[xml/sgml] Bug#885641: RFS: xml-core/0.18-1 [ITA]

Mattia Rizzolo mattia at debian.org
Fri Dec 29 08:40:14 UTC 2017

Control: tag -1 - moreinfo

On Thu, Dec 28, 2017 at 02:36:16PM -0800, Joseph Herlant wrote:
> Xml-core itself needs a rewrite especially to separate the catalogs per
> apps, add tests etc.
> There was a RFH about it a few years back FYI.

Exactly, see #660687 which was the original RFH.
Nowadays there is only one open bug report which could really do with a
fix for example.

Also, Even if it is really orphaned I'd still recommend to keep it
within the xml-sgml team (CCed, who knows, somebody might actually
reply…), so the steps IMHO would be
1) clone the git repo
2) `gbp import-dch` the last upload from Eriberto which wasn't imported
yet (which tbh I don't understand why it happened, it's rare to do an
upload with the only interesting delta being the change in maintainer)
3) do stuff there
4) get somebody from the team review and upload

Sure, nothing stops you from maintaining it on your own (which makes me
notice, you didn't remove/changed the Vcs-* fields in the changelog you
showed in the first message, which should be done as you can't push to
the repo in the xml-sgml team).

At any rate, I'm not interested enough to take care of reviewing or
anyway deal with this RFS myself (nor I am too worried), so I'll leave
this matter to somebody else.  I only wanted to voice my concerns.

                        Mattia Rizzolo

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