[xml/sgml-commit] r481 - in packages/libxml2/trunk: . debian

Mike Hommey glandium at costa.debian.org
Wed Nov 2 18:11:57 UTC 2005

Author: glandium
Date: 2005-11-02 18:11:56 +0000 (Wed, 02 Nov 2005)
New Revision: 481

* autogen.sh: Changed the way we rebuild the examples.
* debian/rules: Added history support in xmllint. Closes: #318083.
* debian/control: Added build dependency upon libreadline5-dev for history support in xmllint.
* xmllint.c: Added some spaces in usage(). Closes: #335015.
* testModule.c: Added PATH_MAX definition for the Hurd. Closes: #333623.

Modified: packages/libxml2/trunk/autogen.sh
--- packages/libxml2/trunk/autogen.sh	2005-10-10 19:12:14 UTC (rev 480)
+++ packages/libxml2/trunk/autogen.sh	2005-11-02 18:11:56 UTC (rev 481)
@@ -30,10 +30,11 @@
 rm -rf autom4te.cache
 # rebuild doc/examples/index.html
-cd doc/examples
-xsltproc examples.xsl examples.xml
-xmllint --valid --noout index.html
-cd ../..
+make -C doc/examples rebuild
+#cd doc/examples
+#xsltproc examples.xsl examples.xml
+#xmllint --valid --noout index.html
+#cd ../..
 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 exit 0

Modified: packages/libxml2/trunk/debian/changelog
--- packages/libxml2/trunk/debian/changelog	2005-10-10 19:12:14 UTC (rev 480)
+++ packages/libxml2/trunk/debian/changelog	2005-11-02 18:11:56 UTC (rev 481)
@@ -1,3 +1,14 @@
+libxml2 (2.6.22-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  * autogen.sh: Changed the way we rebuild the examples.
+  * debian/rules: Added history support in xmllint. Closes: #318083.
+  * debian/control: Added build dependency upon libreadline5-dev for history
+    support in xmllint.
+  * xmllint.c: Added some spaces in usage(). Closes: #335015.
+  * testModule.c: Added PATH_MAX definition for the Hurd. Closes: #333623.
+ -- Mike Hommey <mh at glandium.org>  Wed,  2 Nov 2005 17:57:49 +0100
 libxml2 (2.6.22-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream release

Modified: packages/libxml2/trunk/debian/control
--- packages/libxml2/trunk/debian/control	2005-10-10 19:12:14 UTC (rev 480)
+++ packages/libxml2/trunk/debian/control	2005-11-02 18:11:56 UTC (rev 481)
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 Maintainer: Debian XML/SGML Group <debian-xml-sgml-pkgs at lists.alioth.debian.org>
 Uploaders: Mike Hommey <glandium at debian.org>
 Standards-Version: 3.6.1
-Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.1.67), zlib1g-dev | libz-dev, python, python2.4-dev, python2.3-dev, python2.2-dev, autotools-dev
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.1.67), zlib1g-dev | libz-dev, python, python2.4-dev, python2.3-dev, python2.2-dev, autotools-dev, libreadline5-dev
 Package: libxml2
 Architecture: any

Modified: packages/libxml2/trunk/debian/rules
--- packages/libxml2/trunk/debian/rules	2005-10-10 19:12:14 UTC (rev 480)
+++ packages/libxml2/trunk/debian/rules	2005-11-02 18:11:56 UTC (rev 481)
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 	# ./configure
-	CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)" ./configure --prefix=/usr
+	CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)" ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-history
 	echo "all:" > example/Makefile
 	echo "install:" >> example/Makefile
 	echo "distclean:" >> example/Makefile

Modified: packages/libxml2/trunk/testModule.c
--- packages/libxml2/trunk/testModule.c	2005-10-10 19:12:14 UTC (rev 480)
+++ packages/libxml2/trunk/testModule.c	2005-11-02 18:11:56 UTC (rev 481)
@@ -29,6 +29,10 @@
 #define MODULE_PATH ".libs"
+#ifndef PATH_MAX /* for The Hurd */
+#define PATH_MAX 4096
 typedef int (*hello_world_t)(void);
 int main(int argc ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, char **argv ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {

Modified: packages/libxml2/trunk/xmllint.c
--- packages/libxml2/trunk/xmllint.c	2005-10-10 19:12:14 UTC (rev 480)
+++ packages/libxml2/trunk/xmllint.c	2005-11-02 18:11:56 UTC (rev 481)
@@ -2769,7 +2769,7 @@
     printf("\t--recover : output what was parsable on broken XML documents\n");
     printf("\t--noent : substitute entity references by their value\n");
     printf("\t--noout : don't output the result tree\n");
-    printf("\t--path 'paths': provide a set of paths for resources\n");
+    printf("\t--path 'paths' : provide a set of paths for resources\n");
     printf("\t--load-trace : print trace of all external entites loaded\n");
     printf("\t--nonet : refuse to fetch DTDs or entities over network\n");
     printf("\t--nocompact : do not generate compact text nodes\n");
@@ -2819,7 +2819,7 @@
     printf("\t--catalogs : use SGML catalogs from $SGML_CATALOG_FILES\n");
     printf("\t             otherwise XML Catalogs starting from \n");
     printf("\t         %s are activated by default\n", XML_XML_DEFAULT_CATALOG);
-    printf("\t--nocatalogs: deactivate all catalogs\n");
+    printf("\t--nocatalogs : deactivate all catalogs\n");
     printf("\t--auto : generate a small doc on the fly\n");
@@ -2844,9 +2844,9 @@
     printf("\t--schematron schema : do validation against a schematron\n");
-    printf("\t--sax1: use the old SAX1 interfaces for processing\n");
+    printf("\t--sax1 : use the old SAX1 interfaces for processing\n");
-    printf("\t--sax: do not build a tree but work just at the SAX level\n");
+    printf("\t--sax : do not build a tree but work just at the SAX level\n");
     printf("\nLibxml project home page: http://xmlsoft.org/\n");
     printf("To report bugs or get some help check: http://xmlsoft.org/bugs.html\n");

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