[x86-64] Opteron box coming --- what to install?
Alexander Shumakovitch
Sat, 17 May 2003 01:04:45 +0200
Thanks a lot for the very prompt reply!
On Fri, May 16, 2003 at 06:27:44PM -0400, Bart Trojanowski wrote:
> SuSE will be a more stable way to go. I would imagine that they've been
> testing their release for at least 4-6 months by now.
I see. I'll probably try to go dual boot then.
> I believe that the best thing for you to do -- given that you want to
> run Debian -- would be to install a 32bit user-space (like Woody or
> Sarge) and then install a 64 bit kernel.
Would Woody (or Sarge for that matter) boot floppies work with Opteron
as they are? I would imagine that the kernel will complain as well about
unknown CPU, IDE controller, PCI bridge and stuff like that.
I'll try to test them anyway as soon as we get the hardware ;-)
--- Alexander.