[xml/sgml-commit] [SCM] linuxdoc-tools package for Debian. branch, master, updated. debian/0.9.60-24-gf1f1363
Agustin Martin Domingo
agmartin at debian.org
Mon Jun 15 12:30:23 UTC 2009
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 7c69f916312d2e4c461900ebe71c8d1bbf95417a
Author: Agustin Martin Domingo <agmartin at debian.org>
Date: Mon Apr 13 22:16:13 2009 +0200
Make linuxdoctr-sgml.sty mostly a wrapper to linuxdoc-sgml.sty
* Instead of duplicating code, we make linuxdoctr-sgml.sty a
wrapper to linuxdoc-sgml.sty, with only the tr relevant
changes added.
* linuxdoc-sgml.sty will run the relevant code if called from
* Make both use ProvidePackage
* Minor changes
diff --git a/tex/linuxdoc-sgml.sty b/tex/linuxdoc-sgml.sty
index ddfbe9c..dd41015 100644
--- a/tex/linuxdoc-sgml.sty
+++ b/tex/linuxdoc-sgml.sty
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
-%% This is linuxdoc-qwertz.sty, for use with SGML-generated LaTeX
-%% by Matt Welsh (mdw at sunsite.unc.edu)
+%% This is linuxdoc-sgml.sty, for use with SGML-generated LaTeX
-%% $Id: linuxdoc-sgml.sty,v 2001/05/24 15:57:40 sano Exp $
+%% Originally created by Matt Welsh as linuxdoc-qwertz.sty, based on
+%% linuxdoc.sty by Michael K. Johnson, and latex.tex by Leslie Lamport.
-%% Based on linuxdoc.sty by Michael K. Johnson, and latex.tex by
-%% Leslie Lamport.
+%% Copyright (C) 1994-1996 Matt Welsh (mdw at sunsite.unc.edu)
+%% Copyright (C) 2009 Agustin Martin (agmartin at debian.org)
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -73,8 +74,9 @@
{\huge\sf \@title}\\
-\mbox{}\@author\ \hfill \@date\ \\
-\vskip 1 ex
+\mbox{}\@author\ \hfill \@date\
+\ifx\undefined\LDT at WriteTranslators\else\LDT at WriteTranslators\fi
+\\ \vskip 1 ex
\noindent{\sf \@abstract}
@@ -106,11 +108,12 @@
%% Define NAMEURL macro to handle the optional name argument
%% This calls on the \url macro from the url.sty package so the
%% URL will be hyphenated correctly.
\def\nameurl#1#2{{\em #2} {\tt <\url{#1}>}}
\def\onlynameurl#1{{\em #1}}
-%% the tscreen environment automatically goes into typewriter type,
-%% but is otherwise like the screen environment
+%% the `tscreen' environment automatically goes into typewriter
+%% type, but is otherwise like the `screen' environment
diff --git a/tex/linuxdoctr-sgml.sty b/tex/linuxdoctr-sgml.sty
index 2eedd3a..17b390d 100644
--- a/tex/linuxdoctr-sgml.sty
+++ b/tex/linuxdoctr-sgml.sty
@@ -1,126 +1,27 @@
-%% This is linuxdoctr-qwertz.sty, for use with SGML-generated LaTeX
-%% by Taketoshi Sano (sano at debian.org) to add "trans" "tdate" tag
+%% This is linuxdoctr-sgml.sty, a wrapper to linuxdoc-sgml.sty
+%% to enable "trans" and "tdate" tags avoiding duplicated code.
-%% Modified from linuxdoc-qwertz.sty, for use with SGML-generated LaTeX
-%% by Matt Welsh (mdw at sunsite.unc.edu)
+%% "trans" and "tdate" tags originally added by Taketoshi Sano
+%% Made just a wrapper by Agustin Martin to avoid duplicated code
-%% $Id: linuxdoctr-sgml.sty,v 2001/05/24 15:57:40 sano Exp $
-%% Based on linuxdoc.sty by Michael K. Johnson, and latex.tex by
-%% Leslie Lamport.
+%% Copyright (C) 2001 Taketoshi Sano sano at debian.org
+%% Copyright (C) 2009 Agustin Martin agmartin at debian.org
+%% ------------------------------------------------------------
-\marginparwidth 0.0 in
-\parindent 0.0 in
-\topmargin -0.5 in
-\addtolength{\textheight}{-2 in}
-\advance\headsep 2 ex
-\advance\textheight -2 ex
-\addtolength{\parskip}{1.2 ex}
-\if at twoside % ``book'' style was chosen
- \oddsidemargin 0.0 in
- \evensidemargin 0 in
- \textwidth 6 in
- \def\ps at headings{\let\@mkboth\markboth
- \def\@oddfoot{}\def\@evenfoot{}% No feet.
- \def\@evenhead{\protect\rule[-4pt]{\textwidth}{.5pt}\kern-\textwidth
- \rm \thepage\hfil \bf \leftmark} % Left heading.
- \def\@oddhead{\protect\rule[-4pt]{\textwidth}{.5pt}\kern-\textwidth
- {\bf \rightmark}\hfil \rm\thepage} % Right heading.
- \def\chaptermark##1{\markboth {{\ifnum \c at secnumdepth >\m at ne
- \@chapapp\ \thechapter. \ \fi ##1}}{}}%
- \def\sectionmark##1{\markright {{\ifnum \c at secnumdepth >\z@
- \thesection. \ \fi ##1}}}}
-\else % if not book style, then
- \oddsidemargin 0.0 in
- \evensidemargin\oddsidemargin
- \textwidth 6.5 in
- \def\ps at headings{\let\@mkboth\markboth
- \def\@oddfoot{}\def\@evenfoot{}% No feet.
- \def\@oddhead{\protect\rule[-4pt]{\textwidth}{.5pt}\kern-\textwidth
- {\bf \rightmark}\hfil \rm\thepage} % Right heading.
- \def\@evenhead\@oddhead
- \def\chaptermark##1{\markboth {{\ifnum \c at secnumdepth >\m at ne
- \@chapapp\ \thechapter. \ \fi ##1}}{}}%
- \def\sectionmark##1{\markright {{\ifnum \c at secnumdepth >\z@
- \thesection. \ \fi ##1}}}}
-%% Titlepage stuff
-%\vskip 3 in
-{\huge\sf \@title}\\
-\mbox{}\@author\ \hfill \@date\ \\
-\vskip 1 ex
-\mbox{}\@trans\ \hfill \@tdate\ \\
-\vskip 1 ex
-\noindent{\sf \@abstract}
-%% Needs to be here for the previous ps at headings defs to work.
-\newcommand{\linux}{Linux} % Always use this when
- % refering to the \linux\
- % operating system, like that.
-\newcommand{\key}[1]{{\fbox{\small\tt #1}}} % Use this to mark keys, like
- % \key{del} for the delete key.
-\newcommand{\ret}{\fbox{\sf return}} % Special case for the return key.
-\newcommand{\st}{\small\tt} % Small typewriter -- comes in handy.
-%\newcommand{\lb}{{\tt\char '173}} % Left Brace '{'
-%\newcommand{\rb}{{\tt\char '175}} % Right Brace '}'
-\newcommand{\lbr}{$\langle$} % Left Bracket '<'
-\newcommand{\rbr}{$\rangle$} % Right Bracket '>'
-\newcommand{\bs}{{\tt\char '134}} % BackSlash '\'
-\newcommand{\tm}{${}^{\mbox{\tiny\sf TM}}$}
-\newcommand{\TM}{\tm} % TM trademark symbol in
- % either case
-\newcommand{\cparam}[1]{{\rm \lbr{\sl #1}\rbr}}
- % Metavariables.
-%% Define NAMEURL macro to handle the optional name argument
-%% This calls on the \url macro from the url.sty package so the
-%% URL will be hyphenated correctly.
-\def\nameurl#1#2{{\em #2} {\tt <\url{#1}>}}
-\def\onlynameurl#1{{\em #1}}
-%% the tscreen environment automatically goes into typewriter type,
-%% but is otherwise like the screen environment
- {\begin{quote}\bgroup\small\tt}%
- {\egroup\end{quote}}
+\gdef\LDT at WriteTranslators{%
+ \\[2ex]
+ \@trans\hfill\@tdate
+ %\gdef\@tdate{}\gdef\@trans{}
\ No newline at end of file
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