[Debian-tex-commits] SVN tex-common commit + diffs: r5056 - in tex-common/branches/v3: conf debian scripts

Norbert Preining preining at alioth.debian.org
Sun Feb 26 04:39:19 UTC 2012

Author: preining
Date: 2012-02-26 04:39:18 +0000 (Sun, 26 Feb 2012)
New Revision: 5056

more cleanup for v3

Modified: tex-common/branches/v3/debian/postinst.in
--- tex-common/branches/v3/debian/postinst.in	2012-02-26 02:28:11 UTC (rev 5055)
+++ tex-common/branches/v3/debian/postinst.in	2012-02-26 04:39:18 UTC (rev 5056)
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
-FULLTEXMFTREES="$TEXMFTREES /usr/share/texmf-texlive"
+FULLTEXMFTREES="$TEXMFTREES /usr/share/texlive/texmf /usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist"
 umask 022
@@ -301,127 +301,6 @@
-# is there a file /etc/texmf/language.dat already? Move it out of the way
-    if [ -f $OLD_LDAT ]; then
-      old_ldat_md5sum=`md5sum $OLD_LDAT`
-      # do nothing if the md5sum matches sarge's or woody's default:
-      if [ ! "$old_ldat_md5sum" = fe9baf0768ade79a585a9df568dac5f6 ] && \
-	[ ! "$old_ldat_md5sum" = 1d2d9b25a41ab1cec892bd3382af7645 ]; then
-This file is no longer used and has therefore been renamed by the postinst 
-script of the tetex-base package.
-Please use the mechanism described in update-language(8) instead.
-      fi
-      rm $OLD_LDAT
-    fi
-# normal install    
-    # handle ucf-managed configuration files
-    for file in $UCF_FILES; do
-      $UCF /usr/share/tex-common/`basename $file` /etc/texmf/$file
-      if test -x "`which ucfr`" ; then
-        ucfr tex-common /etc/texmf/$file
-      fi
-    done
-# remove left over fmt/efmt/log files in /usr/share/texmf/web2c/.  If they are
-# there, it's because of an old bug or user misconfiguration, and they are
-# never registered to dpkg.
-# move out of the way old config files
-    if [ -d /usr/share/texmf/web2c ] ; then
-      rm -rf /usr/share/texmf/web2c/*.fmt
-      rm -rf /usr/share/texmf/web2c/*.efmt
-      rm -rf /usr/share/texmf/web2c/*.base
-      rm -rf /usr/share/texmf/web2c/*.log
-      for cfgfile in fmtutil.cnf updmap.cfg ; do
-        oldname=/usr/share/texmf/web2c/$cfgfile
-	newname=/usr/share/texmf/web2c/$cfgfile.pre-upgrade
-        if [ -r $oldname ] ; then
-	  cat - > $newname <<EOF
-# This file conflicts with the new configuration location.
-# Please merge your changes to the correct location.
-	  cat $oldname >> $newname
-	  rm $oldname
-	fi
-      done
-    fi
-# if the machine was originally upgraded from woody to sarge, and now
-# to etch, it will have a bogus generated configuration file.  This
-# will break with TeXlive, therefore we remove it
-    bogusfile=/etc/texmf/fmt.d/99postinst.cnf
-    if [ -f $bogusfile ]; then
-      tmpfile=`mktemp`
-      egrep -v \
-	"mf[[:space:]]*mf[[:space:]]*-[[:space:]]*mf.ini|\
-omega[[:space:]]*omega[[:space:]]*language.dat*[[:space:]]*omega.ini" \
-	$bogusfile > $tmpfile
-      if !  egrep -v '^#|^[[:space:]]*$' $tmpfile >/dev/null; then
-	# only comments in tmpfile
-	cat >> $bogusfile.bak <<EOF
-This file has been renamed by the post-installation script of
-tex-common.  It is unused and contains only lines that were
-erroneously detected as being a local configuration file change.
-	cat $bogusfile >> $bogusfile.bak
-	chmod 664 $bogusfile.bak
-	chown root:root $bogusfile.bak
-	rm $bogusfile
-      fi
-      rm $tmpfile
-    fi
-    update-texmf
-# Now we check for some essential settings
-    checkfailed=false
-    check_texmf /etc/texmf/texmf.d/55Fonts.cnf TEXFONTMAPS \
-    check_texmf /etc/texmf/texmf.cnf TEXFONTMAPS \
-    check_texmf /etc/texmf/texmf.d/05TeXMF.cnf TEXMFMAIN '/usr/share/texmf'
-    check_texmf /etc/texmf/texmf.cnf TEXMFMAIN '/usr/share/texmf'
-    check_texmf /etc/texmf/texmf.d/05TeXMF.cnf TEXMFDIST \
-          '/usr/share/texmf-{tetex,texlive}|/usr/share/texmf-{texlive,tetex}|/usr/share/texmf-texlive'
-    check_texmf /etc/texmf/texmf.cnf TEXMFDIST \
-          '/usr/share/texmf-{tetex,texlive}|/usr/share/texmf-{texlive,tetex}|/usr/share/texmf-texlive'
-    check_texmf /etc/texmf/texmf.d/05TeXMF.cnf 'TEXMF( |=)' TEXMFSYSCONFIG
-    check_texmf /etc/texmf/texmf.cnf 'TEXMF( |=)' TEXMFSYSCONFIG
-    check_texmf /etc/texmf/texmf.d/05TeXMF.cnf 'TEXMF( |=)' TEXMFSYSVAR
-    check_texmf /etc/texmf/texmf.cnf 'TEXMF( |=)' TEXMFSYSVAR
-    check_texmf /etc/texmf/texmf.d/05TeXMF.cnf 'TEXMF( |=)' TEXMFMAIN
-    check_texmf /etc/texmf/texmf.cnf 'TEXMF( |=)' TEXMFMAIN
-    check_texmf /etc/texmf/texmf.d/05TeXMF.cnf 'TEXMF( |=)' TEXMFDIST
-    check_texmf /etc/texmf/texmf.cnf 'TEXMF( |=)' TEXMFDIST
-    if [ $checkfailed = true ]; then
-      echo "Unrecoverable errors in your configuration have been detected" >&2
-      echo "in configuration files in /etc/texmf/." >&2
-      echo "If you've not seen debconf error messages,  see your mail for details" >&2
-      echo "or use an interactive debconf frontend." >&2
-      echo >&2
-      echo "Exiting" >&2
-      exit 1
-    fi
     # call trigger action
     # that calls mktexlsr if possible, and update-*

Modified: tex-common/branches/v3/debian/postrm.in
--- tex-common/branches/v3/debian/postrm.in	2012-02-26 02:28:11 UTC (rev 5055)
+++ tex-common/branches/v3/debian/postrm.in	2012-02-26 04:39:18 UTC (rev 5056)
@@ -28,12 +28,7 @@
     rm -rf /var/cache/fonts
-    # purge texmf_parts
-    for file in $UCF_FILES; do
-      purge_ucf_file /etc/texmf/$file
-    done
-    # purge texmf.cnf which is generated by update-texmf using ucf:
-    purge_ucf_file  /etc/texmf/texmf.cnf
+    # TODO purge ucf files
     # try to remove /usr/local/share/texmf if it is empty
     # people should normally not have TEXMFLOCAL ls-R files

Deleted: tex-common/branches/v3/debian/preinst.in
--- tex-common/branches/v3/debian/preinst.in	2012-02-26 02:28:11 UTC (rev 5055)
+++ tex-common/branches/v3/debian/preinst.in	2012-02-26 04:39:18 UTC (rev 5056)
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -e
-# preinst maintainer script for the Debian tex-common package.
-# $Id$
-# don't try to understand this generated script as installed with the package.
-# instead, look at the source files in the source package
-#include variables
-## Variables needed for upgrading
-# Functions
-# cfgval(variable)
-#   read variable ($1) from config file, first match wins
-#   this is a copy of a function in postinst.functions
-# from tetex-bin's updmap
-  cnfFile="$1"
-  opt="$2"
-  cat "$cnfFile" | sed -n 's/^'"$opt"'[	 =][	 =]*//p' | sed q
-# updmap_extract ()
-#   we extract the settings from an existing 00updmap.cfg that belonged to
-#   tetex-base.  If the settings are unchanged from tetex-base's defaults 
-#   (2.0.2), ucf will know the md5sum and make the changes 2.0.2->3.0
-  # 
-  # The file itself is stored, so that tetex-base can also extract its settings.
-  conffile=/etc/texmf/updmap.d/00updmap.cfg
-  dfltfile=/usr/share/tex-common/00updmap.cfg
-  keepfile=/etc/texmf/updmap.d/10tetex-base.cfg.postinst-old
-  tetex_base_file=/etc/texmf/updmap.d/10tetex-base.cfg
-  oldmd5sum="82884281d955998e22141cf67b45209d"
-  options="dvipsPreferOutline pdftexDownloadBase14 dvipdfmDownloadBase14 dvipsDownloadBase35 LW35"
-  # is no old version installed?
-  test ! -f "$conffile" && return 0 || true
-  # is it changed?
-  if [ ! "$oldmd5sum" = "`md5sum $conffile | cut -d ' ' -f 1`" ]; then
-    # changed.
-    # stow away a copy for tetex-base
-    if [ ! -f $keepfile ]; then
-      cat > $keepfile <<EOF
-This file contains the parts of what was called 00updmap.cfg in 
-teTeX-2.0.2 that now are handled by tetex-base in 10tetex-base.cfg, 
-or tetex-extra in 20tetex-extra.cfg.
-If you have local changes, please transfer them manually.  Changes 
-in the items that are still in 00updmap.cfg have been transferred.
-      sed -e '0,/^# Map files should be marked by/ d; 1,/^$/ d' \
-	$conffile >> $keepfile
-    fi
-    # get the new defaults
-#     for option in $options; do
-#       eval dflt_$option=`cfgval $dfltfile $option`
-#     done
-    # set the settings we had in tetex-base 2.0.2
-    dflt_dvipsPreferOutline=true
-    dflt_LW35=URWkb
-    dflt_pdftexDownloadBase14=false
-    dflt_dvipdfmDownloadBase14=false
-    dflt_dvipsDownloadBase35=false
-    # compare with current settings, and create a new file
-    tempdir=`mktemp -d`
-    tempfile1=`mktemp -p $tempdir`
-    trap 'cleanup' HUP INT QUIT BUS PIPE TERM
-    cp -p $dfltfile $tempfile1
-    for option in $options; do
-      eval $option=`cfgval $conffile $option`
-      if eval [ ! "\$$option" = "\$dflt_$option" ]; then
-	tempfile2=`mktemp -p $tempdir`
-	optname=$option
-	eval optvalue=\$$option
-	eval optoldvalue=\$dflt_$option
-	sed -e "s@^[[:space:]]*$optname[[:space:]]*$optoldvalue@$optname $optvalue@" $tempfile1 > $tempfile2
-	mv $tempfile2 $tempfile1
-      fi
-    done
-    if [ "$SETTING_CHANGED" = "true" ]; then
-      # this mv command will give a "conffile changed by you or a script" message next time
-      # we change it - but that is exactly what has happened: The user has changed options, 
-      # and the script has just transferred them to a new file.
-      mv $tempfile1 $conffile
-      chmod a+r $conffile
-    else
-      # this part is unchanged, just remove and ucf-purge the file, it will be
-      # reinstalled by postinst (a copy is already saved).
-      rm -f $tempfile1 $conffile
-      ucf --purge $conffile
-      if test -x "`which ucfr`" ; then
-        ucfr --purge tex-common $conffileA
-      fi
-    fi
-    rm -rf "$tempdir"
-  else
-    # unchanged, just remove  and ucf-purge the file, it will be
-    # reinstalled by postinst 
-    rm -f $conffile
-    ucf --purge $conffile
-    if test -x "`which ucfr`" ; then
-      ucfr --purge tex-common $conffile
-    fi
-  fi
-# <:open(FUNCTIONS,'debian/common.functions');@FUNCTIONS=<FUNCTIONS>;close(FUNCTIONS):>//
-# <:=@FUNCTIONS:>//
-# Here starts the real action
-case "$1" in
-  # install is also used if the old package is in state rc
-  upgrade|install)
-    ## upgrade from 2.0.2 in sarge
-    configured_version=$2
-    # we must keep changes to the option part of 00updmap.cfg, if it is 
-    # installed (from an older tetex-base package)
-    dpkg --compare-versions \
-      $FIRST_VERSION_WITH_UPGRADE_PATH gt "$configured_version" && \
-      updmap_extract || true
-    ;;
-  failed-upgrade|abort-upgrade)
-    :
-    ;;
-# Local Variables:
-# mode: shell-script
-# skeleton-pair: t
-# End:

Modified: tex-common/branches/v3/debian/rules
--- tex-common/branches/v3/debian/rules	2012-02-26 02:28:11 UTC (rev 5055)
+++ tex-common/branches/v3/debian/rules	2012-02-26 04:39:18 UTC (rev 5056)
@@ -78,7 +78,6 @@
 	cp conf/hyphen.d/00tex.cnf $(INSTDIR)/etc/texmf/hyphen.d/
         # ucf files
 	cp conf/texmf.d/*cnf $(INSTDIR)/usr/share/tex-common/
-	cp conf/updmap.d/00updmap.cfg $(INSTDIR)/usr/share/tex-common/
 	cp -a debian/md5sums/* $(INSTDIR)/usr/share/tex-common/
 	cp $(sbin_installfiles) $(INSTDIR)/usr/sbin/
 	cp $(bin_installfiles) $(INSTDIR)/usr/bin/

Deleted: tex-common/branches/v3/scripts/update-updmap.1
--- tex-common/branches/v3/scripts/update-updmap.1	2012-02-26 02:28:11 UTC (rev 5055)
+++ tex-common/branches/v3/scripts/update-updmap.1	2012-02-26 04:39:18 UTC (rev 5056)
@@ -1,344 +0,0 @@
-.Dd Jul 19, 2005
-.Os Debian
-.Nm update-updmap
-.Nd generate
-.Pa updmap.cfg
-from files in
-.Pa /etc/texmf/updmap.d/
-.Op Ar option ...
-This manual page documents
-.Nm ,
-a program that was written for the Debian distribution.
-.Ss Overview
-is used to generate
-.Xr updmap 1 Ns 's
-.Xr updmap-sys 8 Ns 's
-site-wide configuration file,
-.Pa /var/lib/texmf/web2c/updmap.cfg ,
-or the per-user configuration file,
-.Pa TEXMFCONFIG/web2c/updmap.cfg ,
-from the files with names ending in
-.Ql .cfg
-located in
-.Pa /etc/texmf/updmap.d/ .
-The base TeX packages (texlive-) provide files in
-.Pa /etc/texmf/updmap.d/ ,
-which define the base contents of the to\-be\-generated
-.Pa /var/lib/texmf/web2c/updmap.cfg
-(general settings and base fonts), or the per-user file 
-.Pa TEXMFCONFIG/web2c/updmap.cfg .
-With the underlying mechanism, system
-administrators can disable the map files they want by commenting their
-entries in the appropriate files under
-.Pa /etc/texmf/updmap.d/ .
-Such changes will be preserved if the package in question is removed
-(not purged) and then reinstalled.
-Users without local administration rights can use 
-to merge their local configuration and an updated site-wide
-configuration (see 
-.Sx User-specific configuration 
-below).  The local configuration files, unless specified otherwise, are
-expected in 
-.Pa $TEXMFCONFIG/updmap.d ,
-(that is
-.Pa ~/.texmf-config/updmap.d ),
-and the default output file is
-.Pa $TEXMFVAR/web2c/updmap.cfg
-(in other words,
-.Pa ~/.texmf-var/web2c/updmap.cfg ).
-Thanks to
-.Nm ,
-TeX-related font packages can have their own font map files referenced in
-.Pa /var/lib/texmf/web2c/updmap.cfg
-without having to edit that file.  The packages simply have to ship their map files (e.g.,
-.Pa foo.map )
-.Pa /etc/texmf/map/dvips/
-and one or more
-.Ql .cfg
-file(s) under
-.Pa /etc/texmf/updmap.d/
-.Pa  10foo.cfg )
-referencing the map files.
-.Ss "Mode of operation"
-concatenates all the
-.Ql .cfg
-files under
-.Pa /etc/texmf/updmap.d/
-provided that:
-.Bl -dash -offset indent -compact
-they do not contain the following pseudo-comment:
-.Bd -literal -offset indent
-# -_- DebPkgProvidedMaps -_-
-they have this pseudo-comment, are up-to-date (i.e., the same file
-with suffix
-.Ql .dpkg-new
-doesn't exist) and are listed in a
-.Ql .list
-file under
-.Pa /var/lib/tex-common/fontmap-cfg/ ,
-meaning that the package shipping the
-.Ql .cfg
-file is installed. The name of the
-.Ql .list
-file is ignored (but should be the name of the package that installed
-it). The file should contain the names of the 
-.Ql .cfg
-files in 
-.Pa /etc/texmf/updmap.d/
-that should be enabled, without the
-.Ql .cfg
-suffix, e.g. 
-.Bd -literal -offset indent
-The first case is for configuration files added by the local system
-administrator. Files that contain the magic pseudo-comment should be
-used by Debian packages. In this case, only the base name should appear
-in the
-.Ql .list
-file: for instance,
-.Ql 10foo
-.Pa /etc/texmf/updmap.d/10foo.cfg ;
-please refer to the Debian TeX Policy for details.
-.Ss "Names for configuration files"
-Filenames should begin with two digits and must have the extension 
-.Ql .cfg .
-The order used to process the
-files is obtained by running
-.Xr sort 1
-with the
-.Sq C
-locale (for ordinary alphanumeric characters, it corresponds to the
-order).  The result obtained by concatenating them is stored as the new
-.Pa updmap.cfg .
-Note that 
-.Xr updmap 1 Ns 
-.Xr updmap-sys 8 Ns
-don't care about the order of entries, the sorting is just for the
-user's convenience.
-If you want to be able to use
-.Xr updmap 1 Ns 's
-.Xr updmap-sys 8 Ns 's
-.Fl -enable
-.Fl -setoption ,
-some further 
-.Sy Restrictions
-apply to the filenames used and the way
-entries are distributed among these files.  For
-.Fl -setoption
-to work, the options (like 
-.Ev dvipsPreferOutline )
-must be kept in a file named 
-.Pa 00updmap.cfg ,
-.Pa /etc/texmf/updmap.d/
-as installed by the 
-.Nm tex-common
-package, or in the 
-.Va conf-dir
-you specified.  If you use 
-.Fl -enable
-.Ar Map some.map
-and there is no mention of 
-.Ar some.map
-in any file in 
-.Pa /etc/texmf/updmap.d/
-(and in 
-.Va conf-dir ,
-if specified), then the Map line will be introduced in a file whose name matches 
-.Pa *local*.cfg
-if it exists, or
-.Pa 99local.cfg
-will be created (in 
-.Va conf-dir
-if specified).  For this to work, you cannot have more than one file
-that matches that name, except that you can use
-.Pa conf-dir/*local.cfg
-to supersede the site-wide file in 
-.Pa /etc/texmf/updmap.d/ .
-In order to enable a Map file that already is listed in your
-configuration files, it must be commented with the string '#! '.  This
-is the sort of lines that
-.Dl updmap --disable some.map
-will produce - see also
-.Xr updmap.cfg 5 Ns .
-If such a line occurs in more than one file,
-.Xr updmap 1 Ns 
- will fail.  Again the exception is a file in
-.Pa conf-dir
-that shadows entries in a site-wide file.
-Although not strictly mandatory, it is wise to keep corresponding Map
-entries in files with the same name in 
-.Pa conf-dir
-and the site-wide dir.  Otherwise, the results may seem unpredictable.
-.Ss "User-specific configuration"
-If you want a different configuration for
-.Xr updmap 1 Ns
- than the setup at your site provides, you can place changed copies of
-the configuration files from
-.Pa /etc/texmf/updmap.d/
-in a directory below 
-or create additional files there.  Per default, files are looked for in
-.Pa $TEXMFCONFIG/updmap.d ,
-.Pa ~/.texmf-config
-unless the configuration has been changed.  When you call
-as a user,  it will produce a user-specific 
-.Pa updmap.cfg
-file as follows: if files with the same name exist in both directories,
-the version in
-.Pa ~/.texmf-config/updmap.d/
-will be used; files with unique names will be used from either
-If you want to keep your files elsewhere, specify their location with
-options (see 
-.Bl -tag -width ".Fl -version"
-.It Fl c, -conf-dir Ev conf-dir
-in user-specific mode, use configuration files from 
-.Ev conf-dir
-instead of 
-.Pa $TEXMFCONFIG/updmap.d/
-.It Fl  o, -output-file Ev outputfile
-in user-specific mode, generate 
-.Ev outputfile
-instead of
-.Pa $TEXMFVAR/web2c/updmap.cfg
-.It Fl -check
-Executes additional checks that all necessary files are present in the
-kpathsea database. Don't use this in maintainer scripts.
-.It Fl -quiet
-don't write anything to the standard output during normal operation
-.It Fl -help
-print a summary of the command-line usage of
-and exit
-.It Fl -version
-output version information and exit
-Note that the
-.Fl v
-option, which turns on verbose mode, is deprecated.  We are currently in a
-transition phase where quiet mode is still the default (therefore,
-.Fl -quiet
-has no effect), but
-will be verbose by default as soon as enough packages use
-.Fl -quiet
-in their maintainer scripts.
-.Ql .cfg
-files under
-.Pa /etc/texmf/updmap.d/
-should contain valid configuration lines for
-.Xr updmap 1 .
-Usually, they will consist of lines of following one of these forms:
-.Bd -literal -offset indent
-Map <foo.map>
-MixedMap <bar.map>
-.Li MixedMap
-form should only be used if the font is available in both bitmap and scalable
-formats (this way, it won't be declared in the default map file for Dvips that
-is used
-.Li dvipsPreferOutline
-is set to
-.Ql false
-.Pa updmap.cfg ) .
-The following comment (from
-.Xr updmap 1 Ns 's
-point of view):
-.Bd -literal -offset indent
-# -_- DebPkgProvidedMaps -_-
-is treated in a particular way by
-(see section
-.Sx "Mode of operation"
-above) and should be used in every
-.Ql .cfg
-file provided by a Debian package.  This ensures that the corresponding
-map files are disabled when the package is removed and reenabled when
-the package is reinstalled.
-.Bd -unfilled -offset left -compact
-.Pa /etc/texmf/updmap.d/00updmap.cfg
-.Pa /etc/texmf/updmap.d/*.cfg
-.Pa /var/lib/texmf/web2c/updmap.cfg
-.Pa /var/lib/tex-common/fontmap-cfg/*.list
-returns 0 on success, or a strictly positive integer on error.
-.Xr updmap 1
-.Bd -unfilled -offset left -compact
-.Pa /usr/share/doc/tex-common/README.Debian.{txt,pdf,html}
-.Pa /usr/share/doc/tex-common/Debian-TeX-Policy.{txt,pdf,html}
-.Pa /usr/share/doc/tex-common/TeX-on-Debian.{txt,pdf,html}
-This manual page was written by
-.An -nosplit
-.An Atsuhito Kohda Aq kohda at debian.org
-and updated by
-.An "Florent Rougon" Aq f.rougon at free.fr
-.An "Frank Kuester" Aq frank at debian.org
-for the Debian distribution (and may be used by others).
-.\" For Emacs:
-.\" Local Variables:
-.\" fill-column: 72
-.\" sentence-end: "[.?!][]\"')}]*\\($\\| $\\|	\\|  \\)[ 	\n]*"
-.\" sentence-end-double-space: t
-.\" End:

Copied: tex-common/branches/v3/scripts/update-updmap.8 (from rev 5053, tex-common/branches/v3/scripts/update-updmap.1)
--- tex-common/branches/v3/scripts/update-updmap.8	                        (rev 0)
+++ tex-common/branches/v3/scripts/update-updmap.8	2012-02-26 04:39:18 UTC (rev 5056)
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+.Dd Jul 19, 2005
+.Os Debian
+.Nm update-updmap
+.Nd generate
+.Pa updmap.cfg
+from files in
+.Pa /etc/texmf/updmap.d/
+.Op Ar option ...
+This manual page documents
+.Nm ,
+a program that was written for the Debian distribution.
+.Ss Overview
+is used to generate
+.Xr updmap 1 Ns 's
+.Xr updmap-sys 8 Ns 's
+site-wide configuration file,
+.Pa /var/lib/texmf/web2c/updmap.cfg ,
+or the per-user configuration file,
+.Pa TEXMFCONFIG/web2c/updmap.cfg ,
+from the files with names ending in
+.Ql .cfg
+located in
+.Pa /etc/texmf/updmap.d/ .
+The base TeX packages (texlive-) provide files in
+.Pa /etc/texmf/updmap.d/ ,
+which define the base contents of the to\-be\-generated
+.Pa /var/lib/texmf/web2c/updmap.cfg
+(general settings and base fonts), or the per-user file 
+.Pa TEXMFCONFIG/web2c/updmap.cfg .
+With the underlying mechanism, system
+administrators can disable the map files they want by commenting their
+entries in the appropriate files under
+.Pa /etc/texmf/updmap.d/ .
+Such changes will be preserved if the package in question is removed
+(not purged) and then reinstalled.
+Users without local administration rights can use 
+to merge their local configuration and an updated site-wide
+configuration (see 
+.Sx User-specific configuration 
+below).  The local configuration files, unless specified otherwise, are
+expected in 
+.Pa $TEXMFCONFIG/updmap.d ,
+(that is
+.Pa ~/.texmf-config/updmap.d ),
+and the default output file is
+.Pa $TEXMFVAR/web2c/updmap.cfg
+(in other words,
+.Pa ~/.texmf-var/web2c/updmap.cfg ).
+Thanks to
+.Nm ,
+TeX-related font packages can have their own font map files referenced in
+.Pa /var/lib/texmf/web2c/updmap.cfg
+without having to edit that file.  The packages simply have to ship their map files (e.g.,
+.Pa foo.map )
+.Pa /etc/texmf/map/dvips/
+and one or more
+.Ql .cfg
+file(s) under
+.Pa /etc/texmf/updmap.d/
+.Pa  10foo.cfg )
+referencing the map files.
+.Ss "Mode of operation"
+concatenates all the
+.Ql .cfg
+files under
+.Pa /etc/texmf/updmap.d/
+provided that:
+.Bl -dash -offset indent -compact
+they do not contain the following pseudo-comment:
+.Bd -literal -offset indent
+# -_- DebPkgProvidedMaps -_-
+they have this pseudo-comment, are up-to-date (i.e., the same file
+with suffix
+.Ql .dpkg-new
+doesn't exist) and are listed in a
+.Ql .list
+file under
+.Pa /var/lib/tex-common/fontmap-cfg/ ,
+meaning that the package shipping the
+.Ql .cfg
+file is installed. The name of the
+.Ql .list
+file is ignored (but should be the name of the package that installed
+it). The file should contain the names of the 
+.Ql .cfg
+files in 
+.Pa /etc/texmf/updmap.d/
+that should be enabled, without the
+.Ql .cfg
+suffix, e.g. 
+.Bd -literal -offset indent
+The first case is for configuration files added by the local system
+administrator. Files that contain the magic pseudo-comment should be
+used by Debian packages. In this case, only the base name should appear
+in the
+.Ql .list
+file: for instance,
+.Ql 10foo
+.Pa /etc/texmf/updmap.d/10foo.cfg ;
+please refer to the Debian TeX Policy for details.
+.Ss "Names for configuration files"
+Filenames should begin with two digits and must have the extension 
+.Ql .cfg .
+The order used to process the
+files is obtained by running
+.Xr sort 1
+with the
+.Sq C
+locale (for ordinary alphanumeric characters, it corresponds to the
+order).  The result obtained by concatenating them is stored as the new
+.Pa updmap.cfg .
+Note that 
+.Xr updmap 1 Ns 
+.Xr updmap-sys 8 Ns
+don't care about the order of entries, the sorting is just for the
+user's convenience.
+If you want to be able to use
+.Xr updmap 1 Ns 's
+.Xr updmap-sys 8 Ns 's
+.Fl -enable
+.Fl -setoption ,
+some further 
+.Sy Restrictions
+apply to the filenames used and the way
+entries are distributed among these files.  For
+.Fl -setoption
+to work, the options (like 
+.Ev dvipsPreferOutline )
+must be kept in a file named 
+.Pa 00updmap.cfg ,
+.Pa /etc/texmf/updmap.d/
+as installed by the 
+.Nm tex-common
+package, or in the 
+.Va conf-dir
+you specified.  If you use 
+.Fl -enable
+.Ar Map some.map
+and there is no mention of 
+.Ar some.map
+in any file in 
+.Pa /etc/texmf/updmap.d/
+(and in 
+.Va conf-dir ,
+if specified), then the Map line will be introduced in a file whose name matches 
+.Pa *local*.cfg
+if it exists, or
+.Pa 99local.cfg
+will be created (in 
+.Va conf-dir
+if specified).  For this to work, you cannot have more than one file
+that matches that name, except that you can use
+.Pa conf-dir/*local.cfg
+to supersede the site-wide file in 
+.Pa /etc/texmf/updmap.d/ .
+In order to enable a Map file that already is listed in your
+configuration files, it must be commented with the string '#! '.  This
+is the sort of lines that
+.Dl updmap --disable some.map
+will produce - see also
+.Xr updmap.cfg 5 Ns .
+If such a line occurs in more than one file,
+.Xr updmap 1 Ns 
+ will fail.  Again the exception is a file in
+.Pa conf-dir
+that shadows entries in a site-wide file.
+Although not strictly mandatory, it is wise to keep corresponding Map
+entries in files with the same name in 
+.Pa conf-dir
+and the site-wide dir.  Otherwise, the results may seem unpredictable.
+.Ss "User-specific configuration"
+If you want a different configuration for
+.Xr updmap 1 Ns
+ than the setup at your site provides, you can place changed copies of
+the configuration files from
+.Pa /etc/texmf/updmap.d/
+in a directory below 
+or create additional files there.  Per default, files are looked for in
+.Pa $TEXMFCONFIG/updmap.d ,
+.Pa ~/.texmf-config
+unless the configuration has been changed.  When you call
+as a user,  it will produce a user-specific 
+.Pa updmap.cfg
+file as follows: if files with the same name exist in both directories,
+the version in
+.Pa ~/.texmf-config/updmap.d/
+will be used; files with unique names will be used from either
+If you want to keep your files elsewhere, specify their location with
+options (see 
+.Bl -tag -width ".Fl -version"
+.It Fl c, -conf-dir Ev conf-dir
+in user-specific mode, use configuration files from 
+.Ev conf-dir
+instead of 
+.Pa $TEXMFCONFIG/updmap.d/
+.It Fl  o, -output-file Ev outputfile
+in user-specific mode, generate 
+.Ev outputfile
+instead of
+.Pa $TEXMFVAR/web2c/updmap.cfg
+.It Fl -check
+Executes additional checks that all necessary files are present in the
+kpathsea database. Don't use this in maintainer scripts.
+.It Fl -quiet
+don't write anything to the standard output during normal operation
+.It Fl -help
+print a summary of the command-line usage of
+and exit
+.It Fl -version
+output version information and exit
+Note that the
+.Fl v
+option, which turns on verbose mode, is deprecated.  We are currently in a
+transition phase where quiet mode is still the default (therefore,
+.Fl -quiet
+has no effect), but
+will be verbose by default as soon as enough packages use
+.Fl -quiet
+in their maintainer scripts.
+.Ql .cfg
+files under
+.Pa /etc/texmf/updmap.d/
+should contain valid configuration lines for
+.Xr updmap 1 .
+Usually, they will consist of lines of following one of these forms:
+.Bd -literal -offset indent
+Map <foo.map>
+MixedMap <bar.map>
+.Li MixedMap
+form should only be used if the font is available in both bitmap and scalable
+formats (this way, it won't be declared in the default map file for Dvips that
+is used
+.Li dvipsPreferOutline
+is set to
+.Ql false
+.Pa updmap.cfg ) .
+The following comment (from
+.Xr updmap 1 Ns 's
+point of view):
+.Bd -literal -offset indent
+# -_- DebPkgProvidedMaps -_-
+is treated in a particular way by
+(see section
+.Sx "Mode of operation"
+above) and should be used in every
+.Ql .cfg
+file provided by a Debian package.  This ensures that the corresponding
+map files are disabled when the package is removed and reenabled when
+the package is reinstalled.
+.Bd -unfilled -offset left -compact
+.Pa /etc/texmf/updmap.d/00updmap.cfg
+.Pa /etc/texmf/updmap.d/*.cfg
+.Pa /var/lib/texmf/web2c/updmap.cfg
+.Pa /var/lib/tex-common/fontmap-cfg/*.list
+returns 0 on success, or a strictly positive integer on error.
+.Xr updmap 1
+.Bd -unfilled -offset left -compact
+.Pa /usr/share/doc/tex-common/README.Debian.{txt,pdf,html}
+.Pa /usr/share/doc/tex-common/Debian-TeX-Policy.{txt,pdf,html}
+.Pa /usr/share/doc/tex-common/TeX-on-Debian.{txt,pdf,html}
+This manual page was written by
+.An -nosplit
+.An Atsuhito Kohda Aq kohda at debian.org
+and updated by
+.An "Florent Rougon" Aq f.rougon at free.fr
+.An "Frank Kuester" Aq frank at debian.org
+for the Debian distribution (and may be used by others).
+.\" For Emacs:
+.\" Local Variables:
+.\" fill-column: 72
+.\" sentence-end: "[.?!][]\"')}]*\\($\\| $\\|	\\|  \\)[ 	\n]*"
+.\" sentence-end-double-space: t
+.\" End:

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