[xml/sgml-commit] r355 - packages/xerces/xerces24/trunk/debian/patches
Jay Berkenbilt
Wed, 16 Mar 2005 04:39:46 +0100
Author: ejb-guest
Date: 2005-03-16 04:39:45 +0100 (Wed, 16 Mar 2005)
New Revision: 355
Added: packages/xerces/xerces24/trunk/debian/patches/CAN-2004-1575.patch
--- packages/xerces/xerces24/trunk/debian/patches/CAN-2004-1575.patch 2005-02-16 19:37:58 UTC (rev 354)
+++ packages/xerces/xerces24/trunk/debian/patches/CAN-2004-1575.patch 2005-03-16 03:39:45 UTC (rev 355)
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+--- xerces-c-src2_4_0/src/xercesc/internal/XMLScanner.hpp.orig 2003-11-28 16:18:32.000000000 -0500
++++ xerces-c-src2_4_0/src/xercesc/internal/XMLScanner.hpp 2005-03-15 20:53:57.418451280 -0500
+@@ -734,6 +734,13 @@
+ void resetUIntPool();
+ void recreateUIntPool();
++ inline
++ void setAttrDupChkRegistry
++ (
++ const unsigned int &attrNumber
++ , bool &toUseHashTable
++ );
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Data members
+ //
+@@ -981,6 +988,7 @@
+ XMLUInt32 fScannerId;
+ XMLUInt32 fSequenceId;
+ RefVectorOf<XMLAttr>* fAttrList;
++ RefHash2KeysTableOf<XMLAttr>* fAttrDupChkRegistry;
+ XMLDocumentHandler* fDocHandler;
+ DocTypeHandler* fDocTypeHandler;
+ XMLEntityHandler* fEntityHandler;
+@@ -1486,6 +1494,29 @@
+ fEntityDeclPoolRetrieved = false;
+ }
++inline void XMLScanner::setAttrDupChkRegistry(const unsigned int &attrNumber
++ , bool &toUseHashTable)
++ // once the attribute exceed 20, we use hash table to check duplication
++ if (attrNumber > 20)
++ {
++ toUseHashTable = true;
++ if (!fAttrDupChkRegistry)
++ {
++ fAttrDupChkRegistry = new (fMemoryManager) RefHash2KeysTableOf<XMLAttr>
++ (
++ 2*attrNumber+1, false, new (fMemoryManager)HashXMLCh(), fMemoryManager
++ );
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ fAttrDupChkRegistry->removeAll();
++ }
++ }
+ #endif
+--- xerces-c-src2_4_0/src/xercesc/internal/XMLScanner.cpp.orig 2003-11-27 01:10:31.000000000 -0500
++++ xerces-c-src2_4_0/src/xercesc/internal/XMLScanner.cpp 2005-03-15 20:53:57.404453408 -0500
+@@ -194,6 +194,7 @@
+ , fScannerId(0)
+ , fSequenceId(0)
+ , fAttrList(0)
++ , fAttrDupChkRegistry(0)
+ , fDocHandler(0)
+ , fDocTypeHandler(0)
+ , fEntityHandler(0)
+@@ -270,6 +271,7 @@
+ , fScannerId(0)
+ , fSequenceId(0)
+ , fAttrList(0)
++ , fAttrDupChkRegistry(0)
+ , fDocHandler(docHandler)
+ , fDocTypeHandler(docTypeHandler)
+ , fEntityHandler(entityHandler)
+@@ -317,6 +319,7 @@
+ XMLScanner::~XMLScanner()
+ {
+ delete fAttrList;
++ delete fAttrDupChkRegistry;
+ delete fValidationContext;
+ fMemoryManager->deallocate(fRootElemName);//delete [] fRootElemName;
+ fMemoryManager->deallocate(fExternalSchemaLocation);//delete [] fExternalSchemaLocation;
+--- xerces-c-src2_4_0/src/xercesc/internal/WFXMLScanner.cpp.orig 2003-11-01 15:24:22.000000000 -0500
++++ xerces-c-src2_4_0/src/xercesc/internal/WFXMLScanner.cpp 2005-03-15 21:53:44.144186088 -0500
+@@ -1433,23 +1433,6 @@
+ }
+ }
+- // check for duplicate namespace attributes:
+- // by checking for qualified names with the same local part and with prefixes
+- // which have been bound to namespace names that are identical.
+- XMLAttr* loopAttr;
+- for (unsigned int attrIndex=0; attrIndex < attCount; attrIndex++) {
+- loopAttr = fAttrList->elementAt(attrIndex);
+- if (curAtt->getURIId() == loopAttr->getURIId() &&
+- XMLString::equals(curAtt->getName(), loopAttr->getName())) {
+- emitError
+- (
+- XMLErrs::AttrAlreadyUsedInSTag
+- , curAtt->getName()
+- , elemDecl->getFullName()
+- );
+- }
+- }
+ // increment attribute count
+ attCount++;
+@@ -1513,6 +1496,54 @@
+ );
+ }
++ if (attCount) {
++ //
++ // Decide if to use hash table to do duplicate checking
++ //
++ bool toUseHashTable = false;
++ setAttrDupChkRegistry(attCount, toUseHashTable);
++ // check for duplicate namespace attributes:
++ // by checking for qualified names with the same local part and with prefixes
++ // which have been bound to namespace names that are identical.
++ XMLAttr* loopAttr;
++ XMLAttr* curAtt;
++ for (unsigned int attrIndex=0; attrIndex < attCount-1; attrIndex++) {
++ loopAttr = fAttrList->elementAt(attrIndex);
++ if (!toUseHashTable)
++ {
++ for (unsigned int curAttrIndex = attrIndex+1; curAttrIndex < attCount; curAttrIndex++) {
++ curAtt = fAttrList->elementAt(curAttrIndex);
++ if (curAtt->getURIId() == loopAttr->getURIId() &&
++ XMLString::equals(curAtt->getName(), loopAttr->getName())) {
++ emitError
++ (
++ XMLErrs::AttrAlreadyUsedInSTag
++ , curAtt->getName()
++ , elemDecl->getFullName()
++ );
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ if (fAttrDupChkRegistry->containsKey((void*)loopAttr->getName(), loopAttr->getURIId()))
++ {
++ emitError
++ (
++ XMLErrs::AttrAlreadyUsedInSTag
++ , loopAttr->getName()
++ , elemDecl->getFullName()
++ );
++ }
++ fAttrDupChkRegistry->put((void*)loopAttr->getName(), loopAttr->getURIId(), loopAttr);
++ }
++ }
++ }
+ // Resolve the qualified name to a URI.
+ unsigned int uriId = resolvePrefix
+ (
+--- xerces-c-src2_4_0/src/xercesc/internal/DGXMLScanner.cpp.orig 2003-11-24 00:09:38.000000000 -0500
++++ xerces-c-src2_4_0/src/xercesc/internal/DGXMLScanner.cpp 2005-03-15 20:53:57.411452344 -0500
+@@ -2355,6 +2355,13 @@
+ void DGXMLScanner::scanAttrListforNameSpaces(RefVectorOf<XMLAttr>* theAttrList, int attCount,
+ XMLElementDecl* elemDecl)
+ {
++ //
++ // Decide if to use hash table to do duplicate checking
++ //
++ bool toUseHashTable = false;
++ setAttrDupChkRegistry((unsigned int&)attCount, toUseHashTable);
+ // Make an initial pass through the list and find any xmlns attributes or
+ // schema attributes.
+ // When we find one, send it off to be used to update the element stack's
+@@ -2389,17 +2396,35 @@
+ // by checking for qualified names with the same local part and with prefixes
+ // which have been bound to namespace names that are identical.
+ XMLAttr* loopAttr;
+- for (int attrIndex=0; attrIndex < index; attrIndex++) {
+- loopAttr = theAttrList->elementAt(attrIndex);
+- if (loopAttr->getURIId() == curAttr->getURIId() &&
+- XMLString::equals(loopAttr->getName(), curAttr->getName())) {
++ if (!toUseHashTable)
++ {
++ for (int attrIndex=0; attrIndex < index; attrIndex++) {
++ loopAttr = theAttrList->elementAt(attrIndex);
++ if (loopAttr->getURIId() == curAttr->getURIId() &&
++ XMLString::equals(loopAttr->getName(), curAttr->getName())) {
++ emitError
++ (
++ XMLErrs::AttrAlreadyUsedInSTag
++ , curAttr->getName()
++ , elemDecl->getFullName()
++ );
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ if (fAttrDupChkRegistry->containsKey((void*)curAttr->getName(), curAttr->getURIId()))
++ {
+ emitError
+- (
++ (
+ XMLErrs::AttrAlreadyUsedInSTag
+ , curAttr->getName()
+ , elemDecl->getFullName()
+- );
++ );
+ }
++ fAttrDupChkRegistry->put((void*)curAttr->getName(), curAttr->getURIId(), curAttr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+--- xerces-c-src2_4_0/src/xercesc/internal/IGXMLScanner2.cpp.orig 2003-11-28 15:20:54.000000000 -0500
++++ xerces-c-src2_4_0/src/xercesc/internal/IGXMLScanner2.cpp 2005-03-15 21:37:28.431516960 -0500
+@@ -157,6 +157,15 @@
+ XMLBufBid bbNormal(&fBufMgr);
+ XMLBuffer& normBuf = bbNormal.getBuffer();
++ //
++ // Decide if to use hash table to do duplicate checking
++ //
++ bool toUseHashTable = false;
++ if (fGrammarType == Grammar::DTDGrammarType)
++ {
++ setAttrDupChkRegistry(attCount, toUseHashTable);
++ }
+ // Loop through our explicitly provided attributes, which are in the raw
+ // scanned form, and build up XMLAttr objects.
+ unsigned int index;
+@@ -661,16 +670,32 @@
+ // by checking for qualified names with the same local part and with prefixes
+ // which have been bound to namespace names that are identical.
+ if (fGrammarType == Grammar::DTDGrammarType) {
+- for (unsigned int attrIndex=0; attrIndex < retCount; attrIndex++) {
+- curAttr = toFill.elementAt(attrIndex);
+- if (uriId == curAttr->getURIId() &&
+- XMLString::equals(suffPtr, curAttr->getName())) {
++ if (!toUseHashTable)
++ {
++ for (unsigned int attrIndex=0; attrIndex < retCount; attrIndex++) {
++ curAttr = toFill.elementAt(attrIndex);
++ if (uriId == curAttr->getURIId() &&
++ XMLString::equals(suffPtr, curAttr->getName())) {
++ emitError
++ (
++ XMLErrs::AttrAlreadyUsedInSTag
++ , curAttr->getName()
++ , elemDecl->getFullName()
++ );
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ if (fAttrDupChkRegistry->containsKey((void*)suffPtr, uriId))
++ {
+ emitError
+- (
++ (
+ XMLErrs::AttrAlreadyUsedInSTag
+ , curAttr->getName()
+ , elemDecl->getFullName()
+- );
++ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+@@ -707,6 +732,12 @@
+ curAttr->setSpecified(true);
+ }
++ if (toUseHashTable)
++ {
++ fAttrDupChkRegistry->put((void*)suffPtr, uriId, curAttr);
++ }
+ // Bump the count of attrs in the list
+ retCount++;
+ }