. [florent]
- * Remove duplicate Build-Depends-Indep on debiandoc-sgml. [florent]
- -- Florent Rougon <frn at debian.org> Sat, 25 Feb 2006 12:58:27 +0100
-tex-common (0.17) unstable; urgency=low
- * Restore the previous behavior by making the subdirectories of
- /var/cache/fonts world-writable by default. Since this is unsafe,
- advice the user in the debconf template, and increase the question's
- priority to medium. Thanks to Lars Wirzenius, closes: #354113.
- We do not fix existing systems, since this is mainly targeted at
- pbuilder environments and similar, where tex-common is only installed
- on demand. [frank]
- * fix an error in dh_installtex when grepping for the magic header [ralf]
- * Add an md5sum for psfonts.ams, thanks to Andreas Tille [frank]
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Thu, 23 Feb 2006 17:36:04 +0100
-tex-common (0.16) unstable; urgency=low
- * Add dh_installtex for public perusal. [preining]
- - add dh_installtex and man page
- - replace dh_installtexfonts by a script converting the syntax
- - give a warning in the dh_installtexfonts man page
- * common.functions.in:
- - Add md5sums for tetex-extra's former configuration files (closes:
- #351649, #352486) [frank]
- - Also add some forgotten md5sums for tetex-base, and make sure scripts
- really stop if the md5sum is unknown (closes: #352688) [frank]
- - remove LaTeX and pdfLaTeX format files before trying to recreate all
- format (closes: #352391, #346135, #352569) [frank]
- - use different variable names for /var/lib/texmf as a texmf.cnf
- variable and as a maintainer script variable [frank]
- * rework debconf usage (Closes: #352394) [preining,frank]
- - only care for ls-R file permissions of the font cache from now on
- - manage the group and permissions of /var/cache/fonts
- * TeX Policy Draft:
- - document dh_installtex and some additional checks needed in
- maintainer scripts [florent]
- - Clarify that some files from the Basic TeX Packages stay in
- TEXMFMAIN [frank]
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Wed, 22 Feb 2006 13:43:32 +0100
-tex-common (0.15) unstable; urgency=high
- * Urgency high, because this version adds important checks that should
- be present when the teTeX packages enter testing
- * Add more checks for essential entries in texmf.cnf, and bail out with
- a user-friendly error message if they are missing (closes: #346326)
- [frank]
- * Fix functions in common.functions.in, so that old conffiles of teTeX
- are properly handled, thanks to Ralf Stubner
- * Drop unneeded paths from TEXFONTMAPS, we now have only 3.0's upstream
- value plus our backward-compatibility paths; also change the check in
- the postinst accordingly (although the old one would still work, we do
- not allow it for simplicity's sake). [frank]
- * Fix typo in dh_installtexfonts which would echo wrong file names, and
- add --quiet to the call of update-updmap in the debhelper scripts
- [preining]
- * Again fixed extensions of files to purge, and take over correct
- language.dat handling from tetex-base (see: #321804). [frank]
- * Move the handling of 00updmap.cfg from postinst to preinst, where it
- belongs [frank]
- * Fix typo in manpage for update-language, thanks to Nicolas François
- <nicolas.francois at centraliens.net> (closes: #349723) [frank]
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Thu, 26 Jan 2006 22:24:06 +0100
-tex-common (0.14) unstable; urgency=low
- * Bump standards version to 3.6.2 (no changes needed)
- * Move debiandoc-sgml from Build-Dep to Build-Dep-Indep
- * Fix a couple of lintian errors and warnings
- * Fix dvips config syntax, thanks to Danai SAE-HAN [preining]
- * Rework the debhelper snippets post(inst|rm)-texfonts [preining]
- -- Norbert Preining <preining at logic.at> Thu, 22 Dec 2005 16:38:54 +0100
-tex-common (0.13) unstable; urgency=low
- * tex-common now provides the symlink /usr/share/texmf/doc -->
- ../doc/texmf, because tetex-doc now puts its files into TEXMFDIST
- [frank].
- * Do no longer install teTeX's common.* files and dsf-patch.mk, they are
- no longer used.
- * Implement --flavor for dh_installtexfonts, first flavors are only
- for generating config files for maps [preining].
- * Fix brace expansion in pdksh, patch from Robert Luberda
- (closes: #342781) [preining]
- * Add fonts/hbf to the search path for T1 fonts, this is needed by
- cjk-latex. [frank]
- * Translations:
- - Update Czech debconf translation, thanks to Miroslav Kure
- <kurem at upcase.inf.upol.cz> (closes: #341941) [frank]
- - Fix italian translation file, this really closes: #340031 [frank]
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Sun, 11 Dec 2005 14:53:05 +0100
-tex-common (0.12) unstable; urgency=low
- * change ls_R_magic to include ., ./, and ls-R so that kpathsea does
- not moan about unusable entry. [preining]
- * Document TEXMFSYSCONFIG in the Policy Draft, and add some more
- clarifications to the text [frank]
- * change TEXMFDIST to include texmf-texlive and texmf-tetex [preining]
- * Translations:
- - Update French debconf translation, thanks to Clément Stenac
- <zorglub at via.ecp.fr> (closes: #341721) [frank]
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Fri, 2 Dec 2005 17:40:04 +0100
-tex-common (0.11) unstable; urgency=low
- * Check for correct setting of TEXFONTMAPS after possible user
- interaction in postinst, and fail with a clear error message, instead
- waiting for teTeX's or TeXLive's updmap calls to fail (closes maybe:
- #338585) [frank]
- * Add a function clean_texenvironment to common.functions, to be used
- from TeX package's postinst scripts, and document that in the Policy
- document. [frank]
- * Add the md5sum of the postinst-edited 00updmap.cfg to ucf's database.
- Also fix the logic for taking over changed settings from tetex-base,
- and create 00updmap.cfg with proper permissions. Special thanks to
- Junichi Uekawa <dancer at netfort.gr.jp> for insisting (closes: #335682,
- #338689) [frank]
- * The Policy draft has been extended [frank]
- * change TEXMFSYSCONFIG to /etc/texmf and remove the !! before TEXMFCONFIG
- in TEXMF [preining]
- * add TEXMFSYSCONFIG to TEXMF and and reshuffle the order [preining]
- * change TEXMFDBS [preining]
- * Translations:
- - add Swedish debconf translation, thanks to Daniel Nylander
- <yeager at lidkoping.net> (closes: #338866) [frank]
- - update Danish debconf translation, thanks to Claus Hindsgaul
- <claus_h at image.dk> (closes: #339354) [frank]
- - update Italian debconf translation, thanks to Luca Monducci
- <luca.mo at tiscali.it> (closes: #340031) [frank]
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Tue, 22 Nov 2005 20:15:41 +0100
-tex-common (0.10) unstable; urgency=low
- * tex-common should only Suggest debhelper, not Depend on it. It would
- pull in too many dev packages for every normal user. [preining]
- * Fix the syntax of some eval statements in the config script (closes:
- #336951) [frank]
- * In postinst, create nonexistent ls-R files with proper magic content
- if they are not already present (closes: #337073) [frank]
- * The config script was not idempotent, and reset the debconf default
- for group writable ls-R files on a fresh install. [frank]
- * Remove the ls-R symlink in TEXMFLOCAL, thanks to Lars Wirzenius
- <liw at iki.fi> (closes: #333308). [frank]
- * Check for leftover .svn directories during build (closes: #327785)
- [frank]
- * Add the md5sum of a version with a newer comment to the list of known
- md5sums for 00updmap.cfg (closes: #336713) [frank]
- * fix installation of debhelper snippet postrm-texfonts. [preining]
- * actually allow multiple invocations of dh_installtexfonts and
- stop with error if a cfg file is installed several times. [preining]
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Wed, 9 Nov 2005 14:45:34 +0100
-tex-common (0.9) unstable; urgency=low
- * Change ls-R file handling to be useful. Don't use debconf as
- registry. (Closes: #332264) [preining]
- * install debhelper dh_installtexfonts script (closes: #320147) [preining]
- * A few changes to update-fontlang, most notably that it will now check,
- when invoked as update-updmap, whether /usr/share/texmf/web2c/updmap.cfg
- exists and abort with an explanation in that case. [florent]
- * Translations:
- - updated Danish debconf translation, thanks to Claus Hindsgaul
- <claus_h at image.dk> (closes: #332699) [frank]
- - updated French debconf translation, thanks to Clément Stenac
- <zorglub at via.ecp.fr> (closes: #335776) [frank]
- - updated Italian debconf translation, thanks to Luca Monducci
- <luca.mo at tiscali.it> (closes: #336093) [frank]
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Fri, 28 Oct 2005 11:27:48 +0200
-tex-common (0.8) unstable; urgency=low
- * Change hyph_size to 8191 - according to DEK it should be a prime
- number. [frank]
- * Add a (closes:...) to the last version's changelog entry to make
- tracking history easier, in fact the bug has been closed manually
- [frank].
- * fix update-texmf to not go into an endless loop when called with an
- unknown option [frank]
- * Modify postrm.in script to remove TEXMFSYSVAR and /var/cache/fonts
- (thus also removing left over files at purge time) [preining]
- * manage ls-R files using debconf [preining]. The translations have
- been copied over from tetex-bin [frank]. (Closes: #328291)
- * Let the debconf dependency be created by debhelper, thus allowing
- debconf-2.0 as an alternative [frank] (closes: #332115)
- * In fact install the pdf version of the Policy draft, but include it in
- the tar.gz file. Thus we can drop the Build-dependency on
- tetex-extra. A working TeX system is only needed on the developer's
- system if the policy source has been changed.
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Wed, 5 Oct 2005 16:14:46 +0200
-tex-common (0.7) unstable; urgency=low
- * take over installation of /var/cache/fonts/*, /usr/local/share/texmf
- and the ls-R links from tetex (and texlive). [preining]
- * increase lambdas main_memory to deal with a lot of languages [preining]
- * move old config files in /usr/share/texmf/web2c out of the way [preining]
- * remove old formats in /usr/share/texmf/web2c (closes: #323828) [preining]
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Wed, 24 Aug 2005 17:18:34 +0200
-tex-common (0.6) unstable; urgency=low
- * Refine the updmap transition code
- * Increase hyph_size to 10000, to make the inclusion of current
- hyphenation exception files (e.g. dehyphtex.tex) possible
- * Also build a pdf version of the Policy draft, and Build-Depend on
- tetex-bin.
- * Move LSRS variable to common.variables
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Wed, 17 Aug 2005 11:04:33 +0200
-tex-common (0.5) unstable; urgency=low
- * Merge update-fmtutil into update-fontlang (closes: #319651)
- * Fix installation of manpages
- * add bibtex/csf to texmf variable BSTINPUTS in 65BibTeX.cnf (closes: #319650)
- * Many thanks to Norbert Preining <preining at logic.at> for providing
- patches for these changes.
- * Increase trie_size in 95NonPath.cnf to 27000, to allow TeX-Live build
- its formats with all languages installed
- * Editorial changes to the Policy Draft, thanks to Hilmar Preusse
- * Add compatibility paths for ENCFONTS and TEXFONTMAP in texmf.d
- (closes: #321074)
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Wed, 3 Aug 2005 12:04:42 +0200
-tex-common (0.4) unstable; urgency=low
- * Bug fix: "tex-common: generalize TEXFONTMAPS and ENCFONTS", thanks to
- Norbert Preining and Hans Hagen (Closes: #318872).
- * language.dat is now a generated file in VARTEXMF, and the actual
- conffiles are in /etc/texmf/language.d. This allows packages to add
- hyphenation patterns - many thanks again to Norbert.
- * Merged update-updmap and update-language into one file, and
- fixed location of memory files in update-updmap
- * Install the symlink to texmf.cnf
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Mon, 25 Jul 2005 14:22:36 +0200
-tex-common (0.3) unstable; urgency=low
- * provide an upgrade path for the configuration items taken over from
- tetex-base
- * Add a versioned conflict on tetex-base - they would remove our
- 00updmap.cfg file.
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Wed, 6 Jul 2005 17:36:30 +0200
-tex-common (0.2) unstable; urgency=low
- * Install the configuration files needed by teTeX
- * Bug fix: "tex-common does not install: conflicts with tetex-bin",
- thanks to Hans Ulrich Niedermann (Closes: #314948).
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Wed, 29 Jun 2005 20:36:47 +0200
-tex-common (0.1) unstable; urgency=low
- * Initial Release.
- -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Mon, 13 Jun 2005 18:09:55 +0200
-;; Local Variables:
-;; coding: utf-8
-;; End:
-# vim:set fileencoding=utf-8: #
Copied: tex-common/tags/2.06/debian/changelog (from rev 4537, tex-common/branches/for-tl2008/debian/changelog)
--- tex-common/tags/2.06/debian/changelog (rev 0)
+++ tex-common/tags/2.06/debian/changelog 2010-01-13 02:46:15 UTC (rev 4538)
@@ -0,0 +1,1182 @@
+tex-common (2.06) unstable; urgency=high
+ * call mktexlsr with list of trees in lsr trigger action (Closes: #564457)
+ -- Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org> Tue, 12 Jan 2010 20:32:14 +0900
+tex-common (2.05) unstable; urgency=low
+ * update language.def based formats in the texmf-hyphen trigger option,
+ otherwise updating hyphenation patterns does not have any effect on
+ those formats (Closes: #562918)
+ -- Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org> Tue, 29 Dec 2009 17:48:08 +0900
+tex-common (2.04) unstable; urgency=low
+ * fix bug in dh_installtex that added a rogue newline in hyphenation
+ definitions, thanks Danai (Closes: #562783)
+ -- Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org> Mon, 28 Dec 2009 07:05:31 +0900
+tex-common (2.03) unstable; urgency=low
+ * only call fmtutil-sys in postinst if texlive-base is configured
+ (Closes: #560854)
+ -- Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org> Sun, 13 Dec 2009 07:50:25 +0900
+tex-common (2.02) unstable; urgency=low
+ * upload to unstable
+ -- Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org> Wed, 09 Dec 2009 23:44:02 +0900
+tex-common (2.01) experimental; urgency=low
+ * Remove setting of MPXCOMMAND. MetaPost in TeXLive 2009 no longer needs
+ it, and is broken when it is set. [fk]
+ * postinst trigger action: run updmap sys action only if texlive-base
+ installed since otherwise updmap-sys will break
+ * bump standards version to 3.8.3
+ * bump depends to << 2009 (there was no 2008 anyway)
+ -- Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org> Thu, 03 Dec 2009 22:32:27 +0900
+tex-common (2.00) experimental; urgency=low
+ * new experimental branch for changes necessary to support TeX Live 2008
+ and later that introduced hyphenation pattern support for etex based
+ formats. language.def is now managed like language.dat.
+ - add support for generating language.def to update-fontlang
+ - install those scripts as update-language-def and update-language-dat
+ - make update-language work as calling both of the above
+ - adjust dh_installtex to accept new syntax
+ * Make the wording of the warning message in postrm-texlsr broader,
+ since there are a couple of reasons why this can fail
+ * postrm's generated by dh_installtex now no longer assume that
+ tex-common is installed when the package is removed. After a rebuild
+ of texlive, this will fix #531581.
+ * Update some texmf.cnf settings for TeXLive 2009. Before uploading to
+ unstable, this needs a closer inspection (in particular, comment
+ changes possibly cluttering diffs.
+ * Add a Conflicts on old texlive-common, in order to force an upgrade of
+ all the packages in one bunch.
+ * implement trigger support for mktexlsr
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Thu, 15 Oct 2009 10:22:22 +0200
+tex-common (1.20) unstable; urgency=low
+ * after the change to tex-common's postinst script the ls-R file for
+ /var/lib/texmf was not recreated, which breaks installation.
+ Add this tree to the trigger call to mktexlsr (Closes: #532525)
+ -- Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org> Tue, 09 Jun 2009 22:37:03 +0200
+tex-common (1.19) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Norbert Preining ]
+ * change dh_installtex generated postrm code to call update-texmf-config
+ only if it is present. That should be due to the policy, but it still
+ might happen that tex-common is not installed bug another package
+ depending on it is tried to be removed (see bug #531581).
+ (Closes: #530832)
+ * Remove the code in postrm that removes /usr/local/share/texmf/ls-R,
+ we are not allowed to do that (policy), but we try to remove that
+ directory if it is empty. (Closes: #528021)
+ [ Frank Küster ]
+ * Make sure that tex-common's own postinst script does not create
+ /usr/local/share/texmf/ls-R (closes: #528021)
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Sun, 07 Jun 2009 21:53:07 +0200
+tex-common (1.18) unstable; urgency=low
+ * make sure that fmtutil-sys --all and updmap-sys are called on new
+ installations when tex-common is configured, since new installations
+ do not trigger. This bug fixes via rebuild of texlive-base #520042,
+ #520410, and via rebuild of #520449.
+ * bump the dh_installtex induced dependency on tex-common to 1.18
+ * rework trigger support so that new file triggers are used, but
+ the code in the maintainer scripts generated by dh_installtex
+ for updmap and language calls the new script update-texmf-config
+ which simply calls the respective trigger. In the course of the
+ the options map:notriggers and language:notriggers were removed
+ from the possible options of dh_installtex.
+ -- Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org> Mon, 13 Apr 2009 22:33:23 +0200
+tex-common (1.17) unstable; urgency=low
+ * remove developer only information from debian/NEWS (Closes: #519964)
+ and include the information in the changelog entry for 1.15.
+ * using dh_installtex --flavor formats:build_all breaks because we
+ removed the calls to update-fmtutil etc. Readd all those calls
+ (Closes: #520166)
+ * bump standards version to 3.8.1, no changes needed
+ -- Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org> Tue, 17 Mar 2009 21:57:47 +0100
+tex-common (1.16) unstable; urgency=low
+ * add mktexlsr calling code from postinst-tex to the trigger action in
+ case it has never been run before. That allows fresh installations
+ to succeed. (Closes: #519701) [np]
+ -- Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org> Sat, 14 Mar 2009 16:57:24 +0100
+tex-common (1.15) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Norbert Preining ]
+ * upload of trigger-enabled tex-common to unstable, packages should be
+ rebuild. Triggers are supported for files dropped into /etc/texmf/updmap.d
+ and /etc/texmf/language.d, i.e., for calls to updmap-sys
+ and fmtutil-sys (when hyphenation patterns are used). If packages
+ need to install fonts/hyphenation patterns and need them active
+ in the postinst already, it should call dh_installtex with
+ --flavor=map:notriggers
+ or
+ --flavor=language:notriggers
+ Until all packages have been rebuilt with the new dh_installtex
+ updmap-sys and fmtutil-sys will be called two times.
+ * remove references to teTeX from the man pages (Closes: #486369)
+ * bump dh compat level to 5, adjust debian/control
+ * add ${misc:Depends} to dependencies
+ [ Jan Hauke Rahm ]
+ * make debhelper's '--with' option available for tex-common. dh_installtex
+ can now be integrated in debian/rules via 'dh install --with tex' when
+ using compat 7
+ -- Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org> Tue, 10 Mar 2009 18:36:33 +0100
+tex-common (1.14) experimental; urgency=low
+ * fix coding error in dh_installtex's pod documentation [np]
+ * updated Romanian translation (ro.po) (Closes: #506038)
+ [hilmar-guest]
+ * add a fix for dh_installtex to work with debhelper >= 7.1.0 (experimental)
+ (Closes: #507365) (patch from Roderich Schupp) [np]
+ -- Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org> Mon, 01 Dec 2008 17:31:26 +0100
+tex-common (1.13) experimental; urgency=low
+ * bump standards version to 3.8.0, no changes necessary [np]
+ * use the local keyword in policy compliant way [np]
+ * replace emacs with share/texmf in postinst.in [np]
+ * add updated version of sv.po (Closes: #491426) [hilmar-guest]
+ * Fix dh_installtex compatibility with debhelper version >= 6
+ (Closes: #492604) [np]
+ -- Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org> Sat, 02 Aug 2008 13:04:18 +0200
+tex-common (1.12) experimental; urgency=low
+ * bump version of tex-common packages built with dh_installtex to 1.11
+ otherwise the conflict with tetex-base is not included properly. This really
+ would close #467330, but due to the disappearance of 1.10 the last
+ version is also sufficient [np]
+ * Create empty /usr/local/share/texmf in postinst, remove in prerm if
+ empty, with code taken from the Policy manual. The decision whether
+ local documentation should be in the texmf tree or in
+ /usr/local/share/doc and accessed via a symlink is left to the local
+ admin (closes: 475077) [fk]
+ * Removed the tetex-bin-upgrade script from the source, it is not needed
+ nor installed, anyway [fk]
+ * register TeX on Debian and the Policy in section Debian [hp, np]
+ * remove double definition of OPENTYPEFONTS in texmf.d [np]
+ * fix wrong file link in Debian-TeX-Policy.sgml (Closes: #481038)
+ * Again install the README file for tpm2licenses in
+ /usr/share/tex-common/ [fk]
+ * implement support for triggers for /etc/texmf/updmap.d and
+ /etc/texmf/language.d [np]
+ -- Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org> Mon, 02 Jun 2008 16:41:31 +0200
+tex-common (1.11) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * bump version of tex-common packages built with dh_installtex to 1.10
+ since it is the version that removes the tetex part (see #466036) [np]
+ * And Conflict with tetex-base (<< 2007), in order to force a /complete/
+ transition to texlive in lenny (closes: #467330). At the same time,
+ drop the conflict with tetex-bin, since tetex-base already does
+ that. However, when and if we remove the tetex-base package, we need
+ to find a different solution for this [fk]
+ * These two changes fix RC bugs, hence the urgency [fk]
+ * Another update run for debconf translations [hilmar-guest]
+ - Vietnamese (Closes: #453780)
+ * change the definition of TEXFORMATS to prohibit the finding of wrong
+ formats (and be in sync with upstream TeX Live), and remove the trailing
+ // of MFBASES and MPMEMS. [np]
+ * update po files [np]
+ * bump standards version to 3.7.3, no changes necessary [np]
+ * move the build stuff to binary-indep, the package is arch=all [np]
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Wed, 16 Apr 2008 21:54:38 +0200
+tex-common (1.10) unstable; urgency=low
+ * update-fontlang:
+ - properly handle file paths containing spaces;
+ - when the jadetex or xmltex snippet is not included, write an
+ explanation to fmtutil.cnf;
+ - only trigger special behavior on 40jadetex.cnf, not on
+ *40jadetex.cnf; same thing with 40xmltex.cnf and
+ 10texlive-latex-base.cnf;
+ - use 0 and 1 instead of "false" and "true" for $seen_latex in order
+ to be consistent with the rest of the script.
+ [florent]
+ * add warning to the pod documentation / man page of dh_installtex that
+ it will add management calls to *all* packages if not instructed
+ otherwise (Closes: #400742) [np]
+ * remove duplicate TEXDOC configuration in 45TeXinputs.cnf which gave
+ .html a higher priority then pdf.gz. Thanks Jörg. (Closes: #431610) [np]
+ * Remove some outdated stuff in TeX-on-Debian [np]
+ * remove the tetex part in TEXMFDIST, remove TETEXDIR from TEXMFCNF [np]
+ * add Vcs-Svn and Vcs-Browser fields to debian/control [np]
+ * update debconf template and package descriptions in control file
+ (Closes: #447689) [hilmar-guest]
+ * l10n updates + additions [hilmar-guest]
+ - Basque (Closes: #448485)
+ - Catalan
+ - Czech (Closes: #449263)
+ - Danish
+ - Dutch
+ - Finnish (Closes: 448291)
+ - French (Closes: #450704)
+ - Galician (Closes: #448232)
+ - German (Closes: #448245)
+ - Italian (Closes: #448367)
+ - Japanese (Closes: #448680)
+ - Korean (Closes: #448436)
+ - Lithuanian (Closes: #448705)
+ - Norwegian Bokmål (Closes: #450911)
+ - Portuguese (Closes: #449234)
+ - Portuguese/Brazil
+ - Russian (Closes: #450726)
+ - Romanian
+ - Spanish (Closes: #448541)
+ - Swedish
+ - Turkish
+ - Vietnamese
+ -- Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org> Wed, 21 Nov 2007 09:26:01 +0100
+tex-common (1.9) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Make sure that update-fontlang detects TEXMFVAR properly even if the
+ directory does not yet exist (closes: #428448) [fk].
+ * let update-fontlang and debianize-updmap create TEXMFCONFIG if it
+ doesn't exist yet (at least when there's only one directory in that
+ variable) [fk].
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Tue, 19 Jun 2007 11:32:09 +0200
+tex-common (1.8) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Bump urgency since this fixes a RC bug which hits anyone upgrading
+ from lenny to sid and triggers a forkbomb. Urgency only medium
+ because of the long list of unrelated other changes. [fk]
+ * Add a workaround for the fork bomb problem in format generation:
+ Ignore jadetex and xmltex if latex is not present (closes: #427562) [fk]
+ * make proper ucfr checking in maintainer scripts (Closes: #409897) [np]
+ * rework the code generated by dh_installtex in the postinst script.
+ Now at postinst/configure time fmtutil-sys is called with
+ --all --cnffile <file>
+ where <file> are the fmt.d config files installed by the package. This
+ way a dpkg-reconfigure will create *all* formats defined in the config
+ file, even if the sysadm has defined additional formats.
+ (Closes: #418983) [np]
+ * Update snippets in texmf.d according to a reordering patch accepted
+ upstream [fk]
+ * (first) rework of Debian-on-TeX document for TeX Live only [np]
+ * add a list of old files from teTeX which can be removed
+ * Do not install unused 01tetex.cnf and its md5sum file [fk]
+ * dh_installtex: rewrite $engine to metafont if $engine = mf|mf-nowin
+ * Install a copy of mktex.cnf in /usr/share/tex-common, and advice in
+ NEWS.Debian to reinstall it. [fk]
+ * Debconf translations: Added Vietnamese translation, thanks to Clytie
+ Siddall <clytie at riverland.net.au> (closes: #426881)
+ * implement an opion --nosourcefiles for tpm2licenses to not check
+ source files
+ * Add symlinks "README.Debian.$ext" to the respective "TeX-on-Debian"
+ formats. [fk]
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Mon, 11 Jun 2007 10:14:14 +0200
+tex-common (1.7) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Undo the changes of the autoscripts snippets ordering, debhelper has
+ changed back to the former method.
+ -- Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org> Sat, 14 Apr 2007 08:39:46 +0200
+tex-common (1.6) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Document in NEWS.Debian that support for ls-R in TEXMFHOME has been
+ dropped [fk]
+ * Policy: Add a chapter on meta-packages and document that they are
+ usually not acceptable as dependencies
+ * reverse the order of autoscripts snippets in postrm (Closes: #418984)
+ * change alternative dep on cdebconf to (>= 0.39), lintian error.
+ -- Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org> Fri, 13 Apr 2007 09:34:44 +0200
+tex-common (1.5) unstable; urgency=low
+ * fix missing tetex component of TEXMFDIST (Closes: #418674)
+ -- Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org> Wed, 11 Apr 2007 09:45:29 +0200
+tex-common (1.4) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Change main_memory to 1500000 to go with the main_memory of mpost
+ and TeX Live's texmf.cnf. This change is needed to make mpost work
+ under all circumstances [np].
+ * Update settings and comments in the texmf.cnf snippets to match
+ upstream's as close as possible [fk]
+ * Drop backwards compatibility hacks for paths (see NEWS.Debian) [fk]
+ * Enable parse-first-line feature, except for Knuth's "tex". [fk]
+ * Update Tpm.pm and FileUtils.pm from TeXLive 2007 [fk]
+ -- Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org> Tue, 10 Apr 2007 17:52:56 +0200
+tex-common (1.3) experimental; urgency=low
+ * Fix typography in Debian-on-TeX, thanks to Miguel de Val Borro
+ <miguel.deval at gmail.com> (closes: #413449) [frank]
+ * In the source package, replace 'tex-sed' with a Python script named
+ 'texify-tex-output' to do a better job (handling all known cases so
+ far, some of which seemed rather difficult to implement in sed).
+ We don't need to Build-Depend on Python, because this script is only
+ used when we generate PDF output from the DebianDoc documents
+ (Debian-TeX-Policy, TeX-on-Debian), which we don't do at build time
+ in order to avoid chicken-and-egg problems. [florent]
+ * Add engine subdirectories to the search paths for MetaFont and
+ MetaPost, too. Thanks to Jörg Sommer <joerg at alea.gnuu.de>
+ * Change the dh_installtex removal logic since format dumps are placed
+ into engine subdirectories. We now remove all format dumps and log files
+ in /v/l/t/web2c and /v/l/t/web2c/$engine/
+ -- Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org> Thu, 22 Mar 2007 01:28:27 +0100
+tex-common (1.2) experimental; urgency=low
+ * rename flavor format:no_format_links to format:no_links (nobody is using
+ it already), and document it [NP]
+ * increase trie_size to 400000 to allow the loading of all texlive
+ hyphenation patterns [NP]
+ * Make sure that dh_installtex's postrm snippets won't try to run
+ fmtutil-sys when it might be already uninstalled.
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Fri, 9 Mar 2007 16:12:17 +0100
+tex-common (1.1) experimental; urgency=low
+ * Upload to experimental. This version is needed to build TeXLive
+ 2007.
+ * Increase trie_size to the value in TeXLive 2007, and update the
+ comment from their texmf.in file, too.
+ * Only strip comments with '^[ \t]*# ' from the auto files to preserve
+ comments starting with ## [NP]
+ * small fix to dh_installtex for useless inclusion of postinst-tex
+ (move the definition of $dothefullstuff into the package loop)
+ * implement flavors format:build_all and format:add_one:formatname
+ * let dh_installtex automatically create links for formats installed
+ and add flavor to disable this behaviour.
+ * fix a bug in dh_installtex which prohibits --priority to work
+ correctly for command line config files. [NP]
+ * add Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org> to the uploaders
+ * add lintian overrides for wrongly detected bashism
+ -- Norbert Preining <preining at debian.org> Mon, 26 Feb 2007 18:31:32 +0100
+tex-common (1.0) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Release as version 1.0, tex-common has been stable for months and
+ deserves a non-zero version number
+ * Debconf translations: [frank]
+ - New Romanian translation, thanks to Eddy Petrișor
+ <eddy.petrisor at gmail.com> (closes: #409267)
+ - New Portuguese Brazilian translation, thanks to the Traduz
+ MailingList <traduz at debianpt.org> (closes: #408866)
+ - Updated Catalan translation, thanks to Guillem Jover
+ <guillem at debian.org> (closes: #409162)
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Mon, 5 Feb 2007 10:55:26 +0100
+tex-common (0.44) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Use full pathname when registering files with ucf (closes: #408263)
+ * New and updated debconf translations:
+ - Galician by Jacobo Tarrio <jtarrio at trasno.net> (closes: #408122)
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Fri, 26 Jan 2007 18:10:23 +0100
+tex-common (0.43) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Register documentation in section TeX instead of Text (closes:
+ #403086) [frank]
+ * Debconf translations:
+ - add Russian translation, thanks to Yuri Kozlov <kozlov.y at gmail.com>
+ (closes: #406872)
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Mon, 15 Jan 2007 07:51:34 +0100
+tex-common (0.42) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Documentation fixes to update-fontlang.1:
+ - the .TH line was broken, causing an ugly footer in the formatted
+ manpage;
+ - the SYNOPSIS had an incorrect syntax ('-language', '-updmap', and
+ '-fmtutil' aren't optional) and the new way is much easier to read
+ anyway IMO;
+ - always mention the programs in that order: update-updmap,
+ update-language and update-fmtutil (reason is, I think the average
+ user is more likely to need update-updmap than any of the two
+ others);
+ - the arguments to some options were forgotten, as in the
+ update-fontlang usage message ('--help');
+ - better option formatting (for those with a short and a long form;
+ copied from /usr/share/man/man1/man.1.gz);
+ - the default values for TEXMFCONFIG and TEXMFVAR do *not* end with
+ a slash;
+ - the path to TeX-on-Debian.txt.gz was wrong;
+ - s/updmap.sys/updmap.cfg/;
+ - s/TEMXF/TEXMF/ in a few places;
+ - a package may install *several* files in each /etc/texmf/*.d
+ directory (and list them in the .list files under
+ /var/lib/tex-common).
+ - a bit more details here and there;
+ - more formatting to ease reading (such as italics), punctuation,
+ typographical fixes. [florent]
+ * Fix to update-fontlang: don't forget the arguments to '-c' and '-o' in
+ the usage message ('--help'). [florent]
+ * Minor fixes to postrm-texlsr to avoid having too long lines (greater
+ than 80 characters). [florent]
+ * remove the left-over definition of dhit_check_run_without_errors in
+ postrm-tex, it is included in postrm-texlsr (Closes: #402068). [NP]
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Mon, 11 Dec 2006 19:46:08 +0100
+tex-common (0.41) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Install the TDS specification along with the Debian TeX Policy
+ (closes: #401196) [frank]
+ * Register ucf files with ucfr (closes: #395018) [frank]
+ * Refined wording and typography of the documentation documents
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Wed, 6 Dec 2006 19:03:21 +0100
+tex-common (0.40) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Register TeX-on-Debian and the policy with doc-base
+ * Change the wording of Policy to indicate more clearly that everything
+ can (and should) be done using dh_installtex.
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Wed, 6 Dec 2006 11:08:26 +0100
+tex-common (0.39) unstable; urgency=low
+ * changelog editing: fix wrong bugnumber in last upload [frank]
+ * Add a more verbose explanation to the warning when updmap-sys failed
+ (closes: #397717), and echo errors to stderr. [frank]
+ * Change default priority for dh_installtex to 20, and document in the
+ TeX Policy that 10 is reserved for Basic TeX packages. This would
+ have avoided bug #399447. [frank]
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Tue, 21 Nov 2006 18:32:32 +0100
+tex-common (0.38) unstable; urgency=low
+ * install update-fontlang and the three links all into /usr/bin
+ and keep symlinks in /usr/sbin for old packages. Update the man page
+ of update-fontlang. (Closes: #396822) [preining]
+ * Clear up the description about user-specific configuration in
+ TeX-on-Debian, many thanks to Géraud Meyer <geraud_meyer at hotmail.com>
+ (closes: #396826) [preining,frank]
+ * Debconf translation updates: [frank]
+ - French, thanks to Christian Perrier (closes: #395844)
+ - Italian, thanks to Luca Monducci <luca.mo at tiscali.it> (closes:
+ #396101)
+ - German, thanks to Helge Kreutzmann <debian at helgefjell.de> (closes:
+ #396036)
+ - All others except the heavily outdated ca.po where unfuzzied by me,
+ even in Japanese I can change "dpkg-dist" to "ucf-dist" [frank]
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Fri, 3 Nov 2006 14:14:12 +0100
+tex-common (0.37) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Fix bashism in postinst, thanks to Michael Biebl <biebl at teco.edu>
+ (closes: #395274) [frank]
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Thu, 26 Oct 2006 08:14:29 +0200
+tex-common (0.36) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Depend on debconf (>= 1.4.69), which introduced the error template
+ type (closes: #395032). This broke upgrades, hence the urgency
+ [frank]
+ * Fix format extraction regexp in dh_installtex, the format name must
+ now be at the beginning of the line, without any leading whitespace,
+ but hyphens are allowed in the name. Thanks Ralf. [preining]
+ * dh_installtex: Include only the minimal mktexlsr code in case no other
+ installation is done (ie no maps, formats, languages). Also add the
+ ability to specify texmf trees on the command line, and only recreate
+ the ls-R DB for /usr/share/texmf and /var/lib/texmf [preining]
+ (Closes: #392359)
+ * Add engine-specific paths to the TEXFORMATS and TEXFONTMAPS variables,
+ and avoid triple slashes. This is completely backwards-compatible (it
+ only adds path components), and is needed for the planned separate
+ context package. Thanks to Ralf Stubner for the details!
+ [preining,frank]
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Wed, 25 Oct 2006 13:16:13 +0200
+tex-common (0.35) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Use local variables in debianize-updmap, so that the right file for
+ enabling font maps will be found (closes: #393920) [frank]
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Wed, 18 Oct 2006 17:58:09 +0200
+tex-common (0.34) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Handle non-writable /usr/local gracefully upon removal, thanks to Sam
+ Hocevar <sam at zoy.org> (closes: #392518) [frank]
+ * Change debianize-updmap so that the --syncwithtrees and --edit options
+ do something sensible, and won't break the system. Together with the
+ upload of tetex-bin 3.0-22, this will close #392573 and #334747.
+ [frank]
+ * Add a check for shadowed config files to update-fontlang [preining]
+ * Move and extend the teTeX README.Debian to TeX-on-Debian Documentation
+ [frank, preining]
+ * Move po-debconf from Build-Depends-Indep to Build-Depends, since it's
+ used in the clean target of debian/rules. [florent]
+ * Adjust the TEXMFCNF setting in conf/texmf.d/85Misc.cnf to reflect the
+ change in tetex-bin 3.0-22. [frank, florent]
+ -- Florent Rougon <frn at debian.org> Sat, 14 Oct 2006 18:53:20 +0200
+tex-common (0.33) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Fix syntax error in debianize-updmap (closes: #391976). Also, the
+ logic in the script has been fixed, so that it actually works [frank]
+ * Add an additional check to update-* scripts in case users shadow their
+ generated files with files in TEXMFCONFIG. [preining]
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Tue, 10 Oct 2006 10:21:19 +0200
+tex-common (0.32) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * adapted sanity check in update-fontlang to TEXMFSYSCONFIG = /etc/texmf
+ (closes: #391348) [ralf]
+ * Provide a tetex-bin-update script. This allows also texlive to
+ properly rename an old tetex-bin conffile, and add the magic comment,
+ and is therefore needed for a transition from teTeX to TeXlive without
+ upgrading teTeX to the etch version first [frank]
+ * Install debianize-updmap into the scripts dir [frank]
+ * Provide the debianize-updmap functions in /usr/share/tex-common, for
+ usage by all TeX systems in Debian [frank]
+ * Changed the order of trees in TEXMFDIST. If TeXlive and teTeX
+ packages are installed together, files from TeXlive now take
+ precedence. This makes sense because those files are usually
+ newer. [frank]
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Mon, 9 Oct 2006 07:46:31 +0200
+tex-common (0.31) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Document in policy that font cache data have to be cleaned by packages
+ that Build-Depend on TeX, and how to do that (closes: #388399) [frank]
+ * On systems upgraded from woody to sarge, tetex-bin generated a bogus
+ local configuration file with entries that were erroneously detected
+ as locally changed. These entries are now harmful and break texlive,
+ and the file is therefore renamed if it meets our expectations
+ (closes: #391355) [frank]
+ * In 95NonPath.cnf, add a comment about how to redump the format file
+ (closes: #380323) [frank]
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Fri, 6 Oct 2006 17:40:19 +0200
+tex-common (0.30) unstable; urgency=high
+ * update-fontlang: If a conffile has a corresponding dpkg-new file,
+ that is, it is from a yet-unconfigured package, drop it any case.
+ Previously, the check was only done when the file had a magic comment,
+ but conffiles in sarge generally do not have this magic. Therefore,
+ upgrades from sarge would have failed if the conffile change is needed for
+ proper configuration (closes: #389550) [frank]
+ * Remove the medium-priority debconf note without replacement; anybody
+ who really runs into the problem will be able to find the information
+ in tetex-bin's README.Debian (closes: #388973) [frank]
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Tue, 26 Sep 2006 17:14:45 +0200
+tex-common (0.29) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Add missing function and variable declarations to preinst, thanks to
+ Hilmar (closes: #385532) [frank]
+ * Do not load debconf manually in postrm, it isn't needed at all, thanks
+ to Bill Allombert <ballombe at debian.org> (closes: #388156) [frank]
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Tue, 19 Sep 2006 09:17:13 +0200
+tex-common (0.28) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Fix spelling of "medium" in the last upload
+ * Remove jadetex settings from texmf.d (closes: #384333) [frank]
+ * Add a paragraph to the Policy how to handle format creation when
+ latex.fmt or other basic formats are needed [frank]
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Wed, 23 Aug 2006 22:09:37 +0200
+tex-common (0.27) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Policy Change: Treat configuration files properly as Debian Policy
+ mandates. The only TeX-specific addition is that we remind
+ maintainers to only treat files for site-wide changes as configuration
+ files, not files intended to change the typeset output on a
+ per-document or per-project basis. Consequently, mktex.cnf is now
+ installed as /etc/texmf/web2c/mktex.cnf. Thanks to Manoj Srivastava!
+ This closes: #379089, a RC bug, hence the medium urgency [frank]
+ * Really install NEWS.Debian about the font cache changes in the last
+ upload [frank]
+ * Update changelog for 0.16. We forgot to close two bugs. [hilmar-guest]
+ * Debconf Translations: [frank]
+ - Update Dutch translation, thanks to Vincent Zweije
+ <zweije at xs4all.nl> (closes: #379234)
+ - Update Spanish translation, thanks to Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña
+ <jfs at computer.org> (closes: #382967)
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Wed, 16 Aug 2006 16:58:01 +0200
+tex-common (0.26) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Font data are now cached separately for each user, or in /tmp/texfonts
+ when there is no writable home directory. Thus we could get rid of
+ the complicated debconf questions related to that issue (there's still
+ one note left) (closes: #376050, #366805, #368411). Many thanks to
+ Ralf Stubner for his "braindump".
+ This change requires installation of a file in a TEXMF tree; we
+ therefore run mktexlsr if it is available. [frank]
+ * Debconf Translations: [frank]
+ - Updated Czech translation, thanks to Miroslav Kure
+ <kurem at upcase.inf.upol.cz>
+ - Updated Japanese translation, thank to Kenshi Muto
+ <kmuto at debian.org> (closes: #376632, #377945)
+ - Updated brazilian Portuguese translation, thanks to Felipe Augusto
+ van de Wiel (faw) <felipe at cathedrallabs.org>
+ - Updated Danish translation, thanks to Claus Hindsgaul
+ <claus.hindsgaul at gmail.com> (closes: #377664)
+ - Updated German translation, thanks to Helge Kreutzmann
+ <debian at helgefjell.de>
+ - Updated italian translation, thanks to Luca Monducci
+ <luca.mo at tiscali.it> (closes: #377378).
+ - Updated french translation, thanks to Jean-Baka Domelevo-Entfellner
+ <domelevo at gmail.com> (closes: #377388)
+ - Updated Swedish translation, thanks to Daniel Nylander
+ <po at danielnylander.se>
+ - Updated Lithuanian translation, thanks to Kęstutis Biliūnas
+ <kebil at kaunas.init.lt>
+ * common.functions.in: [florent]
+ + change create_tetex_formats() so that fmtutil-sys is run in a
+ temporary directory; otherwise, it may use files lying in the
+ current directory, which can cause bad surprises. This will close
+ #377581 when propagated to the various packages using this function
+ in their maintainer scripts.
+ + replace `command args ...` with $(command args ...) everywhere in
+ the file.
+ * Updated Maintainer field to use new mailing list [jdg]
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Wed, 19 Jul 2006 16:05:47 +0200
+tex-common (0.25) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Translations:
+ - Fix typos in french debconf translation, thanks to Florentin Duneau
+ <f.baced at wanadoo.fr> (closes: #374632) [frank]
+ - Update brazilian Portuguese debconf translation, thanks to Andre
+ Luis Lopes <andrelop at debian.org> and Felipe Augusto van de Wiel
+ <felipe at cathedrallabs.org> [frank]
+ * scripts/update-fontlang:
+ - don't include ${conffile} in the generated file if
+ ${conffile}.dpkg-new exists ($conffile may not be up-to-date in this
+ case);
+ see http://lists.debian.org/debian-tetex-maint/2006/06/msg00260.html
+ for a discussion of this subject.
+ - cosmetic fixes. [florent]
+ * Update scripts/update-updmap.1 and doc/Debian-TeX-Policy.sgml
+ accordingly. [florent]
+ -- Florent Rougon <frn at debian.org> Mon, 26 Jun 2006 10:37:04 +0200
+tex-common (0.24) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Updated debconf translations:
+ - French, thanks to Steve <dlist at bluewin.ch> (closes: #369360) [frank]
+ * dhit_check_run_without_errors() in postrm-tex was not completely silent
+ even if called with -silent (outputing 3 ugly lines starting with a space
+ followed by "done."). This is now fixed. [florent]
+ -- Florent Rougon <frn at debian.org> Sun, 18 Jun 2006 23:14:27 +0200
+tex-common (0.23) unstable; urgency=low
+ * After the groupname question has been renamed, make sure that the new
+ questions are not shown again when the old one has already been seen,
+ and unregister the old question (closes: #366812) [frank]
+ * Fix bashism in config (closes: #366789) [frank]
+ * Fix our check for a working configuration in texmf.d, and write short
+ information messages to stderr for the noninteractive frontend or for
+ people who don't have a pencil (closes: #366907), thanks Ralf [frank]
+ * Make sure the font cache directory is always world-writeable - we
+ previously missed the case where apt-utils are installed in a buildd
+ chroot (again closes: #354113, #366858) [frank]
+ * Updated debconf translations: [frank]
+ - Czech by Miroslav Kure <kurem at upcase.inf.upol.cz> (closes: #367162)
+ - Danish by Claus Hindsgaul <claus.hindsgaul at gmail.com> (closes:
+ #367180)
+ - Italian by Luca Monducci <luca.mo at tiscali.it> (closes: #367183)
+ * Debian TeX Policy:
+ Remove last occurrences of obsolete TEXMFSITE.
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Wed, 17 May 2006 18:56:32 +0200
+tex-common (0.22) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Also install FileUtils.pm which is needed by tpm2licenses [frank]
+ * Make running of update-* commands silent in the debhelper postrm
+ helper scripts (Closes: #365070) [preining]
+ * Debconf translations:
+ - updated wording of swedish template, thanks to Daniel Nylander
+ <yeager at lidkoping.net> (closes: #365992) [frank]
+ * Change the configuration scheme again a little: Before accepting a
+ group name typed by the user, test whether it really exists.
+ Furthermore, if there is only one user in the "normal user" range in
+ /etc/passwd, suggest their group as the owner of the font cache. And
+ finally, make the wording clearer everywhere. Many thanks to Anthony
+ DeRobertis <anthony at derobert.net>, James R. Van Zandt"
+ <jrvz at comcast.net> and Helge Hafting <helge.hafting at aitel.hist.no>
+ (closes: #366107, #366095, #365513) [frank]
+ * Fix lintian warnings and errors: [frank]
+ - Move eperl to Build-Depends-Indep
+ - Fix my name in update-language(8)
+ - Add overrides for the font cache permissions and our debconf note if
+ the postinst script fails.
+ * Bump standards version (no changes needed) [frank]
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Wed, 10 May 2006 13:19:52 +0200
+tex-common (0.21) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Syntax error: postinst script silently failed when it should have
+ displayed a debconf warning [frank]
+ * Improve readability of eperl scripts in debian/ as in tetex-bin [jdg]
+ * Adjust priority of the groupname debconf question to be the same as
+ the managecache question (closes: #360127) [frank]
+ * Fix eperl open commands in maintainer scripts to work with -k [jdg]
+ * Made preinst a /bin/sh script [jdg]
+ * Install the tpm2licenses Perl script and the Tpm.pm module into
+ /usr/share/tex-common for more convenient use [frank].
+ * Add to the source package a ChangeLog file to keep track of the
+ copyright/licensing verification work I'm doing [frank]
+ * Update debconf translations:
+ - Danish by Claus Hindsgaul <claus.hindsgaul at gmail.com> (closes:
+ #360035)
+ - Czech by Miroslav Kure <kurem at upcase.inf.upol.cz> (closes: #360212)
+ - Spanish by Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña <jfs at computer.org>
+ - Swedish by Daniel Nylander <po at danielnylander.se>
+ - Turkish by Osman Yuksel <yuxel at sonsuzdongu.com>
+ - Lithuanian by Kęstutis Biliūnas <kebil at kaunas.init.lt> (closes:
+ #360282)
+ - Italian by Luca Monducci <luca.mo at tiscali.it> (closes: #360645)
+ - Japanese by Kenshi Muto <kmuto at topstudio.co.jp> (closes: #360679)
+ - German by Helge Kreutzmann <kreutzm at itp.uni-hannover.de>
+ - French by steve <dlist at bluewin.ch> (closes: #362426)
+ Many thanks to all contributors! [frank]
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Fri, 21 Apr 2006 09:49:06 +0200
+tex-common (0.20) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * This version fixes a RC bug (#357983) - the version in testing was not
+ affected. But taken together, 0.20 fixes lots of important and
+ annoying bugs that also exist in testing that I'm increasing the
+ urgency. [frank]
+ * Change wording in debconf template and README.Debian to clearly
+ indicate that per default users are not member of the "users" group,
+ (closes: #356960, #357983) [frank]
+ * Install reportbug control script to report with tetex and texlive
+ packages [frank]
+ * update-fontlang: Change the note that is displayed when the output
+ file is a symlink to an error message (displayed also in quiet mode)
+ (closes: #357289) [frank]
+ * Fix typos in update-updmap.1 and update-language.8, thanks to Nicolas
+ François (closes: #357763). [florent]
+ * Translations:
+ - Update french debconf translation, thanks to Steve
+ <dlist at bluewin.ch> (does not closes bug #356840, since it is
+ incomplete) [frank]
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Wed, 22 Mar 2006 12:29:54 +0100
+tex-common (0.19) unstable; urgency=low
+ * cater for groups without a name when setting the groupname debconf
+ variable (Closes: #354401) [preining]
+ * Use debconf for user interaction if the postinst script detects
+ incompatible settings, thanks to John Goerzen <jgoerzen at complete.org>
+ (closes: #353474) [frank]
+ * add --check option to update-fontlang and to the man pages, but
+ state that it should not be used in maintainer scripts
+ (Closes: #354517) [preining]
+ * Fix copying error in dh_installtex that created dvips config files
+ with an additional comma [preining]
+ * Translations:
+ - Update Swedish debconf translation, thanks to Daniel Nylander
+ <yeager at lidkoping.net> (closes: #354635) [frank]
+ - Update Danish debconf translation, thanks to Claus Hindsgaul
+ <claus.hindsgaul at gmail.com> [frank]
+ - Update German debconf translation, thanks to Helge Kreutzmann
+ <kreutzm at itp.uni-hannover.de> [frank]
+ - Update Italian debconf translation, thanks to Luca Monducci
+ <luca.mo at tiscali.it> (closes: #355033) [frank]
+ - Update Turkish debconf translation, thanks to Osman Yüksel
+ <yuxel at sonsuzdongu.com> (closes: #355061) [frank]
+ - Update Japanese debconf translation, thanks to Kenshi Muto
+ <kmuto at debian.org> (closes: #355141) [frank]
+ - Update Czech debconf translation, thanks to Miroslav Kure
+ <kurem at upcase.inf.upol.cz> [frank]
+ - Update Lithuanian debconf translation, thanks to Kęstutis Biliūnas
+ <kebil at kaunas.init.lt> (closes: #355453) [frank]
+ - Update Spanish debconf translation, thanks to Javier
+ Fernández-Sanguino Peña <jfs at computer.org> [frank]
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Sat, 11 Mar 2006 17:58:38 +0100
+tex-common (0.18) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Perform all config checks in the postinst script instead of exiting
+ after the first failure
+ * Call debconf-updatepo in the clean and build targets, thanks to Thomas
+ Huriaux <thomas.huriaux at gmail.com> (closes: #354138) [frank]
+ * Remove "set -x" from config.in, a leftover from debugging. Sorry.
+ (closes: #354181) [frank]
+ * Add many more md5sums for obsolete conffiles. And add a script in the
+ source package to check whether we now catch all of them. Many thanks
+ to Andreas Tille! [frank]
+ * Fix the missing dhit_ prefix to the build_format call in
+ postinst-tex autoscript [preining]
+ * Fix spelling error in template, thanks to Matt Krai (closes: #354318)
+ * Replace wrong mode 3755 with 3775 in templates. [florent]
+ * Add myself to the Uploaders field. [florent]
+ * Remove duplicate Build-Depends-Indep on debiandoc-sgml. [florent]
+ -- Florent Rougon <frn at debian.org> Sat, 25 Feb 2006 12:58:27 +0100
+tex-common (0.17) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Restore the previous behavior by making the subdirectories of
+ /var/cache/fonts world-writable by default. Since this is unsafe,
+ advice the user in the debconf template, and increase the question's
+ priority to medium. Thanks to Lars Wirzenius, closes: #354113.
+ We do not fix existing systems, since this is mainly targeted at
+ pbuilder environments and similar, where tex-common is only installed
+ on demand. [frank]
+ * fix an error in dh_installtex when grepping for the magic header [ralf]
+ * Add an md5sum for psfonts.ams, thanks to Andreas Tille [frank]
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Thu, 23 Feb 2006 17:36:04 +0100
+tex-common (0.16) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Add dh_installtex for public perusal. [preining]
+ - add dh_installtex and man page
+ - replace dh_installtexfonts by a script converting the syntax
+ - give a warning in the dh_installtexfonts man page
+ * common.functions.in:
+ - Add md5sums for tetex-extra's former configuration files (closes:
+ #351649, #352486) [frank]
+ - Also add some forgotten md5sums for tetex-base, and make sure scripts
+ really stop if the md5sum is unknown (closes: #352688) [frank]
+ - remove LaTeX and pdfLaTeX format files before trying to recreate all
+ format (closes: #352391, #346135, #352569) [frank]
+ - use different variable names for /var/lib/texmf as a texmf.cnf
+ variable and as a maintainer script variable [frank]
+ * rework debconf usage (Closes: #352394) [preining,frank]
+ - only care for ls-R file permissions of the font cache from now on
+ - manage the group and permissions of /var/cache/fonts
+ * TeX Policy Draft:
+ - document dh_installtex and some additional checks needed in
+ maintainer scripts [florent]
+ - Clarify that some files from the Basic TeX Packages stay in
+ TEXMFMAIN [frank]
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Wed, 22 Feb 2006 13:43:32 +0100
+tex-common (0.15) unstable; urgency=high
+ * Urgency high, because this version adds important checks that should
+ be present when the teTeX packages enter testing
+ * Add more checks for essential entries in texmf.cnf, and bail out with
+ a user-friendly error message if they are missing (closes: #346326)
+ [frank]
+ * Fix functions in common.functions.in, so that old conffiles of teTeX
+ are properly handled, thanks to Ralf Stubner
+ * Drop unneeded paths from TEXFONTMAPS, we now have only 3.0's upstream
+ value plus our backward-compatibility paths; also change the check in
+ the postinst accordingly (although the old one would still work, we do
+ not allow it for simplicity's sake). [frank]
+ * Fix typo in dh_installtexfonts which would echo wrong file names, and
+ add --quiet to the call of update-updmap in the debhelper scripts
+ [preining]
+ * Again fixed extensions of files to purge, and take over correct
+ language.dat handling from tetex-base (see: #321804). [frank]
+ * Move the handling of 00updmap.cfg from postinst to preinst, where it
+ belongs [frank]
+ * Fix typo in manpage for update-language, thanks to Nicolas François
+ <nicolas.francois at centraliens.net> (closes: #349723) [frank]
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Thu, 26 Jan 2006 22:24:06 +0100
+tex-common (0.14) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Bump standards version to 3.6.2 (no changes needed)
+ * Move debiandoc-sgml from Build-Dep to Build-Dep-Indep
+ * Fix a couple of lintian errors and warnings
+ * Fix dvips config syntax, thanks to Danai SAE-HAN [preining]
+ * Rework the debhelper snippets post(inst|rm)-texfonts [preining]
+ -- Norbert Preining <preining at logic.at> Thu, 22 Dec 2005 16:38:54 +0100
+tex-common (0.13) unstable; urgency=low
+ * tex-common now provides the symlink /usr/share/texmf/doc -->
+ ../doc/texmf, because tetex-doc now puts its files into TEXMFDIST
+ [frank].
+ * Do no longer install teTeX's common.* files and dsf-patch.mk, they are
+ no longer used.
+ * Implement --flavor for dh_installtexfonts, first flavors are only
+ for generating config files for maps [preining].
+ * Fix brace expansion in pdksh, patch from Robert Luberda
+ (closes: #342781) [preining]
+ * Add fonts/hbf to the search path for T1 fonts, this is needed by
+ cjk-latex. [frank]
+ * Translations:
+ - Update Czech debconf translation, thanks to Miroslav Kure
+ <kurem at upcase.inf.upol.cz> (closes: #341941) [frank]
+ - Fix italian translation file, this really closes: #340031 [frank]
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Sun, 11 Dec 2005 14:53:05 +0100
+tex-common (0.12) unstable; urgency=low
+ * change ls_R_magic to include ., ./, and ls-R so that kpathsea does
+ not moan about unusable entry. [preining]
+ * Document TEXMFSYSCONFIG in the Policy Draft, and add some more
+ clarifications to the text [frank]
+ * change TEXMFDIST to include texmf-texlive and texmf-tetex [preining]
+ * Translations:
+ - Update French debconf translation, thanks to Clément Stenac
+ <zorglub at via.ecp.fr> (closes: #341721) [frank]
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Fri, 2 Dec 2005 17:40:04 +0100
+tex-common (0.11) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Check for correct setting of TEXFONTMAPS after possible user
+ interaction in postinst, and fail with a clear error message, instead
+ waiting for teTeX's or TeXLive's updmap calls to fail (closes maybe:
+ #338585) [frank]
+ * Add a function clean_texenvironment to common.functions, to be used
+ from TeX package's postinst scripts, and document that in the Policy
+ document. [frank]
+ * Add the md5sum of the postinst-edited 00updmap.cfg to ucf's database.
+ Also fix the logic for taking over changed settings from tetex-base,
+ and create 00updmap.cfg with proper permissions. Special thanks to
+ Junichi Uekawa <dancer at netfort.gr.jp> for insisting (closes: #335682,
+ #338689) [frank]
+ * The Policy draft has been extended [frank]
+ * change TEXMFSYSCONFIG to /etc/texmf and remove the !! before TEXMFCONFIG
+ in TEXMF [preining]
+ * add TEXMFSYSCONFIG to TEXMF and and reshuffle the order [preining]
+ * change TEXMFDBS [preining]
+ * Translations:
+ - add Swedish debconf translation, thanks to Daniel Nylander
+ <yeager at lidkoping.net> (closes: #338866) [frank]
+ - update Danish debconf translation, thanks to Claus Hindsgaul
+ <claus_h at image.dk> (closes: #339354) [frank]
+ - update Italian debconf translation, thanks to Luca Monducci
+ <luca.mo at tiscali.it> (closes: #340031) [frank]
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Tue, 22 Nov 2005 20:15:41 +0100
+tex-common (0.10) unstable; urgency=low
+ * tex-common should only Suggest debhelper, not Depend on it. It would
+ pull in too many dev packages for every normal user. [preining]
+ * Fix the syntax of some eval statements in the config script (closes:
+ #336951) [frank]
+ * In postinst, create nonexistent ls-R files with proper magic content
+ if they are not already present (closes: #337073) [frank]
+ * The config script was not idempotent, and reset the debconf default
+ for group writable ls-R files on a fresh install. [frank]
+ * Remove the ls-R symlink in TEXMFLOCAL, thanks to Lars Wirzenius
+ <liw at iki.fi> (closes: #333308). [frank]
+ * Check for leftover .svn directories during build (closes: #327785)
+ [frank]
+ * Add the md5sum of a version with a newer comment to the list of known
+ md5sums for 00updmap.cfg (closes: #336713) [frank]
+ * fix installation of debhelper snippet postrm-texfonts. [preining]
+ * actually allow multiple invocations of dh_installtexfonts and
+ stop with error if a cfg file is installed several times. [preining]
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Wed, 9 Nov 2005 14:45:34 +0100
+tex-common (0.9) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Change ls-R file handling to be useful. Don't use debconf as
+ registry. (Closes: #332264) [preining]
+ * install debhelper dh_installtexfonts script (closes: #320147) [preining]
+ * A few changes to update-fontlang, most notably that it will now check,
+ when invoked as update-updmap, whether /usr/share/texmf/web2c/updmap.cfg
+ exists and abort with an explanation in that case. [florent]
+ * Translations:
+ - updated Danish debconf translation, thanks to Claus Hindsgaul
+ <claus_h at image.dk> (closes: #332699) [frank]
+ - updated French debconf translation, thanks to Clément Stenac
+ <zorglub at via.ecp.fr> (closes: #335776) [frank]
+ - updated Italian debconf translation, thanks to Luca Monducci
+ <luca.mo at tiscali.it> (closes: #336093) [frank]
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Fri, 28 Oct 2005 11:27:48 +0200
+tex-common (0.8) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Change hyph_size to 8191 - according to DEK it should be a prime
+ number. [frank]
+ * Add a (closes:...) to the last version's changelog entry to make
+ tracking history easier, in fact the bug has been closed manually
+ [frank].
+ * fix update-texmf to not go into an endless loop when called with an
+ unknown option [frank]
+ * Modify postrm.in script to remove TEXMFSYSVAR and /var/cache/fonts
+ (thus also removing left over files at purge time) [preining]
+ * manage ls-R files using debconf [preining]. The translations have
+ been copied over from tetex-bin [frank]. (Closes: #328291)
+ * Let the debconf dependency be created by debhelper, thus allowing
+ debconf-2.0 as an alternative [frank] (closes: #332115)
+ * In fact install the pdf version of the Policy draft, but include it in
+ the tar.gz file. Thus we can drop the Build-dependency on
+ tetex-extra. A working TeX system is only needed on the developer's
+ system if the policy source has been changed.
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Wed, 5 Oct 2005 16:14:46 +0200
+tex-common (0.7) unstable; urgency=low
+ * take over installation of /var/cache/fonts/*, /usr/local/share/texmf
+ and the ls-R links from tetex (and texlive). [preining]
+ * increase lambdas main_memory to deal with a lot of languages [preining]
+ * move old config files in /usr/share/texmf/web2c out of the way [preining]
+ * remove old formats in /usr/share/texmf/web2c (closes: #323828) [preining]
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Wed, 24 Aug 2005 17:18:34 +0200
+tex-common (0.6) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Refine the updmap transition code
+ * Increase hyph_size to 10000, to make the inclusion of current
+ hyphenation exception files (e.g. dehyphtex.tex) possible
+ * Also build a pdf version of the Policy draft, and Build-Depend on
+ tetex-bin.
+ * Move LSRS variable to common.variables
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Wed, 17 Aug 2005 11:04:33 +0200
+tex-common (0.5) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Merge update-fmtutil into update-fontlang (closes: #319651)
+ * Fix installation of manpages
+ * add bibtex/csf to texmf variable BSTINPUTS in 65BibTeX.cnf (closes: #319650)
+ * Many thanks to Norbert Preining <preining at logic.at> for providing
+ patches for these changes.
+ * Increase trie_size in 95NonPath.cnf to 27000, to allow TeX-Live build
+ its formats with all languages installed
+ * Editorial changes to the Policy Draft, thanks to Hilmar Preusse
+ * Add compatibility paths for ENCFONTS and TEXFONTMAP in texmf.d
+ (closes: #321074)
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Wed, 3 Aug 2005 12:04:42 +0200
+tex-common (0.4) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Bug fix: "tex-common: generalize TEXFONTMAPS and ENCFONTS", thanks to
+ Norbert Preining and Hans Hagen (Closes: #318872).
+ * language.dat is now a generated file in VARTEXMF, and the actual
+ conffiles are in /etc/texmf/language.d. This allows packages to add
+ hyphenation patterns - many thanks again to Norbert.
+ * Merged update-updmap and update-language into one file, and
+ fixed location of memory files in update-updmap
+ * Install the symlink to texmf.cnf
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Mon, 25 Jul 2005 14:22:36 +0200
+tex-common (0.3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * provide an upgrade path for the configuration items taken over from
+ tetex-base
+ * Add a versioned conflict on tetex-base - they would remove our
+ 00updmap.cfg file.
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Wed, 6 Jul 2005 17:36:30 +0200
+tex-common (0.2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Install the configuration files needed by teTeX
+ * Bug fix: "tex-common does not install: conflicts with tetex-bin",
+ thanks to Hans Ulrich Niedermann (Closes: #314948).
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Wed, 29 Jun 2005 20:36:47 +0200
+tex-common (0.1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Initial Release.
+ -- Frank Küster <frank at debian.org> Mon, 13 Jun 2005 18:09:55 +0200
+;; Local Variables:
+;; coding: utf-8
+;; End:
+# vim:set fileencoding=utf-8: #
Deleted: tex-common/tags/2.06/debian/postinst.in
--- tex-common/branches/for-tl2008/debian/postinst.in 2009-12-28 09:23:04 UTC (rev 4511)
+++ tex-common/tags/2.06/debian/postinst.in 2010-01-13 02:46:15 UTC (rev 4538)
@@ -1,388 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -e
-# postinst maintainer script for the Debian <:=${PACKAGE}:> package.
-# $Id$
-#include variables
-TEXMFTREES="/usr/share/texmf /var/lib/texmf"
-FULLTEXMFTREES="$TEXMFTREES /usr/share/texmf-texlive"
-## Define static variables we need
-UCF="ucf --debconf-ok"
-#UCF="ucf -d --debconf-ok --verbose"
-umask 022
-# Give a name to the first commandline argument
-. <:=${CONFMODULE}:>
-db_version 2.0
-# <:open(FUNCTIONS,'debian/common.functions');@FUNCTIONS=<FUNCTIONS>;close(FUNCTIONS):>//
-# <:=@FUNCTIONS:>//
- # currently we only support only triggers for updmap.d and
- # language.d changes
- # because all the other calls are quite fast
- # - call all the update-* scripts (it doesn't hurt)
- # - go through all the triggers and call the respective fmtutil/updmap
- # calls.
- # in any case call the update-* calls
- update-updmap --quiet
- update-language
- update-fmtutil
- #
- # the following triggers are reacted upon and in that order:
- # - texmf-lsr: call mktexlsr if present
- # - texmf-lsrfull: call mktexlsr if present
- # - texmf-map: call updmap-sys
- # - texmf-hyphen: if texmf-format hasn't been triggered call
- # fmtutil-sys --byhyphen ...
- case " $trigger " in
- *" texmf-lsrfull "*)
- # code from postinst-tex
- if dhit_libkpathsea_configured; then
- # mktexlsr may not be present
- if which mktexlsr >/dev/null; then
- tempfile=$(mktemp -p /tmp mktexlsr.XXXXXXXX)
- printf "Running mktexlsr. This may take some time... "
- if mktexlsr $FULLTEXMFTREES > $tempfile 2>&1 ; then
- rm -f $tempfile
- echo "done."
- else
- exec >&2
- echo
- echo "mktexlsr $FULLTEXMFTREES failed. Output has been stored in"
- echo "$tempfile"
- echo "Please include this file if you report a bug."
- echo
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- # do NOT merge these two cases into one, from dpkg's trigger.txt:
- # Generally each trigger name should be tested for separately, as the
- # postinst will often be called for several triggers at once.
- case " $trigger " in
- *" texmf-lsr "*)
- # only to lsr if we haven't done lsrfull
- if [ $DONE_FULL_LSR = 0 ] ; then
- # code from postinst-tex
- if dhit_libkpathsea_configured; then
- # mktexlsr may not be present
- if which mktexlsr >/dev/null; then
- tempfile=$(mktemp -p /tmp mktexlsr.XXXXXXXX)
- printf "Running mktexlsr. This may take some time... "
- if mktexlsr > $tempfile 2>&1 ; then
- rm -f $tempfile
- echo "done."
- else
- exec >&2
- echo
- echo "mktexlsr failed. Output has been stored in"
- echo "$tempfile"
- echo "Please include this file if you report a bug."
- echo
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- fi
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- # do NOT merge these two cases into one, from dpkg's trigger.txt:
- # Generally each trigger name should be tested for separately, as the
- # postinst will often be called for several triggers at once.
- case " $trigger " in
- *" texmf-map "*)
- # code from postinst-tex
- if dhit_libkpathsea_configured; then
- if which updmap-sys >/dev/null; then
- # we also have to check that texlive-base is installed
- # and configured, otherwise we cannot be sure that
- # all necessary basic files are present
- stat=$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' texlive-base)
- case "$stat" in
- "install ok installed")
- do_it=1
- ;;
- *)
- do_it=0
- ;;
- esac
- if [ "$do_it" = 0 ] ; then
- echo "texlive-base is not ready, delaying updmap-sys call" >&2
- else
- tempfile=$(mktemp -p /tmp updmap.XXXXXXXX)
- printf "Running updmap-sys. This may take some time... "
- if updmap-sys > $tempfile 2>&1 ; then
- rm -f $tempfile
- echo "done."
- else
- exec >&2
- echo
- echo "updmap-sys failed. Output has been stored in"
- echo "$tempfile"
- echo "Please include this file if you report a bug."
- echo
- echo "Sometimes, not accepting conffile updates in /etc/texmf/updmap.d"
- echo "causes updmap-sys to fail. Please check for files with extension"
- echo ".dpkg-dist or .ucf-dist in this directory"
- echo
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- fi
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- # do NOT merge these two cases into one, from dpkg's trigger.txt:
- # Generally each trigger name should be tested for separately, as the
- # postinst will often be called for several triggers at once.
- case " $trigger " in
- *" texmf-hyphen "*)
- if dhit_libkpathsea_configured; then
- if which kpsewhich >/dev/null; then
- if which fmtutil-sys >/dev/null; then
- # code from postinst.tex
- v=$(kpsewhich -var-value TEXMFSYSVAR)
- c=$(kpsewhich -var-value TEXMFSYSCONFIG)
- fmtcnffile=$(kpsewhich --format='web2c files' fmtutil.cnf)
- X=$(grep "^[[:space:]]*latex[[:space:]]" $fmtcnffile || true)
- if [ -n "$X" ] ; then
- # latex is installed so we can actually try to recreate
- # formats based on language.dat
- tempfile=$(mktemp -p /tmp fmtutil.XXXXXXXX)
- printf "Building formats --byhyphen $(kpsewhich language.dat).\n\tThis may take some time... "
- if fmtutil-sys --byhyphen "$(kpsewhich language.dat)" > $tempfile 2>&1 ; then
- rm -f $tempfile
- echo "done."
- else
- exec >&2
- echo
- echo "fmtutil-sys failed. Output has been stored in"
- echo "$tempfile"
- echo "Please include this file if you report a bug."
- echo
- exit 1
- fi
- fi
- fi
- fi
- fi
- ;;
- esac
-# Here starts the real action
-case $action in
- triggered)
- do_triggers
- ;;
- configure|reconfigure)
-# is there a file /etc/texmf/language.dat already? Move it out of the way
- if [ -f $OLD_LDAT ]; then
- old_ldat_md5sum=`md5sum $OLD_LDAT`
- # do nothing if the md5sum matches sarge's or woody's default:
- if [ ! "$old_ldat_md5sum" = fe9baf0768ade79a585a9df568dac5f6 ] && \
- [ ! "$old_ldat_md5sum" = 1d2d9b25a41ab1cec892bd3382af7645 ]; then
-This file is no longer used and has therefore been renamed by the postinst
-script of the tetex-base package.
-Please use the mechanism described in update-language(8) instead.
- fi
- rm $OLD_LDAT
- fi
-# normal install
- # handle ucf-managed configuration files
- for file in $UCF_FILES; do
- $UCF /usr/share/tex-common/`basename $file` /etc/texmf/$file
- if test -x "`which ucfr`" ; then
- ucfr tex-common /etc/texmf/$file
- fi
- done
-# remove left over fmt/efmt/log files in /usr/share/texmf/web2c/. If they are
-# there, it's because of an old bug or user misconfiguration, and they are
-# never registered to dpkg.
-# move out of the way old config files
- if [ -d /usr/share/texmf/web2c ] ; then
- rm -rf /usr/share/texmf/web2c/*.fmt
- rm -rf /usr/share/texmf/web2c/*.efmt
- rm -rf /usr/share/texmf/web2c/*.base
- rm -rf /usr/share/texmf/web2c/*.log
- for cfgfile in fmtutil.cnf updmap.cfg ; do
- oldname=/usr/share/texmf/web2c/$cfgfile
- newname=/usr/share/texmf/web2c/$cfgfile.pre-upgrade
- if [ -r $oldname ] ; then
- cat - > $newname <<EOF
-# This file conflicts with the new configuration location.
-# Please merge your changes to the correct location.
- cat $oldname >> $newname
- rm $oldname
- fi
- done
- fi
-# if the machine was originally upgraded from woody to sarge, and now
-# to etch, it will have a bogus generated configuration file. This
-# will break with TeXlive, therefore we remove it
- bogusfile=/etc/texmf/fmt.d/99postinst.cnf
- if [ -f $bogusfile ]; then
- tmpfile=`mktemp`
- egrep -v \
- "mf[[:space:]]*mf[[:space:]]*-[[:space:]]*mf.ini|\
-omega[[:space:]]*omega[[:space:]]*language.dat*[[:space:]]*omega.ini" \
- $bogusfile > $tmpfile
- if ! egrep -v '^#|^[[:space:]]*$' $tmpfile >/dev/null; then
- # only comments in tmpfile
- cat >> $bogusfile.bak <<EOF
-This file has been renamed by the post-installation script of
-tex-common. It is unused and contains only lines that were
-erroneously detected as being a local configuration file change.
- cat $bogusfile >> $bogusfile.bak
- chmod 664 $bogusfile.bak
- chown root:root $bogusfile.bak
- rm $bogusfile
- fi
- rm $tmpfile
- fi
- update-texmf
-# Now we check for some essential settings
- checkfailed=false
- check_texmf /etc/texmf/texmf.d/55Fonts.cnf TEXFONTMAPS \
- check_texmf /etc/texmf/texmf.cnf TEXFONTMAPS \
- check_texmf /etc/texmf/texmf.d/05TeXMF.cnf TEXMFMAIN '/usr/share/texmf'
- check_texmf /etc/texmf/texmf.cnf TEXMFMAIN '/usr/share/texmf'
- check_texmf /etc/texmf/texmf.d/05TeXMF.cnf TEXMFDIST \
- '/usr/share/texmf-{tetex,texlive}|/usr/share/texmf-{texlive,tetex}|/usr/share/texmf-texlive'
- check_texmf /etc/texmf/texmf.cnf TEXMFDIST \
- '/usr/share/texmf-{tetex,texlive}|/usr/share/texmf-{texlive,tetex}|/usr/share/texmf-texlive'
- check_texmf /etc/texmf/texmf.d/05TeXMF.cnf 'TEXMF( |=)' TEXMFSYSCONFIG
- check_texmf /etc/texmf/texmf.cnf 'TEXMF( |=)' TEXMFSYSCONFIG
- check_texmf /etc/texmf/texmf.d/05TeXMF.cnf 'TEXMF( |=)' TEXMFSYSVAR
- check_texmf /etc/texmf/texmf.cnf 'TEXMF( |=)' TEXMFSYSVAR
- check_texmf /etc/texmf/texmf.d/05TeXMF.cnf 'TEXMF( |=)' TEXMFMAIN
- check_texmf /etc/texmf/texmf.cnf 'TEXMF( |=)' TEXMFMAIN
- check_texmf /etc/texmf/texmf.d/05TeXMF.cnf 'TEXMF( |=)' TEXMFDIST
- check_texmf /etc/texmf/texmf.cnf 'TEXMF( |=)' TEXMFDIST
- if [ $checkfailed = true ]; then
- echo "Unrecoverable errors in your configuration have been detected" >&2
- echo "in configuration files in /etc/texmf/." >&2
- echo "If you've not seen debconf error messages, see your mail for details" >&2
- echo "or use an interactive debconf frontend." >&2
- echo >&2
- echo "Exiting" >&2
- exit 1
- fi
- #
- # call trigger action
- # that calls mktexlsr if possible, and update-*
- # we set the triggers updmap.d
- #
- trigger="texmf-lsr texmf-map"
- do_triggers
- # now call the equivalent of fmtutil-sys --all explicitely
- # we also have to check that texlive-base is installed
- # and configured, otherwise we cannot be sure that
- # all necessary basic files are present
- if dhit_libkpathsea_configured; then
- stat=$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' texlive-base)
- case "$stat" in
- "install ok installed")
- do_it=1
- ;;
- *)
- do_it=0
- ;;
- esac
- if [ "$do_it" = 0 ] ; then
- echo "texlive-base is not ready, skipping fmtutil-sys --all call" >&2
- else
- dhit_build_format --all
- fi
- fi
- # create empty dirs in /usr/local/share/
- if [ ! -e /usr/local/share/texmf ]
- then
- if mkdir -p /usr/local/share/texmf 2>/dev/null
- then
- chown root:staff /usr/local/share/texmf
- chmod 2775 /usr/local/share/texmf
- fi
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- ;;
-### Local Variables:
-### perl-indent-level: 4
-### tab-width: 4
-### indent-tabs-mode: nil
-### End:
-# vim:set tabstop=4 expandtab: #
Copied: tex-common/tags/2.06/debian/postinst.in (from rev 4537, tex-common/branches/for-tl2008/debian/postinst.in)
--- tex-common/tags/2.06/debian/postinst.in (rev 0)
+++ tex-common/tags/2.06/debian/postinst.in 2010-01-13 02:46:15 UTC (rev 4538)
@@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+# postinst maintainer script for the Debian <:=${PACKAGE}:> package.
+# $Id$
+#include variables
+TEXMFTREES="/usr/share/texmf /var/lib/texmf"
+FULLTEXMFTREES="$TEXMFTREES /usr/share/texmf-texlive"
+## Define static variables we need
+UCF="ucf --debconf-ok"
+#UCF="ucf -d --debconf-ok --verbose"
+umask 022
+# Give a name to the first commandline argument
+. <:=${CONFMODULE}:>
+db_version 2.0
+# <:open(FUNCTIONS,'debian/common.functions');@FUNCTIONS=<FUNCTIONS>;close(FUNCTIONS):>//
+# <:=@FUNCTIONS:>//
+ # currently we only support only triggers for updmap.d and
+ # language.d changes
+ # because all the other calls are quite fast
+ # - call all the update-* scripts (it doesn't hurt)
+ # - go through all the triggers and call the respective fmtutil/updmap
+ # calls.
+ # in any case call the update-* calls
+ update-updmap --quiet
+ update-language
+ update-fmtutil
+ #
+ # the following triggers are reacted upon and in that order:
+ # - texmf-lsr: call mktexlsr if present
+ # - texmf-lsrfull: call mktexlsr if present
+ # - texmf-map: call updmap-sys
+ # - texmf-hyphen: if texmf-format hasn't been triggered call
+ # fmtutil-sys --byhyphen ...
+ case " $trigger " in
+ *" texmf-lsrfull "*)
+ # code from postinst-tex
+ if dhit_libkpathsea_configured; then
+ # mktexlsr may not be present
+ if which mktexlsr >/dev/null; then
+ tempfile=$(mktemp -p /tmp mktexlsr.XXXXXXXX)
+ printf "Running mktexlsr. This may take some time... "
+ if mktexlsr $FULLTEXMFTREES > $tempfile 2>&1 ; then
+ rm -f $tempfile
+ echo "done."
+ else
+ exec >&2
+ echo
+ echo "mktexlsr $FULLTEXMFTREES failed. Output has been stored in"
+ echo "$tempfile"
+ echo "Please include this file if you report a bug."
+ echo
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # do NOT merge these two cases into one, from dpkg's trigger.txt:
+ # Generally each trigger name should be tested for separately, as the
+ # postinst will often be called for several triggers at once.
+ case " $trigger " in
+ *" texmf-lsr "*)
+ # only to lsr if we haven't done lsrfull
+ if [ $DONE_FULL_LSR = 0 ] ; then
+ # code from postinst-tex
+ if dhit_libkpathsea_configured; then
+ # mktexlsr may not be present
+ if which mktexlsr >/dev/null; then
+ tempfile=$(mktemp -p /tmp mktexlsr.XXXXXXXX)
+ printf "Running mktexlsr. This may take some time... "
+ if mktexlsr $TEXMFTREES > $tempfile 2>&1 ; then
+ rm -f $tempfile
+ echo "done."
+ else
+ exec >&2
+ echo
+ echo "mktexlsr $TEXMFTREES failed. Output has been stored in"
+ echo "$tempfile"
+ echo "Please include this file if you report a bug."
+ echo
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # do NOT merge these two cases into one, from dpkg's trigger.txt:
+ # Generally each trigger name should be tested for separately, as the
+ # postinst will often be called for several triggers at once.
+ case " $trigger " in
+ *" texmf-map "*)
+ # code from postinst-tex
+ if dhit_libkpathsea_configured; then
+ if which updmap-sys >/dev/null; then
+ # we also have to check that texlive-base is installed
+ # and configured, otherwise we cannot be sure that
+ # all necessary basic files are present
+ stat=$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' texlive-base)
+ case "$stat" in
+ "install ok installed")
+ do_it=1
+ ;;
+ *)
+ do_it=0
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if [ "$do_it" = 0 ] ; then
+ echo "texlive-base is not ready, delaying updmap-sys call" >&2
+ else
+ tempfile=$(mktemp -p /tmp updmap.XXXXXXXX)
+ printf "Running updmap-sys. This may take some time... "
+ if updmap-sys > $tempfile 2>&1 ; then
+ rm -f $tempfile
+ echo "done."
+ else
+ exec >&2
+ echo
+ echo "updmap-sys failed. Output has been stored in"
+ echo "$tempfile"
+ echo "Please include this file if you report a bug."
+ echo
+ echo "Sometimes, not accepting conffile updates in /etc/texmf/updmap.d"
+ echo "causes updmap-sys to fail. Please check for files with extension"
+ echo ".dpkg-dist or .ucf-dist in this directory"
+ echo
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # do NOT merge these two cases into one, from dpkg's trigger.txt:
+ # Generally each trigger name should be tested for separately, as the
+ # postinst will often be called for several triggers at once.
+ case " $trigger " in
+ *" texmf-hyphen "*)
+ if dhit_libkpathsea_configured; then
+ if which kpsewhich >/dev/null; then
+ if which fmtutil-sys >/dev/null; then
+ # code from postinst.tex
+ v=$(kpsewhich -var-value TEXMFSYSVAR)
+ c=$(kpsewhich -var-value TEXMFSYSCONFIG)
+ fmtcnffile=$(kpsewhich --format='web2c files' fmtutil.cnf)
+ X=$(grep "^[[:space:]]*latex[[:space:]]" $fmtcnffile || true)
+ if [ -n "$X" ] ; then
+ # latex is installed so we can actually try to recreate
+ # formats based on language.dat
+ tempfile=$(mktemp -p /tmp fmtutil.XXXXXXXX)
+ printf "Building formats --byhyphen $(kpsewhich language.dat).\n\tThis may take some time... "
+ if fmtutil-sys --byhyphen "$(kpsewhich language.dat)" > $tempfile 2>&1 ; then
+ rm -f $tempfile
+ echo "done."
+ else
+ exec >&2
+ echo
+ echo "fmtutil-sys failed. Output has been stored in"
+ echo "$tempfile"
+ echo "Please include this file if you report a bug."
+ echo
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ Y=$(grep "^[[:space:]]*tex[[:space:]]" $fmtcnffile || true)
+ if [ -n "$Y" ] ; then
+ # tex is installed so we can actually try to recreate
+ # formats based on language.def
+ tempfile=$(mktemp -p /tmp fmtutil.XXXXXXXX)
+ printf "Building formats --byhyphen $(kpsewhich language.def).\n\tThis may take some time... "
+ if fmtutil-sys --byhyphen "$(kpsewhich language.def)" > $tempfile 2>&1 ; then
+ rm -f $tempfile
+ echo "done."
+ else
+ exec >&2
+ echo
+ echo "fmtutil-sys failed. Output has been stored in"
+ echo "$tempfile"
+ echo "Please include this file if you report a bug."
+ echo
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+# Here starts the real action
+case $action in
+ triggered)
+ do_triggers
+ ;;
+ configure|reconfigure)
+# is there a file /etc/texmf/language.dat already? Move it out of the way
+ if [ -f $OLD_LDAT ]; then
+ old_ldat_md5sum=`md5sum $OLD_LDAT`
+ # do nothing if the md5sum matches sarge's or woody's default:
+ if [ ! "$old_ldat_md5sum" = fe9baf0768ade79a585a9df568dac5f6 ] && \
+ [ ! "$old_ldat_md5sum" = 1d2d9b25a41ab1cec892bd3382af7645 ]; then
+This file is no longer used and has therefore been renamed by the postinst
+script of the tetex-base package.
+Please use the mechanism described in update-language(8) instead.
+ fi
+ rm $OLD_LDAT
+ fi
+# normal install
+ # handle ucf-managed configuration files
+ for file in $UCF_FILES; do
+ $UCF /usr/share/tex-common/`basename $file` /etc/texmf/$file
+ if test -x "`which ucfr`" ; then
+ ucfr tex-common /etc/texmf/$file
+ fi
+ done
+# remove left over fmt/efmt/log files in /usr/share/texmf/web2c/. If they are
+# there, it's because of an old bug or user misconfiguration, and they are
+# never registered to dpkg.
+# move out of the way old config files
+ if [ -d /usr/share/texmf/web2c ] ; then
+ rm -rf /usr/share/texmf/web2c/*.fmt
+ rm -rf /usr/share/texmf/web2c/*.efmt
+ rm -rf /usr/share/texmf/web2c/*.base
+ rm -rf /usr/share/texmf/web2c/*.log
+ for cfgfile in fmtutil.cnf updmap.cfg ; do
+ oldname=/usr/share/texmf/web2c/$cfgfile
+ newname=/usr/share/texmf/web2c/$cfgfile.pre-upgrade
+ if [ -r $oldname ] ; then
+ cat - > $newname <<EOF
+# This file conflicts with the new configuration location.
+# Please merge your changes to the correct location.
+ cat $oldname >> $newname
+ rm $oldname
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+# if the machine was originally upgraded from woody to sarge, and now
+# to etch, it will have a bogus generated configuration file. This
+# will break with TeXlive, therefore we remove it
+ bogusfile=/etc/texmf/fmt.d/99postinst.cnf
+ if [ -f $bogusfile ]; then
+ tmpfile=`mktemp`
+ egrep -v \
+ "mf[[:space:]]*mf[[:space:]]*-[[:space:]]*mf.ini|\
+omega[[:space:]]*omega[[:space:]]*language.dat*[[:space:]]*omega.ini" \
+ $bogusfile > $tmpfile
+ if ! egrep -v '^#|^[[:space:]]*$' $tmpfile >/dev/null; then
+ # only comments in tmpfile
+ cat >> $bogusfile.bak <<EOF
+This file has been renamed by the post-installation script of
+tex-common. It is unused and contains only lines that were
+erroneously detected as being a local configuration file change.
+ cat $bogusfile >> $bogusfile.bak
+ chmod 664 $bogusfile.bak
+ chown root:root $bogusfile.bak
+ rm $bogusfile
+ fi
+ rm $tmpfile
+ fi
+ update-texmf
+# Now we check for some essential settings
+ checkfailed=false
+ check_texmf /etc/texmf/texmf.d/55Fonts.cnf TEXFONTMAPS \
+ check_texmf /etc/texmf/texmf.cnf TEXFONTMAPS \
+ check_texmf /etc/texmf/texmf.d/05TeXMF.cnf TEXMFMAIN '/usr/share/texmf'
+ check_texmf /etc/texmf/texmf.cnf TEXMFMAIN '/usr/share/texmf'
+ check_texmf /etc/texmf/texmf.d/05TeXMF.cnf TEXMFDIST \
+ '/usr/share/texmf-{tetex,texlive}|/usr/share/texmf-{texlive,tetex}|/usr/share/texmf-texlive'
+ check_texmf /etc/texmf/texmf.cnf TEXMFDIST \
+ '/usr/share/texmf-{tetex,texlive}|/usr/share/texmf-{texlive,tetex}|/usr/share/texmf-texlive'
+ check_texmf /etc/texmf/texmf.d/05TeXMF.cnf 'TEXMF( |=)' TEXMFSYSCONFIG
+ check_texmf /etc/texmf/texmf.cnf 'TEXMF( |=)' TEXMFSYSCONFIG
+ check_texmf /etc/texmf/texmf.d/05TeXMF.cnf 'TEXMF( |=)' TEXMFSYSVAR
+ check_texmf /etc/texmf/texmf.cnf 'TEXMF( |=)' TEXMFSYSVAR
+ check_texmf /etc/texmf/texmf.d/05TeXMF.cnf 'TEXMF( |=)' TEXMFMAIN
+ check_texmf /etc/texmf/texmf.cnf 'TEXMF( |=)' TEXMFMAIN
+ check_texmf /etc/texmf/texmf.d/05TeXMF.cnf 'TEXMF( |=)' TEXMFDIST
+ check_texmf /etc/texmf/texmf.cnf 'TEXMF( |=)' TEXMFDIST
+ if [ $checkfailed = true ]; then
+ echo "Unrecoverable errors in your configuration have been detected" >&2
+ echo "in configuration files in /etc/texmf/." >&2
+ echo "If you've not seen debconf error messages, see your mail for details" >&2
+ echo "or use an interactive debconf frontend." >&2
+ echo >&2
+ echo "Exiting" >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ #
+ # call trigger action
+ # that calls mktexlsr if possible, and update-*
+ # we set the triggers updmap.d
+ #
+ trigger="texmf-lsr texmf-map"
+ do_triggers
+ # now call the equivalent of fmtutil-sys --all explicitely
+ # we also have to check that texlive-base is installed
+ # and configured, otherwise we cannot be sure that
+ # all necessary basic files are present
+ if dhit_libkpathsea_configured; then
+ stat=$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' texlive-base)
+ case "$stat" in
+ "install ok installed")
+ do_it=1
+ ;;
+ *)
+ do_it=0
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if [ "$do_it" = 0 ] ; then
+ echo "texlive-base is not ready, skipping fmtutil-sys --all call" >&2
+ else
+ dhit_build_format --all
+ fi
+ fi
+ # create empty dirs in /usr/local/share/
+ if [ ! -e /usr/local/share/texmf ]
+ then
+ if mkdir -p /usr/local/share/texmf 2>/dev/null
+ then
+ chown root:staff /usr/local/share/texmf
+ chmod 2775 /usr/local/share/texmf
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ ;;
+### Local Variables:
+### perl-indent-level: 4
+### tab-width: 4
+### indent-tabs-mode: nil
+### End:
+# vim:set tabstop=4 expandtab: #
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