[xml/sgml-commit] [SCM] linuxdoc-tools package for Debian. branch, experimental, updated. debian/0.9.60-7-ga985da1

Agustin Martin Domingo agmartin at debian.org
Tue Apr 14 23:13:09 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the experimental branch:
commit b51f8428a5cf373e594b77a186dd1a85f82f0a7b
Author: Agustin Martin Domingo <agmartin at debian.org>
Date:   Tue Apr 14 00:26:17 2009 +0200

    fmt_latex2e.pl::postASP: Rearrange post processing of TeX file.
    * Where applies, check for matches only in linuxdoc-tools provided
      preamble. In that preamble, do not retry matches where a different
      incompatible one succeeded. Only '\nameurl' test seems to go
      outside that preamble.
    * Cosmetic changes.

diff --git a/lib/fmt/fmt_latex2e.pl b/lib/fmt/fmt_latex2e.pl
index cce02de..2fd4374 100644
--- a/lib/fmt/fmt_latex2e.pl
+++ b/lib/fmt/fmt_latex2e.pl
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 #  Copyright © 1996, Cees de Groot
 #  Copyright © 2000, Juan Jose Amor (Support for PDF files)
-#  Copyright © 2006-2008, Agustin Martin (Better LaTeX packages handling, misc changes)
+#  Copyright © 2006-2009, Agustin Martin
 # ------------------------------------------------------------------
 package LinuxDocTools::fmt_latex2e;
@@ -327,75 +327,81 @@ $latex2e->{postASP} = sub
     # Getting babel options
     my $babeloptions = $langlit || "english";
-    if (($global->{charset} eq "nippon") ||
-	($global->{charset} eq "euc-kr"))
-      {
-	$babeloptions = '';
-      }
+    if ( ($global->{charset} eq "nippon")
+	 ||
+	 ($global->{charset} eq "euc-kr")) {
+      $babeloptions = '';
+    }
+    # Loop over the TeX file
+    my $inpreamble = 1;
     while (defined($texlines[0])) {
       $_ = shift @texlines;
-      # Set right class name and options in the header
-      if (/^\\documentclass\[\@CLASSOPTIONS\@\]/) {
-	s/\@(ARTICLE|REPORT|BOOK)\@/$classprefix . lc($1)/e;
-	s/\@CLASSOPTIONS\@/$classoptions/;
-	$_ = $_ . "\\makeindex\n" if ($latex2e->{makeindex});
-      }
-      # Set right babel options
-      if (/^\\usepackage\[\@BABELOPTIONS\@\]{babel}/) {
-	if ( $babeloptions ) {
-	  s/\@BABELOPTIONS\@/$babeloptions/;
-	} else {
-	  s/^/%%/;
-	}
-      }
-      if (/^\\usepackage.epsfig/ && ($global->{charset} eq "euc-kr")) {
-	$hlatexopt = "[noautojosa]" if ($latex2e->{latex} eq "hlatexp");
-	$_ = $_ . "\\usepackage" . "$hlatexopt" . "{hangul}\n";
-      }
-      # Deal with input encoding
-      if ( /\\usepackage\[\@CHARSET\@\]\{inputenc\}/ ) {
-	if ( $global->{charset} eq "latin" ) {
-	  s/\@CHARSET\@/latin1/;
-	} else {
-	  s/^/%%/;
-	}
-      }
+      if ( $inpreamble ) {
+	if (/%end-preamble/) {
+	  $inpreamble = '';
-      # nippon or euc-kr do not use T1 encoding
-      if ((/\\usepackage\[T1\]\{fontenc\}/) &&
-	  (($global->{charset} eq "nippon") ||
-	   ($global->{charset} eq "euc-kr")))
-	{
-	  s/^/%%/;
-	}
+	  if ($latex2e->{pagenumber}) {
+	    $_ = $_ . '\setcounter{page}{' .
+	      $latex2e->{pagenumber} .
+	      "}\n";
+	  } else {
+	    $_ = $_ . "\\pagestyle{empty}\n";
+	  }
-      if (/%end-preamble/) {
-	if ($latex2e->{pagenumber}) {
-	  $_ = $_ . '\setcounter{page}{'.
-	    $latex2e->{pagenumber} . "}\n";
-	} else {
-	  $_ = $_ . "\\pagestyle{empty}\n";
-	}
-	$_ = $_ . $global->{pass} . "\n" if ($global->{pass});
-      }
+	  # Now include the explicitly added stuff
+	  $_ = $_ . $global->{pass} . "\n" if ($global->{pass});
-      if (/\\nameurl/ && $latex2e->{output} ne "pdf") {
-	$_ = shift @urlnames;
-      }
-      print $OUTFILE $_;
+	  print $OUTFILE $_;
-      if (/%end-preamble/) {
-	if ($urlnum && $latex2e->{output} ne "pdf") {
-	  while (defined($urldefines[0])) {
-	    $_ = shift @urldefines;
-	    print $OUTFILE $_;
+	  # Add to preamble url definitions for \urldef
+	  if ($urlnum && $latex2e->{output} ne "pdf") {
+	    foreach my $thisurl ( @urldefines ) {
+	      print $OUTFILE $thisurl;
+	    }
+	} else {   # -- Not in last line of linuxdoc-tools added preamble
+	  # Set correct class name and options in the header
+	  if (/^\\documentclass\[\@CLASSOPTIONS\@\]/) {
+	    s/\@(ARTICLE|REPORT|BOOK)\@/$classprefix . lc($1)/e;
+	    s/\@CLASSOPTIONS\@/$classoptions/;
+	    $_ = $_ . "\\makeindex\n" if ($latex2e->{makeindex});
+	  }
+	  # Set correct babel options
+	  elsif (/^\\usepackage\[\@BABELOPTIONS\@\]{babel}/) {
+	    if ( $babeloptions ) {
+	      s/\@BABELOPTIONS\@/$babeloptions/;
+	    } else {
+	      s/^/%%/;
+	    }
+	  }
+	  elsif (/^\\usepackage.epsfig/ && ($global->{charset} eq "euc-kr")) {
+	    $hlatexopt = "[noautojosa]" if ($latex2e->{latex} eq "hlatexp");
+	    $_ = $_ . "\\usepackage" . "$hlatexopt" . "{hangul}\n";
+	  }
+	  # Deal with input encoding
+	  elsif ( /\\usepackage\[\@CHARSET\@\]\{inputenc\}/ ) {
+	    if ( $global->{charset} eq "latin" ) {
+	      s/\@CHARSET\@/latin1/;
+	    } else {
+	      s/^/%%/;
+	    }
+	  }
+	  # nippon or euc-kr do not use T1 encoding
+	  elsif ( (/\\usepackage\[T1\]\{fontenc\}/)    &&
+		  ( ($global->{charset} eq "nippon")   ||
+		    ($global->{charset} eq "euc-kr"))) {
+	    s/^/%%/;
+	  }
+	  print $OUTFILE $_;
+	}
+      } else {   # -- Not in linuxdocsgml added preamble
+	#
+	if (/\\nameurl/ && $latex2e->{output} ne "pdf") {
+	  $_ = shift @urlnames;
+	print $OUTFILE $_;

linuxdoc-tools package for Debian.

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