[xml/sgml-commit] r2059 - in /packages/herold/trunk/debian: changelog dbdoclet.css herold.changelog patches/fixversion.patch patches/series profiles/ profiles/default.her profiles/word.her rules

malat at users.alioth.debian.org malat at users.alioth.debian.org
Mon Oct 1 12:56:18 UTC 2012

Author: malat
Date: Mon Oct  1 12:56:17 2012
New Revision: 2059

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debian-xml-sgml/?sc=1&rev=2059
Prepare next upload


Modified: packages/herold/trunk/debian/changelog
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debian-xml-sgml/packages/herold/trunk/debian/changelog?rev=2059&op=diff
--- packages/herold/trunk/debian/changelog (original)
+++ packages/herold/trunk/debian/changelog Mon Oct  1 12:56:17 2012
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+herold (6.0.1-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  * Fix herold -V option. Closes: #689307
+  * Add changelogs from upstream
+  * Fix typo in man page
+  * Add missing profiles + .css
+ -- Mathieu Malaterre <malat at debian.org>  Mon, 01 Oct 2012 14:47:01 +0200
 herold (6.0.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Initial Debian Upload (Closes: #688114)

Added: packages/herold/trunk/debian/dbdoclet.css
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debian-xml-sgml/packages/herold/trunk/debian/dbdoclet.css?rev=2059&op=file
--- packages/herold/trunk/debian/dbdoclet.css (added)
+++ packages/herold/trunk/debian/dbdoclet.css Mon Oct  1 12:56:17 2012
@@ -1,0 +1,64 @@
+  font-family: Georgia, Times, serif; 
+  color: black;
+  background-color: silver;
+  }
+  margin: 2em 10% 2em 10%;
+  padding: 1em;
+  background-color: white;
+  -moz-box-shadow: 10px 10px 10px #333;
+  -webkit-box-shadow: 10px 10px 10px #333;
+  box-shadow: 10px 10px 10px #333;
+  filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.DropShadow(OffX=10, OffY=10, Color='gray')
+  text-indent: 2em;
+  text-align: justify;
+  margin: 0;
+  border: 0 none;
+  }
+  margin-left: 10%;
+  margin-right: 10%;
+  padding: 1em;
+  border: 1px solid #333;
+  color: black;
+  background-color: #cecece;
+  font-family: "Courier New", monospaced;
+  font-size: 0.9em;
+  }
+div.informaltable table,
+div.table table { 
+  margin-top: 1em;
+  margin-bottom: 1em;
+  margin-left: auto;
+  margin-right: auto;
+  text-align: left;
+div.navheader table tr td a,
+div.navfooter table tr td a
+  font-weight: bold;
+  text-decoration: none;
+  }
+div.navheader table tr td a:hover,
+div.navfooter table tr td a:hover
+  text-decoration: underline;
+  }

Added: packages/herold/trunk/debian/herold.changelog
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debian-xml-sgml/packages/herold/trunk/debian/herold.changelog?rev=2059&op=file
--- packages/herold/trunk/debian/herold.changelog (added)
+++ packages/herold/trunk/debian/herold.changelog Mon Oct  1 12:56:17 2012
@@ -1,0 +1,439 @@
+   [2012-04-25] herold Release 6.0.1
+              * herold is now licensed under GPLv3.
+              * Reorganisation of command line arguments.
+              * Introduction of profile files.
+              * Stopped support for groovy scripts.
+              * Fixed computation of colspans.
+   [2012-03-07] herold Release 6.0.0
+              * Fixed HTML parser bugs.
+              * Improved error recovery in HTML parser.
+              * Fixed handling of nested subtables.
+              * Replaced elements sect1..sect5 in books with element section.
+              * New command line option -v for verbose.
+              * Improved transformation.
+   [2011-11-05] dbdoclet Release 6.0.3
+              * Added parameter -useexternalfile=true to javadoc ant task
+                (CreateProcess error=206)
+              * Fixed jar version conflict in dbdoclet.jar
+                (InvocationTargetException).
+              * Fixed path generation for dbdoclet projects.
+              * Minor fixes
+   [2011-10-31] dbdoclet Release 6.0.2
+              * GUI improvements.
+              * Bug fixes.
+   [2011-10-24] herold Release 5.4.0
+              * Improved customization possibilities via groovy scripts.
+              * New dbdoclet / herold Wiki.
+              * Fixed "invalid escape sequence error" in parser.
+   [2011-06-17] dbdoclet Release 6.0.1
+              * Fixed generation of epub.
+              * Embedding of images into the epub zip archive.
+              * Fixed generation of javahelp.
+              * Incorporation of relative referenced image files into the
+                base directory of html, javahelp and eclipsehelp.
+              * Support for RTF.
+              * Support for Manpages.
+              * Support for the parameter generate.toc. The generation of
+                ToC/LoTs is now configured using a special dialog.
+              * Versioning of the customization files.
+              * Upgrade to fop 1.0.
+              * Upgrade to docbook-xsl 1.76.1.
+              * Stopped support for Java5.
+   [2011-04-18] dbdoclet Release 5.2.6
+              * Autodetection of system fonts for generations via XSL:FO.
+              * Automatic reopening of the last project during startup.
+   [2011-01-19] herold Release 5.3.0
+              * Added new option --exclude, which can be used to exclude
+                nodes from the html source via xpath expressions.
+              * Fixed invalid comment nodes.
+              * Minor bug fixes.
+   [2010-10-29] dbdoclet Release 5.2.5
+              * Improved epub generation.
+              * Simple Editor for header and footer template.
+              * New Look and Feel for the HTML generation.
+              * Support for XSL-FO attribute text-indent.
+              * Support for XSL-FO attribute start-indent.
+              * Support for XSL-FO attribute end-indent.
+              * Fixed switching between projects.
+              * Fixed disabling of fo property sets.
+              * Fixed default table size.
+              * Fixed last recently used menu.
+   [2010-07-19] dbdoclet Release 5.2.4
+              * Maintenance release with minor fixes and improved HTML
+                parser.
+   [2010-03-09] dbdoclet Release 5.2.3
+              * Integration of the DocBook XSL Reference as context sensitive
+                help.
+              * Integration of the HTML to DocBook transformator.
+              * Replaced the old XIncluder with the Xerces feature.
+              * Support for the revhistory attribute sets.
+              * Fixed logo file chooser.
+              * Minor fixes.
+   [2010-02-12] herold Release 5.2.4
+              * Support for conversion of HTML fragments. Until now you got a
+                ugly NullPointerException when trying to convert an
+                incomplete HTML document.
+              * Improved detection of the title of the document from the HTML
+                code. Now the xpath expressions /html/head/title, //h(1-6)[1]
+                and //text()[1] are used to find a hopefully reasonable
+                title.
+              * The new HTML parser didn't treat HTML comments inside of text
+                correctly. Now the comments are located and removed from the
+                DocBook XML.
+   [2010-02-10] herold Release 5.2.3
+              * Fixed erroneously supressing of tables by the table.groovy
+                script.
+              * Customization possibility of HTML elements after parsing.
+              * Customization possibility of DocBook elements after
+                transformation.
+              * Some documentation for groovy customization.
+   [2010-01-27] herold Release 5.2.2
+              * Improved HTML parser.
+              * Fixed nesting of sections.
+              * Introduction of a new architecure, which offers the
+                possibility to customize the transformation via groovy
+                scripts. As of today, only the the elements p, script and
+                table are supported. Use the option --script-path to set the
+                path to your grovvy scripts and copy the scripts from the jar
+                file into it. Then you can start experimenting.
+   [2009-11-10] dbdoclet Release 5.2.2-418
+              * New argument --ignore-annotation-documented (Doclet panel in
+                GUI), which causes all annotations to be documented,
+                regardless wether they have a @Documented annotation or not.
+              * Transformation of the @deprecated tag contents in the
+                Deprecated API chapter.
+              * body.font.size is now loaded correctly from the DocBook XSL
+                driver.
+              * Removed additional whitespace from initializer values.
+              * Added missing index to book type reference.
+              * Fixed generation of duplicate ids in conjunction with
+                signatures containing arrays.
+   [2009-10-16] dbdoclet Release 5.2.1-409
+              * Fixed missing resource exception for deprecated interfaces.
+              * herold: Improved support for links with images.
+              * herold: New architecure, with the possibility to customize
+                the transformation with groovy scripts.
+              * Minor fixes.
+   [2009-10-06] dbdoclet Release 5.2.1-405
+              * Generation of a Deprecated List.
+              * Support for more DocBook XSL parameters.
+              * Support for EPUB generation.
+              * Many Fixes.
+   [2009-08-12] dbdoclet Release 5.2.0-371 (Development)
+              * Support for table parameters.
+              * Support for list parameters.
+              * Support for callout parameters.
+              * Fixed some missing resource keys.
+   [2009-07-21] dbdoclet Release 5.2.0-342 (Development)
+              * Transformation of arbitrary DocBook files.
+              * Integration of HTML to DocBook converter (herold)
+              * Import of Eclipse projects
+              * Creation of eclipse plugins
+              * Creation of HTML
+              * Improved configuration of DocBook parameters and
+                attribute-sets.
+              * Redesign of the GUI.
+   [2009-03-24] dbdoclet Release 5.1.20
+              * Fixed FileAccessDeniedException when creating a new project.
+              * Replaced colons in the value of the attribute xml:id with
+                underscores, because in contrast to the XML Specification,
+                the XML Schema Specification doesn't allow colons for the
+                type ID.
+   [2009-02-16] dbdoclet Release 5.1.19
+              * Fixed generation of wrong class diagrams containing
+                interfaces.
+              * The value of the attribute xml:id now preserves the case.
+              * First (very experimental) version of a new WordML
+                transformation (Try Ctrl-W).
+              * Many minor fixes and improvements.
+   [2008-11-10] dbdoclet Release 5.1.18
+              * Improved support for generics.
+              * DocBook 5.0 schema violation fixes.
+              * Fixed statistics chapter.
+              * Many minor fixes and improvements.
+   [2008-08-24] dbdoclet Release 5.0.1
+              * Support for DocBook 5.0
+              * Integration of DocBook XSL 1.74.0
+              * Integration of Apache FOP 0.95
+              * Enabled linebreaks inside of synopsis.
+              * Additional spaces before commata in simplelists are removed.
+              * Replaced &#x200b; (Space without width) with &#x00ad;
+                (Soft-hyphen) because of problems in the ToC pf PDFs.
+              * Generations do not lock the application anymore.
+              * The console is part of the main window again.
+   [2008-06-02] dbdoclet Release 4.1.14
+              * Improved class diagrams with realizations and drop shadows.
+              * Reworked line wrapping behaviour.
+              * Improved? layout of PDF output.
+              * Backported new features for javadoc 1.4.
+              * New command line argument -docfilespath, to specify the
+                location of the sourcepaths, if only source files are passed
+                to javadoc, but no -sourcepath.
+              * Support for document type article.
+   [2008-04-14] dbdoclet Release 4.1.13
+              * Fixed possible locking of the GUI
+              * Improved recognition of JDKs on different plattforms
+              * Improved GUI with new layout
+              * Improved localization of the generated DocBook
+              * Support for the jgoodies look and feel
+              * Experimental support for generation of XMI
+              * New class diagram creator. Graphviz is not needed anymore
+   [2008-02-21] herold Release 4.1.13
+              * Changed handling of div elements
+              * Simple gui. Start with option --gui
+              * Window package
+   [2007-12-17] dbdoclet Release 4.1.12
+              * TiDBiT now comes with a JDK management. Itself it needs a
+                Java 5 runtime
+              * More Online Help
+              * Fixed package names when not using fully qualified names
+   [2007-10-14] Release 1.11
+              * Fixed invalid protocol messages in HTML parser.
+              * Minor bug fixes.
+   [2007-07-24] Release 1.10
+              * Fixed missing documentation for enum Type.
+              * Fixed missing inheritance for interfaces in Class Diagrams.
+              * Added support for the javadoc tags {@code}, {@literal} and
+                {@value}.
+              * Minor bug fixes in dbdoclet.TiDBiT.
+   [2007-06-19] Release 1.9
+              * Fixed references to doc-files directory.
+              * Added support for wrapping of long package names in chapter
+                titles.
+              * (herold) If several HTML files are transformed in one step,
+                references between them is tried to be takenn over.
+              * (herold) Several fixes to ensure the generation of valid
+                DocBook XML.
+   [2007-04-20] Release 1.8
+              * Fixed invalid java style ids of parameterized class types.
+              * Fixed forgotten full qualified names when disabling the
+                "fully qualified name" option.
+              * Fixed usage of element code, when element initializer is
+                needed with DocBook DTD 4.5.
+   [2007-03-15] Release 1.7
+              * Fixed the exception which was thrown, when using an overview
+                file.
+              * Added an emacs minor mode (herold-mode) for the herold.jar
+                application. This mode comes with a command named
+                herold-html2db (C-xnc) which converts the contents of an HTML
+                buffer into a new DocBook buffer.
+   [2007-01-17] Release 1.6
+              * Support jdk 1.6
+              * Upgraded from fop 0.20.5 to fop 0.93
+              * New command line parameter -split. If this parameter is set,
+                a new XML file is created for every class. This module files
+                are referenced via xinclude from them main XML file.
+              * Fixed debian package.
+   [2006-11-24] Release 1.5
+              * Upgrade to DocBook 4.5
+              * Upgrade to docbook-xsl 1.71.1
+              * Syntax highlightning.
+              * New titlepage with user defined logo.
+              * Better support for fully qualified names.
+   [2006-09-18] Release 1.4
+              * [dbdoclet] Support for HTML entities.
+              * [dbdoclet.TiDBiT] New configuration parameter for setting the
+                maximum jvm memory.
+              * [dbdoclet] Major bug fixes.
+   [2006-07-17] Release 1.3
+              * [dbdoclet.TiDBiT] Support for RTF generation.
+              * [dbdoclet.TiDBiT] Improved settings for helper applications.
+              * [dbdoclet.TiDBiT] Restructuring of the destination directory.
+              * New option for using full qualified names.
+   [2006-05-22] Release 1.1
+              * Major improvements and bugfixes in the Swing GUI
+                dbdoclet.TiDBiT.
+              * Fixed unresolved dependency again (RESyntaxException).
+   [2006-05-02] Release 1.0.2
+              * Fixed unresolved dependency (RESyntaxException).
+   [2006-04-22] Release 1.0.1
+              * Support for JDK 1.4 and JDK 1.5.
+              * Renamed html2db to herold.
+              * Many bugfixes.
+              * Updated documentation.
+   [2006-03-24] Doclets for JDK 1.4.x and 1.5.x
+              * Reactivated the JDK 1.4.x doclet.
+              * The doclets for JDK 1.4.x and 1.5.x can now be downloaded as
+                single jar files.
+   [2005-10-14] Release 0.70.1
+              * Fixed handling of entity.
+              * Improved generation of class sysnopsis.
+   [2005-09-27] Release 0.70.0
+              * Switched to JDK 1.5.
+              * Support for annotations.
+              * Support for generics.
+              * Removed option --style-type. Only strict DocBook is supported
+                in the future.
+              * New option -noxreflabel, which supresses the generation of
+                xreflabel attributes.
+              * Many minor changes and fixes.
+   [2005-06-19] Release 0.64.2
+              * Many bugfixes
+   [2005-04-18] Release 0.64.1
+              * dbdoclet failed when graphviz (dot) wasn't installed.
+              * Upgraded docbook xsl to 1.68.1.
+   [2005-04-13] Release 0.64.0
+              * The new property doclet.book.type controls which type of book
+                should be created. Two type of books are supported: book and
+                reference. The first creates a book, chapters structure and
+                the second a reference, refentry one.
+              * Renamed the property doclet.style.flavour to
+                doclet.style.type (--style-type).
+              * The new property doclet.use-appendix (--use-appendix)
+                controls whether appendix components should be used or not.
+                The default is to use only chapters. When this flag is set,
+                certain parts of the document will be created as appendix.
+              * If constant field values are of type java.lang.String, they
+                are surrounded by double quotes now.
+              * Fixed spurious whitespace in para and xref tags.
+              * Fixed missing id in table tag.
+              * Fixed erroneous entity handling in constant values section.
+   [2005-02-09] Release 0.63.0
+              * The command line parameter -dot was removed. Now the dot
+                program is found via the PATH variable.
+              * Basic support for ant variables in dbdtidbit.
+              * Fixed wrong number of table columns.
+              * Fixed generation of javahelp.
+              * Fixed handling of images in the doc-files directories.
+              * Minor fixes.
+   [2004-12-01] Release 0.62.0
+              * Generation of a XMI file, which can be used with Umbrello.
+              * Improvement of the strict DocBook style flavour.
+              * Support for DocBook 4.3 and 4.2.
+              * Sorting of fields and methods.
+              * New synopsis section for public static methods.
+              * Many minor fixes and improvements.
+   [2004-11-19] Fix in Linux RPM
+              * 0.61.0-2 - Fixed missing xslt directory. Readded DocBook 4.2.
+   [2004-11-01] Release 0.61.0
+              * Switched from DocBook V4.2 to DocBook V4.3.
+              * Updated to docbook-xsl 1.66.
+              * Fixed some nasty bugs in dbdoclet.TiDBiT.
+   [2004-10-13] Release 0.60.0
+              * New appendix "Constant Field Values".
+              * Major improvements were made in the possibilities to compose
+                the sourcepath and the classpath in dbdoclet.TiDBiT.
+              * Fixed broken option -noprolog.
+              * Support for handling of &#XXX; entities.
+   [2004-08-29] Release 0.59.1
+              * Fixed missing path in classpath for html2db.
+              * Improved PDF layouts.
+   [2004-08-27] Release 0.59
+              * Support for javahelp.
+              * Support for customized fo drivers.
+              * A lot of improvements and bugfixes.
+   [2004-07-16] Fix in windows setup
+              * 0.58.1 - Fixed missing class in windows setup package
+   [2004-07-15] Release 0.58
+              * Support for index tag entries. Use the following syntax in
+                your html code: <span
+                title="indexterm:primary=Animals:secondary=Tiger">Tiger</span>
+              * Improved handling if id's and internal references.
+              * Fixed splitting of entities in literal environment.
+              * Minor fixes.
+   [2004-06-21] Release 0.57
+              * Validation of generated DocBook XML.
+              * Fixed style "strict".
+              * New command line options -driver [fo driver] and -pdf for
+                direct generation of PDF via the javadoc doclet.
+              * Usage of catalog files.
+              * Better portability of the TiDBiT project files.
+              * Improved Windows setup.
+   [2004-04-28] Release 0.56
+              * New: TiDbit has a new tab called Trafo, which provides the
+                transformation of arbitrary DocBook XML files to PDF.
+              * New section "Direct known subclasses".
+              * New section "Methods inherited from".
+              * Fix: If an html overview file starts with a h1 tag, the
+                default chapter was not omitted.
+   [2004-03-17] Release 0.55.3
+              * Fix: The automatic copying of method comments created invalid
+                link tags with no linkend attribute, if the source of an
+                interface was not available.
+              * Fix: The download links of the tutorial pointed to invalid
+                locations.
+   [2004-03-14] Release 0.55.2
+              * New: The command line argument -nostatistics suppresses the
+                generation of the the statistics appendix.
+              * Update: Integration of the DocBook XSL stylesheets 1.65.1.
+              * Fix: The statistic diagrams were created in the wrong
+                subdirectory, depending on the current working directory.
+   [2004-03-10] Release 0.55.1
+              * Fix: All images were treated as JPG. Now the proper format is
+                used again.
+              * Fix: Classes without a package caused an
+                IllegalArgumentException.
+              * Fix: The examples script runexamples.sh failed. Serveral bugs
+                were fixed.
+   [2004-03-09] Release 0.55.0
+              * Fix: A NullPointerException was thrown, when saving new
+                projects with dbdoclet.tidbit.
+              * Fix: Readded HTML documentation, which was not delivered with
+                the last release.
+              * New: Added appendix with some statistical information about
+                the documented classes.
+              * New: Lines inside a programlisting or screen tag which are
+                longer than the specified width, are splitted into serveral
+                lines with a backslash character in the end.
+   Copyright (c) 2001-2012, Michael Fuchs

Added: packages/herold/trunk/debian/patches/fixversion.patch
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debian-xml-sgml/packages/herold/trunk/debian/patches/fixversion.patch?rev=2059&op=file
--- packages/herold/trunk/debian/patches/fixversion.patch (added)
+++ packages/herold/trunk/debian/patches/fixversion.patch Mon Oct  1 12:56:17 2012
@@ -1,0 +1,17 @@
+Description: fix version info
+Author: Mathieu Malaterre <malat at debian.org>
+Origin: vendor, http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?msg=80;bug=689307
+Bug-Debian: http://bugs.debian.org/689307
+Index: herold-6.0.1/build.xml
+--- herold-6.0.1.orig/build.xml	2012-10-01 14:34:25.465320830 +0200
++++ herold-6.0.1/build.xml	2012-10-01 14:34:43.701320172 +0200
+@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
+ 				<attribute name="Main-Class" value="org.dbdoclet.herold.Herold" />
+ 				<attribute name="Class-Path" value="antlr3-runtime.jar xml-resolver.jar commons-jxpath.jar commons-codec.jar xmlgraphics-commons.jar" />
+ 				<attribute name="Created-By" value="Michael Fuchs" />
++				<attribute name="Implementation-Version" value="6.0.1" />
+ 			</manifest>
+ 		</jar>
+ 	</target>

Modified: packages/herold/trunk/debian/patches/series
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debian-xml-sgml/packages/herold/trunk/debian/patches/series?rev=2059&op=diff
--- packages/herold/trunk/debian/patches/series (original)
+++ packages/herold/trunk/debian/patches/series Mon Oct  1 12:56:17 2012
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@

Added: packages/herold/trunk/debian/profiles/default.her
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debian-xml-sgml/packages/herold/trunk/debian/profiles/default.her?rev=2059&op=file
--- packages/herold/trunk/debian/profiles/default.her (added)
+++ packages/herold/trunk/debian/profiles/default.her Mon Oct  1 12:56:17 2012
@@ -1,0 +1,18 @@
+transformation html2docbook;
+input {
+output {
+section HTML {
+	source-encoding = "UTF-8";
+section DocBook {
+	destination-encoding = "UTF-8";
+	add-index = true;
+	emphasis-role-bold = "bold";
+	// section-numbering-pattern = "(((\d\.)+)?\d?\.?\p{Z}*).*";

Added: packages/herold/trunk/debian/profiles/word.her
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debian-xml-sgml/packages/herold/trunk/debian/profiles/word.her?rev=2059&op=file
--- packages/herold/trunk/debian/profiles/word.her (added)
+++ packages/herold/trunk/debian/profiles/word.her Mon Oct  1 12:56:17 2012
@@ -1,0 +1,20 @@
+transformation html2docbook;
+ * Transformation of HTML exported from Winword 2003 as filtered HTML.
+ */
+input {
+output {
+section HTML {
+	encoding = "windows-1252";
+	exclude = [ "//p[starts-with(@class, 'MsoToc')]" ];
+	section-numbering-pattern = "((\d\.)+)?\d?\.?\p{Z}*";
+section DocBook {
+	encoding = "UTF-8";

Modified: packages/herold/trunk/debian/rules
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debian-xml-sgml/packages/herold/trunk/debian/rules?rev=2059&op=diff
--- packages/herold/trunk/debian/rules (original)
+++ packages/herold/trunk/debian/rules Mon Oct  1 12:56:17 2012
@@ -22,6 +22,22 @@
 	dh_install debian/herold.sh usr/bin
 	mv debian/herold/usr/bin/herold.sh debian/herold/usr/bin/herold
+# download missing files:
+	wget http://www.dbdoclet.org/archives/herold-6.0.1-68.tar.gz
+	tar xfz herold-6.0.1-68.tar.gz
+	mv ./herold/profiles debian
+	mv ./herold/doc/dbdoclet.css debian/dbdoclet.css
+	dh_installdocs debian/profiles
+	dh_installdocs debian/dbdoclet.css
+# download changelog:
+# to not automated for now (need manual checking):
+	links -dump http://www.dbdoclet.org/ | tail -n +46 > $@
 	dh_installchangelogs java/org/dbdoclet/herold/COPYING

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